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Sy tna as itt ce Ministry of Education, Culture & Higher Education National Standardized Form IV Examinations. MAY / JUNE 2022 SUBJECT: English Language TIME: 2 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all questions in the ANSWER BOOKLET PART ONE: READING COMPREHENSION (20 MARKS) Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. THE GALOOL TREE . The Galool tree is the most adaptive and lasting tree in the Somali Ecology. The tree is the one of the ‘most important trees in Somali culture, yet many Somalis have never seen one. This is because they grow in the mountainous regions of the northern part of our country. The Galool tree grows best at altitudes between 900 and 1300 meters where the rainfall is more than 30cm, a year. The Galool is a slow growing tree, but it lives a Iong time. Under the most favorable conditions, it may reach a height of 10m or more. The trunk is the straight and branches spread out to provide plenty of shade. The Galool doesn't bear any edible fruits, although it does have thorns which can be eaten. These are called, “canbuul”. The Galool tree is very useful. Some of the benefits of this tree are: ~ providing shelter and protecting animals from the heat of the sun. It also helps to feed livestock. Its seeds are one of the camel's favorite food and in the dry season, when the grass is scarce, sheep and goats feed on its pods and fruits which have fallen on the ground. ‘The roots of the Galool tree are used to make strong frames of nomad’s hut, “The Aqal” although the roots are thick, they are very light. It is said that these frames can remain in use for as long as 30 years. During the rainy season, it makes a good fire with a very little smoke and the hard bark, there is a soft brown bark which is called, “asal” in Somali. This is used when animal skins are being tanned into leather. ASAL is also used as traditional medicine. It is also used for the treatment of stomachaches, This herbal medicine is used to protect for “Agal” frames for ants and other insects. Somalis use the shade of Galool tree is the most convent place for holding clan meetings to solve conflicts and decide on matters of ‘war or peace. ‘The smaller branches are used to make the famous Somali forked stick “hangool” handles for axes, pestles for pounding grain. The thinner, branches contain soft fiber which is made of into ropes of all sizes, Comprehension questions ‘A. Answer the following questions from the passage (10marks) 1. What do we call ediBle thors? 2. How does the Galool help the livestock? 3. What is the Galool tree roots used for? 4. State some of the benefits of Galool tree to Somali communities? 5. What are the smaller branches used for? Page 1 of 4 ee B, Circle the correct word and phrase as used in the passage (10 marks) 6. ‘The thinner branches of the Galool tree are used for a). Ropes b) Medicine c) shading 4) forked sticks 7. The Galool tree grows best at altitudes between and meters. a) 5000. ‘b) 900 and 1300 ¢) 1000 ) 1300 and 8500 8. ‘The r00ts ofthe Galool tre are used to make strong frames of nomads” hut which is called 8) Asal +b) hangool ©) canbuul 4) Agal 9, ASALis also used as traditional medicine to treat i a) Headache ) stomach achE ¢) back ache d) tooth ache 10, Somali communities use the shade of Galool tree for the most convenient place for, a) Reading Qur’an b) Living shelters ©) Learning centers 4) Clan meetings for Peace building PART TWO: GRAMMAR IN USE @OMARKS) ‘A. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences (10marks) 11, Abmed usually at the apartment but this time he is staying at the city center. A. stayingB. stays C. stayed ‘Da stay 12, Put the clothes the house as itis raining. A in Bat C.with —-D. off 13. Amina was walking the shops when she was hit by a car. Ato B. at Cin D. for 14, Students are going, the museum this aftemoon. A. on C. into, D. away 15. The work will be finished tomorrow. Aon B.of Doat Page 2 of 4 Sy enn amg na B. Fill in the blanks spaces below with the noun form of the verbs in bracket (Smarks) 16, The refused to tell his capture how he escaped from the prison. (Escape) 17. The of the election pamphlets was interrupted by the late delivery of the printing paper. (Publish) 18. Owing to the delayed of funds, the completion of our dining hall cannot now be guaranteed. (Disburse) 19, Due to the cancellation of the all the interviewers were retumed to prospective application. (Advertise)? 20. The driver got in the car aNd requested the to take her to the construction site. (Survey) C. Complete with the correct gerund or infinitive from the brackets. (Smarks) 21, She likes up early in the morning. (to get / getting) 22, Kean't stand. on trains, (Riding / to ride). 23. Mr. Mohamed enjoys people out to dinner. (iaviting / to invite) 2A, He allowed me ___ his face book page. (joining / to join) 25. Don’t forget milk on your way home. (picking up / to pick) D. Change the following sentences into question forms (10marks) 26, Sheis very late. 27. He knows you well. 28, They have won the final match. 29. You can swim to the other end of the pool. 30. I should write it again. PART THREE: VOCABULARYINUSE (35MARKS) A. Circle the correct meaning of these vocabularies (10marks) 31. Collision means - @pash —-B.clean —_C. cane D. climb 32. Flavor means - ATest —Betaste —-C. Tease. Toast 33. Protect means - A.defend @&MHetect CC. disease‘. deserve 34, Feeble means CAweak —Bwait, —C. week. wave 35. Cure means - Bua B.Heel © C.Hell «== Heal Page 3 of 4 se ein iene B. Match the words in the box with their correct definition (10marks) Unified Disposable Cleansing Toxic Trash 36, To get rid of impurities by or as if by washing. 37, Brought together as one, 38. things that you throw away, because you no longer need them. 39, containing poison. 40. made to be thrown off after use. C. Give the opposites of these words (10marks) 41, Conserve 42, Danger 43, Peace 44, Naturally 45. Consciousness D. Construct sentences which are grammatically correct using the following words (Smarks) 46, Comb 47. Bridge 48. Honest 49. Acquire 50, Mandatory PART 4: COMPOSITION WRITING — (ISMARKS) 51.Select one of the following topics and write down at least three paragraphs which are not lesser than 200 words. Suggest the effective way that teachers can use technology to teach their students. (Minimum 200words) i. Your composition should be in paragraphs and you should consider the points a) How technology is effective in your school. b) The experiences of the teachers. ©) The important use of technology in today's education. ii, Write a friendly letter to your brother or sister who studies in another country. ‘You should consider the layout and styles of informal letters as you have learnt in your syllabus. Page 4 of 4

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