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Simulation 2 Driver

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Simulation 2 Driver

Version 6.1
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Table of Contents

Simulation 2 Driver 2

SM2 Driver Features 3

Accessing SM2 Registers 5

To use the SM2 register: 5

Generating Bad Data 6

Using the SM2 C API 7

Example 7

Understanding Alarm Statuses 11

Index 13

© 2020 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. i

© 2020 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. 1
Simulation 2 Driver

The Simulation 2 (SM2) driver provides a matrix of addresses that lets you test your process database to
learn how its block and chains respond to different conditions. You can also use the SM2 driver with a C
application to extract data from legacy systems and store it in a process database.

The SM2 driver has no driver configuration program so no configuration of the driver is required. Instead,
you specify the SM2 address you want to use in a database block's I/O Address field and then place the
block on scan. To learn more about using SM2 addresses, refer to Accessing SM2 Registers.

The SM2 driver supports the following HMI software products:

l FIX for Windows NT version 6.15 or greater.

l iFIX version 2.5 or greater.

2 © 2020 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.

SM2 Driver Features

The SM2 driver is similar to the SIM driver supplied with your FIX and iFIX software. Both drivers:

l Provide a matrix of addresses that database blocks can read from and write to.
l Support analog and digital database blocks.
l Support text blocks.

However, the SM2 driver differs from the SIM driver in several important ways:

The SM2 driver... The SIM driver...

Provides three independent sets of Provides one set of registers shared by both analog,
registers. Analog blocks automatically digital, and text blocks.
access the analog registers, digital blocks
automatically use the digital registers, and
Text blocks automatically access the text
Changing a register in one set does not Changing an analog register in the SIM driver modifies the
change the same register in the other set. register for analog, digital, and text reads. For example, if
For example, if you change the value of you change the value of the analog register 1000, you also
the analog register 1000, the value of the modify the value of the same digital register.
digital register 1000 is unchanged.
Provides 20,000 analog, 20,000 16-bit Provides 2000 analog and digital registers, a total of 32,000
digital registers, and 20,000 text registers. bits.
Stores analog values in 64-bit floating Stores analog values in 16-bit integer registers, numbered
point registers, numbered 0 to 19999. 0 to 2000. Incoming 32-bit values are scaled to 16-bit val-
Incoming values are not scaled. ues (0 - 65535).
Digital values are stored in 16-bit integer Digital values are stored in 16-bit integer registers,
registers, numbered 0 to 19999. numbered 0 to 2000.
Text values are stored in 8-bit registers Text values are stored in the same area as analog and
numbered 0 to 19999. Each register holds digital values, numbered 0 to 2000.
one text character for a total of 20,000
bytes of text.
Provides a register to simulate com- Cannot simulate communication errors. However, the SIM
munication errors. driver does provide registers RA through RK and RX
through RZ to generate random numbers. For more inform-
ation, refer to the Using Signal Generation Registers in the
SIM Driver section Building a SCADA System electronic
Supplies a C API that allows applications Does not support a C API for accessing SIM values.
to access SM2 analog, digital, and text val-
Supports exception-based processing. Does not support exception-based processing.
Supports latched data for Analog Input, Does not support latched data.
Analog Alarm, Digital Input, Digital Alarm
and Text blocks when a simulated com-

© 2020 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. 3

munication error is enabled.
Can read and write the individual alarm Cannot read and write the individual alarm status of any
status of each SM2 register. SIM register.
Does not provide alarm counters. Provides alarm counters that show the general alarm state
of a SCADA server. For more information, refer to the
Using Alarm Counters chapter of the Implementing Alarms
and Messages electronic book.

Obviously, you can use the SIM driver for many of the same tasks as the SM2 driver. However, you
may prefer to use the SM2 driver when one or more of the following conditions occur:

l You have more test data than the SIM driver can hold.
l You want to determine how the database responds to 32-bit values.
l You need to access the driver from a C program.

4 © 2020 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.

Accessing SM2 Registers

The SM2 driver matrix consists of three independent sets of registers: one for analog values, one for
digital values, and one for text values. Analog database blocks read from and write to analog registers
only. Once a block writes a value, other analog blocks can read the value from the register written to.
Digital database blocks work the same way, reading and writing from the digital registers. FIX (or iFIX)
clears all SM2 values when FIX or iFIX starts.

The SM2 driver does not use the Hardware Options or Signal Conditioning fields.

To use the SM2 register:

1. Enter SM2 in the primary block's Device field.
2. Complete the I/O Address field with the following syntax:
For Analog values: register
For Digital values: register:bit
For Text values: register

SM2 Address Examples

Analog Examples Digital Examples Text Examples
1000 5000:10 2000
16435 23:15 10000

© 2020 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. 5

Generating Bad Data

The SM2 driver provides an S register to simulate a communication error. Using this register, all analog
and digital reads return an error as if communication to the process hardware has been lost.

To use this feature, set the S register to 1.

NOTE: The SM2 driver latches data when a simulated communication error is enabled.

6 © 2020 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.

Using the SM2 C API

NOTE: You must have the iFIX Integration (EDA) Toolkit installed to use the C API.

You can access SM2 analog, digital, and text values through the C API that the driver supplies. The file
SM2API.H describes the API and the functions reside in the file SM2API.LIB. You can link this library
file to your C application to access the API's functions. You can find both files in your Base path. By
default, this path is C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX, C:\IFIX, or C:\Dynamics depending where you
installed iFIX.

Suppose you are using the SM2 driver to store data from a legacy system. Using the C API and a num-
ber of preconfigured analog blocks, you can extract your data from the legacy system and store it in your
process database.

C API Functions
Syntax Values read, written, and returned
UINT16 GetAn- GetAnalog reads an analog value (32-bit float) to the register indicated by 'index'.
FE_OK is returned if the operation succeeds.
index, FLOAT
*data); FE_IO_ADDR is returned if the register index is out of range.

FE_RANGE is returned if the analog value exceeds the range of a 32-bit float.

NOTE: GetAnalog and GetDouble access the same table in the SM2.
UINT16 SetAn- SetAnalog writes an analog value (32-bit float) to the register indicated by 'index' and
alog(UINT16 causes an exception for the specified register even if the data has not changed.
index, FLOAT
FE_OK is returned if the operation succeeds.
FE_IO_ADDR is returned if the register index is out of range.

NOTE: SetAnalog and SetDouble access the same table in the SM2.
UINT16 GetDouble reads an analog value (64-bit float) to the register indicated by 'index.'
FE_OK is returned if the operation succeeds.
(UINT16 index,
DOUBLE FE_IO_ADDR is returned if the register index is out of range.
NOTE: GetAnalog and GetDouble access the same table in the SM2.
UINT16 SetDouble writes an analog value (64-bit float) to the register indicated by 'index' and
SetDouble causes an exception for the specified register even if the data has not changed.
(UINT16 index,
FE_OK is returned if the operation succeeds.
DOUBLE data);
FE_IO_ADDR is returned if the register index is out of range.

NOTE: SetAnalog and SetDouble access the same table in the SM2.
UINT16 GetDi- GetDigital reads 16 digital values (all 16 bits in one of the 20,000 digital registers) to
gital(UINT16 the register indicated by 'index'.
index, UINT16
FE_OK is returned if the operation succeeds.

© 2020 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. 7

*data); FE_IO_ADDR is returned if the register index is out of range.

NOTE: The API can only read and write the entire 16 bit digital register at one time. If
you want to change 1 bit, you can read the register, modify the desired bit and write
the register. However, when you modify a single bit, ensure that only one thread in
one application is accessing a digital register at one time.
UINT16 SetDi- SetDigital writes 16 digital values (all 16 bits in one of the 20,000 digital registers) to
gital(UINT16 the register indicated by 'index' and causes an exception for all 16 bits of the spe-
index, UINT16 cified register even if the data has not changed.
FE_OK is returned if the operation succeeds.

FE_IO_ADDR is returned if the register index is out of range.

NOTE: The API can only read and write the entire 16 bit digital register at one time. If
you want to change 1 bit, you can read the register, modify the desired bit and write
the register. However, when you modify a single bit, ensure that only one thread in
one application is accessing a digital register at one time.
UINT16 SetDi- SetDigitalEx writes 16 digital values (all 16 bits in one of the 20,000 digital registers)
gitalEx(UINT to the register indicated by 'index' and causes an exception for specific bits selected
index, UINT16 from a mask. An exception is triggered for the bits set in the mask even if the data
data, UINT16 has not changed.
FE_OK is returned if the operation succeeds.

FE_IO_ADDR is returned if the register index is out of range.

NOTE: The API can only read and write the entire 16 bit digital register at one time. If
you want to change 1 bit, you can read the register, modify the desired bit and write
the register. However, when you modify a single bit, ensure that only one thread in
one application is accessing a digital register at one time.
UINT16 GetText reads the text specified by `data' from text registers starting at the register
GetText indicated by `index'. The number of characters to read is indicated by `size'. GetText
(UINT16 index, does not automatically add a null terminator to the text being read. If you require null-
char *data, int terminated strings, make sure your program adds a null terminator after reading text.
FE_OK is returned if the operation succeeds.

FE_IO_ADDR is returned if the register index is out of range.

UINT16 SetText SetText writes the text specified by `data' to text registers starting at the register
(UINT16 index, indicated by `index'. The number of characters to write is indicated by `size'. Excep-
char *data, int tion-based processing is not supported for text values. SetText does not auto-
size) matically add a null terminator to the text being written. If you require null-terminated
strings, make sure your program adds a null terminator prior to writing the text.

FE_OK is returned if the operation succeeds.

FE_IO_ADDR is returned if the register index is out of range.

UINT16 GetCommError reads the communication error flag to the S register. The flag is a 1 bit
GetCommError integer value.
(UINT16 *data);
FE_OK is returned always.
UINT16 SetCommError writes the communication error flag to the S register. The flag is a 1-

8 © 2020 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.

SetCommError bit integer value. You should only pass 0 or 1 to the SetCommError function. Using
(UINT16 data); any other value can have unpredictable results.

FE_OK is returned always.

UINT16 GetAn- GetAnalogAlarm reads an alarm status from an analog register indicated by 'index'.
alogAlarm To learn more about available alarm statuses, refer to Understanding Alarm
(UINT16 index, Statuses.
INT16 *alm);
NOTE: As of iFIX 4.5, only the alarm statuses IA_OK and IA_COMM are supported
for use through the SM2 driver.

FE_OK is returned if the operation succeeds.

FE_IO_ADDR is returned if the register index is out of range.

UINT16 SetAn- SetAnalogAlarm writes an alarm status to an analog register indicated by 'index' and
alogAlarm causes an exception for the specified register even if the data or alarm has not
(UINT16 index, changed. To learn more about available alarm statuses, refer to Understanding Alarm
INT16 alm); Statuses.

NOTE: As of iFIX 4.5, only the alarm statuses IA_OK and IA_COMM are supported
for use through the SM2 driver.

FE_OK is returned if the operation succeeds.

FE_IO_ADDR is returned if the register index is out of range.

UINT16 GetDi- GetDigitalAlarm reads an alarm status from a digital register indicated by 'index'. To
gitalAlarm learn more about available alarm statuses, refer to Understanding Alarm Statuses.
(UINT16 index,
NOTE: As of iFIX 4.5, only the alarm statuses IA_OK and IA_COMM are supported
INT16 *alm);
for use through the SM2 driver.

FE_OK is returned if the operation succeeds.

FE_IO_ADDR is returned if the register index is out of range.

UINT16 SetDi- SetDigitalAlarm writes an alarm status to a digital register indicated by 'index' and
gitalAlarm causes an exception even if the data or alarm has not changed. The same alarm is
(UINT16 index, associated with all 16 bits in the digital register. To learn more about available alarm
INT16 alm); statuses, refer to Understanding Alarm Statuses.

NOTE: As of iFIX 4.5, only the alarm statuses IA_OK and IA_COMM are supported
for use through the SM2 driver.

FE_OK is returned if the operation succeeds.

FE_IO_ADDR is returned if the register index is out of range.

UINT16 GetTex- GetTextAlarm reads an alarm status from a text register indicated by `index'. To learn
tAlarm(UINT16 more about available alarm statuses, refer to Understanding Alarm Statuses.
index INT16
NOTE: As of iFIX 4.5, only the alarm statuses IA_OK and IA_COMM are supported
for use through the SM2 driver.

FE_OK is returned if the operation succeeds.

FE_IO_ADDR is returned if the register index is out of range.

UINT16 SetTex- SetTextAlarm writes an alarm status to a text register indicated by 'index'. When a

© 2020 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. 9

tAlarm(UINT16 block reads data from the SM2 driver, the alarm status of the first byte is returned.
index, INT16 The status of additional bytes is ignored. To learn more about available alarm
alm) statuses, refer to Understanding Alarm Statuses.

NOTE: As of iFIX 4.5, only the alarm statuses IA_OK and IA_COMM are supported
for use through the SM2 driver.

FE_OK is returned if the operation succeeds.

FE_IO_ADDR is returned if the register index is out of range.

10 © 2020 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.

Understanding Alarm Statuses

iFIX and FIX can process alarm status information from I/O drivers. This information complements the
alarms generated by iFIX and FIX database blocks. When an alarm is returned from a driver, iFIX and
FIX compares the driver alarm against the block alarm. The alarm with the higher severity is used as the
block alarm and the other alarm is ignored.
NOTE: As of iFIX 4.5, only the alarm statuses IA_OK and IA_COMM are supported for use through the SM2

iFIX defines the following alarms with the following severity:

Severity Alarm Status Description

16 (highest) IA_COMM Communication error ("BAD" value).
16 (highest) IA_IOF General I/O failure.
16 (highest) IA_OCD Open circuit.
16 (highest) IA_URNG Under range (clamped at 0).
16 (highest) IA_ORNG Over range (clamped at MAX).
16 (highest) IA_RANG Out of range (value unknown).
16 (highest) IA_DEVICE Device failure.
16 (highest) IA_STATION Station failure.
16 (highest) IA_ACCESS Access denied (privilege).
16 (highest) IA_NODATA On poll, but no data yet.
16 (highest) IA_NOXDATA Exception item, but no data yet.
16 (highest) IA_MANL Special code for MANL/MAINT (for inputs).
8 IA_FLT Floating point error.
8 IA_ERROR General block error.
8 IA_ANY Any block alarm.
8 IA_NEW New block alarm.
7 IA_HIHI The block is in the HIHI alarm state (High High).
7 IA_LOLO The block is in the LOLO alarm state (Low Low).
7 IA_COS Change of state.
7 IA_CFN Change From Normal (Digital block only).
7 IA_TIME Time-out alarm.
7 IA_SQL_LOG Not connected to database.
6 IA_HI The block is in the HI alarm state (High).
6 IA_LO The block is in the LO alarm state (Low).
6 IA_RATE Value exceeds rate of change setting since last scan period.
6 IA_SQL_CMD SQL command not found or invalid.
5 IA_DEV Deviation from the set point.
5 IA_DATA_MATCH SQL command does not match data list.
4 IA_FIELD_READ Error reading tag values.

© 2020 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. 11

4 IA_FIELD_WRITE Error writing tag values.
1 IA_DSAB Alarms disabled.
0 (lowest) IA_OK The block is in normal state.

FIX defines the following alarms with the following severity:

Severity Alarm Status Description

16 (highest) IA_COMM Communication error ("BAD" value).
7 IA_HIHI The block is in the HIHI alarm state (High High).
7 IA_LOLO The block is in the LOLO alarm state (Low Low).
7 IA_CFN Change From Normal (Digital block only).
6 IA_HI The block is in the HI alarm state (High).
6 IA_LO The block is in the LO alarm state (Low).
6 IA_RATE Value exceeds rate of change setting since last scan period.
5 IA_DEV Deviation from the set point.
0 (lowest) IA_OK The block is in normal state.

Using the preceding tables, you can see that if a driver returns a HIHI alarm to a block that is in HI alarm,
iFIX or FIX changes the alarm state to HIHI because the driver alarm is more severe. However, if the
alarms are of equal severity, iFIX or FIX does not change the alarm state of the block. For example, if
the block is in HI alarm and the driver returns a LO alarm, the block's alarm state does not change
because both alarms have equal severity. Once an operator acknowledges the HI alarm, iFIX or FIX
changes the block's alarm state.
NOTE: If you set a communication error to the S register with the SetCommError function, then all SM2
registers show a COMM alarm status. When examining the alarm status of text, only the status of the first char-
acter (byte) is read. You can control the alarm status functions of the SM2 driver using its C API only. Refer
more information about this API, refer to the Using the SM2 C API section.

12 © 2020 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.

Index SM2 driver 3

addresses 4

compared to SIM driver 2

exception-based processing support 2
accessing SM2 registers 5
features 3
addresses 4
when to use 2
alarm status list 10
SM2 features 2
analog blocks 2, 7
text blocks 3, 6
communication errors 5

connecting to the database 4 U

understanding alarm statuses 11


digital blocks 3, 6

exception-based processing 3

features 3

generating bad data 6

introducing the Simulation 2 Driver 1

latched data 3, 5-6

S register 6

SIM driver 3

simulating communication errors 2, 5

© 2020 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. 13

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