Effective bosses tend to provide strong leadership with a clear vision, hold themselves and others accountable, and are good problem solvers. They avoid micromanaging by delegating work and trusting employees. Effective bosses are also decisive decision makers who put people first, manage relationships up, down, and sideways, show appreciation, are honest, and maintain a dedicated yet balanced approach.
Effective bosses tend to provide strong leadership with a clear vision, hold themselves and others accountable, and are good problem solvers. They avoid micromanaging by delegating work and trusting employees. Effective bosses are also decisive decision makers who put people first, manage relationships up, down, and sideways, show appreciation, are honest, and maintain a dedicated yet balanced approach.
Effective bosses tend to provide strong leadership with a clear vision, hold themselves and others accountable, and are good problem solvers. They avoid micromanaging by delegating work and trusting employees. Effective bosses are also decisive decision makers who put people first, manage relationships up, down, and sideways, show appreciation, are honest, and maintain a dedicated yet balanced approach.
Effective bosses tend to provide strong leadership with a clear vision, hold themselves and others accountable, and are good problem solvers. They avoid micromanaging by delegating work and trusting employees. Effective bosses are also decisive decision makers who put people first, manage relationships up, down, and sideways, show appreciation, are honest, and maintain a dedicated yet balanced approach.
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Efective bosses and managers tend to:
Provide strong leadership and a clear vision
The captain must steer the ship. If leadership doesnt know where a project or company is headed how can the company know! This isnt just about steps or deliverables either but a clear vision of the department or companys future that he or she can communicate to the employees. Hold themselves and others accountable "any bosses hold their staf accountable but the best show that they hold themselves accountable as well. This means adhering to the same guidelines they set for their employees and taking responsibility for both team successes and failures. Good problem solver #ne key thing the best bosses seem to have in common is that they are all consummate problem solvers. They can not only spot them but brainstorm successful and innovative ways to $% them. Avoid micromanaging The best bosses understand the art of delegation. "y commenter said something along the lines of &Theyve $red themselves from their previous job' meaning that they dont interfere in the day(to(day and minute(to(minute work)ow or processes. In essence learning to delegate instead of micromanage is about trust. Efective decision makers Efective bosses must be efective decision makers. *e or she cannot vacillate over every tiny decision. +eing able to make decisions ,uickly and decisively - and then take responsibility for the outcome - is an important business skill especially when managing others. Put people frst The best bosses understand that there must be a balance between the company or clients needs and the needs of his or her employees. The best bosses are willing to listen and talk about any issues an employee may be having because they understand that a happy employee is a more productive employee. Manage up, down, and sideways "anagers are e%pected to manage the people below them on the corporate hierarchy but the best managers also have ways of managing their superiors and coworkers on behalf of their team. "any times this means efective communication managing e%pectations and re,uesting help in a timely manner. how Appreciation Every employee wants a pat on the back once in a while and the best bosses understand the importance of recogni.ing and appreciating employee contributions. This doesnt have to mean bonuses or fancy corporate awards but regular and meaningful e%pressions of appreciation. !e Honest Theres nothing worse than a boss who says one thing and does another and nothing better than one who keeps his word. /ust as managers must trust their team employees must trust their boss to have their best interests at heart. !e "edicated and balanced The very best bosses Ive seen are passionate about their work0 they live and breathe their jobs and strive to do the best work possible. 1et at the same time they have lives outside of work. They understand the need to balance family and work or play and work. 2nd they set a good e%ample of how to do that for their employees.