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Clinical Practice Guideline for the Assessment and

Treatment of Children and Adolescents With Major and
Persistent Depressive Disorders
Heather J. Walter, MD, MPH , A. Reese Abright, MD , Oscar G. Bukstein, MD, MPH ,
John Diamond, MD , Helene Keable, MD , Jane Ripperger-Suhler, MD ,
Carol Rockhill, MD, PhD, MPH

Objective: To enhance the quality of care and clinical outcomes for children and adolescents with major depressive disorder (MDD) and persistent
depressive disorder (PDD). The aims are as follows: (1) to summarize empirically based guidance about the psychosocial and psychopharmacologic
treatment of MDD and PDD in children and adolescents; and (2) to summarize expert-based guidance about the assessment of these disorders as an
integral part of treatment, and the implementation of empirically based treatments for these disorders in clinical practice.
Method: Statements about the treatment of MDD and PDD are based upon empirical evidence derived from a critical systematic review of the
scientific literature conducted by the Research Triangle Institute International–University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (RTI-UNC) Evidence-based
Practice Center under contract with the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Evidence from meta-analyses published since the
AHRQ/RTI-UNC review is also presented to support or refute the AHRQ findings. Guidance about the assessment and clinical implementation of
treatments for MDD and PDD is informed by expert opinion and consensus as presented in previously published clinical practice guidelines, chapters in
leading textbooks of child and adolescent psychiatry, the DSM-5-TR, and government-affiliated prescription drug information websites.
Results: Psychotherapy (specifically, cognitivebehavioral and interpersonal therapies) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) medication
have some rigorous (randomized controlled trials, meta-analyses) empirical support as treatment options. Because effective treatment outcomes are
predicated in part upon accuracy of the diagnosis, depth of the clinical formulation, and breadth of the treatment plan, comprehensive, evidence-based
assessment may enhance evidence-based treatment outcomes.
Conclusion: Disproportionate to the magnitude of the problem, there are significant limitations in the quality and quantity of rigorous empirical
support for the etiology, assessment, and treatment of depression in children and adolescents. In the context of a protracted severe shortage of child and
adolescenttrained behavioral health specialists, the demonstration of convenient, efficient, cost-effective, and user-friendly delivery mechanisms for safe
and effective treatment of MDD and PDD is a key research need. Other research priorities include the sequencing and comparative effectiveness of
depression treatments, delineation of treatment mediators and moderators, effective approaches to treatment nonresponders and disorder relapse/
recurrence, long-term effects and degree of suicide risk with SSRI use, and the discovery of novel pharmacologic or interventional treatments.
Key words: clinical practice guideline; depression, depressive disorders; child psychiatry; child and adolescent psychiatry assessment; treatment
J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2023;62(5):479-502.

he objective of this Clinical Practice Guideline is and PDD in clinical practice. The treatment of depression
T to enhance the quality of care and clinical out-
comes for children and adolescents with major
depressive disorder (MDD) and persistent depressive dis-
in very young children, the treatment of subsyndromal
depression, and the prevention of depressive disorders in
children and adolescents are beyond the scope of this
order (PDD) as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical guideline.
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).1 The primary aim of Depressive disorders are among the more common
the guideline is to summarize empirically based guidance psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents. At any
about the psychosocial and psychopharmacologic treat- given time, nearly 3% of youth worldwide are reported to
ment of these disorders. A secondary aim is to summarize have a depressive disorder.2 Estimated lifetime and past-year
expert-based guidance about the assessment of MDD and prevalence of MDD in a nationally representative sample of
PDD as an integral part of treatment, and about the adolescents in the United States,3 ascertained using DSM
implementation of empirically based treatments for MDD diagnostic criteria, was reported to be 11% and 7.5%,

Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 479
Volume 62 / Number 5 / May 2023

respectively; the corresponding rates of severe MDD were 70% after 5 years.8 In general, greater severity, chronicity or
3% and 2.3%. The prevalence of dysthymia (PDD) was multiple recurrent episodes, comorbidity, presence of re-
reported to be 1.8% (lifetime) and 1.3% (past year). Across sidual subsyndromal symptoms, negative cognitive style,
adolescence, the prevalence of MDD increased significantly, family dysfunction, and exposure to ongoing stressful/
with markedly greater increases among female than among traumatic events are associated with poor outcome.8 The
male youth. Nearly 30% of youth with MDD reported risk for bipolar disorder in prepubertal-onset depression has
some form of suicidality in the past year, and more than been estimated at around 10% to 20%, and is higher for
10% reported a suicide attempt. Only 34% of adolescents patients who have a history of antidepressant-induced or
with MDD were reported to receive disorder-specific spontaneous hypomania, psychotic features, hypersomnia,
treatment, and only 35% received treatment from the or a family history of bipolar disorder.10
mental health sector. Genetic factors convey substantial vulnerability for the
Rates of depression in younger children are lower than development of depression (40%-60% heritability, higher
in adolescents. In a study of prepubertal depression using in adolescents than in children),11,12 although precise bio-
DSM diagnostic criteria for case ascertainment in a logical mechanisms remain elusive.13 The serotonin trans-
regionally representative sample,4 the 3-month rate of any porter gene;14 variations in cerebral structure and
depressive disorder was estimated to be 0.5% to 1.9%. function;15 and neuroendocrine,16 neuroinflammatory,17
Across several studies in preschoolers, the estimated preva- neurochemical,18 autonomic,19 chronobiologic,20 and gut
lence of depression using developmentally modified DSM microbiome21 systems as well as interactions among these,22
criteria also was reported to be less than 2.0%.5 have been implicated. Potentially depressogenic psycho-
From 2005 to 2014, the past year prevalence of MDD in logical factors are wide ranging and include insecure
a nationally representative sample6 increased from 8.7% to attachment,23 negative cognitive/attributional style,24
11.3% in adolescents, and from 8.8% to 9.6% in young difficult temperament/negative affectivity,25 diminished
adults. The extent to which 21st century sociocultural changes reward effort,26 dysfunctional interpersonal processes,27
have contributed to the apparent increase in prevalence, or impaired self-regulation,28 underdeveloped self-under-
whether the increase is due to heightened awareness, standing,29 underdeveloped mentalization,30 and learned
improved identification, or other factors, is not known. helplessness,31 as well as complex developmental/psycho-
Depression manifests along a spectrum, ranging from logical/biobehavioral interactions.32 An extensive inventory
subsyndromal to severe or (rarely) psychotic presentations.1 of socialenvironmental factors contributing to depression
Overall, the phenomenology of depression in youth is risk33 ranges from exposure to stressful or traumatic cir-
similar to that in adults, but there may be some develop- cumstances in the family (particularly emotional abuse34
mental differences in presentation that complicate diagnosis. and unattuned/unsupportive parenting styles [eg, passive/
For example, in preschool children, absence of joyful play withdrawn or discordant35]), to societal issues such as
observed by caregivers may be a prominent sign,5 whereas poverty,36 income inequality,37 racial/ethnic38 and other
irritability, temper tantrums, low frustration tolerance, and forms of discrimination,39 and acculturation stress.40
somatic symptoms may predominate in school-aged children, Socialenvironmental factors may exert their effect in part
and adolescents may more commonly present with sad through alterations to physiologic homeostasis.34,41
mood, neurovegetative symptoms, and suicidality.7 In longitudinal studies,42-44 the onset of MDD in
MDD is episodic by DSM definition, presenting as a youth has been characterized by a complex pattern of
distinct change from previous function.1 The median exposure to adverse childhood circumstances and concur-
duration of MDD episodes has been estimated at 1 to 2 rent psychiatric comorbidity (anxiety, behavior, and atten-
months and 8 months in community and clinical samples, tion disorders). The powerful impact of childhood
respectively.8 Approximately 10% of cases of MDD become adversities (eg, interpersonal loss, parental maladjustment,
chronic9; moreover, chronicity substantially increases the child maltreatment, economic adversity) on first-onset
likelihood of underlying anxiety, substance use, and per- depression was reiterated in a national study45 in which
sonality disorders and decreases the likelihood that treat- simulations estimated that childhood adversities were asso-
ment will be followed by full symptom resolution.1 The ciated with 57.1% of childhood-onset (up to age 13 years)
duration of PDD has been estimated to approximate 3 to 4 mood disorders, compared to 20.5% to 30.5% of later-
years in both community and clinical samples.8 onset mood disorders. The continuity of MDD in youth
MDD is highly recurrent, with recurrence rates in ad- has been characterized as both homotypic (depression to
olescents estimated to be 20% to 60% in 1 to 2 years and depression) and heterotypic (depression to anxiety,

480 Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Volume 62 / Number 5 / May 2023

substance abuse, behavior problems) and is associated with expertise and experience in the synthesis of psychiatric
impaired functioning (health, legal, social, educational, knowledge and their lack of relevant conflicts of interest.
financial) well into adulthood. CQI members are nominated by CQI co-chairs to broadly
Preschool (ages 3-6 years) depression ascertained through represent AACAP members in geographic, gender, race/
developmentally modified criteria also has been shown to be ethnicity, career duration, and practice type and setting
highly comorbid (anxiety, attention, and behavior disorders) domains, and to have no relevant conflicts of interest.
and to have homotypic continuity into school age.5 In Prospective CQI members are reviewed and approved by
regression analyses, school-age depression was strongly pre- the AACAP president.
dicted by preschool depression, as well as by preschool-onset In this guideline, statements about the treatment of
conduct disorder and maternal nonsupport.46 MDD and PDD are based upon empirical evidence derived
According to Luyten and Fonagy,32 the dismantling of from a critical systematic review of the scientific literature
heterogeneity in depression as outlined above is a major and conducted by the Research Triangle Institute International–
daunting task for the field of psychiatry. Whereas very early University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (RTI-UNC)
conceptualizations proposed 3 pathways to depression—one Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC) under contract with
endogenous (biologically driven), one reactive (environ- the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
mentally driven), and one arising from emotional instability (AHRQ).51 Insofar as available, evidence from meta-
acquired in part through exposure to childhood adver- analyses published since the AHRQ/RTI-UNC review are
sities47—newer integrative theories32 highlight the role of presented to support or refute the AHRQ findings.52-59
childhood adversities in precipitating depressogenic biobe- Because of sparse or absent empirical evidence, guid-
havioral developmental cascades grounded in, for example, ance about the assessment and clinical implementation of
the Research Domain Criteria approach.48 empirically based treatments for depressive disorders is
In sum, the overdetermined nature of depressive dis- informed by expert opinion and consensus as presented in
orders, especially in children and adolescents, creates sub- previously published clinical practice guidelines,8,60-62
stantial diagnostic, formulation, and treatment challenges chapters in leading textbooks of child and adolescent psy-
for the clinician and methodologic challenges for the chiatry,63-82 the DSM-5-TR,1 and government-affiliated
researcher. As such, it is not surprising that definitive in- prescription drug information websites.83,84 Additional ci-
formation about effective treatment is greatly limited. tations are provided in the assessment and implementation
Nonetheless, better identification, assessment, and treat- sections when information is presented that is not included
ment of MDD and PDD by skilled clinicians from multiple in the above-noted sources.
disciplines is achievable, and could have a substantial impact The peer review and approval process for the draft
on the individual and public health burden of mental illness guideline spanned the period November 15, 2021, to April
in youth. 10, 2022, and included reviewers representing the following
stakeholder groups (see end of this document for complete
list): (1) topic experts; (2) other members of the AACAP
OVERVIEW OF THE GUIDELINE DEVELOPMENT CQI; (3) other relevant AACAP committees; (4) the
PROCESS AACAP Assembly of Regional Organizations; (5) relevant
Authorship, Source, and Scientific Review external organizations; and (6) AACAP members. All sug-
The authors of this guideline (the Guideline Writing gested edits were considered; however, the CQI Guideline
Group) are co-chairs and members of the AACAP Com- Writing Group exercised editorial authority as to whether
mittee on Quality Issues (CQI) ( the suggested edits were included in the final document.
AACAP/Resources_for_Primary_Care/Practice_Parameters_ Final approval of the guideline as an AACAP Official Action
and_Resource_Centers/Practice_Parameters.aspx). The CQI rested with the AACAP Council.
is charged by AACAP with the development of Clinical
Practice Guidelines in accordance with standards promul-
gated by the Institute of Medicine (IOM)49 and the ASSESSMENT OF DEPRESSION
Appraisal of Guidelines Research & Evaluation (AGREE) Diagnostic evaluation is an essential prerequisite for the
Next Steps Consortium.50 Both standard sets emphasize treatment of a depressive disorder. Specialized clinical edu-
rigor (critically appraised empirical evidence) and trans- cation, training, and experience are necessary to conduct a
parency (minimization of conflicts of interest and a well- diagnostic evaluation of a child or adolescent in accordance
delineated guideline development process). CQI chairs are with current psychiatric nomenclature (DSM-5-TR1). A
nominated by the AACAP president based upon their diagnostic evaluation identifies symptoms; syndromal

Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 481
Volume 62 / Number 5 / May 2023

symptom combinations; symptom frequency, severity, onset, if the SMFQ score is positive (https://devepi.duhs.duke.
and duration; degree of associated distress and functional edu/measures/the-mood-and-feelings-questionnaire-mfq/).96
impairment; developmental deviations; and physical signs, as In the context of a psychiatric evaluation, symptoms of
well as factors predisposing, precipitating, perpetuating, or depression typically are identified through input from
protecting from the symptom presentation.1 referral sources; spontaneous youth or parent report (the
presenting problem or chief complaint); or during the cli-
nician’s review of psychiatric symptoms or the conduct of
the mental status examination. However, because of the
The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recom-
variability inherent in nonsystematic methods of identifi-
mends screening for MDD in adolescents aged 12 to 18
cation, a more standardized approach to symptom review
years on the basis of conveying a “moderate net benefit,”
may be useful. As one option, the American Psychiatric
provided that adolescents screening positive “are appropri-
Association (APA) developed the freely available parent- and
ately diagnosed and treated with evidence-based care.”85 At
self-rated Level 1 Cross-Cutting Symptom Measures
present, the USPSTF does not recommend screening for
MDD in children aged 11 years or younger, based upon
educational-resources/assessment-measures) 97 to screen for
insufficient evidence of net benefit.85 Nonetheless, early
multiple psychiatric disorders including depression.
identification of a depression concern in children as well as
Both the parent- and self-rated versions of the Level 1
adolescents can facilitate early intervention, including
Cross-Cutting measure have demonstrated good reli-
guided self-management and focused intervention for sub-
ability in the DSM-5 field trials conducted in pediatric
clinical and mild presentations.86
clinical samples across the United States. 98 These in-
In primary care, school, or other child-serving settings,
struments could be included in intake packets to sys-
psychometrically sound and freely available general
tematically and efficiently gather information about
socialemotional screening instruments (eg, Pediatric
presenting problems remotely, prior to the evaluation. As
Symptom Checklist [
with remote use of the PHQ-9, remote administration of
the Cross-Cutting measure must consider management of
checklist],87 Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
a positive response to the suicidality items, which neces-
[]88) increasingly are deployed sys-
sitate urgent assessment; as such, the suicidality items
tematically (eg, well visits) to standardize identification of
may be deleted and deferred until the in-person visit.
mental health concerns, including symptoms of sad or ir-
ritable mood, in pediatric primary care. However, for ado-
lescents, the USPSTF suggests the use of a depression- Evaluation
focused instrument (such as the freely available Patient Clinically significant depression (ie, a depressive disorder)
Health Questionnaire989) for initial screening. When must be distinguished from everyday sadness and irritabil-
using this and other instruments that include suicidality ity, which are common to the human experience and can be
items remotely (eg, via patient portal) in advance of well normative (even when exaggerated) in specific develop-
visits in primary care settings, consideration must be given mental stages (eg, irritability due to poor frustration toler-
to the management of a positive response to the suicidality ance in younger children, sad mood related to struggles with
question, which necessitates urgent assessment. For this identity and intimacy in adolescents). In DSM-5-TR,1
reason, primary care settings using remote screening might mental disorders are defined as “a syndrome characterized
consider the adolescent-validated,90 freely available PHQ-2 by clinically significant disturbance in an individual’s
instrument, which does not include suicidality items cognition, emotion regulation, or behavior that reflects a
( dysfunction in the psychological, biological, or develop-
020/04/PHQ-2-Depression-Scale.pdf),91 for the initial mental processes underlying mental functioning.” By DSM
depression screen, to be followed by in-person administra- convention,1 a mental disorder is diagnosed if all diagnostic
tion of the PHQ-9 at the well visit if the PHQ-2 score is criteria for the given disorder are met. Included in most
positive. For younger children, a similar remote screening diagnostic criteria sets is the requirement for a specific fre-
consideration could be the child and adolescentvali- quency and duration of symptoms as well as clinically sig-
dated,92-95freely available Short Mood and Feelings Ques- nificant distress and functional impairment, along with the
tionnaire (SMFQ), which does not include suicidality items, caveat that alternative medical, substance, and psychiatric
to be followed by in-person administration of the Long explanations for the symptom presentation must have been
Mood and Feelings Questionnaire (LMFQ) at the well visit considered before the diagnosis is applied.1

482 Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Volume 62 / Number 5 / May 2023

In DSM-5-TR,1 diagnostic criteria are provided for 8 If diagnostic criteria are not fully met for a specific
depressive disorders.a The common features of these disor- depressive disorder or if a precise diagnosis is not possible
ders are sad or irritable mood accompanied by somatic, because of limited information or other factors, DSM-5-TR
cognitive, and behavioral changes that significantly affect includes “other specified” and “unspecified” diagnoses to be
the individual’s capacity to cope and to function. Major applied in these circumstances. The “other specified” or
Depressive Disorder, PDD, and Depressive Disorder Due “unspecified” diagnoses can be applied when depressive
to Another Medical Condition all have multiple specifiers symptoms do not meet full diagnostic criteria for a specific
that should also be coded; diagnostic precision is key for depressive disorder but are nonetheless distressing and
understanding disorder course and prognosis and for guid- functionally impairing. Subsyndromal symptoms are
ing empirically based treatment recommendations (eg, important to recognize, as they convey increased risk for
MDD with mixed features [manic symptoms] may respond developing full diagnostic criteria for depression as well as
less well to treatment and may convey greater risk for suicidality,99 and as such are an opportunity for early
developing bipolar disorder; MDD with anxious distress intervention. The “unspecified” diagnosis also may be a
may respond better to combination treatment [therapy and diagnostic option in the absence of detailed knowledge of
medication] than either treatment alone).63 DSM-5-TR criteria for specific depressive disorders (eg,
According to DSM-5-TR,1 MDD is characterized by a emergency room or primary care settings).
discrete episode of at least 2 weeks’ duration (although most
episodes last considerably longer) involving clear changes in
Evaluation Structure. A diagnostic interview for depres-
mood, interest/pleasure, cognition, and neurovegetative
functions; suicidality can also be present. Except for weight sion includes the parent/guardian and patient, either
gain and suicidality, the criterion symptoms for MDD must separately or together or both, as developmentally and
be present for most of the day, nearly every day and must clinically indicated. Interview of the patient requires a
result in clinically significant distress or functional impair- developmentally sensitive approach that may employ
ment. The initial presentation or chief complaint is variable: multiple age-appropriate assessment techniques (eg, direct
some youth present with sad or irritable mood, others with and indirect questioning, interactive and projective tech-
feelings of emptiness or boredom, others with somatic niques). Family assessment can reveal genetic vulnerabil-
complaints, still others with social withdrawal, self-blame, or ities to and environmental precipitants of depression, and
distractibility/poor school performance. Decreased energy, observations of parenting styles and behaviors may iden-
tiredness, and fatigue are common; self-care may decline. tify those that are potentially contributory or protective.
Suicidality may span thoughts of others being better off if Input from collateral sources (eg, records, interviews,
the youth were dead, to transient but recurrent thoughts of symptom rating scales), including (as applicable and with
committing suicide, to active suicidal intent and plan. specific parent-guardian/patient consent) other family
PDD is a chronic form of depression (duration at least 1 members, teachers, primary care and behavioral health
year) that incorporates previous DSM diagnoses of chronic clinicians, and/or child agency workers, can add depth and
major depression and dysthymia. If MDD persists for at breadth to diagnostic information. Because of the multiple
least 1 year, a concurrent diagnosis of PDD can be sources of information, a diagnostic evaluation of a child
considered (“double depression”) if PDD criteria are also or adolescent may require more than one session as
met. A new diagnosis of MDD also can be superimposed allowed by current diagnostic billing code (Current Pro-
upon a pre-existing PDD diagnosis if MDD criteria are also cedural Terminology [CPT] Codes 90791, 90792)
met. In PDD, the mood disturbance is present most of the specifications.
day, more days than not; cognitive and neurovegetative Clinicians should conduct the diagnostic evaluation in
dysfunction is present but is less severe and pervasive than in the language in which both the child and parents/guardians
MDD. Nonetheless, PDD can be associated with substan- are proficient, as lack of appropriate linguistic ability or
tial functional impairment over a long period of time. interpreter support has been associated with misdiagnosis as
well as adverse clinical outcomes.100 If live interpreter ser-
DSM-5 Depressive Disorders with International Classification of Dis- vices are not available, telephonic interpreter services may be
eases–10 code: Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (ICD F34.81); an acceptable alternative.
Major Depressive Disorder (ICD F32.0-9/F33.0-9); Persistent Depressive
Disorder (ICD F34.1); Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (ICD F32.81);
Substance/Medication-Induced Depressive Disorder (substance-specific Differential Diagnosis. When assessing depressive symp-
codes); Depressive Disorder Due to Another Medical Condition (ICD
F06.31/32/34); Other Specified Depressive Disorder (ICD F32.89); Un- toms, a key goal of the history of present illness is to
specified Depressive Disorder (ICD F32.A). determine whether DSM-5-TR1 diagnostic criteria for a
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 483
Volume 62 / Number 5 / May 2023

specific depressive disorder are met, and to rule out alter- Psychiatric Comorbidities. As many as 40% to 90% of
native explanations for the symptom presentation. In youth with depressive disorders have psychiatric comor-
addition, characterization of previous depression pre- bidities.63 Common comorbidities include (but are not
sentations and response to previous treatments will inform limited to) anxiety, disruptive behavior, ADHD, and sub-
current treatment choice. stance use disorders. Comorbidities may heighten distress
Medical conditions associated with depression and functional impairment and may worsen treatment
include (but are not limited to) hypothyroidism, outcomes. Each comorbid disorder may require a separate
mononucleosis, anemia, autoimmune diseases, chronic treatment plan and may influence the selection of treatment
fatigue syndrome, migraine, epilepsy, asthma, inflam- for the depressive disorder.
matory bowel disease, and certain cancers. Although Use of the Parent- and Self-Rated Level 1 Cross-
laboratory testing is not routine in the evaluation of a Cutting Symptom Measures or screening questions
suspected depressive disorder, in collaboration with the embedded in structured interview guides can standardize
child’s primary care practitioner, laboratory testing and enhance the efficiency of the psychiatric review of
should be considered if suggested by signs and symp- symptoms to assess for psychiatric comorbidities. If screen
toms of a medical condition. For depressed youth pre- questions on these instruments are positively endorsed, the
senting with specific somatic symptoms (eg, headaches, ensuing interview can ascertain whether full diagnostic
diarrhea, pain, fatigue), the nature and severity of those criteria are met for the given disorder.
symptoms should be explored and documented at
baseline, so that the somatic symptoms can be differ-
Medical Comorbidities. Estimates of MDD prevalence in
entiated from adverse effects of a medication trial.
physically ill youth range from 11% to 29%.101 Strong
Medications that can cause depressive symptoms
associations between depression and physical illness have
include (but are not limited to) narcotic analgesics,
been found for youth with neurological, gastrointestinal,
chemotherapy agents, cardiovascular medications, stimu-
autoimmune, and endocrine disorders; infectious diseases;
lants, corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, and oral con-
metabolic and systemic disturbances; neoplasms; and
traceptives. Medication reconciliation including over-the-
nutritional deficiencies. Depression and physical disorders
counter and naturopathic treatments should be performed
variously can be coincidental, in which the depression that
as a routine part of an evaluation for a suspected depressive
precedes or follows the physical disorder is related to factors
other than the illness itself, or causal, in which the
A wide array of substances can cause depression,
depression contributes to or results from the physical illness.
including (but not limited to) nicotine, alcohol, cannabis,
Examples of causal associations include physical/physiolog-
opiates, cocaine, other stimulants, sedatives, and anabolic
ical pathology secondary to depressive symptoms, depressive
steroids. Environmental etiologies such as exposure to lead
symptoms secondary to physical pathology/physiology, and
and carbon monoxide can also be considered. Although
depression as a reaction to physical illness and/or treatment.
drug and toxin testing are not routine in the evaluation of a
Whatever the presumed type of association, each disorder,
suspected depressive disorder, testing should be considered
whether physical or psychological, should be separately
if exposure is reported or suspected.
assessed and treated. Counting discrete symptoms (eg, fa-
Mental conditions that may include symptoms
tigue) as attributable to both the depressive disorder as well
similar to those of depressive disorders are attention-
as the physical illness may be the most sensitive and reliable
deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (distractibility),
approach to diagnosis.102
disruptive behavior disorders (irritability), anxiety (irri-
tability, distractibility, insomnia, somatic complaints),
posttraumatic stress disorder (irritability, distractibility, Structured Interview Guides. Although the use of
insomnia), bipolar depression (irritability), psychotic completely structured or semi-structured interviews is
disorders (agitation, social withdrawal, distractibility), infrequent in nonresearch settings, such interviews have
autism spectrum disorder (irritability, social withdrawal, been shown to substantially enhance the reliability of
distractibility), and learning disorders (sadness about psychiatric diagnosis over unstructured clinician in-
school performance). Despite overlapping symptoms, terviews, which are vulnerable to a number of informa-
each condition for which full diagnostic criteria are met tion collection biases.103 Structured interview guides for
should be diagnosed as such, unless DSM-5-TR hierar- children and adolescents have generally similar, moder-
chical rules1 apply. ately acceptable psychometric properties; hence, the

484 Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Volume 62 / Number 5 / May 2023

decision to use a structured interview as part of a diag- There is poor-to-moderate agreement between parent
nostic evaluation will depend upon consideration of the and youth reports on structured interview guides and
advantages (eg, enhanced diagnostic accuracy) and dis- symptom rating scales.117,118 However, discrepancies be-
advantages (eg, time, training, cost, burden) specific to tween informants are to be expected, as they reveal each
each situation and setting. A freely available option for informant’s unique view of the child’s depression symp-
screening for and assessing MDD and PDD is the K- toms, some of which are internal and may not be readily or
SADS PL (Present and Lifetime) DSM-5 interview guide accurately discerned by others. Although the youth’s report
( is generally considered to be paramount for internalizing
KSADS_DSM_5_Supp1_DepressiveDO_Final.pdf).104 disorders,119,120 the simple rule of regarding a symptom as
The K-SADS-PL DSM-5 also includes screening (https:// being present by any informant’s report can be an accept- able resolution of discrepancies.
DSM_5_SCREEN_Final.pdf) and follow-up questions Measurement-based treatment may be underutilized
for other disorder categories, which can facilitate efficient in mental health care, despite evidence of improving
identification of potential depression masqueraders and outcomes.121 According to a recent systematic review,
comorbidities. Also freely available online in draft form is measurement-based treatment occurred primarily in
a preschool-age structured interview guide, the Preschool outpatient mental health settings; around one-third of
Age Psychiatric Assessment (PAPA) for DSM-5 (https:// programs had provider-only assessments, and one-half had both provider and self-assessments.122 Perceived
Modules-DSM-5-1.pdf)105; although not yet proved to be barriers to implementation of measurement-based treat-
psychometrically valid, this guide could be helpful in formu- ment are many and occur at multiple levels: patient (eg,
lating questions for an unstructured clinical interview. motivation, time, comfort/facility with applicable tech-
nologies, concerns about confidentiality breach); practi-
Focused Symptom Rating Scales. Albeit not diagnostic,
tioner (eg, time, intrusive to clinical practice, disbelief in
standardized focused symptom rating scales can be useful to accuracy of measures, lack of training, concerns about
support a depression diagnosis, to characterize the nature and impact on payments and coverage); organization (eg,
breadth of specific symptoms, and to quantify pretreatment lack of commitment by clinical leadership, infrastructure
symptom severity as a baseline for tracking response to treat- constraints, lack of training resources), and system (eg,
ment over time (“measurement-based treatment” 106,107). competing requirements). Strategies to improve imple-
Among the several freely available depression rating scales with mentation include improving data input systems, using
acceptable psychometric properties108,109 are the Patient measurement feedback systems, leveraging local cham-
Health Questionnaire9 (PHQ-9) modified for adoles- pions, forming learning collaboratives, training leader-
cents110-112 ship, improving expert consultation with clinical staff,
( and generating incentives.123,124 Krishna et al.124 pro-
member_resources/toolbox_for_clinical_practice_and_outcomes/ vide a useful guide to selecting and implementing
symptoms/GLAD-PC_PHQ-9.pdf); the Mood and Feelings various measurement infrastructure models suitable for a
Questionnaire (MFQ), parent and child versions113,114 variety of settings.
feelings-questionnaire-mfq/); and the Preschool Feelings Mental Status Examination. In the mental status exami-
Checklist115 nation, signs of depression can include poor eye contact,
( poor engagement/uncooperativeness, disheveled appear-
fulltext). ance, downcast facies, tearfulness, psychomotor agitation or
In addition, the APA offers the field-tested parent- and retardation, sad mood, angry outbursts, poor frustration
self-rated Level 2 Cross-Cutting Symptom Measures for tolerance, distractibility, poverty of speech, perseverative or
depression that explore depression endorsed on the Level 1 ruminative thought processes, guilt- or self-loathing- or self-
Measure (“mild” or greater on any depression item) in blameladen thought content, and poor insight and judg-
greater depth, and the self-rated Disorder-Specific Severity ment. Because these signs are nonspecific to depression (and
Measures for clinically diagnosed depression (https://www. may be absent), they are largely adjunctive to other diag- nostic information but should be documented when
resources/assessment-measures).98,116 present.

Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 485
Volume 62 / Number 5 / May 2023

Clinical Formulation. The development of a clinical of the parents/guardians and patient, prioritized according to
formulation includes consideration of contextual (eg, the acuity, severity, distress, and impairment associated with
stressors) and historical (eg, medical, developmental, each diagnosed disorder. The clinician should provide suffi-
educational, family, social) factors as well as child and family cient information to enable the patient and parent/guardian
strengths, environmental supports, and gender/sexual/cul- to make an informed decision about treatment options. Level
tural/spiritual issues. The result is an understanding of the of care decisions are informed by diagnosis, the current
biological, psychological, and social factors that may be severity of symptoms, the presence of comorbid medical or
associated with the symptom presentation. psychiatric disorders, the assessment of the child’s risk to self
The biopsychosocial formulation can be organized to or others, the child’s prior illness course and complications,
reflect predisposing, precipitating, perpetuating, and pro- the child’s potential supports, and the treatment alliance
tective (ameliorating) factors (“4 P’s”)1 influencing the between the clinician and the child and family.
development of psychopathology.125 Predisposing factors Although the specific definition of informed consent for
are areas of vulnerability that increase the risk for psycho- treatment may vary from state to state,127 many stake-
pathology and encompass primarily the biological factors of holders agree on at least 4 basic elements of the informed
the biopsychosocial formulation. Precipitating factors are consent process: (1) the decision maker (parent/guardian
stressors or other contextual events that have a chronologic and older youth) should have the capacity to make de-
association with symptom onset. Perpetuating factors are cisions; (2) the clinician should disclose sufficient details for
any aspects of the patient, family, or community that serve the decision maker to make an informed choice; (3) the
to prolong the problem. Protective (ameliorating) factors decision maker should confirm his/her understanding of the
include the patient’s own areas of strength as well as disclosed information; and (4) the decision maker should
strengths in the family and community. The cross- freely authorize the treatment plan. In clinical practice,
organization of both biopsychosocial and 4P factors can these 4 elements translate into 5 components that are
optimize the comprehensiveness of the treatment plan. included in a discussion seeking to obtain informed con-
Safety. Safety risks, including but not limited to suicidal sent: (1) the diagnosis; (2) the nature and purpose of the
thoughts and behaviors, self-harm, risk-taking behaviors, and proposed treatment; (3) the attendant risks and benefits of
impulsivity, are assessed both at the time of evaluation and the proposed treatment; (4) alternative treatments and their
during treatment of a depressive disorder, as these risks have risks and benefits; and (5) the risks and benefits of declining
been associated with both depression and its treatment with treatment. Strategies for improving parents’/guardians’ and
antidepressant medications. Depressive disorders suggest the patients’ comprehension of risks and benefits can include
need for exploration of exposure to childhood adversities. In providing written educational materials, multimedia pre-
the case of abuse or neglect, reporting to the state child welfare sentations, decision-making worksheets, and standardized
authority is required. Gathering information from multiple consent forms; asking for a “repeat back” of information
sources and by varied culturally and developmentally sensitive provided; and engaging in extended back-and-forth dis-
techniques may be needed in evaluating safety risks. Assess- cussions until understanding is achieved. Documentation of
ment culminates in 2 basic questions: Is the patient at current the informed consent process provides evidence that the
risk? Are the patient and family able to adhere to recom- patient and parent/guardian were adequately prepared to
mendations regarding supervision, safeguarding, and follow- provide assent and consent for treatment.
up care? The answers to these questions can lead to the Clinicians should evaluate and incorporate cultural and
appropriate level and intensity of care. Psychiatric hospitali- spiritual values, beliefs, and attitudes in treatment in-
zation is likely indicated when the youth actively voices intent terventions to enhance the child’s and family’s participation
to harm, and in the context of altered mental status (including in treatment and treatment effectiveness.100 If available, cli-
hopelessness, agitation, psychosis), multiple previous suicide nicians should preferentially recommend treatments that
attempts, previous unsuccessful treatment, and/or caregiver have been proved to be effective in the minority population in
incapacity. question, and should identify ethnopharmacologic factors
(eg, pharmacogenomic, dietary, herbal) that may influence
Treatment Planning. Treatment planning derives from the the child’s response to medications or experience of adverse
diagnoses and clinical formulation. High-quality treatment effects.
plans are safe, timely, effective, efficient, feasible, equitable, Together with the patient and family, the clinician can
and child and family centered.126 A range of potentially delineate the role of each participant in the treatment process,
effective treatments and other interventions should be emphasizing that successful treatment is a collaborative effort
explained in accordance with the cognitive and linguistic level among all involved parties. Parents/guardians who themselves
486 Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Volume 62 / Number 5 / May 2023

struggle with depression can benefit from additional psy- NOS])? (2) What are the benefits and harms of pharma-
choeducation and support to foster their child’s successful cological interventionsc for DDs? (3) What are the benefits
depression management, and for moderate-to-severe cases, a and harms of combination interventions for DDs? (4) What
referral for parental treatment can be considered. Families are the benefits and harms of collaborative care in-
struggling with difficult psychosocial circumstances can be terventions for DDs? (5) What are the comparative benefits
referred to social services agencies for needed supports. The and harms of treatments (nonpharmacological, pharmaco-
clinician should address any questions or disagreements about logical, combined, collaborative care) for DDs? Each of the
treatment and discuss the logistics of treatment imple- key questions was paired with a subpopulation question:
mentation. The clinician should inquire about the parents’ How do benefits and harms vary by subpopulation (eg,
understanding of the outcomes of the assessment and their patient characteristics, disorder characteristics, history of
feelings about the process. Finally, the clinician should sup- previous treatment, comorbid condition, exposure to a
port and encourage the youth and parents/guardians in their traumatic life event)?
efforts to adhere to the treatment plan. To be eligible for the AHRQ/RTI-UNC review, studies
Feedback to the patient’s care team is generally permis- must have met all of the following criteria: (1) included
sible with basic consent for treatment, although regulations children and adolescents with a confirmed diagnosis of
vary by state. If parents/guardians specifically consent, in- MDD, PDD (or dysthymia), or DD NOS who (2) received
formation from systems involved with the patient (eg, med- any nonpharmacological or pharmacological interventions,
ical, educational, juvenile justice, child welfare) can facilitate alone or combined, for at least 6 weeks; and (3) reported
coordination of care. Feedback should be prompt, concise, specified end-of-treatment benefits and harms outcomes.
jargon free, and helpful; for example, comments may include Study time frame was any publication date; study settings
a brief reiteration of the presenting problem/reason for were outpatient care in countries with a very high Human
referral, a description of the assessment process, the diagnoses Development Index; study language was English. Random-
given, and the treatments recommended. ized controlled trials (RCTs) and controlled clinical trials
(CCTs) were included for benefits outcomes; RCTs, CCTs,
and observational studies were included to identify harms.
TREATMENT OF DEPRESSION Overall, 60 studies were included in the AHRQ/RTI-
Development of Treatment Statements From the UNC review; details of all included and excluded studies
AHRQ/RTI-UNC EPC Systematic Review can be found in the review.51 Excluded studies primarily
The objective of the AHRQ/RTI-UNC review51 was to were those deemed by AHRQ/RTI-UNC to fail to meet
examine the benefits and harms of pharmacological and inclusion criteria or predetermined standards for methodo-
nonpharmacological treatments for child and adolescent logic rigor; specific reasons for exclusion are summarized in
depressive disorders. In April 2020 the review was made the Benefits and Harms sections under each treatment
available in its entirety on the internet (https:// statement in this guideline. Of the 60 included studies (reported in 94 articles),
research).128 39% each addressed key questions 1 and 2; less than 1%
The key questions of the AHRQ/RTI-UNC review addressed key question 3; 0% addressed key question 4; and
were 5-fold: in adolescents and children, (1) what are the 49% addressed key question 5. In all, 72% of the studies
benefits and harms of nonpharmacological interventionsb were conducted in the United States. Eight percent of
for depressive disorders (DDs: MDD, PDD/dysthymic studies targeted children (age range from 5 to 12 years),
disorders, depressive disorder not otherwise specified [DD 50% targeted adolescents (age range from 11 to 18 years),
and 42% included both children and adolescents (age range
Nonpharmacological treatments: cognitive–behavioral therapy, rational from 7 to 18 years). In general, studies referred to “ado-
emotive behavior therapy, behavioral activation, other behavioral ther-
apy, interpersonal therapy, directive counseling, Katathym-imaginative
lescents” as persons aged 11 or 12 years and older, and to
psychotherapy, family therapy, parent education, self-help groups, “children” as persons aged 10 or 11 years and younger
problem-solving therapy, autonomic training, combined-modality ther- (generally down to age 7 or 8 years); these definitions were
apy, psychological adaptation therapies, exercise, diet therapy, mind-
fulness, meditation, relaxation therapy, massage therapy, music therapy,
adopted in the Treatment Statements below. In all, 67% of
art therapy, integrative restoration, visualization, tai chi, yoga, spirituality,
acupuncture, St. John’s wort, SAMe, fish oil, melatonin, L-tryptophan, Pharmacological treatments: fluoxetine, citalopram, escitalopram, flu-
folic acid, 5-HTP, zinc, chromium, ginko biloba, vitamin E, omega-3 fatty voxamine, paroxetine, sertraline, vilazodone, duloxetine, venlafaxine,
acids, hypericum, inositol, selenium, electroconvulsive therapy, trans- amitriptyline, desipramine, imipramine, nortriptyline, doxepin, clomip-
cranial magnetic stimulation, light therapy, hypnotherapy, neurofeed- ramine, rasagiline, selegiline, isocarboxazid, phenelzine, tranylcypro-
back, deep brain stimulation, biofeedback. mine, bupropion, mirtazapine, nefazodone, trazodone, vortioxetine.

Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 487
Volume 62 / Number 5 / May 2023

studies had both mostly female and mostly White partici- Definitions of the grades of outcome-specific SOE were
pants. Participants in 77% of studies were confirmed as as follows:
having MDD, and participants in 23% of studies were
 High SOE—High confidence that the evidence reflects
confirmed as mixed, including various combinations of
the true effect. Further research is very unlikely to change
MDD, Dysthymia/PDD, or Not Otherwise Specified/Un-
confidence in the estimate of effect.
specified DD. Of the studies, 45% addressed non-
 Moderate SOE—Moderate confidence that the evidence
pharmacological interventions, and 40% addressed
reflects the true effect. Further research may change
pharmacological interventions; 15% addressed both.
confidence in the estimate of the effect and may change
the estimate.
AHRQ/RTI-UNC Risk of Bias Assessment of Individual  Low SOE—Low confidence that the evidence reflects the
Studies. The methodological risk of bias of all studies true effect. Further research is likely to change confidence in
included in the AHRQ/RTI-UNC review was assessed by the estimate of the effect and is likely to change the estimate.
the RTI-UNC reviewers in accordance with the AHRQ  Insufficient—Evidence either is unavailable or does not
Methods Guide for Effectiveness and Comparative Effec- permit estimation of effect.
tiveness Reviews.129 For observational studies, risk of bias
was assessed with the ROBINS-1 tool130 and for RCTs, the Details of the AHRQ/RTI-UNC systematic review and
Cochrane RCT tool.131 Risk-of-bias considerations evidence-grading process, including the flow diagram,
included selection bias, confounding, performance bias, search strategy, study inclusion/exclusion criteria, and in-
detection bias, attrition bias, adequacy of randomization (if dividual study characteristics, are presented in the published
applicable), similarity of groups at baseline, masking, intent- review.51
to-treat analysis, dropouts and missing data, validity and
reliability of outcome measures, and treatment fidelity. CQI Treatment Statement Rating/Grading Procedure.
Reviewers assigned risk-of-bias ratings for each study as For each comparison in the AHRQ/RTI-UNC review, the
follows: low risk of bias (study met all criteria); some con- CQI Guideline Writing Group via a consensus process
cerns (study met some criteria); high risk of bias (method- aggregated the AHRQ/RTI-UNC ratings for individual
ological shortcomings leading to high risk of bias in one or outcomes across all available outcomes to rate overall SOE
more categories); or unclear risk of bias (methods not re- for the entire body of evidence for that comparison (eg,
ported clearly). When possible, sensitivity analyses were fluoxetine vs placebo). Benefit outcomes included clini-
conducted to gauge the difference in conclusions upon cian-, parent-, and self-reported depression symptom
including and excluding high risk-of-bias studies. For evi- reduction, response, remission, relapse, recovery, and
dence that included meta-analyses, effect sizes with and functional impairment; harm outcomes included suici-
without high risk-of-bias studies were reported. For all an- dality, serious adverse events, and withdrawal due to
alyses, to account for heterogeneity across studies, random serious adverse events. Selection, definitions and mea-
effects models were used to estimate pooled or comparative surement of outcomes were defined by each individual
effects. AHRQ/RTI-UNCincluded study and varied across
AHRQ/RTI-UNC Strength of Evidence Grading Procedure.
For each comparison (eg, fluoxetine vs placebo), each indi-  If the preponderance of AHRQ/RTI-UNC SOE grades
vidual outcome (eg, remission, serious adverse event) was across all available outcomes for a given comparison was
graded for strength of evidence (SOE) across all studies of that high, the overall SOE rating for the corresponding
comparison that included that outcome, using the Grading of treatment statement was high (denoted by the letter A).
Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation  If the preponderance of AHRQ/RTI-UNC SOE grades
(GRADE) working group guidance132 and guidance estab- across all available outcomes for a given comparison
lished for the EPC Program.133 Five domains were incorpo- was moderate, the overall SOE rating for the corre-
rated in the grades: risk of bias (impact on inference), sponding treatment statement was moderate (denoted
consistency (degree of heterogeneity of findings), directness by the letter B).
(relevance to patient), precision (sample size, confidence in-  If the preponderance of AHRQ/RTI-UNC SOE grades
tervals), and publication bias (nonpublication of study results). across all available outcomes for a given comparison
Because all of the outcomes selected were direct outcomes, the was low, the overall SOE rating for the corresponding
evidence was not downgraded for indirectness. treatment statement was low (denoted by the letter C).

488 Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Volume 62 / Number 5 / May 2023

 If the preponderance of AHRQ/RTI-UNC SOE grades Treatment Statementsd

across all available outcomes for a given comparison was
1. AACAP suggests (2I) that cognitive-behavioral ther-
insufficient but at least 2 outcome grades were low or better,
apy and interpersonal therapy could be offered to
the overall SOE rating for the corresponding treatment
adolescents and children with major depressive dis-
statement was insufficient (denoted by the letter I).
order or persistent depressive disorder.
Based upon these overall ratings, the CQI Guideline
A total of 25 studies of nonpharmacological in-
Writing Group via a consensus process developed treatment
terventions were included in the AHRQ/RTI-UNC review
statements, which were then graded by the CQI Guideline
(see the review for study summaries51), including 6 RCTs of
Writing Group via a consensus process in accordance with
cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT),134-143 3 RCTs of
GRADE convention132 by weighing the potential benefits
interpersonal therapy,134,144,145 and 5 RCTs of family
and harms of each treatment statement action and the level
therapies.146-150 Insufficient rigorous evidence of benefit for
of confidence in that determination based upon the over-
modified CBT (parent-involved, trauma-focused), attach-
all SOE.
ment-based family therapy, family therapy, parentchild
 A recommendation statement (denoted by the nu- interaction therapy, short-term psychoanalytic therapy, ex-
meral 1) indicates confidence that the benefits of the ercise, spirituality-informed therapy, and omega-3 supple-
action clearly outweigh the harms. mentation precluded inclusion of these modalities in the
 A suggestion statement (denoted by the numeral 2) above treatment statement.
indicates greater uncertainty, in that the benefits of
the action are considered fairly likely to outweigh the Differences of Opinion. None. The Guideline Writing
harms, but the balance is more difficult to judge. Group voted unanimously in favor of this suggestion.
In addition to the findings from the AHRQ/RTI-UNC
review, the CQI also considered the findings from high- Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
level evidence (ie, systematic reviews/meta-analyses52-59) Benefits and Harms.
. Adolescents. Among adolescents
published since the AHRQ/RTI-UNC review as additional with MDD and/or PDD, compared to waitlist, CBT
evidence of consistency or inconsistency of treatment improved self-reported depressive symptoms and clinician-
findings. For one treatment (interpersonal therapy), new reported functional impairment (both low SOE); there
meta-analyses led to inclusion of a treatment option based was insufficient evidence for harms. Evidence was insuffi-
upon additional evidence inconsistent with AHRQ/RTI- cient for benefits or harms for CBT vs active control and
UNC findings. CBT vs pill placebo.
Treatment statements underwent iterative blind voting Children. No RCTs of CBT in children were included
by the CQI Guideline in the AHRQ/RTI-UNC review; however, studies
Writing Group members until at least majority including children are presented under Additional Support
consensus was achieved. If a voting outcome had not been below.
unanimous, a dissenting opinion could have been written to
accompany the statement.
Additional Support. The benefits of CBT were mixed in 2
meta-analyses of RCTs published since the AHRQ/RTI-
Applicability of Treatment Findings From the AHRQ/RTI- UNC review. These analyses reported change in depres-
UNC Review. The applicability of findings from the sive symptoms in children and adolescents with MDD/
AHRQ/RTI-UNC review was assessed in accordance with PDD for CBT vs the named comparator as follows: overall
the Methods Guide for Effectiveness and Comparative standardized mean difference (SMD) 0.05 (0.61, 0.70);
Effectiveness Reviews.129 Factors identified a priori that subgroup SMDs: wait-list SMD 0.94 (1.40, 0.48),
could limit the applicability of evidence included age range
of the sample in each study, severity or type of DD, co- The treatment statements below are intended to apply to the named
morbid conditions, exposure to a traumatic life event, depressive disorders for which all diagnostic criteria are met, including
the requirements for duration, frequency/severity, and clinically signifi-
history of previous depressive episodes or depression cant distress and/or functional impairment. Although the AHRQ review
treatment, and treatment setting. Clinical judgment and findings were insufficient to recommend or suggest the sequence in
family preference necessarily must play a key role in which treatments should be offered, prudent sequencing may prioritize
brief education/supportive intervention for subsyndromal and mild
determining the applicability of treatment statements to presentations, and empirically validated psychotherapy and/or medica-
individual patients. tion for moderate and severe presentations.

Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 489
Volume 62 / Number 5 / May 2023

“psychological placebo” SMD 0.27 (0.72, 0.18), and fostered, and education about the course of treatment is
treatment as usual (TAU) SMD 0.22 (0.67, 0.23)52; provided. In the next phase, information about the nature,
and wait-list SMD 1.29 (2.54, 0.04) and “named cause, and course of depression is provided, with a focus on
control group” SMD 1.16 (2.15, 0.18).56 In sum- a cognitive-behavioral understanding of the symptoms as
mary, in subgroup analyses, statistically significant im- the rationale for treatment. In the next phase, active treat-
provements in depression in children and adolescents were ment occurs. CBT typically is organized according to a
found for CBT vs wait-list and “named control group,” but weekly agenda that involves homework assignments for
not for CBT vs “psychological placebo” or TAU. practice opportunities that foster skills mastery. The final
It should be noted that these 2 meta-analyses included phase focuses on generalization and maintenance of skills as
RCTs that were excluded from the AHRQ/RTI-UNC re- well as relapse prevention. At this stage, treatment frequency
view because of ineligible populations. In addition, neither diminishes as the patient assumes self-responsibility for
meta-analysis reported separate effects for children and ad- implementation of learned skills on an ongoing basis.
olescents, whereas the preponderance of RCTs targeted However, it is not uncommon for patients to benefit from
adolescents. “booster” sessions after treatment termination has occurred
to maximize long-term skills maintenance.
Systematic assessment of treatment effectiveness using
Implementation. CBT is a diverse group of interventions standardized symptom rating scales (eg, PHQ-9 modified
targeted at the primary manifestations of depressive disor- for adolescents) should be considered as a supplement to the
ders: cognitive (eg, cognitive distortions and intrusive clinical interview during treatment, as use of these scales can
negative thoughts) and behavioral (eg, anhedonia/decreased optimize therapists’ ability to accurately assess treatment
motivation). Hence, core elements of CBT for depression response and adjust treatment as indicated. Treatment
may include cognitive restructuring (ie, deployment of pre- termination can be informed by normalization of symptoms
frontal cortical resources to enhance cognitive processing of as measured by these instruments.
beliefs and control of emotional states) and behavioral Although CBT emphasizes cognitive and behavioral
activation (ie, activation of reward-related brain circuitry to processes that maintain sad/irritable mood, these processes
enhance motivation toward adaptive changes). In cognitive are learned and function in a social context. As such,
restructuring, the therapist endeavors to enhance the pa- treatment is characterized by collaboration among the pa-
tient’s awareness of habitual negative distortions and the tient, family, and therapist, and, in some cases, school
skills to counteract these distortions. In behavioral activa- personnel. Case-specific circumstances help to determine
tion, the therapist endeavors to motivate the patient to set whether to work with a patient individually or with the
goals to regularly engage in pleasurable activities. In these patient in conjunction with family members. Family-
ways, the therapist seeks to interrupt the cycle of negative directed interventions that improve parentchild relation-
thoughts, dysphoric feelings, and maladaptive behaviors. ships and parenting style, strengthen family problem-solving
This process is enhanced through self-monitoring, that is, and communication skills, and reduce parental modeling of
tracking and analyzing the associations between the negative mood dysregulation can provide adjunctive benefit.
cycle components. In addition, school-directed interventions that educate
Other CBT elements also can be deployed in the teachers about the student’s difficulties with depression and
treatment of depression, including the following: goal how to foster effective problem-solving, communication,
setting; relaxation; and training in problem-solving, asser- and coping strategies in the school setting can be part of a
tiveness, conflict management, communication, interper- comprehensive treatment plan. Specific plans for depression
sonal skills, and affect regulation/distress tolerance. The management at school can be written into the student’s 504
number and combination of these elements vary according plan or individualized education program (eg, extended
to the specific symptom presentation. time for completing assignments while under initial
Specialized education, training, and experience are treatment).
necessary for the effective delivery of CBT, although most A developmental perspective is essential when imple-
psychotherapists are likely to have received some training in menting CBT with children. Developmental considerations
some CBT elements. The goal of structured CBT is to include considering the child’s level of autonomy and in-
achieve meaningful symptomatic and functional improve- dependence and the role of caregivers in the treatment
ment within 12 to 24 sessions (or fewer if the symptoms are process; adapting cognitive elements of treatment in
mild). In the initial stage of a typical treatment, the pre- accordance with the child’s ability to think abstractly; and
senting problem is assessed, a therapeutic alliance is integrating CBT into play-based interactions, in which the
490 Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Volume 62 / Number 5 / May 2023

primary mechanism for teaching is modeling. In general, Implementation. Interpersonal therapy (IPT) is conceptu-
younger children may benefit more from behavioral tech- alized as occurring within an interpersonal matrix in which
niques than cognitive techniques; nonetheless, cognitive interpersonal relationships contribute to the onset or
techniques from which younger children can benefit include perpetuation of a depressive disorder. As such, the main
relaxation and positive self-talk. In nearly all cases, younger goals of IPT include expanding social support, decreasing
children will require substantial involvement of caregivers to interpersonal stress, enhancing the processing of emotions,
master the therapy skills. and improving social functioning within significant
Specialized education, training, and experience are
Interpersonal Therapy
necessary for the effective delivery of IPT. A course of IPT
Benefits and Harms. Two RCTs134,144 in adolescents of
typically is designed to be delivered once a week for 12
standard IPT and 1 RCT of family-based IPT145 were weeks, although intensity and duration can vary with the
included in the AHRQ/RTI-UNC review (see the review specifics of the presentation. Parental participation is rec-
for study summaries51). Among adolescents with MDD ommended but not required; parental session attendance
and/or PDD, compared to wait-list or active control, evi- can range from no sessions to several sessions across the 3
dence was insufficient for benefits or harms for standard treatment stages. In the initial stage of treatment, the pre-
IPT. Among children with MDD and/or PDD, compared senting problem is assessed, a therapeutic alliance is
to active control, family-based IPT improved clinician- fostered, and education about the nature, cause, and course
reported depressive symptoms, parent-reported depressive of depression as well as the course of treatment is provided.
symptoms, and self-reported depressive symptoms (all low Then the therapist conducts the interpersonal inventory,
SOE); there was insufficient evidence for harms. which is a detailed review of the patient’s significant re-
lationships, both current and past, with their emotional
Additional Support. In contrast to the AHRQ/RTI-UNC valence. This inventory leads to the interpersonal formula-
review, the benefits of standard IPT were supported in tion, which links the patient’s interpersonal situation with
part by 3 meta-analyses of RCTs published since the the depressed mood and typically identifies one of 4 main
AHRQ/RTI-UNC review. These analyses reported change problem areas: loss, disputes, role disputes or transitions,
in depressive symptoms in children and adolescents with and interpersonal deficits.
DD for IPT vs the named comparator as follows: overall In the middle phase of treatment, the therapist works
SMD 0.38 (1.24, 0.47), subgroup SMDs: wait-list with the patient to resolve the identified problem area
SMD 1.37 (2.04, 0.70), “psychological placebo” through, for example, linking mood to interpersonal events,
SMD 0.70 (1.29, 0.12), and TAU SMD 0.66 grief work, communication and problem-solving training,
(1.22, 0.09)52; wait-list SMD 1.51 (2.63, 0.38), perspective-taking, role adaptation, and addressing prob-
TAU SMD 0.94 (1.72, 0.17), and “named control lematic interpersonal processes. In the termination phase,
group” SMD 1.38 (2.56, 0.20)56; and in a subgroup generalization and maintenance of skills outside of the
analysis of a meta-analysis, mean posttreatment effect size of therapy setting and relapse prevention become the treat-
IPT: g ¼ 0.78 compared to CBT: g ¼ 0.31, p ¼ .14.55 The ment foci. The patient is helped to identify warning signs of
first 2 analyses included both children and adolescents, the depression that suggest the need for additional treatment.
data for which were not disaggregated; the third analysis was A developmental perspective and appropriate modifi-
restricted to adolescent study participants. In summary, in cations in technique are essential when implementing IPT
subgroup analyses, statistically significant improvements in with children, including family involvement (as in family-
depression in children and adolescents were found for IPT based IPT).
vs wait-list, “psychological placebo,” TAU, and “named
2. AACAP suggests (2I) that selective serotonin reuptake
control group.”
inhibitor medication (except paroxetine), preferably
It should be noted that these 3 meta-analyses included
fluoxetine, could be offered to adolescents and chil-
RCTs that were excluded from the AHRQ/RTI-UNC re-
dren with major depressive disorder.
view because of methodologic problems, including ineligible
population, ineligible country, and ineligible outcomes. A total of 27 studies of pharmacological interventions
However, the consistency of findings across the 3 meta- were included in the AHRQ/RTI-UNC review (see the
analyses was deemed to warrant inclusion of this modality review for study summaries51), including 14 RCTs of se-
in the treatment statement. lective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) with 8 RCTs

Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 491
Volume 62 / Number 5 / May 2023

of fluoxetine,151-160 and one RCT of escitalopram,161,162 vs placebo comparison: SMD 0.51 (0.84, 0.18)52;
and the remaining RCTs of citalopram, vilazodone, and SMD 0.51 (0.99, 0.03)57; and mean difference
paroxetine. Insufficient rigorous evidence of benefit for (MD) 2.84 (4.12, 1.56).58 In summary, statistically
other classes of medication included in the AHRQ/RTI- significant improvements in depression in children and ad-
UNC review (serotonin norepinephrine reuptake in- olescents were found for fluoxetine vs placebo.
hibitors [SNRIs], tricyclic antidepressants, and monoamine Escitalopram. The benefits of escitalopram reported in
oxidase inhibitors) precluded inclusion of these modalities the AHRQ/RTI-UNC review were not supported by 3
in the treatment statement. Although one meta-analysis meta-analyses of RCTs published since the AHRQ/RTI-
published since the AHRQ/RTI-UNC review58 found UNC review. These analyses reported no improvement in
benefit for duloxetine, no other recent meta-analyses sup- depressive symptoms in children and adolescents with
ported the SNRI class of medication. MDD57,58 or MDD/PDD52 for the escitalopram vs placebo
comparison: SMD 0.17 (0.88, 0.54)52; SMD 0.17
Differences of Opinion. None. The Guideline Writing (1.15, 0.81)57; and mean difference (MD) 2.62 (5.29,
Group voted unanimously in favor of this suggestion. 0.04).58 In summary, no statistically significant improve-
ments in depression in children and adolescents were found
for escitalopram vs placebo.
Benefits and Harms.
. Adolescents—fluoxetine. Among
It should be noted that the above-reported meta-ana-
adolescents with MDD, compared to placebo, fluoxetine lyses included RCTs that were excluded from the AHRQ/
improved clinician-reported depressive symptoms and RTI-UNC review because of methodologic problems,
response (both low SOE); evidence was insufficient for including ineligible design, non-English language, abstract
harms. superseded by publication, and industry reports. In addi-
Adolescents—escitalopram. In the one included study,
tion, none of these meta-analyses reported separate effects
among adolescents with MDD, compared to placebo escita-
for children and adolescents, whereas the preponderance of
lopram improved clinician-reported depressive symptoms,
RCTs targeted adolescents.
response, remission, and clinician-reported functional status at Other SSRIs. One meta-analysis of RCTs published since
24 weeks (all low SOE); evidence was insufficient for harms. the AHRQ/RTI-UNC review reported improvement in
Children—fluoxetine. Insufficient evidence was available
depressive symptoms in children and adolescents with
for benefits or harms of fluoxetine in children with MDD
MDD for the sertraline vs placebo comparison: MD 3.51
or PDD
(6.99, 0.04) but the benefit did not persist when high
Adolescents and children—other SSRIs. Evidence for
risk of bias studies were excluded.58 Two other RCTs did
benefits of citalopram, paroxetine, and vilazodone individually
not report improvement with sertraline: SMD 0.11 (0.49,
was insufficient. Evidence of harms for citalopram and vila-
0.71)52 and SMD 0.23 (1.21, 0.77).57
zodone individually was insufficient. Compared to placebo, for
Evidence also was insufficient in the newer meta-
adolescents and children with MDD, paroxetine had worse
analyses for benefits and harms for other individual SSRIs
suicidal ideation or behaviors and treatment withdrawal
except harms for paroxetine, which reported worse suicide-
because of adverse events (low SOE).
Adolescents and children—pooled SSRIs. In pooled
related outcomes when high risk of bias studies were
studies of 2 or more SSRIs including fluoxetine, escitalo- removed (MD 2.55 [1.08, 6.02]), and vilazodone, which
pram, citalopram, paroxetine, and vilazodone, compared to reported worse overall adverse outcomes (MD 2.25 [1.22,
placebo SSRIs improved response and functional status for 4.17]).58
adolescents and children with MDD (both low SOE). For SSRIs as a class, compared to placebo, SSRIs
Compared to placebo, pooled SSRIs had worse serious improved depressive symptoms (MD with high risk of bias
adverse events and treatment withdrawal because of studies: 2.30 [3.20, 1.39]; MD without high risk of
adverse events for adolescents and children with MDD bias studies: 2.25 [3.32, 1.18]) and worsened suicide-
(low SOE). related outcomes (odds ratio with high risk of bias studies:
1.30 [1.04, 1.63]; odds ratio without high risk of bias
studies: 1.46 [1.07, 1.99]).58
Additional Support.
. Fluoxetine. The benefits of fluoxetine
were supported by 3 meta-analyses of RCTs published since Implementation. Serotonergic function is believed to play a
the AHRQ/RTI-UNC review. These analyses reported key role in the ability of the brain to modulate fear, worry,
improvement in depressive symptoms in children and ado- and stress as well as facilitate cognitive processing of those
lescents with MDD57,58 or MDD/PDD52 for the fluoxetine emotions.163 The SSRI medication class is a group of

492 Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Volume 62 / Number 5 / May 2023

chemically and pharmacologically different compounds that serious adverse effects include (but are not limited to) sui-
inhibit the pre-synaptic reuptake of serotonin in the brain, cidal thinking and behavior, behavioral activation/agitation,
thereby increasing availability of serotonin at the synaptic hypomania, mania, sexual dysfunction, seizures, abnormal
cleft. This blockade over time is believed to lead to a bleeding, and serotonin syndrome (see below for syndrome
downregulation of inhibitory serotonin autoreceptors, description). It may be helpful when starting a new SSRI to
which eventually heightens the serotonergic neuronal firing begin with a sub-therapeutic dose, to minimize the chance
rate, which in turn leads to increased serotonin release. This of adverse effects. The combination of early adverse effects
multi-step process is hypothesized to be related to the delay and delayed efficacy can lead patients, families, and clini-
in the full SSRI treatment effect. Suggested mechanisms of cians to discontinue medications before they can be effec-
action for SSRIs include effects on brain plasticity, corti- tive. As such, it is important to provide education about the
colimbic circuitry, and affective processing, and environ- time-course of improvement and adverse effects to prevent
mental interactions.164 unnecessary termination of a potentially effective medica-
Medications from the SSRI class currently marketed in tion trial.168
the United States are citalopram, escitalopram, fluoxetine, All SSRIs have a boxed warning for suicidal thinking
fluvoxamine, paroxetine, sertraline, and vilazodone. and behavior through age 24 years. The pooled absolute
Currently, only 2 SSRIs are approved by the US Food and rates for suicidal ideation across all antidepressant classes
Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of depression and the MDD indication in one analysis have been reported
in youth: fluoxetine, for youth aged 8 years and older, and to be 3% for youth treated with an antidepressant and 2%
escitalopram, for youth aged 12 years and older. for youth treated with a placebo.169 The pooled risk dif-
Mechanisms of action vary somewhat across SSRIs (eg, ference has been reported to be 1% (95% CI 0.1% to
effects on other neurotransmitter receptors affecting the 2%; p ¼ .08), yielding a number needed to harm (NNH) of
degree of serotonin selectivity). The choice of an SSRI 112 (compared to a number needed to treat [to achieve
medication is based upon factors such as riskbenefit ratio response] of 10).169 Despite the low apparent risk, close
for each medication, potential drug interactions, favorable monitoring for suicidality is recommended by the FDA,
experience of a family member, cost, and availability in especially in the first months of treatment and following
formularies. At present, there is no clear role for pharma- dosage adjustments. Although the margin of safety of SSRIs
cogenomic testing in medication selection, although this in overdose is greater than for other antidepressants, deaths
may change as additional evidence accumulates.165 have been reported following very large ingestions.
Limited data are available on drug pharmacokinetics Medication-induced behavioral agitation170 (eg, motor
and pharmacodynamics for SSRIs in young people. Most or mental restlessness, insomnia, impulsiveness, talkative-
SSRIs (particularly fluoxetine because of its active metabo- ness, disinhibited behavior, aggression), more common in
lite) have sufficiently long elimination half-lives to permit younger children than in adolescents,171 may occur early in
single daily dosing. However, at low doses of sertraline166 SSRI treatment, with dose increases or with concomitant
and at any dose of fluvoxamine, youth may require twice- administration of drugs that inhibit the metabolism of
daily dosing to avoid withdrawal side effects. SSRIs. Because the likelihood of activation events has been
The best-fitting model for SSRI response may be a associated with higher antidepressant plasma levels,172 slow
logarithmic model demonstrating significant improvement up-titration and close monitoring (particularly in younger
in depression symptoms within the first month of treatment children) is warranted, and underscores the importance of
initiation, with two-thirds of SSRI treatment benefits educating parents/guardians and patients in advance about
occurring by week 2 and maximal benefit by week 4.167 this potential side effect.
This pharmacodynamic profile suggests that 2-month clin- As with other antidepressants, there have been rare
ical SSRI trials in pediatric depression may unnecessarily (<2%)173 reports of mania/hypomania that can be difficult
prolong an ineffective treatment, if response or remission is to distinguish from medication-induced behavioral activa-
not observed in the first 4 to 6 weeks. tion/agitation. Although not empirically demonstrated,
As a group, the SSRIs are generally well tolerated by behavioral activation/agitation may be more likely to occur
children and adolescents. Most adverse effects emerge early in treatment (first month) or with dose increases,
within the first few weeks of treatment, and can include whereas mania/hypomania may appear variably or later.
(but are not limited to) dry mouth, nausea, diarrhea, Moreover, behavioral activation/agitation may improve
heartburn, headache, somnolence, insomnia, dizziness, vivid quickly after SSRI dose decrease or discontinuation, whereas
dreams, changes in appetite, weight loss or gain, fatigue, mania may persist or require more active pharmacological
nervousness, tremor, bruxism, and diaphoresis. Potentially intervention. Sexual dysfunction (erectile dysfunction,
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 493
Volume 62 / Number 5 / May 2023

delayed ejaculation, anorgasmia) can occur with SSRIs in increased risk of serotonin syndrome. SSRIs (especially
adolescents. Because seizures have been observed in the citalopram) also may interact with drugs that prolong the
context of SSRI use, SSRIs should be used cautiously in QT interval; fluoxetine, paroxetine, and sertraline may
patients with a history of a seizure disorder. Abnormal interact with drugs metabolized by CYP2D6; and fluvox-
bleeding, especially with concomitant administration of amine may interact with drugs metabolized by CYP1A2,
aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, can occur CYP2C19, CYP2C9, CYP3A4, and CYP2D6. Citalopram/
with SSRIs and can cause surgical risk; rare bleeding events escitalopram may have the least effect on CYP450 iso-
include ecchymosis, hematoma, epistaxis, petechiae, and enzymes compared with other SSRIs and, as such, may have
hemorrhage. a lower propensity for drug interactions.
Serotonin syndrome,174 caused by elevated brain sero- Medical education, training, and experience are neces-
tonin levels, can be triggered when multiple serotonergic sary to safely and effectively prescribe antidepressant med-
medications are prescribed concomitantly. Symptoms can ications. Antidepressant treatment has been organized into 3
arise within 24 to 48 hours after combining medications phases: acute, continuation, and maintenance. The goal of
and are characterized by mental status changes (confusion, the acute phase is to achieve response and ultimately
agitation, anxiety); neuromuscular hyperactivity (tremors, remission, whereas the goals of the continuation and
clonus, hyperreflexia, muscle rigidity); and autonomic hy- maintenance phases are to prevent relapse and recurrence.
peractivity (hypertension, tachycardia, arrhythmias, Treatment goals have been defined in some research settings
tachypnea, diaphoresis, shivering, vomiting, diarrhea). as follows: response: a significant (eg, >50%) reduction in
Advanced symptoms include fever, seizures, arrhythmias, symptoms for at least 2 weeks; remission: a period of at least
and unconsciousness, which can lead to fatalities. Treat- 2 weeks but less than 2 months with few or no symptoms;
ment is hospital based and includes discontinuation of all recovery: absence of significant symptoms for 2 months or
serotonergic agents and supportive care with continuous greater; relapse: a new episode of depression during the
cardiac monitoring. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors period of remission; and recurrence: a new episode of
(MAOIs) play a role in most cases of serotonin syndrome depression during recovery.8
and should be avoided in combination with any other An illustrative medication trial for mild-to-moderate
serotonergic drug, including another MAOI. Moreover, depression presentations entails prescribing the recom-
caution should be exercised when combining 2 or more mended therapeutic dose (adjusted for age in some cases),
non-MAOI serotonergic drugs, including antidepressants, monitoring weekly for adverse effects, and assessing for
opioids and other pain medications, stimulants, cough/cold/ response (ideally with both clinical interview and stan-
allergy medications, and other over-the-counter products. dardized symptom rating scale) in 4 to 6 weeks (acute
Caution entails starting the second non-MAOI serotonergic phase). Minimal data support an association between higher
drug at a low dose, increasing the dose slowly, and moni- dosing and higher efficacy, and higher doses typically result
toring for symptoms, especially in the first 24 to 48 hours in more adverse effects.177 Accordingly, if the 4- to 6-week
after dosage changes. Adolescents should be informed that assessments show minimal response, a trial of a second SSRI
certain recreational drugs (eg, dextromethorphan, “ecstasy”) could be considered (although, in some situations, dose
are highly serotonergic and can cause serious interactions increase of the initial SSRI may be warranted). In the
with antidepressants. Treatment of Resistant Depression in Adolescents (TOR-
Each SSRI has special prescribing considerations. Par- DIA) study, 55% of adolescents with MDD who were
oxetine, fluvoxamine, and sertraline have been associated nonresponders to an initial SSRI demonstrated a significant
with discontinuation syndrome175 (see below for syndrome response when prescribed a second SSRI or an SNRI with
description). As noted below, fluvoxamine may have greater CBT.178 Little rigorous evidence is currently available
potential for drugdrug interactions. Citalopram may cause regarding other approaches to treatment-resistant
QT prolongation associated with Torsade de Pointes, ven- depression.
tricular tachycardia, and sudden death at daily doses Treatment resistance can arise from many factors,
exceeding 40 mg per day and should be avoided in patients which should be thoroughly explored and remedied; these
with long QT syndrome. Paroxetine has been associated include inadequate medication dose or duration, misdiag-
with increased risk of suicidal thinking or behavior nosis, untreated comorbidities, discontinuation because of
compared to other SSRIs. adverse medication effects, exposure to significant environ-
SSRIs vary in their potential for drugdrug in- mental stressors, inadequate fit with or skill level of treating
teractions.176 Concomitant administration of any of the practitioners, and nonadherence to the medication regimen.
SSRIs with any of the MAOIs is contraindicated because of Determinants of nonadherence are multi-determined,
494 Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Volume 62 / Number 5 / May 2023

including social/economic, health care system, illness, pa- associated with discontinuation syndrome, and has not been
tient, and treatment factors.179 Although evidence is mixed, associated with withdrawal symptoms when doses are
some effective strategies include behavioral (motivational), missed (which can be advantageous when adherence is a
educational (information pamphlets), integrated care (care concern).
coordination and support), self-management (illness man-
3. AACAP suggests (2I) that combination treatment
agement skills), risk communication (harm avoidance), and
(cognitive-behavioral therapy plus fluoxetine) could
packaging/daily reminder (physical [pill box] or technolog-
be offered to adolescents and children with major
ical) approaches.179 In children and adolescents, parental
depressive disorder.
oversight of medication regimens is of paramount
importance. One RCT156 of combination treatment (CBT þ
There is no definitive empirical guidance for switching fluoxetine) in adolescents with MDD was included in the
from one SSRI to another.180 Although the most conser- AHRQ/RTI-UNC review (see the review for study
vative approach would entail tapering and discontinuing the summary51).
first SSRI before adding the second (with a washout interval
if the first SSRI is fluoxetine), this approach entails the risk
of exacerbation of the original symptoms, or discontinua- Differences of Opinion. None. The Guideline Writing
tion symptoms if the first SSRI (other than fluoxetine) is Group voted unanimously in favor of this suggestion.
stopped abruptly. Cross-tapering may avoid these outcomes,
but should be closely monitored. Benefits and Harm. In the one included study, in adoles-
If a concerning adverse effect is reported or observed cents with MDD, compared to placebo fluoxetine þ CBT
that could reasonably be linked to the medication, in gen- improved clinician-reported depressive symptoms, response,
eral the dose of medication would be reduced, and if the remission, and clinician-reported functional status (all low
concerning adverse effect persists, the medication would be SOE). Evidence for harms was insufficient.
discontinued. For all SSRIs, medical monitoring can See Additional Support under treatment Statements 1
include height and weight; no specific laboratory tests are and 2 as support for including children in this statement.
recommended in the absence of relevant underlying
comorbidities (eg, cardiac abnormalities in the context of Additional Support. The benefits of combination treat-
citalopram prescribing). ment (CBT þ fluoxetine) for adolescents and children with
The optimal duration of pharmacologic treatment of an DD were supported by one meta-analysis52 published since
initial depressive disorder for continued symptom remission the AHRQ/RTI-UNC review. In this analysis, CBT plus
is uncertain, but a generally accepted approach to minimize fluoxetine was more effective than CBT alone: SMD 0.73
risk of relapse or recurrence would be to continue an (1.39, 0.07). It should be noted that this meta-analysis
effective, tolerated dose for approximately 6 to 12 months included RCTs that were excluded from the AHRQ/RTI-
after remission (continuation phase, see Suggestion 4 UNC review because of methodologic problems,
below). Discontinuation generally should occur during a including ineligible design, non-English language, abstract
relatively stress-free period. Expert opinion has suggested superseded by publication, and industry reports. In addi-
that depression with greater severity, a longer duration, or a tion, this meta-analysis did not report separate effects for
higher number of recurrences may benefit from longer children and adolescents, whereas the preponderance of
treatment (maintenance phase), from more than 1 year to RCTs targeted adolescents.
several years or longer.8
A discontinuation syndrome characterized variously by Implementation. Although the 2 studies noted above52,156
dizziness, fatigue, lethargy, general malaise, myalgias, chills, demonstrated benefit for combination treatment (CBT þ
headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia, imbal- fluoxetine), this finding was inconsistent with a British
ance, vertigo, sensory disturbances, paresthesias, anxiety, RCT (excluded from the AHRQ/RTI-UNC review because
irritability, and agitation has been reported following missed of ineligible population) that failed to find benefit of
doses or acute discontinuation of shorter-acting SSRIs, combination treatment (fluoxetine þ CBT) over mono-
notably paroxetine but also (to a lesser extent) fluvoxamine therapy in the context of routine specialist care of adoles-
and sertraline.181 Accordingly, these medications warrant cents with MDD.182 Although week 12 findings from the
close adherence to the prescribed regimen and a slow TORDIA study178 demonstrated superiority of combina-
discontinuation taper. In contrast, fluoxetine, likely because tion treatment (CBT þ SSRI or SNRI) over medication
of the long half-life of its active metabolite, is unlikely to be alone, in a follow-up study the initial treatment assignment
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 495
Volume 62 / Number 5 / May 2023

did not affect rates of remission.183 In the United States, Implementation. Relapse prevention intervention in chil-
expert consensus generally (but not universally) supports the dren and adolescents with MDD derives from the high
prioritization of combination treatment, particularly if there likelihood of relapse or recurrence of the disorder, most
is a need for acute symptom reduction in a severe, func- often occurring within 6 to 12 months of remission.189,190
tionally impairing disorder, or partial response to either The 2 studies noted above184,185 of continued fluoxetine
treatment alone. among children and adolescents with single or recurrent
Combination treatment typically involves concurrent MDD responding to acute fluoxetine treatment demon-
administration of psychotherapy (CBT in the AHRQ- strated lower risk of and longer time to relapse/recurrence
included study) and medication (fluoxetine in the compared to those in participants assigned to placebo,
AHRQ-included study). Optimally, combination treatment when observed for up to 8 months post acute treatment.
would be delivered in the same facility to enhance conve- These findings are consistent with a clinical recommen-
nience for patient and family as well as communication dation of continued antidepressant treatment of youth
between treatment providers. Typically, combination with MDD for 6 to 12 months post remission (continu-
treatment would be more intense in the first months (eg, ation treatment).8
weekly psychotherapy visits for 3 to 4 months followed by The studies noted above186-188 of continued
booster sessions at variable intervals; weekly medication fluoxetine þ CBT among children and adolescents with
visits or contacts in the first month tapering to bi-monthly single or recurrent MDD responding to acute fluoxetine
in the second month and monthly to quarterly thereafter). treatment demonstrated lower risk of and longer time to
Parents would be involved initially in psychoeducation and relapse/recurrence compared to those in participants
intermittently thereafter as indicated. assigned to fluoxetine alone, when observed for up to 20
months post acute treatment.
4. AACAP suggests (2C) that continued fluoxetine alone Although the optimal timing for the introduction of
or cognitive-behavioral therapy plus continued CBT to the treatment of MDD in youth is not known with
fluoxetine could be offered to adolescents and chil- certainty, for youth responding to acute treatment with
dren responding to acute treatment with fluoxetine to medication alone, relapse prevention CBT (RP-CBT)
prevent relapse/recurrence of major depressive introduced in the continuation treatment phase may effec-
disorder. tively address residual symptoms and optimize treatment
Five RCTS in children and adolescents of MDD relapse gains. A typical implementation may comprise 8 to 12
prevention from the same investigator group (2 RCTs for sessions in 3 stages: weekly for the first month, bi-monthly
fluoxetine continuation,184,185 and 2 RCTs and one follow- for the next 2 months, and every 4 to 6 weeks for the last 3
on study for CBT þ continued fluoxetine)186-188 were months, for a total treatment length approximating 6 to 8
included in the AHRQ/RTI-UNC review (see the review weeks. However, the number and frequency of sessions can
for study summaries51). be individualized in accordance with patient needs.
In the first stage, the aims of treatment are as follows:
reducing residual symptoms through core skills; assessing
Differences of Opinion. None. The Guideline Writing
and identifying core beliefs; and identifying and increasing
Group voted unanimously in favor of this suggestion. areas of strength and wellness. Techniques used in this stage
include psychoeducation, case conceptualization, and mood
Benefits and Harms. Among children and adolescents with monitoring, and training in behavioral coping, cognitive
MDD responding to treatment with fluoxetine in the acute restructuring, positive self-schema, problem solving, and
phase, compared to placebo, continued fluoxetine prevented family communication skills. In the second stage, the aims
relapse/recurrence (low SOE); evidence was insufficient for of treatment are consolidation and further practice of core
harms. skills and relapse prevention. Techniques used in this stage
Among children and adolescents with MDD respond- are introduction to wellness, practice and application of core
ing to treatment with fluoxetine in the acute phase, and wellness skills for relapse prevention, and creation of a
compared to fluoxetine alone, CBT þ continued fluoxetine relapse prevention and wellness plan. In the third stage, the
prevented relapse/recurrence (low SOE); evidence was aims of treatment are consolidation of treatment gains, and
insufficient for harms. evaluation and revision of the relapse prevention and well-
ness plans as needed. Techniques used in this stage depend
Additional Support. No recent meta-analyses of RCTs upon the patient’s needs. Most implementations have
were available to support or refute this suggestion. included a family component averaging 3 sessions.
496 Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Volume 62 / Number 5 / May 2023

Areas for Additional Treatment Research  Brief follow-up of most studies

For many important domains of treatment for depression  Variable methods for reporting benefit outcomes
(listed in part below), the AHRQ/RTI-UNC review yielded  Variable methods for reporting treatment emergent
insufficient information to draw conclusions about the adverse events and serious adverse events
benefits or harms of the treatment. As such, treatment  Insufficient data to assess risk of suicidal behavior
statements for these domains are not offered. Research is  Inability to disaggregate findings for children and ado-
urgently needed to support additional treatment statements lescents in studies with mixed populations
in these domains for future guidelines.  Inability to disaggregate findings for study populations
with mixed disorders (eg, MDD, PDD, DD NOS)
 Circumstances suggesting preferential use of SSRIs or CBTe  Lacking or sparse descriptions and analyses of potentially
 Preferential sequencing of SSRIs and CBTf mediating and moderating variables (eg, intervention
 Treatment effect modifiers (eg, child and family charac- components, participant demographics, comorbidities,
teristics, treatment setting, disorder severity, comorbid- symptom severity)
ities, delivery methods)g  Insufficient data to assess effectiveness of collabora-
 Effects of other psychotherapies (eg, attachment-based tive care
therapy, family therapy, psychodynamic therapy,  Poor representation of young children in study populations
parentchild interaction therapy, mindfulness therapy)h  Poor representation of non-Caucasian or other minority
 Effects of other antidepressant medications and combi- group youth in study populations
nations of medicationsi  Paucity of studies addressing persistent depressive disor-
 Use of complementary and alternative interventions (eg, der as the primary disorder
exercise, spirituality, yoga, sleep, omega-3 fatty acid  Paucity of studies addressing subsyndromal depression
supplementation)j (DD NOS) as the primary disorder
 Use of interventional treatments (eg, neurofeedback,
transcranial magnetic stimulation, electroconvulsive ther- The limitations of the Assessment and Implementation
apy) and novel psychopharmacologic agents (eg, ketamine)k sections of this guideline reflect their primary derivation
 Long-term safety risks of pharmacologic treatmentl from expert opinion and consensus rather than rigorous,
 Effectiveness of psychosocial and pharmacologic treat- critically appraised empirical research.
ments in underserved and minority populationsm
 Effectiveness of psychosocial and pharmacologic treat- CONCLUSIONS
ments in populations with comorbid psychiatric and As noted in this guideline, there are significant limitations in
developmental disordersn the quality and quantity of rigorous empirical support for the
 Interventions for treatment-resistant, recurrent, persis- etiology, assessment, and treatment of depression in children
tent, and bipolar depressiono and adolescents. The paucity of depression research in youth
 Interventions for subsyndromal depressionp is disturbingly out of proportion to the magnitude of the
personal and public health impact of the illness. Nonetheless,
congruent with national and international guidelines,8,60-62
LIMITATIONS in this guideline psychotherapy (specifically CBT and inter-
The limitations191 of the Treatment section of this guide- personal therapy) and psychopharmacology (specifically se-
line reflect the following limitations of the AHRQ review: lective serotonin reuptake inhibitor [SSRI] medication
 Small body of evidence [except paroxetine]) have some rigorous (RCT/meta-analysis)
empirical support as well as strong expert consensus as
AHRQ review: equivocal head-to-head comparisons of SSRI vs CBT treatment options. Because of the compelling contribution of
AHRQ review: no data
AHRQ review: equivocal subgroup analyses
psychological and socialenvironmental factors to the onset
AHRQ review: insufficient evidence of depression, consideration of supportive interventions as a
AHRQ review: insufficient evidence first-line treatment for mild presentations of depression in
AHRQ review: one study for exercise suggested benefit for adolescents
with MDD; otherwise insufficient evidence
children and adolescents is warranted. Empirically validated
AHRQ review: no data psychotherapies and SSRI medications, alone or in combi-
AHRQ review: no data nation, can be considered for moderate-to-severe pre-
AHRQ review: no data sentations, with continuation of treatment for a sufficient
AHRQ review: no data
AHRQ review: insufficient data period of time to reduce the risk of relapse or recurrence.
AHRQ review: insufficient data Because effective treatment outcomes are predicated in part
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 497
Volume 62 / Number 5 / May 2023

upon accuracy of the diagnosis, depth of the clinical This Clinical Practice Guideline was approved by AACAP Council on August
formulation, and breadth of the treatment plan, compre- 9, 2022.

hensive, evidence-based assessment may enhance evidence- The guideline underwent peer review from November 15, 2021 to April 10, 2022.
In addition to the topic experts named above, peer reviewers and their affilia-
based treatment outcomes. tions were as follows: Timothy Becker, MD, Munya Hayek, MD, Roma Vasa, MD
In the context of a protracted severe shortage of child and (AACAP Committee on Quality Issues); Saundra Stock, MD (AACAP Continuing
Medical Education Committee); Sandra Sexson, MD (AACAP Lifelong Learning
adolescenttrained behavioral health specialists, research Committee); Mina Dulcan, MD (AACAP Psychopharmacology and Neuro-
demonstrating convenient, efficient, cost-effective, and user- therapeutics Committee); Manpreet K. Singh, MD, MS (AACAP Research Com-
mittee); Marian A. Swope, MD (AACAP Assembly of Regional Organizations); D.
friendly delivery mechanisms (including telepsychiatry, Web Richard Martini, MD (President, American Association of Directors of Child and
and telephone application-based adaptations of psychother- Adolescent Psychiatry); AACAP Members; AACAP Council.

apy, trained mid-level practitioner- and lay-delivered treat- Author Contributions

Conceptualization: Walter, Abright, Bukstein, Diamond, Keable, Ripperger-
ments, collaborative care) for safe and effective treatment of Suhler, Rockhill
child and adolescent depressive disorders is an urgent prior- Data curation: Walter, Abright, Diamond, Keable, Ripperger-Suhler
Formal analysis: Walter, Abright, Diamond, Keable, Ripperger-Suhler
ity. Pharmacotherapeutic task sharing with pediatric practi- Investigation: Walter, Abright, Diamond, Keable, Ripperger-Suhler
tioners, particularly for mild-to-moderate depressive Methodology: Walter, Abright, Diamond, Keable, Ripperger-Suhler
Project administration: Walter
presentations, can greatly expand access to safe and effective Supervision: Walter
care while conserving child and adolescent psychiatrists for Writing e original draft: Walter, Abright, Diamond, Keable, Ripperger-Suhler
Writing e review and editing: Walter, Abright, Bukstein, Diamond, Keable,
more severe and complex presentations and for the delivery of Ripperger-Suhler, Rockhill
novel interventional and genetically guided treatments as This Clinical Practice Guideline is available at
they are developed. The sequencing and comparative effec- RELEVANT CONFLICTS OF INTEREST FOR GUIDELINE AUTHORS DURING
tiveness of depression treatments, delineation of mediators GUIDELINE DEVELOPMENT
Heather Walter: No relevant conflicts of interest.
and moderators of effective depression treatments, effective A. Reese Abright: No relevant conflicts of interest.
approaches to treatment nonresponders and disorder relapse/ Oscar Bukstein: No relevant conflicts of interest.
John Diamond: No relevant conflicts of interest.
recurrence, long-term effects of SSRI use, additional evalu- Helene Keable: No relevant conflicts of interest.
Jane Ripperger-Suhler: No relevant conflicts of interest.
ation of the degree of suicide risk associated with SSRIs, and Carol Rockhill: No relevant conflicts of interest.
the discovery of novel pharmacologic or interventional AACAP EXPERTS FOR AHRQ/RTI-UNC REVIEW
treatments remain other key research needs. Boris Birmaher, MD
Justine Larson, MD, MPH, MHS
John Campo, MD
Accepted October 14, 2022.
Topic Experts
The AACAP Clinical Practice Guidelines critically assess and synthesize scien- Joan Asarnow, PhD
tific and clinical information as an educational service to AACAP members and Boris Birmaher, MD
other interested parties. The treatment statements in the guidelines are pri- Graham Emslie, MD
marily based upon information available on the date of publication of the Karen Dineen Wagner, MD
corresponding AHRQ systematic review. The guidelines are not continually V. Robin Weersing, PhD
updated and may not reflect the most recent evidence. The guidelines should
not be considered to be a statement of the standard of care nor exclusive of all Additional AACAP Committee on Quality Issues Members
proper treatments or methods of care. The guidelines do not account for in- Timothy Becker, MD
dividual variation among patients. As such, it is not possible to draw conclu- Munya Hayek, MD
sions about the effects of not implementing a particular recommendation, Roma Vasa, MD
either in general or for a specific patient. The ultimate decision regarding a AACAP Committees
particular assessment, clinical procedure, or treatment plan must be made by Continuing Medical Education Committee
the clinician in light of the psychiatric evaluation, other clinical data, the pa- Lifelong Learning Committee
tient’s and family’s personal preferences and values, and the diagnostic and Psychopharmacology and Neurotherapeutics Committee
treatment options available. Use of these guidelines is voluntary. AACAP Research Committee
provides the guidelines on an “as is” basis, and makes no warranty, expressed
or implied, regarding them. AACAP assumes no responsibility for any injury or AACAP Assembly of Regional Organizations
damage to persons or property arising out of or related to any use of the
AACAP Members
guidelines or for any errors or omissions.
External Organizations
The primary intended audience for the AACAP Clinical Practice Guidelines is
American Association of Directors of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
child and adolescent psychiatrists; however, the information presented also
could be useful for other medical or behavioral health clinicians. AACAP Council
The authors acknowledge the following topic experts for their contributions to Correspondence AACAP Communications Department, 3615 Wisconsin Avenue
this guideline: Joan Asarnow, PhD, Boris Birmaher, MD, Graham Emslie, MD, NW, Washington, DC 20016; e-mail:
Karen Dineen Wagner, MD, and V. Robin Weersing, PhD.
0890-8567/$36.00/ª2022 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Karen Ferguson and Ron Szabat, JD, LLM, served as the AACAP staff liaisons
for the CQI.

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