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Part 2 Math

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GEN ED 103


Name:. DOMINGO, Paula Bianca Course/ Year & Section: BSHM 1-D

Instructor: Mrs. Perlita Fontejon Tomas Date: November 15 , 2021



I. Tell whether the following is true or false.

1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. False

II. Tell whether the following is empty, unit, finite or infinite.

6. Unit
7. Empty
8. Unit
9. Finite
10. Empty
11. Infinite
12. Unit
13. Empty
14. Finite
15. Finite

IV. Tell whether the following pair of sets are equal, equivalent, joint or disjoint.

16. Equal Sets

17. Disjoint Sets
18. Disjoint Sets
19. Disjoint Sets
20. Equivalent Sets

III. U ={ 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
C ={ 0,1, 2, 3 , 4, 5
A ={2, 3, 4, 5 }
R ={ 4, 5, 6, 7 }
E ={ 6, 7, 8, 9 }

Find the following:

21. C U A = {0,1,2,3,4,5} 26. A’ U E’ ={2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,}

22. E U R = {6,7,8,9} 27. ( C U R ) ‘={4,5,6,7}
23. E Ƞ R ={6,7} 28. U’={10}
24. A Ƞ R ={4,5} 29. ( A Ƞ C Ƞ R ) ‘={2,3,4,5,6,7}
25. A Ƞ R Ƞ E ={4,5,6,7} 30. ( A –R ) ‘={2,3}

A. Draw the given condition. A is a subset of B is a subset of C.

Answer the following. ( 2 pts each)

Shade the region that describes the expression ( B U A )

Shade the region that describes the expression ( B Ƞ A ) ‘

Shade the region that describes the expression ( B – A ) ‘

Shade the region that describes the expression ( C – B )’

Shade the region that describes the expression ( C Ƞ B )'



A. Determine whether each relation is a function or not. If it is not a function, tell why.

1. Not Function 11. Not Function

2. Function 12. Not Function
3. Function 13. Not Function
4. Not Function 14. Not Function
5. Function 15. Function
6. Function 16. Function
7. Not Function 17. Not Function
8. Function 18. Not Function
9. Function 19. Function
10. Not Function 20. Function



A. Tell whether each of the following is a proposition or not. In case of a proposition,

indicate if it is true or false. If it is not a proposition tell why?.

1. Not, False – Not all multiples of five are odd numbers, the only odd numbers that
multiples of five are : 5,15,25,35,and 45.
2. Proposition, True
3. Proposition, True
4. Not, False – Neither true nor false
5. Not, False – Imperative sentence
6. Proposition, True
7. Proposition, True
8. Proposition, True
9. Not, False - Neither true nor false
10. Proposition, True

B. Let p, q, r be the propositions. Write the following in symbols using the appropriate

P: You get a 95 on the final examination

Q: You do every exercise in the class

R: You get a 95 in MMW

11. R ^ ¬Q
12. P^Q^R
13. ¬R↔P
14. P ¬Q ↔ R
15. P ↔Q ↔ R
C. Write the negation of the following.

16. Marian Rivera is not an opera singer.

17. The monkey needs to be fed.
18. A sunflower is not the most beautiful flower.
19. It’s not raining.
20. I am going to school.

D. Translate into symbolic statements.

E. p ; The game will be played in Atlanta.

F. Q : The play will be shown on CBS.
G. R: The game will not be shown on ESPN.
H. S : The Mets are favored to win.

21. Q ^p
22. R^S
23. ¬S ↔ p
24. P↔Q
25. ¬S ↔ p

E. Construct a truth table for each of the following statements.

1. ( p ↔ q) ^ (p ^ q)

p q ((p ↔ q) ∧ (p ∧ q))





2. ( p ↔ q)v (¬p ↔ ¬ q)

p q ((p ↔ q) → (¬p ↔ q))




3. ( p ˅ ¬q ) ^ ( p ˅q )

((p ∧ ¬q) ∧ (p ∧
p q





4. ( p ^ q ) ^ ( p ˅ q )

((p ∧ q) ∧ (p ∧
p q





5. ( p ↔ q) → ( ¬p ↔ q)

p q ((p ↔ q) → (¬p ↔ q))




Converse, Inverse and Contrapositive


I. State the implication, converse, inverse and contrapositive of the following propositions.

1. You will review your lessons; you will pass MMW.

⮚ Implication - If you review your lessons, then you will pass MMW.

⮚ Converse – If you do pass MMW, then you will review your lessons.

⮚ Inverse – If you do not review your lessons, then you will not pass MMW.

⮚ Contrapositive – If you do not pass MMW, then you will not review your

2. Pae will attend the party only if Jest will accompany her.

⮚ Implication – If Pae attends the party, then Jest will accompany her.

⮚ Converse – If Jest accompanies her, then Pae will attend the party.

⮚ Inverse – If Pae does not attend the party, then Jest will not accompany her.

⮚ Contrapositive – If Jest does not accompany her, then Pae will not attend the

3. The boat will sink if it is overloaded.

⮚ Implication – If the boat is sinking, then it is overloaded.

⮚ Converse – If it is overloaded, then the boat will sink.

⮚ Inverse – If the boat does not sink, then it is not overloaded.

⮚ Contrapositive – If it is not overloaded, then the boat will not sink.

4. Every rectangle is a parallelogram.

⮚ Implication – If every rectangle, then it is parallelogram.

⮚ Converse – If it is parallelogram, then every rectangle.

⮚ Inverse – If a quadrilateral is a rectangle, then it is a parallelogram.

⮚ Contrapositive – If it is a parallelogram, then a quadrilateral is a rectangle.

5. Yesterday is not Wednesday; tomorrow is not Friday.

⮚ Implication – If yesterday was Wednesday, then tomorrow is Friday.

⮚ Converse – If tomorrow is Friday, then yesterday was Wednesday.

⮚ Inverse – If yesterday was not Wednesday, then tomorrow is not Friday.

⮚ Contrapositive – If tomorrow is not Friday, then yesterday was not Wednesday



I. Write the negation of each quantified statement.

1. All bears are brown.

⮚ Some bears are not brown or

At least one bear is not brown or
There exists one bear that is not brown.

2. No smart phones are expensive.

⮚ Some smartphones are not expensive or

There exists one phone that is not expensive.

3. Some vegetables are not green.

⮚ There are some vegetables that are green.

4. Some lions are playful.

⮚ There are some lions that are not playful.

5. Some dogs are not friendly.

⮚ There are some friendly dogs around.

6. All cars run on gasoline.

⮚ Some cars do not run on gasoline

At least one car does not run on gasoline or
One car that does not run on gasoline exists.

7. None of the students took my advice.

⮚ Some of the students took my advice and

There is one student that took my advice.

8. Some actors are not rich.

⮚ There are some actors who are rich.

9. No even numbers are odd numbers.

⮚ Some even numbers are odd numbers or

There are some even numbers that are odd numbers.

10. Everybody enjoyed the dinner.

⮚ Some enjoyed the dinner or

There were some who enjoyed the dinner.



A.Use inductive reasoning to guess the next three terms.

1. 8,11,14,17,20, 23, 26, 29

2. 105, 95, 85, 75, 65, 55, 45, 35

3. 18, 20.5, 23, 25.5, 28, 30.5, 33, 35.5

4. 32, 3.2, 0.32, 0.032, 0.0032, 0.00032, 0.000032

5. 3, 8, --2, 3, --7, --2 , --12, -7, -17, -12

6. 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36

7. 5,11, 17,23, 29,35, 41, 47, 53

8. 3,5,9,15,23,33, 45, 59, 75

9. 1,8,27,64,125, 216, 343, 512

10. 1,4,9, 16, 25 36, 49, 64, 81, 100

B.Use inductive reasoning to decide whether the following is correct or not.

11. The sum of any two even numbers is always an even counting number.

⮚ Set : 2n is an even number

2n + 2n = 4n

4n = 2n { 4n = 2n }
2 2

The sum of any two even numbers is always an even counting number.
{ 2n is an even number}

The given statement is correct.

12.The product of an odd counting number and an even counting number is always an even
counting number.

⮚ Odd number = 2n + 1

Even number = 2n

n is a integer

{ 2n + 1} 2n

4n2 , 2n are even number { 4n2 , 2n can aliquot 2}

{ 2n + 1 } 2n is even number

The given statement is correct.

13.The sum of two odd counting numbers is always an odd counting number.

⮚ The sum of two odd numbers is always even.

5 + 5 ( Both are odd ) = 10 ( sum is even )

3 + 7 = 10 ( even )

7 + 11 = 18 ( even )

The given statement is Not Correct

14.The product of two odd counting numbers is always an odd counting number.

⮚ Assume the two odd numbers are 2n + 1 and 2m + 1

( 2n + 1 ) ( 2m + 1 ) = 4mn + 2 ( m + n ) +1

4mn + 2 ( m + n ) + 1 + 2 = 2mn + m + n + 1

The given statement is correct.

15.The sum of three consecutive odd numbers is always an odd number.

C.Use inductive reasoning to make a conjecture of the following:

Pick any counting number. Multiply by 6. Add 8 to the product. Divide the sum by 2.
Subtract 4 from the quotient.

⮚ My example counting number is 3.

⮚ Multiply 3 to 6.

⮚ Hence, the answer will be 18.

⮚ Add 8 to the product ,18+8 making it 26.

⮚ Divide by 2 by 26.

⮚ Making the quotient 13.

⮚ Subtract 4 from the quotient which is 13.

⮚ The resulting number is twice the original number, so 3×2 = 9. Match.

Choose any counting number. Multiply the number by 8. Subtract 4 from the product.
Divide the difference by 2. Add 2 to the quotient. The resulting number is four times the original

⮚ Number 1 as a counting number.

⮚ Multiply 1 to 8.

⮚ Hence, the answer will be 8.

⮚ Subtract 4 from 8 making it 4.

⮚ Divide by 4 by 2.

⮚ Making the quotient 2.

⮚ Add 2 making it 4.

⮚ Then when multiplied to the original number 1, we get the final answer of 4.

Chapter 3

Solve the following problems completely using the strategies learned.

1. A food committee prepared 3 kinds of sandwiches, 5 drinks, 4 fruits and three candies.
How many kinds of snacks containing a sandwich, a drink, a fruit and a candy are

⮚ There are 180 kinds of snacks containing a sandwich ,a drink, a fruit and a candy.
2. A survey on subjects being taken by 250 college students in Candon City revealed the
following information.

Subject Number of
students taking
the subject
Mathematics 145
Filipino 90
English 88
Math and Filipino 25
Filipino and English 38
Math and English 59
Math, Filipino and 15

How many did not take any of the three subjects?

⮚ 34 students did not take any of the three subjects.

How many took Math as their only subject? English only? Filipino only?

⮚ Number of students who has taken Math as their only subject = 76

⮚ Number of students who has taken English as their only subject =6
⮚ Number of students who has taken Filipino as their only subject =42

How many were taking Math and Filipino but not English?

⮚ Number of students who has taking Math = 6

⮚ Number of students who has taking Filipino = 82
⮚ Number of students whose not taking English = 50

How many were taking Filipino and English but not Math?

⮚ Number of students whose taking Filipino = 24

⮚ Number of students whose taking English = 13
⮚ Number of students whose not taking Math = 36

3. Four married couples are members of Couples of Christ. The wives names are Kathy,
Sally, Jovie and Apple. Their husbands are Danny, Wally, George and Fernando. Find out who is
married to whom.
⮚ George and Kathy
⮚ Dannie and Jovie
⮚ Wally and sally
⮚ Apple and Fernando

4. Christian can do a job in 6 hours. If he requests Boyet to work with him, the two can do the
job in 4 ½ hours. How long will it take Boyet to do the job alone?

⮚ Boyet will take 18hrs to do the job alone.

5. How old is Pepe if in 9 years he will be 4 years as old as he is now?

⮚ Pepe will be 3 yrs. Old

6. Pepe, Juan and Jose deliver newspapers. Pepe delivers 3 times as many papers as Jose
and Juan delivers 13 more than Pepe. If the three children delivered 496 newspapers, how many
papers does each deliver?

⮚ Jose (x) delivered 69 newspapers.

⮚ Pepe (3x) delivered 207 newspapers.

⮚ Juan (3x + 13) delivered 220 newspapers.

7. A hat and a jacket cost P 1000. The jacket costs P900 more than the hat. What are the cost
of the hat and the cost of the jacket?

⮚ The cost of the hat is 50;

⮚ The cost of the jacket is 900.

8. Find three consecutive odd numbers whose sum is 69.

⮚ 21, 23, 25

9. Dan can do a piece of work in 8 days while Ed can do it in 24 days. How long will it take
them to do the work together?

⮚ It will take them 6hrs to do the work together.

10. Alfredo is 5 years older than Juan. How old are they now if in 8 years the sum of their ages
is 35.

⮚ Alfredo is 12 yrs. Old

⮚ Juan is 7 yrs. Old

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