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Torts - Set No 1 - Far Eastern Shipping v. CA - Muhlach

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Far Eastern Shipping Co. v. CA and exemplary damages.

RTC ordered
G.R. No. 130068, G.R. No. 130150, Oct 1, 1998 | defendants to pay.
Regalado, J. | Muhlach, Andrea 9. CA affirmed the decision but found that
there is no is no employer-employee
Facts: relationship between Gavino and MPA.
1. The M/V PAVLODAR, flying under the The liability of MPA is anchored not on
flagship of the USSR, owned and A2180 of the CC but on the provisions
operated by the Far Eastern Shipping of Customs Administrative Order No 15-
Company (FESC), arrived at the Port of 65.
Manila from Vancouver at 7AM. Issues:
2. Captain Roberto Abellana was tasked by - The Port of Manila is within the Manila
the Philippine Port Authority (PTA) to Pilotage District which is under
supervise the berthing of the vessel. compulsory pilotage pursuant to Sec 8,
3. Appellant Senen Gavino was assigned Article III of PPA A.O. 03-5.
by appellant Manila Pilots’ Association - In case of compulsory pilotage, the
(MPA) to conduct docking maneuvers duties and responsibilities of the
for the safe berthing of the vessel. compulsory pilot and master are:
4. Victor Kavankov, the master of the o Pilot – responsible for the
vessel, briefed Gavino of the particulars direction of a vessel and shall
of the vessel and its cargo. It then be responsible for the damage
proceeded to the Manila International caused to a vessel or to life and
Port. property at ports due to his
5. When the vessel reached the landmark negligence and fault
(church by Tondo North Harbor) one- o Master – retain overall
half mile from the pier, Gavino ordered command of the vessel even on
the engine stopped. When it was 2000 pilotage grounds whereby he
feet away from from the pier, Gavino can overrule the pilot. Damage
ordered the anchor dropped. caused by fault or negligence of
6. Kavankov relayed the orders to the the Master shall be the
crew of the vessel. The left anchor, with responsibility of the owner of
2 shackles, were dropped. However, the the vessel
anchor did not hold as expected. The - In American Jurisprudence, there is a
speed did not slacken. Kavankov and presumption of fault against a moving
the crew had a brief conference about vessel that strikes a stationary object
it. When Gavino inquired, Kavankov such as dock/navigational aid.
assured him that there was nothing to - The moving vessel must show that it
it. was w/o fault or collision was
7. Gavino noticed that the anchor did not occasioned by the fault of the object or
take hold so he orders the engines half- was the result of an inevitable accident.
astern. He gave the “Full-astern” code. - Such vessel must exhaust every
Before the right anchor and other reasonable possibility which the
shackles coud be dropped, the bow of circumstances admit and show that in
the vessel rammed into the pier causing each, they did all the reasonable care
damage to the pier and vessel. required.
8. The Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) - The task here is to pinpoint who was
filed a complaint against FESC, MCA and negligent: the master of the ship, the
Gavino praying that they be held jointly harbor pilot or both?
and severally liable to pay them actual
1. W/N Capt. Gavano (pilot) is required examination and training
negligent? YES conducted by the Bureau of Custom in
- Chapter II of Customs Administrative order to be a harbor pilot.
Order No. 15-56 prescribes the rules for - In general, a pilot is personally liable for
compulsory pilotage in the covered damages caused by his own negligence
districts. or default to the owners of the vessel,
- Pursuant thereto, Capt. Gavino was and to third parties for damages
assigned to pilot MV Pavlodar. He is sustained in a collision. Such negligence
held to the universally accepted high of the pilot in the performance of duty
standards of care and diligence required constitutes a maritime tort.
of a pilot, whereby he assumes to have
skill and knowledge in respect to 2. W/N Capt. Kabankov (master) is
navigation in the particular waters over negligent? YES
which his license extends superior to - Even though the pilot is in sole
and more to be trusted than that of the command of the ship, the master does
master. not surrender his vessel to him.
- Capt. Gavino failed to measure up to - The master may and should interfere
such strict standard of care and when the pilot is incompetent. He is not
diligence required of pilots. wholly absolved from his duties when a
- In his testimony, he claimed that he was pilot is on board his vessel. He is still in
unsure of what caused the incident. He command, except so far as navigation is
was not sure if his order to release the concerned.
anchor was immediately followed. - His testimony shows that he was
- He should have made sure that his remiss in the discharge of his duties,
directions were promptly and strictly leaving the entire docking procedure
followed. up to the pilot, instead of maintaining
- In employments where peculiar skill is watchful vigilance over this risky
requisite, if one offers his services he is maneuver. He was right beside Gavino
understood as holding himself out to when the latter was giving orders.
the public as possessing the degree of - Under normal circumstances, the facts
skill commonly possessed by others int of the present case would have caused
the same employment. the master of a vessel to take charge of
- The degree of care required is the situation and maneuver the vessel
graduated according to the danger a himself.
person or property attendant upon the - He is negligent for relying blindly upon
activity which the actor pursues or the his pilot, to the point that despite
instrumentality which he uses. being appraised of a notice of alert he
- The greater the danger, the greater the continued to give Gavino control of the
degree of care required. Extraordinary vessel.
risk demands extraordinary care. - The incompetence of Kavankov equates
- Gavino did not react right away when to the unseaworthiness of the vessel.
the vessel did not slow down even Incompetence of the navigator, master,
when he ordered the anchors to be or its crew makes the vessel
dropped. It took him 5 minutes after unseaworthy.
the first order to order a “full-astern.” - The master of a vessel must exercise a
By then, it was too late. degree of vigilance commensurate
- He was especially trained for this job with the circumstances.
because in the PH, one must pass to
- His shared liability is due mainly to the exercise no control over them once
fact that he failed to act when the they take the helm of the vessel.
perilous situation should have spurred - A careful reading of the A.O. leads to
him into quick and decisive action as the conclusion that MPA is solidarily
master of the ship. liable for the negligence of its member
- Where several causes producing an pilots.
injury are concurrent and each is an - The law speaks of the a reserve fund
efficient cause without which the injury required to be maintained by the pilots'
would not have happened, the injury association to answer (for) whatever
may be attributed to all or any of the liability arising from the tortious act of
causes and recovery may be had against its members
any or all of the responsible persons - Art. 1207 of the CC provides that there
although under the circumstances of is solidary liability only when the
the case, it may appear that one of obligation expressly so states, or when
them was more culpable, and that the the law or the nature of the obligation
duty owed by them to the injured requires solidarity.
person was not the same
- Where the concurrent or successive Other issues:
negligent acts or omissions of two or 1. W/N FSEC’s counsel committed forum
more persons, although acting shopping – YES
independently, are in combination the - MPA’s petition was posted on August
direct and proximate cause of a single 29. FSEC filed its petition on Sept. 26. It
injury to a third person, it is impossible would already have received a copy of
to determine in what proportion each the former. And even if they had not
contributed to the injury and either of yet received, the certification stated
them is responsible for the whole that the signatory would report to the
injury. Court if he finds out that there is a
- They become joint tortfeasors and are similar action/proceeding filed.
solidary liable for the resulting damage - The counsel violated the CPR for
under Art. 2194 of the CC. displaying unprofessional tendency of
- If the pilot’s negligence was not the sole taking the Rules for granted.
cause of the injury, but the negligence - Also, the certification against forum
of the master/crew, the owners are shopping was executed by the counsel.
liable. This should be done by the petitioner so
this constitutes a valid cause for
3. Is MPA liable with Capt. Gavino, in dismissal of the petition. But this must
the absence of employer-employee not derail the administration of justice.
relationship? YES
- MPA’s liability is not on the concept of 2. W/N the OSG, representing the PPA,
employer-employee relationship but on violated the CPR? YES
Customs Administrative Order No. 15- - Canons under the CPR applies to
65. lawyers in government service. The OSG
- It is not anchored on Art. 2180 of the moved for countless extensions which
NCC because there is no liability of an constitutes deplorable disservice to the
employer to speak of. public.
- Pilot associations are immune to liability Ruling: CA decision affirmed.
for tort of their members. They are not
the employer of their members and

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