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The Fleet Type Submarine - Chapter 17

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17A1. Duties and responsibilities. securing of all loose gear both topside
Surface operation requires that a and below. Superstructure access
submarine be maintained in a constant openings must be locked or welded
state of readiness, prepared at all times closed, in anticipation of the most
for any emergency. The safety of the extreme conditions, to prevent accidental
ship is the responsibility of the officer release of gear and consequent indication
of the deck, subject to any orders he of the submarine's position, and all
may receive from the commanding external air and oil leaks must be
officer. The manner in which the officer eliminated. Bow and stern tubes must be
of the deck should carry out his duties loaded with torpedoes ready to fire and
is fully described in United States Navy with one complete set prepared for reload
Regulations and the Watch Officer's without further adjustment. All guns and
Guide. However, the unusual features ammunition must be maintained in the
of a submarine, which directly affect most advanced state of readiness
the officer of the deck, make it compatible with their preservation in
imperative that emphasis be given event of quick dives.
those points that are peculiar to this
type of vessel. 17A4. Vulnerability of ship. The officer-
of the deck must have a more intimate
17A2. Desirable characteristics. technical knowledge of all departments of
Desirable qualities of a submarine's a submarine than is required in surface
officer of the deck are forehandedness, ships, because a submarine on the surface
vigilance, leadership, and common is the most vulnerable type of craft afloat.
sense. Each of these qualities must be The danger of collision exists on a
developed to a high degree of submarine long before that condition is
perfection to insure the successful considered to exist on a surface vessel;
execution of duties. The officer of the therefore, the safety of the submarine
deck's ability to look ahead and foresee must never be jeopardized by
the development of unusual unnecessarily placing it in a position in
contingencies places him in a position which collision with another vessel is
of always being prepared. On possible. Low reserve buoyancy
submarines, more so than on other magnifies the danger resulting from any
types of vessels, it is axiomatic that collision, requiring the submarine to be
eternal vigilance is the price of safety. kept well clear of all vessels. Things
Alert to all that is going on about him, happen quickly in submarines, requiring
he must see everything and know all quick thinking and decisive action to
that is happening. Conducting himself grasp the opportunity to prevent disaster.
in a manner befitting his position, as Taking halfway measures may lose the
representing the commanding officer, ship.
requires a marked degree of leadership.
To this extent he must be exemplary in 17A5. Watch officer's station. The
his appearance and performance of forward bridge structure is the usual
duty so that a feeling of confidence and station of the officer of the deck when on
pride is developed in his subordinates. the surface. Although he is expected to
remain intensely alert and observant, he
The underlying attribute of all these is not a lookout, and must not become
characteristics of the proficient engrossed in details to the exclusion of
submarine officer of the deck is his comprehensive duties as supervisor of
common sense-a sense of proportion, the watch. The poor habitability of the
the ability to evaluate the components bridge and the exacting requirements of
of a situation in the light of their real the duties impose strict demands upon the
significance. assigned personnel. The officer about to
relieve the deck should be properly
17A3. Preparing the ship. Preparation clothed and physically ft to assume the
must be completed before leaving port responsibilities
to place the submarine in a rigged-for-
dive condition. The officer of the deck
supervises the stowing and

that will be his. For similar reasons, He must insist that acknowledgement of
lookouts should be selected from the directives be made in standard
best men of the crew suitable for this phraseology, permitting no deviations
duty, and only those chosen who have whatsoever.
excellent vision and good health. Prior
to their coming on the bridge, clothing The success of night attacks depends
should be issued to enable them to greatly upon the alertness and reliability
withstand the rigors of adverse climatic of the lookouts. Each should be trained to
conditions, Cold, wet personnel cannot know what to look for, carefully
function as efficiently as those who are searching his assigned sector, and
protected from the weather, in so far as reporting his findings in the proper
conditions will permit. The night phraseology. When an unidentified or
lookout should be properly dark- enemy vessel is sighted, the officer of the
adapted, wearing red goggles, before deck should be so familiar with the
relieving. commanding officer's attack doctrine that
he can take the proper action while
17A6. Conduct of the watch. The calling the crew to battle stations. In
officer of the deck must take over his submitting reports to the commanding
watch promptly, and be sure to obtain officer, he must be certain that the data
accurately all the information from the are correct, with any doubtful details so
officer about to be relieved. identified. He should develop a
reputation for reliability and integrity. He
He should determine the ship's position must be sufficiently familiar with signals
with regard to other ships in sight, the to be able to determine when another ship
proximity of land, rocks, shoals, and is calling without having to call for the
the identity of lights. He should always quartermaster every time flashing lights
time navigational lights used in fixing are seen.
the ship's position even though they
have been previously sighted and The officer of the deck must have full
identified. He must keep the ship's information of the status of every
position plotted on the chart at all department of the ship at all times. He
times. He must closely observe the must have knowledge of the condition of
weather, course, speed, and know the all hull openings, ballast tanks, flood
combinations of propulsion equipment valves, vents, variable tanks, pumps, and
available. He must know whether or so forth. Particular attention must be
not the storage batteries are being given to the ship's readiness to dive,
charged and how much float is being permitting nothing to jeopardize this
carried. He should insure that battery condition without the commanding
ventilation is adequate. officer's permission. As soon as charts,
sextants, and other loose gear are no
He should maintain an efficient watch longer in use, or the necessity of
by rotating the lookouts. He should additional personnel on the bridge has
stagger the reliefs, allowing only one ceased to exist, he should see that the
man of the oncoming watch on the ship is returned to a condition in which
bridge at a time and he should require she is able to dive without delay.
"permission to come on the bridge" in Appropriate consideration should be
each case, and caution against all given the fact that submarines have a
extraneous noise and unnecessary small freeboard, resulting in danger of
conversation. Orders should be worded personnel being washed overboard or
in standard phraseology, and given in water entering the ship through
an authoritative manner only as loud as ventilation and deck openings.
the occasion demands.


17B1. Experience. The mere reading perpetuating the findings and advice of
of a book will not establish perfection those who have learned by experience.
in the art of ship handling, an
accomplishment attained only by Above all, ship handling demands good
practice, and more practice, in judgment. Existing and anticipated
performing the actual operations. situations must be carefully considered
Nevertheless. the printed page provides before action is taken. The officer of the
a means of deck should

handle the ship smartly, and he should their direction of rotation should be
always remember that in coming thought out carefully. Quite often the
alongside a dock or another ship, a backing of both propellers would spoil an
submarine holds her way longer than a otherwise good landing, where the
surface ship of similar tonnage. situation demanded that one, or the other,
should be backed.
17B2. Control. Steering and engine
control are, at all times, from the 17B4. Current effect. Accurate
conning tower or control room, in estimation of the strength and direction of
which are located the power, current is essential to the success of the
emergency, and hand steering controls. maneuver. This is easily estimated by
The officer of the deck should practice noticing a spar buoy, or watching the
the use of the two latter systems, except water flow past the end of a dock. The
when maneuvering in restricted water's, current must not only be considered when
thereby training. the steersmen and selecting the turning point while in the
testing the equipment for emergency channel but it must be remembered after
operation. In a submarine, more so than the turn, realizing that the slower the
in other types of vessels, good vessel approaches the dock, the greater
judgment demands that all machinery will be the effect of the current. Similarly,
be tested prior to its prospective use. it is important to remember that after the
Hand steering trains steersmen to use bow enters the slip, it is in relatively still
small amounts of rudder, and permits water, while the current continues to
more nearly silent operation. produce its full effect on the stern.

Control is temporarily poor when 17B5. Wind effect. A submarine making

shifting from conning tower to control sternboard will back into the wind,
room, and when shifting from engines because of the greater freeboard of the
to motors. If a doubtful situation exists bow, making it difficult to turn in a
at these times, prudence dictates narrow channel or maneuver alongside a
maintaining the status quo until dock. Like all propeller-driven surface
circumstances permit a change, When ships, a submarine rides more easily with
operating on the surface, enough way her quarter to the wind and Sea .
should be kept on the ship to permit
maneuvering or quick diving. Possible hull distortion, and damage to
bow tube shutters, diving planes,
17B3. Landings. When maneuvering superstructure, and bridge strongly
around docks and other close quarters, indicate that the submarine should not be
especially at night, the officer of the pounded into heavy seas unless
deck must assure himself of absolutely necessary.
unobstructed visibility in all directions.
He should carefully plan the approach 17B6. Turning. In making a turn in a
to the landing, with special reference to narrow channel, the ship may be turned
current, wind, amount of way on, on her heel by going ahead slowly on one
turning points, sea room available in propeller while backing full on the other,
the slip, and the preparation of lines. with rudder over in the direction of turn
The use of excessive speed is both to assist the ahead screw. This forward
dangerous and inexcusable; a and reverse combination of the screws
submarine is not equipped with four- may also be helpful in getting the stern in
wheel brakes. to the dock, Before backing on one or
both propellers, the rudder should be used
He should never bump any part of the to steady, or start, a desired swing, as
submarine-the underwater bow and conditions may warrant. If the vessel is
stern parts are especially vulnerable, swinging, the backing of the inboard
Landings should be made gently. screw will normally accelerate the swing.
Landing should be a precisely executed
maneuver, so planned and performed 17B7. Backing.Special signals and exact
that the simple operation of backing procedure for backing must be
one or both propellers for a few established for emergency use in the
seconds, when near the desired event of failure of
position, will take all, or nearly all, way
off the ship and leave her practically in
her berth, ready to double up all lines.
The choice of screws and


usual engine signals. Before backing, intelligently. The men at the lines should
the officer of the deck should see that not be expected to do the thinking for the
all is clear, and guard the stern planes officer of the deck. These mooring
and propeller while proceeding out of operations should be directed just as
the berth. The stern should be placed actively and positively as signaling the
well clear of the dock by holding a engines. One satisfactory method of
forward spring, while going ahead for a getting the ship alongside the dock
few seconds on the outboard screw. A against the tide is by securing a breast
strong dock will permit winding around line from the bow to the dock. Then, with
the end, after the stern is clear. the rudder outboard, the outboard
propeller should be backed while going
17B8. Handling lines. In approaching ahead on the inboard screw.
the dock, the mooring lines should be


17C1. Getting underway. lines." Pull the lines, released from the
a. "Station the maneuvering watch." dock, aboard.
Personnel man their stations in k. "Single up." Bring up double lines
accordance with the Watch, Quarter, so that only single parts remain secured.
and Station bill. Start and test l. "Double up and secure." Run
machinery. Special details such as line additional lines and double them as
handlers, anchor detail, color detail, necessary to secure the mooring.
and leadsman take their stations. m. "Slack one (two)." Pay out the line,
b. "Stand by to answer bells." A allowing it to form an easy bight.
preparatory command to the watch,
indicating that orders to the engines 17C3. Orders to the wheel.
will follow directly. a. "Right (Left) rudder." A command
c. "Station the regular sea detail." to give her right (or left) rudder instantly,
An order given when clear of restricted an indeterminate amount. In all such
waters and the special details of the cases, the officer conning the ship should
maneuvering watch are no longer accompany the order with a statement of
required. his motive, or the object to be attained, so
that the steersman may execute the order
17C2. Line handling. with intelligence and judgment,
a. "Stand by the lines." Man the b. "Right (Left) full rudder." A
lines, ready to cast off or get the lines maximum rudder angle of about 35
over to the dock. degrees is used in the Navy.
b. "Cast off number one." Release c. "Right (Left) standard rudder." Not
number one line from the dock. used on submarines.
c. "Ease four." Pay out enough of d. "Right (Left) standard half rudder."
the designated line to remove most of Not used on submarines.
the strain. e. "Right (Left), 5 (10, etc.) degrees
d. "Hold three." Take enough turns rudder." These orders are used in making
so that the designated line will not give. changes of course. All courses given to
e. "Check two." Hold, but let it run the steersman must be compass courses.
when necessary so that it will not part. f. "Right (Left), handsomely." This
f, "Take a strain on four." Put the order is given when a very slight change
line under tension. of course is desired.
g. "Get over number one." Heave g. "Give her more rudder." Increase
number one line to the dock. the rudder angle already on to make her
h. "Take three up the dock." Man turn more rapidly.
ashore receiving the line takes it up the h. "Ease the rudder." Decrease the
dock to a new position. rudder angle already on when she is
i. "Take in the slack on four." Heave turning
on line and hold it taut, but do not take
a strain.
j. "Take in two." or "Take in the


too rapidly, or is coming to the heading p. "Keep her so." A command to the
desired. The order can be given, "Ease steersman when he reports her heading,
to 15 (10, 5, etc.)." and it is desired to steady her.
i. "Rudder amidships." Rudder is q. "Very well." Given to the
centered and kept there until the next steersman, after a report by him, to let
order. him know that the situation is understood.
j, "Meet her." Use rudder as may be The expression "All right" should not be
necessary to check, but not entirely
stop her swing. used, it might be taken as an order to the
k. "Steady," or "Steady so," or wheel.
"Steady as you go." Steer the course on
which the ship is heading when the 17C4. Orders for the engines. Standard
command is received. orders to the engines are given in three
l. "Shift the rudder." Change from parts: 1) the first part designates the
right to left rudder, or vice versa. engine starboard, port, or all; 2) the
m. "Mind your rudder." A warning second part indicates the direction: ahead
to the quartermaster (or steersman) 1) or back; and 3) the third part indicates
to exact more careful steering, or 2) to the speed: 1/3, 2/3, standard, full, flank,
put him on the alert for the next or stop.
command to the wheel.
n. "Mind your right (left) rudder." A Typical orders are:
warning that the ship shows a frequent 1. "Port, ahead, 2/3."
tendency to get off her course, and that 2. "Starboard, back, full."
if right (or left) rudder is not applied 3. "All, ahead, standard."
from time to time to counteract this 4. "Port, back, 1/3; Starboard, ahead,
tendency, the ship will not make good 2/3."
the course set. 5. "All, stop."
o. "Nothing to the right (left)."
Given when the course to be made In the submarine service, the word engine
good is a shade off the compass card is omitted in orders to the engines or
mark, and therefore meaning that all motors, to eliminate confusion resulting
small variations from the course in from the fact that under various
steering must be kept, for example to conditions, and with various types of
the southward of the course set. main drive, engines sometimes deliver
the power, and motors sometimes do.


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