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DBAS Assignment QP Spring Winter 2022 FINAL

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Unit Name:
Organisational summative report
Spring – Winter 2022

Important notes
• Please refer to the Assignment Presentation Requirements for advice on how
to set out your assignment. These can be found on the NCC Education
website. Hover over ‘About Us’ on the main menu and then navigate to
‘Policies and Procedures’ then scroll to the ‘Student Support’ area.
• You must read the NCC Education document Academic Misconduct Policy
and ensure that you acknowledge all the sources that you use in your work.
These documents are available on the NCC Education website. Hover over
‘About Us’ on the main menu and then navigate to ‘Policies and Procedures’
then scroll to the ‘Student Support’ area.
• You must complete the Statement and Confirmation of Own Work. The form
is available on the NCC Education website. Hover over ‘About Us’ on the
main menu and then navigate to ‘Policies and Procedures’ then scroll to the
‘Student Support’ area.
• Please make a note of the recommended word count. You could lose marks
if you write 10% more or less than this.
• You must submit a paper copy and digital copy (on disk or similarly
acceptable medium). Media containing viruses, or media that cannot be run
directly, will result in a fail grade being awarded for this assessment.
• All electronic media will be checked for plagiarism.
This assignment requires you to demonstrate the knowledge and skills you have acquired
throughout this unit by designing and creating a functional database application that
addresses the tasks given below.

In order to complete this assignment, you should choose an appropriate organisation on

which to conduct research and base your database application.

This assignment is split into THREE (3) tasks and accounts for 100% of the overall
coursework mark for this unit.

Assignment Notes
• You must complete all THREE (3) tasks of this assignment.
• The total assignment should be 1500 words, including all THREE (3) tasks (text on
diagrams and the data dictionary are excluded from this word count).
• Please submit your assignment as ONE (1) document.

Task 1 Analysis and Design – 45 Marks

Step 1: Select an industry in which you have an interest. For example, commercial airlines,
commercial banking, retail, beauty, healthcare, fitness, publishing, hospitality, leisure and
tourism, automotive, production, sport, construction etc.

Step 2: From the industry selected you should identify candidate entries together with
the data that would be stored about them, you should also clearly identify the types of
transactions they carry out.

For example, an educational establishment will hold data about:

- Students
- Attendance
- Staff
- Rooms
- Units
- Assessments
- Results

Their transactions might include:

- Adding new students

- Adding new staff
- Deleting staff who leave
- Adding student attendance information
- Adding students to units
- Allocating staff to teach units
- Allocating rooms to units
- Allocating different assessments to units and recording the results for each
assessment the student undertakes.
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Databases © NCC Education Limited 2022
Do not choose an educational organisation as this has been used as an example.

You should reference any specific business/company or organisation that you research.

Step 3: As part of the overall document you should include the following sections:

a) Introduction, outline and initial analysis:

You are required to write a summary for the company’s senior management and
shareholders, who you are to assume are very limited in their knowledge or skills in
relation to databases, therefore the language should be clear and any technical
terms used should be fully explained so that the readers of the report can
understand the contents.

The summary should introduce the company, describe what the company does,
clearly explain what a database is, what typical functions the proposed database
will perform (by clearly listing and describing the kind of transactions the database
is likely to carry out which will help with the day-to-day functions of the
organisation). List all the entities you expect to include in the database. Additionally,
you should identify and discuss a set of advantages and disadvantages of
implementing a database.
(15 marks)

b) Using the list of entities and functions identified in task 1a), list and normalise to 3rd
normal form (3NF) all the attributes that will be required in the database. Draw an
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) that shows at least SIX (6) data entities from the
initial analysis from the identification of the transactions that was carried out in task
1a). Provide a written statement of any problems you encountered during the
normalisation process and creation of the ERD and how you solved them.
(20 marks)

c) Create a Data dictionary for the entity relationship model using the entities and
attributes identified in task 1b). The data dictionary should clearly list all the
attributes, identify primary and foreign keys, show data types used and include any
constraints that have been identified from your chosen organisation.
(10 marks)

Questions continue on the next page

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Task 2 Implementation – 40 Marks
a) Create all of the normalised tables from task 1b) in SQL. Show your SQL scripts
clearly showing the commands you have used with the data types and lengths.
Show the finished tables by taking a screenshot of them.
(10 marks)

b) Enter a range of sample data in all tables (minimum THREE (3) rows per table).
(10 marks)

c) Write FIVE (5) queries that demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of
SQL. SQL statements to be used should include: Select, Update, Delete, From,
Where, And, Count, Ascending, Order By. Ensure some of your queries use
multiple commands.

TWO (2) of the queries should join TWO (2) or more tables together.
(20 marks)

Task 3 Assessment and evaluation – 15 Marks

Provide a written assessment and evaluation of the work you have undertaken.

Your discussions should include:

• How the database you have created meets the data and information requirements
of your chosen organisation as identified in task 1a).
• Why the use of ER modelling is an essential part in the design of a database
solution, and how you used it to identify and rectify any design issues you
• Any assumptions that you have made.
• How the database supports the transactions that you identified in task 1a).
(15 marks)

Consult with your tutor if you are uncertain about any aspect of this assignment.

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Submission guidelines
• Your submission should be in the form of a single word-processed document that
includes any necessary diagrams.
• The word count for the document is 1500 words (excluding text in any diagrams). You
should explain any assumptions you have made.
• A digital version must be submitted on a CD, USB flash drive or other similarly
acceptable medium, along with a copy of the developed database.

Candidate checklist
Please use the following checklist to ensure that your work is ready for submission.

Have you read the NCC Education document Academic Misconduct

Policy and ensured that you have acknowledged all the sources that ❑
you have used in your work?
Have you completed the Statement and Confirmation of Own Work
form and attached it to your assignment? You must do this. ❑
Have you ensured that your work has not gone over or under the
recommended word count by more than 10%? ❑
Have you ensured that your work does not contain viruses and can
be run directly? ❑

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