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Jawaharlal Nehru University NEW DELHI-110067: Admission - No/3 (Ii) /2019

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NEW DELHI-110067
Admission.No/3(ii)/2019 28.03.2019

Reference: The JNUEE e-Prospectus- 2019-20, Syllabus of the School of Physical Sciences
uploaded on the website of the University,

With reference to the subject mentioned above, it is hereby notified that following Syllabuses
of the School of Physical Sciences may be read as under:

Master of Science

Sl. Name of Sub. Code & Syllabus for Entrance Examination

No. Centre Sub. Code
1 School of Physics- SPSM Syllabus for M Sc (Physics)
Physical (226)
Sciences Mathematical Methods: Calculus of single and multiple real
(SPS) variables. Fourier and Laplace transforms. Vector Calculus,
Divergence theorem, Green’s theorem, Stokes’ theorem. First order
and linear second order differential equations with constant
coefficients. Matrices and determinants. Complex numbers.

Mechanics and General Properties of Matter: Newton’s laws of

motion and applications. Motion under a central force, and Kepler’s
laws. Elastic and inelastic collisions. Rigid body motion. Principal
moments and axes. Kinematics of fluids. Bernoulli’s theorem.

Oscillations, Waves and Optics: Simple harmonic motion. Damped

and forced oscillators. Resonance. Wave equation. Group and phase
velocities. Sound waves in media. Doppler Effect. Interference and
diffraction. Diffraction gratings. Polarization: linear, circular and elliptic
polarization. Double refraction and optical rotation.

Electromagnetism: Coulomb’s law. Gauss’s law. Electric field and

potential. Solution of Laplace’s equation for simple cases.
Conductors, capacitors, dielectrics. Electrostatic energy. Biot-Savart
law, Ampere’s law, Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. LCR
circuits. Maxwell’s equations and plane electromagnetic waves,
Poynting’s theorem. Transmission and reflection coefficients (normal
incidence only). Lorentz Force and motion of charged particles in
electric and magnetic fields.

Thermal and Statistical Physics: Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution.

Equipartition of energy. Ideal gas law. Specific heat. van-der-Waals
gas and equation of state. Laws of thermodynamics. First law and its
consequences. Isothermal and adiabatic processes. Second law and
entropy. Maxwell’s thermodynamic relations. Thermodynamic
potentials. Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein distributions.

Modern Physics: Basics of special relativity. Length contraction.

Time dilation. Relativistic velocity addition theorem. Mass-energy
equivalence. Blackbody radiation. Photoelectric effect. Compton
effect. Bohr’s atomic model. Pauli exclusion principle. Wave-particle
duality. Uncertainty principle. Superposition principle. Schrödinger
equation. Particle in a box problem in one, two and three dimensions.
Solution of the Schrödinger equation for one dimensional harmonic
oscillator. Structure of atomic nucleus, mass and binding energy.
Solid State Physics, Devices and Electronics: Crystal structure,
Bravais lattices and basis. Miller indices. X-ray diffraction and Bragg's
law. Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, variation of resistivity with
temperature. Fermi level. p-n junction diode, I-V characteristics, Zener
diode and its applications. Transistor characteristics. R-C coupled
amplifiers. Operational Amplifiers: Inverting and non-inverting
amplifier. Boolean algebra: Binary number systems; binary addition
and subtraction. Conversion from one number system to another.
Logic Gates AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, X-OR. Truth tables.
Combination of gates.
2 Chemistry –
CHEM (227) Syllabus for JNU M.Sc. Chemistry Entrance Test

Basic Mathematical Concepts: Functions; maxima and minima;
integrals; ordinary differential equations; vectors and matrices;
determinants; elementary statistics and probability theory.
Atomic and Molecular Structure: Fundamental particles; Bohr’s
theory of hydrogen-like atom; wave-particle duality; uncertainty
principle; Schrödinger’s wave equation; quantum numbers; shapes of
orbitals; Hund’s rule and Pauli’s exclusion principle; electronic
configuration of simple homonuclear diatomic molecules.

Theory of Gases: Equation of state for ideal and non-ideal (van der
Waals) gases; Kinetic theory of gases; Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
law; equipartition of energy.
Solid state: Crystals and crystal systems; X-rays; NaCl and KCl
structures; close packing; atomic and ionic radii; radius ratio rules;
lattice energy; Born-Haber cycle; isomorphism; heat capacity of solids.

Chemical Thermodynamics: Reversible and irreversible processes;

first law and its application to ideal and nonideal gases;
thermochemistry; second law; entropy and free energy; criteria for
Chemical and Phase Equilibria: Law of mass action; Kp, Kc, Kx and
Kn; effect of temperature on K; ionic equilibria in solutions; pH and
buffer solutions; hydrolysis; solubility product; phase equilibria–phase
rule and its application to one-component and two-component systems;
colligative properties.

Electrochemistry: Conductance and its applications; transport

number; galvanic cells; EMF and free energy; concentration cells with
and without transport; polarography; concentration cells with and
without transport; Debey-Huckel-Onsagar theory of strong electrolytes.
Chemical Kinetics: Reactions of various order; Arrhenius equation;
collision theory; transition state theory; chain reactions – normal and
branched; enzyme kinetics; photochemical processes; catalysis.
Adsorption: Gibbs adsorption equation; adsorption isotherm; types of
adsorption; surface area of adsorbents; surface films on liquids.

Spectroscopy: Beer-Lambert law; fundamental concepts of rotational,

vibrational, electronic and magnetic resonance spectroscopy.


Basic Concepts in Organic Chemistry and Stereochemistry:

Electronic effects; resonance, inductive, hyperconjugation, aromaticity,
tautomerism; organic acids and bases; optical isomerism in compounds
with and without any stereocenters (allenes, biphenyls); conformation of
acyclic systems (substituted ethane/n-propane/n-butane) and cyclic
systems (mono- and di-substituted cyclohexanes).

Organic Reaction Mechanism and Synthetic Applications:

Chemistry of reactive intermediates (carbocations, carbanions, free
radicals, carbenes, nitrenes, benzynes); Hofmann-Curtius-Lossen
rearrangement, Wolff rearrangement, Simmons-Smith reaction,
Reimer-Tiemann reaction, Michael reaction, Darzens reaction, Wittig
reaction and McMurry reaction; Pinacol-pinacolone, Favorskii, benzilic
acid rearrangement, dienone-phenol rearrangement, Baeyer-Villeger
reaction; oxidation and reduction reactions in organic chemistry;
organometallic reagents in organic synthesis (Grignard, organolithium
and organocopper); Diels-Alder, electrocyclic and sigmatropic
reactions; functional group inter-conversions and structural problems
using chemical reactions.

Spectroscopic Analysis: Identification of functional groups by UV, IR

and 1H NMR spectroscopic techniques as tools for structural

Natural Products Chemistry: Chemistry of alkaloids, steroids,

terpenes, carbohydrates, amino acids, peptides and nucleic acids.

Aromatic and Heterocyclic Chemistry: Monocyclic, bicyclic and

tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and monocyclic compounds with one
hetero atom: synthesis, reactivity and properties.


Periodic Table: Periodic classification of elements and periodicity in

properties; general methods of isolation and purification of elements.

Chemical Bonding and Shapes of Compounds: Types of bonding;

VSEPR theory and shapes of molecules; hybridization; dipole moment;
ionic solids; structure of NaCl, CsCl, diamond and graphite; lattice
Concepts of Acids and Bases: Bronsted and Lewis acids and bases;
Gas phase versus solution phase acidity; solvent levelling effects;
hardness and softness.

Oxidation and Reduction: Redox potentials; Nernst equation;

influence of complex formation; precipitation; change of pH and
concentration on redox potentials; analysis of redox cycles; redox
stability in water; disproportionation/ comproportionation.
Main Group Elements (s and p blocks): General concepts on group
relationships and gradation in properties; structure of electron deficient
compounds involving main group elements.

Transition Metals (d block): Characteristics of 3d elements; oxide,

hydroxide and salts of first row metals; coordination complexes:
structure, isomerism, reaction mechanism and electronic spectra; VB,
MO and Crystal Field theoretical approaches for structure, color and
magnetic properties of metal complexes; organometallic compounds
having ligands with back bonding capabilities such as metal carbonyls,
carbenes, nitrosyls and metallocenes; homogenous catalysis.
Bioinorganic Chemistry: Essentials and trace elements of life; basic
reactions in the biological systems and the role of metal ions, especially
2+ 3+ 2+ 2+
Fe , Fe , Cu and Zn ; structure and function of hemoglobin and
myoglobin and carbonic anhydrase.

Instrumental Methods of Analysis: Basic principles; instrumentations

and simple applications of conductometry, potentiometry and UV-vis
Analytical Chemistry: Principles of qualitative and quantitative
analysis; acid-base, oxidation-reduction and complexometric titrations
using EDTA; precipitation reactions; use of indicators; use of organic
reagents in inorganic analysis.

Sl. Name of Sub. Code & Syllabus for Entrance Examination

No. Centre Sub. Code
1 School of Physical Syllabus for Ph.D. (Physics)
Physical Sciences –
Sciences I. Mathematical Physics
PHYH (898)
(SPS) Linear vector spaces. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Linear ordinary
differential equations of first & second order. Special functions. Partial
2 differential equations. Green’s function. Fourier and Laplace
transforms. Complex analysis: analytic functions, poles and residues,
series expansion, and evaluation of integrals.
II. Classical Mechanics
Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalism. Equations of motion. Central
force problem. Conservation laws. Small oscillations and normal
modes. Special theory of relativity.
III. Electromagnetic Theory
Gauss’s law. Laplace and Poisson equations, boundary value
problems. Ampere's law. Electromagnetic induction. Maxwell's
equations. Scalar and vector potentials. Gauge invariance.
Conservation laws for electromagnetic fields. Electromagnetic waves in
free space. Dielectrics and conductors. Reflection and refraction of
electromagnetic waves. Dynamics of charged particles in static and
uniform electromagnetic fields.
IV. Quantum Mechanics
Wavefunctions and operators. Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
Schrödinger equation (time-dependent and time-independent).
Eigenvalue problems (particle in a box, harmonic oscillator, hydrogen
atom). Tunneling. Orbital and spin angular momenta. Addition of
angular momenta. Time-independent perturbation theory. Variational
method. Time dependent perturbation theory: Fermi's golden rule and
selection rules. Identical particles and indistinguishability.

V. Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics

Laws of thermodynamics and their consequences. Thermodynamic
potentials. Legendre transformation. Maxwell relations. Chemical
potential, phase equilibria. Micro-canonical, canonical and grand-
canonical ensembles and partition functions. Free energy and its
connection with thermodynamic quantities. Classical and quantum
statistics. Ideal Bose and Fermi gases. Blackbody radiation and
distribution. First- and second-order phase transitions.

VI. Atomic & Molecular Physics

Quantum states of electrons in an atom. Relativistic corrections of
atomic energy levels. LS & JJ couplings. Zeeman, Paschen-Bach &
Stark effects. Magnetic resonance. Born-Oppenheimer approximation.
Electronic, rotational, vibrational and Raman spectra of diatomic
molecules. Lasers: spontaneous and stimulated emission, Einstein A &
B coefficients. Optical pumping, population inversion, rate equation.

VII. Condensed Matter Physics

Bravais lattices. Reciprocal lattice. Diffraction and structure factor.
Bonding of solids. Elastic properties, phonons, lattice specific heat.
Free electron theory of metals and electronic specific heat. Drude
model of electrical and thermal conductivity. Hall effect and
thermoelectric power. Band theory of solids: metals, insulators and
semiconductors. Superconductivity: type-I and type-II superconductors.
Magnetism: types of magnetic ordering and Curie-Weiss law.

VIII. Nuclear and Particle Physics

Basic nuclear properties: size, shape and charge distribution, spin and
parity. Binding energy, semi-empirical mass formula, liquid drop model.
Nuclear force. Single-particle shell model, its validity and limitations.
Rotational spectra. Elementary ideas of alpha, beta and gamma decays
and their selection rules. Fission and fusion. Nuclear reactions.
Classification of fundamental forces. Elementary particles and their
quantum numbers (charge, spin, parity, isospin, strangeness, etc.).

IX. Electronics
Semiconductor devices (diodes, junctions, transistors, and field effect
devices), device characteristics. Operational amplifiers and their
applications. Digital techniques and applications (registers, counters,
comparators and similar circuits).

X. Research Methodology and Experimental Methods

Data analysis. Error estimation. Measurement of electrical resistivity,
Hall coefficient, magnetic susceptibility and thermal conductivity.
Interference and diffraction experiments. Spectroscopic measurements
such as Zeeman effect, Electron Spin Resonance, and Raman effect.
Experimental determination of fundamental constants such as Planck’s
constant, e/m, and Boltzmann constant.

3 Chemical Syllabus for JNU Ph.D. Chemistry Entrance Test

Sciences – Research Methodology
CHEH (899)
Analytical chemistry, chromatographic separation, crystallization,
spectroscopic techniques, electro-and thermoanalytical methods.
Data analysis: Mean and standard deviation; absolute and relative
errors; linear regression; covariance and correlation coefficient.
Organic Chemistry
1. IUPAC nomenclature of organic molecules including regio - and
2. Principles of stereochemistry: Configurational and
conformational isomerism in acyclic and cyclic compounds;
stereogenicity, stereoselectivity, enantioselectivity,
diastereoselectivity and asymmetric induction.
3. Aromaticity: Benzenoid and non - benzenoid compounds –
generation and reactions.

4. Organic reactive intermediates: Generation, stability and

reactivity of carbocations, carbanions, free radicals, carbenes,
benzynes and nitrenes.
5. Organic reaction mechanisms involving addition, elimination
and substitution reactions with electrophilic, nucleophilic or
radical species. Determination of reaction pathways.
6. Common named reactions and rearrangements – applications
in organic synthesis.

7. Organic transformations and reagents: Functional group

interconversion including oxidations and reductions; common
catalysts and reagents (organic, inorganic, organometallic and
enzymatic). Chemo, regio and stereoselective transformations.

8. Concepts in organic synthesis: Retrosynthesis, disconnection,

synthons, linear and convergent synthesis, umpolung of
reactivity and protecting groups.
9. Asymmetric synthesis: Chiral auxiliaries, methods of
asymmetric induction – substrate, reagent and catalyst
controlled reactions; determination of enantiomeric and
diastereomeric excess; enantio-discrimination. Resolution –
optical and kinetic.

10. Pericyclic reactions – electrocyclisation, cycloaddition,

sigmatropic rearrangements and other related concerted
reactions. Principles and applications of photochemical
reactions in organic chemistry.

11. Synthesis and reactivity of common heterocyclic compounds

containing one or two heteroatoms (O, N, S).
12. Chemistry of natural products: Carbohydrates, proteins and
peptides, fatty acids, nucleic acids, terpenes, steroids and
alkaloids. Biogenesis of terpenoids and alkaloids.
13. Structure determination of organic compounds by IR, UV - Vis,
1 13
H & C NMR and Mass spectroscopic techniques.

Inorganic Chemistry

1. Chemical periodicity: Classification of elements and periodicity in


2. Molecular Structure and Bonding: Valence bond theory, molecular

orbital Theory, VSEPR theory.
3. Acids and Bases: Lewis acids and bases, HSAB concept, Gas phase
versus solution acidity, Solvent levelling effects, Surface acidity.
4. Oxidation and Reduction: Analysis of redox cycles, Redox stability
in water, Disproportionation/Comproportionation, Frost, Latimer and
Pourbaix diagrams.
5. Main group elements and their compounds: Allotropy, synthesis,
structure and bonding, industrial importance of the compounds.
6. Transition elements and coordination compounds: structure, bonding
theories, spectral and magnetic properties, reaction mechanisms.
7. Inner transition elements: spectral and magnetic properties, redox
chemistry, analytical applications.
8. Organometallic compounds: synthesis, bonding and structure, and
reactivity. Organometallics in homogeneous catalysis.
9. Cages and metal clusters.
10. Bioinorganic chemistry: photosystems, porphyrins,
metalloenzymes, oxygen transport, electron-transfer reactions;
nitrogen fixation, metal complexes in medicine.
11. Nuclear chemistry: nuclear reactions, fission and fusion, radio-
analytical techniques, activation analysis, principles of
determination of age of rocks and minerals, and Radio-carbon
12. Characterisation of inorganic compounds by IR, Raman, NMR,
EPR, Mössbauer, UV-vis, NQR, MS, electron spectroscopy and
microscopic techniques.

Physical Chemistry

1. Basic principles of quantum mechanics: Postulates; operator

algebra; exactly-solvable systems: particle-in-a-box, harmonic oscillator
and the hydrogen atom, including shapes of atomic orbitals; orbital and
spin angular momenta; tunnelling.
2. Approximate methods of quantum mechanics: Variational principle;
perturbation theory up to second order in energy; applications.
3. Atomic structure and spectroscopy; term symbols; many-electron
systems and antisymmetry principle.
4. Chemical bonding in diatomics; elementary concepts of MO and VB
theories; Huckel theory for conjugated π-electron systems.
5. Chemical applications of group theory; symmetry elements; point
groups; character tables; selection rules.
6. Molecular spectroscopy: Rotational and vibrational spectra of
diatomic molecules; electronic spectra; IR and Raman activities –
selection rules; basic principles of magnetic resonance.

7. Chemical thermodynamics: Laws, state and path functions and their

applications; thermodynamic description of various types of processes;
Maxwell’s relations; spontaneity and equilibria; temperature and
pressure dependence of thermodynamic quantities; Le Chatelier
principle; elementary description of phase transitions; phase equilibria
and phase rule; thermodynamics of ideal and non-ideal gases, and

8. Statistical thermodynamics: Boltzmann distribution; kinetic theory of

gases; partition functions and their relation to thermodynamic quantities
–calculations for model systems.
9. Electrochemistry: Nernst equation, redox systems, electrochemical
cells; Debye-Huckel theory; electrolytic conductance – Kohlrausch’s law
and its applications; ionic equilibria; conductometric and potentiometric

10. Chemical kinetics: Empirical rate laws and temperature

dependence; complex reactions; steady state approximation;
determination of reaction mechanisms; collision and transition state
theories of rate constants; unimolecular reactions; enzyme kinetics; salt
effects; homogeneous catalysis; photochemical reactions.
11. Colloids and surfaces: Stability and properties of colloids;
isotherms and surface area; heterogeneous catalysis.
12. Solid state: Crystal structures; Bragg’s law and applications; band
structure of solids.

13. Polymer chemistry: Molar masses; kinetics of polymerization.

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