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2022 - CRISPRCas System Toward The Development of Next-Generation Recombinant Vaccines Current Scenario and Future Prospects

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Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:1–11


CRISPR/Cas System Toward the Development of Next-Generation

Recombinant Vaccines: Current Scenario and Future Prospects
Muhammad Naeem1 · Hanoof Fahd Alkhodairy1 · Iqra Ashraf2 · Amjad Bajes Khalil1

Received: 31 March 2022 / Accepted: 30 August 2022 / Published online: 23 September 2022
© King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals 2022

The initially developed vaccines were relying mostly on attenuation and inactivation of pathogens. The use of recombinant
DNA technology allows the targeting of immune responses focused against a few protective antigens. The conventional recom-
bination methods for generating vaccines are time-consuming, laborious, and less efficient. To overcome these limitations,
a new precise CRISPR/Cas9 with high efficacy, specificity, and low-cost properties has solved a lot of current problems of
recombinant vaccines that intrigued the inspiration for novel recombinant vaccine development. CRISPR/Cas9 system was
discovered as a bacterial adaptive immune system. In the domain of virology, CRISPR/Cas9 is used to engineer the virus
genome to understand the fundamentals of viral pathogenesis, gene therapy, and virus–host interactions. One step ahead
CRISPR/Cass9 bypassed the vaccine to precisely engineer the B-cells to secrete the specific antibodies against deadly viral
pathogens. There is a critical literature review gap especially in the use of CRISPR/Cas9 to generate recombinant vaccines
against viral diseases and its prospective application to engineering the B-cells in immunocompromised people. This review
heights the application of CRISPR/Cas9 compared to conventional approaches for the development of recombinant vaccine
vectors, editing the genes of B-cells, and challenges that need to be overcome. The factors affecting CRISPR/Cas9-edited
recombinant vaccines and prospects in the context of viral genome editing for the development of vaccines will be discussed.

Keywords CRISPR/Cas9 · Virus · Gene editing · Recombinant · Vaccines · B-cells engineering · Antigens · Antibodies

1 Introduction of vaccines made through recombinant DNA technology

has become an important and innovative strategies due to
Vaccination has prevented hundreds of millions of deaths better antibody response to fight against viral disease. Com-
since 1796 when Edward Jenner injected a boy with cow- pared with conventional vaccines made by using attenuated
pox to inhibit smallpox. The development of the vaccination pathogens, recombinant vaccines have various benefits that
method has a key role to create immunity against various include improved stimulation of immune responses, limited
infectious diseases in humans and animals. Our world has to side effects due to the correct use of immunogenic subunits,
get rid of smallpox and rinderpest fatal diseases with help of long-term persistence of immunogenicity, and cheap large-
vaccination and immunization. The traditional vaccination scale production [1]. The conventional recombination meth-
methods, inoculation of the live attenuated pathogen which ods for generating the recombinant vaccines such as bacterial
is capable of eliciting the immune response, may offer poten- artificial chromosomes (BAC), Cosmid, and gene cloning
tial risks, such as virulence in susceptible hosts and potential with restriction endonucleases were time-consuming, labori-
reversal of attenuation. As an alternative, the inoculation ous, and less efficient, the in-site gene insertion/replacement
was random, the restriction endonuclease fails to generate the
recombinant vaccines if the genome size is more than 30 KB
B Amjad Bajes Khalil [2]. The latest developed RNA-guided gene editing tech-
nology Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic
1 Department of Bioengineering, King Fahd University of Repeats (CRISPR/Cas9) is currently being used to over-
Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran 31261, Saudi
come the limitations of conventional recombination methods.
CRISPR/Cas9 is low cost and more efficient [3] and has
2 Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center, Academia
Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

2 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:1–11

Fig. 1 Abstract overview of the use of CRISPR/Cas9 to generate the recombinant vaccines vectors and engineering the B-cell to produce specific
antibodies. The figure has been created with

changed the whole scenario of the production of fast recombi- its prospective application to engineer the B-cells in immuno-
nant vaccines. CRISPR/Cas9 is a highly precise, simple, and compromised people. In this review article (Fig. 1), we will
efficient genome editing technology compared to conven- focus on CRISPR/Cas9 working principles, its applications
tional recombination methods; CRISPR can efficiently insert for the development of recombinant vaccines vectors, engi-
the larger gene fragments even more than one antigen gene neering B-cells for antibodies production, and we will also
simultaneously to generate multivalent vaccines with long- highlight the challenges that need to be overcome for further
lasting antigen expression. Despite the decades of research streamlining their usage in the prevention and control of viral
still no vaccines against viruses that kill tens of millions of pathogens.
people every year: HIV, respiratory syncytial virus, and the
cancer-causing Epstein–Barr virus. One of the most impor-
tant reasons is hard to identify the antigen which can trigger
the immune cells to produce effective antibodies. And the 2 Working Principle of CRISPR/Cas9 System
other issue is that vaccines do not work against immunocom-
promised people such as people under treatment for cancers CRISPR was first identified as a prokaryotic immune system
and organ-transplanted patients [4]. CRISPR is to develop a that prevents the cells by selectively targeting and destroying
long-time persistent immunity through the development of foreign DNA such as plasmids or viruses [5]. This gene-
multivalent recombinant vaccines and direct engineering of editing strategy can knock in (KI), knock out (KO), and
the B cells to produce specific antibodies against current and knock down (KD) the expression of any gene of any species
future viral diseases and pandemics. CRISPR was first time with high efficiency and specificity. The functional system
testified in human and mammalian cells in 2013 [5], and of CRISPR/Cas9 consists of guide RNA (gRNA) and Cas9
now it has become one of the most effective, diverse, and nuclease that cuts the DNA. The gRNA instructs the Cas9
less costly novel strategy for genome editing, especially for nuclease to attach to the targeted sequence upstream of the
the generation of recombinant vaccines. Protospacer adjacent motif (PAM), 5 -NGG-3 , and then acti-
Reference [6] CRISPR-Cas9 has a wide range of applica- vate the double-strand break (DBS) activity of the Cas9
tions in medicines [7–9]; currently, it is being expanded to nucleases. The sequence of PAM varies according to Cas
research on various recombinant vaccines targeting bacteria nucleases enzyme variants (Table 1). During the working
[10], viruses [11], yeast [12], animal cells [13] and plants mechanism (Fig. 2), the gRNAs determine the specificity of
[14]. There is a lot of research undergoing on CRISPR appli- the target DNA through sequence complementary, and the
cation to develop recombinant vaccines, but there is a critical Cas9 generates the double-strand break (DSB) at 3 base pair
literature review gap especially in the use of CRISPR/Cas9 to upstream of PAM. The DBS triggers the cellular DNA repair
generate the recombinant vaccines against viral diseases and mechanisms, non-homolog end joining (NHEJ) that leads

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:1–11 3

Table 1 Cas nuclease with their PAM sequences DNA polymerase and ligases sequentially to fill and seal the
gaps [25, 26]. The HDR pathway is a faithful DNA repair
Cas nucleases PAM (5 –3 ) References
pathway as compared to NHEJ. That requires the sister chro-
Cas9 NGG [15] matids as a template in the S or G2 phases to repair the DNA.
SaCas9 NNGRRT,NNNRRT [16, 17]
The core complex proteins are Ataxia telangiectasia-mutated
(ATM) phosphorylate the H2AX. The DNA damage check-
xCas9 NG,GAA,GAT [18]
point 1 protein (MDC1) binds with the gamma H2AX at the
Sniper-Cas9 NGG [19]
DSB sites or DNA broken regions. The MRX types of protein
HypaCas9 NGG [20]
stabilize the DSB sites by preventing breakage. After getting
StCas9 NNAGAAW [21] the stabilization, the 5’ exonuclease activity is carried out
evoCas9 NGG [22] by C-terminal binding protein (CtIP) that triggers the Rad51
which works with BRCA1 and BRCA2 to look for template
or sister chromatids to repair the DSB. In most cases, both
to gene disruption of gene knock-out (KO) or homology- NHEJ and HDR remain active during the cell cycle. The HDR
directed repair (HDR) that leads to gene-knock-In(KI). When pathway is less efficient compared to NHEJ [24]. In recent
a foreign sequence (donor DNA template) is introduced into studies, the researcher identified that the addition of an exoge-
the first cell stage with Cas9 and gRNA, the HDR pathway nous insertion template directly activates the HDR pathways
activates and repairs the DSB by recruiting donor DNA as a that increase the possibility of homologous recombination
template that leads to the correction of gene mutations [23]. to reverse the point mutations or insertions of larger DNA
When DSB occurs in the DNA of cells, the repair of DSB fragments. In recent studies, researchers have enhanced the
is usually carried by NHEJ which is a robust, error-prone, HDR pathways selection in DNA repairs through the addition
predominant, and fast DNA repair pathway. This pathway is of homologous recombination proteins such as recombina-
stable throughout the cell cycle. Another parallel pathway is tion protein a (Rad1, Fanconi anemia core complex (fa), and
HDR, which is only active in the S and G2 phases of the cell tumor-suppressor p53 or by inhibition of NEHEJ factors by
cycle. Both NHEJ and HDR pathways are involved in the chemicals or genetic Ku mutations and shRNA-mediating
“core complexes” that recognize the broken regions of DNA silencing [27–29].
and their “unique processing factors” that heal the DSB [24]. With controlled, precise, and variable targeting gRNA
In NHEJ, the Ku protein recognizes the broken region or regions, the CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing technology has rev-
blunt ends of DNA and recruits the DNA-dependent protein olutionized the genome editing applications in mammalian,
kinases (DNA-PKs) at DSB sites that initiate the process- vertebrate, plant, and viral cells for multiple purposes.
ing factors, Armetis, that remove overhang at the DSB sites,

Fig. 2 Working mechanism of CRISPR/Cas9 technology. The figure has been created with

4 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:1–11

3 Engineering the Viruses Genome Through (SNP) basis, researchers observed that there is only one alter-
CRISPR/Cas9 nation from arginine to proline at the 332 points of protein
in TRIM5α of the rhesus macaque. Based on this, a theo-
Since the inception of CRISPR/Cas9, it used to target the viral retical model was proposed and published to stop HIV-1 in
genome for multiple purposes, to determine the virulence human cells (Fig. 3). Theoretically, they hypothetically pro-
factors, virus–host interaction, antiviral therapy, and vaccine posed that through substitution of point mutation (arginine
vector developments. The CRISPR/Cas9 system edited and to proline) in the TRIM5α of humans by saCas9/base editor
modulated the genome of the human immunodeficiency virus could change the function of TRIM5α like rhesus TRIM5α
(HIV) to stop its replication in the host cells. The HIV-1 to make it highly protective/restrictive against HIV-1 [31].
long terminal repeats serve as a promoter to drive the repli- Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver caused by hepati-
cation and integration of viral genome to host genomes. tis viruses A, B, and C. Hepatitis virus A is a short-term
Editing the LTR regions provides a therapeutic strategy to infection compared to B and C, which causes a long-term
reduce the replication of HIV in the host cells. In 2013, the chronic infection. The vaccine is available commercially
CRISPR/Cas9 tool was used for the first time to edit or knock against Hepatitis B but not C due to its high genetic het-
out (KO) the LTR regions to suppress the HIV replication erogeneity and variability. The detail is explained in [22].
process in the Jurkat cells, immortalized line of human T lym- Recently, CRISPR has been employed to edit and restrict
phocytes cells. The gRNA expression vector was designed both types of B and C. In the first study, the humanized liver
under the control of the U6 promoter. Two target sites T5 in mice was generated through the intrasplenic human hepa-
and T6 selected to edit in LTR regions of the HIV-1 virus. tocyte transplant method followed by HBV infection (Fig. 4).
This strategy significantly reduced the expression and repli- The saCas9 was selected due to the smallest size to deliver the
cation of HIV-1 in the host cell lines, and it also removed and gRNA and Cas9 in a single vector, AAV. Two specific and
blocked the expression of latently integrated HIV-1 provirus highly efficient gRNA were selected to target the plus and
from the host genomes. The researchers used modified Cas minus strands of consensus sequences of HBV. This AAV-
nuclease, Staphylococcus aureus (SaCas9), with 8 tested SaCas9-based delivery showed a higher editing efficiency in
gRNAs to target replicative factors of HIV-1 in latent infected the HBV+ human hepatocytes as compared to controlled,
Jurkat C11 cell lines that showed a significant reduction in the without editing hepatocytes. The AAV-SaCas9 editing effi-
replication and production of HIV in the host cell lines with ciency has increased the survival of human hepatocytes as
no any off-target effects [30]. The TRIM5α is a ring-type pro- compared to the control [32].
tein secreted by the TRIM5 gene in the cytoplasm and cytosol A new Cas nuclease variant, Cas13a, targets the RNA
of human cells that act as retrovirus restriction factors. It is used to knock down (KD) the expression of HCV. The
observed and studied that TRIM5α in humans has limited seven gRNA selected specifically target the IRES-conserved
efficacy against HIV-1 as compared to TRIM5α of the rhesus regions. The Cas13a significantly decreased the expression
macaque. As a comparative single-nucleotide polymorphism of HCV in vitro [33], which could be used in future as a better
therapeutic strategy against HBV and HCV viruses.

Fig. 3 A theoretical model of TRIM5α gene therapy for HIV cure [31]

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:1–11 5

Fig. 4 Schematic representation of hepatitis B virus editing with CRISPR/Cas9 technology [32]

3.1 Targeting the RNA bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones have been used
to develop HVT vector-based recombinant vaccines against
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the CRISPR/Cas9 technol- multiple viral diseases mentioned In 2016, CRISPR/Cas9
ogy was used to target RNA viruses to knock down (KD) was used to create the targeted mutation in the genes (gB, gI,
their replication in host cells. Multiple types of Cas nucle- gE) of HVT. That targeted mutation enhanced its immuno-
ase variants have been identified that target the single-strand genic property as a vaccine vector. The CRISPR/Cas9 was
RNAs (ssRNAs) and even double-strand RNAs viruses [34]. used to generate the HVT vector-based recombinant vaccine
The Cas9 endonucleases from Francisella novicida reported against infectious bursal disease (IBD) by knock-in of VP2
they can edit both + ssRNA and –ssRNA with low off- gene cassette at UL45/UL-56 locus of HVT vector genome.
target editing [35]. Cas13 nucleases can target a wide range The red fluorescence protein (RFP) is used as a selection
of ssRNA. The bioinformatics analyses showed more than marker. Results demonstrated that the CRISPR/Cas9 strategy
300 Cas13 variants in the mammalian genome. Cas13 has is more convenient and efficient to generate the recombinant
a potential activity to target the viruses such as influenza A HVT vector vaccine compared to conventional techniques
virus and COVID-19 virus. In the PAC-MAN (prophylactic with no off-target effects [38]. The same group extended
antiviral CRISPR in human cells) (Fig. 5), the antiviral strat- their research by inserting triple genes with CRISPR/Cas9
egy has been developed based on Cas13d which inhibited knock-in strategy and generated the multivalent recombi-
the COVID-19 viral replication in the human lung epithelial nant vaccine against multiple avian pathogens. The gDgI
cells. For Cas13, single CRISPR RNA (crRNA) is required and H9N2 expression cassettes were introduced sequentially
to target the host RNA. They discovered that six crRNAs into the already HVT-VP2 generated vectors that resulted in
can circumvent higher than 90% of all coronaviruses in the multivariate recombinant HVT vector vaccine, HVT-VP2-
human epithelial cells [36]. gDgI-HA9N2 against major avian viral poultry disease. Both
inserted cassettes were stable after 15 passages and were
confirmed by both immunostaining and PCR [39]. Further,
the researcher employed the HDR-CRISPR/Cas9 method to
4 CRISPR/Cas9, A New Tool introduce the H9N2-HA gene at the UL45/UL46 locus of the
for the Development of Recombinant HVT-BAC genome and generated the bivalent vaccine vector
Vaccines as a vaccine against avian influenza viruses (Fig. 6). In this
study, they used the green fluorescence protein (GFP)-fused
4.1 CRISPR-Cas Gene Editing to Develop cassette as a selection marker for the mutants. To optimize
the Recombinant Vaccine Vectors the screening, erythrocytes binding selection was done. The
result suggested that the rHVT-H9-edited vaccine recombi-
Herpesvirus of turkey (HVT) is commercially used as a nant vector provides long-term protection against the avian
vaccine vector against multiple viral diseases by introduc- virus in chicken [40].
ing a particular antigen due to its high growth capacity in Infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) is a widely
the cell lines. Marek disease is a common viral disease adopted vaccine vector due to its low pathogenicity. The
of chickens caused by herpes viruses. For 40 years, the a- CRISPR/Cas9 combined with the Cre-lox system employed
virulence strain, herpesvirus of turkey (HVT) is used as a for simultaneous deletion of the virulence factors such as
live vector as a virus vaccine against Marek disease. The live thymidine kinase (TK) and unique short 4(US4) genes and
vector was limited by the low immunogenic response [37]. inserted the fusion (F) gene of Newcastle diseases virus
Conventional recombination methods such as Cosmid and

6 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:1–11

Fig. 5 Schematic presentation of

PAC-MAN antiviral strategy
against Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Fig. 6 Overview of GFP

insertion in the HVT genome at
UL45/UL46 locus [41]

to generate the ILTV vector-based recombinant multiva- expression. They proved that CRISPR/Cas9 with Cre-lox
lent vaccine. This strategy was highly successful against is an effective technique for prompt development of DEV-
Newcastle diseases virus (NDV) with no off-target effects AIV recombinant vaccine [44]. Another group has generated
[42]. Conventional gene recombination methods have been the multivalent DEV vaccine vector against avian influenza
employed to generate the recombinant duck enteritis virus virus and duck Tembusu virus (DTV) infections by sequen-
(DEV)-based vector vaccine against the influenza virus. The tial insertion of antigen genes, hemagglutinin (HA) for avian
CRISPR/Cas9 with Cre-lox system was used to develop the influenza, pre-membrane proteins (PrM), and glycoprotein
recombinant bivalent DEV-based vaccine vector by insert- (E) for duck Tembusu virus. That strategy resulted in the
ing the hemagglutinin (HA) antigen gene of Avian influenza generation of DEV-HA/PrM-E, a trivalent DEV-recombinant
virus at UL26/UL27 locus of DEV genome with stable

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:1–11 7

vaccine vector that showed long-lasting antigen expression To overcome reinfusion, the researcher has edited the B
[45]. cells with a specific antibody gene against SRV, HIV, and
Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is a highly epi- influenza in mice and human cell lines. The long-lasting anti-
demic pathogen. In a few studies, editing therapeutics genic expression was observed after editing the B cells. The
anti-cancerous genes by replacing the non-essential in HSV- antibodies are generated through the synergetic effect of the
1 virus has been demonstrated and under clinical trials heavy chain with VDJ genes and light chain. The emAb cas-
[46, 47]. A robust efficient gene editing/replacement devel- sette (Fig. 8) contains a light chain, and a partially heavy
oped through CRISPR/Cas9 gene knock-in HDR by inhi- chain (VDJ) inserted into the intronic region of the B cells
bition of NHEJ DNA repair system by the addition of genome through CRISPR/Cas9. This strategy generates per-
inhibitor, SCR7, which enhanced the immunogenicity and sistent desirable antibodies against SRV, HIV, and influenza.
showed stable expression of the vaccine vector [48]. The It could adopt for the development of future vaccines against
vaccinia virus-based vectors are widely used in cancer emerging deadly viruses [52]. But editing the B-cells would
immunotherapy and also against many other viral diseases. be limited by different factors such as immune rejection, anti-
A single-step CRISPR/Cas9-based new strategy with a sim- genic drift, and off-target effects. Transplanted edited B-cells
ple pipeline has been developed, MAVERICK (marker-free usually face immune rejection in the human body to over-
vaccinia virus engineering of recombinants through in vitro come this; the B-cells would have to engineer on an individual
CRISPR/Cas9 cleavage) to create the pure recombinant vac- basis, but it would highly expensive technique. To overcome
cines vectors with zero off-target effects. They have used this the immune rejection, CRISPR/Cas9 editing would have to
pipeline (Fig. 7) to edit, delete, and replace multiple loci of be done in universal donor B-cells [53, 54]. Such cells would
the vaccinia virus. MAVERICK is an ideal choice to generate not be rejected by host immune cells. Viruses often mutate
future recombinant viral vaccines [43, 49]. In the last cou- very fast, usually leading to antigenic drift like many vari-
ple of decades, T4 bacteriophage was employed as a genetic ants of SARS-Cov-2 emerged; to overcome this, a swarm of
vector to transfer the foreign gene to generate recombinant different antigen-engineered B cells could produce through a
DNA for multiple purposes. The T4 bacteriophage contains multi-genic CRISPR/Cas9-based knock-in strategy. The last
the Soc (small outer capsid proteins) and Hoc (highly inter- concern would be off-target effects, which can be optimized
genic outer capsid proteins). The Soc and Hoc sites of T4 through the usage of different Cas-nuclease variants [54].
bacteriophages were used as excellent adopters to adopt the
foreign viral proteins to T4 capsid. The T4 bacteriophage
can be employed to generate multivalent vaccines as can- 5 Challenges in the Development
didates against emerging pathogens. Recently, researchers of Recombinant Vaccines
generated the recombinant phage containing the multiple
vaccines through CRISPR engineering against SARS-CoV2 The safety issue of replication-competent vaccines com-
by insertion of spike, envelope, and nucleocapsid targets pared to the killed or subunit vaccines has become a subject
genes into the T4 phage through. This alternative vaccine of discussion. The attenuated live vaccines are delivered
strategy was tested in rats and rabbits. That strategy gener- at relatively lower doses but exert high efficacy. In con-
ated a robust immune response by triggering the T cells that trast, viral delivery systems with replication-deficient vectors
block/neutralize/ complete protection against viral infection such as DNA and RNA virus vectors have high transduction
[50, 51]. efficiency but are generally considered safer; however, repli-
cation deficiency poses a major drawback. To overcome this
4.2 Gene Editing in B Cells to Produce Specific problem, the development of recombinant vaccines was initi-
Antibodies ated. However, it also poses inherent issues of controllability
and stability that are resolved using the CRISPR Cas9 strat-
Since the inception of the vaccination and immunization egy [55]. This technology specifically targets the genome
concept, it remains more effective against the deadly viral with high-editing efficiency facilitating quick and easy gene
disease. But still, despite considerable research, the vaccines targeting and screening of recombinant viruses. The DNA
are not available for some deadly viral pathogens, respira- repair induced by CRISPR-Cas9 seems to be quick, effective,
tory syncytial virus (RSV), human immune deficiency virus and controllable, with recombination stability and fidelity in
(HIV), influenza, and Epstein–Barr virus (EBV). These viral the case of multisite editing [56].
diseases are prevented through the infusion of monoclonal
antibody-mediated protection. But the critical issue with the 5.1 Effectiveness
antibody-based vaccine is that the antibody gets depleted
within a short time. The monthly reinfusion is required to However, several factors have been identified affecting
maintain long-term protection against RSV, HIV, and EBV. the gene-editing insertion efficiencies at the targeted loci.

8 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:1–11

Fig. 7 Schematic representation of vaccinia virus (VACV) genome editing pipeline through CRISPR/Cas9 with zero off-target effects [43]

Fig. 8 a Schematic
representation of emAb cassette
intronic insertion through
CRISPR/Cas9 knock-in strategy.
b Normal antibody and desirable
gene editing antibody against
RSV, HV, and influenza
generated through CRISPR/Cas9

Improvement of editing efficiency was achieved by the imple- genes. Furthermore, relatively larger structural changes in
mentation of dual or multiple gRNAs; however, the CRISPR- the genome sequence at the intended on-target editing site
Cas9 editing with the expanding repertoire of CRISPR-Cas pose another cause of concern. However, within viral genome
endonucleases has become the most efficacious system [57]. editing, low off-target effects can be anticipated because of
Using this technology, the cutting efficiency of Cas9 can be the smaller genome size of viruses. These studies suggest
increased up to 90%, while the efficiency of homology direct that the vaccines developed using recombinant technology
DNA repair pathway could be between 1 and 7%. However, and CRISPR-Cas9 are efficient and safer than the attenuated
one of the major drawbacks is that a large proportion of or killed vaccine [60, 61].
the viral genome cannot be efficiently repaired, which might
result in the inhibition of viral replication. The CRISPR-Cas9
system potentially inhibits the wild-type virus genome mul-
tiplication, which subsequently led to a greater percentage of
recombinant progeny viruses [58]. 6 Conclusion and Future Prospectus

Latest advances in CRISPR/Cas9 have enabled targeted gene

5.2 Off-Target Effects modification such as insertion, deletions, replacement, and
recombination in the virus genome to determine the virus
The unwanted result of CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing has pathogenicity and virus–host interactions at the molecular
also been the subject of much research. Another major con- level. CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing technology has shown high
cern with CRISPR-Cas9 technology is potential off-target editing efficiency in many viral genome editing cases com-
mutations [59], which can have serious consequences like pared to conventional techniques. CRISPR/Cas9 can edit
disruption in the function or regulation of non-targeted multiple sites simultaneously in the viral genome to generate

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:1–11 9

multivalent recombinant vaccines for particular highly infec- CRISPR/Cas9 gene technology is providing endless pos-
tious strains. Many bioinformatics tools have been developed sibilities and will promote the more rapid development of
already, which could be used to analyze the gRNA hits to a recombinant vaccine against mammalian viral diseases,
eliminate the off-target effects. Safety and predictability of especially against future pandemics. Together with mod-
virus attenuation could be further enhanced through multi- ern technologies, next-generation sequencing, and artificial
ple knockouts of virulence factors and multiple knocks-in intelligence the CRISPR/Cas9 will continue to improve its
of therapeutic insertions to develop refinement in the vac- safety and other limitations.
cine development. The immunogenicity of recombinant viral
vector-based vaccines can be optimized by regulating the pro-
moters’ elements of viruses. The CRISPR/Cas9 technology
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