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Green Hydrogen Manufacturing A Review of Opportunities and Challenges For Digital Twin Technology

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 7 Issue 2, March-April 2023 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Green Hydrogen Manufacturing: A Review of

Opportunities and Challenges for Digital Twin Technology
Manish Verma
Scientist D, DMSRDE, DRDO, Kanpur, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Manish Verma

The manufacturing of green hydrogen has emerged as a promising "Green Hydrogen Manufacturing: A
avenue for sustainable energy production, but it also presents Review of Opportunities and Challenges
significant challenges in terms of cost, efficiency, and scalability. for Digital Twin Technology" Published
Digital twin technology has the potential to address these challenges in International
Journal of Trend in
by providing real-time monitoring and control, enabling predictive Scientific Research
maintenance, and supporting simulation modeling. In this paper, we and Development
explore the opportunities and challenges associated with digital twin (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
technology in the context of green hydrogen manufacturing. 6470, Volume-7 |
Issue-2, April 2023, IJTSRD55143
KEYWORDS: Green Hydrogen Manufacturing, digital twin, pp.808-813, URL:
ChatGPT, Energy

Copyright © 2023 by author (s) and

International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

The history of digital twin and digital twin timeline to monitor performance and predict maintenance
The concept of a digital twin has its roots in the early needs.
days of computer-aided design (CAD) and computer- 2016: Siemens introduces its Digital Twin
aided engineering (CAE) in the 1960s and 1970s. technology, which creates a virtual model of physical
However, it was not until the early 2000s that the assets to improve their design, construction, and
term "digital twin" was coined by Dr. Michael operation.
Grieves, a professor at the University of Michigan. 2017: The Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC)
Here is a timeline of the history of digital twins: releases a whitepaper on the concept of a digital twin,
The 1960s-1970s: The concept of CAD and CAE is highlighting its potential for improving
developed, laying the foundation for the digital twin manufacturing processes.
concept. 2018: The World Economic Forum (WEF) names
2002: Dr. Michael Grieves introduces the concept of digital twins as one of the top ten emerging
a digital twin while working at the University of technologies of the year.
Michigan. 2020: The COVID-19 pandemic accelerates the
adoption of digital twin technology as companies
The 2010s: The term "digital twin" gains popularity look for ways to monitor and optimize remote assets
in the manufacturing and industrial sectors as a way and operations.
to model and simulate complex systems.
Today, digital twin technology is becoming
2011: NASA begins using digital twin technology to increasingly important in a variety of industries,
monitor and maintain its space assets, including the including manufacturing, healthcare, transportation,
Mars Rover. and energy. As technology continues to advance,
2013: General Electric (GE) begins developing digital digital twin technology will likely continue to evolve
twins for its gas turbines, which allows the company and play an even greater role in shaping our world.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD55143 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 2 | March-April 2023 Page 808
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Overall, the introduction of chatbots in the green Potential energy is energy that is stored in a system or
hydrogen manufacturing supply chain has had a object due to its position or state. Examples of
significant impact on the efficiency and effectiveness potential energy include:
of supply chain operations, leading to improved Chemical energy: Energy stored in chemical bonds.
customer satisfaction, reduced costs, and increased Examples include fossil fuels, wood, and food.
profits for companies.
Nuclear energy: Energy stored in the nucleus of an
II. ChatGPT Chatbot and its features atom. Examples include uranium and plutonium.
ChatGPT is a conversational AI chatbot designed to
simulate human-like conversation and provide Gravitational energy: Energy stored in an object due
assistance on a wide range of topics. Some of the key to its position in a gravitational field. Examples
features of ChatGPT include: include a ball held up in the air, or water in a dam.
Natural Language Processing: ChatGPT is built Kinetic energy is energy that is associated with
using state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing motion. Examples of kinetic energy include:
(NLP) techniques that enable it to understand and Thermal energy: Energy associated with the motion
respond to user queries in a way that feels natural and of particles in a substance. Examples include heat
intuitive. from the sun or a burning fire.
Multilingual Support: ChatGPT can converse in Electrical energy: Energy associated with the flow
multiple languages, including English, Spanish, of electrons. Examples include batteries, power lines,
French, German, and many others. This makes it easy and lightning.
for users from all over the world to communicate with
ChatGPT in their native language. Mechanical energy: Energy associated with the
motion or position of an object. Examples include a
Deep Learning: ChatGPT is based on the GPT-3.5 moving car, a swinging pendulum, or a wind turbine.
architecture, which is a deep learning model that
allows it to learn and adapt to new information over Energy can be manufactured or produced in various
time. This enables ChatGPT to provide increasingly forms. Some of the common forms of energy
accurate and personalized responses to user queries. manufacturing include:
Personalization: ChatGPT can learn from a user's past Fossil fuel energy production: This involves the
interactions to provide personalized responses and extraction, refining, and burning of fossil fuels such
recommendations. This feature helps to make the as coal, oil, and natural gas to produce energy.
conversation more engaging and relevant to the user's
needs. Nuclear energy production: This involves the use of
nuclear reactions to generate heat, which is then used
Knowledge Base: ChatGPT has access to a vast to produce steam and generate electricity.
knowledge base that includes information on a wide
range of topics, from science and technology to Renewable energy production: This involves the
history and culture. This makes it a valuable resource use of renewable resources such as wind, solar,
for users seeking information on any subject. hydro, and geothermal energy to generate electricity
or produce other forms of energy such as hydrogen.
Context Awareness: ChatGPT can understand the
context of a conversation and use that information to Bioenergy production: This involves the use of
provide more relevant and accurate responses. This organic matter such as plants, waste, and wood to
feature helps to make the conversation feel more produce energy through combustion or other means.
natural and fluid. Chemical energy production: This involves the
Overall, ChatGPT is a highly sophisticated and production of chemicals that can be used as energy
intelligent chatbot that can provide valuable sources, such as hydrogen or ammonia.
assistance and support to users on a wide range of Overall, energy is a fundamental concept in physics
topics. and is essential for our daily lives. There are many
III. The Energy and various forms of energy different forms of energy, and they can be
manufacturing manufactured in a variety of ways depending on the
Energy is the capacity of a physical system to source and technology used.
perform work. It is the ability to do work or cause a IV. The distinction between brown hydrogen,
change. There are many different forms of energy, grey hydrogen, and blue hydrogen
and they can be categorized into two main types: Brown, grey, and blue hydrogen are all different types
potential energy and kinetic energy. of hydrogen that are produced from different sources

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD55143 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 2 | March-April 2023 Page 809
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
and with different levels of environmental impact. Overall, blue hydrogen is the cleanest form of
Here is a brief overview of each type: hydrogen production among these three types, but it
Brown hydrogen: Brown hydrogen is produced from still relies on natural gas as a feedstock. In contrast,
coal gasification, which involves converting coal into green hydrogen is produced using renewable energy
a gas by heating it in the presence of steam and sources, such as solar or wind power, and is
oxygen. This process generates significant considered the cleanest and most sustainable form of
greenhouse gas emissions, making brown hydrogen hydrogen production.
the most environmentally damaging form of hydrogen V. Green hydrogen is different from above
production. Green hydrogen is produced using renewable energy
Grey hydrogen: Grey hydrogen is produced from sources, such as wind, solar, and hydropower, which
natural gas using a process called steam methane power the process of water electrolysis. During
reforming. This process also generates significant electrolysis, an electric current is passed through
greenhouse gas emissions, but it is less water, splitting it into hydrogen and oxygen. The
environmentally damaging than coal gasification. hydrogen produced through this process is considered
"green" because it does not generate any greenhouse
Blue hydrogen: Blue hydrogen is also produced from gas emissions and relies on renewable energy sources.
natural gas using steam methane reforming, but it
includes an additional step called carbon capture and Compared to brown, grey, and blue hydrogen, green
storage (CCS). In CCS, the carbon dioxide generated hydrogen is the cleanest and most sustainable form of
by the steam methane reforming process is captured hydrogen production because it relies on renewable
and stored underground, reducing the greenhouse gas energy sources instead of fossil fuels. Green hydrogen
emissions associated with hydrogen production. Blue has the potential to play a significant role in reducing
hydrogen is a cleaner form of hydrogen production greenhouse gas emissions and addressing climate
than grey hydrogen, but it still relies on fossil fuels as change, particularly in sectors where it is difficult to
a feedstock. replace fossil fuels with other clean energy sources,
such as transportation, industry, and heating.

Figure 1. Proposed Flow Diagram of Green Hydrogen

However, one of the challenges with green hydrogen stepwise elaboration of how a digital twin can be used
is that it currently has a higher cost of production in the production of green hydrogen:
compared to other forms of hydrogen. This is because
Data collection: The first step in creating a digital twin
the cost of renewable energy sources, such as wind
for green hydrogen production is to collect data from
and solar power, is still relatively high compared to
sensors and other sources. This data should include
the cost of fossil fuels. As the cost of renewable information on the production process, such as
energy sources continues to decrease, however, the
temperature, pressure, and flow rates, as well as data
cost of producing green hydrogen is expected to on the performance of equipment and other
become more competitive with other forms of components.
hydrogen production.
Model development: Once the data has been
VI. Digital twin used in the production of green collected, it can be used to create a virtual model of the
hydrogen green hydrogen production process. This model should
Digital twin technology can be used to improve the include all of the relevant components of the
production and efficiency of green hydrogen. Here is a

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD55143 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 2 | March-April 2023 Page 810
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
production process, including the electrolyzer, power Maintenance costs: The use of a digital twin can also
source, and storage systems. help to reduce maintenance costs by optimizing
Optimization: With the digital twin model in place, it maintenance schedules and identifying potential
can be used to optimize various aspects of the maintenance issues before they become major
production process. For example, the model can be problems. This can be a key KPI for companies
used to simulate the effects of changes in operating looking to reduce operational costs and improve
conditions, such as temperature and pressure, on the overall efficiency.
production of green hydrogen. The model can also be Emissions reduction: One of the main benefits of
used to identify potential areas for improvement in the green hydrogen production is its potential to reduce
production process. greenhouse gas emissions. A key KPI for a digital twin
Predictive maintenance: The data collected from of green hydrogen manufacturing could be the
sensors and other sources can also be used to predict reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from the
when maintenance is needed on equipment and other production process. By optimizing the production
components. By using the digital twin to simulate the process and reducing the amount of energy required, it
effects of different maintenance scenarios, operators may be possible to reduce emissions and help to
can optimize maintenance schedules and reduce address climate change.
downtime. System availability: The availability of the digital
Continuous improvement: As more data is collected twin system itself can also be a KPI. This includes the
and analyzed, the digital twin can be used to reliability and uptime of the system as well as the
continually improve the efficiency and performance of ability to access and use the data generated by the
the green hydrogen production process. This can be digital twin for decision-making and optimization.
done by identifying areas for improvement and
simulating the effects of different changes to the By tracking and optimizing these KPIs using a digital
production process. twin for green hydrogen manufacturing, companies
can improve the efficiency and sustainability of their
Overall, the use of a digital twin in the production of
production processes, reduce costs, and help to
green hydrogen can help to improve efficiency, reduce
promote the transition to a cleaner and more
costs, and minimize the environmental impact of the sustainable energy future.
production process. By optimizing the production
process through the use of a digital twin, companies VIII. Merits of green hydrogen as a renewable
can produce green hydrogen more effectively and help source over other energy forms
to promote the transition to a cleaner and more Here are some of the merits of green hydrogen as a
sustainable energy future. renewable energy source over other forms of energy:
VII. The KPI of the digital twin of green Carbon-free: green hydrogen is produced using
hydrogen manufacturing renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and
The key performance indicators (KPI) of a digital twin hydropower, and it is completely carbon-free. This
for green hydrogen manufacturing can vary depending means that it does not produce any greenhouse gas
on the specific goals of the production process. Here emissions or contribute to climate change.
are some potential KPIs for a digital twin of green Versatile: Green hydrogen is a versatile energy source
hydrogen manufacturing: that can be used in a variety of different applications. It
Energy efficiency: One important KPI for green can be used to power transportation, heat buildings,
hydrogen manufacturing is energy efficiency. This can and generate electricity, making it a potentially
be measured by looking at the amount of energy valuable replacement for fossil fuels in a wide range of
required to produce a certain amount of hydrogen. By industries.
optimizing the production process through the use of a Energy storage: green hydrogen can be used as a form
digital twin, it may be possible to improve energy of energy storage, which can be particularly useful for
efficiency and reduce the amount of energy required to intermittent renewable energy sources, such as wind
produce green hydrogen. and solar power. Hydrogen can be stored in tanks or
Production yield: Another important KPI for green used to produce electricity through fuel cells, making it
hydrogen manufacturing is production yield. This a flexible and reliable energy storage solution.
refers to the amount of green hydrogen produced Scalable: Green hydrogen production is scalable,
relative to the amount of water and energy used in the which means that it can be produced on a large or
production process. By optimizing the production small scale depending on the needs of a particular
process through the use of a digital twin, it may be application. This makes it suitable for both industrial
possible to increase production yield and reduce waste. and residential use.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD55143 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 2 | March-April 2023 Page 811
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Safe: Green hydrogen is a safe energy source that does and costs come down, these limitations will likely
not produce harmful emissions or pollutants. It is non- become less significant over time.
toxic and non-flammable when stored properly.
X. Applications of green hydrogen
Abundant: Hydrogen is the most abundant element in Green hydrogen is produced through the process of
the universe, and green hydrogen can be produced electrolysis of water, using renewable energy sources
from a variety of renewable energy sources. This such as wind or solar power. It is a clean and
means that it has the potential to be a reliable and sustainable form of energy that has several
sustainable energy source for many years to come. applications, including:
Overall, green hydrogen offers many benefits as a Energy storage: green hydrogen can be stored for
renewable energy source, including its carbon-free long periods and used to power fuel cells or generate
nature, versatility, energy storage capabilities, electricity when renewable energy sources are not
scalability, safety, and abundance. As the cost of available.
renewable energy sources continues to decrease and Transportation: Green hydrogen can be used as fuel
the technology for green hydrogen production for vehicles, including cars, trucks, and buses. It can
improves, it has the potential to become an also be used in shipping and aviation, providing a
increasingly important part of the transition to a clean alternative to fossil fuels.
cleaner and more sustainable energy future.
Industry: Green hydrogen can be used in various
IX. Limitation of green hydrogen industrial processes, including chemical production,
manufacturing refining, and steel manufacturing. It can also be used
While green hydrogen is considered a promising to produce fertilizers, which can help reduce
renewable energy source, there are several limitations greenhouse gas emissions.
to its manufacturing. Some of the key limitations
Heating and cooling: green hydrogen can be used to
provide heating and cooling for buildings, as well as
Cost: Green hydrogen is currently more expensive to
for industrial processes that require high-temperature
produce than conventional fossil fuels, due in large
part to the high cost of renewable energy sources such
as solar and wind. Power generation: green hydrogen can be used to
generate electricity through fuel cells, which convert
Scale: Scaling up the production of green hydrogen to
hydrogen into electricity without producing
meet global energy demands would require a
greenhouse gas emissions.
significant investment in renewable energy
infrastructure, which could be a limiting factor. Overall, green hydrogen has the potential to replace
fossil fuels in many different applications, helping to
Storage and transportation: Hydrogen gas is
reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the
difficult to store and transport, and requires
effects of climate change.
specialized equipment and infrastructure.
XI. Conclusion
Water availability: Producing green hydrogen
In conclusion, green hydrogen is a promising
requires large amounts of water, which could be a
renewable energy source that is produced by using
limiting factor in areas with limited water resources.
renewable electricity to split water molecules into
Efficiency: The efficiency of the electrolysis process hydrogen and oxygen through the process of
used to produce green hydrogen is currently relatively electrolysis. Green hydrogen has several advantages
low, meaning that a significant amount of energy is over other energy sources, including its ability to be
lost during the process. produced using renewable energy sources, its low
Material requirements: The production of green carbon emissions, and its versatility in terms of its
hydrogen requires specialized materials, such as high- potential applications. However, the production of
purity electrolyte membranes, which could be a green hydrogen also has limitations, including its high
limiting factor in terms of availability and cost. cost, the need for specialized equipment and
infrastructure, and the requirement for large amounts
Despite these limitations, green hydrogen is still of water. Despite these limitations, green hydrogen is
considered a promising renewable energy source that likely to play an increasingly important role in the
could play an important role in reducing greenhouse transition to a more sustainable energy system in the
gas emissions and transitioning to a more sustainable coming years, and advances in technology are
energy system. As technology continues to improve expected to help overcome many of these limitations
over time.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD55143 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 2 | March-April 2023 Page 812
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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