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Gondwana Research 92 (2021) 1–25

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Neoproterozoic magmatic arc volcanism in the Borborema Province,

NE Brazil: possible flare-ups and lulls and implications for western
Gondwana assembly
Fabrício Andrade Caxito a,⁎,1, Camila Franco Basto b, Lauro Cézar Montefalco de Lira Santos c, Elton Luiz Dantas d,
Vladimir Cruz de Medeiros e, Tatiana Gonçalves Dias a, Vitor Barrote f, Steffen Hagemann g,
Ana Ramalho Alkmim h, Cristiano Lana h
Centro de Pesquisa Manoel Teixeira da Costa, Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (CPMTC-IGC-UFMG), Campus Pampulha, Av. Antônio Carlos 6627, CEP 31270-901,
Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Geological Survey of Brazil, Av. Brasil 1731, CEP 30140-002, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Departamento de Geologia, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE, Brazil
Instituto de Geociências, Universidade de Brasília, Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, Asa Norte, CEP 70910-900, Brasília, DF, Brazil
Geological Survey of Brazil, R. Prof. Antônio Henrique de Melo, 2010, CEP 59078-580, Natal, RN, Brazil
Isotopia Laboratory, EAE, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC 3800, Australia
Centre for Exploration Targeting, School of Earth and Environment, The University of Western Australia, 35, Stirling Highway, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia
Laboratório de Geoquímica Isotópica, Departamento de Geologia, Escola de Minas, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto, MG 35400-000, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: New zircon U-Pb (SHRIMP and LA-ICPMS), elemental and Nd-Sr geochemistry data on rhyolitic metavolcanic and
Received 8 June 2020 metavolcaniclastic rocks of NE Brazil characterize widespread arc-related phenomena during the Neoproterozoic,
Received in revised form 13 October 2020 related to the Conceição-type or Stage I plutonic rocks. U-Pb zircon dating pinpoint the main phase of magmatic
Accepted 21 November 2020
activity at ca. 635-600 Ma in the 700-km long sigmoidal Piancó-Alto Brígida domain, but other important flare-
Available online 31 December 2020
ups might have taken place at ca. 670-690, 730-760, 810-820 and 860-880 Ma. A comprehensive compilation of
Handling Editor: T. Tsunogae detrital zircon data from metavolcanosedimentary successions of the entire Borborema Province (n=5532) con-
firms the occurrence of a quasi-continuum Neoproterozoic spectra punctuated by peaks at those same age inter-
Keywords: vals separated by minor lulls. Low Th/U rims of zircon crystals dated at ca. 577 Ma provide an estimate of the age
Continental arc magmatism of regional transpressional metamorphism. Samples of all age ranges are mostly calc-alkaline, magnesian and
West Gondwana peraluminous, with moderately to highly fractionated LREE enrichment, negative Nb-Ta anomalies akin to con-
Back-arc basin vergent settings, and plot mainly within the volcanic arc field in tectonic discrimination diagrams. Nd-Sr isotope
Wilson Cycle systematics indicate the involvement of juvenile Neoproterozoic melts from the mantle wedge, which upon
Introversion tectonics
mixing with Archean-Paleoproterozoic basement and contamination with the host metasedimentary rocks
yield Mesoproterozoic TDM mainly at 1.14-1.44 Ga, near-chondritic εNd(t) and 87Sr/86Sri 0.703-0.710. We put for-
ward a model involving a major continental back-arc zone related to the development of the Conceição magmatic
arc, akin to the modern-day Taupo volcanic zone of New Zealand, crosscutting NE Brazil and presumably continu-
ing through the schist belts of Nigeria and Cameroon. The main magmatic flare ups might have been induced by
extra-arc phenomena, such as collision of the West African paleocontinent with the northwestern Borborema
edge due to closure of the exterior Goiás-Pharusian Ocean, force-speeding subduction in the interior V-shaped
oceanic basins that constituted the Transnordestino-Central African Ocean and generating clockwise
windshield-wiper-like rotation of the blocks back towards the São Francisco-Congo paleocontinent in a complete
Wilson Cycle.
© 2020 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Enduring magmatic arc systems evolve through protracted flare-up/

⁎ Corresponding author.
lull cycles, with 100-1000 times more magma added to continental arcs
E-mail address: (F.A. Caxito). during episodic flare-ups than during lulls (Paterson and Ducea, 2015).
Fellow of the Brazilian Research Council (CNPq) Although this pattern is now well recognized for Phanerozoic arc
1342-937X/© 2020 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
F.A. Caxito, C.F. Basto, L.C.M.L. Santos et al. Gondwana Research 92 (2021) 1–25

systems (e.g. Kirsch et al., 2016), it is still unclear if Proterozoic mag- 2. Geological context
matic arcs evolved in the same way, and the role of protractred arc sys-
tems in the evolution of supercontinents such as Gondwanaland. 2.1. Regional subdivisions and geological framework
In this respect, the Borborema Province (Almeida et al., 1981; Brito
Neves et al., 2000) of NE Brazil (Fig. 1) and its counterparts in NW For descriptive purposes, the Borborema Province is commonly
Africa (Caxito et al., 2020a and references therein) are key elements subdivided in domains and sub-domains separated by late-stage
for the understanding of Precambrian tectonic processes involved in strike-slip shear zones (e.g. Van Schmus et al., 1995; Brito Neves et al.,
western Gondwana amalgamation, situated right in the confluence be- 2000). Following Caxito et al. (2020a), we will use the term “domains”
tween the major cratonic components of the São Francisco-Congo, instead of “terranes” which could led to the genetic interpretation of ac-
West African and Saharan provinces. The Borborema Province was creted exotic blocks, which is not fully proved for all of the domains.
structured during the Brasiliano/Pan-African Orogeny, with widespread Following Van Schmus et al. (2011), the main shear zones can be
orogenic deformation, magmatism and metamorphism recorded in the used to subdivide the Borborema Province into three major tectonic
ca. 630-510 Ma time range (Brito Neves et al., 2000; Caxito et al., 2020a). zones or sub-provinces: the northern, transversal, and southern zones,
Despite the relatively large amount of recent publications regarding separated by the main E-W trending Patos and Pernambuco shear
the geology, geophysics and geodynamic evolution of this region (for a zones (Fig. 1). The northern Borborema zone is subdivided into the
comprehensive review see Caxito et al., 2020a), models for the tectonic Médio Coreaú (MC), Ceará Central (CC), and Rio Grande do Norte
evolution of the province are contentious. An important recent advance (RGN) domains, with the Orós-Jaguaribeano (OJ) and Seridó belt (Sr)
is the interpretation of a plethora of calc-alkaline and high-K calc- within the last two domains, respectively; the Transversal Zone is
alkaline plutons intruded in the central Borborema Province (Piancó- subdivided into several sigmoidal domains named, from west to east:
Alto Brígida and Alto Pajeú domains of the Transversal Zone), also São Pedro (SP) or São José do Caiano, Piancó–Alto Brígida (PAB) or
known as Conceição-type plutons (or Stage I magmatism according to Salgueiro–Cachoeirinha, Alto Pajeú (AP), which includes the Riacho
the nomenclature proposed by Van Schmus et al., 2011), as representing Gravatá (RG) subdomain, Alto Moxotó (AM), and Rio Capibaribe (RC);
a Cryogenian-Ediacaran (ca. 650-610 Ma) continental magmatic arc, a and the southern zone is divided in the Pernambuco-Alagoas (PEAL)
proposition made independently by Sial and Ferreira (2015) and Brito Domain, and the Rio Preto (RP), Riacho do Pontal (RdP) and Sergipano
Neves et al. (2016). This interpretation is however still under dispute (Se) belts.
(Neves, 2018). The main shear zones of NE Brazil in fact continue into the NW
Another batholith known as Tamboril-Santa Quitéria is also African domains. The Transbrasiliano Shear Zone that separates the
interpreted as a magmatic arc system developed at the province’s Médio Coreaú domain from the Ceará Central domain at the NW corner
western border. The Tamboril-Santa Quitéria Complex is much more of the province is part of a major transcontinental structure that con-
studied and interpreted as developed from subduction of the Goiás- tinues both SW to central Brazil (Brasília Belt of the Tocantins Province)
Pharusian oceanic crust to the west at 880-860 Ma (early juvenile or and into NW Africa in a pre-Atlantic fit, composing the ca. 6000 km-long
transitional stage known as Lagoa Caiçara Arc) and ca. 650-610 Ma Transbrasiliano–Kandi–4°50’/West Silet shear system (Cordani et al.,
(late continental arc stage; Fetter et al., 2003; Santos et al., 2008; 2013; Caxito et al., 2020a). This shear system is interpreted by some au-
Ganade de Araujo et al., 2012a, 2012b, Ganade de Araujo et al., thors as marking the vicinities of one of the main collisional suture
2014b). Recently, other calc-alkaline granitic to granodioritic plutons zones of western Gondwana, formed due to closure of the Goiás-
in the same age range (630-600 Ma) in the southern zone of the Pharusian Ocean (Caby, 1989; Arthaud et al., 2008; Cordani et al.,
Borborema Province have also been proposed as developed within a 2013; Ganade de Araujo et al., 2014b; Santos et al., 2015). Correlations
continental magmatic arc setting, such as the Betânia pluton of the of the other transcontinental shear zones are more contentious and nu-
Riacho do Pontal belt (Perpétuo, 2017), the Major Isidoro pluton of merous propositions have been put forward (e.g. Brito Neves et al.,
the PEAL domain (Silva et al., 2015) and both granodiorites (Oliveira 2002; Dada, 2008; Van Schmus et al., 2008; Caxito et al., 2020a).
et al., 2015a, 2015b) and mafic-ultramafic rocks within the Macururé Despite of the proposed regional subdivisions, the geological frame-
domain (Pereira et al., 2020) of the Sergipano belt. work of the Borborema Province (Fig. 1) is composed of
Thus, the infrastructure (i.e, the granitic and gabbroic plutons) of i) Paleoproterozoic basement units (mainly 2.2-2.0 Ga, with restricted
continental arc systems developed in the Borborema Province in the occurrences as old as 2.3-2.4 Ga), with local Archaean nuclei as old as
late Cryogenian-early Ediacaran is becoming progressively constrained. ca. 3.7-3.5 Ga (Dantas et al., 2004; (Caxito et al., 2015)(Barros et al.,
On the other hand, the suprastructure of those arc systems (i.e., their 2020); Pitarello et al., 2019; Ruiz et al., 2019); (Santos et al., 2019a)ii)
volcanosedimentary edifice) has not yet received proper attention. In Paleo–Mesoproterozoic metavolcanosedimentary units, developed in
this paper, we present a comprehensive study of metavolcanic and extensional (continental rift) settings, mainly in the Orós-Jaguaribeano
metavolcaniclastic rocks interleaved with turbiditic metagreywackes (1.8-1.7 Ga) domain (Sá et al., 1995). In the Transversal Zone, Paleo- and
of the Piancó-Alto Brígida (PAB) domain, through field, geochemical, Mesoproterozoic anorogenic magmatism (ca. 1.8-1.7 and 1.6-1.5 Ga)
geochronological and isotopic data. The novel data sheds light on the are locally important in the Rio Capibaribe, Alto Moxotó and Alto
supracrustal structure of the Transversal Zone (central Borborema Prov- Pajeú domains (Accioly, 2001; Sá et al., 2002; Lages et al., 2019); iii)
ince) and suggests a direct link between the volcanic rocks and the plu- Early Tonian magmatism and sedimentation (1000–920 Ma) compris-
tonic counterpart. ing the Cariris Velhos belt in the Alto Pajeú domain (and adjacent Riacho
Altogether, the Conceição-type plutons and the volcanic and Gravatá subdomain) of the Transversal Zone, a hallmark feature of the
volcaniclastic rocks forms a coherent infrastructure-suprastructure set Borborema Province, with sparse occurrences also in the southern
that characterizes a continental magmatic arc system developed during zone (Santos et al., 2010; (Santos et al., 2019b) Caxito et al., 2014c,
the Neoproterozoic in the Borborema Province. This interpretation has 2020b); iv) components of complete plate tectonics cycles (rift-drift-
far-reaching consequences for evolutionary models of western Gond- subduction-collision) during the Neoproterozoic (ca. 900-540 Ma; e.g.
wana amalgamation, specifically adding to the ongoing debate if Oliveira et al., 2010; Caxito et al., 2016, 2020a).
whether the tectonic processes taking place in this portion of Gondwa-
naland in the Neoproterozoic were mostly intracontinental (e.g. Neves, 2.2. Neoproterozoic magmatism
2003) or involved in Phanerozoic-style extroversion and introversion
plate tectonics (e.g. Caxito et al., 2020a). The results and interpretations Neoproterozoic magmatism of the Borborema Province can be
presented here also add to the understanding of Proterozoic arc systems subdivided into five general stages, based on petro-structural,
and how they have evolved through time. litochemical, geochronological and isotopic data and in cross-cutting

F.A. Caxito, C.F. Basto, L.C.M.L. Santos et al. Gondwana Research 92 (2021) 1–25

Fig. 1. – Simplified geological features of the Borborema Province of NE Brazil. From Caxito et al. (2016, 2020a). Domains and subdomains of the Borborema Province: RP – Rio Preto, RdP –
Riacho do Pontal, Se – Sergipano, PEAL - Pernambuco–Alagoas, RC - Rio Capibaribe, AM - Alto Moxotó, AP - Alto Pajeú, RG - Riacho Gravatá, PAB - Piancó-Alto Brígida, SP – São Pedro, CC -
Ceará Central, OJ – Orós-Jaguaribeano; RGN - Rio Grande do Norte, Sr - Seridó. PeSZ - Pernambuco Shear Zone; PaSZ - Patos Shear Zone; TBSZ - Transbrasiliano Shear Zone.

F.A. Caxito, C.F. Basto, L.C.M.L. Santos et al. Gondwana Research 92 (2021) 1–25

relations to the main deformation phases (Van Schmus et al., 2011). Fol- also been dated at ca. 630 Ma and interpreted as part of a continental
lowing the nomenclature of Van Schmus et al. (2011) with slightly arc setting (Pereira et al., 2020).
modified age ranges (Caxito et al., 2020a), those can be defined as:
Stage I (pre-collisional, 640–620 Ma), Stage II (syn-collisional
leucogranites and two-mica granites, 625–590 Ma); Stage III (syn-colli- 2.3. Transversal Zone and PAB domain
sional to syn-transcurrent granitic to syenitic and locally shoshonitic
plutons, 590–575 Ma); Stage IV (late- and post-collisional plutons coe- The Transversal Zone (Fig. 2) is composed of the sigmoidal São
val to regional strike-slip deformation; 575–550 Ma); and Stage V (gen- Pedro, PAB, Alto Pajeú, Alto Moxotó and Rio Capibaribe domains. The
erally non-deformed plutons, except along younger shear zones; São Pedro, Alto Moxotó and Rio Capibaribe domains are dominated by
550–530 Ma). reworked Archean-Paleoproterozoic basement with local Proterozoic
The Stage I pre-collisional plutons predate the development of the metavolcanosedimentary belts, whereas the PAB domain is dominated
main thrust foliation in the supracrustal belts. This corresponds to the by a Neoproterozoic metavolcanosedimentary succession. The Alto
main age range of pre-collisional magmatism in the large Tamboril/ Pajeú domain is unique in the geology of the Borborema Province, com-
Santa Quitéria batholithic complex in the northwestern Borborema posed mainly of ca. 1000-920 Ma rocks (the Cariris Velhos belt; Santos
Province (Fetter et al., 2003; Santos et al., 2008; Ganade de Araujo et al., 2010).
et al., 2012b, 2014c) and to a plethora of smaller magmatic epidote- The PAB domain (Brito Neves, 1983; Brito Neves et al., 2018) (Fig. 2)
bearing calc-akaline I-type plutons of the Conceição-type throughout is composed of a Neoproterozoic low-grade metavolcaniclastic succes-
the PAB and Alto Pajeú domains of the Transversal Zone (Sial and sion known as the Cachoeirinha Group, subdivided in the Serra dos
Ferreira, 2015; Brito Neves et al., 2016; Santos et al., 2020). The Betânia Olhos D’água (metaconglomerate) and Serra dos Garrotes (turbiditic
granites of the internal Riacho do Pontal belt (Perpétuo, 2017), and pre- metagreywackes, felsic to intermediary volcanic and volcaniclastic
collisional tonalites, granites, monzodiorites and granodiorites of the rocks) formations. Stratigraphic positioning is uncertain due to subse-
Sergipano belt (Bueno et al., 2009; Oliveira et al., 2015a) and PEAL do- quent dextral-oriented transpressional deformation, and proposals to
main (Silva et al., 2015) are all dated in the same age range and also locate the Serra dos Olhos D’água Formation both below and above
interpreted as emplaced in continental arc settings. Recently, mafic- the Santana dos Garrotes Formation have been put forward (Bittar,
ultramafic rocks of the Macururé domain of the Sergipano belt have 1999; Medeiros, 2004; Brito Neves et al., 2018).

Fig. 2. Geological map of the Transversal Zone and adjacent areas (see Fig. 1 for location) with sampling sites marked with yellow stars. Original map compiled from different sources (see
text for data sources). TSZ = Trempe Shear Zone, BSZ = Boqueirão dos Cochos Shear Zone, SCSZ = Serra dos Caboclos Shear Zone, AISZ = Afogados da Ingazeira Shear Zone, SJN = Serra de
Jabitacá Nappe, CSZ = Congo Shear Zone.

F.A. Caxito, C.F. Basto, L.C.M.L. Santos et al. Gondwana Research 92 (2021) 1–25

The structural setting of the PAB domain is dominated by SE-verging amphibolite-facies metamorphic conditions occur variably (Bittar,
folds and thrusts with an associated NE-striking foliation with shallow 1999), suggesting some degree of vertical and oblique movement ex-
to moderate dips to the NW, and mylonitic structures such as S-C fabrics posing distinct crustal levels along the otherwise strike-slip shear zones.
and sheath folds near the basal thrusts. Those tangential-tectonic struc- To the east, the sigmoidal PAB domain is separated from the Alto
tures are partially to totally transposed near the late-stage subvertical Pajeú domain through the Serra do Caboclo dextral strike-slip shear
NE-SW trending strike-slip shear zones. These late-stage shear zones zone. The Alto Pajeú domain hosts a ca. 700 km long sigmoidal belt of
are arranged in an anastomosing network forming kilometers-long early Tonian metaplutonic, metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks,
almond-shape domains. Inside these domains, greenschist to named Cariris Velhos belt (Brito Neves et al., 1995; Kozuch, 2003;

Fig. 3. a) Various metarhyolite intercalations (white layers) in turbiditic metagreywacke (dark layers) of the Santana dos Garrotes Formation, station PC417; b) Close-up of some of the
layers in (a); c) Porphyritic hypabissal felsic intrusion in metaturbidites, station PAB008V; d) Closeup of (c); e) Metatuff with quartz and K-feldspar crystals floating in a fine-grained white
matrix, station PC379; f), g) and h) photomicrographs under crossed polarizers of f) K-feldspar phenocryst with corrosion gulf in sample PAB005; g) square, partially corroded K-feldspar
crystal in sample PC313; h) square feldspar phenocrystals in fine-grained matrix in sample PAB008V (sample depicted in d).

F.A. Caxito, C.F. Basto, L.C.M.L. Santos et al. Gondwana Research 92 (2021) 1–25

Santos et al., 2010). Augen-gneisses are closely associated with pelitic 3. Materials and Methods
metasedimentary, metavolcanic and metavolcaniclastic rocks. U-Pb dat-
ing of both gneisses and metavolcanic rocks yielded ages between 1000 Materials and Methods are described in the Supplementary Material.
and 920 Ma (Brito Neves et al., 1995; Van Schmus et al., 1995; Kozuch,
2003; Medeiros, 2004; Santos et al., 2019), which according to Santos 3.1. Results
et al. (2010) defines the time span for an orogenic event (for a discus-
sion of current models, see Caxito et al., 2020b). The Alto Pajeú domain Field occurrence, petrography, geochemistry and geochronology re-
thrusts the Alto Moxotó domain to the east through the SE-verging sults are presented below.
Serra de Jabitacá nappe system (Santos et al., 2017a, 2017b).
Both the PAB and Alto Pajeú domains are intruded by ca. 630-610 Ma 3.2. Field occurrence and petrography
calc-alkaline granitic and granodioritic plutons of the Conceição-type or
Stage-I, interpreted as developed within a continental arc setting (Sial Metavolcanic and metavolcaniclastic rocks of the Cachoeirinha
and Ferreira, 2015; Brito Neves et al., 2016; Santos et al., 2019). Those Group (Fig. 3A to 3H) occur as ca. 10-100 cm thick white layers concor-
are typically mesocratic pre-collisional tonalitic and granodioritic intru- dantly interleaved within rhythmic metagraywackes of the Santana dos
sions with mafic enclaves. Garrotes Formation, normally in transitional contacts (Fig. 3A and 3B).

Fig. 4. Geochemical classification diagrams for the studied whole-rock metavolcanic and metavolcaniclastic samples. a) Total Alkalis/Silica (TAS) diagram (Le Maitre et al., 1989);
b) Aluminum Saturation Index diagram (Shand, 1947; Maniar and Piccoli, 1989); c) AFM diagram (Irvine and Baragar, 1971); c) modified alkali-lime index (MALI) and d) ferroan/
magnesian classification diagrams of Frost et al. (2001).

F.A. Caxito, C.F. Basto, L.C.M.L. Santos et al. Gondwana Research 92 (2021) 1–25

Fig. 5. Tectonic discrimination diagrams for the studied samples. a) and b) Nb, Y and Rb-based diagrams of Pearce et al. (1984); c) Th, Yb and Ta-based diagram of Gorton and Schandl
(2000); d) diagram proposed by Harris et al. (1986) using trace elements Rb, Hf and Ta; e) Nb/ZrN x Zr diagram of Thiéblemont and Tégyey (1994); f) Nb x SiO2 diagram (Pearce and
Gale, 1977); g) Rb/Zr x Nb diagram (Brown et al., 1984).

F.A. Caxito, C.F. Basto, L.C.M.L. Santos et al. Gondwana Research 92 (2021) 1–25

They vary from aphanitic to porphyritic with visible (under naked eye), In the Hf versus Rb/30 x Ta triangular diagram (Fig. 5D) of Harris
normally < 1 cm long K-feldspar and quartz phenocrysts floating in a et al. (1986) most of the samples are classified as similar to volcanic
white fine-grained groundmass (Fig. 3D to 3H). In some outcrops, arc samples, and in the diagram proposed by Thiéblemont and Tégyey
there are several of those intercalations (Fig. 3A and 3B). Hypabissal (1994) using Nb/ZrN (normalized to the primordial mantle values of
felsic intrusions also occur and they can be recognized in the field by Hofmann, 1988) versus Zr, samples plot mostly within the
their larger thickness and sharper and discordant contacts with the subduction-related field, with minor scatter to the collisional calc-
host rock (Fig. 3C). alkaline field (Fig. 5E). In the diagram using Nb versus SiO2 (Pearce
In thin section, the metavolcaniclastic rocks exhibit centimetric and Gale, 1977) most samples are classified as similar to volcanic arc
K-feldspar and quartz phenocrysts within a fine-grained quartz, rocks (Fig. 5F), and finally, in the Rb/Zr x Nb diagram of Brown et al.
K-feldspar, metamorphic muscovite and minor plagioclase groundmass (1984), the samples plot in the primitive arc field or in the normal con-
(Fig. 3F to 3H). Those larger crystals often show evidence of corrosion tinental arc field (Fig. 5G).
such as gulfs and resorption features (Fig. 3F). Most of the rocks can Chondrite-normalized REE (Rare Earth Element) patterns of the
be classified as crystal tuffs and related volcaniclastic terms. studied samples (Fig. 6A) are relatively flat with slight to highly frac-
tionated LREE (La/YbN = 7-90). Eu anomalies vary largely from negative
(Eu/Eu* = ca. 0.6) to positive (Eu/Eu* = up to ca. 2), but 75% of the sam-
3.3. Lithochemistry
ples do not show significant Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.7-1.4). On
MORB-normalized incompatible element spidergrams, the studied
The metavolcanic and metavolcaniclastic rocks are geochemically
samples show enrichment in LILE (Large Ion Lithophile Elements) rela-
classified as peraluminous (ASI = 1.01 to 2.28, mean 1.42)
tive to HFSE (High Field Strength Elements), with an important Nb-Ta
metarhyolites (Fig. 4A and 4B). The SiO2 contents of these rocks range
trough and significantly negative P and Ti anomalies (Fig. 6B). The Ba
from 72.61 to 78.21 wt%, similarly to “high-silica rhyolitic systems”
contents are variable (231-5928 ppm, average 1307 ppm), from 36 up
(Metz and Mahood, 1991). The samples follow the calc-alkaline trend
to 940 times MORB (6.3 ppm; Pearce & Parkinson, 1993).
in the AFM diagram (Fig. 4C) and according to the Frost et al. (2001) dis-
crimination plots, most samples are characterized as calcic and magne-
sian (Fig. 4D), plotting within the “Cordilleran-type” field, which 3.4. U-Pb geochronology
includes I-, A- and S-type granites and comprises both magnesian and
high-silica (>70%) ferroan terms. 3.4.1. SHRIMP
In the Nb versus Y tectonic discrimination diagram (Pearce et al.,
1984), all of the samples plot within the volcanic arc + syn-collisional Sample PC379B. Sample PC379B (Fig. 3E) is from a ca. 20 cm-
field (Fig. 5A), and they are further classified as volcanic arc samples thick crystal metatuff layer intercalated with metagreywacke of the
in the Rb versus (Y+Nb) diagram (Fig. 5B). In the tectonic discrimina- Santana dos Garrotes Formation (another ca. 20 cm thick metatuff
tion diagram of Gorton and Schandl (2000), based on the concentra- layer of the same outcrop, PC379A, was also analyzed for geochemistry;
tions and ratios between Th, Ta and Yb (Fig. 5C), most of the samples see Supplementary Material for full results). The outcrop is located in a
plot within the Active Continental Margin (ACM) field. The Th/Ta ratios land road some 15 km to the south of the town of Patos, Paraíba. The
of the studied samples are mostly between 7.34 and 17.97 (14 out of 18 crystal metatuff presents corroded K-feldspar and quartz crystals up to
samples, with one sample showing a ratio of 1.2 and the other showing 0.5 mm long in a whitish fine-grained matrix composed of quartz,
higher ratios), similar to those of felsic to intermediate volcanic rocks of K-feldspar and muscovite with minor plagioclase.
active continental margins (Th/Ta between 6 and 20; while higher Recovered zircon crystals are stubby to slightly elongated, euhedral
values are characteristic of oceanic areas; Gorton and Schandl, 2000). and translucent, and sometimes they form inclusion-rich bipyramidal
Only one sample (PC379B) shows values in the range of within-plate prisms up to 250 μm long with up to 4:1 aspect ratio. In CL images
rocks (Th/Ta = 1-6; Gorton and Schandl, 2000), due to the low Th con- (Fig. 7A), all of the zircon crystals present inherited cores and thick
tent. Similarly, the LaN/NbN ratios of 1.1-6.5 (except for samples PC-419- (>50 μm) rims characterized by typical igneous zoning. Both cores
MV and PC379B which respectively show ratios of 11.8 and 0.4) are re- and rims present overall high Th/U ratios (generally above 0.15) typical
markably within the range of arc magmas (1.3-6), while within-plate of igneous zircon crystals. Spots in inherited cores yielded a variety
magmas show much lower ratios (circa 0.8; Rudnick, 1995). of 207Pb/206Pb dates at ca. 2.4 Ga, 2.2 Ga, 1.9-1.7 Ga (main peak),

Fig. 6. a) Chondrite-normalized REE diagram (normalizing values from Sun and McDonough, 1989) and b) MORB-normalized incompatible elements spidergram (normalizing values after
Pearce and Parkinson, 1983; element ordering after Thompson et al., 1984).

F.A. Caxito, C.F. Basto, L.C.M.L. Santos et al. Gondwana Research 92 (2021) 1–25

Fig. 7. Cathodoluminescence images of selected zircon crystals with indication of analyzed spots, Concordia diagrams and probability density plots/histograms for samples a) PC379B and
b) PC39, both analyzed by SHRIMP. Quoted ages are 207Pb/206Pb dates for spots > 1.0 Ga and 206Pb/238U dates for spots < 1.0 Ga.

F.A. Caxito, C.F. Basto, L.C.M.L. Santos et al. Gondwana Research 92 (2021) 1–25

Fig. 8. Cathodoluminescence images of selected zircon crystals with indication of analyzed spots and Concordia diagrams and probability density plots/histograms for samples a) IP004 and
b) PAB008V, both analyzed by LA-ICPMS. Quoted ages are 207Pb/206Pb dates for spots > 1.0 Ga and 206Pb/238U dates for spots < 1.0 Ga.

F.A. Caxito, C.F. Basto, L.C.M.L. Santos et al. Gondwana Research 92 (2021) 1–25

Fig. 9. Cathodoluminescence images of selected zircon crystals with indication of analyzed spots and Concordia diagrams for samples a) PC313, b) PC417, c) PAB006 and d) PAB010, all of
them analyzed by LA-ICPMS. Quoted ages are 206Pb/238U dates.

F.A. Caxito, C.F. Basto, L.C.M.L. Santos et al. Gondwana Research 92 (2021) 1–25

1.1-0.9 Ga and 675-650 Ma (Fig. 7A). Spots on the igneous zircon rims,
on the other hand, cluster in the Concordia diagram and yield a maximum crystallization age of this rock. The four discordant spots
Concordia age of 617 ± 7 Ma (MSWD = 0.34). This is interpreted as align in a Discordia (not shown) with a lower intercept at 520 ±
the crystallization age of the crystal metatuff. 130 Ma and an upper intercept at 2168 ± 130 Ma (MSWD = 6.7). Sample PC39. This sample is from a meter-thick white tuff inter- Sample PAB008V. This sample is from a meter-thick concordant
calated in metarhythmites in the PB-306 roadside some 20 km to the
layer of porphyritic metarhyolite (Fig. 3C and 3D) in the PB-306 road-
east of Conceição, Paraíba. Recovered zircon crystals and crystal frag-
side some 30 km east of Conceição, Paraíba. This outcrop is crosscut by
ments are euhedral to subhedral, stubby to slightly elongated,
a near-horizontal fault plane with normal displacement of approxi-
translucid, sometimes inclusion-rich bipyramidal prisms and rectangles
mately 1 meter (Fig. 3C). Another metavolcanic layer occurs in the
up to 200 μm long with up to 3:1 aspect ratio. In CL images, the zircon
same outcrop (sample PAB008VP, for which lithogeochemistry data is
crystals commonly show igneous zoning, but cores and rims generally
available in Table 1 of the Supplementary Material). Contacts with the
present the same age despite color differences related to changes in
host metagreywacke of the Santana dos Garrotes Formation are sharp
chemical composition (Fig. 7B). All of the analyzed spots present overall
and thus different from the other studied outcrops, suggesting that
high Th/U ratios (above 0.1) typical of igneous zircon crystals.
those rocks represent hypabissal intrusions.
This sample shows a variety of inherited grains with 207Pb/206Pb
Similarly to sample IP004, this sample yielded zircon crystals with
ages at ca. 2.7 Ga, 2.5-2.3 Ga, 2.0-1.8 Ga (main peak) and two inherited
varied morphology, color, and size aspect ratios (Fig. 8B). Sixty-three
Neoproterozoic crystals with 206Pb/238U ages at 848 ± 19 Ma and 812 ±
laser spots were analyzed, out of which forty-three are concordant
15 Ma (Fig. 7B). All of the other Neoproterozoic crystals cluster in the
within 10%. From the remainder of the crystals, some of the spots
Concordia diagram yielding a Concordia age of 685 ± 13 Ma (MSWD
align in Discordia lines pointing toward zero, and fourteen spots align
= 1.01). This date is interpreted to be the closest estimate of the crystal-
in a coherent Discordia (MSWD = 0.97) with upper intercept at 2361
lization age of the crystal metatuff.
± 10 Ma and lower intercept at 570 ± 14 Ma. The latter is identical
(within error) to the Concordia age obtained from low Th/U zircon
3.4.2. LA-ICP-MS rims of sample IP004 (577± 9 Ma) and is herein considered as the age
of Brasiliano metamorphism of the metahypabissal rock. The inherited Sample IP004. This sample is from a highly sheared porphyritic zircon crystals from this sample are mainly Paleoproterozoic (1.7-2.3
metarhyolitic tuff with up to 1 cm-long elongated K-feldspar crystals Ga) with exception of one spot which yielded a 207Pb/206Pb age of
floating in a matrix of fine-grained quartz, white mica and feldspar, in 1129 ± 41 Ma (99.92 % concordance).
the PI-142 paved roadside some 30 km northeast of Paulistana, Piauí,
corresponding to the extreme southwestern tip of the PAB belt under
the influence of the Pernambuco Shear Zone dextral-sense shearing Sample PC313. This sample is from a metric white metavolcanic
(Fig. 2). Zircon crystals with varied morphology, color, and size aspect intercalation in metarhythmites in a roadside cut in the BR-361 paved
ratios were recovered from this sample (Fig. 8A). Forty-one laser spots road near Emas, Paraíba. Recovered zircon crystals are mostly fragments
were analyzed, and except for four crystals that yielded discordant re- smaller than 100 μm, the less broken of which show a stubby geometry
sults, all of the other spots are concordant within the 98.77-101.66 % (ca. 2-1 aspect ratio) and mostly homogeneous features in CL images,
range. U-Pb dates vary from ca. 600 Ma to 2400 Ma (Fig. 8A). Th/U ratios lacking any internal zoning (Fig. 9A). Forty-three spots were analyzed,
are overall high, but some zircon crystals show distinct CL-dark low Th/ but twenty yielded highly discordant results with no clear alignment
U (<0.01) rims. Analysis of three spots in those rims yielded a Concordia in any coherent Discordia, pointing clearly to zero. Of the remaining
age of 577 ± 9 Ma (MSWD = 0.21; red ellipses in Fig. 8A), interpreted concordant spots, the four youngest cluster yielding a Concordia age
as the age of metamorphism related to transpressional deformation. The of 636 ± 6 Ma (MSWD = 2.2). This is considered as the crystallization
three youngest zircon crystals cluster in the Concordia yielding a age of the sample. The other concordant spots represent inherited crys-
Concordia age of 603 ± 7 Ma (MSWD = 0.60), considered as a tals at ca. 660-700, 800-850, 900-1000 and 1800-2200 Ma.

Fig. 10. a) Nd isotope evolution diagram for the analysed samples with indication of fields for Cariris Velhos Tonian crust in blue and for the Borborema Province Archean/Paleoproterozoic
basement in pink (data compiled from Kozuch, 2003; Brito Neves et al., 1995; Santos et al., 2010; Van Schmus et al., 2011; Caxito et al., 2014b) for comparison; b) a plot of Nd isotope
characteristics of the studied samples in comparison to the fields of Conceição-type (red) and Itaporanga-type (yellow) plutons of the Transversal Zone (compiled from Sial and
Ferreira, 2015); c) Nd x Sr evolution diagram with similar fields as (b).

F.A. Caxito, C.F. Basto, L.C.M.L. Santos et al. Gondwana Research 92 (2021) 1–25 Sample PC417. This sample is from an outcrop in a dry riverbed discordant and thus are not considered here. From the other six, three
near Cacimba de Areia village, 15 km to the southeast of Patos, Paraíba. crystals are age-equivalent and yielded a Concordia age of 764 ±
In this outcrop, various intercalations of white metavolcanic rocks occur 18 Ma (MSWD = 2.4), considered as the maximum crystallization age
in the metarhythimes (Fig. 3A and 3B). Seventeen zircons were recov- of the sample. The other three spots represent inherited crystals with
ered from a sample of one of those layers, out of which the seven youn- 207
Pb/206Pb ages of 1955 ± 18 Ma, 924 ± 21 Ma and 818 ± 27 Ma.
gest cluster yielding a Concordia age of 632± 5 Ma (MSWD = 0.19)
(Fig. 9B), considered as the crystallization age of the metarhyolite. The 3.5. Nd-Sr isotopes
other crystals are inherited and crystallized at ca. 750 Ma, ca. 823 Ma,
ca. 997 Ma and a single grain at 1877 ± 11 Ma. The eighteen analyzed samples are characterized by Mesoprot-
erozoic TDM model-ages (Fig. 10A and 10B), with most samples ranging Sample PAB006. This sample is from a white metric-thick between 1.0 and 1.4 Ga (see complete results in the Supplementary Ma-
metavolcanic intercalation in metarhythmites in a land road some terial). Only four samples show older TDM ranging between 1.8 and 2.5
12 km to the southeast of Emas, Paraíba. Only four zircon crystals Ga. The εNd(600 Ma) values are variable but generally close to the chon-
were recovered from this sample. All of them are concordant within drite or slightly juvenile (-3.4 to 1.5), with only five samples at or
10% (Fig. 9D). Three of them are Neoproterozoic, with 206Pb/238U ages below -7.0. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (recalculated to 600 Ma) are mostly
of 753 ± 16 Ma, 709 ± 18 Ma and 674 ± 18 Ma; the other shows slight between 0.703-0.710 (Fig. 10C), except for sample PC419MV (0.718).
reverse discordance and is Paleoproterozoic (207Pb/206Pb age of 1906 ±
44 Ma). The two youngest crystals yielded a Concordia age of 691 ± 33 4. Discussion
Ma, which although hard to state that is the crystallization age of the
sample due to the low number of crystals, is coherent with the age of 4.1. The Neoproterozoic magmatic arc suprastructure of the Borborema
sample PC39 dated by SHRIMP (Fig. 7B). Province Sample PAB010. This sample is from a white metavolcanic rock In the Nd-Sr isotope evolution diagrams of Fig. 10, the fields for the
intercalated in metarhythmites in a land road accessed to the south of Cariris Velhos crust and Borborema Province basement are drawn for
the PB-228 paved road some 50 km east of Patos, Paraíba. Zircon crystals comparison with the analyzed rocks, as well as the fields for
recovered from this sample are stubby bipyramidal prisms up to 150 μm Conceição-type and Itaporanga-type plutons of the Transversal Zone,
long with general aspect ratio of 2:1. In CL images, they show typical ig- interpreted as generated in a continental arc setting (Sial and Ferreira,
neous zoning and some show a darker rim which unfortunately is too 2015; Brito Neves et al., 2016). Most of the analyzed samples plot within
thin for spot placement (Fig. 9B). Three out of nine analyzed spots are the Conceição-type field with a minor amount plotting in the

Fig. 11. K2O versus SiO2 plot showing distribution of the analyzed samples compared to possible modern-day analogues. Source: Ayalew and Ishiwatari (2011) and references therein.

F.A. Caxito, C.F. Basto, L.C.M.L. Santos et al. Gondwana Research 92 (2021) 1–25

Itaporanga-type field. In the Nd-Sr diagram of Fig. 10C, the minor subset rocks, such as the Nb-Ta and Ti negative anomalies, as is also the case
of samples that plot within the Itaporanga-type field can be explained for the slightly LREE-enriched patterns with no important Eu anomalies.
by stronger contamination with older crustal components and assimila- The overall discrete Eu anomalies, along with the Sr (up to 16 times
tion of metasedimentary host rocks. In Fig. 10A, all of the samples plot MORB) and Ba (up to 940 times MORB) enrichment, rule out K-
within the Cariris Velhos crust field, characterized by Mesoproterozoic feldspar and plagioclase fractionation as dominant rock-forming
TDM model ages produced by mixing of a Tonian juvenile mantle source processes.
with varying degrees of assimilation of Archean/Paleoproterozoic Taken together, the elemental and isotope geochemical features are
basement (Santos et al., 2010; Van Schmus et al., 2011; Caxito et al., coherent with a volcanic arc-related setting for the metavolcanic and
2014b, 2020b), with only one sample plotting within the Archean/ metavolcaniclastic rocks studied herein. The peraluminous character
Paleoproterozoic basement field. of the samples probably comes from crustal contamination, including
As the Borborema Province basement is mainly composed of Ar- both the Archean-Paleoproterozoic basement and the metasedimentary
chean and Paleoproterozoic crust (3.7-2.0 Ga), the Mesoproterozoic host rocks. This would not be uncommon in continental back-arc re-
TDM model ages which characterize the dataset (thirteen samples in gions dominated by metavolcaniclastic turbidites traversed by silicic
the 1.0-1.4 Ga age range and four samples in the 1.8-2.5 Ga range) are magmas, as discussed below. Crustal contamination is disclosed both
interpreted as resulting from variable mixing between a Cryogenian/ by elemental and isotopic geochemistry features and by the large
Ediacaran juvenile mantle wedge and variable amounts of Archean/ amount of inherited zircon crystals. Other possibility for the highly
Paleoproterozoic basement; or, alternatively, from partial melting of peraluminous character of some samples, as well as anomalous elemen-
Cariris Velhos crust that bear similar characteristics. The last alternative tal and isotopic features, is that epiclastic content masks the original
can be true for some of the volcanics which are genetically interlinked magmatic signatures in metavolcanoclastic rocks, during evolution of
with Conceição-type plutonic rocks within the Alto Pajeú domain, the explosive rhyolitic magmatism and reworking of the volcanic debris
where Cariris Velhos rocks occur. However, for the plutons and volca- in the adjacent sedimentary basins.
nics in the PAB domain, such as those studied in the present work, the Thus, we interpret the Cachoeirinha Group as part of the suprastru-
first alternative (juvenile mantle input from a mantle wedge mixed cture of a Cryogenian/Ediacaran continental arc system developed
with variable amounts of Archean-Paleoproterozoic crust) is preferable, within the basement blocks composing the Borborema Province. The
as early Tonian rocks correlative to the Cariris Velhos event (1000-920 corresponding infrastructure of this arc system would be represented
Ma) have not yet been found in the basement of the PAB domain, char- by the Conceição-type (Stage I) plutons of the Transversal Zone and
acterized by ca. 3.5-2.0 Ga rocks (Basto et al., 2019; Pitarello et al., 2019). age-correlative plutons such as the Betânia granite of the Riacho do
The geochemical data (Fig.s 4, 5 and 6) points to an expanded calc- Pontal domain (Perpétuo, 2017) further south and the main stage of
alkaline series composed of peraluminous magnesian and mainly calcic evolution of the Tamboril-Santa Quitéria magmatic arc further north
to calc-alkalic rhyolites. All of the tectonic discrimination plots suggest (Fetter et al., 2003; Ganade de Araujo et al., 2014b). In this scenario,
volcanic-arc related settings, such as in primitive to normal continental the metagreywackes of the Santana dos Garrotes Formation, presenting
arcs. The MORB-normalized trace element spidergrams (Fig. 6B) also re- youngest detrital zircons at ca. 650-630 Ma (Brito Neves and Campos
flect the signatures interpreted as typical of supra-subduction zone Neto, 2016; Brito Neves et al., 2018) would represent turbiditic systems
deposited in an arc-related basin with important provenance from the
Conceição arc system, while the volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks
dated in the Cryogenian-Ediacaran age range would represent the igne-
ous pulses that reached the surface as extrusions and were then
reworked along the turbiditic systems. In this context, hypabissal felsic
intrusions could represent feeder systems linking the plutonic and vol-
canic counterparts of the magmatic arc system.

4.2. Possible present-day analogues

Due to the predominance of rhyolitic rocks within the studied sam-

ples, the best modern analog would be the Taupo volcanic zone of
northern New Zealand, the most active rhyolitic zone on Earth (Smith
et al., 2005; Wilson and Charlier, 2009). The Taupo volcanic zone is de-
veloped within an assymmetrical continental back-arc setting related to
the development of the modern arc system of the North Island (Davey
et al., 1995; Seebeck et al., 2014) extending for ca. 2000 km as part of
the Lau-Havre-Taupo back-arc basin system associated with conver-
gence between the Pacific and Australian plates (Stern, 1985; Parson
and Wright, 1996).
Ayalew and Ishiwatari (2011) discussed the geochemical differences
between rhyolites originated in present-day continental rift, continental
arc and oceanic arc settings. Although both continental rift and conti-
Fig. 12. a) Probability density plot and histogram showing all spots analyzed in this work; nental arc rhyolites are enriched in K2O related to oceanic arc rhyolites,
b) Probability density plot of a comprehensive compilation of detrital zircon U-Pb data there is a clear distinction of both types in a K2O versus SiO2 plot
from the entire Borborema Province; c) Probability density plot showing spots analyzed
(Fig. 11), and continental arc rhyolites are further separated from conti-
in this work that are younger than 900 Ma, except low Th/U spots younger than 590
Ma; d) Probability density plot with a similar compilation as (c) for the whole nental rift rhyolites through their low Nb content (as indicated by the
Borborema Province. Data sources for the Borborema Province compilation: Van Schmus negative Nb anomalies in Fig. 6B). Comparing the samples in the present
et al. (2003, 2011), Neves et al. (2006, 2009, 2015, 2016, 2019), Ganade de Araújo et al. study with the compositional field for rhyolites from those three distinct
(2010, 2012b), Guimarães et al. (2012), Kalsbeek et al. (2013), Marulanda (2013), present-day settings in the diagram of Fig. 11, most of them plot within
Caxito et al. (2014c, 2016), Garcia et al. (2014), Silva Filho et al. (2014), Arthaud et al.
(2015), Cruz et al. (2014), Hollanda et al. (2015), Oliveira et al. (2015a, 2015b), Souza
the Japanese continental arc rhyolites field, some overlapping with the
et al. (2016), Alcântara et al. (2017), Santos et al. (2017), Lima et al. (2018), Basto et al. Izu-Bonin oceanic arc rhyolites field, and practically none within the
(2019), Santos et al. (2019) and Barros et al. (2020). Ethiopian continental rift rhyolites field, providing further evidence

F.A. Caxito, C.F. Basto, L.C.M.L. Santos et al. Gondwana Research 92 (2021) 1–25

F.A. Caxito, C.F. Basto, L.C.M.L. Santos et al. Gondwana Research 92 (2021) 1–25

that the studied volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks are more coherently The data gathered from inherited crystals can be used to estimate
interpreted as developed within an ancient continental arc system. Al- the age patterns of the basement traversed by the melts in the continen-
though K2O is considered as mobile in volcanic settings, 74% of the sam- tal magmatic arc edifice and provenance patterns of the host metased-
ples present Loss on Ignition values, a proxy for geochemical alteration, imentary rocks. Fig. 12A shows a probability density plot and
below 1.5%, and the geochemical results were recalculated in an anhy- histogram of all spots (<±10% discordance) analysed in this work.
drous base before plotting in geochemical diagrams. Thus, even consid- Peaks older than 900 Ma are roughly coincident with the Cariris Velhos
ering K2O loss, the samples would still plot mostly within the Belt (1000-920 Ma) and the Rhyacian orogenic rocks found throughout
continental arc rhyolites field in the diagram of Fig. 11. the Borborema Province basement, with a few Orosirian and Archean
(up to ca. 2.7 Ga) grains. When compared to a comprehensive database
of scrutinized and filtered (i.e, using only spots with low errors, low
4.3. Zircon inheritance, age of the volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks and common-Pb and within 10% discordance) detrital zircon U-Pb data
provenance patterns of the Borborema Province available for the Borborema Province (n = 5532, Fig. 12B) the peaks
are roughly coincident, although there is an over-representation of the
All of the samples dated present Neoproterozoic zircon crystals, but Cariris Velhos-related peak in the Borborema Province dataset due to
although some of them provided robust results that allow pinpointing the higher number of samples analysed in previous works within the
the age of magmatism at ca. 616-635 Ma, 690 Ma and ca. 760 Ma, the Alto Pajeú domain and to the widespread presence of Cariris Velhos-
other samples show a high quantity of inherited and/or discordant crys- derived grains in all belts of the Transversal and Southern zones.
tals, only allowing to indicate the maximum age of magmatism/deposi- Analysis of the spectra in fig.s 12A and 12B can yield valuable insight
tion of volcaniclastic rocks. on the composition and age of the Borborema Province basement, with
It should be noted that zircon inheritance is a common characteristic a clear dominance of the Rhyacian-Orosirian and Tonian (Cariris Velhos-
of felsic to intermediate volcanic rocks related to magmatic arcs. Exam- related) peaks, but also important Statherian and Calymmian minor
ples of this kind are abundant: ca. 20 ka dacites from the continental peaks (1.5-1.6 and 1.7-1.8 Ga), corresponding to the age range of
back-arc Taupo volcanic zone of New Zealand yielded a variety of A-type intrusions of the Transversal Zone and metavolcanosedimentary
inherited zircon crystals up to ca. 1.66 Ga (Charlier et al., 2010; in effect, continental rift-related successions such as in the Orós-Jaguaribeano
samples in this work are dominated by inherited grains); Neogene vol- belt (Fig. 1). In the Archean, the most important peak is at 2.5 Ga, but
canic rocks of the Tafresh area in the central part of Urumieh-Dokhtar there is also a peak at 2.7 Ga and sparse zircon grains as old as ca. 3.5 Ga.
Magmatic Arc of Iran yielded Paleoproterozoic, Late Neoproterozoic– Other remarkable feature of the spectra is the general lull in
Early Cambrian, Carboniferous, and Cretaceous inherited zircon crystals Mesoproterozoic zircon source areas. Neves (2003) suggested that the
(Chaharlang and Ghorbani, 2020); Neogene ignimbrites from central presence of detrital zircon grains covering the entire Proterozoic in the
Anatolia yielded up to 3.8 Ga inherited zircon crystals (Paquette and Borborema Province could indicate either sources that were yet undis-
Le Pennec, 2012); and ca. 27 ka old rhyodacite tephra and lava at Crater covered within the province’s basement or distal sources such as the
Lake, Oregon yielded resorbed crystals (antecrysts) interpreted as gath- Amazonian Craton where igneous rocks covering the whole Proterozoic
ered from Late Pleistocene granodiorites and related plutonic rocks of age range are found. We suggest a third option, as the minor Mesoprot-
the same arc system (Bacon and Lowenstern, 2005). Even basaltic to an- erozoic grains found in the metavolcanosedimentary belts could have
desitic volcanic and pyroclastic rocks from recent intra-oceanic arcs been derived from secondary sources through reworking of previous
such as the Luzon arc of Taiwan have been shown to be dominated by sedimentary successions. These previous (older than 900 Ma) sedimen-
a variety of inherited zircon crystals with up to Archean ages (2.5 Ga), tary successions were deposited in distinct paleogeographical settings,
interpreted as derived from continental fragments that split off the Eur- where the basement of the Borborema Province could have been lo-
asian margin, accreted to the Philippine Sea plate and were later in- cated closer to sources of Mesoproterozoic grains (e.g. the Kibaran,
volved in subduction. Consequently, magmas derived from the Irumide, and Namaqua-Natal-Maud belts in the African counterpart of
depleted mantle wedge would evolve and pick up crystals from those the São Francisco-Congo paleocontinent and in the Kalahari paleocon-
fragments during ascent (Shao et al., 2015). tinent, respectively, Fig. 13A; see also paleocontinental reconstructions
Zircon inheritance in felsic magmas is not surprising, as classical in D’agrella-Filho and Cordani, 2017 and Caxito et al., 2020c), eliminat-
Zr saturation studies (e.g. Watson and Harrison, 1983) indicate ing the need for an Amazonian-Borborema connection during the
that zircon solubility for a normal peraluminous granite is around Neoproterozoic.
100 ppm at 750°C, i.e., melts with higher Zr contents are incapable Caxito et al. (2020a, 2020c) put forward the idea that a Greater São
of dissolving additional inherited crystals. Temperature and compo- Francisco-Congo paleocontinent (or “Central African Block”, according
sition are the main controlling factors of this process, whereas pres- to the nomenclature of Cordani et al., 2013a and D’Agrella-Filho and
sure and water content are relatively indifferent (Watson and Cordani, 2017) existed during the Proterozoic involving the São
Harrison, 1983; Boehnke et al., 2013). Not coincidentally, then, sam- Francisco-Congo and Saharan paleocontinental crusts (Fig. 13A). This
ple PC379B, the only sample showing well-developed igneous zircon paleocontinent would also involve basement blocks that compose part
rims developed around incompletely dissolved inherited cores, of the basement of the Borborema, Mantiqueira and Tocantins
shows the lower Zr content of the whole dataset (31 ppm), as provincesbordering the São Francisco-Congo craton. These basement
melts undersaturated in Zr achieve saturation only by consuming blocks are interpreted as ribbon continents and microcontinents de-
zircon from the source. This sample could have been through similar tached from the former Central African Paleocontinent margins through
processes as samples from the Pleistocene Ongatiti ignimbrite of the hyperextension during Tonian rifting at ca. 900-860 Ma (Caxito et al.,
back-arc Taupo Volcanic Zone. Zircon crystals recovered from this ig- 2020a, 2020c). This configuration would allow for zircon crystals cover-
nimbrite reveal resorbed zircon cores dated at 119-340 Ma surro- ing the whole Paleoarchean-Mesoproterozoic range (Fig. 13A) to be
unded by ubiquitous euhedral zoned magmatic rims with a peak available to source the Neoproterozoic belts of the Borborema Province
crystallisation age of 1.31 ± 0.03 Ma (Brown and Smith, 2004). through secondary reworking of older sedimentary successions within

Fig. 13. Models for the tectonic evolution of the Borborema Province in the 880-620 Ma interval. In these models, the basement blocks that now compose the Borborema-Benino/Nigerian-
Transaharan Province would have been part of a Proterozoic lithospheric block called Central African Block or Paleocontinent (Cordani et al., 2013; D’agrella-Filho and Cordani, 2017;
Caxito et al., 2020a, 2020c) along with the São Francisco-Congo block and the blocks composing the enigmatic Saharan metacraton (inset on A). Hyperextension during Tonian (ca.
900-860 Ma) rifting would rip away the margins of the Central African Block creating the NOBO-BENI and AMCAPAY ribbon continents, which suffered decratonization due to loss of
the tectospheric mantle keel in the process. See text for further discussions.

F.A. Caxito, C.F. Basto, L.C.M.L. Santos et al. Gondwana Research 92 (2021) 1–25

Fig. 14. Models for the tectonic evolution of the Borborema Province in the 620-530 Ma interval. In these models, Rodinia-derived lithospheric fragments such as the West African-São Luís-
Parnaíba and Amazonian paleocontinents (perhaps separated from an ancestral single block through a triple junction during Tonian extension, further generating the Clymene ocean)
collide with the Borborema Province ribbon continents due to closure of the external Goiás-Pharusian ocean. Early Ediacaran collision of the West African margin with the NOBO-BENI
ribbon continent caused clockwise rotation and speeded subduction in the Transnordestino-Central African ocean realm, generating the last and main flare-up of the Conceição magmatic
arc (FV) and ultimately the closure of the two branches of this internal V-shaped ocean. Late Ediacaran to Cambrian collision of the Amazonian paleocontinent caused far-field stresses with
Indochinese-like extrusion of the Borborema Province ribbon continents towards a NE “free” margin, that was not bounded by rigid lithospheric blocks but by decratonized ribbon con-
tinents that were severely reworked, metamorphosed and injected by plutons during the Brasiliano Orogeny. The final stages of western Gondwana amalgamation in the Cambrian were
accommodated through lateral-scape tectonics affecting these weakened lithospheric blocks. See text for further discussions.

the basement of the ribbon continents that compose this province. secondary reworked Proterozoic sedimentary rocks. The later were
According to the model of Caxito et al. (2020a) those ribbon continents probably sourced from other parts of the Central African Paleocontinent,
are named APAMCAPAY (Alto Pajeú/Alto Moxotó/Rio CApibaribe/ prior to detachment and individualization of the ribbon continents dur-
Pernambuco-Alagoas/Adamawa-Yadé) and NOBO-BENI (NOrthern ing the Tonian (Fig. 13A and B).
BOrborema/BEnino-NIgerian). This model is coherent with production
of the detrital zircon U-Pb age spectra of Fig. 12A and 12B, with the pre- 4.4. Possible magmatic arc flare-ups in the Borborema Province
dominance of zircon crystals in the age ranges present in the igneous
basement rocks of the Borborema Province (mainly Rhyacian) and Excluding the controversial Cariris Velhos belt (see discussion in
only a minor amount of Mesoproterozoic crystals derived from Caxito et al., 2020b) Neoproterozoic magmatic arc activity in the

F.A. Caxito, C.F. Basto, L.C.M.L. Santos et al. Gondwana Research 92 (2021) 1–25

Borborema Province begins at ca. 880-800 Ma with the juvenile generate dense melt residues, which upon sinking into the mantle
magmatism of the Lagoa Caiçara Complex of the Ceará Central domain, create space beneath the arc and restarts the flare-up/lull cycle
part of the large Tamboril-Santa Quitéria batholith (Ganade de Araujo (DeCelles et al., 2009).
et al., 2014b). The main peak of continental arc (Andean-like) magmatic With those controls in mind, we suggest a simplified four-stage evo-
activity in the Tamboril-Santa Quitéria batholith is, however, lutionary model for Neoproterozoic evolution of the Borborema Prov-
constrained to 660-620 Ma (Fetter et al., 2003; Ganade de Araujo ince (Fig. 13 and 14). The model begins at ca. 880 Ma (Fig. 13A) in a
et al., 2014b). Despite the apparent age gap between those two main pe- tectonic scenario involving continental fragments that were detached
riods of magmatism, the presence of detrital zircon crystals in the 800- through hyperextension of the northern São Francisco-Congo
660 Ma age range in forearc deposits related to the Tamboril-Santa paleocontinental margin during the Tonian taphrogeny at ca. 900 Ma
Quitéria batholith and felsic volcanics dated at ca. 777 Ma (Fetter (e.g. Salgado et al., 2016; Caxito et al., 2016). This is similar to the
et al., 2003) suggests that arc magmatism persisted throughout the model involving two main microcontinents or ribbon continents in
Neoproterozoic, although the plutonic sources have not yet been de- the Borborema region proposed by Caxito et al. (2020a), namely
scribed in detail. Could this Neoproterozoic registry of detrital/inherited NOBO-BENI (Northern Borborema-Benino-Nigerian) and APAMCAPAY
zircon grains reveal cryptic flare-up and lull episodes? (Alto Pajeú-Alto Moxotó-Rio Capibaribe-Adamawa Yadé). The differ-
Fig.s 12C and 12D show the age spectra of Neoproterozoic (younger ence is that here we consider the Alto Pajeú domain to be part of the
than 900 Ma, except low Th/U rims and crystals younger than 590 Ma) NOBO-BENI block, and not APAMCAPAY (which would then better be
inherited and detrital zircon populations from this work and from the renamed AMCAPAY). The main reasons for this are:
Borborema Province compilation, respectively. The distributions mirror
each other and although covering all of the Neoproterozoic, at least five - The contact between the Alto Pajeú and Alto Moxotó domains is de-
distinct peaks can be recognized, which become progressively more fined by the southeast-verging Jabitacá nappe system (Santos et al.,
prominent as they get younger: ca. 880-860 Ma (7-11%), 820-810 Ma 2017a, 2017b). This is coherent with continental collision between
(12-17%), 760-730 Ma (18-19%), 690-670 Ma (24-25%), and finally the Alto Pajeú domain, which would represent part of the upper
630-600 Ma (30-37%). Calling those possible flare-ups FI, FII, FIII, FIV plate in the southern edge of the NOBO-BENI block, and the Alto
and FV, respectively, the three main age ranges that have been Moxotó domain, which would represent the northern edge of the
interpreted as the crystallization ages of the samples from this work lower plate in the AMCAPAY block. The contacts between the other
plot within the last three flares, at ca. 760 Ma (FIII, sample PAB-010), domains of the Transversal Zone are all defined by high-angle dip-
685-690 Ma (FIV, samples PC-39 and PAB006) and 617-636 Ma (FV, ping strike-slip shear zones, which could have been developed
samples PC379B,IP004, PC313 and PC417). along the other major shear zone systems of the Borborema Province
Flare-up cycles usually last from 5 to 20 Ma (Ducea et al., 2015), such during the late-stage lateral escape phase (Caxito et al., 2016).
as in West Antarctica (Jordan et al., 2020), in the Neo-Tethyan arc sys- - Magnetotelluric data support the interpretation of conductors
tem that extends for ca. 6,000 km from southern Tibet to Sumatra dipping northwest in the contact zone of the Alto Pajeú and Alto
(Zhang et al., 2019), and in the Central and Northern Andes (Paterson Moxotó domains (Padilha et al., 2017), suggesting a fossil
and Ducea, 2015). However, they can vary widely reaching as much as northwest-dipping suture zone in the area.
ca. 60 Ma such as in the Sierra Nevada batholith or achieving a quasi- - The distribution of plutonic rocks of the Conceição-type, interpreted
continuum (steady-state?) distribution for over 100 Ma such as in the as the infrastructure of the Cryogenian-Ediacaran magmatic arc,
Southern Andes and in the Coast Mountains and Cascades (Paterson which intrude both the Alto Pajeú and the PAB domains, but not
and Ducea, 2015; Kirsch et al., 2016). Lulls vary from ca. 10 Ma to ca. the Alto Moxotó domain, also suggesting that the later was located
50 Ma (Ducea and Barton, 2007; DeCelles et al., 2009; Paterson and in the lower plate in a northwest-dipping subduction setting.
Ducea, 2015; Zhang et al., 2019; Jordan et al., 2020). Continental arc evo- - The distribution of possible ophiolites such as the Gurjão mafic-
lution in the Andean-Central American-Sierra Nevada-Coast Mountains ultramafic rocks(Lages et al., 2017) and eclogites dated at ca.
system, extending from Chile to Alaska, lasted for more than 400 Ma 625 Ma (Floresta; Lages and Dantas, 2016) within the sole thrusts
and is still ongoing, punctuated by three to five flare-ups depending of the Jabitacá nappe (Fig. 2) also suggest northwest-dipping sub-
on along- and across-strike asymmetries such as changes in subduction duction below the Alto Pajeú domain.
angle and subduction of exotic features such as mid-ocean ridges - The distribution of detrital zircon grains in the metavolcanos-
(Paterson and Ducea, 2015; Kirsch et al., 2016). Thus, a protracted evo- edimentary belts of the Borborema Province. Ca. 1000-900 Ma grains
lution from ca. 880 to ca. 600 Ma, probably punctuated by five flare-ups are found in the Seridó belt of the northern zone (Van Schmus et al.,
(the exact number of flare-ups and lulls remains to be defined as novel 2003; Hollanda et al., 2015), which would suggest that the Alto
geochronological data is gathered), is a coherent assumption for the Pajeú domain rocks were readily available as a source for this area,
magmatic arc systems developed in the Borborema Province during thus implicating in crustal continuity of the northern zone and the
the Neoproterozoic. Alto Pajeú and PAB domains during the Neoproterozoic. Early Tonian
(1000-920 Ma) rocks are also widespread in the PEAL and Sergipano
4.5. Possible causes of the flare-ups and implications for the tectonic evolu- domains, which would make detrital zircon grains of this age also
tion of the Borborema Province readily available for sedimentary basins of the southern Borborema
Episodic flare-ups and lulls in magmatic arc systems are believed to
be controlled by complex and varied processes that can be i) external to In this initial setting (Fig. 13B), ocean ward subduction occurred in
the arc, such as plate reorganizations and mantle-plume activities the northwestern Borborema Province, generating the Lagoa Caiçara is-
(Ardila et al., 2019; Jordan et al., 2020), ii) related to features of the land arc, which is part of a much larger system of juvenile Tonian-
subducted plate such as a discontinuous slab tear or ridge-trench Cryogenian arcs in the Goiás-Pharusian ocean including the early stages
collision events (Decker et al., 2017), iii) related to temporal changes of the Goiás arc further south (Pimentel and Fuck, 1992; Laux et al.,
in the subduction process such as flat slab subduction, steepening and 2005) and the Tilemsi, Amalaoulaou, Silet and Saghro (Caby, 2003;
shallowing of slab dip (Zhang et al., 2019) and iv) intra-arc processes, Berger et al., 2011; Walsh et al., 2012) arcs further north in the African
such as subduction erosion and back-arc shortening (Ducea and domains. The basement blocks which would later compose the
Barton, 2007; DeCelles et al., 2009). Back-arc shortening, where the Borborema Province were separated from each other by two branches
lowermost continental lithosphere is shoved beneath the arc, is par- of the newly born internal V-shaped Transnordestino-Central African
ticularly interpreted to fuel episodic high-flux magmatism and Ocean (Caxito et al., 2014a, 2020a). Towards the African counterparts,

F.A. Caxito, C.F. Basto, L.C.M.L. Santos et al. Gondwana Research 92 (2021) 1–25

Fig. 15. Schematic models for development of the Transversal Zone during the late Neoproterozoic/early Cambrian (corresponding to the stages in fig.s 14A and 14B). Fig. 15A shows a
geological model for the North Island in New Zealand (redrawn from Bland, 2006) as a present-day analogue. Fig. 15B shows the corresponding accretionary stage in the Transversal
Zone and Fig. 15C shows the collisional and strike-slip stages that followed.

F.A. Caxito, C.F. Basto, L.C.M.L. Santos et al. Gondwana Research 92 (2021) 1–25

the Cryogenian Mayo Kebbi juvenile arc of Cameroon and Chad devel- essentially aulacogenic structure (Caxito et al., 2012a, 2012b; Caxito
oped in this time frame (Penaye et al., 2006). et al., 2014d; Caxito et al., 2017).
At 650-620 Ma, development of the extensive continental arc plu- In our model, the main flare-up of the Conceição, Betânia and Major
tons of the Tamboril-Santa Quitéria Complex suggests a subduction po- Isidoro-Sergipano arcs (FI), at ca. 620-610 Ma, was caused by an exter-
larity reversal, probably due to docking of the Lagoa Caiçara arc in the nal process, i.e. the continental collision of the West African
NW NOBO-BENI margin (Fig. 13C). This caused the Goiás-Pharusian paleocontinent in the NW NOBO-BENI margin due to closure of the
oceanic lithosphere to subduct to SE (present coordinates) beneath Goiás-Pharusian ocean. This pushed NOBO-BENI towards AMCAPAY
the accreted NOBO-BENI + Lagoa Caiçara margin, causing remelting of and both ribbon continents clockwise towards the northern São
older crust and development of the Andean-type Tamboril-Santa Francisco-Congo margin, forcing or speeding subduction of the
Quitéria continental arc. Apparently, subduction of two different Transnordestino-Central African oceanic lithospheric beneath the
branches of the internal Transnordestino-Central African oceanic southern AMCAPAY and NOBO-BENI continental margins (Fig. 14A).
lithosphere beneath the southern NOBO-BENI and southern AMCAPAY Finally, with closure of the Clymene ocean (Trindade et al., 2006;
margins ensued at the same time period, generating the Conceição, Tohver et al., 2010, 2012) and collision of the major Amazonian
Betânia and Major Isidoro-Sergipano arcs (Fig. 14A). The subduction po- paleocontinent with the West African-Borborema-Saharan-São
larity reversal model for NW Borborema was proposed by Padilha et al. Francisco-Congo assemblage in the upper Ediacaran to Cambrian,
(2014) based on the presence of conductors of opposed convergent dips all of the former oceanic basins within the Borborema Province
below the Tamboril/Santa Quitéria Complex and by the occurrence of were closed, deformed and metamorphosed, and the whole province
eclogitic relicts in both sides of this complex (the Forquilha eclogites was injected by a multitude of syn-strike-slip to undeformed plutons
to the west and the Itataia eclogites to the east; Castro, 2004). at the final stages of the Brasiliano/Pan-African Orogeny (Fig. 14B).
Granitic to granodioritic plutons in the same age range in the The Clymene ocean is testified by the Tonian/Cryogenian Quatipuru
Western Cameroon domain (Toteu et al., 2006; Bouyo Houketchang (757 ± 49 Ma Sm-Nd whole-rock isochron, Paixão et al., 2008), Rio
et al., 2015, 2016) and in the Central African Republic (Guéra massif; do Coco (702 ± 24 Ma U-Pb zircon in actinolite-schist and 715 ±
Shellnutt et al., 2019) are interpreted as also developed in contin- 26 Ma U-Pb zircon in serpentinite, Souza et al., 2020) and Serra do
ental magmatic arc settings due to northward dipping of the Tapa (Barros and de Sousa Gorayeb, 2019) ophiolite complexes and
Transnordestino-Central African oceanic lithosphere beneath NOBO- exhumed mantle (Hodel et al., 2019) in the Araguaia belt, and the
BENI and the Saharan Metacraton continental lithosphere, with the syn-collisional stage which inverted this and other marine basins
São Francisco-Congo paleocontinent as the lower plate, identical to bordering the eastern and southern Amazonian paleocontinental
the models proposed for the Riacho do Pontal (Caxito et al., 2016) and margins seem to have lasted at least until ca. 540–520 Ma (e.g.
Sergipano (Oliveira et al., 2010) belts. McGee et al., 2012; Alves et al., 2019; Gorayeb et al., 2020), similar
This scenario changed when the West African paleocontinent to other Cambrian collisional events elsewhere in western Gond-
collided with the NW NOBO-BENI margin at ca. 620-600 Ma wana (e.g. Schmitt et al., 2004) that represent the last mountain
(Fig. 14A). This collisional event is marked by eclogitization in the building expressions of the Brasiliano Orogeny.
Forquilha zone (Ganade de Araujo et al., 2014a; Santos et al., 2015) Collision of the large Amazonian paleocontinent with the amal-
and widespread anatexis of the Tamboril-Santa Quitéria crust (Ganade gamated West African-Borborema-Saharan-São Francisco-Congo
de Araújo et al., 2016). paleocontinent may have influenced the final structuring of the
Syn-collisional two-mica granite sheets of the Rajada Suite were Borborema Province, triggering the extensive development of late-
emplaced in the south-verging Casa Nova nappes of the Riacho do stage strike-slip shear zones that characterize this region. The net-
Pontal belt at ca. 610 Ma (Caxito et al., 2016; Brito Neves et al., 2016), work of strike-slip shear zones developed because the ribbon conti-
indicating that the collisional phase of this belt started at around the nents that form the basement of the province would have lost their
same moment. However, the Sergipano belt would only enter the colli- cratonic keel during hyperextension of the Central African Block
sional phase later, at ca. 580 Ma (Oliveira et al., 2010), as would most of margins, and thus their reworked lithosphere behaved as less com-
the Transversal Zone as indicated by the U-Pb dates of metamorphic zir- petent with respect to the rigid lithosphere of the surrounding
con rims and lower intercept ages of ca. 575 Ma obtained in this work West African-São Luís and São Francisco–Congo cratons. This rheo-
(Fig.s 8 and 9) and metamorphic monazite and syn-collisional granites logical contrast allowed the development of the thousands-of-km
in the same age range in the Ipueirinha Group of the São Pedro domain long network of tranpressional and transtensional shear zones that
(Basto et al., 2019). This age discrepancy of the pre- and syn-collisional extends from NE Brazil through the Transaharan Orogen, as the
stages between adjacent domains is discussed by Caxito et al. (2020a) weakened and thinned crust of the Borborema Province basement
and possible causes are: i) rotational interaction between the involved blocks escaped laterally towards the NE, just as in the present-day
blocks in a zipper-like model; ii) paleogeography of the margins in- Indochinese Peninsula (Tapponnier and Molnar, 1976; Tapponnier
volved in continental collision. For example, the Riacho do Pontal belt et al., 1982;), squeezed outwards between the relatively more rigid
external nappes were thrust upon a northwards-pointing (present- São Francisco-Congo and Amazonian cratons.
day position) promontory of the São Francisco paleocontinent (Caxito The North Island of New Zealand can serve as a present-day ana-
et al., 2016) whereas the Sergipano belt corresponds to a reentrant or logue for the accretionary stage depicted in Fig.s 13C and 14A, as
embayment of the northeastern paleocontinent margin; iii) models of shown in Fig. 15A and 15B. Development of the rhyolite-dominated
multiple collisions, such as the model presented by Ganade de Araujo Taupo-Havre back arc basin is compared to the PAB continental
et al. (2014c). Most likely, a combination of all of those factors probably back-arc zone during the emplacement of the Conceição continental
along other factors contributed to the diachronism of events observed in arc plutons in the late Cryogenian/early Ediacaran. Finally, with oblique
adjacent domains of the Borborema Province. In effect, in a curved- collision of the Amazonian craton to the west of the Borborema Prov-
surface planet, diachronism of closure of an oceanic basin in ince, collision of NOBO-BENI as the upper plate and AMCAPAY as the
thousands-of-km long collisional fronts will be the rule rather than lower plate through the Serra de Jabitacá nappe system ensued
the exception. We add that the process of hyperextension, rifting and (Fig. 15C), with the late-stage network of continental-scale strike-slip
drifting of microcontinents and ribbon continents from paleocon- zones that characterizes NE Brazil and NW Africa developed due to
tinental margins produce typical V-shaped oceanic basins (e.g. Péron- squeezing of the reworked ribbon continents between the major
Pinvidic and Manatschal, 2010) which may remain closed, i.e., floored paleocontinental masses and NE-directed lateral scape, similar to the
by stretched continental crust, in the V point. This may have been the present-day Indochinese region (Tapponnier and Molnar, 1976;
case for the Rio Preto belt (Fig. 13B, C), which seems to represent an Tapponnier et al., 1982).

F.A. Caxito, C.F. Basto, L.C.M.L. Santos et al. Gondwana Research 92 (2021) 1–25

4.6. Arc development in the Borborema Province and implications for 5. Conclusions
introverted and extroverted models of western Gondwana amalgamation
Based on the new petrographic, geochronological, geochemical and
The novel data presented here, along with the data available in the isotopic data, the felsic volcanic and volcaniclastic rock intercalations
literature on the magmatic arc rocks of the Borborema Province and within the Santana dos Garrotes Formation of the Piancó-Alto Brígida
on the distribution of eclogites, ophiolites and other subduction- domain are interpreted as the suprastructural counterparts of the
related rocks (see review in Caxito et al., 2020a), suggests that the arc Conceição (Stage I) magmatic arc of the Transversal Zone of the
complexes within the NW Borborema margin (the Lagoa Caiçara and Borborema Province. The Conceição-type granodioritic to granitic plu-
Tamboril-Santa Quitéria Complex) developed differently from those in tons represent the infrastructure of the continental magmatic arc and
the blocks that would later compose the interior of the province (the intrude both the Piancó-Alto Brígida and the Alto Pajeú domains of
Conceição-Stage I arc and the Major Isidoro-Sergipano arc). the Transversal Zone. The Nd-Sr characteristics of both the supracrustal
Those characteristics are coherent with a model where the NW and infracrustal rocks are identical and present Mesoproterozoic TDM
Borborema border faced a wide, Pacific-type ocean during the generated by mixing of a juvenile early Ediacaran mantle wedge with
Neoproterozoic (the Goiás-Pharusian Ocean), with development of ju- variable amounts of Archean-Paleoproterozoic basement and
venile island-arc rocks during the early Tonian (the Lagoa Caiçara Com- metasedimentary host rocks of the active margin.
plex; Ganade de Araujo et al., 2014b) which are chrono-correlated to We suggest that the main subduction zone within the Transversal
similar rocks in NW Africa (the Tilemsi, Amaulaoulaou and Silet arcs Zone during the Ediacaran dipped NW below the NOBO-BENI block,
of Mali and Argelia and the Saghro arc of Morrocco; Caby, 2003; which includes the basement of the Alto Pajeú and PAB domains in its
Berger et al., 2011; Walsh et al., 2012) and central Brazil (the early southern margin. This interpretation is based on the distribution of
Goiás arc; Pimentel and Fuck, 1992; Laux et al., 2005). A thousands- magmatic arc rocks within the PAB and Alto Pajeú domains, structural
km long system of ocean ward dipping subduction zones is envisaged relations between the Alto Pajéu and Alto Moxotó domains where the
for the development of those early-stage juvenile arcs (see Caxito former (upper plate) thrusts the later (lower plate) in the SE-verging
et al., 2020a and references therein). Then, during the late Cryogenian Serra de Jabitacá nappe system, as well as on magnetotelluric data
and early Ediacaran, those arc complexes would dock in the continental that suggests NW-dipping conductors below this exact same contact
margins of the São Francisco-Congo paleocontinent and the ribbon con- and on the distribution of possible ophiolites (e.g. Gurjão) and Edia-
tinents of the Borborema Province and NW Africa, causing a subduction caran eclogites (e.g. Floresta or Serrote das Pedras Pretas) within the
polarity reversal and the development of Andean-type continental arcs sole thrusts of the Jabitacá nappe system. In this context, the Santana
that would cause remelting of the continental margin and accreted dos Garrotes Formation would represent deposition within a continen-
Tonian arc systems. Those continental arc fragments are represented tal back-arc basin, very similar to the present-day most active silicic vol-
by the Tamboril-Santa Quitéria Complex and related arc rocks in Togo canic province of the world, the Taupo volcanic zone of New Zealand.
and Benin (Fetter et al., 2003; Ganade de Araújo et al., 2016), the An analysis of the whole spectra of zircon cores and inherited zircon
Kabyé massif of the Dahomeyides belt (Guillot et al., 2019), the crystals in the studied metavolcanic and metavolcaniclastic rocks, in
Tassendjanet and Kidal terranes (Iforas Arc) in the western portion of comparison to a comprehensive dataset of detrital zircon data from
the Tuareg Shield (Caby, 2003; Bosch et al., 2016) and the late stages the metavolcanosedimentary belts of the Borborema Province (n =
of the Silet arc dated at ca. 650-638 Ma (Béchiri-Benmerzoug et al., 5532), may suggest that arc systems in the Borborema Province evolved
2011) in the Tuareg Shield. In central Brazil, those are represented by through flare-ups at ca. 880-860 Ma (FI, 7-11%), 820-810 Ma (FII, 12-
the late stage continental arc plutons of the Goiás arc system (Laux 17%), 760-730 Ma (FIII, 18-19%), 690-670 Ma (FIV, 24-25%), and finally
et al., 2005). Thus, the development of the West Gondwana Orogen 630-600 Ma (FV, 30-37%), intercalated with lull periods. Dating of zir-
(Ganade de Araújo et al., 2014a) in this area is the archetypical “extro- con rims and lower intercept Discordia ages suggest transpressional de-
version” process, where the major external Pacific-type ocean that formation and metamorphism in the Transversal Zone around 575 Ma.
once separated the paleocontinental margins is consumed causing arc We put forward a model for the evolution of the Borborema Province
magmatism and accretion of terranes. involving closure of two branches of the Transnordestino-Central
Juvenile island-arc rocks have not yet been found in the internal African ocean in an introverted process during the Neoproterozoic, gen-
portion of the Borborema Province, although ophiolitic (Caxito et al., erating the Conceição arc in the Transversal Zone and the Betânia-Major
2014a; Lages and Dantas, 2016) and eclogitic (Beurlen et al., 1992; Isidoro-Sergipano arc in the southern zone. Processes occurring in the
Lages and Dantas, 2016) remnants suggest the development of external, Pacific-type Goiás-Pharusian Ocean that bordered the western
Neoproterozoic oceans separating the basement blocks of the prov- Borborema and São Francisco-Congo paleocontinents during the
ince. Thus, those oceans are interpreted as internal oceans developed Neoproterozoic may have strongly influenced the opening of internal
through hyperextension and detachment of basement blocks as rib- oceanic basins and magmatic arc development within the province.
bon continents from a major paleocontinental mass (São Francisco- For example, collision of the West African paleocontinent with the
Congo-Saharan or Central African block) during the early Tonian, NW border of the NOBO-BENI (Northern Borborema-Benino/Nigerian)
which would later go through a subduction phase followed by colli- block at ca. 620 Ma might have accelerated subduction of the
sion of the conjugated margins during the Ediacaran/Cambrian, simi- Transnordestino-Central African oceanic lithosphere through dextral-
larly to a Phanerozoic Wilson Cycle (Caxito et al., 2016). This is the sense rotation of the internal ribbon continents that formed the
archetypical “introversion” process where continental margins that Borborema Province, thus representing a typical flare-up (FV) gener-
were formerly conjugated rift, drift, and then collide again in the ap- ated by extra-arc processes.
proximate same position. The early Tonian hyperextension processes Building of the western Gondwana paleocontinent during the
caused decratonization of the ribbon continents due to loss of the Neoproterozoic was, thus, achieved both through extroversion mecha-
tectospheric mantle keel, allowing for widespread deformation, nisms acting in the external Goiás-Pharusian Ocean, with development
plutonism and metamorphism of basement rocks within the of juvenile island-arcs during the early Tonian to early Cryogenian
Borborema Province during the Brasiliano Orogeny. Thus, western followed by subduction polarity reversal and Andean-like continental
Gondwana formed by a combination of both extroversion (in the ex- arc magmatism during the Ediacaran, and through introversion mecha-
ternal Goiás-Pharusian ocean) and introversion (in internal oceans nisms such as typical Wilson Cycles in the internal oceans developed
such as the Transnordestino-Central African ocean and in the northern through hyperextension and detachment of basement blocks from a
termination of the Adamastor ocean) plate tectonics processes during former Central African Paleocontinent during the early Tonian, that
the Neoproterozoic (Caxito et al., 2020a). were later rejoined in the approximate same positions in the

F.A. Caxito, C.F. Basto, L.C.M.L. Santos et al. Gondwana Research 92 (2021) 1–25

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