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Three wars over seven years with Austria, Denmark, Germany and France, ended in
a. Danish victory c. French victory
b. Prussian victory d. German victory
2. Khilafat Committee was formed in 1919 in the city of
a. Bombay c. Lucknow
b. Calcutta d. Amritsar
3. Correct the following statement and rewrite:
All India Trinamool Congress (AITC) was launched on 26th January 1990 under the
leadership of Kanshi Ram.
Indian National Congress was founded in 1785 and is one of the oldest political parties of
the world.
4. Who presides over the meeting of the Municipal Corporation?
5. How many numbers of parties are registered with The Election Commission of
a. 7100 Parties c. 700 parties
b. Less than 750 parties d. More than 750 parties
6. A signed document submitted to an officer, where a person makes a sworn
statement regarding her personal information is known as-----
a. Defection c. Partisan
b. Affidavit d. Pledge
7. Complete the following table with the correct information regarding Indian National
Political party Year of Foundation Alliance Symbol

Indian National Right Hand


8. The other name of laterite soil is which of the following?

a. Cotton soil c. Red soil
b. Brick soil d. Regur soil
9. Which among the following is not a public facility?
a. Transport and electricity
b. Roads and bridges
c. Government hospitals
d. Private schools

10. We can obtain per capita income of a country by calculating:

a. the total income of a person
b. by dividing the national income by the total population of a country
c. the total value of all goods and services
d. the total exports of the country.
11. A woman works at a sweet shop in her village on a contract basis and gets meagre salary
after working the entire day. She doesn’t get any holidays or paid leave, rather her
employer deducts her salary whenever she is absent from work. Find out in which of the
following sectors she is working?
A. Primary Sector B. Service Sector C. Organized Sector D. Unorganised Sector
12. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005 states a guarantee of
minimum 100 days of employment per year. If government is unable to fulfil these 100
days of an employment, the government would have
Choose the correct option:
a. Pay the compensation in lieu of these days
b. Provide another scheme for the same
c. Pay at least 1/3 per cent allowance
d. Provide health care as compensation
13. Which one of the following organisations has prepared Human Development
a. World Bank c. UNDP
b. IMF d. UNO
14. These activities by themselves do not produce a good but they are an aid or a
support for the production process. At times, it may be necessary to store these
in godowns. Since these activities generate services rather than goods.
Analyse the consumer movement information given above, considering one of the
following correct option:
a. Tertiary Sector c. Primary Sector
b. Secondary Sector d. Industrial Sector
15. Complete the following table with correct information with regard to Golden
quadrilateral super highways.
Golden Links Number of lanes Maintained by
quadrilateral super Delhi, Mumbai,
highways Chennai , Kolkata A_____________? B_____________?
, Delhi

16. What locations are connected by the longest National Highway-7?

a. Delhi and Kanyakumari c. Jabalpur and Madurai
b. Delhi and Mumbai d. Varanasi and Kanyakumari
17. Choose the two characteristics of the alluvial soils
a. They are the most wide-spread soils in India.
b. They are found in hilly and upland parts of the country.
c. These soils were formed by the lava sheets.
d. They were made by deposits brought by rains year after year.
18. Name the states having More than 80% of total area under Net Sown Area.
19. Name the states having Less than 10% of total area under Net Sown Area.
20. Give reason for states having-More than 80% & Less than 10% of their total area under
Net Sown Area.
21. Which is not associated with primitive subsistence farming?
a. Natural fertility of soils c. High yield crops or seeds
b. Monsoon d. Involvement of family members
22. Minerals are deposited and accumulated in the strata of which of the following
a. Sedimentary rocks d. None of these
b. Metamorphic rocks
c. Igneous rocks
23. _____ is a mineral made up of a series of plates or leaves.
24. Correct the following statement and rewrite.
West Bengal, Bihar, Assam, Odisha and Meghalaya are major Cotton producing
25. A compromise between the supporters and opponents of Non-cooperation
movement was worked out in the congress session at:
a. Hoshiarpur c. Ambala
b. Ahemdabad d. Nagpur
26. Name the oldest Japanese book printed.
27. Who produced a music book that had a picture on the cover page announcing the
‘Dawn of the Century’?
28. What was the traditional book used by the Chinese from 594 AD?
29. _____ is the art of beautiful and stylised writing.
30. In 1517, the religious reformer _____ wrote Ninety Five Theses criticising many of
the practices and rituals of the Roman Catholic Church
31. The Company appointed a paid servant called the _____ to supervise weavers, collect
supplies and examine the quality of cloth.
32. Why did European powers met in Berlin in 1885?
a. To settle their disputes c. To divide Africa among
b. To divide a few European themselves
Countries d. To divide Asia
33. Which among the following was the key factor that forced the government of Britain
to abolish Corn Laws?
a. Unhappy with high food prices, industrialist and urban people forced government
to scrap Corn Laws
b. Unemployment forced government to scrap Corn Laws
c. Wars diverted food
d. None of the above
34. Which weekly magazine described it as ‘a commercial paper open to all, but
influenced by none’?
35. How many countries of the world have democratic setup of government?
a. More than hundred countries c. Less than fifty countries
b. Less than hundred countries d. More than fifty countries
36. Raghav has surplus money so he opens a bank account and deposits in it. Whenever he
needs money , he can go to his bank and withdraw from there. This kind of deposit with
the banks are known as
a. Demand deposit c. Fixed deposit
b. Term deposit d. Surplus deposit
37. Read the given statements in context of ‘globalization’ and choose the correct
option –
a. It is the only way for economic development of the country
b. Interlinks only production-based activities in dispersed locations in
c. the world
d. It has always given only positive results in all the countries
e. Leads to spread of technology, cultures and diseases from a region to another
38. Which of the following statements is true regarding Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?
a. G.D.P. means the total goods and services produced by primary sector.
b. G.D.P. means the goods produced by secondary sector.
c. G.D.P. means the total production of goods and services of tertiary sector.
d. G.D.P. means the sum of goods and services produced in all three sectors
39. Tertiary sector has become an important part of Indian economy on account of :
a. development of agriculture and c. both (A) and (B)
industry d. none of the above
b. rise in levels of income
40. Communalism refers to a division based on :
a. Religion c. Gender
b. Caste d. Socio-economic status
41. “Gender division is not based on biology but on social expectations and stereotypes.”
Support the statement.
42. Critically evaluate the conditions that favoured the conquests of Latin America by the
European powers like Spain and Portugal.
43. What is proto-industrialisation? “In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries,
merchants from the towns in Europe began moving to the countryside”. Explain any two
44. Why is mica considered the most important mineral in electric and electronic
industries? Give three reasons.
45. Illustrate with examples that food offers many opportunities of long-distance cultural
46. Interpret any one fear in the minds of religious authorities and monarchs about the
printed texts during 16th century in Europe.
47. Mohit is 28 years of age, has 65 kg of body weight and is 1.4 meters tall. Calculate his
BMI. Find out whether he is under nourished or over weight. Why?
48. ‘Energy saved is energy produced’. Justify the statement by mentioning any five
measures to conserve the energy resources.
49. What do the banks do with the ‘public deposits’? Describe their working mechanism.
50. What are the conditions under which democracies accommodate social diversities ?
51. “The Government of India has introduced various institutional and technological
reforms to improve agriculture in the 1980s and 1990s.” Support this statement with
52. “No party system is ideal for all countries and in all situations.” Analyse the
53. “Like Germany, Italy too had a long history of political fragmentation”. Explain.
54. Why did Europeans flee to America in nineteenth century? Explain.
55. ‘‘In actual life, democracies do not appear to be very successful in reducing economic
inequalities.’’ Explain the statement giving an example.
56. “Consequences of environmental degradation do not respect national or state
boundaries”. Support the statement with examples.
57. “The tax on salt and the government monopoly over its production, Mahatma Gandhi
declared, revealed the most oppressive face of Bristish rule”.
a) Why did Gandhiji consider this tax most oppressive?
b) How did he use this as a weapon to launch a mass movement against the British?
The Age of Industrialization
58. What was “Spinning Jenny”?
59. Who was the publisher of “The Dawn of the century”?
60. Define proto industrialization.
61. Why did the merchants from towns in Europe begin employing peasants and artisans
in the villages in the 17th century?
62. What benefit did peasants get by working for merchants in the countryside?
63. When did factories begin to come up in England?
64. Who created first cotton mill?
65. How rapid was the process of industrialization?
66. Name two most dynamic industries in Britain.
67. Why did the demand for iron and steel increased rapidly after 1840s?
68. How much per cent of the total workforce was employed in the technologically
advanced sector at the end of the 19th century?
69. Why did the technological changes occur slowly?
70. Who improved the steam engine?
71. Who patented the steam engine?
72. Who manufactured the new model of steam engine?
73. Why there was no shortage of human labor during the Victorian Britain?
74. Name two seasonal industries of England during 19th century.
75. Why did the upper classes in Victorian England prefer things made by hand?
76. What was the condition of workers in early 19th century?
77. What was the effect of Napoleonic Wars on the wages of workers?
78. Who devised the spinning jenny?
79. Why did women workers in England begin to attack spinning jenny?
80. Why did some industrialists in England prefer hand labor over machines?
81. Why did the employment opportunity increase for workers after 1840s?
82. Which port of India connected to the Gulf and Red Sea port?
83. Which port of India linked India to trade with Southeast Asia?
84. Why did the Surat port decline in the 19th century?
85. Name two ports of India which declined during the British India.
86. Name two ports which became prominent during the British period.
87. How did the East India Company procure regular supplies of cotton and silk textiles
from Indian weavers?
88. Who was Gomasthas?
89. What was the reason for the clash between Gomastha and weavers?
90. What was the effect of the clash between gomastha and weaver on later?
91. What was the impact of arrival of Manchester in India?
92. What new problem was faced by the Indian weavers after 1860s?
93. How did the American Civil War affect the Indian weavers?
94. When and where the first cotton textile mill was set up in India?
95. When and where first Jute mill was set up in India?
96. When and where first spinning and weaving mill was started in India?
97. From which country did the early entrepreneurs earn their fortune?
98. Who were jobbers? Explain any two function of jobbers?
99. Describe any five features of proto industrialization.
100. Mention any two functions of guilds.
101. Mention any three Indian entrepreneurs and their contribution during the 19th
102. What problem was faced by the Indian weavers at the early 19th century?
103. Mention any three problems faced by the weavers.
104. Why were the Victorian industrialists not interested to introduce machines in
105. England? Give any four reasons.
106. “Technological changes occurred slowly in Britain”. Give three reasons.
107. Explain any three reasons for the decline of Indian textile industry by the end
of 19th century.
108. Why proto industrialization was successful in the countryside in England in
the 17th century?
109. Explain any three reasons why did the industrialists of England prefer hand
labor over machines in the 19th century.
110. Describe any four impacts of Manchester imports on the cotton weavers of
111. Why did the Poor Peasants and artisans begin to work for merchants in the
18 century?
112. What led to expansion in handloom craft production between 1900 and 1940?

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