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Chemistry All Chapter Q&A

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Summary of Organic Chemistry

Questions and Answers
1) Define chemistry?
Ans: The science of composition, structure, properties and reactions of matter
2) List the five main braches of chemistry?
Ans: a) organic chemistry b) inorganic chemistry
c) physical chemistry d) analytic chemistry e) biochemistry
3) What is organic chemistry?
Ans: comes from living organisms, is the study of compounds that contain carbon
4) what is inorganic chemistry?
Ans: Anything related none living matter
5) what is biochemistry?
Ans: The study of chemistry of living system
6) What is vital force theory?
Ans: The theory that originated organic compound only found living organisms
7) Vital force theory also known as _________
Ans: Life force or Vitalism
8) Who proposed vital force theory?
Ans: In the early 19th century Jons Jacob Berzelius developed it
9) What does vital force theory state?
Ans: a) organic compounds cannot be made in the lab from inorganic
b) synthesis of organic compound requires vital force, only living organisms contain it
10) When was vital force rejected?
Ans: 1820
11) Who disproved vital force theory?
Ans: Friedrich Wohler

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12) What is Urea?
Ans: Is the first organic compound prepared in lab
13) Where are Urea found?
Ans: Animal urine from organic compound
14) Write the preparation equation of Urea?
Ans: Ag CNO + NH4Cl Ag Cl + NH 4CNO
15) Write the equation of Urea?
16) What is organic compound
Ans: Covalent bonded compound containing carbon excluding carbonates and oxides
17) What are the common sources of organic compound?
Ans: a) plants and animals b) petroleum and natural gases c) Coal
18) What are Classification of Carbon?
Ans: a) primary carbon: carbon atom attached to none or other carbon
b) secondary carbon: carbon atom attached to two other carbons
c) tertiary carbon: carbon atom attached to three other carbons
d) quaternary carbon: carbon atom attached to four other carbons
19) why carbon is a unique element?
Ans: a) carbon has a valance of four means tetra valance
b) it has ability to form strong covalent bond
c) carbon may form single bond, double bond and even triple bond
d) it has catenation property
20) what is catenation?
Ans: Is the ability of carbon atom link with other carbon atom form long chain or large ring

21) Define the following:

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Ans: a) ground state: is the initial state of electrons
b) electron promotion: is the removal of electrons from one orbital to another
c) Hybridization: means mixing is process of combining orbitals to create new orbital
22) what is the difference between SP, SP2 and SP3?
Ans: a) SP is the combination of 1S and 1P
b) SP2 is the combination of 1S and 2P
c) SP3 is the combination of 1S and 3P
23) what are localized electrons or Sigma bond?
Ans: electrons that are stationary / have fixed position between the bond
24) what are delocalized electrons or Pi bond?
Ans: Electrons that are free to move between the bond
25) define allotropes?
Ans: Different forms of the same element based on their bonding
26) What is meant by the term allotrope?
Ans: Allotrope means other manner
27) What are the types of allotropes?
Ans: a) diamond b) graphite c) Bucky ball {Buckminster fullerene}
28) write some properties of diamond graphite and Bucky ball?
Ans: Diamond graphite Bucky ball
 Tetrahedral trihedral double/Penta/Hex
 Extremely hard soft Soft
 Poor conductor good Conductor super conductor
 Non lubricant lubricant lubrication
 MP 3830 K 37200c 2800c
 dens 3.51 g/cm3 2.26 g/cm3 1.65 g/cm3
29) allotropes of the element must have same ____
Ans: phase

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30) what are hydrocarbons?
Ans: Are compounds contain only carbon and hydrogen
31) What means the word of aliphatic
Ans: the term alliphies originally comes from Greek word which means fat
32) State the synonyms of alkane, alkene and alkyne?
Ans: a) alkanes also known as paraffin’s means slightly affinity
b) alkenes also known as Olefins means oil making
c) alkynes are traditional known as acetylene, although the name acetylene also
refers specifically to C2H2
33) write down classification of hydrocarbon?

Aliphatic aromatic

A cyclic chain open chain Benzene poly nuclear

Saturated unsaturated

Alkane alkene alkyne

34) what is structural formula?
Ans: Formula that represent the arrangement of atoms and bonds in a molecule
35) What is molecular formula?
Ans: Formula that represent the actual number of atoms in a molecule
36) List halogen group substituted elements?
Ans: Fluoro- Choro- Bromo- Iodo-
37) What are Alkyl group?

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Ans: Are univalent saturated hydrocarbon radical with formula CnH2n+1
They are derived from alkanes by removing single hydrogen
their name also derived by changing the suffix “ane” to “yl”
38) What are alkanes?
Ans: saturated compounds meaning that the carbon bonds are all involved in single
39) Write down the physical property of alkanes?
Ans: a) Alkane is a gas at room temperature b) non polar
c) Alkanes are able to be burned in combustion reaction d) in soluble in water
40) Give some example uses of alkanes?
Ans: Crude petroleum {mixture of C5 to C18}, when making roads & fuel for gasoline
41) Write down the formula of the following?
Ans: Alkane: CnH2n+2 Alkene: CnH2n Alkyne: CnH2n-2
42) What stands for IUPAC?
Ans: International union pure applied chemistry
43) To name alkane what are steps to follow?
Ans: a) choose the longest chain {parent chain}
b) indicate the side chain by the lowest possible number
c) if the same substituent appears more than once use prefix di, tri, tetra … etc.
d) numbers are separated by commas, numbers and letters are separated hyphens
e) arrange the side chain by alphabetical order
44) What are Isomers?
Ans: compounds with Same molecular formula but different structural formula and
45) Write down formula of isomers?
Ans: 2n-4 +1
46) Methane, ethane and propane has no______________?

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Ans: Isomers
47) The smallest alkene is ____________?
Ans: Ethene
48) What are alkenes?
Ans: Organic compounds containing carbon and hydrogen and at least one double bond
49) What is saturated compound?
Ans: Organic compound containing all single bond
50) What is unsaturated compound?
Ans: Organic compound that contain multiple bonding
51) What are alkynes?
Ans: Organic compounds containing carbon and hydrogen and at least one triple bond
52) What are substituent Halogens?
Ans: Organic compounds where one or more of the branches are a halogen
53) Substituent halogens also known as _______________?
Ans: Alkyl halides
54) The smallest alkane is____________?
Ans: Methane
55) What are Aromatics?
Ans: The terms aromatic means {pleasant smell} that a compound contains one or more
benzene ring
56) What is a Benzene ring?
Ans: Is an organic structure that contain 6-carbon ring with alternating double bonds
57) Who discovered Benzene?
Ans: Michael faraday in 1820’s but took more than 40 years for the actual structure.
58) Who discovered the actual structure of Benzene?
Ans: Friedrich August kekule in 1865 after he had a dream of snakes biting their tails
59) Describe the general formula of Benzene?

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60) Write some properties of benzene?
Ans: colorless liquid, soluble in organic solvent but immiscible in water,
highly inflammable and burns with sooty flame
61) Tell melting point and boiling point of Benzene?
Ans: melting point 5.50C and boiling point 80.50C
62) Define carcinogenic substance?
Ans: are cancer causing substance
63) Give example of pleasant aromatics?
Ans: Vanilla
64) Give example of unpleasant aromatics?
Ans: Moth balls {naphthalene}
65) Who proposed the theory of resonance structure of benzene molecules?
Ans: Linus Pauling
66) When Linus Pauling received noble prize of chemistry?
Ans: In 1954 but didn’t receive a high school diploma until 1962
67) In aliphatic carbon-carbon single bonds are ______________?
Ans: 154 Pico meter
68) In aliphatic carbon -carbon double bonds are ______________?
Ans: 134 Pico meter
69) All the carbon-carbon bonds in benzene are the same length ____________?
Ans: 139 Pico meter they are neither single nor double bonds
70) What properties of Aromatics?
Ans: Slightly water-soluble and most are carcinogenic depending on exposure
concentration and time
71) Give examples of benzene compound that are our everyday life?
Ans: a) Aspirin: is a common painkiller
b) Saccharin: is an artificial sweetener as is aspartame
c) Aspartame: is commonly used in soft drinks and diet drinks

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72) What are the following prefix indicating for?
Ans: a) “Ortho” two substituents are on adjacent carbon atoms C1 to C2
b) “meta” two substituents are on carbon atoms with one carbon atom
skipped between them C1 to C3
c) “para” two substituents are on opposite carbon atoms C1 to C4
73) What is Resonance and Hybrid?
Ans: Means to have two of more equivalent Lewis diagrams representing a particular
Ans: Hybrid: a species with properties in-between the properties of the parents
74) As a substituent of a hydrocarbon chain benzene is known as _________?
Ans: Phenyl group
75) When is the benzene ring referred to as a phenyl group?
Ans: When there are more than two carbon atoms in the alkyl branch attached to a
benzene ring,
the alkane becomes the parent chain and the benzene ring becomes The branch.
I. Naming the following compounds

a (2,3,4-trimethyl pentane)

b (2,2,3,5-tetramethyl heptane )

c (2,3-dimethyl -1-pentene or2,3-dimethyl pent-1-ene )

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d (5,6-dimethyl-3-heptyne )

1) Draw each of the following compounds.

a. 2,3,4-trimethylpentane
b. 2-chloro-1-propene
c. 1-bromo-2-methylbutane
d. Ethyne
e. 1-bromo-5,5-dimethylheptane


A b

C d

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II. Name the following structure

 . (a) 1, 2, 5 – trimethylbenzene
 (b) 1,3,5- tribromobenzene
 (c) m-dinitrobenzene
 (d) ethyl benzene
2) Draw the following structures.
(a) fluorobenzene
(b) p-diethylbenzene
(c) 3-phenylhexane


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Summary of Functional Group
1. What is functional group?

Ans: Functional group is group of atoms which determines the characteristics of the
2. What are the six parts of functional groups?
Ans: They are: alcohols aldehydes, ketones, ethers, esters and organic acid.
3. State the functional group of alcohol?
Ans: Functional group of alcohol is the hydroxyl group.
4. What is the general formula of saturated monohydric alcohol?
Ans: The general formula of saturated monohydric alcohol is cnH2n+1 OH
5. Illustrate each part molecular of alcohols?

Ans: Hydrophobic group (water-heating) and hydrophilic group (water-loving group).

6. Define Alcohol?

Ans: Alcohols have the same general formula as an alkane except they have the functional
group OH called the hydroxyl group.
7. Suggest two methods, which we can prepare alcohol?
Ans: By hydration of alkenes by reduction of aldehydes and ketones.
8. What are physical properties of alcohol?
Ans: The lower members are liquid and the higher members are solids alcohol are colorless
natural substance the solubility’s of alcohols decrease with increase carbon number.
9. Mention uses of alcohol
 alcoholic drinks
 as a fuel (gasohol), in thermometers,
 As a preservative for biological specimens, and as a solvent for paints and drugs
10. Tell classification of Alcohol?
 Primary: is an alcohol in which carbon holding the OH group is bonded by only one carbon
 Secondary: is an alcohol in which carbon holding the OH group is bonded by two other
 Tertiary: is an alcohol in which carbon holding the OH group is bonded by three other

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11. Name the most common alcohol?

Ans: ethanol or ethyl alcohol

12. What is commonly known as dihydric alcohol?

Ans: Glycerol

13. Name the best known of Dihydric Alcohol?

Ans: Ethylene glycols

14. What is commonly known as Trihydric alcohol?

Ans: Glycerin

15. What other name of methanol and ethanol and suggest one method that can be
prepared for each?

Ans: methanol is wood alcohol and ethanol is grain alcohol.

 Methanol can be prepared by reduction of water gas.

 Ethanol can be prepared by hydration of ethane.
16. What is phenol?

Ans: compound containing hydroxyl group attached directly to benzene ring.

17. What are the physical properties and uses phenol?

Ans: physical properties are colorless, crystalline deliquescent solid

it is used antiseptic (materials control) the growth of bacteria also manufacture of aspirin,
dyes, detergent and plastic

18. What is the other name of phenol?

Ans: The other name of phenol is carbolic acid

19. What is the etherification reaction?

Ans: The etherification reaction is a reaction between alcohol and organic acid which
produce ester and water.

20. Define formalin?

Ans: Formalin is aqueous solution of methanol

21. Define Aldehyde?

Ans: are organic compound containing carbonyl group that are always attached at the end of the


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22. What is the common name of aldehyde?

Ans: Methanal or formaldehyde

23. Define Ketones?

Ans: are organic compounds containing the carbonyl groups that are always attached at the center

24. Name the simplest ketone?

Ans: Propnone

25. Where ketones are present in?

Ans: Ketones are present in the body when fat is broken down for energy.

26. What are physical properties and uses of aldehydes and ketones?
 The physical properties and uses of aldehydes and ketones are:
 The lower aldehydes and ketones are volatile liquids except from aldehydes while
higher members are solids.
 The solubility decrease with increasing carbon number.
 Aldehydes have unpleasant smell.
27. Define Organic Acid?

Ans: are organic compound that contain what is known as carboxylic acid

28. What is the common carboxylic acid?

Ans: Niacin {vitamin B3}

29. Where Niacin founds?

Ans: Carrots, green leafy, vegetable, milk, eggs and some fishes

30. What is used Niacin?

Ans: it is used by the body in the aid of metabolism, specially DNA repair & functioning of adrenal

31. Vinegar a common carboxylic acid has a PH of approximately ________?

Ans: 2.4

32. Tell the other name of carboxylic acid?

Ans: fatty acid or organic acid

33. Citric acid is present in ________?

Ans: citric drinks such as lemon juice and orange juice


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34. Methanoic acid also called _____?

Ans: Formic acid

35. What is used formic acid and where it is found?

Ans: its commonly used in the recycling industry especially for recycling rubber

It found in nature as the venom in bees and ants and is released when the insect bites

36. What is carbonyl group?

Ans: is a carbon atom double bonded to an oxygen atom and also bonded two other atoms or

37. What is carboxyl group?

Ans: is a carbon atom double bonded to an oxygen atom a hydroxyl group and bonded H or alky

38. Where most fruits get their rich aroma?

Ans: from a molecule known as Ester

39. Esters are formed from ______?

Ans: organic acid and alcohols

40. When ether was first publicly demonstrated as anesthetic?

Ans: in 1846 at Massachusetts general hospital

41. Ethers are soluble in water while hydrocarbons don’t why?

Ans: Because ethers are polar while hydrocarbons are nonpolar

42. List the properties and uses of the ether?

Ans: Aliphatic ether of higher molecular mass are liquids and aromatic ethers; ethers are
used as solvent many organic compounds also used as anesthesia.

43. Name the most common ether?

Ans: diethyl ether


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III. Name the following compounds

(a) 1-methyl -1-propanol

(b) 3-methyl pentanal

(c) 2-butanone

(d) dipropyl ether

(e) pentanoic acid

(f) propyl propanoate

3) Draw the following compounds

(a) 3-ethyl – 2 - hexanol
(b) 2,2-dimethylpropanal
(c) 2-propanone
(d) Dibutyl ether
(e) Methanoic acid
(f) Methyl butanoate


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(a) (b)

(c ) (d)

(e ) (f )

Summary of Biochemistry
1) Define biochemistry
 Biochemistry: is a science concerned with chemical nature and chemical behavior of
the living matter. Or is the study of chemistry of biomolecules and living organism.
2) List Biomolecules
 Lipids, carbon hydrate, protein, and nucleic acid and vitamins
3) Define lipids
 Lipids Fats and oils (triglycerides) produced for the purpose of storing energy.
4) Uses of cholesterol
 cholesterol which is used in the body to construct cell membranes and as building
blocks for some hormone.
5) What is the important of omega-3 fatty acid?
 Regulate the immune system and to lower blood pressure
 the buildup of atherosclerotic plaques.
6) Mention the source of omega-3 fatty acid?
 It is found in seed oils, fish and also in egg yolks.
7) State the main categories of lipids
 Fatty acids
 Steroids

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 Phospholipids
8) Describe the following terms briefly?
 Fatty acids are molecules with a carboxylic acid group at one end while the
remainder of the molecule is a hydrocarbon chain having anywhere from four (4)
carbon atoms to 36 carbon atoms.
 Steroids Compounds where four carbon rings are bonded together with branches
and functional groups bonded to the rings.
 Phospholipids A combination of fatty acids, glycerol and a phosphate group joined
 Carbohydrates Molecules that contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and have the
general formula C x (H2O) y.
 Monosaccharide A carbohydrate that is single sugar unit (i.e. glucose).
 Disaccharide A carbohydrate that is two sugar units joined together (i.e. sucrose).
 Polysaccharide A carbohydrate that is more than two sugar units joined together
(i.e. starch).
 Polymer A large organic molecule that contains hundreds or even thousands of
 Amino acids Molecules that contain an amine group (-NH2) and a carboxyl group (-
 Peptide pond the link/ bond that joined together amino acids
 Dipeptide Two amino acids joined together.
 Polypeptide Many amino acids combined together.
 Proteins A is a combination of these polypeptides or long chains of amino acids.
Proteins are essential to structure and function of all biological cells.
 Enzymes are a subset of proteins. Or A subset of proteins that function to speed up
a chemical reaction.
 DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) DNA is a polynucleotide that carries our genetic coding;
its function is to direct the body in the synthesis of proteins.
 Amino acids are the building blocks of protein


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9) what is the advantage of phospholipids?
 phospholipids play a major role in cell membrane
10) give examples of monosaccharide’s clearly?
 glucose, fructose means “fruit sugar “and galactose means “milk sugar
11) give examples of disaccharides clearly?
 sucrose, lactose and maltose
12) what is the also known as glucose?
 glucose {C6 H12 O6} is also known as dextrose “the commercial name “or grape fruit”
13) what are most important of polysaccharides?
 the most important of polysaccharides are starch and cellulose.
14) what is starch? and state it’s sources?
 is a white amorphous substance with no taste or smell, it is found in wheat, corn,
rice, nuts and potatoes
15) what is cellulose?
 cellulose is large polymer than starch it is found in plants
16) what is advantage of glycogen?
 glycogen is important as a source of energy storage in both the liver and muscles
17) what glycogen is made up approximately?
 glycogen in animal is made up of about 60,000 glucose unit
18) state protein that are essential to our life and their sources?
 hair and nails contain keratin.
 tooth enamel and bones are made from collagen
 muscle tissues contain acting myosin
 blood color contains hemoglobin

19) List four nitrogen bases?

 Adenine (A)
 Thymine (T)
 Guanine (G)
 Cytosine (C)
20) What is hemoglobin?


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 Hemoglobin is the most complex of the human proteins and is used to Transport
oxygen in the blood.
21) What are four different types of structures that proteins form in the body?
 Primary (1°) structures, it is found in insulin
 Secondary (2°) structures, it is found in insulin
 Tertiary (3°) structures, it is found in muscles
 Quaternary (4°) structures, it is found in Blood
22) what is primary structure?
 primary structure are linear chains of amino acids together in long chains or sheets

a) Monosaccharide + Monosaccharide Disaccharide + water

 C6H12O6 + C6H12O6 C12H22O11 + H2O
b) Glucose + Glucose maltose + water
c) Glucose + fructose sucrose + water
d) Glucose + Galactose lactose + water

Summary of Redox reaction

23) Explain briefly the word of phlogiston
 The term “phlogiston” was coined by Georg Stahl in a paper published in 1718. Stahl
was expanding on a concept originated by his teacher, Joachim Becker. The
phlogiston theory held that all flammable materials contain a substance named
phlogiston in addition to the other components of the material. Phlogiston was
described as being colorless, tasteless, and odorless.
24) When nitrogen was discovered?
 Nitrogen was discovered in 1772.
25) Who and when oxygen was discovered?
 Oxygen was discovered by Joseph Priestly in 1774.
26) Differentiate b/w combustion and phlogiston?
 Combustion a group of chemical reactants that consist of combination of the
flammable material with some component of the air. Or A group of chemical


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reactants in which the reactants are fuel and oxygen gas.
 Phlogiston The “fire substance” from a former theory of combustion.
27) What are the differences b/w the following:
(a) Oxidation and reduction. (b) Oxidation agent and reducing.
 Oxidation: is the loss of electrons or a gain in oxidation number.
While reduction is the gain of electrons or a decrease in oxidation number.
 The oxidizing agent is the substance causing oxidation and therefore, the oxidizing
agent itself is reduced.
The reducing agent is the substance causing reduction and therefore, the reducing
agent itself is oxidized.
28) Define redox reaction
 A reaction involving the gain and loss of electron is called redox reaction
29) Indicate the oxidation numbers for each of the following atoms.
o Mn +2
o Al+3
o Al in Al2O3
o Br in NaBr
o Fe in Fe2O3
o arsenic in AsO4 -3
o chlorine in ClO4 –
o sulfur in H2SO3
 Mn +2 = +2
 Al =0
 Al in Al2O3 = +3
 Br in NaBr = -1
 Fe in Fe2O3 = +3
 arsenic in AsO4 -3 = +5
 chlorine in ClO4 – = +7
 sulfur in H2SO3 = +4


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30) Find the oxidation number of the middle atoms in the following molecules:
(a) HNO3 (b) H2SO4 (C)KmnO4 (d) K2 crO7
 (a) 1+X-6 = 0, X= 5
 (b) 2+X-8=0, X=6
 (c) 1+X-8 =0, X=7
 (d) 2+2x -14 =0, X =6
31) What is the oxidation number of phosphorus in the of phosphate ion PO4-3
 X +4(-2) -3, X-8=-3, X=+5

Summary of Chemical equilibrium

32) Define the chemical equilibrium
 Chemical equilibrium is a state that occurs when the rate of forward reaction is
equal to the rate of the re- verse reaction.
33) Describe the dynamic equilibrium
 Dynamic equilibrium is a state where the rate of the forward reaction is
equal to the rate of the reverse reaction.
34) List the conditions of dynamic equilibrium
 The reaction must be in a closed system.
 The reaction must occur at constant temperature.
 The reaction can be reached either direction (double arrow)
 The rate of forward reaction is equal to the rate of reverse reaction.
35) What is the Equilibrium Constant Expression?
 Equilibrium constant (K) A mathematical ratio that shows the concentrations
of the products divided by concentration of the reactants.
36) State types of equilibrium?
 Homogenous equilibrium and heterogeneous equilibrium
37) Explain Lech atelier principle
 In the late 1800s, a chemist by the name of Henry-Louis Lechatelier was
studying stresses that were applied to chemical equilibrium. He formulated a
principle from this research and, of course, the principle is called Lechatelier's


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Principle. Lechâtelier’s principle states that when a stress is applied to a
system at equilibrium, the equilibrium will shift in a direction to partially
counteract the stress and once again reach equilibrium
38) State factors which causes stress on the chemical equilibrium?
Concentration, Pressure, Temperature and Catalyst

39) Explain how the concentration, pressure and temperature

(a) Raising or lowering the Concentration of a Reactant or Product
 Increasing the concentration of a reactant causes the equilibrium shift to the
right producing more products.
 Increasing the concentration of a product causes the equilibrium shift to the
left producing more reactants.
 Decreasing the concentration of a reactant causes the equilibrium shift to
the left producing fewer products.
 Decreasing the concentration of a product causes the equilibrium shift to
the right producing more products.
(b) increasing or decreasing the pressure of reactant or product
 An increase in pressure will cause the equilibrium shift to the side with the
lesser number of moles of molecules/particles of gas.
 A decrease in pressure will cause the equilibrium shift to the side with the
greater number of moles of molecules/particles of gas.
 A decrease in volume will also cause the equilibrium shift to the side with
the lesser number of moles of gas.
 An increase in volume will also cause the equilibrium shift to the side with
the greater number of moles of gas.
(c) increasing or decreasing the temperature on the reaction
 The reaction is endothermic. With an increase in temperature for an
endothermic reaction, the reactions will shift right producing more products.
 The reaction is exothermic. With an increase in temperature for an
exothermic reaction, the reactions will shift left producing more reactants.


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 For a forward endothermic reaction, an increase in temperature shifts the
equilibrium toward the products whereas a decrease in temperature shifts
the equilibrium toward the reactant side.
 For a forward exothermic reaction, an increase in temperature shifts the
equilibrium toward the reactant side whereas a decrease in temperature
shifts the equilibrium toward the product side.
 Increasing or decreasing the temperature causes the K value to change.
40) Define the catalyst and tell the kinds of it?
 A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction but is,
itself, left unchanged, at the end of the reaction.
Types of catalyst: biological catalyst and chemical catalyst
41) Differentiate b/w endothermic reaction and exothermic reaction?
 Endothermic reaction: A reaction in which the heat content of the reactants
is less than the heat content of the products; energy is needed to be added to
the reactants in order to form the products.
 Exothermic reaction: A reaction in which the heat content of the reactants is
greater than the heat content of the products; the excess energy is given off
as a product.

Summary of Nuclear Chemistry

42) Define nuclear chemistry
 Nuclear chemistry is the reaction which involves changes in atomic nuclei or
is the study of changes that occur within the nuclei of atoms.
43) State who came up with and when it was come up the word of radiation?
 Antoine Henry Becquerel first came up the name of radiation in 1896.
44) Mention the elements that family curie discovered?
 Curie family discovered two elements (polonium and radium).
45) When Becquerel and curies family shared noble prize?
 In 1903.
46) State the scientist who named the kinds of radiations?

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 Ernest Rutherford.
47) Describe radioactivity?
 Radioactivity is the emission of the sub-atomic particles (alpha and beta) or
rays from the nucleus of an atom.
48) Discuss the types of radioactivity?
There are two types of radioactivity
 Natural radioactivity: occurs naturally
 Induced radioactivity: produced artificially in nuclear reactors.
49) What is difference b/w isotopes, isobar and give example each?
 Isotopes atoms with the same atomic number but a different mass number
are called isotopes, such as 1 1H & 2

 Isobar: atoms of different elements which have same mass number, such as
Polonium -218 and astatine -218.
50) Differentiate b/w atomic number and mass number?
 Atomic number the number of protons in the nucleus of the atom is also known as
the atomic number.
 Mass number: is the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an
atom or is the sum of proton and neutron in the nucleus is called mass number.
51) Define the following terms:
(a) Electron (b) proton (c) neutron (d) nucleus
 (a) Electron: is a fundamental sub-atomic particle that carries a negative charge.
 (b) Proton: is a fundamental sub-atomic particle with a net positive charge.
 (c) neutron is a sub-atomic particle with no electric charge and a mass slightly larger
Than a proton.
 (d) The nucleus of an atom if the very dense region, consisting of nucleons
(proton and Neutrons) at the center of an atom.
52) List three characteristics of radioactivity?
 It is due to the instability of the nucleus.
 It is independent of external factors


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 Radioactive element emits alpha, beta and gamma radiations.
53) List two features of radioactive element?
 They are continually decaying in a random process as a result of emitting
 Radiation from radioactive elements causes ionization of air molecules.
54) Define binding energy
 Binding energy is the amount of energy that holds a nucleus together, and therefore,
Also the amount of energy required to decompose a nucleus into its component nucleons.
55) What is mass defect?
 Mass defect is the difference between the sum of the masses of the nuclear
components and the mass of the corresponding nucleus.
56) Give short note about of radioactive decay?
 Radioactive decay: is the process of decomposing to form a different nucleus.
57) State Types of radioactive decay?
 in natural radioactive decay, three common emission occur and they are:
Alpha particles (α), beta particles (β) and gamma rays (γ).
58) differentiate b/w alpha particles, beta particles and gamma rays
(a) Alpha particles
 It is positive charged particle from the nucleus of and atom.
 Its helium nucleus: it has a charge of +2 and a mass +4.

It has written as 2α4 or
 It travels about 5% of speed of light
 It has power of ionization and low power of penetration.
 It can be stopped by thin sheet of paper or your skin.
(b) beta particles
 Beta particle is fast moving electrons.
 They have net charge of -1
 Their speed ranges from 30%-90%of speed of light.
 They are much less ionizing power the alpha but far more penetrating than alpha.


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 It travels view meters in air and can be stopped by about 5mm of aluminum or 1mm
of lead.

(c) Gamma rays

 Gamma radiation is high energy electromagnetic radiation.
 It travels about the speed of light (3*108m/s).
 It has no charge.
 Low ionization.
 High penetration power.
 Gamma emission occurs after alpha or beta.
 Gamma emission can be stopped by lead.
59) What is difference b/w fission and fusion?
 Fission refers to the splitting of atomic nuclei.
 Fusion refers to the joining together to two or more smaller nuclei to form a single
60) Describe background radiation?
 Background radiation is the radiation produced by the radioactive material in the
61) Mention main source of background radiation?
 Cosmic radiation, radon gas and nuclear wastes
62) What are the types of background radiation?
 Type of background radiation comes from variety of natural and artificial radiation.
63) Define half-life?
 Half-life is the average time for half of the atoms in a given sample to decay.
64) What is the application of nuclear energy?
 Fission reactors are used primary for the production of electricity, for military
purpose and for research.
65) State four uses of positron emission tomography?
Pet scans are used to
 Detect cancer
 Determine the amount of cancer spread.
 Assess the effectiveness of treatment plans.

Promoted by Bashir Mohamed Abdulle {BASHKA}

 Determine the effects of a heart attack.
66) tell the five uses external beam therapy?
 Breast cancer.
 Colorectal cancer
 Head and neck cancer.
 Lung cancer.
 Prostate cancer
67) Describe two uses of radioactivity?
 To generate electric power.
 To make nuclear weapon.
68) Write (T) if the statement is true or (F) is the statement is false
1. Benzene ring is the structure that contains a ring represented by equivalent
resonance structures (T).
2. 1,3 –dimethyl benzene can also be named Ortho dimethyl benzene (F)
3. In an aldehyde, the carbonyl group is always on an end carbon. (T)
4. Ether was first publicly demonstrated as an anesthetic in 1956 at Massachusetts
general hospital (F)
5. Pheromones are used extensively by insect to protect themselves and attract
pray. (T)
6. Phospholipids are a combination of fatty acid, glycerol and a steroid group joined
together (F).
7. The oxidation number of oxygen in most compounds is -2 but
in peroxide is -1 (T)
8. Proteins that are essential to our life include keratin and collagen. (T)
9. Amylase was first identified by Payen in 1833. (T)
10. RNA a polynucleotide found primarily in the nucleus of the cell, that maintains
our genetic coding. (F)
11. the oxidation state of an atom in the halogen family is +1 (F)
12. Combustion a group of chemical reactants in which the reactants are fuel and


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oxygen. (T)
13. Oxidation and reduction always occur simultaneously. (T)
14. The oxidation number of uncombined element is +2. (F)
15. The oxidation number of a monoatomic ion is the same as the charge on
the ion. (T)
16. The oxidation number of hydrogen in most of its compounds is +1. (T)
17. Rate of forward reaction= rate of reverse reaction. (T)
18. Solids and liquid s are included in the equilibrium expression because their
concentrations can’t change to any great degree in an equilibrium situation. (F)
19. Haber process a commercial method that makes the maximum amount of
ammonia using le chatelier’s principle. (T)
20. Equilibrium constants for slightly soluble salts are called solubility product
constant. (T)
21. Marie curie is the only women ever to receive two Nobel Prize in science. (T)
22. The identity of an atom is determined by the number of proton in the nucleus of
atom. (T)
23. The existence of stable nuclei with more than one proton is due to the nuclear
force. (T)
24. Approximately 85% of background radiation comes from natural sources. (T)
25. Another name of lactose is milk sugar (T)

Knowing without seeing is

at the heart of chemistry
by: BASHKA Cade
tell: +252 615 036 204


Promoted by Bashir Mohamed Abdulle {BASHKA}

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