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Beauveria Bassiana-A Novel Biocontrol Agent Against The Leaf Webworms of Oil Palm

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Current Biotica 6(3): 334-341, 2012 ISSN 0973-4031

Beauveria bassiana- a novel biocontrol agent against the leaf webworms of Oil palm
Pinnamaneni Rajasekhar1*and Potineni Kalidas2
Department of Biotechnology, Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Yamnampet, Ghatkesar,
R.R.District- 501301, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Directorate of Oil Palm Research (ICAR), Pedavegi -534 450, Andhra Pradesh, India


Oil palm, Elaeis guineensis (Jacq.) is an exotic high yielding perennial crop that has been
introduced to India as an irrigated crop. It is a monoecious, bisexual and entomophilous crop and
needs the assistance of a coleopteran weevil, Elaeidobius kamerunicus Faust. for effective
pollination. The palm is attacked by number of leaf web worms that results in heavy losses. The
present study reports the results of comparative assessment of biocontrol agents, such as
Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae with chemical pesticides, such as Carbofuran,
Phorate, Monocrotophos and Phosphamidon against leaf web worms on the Oil palm taking into
account the safety towards the pollinator, E. kamerunicus. The leaf web worm control by
selected biocontrol agents showed more than 90.0% mortality after 21 days of treatment. The
treatment with Beauveria bassiana recorded 98.3% reduction in the number of leaf web worms
after 21st day, which was in contrast to the most efficient chemical pesticide, i.e. Phorate.
However, the comparative assessment revealed that biocontrol efficiency of Beauveria bassiana
in controlling leaf web worm was equivalent to that of with other chemical insecticides.
Beauveria bassiana was found to have no adverse effect on the E. kamerunicus, which is critical
for increasing the yield and viability of the Oil palm.

KEY WORDS: Beauveria bassiana, insecticides, leaf webworms, Oil palm, pollinating weevil

INTRODUCTION noticed to affect this crop. Most prominent

of them are rhinoceros beetle, psychids, leaf
Oil palm, Elaeis guineensis (Jacq.) is web worm and slug caterpillar. Out of these
an exotic high yielding perennial crop native psychid, leaf web worm and slug caterpillar
of Guinea Bissau in West Africa. It is a are the foliage feeders causing yield losses
monoecious, bisexual and entomophilous about 20%. Kalidas and Rethinam (1998)
crop which needs the assistance for reported the incidence of leaf web worms on
pollination. Elaeidobius kamerunicus Faust. Oil palm for the first time causing heavy
an exotic pollinating weevil is known as a defoliation. Kalidas (2003) reported the
very prominent pollinating agent in its instances of yield loss of about 21% in the
native area (Guinea Bissau). The crop as first year, 24% in the second year and 41%
well as pollinating weevil has been in the subsequent year due to the leaf web
introduced to India to plug the gap between worm menace. A wide variety of leaf-eating
demand and supply of vegetable oil. In Lepidoptera species are controlled, often
general, the pest incidence on Oil palm is very effectively, by various viral and fungal
very low. Some pests (probably migrated diseases (Mariau and Desmier, 1990). Wood
from other palmaceae plants) have been et al., (1972) observed the artificial

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Current Biotica 6(3): 334-341, 2012 ISSN 0973-4031

defoliation of 50% resulted into a yield significant amounts of toxic compounds

reduction of 43% due to leaf eating within their hosts. Hamil and Sullivan, 1969;
caterpillars. It has been reported that the Elsworth and Grove, 1977 isolated the toxins
Lepidopteron pests can be very effectively Beauvericin, Beauverolides, Bassianolide
controlled by an ecofriendly bioagent, and Isarolides from B. bassiana infected
Beauveria bassiana, an entomopathogen hosts. Wright and Chandler (1991; 1992)
that causes white muscardine disease. The tested the efficacy of B. bassiana against
host range of Beauveria species is extensive cotton boll weevil in the laboratory
and includes almost all the orders of insects experiment and recorded mortality 78 and
(Narasimhan, 1970). The fungus has still 92 per cent in feeding and direct contact
remained fully unexplored to this day as an methods respectively. The efficacy of B.
agent for biological control of insects, bassiana against cotton leaf roller was
besides its ability to kill the insects evaluated both in vitro and in vivo and
immediately. One of the major advantages observed the mortality of the pest with in 4
of Beauveria species over conventional days of application. It also decreased the
pesticides is their long-term effect on the population of wild houseflies in the near by
target host population. The parasitic cattle sheds when they were applied in the
mechanism of entomopathogenic fungi is field (Ramesh et al., 1999).
through invasion of the hosts usually by direct
penetration on to the host cuticle (Hackmann, In view of the importance of the
1984). Pathogenic fungi need to penetrate Beauveria bassiana which has been used
through the cuticle into the insect body to successfully as a biocontrol agent of cotton
obtain nutrients for their growth and boll weevil, cotton leaf folder etc. the
reproduction. Entry into the host involves present work has been designed to study its
both enzymic degradation and mechanical efficacy on Oil palm leaf webworm, Acria
pressure as evidenced by the physical spp. in comparison with insecticides.
separation of lamellae by penetrated hyphae.
A range of extracellular enzymes that can
degrade the major components of insect MATERIALS AND METHODS
cuticle, including chitinase, lipase, esterase
and at least four different classes of Study area and pesticide application
proteases, have been suggested to function
during the fungi pathogenesis. The production Oil palms in the farmer’s field (12
of cuticle-degrading enzymes by M. hectares) in Jagannadhapuram village of
anisopliae, during infection and structure Pedavegi Mandal, West Godavari District,
formation on Calliphor vomitoria and Andhra Pradesh which were severely
Manduca sexta has been investigated by infested with Leaf webworms were selected
biochemical and histochemical analysis in for this study during November to March,
both in vivo and in vitro. In general, B. 2008-2009. The Leaf webworm is a serious
bassiana conidia germinate on the host pest belonging to Lepidoptera but not known
surface and differentiate an infection taxonomically. The palms were treated with
structure termed appressorium (St Leger et different bioagents viz., Beauveria bassiana
al., 1991). and Metarhizium anisopliae at a
concentration of 1g/l with a spore count of
It has been reported that the B. 104, and chemical pesticides, such as
bassiana and M. anisopliae produced Carbofuran (1g/l), Phorate(1g/l),

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Monocrotophos (1ml/l) and Phosphamidon leaf webworms recorded during different

(1ml/l). The treatments with these pesticides time intervals receiving treatment by
were administered as per field applicative different biocontrol agents showed a
concentrations of the respective pesticide in significantly (ANOVA, P<0.05) different
three replicates each. Beauveria bassiana, mean values (< 0.014, < 0.062, < 0.331, <
Metarhizium anisopliae, Monocrotophos 0.031, < 0.016, < 0.141, < 0.113) for day 7
and Phosphamidon were applied as aerial and 14 respectively. However, beyond 14th
spray, whereas Carbofuran and Phorate day of treatment there was no significant
granules were applied to the soil. The total (ANOVA, P> 0.05) difference amongst the
treatment duration was of 38 days, and the mean values, indicating a comparable
data was collected prior to treatment and biocontrol ability of all the agents including
after 2nd, 4th, 7th, 14th, 21th and 38th day of Beauveria bassiana. Thus, the comparative
application. Three replications were assessment shows at par action of the
maintained for each treatment. Beauveria bassiana with insecticides for
controlling the leaf webworms.
Statistical analyses
Temporal variation in the insecticidal
The mean, Standard deviation, effect
Standard error, etc. was determined.
Besides, experimental plots, three replicates On temporal scale, all the biocontrol
were also kept as control in a separate plot. agents showed a similar action and were
The comparative assessment of the number found to be effective in controlling the
of leaf webworms before treatment and number of leaf webworms (Fig. 1). The
number of pests after the treatment with number of leaf web worms reduced
biocontrol agents and chemical pesticides drastically by the treatment with Beauveria
were evaluated by one way analysis of bassiana after 21st day. The percentage
variance (ANOVA). An alpha level of 0.05 reduction in the number showed that phorate
was selected to claim any difference as a was the most effective insecticide followed
significant difference. with Monocrotophos and Phosphamidon
with 98.6% reduction. Treatment with
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Beauveria bassiana exhibited 98.3%
reduction in the number of leaf web worms
The results on the treatment efficiency after 21st day, while rest of the treatments
observed by the application of different showed a lower percentage of reduction in
insecticides and biocontrol agents are the worm numbers. However, both the
presented in Table 1. The results show a biocontrol agents showed more than 90.0%
decreasing trend in the number of live reduction in the number of leaf web worms.
caterpillars in all the treatments (biological The comparison reveals that the
as well as chemical) at different time effectiveness of Beauveria bassiana in
intervals. Up to day four, there was no controlling the number of leaf web worms
significant difference in the number of live did not differ than those with phorate which
caterpillars under different treatments. showed highest percent reduction. Although
However, treatment with Metarhizium the chemical compounds, such as phorate
anisopliae and Carbofuran showed a and others showed high mortality rates, the
relatively higher number of live caterpillars high standard deviation values (Table 2)
after four days. Furthermore, the number of indicate that the results are less consistent

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Current Biotica 6(3): 334-341, 2012 ISSN 0973-4031

and reliable. However, in case of the results problem, it can be recommended to use
of treatment by Beauveria bassiana, the data biocontrol agent, B. bassiana, which is
shows a consistency as well as reliable reported to be very effective against
estimate. lepidopteron pests that forms puffy white
mat of mycelia on the cuticle causing white
CONCLUSION muscardine disease. The bioagent was found
to be safe to the pollinating weevil,
The leaf web worm control by Elaeidobius kamerunicust contributing to
selected biocontrol agents showed more than the yield and viability of the Oil palm.
90.0% mortality after 21 days of treatment.
The treatment with Beauveria bassiana ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
showed 98.3% reduction in the number of
leaf web worms after 21st day, which was The authors are thankful to the
comparable to the most efficient chemical Director, Directorate of Oil Palm Research
compound, i.e. Phorate. As Oil palm is an (ICAR), Pedavegi for providing the facilities
entomophilous crop, usage of chemical for carrying the work. The assistance
pesticides in controlling the pests may cause rendered by Mr. Asirwadam, Contractual
hazardous affects on the pollinating weevil worker in taking observations is highly
and thereby pollination. To overcome this appreciated.

Table 1: Variation in the number of leaf web worms observed during the treatment by different
agents at selected time period

Days after
Treatments Mean  SD SE Min. Max. P
Pretreatment Control 53.0 3 2 51 56 < 0.014
Beauveria bassiana 40.0 2 1 38 42
Metarhizium anisopliae 41.0 2 1 39 43
Carbofuran 46.0 4 3 43 51
Sanvex 51.0 5 3 47 56
Phorate 42.0 7 4 34 48
Monocrotophos 46.0 1 1 45 47
Phosphamidon 47.0 6 3 41 52
Day-2 Control 14.0 2 1 12 16 < 0.062
Beauveria bassiana 9.0 4 3 6 14
Metarhizium anisopliae 7.3 6 3 3 14
Carbofuran 10.0 4 2 6 13
Sanvex 9.0 3 2 7 13
Phorate 4.0 3 2 2 7
Monocrotophos 8.7 3 1 6 11
Phosphamidon 4.0 3 2 1 6
Day-4 Control 3.3 3 2 1 7 < 0.331
Beauveria bassiana 3.3 2 1 2 5
Metarhizium anisopliae 5.3 4 2 1 9
Carbofuran 8.7 6 3 5 15
Sanvex 4.3 3 1 2 7
Phorate 2.0 1 1 1 3
Monocrotophos 2.0 1 1 1 3
Phosphamidon 3.7 5 3 1 9

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Day-7 Control 3.3 2 1 2 5 < 0.031

Beauveria bassiana 4.3 1 0 4 5
Metarhizium anisopliae 6.7 3 1 4 9
Carbofuran 4.0 4 2 0 7
Sanvex 4.7 2 1 3 6
Phorate 0.3 1 0 0 1
Monocrotophos 2.3 1 1 1 3
Phosphamidon 2.3 2 1 1 4
Day-14 Control 0.3 1 0 0 1 < 0.016
Beauveria bassiana 4.0 3 2 1 6
Metarhizium anisopliae 5.0 2 1 4 7
Carbofuran 2.3 2 1 1 4
Sanvex 1.7 1 1 1 3
Phorate 3.0 2 1 1 4
Monocrotophos 1.0 1 1 0 2
Phosphamidon 0.7 1 0 0 1
Day-21 Control 2.0 2 1 1 4 < 0.141
Beauveria bassiana 0.7 1 0 0 1
Metarhizium anisopliae 2.0 1 1 1 3
Carbofuran 1.7 1 0 1 2
Sanvex 0.7 1 0 0 1
Phorate 0.3 1 0 0 1
Monocrotophos 0.7 1 0 0 1
Phosphamidon 0.7 1 0 0 1
Day-38 Control 4.0 4 3 1 9 < 0.113
Beauveria bassiana 1.0 1 1 0 2
Metarhizium anisopliae 3.7 3 2 1 7
Carbofuran 0.7 1 0 0 1
Sanvex 5.3 2 1 4 7
Phorate 2.0 0 0 2 2
Monocrotophos 1.0 2 1 0 3
Phosphamidon 1.3 1 0 1 2

Bold values of P indicate significant difference between the means

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Table 2: Temporal variation in the number of leaf web worms recorded during the treatment to
different agents

Days after
Treatments Mean  SD SE Min. Max. P
Control Pretreatment 53.0  2.6 1.5 51 56 < 0.01
Day-2 14.0  2.0 1.2 12 16
Day-4 3.3  3.2 1.9 1 7
Day-7 3.3  1.5 0.9 2 5
Day-14 0.3  0.6 0.3 0 1
Day-21 2.0  1.7 1.0 1 4
Day-38 4.0  4.4 2.5 1 9
Beauveria Pretreatment 40.0  2.0 1.2 38 42 < 0.01
Day-2 9.0  4.4 2.5 6 14
Day-4 3.3  1.5 0.9 2 5
Day-7 4.3  0.6 0.3 4 5
Day-14 4.0  2.6 1.5 1 6
Day-21 0.7  0.6 0.3 0 1
Day-38 1.0  1.0 0.6 0 2
Metarhizium Pretreatment 41.0  2.0 1.2 39 43 < 0.01
Day-2 7.3  5.9 3.4 3 14
Day-4 5.3  4.0 2.3 1 9
Day-7 6.7  2.5 1.5 4 9
Day-14 5.0  1.7 1.0 4 7
Day-21 2.0  1.0 0.6 1 3
Day-38 3.7  3.1 1.8 1 7
Carbofuran Pretreatment 46.0  4.4 2.5 43 51 < 0.01
Day-2 10.0  3.6 2.1 6 13
Day-4 8.7  5.5 3.2 5 15
Day-7 4.0  3.6 2.1 0 7
Day-14 2.3  1.5 0.9 1 4
Day-21 1.7  0.6 0.3 1 2
Day-38 0.7  0.6 0.3 0 1
Sanvex Pretreatment 51.0  4.58 2.65 47 56 < 0.01
Day-2 9.0  3.46 2.00 7 13

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Day-4 4.3  2.52 1.45 2 7

Day-7 4.7  1.53 0.88 3 6
Day-14 1.7  1.15 0.67 1 3
Day-21 0.7  0.58 0.33 0 1
Day-38 5.3  1.53 0.88 4 7
Phorate Pretreatment 42.0  7.21 4.16 34 48 < 0.01
Day-2 4.0  2.65 1.53 2 7
Day-4 2.0  1.00 0.58 1 3
Day-7 0.3  0.58 0.33 0 1
Day-14 3.0  1.73 1.00 1 4
Day-21 0.3  0.58 0.33 0 1
Day-38 2.0  0.00 0.00 2 2
Monocrotophos Pretreatment 46.0  1.00 0.58 45 47 < 0.01
Day-2 8.7  2.52 1.45 6 11
Day-4 2.0  1.00 0.58 1 3
Day-7 2.3  1.15 0.67 1 3
Day-14 1.0  1.00 0.58 0 2
Day-21 0.7  0.58 0.33 0 1
Day-38 1.0  1.73 1.00 0 3
Phosphamidon Pretreatment 47.0  5.57 3.21 41 52 < 0.01
Day-2 4.0  2.65 1.53 1 6
Day-4 3.7  4.62 2.67 1 9
Day-7 2.3  1.53 0.88 1 4
Day-14 0.7  0.58 0.33 0 1
Day-21 0.7  0.58 0.33 0 1
Day-38 1.3  0.58 0.33 1 2

Bold values of P indicate significant difference between the means

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