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Kistler Pliki Produktow Process Automation Nn188

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Process Instru-

mentation and

Measuring Systems
for Process Monitoring
and Quality Assurance
in Manufacturing,
Assembly and
Test Stands
Kistler –
Your Partner for Efficiency and Quality
Sensors and systems for measuring forces innovative yet cost-effective state of the
and torques, analyzing force-displacement art solutions.
and force-time characteristics, and docu- With a combined workforce of around
menting quality data during assembly and 850, the Kistler Group is the world market
product testing are just a few elements leader in dynamic measurement techno-
of the solutions for the sector provided logy. Twenty three group companies
by Kistler Instruments AG. From our worldwide and more than 30 distributors
headquarters in Switzerland, we sup- ensure close contact with the customer,
ply assembly and testing technology as individual application engineering support
well as specific sensors and monitoring and short lead times.
systems for combustion engines, automo-
tive engineering, plastics processing and
biomechanical engineering.
Kistler’s core competency lies in the devel-
opment, production and implementation
of sensors for pressure, force and accel-
eration measurement. Kistler electronic
systems and expertise used for condition-
ing measurement signals allow analysis,
control and optimization of physical pro-
cesses as well as enhancement of product
quality for the manufacturing industry.

Year after year the company invests 10 %

of its sales in R&D to facilitate technically
Process Monitoring for Enhanced Quality and Efficiency 4

Monitoring Assembly Processes

Benefits of Force and Torque Measurement for Assembly Processes 6
Optimal Process Monitoring with ControlMonitors 8
NC Joining Systems with Integral Force Monitoring 16

Kistler Measurement Technology

Basics of Piezoelectric Measurement Technology 18
Basics of Strain Gage Measurement Technology 27
Basics of Calibration 31
Accuracy Evaluation 36

Force and Torque Measurement in Practical Applications

Monitoring Press-Fit Processes 38
Testing Rotary and Spring-Loaded Switches 41
Cracking Force Measurement 44
Monitoring Assembly of Steering Columns 46
Monitoring Insertion Force to Protect PCBs 48
Fully Automated 100 % Testing of Gearboxes 50
Gearbox Endurance Test for Landing Flap Systems 52
Fast, Flexible and Firm Joining 54
Press Fitting with Extremely Small Forces 56
Other Force and Torque Applications in
Manufacturing, Assembly and Testing 58
Product Range and Details
Selection Criteria for Force Sensors 60
Selection Criteria for Torque Sensors 65
Kistler CAD Download Service 66
Selection Criteria for Charge Amplifiers 67
Selection Criteria for ControlMonitors and Monitoring Units 68

Measuring: Sensors 70

Amplifying: Charge and Measuring Amplifiers 112

Analyzing: Monitoring and 120

Documentation Systems

Manufacturing: Electromagnetic 132

NC Joining Systems

Connecting: Cables 138

Accessories 148

Technical Literature 168

Product Overview by Type Numbers 169 3
Process Monitoring for Enhanced Quality
and Efficiency
Precision and quality are imperative in Quality: The adherence to quality standards is of
industrial manufacturing. Stiffer com- The ultimate challenge for industry particular importance for processes such
petition necessitates optimization of all Many industrial segments such as auto- as the assembly of individual modules, as
motive, aerospace or medical engineer- it determines the perceived value of the
manufacturing processes and reduction of
ing consider quality assurance to be the finished product and hence the cost-effec-
production costs. At the same time, OEM ultimate challenge, the "decathlon of tiveness of the entire production process.
suppliers have to move towards zero- engineering". Precise tuning and flawless Identifying deviations immediately after
defect production to meet more stringent operation of a wide range of components individual production sequences allows
quality requirements. Integrated process from different manufacturers is of crucial prompt and specific corrective measures
monitoring and quality assurance are importance particularly in cars, aircraft and hence more accurate components
and medical equipment. Such complexity for greater overall efficiency. The sooner
therefore essential elements of modern
calls for comprehensive information on a fault is rectified the lower the product’s
automated manufacture. the quality of all products, assemblies and life cycle costs.
production processes. This information is
the cornerstone of well-documented qual-
ity assurance as required for certification
such as ISO/TS 16949.

Sensors and measuring systems: Kistler measuring systems play a key Kistler technology is therefore a critical
Key components for quality production role in achieving these objectives. Force factor in improving the quality of products
Consistent documentation of measure- and torque sensors in particular offer and cost-effectiveness of complex produc-
ment and test data as a means of ensuring insight into electronically visualized and tion processes.
reliable processes and product quality is documented production, assembly and
a prerequisite for efficient manufacturing test processes. On a wider scale, turnkey
of premium products. Suitable tests have electromagnetic NC systems combine join-
to be efficiently scheduled and integrated ing with related force monitoring. All in
into the manufacturing process. all, the comprehensive range of measuring
instrumentation enhances the precision,
repeatability, quality and reliability of
industrial operations. 5
Monitoring Assembly Processes

Assembly relies upon systematic applica-

tion of press-fit, joining and threaded
connection forces and torques measured
and monitored in real time. Product oper-
ating or actuation forces are then deter-
mined in the course of testing. Both tasks
can only be performed out on the basis of
reliable force and torque measurement.

With zero-defect production the main

objective of manufacturing, quality
assurance and monitoring requirements is
becoming increasingly exacting. For cost
reasons quality assurance is often inte-
grated directly into the workflow to allow
prompt rectification of process or quality
deviations. Post-production testing of
press-fit connections, for example, is often
scarcely possible without damage to the
finished product - yet another reason why
quality control has to be integrated into
the production process. More often than
not, assembly is a cyclical and therefore
a dynamic process. Force measurement
has been tried and tested as the most
appropriate method of monitoring such

Force monitoring during assembly The results can be used for rejecting de-
Plus Points of Monitoring Force
For reliable processing and quality testing, fective parts for post-production process-
and Torque
the forces (for example joining, press- ing or sorting them into tolerance classes.
+ Critical parameters in the assembly fitting or positioning) generated during
process assembly have to be documented and Force measurement is also used to protect
evaluated. Evaluation of the characteristic workpieces from overload. The introduc-
+ Easy, cost-efficient integration into force-displacement curve is the ideal way tion of force limits, for example, can be
the production process of assessing press-fitting processes. This useful for defining the maximum joining
involves plotting dependent variables such force. Press-fitting forces can be measured
+ Quick and easy segregation of good
as joining force and displacement to assess directly in the load path or indirectly as
and bad parts
their functional relationship. a function of strains in the frame of the
+ Easy documentation of process data machine.

+ Simple testing of product


Benefits of Force and Torque Measurement for
Assembly Processes
Joining systems with integral force The reliability of electrical connections
monitoring involving non-screw terminals can be
Electromechanical NC joining systems checked by measuring the insertion force
offer great flexibility, accurate position- or using a test connector. Rotational
ing, extremely high repeatability and movements in applications such as po-
accurately defined joining forces. They are tentiometers, spark plugs or cap screws,
increasingly supplanting hydraulic presses where a reliable and reproducible method
and joining modules, particularly in press- of measuring small torques is required,
fit applications. With its new generation can also be checked. Kistler reaction
of electromechanical NC joining modules torque sensors are ideal for this purpose.
Kistler offers a particularly compact and
precise system solution for a wide variety The resultant preload force is mainly de-
of force-displacement monitored press- pendent on the tightening torque. Kistler’s
fitting and joining tasks. piezoelectric torque sensors can extremely
accurately monitor and record the torque
curve of any screw connection made. By
preventing overloads and prior damage
to these connections, this ensures more
reliable, higher-quality products.

Quality assurance during

product testing
Force and torque measurement is not
only suitable for testing and monitoring
production processes, but can also be used
during automated production for checking
finished products and their functions, for
example in electric, electronic, mechanical
and mechatronic systems. For instance,
contact forces of plug and receptacle
connectors, operating forces of pushbut-
ton and other switches, ignition and other
rotary switches, cap screw torques and
torque characteristics of gearboxes and
motors can be used as quality criteria.
Torque-controlled screw connection Highly sensitive sensors from Kistler moni-
Like press fitting, screw connection is tor within very tight tolerances a very wide
one of the key methods used in assem- range of these compression and tensile
bly technology. Its most important use forces and torques, which with ongoing
is application of defined preloads. Most miniaturization are often minute.
modern mass-produced threaded connec-
tions are power assembled. As preloading
forces are usually measured indirectly as a
function of the tightening torque, torque-
controlled screw connection is the most
widespread approach in industrial manu-
facturing. Many threaded connections are Sensor Type 9215 with an outside front diameter of
tightened to controlled torque levels as only 5 mm at front for measuring minute forces. This
the most cost-effective solution. type of sensor makes it possible to scale down mini-
ature force plates and sensor arrays to a spacing of
7,5 mm for checking applications such as cell phone
keypads at just one test station 7
Monitoring Assembly Processes

Force and torque measurement can make Assembly operations such as joining and Robust instrumentation in production
assembly and testing processes more screw driving and related testing are often Integral process monitoring and quality
transparent. Recording force or torque made by automated production lines assurance are essential elements of mod-
and special machinery. As the production ern automated production. Identification
as a function of time, displacement or
sequence is often largely automated and of deviations immediately after individual
angle is an ideal method of monitor- the various machines unattended, the process steps allows prompt, targeted
ing, controlling and documenting such processes can only be monitored directly corrective measures that improve accu-
processes. Kistler ControlMonitors can be with some difficulty. Random checks of racy and cut costs.
used to display, evaluate and document the finished parts are the most widely
the resulting curves. used quality control method, as 100 %
monitoring of the workpieces in the course
of post-production quality control during
extremely short cycles is usually not consid-
ered cost-effective. As a result, production
defects are detected too late and in the
worst cases entire lots have to be scrapped.

Process Monitoring with ControlMonitors

CoMo View ®
CoMo Logic ®
Single-channel y(x)
Single-channel y(t) ControlMonitor with
ControlMonitor integral web server
and touch display

CoMo Sys ® CoMo Torque

Multichannel y(x) Single-channel M(ϕ) evaluation
measuring system* instrument for torque sensors

CoMo Net ®
Single-channel y(x)
ControlMonitor with
integral web server
*Only available in Germany

Consistent documentation of measure- Variety of evaluation tools for systematic Monitoring and documentation
ment and test data as a means of ensur- analysis Kistler offers a broad range of CoMo®
ing reliable processes and high-quality In addition to protecting machinery and ControlMonitors to meet these extensive
products is an essential requirement of tools with real-time thresholds, force and and varied measurement and documenta-
cost-effective manufacturing. However, torque measurement in process monitor- tion requirements. A common feature of
this demanding environment often takes ing is often also intended to separate all single- and multichannel CoMos is their
its toll on integral instrumentation. The good (OK) and bad (NOK) parts. The monitoring, evaluation and classification
sensors must withstand dirt and mechani- evaluation objects (EOs) used as criteria of sensor signals (force, torque or strain)
cal stresses yet remain sufficiently versatile are preferably specified on the basis of as a function of time or a second signal
and durable. Reasonable costs and the measurement curves of these two (displacement or angle) in accordance
convenient operation are just some of the categories. The EOs must be defined to with user-defined criteria. ControlMoni-
other basic requirements these systems reliably identify bad parts yet tolerate the tors are effective for a wide variety of
are expected to meet. standard deviation exhibited by their good product testing and quality assurance
counterparts. tasks in addition to process monitoring.
For example, the CoMo Torque uses input
torque and rotational speed to addition-
ally determine the power levels of driven
assemblies. 9
Monitoring Assembly Processes

User-defined functionality Easy calibration

Evaluation function Numerical process values
Monitoring plays a major role in improv- Transfer function accuracy of all ampli-
ing the quality and safety of industrial Entry/exit point
fiers (charge, displacement and strain
manufacturing processes. Kistler’s CoMo gage) are calibrated prior to delivery. All
family provides such functionality for each Point of intersection calibration values are stored in the device,
and every application. which can be recalibrated with an external
Maximum value y,x/y,t
End position y,x/y,t charge or voltage source. Kistler recom-
Process evaluation with up to twelve Difference ymax-ymin
mends recalibration at two-year intervals.
evaluation functions Maximum value y,x/y,t All devices are CE certified and comply
Minimum value y,x/y,t with EMC standards. Inputs and outputs
For process monitoring, the system allows
Gradient dy/dx, dy/dt are protected against electrostatic charges
combination of up to twelve differ-
Hysteresis dy, dx
ent evaluation functions such as boxes, (ESD) with varistors.
thresholds, end positioning, dy/dt or dy/ dy, dx Hysteresis
dx gradient, integral and hysteresis. It can
display the point of intersection with each Evaluation functions and process values
evaluation object as a trend or statistics
such as the mean, standard deviation, cp
or cpk value. The corresponding process
values can also be displayed and saved
in numerical form. A control signal for
the result of the process evaluation (OK/
NOK) is available at the interfaces (digital
outputs, Profibus DP or Ethernet).

Limit value monitoring in real time

Real-time thresholds can be set for mon-
itoring safety criteria such as overload
protection, or for actuating trigger signals
to control the process.

Typical force-displacement curve of Press-Fit

Evaluation with box functions process with evaluation box sequence
The box function is used to monitor the
behavior of the signal trace as to how it
enters or exits the box through the speci-
fied sides. The remaining sides must not
be touched. The maximum, minimum
or differential value is determined and
monitored within a box. The figure shows
the force curve for a bearing from force
application though the actual press-fitting
operation to the end position. The signal
race must pass through all of the boxes.
Other possible evaluation objects are end
position, thresholds, hysteresis, gradient
or integral.

Process Monitoring with ControlMonitors

Remote CoMo Operation and

diagnostics Services monitoring
via Internet data server

Ethernet TCP/IP

Control level

CoMo View for measuring,
operation and monitoring of
all measuring channels
CoMo Net PLC

j M (j)

dig. I/O

Field level

Integration of ControlMonitors into production network

PLC compatibility and internet capability The system can therefore be accessed and Data export to
The members of the CoMo family of operated from anywhere in the world. production data acquisition systems
ControlMonitors provide PLC compat- Remote maintenance and diagnostics al- The use of an existing network structure
ible, digital I/Os for embedding into the low prompt, expert, cost-effective on-site makes centralized storage of quality data
machine‘s control system. Some devices support and assistance whenever service is in large, complex production facilities
can also be networked via TCP/IP and required. Optional field level communica- much easier and is a significant cost ad-
Ethernet. All parameters can be set by tion via Profibus DP is also supported. vantage. Process values and measurement
means of a standard web browser via Eth- curves can be transmitted periodically
ernet on a PC or with the Kistler browser to the network data server. CoMo/data
(Applet Viewer), on a web terminal with server compatibility servicing is included
the Windows CE® operating system or on as standard.
an existing operating unit. Integral web
servers control the HTML operator pages.
Access rights for different menu levels for
operators, supervisors or service personnel
are password protected. 11
Monitoring Assembly Processes

CoMo Logic®
Single-Channel y(t) ControlMonitor

CoMo Logic is a single-channel y(t)

ControlMonitor with graphics display CPU
and charge input for monitoring time-
dependent measurands in manufacturing
processes. It is designed for monitoring
force/time characteristics of manual and
Digital I/O
automated assembly and test processes. CPU
Three real-time thresholds
CoMo Logic has three real-time thresh-
olds and an elementary post-cycle curve
Piezoelectr. sensor Charge amplifier Monitor force (y)
analysis function. Different operating
modes display the signal trace y(t) and
most peak values as a trend or numerical
display. For installation and adjustment Block diagram of CoMo Logic®
both the actual and the peak value can be CoMo Logic® at a Glance
displayed continuously and the sensitivity
adjusted during measurement. The device For more information on CoMo
is operated with the front panel controls Logic, please refer to page 121.
or with a PLC via the digital I/Os.

CoMo Logic consists of a measuring and a

CoMo Logic®
display unit, each controlled by a micro-
processor. The measuring unit (monitor)
scales the sensor signal and monitors the • Time-dependent measurement y(t)
signal characteristics at a sampling rate
of 10 kHz. Whenever defined real-time • Measurement and monitoring of
events occur in the cycle, such as thresh- · F(t) – force as a function of time
olds being exceeded, the associated digital · M(t) – torque as a function of time
outputs are set immediately. After the • Measuring ranges
cycle has been completed the curve is an- · FS ±50 … 500 000 pC
alyzed and the digital outputs assigned to
the corresponding post-cycle events set. • Three real-time thresholds
The measured values are then transferred • Graphical display of y(t) signal trace
to the display unit, which displays them in
graphical or numerical form depending on • Graphical display of trend of the last
the selected mode. A memory with 480 118 cycle peaks
measurements is available for displaying • Monitoring of up to 1 000 cycles per
the y(t) signal trace. minute

Optimal Process Monitoring with ControlMonitors

CoMo Net®/CoMo View® CoMo Net® and CoMo View® at a Glance

y(x) ControlMonitor with Integral
• Displacement-dependent y(x) or
Web Server
time-dependent y(t) measurement
• Measurement and monitoring of parameters such as:
As single-channel control servers with · F(t) – force as a function of time
web server functionality, CoMo Net and ∙ F(s) – force as a function of displacement
CoMo View are ideal for monitoring and ∙ M(t) – torque as a function of time
classifying industrial processes. ∙ M() – torque as a function of rotational angle CoMo Net®
· s(t) – displacement as a function of time
CoMo View is a multi-purpose Control- • 12 different evaluation functions can be combined for
Monitor with inputs for piezoelectric and monitoring, installation force, curve, gradient, hysteresis,
strain gage sensors, sensors with voltage blocking force and end position
output and potentiometric displacement
• Real-time thresholds for overload protection or
and angle sensors. Six PLC-compatible
speed control
digital I/Os allow integration into a ma- CoMo View® with integral
• Monitor up to 20 cycles per second 5,7" color touch screen
chine control system. The devices can be
display (320 x 240 pixels)
networked via TCP/IP and Ethernet. All • 16 sets of parameters
parameters (programming and visualiza-
• High-speed data transmission for logging process
tion) can be set with a standard web
browser via Ethernet on a PC or with • Off-line data transformation into XML, HTML, Text,
the Kistler browser (Applet Viewer), on a CSV with curve superimposition and Q-DAS formats
web terminal with Windows CE operating
• Incremental/absolute displacement/angle encoder
system or on an existing operating unit.
Intuitive operator guidance allows fast, • Profibus DP interface (optional) Terminal with 5,7" color
reliable setting up of the measuring pro- touch screen display
• Compact flash memory extension module (optional) (320 x 240 pixels)
cess. Real-time capability via digital I/Os
and fast process and curve data export
are essential monitoring features even CoMo View
during high throughput rates. A Profibus
DP interface is available as an option
10 MBit
(transmission rate up to 12 Mbaud). TCP/IP
CPU Ethernet Intranet/
CoMo View as Terminal for CoMo Net
CoMo View’s touch screen display allows CoMo Net PC/Web-
direct adjustment of almost all settings.
Working in a network with multichannel CPU Digital I/O
applications, CoMo View supports the
operation and visualization of up to 24 RS-232C
Compact flash Profibus DP slave (service/barcode)
additional CoMo Net devices. The termi- Profibus DP (opt.)
memory (opt.) (optional)
nal can be used in the most appropriate
location without having to lay unneces-
Piezoel. sensor Charge amplifier
sarily long signal and control connections
(Ethernet and power connection only). Monitor force (y)
Strain gage sensor Strain gage amplifier

displacement sensor Voltage amplifier
displacement (x)
Incremental/absolute Dis- Interpolation and
placement/angle eoncoder digitization electronics
For more information on
CoMo Net and CoMo View,
refer to page 122/123.
Block diagram of CoMo Net®/CoMo View® 13
Monitoring Assembly Processes

CoMo Sys® at a Glance CoMo Sys®

Multichannel y(x) Measuring System*
• Displacement-dependent y(x) or • 16 sets of parameters for each channel
time-dependent y(t) measurement
• Windows-based PC software with user
• Expandable to maximum of management and macroprogramming CoMo Sys is a modular system with up
7 measuring channels to seven measuring channels for force,
• Data storage on internal hard disk in
torque or pressure as a function of dis-
• Measurement and monitoring of CSV format or Q-DAS transfer format
· F(t) – force as a function of time placement or time.
• Comprehensive process logging
· F(s) – force as a function of
(measurement curve memory, statisti-
displacement CoMo View has inputs for piezoelectric
cal memory, export filter for Microsoft
· M(t) – torque as a function of time and strain gage sensors, sensors with
Excel and operational data acquisition
· M(j) – torque as a function of rotational voltage output and for potentiometric dis-
angle placement and angle sensors. These can
· s(t) – displacement as a function of time be flexibly tailored to the requirements of
various stations to be monitored in pro-
• 12 different evaluation functions can
duction systems. Sixteen parameter sets or
be freely combined for monitoring
applications can be stored in memory for
installation force, curve, gradient, hys-
each channel.
teresis, blocking force and end position
• Real-time thresholds for overload The integral PC allows convenient logging
protection or speed control of the processes. Real-time processing
• Monitors up to 20 cycles per second and subsequent evaluation are performed
on the same measuring channel, with
• Memory for the last 20 measuring visualization on an internal 6,5" TFT color
curves for error analysis CoMo Sys® display (640x480 pixels) or an exter-
nal monitor. With Windows-based PC
software CoMo Sys can be used to set up,
CoMo Sys
configure and manage projects.
Industrial PC
LPT For more information on CoMo
Sys, please refer to page 125.
Switch 10/100 MB PC/web-
CoMo Net Ethernet terminal

CPU Digital I/Os

Compact flash Profibus DP slave Profibus DP (opt.)
memory (opt.) (optional)

Piezoel. sensor Charge amplifier

Monitor force (y)
Strain gage sensor Strain gage amplifier

Potentiometric displace-
Voltage amplifier
ment sensor
displacement (x)
Incremental/absolute dis- Interpolation and
placement/angle encoder digitization electronics

*Only available in Germany Block diagram of CoMo Sys®

Process Monitoring with ControlMonitors

CoMo Torque CoMo Torque at a Glance

Evaluation Instrument for Torque Sensors
• Displacement- or time-dependent • Min.-/Max. determination and limit
M(t) and n(t) or j(t) measurement monitoring
The CoMo Torque allows synchronous • Correct display for measurand (torque, • Software and hardware trigger func-
acquisition of torque and speed signals speed, rotation angle, force and me- tions
of rotating strain gage torque sensors chanical power)
• USB or RS-232C serial data transfer
Types 4501A... to ... 4504A... . • Units: N∙mm, N∙cm, N∙m, kN∙m, N,
• Integration with SensorTool
kN, rpm, W, kW, MW, degrees and
(PC software)
CoMo Torque is ideal for industrial and Imperial/American units
R&D applications. Strain gage sensors • Normalized analog outputs
• 4x20 character display
with standardized sensitivity or voltage/
frequency output can be connected • Multilingual operator guidance
• High measuring accuracy of <0,05 %

The ease with which parameters can be • High sampling rate of 10 kHz
set enables the CoMo Torque to be used • Low-pass filter (off, 1 Hz … 5 kHz)
for evaluating torque/speed or torque /
rotation angle measurements in manufac- • Measurement memory with up to
turing. Its intuitive menu system allows 5 000 measured values per channel
rapid reconfiguration for new measure- CoMo Torque

ment and test tasks. All functions, such as

taring, saving of peak values, averaging,
specifying limits, display range, units and For more information on CoMo
interface parameters, are easily set. Torque, please refer to page 126.

The unit has a very wide variety of

industrial applications:
CoMo Torque
• Determination of the performance of
driven assemblies from input torque Display
and speed
• Design of transmission components
Keypad CPU
or systems (such as clutches, brakes,
gearboxes, engines and turbines) USB

• Monitoring of screw driving or

verification of breakover point of Flash memory
torque wrenches
• Monitoring of assembly through
Digital I/Os
evaluation of torque and rotation CPU
Analog outputs
• Checking of seat adjustments and
Strain gage sensors Strain gage amplifier

Active torque sensors Voltage amplification

Torque/rotation angle Digitization electronics


Block diagram of CoMo Torque 15
Monitoring Assembly Processes

Integration of process monitoring into forces leaves considerable machine design At a Glance
automated manufacture is a desirable freedom. The toolholder is designed as
an individually usable flange. With its Electromechanical NC joining systems
goal. Force-displacement monitoring is a
electromechanical NC joining modules are synonymous with:
tried and tested approach recommended
Kistler offers a particularly compact and • Compactness
for joining and press fitting. The various precise system solution for a wide variety • Ease of installation
benefits of electromechanical NC joining of force-displacement monitored press-fit • Very low-maintenance operation
systems with integral force monitoring and joining tasks.
mean they are increasingly supplanting They offer
Integral piezoelectric force monitoring • Great versatility
presses and hydraulic systems. For up to
The electromechanical NC joining sys- • Exact positioning
300 kN Kistler offers a comprehensive
tems NCFH Type 2151B… with integral • Extremely high levels of repeatability
selection of such joining systems - rang- • Accurately defined press-fitting forces
piezoelectric force sensors are particularly
ing from a compact individual module up compact. They rely on a special AC hol-
to a complete manufacturing solution in low-shaft motor mounted directly around and bring the user
the form of a manual workstation with the actual spindle drive. The spindle drive • Substantial energy savings
connected to the ram of the press trans- • Higher process reliability
integral joining station.
lates straight along the axis of rotation • Improved product quality
of the motor and is actuated directly by • More cost-effective production

In addition to less environmental impact, the spindle nut. This eliminates gearing
a more favorable energy balance, com- and belts and the positioning and control
pact design, ease of installation and very discrepancies caused by their slippage.
low-maintenance operation, it is primarily Their unrivalled shortness and compact-
ness makes the NCFH modules suitable Plus Points of Electromechani-
production advantages that make an elec- cal NC Joining Systems
tromechanical system the obvious choice even for under-bench mounting. From an
for the system designer. These include overall length of just 475 or 795 mm, they + High speeds up to 300 mm/s
flexibility, exact positioning, extremely offer a stroke of 200 or 400 mm, which
enables deep end points, such as bearings + Force control system
high repeatability and accurately defined
joining forces. in half-shell gearboxes, to be reached. + Dynamic operation
+ Integral force-displacement
Even for a long idle stroke, the high speed monitoring
offers a quick return stroke and hence
short machine cycle. Standard avail-
ability of both tensile and compression Electromechanical NC joining systems from Kistler
cover full range of forces from 300 kN

0,25 1

Type 2157A... NCFT 1

1 10
Type 2151B... NCFH 10

15 30 60
NCFH 30/60

Type 2151B... 100

NCFN 100
NCFN 200
Type 2153A...
NCFN 300


Type 2152A...
0,1 1 10 100 1 000
Tensile or compression force range [kN]

NC Joining Systems with Integral Force Monitoring

Overload-resistant piezoelectric force

Universal Manual Workstations
measurement in just two sizes of mod-
with NC Joining Systems
ules to cover the wide measuring range
between 1 ... 60 kN – small for up to Electromechanical NC joining systems
10 kN and large for up to 60 kN. The are also available in complete worksta-
force signal employed by the force- tions. These universal manual work-
displacement monitoring system is used stations from Kistler can be operated
to control movement involved in highly on a standalone basis, or with force-
specialized joining operations. The force displacement or force-time monitoring
control system increases the applica- in a multistage assembly process using
tion versatility of the electromechanical handling, feed and discharge systems.
NC joining system. Spring elements,
for example, can be loaded to specific Ten models up to 300 kN
values or their displacement continuously The manual workstations are compact
monitored. and designed for use in development,
prototyping or small-scale produc-
tion. Dimensions and processes can
Two central lubrication points for guide
be customized. A total of 10 standard
and bearing ensure very low-mainte-
models span a very wide measuring
nance operation. The threaded spindle
range from 0,25 kN to 300 kN. This
drive is permanently lubricated. As the
comprehensively covers the require-
active deflection compensation system Mounting station in German automotive factory with
electromechanical NC joining module NCFH ments of sectors from watchmaking
eliminates the effect of bending of the
to stamping truck bodies. Alternatives
spindle and customer‘s assembly, the po-
carefully tailored to customers‘ needs
sitioning accuracy is no longer influenced
are also available.
by the force.

Benefits of Piezoelectric Force Plus Points of Electromechanical

Measurement NCFH Joining Systems
• Single electromechanical NC joining + Gearing eliminated by hollow-shaft
module covers large number of mea- motor design
suring ranges
+ Hollow-shaft motor mounted directly
• Presetting of "correct" measuring around threaded spindle drive
range unnecessary
+ Long spindle stroke yet compact size
• Low sensitivity to disturbance
+ Active deflection compensation
• Wide variety of parts on a station
+ Force control system
makes mixed production feasible on
single machine + Standard holding brake

• Overload factor of up to 15 + Highly dynamic operation

• Cuts spare parts inventory and design + Ideal for under-bench mounting
• Rigidity ensures highly dynamic
For more information on electro-
mechanical NC joining systems,
please refer to page 132. 17
Kistler Measurement Technology

Kistler supplies piezoelectric, piezoresis- exploitation of an effect that had been The Piezoelectric Effect in
tive, capacitive and strain gage sensors. known for decades. The development of
highly insulating materials such as Teflon® Detail
Piezoelectric designs are particularly
and Kapton® significantly improved the
suitable for measurement imposing
performance of these measuring systems The term "piezoelectricity" refers to
extreme requirements in terms of geom- and propelled the use of piezoelectric a linear electromechanical interaction
etry, temperature range and dynamics. sensors into virtually all areas of modern between the mechanical and electri-
Kistler therefore relies mainly on the technology and industry. cal state of anisotropic crystals that is
piezoelectric principle for measuring those without a center of symmetry with
dynamic forces in assembly and testing. Most Kistler sensors rely on a quartz force lattice structure. These crystals have
link, which basically consists of thin quartz one or more polar axes along which the
plates, disks/washers or rods. The sensor piezoelectric effect occurs as a result of
Piezoelectric (derived from the Greek is connected to an electronic device for an external force deforming the crystal
piezein, which means to squeeze or press) converting the charge signal into a voltage lattice and pushing its positive and nega-
materials generate an electric charge when signal proportional to the mechanical force. tive elements against one another. This
subjected to mechanical load. Pierre and The conversion is made either by means of produces an electric dipole moment.
Jacques Curie discovered the piezoelectric a separate charge amplifier or an imped-
effect in 1880. As electric charges do not ance converter with coupler, which is usu- Depending on the orientation of the axes
readily lend themselves to experimen- ally integrated into the sensor. with respect to the applied force, three
tal research, piezoelectricity only gained
different effects can be discerned:
practical significance in the middle of the The finite insulation resistance does not
20th century. With the help of so-called permit truly static measurement with • Longitudinal
electrometer amplifiers, the charge pro- piezoelectric sensors. Nonetheless, used in • Shear
duced by piezoelectric material could then combination with suitable signal condition- • Transverse
be converted into a proportional electric ers, piezoelectric sensors offer excellent
voltage for the very first time. quasistatic measuring properties.

In 1950, Walter P. Kistler received a pat-

ent for the very first charge amplifier for
piezoelectric signals, paving the way for

Basics of Piezoelectric Measurement Technology

Longitudinal effect
A charge is developed on the surfaces to Unloaded crystal Crystal under load
which the force is applied, where it can be
measured. In the case of the longitudinal
piezoelectric effect, the magnitude of the Principle of the
electric charge Q depends only on the longitudinal
applied force Fx and not on the dimen- piezoelectric effect
sions of the crystal disks. The only way to
increase this charge is to connect several
disks mechanically in series and electrically
in parallel. The magnitude of the output
charge then becomes:

Qx = d11 · Fx · n

The piezoelectric coefficient d11 is de- Crystal

pendent on direction and indicates the disk
Potential for increasing
crystal’s degree of force sensitivity in
the charge output
the direction of the corresponding axis.
The position of the crystal cut therefore
determines the properties and the area of
application of the quartz force link. Piezo-
electric elements cut to produce the longi-
tudinal effect are sensitive to compression
forces and therefore suitable for simple
and sturdy sensors for measuring forces.

Shear effect
Similarly to the longitudinal effect, the
Unloaded crystal Crystal under load
piezoelectric sensitivity involved in the
shear effect is independent of the size
and shape of the piezoelectric element.
The charge is also developed on the piezo Principle of the
element’s loaded surfaces. In the case shear effect
of a load in the x-direction applied to n
elements connected mechanically in series
and electrically in parallel, the charge is:

Qx = 2 · d11 · Fx · n

Shear-sensitive piezo elements are used

for sensors measuring shear forces,
torque and strain. They are suitable for Direction of
manufacturing sensors whose excellent applied force
performance is unaffected by temperature
changes, as the changes in the stresses in
the sensor structure caused by changes in z
the temperature act in a direction perpen-
dicular to the sensitive shear axis.

d11: piezoelectric coefficient Fx: force in x-direction

( – 2,3 pC/N for quartz crystals) n: number of crystal disks 19
Kistler Measurement Technology

Transverse effect
In the transverse effect, a force Fy in the Unloaded crystal Crystal under load
direction of one of the neutral axes y
produces a charge on the surfaces of the
Principle of the
corresponding polar axis x. In contrast to
the longitudinal piezoelectric effect the
magnitude of this charge, which occurs
on unloaded surfaces, is dependent on
the geometry of the piezoelectric element.
Assuming element dimensions a and b,
the charge is:

Qy = –d11 · Fy · b/a

The transverse effect therefore makes

it possible to obtain a greater charge
through suitable shaping and alignment
of the piezoelectric elements. Elements
exhibiting this effect can be used for
high-sensitivity pressure, strain and force

Possible cutting angles in the quartz

Quartz as a piezoelectric material The high natural frequency of the quartz
Piezoelectric materials for sensor ele- element is advantageous for measuring
Transverse cut ments must primarily exhibit very high instantaneous dynamic processes. Virtually
mechanical strength and rigidity. Another displacement-free measurement produces
requirement is stability of the mechani- minimal measuring errors when measuring
cal and electrical properties across a wide slow, quasistatic phenomena.
temperature range and for long service
periods. High sensitivity, good linearity, The extraordinary stability, sturdiness and
negligible hysteresis that is the rising and compactness of quartz sensors has led to
falling calibration curves are identical and them being used not only in research and
high electrical insulation resistance are also development, but also more widely for
Shear cut advantageous. industrial production and testing.

In meeting all these requirements quartz

is ideal for sensors. It can be synthesized
and has other qualities beneficial for
measurement. A synthetic quartz element,
for example, can be used in temperatures
of up to 400 °C. Quartz can be cut at
different angles to exhibit sensitivity to
compression or shear forces, depending
on which of the three piezoelectric effects
is to be used.

The quartz crystal produces a charge

signal proportional to the acting force.
Due to the high rigidity of the crystal, the
measurement displacement is low, usually
in the range of a few micrometers.

Basics of Piezoelectric Measurement Technology

Quartz at a Glance Force Sensors, Strain Sen- the cover plate in a welded case. The
electrode located between the two quartz
Quartz has excellent properties for use sors and Torque Sensors disks receives the measurement signal and
as a force link: transmits it to the connector. Load washers
Quartz disks with piezoelectric properties are sturdy and highly versatile in applica-
• High permissible surface pressure can be stacked in sensors to allow the mea- tion. Their central hole allows easy integra-
of 150 N/mm2 or more surement of one or more force components tion into various structures in a variety of
• Withstands temperatures or a torque vector. Kistler offers the follow- different configurations and preloading by
up to 300 °C ing piezoelectric sensors for application in means of a screw.
assembly and product testing:
• Very high rigidity
• Single-component force sensors Preloaded between two special nuts, the
• High linearity • Multicomponent force sensors washer forms what is termed a force link.
• Strain sensors The preloaded sensor is ideal for measuring
• Negligible hysteresis
• Torque sensors compression and tensile forces, for ex-
• Virtually constant sensitivity across ample in rod assemblies. Preloaded sensors,
wide temperature range Single-component force sensors which are supplied calibrated, are easy
• High frequency range Single-component force sensors, which mounting for immediate use. Sensors for
are available in different types, are par- measuring small forces have an essentially
• Withstands almost unlimited number ticularly suitable for measuring forces in different design. Slender quartz rods are
of load cycles. a specified direction. One variant is the mounted under preload between the parts
so-called load washer, which is ideal for used to introduce the force. Compared
practical applications. with the quartz rings used in load washers,
Two lightly preloaded quartz disks are the piezoelectric transverse effect in these
Direct and indirect measurement sandwiched between the base plate and slender quartz rods significantly increases
Kistler quartz sensors are suitable for the sensitivity.
direct and indirect force measurement. For
direct measurement the sensor is mounted
Multicomponent force sensors
right in the path of the force and mea-
The piezoelectric measuring principle is
sures the total force. This method delivers
also ideal for the manufacture of multi-
very exact measurement results, which
Load washer component force sensors. The design of
are almost independent of the force ap-
the sensor is similar to that of a single-
plication point. In cases where the sensor
component load washer. A pair of quartz
cannot be positioned directly in the path
washers cut for the longitudinal effect
of the force, it will measure only a fraction
measures the normal component Fz, while
of the total force, while the remainder
each of two additional pairs of washers
passes through the structure in which it is
cut for the shear effect measures one of
mounted, the so-called force shunt. With
the two shear components (Fx and Fy).
indirect force measurement, strain sensors
As shear forces can only be transmitted by
are used to indirectly measure the process
means of static friction, multicomponent
force via the structural strain. Quartz force link force sensors must always be under a
sufficiently high mechanical preload when
For more information on this mounted.
topic, please refer to page 24
onwards. Multicomponent force sensors are usually
not used alone, but are mounted in a
group of three or four of similar sensitivity
in what is called a dynamometer or force
Sensor for small

For more information on single-component

force sensors, please refer to page 71 onwards. 21
Kistler Measurement Technology

The components of the resultant force or subtracted as required. Most Kistler Torque sensors
acting on a dynamometer are proportional dynamometers and force plates are suitable The torque vector is measured by sensors
to the algebraic sums of the corresponding for both three-component force measure- containing several shear-effect quartz
components of the individual forces gen- ment and six-component force-moment disks in a circular arrangement. The shear-
erated as a result of parallel arrangement. measurement. sensitive crystal axes of the quartz disks
A dynamometer is therefore nothing but a are tangential to the circle. The external
multicomponent force sensor that mea- Strain sensors shape of torque sensors is similar to that
sures the three components of the force Strain sensors determine the process of single-component load washers. In
independently of its point of application. In forces indirectly from the surface or struc- order to allow transmission of the shear
order to determine the three components tural strain. Kistler strain sensors convert forces by means of static friction, the
of the resultant moment as well, the indi- strain into proportional force and generate quartz disks must be mounted under high
vidual sensor signals need to be added a corresponding charge signal. mechanical preload. Torque acting on the
sensor generates tangential shear stresses
in the quartz disks. As all quartz disks are
connected electrically in parallel, the total
output signal is proportional to the torque
acting on the sensor.

Torque sensors are used in applications

such as quality testing of rotary switches.
Stationary torque dynamometers are ideal
3-component force sensor for testing pneumatic screwdrivers.

Surface strain sensor for indirect

force measurement

3-component force link

Transverse measuring pin Torque sensor

Multicomponent dynamometer with four integral Longitudinal

force sensors measuring pin Reaction torque sensor

For more information on multi- For more information on strain For more information on torque
component force sensors, please sensors, please refer to page 99. sensors, please refer to page
refer to page 88. 104.

Basics of Piezoelectric Measurement Technology

Charge Amplifiers
Charge amplifier
Charge amplifiers convert the charge
produced by a piezoelectric sensor into a
proportional voltage, which is used as an
input variable for monitoring and control
processes. A charge amplifier basically
consists of an inverting voltage amplifier
with high open-loop gain and capaci- Sensor Cable
tive negative feedback. It has a metal
oxide semiconductor field effect transis-
tor (MOSFET) or a junction field effect
transistor (JFET) at its input to create the
necessary high insulation resistance and Q
ensure a minimum of leakage current.
Neglecting Rt and Ri, the resulting output
voltage becomes:
Uo = Output voltage Rt = Time constant resistance
A = Gain (or insulation resistance of range capacitor)
-Q 1 Ct = Sensor capacitance Ri = Input insulation resistance
Uo =
· 1
1 + AC (Ct + Cr + Cc )
Cc = Cable capacitance
Cr = Range or negative
(cable and sensor)
Q = electric charge yielded by the
r feedback capacitor piezoelectric element

If the open-loop gain is sufficiently high,

the quotient 1/ACr will approach zero. Block diagram of a measuring chain

The cable and sensor capacitance can

therefore be neglected, leaving the output Time constant and drift relatively slowly towards the negative
voltage dependent only on the input Two of the more important considerations or positive limit (MOSFET: <±0,03 pC/s,
charge and the range capacitance. in the practical use of charge amplifiers JFET: <±0,3 pC/s). This determines the
are time constant and drift. The time potential duration of quasistatic measure-
constant τ is defined as the discharge time ment and is independent of the selected
Uo = of a capacitor by which 1/e (37%) of the measuring range.
Cr initial value has been reached. The time
constant of a charge amplifier is deter- Frequency and time domain
The amplifier acts as a charge integra- mined by the product of the capacitance The time constant affects the time domain
tor that constantly compensates for the of the range capacitor Cr and the time as well as the frequency range. It deter-
sensor’s electrical charge with a charge of constant resistance Rt: mines the lower cut-off frequency fu = ½
equal magnitude and opposite polar- πτ at an amplitude attenuation for sinu-
ity on the range capacitor. The voltage τ = Rt∙Cr soidal signals of 3 dB (30 %). The longer
across the range capacitor is proportional the time constant, the better this frequen-
to the charge generated by the sensor Drift is defined as an undesirable change cy and the longer the usable measuring
and therefore proportional to the acting in the output signal over a long period of time. For quasistatic measurement during
measurand. In effect, the charge amplifier time that is not a function of the measu- assembly and testing, the longest possible
converts an electric charge input Q into rand. Even the best MOSFETs and JFETs time constant is always selected.
an easily usable proportional output volt- have leakage currents (MOSFET: Il <10 fA,
age Uo. As most Kistler charge amplifiers JFET: Il < 100 fA), which are the main cau-
allow adjustment of sensor sensitivity and se of drift. If the input insulation resistance
measuring range, the measured value is Ri is too low, it can cause additional drift.
displayed directly in mechanical units of However, as long as the input insulation
the measurand and the output signal is resistance in the negative feedback circuit
an integer multiple of the measurand. is sufficiently high (>1013 Ω) and no ad-
ditional time constant resistor is connected
in parallel, the charge amplifier will drift 23
Kistler Measurement Technology

Force can be measured directly in the Direct Force Measurement Direct Measurement at a Glance
path of the force of a split component,
in Path of Force The sensor is mounted directly in the
in the force shunt mode or indirectly as
load path and measures the entire
a function of strain. With direct force
process force.
measurement, the entire process force Direct force measurement necessitates
splitting the component or member Advantages:
passes through the sensor, while with
perpendicular to the load path to allow
the force shunt mode, the sensor only mounting of the calibrated force sen- • High sensitivity
measures part of this force. Strain sensors sor. The mounted sensor therefore has • High measuring accuracy
measure the process force indirectly as a to meet the component‘s strength and
rigidity requirements. The sensors used • High repeatability
function of strain on the surface or inside
the structure of machinery. for direct force measurement are usually • Good linearity and low hysteresis
calibrated and preloaded prior to mount-
• Wide range of preloaded, easy
ing, as installation does not affect their
mounting, calibrated sensors
All elements through which part of the force shunt. Direct force measurement
process force can pass in addition to the with calibrated and preloaded sensors is
sensor form a force shunt n. Force shunts used wherever absolute force measure- Disadvantages:
are also created by preloading elements, ment is required and calibration of the
• Interference from acceleration forces
which are installed for direct measure- system after mounting is not necessary,
when sensors are installed in moving
ment, but in most of these cases the shunt such as monitoring of joining forces or
is less than 10 %. Measurement in the measurement of small forces during prod-
force shunt mode exploits this effect. The uct testing. • Alteration of strength or rigidity of
sensor is mounted so it only measures a machine
fraction of the process force. The bulk • Possible restriction of workspace
of the process force passes through the
machine structure. This approach allows
measurement of forces greatly exceed-
ing the measuring range of the sensor. As
strain sensors only measure a negligibly
small fraction of the process force, the
force shunt created during indirect mea-
surement is usually 99 % or more. If the
force shunt is changed, calibration of the
sensor must always be repeated, irrespec-
tive of the type of installation or sensor.

Measuring Methods at a Glance

Direct measurement in the path of the
The entire process force passes through
the sensor (n <≈ 10 %).

Force shunt measurement

A fraction of the process force passes
through the sensor
(force shunt n ≈10 ... 99 %).

Indirect force measurement

Only a negligible part of the process
force passes through the sensor
(n >>99 %).

Basics of Piezoelectric Measurement Technology

Force Shunt Measurement Another benefit of force shunt measure- monitoring presses. It should be noted
ment is a high level of protection against that the mounting configuration and the
overload. In order to deliver absolute point of force application affect not only
Sensors are often mounted in a force values, sensors mounted in a force shunt the sensitivity of the sensor but also its
shunt configuration when large forces configuration always need to be cali- linearity and hysteresis.
need to be measured or the sensor brated after mounting. As the sensitivity
cannot be mounted directly in the force is determined by the force shunt, and this
path. As the sensor then only measures in turn depends on the point of applica-
Force Shunt Measurement at a
part of the process force and the re- tion of the force, calibration only remains
mainder passes into the force shunt, the valid while the force shunt remains
measuring range can usually be narrower unchanged. Force shunt measurement The sensor is mounted in the structure
than that required for direct measure- is therefore the preferred method of of the machine and most of the process
ment and hence the solution more cost measurement for applications with a force usually passes into the force
effective. fixed point of application, for example for shunt.


• Overload protection
• Cost-effective construction
• Measurement of process forces up
to 100/(100-n) times the sensor’s
measuring range
• Good measurement accuracy under
constant conditions
• High repeatability

• Measurement dependent on point of
application and path of force
• On-site calibration required for mea-
Force shunt n [%] = 100 · Fn / Fp suring absolute values

n = Force shunt (proportion of the Fp = Process force

process force not measured by S0 = Sensitivity of the unmounted
the sensor) sensor
n = 0 (for unmounted sensors S = Sensitivity of the mounted
without preloading elements) sensor
Fn = Shunt force
S = S0 · 1–
100 )
Direct force measurement Indirect force measurement

n= <≈10 % >> 99 % n=
0% 100 %
≈ 10 ... 99 %
Force shunt measurement

Sensitivity Force shunt 25
Kistler Measurement Technology

Indirect Force Calibration

Measurement Indirect Force Measurement
Preloaded piezoelectric force sensors are at a Glance
The deformation resulting from appli- calibrated by Kistler in the factory prior to
shipment and are ready for direct force Advantages:
cation of force to a structure can be
measured as force-proportional strain. measurement with absolute values. Sen- • Most convenient mounting method
The process force is therefore determined sors mounted in a force shunt configura-
tion, strain sensors or measuring pins, • Easy retrofitting of existing machines
indirectly from the surface or structural
strain. Kistler strain sensors convert strain however, must always be calibrated after • Overload protection
into proportional force and generate a mounting (on-site) for measuring absolute
values. Kistler offers a comprehensive • Cost-efficient implementation
corresponding charge signal. They are
consequently often referred to as force- calibration service for such cases.
strain sensors.
• Measurement dependent on point of
application and path of force
• On-site calibration required for
The sensitivity is determined as electric measuring absolute values
charge Q (pC) per unit strain µε (µm/m)
and is generally not calibrated, as the
strain is usually negligible as a measured Factory and On-site Calibration
value. When used to determine absolute at a Glance
values, the sensitivity of strain measuring
chains (V/kN) must always be calibrated Factory and on-site calibration is only
against a force sensor as a reference. applicable to a specific, unchanging
Particularly for cyclical processes it is often force shunt configuration.
sufficient to monitor deviations from the
Strain sensors can be very Changes to this configuration as a re-
force curve without any knowledge of the
easy mounted on a surface sult of measures such as the following
absolute values. with just a single screw invalidate the calibration:
• Mounting of sensor in the preloading
arrangement or structure of machine
• Shift in the point of force application
• Changes in the force path

Transverse or longitudinal mea-

suring pins can be mounted and
preloaded in specially prepared
holes at a suitable point in the
structure of the machine

Basics of Strain Gage Measurement Technology

The principle of operation of the strain Principle of operation The proportionality factor k between
gage is based on the physical effect of When the measuring wire undergoes a the strain and change in resistance to be
the electrical resistance of a wire chang- strain ε its length L, cross-sectional area measured is called the gage factor (k). It
A and specific resistance ρ of its material is constant within the elastic range of the
ing in proportion to any change in length
change. To obtain practical resistance val- conductor. For selected materials such as
caused by stretching or compression. ues, the wire has to be very thin (diameter constantan this factor remains constant
Kistler uses this principle to measure the ≈0,02 mm) and as long as possible. In the even when the conductor is undergoing
torque on rotating shafts and in some case of a strain gage this wire is attached plastic deformation.
force sensors. to an insulating support in a meandrous
pattern and provided with solderable Force detector
The strain gage was developed indepen- terminals. For use in strain gage load sensors the
dently by two people in the USA in the gages are bonded onto a force detector
1930s. The underlying principle had al- The wire is commonly replaced with thin made of a selected material that exhibits
ready been described by William Thomson (≈0,005 mm) metallic foil from which the linearly elastic characteristics up to the
(later Lord Kelvin) as early as 1856. The pattern is etched to form a measuring rated load. This means that the mechani-
first industrially manufactured strain gages grid. This produces very small such as 1x1 cal stress σ produced by the load on the
designated SR-4 were produced from the mm grid strain gages capable of measur- force detector is linearly related to the
1940s onwards and very quickly found a ing at virtually an exact point. strain ε according to Hooke‘s law:
wide range of applications.

σ= E · ε

where the material constant E is called

the modulus of elasticity. A further
L = length of measuring wire increase in load exceeds the elastic range
and the force detector finally plastically
Lg = length of measuring grid (= L /6 on the diagram) deforms and is rendered unusable.

Ohmic resistance The firm connection with the detector

ρ·L prevents the measuring wire deform-
Leads R=
A ing under compression. Due to its low
rigidity the strain gage does not affect
the behavior of the force detector under
Layer of adhesive Change in resistance
load, and can therefore resolve strains of
Backing dR around 1 micron/m (10-6 m/m).
Layer of adhesive = k·e
Force detector R

Schematic of Strain Gage

σ [N/m2]

plastic range


"Hooke‘s linear law"

elastic range

σB: Ultimate stress

σS: Yield point
εB: Elongation at rupture

εB ε [µm/m]
Strain gages measure deformation of structures in Strain gages soldered onto a structure
linearly elastic range 27
Kistler Measurement Technology

Wheatstone bridge As the temperature dependency of the

Advantages of Strain Gage
A Wheatstone bridge is generally used to bridge is a very important quality char-
convert the very small changes in resis- acteristic, in quarter and half bridges the
tance caused by the deformation of a fixed resistors generally also take the form + Allow tensile and compression mea-
force detector in the strain gages into a of strain gages, which are geometrically surements without having to preload
voltage signal capable of evaluation. very close to one another and unaltered measuring elements.
by the load. In the event of a change
+ Static measurements over long
in temperature the resistance values of
period of time possible.
the strain gages (for example, of R1 and
R3 R1 R3) increase by the same amount, so the + Simple static calibration with weight
output voltage does not change. loading.
UB US For strain gage sensors full bridges are
Measuring chain with strain gages
used almost exclusively. The bridge is gen-
The voltages produced by the bridge are in
R4 R2 erally supplemented with other resistors to
the range of a few mV. The leads for the
compensate for various factors.
unamplified analog signals are kept as short
as possible to minimize the effect of any
electromagnetic fields. A differential ampli-
Wheatstone bridge fier generally amplifies and then digitizes
R1 … R4: Resistors or strain gages
US: Supply voltage the voltage. Such amplifiers have a very
UB: Output voltage high input resistance and high common-
EB: Bridge sensitivity mode rejection.

This bridge consists of four resistors or

strain gages. It is supplied with voltage
US. The output voltage UB is taken off the
middle of the bridge. The sensitivity of the
bridge EB gives the relationship between R2 R4
output voltage with gage factor (k) and
strain ε. Depending on the design, differ-
ent numbers of resistors can take the form
of strain gages. In the case of a full bridge
all four resistors are strain gages and the
value of their resistance is changed by an
external factor such as torque or force.

UB R1 R3
EB = =k·ε
An applied torque twists a measuring shaft, thereby
affecting the resistors of the full bridge R1 to R4 and
producing a voltage proportional to the torque
The arrangement of the strain gages on
the force detector shown in the diagram
results in two gages being compressed
(resistance of R1 and R4 reduces) and
two stretched (resistance of R3 and R2
increases). The type of force detector and
the load do not always allow strain gages
to be stretched and compressed with a
single loading direction. In this case either
two (half bridge), or even three resistors
(quarter bridge) must be replaced with
fixed resistors. In this case the sensitivity
of the bridge is correspondingly lower.

Basics of Strain Gage Measurement Technology

Rotating torque sensors

Rotating torque sensors have two pairs
of coils. The first pair transfers the power
to supply the rotor, and data from stator
to rotor. The digital data from the rotor is
transferred to the stator by means of the
other pair of coils. The electronics with
the differential amplifier and the analog-
to-digital converter are mounted on the

Rotor Supply Stator


Signal conditioning


Schematic of a torque sensor for rotating shafts 29
Kistler Measurement Technology

The torque on rotating shafts is measured Choice of coupling Arrangement of torque measuring shafts
directly in the machine‘s powertrain The choice of coupling can be critical in There are two arrangements of torque
between a drive and a loading machine. achieving a high standard of measure- measuring shafts. The floating arrange-
ment. For highly dynamic measurements ment only protects the sensor from
Couplings are used to eliminate external
the coupling has to be very torsionally rigid being twisted. In this case single-flexible
factors such as transverse or axial forces to assure exact transmission of the torque. couplings must be used. Moreover, this
and bending moments that can affect the It should also be noted that the coupling arrangement should only be used for
measurement signal. with its torsion resistance can shift the torques >50 N∙m and speeds < 5 000
resonances of the mechanical arrangement. rpm. If the base is bolted to the machine
Couplings for use between shaft and sen- Questions of cost, ease of mounting and bed, double-flexible couplings should be
sor differ in their flexibility. Single-flexible removal, and the maximum speed and used to accommodate parallel and angular
couplings, which can only compensate torque also play an important role in this misalignment.
for mechanical misalignment in one choice.
direction, contrast with couplings which Arrangement of torque measuring flange
are flexible in two (double flexible) or all Basic principle: The mechanical arrange- Torque measuring flanges (for example,
directions. ment and orientation of the individual Type 4504A...) are generally connected
components must be as accurate as pos- directly to the drive with a flange,
sible to ensure the couplings only have to whereas the measurement side is provided
accommodate minimal differences! with a double-flexible coupling.

Selection Criteria for Couplings

• Maximum speed
• Maximum torque
• Ease of removal
• Dynamic measurement
• Cost
• Required compensation
Torque sensor with base and two double-flexible

Couplings compensate for radial (top), angular

(middle) or axial misalignment (bottom)
Floating test arrangement with single-flexible

Test arrangement with fixed torque sensor and

double-flexible couplings

Basics of Calibration

Sensors and measuring instruments must

be calibrated at regular intervals, as their Product (sensor) being calibrated

characteristics and hence the measure-

ment uncertainties can change over time
as a result of frequent use, aging and
environmental factors. Instruments used Output
for calibration are traceable to national signal
standards and subject to a uniform
international quality control. Calibration
certificates document calibration values
and conditions.
Force Sensitivity Charge
100 N 400 pC
Safe and reliable measurement 4 pC/N
Q or U
Quality assurance systems and product Torque or Voltage
100 N·m 5 mV/N·m 500 mV
liability laws call for systematic monitoring
of all test equipment needed for measur- Strain gages Piezo

ing quality characteristics. This is the only

way of ensuring measurement and test This involves determining the deviation
results provide a reliable and dependable Calibration at a Glance
of the measured value from an agreed
benchmark for quality control. reference value, which is also referred to Calibration helps ensure:
as the calibration standard. The result of • Precise and reliable measurement
All sensors and almost all electronic mea- a calibration can either be used to assign
suring devices are subject to certain mea- the actual values of the measurand to the • Internationally comparable measure-
surement uncertainties. As the deviations readings or for establishing correction fac- ments
involved can change over time, the test tors for them. The required information is • Similar products are metrologically
equipment must be calibrated at regular documented on the calibration certificate. compatible

Basic Principle: Calibration is the use

of a defined method under specified
conditions to determine the relationship I Test FSO
between a known input variable and a
measured output variable.

I Ref

∆ IRef

∆I Test

Sensitivity: Ratio of the change in the signal ΔITest and

the change in the reference variable ΔIRef , where I
represents a charge, voltage or other indicated variable Measuring range I Ref 31
Kistler Measurement Technology

Basic Calibration Terms I Test FSO

Calibration is the use of a defined method I Ref
under specified conditions to determine
the relationship between a known input
variable and a measured output variable.
The calibration standard is the reference t
value. For example, the calibration of -L max
scales involves placing a defined and cal- +L max
ibrated test weight (calibration standard) H max
on the scales to reveal deviations in the
weight reading.

Calibration certificate ∆I Test L: linearity

The calibration certificate documents all H: hysteresis
values measured during calibration and
the calibration conditions. ∆I Ref Measuring range
I Ref
Hysteresis: maximum difference between increasing load characteristic and decreasing load characteristic
Calibration curve
This curve shows the output variable of a
sensor as a function of the input variable. Linearity Sensitivity
In practical application there is not an Value of the change in output signal di-
Calibration standard exactly linear (or constant) relationship vided by the corresponding change in the
The calibration standard, which is trace- between the measurand and the output input variable: ∆Q/∆IRef for piezoelectric
able to national or international "stan- variable of the sensor. The linearity Lmax sensors or ∆U/∆IRef in the case of strain
dards", is the reference value used for of a sensor corresponds to the maximum gage sensors.
calibrating sensors or measuring instru- deviation of the ideal from the actual out-
ments. put signal curve in relation to the measur-
and within a certain measuring range. It is
expressed as a percentage of the limit of
Characteristic value
the full measuring range (% FSO).
Output signal of the strain gage sensor
at rated load, reduced by the zero signal
after mounting. I Test FSO
FSO +L max
Full Scale Output or full range signal. IRef
The difference between the output signal
at zero and at the end of the measuring
range. t
∆ IRef
Maximum difference, Hmax, between rising
load characteristic and falling load charac- ∆I Test
teristic. -L max

L: linearity
The relationship between the true value of the mea-
surand and the output variable of the sensor is not
exactly linear
Measuring range I Ref

Basics of Calibration

The relationship between measurand Calibration Methods 100 % FSO
and sensor output variable is determined
by means of a simple linear regression
During calibration, sensors are subjected to
analysis. The linearity including hysteresis
known quantities of a physical measurand
indicates that the calibration curve of the
such as force or torque and the corre-
loading and unloading characteristic has
sponding values of the output variable
been used to determine the characteristic
recorded. The magnitude of this load is
accurately known, as it is measured with a
traceably calibrated "factory standard" at
Best straight line the same time. Depending on the method,
Determination of a linear function passing sensors are calibrated either across the en-
through the origin to form the calibration tire measuring range or in a partial range:
curve, with two parallel straight lines with • at a single point, t = 200 ... 600 s
the same gradient and shortest distance • stepwise at several different points or
apart enveloping all of the calibration • continuously.
Step-by-step calibration involves the ap-
Least squares function plication of a defined load with or without
Determination of a linear function to form unloading between successive increases or
the calibration curve that minimizes the decreases, depending on the calibration
sum of the squares of the errors (differ- method used. The process is halted after
ences between calibration curve and linear each increment until the measurement
function). stabilizes.

Machine for torque

calibration up to 3 000 N∙m
to reference standard 33
Kistler Measurement Technology

<105 % FSO
During continuous calibration, the load Calibration Documents
is continuously increased to the required
value within a defined time and then
reduced to zero within the same time. A To ensure consistent quality standards
"best straight line" passing through the worldwide, the test equipment has to
origin is defined for the resultant charac- meet standard quality assurance criteria.
teristic, which is never exactly linear. The The European series of standards for
gradient of this line corresponds to the quality management systems (EN 29000)
sensitivity of the sensor within the cali- – which is identical to the international
brated measuring range. ISO 9000 – demands traceability to
the national measuring standards for
Linearity is determined by the deviation all measuring instruments used for this
of the characteristic from the best line. t = 2 ... 60 s purpose.
Hysteresis corresponds to the maximum
difference between rising and falling Hence the result of calibrating a measur-
characteristic. ing device or system is compared with
The continuous approach is the most suit- a higher measurement standard. This
Most Kistler single- or multiaxial force and able calibration method for piezoelectric results in a "calibration hierarchy" with
torque sensors are factory calibrated. sensors. Strain gage sensors are preferably the national measurement standard at
calibrated step by step, torque sensors in the top.
line with the requirements of DIN 51309

System for accredited force

calibration up to 200 kN


Accredited Calibration
Laboratory SCS 049 and
DKD-37701 in the case of Kistler
Reference standards

Kistler In-House Calibration Laboratory

Working or factory standards

Test equipment

Basics of Calibration

European Cooperation
for Accreditation
Asian Pacific
of Laboratories
IAAC Cooperation
Inter American

Southern African
Coopera­tion in PAC
Accreditation Pacific
of Certification

International standards specify the re- The following calibration documents are
At a Glance
quired calibration methods and measure- available for most Kistler sensors:
ment uncertainties. Kistler offers a comprehensive
• Manufacturer‘s declaration calibration service:
Different institutes coordinate interna- • CE declaration of conformity
tional cooperation on calibration. They • Factory certificate • Calibration of test equipment
are also responsible for the accreditation • Test certificate • Accredited calibration laboratory
of national calibration laboratories. Docu- • Factory test certificate (SCS 049 DKD-37701)
mentation guidelines may differ slightly • Calibration certificate
• Extensive functional testing
from one country to another. • SCS calibration certificate
• Traceability chart • Range of different calibration
documents 35
Kistler Measurement Technology

Numerous mechanical, electrical and the measuring uncertainties involved in Prior to calibration of the sensor, the
climatic parameters affect the calibra- calibration. The linearity of the reference charge amplifier must also be calibrated
tion result and hence the accuracy of a sensor is already included in the measure- using a precision charge calibrator to
ment uncertainty and need not be further ensure that the output voltage displayed
measuring chain. For maximum calibra-
taken into account. by the amplifier is matched with the
tion accuracy, assembly errors have to charge generated by the force sensor.
be avoided and the correct position and The absolute standard method employs
angle of force application achieved. Fac- a calibration system with preset physical
tors such as the non-linearity of various input variable. This system also has best
electrical parameters along the measur- measurement capability.

ing chain must be considered. Last but

Effect of temperature
not least, temperature and humidity also Mechanical components are subject to
have a decisive effect. thermal expansion and the resistance
of electronic components depends on
Simultaneous calibration of three force temperature. Temperature variation dur-
components or three moments is one ing the calibration process therefore has
of the greatest challenges in calibrating a direct effect on the result. The effect
multicomponent sensors. On Kistler‘s of this parameter on the sensitivity of
3-component calibration system the load- piezoelectric sensors and the characteristic
ing is applied sequentially, with the sensor value of strain gage sensors is analyzed as
being calibrated remaining in its mounted part of the type approval test. Force and
position. torque sensors using strain gages have
special compensation modules to minimize
Influence of assembly thermal changes. There is also reliable
Mechanical interference due to size or data on the thermal behavior of charge
positional inaccuracies significantly affects calibrators and charge amplifiers. Charge
the calibration result. Force and torque calibrators have temperature compensa-
sensors are often deformed in the course Humidity tion that makes their thermal dependence
of assembly. Factors such as flatness, Relative humidity influences the behavior very slight.
roughness, parallelism and contact surface of electronic components including the
pressure are highly important in the capacitors used in charge amplifiers and
transmission of force or torque. Evalua- charge calibrators. Type approval tests
tion of the effect of assembly is based on record and document the thermal charac-
a range of individual measurements taken teristics of electric measuring instruments.
from a typical device to be calibrated This information can be used to determine
after repeated mounting in a calibration the effects of variations in humidity on the
system. The characteristic value of errors calibration result.
caused by these operations can be used to
determine the effect of assembly on the Effective number of bits (ENOB)
calibration result. Measuring cards, for example, have a
measuring range of –10 … 10 V and a
Non-linearity resolution of 16 bits. The true signal is
The overall characteristic of electrical rounded up or down to the nearest bit
devices is usually non-linear, as linear be- value, which causes a maximum rounding
havior of all structural components is rare. error of half a bit.
This also applies to charge calibrators,
charge amplifiers and bridge amplifiers, Best measurement capability
whose very slight non-linearity affects Comparative calibration involves the use
the calibration result. Force and torque of a reference sensor with best measure-
sensors also exhibit non-linear character- ment capability, which has a documented
istics. The linearity determined by the measurement uncertainty as a result of
calibration is documented on the calibra- being calibrated against a higher standard.
tion certificate and affects evaluation of

Accuracy Evaluation

Range errors in charge amplifiers and Stability of charge calibrators Ripple in rotating sensor systems
charge calibrators Under normal circumstances, charge Rotating sensor systems exhibit ripple. The
The tolerance of electric components lim- calibrators are calibrated at regular inter- value of this ripple describes the change
its the accuracy of charge amplifiers and vals (generally annually). Within these in sensitivity as a function of the rota-
charge calibrators. It manifests itself as a intervals the calibration values undergo tion angle relative to the reference point.
range error, which depends on the preset slight changes, which are characteristic During calibration, the angular range of a
measuring range and the measured value. of specific devices and as such constant. full revolution is measured with a limited
The maximum range error is specified for The stability of charge calibrators must be number of data points, which are then ap-
each device. considered in evaluating the calibration proximated by an optimized interpolation
results. curve. The difference between the inter-
Drift polation curve and the measured points
The drift of a charge amplifier is a global Calibration of strain gage sensors reflects the measurement uncertainty.
description of the shift of the signal zero This requires the use of a bridge amplifier
level, which is mainly due to a loss of and a reference standard. Despite being Threshold
feedback capacitor charge and leakage balanced at the start of the calibration The threshold is the smallest change in the
currents at the amplifier input. A leakage process the bridge amplifier is subject to input variable that leads to a discernable
current across the insulation resistance a certain measurement uncertainty. The change in the value of the output variable
causes an exponential decay in the feed- reference signal is characterized by the of a force or torque sensor. From experi-
back capacitor charge with a time con- values shown on the calibration certificate. ence, it is two or three times the rms value
stant given by the product of insulation of the signal noise. This noise consists
resistance and the capacitor‘s capacitance. Crosstalk in multiaxial sensors and of the background noise of sensor and
As a sufficiently high insulation resistance sensor systems amplifier.
leads to a very high time constant, the Complex sensor systems such as dy-
problem of discharge only affects very namometers are generally fitted with
long measuring periods. Given the drift multicomponent sensors. With such
characteristics of charge amplifiers are well configurations crosstalk of individual vari-
known from extensive research, the peak ables is observed in other measurement
value can be used to evaluate the effect of components. With a unidirectional force
drift on the calibration result. load in the direction of one axis minimal
signals in the direction of the other two
Instability of charge amplifiers over time orthogonal axes or minimal moment will
Charge amplifiers are subject to instability be indicated. This phenomenon affects all
over time. To minimize the effect of this of the possible force and moment direc-
instability on force sensor calibration, it tions and the values involved have to be
is advisable to calibrate in advance with taken considered in assessing measure-
a precision charge calibrator the charge ment uncertainties.
amplifiers of both the reference measur-
ing chain and the measuring chain of the
device to be calibrated together with all
corresponding cables, display and evalua-
tion devices. This approach also identifies
all potential influences from contacts and
electrical connections within the measur-
ing chain. 37
Force and Torque Measurement
in Practical Applications
Measuring the joining force as a function
of displacement is a very precise way Displacement sensor Type 2101A3
of monitoring press fitting of bearings, s
sleeves or shafts into assemblies such
as housings or gearboxes. The resul-
tant force characteristic is sufficiently
distinctive for assessment of the qual- Press force sensor Type 9343
for direct force measurement
ity of both the process and the finished
product. CoMo ControlMonitors are used Fz Surface strain transmitter Type 9238
for indirect force measurement (alternative method)
to analyze this characteristic in order to
Force sensor Type 9041A
determine whether a part is "OK" or for direct force measurement (alternative method)
"NOT OK". Force sensor Type 9133B
for force shunt measurement

During press fitting ControlMonitors

record the interdependent measurands of
joining force and displacement in pairs.
This functional relationship is evaluated Process evaluation
at the end of the cycle. The parameters To enable visualization of deviations from
for the system’s monitoring and evalu- a reference component, a reference curve
ation functions can be selected across a from an optimal joining process can be
wide range of options to suit the specific highlighted in blue and then stored in the
requirements of the press-fitting process. CoMo ControlMonitor.

The press-fitting process is analyzed

Kistler Plus Points
by means of evaluation objects such as
Monitoring press fitting with CoMo thresholds, tolerance windows and end
ControlMonitors offers the following boxes. These objects can be positioned
benefits: graphically with cursor keys or by keying
in the corresponding coordinates on the
+ Protection against joining of defec- keypad. Almost any required position, size
tive parts and evaluation mode (entry and exit, pas-
+ Zero-defect output increases produc- sage, minimum and maximum force, etc.)
tion efficiency can be defined.

+ Protection of machine, tool and

A conforming part is signaled only if the
workpiece from damage
measurement curve has passed through
+ Process visualization and statistical specified evaluation objects according to
process monitoring ensure optimum definition. An evaluation object is clearly
process control defined by entry and exit of the curve.
Failure to pass through an evaluation
+ Transparent and continuous pro-
object correctly will result in the part being
cess documentation allows optional
evaluated as "NOT OK". Entry and exit
benchmarking against other pro-
sides are marked in green and an arrow
indicates the direction of passage. Red
+ Optional integration into host (PC- limits must not be exceeded. A maximum
based) quality assurance systems of twelve evaluation objects can be com-
bined as required. Force-displacement monitoring of press fitting of
needle bearings into gearbox

Monitoring Press-Fitting Processes

Typical process curve of a press-fitting process with evaluation using boxes Disturbances can be eliminated with the help of relative tolerance windows

Process monitoring Pneumatically assisted press assembly of ball bearings

in shells with good/bad decision taken by CoMo Net®
During the initial phase of the press-fitting
ControlMonitor with external terminal
process, the variation in the fitting force
required can be monitored within strictly
defined limits by means of the trapezoidal
function (1+). Non-centered or incorrect
mating parts can cause an excessive rise
in this force. In order to protect both the
tool and the machine from overload, a
real-time force threshold (Y1) can also be
introduced. Any breach of this threshold
promptly actuates a digital output that
stops the joining process immediately. Box
(2+) monitors the maximum force.

The second phase is the actual press fit-

ting. An additional trapezoidal function
(3+) ensures the joining force remains Superimposing any number of measure- tolerance (4+) can therefore also be ref-
within the permissible limits. The third ment curves (data export format for Excel) erenced in relation to the point at which
phase deals with the "end position" and is an easy method of determining the a threshold is crossed (5+). Multichannel
"blocking force". The last pair of values process variation. This can then be used to ControlMonitors allow, for example, vari-
acquired for the end position must be program the ControlMonitor for large- ous press-fit stations of a rotary indexing
positioned within the end box (4+). A scale production. table to be monitored simultaneously.
maximum permissible value of the block- Rapid switching between different param-
ing force can be defined within this box if Evaluation results can be affected by a eter sets during production also permits
required. range of different conflicting factors. monitoring of various joining processes on
These are usually not directly related to a single press-fitting station.
the signal curve to be analyzed, but are
superimposed as a result of mechani-
cal tolerances. To eliminate these factors 39
Force and Torque Measurement
in Practical Applications
Application sectors • Ball bushings, bearings, pinions and Kistler Products
ControlMonitors for press-fitting process- shafts in gearbox assembly
es are used by the automobile industry • Bearings, bushes, seal rings, etc., in • Piezoelectric press force sensor Type
and its suppliers, in the aerospace industry steering column assembly 9343 for direct measurement of join-
and many other sectors. Typical process • Bearing shafts in assembly of electric ing forces
monitoring applications include: motors and injection pumps • Alternative: piezoelectric SlimLine
• Bearing shells in washing machine sensor Type 9133B for measuring
drums joining forces in force shunt
• Alternative: piezoelectric strain sen-
sor Type 9232A for indirect joining
force measurement
• Standard cable Type 1631C…
• ControlMonitor CoMo View Type
5863A2… .

Measuring Chains for Press-Fit Processes

Measuring Connecting Analyzing

Direct force
measurement 9313A, 9343, 9323
9301B ... 9371B
9001A ... 9091A

2112A... 5863A2...

Shunt force
measurement 9133B
9130B... ... 9136B...
9101A ... 9104A
9001A ... 9071A

2112A... 5863A2...

Indirect force
9233B 1631C...

2112A... 5863A2...

Standard equipment Alternative

Testing Rotary and Spring-Loaded Switches

A reaction torque sensor Type 9339A tests ignition switches by measuring the
As automotive components with a direct torque from 1 … 3 N∙m against the spring preload during mass production (left)
and in laboratory tests on an experimental set-up (right)
bearing on safety, ignition switches, con-
trol pedals and locking systems leave no
room for production errors. Torque sensors
Ignition switch test specimen
can determine the operating torque of
components such as ignition switches in Indexing table positions switch

the course of actual production. Con-

Front part of test key
trolMonitors analyze this parameter as a
function of rotation angle, check it against
specified tolerances and reject defective Part of the test unit
Test key adapter

Each and every step involved in the pro-

duction of components that affect safety
is monitored by sensors. Suppliers to the
automotive industry can guarantee flaw- Reaction torque sensor
less operation of their components by Type 9339A

conducting in-line tests to reliably avoid

failures in the customer‘s product. Centering pin for transmission input

Testing ignition switches with torque

Transmission input shaft
Torque sensors can test operation of Front of electric motor enclosure
assembled ignition switches on the pro-
duction line. The torque measured during
Indexing table base plate, test unit
rotation of the spring-loaded compo-
nents must lie within specified tolerances. Electric motor / servo drive, rotation
angle controlled, monitored
Torque sensors can check typical ranges,
for example from 1 N∙m to 3 N∙m, within
short production cycles. The sensors are
positioned pneumatically before being
rotated by the required angle (such as
120 °) to check the torques applied to a
spring-loaded ignition switch. 41
Force and Torque Measurement
in Practical Applications
Testing spring-loaded switches with
force fensors
The brake pedal, clutch pedal or accelera-
tor is equipped with between four and
eight spring-loaded switches, depending
on the particular model of car. They acti-
vate the brake lights and generate a signal
for different vehicle control systems. The
resilience of these switches can be tested
in special test stands, which are equipped
with sensitive sensors for small forces. The
test involves the displacement-controlled
movement of a sensor against the test Servo drive
spring by means of a servo motor.

Process monitoring via machine control

If the assembly or test unit is equipped
with a control system and monitor, it can
Displacement sensor
be used to visualize and analyze the force
or torque curve. A charge amplifier con-
verts the charge yielded by the sensor into
a proportional electrical voltage. The ma-
chine‘s control system can use this voltage
as an input value. As an alternative to Force sensor
charge amplifiers and visualization in the Type 9203
machine control system, the measurement
results can be analyzed with ControlMoni-
tors such as CoMo View or CoMo Net.
Test specimen

Force curve of spring test with CoMo View® ControlMonitor Testing spring-loaded switches for car brake or clutch pedals and accelerators with
force sensors Type 9203 andcharge amplifier Type 5037B1211

Testing Rotary and Spring-Loaded Switches

Kistler Products Kistler Products

Testing rotary switches Testing spring-loded switches
• Standard cable Type 1631C2 • High-sensitivity, preloaded force
sensor Type 9203…
• High-sensitivity reaction torque
sensor Type 9339A • Standard cable Type 1631C2
• ICAM single-channel charge • ICAM single-channel charge
amplifier Type 5073A1... amplifier Type 5073A1…

Measuring Chains for Testing Rotational Switches

Measuring Chains for Testing Rotational Switches
Measuring Connecting Amplifying Analyzing
Measuring Connecting Amplifying Analyzing
Measurement of 5073A1...
reaction torque, 5073A1...
evaluation with 5030A...
machine control 1631C2
system 9339A 1631C2
9329A ... 9389A
9329A ... 9389A

Measurement of
reaction torque,
evaluation with
1631C2 5863A2...
CoMo View
9339A 1631C2 5863A2...
ControlMonitor 5863A1...
9329A ... 9389A 5863A1...
9329A ... 9389A 5875A...

Measuring Chains for Spring-Loaded Switches

Measuring Chains for Spring-Loaded Switches
Measuring Connecting Amplifying Analyzing
Measuring Connecting Amplifying Analyzing
Measurement of 9203 5073A1...
small switch force, 5030A...
evaluation with 9207 1631C2
machine control 9215
9217 1631C2
system 9217

Measurement of 9203
small switch force,
evaluation with 1631C2 5863A2...
9215 1631C2
CoMo View 5863A2...
ControlMonitor 5863A1...

Standard equipment Alternative 43
Force and Torque Measurement
in Practical Applications
Today connecting rods are manufactured
as single-piece precision forgings. The
Half shell
big end is then cracked into two parts
at a predefined point so the fracture
surfaces fit together exactly. Unlike flat
surfaces, the interlocking microscopic
irregularities produced can also resist
Connecting rod
shear forces. During the critical phase of
cracking the force-time curve can be mea-
sured, monitored and documented with
Cracking Desired cracking point
the CoMo Sys* ControlMonitor.

There are bearings at both ends (small and Force sensor Type 9071A...
big) of the generally i-section connecting for direct force measurement
rod. The wrist pin is inserted through the
small end.

Two bolts are almost always used to hold

the split big end together as the "eye" of
the connecting rod. The bottom, remov-
able part is called the bearing "cap". In Fz
Europe, cracked connecting rods have
been manufactured from steel (C70) since
around 1995. Initially monolithic connect-
ing rods are notched (scribed mechani-
cally in the case of sintered rods and laser
machined for steel rods) and deliberately
broken (cracked) into two parts.

Kistler Plus Points

Monitoring of cracking with
CoMo monitors offers the following
+ Detection of material failure
in vendor part
+ Detection of wear in the cracking

*Only available in Germany System with tapered mandrel (center) for cracking connecting rods

Cracking Force Measurement

Fracture surfaces have advantages in

terms of strength, cost and production
accuracy. As the two parts are an exact
match for assembling the connecting rod,
the joint is virtually invisible afterwards.
The connecting rod and its bearing cap
must always remain together and cannot
be replaced individually.

Process monitoring F1
The entire cracking process only takes
milliseconds. The two fractures can be
simultaneous or the second can occur
after a slight delay. The force-time exhibits
a virtually linear rise in force to F1 until the
first fracture occurs. It then falls to zero
and climbs again virtually linearly to the
value F2. After the second fracture the F2
force falls to zero again. The CoMo Sys*
ControlMonitor is used to monitor and
document for quality assurance maximum
force values F1 and F2, their variation with
time and delay t12 between them.

CoMo Sys® monitors force-time curve and delay (t12) between peaks (F1 and F2 ) in fracture force
Last but not least, force monitoring makes
cracking technology transparent and Machines with several cracking mandrels,
controllable. The automobile industry each installed with a force sensor, are Kistler Products
also uses it in a similar way for crankshaft often used in parallel in manufacturing. • Piezoelectric force sensor
bearings in engine blocks. The multichannel version of the CoMo Type 9071A…
Sys* is ideal for this process monitoring.
• Cable Type 1631C3
• CoMo Sys ControlMonitor
Type 5885A…

Measuring Chains for Cracking Force Measurement

Measuring Connecting Analyzing

Measurement of
cracking force with
load washer, evalua-
tion with CoMo Sys 1631C3 5885A...*
ControlMonitor 5863A1...

Standard equipment Alternative *Only available in Germany 45
Force and Torque Measurement
in Practical Applications
Car steering columns must meet ex- Column bearings come into this cat- Process monitoring
tremely stringent safety requirements. egory. They are usually pressed onto a Different evaluation strategies featuring
Assembly of their components (par- shaft so they are held by friction. Force- thresholds, boxes, gradients and special
displacement monitoring is conventionally end positions can be used for monitoring
ticularly bearings) has to be monitored
employed as a means of quality control mounting of the steering column’s bearing
and documented. Force-displacement of such press-fitting operations. Special with ControlMonitors such as CoMo View
monitoring ensures reliable separation of quartz force links calibrated for tensile and CoMo Net.
good and bad parts and documentation of and compressive forces can be readily
each joining operation in compliance with integrated into the push rod of the press.
manufacturing guidelines for components These links are ideal for measuring the
sometimes very high joining forces. The
affecting safety.
force-displacement curve recorded us-
ing the links together with an additional
displacement sensor and a ControlMonitor
can be used to assess the quality of the
press-fit connection.

Servo motor, pneumatic/ Centering device for Shaft portion of the

hydraulic cylinder Adapter ball bearing/guide steering column



Kistler quartz force

link Type 9341B
Bearing after
press fitting
Push rod Bearing before Shaft retainer/
press fitting positioning system

Monitoring of joining force and bearing position: box 2 monitors assembly Histogram of entry and exit of evaluation object 4 with important statistics
force while boxes 3 and 4 and gradient 7 monitor joining force and box 5 end

Monitoring Assembly of Steering Columns

Active evaluation objects with result and process values for each cycle Exhibited by entry and exit values of evaluation object 4

These strategies allow reliable identifica- that has become a universal requirement. and/or process data allows all relevant
tion of good and bad parts to ensure cars The statistical function of either CoMo data to be saved on a server. More trans-
are only built with properly assem-bled Net or CoMo View documents each and parent processes help optimize cycle times
steering columns. The force-displacement every operation involved in the joining and increase output. As such assembly
curve documented for each individual as- of components and assemblies affecting lines output up to two million units per
sembly process ensures the full traceability safety. Fast export of measurement curves year, process monitoring is an important
factor in their cost-effectiveness.
Kistler Benefits
• The compactness of piezoelectric • The wide measuring range of piezo-
sensors means they are more readily electric sensors makes them very ver-
integrated into the existing machine satile – even in the face of changing
environment than strain gage sensors. parameters and/or operating condi-
tions. Kistler Products
• The calibrated measuring ranges,
freedom from wear, long-term stability • Fast data export facilitates process • Quartz force link Type 9341B…
and robustness of piezoelectric sensors analysis, process configuration and
• Standard cable Type 1631C…
ensures maximum 24/7 reliability over documentation of statistics for quality
the approximately 7-year production management. • CoMo Net ControlMonitor
life cycle of a car model. Type 5863A1…

Measuring Chain for Force Measurement during Steering Column Assembly

Measuring Connecting Analyzing

Measuring of force 9341B 5863A1...

with press force 9301B ... 9371B 5863A2...
sensors and 9001A ... 9091A
monitoring with 9323 ... 9363
CoMo Sys 1631C...

Standard equipment Alternative

Standard equipment

Alternative 47
Force and Torque Measurement
in Practical Applications
During fully automated insertion of avoid any misaligned leads being bent Kistler Benefits
components into printed circuit boards or snapped on the surface of the board,
which with damaged circuitry would have • High-sensitivity, extremely high
(PCBs), the leads or pins of the electronic
to be repaired or even scrapped. Opera- resolution, compact piezoelectric
components have to pass through the
tors of insertion machines can rely on force sensor for small forces
matching holes with a minimum of fric- high-precision line technology. However, • Easy integration of CoMo operation
tion. Mounted in the appropriate position the machines also need to compensate and control into existing machine
on the assembly station, force sensors for variations in component geometry control system saves hardware and
can measure these insertion forces, and and dimensional discrepancies caused by engineering costs
ControlMonitors are used to monitor earlier production steps. Thus they check
the force applied for each insertion. • CoMo Net allows easy integration of
the process as a whole. If a permissible monitoring processes into company
insertion force is exceeded, the assembly LANs
Controlling setting force with high-
process is stopped extremely quickly. sensitivity sensor • Response time of a few milliseconds
This avoids post-production costs and The heads of the machines are equipped
• Fast program changeover
ruined circuit boards. with several grippers for picking up the
components from the automated delivery
By the time conventional components stations and positioning them on the
such as capacitors, resistors, diodes, printed circuit board. The force measured during insertion only
transformers, coils, filters or multiway increases if any leads are forced onto the
connectors are being inserted, the During component insertion the active surface of the circuit board adjacent to the
boards have already passed though a gripper arrangement allows measure- holes rather than being inserted through
whole series of production stages. As ment of the involved force with a central the actual holes, or the through-hole in
these include placement and soldering sensor. As all grippers rotate around a the board is non existent or too small in
of surface mounted devices (SMDs), the fixed part of the insertion head, the mea- diameter to allow passage. CoMo Net
printed-board assemblies (PBAs) have al- sured force would be exactly zero under monitors a specified force threshold (Y2).
ready acquired significant value. Reliable the ideal conditions of no lead friction. If the force remains below this threshold,
protection during subsequent component Because any forces actually encountered the insertion procedure is assessed as
insertion is particularly important. are very small, use of a high-sensitivity "OK". If it exceeds it the CoMo immedi-
piezoelectric sensor such as Type 9215 or ately sends a signal to one of the digital
During fully automated in-line assembly, a force-calibrated M5 strain sensor Type outputs. This real-time signal is registered
the component leads must be inserted 9247A is recommended. by the machine‘s control system, which
through the matching holes with virtu- immediately stops the insertion process.
ally no friction. Care must be taken to Box 4+ is used to decide whether each

The blue curve is the reference curve for an "OK" insertion, black that for "Not OK".
If the insertion force remains below the specified threshold the operation is assessed

Monitoring Insertion Force to Protect PCBs

part is good or bad. If the signal enters subsequent feeding of the PBA. Monitor- on the machine’s monitor. Control signals
the box the CoMo will send a "not OK" ing of the clinching force also provides are linked directly to the PLC via digital I/
message. The machine operator then has aproof of the presence of the inserted Os. A "Max-Min box" superimposed on
to decide whether an equivalent compo- component. the second half of the force curve is used
nent is to be inserted into the PCB or the to evaluate clinching.
board reworked. Monitoring with CoMo Net and visual-
ization using machine‘s control system Some manufacturers of insertion machines
Insertion check Insertion machines are equipped with already offer insertion force and detailed
As during perfect insertion the applied their own control system, with PC and monitoring as standard.
force will not encounter any resistance, touch screen. This means a networkable
the system monitoring the insertion force CoMo Net ControlMonitor, which can be
cannot detect whether a component is integrated into machinery and corporate
missing. Successful insertion is therefore LANs, is ideal for monitoring insertion and
checked separately. This involves clinching clinching forces. Insertion is monitored
the component leads on the underside of through force-time analysis. CoMo graph-
the board with a defined force. This pre- ics, such as the curve of the measured
vents components being dislodged during clinching or insertion force, are displayed

Kistler Services
• Support and engineering ensure
optimal customization of Kistler
• Support for process optimization and
cycle time reduction

Kistler Products
• Sensor Type 9215 for small forces
• Standard cable Type 1631C…
• CoMo Net ControlMonitor
If the clinching force does not exit the confines of the evaluation box, the Type 5863A1…
existence of an assembly component is confirmed

Measuring Chain for Insertion Force Monitoring

Measuring Connecting Analyzing

Measurement of
extremely small
forces and
evaluation with
the CoMo Net 1631C...
9215 5863A1...
ControlMonitor 9247A 5863A2...

Standard equipment Alternative 49
Force and Torque Measurement
in Practical Applications
Low-play planetary gearboxes are sub- Optimized test procedure ensures short The dynamically recorded measurands are
jected to 100 % final production testing cycle times visualized, evaluated and saved in a pro-
before shipping to the customer. The To start with the model of gearbox is iden- cess database online. The high-precision
tified with a barcode reader. The loading measurement results also allow conclu-
breakaway torque, no-load torque, op-
station with mounted gearbox is retracted sions to be drawn about gearbox optimi-
erating noise, axial runout, radial runout into the test chamber, where jaws clamp zation and development. The optimized
and gearbox backlash are determined the gearbox in position. The bottom car- test procedure shortens cycle times to
in an automated sequence. The key riage is then raised and the motor shaft boost productivity.
components of the gearbox test stand are adapter coupled to the gearbox. The
compact torque measuring flanges from breakaway torque, no-load torque and
operating noise are measured. Next, the
top carriage is lowered and the load motor
Load motor
coupled to the gearbox to measure its
Torque measuring
Two torque measuring flanges Type play. The brake motor is then uncoupled flange
4504A... with no mechanical bearings and raised. The test stand measures the Type 4504A...
and signals transmitted without contact radial and axial runout. After the drive Angle sensor
measure the dynamic torques on the input motor has been uncoupled and lowered
shaft and the output shaft, which are the loading station is taken out of the
represented by an voltage output. The stand to allow removal of the gearbox. Jaw (height-adjus-
sensors are configured with the aid of the
digital interface.
Base plate of
loading station
Output drive torque control allows
continuous measurement and evaluation Angle sensor
of gearbox play under constant condi-
Torque measuring
tions, with high-resolution angle sensors flange
transmitting the current input and output Type 4504A…

drive positions in the microsecond range. Drive motor

The gearbox play is measured to a system
accuracy of 10". Measurement assembly

Test stand for planetary gearboxes Drivetrain with torque measuring flange
Type 4504A… and angle sensor

Fully Automated 100 % Testing of Gearboxes

Measuring Chain for Automated Testing of Gearboxes

Measuring Connecting Analyzing

Testing of
characteristic torques
and evaluation with
test stand control
system See page 111 or data sheet for cables
matching sensor

Kistler Services
• Engineering
• Programming
• Detailed training
• Introductory training
• Calibration
• Maintenance agreements
• Hotline
• Customer service

Kistler Benefits
+ Very compact torque measuring
+ Configurable via the RS-232C
Measurement results transferred to screen of test stand control system

Kistler Products
• Torque measuring flange
Type 4504A…
• Evaluation with customized software 51
Force and Torque Measurement
in Practical Applications

The drive unit drives the gearbox (extreme right) via the torque sensor Type 4503A... . Via an output drive the
gearbox is loaded by a second motor unit to simulate flap movement. (photo: Liebherr Aerospace).

Landing flaps are extensions to the trail- Liebherr Aerospace is a supplier of systems tests. Special gearboxes with output drive
ing edges of aircraft wings. During the for business jets, feeder aircraft, wide-bod- for flat control components are checked
approach they increase lift to enable the ied civil aircraft, helicopters and military out on a wear test stand using motors to
aircraft. These flight control, actuation and apply specific load profiles.
flying speed to be reduced for landing.
hydraulic systems include aircraft landing
To meet stringent quality requirements, flaps, which require extensive realistic load To enable reliability assessment the input
the service life and wear characteristics torque is measured as a function of speed
of special gearboxes with output drive in with a Kistler sensor Type 4503A… . Incor-
flap control components must be tested. poration of the speed measuring system
Realistic flap movements are simulated into the sensor allows the drivetrain to be
on a wear test stand with drive and load clearly and compactly arranged in the test
motors applying specific load profiles to
the gearbox.
CoMo Torque Type 4700A... evaluation
instrument can be used to display the
characteristic measurands provided by
the bay. It supplies the torque measuring
sensor with power and receives the mea-
surands of torque and speed returned by
the sensor. Mechanical power is calculated
and displayed by the evaluation unit.

CoMo Torque Type 4700A… mounted in test

cabinet to display torque, speed and mechanical
input power of gearbox (photo: Liebherr Aerospace).

Gearbox Endurance Test for Landing Flap Systems

Kistler Benefits Kistler Services

Type 4503A… CoMo Torque Type 4700A… • Engineering of sensor geometries,
OEM solutions
+ Compact torque measuring system + Conversion of any measurands into
with integral speed / rotation angle output voltage signals • Training in Kistler premises or on site
+ Amplification and conditioning of • Introductory training and set-up as-
+ Robust, wear-free design with small signal amplitudes sistance
noncontact digital data transmission
+ Displaying of torque, speed / rotation • Periodic calibration to German Cali-
between rotor and stator
angle and mechanical power bration Service (DKD) accreditation
+ Low maintenance costs and other official requirements
+ Monitoring of measurands with
+ Available as single- or dual-range adjustable limits • Expert, focused hotline
+ Full remote control via serial interface • Prompt, flexible customer service
+ Sensor signal supplied as voltage, possible
frequency or digital signal

Kistler Products
• Torque sensor Type 4503A…
All of the measured and calculated include scaling of the input torque and • Cable for analog signals
variables are provided by CoMo Torque output of the mechanical power as an Type KSM186420-5
(which converts speed into a tachometer analog variable. The test bay operator can
voltage signal) as analog voltage values, define all parameters of the evaluation • CoMo Torque Type 4700A…
which are passed on to the measurement instrument on-site or by remote control via evaluation instrument
acquisition system based on a PC. Options a serial interface.

Measuring Chain for Gearbox Endurance Test for Landing Flap Systems

Measuring Connecting Analyzing

Measuring of 4503A... 4700A...

torques and
evaluation with
CoMo Torque
ControlMonitor See page 110 or data sheet for cables
matching sensor 53
Force and Torque Measurement
in Practical Applications
Various types of suspension struts for Two NC joining systems replace four Focus on automated production sequence
stabilizing the tracking of vehicles are hydraulic units The cycle time for each strut is just 10
used with different elastomer bushings The versatility of the NC joining systems seconds:
enabled the automobile manufacturer to
to improve handling. Two electrome-
replace four individual machines with just 1. The struts are placed on a timed convey-
chanical NC joining modules with force- two NC joining systems. By contrast with or belt by hand.
displacement monitoring have replaced the hydraulic unit, the joining modules can
four separate hydraulic machines for this very easily reach different end points. The 2. Two sorting hoppers automatically feed
purpose on a manufacturing island. This additional cost of the electromechanical the elastomer bushings to the press-fit
cost-effective, space-saving investment joining systems over separate machines units.
with hydraulic joining units was recovered
with 20 alternative programs offers low
in no time at all. The NC joining systems
energy consumption and maintenance 3. Both bushings are automatically lubri-
are also more environmentally acceptable
costs, and a very rapid return on capital cated prior to the joining operation.
and significantly quieter than their hydrau-
expenditure. lic counterparts.
4. The Kistler systems press two bushings
into a strut simultaneously with a posi-
The manufacturing island of a leading 20 programs on single system
tioning accuracy of ±0,5 mm.
carmaker is a flexible assembly unit for The system can be used for future struts as
various struts used for ride improvement they evolve. The as-supplied configuration
in the axle area. The elastomer bushings has four programs to replace four separate The standardly furnished I-P.M. interface
improve handling as well as deadening machines. The plan is to map up to 20 dif- of the force-displacement measuring
noise and vibration. ferent programs onto a single system. The system DMF-P A300 NCF ensures easy
flexibility of the system makes it possible connection to an existing system employ-
to cut costs by making more efficient use ing this format. I-P.M. is used for docu-
The manufacturing island can handle vari-
of the shop floor and reducing the number mentation, detailed analysis and statisti-
ous strut types and lengths with different
of personnel required. cal process and measurement data. The
designs of elastomer bushings. The main
system is installed on a server for accessing
reason for awarding the contract for the
with a web browser. Measurement signa-
system to a particular machine manufac- Lower installation, energy and
tures can be visualized and archived for
turer was the advantages of the electro- maintenance costs
any preset period of time. The system can
mechanical joining systems from Kistler. The fast payback period of the higher
also automatically warn production, qual-
The manufacturing island accommodates investment involved in NC joining systems
ity assurance or maintenance managers of
two electromechanical NC joining systems is the result of: lower energy consumption,
any exceeded limits. Sets of limits can be
with integral force sensor for joining forces reduced maintenance costs due to elimina-
monitored with the module for changing
of up to 60 kN and a maximum stroke tion of oil and filter changes, the compact
parameters. The following statistical analy-
of 200 mm. The DMF-P A300 NCF Type arrangement without hydraulic units and
sis functions are available:
4734A… force-displacement measuring measures to contain oil leaks, and cost-
system monitors the process, the PLC effective installation without pipework.
of the system is a Siemens S7-315 with • EWMA
Profibus and a SINUMERIK operator panel • Shewart
front OP 012 and PCU 50. • Frequency curve
• Q-DAS transfer format (qs-stat)

Manufacturing island with two electromechanical NC

joining systems and parts fed by two sorting hoppers

Fast, Flexible and Firm Joining

Kistler Benefits Kistler Products Kistler Services

+ Very compact arrangement • Electromechanical NC joining system • Support with start up
NCFN Type 2153A0602003HG
+ Very compact and no oil • Parameter configuration
maintenance • NCFN 60/100 kN IndraDrive 70 A PB
Type KSM031634
+ Different end points accessible
without modifications • NCF SSI displacement IndraDrive
Type KSM301750-5
+ Greater versatility
• NCFN(S) strain gage force cable Type
+ Significantly quieter
+ Low energy consumption
• Force-displacement measuring system
+ Maintenance costs cut by elimination DMF-P A300 NCF Type 4734A…
of oil and filter changes
• TraceControl – Software for force-
+ Short payback period displacement measuring systems
Two electromechanical NC joining systems press
Type 4735A elastomer bushings into struts

Typical force-displacement curve in joining process, visualized by Kistler TraceCon- I-P.M. used for documentation as well as extended analysis and statistics of
trol (Freeware) process and measurement data.
1. Window type 3 for monitoring increase in force
2. Window/Box type 1 for monitoring the min/max force during joining
3. Window/Box 0 for monitoring the end point

Measuring Chain for Joining of Elastomer Bushings

Measuring Connecting Analyzing

Indirect measurement 2153A... 4734A...

of joining force and
monitoring in the
system See page 136 or data sheet for cables
matching NC joining system 55
Force and Torque Measurement
in Practical Applications

NC joining system NCFH used to press-fit bearings on Compactness of hollow-shaft motor allows 795 mm long NC joining module NCFH to offer 400 mm stroke
production line

Very accurate positioning and repeatabil- The electromechanical NC joining systems

Benefits of Kistler NC Joining
ity is vital when pressing small bearings NCFH Type 2151B… with integral piezo-
System NCFH
into a housing or delicate gears into electric force sensors have a special AC
hollow-shaft motor mounted on the actual + Gearing eliminated by hollow-shaft
miniature gearing. Electromechanical
spindle. The spindle connected to the ram motor design
NC joining systems with integral force- of the press translates along the axis of
displacement monitoring combine joining + Hollow-shaft motor mounted directly
rotation of the motor when actuated di-
on threaded spindle drive
and quality assurance in a single opera- rectly by the spindle nut. This arrangement
tion; their piezoelectric force sensors al- avoids belts and gearing and eliminates + Long spindle stroke despite compact
low highly dynamic monitoring of minute positioning and control discrepancies dimensions
caused by slippage.
joining forces. + Active compression compensation
Their unrivalled shortness and compact-
ness makes the NCFH modules suitable for + Force control system
even under-bench mounting. From + Standard holding brake
an overall length of only about 475 or
795 mm, they generate a stroke of 200 or + Highly responsive operation
400 mm, which allows deep end points, + Ideal for under-bench mounting
such as bearings in half-shell gearboxes, to
be reached.

Press Fitting with Extremely Small Forces

Indexing table in industrial clock manufacture with NC joining system NCFT pressing shaft-mounted gears into clock movement with force-displacement
feed station for press fitting gears monitoring

NC joining systems even for miniscule The NC joining system consists of the NC
Advantages of Kistler NC Joining
forces joining module NCFT Type 2157A..., the
System NCFT
With its integral piezoelectric force sen- force-displacement measuring system
sor and nominal joining force of 1 kN DMF-P A300 NCF Type 4734A... and the + Compactness
the electromechanical NC joining system IndraDrive servo controller. The electron-
+ Particularly slender profile
NCFT Type 2157A… is suitable for both ics in this controller monitor the operating
automated precision manufacture and range of the threaded spindle drive. The + Low joining forces for precision
standalone workstations required to offer powerful and versatile force-displacement manufacture
high sensitivity and dynamics in a very monitoring system displays the force curve
+ Measuring ranges of 0,25, 0,5 and
compact package. and uses fully programmable tolerance
1 kN
windows to continuously evaluate all
Its extremely high repeatability of phases of the assembly process. + Repeatability of 0,005 mm
0,005 mm and speed of up to 300 mm/s + Highly responsive operation
are designed to accommodate fast, high-
ly-precise cycles with short return strokes. + Extremely high speed of up to
The slender profile allows close spacing of 300 mm/s
neighboring stations on an assembly line.
The measuring ranges of 0,25 kN, 0,5 kN
and 1 kN meet even the most stringent
requirements, as in industrial clockmaking. 57
Other Force and Torque Applications in Manufacturing,
Assembly and Testing
Assembly and product testing are just Only piezoelectric measuring chains tai-
two of the many industrial applications lored to the application will deliver
in which force, torque or strain measure- optimal results. Their sensors, cables,
charge amplifiers and display and evalu-
ment plays a major role. Kistler sensors
ation equipment can be used for moni-
also measure highly dynamic production toring, testing, closed-loop control and
processes involved in operations such as open-loop control of a wide variety of
primary forming, re-shaping, cutting and manufacturing processes.
machining, and in all joining procedures
such as punching and welding. The The practical value of sensors used to
monitor assembly processes and test prod-
sensors help monitor, document and
ucts is discussed in detail in this catalog.
ultimately improve the quality of the However, their ability to measure force,
manufactured product. torque, pressure and acceleration is also
useful in other areas of industrial produc-
Used for measuring and monitoring, tion.
piezoelectric sensors offer numerous
advantages. To mention just one their Joining
wide measuring range generally protects During joining processes in general and
them against overload. They are ideal for longitudinal presswork, clinching and
measuring dynamic and cyclical processes bonding to produce permanently joined
and have a virtually unlimited service life. parts in particular, deviations within
large-scale production processes are best
chines ensures reliable monitoring of these
monitored by measuring the applied force.
widely used joining methods.
Process monitoring allows documenta-
tion of the joining process, an objective
Primary forming
means of detecting good and bad parts,
The molding of powder or melt into a
and continuous checking of the machine’s
solid body is referred to as primary form-
ing. Application of the correct amount of
force and pressure plays a key role in this
Measuring the force during crimping
process. Versatile and reliable force mea-
of the ends of cables ensures reliable
surement technology optimizes the shape,
electrical contacts for consistently high-
density and hardness of parts produced
quality volume production. Measuring the
by powder compaction, such as tablets,
electrode clamping force during resistance
pellets or sintered metals, and of metal die
welding optimizes joint quality in applica-
castings. The main benefit of process force
tions such as vehicle body manufacture.
monitoring is the production of finished
parts within a specified tolerance range.
Measuring the strain proportional to the
force in the structures of clinching tools,
riveting tools and wobble-riveting ma-

Testing Joining

Elastic Contact Connector Rotary Torque Crimping Screw Riveting Spot Bonding Press fitting Clinching
force force force switches connection welding

Re-shaping ing processes such as turning, milling, ponents. Tried and tested modules and
Piezoelectric force sensors promptly reveal grinding or drilling. This yields significant reliable mechanical, electrical, hardware
any defects or errors during re-shaping data on the cutting, feed and passive and software systems ensure extremely
processes such as embossing, sheet metal forces involved. Preliminary analysis of accurate measurement over long periods
rolling, deep drawing, forging, punching cutting forces improves process capabil- of time.
or stamping of metal blanks. ity for large-scale production. Monitoring
of these forces subsequently helps detect Kistler test stand systems have proven
On-line monitoring of process forces helps overloading, tool collisions and tool dam- effective over the decades in R&D as
detect dimensional and material errors as age. well as production and quality assurance.
well as insertion discrepancies to protect Their project portfolio includes mechanical
against damage or overstressing of ma- Test stand systems components such as drive measurement
chinery, tools, molds and workpieces. Test stand systems with torque sensors add-ons with torque sensors, small test
are indispensable for end-of-line testing stands with torque-speed measurement
Cutting and machining of electric motors, converters or gear- and manual or external control, and
Piezoelectric force sensors and dynamo- boxes. Optimal operation of such systems computer-controlled turnkey solutions for
meters with up to three components basically depends on choosing the right analysis and documentation of electrical
monitor the cutting force during machin- mechanical and instrumentation com- machinery.

Cutting Primary Re-shaping


Setting Grinding Drilling Turning Milling Tapping Powder Sheet metal Embossing Punching Deep
force pressing rolling drawing 59
Selection Criteria for Force Sensors
Single-Component Force Sensors

Direct Force Measurement

Piezoelectric sensors
Fz sensors

Type 9001A … 9091A 9101A … 9107A 9130B … 9137B 9130BA … 9137BA 9601A1…
Name Load washer Load washer SlimLine sensor SlimLine assembly kit VarioComp
Measuring range kN 0 … 0,75 to 0 … 1 200 0 … 20 to 0 … 700 0 … 2,5 to 0 … 80 0 … 2,5 to 0 … 80 0 … 30
Further details on page 72 73 74 74 83

Calibrated Calibrated
measuring force links

Type 9173B … 9176B 9313AA ... 9323A … 9363A Type 9301B … 9371B
Name Quartz force link Press force sensor Press force sensor Name Quartz force link
Measuring Measuring
direction direction
Measuring range kN 0 … 12 to 0 … 60 0 … 0,05 to 0 … 20 0 ... 0,1 to 0 … 120 Measuring range kN –2,5 … 2,5 to –120 … 120
Further details on page 76 81 81 Further details on page 80

calibrated measur-
ing elements for
very small forces

Type 9203 9205 9207 9215 9217A

Name Sensor for small forces Sensor for small forces Sensor for small forces Sensor for small forces Sensor for small forces
Measuring range N –50 … 50 to –500 … 500 –0,5 … 0,5 to –50 … 50 –0,5 … 0,5 to –50 … 50 0 … 2 to 0 … 200 –5 … 5 to –500 … 500
Further details on page 77 78 78 79 79

Calibrated mea-
suring elements,
miniature force

Type 9211/9211B 9213/9213B

Name Miniature force sensor Miniature force sensor
Measuring range kN 0 … 0,25 to 0 … 2,5 0 … 0,25 to 0 … 2,5
Further details on page 76 77

Single-Component Force Sensors

Direct Force Measurement

Calibrated measur-
ing elements for
very large forces

Type 9931A ...

Name MN press force calibration sensor

Measuring range MN 0 … 2,5 to 0 … 20
kN 0 ... 2 500 to 0 ... 20 000
Further details on page 83

Force sensor

Type 9602A1… 9602AA ...

Name Force transmitter Force transmitter
Measuring range kN –5 … 5 0 … 25
Further details on page 84 84

Calibrated force
transmitter, force

Type 9337A… 9831C… 9833C…

Name Press force transmitter Welding force calibration Welding force calibration
transmitter transmitter
Measuring range kN 0 … 2 to 0 … 70 0 … 5 to 0 … 45 0 … 5 to 0 … 25
Further details on page 82 85 85

Fy sensors

Type 9143B … 9147B

Name SlimLine sensor (shear)
Measuring range Fy kN –0,9 … 0,9 to –8 … 8
Further details on page 75

Fz sensors

Type 4576A ... 4577A ...

Name Tensile and compression sensor Miniature compression force sensor

Measuring range kN –0,5 … 0,5 to –200 … 200 0,1 ... 200
Further details on page 86 87 61
Selection Criteria for Force Sensors
Single-Component Force Sensors

Shunt Force Measurement

Fz sensors

Type 9101A … 9107A 9130B … 9137B 9130BA … 9137BA 9601A1…

Name Load washer SlimLine sensor SlimLine assembly kit VarioComp
Measuring range kN 0 … 20 to 0 … 700 0 … 2,5 to 0 … 80 0 … 2,5 to 0 … 80 0 … 30
Further details on page 73 74 74 83

Force sensor

Type 9602A1… 9602AA ...

Name Force transmitter Force transmitter
Measuring range kN –5 … 5 0 … 25
Further details on page 84 84

Fy sensors

Type 9143B … 9147B

Name SlimLine sensor (shear)
Measuring range Fy kN –0,9 … 0,9 to –8 … 8
Further details on page 75

Single-Component Force Sensors

Indirect Force Measurement

strain sensors

Type 9232A 9237A…

Name Surface strain sensor Surface strain sensor
Measuring range µε –600 … 600 –800 … 800
Further details on page 101 100

strain transmitter

Type 9238A…
Name Surface strain transmitter
Measuring range µε –800 … 800
Further details on page 100

measuring pins

Type 9241C… 9243B… 9245B… 9247A…

Name Transverse measuring Longitudinal measuring Longitudinal measuring Longitudinal measuring
pin pin pin pin

Measuring range µε –0 … 500 –1 500 … 1 500 –1 500 … 1 500 –1 400 … 1 400
Further details on page 102 102 103 103 63
Selection Criteria for Force Sensors
Multicomponent Force Sensors

Direct Force Measurement


Type 9017B/9018B 9047C/9048C 9067/9068 9067C/9068C 9077C/9078C 9251A/9252A 9601A2… 9601A3…

Name 3-comp. force 3-comp. force 3-comp. force 3-comp. force 3-comp. force 3-comp. force 3-comp. force 3-comp. force
sensor sensor sensor sensor sensor sensor sensor sensor
Meas. range Fx, Fy kN –1 … 1 –15 … 15 –20 … 20 –30 … 30 –75 … 75 –2,5 … 2,5 –2,5 … 2,5 –2,5 … 2,5
Meas. range Fz kN –2 … 2 –30 … 30 –40 … 40 –60 … 60 –150 … 150 –5 … 5 –5 … 5 –5 … 5
Further details on page 89 90 90 91 92 89 95 95

Force sensor

Type 9602A3…
Name 3-comp. force transmitter
Meas. range Fx, Fy kN –5 … 5
Meas. range Fz kN –5 … 5
Further details on page 96

Calibrated force

Type 9317B 9327A/9328A 9347C/9348C 9367C 9377C/9378C

Name 3-component force link 3-component force link 3-component force link 3-component force link 3-component force link
Meas. range Fx, Fy kN –1 … 1 –2,5 … 2,5 –15 … 15 –30 … 30 –75 … 75
Meas. range Fz kN –2 … 2 –5 … 5 –30 … 30 –60 … 60 –150 … 150
Further details on page 92 93 93 94 95

Calibrated 2-com-
ponent Mz/Fz
measuring element

Type 9345B 9365B

Name Mz/Fz measuring element Mz/Fz measuring element
Meas. range Fz kN –10 … 10 –20 … 20
Meas. range Mz* N·m –25 … 25 –200 … 200
Further details on page 82, 107 82, 107

*) Reaction torque

Selection Criteria for Torque Sensors
Torque Sensors

Reaction Torque Sensors


Type 9039 … 9069

Name Torque sensor
Measuring range N·m –5 … 5 to –200 … 200
Further details on page 105

Calibrated mea-
suring elements

Type 9329A … 9389A

Name Reaction torque sensor
Measuring range N·m –1 … 1 to –1 000 … 1 000
Further details on page 106

Calibrated 2-com-
ponent Mz/Fz
measuring element

Type 9345B 9365B

Name Mz/Fz measuring element Mz/Fz measuring element
Meas. range Fz kN –10 … 10 –20 … 20
Meas. range Mz* N·m –25 … 25 –200 … 200
Further details on page 82, 107 82, 107
*) Reaction torque

Rotating Torque Sensors


Type 4501A… 4502A… 4503A… 4504A…

Name Slip ring MiniSmart Dual-range Torque
torque sensor torque sensor torque sensor measuring flange
Rated torque N·m 2 ... 1 000 0,5 ... 1 000 0,2 ... 5 000 50 ... 5 000
Further details on page 109 109 110 111 65
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To enable integration of Kistler prod- The Kistler CAD download service can be
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numerous CAD systems. The service can • Using the CAD product portal
also be employed to download data sheets, which can be ac-
in the form of PDF files and 2D drawings cessed in 18 country domains and
as DXF files. 5 languages

• Through the Kistler PartCommunity:

Selection Criteria for Charge Amplifiers

Charge amplifiers

Type 5015A... 5070A... 5073A... 5027A... 5030A... 5037B... 5041E... 5058A...

Name Charge meter ICAM MiniAmp
Application sector Laboratory Laboratory Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry
Conversion of a charge output Plus display of Display of the All-purpose Can be inte- Miniature All-purpose Panel mounted Suitable for
Main application

by a piezoelectric sensor the mechanical mechanical standard grated into ex- amplifier for standard version. Gain side-by-side
into a voltage signal measurand and measurand and amplifier for isting machine confined amplifier for easily adjusted mounting in
quick changes quick changes demanding structures very spaces. demanding with thumb- 19" rack. Ideal
to setup. to setup. industrial envi- effectively. industrial envi- wheel switch. for multichan-
ronments ronments. nel applica-
Meas. range for FSO min. [pC] 0 .... ± 2 200 100 150 100 20 100 10
Meas. range for FSO max. [pC] 0 ... ± 2 200 000 600 000 1 000 000 450 000 10 000 650 000 100 000 1 000 000
Number of measuring channels 1 4/8 1…4 1 1 1 1 1
Number of measuring ranges per
1 1 2 1 2 1 1 5
measuring channel
Measuring range switching via digital input digital input digital input
Measuring range switching when
n n
Output signal ±2/2,5/5/10 ±10 V ±10 V ±5 V ±10 V ±10 V ±10 V ±10 V
Sum signal from n measuring channels n n
+P, -P,
Peak memory (+peak, -peak) +P, -P +P, -P +P, -P
Track hold memory n n
Reset using semiconductor switch
Overload monitoring signal (dig. out) n
Electrical isolation of input/output n
BNC/TNC/ MiniCoax/
Signal input (type/connector) BNC neg. BNC neg. BNC/TNC KIAG 10-32 KIAG 10-32 BNC neg.
KIAG 10-32 BNC
Signal output (type/connector) BNC D-Sub D-Sub DIN 45326 M12 8-pole PC/terminal Terminal DIN 41612
Cut-off frequency (–3 dB) 200 kHz 45 kHz 20 kHz 10 kHz 10 kHz 30 kHz 50 kHz 80 kHz
Selectable filter n n n n
Adjustable zero point offset n
S, M S, M S, M S, M
(S = setup, M = measurement data)
(S = setup, M = measurement data)
n S, M

115 / 230 100 ... 240 ±15 V /

Power supply 24 VDC 24 VDC 24 VDC ±15 V ±15 V
Display for measurements and setting up n n
For panel mounting n n n n

Screw mounted n n n n
Unit for 19" rack system n n n
Desktop case n n
Turn and click knob n n
Potentiometer / DIP switches n n n

PC tool ManuWare (RS-232C) n

Thumbwheel switch n
Degree of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40 IP40 IP 60/65 IP65 IP65 IP60/IP65/IP67 IP40 IP40

Further details on page 113 114 115 116 116 117 117 118 67

Type 5863A2... 5863A1... 5885A...* 5875A.... 4700A… 5629A2

Name CoMo View® CoMo Net® CoMo Sys® CoMo Logic® CoMo Torque Terminal
Monitoring of relationships between Measurement and Measurement and Measurement and Measurement and Measurement and monitoring Can be networked
Main application

two measurands such as force and monitoring mod- monitoring module monitoring system monitoring module system for torque sensors, purely as a monitor
displacement or torque and rotation ule with graphical (black box), visualization for special custom for one measurand measurement of torque and and control unit
angle. Produces as a good or bad display with CoMo View, chan- applications, very as a function of time, speed/rotation angle, calcula- with CoMo Net /
signal to the PLC. nel expansion module universal and evaluation with three tion of mechanical power. CoMo View.
for CoMo View. versatile. thresholds.

Number of measuring channels per unit 1 (x/y) 1 (x/y) 1 … 7/8 (x/y) 1 (y) 2 (y)
Relationship between the measuring channels y = f(x), y = f(t) y = f(x), y = f(t) y = f(x), y = f(t) y = f(t) y1 = M(t), y2 = n(t)
Potentiometer n n n
channel X

SSI n n n

Incremental (A+B track) n n n

Process signal ±10 V ±10 V ±10 V
Piezoelectric n n n n
Strain gage n n n n
channel Y

Process signal ±10 V ±10 V ±10 V ±10 V

Frequency signal ≤300 kHz
Incremental (A+B track) n (speed, angle)
Cascadable up to n pairs of x/y channels 24 no limits 24
Number of parameter sets 16 16 16 per channel 8 20
dig. in/bus/LAN/
Switching between parameter sets dig. in/bus dig. in/bus dig. in RS-232C/USB
Evaluation windows (boxes) n n n
Evaluation methods

Envelope curve n
Monitoring of fitting force n n n
Hysteresis n n n
Gradient n n n
Min - max thresholds n n n n
Real-time thresholds y, x y, x y, x y, x y y
Sampling rate [S/s] 10 kHz/channel 10 kHz/channel 10 kHz/channel 10 kHz 10 kHz
Memory depth (pairs of values per cycle) 1 000 1 000 1 000 480 5 000
Profibus n n n
Interfaces /

Ethernet n n n n
bus types

RS-232C n n n n n
USB 2.0 n n
Dig. I/O (24 V) n n n n n
Web browser n n n
Setup / visualiz-

PC tool ManuWare n n n
ation with

Remote maintenance n n n n n
Graphical display n n n n
Alphanumeric display n n
Q-DAS transfer format (qs-stat) n n n
CSV n n n n

XML n n
HTML n n
Panel mounted n n
Wall mounted n

Unit for 19" rack system n n

Desktop version n n n n
DIN rail mounted n
Degree of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40/IP65 IP40 IP54 IP40 IP40 IP65
Power supply 24 VDC 24 VDC 100 … 230 V 24 VDC 115/230 VAC 24 VDC

Further details on page 123 122 125 121 126 124

*Only available in Germany

Selection Criteria for ControlMonitors
and Monitoring Units

Monitoring units

Type 4734A… 4737A… 4733A…

Name DMF-P A300 NCF DMF-P A300 DMF-P A400 advanced
Monitoring of joining and press-fit Measurement and monitoring Measurement and monitoring Dual-channel measurement and

processes. Supplying of result as a system specifically for electrome- system for general joining and monitoring system for general joining

good or bad signal to the PLC. chanical NC joining modules press-fit processes. and press-fit processes. Two indepen-
(e.g. NCFH Type 2151B… etc.) dent channels in a single unit.

Number of measuring channels per unit 1 (x/y) 1 (x/y) 2 (x/y)

Relationship between the measuring channels y = f(x) y = f(x), y = f(t) y = f(x), y= f(t)
Potentiometer n n
channel x

n n n

Incremental n n n
Process signal ±10 V ±10 V
Piezoelectric Mounted in the NC joining module n n
channel y

Strain gage n n n
Process signal ±10 V ±10 V ±10 V
Cascadable up to n pairs of x/y channels 8
Number of parameter sets 32 32 32 per channel
Switching between parameter sets dig. in/bus/LAN dig. in/bus/LAN dig. in/bus/LAN
Evaluation windows (boxes) n n n
Monitoring of fitting force n n n

Hysteresis n n n
Gradient n n n
Inflection point n n n
Real-time thresholds y, x y, x y, x y, x
Sampling rate [S/s] 5 kHz 5 kHz 5 kHz per channel
Memory depth (pairs of values per cycle) 4 000 4 000 4 000 per channel
Profibus n n n
Interfaces / bus types

Interbus S
ProfiNet I/O
Ethernet n n n
RS-232C n n n
Dig. I/O (24 V) n n n
Web browser n n n
Remote maintenance n n n
Graphics display n n n
Q-DAS transfer format (qs-stat) n n n
I.-P.M. data format n n n

CSV n n n
TXT n n n
Panel mounted n n n

Wall mounted n n n
Desktop version n n n
Degree of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40/IP54 IP40/IP54 IP40/IP54
Power supply 24 VDC 24 VDC 24 VDC

Further details on page 137 127 128

Key: = standard = option (alternative) 69

When it comes to measuring dynamic forces, Multicomponent force sensors

Kistler mainly relies on the piezoelectric In multicomponent force sensors, a pair of
principle. Under mechanical load piezoelec- quartz rings cut for the longitudinal effect
tric materials produce positive or negative measures the normal component Fz of
electric charges. Charge amplifiers convert forces acting on the sensor, while each of
the charge generated by the piezoelectric two pairs of rings cut for the shear effect
material into a proportional voltage. Quartz measures one of the two shear compon-
disks with piezoelectric properties can be ar- ents (Fx and Fy). Multicomponent force
ranged in sensors to measure one or several sensors are usually mounted in groups of
force components or one torque vector. three or four in a dynamometer or force
plate rather than individually. Most Kistler
Kistler provides the following piezoelectric dynamometers and force plates are suit-
sensors for assembly and product testing: able for both 3-component force mea-
• Single-component force sensors surement and 6-component force-torque
• Multicomponent force sensors measurement.
• Strain sensors
• Torque sensors Strain sensors
In most areas of application, strain mea-
Strain gage technology is the preferred surement is used for indirect force mea-
method of measuring torque on rotating surement on or in components. Changes in
shafts. For use in product and component the measured length of the component are
testing Kistler therefore supplies: transmitted to the elastic piezoelectric sen-
• Strain gage torque sensors for rotating sor element, where it acts as a shear force.
shafts As strains can form in different directions,
Kistler offers sensors for measuring them
Single-component force sensors longitudinally or transversely to the mount-
Single-component force sensors, various ing hole. To accommodate both tensile
types of which are available, are par- and compressive strains, the sensors are
ticularly suitable for measuring forces in mechanically preloaded inside the bore.
one defined direction. The so-called load
washer is one of these designs that is ideal Torque sensors
for practical applications. Preloaded be- Kistler supplies a variety of sensors for
tween two special nuts, the washer forms a measuring torque. Examples include strain
force link. The preloaded sensor is ideal for gage designs for rotating shafts, and
measuring tensile and compression forces. piezoelectric sensors mounted under a high
In sensors for measuring small forces, the mechanical preload for measuring reaction
piezoelectric effect exhibited by slender torques. Torque dynamometers are used
quartz rods results in sensitivity around mainly for calibrating torque wrenches.
thirty times that of a load washer.


Single-component force sensors

The load washer is the traditional stan- Devices for measuring extremely small
Load washer dard force sensor. It involves two lightly forces, termed low-level force sensors,
preloaded quartz disks mounted between have an essentially different design. Slender
the base plate and the cover plate, which quartz rods are mounted under preload
are welded to the jacket to form an airtight between parts used to introduce the force.
case. This protects the highly sensitive The length of these rods results in them
internal parts against all external influ- achieving up to thirty times the sensitivity
ences. The measurement signal is received of load washers and, even from minute
by an electrode between the two quartz forces, producing very significant charge
disks, and transmitted to the connector. levels for processing by the charge ampli-
Load washers are sturdy and extraordinarily fier.
Force link versatile in application. They are often inte-
grated into machine structures with a slight Press force transmitters operate without
initial preload before being fully preloaded any external charge amplifier at all. The
as required. components used to condition the signal
are accommodated within the sensor itself.
Calibrated and preloaded between two The user therefore does not need to worry
special nuts, the washer forms a force link. about preloading the sensor or installing an
Preloaded sensors, which are available additional amplifier. Transmitters supply a
already calibrated, are easily mounted and voltage output signal.
Low-level sensor can be used immediately for measuring
for small forces compression and tensile forces. 71
Single-Component Force Sensors
Load Washer, 0 ... 750 N to 0 ... 400 kN
Technical data Type 9001A Type 9011A Type 9021A Type 9031A
D Measuring range kN 0 ... 7,5 0 ... 15 0 ... 35 0 ... 60
d Calibrated meas. ranges kN 0 ... 0,75 0 ... 1,5 0 ... 3,5 0 ... 6
0 ... 7,5 0 ... 15 0 ... 35 0 ... 60
Fz Rigidity kN/µm ≈1 ≈1,8 ≈3,5 ≈6
D mm 10,3 14,5 22,5 28,5
d mm 4,1 6,5 10,5 13

H H mm 6,5 8 10 11
Weight g 3 7 20 36

Technical data Type 9041A Type 9051A Type 9061A Type 9071A
Type 9041A
Measuring range kN 0 ... 90 0 ... 120 0 ... 200 0 ... 400
Calibrated meas. ranges kN 0 ... 9 0 ... 12 0 ... 20 0 ... 40
0 ... 90 0 ... 120 0 ... 200 0 ... 400
Rigidity kN/µm ≈7,5 ≈9 ≈14 ≈26
D mm 34,5 40,5 52,5 75,5
d mm 17 21 26,5 40,5
H mm 12 13 15 17
Weight g 70 80 157 370

General technical data

Sensitivity pC/N ≈–4,3
Operating temp. range ºC –196 ... 200
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
IP67 with cable Type 1983AD… and welded connector
Connector KIAG 10-32 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Wide measuring range, high Materials testing, machine testing, Connecting cable Type 1631C…
rigidity, compact design, mounting measurement of impact, bear- Mounting set Type 9422A...
accessories. ing reaction, screw, clamping or Preloading elements Type 9420A…
punching forces. Mounting accessories
Type 9505 … 9579

Data sheet 9001A_000-105

Load Washer, 0 ... 65 kN, 0 ... 1 200 kN

Technical data Type 9081A Type 9091A
D Measuring range kN 0 ... 650 0 ... 1 200
d Calibrated meas. ranges kN 0 ... 65 / 0 ... 650 0 ... 120 / 0 ... 1 200

Fz Rigidity kN/µm ≈30 ≈65

D mm 100 145
d mm 40,5 66
H mm 22 28
Weight g 905 2 350

General technical data

Type 9081A Sensitivity pC/N ≈–2,2
Operating temp. range ºC –50 ... 100
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
Connector TNC neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

For forces up to 1.2 MN, very high Measurement of impact, punching Connecting cable Type 1609B…
rigidity, compact design. or tire contact forces.
Data sheet 9081A_000-106

Single-Component Force Sensors
Load Washer, 0 ... 20 kN to 0 ... 700 kN
Technical data Type 9101A Type 9102A Type 9103A Type 9104A
D Measuring range kN 0 ... 20 0 ... 50 0 ... 100 0 ... 140
d Rigidity kN/µm ≈1,8 ≈3,5 ≈6 ≈7,5
D mm 14,5 22,5 28,5 34,5
d mm 6,5 10,5 13 17
H mm 8 10 11 12
Weight g 7 20 36 70

Technical data Type 9105A Type 9106A Type 9107A

Measuring range kN 0 ... 190 0 ... 330 0 ... 700
Type 9101A
Rigidity kN/µm ≈9 ≈14 ≈26
D mm 40,5 52,5 75,5
d mm 21 26,5 40,5
H mm 13 15 17
Weight g 80 157 370

General technical data

Calibrated meas. ranges not calibrated
Sensitivity pC/N ≈–4,3
Operating temp. range ºC –40 ... 120
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
IIP67 with cable Type 1983AD… and welded connector
Connector KIAG 10-32 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Wide measuring range, high Industrial monitoring functions. Connecting cables Type 1939A...,
rigidity, compact design. 1941A…, 1943A..., 1945A…
Mounting set Type 9422A...
Preloading elements Type 9420A…

Data sheet 9101A_000-108 73
Single-Component Force Sensors
SlimLine Sensor, 0 ... 3 kN to 0 ... 80 kN
Technical data Type 9130B... Type 9131B... Type 9132B... Type 9133B...
D Measuring range kN 0 ... 3 0 ... 2,5 0 ... 7 0 ... 14
d Sensitivity pC/N ≈–3,5 ≈–4 ≈–3,8 ≈–3,8
Rigidity kN/µm ≈1 ≈0,7 ≈1,8 ≈2,5
D mm 8 7 12 16
d mm 2,7 – 4,1 6,1
H mm 3 3 3 3,5
H Weight (without cable) g 1 1 2 3

Technical data Type 9134B... Type 9135B... Type 9136B... Type 9137B...
Type 9134B Measuring range kN 0 ... 26 0 ... 36 0 ... 62 0 ... 80
Sensitivity pC/N ≈–3,8 ≈–3,8 ≈–3,8 ≈–3,8
Rigidity kN/µm ≈5,6 ≈7 ≈8 ≈16
D mm 20 24 30 36
d mm 8,1 10,1 12,1 14,1
H mm 3,5 3,5 4 5
Weight (without cable) g 5 7 14 27

General technical data

Calibrated meas. ranges not calibrated
Operating temp. range ºC –20 ... 120
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65
Connector optional: KIAG 10-32 pos.
Mini Coax neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Very slim design, high rigidity, Measurement of press-fitting Preloading disk Type 9410A…
flexible mounting in structures, and punching forces, etc., tool
integral connecting cable. monitoring, measurement of large Data sheet 9130B_000-110
forces in force shunt mode.

SlimLine Assembly Kit

Technical data Type 9130BA... Type 9131BA... Type 9132BA... Type 9133BA...
D Fz Kit consists of Type 9130B 9131B 9132B 9133B

Technical data Type 9134BA... Type 9135BA... Type 9136BA... Type 9137BA...
Kit consists of Type 9134B 9135B 9136B 9137B

General technical data

Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
Connector Fischer flange 7-pole neg.

Type 9133BA... Characteristics Applications Accessories

Ready-to-connect assembly kit Measurement of press-fitting and ­Connecting cable for summing
with 2, 3 or 4 SlimLine sensors punching forces, etc., monitoring signal Type 1971A…
ground level, flexible and compact of follow-on tools, measurement ­Connecting cable for single signal
mounting in structure, optional of large forces in force shunt Type 1973A…
measurement of total or individual mode, manufacture of small force
sensor forces, cable length options plates. Data sheet 9130BA_000-109
to suit individual sensor.

Single-Component Force Sensors
SlimLine Sensor for Shear Force, –0,9 ... 0,9 kN to –8 ... 8 kN
Technical data Type 9143B... Type 9144B... Type 9145B... Type 9146B...
D Measuring range kN –0,9 ... 0,9 –1,7 ... 1,7 –2,7 ... 2,7 –4 ... 4
d Sensitivity pC/N ≈–6 ≈–7 ≈–7 ≈–7
Fy Rigidity kN/µm ≈2,5 ≈5,6 ≈7 ≈8
Preloading force kN 9 17 27 40
D mm 16 20 24 30
d mm 6,1 8,1 10,1 12,1
H mm 3,5 3,5 3,5 4
Weight (without cable) g 3 5 7 14

Type 9143B...
Technical data Type 9147B...
Measuring range kN –8 ... 8
Sensitivity pC/N ≈–8
Rigidity kN/µm ≈16
Preloading force kN 80
D mm 36
d mm 14,1
H mm 5
Weight (without cable) g 27

General technical data

Calibrated meas. ranges not calibrated
Operating temp. range ºC –20 ... 120
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65
Connector optional: KIAG 10-32 pos.
Mini Coax neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

High rigidity, very slim and small Monitoring of shear forces in Preloading disk Type 9410A
design, flexible mounting in struc- machines, tools and assembly pro-
tures, integral connecting cable. cesses, manufacture of compact Data sheet 9143B_000-113
force plates. 75
Single-Component Force Sensors
SlimLine Quartz Force Link for Tensile and Compression Forces, 0 … 12 kN to 0 … 60 kN
Technical data Type 9173B Type 9174B Type 9175B Type 9176B
Measuring range kN 0 ... 12 0 ... 20 0 ... 30 0 ... 60
Calibrated measuring range kN 0 ... 12 0 ... 20 0 ... 30 0 ... 60
Permissible tensile force kN 0 ... –3 0 ... –5 0 ... –8 0 ... –16
Natural frequency kHz ≈75 ≈70 ≈60 ≈55
D mm 18 22 26 32
H mm 22 24 28 34
h mm 14 16 19 23
T M12x1,25 M16x1,5 M20x1,5 M24x2
Weight (ohne Kabel) g 28 40 81 147
D General technical data
Sensitivity pC/N ≈–3,5
Type 9173B Operating temp. range ºC –20 ... 80
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65
Connector KIAG 10-32 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

These sensors are preloaded High rigidity, very flat and compact Force measurement in robotic sys- Connecting cable Type 1631C...
and calibrated design, measures tensile and com- tems, monitoring of presses, punch Force distributing cap
pression forces, integral cable. presses, embossing and welding Type 9416A...
units, clamping processes, joining.
Data sheet 9173B_000-112

Miniature Sensor for Compression Forces, 0 … 250 N to 0 … 2,5 kN

Technical data Type 9211...
Fz Measuring range kN 0 ... 2,5
Calibrated meas. ranges kN 0 ... 0,25
0 ... 2,5
Sensitivity pC/N ≈–4,4
H Natural frequency kHz ≈200
Operating temp. range ºC –40 ... 150
D mm 6
D H mm 6
Weight g 1,2
Type 9211...
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65
Connector BNC pos.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

This sensor is preloaded and Extremely small design, very high Measurement of punching, bear- Extension cable Type 1603B…
calibrated natural frequency, integral con- ing reaction, joint and vibration
necting cable. forces, force measurement under Data sheet 9211_000-131
adverse conditions as in confined

Single-Component Force Sensors
Miniature Sensor for Compression Forces, 0 … 250 N to 0 … 2,5 kN
Technical data Type 9213...
Fz Measuring range kN 0 ... 2,5
Calibrated meas. ranges kN 0 ... 0,25
0 ... 2,5
Sensitivity pC/N ≈–4,4
Natural frequency kHz ≈200
Operating temp. range ºC –40 ... 150
T D mm 6
H mm 8,5
T M2,5 (female thread)
Type 9213... Weight g 2
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65
Connector BNC pos.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

This sensor is preloaded and Extremely small design, very high Measurement of punching, bear- Extension cable Type 1603B…
calibrated natural frequency, integral connect- ing reaction, joint and vibration
ing cable. forces, force measurement under Data sheet 9213_000-132
adverse conditions as in confined

Sensor for Tensile and Compression Forces, –5 … 5 N to –500 … 500 N

Technical data Type 9203
Measuring range N –500 ... 500
Calibrated meas. ranges N 0 ... 5
0 ... –50 / 0 ... 50
D 0 ... –500 / 0 ... 500
L Sensitivity pC/N ≈–45
Natural frequency kHz >27
Operating temp. range ºC –150 ... 240
T D M10x1
L mm 28,5
T M3 (female thread)
Fz Weight g 13
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
Type 9203 IP67 with cable Type 1983AD and welded connector
Connector KIAG 10-32 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

This sensor is preloaded and High sensitivity, extremely low Measurement of contact forces of Connecting cable Type 1631C…
calibrated threshold, high natural frequency, push-button switches, relays, etc.,
measures tensile and compression measurement of spring charac- Data sheet 9203_000-127
forces, small dimensions. teristics, extraction and assembly
machine forces. The slender design
allows arrays of closely spaced sen-
sors, for example for simultaneous
testing of the haptic behavior of a
complete cell phone keypad. 77
Single-Component Force Sensors
Sensor for Tensile and Compression Forces, –0,5 … 0,5 N to –50 … 50 N, Radial Connection
T Technical data Type 9205
Measuring range N –50 ... 50
Calibrated meas. ranges N 0 ... 0,5 / 0 ... –0,5
0 ... 5 / 0 ... –5
0 ... 50 / 0 ... –50
Sensitivity pC/N ≈–115
Natural frequency kHz >10
D Operating temp. range ºC –50 ... 150
D M10x1
L mm 28,5
T M3 (female thread)
Weight g 19
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
IP67 with cable Type 1983AD… and welded connector
Connector KIAG 10-32 neg., radial

Type 9205 Characteristics Applications Accessories

High sensitivity, extremely low Measurement of contact forces of Connecting cable Type 1631C…
threshold, high natural frequency, push-button switches, relays, etc., Coupling element Type 9405
This sensor is preloaded and measures tensile and compression measurement of spring charac-
calibrated. forces, small dimensions. teristics, extraction and assembly Data sheet 9205_000-129
machine forces.

Sensor for Tensile and Compression Forces, –0,5 … 0,5 N to –50 … 50 N, Axial Connection
Technical data Type 9207
Measuring range N –50 ... 50
Calibrated meas. ranges N 0 ... –0,5 / 0 ... 0,5
0 ... –5 / 0 ... 5
0 ... –50 / 0 ... 50
Sensitivity pC/N ≈–115
D Natural frequency kHz >10
D M10x1
L mm 28,5
T M3 (female thread)

T Weight g 19
Operating temp. range ºC –50 ... 150
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
IP67 with cable Type 1983AD… and welded connector
Connector KIAG 10-32 neg., axial
Type 9207

Characteristics Applications Accessories

High sensitivity, extremely low Measurement of contact forces of Connecting cable Type 1631C…
threshold, high natural frequency, push-button switches, relays, etc., Coupling element Type 9405
This sensor is preloaded and measures tensile and compression measurement of spring charac-
calibrated. forces, small dimensions. teristics, extraction and assembly Data sheet 9207_000-130
machine forces.

Single-Component Force Sensors
Sensor for Compression Forces, 0 … 2 N to 0 … 200 N
Technical data Type 9215
Measuring range N –20 ... 200
Calibrated meas. ranges N 0 ... 2
D 0 ... 20
L 0 ... 200
Sensitivity pC/N ≈–81
T Natural frequency kHz >50
D M5x0,5
L mm 12,5
T M2 (female thread)
Type 9215 Weight g 2,5
Operating temp. range ºC –50 ... 180
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
IP67 with cable Type 1983AD… and welded connector
Connector M4x0,35 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

This sensor is preloaded and The highly sensitive force link used With its small dimensions, the Connecting cable Type 1651C…
calibrated. gives the sensor a very high rigid- sensor is ideal for mounting in
ity and low transverse sensitivity. confined spaces. Wide range of Data sheet 9215_000-487
Measuring surface is tapped M2 applications in product testing and
hole. high-sensitivity force measurement
in research and development. Con-
struction of miniature force plates
and arrays of sensors at spacings
≥7,5 mm.

Sensor for Tensile and Compression Forces, M10x1, –50 … 50 N to –500 … 500 N
Technical data Type 9217A
Measuring range N –500 ... 500
Calibrated meas. ranges N 0 ... 5
0 ... –50 / 0 ... 50
0 ... –500 / 0 ... 500
Sensitivity pC/N ≈–105
Natural frequency kHz >20
D M10x1
L mm 28,5
T M3 (female thread)
Weight g 16

Fz Operating temp. range ºC –50 ... 150

Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
Type 9217A IP67 with cable Type 1983AD… and welded connector
Connector KIAG 10-32 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

This sensor is preloaded and Sturdy piezoelectric force sensor Wide range of applications in Connecting cable Type 1631C…
calibrated. with a high sensitivity for small product testing – of push-button
tensile and compression forces and other switches, connectors, Data sheet 9217A_000-546
starting from a few mN. High springs, etc. as well as general use
rigidity and very low transverse for highly sensitive force measure-
sensitivity. Measuring surface is ment in research and development.
tapped M3 hole. The slender design allows arrays of
closely spaced sensors, for example
for simultaneous testing of the
haptic behavior of a complete cell
phone keypad. 79
Single-Component Force Sensors
Quartz Force Link for Tensile and Compression Forces, –2,5 … 2,5 kN to –120 … 120 kN
Technical data Type 9301B Type 9311B Type 9321B Type 9331B
D Measuring range kN –2,5 ... 2,5 –5 ... 5 –10 ... 10 –20 ... 20
Fz Calibrated meas. ranges kN 0 ... –2,5 0 ... –5 0 ... –10 0 ... –20
0 ... 0,025 0 ... 0,05 0 ... 0,1 0 ... 0,2
T 0 ... 2,5 0 ... 5 0 ... 10 0 ... 20
Rigidity kN/µm ≈0,3 ≈0,6 ≈0,9 ≈1
Natural frequency kHz ≈90 ≈70 ≈55 ≈45
D mm 11 15 23 29
H mm 25 30 45 52
H T M5 M6 M10 M12
Weight g 14 28 90 170

Technical data Type 9341B Type 9351B Type 9361B Type 9371B
Measuring range kN –30 ... 30 –40 ... 40 –60 ... 60 –120 ... 120
Calibrated meas. ranges kN 0 ... –30 0 ... –40 0 ... –60 0 ... –120
Type 9301B 0 ... 0,3 0 ... 0,4 0 ... 0,6 0 ... 1,2
0 ... 30 0 ... 40 0 ... 60 0 ... 120
Rigidity kN/µm ≈1,8 ≈2 ≈2,8 ≈4
Natural frequency kHz ≈40 ≈33 ≈28 ≈22
D mm 35 41 53 76
H mm 62 72 88 108
T M16 M20 M24 M30
Weight g 330 480 1 020 2 500

General technical data

Sensitivity pC/N ≈–4
Operating temp. range ºC –40 ... 120
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
IP67 with cable Type 1983AD… and welded connector
Connector KIAG 10-32 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

These sensors are preloaded Measures tensile and compression Impact forces, shock loads on land- Connecting cable Type 1631C…
and calibrated. forces, easy mounting with center- ing gear, impact tests, supporting Force distributing cap
ing seats for accuracy, ground- and compression forces. Quality Type 9500A…
isolated. control through measurement of Flange Type 9504A…
forces in switches and monitoring
of assembly machines. Data sheet 9301B_000-107

Single-Component Force Sensors
Press Force Sensor for Compression Forces, 0 … 50 N to 0 … 20 kN
Technical data Type 9313AA1 Type 9313AA2
Measuring range kN 0 ... 5 0 ... 20
Calibrated meas. ranges kN 0 ... 0,05 0 ... 0,2
0 ... 0,5 0 ... 2
0 ... 5 0 ... 20
Permissible tensile force kN 0 ... –0,5 0 ... –2
Sensitivity pC/N ≈–10 ≈–10
D mm 13 19
H K M2,5 M4
H mm 10 14
Weight g 10 25

Type 9313AA...
General technical data
Operating temp. range ºC –40 ... 120
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
IP67 with cable Type 1983AD… and welded connector
Connector KIAG 10-32 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

These sensors are preloaded Compact, ready-to-mount force Monitoring sensor for joining Flange Type 9580A…
and calibrated. sensor, flexible adaptation, central processes, compression force Force distributing cap
hole. measurement on presses, for test Type 9500AA…
equipment. Mounting stud Type 9590A…

Data sheet 9313_000-705

Press Force Sensor for Compression Forces, 0 … 100 N to 0 … 120 kN

Technical data Type 9323AA Type 9323A Type 9333A Type 9343A Type 9363A
Measuring range kN 0 ... 10 0 ... 20 0 ... 50 0 ... 70 –20 ... 120
Calibrated meas. ranges kN 0 ... 0,1 0 ... 0,2 0 ... 0,5 0 ... 0,7 0 ... 1,2
D 0 ... 1 0 ... 2 0 ... 5 0 ... 7 0 ... 12
P 0 ... 10 0 ... 20 0 ... 50 0 ... 70 0 ... 120
Fz Permissible tensile force kN 0 ... –1 0 ... –2 0 ... –5 0 ... –10 0 ... –20
Sensitivity pC/N ≈–10 ≈–3,9 ≈–4 ≈–4 ≈–4
D mm 20 20 30 36 54
P M5x0,5 M5x0,5 M9x0,5 M13x1 M20x1,5
H mm 26 26 34 42 60
Weight g 50 47 137 240 800
General technical data
Operating temp. range ºC –40 ... 120
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
IP67 with cable Type 1983AD… and welded connector
Type 9323A... to 9363A... Connector KIAG 10-32 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

These sensors are preloaded Compact, ready-to-mount force Monitoring sensor for joining Flange Type 9580A…
and calibrated. sensor, flexible adaptation, central processes, compression force Force distributing cap Type 9582A…
hole. measurement on presses, for test Female thread adapter
equipment. Type 9584A…
Male thread adapter Type 9586A…

Data sheet 9323_000-704 81
Single-Component Force Sensors
Press Force Transmitter, 0 … 2 kN to 0 … 70 kN in Each of Two Switchable Ranges
Technical data Type 9337A40 Type 9337A40U
D Measuring ranges I/II, factory 0 ... 50 / 0 ... 5 Custom preset and calibrated from
d 0 … 70/50/20/10/5/2 for each meas. range
K Calibrated meas. ranges kN 0 ... 50 / 0 ... 5 As chosen by customer
General technical data
Max. measuring ranges kN 0 ... 70
Output signal [FSO] V 0 ... 10
D mm 50
d mm 36
K 4 x M5
L mm 66,5
H mm 45
L Weight g 520
Operating temp. range ºC –10 ... 70
Type 9337A40U
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP67
Connector M12x1 8-pole

Characteristics Applications Accessories

This sensor is preloaded and Robust press force sensor with Direct measurement of dynamic Flange Type 9594A1
calibrated. integral, configurable, fully digital and quasistatic compression forces Force distributing cap
charge amplifier for dynamic and on presses and joining systems; Type 9582A1
quasistatic forces. measurement of feed and pressing Female thread adapter
forces; measurement of signatures Type 9584A1
The parameters of this trans- in product testing; use as reference Male thread adapter Type 9586A1
mitter can be configured sensor, for instance for on-site USB 1.1 to RS-232C converter
quickly and easily with the calibration of force and strain sen- Type 2867
sors mounted in the structure of a
ManuWare PC program. machine. Data sheet 9937A_000-664

2-Component Sensor Fz, Mz, 0 … 1 kN to 0 … 20 N plus 0 … 2,5 N∙m to 0 … 200 N∙m

Technical data Type 9345B Type 9365B
D Measuring range Fz kN –10 ... 10 –20 ... 20
Calibrated meas. ranges kN 0 ... 1 0 ... 2
0 ... 10 0 ... 20
Mz Sensitivity Fz pC/N ≈–3,7 ≈–3,6
Rigidity cz kN/µm ≈1,7 ≈2,8
Measuring range Mz N·m –25 ... 25 –200 ... 200
Calibrated meas. ranges N·m 0 ... –2,5 / 0 ... 2,5 0 ... –20 / 0 ... 20
0 ... –25 / 0 ... 25 0 ... –200 / 0 ... 200
Sensitivity Mz pC/N·m ≈–200 ≈–140
Rigidity c (calculated) N·m/µrad ≈0,19 ≈0,92
D mm 39 56,5
H mm 42 60
Weight g 267 834
Type 9345A Operating temp. range ºC –40 ... 120 –40 ... 120
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable IP65 with connected cable
Connector M8x0,75 3-pole neg. V3 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

These sensors are preloaded Reaction torque sensor with the Examination of the correlation be- Connecting cables Type 1693A…,
and calibrated. option of measuring an additional tween drilling torque and rupture 1694A..., 1695A..., 1698A...
tensile/compression force acting. force for PCBs, tightening torque
and stripping forces in screw con- Data sheet 9345B_000-630
nections and similar processes.

Single-Component Force Sensors
MN Press Force Calibration Sensor for Large Compression Forces, 0 … 2,5 MN to 0 … 20 MN
Technical data Type 9931A1 Type 9931A2 Type 9931A3 Type 9931A4
D Measuring range MN 0 ... 2,5 0 ... 5 0 ... 10 0 ... 20
Fz Calibrated meas. ranges MN 0 ... 2,5 0 ... 5 0 ... 10 0 ... 20
Sensitivity pC/kN ≈–14 ≈–10 ≈–7 ≈–5
D mm 120 144 192 262
H mm 200 220 260 310
Weight kg 14 22 46 100

General technical data
Operating temp. range ºC 0 ... 70
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
Connector Fischer DBEE102 A 014-60 neg.

Type 9931A2 Characteristics Applications Accessories

Piezoelectric force sensor for Portable force link for checking Tapered flange Type 9588A3x
measuring quasistatic and dynamic and calibration of compression Cover plate Type 95880x
This sensor is preloaded and compression forces in the mega- forces in mechanical or hydraulic Connecting cables Types 1661A…
calibrated. newton range in large industrial presses. Measurement of force and 1667B…
presses. distribution in large presses.
Data sheet 9931A_000-525

VarioComp Force Sensor, 0 … 30 kN

Technical data Type 9601A11...
D Measuring range kN 0 ... 30
d Calibrated meas. ranges not calibrated
Sensitivity pC/N ≈–4,2
Rigidity kN/µm ≈1,25
D mm 25
d mm 8,1
H H mm 10
Weight g ≈24
Operating temp. range ºC –50 ... 120
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with PUR sheath
Type 9601A11... IP67 with steel sheath
Connector option KIAG 10-32 pos.
Mini Coax neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Compact and robust design, Monitoring of machinery and Preloading key Type 9463
integral cable with steel or PUR tools. Set of preloading elements
sheath, also available as multicom- Type 9461
ponent force sensor with selection Connecting cable Mini Coax pos. -
of measuring axes in the x, y BNC pos. Type 1937A…
and z direction (see VarioComp
multicomponent force sensor Type Data sheet 9601A_000-172
9601A2…/A3…). 83
Single-Component Force Sensors
Force Sensor with Integral Electronics, 2 Measuring Ranges , –5 … 5 kN
Technical data Type 9602A1...
d Number of measuring ranges 2 (switchable 5:1)
Fz Measuring range adjustment fixed
Measuring ranges kN –1 ... 1
–5 ... 5
Calibrated meas. ranges not calibrated
H Sensitivity (nom.) mV/N ≈1
Output signal V ±5
Rigidity kN/µm 1,25
Type 9602A1...
L mm 57
W mm 25
d mm 8,1
H mm 10
Weight g 30
Operating temp. range ºC 0 ... 60
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP67
Connector optional Fischer 7-pole pos. D102 or
integral cable

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Integral charge amplifier elec- Process monitoring in metal cut- Connecting cable Type 1783A…
tronics, two measuring ranges, ting machine tools, presses (joining Preloading key Type 9463
sturdy, compact design, straight or and assembly processes) and form- Preloading disk Type 9408
right-angled connector outlet (also ing machines.
available in 3-component version, Data sheet 9602A_000-173
see Type 9602A3…).

Force Sensor with Integral Electronics, 0 … 25 kN

Technical data Type 9602AA...
d Number of measuring ranges 2 (switchable 5:1)
Fz Measuring range adjustment incremental (0 ... 99)
Measuring ranges kN 0 ... 5
0 ... 25
Calibrated meas. ranges not calibrated
L Sensitivity (nom.) mV/N ≈0,4 ... 4
≈2 ... 20
Output signal V ±10
Type 9602AA... Rigidity kN/µm 1,25
L mm 57
W mm 25
d mm 8,1
H mm 10
Weight g 30
Operating temp. range ºC 0 ... 60
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP67 with connected cable
Connector optional Lumberg M12x1, 8-pole pos. or
integral cable

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Integral charge amplifier electron- Process monitoring in metal cut- Connecting cable Type 1787A…
ics, two measuring ranges, sturdy, ting machine tools, presses (joining Preloading key Type 9463
compact design, straight or right- and assembly processes) and form- Preloading disk Type 9408
angled connector outlet. ing machines.
Data sheet 9602A_000-526

Single-Component Force Sensors
Electrode Force Calibration System for Spot Welding, 0 … 5 kN to 0 … 45 kN

Fz Technical data Type 9831C1... Type 9831C2... Type 9831C3...

Measuring range kN 0 ... 5 0 ... 10 0 ... 45
Calibrated meas. range kN 0 ... 5 0 ... 10 0 ... 45
Sensitivity V/kN ≈1 ≈0,5 ≈0,1

H Output signal V ±5 ±5 ±4,5

W General technical data
L mm 240
Type 9831C1... H mm 30
W mm 70
Weight kg 1,4
Operating temp. range ºC 0 ... 60
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
Connector Amphenol circular connector, 8-pole pos. DIN 45326

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Minimal electrode spacing of 3 Interval control measurement Connecting cable Type 1500A35
mm, replaceable inserts for adapt- on welding robots, optimization Inserts Type 9426Bxx
ing the transmitter to suit different of welding tong life, servicing Welding monitor Type 5825A2
electrode types, maximum safety work on test stands, setting up of Welding force measuring case
Type 9831C0001 standard, portable or stationary stationary welding lines, quality Type 9831C0001
use, optional measuring range. management (ISO 9001).
This sensor is preloaded and Data sheet 9831C_000-535

Electrode Force Test Sensor with Integral Electronics 0 … 5 kN to 0 … 25 kN

Technical data Type 9833C1... Type 9833C2... Type 9833C3...
W Measuring ranges kN 0 ... 1 0 ... 5 0 ... 10
0 ... 5 0 ... 10 0 ... 25
Calibrated meas. ranges kN 0 ... 1 0 ... 5 0 ... 10
0 ... 5 0 ... 10 0 ... 25
Sensitivity mV/N ≈1 ≈0,5 ≈0,2
H ≈5 ≈1 ≈0,5

General technical data

Type 9833C1
Number of measuring ranges 2 (switchable 5:1)
Measuring range adjustment fixed
Output signal V ±5
H mm 14,5
L mm 72
W mm 43
Weight g 280
Operating temp. range ºC 0 ... 60
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
Connector Lumberg M12, 5-pole pos.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

With Types 9833C1…/9833C2… Quality assurance in vehicle body Connecting cable Type 1785A…
minimal electrode spacing of manufacture, periodic testing of
only 6,2 mm (electrodes Type F, electrode clamping force of robot Data sheet 9833C_000-575
ø13 mm), calibrated sensor, no welding tongs on resistance weld-
uniform sensitivity, sensor design ing production lines.
not ground isolated, switchable
measuring range. 85
Single-Component Force Sensors
Strain Gage Sensor for Tensile and Compression Forces, 0,5 … 200 kN
Technical data Type 4576A0,5... Type 4576A1... Type 4576A2... Type 4576A5...
Measuring range kN 0,5 1 2 5
H mm 16 16 16 16
D1 mm 54,5 54,5 54,5 54,5
Y TK mm 45 45 45 45
X mm 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5
Y mm 8 8 8 8

X Technical data Type 4576A10... Type 4576A20... Type 4576A50... Type 4576A100...
Measuring range kN 10 20 50 100
Type 4576A... H mm 16 25 35 50
D1 mm 54,5 79 119 155
TK mm 45 68 105 129
X mm 4,5 4,5 6,6 13,5
Y mm 8 8 11 20

Technical data Type 4576A200...

Measuring range kN 200
H mm 50
D1 mm 155
TK mm 129
X mm 13,5
Y mm 20

General technical data

Nominal character. value mV/V 1,5 (optional 1,0)
Weight kg 0,25 ... 5
Operating temperature °C 15 ... 70
Service temperature °C –30 ... 80
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP52 (<0 ... 10 kN)
IP65 (>0 ... 20 kN)
Bridge resistance Ω 350
Connector Binder connector, 6-pole

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Robust, compact tensile and Measurement of static, quasistatic None
compression force sensor with and dynamic press-fitting and
continuous thread on the central insertion forces, spring forces, Data sheet 4576A_000-675
axis for force application through a cutting forces, measurement and
load button or an adapter depend- monitoring of assembly forces,
ing on application, economical determination of drilling machine
measurement solution, force must feed force.
be applied avoiding torsion or
transverse force, mounting on
ground and hardened bearing
surfaces using holes through
outside ring.

Single-Component Force Sensors
Miniature Strain Gage Sensor for Compression Forces 0,1 … 200 kN
Technical data Type 4577A0,1 Type 4577A0,2 Type 4577A0,5 Type 4577A1
Measuring range kN 0,1 0,2 0,5 1
Bridge resistance Ω 350 350 350 350
H1 mm 9,9 9,9 9,9 9,9
D1 mm 31,8 31,8 31,8 31,8
D5 mm 19 19 19 19
Technical data Type 4577A2 Type 4577A5 Type 4577A10 Type 4577A20
Type 4577A... Measuring range kN 2 5 10 20
Bridge resistance Ω 350 700 700 700
H1 mm 9,9 9,9 9,9 16
D1 mm 31,8 31,2 31,2 37,6
D5 mm 19 21,1 21,1 27,4

Technical data Type 4577A50 Type 4577A100 Type 4577A200

Measuring range kN 50 100 200
Bridge resistance Ω 700 700 350
H1 mm 16 25,4 38,1
D1 mm 37,6 50,3 76,2
D5 mm 27,4 34,8 45

General technical data

Nominal character. value mV/V 1
Weight kg 0,04 ... 1,2
Operating temperature °C 15 ... 70
Service temperature °C –20 ... 100
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP64
Connector Binder connector, 6-pole

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Robust, compact compression Force monitoring during press None
force sensor designed as flat cylin- fitting, measurement of static
drical disk with a load button for and dynamic compression forces Data sheet 4577A_000-674
force application, economical force in equipment manufacture, on
solution, force must be applied production lines, in measurement
concentrically avoiding transverse and monitoring equipment and
force, mounting on flat, smooth manufacturing of jigs and fixtures
surfaces, body of sensor sealed. and special machinery. Resists
demanding corrosive industrial
atmospheres. 87

Multicomponent Force Sensors

3-component The piezoelectric measuring principle is The output signal obtained corresponds
force sensor an ideal basis for manufacturing multi- to the algebraic sum of all of the individ-
component force sensors, whose design ual forces acting upon the sensors. A
is similar to that of the single-component dynamometer therefore acts as a single
load washer. multicomponent force sensor to measure
the three components of the acting force
A pair of quartz washers cut for the independently of its point of application.
longitudinal effect measures the normal
component Fz of forces acting on the sen- Although moments acting upon the dy-
sor, while each of two pairs of washers cut namometer do apply a load to the sensor,
3-component for the shear effect measures one of the parallel connection prevents them being
force plate two shear components Fx and Fy. As the measured. These moments can, however,
shear forces are transmitted through fric- be determined from the individual output
tion alone, multicomponent force sensors signals of those sensors not connected in
must always be mounted under sufficient parallel. Such a system measures the three
mechanical preload. components of the resultant force and the
three components of the resultant mo-
Multicomponent force sensors are usually ment in terms of the coordinates defined
mounted in so called dynamometers or by the sensors.
dynamometer force plates in groups of three of four
with four mounted rather than individually. This configuration Most Kistler dynamometers and force
force sensors
exploits the particular characteristics of plates are suitable for both 3-component
these piezoelectric designs, which allow force measurement and 6-component
sensors with the same sensitivity to be force/moment measurement.
directly electrically connected in parallel.

Multicomponent Force Sensors
3-Component Force Sensor, ø16,5 mm, –2 ... 2 kN
Technical data Type 9017B, 9018B, 9016B4
D Measuring range Fx, Fy kN –1 ... 1
d Fz kN –2 ... 2
Standard mounting with a preload of 10 kN
Calibrated meas. ranges Fx, Fy kN 0 ... 1
Fz kN 0 ... 2
Fx Fz kN 0 ... 12 (not preloaded)
Sensitivity Fx, Fy pC/N ≈–26
H Fz pC/N ≈–11,5
Fy Rigidity cx, cy N/µm ≈170
cz N/µm ≈740
D mm 16,5
Type 9017B
d mm 6,5
H mm 8
Weight g 8,5
Operating temp. range ºC –50 ... 120
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
Connector M8x0,75 3-pole neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Wide measuring range, high Measurement of three orthogonal Connecting cables Types 1639A…
rigidity and sensitivity, smallest force components, – in miniature and 1694A…
3-component force sensor, multi- cutting force dynamometers for Wrench adapter Type 9479
pole connector. superfinishing, wind tunnel bal-
Types 9017B and 9018BB differ ances, measurement in confined Data sheet 9017B_000-465
in terms of the position of their spaces.
coordinate system.
Type 9016B4: set of four selected
sensors Types 9017B and 9018B.

3-Component Force Sensor, 24x24 mm, –5 ... 5 kN

Technical data Type 9251A, 9252A, 9250A4, 9251A4
d Measuring range Fx, Fy kN –2,5 ... 2,5
Fz kN –5 ... 5
W L Standard mounting with a preload of 25 kN
Fz Calibrated meas. ranges Fx, Fy kN 0 ... 2,5
Fx Fz kN 0 ... 5
Fz kN 0 ... 30 (not preloaded)
Sensitivity Fx, Fy pC/N ≈–8
Fz pC/N ≈–4
Fy Rigidity cx, cy kN/µm ≈1
cz kN/µm ≈2,6
LxWxH mm 24x24x10
Type 9251A
d mm 8,1
Weight g 32
Operating temp. range ºC –60 ... 150
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
Connector 3 x KIAG 10-32 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Wide measuring range, high rigid- Cutting, impact, vibration and Connecting cable Type 1631C…
ity and sensitivity, low crosstalk, recoil forces, dynamic forces on Set of preloading elements
compact design, Types 9251A and vibrating tables, measurement in Type 9461
9252A differ by the position of wind tunnels, determination of Wrench adapter Type 9475
their coordinate system. coefficients of friction.
Type 9250A4: set of four selected Data sheet 9251A_000-145
sensors Type 9251A and 9252A.
Type 9251A4: set of four selected
sensors Type 9251A. 89
Multicomponent Force Sensors
3-Component Force Sensor, 40x40x14 mm, –30 ... 30 kN
Technical data Type 9047C, 9048C, 9046C4
D Measuring range Fx, Fy kN –15 ... 15
d Fz kN –30 ... 30
Standard mounting with a preload of 70 kN
Calibrated meas. ranges Fx, Fy kN 0 ... 15
Fx Fz kN 0 ... 30
Fz kN 0 ... 100 (not preloaded)
Sensitivity Fx, Fy pC/N ≈–8,1
Fz pC/N ≈–3,7
H Fy
Rigidity cx, cy kN/µm ≈0,6
cz kN/µm ≈1,4
D mm 45
d mm 14,1
Type 9047C H mm 14
Weight g 91
Operating temp. range ºC –40 ... 120
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable Type 1698AA/AB
IP67 with connected cable Type 1698ACsp
Connector V3 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Accurate measurement irrespective 3-component force sensors Set of preloading elements,
of force application point, wide measure cutting forces during M14x1,5, Type 9465
frequency range, easy mounting, machining, impact forces in crash Wrench adapter Type 9742
sealed stainless sensor case, robust tests, rocket engine recoil forces, for Type 9465
multi-pole connector. vibration forces on aerospace 3-wire connecting cables
components, friction forces, forces Types 1698AA, 1698AB and
in product testing, vehicle forces 1698Csp
on road and test stand, forces on Summing box Type 5417
wind tunnel balances.
Data sheet 9047C_000-592

3-Component Force Sensor, 56x56 mm, –40 ... 40 kN

Technical data Type 9067, 9068, 9066A4, 9067A4
d Measuring range Fx, Fy kN –20 ... 20
Fz kN –40 ... 40
W L Standard mounting with a preload of 160 kN
Calibrated meas. ranges Fx, Fy kN 0 ... 20
Fx Fz kN 0 ... 40
Fz kN 0 ... 200 (not preloaded)
Sensitivity Fx, Fy pC/N ≈–8
H Fy Fz pC/N ≈–3,8
Rigidity cx, cy kN/µm ≈0,7
cz kN/µm ≈4,5
LxWxH mm 56x56x20
d mm 26,5
Type 9067 Weight g 270
Operating temp. range ºC –50 ... 150
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
Connector 3 x KIAG 10-32 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Very wide measuring range, high Cutting forces, impact forces, Connecting cable Type 1631C…
rigidity and sensitivity, low crosstalk, recoil forces, dynamic forces on Set of preloading elements
compact design. Types 9067 and vibrating tables, determination of Type 9451 or 9459
9068 differ by the position of their coefficients of friction. for Type 9465
coordinate system. Wrench adapter Type 9471
Type 9066A4: set of four sensors or 9477
Type 9067.
Data sheet 9067_000-118

Multicomponent Force Sensors
3-Component Force Sensor, 60x60x21 mm, –60 ... 60 kN
Technical data Type 9067C, 9068C, 9066C4
D Measuring range Fx, Fy kN –30 ... 30
d Fz kN –60 ... 60
Standard mounting with a preload of 140 kN
Fz Calibrated meas. ranges Fx, Fy kN 0 ... 30
Fz kN 0 ... 60
Fx Fz kN 0 ... 200 (not preloaded)
Sensitivity Fx, Fy pC/N ≈–8,1
Fz pC/N ≈–3,9
Fy Rigidity cx, cy kN/µm ≈0,7
cz kN/µm ≈4,5
D mm 65
d mm 26,5
H mm 21
Type 9067C Weight g 285
Operating temp. range ºC –40 ... 120
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable Type 1698AA/AB
IP67 with connected cable Type 1698ACsp
Connector V3 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Accurate measurement irrespective 3-component force sensors Set of preloading elements,
of force application point, wide measure cutting forces during M20x1,5, Type 9451A
frequency range, easy mounting, machining, impact forces in crash Wrench adapter Type 9471
sealed stainless sensor case, robust tests, rocket engine recoil forces, for Type 9451A
multi-pole connector. vibration forces on aerospace Set of preloading elements
components, friction forces, forces M26x0,75 Type 9459
in product testing, vehicle forces Wrench adapter Type 9477
on road and test stand, forces on für Type 9459
wind tunnel balances. 3-wire connecting cables
Types 1698AA, 1698AB and
Summing box Type 5417

Data sheet 9067C_000-609 91
Multicomponent Force Sensors
3-Component Force Sensor, 100x100x26 mm, –150 … 150 kN , 100x100x26, –150 ... 150 kN
Technical data Type 9077C, 9078C, 9076C4
D Measuring range Fx, Fy kN –75 ... 75
Fz kN –150 ... 150
Standard mounting with a preload of 350 kN
Fz Calibrated meas. ranges Fx, Fy kN 0 ... 75
Fx Fz kN 0 ... 150
Fz kN 0 ... 500 (not preloaded)
Sensitivity Fx, Fy pC/N ≈–4,2
Fz pC/N ≈–2,0
Rigidity cx, cy kN/µm ≈1,8
Fy cz kN/µm ≈8
D mm 105
d mm 40,5
Type 9077C
H mm 26
Weight kg 1,02
Operating temp. range ºC –40 ... 120
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable Type 1698AA/AB
IP67 with connected cable Type 1698ACsp
Connector V3 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Very wide measuring range, high Cutting, impact and recoil forces, 3-wire connecting cables
rigidity, low crosstalk, compact dynamic forces on vibrating tables, Types 1698AA, 1698AB and
design, robust multi-pole connec- measurement in wind tunnels, 1698ACsp
tor. Types 9077C and 9078C differ determination of coefficients of Set of preloading elements
by the position of their coordinate friction. Type 9455
system, Wrench adapter Type 9473
Type 9076C4: set of four selected
sensors Type 9077C/9087C. Data sheet 9077C_000-610

3-Component Force Link, 25x25x30 mm, –2 … 2 kN

Technical data Type 9317B
Measuring range Fx, Fy kN –1 ... 1
Fz W Fz kN –2 ... 2
Calibrated meas. ranges Fx, Fy kN 0 ... 0,06
0 ... 0,6
Fz kN 0 ... 0,2
0 ... 2
Max. moments Mx,y N·m –5/5
H Sensitivity Fx, Fy pC/N ≈–26
Fy Fz pC/N ≈–11
Natural frequency fn(x), fn(y) kHz ≈5
fn(z) kHz ≈21
LxWxH mm 25x25x30
Weight g 85
Operating temp. range ºC –50 ... 80
Type 9317B
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable Type
Connector M8x0,75, 3-pole neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

This sensor is preloaded and Very wide measuring range, high Cutting and impact forces, deter- Connecting cables Types 1693A…
calibrated. rigidity, low crosstalk, easy mount- mination of coefficients of friction. and 1694A…
ing, multi-pole connector.
Data sheet 9317B_000-464

Multicomponent Force Sensors
3-Component Force Link, 42x42x42 mm, –5 … 5 kN
Technical data Type 9327A, 9328A
Measuring range Fx, Fy kN –2,5 ... 2,5
L W Fz kN –5 ... 5
Calibrated meas. ranges Fx, Fy kN 0 ... 0,125
Fx 0 ... 1,25
Fz kN 0 ... 0,5
0 ... 5
Max. moments Mx,y N·m –14 / 14
H Sensitivity Fx, Fy pC/N ≈–7,9
Fy Fz pC/N ≈–3,8
Natural frequency fn(x), fn(y) kHz ≈3,3
fn(z) kHz ≈11,5
LxWxH mm 42x42x42
Weight g 390
Operating temp. range ºC –50 ... 80
Type 9327A
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
Connector 3 x KIAG 10-32 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

These sensors are preloaded Very wide measuring range, high Cutting and impact forces, dy- Connecting cable Type 1631C…
and calibrated. rigidity, low crosstalk, easy mount- namic forces on vibrating tables,
ing, Types 9327A and 9328A differ determination of coefficients of Data sheet 9327A_000-167
by the position of their coordinate friction.

3-Component Force Link, 55x55x60 mm, –30 … 30 kN

Technical data Type 9347C, 9348C
Measuring range Fx, Fy kN –15 ... 15
L W Fz kN –30 ... 30
Fz Calibrated meas. ranges Fx, Fy kN 0 ... 0,5 / 0 ... 5 (force application point 10 mm below
Fx surface of cover plate)
Fz kN 0 ... 30 / 0 ... 3 (force applied concentrically)
Max. moments Mx,y,z (Fz = 0) N·m –150 / 150
Fy Sensitivity Fx, Fy pC/N ≈–7,9
Fz pC/N ≈–3,8
Natural frequency fn(x), fn(y) kHz ≈3,6
fn(z) kHz ≈10
LxWxH mm 55x55x60
Weight kg 1
Operating temp. range ºC –40 ... 80
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
Type 9347C Type 1698AA..., 1698AB...
IP67 with connected cable Type 1698ACsp
Connector V3 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

These sensors are preloaded Accurate measurement irrespective Cutting forces during machining, 3-wire connecting cables
and calibrated. of force application point, wide impact forces in crash tests, rocket Types 1698AA, 1698AB and
frequency range, easy mounting, engine recoil forces, vibration 1698ACsp
sealed stainless sensor case, robust forces on aerospace components, Summing box Type 5417
multi-pole connector. friction forces, forces in product
testing, vehicle forces on road and Data sheet 9347C_000-604
test stand, forces on wind tunnel
balances. 93
Multicomponent Force Sensors
3-Component Force Link, 80x80x90 mm, –60 … 60 kN
Technical data Type 9367C
Measuring range Fx, Fy kN –30 ... 30
Fz kN –60 ... 60
Calibrated meas. ranges Fx, Fy kN 0 ... 1
0 ... 10
Fx Fz kN 0 ... 6
0 ... 60
Max. moments Mx,y N·m –500 / 500
Sensitivity Fx, Fy pC/N ≈–7,6
H Fz pC/N ≈–3,9
Natural frequency fn(x), fn(y) kHz ≈2,4
fn(z) kHz ≈6
LxWxH mm 80x80x90
Weight kg 3
Operating temp. range ºC –40 ... 80
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable Type 1698AB
Type 9367C IP67 with welded cable
Connector V3 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

This sensor is preloaded and Accurate measurement irrespective Cutting forces during machining, 3-wire connecting cables
calibrated. of force application point, wide impact forces in crash tests, rocket Types 1698AA, 1698AB
frequency range, easy mounting, engine recoil forces, vibration and 1698ACsp
sealed stainless sensor case, robust forces on aerospace components, Summing box Type 5417
multi-pole connector. friction forces, forces in product
testing, vehicle forces on road and Data sheet 9367C_000-613
test stand, forces on wind tunnel

Multicomponent Force Link Set, ø72 mm, –25 … 60 kN

Technical data Type 9366CC...
H Fz Measuring range mounted Fx, Fy kN –25 ... 25
on 300x300x35 mm Fz kN –25 ... 60
steel cover plate
Calibrated meas. ranges Fx, Fy kN 0 ... 2,5 / 0 ... 25
mounted on Fz kN 0 ... 6 / 0 ... 60
300x300x35 mm steel cover plate
Sensitivity Fx, Fy pC/N ≈–7,8
Fz pC/N ≈–3,7
Type 9366CC... Natural frequency f n Hz ≈200 ... ≈1 500
depending on size and material of cover plate
D mm 72
H mm 89,3
Weight kg 7
Operating temp. range ºC –20 ... 70
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP67
Connector Fischer flange, 9-pole neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

These sensors are preloaded Ready-to-connect set of four force Dynamic and quasistatic measure- Connecting cables Type 1687B5...,
and calibrated. links for user assembly of mul- ment of the three orthogonal 1677A5…
ticomponent force plates, cover components of a force, cutting,
plate size 300x300 to 1 000x700, punching, pressing, impact and Data sheet 9366C_000-681
integral connecting cables and wheel forces, recoil forces, bearing
summing box, easy mounting, reli- forces on machine foundations.
able, flexible, corrosion-resistant,
splash and cutting fluid proof.

Multicomponent Force Sensors
3-Component Force Link, 120x120x125 mm, –150 … 150 kN
Technical data Type 9377C, 9378C
Measuring range Fx, Fy kN –75 ... 75
L W Fz kN –150 ... 150
Calibrated meas. ranges Fx, Fy kN 0 ... 3
0 ... 30
Fx Fz kN 0 ... 15
0 ... 150
Max. moments Mx,y N·m –2 000 / 2 000
Sensitivity Fx, Fy pC/N ≈–3,9
H Fz pC/N ≈–2
Natural frequency fn(x), fn(y) kHz ≈1,7
fn(z) kHz ≈3,8
LxWxH mm 120x120x125
Weight kg 10,5
Operating temp. range ºC –40 ... 80
Type 9377C Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable Type 1698AB
IP67 with welded cable
Connector V3 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

These sensors are preloaded Very wide measuring range, Cutting, impact and recoil forces, 3-wire connecting cables
and calibrated. high rigidity, low crosstalk, easy dynamic forces on vibrating tables, Types 1698AA, 1698AB and
mounting, multi-pole connector. determination of coefficients of 1698ACsp
friction. Connecting cable Type 1631C…

Data sheet 9377C_000-612

VarioComp 2/3-Component Force Sensor, ø25 mm, –5 … 5 kN

Technical data Type 9601A21..., 9601A31..., 9601A32...
Measuring range Fx, Fy kN –2,5 ... 2,5
D Fz kN –5 ... 5
Standard mounting with a preload of 25 kN
Calibrated meas. ranges not calibrated
Fz Sensitivity Fx, Fy pC/N ≈–3,2
Fy Fz pC/N ≈–3,8
Rigidity cx, cy kN/µm ≈0,2
cz kN/µm ≈1,3
H D mm 25
d mm 8,1
H mm 10
Type 9601A21... Weight g 24
Operating temp. range ºC –50 ... 120
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with PUR sheath
D IP67 with steel sheath
Connector Mini Coax neg. / KIAG 10-32 pos.
Fy Characteristics Applications Accessories
Fx Compact and robust design, Monitoring of machinery and Preloading key Type 9463
integral cable with steel or PUR tools.
sheath, also available as multicom- Data sheet 9601A_000-172
ponent force sensor with selection
of measuring axes in the y and
z or x, y and z direction. Types
9601A31 and 9601A32 differ by
Type 9601A31... the position of their coordinate
system. 95
Multicomponent Force Sensors
3-Component Force Sensor with Integral Charge Amplifier, –5 … 5 kN
Technical data Type 9602A3...

d Number of measuring ranges 2 (switchable 5:1)

Fz Measuring range adjustment fixed

W Measuring ranges Fx, Fy kN –0,5 ... 0,5

–2,5 ... 2,5
Fz kN –1 ... 1
Fx –5 ... 5
Standard mounting with a preload of 25 kN
Calibrated meas. ranges not calibrated
L Sensitivity Fx, Fy mV/N ≈2
Fz mV/N ≈1
Type 9602A3... Rigidity cx, cy kN/µm ≈0,25
cz kN/µm ≈1,25
Output signal V ±5
LxWxH mm 57x25x10
d mm 8,1
Weight g 30
Operating temp. range ºC 0 ... 60
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP67
Connector Fischer 7-pole pos. D102 or integral cable

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Integral charge amplifier electron- Process monitoring on metal cut- Connecting cable Type 1783A…
ics, two measuring ranges, sturdy, ting machine tools, presses (joining Preloading key Type 9463
compact design, straight or right- and assembly processes) and form- Preloading disk Type 9408
angled connector outlet. ing machines.
Data sheet 9602A_000-173

Multicomponent Dynamometer with 260x260 mm Cover Plate, –10 … 40 kN

Technical data Type 9255B
Measuring range Fx, Fy kN –20 ... 20
Fz kN –10 ... 40
Calibrated meas. ranges Fx, Fy kN 0 ... 2
0 ... 20
Fz kN 0 ... 4
0 ... 40
Sensitivity Fx, Fy pC/N ≈–8
Fy Fz pC/N ≈–3,7
Natural frequency fn(x), fn(y) kHz ≈2
fn(z) kHz ≈3,3
LxWxH mm 260x260x95
Type 9255B
Weight kg 52
Operating temp. range ºC 0 ... 70
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP67 with connected cable
Connector Fischer flange 9-pole neg.

Characteristics Accessories
This sensor is calibrated and Sturdy dynamometer for heavy Applications Connecting cables
ready for measurement. machining. The connection Dynamic and quasistatic measure- Type 1687B5 (3-comp.)
between the base plate and the ment of the three orthogonal Type 1689B5 (6-comp)
machine table can be reinforced by components of a force. Measure-
also attaching the dynamometer ment of cutting forces on larger Data sheet 9255B_000-148
at the center of the four sensor workpieces, punching and pressing
arrangement. This increases the forces, bearing forces on machine
natural frequency of the measure- foundations, recoil forces.
ment configuration.

Multicomponent Force Sensors
CompactDyn: Multicomponent Dynamometer up to 1 kN
Technical data Type 9254

W Measuring range Fx, Fy N ±500

Fz Fz N ±1 000
Fx Calibrated meas. ranges Fx, Fy N ±0 ... 5
Fz N ±0 ... 10
Sensitivity Fx, Fz pC/N ≈–8,1
Fy pC/N ≈–4,3
Fy Natural frequency fn(x) kHz ≈2
fn(y) kHz ≈3
L fn(z) kHz ≈1,8
L mm 150
Type 9254 W mm 105
H mm 32
Weight kg 5,1
Operating temp. range ºC 0 ... 70
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP67 with connected cable
Connector Fischer 9-pole neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

This sensor is calibrated and This dynamometer›s slim profile Dynamic and quasistatic measure- Connecting cables
ready for measurement. and low temperature error makes ment of the 3 orthogonal compo- Types 1687B5/1689B5 (3-comp.)
it ideal for measurements on preci- nents of a force, measurement of Types 1677A5/1679A5 (6-comp.)
sion machinery. It can be mounted cutting forces involved in superfin-
on the table of the machine tool ishing (milling and grinding). Data sheet 9254_000-147
with screws or claws or simply
using a magnetic table.

MiniDyn: Multicomponent Dynamometer up to 250 N

Technical data Type 9256C1 Type 9256C2
L Measuring range Fx, Fy, Fz N ±250 ±250
Fx Calibrated meas. ranges Fx, Fy, Fz N 0 ... 25 0 ... 25
0 ... 250 0 ... 250
Sensitivity Fx, Fz pC/N ≈–26 ≈–26
H Fy pC/N ≈–13 ≈–13
Fy Natural frequency fn(x), fn(y), fn(y) kHz ≈5 4
L mm 80 80
W W mm 39 55
H mm 25 25
Type 9256C2 Weight g 750 870
Operating temp. range ºC 0 ... 70 0 ... 70
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IIP67 with connected cable Types 1696A5 or 1697A5
Connector Fischer 7-pole neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

This sensor is calibrated and The dynamometer with the small- Dynamic and quasistatic measure- Connecting cables
ready for measurement. est mounting dimensions. The ment of the 3 orthogonal compo- Type 1697A5 (3-comp.)
cover plate is manufactured from nents of a force, measurement of Type 1696A5 (5-comp.)
titanium to achieve natural fre- cutting forces involved in super- Steel toolholder Type 9402
quencies in excess of 5 kHz in all finishing, wafer cutting, grinding
three force directions. A sensitivity of hard drive read heads, diamond Data sheet 9256C_000-484
three times that of quartz dyna- turning, high-speed machining,
mometers allows reliable measure- ultra-precision machining of hard
ment of minute process forces. and brittle materials 97
Multicomponent Force Sensors
Multicomponent Dynamometer with 100x170 Cover Plate, –5 … 5 kN
Technical data Type 9257B
W Measuring range Fx, Fy, Fz kN –5 ... 5
L Calibrated meas. ranges Fx, Fy kN 0 ... 0,05 / 0 ... 0,5 / 0 ... 5
Fx Fz kN 0 ... 0,1 / 0 ... 1 / 0 ... 10
Sensitivity Fx, Fy pC/N ≈–7,5
Fz pC/N ≈–3,7
Fy Natural frequency fn(x), fn(y) kHz ≈2,3
fn(z) kHz ≈3,5
L mm 170
W mm 100
Type 9257B H mm 60
Weight kg 7,3
Operating temp. range ºC 0 ... 70
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP67 with connected cable
Connector Fischer flange 9-pole neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

This sensor is calibrated and All-purpose dynamometer. The Dynamic and quasistatic mea- Connecting cables
ready for measurement. practical size and ideal measuring surement of the 3 orthogonal Types 1687B5/1689B5 (3-comp.)
range for a wide variety of ap- components of a force. Measure- Types 1677A5/1679A5 (6-comp.)
plications have made Type 9257B ment of cutting forces involved in Toolholder Type 9403
dynamometers a best seller. turning, milling, grinding and other
processes. Measurements on wind Data sheet 9257B_000-151
tunnel models.

4-Component Dynamometer, Fx, Fy, Fz and Mz

Technical data Type 9272
D Measuring range Fx, Fy kN –5 ... 5
d Fz kN –5 ... 20
Mz N·m –200 ... 200
Calibrated meas. ranges Fx, Fy kN 0 ... 0,5
0 ... 5
Mz Fz kN 0 ... 2
Fx 0 ... 20
Mz N·m 0 ... –200 / 0 ... –20
0 ... 200 / 0 ... 20
Sensitivity Fx, Fy pC/N ≈–7,8
H Fz pC/N ≈–3,5
Mz pC/N·m ≈–160
Natural frequency fn(x), fn(y) kHz ≈4
fn(z) kHz ≈7
fn(Mz) kHz ≈5
D mm 100
Type 9272 d mm 15
H mm 70
Weight kg 4,2
Operating temp. range ºC 0 ... 70
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP67 with connected cable
Connector Fischer flange 9-pole neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

This sensor is calibrated and The stationary 4-component Measurement of cutting forces Connecting cables
ready for measurement. dynamometer for cutting force during drilling processes or torque Type 1677A5 and
measurement during drilling measurement. Type 1679A5 (4-comp.)
processes. Toolholder Type 9404
The central hole through the
dynamometer accommodates, Data sheet 9272_000-153
for example, shafts for torque


Strain Sensors
A force acting as a load on a component sor is attached to the outside surface of
Surface strain sensor results in a mechanical stress of the component at a suitable point with
just a single screw. This mounting screw
σ = – ensures force transmission between the
A two contact areas of the sensor and
the component through static friction.
and a strain of
Changes in the measured length of the
∆l component are transmitted to the elastic
ε = —
l0 sensor element, where they act as a shear
force. In complex structures, a suitable
Strain is a relative change in the length of point for mounting surface sensors has to
measuring pin the component under load and therefore be determined by trial and error.
Strain sensors in the form of measuring
In most applications strain measurement pins can also be mounted inside structures
is used for indirect force measurement on in a cylindrical hole at a location offering
or in components. This has the advantage optimal conditions. As strains occur in
that mounting of the sensor does not different directions, Kistler offers sen-
significantly affect the component. Unlike sors for measuring strains longitudinal or
sensors used for direct force measure- transverse to the mounting hole. To allow
Transverse ment, strain sensors are rather small and both tensile and compression force mea-
measuring pin their strain measurement signal depends surement, the sensors are mechanically
on the force application point. preloaded inside the mounting hole.

The strain is measured on the component Piezoelectric strain sensors achieve ultra-
surface or directly inside the structure. high sensitivity compared with familiar
The piezoelectric surface strain sen- strain gage technology. 99
Strain Sensors
Surface Strain Sensor, –800 ... 800 µε
Technical data Type 9237A...
Measuring range µε –800 ... 800
Calibrated meas. range* µε 0 ... 500
Sensitivity* pC/µε ≈–24
L mm 51,5
H W mm 25,4
H mm 26,9
L Weight g 190
ε Operating temp. range ºC –30 ... 120
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
IP67 for Type 9237A20 with special cable

Type 9237A... Connector KIAG 10-32 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

This robust strain sensor is ideal for Monitoring of machinery such Highly insulated connecting cables
measuring dynamic and quasistatic as mechanical presses to prevent with KIAG0-32 pos. connector
forces on stationary or moving overloads; quality assurance Types 1983A…, 1939A… and
machine parts. For this purpose it on production lines for joining 1979A… .
uses force-proportional strain on processes such as wobble riveting, High-temperature connecting
machinery or structural surfaces for clinching and resistance spot weld- cable in sealed sheath
indirect force measurement. ing; monitoring of machine tools Type 1915A1
for timely detection of potential
tool breakage or tool collision. Data sheet 9237A_000-662

Surface Strain Transmitter, –800 ... 800 µε

Technical data Type 9238A...
Measuring range µε –800 ... 800
W Calibrated meas. ranges* µε 0 ... 50
0 ... 500
Output signal V ±10 (programmable ±1 ... 10)
L mm 68,1
H W mm 26,9

L H mm 27,5
Weight g 190
Operating temp. range ºC –10 ... 70
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP67

Type 9238A... Connector M12x1,8 8-pole shielded

Serial interface RS-232C

Characteristics Applications Accessories

The parameters of this trans- This robust strain sensor with Monitoring of machinery such Connecting cable Type 1787A5
mitter can be configured integral, fully digital charge ampli- as mechanical presses to prevent Connecting cable Type 1789A5
quickly and easily with the fier is ideal for measuring dynamic overloads; quality assurance Intermediate service cable
and quasistatic forces on stationary on production lines for joining Type 1787A-1
ManuWare PC program. or moving machine parts. For this processes such as wobble riveting,
purpose it uses force-proportional clinching and resistance spot weld- Data sheet 9238A_000-663
strain on machine or structural ing; monitoring of machine tools
surfaces for indirect force measure- for timely detection of potential
ment. tool breakage or tool collision.

*Values only apply to the test setup used at Kistler.

For accurate force measurement the sensor must be recalibrated after mounting.

Strain Sensors
Surface Strain Sensor, High-Sensitivity, –600 ... 600 µε
Technical data Type 9232A
Measuring range µε –600 ... 600
Calibrated meas. ranges* µε 0 ... –300
0 ... 300
Sensitivity* pC/µε ≈–80
H Natural frequency kHz ≥12
L mm 40
W mm 17
L H mm 15
Weight g 50
Operating temp. range ºC 0 ... 70

Type 9232A Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
Connector KIAG 10-32 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Very high sensitivity, extremely low Indirect force measurement on Connecting cables
acceleration sensitivity, also effec- mechanical presses, machine tools, Types 1979A…, 1635C…
tive for measurements on moving high-speed production machinery,
parts, overload protected, optional assembly machinery. Data sheet 9232A_000-137
ground-isolated design.

*Values only apply to the test setup used at Kistler.

For accurate force measurement the sensor must be recalibrated after mounting. 101
Strain Sensors
Transverse Measuring Pin for Mounting in Structures, –500 ... 500 µε
Technical data Type 9241C...
Measuring range µε –500 ... 500
L Calibrated meas. ranges* µε 0 ... 200
Sensitivity* pC/µε ≈–15
D mm 10
L mm 18

ε Weight g 38
Operating temp. range ºC –40 ... 200
Type 9241C... Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP64
Connector optional KIAG 10-32 pos.
Mini Coax neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Preloading allows measurement of Indirect measurement of forces in Mounting tool Type 1393B...
compression and tensile forces, can structures of machines, tools, etc.,
be secured in mounting bore in for industrial monitoring. Data sheet 9241C_000-140
required direction and at necessary
depth, integral cable, easy mount-
ing, ground-isolated.

Quartz Longitudinal Measuring Pin, M10, for Mounting in Structures, –1 500 ... 1 500 µε
Technical data Type 9243B...
Measuring range µε –1 500 ... 1 500
Calibrated meas. ranges* µε 0 ... 350
Sensitivity* pC/µε ≈–15
ε Natural frequency kHz >110
D mm 8
L mm 13
Hollow preloading bolt M10x1
Weight g 4,8 (without cable and preloading bolt)
Type 9243B... Operating temp. range ºC –40 ... 200
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP64 with connected cable
IP67 with cable Type 1983AB… and welded connector
Connector M4x0,35 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Measures forces of almost any size Indirect measurement of forces in Connecting cables Types 1923A…,
indirectly though strain, preloaded structures of machines, tools, etc., 1645C… and 1983AB…,
for measurement of tensile as well for industrial monitoring purposes, Force distribution cap Type 9841,
as compression forces, can be monitoring of tie bar forces in Ground isolation set Type 9487A
mounted at virtually any depth in injection molding machines.
the structure. Data sheet 9243B_000-538

*Values only apply to the test setup used at Kistler.

For accurate force measurement the sensor must be recalibrated after mounting.

Strain Sensors
High-Temperature Longitudinal Measuring Pin, M10, up to 350 °C, wit Metal-Sheathed Cable, –1 500 ... 1 500 ε
Technical data Type 9245B2..., 9245B3
Measuring range µε –1 500 ... 1 500
Calibrated meas. ranges* µε 0 ... 350
Sensitivity* pC/µε ≈–15 / ≈15
Natural frequency kHz >50
D mm M10x1
L mm 29
ε Weight g 36
Operating temp. range ºC –40 ... 350
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
Connector Fischer KE 102 neg.

D Characteristics Applications Accessories

Very wide operating temperature Melt pressure measurement in in- Extension cable Type 1661A
Type 9245B... range available with separable jection molding machine cylinders, End finishing tool Type 1300A21
Kapton steel-sheathed cable. strain measurement in hot machine Connecting cable Type 1951A…
Data sheet 9245B_000-142

Miniature Longitudinal Measuring Pin, –1 400 ... 1 400 με, for Installation in Structures
Technical data Type 9247A...
Measuring range µε –1 400 ... 1 400
Calibrated meas. ranges not calibrated
ε Sensitivity* pC/µε ≈–8,6
D mm M5x0,5
L mm 23,7
Weight g 2,5
Operating temp. range ºC –40 ... 200
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
Type 9247A...
IP67 with cable Type 1983AB… and welded connector
Connector M4x0,35 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Very small sensor for tensile and Sheet metal forming, connection Connecting cables Types 1926A…
compression measurement, indi- and joining technology, plastic and 1929A…
rect measurement of forces into injection molding machines and Mounting wrench Type 1300A9
the meganewton range, can be assembly processes. Finishing tool Type 1300A79
mounted at virtually any depth in Special tap Type 1357A
the structure.
Data sheet 9247A_000-143

*Values only apply to the test setup used at Kistler.

For accurate force measurement the sensor must be recalibrated after mounting. 103

Torque sensors
Kistler sensors for measuring torque on Kistler reaction torque sensors are char-
Torque sensor rotating shafts are based on the strain acterized by being mounted between
gage principle. They offer maximum ac- a preloading bolt and a nut under high
curacy, very high rigidity and high thermal axial preload. This ensures the torque is
stability. These measuring shafts transmit transmitted to the shear-sensitive quartz
power and measurement signals without disks through static friction. Their high
contact. Some types even operate without resolution allows measurement of minute
mechanical bearings for complete freedom dynamic changes in high torques. These
from wear as well as extreme accuracy. Kistler reaction torque sensors are cali-
Their noncontact digital signal transmis- brated prior to delivery and are ready for
Reaction sion from rotor to stator, integral signal immediate use. A central hole accommo-
torque sensor conditioning, normalized analog and fre- dates shafts.
quency outputs and wealth of interfaces
make them much easier to integrate into The construction of torque dynamometers
existing test systems. is essentially identical to that of reaction
torque sensors. A larger footprint and a
Piezoelectric sensors mounted under high cover plate with a flexible hole pattern
mechanical preload are used as reaction allow easy adaptation to suit a variety
torque sensors. Each of a number of of applications. These sensors are mainly
shear-sensitive quartz disks is positioned used for calibrating torque wrenches.
Torque sensor with its shear axis tangential to a circle in
for rotating shafts
which the disks are arranged. The config-
uration and the shape of the sensors are
similar to those of single-component load
washers. And this type of the sensor like-
wise has to be mounted under high me-
chanical preload to allow transmission of
shear forces through static friction. Torque
acting on the sensor generates tangential
shear stresses in the quartz disks. As all of
the disks are connected electrically in par-
allel, the total output signal is proportional
to the acting torque.

Torque Sensors
Torque Sensor, –5 … 5 N·m to –200 … 200 N∙m
Technical data Type 9039 Type 9049 Type 9069
D Measuring range N·m –5 ... 5 –25 ... 25 –200 ... 200
d Calibrated meas. ranges N·m 0 ... –5 0 ... –25 0 ... –200
0 ... –0,5 0 ... –2,5 0 ... –20
0 ... 0,5 0 ... 2,5 0 ... 20
0 ... 5 0 ... 25 0 ... 200
Sensitivity pC/N·m ≈–600 ≈–250 ≈–175
Rigidity N·m/µrad ≈7 ≈12 ≈50
H Preloading force kN 15 25 120
D mm 28,5 36 52
d mm 13 17 26,5
H mm 11 12 15
Type 9039
Weight g 38 61 150

General technical data

Operating temp. range ºC –150 ... 150
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
IP67 with cable Type 1983AD… and welded connector
Connector KIAG 10-32 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Wide measuring range, compact Monitoring of torques of pneuma- Connecting cable Type 1631C…
design, very high rigidity, very tic screwdrivers, testing of friction Preloading elements Type 9420A…
low threshold, sturdy, welded clutches, measurement of motor
construction. starting torques and variations in Data sheet 9039_000-111
synchronization. 105
Torque Sensors
Reaction Torque Sensor, –1 … 1 N∙m to –1 000 … 1 000 N∙m
Technical data Type 9329A Type 9339A Type 9349A Type 9369A
D Measuring range N·m –1 ... 1 –10 ... 10 –25 ... 25 –200 ... 200
Calibrated meas. ranges N·m 0 ... –1 0 ... –10 0 ... –25 0 ... –200
Mz 0 ... –0,1 0 ... –1 0 ... –2,5 0 ... –20
0 ... 0,1 0 ... 1 0 ... 2,5 0 ... 20
0 ... 1 0 ... 10 0 ... 25 0 ... 200
Sensitivity pC/N·m ≈–2 170 ≈–460 ≈–230 ≈–130
H D mm 20 30 36 54
H mm 26 34 42 60
Weight g 50 137 243 800
Operating temp. range ºC –20 ... 80 –40 ... 120 –40 ... 120 –40 ... 120

Type 9329A Technical data Type 9389A

Measuring range N·m –1 000 ... 1 000
Calibrated meas. ranges N·m 0 ... –1 000
0 ... –100
0 ... 100
0 ... 1 000
Sensitivity pC/N·m ≈–100
D mm 100
H mm 130
Weight g 6 720
Operating temp. range ºC –40 ... 120

General technical data

Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
IP67 with cable Type 1983AD… and welded connector
Connector KIAG 10-32 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

These sensors are preloaded Compact, ready-to-mount reaction Measurement of torque about Mounting flange Type 9580A…
and calibrated. torque sensor, highly adaptable, the sensor axis, torque setting
centering seat. and testing of screw connections, Data sheet 9329A_000-463
calibration of manual torque
wrenches, testing of spring torsion,
measurements on friction clutches
and electric motors, product test-
ing of rotary controls and switches.

Torque Sensors
2-Component Sensor, Fz, Mz
Technical data Type 9345B Type 9365B
D Measuring range Fz kN –10 ... 10 –20 ... 20
Calibrated meas. ranges kN 0 ... 1 0 ... 2
0 ... 10 0 ... 20
Mz Sensitivity Fz pC/N ≈–3,7 ≈–3,6
Rigidity cz kN/µm ≈1,7 ≈2,8
Measuring range Mz N·m –25 ... 25 –200 ... 200
Calibrated meas. ranges N·m 0 ... –25 0 ... –200
0 ... –2,5 0 ... –20
0 ... 2,5 0 ... 20
0 ... 25 0 ... 200
Sensitivity Mz pC/N·m ≈–200 ≈–140
Rigidity c (calculated) N·m/µrad ≈0,19 ≈0,92
D mm 39 56,5
H mm 42 60
Type 9345B
Weight g 267 834
Operating temp. range ºC –40 ... 120 –40 ... 120
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable IP65 with connected cable
Connector M8x0,75 3-pole neg. V3 neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

These sensors are preloaded Reaction torque sensor with option Examination of the correlation be- Connecting cables Types 1693A…,
and calibrated. of measurement of an additional tween drilling torque and rupture 1694A…, 1695A… and 1698A…
tensile/compression acting force. force for PCBs, tightening torque
and stripping forces in screw con- Data sheet 9345B_000-630
nections and similar processes.

Torque Dynamometer, –200 ... 200 N·m

Technical data Type 9275
D Measuring range N·m –200 ... 200
d Calibrated meas. ranges N·m 0 ... –200
0 ... –20
Mz 0 ... 20
0 ... 200
Sensitivity pC/N·m ≈–170
Natural frequency kHz ≈3,5
D mm 100
H d mm 18,4
H mm 70
Weight kg 2,9
Operating temp. range ºC 0 ... 70
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable

Type 9275 Connector TNC neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

This sensor is calibrated and Precise, extremely high sensitivity, Testing of torque wrenches, test- Connecting cable Type 1609B…
ready for measurement. compact, sturdy design, non- ing of spring torsion, ergonomic
rotating. measurements, testing of screw Data sheet 9275_000-154
connections, measurement of
starting torque of small and
stepper motors. 107
Torque Sensors
Torque Dynamometer, –5 ... 5 N·m up to –25 ... 25 N·m
Technical data Type 9277A5 Type 9277A25
D Measuring range N·m –5 ... 5 –25 ... 25
d Calibrated meas. ranges N·m 0 ... –5 0 ... –25
0 ... –0,5 0 ... –2,5
Mz 0 ... 0,5 0 ... 2,5
0 ... 5 0 ... 25
Sensitivity pC/N·m ≈–600 ≈–250
Natural frequency kHz ≈10 ≈15

General technical data
D mm 78
d mm 8,5
H mm 60
Type 9277A25 Weight g 1 700
Operating temp. range ºC 0 ... 70
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 with connected cable
Connector TNC neg.

Characteristics Applications Accessories

This sensor is calibrated and Precise, extremely high sensitivity, Testing of torque wrenches, testing Connecting cable Type 1609B…
ready for measurement. high natural frequency, compact, of spring torsion, ergonomic measu-
sturdy design, non-rotating. rements, testing of screw connec- Data sheet 9277A_000-155
tions, measurement of starting
torque of small and stepper motors.

Rotating Torque Sensors
Slip-Ring Rotating Torque Sensor, 2 up to 1 000 N·m
Technical data Type 4501A...
Rated torque Mnom N·m 2 / 6 / 10 / 12 / 20 / 25 / 50 /63 / 100 / 160 / 200 / 500 / 1 000
Maximum torque 1,5 x rated torque
Accuracy class % 0,2
Rated value mV/V ±1 ... 2 (depending on model)
Speed measurement pulses/rev. 2 x 360
Rated speed rpm ≤3 000
H Operating temp. range ºC 5 ... 50
Case hard-anodized aluminum
L mm 44 ... 73
W mm 28 ... 73
H mm 52 ... 90
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40

Type 4501A... Connector Binder, 6- or 12-pole

Characteristics torque applied by hand or power Connecting cables

All-purpose rotating torque sensor, tools for screw driving. For brief, Types KSM071860-5,
compact, broad variety of shaft intermittent measurement of KSM103820-5 and KSM183150-5
connections. torque at low speeds. Measuring amplifier for strain gage
sensors Type 4701A…
Applications Accessories see data sheet
Intended specifically for use in Connector, 6-pole for other accessories
screw driving assembly. Typical Type KSM000822
applications include testing station- Connector, 12-pole Data sheet 4501A_000-596
ary screw spindles and measuring Type KSM000703

Mini-Smart Rotating Torque Sensor, 0,5 up to 1 000 N·m

Technical data Type 4502A...
Rated torque Mnom N·m 0,5 / 1 / 2 / 5 / 6 / 10 / 12 / 18 / 20 / 50 / 63 / 100 / 150 / 160 /
200 / 250 / 300 / 500 / 1 000
Maximum torque 1,5 x rated torque
Accuracy class % 0,2
Output signal at Mnom
(rated value) VDC ±0 ... 5
Speed measurement pulses/rev. 2 x 360 or 60
H Rated speed rpm ≤12 000
Operating temp. range ºC 10 ... 60
Case hard-anodized aluminum
L mm 44 ... 73
W mm 28 ... 73
H mm 52 ... 90
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40
Type 4502A...
Connector Binder, 12-pole

Characteristics Applications Accessories

All-purpose rotating torque sensor Suitable for dynamic measurement Connector, 12-pole,
with non-contact signal transmis- of tightening and unscrewing Type KSM000703
sion, integral electronic measur- torques in screw driving and as- Connecting cable
ing system and high interference sembly as well as quality control in Types KSM124970-5
immunity. Compact, broad variety manufacturing and the laboratory. Couplings Types 2301A… to
of shaft connections. Suitable for continuous use, for 2303A…
example in process monitoring. see data sheet
for other accessories

Data sheet 4502A_000-597 109
Rotating Torque Sensors
Dual-Range Sensor with Non-Contact Transmission, 0,2 up to 5 000 N·m
Technical data Type 4503A...
Rated torque Mnom N·m 0,2 / 0,5 / 1 / 2 / 5 / 10 / 20 / 50 / 100 / 200 / 500 / 1 000 /
L 2 000 / 5 000
Maximum torque 1,5 x rated torque
Alternating torque 0,7 x rated torque
Accuracy class % 0,1

H Linearity error <±0,1

including hysteresis % FSO Opt. C: <±0,05
Output signal at Mnom VDC ±0 ... 5 or ±0 ... 10
(rated value) kHz or 100 ±40 and RS-232C
Speed measurement pulses/rev. 60 or 2 x 360
Rated speed rpm ≤50 000
Operating temp. range ºC 10 ... 60
Case hard-anodized aluminum or stainless steel (depending on model)
Type 4503A...
L mm 113 ... 137
D mm 58 ... 148
H mm 83 ... 178
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40
Connector Binder, 7- or 12-pole

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Sensor for two separately calibrat- Universal application in the devel- Connector, 7-pole
ed measuring ranges (optional). opment laboratory, in manufactur- Type KSM000517
Integral electronic measuring ing and in quality assurance. Connector, 12-pole
system, maximum accuracy and Type KSM000703
extremely high speed ranges, Connecting cables
digital signal processing. A single- Types KSM124970-5
range version is also available. and KSM219710-5
Sensor tool Type 4706A…
Couplings Types 2301A… to
see data sheet
for other accessories

Data sheet 4503A_000-595

Rotating Torque Sensors
Torque Measuring Flange - Slim, Robust, Bearingless, High Accuracy, 50 up to 5 000 N·m
Technical data Type 4504A...
Rated torque Mnom N·m 50 / 100 / 200 / 500 / 1 000 / 2 000 / 3 000 / 5 000
Maximum torque 2 x rated torque
Alternating torque 1 x rated torque
Accuracy class % 0,1
Linearity error <±0,1
D including hysteresis % FSO Opt. C: <±0,05
H Output signal at Mnom VDC ±0 ... 10 or
(rated value) kHz 10 ±5, 60 ±20, 100 ±40 and RS-232C
Speed measurement pulses/rev. 60 or 2 x 180 ... 2 x 3 600 or 2 x 128 ... 2 x 5 120
(depending on model)
Rated speed rpm ≤15 000
Operating temp. range ºC 10 ... 60
Case hard-anodized aluminum
L mm 40,5 ... 64
D mm 172 ... 311
L H mm 243,5 ... 382
R mm 25 ... 64
Type 4504A... Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP54
Connector Binder, 7-, 8- and 12-pole

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Torque measuring flange based on The extremely narrow profile Connector, 7-pole
the strain gage principle. Integral makes this measuring flange ideal Type KSM000517
digital measurement conditioning for test stand applications includ- Connector, 12-pole
system produces analog or digital ing engines, gearboxes, rollers, Type KSM000703
output signals, which are transmit- electric motors and pumps. Connecting cable
ted without contact. Rotor runs in Type KSM219710-5
the stator ring without bearings SensorTool Type 4706A…
and is free of wear. Couplings Types 2301A…
see data sheet
for other accessories

Data sheet 4504A_000-598 111

Signal conditioning is essential in mea-

suring mechanical quantities such as
force, strain or torque. Charge amplifiers
convert the charge output by a piezoelec-
tric sensor into a proportional voltage;
whereas strain gage amplifiers boost the
small measurement voltage signal. These
voltage signals are then also used as
input variables for monitoring and control

To meet practical industrial requirements,

Kistler offers a wide range of charge
amplifiers with different designs, numbers
of measuring channels, precision, measur-
ing ranges, sensitivity, bandwidth, filter
characteristics, scaling options and signal

Charge Amplifiers for Piezoelectric Sensors
Single-Channel Charge Amplifier
Technical data Type 5015A...
Number of channels 1
Measuring range adjustment continuously variable
Measuring range FS pC ±2 ... 2 200 000
Frequency range (–3 dB) kHz ≈0 ... 200
Output signal V ±2 ... 10
Supply voltage VAC 115, 230
Input signal Type/connector piezoelectric, piezotron (voltage) / BNC neg.
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40
Interface optional RS-232C
RS-232C and IEEE-488
Case optional 19" cassette for rack mounting
desktop unit with support bracket
19" cassette with panel mounting set
Other features
∙ Voltage input with supply voltage for "Piezotron sensors"
∙ Display of peak values
∙ Display of mechanical measurands

Type 5015A... Characteristics Applications Accessories

Charge meter with LCD display and Measurement of mechanical quan- RS-232C null modem cable,
menu-driven operation; all important tities (pressure, force, acceleration) l = 5 m, D-Sub 9-pole pos. / D-Sub
settings are visible at a glance, with piezoelectric sensors. 9-pole neg. Type 1200A27
direct display of measurand as well
as maximum, minimum and mean PC-link cable, RS-232C cable,
values, LED status displays; measure- l = 3 m, D-Sub 25-pole. pos. / D-Sub
ment range continuously variable, 9-pole neg. Type 1465A3
long-medium-short time constants,
flexible adjustment of high- and D-Sub adapter, D-Sub 9-pole pos. /
low-pass filters, overload display, D-Sub 25-pole neg. Type 1479.
automatic zero monitoring and
correction, remote control via digital Data sheet 5015A_000-297
inputs, RS-232C serial interface for
parameter configuration and transfer
of measurement data. 113
Charge Amplifiers for Piezoelectric Sensors
Multichannel Charge Amplifier for Multicomponent Force Measurement
Technical data 5070Ax0xxx 5070Ax1xxx 5070Ax2xxx
Number of channels 4 8 8 with 6-component
summing calculator

General technical data

Measuring range adjustment continuously variable
Measuring ranges FS pC optional ±200 ... 200 000
±600 ... 600 000
Frequency range (–3 dB) kHz ≈0 ... 45
Output signal V ±10
Type 5070A... Supply voltage VAC 100 ... 240
Input signal Type/connector piezoelectric / optional BNC neg.
Fischer 9-pole neg.
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40
Interface optional RS-232C
RS-232C and IEEE-488
Case optional 19" cassette for rack mounting
desktop unit with support bracket
19" cassette with panel mounting set
Other features
∙ Display of peak values
∙ Display of mechanical measurands

Characteristics Applications Accessories

This amplifier is ideal for multicom- The 4-channel amplifier is effective RS-232C null modem cable,
ponent force-torque measurement for measuring cutting forces with l = 5 m, D-Sub 9-pole pos. /
with piezoelectric dynamometers Kistler dynamometers. D-Sub 9-pole neg. Type 1200A27
or force plates. The 8-channel amplifier is suitable Connecting cable for signal outputs
for 6-component force-torque mea- from charge amp to data acquisition
surement in laboratories, research card, l = 2 m, D-Sub 15-pole pos. /
and development. D-Sub 37-pole neg. Type 1500B15
Connecting cable for signal outputs
from 6-component summing calcu-
lator to data acquisition card,
l = 2 m, D-Sub 15-pole pos. / D-Sub
37-pole neg. Type 1500A7
Inductive proximity switch
Type 2233.

Data sheet 5070A_000-485

Charge Amplifiers for Piezoelectric Sensors
ICAM Charge Amplifier with Wide Measuring Range and Peak Memory
Technical data Type 5073A1... Type 5073A2... Type 5073A3... Type 5073A4...
Number of channels 1 2 3 4

Technical data Type 5073A5...

Number of channels 1 (charges of 4 inputs on one channel summed)

General technical data

Number of measuring ranges 2 (switchable)
Measuring range adjustment continuously variable
Measuring range 1 FS pC ±100 ... 1 000 000
Type 5073A4... Measuring range 2 FS pC ±100 ... 1 000 000
Frequenzy range (–3 dB) kHz ≈0 ... 20 (±10 000 pC)
≈0 ... 2 (±1 000 000 pC)
Output signal V ±10
Supply voltage VDC 18 ... 30
Input signal Type/connector piezoelectric / optional BNC neg.
TNC neg.
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 optional IP60 (BNC)
IP65 (TNC)
Interface RS-232C
Other features
∙ Peak memory
∙ Adjustable output offset
∙ Low-pass filter

Characteristics Applications Accessories

The parameters of this unit All-purpose industrial charge am- Monitoring, control and optimiza- RS-232C null modem cable,
can be configured quickly and plifier with rugged metal case; very tion of machinery and industrial l = 5 m, D-Sub 9-pole pos. /
easily with the ManuWare PC wide variable measuring range, processes. D-Sub
two independent, externally swit- 9-pole neg. Type 1200A27
program. chable measuring ranges, integral Cable D-Sub / 15-pole neg. with
peak memory for each channel; flying leads one end.
PLC connection possible. Type 1500A41...

Data sheet 5073A_000-524 115
Charge Amplifiers for Piezoelectric Sensors
In-Line Charge Amplifier
Technical data Type 5027A...
Number of channels 1
Measuring range adjustment continuously variable
Measuring ranges FS pC optional ±150 ... 4 800 (Type 5027A1)
±4 800 ... 145 000 (Type 5027A2)
±145 000 ... 450 000 (Type 5027A3)
Frequency range (–3 dB) kHz ≈0 ... 10
Output signal V ±5
Supply voltage VDC 10 ... 36
Type 5027A... Input signal Type/connector piezoelectric / KIAG 10-32 neg.
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65
Other features
Calibrated as required

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Wide measuring range, scaled for Conditioning of measurement sig- Remote ControlMonitor for power
chosen measuring range if required, nals of piezoelectric sensors. Flange supply and calibration
compact design, user adjustable FS plate for easy positioning anywhere Type 5825A1
range. on machine frame. Calibration device Type Z16401
Mounting bracket Type 1413
8-pole round connector
Type 1500A57
Aluminum cap for round connector
Type 1433
Mounting wrench Type 1300A59

Data sheet 5027A_000-299

MiniAmp Miniature Charge Amplifier

Technical data Type 5030A...

Number of channels 1
Number of measuring ranges 2 (switchable 10:1)
Measuring range adjustment fixed
Measuring ranges FS pC optional ±100 / ±1 000
±1 000 / ±10 000
±10 000 / ±100 000
Frequency range (–3 dB) kHz ≈0 ... 10
Output signal V ±10
Supply voltage VDC 18 ... 30
Input signal Type/connector piezoelectric / KIAG 10-32 neg.
Type 5030A...
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Single-channel miniature charge Conditioning of measurement sig- Connecting cable
amplifier with rugged, dust- and nals of piezoelectric sensors. Light Lumberg M12, 8-pole neg. to
waterproof aluminum case, wide yet rugged design for industrial remote ControlMonitor
measuring range, two externally use mounted on moving machine Type 5825A1 Type 1700A66
switchable fixed measuring ranges parts. Connecting cable for PLC
(10:1), connection to PLC possible. Type 1787A5.

Data sheet 5030A_000-523

Charge Amplifiers for Piezoelectric Sensors
Charge Amplifier for Small Charges
Technical data Type 5037B1... Type 5037B3...Y39
Number of channels 1 3

Technical data
Measuring range adjustment continuously variable
Measuring range FS pC ±20 ... 650 000
Frequency range (–3 dB) kHz ≈0 ... 30 (<±200 000 pC)
Output signal V ±10
Type 5037B... Supply voltage VDC ±15
Input signal Type/connector piezoelectric / optional BNC neg.
TNC neg.
KIAG 10-32 neg.
M13x1 fitting for protective sheath
Fischer connector DBEE 103A015-18
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 optional IP60 (BNC)
IP65 (TNC, KIAG 10-32)
IP67 (M13x1 fitting with protective sheath)
Other features
Semiconductor rather than reed relay reset (… Y39)

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Rugged, sealed plastic case with Conditioning of measurement sig- none
different connection options; also nals of piezoelectric sensors. With its
available with ranges calibrated for rugged design, the amplifier is ideal Data sheet 5037B_000-302
specific sensors. for in-line use in machine monitor-
ing systems

Charge Amplifier for Control Panel Mounting, with Digital Range Adjustment
Technical data Type 5041E...
Number of channels 1
Measuring range adjustment digital adjustment
Measuring range FS pC ±100 ... 99 000
Frequency range (–3 dB) kHz ≈0 ... 50
Output signal V ±10
Supply voltage VDC optional ±15
Input signal Type/connector piezoelectric / BNC neg.
Type 5041E... Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Suitable for front panel mounting, Ideal for laboratory applications none
scaling with thumbwheel switch, and frequent changes of sensor.
LED for "Operate" and "Over- Data sheet 5041E_000-305
load". 117
Charge Amplifiers for Piezoelectric Sensors
Charge Amplifier on Eurocard, for Multichannel 19" Racks
Technical data Type 5058A...
Number of channels 1
Number of measuring ranges 5 (switchable, decade resistor)
Measuring range adjustment continuously variable / digital
Measuring ranges FS pC ±10 ... 100
±100 ... 1 000
±1 000 ... 10 000
±10 000 ... 100 000
±100 000 ... 1 000 000
Frequency range
–3 dB, without internal filter kHz ≈0 ... 80 (range: < ±100 000 pC)
–3 dB, without internal filter kHz ≈0 ... 15 (all ranges)
Type 5058A... (integral LP filter as standard: 10 kHz)
Output signal V ±10
Supply voltage VDC ±15
Input signal Type/connector piezoelectric / Mini Coax, neg.
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40
Other features
∙ Programmable measuring range
∙ Manual operation
∙ Peak memory
∙ Low-pass filter
∙ Electrical isolation

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Five measuring ranges, positive For use in industrial instrumenta- M 105 series, multipole connector,
and negative peak memories, tion, particularly for multichannel 52 + 2 poles, rows a + c
low-pass filter as standard , "track/ systems and for mounting in 19” Wire wrap 13 mm,
hold" and "track/peak" toggle, racks. Art. no 5.512.123.
manual operation or external
control. Data sheet 5058A_000-308

Strain Gage Amplifiers
Measuring Amplifier for Strain Gage Sensors and Resistive Travel Sensors
Technical data Type 4701A...
Number of channels 1
Input signal strain gage mV/V Version A: approx 1,5
Version B: approx 1,0
(0,5 … 3,0, full or half bridge,
max. bridge input resistance 500 Ω)
resistiv V Version C: input 0 … 5
(input resistance 1 … 5 kΩ)
Cutoff frequency (–3 dB) kHz 1
Output signal V ±5 or ±10

Version A Supply voltage VDC 24 non-stabilized (±10 %)

Input signal Type/connector Strain gage with opt. of cable gland with soldering terminals
(version A)
6-pole connector (version B)
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 Version A with cable glands: IP54
Versions B and C with connectors: IP40

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Industrial measuring amplifier Designed for panel mounting in Connecting cable
with rugged metal case. Gain and industrial applications. It is an Type KSM071860-5
zero adjustment set with fixed all-purpose solution for strain gage Connecting cable
resistors and potentiometers. sensors and resistive displacement Type KSM103820-5
sensors. Suitable for torque sensors
Type 4501A…
Data sheet 4701A_000-621

Version B and C 119

Transparency of assembly and testing The ManuWare PC software enables quick

processes can be achieved by measuring and easy configuration of the parameters
force and/or torque. of force and strain transmitters as well as
the all-purpose ICAM charge amplifier.
As a function of time, displacement or
angle is an ideal method of monitor- SensorTool, another PC software, enables
ing, controlling and documenting these the operator to process sensor and mea-
processes. ControlMonitors (brand name: surement data of torque sensors or supply
CoMo®) can be used to display, evalu- and evaluation systems. This includes
ate and document the resulting curves. setting device parameters, numerical and
Parameters for monitoring and evaluation graphical display of measurands, evalua-
functions can be freely selected within a tion of measurements and measurement
wide range. Their configuration takes into curves, reading and display of sensor and
account the specific requirements of dif- equipment data, and definition of speed
ferent processing methods. output pulses.

The DMF-P series of digital measuring TraceControl PC software is used to

systems for joining processes supplement configure and control monitoring equip-
the range of products for monitoring au- ment of the DMF-P family with the aid of
tomatic assembly, particularly in conjunc- convenient graphics functions. It allows
tion with electromechanical NC joining reading of equipment controller outputs
modules. and simulation of digital control by PLC,
and supports system setup, production,
In addition to the CoMo and DMF-P and quality assurance.
families of evaluation units, Kistler offers
DynoWare, the multipurpose operator-
friendly software for force measurement
with dynamometers, single-component or
multicomponent force sensors.
DynoWare® provides technicians with an
on-line display of measured curves as well
as with useful calculation and graphics
functions for signal analysis. In addition
to straightforward configuration of the
most important measuring instruments,
the software supports operator-specific
documentation of the measuring process
as well as the storage of configuration and
measurement data.

Control and Monitoring Devices
CoMo Logic® ControlMonitor y(t)
Technical data Type 5875A...
Number of channels y/t 1
Measuring range adjustment continuously variable
Measuring ranges FS pC optional ±50 ... 5 000
±500 ... 50 000
±1 000 ... 100 000
±5 000 ... 500 000
Sampling rate kHz 10
Frequency range (–3 dB) kHz ≈0 ... 4
Output signal (monitor) V ±10
Supply voltage VDC 18 ... 30
Input signal Type/connector piezoelectric / BNC neg.
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40
Interface RS-232C
Case optional 19" cassette for rack mounting
Type 5875A... desktop unit with support bracket
19" cassette with panel mounting set
Other features
∙ LCD graphics display
∙ 3 real-time thresholds
∙ Memory for 8 parameter sets
∙ Flashloader

Characteristics Applications Accessories

CoMo Logic is a single-channel CoMo Logic is designed for moni- RS-232C null modem cable
y(t) ControlMonitor with graphical toring time-dependent measurands l = 5 m, D-Sub 9-pole pos. /
display, three real-time thresholds in production processes. It is D-Sub
and elementary post-cycle curve particularly suitable for monitor- 9-pole neg. Type 1200A27
analysis. The monitor is operated ing force/time characteristics of Connecting cable for monitor
with front panel controls or with manual and automated assembly output, 2 x 2 mm connector / BNC
a PLC via digital I/Os. An analog and test processes. pos. Type 1700A57
monitor output with scaled sensor
signal is available for external data Data sheet 5875A_000-492
acquisition. Eight parameter sets
make it easy to switch between
different operating modes and
applications. 121
Control and Monitoring Devices
CoMo Net® ControlMonitor y(x) for Top-Hat Rail Mounting
Technical data Type 5863A1...
Number of channels y/t, y/x 1
Measuring range adjustment continuously variable
Measuring range FS pC ±100 ... 1 000 000
V ±0,005 ... 10
mV/V 0,25 ... 40
Sampling rate kHz 10
Frequency range (–3 dB) kHz ≈0 ... 3
Output signal (monitor) V ±10
Supply voltage VDC 18 ... 30
Input signal Type/connector piezoelectric / BNC neg.,
strain gage / Phoenix 3,5 mm,
piezoresistive / Phoenix 3,5 mm,
voltage / Phoenix 3,5 mm,
incremental encoder / D-Sub 9-pole pos.
absolute encoder (SSI) / D-Sub 9-pole pos.
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40
Type 5863A14 Interface ∙ Ethernet TCP/IP
∙ RS-232C
∙ 6 digital inputs
∙ 6 digital outputs
∙ Profibus DP
∙ Incremental/absolute encoder
∙ Compact flash memory expansion module
Other features
∙ 12 freely combinable evaluation functions
∙ Horizontal and vertical real-time thresholds
∙ Cycle control through displacement
∙ Memory for storing 20 curves
∙ Memory for 16 parameter sets
∙ Web server
∙ Flashloader
∙ Software service for fast data export
∙ Transfer formats: Q-DAS, CSV, XML, text and HTML

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Single-channel ControlMonitor In-process visualization, monitor- RS-232C null modem cable,
for DIN rail mounting, operates ing, evaluation and classification l = 5 m, D-Sub 9-pole pos. /
on a 24 V industrial supply, 6 of industrial processes like joining, D-Sub
PLC-compatible digital inputs and separating, primary forming, 9-pole neg. Type 1200A27
outputs enable the system to be re-shaping and testing. Recording Control unit with 5,7" color
integrated into a machine control of interdependent measurands touch screen display Type 5629A2
system, networkable via TCP/IP – force and torque as a function
and Ethernet, RS-232C interface of displacement, time or angle Data sheet 5863A_000-444
for connecting equipment such and evaluation of their functional
as a barcode reader, operation relationship, for instance for reject
(parameter configuration and separation, reworking or re-
visualization) by means of either a running to different tolerances.
standard web browser via Ethernet
on a PC or with the Kistler Browser
and web terminal with Windows
CE®. The web server integrated
in CoMo Net, controls HTML
pages for operating purposes,
data server controls the exchange
of process data with the outside
world, remote diagnostics and
remote maintenance capability. Ac-
cess to the various menu levels is
password-controlled for operators,
supervisors or service personnel,
intuitive operation for fast and
safe setting up of the measuring

Control and Monitoring Devices
CoMo View® ControlMonitor y(x) with Color Touch Screen Display
Technical data Type 5863A2...
Number of channels y/t, y/x 1
Measuring range adjustment continuously variable
Measuring range FS pC ±100 ... 1 000 000
V ±0,005 ... 10
mV/V 0,25 ... 40
Sampling rate kHz 10
Frequency range (–3 dB) kHz ≈0 ... 3
Output signal (monitor) V ±10
Supply voltage VDC 18 ... 30
Input signal Type/connector piezoelectric / BNC neg.,
strain gage / Phoenix 3,5 mm,
piezoresistive / Phoenix 3,5 mm,
voltage / Phoenix 3,5 mm,
incremental encoder / D-Sub 9-pole pos.
absolute encoder (SSI) / D-Sub 9-pole pos.
Type 5863A2...
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40
IP65 (front in panel mounting)
Interface ∙ Ethernet TCP/IP
∙ RS-232C
∙ 6 digital inputs
∙ 6 digital outputs
Display 5,7"-STN color touch screen display
∙ Profibus DP
∙ Incremental/absolute encoder
∙ Desktop case set
Other features
∙ 12 freely combinable evaluation functions
Horizontal and vertical real-time thresholds
∙ Cycle control through displacement
∙ Memory for 20 measurement curves
∙ 16 parameter sets
∙ Flash Memory expansion module
Type 5863A2… ∙ Web server
in desktop case Type 5745A… ∙ Flashloader
∙ Software service for fast data export
∙ Transfer formats: Q-DAS, CSV, XML, text and HTML
∙ Visualization of other CoMo Nets on the network

Characteristics password-controlled for operators, Accessories

Single-channel ControlMonitor supervisors or service personnel, RS-232C null modem cable,
with integral 5,7" color touch intuitive operation for fast and l = 5 m, D-Sub 9-pole pos. /D-Sub
screen display (320x240 pixels), safe setting up of the measuring 9-pole neg. Type 1200A27
operates on a 24 V industrial process. Desktop case Type 5745A…
supply, 6 PLC-compatible digital Plug-in power pack Type 5781A1
inputs and outputs enable the Applications matching desktop case
system to be integrated into a ma- In-process visualization, monitor- Type 5745A21
chine control system, networkable ing, evaluation and classification 30W plug-in power pack
via TCP/IP and Ethernet, RS-232C of industrial processes like joining, Type 5779A2
interface for connecting equipment separating, primary forming,
such as a barcode reader, param- re-shaping and testing. Recording Data sheet 5863A_000-519
eter configuration by means of a of interdependent measurands
standard web browser via Ethernet – force and torque as a function
on a PC or with the Kistler Browser of displacement, time or angle
and web terminal with Windows and evaluation of their functional
CE®. The web server integrated in relationship, for instance for reject
CoMo Net controls HTML pages separation, reworking or allocation
for operating purposes, visualiza- of production results to different
tion via PC or web terminal and tolerances.
using integral color display. Data
server controls the exchange of
process data with the outside
world, remote diagnostics and
remote maintenance capability,
access to the various menu levels is 123
Control and Monitoring Devices
Control Unit with 5,7" Color Touch Screen Display
Technical data Type 5629A2
Display 5,7" STN color touch screen monitor (320x240 pixels)
Interface Ethernet 10-Base T (electrically isolated)
Operating temp. range ºC 0 ... 45
Length mm 208
Width mm 172
Height mm 30
Other features
Fixed mounting on wall or pivot mounting on wall or

Characteristics Applications Accessories

The control unit with the 5,7" The control unit is Ethernet (TCP/ Power supply 100 … 240 VAC;
color touch screen display can be IP) networkable and can be de- 50 … 60 Hz, 24 VDC; 3 A;
used for configuring CoMo Net tached from CoMo Net measuring 14-pole pos. Binder connector 423
Type 5692A2 ControlMonitor Type 5863A… and unit for use as a standalone termi- Type 5781A3
for displaying the force-displace- nal. The rugged IP65 mechanical
ment curve and evaluation results. construction of the control unit Data sheet 5629A_000-682
5,7" STN color touch screen makes it suitable for use in tough
display; rugged IP65 construc- industrial environments. The
tion; wall or pivot mounting; for terminal is supplied with power via
CoMo Net operation and process the round connector on the side.
visualization. An angle connector is included for
this purpose.

Control and Monitoring Devices
CoMo Sys® ControlMonitor y(x)*, Multichannel, with Integral PC
Technical data Type 5885A...
Number of channels y/t, y/x optional 1 ... 2 (42 TE-Case)
1 ... 4 (63 TE-Case)
1 ... 7 (84 TE-Case)
Measuring range adjustment continuously variable within range defined by
Measuring ranges FS pC ±100 ... 1 000 000
V ±0,005 ... 10
mV/V 0,25 ... 40
Sampling rate kHz ≈10
Frequency range (–3 dB) kHz ≈0 ... 3
Type 5885A... Output signal (monitor) V ±10
Supply voltage VAC 100 ... 230
Input signal Type/connector piezoelectric / BNC neg.,
strain gage / Phoenix 3,5 mm,
piezoresistive / Phoenix 3,5 mm,
voltage / Phoenix 3,5 mm,
incremental encoder / D-Sub 9-pole pos.
absolute encoder (SSI) / D-Sub 9-pole pos.
Interface ∙ Ethernet TPC/IP
∙ RS-232C
∙ 6 digital inputs
∙ 6 digital outputs
Interfaces on integral PC PS/2 for external keyboard
2 x USB
1 x RS-232C (COM2)
1 x parallel (LPT)
1 x VGA output for additional external monitor
1 x Ethernet 10/100 Mbit
Display 6,5" TFT color monitor, 640x480 pixels
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40
Other features
∙ Cycle control through displacement thresholds
∙ Integral hard disk for data storage
∙ Slot for compact flash card
∙ Storage of process data in Q-DAS transfer format
∙ Wealth of special functions enabled by macro
∙ Profibus DP interface for each measuring channel
∙ Incremental/absolute encoder

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Multichannel ControlMonitor In-process visualization, monitor- Potentiometric displacement sen-
with integral 6,5" color display ing, evaluation and classification sor e.g. Type 2112A75
(640x480 pixels). Parameter of industrial processes like joining, Connecting cable for displacement
configuration, visualization and separating, re-shaping and test- sensor
logging of process by means ing. Recording of interdependent e.g. Type KIG 4367A3 (3 m)
of integral PC with hard disk, measurands – force and torque as
(or alternatively FlashDisk), and a function of displacement, time
Windows-based user interface; or angle and evaluation of their
two USB interfaces, serial and functional relationship, for instance
parallel interface, Ethernet port, for reject separation, reworking or
PC/104 expansion slot. Each re-running to different tolerances.
measuring channel has 6 digital
intputs and outputs, voltage input
for displacement sensor, optional
Profibus DP interface.

*Only available in Germany 125
Control and Monitoring Devices
CoMo Torque Evaluation Instrument for Torque Sensors
Technical data Type 4700A...
Number of channels y1 = M/t, y2 = n/t 2
Signal inputs
strain gage mV/V 0,5 … 3,5 (full bridge, 4/6-wire)
active VDC ±5 ... 10
frequency kHz ≤300
Cut-off frequency (–3 dB) kHz ≈0 ... 5
Speed / rotation angle input
tracks A and B kHz ≤300
Sensor excitation voltages V 24 stabilized
Type 4700A... 5 strain gage unipolar
5 stabilized
±12 stabilized
Output signals
3 channels V ±10
Digital control 8 digital inputs TTL
8 digital outputs TTL bzw. 24 VDC
Interfaces RS-232C and USB 2.0
Operating temp. range °C 10 ... 60
(rated temperature range)

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Compatible with SensorTool Universal measuring amplifier for The unit is ideal for factory Connecting cable
PC program for parameter connecting passive and active instrumentation and in test and Type KSM185350
configuration and evaluation. force and torque sensors. Torque/ laboratory environments. for Type 4501A… Q/R,
speed or torque/rotation angle Type KSM185370
measurements can be evaluated. for Type 4501A… QA,
The unit calculates and displays Type KSM186420 l = 2,5 m for
mechanical power. It also has digi- Type 4503… / 4504A… analog,
tal inputs and outputs, min/max Type KSM186430 l = 2,5 m for
peak detection and a measurement Type 4503A… / 4504A… fre-
curve memory function. quency

Data sheet 4700A_000-620

Remote ControlMonitor for Transmitter Actuation

Technical data Type 5825A1
Number of channels 1
Measuring range adjustment –
Measuring range V ±10
Sampling rate ms <2 (>0,5 kHz)
Output signal V ±10
Supply voltage battery VDC 9
external VDC 18 ... 30
Input signal 8-pole Binder round connector
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP50

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Battery-powered handheld termi- For actuation of different RS-232C null modem cable,
Type 5825A1 nal, ideal for mobile on-site high- transmitters like Types 9234A…, l = 5 m, D-Sub 9-pole pos. /
precision data acquisition during 9602AA… and 9833B… and D-Sub
high-speed processes. Rugged de- charge amplifiers like Types 9-pole neg. Type 1200A27
sign for industrial application with 5030A… and 5027A… . Depend- Connecting cable Lumberg M12,
impact protection and membrane ing on the electronics, the RCM 8-pole neg., – for connection to
keypad, large LCD graphics display. allows the configuration of basic Type 9234A... Type 1700A66
Comes with one monitor output settings or measuring ranges to Desktop power pack 5.510.220
and one RS-232C data transmis- suit the application. When used
sion interface. with older electronic equipment, Data sheet 5825A_000-527
the RCM can act as a power sup-
ply or a simple voltmeter.

Control and Monitoring Devices
Single-Channel Force-Displacement Unit DMF-P A300 for General Joining and Press-Fitting Processes
Technical data Type 4737A...
Number of channels y/t, y/x 1
Measuring range adjustment continuously variable
for each range
Measuring range FS mV/V ±0,25 ... 5
V ±0,5 ... 10
pC ±40 000 ... 1 500 000
Sampling rate kHz 5
Resolution of analog input Bit 12
(automatic scaling
to measuring range)
Output signal (monitor) V ±10
Supply voltage VDC 24 ±10 %
Type 4737AWD...
Input signal Type/ for force (torque optional)/displacement signal
connector strain gage and voltage/Binder 6-pole
incremental/8-pole Binder
SSI/D-Sub 9-pole
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40
IP54 (wall mounted/panel case)
Interfaces Ethernet TPC/IP
2 x RS-232C
Profibus DP
LPT for HP-compatible printer
PS/2 for external keyboard
Display 5,7" STN monochrome
∙ Wall mounted case (bottom cable exit)
∙ Desktop or panel case (rear cable exit)
∙ Profinet I/O
∙ DeviceNet
∙ Interbus
∙ 16 digital inputs
∙ 16 digital outputs
Other features
∙ 30 freely combinable evaluation functions
∙ Horizontal and vertical real-time thresholds
∙ Memory for 100 measurement curves
∙ Memory for 1 000 joining results
∙ 32 parameter sets
∙ Integral web server
∙ Flashloader, upload/download
∙ Data export in CSV, Q-DAS or I.-P.M. format
∙ Remote parameter configuration with TraceControl possible

Characteristics tion of user evaluation methods. Accessories

For monitoring joining and press- TraceControl software supports 24 V power supply 120 … 240 V
fitting processes. Developed for equipment setup, production and Type KSM028659
use in systems and plants with quality assurance. 24 V power supply 120 … 240 V
joining processes. Recording with US connector
of force curve as a function of Applications Type KSM028660
displacement or time. Online or of- Monitoring of assembly charac-
fline evaluation (after data storage) teristic with adjustable windows. Data sheet 4737A_000-684
depending on type of freely pro- This allows the operator to define
grammable criteria. Data exchange critical parts of the assembly cycle.
with option of external visualiza- Monitoring of assembly force, end
tion via Ethernet. Logging of mea- position, overload and variable
surement results in CSV or stan- windows. In addition, speed of
dardized formats such as Q-DAS process and gradient of measure-
or I.-P.M. Networked to plant via ment curve can be measured and
fieldbus or corresponding control evaluated.
inputs. Configuration and setup
on monitoring system with screen
or PC via web browser. Clear and
simple operator guidance. Integra- 127
Control and Monitoring Devices
Multichannel Force-Displacement Unit DMF-P A400 advanced for General Joining and Press-Fitting Processes
Technical data Type 4733A...
Number of channels y/x, y/t 2
Adjustment of each measuring range continuously variable
Measuring range FS mV/V ±0,25 ... 5
V ±0,5 ... 10
pC ±40 000 ... 1 500 000
Sampling rate for each chan. kHz 5
Resolution of analog input Bit 12
(automatic scaling
to measuring range)
Output signal for V ±10
each channel (monitor)
Supply voltage VDC 24 ±10 %
Type 4733AWD...
Input signal Type/ for force (torque optional)/displacement signal
connector strain gage and voltage/Binder 6-pole
incremental/Binder 8-pole
SSI/D-Sub 9-pole
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40
IP54 (wall mounted/panel case)
Interfaces Ethernet TPC/IP
2 x RS-232C
Profibus DP
LPT for HP-compatible printer
PS/2 for external keyboard
16 digital inputs
16 digital outputs
Display 5,7" STN monochrome
∙ Wall mounted case (bottom cable exit)
∙ Desktop or panel case (rear cable exit)
∙ Profinet-IO
∙ DeviceNet
∙ Interbus
Other features
∙ 30 freely combinable evaluation functions
∙ Horizontal and vertical real-time thresholds
∙ Memory for 100 measurement curves
∙ Memory for 1 000 joining results
∙ 32 parameter sets
General features
∙ Integral web server
∙ Flashloader, upload/download
∙ Networking of other DMF-Ps via Ethernet
∙ Data export in CSV, Q-DAS or I.-P.M. format
∙ Remote parameter configuration with TraceControl possible

Characteristics of measurement results in CSV Monitoring of assembly forces,

For monitoring joining and press- or standardized formats such as end position, overload and variable
fitting processes. Developed for Q-DAS or I.-P.M. Networking to windows. In addition, speed of
use in systems and plants with plant via fieldbus or corresponding process and gradient of measure-
several joining processes requiring control inputs. Configuration and ment curve can be measured and
mutually independent monitoring. setup on monitoring system with evaluated.
Expansion up to 8 independent screen or PC with web browser.
channels can be achieved by Integration of user evaluation Accessories
linking a number of units. Online methods. TraceControl software 24 V power supply 120 … 240 V
or offline evaluation (after data supports equipment setup, produc- Type KSM028659
storage) depending on type of tion and quality assurance. 24 V power supply 120 … 240 V
freely programmable criteria. with US connector
Data exchange with option of Applications Type KSM028660
external visualization via Ethernet. Monitoring of assembly charac-
Independent operation is an op- teristic with adjustable windows. Data sheet 4733A_000-623
tion in extreme cases, mutually This allows the operator to define
independent channels. Logging critical parts of the assembly cycle.

ManuWare – PC Tool for Setup of Parameters of Industrial Charge Amplifiers and Transmitters
Technical data
Supported equipment: Industrial charge amplifier ICAM Type 5073A…
Transmitters Types 9337A… (force) and 9238A… (strain)

Characteristics Applications Options

Versatile PC tool for configuring Test measurements with the sup- None
parameters of charge amplifiers, ported equipment.
force and strain transmitters. Au- Accessories
toscan function provides automatic None
detection and listing of connected
equipment; status of recognized
CD 7.643.035
instruments shown; intuitive pa-
can be ordered free of charge
rameter configuration with dialogs
tailored to each particular instru-
ment; a graphical display of the
test measurements and auxiliary
functions for scaling indirect mea-
surement help the operator set up
force measurement applications;
the settings of the fully configured
devices can be saved on PC.

DynoWare – Software for Data Acquisition and Evaluation

Characteristics Applications Options
Simple operation, configuration Windows® software for data acqui- None
and control of Kistler measuring sition and evaluation. All-purpose,
instruments via RS-232C or IEEE- operator-friendly software, espe- Accessories
488 interface, high-performance cially effective for force measure- Data acquisition card CIO-DAS
graphics, useful signal evalua- ment with dynamometers and 1602/12 Type 2855A3
tion and calculation functions, single- or multicomponent force Data acquisition card PCIM-DAS
simultaneous recording of up to 8 sensors. For signal analysis Dyno- 1602/16 Type 2855A4
measuring channels. Is also ideal Ware provides an online display Data acquisition card PC card
for acquisition and evaluation of of measurement curves as well DAS 16/16 Type 2855A5
any physical measurands. as useful calculation and graphics Connecting cable Type 15008B15
functions. In addition to easy con- Connecting cable Type 15008A67
figuration of the most important Connecting cable Type 15008B69
measuring instruments, DynoWare USB - RS-232C converter
supports individual documenta- Type 2867
tion of the measurement process
as well as storage of configuration Data sheet 2825A_000-371
and measurement data. 129
SensorTool – PC Software for Setup and Evaluation of Torque Sensor Technology
Technical data Type 4706A
Supported equipment: Torque sensors Types 4503A… and 4504A…,
CoMo Torque evaluation instrument Type 4700A…
Further information See data sheet

Characteristics Applications Options

Configuration of instrument pa- Straightforward PC software for None
rameters; numerical and graphical processing sensor and measure-
display of measurands; evalua- ment data from torque sensors or Accessories
tion of measurement values and evaluation systems; numerical and None
measurement curves; reading and graphical display of all of the in-
display of sensor and instrument volved measurands (torque, speed, Data sheet 4706A_000-626
data; definition of speed output rotation angle, mechanical power
pulses (magnetoresistive system in and rotor temperature of torque
the Type 4504A…); measurement sensors) on the PC screen; par-
value taring; storage of recorded ticularly useful during initial setup,
measurement curves in TXT or testing or optimization; all relevant
CSV format; multilingual (German/ sensor data (such as serial number,
English) menu guidance. sensor Type, etc,) can be displayed
onscreen for a quick check of the
torque sensors; defined functions
can be triggered to test the sensor.

TraceControl – PC Software for Monitoring Units

Technical data Type 4735A
Supported equipment: Type 4734A... (model DMF-P A300 NCF)
Type 4737A... (model DMF-P A300)
Type 4733A... (model DMF-P A400 advanced)
Further information See data sheet

Characteristics Applications Options

Operator-friendly software for Simplified placement of differ- None
connecting monitoring units ent measurement curves for easy
Type 4734A… model DMF-P positioning of target value / set Accessories
A300 NCF, Type 4737… model point windows of a monitoring None
DMF-P A300 and Type 4733A… unit; all digital inputs and outputs
model DMF-P A400 advanced of the equipment controller can Data sheet 4735A_000-666
to PC; simple, intuitive operation, be read or set with a click of the
configuration and control of instru- mouse, which allows simulation of
ment via Ethernet; remote control digital control by PLC; additional
of instrument from PC screen (1:1 monitoring of measurement pro-
representation); convenient graphi- cess using any PC on the network
cal functions; support for system is possible during production;
setup, production and quality for quality assurance the not OK
assurance; export of configured set (NOK) measurement curves can
point value windows (evaluation be quickly filtered and any defects
ranges) and complete families of efficiently investigated.
curves in image files (JPG, BMP,
PNG and GIF), function for adding
comments to measurement curve
ranges of interest.

Analyzing 131

Electromechanical NC Joining Modules

Electromechanical NC joining systems are With their space-saving, gearless, hollow-
taking over from the familiar hydraulic shaft motor and integral piezoelectric
presses and conventional joining modules. force sensor, particularly compact elec-
In addition to environmental, energy, tromechanical NC joining modules NCFH
space, installation and maintenance ben- Type 2151B… are designed for nominal
efits, it is primarily manufacturing criteria joining forces of 10, 30 and 60 kN. They
that sway the system designer towards an come in different sizes for measuring
electromechanical system. These include ranges from 1 ... 60 kN.
flexibility, exact positioning, extremely
high repeatability and accurately defined NC joining modules with strain gage
joining forces. force monitoring
As electromechanical NC joining modules
With its electromechanical NC joining sys- with integral strain gage sensors for rated
tems Kistler offers a particularly compact, joining forces of 100, 200 and 300 kN,
high-precision system for a wide variety of Types 2153A… with optional safety brakes
force-displacement monitored press-fitting cover the higher force ranges.
and joining tasks.
The slim profile of electromechanical NC
The wealth of alternatives covers the full joining module NCFS Type 2152A… with
range of forces up to 300 kN. integral strain gage sensor and a nominal
joining force of 35 kN makes it perfect for
NC joining modules with piezoelectric closely spaced workstations.
force monitoring
Electromechanical NC joining module
NCFT Type 2157A… has a integral piezo-
electric force sensor, nminal joining force
of 1 kN and selection of measuring ranges
of 0,25, 0,5 and 1 kN. Its force range and
slenderness make it ideal for precision
manufacturing or manual workstations.

Electromechanical NC Joining Modules
NC Joining Module NCFT with Integral Force Monitoring, Measuring Range 0,25 … 1 kN
Technical data Type 2157A1 Type 2157A2 Type 2157A3
Nominal joining force kN 1 1 1
Measuring range 1 kN 0,5 1 1
Measuring range 2 kN 0,25 0,25 0,5

General technical data

Measuring direction compression/tension
Max. straight line velocity mm/s 300

L Repeatability mm 0,005
Stroke mm 100
Weight kg 5,8
Tool weight kg ≤5
L mm 567
H mm 60
W mm 60
Operating temp. range °C 10 ... 40
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP54
Characteristics Applications Accessories
NC joining module with integral Suitable for use in automated pro- Servo controller for Type 2157A...
piezoelectric force sensor for force- duction plants or manual worksta- IndraDrive 12 A PB
displacement monitored press- tions. Can be mounted horizontally Type KSM031534
fitting and joining processes with or vertically on machine frame Servo controller for Type 2157A...
a nominal joining force of 1 kN using wall fixings or flanges. The with integrated safety option
and measuring ranges of 0,25, 0,5 holder on ram allows accurate tool IndraDrive 12A PB S
and 1 kN. Its compact dimensions, positioning. Type KSM032763
slender design and small joining Force-displacement measuring
forces are ideal for precision manu- system DMF-P A300 NCF
facturing of products such as small Type 4734A...
motors, clocks and watches. NCFT motor cable RKL4302 l = 5 m
Type KSM031533-5
NCFT feedback cable RKL4200
l = 5 m Type KSM303500-5
NCF SSI displacement cable
IndraDrive l = 5 m
Type KSM030175-5
NCF IndraDrive data cable
l = 5 m Type KSM030164-5
NCF force transmitter cable
l = 5 m Type KSM313720-5
NCF F - analog force signal l = 5 m
Type KSM030176
NCF/ XTE, YTE IndraDrive cable
l = 5 m Type KSM314030-5

Data sheet 2157A_000-707 133
Electromechanical NC Joining Modules
NC Joining Module NCFH with Hollow-Shaft Motor and Integral Force Monitoring, Measuring Ranges 1 … 60 kN
Technical data Type 2151B02012001 Type 2151B05012001 Type 2151B05022001
W Nominal joining force kN 10 10 10
Measuring range 1 kN 2 5 5
Measuring range 2 kN 1 1 2

Technical data Type 2151B10012001 Type 2151B10022001 Type 2151B10052001

Nominal joining force kN 10 10 10
Measuring range 1 kN 10 10 10
L Measuring range 2 kN 1 2 5

Technical data Type 2151B30154002 Type 2151B60154002 Type 2151B60304002

Nominal joining force kN 30 60 60
Measuring range 1 kN 30 60 60
Measuring range 2 kN 15 15 30

General technical data Size 1 Size 2

Measuring direction compression/tension compression/tension
Size 1
Measuring range 1 ... 10 kN L mm 471 795
Type 2151B020... to Type 2151B100... H mm 100 165
W mm 100 165
Repeatability mm 0,01 0,01
Max. straight line velocity mm/s 300 300
Stroke mm 200 400
Weight kg 17 80 ... 87
Tool weight kg ≤50 ≤100
Operating temp. range °C 10 ... 40 10 ... 40
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP54 IP54

Characteristics Applications Accessories

NC joining module with integral Suitable for use as linear actua- Servo controller for Type 2151B...
piezoelectric force sensor with tor for assembly and joining tasks 10, 30 kN IndraDrive 54A PB
L joining forces from 1 … 60 kN in automated production plants. Type KSM030106
for force-displacement monitored Can be mounted horizontally or Servo controller for Type 2151B...
press fitting and joining processes. vertically on the machine frame 60 kN IndraDrive 70A PB
Due to integral hollow-shaft motor using wall fixings or flanges. The Type KSM031182
the NCFH is extremely short and holder on ram allows accurate tool Force-displacement measuring
suitable for highly dynamic mea- positioning. system DMF-P A300 NCF
surement; 2 calibrated switchable Type 4734A...
force measuring ranges available NCFH motor and feedback cable
as standard. Force control; straight l = 5 m for size 1
line velocity; repeatability <0,01 Type KSM301660-5
mm, high measuring accuracy; NCFH motor and feedback cable
active deflection compensation l = 5 m for size 2
Size 2
system for more accurate position- Type KSM307390-5
Measuring range 15 ... 60 kN
ing, high overload capacity of NCF IndraDrive SSI displacement
Type 2151B30... to Type 2151B60...
approximately 150 %; ease of cable l = 5 m
operation. Type KSM301750-5
IndraDrive data cable l = 5 m
Type KSM301640-5
NCF force transmitter cable l = 5 m
Type KSM313720-5
NCF analog force signal cable
l = 5 m KSM301760-5
NCF/ XTE, YTE IndraDrive cable
l = 5 m Type KSM314030-5

Data sheet 2151A_000-690

Electromechanical NC Joining Modules
NC Joining Module NCFS with Motor, Gearing and Integral Force Monitoring, Rated Joining Force 35 kN
Technical data Type 2152A35450
Nominal joining force kN 35
A Measuring direction compression/tension
Stroke mm 450
L1 mm 928
H mm 86
W mm 110
A mm 380
Repeatability mm 0,01
Max. straight line velocity mm/s 200
Operating temp. range °C 10 ... 40
L1 Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP54

Characteristics Applications Accessories

NC joining module with integral Suitable for use in automated pro- Servo controller IndraDrive
strain gage force sensor for joining duction plants. Can be mounted Type KSM030341
forces up to 35 kN in extremely horizontally or vertically on the Force-displacement measuring
compact arrangements. The slim machine frame using flanges. The system DMF-P A300 NCF
design allows closer spacing of holder on ram allows accurate tool Type 4734A...
individual workstations promoting positioning. NCFS motor cable RKL4309
better synchronization and efficient l = 5 m Type KSM030349-5
cycling. NCFS feedback cable RKG4200
l = 5 m Type KSM030350-5
NCF SSI IndraDrive displacement
cable l = 5 m Type KSM030175-5
NCF IndraDrive Data cable
l = 5 m Type KSM030164-5
NCF Strain gage force cable
L = 5 m Type KSM020600-5
NCF F analog force signal cable
l = 5 m Type KSM030176
NCF/ XTE, YTE IndraDrive cable
l = 5 m Type KSM314030-5

Data sheet 2152A_000-627 135
Electromechanical NC Joining Modules
NC Joining Module NCFN with opt. Safety Device and Integrated Force Monitoring for Nominal Forces of 30 ... 300 kN
Technical data Type 2153A030200 Type 2153A030400 Type 2153A060200
Nominal joining force kN 30 30 60
Stroke mm 200 400 200
L / L* mm 1 042 / 1 236* 1 242 / 1 436* 1 173 / 1 367*
W mm 148 148 177
H mm 150 150 180
Max. straight line velocity mm/s 250 250 250
Weight kg 75 95 115
* Dimensions with safety device
Technical data Type 2153A060400 Type 2153A100200 Type 2153A100400
Nominal joining force kN 60 100 100
Stroke mm 400 200 400
L / L* mm 1 373 / 1 567* 1 329 / 1 554* 1 529 / 1 754*
W mm 177 227 227
H mm 180 230 230
Max. straight line velocity mm/s 250 200 200
Weight kg 140 225 270
* Dimensions with safety device
Technical data Type 2153A200400 Type 2153A300400
Nominal joining force kN 200 300
Stroke mm 400 400
L / L* mm 1 754 / 1 979* 1 882 / 2 107*
W mm 247 297
Type 2153A...
without safety device H mm 250 300
Max. straight line velocity mm/s 140 100
Weight kg 355 790
* Dimensions with safety device
General technical data
Measuring direction compression/tension
Operating temp. range °C 10 ... 40
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP54
Repeatability mm 0,01
Tool weight kg 100

Characteristics Accessories Type KSM301750-5

NC joining module with integral NCFN(S) 30 (35) IndraDrive 54 A NCF IndraDrive data cable
strain gage force sensor with rated PB Type KSM030341 l = 5m Type KSM301640-5
joining forces from 30 … 300 kN NCFN 60/100 kN IndraDrive 70 A NCFN(S) strain gage force cable
for force-displacement monitored PB Type KSM031634 L = 5 m Type KSM206000-5
joining processes, particularly NCFN 200/300 kN IndraDrive 100 NCF F IndraDrive analog force
including manual workstations A PB Type KSM030757 signal cable l = 5 m
with safety brakes, force control, Force-displacement measuring sys- Type KSM301760-5
high straight line velocity; repeat- tem DMF-P A300 NCF 4734A... NCF/ XTE, YTE IndraDrive cable
ability <0,01 mm; high measur- NCFN(S) 30 (35) motor cable l = 5 m Type KSM314030-5
ing accuracy; active deflection RKL4309 l = 5 m
compensation system for more Type KSM303490-5 Data sheet 2153A_000-669
accurate positioning, high overload NCFN 60 motor cable RKL4314
capacity (approx. 150 %); ease of l = 5 m Type KSM305640-5
operation. NCFN 100 motor cable RKL4323
l = 5 m Type KSM307530-5
Applications NCFN 200/300 motor cable
Suitable for use in automated pro- RKL4329 l = 5 m
duction plants or manual worksta- Type KSM316330-5
tions. The module can be mounted NCFN(S) MSK feedback cable
horizontally or vertically on the RKG4200 l = 5 m
machine frame using wall fixings Type KSM303500-5
or flanges. The holder on ram al- NCF IndraDrive SSI displacement
lows accurate tool positioning. cable l = 5 m

Control and Monitoring Devices
Single-Channel Force-Displacement Measuring System DMF-P A300 NCF for Electromechanical NC Joining Modules
Technical data Type 4734A...
Number of channels y/x 1
Measuring range spread ranges 2
for joining modules with
piezo technology
Adjustment of each measuring range continuously variable
Measuring range FS mV/V ±0,25 ... 5
V ±0,5 ... 10
Sampling rate kHz 5
Resolution of analog inputs Bit 12
(automatic scaling
to measuring range)
Output signal (monitor) V ±10
Type 4734AWD... Supply voltage VDC 24 ±10 %
Input signal Type/ force signal/Binder 6-pole
connector displacement, incremental/Binder 8-pole
displacement SSI/D-Sub 9-pole
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40
IP54 (wall/panel mounted case)
Interfaces Ethernet TPC/IP
2 x RS-232C
Profibus DP
LPT for HP-compatible printer
PS/2 for external keyboard
16 digital inputs
16 digital outputs
Display 5,7" STN monochrome
∙ Wall mounted case (bottom cable exit)
∙ Desktop or panel mounted case (rear cable exit)
Other features
∙ 30 freely combinable evaluation functions
∙ Horizontal and vertical real-time thresholds
∙ Memory for 100 measurement curves
∙ Memory for 1 000 joining results
∙ 32 parameter sets
∙ Integral web server
∙ Flashloader, upload/download
∙ Data export in CSV, Q-DAS or I.-P.M. format
∙ Remote parameter configuration with TraceControl possible

Characteristics setup on monitoring system with process and gradient of measure-

For monitoring joining and press- screen or PC with web browser. ment curve can be measured and
fitting processes. Developed for Clear and simple operator guid- evaluated.
use in systems and plants with ance. Characteristics consistent
electromechanical NC joining with multichannel system DMF-P Accessories
modules NCFH Type 2151B..., A400 advanced Type 4733A… 24 V power supply (120 … 240 V)
NCFS Type 2152A… and NCFN and single-channel system DMF-P Type KWM028659
Type 2153A… . Recording of force A300 Type 4737A… for general 24 V power supply (120 … 240 V)
curve as a function of displacement joining processes, expansion with with US connector Type
or time. Online or offline evalua- additional functions. Integra- KSM028660
tion (after data storage) depending tion of user evaluation methods.
on type of freely programmable TraceControl software supports Data sheet 4734A_000-622
criteria. Management of setpoint equipment setup, production and
records and transmission to Bosch quality assurance.
Rexroth servo controller (EcoDrive
or IndraDrive) with firmware. Data Applications
exchange with option of external Monitoring of assembly charac-
visualization via Ethernet. Logging teristic with adjustable windows.
of measurement results in CSV This allows the operator to define
or standardized formats such as critical part of the assembly cycle.
Q-DAS or I.-P.M. Neworking to Monitoring of assembly force, end
plant via fieldbus or corresponding position, overload and variable
control inputs. Configuration and windows. In addition, speed of 137

Special cables are used to interconnect

piezoelectric sensors and charge ampli-
fiers in a similar way to their strain gage
counterparts. Original Kistler connecting
cables with their high insulation resis-
tance, low level of triboelectricity, low ca-
pacitance, high shielding factor and wide
temperature range meet all conceivable
industrial and laboratory requirements.

KIAG 10-32 pos.

(connector with union nut)

KIAG 10-32 pos. int.

(threaded connector (can be welded to sensor))

Single-Wire Connecting Cables
Connecting Cables for Sensors with KIAG 10-32. neg. Connector
Technical data Type 1631C...
Connector KIAG 10-32 pos. – BNC pos.
Length m 0,5 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 5 / 10 / 20 / sp* (Lmin = 0,1 m / Lmax = 50 m)
Diameter mm 2 (PFA)
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 – IP40

Technical data Type 1641A...

Connector KIAG 10-32 pos. 90° – BNC pos.
Length m 0,5 / 1 / 2 / 5 / sp* (Lmin = 0,1 m / Lmax = 50 m)
Diameter mm 2 (PFA)
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40 – IP40

Technical data Type 1633C…

Connector KIAG 10-32 pos. – TNC pos.
Length m 0,5 / 1 / 2 / 5 / sp* (Lmin = 0,1 m / Lmax = 50 m)
Diameter mm 2 (PFA)
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 – IP65

Technical data Type 1635C...

Connector KIAG 10-32 pos. – KIAG 10-32 pos.
Length m 0,5 / 1 / 2 / 5 / 10 / sp* (Lmin = 0,1 m / Lmax = 30 m)
Diameter mm 2 (PFA)
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 – IP65

Technical data Type 1957A...

Connector KIAG 10-32 pos. – KIAG 10-32 pos.
Length m 1 / sp* (Lmin = 0,1 m / Lmax = 10 m)
Diameter mm 2,6 (PFA with stainless steel sheath)
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 – IP65

Technical data Type 1939A...

Connector KIAG 10-32 pos. int. – BNC pos.
Length m 1 / 2 / 3 / sp* (Lmin = 0,1 m / Lmax = 20 m)
Diameter mm 2 (PFA)
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 – IP40

Technical data Type 1983AD...

Connector KIAG 10-32 pos. int. – BNC pos.
Length m 2 / 5 / sp* (Lmin = 0,1 m / Lmax = 5 m)
Diameter mm 2 (Viton®)
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 threaded connector – IP40
IP67 welded connector – IP40

Technical data Type 1941A...

Connector KIAG 10-32 pos. int. – TNC pos.
Length m 1 / 2 / 3 / sp* (Lmin = 0,1 m / Lmax = 20 m)
Diameter mm 2 (PFA)
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 – IP65

*sp: Special length to customer specifications 139
Single-Wire Connecting Cables
Connecting Cables for Sensors with KIAG 10-32. neg. Connector
Technical data Type 1967A...
Connector KIAG 10-32 pos. int. – KIAG 10-32 pos. int.
Length m 1 / sp* (Lmin = 0,5 m / Lmax = 10 m)
Diameter mm 2,6 (ground-isolated stainless steel sheath)
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 – IP65

Technical data Type 1969A...

Connector KIAG 10-32 pos. int. – KIAG 10-32 pos. int.
Length m 1 / sp* (Lmin = 0,5 m / Lmax = 10 m)
Diameter mm 2,6 (PFA with stainless steel sheath)
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 – IP65

Technical data Type 1983AC...

Connector KIAG 10-32 pos. int. – KIAG 10-32 pos. int.
Length m 0,5 / 1 / 1,5 / 2 / 3
Diameter mm 2 (Viton®)
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 threaded connector – IP65
IP67 welded connector – IP65

Technical data Type 1943A...

Connector KIAG 10-32 pos. int. – Mini-Coax neg.
Length m 1 / 2 / 3 / sp* (Lmin = 0,1 m / Lmax = 10 m)
Diameter mm 2 (PFA)
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 – IP40

Technical data Type 1945A...

Connector KIAG 10-32 pos. int. – Mini-Coax neg.
Length m 1 / 2 / sp* (Lmin = 0,1 m / Lmax = 5 m)
Diameter mm 1 (PFA)
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 – IP40

Data sheet 000-352

Connecting Cables for Sensors with KIAG 10-32. neg. Connector, incl. Clamping Angle for Cable Coupling
Technical data Type 1979A...
Connector KIAG 10-32 pos. int. – Fischer Triax neg. KE 103A015-12
Length m 1 / sp* (Lmin = 0,1 m / Lmax = 20 m)
Diameter mm 3,2 (Viton®)
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 – IP65

General technical data

Operating temp. range ºC –55 ... 200

Data sheet 1631C_000-346

KIAG 10-32 pos. Connector with union nut

KIAG 10-32 pos. int. Threaded connector (can be welded to sensor)
*sp: Special length to customer specifications

Single-Wire Connecting Cables
Connecting Cables for Sensors with M4x0,35 neg. Connector
Technical data Type 1651C...
Connector M4x0,35 pos. – BNC pos.
Length m 0,5 / 1 / 2 / 5 / 10 / sp* (Lmin = 0,3 m / Lmax = 10 m)
Diameter mm 2 (PFA)
Operating temp. range ºC –55 ... 200
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 – IP40

Technical data Type 1951A...

Connector M4x0,35 pos. int. – KIAG 10-32 pos.
Length m 0,4 / sp* (Lmin = 0,1 m / Lmax = 5 m)
Diameter mm 2,6 (Kapton® with stainless steel sheath)
Operating temp. range ºC –55 ... 300
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 – IP65

Technical data Type 1923A…

Connector M4x0,35 pos. int. – KIAG 10-32 pos. int.
Length m 1 / sp* (Lmin = 0,1 m / Lmax = 5 m)
Diameter mm 2 (PFA)
Operating temp. range ºC –55 ... 200
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 – IP65

Technical data Type 1983AB…

Connector M4x0,35 pos. int. – KIAG 10-32 pos. int.
Length m 0,5 / 1 / 1,5 / 2 / 3 / 5
Diameter mm 2 (Viton®)
Operating temp. range ºC –55 ... 200
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 threaded connector – IP65
IP67 welded connector – IP65

Data sheet 1631C_000-346

Connecting Cables for Sensors with TNC neg. Connector

Technical data Type 1609B...
Connector TNC pos. – BNC pos.
Length m 2 / 5 / 10 / 20 / 50 / sp* (Lmin = 0,1 m / Lmax = 50 m)
Diameter mm 3,2 (PVC)
Operating temp. range ºC –25 ... 70
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40 – IP40

Technical data Type 1610A...

Connector TNC pos. – BNC pos.
Length m 2 / 5 / 10 / sp* (Lmin = 0,1 m / Lmax = 20 m)
Diameter mm 2 (PFA)
Operating temp. range ºC –55 ... 200
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 – IP40

Technical data Type 1619B...

Connector TNC pos. – BNC pos.
Length m 5 / 10 / sp* (Lmin = 0,1 m / Lmax = 20 m)
Diameter mm 9,7 (metal sheath)
Operating temp. range ºC –25 ... 70
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 – IP40

*sp: Special length to customer specifications Data sheet 1631C_000-346 141
Single-Wire Connecting Cables
Connecting Cables for Sensors with BNC neg. Connector
Technical data Type 1601B...
Connector BNC pos. – BNC pos.
Length m 0,5 / 1 / 2 / 5 / 10 / 20 / sp* (Lmin = 0,1 m / Lmax = 50 m)
Diameter mm 3,2 (PVC)
Operating temp. range ºC –25 ... 70
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40 – IP40

Technical data Type 1615B...

Connector TNC pos. – TNC pos.
Length m 5 / sp* (Lmin = 1 m / Lmax = 10 m)
Diameter mm 9,7 (metal sheath)
Operating temp. range ºC –25 ... 70
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 – IP65

See page 145 for cable connectors, couplings and accessories Data sheet 1631C_000-346

Extension Cables
BNC Extension Cable
Technical data Type 1603B...
Connector BNC neg. – BNC pos.
Length m 2 / 5 / 10 / 20 / 50 / sp* (Lmin = 0,1 m / Lmax = 50 m)
Diameter mm 3,2 (PVC)
Operating temp. range ºC –25 ... 70
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40 – IP40

Data sheet 1631C_000-346

KIAG 10-32 Extension Cable

Technical data Type 1637C...
Connector KIAG 10-32 neg. – KIAG 10-32 pos.
Length m 5 / sp* (Lmin = 0,3 m / Lmax = 5 m)
Operating temp. range ºC –55 ... 200
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 – IP65

Data sheet 1631C_000-346

Multi-Wire Connecting Cables

Connecting Cable for SlimLine Kits with Fischer Flange 7-pole neg. Connector
Technical data Type 1971A1...
Connector Fischer flange 7-pole pos. – 1 x BNC pos.
Length m 3
Diameter mm 2 (PFA)
Number of conductors 1
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 – IP40

*sp: Special length to customer specifications

Multi-Wire Connecting Cables
Connecting Cables for SlimLine Kits with Fischer Flange 7-pole neg. Connector
Technical data Type 1973AX1...
Connector Fischer flange 7-pole pos. – 2 … 4 x BNC pos.
Length m 3
Diameter mm 7,2 (protective sheath)
Number of conductors 2 ... 4
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP67 – IP40

Technical data Type 1971A2...

Connector Fischer flange 7-pole pos. – 1 x Mini Coax neg.
Length m 3
Diameter mm 2 (PFA)
Number of conductors 1
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 – IP40

Technical data Type 1973AX2...

Connector Fischer flange 7-pole pos. – 4 x Mini Coax neg.
Length m 3
Diameter mm 7,2 (protective sheath)
Number of conductors 2 ... 4
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP67 – IP40

General technical data

Operating temp. range ºC –20 ... 120

Data sheet 9131A_000-109

Connecting Cables for 3-Component Sensors with V3 neg. Connector

Technical data Type 1698AA...
Connector V3 pos. – 3 x BNC pos.
Length m 1 / 2 / 5 / sp* (Lmin = 0,2 m / Lmax = 20 m)
Diameter mm 3 x 2 (PFA with plastic sheath)
Number of conductors 3
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 – IP40

Technical data Type 1698AB...

Connector V3 pos. – Fischer 9-pole pos.
Length m 1 / 2 / 5 / sp* (Lmin = 0,5 m / Lmax = 20 m)
Diameter mm 3,6 (PFA)
Number of conductors 3
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65 – IP65

Technical data Type 1698AC...

Connector V3 pos. – Fischer 9-pole pos.
Length m sp* (Lmin = 2 m / Lmax = 5 m)**
Diameter mm 9,7 (Viton® with stainless steel sheath)
Number of conductors 3
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP67 – IP65

General technical data

Operating temp. range ºC –40 ... 120

*sp: Special length to customer specifications Data sheet 1687B_000-545 143
Multi-Wire Connecting Cables
Connecting Cables for Multicomponent Dynamometers with Fischer Flange 9-pole neg. Connector
Technical data Type 1677A5
Connector Fischer flange 9-pole pos. – Fischer 9-pole pos.
Number of conductors 8
Application 6-component measurement

Technical data Type 1679A5

Connector Fischer flange angle 9-pole pos. – Fischer 9-pole pos.
Number of conductors 8
Application 6-component measurement

Technical data Type 1687B5

Connector Fischer flange 9-pole pos. – Fischer 9-pole pos.
Number of conductors 3
Application 3-component measurement

Technical data Type 1689B5

Connector Fischer flange angle 9-pole pos. – Fischer 9-pole pos.
Number of conductors 3
Application 3-component measurement

General technical data

Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP67 – IP65
Length m 5
Diameter mm 12,3 (flexible stainless steel sheath)

Data sheet 1687B_000-545

Connecting Cables for Multicomponent Dynamometers with Fischer Flange 7-pole neg. Connector
Technical data Type 1696A...
Connector Fischer flange 7-pole pos. – Fischer 9-pole pos.
Number of conductors 6
Application 5-component measurement

Technical data Type 1697A...

Connector Fischer flange 7-pole pos. – Fischer 9-pole pos.
Number of conductors 3
Application 3-component measurement

General technical data

Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP67 – IP65
Length m 5 / sp* (Lmin = 1 m / Lmax = 5 m)
Diameter mm 7 (Viton® with stainless steel sheath)

Data sheet 1687B_000-545

*sp: Special length to customer specifications

** The sheath is torsion proof. To allow a secure Fischer connection,
a 0,5 m longer cable must always be ordered.

Multi-Wire Connecting Cables
Connecting Cables for Transmitters with M12x1 8-pole pos. Connector
Technical data Type 1787A...
Connector M12x1 8-pole neg. – flying leads
Length m 5 / 20
Diameter mm 6,6
Number of conductors 8
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP67 at the transmitter end

Technical data Type 1701 Technical data Type 1705
Connector BNC neg. – BNC neg. Connector BNC pos. – M4x0,35 neg.

Technical data Type 1711 Technical data Type 1721

Connector TNC neg. – TNC neg. Connector BNC pos. – KIAG 10-32 neg.

Technical data Type 1723 Technical data Type 1729A

Connector TNC pos. – KIAG 10-32 neg. Connector KIAG 10-32 neg. –
KIAG 10-32 neg.

Technical data Type 1733 Technical data Type 1743

Connector BNC pos. – Connector BNC pos. – 2 x BNC neg.
Bananenstecker neg.

Technical data Type 1700A29

Connector KIAG 10-32 pos. (int.) –
Technical data Type 1749 KIAG 10-32 neg.
Connector KIAG 10-32 pos. –
2 x KIAG 10-32 neg.

Data sheet 1700_000-347

Feed-Through Couplings
Technical data Type 1713 Technical data Type 1703
Connector TNC neg. – TNC neg. Connector BNC neg. – BNC neg.

Data sheet 1700_000-347

Plastic Protection Caps

Technical data Type 1851 Technical data Type 1861A
Area of application BNC neg. Area of application BNC pos.

Technical data Type 1871 Technical data Type 1891

Area of application TNC neg. Area of application KIAG 10-32 neg.

Data sheet 1700_000-347 145
Cover for Sockets, with Chain
Technical data Type 1853 Technical data Type 1873
Area of application BNC neg. Area of application TNC neg.

Data sheet 1700_000-347

Short-circuit Cover for Sockets, with Chain

Technical data Type 1855 Technical data Type 1865
Area of application BNC neg. Area of application BNC pos.

Data sheet 1700_000-347

Technical data Type 1875
Area of application TNC neg.

See data sheet 1700_000-347 for other cable connectors, couplings and accessories

Connecting Cables for Rotating Torque Sensors

Connecting Cables for Sensors Types 4501A… to 4504A…
Technical data Type KSM071860-5
Connector 6-pole neg. – 6-pole pos.
Length m 5
Diameter mm 6
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40

Technical data Type KSM103820-5

Connector 6-pole neg. – flying leads
Length m 5
Diameter mm 6
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40

Technical data Type KSM183150-5 (only for 4501A..., QA and HA)

Connector 12-pole neg. – flying leads
Length m 5
Diameter mm 6
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40

Technical data Type KSM124970-5

Connector 12-pole neg. – flying leads
Length m 5
Diameter mm 6
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40

Technical data Type KSM219710-5

Connector 7-pole neg. – flying leads
Length m 5
Diameter mm 6
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40

Connecting Cables for Torque Sensors
Cables for Connecting Sensors Types 4501A… to 4504A… to CoMo Net®
Technical data Type 1200A121A1
Connector M16x0,75 12-pole neg. –
D-Sub 15-pole neg. / Phoenix 3,5 mm 9-pole
Length m 5 / sp* (Lmin = 0,5 m / Lmax = 5 m)
Diameter mm 6,5
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40
Application CoMo Net/View Type 5863A…

Technical data Type 1200A121A2

Connector M16x0,75 12-pole neg. –
D-Sub 15-pole neg. / Phoenix 3,5 mm 9-pole / 2-pole flying leads
Length m 5 / sp* (Lmin = 0,5 m / Lmax = 5 m)
Diameter mm 5,2
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40
Application CoMo Net/View Type 5863A…

Technical data Type 1200A121A3

Connector M16x0,75 12-pole neg. –
D-Sub 15-pole neg. / Phoenix 3,5 mm 9-pole / 2-pole flying leads
Length m 5 / sp* (Lmin = 0,5 m / Lmax = 5 m)
Diameter mm 6,5
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40
Application CoMo Net/View Type 5863A...

Connector for Torque Sensors and Force Sensors Types 4576A… and 4577A…
Female Cable Connectors for Sensors Types 4501A… to 4504A…
Technical data Type KSM000822, KSM000517, KSM000703
Connector 6-, 7- or 12-pole neg.
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40

See data sheet KSM_000-615 for other female cable connectors

*sp: Special length to customer specifications 147

Professional installation and calibration of elements. Suitable mounting accessories

systems consisting of force sensors and allow mounting of force sensors even
matching electronics is the only way of under adverse conditions.
achieving reliable results. Kistler’s wide
range of mechanical and electrical ac- Mounting sensors in dynamometers
cessories, calibration and test equipment requires base and cover plates of sufficient
makes this tried and tested approach rigidity to prevent unacceptable deflection
possible. of the cover plate and eccentric loading of
the sensor under point loads. Accessories
Piezoelectric force sensors are character- such as distributing caps and rings are
ized by their extreme rigidity and high used to ensure centric force application.
natural frequency, but also require great
care during mounting. The mechanical Preload measuring instruments are
loads in the sensor element must not employed for on-site charge measure-
exceed the permissible limit at any point ments to determine parameters such as
and peaks are to be avoided. The sensor the preload of piezoelectric strain sensors
preload also has to meet a range of re- required for mounting. Such instruments
quirements. Shear forces, for example, are are small, light, accommodate integral
transmitted by means of static friction and charge amplifiers and do not require
closure of microscopic gaps between the external power. Summing and distribution
sensor and the components introducing boxes can collect and distribute the charge
the load ensures the high rigidity is main- signals.
tained. The preload must also accommo-
date all loads on the sensor. The measur- Strain gage sensors for measuring torque
ing ranges of Kistler sensors are specified on rotating shafts are basically mounted
to minimize the risk of fractures. with couplings. These decouple interfer-
ence from the measuring shaft, ensure
Calibrated load washers are supplied with accurate measurement and increase the
a tested mounting set. Higher preloading service life of the sensor. Kistler’s range
forces are best accommodated by high- caters for a wide variety of geometric and
strength preloading elements. Multicom- power requirements.
ponent force sensors should always be
mounted with the designated preloading

Preloading Elements
Preloading Disk for SlimLine Sensors
Technical data Type 9410A0 Type 9410A2 Type 9410A3 Type 9410A4
D for sensor Type 9130B... 9132B... 9133B... 9134B...
d Thread M2 M2,5 M3 M4
L D, outside ø mm 8 12 16 20
d, inside ø mm 2,7 2,7 3,2 4,3
H, disk thickness mm 3,55 3,55 4,25 4,25
L, screw length mm 8 8 10 10

Technical data Type 9410A5 Type 9410A6 Type 9410A7

for sensor Type 9135B... 9136B... 9137B...
Thread M5 M6 M8
D, outside ø mm 24 30 36
d, inside ø mm 5,3 6,4 8,4
H, disk thickness mm 4,25 5,5 7
L, screw length mm 10 14 16

Supplied with 1 countersunk screw Data sheet 9130B_000-110

Set of Preloading Elements for Load Washers

Technical data Type 9420A01 Type 9420A11 Type 9420A21 Type 9420A31
for sensor Type 9001A 9011A 9021A 9031A
Inside ø of sensor mm 4,1 6,5 10,5 13
Preloading screw
L Thread M4x0,5 M5x0,5 M8x1 M10x1
L, Length mm 22 28 40 46
Preloading force kN 4 7 18 30

Technical data Type 9420A41 Type 9420A51 Type 9420A61 Type 9420A71
for sensor Type 9041A 9051A 9061A 9071A
Inside ø of sensor mm 17 21 26,5 40,5
Preloading bolt
Thread M12x1 M14x1,5 M20x1,5 M27x2
L, Length mm 60 62 80 102
Preloading force kN 45 60 100 200

Characteristics Applications Data sheet 9420A_000-192

Standardized preloading element Preloading of load washers and
for mounting load washers torque sensors for optimized force
Types 9001A … 9071A. A set of application and ground-isolated
preloading elements consists of a mounting.
preloading bolt, a hexagonal nut, a
centering sleeve and two insulating
washers. High-strength, corrosion
resistant materials are used. 149
Preloading Elements
Preloading Screw for Load Washers
Technical data Type 9422A01 Type 9422A11 Type 9422A21 Type 9422A31
for sensor Type 9001A 9011A 9021A 9031A
Inside ø of sensor mm 4,1 6,5 10,5 13
Preloading screw
Thread M3x0,5 M5x0,8 M8x1,25 M10x1,5
L L, Length mm 16 20 30 35
Preloading force kN 2,5 5 10 20

Technical data Type 9422A41 Type 9422A51

for sensor Type 9041A 9051A
Inside ø of sensor mm 17 21
Preloading screw
Thread M12x1,75 M14x2
L, Length mm 40 45
Preloading force kN 30 40

Characteristics Applications Data sheet 9001A_000-105

Standardized preloading screw Preloading of load washer for 9001A_000-182
for mounting load washers Types general force measurement.
9001A … 9051A. Centering clip
is used to align the sensor with
screw. The preloading screw is sup-
plied with each sensor Type 9001A
… 9015A.

Set of Preloading Elements, M20x1,5

Technical data Type 9451A...
for sensor Type 9067..., 9068...
Inside ø of sensor mm 26,5
Thread M20x1,5
Preloading force kN 160

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Standardized high-strength For mounting 3-component force Wrench adapter Type 9471
preloading elements. sensors, optimized force applica-
tion and temperature compensa- Data sheet 9451A_000-194

Set of Preloading Elements, M40x2

Technical data Type 9455
for sensor Type 9077C..., 9078C...
Inside ø of sensor mm 40,5
Thread M40x2
Preloading force kN 300

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Standardized high-strength pre- For mounting 3-component force Wrench adapter Type 9473
loading elements. Hollow preload- sensors, optimized force applica-
ing screw allows mounting on base tion and temperature compensa- Data sheet 9455_000-195
plate through the sensor. tion.

Preloading Elements
Set of Preloading Elements, M26x0,75
Technical data Type 9459
for sensor Type 9067..., 9068...
Inside ø of sensor mm 26,5
Thread M26x0,75
Preloading force kN 160

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Standardized high-strength For mounting 3-component force Wrench adapter Type 9477
preloading elements. Hollow pre- sensors, optimized force applica-
loading screw allows installation on tion and temperature compensa- Data sheet 9459_000-196
base plate through the sensor. tion.

Set of Preloading Elements, M8x1

Technical data Type 9461
for sensor Type 9251A…, 9252A…, 9601A
Inside ø of sensor mm 8,1
Thread M8x1
Preloading force kN 25

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Standardized high-strength For mounting 3-component force Wrench adapter Type 9475
preloading elements. sensors, optimized load application
and temperature compensation. Data sheet 9461_000-197

Set of Preloading Elements, M14x1,5

Technical data Type 9465
for sensor Type 9047C…, 9048C…
Inside ø of sensor mm 14,1
Thread M14x1,5
Preloading force kN 60

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Standardized high-strength For mounting 3-component force Wrench adapter Type 9472
preloading elements. sensors, optimized force applica-
tion and temperature compensa- Data sheet 9465_000-198

Preloading Key for Multicomponent Force Sensor

Technical data Type 9463
for sensor Type 9601A…, 9602A…
Inside ø of sensor mm 8,1
LxWxH mm 28x24x6
Preloading force kN 25
Characteristics Applications Data sheet 9601A_000-172
Slim design, easily installed and For mounting 3-component force 9601A_000-451
L removed. sensors in machine structures.
H 151
Accessories for Force Introduction
Force Distributing Cap for Force Links
Technical data Type 9500A0 Type 9500A1 Type 9500A2 Type 9500A3
D for sensor Type 9301B 9311B 9321B 9331B
D mm 8,5 12,5 18 23
d M5 M6 M10 M12
H H mm 4 6 9 12

Technical data Type 9500A4 Type 9500A5 Type 9500A6 Type 9500A7

d for sensor Type 9341B 9351B 9361B 9371B

D mm 31 35 45 64
d M16 M20 M24 M30
H mm 15 18 22 32

Data sheet 9301B_000-107

Force Distributing Cap for Load Washers

Technical data Type 9509 Type 9519 Type 9529 Type 9539
D for sensor Type 9001A 9011A 9021A 9031A
D mm 10 14 22 28
d mm 4,1 6,5 10,5 13
H mm 10 15 20 25

Technical data Type 9549 Type 9559 Type 9569 Type 9579

d for sensor Type 9041A 9051A 9061A 9071A

D mm 34 40 52 75
d mm 17 21 26,5 40,5
H mm 30 40 50 60

Standardized accessory for special mounting requirements for load washers

Types 9001A … 9071A

Data sheet 9505_000-193

Force Distributing Cap for Press Force Sensors

Technical data Type 9500A00 Type 9500A01
D for sensor Type 9313AA1 9313AA2
D mm 6 10,5
H d M2,5 M4
H mm 3 5
Type 9500A00...
Technical data Type 9582A0 Type 9582A1 Type 9582A2
D for sensor Type 9333A 9343A 9363A
D mm 30 36,5 56
H mm 11 13 22
Data sheet 9333_000-454

Type 9582A...

Accessories for Force Application
Force Distributing Ring for Load Washers
Technical data Type 9505 Type 9515 Type 9525 Type 9535
D for sensor Type 9001A 9011A 9021A 9031A
d D mm 10 14 22 28
d mm 4,1 6,5 10,5 13
H mm 6 8 10 11

Technical data Type 9545 Type 9555 Type 9565 Type 9575
for sensor Type 9041A 9051A 9061A 9071A
D mm 34 40 52 75
d mm 17 21 26,5 40,5
H mm 12 13 15 17

Standardized accessory for special mounting requirements for load washers

Types 9001A … 9071A

Data sheet 9505_000-193

Spherical Washer for Load Washers

Technical data Type 9513 Type 9523 Type 9533 Type 9543
for sensor Type 9011A 9021A 9031A 9041A
D mm 12 21 24 30
H (overall) mm 4 6 7 8

D Technical data Type 9553 Type 9563 Type 9573

for sensor Type 9051A 9061A 9071A
D mm 36 52 75
H (overall) mm 10 14 20

Standardized accessory for special mounting requirements for load washers

Types 9001A … 9071A

Data sheet 9505_000-193 153
Mounting Accessories
Insulating Washer for Load Washers
Technical data Type 9517 Type 9527 Type 9537 Type 9547
D for sensor Type 9011A 9021A 9031A 9041A
D mm 14 22 28 34
S H mm 1 1 1 2
S mm 0,13 0,13 0,13 0,13

Technical data Type 9557 Type 9567 Type 9577

for sensor Type 9051A 9061A 9071A
D mm 40 52 75
H mm 2 2 2
S mm 0,13 0,13 0,13

Standardized accessory for special mounting requirements for load washers

Types 9001A … 9071A

Data sheet 9505_000-193

Flange for Force Links

D Technical data Type 9501A0 Type 9501A1 Type 9501A2 Type 9501A3
for sensor Type 9301B 9311B 9321B 9331B
D mm 25 34 44 56
H mm 8 9 16 20

Technical data Type 9501A4 Type 9501A5 Type 9501A6 Type 9501A7
for sensor Type 9341B 9351B 9361B 9371B
D mm 70 84 102 136
H mm 27 35 42 51

Data sheet 9301B_000-107

Flange for Press Force Sensors and Reaction Torque Sensors

Technical data Type 9580A7 Type 9580A8 Type 9580A9 Type 9580A0
for press force sensor Type 9313AA1 9313AA2 9323A / 9323AA 9333A
for reaction torque sensor Type – – 9329A 9339A
D mm 27 35 40 62
H mm 7 8 8 11

Technical data Type 9580A1 Type 9580A2 Type 9580A4 Type 9594A1
for press force sensor Type 9343 9363 – 9337A40X
for reaction torque sensor Type 9349A 9369A 9389A –
D mm 70 100 180 80
H mm 13 22 30 13

Data sheets 9333_000-454


Mounting Accessories
Female Thread Adapter for Press Force Sensors
Technical data Type 9584A9 Type 9584A0 Type 9584A1 Type 9584A2
D for sensor Type 9323A / 9323AA 9333A 9343A/9337A 9363A
d D mm 20 30 36,5 56,0
d mm M4 M8 M12 M18
H mm 8 11 14 21
Data sheet 9333_000-454

Male Thread Adapter for Press Force Sensors

Technical data Type 9586A9 Type 9586A0 Type 9586A1 Type 9586A2
D for sensor Type 9323A / 9323AA 9333A 9343A/9337A 9363A
D mm 20 30 36,5 56
d mm M4 M8 M12 M18
H H mm 8 11 14 21

Data sheet 9333_000-454 155
Couplings for Torque Sensors
Torsion Proof Multi-Disk Coupling for Torque Measurement Flange Type 4504A...
General technical data Type 2300A10… Type 2300A25… Type 2300A40…
Coupling for sensor Type 4504A50/100… 4504A200… 4504A500…
Rated torque TKN N·m 100 420 650
Peak transient torque TKmax N·m 150 630 975
Coupling outside diameter DaK mm 69 89 104
Torsion resistance (per assembly) CT 103·N·m/rad 60 290 320
Overall torsion resistance CT overall 10³·N·m/rad 30 145 160

General technical data Type 2300A100… Type 2300A300… Type 2300A500…

Coupling for sensor Type 4504A1K… 4504A2K… 4504A3K…
Rated torque TKN N·m 1 600 3 500 5 800
Type 2300A... variant S
Peak transient torque TKmax N·m 2 400 5 250 8 700
Coupling outside diameter DaK mm 143 167 198
Torsion resistance (per assembly) CT 103·N·m/rad 1 900 3 480 11 900
Overall torsion resistance CT overall 10³·N·m/rad 950 1 740 5 950

General technical data Type 2300A850…

Coupling for sensor Type 4504A5K…
Rated torque TKN N·m 9 500
Peak transient torque TKmax N·m 14 250
Coupling outside diameter DaK mm 234
Torsion resistance (per assembly) CT 103·N·m/rad 20 600

Type 2300A... variant F Overall torsion resistance CT overall 10³·N·m/rad 10 300

Characteristics Applications Included accessories

Torsion proof multi-disk coupling The multi-disk coupling is used Screws for assembly with sensor
for effective, space-saving con- to compensate for axial, radial Type 4504A…
nection of torque sensor Type and angular misalignment with a
4504A… into the shafting. torque sensor. This is always essen- Data sheet 2300A_000-667
tial to avoid measurement errors
and damage to the sensor.
The different variants allow easy
integrating of the sensor into virtu-
ally any application.

Type 2300A... variant H

Type 2300A... variant A

Couplings for Torque Sensors
Torsion Proof Multi-Disk Coupling for Torque Measuring Flange Type 4504A… with Tension Ring Hub (Variant S)
Technical data Type 2300A10S… Type 2300A25S… Type 2300A40S…
Max. speed nmax rpm 15 000 15 000 12 000
Moment of inertia J 10-3·kg·m2 0,81 4,3 13,4
Mass kg 0,85 2,7 5,6
B mm 68 82 100
d H7 (min … max) mm 19 … 38 32 … 52 40 … 60
D d H7 B D mm 100 120 155
TK mm 87 105 133
L mm 62,5 84 97,2
S 8 x 45° M6 M8 M12

Technical data Type 2300A100S… Type 2300A300S… Type 2300A500S…

Max. speed nmax rpm 12 000 10 000 10 000
Moment of inertia J 10-3·kg·m2 56 100 210
Mass kg 14,1 21 35
Type 2300A… variant S
Coupling with tension ring hub B mm 143 167 198
d H7 (min … max) mm 55 … 90 50 … 85 60 … 100
D mm 185 210 232
TK mm 133 165 165
L mm 137,2 158,4 192
S 8 x 45° M12 M14 M14

Technical data Type 2300A850S…

Max. speed nmax rpm 8 000
Moment of inertia J 10-3·kg·m2 540
Mass kg 60
B mm 234
d H7 (min … max) mm 70 … 120
D mm 284
TK mm 206
L mm 231
S 8 x 45° M18

Applications Accessories
Adapts sensor Type 4504A... to a None
device with straight shaft end;
suitable for high-speed applica- Data sheet 2300A_000-667
tions with small axial misalign-
ment. 157
Couplings for Torque Sensors
Coupling for Torque Measuring Flange Type 4504A… with Flange (Variant F)
Technical data Type 2300A25F… Type 2300A40F… Type 2300A100F…
Max. speed nmax 1/min 15 000 12 000 12 000
Moment of inertia J 10-3·kg·m2 3,4 11 43,5
Mass kg 1,9 3,8 9,3
TK1 A mm 89 104 143
D C Z2 TK2 A
H6 C mm 41 46 66
D mm 120 155 185
TK1 mm 105 133 133
TK2 mm 75 86 116
Screws Z2 H7 mm 55 65 92

S Screws 6 x M8 6 x M10 6 x M12

L mm 54 65,2 97,2
S 8 x 45° M8 M12 M12

Type 2300A… variant F

Coupling with flange Technical data Type 2300A300F… Type 2300A500F… Type 2300A850F…
Max. speed nmax 1/min 10 000 10 000 8 000
Moment of inertia J 10-3·kg·m2 80,7 160 407,5
Mass kg 13,9 22 39
A mm 178 210 250
C mm 61 66 76
D mm 210 232 284
TK1 mm 165 165 206
TK2 mm 150 175 210
Z2 H7 mm 100 120 140
Screws 6 x M16 8 x M16 8 x M20
L mm 110,4 133 160
S 8 x 45° M14 M14 M18

Applications Accessories
Adapts sensor Type 4504A... to a None
device with straight shaft end;
suitable for high-speed applica- Data sheet 2300A_000-667
tions with small axial misalign-

Couplings for Torque Sensors
Coupling for Torque Measuring Flange Type 4504A… with Half-Shell Hub (Variant H)
Technical data Type 2300A25H… Type 2300A40H… Type 2300A100H…
Max. speed nmax 1/min 8 200 7 000 5 100
Moment of inertia J 10-3·kg·m2 3,5 11,6 46,5
Mass kg 2,6 4,5 12
TK B mm 60 70 100
D d H7 mm 22 … 32 25 … 40 35 … 60
d H7 B D mm 120 155 185
TK mm 105 133 133
L mm 84 102,2 152,2
S1 8 x 45° M8 M12 M12

Technical data Type 2300A300H… Type 2300A500H… Type 2300A850H…
Max. speed nmax 1/min 4 300 3 600 3 100
Moment of inertia J 10-3·kg·m2 84 160 380
Type 2300A… variant F Mass kg 18 28 45
Coupling with flange
B mm 121 141 164
d H7 mm 50 … 80 60 … 95 70 … 110
D mm 210 232 284
TK mm 165 165 206
L mm 173,4 197 241
S1 8 x 45° M14 M14 M18

Applications tested; for lower-speed applica- Accessories

Adapts sensor Type 4504A…; tions with larger axial misalign- None
for connection with or without ment.
keyway to shaft of assembly being Data sheet 2300A_000-667

Adapter Flange for Torque Measuring Flange Type 4504A… with Tension Ring Hub (Variant A)
Technical data Type 2300A10A… Type 2300A25A… Type 2300A40A…
d H7 mm 19 … 38 32 … 52 40 … 60
D mm 100 120 155
L mm 34 45 53
B mm 68 82 100
S 8 x 45° M6 M8 M12
D d H7 B
Technical data Type 2300A100A… Type 2300A300A… Type 2300A500A…
d H7 mm 55 … 90 50 … 85 60 … 100
D mm 155 190 190
L mm 61 72 79
B mm 143 164 198
S S 8 x 45° M12 M14 M14
Technical data Type 2300A850A…
Type 2300A… variant A d H7 mm 70 … 120
Adapter flange with tension ring hub
D mm 238
L mm 98
B mm 234
S 8 x 45° M18

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Adapter flange for space-saving For rigid drive-side adaptation of None
connection of torque sensor Type sensor Type 4504A... to a drive or
4504A… into the shafting. loading machine. Data sheet 2300A_000-667
Provides adaption only – no cou-
pling compensation for misalign-
ment. 159
Couplings for Torque Sensors
Metal Bellows Coupling with Clamping Hubs
Technical data Type 2301A15 Type 2301A30 Type 2301A60
Rated torque TKN N·m 15 30 60
Torsion resistance CTdyn 103·N·m/rad 20 39 76
D Moment of inertia J 10-3·kg·m2 0,06 0,12 0,32
L mm 59 69 83
d2 H7 d2 H7 (min … max) mm 8 … 28 10 … 30 12 … 35
D mm 49 55 66
M M5 M6 M8
Mass kg 0,15 0,3 0,4

Technical data Type 2301A80 Type 2301A150 Type 2301A200

L Rated torque TKN N·m 80 150 200
Torsion resistance CTdyn 103·N·m/rad 129 175 191
Moment of inertia J 10-3·kg·m2 0,8 1,9 3,2
L mm 94 95 105
d2 H7 (min … max) mm 14 … 42 19 … 42 22 … 45
D mm 81 81 90
M M10 M10 M12
Mass kg 0,8 1,7 2,5

Technical data Type 2301A300 Type 2301A500 Type 2301A800

Rated torque TKN N·m 300 500 800
Torsion resistance CTdyn 103·N·m/rad 450 510 780
Moment of inertia J 10-3·kg·m2 7,6 14,3 16,2
L mm 111 133 140
d2 H7 (min … max) mm 24 … 60 35 … 60 40 … 75
D mm 110 124 134
M M12 M16 2xM16
Mass kg 4 6,3 5,7

Technical data Type 2301A1500

Rated torque TKN N·m 1 500
Torsion resistance CTdyn 103·N·m/rad 1 304
Moment of inertia J 10-3·kg·m2 43
L mm 166
d2 H7 (min … max) mm 50 … 80
D mm 157
M 2 x M20
Mass kg 12

General technical data

Peak transient torque TKmax N·m brief overload of up to 1,5 times value permissible
Max. speed nmax 1/min <10 000 / >10 000 on request
Operating temp. range °C –30 … 120

Characteristics Applications or mounting support. The clamped

Torsion proof stainless steel bel- The coupling compensates for connection relying on friction
lows for coupling both sides of a misalignment where fixed mount- allows completely backlash-free
torque sensor with fixed housing ing of the torque sensor in shafting installation.
or mounting support into shafting. is required. This is always essential
Low moment of inertia; requires to avoid measurement errors and Accessories
little space; wear and maintenance damage to the sensor. A double- None
free. flexible coupling must be used with
clamping hubs on both sides of Data sheet 2301A_000-673
sensors mounted with rigid housing

Couplings for Torque Sensors
Torsion Proof Miniature Coupling, Single-Flexible with Clamping Hubs
Technical data Type 2302A25 Type 2302A37 Type 2302A50
Rated torque TKN N·m 0,39 1,56 6,17
Peak transient torque TKmax N·m 0,54 2,19 8,64
Torsion resistance CTdyn 103·N·m/rad 3,89 25,986 39,768
Moment of inertia J 10-6·kg·m2 1,83 11,1 28,56
d2 H7 D Max. speed nmax 1/min 64 000 44 000 36 000
L mm 20,2 29,1 30,4
d2 H7 (min … max) mm 3 … 10 4 … 14 6 … 18
D mm 25,4 35,8 44,5
Mass g 22 62 100

L Technical data Type 2302A62 Type 2302A75

Rated torque TKN N·m 24,7 36,2
Peak transient torque TKmax N·m 34,6 50,7
Torsion resistance CTdyn 103·N·m/rad 103,572 161,76
Moment of inertia J 10-6·kg·m2 78,61 159,4
Max. speed nmax 1/min 28 000 24 000
L mm 36,6 41
d2 H7 (min … max) mm 10 … 24 12 … 28
D mm 57,4 64
Mass g 195 278

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Torsion proof miniature coupling This coupling compensates for None
for self-supporting mounting of misalignment where self-supporting
torque sensors without fixed hous- mounting of torque sensors in Data sheet 2302A_000-671
ing in shafting; high speed range; shafting is required. This is always
light, low moment of inertia, essential to avoid measurement er-
high torsion resistance, wear and rors and damage to the sensor.
maintenance free; corrosion free,
antimagnetic. 161
Couplings for Torque Sensors
Torsion Proof Miniature Coupling, Double-flexible with Clamping Hub
Technical data Type 2303A25 Type 2303A37 Type 2303A50
Rated torque TKN N·m 0,39 1,56 6,17
Peak transient torque TKmax N·m 0,54 2,19 8,64
Torsion resistance CTdyn 103·N·m/rad 1,945 12,993 19,884
Moment of inertia J 10-6·kg·m2 2,33 14,01 37,99
Max. speed nmax 1/min 64 000 44 000 36 000
d2 H7 D L mm 34 48 54
d2 H7 (min … max) mm 3 … 10 4 … 14 6 … 18
D mm 25,4 35,8 44,5
Mass g 28 77 133

Technical data Type 2303A62 Type 2303A75

Rated torque TKN N·m 24,7 36,2
Peak transient torque TKmax N·m 34,6 50,7
Torsion resistance CTdyn 103·N·m/rad 51,786 80,88
Moment of inertia J 10-6·kg·m2 104,28 203,55
Max. speed nmax 1/min 28 000 24 000
L mm 66 71
d2 H7 (min … max) mm 10 … 24 12 … 28
D mm 57,4 64
Mass g 260 355

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Torsion proof miniature coupling This coupling compensates for None
for connecting both sides of torque misalignment where fixed mount-
sensors with fixed housing or ing of torque sensor in the shafting Data sheet 2303A_000-672
mounting support into shaft- is required. This is always essential
ing; high speed range; light, low to avoid measurement errors and
moment of inertia, high torsion damage to the sensor. A double-
resistance, wear and maintenance flexible coupling with clamping
free; corrosion free, antimagnetic. hubs has to be provided on both
sides of sensors with fixed housing
or mounting support.

Electronic Accessories
Distributing Box, Fischer 9-pole neg. – 8 x BNC neg.
Technical data Type 5405A
Input signal Fischer 9-pole neg.
Output signal 8 x BNC neg.
Dimensions LxWxH mm 73x99x33

Data sheet 9255A_000-188

Distributing Box, Fischer 9-pole neg. – 3 x BNC neg.

Technical data Type 5407A
Input signal Fischer 9-pole neg.
Output signal 3 x BNC neg.
Dimensions LxWxH mm 73x99x33

Data sheet 9255_000-188

Summing Box, 4 x Fischer 9-pole neg. – Fischer 9-pole neg.

Technical data Type 5417
Input box 4 x PG7
Input signal 4 x Fischer 9-pole neg.
Output signal Fischer 9-pole neg.
Dimensions LxWxH mm 35x148x62
Application Cable 2 x 1693A…

Data sheet 9047C_000-592


Summing Box, 12 x Mini Coax pos. – Fischer flange 9-pole neg.

Technical data Type 5433
Input box 4 x M13x1
Input signal 12 x Mini-Coax pos.
Output signal Fischer 9-pole neg.
Dimensions LxWxH mm 93x93x33
Application Cable 4 x 1695A…

Data sheet 9017B_000-465

9077C_000-610 163
Electronic Accessories
Input Low-Pass Filter
Technical data Type 5321A...
Resistance kΩ 10 / 33 / 100 / 330
MΩ 1 / 7,5 / 15 / 30 / 70
Insulation resistance Ω >1014
Input signal BNC neg.
Output signal BNC pos.
Dimensions LxD mm 81x16

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Consists of a series resistor in- Filters unwanted frequency com- None
stalled in a highly-insulated metal ponents from the useful signal and
surround. In combination with sen- protects charge amplifier from be- Data sheet 5321A_000-325
sor and cable capacitance provides ing overdriven by high-frequency
a simple RC filter. interference signals and momen-
tary peaks.

Charge Attenuator
Technical data Type 5361A...
Attenuation n 2 : 1*
5 : 1*
10 : 1
20 : 1*
100 : 1*
200 : 1*
1 000 : 1*
Insulation resistance Ω >1014
Input signal Type/connector charge (piezoelectric) / BNC neg.
Output signal Type/connector charge (piezoelectric) / BNC pos.
Dimensions LxWxH mm 57x35x33

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Consists of two high-insulation Multiplies the largest measuring None
capacitors, one is connected in range of a charge amplifier by a
parallel with the input, the other factor of n. Data sheet 5361A_000-326
between the input and output
*= Special modifications

Calibration Capacitor
Technical data Type 5371A...
Capacitance pF 9,5 ... 10,5
1 000
10 000
100 000
for max. voltage V 30
Input signal Type/connector voltage / BNC neg.
Output signal Type/connector charge (piezoelectric) / BNC pos.
Dimensions LxD mm 81x16

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Consists of a high-insulation preci- High-insulation precision capacitor None
sion capacitor in a shielded metal for converting voltage into electric
surround. charge. This simulates a mechani- Data sheet 5371A_000-336
cal measurand and is used to check
and calibrate a piezoelectric mea-
suring system.

Calibration and Test Equipment
Handheld charge amplifier
Technical data Type 5995A
Number of channels 1
Measuring range adjustment increments 1, 2, 5
Measuring range FS pC ±200 ... 200 000
Frequency range (–3 dB) kHz ≈0 ... 10
Display digits 3½ (2 000)
Output signal V ±2
Power supply (battery) VDC 9
Input signal Type/Connector piezoelectric / BNC neg.
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP50

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Practical battery-operated charge Measurement with piezoelectric None
amplifier, instant display and evalu- sensors. The instrument operates
ation, offers charge amplification, in two modes: Data sheet 5995A_000-312
preload testing and evaluation in 1. Measurement of mechanical
one and the same instrument. measurands such as force, pres-
sure, strain, torque and accelera-
2. As a preload tester (charge
measurement in pC for preloading

Insulation Tester
Technical data Type 5493A
Number of channels 1
Measuring range adjustment –
Measuring range FS Ω 1011 ... 4·1013
Measuring voltage V 5
Max. parallel capacitance nF 10
(cable length) m 100
Power supply (battery) VDC VDC 9
Input signal Type/Connector BNC neg.
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP50

Characteristics Applications Accessories

Service device for measuring Battery powered tester ideal for None
insulation resistance. Logarithmic routine and field checking of
display, extremely simple opera- piezoelectric sensors, charge ampli- Data sheet 5493A_000-354
tion, switches off automatically fiers and cables.
when not in use. 165
Displacement Sensors
Potentiometric Displacement Sensor Type TS with Actuating Shaft and Ball Coupling
Technical data Type 2117A25 Type 2117A75 Type 2117A100 Type 2117A150
Measuring range mm 0 ... 25 0 ... 75 0 ... 100 0 ... 150
Case length A mm 63 113 138 188
Mechanical stroke mm 30 80 105 155
Weight g 86 132 150 190
General technical data
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40
Max. speed m/s 10
Connector 5-pole connector

Characteristics Applications Data sheet 000-504

Displacement sensor with dual- Force-displacement monitoring
bearing actuating shaft, ball cou-
pling to avoid shear force.

Potentiometric Displacement Sensor Type TR with Restoring Spring

Technical data Type 2118A10 Type 2118A25 Type 2118A50 Type 2118A75
Measuring range mm 0 ... 10 0 ... 25 0 ... 50 0 ... 75
Case length A mm 48 63 94,4 134,4
Mechanical stroke mm 15 30 55 80
Weight g 80 120 150 180
General technical data
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40
Max. speed m/s 10
Connector Type 2118Axx: flying leads
Type 2118AxxA01: 5-pole cable connector

Characteristics Applications Data sheet 000-504

Displacement sensor with restoring Force-displacement monitoring
spring, dual-bearing actuating
shaft, sensor tip with carbide ball.

Potentiometric Displacement Sensor Type TRS with Restoring Spring

Technical data Type 2112A25 Type 2112A50 Type 2112A75 Type 2112A100
Measuring range mm 0 ... 25 0 ... 50 0 ... 75 0 ... 100
Case length A mm 63 94,4 134,4 166
Mechanical stroke mm 30 55 80 105
Weight g 74 100 128 150
General technical data
Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40
Max. speed m/s 10
Connector 5-pole connector

Characteristics Applications Data sheet 000-504

Displacement sensor with restoring Force-displacement monitoring
spring, dual-bearing actuating
shaft, sensor tip with carbide ball.

Displacement Sensors
Potentiometric Displacement Sensor Type TLH with Side Slider
Technical data Type 2119A100 Type 2119A225 Type 2119A1250
Measuring range mm 0 ... 100 0 ... 225 0 ... 1 250
Case length A mm 250 376 1 418
Mechanical stroke mm 108 234 1 276
Weight g 440 620 2 110

General technical data

Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP40
Max. speed m/s 10
Connector 4-pole DIN 43650 (hydraulic connector)

Characteristics Applications Data sheet 000-504

Displacement sensor with side Force-displacement monitoring
slider; ball coupling to avoid shear

Potentiometric Displacement Sensor Type LWG with Twin-Bearing Actuating Rod

Technical data Type 2121A75 Type 2121A100 Type 2121A150 Type 2121A225
Measuring range mm 0 ... 75 0 ... 100 0 ... 150 0 ... 225
Case length A mm 201 227 277 354
Mechanical stroke mm 79 105 155 231
Weight g 400 500 600 700

Technical data Type 2121A300 Type 2121A360 Type 2121A450 Type 2121A500
Measuring range mm 0 ... 300 0 ... 360 0 ... 450 0 ... 500
Case length A mm 430 505 619 684
Mechanical stroke mm 307 368 460 510
Weight g 800 850 900 1 300

Technical data Type 2121A750

Measuring range mm 0 ... 750
Case length A mm 994
Mechanical stroke mm 764
Weight g 1 900

General technical data

Deg. of protection to IEC/EN 60529 IP65
Max. speed m/s 5
Connector 3-pole connector

Characteristics Applications Data sheet 000-504

Displacement sensor with twin- Force-displacement monitoring
bearing actuating shaft; backlash-
free pivot head attachment. 167
Technical Literature
Special Reprints and Application Brochures
The Basics of Piezoelectric Measur- Monitoring of Manufacturing, As- Monitoring of Resistance Welding
ing Technology sembly and Testing Processes Processes
Guide to the Measurement of Force 20.193 Electromechanical NC Electrode Force Measurement –
Joining Systems 300-542 Spot Welds that Stay 300-322
Piezoelectric Theory 20.290
Monitored Press-Fitting Force Measurement in
Measuring with Crystals (book published and Joining Processes 920-223 Resistance Welding 920-332
by Verlag Moderne Industrie)
ISBN 3-478-93269-6) 900-335 Process Monitoring – for Better Quality Force Monitoring Optimizes
Piezoelectric Sensors – Extending Functionality and Increased Production 920-224 Resistance Welding and Related
and Simplifying Applications Joining Processes 920-345
with Microelectronics 920-228 Simple Monitoring of Joining Processes
through Force-Strain Measurement 920-236
Monitoring of Cutting Processes
Investigation of Piezoelectric Force
Measuring Devices in Force Calibration Reliable Connection through
Monitoring of Joining Forces 920-351 New Rotating Dynamometer for
and Force Standard Machines 920-232
High Speed Cutting Processes 920-229
Dynamic Properties and Investigation From Sensor to Transmitter - Robust
Industrial Sensors through Integration Advanced Cutting Process Analysis -
of Piezoelectric Force Measuring Devices 920-233
of Electronics 920-361 Practical Experience with the Rotating
Anwendungsgerechte Kalibrierung High Speed Dynamometer 920-335
von Drehmomentaufnehmern 920-339
General Force Measurement Sensors and Signal Analysis
in High Performance Cutting 920-340
The ITEA Journal of Test and Evaluation,
Force-limited Vibration Tests at JPL 920-268 H3 - Metal Cutting Force Measurement 920-347

Force and Moment Measurements Test Stand Systems

in Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity
Using Piezoelectric Transducers 920-363 Test Stand Systems for Electric Motors
The references are Kistler Group document
numbers. Most of these documents are available and Gearboxes in the Laboratory,
for downloading from Manufacturing and Quality Assurance 300-604

Product Overview by Type Numbers
Type Page Type Page Type Page Type Page Type Page Type Page Type Page Type Page

1200A121A1 147 1891 145 2151B30154002 134 2303A37 162 5825A1 126 9147B… 75 9377C 95 9545 153
1200A121A2 147 1923A… 141 2151B60154002 134 2303A50 162 5863A1… 122 9173B 76 9378C 95 9547 154
1200A121A3 147 1939A… 139 2151B60304002 134 2303A62 162 5863A2… 123 9174B 76 9389A 106 9549 152
1941A… 139 2152A35450 135 2303A75 162 5875A… 121 9175B 76 9553 153
1601B… 142 1943A… 140 2153A030200 136 5885A…* 125 9176B 76 9410A0 149 9555 153
1603B… 142 1945A… 140 2153A030400 136 4501A… 109 9410A2 149 9557 154
1609B… 141 1951A… 141 2153A060200 136 4502A… 109 5995A 165 9203 77 9410A3 149 9559 152
1610A… 141 1957A… 139 2153A060400 136 4503A… 110 9205 78 9410A4 149 9563 153
1615B… 142 1967A… 140 2153A100200 136 4504A… 111 9001A 72 9207 78 9410A5 149 9565 153
1619B… 141 1969A… 140 2153A100400 136 4576A0,5… 86 9011A 72 9211… 76 9410A6 149 9567 154
1631C… 139 1971A1… 142 2153A200400 136 4576A1… 86 9016B4 89 9213… 77 9410A7 149 9569 152
1633C… 139 1971A2… 143 2153A300400 136 4576A10… 86 9017B 89 9215 79 9420A01 149 9573 153
1635C… 139 1973AX1… 143 2157A1 133 4576A100… 86 9018B 89 9217A 79 9420A11 149 9575 153
1637C… 142 1973AX2… 143 2157A2 133 4576A2… 86 9021A 72 9232A 101 9420A21 149 9577 154
1641A… 139 1979A… 140 2157A3 133 4576A20… 86 9031A 72 9237A… 100 9420A31 149 9579 152
1651A... 141 1983AB… 141 4576A200… 86 9039 105 9238A… 100 9420A41 149 9580A0 154
1651C… 141 1983AC… 140 2300A10… 156 4576A5… 86 9041A 72 9241C… 102 9420A51 149 9580A1 154
1677A5 144 1983AD… 139 2300A10A… 159 4576A50… 86 9046C4 90 9243B… 102 9420A61 149 9580A2 154
1679A5 144 2300A10S… 157 4577A0,1 87 9047C 90 9245B2… 103 9420A71 149 9580A4 154
1687B5 144 2112A100 166 2300A100… 156 4577A0,2 87 9048C 90 9245B3 103 9422A01 150 9580A7 154
1689B5 144 2112A25 166 2300A100A… 159 4577A0,5 87 9049 105 9247A… 103 9422A11 150 9580A8 154
1696A… 144 2112A50 166 2300A100F… 158 4577A1 87 9051A 72 9250A4 89 9422A21 150 9580A9 154
1697A… 144 2112A75 166 2300A100H… 159 4577A10 87 9061A 72 9251A 89 9422A31 150 9582A0 152
1698AA… 143 2117A100 166 2300A100S… 157 4577A100 87 9066A4 90 9251A4 89 9422A41 150 9582A1 152
1698AB… 143 2117A150 166 2300A25… 156 4577A2 87 9066C4 91 9252A 89 9422A51 150 9582A2 152
1698AC… 143 2117A25 166 2300A25A… 159 4577A20 87 9067 90 9254 97 9451A… 150 9584A0 155
2117A75 166 2300A25F… 158 4577A200 87 9067A4 90 9255B 96 9455 150 9584A1 155
1700A29 145 2118A10 166 2300A25H… 159 4577A5 87 9067C 91 9256C1 97 9459 151 9584A2 155
1701 145 2118A25 166 2300A25S… 157 4577A50 87 9068 90 9256C2 97 9461 151 9584A9 155
1703 145 2118A50 166 2300A300… 156 9068C 91 9257B 98 9463 151 9586A0 155
1705 145 2118A75 166 2300A300A… 159 4700A… 126 9069 105 9272 98 9465 151 9586A1 155
1711 145 2119A100 167 2300A300F… 158 4701A… 119 9071A 72 9275 107 9586A2 155
1713 145 2119A1250 167 2300A300H… 159 4706A 130 9076C4 92 9277A25 108 9500A0 152 9586A9 155
1721 145 2119A225 167 2300A300S… 157 4733A… 128 9077C 92 9277A5 108 9500A00 152 9594A1 154
1723 145 2121A100 167 2300A40… 156 4734A… 137 9078C 92 9500A01 152
1729A 145 2121A150 167 2300A40A… 159 4735A 130 9081A 72 9301B 80 9500A1 152 9601A11… 83
1733 145 2121A225 167 2300A40F… 158 4737A… 127 9091A 72 9311B 80 9500A2 152 9601A21… 95
1743 145 2121A300 167 2300A40H… 159 9313AA1 81 9500A3 152 9601A31… 95
1749 145 2121A360 167 2300A40S… 157 5015A… 113 9101A 73 9313AA2 81 9500A4 152 9601A32… 95
1787A… 145 2121A450 167 2300A500… 156 5027A… 116 9102A 73 9317B 92 9500A5 152 9602A1… 84
2121A500 167 2300A500A… 159 5030A… 116 9103A 73 9321B 80 9500A6 152 9602A3… 96
1851 145 2121A75 167 2300A500F… 158 5037B1… 117 9104A 73 9323A 81 9500A7 152 9602AA… 84
1853 146 2121A750 167 2300A500H… 159 5037B3…Y39 117 9105A 73 9323AA 81 9501A0 154
1855 146 2151B02012001 134 2300A500S… 157 5041E… 117 9106A 73 9327A 93 9501A1 154 9831C1… 85
1861A 145 2151B05012001 134 2300A850… 156 5058A… 118 9107A 73 9328A 93 9501A2 154 9831C2… 85
1865 146 2151B05022001 134 2300A850A… 159 5070Ax0xxx 114 9130B… 74 9329A 106 9501A3 154 9831C3… 85
1871 145 2151B10012001 134 2300A850F… 158 5070Ax1xxx 114 9130BA… 74 9331B 80 9501A4 154 9833C1 85
1873 146 2151B10022001 134 2300A850H… 159 5070Ax2xxx 114 9131B… 74 9333A 81 9501A5 154 9833C2 85
1875 146 2151B10052001 134 2300A850S… 157 5073A1… 115 9131BA… 74 9337A40 82 9501A6 154 9833C3 85
2301A15 160 5073A2… 115 9132B… 74 9337A40U 82 9501A7 154
2301A150 160 5073A3… 115 9132BA… 74 9339A 106 9505 153 9931A1 83
CoMo Logic®, CoMo Net®, CoMo View® and 2301A1500 160 5073A4… 115 9133B… 74 9341B 80 9509 152 9931A2 83
CoMo Sys®* are registered trademarks of
2301A200 160 5073A5… 115 9133BA… 74 9343A 81 9513 153 9931A3 83
Kistler Holding AG, Winterthur, Switzerland.
2301A30 160 9134B… 74 9345B 82, 107 9515 153 9931A4 83
Windows® and Windows CE® are registered 2301A300 160 5321A… 164 9134BA… 74 9347C 93 9517 154
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. 2301A500 160 5361A… 164 9135B… 74 9348C 93 9519 152 KSM000517 147
2301A60 160 5371A… 164 9135BA… 74 9349A 106 9523 153 KSM000703 147
Viton is a registered trademark of DuPont Per-
2301A80 160 9136B… 74 9351B 80 9525 153 KSM000822 147
formance Elastomers.
2301A800 160 5405A 163 9136BA… 74 9361B 80 9527 154 KSM071860-5 146
Kapton® is a registered trademark of DuPont. 2302A25 161 5407A 163 9137B… 74 9363A 81 9529 152 KSM103820-5 146
2302A37 161 5417 163 9137BA… 74 9365B 82, 107 9533 153 KSM124970-5 146
* Only available in Germany 2302A50 161 5433 163 9143B… 75 9366CC… 94 9535 153 KSM183150-5 146
2302A62 161 5493A 165 9144B… 75 9367C 94 9537 154 KSM219710-5 146
2302A75 161 9145B… 75 9369A 106 9539 152
2303A25 162 5629A2 124 9146B… 75 9371B 80 9543 153 169
Kistler worldwide
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Tel. +91 44 4213 2089 Tel. +65 6316 7331 Wheelers Hill, Victoria 3150 Tel. +61 3 9560 5055
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Kistler Japan Co., Ltd. Kistler Representative Office in Taiwan
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Kistler Instrument (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Tel. +41 52 224 11 11
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Tel. +66 2678 6779-80

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Tel. +41 52 224 11 11
Fax +41 52 224 14 14

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