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Sonel Measurement Instruments 2014

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ergonomic functional

innovative from Sonel



MPI-502 MZC-304 MIC-30 MRP-201


MRU-200 MPI-530
Our products have found recognition among many domestic and
foreign customers.
We owe our high market position to continuous technological and
functional development of our products, as well as adapting them to
MRU-20 MPI-505 market requirements. It was confirmed by achieving internationally
recognised ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System and ISO
14001:2004 Environmental Management System certificates. Our
instruments meet the EN 61557 and EN 61010 standards as well as the
EMC Directive requirements, allowing us to use the CE mark on our
products with full responsibility and allow for measurement in networks
compilant with BS 7671 and VDE 0100.

PQM-702 MIC-10k1


Product support can be found on our website:

recent firmware, software, drivers, manuals, technical data and publications

2 - source of latest information





Excellent products, good SHORT-CIRCUIT LOOP

logistic service, efficient MEASUREMENTS
warranty and after-warranty
service and after-sales EARTHING
Customer support are the
most important elements of
Our offer is not limited to
measurement instruments.
We provide calibration ACCESSORIES FOR PROTECTION 36
services related to virtually
all devices related to testing electric shock protection, as well as other
electrical meters, thermal imagers, pyrometers, illuminance meters. SOFTWARE 39
Many companies have already tried our services related to the Surface
Mount Technology (SMT) assembly, and these who have not tried them
yet, are invited to start cooperation with us in this area. We offer assembly
services of Surface Mount Devices (SMD) on our professional automatic THERMAL IMAGERS 41
assembly line from FUJI. We have two Surface Mount Technology (SMT) PYROMETERS 45
assembly lines, Through-Hole Technology (THT) lines and three inspection



Product assembly is carried in accordance with the IPC-A-610D MEASUREMENTS
We invite you to become familiar with our latest SONEL S.A. product POWER QUALITY
catalogue. It provides clear and accessible help to our Customers. Mainly, ANALYSIS
we have presented technical specifications and usability features of our
instruments. We guarantee top quality and professionalism and wish our SAFETY OF ELECTRICAL
Customers success in performing measurements.









Short-circuit loop impedance meters (except for MZC-310S) also allow for
measurements in L-PE circuits in systems protected with residual current devices without
any interference in the circuit. Such a measurement, performed with current smaller than
15 mA, is extended in time, whereas the resolution of the result is 0.01 Ω, just like for other
measurements. The MZC-310S high-current meter allows for performing measurements
with the resolution of 0.1 mΩ (power distribution points, switchboards, substations) with
the maximal measurement current of 280 A. This allows for measurements in accordance
with the EN 61557 standard, even for the circuits with miliohm values of short-circuit loop

The MZC-306 meter are distin-

guished by their ability to perform
measurements for any AC voltages up to
750 V, including industrial systems.
Short-circuit loop meters can be used
Current regulations require performing electrical system measurements during the for earth resistance measurement with
rough-in inspection (after assembly, after each change or expansion of the system) and the use of an auxiliary voltage source
regularly during operation. The scope of inspection or periodic checks is specified in the (phase conductor). Therefore the
HD 60364-6 standard. The requirements set for measurement instruments are specified on measured value is overstated - the
individual sheets of the EN 61557 standard. Electrical safety measurements include, measurement result is a sum of the
depending on the requirements, the measurements of: short-circuit loop impedance, measured resistance to earth, operational
insulation resistance, continuity of protective connections and equipotential bonding,earth earthing resistance and the line
resistance, residual current device parameters. Additional regulations specify the conductor resistance. However, if it is
requirement for legal metrological inspection of instruments used for the performance of smaller than the value allowed for the
measurements. examined earthing, it can be considered
correct and there is no need to employ more accurate measurement methods.
Measurements of short-circuit loop impedance.
The most commonly used method of protection against electric shock - the protection Measurements of insulation resistance.
against direct contact in circuits equipped with overcurrent protection devices - relies on Insulation condition is the key factor of operational safety and correct operation of
automatic power cut-off in case of hazardous touch voltage on accessible current- electrical devices and systems, and in addition, it is a protection against direct contact.
conducting elements of electrical equipment. A flow of current occurs in the circuit between
Systematic examinations of insulation condition is necessary in order to detect any
the phase and protective conductors, called the short-circuit current, that trips the
deterioration of insulation and is a permanent element of inspection and measurement
overcurrent breaker and cuts off the power. Because accessible elements cannot be under a
works. In the case of measurements of industrial equipment, the tendency of resistance
hazardous touch voltage for too long, the protection must trip in a sufficiently short time
value changes is of key importance, because it can indicate gradual deterioration of
defined by the standards. The condition for proper protection is described by the formula:
insulation condition. Basic elements influencing deterioration of insulation are: electrical
and mechanical exposures, chemical aggression, thermal exposures and environmental
Zs=Un/IA pollution; as a result of their influence during normal operation of electrical equipment, its
insulation is subjected to ageing. Insulation resistance measurements are performed with
where: Zs - short-circuit loop impedance, IA - the operating current that trips the overcurrent direct current in order to eliminate the influence of capacitance.
breaker within the required time (depending on the time-current characteristics of the The method for performing insulation resistance measurements and the required
breaker and the required trip time), Un - rated phase-to-earth voltage. measurement voltages are defined in the standards: HD 60364-6, E-04700, EN 61557-2.
After applying measurement voltage, physical phenomena occur in insulation, causing the
flow of current. During resistance measurement, the following components of the current
flowing through insulation (1) can be distinguished:

The Zs impedance value, necessary for determining whether the protection is proper or
not, must be measured. During measurements of short-circuit loop current with the use of
the technical method, an "artificial short-circuit" is created. The instrument performs voltage
measurement under no-load conditions, and then under a short-time load with a short-
circuit resistor. The short-circuit loop impedance is calculated based on the voltage drop
difference. This measurement is provided by the short-circuit loop impedance meters:
MZC-304, MZC-306 and MZC-310S, as well the multifunction instruments: MPI-502,
MPI-505, MPI-520, MPI-525, MPI-530 - all of these instruments also indicate the
· the capacitance charging current (2) - depending on the capacitance (e.g. the length of
components of impedance, i.e. resistance and reactance.
measured cable),

Z= R +X
2 2 · the absorption current (3) - resulting from charge and dipole movement in the electric field,
· the insulation leakage current (4) - the sum of currents flowing through and on the surface
of the material.
X Due to the nature of current flowing through insulation, the measured value is influenced
R by the time of measurement, as well as humidity, temperature, measurement voltage and
cleanness of the insulation material surface.


The rated RCD current IΔn value must be selected to prevent the touch voltage, resulting
from the fault current flow, from exceeding the maximal long-term touch voltage UL:

Due to safety reasons, installation must be equipped with a PE protective conductor.
Therefore RCDs cannot be installed in systems lacking a separate protective conductor. A
residual current device does not limit the value of fault current, but the duration of its flow.
However, because the fault current exceedance over the value of the rated current of the
Measurement time dependence Temperature dependence RCD is used as the criterion for the RCD tripping, the RCD should be selected appropriately
of insulation resistance. of insulation resistance.
to the types of protected loads. In regards to the tripping time, the RCDs are divided into:
general, short-time delay G - intended for loads and circuits with small instantaneous
leakage current values, and selective S - characterized by a minimal inaction time, i.e. the
time when the RCD will not tripping despite a difference between the input and output
current values in a circuit. Depending on the shape of the tripping fault current, RCDs can
be further divided as: AC type - - reacting to residual sinusoidal alternating current; A
type - - reacting to residual sinusoidal alternating current, residual pulsating
unidirectional current, residual pulsating unidirectional current with 6mA direct current
Voltage dependence of insulation resistance.
offset; and B type - - reacting to residual sinusoidal alternating current, residual
pulsating unidirectional current, residual pulsating unidirectional current with direct current
offset and direct current. The capability of performing residual current device measure-
The three-lead method, used in all advanced instruments, allows for eliminating the ments is provided by the MRP-201 meter, as well as the MPI-502, MPI- 505, MPI-520,
influence of the surface leakage current. In the case of cables, the core insulation must be MPI-525 and MPI-530 multifunction meters.
wrapped in a metal foil connected to the shield terminal of the instrument - only the leakage
current flowing through insulation is measured. Measurement with the three-lead method
is recommended for large surfaces exposed to pollution (large diameter cables,
transformers, HV switches):

Cable jacket

Metal foil wound around the insulation of a core

Conductive core

R( ! )

During each measurement procedure (except for alternating current voltage), the meter
The use of the three-lead method is relevant in case of measurements of objects of
checks whether the resulting touch voltage exceeds the defined value of allowed long-term
very large resistance values (above 100 MΩ).
touch voltage. If this value be exceeded, the measurement will be automatically aborted (i.e.
the differential measurement current will be cut off). The value of allowed long-term touch
The MIC-10k1, MIC-5050, MIC-5010, MIC-5005, MIC-5000, MIC-2510, MIC-30 and
voltage can be set to 25 V or 50 V, and additionally 12.5 V for selective RCDs. The RCD
MIC-2505 instruments, as well as the MPI-525 multifunction meter allow for insulation
tripping time is measured from the start of residual current flow until the moment of RCD
measurements within a defined time, as well as for readouts at user-defined time intervals.
tripping; positive or negative initial phase (or polarisation) can be selected. Maximal
Based on the results, one or two absorption coefficients are calculated, also providing
measured values of tripping time are 300 ms for general use, and 500 ms for selective RCD
information related to insulation condition. Before performing measurements make sure,
measurements. The RCD operating current is measured with forcing a linearly rising
that the measured object is disconnected from power supply. In the event of voltage
residual current in the examined circuit. The current rises from approx. 30% IΔn to the
detection on the measured object (or voltage appearing during the measurement), the
instrument aborts the measurement and acoustically signals abnormality. During moment of RCD tripping or exceeding IΔn in the case of AC (140% and 200%, respectively,
measurement, actual instantaneous resistance value or actual value of leakage current is for A and B type RCDs).
displayed. After finishing the measurement, values measured at the ends of user-defined Thanks to employing a touch electrode, the RCD measurement instruments can be
time intervals (selectable from the range of 1...600 s) are saved, and the measured object is used for checking of correctness of connections in power sockets. If the voltage between
discharged by the instrument. the touch electrode and the protective conductor (PE) connected to the socket exceeds
50 V, this condition will be signalled.
Measurements of residual current device parameters.
Measurements of earth resistance.
The main function of a residual Measurements of earth resistance are performed in order to check electrical systems
current device (RCD) is additional Protected final circuit and fulfil the requirements related to the protection against electric shock. Besides
protection against electric shock by protection against lightning, earthing also provides other functions related to safety (e.g.
disconnecting the protected circuit discharging electric charges in
from power supply in the event of facilities with explosion
excessive earth current in this hazard).
circuit. During operation, earthing
When there are no faults in the Earthing
system is subject to periodic
circuit protected by the RCD inspections in order to check
(residual current IΔ = 0), the I1 input whether corrosion or earth
current equals the I2 output current. resistivity changes have Soil type
In the event of a fault (e.g. insulation significantly impacted its Soil resistivity
breakdown), the IΔ fault current starts to flow, and the I2 value is smaller than I1. The RCD parameters. Earth electrode surface
will trip (cut off power supply), if the measured difference of the I1 and I2 values exceeds the Surface resistance
specified fiducial value of the RCD. During the flow of the fault current, the UB voltage will
appear on the casing of the protected device, according to the Ohm's law:


All the instruments meet the requirements of European Directives related to

Earthing measurements can be performed with multi-function meters equipped with an The two-clamp method (MRU-120, MRU-200, MPI-530) allows for measuring the
appropriate function as well as with the specialized MRU series meters. For earth resistance of multiple earthing systems without the need for placing auxiliary probes in the
measurement resistance, the technical method is used most frequently - the meter ground. During this measurement, the current generated by the transmitting clamp flows in
calculates the resistance value by measuring voltage on the terminals after forcing the the circuit: examined earthing + parallel system of the remaining earthing and is measured
measurement current. For measurement of single earth systems, the three-pole potential by the receiving clamp - based on this measurement, the circuit resistance is calculated.
drop method is used. This method bases on forcing a flow of current in the circuit: meter - Because the parallel connection of several resistances creates net resistance of much lower
examined earthing - current electrode - meter. Distances between electrodes should be value, the result is overstated as compared to the examined resistance. The difference gets
possibly large; the current electrode should be placed in a distance at least 10-times larger smaller, as the number of earthing systems in the measured object grows.
than the physical length of the measured earthing; in practice, the distance of approxi-
mately 40 m between the examined earthing and the current electrode is accepted.

Connecting the meter in the two-clamp method Equivalent circuit diagram of a multiple
earthing system with the two-clamp method

The two-clamp method is employed for measuring multiple earthing systems that are
not connected underground. If the earthing systems are connected underground, this
method allows for circuit continuity measurement only in the earthing system considered for
Voltage distribution during the flow of measurement current. electric shock protection, the behaviour of low-frequency currents is important (50, 60 Hz).
The purpose of lightning protection earthing is to carry the lightning surge to the ground.
The voltage electrode is stuck into the ground between the measured earthing and the The impulse nature of such a discharge causes the inductive component of the examined
current electrode in the area of the so-called zero potential. In practice, performance of earthing to become important; only the part of the earthing system closest to the point of
three measurements is recommended, with the voltage electrode relocated by 6 meters strike is used effectively for carrying the lightning current.
towards and away from the examined earthing. If the results are the same, the place for
Therefore earthing of low static resistance, guaranteeing good basic protection, does not
sticking the voltage electrode was selected properly. The measurement is performed with a
have to provide sufficient lightning protection parameters – this is especially true in the case
current of frequency allowing for avoiding interferences and noise of power system
of extensive earthing systems that can have impedance several times highe r than their low
frequency (50 Hz or 60 Hz) and its harmonics. Before starting the measurement, the MRU
static resistance. Measurement with the use of the impulse method (MRU-200) in
series advanced earthing meters check and signal the magnitude of interfering voltages.
accordance with the standard: EN 62305 allows for diagnosing dynamic parameters of
Additionally, these meters calculate the additional error related to too high resistance of
lightning protection earthing systems. Due to the impulse nature of the measurement,
measurement probes.
disconnecting earthing in the case of multiple earthing system or energised objects is not
Advanced instruments have the capability of performing measurements with the four- necessary, because the measurement current impulse operates only in limited distance, just
lead method, allowing for the elimination of influence the lead connecting the instrument like the lightning strike. The measurement performs in accordance with the definition from
and the examined earthing. the EN 62305 standard. This method allows for determining a conventional value described
as an impact impedance (ZE), being the ratio of peak voltage value and the peak current

Impedance specified by the standard is a conventional value, because usually, the

voltage and current peaks do not occur simultaneously. Impedance is considered as an index
of earthing effectiveness in the conditions of stricter or special protection.
The measurement impulse parameters (simulating the shape of lightning discharge) are
defined by two numbers: the front time T1 and the tail time T 2. The MRU-200 meter allows
for selecting one of the three shapes of impulses: 10/350μs, 8/20μs or 4/10μs.
According to the EN 62305 standard, the impulse of shape 10/350μs is typical for the
first impact of the lightning current. The same impulse is given as the calibration impulse by
Measurement of resistance to earth - the four-lead method the EN 62305-1 standard.

Inconveniences resulting from the necessity for disconnecting individual earthing

systems during multiple earthing system measurements can be overcome by employing
the technical method with the use of an additional clamp (MRU-105, MRU-120, MRU-200).
The current and voltage electrodes are placed as with the three-pole method, but the
current is measured by the clamp fixed on the examined earthing. The meter calculates
resistance by knowing the current flowing through the examined earthing. However, this
measurement method cannot be employed in multiple earthing systems, where individual
earthing systems are connected with each other underground.

current amplitude
front time
tail time

The shape of a measuring impulse in the impact method

During the measurement of multiple earthing with the use of the impulse method,
where individual earthing is connected both over and underground, the measurement
impulse operates in close distance from the given earthing only, allowing for earthing
measurement without the necessity for disconnecting test connections and disconnecting
Measurement of resistance to earth - the three-lead + clamp method the equipotential bonding – that is, without the necessity for disconnecting power supply of
the object.


electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) as well as safety, and bear the marking.

Earth impedance measurement circuit (four-lead impact method)

The AutoISO family of adapters, with the use of an appropriate instrument, allows for
The impulse method performing insulation resistance measurements of 3, 4 and 5-core cords without the need
can also be used for earthing for manual selection of pairs and combinations of measured cores. Leads protruding from
measurements of HV pylons the adapter are terminated with alligator clips (depending on situation: 3, 4 or all 5) and
and allows for determining fastened to the cores of the cord to be measured. Then the measurement is started, and the
eart impedance of the entire adapter, connected to the meter, will perform all the required sequence of measurements.
pylon, including both ring The AutoISO-2500 adapter used with the MPI-525 or MIC-2510 meter also allows for
iron systems and the performing such measurements of cables (with the voltage of 2500 V).
resistance of pylons legs.
Moreover, it can be used
without turn-off the
examined HV line and partial
disassembly of earthing.

HV pylon earthing measurement

Knowledge of earth resistivity (MRU-105, MRU-120, MRU-200) matters at the earthing
design stage. Knowing the cross-section of soil, the type of earthing can be selected - e.g. AutoISO-2500
for low values of resistivity occurring at a certain depth, a single, deep-buried vertical earth
electrode will be designed, whereas for soil of low resistivity at a shallower depth and rock
at a higher depth it will be a set of earthing systems comprising multiple shorter vertical The TWR-1J adapter allows for checking
earthing electrodes connected with ring iron. the parameters of a residual current device
before installing it in a system.

The earth resistance instruments

are delivered with a rich set of
ergonomic accessories facilitating
the performance of measurements. TWR-1

Due to the length of test leads used for earthing measurements

(50, 30, 25, 15 m), they are wound on frost and impact resistant plastic
reels allowing for quick unwinding and winding up.

Sonel provides the capability of supplementing the measurement set with 80 cm long
rods with an appropriate sheath, a high sensitivity and accuracy clamp (C-3, N-1), allowing
for current measurements or earthing measurements without disconnecting test
connections, as well as a special cramp guaranteeing secure contact.
Measurement instruments are delivered with appropriate soft or hard cases, matching
Earth resistivity measurement the shapes of respective instruments and equipped with compartments and internal holders
allowing for transporting measurement accessories as well.

The measurement of earth resistivity is carried with the use of four rods placed in a
straight line with equal spacing (the Wenner method). Earth resistivity is measured at the A detailed list of standard and additional accesories is presented on pages 36...38.
depth equal to 0.7 of distance between rods.

Measurement facilities
During measurements performed on live systems (short-circuit loop impedance,
residual current device parameters, voltage, phase sequence), use test leads terminated
with test probes or crocodile clips (meeting relevant measurement category requirements,
of shape preventing finger slipping), or adapters appropriate for sockets, in which the
measurements are performed.
The meters connected to a system equipped with sockets through a cord terminated
with a power plug, or with cords in other cases, automatically check the correctness and
signal any abnormalities of connections. Measurements in single-phase sockets are
possible with adapters terminated with a UNI-Schuko plug. These measurements are also
performed in the case of swapped phase and neutral conductors (without the need for
rewiring or using additional adapters).
Moreover, the WS-01 and WS-03 adapters have buttons for triggering measurements
and saving the results in memory. For three-phase or high-current measurements, one of
the following adapters can be optionally used: the AGT-16P, AGT-32P, AGT-63P, AGT-16C,
AGT-32C adapter for three-phase sockets or the AGT-16T and AGT-32T adapter for high-
current sockets.

Multifunction electrical installations meters

Index: WMGBMPI530

Standard accessories of the MPI-530 meter:

- Adapter with START button with UNI-Schuko (WS-03) WAADAWS03
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; yellow WAPRZ1X2YEBB
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; blue WAPRZ1X2BUBB
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; red WAPRZ1X2REBB
- Test lead on a reel with banana plugs; 15m; blue WAPRZ015BUBBSZ
- Test lead on a reel with banana plugs; 30m; red WAPRZ030REBBSZ
- Pin probe with banana connector; yellow WASONYEOGB1
- Pin probe with banana connector; red WASONREOGB1
- Pin probe with banana connector; blue WASONBUOGB1
- "Crocodile" clip K02; yellow WAKROYE20K02
- "Crocodile" clip K02; red WAKRORE20K02
- Earth contact test probe (rod); 0,30m (2 pcs) WASONG30
- Carrying case L2 WAFUTL2
- Set of hanging straps WAPOZSZEKPL
- NiMH rechargeable battery WAAKU07
- Lead for battery loading from the socked of car lighter (12V) WAPRZLAD12SAM
- Cable for battery charger WAPRZLAD230
- Power supply adapter Z7 WAZSZ7
Measurements of short-circuit loop impedance: - Sonel Reader software
- impedance measurement with resolution 0.001 Ω and 23 A current (44 A phase-to-phase) - Calibration certificate
- short-circuit resistor R ZW=10 Ω
- measurement range: 95...440 V, frequency 45...65 Hz,
- measurement of short circuit loop impedance with resolution 0.01 Ω, in protected
systems without tripping the RCD’s with IΔn ≥ 30 mA
- automatic calculation of short-circuit current, differentiating between phase-to-phase MPI-530 meter allow for performing measurements
and phase-to-neutral voltage, in sockets with swapped L and N conductors.
- measurements using UNI-Schuko plug with measurement triggering button (also
when L and N leads are exchangeable) or 1.2 m, 5 m, 10 m, 20 m test leads, with KNOW
optional use of 3-phase socket adapters (AGT),
- selection of installation protections and automatic evaluation of measurements results
Low-voltage measurement of protective connection
Examination of AC, A and B type residual current devices: and equipotential bonding resistance:
- measurement of general, short-time delay and selective RCDs of rated residual current - measurement of the protective conductor continuity with current 200 mA
10, 30, 100, 300, 500 and 1000 mA, in both directions (in accordance with the EN 61557-4 standard),
- a function of automatic measurement of the full set of RCD parameters (after a single push - low-current measurement of resistance with acoustic and light signalling,
of the "START" button, the meter performs the entire defined cycle of measurements,
- automatic calibration of test leads - capability of using test leads of any length.
including the L-PE short-circuit loop impedance measurement with 15 mA current),
- the shape of leakage current characteristics selected by the user: sinusoidal (starting with
the rising or falling edge), pulsating unidirectional current (positive or negative),
pulsating unidirectional current with 6mA direct current offset (positive or negative),
direct current (positive or negative),
Illuminance measurements:
- measurement of the IA operating current with rising current, - range of measurement: 0.1 lx...19.9 klx,
- measurement of the tA tripping time for ½IΔn, IΔn, 2IΔn, 5IΔn, - measurement in lux (lx) or foot-candle (fc),
- measurement of the UB touch voltage and the RE protective conductor resistance - measurement using external photo detector (optional)
without tripping the RCD,
- detection of swapped L and N conductors in a socket; no influence on the performance
of measurements,
- capability of the IA tripping current and the tAI actual tripping time measurement Additionally:
with just one RCD tripping, Measurement and recording of voltage, frequency, AC, cosφ and power
- voltage measurements in the range of 95...270 V.
(active,reactive and apparent), voltage and current harmonics up to 40, THD.
Quick verification of correctness of the PE conductor connection with the use of a
touch electrode.
Insulation resistance measurements:
Phase sequence checking.
- test voltages: 50 V, 100 V, 250 V, 500 V, 1000 V,
- insulation resistance measurements up to 10 GΩ, Innovative memory with possibility of description of: measurement points, facilities,
- capability of in-socket measurement with the use of the UNI-Schuko adapter, names of customers (max. 10000 results of each measurement).
- acoustic signalling of 5-second time intervals to facilitate capturing time characteristics,
- protection of the meter against the presence of voltage on the object and the appearance Power supply from rechargeable of disposable batteries (optional).
of voltage during measurement,
- automatic discharge of capacitance of the object after finishing the measurement,
- automatic measurement of all resistance combinations of 3, 4 and 5-core cords
with the use of the additional AutoISO-1000C adapter. Additional wireless mini-keyboard:

Measurements of earth resistance and earth resistivity

- measurement with 3- or 4-lead technical method and 2 auxiliary electrodes,
- measurement with the 3-pole method with and additional clamp,
- measurement with 2-clamp method,
- measurement of earth resistivity - range of measurement: 0.0 Ωm...9.99 kΩm, input
of rods spacing distances in meters (1...30 m) or in feet (1...90 ft)

DO MPI-530 meter allow for automatic insulation resistance

Other technical specifications:
YOU measurement of 3, 4 and 5-core cords and cables
- type of insulation ...................................... double, in acc. with EN 61010-1 and IEC 61557
- operating temperature .......................................................................................... 0...+50°C KNOW with the use of additional AutoISO-1000C adapter.

- power supply of the meters...............NiMH rechargeable battery or LR14 alkaline batteries


Measurement of the ZL-PE, ZL-N, ZL-L short-circuit loop impedance Measurement of RCD parameters (operating voltage range 95…270 V):
Measurement with current 23/40 A - measurement range in acc. RCD tripping test and measurement of the tA tripping time (for the tA measurement function)
with IEC 61557-3: 0.130...1999 Ω (for a 1.2 m long test lead):
RCD type Factor Range Resolution Accuracy
Display range Resolution Accuracy
0.5*IDn ±(2% m.v. + 2 digits)
0.000...19.999 Ω 0.001 Ω General 0...300ms
1* IDn for RCD of I∆n=10 mA
20.00...199.99 Ω 0.01 Ω ±(5% m.v. + 3 digits) Short-time delay 1ms
2* IDn 0...150ms and the measurement
Selective with 0,5xI∆n, error
200...1999.9 Ω 0.1 Ω 5*IDn 0...40ms
Nominal voltage 95…270 V (for ZL-PE and ZL-N) and 95…440 V (for ZL-L) Accuracy of residual current setting: for 0.5*I∆n -8…0% for 1*I∆n, 2*I∆n, 5*I∆n 0…8%
Frequency: 45…65 Hz
Measurement of the IA RCD tripping current for sinusoidal residual current (AC type)
Measurement of the ZL-PE short-circuit loop impedance in the RCD mode
Measurement with current 15 mA - measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-3: 0.50...1999 Ω Nominal current Measurement range Resolution Measurement current Accuracy
10mA 3.3...10.0mA
Display range Resolution Accuracy 0.1mA
30mA 9.0...30.0mA
0.00...19.99 Ω 0.01 Ω ±(6% m.v. + 10 digits)
100mA 33...100mA 0.3 x IDn...1.0 x IDn ± 5% IDn
20.0...199.9 Ω 0.1 Ω
±(6% m.v. + 5 digits) 300mA 90...300mA
200...1999 Ω 1Ω 1mA
500mA 150...500mA
Nominal voltage: 95…270 V
Frequency: 45…65 Hz 1000mA 330...1000mA

Measurements of the RE earth resistance with 3p, 4p, 3p with clamp Start the measurement from a positive or negative half-period of forced leakage current
Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-5: 0.50 Ω…1.99 kΩ (3p, 4p, U=50V) (AC type)
1.00 Ω …1.99 kΩ (3p with clamp) Measurement of the IA RCD operating current for residual pulsating unidirectional
Display range Resolution Accuracy of 3p, 4p Accuracy 3p + clamp current with 6mA direct current offset (type A)
0.00...9.99 Ω 0.01 Ω ±(2% m.v. + 4 digits) Nominal current Measurement range Resolution Measurement current Accuracy

10.0...99.9 Ω 0.1 Ω 10mA 3.5...20.0mA 0.4 x IDn ...2.0 x IDn

±(8% m.v. + 4 digits) 0.1mA
100...999 Ω 1Ω ±(2% m.v. + 3 digits) 30mA 10.5...42.0mA
1.00...1.99 kΩ 0.01 kΩ 100mA 35...140mA ± 10% IDn
0.4 x IDn ...1.4 x IDn
300mA 105...420mA 1mA
Selective earth measurement with two clamps 500mA 175...700mA
Display range Resolution Accuracy Capability of measurement for positive or negative half-periods of forced leakage current
0.00...9.99 Ω 0.01 Ω Measurement of the IA RCD operating current for residual direct current (type B)
±(10% m.v. + 4 digits)
10.0...19.9 Ω 0.1 Ω Nominal current Measurement range Resolution Measurement current Accuracy
20...99.9 Ω ±(20% m.v. + 4 digits)
10mA 2.0...20.0mA 0.1mA
30mA 6...60mA
Measurement of insulation resistance
100mA 20...200mA 0.4 x IDn ...2.0 x IDn ± 10% IDn
Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-2: 1mA
· for Un = 50 V: 50 kΩ...250 MΩ · for Un = 500 V: 500 kΩ...2 GΩ 300mA 60...600mA
· for Un = 100 V: 100 kΩ...500 MΩ · for Un = 1000 V: 1 MΩ...9.99 GΩ 500mA 100...1000mA
· for Un = 250 V: 250 kΩ...1 GΩ
Capability of measurement for positive or negative forced leakage current
Display range *) Resolution Accuracy IA - rated residual current value
0...1999 kΩ 1 kΩ Illuminance measurement
2.00...19.99 MΩ 0.01 MΩ Display range Resolution Accuracy
±(3% m.v. + 8 digits)
20.0...199.9 MΩ 0.1 MΩ 0.1...19.99 lx 0.1 lx
200...999 MΩ 1 MΩ 100...999 lx 1 lx
±(5% m.v. + 2 digits)
1.00...9.99 GΩ 0.01 GΩ ±(4% m.v. + 6 digits) 1.00...9.99 lx 0.01 lx
10.0...19.9 klx 0.1 lx
Indication of phase sequence
· Indication of phase sequence: complaint, opposite “m.v." = "measured value".
· UL-L power system voltage range: 95...500 V (45...65 Hz)
· Displaying of phase-to-phase voltage DO
MPI-530 meter allow for the measurement
Analysis and recording of single-phase system of the tripping time and tripping current
· Voltage measurement UL-N: 0...500 V (TRUE RMS), frequency range 45...65 Hz
· Power measurement P, Q, S: 0...1.5 M (W, var, VA), frequency range 45...65 Hz
KNOW of an RCD with just one RCD trip.

· Frequency measurement: 45.0...65.0 Hz for 50...500 V voltages

· cosφ measurement: 0.00...1.00 (resolution 0.01) The instruments meet the requirements set forth by the standards:
· Measurement voltage and current harmonics (h02...h40)
· Measurement THD in relation to the first harmonic EN 61010-1, EN 61010-031 (general and particular requirements related to safety)
· AC current measurement (True RMS) using clamps: EN 61326 (electromagnetic compatibility)
EN 61557, IEC 61557 (requirements for measurement instruments)
Clamp Display range Resolution Accuracy HD 60364-6 (performance of measurements - checking)
HD 60364-4-41 (performance of measurements - protection against electric shock)
0.0...99.9 mA 0.1 mA EN 04700 (performance of measurements - rough-in inspection tests)
C-3, C-6 ±(5% m.v. + 3 digits)
100...999 mA 1 mA EN 12464 (lighting workplaces)
BS 7671 (British Standard)
1.00...9.99 A 0.01 A ±(5% m.v. + 5 digits) VDE 0100 (erection of power installations with rated voltages below 1000)
C-3, C-6, F-2, F-3 10.0...99.9 A 0.1 A (C-3, C-6)
100...999 A 1A ±(0.1% In + 2 digits)
(F-1, F-2, F-3)
F-1, F-2, F-3 1.00...3.00 kA 0.01 kA

DO MPI-530 meter allow for accurate short-circuit

YOU loop impedance measurement in L-PE circuits in power

systems with RCDs (with measurement current 15 mA).

Multifunction electrical installations meter

Index: WMGBMPI525

Standard accessories of the MPI-525 meter:

- Adapter with START button with UNI-Schuko (WS-03) WAADAWS03
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; yellow WAPRZ1X2YEBB
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; blue WAPRZ1X2BUBB
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; red WAPRZ1X2REBB
- Test lead on a reel with banana plugs; 15m; blues WAPRZ015BUBBSZ
- Test lead on a reel with banana plugs; 30m; red WAPRZ030REBBSZ
- "Crocodile" clip K02; yellow WAKROYE20K02
- Pin probe with banana connector; yellow WASONYEOGB1
- Pin probe with banana connector; red WASONREOGB1
- Pin probe with banana connector; blue WASONBUOGB1
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,8m; 5kV; red WAPRZ1X8REBB
- Test shielded lead with banana plug; 1,8m; 5kV; black WAPRZ1X8BLBB
- Pin probe 5kV with banana connector; red WASONREOGB2
- "Crocodile" clip K04; 5kV; black WAKROBL20K04
- Earth contact test probe (rod); 0,30m - 2 pcs WASONG30
- Carrying case L2 WAFUTL2
- NiMH rechargeable battery WAAKU07
- Cable for battery charger WAPRZLAD230
Measurements of short-circuit loop impedance: - Power supply adaptor Z7 WAZASZ7
- Set of hangind straps WAPOZSZEKPL
- impedance measurement with 23 A current (40 A for phase-to-phase voltage),
- resistor limiting the current: 10 Ω, - Sonel Reader software, calibration certificate
- range of measurement voltage: 95...440 V, frequency 45...65 Hz,
- measurement of short-circuit loop impedance with the resolution of 0.01 Ω
in systems protected with RCDs of IΔn ≥ 30 mA without tripping them,
- automatic calculation of short-circuit current; differentiation between line
and phase-to-phase voltage, MPI-525 meter is one of the few multifunction
- measurements with the use of a UNI-Schuko plug with a measurement
meters on the market allowing for insulation resistance

triggering button (also with swapped L and N conductors) or leads of lengths
measurements with the voltage of 2500 V.
1.2, 5, 10, 20 m, with possible use of three-phase socket adapters (AGT).

Examination of AC, A and B type residual current devices:

- measurement of general, short-time delay and selective RCDs of rated residual current
10, 30, 100, 300, 500 and 1000 mA, Low-voltage measurement of protective connection
- a function of automatic measurement of the full set of RCD parameters (after a single push and equipotential bonding resistance:
of the "START" button, the meter performs the entire defined cycle
of measurements, including the L-PE short-circuit loop impedance measurement - measurement of the protective conductor continuity with current 200 mA
with 15 mA current), in both directions (in accordance with the EN 61557-4 standard),
- the shape of leakage current characteristics selected by the user: sinusoidal (starting with - low-current measurement of resistance with acoustic and light signalling,
the rising or falling edge), pulsating unidirectional current (positive or negative), - automatic calibration of test leads - capability of using test leads of any length.
pulsating unidirectional current with 6mA direct current offset (positive or negative),
direct current (positive or negative),
- measurement of the IA operating current with rising current,
- measurement of the tA tripping time for 1/2IΔn, IΔn, 2IΔn, 5IΔn,
- measurement of the UB touch voltage and the RE protective conductor resistance Additionally:
without tripping the RCD,
- detection of swapped L and N conductors in a socket; no influence on the performance Quick verification of correctness of the PE conductor connection with the use
of measurements, of a touch electrode.
- capability of the IA tripping current and the tAI actual tripping time measurement
with just one RCD tripping, Phase sequence checking.
- voltage measurements in the range of 95...270 V.
Memory of 990 measurements (57500 individual results), data transfer to a PC
over the USB or wireless interface.

Insulation resistance measurements: Battery or rechargeable battery power supply.

- test voltages: 50 V, 100 V, 250 V, 500 V, 1000 V and 2500 V, Real time clock (RTC) - measurement time saved in memory.
- insulation resistance measurements up to 10 GΩ,
- acoustic signalling of 5-second time intervals to facilitate capturing time characteristics,
- measurement of 2 absorption coefficients (DAR, PI or Ab1, Ab2), adiustable elapsing
T1, T2, T3 times from the range of 1...600 s,
- protection of the meter against the presence of voltage on the object and
the appearance of voltage during measurement,
- automatic discharge of capacitance of the measured object after finishing DO
the measurement,
YOU MPI-525 meter allows for performing measurements

- automatic measurement of all resistance combinations of 3, 4 and 5-core cords in sockets with swapped L and N conductors.
and power cables with the use of the additional AutoISO-2500 adapter.

Measurements of earth resistance: Other technical specifications:

- measurement with the three-pole technical method and 2 auxiliary rods, - type of insulation ...................................... double, in acc. with EN 61010-1 and IEC 61557
- internal voltage source of frequency appropriate for 50 or 60 Hz power - operating temperature .......................................................................................... 0...+50°C
system (selectable in the meter). - power supply of the meter ................ NiMH rechargeable battery or LR14 alkaline batteries
.....................................................................................................................(4 pcs - optional)


Measurement of the ZL-PE, ZL-N, ZL-L short-circuit loop impedance Measurement of RCD parameters (operating voltage range 96…270 V):
Measurement with current 23/40 A - measurement range in acc. RCD tripping test and measurement of the tA tripping time (for the tA measurement function)
with IEC 61557-3: 0.13…1999 Ω, (for a 1.2 m long test lead):
Typ RCD Factor Range Resolution Accuracy
Display range Resolution Accuracy
0.00...19.99Ω 0.01Ω 0...300ms
General 1* IDn
20.0...199.9Ω 0.1Ω ±(5% m.v. + 3 digits) 2* IDn 0...150ms ±(2% m.v. + 2 digits)
Short-time delay
200...1999Ω 1Ω 5*IDn 0...40ms 1ms
Nominal voltage 95…270 V (for ZL-PE and ZL-N) and 95…440 V (for ZL-L) 0.5*IDn for RCD of I∆n=10 mA
Frequency: 45…65 Hz 0...500ms
1* IDn and the measurement
2* IDn 0...200ms with 0,5xI∆n, error:
Measurement of the ZL-PE short-circuit loop impedance in the RCD mode 5*IDn 0...150ms
Measurement with current 15 mA - measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-3: 0.50…1999 Ω
Accuracy of residual current setting: for 0.5*I∆n -8…0% for 1*I∆n, 2*I∆n, 5*I∆n 0…8%
Display range Resolution Accuracy
Measurement of the IA RCD tripping current for sinusoidal residual current (AC type)
0.00...19.99Ω 0.01Ω ±(6% m.v. + 10 digits)
Nominal current Measurement range Resolution Measurement current Accuracy
20.0...199.9Ω 0.1Ω
±(6% m.v. + 5 digits) 10mA 3.3...10.0mA
200...1999Ω 1Ω 0.1mA
30mA 9.0...30.0mA
Nominal voltage: 95…270 V
100mA 33...100mA 0.3 x IDn...1.0 x IDn ± 5% IDn
Frequency: 45…65 Hz
300mA 90...300mA
500mA 150...500mA
Measurements of the RE earth resistance
Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-5 0.50 Ω…1.99 kΩ for measurement voltage of 50 V 1000mA 330...1000mA
0.56 Ω …1.99 kΩ for measurement voltage of 25 V
- Possibility of starting the measurement from a positive or negative half-period of forced
Display range Resolution Accuracy leakage current (AC type)
0.00...9.99Ω 0.01Ω ±(2% m.v. + 4 digits) Measurement of the IA RCD operating current for residual pulsating unidirectional
10.0...99.9Ω 0.1Ω current with 6mA direct current offset (type A)
100...999Ω 1Ω ±(2% m.v. + 3 digits) Nominal current Measurement range Resolution Measurement current Accuracy
1.00...1.99kΩ 0.01kΩ 10mA 3.5...20.0mA 0.4 x IDn ...2.0 x IDn
30mA 10.5...42.0mA
100mA 35...140mA ± 10% IDn
Measurement of insulation resistance 0.4 x IDn ...1.4 x IDn
Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-2: 300mA 105...420mA 1mA
· for Un = 50V: 50kΩ...250MΩ · for Un = 500V: 500kΩ...2GΩ 500mA 175...700mA
· for Un = 100V: 100kΩ...500MΩ · for Un = 1000V: 1MΩ...3GΩ
· for Un = 250V: 250kΩ...1GΩ · for Un = 2500V: 2.5MΩ...9.99GΩ - Capability of measurement for positive or negative half-periods of forced leakage current

Display range *) Measurement of the IA RCD operating current for residual direct current (type B)
Resolution Accuracy
0...1999kΩ 1kΩ Nominal current Measurement range Resolution Measurement current Accuracy

2.00...19.99MΩ 0.01MΩ 10mA 2.0...20.0mA 0.1mA

±(3% m.v. + 8 digits)
20.0...199.9MΩ 0.1MΩ 30mA 6.0...60mA
200...999MΩ 1MΩ 100mA 20...200mA 0.4 x IDn ...2.0 x IDn ± 10% IDn
1.00...9.99GΩ 0.01GΩ ±(4% m.v. + 6 digits) 300mA 60...600mA
500mA 100...1000mA
*) not exceeding the measurement range for a given voltage.
- Capability of measurement for positive or negative forced leakage current IA - rated
residual current value

"m.v." = "measured value".

YOU MPI-525 meter allows for automatic insulation resistance
measurement of 3, 4 and 5-core cords and cables
MPI-525 meter allows for measuring the actual

tripping time and tripping current of an RCD
with the use of the additional AutoISO-2500 adapter.
KNOW with just one RCD trip.

Indication of phase sequence The instrument meets the requirements set forth by the standards:
· Indication of phase sequence: complaint, opposite
· UL-L power system voltage range: 95...500 V (45...65 Hz) EN 61010-1, EN 61010-031 (general and particular requirements related to safety)
· Displaying of phase-to-phase voltage EN 61326 (electromagnetic compatibility)
EN 61557, IEC 61557 (requirements for measurement instruments)
HD 60364-6 (performance of measurements - checking)
Low-voltage measurement of circuit continuity and resistance HD 60364-4-41 (performance of measurements - protection against electric shock)
Measurement of the protective conductor continuity with current ±200 mA EN 04700 (performance of measurements - rough-in inspection tests)
Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-4: 0.12...400Ω BS 7671 (British Standard)
VDE 0100 (erection of power installations with rated voltages below 1000)
Display range Resolution Accuracy
0.00...19.99Ω 0.01Ω
20.0...199.9Ω 0.1Ω ±(2% m.v. + 3 digits)
200...400Ω 1Ω
· Voltage on open terminals: 4...9 V · Automatic calibration of test leads
· Output current at R<2Ω: min. 200mA · Measurements for both current polarisations

DO MPI-525 meter, as one of the few, allows for accurate

YOU short-circuit loop impedance measurement in L-PE circuits

in power systems with RCDs

KNOW (with 15 mA measurement current).

Multifunction electrical installations meters

MPI-520, MPI-520 Start Index: WMGBMPI520 (MPI-520)

WMGBMPI520S (MPI-520 Start)

Standard accessories of the meters:

- Adapter with START button with UNI-Schuko (WS-03) WAADAWS03
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; yellow WAPRZ1X2YEBB
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; blue WAPRZ1X2BUBB
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; red WAPRZ1X2REBB
- Test lead on a reel with banana plugs; 15m; blue (MPI-520) WAPRZ015BUBBSZ
- Test lead on a reel with banana plugs; 30m; red (MPI-520) WAPRZ030REBBSZ
- Pin probe with banana connector; yellow (MPI-520) WASONYEOGB1
- Pin probe with banana connector; red WASONREOGB1
- Pin probe with banana connector; blue WASONBUOGB1
- "Crocodile" clip K02; yellow WAKROYE20K02
- "Crocodile" clip K02; red WAKRORE20K02
- Earth contact test probe (rod); 0,30m WASONG30
- Carrying case L2 (MPI-520) WAFUTL2
- Carrying case L4 (MPI-520Start) WAFUTL4
- Set of hanging straps WAPOZSZEKPL
- Box for batteries WAPOJ1
- Batteries
- Sonel Reader software
Measurements of short-circuit loop impedance: - calibration certificate

- impedance measurement with 23 A current (40 A for phase-to-phase voltage),

- resistor limiting the current: 10 Ω,
- range of measurement voltage: 95...440 V, frequency 45...65 Hz,
- measurement of short-circuit loop impedance with the resolution of 0.01 Ω
in systems protected with RCDs of IΔn ≥30 mA without tripping them, DO MPI-520 and MPI-520 Start meters
- automatic calculation of short-circuit current; differentiation between line YOU allow for automatic insulation resistance measurement
of 3, 4 and 5-core cords and cables with the use
and phase-to-phase voltage,
- measurements with the use of a UNI-Schuko plug with a measurement of the additional AutoISO-1000C adapter.
triggering button (also with swapped L and N conductors) or leads of lengths
1.2, 5, 10, 20 m, with possible use of three-phase socket adapters (AGT).

Examination of AC, A and B type residual current devices: Low-voltage measurement of protective connection
- measurement of general, short-time delay and selective RCDs of rated residual current and equipotential bonding resistance:
10, 30, 100, 300, 500 and 1000 mA,
- a function of automatic measurement of the full set of RCD parameters (after a single push - measurement of the protective conductor continuity with current 200 mA
of the "START" button, the meter performs the entire defined cycle in both directions (in accordance with the EN 61557-4 standard),
of measurements, including the L-PE short-circuit loop impedance measurement - low-current measurement of resistance with acoustic and light signalling,
with 15 mA current), - automatic calibration of test leads - capability of using test leads of any length.
- the shape of leakage current characteristics selected by the user: sinusoidal (starting with
the rising or falling edge), pulsating unidirectional current (positive or negative),
pulsating unidirectional current with 6mA direct current offset (positive or negative),
direct current (positive or negative),
- measurement of the IA operating current with rising current, Additionally:
- measurement of the tA tripping time for 1/2IΔn, IΔn, 2IΔn, 5IΔn, Measurement of voltage, frequency as well as alternating current
- measurement of the UB touch voltage and the RE protective conductor resistance (with the use of an additional clamp), cosφ and power (active, reactive, apparent).
without tripping the RCD,
- detection of swapped L and N conductors in a socket; no influence on the performance Quick verification of correctness of the PE conductor connection
of measurements, with the use of a touch electrode.
- capability of the IA tripping current and the tAI actual tripping time measurement
with just one RCD tripping, Phase sequence checking.
- voltage measurements in the range of 95...270 V.
Memory of 990 measurements (57500 individual results), data transfer
to a PC over the USB or wireless interface.
Insulation resistance measurements:
Battery or rechargeable battery power supply (optional).
- test voltages: 50 V, 100 V, 250 V, 500 V, 1000 V,
- insulation resistance measurements up to 3GΩ, Real time clock (RTC) - measurement time saved in memory.
- capability of in-socket measurement with the use of the UNI-Schuko adapter,
- acoustic signalling of 5-second time intervals to facilitate capturing time characteristics,
- protection of the meter against the presence of voltage on the object and the appearance
of voltage during measurement,
- automatic discharge of capacitance of the measured object after finishing DO
the measurement,
- automatic measurement of all resistance combinations of 3, 4 and 5-core cords YOU MPI-520 and MPI-520 Start meters allow
for performing measurements in sockets with
with the use of the additional AutoISO-1000C adapter.
KNOW swapped L and N conductors.

Measurements of earth resistance Other technical specifications:

- measurement with the three-lead technical method and 2 auxiliary electrodes, - type of insulation ...................................... double, in acc. with EN 61010-1 and IEC 61557
- internal voltage source of frequency appropriate for 50 or 60 Hz power - operating temperature .......................................................................................... 0...+50°C
system (selectable in the meter). - power supply of the meters ................................ LR14 alkaline batteries (4 pcs) or a NiMH
................................................................................................rechargeable battery (optional)


Measurement of the ZL-PE, ZL-N, ZL-L short-circuit loop impedance Measurement of RCD parameters (operating voltage range 96…270 V):
Measurement with current 23/40 A - measurement range in acc. RCD tripping test and measurement of the tA tripping time (for the tA measurement function)
with IEC 61557-3: 0.13...1999Ω (for a 1.2 m long test lead):
Typ RCD Factor Range Resolution Accuracy
Display range Resolution Accuracy
0.00...19.99Ω 0.01Ω 0...300ms
General 1* IDn
20.0...199.9Ω 0.1Ω ±(5% m.v. + 3 digits) 2* IDn 0...150ms ±(2% m.v. + 2 digits)
Short-time delay
200...1999Ω 1Ω 5*IDn 0...40ms 1ms
Nominal voltage 95…270 V (for ZL-PE and ZL-N) and 95…440 V (for ZL-L) 0.5*IDn for RCD of I∆n=10 mA
Frequency: 45…65 Hz 0...500ms
1* IDn and the measurement
2* IDn 0...200ms
Measurement of the ZL-PE short-circuit loop impedance in the RCD mode with 0,5xI∆n, error:
Measurement with current 15 mA - measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-3: 0.50...1999Ω 5*IDn 0...150ms

Display range Resolution Accuracy Accuracy of residual current setting: for 0.5*I∆n -8…0% for 1*I∆n, 2*I∆n, 5*I∆n 0…8%
0.00...19.99Ω 0.01Ω ±(6% m.v. + 10 digits) Measurement of the IA RCD tripping current for sinusoidal residual current (AC type)
20.0...199.9Ω 0.1Ω Nominal current Measurement range Resolution Measurement current Accuracy
±(6% m.v. + 5 digits)
200...1999Ω 1Ω 10mA 3.3...10.0mA
Nominal voltage: 95…270 V 30mA 9.0...30.0mA
Frequency: 45…65 Hz 100mA 33...100mA 0.3 x IDn...1.0 x IDn ± 5% IDn
Measurements of the RE earth resistance 300mA 90...300mA
Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-5: 0.50Ω…1.99kΩ for measurement voltage of 50V 500mA 150...500mA
0.56Ω …1.99kΩ for measurement voltage of 25V 1000mA 330...1000mA
Display range Resolution Accuracy - Possibility of starting the measurement from a positive or negative half-period of forced
0.00...9.99Ω 0.01Ω ±(2% m.v. + 4 digits) leakage current (AC type)
10.0...99.9Ω 0.1Ω Measurement of the IA RCD operating current for residual pulsating unidirectional
100...999Ω 1Ω ±(2% m.v. + 3 digits) current with 6mA direct current offset (type A)
1.00...1.99kΩ 0.01kΩ Nominal current Measurement range Resolution Measurement current Accuracy
10mA 3.5...20.0mA 0.4 x IDn ...2.0 x IDn
Measurement of insulation resistance 30mA 10.5...42.0mA
Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-2:
100mA 35...140mA ± 10% IDn
· for Un = 50V: 50kΩ...250MΩ · for Un = 500V: 500kΩ...2GΩ 0.4 x IDn ...1.4 x IDn
· for Un = 100V: 100kΩ...500MΩ · for Un = 1000V: 1MΩ...3GΩ 300mA 105...420mA 1mA
· for Un = 250V: 250kΩ...1GΩ 500mA 175...700mA
Display range *) Resolution Accuracy - Capability of measurement for positive or negative half-periods of forced leakage current
0...1999kΩ 1kΩ Measurement of the IA RCD operating current for residual direct current (type B)
2.00...19.99MΩ 0.01MΩ
±(3% m.v. + 8 digits) Nominal current Measurement range Resolution Measurement current Accuracy
20.0...199.9MΩ 0.1MΩ 10mA 2.0...20.0mA 0.1mA
200...999MΩ 1MΩ 30mA 6.0...60mA
1.00...3.00GΩ 0.01GΩ ±(4% m.v. + 6 digits)
100mA 20...200mA 0.4 x IDn ...2.0 x IDn ± 10% IDn
*) not exceeding the measurement range for a given voltage. 300mA 60...600mA
**) during measurements with an additional UNI-Schuko plug, additional error of ±2% occurs
500mA 100...1000mA

Low-voltage measurement of circuit continuity and resistance - Capability of measurement for positive or negative forced leakage current IA - rated
Measurement of the protective conductor continuity with current ±200 mA residual current value
Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-4: 0.12...400Ω
“m.v." = "measured value".
Display range Resolution Accuracy
0.00...19.99Ω 0.01Ω DO
MPI-520 and MPI-520 Start meters allow
20.0...199.9Ω 0.1Ω ±(2% m.v. + 3 digits)
for the measurement of the tripping time and tripping

200...400Ω 1Ω current of an RCD with just one RCD trip.
· Voltage on open terminals: 4...9 V 4…9V · Automatic calibration of test leads
· Output current at R<2Ω: min. 200mA · Measurements for both current polarisations

Indication of phase sequence The instruments meet the requirements set forth by the standards:
· Indication of phase sequence: complaint, opposite
· UL-L power system voltage range: 95...500 V (45...65 Hz) EN 61010-1, EN 61010-031 (general and particular requirements related to safety)
· Displaying of phase-to-phase voltage EN 61326 (electromagnetic compatibility)
EN 61557, IEC 61557 (requirements for measurement instruments)
HD 60364-6 (performance of measurements - checking)
Measurement of alternating voltage and current, cosφ as well as power HD 60364-4-41 (performance of measurements - protection against electric shock)
· P, Q, S power measurement: 0...200 k(W, var, VA). EN 04700 (performance of measurements - rough-in inspection tests)
· Measurement of alternating current (True RMS) with the use of a clamp probe BS 7671 (British Standard)
(0...400 A), max. resolution 0.1 mA VDE 0100 (erection of power installations with rated voltages below 1000)
· UL-N voltage measurement: 0...500 V
· Frequency range of measured voltages: 45.0...65.0 Hz
· Measurement of frequency for voltages 50...500 V within the range
of 45.0...65.0 Hz (max. accuracy ±0,1% m.v. + 1 digit)
· Measurement of cosφ: 0.00...1.00 (resolution 0.01)

DO MPI-520 and MPI-520 Start meters

YOU allow for accurate short-circuit loop impedance measurement

in L-PE circuits in power systems with RCDs

KNOW (with measurement current 15 mA).

Multifunction electrical installations meter

Index: WMGBMPI505
Standard accessories of the MPI-505 meter:
- Adapter with START button with UNI-Schuko (WS-01) WAADAWS01
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; red WAPRZ1X2REBB
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; yellow WAPRZ1X2YEBB
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; blue WAPRZ1X2BUBB
- Pin probe with banana connector; red WASONREOGB1
- Pin probe with banana connector; yellow WASONYEOGB1
- Pin probe with banana connector; blue WASONBUOGB1
- "Crocodile" clip K02; yellow WAKROYE20K02
- "Crocodile" clip K02; red WAKRORE20K02
- Carrying case L4 WAFUTL4
- Hanging straps WAPOZSZE2
- Calibration certificate, Sonel Reader software, batteries
YOU MPI-505 meter has improved immunity
Measurement of the ZL-PE, ZL-N, ZL-L short-circuit loop impedance
Measurement with current 23/40 A - measurement range in acc.
KNOW to unfavourable operating conditions. with IEC 61557-3: 0.13...1999Ω (for a 1.2 m long test lead):
Display range Resolution Accuracy
0.00...19.99Ω 0.01Ω
20.0...199.9Ω 0.1Ω ±(5% m.v. + 3 digits)
Measurement of short-circuit loop parameters:
200...1999Ω 1Ω
- impedance measurement in power systems of rated voltages: · UnL-N/UnL-L nominal operating voltage: 115/200 V, 127/220 V, 220/380 V, 230/400 V, 240/415 V
115/200 V, 127/220 V, 220/380 V, 230/400 V, 240/415 V and frequencies of 45...65 Hz, · Operating voltage range: 100…254 V (for ZL-PE and ZL-N), and 100…440 V (for ZL-L)
- measurement of short-circuit loop impedance with current 15 mA with the resolution · Operating frequency range: 45...65 Hz
of 0.01Ω, without tripping residual current devices. · Max. measurement current: 23 A at 230 V (10 ms), 40 A at 400 V (10 ms)

Measurement of the ZL-PE short-circuit loop impedance in the RCD mode

Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-3: 0.50...1999Ω
Examination of AC and A type residual current devices:
Display range Resolution Accuracy
- measurement of general use and selective RCDs of rated residual current 0.00...19.99Ω 0.01Ω ±(6% m.v. + 10 digits)
10, 30, 100, 300, 500 and 1000 mA,
20.0...199.9Ω 0.1Ω
- measurement of the IA tripping current, ±(6% m.v. + 5 digits)
- measurement of the tA tripping time for 1/2IΔn, IΔn, 2IΔn, 5IΔn, 200...1999Ω 1Ω
- measurement of earthing continuity and touch voltage without tripping RCDs, · Operating voltage range: 100…264 V
- a function of automatic measurement of residual current device parameters.
Measurement of RCD parameters (operating voltage range 100…264 V):
RCD tripping test and measurement of the tA tripping time (for the tA measurement function)
Insulation resistance measurements: Factor Range Range S Resolution Accuracy
- four test voltages for insulation resistance measurement: 100 V, 250 V, 500 and 1000 V. 0...300ms 0...500ms
1ms ±(2% m.v. + 2 digits)
2*IDn 0...150ms 0...200ms
Low-voltage measurement of protective connection 5*IDn 0...40ms 0...150ms
and equipotential bonding resistance:
* - for IΔn= 10mA and 0.5 IΔn uncertainty is±2% m.v. + 3 digits
- measurement of the protective conductor continuity with current > 200 mA
Measurement of the IA RCD tripping current for sinusoidal residual current
in both directions (in accordance with the EN 61557 standard),
- compensation of test lead resistance - capability of using any test leads, Nominal current Measurement range Resolution Measurement current Accuracy
- low-current measurement of resistance with acoustic signalling, 10mA 3.3...10.0mA
30mA 9.0...30.0mA
Additionally: 100mA 33...100mA 0.3 x IDn...1.0 x IDn ± 5% IDn
300mA 90...300mA
Quick verification of correctness of the PE conductor connection with the use 1mA
of a touch electrode. 500mA 150...500mA
Measurement of alternating voltage. 1000mA 330...1000mA
Indication of phase sequence (100...400 V). · Start the measurement from a positive or negative half-period of forced leakage current (AC)
Memory of 990 measurement results, data transfer to a computer over the USB interface. Measurement of the IA RCD operating current for residual pulsating unidirectional current
Nominal current Measurement range Resolution Measurement current Accuracy
Measurement of insulation resistance 10mA 4.0...20.0mA 0.35 x IDn ...2.0 x IDn
Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-2: 0.1mA
30mA 12.0...42.0mA
· for Un = 100V: 100kΩ...500MΩ · for Un = 250V: 250kΩ...1GΩ
· for Un = 500V: 500kΩ...2GΩ · for Un = 1000V: 1MΩ...3GΩ 100mA 40...140mA 0.35 x IDn ...1.4 x IDn ± 10% IDn
300mA 120...420mA 1mA
Display range *) Resolution Accuracy
500mA 200...700mA
0...1999kΩ 1kΩ
2.00...19.99MΩ 0.01MΩ · Capability of measurement for positive or negative half-periods of forced leakage current
±(3% m.v. + 8 digits) · Max duration of measurement current flow max. 3200 ms
20.0...199.9MΩ 0.1MΩ
200...1999GΩ 1MΩ Low-voltage measurement of circuit continuity and resistance
2.00...3.00GΩ 0.01GΩ ±(4% m.v. + 6 digits) Measurement of the protective conductor continuity with current ±200 mA
Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-4: 0.12...400Ω
*) not exceeding the measurement range for a given voltage. · Voltage on open terminals: 4...9 V
· Detection of voltage before the measurement · Output current at R<2Ω: min. 200mA
· Discharge of capacitance of the measured object after the measurement · Compensation of test lead resistance
· Measurements for both current polarisations


Multifunction electrical installations meter

Index: WMGBMPI502
Standard accessories of the MPI-502 meter:
- Adapter WS-05 with UNI-Schuko WAADAWS05
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; red WAPRZ1X2REBB
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; yellow WAPRZ1X2YEBB
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; blue WAPRZ1X2BUBB
- Pin probe with banana connector; red WASONREOGB1
- Pin probe with banana connector; blue WASONBUOGB1
- "Crocodile" clip K02; yellow WAKROYE20K02
- Receiver – interface for radio transmission OR1 (USB) WAADAUSBOR1
- Carrying case M6 WAFUTM6
- Hanging straps WAPOZSZE4
- Handle to suspend the meter WAPOZUCH1
- Calibration certificate, batteries, Sonel Reader software

DO Measurement of the ZL-PE, ZL-N, ZL-L short-circuit loop impedance

Measurement with current 7.6/13.3 A - measurement range in acc. with : 0.13...1999Ω:
YOU MPI-502 meter is the smallest multi-function Display range Resolution Accuracy

KNOW meter on the market. 0.00...19.99Ω

0.1Ω ±(5% m.v. + 3 digits)
200...1999Ω 1Ω
Measurement of short-circuit loop parameters:
- measurements of short-circuit loop impedance in power systems of rated voltages: Measurement of the ZL-PE short-circuit loop impedance in the RCD mode
220/380 V, 230/400 V, 240/415 V and frequencies of 45...65 Hz, Measurement with current 15 mA - measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-3 0.51...1999Ω
- indications of the RS short-circuit loop resistance and the XS short-circuit loop reactance,
Display range Resolution Accuracy
- measurement of short-circuit loop impedance with current 15 mA without tripping
residual current devices, 0.00...19.99Ω 0.01Ω ±(6% m.v. + 10 digits)
- maximal measurement current: 7.6 A (at 230 V), 13.3 A (at 400 V). 20.0...199.9Ω 0.1Ω
±(6% m.v. + 5 digits)
200...1999Ω 1Ω

Examination of AC and A type residual current devices:

Measurement of RCD parameters (operating voltage range 180…270 V):
- measurement of general, short-time delay and selective RCDs of rated residual current RCD tripping test and measurement of the tA tripping time (for the tA measurement function)
10, 30, 100, 300 and 500 mA,
- measurement of the IA tripping current and the tA trip time for currents 1/2IΔn, IΔn, 2IΔn, 5IΔn, RCD Type Factor Range Resolution Accuracy
- measurement of RE and UB without tripping RCDs, 0.5*IDn
- extended AUTO function for measuring RCDs, including the capability of measuring General 1*IDn
ZL-PE with low current,
2*IDn 0...150ms
- measurement of IA and tAi with just one RCD trip.
5*IDn 0...40ms
1ms ±(2% m.v. + 2 digits)
Measurement of protective connection and equipotential 1*IDn
bonding resistance:
2*IDn 0...200ms
- measurement of continuity of protective connections with current ±200 mA in accordance 5*IDn 0...150ms
with the EN 61557-4 standard,
- automatic calibration of test leads - capability of using any test leads,
- low-current measurement of resistance with acoustic signalling. Measurement of the IA RCD operating current for sinusoidal residual current
Nominal current Measurement range Resolution Measurement current Accuracy

10mA 3.3...10.0mA
Additionally: 0.1mA
30mA 9.0...30.0mA
Detection of swapped L and N conductors in a socket and respective automatic 100mA 33...100mA 0.3 x IDn...1.0 x IDn ± 5% IDn
correction during measurement.
300mA 90...300mA 1mA
Verification of correctness of the PE conductor connection with the use of a touch electrode.
Measurement of power system voltage (0...500 V) and frequency. 500mA 150...500mA
LR6 battery power supply, capability of using NiMH rechargeable batteries. • Measurement starts from a positive of negative half-period of forced current
Memory of 990 measurement results, wireless data transfer to a computer.
Measurement of the IA RCD operating current for residual pulsating unidirectional current
LCD and keyboard backlit.
Nominal current Measurement range Resolution Measurement current Accuracy

DO 10mA 4.0...20.0mA
0.35 x IDn ...2.0 x IDn

30mA 12.0...42.0mA
± 10% IDn
MPI-502 meter allows for performing measurements 100mA 40...140mA 0.35 x IDn ...1.4 x IDn

in sockets with swapped L and N conductors. 300mA 120...420mA

· Measurement for positive or negative half-periods of forced leakage current

The instruments meets the requirements set forth by the standards:
EN 61010-1, EN 61010-031 (general and particular requirements related to safety)
EN 61326 (electromagnetic compatibility)
EN 61557, IEC 61557 (requirements for measurement instruments)
HD 60364-6 (performance of measurements - checking)
HD 60364-4-41 (performance of measurements - protection against electric shock)
EN 04700 (performance of measurements - rough-in inspection tests)
BS 7671 (British Standard)
VDE 0100 (erection of power installations with rated voltages below 1000)

Summary of the multifunction meters

MPI-502 MPI-505 MPI-520, MPI-520 Start MPI-525 MPI-530

Measurement of short-circuit loop impedance [Ω] 0.13…1999 0.13…1999 0.13…1999 0.13…1999 0.130…1999
Resolution of short-circuit loop impedance measurement [Ω] 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.001
Measurement voltages [V] 180…460 100…440 95…440 95…440 95…440
Resolution of short-circuit loop impedance
0,01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
measurement without RCD tripping [Ω]
Calc. of short-circuit current based on the nominal voltage YES YES YES YES YES
Calc. of short-circuit current based on the measured voltage — — — — YES
AC, A AC, A AC, A, B AC, A, B AC, A, B
Examination of RCD
Automatic measurement
of the full set of parameters
Measurement of the IA tripping 10, 30, 100, 10, 30, 100, 10, 30, 100, 10, 30, 100, 10, 30, 100,
current with rising current 300, 500 300, 500, 1000 300, 500, 1000 300, 500, 1000 300, 500, 1000
Simultaneous measurement of
IA and tAi during one RCD tripping YES YES YES YES YES

Measurement of tripping time

1/2,1,2,5 1/2,1,2,5 1/2,1,2,5 1/2,1,2,5 1/2,1,2,5
for rated current multiplicity factors
Measurement of the UB touch voltage YES YES YES YES YES
Detection of swapped L and N conductors YES YES YES YES YES
Measurement of insulation resistance — YES YES YES YES
100, 250, 50, 100, 250, 50, 100, 250, 500, 50, 100, 250,
Test voltages [V] —
500, 1000 500, 1000 1000, 2500 500, 1000
Measurement range [Ω] — 3G 3G 10G 10G
Automatic in-socket measurement — — YES — YES
Protection against
the appearance of voltage
Automatic discharge
of the measured object after the measurement
Automatic measurement of all resistance combinations
with the use of the additional AutoISO adapters
Automatic measurement of multi-core
— — — YES —
cables with the AutoISO adapter
Acoustic signalling of time intervals
for capturing characteristics
Calc. of absorption coefficients (DAR, PI) — — — YES —
Measurement of continuity with current ≥ 200 mA YES YES YES YES YES
Low-voltage measurement of resistance YES YES YES YES YES
Measurement of earth resistance (3p) — — YES YES YES
(3p, 4p, 3p+clamp, 2 clamps, soil resistivity) — — — — YES
Setting limits for results — — — — YES
Quick verification of correctness
of the PE conductor connection
Measurement of voltage [V] 0…500 0…440 0…500 0…500 0…500
Measurement of frequency [Hz] YES — YES YES YES
Measurement of alternating current [A] — — optional 0...400 — optional 0...3000
Measurement of power and cosφ — — YES — YES
Measurement of harmonics — — — — YES
Measurement of THD — — — — YES
Phase sequence checking — 100…440 95…500 95…500 95…500
Memory (number of records) 990 990 990 990 10 000 for each type
Power supply ,
batteries or rechargeable batteries ,
batteries or rechargeable batteries ,
batteries or rechargeable batteries , or batteries
rechargeable batteries ,
rechargeable batteries or batteries

Built-in battery fast charger — — YES YES YES

Data transfer OR-1 USB USB, OR-1 USB, OR-1 USB, Bluetooth
Dimensions [mm] 220x98x58 260x190x60 288x223x75 288x223x75 288x223x75
Weight [kg] 1 2 2.2 2.2 2.2
Catalogue page 15 14 12 10 8


Measurement sets

(MPI-502, MIC-2510, CMP-400) (MPI-502, MIC-10, CMP-400)

The sets enable the performance of measurements
in accordance with the HD 60364-6 standard: Wireless transmission of measurement results from the MPI-502 and
MIC-2510 meter memory to a computer with the use of the included OR-1 adapter.
- measurements of short-circuit loop parameters,
The sets and their accessories are placed in a convenient and durable aluminium
- measurements of AC and A type residual current devices, hard case.
- measurements of protective connection continuity,
- measurements of insulation resistance with voltage up to 2.5 kV (WME-6)
or up to 1000 V (WME-5),
- measurement of voltage, current and frequency. Standard equipment of the WME-5 set:
- MPI-502 meter WMGBMPI502
Standard equipment of the WME-6 set: - MIC-10 meter WMGBMIC10
- CMP-400 meter WMGBCMP400
- MPI-502 meter WMGBMPI502
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; black WAPRZ1X2BLBB
- MIC-2510 meter WMGBMIC2510
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; red WAPRZ1X2REBB
- CMP-400 meter WMGBCMP400
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; yellow WAPRZ1X2YEBB
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,8m; 5kV; red WAPRZ1X8REBB
- Pin probe with banana connector; red WASONREOGB1
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,8m; 5kV; blue WAPRZ1X8BUBB
- Pin probe with banana connector; blue WASONBUOGB1
- Test shielded lead with banana plug; 1,8m; 5kV; black WAPRZ1X8BLBB
- Pin probe with banana connector; yellow WASONYEOGB1
- "Crocodile" clip K04; 5kV; black WAKROBL20K04
- „Crocodile” clip K01; black WAKROBL20K01
- "Crocodile" clip K05; 5kV; red WAKRORE20K05
- "Crocodile" clip K02; yellow WAKROYE20K02
- Pin probe 5kV with banana connector; red WASONREOGB2
- Adapter WS-05 with UNI-Schuko WAADAWS05
- Pin probe 5kV with banana connector; black (MIC-2510) WASONBLOGB2
- Receiver – interface for radio transmission OR1 (USB) WAADAUSBOR1
- Power supply adaptor Z7 WAZASZ7
- Hanging straps (2 sets) WAPOZSZE4
- Rechargeable battery pack WAAKU10
- Handle to suspend the meter (2 pcs) WAPOZUCH1
- Hanging straps WAPOZSZE2
- Set of test leads (CMP-400) WAPRZCMP1
- Adapter WS-05 with UNI-Schuko WAADAWS05
- Sonel Reader software
- Receiver – interface for radio transmission OR1 (USB) WAADAUSBOR1
- Aluminium hard case for meters and accessories WAWALL1
- Hanging straps WAPOZSZE4
- Batteries
- Aluminium hard case for meters and accessories WAWALL4
- Calibration certificates for MIC-10, MPI-502
- Sonel Reader software
- Calibration certificates (MPI-502, MIC-2510)
- Batteries (MPI-502, CMP-400)

The instruments meet the requirements set forth by the standards:

EN 61010-1, EN 61010-031 (general and particular requirements related to safety)
EN 61326 (electromagnetic compatibility)
EN 61557, IEC 61557 (requirements for measurement instruments)
HD 60364-6 (performance of measurements - checking)
HD 60364-4-41 (performance of measurements - protection against electric shock)
EN 04700 (performance of measurements - rough-in inspection tests)
BS 7671 (British Standard)
VDE 0100 (erection of power installations with rated voltages below 1000)

Insulation resistance meters

MIC-10k1, MIC-5050 Index: WMGBMIC10K1

Standard accessories of meters:
- test lead banana plug; 3 m; 10 kV; red WAPRZ003REBB10K
- test lead banana plug; 3 m; 10 kV; blue WAPRZ003BUBB10K
- test lead banana plug; 3 m; 10 kV; black; shielded WAPRZ003BLBB10K
- "crocodile" clip 5,5 kV; black WAKROBL32K07
- "crocodile" clip 5,5 kV; red WAKRORE32K07
- "crocodile" clip 5,5 kV; blue WAKROBU32K07
- pin probe 5,5 kV with banana connector; red WASONREOGB5X5
- pin probe 5,5 kV with banana connector; black WASONBLOGB5X5
- carrying case L4 for accesories WAFUTL4
- power cord WAPRZ1X8BLIEC
- battery pack (built-in)
- SONEL Reader software
- calibration certificate

Measurement of insulation resistance

Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-2:
Insulation resistance measurements: R ISOmin = 50kΩ...20 (40) TΩ (IISOmax = 1.2 mA, 3 mA or 5 mA)
• up to 40 TΩ for MIC-10k, Display range Resolution Accuracy
• up to 20 TΩ for MIC-5050,
0...999 kΩ 1 kΩ
- test voltage in range:
• 50...5000 V for MIC-5050 (50...1000 V with 10 V step, 1...5 kV with 25 V step), 1.00..9.99 MΩ 0.01 MΩ
• 50…10000 V for MIC-10k1 (50...1000 V with 10 V step, 1...10 kV with 25 V step), 10.0...99.9 MΩ 0.1 MΩ
±(3% m.v. + 10 digits)
- continuous indication of measured insulation resistance or leakage current, 100..999 MΩ 1 MΩ
- automatic discharge of measured object capacitive voltage after the completion 1.00...9.99 GΩ 0.01 GΩ
of insulation resistance measurement,
10.0...99.9 GΩ 0.1 GΩ
- acoustic signaling of 5 seconds intervals to facilitate capturing time characteristics,
- slection of T1, T2 and T3 test times for measuring one or two absorption coefficients 100...999 GΩ 1 GΩ ±(3.5% m.v. + 10 digits)
from the range of 1…600 s, 1.00...9.99 TΩ 0.01 TΩ ±(7.5% m.v. + 10 digits)
- adjustable measuring time from 0'01” to 99'59”, 10.0...20.0 TΩ
- polarization index (PI) and dielectric absorption ratio (DAR), 0.1 TΩ ±(12.5%m.v. + 10 digits)
10.0...40.0 TΩ (only MIC-10k1)
- indication of actual test voltage during measurement,
- 1,2 mA, 3 mA or 5 mA test current, Maximal values of measured insulation resistance depending on test voltage
- two-lead or three-lead measurement,
- measurements with test leads up to 20m, Test voltage Max. value
- protection against measuring live objects, 250 V 500 GΩ
- automatic measurement of multiple core cables with the use of the additional 500 V 1.00 TΩ
AutoISO-5000 adapter (for MIC-10k1 max. voltage 5 kV), 1000 V 2.00 TΩ
- measurement of capacitance during the measurement of RISO,
2500 V 5.00 TΩ
- step voltage insulation resistance measurement (SV),
5000 V 20.0 TΩ
- Dielectric Discharge calculation (DD),
- damage location (burning function). 10000 V (only MIC-10k1) 40.0 TΩ

Continuity measurement of protective connections and equipotential bondings

Additionally: with 200 mA current
Measurement range acc. to EN 61557-4: 0.10...999Ω
Continuity measurement of protective connections and equipotential bonding
in accordance with EN 61557-4 with current > 200 mA. Range Resolution Accuracy
Adjustable limits for measured resistance RISO and RCONT. 0.00...19.99 Ω 0.01 Ω
±(2% m.v. + 3 digits)
Measurement of leakage current during insulation resistance testing. 20.0...199.9 Ω 0.1 Ω
Measurement of capacitance during the measurement of RISO. 200...999 Ω 1Ω ±(4% m.v. + 3 digits)
DC and AC voltage measurement in the range of 0…750 V. · Voltage on open terminals: 4...24V
Real time on screen graph printing during resistance measurement.
· Output current at R < 2Ω: Imin > 200mA (ISC: 200...250mA)
· Compensation of test lead resistance
Temperature measurement (with additional adapter WASONT1).
· Current flowing in both directions, mean value of resistance is displayed
Innovative memory max. 10000 results for each measurement with possibility
of measurement point and customer names description, Capacity measurement
Online data transfer for special request, Range Resolution Accuracy
Ability to work with wireless Bluetooth® keyboard (option). 1...999 nF 1 nF
±(5% m.v. + 5 digits)
Clear, backlit LCD graphic display 5.6", 1.00...49.99 µF 0.01 µF
Power supply: battery packs or mains; low battery warning indicator, built-in fast charger. · Capacity measurement result is displayed after the RISO measurement
Backlit keyboard, “m.v.” = “measured value”.
Digital filters function for measurements in high noise environment (10s, 30s, 60s),
High noise level rejection, noise immunity in accordance with EN-61326
The instrument meets the requirements set forth by the standards:
EN 61010-1 (general requirements related to safety)
Measurement of direct and alternating voltages EN 61010-031 (particular requirements related to safety)
EN 61326 (electromagnetic compatibility)
Range Resolution Accuracy EN 61557 (requirements for measurement instruments)
0.0...299.9 V 0.1 V ±(2% m.v. + 6 digits) HD 60364-6 (performance of measurements - checking)
HD 60364-4-41 (performance of measurements - protection against electric shock)
300...750 V 1V ±(2% m.v. + 2 digits) EN 04700 (performance of measurements - rough-in inspection tests)


Insulation resistance meters

MIC-5010, MIC-5005 Index: WMGBMIC5010


Standard accessories of meters:

- test lead banana plug; 1,8 m; 10 kV; red WAPRZ1X8REBB10K
- test lead banana plug; 1,8 m; 10 kV; blue WAPRZ1X8BUBB10K
- test lead banana plug; 1,8 m; 10 kV; black; shielded WAPRZ1X8BLBBE10K
- "crocodile" clip 5,5 kV; black WAKROBL32K07
- "crocodile" clip 5,5 kV; red WAKRORE32K07
- "crocodile" clip 5,5 kV; blue WAKROBU32K07
- pin probe 5,5 kV with banana connector; red WASONREOGB5X5
- pin probe 5,5 kV with banana connector; black WASONBLOGB5X5
- carrying case L4 for accesories WAFUTL4
- power cord WAPRZ1X8BLIEC
- battery pack (built-in)
- SONEL Reader software
- calibration certificate

Insulation resistance measurements:

- test voltage in range 50…1000 V with 10 V step and 1000 V...5000 V with 25 V step,
- continuous indication of measured insulation resistance or leakage current, MIC-10k1, MIC-5050, MIC-5010 and MIC-5005 meters
- automatic discharge of measured object capacitive voltage after the completion
can work in places where are large distortion
of insulation resistance measurement,
- acoustic signaling of 5 seconds intervals to facilitate capturing time characteristics, up to 500 V induced.
- selection of T1, T2 and T3 test times for measuring one or two absorption coefficients
from the range of 1…600 s,
- adjustable measuring time from 0'01” to 99'59”,
- polarization index (PI) and dielectric absorption ratio (DAR), Measurement of insulation resistance
- indication of actual test voltage during measurement, Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-2:
- 1.2mA or 3mA test current, R ISOmin = 50kΩ...15 TΩ (IISOmax = 1.2 mA or 3 mA)
- two-lead or three-lead measurement,
- step voltage insulation resistance measurement Display range Resolution Accuracy
- Dielectric Discharge calculation (DD), 0...999 kΩ 1 kΩ
- protection against measuring live objects,
1.00..9.99 MΩ 0.01 MΩ
- measurements with test leads up to 20m.
10.0...99.9 MΩ 0.1 MΩ
±(3% m.v. + 10 digits)
100..999 MΩ 1 MΩ
1.00...9.99 GΩ 0.01 GΩ
Continuity measurement of protective connections and equipotential bonding 10.0...99.9 GΩ 0.1 GΩ
in accordance with EN 61557-4 with current > 200 mA.
100...999 GΩ 1 GΩ ±(3.5% m.v. + 10 digits)
Adjustable limits for measured resistance RISO and RCONT. (MIC-5010 only)
1.00...9.99 TΩ 0.01 TΩ ±(7.5% m.v. + 10 digits)
Measurement of leakage current during insulation resistance testing.
10.0...15.0 TΩ 0.1 TΩ ±(12.5% m.v. + 10 digits)
Measurement of capacity during the measurement of RISO.
· thermal stability better than 0.2%/°C
DC and AC voltage measurement in the range of 0…600 V.
990 cells of memory (11880 records) with the capability of wireless data Maximal values of measured insulation resistance depending on test voltage
transmission to a PC (with the USB-OR-1 adapter) or through a USB cable. Test voltage Max. value
Power supply: battery packs, low battery warning indicator, built-in fast charger. 250V 500 GΩ
Clear, backlit LCD display 5.6", 500V 1.00 TΩ
Backlit keyboard, 1000V 2.00 TΩ
Digital filters function for measurements in high noise environment (10s, 30s, 60s), 2500V 5.00 TΩ
High noise level rejection, noise immunity in accordance with EN-61326 5000V 15.0 TΩ

Continuity measurement of protective connections and equipotential bondings

Electrical safety: with 200 mA current (MIC-5010)
- type of insulation ....................................... double, in acc. with EN 61010-1 and IEC 61557 Measurement range acc. to EN 61557-4: 0.10...999Ω
- measurement category .......................... CAT IV 600 V (CAT III 1000 V) acc. to EN 61010-1 Range Resolution Accuracy
- protection class acc. to EN 60529 .............................................. IP40 (IP67 with lid closed)
0.00...19.99 Ω 0.01 Ω
±(2% m.v. + 3 digits)
Nominal operating conditions: 20.0...199.9 Ω 0.1 Ω
- operating temperature ........................................................................................-20...+50°C 200...999 Ω 1Ω ±(4% m.v. + 3 digits)
- storage temperature ...........................................................................................-25...+70°C
- humidity ..............................................................................................................20%...80% · Voltage on open terminals: 4...24V
- altitude ..................................................................................................................≤ 3000 m · Output current at R < 2Ω: Imin > 200mA (ISC: 200...250mA)
- reference temperature .......................................................................................+23°C ± 2°C · Compensation of test lead resistance
- reference humidity ...............................................................................................40%...60% · Current flowing in both directions, mean value of resistance is displayed

Other technical specifications: Capacity measurement

- power supply of the meter..................................................................... built-in battery pack Range Resolution Accuracy
............................................................................................or mains 90 V ÷ 260 V 50/60 Hz
- weight .............................................................................................................. approx. 7 kg 1...999 nF 1 nF
±(5% m.v. + 5 digits)
- dimensions ...........................................................................................390 x 310 x 170 mm 1.00...49.99 µF 0.01 µF
- display MIC-10k1 i MIC-5050.....................................................................LCD 5,6'’ graphic
· Capacity measurement result is displayed after RISO measurement
- display MIC-5010 i MIC-5005..................................................................LCD 5,6'’ segment
- data transmision MIC-10k1 and MIC-5050 ..............................................USB or Bluetooth “m.v.” = “measured value”.
- data transmision MIC-5010 and MIC-5005 ............................................USB or radio (OR1)

Insulation resistance meter

Index: WMGBMIC5000

Standard accessories of MIC-5000 meter:

- NiMH battery package 7,2V 3Ah WAAKU05
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,8m; 5kV; red WAPRZ1X8REBB
- Test shielded lead with banana plug; 1,8m; 5kV; black WAPRZ1X8BLBB
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,8m; 5kV; blue WAPRZ1X8BUBB
- "Crocodile" clip K04; 5kV; black WAKROBL20K04
- "Crocodile" clip K05; 5kV; blue WAKROBU20K05
- "Crocodile" clip K05; 5kV; red WAKRORE20K05
- Pin probe 5kV with banana connector; black WASONBLOGB2
- Pin probe 5kV with banana connector; red WASONREOGB2
- Carrying case L1 WAFUTL1
- Hanging straps WAPOZSZE1
- Cable for battery charger WAPRZLAD230
- RS-232 serial transmission cable WAPRZRS232
- Calibration certificate
- Sonel Reader software

Measurement of insulation resistance

Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-2: RISOmin...5.0TΩ; RISOmin=UISOnom/1mA
Insulation resistance measurements:
Display range Resolution Accuracy
- test voltage in range 250...5000 V with 50 V step, 0.0...999.9kΩ 0.1kΩ
or predefined 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000 V, 1.000...9.999MΩ 0.001MΩ
- continuous indication of the measured insulation resistance or leakage current value, 10.00...99.99MΩ 0.01MΩ
- automatic discharge of capacitance of the measured object after finishing the insulation
resistance measurement, 100.0...999.9MΩ 0.1MΩ ±(3% m.v. + 20 digits)
- direct measurement of one or two absorption coefficients, 1.000...9.999GΩ 0.001GΩ
- acoustic signalling of 5-second time intervals to facilitate capturing time characteristics, 10.00...99.99GΩ 0.01GΩ
- selection of T1, T2, T3 times from the range of 1...600 s for the measurement
100.0...999.9GΩ 0.1GΩ
of absorption coefficients (DAR, PI),
- indication of actual measurement voltage during measurement, 1.000...5.000TΩ 0.001TΩ
- protection against measurements of live objects.
· thermal stability better than 0.2%/°C

Minimal value of measured insulation resistance without limiting the

Additionally: measurement current limiter
Voltage Min. value
Measurement of direct and alternating voltages within the range of 0...600 V.
250V 250kΩ
Memory of 999 measurement results and capability of data transfer to a PC. 500V 500kΩ
1000V 1.0MΩ
Automatic selection of measurement sub-ranges.
2500V 2.5MΩ
Automatic power-off of an unused instrument (AUTO-OFF). 5000V 5.0MΩ

Power supply from a rechargeable battery pack: "m.v." = "measured value".

- built-in circuit for automatic charging of internal batteries providing optimal
operation and prolonged service life,
- signalling of the battery charge level. The instrument meets the requirements set forth by the standards:
EN 61010-1 (general requirements related to safety)
EN 61010-031 (particular requirements related to safety)
EN 61326 (electromagnetic compatibility)
Electrical safety: EN 61557 (requirements for measurement instruments)
HD 60364-6 (performance of measurements - checking)
- type of insulation ..................................... double, in acc. with EN 61010-1 and IEC 61557 HD 60364-4-41 (performance of measurements - protection against electric shock)
- measurement category .......................... CAT IV 300 V (CAT III 600 V) acc. to EN 61010-1 EN 04700 (performance of measurements - rough-in inspection tests)
- protection class acc. to EN 60529 .............................................................................. IP54

Nominal operating conditions:

- operating temperature ........................................................................................-10...+50°C
- accuracy of voltage setting (RISO[Ω] ≥ 1000*Un[V])......................... -0...+10% of set value
- thermal stability of voltage better than....................................................................0,2% /°C
- converter output current..................................... minimum 1.0 mA at each nominal voltage
- readout frequency............................................................... approx. 1 measurement/second

Other technical specifications:

- power supply of the meter................................................... NiMH rechargeable battery pack
- display.............................................................................................................. segment LCD
- minimal measurement time 5 kV/1 mA defined in accordance with EN 61557 (5 s/25 s)....
........................................................................................................ 5 h or 600 measurements
- auto-off timeout:
RISO/IL measurement function .......................... the longest programmed time T3, T2, T1 + 300 s.
other measurement functions.......................................................................................... 300 s


Insulation resistance meters

MIC-2510, MIC-2505 Index: WMGBMIC2510 (MIC-2510)

WMGBMIC2505 (MIC-2505)

Standard accessories of the meters:

- Test lead with banana plug; 1,8m; 5kV; red WAPRZ1X8REBB
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,8m; 5kV; blue WAPRZ1X8BUBB
- Test shielded lead with banana plug; 1,8m; 5kV; black WAPRZ1X8BLBB
- USB cable (MIC-2510) WAPRZUSB
- "Crocodile" clip K04; 5kV; black WAKROBL20K04
- "Crocodile" clip K05; 5kV; red (MIC-2510) WAKRORE20K05
- "Crocodile" clip K05; 5kV; blue WAKROBU20K05
- Pin probe 5kV with banana connector; red WASONREOGB2
- Pin probe 5kV with banana connector; black (MIC-2510) WASONBLOGB2
- Carrying case L4 WAFUTL4
- Power supply adaptor Z7 WAZASZ7
- Cable for battery charger WAPRZLAT230
- Rechargeable battery pack WAAKU10
- Hanging straps WAPOZSZE2
- Sonel Reader software, calibration certificate

Insulation resistance measurements: Measurement of insulation resistance

Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-2 for RISOmin=UISOnom/IISOmax...2TΩ (IISOmax=1mA)
- selectable test voltage 500 V, 1000 V, 2500 V (MIC-2510, MIC-2505) as well
Display range Resolution Accuracy
as 100 V, 250 V or any within range 50...2500 V with 10 V step (MIC-2510),
- continuous indication of the measured insulation resistance or leakage current value, 0.0...999.9kΩ 0.1kΩ
- automatic discharge of capacitance of the measured object after finishing the insulation 1.000...9.999MΩ 0.001MΩ
resistance measurement,
- recording resistance characteristics and leakage current (MIC-2510), 10.00...99.99MΩ 0.01MΩ
- acoustic signalling of 5-second time intervals to facilitate capturing time 100.0...999.9MΩ 0.1MΩ
characteristics (MIC-2505),
±(3% m.v. + 20 digits)
- selection of T1, T2, T3 times from the range of 1...600 s for the measurement of one or two
1.000...9.999GΩ 0.001GΩ
absorption coefficients PI, DAR (MIC-2510), or fixed times 15 s, 60 s, 600 s (MIC-2505), 10,00...99.99GΩ 0.01GΩ
- automatic measurement of multiple core cables with the use of the additional 100.0...999.9GΩ 0.1GΩ
AutoISO-2500 adapter (MIC-2510),
- indication of actual measurement voltage during measurement, 1.000...2.000TΩ 0.001TΩ
- protection against measurements of energised objects,
- measurement of leakage current during insulation resistance measurement,
Maximal values of measured insulation resistance depending on the test voltage
- measurement of capacitance during the RISO measurement (MIC-2510),
- three-lead measurement. Test voltage Max. value
50V (MIC-2510) 50GΩ
100V (MIC-2510) 100GΩ
Measurement of protective connection and equipotential
bonding continuity (MIC-2510): 250V (MIC-2510) 250GΩ
500V 500GΩ
- with current > 200 mA in accordance with the EN 61557-4 standard, bidirectional
1000V 1TΩ
flow of current,
- low-voltage measurement of resistance with acoustic signalling. 2500V 2TΩ

Measurement of capacitance (MIC-2510)

DO Display range Resolution Accuracy

YOU During resistance measurement,MIC-2510 meter

1...999nF 1nF
±(5% m.v. + 5 digits)

KNOW also performs temperature measurement.

1.00...9.99µF 0.01µF

The instruments meet the requirements set forth by the standards:

Other functions of the meters: EN 61010-1 (general requirements related to safety)
EN 61010-031 (particular requirements related to safety)
Continuous measurement of ambient temperature with the capability of saving EN 61326 (electromagnetic compatibility)
the result in memory (MIC-2510). EN 61557 (requirements for measurement instruments)
HD 60364-6 (performance of measurements - checking)
Measurement of direct and alternating voltages within the range of 0...600 V. HD 60364-4-41 (performance of measurements - protection against electric shock)
Memory of 990 cells (11880 records), data transfer to a PC over the USB or EN 04700 (performance of measurements - rough-in inspection tests)
the OR-1 wireless interface (MIC-2510).
Power supply from a rechargeable battery pack.

Electrical safety:
- type of insulation ...................................... double, in acc. with EN 61010-1 and IEC 61557
- measurement category ................................. CAT IV 600 V (III 1000 V) acc. to EN 61010-1
- enclosure protection rating acc. to EN 60529 .............................................................. IP54

Other technical specifications:

- power supply of the meter........................................... SONEL L-1 NiMH 9.6 V battery pack
- dimensions....................................................................................approx. 260x190x60 mm
- weight of the meter.........................................................................................approx. 1.3 kg
- display..............................................................................................................segment LCD

Insulation resistance meter

Index: WMGBMIC30

Standard accessories of the meter:

- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; red WAPRZ1X2REBB
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; blue WAPRZ1X2BUBB
- Test lead 1,2m black, shielded WAPRZ1X2BLBBE
- "Crocodile" clip K02; blue WAKROBU20K02
- Receiver – interface for radio transmission OR1 (USB) WAADAUSBOR1
- Pin probe with banana connector; black WASONBLOGB1
- Pin probe with banana connector- red WASONREOGB1
- Carrying case M6 WAFUTM6
- Hanging straps WAPOZSZE4
- Handle to suspend the meter WAPOZUCH1
- Sonel Reader software
- Batteries
- Calibration certificate

Measurement of insulation resistance

Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-2 for:
· Un=50V: 50kΩ...250.0MΩ
DO · Un=100V: 100kΩ...500.0MΩ

MIC-30 meter allows for automatic measurement · Un=250V: 250kΩ...2.000GΩ
of resistance for all combinations or any pair · Un=500V: 500kΩ...20.00GΩ

KNOW of conductors in a power socket. · Un=1000V: 1000kΩ...100.00GΩ

Display range Resolution Accuracy

0.0...999.9kΩ 0.1kΩ
1.000...9.999MΩ 0.001MΩ
Insulation resistance measurements:
10.00...99.99MΩ 0.01MΩ ±(3% m.v. + 8 digits)
- selectable test voltage: 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000 V or any within range 50...1000 V 100.0...250.0MΩ (for Un = 50V) 0.1MΩ [±(5% m.v. + 8 digits)]*
with 10 V step, 100.0...500.0MΩ (for Un = 100V) 0.1MΩ
- automatic measurement in sockets with the use of the UNI-Schuko adapter 100.0...999.9MΩ (for Un≥ 250V) 0.1MΩ
with the capability of configuring pairs of measured conductors,
- continuous indication of the measured insulation resistance or leakage current value, 1.000...2.000GΩ (for Un=250V) 0,001GΩ
- automatic discharge of capacitance of the measured object after finishing 1.000...9.999GΩ (for Un≥ 500V) 0.001GΩ
the insulation resistance measurement, 10.00...20.00GΩ (for Un≥ 500V) ** 0.01GΩ ±(4% m.v. + 6 digits)
- acoustic signalling of 5-second time intervals to facilitate capturing time characteristics,
- selection of T1, T2, T3 times from the range of 1...600 s for the measurement of one 10.00...99.99GΩ (for Un = 1000V) 0.01GΩ [±(6% m.v. + 6 digits)]*
or two absorption coefficients , 100.0GΩ (for Un = 1000V) 0.1GΩ
- indication of actual measurement voltage during measurement,
- protection against measurements of energised objects, *for the WS-04 adapter
- three-lead measurement, **for the WS-04 adapter, range up to 10GΩ
- measurement of leakage current, · Measurements for the WS-04 adapter with voltage up to 500 V
- measurement of capacitance during RISO measurement.
Measurement of capacitance
Display range Resolution Accuracy
Measurement of protective connection and equipotential
1...999nF 1nF
bonding continuity: ±(5% m.v. + 10 digits)
1.00...9.99µF 0.01µF
- with current ≥ 200 mA in accordance with the EN 61557-4 standard, bidirectional
flow of current. · Measurement result displayed after RISO measurement
· For measurement voltages lower than 100 V and the measured resistance lower than 110MΩ ,
the capacitance measurement accuracy is not specified
Measurement of protective connection and equipotential bonding continuity
Low-voltage measurement of circuit continuity and resistance. with current 200 mA
Measurement of direct and alternating voltages within the range of 0...600 V. Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-4: 0.10...1999Ω
Memory of 990 cells (11880 records), data transfer to a PC over the OR-1 wireless Range Resolution Accuracy
interface. 0.00...19.99Ω 0.01Ω
±(2% m.v. + 3 digits)
LCD and keyboard baklit. 20.0...199.9Ω 0.1Ω
2000...1999Ω 1Ω ±(4% m.v. + 3 digits)

Other technical specifications:

- type of insulation ........................................ double, in acc. with EN 61010-1 and IEC 61557
- power supply of the meter..... 4 alkaline batteries or NiMH rechargeable batteries of size AA
- display...............................................................................................................segment LCD

The instrument meets the requirements set forth by the standards:

EN 61010-1 (general requirements related to safety)
EN 61010-031 (particular requirements related to safety)
EN 61326 (electromagnetic compatibility)
EN 61557 (requirements for measurement instruments)
HD 60364-6 (performance of measurements - checking)
HD 60364-4-41 (performance of measurements - protection against electric shock)
EN 04700 (performance of measurements - rough-in inspection tests)


Insulation resistance meter

Index: WMGBMIC10

Standard accessories of the meter:

- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; black WAPRZ1X2BLBB
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; red WAPRZ1X2REBB
- "Crocodile" clip K01; black WAKROBL20K01
- Pin probe with banana connector; black WASONBLOGB1
- Pin probe with banana connector; red WASONREOGB1
- Carrying case M6 WAFUTM6
- Hanging straps WAPOZSZE4
- Handle to suspend the meter WAPOZUCH1
- Calibration certificate
- Batteries

Measurement of insulation resistance

Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-2 for:
· Un=50V: 50kΩ...250.0MΩ
Insulation resistance measurements: · Un=100V: 100kΩ...500.0MΩ
· Un=250V: 250kΩ...2.000GΩ
- selectable test voltage: 50, 100, 250, 500 or 1000 V, · Un=500V: 500kΩ...5.00GΩ
- continuous indication of the measured insulation resistance value, · Un=1000V: 1000kΩ...10.00GΩ
- automatic discharge of capacitance of the measured object after finishing the
insulation resistance measurement, Display range Resolution Accuracy
- acoustic signalling of 5-second time intervals to facilitate capturing time characteristics, 0.0...999.9kΩ 0.1kΩ
- indication of actual measurement voltage during measurement, 1.000...9.999MΩ 0.001MΩ
- protection against measurements of energised objects,
10.00...99.99MΩ 0.01MΩ
- three-lead measurement,
100.0...250.0MΩ (for Un = 50V) 0.1MΩ ±(3% m.v.. + 8 digits)
- measurement of capacitance during RISO measurement.
100.0...500.0MΩ (for Un = 100V) 0.1MΩ
100.0...999.9MΩ (for Un≥250V) 0.1MΩ
Measurement of protective connection and equipotential 1.000...2.000GΩ (for Un=250V) 0.001GΩ
bonding continuity: 1.000...5.000GΩ (for Un≥500V) 0.001GΩ
±(4% m.v.. + 6 digits)
5.00...10.00GΩ (for Un = 1000V) 0.01GΩ
- with current ≥ 200 mA in accordance with the EN 61557-4 standard,
bidirectional flow of current.

Additionally: Measurement of capacitance

Display range Resolution Accuracy
Low-voltage measurement of circuit continuity and resistance.
1...999nF 1nF
±(5% m.v. + 10 digits)
Measurement of direct and alternating voltages within the range of 0...600 V. 1.00...9.99µF 0.01µF
LCD and keyboard backlit.
· Measurement result displayed after the RISO measurement .
· For measurement voltages lower than 100 V and the measured resistance lower than 10MΩ,
the capacitance measurement error is not specified

DO Besides the insulation resistance measurements, Measurement of protective connection and equipotential bonding continuity

MIC-10 meter allows for the measurement with the current of 200 mA
of protective connection and equipotential bonding Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-4:: 0.10...1999Ω
KNOW continuity in accordance with the EN 61557 standard.
Range Resolution Accuracy
0.00...19.99Ω 0.01Ω
±(2% m.v. + 3 digits)
20.0...199.9Ω 0.1Ω
200...1999Ω 1Ω ±(4% m.v. + 3 dgits)
Other technical specifications:
- type of insulation ....................................... double, in acc. with EN 61010-1 and IEC 61557
- power supply of the meter..... 4 alkaline batteries or NiMH rechargeable batteries of size AA
- display...............................................................................................................segment LCD

The instrument meets the requirements set forth by the standards:

EN 61010-1 (general requirements related to safety)
EN 61010-031 (particular requirements related to safety)
EN 61326 (electromagnetic compatibility)
EN 61557 (requirements for measurement instruments)
HD 60364-6 (performance of measurements - checking)
HD 60364-4-41 (performance of measurements - protection against electric shock)
EN 04700 (performance of measurements - rough-in inspection tests)

Insulation resistance meter


Standard accessories of MIC-2 meter:

- "Crocodile" clip K01; black WAKROBL20K01
- Pin probe with banana connector, black WASONBLOGB1
- Calibration certificate, batteries

Measurement of insulation resistance:

Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-2: 250kΩ...1000MΩ
IP 65 Display range Resolution Accuracy
1...249kΩ 1kΩ undefined
250...1999kΩ 1kΩ
2.00...19.99MΩ 0.01MΩ
±(3% m.v. + 8 digits)
20.0...199.9MΩ 0.1MΩ
200...1000MΩ 1MΩ


DO Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-2: 500kΩ...1999MΩ

YOU MIC-2 is the smallest insulation resistance

Display range
KNOW meter with two measurement voltages. 500...1999kΩ
±(3% m.v. + 8 digits)
20.0...199.9MΩ 0.1MΩ
200...1999MΩ 1MΩ
Insulation resistance measurements:
- selectable test voltage 250 V or 500 V,
- continuous indication of the measured insulation resistance value, DO In the event of voltage detection on the object during
insulation resistance measurement
- automatic discharge of capacitance of the measured object after finishing the insulation
resistance measurement, YOU or low-voltage resistance measurement,

MIC-2 meter automatically switches to the voltage
- acoustic signalling of 5-second time intervals to facilitate capturing time characteristics, measurement mode.
- protection against measurements of energised objects.

Measurement of resistance
Low-voltage measurement of resistance within
the range of 0...2000Ω: Display range Resolution Accuracy
0.0...199.9Ω 0.1Ω
- measurement with current < 10 mA and the resolution of 0,1Ω, ±(4% m.v. + 3 digits)
- quick acoustic signalling for the circuit of resistance smaller than 10Ω. 200...1999Ω 1Ω
· continuous sound signal for R < 10Ω
· measurement current (for short-circuited terminals for UBAT > 3,0V): < 10mA
· maximal voltage on opened terminals: 4...24 V
Additionally: · maximal interfering voltage at which the measurement is performed: +7 V/-1 V DC, 5 AC

Measurement of direct and alternating voltages within range of 0...600 V:

- automatic detection of voltage type (direct/alternating). The instrument meets the requirements set forth by the standards:
Automatic selection of measurement ranges. EN 61010-1 (general requirements related to safety)
LCD and keyboard backlit. EN 61010-031 (particular requirements related to safety)
EN 61326 (electromagnetic compatibility)
Automatic power-off of an unused instrument (AUTO-OFF). EN 61557 (requirements for measurement instruments)
HD 60364-6 (performance of measurements - checking)
HD 60364-4-41 (performance of measurements - protection against electric shock)
Electrical safety: EN 04700 (performance of measurements - rough-in inspection tests)
- type of insulation ...................................... double, in acc. with EN 61010-1 and IEC 61557
- measurement category ............................... CAT IV 600 V (III 1000 V) acc. to EN 61010-1
- enclosure protection rating acc. to EN 60529 .............................................................. IP65

Other technical specifications:

- power supply of the meter.......2 LR03 batteries (size AAA) or 2 AAA rechargeable batteries
- dimensions..................................................................................approx. 240 x 60 x 30 mm
- weight of the meter.........................................................................................approx. 0.3 kg
- RISO measurement current ..........................................................................1.2 mA ± 0.2 mA
- max. interference voltage, at which the RISO measurement is performed ...................... 20 V
- number of RISO measurements (alkaine batteries)........................................................ > 500
- auto-off timeout.....................................................................................................5 minutes
- electromagnetic compatibility.........................................compliance with the EN 61000-6-3
...................................................................................................and EN 61000-6-2 standards

Nominal operating conditions:

- operating temperature ...........................................................................................0...+40°C
- reference temperature.............................................................................................23 ± 2°C
- storage temperature.............................................................................................20...+70°C


Summary of the insulation resistance meters

MPI-520 (Start)
MIC-10k1 MIC-5050 MIC-5010 MIC-5005 MIC-5000 MIC-2510 MIC-2505 MIC-30 MIC-10 MIC-2 MPI-525 MPI-505
/ MPI-530*
500,1000, 50,100,250 50,100,250 50,100,250 100,250,
Test voltage [V] 50…10000 50…5000 50…5000 50…5000 250…5000 50…2500 50…1000 250,500
2500 500,1000 500,1000,2500 500,1000 500,1000
50kΩ... 50kΩ... 250kΩ... 50kΩ... 50kΩ... 100kΩ...
Measurement range 10kΩ…40TΩ 20kΩ…20TΩ 20kΩ…15TΩ 20kΩ…15TΩ 250kΩ…5TΩ 50kΩ...2TΩ 500kΩ...2TΩ
100GΩ 10GΩ 1999MΩ 9,99GΩ 3GΩ / 9,99GΩ* 3GΩ
Setting of 3
1…600s 1…600s 1…600s 1…600s 1…600s 1…600s 15,60,600s 1…600s — — 1...600s — —
measurement times

Three-lead method YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES — — — —


of leakage current

Automatic discharge
after the measurement

Built-in battery charger YES YES YES YES YES YES YES — — — YES YES —
batteries or
batteries or batteries or batteries or batteries or
rechargeable rechargeable rechargeable rechargeable rechargeable rechargeable rechargeable rechargeable rechargeable
Power supply rechargeable rechargeable rechargeable batteries rechargeable
battery/mains battery/mains battery battery battery battery battery battery / rechargeable
batteries batteries batteries battery* batteries
Low-voltage measurement
of resistance
Measurement of continuity
with current ≥ 200 mA YES YES YES — — YES — YES YES — YES YES YES
(res. 0,01Ω)
Automatic measurement
of 3, 4 and
YES YES — — — YES — — — — YES YES —
5-core wires
with the AutoISO adapter
Automatic measurement
of 3, 4 and
YES YES — — — YES — — — — YES — —
5-core cables
with the AutoISO adapter

Measurement of voltage 0…750V 0…750V 0…600V 0…600V 0…600V 0…600V 0…600V 0…600V 0…600V 0…600V 0…500V 0…500V 0…440V

Measurement of temperature YES YES — — — YES — — — — — — —

Recording insulation
resistance and current YES YES — — — YES — — — — — — —
leakage characteristics
Automatic in-socket
— — — — — — — YES — — — YES —
Capacitance measurement YES YES YES YES — YES — YES YES — — — —
Memory (number of records) 10000 10000 990 990 990 990 — 990 — — 990 990 / 10000* 990
Data transfer ®
USB, Bluetooth USB, Bluetooth
USB, OR-1 RS-232 USB, OR-1 — OR-1 — — USB, OR-1 ®
/ USB, Bluetooth * USB
Dimensions [mm] 390x310x170 390x310x170 390x310x170 390x310x170 295x222x95 260x190x60 260x190x60 220x100x60 220x100x60 240x60x30 288x223x75 288x223x75 260x190x60
Weight [kg] 7 7 7 7 2.2 1.3 1.3 0.6 0.6 0.3 2.2 2.2 2.2
Catalogue page 18 18 19 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 10 8 / 12* 14

Automatic measurement of insulation resistance of multiple core cables with the use of the AutoISO-2500 adapter.

High-current short-circuit loop impedance meter

Index: WMGBMZC310S

Standard accessories of the meter:

- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; black WAPRZ1X2BLBB
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; yellow WAPRZ1X2YEBB
- Pin probe with banana connector; yellow WASONYEOGB1
- Pin probe with banana connector; black WASONBLOGB1
- Pin probe for high-currents (2 pcs) WASONSPGB1
- Test lead 3m “U1, I1” (2 pcs) WAPRZ003DZBBU1I1
- Test lead 3m “U2, I2” (2 pcs) WAPRZ003DZBBU2I2
- "Crocodile" clip K03; black (4 pcs) WAKROBL30K03
- Kelvin's clamp (2 pcs) WAKROKELK06
- Carrying case L1 WAFUTL1
CAT IV - RS-232 serial transmission cable
- Hanging straps
300V - Calibration certificate
- Batteries
- Sonel Reader software
IP 20
High-current measurement of short-circuit loop parameters (four-lead, Imax=280A)
High-current measurement of short-circuit loop impedance ZS:
Measurement of short-circuit loop impedance: Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-3: 7.2mΩ...1999mΩ
- measurements of low impedance values of short-circuit loops (with the resolution Display range Resolution Accuracy
of 0.1 mΩ ) with 150 A current at 230 V; max. 280 A at 440 V, 0...199.9mΩ 0.1mΩ
- measurements with 23 A current at 230 V, max. 42 A at 440 V, ±(2% m.v. + 2mΩ)
200...1999mΩ 1mΩ
- measurements in power systems of rated voltages: 220/380 V and 230/400 V
and frequencies of 45...65 Hz,
- measurement in short-circuit loop: phase-to-phase, phase-to-protective, phase-neutral, Short-circuit current indications:
- differentiation between phase and phase-to-phase voltage in short-circuit current calculations, Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-3: for Un = 230V 115.0A...32.0kA
- selection of test lead length change (23/42 A measurement), for Un = 400V 200A...55.7kA
- four-lead method, no need for test lead calibration (150/280 A measurement), Display range Resolution Accuracy
- measurement and display of short-circuit loop impedance components:
115.0...199.9A 0.1A
the resistance R S and the reactance X S.
200...1999A 1A
Depends on ZS
2.00...19,99kA 0.01kA
Additionally: 20.0...199.9kA 0.1kA
200kA... * 1kA
Measurement of prospective touch voltage or shock touch voltage
(with 1 kΩ resistor). *230 kA for UL-N 400 kA for UL-L

Measurement of frequency.

Measurement of alternating voltages within the range of 0...440 V. DO MZC-310S is the only meter

on the market allowing for touch voltage
Memory of 990 measurement results, data transfer to a PC. or shock touch voltage measurement, which can be used

KNOW during safety assessment of examined installations.

DO Measurement of UST touch voltage and UT shock touch voltage

YOU MZC-310S allows for the measurement of very
small values of short-circuit loop impedance (below 0.01Ω) Display range Resolution Accuracy

KNOW in accordance with the EN 61557 standard. 0...100V 1V ±(10% m.v. + 2 digits)

Measurement of ZS short-circuit loop impedance with standard current

(two-lead, Imax=42A)
Measurement range for 1.2 m test leads in accordance with IEC 61557:: 0.13Ω...199.9Ω
The instrument meets the requirements set forth by the standards:
Display range Resolution Accuracy
EN 61010-1 (general requirements related to safety)
EN 61010-031 (particular requirements related to safety) 0.00...19.99Ω 0.01Ω ±(2% m.v. + 3 digits)
EN 61326 (electromagnetic compatibility) 20.0...199.9Ω 0.1Ω ±(3% m.v. + 3 digits)
EN 61557 (requirements for measurement instruments)
HD 60364-6 (performance of measurements - checking)
HD 60364-4-41 (performance of measurements - protection against electric shock)
EN 04700 (performance of measurements - rough-in inspection tests)

Other technical specifications:

- type of insulation ...................................... double, in acc. with EN 61010-1 and IEC 61557
- power supply of the meter....................................... LR14 alkaline batteries (size C) (5 pcs)
- current-limiting resistor:..................................................for four-lead measurement: 1.5 Ω,
.............................................................................................for two-lead measurement: 10 Ω
- number of short-circuit loop measurements (alkaline batteries).............. min. 2000 (4/min)
................................................................................................................... min. 4000 (2/min)
- temperature coefficient........................................................... ±0,1% of measured value /°C

Nominal operating conditions:

- operating temperature ...........................................................................................0...+40°C


Short-circuit loop impedance meters

Index: WMGBMZC306



YOU The meter calculates the value of prospective short-circuit
KNOW current in accordance with the HD 60364-6 standard.

Standard accessories of the meter:

- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; yellow WAPRZ1X2YEBB
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; blue WAPRZ1X2BUBB
Measurement of short-circuit loop impedance:
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; red WAPRZ1X2REBB
- measurement of short-circuit loop impedance with the resolution of 0.01Ω, - "Crocodile" clip K02; blue WAKROBU20K02
- low-current measurement of impedance in circuits protected with 30 mA RCDs - "Crocodile" clip K02; red WAKRORE20K02
with the resolution of 0.01Ω (100…440 V), WASONBUOGB1
- Pin probe with banana connector; blue
- operation in systems of voltages: 110/190 V, 115/200 V, 127/220 V, 220/380 V, 230/400 V,
240/415 V, 290/500 V and 400/690 V (operating range 100…750 V), - Pin probe with banana connector; red WASONREOGB1
operating frequency 45...65 Hz, - Pin probe with banana connector; yellow WASONYEOGB1
- calculation of short-circuit current, - Carrying case L4 WAFUTL4
- automatic differentiation between phase-to-neutral and phase-to-phase voltage,
- capability of using 1.2, 5, 10, 20 m long test leads or an adapter terminated with a power plug,
- measurement with swapped L and N conductors, - calibration certificate, Sonel Reader software
- measurement of resistance and reactance components. - Hanging straps WAPOZSZEKPL
- 4.8 V 4.2 Ah NiMH rechargeable battery WAAKU07
- Z7 battery charging power supply adapter WAZASZ7

Voltage measurement up to 750 V AC, with the resolution of 0.1 V up to 250 V.
Memory of 990 measurements, data transfer to a PC over the USB interface. Measurement of the ZL-PE, ZL-N, ZL-L short-circuit loop impedance
Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-3 for 1.2 m test leads: 0.13...1999Ω
Power supply from batteries or rechargeable batteries (4 x size AA).
Display range Resolution Accuracy
Verification of correctness of the PE terminal connection with the use of a touch probe.
0.00...19.99Ω 0.01Ω ±(5% m.v. + 3 digits)
20.0...199.9Ω 0.1Ω ±(4% m.v. + 3 digits)
200...1999Ω 1Ω ±(4% m.v. + 3 digits)
The instrument meets the requirements set forth by the standards:
Nominal voltage : 100...440V (for ZL-PE i ZL-N) and 100...750V (for ZL-L)
EN 61010-1 (general requirements related to safety)
EN 61010-031 (particular requirements related to safety)
EN 61326 (electromagnetic compatibility) Measurement of the ZL-PE short-circuit loop impedance in the RCD mode
EN 61557 (requirements for measurement instruments) Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-3 for 1.2 m test leads: : 0.43...1999Ω
HD 60364-6 (performance of measurements - checking)
HD 60364-4-41 (performance of measurements - protection against electric shock) Display range Resolution Accuracy
EN 04700 (performance of measurements - rough-in inspection tests) 0.00...19.99Ω 0.01Ω ±(6% m.v. + 10 digits)
20.0...199.9Ω 0.1Ω
±(6% m.v. + 5 digits)
200...1999Ω 1Ω

YOU MZC-306 meter measures short-circuit loop impedance

in industrial systems of any voltage up to 750 V.

Electrical safety:
- type of insulation...................................................................... double, in acc. with EN 61010-1
- test leads............................................................................................................EN 61010-2-031

Other technical specifications:

- power supply of the meter........rechargeable battery pack or (optional) alkaline batteries
- erformance capacity of rechargeable or alkaline batteries......... min. 3000 measurements
- display................................................................................................................ backlit LED

Nominal operating conditions:

- operating temperature .......................................................................................... 0...+45°C
- humidity................................................................................................................. 20...80%

Short-circuit loop impedance meter

Index: WMGBMZC304
Standard accessories of the meter:
- Adapter WS-05 with UNI-Schuko WAADAWS05
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; yellow WAPRZ1X2YEBB
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; blue WAPRZ1X2BUBB
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; red WAPRZ1X2REBB
- "Crocodile" clip K02; yellow WAKROYE20K02
- Pin probe with banana connector - blue WASONBUOGB1
- Pin probe with banana connector - red WASONREOGB1
- Carrying case M6 WAFUTM6
- Receiver – interface for radio transmission OR1 (USB) WAADAUSBOR1
- Hanging straps WAPOZSZE4

CAT IV - Handle to suspend the meter

- Batteries, calibration certificate, Sonel Reader software

Measurement of the ZL-PE,ZL-N,ZL-L, short-circuit loop impedance, as well as
IP 67 resistance and reactance
Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-3 for 1.2 m test leads: 0.13Ω...1999Ω

Display range Resolution Accuracy

Measurement of short-circuit loop parameters: 0.00...19.99Ω 0.01Ω
- measurements of short-circuit loop impedance in power systems of rated voltages: 20.0...199.9Ω 0.1Ω ±(5% m.v. + 3 digits)
220/380 V, 230/400 V, 240/415 V and frequencies of 45...65 Hz, 200...1999Ω 1Ω
- measurement of short-circuit loop impedance with current 15 mA without tripping

residual current devices,
- detection of swapped L and N conductors in a socket and respective automatic MZC-304 meter measures short-circuit

correction during measurement,
loop impedance with the resolution of 0.01Ω
- operating voltage range: 180…270 V (for ZL-PE and ZL-N) and 180…460 V (for ZL-L),
in circuits protected with RCDs without tripping them.
- operating frequency range: 45…65 Hz,
- maximal measurement current: 7.6 A for 230 V (3x10 ms), 13.3 A for 400 V (3x10 ms),
- calculation of short-circuit current for nominal voltages,
- indications of RS short-circuit loop resistance and XS short-circuit loop reactance.
Measurement of the ZL-PE short-circuit loop impedance in the RCD mode
(without tripping RCDs)
Low-voltage measurement of resistance, protective Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-3 for 1.2 m test leads: 0.51Ω...1999Ω
connections and equipotential bonding: Display range Resolution Accuracy
- measurement of continuity of protective connections with current ±200 mA 0.00...19.99Ω 0.01Ω ±(6% m.v. + 10 digits)
in accordance with the EN 61557 standard, 20.0...199.9Ω 0.1Ω
- automatic calibration of test leads - capability of using any test leads, ±(6% m.v. + 5 digits)
- low-current measurement of resistance with acoustic signalling. 200...1999Ω 1Ω
· Does not cause tripping of RCDs I∆n≥30mA,

Quick verification of correctness of the PE conductor connection with the use DO
MZC-304 meter always measures
of a touch probe.
impedance as well as its components -
Measurement of power system voltage and frequency.
LCD and keyboard backlit.
KNOW resistance and reactance - regardless of phase shift.

LR6 battery power supply, capability of using NiMH rechargeable batteries.

Memory of 990 measurement results, wireless data transfer to a PC The instrument meets the requirements set forth by the standards:
with the OR-1 adapter.
EN 61010-1 (general requirements related to safety)
EN 61010-031 (particular requirements related to safety)
EN 61326 (electromagnetic compatibility)

DO EN 61557 (requirements for measurement instruments)

HD 60364-6 (performance of measurements - checking)

YOU MZC-304 meter calculates the value of prospective

MZC-305short-circuit currentspodziewanego
wylicza wartość in accordance prądu
HD 60364-4-41 (performance of measurements - protection against electric shock)
EN 04700 (performance of measurements - rough-in inspection tests)

KNOW with the

zwarciowego HD 60364-6:2008
zgodnie standard.
z normą PN-HD 60364-6:2008

Electrical safety:
- type of insulation................................................................ double, in acc. with EN 61010-1
- test leads.....................................................................................................EN 61010-2-031
- measurement category.....................................III 600 V (CAT IV 300 V) acc. to EN 61010-1
- enclosure protection rating acc. to EN 60529................................................................IP67

Other technical specifications:

- power supply of the meter..................alkaline or rechargeable battery pack (size AA, 4 pcs)
- number of measurements (rechargeable batteries)...................... min. 5000 measurements

Nominal operating conditions:

- operating temperature ........................................................................................... 0...+50°C
- humidity.................................................................................................................. 20...80%


Summary of the short-circuit loop meters

MPI-520/520 Start
MZC-310S MZC-306 MZC-304 MPI-530 MPI-505 MPI-502
115/200 110/190 110/190
127/220 115/200 115/200
220/380 127/220 220/380
220/380 220/380 127/220 127/220
Rated voltage [V] 230/400 220/380 230/400
230/400 230/400 220/380 220/380
240/415 230/400 240/415
240/415 230/400 230/400
290/500 240/415 240/415
Operating voltage range 187...440 100...750 180...460 95..440 95..440 100...440 180...460
Display range [Ω] 0…199.9 0…1999 0…1999 0…1999 0…1999 0…1999 0…1999
Max. resolution[Ω] 0.0001 0.01 0.01 0.001 0.01 0.01 0.01
Max. resolution for the measure -
— 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
ment without tripping RCDs [Ω]
Max. measurement current [A] 150/280 12.2...36.7 7.6/13.3 23/44 23/44 23/44 7.6/13.3
Measurement range
0.0072…199.9 0.13…1999 0.13…1999 0.130…1999 0.13…1999 0.13…1999 0.13…1999
in acc. with IEC 61557 [Ω]
Display of short-circuit loop
resistance and reactance
Calculation of prospective
short-circuit current
Memory (number of records) 990 990 990 10000 990 990 990
Four-lead method YES — — — — — —
Measurement of prospective touch
YES — — — — — —
voltage and shock touch voltage
Selection of
test leads
In-socket measurement
with the adapter-plug
Triggering measurements
— Optional Optional YES YES YES Optional
from the adapter
Measurement of alternating voltage YES YES YES YES YES YES YES
Dimensions [mm] 295x222x95 288x223x75 220x98x58 288x223x75 288x223x75 260x190x60 220x98x58
Weight [kg] 2.2 2.2 1 2.2 2.2 2.2 1
Catalogue page 26 27 28 8 10. 12 14 15

Earth resistance and impedance meter

MRU-200 / MRU-200GPS
Index: WMGBMRU200
Standard accessories of the meter:
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; red WAPRZ1X2REBB
- Test lead with banana plug 2,2m; black WAPRZ2X2BLBB
- Test lead on a reel with banana plugs; 25m; red WAPRZ025REBBSZ
- Test lead on a reel with banana plugs; 25m; blue WAPRZ025BUBBSZ
- Test lead on a reel with banana plugs; 50m; shielded. WAPRZ050YEBBSZE
- Cable for battery charg with car plug 12V WAPRZLAD12SAM
- Earth contact test probe (rod); 0,30m WASONG30
- Carrying case L2 WAFUTL2
CAT IV - NiMH rechargeable battery WAAKU07
IP 54
DO 300V - "Crocodile" clip K01; black WAKROBL20K01
- "Crocodile" clip K02; red WAKRORE20K02

YOU MRU-200 is the only meter allowing for the measurement of

KNOW impedance to earth of lightning protection earthing systems - Power supply adaptor Z7
in accordance with the EN 62305 standard. - Cable for battery charger WAPRZLAD230
- Hanging straps WAPOZSZEKPL
- Sonel Reader software, calibration certificate
Measurement of earth ground impedance:
- with the use of the impulse method (without the necessity for disconnecting Measurement of earth resistance (three and four-lead method)
the measured earthing systems), Measurement range in acc. with EN 61557-5: 0.100Ω...19.99kΩ
- three types of the measurement impulse (4/10µs; 8/20µs; 10/350µs) Display range Resolution Accuracy
0.000...3.999Ω 0.001Ω ±(2% m.v. + 4 digits)
Measurements of earth ground resistance: 4.00...39.99Ω 0.01Ω
- with the use of auxiliary probes (three and four-lead methods), 40.0...399.9Ω 0.1Ω ±(2% m.v. + 2 digits)
- with the use of auxiliary probes and clamp (for measurements of multiple earthing, 400...3999Ω 1Ω
three-lead + clamp),
- with the use of double clamps (for earthing measurements, when the use of auxiliary 4.00kΩ...19.99kΩ 0.01kΩ ±(5% m.v. + 2 digits)
probes is not possible),
- resistance of auxiliary probes RS and RH, Measurement of multiple earthing resistance with the use of a clamp
- voltage and frequency of the interfering signal, (three-lead + clamp)
- in the presence of interfering voltages in power systems with the frequency of 16⅔ Hz, Measurement range in acc. with EN 61557-5: 0.120Ω...1999Ω
50 Hz, 60 Hz and 400 Hz (with the automatic or manual selection of proper measurement Display range Resolution Accuracy
signal frequency),
- selection of maximal measurement voltage (25 V or 50 V), 0.000...3.999Ω 0.001Ω ±(8% m.v. + 4 digits)
- calibration of clamp used. 4.00...39.99Ω 0.01Ω
40.0...399.9Ω 0.1Ω ±(8% m.v. +3 digits)
Measurements of soil resistivity (with Wenner method): 400...1999Ω 1Ω
- input of probes spacing distances in metres (m) or in feet (ft).
Measurement of multiple earthing with two clamps
Measurements of protective connection and equipotential Display range Resolution Accuracy
bonding continuity: 0.00...19.99Ω 0.01Ω ±(10% m.v. + 3 digits)
- with auto-zero function - with current ≥ 200 mA - in accordance with EN 61557-4. 20.0...149.9Ω 0.1Ω ±(20% m.v. + 3 digits)

Measurement of impedance to earth (ZE) with the impulse method (four-lead, )
Memory of 990 measurements (10 banks, each of 99 cells).
Built in GPS (only MRU-200GPS). Display range Resolution Accuracy
Coordinates of the measurement are stored in meter memory (only MRU-200GPS) 0.0...99.9Ω 0.1Ω
±(2.5% m.v. + 3 digits)
Real time clock (RTC). 100...199Ω 1Ω
Data transfer to a computer (USB or wireless - OR-1).
Indication of condition of rechargeable batteries.

The instrument meets the requirements set forth by the standards:

YOU MRU-200 meter is a unique instrument on the market EN 62305-1 (lightning protection)
using all known measurement methods and EN 61010-1 (general requirements related to safety)

EN 61010-031 (particular requiremen1ts related to safety)
performing measurements with the resolution of 0.001 Ω.
PN-EN 61326 (electromagnetic compatibility)
EN 61557 (requirements for measurement instruments)
HD 60364-6 (performance of measurements - checking)
HD 60364-4-41 (performance of measurements - protection against electric shock)
EN 04700 (performance of measurements - rough-in inspection tests)

Other technical specifications:

- type of insulation....................................... double, in acc. with EN 61010-1 and IEC 61557
- number of measurements performed with one set of rechargeable batteries........... > 1200

Nominal operating conditions:

- operating temperature........................................................................................ -10...+50°C
- storage temperature............................................................................................ -20...+80°C
- humidity................................................................................................................. 20...85%


Earth resistance meter

Index: WMGBMRU120
Standard accessories of the meter:
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; red WAPRZ1X2REBB
- Test lead with banana plug 2,2m; black WAPRZ2X2BLBB
- Test lead on a reel with banana plugs; 25m; red WAPRZ025REBBSZ
- Test lead on a reel with banana plugs; 25m; blue WAPRZ025BUBBSZ
- Test lead on a reel with banana plugs; 50m; shielded. WAPRZ050YEBBSZ
- Pin probe with banana connector; yellow WASONYEOGB1
- Earth contact test probe (rod); 0,30m - 4 pcs WASONG30
- Carrying case L2 WAFUTL2
- "Crocodile" clip K01; black WAKROBL20K01
- Power supply adaptor Z7 WAZASZ7
- NiMH rechargeable battery
CAT IV - Cable for battery charger
- Set of hanging straps
IP 54 300V - Sonel Reader software, calibration certificate

Measurements of earth ground resistance: Measurement of earth resistance (three and four-lead method)
- with the use of auxiliary probes (three and four-lead methods), Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-5: 0.30Ω...19.9kΩ
- with the use of auxiliary probes and clamp (for measurements of multiple earthing), Display range Resolution Accuracy
- with the use of double clamps (for earthing measurements, when the use of auxiliary 0.00...19.99Ω 0.01Ω
probes is not possible), 20.0...199.9Ω 0.1Ω ±(2% m.v.+ 2 digits)
- measurement current frequency: 125 Hz (for 50 Hz power systems) or 150 Hz 200...1999Ω 1Ω
(for 60 Hz power systems), 2.0k...9.99kΩ 0.01kΩ
- resistance of auxiliary probes RS and RH, ±(5% m.v. + 4 digits)
10.0k...19.9kΩ 0.1kΩ
- measurement of the interfering voltage,
- measurement of the interfering signal frequency,
- measurement in the presence of interfering voltages in power systems
with the frequency of 50 Hz and 60 Hz, MRU-120 meter allows for performing earthing
- selection of maximal measurement voltage (25 V or 50 V), measurements with the use of the two-clamp

KNOW method without additional rods.

Measurements of soil resistivity (the Wenner method):

- input of probes spacing distances in metres (m) or in feet (ft). Measurement of multiple earthing resistance (three-lead method + clamp)
Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-5: 0.44Ω...1999Ω
Display range Resolution Accuracy
Measurements of protective connection and equipotential 0.00...19.99Ω 0.01Ω
bonding continuity: 20.0...199.9Ω 0.1Ω ±(8% m.v. +3 digits)
- with auto-zero function - with current ≥ 200 mA - in accordance with EN 61557-4. 200...1999Ω 1Ω

Memory of 990 measurements (10 banks, each of 99 cells).
YOU MRU-120 meter allows for performing multiple earthing
Real time clock (RTC).
measurements without disconnecting test connections.
Data transfer to a computer (USB or wireless - OR-1).
Indication of condition of rechargeable batteries.

Measurement of multiple earthing resistance with the use of two clamps

Display range Resolution Accuracy
The instrument meets the requirements set forth by the standards:
0.0...19.99Ω 0.01Ω ±(10% m.v. + 3 digits)
EN 61010-1 (general requirements related to safety) 20.0...149.9Ω 0.1Ω ±(20% m.v. + 3 digits)
EN 61010-031 (particular requirements related to safety)
EN 61326 (electromagnetic compatibility)
EN 61557 (requirements for measurement instruments)
HD 60364-6 (performance of measurements - checking)
HD 60364-4-41 (performance of measurements - protection against electric shock)
EN 04700 (performance of measurements - rough-in inspection tests)

Other technical specifications:

- type of insulation......................................... double, in acc. with EN 61010-1 and IEC 61557
- number of measurements performed with one set of rechargeable batteries................ > 800

Nominal operating conditions:

- operating temperature.......................................................................................... -10...+50 °C
- storage temperature............................................................................................. -20...+70 °C
- humidity.................................................................................................................... 20...80%

Earth resistance meters

CAT III MRU-105 and MRU-106 Index: WMGBMRU105

300V Index: WMGBMRU106
Standard accessories of the meter:
IP 54 - Test lead on a reel with banana plugs; 50m; shielded. WAPRZ050YEBBSZ
- Test lead on a reel with banana plugs; 25m; red WAPRZ025REBBSZ
- Pin probe with banana connector; yellow WASONYEOGB1
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; yellow WAPRZ1X2YEBB
- Test lead with banana plug 2,2m; black WAPRZ2X2BLBB
- Earth contact test probe (rod); 0,30m - 2 pcs WASONG30
- "Crocodile" clip K01; black WAKROBL20K01
- Carrying case L2 WAFUTL2
- Hanging straps WAPOZSZE1
- Calibration certificate, batteries

Measurement of earth resistance (3p, 4p)

Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-5: 0.13Ω...20.0kΩ
Display range Resolution Accuracy
0.00...9.99Ω 0.01Ω ±(3% m.v. + 3 digits)
10.0...99.9Ω 0.1Ω
Measurements of earth ground resistance:
100...999Ω 1Ω
±(2% m.v. + 2 digits)
- with the use of auxiliary probes and the three-lead method, 1.00...9.99kΩ 0.01kΩ
- with the use of auxiliary probes and the four-lead method, 10.0...20.0kΩ 0.1kΩ
- measurement of multiple earthing with the use of the three-lead method without
disconnecting measured earthing (with measurement clamp),
- supervision of measurement conditions (e.g. presence of interfering voltages, influence
of the RH and RS resistance of measurement probes and the condition of batteries),
- high resistance to interfering voltages. DO The MRU-105 and MRU-106 meters allows for the measurement

YOU of resistance to earth of multiple earthing systems employing

the technical method, with the use of additional clamp,

Measurement of soil resistivity (with Wenner method): KNOW without the necessity for disconnecting test connections.

- with the capability of selecting the distance of measurement electrode

spacing - measurement on various depths.
Measurement of earth resistance with the use of a clamp
Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-5:: 0.16Ω...20.0kΩ
Additionally: Display range Resolution Accuracy
Measurement of resistance with the use of the two or four-lead method. 0.00...9.99Ω 0.01Ω ±(8% m.v. + 3 digits)
10.0...99.9Ω 0.1Ω
Memory of 300 measurement results, data transfer to a computer
(over the USB interface). 100...999Ω 1Ω
±(8% m.v. + 2 digits)
1.00...9.99kΩ 0.01kΩ
10.0...20.0kΩ 0.1kΩ

DO The MRU-105 meter performs measurements with current

YOU of 128 Hz frequency, which makes it highly resistant to

interference from 50 Hz power systems. MRU-106 is
Measurement of earth resistivity

KNOW dedicated to measurements 60Hz power networks (154 Hz) Display range
±(8% m.v. + 3 digits)
10.0...99.9Ωm 0.1Ωm
100...999Ωm 1Ωm Depends on the accuracy
The instrument meets the requirements set forth by the standards: 1.00...9.99kΩm 0.01kΩ of the Re four-lead

EN 61010-1 (general requirements related to safety) 10.0...99.9kΩm 0.1kΩ measurement,

EN 61010-031 (particular requirements related to safety) 100...999kΩm 1kΩm but not lower than 1 digit
EN 61326 (electromagnetic compatibility)
EN 61557 (requirements for measurement instruments)
HD 60364-6 (performance of measurements - checking)
HD 60364-4-41 (performance of measurements - protection against electric shock)
EN 04700 (performance of measurements - rough-in inspection tests)

Other technical specifications:

- type of insulation................................. double, in acc. with PN-EN 61010-1 and IEC 61557
- power supply......................................................... LR14 alkaline batteries (size C) or NiMH
........................................................................................rechargeable battery back (optional)
- battery charger power supply........................................................... 100...250 V, 50...60 Hz
- display........................................................................................................................... LCD
Nominal operating conditions:
- operating temperature............................................................................................ 0...+40°C
- maximal interfering AC+DC voltage during measurement................................ 24 V (68 Vp-p)
- measurement current for the resistance value of 100 Ω................ not smaller than 225 mA
- maximal measurement voltage...................................................................................... 40 V
- measurement current frequency (MRU-105)............................................................. 128 Hz
- measurement current frequency (MRU-105)............................................................. 154 Hz


Earth resistance meters

MRU-20 MRU-21
Index: WMGBMRU20 Index: WMGBMRU21


300V 300V

IP 54 IP 54

DO MRU-21 and MRU-20 meters are the basic earthing

Standard accessories of the meters:
YOU measurement instruments allowing for the performance - Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; blue WAPRZ1X2BUBB

of measurements in accordance - Test lead with banana plug 2,2m; black WAPRZ2X2BLBB
with the EN 62305 standard. - Test lead on a reel with banana plugs; 30m; red WAPRZ030REBBSZ
- Test lead on a reel with banana plugs; 15m; blue WAPRZ015BUBBSZ
- "Crocodile" clip K02; blue WAKROBU20K02
Measurement of earth ground resistance: - USB cable (MRU-21) WAPRZUSB
- with the use of the three-lead method with auxiliary probes, measurements - Earth contact test probe (rod); 0,30m - 2 pcs WASONG30
- Carrying case L4 WAFUTL4
with the resistance of auxiliary probes up to 50 kΩ ,
- "Crocodile" clip K01; black WAKROBL20K01
- measurement of resistance of auxiliary probes RS and RH,
- Hanging straps (MRU-21) WAPOZSZEKPL
- measurement of the interfering voltage,
- Hanging straps (MRU-20) WAPOZSZE2
- measurement in the presence of interfering voltages from the power system,
- LR14 battery container (size C) (MRU-21) WAPOJ1
- selection of maximal measurement voltage (25 V or 50 V).
- Batteries
- Calibration certificate
Two-lead measurement of resistance: - Sonel Reader software (MRU-21)

- auto-zero of test leads.

Measurement of earth resistance (3p)
Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-5:
Measurements of protective connection and equipotential 0.50Ω...1.99kΩ for Un=50V; 0.68Ω...1.99kΩ for Un=25V;
bonding continuity:
Display range Resolution Accuracy
- meeting the requirements of the EN 61557-4 standard with the auto-zero function,
0.00...9.99Ω 0.01Ω
with current ≥ 200 mA.
10.0...99.9Ω 0.1Ω
±(2% m.v. + 3 digits)
100...999Ω 1Ω
Additionally: 1.00k...1.99kΩ 0.01kΩ

Memory of 990 measurements, data transfer to a computer over the USB · measurement current: during short-circuit > 20 mA · measurement current frequency: 125 Hz
interface (MRU-21).
Indication of charge level of batteries or rechargeable batteries. Measurement of protective connection and equipotential bonding continuity
Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-4: 0.13Ω...199Ω
Battery or rechargeable battery power supply.
Display range Resolution Accuracy
Auto-off after 5 minutes.
0.00...9.99Ω 0.01Ω
10.0...99.9Ω 0.1Ω ±(2% m.v. + 3 digits)

DO 100...199Ω 1Ω

YOU MRU-20 and MRU-21 meters have improved immunity The instruments meet the requirements set forth by the standards:
KNOW to unfavourable operating conditions.
EN 61010-1 (general requirements related to safety)
EN 61010-031 (particular requirements related to safety)
Other technical specifications: EN 61326 (electromagnetic compatibility)
- type of insulation.................................... double, in acc. with EN 61010-1 and IEC 61557 EN 61557 (requirements for measurement instruments)
- display................................................................................................... backlit segment LCD HD 60364-6 (performance of measurements - checking)
- number of measurements performed on one set of alkaline batteries................................... HD 60364-4-41 (performance of measurements - protection against electric shock)
.......................................................................................... 1000 (5 Ω, 2 measurements/min) EN 04700 (performance of measurements - rough-in inspection tests)
- dimensions.................................................................................................. 288x223x75 mm
- weight (including batteries)...........................................................................................1.4 kg
- the product meets the EMC requirements in accordance with the EN 61326-1:2006
..................................................................................... and EN 61326-2-2:2006 standards
- power supply of the meter...... 4 x 1.5 V batteries or rechargeable C type batteries (MRU-21)
................................................ ........8 x batteries or rechargeable AA type batteries (MRU-20)
Nominal operating conditions:
- operating temperature ........................................................................................... -10...+55°C
- storage temperature.............................................................................................. -20...+70 °C
- humidity..................................................................................................................... 20...80%


Summary of the earthing measurement instruments

MRU-200 MRU-120 MRU-105 MRU-21 / MRU-20* MPI-530 MPI-525/520/520Start

Three-lead method (3p) YES YES YES YES YES YES

Four-lead method (4p) YES YES YES — YES —

Maximal resolution [Ω] 0.001 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

Technical method
with additional clamp (3p+clamp)

Impulse method
YES — — — — —
- earth ground impedance

2-clamp method YES YES — — YES —

Soil resistivity YES YES YES — YES —

,Measurement of current using clamp YES — — — YES MPI-520/520Start
Measurement of current with
the use of flexible clamp YES — — — YES —
(Rogowski coil)
Measurement of protective connection
and equipotential bonding continuity YES YES — YES YES YES
in acc. with the EN 61577 standard
Internal current source YES YES YES YES YES YES
Measurement of resistance YES YES YES YES YES YES
Battery charger, rechargeable battery YES YES YES — YES YES/Optional/Optional
Memory (number of records) 990 990 300 990 / —* 10000 990
Measurement of interfering voltages YES YES YES YES YES YES
Measurement of auxiliary
probe resistance
Dimensions [mm] 288x223x75 288x223x75 295x223x95 288x223x75 / 260x190x60* 288x223x75 288x223x75
Weight [kg] 2 2 1.7 1.4 / 1.3* 2.2 2.2
Catalogue page 30 31 32 33 8 10. 12


RCD meter

Index: WMGBMRP201
Standard accessories of the meter:
- Adapter WS-05 with UNI-Schuko WAADAWS05
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; yellow WAPRZ1X2YEBB
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; red WAPRZ1X2REBB
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; blue WAPRZ1X2BUBB
- "Crocodile" clip K02; yellow WAKROYE20K02
- Pin probe with banana connector; red WASONREOGB1
- Pin probe with banana connector, blue WASONBUOGB1
- Carrying case M6 WAFUTM6
- Hanging straps WAPOZSZE4
- Receiver – interface for radio transmission OR1 (USB) WAADAUSBOR1
- Handle to suspend the meter WAPOZUCH1
- Sonel Reader software, calibration certificate, batteries

RCD tripping test and measurement of the tA triping time

Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-6: 0ms...up to the upper limit of displayed value

DO RCD type Factor Measurement range Resolution Accuracy

YOU MRP-201 meter is intended for measuring RCDs:

General use 0.5*IDn

1* IDn
general, selective, short-time delay - AC, A, B type. or
2* IDn 0...150ms
short-time delayed
5*IDn 0...40ms 1ms ±(2% m.v. + 2 digits)
Measurement of residual current devices 1* IDn
of all types: AC, A, B: Selective
2* IDn 0...200ms
- measurement of general, short-time delayed and selective RCDs of the IΔn rated 5*IDn 0...150ms
residual current 10, 30, 100, 300 and 500 mA,
- measurement of the tripping current IA and the tripping time tA with currents · Accuracy of residual current setting: for 1*IDn, 2*IDn and 5*IDn: 0...8%; for 0.5*IDn : -8...0%,
· Operating voltage range: 180...270 V
0,5IΔn, 1IΔn, 2IΔn, 5IΔn,
· Operating frequency range: 45...65 Hz.
- simultaneous measurement of the tripping current IA and the tAI trip time,
- measurement of RE and UB without tripping RCDs, Measurement of the IA RCD tripping current for sinusoidal residual current
- the AUTO function for RCD measurement (automatic measurement of selected Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-6: (0.3...1.0)IDn
parameters without tripping),
Nominal current Measurement range Resolution Measurement current Accuracy
- automatic measurement of all A and B type RCDs for all current shapes.
10mA 3.3...10.0mA
30mA 9.0...30.0mA
Additional features: 100mA 33...100mA 0.3 x IDn...1.0 x IDn ± 5% IDn
300mA 90...300mA 1mA
Measurement of alternating voltage and frequency.
500mA 150...500mA
Verification of correctness of the connections of protective conductor .
Measurement result memory (990 cells, 10000 records). · Possibility of starting the measurement from a positive or negative half-period of forced
leakage current (AC type)
Communication with a computer over the OR-1 wireless interface. · Measurement current flow time at f=50.0 Hz max. 7510 ms
LCD and keyboard backlit.
Measurement of the IA RCD tripping current for residual unidirectional pulsating
current and residual unidirectional pulsating current with 6mA direct current
offset (type A)
DO Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-6: (0.15...1.4)IDn for IDn >30mA and (0.15...2)IDn for IDn=10mA

Nominal current Measurement range Resolution Measurement current Accuracy
MRP-201 meter is the only one having 2 kinds of automatic
measurement mode, especially useful during 10mA 1.5...20.0mA 0.15 x IDn ...2.0 x IDn ± 10% IDn

the measurements of A and B type RCDs. 30mA 4.5...42.0mA
100mA 15...140mA 0.15 x IDn ...1.4 x IDn ± 10% IDn
300mA 45...420mA
· Capability of measurement for positive or negative half-periods of forced leakage current
The instrument meets the requirements set forth by the standards: · Measurement current flow time at f=50.0 Hz max. 14710 ms
EN 61010-1 (general requirements related to safety) Measurement of the IA RCD tripping current for residual direct current
EN 61010-031 (particular requirements related to safety) Measurement range in acc. with IEC 61557-6: (0.2...2)IDn
EN 61326 (electromagnetic compatibility)
Nominal current Measurement range Resolution Measurement current Accuracy
EN 61557 (requirements for measurement instruments)
HD 60364-6 (performance of measurements - checking) 10mA 2.0...20.0mA 0.1mA
HD 60364-4-41 (performance of measurements - protection against electric shock) 30mA 6...60mA
EN 04700 (performance of measurements - rough-in inspection tests) 0.2 x IDn ...2.0 x IDn ± 10% IDn
100mA 20...200mA 1mA
300mA 60...600mA
· Capability of measurement for positive or negative leakage current
Other technical specifications: · Measurement current flow time at f=50.0 Hz max. 4500 ms.
- type of insulation ........................................ double, in acc. with EN 61010-1 and IEC 61557
- power supply of the meters ............................................... alkaline batteries (size AA, 4 pcs)
.................................................................................or a rechargeable battery back (optional)
- weight..............................................................................................................................1 kg
- dimensions.....................................................................................................220x98x58 mm
Nominal operating conditions:
- operating temperature ........................................................................................ -10...+50 °C
- storage temperature............................................................................................. -20...+70 °C
- humidity.................................................................................................................... 20...80%

Summary of standard and additional accessories for protection system measurement instruments
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.

42. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.

49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54.

55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.

30 cm 80 cm
61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66.

















Accessories Fig. Catalogue index

Triple phase socket adapter AGT-16C 1 WAADAAGT16C

Triple phase socket adapter AGT-16P 2 WAADAAGT16P
Industrial socket adapter AGT-16T 3 WAADAAGT16T
Triple phase socket adapter AGT-32C 4 WAADAAGT32C
Triple phase socket adapter AGT-32P 5 WAADAAGT32P
Industrial socket adapter AGT-32T 6 WAADAAGT32T
Triple phase socket adapter AGT-63P 7 WAADAAGT63P

AutoISO-1000C Adapter 8 WAADAAISO10C

AutoISO-2500 Adapter 9 WAADAAISO25
AutoISO-5000 Adapter 10 WAADAAISO5
RCD breaker testing adapter TWR-1J (universal pin) 11 WAADATWR1J
Adapter with START button with UNI-Schuko (WS-01) 12 WAADAWS01 ·
Adapter with START button with UNI-Schuko (WS-03) 12 WAADAWS03 · · · ·
Adapter WS-04 with UNI-Schuko 13 WAADAWS04
Adapter WS-05 with UNI-Schuko 13 WAADAWS05 · · ·
AC line splitter AC-16 14 WAADAAC16
MPI-LP Adapter 15 WAADAWS06
Magnetic voltage adapter (4 pcs) 65 WAADAUMAGKPL
Voltage Adapter with M4/M6 (5 pcs) 66 WAADAM4M6
NiMH 4,8V 4,2Ah rechargeable battery 16 WAAKU07 · · · ·

NiMH battery package 7,2V 3Ah 17 WAAKU05 ·

NiMH 9.6 V rechargeable battery 18 WAAKU10 · ·
Charging set (chargers + battery) * WAKPLLADMPI520 · ·

Box for batteries 16 WAPOJ1 · · ·

Cable for battery charging with car plug 12V 19 WAPRZLAD12SAM · ·
Cable for battery charger 20 WAPRZLAD230 · · · · · · ·
Cable for battery charger (IEC plug) 21 WAPRZ1X8BLIEC · · · ·
Power supply adaptor Z7 22 WAZASZ7 · · · · · · ·
C-3 clamp (Ø 52mm) 23 WACEGC3OKR
C-6 clamp 26 WACEGC6OKR

F-1 clamp (Ø 360mm) 24 WACEGF1OKR

F-2 clamp 24 WACEGF2OKR
F-3 clamp 24 WACEGF3OKR
N-1 clamp (Ø 52mm, with test lead) 25 WACEGN1BB
„Crocodile" clip K01; black 30 WAKROBL20K01

"Crocodile" clip K03; black 27 WAKROBL30K03

"Crocodile" clip K02; red 30 WAKRORE20K02
Kelvin's clamp 29 WAKROKELK06
"Crocodile" clip K02; blue 30 WAKROBU20K02
"Crocodile" clip K02; yellow 30 WAKROYE20K02
"Crocodile" clip 5,5 kV; black 28 WAKROBL32K07
"Crocodile" clip 5,5 kV; red 28 WAKRORE32K07
"Crocodile" clip 5,5 kV; blue 28 WAKROBU32K07
"Crocodile" clip 5,5 kV; yellow 28 WAKROYE32K07
Cramp 30 WAZACIMA1
Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; black 31 WAPRZ1X2BLBB
Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m black, shielded 32 WAPRZ1X2BLBBE
Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; red 31 WAPRZ1X2REBB
Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; blue 31 WAPRZ1X2BUBB
Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; yellow 31 WAPRZ1X2YEBB
Test shielded lead with banana plug; 1,8m; 5kV; black 33 WAPRZ1X8BLBB
Test lead with banana plug; 1,8m; 5kV; red 33 WAPRZ1X8REBB
Test lead with banana plug; 1,8m; 5kV; blue 33 WAPRZ1X8BUBB
Test lead with banana plug; 1.8m; 10 kV; black, shielded 37 WAPRZ1X8BLBB10KE
Test lead with banana plug; 1.8m; 10 kV; red 37 WAPRZ1X8REBB10K
Test lead with banana plug; 1.8m; 10 kV; blue 37 WAPRZ1X8BUBB10K
Test lead with banana plug; 2m; double wire 34 WAPRZ002DZBB
Test lead with banana plug 2,2m; black 31 WAPRZ2X2BLBB
Test lead with banana plug; 3m; double wire 35 WAPRZ003DZBBU1I1

Test lead with banana plug; 3m; double wire 35 WAPRZ003DZBBU2I2

Test lead with banana plug; 3m; 10 kV; black, shielded 37 WAPRZ003BLBB10KE
Test lead with banana plug; 3m; 10 kV; red 37 WAPRZ003REBB10K
Test lead with banana plug; 3m; 10 kV; blue 37 WAPRZ003BUBB10K
Test lead with banana plug, 5m, blue 36 WAPRZ005BUBB
Test lead with banana plug; 5m; 5kV; blue 33 WAPRZ005BUBB5K
Test lead with banana plug; 5m, black, shielded 32 WAPRZ005BLBBE
Test lead with banana plug; 5m; 5kV; black, shielded 33 WAPRZ005BLBBE5K
Test lead with banana plug 5m; red 36 WAPRZ005REBB
Test lead with banana plug; 5m; 5kV; red 33 WAPRZ005REBB5K
Test lead with banana plug 5m; yellow 36 WAPRZ005YEBB
Test lead with banana plug; 5m; 10 kV; black, shielded 37 WAPRZ005BLBB10KE
Test lead with banana plug; 5m; 10 kV; red 37 WAPRZ005REBB10K
Test lead with banana plug; 5m; 10 kV; blue 37 WAPRZ005BUBB10K
Test lead with banana plug;10m; 5kV; black, shielded 33 WAPRZ010BLBBE5K
Test lead with banana plug 10m; red 36 WAPRZ010REBB
Test lead with banana plug; 10m; 5kV; red 33 WAPRZ010REBB5K
Test lead with banana plug; 10m; 5kV; blue 33 WAPRZ010BUBB5K
Test lead with banana plug 10m; yellow 36 WAPRZ010YEBB

· standard accessories of the meters additional accessories *) figure 16+19+20+22



Accessories Fig. Catalogue index

Test lead with banana plug; 10m; 10 kV; black, shielded 37 WAPRZ010BLBB10KE
Test lead with banana plug; 10m; 10 kV; red 37 WAPRZ010REBB10K
Test lead with banana plug; 10m; 10 kV; blue 37 WAPRZ010REBB10K
Test lead with banana plug 20m; red 36 WAPRZ020REBB
Test lead with banana plug 20m; yellow 36 WAPRZ020YEBB
Test lead with banana plug; 20m; 10 kV; black, shielded 37 WAPRZ020BLBB10KE
Test lead with banana plug; 20m; 10 kV; red 37 WAPRZ020REBB10K
Test lead with banana plug; 20m; 10 kV; blue 37 WAPRZ020BUBB10K
Teast leand on a reel with banana plug; 15m; blue 38 WAPRZ015BUBBSZ
Test lead on a reel with banana plug; 25m; red 38 WAPRZ025REBBSZ
Test lead on a reel with banana plug; 25m; blue 38 WAPRZ025BUBBSZ
Test lead on a reel with banana plug; 30m; red 38 WAPRZ030REBBSZ
Test lead on a reel with banana plug; 50m 38 WAPRZ050YEBBSZ
Test lead on a reel with banana plug; 50m; shielded 38 WAPRZ050YEBBSZE
Test wire reel 39 WAPOZSZP1
Carrying case L1 40 WAFUTL1
Carrying case L2 40 WAFUTL2
Carrying case L3 41 WAFUTL3
Carrying case L4 42 WAFUTL4
Carrying case M6 44 WAFUTM6

Carrying case M7 WAFUTM7

Carrying case S2 45 WAFUTS2
Backpack for meter and accessories L7 WAFUTL7
Aluminum case L1 61 WAWALL1
Aluminium case L4 61 WAWALL4
Hanging straps 46 WAPOZSZE1

Hanging straps 47 WAPOZSZE2

Hanging straps 48 WAPOZSZE4
Hanging straps 49 WAPOZSZEKPL
Hanging straps 50 WAPOZUCH1
Hardware Adapter for Sonel PE 51 WAADAKEY1

USB/RS adapter 52 WAADAUSBRS232

Receiver – interface for radio transmission OR1 (USB) 53 WAADAUSBOR1
RS-232 serial transmission cable 55 WAPRZRS232
Bluetooth mini-keyboard with cover on hand 63 WAADAMKZ
Pin probe with banana connector; black 56 WASONBLOGB1
Pin probe 5kV with banana connector; black 56 WASONBLOGB2
Pin probe with banana connector; red 56 WASONREOGB1
Pin probe 5kV with banana connector; red 56 WASONREOGB2
Pin probe with banana connector; blue 56 WASONBUOGB1

Pin probe with banana connector; yellow 56 WASONYEOGB1

Pin probe 5.5kV with banana connector; black 56 WASONBLOGB5X5
Pin probe 5.5kV with banana connector; red 56 WASONREOGB5X5
Folding pin probe - length of 2 m 64 WASONSP2M
Earth contact test probe (rod); 0,30m 57 WASONG30
Earth contact test probe (rod); 0,80m 58 WASONG80
High-current probe with a banana socket 59 WASONSPGB1
ST-1 temperature probe 60 WASONT1
LP-1 illuminance measurement probe (contain adapter MPI-LP) 62 WAADALP1KPL

· standard accessories of the meters additional accessories

Need help - call

phone +48 74 85 83 860
visit our website

SONEL PE software



SONEL Reports software for creation of reports from electrical safety measurements.

Main software functions:

-easy and clear creation of reports,
-user friendly interface,
-library of test points and fuses,
-communication and data download from Sonel testers.

Software supports following type of measurements:

- loop impedance test (TN-C-S, TT),
- RCD parameters test,
- circuit insulation resistance test(TN-C, TN-S).

Hardware requirements:
- operating system: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and higher
(32 and 64-bit).

Receiver - USB interface
for radio transmission

Additionally available:
Hardware key - expansion of licence
to include another workstation
INDEX: WAADAUSBOR1 or a portable licence (WAADAKEY1)

Demo versions are available from
Thermal imaging is a process based on processing A very useful function of thermal imagers is the capability of capturing visual images as
infrared radiation, or heat emitted by objects, into well as merged image modes, allowing for merging visual and thermal images and
a visual image, which allows for non-contact displaying them as penetrating each other.
assessment of temperature distribution on the surface
of an object under examination.
This is important for measuring temperature
in hard-to-access and hazardous places, and also allows
for quick measurement of temperature on arbitrary size
surfaces, or for locating invisible with bare eye points of heat
escape, related to building insulation defects and faults made
during construction – such as thermal bridges.

Thermal imaging analysis employs non-contact infrared spectrum measurement for

remote ascertainment of surface temperature. Because every object of temperature higher
than absolute zero emits heat radiation of similar characteristic (called black body radiation) A thermal image is presented on the screen with the use of a user-selected palette,
by measuring this radiation and knowing emissivity coefficient of a given object, allowing for the best reflection of individual temperature ranges:
its temperature can be measured.
Professional radiometric thermal imagers record temperature separately for each
point of an image. E.g. in the case of an imager of 384x288 resolution, temperature
is recorded simultaneously for each one of the 110592 points. This allows for detailed
analysis of recorded thermal images, presenting differing temperatures as various colours.

Pyrometers also are devices used for non-contact measurement of temperature,

and employing the analysis of thermal radiation emitted
by an object under examination. These devices
are used for remote measurement of temperature
All information recorded in a thermal image can be processed by specialised software of a given object, where temperature value
bundled with the thermal imager. The analysis of a thermal image allows for finding in a given spot is more important than its distribution.
points of minimal or maximal temperature, correcting emissivity coefficient
for a part or the entire thermal image, reading temperature in any point of the image,
In the case of a pyrometer, the key factors are:
calculating mean temperature, presenting the distribution of temperature with histograms
measured temperature ranges, accuracy, and the ratio
or isotherms, merging thermal and visual image (just like on the camera screen) in order
of distance and the spot size at this distance.
to precisely locate spots of specified temperature, or changing colour palette to any other
The narrower the beam, the smaller spot at the given distance,
in order to better reflect the distribution of temperature.
and the smaller objects can be measured remotely.


Thermal imager

Index: WMXXKT640

Standard accessories:
- LCD screen
- SD card/reader WAADAUSBMEM
- battery charger
- universal AC adapter 110 / 230 V
- power cable with lemo interface
- VGA cable
- USB extension cable WAPRZUSBMNIB5
- video / RS232 cable with lemo interface
- safety case WAWALXL640
- SD Memory Card (16 GB) WAPOZSD1

- gloves,
Thermal - cloth cleaner
- Sonel ThermoAnalyze software and the driver
- lens cover

YOU KT-640 have 3 types of lenses

Detector type
Technical data
Uncooled microbolometric matrix (640 x 480 pixel, 25 µm)
KNOW available as additional!

Spectral range 8-14 µm

Thermal sensitivity <0.05°C at 30°

standard: 25.8° x 19.5° / 35 mm /F1.0

Field of view/ Focus distance
option: 11,4° x 8.6° / 80mm/F1.1, option: 45.7° x 35.1° / 19mm/F1.1
Focus Automatic or manual - a fully radiometric camera which records temperature at each point of the image -
Recording of visual images 5 Mpix
high resolution 640 x 480,
- 5,7” LCD touch screen + 0,6'’ OLED 640x480 viewfinder,
External display 5.7'’ high resolution touch screen color VGA LCD 640 x 480 pixels
- recording in the extended jpg format (all data is included in the file but the image can
Viewfinder 0.6'’bulit-in high resolution color OLED, 640 x 480 pixels be viewed as simple graphics),
Video output VGA / 50 Hz PAL / 60 Hz NTSC - live IR video recording - record video to SD card or PC's HDD / live view on PC,
InfraFusion technology Combining visual and IR image
- Infra Fusion technology – viewing a combined real and infrared image for effective
locating of the measurement place,
Temperature range Two range: -20 °C to 250 °C and 200 °C to 800 °C
- video PAL/NTSC output to connect an external display or a recording unit and
Accuracy ±2°C or 2% reading perform monitoring in real time,
Emissivity correction Variable from 0.01 to 1.00 - automatic hot spot and an automatic alarm. Enlarging images and video. 8 moving
points, 8 vertical and horizontal line profile, isotherm,
Optical transmission correction Auto, based on signals from sensors
- simple, clear menu and configuration - easily navigable even for beginners,
- 8 moving points, display of maximum, minimum or average values. - recording visual imagex,
- 8 vertical and horizontal lines profiles, isotherms in live / frozen - 8 colour palettes available,
Measurement properties for the picture or video.
- built-in Wi-Fi and USB,
- Automatic hot spot and an automatic alarm.
- Enlarging images and video.
- voice annotation - up to 60 secounds per file,
- built-in laser sight and LED flashlight,
Image storage Removable 16 GB SD card (max. 32 GB) - large memory capacity - SD card 16 GB,
File format JPEG (an invidual file consists of infrared image, visual image, voice annotation / AVI video - image refreshing rate: 50/60 times per second,
- digital zoom x4,
Voice annotation Up to 60 secound per file
- stable, sharp images without the need of a tripod.
Laser pointer Class 2, semiconductor laser

Batteries 2 x Li-ion rechargeable

Charging Built-in charger + external

Battery opetaring time Over 2 hours of continuous use

AC operation AC adapter - 110/230 VAC, 50/60Hz

Working temperature -15°C to 50°C

Storage temperature -20°C to 60°C

Humidity < 95%

Casing IP54, IEC 60529

Shock Working: 25G, IEC 60068-2-29

Vibration Working: 2G, IEC 60068-2-6 THERMAL IMAGE THERMAL + VISUAL IMAGE

- USB 2.0: transfer of image and voice to PC; video real-time transfer,
Communication - Wi-Fi (802.11.a/b.g)

Weight 1.3 kg (including batteries and LCD screen)

Dimensions 186 mm x 106 mm x 83 mm

YOU in infrared
KT-640 camera allows for capturing video
to an SD memory card as well as directly
KNOW to a computer memory.

Thermal imager

Index: WMXXKT384 (Imager with 25 mm lens)
WMXXKT384V13 (Imager with 13mm lens)
WMXXKT384V42 (Imager with 42mm lens)
Standard accessories: WMXX384V70 (Imagerwith 70mm lens)

- lenses - depending on configuration

- universal power supply 110/230 V WAZASZ8
- hand strap WAPOZPAS1
- case WAFUTM7
- transport hard case WAWALL3
- external memory card reader with a USB cable WAADAUSBMEM
- sun visor WAPOZOSL2
- lens cover

- 4 GB SD memory card
Thermal - 2 sets of 6 AA size rechargeable batteries
Resolution - video cable

384x288 - full version of Sonel ThermoAnalyze® software with operating manual + PC drivers
- gloves, cloth

Additional features:
- fully radiometric imager,
- recording temperature of each point of an image,
Technical data - simple and clear menu as well as software in the English, Russian, Spanish, Polish language,
- easy navigation for inexperienced users,
Uncooled microbolometric array - 60 Hz refresh rate, 2x/4x digital zoom,
Detector type
(384×288 pixels, 25 µm) - vibration and shock resistant,
Spectral range 8-14µm.
- stable and sharp images without using a tripod,
- 8 colour palettes are available,
Thermal sensitivity 0.08 °C at 30 °C - built-in laser pointer and a LED torch,
optional: 21,7° x 16,4° / 25mm / 0,99mrad, - thermal video recording,
40,53° x 30,96° / 13mm / 1,923mrad, - recording to a SD memory card or directly to a computer disc,
Field of view / focal length / IFOV
13,4° x 9,8° / 42mm / 0,595mrad,
7,85° x 5,89° / 70mm / 0,356mrad
- measurement of dew point,
- indication of differential temperature.
Focus adjustment Manual
CMOS sensor, 1600x1200 pixels,
Recording of visual image
"true colour" mode (24 bit)
External display 3.6 inches LCD TFT, 640x480
Video output PAL/NTSC
InfraFusion technology Combination of visual and infrared images
True resolution of KT-384 IR
Temperature range
-20 °C to 400 °C
±2 °C or ±2% of readout KNOW matrix is 384x288.
Emissivity coefficient Adjustable from 0.01 to 1.00 (in increments of 0.01)
Automatic correction based on distance, relative humidity,
Measurement features
accounting for atmospheric transmission and external optics
Correction of optical transmission Automatic, based on signals received from sensors
2 memory types: removable 4 GB SD memory card (max. 8 GB)
Image store
and 150 MB built-in memory
JPEG with thermal data, visible view of the captured image
File format
and voice annotation
Voice annotation up to 60 sec.
AA rechargeable batteries,
Power supply
capability of using alkaline AA batteries
Charging system Built-in charger
Battery operation time Over 2 hours of continuous operation THERMAL IMAGE THERMAL + VISUAL IMAGE
External power supply AC power supply adapter 110/230 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Operating temperature -10°C to 50°C
Storage temperature -20°C to 60°C
Operating and storage: 10% to 95%,
without condensation
Enclosure IP54 IEC 60529 enclosure
Shocks Operating: 25 G, IEC 60068-2-29
Vibrations Operating: 2 G, IEC 60068-2-6
USB 2.0: image, measurements and voice transfer to a computer,
“live transfer” of video image, video output
Weight 0.79 kg (with batteries)
Dimensions 112x182x252 mm (without lens)

YOU in infrared
KT-384 camera allows for capturing video
YOU KT-384 allows
to an SD memory card as well as directly
KNOW to a computer memory. dew point measurement.


Thermal imagers

KT-160A / KT-160
KT-150 / KT-140 / KT-130
Index: WMXXKT160 (KT-160)
WMXXKT160A (KT-160A)
WMXXKT150 (KT-150)
WMXXKT140 (KT-140)
WMXXKT130 (KT-130)

Parameter KT-160A KT-160 KT-150 KT-140 KT-130

automatic x x x x
Focus adjustment:
manual x x x x x
Visible images: CMOS sensor, 1600x1200 pixels, “true colours” mode (24-bit) x x x
Video output: PAL/NTSC x x
Image refresh rate (Hz) 50/60 50/60 50 50 50
InfraFusion technology - combining visual and thermal images x x x
Voice annotation up to 60 seconds x x
Temperature range -20°C ...350°C -20°C ...250°C -20°C ...250°C -20°C ...250°C -20°C ...250°C
Colour palettes 8 8 6 4 4
Laser pointer (A1 GaInP semiconductor, diode laser) x x x
removable 2 GB SD memory card x x x x x
Image store built-in memory x x x
recording visual image of the examined area x x x
Thermal video image capture (over USB) x x

Standard accessories:
DO - built-in lens 11 mm
KT series imagers
are fully radiometric - the temperature - universal power supply 110/230 V WAZASZ8

KNOW of each individual point of an image is recorded. - USB cable

- hand strap
- case (not included in KT-130) WAFUTM7
- transport hard case (not included in KT-130) WAWALL3
- external memory card reader with a USB cable WAADAUSBMEM
Common features of KT-160A, KT-160, KT-150, KT-140 - lens cover WAPOZOSL1
Fully radiometric imager Temperature of each individual image point is recorded - sun visor (KT-160, KT-160A) WAPOZOSL2
File format: JPEG with thermal data - 2 GB SD memory card
- 2 sets of 6 AA size rechargeable batteries (KT-130: 6 pieces of AA batteries)
Uncooled - FPA microbolometer
Detector type: - video cable (KT-160A, KT-160)
(160× 120 pixels, 25μm)
- full version of Sonel ThermoAnalyze® software with operating manual + PC drivers
Spectral range: 8-14μm
- gloves, cloth
Thermal sensitivity: ≤0,1°C at 30°C
Accuracy: ±2°C or ±2% of readout
Emissivity coefficient Adjustable from 0.01 to 1.00 (in increments of 0.01)
Automatic correction based on distance, relative
Measurement features: humidity, accounting for atmospheric transmission
KT series imagers are powered by standard AA
and external optics
size batteries or rechargeable batteries.
Correction of optical transmission: Automatic, based on signals received from sensors

Field of view / focal length / 20.6° x 15.5° / 11 mm / 2,273mrad (built-in lens),

32° x 24° / 7mm / 3,530mrad (option KT-160, 160A)
7,6° x 5,7° / 30mm / 0,833mrad (option KT-160, 160A)

External display: 3.6 inches LCD TFT, 640x480

AA rechargeable batteries, capability of using

Power supply:
alkaline AA batteries
Charging system: Built-in charger
Battery operation time: Over 3 hours of continuous operation
External power supply: AC power supply adapter 110/230 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Operating temperature: -10°C to 50°C
Storage temperature: -20°C to 60°C
Operating and storage: 10% to 95%,
without condensation
IP54 IEC 60529 enclosure
Shocks: Operating: 25G, IEC 60068-2-29
Vibrations: Operating: 2G, IEC 60068-2-6
YOU KT-160 camera also allows

Communications: USB 2.0 for recording infrared video.
Weight: 0.73 kg (with batteries)
Dimensions: 112x182 x252 mm



Capability of correcting emissivity coefficient for a part or the entire thermal image Sharpening, smoothing, averaging, edge enhancement of objects on the thermal image.
– the coefficient can be corrected for each selected area individually. Rotating or creation of mirror image.
Selection of analysed areas – selecting rectangular, oval or arbitrary shape area;
selecting intersection of marked areas, joining, cropping, as well as moving selection
Readout of temperature in any point – moving the cursor over the "Information"
window results in continuous display of temperature and coordinates as well as other
available information (maximal temperature, humidity, emissivity).

Report creation – also as an overlay for MS Word or Excel software – a report

is built with simple drag-and-drop method to include all required elements – thermal
images, respective visual images, analysis results for a selected part of the entire
image; histograms, etc.
Use of the Infra Fusion technology – the thermal image is overlaid on part of the
visual image in any user-selected palette. The thermal image is overlaid with selected Record of all introduced corrections as well as characteristic points, in order to enable
transparency, allowing for optimal presentation and marking areas of interest, further analysis at a later time.
especially, if it is difficult to compare visually places from the thermal image with
the details of the visual image of the observed object.

Determining and readout of minimal, maximal and mean temperature for the entire
area, as well as for each selected area. Selection of a section (straight or polygonal line)
for which the mean temperature can be determined, and along which the distribution
of temperature profile can be automatically created.

Selection of visually optimal colour palette (from 9 palettes available in the software)
for the best visual presentation of temperature changes. Definition of the temperature
range for the best presentation of temperature distribution (manual or automatic
mode is available).

Automatic creation of a histogram for the entire image as well as for each selected
area; including graphical presentation of the percent distribution of areas with
temperatures falling into individual ranges.



DIT-130, DIT-500 Index: WMXXDIT130


Standard accessories of DIT-500 meter:

- 9 V battery (1 pc)
- computer software for data readout and analysis
- K type temperature probe WASONTEMK
- mini tripod WAPOZSTATYW
- hard case

Standard accessories of DIT-130 meter:

- 9 V battery
- case
- K type temperature probe WASONTEMK

Temperature range in infrared for DIT-130

Temp. range
- accurate non-contact measurement of temperature, D:S Resolution Accuracy
in infrared
- measurements of temperature with a K type probe.
-32...-20°C ±5°C
-25.6...-4°F ±9°F
-32...380°C 0.1°C -20...200°C ±(1.5% m.v. + 2°C)
Additionally: 13:1
-25.6...716°F 0.1°F -4...392°F ±(1.5% m.v. + 3.6°F)
Automatic "Data Hold" function (freezing of the displayed measurement data) 200...380°C ±(2.0% m.v. + 2°C)
Automatic power-off. 392...716°F ±(2.0% m.v. + 3.6°F)
°C/F unit switch.
Emissivity coefficient adjusted digitally within the range of 0.10 to 1.00.
Temperature range in infrared for DIT-500
Displaying maximal, minimal, mean and differential temperature.
Backlit LCD display. Temp. range Accuracy
D:S Resolution
in infrared
Automatic selection of the measurement range.
Resolution of 0.1 °C (0.1 °F). -50...999.9°C 0.1°C -50...20°C ±2.5°C
Measurement lock. -58...999.9°F 0.1°F -58...68°F ±4.5°F
High and low temperature value alarm. 20...400°C ±(1.0% m.v. + 1°C)
Fast response to changes of temperature (below 150 ms) (DIT-500). 68...752°F ±(1.0% m.v. + 1.8°F)
Double laser pointer (DIT-500). 1000...1600°C 1°C 400...800°C ±(1.5% m.v. + 2°C)
Memory (LOG) for 100 measurements (DIT-500). 1000...2912°F 1°F 752...1472°F ±(1.5% m.v. + 3.6°F)
Transfer of current readouts to a computer over the USB interface (DIT-500). 800...1600°C
±2.5% w.m.
Memory (LOG) for 20 measurements (DIT-130). 1472...2912°F

K probe temperature range

Other technical specifications: TK temperature range Resolution Accuracy

- display................................................................................................. backlit segment LCD -50...999.9°C 0.1°C ±(1.5% m.v. + 3°C)
- spectral sensitivity .................................................................................................8~14 µm -58...999.9°F 0.1°F ±(1.5% m.v. + 5°F)
- emissivity adjusted digitally ........................................................................from 0.10 to 1.0
- semiconductor laser diode: output < 1 mW, wavelength of 630~670 nm, class 2(II) laser 1000...1370°C 1°C ±(1.5% m.v. + 2°C)
- power supply............................................... NEDA 1604A or IEC 6LR61 9 V alkaline battery 1000...2498°F 1°F ±(1.5% m.v. + 3.6°F)
The abbreviation "D:S" indicates the spot size in relation to the distance from the
examined object.
"m.v." = "measured value".
Nominal operating conditions:
- operating temperature ......................................................................................... 0...+50 °C
- storage temperature.......................................................................................... -20...+60 °C
- humidity .................................................................................................................10...90%

- indication of range exceedance: .......................the display will indicate symbols "-OL", "OL"
- response time.............................................................................................. below 1 second
- weight ..........................................................................................................................290 g
- dimensions 190x111x48 mm

- indication of range exceedance: ..............................the display will indicate the "---" symbol
- response time........................................................................................................... 150 ms
- weight .........................................................................................................................350 g
- dimensions ................................................................................................230x155x54 mm


Corona camera

Index: WMXXUV260

Standard accessories:
- AC power adapter,
- 2 pcs Li-ion battery,
- charger,SD card,
- SD card reader,
- video cable,
- car power adapter,
- software CD,
- warranty card,
- strap,
- transport case
- manual

YOU UV-260 isan innovative NDT - Non Destructive Testing equipment,
that detects, pinpoints and documents flash-arc corona

KNOW and arcing partial discharge camera!

Technical data Description:

UV - Optical Properties
Image Type Monochrome video Being with high sensitivity UV-260 is a power tool to detect UV emission in full daylight with
Minimum UV Sensitivity 3 x 10-18 watt / cm2 high signals from faraway and nearby sources. UV-260 is an ideal predictive maintenance
Minimum Discharge Detection 1.5pC @ 8 meters device for overhead transmission lines and high voltage substations.
Spectral range UV 240 ~ 280 nm UV-260 is newest genaration of UV imaging system with an emphasis on high performance
Field of View H x V 5.5° × 4.0° functionality and easy operation, it is widely used in transmission line inspection, electrical
Focus Full manual and auto for UV and visible channels
utilities, HV research institutes, HV electrical component inspection, HV panal inspection,
Focus distance 2 m. - ∞
service providers, laboratories and more.
Detector Life Span No degradation
Frequency 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Visible - Optical Properties
Image Type Color video
Additional features:
UV/Visible Overlay Accuracy Better than 1 milliradian - high sensitivity to UV signals
Minimum visible light sensitivity 0.1 lux - precise location of corona emitting sources
Zoom factor 26x optical and 12x digital - auto focus of UV and visible channels
Display - background noise reduction
Type 5.7" VGA color LCD, folding and touchable - 5.7" folding and touch color LCD
Video Standard PAL/NTSC switchable - voice or LED UV events alarm
Modes Combined (UV & visible), UV only, Visible only
- rapid optical zoom of the visible channel
Corona Shades White, Red, Blue
- video & image capturing, recording and playback
Processing & Communications
- built-in GPS
Video standard H.264
- UV events counter
Alarms LED
- UV-260 report software for documentation
Button operation or touchable operation
Audio Microphone input for audio notes
Data Storage
Storage Media SD card
Image Format JPG
Video Storage AVI compressed format
Storage Capacity 8000 images,or >4 hours videos
Data download card reader
Power system
Power Consumption 10 W
Battery Type Rechargeable li-ion battery (2 pcs.)
Battery Run Time 2 hours
Charge Online charging or charger
External supply 9-12 V, 10 VA
Power adapter 110-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz/12 VDC 3.8 A
Operating temperature -10°C- 50°C
Storage temnperature -25°C- 60°C
Humidity 95% Non condensing
Size 238 mm x 165 mm X 91 mm
Weight 2,5 kg
Power interface Yes
SD card slot Yes
Video output Yes
Audio input / output Microphone / Headphones



Measurements of low resistances are performed during testing resistance of For a very large resistance of the voltmeter, the current flowing through it is negligible, and
connections: welded, equipotential bondings, joints, cable connections and low-resistance the resistance of its leads does not affect the result of the measurement. This is the, so-called,
coils. Low resistance meters can also be used for testing windings of electrical equipment, four-lead method. Such a measurement type, eliminating the influence of test lead resistance,
such as transformers or motors. These tests also include checking the quality of soldered is employed in the MMR series of low resistance meters.
connections and the continuity of earthing conductors.
Measurements with MMR-620 and MMR-630 instruments
Measurements of low resistance can be performed with the use of several methods.
Due to very low values of measured resistances, the four-lead method was employed,
The most popular is the technical method and the measurement with the Thomson bridge
allowing for performing accurate measurements without the need for accounting for the
(six-arm bridge). For small (microohm) values of resistance, the resistance of test leads
resistance of test leads. Therefore there is no need for manual calibration of the meter and its
and contacts is significant, therefore the bridge provides separate current and voltage
test leads, however such a capability is available (e.g. in the event of using test leads of other
terminals for Rx and Rp resistors. It is recommended, that all other resistors have
type), and it is always possible to restore factory calibration of the instrument.
resistance 1000-times higher than the resistance of test leads.

Thomson bridge schematic

In the bridge balance state, current flowing through the galvanometer branch equals zero.
The formula for the measured resistance is:

Rp R1 Before commencing the measurement, it is necessary to select, using the rotary switch,
Rx =
R2 the maximal measurement current from the range of 0.1 mA to 10 A. The measurement range
and current are selected manually or automatically. In some cases (e.g. exceedance of the
maximal power dissipated on the measured object), limitation of the maximal current flowing
The accuracy of measurement with the Thomson bridge is affected by the insensitivity
through the object might be desirable. MMR-620 has a lock allowing for setting the upper
error, especially visible for small resistances Rx =10-6 ..10-5 Ω. The accuracy of measurement
allowable measurement current value.
depends on the reference reconstruction error related to the quality of execution of individual
elements of the bridge. During the measurement, additional errors can be encountered,
The instrument measures resistance by forcing a flow of current through the measured
resulting from current overload of the tested and reference resistances, temperature changes
object (with its current leads), and simultaneously checking the voltage drop across the
as well as the occurrence of additional electromotive forces in the circuit.
terminals of its voltage leads. Opening any of the circuits will be signalled appropriately, and
Due the flaws and limitations of traditional technical bridges, a tendency exists for the measurement of resistance will not be possible.
constructing electronic meters intended for measuring low resistances ranging from single
microohms to several hundred ohms. These instruments allow for measuring very small Modes of operation:
resistances with the resolution as high as 0.1 μΩ. Important features of modern microohm The user selects the method of measurements in one of several available modes:
meters are: their ease of use, various measurement modes and the capability of cooperation · in the manual mode, each measurement must be triggered by the user with the "Start" button,
with a computer. These instruments measure resistance with the use of the technical method. · in the automatic mode, the measurement starts when, the last test terminal is connected,
Any conductive element can be described with the Ohm law formula: · in the continuous mode, measurements are performed cyclically every 3 seconds (resistive
mode) or continuously (inductive mode).
Rx = Measurements can be performed with current flowing in one direction or with current
I flowing in two opposite directions. Testing with unidirectional current speeds up the
Ux - voltage drop on the measured element, measurements, whereas testing with bidirectional current allows for the elimination of errors
I - current flowing through the element, resulting from internal voltages and electrothermal forces present in the measured object. In
the case of measurement with bidirectional current, the mean value of resistance from two
Rx - resistance of the element.
measurements with currents flowing in opposite directions, is displayed as the main result.
Besides that, the supplementary results are displayed, i.e. the RF resistance for current flowing
in the conventional "forward" direction, and the RR resistance for current flowing in the
conventional "reverse" direction.

Duration of a normal measurement is 3 seconds. In order to measure an object of inductive

nature, an extended measurement time can be selected. For objects of high inductance,
duration of measurement can be extended up to several minutes; the object is discharged after
finishing the measurement.

It is possible to use an accelerated mode of measurement for devices of inductive nature

Measurement of resistance with the use of the technical method (a circuit with properly measured voltage) (FAST mode), allowing for faster measurement procedure at the cost of slightly worse
The circuit with properly measured voltage is used for small resistances, when the current
Another mode is the window mode, allowing for setting the upper and lower limits for the
flowing through the measured element is much larger than the current flowing through the
result. Results outside of such a range are signalled with two prolonged sound signals.
voltmeter, that measures voltage drop across the element. The resistance resulting from the
measurement is calculated with the formula:
The limits of allowable result variation range are defined by the user.
Ux In the case of automatic and continuous modes, exceeding the defined range causes
Rx = interrupting the measurement series and awaiting user action.
I - Iv
Iv - current flowing through the voltmeter.



MMR-620, MMR-630
Index: WMGBMMR620 (MMR-620)
WMGBMMR630 (MMR-630)
Standard accessories of meters:
- Test lead 3m (“U1/I1”) WAPRZ003DZBBU1I1
- Test lead 3m (“U2/I2”) WAPRZ003DZBBU2I2
- "Crocodile" clip K03; black (4 pcs) WAKROBL30K03
- Kelvin's clamp ( 2 pcs) WAKROKELK06
- Carrying case L1 WAFUTL1
- Cable for battery charger WAPRZLAD230
- NiMH battery package 4,8V 3Ah WAAKU03
- RS-232 serial transmission cable WAPRZRS232
- Double-tip Kelvin probe with banana sockets (2 pcs) WASONKEL2OGB
- Hanging straps WAPOZSZE1
- Calibration certificate
- Sonel Reader software

Measurements of objects of resistance nature:

- welded and soldered connections, equipotential bondings, earthing conductors,
- contacts, railway rail joints, conductors and cables,
- measurement with the use of the four-lead method.

Measurement of resistance
Measurements of objects of inductive nature: MMR-620 MMR-630 Measurement
Range Resolution Range Resolution current
- windings of motors, transformers, low-resistance coils.
0...999μΩ* 1μΩ 0...999.9μΩ* 0.1μΩ
1.000...1.999mΩ 0.001mΩ 1.0000...1.9999mΩ 0.0001mΩ 10A
Additionally: 2.00...19.99mΩ 0.01mΩ 2.000...19.999mΩ 0.001mΩ

Automatic or manual selection of measurement range (measurement of objects 20.0...199.9mΩ 0.1mΩ 20.00...199.99mΩ 0.01mΩ 1A
of inductive nature). 200...999mΩ 1mΩ 200...999.9mΩ 0.1mΩ
1.000...1.999Ω 0.001Ω 1.0000...1.9999Ω 0.0001Ω
Selection of measurement mode adapted to the type of the measured object:
- fast measurement (3 seconds), for measuring objects of resistance nature, 2.00...19.99Ω 0.01Ω 2.000...19.999Ω 0.001Ω 10mA
- extended measurement for measuring objects of inductive nature 20.0...199.9Ω 0.1Ω 20.00...199.99Ω 0.01Ω 1mA
(a shorter mode with slightly limited accuracy is available); including automatic 200...1999Ω 1Ω 200.0...1999.9Ω 0.1Ω 0.1mA
discharge after the measurement.
Voltage for the full 200 mV scale except *) - 20 mV
Choice of measurement mode depending on application (e.g. inspection of series Accuracy ±(0.25% m.v. + 2 digits), input impedance of the voltmeter: ≥ 200 kΩ
of products): The abbreviation “m.v.” stands for a "measured reference value".
- measurement in normal mode - triggered after pressing the "START" button,
- measurement in automatic mode - the instrument awaits for connecting all four test Other technical specifications:
leads to the object, and then automatically starts measurement with current flow in one - type of insulation....................................... double, in acc. with EN 61010-1 and IEC 61557
or two directions, and calculates the mean value of resistance, - power supply of the meter................................................. SONEL NiMH 4.8 V battery pack
- measurement in continuous mode - every 3 seconds, the meter repeats measurement - battery charger.......................................................................................................... built-in
cycles with pauses (for objects of resistive nature), or performs continuous - rechargeable battery charging time................................................................. approx. 2.5 h
measurement (for objects of inductive nature). - number of measurements with 10 A current.................................................................. 300
- auto-off timeout........................................................................................................... 120 s
- immunity to interference.................... additional error of 1% for voltage 50 Hz 100 mV rms
Window mode: - maximal resistance of test leads for 10 A current....................................................... 0.1 Ω
- allows for setting the upper and lower limits for the measurement result; exceedance - maximal inductance of measured object....................................................................... 40 H
of such a range is signalled acoustically. - accuracy of measurement current setting................................................................... ±10%
- duration of resistance measurement:
Capability of performing measurements with interferences of values even five times resistive mode, with bidirectional flow of current.............................................................. 3 s
higher than the measured signal. inductive mode.........................................up to several minutes depending on the resistance
and inductance of the object
- dimensions................................................................................................ 295x222x95 mm
- weight of the meter........................................................................................ approx. 1.7 kg

- operating temperature........................................................................................... 0...+40 °C

YOU MMR series microohmmeters allow for accurate

measurements of resistance of electric motor
Additional accessories of meters:

KNOW and power transformer windings. Kelvin vice WAZACKEL1

MMR series meet the requirements set forth by the standards:

EN 61010-1 (general requirements related to safety)
EN 61010-031 (particular requirements related to safety)
EN 61326 (electromagnetic compatibility)
HD 60364-6 (performance of measurements - testing)
HD 60364-4-41 (performance of measurements - protection against electric shock) Additional external charger WAZASZ6



transmission to other objects. The method also requires using the signal generating
transmitter and, thus, is an active method.
The LKN-1000 generator (transmitter) generates a traced signal in the utility whose
direction is being determined. In active modes, depending on the situation, transmitter may be

- in induction mode:

- directly to the object or with the use of the adapter:

Earthworks that consist not only in various excavations but also in laying sewer pipes,
water supply pipes, and cables involve a high risk of damage to underground utilities, which
may result in dangerous accidents. The law require the contractor to ensure the safety
of workers, third parties, and their private property. In order to limit the risk of an accident,
a number of actions must be taken, which must include determination of the location of the
existing underground utilities. To do so, surveyors use plans and maps so as to determine the
directions of gas and water supply pipelines, as well as power and telecommunication cables.
However, one can never be sure if all the underground utilities are shown on the map. In order
to make sure that all potentially dangerous utilities have been identified and marked,
an additional check must be performed. This can be done with cable and pipe locators.
The location kit (LKZ-1000), makes possible precise determination of the depth and the
directions of utilities that conduct electricity (power and telecommunication cables, metal
pipes, etc.) as well as plastic and concrete pipes, using additional probes. Earthworks are
conducted in difficult conditions (moisture, dirt, etc.); this is why both devices have the IP54
- with transmission clamps:
protection rating, and the rating of the transmitter with the cover closed is IP67.
Determination of the location and the directions of underground utilities is performed in
various conditions. The locator can work in several different modes, depending on the
Power – this mode is intended to determine the location of electrical cables. This is
a passive mode, as the signal is generated by the live cable, without the need to activate the

Automatic mode provides the advantages of both the Power and the Radio mode; it is very
convenient for preliminary scanning of the area.
The LKZ-1000 kit also enables accuate determination of the depth of specific utilities,
down to 3 m. To do so, the equipment must work in the 8 kHz or 33 kHz active modes where
both the transmitter and the locator are used.
In non-conductive utilities, the signal can be generated by introducing a transmitter probe
(taking the form of a rolled or “floating” cable) directly into the utility (plastic and concrete
pipes, etc.). By using additional probes, one can determine not only the direction and depth of
Radio – this mode is used to determine the location of metal objects (pipes, the pipes, but also the location of potential obstructions.
reinforcements, etc.) which re-emit radio signals. This is also a passive mode, as the signal is
generated by the object which re-emits radio waves. Thanks to its intuitive menu and clear
graphic display, the LKO-1000 locator is
very user-friendly. It also has a number of
options and functionalities that enhance
the safety and ease of work.

8 kHz – this mode is used for accurate determination of the location of a specific utility
(cable, pipe, etc.). The frequency of the generated signal (8 kHz) ensures longer range and
lower tendency for signal transmission to other objects. The method requires using the signal
generating transmitter and, thus, is an active method.
33 kHz – this mode is used to determine the location of a specific utility (cable, pipe, etc.).
This frequency is used the most often to determine the location of underground utilities; it
provides the highest effectiveness, although it also has the greatest tendency of signal


Wires and pipe locator

Index: WMXXLKZ1000

Standard accessories of the tracers:

- tracer LKO-1000 WMXXLKO1000
- transmitter LKN-1000 WMXXLKN1000
- case L6 WAFUTL6
- set of cables with “crocodile” clips WAPRZLKZ1000
- earth contact probe WASONG15
- batteries

Operating modes:
! passive, with 50 Hz or 60 Hz – enables to locate live wires and cables (POWER):
! passive RADIO (15-30 kHz) – enables a quick, non-selective locating operation for
an underground structure (metallic installations):
! active (with transmitter) (8 kHz and 33 kHz), enables:
! a locating operation using the inductive mode (all one has to do is to place
the transmitter over the object traced):
! a locating operation through connecting the transmitter directly to an object that
IP 65 IP 54 is not live:
! a locating operation using transmission clamps (it is necessary to close
transmitter receiver the clamps over the object tested):
! a locating operation using a transmission wire or transmission probes (enables

Smaller, more powerful, easier to use transmitter! to locate non-metallic objects):

! a locating operation sing a separating adapter (connecting the transmitter
Improved LKN-1000 transmitter delivers significantly higher power than previous LKN-1000 directly to a 230 V socket).
model, which allows to:
Tracking underground services over a, longer distances.
Improve service detection in areas of high signal interference.
Improve depth estimation. It also has a number of options and functionalities that
enhance the safety and ease of work:
Other benefits of the new transmitter:
Four adjustable output levels with maximum output level, of 1 W. Hazard zone – generates an alarm signal that indicates close location of conduits
Durable waterproof design environmental protection rating of IP65. (approx. 30 cm). It works in the Power, 8 kHz, and 33 kHz, and automatic operating
Smaller and lighter designed to work in harsh conditions. modes.
Choice of 3 tracing signals, 8 kHz or 33 kHz, in conductive mode 8 kHz and 33 kHz Auto-test – enables a self-test of the locator. After successful completion of the test,
at the same time. the display shows the PAS message; otherwise, ERR is displayed.
Clear visual and visual signals for easier operation. Automatic mode – has the advantages of both simultaneous detection in the Power
In built test function – allowing operators to test the hardware and software functionality mode and the Radio mode, and makes it possible to confirm the presence of
of the LKN-1000 before use. underground utilities in the initial stage of the test, which makes utility detection
Externally located control buttons, ensure a waterproof. easier and safer.
Automatic illumination of the display – the light sensor automatically switches on
the illumination of the display whenever it is needed.
Features of the instrument: Digital indication of signal strength – switches on the digital indication of the
signal strength on the display, thus facilitating the detection of underground utilities.
- passive or active modes of tracing.
- detection of underground live wires.
- detection of underground wires with no voltage (radio mode).
- detection of underground wires with no voltage using a transmitter
(galvanised, inductive or clamp-based connection).
Automatic mode - combines the benefits of the simultaneous detection.
- tracing metallic or non-conductive pipes using an additional probe.
Power and radio mode allows us to confirm the presence of

- tracing non-conductive pipelines using a “floating” probe.
underground infrastructure durning the initial location phase.
- tracing a determined cable.
- determining the depth of a cable.

Characteristic features: Standard accessories of LKZ-1000:

- backlit LCD with contrast (auto on-off),

- automatic adjustment of detection sensitivity,
- 5 operating modes,
- warning about shallowly located cables,
- measuring cable locations up to 3 m deep,
- determining the direction of a cable,
- sound signals to facilitate locating or tracing,
- adjustment of power and selection of frequencies for the transmitter.

Additional accessories of LKZ-1000:

Electric security:
- LKN-1000 transmitter’s protection class acc. to PN-EN 60529................IP65 (closed cover)
- LKO-1000 tracer’s protection class acc. to PN-EN 60529...............................................IP54
Other technical data:
- transmitter’s power supply........................................................................4 x batteries LR14
- transmitter’s dimensions.......................................................................180 x 280 x 260 mm separating adapter
WAADAAS1PL (“French”, Europe type)
- transmitter’s weight.......................................................................................................<3 kg
WAADAAS1CH (Switzerland type) transmission clamps
- tracer’s maximum range..................................................................................................4 m WAADAAS1US (US type) WACEGN2XLR
- receiver’s power supply..................................................................................6 x battery LR6 WAADAAS1AU (Australian type)
- receiver’s dimensions..............................................................................760 x 250 x 85 mm reeled transmission wire to locate
- receiver’s weight.......................................................................................................< 2.9 kg non-metallic installations:
- 30 meters WAPRZPN30
transmission probe (8 kHz, 33 kHz) - 50 meters WAPRZPN50
Rated operational conditions: WASONNAD1 - 80 meters WAPRZPN80
- operating temperature.........................................................................................-20...+50 °C



Often there is a need for tracing cable routes or metal elements located inside a wall or
buried underground. Employing physical phenomena - propagation of an electromagnetic Identification of fuses in the switchboard.
field - cable routes as well as locations of conductor faults (breakage, short-circuit) can be
determined. The transmitter must be connected
In the event of connecting a modulated signal of an alternating voltage transmitter to an to the circuit, to which the
open circuit, it will emit an electromagnetic field, acting as an antenna. Connecting modulated protective device to be located is
signal to a closed or energised circuit will create a magnetic field. The role of a receiver is to connected.
indicate the strength of the received signal. Based on changes of the strength of the received It is necessary to select the current
signal, the location of the object emitting the electromagnetic field can be determined. or automatic mode, because the
The LKZ series locators are simple and handy tools, providing a wide range of capabilities, circuit is energised.
The desired protective device can
particularly in the case of the LKZ-700 model. The instrument is intended for detecting electric
be identified based on the maximal
cables in various environments (concrete, brick, wood, soil), both live (without the need for
signal level, by moving the head
disconnecting any devices from the tested power system) and dead. Depending on situation
from one protective device to
and thus the selected mode of operation of the transmitter and receiver, it allows for detecting another.
elements (e.g. conductors, cables) hidden in the structure of a building or underground, to
which the transmitter signal is connected. The search can be performed both in inactive and
energised circuits. By selecting the level of signal from the transmitter, the location of tested
conductor (cable) or its fault can be determined. Automatic selection of sensitivity of the
receiver allows for maximal ease of use of the LKZ-700 locator.
Besides detecting conductors in ceilings, walls and floors, the instrument allows for Locating breakages in conductors.
locating conductor breakages, identifying circuit-breakers and fuses, locating routes of short- When locating breakages in
circuited conductors (including the location of a short-circuit), locating faults of earthing conductors, one output of the
conductors, tracing routes of conductive water or central heating pipes, and identifying transmitter must be connected to
conductors. Tracing routes of underground cables up to the depth of 2 m is possible with the earthing, and the other to the phase
use of the special "power" mode, generating a very strong magnetic field. conductor of the tested circuit.
The LKZ instruments consist of two devices: the transmitter and the receiver. The LKN The other end of the tested
transmitter is connected to the conductor to be located, and forces the creation of, conductor must be connected to
appropriately, a magnetic or electric field around the conductor. The magnetic field is created earthing.
as a result of the modulated current flow through the tested, closed circuit. The electric field is Additionally, all conductors, except
created as a result of generating a modulated voltage in the tested, open circuit. for the tested one, must be earthed
Electromagnetic signals emitted by the transmitter are received in a manner allowing for as well, preferably on both ends, in
their differentiation among other signals in the located circuit or its vicinity. order to prevent cross-talk
In the case of LKZ-700, the transmitter can operate in one of five sequentially changeable between these conductors.
modes of transmission:
· operation in the "M” mode of generating the magnetic field component (current mode) -
energised circuits;
Tracing underground cable routes.
· operation in the "E" mode of generating the electric field component (voltage mode) - non-
In the case of cables buried underground (energised or non-energised), one lead from the
energised, open circuits, (location of breakages, etc.);
transmitter must be connected to separate earthing (e.g. in the form of a probe stuck in the
· operation in the "E+M" current-voltage mode - non-energised, closed circuits (e.g. short-
ground), as far from the switchboard as possible, and the other lead to the PE or PEN
circuit) - the transmitter itself generates a current signal that creates the magnetic field
conductor of the tested cable, and the transmitter in such a case must be set to the power
component received by the receiver; mode.
· the "AUTO" mode - the transmitter checks the tested circuit and automatically selects the
mode of transmission;
· the "power" mode - the transmitter with the selected "E" voltage mode is connected to a closed,
non-energised circuit. Because the current generated by the transmitter is much higher than
the one in the current-voltage mode, a stronger magnetic field is created, providing
significantly larger detection range.


Locating energised conductors.

After connecting the Connecting the transmitter:
transmitter, the required level
of signal amplification must be
set. In order to avoid the
compensation effect
occurring with current flowing
in opposite directions in two
cores of the tested cable, it is
necessary to use earthing
from a remotely located
socket, or an earthed metal
central heating or water pipe.

In the set, an instructional video is included,
allowing for easy familiarisation with the wide range
Locating short-circuits between conductors.
KNOW of the LKZ-700 locator capabilities.
The transmitter must be connected to conductors where
the short-circuit occurred. The short-circuit can be
located by moving the head of the receiver along the The LKZ-710 locator is a simplified version of the LKZ-700 model, to be used for
tested line; the generated signal will be significantly occasional location of conductor routes or location of protective devices.
reduced, or will cease completely. In order to improve LKZ-710 is a locator operating in the current mode only (in an energised circuit); for non-
the certainty of the short-circuit location, it is energised circuits, an additional power supply can be used (e.g. 12 V rechargeable battery).
recommended to repeat this procedure, starting from Due to the use of the transmitter-modulator generating own signal of especially selected
the other end of the tested cable. frequency, the accuracy of finding conductors in walls is incomparably higher than with the use
of a non-contact neon lamp.


Conductor and cable locators

Index: WMGBLKZ700
Index: WMGBLKZ710


300V 300V

IP 40 IP 40

Location of live (LKZ-700, LKZ-710) as well
as non-energised conductors and cables (LKZ-700):
YOU LKZ-710 transmitter can cooperate
with the P-3 voltage indicator

- detection of conductors in ceilings, walls and floors, KNOW when identifying power system phases.
- location of breakages in conductors (LKZ-700),
- tracing installation routes in an entire building,
- detection of sockets and switches in the installation of a building, Standard accessories of the tracers:
- location of short-circuits between conductors,
- tracing routes of shielded cables, - Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; black (LKZ-700) WAPRZ1X2BLBB
- tracing routes of conductors laid in metal pipes, - Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; yellow (LKZ-700) WAPRZ1X2YEBB
- identification of fuses in a switchboard, - Pin probe with banana connector; yellow WASONYEOGB1
- tracing underground cable routes (LKZ-700),
- tracing routes of conductive water or central heating pipes (LKZ-700), - Pin probe with banana connector; black WASONBLOGB1
- non-contact detection of energised conductors. - „Crocodile” clip K01; black WAKROBL20K01
- "Crocodile" clip K02; yellow WAKROYE20K02
- Carrying case M6 (LKZ-700) WAFUTM6
- Carrying case M1 (LZK-710) WAFUTM1
- Test lead on a reel with banana plugs; 20m; red(LKZ-700) WAPRZ020REBBSZ
- signalling operation of the transmitter and receiver with acoustic signals, - Earth contact test probe (rod); 0,26m (LKZ-700) WASONG26
- indication of the received signal level on a multi-point light bar of the receiver - Power supply adaptor Z1, pin, 3,5mm (LKZ-700) WAZAS3X5Z1
as well as with acoustic signals, - NiMH battery package 9,6V 2Ah (installed in the LKN-700 transmitter) (LKZ-700) WAAKU04
- operation in a wide range of rated voltages up to 500 V RMS,
- three (LKZ-700) or two (LKZ-710) levels of transmitter signal amplification, - 9 V battery (power supply of the receivers)
- automatic or manual selection of the mode of operation of the transmitter (LKZ-700),
- automatic selection of the indication range of the receiver - the ZOOM function (LKZ-700),

- four modes of operation of the locator: voltage, current, current-voltage and power
(LKZ-700) + Auto mode,

- transmitter power supply from rechargeable batteries (LKZ-700). LKZ-700 locator allows for tracing
underground cable routes (in a closed circuit)
KNOW up to the depth of 2 m.
Nominal operating conditions:
- operating temperature....................................................................................... -20...+50 °C
Other technical specifications of LKZ-700:
- type of insulation................................................................. double, in acc. with EN 61010-1
- power supply of the transmitter..............SONEL/NiMH 9.6 V 2 Ah rechargeable battery pack
- maximal operating voltage of the transmitter........................................500 Vrms (707 VP-P)
- dimensions of the transmitter........................................................................230x67x36 mm
- weight of the transmitter...................................................................................approx. 490 g
- battery charging temperature................................................................................. 0...+40 °C
- maximal range of the locator (power mode):................................................................... 2 m
- maximal range of the non-contact neon lamp:....................20 cm (in air), 3 cm (in concrete)
- power supply of the receiver......................................................... 6LR61 9 V alkaline battery
- dimensions of the receiver.............................................................................210x82x24 mm
- weight of the receiver........................................................................................approx. 200 g

Other technical specifications of LKZ-710:

- type of insulation................................................................. double, in acc. with EN 61010-1 LKZ-710:
- power supply of the locator............................external AC supply min. 24 V or DC min. 12 V
- maximal operating voltage of the transmitter........................................250 Vrms (353 VP-P)
- dimensions of the transmitter........................................................................128x66x28 mm
- weight of the transmitter...................................................................................approx. 300 g
- maximal range of the locator.........................................................................................60 cm
- maximal range of the non-contact neon lamp:....................20 cm (in air), 3 cm (in concrete)
- power supply of the receiver........................................................ 6LR61 9 V alkaline battery
- dimensions of the receiver.............................................................................210x82x24 mm
- weight of the receiver........................................................................................approx. 200 g


TDR cable fault locator

Index: WMGBTDR410
Standard accessories:
- time-domain reflektometer TDR-410 WMGBTDR410
- 0,6 m double-wire lead, WAPRZ0X6DZBB
- red crocodile clip, WAKRORE20K02

- black crocodile clip, WAKROBL20K01
- cover M-2, WAFUTM2
- alkaline batteries 1.5V AA (4 pieces),

IP 54
YOU TDR-410 locator allows cable testing

up to length of 4 km.

Shorted conductor Bridge tap

Open conductor Water ingress

Automatic or manual mode:
- the automatic fault location (AFL),
- mode with manual range selection and sensitivity,
- single measurement triggered manually or scanning continuous.
- 11 available ranges from 7 m to 4000 m selected in manual mode or matched Wet splice / water
- maximum length of cable up to 4000 m one end of the cable,
- "Dead zone" measure limited to 0.5 m.,
- 2.5 "LCD screen with backlight,
- scan automatically or manually trigger,
- sensitivity set manually or automatically adjusted,
- adjustable impedance matching,
- propagation coefficient adjustment 1% to 99%,
- waterproof and resistant to mechanical housing.
Splice Splitter
- small size and weight.
- economical power system - 30 hours of continuously scan on one battery set.

Nominal operating conditions: Frayed cable Split / resplit

- operating temperature....................................................................................... -10...+50 °C

Technical specifications:
- ranges meters:.....................................7, 15, 30, 60, 120, 250, 500, 1 km, 2 km, 3 km, 4 km
- ranges feet................................20, 45, 90, 180, 360, 750, 1500, 3000, 6000, 10000, 14000.
- range selection .................................................................manual range control / auto range
- accuracy.............................................................................................. 1% of selected range*
- resolution................................................................................................approx 1% of range
- minimum cable length..............................................................................................4m (14ft)
- sensitivity......................................................min 3 pixel return at 4 km on 0.6mm Ø, PE, TP
- velocity factor...............................................................................adjustable from 1% to 99%
- output pulse...................................................................5 volts peak to peak into open circuit
- output impedance.....................................................................selectable 25, 50, 75 & 100Ω
- output pulse.............................................................width 3 ns to 3 µs, automatic with range
- scan rate.......................................2 scans/second or scan held, pre set for each range scale
- tone generator...................................................................................................810 – 1100Hz
- battery life...............................................................................30 hours continuous scanning
- power supply.......................6 volts 4 x 1.5 AA alkaline cells, on-screen low voltage indicator
- power down..............................................................selectable 1, 2, 3, 5 minutes or disabled
- back lit display..................................................................................................128 x 64 pixel
- voltage protection................................................................................................250 volts AC
- operating temp......................................................................................................-10° - 50 °C
- storage temp.........................................................................................................-20° - 70 °C
- dimensions.................................................................165 x 90 x 37 mm (6.5 x 3.5 x 1.5 ins)
- weight.................................................................................................................350 g (12oz)
- safety.................................................................................................IEC 61010-1, EN 60950
- EMC............................................................................................................... BS/EN 61326-1
- water/dust proof..............................................................................................................IP54

Perceptual capabilities and psycho-physical condition of a person mainly depend on The colour of light is another factor significantly influencing the comfort of persons
the environment, to which the person is presently exposed. Light stimuli are key factors occupying a room. Optimal lighting is the one of spectral composition as close as possible
affecting psychic comfort - presence in places with artificial lighting can not only accelerate to daylight. Light sources, by colour temperature, can be categorised as warm, white and
fatigue or cause the development of vision defects, but also influences the creation of other cool. For lower illuminance (up to 300...500 lx), it is recommended to use warm colour
diseases, seemingly not related to the influence of light onto a human body. The possible light sources.
negative impact of lighting onto a human body is particularly important in the sense of Colour temperature can be determined based on the colour rendering index (Ra), reflecting
occupational safety and efficiency. Perception of light stimuli depends on individual the difference in the colour of an object illuminated with natural and tested light.
characteristics of a given person, however it is approximately the same for different Regular incandescent light bulbs are an example of sources of relatively high value of the
persons, and for this reason, appropriate regulations were established to regulate the Ra index. In the majority of production spaces, fluorescent lamps of the Ra index value
required values and types of lighting in places, where persons stay and work. above 70 can be used. Light sources of the Ra index value below 70 (mercury-discharge
lamps, sodium-discharge lamps) are used in places, where colour recognition is of
The light seen by a person is an electromagnetic wave of length ranging from approx. 380 secondary importance (lighting of hallways, warehouses, etc.).
to approx. 780 nm. Human eye sensitivity is not equal in every conditions; this results from Measurements of parameters allowing for the assessment of lighting conditions
the construction and placement of receptors inside an eye and from the nature of the light should be performed at the rough-in inspection of new lighting equipment, when upgrading
itself. the existing lighting equipment as well as periodically, every 5 years. It is recommended to
carry out the measurements every 2 years, or more often. Measurements of lighting
equipment inside buildings should be performed with no outside lighting, with completely
covered windows, and at night, if only possible. The silhouette of a measurement engineer
cannot influence the measurement results, therefore the engineer must be in dark clothing,
and assume position as far from the point of measurement as possible. An optimal meter
would be the instrument allowing for as large as possible distance to its probe. The
measurements should performed in working plane (e.g. on the surface of a desk), by
placing the probe directly on, and in parallel to the plane. If discharge lamps are used as
light sources, they should be switched on for at least half an hour before the measurement.
Discharge lamps cannot be new; before measurements, they should be in operation for at
Visible range of electromagnetic waves least 100 hours (for regular light bulbs and halogen lighting it is only one hour, and
measurements can be performed immediately after switching the lighting on).
In daylight conditions, human eye is more sensitive to green colours, whereas at night In spaces with specific work places, metering points are specified directly on each
or in poor lighting, this sensitivity shifts towards blue colours (causing the subjective work place (usually 4...9 points). In small rooms, the measurements are performed every
perception that all is grey at night) - see the drawing at the bottom of the page.
1m (a grid can be overlaid on the drawing). In the case of larger rooms, minimal quantity of
Regardless of the adaptive abilities of an eye in response to illuminance, during metering points can be calculated for a given room, depending on its dimensions and the
measurements it is required that the characteristic of the measurement corresponds to the height at which the light sources are fixed. Uniformity ratio of illuminance for a given
one of an eye adapted to brightness. The spectral curve corresponding to such a sensitivity place (working plane, circulation route) can be calculated based on the measurements.
is called the Vλ photopic curve, and is useful for calculating photometric values. When For lighting measurements of spaces with daylight, measurements must be
establishing the criteria for selecting lighting properties, it is necessary to account for the performed, in order to determine the daylight factor value. In order to do that, simultaneous
recommendations of the International Commission on Illumination (CIE), specifying measurements with two luxmeters are performed inside and outside the spaces with
optimal conditions for illumination of spaces depending on their purpose, as well as local window or skylight day light access (luxmeters equipped with real time clocks would be
regulations. helpful, e.g. LXP-10A, LXP-10B.
During measurements of emergency lighting, very small values of illuminance are
The CIE recommendations specify threshold values of luminance for optimal sighting dealt with, and the instrument used must also be capable of measuring these values.
conditions, but because it is easier to measure illuminance values, the requirements are Similar situation is in high-risk zones, where the measurement of uniformity ratio of
specified for this value. Additionally, the recommended uniformity ratio of illuminance in illuminance must be performed with a very high resolution.
the field of view is given - i.e. how exposed can be the place with the work to be done. When choosing an instrument, it is necessary to pay attention to its official
Excessive non-uniformity of illuminance (e.g. bare sources of light within the field of view) calibration certificate, because a photovoltaic cell used as the sensor is subject to
can cause glare which could reduce the ability to recognise details or cause the sensation ageing, and should be subjected to periodic metrological inspection. An instrument with a
of discomfort. silicon cell would be a definitely better choice, because the cell requires calibration every 2
years (6 months in the case of selenium cells). The sensor must have correction for non-
Uniformity ratio of illuminance should also be maintained in time due to a certain time perpendicular, oblique light (cosine correction). The Vλ spectral sensitivity characteristic
of eye adaptation to changes. Therefore the level of light ripple and flicker is important. curve must comply with the requirements of the CIE curve.
Relative spectral sensitivity
Relative spectral sensitivity

wavelength wavelength
Spectral sensitivity graph for day-time vision. Spectral sensitivity graph for night-time vision.


Light meter


Standard accessories of LXP-1 luxmeter:

- the "Light Meter" software for controlling the meter and reading out data
- calibration certificate,
- hard case
- 9 V battery (1 pc)

Measurement of illuminance
Display range Spectral uncertainty Accuracy
400.0 lx
40.00 FC ±(3% m.v. + 0.5% r.)
4000 lx (<10.000 lx)
400.0 FC f1’± 6% function
40.00 klx
4000 FC ±(4% m.v. + 10 digits)
400.0 klx (>10.000 lx)
40.00 kFC

NOTE: 1klx=1000lx; 1kFC=1000FC

“r.” = “full range”.

Basic features of the instrument:
“m.v.” = “measured value”.
- resolution of illuminance measurement within range of 0.1 lx…0.1 klx
(0.01 FC…0.01 kFC),
Spectral sensitivity characteristic curve
- high accuracy and short reaction time, The used photodiode with filters allows for a good match of the spectral sensitivity
- DATA-HOLD function for freezing measurement results on the display, characteristic curve and the requirements of the CIE curve (INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION
- automatic zeroing, ON ILLUMINATION).The V(λ) sensitivity characteristic curve - as described
- correction factor for non-standard light sources does not have to be calculated manually, on the graph below.
- short reaction times to changes of illuminance,
- PEAK-HOLD function for freezing peak measurement values,
allowing for the measurement of peak light impulse of time shorter than 10 μs,
- automatic power-off after 15 minutes (with the capability of disabling this function),
- measurements of maximal and minimal values,
- relative readouts,
- large and readable backlit display,
- USB interface for connecting the instrument to a computer,
- four measurement ranges,
- memory for 99 measurements to be read out by the meter,
- recording 16000 measurements in the memory of the recorder.

YOU LXP-1 is equipped with the recorder

KNOW with adjustable sampling time.

Spectral sensitivity characteristic curve.

Other technical specifications:

- display..............................................................3¾ digits, LCD with a 40-segment bargraph
- range exceedance.............................................................................................."OL" symbol
- repeatability...................................................................................................................±3%
- spectral sensitivity.............................CIE photopic (the CIE curve of human eye sensitivity)
- cosine adaptation error (f2')..........................................................................................±2%
- sampling.............................................................................................................1.3 times/s
- power source...................................................................................................... 9 V battery
- silicone photodiode and a spectral curve filter
- detector cord length.....................................................................................approx. 150 cm
- dimensions of the photodetector ................................................................115×60×20 mm
- dimensions of the meter..............................................................................170×80×40 mm
- weight..........................................................................................................................390 g
- warranty.............................................................................................................. 24 months

Nominal operating conditions:

- operating temperature ........................................................................................... 0...40 °C
- operating relative humidity....................................................................................... 0...80%
- storage temperature.............................................................................................-10...50 °C
- storage relative humidity........................................................................................... 0...70%


Light meters


Standard accessories:
- LXP-2 or LXP-10 meter,
- measurement probe LP-1, LP-10B or LP-10A,
Warning: LP-1 probe is not compatible with LXP-10A and LXP-10B meter
- data CD with “Light Meter” software,
- operating manual, carrying case, 9 V battery, warranty card.

Illuminance measurement probe LP-1

Display Range Resolution Spectral
[lx] [lx] uncertainty
0...399,9 0,1
400...3999 1
f1 < 6% ±(5 % + 5 digits)
4,00 k...39,99 k 0,01 k
40,0 k...399,9 k 0,1 k

Display Range Resolution Spectral

[fc] [fc] uncertainty
Basic features of the instrument: 0...39,9 0,01
- Measurement resolution LXP-2 – 0.1 lx (0.01 fc), LXP-10B – 0.01 lx (0.001 fc), 40,0...399,9 0,1
f1 < 6% ±(5 % + 5 digits)
LXP-10A - 0.001 lx (0.001 fc), 400...3999 1
- High accuracy and fast response, 4,00 k...39,99 k 0,01 k
- Data-hold function for holding measuring values,
- display result in lx or fc
- No need for correction factors calculating for different light sources thanks to a very
- meter class B
good fit spectral sensitivity guaranteeing the correct measurement of intensity
of the illumination regardless of the nature of radiation,
Illuminance measurement probe LP-10B
- Peak-hold function for tracing the peak signal of light pulse with duration longer Display Range Resolution Spectral
than 0.1 s (0.4 s for LXP-2) and less than 1 s, [lx] [lx] uncertainty
- Capable of selecting measuring mode in Lux or fc scale alternatively, 0...39,99 0,01
- Auto power off (5,10 or 15minutes) or disable AUTO power off, 40,0...399,9 0,1
- Maximum and minimum measurements,
400...3999 1 f1 < 6% ±(5 % + 5 digits)
- Relative reading,
4,00 k...39,99 k 0,01 k
- Easy to read large backlit display,
- USB port for PC communication, 40,0 k...399,9 k 0,1 k
- Data transmission via radio connection using an optional adapter OR-1 (only LXP-10B
Display Range Resolution Spectral
and LXP-10A), Accuracy
[fc] [fc] uncertainty
- four - LXP-2, five - LXP-10B and six LXP-10A measurement ranges,
- Built-in memory - 99 result for LXP-2 or 999 for LXP-10A and LXP-10B, with can be 0...3,999 0,001
checked in the meter or PC, 4,00...39,99 0,01
- 16000 values records data logger (traceable only in PC). 40,0...399,9 0,1 f1 < 6% ±(5 % + 5 digits)
400...3999 1
4 k...39,99 k 0,01 k

DO - display result in lx or fc

- meter class B
LXP-10B and LXP-10A enables wireless data Illuminance measurement probe LP-10A
KNOW transmission using an optional adapter (OR-1).
Display Range

0...3,999 0,001
Other technical data: 4,00...39,99 0,01
- display.................................................3¾ digit LCD with high speed 40 segment bargraph 40,0...399,9 0,1
- over range indication......................................................................................„0L” displayed f1 < 2% ±(2 % + 5 digits)
- spectral response.........................................CIE photopic (CIE human eye response curve) 400...3999 1
- cosine response (f2’).....................................................................................................±3% 4,00 k...39,99 k 0,01 k
- sampling rate...................................................................................................1,3 times/sec 40,0 k...399,9 k 0,1 k
- power supply..........................................................battery 9V or rechargeable battery 8,4 V
- photo silicon photo diode and spectral response filter
- memory............................................................99 results LXP-2, 999 results LXP-10A/10B Display Range Resolution Spectral
- photo detector lead length............................................................................approx. 150 cm Accuracy
[fc] [fc] uncertainty
- photo detector dimensions.......................................................................115 × 60 × 20 mm
- meter dimensions.....................................................................................170 × 80 × 40 mm 0...3,999 0,001
- weight..........................................................................................................................390 g 4,00...39,99 0,01
- data transmission.....USB cable or wireless radio interface OR-1 (LXP-10B, LXP-10A only)
40,0...399,9 0,1 f1 < 2% ±(2 % + 5 digits)
400...3999 1
Rated operational conditions:
4,00 k...39,99 k 0,01 k
- operating temperature.............................................................................................0...50 °C
- operating relative humidity................................................................................ 0% do 80% - display result in lx or fc
- storage temperature and humidity................................................................-20...70 °C - meter class A
- storage relative humidity.................................................................................... 0% do 70%


Features of the FOTON 2 software:
- creating lighting measurements reports in accordance with the EN 12464 standard:
· automatic calculation of mean value of a measured quantity,
· automatic calculation of uniformity ratio of illuminance,
· analysis of illuminance on a work place,
· a form allowing for preparing a general lighting measurement report,
· a form allowing for preparing an emergency lighting illuminance measurement report,
· a form allowing for preparing a work place lighting measurement report,
- basis of space classification included in the EN 12464 standard,
- data analysis based on standards:
· „EN 12464 Light and lighting – Lighting of work places, Part 1: Indoor work places" –
for testing lighting in work places,
· „EN 1838 Lighting Applications - Emergency Lighting" – for testing emergency
lighting,- tree-like structure of a report – reflects the layout of rooms in a facility,
- 3 types of tests assigned to a room (general, emergency, work place),
- the room type definition is in accordance with the classification specified in the EN 12464-1
standard – automatic selection assessment criteria for the chosen room type,
- communication and downloading data saved in the LXP-1 meter,
- capability of manual data entry,
- real time calculation of mean illuminance and uniformity ratio, as well as other necessary
- functions accelerating creation of documentation:
· room cloning,
· entry of many metering points with just one click,
· calculation of minimal number of points in a given room,
· serial filling of metering point names,
- multi-part report printout:
· title page, including information about to the contractor and place of measurements,
types of tests, conditions of measurements,
· table of contents, including a list of all rooms,
· measurement theory, where basic definitions related to lighting measurements are
presented, and designations used in the software are explained,
· summary, including information about persons performing measurements, instruments
used, as well as the statement of a positive or negative test result,
- data is stored in files (documents), and therefore is easily archived on any media or sent,
e.g. as an email attachment,
- capability of printing out protocols in the PDF file format,
- updates over the Internet,
- demo version available from the



Electric energy is a product - therefore, just like other products, it should meet relevant Voltage dips, interruptions and swells – voltage dip is a drop in the voltage value
quality requirements. In order to ensure proper operation of electrical equipment it is within the range of 90% to 5% of rated voltage, whereas a drop below 5% is considered to
recommended, that the value of supply voltage (as well as other power supply parameters) be a interruption.
is within the specified tolerance.
Swells occurs when the supply value exceeds 110% of rated voltage. Voltage dips are
Formerly, the majority of loads was of linear nature, and motors without converters mainly caused by switching on high-power loads in the power system, both on the
were used for driving machines. The few existing then non-linear loads, such as rectifier consumer side and the supplier side. This phenomenon occurs more often for higher
stations, electrolytic cells and induction heaters, as a rule worked in separate systems, impedance lines (e.g. villages, where overhead LV lines of small core conductor cross-
therefore their influence onto the electric power grid was not significant. Presently, the sections, with simultaneous
majority of devices (in particular electronics and computers) require high quality power. increase of consumed power).
Unfortunately, these devices are often the source of distortion of voltage in power systems Less frequently occurring
due to drawing non-sinusoidal current at sinusoidal supply voltage. Together with the cause of dips are short-
development of technology, as well as the removal of economic barriers, connected to the circuits in distribution and
system were large quantities of devices processing electrical energy before its final load systems.
transformation into current. Instead of building expensive mechanical gearboxes, motors
are more and more often controlled with inverters, that not only allow for continuous speed
adjustment, but also are easily controlled, e.g. by a process line computer.

In a household, besides light bulbs and electric kettle, there also are microwave ovens,
computers and AV equipment, that draw highly-deformed current, and a phase controller
can be found even in a vacuum cleaner or a kitchen mixer. In office buildings, thousands of An example of voltage loss (power loss).
compact fluorescent lamps draw current of deformation level exceeding 150%, and office
equipment – copiers, computers, UPS – are significant sources of deformations.
Voltage dips, interruptions and swells can cause many adverse effects: improper
operation of electrical equipment, and - in extreme cases - their damage; light flicker;
Problems caused by bad electric power quality are very serious and can make lives of
serious financial losses caused by stopped production processes.
electric power consumers difficult, and often cause significant material losses. Therefore
maintaining satisfactory quality of electric power is of key importance. This pertains to the
supplier as well as the consumer of electric power. In practice, the level of electric power
quality is a compromise between the supplier and the consumer. If electric power quality is Light flicker – a phenomenon of periodic change of luminous flux due to changes in
not appropriate, means of its improvement should be applied, including the performance of supply voltage. Light flicker is a result of voltage drops due to connecting and disconnect-
cost and benefit analysis. Costs of low quality electric power, most often, exceed the costs ing high-power loads (e.g. welders, arc furnaces, etc.).
of means necessary for its improvement. Different sources report, that losses resulting Research shows, that flicker severity is perceptible mainly at the frequency of approx. 9
from low quality electric power in the EU can sum up to even 100 billion Euro a year. changes of illuminance per second. The traditional incandescent light bulbs are the most
susceptible to flicker. The fluorescent lamps exhibit the best "resistance" to flicker. On the
Because electric power is a specific product and cannot be easily stored for quality graph presented below, it is
measurement at a later time, its measurements must be performed at the point of its clearly noticeable that the limit
consumption and at the time, when it is supplied. These measurements constitute a value of one is exceeded over
complex problem, because the suppliers and the consumers, whose devices are not only three times in the tested system.
sensitive to bad power supply parameters, but also are sources of disturbances, have The graph shows, that devices
different points of view. were switched on every day,
causing too large fluctuations of
The PQM-701 analyzer, intended for the measurement of power quality, is adapted to supply voltage, and thus too
both indoor and outdoor operation (IP65 protection rating, built-in heater switched on in burdensome light flicker. Light
temperatures below 0 °C). The capability of operation in all LV circuits (from 100 V to 690 V, flicker phenomenon causes
6 types of measurement clamps of various diameters and current ranging from 10 A to irritation, headaches, reduction
3000 A) as well as with transformers, makes it a universal tool for measurements of power of comfort, etc.
quality. The supplied intuitive software allows for operating the analyzer, reading out data
An example of exceeding the PLT index
and analysing all disturbances causing bad power quality, where the most important ones

Power supply asymmetry – is a concept related to three-phase power systems and can
Higher harmonics – caused by non-linear current consumption by devices. be referred to the asymmetry of supply voltages, asymmetry of load currents or asymmetry
From practice, it is of a load. Asymmetry of voltages (currents) occurs in three-phase power systems when
known that harmonics of phase voltage (current) values differ from each other and/or angles between individual
order above 20 occur very phases differ from 120°.
rarely, and usually have low
The most common source
values, therefore the
of asymmetry is a non-
EN 50160 standard specifies
uniform load of individual
recording of harmonics of
phases. A good example
order up to 25. Maximal
would be connecting high
thresholds for harmonics
single-phase loads, such as
differ (these are single
rail traction motors, to power
percentage values - max. 6%
for the fifth harmonic).
An example deformed current wave form.

An example of asymmetry caused by connecting a load

Higher harmonics can cause different adverse phenomena in the power system, such
as: overheating of neutral conductors, losses in transformers, damage of transformers, Asymmetry can cause adverse results, such as: difficult start-up of induction motors
damage of capacitors in reactive power compensation circuits at harmonics resonance, and faster mechanical wear, increased power losses in transmission lines and transform-
losses in motors, faulty operation of electronic devices, including their damage. ers.


Power quality analyzers

PQM-703 / PQM-702
NEW! Index: WMGBPQM703

Standard accessories of PQM-703 / 702

- Test lead with banana plug 2,2m; black (7 pcs, integrated)
- „Crocodile” clip K01; black (3 pcs) WAKROBL20K01
- "Crocodile" clip K02; yellow WAKROYE20K02
- "Crocodile" clip K02; blue WAKROBU20K02
- "Crocodile" clip K02; red (2 pcs) WAKRORE20K01
RECORDS ALLPOWER - Power system plug with banana inputs (L1 and N) WAADAAZ1
IN ACCORDANCE WITH - Receiver – interface for radio transmission OR1 (USB) WAADAUSBOR1
THE A CLASS OF - Hard carrying case WAWALXL2
THE EN 61000-4-30 IP 65 - Mounting strap WAPOZOPAKPL
STANDARD - DIN rail mounting clip (ISO) (3 pcs) WAPOZUCH3
- stabilizing grips (2 pcs) WAPOZUCH4
- build-in battery WAAKU11
- Sonel Analysis software for reading and analysing data (full version)
- calibration certificate

DO PQM-703/702 has built-in GSM modem and GPS module

YOU with anti-theft function. In case of changing position, DO PQM-703/702 has an independent power supply socket,
meter will automaticly send text message
to your mobile phone. YOU especially suited for voltage measurements for

KNOW transformers and DC circuits.

Basic features of the instrument:

- designed for operation in power systems of rated frequency of 50/60 Hz,
- designed for operation in power systems of rated voltages: 64/110 V, 110/190 V, The instrument meets the requirements set forth by the standards:
115/200 V 127/220 V, 220/380 V, 230/400 V, 240/415 V, 254/440 V, 400/690 V,
- configurations of power systems: EN 61000-4-30 (class A) (electromagnetic compatibility - measurement methods)
- single-phase, EN 61000-4-7 (class I) (measurements of harmonics)
- two-phase with common N conductor, EN 61000-4-15 (class A) (light flicker)
- three-phase star connection with and without the N conductor, EN 50160 (measurements of supply voltage)
- three-phase delta connection, IEC 61010-1 (safety of measurement instruments)
- power system configuration from the computer program,
- built-in rechargeable battery (works up to 2 hours without power)

DO YOU PQM-703 allows measurement

YOU PQM-703/702 can operate in any climate conditions

KNOW of transients up to ±6000 V.

KNOW (- 20 °C ... + 55 °C).

Measured parameters (EN 61000-4-30 class A):

- L1, L2, L3, N-PE voltages (five measurement inputs) - average, minimal and maximal
values, instantaneous values within the range up to 760 V, capability of cooperation
with voltage transformers,
- L1, L2, L3, N currents (four measurement inputs) - average, minimal and maximal values,
instantaneous values within the range up to 3 kA (depending on the measurement
clamp used), capability of cooperation with current transformers,
- crest factors for current (CFI) and voltage (CFU),
- frequency within the range of 40 Hz – 70 Hz,
- active power (P), reactive power (Q), distortion power (D), apparent power, including
the specification of reactive power nature (capacitive, inductive),
- power recording:
-the Budeanu method,
-IEEE 1459,
- active energy (E P), reactive energy (E q), apparent energy (E S),
- power factor, cosφ, tgφ,
- K factor (transformer overload caused by harmonics),
- harmonics up to the 50th in voltage and current,
- interharmonics measured as groups,
- total harmonic distortion (THD) for current and voltage,

- short-term (PST) and long-term flicker severity (PLT) (fulfilled EN 61000-4-15
class A requirements),

- current and voltage unbalance,
- recording of overvoltages, voltage dips and interruptions, including oscillograms,
The price of the instrument includes a full version
- current and voltage event registration with waveforms (up to 1s) and RMS 10ms
graphs with maximum recording time up to 5s. of intuitive software for recording analysis results.
- recording of current and voltage oscillograms after each averaging period.
- mains signalling up to 3000 Hz (PQM-703 only)
- transients up to ±6000 V (PQM-703 only)
More parameters - see page 61

Power quality analyzers
THE EN 61000-4-30
PQM-701/701Z/701Zr Index: WMGBPQM701
Standard accessories of PQM-701/701Z/701Zr:
- Test lead with banana plug 2,2m; black (PQM-701 - 3 pcs, PQM-701Z (Zr) - 4 pcs) WAPRZ2X2BLBB
- Test lead with banana plug 2,2m; yellow WAPRZ2X2YEBB
- Test lead with banana plug 2,2m; blue (PQM-701 - 1 pcs, PQM-701Z (Zr) - 2 pcs) WAPRZ2X2BUBB
- „Crocodile” clip K01; black (PQM-701 - 3 pcs, PQM-701Z (Zr) - 4 pcs) WAKROBL20K01
- "Crocodile" clip K02; yellow WAKROYE20K02
- "Crocodile" clip K02; blue (PQM-701 - 1 pcs, PQM-701Z (Zr) - 2 pcs) WAKROBU20K02
IP 65 - Power system plug with banana inputs (L1 and N) WAADAAZ1
- Receiver – interface for radio transmission OR1 (USB) WAADAUSBOR1
- Sonel Analysis software for reading and analysing data (full version)
- SD card WAPOZSD1
- Hard carrying case WAWALXL1
- Mounting strap WAPOZOPAKPL
- DIN rail mounting clip (ISO) (2 pcs) WAPOZUCH2
- F-3 clamp up to 3 kV AC (Ø14 cm) (4 pcs) WACEGF3OKR
- Built-in rechargeable battery, calibration certificate
DO - RS-232 cable (only PQM-701Zr) WAPRZRS232

YOU PQM-701 series analysers are capable of recording

KNOW data with half-period averaging time. DO
YOU The PQM-701 series analyzers allows for quick
Basic features of the instrument: KNOW readout of data recorded on a SD card.

- intended for operation in power systems of rated frequency of 50/60 Hz,

- intended for operation in power systems of rated voltages: 64/110 V, 110/190 V,

115/200 V 127/220 V, 220/380 V, 230/400 V, 240/415 V, 254/440 V, 400/690 V,
- configurations of power systems:
- single-phase,
- two-phase with common N conductor, YOU The price of the instruments includes a full version
- three-phase star connection with and without the N conductor,
- three-phase delta connection,
- power system configuration from the computer program,
KNOW of intuitive software for recording results analysis.

- instantaneous power supply from the tested mains (all models)

- independent power supply (PQM-701Z, PQM-701Zr)
- built-in rechargeable battery (works up to 4 hours without power)
The instruments meets the requirements set forth by the standards:
EN 61000-4-30 (class A) (electromagnetic compatibility - measurement methods)
DO EN 61000-4-7 (class I) (measurements of harmonics)
EN 61000-4-15 (class A) (light flicker)
YOU PQM-701 series analyzers can operate
EN 50160 (measurements of supply voltage)

IEC 61010-1 (safety of measurement instruments)
in any climatic conditions (- 20 °C ... + 55 °C).

Measured parameters: DO
- L1, L2, L3, N-PE voltages (five measurement inputs, fulfilled EN 61000-4-30 class A YOU PQM-701Z/701Zr have an independent power supply
requirements) - average, minimal and maximal values, instantaneous values within
the range up to 760 V, capability of cooperation with voltage transformers, KNOW socket, especially suited for voltage measurements
for transformers and DC circuits.
- L1, L2, L3, N currents (four measurement inputs) - average, minimal and maximal values,
instantaneous values within the range up to 3 kA (depending on the measurement
clamp used), capability of cooperation with current transformers,
- crest factors for current (CFI) and voltage (CFU),
- frequency within the range of 40 Hz – 70 Hz (fulfilled EN 61000-4-30 class A requirements),
- active power (P), reactive power (Q), distortion power (D), apparent power, including
the specification of reactive power nature (capacitive, inductive),
- power recording:
-the Budeanu method,
-IEEE 1459,
- active energy (EP), reactive energy (Eq), apparent energy (ES),
- power factor, cosφ, tgφ,
- K factor (transformer overload caused by harmonics),
- harmonics up to the 50th in voltage and current (fulfilled EN 61000-4-7
class I requirements),
- total harmonic distortion (THD) for current and voltage,
- short-term (PST) and long-term flicker severity (PLT) (fulfilled EN 61000-4-15
class A requirements),
- current and voltage unbalance (compiles with EN 61000-4-30 class A requirements),
- recording of overvoltages, voltage dips and interruptions, including oscillograms
(fulfilled EN 61000-4-30 class A requirements),
- recording of events for current, including oscillograms,
- recording of current and voltage oscillograms after each averaging period.


Parameters of analyzers PQM-703, PQM-702, PQM-701, PQM-701Z, PQM-701Zr:

Parameter Measurement range Max. resolution Accuracy
Alternating voltage (TRMS) — 0.0…760.0V 0.01 % Un ±0.1% Un
Crest factor Voltage 1.00…10.00 (≤1.65 for 690 V voltage) 0.01 ±5%
current 1.00…10.00 (≤3,6 Inom) 0.01 ± 5% m.v.
Alternating current ±0.1% of nominal range (error does
— depending on clamp* 0.01% of nominal range
TRMS not account for clamp error)
Frequency — 40.00...70.00 Hz 0.01Hz ±0.01 Hz
Active, reactive, apparent depending on configuration up to four depending on configuration

and distortion power (transformers, clamp) decimal places (transformers, clamp)
Active, reactive depending on configuration up to four
— as power error
apparent energy (transformers, clamp) decimal places
cosφ and power factor (PF) — 0.00...1,00 0.01 ±0.03
tgφ — 0.00...10.00 0.01 depends on active and reactive power error
as for alternating voltage as for alternating voltage ±5% Uh for Uh<1% Un
Harmonics True RMS True RMS ±0.05% Un for Uh<1% Un
and interharmonics - PQM-702 only as for alternating voltage as for alternating voltage ± 5% Ih forIh<3% In
Current True RMS True RMS ± 0.15% In for Ih<3% In
Voltage 0.0..100.0% ±5%
THD 0.1%
Current (in regards to the rms value) ±5%
Active and reactive depending on configuration depending on minimal
— —
power of harmonics (transformers, clamp) current and voltage values
Angle between current
— -180.0…+180.0° 0.1° ±(h x 1°)
and voltage harmonics
K- factor — 1.0...50.0 0.1 ±10%
Flicker severity PST, PLT — 0.20...10.00 0.01 ±5%
Voltage ±0.15%
Voltage unbalance 0.0...20.0% 0.1%
and current (absolute error)
Mains signalling (PQM-703 only) 5...3000 Hz 0.01HZ ±0.15% Uh for 1...3% Un , 5% Un for 3...15% Uh
Transients (PQM-703 only) ±6000 V 5V ±(5% + 25 V)
*Clamp F-1, F-2, F-3:0..3000A (10000Ap-p) *Clamp C-4: 0..1000A (3600Ap-p)*Clamp C-5: 0..1000A (3600Ap-p)*Clamp C-6: 0..10A (36Ap-p) (without current transformers)
Additional accesories for analyzers:

Clamp C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 F-1 F-2 F-3

1000A AC
Rated current 1000A AC 10A AC 100 A AC 3000A AC
1400A DC
1000A AC
Max. overload current 1200A AC 20A AC 100 A AC 10kA AC
3000A DC
100mA 500mA 10mA 20 mA 1A
measurable current
Frequency 30Hz…10kHz DC…5kHz 40Hz…10kHz 40 Hz…1 kHz 40Hz…10kHz
Input signal level 1mV / 1A 1mV / 1A 100mV / 1A 500 mV / 1A 38.8μV / 1A
Max. diameter
52mm 39mm 20mm 24 mm 360mm 235mm 120mm
of measured cord
≤0.5% ≤1.5% ≤1% 0,5% 1%
basic accuracy
Battery power supply — + — — —
Lead length 2.2m 2.2m 2.2m 3m 2.2m
Measurement category IV 300V IV 300V IV 300V III 300 V IV 600V

- C-4 clamp up to 1000 A AC WACEGC4OKR

- C-5 clamp up to 1000 A AC/DC WACEGC5OKR
- C-6 clamp up to 10 A AC WACEGC6OKR
- C-7 clamp up to 100 A AC WACEGC7OKR
- F-1 clamp up to 3 kA AC (Ø38 cm) WACEGF1OKR
- F-2 clamp up to 3 kA AC (Ø25 cm) WACEGF2OKR
- GPS antenna with 10 m cord (PQM-702) WAPOZANT10GPS
- rechargeable battery (replaceable in the SONEL service shop) WAAKU09
- hard case for clamps WAWALL2


Power quality analyzer

PQM-700 Index: WMGBPQM700

Standard accessories of PQM-700:

Operation: - Test lead with banana plug 2,2m; black (7 pcs, integrated)
- „Crocodile” clip K01; black (3 pcs) WAKROBL20K01
-20...55°C - "Crocodile" clip K02; blue WAKROBU20K02
- "Crocodile" clip K02; red (2 pcs) WAKRORE20K02
- Power system plug with banana inputs (L1 and N) WAADAAZ1
- Carrying case WAFUTL5
- Mounting strap (2 pcs) WAPOZOPAKPL
ANALYZER MEASURES IP 65 - DIN rail mounting clip (ISO) (3 pcs) WAPOZUCH3
AND RECORDS ACCORDING - stabilizing grips (2 pcs) WAPOZUCH4
TO THE IEC 61000-4-30 - build-in battery
CLASS S - Sonel Analysis software for reading and analysing data - full version
- calibration certificate

DO PQM-700 can be powered directly from measured power line

for almost all types of networks from 64 V to 690 V,
and is very to easy install.

Includes independent power supply, which is very helpful
during voltage transformer and DC circuit measurement.

Basic features of the instrument: The instrument meets the requirements set forth by the standards:
- intended for operation in power systems of rated frequency of 50/60 Hz, EN 61000-4-30 (class S) (electromagnetic compatibility - measurement methods)
- intended for operation in power systems of rated voltages: 64/110 V; 110/190V; EN 61000-4-7 (class I) (measurements of harmonics)
115/200V; 127/220V; 220/380V; 230/400V; 240/415V; 254/440V; 290/500 V; 400/690V. EN 61000-4-15 (light flicker)
- configurations of power systems: EN 50160 (measurements of supply voltage)
- single-phase, IEC 61010-1 (safety of measurement instruments)
- two-phase with common N conductor,
- three-phase star connection with and without the N conductor,
- three-phase delta connection,
- power system configuration from the computer program, DO
- built-in rechargeable battery.
YOU PQM-700 can operate in any climate conditions
KNOW (- 20 °C ... + 55 °C).
YOU PQM-700 has an independent power supply socket,

KNOW especially suited for voltage measurements for

transformers and DC circuits.

Measured parameters:
· Voltage L1, L2, L3:
- average, minimum, maximum and instantaneous values, range to 760 V,
ability to work with voltage transformers,
· Current L1, L2, L3, N (four inputs):
- average, minimum, maximum and instantaneous values, measurement current
with range to 3 kA (depends on used clamp), ability to work with current transformers,
· Crest factor for voltage and current,
· Frequency from 40 Hz to 70 Hz ,
· Active, reactive, distortion, apparent power, including the type of reactive
power (capacitive, inductive),
· Power recording:
- Budeanu method,
- IEEE 1459,
· Active, reactive, apparent energy,
· Power factor, cosφ , tgφ ,
· Up to 40th harmonics for voltage and current,
· Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) for voltage and current, The price of the instrument includes a full version
· Short-term (PST) and long-term (PLT) flicker,
· Unbalance of voltage and current,
KNOW of intuitive software for recording results analysis.

· Current events detection including waveforms recording,


Parameters of analyzer PQM-700:

Parameter Measurement range Max. resolution Accuracy
Alternating voltage (TRMS) — 0.0…760 V 0.01 % Un ±0.5% Un
Crest factor Voltage 1.00…10.00 (≤1.65 for 690 V voltage) 0.01 ±5%
current 1.00…10.00 (≤3,6 Inom) 0.01 ± 5% m.v.
Alternating current ±1% of nominal range (error does
— depending on clamp* 0.01% of nominal range
TRMS not account for clamp error)
Frequency — 40.00...70.00 Hz 0.01Hz ±0.05 Hz
Active, reactive, apparent depending on configuration up to four depending on configuration

and distortion power (transformers, clamp) decimal places (transformers, clamp)
Active, reactive depending on configuration up to four
— as power error
apparent energy (transformers, clamp) decimal places
cosφ and power factor (PF) — 0.00...1,00 0.01 ±0.03
tgφ — 0.00...10.00 0.01 depends on active and reactive power error
as for alternating voltage as for alternating voltage ±5% Uh for Uh>1% Un
True RMS True RMS ±0.05% Un for Uh<1% Un
as for alternating voltage as for alternating voltage ± 5% Ih forIh>3% In
Current True RMS True RMS ± 0.15% In for Ih<3% In
Voltage 0.0..100.0% ±5%
THD 0.1%
Current (in regards to the rms value) ±5%
Flicker severity PST, PLT — 0.40...10.00 0.01 ±10%
Voltage ±0.3%
Voltage asymmetry 0.0...10.0% 0.1%
and current (absolute error)

*Clamp F-1, F-2, F-3:0..3000A (10000Ap-p) *Clamp C-4: 0..1000A (3600Ap-p)*Clamp C-5: 0..1000A (3600Ap-p)*Clamp C-6: 0..10A (36Ap-p) (without current transformers) Clamp C-7: 0...100 A (360Ap-p)


The SONEL Analysis software is necessary for working with the PQM series analyzers
and is supplied as standard accessory.
It allows for:
- configuring the analyzer,
- reading data from the recorder,
- viewing real time parameters of a power system (the ability to read data through GPRS
- erasing data in the analyzer,
- presenting data in tables,
- presenting data as graphs,

- analysing data in compliance with the EN 50160 standard (reports) and other user-defined
reference conditions,

- independent operation with multiple analyzers,
- updating to the latest versions through a WWW page.
...that software Sonel Analysis enables compensation
Configuration of the analyzer
The program allows for configuring all key parameters of the analyzer. The configuration is
KNOW of noise current for clamps on inactive objects?

prepared on a computer, and then transferred to the analyzer. The configuration can also be
saved on the HDD/PC or other data media, in order to be used at a later time.
The software allows for:
- selecting Metering Points as well as arbitrarily assigning memory for individual
Measurement Points,
- setting the time of analyzer,
- enabling button lock,
- protecting the analyzer with a PIN code to prevent unauthorised access,
- setting averaging time,
- selecting current and voltage transformers,
- selecting the triggering mode (instantaneous, after the occurrence of an event
or in accordance with the defined time schedule),
- selecting clamp type, specifying whether the analyzer has to record additional
parameters in N and PE channels,
- selecting power system type, where the analyzer will record all defined parameters.


The analyzer has four independent measurement points. Each Measurement Point can be
configured separately, to later carry out four different recordings without the need for
reprogramming the analyzer.

The following can be configured for each Measurement Point:

- whether the analyzer has to perform recording for compliance with the EN 50160 standard or
in accordance with arbitrary user-defined parameters,
- for arbitrary recording, the user can specify the parameters to be recorded by the analyzer
(switch on or off),
- for individual parameters, the user can define, whether the recorder should record
instantaneous, mean, maximal or minimal values,
- thresholds can be defined for almost all parameters, to trigger recording of an event by the

Readout of instantaneous data (live mode)

The Sonel Analysis software allows for reading selected parameters and their graphical
presentation on a computer screen in real time. These parameters are independent from
recording data to the memory card.
The user can view:
- voltage and current wave form graphs (oscilloscope),
- voltage and current graphs as a function of time,
- phasors,
- measurements of multiple parameters,
- harmonics and harmonics powers.
The software provides various types of graphs, enabling the User to easily visualise the data
Data analysis recorded by the analyser:
With the software, the user can read and analyse data recorded on the memory card. The data
can also be saved to the HDD of PC to be processed at a later time. This also provides the way of
archiving data from consecutive recordings.

- Time graph – shows time-based wave forms of selected parameters,

- Oscillogram – instantaneous voltage and current wave forms during events or at the end
of averaging time,

- Harmonics graphs – bar graph showing the level of 1...50th order harmonics,

- Value/Time graph – events are presented in a dot form as a function of their duration time.

User reports can be created from the data read out from the analyzer, to be saved as files in the
PDF, HTML, CSV or TXT format. The software allows for creating the report of conformity with
the EN 50160 standard.

After reading out the data, the user can perform data analysis. There is a choice of three screens:
- General – all data of particular types are presented in a dot form (Measurements , Events
and Oscillograms),
- Measurements – all types of measurements recorded by averaging time are presented
in a dot form (voltage, frequency, etc.),
- Events – all kinds of detected events are presented in a dot form (voltage dips, overvoltages,
interruptions, etc.).



Rules and duties related to the operation of various types of electrical equipment, both
privately and professionally, are specified by a wide spectrum of regulations that, besides
imposing the manufacturer's duties related to development of products in compliance with
relevant standards, define the owner's responsibility for technical condition of the
equipment and tools. Additionally, these regulations assign specific bodies to perform
regular examinations and inspections of the equipment after repairs.
Therefore it is worthwhile to perform, in a proper way and with an appropriate
frequency, inspection of technical condition of the electrical equipment in possession.
Faulty equipment, often damaged without the user's knowledge, causes a significant threat
to the user, and can also cause serious financial losses, e.g. due to fire. In such an event, if
it is proven that the equipment was not fully operational (e.g. due to damaged insulation),
the responsibility for the event is transferred from the manufacturer to the owner, and this
can also constitute the basis for the refusal of compensation payout by the insurer.

In various countries, there are standards defining the duty, scope or intervals for
performing tests of power tools as well as other electrical equipment (including the
equipment quite often omitted in safety - extension cords, power cords, office equipment)
in operation. However, there is a duty of acting in accordance with the recognised
technical rules. According to the current regulations, electrical equipment must be
operated and checked in accordance with the guidelines included in the operating
instructions provided by the manufacturer. However, the information included in the
operating instructions is not sufficient and other knowledge sources can be used, as long
as they do not conflict with the operation instructions. The notion of tests appears in many
Measurement of power – checking whether the device consumes power in accordance
regulations. Standards like EN 60745-1 define the rules for the performance of such tests
with the manufacturer's specifications, including simultaneous measurement of voltage and
by the manufacturers and include allowable values of measured parameters. European
standards can also be used here, including VDE 701 and VDE 702.
IEC cords and extension cords testing - automatic checking of the basic parameters
Every measurement professional using an electrical equipment safety meter and of IEC cords, and additionally, with the use of an additional adapter, extension cords and
deciding about the acceptance or non-acceptance of operation of tested equipment, cords terminated with the IEC-60320-C5 plug, i.e. the so-called "Mickey Mouse" connector.
assumes serious responsibility for the health, life as well as the property of users of this The measurement sequence should be run automatically, and should include:
· insulation resistance measurement of the PE conductor,
equipment. Such a person must be equipped with a professional meter guaranteeing high
· resistance (continuity) measurement of the PE conductor,
accuracy and correctness of results.
· the L and N conductors continuity and short-circuit tests,
The functionality and technical parameters of electrical equipment testers should allow · polarisation check.
for a full inspection of technical condition of electrical equipment and tools, including
checking basic parameters of three-phase devices. Additionally, in order to ensure the For all measurement functions, where necessary, setting measurement times and result
safety of user works as well as correct measurements results, the instruments should limits should be possible, allowing for comparing a given result with the defined limit,
check the power supply system parameters (i.e. voltage, frequency, continuity and voltage and automatic assessment: "correct" or "incorrect".
of the protective conductor). Very useful is the capability of performing measurements in
an automatic mode with setting custom measurement sequences of selected parameters, A very useful feature of measurement instruments is their capability of saving
as well as in a manual mode – due to the diversity of tests for various devices and the results to memory or printing the results directly after the measurement.
Saving should be possible for a sequence of measurements as well as for single
measurements (performed in a manual mode). Due to the type of measured devices, bar
code assignment should be possible as well (e.g. acquired with an additional reader).
A preliminary test, visual inspection of the examined device - the meter performs a
preliminary check of the L-N circuit continuity and allows for checking the fuse, and then
Another useful accessory might be the software, allowing for keeping a database
gives an on-screen indication of the moment to carry the visual inspection of the equipment
of tested devices (including information about the necessity of re-testing), creating
- obviously, this inspection must be carried by the user alone, before commencing next and printing abbreviated and extended measurement reports, creating reports
measurements. After finishing the inspection, the user provides a positive or negative in compliance with relevant standards (VDE 0701:1, VDE 0701:200, VDE 0701:240,
grade. The visual inspection should include: VDE 0701:260, DIN VDE 0702, EN 61010, EN 60335, EN 60950, IEC 601.1).
· checking the enclosure (no mechanical damage),
· checking the operation of the mains power switch (whether it is possible to switch the and
After-repair tests Periodic tests
Type tests /
modifi - procedural tests
device on and off), cations

· checking the power cord and the power plug (no cracks or signs of overheating),
DIN EN 60950/50116

DIN EN 60335/50106
DIN VDE 0701-0702

DIN VDE 0701-0702

DIN VDE 0751:2001

DIN VDE 0751:2001

DIN VDE 0751:2001

Brithish Standards

· checking the fuse (whether its rating complies with the specifications). Devices tested

EN 60974-4

EN 60745-1

in accordance
IEC 60601

IEC 60601

IEC 60601
EN 62353

EN 62353

EN 61010

Measurement of the earthing conductor (PE) resistance with the current of 200 mA, with standards

10 A or 25 A - various standards require measurements to be performed with one of these

values, additionally there must be the capability of auto-zeroing of test leads in order to
Laboratory instruments
• • •
eliminate this additional measurement error (or the four-lead method is used). The current
and monitoring instruments • • • •
source must have high output performance, allowing for a stable current within the entire
measurement range. Measurements of continuity should be performed in two ways, with
Voltage generating devices
• • •
the use of a measurement socket or with conductors alone, which allows for testing Electrical power tools
Heating equipment
•• •• • •• •• •
conductors or devices not equipped with a plug. Electrically driven devices
• •• • ••
Testing insulation resistance. The voltage of 500 V is required, however the Lighting lamps
• • • •
instrument can also provide other measurement voltages that might be useful for testing
based on specific regulations. Two measurement possibilities should be available: with a
Multimedia and teleco -
mmunications equipment • • • •
• • • •
Cable reels, extension
measurement socket or with conductors alone. cords, connecting cables

• • •
Measurement of leakage current – capability of measuring the equivalent leakage Data processing
and office equipment
current, residual leakage current, touch leakage current as well as the PE leakage current.
The instrument should allow for the performance of measurements in a wide frequency Electrical equipment

for medical applications,

application parts
Welding equipment


Portable appliance tester

Index: WMGBPAT815
Standard accessories of the meter:
- Power supply cord WAPRZZAS1
- test lead with crocodile clip WAPRZ1X8ORKS

Measurement of earth continuity

· upper limit settable within the range: 10 mΩ …1.99Ω with 0.01 Ω resolution
· adjustable measurement time 1...60 s with 1 s resolution

Measurement of earth conductor resistance I = 200 mA (protection class I)

Display range Resolution Accuracy
0.00...0.99 Ω ±(4% m.v. + 2 digits)
0.01 Ω
1.00...19.99 Ω ±(4% m.v. + 3 digits)
· measurement current: I = 200 mA for R = 0.2..1,99Ω
Measurement of earth conductor resistance I = 10 A and I=25A (protection class I)
Display range Resolution Accuracy
0...999 mΩ 1 mΩ
±(3% m.v. + 4 digits)
1.00...1.99 Ω 0.01 Ω
· technical method of measurement providing high accuracy of results
TOUCH · measurement current: I>10 A for RŁ0.5 Ω (for 10 A measurement)
SCREEN · measurement current: I>25 A for RŁ0.2 Ω (for 25 A measurement)

Measurement of insulation resistance:

Measurement range in accordance with IEC 61557-2 for: Un=100V: 100 kΩ...99.9 MΩ
Un=250V: 250 kΩ...199.9 MΩ, Un=500V: 500 kΩ...599.9 MΩ
Un Display range Resolution Accuracy
SCREEN 0...1999 kΩ 1 kΩ
300V 100 V 2.0...19.99 MΩ 0.01 MΩ
20.0...99.9 MΩ 0.1 MΩ
0...1999 kΩ 1 kΩ
250 V 2.00...19.99 MΩ 0.01 MΩ ±(5% m.v. +8 digits)
Common features of the instruments:
20.0...199.9 MΩ 0.1 MΩ
- measurement of protective conductor resistance with the currents:
0...1999 kΩ 1 kΩ
200 mA, 10 A , 25 A (protection class I)
500 V 2...19.99 MΩ 0.01 MΩ
- measurement of insulation resistance – three measurement voltages:
20.0...599.9 MΩ 0.1 MΩ
100 V, 250 V and 500 V,
- measurement of equivalent leakage current, · adjustable measurement limit
· adjustable measurement time
- measurement of residual leakage current,
· automatic discharge of the measured object capacitance after the measurement
- measurement of touch leakage current, · protection against measuring live devices
- measurement of U, I and frequency

- measurement of power S, P, power factor PF,
- measurement of current using clamps C3,
- IEC lead test,
YOU PAT-815 allows for full automatic device test after

- check of the L-N circuit test, single START pressing.
- automatic measurement of RCD parameters.

Other features:
- intuitive user interface, large and clear touch display, PAT-815 can be used to test the equipment performed in
- manual tests and auto tests, the ability to describe auto test with standards or any name;
accordance with standards:
- option to skip single measurement in the auto test, with the recording that choice of EN 60745-1 Hand-held motor-operated electric tools. Safety. General requirements
skipping of specified measurement was made conscious, the option does not apply to EN 61029 Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools - General requirements
build-in auto tests.
EN 60335-1 Household and similar electrical appliances -Safety -Part 1: General requirements
- typing with QWERTY keyboard on the touch screen
EN 60950 Safety of information technology equipment (IT Equipment)
- description of test equipment, measurement location, customer data, assign ing the serial
number of the device under test and the index can be stored in meter memory, ability to AS/NZS 3760:2010 In-service safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment
write notes about the device under the test VDE 0404-1 Prüf - und Messeinrichtungen zum Prüfen der elektrischen Sicherheit von
- base of the appliances, customers, description of the equipment and damage. elektrischen Geräte n. Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen
- the results can be printed (also automatically after every measurement), reports (works VDE 0404-2 Prüf - und Messeinrichtungen zum Prüfen der elektrischen Sicherheit von
with the printer), two labels can be printed after a single test (for the device and a elektrischen Geräten. Teil 2: Prüfeinrichtungen für Prüfungen nach Instandsetzung, Änderung
removable wire) oder für Wiederholungsprüfungen
- support for barcode reader (including 2D), readings of the original serial numbers for the
VDE 0701-0702 Prüfung nach Instandsetzung, Änderung elektrischer Geräte.
appliances and registration codes and auto test codes,
- build-in help with instructions how to connect test equipment and how to perform Wiederholungsprüfung elektrischer Geräte. Allgemeine Anforderungen für die elektrische Sicherheit
- ability to create many user accounts with log-in function (as an option),
- supports USB flash drive;
- communication with PC via USB and via Wi-Fi,
- works with the program Sonel PAT Reader and Sonel PAT; measurement and settings
configuration from the meter and also from PC, data analysis.


Measurement of PE and residual leakage current: Intuitive user interface with large 7'’ touch display:
Display range Resolution Accuracy
0.00...3.99 mA 0.01 mA
±(5% m.v. + 2 digits)
4.0...19.9 mA 0.1 mA
· adjustable limit
· adjustable measurement time

Measurement of equivalent leakage current:

Display range Resolution Accuracy
0.00...3.99 mA 0.01 mA
±(5% m.v. + 2 digits)
4.0...19.9 mA 0.1 mA
· adjustable limit
· adjustable measurement time
· open circuit voltage 25...50 V

Measurement of touch leakage current:

Display range Resolution Accuracy
0.00...4.999 mA 0.001 mA ±(5% m.v. + 3 digits)
· adjustable limit
· adjustable measurement time

Measurements of RCD parameters

RCD trigger and response time test tA
Test range according to IEC 61557: 0 ms ... to the upper limit of displayed value
Typ RCD Factor Range Resolution Accuracy
1* IDn
General 1ms ±(2% m.v. + 2 digits1)
2* IDn 0...150ms
5*IDn 0...40ms
- accuracy of residual current application IDn = 10 mA i 0,5 IDn: ± 2% m.v. ±3 digits

Measurement of RCD disconnection current IA for sinusoidal differential current

Test range according to IEC 61557: (0,3...1,0)IΔ n
Selected nominal Test range Resolution Test current Basic uncertainty
current of RCD
10 mA 3,3...10,0 mA
15 mA 4,5...15,0 mA 0,1 mA 0,3 x IDn ...1,0 x IDn ± 5% IDn
30 mA 9,0...30,0 mA
· it is possible to start the measurement from the positive of the negative half of forced
leakage current
· test current passage time: max. 3200 ms
· automatic measurement of RCD disconnection time (tA) and disconnection current
· measurement for: 0,5IΔ n, 1IΔ n, 2IΔ n i 5IΔ n,

Measurement of power S:
Display range Resolution Accuracy
0...999 VA 1 VA
±(5% m.v. + 3 digits)
1,00 k...3,99 kVA 0,01 kVA

Measurement of power P Additional accessories of the meter:

Display range Resolution Accuracy - 2D Bar code reader WAADAC2D
0...999 W 1W - Portable USB D2 Sato printer WAADAD2
±(5% m.v. + 3 digits)
1,00 k...3,99 kW 0,01 kW For more additional accessories/adapters compatible with PAT-815 go to page 70

Power factor PF Electrical safety:

Display range Resolution Accuracy - the product meets the EMC requirements in accordance with the EN 61326-1:2013 and
0,00...1,00 0,01 ±(10 % m.v. + 5 digits) EN 61326-2-2:2013 standards
- measurement category.................................................................II 300V EN 61010-1
- enclosure protection rating acc. to EN 60529:.............................IP40 (IP67 with lid closed)
Measurement of current consumption:
Display range Resolution Accuracy Other technical specifications:
- power supply of the meter.........................................................................195...265V, 50Hz
0,00...15,99 A 0,01 A ±(2% m.v. + 3 digits)
- load current................................................................................................max. 16A (230V)
- data transfer to a PC...................................................................................................... USB
Voltage measurement: - dimensions...........................................................................................330 x 235 x 120 mm
Accuracy - weight of the meter.........................................................................................approx. 6.2 kg
Display range Resolution
187...265,0 V 0,01 V ±(2% w.m. + 2 cyfry) Nominal operating conditions:
- operating temperature ........................................................................................-10...+50°C
- storage temperature............................................................................................-20...+70°C
- humidity.......................................................................................................20...80%


Portable appliance and welding machines tester

Portable appliance tester
Index: WMGBPAT805 (PAT-805)
Index: WMGBPAT806



IP 40

The parameters and specifications same for PAT-805, additionally:

Measurement of parameters of arc welding machines (EN 60974-4):
Common features of the instruments: - Welding machine no-load voltage measurement.
- UP voltage measurement (peak)
- measurement of protective conductor resistance with current:
- PAT-805, PAT-806: 200 mA, 10 A, 25 A - protection class I, - Welding circuit leakage current measurement
- measurement of insulation resistance - measurement voltages:
- PAT-805, PAT-806: 100 V, 250 V and 500 V,
- measurement of substitute leakage current, PAT-806 additionaly allow for measurements in accordance with:
- measurement of PE leakage current,
EN 60974-4: Arc welding equipment - Part 4: Periodic inspection and testing.
- measurement of residual leakage current,
VDE 0404-1: Prüf- und Messeinrichtungen zum Prüfen der elektrischen Sicherheit von elektrischen
- measurement of touch leakage current, Geräten. Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen.
- measurement of power, VDE 0404-2: Prüf- und Messeinrichtungen zum Prüfen der elektrischen Sicherheit von elektrischen
- measurement of current, Geräten. Teil 2: Prüfeinrichtungen für Prüfungen nach Instandsetzung, Änderung oder für
- IEC cord test, Wiederholungsprüfungen.
- fuse checking,
- measurement of the L-N circuit resistance, No-load voltage measurement for welding machines.
- measurement of power system voltage and frequency,
Voltage measurement UR (r.m.s.)
- automatic programmable test procedures.
Display range Resolution Accuracy
5.0...170.0 V 0.1 V ±(2.5% m.v. + 5 digits)
Other features:
· measurement upper limit settable within the range of: 5,0...170,0 V with resolution of 1 V
Automatic selection of the measurement range.
990 cells of measurement result memory with the capability to be transferred UP (peak) voltage measurement
to a PC over the USB interface, or printed out. Display range Resolution Accuracy
Professional software for processing data and creating reports (optional). 5.0...240.0 V 0.1 V ±(2.5% m.v. + 5 digits)
Compatible with a bar code reader and a printer (optional).
Compatible with a pendrive memory. · measurement upper limit settable within the range of: 5,0...240,0 V with resolution of 1 V
Large, clear backlit segment display.
Welding circuit leakage current measurement IL:
Display range Resolution Accuracy
Standard accessories of the meters:
0.00...14.99 mAV 0.01 mA ±(5% m.v. + 5 digits)
- Power supply cord WAPRZZAS1
· current measurement range results from the applied measurement system which is in accordance
- „Crocodile” clip K03; black (2 pcs) WAKROBL30K03
with EN 60974-4
- Pin probe with banana connector; black WASONBLOGB3 · measurement upper limit settable within the range of: 0,10 mA…14,90 mA
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; black (2 pcs) WAPRZ1X2BLBB2X5 with resolution of 0,1 mA
- USB cable WAPRZUSB · measurement time settable within the range of: 3 s…60 s with resolution of 1 s
- 0314 015.VXP 15 A 250 VAC 6.3x32 mm Littlefuse fuse (2 pcs) WAPOZB15PAT
- Carrying case L5 WAFUTL5 Other parameters - see PAT-805
- Sonel Reader software
- Calibration certificate
The instruments allow for measurements in accordance with:
EN 60745-1: Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety. Part 1: General requirements.
EN 61029: Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools. General requirements.
EN 60335-1: Safety of household and similar electrical appliances. General requirements.
EN 60950: Safety of information technology equipment including electrical business equipment.
VDE 0701-0702: Prüfung nach Instandsetzung, Änderung elektrischer Geräte.
Wiederholungsprüfung elektrischer Geräte. Allgemeine Anforderungen
für die elektrische Sicherhei.


Measurement of L-N circuit resistance

Display range Resolution Accuracy
0...999Ω 1Ω
Measurement of earth continuity ±(5% m.v. +5 digits)
1.00...4.99kΩ 0.01kΩ
· upper limit settable within the range: 10 mΩ …1.99Ω with 0.01Ω resolution
· adjustable measurement time 1...60s with 1 s resolution · measurement voltage 4…8 V, short-circuit voltage: max. 5 mA

Measurement of earth conductor resistance I = 200 mA (protection class I) Measurement of PE leakage current and residual current
Display range Resolution Accuracy Display range Resolution Accuracy
0.00...0.99Ω ±(4% m.v. + 2 digits) 0.00...3.99mA 0.01mA
0.01Ω ±(5% m.v. + 2 digits)
1.00...19.99Ω ±(4% m.v. + 3 digits) 4.0...19.9mA 0.1mA

· measurement current: ł200mA for RŁ1.99Ω · measurement limit settable within the range of 0.01...9.9 mA, with the resolution
of 0.01 mA/0.1 mA
Measurement of earth conductor resistance I = 10 A (protection class I) · adjustable measurement time: continuous measurement (Cont) or 4...60 s,
Display range Resolution Accuracy with the resolution of 1 s
· after elapsing half the measurement time, the meter automatically switches polarity
0...999mΩ 1mΩ on the measurement socket outlet and displays the higher value
±(3% m.v. + 4 digits)
1.00...1.99Ω 0.01Ω · bandwith ofcurrent measurement up to 100kHz
· technical method of measurement providing high accuracy of results Measurement of substitute leakage current
· measurement current: ł10A for RŁ0.5Ω
Display range Resolution Accuracy
Measurement of earth conductor resistance I = 25 A (protection class I) 0.00...3.99mA 0.01mA
±(5% m.v. + 2 digits)
Display range Resolution Accuracy 4.0...19.9mA 0.1mA
0...999mΩ 1mΩ · measurement limit settable within the range of 0.01...9.9 mA, with the resolution
±(3% m.v. + 4 digits)
1.00...1.99Ω 0.01Ω of 0.01 mA/0.1 mA
· adjustable measurement time: continuous measurement (Cont) or 1...60 s,
· technical method of measurement providing high accuracy of results with the resolution of 1 s
· measurement current: ł25A for RŁ0.2Ω · open circuit voltage: 25...50 V

Measurement of touch leakage current
The PAT series meters perform programmed Display range Resolution Accuracy
YOU measurement sequences, allowing for automatic
testing of devices in accordance with standards
0.000...4.999mA 0.001mA ±(5% m.v. + 3 digits)

KNOW or individual needs of the user.

· measurement limit settable within the range of 0.01...1.99 mA,
with the resolution of 0.01 mA
· adjustable measurement time: continuous measurement (Cont) or 1...60 s,
with the resolution of 1 s
Measurement of insulation resistance: · bandwith of current measurement up to 100 kHz
Measurement range in accordance with IEC 61557-2 for: Un=100V: 100kΩ...99.9MΩ
(PAT-805, -806),Un=250V: 250kΩ...199.9MΩ (PAT-805, -806), Un=500V: 500kΩ...599.9MΩ
Un Display range Resolution Accuracy PAT-805 and PAT-806 are the only safety meters
also enabling the measurement
0...1999kΩ 1kΩ
of resistance with the use of the four-lead method.
2.0...19.99MΩ 0.01MΩ
20.0...99.9MΩ 0.1MΩ
0...1999kΩ 1kΩ Measurement of S power:
250V 2.00...19.99MΩ 0.01MΩ ±(5% m.v. +8 digits) Display range Resolution Accuracy
20.0...199.9MΩ 0.1MΩ 0...999VA 1VA
±(5% m.v. + 3 digits)
0...1999kΩ 1kΩ 1...3.99kVA 0.01kVA
500V 2...19.99MΩ 0.01MΩ · adjustable measurement time: continuous measurement (Cont) or 1...60 s,
20.0...599.9MΩ 0.1MΩ with the resolution of 1 s
· measurement limit settable within the range of : 0.01...9.9MΩ with the resolution of 0.1MΩ Measurement of current consumption:
· adjustable measurement time: continuous measurement (Cont) or from 4 s to 3 min, Display range Resolution Accuracy
with the resolution of 1 s
· automatic discharge of the measured object capacitance after the measurement 0.00...15.99A 0.01A ±(2% m.v. + 3 digits)
· protection against measurements of energised objects
· adjustable measurement time: continuous measurement (Cont) or 1...60 s,
· max. output current 1.4 mA
with the resolution of 1 s

Measurement of voltage:
Display range Resolution Accuracy

YOU PAT-805 and PAT-806 perform measurements with actual 187.0..265.0V 0.1V ±(2% m.v. + 2 digits)

current of 25 A up to the resistance value of 0.2Ω.
Measurement of network frequency:
Display range Resolution Accuracy
45.0...55.0 Hz 0.1 Hz ±(2% m.v. + 2 digits)
Electrical safety:
- the product meets the EMC requirements in accordance with the EN 61326-1:2006 and · measurement of the mains voltage frequency of power supply to the meter
EN 61326-2-2:2006 standards
- type of insulation....................................... double, in acc. with EN 61010-1 and IEC 61557 Measurement of PE network (mains) voltage:
Display range Resolution Accuracy
Other technical specifications: 0.0..59.9 V 0.1 V ±(2% m.v. + 2 digits)
- power supply of the meter.........................................................................187...265V, 50Hz
- load current................................................................................................max. 16A (230V) · measurement of the mains voltage between PE and N of power supply to the meter
- measurement result memory..................................................................................990 cells * for U < 5V accuracy ic not specified
- data transfer to a PC....................................................................................... USB interface
- dimensions........................................................................................... 330 x 235 x 120mm Resistance measurement for L - N circuit:
- weight of the meter.......... PAT-800 approx. 4.05 kg, PAT-805 and PAT-806 approx. 4.75 kg Display range Resolution Accuracy
0...999 Ω 1Ω
Nominal operating conditions: ±(5% m.v. + 5 digits)
- operating temperature .......................................................................................... 0...+40°C 1.00...4.99 kΩ 0.01 kΩ
- storage temperature.......................................................................................... -20...+70°C · test voltage: 4 ... 8V AC
- humidity..................................................................................................... 20...80% · short-circuit current: max. 5mA


Additional accessories of the meters: SONEL PAT SOFTWARE Index: WAPROSONPAT1

- 1.2 m 10/25 A two-core test lead “U1/I1” (PAT-805, PAT-806) WAPRZ1X2DZBB1
- 1.2 m 10/25 A two-core test lead “U2/I2” (PAT-805, PAT-806) WAPRZ1X2DZBB2
- Sonel high-current probe (PAT-805, PAT-806) WASONSPGB1
- Kelvin clip (PAT-805, PAT-806) WAKROKELK06
- 1 kV black “crocodile” clip (PAT-800) WAKROBL20K01
- 1 kV black “crocodile” clip (PAT-805, PAT-806) WAKROBL30K03
- 1 kV black probe WASONBLOGB1 Intended for companies performing measurements of electrical equipment safety.
- 1.2 m black test lead terminated with banana plugs, black (PAT-800) WAPRZ1X2BLBB
Perfect for manufacturers, power tool rental, service, etc. facilities.
- 1.2 m black test lead terminated with banana plugs, black (PAT-805, PAT-806) WAPRZ1X2BLBB2X5
- Cord - Schuko/IEC adapter (for testing extension cords) WAADAPATIEC2 Hierarchical structure of entered data - the device is assigned to a specific
- 16 A three-phase socket adapter WAADAPAT16P company or a division.
- 16 A switched three-phase socket adapter WAADAPAT16PR Capability of collecting information about the device, tracking history
- 32 A three-phase socket adapter WAADAPAT32P of tests of the device.
- 32 A switched three-phase socket adapter WAADAPAT32PR
Cooperation with Sonel PAT series meters. Data recorded by the meter are included
- 16 A industrial socket adapter WAADAPAT16F1 in the test report for the selected device.
- 32 A industrial socket adapter WAADAPAT32F1
- IEC adapter for testing IEC cords terminated with a "Mickey Mouse" connector WAADAPATIEC1 Capability of advanced configuration of the meters from the program.
- Sonel PAT software WAPROSONPAT1 Available report forms:
- USB bar code reader WAADACK1 - full report from a single test - A4 size page, with full data related to the device as well
- Portable USB report/bar code WAADAD1 as full testing series,
- test report (history) for the device - all measurement results in accordance with query
- Stickers with bar codes (a reel of 100 stickers) WANAKKODPAS criteria are printed (from a given period of time),
- Permanent adhesive tape WANAKD1 - abbreviated report/record card - prints out the history of tests with basic information
about the device, as well as with the information concerning its service approval.

Print labels on standard self - adhesive paper.

Portable USB report/bar code printer USB bar code reader
WAADAD1 WAADACK1 Capability of creating a custom measurement standard with the use of the protocol editor.
Permanent adhesive tape
WANAKD1 Capability of scheduling measurements - each device includes a "Measurement cycle"
feature - the program automatically displays devices with approaching or expired
testing date.

Three-phase socket adapters

Stickers with bar codes

Industrial socket adapters

32 A: WAADAPAT32F1 Switched three-phase socket adapters
Protocol printout in accordance with the following standards:
VDE 0701:1, VDE 0701:200, VDE 0701:240, VDE 0701:260, DIN VDE 0702, EN 61010,
EN 60335, EN 60950, IEC 601.1.
operating system: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or higher (32 or 64-bit.)
Internet Explorer: 6.0 or higher, FrameWork 2.0 or higher

Cord - Schuko/IEC adapter


1.2 m 10/25 A
two-core test lead
High-current probe WAPRZ1X2DZBB1

Kelvin clip


Leakage current alarm signaller

Standard accessories:
- Carrying case L5 WAWALL5
- Power supply adaptor Z11 WAZASZ11
- Cable for charger WAPRZLAD230
- Mounting strap WAPOZOPAKPL
IP 67
Additional accessories:
- F-1 clamp (ø 38 cm) WAWALL5
- F-2 clamp (ø 25 cm) WAZASZ11
- F-3 clamp (ø 12 cm) WAPRZLAD230
- Lead for battery charging from socket of car lighter (12V) WAPRZLAD12V2

The device shall be connected to measured power network or device according

to the pictures below:

MPU-1 is dedicated to control (measure) leakage current in AC, low and
medium voltage power networks. It is designed to make measurements,
which results define network's safety condition for leakage current.
The device enables to set limit for maximum safe value of flowing leakage
current and for values above this limit visual and sound alarm is activated.
Device working with single clamp. Device working with two clamps.
The most important features of MPU-1 are:
- constant controlling of current flowing on earthing,
- measurement with the use of single clamp or two clamps simultaneously.
In case of using two clamps, current value is summed up, which allows for
checking twin pylons (rotational), with independent clamp for each
component pylon,
- work mode LED indicator,
- visual and sound alarm (speaker built in cover) in case of higher value of
leakage current than defined limit (factory default set to 1 A),
- no DC current measurement,
- measurement with flexible clamps (Rogowski coil) – Sonel F series,
- measurement in 50 Hz or 60 Hz frequency low and medium voltage
- auto ranging,
- battery level monitoring,

Leakage current measurement with clamp:

Display range Resolution Accuracy
0.1..9.9 A 0.01 A ±(5% m.v. + 2 digits)
10..99 A 0.1 A ±(5% m.v. + 2 digits) Carrying case L5 for standard and additional accessories.

· frequency: 50 or 60Hz Other technical data:

· F-1 clamps - degree of housing protection acc. to EN 60529.............................................................IP67
- max. noise voltage AC+DC, for which measurement is possible....................................24 V
- max. measured nosie voltage......................................................................................100 V
- power supply......................................................SONEL battery package NiMH 9,4V 2,4 Ah
- operating time for standby mode..................................................................................>20h
- operating time for alarm mode.......................................................................................>3h
- dimensions............................................................................................125 x 150 x 95 mm
- weight (including battery).....................................................................................ok. 1,1 kg
- altitude (above sea level)........................................................................................<2000 m
Work in medium voltage mode – alarm limit value and battery level can be
- quality and manufacturing are ISO 9001 compliant
seen on the screen.
- the product meets EMC requirements (immunity for industrial environment) according to
the following standards........................................EN 61326-1:2006 and EN 61326-2-2:2006

Nominal operating conditions:

- working temperature.............................................................................................-10..+50 ˚C
- charger working temperature...............................................................................+10..+35 ˚C
- reference temperature...............................................................................................23 ±2 ˚C
- storage temperature..............................................................................................-20..+80 ˚C
Work in low voltage mode – value of current measured with the clamp and battery - relative humidity........................................................................................................20..85%
level can be seen on the screen. - relative nominal humidity..........................................................................................40..60%

at a
tra nsmi ss ion
Clamp meter with wireless data transmission




Index: WMXXCMP600

DC and AC (TRUE RMS - 50...500Hz) current measurement

Resolution Accuracy (DC) Accuracy (AC)

CAT III 400A 0.1A ±(1.8% m.v. + 10 digits)

±(1.8% m.v. + 10 digits)
for f=50...500Hz
600V 600A 1A ±(1% m.v. + 5 digits)
±(1% m.v. + 5 digits)
for f=50...500Hz

IP 40 DC and AC (TRUE RMS - 50...500Hz) voltage measurement

Display Accuracy
range DC AC
400mV* 0.1mV ±(0.75% m.v. + 3 digits) -
4V 0.001V
±(1.5% m.v. + 10 digits)
40V 0.01V
±(1% m.v. + 3 digits)
400V 0.1V
±(1.5% m.v. + 5 digits)
600V 1V

Standard accessories * - only DC

of the meter: Resistance measurement
- test leads (2 pcs.) WAPRZCMP1 Display range Resolution Accuracy
- UBS cable WAPRZUSBMNIB5 400Ω 0.1Ω
- 1.5V AA battery (4 pcs.) 4kΩ 0.001kΩ
±(1% m.v. + 5 digits)
- case for the meter and accessories 40kΩ 0.01kΩ
- software 400kΩ 0.1kΩ
4MΩ 0.001MΩ ±(3% m.v. + 5 digits)
Measurements: 40MΩ 0.01MΩ ±(5% m.v. + 5 digits)

- DC and AC (TRUE RMS) current measurement up to 600A,

Frequency measurement
- DC and AC (TRUE RMS) voltage measurement up to 600V,
- acoustic signalling programmable for instances of exceeding the MAX/MIN values set, Display range Resolution Accuracy
- resistance measurement and continuity test: continuity test with acoustic signalling 5Hz 0.001Hz
(for resistance below 1000),
50Hz 0.01Hz
- frequency measurement,
- diode test, 500Hz 0.1Hz
±(0.7% m.v. + 5 digits)
- can be wirelessly connected to many transmitters, 5kHz 0.001kHz
- CMP-600R receiver made compatible with a computer via USB interface. 50kHz 0.01kHz
100kHz 0.1kHz

- safe, insulated measuring clamps (Ø 30 mm or 35 x 10 mm bus bar),
- automatic range selection switchable to the manual range selection mode
AC-16 adapter to simplify measurements
- “HOLD" function for holding measured values on the LCD, of current (for all clamps meters)

- “DC ZERO" function – DC of the instrument can be zeroed, and the absolute
- transformation ratio x1, x10
measurement mode can be restored, at any time,
- power line rate: 230V, 15A max.
- relative measurement mode for AC,
- storage of minimum and maximum values, Index: WAADAAC16
- estimation of electric energy costs made by the program provided.

Electric security:
- measurement category...............................................CAT III 600V acc. to EN 61010-1:2004
- casing protection class acc. to EN 60529.......................................................................IP40
Other technical data: x1
- power supply for transmitter and receiver...................................2 x 1.5V batteries type LR6
- display...............................................................................................LCD, 4 digits
- uninterrupted work time..................300 h transmission off, 100 h transmission on (t=2s)
- transmitter’s dimensions...............................................................220 x 64 x 35 mm
- receiver’s dimensions...................................................................179 x 72 x 32 mm x10
- transmitter’s weight (without batteries) 251 g
- receiver’s weight (without batteries) 177 g
- LCD refresh rate........................................3 x/s transmission off and 1 x/s transmission on
- transmission frequency.......................................................................................433,62MHz
- polarisation......................................................automatic, negative polarisation indicated (-)
- accordance with the following standards.......................EN 61010-1:2004, EN 61010-2-032

Rated operational conditions:

- operating temperature...............................................................-10..+50°C, rel. hum. < 80%
- storage temperature..................................................................-20..+60°C, rel. hum. < 70%


Clamp meter DC current measurement

Range Resolution Accuracy
0.0...659.9 A 0.1 A ±(2.0% m.v. + 5 digits)
±(3.0% m.v. + 5 digits) for 660...1000 A
Index: WMXXCMP2000 660...2000 A 1A
57mm ±(5.0% m.v. + 5 digits) for 1000...2000 A

AC current measurement (TRUE RMS)

Range Resolution Accuracy
±(2.0% m.v. + 10 digits) for 50...60 Hz
0.0...659.9 A 0.1 A
±(3.0% m.v. + 10 digits) for 61...400 Hz
±(2.5% m.v. + 10 digits)
CAT III for 50...60 Hz and 660...1000 A
±(3.5% m.v. + 10 digits)
1000V 660...1500 A 1A
for 61...400 Hz and 660...1000 A
±(5.0% m.v. + 10 digits)
for 50...400 Hz and 1000...1500 A
600V Voltage measurement (DC, AC - TRUE RMS)
Range Resolution Accuracy
0.000...6.599 V 0.001 V
±(0.5% m.v. + 2 digits) - DC
6.60...65.99 V 0.01 V
66.0...659.9 V 0.1 V
Standard accessories ±(1.5% m.v. + 8 digits)
660...1000 V (DC)
1V for 50...500 Hz - AC
of the meter: 660...750 V (AC)

- test leads (2 pcs.) WAPRZCMP1

- K type temperature probe WASONTEMK Resistance measurement
- 9 V battery Range Resolution Accuracy
- case
0.0...659.9 Ω 0.1Ω
- calibration certificate
0.660...6.599 kΩ 0.001kΩ
±(1.0% m.v. + 5 digits)
6.60...65.99 kΩ 0.01kΩ
Measurements: 66.0...659.9 kΩ 0.1kΩ
- AC current measurement (TRUE RMS) up to 1500 A and DC up to 2000 A. 0.660...6.599 MΩ 0.001MΩ ±(2.0% m.v. + 5 digits)
- measurement of INRUSH current in start-up phase of electrical device 6.60...66.00 MΩ 0.01MΩ ±(3.5% m.v. + 5 digits)
(high frequency of sampling).
- AC voltage measurement (TRUE RMS) up to 750 V and DC up to 1000 V.
Capacitance measurement
- resistance measurement and continuity test: continuity test with acoustic signalling
(beeper) for resistance below 30 Ω. Range Resolution Accuracy
- capacitance measurement. 0.0...6.599 nF 0.001 nF ±(3.0% m.v. + 30 digits)
- temperature measurement (Fahrenheit or Celsius). 6.60...65.99 nF 0.01 nF ±(3.0% m.v. + 10 digits)
- frequency measurement.
66.0...559.9 nF 0.1 nF ±(3.0% m.v. + 30 digits)
- duty cycle measurement.
- diode test. 6.600...59.999 µF 0.001 µF
66.00...659.99 µF 0.01 µF
±(3.0% m.v. + 10 digits)
660...659.999 µF 0.100 µF
0.660...6.600 mF 0.001 mF
- safe, insulated measuring clamps (Ø 57 mm or 70 x 18 mm bus bar),
- autoranging,
Frequency measurement
- „DATA HOLD” function, for holding measured values,
- backlit LCD, Range Resolution Accuracy
- „DC ZERO” mode of measurement for DC current, possibility to zero the 10...65.99 Hz 0.01 Hz
display and reading relative actual value less stored „zero” value, 66.0...659.9 Hz 0.1 Hz
- „MAX/MIN” function,
0.660...6.599 kHz 0.001 kHz
- overrange indication, ±(0.1% m.v. + 5 digits)
- „AUTO-OFF” function after 30min. 6.60...65.99 kHz 0.01 kHz
66.0...659.9 kHz 0.1 kHz
Electric security: 0.660...1.000 MHz 0.001 MHz
- measurement category.......................................................CAT IV 600 V acc. to EN 61010-1
- casing protection class acc. to EN 60529.......................................................................IP20 Temperature measurement
Other technical data: Range Resolution Accuracy
- power supply........................................................................9 V battery type 6LR61 -20...0 °C ±(2.0% m.v. + 3 °C)
- display...........................................................................................6600 counts, backlit LCD 0...399 °C 1 °C ±(1.0% m.v.. + 2 °C)
- continuity test................................................................................................threshold 30 Ω
400...1000 °C ±(2.0% m.v. + 3 °C)
- diode test....................test current of 0.8 mA, typical; open circuit voltage 3.2V DC, typical
- low battery indication......................................................................................BAT displayed -4...31 °F ±(2.0% m.v. + 6 °F)
- overrange indication........................................................................................‘OL’ displayed 32..749 °F 1 °F ±(1.0% m.v. + 4 °F)
- temperature sensor..............................................................................type K thermocouple
750...1832 °F ±(2.0% m.v. + 6 °F)
- input MΩ (V DC i V AC)
- AC bandwidth......................................................................................................50...500 Hz
- auto power OFF....................................................................................................30 minutes Duty cycle measurement
- dimensions/weight.................................................281 x 108 x 53 mm/570 g (with battery)
- accordance with following standards.....................................EN 61010-1; EN 61010-2-032 Range Resolution Accuracy
5...95% 0,1% ±(2.0% m.v. + 10 digits)
Rated operational conditions:
- able to open the clamp:.................................................Ø 57 mm wire; 70 x 18 mm bus bar · frequency range: 40 Hz...20 kHz.
- operating temperature/storage temperature.......................................0...+50 °C/-20...+60 °C
- operating altitude................................................................................................max 2000m “m.v.”= measured value

Clamp meters

CMP-400, CMP-401 Index: WMXXCMP400 (CMP-400)
WMXXCMP401 (CMP-401)

Measurement of alternating voltage and direct voltage

Display Accuracy
range CMP-400 (AC) CMP-401 (AC) CMP-400, -401 (DC)
CAT III 400.0 mV 0.1 mV ±(1.5%m.v.+30digits) ±(1.5%m.v.+30digits) ±(0.8%m.v.+2digits)
600V 4.000 V 0.001 V
40.00 V 0.01 V ±(1.8% m.v. + 8 digits) ±(1.5%m.v.+5digits) ±(1.5%m.v.+2digits)
400.0 V 0.1 V
IP 40 600.0 V 1V ±(2.5% m.v. + 8 digits) ±(2% m.v. + 5 digits) ±(2% m.v. + 2 digits)

· frequency range: 50...400 Hz

Measurement of alternating current

Display Accuracy Accuracy
range CMP-400 CMP-401
4.000 A 0.001 A ±(2.5% m.v. + 12 digits) no range
40.00 A 0.01 A ±(2.5% m.v. + 8 digits) ±(2.5% m.v. + 8 digits)
Standard accessories 400.0 A 0.1 A ±(2.8% m.v. + 8 digits) ±(2.8% m.v. + 5 digits)
of the meters: · frequency range: 50Hz...60Hz

- Test leads (2 pcs) WAPRZCMP1 Measurement of direct current (CMP-401 only)

- K type temperature probe WASONTEMK
Display range Resolution Accuracy
- 9 V battery
- Case 40.00 A 0.01 A ±(2.5% m.v. + 5 digits)
400.0 A 0.1 A ±(2.8% m.v. + 5 digits)

Measurements: Measurement of resistance

- measurement of alternating current up to 400 A, Display range Resolution Accuracy
- measurement of direct current up to 400 A (CMP-401), 400.0 Ω 0.1 Ω ±(1.0% m.v. + 4 digits)
- measurement of direct and alternating voltage up to 600 V,
4.000 kΩ 0.001kΩ
- measurement of resistance and connection continuity test with acoustic signalling
40.00 kΩ 0.01 kΩ ±(1.5% m.v. + 2 digits)
of circuit continuity (for the value of resistance smaller than 50 Ω),
- measurement of temperature (Fahrenheit or Celsius), 400.0 kΩ 0.1 kΩ
- measurement of frequency, 4.000 MΩ 0.001 MΩ ±(2.5% m.v. + 3 digits)
- measurement of capacity (CMP-401 only), 40.00 MΩ 0.01 MΩ ±(3.5% m.v. + 5 digits)
- diode test.
“m.v.” = “measured value”.

Additional functions of the meters:

Non-contact neon lamp.
Safe, insulated measurement clamp.
Leakage current clamp meter mm
Reinforced, impact resistant enclosure. 30
Automatic selection of ranges with the capability of switching over to the manual
selection mode.
"HOLD" function, allowing for freezing the result on the display.
Index: WMXXCMP200
Backlit LCD.
Relative measurement function.
Indication of range overflow. CAT II
Other technical specifications:
- power supply of the meter................................................................. 6LR61 type 9 V battery
- display.........................................................................................4000 readouts, backlit LCD IP 40
- continuity test.........................................................I < 0.5 mA, acoustic signal for R < 50 Ω
- diode test......................................................................................I = 0.3 mA, U0 = 1.5 V DC
- indication of range overflow ..............................................................................."OL" symbol
- frequency of measurements................................................................2 readouts per second Measurement of alternating current up to 200 A:
- input impedance...............................................................................10 MΩ (V DC and V AC)
- clamp size...............................................................................opening approx. 30 mm (1.2") - high resolution (0.1 mA),
- auto-off timeout...................................................................................... approx. 30 minutes - 3 measurement sub-ranges: 200 mA, 2 A, 200 A.
- dimensions....................................................................................................197x70x40 mm
- weight.......................................................................................................................... 183 g
- compliance with standards..................................................... EN 61010-1, EN 61010-2-032 Measurement of current
- quality standard...................................................................................................... ISO 9001
Display range Resolution Accuracy
Nominal operating conditions: 199.9 mA 0.1 mA ±(5% m.v. + 8 digits)
- operating temperature.......................................................................................... 0...+40 °C 1.999 A 0.001 A ±(5% m.v. + 10 digits)
- storage temperature...........................................................................................-20...+60 °C 199.9 A 0.1 A ±(2.5% m.v. + 10 digits)
- operating humidity..................... max. 80% up to 31 °C decreasing linearly to 50% at 40 °C
- operating altitude .............................................................................................max. 2000 m


Clamp meter Additional functions of the meter:

Index: WMXXCMP1006 34mm
Safe, insulated measurement clamp.
Automatic selection of ranges with the capability of switching over to the manual
selection mode.
"HOLD" - freezing the result on the display.
Backlit LCD.
"DC ZERO" - relative measurement mode for direct current - capability of zeroing
the instrument at any moment and returning to the absolute measurement mode.
Capturing minimal and maximal values.

CAT III Indication of range exceedance.

Auto power-off.
Measurement of direct and alternating current (TRUE RMS)
IP 40
Display range Resolution Accuracy (DC) Accuracy (AC)
±(2.5% m.v. + 8 digits)
0...659.9A 0.1A ±(2.5% m.v. +5 digits)
for f=50...60Hz
±(2.8% m.v. + 8 digits)
* dokładność sondy typu K nie1Ajest uwzględniana
±(2.8% m.v. +8 digits)
for f=50...60Hz
Standard accessories of the meter:
- Test leads (2 pcs) WAPRZCMP1
Measurement of direct and alternating voltage (TRUE RMS)
- K type thermocouple WASONTEMK
- 9 V battery Display range Resolution Accuracy (DC) Accuracy (AC)
- Case 0...6.599V 0.001V
±(1.8% m.v. + 5 digits)
6.60...65.99V 0.01V ±(1.5% m.v. + 3 digits)
for f=50...60Hz
66.0...600.0V 0.1V

Measurements: Measurement of resistance

- measurement of alternating (TRUE RMS) and direct current up to 1000 A, Display range Resolution Accuracy
- measurement of initialmotor starting current (very high sampling 0.0...659.9Ω 0.1 Ω ±(1.0% m.v. + 4 digits)
frequency - INRUSH function).
0.660...6.599kΩ 0.001kΩ
- measurement of direct and alternating (TRUE RMS) voltage up to 600 V,
- measurement of resistance and connection continuity test with acoustic signalling 6.60...65.99kΩ 0.01 kΩ ±(1.5% m.v. + 2 digits)
of circuit continuity (for the value of resistance smaller than 40 Ω), 66.0...659.9kΩ 0.1 kΩ
- measurement of temperature (Fahrenheit or Celsius), 0.660...6.599MΩ 0.001 MΩ ±(2.5% m.v. + 3 digits)
- measurement of frequency,
6.60...66.00MΩ 0.01 MΩ ±(3.5% m.v. + 5 digits)
- measurement of duty cycle,
- diode test.

Measurement of frequency
Display range Resolution Accuracy
30.0...999.9Hz 0.1Hz ±(1.2% m.v. + 2 digits)
sensitivity: 30Hz...5 kHz: 10 Vrms min.
1.000...9.999kHz 0.001kHz 5kHz...15 kHz: 40 Vrms min.
10.00...15.00kHz 0.01kHz for 20...80% of duty cycle
Additional functions of the meter:
“m.v.” = “measured value”.
3½ digits LCD (max. 1999).
White light backlit display.
Internal diameter of clamp approx. 30 mm (1.2").
"HOLD" function, allowing for freezing the result on the display.
Other technical specifications:
- power supply of the meter................................................................ 6LR61 type 9 V battery
"MAX" function, allowing for capturing maximal values. - display........................................................................................ 6600 readouts, backlit LCD
Automatic power-off of an unused instrument. - continuity test................................................ threshold 40; measurement current < 0.5 mA
- diode test.................................................................... typical measurement current 0.3 mA
Reinforced, impact resistant enclosure. ....................................................................................... typical open circuit voltage < 3 V DC
- indication of low battery level.................................................. the 'BAT' symbol is displayed
- indication of range overflow ..............................................................................."OL" symbol
- frequency of measurements...................................... 2 readouts per second, nominal value
- INRUSH........................................................................................... integration time 100 ms
Other technical specifications: - temperature sensor............................................................................... K type thermocouple
- type of insulation...............................double, in acc. with EN 61010-1 and IEC 61557 - input impedance.............................................................................. 10 MΩ (V DC and V AC)
- power supply of the me....................................................... 2 AAA size 1.5V batteries - AC bandwidth........................................................................... 50...400 Hz (A AC and V AC)
- frequency of measurements......................................................2 readouts per second - auto-off timeout...................................................................................... approx. 25 minutes
- display..............................................................................LCD, 3½ digits (max. 1999) - dimensions................................................................................................... 229x80x49 mm
- dimensions..........................................................................................182x61x34 mm - weight.......................................................................................................................... 303 g
- weight of the meter (including batteries).............................................................225 g - compliance with standards..................................................... EN 61010-1, EN 61010-2-032
- auto-off idle timeout......................................................................approx. 15 minutes
- compliance with standards........................................... EN 61010-1, EN 61010-2-032
Nominal operating conditions:
Nominal operating conditions: - internal diameters of clamps.......................................................................... Ø = 34/52 mm
- operating temperature ........................................................................................ +5...+50°C
- operating temperature ............................................. 0...+30 °C (humidity up to 90%) - storage temperature........................................................................................... -20...+60°C
............................... 30...40 °C (humidity up to 75%), 40...50 °C (humidity up to 45%) - operating humidity.............................................................................. max. 80% up to 31°C
- storage temperature.................................................... -25...+60 °C at humidity <90% ......................................................................................... decreasing linearly to 50% at 40°C
- operating altitude .................................................................................. max. 3000 m - storage humidity ........................................................................................................ < 80%
- operating altitude ............................................................................................ max. 2000 m

Voltage testers

P-2, P-3
Index: WMGBP2 (P-2)
WMGBP3 (P-3)

Additional accessories of the testers:

S-2 case WAFUTS2 S-3 case for the transmitter WAFUTS3

LKN-710P transmitter (P-3) WMGBLKN710P
IP 65
Measurement of direct and alternating voltage
Range Resolution Accuracy (AC) Accuracy (DC)
Indication and measurement of direct and alternating voltages: 2.5...49.9V 0.1V ±(3% m.v. + 4 digits)
±(2% m.v. + 3 digits)
50...750V 1V ±(2% m.v. + 3 digits)
- indication on the LED bargraph: 12, 24, 50, 120, 230, 400, 690 V
(also operates without batteries),
- display of the measurement result on the LCD screen, Resistance measurement
- determining voltage: alternating or polarity of direct voltage.
Display range Resolution Accuracy
0...1999Ω 1Ω ±(3% m.v. + 8 digits)
Measurement of resistance and circuit continuity:
"m.v." = "measured value".
- display of the measurement result on the LCD screen,
- signalling for resistance < 400 kΩ. Other technical specifications:
- type of insulation................................................................ double, in acc. with EN 61010-1
- power supply of the meter................................... LR03 (size AAA) alkaline batteries (2 pcs)
Phase rotation indicator: - reaction time of the indicator...................................................................................... < 0.1 s
- frequency range for single-pole phase indicator................................................. 50...400 Hz
- indication of phase sequence for voltage > 100 V.
- accuracy of voltage indication......................................................... in acc. with EN 61243-3

Nominal operating conditions:

Single-pole phase determination:
- operating temperature......................................................................................... -10...+55°C
- indication with the use of the touch electrode, - operating frequency for voltage indication.......................................................... 15...400 Hz
- optical and acoustic signalling for voltage > 50 V. - maximal measurement current....................................................IS < 0.2 A/IS (5 s) < 3.5 mA

Residual current device test: Voltage detector

- testing RCDs of IΔn ≤ 100 mA.

Phase identification and phasing (P-3 only): Index: WMXXVT2

- determining phase at a given point in reference to some other point,
- capability of determining phase at a given point with the use of an additional - indicators: LED and audible beeper
- voltage range: 100~1000VAC (50/60Hz)
transmitter - no time limit related to the synchronisation of power system.
- category: category III - 1000V
- battery: 2 x 1.5V batteries (LR03)

DO The P series indicators allow for voltage

YOU measurement even with discharged batteries.

P-3 is the only indicator allowing for
KNOW phase identification.

Additional functions of the indicators:

Ø 2 mm/4 mm test probes.
Lighting of measurement place.
"HOLD" function - freezing the measurement result (P-2 only).

The instruments meet the requirements set forth by the standards:

EN 61010 (safety of measurement instruments)
IEC/EN 61243-3 (two-pole indicators)

Phase sequence testers
300V TKF-12, TKF-13 Index: WMGBTKF12 (TKF-12)
IP 42 WMGBTKF13 (TKF-13)

Standard accessories of the testers:

- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; black (TKF-13) WAPRZ1X2BLBB
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; red (TKF-13) WAPRZ1X2REBB
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,2m; yellow (TKF-13) WAPRZ1X2YEBB
- Pin probe with banana connector; black WASONBLOGB1
- Pin probe with banana connector; red WASONREOGB1
- Pin probe with banana connector; yellow WASONYEOGB1
- „Crocodile” clip K01; black WAKROBL20K01
- 9V battery (TKF-13)

TKF-12: Additional accessories of the testers:

- indication of phase sequence (field rotation direction) in networks of nominal - Triple phase socket adapter AGT-16P WAADAAGT16P
line-to-line voltages of 120...690 V AC with LEDs, - Triple phase socket adapter AGT-32P WAADAAGT32P
- operation in power systems of frequency 10...70 Hz,
- Triple phase socket adapter AGT-63P WAADAAGT63P
- indication of voltage presence in individual phases with the use of neon lamps,
- Triple phase socket adapter AGT-16C WAADAAGT16C
- power supply from the tested power system (for the max. voltage, continuous
- Triple phase socket adapter AGT-32C WAADAAGT32C
operation for up to 15 minutes),
- protection against erroneous indication of field rotation direction (indication - Carrying case S1 WAFUTS1
for connecting the instrument to three differing phases only).

TKF-13: TKF-12
- indication of phase sequence (field rotation direction) in networks of nominal
line-to-line voltages of 120...690 V AC with LEDs,
- operation in power systems of frequency 2...70 Hz,
- indication of voltage presence in individual phases with the use of neon lamps,
- indication of the motor rotation direction:
- in non-energised condition, with the test leads,
- non-contact, during the operation of the motor,
- detection of magnetic field presence,
- automatic power-off of the unused meter.

YOU TKF-13 tester allows for determining the motor
rotation direction both in non-energised condition
KNOW and non-contact, during the operation of the motor.

The instruments meet the requirements set forth by the standards:

EN 61010-1 (general requirements related to safety)
EN 61010-031 (particular requirements related to safety)
EN 61326 (electromagnetic compatibility)
EN 61557 (requirements for measurement instruments)
HD 60364-6 (performance of measurements - checking)
HD 60364-4-41 (performance of measurements - protection against electric shock)
EN 04700 (performance of measurements - rough-in inspection tests)

TKF-12 Other technical specifications:
- type of insulation................................................................. double, in acc. with EN 61010-1
Other technical specifications: - power supply of the tester..........................................................6LR61 alkaline battery (9 V)
- type of insulation................................................................... double, in acc. with EN 61010-1 - dimensions (including the holster, and without test leads)............................130x70x35 mm
- power supply of the tester........................................................from the tested power system, - weight, excluding batteries...............................................................................approx. 150 g
............................................................................................. up to 15 minutes for max. voltage - battery condition blinking period..........................................................................approx. 1 s
- dimensions (including the holster, and without test leads)..............................130x70x35 mm - auto-off timeout.............................................................................................. approx. 5 min
- weight without test leads....................................................................................approx. 200 g - warranty............................................................................................................... 36 months
- warranty................................................................................................................. 36 months
Nominal operating conditions: Nominal operating conditions:
- range of nominal line-to-line voltage..............................................................120...690 V AC - range of work line-to-line voltage................................................................... 120...760 V AC
- maximal operating line-to-line voltage.....................................................................760 V AC - SEM voltage range of motors............................................................................. 1...760 V AC
- frequency range.....................................................................................................10...70 Hz - frequency range....................................................................................................... 2...70 Hz
- operating temperature ........................................................................................ -10...+45 °C - operating temperature ........................................................................................ -10...+45 °C
- storage temperature............................................................................................ -20...+60 °C - storage temperature............................................................................................ -20...+60 °C

Industrial multimeter

Index: WMXXCMM40

Standard accessories:
- Test leads (2 pcs) WAPRZCMP1
- K type thermocouple WASONTEMK
- Case
- Watertight plug for socket protection (2 pcs)
- 9 V battery

Measurement of resistance
Display range Resolution Accuracy
400.00 Ω 0.01 Ω ±(0.3% m.v. + 9 digits)
4.0000 kΩ 0.0001 kΩ
40.000 kΩ 0.001 kΩ
CAT IV 400.00 kΩ 0.01 kΩ
±(0.3% m.v. + 4 digits)

600V 4.0000 MΩ 0.0001 MΩ

40.000 MΩ 0.001 MΩ ±(2.0% m.v. + 10 digits)

IP 67 Measurement of capacitance
Display range Resolution Accuracy
40.000 nF 0.001 nF
±(3.5% m.v. + 40 digits)
Measurements: 400.00 nF 0.01 nF
- direct and alternating (TRUE RMS) voltage, 4.0000 μF 0.0001 μF
- direct and alternating (TRUE RMS) current, 40.000 μF 0.001 μF ±(3.5% m.v. + 10 digits)
- resistance, 400.00 μF 0.01 μF
- frequency,
4000.0 μF 0.1 μF
- duty cycle, ±(5.0% m.v. + 10 digits)
- temperature, 40.000 mF 0.001 mF
- diode test.
Measurement of electronic frequency
Display range Resolution Accuracy

Additional functions of the meter: 40.000 Hz 0.001 Hz

400.00 Hz 0.01 Hz
Automatic or manual selection of ranges.
4.0000 kHz 0.0001 kHz
HOLD function, allowing for reading measurements in insufficient lighting 40.000 kHz 0.001 kHz ±(0.1% m.v. + 1 digit)
or in difficult to access places. 400.00 kHz 0.01 kHz
REL function, allowing for performing relative measurements. 4.0000 MHz 0.0001 MHz
MAX/MIN function. 40.000 MHz 0.001 MHz
Peak value hold function. 100.00 MHz 0.01 MHz unspecified value
Memory for 2000 measurement results. · Sensitivity: minimal effective value of voltage of 0.8 V at 20% to 80% of duty cycle
Acoustic signalling of circuit continuity (beeper). and < 100 kHz; minimal effective value of voltage of 5 V at 20% to 80% of duty cycle
and > 100 kHz.
Automatic power-off of an unused instrument.
4 3/4 digits display (max. 40000).

Other technical data:

- type of insulation........................................ double, in acc. with EN 61010-1 and IEC 61557
Measurement of direct and alternating voltage (TRUE RMS) - power supply of the mete................................................................. 6LR61 type 9 V battery
- diode test..................................................................................... I = 0.9 mA, U0 = 2.8 V DC
Display range Resolution Accuracy (AC) Accuracy (DC) - continuity test...................................................... I < 0.35 mA, acoustic signal for R < 35 Ω
400.00 mV 0.01 mV ±(1% m.v. + 40 digits) - indication of range exceedance.......................................................................... "OL" symbol
- peak factor........................................................................................≤ 3 for full 500 V range,
4.0000 V 0.0001 V
±(0.06% m.v. + 4 digits) ......................................................................................decreasing linearly to ≤ 1.5 at 1000 V
40.000 V 0.001 V - PEAK value............................................................................... captures peak values > 1 ms
±(1% m.v. + 30 digits)
400.00 V 0.01 V - frequency of measurements............................................................... 2 readouts per second
1000.0 V 0.1 V ±(0.1% m.v. + 5 digits) - input impedance........................................................................10 MΩ (V DC), 9 MΩ (V AC)
- display................................................................ LCD with bar graph, 4¾ digits (max. 40000)
· frequency range 50...1000 Hz. - number of results in memory........................................................................................ 2000
- dimensions................................................................................................... 187x81x55 mm
- total weight.................................................................................................................. 342 g
Measurement of direct and alternating current (TRUE RMS) - fuses................................................. range mA, μA: 0.5 A/1000 V high-speed ceramic fuse
....................................................................... range A: 10 A/1000 V high-speed ceramic fuse
Display range Resolution Accuracy - auto-off idle timeout............................................................................................ 15 minutes
400.00 μA 0.01 μA - compliance with standards..................................................... EN 61010-1, EN 61010-2-032
4 000.0 μA 0.1 μA for DC ±(1.0% m.v. + 3 digits)
40.000 mA 0.001 mA Nominal operating conditions:
400.00 mA 0.01 mA for AC ±(1.5% m.v. + 30 digits)
- operating temperature........................................................................................... 0...+40 °C
10.000 A 0.001 A - storage temperature............................................................................................-20...+60 °C
- humidity...................................... max. 80% up to 31 °C decreasing linearly to 50% at 40 °C
· 20 A: maximally 30 seconds with limited accuracy. - operating altitude............................................................................................. max. 2000 m



Index: WMXXCMM10

Standard accessories:
- Test leads (2 pcs) WAPRZCMP1
- K type thermocouple WASONTEMK
- 9 V battery

Measurement of resistance
Display range Resolution Accuracy
400.0 Ω 0.1 Ω ±(1,2% m.v. + 4 digits)
4.000 kΩ 0.001 kΩ ±(1,0% m.v. + 2 digits)
40.00 kΩ 0.01 kΩ
400.0 kΩ 0.1 kΩ ±(1,2% m.v. + 2 digits)
CAT II 4.000 MΩ 0.001 MΩ
600V 40.00 MΩ 0.01 MΩ ±(2,0% m.v. + 3 digits)

IP 40 Measurement of capacitance
Display range Resolution Accuracy
40.00 nF 0.01 nF ±(5.0% m.v. + 7 digits)
400.0 nF 0.1 nF
Measurements: 4.000 μF 0.001 μF ±(3.0% m.v. + 5 digits)
- direct and alternating voltage, 40.00 μF 0.01 μF
- direct and alternating current, 100.0 μF 0.1 μF ±(5.0% m.v. + 5 digits)
- resistance,
- capacitance,
- duty cycle,
Measurement of frequency
- temperature,
- diode test. Display range Resolution Accuracy
5.000 Hz 0.001 Hz
±(1.5% m.v. + 5 digits)
50.00 Hz 0.01 Hz
500.0 Hz 0.1 Hz
5.000 kHz 0.001 kHz
Additional functions of the meter: ±(1.2% m.v. + 3 digits)
50.00 kHz 0.01 kHz
Automatic or manual selection of ranges. 500.0 kHz 0.1 kHz
HOLD function, allowing for reading measurements in insufficient lighting 5.000 MHz 0.001 MHz
±(1.5% m.v. + 4 digits)
or in difficult to access places. 10.00 MHz 0.01 MHz
REL function, allowing for performing relative measurements. · sensitivity: minimal effective value of voltage 8 V.
Acoustic signalling of circuit continuity (beeper).
Automatic power-off of an unused instrument. Measurement of duty cycle
3⅞ digits display (max. 5000).
Display range Resolution Accuracy
0.1...99.9% 0.1% ±(1.2% m.v. + 2 digits)

· sensitivity: minimal effective value of voltage 8 V,

Measurement of alternating and direct voltage · impulse width: 100 μs - 100 ms,
· frequency range: 5Hz...150kHz.
Display range Resolution Accuracy ~ Accuracy =
400.0 mV 0.1 mV ±(1.5% m.v. + 70 digits) ±(0.5% m.v. + 2 digits)
4.000 V 0.001 V ±(1.2% m.v. + 3 digits)
40.00 V 0.01 V ±(1.2% m.v. + 2 digits) Other technical data:
±(1.5% m.v. + 3 digits) - type of insulation........................................ double, in acc. with EN 61010-1 and IEC 61557
400.0 V 0.1 V
- power supply of the meter................................................................ 6LR61 type 9 V battery
600 V 1V ±(2.0% m.v. + 4 digits) ±(1.5% m.v. + 2 digits) - diode test..................................................................................... I = 0.3 mA, U0 = 1.5 V DC
· input impedance: 7.8 MΩ, - continuity test........................................................ I < 0.3 mA, acoustic signal for R < 50 Ω
· frequency range 50...400 Hz. - indication of range overflow.......................................................................... "OL" symbol
- frequency of measurements.............................................................. 2 readouts per second
- input impedance...................................................................................... 7.8 MΩ (V AC/DC)
- display...................................................... LCD, readout 5000, including function indicators
Measurement of alternating and direct current - dimensions.................................................................................................. 138x68x37 mm
- total weight.................................................................................................................. 210 g
Display range Resolution Accuracy ~ Accuracy = - fuses........................................................................ range mA, μA: 0.5 A/250 V high-speed
400.0 μA 0.1 μA ±(1.5% m.v. + 5 digits) ±(1.0% m.v. + 3 digits) ..............................................................................................range A: 10 A/250 V high-speed
- auto-off idle timeout........................................................................................... 30 minutes
4 000 μA 1 μA
- compliance with standards.................................................... EN 61010-1, EN 61010-2-032
40.00 mA 0.01 mA ±(1.8% m.v. + 5 digits) ±(1.5% m.v. + 3 digits)
400.0 mA 0.1 mA
4.000 A 0.001 A
Nominal operating conditions:
±(3.0% m.v. + 7 digits) ±(2.5% m.v. + 5 digits) - operating temperature.............................................................. 0...+50 °C at humidity < 70%
10.00 A 0.01 A - storage temperature.............................................................. -20...+60 °C at humidity < 80%


Demonstration board




- IEC power cord WAPRZLAD230IEC

- Experimental plate

DB-Thermo demonstration board is an essential device for every

training on non-contact temperature measurement or thermal imaging.
DB-Thermo helps to understand emissivity effects of various materials
and material surface type effects which influence temperature measure-
DB-Thermo set includes a manual describing all infrared measure-
ment issues. The device is protected by a solid case with removable lid.

DB-thermo hot plate has 0.96 emissivity, also includes various

common material samples with different emissivity and matt or polished
surface. Correct temperature of the hot plate guarantees programmable
logic controller PLC. User has ability to set temperature from 40 °C to
60 °C which is displayed in real time on the LCD display.

Technical specifications:
- hot plate temperature range ............................................................................................40 °C to 60 °C EXPERIMENTAL PLATE
- power consumption ........................................................................................................max.: 250 VA
- accuracy of hot plate temperature measurement .........................................................................± 1%
- temperature display resolution ...................................................................................................0.1 °C
- temperature setting resolution ....................................................................................................0.1 °C Heat plate emissivity 0.96 - matt blacked aluminium (110 x 110 mm).
- hysteresis ...................................................................................................................................± 3 °C Emissivity of materials (plates 70 x 30 mm):
- temperature stabilization time ..................................................................................................< 3 min
- hot plate emissivity and dimensions ....................................................................0.96 - 110 x 110mm Emissivity
- copper, polished and matte ...............................................................................................70 x 30 mm Material: polished matt
- brass polished and matte ..................................................................................................70 x 30 mm Copper 0.05 0.51
- steel polished and matte ...................................................................................................70 x 30 mm
- laminate .............................................................................................................................70 x 30 mm Brass 0.05 0.54
- aluminum polished and matte ............................................................................................70 x 30 mm Steel 0.05 0.62
- chrome steel polished and matte .......................................................................................70 x 30 mm
Laminate 0.95 0.96
Aluminium 0.05 0.65
Electrical Safety:
- fuse protection .........................................................................................................................2 x 250V F1A Chrome steel 0.05 0.67
- thermal protection ................................................................................................................................75 °C

Other technical data:
- power supply ...................................................................................................................................230V AC

- display ........................................................................................LED, 4 digits (11mm) with graphical icons DB-THERMO demonstration board
- heating plate dimensions ........................................................................................................275 x 110 mm has built-in programmable driver, which monitors
- housing dimensions (W. / L. / H.) .................................................................................330 x 260 x 140 mm
- weight ........................................................................................................................................approx. 3 kg KNOW the temperature of heating plate.


Demonstration board

Index: WMGBDB1


IP 40

The DB-1 demonstration board allows for demonstrating

the performance of the following measurements:
Demonstration board DB-1
- short-circuit loop impedance in order to assess the condition of automatic
disconnection of supply,
- RCD parameters,
- resistance to earth, 1) Socket outlet 230 V.
- soil resistivity, 2) Additional PE socket.
- continuity of equipotential bonding,
- insulation resistance, 3) 230 V power supply status light.
- supply system voltage. 4) RCD.
This demonstration board allows for simulating typical defects and abnormalities
in consumer power systems.
5) Measuring socket.
6) TN system jumper.
7) TT system jumper.
Technical specifications of the DB-1 board 8) RE1 earth (ZW RE1).
and properties of individual functions: 9) Water pipe equipotential bonding jumper (ZW H2O).
10) RE2 earth (ZW RE2).
Short-circuit loop impedance:
- measurement of L-N short-circuit loop with impulse currents 11) Metering points P1, P2, P3, P4, P5.
up to 25 A and 60 ms, 12) RE1 earthing metering point (E1).
measurement of L-PE short-circuit loop with currents up to 20 mA.
13) RE2 earthing metering point (E2).
Measurement of RCD parameters (30 mA device): 14) Test lead sockets.
- measurement of the RCD trip time, 15) Abnormality selector switches.
- measurement of the RCD operating current,
- measurement of resistance to earth, 16) Soil type selector switch for measurements of soil resistivity.
- measurement of touch voltage.

Soil resistivity:
- measurement of resistivity for three kinds of soil
(14 Ωm; 300 Ωm; 6.2 kΩm).

Resistance to earth.
Measurement with the use of: DO
The DB-1 demonstration board allows
- the two-lead method,
- the three-lead method, for simulating various types of faults
- the four-lead method,
- the three-lead method and clamp, KNOW and abnormalities of a power system.

- the two-clamp method,

- a short-circuit loop meter.

Continuity of connections:
- measurement of equipotential bonding and connections of accessible parts. Other technical specifications:
Insulation resistance: - mains power supply.................................................................................................................... 230 V
- measurement of L-N insulation, - warranty............................................................................................................................... 24 months
- measurement of L-PE insulation, - dimensions.............................................................................................................. 405x300x140 mm
- measurement of N-PE insulation. - weight of the instrument................................................................................................ approx. 3.6 kg
- quality standard............................... preparation, design and production in accordance with ISO 9001
Measurement of voltage: - protection........................................................................................ 2 x T3,14A 250 V, or 2xF4A 250 V
- measurement of voltage in socket outlets. - power consumption..................................................................................................... approx. 15 mW
- RCD type........................................................................................................................30 mA AC type
Simulation of abnormalities:
- no continuity of earth conductor (RE),
- exceedance of safe voltage during the RCD measurement (UB),
- leakage current (IErr), Nominal operating conditions:
- too low L-N insulation resistance (RISO(L-N))
- operating temperature....................................................................................................... +10...+40 °C
- too low L-PE insulation resistance (RISO(L-PE))
- too high short-circuit loop impedance (ZL), - storage temperature........................................................................................................... -20...+60 °C
- humidity................................................................................................................................. 20...80%


Standard Programable Resistors

SRP-50k0-5TO Index: WMGBSRP50K05T0

SRP-50k0-10GO Index: WMGBSRP50K010G0

SRP-50k0-100GO Index: WMGBSRP50K0100G0

The SRP series standard programable resistors are a source of high resistances
About the software:
used as a reference equipment for calibration and check tests of analogue and
digital insulation resistance meters. SRP software is used for cooperation with the SRP series resistance calibrators
with a computer.
Resistance provided by the calibrator can be connected to an external voltage up to
The software is easy to use and is a useful tool for testing devices with the use of
5000 V (SRP-50k0-5T0) or 2500 V (SRP-50k0-10G0 and SRP-50k0-100G0) for calibrators. The calibrator must be connected to a computer through the USB
a prolonged time, if only current in the measuring circuit does not exceed 3 mA interface.
(SRP-50k0-5T0) or 1.5 mA (SRP-50k0-10G0 and SRP-50k0-100G0).

The required resistance is set by the user with the use of its touch keyboard or with Capabilities of the software:
the external PC application. Setting the required value is performed automatically - remote control of the calibrator,
- creating and saving automatic programs for checking tested devices,
thanks to the commutation of accurate resistance matrix. The controlling - enabling the calibrator keyboard lock and setting the time for switching
processor calculates the required combination of resistors, allowing for achieving over to suspend mode,
an appropriate accuracy of resistance. - changing display brightness and keyboard pressing sounds,
- selection of the software user interface language,
- updating calibrator software from a computer through the USB interface.
Standard accessories of SRP series calibrators:
- SRP software,
- Test lead with banana plug; 1,8m; 5kV; blue WAPRZ1X8BUBB
- Test lead banana plug; 1,8m; 5kV; red WAPRZ1X8REBB
- Shielded cable with banana plugs; 2,2m; red WAPRZ2X2BLBBE
- power supply cord
- calibration certificate

The calibrators are intended for operation in ambient temperature ranging from 10 to 30°С,
relative humidity ranging from 25 to 60% and atmospheric pressure ranging from 630
to 800 mmHg.

YOU SRP-50k0-5T0 allows for setting any resistance
within the range of 50 kΩ...5 TΩ for voltage up to 5 kV.
SRP-50k0-5T0 technical specifications:
Display range Resolution Accuracy
0.05...999.95 MΩ 0.05 MΩ
0.001...999.999 GΩ 0.001 GΩ 1.5 % s.v.
0.0001...5.0000 TΩ 0.0001 TΩ

•5TΩ = 5 000 GΩ = 5 000 000 MΩ = 5 000 000 000 kΩ = 5 000 000 000 000 Ω

SRP-50k0-10G0 and SRP-50k0-100G0 technical specifications:

Other technical specifications:
- power supply voltage.................................................................. 100...240 V AC (50/60 Hz)
Display range Resolution SRP-50k0-10G0
SRP-50k0-10G0 SRP-50k0-100G0
- maximal power consumption..................................................................................... 75 VA
50...20000 kΩ 50 kΩ 0.1% s.v. 0.05% s.v. - operating temperature range............................................................................... +10...30ºC
20050...100000 kΩ 50 kΩ 0.2% s.v. 0.1% s.v. - maximal current in the measuring circuit.............................................3mA (SRP-50k0-5T0)
100.1...200.0 MΩ 0.1 MΩ 0.2% s.v. 0.1% s.v. ..........................................................................1.5mA (SRP-50k0-10G0 and SRP-50k0-100G0)
- maximal operating voltage........................................................ 5000 V DC (SRP-50k0-5T0)
200.1...1000.0 MΩ 0.1 MΩ 0.5% s.v. 0.2% s.v.
.............................................................2500 V DC (SRP-50k0-10G0 and SRP-50k0-100G0)
1.001...2.000 GΩ 0.001 GΩ 0.5% s.v. 0.2% s.v. - long-term stability of resistors..................................................................................... < 1%
2.001...10.000 GΩ 0.001 GΩ 1.0% s.v. 0.5% s.v. - dimensions.............................................................................................. 540x450x200 mm
10.001...100.000 GΩ* 0.001 GΩ - 0.5% s.v. - weight............................................................................................................. approx. 16 kg
- max. altitude..............................................................................................................2000m
*- SRP-50k0-100G0 only; s.v. = “selected value”


Our customer is our partner!

Our meters are made according to latest SMT and THT technologies of ELECTRONIC MANUFACTURING
electronic assembly. Except manufacturing of measuring instruments we
also perform complex services of Surface Mount Technology and Through- SERVICES
Hole Technology.
Production line
We have selected a specialized team of design engineers who, with their determination ŕ ERSA-WAVE 330 wave soldering system (soldering in the nitrogen atmosphere)
and enormous potential, can come up with a perfect solution for you. ŕ 70 stands for manual and complementary mounting.

Purchase and logistics

With almost twenty years of experience in supply chain management, we absolutely
guarantee the top quality of materials and components used to fulfill every order, on-time
deliveries and attractive prices. By offering you a comprehensive service, we save your
time and money.

- electrical tests of printed circuit boards
- AOI (Automatic Optical Inspection)
- ion cleanliness testing (Ionograph)
- functional tests

For us production means quality, precision, time and – most of all – a perfectly fulfilled
order, in which a modern technology meets extensive knowledge.

Protective coats
Programmable selective coating (on any area of the PCB) with a protective varnish or
resin is performed automatically which increases capacity and saves precious time.


Production line
ŕ MPM MOMENTUM screen printer,
ŕ FUJI NXT automatic line
ŕ ERSA HOTFLOW2/20 reflow (soldering in the nitrogen atmosphere with addition
of residual oxygen).
ŕ ASYS transport line Packaging
ŕ DEK 265 Mk1 screen printer, Each part is carefully protected and packed according to the customer guidelines.
ŕ FUJI GL2 dispenser,
ŕ FUJI FCP-III-4000 high speed chip placer,
ŕ FUJI FIP-III universal automatic chip placer (additionally featuring acoplanarity check)
Servicing of components (assembly, disassembly) is offered as an extra service.

Quality and environment

Each order is fulfilled with utmost accuracy in a suitable environment (ion cleanliness
testing) to ensure the top quality of your product.

If you are interested in ordering

electronic assembly, please contact:

e-mail: phone: +48 74 85 83 851

mobile: +48 691 968 418 fax: +48 74 85 83 809

Worldwide distribution

Your distributor:
Wokulskiego 11, 58-100 Świdnica
Sales department:
tel.+48 74 / 85 83 860
fax +48 74 / 85 83 809

v. 2014-07

(C) Copyright Sonel S.A. 2014. All rights reserved. Sonel S.A. reserves the right to introduce changes to the described products without prior notification.
The present catalogue does not constitute a commercial offer under the Civil Code, and is published with no legal responsibility and for informational purpose only.

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