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Tohatsu 2.5-140 HP

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General Information

Tools and Techniques

Troubleshooting and Testing

Lubrication, Maintenance and Tune-Up

Synchronization and Adjustment

Fuel System

Electrical and Ignition Systems

Power Head

Gearcase and Midsection

Manual Rewind Starter

Power Trim and Tilt Repair


Wiring Diagrams

GENERALlNFORMATION. .............................1
Manual organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Lubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Notes. cautions and warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Gasket sealant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 0
Torque specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Galvanic corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I
Engine operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Protection from galvanic corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Fasteners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Propellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES ...........................................
Safety first . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21...............................
Service hints
Basic hand tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Special tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Test equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 . Mechanics' techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Test equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Fuses and wire harness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Troubleshooting preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Engine speed limiting system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Operating requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Trim system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Starting difficulty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Electrical testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Ignition system testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Engine noises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Warning system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Cooling system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
Starting system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Gearcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
Charging system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Tune-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92
Submersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96

Fuel system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Throttle linkage adjustment (all models) . . . . . . . . . 115
Ignition timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106

FUELSYSTEM ....................................................
Fueltank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Fuelpumps 133
Fuel filter replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Carburetor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Primer bulb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149 Charging system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Electric starting system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Ignition system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Starter motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154 Warning system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

POWERHEAD ....................................................
Flywheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Powerhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186

GEARCASEANDMIDSECTION .......................................
Gearcase operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 ................................
Water pump
Propeller removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 Gearcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Gearcase removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252

MANUALREWINDSTARTER ......................................... 257
Removal. repair and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
POWER TRIM AND TILT REPAIR ......................................263
Fluid filling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Air bleeding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .269

WIRING DlAGRAlMS ...............................................282

Chapter One

General Informi\tion

This detailed, comprehensive manual con- MANUAL ORGANIZATION

tains complete information on maintenance,
tune-up, repair and overhaul. Hundreds of pho- This chapter provides general information
tos and drawings guide you through every step- useful to marine owners and mechanics.
by-step procedure. Chapter Two discusses the tools and tech-
Troubleshooting, tune-up, maintenance and niques for preventive maintenance, trou-
repair are not difficult if you know what tools bleshooting and repair.
and equipment to use and what to do. Anyone Chapter Three describes typical equipment
not afraid to get their hands dirty, of average problems and provides logical troubleshooting
intelligence and with some mechanical ability, procedures.
can perform most of the procedures in this book. Following chapters describe specific systems,
See Chapter Two for more information on tools providing disassembly, repair, assembly and ad-
and techniques. justment procedures in simple step-by-step
A shop manual is a reference. You want to be form. Specifications concerning a specific sys-
able to find information fast. These books are tem are included at the end of the appropriate
designed with you in mind. All chapters are chapter.
thumb tabbed and important items are indexed
at the end of the book. All procedures, tables,
photos, etc., in this manual assume that the
reader may be working on the machine or using
this manual for the first time. The terms NOTE, CAUTION and WARN-
Keep this book handy in your tool box. It will ING have specific meanings in this manual. A
help you to better understand how your machine NOTE provides additional information to make
runs, lower repair and maintenance costs and a step or procedure easier or clearer. Disregard-
generally increase your enjoyment of your ma- ing a NOTE could cause inconvenience, but
rine equipment. would not cause damage or personal injury.

A CAUTION emphasizes areas where equip- 2-stroke Cycle

ment damage could result. Disregarding a CAU-
TION could cause permanent mechanical A 2-stroke engine requires only 1 crankshaft
damage; however, personal injury is unlikely. revolution (2 strokes of the piston) to complete
the Otto cycle. Figure 3 shows gasoline 2-stroke
A WARNING emphasizes areas where per- engine operation. Although diesel 2-strokes ex-
sonal injury or even death could result from ist, they are not commonly used in light marine
negligence. Mechanical damage may also occur. applications.
WARNINGS are to be taken seriously. In some
cases, serious injury or death has resulted from
disregarding similar warnings. FASTENERS
The material and design of the various fasten-
ers used on marine equipment are not arrived at
TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS by chance or accident. Fastener design deter-
mines the type of tool required to work with the
Torque specifications throughout this manual fastener. Fastener material is carefully selected
are given in foot-pounds (ft.-lb.) and either New- to decrease the possibility of physical failure or
ton meters (N.m) or meter-kilograms (rnkg). corsosion. See Galvanic Corrosio~zin this chap-
Newton meters are being adopted in place of ter for more information on marine materials.
meter-kilograms in accordance with the Interna-
tional Modernized Metric System. Existing
torque wrenches calibrated in meter-kilograms Threads
can be used by performing a simple conversion:
Nuts, bolts and screws are manufactured in a
move the decimal point one place to the right.
For example, 4.7 mkg = 47 N.m. This conversion wide range of thread patterns. To join a nut and
bolt, the diameter of the bolt and the diameter of
is accurate enough for mechanics' use even
the hole in the nut must be the same. It is just as
though the exact mathematical conversion is 3.5
mkg = 34.3 N.m. impoflant that the threads on both be properly
The best way to determine if the threads on
two fasteners are matched is to turn the nut on
ENGINE OPERATION the bolt (or the bolt into the threaded hole in a
piece of equipment) with fingers only. Be sure
All marine engines, whether 2- or 4-stroke, both pieces are clean. If much force is required,
gasoline or diesel, operate on the Otto cycle of check the thread condition on each fastener. If
intake, compression, power and exhaust phases. the thread condition is good but the fasteners
jam, the threads are not compatible.
Four important specifications describe every
4-stroke Cycle thread:
a. Diameter.
A 4-stroke engine requires two crankshaft b. Threads per inch.
revolutions (4 strokes of the piston) to complete c. Thread pattern.
the Otto cycle. Figure 1 shows gasoline 4-stroke d. Thread direction.
engine operation. Figure 2 shows diesel 4-stroke Figure 4 shows the first two specifications.
engine operation. Thread pattern is more subtle. Italian and British

standards exist, but the most commonly used by are also designed to protrude above the metal
marine equipment manufacturers are American (round) or to be slightly recessed in the metal
standard and metric standard. The threads are cut (flat) (Figure 7).
differently as shown in Figure 5.
Most threads are cut so that the fastener must Bolts
be turned clockwise to tighten it. These are called
right-hand threads. Some fasteners have left- Commonly called bolts, the technical name
hand threads; they must be turned counterclock- for these fasteners is cap screw. They are nor-
wise to be tightened. Left-hand threads are used mally described by diameter, threads per inch
in locations where normal rotation of the equip- and length. For example, 1/4-20 x 1 indicates a
ment would tend to loosen a right-hand threaded bolt 114 in. in diameter with 20 threads per inch,
fastener. 1 in. long. The measurement across two flats on
the head of the bolt indicates the proper wrench
Machine Screws size to be used.

There are many different types of machine Nuts

screws. Figure 6 shows a number of screw heads
requiring different types of turning tools (see Nuts are manufactured in a variety of types
Chapter Two for detailed information). Heads and sizes. Most are hexagonal (6-sided) and fit

on bolts, screws andstuds with the same diame- Washers

ter and threads per inch.
There are two basic types of washers: flat
Figure 8 shows several types of nuts. The washers and lockwashers. Flat washers are sim-
common nut is usually used with a lockwasher. ple discs with a hole to fit a screw or bolt.
Self-locking nuts have a nylon insert that pre- Lockwashers are designed to prevent a fastener
vents the nut from loosening; no lockwasher is from working loose due to vibration, expansion
required. Wing nuts are designed for fast re- and contraction. Figure 9 shows several types of
moval by hand. Wing nuts are used for conven- Iockwashers. Note that flat washers are often
ience in non-critical locations. used between a lockwasher and a fastener to
provide a smooth bearing surface. This allows
To indicate the size of a nut, manufacturers the fastener to be turned easily with a tool.
specify the diameter of the opening and the
threads per inch. This is similar to bolt specifi- Cotter Pins
cation, but without the length dimension. The
measurement across two flats on the nut indi- Cotter pins (Figure 10) are used to secure
cates the proper wrench size to be used. special kinds of fasteners. The threaded stud

Hex Flat Oval Fillister Round

must have a hole in it; the nut or nut lock piece ciety of Automotive Engineers (SAE) in several
has projections that the cotter pin fits between. categories. Oil containers display these ratings
This type of nut is called a "Castellated nut." on the top or label (Figure 11).
Cotter pins should not be reused after removal. API oil grade is indicated by letters, oils for
gasoline engines are identified by an "S" and oils
Snap Wings for diesel engines are identified by a "C." Most
Snap rings can be of an internal or external modern gasoline engines require SF or SG
design. They are used to retain items on shafts graded oil. Automotive and marine diesel en-
(external type) or within tubes (internal type). gines use CC or CD graded oil.
Snap rings can be reused if they are not distorted Viscosity is an indication of the oil's thick-
during removal. In some applications, snap rings ness, or resistance to flow. The SAE uses num-
of varying thickness can be selected to control bers to indicate viscosity; thin oils have low
the end play of parts assemblies. numbers and thick oils have high numbers. A
"W" after the number indicates that the viscosity
testing was done at low temperature to simulate
cold weather operation. Engine oils fall into the
Periodic lubrication ensures long service life 5W-20W and 20-50 range.
for any type of equipment. It is especially impor- Multi-grade oils (for example, IOW-40) are
tant to marine equipment because it is exposed less viscous (thinner) at low temperatures and
to salt or brackish water and other harsh environ- more viscous (thicker) at high temperatures. This
ments. The type of lubricant used is just as im- allows the oil to perform efficiently across a wide
portant as the lubrication service itself; although, range of engine operating temperatures.
in an emergency, the wrong type of lubricant is
better than none at all. The following paragraphs
describe the types of lubricants most often used
on marine equipment. Be sure to follow the
equipment manufacturer's recommendations for
lubricant types.
Generally, all liquid lubricants are called "oil."
They may be mineral-based (including petro-
leum bases), natural-based (vegetable and ani-
mal bases), synthetic-based or emulsions
(mixtures). "Grease" is an oil which is thickened
with a metallic "soap." The resulting material is
then usually enhanced with anticorrosion, anti-
oxidant and extreme pressure (EP) additives.
Grease is often classified by the type of thickener
added; lithium and calcium soap are commonly

4-stroke Engine Oil

Oil for 4-stroke engines is graded by the
American Petroleum Institute (API) and the So-

2-stroke Engine Oil

Lubrication for a 2-stroke engine is provided

by oil mixed with the incoming fuel-air mixture.
Some of the oil mist settles out in the crankcase,
lubricating the crankshaft and lower e11d of the
connecting rods. The rest of the oil enters the
combustion chamber to lubricate the piston,
rings and cylinder wall. This oil is then burned
along with the fuel-air mixture during the com-
bustion process.
Engine oil must have several special qualities
to work well in a 2-stroke engine. It must mix
easily and stay in suspension in gasoline. When
burned, it can't leave behind excessive deposits.
It must also be able to withstand the high tem-
peratures associated with 2-stroke engines.
The National Marine Manufacturer's Associa-
tion (NMMA) has set standards for oil used in
2-stroke. water-cooled engines. This is the
NMMA TC-W (two-cycle, water-cooled) grade
(Figure 12). The oil's perfo ance in the follow-
ing areas is evaluated:
a. Lubrication (prevention of wear and scuff-
b. Spark plug fouling.
c, Preignition.
d. Piston ring sticking.
e. Piston varnish.
f. General engine condition (including depos-
g. Exhaust port blockage.
h. Rust prevention.
i. Mixing ability with gasoline.
In addition to oil grade, manufacturers specify
the ratio of gasoline to oil required during break-
in and normal engine operation.

Gear Oil

Gear lubricants are assigned SAE viscosity

numbers under the same system as 4-stroke en-
cine oil. Gear lubricant falls into the SAE 72-250

range (Figure 13). Some gear lubricants are

multi-grade; for example, SAE 85W-90.
Three types of marine gear lubricant are gen-
erally available: SAE 90 hypoid gear lubricant is
designed for older manual-shift units; Type C
gear lubricant contains additives designed for
electric shift mechanisms; High viscosity gear
lubricant is a heavier oil designed to withstand
the shock loading of high-performance engines
or units subjected to severe duty use. Always use
a gear lubricant of the type specified by the unit's


Greases are graded by the National Lubricat-

ing Grease Institute (NLGI). Greases are graded
by number according to the consistency of the
grease; these ratings range from No. 000 to No.
6, with No. 6 being the most solid. A typical
multipuqose grease is NLGI No. 2 (Figure 14).
For specific applications, equipment manufac-
turers may require grease with an additive such
as molybdenum disulfide (MOS".


Gasket sealant is used instead of pre-formed

gaskets on some applications, or as a gasket
dressing on others. Two types of gasket sealant
are com~nonlyused: room temperature vulcan-
izing (RTV) and anaerobic. Because these two
materials have different sealing properties, they
cannot be used interchangeably.

RTV Sealant

This is a silicone gel supplied in tubes (Figure

15). Moisture in the air causes RTV to cure.
Always place the cap on the tube as soon as
possible when using RTV. RTV has a shelf life
of one year and will not cure properly when the
shelf life has expired. Check the expiration date

on RTV tubes before using and keep partially Anaerobic Sealant

used tubes tightly sealed. RTV sealant can gen-
This is a gel supplied in tubes (Figure 16).
erally fill gaps up to 114 in. (6.3 mm) and works
It cures only in the absence of air, as when
well on slightly flexible surfaces.
squeezed tightly between two machined mat-
Applying RTV Sealant ing surfaces. For this reason, it will not spoil
if the cap is left off the tube. It should not be
Clean all gasket residue from mating surfaces. used if one mating surface is flexible. Anaero-
Surfaces should be clean and free of oil and dirt. bic sealant is able to fill gaps up to 0.030 in.
Remove all RTV gasket material from blind (0.8 mm) and generally works best on rigid,
attaching holes because it can create a "hydrau- machined flanges or surfaces.
lic" effect and affect bolt torque.
Apply RTV sealant in a continuous bead 2-3
mm (0.08-0.12 in.) thick. Circle all mounting Applying Anaerobic Sealant
holes unless otherwise specified. Torque mating
Clean all gasket residue from mating sur-
parts within 10 minutes after application.
faces. Surfaces must be clean and free of oil
and dirt. Remove all gasket material from
blind attaching holes, as it can cause a "hy-
draulic" effect and affect bolt torque.
Apply anaerobic sealant in a 1 mm or less
(0.04 in.) bead to one sealing surface. Circle
all mounting holes. Torque mating parts
within 15 minutes after application.


A chemical reaction occurs whenever two

different types of metal are joined by an elec-
trical conductor and immersed in an electro-
lyte. Electrons transfer from one metal to the
other through the electrolyte and return
through the conductor.
The hardware on a boat is made of many
different types of metal. The boat hull acts as
a conductor between the metals. Even if the
hull is wooden or fiberglass, the slightest film
of water (electrolyte) within the hull provides
conductivity. This combination creates a good
environment for electron flow (Figure 17).
Unfortunately, this electron flow results in gal-
vanic corrosion of the metal involved, causing
one of the metals to be corroded or eaten away

by the process. The amount of electron flow becomes more severe as the difference in electri-
(and, therefore, the amount of corrosion) de- cal potential between the two metals increases.
pends on several factors:
In some cases, galvanic corrosion can occur
a. The types of metal involved. within a single piece of metal. Common brass is
b. The efficiency of the conductor. a mixture of zinc and copper, and, when im-
c. The strength of the electrolyte. mersed in an electrolyte, the zinc portion of the
mixture will corrode away as reaction occurs
Metals between the zinc and the copper particles.

The chemical composition of the metals used

in marine equipment has a significant effect on
the amount and speed of galvanic corrosion. Conductors
Certain metals are more resistant to corrosion
than others. These electrically negative metals The hull of the boat often acts as the conductor
are commonly called "noble;" they act as the between different types of metal. Marine equip-
cathode in any reaction. Metals that are more ment, such as an outboard motor or stem drive
subject to corrosion are electrically positive; unit, can also act as the conductor. Large masses
they act as the anode in a reaction. The more of metal, firmly connected together, are more
noble metals include titanium, 18-8 stainless efficient conductors than water. Rubber mount-
steel and nickel. Less noble metals include zinc, ings and vinyl-based paint can act as insulators
aluminum and magnesium. Galvanic corrosion between pieces of metal.

Electrolyte material. If the fastener were to corrode instead

of the equipment, major problems could arise.
The water in which a boat operates acts as the Keep all painted surfaces in good condition.
electrolyte for the galvanic corrosion process. If paint is scraped off and bare metal exposed,
The better a conductor the electrolyte is, the corrosion will rapidly increase. Use a vinyl- or
more severe and rapid the corrosion. plastic-based paint, which acts as an electrical
Cold, clean freshwater is the poorest electro- insulator.
lyte. As water temperature increases, its conduc-
Be careful when using metal-based antifoul-
tivity increases. Pollutants will increase
ing paints. These should not be applied to metal
conductivity; brackish or saltwater is also an
parts of the boat, outboard motor or stem drive
efficient electrolyte. This is one of the reasons
unit or they will actually react with the equip-
that most manufacturers recommend a fresh-
water flush for marine equipment after operation ment, causing corrosion between the equipment
and the layer of paint. Organic-based paints are
in saltwater, polluted or brackish water.
available for use on metal surfaces.
Where a corrosion protection device is used,
PROTECTION FROM remember that it must be immersed in the elec-
GALVANIC CORROSION trolyte along with the rest of the boat to have any
effect. If you raise the power unit out of the water
Because of the environment in which marine when the boat is docked, any anodes on the
equipment must operate, it is practically impos- power unit will be removed from the corrosion
sible to totally prevent galvanic corrosion. There cycle and will not protect the rest of the equip-
are several ways by which the process can be ment that is still immersed. Also, such corrosion
slowed. After taking these precautions, the next protection devices must not be painted because
step is to "fool" the process into occurring only this would insulate them from the corrosion
where you want it to occur. This is the role of process.
sacrificial anodes and impressed current sys-
tems. Any change in the boat's equipment, such as
the installation of a new stainless steel propeller,
will change the electrical potential and could
Slowing Corrosion cause increased corrosion. Keep in mind that
when you add new equipment or change materi-
Some simple precautions can help reduce the als, you should review your corrosion protection
amount of corrosion taking place outside the system to be sure it is up to the job.
hull. These are not a substitute for the corrosion
protection methods discussed under Sacri$cial
Anodes and Impressed Current Systems in this Sacrificial Anodes
chapter, but they can help these protection meth-
ods do their job. Anodes are usually made of zinc, a far from
Use fasteners of a metal more noble than the noble metal. Sacrificial anodes are specially de-
part they are fastening. If corrosion occurs, the signed to do nothing but corrode. Properly fas-
larger equipment will suffer but the fastener will tening such pieces to the boat will cause them to
be protected. Because fasteners are usually very act as the anode in any galvanic reaction that
small in comparison to the equipment being occurs; any other metal present will act as the
fastened, the equipment can survive the loss of cathode and will not be damaged.

Anodes must be used properly to be effective. corrosion could be occurring, it transmits this
Simply fastening pieces of zinc to your boat in information to the control box.
random locations won't do the job. The control box connects the boat's battery to
You must determine how much anode surface the anode. When the sensor signals the need, the
area is required to adequately protect the equip- control box applies positive battery voltage to
ment's surface area. A good starting point is the anode. Current from the battery flows from
provided by Military Specification MIL-A- the anode to all other metal parts of the boat, no
81800 1, which states that one square inch of new matter how noble or non-noble these parts may
anode will protect either: be. This battery current takes the place of any
a. 800 square inches of freshly painted steel. galvanic current flow.
b. 250 square inches of bare steel or bare Only a very small amount of battery current is
aluminum alloy. needed to counteract galvanic corrosion. Manu-
c. 100 square inches of copper or copper alloy. facturers estimate that it would take two or three
months of constant use to drain a typical marine
This rule is for a boat at rest. When underway,
battery, assuming the battery is never recharged.
more anode area is required to protect the same
equipment surface area. An impressed current system is more expen-
sive to install than simple anodes but, consider-
The anode must be fastened so that it has good ing its low maintenance requirements and the
electrical contact with the metal to be protected. excellent protection it provides, the long-term
If possible, the anode can be attached directly to cost may actually be lower.
the other metal. If that is not possible, the entire
network of metal parts in the boat should be PROPELLERS
electrically bonded together so that all pieces are
protected. The propeller is the final link between the
Good quality anodes have inserts of some boat's drive system and the water. A perfectly
other metal around the fastener holes. Otherwise,
the anode could erode away around the fastener.
The anode can then become loose or even fall
off, removing all protection.
Another Military Specification (MIL-A-
18001) defines the type of alloy preferred that
will corrode at a uniform rate without forming a
crust that could reduce its efficiency after a time.

Impressed Current Systems

An impressed current system can be installed

on any boat that has a battery. The system con-
sists of an anode, a control box and a sensor. The
anode in this system is coated with a very noble
metal, such as platinum, so that it is almost
corrosion-free and will last indefinitely. The sen-
sor, under the boat's waterline, monitors the po-
tential for corrosion. When it senses that

maintained engine and hull are useless if the tip separates the leading edge from the trailing
propeller is the wrong type or has been allowed edge.
to deteriorate. Although propeller selection for a The leading edge is the edge of the blade
specific situation is beyond the scope of this nearest to the boat. During normal rotation, this
book, the following information on propeller is the area of the blade that first cuts through the
construction and design will allow you to discuss water.
the subject intelligently with your marine dealer. The trailing edge is the edge of the blade
farthest from the boat.
How a Propeller Works The blade face is the surface of the blade that
faces away from the boat. During normal rota-
As the curved blades of a propeller rotate tion, high pressure exists on this side of the blade.
through the water, a high-pressure area is created The blade back is the surface of the blade that
on one side of the blade and a low-pressure area faces toward the boat. During normal rotation,
exists on the other side of the blade (Figure 18). low pressure exists on this side of the blade.
The propeller moves toward the low-pressure The cup is a small curve or lip on the trailing
area, carrying the boat with it. edge of the blade.
The hub is the central portion of the propeller.
Propeller Parts It connects the blades to the propeller shaft (part
of the boat's drive system). On some drive sys-
*lthough a propeller may be a 'newpiece unit, tems, engine is routed through the hub;
it is made of different Parts Pigure in this case, the hub is up of an outer and
19). Variations in the design of these parts make an inner connected by ribs.
different propellers suitable for different jobs.
The diffuser ring is used on through-hub ex-
The blade tip is the point on the blade farthest haust models to prevent exhaust gases from en-
from the center of the propeller hub. The blade tering the blade area.

Propeller Design 2. That is, it is the diameter of the circle formed

by the blade tips during propeller rotation (Fig-
Changes in length, angle. thickness and mate-
rial of propeller pans make different propellers ure 20).
suitable for different situations. Pitch and rake
Propeller pitch and rake describe the place-
Propeller diameter is the distance from the ment of the blade in relation to the hub (Figure
center of the hub to the blade tip, multiplied by 21).

Pitch is expressed by the theoretical distance ure 24). Progressive pitch starts low at the lead-
that the propeller would travel in one revolution. ing edge and increases toward to trailing edge.
In A, Figure 22, the propeller would travel 10 The propeller pitch specification is the average
inches in one revolution. In B, Figure 22, the of the pitch across the entire blade.
propeller would travel 20 inches in one revolu-
Blade rake is specified in degrees and is meas-
tion. This distance is only theoretical; during
ured along a line from the center of the hub to
actual operation, the propeller achieves about
the blade tip. A blade that is perpendicular to the
80% of its rated travel. hub (A, Figure 25) has 0" of rake. A blade that
Propeller blades can be constructed with con- is angled from perpendicular (B, Figure 25) has
stant pitch (Figure 23) or progressive pitch (Fig- a rake expressed by its difference from perpen-

dicular. Most propellers have rakes ranging from

Blade thickness
Blade thickness is not uniform at all points
along the blade. For efficiency, blades should be
as thin as possible at all points while retaining
enough strength to move the boat. Blades tend to
be thicker where they meet the hub and thinner
at the blade tip (Figure 26). This is to support
the heavier loads at the hub section of the blade.
This thickness is dependent on the strength of the
material used.
When cut along a line from the leading edge
to the trailing- edge in the central portion of the

blade (Figure 27). the propeller blide resembles

an airplane wing. The blade face, where high
pressure exists during normal rotation, is almost
flat. The blade back, where low pressure exists
during normal rotation, is curved, with the thin-
nest portions at the edges and the thickest portion
at the center.
Propellers that run only partially submerged,
as in racing applications, may have a wedge-
shaped cross-section (Figure 28). The leading
edge is very thin; the blade thickness increases
toward the trailing edge, where it is the thickest.
If a propeller such as this is run totally sub-
merged, it is very inefficient.
Number of blades
The number of blades used on a propeller is a
compromise between efficiency and vibration. A
one-blade propeller would be the most efficient,
but it would also create high levels of vibration.
As blades are added, efficiency decreases, but so
do vibration levels. Most propellers have three
blades, representing the most practical trade-off
between efficiency and vibration.

Propeller materials are chosen for strength,

corrosion resistance and economy. Stainless
steel, aluminum and bronze are the most com-
monly used materials. Bronze is quite strong but
©eBlue-Dist 2007


rather expensive. Stainless steel is more common Cavitation and Ventilation

than bronze because of its combination of
strength and lower cost. Aluminum alloys are the Cavitation and ventilation are not inter-
least expensive but usually lack the strength of changeable terns; they refer to two distinct prob-
steel. Plastic propellers may be used in some low lems encountered during propeller operation.
horsepower applications. To understand cavitation, you must first un-
derstand the relationship between pressure and
the boiling point of water. At sea level, water will
Direction of rotation boil at 212" F. As pressure increases, such as
within an engine's closed cooling system, the
Propellers are made for both right-hand and boiling point of water increases-it will boil at
left-hand rotation although right-hand is the some temperature higher than 2 12" F. The oppo-
most commonly used. When seen from behind site is also true. As pressure decreases, water will
the boat in forward motion, a right-hand propel- boil at a temperature lower than 212" F. If pres-
ler turns clockwise and a left-hand propeller sure drops low enough, water will boil at typical
turns counterclockwise. Off the boat, you can tell ambient temperatures of 50-60" F.
the difference by observing the angle of the We have said that, during normal propeller
blades (Figure 29). A right-hand propeller's operation, low-pressure exists on the blade back.
blades slant from the upper left to the lower right; Normally, the pressure does not drop low enough
a left-hand propeller's blades are the opposite. for boiling to occur. However, poor blade design
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or selection, or blade damage can cause an un- air from entering the blade area (Figure 31). This
usual pressure drop on a small area of the blade plate is correctly called an "antiventilation
(Figure 30). Boiling can occur in this small area. plate," although you will often see it called an
As the water boils, air bubbles form. As the "anticavitation plate." Through hub exhaust sys-
boiling water passes to a higher pressure area of tems also have specially designed hubs to keep
the blade, the boiling stops and the bubbles col- exhaust gases from entering the blade area.
lapse. The collapsing bubbles release enough
energy to erode the surface of the blade.
This entire process of pressure drop, boiling and
bubble collapse is called "cavitation." The damage
caused by the collapsing bubbles is called a "cavi-
tation bum." It is important to remember that cavi-
tation is caused by a decrease in pressure, not an
increase in temperature.
Ventilation is not as complex a process as cavi-
tation. Ventilation refers to air entering the blade
area, either from above the surface of the water or
from a through-hub exhaust system. As the blades
meet the air, the propeller momentarily over-revs,
losing most of its thrust. An added complication is
that as the propeller over-revs, pressure on the blade
back decreases and massive cavitation can occur.
Most pieces of marine equipment have a plate
above the propeller area designed to keep surface
©eBlue-Dist 2007

Chapter Two

Tools and Techniques

This chapter describes the common tools re- 4. Use the proper size wrenches to avoid damage
quired for marine equipment repairs and trou- to fasteners and injury to yourself.
bleshooting. Techniques that will make your 5 . When loosening a tight or stuck fastener?think
work easier and more effective are also de- of what would happen if the wrench should slip.
scribed. Some of the procedures in this book Protect yourself accordingly.
require special skills or expertise; in some cases, 6. Keep your work area clean, uncluttered and
you are better off entrusting the job to a dealer well lighted.
or qualified specialist. 7. Wear safety goggles during all operations
involving drilling, grinding or the use of a cold
SAFETY FIRST 8. Never use worn tools.
Professional mechanics can work for years 9. Keep a Coast Guard approved fire extin-
and never suffer a serious injury. If you follow a guisher handy. Be sure it Is rated for gasoline
few rules of common sense and safety, you too (Class B) and electrical (Class C) fires.
can enjoy many safe hours servicing your marine
equipment. If you ignore these rules, you can BASIC HAND TOOLS
hurt yourself or damage the equipment.
1. Never use gasoline as a cleaning solvent. A number of tools are required to maintain
2. Never smoke or use a torch near flammable marine equipment. You may already have some
liquids, such as cleaning solvent. If you are of these tools for home or car repairs. There are
working in your home garage, remember that also tools made especially for marine equipment
your home gas appliances have pilot lights. repairs; 'these you will have to purchase. In any
3. Never smoke or use a torch in an area where case, a wide variety of quality tools will make
batteries are being charged. Highly explosive repairs easier and more effective.
hydrogen gas is formed during the charging Keep your tools clean and in a tool box. Keep
process. them organized with the sockets and related
©eBlue-Dist 2007


drives together, the open end and box wrenches Pliers

together, etc. After using a tool, wipe off dirt and
grease with a clean cloth and place the tool in its Pliers come in a wide range of types and sizes.
correct place. Pliers are useful for cutting, bending and crimp-
The following tools are required to perform ing. They should never be used to cut hardened
virtually any repair job. Each tool is described objects or to turn bolts or nuts. Figure 4 shows
and the recommended size given for starting a several types of pliers.
tool collection. Additional tools and some dupli-
cations may be added as you become more fa- Each type of pliers has a specialized function.
miliar with the equipment. You may need all General purpose pliers are used mainly for hold-
standard U.S. size tools, all metric size tools or ing things and for bending. Locking pliers are
a mixture of both. used as pliers or to hold objects very tightly, like
a vise. Needlenose pliers are used to hold or bend
small objects. Adjustable or slip-joint pliers can
The screwdriver is a very basic tool, but if
used improperly, it will do more damage than
good. The slot on a screw has a definite dimen-
sion and shape. A screwdriver must be selected
to conform with that shape. Use a small screw-
driver for small screws and a large one for large
screws or the screw head will be damaged.
Two types of screwdriver are commonly re-
quired: a common (flat-blade) screwdriver (Fig-
ure I) and Phillips screwdrivers (Figure 2).
Screwdrivers are available in sets, which often
include an assortment of common and Phillips
blades. If you buy them individually, buy at least
the following:
a. Common screwdriver-5/16 x 4 in. blade.
b. Common screwdriver-318 x 12 in. blade
c. Phillips screwdriver-size 2 tip, 6 in. blade.
Use screwdrivers only for driving screws.
Never use a screwdriver for prying or chiseling.
Do not try to remove a Phillips or Allen head
screw with a common screwdriver; you can dam-
age the head so that the proper tool will be unable
to remove it.
Keep screwdrivers in the proper condition and
they will last longer and perform better. Always
keep the tip of a common screwdriver in good
condition. Figure 3 shows how to grind the tip
to the proper shape if it becomes damaged. Note
the parallel sides of the tip.
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be adjusted to hold various sizes of objects; the

jaws remain parallel to grip around objects such
as pipe or tubing. There are many more types of
pliers. The ones described here are the most
commonly used.

Box and Open-mmrenrrenches

Box and open-end wrenches are available in

sets or separately in a variety of sizes. See Figure
5 and Figure 6. The number stamped near the
end refers to the distance between two parallel
flats on the hex head bolt or nut.

Box wrenches are usually superior to open-

end wrenches. An open-end wrench grips the nut
on only two flats. Unless it fits well, it may slip
and round off the points on the nut. The box
wrench grips all 6 flats. Both 4-point and 12-
point openings on box wrenches are available.
The 6-point gives superior holding power; the
12-point allows a shorter swing.
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Combination wrenches, which are open on

one side and boxed on the other, are also avail-
able. Both ends are the same size.

Adjustable Wrenches

An adjustable wrench can be adjusted to fit

nearly any nut or bolt head. See Figure 7. How-
ever, it can loosen and slip, causing damage to
the nut and maybe to your knuckles. Use an
adjustable wrench only when other wrenches are
not available.
Adjustable wrenches come in sizes ranging
from 4-18 in. overall. A 6 or 8 in. wrench is
recommended as an all-purpose wrench.

Socket Wrenches

This type is undoubtedly the fastest, safest and

most convenient to use. See Figure 8. Sockets,
which attach to a suitable handle, are available
with 6-point or 12-point openings and use 114,
318 and 314 inch drives. The drive size indicates
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the size of the square hole that mates with the

ratchet or flex handle.

Torque Wrench

A torque wrench (Figure 9) is used with a

socket to measure how tight a nut or bolt is
installed. They come in a wide price range and
with either 318 or 112 in. square drive. The drive
size indicates the size of the square drive that
mates with the socket. Purchase one that meas-
ures up to 150 ft.-lb. (203 N.m).

Impact Drives

This tool (Figure PO) makes removal of tight

fasteners easy and eliminates damage to bolts
and screw slots. Impact drivers and interchange-
able bits are available at most large hardware and
auto parts stores.

Circlip Pliers

Cisclip pliers (sometimes referred to as snap-

ring pliers) are necessary to remove circlips, See
Figure 81. Circlip pliers usually come with sev-
eral different size tips; many designs can be
switched from internal type to external type.


The correct hammer is necessary for repairs.

Use only a hammer with a face (or head) of
rubber or plastic or the soft-faced type that is
filled with buckshot (Figure 12). These are
sometimes necessary in engine tear-downs.
Never- use a metal-faced hammer as severe dam-
age will result in most cases. You can always
produce the same amount of force with a soft-
faced hammer.
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Feeler Gauge

This tool has either flat or wire measuring

gauges (Figure 13). Wire gauges are used to
measure spark plug gap; flat gauges are used for
all other measurements. A non-magnetic (brass)
gauge may be specified when working around
magnetized parts.

Other Special Tools

Some procedures require special tools; these

are identified in the appropriate chapter. Unless
otherwise specified, the part number used in this
book to identify a special tool is the marine
equipment manufacturer's part number*
Special tools can usually be purchased
through your marine equipment dealer. Some
can be made locally by a machinist, often at a
much lower price. "I'ou may find certain special
tools at tool rental dealers. Don't use makeshift
tools if you can't locate the correct special tool;
you will probably cause more damage than good.



This instlument (Figure 14) is invaluable for

electrical system troubleshooting anad service. It
combines a voltrnetep; an ohmmeter and an am-
meter into one unit, so it is often called a VOM.
Two types of multimeter are available, analog
and digital. Analog meters have a moving needle
with marked bands indicating the volt, ohm and
amperage scales. The digital meter (DVOM) is
ideally suited for troubleshooting because it is
easy to read, more accurate than analog, coi~tains
internal overload protection. is auto-ranging
(analog meters must be recalibrated each time
the scale is changed) and has automatic polarity
©eBlue-Dist 2007


Strobe Timing Light

This instrument is necessary for dynamic tun-

ing (setting ignition timing while the engine is
running). By flashing a light at the precise instant
the spark plug fires, the position of the timing
mark can be seen. The flashing light makes a
moving mark appear to stand still opposite a
stationary mark.
Suitable lights range from inexpensive neon
bulb types to powerful xenon strobe lights. See
Figure 15. A light with an inductive pickup is
best because it eliminates any possible damage
to ignition wiring.

Tachometer/Dwell Meter
A portable tachometer is necessary for tuning.
See Figure 16. Ignition timing and carburetor
adjustments must be performed at the specified
idle speed. The best instrument for this purpose
is one with a low range of 0- 1000 or 0-2000 rpm
and a high range of 0-6000 rpm. Extended range
(0-6000 or 0-8000 rpm) instruments lack accu-
racy at lower speeds. The instrument should be
capable of detecting changes of 25 rpm on rhe
low range.
A dwell meter is often combined with a ta-
chometer. Dwell meters are used with breaker
point ignition systems to measure the amourat of
time the points remain closed during engine

Compression Gauge
This tool (Figure 19) measures the amount of
pressure present in the engine's combustion
chamber during the compression stroke. This
indicates general engine condition. Compression
readings can be interpreted along with vacuum
gauge readings to pinpoint specific engine me-
chanical problems.
The easiest type to use has screw-in adapters
that fit into the spark plug holes. Press-in mbber-
tipped types are also available.
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Biacuum Gauge
The vacuum gauge (Figure 18) measures the
intake manifold vacuum created by the engine's
intake stroke. Manifold and valve problems (on
4-stroke engines) can be identified by interpret-
ing the readings. When combined with compres-
sion gauge readings, other engine problems can
be diagnosed.
Some vacuum gauges can also be used as fuel
pressure gauges to trace fuel system problems.


Battery electrolyte specific gravity is meas-

ured with a hydrometer (Figure 19). The specific
gravity of the electrolyte indicates the battery's
state of charge. The best type has automatic
temperature compensation; otherwise, you must
calculate the compensation yourself.

Precision Measuring Tools

Various tools are needed to make precision
measurements, A dial indicator (Figure EO), for
example, is used to determine run-out of rotating
parts and end play of pasts assemblies. A dial
indicator can also be used to precisely measure
piston position in relation to top dead center;
some engines require this measurement for igni-
tion timing adjustment.
Vernier calipers (Figure 21) and micrometers
(Figure 22) are other precision measuring tools
used to determine the size of parts (such as piston
Precision measuring equipment must be
stored, handled and used carefully or it will not
remain accurate.

Most s f the service procedures covered in this
manual are straightforward and can be per-
formed by anyone reasonably handy with tools.
©eBlue-Dist 2007



It is suggested, however, that you consider your

own skills and toolbox carefully before attempt-
equipment required, it would be better to have a
qualified repair shop make the measurements for . ,.:g&&

ing any operation involving major disassembly you.

of the engine or gearcase.
Preparation for Disassembly
Some operations, for example, require the use
of a press. It would be wiser to have these per- Repairs go much faster and easier if the equip-
formed by a shop equipped for such work, rather ment is clean before you begin work. There are
than trying to do the job yourself with makeshift special cleaners, such as Gunk or Bel-Ray De-
equipment. Other procedures require precise greaser, for washing the engine and related parts.
measurements. Unless you have the skills and Just spray or brush on the cleaning solution, let
it stand, then rinse away with a garden hose.
Clean all oily or greasy parts with cleaning sol-
vent as you remove them.

Nel'er. use ,pasoline as a cleaning agent.
It pr.eserzts an extr e n ~ efire hazard. Be
sure to ~ ' o r kin U. ~.l,ell-13entilatecI
when using cleanil~gsolvent. Keep U.
Coasr Guard approt'edfii'ile e.uti~lgznishei;
rated for gccsolirle fires, izanclj i n an),

Much of the labor charged for repairs made by

dealers is for the removal and disassembly of
other parts to reach the defective ui~it.It is fre-
quently possible to perform the preliminary op-
erations yourself and then take the defective unit
in to the dealer -for repair.
If you decide to tackle the jobyoorself, read
the entire section in this manual that pertains to
it, making sure you have identified the proper
one. Study the illustratio~~s and text until you
have a good idea of what is involved in complet-
ing the job satisfactorily. If special tools or re-
placement parts are required, make
arrangements to get them before you start. It is
frustrating and time-consutning to get partly into
a job and then be unable to complete it.

Disassembly Precautions

During disassembly of parts, keep a few gen-

eral precautions in mind. Force is rarely needed
to get things apart. If parts are a tight fit, such as
©eBlue-Dist 2007


a bearing in a case, there is usually a tool de- Whenever a rotating part butts against a sta-
signed to separate them. Never use a screwdriver tionary part, look for a shim or washer. Use new
to pry apart parts with machined surfaces (such gaskets if there is any doubt about the condition
as cylinder heads and crankcases). You will mar of the old ones. Unless otherwise specified, a thin
the surfaces and end up with leaks. coat of oil on gaskets may help them seal effec-
Make diagrams (or take an instant picture) tively.
wherever similar-appearing parts are found. For Heavy grease can be used to hold small parts
example, head and crankcase bolts are often not in place if they tend to fall out during assembly.
the same length. You may think you can remem- However, keep grease and oil away from electri-
ber where everything came from, but mistakes cal components.
are costly. There is also the possibility you may High spots may be sanded off a piston with
be sidetracked and not return to work for days or sandpaper, but fine emery cloth and oil will do a
even weeks. In the interval, carefully laid out much more professional job.
parts may have been disturbed. Carbon can be removed from the cylinder
Cover all openings after removing parts to head, the piston crown and the exhaust port with
keep small parts, dirt or other contamination a dull screwdriver. Do not scratch either surface.
from entering. Wipe off the surface with a clean cloth when
Tag all similar internal parts for location and finished.
direction. All internal components should be re- The carburetor is best cleaned by disassem-
installed in the same location and direction from bling it and soaking the parts in a commercial
which removed. Record the number and thick- carburetor cleaner. Never soak gaskets and rub-
ness of any shims as they are removed. Small ber parts in these cleaners. Never use wire to
parts, such as bolts, can be identified by placing clean out jets and air passages; they are easily
them in plastic sandwich bags. Seal and label damaged. Use compressed air to blow out the
them with masking tape. carburetor after the float has been removed.
Wiring should be tagged with masking tape Take your time and do the job right. Do not
and marked as each wire is removed. Again, do forget that the break-in procedure on a newly
not rely on memory alone. rebuilt engine is the same as that of a new one.
Protect finished surfaces from physical dam- Use the break-in oil recommendations and fol-
age or corrosion. Keep gasoline off painted sur- low other instructions given in your owner's
faces. manual..

Assembly Precautions SPECIAL TIPS

No parts, except those assembled with a press Because of the extreme demands placed on
fit, require unusual force during assembly. If a marine equipment, several points should be kept
part is hard to remove or install, find out why in mind when performing service and repair. The
before proceeding. following items are general suggestions that may
When assembling two parts, start all fasteners, improve the overall life of the machine and help
then tighten evenly in an alternating or crossing avoid costly failures.
pattern if no specific tightening sequence is 1. Unless otherwise specified, use a locking
given. compound, such as Loctite Threadlocker, on all
When assembling parts, be sure all shims and bolts and nuts, even if they are secured with
washers are installed exactly as they came out. lockwashers. Be sure to use the specified grade
©eBlue-Dist 2007


of thread locking compound. A screw or bolt lost designated. Many gaskets are designed to swell
from an engine coves or bearing retainer could when they come in contact with oil. Gasket
easily cause serious and expensive damage be- sealer will prevent the gaskets from swelling as
fore its loss is noticed. jntended and can result- in oil leaks. Authorized
When applying thread locking compound, use replacement gaskets are cut from material of the
a small amount. If too much is used, it can work precise thickness needed. Installation of a too
its way down the threads and stick parts together thick or too thin gasket in a critical area could
that were not meant to be stuck together. cause equipment damage.
Keep a tube of thread locking compound in
your tool box; when used properly, it is cheap
2. Use a hammer-driven impact tool to remove
and install screws and bolts. These tools help Removing Frozen Fasteners
prevent the rounding off of bolt heads and screw
slots and ensure a tight installation.
3. When straightening the fold-over type Iock- When a fastener rusts and cannot be removed,
washer, use a wide-blade chisel, such as an old several methods may be used to loosen it. First.
and dull wood chisel. Such a tool provides a apply penetrating oil, such as Liquid Wrench or
better purchase on the folded tab, making WD-40 (available at any hardware or auto sup-
straightening easier. ply store). Apply it liberally and allow it pene-
4. When installing the fold-over type lock- trate for 10-15 minutes. Tap the fastener several
washel; always use a new washer if possible. If times with a small hammer; do not hit it hard
a new washer is not available, always fold over enough to cause damage. Reapply the penetrat-
a part of the washer that has not been previously ing oil if necessary.
folded. Reusing the same fold may cause the
For frozen screws, apply penetrating oil as
washer to break, resulting in the loss of its Iock-
described, then insert a screwdriver in the slot
ing ability and a loose piece of metal admft in the
and tap the top of the screwdriver with a hammer.
This loosens the rust so the screw can be re-
When folding the washer, start the fold with a moved in the nomal way. If the screw head is
screwdriver and finish it with a pair of pliers. If too chewed up to use a screwdriver, grip the head
a punch is used to make the fold, the fold may be with locking pliers and twist the screw out.
too sharp, thereby increasing the chances of the
washer breaking under stress. Avoid applying heat unless specifically in-
These washers are relatively inexpensive and structed because it may melt, warp or remove the
it is suggested that you keep several of each size temper from parts.
in your tool box for repairs.
5. When replacing missing or broken fasteners
(bolts, nuts and screws), always use authorized Remedying Stripped Threads
replacement parts. They are specially hardened
for each application. The wrong 50-cent bolt Occasionally, threads are stripped through
could easily cause serious and expensive dam- carelessness or impact damage. Often the threads
age. can be cleaned up by running a tap (for internal
6. When installing gaskets, always use author- threads on nuts) or die (for external threads on
ized replacement gaskets without sealer, unless bolts) through threads. See Figure 23.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


Removing Broken Screws or Bolts or cut a slot in it to fit a screwdriver. See Figurc
When the head breaks off a screw or bolt, If the head breaks off flush. use a screw ex-
several methods are available for removing the
remaining portion. tractor To do this, centerpunch the remaining
portion of the screw or bolt. Drill a small hole in
If a large portion of the remainder projects out, the screw and tap the extractor into the hole.
try gripping it with vise-grip pliers. If the pro- Back the screw out with a wrench on the extrac-
jecting portion is too small, file it to fit a wrench tor. See Figure 25.
©eBlue-Dist 2007

Chapter Three

Troubleshooting and Testing

There are three basic requirements for all internal com- The use of aftermarket equipment or
bustion engines to run: proper ignition, unrestricted fuel modzfication of the engine can affect erz-
supply, and adequate compression. When troubleshooting gine performatzce and tuning require-
a problem, keep it simple. Define the symptom as closely ments. For information on aftermarket
as possible to one of the three functions, and then isolate equipment, consult a dealerslzip ilzat han-
the problem. dles such eqztipment or is fat7ziliar with en-
gine modification. Ifnecessa~y,contact the
Expensive equipment or complicated test gear is not nza7zujactur"er of tlze aj?ernzarket eqtlipmerzt
necessary to detennine whether repairs can be attempted for informatioiz.
at home. A few simple tests could prevent a large repair
bill and lost time while the vehicle sits in a service depart-
ment. However, do not attempt repairs beyond your abili- TEST EQUIPMENT
ties. Service departments tend to charge heavily for
putting together a disassembled engine that may have Multimeter
been abused.
This chapter covers test equipment, troubleshooting Modern outboards use advanced electronic engine con-
preparation and systems or component testing. trol systems that help optimize the performance, reliabil-
ity, and fuel economy. A multimeter is necessary to
Tables 1-8 are located at the end of this chapter. accurately test these control systems. A multimeter com-
bines the functions of a voltmeter, ohmmeter, and amme-
NOTE ter into one unit. Perform all tests using either an analog or
This manztalprovidespr-ocedures and spec-
ifications for standard products. Infornza-
digital multimeter. Refer to this section any time a ques-
tion ?nay not apply if the product has been tion arises on using a multimeter.
modzj?edJi.omits original factory condition A digital multimeter displays the readings on an LCD
or has afteirnzarket equipment installed. screen on the front of the meter. An analog multimeter
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©eBlue-Dist 2007

-Voltage Drop

Since resistance causes voltage to drop, resistance can

be l~reas~~rec?on an active circuit using a voltmeter. This is
a voltage drop test. Basicallj~,a voltage drop test measures
the difference in voltage at the begini~ingof a circuit and
ihe end of a oircuir xhile the circuit is being operated. If
rhe circuit has 110 resisttince, there will be iio voltage drop
(the meter wiii read zero). The more resistance in the cir-
cnit, the higher the ~loltmeierreading will be. Generally,
voltage drop readings of one or more volts are considered
unsatisfactory. The advantage to tile ~ o l t a g edrop test
compared to a resisrance test is h a t the circuit is tested
during operalion. It is i~npox-tantto remember that a zero
a gvoitage drop test is good, while a battery
reading d u r i ~ ~
voltage reading :.could indicate ;m open circuit.
A voltage d.rop test is an excellent way to test solenoids,
relays, battery cables and high-current electrical leads. To
perfonn a voltage drop test, connect the positive meter
lead to the voltage source (where electricity is coming
from) and the negative meter lead to the load (where elec-
tricity is going).


Resistance is the oppesition to the flow of current

ahroi.igh a circuit. Ohms are the unit ofmeasure for resis-
. .
tance. Use a.n o h r ~ l i ~ ~ eon?y
r e r on a c ~ r a l i tDP. component
Illat is isolated (disconi3ected). The ahmmeter will be
damaged if connticted to a circuitwith voltage present.
To measure resistaxce; tile olimmeter is typically con-
nected in a series conizer:rior?(Figure 2). Because an ohm-
Inerer is self-powered. it is o f en used as a csntinuity tester
in addition to measuring resistance. Use a continuity
. .
tester to cl~ecl:the integrity of a c~rcv.i,ri:or component and
to check diodes. An 7;ni;ilty reading clpen circuit) indi-
cates no c o ~ ~ t i r ~ uscBik
i t y any other reading indicates con-
. .
An ohmmeter, although usefi~iii:is uot aiways a good in-
dicator of ignition system conditiol~.Phis is primarily be-
cause resistance tests do not siinulate actual operating
conditions. For example, he porn-er soarce in most ohm-
nlciers is only 6-9 volts. A CDI charge cojl, how-ever,
con~rnonly-produces 100-300 voks dming normal opera-
tion. Such high voltage can cause coil insulation leakage
+ camlot bc detected with an ohmmeter.
t~ ,~
i k a i

An analog ohlmeter m i s t be calibrated before each use

and each time the scale is changed. Digital ohmmeters?
hovjever, are usually a to-ranging and auto-scaling and
do notrequire cziibratjon. To calibrate an analog meter,
totioh the test leads together and kiru the adjust l a o b until
rhc ncedle points exact:y at zero. See Figure 3.

©eBlue-Dist 2007


Because resistance generally increases with tempera-

ture, perfosm resistance tests with the circuit or compo-
nent cold (room temperature). Aresistance test performed
on a hot component will indicate increased resistance and
may result in unnecessary parts replacement without solv-
ing the basic problem.

Do not connect an ohnzmeter to a live circuit
or comporzent. Always isolate the circuit or
component from voltage prior to attaching
an ohmmeter or tlze meter will be damaged.


Current is the flow of electricity in a circuit and is mea-

sured in amperes (amps). Amps are measured using an
ammeter attached in a simple series connection. To con-
nect an ammeter, the circuit usually must be disconnected
and ammeter spliced into the circuit. Always connect the
positive ammeter lead to the source (where electricity is COMPRESSION
coming from) and the negative lead to the load (where
electricity is going).

Checking Diodes

An ohmmeter is often used to check diodes within vari-

ous engine components. Some meters have a diode test
option. Diodes function like electrical check valves. First
check for continuity by measuring between two leads or
terminals. Then reverse the meter test leads and check for
continuity again. No continuity when connected one way
and continuity when the leads are reversed generally indi-
cates a good diode. Do not be concerned about test lead
polarity, as variations exist from one meter to the next.


Before troubleshooting, verify the model name, model

number, horsepower and serial number of the engine. It is
essential that the model be identified correctly before ser-
vicing the engine. In many cases, the tables list specifica- 1. Inspect the engine for loose, corroded, broken,
tions by horsepower and/or model name. For most cracked, or disconnected wires.
models, identification tags may be found on the clamp 2. Make sure the engine has fresh fuel.
bracket.The information provided on the tag is required 3. Ensure the battery is fully charged and cable connec-
when purchasing replacement parts for the outboard. tions are tight and corrosion-free.
Most engine problems may be resolved by completing a 4. Check for ignition spark at each cylinder.
basic inspection. Check the following tips and refer to Ta- 5. Check the spark plug condition and make sure the
bles 1-5 at the end of this chapter for starting, fuel and ig- spark gap setting is correct.
nition troubleshooting. Additional troubleshooting tips 6. Check the location of the lanyard switch; make sure it
are provided in this chapter for the specific system or is in the run position.
component. 7. Verify that the boat hull is free of any obstructions.
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Determining a Fuel or Ignition Fault

Determining if a starting problem is related to fuel, igni-

tion or other causes can be difficult. If the engine cranks
but does not start, verify that the ignition system is operat-
ing. Use a spark gap tester to make sure ignition (spark) is
present at cranking speed. Use Stevens S-13C, S-48 or
equivalent. Check the fuel system if the ignition system is
operating properly.

Spark test

1. Connect an alligator clip test lead (A, Figure 5) to an

engine ground.
2. Remove the spark plug(s) (B, Figure 5).
3. Attach the spark plug leads to the spark gap tester (C,
Figure 5).
4. Crank the engine while observing the spark tester (Fig-
ure 6). A strong blue spark that jumps a 9 mm (0.035 in.)
gap indicates adequate spark.
5. Repeat Steps 1-4 for all cylinders. Reinstall the spark
plug(s) and connect the leads after the test is complete.
Refer to Table 2 for ignition system testing if spark is
weak or absent on any cylinder. Refer to Table 4 for fuel
system troubleshooting if the ignition system is working
properly, but the engine will not start.

Fuel System Inspection

Fuel-related problems are common on outboard en-

gines. Fuel available today has a relatively short shelf life.
Gasoline tends to lose some of its potency and becomes
sour if it is stored for long periods. A sticky or gummy de-
posit may form in the carburetor and passages as the fuel
evaporates. This deposit may also clog fuel line and fuel
filters. Fuel stored in a tank may become contaminated by
water from condensation or other sources. The water will
cause the engine to run erratically or not run at all.
If the engine has been stored for a period of time and is
hard to start, check the condition of the fuel. Carefully
drain the fuel from the carburetor float bowl into a suit-
able container. Drawings that indicate specific locations
OPERATING REQUIREMENTS of the float bowl drain plugs (Figure 7) appear in Chapter
Six. Contaminated fuel has a unique odor; this is a sure
An internal combustion engine requires three basic sign of a problem. Debris, cloudiness or water in the fuel
things to run properly: an unrestricted supply of fresh he1 is a sure sign of a problem. If any of these signs are found,
to the carburetor, adequate compression in the combus- dispose of the old fuel in an environmentally safe manner.
tion chamber and ignition at the correct time (Figure 4). If Contact a local marine dealership or automotive repair
any of these are lacking, the engine will not run properly center for information on proper disposal of fuel. Clean
or will not run at all. the entire fuel system if contaminants are found in the
©eBlue-Dist 2007

--- - s -

tlozt S o i ~ l problems
: are sure ts happen if ~ b t entire
- fiw\
system is not cleaiicd. Replace ail fihers in thc fie; system
if contan~ir~ants 're h i n d in 'ike fix1 ;ysiei?. If no tile1 can
be drained from the flcat bowl. rhe carb~iretor.(s),fuei
lines and fuel pump should be inspected. Typicaily the in-
let needle is stuck closed or phgged by debris, preventing
fuel from reachi~igthe carburetor. Cz.1-buretor repaij- pro-
cediires are providtd in Chapter Six.

Engine surging ar higher speeds Is usiialiy carrsed by

probie~nswith eilher the iiiei; piliiqp i;r the ijlei t;enii. Bcats
equipped with built-in i%el tanks haye antisiphol: \a!l:es
installed by the boat manufacturer, Tl?is antisiphon vah-e
prevents from being siplloned ciit ofthe ':ad< hnd into
the boat if a fuel line :s cut ar pinched. These devices are a
recessary safer:; meci:a~:ism, but f2ey may caase prob-
lems if they ma.lfi.~r~ctien.To test a suspected fuel tank i . P,erili:.;e the attaching ssc~x((s),siiencedcover and
problem, temporari!y run the enginc ~x-itha portable fun1 gasket (Figtare 8)from the front ofthe engir-LC.
tank fXed ivitli ficsh -Lel. If she probjzm no longer existsl 2 , Look into the throat of the carh~iretoiand gently-
check the furel tank picltup and/or rzplace the antisiplion squeezethe primer bulb Engil~esm-i;h an integra': h e :
valve. tar& are not equipped n~i.rl3a prin-kcr buib, Open rlic Fdel
To check for a fuel pump pro5Iein. try squeezing the valve axid lock i n f : ~ihe thioat 3f t;he carii'ilreior,
primer bulb gentlj~while the problen is occurring. Com- 3. If fuel is flowing iiito ~ I tilroz:
C of rlre carbaretor* re.-
pletely inspect the ft~e!pump and f~tclliaes if the symp- move tile carbtiretor acid repail i t as described i r ~Chapter
tom improves w-hile sqxeezing the pnmer bulb. Fuel Six
. -. 4. 1rs.iali the gssicei, si!encE/cover and rcrel,+:(s)securely.
system repai:-procedures a;.€ proi.;aec; ii? Chapter Six, AI-
ways correct fuel leakage A e r worltinp with any fuel sys-
tem ~ o ~ x p a n e ~ l i .

CAurmLv Blocked jets, passzges. arifices or vents ca3 cause ei-

,hTever rift? ai; outbooi-d ~ + . i l k o ~pravidiizg
coaling Ii'nlei: i'jse either n test lank or ther a rich or lean co~~ditiols.
Operating the engine under a
fluslzkest d e ~ i c e .Ke~noveihe pi"ope2lzr be- Iea.11 condi~iori leads to serious power head damage.
Jb,s rtinniizg the engiiae. I/:i2sla!l tesl p i e F;,mptoms of inadeqate (lean) or excess (rich) con-
peller to rut^ the r~zgt:lein a test rolzk, ditions include hesitation cr stalling during acceleration,
rough idle, poor perfamance at high speed or surging. If
the engine hesitates or stalls during acceleration, activate
Carburetor B$al%°8nnetion the choke to enrich the h e 1 mixbre while accelerating the
engine. The engine is operating under a lean fuel condi-
A lough-n~nnmgengine that srnolies excessi~elyusu- tion if the symptoms improve wi.Eh the enriched 5 x 1 mix-
ally lndlcates a rich fiel1a:r mixture The typical cduses ture. If the syinptoms get worse, the fuel mixture is too
llzclude a flooding carburetor. stuck or closed c h o ~ eo i a rich. In either case, clean and inspect the carburetor(s) as
faulty puddle drain system The nzzost cun;rxsn cause 1s a described in Chapter Six.
flooding carburet01 or ilxproper float level G weak lgm-
tion (spar:<) can also cause rorrgh mnnmg and excesswe
Hesitation during acceleration is another symptom of If the engine is operated at higher elevations, carburetor
cai-buretor malf~mction.This typically is caused by a lea11 jet changes may be required. Operation in extreme c!i-
condition. inaies may also require carburetor adjustnent or jet
©eBlue-Dist 2007
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5 . Replace the stop button and harness (tiller model only)

if readings are incorrect.
6. Test the key switch and lanyard switch (remote control
models) if either test in Step 3 or Step 4 fails. Refer to
Chapter Seven for key switch and lanyard switch testing.
7. Repair or replace the harness (remote control models)
connecting the controls to the engine if the key switch and
lanyard switch function properly.
8. Perform Steps 3 and 4 to verify proper operation be-
fore running the engine. Reconnect all leads and operate
the engine to verify proper switch operation. Replace the
CDI unit if all other components operate properly, but the
engine has no ignition or cannot be stopped.

Spark Plug Cap

Aproblem with the spark plug cap can cause an ignition

misfire. Often very humid conditions contribute to the
misfire. Replace the spark plug cap if external arcing is
noted at the spark plug connection. Corrosion at the con-
nections can cause high resistance and result in an ignition
misfire. Visually inspect all spark plug caps. Replace any
cap that is corroded, cracked or has breaks in the insulat-
ing material. The spark plug caps covered in this manual
all screw on and off the secondary lead. To remove the
spark plug cap. turn it counterclockwise; to install the
spark plug cap, turn it clockwise.

Ignition Coil
Secondary resistance
A problem with an ignition coil can cause or contribute
to an intermittent or constant ignition misfire. Perform a 1. Disconnect the primary leads and secondary lead from
visual inspection on all ignition coils. Replace any coil the ignition coil.
that has corroded terminals or cracks on its body. A coil 2. Connect the negative lead of the ohmmeter to the black
resistance test can be performed for all models. Coil re- lead (Figure 12) of the ignition coil.
moval and installation procedures are provided in Chapter 3. Connect the positive lead of the ohmmeter to the sec-
Seven. ondary lead (Figure 12) of the ignition coil.
4. Coinpare the reading with the secondary resistance
specification in the tables at the end of Chapter Seven.
Primary resistance 5 . Repeat the test for all ignition coils on the engine.
6. Install the coil onto the power head and connect the
1. Disconnect the primary leads and the secondary lead leads to proper location.
from the ignition coil.
2. Connect the negative lead of the ohmmeter to the black
lead (Figure 11) of the ignition coil. Pulser Coil
3. Connect the positive lead of the ohmmeter to the
blacldwhite lead (Figure 11) of the ignition coil. The pulser coil is located under the flywheel. An elec-
4. Compare the reading with primary resistance specifi- trical pulse is created as magnets attached to the flywheel
cation at the end of Chapter Seven. pass near the coil. This electrical pulse initiates the spark
5. Repeat the test for all ignition coils on the engine. Re- at the plug. If a pulser coil is faulty, the flywheel (Figure
place any coil that does not meet the indicated specification. 13) must be removed to access the coil. Flywheel removal
©eBlue-Dist 2007


2. Connect the positive and negative ohmmeter leads

(Figure 13) to the correct color leads as indicated in the
wiring diagrams at the end of this manual.

Pulser coil resistance test reszdts are not a f -
fected by polarity of the test leads.
4. Compare the pdser coil resistance with the specification
provided in Tables 2-24 in Chapter Seven. Replace the pulser
coil if the resistance is not w i t h specification. Removal and
installation of the pulser coil are provided in Chapter Seven.
5. Attach the leads to the proper location(s) when testing
is complete.

Pulser coilpeak voltage output

When performing this test, all leads must be connected

into the main engine harness. Using a test harness or prob-
ing the wire connections (Figure 14) allows voltage test-
ing while sunning the engine. This test will identify a
faulty pulser coil or CDI unit during running conditions.

Stay clear of the propeller shaft while run-
ning an engine on aJlush/test device. As a
safety precaution, remove the propeller be-
fore performing the test.
1. Connect a peak-reading voltmeter to the pulser coil
wires. Refer to the appropriate table at the end of this
chapter for the wire colors.
2. Run the engine on a suitable testlflush device or in a
test tank. Record the voltage output at the indicated en-
gine speed. See Tables 2-24 in Chapter Seven.

If the peak voltage reading is excessively
low, reverse the meter test leads and run the
test again before determining the test re-
3. Compare the output with the specification listed in Ta-
is not necessary to access the pulse coil leads. A faulty bles 2-24 at the end of Chater Seven. Replace the CDI unit if
pulser coil can cause an intermittent or constant ignition the voltage reading is above the specification. Replace the
misfire. Follow the test procedures carefully to avoid pulser coil if the reading is below the specification. CDI unit
misdiagnosis and unnecessary flywheel removal. Refer to and pulser coil replacement are provided in Chapter Seven.
Tables 2-24 in Chapter Seven for the pulser coil specifica- 4. Remove the test harness and attach all leads to the
tions. A peak-reading voltmeter is needed to test peak proper locations.
voltage on all models.
Never run an ot~tboardwithout providing
Pulser coil resistance cooling water; use either a test tank or
jlush/test device. Install a test propeller to
1. Disconnect the pulser coil leads from the harness. run the engine in a test tank.
©eBlue-Dist 2007

Ignition Exciter Coil

The ignition exciter coil powers the ignition syslen:.

Current is gc~leratedin the coil as magnets attached to the
fljw7heel rotate past the coil. This cuxerxt is directed to the
CDI unit n-here it is stored for use to create ignition. A
faulty ignition exciter coil can cause a.n internittent mis-
fire or no spark. 011certain ~nodcls,the engine may oper-
ate properly at one speed and misfire at another speed d i ~ e
to a faulty exciter coil. Perform the test caref~dly,as the
flywheel must be re~novedto remove the exciter coil. The
flywheel does not have to be removed during testing siiicc
the coil leads are accessible. Adigital ineter
a is required for
peak voltage resistailce tests.
Resistance speciiicatioils and peak voltage readings are
provided in Chapter Seven. Perform both tests to ensure
accurate lest results.

Ig~zibionex~itercod reskta~lnce

1. Disconnect all ignition exciter coil le ds from the en-

gine harness.
2. Connect the ineter test leads to the exciter coil leads
(Figure 15)as indicated. in Tables 1-24. Chapter Sever;.
3. Compare the resistame xvi'l-l-ithe specificatioil listed ig
Tables 2-24 ill Chapter Seven, Replace the ignition ex-
citer coil if it is not within the specification. Refer to
Chapter Seven for re~:~ovaiand installation.
4. Connect all Izads to the proper locetinn.

Igfiition exciter coil peak voltage o u t ~ u f

When performing this test: all leads must be connected

to the engine har~iess.Using a test haness or probiag "I.e
wire co~~nectioiis (Figure 14) al!owi the voltage to he
tested while the engine is runl~ing.This test call identify a
faulty ignition exci;er coii during rumling co~iditions.

JK4 Pu~~>t;PrG
Staj. clear of tfw propell~rslzq? uizile r.zrn-
ning an eizgir:e olz ajlzlsh/teLrt,?'e~*ice,
the propeller before ix~zrrirzgflzc eizgine or.
pe~fonnir7ga test.

1. Connect a peak-reading boilmeter to the pulses col! 4.Remove the test h

wires. Refer to the appropriate table at the elid of Chapter proper locations.
Seven for the wire co!ors.

iv'ever. rz1n aiz outL~oaid~ t ' i t i z op~o-oviding
cooling water; use either a test tank or
Jz~sh/testdevice. 1;qstall a test propeller. to direct sparl: to rke
rzin the engine in a te.rt tank,
©eBlue-Dist 2007

.- .--------

gecerated and stored jrr a capacitor in the CD1 unit. Elec- A peak-reading 1,oltmeter (Model M-530 or equivalent) is
trical pulses ge!leraied by the pulser coil trigger the re- required to test peak voltage on all models.
leas:: of the stored cui-rent, which is directed to the ignition
coil. ignition coi?amplifies the current to the voltage
needed to jump the gap at the spark plug. CDP Unit Peak Voltage Test
Tile ignition ~irningis advagced at higher engine speeds '#her: perfornning this test, all leads must be connected
to improve engine performance and efficiency. On some to the engine harness. The use of a test harness or probing
models, tl-iis is accompiishrd by rotating the pulser coil in wire connections (Figure 14) allows voltage testing while
relationship to the triggering magnets in the flywheel. 811 running the engine. This test can identify a faulty CDI unit
other niodels. the CDI unit advances the tinling. Auto- &aring running conditions.
matic spark advance is provided with increased engine
speed. WARVING
The CDT unit on some models performs other important Stay clear. ofthe propeller. slzaj? wlzile run-
functions in addition to ignition control. 011some models ning an engine on a Jltlslz/test device. Re-
the CDI unit limits the engine speed if it receives an ab- nzove tlze propeller before ruiztzi~zg the
normai reading from the overheat sensor, water pressure engine or testing.
sensor, or oil level se~sor.All three- and four-cylinder 1. If necessary, attach a test harness to the engine wiring
models have a special feahire of the C D I unit for harness at the CDX unit connector. Connect a peak-reading
overspeed limitation. There is a third type of speed limita- voltmeter to the 6191 unit wires specified in the appropri-
tion used on the 115, 120 and 140 hp rnodels. The CDI ate table in Chapter Seven.
unit iimits the top engine speed to about 1500 rpm if it
does not receive a signal from the remote control box CA UTION
through the red/yeliow lead. Testing procedures for these 1Ve13erratinan outb0ar.d ~vithoutfirstyrovid-
sensors are covered in this cl~apter.Timing and linkage ii7g coolirzg wafer: Use either a test tank or
adjustnlents f ~ a:Ir i?~odelsare provided in C1ia.pter Five. Jlus/z/test device. Ren~ovethe propeller be-
©eBlue-Dist 2007


fo;*e running the engine. Install a test pro-

peller to run the engine in a test tank.

2. Run the engine on a suitable test/flush device or in a

test tank. Record the voltage at the engine speed specified
in Tables 2-24 at the end of Chapter Seven.
3. Compare the output with the specification listed in Tables
2-24 at the end of Chapter Seven. Replace the ignition coil if
the voltage reading is above the specification.Measure the ex-
citer coil output voltage and measure the lighting coil output if
it falls below the specification.CDI unit, pulses coil and light-
ing coil replacement are provided in Chapter Seven.
4. Remove the test harness and attach all leads to the
proper locations.


Warning systems are used on 40-140 hp models to alert

the operator to developing engine problen~s.Continued
operation with the warning system activated can lead to
serious and expensive engine damage. The systems vary
by model and horsepower.

Warning Lamp Test 4. Connect the bullet connector (main switch side) to an
engine ground to make sure the warning horn sounds. Re-
A warning lamp is used on 40 and 50 hp EFGOIEFTO place the horn or wiring if the horn fails to sound.
models to alert the operator that the engine is overheating
or that the oil level is low. The warning lamp is mounted
on the front surface of the lower engine cowling. Oil Level Sensor Test
1. Turn the main key switch to the ON position.
2. Remove the electrical box cover. An oil level sensor is used on all 140 hp engines and is
3. Disconnect the bullet connector from the oil level sen- mounted inside the remote oil tank.
sor (Figure 17). Each engine has an LCD display (Figure 18) mounted
4. Connect the bullet connector (main switch side) to a in the boat dash which monitors the engine speed, trim an-
clean engine ground and verify that the pilot lamp illumi- gle, engine temperature and oil level.
nates. Replace the lamp or wiring if the lamp fails to illu- 1. Disconnect the oil level sensor leads from the electri-
cal box and remove the sensor from oil tank.
2. Reconnect the sensor leads.
Warning Horn Test 3. Place the remote control lever in the forward or reverse
gear position.
A warning horn is used on 40-140 hp models. On tiller 4. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position. Move the
handle models, the horn is mounted in the lower cowling float on the oil level indicator into contact with the sensor
of the engine. The remote control model has the warning switch.
horn mounted inside the control box. The horn sounds a 5A. 115-140 hp-When the float (2, Figure 18) contacts
constant tone to alert the operator of critical operating the sensor switch (3), the lower oil level indicator (1)
conditions such as a clogged or obstructed cooling water should flash and the warning horn should sound. When
intake, overheating engine or low oil level. the float (5, Figure 18) contacts the sensor switch (6), the
1. Turn the main key switch to the ON position. upper oil level indicator (4) should illuminate.
2. Remove the electrical box cover. 5B. 60-90 hp-When the float contacts the sensor switch,
3. Disconnect the bullet connector from the oil level sen- the warning horn should sound and the oil level indicator
sor (Figure 17). on the tachometer should illuminate.
©eBlue-Dist 2007



1. Lower oil level indicator

2. Float
3. Sensor switch
4. Upper oil level indicator
5. Float
6. Sensor switch

5C. 40 and 50 hp with remote control-The warning horn

should sound and the low oil indicator on the tachometer
AND DRIVE (TYPICAL) should illuminate when the float contacts the sensor
5D. 40 and 50 hp with tiller handle-when the float con-
tacts the sensor switch, the pilot lamp on the lower engine
cowl should illuminate.
6. Reinstall the oil level sensor by reversing the removal
procedure. Apply RTV sealant to the sensor cap during in-


The starting system may be either manual or electric

start. Manual start is offered on 2.5-18 hp models. Both
systems are available on 25-50 hp models. The 70-140 hp
models use only electric start.
The common components of the electric starting system
include the battery, start button or ignition switch, starter
solenoid, starter motor, neutral switch and wires.
The electric starter motor (Figure 19) is similar in de-
sign to what is commonly used on automotive applica-
tions. Its mounting position on the power head allows the
starter drive gear (Figure 19) to engage a fly-
wheel-mounted ring gear when the starter is operated. The
©eBlue-Dist 2007



1, Key switch or
start button
2. Neutral switch
7 3, Starter solensid
4. Battery connection
to solenoid
5. Cable connection
to starter motor
6. Ground
7. Starter motor
8. Battery

neutral switch prevents the starter motor from operat~ng

when the engine is in gear. When the starter is dlseagaged,
the flywheel kicks the starter drive do~vnto the starter 1120-
tor with the assistance of tile return spring (Figure 19)
mounted on the starter drive.
The starter motor is capable of producing a tremendou.s
amount of torque, but only for a s1101-t period of rime. A
fillly charged battery of sufficient capacity is necessary- to
provide the torque required to crank the engine. 8attery re-
quirements are 500 niinimm cold-cranking amps, (70 amp
hour) and a 105-minute reserve. Weal<or underchxged bat-
teries are the leading cause of starting systezn prob!e~ns.
Battery maintenance and testillg procedures are provided in
Chapter Four.
The operation of the start circuit begins at the igrltion
switch or start button When the sw~tch01 button is oper-
ated, current 1s directed to the neutral s u ~ t c h(2, Figure
20) and then to starter solenoid (3, Figure 20) The sole-
noid is connected to the starter inotor ( 5 , Figure 20) with a
large d~ametercable. When current is supplred to the sole-
noid from the neutral swltch, ~tmakes an internal connec-
tion that allo\vs the current to flom fro111 the batteq
directly to the starter inotor Startel motor removal, disas-
sembly, inspection, assembly and installation are found in
Chapter Seven. Refer to Table 1 for starting system trou- ----
©eBlue-Dist 2007

-7 hieshooting. Starting system testing is provided in the fol-

1 h y i n g sections.
Do no: o;~e7-otethe cta~tern.iotor.for nzore
than 10 sei.o~?d.sat n Lfii7ze. Allo~vat least 2
i9zirll~teshpri:.eeii .i.larfing utien?ptLy,for. the
stcwter to cool to pi-eve!~l .rliri-ter~i~otoi-

Starter Cranking Voltage Test

This test measures the voltage available at the starter

i130tor while craidsing. Make sure the battery is fully
charged and in good condition prior to performing this
test. See Chapter S e ~ e n .
1. Connect a voltmeter between the starter motor tenni-
iial (5: Figure 20) and a good engine ground.
2, Disconnect the spark plug leads and connect them to
engine grou-nd.Crank tl:e engine while observing the volt-
3. Repair or replace t?;e starter l~lolorif the voltage is 9.56
volts or greater, but the engine does not crank.
4. Test the starter solenoid and check all starting systein
wires for loose or conodzd coilnections if the voltage is
less than ?.5volts. Test the barrely again if all conilections
are :i1 goo6. col?dition,

The kniiioiz snitch mounts in either the dash or the re-

mote a o ~ t r oSox
l (Figure 21) o!: ail ;emote control mod-
. .
e!s. Check the swltc!~if the starter does not crank the
engine 'out file neritrzl switci~.starter solenoid, coimec-
lions, fuses and battery are in good condition. If the inotor
i s equipped ~ t 7 r t I 1 a dash-moun:ed ssvitch, remove the
switch and perform Steps 4-7. If the ignition switch is lo-
cated in the co~itrolSox; it is necessary to partially disas-
semble the control box to test the switch. Perform Steps
!-7 to test a control box-mounted ignition switch.
1. Remo\e the cuntrol box fro111 its mounting bracket.
Rcrnoie the access coyer (Figure 22) from the lower side
of the control.
2 , Reil~o\.cthe back cover scren-s (Figure 23). Remove
the key from the s ~ i t c i iLoosen
. and remove the retainer
(6; Figure 24) fro111 the ignition switch.
3. Disconnect the ignition switch from the harness and
remove the switch from ~Elecol~troibox.
4. Calibrate ail ohrnnieter on the R x 1 scale. Connect the
ohmmeter between the black and brown switch terminals.
See Figure 25. Wit11 the switch ir, the OFF position. conti-
©eBlue-Dist 2007

nuity should be noted. Place the switch in the ON posi-

tion. No continuity should now be noted.
5. Connect the ohmmeter between the blue and red termi-
nals (Figure 26). Continuity should be present with the
switch in the ON and START positions. No continuity
should be present with the switch in the OFF position.
6. Connect the ohmmeter between the brown and red ter-
minals (Figure 27). Continuity should be noted with the
switch in the START position. No continuity should be
noted with the switch in the OFF and ON positions.
7. Replace the ignition switch if it fails to function as de-

Start Button Test (Tiller Models)

On electric start tiller handle models, the start button

(Figure 28) mount to the front of the lower cowl.
1. Disconnect the starter button from the engine wiring
harness. Remove the threaded retainer from inside the
motor cowl and remove the button.
2. Connect the ohmmeter between the start button wires
or terminals. With the button deactivated, the meter
should indicate no continuity.
3. With the button activated, the meter should indicate
4. Replace the start button if it does not function as de-

Starter Solenoid Test

The starter solenoid allows a large amount of current to

pass from the battery to the starter motor. When the start
switch or button is operated, current flows through the
neutral switch and on to the solenoid. This current passes
through a coil of wire in the solenoid. creating a strong
magnetic force. The magnetic force moves a plunger that
closes contact points in the solenoid, allowing current to
flow directly from the battery to the starter motor.
1. Remove the solenoid as described in Chapter Seven.
Connect the negative meter test lead to one of the large
terminals on the solenoid (Figure 29). Connect the posi-
tive meter test lead to the other large terminal connection.
The correct reading is no continuity.
2. U s ~ n gjumper leads, connect the black lead of the sole-
noid to the negative terminal of a fully charged battery
(Figure 29). Connect a jumper lead to the positive termi-
nal of a fully charged battery. While observing the meter,
connect the jumper lead to the brown lead of the solenoid
(Figure 29). The correct reading is continuity.
3. Replace the solenoid if it does not operate as described.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


I 1. Main switch
2. Lanyard switch
3.Choke switch
4.Neutral switch
5. Warning buzzer
6. Key switch retainer
7. Wire connection
to harness

before testing or replacing the switch. On electric start

models with remote control, the switch is located inside
the control. Partial disasselnbly of the control is required
before testing the switch. An ohmmeter and a ruler are re-
quired to perfonn this test.

1. Remove the control from its mount. Remove the cover

from the lower side of the control (Figure 30). Remove
the screws that retain the back cover (Figure 31). Discon-
nect the leads and remove the neutral switch (Figure 32).
2. Calibrate an ohmmeter on the R x 1 scale. Connect
Neutral Switch Test the positive meter lead to one red lead on the switch.
Connect the negative meter lead to an engine ground.
The neutral switch is provided to prevent the starter Test with the control in FORWARD, NEUTRAL and
from operating when the engine is in forward or reverse REVERSE positions.
gear. A neutral lockout lever (start-in-gear protection) is 3. Repeat Step 2, connecting the positive meter lead to
provided on 5-40 hp models and a neutral lockout cable is the green lead on the neutral switch.
used on 50 hp and larger models with manual start. Repair 4. Repeat Step 2, connecting the positive meter lead to
procedures for these mechanisms are provided in Chapter the other red lead on the neutral switch.
Ten. Electric start models with tiller handle control are 5. There should be no continuity at all times during this
provided with a neutral switch mounted on the engine. test. Replace the neutral switch if continuity is present
Verify proper neutral switch adjustment on tiller models during any part of the test.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


1. Disconnect the neutral switch alid remove it from the
power head. Refer to Chapter Seven for the removal pro-
2. Calibrate the ohmmeter on the R x 1 scale. Connect the
positive meter lead to a green lead of the neutral switch
(Figmre 33). Connect the negative meter lead to a good
engine ground. Test with the shift control lever in
3. Repeat Step 2 by connecting the positive meter lead to
the other green lead of the ~leutralswitch.
4. There should be no continuity- at all times during this
test. Replace the neutral switch if continuity is present
during any part of the test.
5. Refer to Chapter Seven for the installation procedure.

Manuah Start System

The manual start components include the recoil pulley,

spring, drive pawls, drive pawl spring, rope and handle.
The most colnmon failure of the system is a frayed or bro-
ken rope. Before replacing an apparent locked manual
starter, verify that the gearcase and power head are not
seized and that the starting lockout mechanism is h n c -
tioning properly. Otherwise, refer to Chapter Ten for com-
plete repair procedures.
suitable only for operating lights. Adding a rectifier con-
verts the current produced by the lighting coil to direct
cuwent. This arrangement allows the cranking battery to
The charging system consists of the flywheel, battery charge. Models with electric start use a rectifierlregulator
charging coil (Figure 34 and Figure 351, rectifierlregula- unit. The rectifier portion of this component converts the
tor (Figure 361, wires and :he battery. The charging sys- alternating current produced by the alternator to direct
tem maintains the battery charge after starting the engine current. The regulator portion of this component senses
and when using onboard accessories. The use of accesso- the voltage at the battery and prevents overcharging.
ries, such as depth finders, stereos and fish finders, place Troubleshooting the charging system requires the use of
additionai demands on the charging system, and in some a multimeter. Use an analog multimeter when checking
cases, the charging system cannot meet the additional de- for open or closed circuits. To begin the troubleshooting
mand leading to a discharged battery. Check all charging process, verify that the charging system is not operating.
system components if the battery discharges. Determine Test the charging system components after verifying a
the total amperage of the onboard accessories and com- charging system fault.
pare the total with the charging system output. Remember
that the charging system output will be less than the listed
maximum if the outboard is consistently operated at low Charging System Output
speed. Consider installing an additional battery or a
higher capacity battery as a possible solution. Battery 1. Connect a voltmeter to the battery and note the battery
maintenance and testing are provided in Chapter Seven. voltage.
Engines with a manual starter generally do not use a 2. Start the engine and note the voltmeter. If the charging
charging system. Some models have the option of a light- system is functioning, battery voltage will increase over
ing coil. The lighting coil is positioned under the flywheel that checked with the engine stopped. A voltage equal to
and produces alternating current as the flywheel magnets or less than the first measurement indicates that a charging
rotate past it. The current produced by the lighting coil is system is not functioning; further testing is required.
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1. Exciter coil
2. Pulser (trigger) coil
3. Coil plate assembly
4. Alternator coil
5. Flywheel cover
6. Flywheel

3. A voltage exceeding 14 volts indicates a likely over- NOTE

charge condition that warrants further testing. In most, but not all, cases the tachometer
does not operate if the char.ging system
WARNING fails.
Stay clear of the pr~opellershclft 11,hilerun-
ning an engine on ajlz~slz/testdevice. As a 4. If a discharge or overcharge is indicated, test all
safety precaution, remove the pr.opeller be- components of the charging system. Many times, both
fore running the engine. the charging coil and the rectifierlregulator are faulty.
Weak, cracked or broken flywheel magnets may cause
C4UTION decreased charging output; however, the same magnets
Never n~rzan ozitbourd without fir*stprovid- are used to power the ignition system. Problems with
ing c o o l i ~ gwater Use eitlzer a test tank or magnets in the flywheel will likely also cause ignition
j'lush/test device. Remove the propeller be- problems.
f o i ~nmnirzg the engine. I~zstalla test piao- 5. Check the resistance or voltage output of the lighting
yeller to run tlie engine in a test tank. coil, then test the rectifier or rectifierlregulator.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


Alternator Charging Coil Test

Resistance specifications are provided for all models. CHARGING SYSTEM

When performing the lighting coil resistance test, remem-
ber that ambient temperature affects the measured resis-
tance. The resistance values are specified in Chapter Seven.
Voltage output specifications are provided in Chapter
Seven. Reinember to run the engine at the specified en-
gine speed while testing voltage output.

Coil resistance test

1. Disconnect the leads that connect the main wire har-

ness to the coil.
2. Connect the ohmmeter between the coil wires. See
Figure 37. Note the resistance reading.
3. Compare the resistance to the appropriate table in
Chapter Seven. Replace the coil if its resistance is not as
specified. See Chapter Seven for removal and installation.

Lightinghatteuy charging coil output test

All wires nzust renzain connected during a
voltage output test. Back-pi,obe the connec-
tors using junzper leads as vequired to se-
curely attach the voltnzeter to the coviAect

1. Connect the negative lead of a peak-reading voltmeter

to the white coil wire and the positive meter lead to the
yellow coil wire. 1. Flywheel cover
2. Start the engine using a testlflush adapter or test tank. (40-90 hp models)
2. Flywheel
Run the engine at the recommended speed specified in the
(40-90 hp models)
appropriate table in Chapter Seven. 3. Alternator coil
3. Test and/or replace the rectifierlregulator if the output (115-140 hp models)
voltage is above the specification. Replace the charging 4. Exciter coil
coil if the voltage is below the specification. (1 15-140 hp models)
5. Exciter coil
4. Refer to Chapter Seven for charging coil and recti-
(40-90 hp models)
fierlregulator removal and installation. 6. Alternator coil
(40-90 hp models)
7. Coil plate assembly
Rectifier/Regulator Test (40-90 hp models)
8. Guide plate
Use an ohinmeter to check the rectifierlregulator for (40-90 hp models)
open or shorted circuits. Refer to Figure 38 for 8-90 hp 9. Shim
(40-90 hp models)
models and Figure 39 for 115-140 hp models. Test speci- 10. Set ring
fications are provided in Table 27 and Table 28 in Chap- (40-90 hp models)
ter Seven.
1. Connect the ohmmeter to the terminals specified in Ta-
ble 27 or Table 28 in Chapter Seven. Note the meter read-
ing at each connection.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


[48-90 HP MODELS)

1. Rectifiedregulator
2. Red leads
3. Yellow lead
4. White lead
5. Black lead


( 4 4 5-$40

1. Alternator coil
2. Coil plate
1. Rectifierlregulator
3. Alternator white lead
2. BlacWwhite lead
4. Alternator yellow lead
3. BlacWwhite lead
5. Rectifier/regulator
4. BlacWwhite lead
5. Red lead
6. Black lead
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2. Replace the rectifierlregulator if any reading is not as

specified. Refer to Chapter Seven for removal and instal- 0

Fuse Testing

Fuses are used on all electric start models to protect the

wiring harness in the event of a short circuit or overload.
Never replace a blown fuse without performing a thor-
ough check of the electrical system. Keep in mind that
fuses are designed to open the circuit if an overload oc-
curs. Never bypass a fuse or install a fuse with greater ca-
pacity than specified, or you may risk your safety and the
safety of others.
1. Remove the fuse (Figure 40) from the retainer.
2. Calibrate the ohmmeter on the R x 1 scale.
3. Connect the ohmmeter between the fuse contacts.
4. The ohmmeter should indicate 0 ohm. If the fuse is
blown or defective, the ohmmeter will indicate no conti-

Wire Harness Test

Awire harness problem inay occur continuously or only

intermittently. If an electrical problem exists and all com-
ponents test correctly, suspect the wire harness. Check
both the engine and instrument harnesses on remote con- Black
trol models. Gently twist and pull on the harness wire con- Blue
Brown \ Blue
nectors when checking the wires for continuity. Often this
is the way an intermittent fault can be located.
1. Disconnect the engine harness from the instrument
harness if used. Disconnect wire harness leads from the
engine components or instruments.
2. Calibrate an ohmmeter on the R x I scale.
3. Connect one of the meter leads to a wire harness lead
(A, Figure 41). Connect the other meter lead to the con-
nector pin (B, Figure 41) that corresponds to the harness
lead being checked.
4. The correct reading is 0 or nearly 0 ohm.
5. If the meter shows an open circuit or high resistance,
check and repair or replace the connector or wire.


All three- and four-cylinder models are equipped with

an engine speed limitation system. The speed limiting
system is designed to prevent engine damage from low
oil, overheating or excessive engine speed by intenupting
ignition if a warning system activates or if the engine
©eBlue-Dist 2007



(40-90HP MODELS)

1. Water pressure sensor

2. Overheat sensor
3. Sky blue lead
4. Sky blue lead
5. Sky blue lead
6. Sky blue lead
7. Sky blue lead
8. Sky blue lead

10. Blacklyellow lead

11. Blacklyellow lead
12. Warning horn 18. Black lead
13. Terminal block 19. bight green lead
20. Yellow lead
15. Oil level light 21. Red lead
16. Tachometer 22. Red lead
17. Oil level sensor 23. Light green lead

speed exceeds a predetermined limit. The speed limiting On 40-90 hp models, the water pressure sensor (1, Fig-
system has three functions: low speed limit, one halfmax- ure 42) and overheat sensor (2) control the one-half maxi-
imum limit and excessive engine speed limit. To test the mum speed limit input terminal (7) to the CDI unit (9).
speed limiting system, the outboard motor must be in a The warning horn (12, Figure 42) activates due to the ab-
test tank or mounted on a boat in the water. Refer to Fig- normal condition at the same time.
ure 42 and Figure 43.

One-Half Maximum Speed Limit Test

Half-Maximum RPM Limitation

If the overheat sensor, water pressure sensor, or oil level Perform this test if the engine misfires at about one half of
sensor signals an abnormal condition, the CDI unit limits its maximum recommended engine speed, or if the engine
the engine speed to about one-half the maximum rpm. speed is limited to about one-half of its maximum speed.
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Perform this test after performing a normal tune-up and NOTE

synchronizing the ignitiontiming and carburetor. Refer to When the speed limit system activates, the
Chapter Five. Perform tests with the engine in the water, ignition is interrztpted to prevent damage to
running at operating temperature in forward gear and with the engine. The engine will over-speed and
the tachometer installed. activate the speed limit system if the engine
is under.-propped. Make ssue the cor*iAect
1. Verify that the engine water pressure and oil level are propeller is used.
at their normal range and that the engine is at normal oper-
ating temperature.
2. Disconnect the speed limiter blacWyellow wires from Perform this test with the outboard motor mounted on a
the CDI unit. See Figure 42 and Figure 43. boat, in the water, in FORWARD gear. Make sure the en-
3. Start the engine and run it at approximately one half of gine is running at normal operating temperature and all
its maximum recommended engine speed to determine if synchronization and adjustment procedures have been
the misfire is still present. performed.
a. If the engine runs properly with the speed limiter 1. Disconnect the speed limiter jumper. See Figure 42
circuit disabled, reconnect the speed limiting sys- and Figure 43.
tem blacWyellow wires and continue at Step 4. 2. Start the engine and run at the speed in which the mis-
fire occurs. If the engine now runs correctly, replace the
b. If the misfire is still present, the cause is not the
CDI unit as described in Chapter Seven. If the engine con-
speed limiter system. Test the ignition system as de-
tinues to misfire, the problem is not the speed limit sys-
scribed in this chapter.
tem. Check the spark plugs and all other ignition
4A. 40-90 hp-If the engine runs correctly with the speed
components as described in this chapter.
limiting circuit disabled, disconnect the water pressure
sensor (1, Figure 42) and start the engine. If the engine
now runs correctly, replace the water pressure sensor. If
the engine still misfires, reconnect the water pressure sen- Low-Speed Limit (115-140 hp)
sor and disconnect the overheat sensor (2, Figure 42).
Start the engine. If the engine now runs correctly, replace
the overheat sensor. If the engine still misfires, continue at The low-speed limit circuit will prevent engine speed
from exceeding 1500 rpm. If the engine will not acceler-
Step 5.
ate beyond 1500 lpm, make sure the redlyellow wire (3,
4B. 115-140 hp-If the engine runs correctly with the
Figure 44) is in good condition and is securely connected
speed limiting circuit disabled, disconnect the water pres-
to the CDI unit and remote control box. If the wire and
sure sensor (1, Figure 43) and start the engine. If the en-
connections are in acceptable condition, replace the CDI
gine now runs correctly, replace the water pressure sensor.
unit as described in Chapter Seven.
If not, reconnect the water pressure sensor and disconnect
the lower float (21, Figure 43) on the oil level sensor. If
the engine now runs correctly, replace the oil level sensor.
If the engine still misfires, continue at Step 5. TRIM SYSTEM
5. Disconnect the speed limiter input wires. See Figure
42 (40-90 hp) or Figure 43 (115-140 hp). Tilt Pin and Lockdown Hook
6. Start the engine. If the engine now runs correctly, re-
place the wiring harness. See 13, Figure 42 (40-90 hp) or The trim and tilt systems used vary by model and horse-
16, Figure 43 (1 15-140 hp). power. A tilt pin and hold-down hook (Figure 45) are
7. If the engine still misfires, replace the CDI unit as de- used on 5-40 hp models. It allows the engine to run
scribed in Chapter Seven. slightly tilted in or out to change the running attitude of
the boat or to enhance shallow water operation. The
hold-down hook operates when in reverse gear to prevent
Speed Limit System Test the propeller thrust from moving the engine outward. If
the unit does not hold down when in reverse or cannot tilt
Perform this test if the engine has a high-speed misfire. up when in forward or neutral, check the adjustment and
The excessive speed limit system prevents excessive inspect the system for broken or excessively worn compo-
speed by intempting the ignition at a predetermined en- nents. See Chapter Eleven for repair procedures and ad-
gine speed. The CDI unit controls the system. justments for these components.
©eBlue-Dist 2007



( 4 15-140 Hk MODELS)

1. CD unit
2. Redlyellow lead
3. Wire connector (redlyellow)
4. Engine housing (inside)
5. Remote control box
6. Wire connector (redlyellow)

Power Trim and Tilt

A single cylinder trim and till system (Figure 46) is

used on 40 and 50 hp models. A three-ram system is used
on 60-140 hp models. See Figure 47 (early design) and
Figure 48 (late design). The major components include
the electric motor, solenoids, hydraulic pump and hydrau-
lic cylinder. Abidirectional electric motor (15, Figure 46)
drives the hydraulic pump (12). Reversing the motor di-
rection controls the fluid movement direction between the
pump (12, Figure 46) and cylinder. Fluid moves from the
pump to the up side of the cylinder to trim the unit up.
Fluid returns to the pump from the down side of the cylin-
der. Fluid directed to the down side of the cylinder trims
the unit down. Fluid returns to the pump from the up side
of the cylinder.
1. A relief valve (6, Figure 46) allows the engine to be
moved up or down manually without running the electric
©eBlue-Dist 2007



3. Free (floating) piston

4. Lower side check valve
5. Inner collar
6. Manual (relief) valve
7. Relief valve up
8. Spool
9. Upper side check valve
10. Cap
11. Relief valve down
12. Pump
13. Filter
14. Drive shaft
15. Motor assembly
©eBlue-Dist 2007



1. Reservoir tank

3. Tilt piston rod assembly

4. Tilt rod guide
5. Cylinder assembly
6. Free (floating) piston
7. Pilot relief valve down
8. Relief valve up
9. Manual valve
10. Inner collar
11. Lower side check valve

18. Trim piston rod assembly

19. Trim rod guide assembly
20. Motor assembly
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(40-440 HP MODELS)
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1. Up terminal (12-volt)
2. Up terminal
3. Up terminal
4. Down terminal
5. Down terminal (42-volt)
6. Down terminal
7 Down solenoid
8. Down lead
9. Up solenoid

motor. Always check this valve before performing other the inconvenience of transporting and storing the boat at
tests. the dealership. Make sure the electric inotor is operating
2. Before performing any test, check the fluid level. Fol- before beginning any hydraulic test.
low the procedure in Chapter Four to check the fluid level. 4. Common symptoms that indicate a possible l~ydraulic
Instructions are provided in Chapter Eleven for trim sys- malfunction follow.
tem removal and installation. a. The engine will not move up.
3. Have major hydraulic components repaired by a pro- b. The engine will not move down.
fessional. Remove the trim system as instructed in Chap-
ter Eleven and contact a marine dealership for c. The engine leaks down while tilted up or while un-
information. Much expense can be spared when the as- derway.
sembly has been removed from the engine, not to mention d. The engine trails out when slowing down or when
in reverse.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


e. Hydraulic fluid is leaking from the system. 4. Connect an ohmmeter between the terminals (2 and 3,
Figure 49) and verify that continuity is present with the
WARNING solenoid not activated.
The hydraulic system fluid may be under 5. Using a jumper lead, connect the solenoid tenninal
high pr-essure. Use extreme caution when re- (10, Figure 49) to the positive battery terminal. No conti-
moving valves or jttirzgs. Always use eye nuity should now be present.
protection when working with the hydraulic
6. Connect the ohmmeter between UP solenoid terminals
system. Avoid exposing any portion of the
body to areas where a leak is suspected. (1 and 3, Figure 49). No continuity should be noted with
the solenoid not activated.
7. Using a jumper lead, connect solenoid terminal (10,
ELECTRICAL TESTING Figure 49) to the positive terminal of the battery.
Continuity should be present with the solenoid activated.
The major electrical components of the trim system are 8. Replace the UP solenoid if it fails to function as de-
the electric motor, solenoids, trim position sender and scribed.
switches. When operated in the UP direction, battery volt- 9. Repeat Steps 4-7 on the DOWN solenoid.
age is supplied to the blue wire and the green wire con-
nects to ground, causing the motor to turn in the UP
Continuity Test (Old Design Dual Solenoids)
direction. When the DOWN direction is selected, the re-
lays reverse the current flow causing the motor to reverse 1 . Connect an ohmmeter between the UP solenoid termi-
direction. Reversing direction causes the fluid to flow in nals (4 and 5, Figure 50) and verify no continuity when
the opposite direction. the solenoid is off.
When voltage is applied to either one of the solenoids, it 2. Place the up solenoid lead (7, Figure 50) in contact
directs voltage to the electric motor while the other sole- with the red lead that was disconnected from the terminal
noid supplies the connection to ground. Both solenoids (5) and verify continuity when the solenoid is on.
must make the proper connection for the electric motor to 3. Connect an ohmmeter between the DOWN solenoid
operate. terminals (1 and 3, Figure 50) and verify no continuity
A trim-sending unit is used with a dash-mounted gauge when the solenoid is off.
to give the operator a visual indication of the current trim 4. Place the down solenoid lead (8, Figure 50) in contact
position. A fuse in the circuit connects the positive battery with the red lead which was disconnected from the termi-
terminal to the trim switch. Test this fuse if the electric mo- nal (1). Verify that continuity is present when the solenoid
tor will not operate. Refer to Fuse Testing in this chapter. 1s on.
1 . Refer to the appropriate wiring diagram (Figure 49 or 5. Replace the solenoid(s) if it fails to operate as speci-
Figure 50) to locate the solenoid arrangement. fied.
2. Connect the negative meter lead to the black lead at the
solenoid terminal and the positive meter lead to the red
lead. The correct reading is battery voltage. Trim Switch Test
3. Check the battery connections and all leads and con-
nections if less than battery voltage. If the voltage is cor- The trim or tilt system is controlled by a three-position
rect, test the solenoids, trim switch, and harness. Refer to switch mounted on the remote control, dash panel or tiller
Fuse and Harness Test in this chapter. Replace the electric handle. For operator convenience, some models have an
motor if it will not operate but all other components test additional switch mounted in the lower engine cowl.
correctly. Refer to Chapter Eleven. Testing procedures are similar for all switch locations.
The rocker-type switch is spring-loaded in the center or
OFF position. The switch can be used to activate either the
Continuity Test (New Design Dual Solenoids) UP or DOWN solenoid by toggling the switch to the de-
sired position. Battery voltage is applied to the solenoid
Perform this test on 40 and 50 hp models equipped with by a fused lead. Check the fuse or wire harness if voltage
the late design power trimhilt system. is not present at the lead. Refer to Fuse or Wire Harness
1 . Disconnect the bullet connectors (Figure 49) near the Test in this chapter.
UP and DOWN solenoids. 1. Disconnect the UP and DOWN solenoids (Figure 49
2. Disconnect the red wires from the solenoids. or Figure 50) at the bullet connectors located closest to
3. Disconnect the trim motor wires from the solenoids. the solenoids.
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1. Trim sender
2. Pink lead
3. Orange lead
4. Light green lead
5. Black lead
6. Red lead
7. Terminal red lead
8. Black lead
9. Terminal black lead

2. Touch the disconnected wire (10, Figure 49 or 8, Figure 7. Replace the trim switch if it fails to operate as specified.
50) to the solenoid terminal (1, Figure 49 or 5, Figure 50).
The solenoid should click when the wire contacts the terminal.
3. Repeat Step 2 on the other solenoid to determine if it clicks. Trim Indicator Input Voltage
4. Replace the solenoid if it does not click when the wire
touches the terminal. If both solenoids click, inspect the A digital or analog engine trim position gauge is avail-
wiring between the trim switch and solenoids and test the able on 40-140 hp models. A trim position sender
switch using an ohmmeter. mounted on the engine clamp bracket operates the gauge.
5. Connect an ohmmeter between the red and blue trim If the gauge does not read correctly, adjust the trim sender
switch wires. Continuity should be noted with the switch unit as instructed in Chapter Eleven. If adjustment does
in the UP direction. not correct the problem, perform Steps 1-5 to test the
6. Connect the ohmmeter between the switch red and sender unit. Refer to Figure 51 for models equipped with
pink wires. Toggle the switch to the DOWN direction. an analog meter and Figure 52 for models equipped with
Continuity should be noted. an LCD multipurpose meter.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


1. Trim sender
2. Black lead
3. Light green lead

5. Pink lead
6. Connector
7. Red lead
8. Black lead
9. Connector
10. Connector
11. Red terminal
12. Black terminal
13. Black lead
14. Red lead

1. Disconnect the wires from the trim indicator. See Fig- Trim Indicator Output Voltage
ure 51 or Figure 52.
2. Connect a voltmeter positive lead to terminal 7, Figure 1. Disconnect the wires from the trim indicator (Figure
51 or terminal 11, Figure 52. Attach the negative meter 51 or Figure 52).
lead to terminal 9, Figure 51 or terminal 12, Figure 52. 2. Connect the positive voltmeter lead to terminal 3, Fig-
3. Battery voltage should be present. If not, inspect the ure 51 or terminal 4, Figure 52. Attach the negative meter
following: lead to terminal 5, Figure 51 or terminal 2, Figure 52.
a. 20-amp engine fuse. 3. Indicator output should be 9 volts. If the voltage is less
than 9 volts, inspect all wiring between the indicator
b. All wiring between the trim sender and trim indicator. gauge and trim sender. If the wiring is in good condition,
c. Test the main switch as described in this chapter. replace the indicator gauge.
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Trim Sender Output Voltage Use a mechanic's stethoscope to help identify the cylin-
der creating the noise. Compare the noise emanating from
1. Operate the trim system and lower engine to fully one area of the engine with the noise from the same area
down position. Using a digital multimeter, connect the red but different cylinder.
tester lead to the terminal (4, Figure 51 or 3, Figure 52).
Connect the black tester lead to the terminal (2, Figure 51
or 5, Figure 52). Knocking Noises
2. Operate trim system from down to up and verify that
down voltage is between -5 and -15 mV and UP voltage
Use extreme caution when working on or
is between -1 15 and -125 mV. If test results vary, the trim around a running engine. Never wear
sender unit is defective and must be replaced. loose-Jitting clothing. Make sure that no one
3. Install the trim sender and connect all leads to the gets near the jlywheel or any drive belts.
proper location. Refer to the instructions provided in Never position anyone near the propeller or
Chapter Eleven to install and adjust the trim sender. propeller shaft while the engine is running.

Use a mechanic's stethoscope to determine if the noise

ENGINE NOISES is emanating from the power head or other engine compo-
nent. If a problem exists in the crankshaft and connecting
A ticking noise or a knocking noise that intensifies rod components, the noise is more pronounced in the
when under load (accelerating) is a reason for concern. crankcase area. Special insulated pliers are available that
Refer to the following information for typical causes of allow spark plug lead removal while running the engine.
engine noise. The noise may lessen when the spark plug lead is removed
If a worn or damaged component is causing engine on the suspect cylinder. This procedure is difficult to per-
noise, consider having a professional technician listen to form and may result in electrical system damage if the
the engine. In many cases, only the trained ear of the tech- spark plug leads are not properly grounded. A better
nician can determine what component(s) has failed, if any. method is to remove one spark plug lead and attach it to an
Repairs to the power head are time-consuming and costly. engine ground. Start the engine and listen to the noise. In-
stall the spark plug lead and repeat the process for another
cylinder. If, with one lead grounded, the noise is quieter
Ticking Noises than another cylinder, the grounded cylinder may be dam-
Always check for lack of oil or incorrect oillfuel mix-
Use extreme cautioiz when working on or
around a running engine. Never wear ture. When combined with low or no oil, knocking noises
loose-jtting clothing. Make sure that no one generally indicate a problem with the power head. Major
gets near the flywheel or any drive belts. repair may be required.
Never position anyone near thepr,opeller or
propeller shaft while the engine is running.
Lubrication System Failure
A ticking noise may result from a damaged piston. In-
If lubrication is insufficient, internal engine component
spect the spark plug for damage or aluminum deposits and
damage will result. Knocking or other noise is almost al-
perform a compression test as described in this chapter.
ways present with lubrication system failures. The engine
Complete power head disassembly and repair is required
may stop and not crank with the starter. On occasion, the
if metal deposits are found on the spark plug. It is neces-
engine cranks after cooling, but it likely slows down and
sary to remove the cylinder head to inspect the piston, cyl-
stops again. When the engine is restarted, it may run
inder walls and related components if there are any
rough or not idle. Performance is lacking as well. The en-
compression problems.
gine eventually seizes and requires extensive and expen-
sive repair.
Whirring Noises If you suspect the engine ran with insufficient lubrica-
tion, perform a compression test. The pistons and cylinder
A whirring noise that is most pronounced when the walls may be scuffed, scored or damaged.
throttle is decreased usually relates to a problem with the Lubrication failure can result from insufficient oil in the
crankshaft and rod bearings. cylinder block or contamination of the oil with fuel or wa-
©eBlue-Dist 2007


ter. Other causes include running the engine with old or

dirty oil and, in some cases, running the engine with the
wrong type of oil.
Stop the engine if you suspect a lubrication failure or if
the warning system activates. Check the oil level and con-
dition as described in Chapter Four.


Detonation damage is the result of the heat and pressure

in the combustion chamber becoming to great for the fuel
being used. Fuel normally bums at a controlled rate that
causes the expanding gasses to drive the piston down. If
heat and pressure get too high, the fuel may explode vio- reveals aluminum deposits (Figure 53) consistent with
lently. These violent explosions in the combustion cham- detonation failures. Power head repair procedures are in
ber cause serious damage to internal engine components. Chapter Eight. To avoid repeat failures, address and cor-
Carbon deposits, overheating, lean fuel mixture, over-ad- rect the causes of preignition before returning the engine
vanced timing and lugging are some of the conditions that to service.
may lead to detonation. Never use a fuel with a
lower-than-recommended octane rating. Its use may Engine Seizure
cause detonation under normal operating conditions. The
piston suffers most of the adverse effects of detonation. If The power head can seize at any speed. Normally the
detonation occurs, the engine has a pinging noise not un- engine does not seize up at high speed as the engine typi-
like the pinging sometimes heard in automobiles. Out- cally loses power gradually. Always inspect the gearcase
boards in general are considerably noisier than before removing the power head. Gearcase failures can
automobiles, so the pinging noise is seldom detected. The prevent the power head from rotating. Refer to Gearcase
engine likely has a rough idle and may seize. A compres- in this chapter to inspect the gearcase for metal contami-
sion test will probably reveal one or more cylinders low nation. The gearcase can also be removed to check for
on compression. Inspect the spark plug. The presence of gearcase seizure as instructed in Chapter Nine. Repair the
aluminum deposits or melted electrodes (Figure 53) indi- gearcase if the power head turns freely with the gearcase
cates probable detonation damage. To avoid repeat fail- removed. Refer to Chapter Eight for power head removal,
ures, address the listed causes for detonation prior to repair and installation procedures.
returning the engine to service.

Water Entering the Cylinder

Water can enter the cylinder from a number of areas.
Preignition is the result of a glowing object in the com- Water in the fuel, water entering the front of the carbure-
bustion chamber that causes early ignition. The wrong tor, leaking exhaust coverlgaskets, leaking cylinder head
heat range spark plugs, carbon deposits and inadequate and/or gaskets and cylinder block internal leak can allow
cooling are some of the causes of preignition. Preignition water to contaminate the engine. The typical symptom of
can lead to severe damage to the internal engine compo- water intrusion, is rough running, particularly at idle. The
nents. The primary component that is damaged is the pis- engine may run correctly at higher speeds. Verify water
ton. The damage is very similar to detonation, as the early intrusion when the spark plugs are removed. Water is
ignition causes the heat and pressure to become too great likely present on the spark plugs, and a white deposit may
for the fuel being used. It explodes violently, causing a be present. Remove the cylinder head following the in-
melted effect on the piston dome. It is not uncommon to structions in Chapter Eight. Compare the wet cylinder(s)
have a hole form in the dome of the piston where with the dry cylinder(s). A cylinder with water intrusion
preignition has occurred. As with detonation damage, the usually has significantly less carbon deposits on the pis-
engine runs poorly, particularly at idle. When the com- ton, cylinder walls and cylinder dome. Rust or corrosion
pression test is performed, one or more cylinders may may be present on the reed valves and lor other compo-
have low compression. Inspecting the spark plugs likely nents. Leakage in the cylinder block can be difficult to
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Compression Test

A compression gauge (Figure 54) and adapter are re-

quired to perform a compression test.
1. Remove the spark plugs and connect the spark plug
leads to an engine ground.
Compression gauge - 2. Install the adapter and compression gauge (Figure 54)
into the No. 1 spark plug hole. Position the throttle in the
wide-open position during testing.
3. Stand clear of the remaining spark plug openings dur-
ing testing. Observe the compression gauge and operate
the manual or electric starter. Ensure that the engine has
made a minimum of 10 revolutions and the cranking
speed is at or above 350 rpm. Record the compression
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for the remaining cylinders. Re-
cord all cylinder compression readings.
5. Compare the readings with the specification listed in
Chapter Eight.
6. Position the throttle in the closed position. Remove the
compression gauge and adapter. Install the spark plugs
and leads.


Stay cleaF- of the pr*opeller shaft while run-
find. Casting flaws, pinholes and cracks may or may not ning an engine on a Jlzalz/test device. For
be visible. Replacement of the cylinder block and/or cyl- safe@ rpenzovethe propeller befo~*e.erunning
inder head is required if water is entering the cylinder and tlze engine or ~jlzileperfor~ningtest. Disco~z-
no visible gasket leakage can be found. Continued opera- nect all spark plug leads and batteiy con-
tion with water intrusion will result in engine failure. nections before r-ernovirzg or installing the

Blown Cylinder Head Gasket Never run an outboard without providing
cooling water Use either a test tank or
jlush/test device. Remove the propeller be-
A blown cylinder head gasket results from a failure of fore running the engine on a Jlush/test de-
the gasket that seals the cylinder head to the cylinder vice. Use a suitable testpl*opeller to run the
block. Symptoms of a blown head gasket include water engine in a test tank.
entering the cylinder(s), overheating (particularly at lower
engine speeds), rough running (particularly at lower en- Cooling System Description
gine speeds) and noises coming from the cylinder head to
cylinder block mating surface. Refer to Compression Test The drive shaft in the gearcase drives the water pump,
in this chapter and perfom a compression test if a blown which is mounted on the drive shaft (Figure 55). The wa-
head gasket is suspected. Low or uneven compression ter is pumped to the exhaust area of the power head, then
may or may not indicate a blown head gasket. A slight to the cylinder block and heads. The water exits the power
leakage can cause the listed symptoms, yet it may not be head near the power head mounting surface and travels
detected by a compression test. Only removal and inspec- out through the drive shaft housing. As the water travels
tion of the gasket and mating surfaces will identify a fail- through the power head, it absorbs heat and can-ies it
ure. Refer to Chapter Eight for the cylinder head removal away. If the engine is overheating, the problem is that wa-
procedure. ter is not flowing through the power head with sufficient
©eBlue-Dist 2007


volume or is not absorbing the heat. All models are

equipped with a thermostat (Figure 56) to help maintain a
minimum power head temperature and improve low PRESSURE TYPE W N E R PUMP
speed running conditions. They work by restricting the
exiting water until a minimum water temperature is at-
A stream of water is visible at the rear of the lower mo-
tor cover when water exits the power head. The fitting
may become blocked with debris and stop the flow of wa-
ter. Clean the passage with a small, stiff wire brush. In-
spect the cooling system if the water stream is still not
present. As with all models, never run the engine without
supplying it with cooling water.

Cooling System Inspection

If the overheat warning horn sounds or the water stream

is not present at the rear of the engine, perform the follow-
1. Inspect and repair the water pump in the gearcase. Re-
fer to Chapter Nine.
2. Inspect and test the thermostat if overheating occurs
and the water pump is in good condition. Refer to Ther-
mostat Testirzg in this chapter.
3. If no faults can be found with the water pump, thermo-
stat or water pressure relief valve (if so equipped), inspect
the exhaust water jacket (Figure 57, typical) for debris
and deposit buildup. Rocks, pieces of the water pump,
sand, shells, or other debris, may restrict water flow. Salt,
calcium or other deposits can form in the cooling passages
and restrict water flow.
4. Excessive deposit buildup acts as an insulator and pre-
vents the water from absorbing the heat from the power
head. Use a cleaner specifically designed to dissolve this
type of deposit. Make sure the cleaner used is suitable for
use on aluminum material. Always follow the manufac-
turer's instructions when using these products. These 1. Gasket
cleaners are usually available at marine specialty stores. 2. Oil seal
3. Water pump base
5. It is necessary to remove the water jackets when in-
4. Gasket
specting cooling passages. Refer to Chapter Eight for wa- 5. Water plate
ter jacket removal and installation. 6. Gasket

Engine Temperature Verification

If the engine may be overheating, always verifL the actual

temperature of the engine using Thermomelt sticks (Figure
58). Thermomelt sticks resemble crayons and are designed to ture immediatelyafter or during the suspected overheat condi-
melt at a specific temperature. Hold the sticks against the cyl- tion. Hold different temperature sticks to the power head to
inder head near the temperature sender or switch. On smaller determine the temperature range the engine is reaching. Stop
engines that are not equipped with an overheat alarm, hold the the engme if the temperature exceeds 90" C (1 94" F) to avoid
stick near the spark plug mounting area. Check the tempera- power head damage. Perform a complete cooling system in-
©eBlue-Dist 2007


spection if overheating occurs. Test the overheat sensor or wa-

ter pressure sensor if an alarm or gauge indicates overheating
and the Thermomelt sticks indicate normal temperature.
Troubleshooting an overheating problem with a flushhest at-
tachment is difficult, as the water supplied through the hose
masks cooling system problems. Perfonn this test with the en-
gine in the water or use a test tank.

Thermostat Testing

Test the thermostat(s) if the engine is overheating or

running too cool. Thermostat testing requires a thermom-
eter, piece of string and container of water that can be
heated. Refer to Chapter Eight to locate the thermostat
cover and related components. Refer to Table 8 at the end
of this chapter for thermostat opening temperatures.
1. Remove the thennostat(s) as described in Chapter
Eight. Discard the thermostat cover gasket. With a string
tied to the thermostat, suspend the thermostat (Figure 56)
in a container of water.
2. Begin heating the water. Continue to heat the container
while observing the temperature and thennostat.
3. The thermostat should begin to open at approximately
52" C (125" F) on 8-40 hp models and 60" C (140" F) on
40- 140 hp models.
4. Replace the thermostat if it opens below or above the
specified temperature.
5. Install the thennostat with a new gasket following the
instruction in Chapter Eight.

Overheat Sensor Test

The overheat sensor (Figure 59) is a heat-sensitive

switch installed in the cylinder head to monitor engine
temperature. The warning horn is connected in series with
the overheat sensor. If the sensor detects a temperature
greater than a predetermined limit, the sensor contacts
close and cause the warning horn to sound a continuous
tone when the key switch is on and the remote control le-
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ver is in the forward or reverse position. Depending on the

model, the engine speed liinit function will also activate.

The overl~eatsensor is not starzdard on 40
hp modelsprior to 1994, but is available as
an option.

1. Disconnect the overheat sensor bullet connector and

ground wire at the electrical box.
2. Remove the overheat sensor from the cylinder head.
3. Connect one ohmmeter lead to each sensor lead.
4. Place the thermometer and sensor in a heat-resistant
container (Figure 60) filled with autoinotive crankcase
oil. Slowly heat the oil using an external heat source.
5. Refer to Table 7 to verify sensor switch temperature

Water Pressure Sensor Test

The water pressure sensor (Figure 61) is a pres-

sure-sensitive switch installed on the power head to moni-
tor the pressure in the cooling system. The sensor is
connected in series with the warning horn. If the sensor
detects low water pressure at a predetermined engine
speed, the contacts close and activate the warning horn.
The speed limit hnction is also activated.

The water pvesszlre sensor is standard
equipnzerzt on 80-140 hp models. It is avail-
able as an option on 60 and 70 hp models.

1. Verify that the lower unit water intake screens are not
clogged before testing a questionable water pressure sen-
sor. Perform this test with the engine in a test tank or on a
boat in the water.
7. Start the engine and run at idle in neutral. Slowly in-
2. Remove the sensor mounting screws and disconnect
crease engine speed. Take pressure readings when the
the sensor ground wire.
tester indicates no continuity (switch open). The switch
3. Disconnect the sensor bullet connector at the electrical
should open at 29.4 kPa (4.3 psi). If the switch opens at
lower or higher pressures, then fully loosen the adjust-
4. Connect one ohmmeter lead to each sensor lead (A and
ment screw.
B, Figure 62). The ohmmeter should indicate continuity
8. Set and maintain the throttle position so water pressure
(switch closed).
is 29.4 kF'a (4.3 psi). Gradually tighten the adjustment
5. If the ohmmeter indicates no continuity (switch open),
screw until the tester indicates no continuity (switch open).
loosen the adjustment screw (1, Figure 63) just so the
switch button makes contact with the diaphragm pressure
button. If there is still no continuity, replace the sensor as- GEARCASE
6. Disconnect the input hose from the sensor fitting. Problems with the gearcase can include water or lubri-
Using a T-fitting, install a water pressure gauge between cant leakage, failed internal components, noisy operation
the sensor and the hose. or shifting difficulty. The keys to preventing gearcase
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The propeller hub (Figure 64) is installed in the propel-

ler to cushion the shifting action and helps absorb minor
impacts. If the propeller hub is spinning in its bore, the en-
gine speed increases as the throttle increases; however,
the boat does not increase in speed. In most cases, the boat
does not accelerate. Some smaller engines use a cotter
(shear) pin (Figure 65) that is designed to break on im-
pact. Symptoms of a broken cotter pin are similar to a
spun propeller hub.
problems are to avoid contact with underwater objects, 1. Make a reference mark on the propeller shaft aligned
shifting the engine into gear at idle speed only and per- with a reference mark on the propeller. Operate the boat
form regular maintenance. Cearcase maintenance proce- and compare the reference marks after removing the en-
dures are located in Chapter Four. gine from the water. Have the propeller repaired if the ref-
A slipping propeller hub inay lead you to believe that a erence marks do not align after running the engine.
problem exists with the gearcase when only minor repair 2. A small amount of water may be present in the gearcase
to the propeller is required. The typical symptom is an in- lubricant if the gearcase has not received normal mainte-
ability to accelerate the boat onto plane without nance for several years and has been stored while sub-
over-speeding the engine. Other tiines the engine seems as merged in water. Pressure test the gearcase to determine the
though it is not shifting into gear at all. source of water intrusion any time water is found in the
©eBlue-Dist 2007


gearcase lubricant. Refer to Pr~essureTest in this chapter.

Failure to correct the leakage eventually leads to extensive
damage to the internal components or colnplete failure of
the gearcase. If a repair is necessary, refer to Chapter Nine.
3. The presence of gearcase lubricant on the exterior or Vent
around the gearcase requires a pressure test to determine I
the source of the leakage. Refer to Pressure Test. Failure
to correct the leakage results in gear and bearing damage
due to lack of lubrication. Refer to Chapter Nine for
gearcase repair procedures.

Pressure Test

Drain the gearcase lubricant and dispose of it in a re-

sponsible manner. Apply air pressure to the gearcase. The
pressure gauge indicates if there is leakage. Submerge the
entire gearcase in water to check for bubbles to determine
the point of leakage. Gearcase removal and installation
are provided in Chapter Nine. Locations of the drain and
vent plugs vary by model. Refer to Chapter Nine to locate
the plugs.
1. Remove the drain and vent plugs (Figure 66) and al-
low the gearcase to drain completely.
2. Install the pressure tester into the vent opening. Install
the drain plug.
3. Slow-ly apply pressure with the pressure tester. Push,
pull and turn all shafts while observing the pressure gauge
as the pressure slowly increases. Stop increasing pressure
when it reaches approxiinately 100 kPa (14.5 psi).
4. If the gearcase does not hold this pressure for at least
10 seconds, remove the gearcase following the procedure Gearcase Vibration or Noise
in Chapter Nine. Submerge the gearcase with the pressure
applied. Repair the leak at the location that bubbles ap-
Gearcase noise does occur from normal usage. The nor-
pear. Refer to Chapter Nine for repair procedures.
mal noise is barely noticeable. A rough; growling noise or
5. Loosen the drain plug to allow the air to slowly bleed
a loud high-pitched whine is reason to suspectdamage or
from the gearcase. Refill the gearcase with fresh lubricant
faulty components.
following the procedures listed in Chapter Four.
I. If a knocking or ginding noise comes from the gearcase,
the cause is likely damaged gears or other components. The
Metal Contamination in the Lubricant gears may be damaged as the result of underwater impact or
high speed shifting. Inspect the gearcase lubricant for metal
Fine metal particles forrn in the gearcase during normal contamination. In most cases, the gearcase lubricant indi-
use. The gearcase lubricant may have a metalflake ap- cates whether internal components have failed. Refer to
pearance when inspected during routine maintenance. Chapter Nine for removal and repair procedures.
The fine metal particles tend to cling to the end of the 2. If a high-pitched whine is present, it nonnally indi-
drain plug, causing great concern to anyone who is per- cates a bearing problem or, in some cases, the gears run-
fonning routine maintenance. Carefully rub some of the ning out of alignment. To verify that a problem exists,
material between your finger and thumb. Inspect the disassemble and inspect the internal components. Have a
gearcase if any of the material is large enough to feel. Re- professional mechanic listen to the gearcase before pro-
moving the propeller shaft-bearing carrier allows a view ceeding with a repair.
of the internal components. Refer to Chapter Nine for re- 3. Vibration in the engine can originate in the gearcase. In
moval, inspection and assembly procedures. almost all cases, the vibration is due to a bent propeller
©eBlue-Dist 2007


shaft or damaged propeller. A propeller can appear per- WARNING

fect, but still be unbalanced. The best ways to determine Remove all spar~kplzig leads and disconnect

this is to have the propeller trued and balanced at a propel- both b a t t e cables
~ before r,ernovirzg, install-
ler repair shop. or simply try a different propeller for the ing or working a~ozlndthe pr-opeller:
engine. A bent propeller shaft is normally the result of im-
pact w ~ t han underwater object. Always check for a bent Shifting Difficulty
propeller shaft if vibration is present following the proce-
dure in Chapter Nine. If the propeller shaft is bent, disas- Hard shifting is usually the result of improper shift ca-
semble and inspect the gearcase, as other internal ble adjustment. Refer to Chapter Five and ad,just the shift
components may also be damaged. Never operate the out- cables and linkage as described. Gearcase removal, disas-
board motor if severe vibration is occurring. Excessive vi- sembly and inspection are required if shifting problems
bration can compromise the durability of the entire are not corrected by adjustment. Refer to Chapter Nine for
outboard motor. gearcase repair procedures.


Electric starter
does not operate Engine not in neutral Shift into neutral
Weak or discharged battery Fully charge and test battery
Dirty or corroded terminals Thoroughly clean battery terminals
Blown fuse in wire harness Check all fuses
Faulty neutral start switch Test neutral switch operation
Faulty starter button or switch Test starter button or switch
Faulty starter relay Test starter relay
Dirty or loose starter wires Clean and tighten wire connections
Faulty starter motor Repair starter motor
lmproperly installed starter Check for proper installation
lmproperly installed wires Check for proper wire Installation
Starter engages flywheel
but rotates slowly Weak or discharged battery Fully charge and test battery
Dirty or corroded battery Thoroughly dean battery terminals
Loose or faulty starter wires Clean, tighten and repair wire connections
Faulty starter motor Repair starter motor
lmproperly installed starter Check for proper installation
Engine is in gear Check and correct shift system
Water or oil in the cylinder(s) Remove and inspect spark plug($)
Seized power head Check for power head seizure
Seized gearcase Check for gearcase failure
Starter engages flywheel but
flywheel does not rotate Weak or discharged battery Fully charge and test battery
Dirty or corroded battery terminals Thoroughly clean battery terminals
Loose or faulty starter wires Clean, tighten and repair wire connections
Faulty starter motor Repair starter motor
lmproperly installed starter Check for proper installation
Seized gearcase assembly Check for gearcase failure
Seized power head Check for manual flywheel rotation
Water in the cylinders Check for water in the cylinders
Oil in the cylinders Remove and inspect the spark piugs
Faulty starter motor Repair starter motor
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Noisy starter operation Dirty or dry starter

Worn or dry starter bearings Repair starter moior

Corroded or damaged flywheel Check condition of flywheel gear teeth
Worn or damaged starter drive Check condition of starter drive
Internal power head damage Check for problem in power head


Cranks over but will not start Faulty spark plug (s) Replace
Will not start and backfires Faulty ignition system See ignition system testing this chapter
Ignition timing incorrect See timing this chapter
Starts but stops instantly Faulty spark plug (s) Replace
how water pressure, overheat See powerhead troubleshooting
or faulty RPM limitation this chapter
High or low speed miss Faulty ignition system See ignition sysiem testing this chapter
Faulty spark plug (s) Replace
bow water pressure, overheat See powerhead troubleshooting
or faulty RPM limitation this chapter
Ignition timing incorrect See timing this chapter
Top end WPM low,
poor acceteration Faulty ignition system See ignition system testing this chapter
Faulty spark plug (s) Replace
Ignition timing incorrect See timing this chapter
Engine will not stop running Faulty ignition slistem See ignition system testing this chapter
Faulty stop circuit See stop circuit tests this chapter


Fuel pump malfunction Check for proper pump operation

Plugged carburetor jets See Plugged Carburetor Jets
(Chapter Three)
Improper carburetor adjustment Check carburetor adjustment
(Chapter Five)
I Blocked fuel filter Check all fuel filters
Closed fuel tank vent Check for closed vent
Air leakage in the fuel hoses Check fuel hoses
Faulty primer bulb Test primer bulb
I Fuel leaking from system
Flooding carburetor
Check for fuel leakage
Check for flooding carburetor
lmproper choke operation Check for proper choke operation
Faulty electrothermal valve Test the electrothermal valve
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Improper carburetor adjustment Check carburetor adjustment

(Chapter Five)
Air leakage in the fuel hoses Check fuel hoses
Flooding carburetor Check for flooding carburetor
Improper choke operation Check for proper choke operation

Engine dies at idle speed Old or contaminated or fuel Supply the engine with fresh fuel
Fuel pump malfunction Check for proper pump operation
Plugged carburetor jets See Plugged Carburetor Jets
(Chapter Three)
Improper carburetor adjustment Check carburetor adjustment
Blocked fuel filter Check all fuel filters
Closed fuel tank vent Check for closed vent
Air leakage in the fuel hoses Check fuel hoses
Fuel leaking from system Check for fuel leakage
Flooding carburetor Check for flooding carburetor
Improper choke operation Check for proper choke operation
Incorrect idle speed adjustment Adjust idle speed (Chapter Five)
Misadjusted throttle position Adjust sensor (Chapter Five)
Faulty primer bulb Test primer bulb

Idle speed too high Improper carburetor adjustment Check carburetor adjustment
Improper idle speed adjustment Adjust as required
Improperly adjusted throttle cable Check cable adjustment
Binding throttle linkage Check linkage
Incorrect idle speed adjustment Adjust idle speed (Chapter Five)
Faulty electrothermal valve Test electrothermal valve

Bogging on acceleration Faulty accelerator pump Check accelerator pump

Old or contaminated or fuel Supply the engine with fresh fuel
Fuel pump malfunction Check for proper pump operation
Plugged carburetor jets See Plugged Carburetor Jets
(Chapter Three)
Improper carburetor adjustment Check carburetor adjustment
Blocked fuel filter Check all fuel filters
Closed fuel tank vent Check for and correct closed vent
Air leakage in the fuel hoses Check fuel hoses
Fuel leaking from system Check for fuel leakage
Flooding carburetor Check for flooding carburetor
Improper choke operation Check for proper choke operation
Misadjusted throttle position Adjust sensor (see Chapter Five)
Faulty electrothermal valve Test electrothermal valve

Misfire at high engine speed Old or contaminated or fuel Supply the engine with fresh fuel
Fuel pump malfunction Check for proper pump operation
Plugged carburetor jets See Plugged Carburetor Jets
(Chapter Three)
Blocked fuel filter Check all fuel filters
Closed fuel tank vent Check for and correct closed vent
©eBlue-Dist 2007



I symptom Causes Corrective action 1
Misfire at high engine speed
(continued) Air leaks in the fuel hoses Check fuel hoses
Fuel leaking from system Check for fuel leakage
Improper choke operation Check for proper choke operation
Faulty primer bulb Test primer bulb

Excessive exhaust smoke Improper carburetor adjustment Check carburetor adjustment

Fuel leaking from system Check for fuel leaks
Flooding carburetor Check for flooding carburetor
Improper choke operation Check for proper choke operation


6 mm bolt and nut

8 mm bolt and nut
10 mm bolt and nut
12 mm bolt and nut

6 mm flange bolt with 8 mm head (small flange surface)


850 RPM
750 RPM
750 RPM
800 RPM
800 RPM
800 RPM
900 RPM
900 RPM
850 RPM 5200-5800
750 RPM

750 RPM
750 RPM
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Table 5 ENGINE MODEL IDENlFlCATlON (continued)

700 RPM
90 3 66.2 (90) 700 RPM 5000-5500
115 4 84.6 (115) 700 RPM 5200-5700
120 4 88.3 (120) 700 RPM 5200-5700
140 4 103 (140) 700 RPM 5200-5700


Model Maximum RPM

40 and 50D hp
40 and 50D2 hp
60 and 70B hp
60 and 70C hp
80 and 90 hp
11511201140 hp


40-50 hp (three cylinder) 100° C (212" F) 85" C (185" F)

125" C (257" F) 110' C (230" F)
80" C (176" F) 69" C (156" F)
looo C (212" F) 85" C (185" F)


©eBlue-Dist 2007

Chapter Four

Lubrication, Maintenance and Tune-Up

When operating properly, the outboard engine provides specifications are provided in the maintenance instruc-
smooth operation, reliable starting and excellent perfor- tions.
mance. Regular maintenance and frequent tune-ups help
keep it running at its best.
Initial Inspection
certain components or fluids in the
engine wear or become contaminated. Unless these corn-
As specified in Table 1, certain items must be inspected
ponents or fluids are refreshed, engine performance, reli-
or checked before each use.
ability and engine life diminish. Performing routine
1. Check the propeller.
lubrication, maintenance and necessary tune-ups helps
2. Check the engine mounting fasteners.
ensure that the outboard performs as it should and delivers
3. Check the fuel system for leakage.
a long and trouble-free life.
4. Check the steering system for looseness or binding.
Table 1 lists the maintenance items and intervals for all
5. Check the cooling system.
engine systems and components. Tables 2-4 provide lu- 6. Check the operation of the lanyard or stop switch.
bricant capacities and spark plug recommendations. Ta-
bles 1-4 aEe located at the end of this chapter.
Outboards operate in a corrosive environment and of- Propeller
ten require special types of lubricants. Using the incor-
rect type of lubricant can seriously damage the engine or Inspect the propeller for cracks, damage or missing
substantially shorten the life of the engine. Lubricant blades. Operating with a damaged propeller results in ex-
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Operating the erzgine with loose clarnp
screws or engine mounting bolts can result
in serious bodily i n j u y and/or loss of the
engine. Always check and/or tighten the
mounting bolts or screws before operating
the engine.

Mounting fasteners

Check the tightness of all mounting fasteners before op-

erating the boat. On 2.5-40 hp models with tiller control,
the outboard motor mounts to the boat transom with
clamp screws (Figure 1). All other models mount to the
boat with through-transom mounting bolts (Figure 2).

Fuel system

Observe all he1 hoses, connections and carburetor(s)

while squeezing the primer bulb. Correct the source of
any leakage before starting the engine.
After starting the engine, check for fuel odor or a sheen
on the water surface around the engine caused by fuel. If
either is present, stop the engine and inspect the fuel sys-
tem for leaks. The fuel system is covered in Chapter Six.

Steering system

Check the operation of the steering components prior to

starting the engine.
On tiller control models, move the tiller handle to its
full port and starboard limits. Note the presence of loose-
ness or binding. Looseness may indicate a loose tiller arm,
tiller ann bracket or engine mounts. Binding can be
caused by a misadjusted or faulty steering friction system.
On remote control models, rotate the steering wheel to
cessive vibration, decreases performance, and increases the clockwise and counterclockwise limits. Note the pres-
wear. Small bent areas can be easily straightened using ence of binding or excessive slack as the wheel changes
locking pliers. Small nicks can be dressed with a metal direction. Binding indicates a faulty steering cable, faulty
file. To prevent an out-of-balance condition, do not re- helm or damaged midsection component(s). Midsection
move excessive material from the propeller. Have the pro- repair procedures are provided in Chapter Nine.
peller repaired at a shop if there is significant damage. Correct the causes of looseness or binding before oper-
Place the engine in NEUTRAL. Disconnect the battery ating the outboard.
(on electric start models) and disconnect all spark plug
leads. Carefully spin the propeller while observing the Cooling system
propeller shaft. A noticeable wobbling of the shaft indi-
cates a bent propeller shaft or other gearcase damage. Re- Check for the presence of the water stream immediately
pair the gearcase if this condition is noted. Gearcase repair after starting the engine. A stream of water exiting the
instructions are provided in Chapter Nine. lower back area of the engine indicates that the water
Install the spark plug wires. Clean the terminals and pump is operating. This stream may not appear for the
connect the cables to the battery (electric start models). first few seconds of operation (especially at idle speed).
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Stop the engine and check for cooling system malfunction

if the stream fails to appear. Refer to Cooling System in LANYARD KILL SWITCH
Chapter Three. Never run the engine when it is overheat-
ing or the water stream fails to appear.

Lanyard or stop switch

Check the operation of the lanyard andor stop switch

before operation. Press the stop button or switch the igni-
tion off on remote key switch models. Start the engine and
pull the lanyard cord from the lanyard switch (Figure 3).
If the engine fails to stop, operate the choke, disconnect
the fuel line or squeeze the fuel line until the engine stalls.
Repair the faulty stop circuit before restarting the engine.
Test the stop circuit as described in Chapter Three.

After Each Use

As specified in Table 1, certain maintenance proce-

dures must be performed after each use. Following these
requirements dramatically reduces engine corrosion and
extends the life of the engine.
1. Flush the cooling system.
2. Clean the engine.
3. Check for propeller or gearcase damage.

Flush the cooling system

Flush the cooling system after each use to prevent cor-

rosion and deposit buildup in the cooling passages. This is
extremely important if the engine is run in salt, brackish or
polluted water.
If the englne is stored on a trailer or boatlift, flush the
engine using a flushltest adapter (Figure 4). This method
is preferable, as it flushes the entire cooling system. Oper-
ating it in a suitable test tank filled with clean water can
also flush the engine.
The type of flushing adapter used is determined by the
water screen location. All models except 2.5 and 3.5 hp
have the water screens located on the side of the gearcase
(Figure 5). The 2.5 and 3.5 hp water screens are located in
front of the propeller, underneath the cavitation plate.
Use a slide-on flushing adapter (Figure 4) or a
two-piece adapter (Figure 6) on all models with
side-mounted water screens. The two-piece design is pre-
ferred over a slide-on type adapter, as it does not slip out
of position during engine operation.

Water may exit the auxiliary water pickup
opening while running the engine on a
flushing adapter; this is normal. To ensure
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gine and run it at a fast idle in neutral until the engine

reaches normal operating temperature.
4. Continue to run the engine for at least five minutes.
Monitor the engine temperature. Stop the engine if it over-
heats or if water does not exit the water stream fitting.
5. Bring the engine back to idle for a few minutes then
stop the engine. Remove the flush adapter. Install the pro-
peller. Allow the engine to remain in the vertical position
for a few minutes to completely drain the cooling system.

Cleaning the engine

Clean all external engine surfaces after each use to re-

duce corrosion, wear on gearcase andlor trim system seals
and allow easier inspection.
Never use strong cleaning solutions or solvent to clean
the motor. Mild soap and pressurized water do a fine job
of cleaning the engine. Never direct water toward any en-
Garden hose gine cover openings. Avoid directly spraying any open-
ing, seals, plugs, wiring or wire grommets with a
high-pressure nozzle or pressure washer. The water may
bypass the seals and contaminate the trim system, electric
trim motor or trim fluid reservoir.
Rinse the external surfaces with clean water to remove
adequate engine cooling, use full water any soap residue. Wipe the engine with a soft cloth to pre-
pressure and never run the engine at high vent water spots.
speed using a flushing adapter:

Flush the cooling system as follows: Scheduled Maintenance

1. Remove the propeller as described in Chapter Nine.
2. Carefully attach the flush adapter to the engine.
Perform certain maintenance items at specified inter-
a. If using a slide-on type flush test adapter, connect vals. This section provides instructions for performing the
the garden hose to the adapter. Starting at the front regular scheduled maintenance or inspections.
edge of the gearcase, slide the cups onto each side of
the gearcase. Position the cups over the water inlet Always keep a log of maintenance performed and when
screens. it was done. Also, log the number of running hours after
each use. Without a maintenance/running hours log or an
b. If using a two-piece adapter (Figure 6), connect the
hour meter (Figure 7) it is almost impossible to accurately
garden hose to the adapter. Squeeze the clamp plate
determine the hours of usage. Be aware that an hour meter
(opposite from the hose connection) then pull the
may run when the ignition switch is ON, even if the en-
cup from the wire. Slide the wire with the cup at-
gine is not running. Note this event in the maintenance log
tached through the water screen openings as indi-
if it should occur.
cated in Figure 6 . Squeeze the clamp plate just
enough to pass the wire through the cup and both Table 1 lists the normal maintenance schedules. Some
sides of the clamp plate. Press both cups and the maintenance items do not apply to all models. The type of
wire loop firmly against the gearcase then release control system, starting system, and trim system used de-
the clamp plate. termines the engine's unique maintenance requirements.
3. Turn the water on. Make certain that the flush adapter Perform all applicable maintenance items listed in Table
is firmly positioned over the water screen(s). Start the en- 1.
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Fuel Requirements

Use extreme caution when working with or
around fuel. Never smoke arou~zdfuel or
fuel vapor: &lake sure that no jlanze or
source of ignition is present in the work
area. Flanze or sparks can ignite the fuel or
vapor and result irz $re or explosion.
Always use a major brand fuel from a facility that sells a
large amount of fuel. Fuels available today have a rela-
tively short shelf life. Some fuels begin to lose potency in
as little as 14 days. Plan on using the fuel within 60 days
or less.
Use premium grade fuel with an average octane rating
of 89 or higher and with no more than 10% ethanol by
volume. This fuel should meet the requirements for the
engine when it is operated under normal operating con-
Purchase fuel from a busy fuel station. They usually
have a higher turnover of fuel, providing a better opportu-
nity to purchase fresh fuel. Always plan on using the fuel
well before it has become old or stale. Refer to Storage (in
this chapter) for information on fuel additive recommen-

Never run an engine on old o ~ ~ s t afuel.
l e En-
gine darnage could result fvom using fuel
that has deteriorated. Varnish-like deposits
form in the file1 system as fuel deteriorates.
These deposits can block fuel passages and
result in decreasedji~eldelivevy. This can - Base
cause a lean condition in the combustion
chamber Damage to the pistons and other
power head components may result from op-
erating the engine under a lean fuel condi-

Fuel Filter Inspection

Use extreme caution when working with or
around fuel. Never smoke around fuel or
fuel vapor Make sure that no flame or
source of ignition is pr-esent in the work
area. Flame or sparks can ignite the fuel or
vapor resulting i n j r e oor explosion.
Inspect andlor replace the fuel filter at the intervals
specified in Table 1. Four types of fuel filters are used:
in-tank pickup filters (2.5 and 3.5 hp models), inline fuel
filters (Figure 8), bowl-type fuel filters (Figure 9) and
canister style fuel filters (Figure 10) for higher hp mod-
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1. Carburetor
2. Fuel filter
3. Fuel pump
4. Automixing check valve
5. Fuel tank
6. Oil filter

8. Oil tank

els. The inline and bowl type filters are constructed of the fuel pump (3, Figure 10) causes raw gasoline from the
translucent material that allows visual detection of mate- fuel tank (5) to be drawn through the fuel filter (2) and di-
rial or staining inside its housing. rected through the fuel hose to the automixing check valve
The inline and bowl-type filter is located along the fuel (4). The automixing check valve ensures the gasoline and
hose connecting the quick connector fitting or fuel tank oil are mixed before entering the fuel pump. The fuelloil
connector to the fuel puinp (Figure 8). mixture is directed through the fuel pump to the carbure-
Replace the fuel filter if debris or dark colored staining tors (1, Figure 10) for proper dispersal to the engine.
is noted within the filter body. Fuel filter removal and in-
stallation are provided in Chapter Six.
Engine Oil Requirements

Lubrication System Description Use a good quality NMMA-certified TC-W3 two-stroke

outboard oil. This oil is acceptable for the automixing sys-
CAUTION tem and fuel tank premix applications. This oil can be pur-
Never use norzdete~gerztoil or fouiy-stroke chased from a marine dealership.
outboard rnotor oil in a two-stroke out-
board; it tt~illnot adequately lubricate the
internal engine components. Operating the Removing Carbon Deposits
engine withozit adequate lubrication reszllts
in severe power head darnage or engine sei-
Remove the carbon from the combustion chamber at
regular intervals. Excessive carbon deposits can increase
Engine oil is drawn from the oil tank (8, Figure 10) engine compression and promote detonation. To help pre-
through the oil filter (6) and into the oil pump. The output vent serious power head damage, decarbonize the engine
from the oil pump (7, Figure 10) is directed through the at the intervals listed in Table 1.
oil hose to the automixing check valve (4). At the same Special fuel additives and sprays are very effective at re-
time, the vacuum that is produced on the suction side of moving most carbon deposits. These additives and sprays
©eBlue-Dist 2007


are most effective when used regularly. These are available

from most inarine dealerships and marine supply stores.
These products are either added to the fuel or sprayed into
the carburetor during engine operation. Always follow the
mallufacturer's directions when using these products.
Remove stubborn or heavy carbon deposits by manu-
ally scraping them from the pistons and comnbustion
chambers. Cylinder head removal, cleaning and installa-
tion are provided in Chapter Eight.
Prevent heavy carbon deposits by using good quality
fuel and oil. Ensure the propeller used is correct for the en-
gine and boat combination (see Chapter One). Check and
correct all applicable carburetor adjustments to minimize
carbon deposits.

Sacrificial Anodes

Sacrificial anodes are used to help prevent corrosion

damage to the power head cooling passages. The anode is
made of a inaterial that is more corrosively active than the
cylinder head or cylinder block material. Essentially the
anodes sacrifice themselves to protect the power head.
Regular inspection andlor replacement helps ensure con-
tinued protection against corrosion damage. An anode
must be replaced if it is 113 of its original size.
Refer to Figures 11-13.
1. Remove the cylinder head from the block and remove
anode bolt (Figure 11) and remove the anode.
2. To remove the trim tab anode, (Figure 8 2 ) remove the
plastic cover from the top of gearcase and insert an Allen
wrench in the opening and turn it counterclockwise to re-
move the trim tab.
3. Remove the two bolts holding the anode to the stern
bracket (Figure 83) and remove anode.
4. Clean all corrosion or contaminants from the anode
surfaces using a wire brush.
5. Inspect the anode for deep pitting or cracks.
6. Replace the anode if deep pitting is noted or if 113 or
more of the anode has corroded away.
7. Clean all corrosion or contaminants from the anode
mounting surface.
8. Installation is the reverse ofremoval. Note the following:
a. To maintain corrosion protection, do not apply paint
or protective coatings to the anode or mounting bolts.
b. Tighten all anode mounting bolts and retainers to
the specified torque.

Hose and Clamp Inspection

1. Inspect all fuel and breather hoses and clamps at the in-
tervals listed in Table 1.
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2. Carefully squeeze all hoses to check their flexibility.

Inspect the entire length of all hoses. Note the presence of
leakage, weathered, burned or cracked surfaces.
3. Replace fuel lines that are hard or brittle, are leaking or
feel spongy.
4. Replace all fuel and breather hoses on the engine if de-
fects are noted in any of them.
5. Inspect a spring clamp (Figure 14) for corrosion or
damage. Remove and replace plastic tie clamps (Figure
15) if they are old or brittle.
6. Carefully tug on the fuel lines to ensure a tight fit at all
connections. Check for loose plastic tie clamps or a faulty
spring clamp if a fitting is loose. Replace any faulty clamp
before operating the engine.

Thermostat Inspection

Inspect andlor replace the thennostat at the intervals

listed in Table 1. The~lnostatremoval, inspection and in-
stallation are provided in Chapter Eight.

Gearcase Lubricant

Inspect the gaskets on all gearrase plz4g-s.
Replace nzissrrzg or danzayed gaskets topre-
vent water or lubricant leaking.

A snzall anzourzt of ver7l fine particles are
usually p~esentin the gear 1z~br.icant.The
,firze particles jorr7z durirzg rzoi.7nal gear*case
operation. Their preserzce does not neces-
sarily ir7dicate a problenz. The preserzce of
0 large particles, howevei; indicates a poterz-
tialproblem within the gearcase.

Use SAE 80-90 gear lubricant with the API classifica-

Oil levellvent tion GL5 in the gearcase. Refer to Table 2 for approxi-
inate gearcase capacities.
Check the gearcase lubricant level and condition at the
intervals listed in Table 1. Some models have two oil
levellvent plugs. Refer to Chapter Nine to identify the
plug location.
1. Position the engine in the upright position for at least
an hour before checking the lubricant.
2. Position a suitable container under the gearcase.
Slowly remove the drainifill plug (Figure 16) and allow a
small sample (a teaspoon or less) of fluid to drain from the
gearcase. Quickly replace the drainifill plug and tighten it
securely. Refer to Chapter Three if water or a milky ap-
pearance is noted in the fluid sample.
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3. Rub a small amount of the fluid sample between your

finger and thumb. Refer to Chapter Three if the lubricant
is gritty or contains metal particles.
4. Remove the levellvent plug(s) (Figure 16). The lubri-
cant level should be even with the bottom of the threaded
levellvent plug opening.
5. Perform the following if the lubricant level is low:
a. Remove the lubricant drainlfill plug, then quickly
install the lubricant pump hose or tube into the
b. Add lubricant into the drainlfill plug opening (Fig-
ure 16) until fluid flows from the levellvent plug(s)
(Figure 16).
c. A leak is likely if over an ounce of lubricant is re-
quired to fill the gearcase. Pressure test the unit as
described in Chapter Three.
d. Install the levellvent plug(s) then tighten it securely.
e. Remove the lubricant pump hose or tube, then very
quickly install the lubricant drainlfill plug.
6. Tighten the lubricant draidfill and levellvent plugs se-
7. Allow the gearcase to remain undisturbed in a shaded
area for 1 hour then recheck the lubricant level. Top off 1. Swivel pin lubrication points
the lubricant as necessary. 2. Tilt lock lever lubrication points

Changing the Gearcase Lubricant

Change the gearcase lubricant at the intervals listed m 5. Remove the pump from tile draidfill opening, then
Table I. Table 2 lists the approximate gearcase lubricant quickly install the drainlfill plug (Figure 16). Securely
capacity. Refer to the information provided in Chapter tighten the drainlfill plug.
Nine to identify the gearcase. Refer to the exploded views 6. Allow the engine to remain in the upright position for
in Chapter Nine to locate the plugs. one hour in a shaded location. Check the gearcase lubri-
Some models have two levellvent plugs. On these mod- cant level again and top it off if necessary.
els, remove both plugs during gearcase draining and fill-
Gearcase Anode Inspection
1. Place a suitable container under the gearcase. Remove
the draidfill plug from the gearcase (Figure 16). Remove
the levellvent plug(s). Sacrificial anodes (Figure 13, typical) are used on all
2. Take a small sample of the gearcase lubricant and in- models to prevent corrosion damage to exposed gearcase
spect as described under Gearcase Lubricarzt (in this surfaces. The anode material is more corrosively active
chapter). than the other exposed engine components. Essentially
3. Allow the gearcase to drain completely. Tilt the engine the anodes sacrifice themselves to protect the engine from
so the drainlfill opening is at its lowest point to ensure the corrosion damage.
gearcase drains completely. After draining, place the en- Clean and inspect the gearcase anodes at the intervals
gine in the upright position. listed in Table 1. Inspect and clean the anodes more often
4. Use a pump-type dispenser or squeeze tube to slowly if the engine is run or stored in salt, brackish or polluted
pump gearcase lubricant into the drain plug opening (Fig- water. Use a stiff bmsh to remove deposits and other ma-
ure 16). Continue to fill the gearcase until lubricant flows terial from the anode. Replace the anode if it has lost 113
out the levellvent plug(s) opening (Figure 16). Without or more of its material. Never paint or cover the anode
removing the pump or tube from the draidfill opening, in- with a protective coating. Doing so dramatically de-
stall the levellvent plug(s). Securely tighten the level creases its ability to protect the engine. Clean all debris or
plug(s). contaminants from the mounting area before installing a
©eBlue-Dist 2007


new anode. The anode must contact a bare metal surface


to ensure a proper connection.
Inspect the anode mounting area if conosion is noted on
engine components but the anode is not experiencing cor-
rosion. It is likely that corrosion or contamination is pre-
venting the anode from adequately contacting the
mounting surface. Clean the area thoroughly if this condi-
tion is noted.

Water Pump Inspection

Inspect the water pump impeller at the intervals listed in

Table 1. Inspecting the water pump i~npellerand related
components helps ensure reliable cooling system opera-
tion. Water pump impeller inspection is covered in Chap-
ter Nine.

Propeller Shaft

Lubricate and inspect the propeller shaft at the interval

listed in Table 1.
1. Remove the propeller as described in Chapter Nine.
2. Watch the propeller shaft for wobbling while spinning
the propeller shaft. Replace the propeller shaft if any wob-
bling is detected. Propeller shaft replacement is covered
in Chapter Nine.
3. Using a solvent and a shop towel. clean the propeller
shaft splines, threads and tapered section.
4. Inspect the propeller nut. thrust washer and spacers for
wear, cracks or damage.
5 . Apply a generous coat of water-resistant grease to the
spiines of the propeller shaft.
6. Install the propeller as described in Chapter Nine.

Swivel and Tilt Tube Lubrication

1. Steering cable CAUTION

lubrication point The steering cable nzust be retracted before
2. Tilt tube punzping grease into tlze j'?tti~zg.The cable
lubrication points can become hydraulically loclced ifgrease is
3. Steering arm pivoting injected with the cable extended.

Lubricate the swivel and tilt tube pivot points at the in-
tervals listed in Table 1. Using a grease pump, pump wa-
ter-resistant grease into all fittings on the swivel tube
(Figure 17) and tilt tube (Figure 18). Continue to pump
until the old grease is expelled from between the pivot
©eBlue-Dist 2007


Steering System Inspection

Some steering cables are provided with a grease fitting.

Regular lubrication of the steering cable and linkage dra-
matically increases their service life. Pump water-resistant
grease into the grease fitting until a slight resistance is felt.
Avoid overfilling the steering cable with grease. Apply
grease to the sliding surfaces and pivot points of all steering
linkage and pivot points. Cycle the steering h l l port and
full starboard several times to distribute the lubricant.

Always wear suitable eye protection, gloves
and protective clothing when working
around the trim system. TheJluid in the tvim
system may be under high pressure. Loosen
all valves and reservoir plugs slowly to al-
low an,v internalpressure to slowly subside.

Trim System Fluid Level

Check and correct the trim fluid level at the intervals spec-
ified in Table 1 or if a trim system malfunction is evident.
Use Nisseki Power Torque Fluid or Dextron I1 automatic
transmission fluid (ATF) in the power trimltilt system.
It is necessary to access the manual relief valve (Figure
19, typical) when checking the fluid level. The manual re-
lief valve opening is located on the starboard clamp
bracket on all models. Use a large screwdriver to prevent
damaging the valve. Secure the engine in the full-tilt posi-
tion to access the trim system fill plug. Secure using an ad-
equate overhead lift (Figure 20) or wooden blocks to
support the engine while checking and filling the fluid
level. Do not rely solely on the tilt lock mechanism to sup-
port the engine. Two different types of systems are used
on these models. On either type, the trim system fill cap
(Figure 21) is located on the front side of the pump por-
tion of the trim system. The fluid in the reservoir may be
under pressure. Always remove the reservoir plug slowly
and allow the pressure to gradually subside.
1. Operate the tridtilt system or open the manual relief
valve and move the engine to the fully up position. Se-
curely tighten the manual relief valve. ---- ----- -
2. Secure the engine in position with overhead cables or
wooden blocks (Figure 20). Use compressed air to clean
all debris from the fill cap (Figure 21) area. Place a suitable
container under the trim system to capture any spilled fluid. Manual relief
3. Slowly remove the fill cap from the trim system pump
or reservoir.
4. Clean all debris from the cap-mounting surface. Take
all steps necessary to prevent debris from entering the
fluid reservoir.
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Repeat Steps 6 and 7 for at least five cycles to bleed the air
STARTER DRIVE from the system.

Starter Motor Maintenance

Clean the electrical terminals and apply water-resistant

grease to the starter drive (Figure 22). Apply only a light
coat of grease to the pinion shaft of the starter motor. Ex-
cessive grease may attract dirt, leading to electric starter
motor malfunction. Refer to Chapter Seven if electric
starter motor removal or disassembly is necessary to ac-
cess the pinion shaft.

Wiring Inspection

Periodically inspect the main harness connector (Fig-

ure 23) for corroded or loose pin connections. Carefully
scrape corrosion from the contacts. Apply a light coat of
water-resistant marine grease to the main harness plug
and terminals to seal out moisture and prevent corrosion.
Inspect the entire length of all wires and harnesses for
worn, burnt, damaged or bare insulation. Repair or re-
place the wire harness as required.

Battery Inspection

The cranking battery requires inore maintenance than

any other engine component. Unlike automobiles, boats
may sit for weeks without running. Without proper mainte-
nance, the battery will lose its charge and deteriorate. Ma-
rine engines are exposed to a great deal more moisture than
automobiles, resulting in more corrosion on the battery ter-
minals. Clean the terminals and charge the battery at no
more than 30-day intervals. Refer to Chapter Seven for
complete battery testing, maintenance and charging in-
5. The fluid level should be even with the bottom of the
fill cap hole.
6. Add fluid until it is even with the bottom of the fill cap Throttle and Shift Linkage
opening (Figure 21). Clean the fill cap and carefully
thread it onto the reservoir. Securely tighten the fill cap. Apply all-purpose grease to all pivot points of the throt-
7. Maintain the up position for a minimum of five min- tle and shift linkage at the intervals listed in Table 1. This
utes. Remove the overhead cable or supporting block and is important to help prevent corrosion and to ensure
run the trim motor to lower the engine to fully down posi- smooth operation of the throttle and shift mechanisms.
tion. Maintain this position for a minimum of five min- Refer to Chapter Five and Chapter Six to determine the lo-
utes. Run the trim system to the hlly up position. Engage cation of the shift and throttle linkage. A small amount of
the tilt stop and check the oil level, adding oil if necessary. grease is all that is required; use just enough to lubricate
Maintain the up position for a minimum of five minutes. the connector or pivot point.
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TUNE-UP threads, apply penetrating oil to the threads and allow it to

A complete tune-up involves a series of adjustments, 3. Remove the spark plugs using a suitable spark plug
tests, inspection and parts replacement to return the en- socket. Arrange the spark plugs in the order of the cylin-
gine to original factory condition. Only a complete tune- der in which removed.
up delivers the expected performance, economy and dura- 4. Inspect the spark plug holes in the cylinder head. If
bility. Perform all operations listed in this section for a necessary, clean the plug holes using a special spark plug
complete engine tune up. tap to remove carbon and corrosion. Blow the holes clean
1. Compression test. using compressed air. Avoid blowing debris into the cyl-
2. Replace spark plugs. inder.
3. Carburetor adjustment. 5 . Repair damaged spark plug threads using a threaded
4. Checking the ignition timing. insert. The inserts are available in kit form and contain the
5. Water test. necessary thread tap, installation tool and instructions.
6. Compare the plugs to those shown in Figure 24. Spark
plugs can give a clear indication of problems within the
Compression Test engine, sometimes even before the symptoms occur. Ad-
ditional inspection and testing may be required if spark
No tune-up is complete without a compression test. An
plug conditions are abnormal. Refer to Chapter Three for
engine with weak compression on one or more cylinder(s)
troubleshooting and testing.
simply cannot be properly tuned. Perform a compression
test before replacing any components or performing any 'VOTE
adjustments. Correct the causes of low compression be- Use only taesistor-typeplugs on all nzodels.
fore proceeding with the tune up. Compression testing is Using non-re.esi.stor spurk plzigs can cause
covered in Chapter Three. electrical intefe~eerzcethat can affect the op-
eratio~zof the engine conti*ol unit. Look for
the R nzark or2 the side of the spark plug in-
Spark Plug Replacement sulator to verzfi resistor,--typeplugs.
Spark plug inspection or replacement is the most impor- 7. If the spark plugs must be reused, clean them using a
tant part of a complete tune-up. Spark plugs are repeatedly wire brush and solvent to dissolve the deposits. Special
subjected to very high heat and pressure and exposure to spark plug cleaning devices are available that use a forced
the corrosive by-products of combustion. abrasive blast, similar to a small sand blaster, to remove
All the outboard models use breakerless ignition sys- stubborn deposits. Remove all debris from the plug using
tems except the 2.5A and 3.5A hp models. These two compressed air before reinstallation.
models use breaker contacts and condenser. The 8. Use a gap adjustment tool (Figures 25-27) to adjust
breakerless ignition systems produce higher energy than the spark plug gap to the specification in Table 4. Never
conventional breaker point systems. A benefit of the tap the plug against a hard object to close the gap. The ce-
higher energy systems is a longer spark plug life and less ramic insulator can crack and possibly break away.
chance of spark plug fouling. Nevertheless, spark plugs a. Refer to Table 4 to determine the correct spark plug
operate in a harsh environment and eventually require re- gap.
placement. b. Check the gap using a feeler or wire gauge (Figure
Replacement spark plugs must be of the correct size, 27) of the same thickness as the specified gap (Fig-
reach and heat range to operate properly in the engine. Re- ure 28). The gauge should pass between the elec-
fer to the spark plug specifications in Table 4. trodes with a slight drag.
1. Inspecting the spark plug can reveal much about the
c. Inspect the gap for parallel electrode surfaces (Fig-
engine condition. Inspection provides the opportunity to
ure 28). Carefully bend the electrode until the sur-
correct problems before expensive engine damage occurs.
faces are parallel and the gap is correct.
Remove the spark plug(s) and compare them to the ones
shown in Figure 24. NOTE
2. Mark the cylinder number on the spark plug leads be- Sonze spaukplz~gbrands ~ e q z l i that
~ e the ter-
fore removing them from the spark plugs. Use com- minal end be installed prior to installation.
pressed air to blow debris from around the spark plugs Thread the ternzinal onto the spai*kplug(s)
bejb7.e removing them. If the plug is corroded at the (Figure 29).
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Identified by light tan or gray * Identified by deposit buildup identified by wet black deposits on the
deposits on the firing tip. closing gap between electrodes. insulator shell bore and electrodes.
Can be cleaned. * Caused by oil or carbon fouling. If Caused by excessive oil entering
deposits are not excessive, the combustion chamber through worn rings
plug can be cleaned. and pistons, excessive clearance between
valve guides and stems or worn or loose
bearings. Can be cleaned. If engine is not
repaired, use a hotter plug.


Identified by black, dry fluffy identified by dark gray, black,
carbon deposits on insulator
tips, exposed shell surfaces and
electrodes. Caused by normal wear.
cold a plug, weak
ir cleaner, too rich

ldentified by a white or light gray insulator. Metallic
insulator with small black or gray tor indicate engine
otty brown spots with bluish-burnt
Caused by wrong type of fuel, incorrect
©eBlue-Dist 2007


9. Apply a light coat of oil to the spark plug threads and

thread them by hand. Use a torque wrench to tighten the
spark plugs to the specification in Chapter Seven.
10. Apply a light coat of silicone lubricant to the inner
surface of the spark plug cap. Carefully slide the cap over
the spark plug. Ensure the spark plug connector is routed
to the correct spark plug. Snap the connector fully onto the
spark plug.

Carburetor Adjustment

Proper carburetor adjustment is essential for smooth

and efficient running. Carburetor adjustment includes car-
buretor synchronization with the ignition system, mixture
adjustment, and idle speed adjustment. Some models also
require pilot screw adjustment. To ensure correct opera-
tion, perform all applicable carburetor adjustments. Car-
buretor adjustment is covered in Chapter Five.

Ignition Timing

This section covers checking the timing control circuit

of the ignition system. Refer to Chapter Five to adjust the
ignition timing. Timing adjustment is not required on 8
and 9.8 hp models.
1. Connect a shop tachometer to the engine following its
manufacturer's instructions.
2. Connect the timing light to the No. 1 spark plug lead.
3. Start the engine and allow it to run at idle speed until it
reaches normal operating temperatures.
4. Locate the timing pointer, marks or window.
a. On 2.5-5 hp models, the timing marks are cast into
the flywheel (Figure 30) on the top side. The timing
reference mark is located on the mating surface of
the crankcase halves.
b. On 9.9-40 hp two cylinder models, the timing marks
are located on the side of the coil plate (Figure 31)
©eBlue-Dist 2007


which must align with the seam (Figure 31) of the

mating surface of the crankcase halves.
c. On 40-90 hp models, align the flat surface of crank-
case mold boss (1, Figure 32) with the correct cali-
bration of the set ring-(2).
d. On 115-140 hp models, the timing pointer is located
on the timer base (Figure 33) on the starboard side
where the crankcase halves mate. The timing refer-
ence marks are located on the coil plate.
5. Refer to Chapter Five for timing adjustment. Direct the
timing light at the timing pointer, window or timing mark
while an assistant operates the engine at the specified
speed. Record the timing mark that aligns with the pointer
or reference mark.
6. Compare the ignition timing with the specification
listed in Chapter Five. If incorrect timing is indicated, a
CDI unit or other ignition system component is faulty.
7. Test the ignition system as described in Chapter Three.
1. Full lead angle marking
2. Top marking
3. Crankcase matching surface
Water Test

Test-run the outboard before completing a tune-up. Op-

erate the engine on a flushltest device or in a test tank to
ensure correct starting and idling prior to running on the
1. Connect a shop tachometer to the engine. Follow the
manufacturer's instructions when attaching the tachome-
ter to the engine.
2. Note the idle speed as an assistant operates the boat.
Refer to Chapter Five for instructions, then adjust the idle
3. Note the tachometer reading as the assistant operates
the engine at full speed. Perform this test with the average
load in the boat. Operate the tridtilt system (if so
equipped) to reach the correct trim position. Record the
maximum engine speed, then refer to Chapter Three to de-
termine the correct engine operating range. Check the
propeller for damage or incorrect pitch if the measured en-
gine speed is below or above the recommended speed
range. Refer to Chapter Three if the correct propeller for
the application is installed but the engine fails to reach the
recommended engine speed range. The engine may have a
problem that is limiting its power output.
4. Check all fuel system, ignition system and timing ad-
5. Try a rapid acceleration and run the engine at various
speeds. Refer to Chapter Three if rough operation is noted
at any speed range or if the engine hesitates or stalls dur-
ing rapid acceleration.
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If the engine has been completely submerged, three

questions must be asked. Was the engine running when
the submersion occurred? Was the engine submerged in
salt, brackish or polluted water? How long has the engine
been retrieved from the water?
Complete disassembly and inspection of the power
+ 0

5" 10"

head is required if the engine was submerged while run-

ning. Internal damage to the power head (bent connecting
rod) is likely if this occurs. Refer to Chapter Eight for
power head disassembly and assembly.
If submerged in saltwater or polluted or brackish water,
the wiring harness and connectors are usually damaged
quickly by intense corrosion. It is difficult to remove all
traces of salt from the harness connectors. Replace the
wiring harness and thoroughly clean all electric compo-
nents to ensure a reliable repair. The starter motor, relays
and switch will fail if not thoroughly cleaned of all salt.
Retrieve and service the engine as soon as possible.
Vigorously wash the engine with fresh water after re-
trieval. Complete power head disassembly and inspection
is required if sand, silt or other gritty material is found
within the engine cover. Refer to Chapter Eight for power
head disassembly and assembly.
Service the engine quickly to ensure that it can be
started within two hours of retrieval. Clean the engine
thoroughly and submerge it in a barrel or tank of clean,
fresh water if the engine cannot be serviced within this
two-hour time frame. This is especially important if the
engine was submerged in salt. brackish or polluted wa-
ter. This protective submersion prevents exposure to air
and decreases the potential for corrosion. This will not
preserve the engine indefinitely. Service the engine
within a few days after beginning protective submersion.
1. Remove the engine cover and vigorously wash all mate-
rial from the engine with fresh water. Completely disassern-
ble and inspect the power head internal components if sand,
silt or gritty material is present inside the engine cover.
2. Dry the engine exterior with compressed air. Remove
the spark plugs and ground the leads. Remove the propel-
ler as described in Chapter Nine.
3. Drain all water and he1 from the fuel system. Remove
any water from the carburetor cover. Replace all fuel fil-
ters on the engine. inspect the internal components of the power head if inter-
4. Drain the oil from the oil tank. Position the engine so ference or rough rotation is noted.
the spark plug openings face down. 6. Position the engine with the spark plug openings fac-
5. Slowly rotate the flywheel clockwise (as viewed from ing up. Pour approximately one teaspoon of engine oil
the flywheel end) using the recoil starter or manually on into each spark plug opening. Repeat Step 5 to distribute
electric start models to force the water from the cylin- the oil in the cylinder.
der(~).Rotate the flywheel several times, noting whether 7. Note all wire connections and routing. Disconnect all
the engine is turning freely. Completely disassemble and electrical connections and inspect the terminals. Dry all
©eBlue-Dist 2007


exterior surfaces and wire connectors with compressed 6. Apply a light coat of engine oil to the spark plug
air. Remove, disassemble and inspect the electric starter threads and install them. Store the engine in the upright
motor as described in Chapter Seven. position. Check the speedometer opening at the leading
8. Replace the fuel filter, if so equipped, then fill the en- edge of the gearcase and other water drains on the
gine oil tank with fresh oil. Clean and install the spark gearcase for the presence of debris. They must be clear to
plugs. Reconnect all wire harnesses and battery terminals. ensure that water is not trapped in the cooling system.
9. Provide the engine with a fresh supply of fuel. Start the Clean the opening with compressed air and a small piece
engine and run it at a low speed for a few minutes. Refer to of wire.
Chapter Three for troubleshooting if the engine cannot be 7. Inspect the water stream fitting on the lower engine
started. Stop the engine immediately and investigate if cover for debris. Blow through the opening with com-
any unusual noises are detected. Allow the engine to run pressed air to ensure it is clear. Remove stubborn debris
at low speed for a minimum of 30 minutes to dry any re- with a small piece of stiff wire.
sidual water from the engine. Promptly investigate any 8. Disconnect the battery cables. Refer to Chapter Seven
unusual noises or unusual running conditions. for battery storage instructions.
10. On manual start models, disassemble, inspect, and
then reassemble the manual starter.
Recommissioning the Engine

STORAGE Perform all required maintenance. Service the water

pump and replace the impeller as described in Chapter
When preparing the engine for long-term storage, the Nine.
aim is to prevent any corrosion or deterioration during the Correct all lubricant levels. Supply the engine with
storage period. fresh fuel. Check for a flooded carburetor as described in
All inajor systems require some preparation before stor- Chapter Three. Flooding is common after extended stor-
age. If done correctly, the engine should operate properly age.
after recommissioning. Install the battery (on models so equipped) as instructed
Perform any maintenance that becomes due during the in Chapter Seven. Supply it with cooling water and then
storage period. Maintenance requirements are listed in start the engine. Run the engine at low speed until it
Table 1. reaches operating temperature. Check for proper opera-
1. Remove the silencer cover from the carburetors as de- tion of the cooling, electrical and warning systems and
scribed in Chapter Six. correct any problems as required. Avoid continued opera-
2. Run the engine at idle speed in a test tank or on a flush- tion if the engine is not operating properly. Refer to Chap-
ing adapter until the engine reaches operating tempera- ter Three for troubleshooting and testing if problems are
ture. noted.
3. Raise the engine speed to approximately 1500 rpm.
Spray storage-sealing agent into all carburetor openings.
Try to spray the agent evenly into all carburetors on multi- Corrosion Prevention
ple carburetor engines. Spray in 5-10 second intervals.
Continue to spray the agent into the engine until the ex- Corrosion is far more prevalent when the engine is op-
haust smokes heavily. This indicates the agent has passed erated in salty or heavily polluted water. Serious engine
through the engine. Stop the engine at this point. damage is certain if steps are not taken to protect the en-
4. Remove the engine from the test tank or remove the gine. A simple and effective way to reduce corrosion in
flushing adapter. Remove each spark plug and spray the the power head cooling passages is to always flush the
sealing agent into each spark plug hole. Crank the engine cooling system after running the engine. Refer to A$er
a few revolutions to distribute the sealing agent. Each Use (in this chapter).
5. Drain each carburetor float bowl. Disconnect the fuel Using a corrosion preventative spray on the external
hose from the fuel tank and route it to a container suitable engine components can substantially reduce corrosion
for holding fuel. Slowly pump the primer bulb to move the damage to the engine wiring, terminals, exposed fasten-
residual fuel from the fuel hoses. Install the drain plugs ers and other components. Regular use is highly recom-
and securely tighten them. Disconnect the fuel hose from mended if the engine is operated in saltwater or polluted
the engine. Treat any remaining fuel in the fuel tanks with water. Corrosion preventative sprays are available froin
fuel stabilizer. most marine dealerships or marine supply stores. Follow
©eBlue-Dist 2007


the instructions on the container for the proper use of the cables from the battery or remove the battery from the
these products. boat for charging.
Inspect all gearcase and power head anodes at more fre- Special isolators are available that allow battery charg-
quent intervals if the engine is operated in a corrosive en- ing or connections to shore power without promoting
vironment. Special electronic equipment is available that rapid corrosion. Contact a marine dealership or marine
uses current from the battery to balance or offset galvanic supply store for information on isolators.
corrosion. Consider installing this type of system if the Ensure all ground wires on the gearcase, midsection
boat is stored in the water for extended periods of time. and power head are attached and making a good connec-
Never charge the battery or connect the boat accessories tion at their terminal. Failure to maintain secure ground
to AC shore power. Engine components can corrode ex- connections prevent the sacrificial anodes from protecting
tremely rapidly under these circumstances. Disconnect the ungrounded components.


lnspect lower engine cover bolts.

lnspect propeller nut.
lnspect propeller shaft housing bolts.
lnspect gearcase bolts.
lnspect driveshaft-housing bolts.
lnspect starter motor bolts (installation).
lnspect flywheel nut.
lnspect oil pump bolts.
lnspect crankcase bolts.
lnspect intake manifold bolts.
lnspect exhaust cover bolts.
lnspect carburetor-mounting bolts.
lnspect cylinder head cover bolts.
lnspect cylinder head bolts.
Check spark plug gap; remove carbon deposits.
Disassemble, clean and inspect fuel tank, fuel filters,
fuel tank pick-up and fuel pump. Check for leakage.
Check all electrical wires for looseness and damage.
Check and adjust timing and carburetor linkage.
lnspect choke and throttle linkage for loose or bent.
lnspect and clean oil tank, hoses, and filter.

30 hours (1 month) Inspect gearcase for oil level and add as required.
lnspect gearcase for water or metallic matter in oil.
lnspect and check the function of the warning system.
Check and adjust timing and carburetor linkage.
lnspect choke and throttle linkage for loose or bent.

50 hours (3 months) Inspect engine mounting bolts.

lnspect lower engine cover bolts.
lnspect propeller nut.
lnspect propeller shaft housing bolts.
lnspect gearcase bolts.
lnspect driveshaft-housing bolts.
lnspect starter motor bolts (installation).
lnspect flywheel nut.
lnspect oil pump bolts.
lnspect crankcase bolts.
©eBlue-Dist 2007



50 hours (3 months) (continued) Inspect intake manifold bolts.
lnspect exhaust cover bolts.
lnspect carburetor-mounting bolts.
lnspect cylinder head cover bolts.
lnspect cylinder head bolts.
Check spark plug gap; remove carbon deposits.
Disassemble, clean and inspect fuel tank, fuel filters,
fuel tank pick-up and fuel pump. Check for leakage.
Warm engine and check cylinder compression.
lnspect water pump impeller for wear and or damage.
lnspect the amount of erosion on the sacrificial anodes.
Check for proper installation and condition of the anode(s).
Change the gearcase lubricant.
Lubricate the swivel and tilt tube pivot points.
Check trim fluid level.
Lubricate throttle and shift linkage.

100 hours (6 months) Remove carburetors clean and inspect float valve.
Clean and inspect all fuel hoses and hose connectors.
Check all electrical wires for looseness and damage.
lnspect and clean oil tank, hoses, and filter.
lnspect and remove all deposits from the water pump
and impeller, water pipe, exhaust cover, thermostat,
exhaust pipe and engine base.
Check manual operation of trimltilt by opening manual
relief valve and move engine up and down.

Clean powerhead by removing carbon deposits

from cylinder head, pistons, rings, inner and outer
exhaust cover.
Replace water pump impeller.

400 hours (2 year) Replace all fuel hoses.

Replace oil mixing check valve and oil hoses.


Model Capacity

2.5A-3.5A 90 mL (3.0 02.)

3.5B 180 mL (6.1 02.)
5 195 mL (6.6 02.)
8-9.8 320 mL (10.8 02.)
9.9-15-18 370 mL (12.5 02.)
25-30 280 mL (9.5 02.)
40 420 mL (14.2 02.)
40-50 500 mL (17 02.)
60B-70B 700 mL (24 02.)
6OC-70C 900 mL (30 02.)
80-90-115-120-140 900 mL (30 02.)
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Item name Part number

Threadlocker boctite 242

Threadlocker Loctite 243
Anaerobic gasket maker Loctite 518
Gasket sealant Permatex or high tack
Gasket dressing Permatex, hylomar or aerosol high-temp
Silicone sealant Permatex hi-temp RTV
Super bond adhesive Permatex super glue gel
Cleaning pads Scotch-brite, (abrasive)
Grease Low-temperature lithium
All-purpose grease Marine grease
Power trimltilt fluid Nisseki or GM approved ATF
Gear lubricant API grade GL5, SAE 80-90
Engine lubricant NMMA certified TC-W3
Battery spray protector Permatex


Champion Rb87YC10
5-9.8 NGK BPR7HS-10
Champion RL82YC10
9.9-40 NGK BR7HS-10

©eBlue-Dist 2007

Chapter five

Synchronization and Adjustment

If the engine is to deliver its maxiinurn efficiency and force when seating the screw or else the screw and seat
peak perfomlance, the ignition must be correctly timed will be damaged. Use only enough effort to lightly seat the
and the throttle operation synchronized with the ignition. screw.
The synchronization procedure should always be the final 2. Back the screw out the number of turns specified in the
step of a tune-up. It must also be performed whenever the appropriate table in Chapter Six.
fuel or ignition systems are serviced or adjusted.
Table 1 lists the recommended test propellers. Tables Idle Speed (2.5-30 hp and 40 hp
2-7 provide relevant specifications. Tables 1-7 are located Two-Cylinder Models)
at the end of this chapter.
On three- and four-cylinder models, the idle speed is set
during carburetor synchronization.
FUEL SYSTEM 1. Install a shop tachometer to the engine following the
instructions provided by the manufacturer. Start the en-
Pilot Screw Adjustment (40-140 hp) gine and allow it to idle in neutral until it reaches normal
operating temperature.
1. Using a thin screwdriver, carefully turn the pilot screw 2. Refer to Figure 1 (2.5-5 llp) or Figure 2 (8-40 hp
clockwise until it is lightly seated. Do not use excessive two-cylinder models) to identify the idle speed screw.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


3. Refer to the appropriate table in Chapter Six for the

correct idle speed.
4. Slowly turn the idle speed screw until the idle speed is
in the midrange of the specification while running in
5. Shift the motor into FORWARD gear and note the idle
speed. The idle speed should still be within the specifica-
tion. Adjust the idle speed screw as required for the best
idle performance while remaining within the specification.
6. Check the idle speed again after accelerating several
times. Readjust the idle as necessary.

Choke Valve Adjustment (5-140 hp)

1. Push the choke knob (5, Figure 3) fully inward.

2. Disconnect the choke knob link rod (4, Figure 3) or
choke solenoid plunger hook as required. Loosen the adjust-
ment screw on the choke linkage and rotate the choke plate
on the linkage until the choke plate is coinpletely closed.
3. With choke valve closed, tighten the adjustment screw.
Push the linkage back 111 to open the choke valve. Pull the
choke linkage back out and see if the choke valve is
closed. Install the choke linkage and reconnect the choke
solenoid or choke knob. Observe the lever while pulling
out on the choke knob. If the adjustment is correct, the
choke lever should just contact the stop lever. Push in on
the choke knob. Verify that the choke returns to the OFF
position. Readjust as required.
Carburetor Swchronization (8-140 hp)

Carburetor sy~lchronizationis not required on models

equipped with a single carburetor. This procedure is pro-
vided for all models equipped with multiple carburetors.

The ignition timing must be properly ad-
justed befor-e synchronizing the carburetors.
Adjust the timing as described in this chapter

1. Remove the air silencer cover.

2. Disconnect throttle link (4, Figure 4) and ignition tim-
ing link (3) so the throttle lever roller (1) does not contact
the throttle cam (2).
3. Adjust each carburetor throttle link (1 and 2, Figure 5)
to the length specified in Table 4.
1. Air silencer
4. Reconnect the timing link (3, Figure 4).
5. Loosen all throttle lever screws (1 and 2, Figure 6).
The throttle valves should return to a fully closed position.
6. On the top carburetor (middle carburetor on 60 and 70
hp models) loosen throttle stop screw (1, Figure 7) so it
©eBlue-Dist 2007




1. Throttle lever screw

1. Throttle lever roller
2. Throttle lever screw
2. Throttle cam
3. Ignition timing link
4. Throttle link rod



1. Throttle stop screw

1. Throttle link rod
2. Throttle lever
2. Throttle link rod
©eBlue-Dist 2007


does not contact the throttle lever (2). The throttle valve
should return to the fulLy closed position.
7. From the top of the engine, starting with the second car- CARBURETOR LINKAGE
buretor, apply light upward pressure to the linkage tab (2, JUSTMENT (40-140 NP MODELS)
Figure 8) and turn throttle lever screw (1) counterclockwise
to tighten the throttle lever. Working toward the bottom car-
buretor, repeat this step for each remaining carburetor.
8. Turn the throttle stop screw (1, Figure 7) until it
touches the lever (2), and then tighten the screw to the
number of turns specified in Table 5.
9. Install the air silencer cover.
10. Do not attempt to adjust the engine until it has run
long enough to reach normal operating temperature.
Starting with the top carburetor and working down to the
bottom carburetor, gradually adjust each pilot screw (Fig-
ure 9) to find the setting at which the engine speed in-
creases most when the pilot screw is opened the specified
number of turns.

For. the followirzg step, the boat must befiee
to niove. It tizz~stbe in the ~vaterurider nor-
nzal operating co~lditions~ritlzthe correct
1. Throttle lever screw
pi*opeller irzstalled. 2. Linkage tab
11. With the engine running at normal operating tempera-
ture and an accurate tachometer installed, adjust the throt-
tle stop screw to obtain the specified rpm at neutral (idle)
and trolling speeds. Refer to Table 7.

Oil Pump Adjustment

Engine tinling and carbur*etorsynclzroniza-
tion rnzut be set properly before ndjz~sting
the oil punzp.

Adjust the oil punlp at a specified throttle setting by ad-

justing the length of the oil pump link rod so the control
lever is properly aligned with the 7 mm (0.28 in.) scribe
mark on the oil pump. Use the following procedure to ad-
just the oil pump aperture.

40-50 hp models

1. Set the carburetor throttle to fully open.

2. Check the alignment of the indicator mark (3, Figure
10) on the control lever with the scribe mark (2) on the oil
pump. The marks must align as shown in Figure 10. If not
aligned, determine ifthe link rod (1) needs to be shortened
or lengthened to align the marks.
3. Remove the link rod from the oil pump and make the
length adjustment. Reinstall the link rod.
©eBlue-Dist 2007



1. Oil pump link rod

2. Oil pump scribe mark
3. Control lever mark

4. Recheck the alignment with the throttle fully open.

1. Oil pump link rod 5. Repeat Steps 1-4 until the oil pump aperture is prop-
2. Oil pump scribe mark erly adjusted.
3. Control lever mark

60- 70 hp models

1. Set the carburetor throttle to the fully closed position.

OIL PUMP APERTURE 2. Check the alignment of the indicator mark (3, Figure
DJUSTMEIST $60-90HP MODELS] 11) on the control lever with the scribe mark (2) on the oil
pump. The marks must be aligned as shown in Figure 11.
If not aligned, determine if the link rod (1) needs to be
shortened or lengthened to align the marks.
3. Remove the link rod from the oil pump and make the
length adjustment. Reinstall the link rod.
4. Recheck the alignment with the throttle fully closed.
5. Repeat Steps 1-4 until the oil pump is properly adjusted.

70 hp models

1. Set the carburetor throttle to fully open.

2. Check the alignment of the indicator mark (3, Figure
12) on the control lever with the scribe mark (2) on the oil
pump. The marks must be aligned as shown in Figure 12.
If not aligned, determine if the link rod (1) needs to be
shortened or lengthened to align the marks.
1. Oil pump link rod 3. Remove the link rod from the oil pump and make the
2. Oil pump scribe mark length adjustment. Reinstall the link rod.
3. Control lever mark 4. Recheck the alignment with the throttle fully open.
5. Repeat Steps 1-4 until the oil pump is properly ad-
©eBlue-Dist 2007


I. Set the carburetor throttle to fully closed.
2. C'neck the alignment of the indicator mark (3, Figure
13) on the control lever with the scribe mark (2) on the oil
pump. The marks must be aligned as shown in Figure 13.
If not aligned, determine if the link rod (1) needs to be
shortened or lengthened to align the marks.
3. Remove the link rod from the oil pump and make the
length adjustment. Reinstall the link rod.
4. Recheck the alignment with the throttle fully closed.
5. Repeat Steps 1-4 until the oil pump is properly ad-

1. Set the carburetor throttle to fully open.

2. Check the alignment of the indicator mark (3, Figure
14) on the control lever with the scribe mark (2) on the oil
pump. The marks must be aligned as shown in Figure 14.
If not aligned, determine if the link rod (1) needs to be 1. Oil pump link rod
shortened or lengthened to align the marks. 2. Oil pump scribe mark
3. Remove the link rod from the oil pump and make the 3. Control lever mark
length adjustment. Reinstall the link rod.
4. Recheck the alignment with the throttle fully open.
5. Repeat Steps !-4 until the oil pump is properly ad-


To pl*event accidental starting, always dis-
connect the spa~kplzlgleads from the spark I
plugs p ~ i oto
~ pe$or.n~i?zg
, this procedur,e.

Prior to adjusting the ignition timing, adjust the throttle

cablellinkage as described in this chapter. Set the ignition
timing by adjusting the length of the linkage (Figure 15).

Ignition Timing Adjustment

(2.5 and 3.5 hp Models)

1. Remove the spark plug and install a dial indicator (Fig-

ure 16) into the spark plug hole.
2. Rotate the flywheel in the normal direction of rotation
and position the piston at TDC.
3. With the piston at TDC, the TDC mark on the flywheel
should align with the cylinder block-to-crankcase cover
mating surfaces.
4. if the timing mark and the mating surfaces do not align:
a. The dial indicator is installed improperly.
~ 1. Oil pump link rod
2. Oil pump scribe mark
©eBlue-Dist 2007


l a k e MODELS)

1. Wide open throttle mark

1. Link rod
2. Link rod
2. Stopper
3. Crankcase mating surfaces
3. Carburetor link rod

2. Manually close the throttle valve and adjust the ad-

vancer arm so the coil plate turns counterclockwise and
contacts the stopper.
3. Mount the throttle wires on the throttle drum and screw
the nuts in the throttle wire inounts of the lower motor
cover. Make sure the two wires are properly collnected
and correspond to proper rotation of the grip.
4. Adjust the nuts on the throttle wire mount so the mag-
neto plate turns counterclockwise and contacts the stopper
when the grip is turned fully counterclockwise. Make sure
the magneto coil plate turns clockwise when the grip is
turned clockwise.

b. The flywheel is installed incorrectly or the flywheel

key is sheared. Ignition Timing Adjustment
(9.9-40 hp Two-Cylinder Models)

Ignition Timing Adjustment 1. Rotate the throttle grip to the wide-open throttle posi-
(8 and 9.8 hp Models) tion.
2. Adjust the ignition timing link (Figure 17) so the
wide-open throttle timing mark aiigns with the mating
On 8 and 9.8 hp models, timing adjustment
is o11ll;necessary iftlze power head lzas been line of the crankcase halves.
disassembled. 3. Adjust the stopper bolt (Figure 18) so the advancer
arm touches the full open stopper bolt when the throttle is
1. Rotate the throttle grip to wide-open throttle. at wide-open throttle.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


4. Turn the throttle to the fully closed (counterclockwise)

position (Figure 19).
5. Adjust the stopper bolt (Figure 19) so the fully closed
timing mark aligns with the mating line of the crankcase
halves when the advancer arm touches the stopper bolt.
6. Turn the advancer arm mounting nut as required to set
the advancer arm friction (Figure 19). The advancer arm
should move lightly, but not return to its original position
when released.
7. On 9.9-15 hp models, a reverse speed stop is used to
prevent excessive engine speed while in reverse. To ad-
just, shift into REVERSE and turn the adjusting screw
(Figure 20) so the set distance (Figure 21) is 11.5-12.0
inm (0.45-0.47 in.).
8. Shift from NEUTRAL to FORWARD, then to
REVERSE. Make sure the shift linkage operates
9. Make sure the rewind starter or electric starter motor
does not operate while in FORWARD or REVERSE.

1. Full open stopper bolt

Ignition Timing Adjustment 2. Ignition timing link
(40D and 50D Models) 3. Advancer arm

1. Adjust the ignition timing link (1, Figure 22) and the
throttle link (2) to the specifications in Table 3.
2. Make sure the carburetor throttle plates are fully open
when the advancer arm (1, Figure 23) is fully advanced.
Adjust the throttle rod (2, Figure 23) if the throttle is not
fully open.
3. Adjust the ignition timing link (1, Figure 22) so the ig-
nition tiining at wide-open throttle matches the specifica-
tion in Table 2.
4. After adjusting the maximum engine speed, set the ad-
vancer arm (I, Figure 24) to the minimum engine speed
and adjust the ignition to 2-4' ATDC using the low-speed
side stopper (2).

Align the jlat surface (Figure 25) of the
crankcase mating surfaces with the calibra-
tion marks on the set ring.

Ignition Timing Adjustment

(40D2 and 50D2 Models)

1. Adjust ignition tiining link (1, Figure 22) and throttle

link (2) to the specifications in Table 3.
2. Make sure the carburetor throttle plates are fully open 1. Full closed stopper bolt
when the advancer arm (1, Figure 23) is fully advanced. 2. Advancer arm
3. Advancer arm nut
Adjust the throttle link (2, Figure 23) if the throttle is not
fully open.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


Adjusting screw

1. Timing link rod

2. Throttle link rod


(0.45-0.47 in.)

1. Advancer arm
2. Throttle link rod
©eBlue-Dist 2007



1. Advancer arm
2. Low speed stopper

3. Adjust the ignition timing link (1, Figure 22) so the ig-
nition timing at wide-open throttle matches the specifica-
tion in Table 2.

Align tlze f i t szirfice (Figure 26) of the
crankcase mating surJaces with the calibm-
tion marks on the set ring.

4. Place the advancer arm (1, Figure 24) in the idle posi-
tion (throttle fully closed) and adjust the low-speed side
stopper (2) so the ignition timing matches the specifica-
tion in Table 2.

Align tlze flat surface (Figure 25) of the
crarzkcase mating surfaces with the calibra-
tion marks on the set ring.

Ignition Timing Adjustment (60B and 70B Models)

1. Adjust the ignition timing link (1, Figure 27), throttle

link (2), and high-speed side stopper (3) to the specifica-
tions in Table 3.
2. Make sure the carburetor throttle plates are fully open
when the advancer arm (2, Figure 28) is fully advanced.
©eBlue-Dist 2007




1. Timing link rod

2. Throttle link rod
1. Timing link rod
3. High speed stopper 2. High speed stopper

Adjust the throttle link (1, Figure 28) if the throttle is not
fully open.
TIMING ADJUSTMENT 3. With the advancer arm still at the wide-open position
(60B-70B AND 606-70C HP MODELS) (against the stopper), set the ignition timing to the specifi-
cation in Table 2 by adjusting the ignition timing link (1,
Figure 29).

Align the f i t suvfnce (Figure 30) of tlze
crankcase mating surfices with the calibra-
tion marks on the set ring.

4. Place the advancer arm (2, Figure 31) in the idle posi-
tion (throttle k l l y closed). Adjust the throttle link (1, Fig-
ure 31) so the ignition timing is 2-4" when the advancer
arm contacts the low-speed side stopper (3).

Align the flat surface (Figure 32) of the
crankcase mating surfaces with tlze calibra-
tion marks on tlze set ring.
1. Throttle link rod
2. Advancer arm 5. Return the advancer arm (2, Figure 33) to the maximum
speed position and adjust the length of the high-speed side
stopper (1) so it contacts the advancer arm.
©eBlue-Dist 2007



& .s;;cm


(60B-7OB AND 60C-786 HP MODELS)

1. Throttle link rod

1. High speed stopper
2. Advancer arm
2. Advancer arm
3. Low speed stopper
©eBlue-Dist 2007


Ignition Timing Adjustment

(606 and 70C Models)
(80A-908 AND 115-440 HP MODELS) 1. Adjust the ignition timing link (1, Figure 27), throttle
link (2), and high-speed side stopper (3) to the specifica-
tions in Table 3.
2. Make sure the carburetor throttle plates are fully open
when the advancer arm (2, Figure 28) is fully advanced.
Adjust the throttle link (1, Figure 28) if the throttle is not
fully open.
3. With the advancer arm still in the wide-open position,
set the ignition timing to the specification in Table 2 by
adjusting the throttle cam stopper (2, Figure 29) on the air

Align the flat surface (Figure 30) of the
crankcase mating surfaces with the calibra-
tion nzarks orz the set ring.

4. Place the advancer arm (2, Figure 31) in the idle posi-
tion (throttle fully closed). Adjust the throttle link (1. Fig-
ure 31) so the ignition timing is 2-4" when the advancer
1. Timing link rod arm contacts the low-speed side stopper (3).
2. Throttle link rod
Align the flat surface (Figure 32) of the
crankcase mating surfaces with the calibra-
tion marks on the set ring.
TIMIINQ ADJUSTMENT 5. Return the advancer arm (2, Figure 33) to the
(80A-90A AND 115-1140 HP MODELS) wide-open throttle position and adjust the length of the
high-speed side stopper (1) so it contacts the advancer arm.

Ignition Timing Adjustment

(80A and 90A Models)

1. Adjust the ignition timing link (1, Figure 34) and

throttle link (2) to the specifications in Table 3.
2. Make sure the carburetor throttle plates are fully open
when the advancer arm (2, Figure 35) is fully advanced.
Adjust the throttle link (2, Figure 35) if the throttle is not
fully open.
3. With the advancer arm at wide-open throttle, adjust the
throttle cam stopper (2, Figure 36) on the air silencer to ob-
tain the wide-open throttle timing specification in Table 2.

When adjusting the stoppec the rubbev
1. Throttle link rod
2. Advancer arm
damper must be installed on stoppel:
3. High speed stopper
4. Adjust the high-speed stopper (1, Figure 37) to the
specification in Table 3.
©eBlue-Dist 2007



(BOA-90A AND $ 15-14 0 HP MODELS) (80A-90A AND 1 15-140 HP MODELS)

1. Throttle cam
2. Throttle cam stopper
1. High speed stopper
2. Advancer arm

5. Place the advancer a m in the fully closed position and

adjust the stopper (1, Figure 38) to the specification in
Table 2.
6. Return the advancer a m (2, Figure 39) to the
wide-open throttle position and verify that it contacts the
(80A-90A AND 1 15-14 0 HP MODELS)
high-speed stopper (3). If the advancer a m does not make
contact with the high-speed stopper, adjust the throttle
link (1, Figure 39) as required.
7. Adjust the shift link to 24 mm (0.79 in.) (Figure 40).

Ignition Timing Adjustment (115-140 hp Models)

1. Adjust the ignition timing link (1, Figure 34) and the
throttle link (2) to the specifications in Table 3.
2. Place the advancer arm (2, Figure 35) in the fully
closed position and set the idle speed ignition timing to
9-1 l o ATDC. Adjust the throttle link (1, Figure 35) if the
throttle is not fully closed.
3. Adjust the stopper bolt (3, Figure 35) length so it con-
tacts the advancer arm joint at wide-open throttle.

The rubber damper must be installed on the
stopper when making the adjustment.

4. With the advancer a m at wide-open throttle, adjust the

throttle cam stopper (1, Figure 36) to obtain the specifica-
©eBlue-Dist 2007



(80A-90A AND 1 15-140 HP MODELS)

1. Throttle link rod

2. Advancer arm
3. High speed stopper

arm (2) contacts the wide-open throttle speed stopper (3).

If the advancer arm (2, Figure 39) does not contact the
stopper (3), adjust the throttle link (1) to make contact.
8. Adjust the shift link to 24 mm (0.79 in.) (Figure 40).


tion in Table 2. The rubber damper must be installed on (ALL MODELS)
the stopper when making the adjustment.
5. Adjust the high-speed stopper (1, Figure 37) to the 1. Disconnect the battery, if so equipped.
length specified in Table 3. 2. Turn the tiller control throttle grip to idle.
6. Place the advancer arm in the l l l y closed position and adjust 3. Locate the cable attaching points to the throttle shaft,
the stopper (1, Figure 38) to the specification listed in Table 2. throttle cam or throttle linkage.
a. On 2.5-3.5 hp models the tiller steering handle is for
NOTE steering only and has no cables (Figure 41).
The rubber damper must be installed on the
b. On 5 hp models, the tiller arm steers and uses a sin-
stopper when making the adjustment.
gle cable (7, Figure 42) to control the throttle.
7. Return the advancer arm (2, Figure 39) to the c. On 8-9.8 hp models, the tiller ann steers and uses
wide-open throttle position and verify that the advancer two cables (1, Figure 43) to control the throttle.
©eBlue-Dist 2007



1. Bolt
2. Throttle label
3. Steering handle
4. Grip
5. Friction knob
6. Friction piece
7. Throttle cable
8. Throttle shaft
©eBlue-Dist 2007


c. On 15D2, 18E and 18E2 models, adjust the length

of the 5-65L link to 78 mm (3.07 in.).
5A. On 9.9-18 hp models, rotate the throttle grlp to the
(8-9.8 HP MODELS)
wide-open throttle position.
a. Adjust the link 5-65L (6, Figure 45) so the cod plate
timing mark (1) and the ignition timing mark (7) are
aligned. For timing specifications, refer to Table 2.
b. Adjust the stopper bolt (3, Figure 45) so the ad-
vancer arm (5) contacts the stopper bolt.
c. Rotate the throttle grip to the fully closed position.
Adjust the stopper bolt (4, Figure 47) so the timing
mark (2) aligns with the 3" ATDC mark and the ad-
vancer arm co~ltactsthe stopper bolt.
5B. On 25-40 hp models, rotate the throttle grip so the
center of the carburetor throttle roller (Figure 48) aligns
with the S mark on the throttle cam.
a. Adjust the length of the handle rod so the START
mark (1, Figure 49) aligns with the handle grip
screw (2).
b. Remove the advance link (2. Figure 50) froin the
magneto arm. Loosen the locknut and adjust the
connector (1) by turning it as necessary to position
the magneto advancer to the correct timing posit~on
(Table 2) with the throttle at wide open.
c. Tighten the locknut and attach the advancer link to
the magneto advancer.
d. Verify that the timing marks align (Figure 51) when
the throttle is in the START position.
6. Refer to Figure 52 and Figure 53. Adjust the length of
the throttle cable using the adjusting nut (Figure 54) so the
throttle grip (1, Figure 55) contacts the stop screw with the
1. Throttle cables
throttle in the wide-open position. Return the throttle to idle
2. Throttle label and make sure there is sufficient freeplay between the
3. Throttle grip throttle grip and stop screw. Adjust the throttle grip friction
4. Steering handle using the throttle frictio~lblock (3, Figure 55).
5. Friction plate 7. Securely tighten all cable fasteners.
6. Friction knob
7. Throttle shaft
8. Turn the throttle grip to h l l throttle and back to ~ d l e
8. Bracket several times to check for free throttle movement, full
throttle range and a consistent return to idle. Perform ad-
ditional adjustments if any binding, inconsistent idle re-
I I turn or insufficient range is noted.
9. Connect the cables to the battery. if so equipped.
d. On 9.9-40 hp models, the tiller arm steers and uses a
pinion throttle linkage (Figure 44) to control the Trim Tab Adjustment
throttle, and can be set up for remote control.
4. Adjust the throttle links (Figure 45 or Figure 46) to With the boat running at cruising speed and the out-
the following specifications: board motor positioned at the optimum trim angle, the
boat should track straight forward without pulling to ei-
a. On all 9.9-18 hp models, adjust the length of the , ther side. If the boat tends to steer toward one direction,
5-60L link to 72-73 mrn (2.83-2.87 in.).
adjust the trim tab to compensate for this tendency.
b. On 9.9C, 9.9D, 9.902, 15C and 15D models, adjust 1. Loosen the trim tab retaining bolt. On some models,
the length of the link 5-65L to 75 mm (2.95 in.). the bolt is located just forward of the trim tab fin.
©eBlue-Dist 2007



WI 4 3. Spacer
3 4. Bushing
5. Steering handle
6. Bolt
7. Throttle shaft
8. Bushing
9. Throttle label
©eBlue-Dist 2007




4. Timing mark
2. Link rod (5-Gob)
topper bolt (fully-open) 1. Timing marks
topper bolt (fully-closed) 2. Timing inspection line
3. Link rod
4. Stopper bolt (fully-closed)
5. Advancer arm
6. Stopper bolt (fully-open)
7. Coil plate
8. Advancer link rod (5-8581)

Throttle cam
©eBlue-Dist 2007


(25-46 HP MODELS]


1. Start match mark
2. Grip screw

(25-40 WIQ MODELS)

1. Steering bracket 8. Friction piece

2. Steering handle 9. Throttle shaft roller
1. Ball joint 3. Throttle label 10. Throttle cable
2. Link rod 4. Throttle grip 11. Bushing
3. Locknut 5. Spacer 12. Holder
4. Advancer arm 6. Bushing 13. Bushing
7. Throttle shaft 14. Steering shaft
©eBlue-Dist 2007



1. Bushing
2. Handle
3. Bushing
4. Throttle cable
5. Steering shaft
6. Friction piece
7. Throttle shaft
8. Bushing
9. Throttle handle
10. Throttle label
11. Throttle grip
©eBlue-Dist 2007


2. If the engine steers toward the port direction, pivot the

trailing edge (rear) of the trim tab slightly toward the port
side (Figure 56). If the engine steers toward the starboard
direction, pivot the trailing edge of the trim tab slightly to-
ward the starboard side (Figure 56).
3. Securely tighten the trim tab bolt.

Neutral Start Mechanism Adjustment

(Manual Start Models)

1. Remove the spark plugs and connect the spark plug

leads to an engine ground. Shift the engine into
2. Loosen the bolt (Figure 57).
3. Loosen the adjusting nut, move the linkage up or down
and align the lockout cam in position on the starter cover.
4. Securely tighten all fasteners. Check for proper opera-
tion as follows:
a. Shift the engine into FORWARD gear and attempt 1. Throttle grip
to pull the manual starter. Correct adjustment pre- 2. Stop screw
vents manual starter rotation. 3. Friction piece
b. Shift the engine into REVERSE gear, then attempt
to pull the manual starter. Correct adjustment pre-
vents manual starter rotation.
c. Shift the engine into NEUTRAL, then attempt to
pull the manual starter. Correct adjustment allows
rotation of the manual starter.

Trim Position Sender

Variations in gauge resistance, battery voltage, wire

length and sender resistance may prevent the gauge from
reaching both the fully up and down readings. Synchro-
nize the sender to the fully down position only.
1. Observe the trim gauge reading while trimming the en-
gine to the fully down position. The gauge should indicate
fully down just as the engine reaches the fully down position.
2. Adjust the sender as follows:
a. Using the trim system, place the engine in the fully
up position. Engage the tilt lock lever and use
blocks or an overhead cable to prevent the engine
from moving downward.
b. Loosen both screws (Figure 58) then pivot the
sender slightly in the clockwise or counterclock-
wise direction. Securely tighten the screws.
c. Remove the supports then disengage the tilt lock le-
ver. Repeat adjustment until correct operation is at-
tained. Several adjustments may be required.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


for adjustment purposes


Engine Part No.

2.5-3.5A2 309-64111-0
3.5B2 3FO-64111-0
5 369-64111-0
8-9.8 3B2-64111-0
9.9-15-18 362-64111-0
25-30 364-64111-5
40 (two-cylinder) 348-641 11-0
40-50 (three-cylinder) 3C8-64111-0
60B-708 3F3-64111-0
60C-70C 3B7-64111-0
80-90 3B7-64111-0
11 5-120-140 3C7-64111-0
©eBlue-Dist 2007



22"BTDC 4500-5500 1.5" ATDC

26" BTDC 5000-6000 2.5" BTDC
22"BTDC 4500-5300
20"BTDC 4500-5300
22"BTDC 4750-5500
25" BTDC 5200-5800
25" BTDC 4750-5500 3" ATDC
25" BTDC 5200-5800 3" ATDC
20" BTDC 4800-5500 2" ATDC
25" BTDC 5000-6000 4"ATDC
25"BTDC 4800-5500 2" ATDC
25" BTDC 5150-5850 4"ATDC
40 two-cylinder 25" BTDC 5200-5800 2"ATDC
40D three-cylinder 18" BTDC 4500-5500
18" BTDC 5000-5700
24"BTDC 5000-5700
20" BTDC 5150-5850
16" BTDC 4900-5600 3"ATDC
17"BTDC 51 50-5850 3"ATDC
20"BTDC 4900-5600 3" ATDC
17" BTDC 5150-5850
17"BTDC 5000-5500
20" BTDC 5000-5500
17" BTDC 5200-5700 10"ATDC


I Model Timing link rod Throttle link rod High speed stopper I
129 mm(5.04 in.) 99 mm(3.86 in.) -
101 mm(3.98 in.) 115 mm(4.53 in.) -
98 mm(3.86in.) 115 mm(4.53 in.) -
133 mm(5.24 in.) 127 mm(5.00 in.) 7 mm(0.28 in.)
146 mm(5.75 in.) 128 mm(5.04in.) 22 mm(0.87 in.)
146 mm(5.75in.) 128 mm(5.04 in.) 14 rnm(0.55 in.)
124 mm(4.88 in.) 131.5 mm(5.18in.) 15 mm(0.6 in.)
127 mm(5.00 in.) 158 mm(6.22 in.) 18 rnm(0.71 in.)
127 mm(5.00 in.) 158 mm(6.22 in.) 14 mrn(0.55 in.)
©eBlue-Dist 2007



97 mm (3.81 in.) 1 3/4 turns

110 mm (4.33 in.) As needed for opening of 5"



Model Pilot screw I
1/2 to 2 turns
314 to 2 114 turns
2 to 3 112 turns
2 to 3 112 turns
1 114 to 1 314 turns
1 118 to 1 518 turns
114 to 1 314 turns


©eBlue-Dist 2007

Chapter Six

Fuel System

Diagrams provide component identification, mounting Capture fuel from disconnected hoses or fittings using a
locations and fuel hose routing. Refer to the appropriate small container or a clean shop towel. Try to use a clear
illustration when removing and installing all fuel system container, as it allows a visual inspection of the fuel. The
components. presence of water or other contaminants indicates a need
Torque specifications and other fuel system specifications to clean and inspect all fuel system components (espe-
are provided in Tables 1-4, located at the end of this chapter. cially the fuel tank). Failure to thoroughly clean the sys-
tem usually results in repeated failure.
WARNING Drain all fuel from the carburetor(s) using the float
Use caution when working with the fuel sys- bowl drain plug (Figure 1 and Figure 2). Refer to Carbzl-
tem. Never smoke around fuel or fuel vapor retors in this chapter to locate the bowl drain screw.
Make sure that no game or source of igni-
tion is present in the W O I * ~area. Flame or Inspect all hoses for leakage or deterioration when ser-
sparks can ignite fuel or vapor and result in vicing the fuel system. Damaged fuel hoses pose a safety
fire or explosion. hazard. In addition, pieces of deteriorated or damaged
hoses can break free and block fuel passages. Refer to
Always use gloves and eye protection while working Fuel Hoses in this chapter.
with the fuel system. Take all necessary precautions On multiple-carburetor engines, disassemble and as-
against fire or explosion. Always disconnect the battery semble one carburetor at a time. Some models have fuel
cables before servicing any outboard. and air jet sizes calibrated to the cylinder in which they
Pay close attention when removing and installing com- supply fuel. Refer to Carburetor (in this chapter).
ponents (especially carburetors) to avoid installing them Perform adjustments to all fuel system components
in the wrong location. upon installation. Many adjustments to the fuel system
©eBlue-Dist 2007

Fuel drain screw

must be made under running conditions. Refer to Chapter

Five for all adjustment instructions.

Gaskets, seals and O-rings

To avoid fuel or air leakage, replace all gaskets, seals

and O-rings during assembly.

Fuel System Cleaning

The most important step in carburetor or fuel pump re-

pair is the cleaning process. Use only solvents suitable for
use on carburetors. Some solvents can damage fuel sys-
tem components. Spray-type carburetor cleaners are
available at most auto parts stores. They are effective in
removing most stubborn deposits. Avoid using any sol-
vents that are not suitable for aluminum.
Remove all plastic or rubber components from the fuel
pump, carburetor or filter assembly before cleaning them
©eBlue-Dist 2007


with solvent. Use a stiff brush and solvent to remove de-

posits from the carburetor bowl. Never use a wire brush,
as delicate sealing surfaces can quickly become damaged.
Small pieces of the wire can break off and enter the fuel
system. Blow out all passages and orifices with com-
pressed air (Figure 3). A piece of straw from a broom
works well to clean out small passages. Never use stiff
wire for this purpose, as the wire may enlarge the size of
the passage and possibly alter the carburetor calibration.
Allow components to soak in the solvent for several hours
if the deposits are particularly difficult to remove.
Use great care and patience when removing fuel jets
and other threaded or press-fit components. Clean the pas-
sage without removing the jet or other component if they
cannot be removed without causing damage. Carburetor
fuel jets are easily damaged if the screwdriver slips in the
One small particle left in the carburetor can cause major
problelns with engine operation. Never comproinise the
cleaning process. Continue to clean until all deposits and
debris are removed.

Carburetor Inspection

Place all components on a clean surface when they are

removed from the carburetor.
Inspect the inlet needle for wear or deterioration (Fig-
ure 4). Replace the inlet needle valve, unless its tip is per-
fectly cone-shaped (Figure 4).
Inspect the inlet needle seat for grooves or damaged
surfaces. Carburetor flooding is likely if using a worn or
faulty inlet needle or seat.
Inspect the tip of the pilot screw (on models so
equipped) for wear or damage (Figure 5). Damage to the
tip usually occurs froin improper seating of the screw dur-
ing adjustment. In many instances, the seat for the tip is
also damaged. Damage to the screw or seat usually results
in rough idle or improper off idle engine operation. Re-
place the screw or carburetor if worn or faulty compo-
nents are noted.
Inspect the float (Figure 6, typical) for wear or damage.
Some floats are made of a translucent material that allows
the detection of he1 inside the float.
Push your thumbnail gently against the material on
non-translucent floats. A hel-saturated float is indicated
if fuel appears at the contact area. Replace the float if it is
damaged, leaking or fuel saturated. Check the float for
free movement as it moves up and down on the float pin.
Replace the float valve if it does not move freely.
Adjust the fuel level (Figure 7) prior to assembling the
carburetor. Use an accurate ruler or a caliper. Set the float
exactly as specified to help ensure proper carburetor oper-
©eBlue-Dist 2007


suitable threadlocking compound and stake all throttle

plate retaining screws during installation.

Fuel Jets

Fuel jets (Figure 9) meter the fuel flow through various

passages in the carburetor. They, along with other compo-
nents, allow the carburetor to deliver the precise amount
of fuel needed for the engine. Fuel jets normally have a
number stamped on the side or opening end. Make notes
indicating the fuel jet number and location in the carbure-
tor before removal. Ensure fuel jets and other carburetor
components are reinstalled to the correct location.
For proper engine operation, replacement fuel jets must
have the same size and shape of opening as the original
fuel jets. Improper engine operation, increased exhaust
emissions or potentially serious power head damage may
result from using incorrect fuel jets.
Using the engine at a high elevation (5000 ft. [I524 m]
or higher) may require alternate fuel jets to compensate
for the less dense atmosphere. If necessary, contact a ma-
rine dealer in the area (similar elevation) for information
on fuel jet changes.


Three types of fuel tanks are used with these manufac-

turer's two-stroke outboards. They include the portable
fuel tank (Figure 10) and an integral fuel tank (Figure
Several companies manufacture portable fuel tanks.
The engine may be equipped with any one of them. The
types of components used, cleaning and repair instruc-
tions are similar for all brands of fuel tanks. Refer to a rep-
utable marine repair shop or marine dealership if parts are
ation. Float level specifications and measuring points
vary by model. Specific instructions are provided in the Integral fuel tanks may be used on larger models. They
carburetor disassembly and assembly instructions. Float are usually located slightly forward of the boat transom.
level specifications are provided in Table 4. On some boats, the fuel tank is mounted further forward
under the deck. Tank access panels are installed in most
Move the throttle lever (Figure 8) from the closed boats. These panels allow access to fuel line fittings and
throttle to wide-open positions. Remove the throttle valve the fuel level sender assembly. Removing upholstery or
and repeat this step if binding or rough operation is noted. inajor boat structures may be required if the tank requires
Continued binding indicates a bent throttle shaft. If free removal. Proper long-term storage and fuel system in-
movement is noted with the valve removed, misalignment spection is much more important with integral fuel tanks.
or a damaged throttle valve is indicated. Replace the com- Long term storage and fuel system inspection are pro-
ponents needed to ensure free throttle movement. Apply a vided in Chapter Four.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


5. Primer bulb

Portable Fuel Tank

Portable remote fuel tanks may require periodic clean-

ing and inspection. Inspect the remainder of the fuel sys-
tem for potential contamination if water is found in the
tank. The tank used may differ in appearance and compo-
nent usage from the illustration (Figure 10).
Clean and inspect the tank as follows:
1. Remove the fuel tank cap (6, Figure 10) from the fuel
tank. Carefully pour the fuel from the tank into a suitable
2. Remove the screws and washer (Figure 10) that retain
the connectorladapter (1) to the fuel tank. Carefully lift 5. Carefully pull the screen and pickup tube from the fuel
the fuel gauge assembly (1, Figure 10) from the tank. gauge assembly (2, Figure 10). Clean the tube and screen
Never force the assembly, as damage may occur. Rotate or using a suitable solvent. Dry them with compressed air.
tilt the assembly as required for removal. Remove and dis- Inspect the screen for tears or damage. Inspect the pickup
card the gasket (3, Figure 10) located between the con- tube for cracks or deterioration. Replace the screen andlor
nectorladapter and fuel tank. tube if defects are noted.
3. Check for free movements of the float arm on the fuel 6. Remove the fitting (Figure 10) from the connec-
gauge assembly (4, Figure 10). Replace the assembly if torladapter (8). Clean the fittings and all passages of the
binding cannot be corrected by bending the float arm into connectorladapter using a suitable solvent.
the correct position. 7. Add a small amount of solvent to the fuel tank. Block
4. Inspect andlor replace the float if any physical damage the gaugelpickup opening with a shop towel. Install the
is noted, or if it appears to be saturated with fuel. fuel tank cap (Figure 11). Shake the tank to distribute the
©eBlue-Dist 2007


solvent throughout the tank. Empty the solvent, then dry

the tank using compressed air.
8. Inspect the internal and external tank surfaces. Repeat
Step 7 if debris remains in the tank. Inspect the tank for
cracks, damage, or softened surfaces. Replace the tank if
any defects are noted or a possible point of leakage is sus-
9. Assembly is the reverse of disassembly:
a. Clean the adapter to gasket surface.
b. Install a new gasket (3, Figure 10) between the con-
nectorladapter and the fuel tank.
c. Do not bend the fuel gauge rod during installatio
10. Correct all fuel leakage as soon as it is detected.

Integral Fuel Tank

The only components that can be serviced without ma-

jor disassembly of the boat include the fuel pickup, fuel
fill, fuel level sender and antisiphon device. These com-
ponents are available from most marine dealerships and
marine supply stores. Removal and inspection instruc-
tions vary by model of fuel tank. Contact the tank or boat
manufacturer for specific instructions. Always replace
any gasket or seal if they are disturbed or suspected of
leaking. Correct all fuel leakage before filling the tank or
operating the engine.

Fuel Hose Connectors

Connectors used on fuel hoses include the quick con-

nector (Figure 12), spring-type hose clamp (Figure 13)
and plastic tie clamp (Figure 14). Never replace hose
clamps with a different type or size of clamp. Improper
clamp size or type can result in fuel leakage or physical in-
terference with other engine components. To prevent
leakage and ensure a reliable repair, use marine-grade
clamps on all hose connections.
Replace both ends of quick connector-type clamps if ei-
ther side is leaking.
When replacing the quick connector on the fuel tank
hose end, simply position the connector over a container
suitable for holding fuel. Remove and discard the hose
clamp from the connector. Pull the fuel hose from the con-
nector. Slide the hose onto the new connector. Install a
new hose clamp onto the hose and tighten it securely.
When replacing the connector at the engine end, re-
move the screw or clip and then pull the connector and its
grommet from the lower engine cover. Position the hose
and connector over a container suitable for holding fuel.
Remove the clamp and carefully pull the connector from
the fuel hose. Drain the fuel from the hose. Carefully slide
©eBlue-Dist 2007


the hose over the new connector fitting. Install a new

clamp over the hose and fitting. Securely tighten the
clamp. Place the quick connector and grommet into posi-
tion on the lower engine cover. Install the screw or clip
onto the connector. Securely tighten the retaining screw.
Remove the spring-type clamps (Figure 13) by squeez-
ing the ends together using pliers while carefully moving
the clamp away from the fitting. Replace the clamp if it is
corroded, bent, deformed or has lost spring tension.
The plastic tie clamp (Figure 14) must be cut for re-
moval. Some commonly available plastic tie clamps are not
suitable for the application and may fail. Only use the hose
clamps recommended by the manufacturer. After placing
the clamp into position, pull the end through the clamp until
the hose is securely fastened and will not rotate on the fit-
ting. Avoid pulling the clamp too tight as the clamp may be
damaged. Cut off the excess length of clamp.


Four types of fuel filters are used. An inline fuel filter

(Figure 15) is used on several models. The 2.5 and 3.5 hp
models use a serviceable in-tank fuel filter pickup (Figure
16). The third is a bowl-type or canister-type fuel filter
(Figure 17). The fourth is an automotive-style fuel filter
used on 115-140 hp models. Trace the fuel hose from the
inlet side of the fuel pump(s) to the filter. Replace the fuel
filter as follows:
1. Note the location and remove any plastic tie clamps
that may prevent pulling the filter and hoses away from
the engine.
2. Place a suitable container or shop towel under the fuel
filter to capture spilled fuel.
8. Observe the fuel filter while pumping the primer bulb
3. Move spring-type hose clamps (if so equipped) away
to check for fuel leakage.
from the fuel hose fittings. Carefully remove the plastic
tie clamps (if so equipped) from the hoses at each end of
the fuel filter.
4. Using a blunt screwdriver, push each hose away from PRIMER BULB
the filter body. Drain any residual fuel from the discon-
nected hoses. Clean up spilled fuel at once. Removal and Installation
5. Note the arrow on the replacement filter (Figure 15).
Note the direction in which the filter (3, Figure 17) and The primer bulb (Figure 18) is located in the fuel hose
the O-ring (4, Figure 17) are placed into the filter canister connecting the fuel tank to the engine.
(Figure 17). Carefully slide each fuel hose fully over its 1. Disconnect the quick connector (5, Figure 19) from
fitting. Ensure the arrow on the filter body faces the hose the engine. Drain any residual fuel into a suitable con-
leading to the fuel pump(s). tainer. Remove and discard the hose clamps (3, Figure
6. Carefully slide the spring clamps (if so equipped) over 19) from the primer bulb.
the fittings on the filter or install new plastic clamps (if so 2. Note the arrow direction on the primer bulb then re-
equipped). move the primer bulb from the fuel hoses. Drain any fuel
7. Place the filter into its original location in the lower en- remaining in the primer bulb into a suitable container.
gine cover. Route the hoses and filter away from moving 3. Squeeze the primer bulb until it is fully collapsed. Re-
components. place the bulb if it does not freely expand when it is re-
©eBlue-Dist 2007


engine. Carefully slide the fuel hoses onto the primer bulb
FUEL FULTER ASSEMBLY 6. Install new clamps. Ensure that the fuel clamps fit
tightly. Squeeze the primer bulb to check for fuel leakage.


This section provides removal, disassembly, assembly

and installation of the fuel pump.
On 2.5 and 3.5 hp models, the fuel is gravity fed to the

5-18 hp Models

The fuel pump is mounted on the side of the carburetor.

1. Filter housing
1. Disconnect the battery (if so equipped).
2. Gasket 2. Place a shop towel under the fuel pump to capture any
3. Filter element spilled fuel. Mark each hose and the fuel pump to ensure
correct connections during reinstallation.
3. Remove each hose clamp away from its fitting. Using a
blunt screwdriver, carefully push each hose off of its fit-
4. Remove both screws from the fuel pump. Remove the
fuel pump from the carburetor. Direct the fittings into a
suitable container then drain all fuel from the pump. Place
the pump on a clean work surface. Remove the gasket
from the mounting cover or carburetor. Clean all mount-
ing surfaces. Stuff a small shop towel into the opening to
prevent contaminating the carburetor.
5 . Remove the two screws that retain the cover to the fuel
pump body. Lift the cover from the fuel pump body.
6. Remove the cover gasket and diaphragm from the fuel
7. Remove retainer(s) and remove the check valve(s).
8. Inspect the diaphragm for ripped, creased, or stretched
surfaces. Replace the diaphragm if there are any defects.
9. Inspect the check valve for wear, cracks or damage.
Replace the check valve if defects are noted.
10. Clean the fuel pump body, springs, plunger and cov-
ers using a suitable solvent. Dry the parts using com-
leased. Replace the bulb if it is weathered, has surface pressed air. Direct air through both fuel hose fittings to
cracks or is hard to squeeze. clear debris.
4. Inspect the fuel hoses (2, Figure 19) for wear, damage, 11. Inspect the fuel pump body, both covers and both
or leaks. Replace both fuel hoses if defects are noted. springs for corrosion or damage. Replace if any defects
5. Installation is the reverse of removal. Note the direc- are noted. Inspect the plunger for wear or corrosion. Re-
tion of flow while installing the new primer bulb. The ar- place the plunger if defects are noted.
rows must align with the direction of fuel flow toward the 12. Reverse Steps 1-7 to assemble the fuel pump.
©eBlue-Dist 2007



3. Clamp
4. Primer bulb
5. Connector

7. Filter screen
8. Gasket

25,30 and 40 hp
(Two-Cylinder) Models FUEL PUMP
(25-40 HB MODELS)

The fuel pump (Figure 20) is mounted to the front half

of the crankcase.
1. Disconnect the battery (if so equipped).
2. Place a shop towel under the fuel pump to capture any
spilled fuel. Mark each hose and the fuel pump to ensure
correct connections during installation.
3. Remove each hose clamp (2, Figure 20) from its fit-
ting. Using a blunt screwdriver, carefully push each hose
off its fitting.
4. Remove both screws (4, Figure 20) from the fuel
pump (3). Pull the fuel pump and gasket away from the
cylinder block. Direct the fittings into a suitable container
and drain all fuel from the pump. Place the pump (3, Fig-
ure 20) on a clean work surface. Remove fuel pumps
cover screws (1, Figure 21) and cover (2). Gently sepa-
rate the pump components. Clean the mounting surfaces.
5. Remove and discard all gaskets and diaphragms. 1. Fuel hose
6. Remove the check valves (1, Figure 22) from the
pump body. 3. Fuel pump
7. Clean the pump components using solvent or 4. Mounting screws
isopropyl alcohol.
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1. Screws
2. Cover
3. Spring
4. Guide plate
5. Diaphragm

1. Check valves
2. Diaphragm (white opaque)

8. Use low-pressure compressed air to dry all compo- mm (0.079 in.) on crankcase-mounted pumps. Use a No.
nents. Direct air through both fuel hose fittings to clear de- 47 drill bit and pass it through the hole.
9. Inspect the pump body ( 5 , Figure 23) and pump covers Reverse Steps 1-7 for assembly of the fuel pump.
(1) for cracks and surface deformation.
10. Ensure the check valves (4, Figure 23) are not de-
formed. Inspect the guide plate (2) and spring (3) if 40-140 hp Models
equipped, for deformation and tension. Replace defective
11. Inspect the gasket between the fuel pump and crank- On these 40 and 50 (three-cylinder) hp models, the fuel
case for brittleness or dryness (crankcase-mounted pump mounts on the carburetor. On 60-140 hp models, the
pumps). fuel pump mounts on the side of the front crankcase half
12. Verify that the rear pump cover has a pre-drilled pres- (Figure 25).
sure intake hole (Figure 24). The hole diameter must be 2 1. Disconnect the battery (if so equipped).
©eBlue-Dist 2007


1. Cover
2. Guide plate
3. Spring
4. Check valve
5. Pump body


{Go-4 40 HP MODELS)

1. Gasket
2. Fuel pump
©eBlue-Dist 2007

2. Place a shop towel under the fuel puinp to capture

spilled fuel. Mark each hose and the fuel pump to ensure
correct connections upon installation.
3. Remove each hose clainp from its hose fitting. Using a
blunt screu~driver,carefully push each hose off its fittings.
4. Remove both bolts (4, Figure 20) from the fuel pump
(3). Pull the fuel pump away from the cylinder block. Di-
rect the fittings into a suitable container then drain all fuel
from the pump. Place the pump (3, Figure 20) on a clean
work surface.
5. Remove the three screws that retain the outer cover
and mounting cover to the fuel pump body. Gently sepa-
rate the fuel puinp coinponents.
6. Remove and discard all gaskets and diaphragms.
7. Remove the check valves (Figure 26) from the fuel
pump body. Inspect the check valves for worn, cracked, or
broken surfaces. Replace the check valves if defects are
8. Clean the fuel puinp body, springs, plunger and both
covers using a suitable solvent. Dry all parts using com-
pressed air. Direct air through both fuel hose fittings to
clear debris.
9. Inspect the fuel pump body and both covers for corro-
sion or damage. Replace defective components. Inspect
both springs for conosion or damage. Inspect the guide
plate (A, Figure 27) and spring (B) for deformation and
proper tension (115, 120 and 140 hp models).
10. Inspect the gaskets (A, Figure 28) and diaphragms
(B) for brittleness or dryness.
11. Verify that the rear pump cover has a pre-drilled pres-
sure intake hole (Figure 24). The hole diameter must be 2
mm (0.079 in.). Use a No. 47 drill bit and pass it through
the hole.
FUEL BUMP 12. Reverse Steps 1-7 to assemble the fuel pump.
(6Q-1406sB MODELS)

The following sections cover carburetor cover and car-

buretor removal and installation. Also covered are carbu-
retor disassembly and assembly. If only removing the
carburetor(s), perform only the steps necessary for re-
moval, then reverse the removal steps to install the carbu-

2.5 and 3.5 hp Models

1. Disconnect the battery (if so equipped).

1. Gasket 2. Turn off the fuel supply fuel valve and place a small
2. Rubber diaphragm
3. Pump body
container or shop towel under the fuel hose fitting, then
carefully pull the fuel hose (1, Figure 29) from carburetor.
Remove the cover (2, Figure 29) from the carburetor.
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Loosen the clamp (3, Figure 29) and remove the carbure-
3. Place a sinall container or shop towel under the carbu-
retor. Remove the drain plug (5, Figure 30) froin the float
chamber: allow it to drain.
4. Lift the throttle lever (1, Figure 31) up and unscrew
the cap (2) to remove the throttle assembly (3). If needed,
disassemble throttle assembly.
5 . Reinove the float bowl (6, Figure 30) and float (7).
6. Remove the float valve (4, Figure 30) and needle
valve seat (2).
7. Remove the main jet (8, Figure 30) and throttle stop
screw (I).
8. Remove and discard the O-ring (3, Figure 30).

Unless fhe choke is damaged, do not disas-
semble if.

1. Hose
2. Cover
Do not submerge or soak the carburetor in a
caustic carburetor- cleaner or a lzot tank. Do
not e-xpose plastic parts to any carburetor

9. Use a mild aerosol solvent or isopropyl alcohol to 17. Inspect all gasket surfaces for damage. Visually in-
clean the metal components. To remove guinmy deposits, spect the carburetor body, drain screw. float chamber, and
use a soft bristle brush. Use warm soapy water to clean all other parts for damage.
plastic parts. 18. Reverse Steps 1-8 to reassemble the carburetor and
10. Use low-pressure compressed air to dry all compo- carburetor cover.
nents. Direct the flow of air opposite the direction of fuel 19. Observe the carburetor and all fuel fittings while
flow when drying passages. squeezing the primer bulb to check for leakage.
11. Check the tip of the needle valve (Figure 32) for 20. Perform all applicable adjustments as described in
grooves. nicks, or wear. If any defects are found, replace Chapter Five.
the needle valve and seat as an assembly.
12. Check the float (4, Figure 30) and needle valve seat
5-40 hp Models
(2) for damage. Check the float (7) for fuel saturation or
damage. 1 . Disconnect the battery (if so equipped).
13. Check the tension of the throttle stop screw spring (1, 2. Remove the carburetor cover (A, Figure 33). Loosen
Figure 30). Do not interchange the springs. the retaining screw and remove the carburetor throttle
14. Inspect the main jet (8, Figure 30) for thread damage linkage (B, Figure 33) and choke linkage (C).
and blockage. 3. Disconnect the choke plunger hook or choke knob link
15. Check the throttle wire (4, Figure 31), return spring rod (D, Figure 33) as required.
(5), spring receiver (6) and jet needle clip (7) for wear or 4. Place a small container or shop towel under the fuel
fraying, damage or distortion. The normal clip setting is hose fitting, then carefully push the fuel hose (Figure 34)
the second groove froin the bottom. Move the clip up to a from carburetor. Loosen two bolts and remove the carbu-
higher groove to make the airllitel mixture leaner or down retor. Discard the base gasket or O-ring seal (Figure 35).
to the lowest groove to make the airlfuel mixture richer.
16. Check for wear or distortion of the jet needle (8, Fig- NOTE
ure 31). Check for nicks, scratches and wear of the slide Some models are equipped wit11 an irztegi-a1
(9, Figure 31). fuel ptlmp. To ensure proper cleanirzg of the
©eBlue-Dist 2007

(2.5 AND 3.5 H P MODELS)

1. Throttle stop screw assembly

1. Throttle lever
2. Needle valve seat
2. Cap
3. O-ring
3. Throttle assembly
4. Float valve assembly
4. Throttle wire
5. Drain screw
5. Return spring
6. Float bowl
6. Spring receiver
7. Float
7. Jet clip
8. Main jet assembly
8. Jet needle
9. Gasket
9. Slide
©eBlue-Dist 2007

carburetol; remove and service the fuel pump

at this time. Refer to FuelPump, this chapter:

5. Place a small container or shop towel under the carbu-

retor and remove the drain plug (Figure 36) from the float
chamber and drain all fuel from the carburetor.
6. Remove the float bowl (Figure 36) and float (Figure
37). If serviceable, remove the needle seat.
7. Remove all jets, plugs and nozzles (Figure 38) from
the carburetor.
8. Remove the cover and gasket (A, Figure 39) if
equipped, from the top of the carburetor.
9. Remove the pilot screw (B, Figure 39) and throttle
stop screw (C).

Do not submelze or soak the carburetor in a
caustic carburetor cleaner or a hot tank. Do
not expose any plastic parts to any carbure-
tor cleaner:

10. Use a mild aerosol solvent or isopropyl alcohol to clean

all metal components. To remove gummy deposits, use a soft
bristle brush. Use warm soapy water to clean plastic parts.
11. Use low-pressure compressed air to dry all compo-
nents. Direct the flow of air opposite the direction of fuel
flow, when drying passages.
12. Check the tip of the needle \zal\.c (Figure 32) for
groo\,es. nick.; or \\.ear. If any defects are found. rcplace
the needle \.al\.e and seat as an assembly. Replace the car-
t ,
. ,^..I
& *j

burctor if thc seat is not scr\,iceable.

13. Chcck thc float pin (A. Figure 40) and tloat clip (if
6 ,h:cf m$>*..
... .. 7 .
, c



applicable) for damage. Chcck the tloat (B, Figure 40) for
fuel iaturation or damage.
1 1 . lnspcct the pilot screw (3. Figure 41) for thread dam-
age. Check the tip for nicks. groo\.ej. 01. distortion. ..
15. Chcck tlie tension of the throttle stop sere\\. ( 5 . Fig-
. ..m
. . , :; ,
,.-F--+ %
?. , , .

, "
urc 41) and throttlc Stop scrc\r. spring (8). Do not intcr- 4 .r.
change tlie springs.
©eBlue-Dist 2007




1. Plugs
2. Jet
3. Pilot screw
4. Spring
5. Throttle stop screw
6. Jets
7. Carburetor
8. Pilot screw spring

16. Inspect all jets (2 and 6, Figure 41) for thread damage
and blockage.
17. Inspect all gasket surfaces for damage. Inspect the
carburetor body, drain plug, float chamber, and all other
parts for damage.
18. Reverse Steps 1-10 to reassemble the carburetor and
carburetor cover.
19. Observe the carburetor and all fuel fittings while
squeezing the primer bulb to check for leakage.
20. Perfonn all applicable adjustments as described in
Chapter Five.
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40-140 hp Models

Refer to Figures 42-44 during this procedure. CARBURETOR ASSEMBLY

(40-140 HP MODELS)
1. Disconnect the battery, if so equipped.
2. Loosen the fasteners and remove the carburetor cover
and oil tank (if equipped). Loosen the retaining screw and
remove the carburetor throttle linkage and choke linkage.
3. Disconnect the choke plunger hook or choke knob rod
as required.
4. Place a small container or shop towel under the fuel
hose fitting, then carefully push the fuel hose from the car-
buretor. Loosen two bolts and remove carburetor. Discard
the base gasket or O-ring seal.

Some models are equipped with an integral
jilel pump (bottom carburetor). To ensure
proper cleaning of the carburetor; remove
and service the fuelpump at this time. Refer
to Fuel Pump, this chapter:

5. Place a small container under the carburetor and re-

move the drain plug from the float chamber and allow all
fuel to drain. Remove the float chamber, float and needle
valve. Remove the float pin and float.
6. Remove the jets and main nozzle from the bottom side
of the carburetor.
7. Remove the cover and gasket from the top of the car-
8. Remove the pilot screw and throttle stop screw (if
equipped). Do not interchange the springs.
9. Remove any serviceable plugs and jets.

Do not submerge or soak the carburetor in a
caustic carburetor, cleaner, or hot tank. Do
not expose any plastic parts to any carbure-
tor cleanex

10. Use a mild aerosol solvent or isopropyl alcohol to

clean all metal components. To remove gummy deposits,
use a soft bristle brush. Use warm soapy water to clean
plastic parts.
11. Use low-pressure compressed air to dry all compo- 1. Pilot screw
2. Jet (slow)
nents. When drying passages, direct the flow of air oppo-
3. Main nozzle
site the direction of fuel flow. 4. Main jet
12. Check the tip of the needle valve (Figure 32) for 5. Floatlpin
grooves, nicks, or wear. If any defects are found, replace 6. Needle valve
the needle valve and seat as an assenlbly. Replace the car- 7. Drain screw
8. Float chamber
buretor if the seat is not serviceable.
9. Gasket
13. Check the float pin and the float clip (if applicable) 10. Cover
for damage. Check the float for fuel saturation or damage.
14. Inspect the pilot screw for thread damage. Check the
tip for nicks, grooves, or distortion.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


(40-140 HP MODELS)

1. Pilot screw
1. Pilot screw 2. Jet (slow)
2. Jet (slow) 3. Main nozzle
3. Main nozzle
5. Float
5. Float 6. Needle valve
6. Needle valve 7. Needle valve pin
7. Needle valve pin
9. Drain screw
9. Drain screw 10. Float chamber
10. Float chamber
11. Cover
©eBlue-Dist 2007


15. Check the tension of the pilot screw and the throttle
stop screw springs. Donot interchange the springs.
16. Inspect all jets for thread damage and blockage.
17. Inspect all gasket surfaces for damage. Inspect the
carburetor body, drain plug, float chamber, and all other
parts for damage.
18. Reverse Steps 1-10 to reassemble the carburetor and
carburetor cover.
19. Observe the carburetor and all fuel fittings while
squeezing the primer bulb to check for leakage.
20. Perform all applicable carburetor adjustments as de-
scribed in Chapter Five.

Intake Manifold and Reed Valve Assembly

This section provides removal, disassembly, inspection

and assembly instructions for the intake manifold and
reed valve assembly.
Inspect all reed valves for bent, cracked or missing
sections (Figure 45). Measure the reed lift height (A,
Figure 46) and reed stop (B) dimensions during inspec-
tion and after assembling the reed valves onto the reed
block or housing. Reed valve specifications are provided
in Table 5.
The one-cylinder (2.5-5 hp) models use reed valves
mounted in the cylinder block (Figure 47). Partial disas-
sembly of the power head is required for access. Refer to
Chapter Eight for cylinder block disassembly and as-

8-40 Izp models

1. Remove the carburetor(s) as described in this chapter.

2. Remove the rewind starter or flywheel cover as appli-
cable. See Chapter Eight.
3. Remove the fastener (3, Figure 48) for the reed valve
housinglintake (1) and remove the intake manifold. Re-
move and discard the gaskets and seals.
4. Remove the reed valve assemblies (2, Figure 48) from
the manifold, or lift them from the crankcase as applica-
ble. Do not disassemble the reed valve assemblies.

The 9.9-18 hp engine reed valve assen~blies
aye held in place by two 6 mm nuts instead of

5. Inspect the reed valves, reed valve contact surfaces and

reed stops for cracks, wear or damage (Figure 45). Reeds
must be seated flat without any preload.
6. Assembly is the reverse of disassembly, noting the fol-
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1. Manifold
2. Reed valve assembly

a. Replace all gaskets and seals for the reed housing, 40-140 hp models
intake and reed blocks.
b. Using feeler gauges, measure the reed lift height (A, 1. Remove the carburetor(s) as described in this chapter.
Figure 46). Compare the reed tip opening with the 2. Remove the recoil starter or flywheel cover as applica-
specification listed in Table 5. ble. Refer to Chapter Eight.
c. Check the reed valve stopper fasteners for tightness. 3. Remove the fasteners for the reed valve housinglintake
If loose, remove the screws, apply Loctite 242 to the and remove the intake manifold. Remove and discard the
threads of the screws, then reinstall them and gaskets and seals.
tighten securely. 4. Remove the reed valve assemblies from the manifold.
d. Inspect the entire valve assembly for corrosion. If Do not disassemble the reed valve assemblies.
any part of the reed valve assembly is damaged,
worn, or corroded, the entire valve assembly must NOTE
be replaced. On 80-140 hp models, the reed valve assem-
blies are not bolted to the intake manifold.
CA UTION Valve assemblies coz~ldfall off the ~2aI7ifold
Never reuse reeds by turning them over: and become damaged while being removed
When returned to sewice, the reed could from the engine.
break and cause serious power head dam-
age. 5. Inspect the reed valves (Figure 45), reed valve contact
surfaces and reed stops for cracks, wear or damage. Reeds
7. Check the surface of intake manifold for flatness. The
must be seated flat without any preload. Inspect the valve
mounting surface must be flat, within 0.10 mm (0.004
seat surfaces for wear, burrs or damage.
6. Assembly is the reverse of disassembly, noting the fol-
8. Install the reed housinglintake manifold, gaskets and
fasteners. Tighten the fasteners to the specification listed
in Table 1. a. Replace all gaskets and seals during assembly.
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b. Use feeler gauges to measure the reed lift height (A,

Figure 46). Compare the reed tip opening with the
specification listed in Table 5.
c. Check the reed valve stopper fasteners for tightness.
If loose, remove the screws, apply Loctite 242 to the
threads of the screws, then reinstall them and
tighten securely.
d. Inspect the entire valve assembly for corrosion. If
any part of the reed valve assembly is damaged,
worn, or corroded, replace the entire valve assem-

Never reuse reeds by turning them over When
retunzed to setvice, the reed could break and
cause seriotls power head damage.
7. Check the surface of the intake manifold for flatness.
The mounting surface must be flat, within 0.10 mm (0.004
8. Install the reed housingiintake manifold. Tighten the
fasteners to the specification in Table 1.

Float Height Adjustment

1. Assemble the inlet needle and float onto the carburetor.

Ensure the needle clip is positioned over the float tab.
2. Turn the carburetor upside down as indicated in Fig- 5. Bend the metal tab (B, Figure 50) up or down until the
ure 49. Allow the tab on the float (B, Figure 50) to just specified measurement is attained.
rest on the inlet needle.
3. Measure the distance froin the carburetor body to the NOTE
bottom surface of the float (A, Figure 50). On 40 and 50 hp three-cylinder engine mod-
4. Compare the measurement with the specification listed els, the$oat tab cannot be adjusted.
in Table 5.


4.6-6.2 (40-55)
40-70 hp three cylinder 5-6 (44-53)
Air silencer bolt
1.5-2.0 (13.2-16.8)
4.6-6.2 (40-55)
2.5-3.4 (21.6-30.0)
4.9-6.4 (43.2-54.6)
40 hp two cylinder 4.9-6.4 (43.2-54.6)
8-10 (71-88)
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Description N*m (

I Intake manifold bolts

8-40 hp two cylinder
40-50 hp three cylinder
60-70 hp
80-90 hp
Air silencer cover bolt
60-90 hp
115-140 hp
Reed valve mounting screw
2.5-5 hp
8-9.8 hp
25-40 hp two cylinder
Reed valve mounting nut
9.9-18 hp 4.9-6.4 (43-54)


Model Main jet Main air jet Idle jet Idle air jet

5-30 HP
Top and middle
Top and bottom
Top and bottom


©eBlue-Dist 2007


Table 3 PILOT SCREW ADJUSTMENT (continued)

Model Pilot screw turns-out


15.0 mm(0.591 in.)

14.0 mm(0.551 in.)
80A-90A-115A2-120A2-140A2 19.5 mm(0.768 in.)


40 three-cylinder
©eBlue-Dist 2007

Chapter Seven

Electrical and Ignition Systems

Use a battery that meets or exceeds the cold cranking

amperage requirements for the engine. Cold cranking am-
perage requirements are provided in Table 25. Some ma-
rine batteries list marinejdeep cycle on the label. Deep
cycle batteries are constructed to allow repeated discharge
and charge cycles. These batteries are excellent for pow-
ering accessories such as trolling motors. Always charge
deep cycle batteries at a low amperage rate. A deep cycle
battery is not designed to be charged or discharged rap-
idly. Rapid charging rates can significantly reduce the life
of a deep cycle battery.
Deep cycle batteries can be used as the starting battery,
providing they meet the cold cranking amperage require-
ments for the engine.

BATTERY Make sure the battery is securely mounted in the boat to

avoid dangerous acid spills or electrical arcing that can
Batteries used in marine applications are subjected to con- cause a fire. The most common types of battery mounting
siderably more vibration and pounding than automotive ap- include the bracket mounted to the floor of the boat and
plications. Always use a battery designed for use in marine the support across the top of the battery (Figure 1). The
applications. Marine batteries are coilstructed with thicker other common type of battery mounting is the battery case
cases and plates than typical automotive batteries. This al- and cover that encloses the battery and secures it to the
lows them to better withstand the marine environment. boat structure (Figure 2). When properly installed, either
©eBlue-Dist 2007


of tI1c.i;~mi.tliodi; pro\ idcs <ciurc ~11ountingand protec-

tion for the ~ e r m i n , ~ l ~ .
\lount thc battcs!, in a localion that a1lou.i ens). access
for maintenansc. hnslue that tlic batter!. teril~inalsme not
able to contirct an!. component in the n~ounling:Irc;l.

If :.lR.\'l.\'(;
I I, II IO ~ ~ I I ~1 1~ btrtr~>~:l.
I~'/I~ I I ~ i l l ,111 t 7 / / ( 1 ~ i i 1 1 / ( 1 1 1
C ~,. Y / I I I , t > ~ . o c ( l / i t i too~ ~~ , / ~ \ i i t .111e
/1(2(1r, t i ~ l i ~ e
htrtre.~:~ i s I I I O / U / ~ LiJc~~/ c ' / / / . ttu
~ / \L. ~ / I I I I ~ I thc9
~ ~ I ~ ( ~
\ . htrrrrr? c ~ ) ~ i r ~ r c r. ~t i ~~>~r (gr l
~ ) o . ~ ~ i / ~ i l i rrlitl
C~(?/J~/~O/?C~III.$. L I I . CL~ L > \ / / / / 111
, L III I II .~
ajire or explosion $a fuel source is present.
Batteries produce explosive gasses that can
ignite if arcing is present.

Battery Inspection

Inspect the battery case for cracks, leakage, abrasion

and other damage when the battery is removed for charg-
ing. Replace the battery if any questionable conditions ex-
ist. During normal usage, a corrosive deposit forms on the
top of the battery. These deposits may allow the battery to
discharge at a rapid rate, as current can travel through the
deposits from one post to the other.
Make sure the battery caps are properly installed. Re-
move the battery from the boat and carefully wash any
loose material from the top of the battery with clean water.

Do not allow the baking soda and water so-
lution to enter the battery cells or the elec-
t~olytewill be seriously weakened.

Use a solution of warm water and baking soda along

with a soft bristle brush to clean deposits from the battery 0
(Figure 3). Again wash the battery with clean water to re-
move all ofthe baking soda solution from the battery case. Post

Never overfill the battely. The electrolyte
may expand with the heat created during
charging and overflow from the butte*

Check the battery electrolyte level on a regular basis.

Heavy usage or usage in warm climates increases the need
for adding water to the battery. Carehlly remove the vent
caps (Figure 4) and inspect the electrolyte level in each
cell. The electrolyte level should be 3/16 in. (4.8 mm)
above the plates yet below the bottom of the vent well
(Figure 4). Use distilled water to fill the cells to the proper
level. Never use battery acid to correct the electrolyte
©eBlue-Dist 2007


Clean the battery terminals at regular intervals. Use a

battery cleaning tool (available at nlost automotive part
stores) to quickly remove stubborn corrosion and depos-
its. Remove the tenninal and clean the post as shown in
Figure 5. Rotate the tool on the post until the post is free
of corrosion. Avoid removing too much inaterial froin the
post or the terminal may not attach securely to the post.
Use the other end of the tool to clean the cable end ter-
minal. Clean flat-spade type connectors and the attaching
nuts with the wire brush end of the tool (Figure 6).
Apply a coat of petroleuln gel (Vaseline) or other corro-
sion preventative on the battery post and cable terminal.
Tighten the fasteners securely. Avoid using excessive
force when tightening these terminals.

Battery Testing

Inaccurate readings result i f the specific gr-av-
ity is checked inzmediately after adding vt,ater
to the battery To ensure acczlrac?;,charge the
battery at a high rate for 15-20 minutes.

Two methods are commonly used to test batteries. A

load tester measures the battery voltage as it applies a load
across the terminals. Follow the instructions provided
with the load tester.
Perform the Cr,anking Voltage Test as described in this
chapter to check the battery condition if you do not have
access to a load tester.
Use a hydrometer to check the specific gravity of the
battery electrolyte. This gives an accurate reading of the
state of charge. Hydrometers are available at most auto-
motive part stores. Select one that has a 11u1nbergradua-
tion that spans l . i00-1.300 readings.
To use the hydrometer, insert the tip into the vent open-
ing and use the rubber bulb to draw some of the solution
from a single cell into the hydroineter (Figure 7). Read
the specific gravity in all cells. When using a tempera-
ture-compensating hydrometer, take several readings in
each cell to allow the thermometer to adjust to the electro-
lyte temperature. Always return the electrolyte to the cell
from which it was drawn. With the hydrometer in a verti-
cal position, determine the specific gravity by reading the
number on the float that is even with the surface of the
electrolyte (Figure 8). A specific gravity reading of 1.260
must be 4.76 or higher indicates a fully charged battery. Always charge
the battery if the specific gravity varies more than 0.050
from one cell to another.

Add 0.004 to the r-eading for every 10'
above 25" C (80" F) whea the hydror7zeter is
©eBlue-Dist 2007


not a temperature-compensafirzg model.

Subtract 0.004,fi-on1 the reading for evevy
10" below 25" C (80°F).

Cranking Voltage Test

If a load tester is unavailable, use the outboard's starter

motor to apply a load to the battery while checking the
battery voltage.
1. Connect a voltmeter to the battery.
2. Crank the engine while noting the voltmeter (Figure
3. The battery should maintain at least 9.6 volts under
cranking load.
a. If the cranking voltage is less than 9.6 volts, charge
the battery as described in this chapter and repeat
this test.
b. Replace the battery if it cannot maintain 9.6 volts or
more cranking voltage after charging.

Battery Storage

Batteries lose some of the charge during storage. The

rate of discharge increases in a warm environment. Store
the battery in a cool dry location to minimize the loss of
charge. Check the specific gravity every 30 days and
charge the battery as required. Perform the maintenance
on the battery case and terminals as described in this chap-
ter. Refer to Battevy Char.girzg (in this chapter) for battery
charging times.

Battery Charging

Batteries produce explosive hydrogen
gas, especially during char*girzg.Clzarge
the battery irz a vt~ell-ventilated area.
Wear protective eyewear and szlitable
gloves when working around batteries.
Never smoke or allow any source of igrzi-
tion in the area where batteries are
stored or char*ged. Never allow any
rzon-insulated components to contact the
batfery terminals, as arcing can occur
and ignite the hydrogen gas.
Although removal is not necessary to charge the battery,
always remove it from the boat for charging. The battery
produces explosive hydrogen gas during charging and in
addition to the explosion hazard, the gas causes acceler-
ated corrosion of metal components in and around the bat-
tery compartment. Removal also allows more effective
battery inspection and cleaning.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


charged. Severely discliarged batteries may require as

long as eight hours to recharge. Check the temperature of
Make connections in numerical order the electrolyte during the charging process. Halt the
(disconnect in reverse order 4-3-2-1)
charging process if the electrolyte temperature reaches or
exceeds 53" C (125" F).

Jump Starting

J~lmp-startingcan be dangerous if performed incor-

rectly. Never attempt to jump-start a frozen battery. Al-
ways check and con-ect the electrolyte level in each
ter battery before making any connection. A significant risk
of explosion exists if the electrolyte level is below the top
Discharged of the plates. Always use a good pair of jumper cables
with clean clamps. Keep all clarnps totally separate from
any nietallic or conductive material. Never allow the
clamps to contact other clamps.
1. Connect the jurnper cable to the positive terminal of
the discharged battery (1. Figure 10).
2. Connect the same jumper cable to the positive terminal
of the fully charged battery (2, Figure 10).
3. Connect the second jumper cable to the negative tenni-
nal of the fully charged battery (3, Figure PO).
4. Connect the second jumper cable remaining to a good
To fishing motor engine ground such as the starter ground cable (4, Figure
5. Make sure the cables and clamps are positioned so they

- will not become trapped or interfere with moving compo-

6. Start the engine, then remove the cables in exactly the
reverse of the connection order (Steps 4-1).

Wiring for 12- and 24-Volt

Electric Trolling Motors
1. Connect the charger to the battery before switching the Many fishing boats are equipped with an electric troll-
charger on. Attach the positive charger cable to the posi- ing motor that requires 24 volts to operate. Two or more
tive battery terminal and the negative cable to the negative batteries are necessary with these applications. A series
battery terminal. Be certain that the charger is connected battery hookup (Figure 11) provides 24 volts for the troll-
in the correct polarity. ing motor.
2. Set the charger voltage to 12 volts. A series connection provides the approximate total of
3. Charging the battely at a slow rate (low amperage) results the two batteries (24 volts). The amperage provided is the
in a more efficient charge and helps prolong the life of the approxilnate average of the two batteries.
battery. With a severely discharged battery, it may be neces- Connect the trolling motor batteries in a parallel ar-
sary to charge the battery at a higher amperage rate for a few rangement (Figure 12) if the accessory requires 12 volts
minutes before starting the lower rate charge. A severely dis- to operate.
charged battery may not allow the chemical process to begin The voltage provided is the approximate average of the
without first boost charging at the high rate. two batteries (12 volt). The amperage provided is the ap-
4. Battery charging times vary by the battery capacity and proximate total of the two batteries.
the state of charge. Check the specific gravity often and Dedicate a battery for cranking the gasoline motor if at
halt the charging process when the battery is fully all possible.
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Starter Relay Removal and Installation

All electric start models use a rubber mounted type

starter relay (Figure 13).
1. Disconnect the battery.
2. Note the wire routing and connections, then disconnect
To fishing motor
both large diameter wires from the starter relay. Trace the
smaller diameter wires to their bullet connections and dis-
connect both bullet connectors.
3. Carefully tug the starter relay from the rubber mount.
4. Inspect the mount for damage or deterioration. Re-
move the mount by carehlly tugging it from the mounting
bracket. Replace the mount by slipping the elongated
openings over the mounting arms.
5. Slide the relay fully into the rubber mount.
6. Connect one large wire to each large terminal of the re-
lay. Securely tighten the terminal nuts. Ensure the wire
terminals are not touching each other or other compo-
7. Connect the smaller wires to the engine wire harness.
Route all wires away from moving components.
8. Clean the terminals and connect the cables to the bat-
tery. Check for proper starting system operation.

Ignition Switch Removal and Installation

This section provides instructions for replacing the re-

mote control and dash-mounted ignition key switch.
Follow Steps 1-8 if the switch is mounted in the remote
control. Follow Steps 3-5 ifthe switch mounts in the dash.
1. Disconnect the battery cables. Remove the remote
control from its mounting location.
2. Disassemble the remote control to the point that the ig-
nition switch leads and retainer (A, Figure 14) are acces-
3. Disconnect the ignition switch wires (B, Figure 14)
and remove the switch retaining nut.
4. Install the ignition key into the switch, then mark the
UP side of the switch and ignition key.
5 . Using the manufacturer's marks on the ignition key, STARTER MOTOR
identify the UP side of the replacement ignition switch.
Install the replacement switch and securely tighten the re- This section provides removal, repair and installation
taining nut. instructions for the electric starter motor. The first part of
6. Attach the switch wires to the wire harness. Route the this section covers removal and installation. If only the re-
wires away from moving components. moval or installation of the electric starter motor is neces-
7. Assemble and install the control. sary, perform the instructions in the first section.
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The second part of this section covers the complete re-

STARTER MOTOR pair of the electric starter motor. In many cases, complete
(8-40 HP MODELS) repair is not required. If this is the case, disassemble as
necessary to access the worn or failed components. Re-
verse the disassembly steps to assemble the electric starter
1 motor. Refer to the instructions for the selected model.

Removal and Installation (8-40 hp Models)

1. Disconnect the battery.

2. Remove starter solenoid cable and ground cable.
3. Remove the flywheel cover (Chapter Eight). Remove
the two starter motor bolts ( I , Figure 15).
4. Support the electric starter motor (2, Figure 15) while
removing the starter mounting bolts and lift the electric
starter motor out of the bracket.
5. Installation is the reverse ofremoval noting the follow-
a. Position the large wire away from other compo-
nents. To prevent damage to the insulator, do not
overtighten the wire terminal nut.
b. Install all insulating boots over the large diameter
1. Bolts
2. Starter motor wire terminals.
c. Tighten the starter mounting bolts to standard
torque specification.
d. Route all wires away from moving components.
6. Connect the cables to the battery.

Removal and Installation (40-140 hp Models)

1. Remove the flywheel cover as described in Chapter

2. If necessary, move the oil tank out of the way to access
the starter motor.
3. Slip the insulating boot (1, Figure 16) from the wire
terminal and remove the terminal nut. Lift the large wire
from the electric starter motor.
4. Support the starter motor while removing two band
bolts and the band (3, Figure 16). Remove the mounting
bolts and slide the starter motor out of the bracket (4, Fig-
ure 16). Clean the starter mounting surfaces and bolt
5. Installation is the reverse of removal. Note the follow-
a. Attach the large diameter ground wire to the front
mounting bolt.
b. Position the large wire terminal away from other
components. To prevent damaging the insulator, do
not overtighten the wire terminal nut.
c. Install all insulating boots over the large diameter
wire terminals.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


1. Lock ring 10. Throughbolt

2. Collar 11. Nut
3. Spring 12. Washer
4. Pinion gear 13. Washer
5. Bracket 14. Spacer
6. Starter 15. Washer
7. Screw 16. Shaft
8. Brush 17. Bolt
9. Motor base

d. Tighten the starter mounting bolts to 32 N*m (24 motor. The marks ensure correct component orientation
ft.-lb.). during assembly.
e. Route all wires away from moving components. 2. Secure the starter motor into a vice with soft jaws. Do
6. Install the flywheel cover (Chapter Eight). Connect the not overtighten the vice.
cables to the battery. 3. Push the pinion collar (2, Figure 19) toward the pinion
gear ( 3 ) to expose the locking clip (1). Carefully pry the
locking clip (1) from the armature shaft. Pull the pinion
Disassembly and Assembly (8-40 hp Models) collar and spring (2 and 3 , Figure 17) from the armature
shaft. Rotate the starter pinion counterclockwise and re-
Refer to Figure 17 during this procedure. move it from the asmature shaft.
1. Note the marks on the starter covers and frame mating 4. Remove both throughbolts (10, Figure 17), then tap
surfaces (Figure 18) prior to disassembling the starter the lower cover to free it from the frame. Pull the lower
©eBlue-Dist 2007




1. Motor base
(8-40 HP MODELS) 2. Brush
3. Brush
4. Terminal nut
5. Screw

8. Remove the screw (5. Figure 28) and lift the brush
plate from the lower cover.
9. Clean the upper cover, lower cover, armature and
frame assembly using a quick-drying solvent, such as
isopropyl alcohol and fine emery cloth.
10. Inspect all components for wear or damage as de-
scribed in this chapter.
11. Place the brush plate (Figure 21) into the lower cover
with the terminal inserted through the bushing. Install the
screws (5, Figure 20) through the brush plate and into the
lower cover. Securely tighten the screws.
2. Collar
3. Pinion gear
12. Place the insulating washers onto the terminal and in-
stall the terminal nut (4, Figure 20). To prevent damaging
the insulating washers, do not overtighten the nut.
13. Place the washers over the upper end of the armature
shaft. Apply a light coat of water-resistant grease to the
cover from the starter. Pull the armature shaft washer from bearing surface in the upper cover. Slide the armature into
the lower cover or armature shaft. the upper cover. Place a new O-ring onto the upper cover.
5. Tap the lower end of the armature shaft (not the com- 14. Slide the frame assembly over the armature and mate
mutator surface) with a plastic mallet to free the front the frame assembly to the upper cover.
cover from the frame. 15. Apply a drop or two of engine oil to the bushing in the
6. Pull the upper cover and washers from the frame. Pull lower cover. Do not allow any oil to contact the brushes or
the armature from the frame. commutator.
7. Remove the terminal nuts (4; Figure 20) and all insu- 16. Install both brushes and springs into the brush plate.
lating washers from the terminal. Make a brush holder from a bent piece of stiff wire (Fig-
©eBlue-Dist 2007


ure 22). Place the ends of the wire in contact with the
brush surfaces as shown in Figure 22. @ STARTER MOTOR END CAP
17. Place a washer over the lower armature shaft. Install a (8-40 HP MODELS)
new O-ring onto the lower cover. Carefully position the
lower cover onto the frame assembly. Ensure the brushes 2
do not hang on the commutator. After the armature shaft
enters the bushing in the lower cover, pull the brush holder
from the lower cover.
18. Align the marks (Figure 18). Ensure both O-rings re-
main in position and install both throughbolts (10, Figure
17). Tighten the bolts to 8 N*m (71 in.-lb.).
19. Apply a light coat of water-resistant grease to the ar-
mature shaft and thread the starter pinion onto the arma-
ture shaft. Place the spring and pinion collar (2, Figure
19) over the armature shaft.
20. Push the pinion collar toward the starter and position
the locking clip (1, Figure 19) in the armature shaft
groove. Release the pinion collar and inspect the locking
clip. The clip must be positioned in the groove with the
pinion collar hlly over the clip as indicated in Figure 19.
Use pliers to shape the locking clip if it was distorted dur- 1. Brush assembly
ing installation. 2. Terminal
3. Bushing
4. End cap
Disassembly and Assembly (40-140 hp Models)

Refer to Figure 23 (40-70 hp) or Figure 24 (80-140 hp)

during this procedure.
1. Note the match marks on the starter covers and frame
(Figure 18). The marks ensure correct component orien-
tation during assembly.
2. Clamp the starter motor in a vise with soft jaws. Do not
overtighten the vice.
3. Push the pinion collar (2, Figure 19) toward the starter
pinion (3) to expose the locking clip (1). Pry the locking
clip from the armature shaft. Pull the pinion collar and
spring from the armature shaft. Rotate the starter pinion
counterclockwise and remove it from the armature shaft.
4. Remove both throughbolts and tap the lower cover to
free it from the frame. Pull the lower cover from the
5. Remove the terminal nut, insulating washers, bushing
and O-ring from the terminal.
6. Remove the brush plate screws and brush plate (Fig-
ure 25).
7. Clean all components using isopropyl alcohol.
8. Inspect all components for excessive wear or damage
as described in this chapter.
9. Insert the brush plate terminal (A, Figure 26 or Figure
27) through the bushing (B) in the lower cover. Seat the
brush plate in the lower cover and install the brush plate
screws. Tighten the screws securely.
©eBlue-Dist 2007



1. Lock ring
2. Collar
3. Spring
4. Pinion gear
5. Shaft
6. Bracket
7. Frame
8. Washer
9. Brush assembly
10. End cap
11. Bolt
12. Nut
13. Washer
14. Washer
15. Bushing
16. Washer


1. Lock ring
2. Collar
3. Spring
4. Pinion gear
5. Bracket
6. Frame
7. Brush assembly
8. End cap
9. Bolt
10. Screw
11. Nut
12. Washer
13. Washer
14. Shaft
©eBlue-Dist 2007


10. Place the O-ring, bushing, and insulating washers onto

the terminal and install the terminal nut. To prevent damag- STARTER BRUSH PLATE
ing the insulating washers, do not overtighten the nut. (80-140HP MODELS)
11. Apply a drop or two of engine oil to the bushing in the
lower cover. Do not ailow any oil to contact the brushes or
12. Install the brushes and springs into the brush plate.
Carefully position the lower cover onto the frame assem-
bly. Ensure the brushes do not hang on the commutator
portion of the armature. After the armature shaft enters the
bushing in the lower cover, rotate the armature to make
sure the brushes are in the correct position.
13. Align the match marks (Figure 28) and install both
throughbolts. Tighten the bolts to 8 N*m (70 in.-lb.).
14. Apply a light coat of water-resistant grease to the ar-
mature shaft and thread the starter pinion onto the arma-
ture shaft. Place the spring and pinion collar over the
armature shaft.
15. Push the pinion collar toward the starter and position
the locking clip into the armature shaft groove. Release
the pinion collar and inspect the locking clip. The clip
must be positioned in the groove with the pinion collar
fully over the clip as shown in Figure 29. Use pliers to
shape the locking clip if it was distorted during installa-
©eBlue-Dist 2007


Starter Motor Inspection

1. Inspect the pinion for chipped cracked or wom teeth (Fig-

ure 30). Replace the pinion if any of these conditions are
noted. Inspect the helical splines at the pinion end of the arma-
ture. Replace the armature if it is corroded, damaged or wom.
2. Install the pinion drive onto and off of the armature
shaft. Replace the pinion drive and/or armature if the pin-
ion drive does not turn smoothly on the shaft.
3. Carefully clamp the armature in a vise with soft jaws
(Figure 31). Tighten the vise only enough to secure the ar-
mature. Carefully polish the commutator using 600-grit
carburundum cloth (Figure 31). Thoroughly clean the
commutator, but do not remove excess material. Rotate
the armature often to polish the surfaces evenly.
4. Using an ohmmeter, check for continuity between each
commutator segment and the armature lamination (Fig-
ure 32). Also check for continuity between each segment
and the armature shaft. No continuity should be noted be-
tween the segments and shaft or lamination. If continuity
is noted, replace the armature.
5. Check for continuity between pairs of commutator seg-
ments (Figure 33). Continuity must be present between
any two pairs of segments. If not, replace the armature.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


6. Use a thin file (Figure 34) to remove the metal and

mica particles from the undercut area between the com-
mutator segments.
7. Blow away any particles with compressed air and use a
depth micrometer to measure the depth of the undercut
(Figure 35). Replace the armature if the measurements
are below the minimum depth specification of 0.2-0.5 mm
(0.008-0.020 in.).
8. Measure the brush length as shown in Figure 36. Re-
place the bmshes as a set if any one bmsh is less than the
minimum length:
a. 40-70 h p 9 . 5 mm (318 in.).
b. 80-140 hp-12 mm (15132 in.).
9. Inspect the magnets in the frame assembly for corro-
sion or other contamination and clean as required. Inspect
the frame assembly for cracked or loose magnets. Replace
the frame assembly if it cannot be adequately cleaned or
damaged magnets are noted.
10. Inspect the bearing surfaces on the armature and the
bushings for discoloration and excessive or uneven wear.
Remove and replace any questionable bearingshushings
using a suitable pulling tool and driver. Replace the arma-
ture if rough or uneven surfaces are present on the bearing

Neutral Start Switch Removal and Installation I


Refer to Figure 37 (tiller handle) or Figure 38 (remote

control) during this procedure.
1. Disconnect the cables from the battery and shift the
motor into NEUTRAL.
2. Disconnect both neutral switch wires.
3. Remove the switch-mounting screws, then lift the
switch and mounting plate from its mounting boss. Clean 1. Fastener
the switch mounting surface and the cam portion of the 2. Mounting bracket
3. Switch
shift linkage.
4. Apply a light coat of water-resistant grease to the por-
tion of the shift linkage that contacts the switch plunger.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


1. Switch operating arm

2. Switch retainer
3. Neutral switch


4 1. Coil plate
2. Alternator coil
3. Exciter coil
4. Pulser (trigger) coil

5. Position the replacement switch onto its mounting Battery Charge Coil Removal and Installation
bosses with the plunger in contact with the shift linkage.
Place the mounting plate onto the switch, then install both Flywheel removal is required to access the battery
mounting screws. Securely tighten the screws. charge coil. Refer to Chapter Eight for flywheel removal
6. Route the switch wires away from moving compo- and installation. The charge coil and exciter coil on 2.5-90
nents and reconnect the switch. hp models are similar in appearance. Refer to the wiring
7. Check switch operation as described in Chapter Three. diagrams at the end of the manual and the illustrations in
Make sure the switch operates correctly before returning this chapter to identify the components. On 115-140 hp
the unit to service. models, the battery charge coil and ignition exciter coil
are integrated into a one-piece stator assembly. Prior to re-
moval, take a photograph or make a sketch of the coil,
CHARGING SYSTEM wiring routing and wire clamps for reference during in-
CA UTION Refer to Figures 39-41 during this procedure.
It may be necessa ry to use an impact driver
to remove the battery charge coil and ex- 1. Disconnect the cables from the battery.
citer coil mounting screws. Work carefully 2. On models so equipped, remove the rewind starter as
and avoid using excessiveforce. The cylin- described in Chapter Ten.
der block can sustain considerable damage 3A. 9.9-40 (two-cylinder) models-Disconnect the
ifexcessive force is used. charge coil wires. Remove the coil mounting screws and
©eBlue-Dist 2007


remove the battery charge coil from the coil plate. See
3B. 40 (thee-cylinder) nrzd 50-90 hp nzodels-Discon- (40-90 HP MODELS)
nect the battery charge coil from the voltage rectifierlreg-
ulator. Remove any clamps securing the wires, remove the
coil mounting screws and remove the coil.
3C. 115 and 140 hp nzodels-Disconnect the stator wires
and remove the three stator mounting screws. Remove the
stator from the engine.
4. Clean the coil mounting surface screw holes.
5. Place the battery charge coil(s) in position on the cylin-
der block or mounting bracket. Ensure the wires are
routed as noted prior to removal.
6. Install all mounting screws. Securely tighten the
mounting screws.
7. Route the wires to the lighting harness, rectifier or rec-
tifierlregulator. Route the wires away from any moving
components (especially the flywheel). Retain the wires
with plastic locking clamps as required.
8. Connect the coil wires to the lighting harness, rectifier
or rectifierlregulator.
9. Install the flywheel in Chapter Eight as described.
10. Connect the cables to the battery.

Rectifier or RectifierIRegulator
Removal and Installation

1. Disconnect both battery cables from the battery.

2. Remove the retaining clamp when the rectifierlregula-
tor mounting bolts are removed.
3. Disconnect the wires leading to the rectifier or recti-
fierlregulator (Figure 42). Remove the screw and ground
wire connector from the mounting plate (if so equipped).
4. Remove the screw(s) that retain the rectifier or recti-
fierlregulator to the mounting plate. Carefully route the
disconnected wires away from other components and lift
the rectifier or rectifierlregulator from the engine. 1. Flywheel cover
5. Clean and inspect the threads in the mounting plate. 2. Flywheel
3. Exciter coil
Clean all corrosion or contamination from the mounting 4. Alternator coil
surface. 5. Coil plate
6. Carefully route the rectifier or rectifierlregulator unit 6. Guide plate
wires and position the unit on the power head. Install the 7. Shim
8. Set ring
mounting screu s and securely tighten them. Ensure that

the ground wire terminal is positioned below the mount-

ing plate screw (on models so equipped).
7. Connect all wire harness andlor battery charge coil
wires to the rectifier or rectifier/regulator.
8. Clean the terminals then connect the cables to the bat-
tery. Check for proper charging and ignition system oper-
ation immediately after stafiing the engine.
©eBlue-Dist 2007



SSEMBLV (1 15-140 HP MODELS) (2.5-90 HP MODELS)

1. Alternator coil
2. Exciter coil
3. Alternator assembly 1. Cable clamp
4. Pulser coil 2. Exciter coil
5. Pulser coil assembly 3. Screws
4. Screws


The battery charge coil and exciter charge
coil appear almost identical on some ?nod-
els. Use the wi1.e colors and illustrations to
identify the prope?"component.

Exciter Coil
Removal and Installation

2.5-90 hp models

1. Disconnect the battery.

2. Remove the flywheel following the instructions pro-
vided in Chapter Eight.
3. Remove the screws from the clamp (4, Figure 43)
holding the wire bundle to access the wire connectors.
Disconnect both exciter coil wires from the engine control
unit harness.
4. Remove the mounting screws (3, Figure 43) then lift
the exciter coil (2) from the power head.
5. Clean the exciter coil mounting surface. Ensure all cor-
rosion or contaminants are removed from the mounting
screw openings.
©eBlue-Dist 2007



1. Alternator coil
2. Bracket
3. Pulser coil
4. Bolts
5. Screw

6. Place the exciter coil in position on the cylinder block important to ensure correct wire routing of the compo-
or mounting bracket. Route the wires as noted prior to re- nents.
moval. Install all mounting screws and tighten them to 18 5. Remove the mounting screws (5, Figure 44), then lift
Nem (13 ft.-lb.). the stator from the mounting bracket (2). Clean the stator
7. Connect the exciter coil wires to the engine control mounting surface screw holes.
unit harness. Route the wires away from moving compo- 6. Install the stator onto the power head (2, Figure 44).
nents (especially the flywheel). Bundle the wires together, Align the stator screw holes and position the wires as
then retain them with a clamp and screws. noted in Step 4. Apply Loctite 242 to the threads of the
8. Install the flywheel (Chapter Eight). mounting screws, then install and tighten the screws to
9. Clean the terminals and connect the cables to the bat- 5 N*m (44 in.-lb.).
tery. 7. Connect the wires to the CDI unit and rectifiedregula-
8. Route all wires away from moving components. Re-
Stator Removal and Installation tain the wires with plastic locking clamps as required.
115/120 and 140 hp models 9. Install the flywheel (Chapter Eight).
10. Clean the terminals and connect the cables to the bat-
The exciter coil and battery charge coil are combined tery.
into a single component (Figure 44).
1. Disconnect both cables from the battery.
Pulser Coil Removal and Installation
2. Remove the flywheel as described in Chapter Eight.
3. Disconnect the stator wires from the CDI or engine A single pulser coil is used on one- and two-cylinder
control unit and rectifierlregulator. models. Three-cylinder models are equipped with three
4. Mark the power head to indicate the alignment of the pulser coils and four pulser coils are used on four-cylinder
coil wire position relative to the power head. This step is models. The pulser coils on three- and four-cylinder mod-
©eBlue-Dist 2007


1. Screw

3. Bracket
4. Pulser coil assembly

els are integrated onto a single pulser coil plate and must 8. On electric start models, install the flywheel and fly-
be replaced as an assembly. wheel cover (Chapter Eight). On manual start models, in-
stall the rewind starter (Chapter Ten).
9. Clean the terminals and connect the cables to the bat-
Two-cylinder models
tery, if so equipped.
Refer to Figure 39 during this procedure.
1. Disconnect the battery (if so equipped). Three- andfour-cylinder models
2. On electric start models, remove the flywheel cover
and flywheel as described in Chapter Eight. On manual Refer to Figure 45 during this procedure.
start models, remove the rewind starter as described in 1. Disconnect the battery (if so equipped).
Chapter Ten. 2. On electric start models, remove the flywheel cover
3. Note the pulser coil wire routing and disconnect the and flywheel as described in Chapter Eight. On manual
wires from the CDI unit. start models, remove the rewind starter as described in
4. Remove the pulser coil mounting screws and the Chapter Ten.
pulser coil from the mounting base. 3. Disconnect the pulser coil harness from the engine
5. Clean the mounting base and screw holes. wire harness.
6. Install the pulser coil on the power head. Apply Loctite 4. Remove the mounting screws (1, Figure 45) and
242 to the threads of the pulser coil screws. Install the clamps (2) and remove the pulser coil (4) from its mount-
screws and tighten them securely. ing boss (3). Clean the pulser coil mounting boss and
7. Connect the pulser coil wires to the CDI unit. Route all screw holes.
wires away from moving components (especially the fly- 5. Place the pulser coil onto its mounting boss (3). Install
wheel). Retain the wires with plastic locking clamps as re- the washers and mounting screws (1, Figure 45). Tighten
quired. screws to 4 N*m (35 in.-lb.).
©eBlue-Dist 2007


6. Connect the pulser cod w ~ r harness

e to the englne wire
harness. Route all w ~ r e saway from moving components
(especially the flywheel). Reta~nthe wlres with plast~c
Ignition coil
locklng clamps or metal clainps as requ~red.
7. On electric start models. ~nstallthe flywheel and fly-
wheel cover (Chapter Elght). On manual start models, m-
stall the rew~ndstarter (Chapter Ten).
S Connect the cables to the battery.

lgnition Coil Removal and Installation

Refer to Figure 46 during this procedure.

1. Disconnect the battery cables from the battery.
2. Remove the ignition coil from the engine as follows:
a. On 2.5-40 hp models, disconnect the CDI unit out-
put lead froin the ignition coil primary tenninal. Re-
move the mounting bolts (I. Figure 47), and
remove the coil from the engine.
b. On 40-140 hp models, disconnect the CDI unit out-
put lead from ignition coil primary terminal. Re-
move both mounting bolts (1, Figure 48), then lift
the coil from the block.
3. Clean the coil mounting surface. Thoroughly clean the
coil and ground wire screw holes.
4. Installation is the reverse of removal. Note the follow-
a. Ensure that all coil ground wires are connected to
the common tenninal or harness coimection.
b. Install the spark plug cap as described in Chapter (2.5-40 NP MODELS)
c. Tighten the ignition coil mounting bolts to 7 N*m
(62 in.-lb.).
d. Route all wires away from other components. Re-
tain the wires with plastic locking clamps or the
metal clamp as required.
5. Connect the cables to the battery (if so equipped).

GDI Unit Removal and Installation

1. D~sconnectthe cables from the battery, if so equipped.

2. Note the wire connections and routing to ensure proper
3A. On 2.5-40 (two-cylinder) hp models, the CDI unit is
mounted below the ignition coil on the starboard side of
the engine. Unplug all leads from the CDI unit and re-
move the bolts securing it to the block. All leads are
color-coded and have male or female connectors to distin-
guish them. 1. Bolts
3B. On 40 (three-cylinder) and 50-90 hp models. the CDI 2. Ignition coil
unit is mounted on the starboard side of the engine toward
the aft end. Carefully stretch the elastic CDI unit hold
©eBlue-Dist 2007



(40-14 0 HP MODELS) (40-90 HP MODELS)

1. Retaining groove
2. GD hold down

1. Bolts
2. Ignition coil

4. Inspect and clean all terminals in the wire harness and

CDI unit.
down (2, Figure 49) and remove it from the retaining 5. Clean the CDI unit and the fastener holes.
groove (1). Unplug all the leads from the CDI unit. Re- 6. Installation is the reverse of removal. Note the follow-
move the CDI unit from holding fixture. ing:
3C. On 115, 120 and 140 hp models, the CDI unit is a. Tighten all mounting screws to 8 N*m (7 1 in.-lb.).
mounted on the starboard side of the engine toward the aft b. Ensure all wires are securely attached to the CDI
end. Remove the bolts (1. Figure 50) that secure the CDI unit and the wire harness.
unit. Remove the bolt (2, Figure 50) that secures the cable c. Ensure all ground wires are securely attached to
harness. Unplug all leads from CDI unit and remove the their mounting screws.
unit. 7. Connect the cables to the battery (if so equipped).
©eBlue-Dist 2007


((115-140 HP MODELS)

1. Bolts

Lanyard Switch Removal and Installation

(Tiller Handle Models)

1. Disconnect the cables from the battery, if so equipped.

2. Note the wire routing, then disconnect the lanyard
switch wires.
3. Carehlly pry up on the switch retaining clip while
slipping it from the switch. Pull the switch from the lower
engine cover.
4. Route the wire through the opening when installing the
replacement switch. Ensure the run mark faces up, then
slide the retaining clip into its groove on the lanyard
5. Connect the lanyard switch wires. Route the wires
away from moving components. Retain the wires with 1
plastic locking clamps as required. 1. Bolts
6. Connect the cables to the battery, if so equipped. 2. Sensor

7. Check for proper operation of the switch.

©eBlue-Dist 2007


1. Float-upper
2. Sensor switch-upper
3. Float-lower
4. Sensor switch-lower

WARNING SYSTEM 2. Remove the two bolts (1, Figure 52) and disconnect the
ground wire from the back of the water pressure sensor.
Overheat Sensor Disconnect the sensor bullet connector at the electrical box.
Removal and Installation 3. Remove water pressure sensor from the power head.
4. Install the new water pressure sensor by installing the
An overheat sensor is used on 40-140 hp models to acti- two retaining bolts and attaching the ground wire to one of
vate the warning horn and power reduction system. the two bolts on the backside of the sensor.
1. Disconnect the battery. 5. Connect the sensor bullet connector to the electrical
2. Disconnect the sensor (Figure 51) and the ground box. Verify that no wires are pinched between the water
wire. pressure sensor and block.
3. Remove the retaining bolt and clamp and pull the 6. Route the wires away frorn moving components. Se-
switch from its opening. Wipe the switch opening clean. cure the wires with plastic locking clamps as required.
4. Insert the replacement sensor fully into its opening. 7. Connect the cables to the battery, if so equipped.
Rotate the switch to position its wires opposite the clamp-
ing surface. Install the clamp and bolt. Securely tighten Oil Level Sensor
the bolt. Removal and Installation
5. Connect the sensor wires to the engine wire harness
and ground wire. The oil level sensors (2 and 4, Figure 53) and floats (1
6. Connect the cables to the battery. and 3) are mounted to the oil tube located in the oil tank.
1. Note the wire routing and disconnect the oil level sen-
sor leads from the electrical box.
Water Pressure Sensor 2. Remove the retaining clip and remove the sensor from
Removal and Installation the oil tank.
3. Remove the Allen screw and the sensor.
On 80-140 hp models, the sensor is located on the port 4. Wipe the tank opening clean and install the replace-
side of the power head just below the inline he1 filter ment sensor. Install the retaining clip. Securely tighten the
(Figure 52). nut. Connect the wires to their wire harness. Route all
1. Disconnect the cables from the battery (if so wires away from moving components. Retain the wires
equipped). with plastic locking clamps as required.
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Description Nom in.-tb. ft.-Ib.
Spark plug 25-29 - 19-22
Flywheel nut
2.5-3.5 4-4.5 35-40 -
5-8-9.8 5-6 44-53 -
9.9-18 7-9 62-80 -
25-40 12-14 106-124 -
40-50 88-108 - 65-80
60-90 137-157 - 101-116
115-140 245-265 - 181-195
Starter mounting bolt 32 - 24
Starter throughbolts 8 71 -
Exciter coil mounting screws 18 13
Stator mounting screws 5 44 -
Pulser mounting screws 4 35 -
Ignition mounting bolts 7 62 -
CDI unit mounting bolts 8 71 -


Ignition timing 20" BTDC
Exciter coil resistance 280-420 ohms
lgnition coil resistance
Primary 0.18-0.24 ohm
Secondary 2700-3700 ohms
Spark plug type NGK BPR6HS-10 or Champion RL87YC10
Spark plug gap 0.9-1.0 mm (0.035-0.039 in.)


Ignition timing 20" BTDC
Exciter coil output cranking speed 135-150 peak volts
Pulser coil output cranking speed 4.75-5.0 peak volts
CDI output cranking speed 198-220 peak volts
Exciter coil resistance 280-420 ohms
lgnition coil resistance
Primary 0.18-0.24 ohms
Secondary 2700-3700 ohms
Spark plug type NGK BPR6HS-10 or Champion RLI7YClO
Spark plug gap 0.9-1.0 mm (0.035-0.039 in.)


lgnition timing
Idle speed 5" ATDC
Wide-open throttle 30" BTDC
Exciter coil output cranking speed 135-150 peak volts
Pulser coil output cranking speed 4.75-5.0 peak volts
CDI output cranking speed 198-220 peak volts
Exciter coil resistance 93-140 ohms
Pulser coil resistance 80-117 ohms
lgnition coil resistance
Primary 0.26-0.38 ohm
Secondary 3000-4400 ohms
Alternator coil resistance 0.2-0.38 ohm
Spark plug type NGK BPR7HS-10 or Champion RL82YC10
Spark plug gap 0.9-1.0 mm (0.035-0.039 in.)
©eBlue-Dist 2007



ignition timing
ldle speed 1.5" ATDC
Wide-open throttle 22" BTDC
CDI output cranking speed 198-220 peak volts
Exciter coil resistance 224-336 ohms
lgnition coil resistance
Primary -
Secondary 2100-3100 ohms
Alternator coil resistance 0.3 ohm
Spark plug type NGK BPR7HS-10 or Champion RL82YC10
Spark plug gap 0.9-1.0 mm (0.035-0.039 in.)


lgnition timing
ldle speed 2.5" BTDC
Wide-open throttle 26" BTDC
CDI output cranking speed 198-220 peak volts
Exciter coil resistance 224-336 ohms
lgnition coil resistance
Primary -
Secondary 2100-3100 ohms
Alternator coil resistance 0.3 ohm
Spark plug type NGK BPR7HS-10 or Champion RL82YC10
Spark plug gap 0.9-1.0 mm (0.035-0.039 in.)


lgnition timing
Idle speed 3" ATDC
Wide-open throttle 22" BTDC
Exciter coil output cranking speed 135-150 peak volts
Pulser coil output cranking speed 4.75-5.0 peak volts
CDI output cranking speed 198-220 peak volts
Exciter coil resistance 168-252 ohms
Pulser coil resistance 30-46 ohms
Ignition coil resistance
Primary 0.2-0.3 ohm
Secondary 4100-6100 ohms
Alternator coil resistance 0.24-0.36 ohm
Spark plug type NGK BR7HS-10 or Champion RL82C10
Spark plug gap 0.9-1.0 mm (0.035-0.039 in.)
©eBlue-Dist 2007



1 lgnition timing
Idle speed 3" ATDC
Wide-open thottle 20" BTDC
I Exciter coil output cranking speed 135-150 peak volts R-B-L
Pulser coil output cranking speed 4.75-5.0 peak volts R-B-L
CDI output cranking speed 198-220 peak volts BMI-BMI
Exciter coil resistance 168-252 ohms R-B-L
Pulser coil resistance 30-46 ohms R-B-L
lgnition coil resistance
Primary 0.2-0.3 ohm B-BMI
Secondary 4100-6100 ohms B-spark plug lead cap
Alternator coil resistance 0.24-0.36 ohm
Spark plug type NGK BR7HS-10 or Champion RL82C10
Spark plug gap 0.9-1.0 mm (0.035-0.039 in.)


lgnition timing
Idle speed 3" ATDC
Wide-open thottle 22" BTDC
Exciter coil output cranking speed 135-150 peak volts R-B-L
Pulser coil output cranking speed 4.75-5.0 peak volts R-B-L
CDI output cranking speed 198-220 peak volts BMI-B
Exciter coil resistance 168-252 ohms BIR-W
Pulser coil resistance 30-46 ohms R-B-L
lgnition coil resistance
Primary 0.2-0.3 ohm
Secondary 4100-6100 ohms
Alternator coil resistance 0.24-0.36 ohm WIY
Spark plug type NGK BR7HS-10 or Champion RL82C10
Spark plug gap 0.9-1.0 mm (0.035-0.039 in.)


lgnition timing
Idle speed 3" ATDC
Wide-open thottle 25" BTDC
Exciter coil output cranking speed 135-150peak volts R-B-L
Puiser coil output cranking speed 4.75-5.0 peak volts
CDI output cranking speed 198-220 peak volts
Exciter coil resistance 130-195 ohms
lgnition coil resistance
Primary 0.2-0.3 ohm B/W-B
Secondary 4100-6100 ohms
Alternator coil resistance 0.24-0.36 ohm
Spark plug type NGK BR7HS-10 or Champion RL82C10
Spark plug gap 0.9-1.0 mm (0.035-0.039 in.)
©eBlue-Dist 2007



lgnition timing
Idle speed 3" ATDC
Wide-open thottle 25" BTDC
Exciter coil output cranking speed 135-150 peak volts R-B-L
Pulser coil output cranking speed 4.75-5.0 peak volts R-B-L
CDI output cranking speed 198-220 peak volts BNV-B
Exciter coil resistance 168-252 ohms R-B
Pulser coil resistance 30-46 ohms R-B-L
lgnition coil resistance
Primary 0.2-0.3 ohm BNV-B
Secondary 4100-6100 ohms B- spark plug lead cap
Alternator coil resistance 0.24-0.36 ohm W-Y
Spark plug type NGK BR7HS-10or Champion RL82C10
Spark plug gap 0.9-1.0 mm (0.035-0.039 in.)


lgnition timing
Idle speed 3" ATDC
Wide-open thottle 25" BTDC
Exciter coil output cranking speed 135-150 peak volts R-B-L
Pulser coil output cranking speed 4.75-5.0 peak volts NIA
CDI output cranking speed 198-220 peak volts BIW-B
Exciter coil resistance 130-195 ohms R-L
lgnition coil resistance
Primary 0.2-0.3 ohm WIB-B
Secondary 4100-6100 ohms B- spark plug lead cap
Alternator coil resistance 0.24-0.36 ohm W-Y
Spark plug type NGK BR7HS-I0 or Champion RL82C10
Spark plug gap 0.9-1.0 mm (0.035-0.039 in.)


lgnition timing
Idle speed 2" ATDC
Wide-open thottle 20" BTDC
Exciter coil output cranking speed 135-150 peak volts R-B-L
Pulser coil output cranking speed 4.75-5.0 peak volts B-L
CDI output cranking speed 198-220 peak volts BNV-B
Exciter coil resistance 200-300 ohms R-L
Pulser coil resistance 30-46 ohms B-L
lgnition coil resistance
Primary 0.2-0.3 ohm BNV-B
Secondary 4100-6100 ohms B-spark plug lead cap
Alternator coil resistance 0.24-0.36 ohm W-Y
Spark plug type NGK BR7HS-10 or Champion RL82C10
Spark plug gap 0.9-1.0 mm (0.035-0.039 in.)
©eBlue-Dist 2007



lgnition timing
ldle speed 4" ATDC
Wide-open thottle 25" BTDC
Exciter coil output cranking speed 135-150 peak volts R-6-L
Pulser coil output cranking speed 4.75-5.0 peak volts R-6-L
CDI output cranking speed 198-220 peak volts BNV-B
Exciter coil resistance 130-195 ohms R-B
lgnition coil resistance
Primary 0.2-0.3 ohm BNV-B
Secondary 4100-6100 ohms B-spark plug lead cap
Alternator coil resistance 0.24-0.36 ohm W-Y
Spark plug type NGK BR7HS-10or Champion RL82C10
Spark plug gap 0.9-1.0 mm (0.035-0.039 in.)


lgnition timing
Idle speed 3" ATDC
Wide-open thottle 25" BTDC
Exciter coil output cranking speed 135-150 peak volts R-6-L
Pulser coil output cranking speed 4.75-5.0 peak volts R-6-L
CDI output cranking speed 198-220peak volts BNV-B
Exciter coil resistance 130-195 ohms R-5
lgnition coil resistance
Primary 0.2-0.3 ohm BNV-B
Secondary 4100-6100 ohms 6-spark plug lead cap
Alternator coil resistance 0.24-0.36 ohm W-Y
Spark plug type NGK BR7HS-10 or Champion RL82C10
Spark plug gap 0.9-1.0 mm (0.035-0.039 in.)


lgnition timing
Idle speed 2" ATDC
Wide-open thottle 25" BTDC
Exciter coil output cranking speed 135-150 peak volts R-6-L
Pulser coil output cranking speed 4.75-5.0 peak volts R-6-L
CDI output cranking speed 198-220 peak volts BMI-B
Exciter coil resistance 200-300 ohms R-5
Pulser coil resistance 30-46 ohms B-L
lgnition coil resistance
Primary 0.2-0.3 ohm BNV-B
Secondary 4100-6100 ohms 5-spark plug lead cap
Alternator coil resistance 0.22-0.38 ohm w-Y
Spark plug type NGK BR7HS-10 or Champion RL82C10
Spark plug gap 0.9-1.0 mm (0.035-0.039 in.)
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Ignition timing -
Idle speed 3" ATDC
Wide-open thottle 18" BTDC
Exciter coil output cranking speed 135-150 peak volts WIG-Or
Pulser coil output cranking speed 4.75-5.0 peak volts B-WIR-WIB-UW
CDI output cranking speed 198-220 peak volts B-BNV-BIR-BIG
lgnition coil resistance
Primary 0.16-0.24 ohm B-BNV
Secondary 2700-3700 ohms B-spark plug lead cap
Alternator coil resistance 0.3-0.5 ohm W-Y
Spark plug type NGK BR7HS-10 or Champion RL-82C
Spark plug gap 0.9-1.0 mm (0.035-0.039 in.)


lgnition timing
Idle speed 3"ATDC
Wide-open thottle 24" BTDC
Exciter coil output cranking speed 135-150 peak volts WIG-Or
Pulser coil output cranking speed 4.75-5.0 peak volts B-WIR-WIB-UW
CDl output
Cranking speed 198-220 peak volts B-BNV-BIR-BIG
lgnition coil resistance
Primary 0.16-0.24 ohm B-BNV
Secondary 2700-3700 ohms B-spark plug lead cap
Alternator coil resistance 0.3-0.5 ohm W-Y
Spark plug type NGK BR8HS-10 or Champion RL-78C
Spark plug gap 0.9-1.0 mm (0.035-0.039 in.)


lgnition timing
Idle speed 3" ATDC
Wide-open thottle 20" BTDC
Exciter coil output cranking speed 135-150 peak volts WIG-Or
Pulser coil output cranking speed 4.75-5.0 peak volts B-WIR-WIB-LNV
CDI output cranking speed 198-220 peak volts B-BNV-BIR-BIG
Exciter coil resistance NIA
Pulser coil resistance NIA
lgnition coil resistance
Primary 0.16-0.24 ohm B-BNV
Secondary 2700-3700 ohms B-spark plug lead cap
Alternator coil resistance 0.3-0.5 ohm W-Y
Spark plug type NGK BR8HS-10 or Champion RL-78C
Spark plug gap 0.9-1.0 mm (0.035-0.039 in.)
©eBlue-Dist 2007



lgnition timing
Idle speed 3" ATDC
Wide-open thottle 17" BTDC
Exciter coil output
Cranking speed
60B 8.1- 9.9 peak volts WIG to BrNV
34.2-41.8 peak volts WIG to W N
35.1-42.9 peak volts BrlW to W N
60C 135-150 peak volts WIG-WY
Pulser coil output cranking speed 4.75-5.0 peak volts B-WIR-WIB-WIL
CDI output cranking speed 198-220 peak volts B- BNV-BNV-BNV
lgnition coil resistance
Primary 0.1 6-0.24 ohm B-BNV
Secondary 3300-5000 ohms B-spark plug lead cap
Alternator coil resistance 0.21-0.31 ohm W-Y
Spark plug type NGK BR8HS-10 or Champion RL-78C
Spark plug gap 0.9-1.0 mm (0.035-0.039 in.)


I lgnition timing
ldle speed 3" ATDC
Wide-open thottle 20" BTDC
ldle speed 3" ATDC
Wide-open thottle 17.5" BTDC
Exciter coil output cranking speed
70B 8.1- 9.9 peak volts WIG to BrNV
34.2-41.8 peak volts WIG to W N
35.1-42.9 peak volts BrNV to W N
70C 135-150 peak volts WIG-WY
Pulser coil output cranking speed 4.75-5.0 peak volts B-WIR-WIB-WIL
CDI output cranking speed 198-220peak volts B- BNV-BNV-BNV
lgnition coil resistance
Primary 0.16-0.24 ohm B-BNV
Secondary 3300-5000 ohms B-spark plug lead cap
Alternator coil resistance 0.21-0.31 ohm w-Y
Spark plug type NGK BR8HS-10 or Champion RL-78C
Spark plug gap 0.9-1.0 mm (0.035-0.039 in.)


Wide-open thottle 17.5" BTDC
Exciter coil output cranking speed 135-150 peak volts WIG-WY
Pulser coil output cranking speed 4.75-5.0 peak volts B-WIR-WIB-WIL
CDI output cranking speed 198-220 peak volts B-BNV-BIR-BIG
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Alternator coil resistance 0.19-0.29 ohm

Spark plug type NGK BR8HS-10 or Champion RL-78C
Spark plug gap 0.9-1.0 mm (0.035-0.039 in.)


lgnition timing
Idle speed 5" ATDC
Wide-open thottle 20" BTDC
Exciter coil output
Cranking speed 135-150 peak volts WIG-WY
Pulser coil output cranking speed 4.75-5.0 peak volts 6-WIR-WIB-WIL
CDI output cranking speed 198-220peak volts 6-BNV-BIR-BIG
lgnition coil resistance
Primary 0.19-0.25 ohm B-BNV
Secondary 3600-4800 ohms 6-spark plug lead cap
Alternator coil resistance 0.19-0.29 ohm W-Y
Spark plug type NGK BR8HS-10 or Champion RL-78C
Spark plug gap 0.9-1.0 mm (0.035-0.039 in.)


I 5.4 40 HP)
lgnition timing
115-120 hp
Idle speed 10" ATDC
Wide-open thottle 17.5" BTDC
140 hp
Idle speed 10" ATDC
Wide-open thottle 20" BTDC
Exciter coil output cranking speed 135-150peak volts WIG-Or
Pulser coil output cranking speed 4.75-5.0 peak volts B-WIR-WIB-WIL-WM
CDI output cranking speed 198-220 peak volts B-BNV-BIR-BIG-BIL
lgnition coil resistance
Primary 0.18-0.24 ohm B-BNV
Secondary 2700-3700 ohms B-spark plug lead cap
Alternator coil resistance 0.26-0.39 ohm
Spark plug type NGK BR8HS-10 or Champion RL-78C
Spark plug gap 0.9-1.0 mm (0.035-0.039 in.)


None (optional 12 recornmen

12 V, 500 CCA with 105 minutes (70 AH) re
©eBlue-Dist 2007



I Model
- -
ite ern at or
- - -
-- - --
- - --
a t 1500 RPM
a t 5500 RPM
- -
5 None (optional) 12V 60W - 4 amp
8-9.8 None (optional) 12V 80W - 5 amp
9.9-40 Yes 12V 80W - 5 amp
40-90 Yes 12V 130W 3 amp 9-11 amp
115-140 Yes 12V 330W 12 amp 24-27 amp


Black - Continuity Continuity Continuity

L -
F White No continuity No continuity Continuity
i Yellow No continuity No continuity - Continuity
Red No continuity No continuity - -


©eBlue-Dist 2007

Chapter Eight

Power Head

Table 1 provides torque specifications for most power performance or potential damage to other
head fasteners. Tables 2-6 provide tolerances and dimen- engine components.
sions for cylinder head and cylinder block components.
Tables 1-6 are located at the end of this chapter.
Removal and Installation
(2.5 and 3.5 hp Models)
1. Disconnect the cables from the battery, if so equipped.
Mount the engine securely to the boat or workbench be- 2. On manual start models, remove the rewind starter as
fore removing the flywheel. If removing both the fly- described in Chapter Ten.
wheel and power head, remove the flywheel before 3. Remove the internal fuel tank. Determine the direction
loosening the power head fasteners. of rotation for removing flywheel nut.
Flywheel removal requires a spanner-type wrench or
strap wrench and puller. The manufacturer's part number NOTE
for these tools is listed in the removal and installation in- On some models, the flywheel nut has
structions. left-hand threads.

CAUTION 4. Attach the flywheel holding tool (part No.

Use only the appropriate tools and instruc- 309-72214-0) to the holes in the flywheel (Figure 1).
tions to remove the flywheel. Never strike Using a breaker bar and socket (Figure 2), loosen the fly-
theflywheel with a hard object. The magnets wheel nut until its top surface is flush with the upper end
may break and result in poor ignition system of the crankshaft.
©eBlue-Dist 2007



1. Puller arm
2. Adapter
3. Bolts

5 . Install the pressing bolt (1, Figure 3) in the adapter (2).

Using a breaker bar, socket and holding arm, tighten the
pressing bolt until the flywheel releases (Figure 4). Wipe
the flywheel and crankshaft surfaces clean.
6. Pull the flywheel drive key (Figure 5) from its slot in
the crankshaft or flywheel. Inspect the key for wear or
damage. Replace the key if it is bent, worn or damaged.
7. Remove all metal filings from the flywheel magnets.
Inspect the magnets and flywheel surfaces for cracks or
corrosion. Clean corrosion using fine sandpaper. Replace
the flywheel if deep pitting, cracks or damaged magnets
are noted.
8. Place the flywheel key (Figure 5) into the crankshaft
slot with the rounded side facing in. Place the flywheel
(Figure 4) over the end of the crankshaft and align the fly-
wheel key slot with the flywheel key. Lower the flywheel
onto the crankshaft taper. Ensure the key enters the slot.
9. Place the washer over the crankshaft. Thread the fly-
wheel nut onto the crankshaft.
10. Attach the flywheel holdlng tool (Figure 1) to the fly-
wheel. Tighten the flywheel nut to the specification in Ta-
ble 1.
11. On manual start models, install the rewind starter
(Chapter Ten).
12. Connect the cables to the battery (if so equipped).
©eBlue-Dist 2007


Removal and Installation

FLYWHIEEL REMOVAL (5-40 hp Models)
(2.5-40 PIP MODELS)
1. Disconnect the cables from the battery, if so equipped.
2. On manual start models, remove the rewind starter as
described in Chapter Ten.
3. On electric start models, remove the mounting bolts (1,
Figure 6) and lift the flywheel cover (2) from the power

The flywheel nut may have left-hand
threads. Be sure to turn the nut irz the correct
direction to loosen it.

4. Attach the flywheel, holding tool (part No.

336-722 14- 1) to the flywheel (Figure 1). Using a breaker
bar and socket (Figure 2), loosen the flywheel nut until its
top surface is flush with the upper end of the crankshaft.
5. Install the pressing bolt (1, Figure 3) in the adapter (2).
Using the breaker bar, socket and holding arm, tighten the
pressing bolt until the flywheel releases (Figure 4). Clean
1. Pressing bolt
2. Adapter
all debris from the flywheel and crankshaft surfaces.
6. Pull the flywheel drive key (Figure 5) from its slot in
the crankshaft or flywheel. Inspect the key for wear or
damage. Replace the key if it is bent, worn or damaged.
7. Remove all metal filings from the flywheel magnets.
Inspect the magnets and flywheel surfaces for cracks or
corrosion. Clean corroded surfaces using fine sandpaper.
Replace the flywheel if deep pitting, cracks or damaged
magnets are noted.
8. Place the flywheel key (Figure 5) into the crankshaft
slot with the rounded side in. Place the flywheel (Figure
4) over the end of the crankshaft, then align the flywheel
key slot with the flywheel key. Lower the flywheel onto
the crankshaft taper. Ensure the key enters the slot.
9. Place the washer over the crankshaft. Thread the fly-
wheel nut onto the crankshaft.
10. Attach the flywheel holding tool (Figure 1) to the fly-
wheel. Tighten the flywheel nut to the specification in Ta-
ble 1.
11. On manual start models, install the rewind starter
(Chapter Ten).
12. Connect the cables to the battery (if so equipped).

Removal and Installation

(40-140 hp Models)

1. Disconnect the cables from the battery, if so equipped.

2. On manual start ~nodels,remove the rewind starter as
described in Chapter Ten.
©eBlue-Dist 2007



1. Bolts
2. Flywheel cover


1. Bolts
2. Bolts
3. Washer
4. Pressing bolt
5. Puller plate
6. Puller holding arm
©eBlue-Dist 2007



(40-140 HP MODELS) 140-440 HP MODELS)

2, Plate
1 . Puller 3. Bolt
2. Bolt 4. 'Nasher

3. On electric start n~odels,remove the mounting bolts (1

Figure 6 ) and lift the flywheel cover (2) f r o n ~the power
4. Attach the flywheel, pulleriholding tool (Figure 7)
(part No. 3C7-72211-0) to the flywheel with the bolts ( 2 )
as indicated in Fignre 8. Using a breaker bar 2nd socltet
(Figure 91, loosen the flywheel nutuntil its top surface is
flush with the upper end of the crankshaft.
5 . Install the flywheel puller (1, Fignre 10) and piate ( 2 ) ,
Use puller part No, 3B7-72781-2 on 40-90hp models or
part No. 3637-72753-0 on 115-140 11p models.
6. Tnsta!l the pressing bolt (1: Figure 11) in :he plate (2).
Using a breaker bar, socltet and holding tighten the
pressing bolt until the flywheel releases (Figure 12).
Wipe all debris from the flywheel and cranksha9 sr~ri'aces.
7. Pull the flywheel drive key (Figure 5) from its slot in
the crankshaft or fly~vheel.Inspect the ltey for wear or
damage. Replace the key if it is Sei~t,worn or damaged.
8. Remove all metal filings fro111 the flywheel magnets.
Inspect the magnets and flywheel surfaces for cracks or
corrosion. Clean conoded surfaces t.sing fine sandpaper.
Replace the flyuheel if deep pitting, cracks or damaged
magnets are noted.
9. Place the flywheel ltey (Figure 5) into the cranitsliafi
slot with the rounded side in. Place the flywheel (Figure
©eBlue-Dist 2007


4) over the end of the crankshaft and align the flywheel

key slot with the flywheel key. Lower the flywheel onto FLYWHEEL PULLER
the crankshaft taper. Ensure the key enters the slot. (40-140 HP MODELS)
10. Place the washer over the crankshaft. Thread the fly-
wheel nut onto the crankshaft.
1I . Attach the flywheel pullerlholding tool (I, Figure 8)
to the flywheel using the bolts. Tighten the flywheel nut to
the specification in Table 1.
12. On manual start models, install the rewind starter
(Chapter Ten).
13. Connect the cables to the battery (if so equipped).



Locate the fuel supply hose, throttle and shift cables,

battery cables and trim system connections. Most hoses
and wires must be removed if performing a complete
power head disassembly. Many of the hoses and wires are 1. Pressing bolt
much more accessible after the power head is removed. 2. Plate
Disconnect only the hoses, wires and linkage required for
power head removal. Disconnect the remaining hoses and
wires after removal.
Diagrams of the fuel and electrical systems are pro-
vided to assist with hose and wire routing. To help ensure
correct connections, always take pictures or make draw-
ings of all wires and hoses before beginning the removal
Secure the proper lifting equipment (Figure 13) before
attempting to remove the power head. Use assistance
when lifting or moving any power head.
Lifting hooks are provided on 40-140 hp models. On
115-140 hp models, there is a lifting eye at the front of the
power head and one just behind the flywheel.

Use care when lifting the power headfiom
the midsection. Corrosion may form at the
power head and midsection mating surfaces
and prevent removal. To prevent damage to
the mating surfaces, avoid using sharp ob-
jects to pry the components apart.

Tlzepower head may abruptly separate from
the midsection during removal. Avoid using
excessive I$ingforce. Using pry bars, care-
fully pry the power head loose from the
midsection before lifting.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


1. Locating pins
2. Power head mounting gasket

2.5-40 hp models

1. Disconnect the battery and he1 tank.

2. Disconnect the ignition system main harness.
3. On remote control models, perform the following:
a. Disconnect the throttle and shift cables.
b. Disconnect the battery cables from the battery and
the engine.
c. Disconnect the remote control harness from the en-
gine harness.
4. On tiller control models, perform the following:
a. Disconnect the throttle cables from the throttle le-
b. Disconnect the battery cables (if so equipped) from
the battery first, then the engine.
c. Disconnect the stop button wires from the engine
wire harness.
d. Disconnect the choke linkage.
e. Disconnect the neutral start switch and starter
switch leads (electric start models).
f. Disconnect the pilot water hose from the exhaust
5. Remove the gearcase as described in Chapter Nine.
6. Disconnect the &el supply hose from the fuel pump.
7. On manual start models, remove the rewind starter and
disconnect the neutral start mechanism as described in
Chapter Ten.
8. On electric start models, remove the flywheel cover as
described in this chapter.
1. Power head mounting bolts 9. Remove the six engine mounting bolts and washers (1,
2. Power head
Figure 14) and lift the pourer head (2) from the midsection.
Place the power head on a suitable work surface.
10. Remove the power head gasket (2, Figure 15) from
the midsection or bottom of the power head.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


1 I. Carefully scrape all gasket material from the power

head mounting surfaces.
12. Inspect the mating surfaces (on the midsection and
power head) for pits or damage. Replace any damaged or
defectlve components. Water leakage is likely if the mat-
lng surfaces are damaged.

40-140 hp models

1. Disconnect the battery and fuel tank.

2. Disconnect the ignition system main harness.
3. On remote control models, perform the following:
a. Disconnect the throttle and shift cables.
b. Disconnect the battery cables from the battery, then
the engine.
c. Disconnect the remote control harness from the en-
gine harness.
d. Disconnect the ground wires between the lower en-
gine cover and cylinder block.
e. Disconnect the power trimltilt harness from the
power head.
4. On tiller control models, perform the following:
a. Disconnect the throttle cables from the throttle le-
b. Disconnect the battery cables from the battery, then
the engine.
c. Dlsconnect the stop button wires from the engine
wire harness. Installation
d. Disconnect the choke linkage.
e. Disconnect the neutral start switch and starter Look for potential interference with linkage, wiring and hoses
switch leads (electric start models). before lowering the power head. Always install a new power
f. Dlsconnect the pilot water hose from the exhaust head gasket prior to mounting the power head. Lower the power
cover. head slowly and keep the power head-to-midsection mating sur-
5. Remove the gearcase as described in Chapter Nine. faces parallel until they mate. This step greatly reduces the
6. Disconnect the fuel supply hose froin the fuel pump. chance of damaging the gasket.
7. On manual start models, remove the rewind starter and Observe all hoses, wiring and linkage while lowering
disconnect the neutral-only start mechanism as described the power head to ensure they are not pinched or bound by
in Chapter Ten. the power head. Route all wires, fuel and water hoses
8. On electric start models, remove the flywheel cover as away from moving components.
described in this chapter.
9. Remove the engine mounting bolts and washers (Fig-
ure 16), then lift the power head from the midsection. 2.5-60 hp models
Place the power head on a suitable work surface.
10. Remove the power head gasket (2, Figure 15) from 1. Clean the engine base surface and coat the driveshaft
the midsection or bottom of the power head. splines (Figure 17) with engine oil.
11. Carefully scrape all gasket material from the power 2. Apply high-temperature gasket sealant to the bottom
head mounting surfaces. surface of the power head base gasket and place the gasket
12. Inspect the mating surfaces (on the midsection and onto the midsection.
power head) for pits or damage. Replace damaged or de- 3. Lower the power head onto the midsection while guid-
fective components. Water leakage is likely if the mating ing the drive shaft into the power head. Align the dowel
surfaces are damaged. pins with the holes in the gasket.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


10. Connect the fuel supply hose to the fuel pump.

11. Install the gearcase (Chapter Nine).
12. Perform all applicable adjustments as described in
Chapter Five.

40-140 hp models

1. Clean the engine base surface and coat the driveshaft

splines (Figure 17) with engine oil.
2. Apply high-temperature gasket sealant to the bottom
surface of the power head base gasket and place the gasket
onto the midsection.
3. Lower the power head onto the inidsection while guid-
ing the drive shaft into the power head. Align the dowel
pins with the holes in the gasket.
4. Install the mounting bolts and washers (Figure 16)
into the power head. Tighten the bolts in a crossing pattern
to the specification in Table 1.
5. Install the covers onto the port and starboard sides of
the drive shaft housing. Securely tighten the cover bolts.
6. On electric start models, install the flywheel cover
(this chapter).
7. On manual start models, install the rewind starter and
connect the neutral start mechanism (Chapter Ten).
8. On remote control models perform the following:
a. Connect the throttle and shift cables.
4. Install the mounting bolts and washers ( I , Figure 14) b. Connect the battery cables to the engine then the
into the power head. Tighten the bolts in a crossing pattern battery.
to the specification in Table 1. c. Connect the remote control harness to the engine
5. Install the covers onto the port and starboard sides of harness.
the drive shaft housing. Securely tighten the cover bolts.
9. On tiller control models, perform the following:
6. On electric start models, install the flywheel cover as
a. Connect the throttle cables to the throttle lever.
described in thss chapter.
b. Connect the battery cables (if so equipped) to the
7. On manual start models, install the rewind starter and con-
engine then the battery.
nect the neutral start mechanism as described in Chapter Ten.
c. Connect the stop button wires to the engine wire
8. On remote control models. perform the following:
a. Connect the throttle and shift cables.
d. Connect the oil pressure warning light to the engine
b. Connect the battery cables to the engine then the battery.
wire harness.
c. Connect the remote control harness to the engine
e. Connect the choke linkage to the carburetor.
f. Connect the neutral start switch and starter switch
9. On tiller control models, perfonn the following:
leads (electric start models).
a. Connect the throttle cables to the throttle lever.
10. Connect the fuel supply hose to the fuel pump.
b. Connect the battery cables (if so equipped) to the
11. Install the gearcase (Chapter Nine).
engine then the battery.
c. Connect the stop button wires to the engine wire 12. Perform all applicable adjustments as described in
harness. Chapter Five.
d. Connect the oil pressure warning light to the eng~ne
wire harness. Thermostat Removal
e. Connect the choke linkage to the carburetor.
f. Connect the neutral start switch and starter switch Refer to Figure 18 and Figure 19 during this procedure.
leads (electric start models). 1. Disconnect the cables from the battery, if so equipped.
©eBlue-Dist 2007



1. Head bolts
2. Head gasket
3. Crankcase bolts

2. On 8-140 hp models, remove the thermostat screws 2. Place a new gasket on the thermostat cover. Slip the
from the cover (Figure 18). bolts through the holes to help retain the gasket.
3. Remove the thermostat cover from the power head. If 3. Apply a very light coat of water-resistant grease to the
necessary, carefully tap the cover loose with a rubber mal- bolt threads and install the cover onto the power head.
let (Figure 19). 4. Install the cover bolts. Tighten the bolts evenly to the
4. Using needlenose pliers, pull the thermostat from the specification in Table 1.
opening. Inspect it for obvious damage and corrosion.
5. Carefully scrape all gasket material from the thermo- Cylinder Head Removal and Installation
stat cover and power head. Use a stiff brush to clean the
thermostat cover. thermostat and thermostat opening. Refer to Figures 20-23 during the cylinder head re-
6. Test the thermostatlpressure relief valve as described moval and installation process.
in Chapter Three.
Removal (2.5-5 hp models)
Thermostat Installation
1. Remove the five cylinder head bolts (1, Figure 20).
1. Carefully slide the thermostat into the power head with 2. Remove the cylinder head. If necessary, tap the cylin-
the spring side facing in. Seat the thermostat in the open- der head loose using a soft mallet.
ing. 3. Remove and discard the cylinder head gasket.
©eBlue-Dist 2007



1. Bolt
2. Head
3. Cylinder block
4. Head gasket
5. Exhaust cover
6. Bolt
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4. Clean and inspect the cylinder head as described in this 2. Apply a light coat of high-temperature sealant to both
chapter. sides of the cylinder head and cylinder head cover gas-
3. Install the cylinder head gasket onto the block. Install
Removal (8-40 hp two-cylinder models) the cylinder head and fasteners. Tighten the fasteners, fol-
lowing the sequence embossed on the cylinder head, to
1. Remove the thermostat as described in this chapter.
the specification in Table 1.
2. Starting at the outer bolts and working inward, loosen 4. Install the cylinder head cover gasket onto the cylinder
each cylinder head bolt (1, Figure 21) 114 turn. Continue head. Install the cylinder head cover and fasteners.
until all bolts are loose and then remove the bolts. Tighten the fasteners to the specification in Table 1, fol-
3. Remove the cylinder head. If necessary, tap the head lowing the sequence of numbers embossed on the cylinder
loose using a soft mallet. head cover.
4. Remove and discard the cylinder head gasket. 5 . Install the thermostat as described in this chapter.
5. Clean and inspect the cylinder head as described in this
Exhaust Cover Removal and Installation

Removal (40 hp three-cylinder and 50-140 hp models) Refer to Figure 21 for 8-40 hp two-cylinder models,
Figure 22 and Figure 23 for 40-140 hp three- and
1. Remove the thermostat as described in this chapter. four-cylinder models.
2. Starting at the outer bolts and working inward, loosen 1. Disconnect the cables from the battery, if so equipped.
each cylinder head cover bolt. Continue to alternately 2. On 40-140 hp models, disconnect the engine tempera-
loosen each bolt until all are loose. Remove the bolts and ture sensor from the engine wire harness.
cylinder head cover. Remove and discard the cover gas- 3. On models with a cover-mounted thermostat, remove
ket. the thermostat as described in this chapter.
3. Loosen the remaining cylinder head bolts reversing the 4. Remove the cover fasteners.
order of the numbers embossed on the head. Remove the 5. Carefully pry the water jacket and exhaust cover loose.
bolts and cylinder head. Ifnecessary, tap the cylinder head Lift the cover(s) from the cylinder block.
loose using a soft mallet. 6. Carefully scrape all carbon and gasket material from
4. Remove and discard the cylinder head gasket. the cover, mating surfaces and exhaust passages. Use a
5. Clean and inspect the cylinder head as described in this stiff brush to clean all corrosion, scale or other contamina-
chapter. tion from the exposed water passages.
7. Inspect the cover(s) for holes or signs of leakage and
distorted or damaged surfaces. Replace the cover(s) if any
Installation (2.5-30 and 40 hp epo-cylinder rrtodels) defects are noted.
8. Using a properly sized thread chaser, clean the
1. Make sure the cylinder head and block mating surfaces
threaded holes for the cover mounting bolts. Inspect the
are completely clean. Also make sure the threads of the
threaded holes for damaged threads. Install a threaded in-
bolts and bolt holes are clean.
sert if damaged threads do not clean up with the chaser.
2. Install a new cylinder head gasket onto the cylinder
9. Carefully place the cover(s) and new gasket(s) onto the
block. Do not apply sealant to the gasket.
cylinder block.
3. Install the cylinder head and bolts. Tighten the bolts 10. Apply a very light coat of water-resistant grease to
following a crossing pattern to the specification in Ta- the threads, then install the mounting bolts until they are
ble 1. finger-tight. Inspect the gasket and plate for proper align-
4. Install the thermostat on models so equipped. ment. Corsect if required.
11. Tighten the bolts following the sequence embossed
Installation (40 hp three-cylinder on the cover. Tighten the bolts a second time in sequence
and 50-140 hp models) to the torque specification in Table 1.
12. On 40-140 hp models, connect the engine wire har-
1. Make sure the cylinder head and block mating surfaces ness to the engine temperature sensor.
are completely clean. Also make sure the threads of the 13. Install the thermostat as described in this chapter.
bolts and bolt holes are clean. 14. Reconnect the cables to the battery.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


1. Bolt
2. Bolt
3. Head cover
4. Head
5. Cylinder block
6. Head gasket
7. Head cover gasket
8. Exhaust cover
9. Bolt
©eBlue-Dist 2007


1. Bolt
2. Bolt
3. Head cover
4. Head
5. Cylinder block
6. Head gasket
7. Head cover gasket
8. Exhaust cover
9. Bolt
©eBlue-Dist 2007

15. Inspect the cover for water or exhaust leakage after

(8-40 HP MODELS)
starting the engine.

Cylinder Block Disassembly and Assembly

Always make notes, drawings and photographs of all

external power head components before beginning power
head disassembly.
Correct hose and wire routing is important for proper
engine operation. An incorrectly routed hose or wire may
interfere with linkage operation. Hoses or wires may
chafe and short to ground or leak if allowed to contact
sharp or moving parts.
Mark the UP and FORWARD direction before remov-
ing any components. If possible, remove a cluster of com-
ponents that share common wires or hoses. This will
reduce the time to disassemble and assemble the power
head. This method also reduces the chance of improper
connections during assembly.
Use muffin tins or egg cartons to organize the fasteners
1. Seal as they are removed. Tag or mark all fasteners to ensure
2. O-ring they are installed in the correct location.

Disassembly (2.5-40 two-cylinder hp models)

Refer to Figure 20 and Figure 21 during this proce-

1. Remove the cylinder head as described in this chapter.
2. Remove all electrical components as described in
Chapter Seven.
3. Remove any remaining fuel system components
(Chapter Six).
4. Remove the exhaust covers and thermostat as de-
scribed in this chapter.
5 . Remove the breather housing or cover from the cylin-
der block. Refer to Chapter Six. Thoroughly clean the
housing or element with a suitable solvent.
6. Remove and discard the seal and O-ring (Figure 24)
from the lower crankcase or bottom of crankshaft.
7. Loosen the crankcase cover bolts 114 turn at a time,
following in reverse the tightening sequence numbers un-
til all bolts turn freely.
8. Locate the pry points at the top and bottom corners of
the cover. Carefully pry the cover from the crankcase.
Check for additional bolts if removal is difficult.
9. To loosen the crankshaft, tap the tapered end of the
crankshaft (Figure 25) with a rubber mallet. Lift the
crankshaft assembly from the cylinder block and place it
on a workbench for disassembly.
©eBlue-Dist 2007




1. Oil seal
2. Main bearing
3. O-ring

10. Remove the upper main bearing (Figure 26) from the
top of the crankshaft. Remove and discard the seal and

The crankshaft for- 25 and 30 hp nzodels has
a bearing race that blocks removal of the
bottom pisfon. To renzove the crankshaft as-
semblj, lift up and renzove the race.

Mark all parts and make sure they ar-e kept
together so they car2 be returned to their
original positions during assembly.

11. Remove one piston assembly at a time. Mark the cyl-

inder number on the piston (using masking tape) before
removing the piston from the rod. Remove the piston as
a. Remove and discard the piston pin clip (Figure 27)
from both sides of each piston.
b. Remove the piston pins by taping the piston pin out
of the piston (Figure 28) using a suitable driver.
c. Remove the piston and slide the rod bearing (Fig-
ure 29) out of the connecting rod.
d. Remove each piston ring using a piston ring ex-
pander (Figure 30).
©eBlue-Dist 2007



1. Oil seal
2. Crankshaft (threaded end)

e. Clean the piston ring grooves using a piece of bro-

ken ring (Figure 31).
12. Thoroughly clean the cylinder block with hot soapy
water. Clean other components with solvent. Clean car-
bon from the piston dome with a stiff (nonmetallic) brush
and solvent. Dry all components with compressed air. Ap-
ply a light coat of engine oil to the piston. piston pin, cyl-
inder bore, bearings, connecting rod and crankshaft to
prevent corrosion.
13. Inspect all components as described in this chapter.

Assembly (2.5-40 two-cylinder hp models)

Refer to Figure 20 and Figure 21 during this proce-

1. Apply bearing grease to the seal lips. Using an appro-
priate size seal installer, press fit the seals into place to
avoid damaging the seal or base.
2. Install a new seal (1, Figure 32) and a new O-ring (2)
in the lower crankcase and cap (3) and upper magneto
base. Fully seat the seals in the cylinder block.
3. Apply TC-W3 oil to all surfaces of the crankshaft and
connecting rod bearings, bearing thrust plates (40 hp
1. Oil seal
models) and bearing washers.
3. End cap 4. Install the upper main bearing (Figure 33) on the
crankshaft so the seal (1) faces the threaded end of the
crankshaft (2).
©eBlue-Dist 2007



1. Rod bearing
2. Connecting rod
3. Piston pin keeper
1. End notches 4. Piston pin
2. Locating pin 5. Piston

5. If removed, apply engine oil to the inner diameter of

the lower main bearing and lower end of the crankshaft.
Press the bearing onto the crankshaft using a suitable
driver and press. Install the snap ring, making sure it fully
seats in its groove.
6. Install the piston rings using a piston ring expander
(Figure 30). Install each ring so the end gaps (1, Figure
34) fit around the ring locating pin (2) when the ring is
7. Install the connecting rod bearings (1, Figure 35) into
the small end of the connecting rod. Lubricate the bear-
ings using clean engine oil.
8A. 2.5, 3.5, 25 and 30 Izp-Install the piston(s) on the
connecting rod(s) so the arrow on the piston crown (Fig-
ure 36) faces toward the exhaust port.
8B. 5, 8, 9.8, 9.9, 15, 18 and 40 hp-Install the pistons on
the connecting rods so the UP mark faces toward the fly-
9. Install the piston pin(s) and new piston pin clips.
10. Apply a coat of TC-W3 oil to the cylinder walls, pis-
ton(~),rings, oil pump drive gear and driven gear. Install
the thrust plates (40 hp models) or bearing washers and
lower the crankshaft into the cylinder block, guiding each
piston into its cylinder.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


11. Position the main bearings so the bearing locating

pins (Figure 37) engage the slots in the cylinder block.
12. Apply an even coat of anaerobic sealant to the cylin-
der block mating surface (Figure 38).
13. Install the crankcase cover onto the cylinder block.
Make sure that all locating pins in the main bearing are
properly aligned in the crankcase.
14. Install the crankcase mounting bolts and torque them
to the specification in Table 1. Start the torque sequence
with the bolt closest to the center of the crankcase and
work outward.
15. Install the exhaust cover and thermostat as described
in this chapter.
16. Install all electrical and ignition system components
CRANKSHAFT AND BEARING as described in Chapter Seven.
THRUST PLATES 17. Install the cylinder head and flywheel as described in
(40 HP [THREE CYLINDER] this chapter.
AND 50 HP MODELS) 18. Install the fuel system components as described in
Chapter Six.

Disassembly (40 hp three-cylinder

and 50-140 hp models)

Refer to Figure 22 and Figure 23 during this proce-

1. Remove the cylinder head as described in this chapter.
2. Remove all electrical components as described in
Chapter Seven.
3. Remove any remaining fuel system components as de-
scribed in Chapter Six.
4. Remove the exhaust cover and thermostat as described
in this chapter.
5. Remove the breather housing or cover from the cylin-
der block. Refer to Chapter Six. Thoroughly clean the
housing or element with solvent.

On 40 and 50 hp models, the cmnkslzaft is
equipped wit11 bearing thrust plates (1 and
2, Figure 39) and c?*a.arzkshaftthrust plates
(3 and 4). Identzfi these parts so they may be
returned to their original positions during

6. Remove and discard the oil seals (1 and 3, Figure 40)

and O-ring (2) from the lower crankcase or bottom of
1. Bearing thrust plate crankshaft. Use a seal puller to prevent damaging the
2. Bearing thrust plate crankcase.
3. Crankshaft thrust plate
7. Loosen the crankcase cover bolts 114 turn at a time,
4. Crankshaft thrust plate
following in reverse the tightening sequence numbers em-
bossed on the cover until all bolts turn freely. Remove the
bolts from the crankcase cover.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


8. Locate !lie pry points at the top and bottom corners of

the cover. Carefully pry the c o t w 50in the crankcase.
Check for additional bolts if removal is difficult. SSEMBLY (40-1140 HP MODELS)
9. To loosen the crankshaft, tap the top end of the crank-
shaft %?.-itha rubber mallet. Lift the crankshaft asseinbly
from the cylinder bloclc and place it on a workbench for
10. Remove the oil pump driven gear and the bushing
(Figure 41) from the cylinder block.
11. Keniove the upper main bearing (2, Figure 42) from
the top of thc cranitshaft. Remove and discard the bearing
seal (3) and O-ring.
12. Remove one piston assembly at a time. Mark the cyl-
inder nurnber on the piston using ~uaskingtape before re-
moving the pistoil from the rod. This step ensures the
same piston is in the same orientation during assembly.
Rercol e the piston as fcllo~vs:
a R e i n o ~e and dlscard the plsto~:pin clips (Figure 43)
from both sides of each plston
b Tnp the plston plil O L I ~of the prstoii (Figure 44) us-
ing a suitable d ~ ~ k e r 1. Oil seal
c Remote rhe piston (8, Figure 45), bearing washers
(3 and 4) and s l ~ d ethe needle bearing (2) out of the 3. Oil seal
connecting rod
d. Remove each piston ring :sing a pistoil ring ex-
pander (Figure 46).
e. Clean the piston ring grooves using a piece of bro-
ker! ring (Figure 47).
13. Thoroughly clean the cylillder block with hot soapy
water. Clean other coinponents ~ v i t hsolvent. Clean car-
bon from the piston dome with a stiff(l?o!iiileta!liC) brush
and soli ent, Dv all components with col~ipressedair. Ap-
ply a light coal of engine oil to the piston, piston pin, cyl-
inder bore; bearings, coniiecti~zgrod and crankshaft to
prevent corrosion.
14. Inspect and measure ail colilponents as described in
this chapter.

Refer ro Figure 22 and Figure 23 during tills proce-

1 Before installat~on,apply engine oil lightly to the out-
side surfaces of the new seals and O-rir,gs Apply grease
to the seal lips
2 Install nev oil seais (1 and 3, Figure 40) and a new
O-nng (2) in the 10x5er crankcase head Install a new seal
and O-ring (Figure 48) in the upper inam bearing Ensure
the seal is fully seated m its grooi e or bore m the cyllnder
©eBlue-Dist 2007




1. Connecting rod
2. Caged needle bearing
3. Lower washer
4. Upper washer
5. Piston pin
2. Bearing 6. Lower lock ring
3. Oil seal
©eBlue-Dist 2007


3. Apply engine oil to all rotating surfaces of the crank-

shaft and connecting rod bearings, bearing thrust plates
(40 and 50 hp models) and bearing washers.
4. Install the upper main bearing onto the crankshaft so
the bearing seal (1, Figure 33) faces the flywheel end of
the crankshaft.
5 . If removed, install the oil pump drive gear and lower
main bearing onto the crankshaft using a press and suit-
able driver. Install a new snap ring (3, Figure 49). Make
sure the snap ring seats properly in its groove.

On 80-140 hp models, measure the clear-
ance between the oil pump drive gear (2,
Figure 49) and snap ring (3) with all lower
crankshaft components properly seated. If
the clearance exceeds 0.09 mm (0.0035 in.),
install the correct size shim (4).
17. Install the exhaust cover and thermostat as described
6. Install new piston rings using a piston ring expander in this chapter.
(Figure 46). Install the rings so the end gaps (1, Figure 18. Install all electrical and ignition system components
34) fit around the piston ring locating pins (2) when the (Chapter Seven).
ring is compressed. 19. Install the cylinder head and flywheel as described in
7. Lubricate a piston pin bearing with engine oil and in- this chapter.
sert the bearing into the connecting rod. Position the cor- 20. Install the fuel system components (Chapter Six).
rect piston onto the connecting rod with the UP mark
(Figure 50) on the piston crown facing the flywheel.
8. Install the piston pin using a suitable driver and install INSPECTION
new piston pin clips (Figure 51).
Measuring the cylinder block coinponents requires pre-
9. Repeat Step 7 and Step 8 for each remaining piston and cision equipment and experience in its use.
connecting rod. All components must be clean and dry before measur-
10. Install the bushing and oil pump driven gear into the ing. Keep the components at room temperature for several
cylinder block. hours before measuring them.
11. Apply a coat of engine oil to the cylinder walls, pis-
ton(~),rings and oil pump drive gear and driven gear. In-
stall thrust plates (40 and 50 hp models) or bearing Cylinder Block Inspection
washers. Install the crankshaft assembly into the cylinder 1. Inspect the cylinder bores for cracks or deep grooves.
block, guiding each piston into its cylinder. Deep grooves or cracks in the cylinder bores indicate
12. Ensure that the bearing locating pin (Figure 52) in damage that cannot be repaired by boring and installing
the cylinder block aligns with the locating hole in the up- oversize pistons. Replace the cylinder block or have a
per main bearing. Also, make sure all main bearing locat- sleeve installed if a cracked or deeply scratched cylinder
ing pins (Figure 53) are properly seated in the notches in bore is found. Contact a marine dealership or machine
the cylinder block. On 40 and 50 hp models, make sure the shop to locate a source for block sleeve(s).
t h s t plates are properly seated in the cylinder block. 2. Inspect all mating surfaces for cracks or damage. Re-
13. Make sure the oil pump driven gear properly meshes place the cylinder block if cracks, deep scratches or goug-
with the oil pump drive gear on the crankshaft. ing are noted.
14. Apply an even coat of anaerobic sealant to the cylin- 3. White powder-like deposits in the combustion cham-
der block mating surface. ber usually indicate that water is entering the combustion
15. Install the crankcase cover onto the cylinder block. chamber. Inspect the cylinder walls and cylinder head
16. Install the crankcase cover bolts and torque to the thoroughly for cracks if this type of deposit is noted. In-
specification in 'Fable 1. Begin the torque sequence with spect the head gasket and mating surfaces for discolored
the center bolts and work outward. areas. Discolored or corroded sealing surfaces indicate a
©eBlue-Dist 2007



(MODELS 40-140 HP)

1. Main bearing
2. Oil pump drive gear


(MODELS 40-q40 HP)

2. Connecting rod

5. Piston pin
6. Piston
©eBlue-Dist 2007


likely source of leakage. Replace any defective or suspect

4. Inspect all bolt holes for cracks, corrosion or damaged
threads. Use a thread tap to clean the threads. Pay particu-
lar attention to the cylinder head bolt holes. Installing a
threaded insert can often repair damaged thread.
5. Clean and inspect all bolts, nuts and washers. Replace
any bolts or nuts with damaged threads or a stretched ap-
pearance. Replace any damaged or cup-shaped washers.
6. Inspect the alignment pins and alignment holes for
bent pins or damaged openings. Replace damaged pins or
components that have damaged alignment pin holes.

The cylinder block and crankcase cover are
a matched assembly. Replace the entire as-
sembly if either portion requires replace-

7. Have the cylinder bore lightly honed at a marine repair

shop or machine shop before taking any measurements. A
heavier honing is required if the cylinder bore(s) are
glazed or aluminum deposits are present.
8. Measure the cylinder(s) using a suitable bore gauge.
See Figure 54 (dial gauge) or Figure 55 (spring gauge).
To determine if the cylinder is out-of-round, take a mea-
surement at the top, center and bottom of the cylinder. To
determine if the cylinder is tapered, repeat the measure-
ments at 90" to the first measurement. Record the diame-
ter of each cylinder bore (Figure 55). If the bore diameter
exceeds the specification in Table 4, bore the cylinder to
the next oversize and install an oversize piston.
9. Measure the piston diameter as described under Piston
Inspection in this chapter. Then refer to Piston Clearance
in this chapter.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


10. Have the cylinder bored to the next oversize diameter

and install an oversize piston if excessive bore size is indi-
cated. Replace the cylinder block or have a sleeve in-
stalled if the bore diameter exceeds the specification in
Table 4. Contact a marine dealership or machine shop for
machine work.

Cylinder Head Inspection

Inspect the cylinder head for warpage. Use a straight-

edge and a feeler gauge (Figure 56). Replace the cylinder
head if warpage exceeds 0.10 mm (0.004 in.).

Piston Inspection

1. Inspect the piston for erosion at the edge of the dome,

cracks near the ring grooves and cracks or missing por-
tions of the piston dome. Inspect for erosion in the ring
groove and scoring or scuffing on the piston skirt.
2. Inspect the piston pin for wear, discoloration or a
scrubbed appearance. Inspect the lockring groove for
damage or erosion. Replace the piston if any of these de-
fects are noted. See Figure 57.
3. Replace the rings if the piston is removed from the cyl-
inder. Low compression, high oil consumption and other
problems will occur if used rings are installed.
4. Using an outside micrometer, measure and record the
diameter of the piston at a point 90" from the piston pin
bore (Figure 58). Measure and record the piston diameter
for the remaining pistons.

Piston Clearance

1. Perform this calculation for each cylinder using the re-

corded piston and cylinder bore diameters.
2. Subtract the piston diameter from the largest cylinder
bore measurement for the given cylinder. The result is the
largest piston clearance (Figure 59).
3. Subtract the piston diameter from the smallest cylinder
bore diameter for the given cylinder. The result is the
smallest piston clearance. Compare the largest and small-
est clearance with the specification in Table 4.
4. Excessive clearance indicates excessive cylinder bore
diameter and/or below minimum piston diameter.
5. Insufficient clearance indicates too small of bore diam-
eter or too large of piston diameter. Replace the piston
and/or bore the cylinder to the next oversize to correct the
©eBlue-Dist 2007


Piston Ring End Gap

1. Using a piston without rings (Figure 60), push a new

piston ring into the cylinder bore to a depth of 20 mm (0.8
in.) from the cylinder head mating surface.
2. Using feeler gauges, measure the width of the ring gap
(Figure 61).
3. Select a feeler gauge that passes through the gap with a
slight drag. Compare the thickness of the selected feeler
gauge with the specification in Table 4. Measure the cyl-
inder bore diameter again if an incorrect gap is noted. In-
stall a different ring if the cylinder bore diameter is within
specification. Continue until a correct ring gap is found.
Repeat this measurement for all rings on the piston. Tag
these rings to ensure they are installed on the correct pis-
ton and into the correct cylinder.

Connecting Rod Inspection

1. Inspect the connecting rod(s) for bending, twisting,

discoloration and worn or damaged bearing surfaces. Re-
place the connecting rod if any defects are noted.
2. Inspect the connecting rod small end bearing (Figure
62) for pits, corrosion, excessive wear or discoloration.
Replace the bearing(s) if in questionable condition. Do
not reuse the small end bearing(s) unless it is in perfect
3. Rotate the connecting rod and check for radial and ax-
ial play. If excessive play or rough rotation is evident, re-
place the crankshaft assembly.

Crankshaft Inspection

1. Inspect the crankshaft bearing surfaces for cracks, cor-

rosion, etching, bluing or discoloration.
2. Also check for rough or irregular surfaces or trans-
ferred bearing material. Replace the crankshaft if any of
these defects are noted.
3. Grinding the crankshaft and installing undersize bear-
ings is not recommended. Grinding or machining the
crankshaft can result in power head failure.

Some minor surface corrosion or minor
scvatches can be cleaned using crocus cloth
or 320-grit carbzvundum. Polish the sur-
faces enough to remove the deposits. Exces-
sive polishing can remove a considerable
amount of material from the connecting rod
and crankshaft surfaces.
©eBlue-Dist 2007




4. Measure the distance between the outside edges of

each pair of crankshaft webs (A, Figure 63). Measure at
both ends of the webs.
5. Measure the distance between each pair of webs (B,
Figure 63).
6. Measure the distance between the outside edges of the
last and first crankshaft webs (A, Figure 64).
7. Compare the measurements with the specification in
Table 3. Replace the crankshaft if the measurements are
not within specification.
8. Thrust plate inspection is required on 40 and 50 hp
models. Inspect the thrust plates for wear, discoloration,
or roughness. Replace the thrust plates if they are worn or
9. Inspect the oil pump drive gear any time the crankshaft
is removed. Inspect oil pump drive gear teeth for damage.
Drive teeth should not have any wear and the edges of the
teeth should not be rolled over.
10. The lower main bearing and oil pump drive gear are
replaceable parts. Refer to Cylinder Block Disassenzbly
and Assembly in this chapter.
11. A V-block or balance wheel and dial indicator is re-
quired to check crankshaft runout. Have the inspection
performed at a machine shop if you do not have access to
©eBlue-Dist 2007


the required measuring instruments or are unfamiliar with

their use.
12. Support the crankshaft on the top and bottom main
bearing journals with a V-block or a balance wheel.
13. Position a dial indicator to one of the remaining main
bearing journals (Figure 65) or other parallel bearing sur-
14. Observe the dial indicator while slowly rotating the
crankshaft. Repeat the measurement with the indicator at
each main bearing surface and at both ends of the crank-
shaft. Replace the crankshaft if the runout exceeds 0.05
mm (0.002 in.) on either end of the crankshaft. - w U U U UUiC]"

Engine Break-In

Perfonn the break-in procedures any time internal

power head components are replaced. During the first few
hours of running, many of the components of the power
head must avoid full load until wear patterns are estab-
lished. Failure to properly break the engine in can result in 2. For the next 50 minutes, do not exceed 3000 rpm or 112
power head failure, decreased performance, shorter en- throttle. Do not run more than a few minutes at a given
gine life and increased oil consumption. throttle setting. Vary engine speed every 15 minutes.
Full break-in is achieved in approximately 10 hours of 3. During the second hour of operation, advance the en-
running time. Increased oil consumption can be expected gine to full throttle to quickly accelerate the boat onto
during this period. Check the oil frequently during plane, and then reduce throttle to 314 (approximate 4000
break-in. Refer to Chapter Four for instructions. Check rpm) and maintain this speed.
and correct the tightness of all external fasteners during 4. Run the engine at full throttle for 1-10 minutes at inter-
the break in period. During break-in of engines with oil in- vals; then return to 314 throttle for a cooling period.
jection, a 50:1 gasoline/oil mixture is required in the fuel 5. Vary the engine speed every 15 minutes. Check for
tank in addition to oil in the oil tank. Refill the fuel tank cooling water discharging from ports.
with pure gasoline only after the 10 hours of break-in are 6. During the next eight hours, operate the engine at full
complete. throttle for short periods of time. Every 15 minutes, vary
Premix engines require a 25:l gasolineloil mixture in the engine speed. Do not operate the engine over the rec-
the fuel tank during the 10-hour break-in period. A 50:1 ommended speed. Refer to Chapter Three.
ratio is required after the break-in. After break-in is complete, retorque the cylinder head
Break the engine in as follows: bolts to specification. On oil-injected models, empty the
1. For the first 10 minutes, operate the engine at fast idle fuel tank and replenish it with pure gasoline. Fill the oil
speed only. Verify that a steady stream of water is exiting tank with the recommended oil.
the cooling check port and idle port on the engine, which For premix applications, empty the fuel tank and re-
indicates the water pump is working properly. plenish with a 50:1 gasolineloil mixture.
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Electrical box cover bolts

Engine mount bolts

Exhaust cover bolts


0.51 -0.61
1.22-1.42 106-124


Crankcase bolts


Model kPa psi
2.5-5 hp 539 78
8-9.8 hp 392 57
9.9-1 8 hp 760 110
25-30 hp 755 110
40 hp 735 107
40-50 hp 670 102
60-70 hp 833 121
80- 90 hp 804 117
115-140 hp 882 128
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Specifications I
Outside single journal
2.5-3.5 hp 36 mm (1.417 in. t 0.002 in.)
5 hp 40 mm (1.575 in. t 0.002 in.)
8-9.8 hp 42 mm (1.654 in. t 0.002 in.)
9.9-18 hp 48 mm (1.890 in. t 0.004 in.)
25-30 hp 52 mm (2.047 in. t 0.001 in.)
40 hp (two cylinder) 52 mm (2.071 in. t 0.002 in.)
40-50 hp (three cylinder) 53 mm (2.087 in. t 0.001 in.)
60-70 hp 60 mm (2.362 in. t 0.008 in.)
80-140 hp 68 mm (2.677 in. t 0.001 in.)
80-90 hp (only top two) 66 mm (2.598 in. t 0.001 in.)
Between journal
8-9.8 hp 25 mm (0.984 in. t 0.002 in.)
9.9-18 hp 33 mm (1.299 in. t 0.002 in.)
25-30 hp 38 mm (1.496 in. t 0.002 in.)
40 hp (two cylinder) 40 mm (1.591 in. t 0.002 in.)
40-50 hp (three cylinder) 37 mm (1.457 in. t 0.002 in.)
60-70 hp 37 mm (1.467 in. t 0.002 in.)
80-90 hp 44 mm (1.732 in. t 0.002 in.)
115-140 hp 42 mm (1.654 in. t 0.002 in.)
Outside all journals
40-50 hp (three cylinder) 233 mm (9.173 in.)
60-70 hp 254 mm (10.020 in.)
80-90 hp 288 mm (11.339 in.)
115-140hp 398 mm (15.669 in.)


0.02-0.05 mm 0.2-0.4 mm
(0.0008-0.0020 in.) (0.008-0.016 in.)
50 mm (1.969 in.) 0.02-0.05 mm 0.18-0.33 mm
(0.0008-0.0020 in.) (0.007-0.01 3 in.)
55 mm (2.165 in.) 0.05-0.09 mm 0.20-0.40 mm
(0.0008-0.0035 in.) (0.008-0.016 in.)
68 mm (2.677 in.) 0.06-0.10 mm 0.33-0.48 mm
(0.0024-0.0039 in.) (0.013-0.01 9 in.)
70 mm (2.756 in.) 0.05-0.1 0 mm 0.20-0.40 mm
(0.0024-0.0039 in.) (0.008-0.016 in)
68 mm (2.677 in.) 0.03-0.07 mm 0.22-0.37 mm (top ring)
(0.0012-0.0028 in.) (0.008-0.015 in.)
74 mm (2.913 in.) 0.04-0.08 mm 0.22-0.37 mm
(0.0016-0.0031 in.) (0.009-0.015 in.)
86 mm (3.386 in.) 0.08-0.13 mm 0.25-0.40 mm
(0.0031-0.0051 in.) (0.010-0.016 in.)
88 mm (3.465 in.) 0.10-0.14 mm 0.28-0.49 mm
(0.0039-0.0055 in.) (0.011-0.01 9 in.)
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Connecting rod bearingbmall end)
lnside diameter
2.58-3.5B hp 10.5 mm (0.413 in.)
5-18 hp 14 mm (0.551 in.)
25-50 hp 17 mm (0.669 in.)
60-140 hp 20 mm (0.787 in.)
Outside diameter
2.5B-3.58 hp 14 mm (0.551 in.)
5-18 hp 18 mm (0.709 in.)
25-50 h p 21 mm (0.827 in.)
60-140 hp 25 mm (0.984 in.)
Bearing height
2.58-3.58 hp 15 mm (0.591 in.)
5-18 hp 20 mm (0.787 in.)
25-50 hp 27 mm (1.063 in.)
60-70 hp 24 mm (0.945 in.)
80-140 hp 28 mm (1.102 in.)
Connecting rod bearing (large end)
Inside diameter
2.58-3.58 hp 16 mm (0.630 in.)
5 hP 20 mm (0.787 in.)
8-9.8 hp 17 mm (0.669 in.)
9.9-30 hp 20 mm (0.787 in.)
40-50 hp 25 mm (0.984 in.)
60-70 hp 27 mm (1.063 in.)
80-90 hp 30 mm (1.181 in.)
115-140 hp 32 mm (1.260 in.)
Outside diameter
2.58-3.58 hp 22 mm (0.866 in.)
5 hP 26 mm (1.024 in.)
8-9.8 hp 23 mm (0.906 in.)
9.9-18 hp 26 mm (1.024 in.)
25-30 hp 28 mm (1.102 in.)
40-50 hp 32 mm (1.260 in.)
60-70 hp 36 mm (1.417 in.)
80-90 hp 39 mm (1535 in.)
115-140 hp 41 mm (1.614 in.)
Bearing height
2.5B-5 hp 12 mm (0.472 in.)
8-9.8 hp 14 mm (0.551 in.)
9.9-18 hp 16 mm (0.630 in.)
25-30 hp 18 mm (0.709 in.)
40 hp 20 mm (0.787 in.)
40-50 hp (three cylinder) 19.8 mm (0.778 in.)
60-70 hp 18 mm (0.709 in.)
80-90 hp 21.8 mm (0.858 in.)
115-140 hp 22 mm (0.866 in.)


Thread diameter N.m in.-lb. ft.-lb.
5 mm bolt and nut
6 mm bolt and nut
8 mm bolt and nut
10 mm bolt and nut
12 mm bolt and nut
5 mm screw
6 mm screw
1 (continued)
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Thread diameter - N.m in.-lb. ft.-lb. I
6 mm flange bolt with 8 mm head (small flange surface) 9
6 mm flange bolt with 8 mm head (large flange surface) 12
6 mm flange bolt with 10 mm head and nut 12
8 mm flange bolt and nut 26
10 mm flange bolt and nut 39
*This table lists general torque specifications for metric fasteners. Use this table when a specific torque specification is not
listed for a fastener at the end of the appropriate chapter. The torque specifications listed in this table are for threads that are
clean and dry.
©eBlue-Dist 2007

Chapter Nine

Gearcase and Midsection

repair instructions. Contact a marine dealership to pur-

chase these special tools. Some dealerships will rent or
loan special tools.
Improper repair can result in extensive and expensive
damage to the gearcase. Have a reputable marine repair
shop perform the repair if the required tools and measur-
ing devices are unavailable. Proper use of some ofthe spe-
cial tools and measuring devices requires considerable
mechanical expertise. Have a reputable shop perform
these operations if the ability to perform the required mea-
surements or repair operations is in question.


Special tools and accurate measuring devices are re- The gearcase transfers the rotation of the vertical drive
quired to correctly install many of the gearcase compo- shaft (A, Figure 1) to the horizontal propeller shaft (B).
nents. Using makeshift tools may result in irreparable The forward and reverse gears along with the sliding
damage to the housing or internal gearcase housing com- clutch (Figure 2) transfer the rotational force to the hori-
ponents. Part numbers for these tools are included in the zontal propeller shaft. The shift selector and linkage
moves the clutch.
©eBlue-Dist 2007

The pinion and both driven gears (Figure 2) rotate any

time the engine is nmning. A sliding clutch (Figure 2) en-
gages the propeller to either the front or rear driven gear.
Clutch dog (centered)
If neutral gear (Figure 3) is desired, the propeller shaft
remains stationary as the gears rotate. No propeller thrust
is delivered.
If forward gear (Figure 3) is desired, the sliding clutch
engages the forward gear. The propeller shaft rotates in
the direction of the forward gear as the clutch dogs (raised
bosses) engage the gear. This provides the clockwise pro-
peller shaft rotation necessary for forward thrust.
If reverse gear is desired (Figure 3), the sliding clutch
engages the reverse gear. The propeller shaft rotates in the
direction of the reverse gear as the clutch dogs engage the
dogs of the reverse gear. This provides the counterclock-
wise propeller shaft rotation necessary for reverse thrust.


Two methods are used to mount the propeller. A shear

pin design is used on 2.5-5 hp models. A thrust hub design
is used on 8-140 hp models.
With the shear pin design, the propeller is held to the
propeller shaft with the propeller nut (2, Figure 4) and
cotter pin (1). A shear pin (4, Figure 4) is positioned in the
propeller shaft (5). The shear pin engages and drives the
propeller. The shear pin is designed to break if an under-
water impact occurs and provides some protection for the
gearcase components.
With the thrust hub design, the propeller is driven by
splines in the propeller and on the shaft. The rubber thrust
hub is pressed into the propeller and provides a cushion
effect when shifting. It also provides some protection for
the gearcase during an underwater impact. The propeller
is held to the propeller shaft with the propeller nut (5, Fig-
ure §) and cotter pin (6). A spacer (1, Figure 5) directs the
propeller thrust to a tapered area of the propeller shaft.
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Shear Pin Type

Always replace the cotter pin and shear pin during instal-
lation. Purchase the replacement pins at a marine dealer-
ship and select the proper size and material. The cotter pin
1. Cotter pin is made of stainless steel. Use a shear pin designated for the
2. Propeller nut
3. Propeller
correct model to ensure it will shear at the required load.
4. Shear pin 1. Disconnect the spark plug lead(s) and disconnect the
5. Propeller shaft battery cables from the battery on electric start models.
2. Straighten and remove the cotter pin using pliers. To
prevent propeller rotation, place a wooden block between
the propeller and the gearcase above the propeller.
3. Turn the propeller nut counterclockwise to remove the
THRUST HUB TYPE 4. Pull the propeller from the propeller shaft. Use a
wooden block as a cushion and carefully drive the propeller
rearward if necessary. Inspect the propeller for damage or
erosion. Repair or replace the propeller if defects are noted.
5. Gently drive the shear pin in until it is flush on one side
of the propeller shaft. Twist and pull the shear pin from the
propeller shaft using pliers.
6. Inspect the shear pin hole for burrs or elongation. Dress
burrs down with a file. Attempt to fit the new shear pin in
the shear pin hole. Check the pin for the correct size if the
pin fits loosely. Propeller shaft replacement is required to
correct a loose fit if the correct shear pin is installed.
7. Clean the propeller shaft and propeller bore. Inspect
the shear pin engagement slot in the propeller for damage
or wear. Replace the propeller if defects are noted in these
8. Position a new shear pin into the shear pin hole (Fig-
2. Propeller ure 4). Use a small hammer and gently drive the pin into
the propeller shaft until the same amount of the pin pro-
4. Washer trudes from each side of the propeller shaft.
5. Propeller nut 9. Apply a light coat of all-purpose grease to the shear pin
6. Cotter pin
and propeller shaft threads. Apply grease to the propeller
shaft and the bore in the propeller. Slide the propeller onto
the propeller shaft. Rotate the propeller while pushing it
©eBlue-Dist 2007


forward until the shear pin engages the slot in the propel-
10. Install the propeller nut until it is hand-tight. Position
a wooden block between the propeller and housing to pre-
vent rotation. Tighten the propeller nut to the specification
in Table 1. Align the hole in the propeller nut with the
hole in the propeller shaft. Install a new cotter pin and
bend the ends over. Connect the spark plug lead(s) and
connect the battery cables to the battery on electric start

Thrust Hub Type

A cotter pln and castellated nut is used on all 8-140 hp

1. Remove the spark plug lead(s) and attach them to a
suitable engine ground. Disconnect the battery.
2. Shift the engine into NEUTRAL. Straighten the ends
of the cotter pin ( 6 , Figure 5) and pull it from the castel-
lated nut and propeller shaft.
3. Place a wooden block between the propeller blade and
the antiventilation plate (Figure 6). Loosen the propeller
nut by turning counterclockwise.
4. Remove the propeller nut, washer (if equipped), and
splined spacer (Figure 7), then pull the propeller from the
propeller shaft (Figure 8).
5. Tap lightly on the spacer (1, Figure 5) to free it from
the propeller shaft. Clean the propeller shaft splines, pro- GEARCASE REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION
peller shaft threads and the spacer.
6. Apply a coat of water-resistant grease to the propeller Refer to Figures 9-11 for typical gearcase assemblies.
shaft (except the threads). To help prevent injury, always remove the propeller,
7. Slide the spacer (1, Figure 5) over the propeller shaft spark plug leads and both battery cables prior to removing
with the larger dlameter side facing the gearcase. Align the gearcase.
the splines of the propeller (2) with the splines of the pro- Routine maintenance of the water pump and other
peller shaft and then slide the propeller fully onto the pro- gearcase components requires removing the gearcase.
peller shaft. Seat the propeller against the spacer (1, These maintenance items often coincide with the
Figure 5). gearcase lubricant change intervals. It is a good practice
8. Install the splined spacer (3, Figure 5) and washer (4) to change the gearcase lubricant any tiine the gearcase is
(if equ~pped)over the propeller shaft. Thread the propel- removed.
ler nut (5) onto the propeller shaft with the slots facing
outward. Place a wooden block between the propeller Drain the gearcase lubricant prior to removing the
blade and the antiventilation plate (Figure 6). Tighten the gearcase if the gearcase requires disassembly. Follow the
propeller nut to the specification in Table 1. gearcase draining and filling instructions provided in
9. Inspect the alignment of the slots in the nut with the Chapter Four.
cotter pin opening in the propeller shaft. Tighten the nut
an additional amount if necessary to align the slot and Cs4UTION
Avoid directingpresszlrized water at exposed
opening. Install the cotter pin (6, Figure 5) through the
seals or exhatlst openings. Pressurized water
slot and the propeller shaft, then bend over both ends of can blow past seals and contanzinate the
cotter pin. gearcase lubricarzt or possibly darnage the
10. Install the spark plug lead(s) and connect the cables to seal. Pressurized water can reach the inter-
the battery. Check for proper shift operation before oper- nal power head compo~zentswhen directed
ating the engine. into the exfzaust openings.
©eBlue-Dist 2007



1. Driveshaft
2. Pinion gear
3. Forward gear
4. Propeller shaft
5. Drive pin
6. Propeller
7. Cotter pin
8. Bolt
9. Outer pump case
10. Impeller
11, Inner pump case
12. O-ring
13. Seal
14. Seal
15. Bearing
16. Bolt
17. Drain screw
18. Gearcase
©eBlue-Dist 2007



1. Bolt 12. Gasket

2. Grommet 13. Driveshaft
3. Upper pump case 14. Driveshaft key
4. Liner 15. Gearcase housing
5. Impeller 16. Pinion gear
6. Gasket 17. Clutch
7. Plate 18. Propeller shaft
8. Gasket 19. Clutch spring
9. Pin 20. Cam
10. Lower pump case 21. Forward gear
11. Seal 22. Washer
23. Ball bearing
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I 1 33.
Upper pump case
1. Driveshaft 17. Screen 35. Water tube
2. Driveshaft key 18. Screw 36. O-ring
3. Roller bearing 19. Bolt 37. Roller bearing
4. Upper drain screw 20. Pinion bolt 38. Needle bearing
5. Gearcase housing 21. Pinion gear 39. Propeller housing
6. Drain screw 22. Trim tab 40. Seal
7. Roller bearing 23. Roller bearing 41. Propeller
8. Forward gear 24. Shim 42. Cotter pin
9. Clutch push rod 25. Seal 43. Castle nut
10. Clutch spring 26. O-ring 44. Washer
11. Clutch 27. Lower pump case 45. Spacer
12. Retainer 28. Gasket 46. Spacer
13. Spring 29. Plate 47. Spring keeper
14. Propeller shaft 30. Gasket 48. Washer
15. Spacer 31. Impeller 49. Bolt
16. Reverse aear 32. Liner 50. Washer
©eBlue-Dist 2007


After gearcase removal, clean the drive shaft, shift shaft

and gearcase mating surfaces. Dirt or debris left on the
shaft can contaminate the gearcase lubricant as external
seals or covers are removed.
Inspect the grommet or seal that connects the water tube
to the water pump for damage or deterioration after re-
moval. Apply grease to the grommet prior to installation
of the gearcase.
Inspect the water tube for bent, corroded, or cracked
surfaces. Replace the water tube if it is defective. Ensure
that the dowels or locating pins are properly positioned in
the gearcase or driveshaft housing during installation.
Apply water-resistant grease to the splines (Figure 12)
and the water pump grommet in the water pump housing
prior to gearcase installation.

Never apply grease to the top ofthe drive
shajt o r j l l the cranksha3 with grease. The
grease may promote a hydraulic lock on the
shaft that can cause failure of the power
unit, gearcase or both. Apply a light coating
of marine grease to the sides or spline sec-
tion of the dvive shaft on installation.

Use caution if using a pv3; bar to separate
the gearcase from the driveshaft housing.
Remove all fasteners before attempting to
pry the driveshaft hozisirzg from the
gearcase housing. Use a blunt pry bar and
locate a ply point near the front and rear
matingsurfaces. Apply moderate heat to the
gearcase-to-drivesha housing mating sur-
faces if corrosion prevents easy removal.

Work carefully when installing the upper
end of the driveshaft into the crankshaft.
The lower seal on the crankshaft may dis-
lodge or become damaged by the driveshaft.
Never force the driveshaft into position. Ro-
tate the driveshaft clockwise to install the
gearcase into the driveshaft housing ifd@-
culty occurs.

Removal (All Models)

1. Remove the spark plugs lead from the spark plugs.

Disconnect both cables from the battery, if so equipped.
2. Remove the propeller and attaching hardware as de-
scribed in this chapter.
3. On all models except 2.5 hp and 3.5A, shift the engine
into FORWARD gear so the shift rod coupler (Figure 13)
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(MODELS 8-40 HP)

1. Driveshaft housing

3. Gearcase

is accessible. Place the engine in the fully up position and

@ GEARCAOE REMOVAL engage the tilt lock mechanism.
(MODELS 2.5-5 HP) 4. To remove upper spring pin from shift rod joint use
correct size punch (Figure 14) and tap out and discard
spring pin.
1 5. On 60-140 hp models, remove the gearcase plate (Fig-
ure 15) and remove the bolt (Figure 16).
2 6. Support the gearcase and remove the gearcase mount-
ing bolts. Refer to Figure 17 (2.5-5 hp), Figure 18 (8-40
hp two-cylinder) or Figure 19 (40 hp three-cylinder and
50-140 hp).
7. Carefully tug or pry the gearcase from the driveshaft
housing. Lower the gearcase down only 2 in. (5 cm), then
disconnect the speedometer pickup tube (Figure 20) if
equipped. Pull the gearcase straight from the driveshaft
housing to prevent damaging the shift shaft, lower crank-
shaft seals and/or water tube.
1. Driveshaft housing 8. Place the gearcase in a suitable holding fixture or se-
2. Bolt curely clamp the skeg in a bench vise. Use wooden blocks
3. Gearcase
or padded jaws to prevent damaging the skeg or housing.
4. Shear pin
5. Propeller
6. Cotter pin CAUTION
7. Bolt Never rotate the propeller shaft to align the
drive shaft with tlze crankshaft. The water
©eBlue-Dist 2007


pump impeller can suffer damage that leads

to engine overheating.

Installation (All Models)

Refer to Figures 9-17 as necessary during gearcase in-

1. Place the shift selector in the FORWARD gear posi-
2. Rotate the drive shaft clockwise to check for proper
engagement. The propeller shaft rotates clockwise (Fig-
ure 21) if forward gear is engaged.
3. Place the shift selector in the NEUTRALposition. Ver-
ify neutral (Figure 21) by spinning the propeller shaft. It
must spin freely.
4. Apply a light coat of water-resistant grease to the
splines on the drive shaft and to the water tube grommet.
5. Carefully slide the drive shaft and shift shaft into the
driveshaft housing. Connect the speedometer pickup tube
(Figure 20), if equipped, and align the water tube with the
lower seal (Figure 20) before seating the gearcase on the
driveshaft housing.
6. Keep the gearcase and driveshaft housing mating sur-
faces parallel when aligning the bolt holes in the gearcase
with the holes in the driveshaft housing.
7. Align the lower shift shaft with the shift shaft coupling
(Figure 14) as the gearcase is installed.
8. The gearcase will mate to the driveshaft housing when
the drive shaft and crankshaft align. If the housings will
not mate, refer to the following instructions:
a. Drop the gearcase slightly, then rotate the drive
shaft clockwise a slight amount.
b. Repeat Steps 5-9 until the drive shaft engages the
c. Align the water tube with the grommet each time in-
stallation is attempted. WATER PUMP
9. Hold the gearcase in position while installing the
mounting bolts. Tighten the bolts to the specification in Replace the impeller, seals, O-rings and all gaskets any
Table 1. time the water pump is serviced. Never use questionable
10. On 60-140 hp models, install the internal coupling parts. Doing so may compromise the reliability of the wa-
bolt (Figure 16). Install the gearcase plate (Figure 15) us- ter pump.
ing Loctite 242 on the screw threads. Install a new upper
spring pin into the shift rod joint (Figure 22). Use the cor- Disassembly (All Models)
rect size spring pin tool and tap the pin into the coupler.
11. Check and adjust the shift and reverse hold-down Refer to Figures 23-30 during this procedure.
linkage as described in Chapter Five. 1. Drain the gearcase as described in Chapter Four. Re-
12. Fill the gearcase with lubricant as described in Chap- move the gearcase as described in this chapter.
ter Four. Install the propeller as described this chapter. 2. Remove retaining bolts and lift the upper pump case
13. Install the spark plug leads. Check for proper cooling from the gearcase. Pull the lower case and remove the im-
and shifting operation immediately after starting the en- peller from the upper case. Pull the water tube grommet (if
gine. Correct any faults before operating the engine. equipped) from the upper pump case.
©eBlue-Dist 2007



(MODELS 2.5 AND 3.5 HP)

2. Lower pump case

4. Upper pump case

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3. Carefully pry the water pump impeller away from the

wear plate. Slide the impeller up and off of the drive shaft. @ WATER PUMP ASSEMBLY
Pry the impeller from the water pump housing if not found (MODELS 3.5 HP)
on the drive shaft. Pull the drive key (Figure 31) from the
drive shaft.
4. Insert a slotted screwdriver into the notch (Figure 32)
on each side of the lower pump case and gently pry up-
ward to remove. Slide the lower pump case off the
driveshaft. Lift the wear plate upper gasket, wear plate,
and lower pump case gasket from the lower pump case.

Lower pump case dowel pins (if equiyped)
are difJicuEt to remove and should only be
pulled out ifreplacement is necessauy.
5. Remove the lower pump base only if removing the
drive shaft or shift shaft, resealing the gearcase, or if it is
6. Remove all gasket material from the lower pump case
with abrasive pads and gasket remover. Do not use a metal
scraper to scrape the gasket. Clean all components with
isopropyl alcohol and dry with low-pressure compressed
7. Inspect the lower and upper pump cases for cracks and
melting. Replace as needed.
8. If it is necessary to replace seals, use the appropriate
size seal puller and installer to avoid damaging the new
seals and lower pump case seating surfaces.
9. Inspect all water pump components for wear or dam-
age as described in this chapter.

To prevent water and/or gear lubricant
leakage, always rzeplace gaskets, seals and
O-rings ij'they are removed or disturbed.
Thoroughly clean the drive shaftprior to iri-
stalling any water pump conzponents. The 1. Bolt
impeller must slide freely along the length of 2. Grommet
the shaft. 3. Upper pump case
4. Liner
5. Impeller
Assembly (All Models) 6. Gasket
7. Plate
Refer to Figures 23-30 during this procedure. 8. Gasket
1. Use a socket or section of tubing as a seal installation 9. Dowel pins
10. Lower pump case
tool. The tool must contact the outer diameter of the seal, 11. Seal
but not the seal bore in the lower pump case. 12. Gasket
2. Apply marine grease to the seal lips and O-ring prior to
installing them into the lower pump case. Apply gasket
sealant to the flanged surface of the lower pump case to
provide a good seal between the lower pump case and
gearcase. Position the first seal into the opening at the bot-
©eBlue-Dist 2007


(5-9.8 HP MODELS) (25-30 HP MODELS )

2. Washer 1. Bolt
3. Upper pump case 2. Grommet
4. Liner 3. Upper pump case
4. Liner
6. Gasket 5. Impeller
7. Plate 7. Plate
8. Gasket 8. Lower pump case
9. Lower pump case 9. O-ring
10. Seal
11. O-ring
12. Gasket 12. Ball bearing
13. Holding bracket
©eBlue-Dist 2007




1. Bolt
2. Grommet
3. Upper pump case 1. Bolt
4. Liner 2. Grommet
5. Impeller 3. Upper pump case
6. Gasket 4. Liner
7. Plate 5. lmpeller
8. Gasket 6. Gasket
9. Dowel pin 7. Plate
10. Lower pump case 8. Gasket
11. O-ring 9. Dowel pin
12. Seal 10. Lower pump case
13. O-ring 11. O-ring
14. Ball bearing
©eBlue-Dist 2007



(60-90 HP MODELS) (I15-140 HP MODELS)

1. Bolt 1. Bolt
2. Grommet 2. Grommet
3. Upper pump case 3. Upper pump case
4. Liner 4. Liner
5. Impeller 5. Impeller
6. Gasket 6. Gasket
7. Plate 7. Plate
8. Gasket 8. Gasket
9. Dowel pin 9. Dowel pin
10. Lower pump case 10. Lower pump case
11. O-ring 11. O-ring
©eBlue-Dist 2007


tom of the lower pump case with the lip side facing out-
ward. Using the installation tool, push the seal into the
bore until it bottoms. Place the second seal into the open-
ing with the seal lip facing outward. Push the seal into the
bore until it contacts the first seal.
3. Place a new gasket, if equipped, onto the bottom of the
lower pump case. Gasket sealing compound is not re-
4. Install a new O-ring, if equipped, on the lower pump
case and place it over the driveshaft and align the lower
pump case with the gearcase.
5. Apply gasket sealant to both sides of guide plate gas-
ket, if equipped, and install the gasket and guide plate on
the lower pump case. Make sure the dowel pins align with
the holes in the gasket and guide plate.
6. Slide the gasket over the driveshaft and align these
components with the lower pump case. Make sure the
dowel pin holes in gasket align with dowel pins.
7 . Slide the impeller over the drive shaft. Align the slot in
the impeller hub with the drive key, then push the impeller
down against the wear plate. If reusing the original impel-
ler, ensure that the vanes curl clockwise (Figure 33). Flip
the impeller, if required.
8. Lubricate the impeller fins lightly with marine grease
and slide the upper pump case downward while rotating
the driveshaft clockwise to seat the impeller in the pump
9. Continue rotating the drive shaft until the impeller
fully enters the liner in the water pump case and the body
seats against the wear plate.
10. Apply anaerobic gasket compound to the seating sur-
face of the water tube seal. Install the seal in the upper
case so the locking tabs align with the holes in the hous-
11. Install the retainer bolts into the upper and lower
pump base. Tighten the bolts evenly to the specification in
Table 1.
12. Install the gearcase (this chapter). Fill the gearcase
with lubricant (Chapter Four). Check for proper cooling
system operation and correct any problems before operat-
ing the engine.

GEARCASE gearcase service life. Special tools and measuring

instruments are required to check gear alignment. Pur-
If complete disassembly is not required, follow the dis- chase special tools from a local marine dealership.
assembly instructions until the required component(s) is Some models use shims to position bearings and gears.
accessible. Refer to the corresponding assembly instsuc- Note the location and thickness of all shims as they are re-
tions to install the component(s). moved. Using a micrometer, measure and record each
If the drive shaft, propeller shaft or any gear or bearing shim or spacer thickness as they are removed from the
is replaced, the gearcase internal components must be gearcase. Wire the shims together and tag them or place
properly positioned in the gearcase housing. Proper gear them in an envelope. Note the shim location in the
alignment is essential for quiet operation and long gearcase on the envelope or tag.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


1. Driveshaft

3. Forward gear

9. Outer pump case

17. Drain screw

18. Gearcase

Mount the gearcase in a suitable holding fixture or a 2. Remove the propeller and attaching hardware as de-
sturdy vise. Use padded jaws or wooden blocks to protect scribed in this chapter.
the gearcase. Clamp the gearcase on the skeg (lower fin)
when using a vise. Have an assistant provide additional 3. Drain the oil into a container and inspect the oil for
support for the gearcase when removing large or tight fas- metal chips.
4. Remove the two bolts (8, Figure 34) securing the wa-
ter pump housing and propeller shaft housing to the
Disassembly (2.5-3.5 hp Models) gearcase housing.

Refer to Figure 34 during this procedure. 5. Remove the water pump impeller (10, Figure 34) and
1. Disassemble the water pump as described in this chap- key from water pump case. Remove the water pump case
ter. by turning it counterclockwise to loosen.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


1. Bolt 12. Gasket

2. Grommet 13. Driveshaft
3. Upper pump case 14. Driveshaft key
4. Liner 15. Gearcase housing
5. Impeller 16. Pinion gear
6. Gasket 17. Clutch
7. Plate 18. Propeller shaft
8. Gasket 19. Clutch spring
9. Pin 20. Cam
10. Lower pump case 21. Forward gear
11. Seal 22. Washer
23. Ball bearing
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6. Pull up on the driveshaft (1, Figure 34) and remove the

GEARCASE ASSEMBLY pinion gear (2). Remove the propeller shaft (4) and for-
(3.5B HP MODELS) ward gear (3).
7. Clean and inspect all components as described in this

Assembly (2.5-3.5 hp Models)

Refer to Figure 34 during this procedure.

1. Install the washer and forward gear (3, Figure 34) onto
the propeller shaft (4). Install the propeller shaft assembly
into the gearcase.
2. Install the bearing (15, Figure 34), seals (13 and 14),
and O-ring (12) into the water pump case (1 1) and install
assembly into the gearcase (1 8).
3. Install the water pump impeller key into the propeller
shaft. Align the slot in the impeller with the key and slide
the impeller onto the propeller shaft.
4. Install the outer pump case (9, Figure 34) and two
bolts (8). ~ i ~ h tthebolts
en to the specification in Table 2.

Disassembly (3.5B hp Models)

Refer to Figures 35-40 during this procedure.

1 . Disassemble the water pump as described this chapter.
2. Drain the gearcase into a container by removing both
the lower and upper plugs from the starboard side of the
gearcase. Inspect the oil for metal chips.

Veryjne metal shavings may indicate nor-
mal wear of internal parts. Large metal
chips usually indicate extensive internal

3. Remove the upper shift rod (4, Figure 36) from the
shift lever.
4. Remove the water tube (1, Figure 36) from the water
pump housing.
1. Water tube 5. Remove the bolts (2, Figure 36) that secure the propel-
2. Bolts ler shaft housing. Remove the propeller shaft housing (1,
3. Shift rod joint bolt Figure 37).
4. Shift rod
5. Water pump housing 6. Remove the clutch (Figure 38) and clutch spring (Fig-
ure 38) from the propeller shaft.
7. Pull upward on the drive shaft and lower shift rod at the
same time and remove the drive shaft, shift rod and water
pump lower case together.
8. Remove the pinion gear and forward gear (Figure 40).
9. Clean and inspect all components as described in this
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3. Propeller shaft Push rod

Assembly (3.5B hp Models)

Refer to Figures 35-40 during this procedure.

1. Install the clutch, clutch spring and clutch push rod
(Figure 38) into the propeller shaft.
2. Install forward gear (Figure 40) into the gearcase.
3. Hold the pinion gear (Figure 40) in position in the
gearcase housing and install the drive shaft. Make sure the
drive shaft properly engages the pinion gear. Install the
propeller shaft into the housing.
4. Install the propeller shaft housing (1, Figure 37) and
mounting bolts (2, Figure 36). Tighten the bolts to the
specification in Table 2.
5. Install the water tube (1, Figure 36) into the water
pump housing.
6. Install the shift rod (4, Figure 36) onto the shift rod le-
7. Install the water pump as described in this chapter.

Disassembly (8-40 hp Two-Cylinder Models)

Refer to Figure 41 during this procedure.

1. Disassemble the water pump as described in this chap-
2. Remove the propeller and attaching hardware as de-
scribed in this chapter.
3. Drain the gearcase into a container by removing the
lower drain plug (6, Figure 41) and vent plug (4) from the
starboard side of the gearcase.

VevyJine metal shavings may indicate nor-
mal internal part wear Large metal chips
usually indicate extensive internal damage.
©eBlue-Dist 2007


33. Upper pump case

34. Grommet
1. Driveshaft 17. Screen 35. Water tube
2. Driveshaft key 18. Screw 36. O-ring
3. Roller bearing 19. Bolt 37. Roller bearing
4. Upper drainlvent screw 20. Pinion bolt 38. Needle bearing
5. Gearcase housing 21. Pinion gear 39. Propeller housing
6. Drain screw 22. Trim tab 40. Seal
7. Roller bearing 23. Roller bearing 41. Propeller
8. Forward gear 24. Shim 42. Cotter pin
9. Clutch push rod 25. Seal 43. Castle nut
10. Clutch spring 26. O-ring 44. Washer
11. Clutch 27. Lower pump case 45. Spacer
12. Retainer 28. Gasket 46. Spacer
13. Spring 29. Plate 47. Spring keeper
14. Propeller shaft 30. Gasket 48. Washer
15. Spacer 31. Impeller 49. Bolt
16. Reverse gear 32. Liner 50. Washer
©eBlue-Dist 2007


(8-140 HP MODELS)

1. Driveshaft tool
2. Pinion gear nut tool

4. Remove the bolts (49, Figure 41) that secure the pro-
peller shaft housing.
5. Remove the propeller shaft and housing from
gearcase. Check the forward end of the propeller shaft
to see if the clutch push rod (9, Figure 41) remained in
propeller shaft. If not, remove it from inside the
6. Install the driveshaft adapter (1, Figure 42) and hold
the pinion nut with a wrench and turn the driveshaft coun-
terclockwise to loosen the nut. Remove the pinion nut and
pinion gear (Figure 43) from the gearcase.
7. Remove the driveshaft from the gearcase (Figure 44).
8. Remove the forward gear and forward gear roller bear-
ing (Figure 45) from the gearcase.

A tapered forward gear roller bearing is
used on 40 hp models only.

9. Remove the shift shaft stopper (1, Figure 46) from the
lower shift shaft (2) and lift the lower shift shaft from the
gearcase. Fully disassemble the shift shaft components,
including the shift shaft bushing (4) and the internal and
external O-rings (3, Figure 46).
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(8-140 HP MODELS)

1. Shift shaft stopper 1. Reverse gear

2. Lower shift shaft 2. Shims
3. O-ring 3. Washer
4. Bushing

10. Remove the clutch push rod and detent ball (Figure
47) from the end of the propeller shaft. Pull the propeller
shaft from the propeller shaft housing.
11. Remove the washer (3, Figure 48), reverse gear (I),
and all shims (2) (25,30 and 40 hp models) from the pro-
peller shaft.
12. Remove the reverse gear from the propeller shaft
housing (Figure 49).
13. A spring-loaded clutch push rod (1, Figure 50) is
used to move the clutch (4). The cross pin retaining spring
(5) is wrapped around the clutch to retain the cross pin (7).
Disassemble the propeller shaft as follows:
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a. Use a small screwdriver to unwind the spring from

the clutch (Figure 51). @ PROPELLER SHAFT
b. Press inward on the clutch push rod (Figure 52) to ASSEMBLY (8-40 HP MODELS)
collapse the spring. Use needlenose pliers to pull
the cross pin from the clutch. Slowly release the
spring tension.
c. Note the location and orientation of the clutch, push
rod, spring and related components, then remove
them from the propeller shaft.
14. Remove the propeller shaft housing needle bearing
only if it must be replaced. Refer to Inspection in this
chapter to determine the need for replacement. Remove
the bearing as follows: 1. Push rod
a. Clamp the propeller shaft housing in a vise with the 2. Spring holder
threaded end facing up. 3. Spring
4. Clutch
b. Insert a suitable driver (1, Figure 53) into the pro-
5. Spring (cross pin)
peller shaft housing through the bearing. 6. Propeller shaft
c. Attach a retainer (2) to the shaft groove (7, Figure 7. Cross pin
53) with the raised surface of the retainer facing the
d. Slide the guide (3, Figure 53) and flange (4)
onto the shaft and secure with a washer (5) and
nut (6).
e. Tighten the nut (6, Figure 53) until the needle bear-
ing releases from the housing.
15. Remove the drive shaft bearing only if it must be re-
placed. Refer to Inspection (in this chapter) to determine
the need for replacement. Remove the drive shaft bearing
as follows:
a. Position the drive shaft (A, Figure 54) in a press,
using a bearing separator (C) to support the bearing
b. Press the driveshaft from the bearing.
16. Remove the gearcase needle bearing only if the nee-
dle bearing or the housing must be replaced. Remove the
needle bearing from the gearcase as follows:
a. Using a bearing puller kit (part No. 3C7-72700-0),
insert the shaft ( 5 , Figure 55) through the needle
bearing from the water pump side of gearcase.
b. Enter from the propeller shaft side of gearcase and
attach the retainer (7, Figure 55) to the shaft groove
(6). Make sure the retainer (7, Figure 55) with the
raised side facing the bearing is hlly seated.
c. Install the guide (4, Figure 55) onto the shaft and
make sure the guide is seated in the bearing.
d. Install a flangelplate (3, Figure 55), washer (2), and
nut (1) onto the shaft.
e. Hold the end of the threaded shaft (5, Figure 55)
with a wrench and tighten the nut (1) until the bear-
ing is free of the gearcase housing.
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(8-50 HP MODELS) (25-40 HP MODELS)

2. Washer
3. Platelflange
4. Guide

1. Shaft (tool)
2. Retainer
3. Slide guide

5. Washer

17. Install the forward gear bearing puller as shown in

Figure 56. Tighten the bolt until the bearing race releases
from the housing.
18. Remove the tapered roller bearing from the forward
gear (Figure 57) only if it must be replaced. If removal is
necessary, insert two pry bars into the forward gear
notches (Figure 57) and pry the gear and bearing apart.
19. Remove the screw(s) and nut(s) (18, Figure 41), then
pull the water screen (17) from the gearcase housing.
20. Clean and inspect all components as described in this
©eBlue-Dist 2007


1. Screw
2. O-ring
3. Seals
4. Bushing
5. Shift rod
6. Roll pin
7. Shift cam
8. Roll pin
9. Screen (water inlet)
10. Nut
11. Gearcase housing
12. Bolt
13. Fillldrain screw
14. Nut
15. Pinion gear
16. Bolt
17. Screen (water inlet)
18. Fillldrain screw
Flat blade screwdriver 19. Vent screw
20. Bolt
21. Screw
22. Nut
23. Stud
24. Trim tab
25. Needle bearing
26. Spring guide
27. Oil slinger
28. Shim
29. Driveshaft
30. Key
Disassembly (40 hp Three-Cylinder-140 hp Models) 31. Roller bearing
32. Propeller shaft
Refer to Figure 58 during this procedure. 33. Cross pin spring
34. Clutch
1. Disassemble the water pump as described in this chapter.
35. Cross pin
2. Remove the propeller and hardware as described in 36. Spring
this chapter. 37. Retainer
3. Drain the gearcase (Figure 58) as described in Chapter 38. Detent ball bearing
39. Push rod
40. Forward gear
41. Needle bearing
NOTE 42. Shim
Vevy Jine shavings may indicate normal 43. Roller bearing
wear of internal parts. Large metal chips 44. Bearing race
usually indicate extensive internal damage. 45. Spacer
46. Reverse gear
4. Remove the bolts (52, Figure 58) that secure the pro- 47. Shim
peller shaft housing. 48. O-ring
49. Roller bearing
5. Install the propeller shaft housing puller (Figure 59).
50. Propeller shaft housing
Tighten the pressing bolt (Figure 59) until the propeller 51. Needle bearing
housing separates from gearcase. Remove the propeller 52. Bolt
shaft and housing from the gearcase. Check the forward 53. Roller bearing
end of propeller shaft to see if the clutch push rod (39, Fig- 54. Spacer
55. Propeller
ure 58) remained in the propeller shaft. If not, locate it in-
56. Spacer
side the gearcase and remove it. 57. Washer
6. Install the drive shaft adapter (1, Figure 42) onto the 58. Nut
drive shaft. Hold the pinion nut with a wrench and turn the 59. Cotter pin
drive shaft counterclockwise to remove the pinion nut.
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Remove the pinion nut (14, Figure 58) and pinion gear
(1 5) from the gearcase.
7. Lift the drive shaft from the gearcase.
8. Use a piece of wire or hooked tool to remove the
driveshaft spring guide (26, Figure 58).

Forv andJifty hp models are not equipped
with a removable dr-iveslzaji spring guide.
9. Remove forward gear and the forward gear roller bear-
ing (Figure 45) from the gearcase.
10. Remove the shift shaft stopper (1, Figure 46) from
the lower shift shaft (2) and lift the lower shift shaft from
the gearcase. Fully disassemble the shift shaft compo-
nents, including the shift shaft bushing (4) and O-rings (3,
Figure 46).
1 1 . Remove the clutch push rod and detent ball (Figure
47) from the end of the propeller shaft. Pull the propeller
shaft from the propeller shaft housing.
12. Remove the washer (3, Figure 48), reverse gear (I),
and all shims (2) from the propeller shaft.
13. Remove the reverse gear from the propeller shaft
housing (Figure 60).
14. A spring-loaded clutch push rod (1, Figure 50) is
used to move the clutch (4). The cross pin retaining spring
(5) is wrapped around the clutch to retain the cross pin (7).
Disassemble the propeller shaft as follows:
a. Use a small screwdriver to unwind the spring from
the clutch (Figure 51).
b. Press inward on the clutch push rod (Figure 52) to
collapse the spring. Use needlenose pliers to pull (608 AND 708 MODELS)
the cross pin from the clutch. Slowly release the
spring tension.
c. Note the location and orientation of the clutch, push
rod, spring and related components and then re-
move them from the propeller shaft.
15. Remove the propeller shaft housing needle bearing
only if replacement is necessary. Needle bearing puller
kit part no. 3C7-72700-0 is required to remove the bear-
16. Clamp the propeller shaft bearing housing into a vise
with its threaded side facing upward.
17. Configure the bearing puller kit (past No.
3C7-72700-0) as shown in the following illustrations:
a. 40 and 50 hp models, refer to Figure 53.
b. 60B and 70B models, refer to Figure 61.
c. 60C, 70C and 80-140 hp models, refer to Figure 62. 4. Platelflange
18. Insert the tool shaft into the bearing housing and
through the bearing. Place the retainer, with its raised sur-
face facing the bearing, into the correct groove in the 7. Shaft groove
shaft. Then, install the flange to the shaft using the washer
and nut.
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2. Retainer

4. Platelflange

7. Shaft groove

19. Tighten the nut to remove the bearing.

20. Remove the drive shaft roller bearing (Figure 54)
only if it must be replaced. Place the drive shaft in a press.
Support the bearing with a suitable bearing separator and
(40-90 H k MODELS)
press the bearing from the shaft.

Do not yemove the drive shaft lower bearing
unless veylacer?zerztis requir*ed.

2 1A. 40-90 17p-Use needle bearing removal kit part No.

3C7-72700-0 to remove the bearing. See Figure 63.
a. Insert the shaft into the gearcase and needle bearing
as shown (Figure 63). Insert the retainer into the
lower groove (Figure 64) or upper groove (Figure
65) in the shaft.
b. Install the plate, washer and nut. Tighten the nut and
pull the needle bearing from the gearcase.
21B. 115-140 lzp-Use the tools specified in Figure 66 to
remove the drive shaft needle bearing.
a. Insert the pressing rod through the center hole in the
guide (Figure 67).
b. Reach into the gearcase to insert the driver (6, Fig-
ure 66) into the needle bearing with its shoulder
side facing downward. Place the guide and press
rod into the gearcase so the stamped mark (Figure
©eBlue-Dist 2007



1. Bolt (part No. 3C7-72766-0)

2. Flywheel puller plate
(part No. 3C7-72783-0)
3. Collar (part No. 3C7-72768-0)
4. Pressing rod
(part No. 3C7-72767-0)
5. Outer guide (part No. 367-72765-0)
6. Driver (part No. 3C7-72770-0)
7. Washer
8. Bolt
9. O-ring
10. Washer
11. Bolt



1. Guide
1. Pressing rod 2. F mark
2. Guide 3. Shift rod hole
3. Stamped (F) mark
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(115-140 HP MODELS)

68) faces the shifi rod hole. Attach the driver (2, Fig-
ure 69) to the press rod (1) using the bolt and washer
1. Press rod
2. Pressldriver
3. O-ring c. Place the flywheel puller plate on the guide plate
4. Bolt aligning the F marks. See Figure 70. Assemble the
tool as shown using the collars, bolts and washers.
Install the puller bolt into the puller plate. Tighten the
bolt to remove the bearing.
22. Remove the forward gear bearing race using a suitable
jaw-type puller and slide hammer.
@ GEARCASE NEEDLE 23. If removal is necessary, carehlly pry the forward gear
BEARING REMOVAL bearing from the forward gear using two suitable pry tools.
(1 15-140 HP MODELS) 24. Remove the screws and water pickup screens if neces-
25. Inspect all components as described in this chapter.

Assembly (8-140 hp Models)

Refer to Figure 41 and Figure 58 during this procedure.

The gearcase must be securely mounted in a
suitable holdingfixtz~reduring assembly

1. Install the water pickup screens (if equipped) and install

the screwis) and nut(s) that secure the screens to the
gearcase housing.
2. Lubricate the inner diameter of a new forward gear bearing
1. Flywheel puller plate with gearcase lubricant. Place the forward gear onto a wooden
2. Bolt block with the teeth facing downward. Using a suitable dnver
3. Washer
4. F mark
(Figure 71), drive the bearing onto the gear.
5. Collar 3. Coat the outer diameter of the forward gear bearing
race with gear lubricant and place the race into the
gearcase. Make sure the tapered side faces outward.
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4. Drive the bearing race into the gearcase using a suit-

able driver (Figure 72) and hammer until it is fully seated.
5. Clamp the propeller shaft housing in a vise with the
threaded end facing upward.
6. Install the needle bearing into the propeller shaft hous- 1. Retainer
ing using the needle bearing tool kit part No.
a. Lubricate the outer diameter of the needle bearing
using gear lubricant.
b. Install the retainer into the correct groove of the tool
shaft (Figures 73-75) and assemble the tool onto
the housing as shown. Make sure the raised surface
of the retainer is facing the needle bearing and the
marked side of the bearing faces the retainer.
c. Tighten the nut (6, Figures 73-75) until the driver
contacts the housing. Remove the tool and lubricate @PROPELLER SHAFT HOUSING
the bearing rollers with gear lubricant.
7. Install the drive shaft lower bearing into the gearcase
using a suitable driver. Lubricate the outer diameter of the
bearing using gear lubricant and position the bearing so its
stamped side faces the driver during installation.
8. If removed, press new drive shaft bearing(s) onto the
drive shaft (Figure 76).
9A. Install the drive shaft and pinion gear as follows:
For 8-40 hp models, place the forward gear into the
housing. Seat the bearing against the race.
a. Apply Loctite 242 to the threads of pinion gear nut
(Figure 77). Slide the pinion gear onto the
driveshaft (Figure 77) as shown from the propeller
shaft side of gearcase. Hand-tighten the nut to se-
cure the gear in place.

Before applying Loctite 242, remove all
grease from the pinion geac driveshaft and
threads of the d~~iveshaft
andpinion gear nut.

b. Install a splined adapter onto the top of the

driveshaft (Figure 78) and the special tool to the
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(60C, 70C, AND 80-140 HP MODELS)

1. Retainer

pinion gear nut. Hold the pinion gear nut with the
wrench and turn the driveshaft clockwise to tighten
the pinion gear nut to the driveshaft. Torque the pin-
ion gear nut to the specification in Table 1.
9B. On 50-140 hp models, install the driveshaft spring so
the flat side of spring faces the threaded end of the
driveshaft. Place the spring exactly as shown so the flat
side (Figure 79) is seated against the shoulder of the

Gearcase oil is supplied to the driveshaji ta-
pered roller bearing by the driveshaji spn'rzg, lo-
cated under the lower water pump base. If the
spring is installed too high on the driveshafl, the
oil szpply nzay be insuficient and could lead to
prematz~redriveshaj?bearing failure.
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a. Install the removable spring guide and seat the key

(Figure 80) in the key slot (Figure 81) of the gearcase
housing. When properly installed, the spring guide
will not rotate.

ibfodels 40 and 50 hp are not equipped with
driveshaft bearing outer race.

b. Install the driveshaft through the water pump hous-

ing. Make sure the driveshaft bearing is fully seated
against the outer race.

Before applying Loctite 242, remove all
grease from the pinion gem: driveshafi and
threads of driveshaft and pinion gear nut.

c. Apply Loctite 242 to the pinion gear nut threads. Slide

the pinion gear onto the dnveshafi as shown (Figure
77) fkom propeller shaft side of gearcase. Hand-tighten
the pinion nut to secure the gear in place.
d. Install the splined adapter to the top of the driveshaft
and a wrench (Figure 78) onto the pinion gear nut.
Hold the pinion gear nut with the wrench and turn the
driveshaft clockwise to tighten the pinion gear nut.
Torque the pinion gear nut to the specification in Ta-
ble 1.
10. On 25-140 hp models, check the pinion gear height as
a. Install the lower water pump case (4, Figure 82)
over the driveshaft (1) and seat it into position on
the gearcase. Secure the lower water pump case
with the four bolts.
b. Insert the shimming gauge (2, Figure 83) into the
gearcase. The shimming tool must be positioned
correctly in the gearcase. Make sure the tapered side
(6, Figure 83) is fully seated in the forward gear
bearing race with the flat side (7) and notch (4) fac-
ing upward.
c. Eliminate all looseness between the driveshaft and
gearcase by lifting up on the driveshaft and tapping
down on the gearcase with a rubber mallet. With all
looseness eliminated, measure the gap between the
collar (5, Figure 83) and pinion gear using a feeler
gauge set (3). If the gap is not within specification
0.60-0.64 mm (0.023-0.025 in.), remove the lower
water pump case and install the correct size shim
(Table 4) onto the roller bearing outer race.
d. Reinstall the lower water pump case before pro-
ceeding with backlash adjustment.
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(25-140 k P MODELS) (25-50 HP MODELS)

1. Driveshaft 1. Spring washer

3. Washer 3. Collar
4. Lower pump case

11. On 25-140 hp models, check forward gear backlash.

Assemble the backlash tool in the following order using
the specified number of spring washers.

Shims are available in thicknesses of
0.05-0.60 mm in 0.05 mm increnzents.

a. On 25-50 hp models, install three spring washers,

the O-ring and collar onto the tool shaft as shown in
Figure 84.
b. On 60B and 70B models, install four spring wash-
ers, the set piece and O-ring onto the tool shaft as
shown in Figure 85.
c. On 60C, 70C and 80-140 hp, install six spring
washers, the set piece and O-ring onto the tool shaft
as shown in Figure 86.
d. Install the assembled tool into the gearcase as
shown in Figure 87. Install the plate (1, Figure 87)
over the tool shaft and attach it to the gearcase using
the correct size bolts. Tighten the shaft nuts (2, Fig-
ure 87) against each other so the outer nut can be
5. TOO!collar used to tighten the shaft.
e. Tighten the outer nut (2, Figure 87) until the
dnveshaft begins to rotate. Then tighten the nut so the
dnveshaft turns an additional 112 (1 80") revolution.
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2 3
2 3
1. Conedisk spring washer 1. Conedisk spring washer
2. O-ring 2. O-ring
3. Set piece 3. Set piece


(25.140 HP MODELS)
(25-140 HP MODELS)

2. Nuts
3. Shaft 1. Dial gauge plate
2. Bolts
3. Clamp assembly
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(25-140 HP MODELS)

f. Mount the clamp assembly (3, Figure 88) as close

as possible to the lower water pump case on the
driveshaft. Install a dial indicator plate (1, Figure
1. Magnetic base 88) on the gearcase with bolts and nuts.
2. Dial gauge
3. Dial gauge plunger g. Install a magnetic base (1, Figure 89) and dial indi-
4. V-notch cator (2) as shown. Lift up on the driveshaft and tap
down on the gearcase with a rubber mallet to elimi-
nate all looseness, then adjust the dial indicator so the
plunger (3, Figure 89) aligns with the V-notch (4).
h. Adjust the dial indicator to zero. Lift up the
driveshaft and hold it while tapping down on the
gearcase with the rubber mallet to eliminate all
looseness. Slightly rotate the driveshaft (Figure 90)
in both directions and record the dial reading.
i. If the dial reading is not within the specification in
Table 3, adjust the shim thickness between the for-
ward gear (Figure 91) and the tapered roller bearing.
12. Check and correct the reverse gear backlash on
40-140 hp models:

Reverse gear backlash is not adj~istable011
2.5-25 hp models.

13. Remove the forward gear from the gearcase.

14. Install the reverse gear into the propeller shaft hous-
ing (Figure 92).

To accurately check reverse gear backlash,
the reverse gear must beJixed iii position to
prevent itfior?z tzlrning.

15. Using a threaded rod of the correct length and wash-

ers and nuts, lightly secure the reverse gear to the propel-
ler shaft housing to prevent it from turning. See Figure
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93. Tighten the nut (1, Figure 93) finger-tight, then an ad-
ditional 114 turn. Tighten the nut only enough to secure the
gear. Overtightening the nut will damage the gear and pro-
peller shaft housing. 1. Nut
16. Insert the propeller shaft housing and reverse gear 2. Washer
into the gearcase while turning the drive shaft to correctly 3. Collar
4. Reverse gear
mesh the gears. See Figure 94.
5. Propeller shaft housing
17. Lift the drive shaft upward and tap the gearcase 6. Shaft
downward to remove all slack in the drive shaft. Attach a 7. Plate
dial indicator to the gearcase as shown in Figure 89. 8. Washer
9. Nut
18. Adjust the dial indicator to zero. Lift up the driveshaft
and hold it while tapping down on the gearcase with a rub-
ber mallet to eliminate all looseness. Slightly rotate the
driveshaft (Figure 90) in both directions and record the
dial reading.
19. If the dial reading is not within the specification in
Table 3, adjust the shim thickness between the reverse
gear (Figure 95) and propeller shaft housing.
20. Install the forward gear so the forward gear roller
bearing is fully seated into the outer race. Make sure the
teeth of forward gear mesh with pinion gear teeth.
21. Replace the internal O-rings (Figure 96) and external
O-ring on the shift shaft bushing. Coat the bushing and
O-rings with gear oil. Assemble the shift rod components.
22. Apply marine grease to the exterior of the O-ring and
shift rod bushing (Figure 97).
23. Insert the shift rod into the gearcase, and seat the
bushing. Lubricate the threads of the stopper bolt (Figure
98) with genuine grease and install the stopper.

The clutch is not symmetrical. Ifthe clutch is
installed backward, the gears and clutch
will be damaged.

24. Align the slot in the propeller shaft with the hole in
the clutch. Slide the clutch onto the propeller shaft so the
wide dogs (Figure 99) face the propeller end of the shaft.
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25. Insert the clutch spring (Figure 100) and spring

holder so the hole in the spring holder aligns with the
clutch hole.
26. Insert the detent ball (Figure 101), if equipped. In-
stall the clutch push rod (Figure 101) with the tapered end
toward the forward gear.
27. Compress the clutch spring by pushing in on the push
rod (Figure 102). Apply pressure to the push rod as you
align the clutch and spring holder holes and insert the
clutch pin.
28. Install a new retainer spring (Figure 103) around the
clutch pin area. Do not reuse the old retainer spring.
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29. Install all shiins onto the reverse gear (Figure 104),
then install the reverse gear into the propeller shaft hous-
30. Apply marine grease to the propeller shaft housing
seal and O-ring. Slide the propeller shaft into the propeller
shaft housing (Figure 105).
31. Lift the lower shift shaftlshift rod to the full-up posi-
tion and verify through the propeller shaft opening of the
gearcase that the beveled side of the clutch cam (Figure
106) faces the gearcase opening.
32. Install the propeller shaft housing assembly, making
sure the clutch push rod aligns with the beveled side of the
clutch cam. Push fo~wardand rotate the propeller shaft
(Figure 107) as needed until the pinion gear and reverse
gear engage. Thoroughly clean the propeller shaft hous-
ing bolts and apply Loctite 242 to the bolt threads. Install
and tighten the bolts (Table 2) evenly to prevent improper
seating of the housing.
33. Check the shift rod in forward, neutral and reverse
positions by rotating the driveshaft to test each gear func-
tion. Check the propeller shaft for looseness in the for-
ward and reverse directions. If looseness exceeds 0.40
mm (0.016 in.), replace the reverse gear washer (Figure
108) with one of correct thickness.
34. Install the water pump as described in this chapter.
35. Before adding gear oil, pressure test the gearcase as
a. Remove the oil level plug and install the gearcase
pressure tester.
b. Pump the pressure tester until the gauge reaches
20-39 kPa (3-6 psi). If pressure drops, determine the
source of leakage by submerging the gearcase in
water. Make necessary repairs to correct the prob-
lem and retest.
36. Fill the gearcase with the specified gear lubricant. See
Chapter Four.


Prior to inspection, thoroughly clean all components

using solvent. Using compressed air, dry all components
and arsange them in an orderly fashion on a clean work
Use pressurized water to clean the gearcase. Inspect all
passages and crevices for debris or contaminants. Use
compressed air to thoroughly dry the gearcase.

Never allow bearings to spin when using
comnpressed air to dl? them. The bearing
nzay spin at high speed and,fl?iapart, 1-esult-
ing in seviozls injury.
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Water Pump Inspection

1. Inspect the impeller (Figure 109) for brittle, missing

or burnt vanes.
2. Squeeze the vanes toward the hub and release the
vanes. The vanes should spring back to the extended posi-
3. Replace the impeller if damaged. burnt, brittle or stiff
vanes are noted. Replace the impeller if the vanes are set
in a curled position.
4. Inspect the water tube, groinmets and seals for burned
appearance, cracks or brittle material. Replace the water
tube, grommets and seals if any of these defects are
5. Inspect the cartridge plate for warpage, wear grooves,
melted plast~cor other damaged areas. Replace the car-
tridge plate if a groove is worn in the plate or any other de-
fects are noted.
6. Inspect the water pump insert cartridge for burns, wear
or damage. Replace the water pump housing if any defects
are noted.
7. Inspect the water pump houslng for melted plastic or
other indications of overheating. Replace the cover and
the seal housing if any defects are noted. Refer to Water
Pump in thls chapter for oil seal housing replacement in-

Propeller Shaft Inspection

I . Inspect the propeller shaft for bent, damaged, or worn

areas. Replace the propeller shaft if defects are noted, as
repair or straightening is not recommended.
2. Position the propeller shaft on V-blocks. Rotate the
shaft and note if any deflection is present. Replace the
propeller shaft if visible deflection is noted.
3. Inspect the propeller shaft (A. Figure 110) for corro-
sion, damage or excessive wear. Inspect the propeller
shaft splines and threads (B, Figure 110) for twisted
splines or damaged threads. Inspect the bearing contact
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Front Rear


areas at the front and midpoint of the propeller shaft. Re- NOTE
place the propeller shaft if discolored areas, roughness, Replace ALL gears ifany of the gears require
transferred bearing material or other defects are noted. replacement. A speciJic wear pattern forms
on the gears in a few hours of use. The wear
4. Inspect the propeller shaft at the seal contact areas. Re- pattern is disturbed ifa new gear is installed
place the propeller shaft if deep grooves are worn in the with used gears, resulting in rapid wear:
5. Place V blocks at the points indicated in Figure 110. Bearing Inspection
Use a dial indicator to measure the shaft deflection at the
rear bearing support area. Securely mount the dial indica- 1. Clean all bearings thoroughly with solvent and air-dry
tor. Observe the dial indicator movement and slowly ro- them prior to inspection. Replace the bearings if the gear
tate the propeller shaft. Replace the propeller shaft if the lubricant drained from the gearcase is heavily contami-
needle movement exceeds 0.15 mm (0.006 in.). nated with metal particles. The particles tend to collect in-
side the bearings. The particles usually contaminate the
gears and bearings after the engine is run.
Gear and Clutch Inspection 2. Inspect roller bearing and bearing race surfaces for pit-
ting, rusting, discoloration or roughness. Inspect the bearing
race for highly polished or unevenly worn surfaces. Replace
1. Inspect the clutch and gear surfaces (B, Figure 111) for the bearing assembly if any of these defects are noted.
chips, damage, or excessive wear. Replace the clutch and 3. Rotate the ball bearings and note any rough operation.
gears if any of these conditions is found on either component. Move the bearing in the directions indicated in Figure
2. Inspect the gear for worn, broken, or damaged teeth 112. Note the presence of axial or radial looseness. Re-
(A, Figure 111). Note the presence of pitted, rough or ex- place the bearing if rough operation or looseness is noted.
cessively worn (highly polished) surfaces. Replace all of 4. Inspect the needle bearing located in the propeller
the gears if any of these conditions is found. shaft housing, forward gear and drive shaft seal and pro-
©eBlue-Dist 2007


peller shaft housing. Replace the bearing if flattened roll- 3. Inspect the cross pin for damage, roughness or wear.
ers, discoloration, rustingjoughness or pitting are noted. Replace as required. Inspect the shift plunger and spring
5. Inspect the propeller shaft and drive shaft at the bear- for damage or corrosion and replace as required.
ing contact areas. Replace the drive shaft andlor propeller 4. Inspect the shift plunger for cracks or wear. Replace
shaft along with the needle bearing if discoloration, pit- any worn or defective components.
ting, transferred bearing material or roughness are noted.
5. Inspect the clutch shiftlslider, located at the lower end
of the shift shaft, for wear, chips, cracks or corrosion. Re-
Shift Rod and Cam Inspection place the clutch shift slider and push rod if the surfaces are
worn or defective.
1. Inspect the bore in the propeller shaft for debris, dam-
age or wear. Clean all debris from the propeller shaft bore. 6. Inspect the shift shaft for wear, bending, or twisting.
2. Inspect the clutch spring for damage, corrosion or Inspect the shift bushing for cracks or wear. Replace the
weak spring tension and replace if defects are noted. bushing and shift shaft if defects are noted.


- 22-29 ft.-lb.
Water pump base bolts
2.5-40 hp 4.6-6.2 41-55 in.-lb. -
Gearcase mounting bolts
40-50 hp 19-21 - 14-16 ft.-lb.
60-140 hp M8 bolt 24-26 - 17-19 ft.-lb.
60-140 hp MI0 bolt 37-41 - 27-30 ft.-lb.
Pinion gear B nutlbolt
8-30 hp 29-34 - 22-25 ft.-lb.
40 hp 23-25 - 16-18 ft.-lb.


Thread diameter N.m in.-lb. ft.-lb.

5 mm bolt and nut 5 44 -

6 mm bolt and nut 10 88 -
8 mm bolt and nut 22 - 16
10 mm bolt and nut 34 - 25
12 mm bolt and nut 54 - 40
5 mm screw 4 35 -
6 mm screw 9 80 -
6 mm flange bolt with 8 mm head (small flange surface) 9 80 -
6 mm flange bolt with 8 mm head (large flange surface) 12 106 -
6 mm flange bolt with 10 mm head and nut 12 106 -
8 mm flange bolt and nut 26 - 20
10 mm flange bolt and nut 39 - 29
*This table lists general torque specifications for metric fasteners. Use this table when a specific torque specification is not
listed for a fastener at the end of the appropriate chapter. The torque specifications listed in this table are for threads that are
clean and dry.
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Model Shim thickness
3.5-140 hp 0.05 mm (0.002 in.)
0.10 mm (0.004 in.)
0.15 mm (0.006 in.)
0.20 mm (0.008 in.)
0.25 mm (0.010 in.)
0.30 mm (0.012 in.)
0.35 mm (0.014 in.)
0.40 mm (0.016 in.)
0.45 mm (0.018 in.)
0.50 mm (0.020 in.)
0.55 mm (0.022 in.)
0.60 mm (0.024 in.)


Engine mounting bolt
40-70 hp
80-90 hp
115-140 hp
Bracket nut (tilt tube nut)
5 hP
8-9.8 hp
9.9-18 hp (Type 1)
9.9-1 8 hp (Type 2)
25-140 hp
Upper rubber mount bolt
9.9-18 hp
40-50 hp
60-90 hp
115-140 hp
Lower rubber mount bolt
40-70 hp
80-140 hp
Gearcase mounting bolt
25-30 hp
40-50 hp
60-140 hp M8
60-140 hp MI0
Shift lever shaft bolt
25-40 hp
60-140 hp
Handle (to steering shaft) bolt
60-90 hp
Exhaust pipe bolts
8-18 hp
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Chapter Ten

Manual Rewind Starter

REMOVAL, REPAIR AND INSTALLATION for cracks or other defects. Always replace the spring if
defects are noted.
Cleaning, inspection and lubrication of the internal Apply good quality water-resistant grease to all bush-
components (Figure 1) is necessary if the manual starter ings, drive pawls, springs and pivot surfaces when install-
is not engaging properly or the starter is binding. In in- ing these components. To help ensure smooth operation
stances where complete repair is not required, perform the and prevent corrosion, apply water-resistant grease to the
steps necessary to access the suspect component(s). Re- starter spring contact surfaces.
verse the steps to assemble and install the starter.
Use only the starter rope specified for the outboard.
Other types of rope will not withstand the rigorous use Removal and Disassembly (2.5 and 3.5 hp Models)
and will fail in a short amount of time, potentially damag-
ing other components. Contact a marine dealership to pur- WARNING
chase the specified starter rope. A neutral start lockout device is not used.
Clean all components (except the rope) with solvent The 2.5 and 3.5A model operates in forward
gear only. The propeller shaft will turn,
suitable for composite or plastic components. Use hot when started. The 3.5B model is equipped
soapy water if a suitable solvent is not available. Dry all with a gear shift, allowing the engine to be
components with compressed air immediately after clean- shifted in forward or neutral only.
Inspect all components for wear or damage and replace WARNING
them if any defects are noted. Pay particular attention to Disable the ignition system toprevent start-
the rewind spring. Inspect the entire length of the spring ing.
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1. Rope
2. Sheave
3. Drive pawl
4. Starter spring
5. Lockout assembly
6. Rewind housing
7. Rope guide
8. Handle
9. Bushing
10. Drive pawl spring
11. Snap ring
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1. Pull the starter rope out approximately 12 in. (30.5 is essential that they be installed in the same
cm). Tie a knot in the rop7: at the point where it exits the orientation during assenzbly.
manual starter. The knot must be large enough to prevent
the rope from pulling back into the starter. NOTE
2. Turn the reel (5, Figure 2) while holding the starter After loosening the nut at the center of the
case (2) to release the starter spring (4). starter shaft, remove the starter shajt bolt.
3. Detach the E-ring (12, Figure 2). Remove the reel with the starter rope wound
4. Remove the friction plate (11, Figure 2), friction on it so the internal starter spring is not dis-
spring (8), ratchet (7) and ratchet return spring (10). placed.
5. While turning the reel (5, Figure 2) in the rope-wind-
ing direction, slowly remove the reel. 4. Clean all components (except the rope) in a suitable
6. Clean all components, except the rope, with a suitable solvent. Inspect all components for wear or damage. In-
solvent. Inspect all components for wear or damage. In- spect the rope for fraying or damage. Replace any compo-
spect the rope for fraying or other damage. Replace any nents that are in questionable condition.
component that is in questionable condition.

Assembly and Installation (2.5 and 3.5 hp Models) Assembly and Installation (5-50 hp Models)

1. Wipe a light coat of water-resistant grease on the 1. Install the reel (17, Figure 3) with the starter spring
spring contact surfaces in the starter housing.
2. After attaching the outer end of the starter spring (4,
Figure 2) to the recessed portion of the reel (5), wind it 2. Apply low-temperature grease to the starter spring.
counterclockwise to set. 3. Wind the starter rope clockwise on the reel looking at
3. Install the reel (5, Figure 2) and attach the return the reel from the starter spring side. Allow the end to pro-
spring (10). trude from the notched part of the reel.
4. Install the ratchet (7, Figure 2), friction plate (11), and
E-ring (12). 4. Attach the hook at the end of the starter spring while
inserting it in the starter case pin.
CAUTION 5. Install the starter guides (18 and 27, Figure 3), starter
Apply low-temperature grease to the starter shaft (26), starter shaft bolt (23), starter shaft nut (12), (ap-
guides, starter shaft, ratchet and ratchet
ply threadlocker first) and ratchet E-ring (22).
bushing (where used) prior to installation.
Do not use force when installing the ratchet
E-ring. NOTE
Apply low-temperature grease to the starter
guides, starter shaft, ratclzet and ratchet
Removal and Disassembly (5-50 hp Models) bushing (wlzere used) prior to installation.
Do not use force to install the ratchet
1. Remove the starter locking camshaft and starter lock- E-ring. Install the starter guides (18 and 27,
ing rod. Figure 3) in the exact orientation as origi-
2. Remove the starter handle cover plate (1, Figure 3), nally installed.
cover (2), and retainer (4). Rotate the reel counterclock-
wise just enough to grasp a loop of the starter rope. Hold 6. Install the starter locking rod, starter locking cam shaft
the reel securely to prevent rotation. Tie a knot in the and starter handle.
starter rope so that the rope does not get tangled. Continue
until all spring tension is relieved. 7. With no load on the starter spring, hold the end of the
3. Remove the ratchet E-ring (22, Figure 3), ratchet (20), rope and rotate the reel three times counterclocku~ise.At-
ratchet guides (18 and 27), starter shaft bolt (23), starter tach the rope to the starter handle.
shaft (26) and the reel (17). 8. Tie a knot in the starter rope so that the pawl of the
starter lock rests in the concave part of the reel.
Note the direction in which the ratchet 9. Verify that the ratchet operates when the proper load
guides (18 and 27, Figure 3) are mounted. It (Table 2) is applied to the ratchet.
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(2.5 AMD 3.5 HP MODELS)

(5.50 HB MODELS)

1. Cover plate
2. Grip cover
3. Rope
4. Bushing
5. Grip
6. Cover
7. Bolt
8. Washer
9. Bracket
10. Bushing
11. Washer
12. Nut
13. Washer
14. Roll pin
15. Flywheel cover
16. Starter spring
17. Reel
18. Ratchet guide
19. Bushing
20. Ratchet
21. Washer
22. E-ring
23. Bolt
24. Wave washer
25. Washer
26. Starter shaft
27. Ratchet guide

1. Bolt 7. Ratchet
2. Cover 8. Spring
3. Rope 9. Washer
4. Starter spring 10. Return spring
5. Reel 11. Friction plate
6. Rope 12. E-ring
13. Bo1t
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Thread diameter - N.m in.-lb. ft.-lb.
5 mm bolt and nut 5 44 -
6 mm bolt and nut 10 88 -
8 mm bolt and nut 22 - 16
10 mm bolt and nut 34 - 25
12 mm bolt and nut 54 - 40
5 mm screw 4 35 -
6 mm screw 9 80 -
6 mm flange bolt with 8 mm head (small flange surface) 9 80 -
6 mm flange bolt with 8 mm head (large flange surface) 12 106 -
6 mm flange bolt with 10 mm head and nut 12 106 -
8 mm flange bolt and nut 26 - 20
10 mm flange bolt and nut 39 - 29
*This table lists general torque specifications for metric fasteners. Use this table when a specific torque specification is not
listed for a fastener at the end of the appropriate chapter. The torque specifications listed in this table are for threads that are
clean and dry.


I Model Requirements
600 to 800 grams
300 to 500 grams
©eBlue-Dist 2007

Chapter Eleven

Power Trim and Tilt Repair

Power trim and tilt is a factory-installed option on all WARNING

electric start 40 and 50 hp models and is standard on all Always wear skin and eye pr*otectiorz when
60-140 hp models. servicing the power trim and tilt unit.

Disassembling and reassembling the hydraulic system WARNING

requires special tools and a fair amount of practical expe- Never open the manual relief valve fully
rience in hydraulic system repair. Have the hydraulic sys- when the engine is in the ji~llyup position.
tem repaired at a marine repair facility if you do not have The oil pressure in the system is at its high-
access to the required tools or are unfamiliar with the re- est in this position.
pair operations.
Although the illustrations reflect the new
style trim system, the removal and installa-
Power Trim and Tilt System tion procedures are the same for all models.
Removal and Installation
1. Operate the trim motor and raise the engine to the fully
up position. Engage the tilt rod lock to secure the engine in
There are three different styles of power trimltilt sys- position.
tems used. One style is used on 40 and 50 hp models only
(Figure 1).Two styles are used on 60-140 hp models. The NOTE
old style (Figure 2) and new- style (Figure 3) are used on u t h e trim motor is not operative, open the
60-140 hp models. Refer to these figures for identification manual relief valve 3-4 turns and raise the
and orientation of parts. engine by hand.
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1. Motor assembly
2. Drive shaft
3. Filter
4. Pump
5. Relief valve (down)
6. Cap
7. Upper check valve
8. Spool
9. Relief valve (up)
10. Manual relief valve
11. Inner collar
12. Lower check valve
13. Free (floating) piston
14. Piston rod assembly
15. Rod guide
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1. Motor assembly 12. Manual relief valve

2. Trim rod guide assembly 13. Relief valve up
3. Trim rod assembly 14. Pilot relief valve down
4. Filter 15. Cap
5. Pump coupling 16. Reservoir (Fluid)
17. Tilt rod assembly
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1. Motor assembly 10. Trim rod assembly

2. Bracket assembly 11. Trim guide assembly
3. Pump coupling 12. Tilt rod guide
4. Filter 13. Tilt rod assembly
5. Pump 14. Free (floating) piston
6. Manual relief valve 15. Cap
7. Orifice 16. Reservoir (fluid)
8. Valve seat 17. Plug
9. Orifice 18. Filter
19. Snap ring
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2. Pull the thrust rod keeper pin (B, Figure 4) and re-
move the thrust rod (A) (if so equipped) from the clamp
3. Remove the upper cylinder pin (Figure 5) that secures
the tilt cylinder in the swivel bracket.
4. With the engine held securely in position with a tilt rod
lock, operate the motor and retract the trim rods fully and
disconnect the battery cables from the battery.
5. Disconnect the up (blue) and down (green) leads (Fig-
ure 6 ) from the solenoids in the electrical box and remove
the leads from the lower motor cowling and clamp

On old style units, the motor cable contains
an additional g~*oundlead that must be dis-
connected. Mark all leads before discon-
necting tlzem to prevent improper wire
connections during testing and installa-

6. Remove the trim assembly mounting bolts (old style)

and lower the cylinder pin (Figure 7) from between the
clamp brackets.
7. Lift and remove the unit from between the clamp
brackets (Figure 8).
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8. Installation is done in the reverse order of re-


Do not disassemble any power trimhilt sys-
tem component until all pressure has been
released and the oil reservoir has been
drained. Fully raise the engine and engage
the tilt rod loclc. Open the manual relief
valve in increments, allowing the unit to
fully depressurize.

Tilt and Trim Cylinders

Disassembly and Assembly
4. Trace the black sender wire to its connection at engine
1. Using a suitable spanner wrench, remove the cap from ground. Disconnect the wire. Note the direction in which
the trirnltilt cylinder (40 and 50 hp) or the caps from the the wires are oriented (leading up or leading down) before
trirnltilt cylinders (60-140 hp). On 40 and 50 hp models, removing the sender.
puil the trirnltilt rod assembly from the cylinder. On 5. Remove both mounting screws and then pull the
60-140 hp models, pull the trim rod from the trim cylinder mounting strap from the swivel bracket. Lift the sensor
and the tilt rod from the tilt cylinder. from the swivel bracket. Clean all corrosion or debris
2. Before assembling, apply oil to all internal compo- from the sensor mounting surfaces.
nents, the inner surface ofthe tilt cylinder andor manifold 6. Align the protrusion on the sender with the slot while
and especially the O-rings and backup rings. installing the sender into the opening. Rotate the sender
3. Apply Loctite 242 to the trim and tilt rod, then tighten until the wires are oriented in the direction noted prior to
to the specification in Table 1. removal.
4. Before installing the tilt and trim piston rod assembly, 7. Route the wires to their connection points. Slide the
fill the bottom of the manifold with the specified oil. In- sleeve over the terminal andor coat the terminals with liq-
sert the rod into the adjuster and push down by hand until uid neoprene after connecting the terminals. Ensure all
it is level with the oil surface. Fill the remaining portion of wires are routed in a manner that prevents them from be-
the cylinder with oil. Install the rod caps and tighten them coming pinched or stretched when the engine tilts or
securely. turns. Retain the wire with plastic locking clamps as re-
5. On the old style unit, thread the oil tube nuts by hand quired. Install the retaining strap and screws. Securely
(21, Figure 2) several times before tightening with a tighten the screws.
wrench to prevent leakage caused by cross threading. 8. Clean the terminals and connect the cables to the bat-
tery. Disengage the tilt lock mechanism, then remove the
overhead support.
Trim Position Sender 9. Adjust the sender as described in Chapter Five.
Removal and Installation

A trim position sender is installed on some 115-140 hp Manual Relief Valve

models. Removal and Installation
1. Place the engine in the full tilt position. Engage the tilt
lock mechanism and support the engine with an overhead Refer to Figures 1-3 to assist with component identifi-
hoist. Disconnect both battery cables. cation and orientation. The valve is mounted to the star-
2. Locate the trim position sender on the upper inside board side of the trim on all models.
starboard clamp bracket. Make a sketch of the sender wire After removing the valve, inspect all O-rings for worn
routing and connections prior to removal to ensure a flattened, cut or deteriorated surfaces. Note the size and
proper installation. location of all O-rings before removing them. Improper
3. Trace the sender wires to the harness connection trim system operation is likely if the replacement O-ring is
within the engine cover and disconnect them. Route the installed in the wrong location.
wires out of the motor cover to remove the wire and Inspect the O-rings on the valve (even when they are
sender. Remove all clamps prior to removal. discarded). Problems may surface if large portions are
©eBlue-Dist 2007


port the engine with wooden blocks or an overhead cable.

Close the manual relief valve.
2. Clean the area around the fluid fill plug. Remove the
plug, then inspect the O-ring on the plug. Replace the
O-ring if it is damaged.
3. Fill the unit to the lower edge of the fill cap opening
(Figure 9). Install the fill cap to the reservoir, then tighten
it securely. Remove the supports and disengage the tilt
lock lever.
4. Cycle the trim to the full up and to the full down posi-
tion. Repeat this step several times to bleed the air from
the system. Stop operating the pump immediately if there
is pump ventilation. Ventilation causes a change in the
missing or tom away from the O-rings. They usually mi- tone of the system as the unit operates. Repeat Steps 1-4 if
grate to a pressure relief valve or other component within ventilation is detected. Continue until the unit operates to
the trim system. Remove and install the manual relief the full up position without ventilation.
valve as follows: 5. Allow the unit to sit in the full up position for several
1. Position the engine in the full up tilt position. Engage minutes, then check the fluid level. Add fluid if required.
the tilt lock lever, then support the engine with an over- Securely tighten the fluid fill plug.
head hoist or suitable blocks.
2. Locate the manual relief valve and place a suitable AIR BLEEDING
container under the trim system to capture any spilled
fluid. A spongy feeling or an inability to hold trim under load
3. Using needlenose pliers, pull the snap ring from the is a common symptom if air is present in the system. Mi-
valve. Rotate the valve counterclockwise until you can nor amounts of air in the system purge into the reservoir
pull it from the housing. during normal operation. If major components have been
4. Use a suitable light along with a pick, small screw- removed, a significant amount of air can enter the syste
driver and/or tweezers to remove any remnants of the Most air is purged during the fluid filling proce
valve or O-ring from the opening. Avoid damaging any of Bleeding the air takes considerably longer if the pump
the machined surfaces in the opening. ventilates.
5. Lubricate the manual relief valve with Dextron I1 auto- Allow the engine to sit for 30 minutes or longer if air re-
matic transmission fluid, then carefully slide the new mains in the system after filling the fluid. Place the engine
O-rings (when removed) onto the valve. Lubricate the in the full tilt position using the manual relief valve. Cor-
O-rings with Dextron I1 automatic transmission fluid or rect the fluid level, then cycle the trim to the full up and
its equivalent. Install the valve into the opening. Do not down positions. Again check and correct the fluid level
tighten the valve at this time. after a 30-minute break.
6. Rotate the valve clockwise until a slight resistance is 1. Ensure the oil reservoir cap is tight.
felt. Rotate the valve 114 turn in the closed direction then 2. Open the manual relief valve several turns.
118 turn in the open direction. Repeat this process until the 3. Lift the engine manually to the full up position. Engage
manual relief valve is fully seated. the tilt rod stopper to lock the engine in position.
7. Using needlenose pliers, install the snap ring into its 4. Confirm the oil level is sufficient. Add oil if needed.
groove in the valve. Refer to Filling and Bleeding in this chap- 5. Close the manual relief valve fully and keep the engine
ter and correct the fluid level and purge air fiom the system. in the full up position for a minimum of 5 minutes.
6. Disengage the tilt rod stopper, and operate the motor
FLUID FILLING and lower the engine to the full down position. Maintain
this position for a minimum of 5 minutes.
Refer to Figures 1-3. Use Dextron I1 automatic trans- 7 . Run the motor and raise the engine to the full up posi-
mission fluid in both styles of trim systems. Fill the sys- tion. Engage the tilt rod stopper and check the oil level.
tem as follows. Add oil if needed. Maintain this position for a minimum
1. Open the manual relief valve and position the engine in of 5 minutes.
the full up position. Engage the tilt lock lever, then sup- 8. Repeat Steps 6 and 7 for a minimum of five cycles.
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23-31 N*m (17-22 ft.-lb.) -

Mounting bolt oil reservoir
5-7 N*m (44-62 in.-lb.) 4-6 N*m (35-53 in.-lb.)
Oil reservoir cap
3-5 Nem (27-44 in.-lb.) 5-10 N*m (44-89 in.-lb.)
Manual valve
- 3-4 N-m (27-35 in.-lb.)
2-3 N-m (18-27 in.-lb.) 3-4 N*m (27-35 in.-lb.)

11-13 N-m (97-115 in.-lb.)

Motor assembly mounting bolt
5-7 N-m (44-62 in.-lb.) -
- 3-4 N*m (27-35 in.-lb.)
Motor throughbolt
3-4 N*m (27-35 in.-lb.) -
5-6 N-m (44-53 in.-lb.) -
- 7-10 N-m (62-89 in.-lb.)

12-14 N*m (106-124 in.-lb.) -

Down relief valve
12-14 N-m (106-124 in.-lb.) -
12-14 N-m (106-124 in.-lb.) -
9-10 N*m (80-89 in.-lb.) -
69-89 N*m (51-65 ft.-lb.) 75-81 N*m (55-60 ft.-lb.)

78-118 N*m (58-87 ft.-lb.)

78-118 N*m (58-87 ft.-lb.) 108-147 N*m (80-108 ft.-lb.)


40-50 hp pump manifold assembly
Pump type Geared oil pump
Up relief valve opening pressure 13729-16671 kPa (1991-2417 psi)
Down relief valve opening pressure 1961-3334 kPa (284-483 psi)
Down pilot relief valve opening pressure -
Floating piston relief valve opening pressure -
Upper chamber valve (valve seat A) open pressure 235 kPa (34 psi)
Lower chamber valve (valve seat 6 ) open pressure 118 kPa (17 psi)
Oil type Manufacture recommended or GM ATF
Oil capacity 550 cm (18.6 f l oz)
Rated time 60 seconds
Rated voltage 12 VDC
Output 0.4 kW
Direction of rotation Forward 1 reverse
Type circuit breaker Internal, bi-metallic, current-sensitive
Circuit breaker activation -
Circuit breaker reset -
Commutator standard, outside diameter -
(continued) I
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Motor (continued) --
Commutators wear limit outside diameter -
Brushes wear limit length -
Field coil standard resistance -
Trim cylinder
Piston diameter -
Piston rod diameter -
Piston stroke -
Tilt cylinder
Piston diameter 54 mm (2.13 in.)
Piston rod diameter 16 mm (0.63 in.)
Pistons stroke 141 mm (5.55 in.)
Shock absorber valve opening pressure 3432-5393 kPa (497-782 psi)
PT/T Switches
Control box (P type) 3A single-pole double-throw rocker switch
Lower motor cover (P type) 3A single-pole double-throw rocker switch
Panel (F type) 20A single-pole double-throw rocker switch
Solenoid switches
Rated voltage 12 VDC
Rated time -
Excitation current -
Excitation coil standard resistance -
60-140 hp pump manifold assembly
Pump type Geared oil pump
Up relief valve opening pressure
Old style PT/T 11767-13728 kPa (1706-1991 psi)
New style PT/T 8825-11768 kPa (1280-1706 psi)
Down relief valve opening pressure
Old style PT/T -
New style PTK 3922-7354 kPa (568-1066 psi)
Down pilot relief valve opening pressure
Old style PT/T 3922-6864 kPa (569-995 psi)
Floating piston relief valve opening pressure
Old style PT/T 245-343 kPa (36-50 psi)
Upper chamber valve (valve seat A) open pressure
Old style PT/T 235 kPa (34 psi)
Lower chamber valve (valve seat B) open pressure
Old style PT/T 118 kPa (17 psi)
Oil type Manufacture recommended or GM ATF
Oil capacity
Old style PT/T 730 cm (24.7 fl oz)
New style PT/T 682 cm (23.0 fl oz)
Rated time 60 seconds
Rated voltage 12 VDC
Old style PT/T 0.3 kW
New style PT/T 0.4 kW
Direction of rotation Forwardlreverse
Type circuit breaker internal, bi-metallic, current-sensitive
Circuit breaker activation
Old style PT/T 40-120 seconds at 52 A
New style PT/T 20 seconds minimum at 80 A
Circuit breaker reset
Old style PT/T Within 35 seconds
Commutator standard, outside diameter
Old style PT/T 28.0 mm (1.10 in.)
New style PT/T 22.1 mm (0.87 in.)
Commutators wear limit outside diameter
Old style PT/T 27.0 mm (1.06 in.)
New style PT/T 21.0 mm (0.82 in.)
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Brush standard length
Old style PTR 11.5 mm (0.45 in.)
New style PTR 10.0 mm (0.39 in.)
Brushes wear limit length
Old style PTR 7.5 mm (0.29 in.)
New style PTR 5.0 mm (0.20 in.)
Field coil standard resistance
Old style PTR 0.05 ohms (pink-blue)
Trim cylinder
Piston diameter
Old style PTK 38.0 mm (1.50 in.)
New style PTIT 38.0 mm (1.50 in.)
Piston rod diameter
Old style PTK 16.0 mm (0.63 in.)
New style PTK 17.8 mm (0.70 in.)
Piston stroke
Old style PTR 69.0 mm (2.72 in.)
New style PTK 96.9 mm (3.81 in.)
Tilt cylinder
Piston diameter
Old style PTK 45.0 mm (1.77 in.)
New style PTR 45.0 mm (1.77 in.)
Piston rod diameter
Old style PTK 19.0 mm (0.75 in.)
New style PTrT 19.0 mm (0.75 in.)
Pistons stroke
Old style PTK 131.0 mm (6.16 in.)
New style PTR 131.0 mm (6.16 in.)
Shock absorber valve opening pressure
Old style PT/T 12258-15200 kPa (1778-2204 psi)
New style PTK 14710-18632 kPa (2133-2702 psi)
PTIT Switches
Control box (P type) 3A single-pole double-throw rocker switch
bower motor cover (P type) 3A single-pole double-throw rocker switch
Panel (F type) 20A single-pole double-throw rocker switch
Solenoid switches
Rated voltage 12 VDC
Rated time Old style 30 seconds at 100 A
New style 60 seconds at 80 A
Excitation current Old style 3 A maximum
New style 4 A maximum
Excitation coil standard resistance Old style PTK 5.20 ohms


Thread diameter N.m in.-lb. ft.-lb.
5 mm bolt and nut 5 44 -
6 mm bolt and nut 10 88 -
8 mm bolt and nut 22 - 16
10 mm bolt and nut 34 - 25
12 mm bolt and nut 54 - 40
5 mm screw 4 35 -
6 mm screw 9 80 -
6 mm flange bolt with 8 mm head (small flange surface) 9 80 -
6 mm flange bolt with 8 mm head (large flange surface) 12 106 -
I (continued) I
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clean and dry.

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A Capacities. gearcase lubricant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

Adjustment Carbon deposits. removing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-86
carburetor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Carburetor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137-146
pilot screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94
synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102-104. 125 inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128-129
throttle stop screw turns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 pilot screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125
choke valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147
engine RPM at idle and trolling . . . . . . . . . . . 125 synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102-104. 125
float height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 throttle stop screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
fuel system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101-106 CDI unit removal and installation . . . . . . . . 168-169
idle RPM. engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101-102. 125 Chargecoil. removalandinstallation . . . . . . 163-164
ignition timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106-115. 124 Charging system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163-164
linkage. throttle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115-123 Choke valve adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
neutral start mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Clamp and hose inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86-87
oil pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104-106 Clutch and gear inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
pilot screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101.125.14 7-148 Coil. removal and installation
propeller. test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 battery charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163-164
pump. oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104-106 exciter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165-1 66
RPM. engine at idle and trolling . . . . . . . . . . . 125 ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
sender. trim position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122-123 pulser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166-168
start mechanism. neutral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Compression
test propeller recommendations . . . . . . . . . . 123 cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
throttle linkage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115-123 test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106-115. 124 Connecting rod
trim position sender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122-123 inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
trim tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117-122 specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
trolling. engine RPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Connectors. he1 hose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1-132
valve.choke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Corrosion prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97-98
Alternator specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Cranking voltage test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Anode Crankshaft
gearcase. inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88-89 dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
sacrificial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-208
Cylinder block
disassembly and assembly . . . . . . . . . . . 195-202
B inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202-205
Basic hand tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-26 Cylinder
Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149-1 53 bore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
charge coil removal and installation . . . . . . 163- 164 compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
charging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152-153 head inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91,15 0.1 51 head removal and installation . . . . . . . . . 190-192
requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 tilt and trim. disassembly and assembly . . . . . . . 268
storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151.152
Bearing inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254-255 E
Bleeding, air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 Electrical system
Bore. cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 10 alternator specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149-153
Bulb. primer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132-133 charge coil removal and installation . . . . . 163-164
charging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152-153
inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150-151
C requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Cam and shift rod inspection . . storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
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testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151-152 Filter. fuel

charge coil removal andinstallation . . . . . . 163-164 replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
charging system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163-164 inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84-85
coil. battery charge. removal and installation. . 163-164 Float height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
cranking voltage test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
electric starting system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Fluid
electric trolling motors. wiring for 12- and 24-volt . 153 filling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
ignition system specifications . . . . . . . . . 172-179 trim system. level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-91
inspection. battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150-15 1 Flywheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181-186
jump starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Fuelsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101-106
lanyard switch removal and installation . . . . . . 170 adjustment
motor float height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
starter. inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161.162 pilot screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147-148
trolling. wiring for 12-and24-voltelectric . . . . 153 bulb. primer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132-133
neutral start switch removal and installation . . 162-163 carburetor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137-146
oil level sensor removal andinstallation . . . . . . 171 inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128- 129
overheat sensor removal and installation . . . . . . 171 specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
rectifier or rectifierlregulator cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127-128
removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 connectors. fuel hose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 -132
specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 filter. fuel replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
relay. starter. removal and installation . . . . . . . . 154 float height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
requirements. battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 hose. fuel. connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131.132
sensor inspection. carburetor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128-129
oil level. removal and installation . . . . . . . . . 171 intake manifold and reed valve assembly . . . 144- 146
overheat. removal and installation . . . . . . . . . 171 integral fuel tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
water pressure. removal and installation . . . . . . 171 jets.fue1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
specifications manifold. intake and reed valve assembly . . . 144-146
alternator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 pilot screw adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147-148
battery requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 portable fuel tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130-131
ignition system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172-179 primer bulb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132-133
rectifierlregulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 pumps. fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133-137
torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172 reed valve
start switch. neutral. removal and installation . 162-163 assembly and intake manifold . . . . . . . . 144-146
starter motor inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . 161.162 lift height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
starter relay removal and installation . . . . . . . . 154 screw. pilot. adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . 147-148
torque specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 specifications
trolling motors. wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 carburetor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
warning system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 fuel system torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146-147
water pressure sensor removal and installation . . . 171 tank. fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129-132
wiring for electric trolling motors . . . . . . . . . . 153 portable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130-131
Engine integral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
break-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 torque specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146-147
oil requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
RPM at idle and trolling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 G
recommissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Galvanic corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.13
Excitercoilremovalandinstallation . . . . . . 165-166 Gasket sealant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11
Exhaust cover removal and installation . . . . . 192-195 Gear and clutch inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Gearcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228-252
anode inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88-89
F bearing inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254-255
Fasteners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 cam and shift rod inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
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clutch and gear inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 ignitionswitch. removalandinstallation . . . . . . 154

gear and clutch inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 pulser coil removal andinstallation . . . . . . 166-168
lubricant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87-88 stator removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . 166
capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 torque specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
changing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94.95,10 6.115
operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213-214 adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
propeller Initial inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-82
removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . 214-216 Intake manifold and reed valve assembly . . . . 144-146
shaft inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253-254 Integral he1 tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
shear pin type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215-216
thrust hub type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 6
removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . 216-222
Jets. fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
shift rod and cam inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Jump starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
shim thickness, available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
available shim thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 L
gearcase special torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 Lanyard switch
torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 removal and installation (tiller handle models) . . . 170
thmst hub type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 16 Linkage. throttle. adjustment . . . . . . . . . . 115-123
torque specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 Lubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-10
water pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222-228 Lubrication
assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224-228 capacities. gearcase lubricant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222-224 changing. gearcase lubricant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .253 engine oil requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
General information fluid. trim system. level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-91
engine operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 gearcase lubricant capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
fasteners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 lubrication system description . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
galvanic corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 -13 oil. engine. requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
gasket sealant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 recommended lubricants and sealants . . . . . . . . 100
lubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-10 swivel and tilt tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
propellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-20 tilt tube and swivel lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
protection from galvanic corrosion . . . . . . . . 13-14 trim system fluid level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-91
torque specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Hose after each use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82-83
and clamp inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86-87 anodes
fuel. connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131.132 gearcase. inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88-89
sacrificial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
battery inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
I carbon deposits. removing . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-86
Idle speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101.102. 125 clamp and hose inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . 86-87
Ignition coil removal and installation . . . . . . . . . 168 corrosion prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97-98
Ignition switch removal and installation . . . . . . . 154 fuel
Ignition system specifications . . . . . . . . . . 172-179 filter inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84-85
Ignition system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165-170 requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
CDI unit removal and installation . . . . . . . 168-169 hose and clamp inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . 86-87
coil. removal and installation inspection
exciter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165-1 66 battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86-87
pulser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166-168 fuel filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84-85
©eBlue-Dist 2007


gearcase anode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88-89 compression. cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209

hose . . . . . . . . . ._. . . . . . . . . . . . . 86-87 connecting rod inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
steering system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 connecting rod specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
thermostat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 cover. exhaust. removal and installation . . . . 192-195
waterpump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89 crankshaft
wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
propeller shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89 inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-208
recommissioning the engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 cylinder
sacrificial anodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 block
schedule, maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . 83,98.99 disassembly and assembly. . . . . . . . . . 195-202
sealants. recommended . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202-205
shaft. propeller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 bore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
shift linkage and throttle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
starter motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1 head inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97-98 head removal and installation . . . . . . . . . 190-192
submersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-97 dimensions, crankshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
throttle and shift linkage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 end gap. piston ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
water test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95 engine break-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Manifold. intake and reed valve assembly . . . . 144-146 exhaust cover removal and installation . . . . . 192-1 95
flywheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181-186
Mechanics' techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-32 installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188- 189
Midsection piston
inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252-255 clearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
torque specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205
ring end gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186-188
N specifications
Neutral start connecting rod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
mechanism adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 general torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211-212
switch removal and installation . . . . . . . . 162-163 power head torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
0 installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .190
Oil removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189-190
engine. requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 torque specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
level sensor removal and installation . . . . . . . . 171 general . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211-2 12
pump adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104-106 power head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Overheat sensorremoval and installation . . . . . . 171 Power trim and tilt system
air bleeding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .269
cylinders, tilt and trim. disassembly and assembly . 268
P fluid filling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Pilot screw manual relief valve removal and installation . . 268-269
adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101.14 7.148 removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . 263-268
turns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125 sender. trim position. removal and installation . . . 268
Piston specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270-272
clearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205 general torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272-273
inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205 power trimitilt special torque values . . . . . . . . 270
ring end gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 power tridtilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270-272
Portable fuel tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130-131 special torque values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Power head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186-202 tilt and trim cylinders disassembly and assembly . . 268
bore. cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .210 torque specifications . . . . . . . . . . . 270.27 2-273 engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 trim position sender removal and installation . . . . 268
clearance. piston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Primer bulb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132-133
©eBlue-Dist 2007


Propeller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-20 Shift linkage and throttle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 14-216 Shift rod and cam inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Shim thickness. available. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253-254 Spark plug
shear pin type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 15-216 application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
test, recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92-94
thmst hub type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 Specifications
Protection from galvanic corrosion . . . . . . . . 13-14 alternator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Pulser coil removal and installation . . . . . . . 166-168 available shim thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Pump battery requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133-137 carburetor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
oil. adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104-106 pilot screw turns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222-228 synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224-228 throttle stop screw turns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222-224 connecting rod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89. 253 engine RPM at idle and trolling . . . . . . . . . . . 125
he1 system torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146-147
gearcase special torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
R general torque . . . . . . . . . . . . 211-2 12,272-273
Ratchet load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 ignition
Recommissioning the engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172-179
Rectifier or rectifierlregulator timing adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 midsection torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 power head torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Reed valve power trimltilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270-272
assembly and intake manifold . . . . . . . . . 144-146 ratchet load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
lift height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 rectifierlregulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Regulator specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 test propeller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Regulatorlrectifier. removal and installation . . . . . 164 tiltitrim. power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Relay. starter. removal and installation . . . . . . . . 154 timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124. 172
Relief valve. manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268-269 torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255. 262
Removing carbon deposits . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-86 trimltilt. power. special torque values . . . . . . . . 270
Start mechanism. neutral. adjustment . . . . . . . . 122
Start switch. neutral. removal and installation . . 162-163
S Starter. manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257-262
Sacrificial anodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Starter motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154-163
Schedule. maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98-99 inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161.162
Scheduled maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Screw Starter relay removal and installation . . . . . . . . . 154
pilot Starting system. electric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101.14 7.148 Stator removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
turns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Steering system inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
throttle stop Stop screw. carburetor throttle. turns . . . . . . . . . 125
turns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97-98
Sealants. recommended . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Submersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-97
Sender. trim position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122- 123 Switch removal and installation
removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Sensor lanyard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
oil level. removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . 171 neutral start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162-163
overheat. removal and installation . . . . . . . . . 171 Swivel and tilt tube lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
water pressure. removal and installation . . . . . . 171 Synchronization
Shear pin type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215-216 adjustment
©eBlue-Dist 2007


pilot screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 power head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209

throttle linkage . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . 115- 123 power trimltilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
carburetor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102.104, 125 midsection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
pilot screw turns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 tridtilt. power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102-104. 125 Trim
throttle stop screw turns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 and tilt cylinders. disassembly and assembly . . . . 268
fuel system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101-106 positionsender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122-123
idle speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101.102 removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
linkage. throttle. adjustment . . . . . . . . . . 115-123 system fluid level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-91
pilot screw adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 tab adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117-122
Trolling motors. wiring for 12- and 24-volt electric . 153
Trolling. engine RPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
T Troubleshooting and testing
Tank. fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129-132 alternator charging coil test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
portable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130- 131 amperage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
integral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 blown cylinder head gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Test carburetor malfunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38-39
battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151.152 CDI unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-43
compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 peak voltage test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-44
cranking voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 charging coil. alternator. test . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-28 charging system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-54
propeller recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-51
water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 checking diodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Thermostat coil
inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 alternator charging test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189-190 ignition exciter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Throttle pulser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-41
and shift linkage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 com~ressiontest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39. 69
linkage adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115-123 continuity test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
stop screw turns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 cooling system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69-72
Thrust hub type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69-70
Tiller handle models inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
lanyard switch removal and installation . . . . . . . 170 cylinder
Tilt head gasket. blown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
and power trim system water entering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68-69
removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . 263-268 determining a fuel or ignition fault . . . . . . . . . . 37
and trim cylinders disassembly and assembly . . . . 268 detonation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
tube and swivel lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 electrical testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63-67
Timing engine
ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94.95,106.115, 124 model identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78-79
adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 noises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67-69
specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 seizure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Tools and techniques speed limiting system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54-57
basic hand tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-26 temperature verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70-7 1
mechanics' techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1-32 fuel
special tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-31 fault. determining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
test equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-28 pump and fuel tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Torque specifications . . . . . 2-273 system inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37-38
fuel system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146-147 fuse
gearcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 and wire harness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
general . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211-212 testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
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gearcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72-75 speed

vibration or noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 limit system test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
harness. wire test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 low-speed limit (1 15-140 hp) . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
horn. warning. test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 one-half maximum limit test. . . . . . . . . . . 55-57
ignition start button test (tiller models) . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
coil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
exciter coil . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . 42
start system. manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
fault. determining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
cranking voltage test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
switch test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47-48
solenoid test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-44 starting
troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 difficulty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37-39
knocking noises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-50
lamp. warning. test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-76
lockdown hook. and tilt pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 stop circuit test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-40
low-speed limit (115-140 hp) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 tank, fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
lubricant temperature. engine. verification . . . . . . . . . 70-71
metal contamination in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 thermostat testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
lubrication system failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67-68 tiller models. start button test . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
malfunction. carburetor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38-39 tilt pin and lockdown hook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
manual start system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 trim system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57-63
metal contamination in the lubricant . . . . . . . . . 74 indicator
multimeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-34 input voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65-66
neutral switch test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49-50 output voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
sender output voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67-69
switch test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63-65
knocking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
or vibration in gearcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 power. and tilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58-63
ticking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 vibration. or noise in gearcase . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
whirring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 voltage
oil level sensor test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 drop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
operating requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 measuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
overheat sensor test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71-72. 79 peak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
over-speed limitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 starter cranking test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
peak voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 trim indicator input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65-66
CDI unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-44 trim sender output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
power trim and tilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58-63 warning
preignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 horntest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
pressure test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 lamptest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
pulser coil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-41 system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44-45
pump. fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 water entering the cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . 68-69
rectifierlregulator test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-54
whirring noises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-36
wire harness test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
sensor. overheat. test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
shifting difficulty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 wire harness. and fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
solenoid. starter test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Tune-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92-96
spark plug cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 carburetor adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
specifications compression test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
engine model identification . . . . . . . . . . . 78-79 ignition timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94-95
general torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 spark plug
overheat sensor test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
over-speed limitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92-94
©eBlue-Dist 2007


V Water pressure sensor removal and installation . . . . 171

Valve Water pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222-228
choke. adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224-228
manual relief. removal and installation . . . . . 268-269 disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222-224
reed assembly and intake manifold . . . . . . . 144-146 inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
reed lift height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Voltage. cranking. test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Watertest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Wiring diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
W Wiring for electric trolling motors . . . . . . . . . . 153
Warning system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Wiring inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
©eBlue-Dist 2007
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2.513.5 MODELS

Diagram Key

=a= Connectors

CD Unit -

Frame ground




Color Code

B Black
W White
0 Orange
Br Brown
BMI BlackMlhite
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Remote control -------

stop cord (option) Safety
switch I Stop I
I switch Diagram Key
(option) I (optional) I

-- Frame ground

No connection

Color Code

B Black
W White
Br Brown
BIR BlacMWhite
BN BlacWellow
©eBlue-Dist 2007
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Diagram Key

=m= Connectors

C Ground
- Frame ground

No connection
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Starter Choke Diagram Key

~ x i c i i e r w Tachometer L Blue
- coil Alternator (option)
Y Yellow
Br Brown
Rectifier kit Or Gray
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Stop Diagram Key

switch Main switch

3 Ground
1- Frame ground
+ No connection

Color Code
Cord assembly
B Black
R Red
G Green
L Blue
Y Yellow
Br Brown
©eBlue-Dist 2007


9.9D/15D/18E MODELS

G ITc)
Remote control
stop cord
Diagram Key


I CD Unit 5 Ground
- Frame ground

m !?I !?Im
+ No connection

Color Code
B Black
Battery Fuse
- Tachometer
1 5 ~ Rectifier kit (option) L Blue
(optional) Y Yellow
Br Brown
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Diagram Key

=t: Connectors
5 Ground
- Frame ground
+ No connectlon



Color Code
B Black
Battery Fuse
- Tachometer
15A Rectifier kit
(optional) (option) G Green
- Blue
- -.

Y Yellow
Br Brown
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Diagram Key
solenoid connectors
4 Ground
C.D. Unit I
-- Frame ground

No connection


Color Code

B Black
Battery Fuse
1 5 ~ Rectifier kit
L Blue
(option) Y Yellow
Br Brown
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Diagram K e y
switch Main switch z k Connectors

* Ground
e Frame ground
- -
aaa + No connection

Color C o d e
C o r d assembly
B Black
R Red
G Green
L Blue
Y Yellow
Br Brown
©eBlue-Dist 2007


25C/30A/40C MODELS

Remote control
stop cord
Diagram Key
Remote (option)
. . .

-- Frame ground

. No connection


cord (option)

En > 3 JmEg>

magneto Color Code

B Black
- W White
Battery Fuse Tachometer R Red
1 5 ~ Rectifier kit L Blue
(option) Y Yellow
Br Brown
©eBlue-Dist 2007


25130140 (EF TYPE) MODELS

Starter Diagram Key


3 Ground
- Frame ground

No connection



Y Yellow
Br Brown
©eBlue-Dist 2007


25130140 (EP TYPE) MODELS

Diagram Key
solenoid Stnn Connectors

+ Ground

- Frame ground
No connection

Volt meter
B (option)

a Speedometer

: Hour meter

Color Code

B Black
W White
R Red
G Green
Battery Fuse
, L
Rectifier kit Alternator Tachometer
15A Br Brown
(optional) Flywheel (option)
©eBlue-Dist 2007



switch Main switch Diagram Key
switch Connecto.

5 Ground
-- Frame ground

+ No connection

Cord assembly

-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Color Code

B Black
R Red I I
G Green
L Blue
Y Yellow
Br Brown
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Remote control Remote control safely

Diagram Key

Color Code

B Black
W White
R Red
(option) L Blue
(option) Y Yellow
Br Brown
©eBlue-Dist 2007






Color Code

B Black
Battery Fuse
- W White
1 5 ~ Rectifier kit Tachometer R Red
(option) G Green
(option) L Blue
Y Yellow
Br Brown
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Diagram Key

solenoid Stop + Ground

Color Code
B Black
W White
R Red
G Green
L Blue
Y Yellow
15A Rectifier kit Br Brown
(optional) Flywheel (option)
©eBlue-Dist 2007



switch Main switch Diagram Key


- Frame ground

No connection

Cord assembly

Color Code
B Black
R Red
G Green ccm
L Blue
Y Yellow
Br Brown
©eBlue-Dist 2007


506/60M0A2 MODELS

trim & tilt Diagram Key
unit (option)

Color Code
trim & tilt B Black
switch W White
(option) R Red
G Green
L Blue
Y Yellow
P Pink
Br Brown
switch Starter
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Exciter Pulser
Pulser coil #3


Main switch &tilt switch

©eBlue-Dist 2007


Diagram Key

Trim Connectors
Tachometer meter

Color C o d e

B Black Dg Dark green

Sb Sky blue
B/W BlackMlhite
G Green BIR BlacWRed
L Blue BIG BlacklGreen
Y Yellow WIB WhiteIBlack
0 Orange WIG WhitelGreen
Battery Water P Pink WIL WhitelBlue
temp. Br Brown LIW BlueNVhite
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Alternator Pulser

trim & tilt

1 -------

3 ------------


9 -
I1 --------

buzzer Overheat
©eBlue-Dist 2007


Diagram Key


+A Ground
@ Frame ground
No connection

Color C o d e

B Black
W White
R Red
G Green
L Blue
Y Yellow
0 Orange
P Pink
Br Brown
aa$ ~ $
m Dg Dark green
~b Sky blue
BMI EllacWhite
B/R BlacWRed
BIG BlacWGreen
motor WIB White/Black
WIG WhiteIGreen
WIL WhiteIBlue
Pilot Battery UW BlueMIhite
©eBlue-Dist 2007



Water Water
temperature pressure
meter Fuel meter meter Speedometer Hour meter
Main (option) (option) (option) (option) (option) Tachometer


$ m a cc n 0

Safety Neutral
switch switch

Main switch
©eBlue-Dist 2007


©eBlue-Dist 2007


60R0/90/120/140 (EFO, EFTO) MODELS

Alternator Pulser

©eBlue-Dist 2007


Diagram Key


8 Ground
- Frame ground

NO Connection




12 Color Code
B Black
W White
R Red
G Green
L Blue
Y Yellow
0 Orange
P Pink
Br Brown
Dg Dark green
Sb Sky blue
BMI BlacklWhite
BIR BlacWRed

BIG BlacWGreen
WIB WhitelBlack
WIG WhiteIGreen
WIL WhiteIBlue
5 motor UW BlueWhite
Water buzzer Battery
switch Main switch
©eBlue-Dist 2007




Power trim
Spark plugs &tilt switch B
©eBlue-Dist 2007


Diagram Key
Tachometer meter
Trim connectors
©eBlue-Dist 2007


60BOl9Oll20/140 (EF, (T) 0)MODELS


Spark plugs Neutral

©eBlue-Dist 2007


Diagram Key



Color C o d e

B Black Dg Dark green

W White Sb Sky blue
BNV BlacWhite
G Green BIR BlacWRed
L Blue BIG BlacWGreen
Power Overheat Stop
Y Yellow WIB WhitelBlack
trim & t i l t buzzer switch 0 Orange WIG WhiteIGreen
Main switch switch P Pink W/L WhitelBlue
Br Brown UW BlueNVhite
©eBlue-Dist 2007


60n0/90/120/140(EPTO) MODELS

1 ---------
2 ---------

12 -------.


Spark plugs
©eBlue-Dist 2007


Diagram Key
Trim Connectors
Tachometer meter

Color Code
Black Dg Dark green
White Sb Sky blue
Overheat Red BIW BlacWhite
trim &tilt buzzer Green BIR BlacWRed
Main switch switch 6 Blue BIG BlacWGreen
Yellow WIB WhiteIBlack
Orange WIG WhiteIGreen
Pink WIL WhitelBlue
Brown LNY BiueIWhite
©eBlue-Dist 2007


- (120A2,140A2, EPTO) MODELS

Spark plugs
sensor -
trim & tilt
©eBlue-Dist 2007


Diagram Key


e Frame ground

+ No connection
©eBlue-Dist 2007


115 MODELS (PRIOR TO SERIAL NO. 003-11050-3)

Choke Overheat Power

solenoid sensor trim &tilt
©eBlue-Dist 2007


El cl
Muiti-purpose Diagram Key
n Connectors


K E K $ ~ K



- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 8


- 10

Color Code

B Black BlW BlacWhite

W White BIR BlacWRed
R Red BIG BlacWGreen
G Green WIB WhitelBlack
L Blue WIG WhiteIGreen
Y Yellow WR WhitelBlue
0 Orange WN WhiteNellow
P Pink WG RedIGreen
switch trim & t i l t switch buuer Br Brown WY RedNellow
switch Dg Dark green L/W BluelWhlte
Main switch Sb Sky blue PIL PinWBlue
©eBlue-Dist 2007


1 15 MODELS (NO.6803-"81050-3- OM)

Spark plugs Choke Overheat Power
Solenoid sensor trim &tilt
©eBlue-Dist 2007


Multi-purpose Diagram Key

Battery lamp
6 Ground
Frame ground

water %onnection
temo. A
sensor NO connection


13 Color Code

B Black BNY BlacWhite

W White BIR BlacWRed
R Red BIG BiacWGreen
G Green WIB WhitelBlack
L Blue WIG WhiteIGreen
Y Yellow WIL WhitelBlue
stop Neutral 0 Orange WN WhiteNellow
Power Overheat P Pink RIG RedlGreen
switch trim B tilt switch buzzer Br Brown RN RedlYeliow
switch Dg Dark green UW BluelWhlte
Main switch Sb Sky blue PIL PinWBiue

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