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Local Gangstalking Terminology

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The document discusses terminology related to gangstalking and surveillance tactics. It also discusses technology that could enable these activities.

Diaspora nationalities with cross-border ethnic ties to foreign nation-states as well as people with connections abroad like the Kharbintsy railway workers.

Stalin was convinced that hostile powers would organize 'fifth column' uprisings in the event of war, so those with foreign connections were considered potentially disloyal.

Local Gangstalking Terminology :

Synchronization, Synchronized Vehicular Obstruction of Movement, Email interception, text message

interception, cellular ping interception, Synchronized public service vehicles, biological attacks, germ
warfare, food contamination, the attempted murder mechanism, the murder by proxy mechanism,
infrared thermology / thermal imaging, computer hacking, cellular device hacking, burglary, breaking-
and-entering, cable television interception, gaslighting, noise harassment, derived provocations, repeat
stalkers, animal harassment, biohazard exposure, synchronized obstruction of movement, synchronized
space crowding, vehicular damage, derived traffic tickets, vandalism of one’s home, robbery, aggravated
assault, assault with a deadly weapon, poor legal representation, poor medical care, fake 911 calls,
derogatory records, derogatory record keeping, COINTELPRO, Operation Hoodwink, Open-air terrorism,
domestic terrorism, pork barrel projects, earmarks, misappropriation of taxpayer resources, interception
of internet uploads, social media blacklisting, shadow banning, cyber trolling, cyber attacks, simple theft,
destruction of clothing, intentional disease exposure, door-to-door salesman harassment, cyber stalking,
scent harassment, rigged stoplights, provocations and instigation in parking lots, damage to electronics,
destruction of personal property, inheritance robbing, divorce instigation, the instigation of marital
infidelity, mail tampering, derived mail theft, bank account tampering, jewelry theft, personal property
theft, the deletion of reservations [ bus, plane, restaurant ] derived placebo medications [ for pain etc…]
collisions [ automobile and pedestrian ] sex harassment, excessive spam and junk mail, wrong mail
deliveries, religious institution sabotage [ at church, seminary, Sunday school etc ] excessive visits from
door-to-door churches, animal sickness [if the targeted person has a pet] code word harassment,
strangers [ saying the target’s name ] in the streets, malls, stores, etc so the TI can hear it. Contaminated
OTC medication, Contaminated prescription medication, hostile beachgoers [at the beach] derived
police encounters [from fake 911 calls and instigated police attention] provocations and 911 calls,
intellectual property theft, copyright infringement, congressional intrigue, congressional bill inserts,
legislative bribery, ill-bred religious references by stalkers, hostile street beggars, hostile and annoying

Gangstalking Technology Terms:

Secret deep state black operations work through the black market and use military grade
electromagnetic stealth weapons and a network of automated spy satellites to protect these operations
that include politicians, fortune 500 companies, secret societies, and criminal networks. Their crimes
include assassinations, the drug trade, espionage, human trafficking, and torture. The frequency control
grid is not only constantly affecting and programming the masses, but it is also affecting and
programming each individual to construct a simulation of technocratic singularity.

AI (artificial intelligence) Algorithm, TYLER, Global Neural Network, Frequency Control Grid, DWAVE
Quantum Computing, 5G, DNA Biometrics Collection, Bio-coded Resonance Frequencies, Biorhythm
Hacking, DARPA N3 Nanotechnology, Graphene Oxide, Smart Dust, Hydrogel, Extremely Low
Frequencies ELF, Very Low Frequencies VLF, Scalar Wave Boosting Process, Ultrasonic Sound Frequency
Weapons, Psychotropic Weapons, Stealth Weapons, Pulse Modulated Scalar Wave Lasers, VIRCATOR,
Gyro-tron, Raytheon Raven Claw, Direct Electromagnetic Pulse Generators DEMPGs, High Amplitude
Radio Media HARM Bio-communications Network, Modulated Electromagnetic Spectrum Deception
MEDS, Remote Neural Monitoring RNM, Remote Neural Link RNL, EEG Cloning, EEG Heterodyning,
Electronic Brain Link, Brain to Computer Interface, Brain to Brain Interface, Brain Mapping, Mind
Uploading, Thought Amplifying Mind Interface TAMI, Whole Brain Emulation WBE, Electron Resonance
Spin ESR, Track Telemetry and Command Satellites TT&C, Black Satellites, Internet Of Things, Neural
Data Mining, Carnivore, Echelon, Tempest, Stingray Devices, Satellite Constellation, Thunderbolt, Dirt
box, Project Pogo, Project Zephyr, Sentient World Simulation, Social Automation Systems, Neuro
Linguistic Programming, Synthetic Telepathy, Signals Intelligence SIGINT, Radiation Intelligence, Secret
Police Force, Advanced Surveillance Systems, Surveillance Role Players, DOD Special Operations, No
Touch Torture, Beast System, Crypto Currency, Social Credit System, Torture Takedown Program, Hive
Mind Technology, Mass Mind Control.

The Waco Siege:

This post explores the political aftermath of the 1993 Waco, Texas bloodbath between sociopath,
and the self-proclaimed "messiah" David Koresh, and his Branch Davidians religious sect, versus
a war unit of federal law enforcers.

The Waco Holocaust is also known as the Waco Siege. This apocalypse of fire, brimstone,
explosives, and gunfire occurred on 4/19/1993 on the Branch Davidian (Seventh Day Adventist
offshoot) religious compound in Waco, Texas. 76 (possibly 87) Branch Davidians were crucified
in a war-like encounter with the FBI, the ATF, and the Texas Guard. David Koresh, the leader of
the isolationist Seventh Day Adventist religious sect had captured the attention of federal law
enforcement and possibly other interested third party gangstalking factions when he began
purchasing firearms en masse. The reason, according to him, was self defense. The USA federal
government felt otherwise. Eventually he was deemed to be weird, strange, detrimental to
society, and a-normal; much like a targeted individual is when he is initially "scoped out" for entry
into a gangstalking campaign. In the Waco bloodbath, the Branch Davidian compound was
stormed, riddled with bullets, and firebombed so as to " neutralize the threat " that the Branch
Davidians posed to greater society. The standoff and the ensuing massacre was videotaped, and
broadcast to the world on television. 76 USA civilians including 25 children were burned alive and
to a crisp by the " authorities " in what was a botched takedown of what had become a popular
yet adversarial religious sect. President Bill Clinton even expressed remorse at how badly the
operation was mishandled and regretted giving the green light to the law enforcement agents to
carry out the operation at that time. There were elements of COINTELPRO used against the
Branch Davidians in the months and years leading up to the eventual holocaust, carried out by
the same disruptive, secretive, treasonous, and cowardly private and governmental factions that
perpetrate gangstalking to the present day. The Waco Siege, this holocaust, never died, it only

The gangstalking conundrum is the Waco Siege in a mobile, covert, and hard to detect form.
There are no television cameras, no uniformed federal officers with guns and bombs, no
explosions or machine gun fire, only the quiet, annoying, intrusive, and mafia like protocols taken
against a United States citizen on United States soil. The perpetrators of the early gangstalking
method learned something from the Waco Siege, the bloody holocaust that ended in a fiery
shower for the Branch Davidians. They learned that the " blaze of glory " mechanism was
unpopular, loud, legally and politically problematic, and detrimental to their cause of
extermination of their opponents. They knew that in the future they had to be silent assassins,
thieves in the night, behind-the-scenes manipulators, and covert killers. The stalkers have gone
from firebombing religious compounds to more covert means of targeting a person such breaking
and entering, street assaults, food contamination, biological warfare, instigated police violence,
workplace mobbing, derived car accidents, relationship sabotage, coerced suicides, and
perpetrating psychological stressors. These kinds of attacks, to the stalkers' delight, likely evade
international news headlines. There are indeed other heinous tactics that are used against the
targeted individual by the gangstalking subversive quiet killers that I haven't named. That is
because the attacks are so numerous and stealthy that it is difficult to pinpoint them all. The
Waco Holocaust was only the beginning, but I your host, Emmanuel Isaiah Smith, learn more
about gangstalking and its predecessor programs each day, and I continue to draw the parallels
between it and the atrocities of the past; continuing to find the weak spots in that draconian
program, that I need, in order to slay the beast with the Excalibur of Truth. Thanks for tuning in .
#gangstalking #thewacoholocaust

Gangstalking is like a corrupt force that harms who it will and helps who it will. The United States
of America is not a meritocracy or a Constitutional Republic in which a person can succeed based
upon their talents, merits, and credentials, but is a country that is run by corrupt forces that have
the capacity to derail a persons career or their entire life if that person proves to be a detriment to
the aims of the gangstalking based governmental corporate mechanisms that have embedded
themselves into the very legal code of the United States.

The gang member database is only one way that a person, a citizen, becomes a targeted
individual. There are other derogatory databases that a person can be placed into with no
notification, warning, habeas corpus, or legal process. These corrupt useless databases are used
for little else but to enable a gangstalking campaign against a person.

In Aristotle’s book, Metaphysics, he describes an immortal being that is not only the “first
cause” of all living things, but is also the progenitor of all things that are in “motion,” be
they living things like people, or inanimate objects like planets. Aristotle’s theory on the
unmoved mover asserts that everything that exists, exists, because of something already
existing, and everything that is in motion, is in motion, because of something already in
motion. This chain of “causes” eventually can be traced to an immortal force, a pure energy,
an “unmoved mover,” to whom all intelligible physical objects and their movements can be
credited. Aristotle, for all intents and purposes, calls this force “God” and believes that his
existence is eternal and is one of pure self-contemplation.

It would be just as impossible to disprove the existence of the unmoved mover, as it would
be to prove that he exists. The idea of an unmoved mover is a pseudo-scientific and
pseudo-theological insight that is rooted in a combination of physical observations,
scientific inquiry, theoretical reasoning, and cult ideas of divine beings. In order to disprove
Aristotle’s idea of the unmoved mover, you would have to be able to explain and then
demonstrate why Aristotle is wrong, and then be able to prove why all things exist and why
they move, and that mode of inquiry is the most elusive for modern humans to find a
conclusion to on account of the mystery of the pre-big bang universe.

This is an article from which was written by Werth Nicolas. It is an expose< on the
Soviet NKVD secret national operations in the USSR during the 1930s. I have found the subtexts
in the NKVD's national cleansing program to be very similar to the gangstalking mechanism in its
selection, accusation, and extermination of 750,000 targets, or "enemy of the people" who were
political dissidents that rejected the legitimacy of Bolshevik rule. This article is long, but well worth
the read. Thanks for tuning in. -E. I. Smith

Russian Federation Soviet Union
Date: 20 May, 2010
Auteur: Werth Nicolas

1. Context
In 1992, the discovery in the Soviet archives of the NKVD's secret operational orders has
drastically changed our perception of Stalin's Great Terror. These documents disclosed the
mechanisms of the hitherto hidden side of the Great Terror – that of the mass secret repressive
operations (as opposed to the "public side" – that of the "show trials" and the purges of the
political, economic and military elites). These secret operations were a form of social engineering
intended to rid the country "once and for all of the entire gang of anti-Soviet elements who
undermine the foundations of the Soviet State" (in the words of Nikolai Ezhov, the Head of the
NKVD, in the preamble of Order n° 00447). Two main groups of "enemies" were targeted:
The Kulak Operation, launched by the NKVD Operational Order n° 00447 dated July 30, 1937,
targeted a wide category of previously identified "social outcasts": the innumerable cohort of
"formers", directly and purposefully marginalized in the 1930s ("former kulaks", "former members
of anti-Soviet parties", "former White officers", "former tsarist civil servants" and "church
officials"), but also various kinds of "socially harmful elements" (such as "recidivist criminals",
"bandits", "hooligans", "speculators", "persons with no definite place of work or having ties with
the criminal world", etc).
The "National Operations" targeted a number of diaspora minorities, suspected of being "a
hotbed of spies and wreckers". On July 25, 1937, Nikolai Ezhov sent to all regional NKVD
headquarters Order n° 00439 prescribing the immediate arrest of all German citizens employed
(or having been employed) in defense factories, on the railroads and in "other sectors of the
national economy". But "Germans" were not the main target: Order n° 00449 prescribed the
arrest of all Soviet citizens "having, or having had, ties", in one way or another, with "German
spies, wreckers and terrorists". This, of course, considerably widened the scope of the operation,
since no more than 4,000 German citizens were registered in the Soviet Union in 1937 (Okhotin &
Roginskii, 1999).
Two weeks later, on August 11, 1937, following a Politburo top-secret resolution taken two days
earlier, Nikolai Ezhov issued another secret directive, Order n° 00485, aimed at "the complete
liquidation of local branches of the Polish Military Organization (POW) and its networks of spies,
wreckers and terrorists in industry, transport and agriculture". Order n° 00485 identified targets
for arrest: all Polish political émigrés and refugees, as well as "the most active part of local anti-
Soviet nationalist elements from the Polish national districts". A month later, this category was
extended to all "Soviet citizens of Polish nationality with ties to Polish consulates", a category that
could easily embrace any Soviet Pole.
Order n° 00485 served as a model for a series of similar NKVD secret decrees targeting a
number of the Soviet Union's diaspora nationalities: the Finnish, Latvian, Estonian, Rumanian,
Greek, and Chinese. The NKVD referred to these decrees collectively as "the National
Operations" directed against "nationalities of foreign governments". Concerning diaspora
minorities, the vast majority of whom were Soviet citizens and whose ancestors had resided for
decades and sometimes centuries in the Soviet Union and Russian Empire, "this designation
absolutized their cross-border ethnicities as the only salient aspect of their identity, sufficient
proof of their disloyalty and sufficient justification for their arrest and execution" (Martin, 2001:
338). Oleg Khlevniuk has convincingly shown, on the basis of Stalin's correspondence with Soviet
diplomats and NKVD officials in Spain in the months preceding the Great Terror, that the
launching of the National Operations was related to Stalin's reading of rearguard uprisings
against the Republican regime in Spain in the course of the Spanish Civil War. Stalin was
convinced that hostile capitalist powers such as Germany, Poland, Japan, Finland, Romania and
the Baltic States would organize, in the ever more probable event of war with the Soviet Union,
the same kind of rearguard uprisings, resorting to anyone who had some sort of connection with
foreign countries, in order to form a "fifth column of diversionists and wreckers" (Khlevniuk, 2000).
As a matter of fact, diaspora nationalities with cross-border ethnic ties to a foreign Nation-State
had been considered as potentially disloyal for several years. In early 1935, the Soviet regime
launched a number of deportations aimed at "cleansing" the most strategic border regions (the
region of Leningrad and the Soviet-Polish border) of their "ethnically suspect elements". Over
8000 families of Polish and German origin were deported in February-March 1935 from the
border districts of Kiev and Vinnitsa provinces to eastern Ukraine; at the same time, 12,000
Finns, Estonians and Latvians were deported from the border districts of Leningrad province to
Siberia and Central Asia. The cleansing operations in border areas were continued and expanded
in 1936, encompassing 20,000 families from the Leningrad region and Western Ukraine. In these
operations which were still limited and selective, the ethnic criterion was "blended" with class
considerations. Ethnicity was not the only element at stake in the deportations of 1935-1936 and
in the murderous outburst of the National Operations of 1937-1938. "Soviet xenophobia" (Martin,
2001: 342) was an ideological rather than an ethnic concept. A good illustration of this is provided
by one specific National Operation, initiated by NKVD Order n° 00593 on September 20, 1937,
which targeted the so-called "Kharbintsy". These were former personnel (engineers, employees,
railway workers) of the Chinese-Manchurian railway whose headquarters were based in Kharbin,
in Manchuria. After the sale, by the Soviet government, of this railway to Japan in 1935, many
returned to the Soviet Union. For Stalin and his team, although most of the Kharbintsy were
ethnic Russians, their cross-border ties to the Kharbintsy remaining in China turned them into the
functional equivalent of a diaspora nationality. And so, despite their "Russianness", they too
became an "enemy group" targeted as part of the National Operations during the Great Terror
(Martin, 2001: 343).
The National Operations were not a minor part of the Great Terror. According to centralized
NKVD statistics, from July 1937 to November 1938, 335,513 persons were sentenced by
extrajudicial organs in the course of the implementation of the National Operations (while over
800,000 persons were convicted in the so-called Kulak Operation carried out under Order n°
00447). Among them, 247,157 (or 73.6%) were shot – a proportion considerably higher than in
the Kulak Operation, in the process of which 49.3% were sentenced "in the first category" (death
sentence) (Okhotin & Roginskii, 1999).

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