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Ex4650 Ethernet Switch: Product Overview

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Data Sheet


Product Description
The Juniper Networks® EX4650 Ethernet Switch delivers 2 Tbps of Layer 2
and Layer 3 connectivity to networked devices such as secure routers, servers,
and other switches. Featuring 48 wire-speed 10GbE/25GbE small form-factor
pluggable and pluggable plus transceiver (SFP/SFP+/SFP28) ports and 8 wire-
speed 40GbE/100GbE quad SFP+ transceiver (QSFP+/QSP28) ports in a compact
Product Overview 1 U platform, the EX4650 provides the flexibility to support mixed 1GbE, 10GbE,
25GbE, 40GbE, and 100GbE environments. Four models are available: two featuring
The EX4650 line of Ethernet AC power supplies with front-to-back or back-to-front airflow, and two featuring
switches delivers high scale, high DC power supplies with front-to-back or back-to-front airflow. All models include
availability, and high performance dual power supplies.
for campus distribution
Key Components
deployments. The EX4650 offers
The EX4650 switch includes native 25GbE (fiber only) and either 40GbE or 100GbE
fixed 1GbE/10GbE/25GbE ports
fixed-configuration options with rich L2, L3, Ethernet VPN (EVPN), and MPLS
with 40GbE/100GbE uplinks
features. The EX4650 switches run the same reliable, high-performance Juniper
that support advanced campus
Networks Junos® operating system used by Juniper Networks EX Series and QFX
environments, allowing them to
Series Ethernet Switches, SRX Series Services Gateways,and Juniper routers,
provide the onramp to multicloud,
ensuring a consistent control plane feature implementation and user experience
to deploy cutting edge cloud
across the entire Juniper infrastructure.
applications, and to embrace
IoT technology. It is also flexible EX4650 Switch Models
enough for use in enterprise on- The EX4650 switch is a compact, 1 U platform that provides high throughput, very
premises top-of-rack and service low latency, and a rich set of Junos OS features. The performance of the EX4650’s
provider aggregation deployments. control plane is further enhanced with a powerful 2.3 GHz quad-core Intel CPU
with 16 GB of memory and 64 GB SSD storage.

The EX4650-48Y is a 25GbE/100GbE campus distribution switch offering 48

SFP28 transceiver ports and eight QSFP28 ports that can be configured as
8x40GbE or 8x100GbE ports, with an aggregate throughput of 2 Tbps or 1.49
Bpps per switch. For added flexibility, each QSFP28 port can also be configured
as 4x25GbE ports using breakout cables, increasing the total number of supported
25GbE ports to 80 per switch.

EX4650-48Y Highlights
The EX4650-48Y switch features the following:

• Support for high-density, multispeed 1GbE/10GbE/25GbE downlinks and

40GbE/100GbE uplinks for access and aggregation configurations, with up to
48 25GbE ports and up to eight 100GbE uplink ports in a 1 U platform
• Throughput of up to 2 Tbps L2 and L3 performance, with latency as low as
550 nanoseconds
• A 2.3 GHz quad-core Intel CPU with 16 GB memory and 64 GB SSD storage
• Feature-rich automation capabilities with support for Python and Zero Touch
Provisioning (ZTP)

EX4650 Ethernet Switch

• Support for virtualization protocols such as Virtual • Commit and rollback functionality that ensures error-free
Extensible LAN (VXLAN) network configurations
• Advanced Junos OS features such as EVPN, BGP add-path, • A powerful set of scripts for on-box problem detection,
MPLS, L3 VPN, and IPv6 6PE reporting, and resolution

Architecture and Key Components Junos OS Software License

EVPN-VXLAN Technology The software features supported on the EX4650-48Y switch are
The EX4650 embraces open standards and extends the industry- categorized in three tiers: Base, Premium, and Advanced.
standard EVPN-VXLAN technology already supported in both • Base software features include basic L2 switching, basic L3
the data center and campus. With enterprise applications moving routing, multicast, automation, programmability, ZTP, and
to the cloud, it has become necessary to deploy IP fabrics as basic monitoring. A Base software feature license comes
enterprise fabrics with L2 extensions using VXLAN. The EX4650 with the purchase of the hardware and does not require
is capable of both L2 and L3 VXLAN gateway services, allowing any explicit license keys.
customers to deploy networks that provide L2 adjacencies for
• Premium software features include all Base license
applications over L3 fabrics. EVPN-VXLAN offers a scalable way
functionality, plus BGP, IS-IS, and EVPN-VXLAN to
to build and interconnect multiple campuses, data centers, and
explicitly address the needs of enterprise customers.
public clouds, delivering the following benefits:
To enable these features, customers must purchase the
• Greater network efficiency EX4650-PFL license, generate unique license keys, and
• Based on industry standards install them on the switch. The license is not portable
across devices.
• Scalable at all network layers
• Advanced software features include all Premium license
• Faster convergence
functionality plus MPLS to explicitly address the needs
• Flexible and secure architecture of enterprise interconnect and edge use cases. To enable
Junos OS these features, customers must purchase the EX4650-AFL
The high-performance EX4650 runs Junos OS, Juniper’s powerful license, generate unique license keys, and install them on
and robust network operating system that powers all Juniper the switch. The license is not portable across devices.
switches, routers, and firewalls. Key Junos OS features that The Premium and Advanced software licenses are offered as
enhance the functionality and capabilities of the EX4650 include: perpetual licenses. Please see the Ordering Information section
for license SKU descriptions.
• Software modularity, with process modules running
independently in their own protected memory space and
with the ability to do process restarts

Collapsed Core / Distribution Collapsed Core / Distribution


Core /
Distribution EX4650

Access EX3400


Figure 1: EX4650 as campus collapsed core/distribution switch with EVPN multihoming (ESI-LAG) and MC-LAG support

EX4650 Ethernet Switch

EX4650 Campus Deployment Options • Edge routed bridging overlay: IRB interface placed at the
edge of the fabric (in this case, a distribution device)
The EX4650 switch is designed primarily for the following
use cases: 3. Enterprise On-Premises Server Connectivity: Data centers
are demanding more high-speed, low-latency, storage-
1. Collapsed Campus Core/Distribution: A pair of
and I/O-converged networking solutions to maximize the
interconnected EX4650 switches can be deployed to provide
performance of their physical servers, virtual servers, and
EVPN multihoming (ESI-LAG) or multichassis link aggregation
storage. The EX4650 addresses these needs with low-
(MC-LAG) in a collapsed core/distribution configuration. This
latency, lossless, high-density 10GbE and 25GbE interfaces,
eliminates the need for Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) across
as well as 100GbE uplinks to the core network. Furthermore,
the campus network by providing multihoming capabilities
the EX4650 offers EVPN-VXLAN L2 and L3 gateway support,
from the access to the distribution layer, while distribution
making it an ideal solution for overlay deployments in the
to core is an L3 IP fabric. ESI-LAG also supports horizontal
enterprise on-premises data center.
scaling with more than two devices in the distribution layer
and can extend EVPN to the core. The EX4650 also offers flexible airflow options, enabling them
to support back-to-front and front-to-back cooling to ensure
2. Campus Distribution or Core Switch Supporting IP Clos:
consistency with server designs for hot-aisle or cold-aisle
A pair of interconnected EX4650 switches can provide
deployments. Support for tri-speed 1GbE/10GbE/25GbE make
EVPN L2 and L3 VXLAN gateway support. This eliminates
the EX4650 ideal for enterprise server access; 48 ports of
the need for STP across the campus network by providing
native 10GbE/25GbE for server connectivity and up to eight
a multihoming capability from the access to the distribution
40GbE or 100GbE ports for uplink connectivity provide very
layer, while distribution to the core is an L3 IP fabric using
low oversubscription of 1.5:1 from access to aggregation. Each
EVPN technology. The IP fabric can also extend to connect
40GbE port can be broken out into four 10GbE ports, providing
multiple enterprise buildings, while VXLAN allows stretching
additional options for server connectivity.
L2 across buildings. An IP Clos network between the
distribution and the core layers can exist in two modes, both The EX4650 operates in both cut-through and store-and-
of which are supported by the EX4650: forward modes, delivering sustained wire-speed switching
with sub-microsecond latency and low jitter for any packet size
• Centrally routed bridging overlay: Integrated Routing and
(including jumbo frames) in both modes. With features such
Bridging (IRB) interface placed at a central location in the
as EVPN multihoming (ESI-LAG) and MC-LAG, the EX4650
fabric (in this case, a core device)
supports active/active server dual homing and can utilize full
bisectional bandwidth from server to switch.

Core / Distribution Core / Distribution

Deployments IP Clos IP Clos
Centralized Routing Distributed Routing

Core EX9200

Distribution EX4650

Access EX3400

IP fabric L2/L3 VXLAN gateway

Figure 2: EX4650 as a campus distribution switch supporting IP Clos with EVPN-VXLAN L2/L3 gateway support

EX4650 Ethernet Switch

VXLAN Overlays
Distribution The EX4650 is capable of both L2 and L3 VXLAN gateway
Deployments Enterprise Server Connectivity services. Customers can deploy overlay networks to provide
L2 adjacencies for applications over L3 fabrics. The overlay
networks utilize VXLAN in the data plane and EVPN or OVSDB
Top of Rack for programming the overlays, which can operate without
a controller or be orchestrated with an SDN controller like

Junos OS
Running Junos OS, which features the most advanced and
robust routing capabilities in the industry, the EX4650 supports
RIP and OSPF for both IPv4 and IPv6, as well as advanced
routing capabilities such as IS-IS and BGP. With additional
Servers capabilities such as 64-way equal-cost multipath (ECMP)
and BGP add path, the EX4650 is an ideal building block for
ESI-LAG or EVPN-based fabric
deploying the most robust L3 underlay for SDN.
Figure 3: EX4650 for enterprise on-premises server connectivity EVPN-VXLAN
Many proprietary campus architectures are built on traditional
Features and Benefits L2 Ethernet-based architectures that address the desire to
Automation eliminate Spanning Tree Protocol (STP). With the increase of IoT
The EX4650 supports a number of network automation devices in the enterprise, these networks will be expected to
and plug-and-play features, including ZTP and event scripts, scale rapidly without adding complexity and resources. Some of
automatic rollback, and Python scripting. these IoT devices, however, have limited networking capabilities
and require L2 adjacency across buildings or campuses. To
Flexible Forwarding Table
address this problem, traditional solutions extend VLANs across
The EX4650 includes a Unified Forwarding Table (UFT), which
buildings and campuses using data plane flood-and-learn.
allows the hardware table to be divided into configurable
Unfortunately, this solution is inefficient and difficult to manage.
partitions of L2 media access control (MAC), L3 host, and
The increasing number of network endpoints, coupled with
longest prefix match (LPM) tables. In a pure L2 environment,
rapidly changing business needs, demands an open, standards-
the EX4650 supports up to 288,000 MAC addresses; in L3
based network that is simple, scalable, and programmable
mode, the table can support up to 168,000 host entries; in LPM
across both the campus and the data center.
mode, the table can support up to 360,000 prefixes. Junos OS
provides configurable options through a CLI to optimize the Modern enterprise networks need a campus architecture that
EX4650 for various deployment scenarios. decouples the overlay network from the underlay network
with technologies such as VXLAN, which enables network
Intelligent Buffer Management
administrators to create logical L2 networks across different
The EX4650 features a total of 32 MB of shared buffers. L3 networks. The EX4650 satisfies these requirements by
While 25% of the total buffer space is dedicated, the rest is supporting EVPN-VXLAN L2 and L3 gateway capabilities,
shared among all ports and is user configurable. The intelligent providing the following benefits:
buffer mechanism in the EX4650 effectively absorbs traffic
• Improved network and host mobility efficiency
bursts while providing deterministic performance, significantly
increasing performance over static allocation. –– ­ Control plane MAC learning to reduce unknown-unicast
–– ­ Reduced Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) flooding due
A broad set of MPLS features, including L3 VPN, IPv6 provider
to MAC-to-IP binding in control plane
edge router (6PE), RSVP traffic engineering, and LDP, support
standards-based network segmentation and virtualization, –– ­ Multipath traffic over multiple core switches (VXLAN
allowing the EX4650 to be deployed as a low-latency MPLS entropy)
label-switching router (LSR). –– ­ Multipath traffic to active/active dual-homed access
layer switches

EX4650 Ethernet Switch

• Fast convergence Contrail Insights delivers the following features and benefits:
–– ­ Faster reconvergence when linked to dual-homed access • Real-time metrics and alarms—Contrail Insights collects
switches fail (aliasing) and analyzes comprehensive metrics in real time for
–– ­ Faster reconvergence when endpoints move monitored networks and devices, displaying them in
the Contrail Insights dashboard as real-time charts and
• Scalability
graphs. With Contrail Insights, an operator can also
–– ­ Scalable BGP-based control plane configure alarms for individual or groups of metrics that
–– ­ Seamless expansion of the core, distribution, and access are triggered when specific values or conditions are met, or
layers as business needs grow when anomalies occur, notifying the operator in real time.
–– ­ Seamless expansion of campuses as business needs Contrail Insights software also plots these alarms on both
grow real-time and historical charts, giving the operator a holistic
view of current status as well as prevailing trends.
• Flexibility
• SLA Monitor—The Contrail Insights dashboard includes an
–– ­ Easy integration with L3 and L2 VPNs
SLA Monitor pane that provides operators with an overview
–– ­ BGP-based control plane functionality that allows showing the current state of the network and devices. The
application of fine-grained policies SLA status indicates whether the network and the device
• Nonproprietary are currently operating outside a user-defined performance
–– ­ Standards-based protocols that support multivendor threshold, while risk predicts whether the device may be
core, distribution, and access layers unhealthy in the future based on historical trends.
• Notifications—Contrail Insights can be configured to notify
Junos Telemetry Interface
external systems when events and alarms are triggered. For
The EX4650 supports Junos Telemetry Interface (JTI), a modern
each event or alarm, Contrail Insights can post a structured
telemetry streaming tool designed for performance monitoring
description of the event as a JavaScript Object Notation
in enterprise networks. Streaming data to a performance
(JSON) payload to an external HTTP endpoint. These
management system enables network administrators to measure
notifications can initiate an action or workflow, whether
trends in link and node utilization, and troubleshoot such issues
corrective, preventive, or otherwise, to keep the network
as network congestion in real time. JTI delivers the following
and devices operating in an optimal state. For operator
convenience, Contrail Insights comes preconfigured with
• Application visibility and performance management by some of the industry’s most popular incident management
provisioning sensors to collect and stream data and analyze and collaboration platforms, including PagerDuty,
application and workload flow paths through the network ServiceNow, and Slack.
• Capacity planning and optimization by proactively • Reports—Contrail Insights reports allow users to analyze
detecting hotspots and monitoring latency and microbursts how networks and devices are being consumed over time.
• Troubleshooting and root cause analysis via high-frequency The dashboard displays reports in both graphical and
monitoring tabular formats. Users may also download the data as an
HTML-formatted report, raw comma-separated value (CSV)
Monitoring and Analytics with Juniper Contrail Insights
file, or JSON-formatted statistics for further analysis.
Juniper Contrail® Insights, a network and device monitoring
platform, provides comprehensive visualization and smart analytics
for the EX4650 switch. Powered by machine learning and artificial
intelligence, Contrail Insights automatically learns network
and device performance profiles, detects faults, and facilitates
preventative remediation in real time at scale, thus bringing
DevOps style automation benefits from cloud to enterprise. EX4650 Ethernet Switch

Based on a distributed policy and analytics architecture, Contrail

Insights seamlessly collects and analyzes telemetry in real-time
from the EX4650 platform via JTI, generating events and alert
notifications and providing the operator with actionable insights.

EX4650 Ethernet Switch

EX4650 Switch Specifications Airflow

Hardware • Redundant (N+1) and hot-pluggable fan modules for front-

to-back and back-to-front airflow
Switching Capacity
• Redundant variable-speed fans to reduce power draw
• 2 Tbps/1.49 Bpps
Power Supply and Fan Modules
• Dual redundant (1+1) and hot-pluggable 650 W AC/DC
• 23.7 lb (10.75 kg)
power supplies
Dimensions (HxWxD)
• 110-240 V single phase AC power
• 1.72 x 17.36 x 20.48 in (4.37 x 44.09 x 52.02 cm)
• -44 to -72 V DC power supply
• Switching mode: Cut-through and store-and-forward
• Redundant (4+1) and hot-pluggable fan modules for front-
• Front-to-back (airflow out) for hot aisle deployment
to-back or back-to-front airflow
• Back-to-front (airflow in) for cold aisle deployment
Performance Scale (Unidimensional)
• Management and console port connections
• Layer 2
Power Consumption -- MAC addresses per system: 288,000
• Max load 450 W; typical load 260 W; idle load 160 W
-- VLAN IDs: 4093
Interface Options -- Number of link aggregation groups (LAGs): 80
• 1GbE SFP: 48 (24 copper 1GbE)
-- Number of ports per LAG: 64
• 10GbE SFP+: 48/80 (with breakout cable)
-- Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) instances: 64
• 25GbE SFP28: 48/80 (with breakout cable)
-- VLAN Spanning Tree Protocol (VSTP) instances: 509
• 40GbE QSFP+: 8
-- Jumbo frame: 9216 bytes
• 100GbE QSFP28: 8
• Firewall filters
• Each QSFP+ port can be configured as a 4 x 10GbE
-- Ingress filters: 1500
interface or as a 40 Gbps port
-- Egress filters: 512
• Each QSFP28 port can be configured as a 4 x 25GbE
• Layer 3
interface or as a 100 Gbps port
-- IPv4 unicast prefixes: 360,000
• 1 USB 2.0 port
-- IPv4 unicast routes: 208,000
• 1 RS-232 console port
-- IPv4 multicast routes: 104,000
• 2 management ports: 2 x RJ-45 ports
-- ECMP paths: 64
• Supported transceiver and direct attach cable (DAC)
-- IPv6 unicast prefixes: 170,000
• SFP 1GbE optical and copper module
-- Ipv6 unicast routes: 104,000
• SFP+ 10GbE optical modules
-- IPv6 multicast routes: 52,000
• SFP+ DAC cables: 1/3 m twinax copper and 1/3/5/7 m
active twinax copper -- ARP entries: 64,000

• SFP28 DAC cables: 1 m twinax copper • Traffic mirroring

• SFP28 optics: SR, LR -- Mirroring destination ports per switch: 4

• QSFP+ DAC cables: 1/3 m twinax copper -- Maximum number of mirroring sessions: 4

• QSFP+ optics: SR4, LX4, ESR4, ER4, LR4 -- Mirroring destination VLANs per switch: 4

• QSFP+ to SFP+ 10GbE direct attach breakout copper Software Features Supported
(1/3 m twinax copper cable) Layer 2 Features
• QSFP28 to SFP28 25GbE direct attach breakout copper • STP—IEEE 802.1D (802.1D-2004)
(1 m twinax copper cable) • Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) (IEEE 802.1w); MSTP
• QSFP28 optics: SR4, ER4, PSM4, CWDM4, LR4 (IEEE 802.1s)
Rack Installation Kit • Bridge protocol data unit (BPDU) protect
• Versatile four-post mounting options for 19-in server rack • Loop protect
or datacom rack • Root protect
• RSTP and VSTP running concurrently

EX4650 Ethernet Switch

• VLAN—IEEE 802.1Q VLAN trunking • Storm control, port error disable, and autorecovery
• The Routed VLAN Interface (RVI) • Sticky MAC address
• Port-based VLAN • DHCP snooping
• Private VLAN (PVLAN) Quality of Service (QoS)
• VLAN translation • L2 and L3 QoS: Classification, rewrite, queuing
• Static MAC address assignment for interface • Rate limiting:
• Per VLAN MAC learning (limit) -- Ingress policing: Single-rate two-color policer, two-rate
• MAC learning disable three-color policer
• Link Aggregation and Link Aggregation Control Protocol -- Egress policing: Policer, policer mark down action
(LACP) (IEEE 802.3ad) -- Egress shaping: Per queue on each port
Link Aggregation • 10 hardware queues per port (8 unicast and 2 multicast)
• Multichassis link aggregation (MC-LAG) • Strict-priority queuing (PQ), shaped-deficit weighted
• EVPN Multihoming (ESI-LAG) round-robin (SDWRR), weighted random early detection
• LAG load-sharing algorithm—bridged or routed (unicast or (WRED), weighted tail drop
multicast) traffic: • 802.1p remarking
-- IP: SIP, Dynamic Internet Protocol (DIP), TCP/UDP • L2 classification criteria: Interface, MAC address,
source port, TCP/UDP destination port Ethertype, 802.1p, VLAN
-- L2 and non-IP: MAC SA, MAC DA, Ethertype, VLAN ID, • Congestion avoidance capabilities: WRED
source port • Trust IEEE 802.1p (ingress)
Layer 3 Features (IPv4) • Remarking of bridged packets
• Static routing Data Center Bridging (DCB)
• Routing protocols (RIP, OSPF, IS-IS, BGP) • Priority-based flow control (PFC)—IEEE 802.1Qbb
• Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) • Data Center Bridging Capability Exchange (DCBX), DCBx
• Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) protocol FCoE, and iSCSI type, length, and value (TLVs)
• Virtual router High Availability
• Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) relay • Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD)
• Proxy Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) • Uplink failure detection

Multicast Features MPLS

• Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP): v1, v2, v3 • Static label-switched paths (LSPs)
• IGMP snooping: v1, v2, and v3 (L2 only) • RSVP-based signaling of LSPs
• IGMP Filter • LDP-based signaling of LSPs
• PIM-SM, PIM-SSM, PIM-DM • LDP tunneling (LDP over RSVP)
• Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) • MPLS class of service (CoS)

Security and Filters • MPLS LSR support

• Secure interface login and password • IPv6 tunneling (6PE) (via IPv4 MPLS backbone)
• RADIUS • IPv4 L3 VPN (RFC 2547, RFC 4364)
• TACACS+ Server Virtualization Management and SDN-Related Protocols
• Ingress and egress filters: Allow and deny, port filters, • VXLAN OVSDB
VLAN filters, and routed filters, including management port • EVPN-VXLAN
filters Management and Operations
• Filter actions: Logging, system logging, reject, mirror to an • Role-based CLI management and access
interface, counters, assign forwarding class, permit, drop, • CLI via console, telnet, or SSH
police, mark
• Extended ping and traceroute
• SSH v1, v2
• Junos OS configuration rescue and rollback
• Static ARP support
• Image rollback

EX4650 Ethernet Switch

• SNMP v1/v2/v3 • RFC 951 1542 BootP

• Junos XML management protocol • RFC 1058 Routing Information Protocol
• sFlow v5 • RFC 1112 IGMP v1
• Beacon LED for port and system • RFC 1122 Host requirements
• Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) • RFC 1142 OSI IS-IS Intra-domain Routing Protocol
• OpenStack Neutron Plug-in • RFC 1256 IPv4 ICMP Router Discovery Protocol (IRDP)
• Python • RFC 1492 TACACS+
• Junos OS event, commit, and OP scripts • RFC 1519 Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR)
• Junos Telemetry Interface (JTI) • RFC 1587 OSPF not-so-stubby area (NSSA) Option
Traffic Mirroring • RFC 1591 Domain Name System (DNS)
• Port-based • RFC 1745 BGP4/IDRP for IP—OSPF Interaction
• LAG port • RFC 1772 Application of the Border Gateway Protocol in
• VLAN-based the Internet
• Filter-based • RFC 1812 Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers
• Mirror to local • RFC 1997 BGP Communities Attribute
• Mirror to remote destinations (L2 over VLAN) • RFC 2030 SNTP, Simple Network Time Protocol

Standards Compliance • RFC 2068 HTTP server

IEEE Standard • RFC 2131 BOOTP/DHCP relay agent and Dynamic Host
• IEEE standard • RFC 2138 RADIUS Authentication
• IEEE 802.1D • RFC 2139 RADIUS Accounting
• IEEE 802.1w • RFC 2154 OSPF with Digital Signatures (Password, MD-5)
• IEEE 802.1 • RFC 2236 IGMP v2
• IEEE 802.1Q • RFC 2267 Network ingress filtering
• IEEE 802.1p • RFC 2328 OSPF v2 (edge mode)
• IEEE 802.1ad • RFC 2338 VRRP
• IEEE 802.3ad • RFC 2362 PIM-SM (edge mode)
• IEEE 802.1AB • RFC 2370 OSPF Opaque LSA Option
• IEEE 802.3x • RFC 2385 Protection of BGP Sessions via the TCP MD5
• IEEE 802.1Qbb Signature Option

• IEEE 802.1Qaz • RFC 2439 BGP Route Flap Damping

• RFC 2453 RIP v2
T11 Standards
• INCITS T11 FC-BB-5 • RFC 2474 Definition of the Differentiated Services Field
(DS Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers
Supported RFCs
• RFC 2597 Assured Forwarding PHB (per-hop behavior)
• RFC 768 UDP
• RFC 783 Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
• RFC 2598 An Expedited Forwarding PHB
• RFC 791 IP
• RFC 2697 A Single Rate Three Color Marker
• RFC 792 ICMP
• RFC 2698 A Two Rate Three Color Marker
• RFC 793 TCP
• RFC 2796 BGP Route Reflection—An Alternative to Full
• RFC 826 ARP
• RFC 854 Telnet client and server
• RFC 2918 Route Refresh Capability for BGP-4
• RFC 894 IP over Ethernet
• RFC 3065 Autonomous System Confederations for BGP
• RFC 903 RARP
• RFC 3376 IGMP v3 (source-specific multicast include
• RFC 906 TFTP Bootstrap mode only)
• RFC 3392 Capabilities Advertisement with BGP-4

EX4650 Ethernet Switch

• RFC 3446 Anycast RP • RFC 2790 Host Resources MIB

• RFC 3569 SSM • RFC 2819 RMON MIB
• RFC 3618 MSDP • RFC 2863 Interface Group MIB
• RFC 3623 Graceful OSPF Restart • RFC 2932 IPv4 Multicast MIB
• RFC 4271 Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4) • RFC 3410 Introduction and Applicability Statements for
• RFC 4360 BGP Extended Communities Attribute Internet Standard Management Framework
• RFC 4456 BGP Route Reflection: An Alternative to Full • RFC 3411 An Architecture for Describing SNMP
Mesh Internal BGP (IBGP) Management Frameworks
• RFC 4486 Subcodes for BGP Cease Notification Message • RFC 3412 Message Processing and Dispatching for the
• RFC 4724 Graceful Restart Mechanism for BGP SNMP

• RFC 4812 OSPF Restart Signaling • RFC 3413 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
Applications—(all MIBs are supported except the proxy
• RFC 4893 BGP Support for Four-octet AS Number Space
• RFC 5176 Dynamic Authorization Extensions to RADIUS
• RFC 3414 User-based Security Model (USM) for version 3
• RFC 5396 Textual Representation of Autonomous System of SNMPv3
(AS) Numbers
• RFC 3415 View-based Access Control Model (VACM) for
• RFC 5668 4-Octet AS Specific BGP Extended Community the SNMP
• RFC 5880 Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) • RFC 3416 Version 2 of the Protocol Operations for the
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server SNMP
Supported MIBs • RFC 3417 Transport Mappings for the SNMP
• RFC 1155 SMI
• RFC 3418 Management Information Base (MIB) for the
• RFC 1157 SNMPv1 SNMP
• RFC 1212, RFC 1213, RFC 1215 MIB-II, Ethernet-Like • RFC 3584 Coexistence between Version 1, Version 2, and
MIB and traps Version 3 of the Internet-standard Network Management
• RFC 1850 OSPFv2 MIB Framework
• RFC 1901 Introduction to Community-based SNMPv2 • RFC 3826 The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Cipher
• RFC 2011 SNMPv2 for Internet Protocol using SMIv2 Algorithm in the SNMP User-based Security Model
• RFC 2012 SNMPv2 for the Transmission Control Protocol • RFC 4188 Definitions of Managed Objects for Bridges
using SMIv2 • RFC 4318 Definitions of Managed Objects for Bridges with
• RFC 2013 SNMPv2 for the User Datagram Protocol using Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
SMIv2 • RFC 4363b Q-Bridge VLAN MIB
• RFC 2233 The Interfaces Group MIB using SMIv2 Approvals
• RFC 2287 System Application Packages MIB Safety
• RFC 2570 Introduction to Version 3 of the Internet- • CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1 Information Technology
standard Network Management Framework Equipment - Safety
• RFC 2571 An Architecture for describing SNMP • UL 60950-1 (2nd Edition) Information Technology
Management Frameworks (read-only access) Equipment – Safety
• RFC 2572 Message Processing and Dispatching for the • EN 60950-1: 2006/A2:2013 Information Technology
SNMP (read-only access) Equipment – Safety
• RFC 2576 Coexistence between SNMP Version 1, Version • IEC 60950-1: 2005/A2:2013 Information Technology
2, and Version 3 Equipment - Safety (All country deviations): CB Scheme
• RFC 2578 SNMP Structure of Management Information • EN 60825-1 Safety of Laser Products - Part 1: Equipment
MIB classification and requirements
• RFC 2579 SNMP Textual Conventions for SMIv2 EMC
• RFC 2580 Conformance Statements for SMIv2 • EN 300 386 V1.6.1 (2012-09) Electromagnetic
• RFC 2665 Ethernet-like Interface MIB compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM)
• RFC 2787 VRRP MIB Telecommunication network equipment

EX4650 Ethernet Switch

• EN 300 386 V2.1.1 (2016-07) Telecommunication network Juniper Networks Services and Support
equipment; EMC requirements; Harmonized Standard
Juniper Networks leads the market in performance-enabling
covering the essential requirements of the Directive
services designed to accelerate, extend, and optimize your
deployments. Our services enable you to maximize operational
• EN 55032:2012 (CISPR 32:2012) Electromagnetic efficiency, reduce costs, and minimize risk while achieving a
compatibility of multimedia equipment—Emission faster time-to-value for your network.
By leveraging best practices from across the industry, you get the
• EN 55024:2010 (CISPR 24:2010) Information technology
maximum levels of system performance, designed and delivered
equipment—Immunity characteristics—Limits and methods
by the world’s leading professional technology experts.
of measurement
• IEC/EN 61000 Immunity Test For more information, please visit
• AS/NZS CISPR 32:2015 Australia/New Zealand Radiated
and Conducted Emissions Installation and Implementation Service
• FCC 47 CFR Part 15 USA Radiated and Conducted Juniper Professional Services offers an Enterprise Switching
Emissions QuickStart program to ensure that your solution is operational
• ICES-003 Canada Radiated and Conducted Emissions and you have a complete understanding of areas such as
• VCCI-CISPR 32:2016 Japanese Radiated and Conducted configuration and ongoing operations. The QuickStart service
Emissions provides an onsite consultant who works with your team to
• BSMI CNS 13438 Taiwan Radiated and Conducted quickly develop the initial configuration and deployment of a
Emissions (at 10 Meters) small Juniper Networks data center switching environment. A
knowledge transfer session, which is intended as a review of
• KN32/KN35 Korea Radiated Emission and Immunity
local implementation and configuration options, is also included,
Characteristics (at 10 Meters)
but is not intended as a substitute for formalized training.
• KN61000 Korea Immunity Test
• TEC/SD/DD/EMC-221/05/OCT-16 India EMC standard Ordering Information
Environmental Compliance Product Description

Restriction of Hazardous Substances (ROHS) 6/6 Switch Hardware

EX4650-48Y-AFI 48 25GbE/10GbE/GbE SFP28/SFP+/SFP
China Restriction of Hazardous Substances ports, 8 100GbE/40GbE QSFP28/QSFP+ ports,
(ROHS) redundant fans, 2 AC power supplies, 2 power
cords, 4-post rack mount kit, and back to front
Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and airflow
Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)
EX4650-48Y-AFO 48 25GbE/10GbE/GbE SFP28/SFP+/SFP
Waste Electronics and Electrical Equipment ports, 8 100GbE/40GbE QSFP28/QSFP+ ports,
(WEEE) redundant fans, 2 AC power supplies, 2 power
cords, 4-post rack mount kit, and front to back
Recycled material airflow

EX4650-48Y-DC-AFI 48 25GbE/10GbE/GbE SFP28/SFP+/SFP

ports, 8 100GbE/40GbE QSFP28/QSFP+ ports,
80 Plus Silver PSU Efficiency redundant fans, 2 DC power supplies, 2 power
cords, 4-post rack mount kit, and back to front
Telco EX4650-48Y-DC-AFO 48 25GbE/10GbE/GbE SFP28/SFP+/SFP
• Common Language Equipment Identifier (CLEI) code ports, 8 100GbE/40GbE QSFP28/QSFP+ ports,
redundant fans, 2 DC power supplies, 2 power
Environmental Ranges cords, 4-post rack mount kit, and front to back
• Operating temperature: 32° to 104° F (0° to 40° C)
JPSU-650W-AC-AFO Juniper 650 W AC power supply (port-side to
• Storage temperature: -40° to 158° F (-40° to 70° C) FRU-side airflow)

• Operating altitude: Up to 6000 ft (1829 m) JPSU-650W-AC-AFI Juniper 650 W AC power supply (FRU-side to
port-side airflow)
• Relative humidity operating: 5% to 90% (noncondensing) JPSU-650W-DC-AFO Juniper 650 W DC power supply (port-side to
• Relative humidity nonoperating: 0% to 95% FRU-side airflow)

(noncondensing) JPSU-650W-DC-AFI Juniper 650 W DC power supply (FRU-side to

port-side airflow)

EX4650 Ethernet Switch

Product Description Product Description

QFX5110-FANAFI FANAFI fan model, back-to-front airflow QFX-QSFP-40G-ESR4 QSFP+ 40GBASE-SR4 40GbE optics, 850 nm for
up to 300 m transmission on multimode fiber
QFX5110-FANAFO FANAFO fan model, front-to-back airflow
QSFPP-40GBASE-ER4 40GBASE-ER4 QSFP+ pluggable transceiver
EX-4PST-RMK 4 post rack mount kit
Optics and Transceivers
QFX-QSFP-DAC-1M QSFP+ to QSFP+ Ethernet Direct Attach Copper
EX-SFP-1GE-T SFP 1000BASE-T copper transceiver module for (twinax copper cable), 1 m passive
up to 100 m transmission on Category 5
QFX-QSFP-DAC-3M QSFP+ to QSFP+ Ethernet Direct Attach Copper
EX-SFP-1GE-SX SFP 1000BASE-SX GbE optics, 850 nm for up to (twinax copper cable), 3 m passive
550 m transmission on multimode fiber
QFX-QSFP-DACBO-1M QSFP+ to SFP+ 10GbE Direct Attach Breakout
EX-SFP-1GE-LX SFP 1000BASE-LX GbE optics, 1310 nm for 10 Copper (twinax copper cable), 1 m
km transmission on single-mode fiber
QFX-QSFP-DACBO-3M QSFP+ to SFP+ 10GbE Direct Attach Breakout
EX-SFP-10GE-USR SFP+ 10GbE ultra short reach optics, 850 nm for Copper (twinax copper cable), 3 m
10 m on OM1, 20 m on OM2, 100 m on OM3
multimode fiber EX-QSFP-100G-SR4 QSFP28 100GbE, SR4, 100 m

EX-SFP-10GE-SR SFP+ 10GBASE-SR 10GbE optics, 850 nm for up JNP-QSFP-100G-PSM4 QSFP28 100GBASE-PSM4 optics for up to 500 m
to 300 m transmission on multimode fiber transmission over parallel SMF

EX-SFP-10GE-LR SFP+ 10GBASE-LR 10GbE optics, 1310 nm for JNP-QSFP-100G-CWDM QSFP28 100GbE, CWDM4, 2 km
10 km transmission on single-mode fiber
EX-QSFP-100G-LR4 QSFP28 100GbE, LR4, 10 km
EX-SFP-10GE-ER SFP+ 10GBASE-ER 10GbE optics, 1550 nm for
40 km transmission on single-mode fiber JNP-100G-DAC-1M QSFP28 to QSFP28 Ethernet Direct Attach
Copper (twinax copper cable) 1 m
EX-SFP-10GE-ZR SFP+ 10GBASE-ZR 10GbE optics, 1550 nm for
80 km transmission on single-mode fiber JNP-100G-DAC-3M QSFP28 to QSFP28 Ethernet Direct Attach
Copper (twinax copper cable) 3 m
EX-SFP-DAC-1M SFP+ 10GbE Direct Attach Copper (twinax copper
cable), 1 m JNP-100G-4X25G-1M QSFP28 to SFP+ 25GbE Direct Attach Breakout
Copper (twinax copper cable) 1 m
EX-SFP-DAC-3M SFP+ 10GbE Direct Attach Copper (twinax copper
cable), 3 m JNP-100G-4X25G-3M QSFP28 to SFP+ 25 GbE Direct Attach Breakout
Copper (twinax copper cable) 3 m
QFX-SFP-DAC-1MA SFP+ 10GbE Direct Attach Copper (active twinax
copper cable), 1 m EX-SFP-GE80KCW1470 SFP, Gigabit Ethernet CWDM optics, 1470 nm for
80 km transmission on SMF
QFX-SFP-DAC-3MA SFP+ 10GbE Direct Attach Copper (active twinax
copper cable), 3 m EX-SFP-GE80KCW1490 SFP, Gigabit Ethernet CWDM optics, 1490 nm for
80 km transmission on SMF
QFX-SFP-DAC-5MA SFP+ 10GbE Direct Attach Copper (active twinax
copper cable), 5 m EX-SFP-GE80KCW1530 SFP, Gigabit Ethernet CWDM optics, 1530 nm for
80 km transmission on SMF
QFX-SFP-DAC-7MA SFP+ 10GbE Direct Attach Copper (active twinax
copper cable), 7 m EX-SFP-GE80KCW1550 SFP, Gigabit Ethernet CWDM optics, 1550 nm for
80 km transmission on SMF
JNP-25G-SR SFP28 25GBASE-SR optics for up to 100 m
transmission over serial multimode fiber-optic EX-SFP-GE80KCW1570 SFP, Gigabit Ethernet CWDM optics, 1570 nm for
(MMF) OM4 fiber 80 km transmission on SMF

JNP-25G-LR SFP28 25GBASE-SR optics for up to 10 km EX-SFP-GE80KCW1590 SFP, Gigabit Ethernet CWDM optics, 1590 nm for
transmission over serial single-mode fiber-optic 80 km transmission on SMF
(SMF) EX-SFP-GE80KCW1610 SFP, Gigabit Ethernet CWDM optics, 1610 nm for
JNP-25G-DAC-1M 25GbE SFP28 to SFP28 copper cable, 1 m 80 km transmission on SMF

JNP-25G-DAC-3M 25GbE SFP28 to SFP28 copper cable, 3 m Software Feature Licenses

EX-QSFP-40G-LX4 40GbE QSFP+ LX4 optics EX4650-PFL EX4650 Premium Feature License

EX-QSFP-40G-SR4 QSFP+ 40GBASE-SR4 40GbE optics, 850 nm for EX4650-AFL EX4650 Advanced Feature License
up to 150 m transmission on multimode fiber

EX4650 Ethernet Switch

About Juniper Networks

Juniper Networks brings simplicity to networking with
products, solutions and services that connect the world.
Through engineering innovation, we remove the constraints
and complexities of networking in the cloud era to solve the
toughest challenges our customers and partners face daily. At
Juniper Networks, we believe that the network is a resource for
sharing knowledge and human advancement that changes the
world. We are committed to imagining groundbreaking ways to
deliver automated, scalable and secure networks to move at the
speed of business.

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Copyright 2019 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. Juniper Networks, the Juniper Networks logo, Juniper, and Junos are registered trademarks of Juniper Networks, Inc. in the
United States and other countries. All other trademarks, service marks, registered marks, or registered service marks are the property of their respective owners. Juniper Networks
assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in this document. Juniper Networks reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice.

1000640-002-EN Oct 2019 12

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