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Morales Perez2018

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Incipient Broken Rotor Bar Detection in Induction

Motors Using Vibration Signals and the
Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Algorithm
Carlos Morales-Perez, Graduate Student Member, IEEE, Jose Rangel-Magdaleno , Senior Member, IEEE,
Hayde Peregrina-Barreto, Member, IEEE, Juan Pablo Amezquita-Sanchez,
and Martin Valtierra-Rodriguez, Member, IEEE

Abstract— A methodology for automatic incipient broken rotor of IMs requires the maintenance programs to be accurate
bar detection in induction motors (IMs) is presented. Sparse since faults during an operation could lead to catastrophic
representations of signals are applied as a diagnosis technique. effects, generating time, and economic losses. A common fault
The novelty of this technique is that it can analyze the fre-
quency spectra from vibration signals even when the differences in IMs involves broken rotor bars (BRBs). This fault can
among signals are small. This representation allows decompos- be attributed to different causes, ranging from manufacturing
ing or reconstructing signals through a trained dictionary that defects to operating environments and conditions, among
has learned the features of one specific group/class. The main others. Regardless of the cause, a BRB is an important fault
feature of this paper is the use of overcomplete dictionaries that should be dealt at an early stage; otherwise, the damage
trained from sets of signals with faults to be detected. In this
way, trained dictionaries perform the decomposition of signals can gradually increase until the IM becomes totally dam-
using the orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) algorithm. The aged. In addition, bearing faults, ruptures in other bars, and
decomposition is evaluated and classified by error-based criteria increases in electrical consumption are common, and these can
and a majority decision classifier, allowing the detection of early contribute to a rapid and dramatic decrease in the structural
damage, ranging from 1 mm to one broken bar. The detection integrity of IMs.
is performed by the decomposition of vibration signals from
three axes (x, y, and z) of IMs under three load conditions A BRB is one of the most difficult faults to detect.
(unloaded, half loaded, and three-fourths loaded) and different As discussed earlier, this fault may cause other anomalies in
levels of damage (healthy or 0 mm, 1–9 mm, and one broken bar). IMs. One of the most frequently used detection techniques
These signals are processed by the Fourier transform and the is the motor current signal analysis (MCSA) [1]–[6]. Many
spectrum obtained is evaluated by the OMP algorithm. Finally, techniques based on measuring stator current have been pro-
the retrieved information is evaluated and the diagnosis is given.
All algorithms are developed in MATLAB software and the posed. Some of these include resampling [7], principal com-
detection accuracy is higher than 90% for damages as small ponent analysis [8], empirical mode decomposition [9]–[11],
as 1 mm. zero-sequence current [12]–[14], generalized likelihood ratio
Index Terms— Algorithm, broken rotor bar (BRB), fault detec- test [15], filtered parks vector approach and filtered extended
tion, induction motor (IM), orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP), park’s vector approach [16], frequency estimators [17]–[19],
signal classification, sparse representation, vibration signal. fuzzy logic [20], mutual inductances analysis [21], principal
slot harmonics tracking [22], Prony method [23], and rotor
I. I NTRODUCTION current analysis [24]. All of these use spectral information
obtained by fast Fourier transform (FFT) [25] or by one of its
N OWADAYS induction motors (IMs) are frequently used
in the industry for a number of reasons, including their
low cost, reliability, and fast installation. The extensive use
variants [26] in order to analyze information in the frequency
domain and to detect the fault.
Another technique used instead of the FFT to obtain
Manuscript September 9, 2017; revised January 23, 2018; accepted the fault diagnosis in the frequency domain is the dis-
February 22, 2018. The Associate Editor coordinating the review process was
Dr. Yuhua Cheng. (Corresponding author: Jose Rangel-Magdaleno.) crete wavelet transform [27]–[30] or Hilbert transform [31].
C. Morales-Perez and J. Rangel-Magdaleno are with the Electronics Nevertheless, the diagnosis of BRBs is not exclusively limited
Department, National Institute for Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics, to the stator current analysis. The external magnetic field
Puebla 72840, Mexico (e-mail:; jrangel@ analysis [32], air-gap torque analysis [33], vibrations signals
H. Peregrina-Barreto is with the Computer Science Department, National analysis (VSA) [34]–[38], or infrared data analysis [39] can
Institute for Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics, Puebla 72840, Mexico also be applied. Although these techniques do detect BRBs,
J. P. Amezquita-Sanchez and M. Valtierra-Rodriguez are with the ENAP- their diagnoses are limited to either one or two broken bars
Research Group, Autonomous University of Queretaro, Santiago de Querétaro and, only in very accurate cases, to partial damage [19], [40].
76806, Mexico (e-mail:; The signal decomposition analysis (SDA) [41] offers an
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at alternative to detect accurate characteristics of the sig-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIM.2018.2813820 nals that are difficult to detect by using other techniques.
0018-9456 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


The decomposition of signals is a widely studied area in com-

pressive sensing reconstruction [42], [43], and this topic has
proven its efficiency in decomposing or reconstructing signals
based on different algorithms such as the orthogonal matching
pursuit (OMP) [44] to perform the decomposition, and the
K-singular value decomposition (K-SVD) algorithm [45] to
obtain dictionaries.
In this paper, a new methodology is proposed to detect Fig. 1. Example of variations of the spurious components in the power
BRBs in IMs by analyzing the sparse representation of the spectral density (PSD), under half-loaded and IM damage levels. (a) Healthy
frequency spectra (obtained by FFT) from vibration signals bar. (b) Half-broken bar. (c) One broken bar.
and evaluating the information by a criterion and a classifier.
This is possible through dictionaries trained from spectra sets
with specific faults. The obtained spectra from IMs are then
introduced to the OMP algorithm, which performs the decom-
position with all the dictionaries obtained, which contain the
necessary information to perform the diagnosis. A criterion
and a classifier are used to obtain the diagnosis; the former
is error based, whereas the latter is by majority decision. The
criterion is proposed from the minimal decomposition error Fig. 2. Example of variations of the spurious components in the PSD, under
given by the dictionary belonging to the group of the spectrum. IM mechanical loads. (a) Unloaded. (b) One-half loaded. (c) Three-fourths
The classifier helps to increase the accuracy of the proposed loaded.
technique, which uses three axes of vibration signals. The third
axis classification does not negatively affect the result if it is the leakage produced by the FFT around the main frequency.
a different classification. Early detection, even from 1 mm On the other hand, faults are easily detected when the damage
of damage, is possible with more than 90% accuracy using and mechanical load increase because the amplitude of the
the proposed technique. This helps for planning maintenance spurious components increases and moves away from the main
programs based on the early detection, extending the useful component [36], [37].
life of the IM and reducing the financial losses. Generally, fault detection using VSA is difficult to perform
by traditional techniques because the vibrations do not only
II. V IBRATION A NALYSIS have the signals of IMs, but they also have other undesirable
It is well known that BRBs can cause dissymme- components from the environment (electrical noise, building
try in rotors [35]. Detection of BRBs is possible by vibration and sounds, and among others) which can hide
MCSA [46] or VSA [35] and by using the FFT in a preprocess- the components of interest, especially if these have a small
ing stage since the spurious spectral components appear as the amplitude.
dissymmetry increases. The VSA is possible due to this fault
creates disturbances in the magnetic field that causes several III. S PARSE R EPRESENTATION OF A S IGNAL
vibration in the machine. In the other words, if a broken bar Sparse representation provides the representation of a signal
is present, the current in this bar does not circulate; therefore, in its linear combination of elements, as stated in
its magnetic field is not created and the magnetomotive forces

become unbalanced, increasing the vibrations [36], [47], [48]. x = Dα + r = α[i ]di + r (2)
For that reason, this condition is considered a mechanical i=1
fault [35]. The unbalance in the magnetomotive forces injects
where x ∈ Rn is the signal to decompose, D = {d1 ,
spurious components. These spurious components can be
d2 , . . . , dm } ∈ Rn×m is the dictionary matrix with m atoms
found close to the main frequency f s as stated in the following
(elemental signals), α ∈ Rm is the sparse vector that provides
the decomposition, r ∈ Rn is the residual of reconstruction,
f bLk = f s (1 − 2ks) and α[i ] ∈ R and di ∈ Rn are the i th sparse coefficient and
f b Rk = f s (1 + 2ks) (1) atom, respectively. Thus, the signal x can be decomposed
in some atoms from D contained in the sparse vector α.
where f bLk is the spurious left frequency, f b Rk is the spurious In this way, (2) can be applied and the reconstruction is
right frequency, k = 1, 2, 3, . . ., and s is the asynchronous slip. possible (see Fig. 3). In other words, the original signal can
As the amplitude of the spurious components increases, be represented by fewer nonzero α coefficients (see Fig. 3).
so does the damage (see Fig. 1), in addition to this, The goal of the sparse representation is to provide a version
the mechanical load can also modify their position (see Fig. 2). of the original signal with the fewest possible atoms. Thus,
The spurious components are very close to the main frequency the reconstruction efficiency depends on the trained dictionary
when the IM does not have a mechanical load. In real and on the computation of sparse coefficients. This problem
conditions, these cases impede the detection of the fault if is solved by several algorithms, namely, the K-SVD for dic-
the rupture is beginning since the component is absorbed by tionary training and the OMP for sparse vector computation.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


specify the -norm to be used to compute the decomposition

error (e). Once the computation ends, the algorithm retrieves
the obtained sparse vector (αk ), the positions of the selected
atoms (Sk ), the computed residual (rk ), and the calculated
decomposition error (e). The algorithm executes the three
initial conditions shown in step 1. The first condition is
r0 = x, and it indicates that the signal is preparing for
the decomposition; the second condition, D0 = ∅, refers
to any atom that has been selected; and finally, the third
Fig. 3. Signal representation. (a) Spectrum. (b) Sparse representation of the condition, j = 0, indicates that a program counter is starting.
spectrum. This algorithm uses two stop criteria (step 2). The first and
main criterion is because the decomposition can be limited
A. Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Algorithm to a maximum number of atoms. The second or auxiliary
The OMP algorithm helps to solve the optimization problem criterion is only to avoid an infinite loop. In other words, if an
stated in (3). It selects the atoms that best represent some parts atom is selected more than once consecutively, the algorithm
of the energy of the original signal and seeks to obtain the will adequately end, because it has reached the maximum
smallest possible value of the residual r decomposition.
Next, the program counter is increased (step 3) and the
argmin x − Dα s.t. α0  m. (3) j th iteration is set. Then, the atom with the maximum absolute
correlation with the residual is found (step 4) and the obtained
Under ideal conditions, r = 0, but this is not possible index s j is saved. This is because, this atom contains some
since the solutions for (3) are subject to quantization errors. parts of the energy of the original signal, so the atoms and the
That means that numerical errors are present during the corresponding index are saved in S j (step 5) and D j (step 6),
computation. However, if we use this residual condition, it is respectively. After that, the signal reconstruction is computed
possible to assume that x = Dk α, where Dk ∈ Rn×k is using the current D j α (step 7), and then, the residual is
a submatrix that contains k atoms to reconstruct a desired obtained (step 8). Stop criteria are evaluated in step 9.
signal x, so α = Dk−1 x. The equation is correct by definition,
but the goal of sparse representation is that k < n and k  m. B. K-Singular Value Decomposition Algorithm
Otherwise, Dk is not square, and the inverse matrix cannot be
A successful decomposition depends on providing an accu-
computed by traditional techniques.
rate basis. This is the main goal of the K-SVD algo-
A solution to this problem is
rithm, which provides the basis from a training set of
α = Dk† x (4) signals (X) [45]. The K-SVD solves

where Dk† ∈ Rk×n is the Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse argmin X − Dα s.t. α0 ≤ k (5)
of Dk . Then, under high-performance conditions r → 0,
satisfying (4). This means that the sparse representation of where X ∈ R M×n is the training set with M signals, D is
a signal can be found. the dictionary to train, α is the sparse vector, and α0 is
the pseudonorm 0 . The K-SVD applies a process known
as dictionary learning [41], which adapts a dictionary to
Algorithm 1 OMP
recognize the particular features from the X set.
Require: D, x, k, and .
Ensure: αk , Sk , rk , and e.
Algorithm 2 K-SVD
1: r0 = x, D0 = ∅, and j = 0.
2: while ( j < k and s j  = s j −1 ) do
Require: D0 , X, and K .
3: j = j +1 Ensure: Dk .
1: for k = 1 to K do
4: s j = argmax |r j −1 di |
i=1,...,m 2: Use OMP to obtain α
5: S j = S j −1 ∪ s j 3: for j = 1 to m do
6: D j = [D j −1 ds j ] 4: ω = {l ∈ 1, 2, . . . , M, αk [ j, l] = 0}
7: argmi nx − D j α j  5: αω [ j, ω] = 0
8: rj = x − Djαj 6: R = X ω − Dk αω
9: end while 7: [U V ] = SV D(R)
10: e = x
8: d j ∈ Dk = u 1
 9: α j ∈ αk = v 1 (1, 1)
10: end for
The steps to obtain the sparse representation of a signal are 11: end for
described in Algorithm 1. First, it is necessary to provide a
dictionary (D), the signal to decompose (x), and the maximum The steps to perform the K-SVD are shown in Algorithm 2.
number of atoms (k) to decompose the signal, and then to This process uses an initial dictionary of random values D0 ,
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 4. Methodology. (a) Used for the dictionary training process. (b) Used for the SDA.

distorts the air-gap magnetic field which intensifies the

vibration, and finally, injects harmonics in different
ranges of frequencies [35], [36], [47], [48]. Accordingly,
it was detected that most of the information regarding
BRBs are stored within this range. This helps to reduce
the amount of data and focus the analysis.
4) Sets of trimmed and normalized spectra (|X T N |) are
introduced to the K-SVD algorithm, which processes the
spectra and trains a dictionary with the found features.
5) The obtained dictionary is saved and labeled for future
Fig. 5. Vibrations signal in (a) time domain and (b) frequency domain.
This process is executed for each load condition and damage
level. Once dictionaries are obtained, the process is no longer
a training set X, and K iterations. The algorithm returns the
trained dictionary D K . Further information about the K-SVD necessary, because the dictionaries used in the SDA do not
algorithm is found in [41] and [45].
B. Signal Decomposition Analysis
IV. M ETHODOLOGY This process consists of four main blocks [see Fig. 4(b)]
The proposed methodology (see Fig. 4) consists of obtaining in order to process (FFT and T&N), decompose (OMP), and
vibration signals from an IM by using a triaxial accelerometer evaluate (classifier) the vibration signal. These blocks are
[vibration element (VE)]. These signals are contained and described as follows.
converted to digital format [data acquisition system (DAS)] in 1) The signal acquisition (DAS), the FFT process (|FFT|),
order to store them in a computer. Then, the vibration signal is and the T&N follow the same process as the dictionary
processed, decomposed, and evaluated to finally give the fault training process. The difference is that each signal is
diagnosis. preprocessed. In other words, a set of signals is not
A. Dictionary Obtaining Process 2) The obtained spectrum is introduced to the OMP algo-
rithm, which uses the dictionaries obtained by the
The dictionary training process is shown in Fig. 4(a). As can K-SVD to perform the decomposition and to give the
be observed, the process is composed of three main blocks: necessary information regarding it, namely, the sparse
absolute FFT (|FFT|), trimming and normalization (T&N), and vector (α) and the decomposition error (e). The OMP
the K-SVD algorithm. The process is described as follows. decomposes the signal with the learned dictionary for
1) The process starts with the vibration signals acquisition each fault condition. This allows establishing a relation-
from the IM. The signals are acquired by a DAS. ship between the signal type and the fault type featured
2) The set of FFT signals is computed and its absolute by the dictionary.
value is obtained for simplicity and convenience. The 3) The obtained information is given to the classifier, which
vibration signals are better analyzed in the frequency then evaluates the information and determines the type
domain (see Fig. 5) since the spurious frequencies close of fault present in the IM.
to the main frequency can be detected (1).
3) Spectra (|X|) are trimmed in the 40–552-Hz range (for V. E XPERIMENTAL S ETUP
this paper), and are then normalized for simplicity and The vibration signals used in this paper were obtained
convenience. This range is selected due to the fault by a sensor (VE) microelectromechanicals-based triaxial
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 6. IM setup. (a) Rotor damage. (b) Coupling for mechanical load.

Fig. 8. Signal representation of 2 mm of damage signals by

(a) dictionary 2 mm, (b) dictionary 4 mm, (c) dictionary 6 mm, and
(d) dictionary 8 mm.
Fig. 7. Damage level spectra. (a) Commonly detected damage levels: healthy
bar, half-broken bar, and one broken bar. (b) Small damage levels: 2, 4, 6,
and 8 mm.
way, the decomposition can be applied to the signal and the
decomposed signal can be associated with the group of the
accelerometer LIS3L02AS4, with the following features:
dictionary that represent in the best way. Fig. 8 depicts how
±2/±6 g user-selectable full scale; 5×10−4 g resolution over a
the spectra of an IM with 2 mm of damage (blue line) is
10 Hz-bandwidth; bandwidth of 1.5 kHz for all axes; and a 12-
decomposed and reconstructed by the set of learned dictionar-
bits four-channel analog-to-digital converter ADS7841 with a
ies. These dictionaries were featured (as example) to identify
200-kHz conversion rate. A MAX3243 transceiver for digital
damages at 2, 4, 6, and 8 mm.
data communication through RS-232 interface was used.
Fig. 8 depicted the reconstructions of a signal by the trained
Three 1-hp squirrel-cage IMs with 28 bars, and connected
dictionaries for: 2, 4, 6, and 8 mm. In Fig. 8(a), it is possible to
to three-phase line at 220 VAC and 60 Hz, were used for
see that the reconstructed spectrum (red plot) is very approxi-
the tests. Each bar is 80 mm of length and 10 mm of
mated to the original signal (blue plot) with small differences
diameter. The damage to the rotor bar was gradually made
in its peaks. In the case of Fig. 8(b), more differences are
with 1-mm increments by a milling machine [see Fig. 6(a)]
presented: the peak in 180 Hz is not approximated and differ-
for guaranteeing the discontinuity of the bar [34], [38]. The
ent increments in the 300–400 Hz-range are observed, where
maximum drilling diameter is about 5% of the total length of
the reconstruction is very different from the original signal.
the bar (4.33 mm), and the maximum drilling deep is 10 mm
In Fig. 8(c), the signal reconstruction in the 300–400-Hz range
(fully broken bar). A band-coupled car alternator was used for
is not approximated to the original signal: the discrepancy
mechanical load [30] [see Fig. 6(b)]. The IM and the alternator
in this range is evident. Finally, in Fig. 8(c), the 180-Hz
were fixed in a concrete base for avoid interference. Resis-
peak, 250–280-Hz range, 330-Hz peak, and 480-Hz peak are
tance arrays connected to the alternator were implemented to
not approximated to the original signal adequately. These
accomplish different load conditions.
small differences are presented, because the OMP algorithm
performed the decomposition with a dictionary that does not
VI. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS belong to the signal type, but it did not find atoms that
One limitation in the detection of BRB from vibration give enough information to ensure a better decomposition
signals is its difficulty in separating the information of the IM [see Fig. 8(b)–(d)]. In this case, the best reconstruction of the
condition from the environmental disturbances. The difficulty signal is obtained by the first dictionary [Fig. 8(a)]; therefore,
increases when we want to detect minimal damage levels, the most likely signal corresponds to the 2-mm damage group,
e.g., of 1 mm, because the spurious frequencies present small i.e., a successful classification.
differences between near faults. This problem is depicted The signals used are shown in Table I. Eleven damage
in Fig. 7. levels were applied, where 0 mm of damage corresponds to
An alternative is found in [41], where the SDA effective- a healthy condition; an unloaded condition (A), an one-half
ness is demonstrated in the classification of systems. This is loaded condition (B), and a three-fourths loaded condition (C)
possible because dictionaries can be trained from different were used. Each signal was obtained from 1 s of sampling
groups of signals, each one with particular features. In this (3200 samples) in steady state, and from the three axes
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.




Fig. 9. Axes of the sensor with respect to the IM.

[x-axis: radial direction; y-axis: axial direction; and

z-axis: gravity direction (see Fig. 9)]. A fivefold cross
validation was developed, where the training and testing
signals were randomly selected to avoid bias.
To train the dictionaries, the process shown in Fig. 4(a) was
applied. Algorithms 1 and 2 were developed in a MATLAB
software. One dictionary was obtained for each damage level,
load condition, and axis. Thus, 33 overcomplete dictionar-
ies [45] were generated (for each cross validation and axis) TABLE IV
with the following parameters: X was introduced according to AVERAGE P ERCENTAGES OF C LASSIFICATIONS FOR THE z-A XIS
the training sets shown in Table I and K = 20 [45], [49]. Each
trained overcomplete dictionary is a matrix of 512 × 1792.
A criterion based on the minimal decomposition error is
r Lai 
G La = argmin = argmin(e Lai ) (6)
i x Lai  i

where G La is the spectrum classification obtained (damage

diagnosis), r Lai  is the -norm of the residual, x Lai  is
the -norm of the signal, and e Lai is the decomposition error
obtained. Subindexes Lai are load conditions L = {A, B, C},
a is the axis, and i = {0, 1, . . . , 10} is the damage level.
It is possible to apply (6) because, as mentioned above,
the dictionary that best decomposes (represents or recon-
structs) the spectrum also gives the smallest decomposition
error that determines the class (fault) to which the spectra
The parameters used to accomplish the decomposition are:
k = 32 experimentally selected to meet α0  m condition,
A. Results and the 1 and 2 norms were applied.
The classification process was performed with the decom- Tables II–IV show the results of the tests. As can be
position of every spectrum with all the dictionaries. observed, the best classification is performed by spectra from
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



Fig. 10. ROC curves for classifier under different load conditions and based
on (a) 1 and (b) 2 .

where SC Lai is the percentage success rate for each class,

Ns Lai is the correctly classified spectra number, and Nt is the
testing spectra number. Thus, the total average success rate is
j =0 AS La j
TAS La = (9)
x-axis signals, as expected because this axis is in radial
position [37], and the error based criteria in 1 -norm (Table II). where i max is the maximum damage level, ASLa j is the average
These results suggest implementing a classifier based on the success rate, and Ni is the damage number.
combination of the results from the three axes, in others words, In Fig. 10, the receiver operating characteristic (ROC)
implementing a simple classifier based on majority decisions curves applied to the detection algorithm tests are depicted,
to increase the classification accuracy (Algorithm 3). where the specificity and sensitivity were explored. In the
worst case, the area under the ROC curve is about 0.9769.
Algorithm 3 Classifier Based on Majority Decisions These results demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed
Require: G L x , G Ly and G Lz .
This paper was developed in MATLAB R2015b installed
Ensure: G L M .
on Windows 10 x64 in a laptop PC with an Intel CORE
1: if (G Ly = G Lz and G Ly  = G L x ) then
i5-6200U CPU at 2.3–2.4 GHz and 12 GB of RAM. The SDA
2: G L M = G Ly
processing and diagnosis were obtained in a maximum time
3: else
of about 1.463 s.
4: G L M = G L x
5: end if
B. Discussion
The function of Algorithm 3 is simple. It makes use of the Table VI presents a qualitative comparison between the
results of (6) of each axis (input). So, if the prediagnosis of proposed methodology and other methodologies introduced
the y-axis and z-axis are the same, then the final diagnosis is in the literature, where the methodology used and the per-
the same as the y-axis (step 2); otherwise, the final diagnosis centage effectiveness to diagnose the IM condition are shown.
is given by the x-axis (step 4). This includes the case where Observing Table VI, the proposal presents an effectiveness per-
the diagnoses of the three axes are different. centage of 93% in average for detecting the consolidated fault,
As shown in Table V, the classification accuracy is e.g., one BRB, as well as its incipient state to different load
increased. This is because the correct classification can be levels such as 0%, 50%, and 75%, unlike the other proposed
selected by two axes when the third axis is wrong. If each of methodologies revised in [50]–[54], which present mainly the
the three axes makes a different diagnosis, the final decision analysis of the consolidated failure (one or more BRBs).
is made by the axis with the highest accuracy; in this case, Incipient BRB detection, i.e., a partially cracked bar, rep-
the final decision is made by the x-axis (Algorithm 3, step 4). resents a challenge problem, because it alters slightly the
The average success rate is obtained by features of the measured signal when they are compared with
j =1 SC Lai j
the ones obtained from a healthy IM condition. The incipient
AS Lai = (7) condition, mainly half-broken rotor bar, has been studied in
different works introduced in [11] and [55]–[59], where an
where ASLai is the average success for an L load condition,
effectiveness percentage higher than 95% is reported by using
thea-axis, and an i damage level, T is the number of cross
mainly IMs of 1 hp, yet a constant load is studied, generating
validations, and SC Lai j is the success rate for each class in
the uncertainty if these proposals can detect a BRB fault under
every test
another load condition. Recently, Rangel-Magdaleno et al. [60]
Ns Lai present a Hilbert–Huang transform-based methodology for an
SC Lai = × 100% (8)
Nt incipient BRB detection starting from 3 mm to different loads,
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



where an effectiveness percentage of 99% is obtained; never- when it is supported by a classifier such as the majority
theless, the methodology proposed in this paper is capable of decision (Algorithm 3), a better classification is achieved.
identifying the BRB fault in an earlier stage to different load On the other hand, as the proposed methodology makes use
levels: 0%, 50%, and 75%, i.e., from 1 mm to the consoli- of the FFT, the analysis has to be focused on the stationary
dation of the failure, making it a more attractive tool for the vibration signals, else the accuracy of the detection is not
industry. guaranteed. Although the obtained of a sparse representation
is a time-consuming process given that the dictionaries may
VII. C ONCLUSION have higher dimensions (overcomplete dictionaries), the results
A methodology to detect BRBs based on sparse representa- show that the diagnosis is obtained rapidly (1.463 s) if we take
tion was presented. The accuracy for detecting faults from into account the amount of data analyzed.
1 to 10 mm in an unloaded condition, a one-half loaded With the OMP and the K-SVD algorithms, early BRBs,
condition, and a three-fourths loaded condition (90%, 96%, starting from 1 mm, are possible to detect. The results
and 94%, respectively) are high, mainly considering the chal- make possible to start a hardware implementation design.
lenge that represents the detection of a partially cracked bar This methodology will be performed and tested on field-
(from 1 mm) using both vibration signals and loads lower than programmable gate array in a future work.
the rated load. Also, the efficiency of the sparse representation
as a powerful tool to classify signals was demonstrated. This
efficiency is supported by the basis contained in the dictio- [1] S. Choi, E. Pazouki, J. Baek, and H. R. Bahrami, “Iterative condition
monitoring and fault diagnosis scheme of electric motor for harsh
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[39] M. J. Picazo-Ródenas, J. Antonino-Daviu, V. Climente-Alarcon, [57] J. P. Amezquita-Sanchez, M. Valtierra-Rodriguez, C. A. Perez-Ramirez,

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[45] M. Aharon, M. Elad, and A. Bruckstein, “K-SVD: An algorithm for Carlos Morales-Perez (GS’13) was born in
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J. M. Ramirez-Cortes, P. Gomez-Gil, and R. Morales-Caporal, “FPGA- degree from the National Institute for Astrophysics,
based broken bars detection on induction motors under different load Optics and Electronics, Puebla, Mexico, in 2017,
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[48] M. F. Cabanas et al., “Unambiguous detection of broken bars in
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[49] J. Mairal, F. Bach, J. Ponce, G. Sapiro, and A. Zisserman, “Discrimina-
Jose Rangel-Magdaleno (S’08–M’13–SM’17)
tive learned dictionaries for local image analysis,” in Proc. IEEE Conf.
received the B.E. degree in electronics engineering
Comput. Vis. Pattern Recognit., Jun. 2008, pp. 1–8.
and the M.E. degree in electrical engineering
[50] D. Matić, F. Kulić, M. Pineda-Sánchez, and I. Kamenko, “Support vector
on hardware signal processing from the Univer-
machine classifier for diagnosis in electrical machines: Application to
sidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico, in
broken bar,” Expert Syst. Appl., vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 8681–8689, 2012.
2006 and 2008, respectively, and the Ph.D.
[Online]. Available:
degree from the Universidad Autonoma de Quere-
taro, Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico, in 2011.
[51] E. Germen, M. Başaran, and M. Fidan, “Sound based induction motor
He is currently a Full Researcher with the
fault diagnosis using Kohonen self-organizing map,” Mech. Syst. Sig-
Electronics Department, National Institute for
nal Process., vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 45–58, 2014. [Online]. Available:
Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics, Puebla,
Mexico. He has authored one book, and has more than 65 works published
[52] A. Glowacz, “Diagnostics of DC and induction motors based on
in book chapters, journals, and conferences. His current research interests
the analysis of acoustic signals,” Meas. Sci. Rev., vol. 14, no. 5,
include field-programmable gate arrays, signal and image processing,
pp. 257–262, 2014.
instrumentation, and mechatronics.
[53] B. Bessam, A. Menacer, M. Boumehraz, and H. Cherif, “DWT and
Dr. Rangel-Magdaleno is a member of the Mexican national research
Hilbert transform for broken rotor bar fault diagnosis in induction
system (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores), level 1.
machine at low load,” Energy Proc., vol. 74, pp. 1248–1257, Aug. 2015.
[Online]. Available:
[54] R. J. Romero-Troncoso, A. Garcia-Perez, D. Morinigo-Sotelo,
O. Duque-Perez, R. A. Osornio-Rios, and M. A. Ibarra-Manzano, “Rotor Hayde Peregrina-Barreto (S’09–M’12) received
unbalance and broken rotor bar detection in inverter-fed induction the bachelor’s degree in computer science from the
motors at start-up and steady-state regimes by high-resolution spectral Instituto Tecnologico de Cuautla, Cuautla, Mexico,
analysis,” Electric Power Syst. Res., vol. 133, pp. 142–148, Apr. 2016. in 2006, the master’s degree in engineering from
[Online]. Available: the Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico,
S0378779615003867 in 2008, and the Ph.D. degree in engineering from
[55] D. Camarena-Martinez, C. A. Perez-Ramirez, M. Valtierra-Rodriguez, the Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro, Santiago
J. P. Amezquita-Sanchez, and R. de Jesus Romero-Troncoso, “Syn- de Querétaro, Mexico, 2011.
chrosqueezing transform-based methodology for broken rotor bars In 2014, she was a Post-Doctoral Researcher in
detection in induction motors,” Measurement, vol. 90, pp. 519–525, medical imaging with the National Institute for
Aug. 2016. [Online]. Available: Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics, Puebla, Mex-
article/pii/S0263224116301506 ico, where she is currently a Titular Researcher. She has authored more than
[56] A. Naha, A. K. Samanta, A. Routray, and A. K. Deb, “A method for 40 works in book chapters, journals, and conferences. Her current research
detecting half-broken rotor bar in lightly loaded induction motors using interests include image processing and medical imaging.
current,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 65, no. 7, pp. 1614–1625, Dr. Peregrina-Barreto is a member of the Mexican National Research
Jul. 2016. System (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores).
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Juan Pablo Amezquita-Sanchez received the B.Sc. Martin Valtierra-Rodriguez (M’14) received
and M.Sc. degrees in electronic engineering from the B.E. degree in mechatronics engineering and
the University of Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico, the M.E. degree in electrical engineering from the
in 2007 and 2009, respectively, and the Ph.D. University of Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico,
degree in mechatronics from the Autonomous Uni- in 2008 and 2010, respectively, and the Ph.D.
versity of Queretaro, Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico, degree in mechatronics from the Autonomous
in 2012. University of Queretaro, Santiago de Querétaro,
From 2013 to 2014, he was a Post-Doctoral Mexico, in 2013.
Visiting Scholar with The Ohio State University, He is currently a Professor with the Faculty of
Columbus, OH, USA. He is currently a Full Engineering, Autonomous University of Queretaro.
Time Professor with the Faculty of Engineering, His current research interests include power quality
Autonomous University of Queretaro. He has authored or co-authored in the analysis, expert systems, and signal processing.
areas of structural health monitoring, signal processing, and mechatronics. Dr. Valtierra-Rodriguez is a member of the Mexican National Research
Dr. Amezquita-Sanchez is a member of the Mexican National Research System (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores), level 1.
System (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores), level 1.

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