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DLL Math 5 Week 7

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LOG Teacher: GERALDINE V. CACABILOS Subject: Mathematics
Teaching Dates: JUNE 19-23, 2023 Quarter: 4th QUARTER


a. Content Standards demonstrates understanding of line graphs and experimental probability.
b. Performance is able to create and interpret representations of data (tables and line graphs) and apply experimental probability in mathematical
Standards problems and real -life situations.
c. Most Essential solves routine and non - draws inferences based draws inferences based solves routine and non -
Learning routine problems using on data presented in a on data presented in a routine problems using
Competencies data presented in a line line graph. (M5SP - IVh line graph. (M5SP - IVh data presented in a line
(MELCs) graph. (7 M5SP - IVh - -5.5) -5.5) graph. (7 M5SP - IVh -
4.5) 4.5)

draws inferences based

on data presented in a
line graph. (M5SP - IVh
d. Learning Objectives a. able to solves routine a. draw inferences a. draw inferences
and non-routine based on the data based on the data
problems using data presented in a line presented in a line
presented in a line graph. graph.
II. LEARNING INDEPENCE DAY Solving Routine and Drawing Inferences Drawing Inferences Drawing Inferences
CONTENT (REGULAR Non-Routine Problems Based on the Data Based on the Data Based on the Data
(Subject Matter) HOLIDAY) Using Data Presented Presented in a Line Presented in a Line Presented in a Line
in a Line Graph Graph Graph Graph
(Single and Double-
Line Graphs)
a. Teacher’s Guide
MELC p. ____ MELC p. ____ MELC p. ____ MELC p. ____
b. Learner’s Material SLM P. ____ SLM P. ____ SLM P. ____ SLM P. ____
c. Textbook Pages
d. LRMDS Materials Quarter 4 – Module 13: Quarter 4 – Module 13: Quarter 4 – Module 13: Quarter 4 – Module 13:
(SLMs/LASs) Solving Routine and Solving Routine and Solving Routine and Solving Routine and
Non-Routine Problems Non-Routine Problems Non-Routine Problems Non-Routine Problems
Using Data Presented in Using Data Presented in Using Data Presented in Using Data Presented in
a Line Graph (Single a Line Graph (Single a Line Graph (Single a Line Graph (Single
and Double-Line and Double-Line and Double-Line and Double-Line
Graphs)[Self-Learning Graphs)[Self-Learning Graphs)[Self-Learning Graphs)[Self-Learning
Module] Module] Module] Module]

e. Other Learning PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint

Resources Presentation, laptop, Presentation, laptop, Presentation, laptop, Presentation, laptop,
SLMs/Learning SLMs/Learning SLMs/Learning SLMs/Learning
Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens,
notebook notebook notebook notebook
A. PRELIMINARY a. Greetings
ACTIVITIES b. Checking of Attendance
c. Prayer
d. Singing of National Anthem
e. Exercise
f. Word of the day
g. Spelling
h. Reading
B. Review the previous Directions: Solve the Directions: Study Directions: Study
lesson/Drill problem using data carefully the line graph carefully the graph
presented in a line below and answer the presented below. Draw
graph. Debbie’s class questions that follow. inferences based on the
voted on which ice Choose the letter that data presented in a line
cream flavor was corresponds to the best graph.
their favorite. The answer.
results are presented
in the line graph
Votes for Favorite
Ice Cream Flavor 1. How much did Mona
1. How much did received in the month of
Renato deposit for the August?
first 3 years?
a. 20000, 32000 and 2. What month did the
24000 two girls receive the
b. 16000, 18000 and highest amount of
1. What is the 20000 allowance?
problem about? c. 16000, 20000 and
24000 3. What month has the
2. What is the lowest amount of
combined number of 2. What is the allowance Liza?
votes for Mango and difference between the
Buko Pandan? lowest and the highest
4. Who received a
amounts Renato
higher allowance
3. What is the deposited?
between the two for 6
combined number of a. 16000
votes for Buko b. 18000
Pandan and c. 20000
5. Whose allowance
Chocolate? amounted to P9800 for
3. How much more did
Renato deposit in 2018 six (6) months?
4. What was the than he did in 2019?
difference between a. 4000 b. 6000 c. 8000
the highest number of
votes and the lowest 4. What was the total of
number of votes? the 2 lowest amounts
Renato deposited?
5. What is the average a. 32000
number of votes for b. 34000
the 4 ice cream c. 36000
flavors than Cookies
and Cream? 5. What was the total
amount Renato
deposited for the whole
5 years?
a. 100,000
b. 110,000
c. 112,000
C. Establishing a Observe the graph, what Read the sentence and Which car do you think
purpose for the lesson/ do you think has a high answer the question. will come first? Why?
Motivation sale, vegetables or
fruits? Alex had a frown on his face
and was dragging his feet as
he walked.

Based on the scenario,

how do you think Alex
is feeling?

Why do you think so?

How did you guess his

D. Presenting The basic elements of We knew that a line We knew that a line
examples/instances of the line graph, the title, graph is a kind of graph graph is a kind of graph
the new the column and row which presents data or which presents data or
lesson/Motivation headings, the plotted information gathered information gathered
points and the line and points were and points were
connecting the points all connected with line connected with line
help us analyze and segment. Drawing segment. Drawing
interpret data. Because inferences from line inferences from line
line graphs are visual, graph can give graph can give
changes as well as information both information both
trends are also more directly and indirectly. directly and indirectly.
easily seen. In other words, readers In other words, readers
sometimes may have to sometimes may have to
make inferences or make inferences or
draw conclusions based draw conclusions based
on the data given. on the data given.
Knowing how to draw Knowing how to draw
inferences based on the inferences based on the
data presented in a line data presented in a line
graph and how to use graph and how to use
them in real-life them in real-life
situations is important, situations is important,
especially in decision especially in decision
making on what will we making on what will we
do next and what will do next and what will
be happen before or be happen before or
after the event based on after the event based on
the gathered data or the gathered data or
information. information.
E. Discussing new Routine problems are In order to draw In order to draw
concepts and solved using a standard inferences based on the inferences based on the
practicing new skills set of steps. On the data presented in a line data presented in a line
No. 1 other hand, non-routine graph, you need to graph, you need to
problems are solved master knowledge and master knowledge and
with some creativity. understanding about understanding about
Whether routine or line graph and the skills line graph and the skills
nonroutine, problems on interpreting data on interpreting data
are more easily solved presented in it. In this presented in it. In this
when data are presented module, you will learn module, you will learn
in a line graph. how to draw inferences how to draw inferences
based on the data based on the data
presented in a line presented in a line
graph. graph.
F. Discussing new Study the line graph Study the line graph Study the line graph
concepts and below. below and interpret the below and interpret the
practicing new skills data by answering the data by answering the
No. 2 questions below. questions below.

Elmo's Weight Elmo's Weight

Four-step plan in
solving problems.
These are:
Questions: Questions:
1) Understand: What is 1. What does the graph 1. What does the graph
the problem asking? is all about? is all about?
What are the given
data? What is the word 2. What month Elmo’s 2. What month Elmo’s
clue?; weight is lowest? weight is lowest?
2) Plan: What operation
is/are to be used? What
3. What month Elmo’s 3. What month Elmo’s
is the mathematical
weight is highest? weight is highest?
3) Solve: Solve the
4. What is the 4. What is the
problem using the
difference of Elmo’s difference of Elmo’s
mathematical sentence;
weight on the months of weight on the months of
January and March? January and March?
4) Check and Look
Back: Check if the
5. How many kilograms 5. How many kilograms
answer is correct and
of weight increased of of weight increased of
state the final answer.
Elmo from March up to Elmo from March up to
Answer the following May? May?
questions using the
data presented in the
line graph above. To draw inferences To draw inferences
based from the data based from the data
Step 1. Understand: given in the line graph, given in the line graph,
a. What is asked? it is important to: it is important to:
 Find out the total sales  Observe the parts of  Observe the parts of
for the first three the graph Make sure the graph Make sure
b. What facts are that you master the that you master the
needed to solve the parts of the graph and parts of the graph and
problem? observe if all the parts observe if all the parts
Sales for the first 3 are presented. (Title, x are presented. (Title, x
months: and y axis, label/data and y axis, label/data
January – Php 26,000 and the legend and the legend
February- Php 20,000  Understand the  Understand the
March - Php 35,000 relationship being relationship being
illustrated on the graph illustrated on the graph
After getting the data Understand what the Understand what the
from the table, given data all about, the given data all about, the
scale that show the units scale that show the units
Step 2. Plan: used on the line graph, used on the line graph,
What strategy can we the source wherein the source wherein
use to solve the information needed are information needed are
problem? Since the data presented, the data presented, the data
is asking for the total being presented in being presented in
sales for the first 3 vertical or y axis and vertical or y axis and
months, we can use horizontal or x axis and horizontal or x axis and
addition. It is now easy what is represented by what is represented by
to make the the legend. the legend.
mathematical sentence.  Make prediction  Make prediction
We have, Total Sales based on the described based on the described
for the first three situation presented by situation presented by
months, T, the data on the graph. the data on the graph.
T = January sales + Review first, make sure Review first, make sure
February sales + March that all labels are clearly that all labels are clearly
sales illustrated. Calculate an illustrated. Calculate an
average for the different average for the different
Step 3. Solve. questions, if questions, if
T = 26,000 + 20,000 + appropriate. Observe appropriate. Observe
35,000 = Php 81,000 and make inference, and make inference,
something you think is something you think is
Step 4. Check and
true based on true based on
Look Back.
observation or findings observation or findings
on the data presented in on the data presented in
Example 2: Let us take
a line graph. a line graph.
a look again at the same
line graph.
The graph above shows The graph above shows
Elmo’s weight in 6 Elmo’s weight in 6
months from January to months from January to
June. How does the line June. How does the line
graph help us in graph help us in
drawing inferences drawing inferences
Solve and answer the about Elmo’s weight? about Elmo’s weight?
following questions Can we make Can we make
using the 4-step plan of conclusions on the basis conclusions on the basis
solving routine and non- of facts and previous of facts and previous
routine problems. knowledge rather than knowledge rather than
on actual observations? on actual observations?
1. How much more was
Mr. Sanchez’s sales in Based on the presented Based on the presented
March than his sales in data, Elmo’s highest data, Elmo’s highest
February? weight is 44 kg in the weight is 44 kg in the
 What is asked? How month of June and his month of June and his
much more was Mr. lowest weight is in the lowest weight is in the
Sanchez’s sales in month of March which month of March which
March than his sales in is 39 kg. is 39 kg.
February  From the information  From the information
a. What facts are needed given and presented in given and presented in
to solve the problem? the line graph, it can be the line graph, it can be
1. Sales for February – inferred that Elmo’s inferred that Elmo’s
Php 20,000 weight might increase weight might increase
2. Sales for March – basing from the trend basing from the trend
Php 35,000 from March to June. from March to June.
But if Elmo got sick or But if Elmo got sick or
b. What operation will does not follow proper does not follow proper
be used? nutrition, we can infer nutrition, we can infer
Subtraction (word clue: that for the next month that for the next month
how much more) Elmo’s weight might Elmo’s weight might
decrease. decrease.
c. What is the number  Therefore, drawing  Therefore, drawing
sentence? inferences is making inferences is making
By how much was predictions based on the predictions based on the
March Sales more than described situation described situation
February sales (D) presented by the data on presented by the data on
D = March Sales – the graph. the graph.
February Sales = Php
35,000 – Php 20,000 =
Php 15,000 Example: Study the Example: Study the
d. What is the complete line graph and answer line graph and answer
answer? the questions below. the questions below.
35,000 – 20,000 =

Example 3: What was

his total sales from
January to June?
a. What is asked?
o The total sales from 1. Why do you think 1. Why do you think
January to June 0 5,000 there is an increasing there is an increasing
10,000 15, number of immigrants number of immigrants
from 2011- 2015? from 2011- 2015?
b. What facts are 2. Basing from the trend 2. Basing from the trend
needed to solve the shown by the graph, shown by the graph,
problem? will the d number of will the d number of
Sales for: immigrants decrease in immigrants decrease in
January: 26,000 2016? Why? Why not? 2016? Why? Why not?
February: 20,000 3. What are the 3. What are the
March: 35,000 probable reasons why probable reasons why
May: 15,000 some Filipinos want to some Filipinos want to
April: 30,000 live permanently in a live permanently in a
June: 42,000 foreign country? foreign country?
4. If you want to be an 4. If you want to be an
c. What operation will immigrant, what immigrant, what
be used? country do you want to country do you want to
o Addition (word clue: live? live?
total) 5. Do you think our 5. Do you think our
country would progress country would progress
d. What is the number if some Filipinos went if some Filipinos went
sentence? abroad? Why? Why abroad? Why? Why
26,000+20,000+35,000 not? not?

e. What is the complete

0 = 168,000

Example 4: (Involves
two operations)
What was his average
sales for the six-month
a. What is asked?
o The average sales for
the six-month period.

b. What facts are

needed to solve the
Sales for:
January: 26,000
February: 20,000
March: 35,000
May: 15,000
April: 30,000
June: 42,000

January to June is 6

c. What operation will

be used?
Addition and Division

d. What is the number

Total Sales T:
T = 26,000 +20,000
+35,000 + 30,000 +
15,000 + 42,000
Average for the six
A = T/6

T = 26,000 +20,000
+35,000 + 30,000 +
15,000 + 42,000
T = 168,000
A = T/6 = 168,000/6 =
G. Developing Directions: Use the Directions: Draw Directions: The graph
Mastery (Leads to information below to inferences based on the
is about the common
Formative solve the problem. given data presented in
cold and influenza
Assessment) Follow the 4-step plan the line graph. experienced of every
in solving the problem. pupil. Use the graph to
The first question is Monthly Rainfall from answer the following
done for you to start January to June questions below.
you off.

The Grade Five pupils

were tasked to collect
empty plastic bottles for
their fund-raising
project. The gathered 1. In which month was
data of collected bottles List down the number
there a recorded 8 cm.
by each group for 5 of dropouts in the
of rainfall?
days were presented in corresponding year.
the line graph below. 1. 2008 -
2. What was the highest
rainfall observed from
Number of Bottles 2. 2009 -
January to June?
Collected ___________________
3. How many cm. of 3. 2010 -
rainfall was measured ___________________
during the month of __
June? 4. 2011 -
4. Considering the trend __
in the line graph, when
1. How many more is the best time for
plastic bottles were farmers to plant?
collected on Monday 5. What do you think
than were collected on would be the measured
Tuesday? depth of rainfall
Step 1: Understand recorded in the month
a. What is asked? of July?
How many more plastic
bottles were collected 6. What will happen if
on Monday than were the recorded rainfall is
collected on Tuesday? too high?

What are the given

Number of bottles
collected on Monday –
Number of bottles
collected on Tuesday –
What is the word clue?
How many more

Step 2: Plan
a. What operation is/are
to be used?

b. What is the
mathematical sentence?
n = 17 - 11

Step 3: Solve

What is the complete

n = 17 - 11= 6
Step 4: Check
a. Check if the answer
is correct:
6 + 11 = 17
State the final answer:
The number of bottles
collected on Monday
was 6 more than the
number of bottles
collected on Tuesday.

2. How many plastic

bottles all in all were
collected on Monday,
Tuesday and
Step 1: Understand
a. What is asked?
b. What are the given
c. What is the word

Step 2: Plan
a. What operation is/are
to be used?
b. What is the
mathematical sentence?
Step 3: Solve
What is the complete
Step 4: Check
a. Check if the answer
is correct:

b. State the final

H. Finding Practical Give a practical Why is inferencing Why is inferencing
Application of application of solve important? Cite an important? Cite an
Concepts and Skills in routine and non-routine example. example.
Daily Lives problems using data
presented in a line
graph (single and
double-line graphs)?
I. Making How to solve routine How to draw inferences How to draw inferences
Generalization and and non-routine based on the data based on the data
Abstraction problems using data presented in a line presented in a line
presented in a line graph? graph?
graph (single and
double-line graphs)?
J. Evaluating Directions: Use the Directions: Draw Directions: Study the
Learning data presented in the inferences using the line graph, then answer
line graph to solve and data on the double line the questions below.
answer the questions graph to answer the
that follow. questions.

1. How many baskets

1. What is the total sales In which subject did did each one makes
at Lorna’s Fruit Stall for both boys get the same during the third
the whole week? score? session?
a. What is asked? 1. In which subjects did
John get a higher score 2. Who made more
b. What facts are than Paul? baskets in the fourth
needed to solve the 2. In which subject did session?
problem? Paulo get a higher score
than John? 3. What is the average
c. What operation will 3. What can you infer number of baskets the
you use? about the scores of the two boys made during
two boys? the five-day session?
4. Which subject that
d. What is the number
the two boys got
sentence? 4. How many baskets
highest and lowest
did each one makes
e. What is the complete throughout the
answer? sessions?

5. Who made more

basket between the

K. Additional
activities for
application or
V. REMARKS The delivery of The delivery of The delivery of The delivery of
instruction and instruction and instruction and instruction and
expectations meet the expectations meet the expectations meet the expectations meet the
purpose and objectives purpose and objectives purpose and objectives purpose and objectives
of the lesson because of the lesson because of the lesson because of the lesson because
the learners the learners the learners the learners

VI. REFLECTIONS Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in
the teaching-learning the teaching-learning the teaching-learning the teaching-learning
process when process when process when process when
incorporating incorporating incorporating incorporating

A. No. of learner who
earned 80%
B .No. of learner who
scored below 80%
( needs remediation)
C. No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
work well? Why?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which my
principal /supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share w/other

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