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2016 @dentallib Aarti Daswani Short Textbook of Endodontics

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Aarti Daswani

Sharad Kokate
Short Textbook of
Short Textbook of

Aarti Daswani  BDS

Dental Surgeon and Private Practitioner
Divine Smiles Dental Clinic
Andheri (East), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Sharad Kokate

The Health Sciences Publisher

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Short Textbook of Endodontics

First Edition: 2016

ISBN  978-93-5250-121-2

Printed at
Dedicated to
My Parents
(Mr Rupchand and Mrs Sangita Daswani)

It is a proud moment and a great pleasure to see one of our talented graduates writing the Short Textbook
of Endodontics.
Aarti Daswani’s strong will and passion for last several years after graduation has given a wonderful
shape to the final content of this textbook. Aarti Daswani has made an excellent attempt at making the
indispensable knowledge of Endodontics easier to understand for the students as well as clinicians. The
unique feature of this textbook is the mind-maps in each chapter, which should help in summarizing and
memorizing during examinations.
The meticulously prepared content will further help as an invaluable reference for the students as well
as clinicians. The language of the textbook is very simple and the diagrammatic representation makes it
I am confident that the book will go a long way in clearly simplifying and developing interest amongst the readers.

Sharad Kokate
Dean, Professor of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
Yerala Medical Trust’s Dental College and Hospital,
Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Vice President
Maharashtra State Dental Council
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

What led me to the idea of writing Short Textbook of Endodontics is an astonishing realization that the field of Endodontics has
undergone sea changes in the last few years. Endodontic treatment has come a long way from what it was till about two decades
ago. Not only dental materials and instruments have become technically superior, but also the concepts, procedures and attitudes of
clinicians have acquired a modern outlook. Technology has made Endodontic treatment swift, convenient, easier and interesting.
In addition to incorporating the new developments in Endodontics, Short Textbook of Endodontics has been designed to
cover each and every aspect of Endodontics in a concise yet comprehensive manner. Considering the fact that time is a critical
factor in today’s competitive and busy world, there is no doubt that reading big fat textbooks to get through the examinations
is an uphill task for the students. However, remembering the information is important and this requires repeated reading and
revision. This book is expected to make reading Endodontics interesting and a fun-filled experience through the use of different
memory improvement techniques. Purpose of this book is not to serve as replacement of standard textbook but to complement
the textbook and be used solely for revision.
Thus, Short Textbook of Endodontics is a:
• Memory aid: That helps you memorize, retain and reproduce the required information of the basic texts.
• Rapid revision guide: That helps you save time and quickly revise the subject while preparing for the examinations.
Unique feature of this book is inculcating learning through “Mind-maps”, a concept introduced by Tony Buzan, popular
Psychology author and television personality. A mind-map is a diagram used to visually organize information. This diagramming
tool can be used to generate, visualize, structure and classify ideas and as an aid to studying and organizing information in a
concise yet comprehensive manner. Mind-maps used in this book act as a quick learning aid to the ever-expanding world of
Endodontics. Of course, it goes without saying that mind-maps are just meant to help the reader remember all relevant points
of a topic and should not be reproduced in the examination papers as the same may not be acceptable.
The general practitioners can use this book to train their mind to remember what next in the course of performing Endodontic
procedures. The book will serve as a foundation for sound theoretical knowledge, based on which practitioners can perform
better in a given clinical situation.
Writing this book would not have been possible without contributions from multitude of people including my college teachers,
eminent Endodontists and general dentists, computer experts and artists.
“If you cannot explain it simply, you do not understand it well enough”—Albert Einstein.
Through this book, I have made a sincere attempt to simplify the subject of Endodontics based on my understanding and
clinical experience of seven years. I hope it will be useful to the readers.
I look forward to your suggestions, contributions and comments on Short Textbook of Endodontics (First edition) for future
additions and improvements.

Aarti Daswani

First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my Satguru and God Almighty for all their blessings,
unconditional love and wealth of knowledge they have showered on me and continue to shower on me every single day.
My sincere thanks to my parents for being a constant source of support and encouragement in all my endeavors and for all
their love and sacrifices. Special thanks to my younger sister Yogi, for introducing me to Tony Buzan’s concept of ‘Mind-maps’ and
to my elder sister Lata, for being my critic, inspiration and guide throughout the compilation of Short Textbook of Endodontics.
Special thanks to my dear friends Mamta, Samta, Jayshree, Amita and Kanika for their constant motivation and encouragement
that inspired me to move faster towards realizing my dream of being an author.
I am grateful to my assistants in clinical practice, Maya and Kalpana, for their support and cooperation during the compilation
of the book.
I would like to thank Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman), Mr Ankit Vij (Group President), Mr Tarun Duneja (Director–
Publishing), Mr KK Raman (Production Manager) and the entire team of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New
Delhi, India, for believing in my convictions and giving me an opportunity to write this book and allowing me to make a small
contribution to dental profession in my own way. Special thanks to Mr Ramesh Krishnamchari and Mr Sabarish Menon (Author
Coordinators), Mr Sunil Dogra (Production Executive) and Mr Mohit Bhargava (Production Coordinator), of M/s Jaypee Brothers,
for guiding me throughout the project.
My heartfelt thanks to Dr Sharad Kokate, Dean, Yerala Medical Trust’s (YMT) Dental College and Hospital, Kharghar, Navi
Mumbai, for giving me permission to use innumerable reference books from college library and for his constant support, guidance
and encouragement throughout the compilation of the book. He also very kindly agreed to write the foreword for the book.
I am truly indebted to my teacher Dr Mrunalini Vaidya, who is a great Endodontist, an excellent academician and a Professor
at YMT Dental College and Research Institute, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, for Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics.
I take this opportunity to extend my deep gratitude to her for devotion of her time and dedicated efforts in critically evaluating
each chapter and providing valuable suggestions to improve the book.
My sincere thanks to Dr Vishal Rathod for creating amazing diagrams and simplified illustrations for the book.
I am grateful to Dr Manoj Ramugade, MDS, Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, teacher at Nair Hospital Dental
College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, for his valuable contribution towards the layout of the book. He also helped me with critical
evaluation of initial chapters and gave valuable suggestions to improve the contents including contribution by way of some very
good photographs and radiographs for the book.
I am thankful to my friend Dr Suvarna Kondawale for going through the chapters and providing suggestions for improvement.
Many thanks to Dr CR Suvarna for providing few photographs of Endodontic equipment and also his case photographs.
I am really grateful to Dr Ajay Bajaj for his critical evaluation and valuable suggestions as well as encouragement and support
including contribution in the form of his case radiographs for the book.
Many thanks to Dr Ashwin Jawdekar for providing useful information, case radiographs and photographs for the three
chapters namely Pediatric Endodontics, Pulp Therapies and Management of Dental Traumatic Injuries.
My heartfelt thanks to Dr Mansi Shah for contributing valuable information on Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)
scans in the chapter Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics and for providing her case radiographs and CBCT scans for
the book.
xii Short Textbook of Endodontics

My deep appreciation to Dr Shivani Bhatt, a dynamic and enthusiastic dentist for contributing her case photographs and
radiographs for the book.
My humble gratitude to Dr Roheet Khatavkar, an Endodontist par excellence, who uses all the latest available equipment and
instruments in Endodontics selectively for his cases, for contributing valuable information and his case radiographs.
I am grateful to Dr Nilesh Kadam for contributing his case radiographs for the book.
I am thankful to Dr VS Mohan, Dr Mukul Dabholkar, Dr Rajesh Podar, Dr Raunak Rai, Dr Paresh Dodhiwala, Dr Samir
Khaire, Dr Rajesh Shivhare, Dr Ritesh Mahashabde, Dr Sonam Singh, Dr Mugdha Mitkar, Dr Nomal Sheth and Dr Dharna Parekh
for their contribution, help and support for the book.
I am grateful to Dr Chetan Shah for his sincere and enthusiastic support and encouragement, which helped me give a new
dimension to the book.
My special thanks to Dr Cliffton Ruddle for giving me permission to use photographs from his inventions in Endodontics.
Also special thanks to American Association of Endodontists for giving me permission to reprint the Endodontic case difficulty
Heartfelt thanks to Dr Priyanka Karande and Dentsply company for providing me with high resolution photographs of
Dentsply Endodontic products; to Mr Amit Borkar and Dr Raghu for providing me with high resolution images of the Sybron
Endo products; to Mr Guru and Micro-Mega company for providing me with high resolution images of the Micro-Mega Rotary
Endodontic system; to Re Dent Nova company and Dr Ajit Jha for valuable information and photographs of the latest self-adjusting
file system.
My sincere gratitude to Mr A Sawant for preparing the initial computerized typescripts of the entire textbook.

1. Introduction 1
What is the Scope of Endodontics?  1;  What are the Aims and Objects of Endodontics?  2;
What are the Changes and Recent Advances that have Occurred in the Field of Endodontics?  2

2. The Dental Pulp and the Periradicular Tissues 5

What is the Dental Pulp and the Dentin-Pulp Complex?  5;  What are the Special Characteristics of
the Dental Pulp as Connective Tissue?  6;  How is the Dental Pulp Formed?  6;  What are the Histologic
Features of Dental Pulp?  8;  What is the Blood Supply of the Pulpal Tissues?  11;  What is the Nerve
Supply of Pulpal Tissues?  12;  What is the Lymph Supply of Pulpal Tissues?  12;  What are the Functions
of the Pulp?  13;  What is the Morphology and Histology of Periradicular Tissues?  14

3. Morphology and Internal Anatomy of the Root Canal System 19

What are the Anatomic Components of the Root Canal System?  19;  What are the Regressive Changes
that Occur in the Anatomy of Root Canal System?  21;  What are the Different Types of Root Canal
Systems in any Root?  21;  What is the Anatomy of the Apical Portion (Apical 1/3rd) of the Root
Canal?  25;  Which are the Anatomic Complexities that can Occur in Root Canal System?  26;  What is
Isthmus and What is its Role During Endodontic Surgical Procedure?  29;  Role of Isthmi in Endodontic
Surgical Procedure  29;  What are the Possible Developmental Anomalies and Variations in the Anatomy
of Root Canal System?  29;  What is the Morphology of the Root Canal System of the Individual Teeth?  32

4. The Pulpal Reactions to Caries and Dental Procedures 50

How is the Response of Dental Pulp Unique and Different from other Connective Tissues of
The Body?  50;  Which are the Different External Stimuli that can Affect the Dental Pulp?  50;
How does the Pulp React to Dental Caries?  50;  How does the Pulp React to Dental Procedures?  54

5. Diseases of the Pulp and the Periradicular Tissues 62

What are the Possible Causes of Diseases of Dental Pulp?  62;  How does the Pulp React to Different Direct
and Indirect Stimuli and how is the Response Unique?  66;  How do we Classify the Diseases of Dental
Pulp?  66;  What are the Different Features of the Diseases of the Dental Pulp?  67;  What are the Causes
of Diseases of the Periradicular Tissues?  71;  How do we Classify the Diseases of Periradicular Tissues?  72;
What are the Different Features of the Diseases of Periradicular Tissues of Endodontic Origin?  72;
What is the Pathogenesis of Primary Apical Periodontitis?  81

6. Endodontic Microbiology 83
What is the Basis of Focal Infection Theory and why is it Totally Rejected Today?  83;  What are the Pathways
or Portals of Entry of Microorganisms in the Pulp?  84;  What is the Microbial Flora of Root Canal?  84;
Which are the Types of Endodontic Infections?  86;  What is the Role of Microbial Virulence and Host Response
in the Pathogenesis of Disease?  88;  What are the Methods for Detection, Identification and Examination of
Microbes from a Root Canal?  89;  What is the Biofilm and What is its Significance in Endodontics?  92

7. Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics 98

What is Diagnosis and how to be a Successful Diagnostician?  98;  What are the Steps to
be Followed to Arrive at a Correct Diagnosis?  98;  Step 1: Case History Taking  99;  Step 2: Clinical
Examination  104;  Radiographs  109;  Requirements of a Good Radiograph  111;  Limitations or
Drawbacks of Radiographs  111;  Radiation Safety  111;  Film Holders  115;  Cone Beam Computed
Tomography (CBCT) for Endodontics 118;  Step 3: Diagnostic Tests  118;  Special Tests  123;
Step 4: Arriving at an Accurate Endodontic Diagnosis  129
xiv Short Textbook of Endodontics

8. Rationale of Endodontic Therapy 130

Which were the Proposed Theories of Spread of Infection that Developed into the Modern Philosophy of
Endodontics?  130;  How do the Dental Biologic Tissues React to Noxious Stimuli?  131;  Why is the
Inflammatory Response in Connective Tissue of Dental Pulp Different from other Parts of Body?  131;
What are the Tissue Changes that Occur during Inflammation?  131;  What Tissue changes occur
following Inflammation?  135;  What is the Role of Immunity in Endodontics?  135;
What are the Zones of Reaction of Periradicular Tissues and Endodontic Implications?  136

9. Case Selection and Treatment Planning 139

How to Evaluate a Case for Treatment?  139;  What are the Factors to be Considered for Case Selection
for Root Canal Treatment?  141;  What are the Indications and Contraindications of Root Canal
Treatment?  143;  How to Develop an Endodontic Treatment Plan?  145;  How to Assess Difficulty
of an Endodontic Case?  146;  AAE Endodontic Case Difficulty Assessment Form and Guidelines  147

10. Principles of Endodontic Treatment 150

What are the Principles of Endodontic Treatment?  150

11. Endodontic Armamentarium: Instruments, Materials and Devices 158

What Changes have Occurred in the Endodontic Armamentarium in the Practice of Modern
Endodontics?  158;  What are the Devices used for Enhanced Vision, Illumination and Magnification?  159;
What are the Instruments, Materials and Devices used as Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics?  161;  What is
the Armamentarium for Administration of Local Anesthesia?  163;  What are the Materials used for
Isolation of Endodontic Field?  163;  What is the Armamentarium Needed for Access Cavity Preparation of
Root Canal?  163;  What are the Instruments and Devices for Determination of Working Length?  167;
What are the Materials used for Disinfection of the Root Canal?  169;  What are the Instruments and
Devices used for Root Canal Preparation?  169;  Hand-Operated Instruments  170;  Engine-Driven
Instruments  177;  Ultrasonic and Sonic Instruments  178;  Nickel-Titanium Hand and Rotary
Instruments  179;  What are the Instruments used for Obturation of Root Canals?  186;  What are the
Instruments and Devices used for Removal of Root Canal Fillings and other Obstructions in Root
Canal?  187;  What are the Materials used as Temporary Restorations?  189;  What is the Armamentarium
for Periradicular Surgery?  190;  What are the Materials used for Post-Endodontic Restoration?  190;
What is the Role of Laser Device in Endodontics?  190

12. Asepsis and Sterilization of Endodontic Instruments 192

Why is Effective Infection Control Important in Endodontics?  192;  How to Achieve Effective Infection
Control in Dental Practice?  193;  What is Sterilization and Disinfection?  195;  How to take Proper
Care of Endodontic Instruments?  196;  What are the Commonly Employed Methods of Sterilization/
Disinfection of Various Endodontic Instruments?  198

13. Endodontic Access Cavity Preparation 199

What is Endodontic Triad?  199;  What is Coronal Access Cavity Preparation of the Root Canal?  199;
What are the Objectives of Access Preparation?  200;  What are the Principles of Endodontic Access
Cavity Preparation?  200;  What are the Guidelines to be followed for an Optimum Access Cavity
Preparation?  201;  What is the Armamentarium Needed for Access Cavity Preparation?  206;
Which are the Steps of Access Cavity Preparation?  207;  What are the Specific Features of Access
Preparation of Individual Teeth and Possible Errors Related to Them?  211;  Which are the Challenging
Access Cavity Preparations and How to Deal with them?  226;  What Errors can Occur During Access
Cavity Preparation?  228

14. Cleaning and Shaping of the Root Canal System Including

Working Length Determination 231
What is Cleaning and Shaping of Root Canals?  231;  What are the Objectives of Cleaning and Shaping
of Root Canals?  232;  Which are the Important Numerical Concepts in Root Canal Preparation and how
Contents xv

to Determine them?  233;  What are the Current Concepts and Terminology for Root Canal
Preparation?  241;  What are the Different Instrument Motions for Effective Shaping of Root Canals?  243; 
What are the Requirements before Starting Canal Preparation?  244;  Which are the Different Root
Canal Preparation Techniques?  244;  What are the Precautions to be taken during Instrumentation?  262; 
What are the Procedural Errors that can Occur during Root Canal Preparation?  263

15. Disinfection of the Root Canal System 264

What is Disinfection of the Root Canal System?  264;  How to bring about Disinfection of the Root
Canal System?  264;  Which are the Different Chemical Agents used for Disinfection of the Root Canal
System?  265;  What is a Root Canal Disinfectant and What are its Requirements?  265;  Which are
the Different Root Canal Irrigants?  265;  Different Root Canal Irrigants  267;  What is Smear Layer and
how is it Managed in Endodontics?  271;  What are Intracanal Medicaments?  273;  What are the Methods
of Activation of Irrigating Solutions in the Root Canal System?  276

16. Obturation of Root Canal System 280

What is Obturation of Root Canal?  280;  What are the Objectives of Obturation?  280;  When to do
Obturation of the Root Canal?  281;  What should be the Apical Extent of Obturation?  282;  With what
should we do Obturation?  282;  What are the Requirements for an Ideal Root Canal Filling Material?  283;
Which are the Different Core Materials that can be used for Obturation?  283;  What are Root Canal Sealers
and What are the Requirements of an Ideal Root Canal Sealer?  288;  What is the Purpose of using a Root
Canal Sealer?  288;  How is the Sealer Placed in the Root Canal?  288;  Which are the Different Root Canal
Sealers used in Obturation?  289;  Root Canal Sealers in Detail  289;  What is the Preparation for
Obturation?  293;  How to do Obturation/which are the Different Techniques of doing Obturation?  294;
How should an Ideal Obturation be?  308;  What can go Wrong in Obturation?  308;
What is the Importance of Coronal Seal and How can we Enhance it?  309

17. Drugs or Medicaments used in Endodontic Treatment 311

How to Manage Fear and Anxiety in an Endodontic Patient?  311;
Which are the Drugs or Medicaments used in Endodontics?  312;

18. Single Visit Endodontics 320

What is Single Visit Endodontics?  320;  What is the Rationale for SVE?  320;  What are the Advantages
and Disadvantages of SVE?  320;  What are the Possible Indications and Contraindications of SVE?  321;
What are the Factors to be Considered for Case Selection for Doing SVE?  321;  What has Held Back SVE?  322

19. Endodontic Emergencies and Midtreatment Flare-Ups 323

What is an Endodontic Emergency?  323;  What is Meant by the Terms ‘Hot Tooth’ and ‘ERCO’?  323;
How to Make Correct Diagnosis in Case of Endodontic Emergencies?  324;  How do we Classify
Endodontic Emergencies?  325;  Endodontic Emergencies in Detail  326;  Endodontic Emergencies before
Treatment  326;  Interappointment Endodontic Emergencies  331;  Endodontic Emergencies after Treatment  335

20. Endodontic Mishaps: Management and Prevention 336

What are Endodontic Mishaps?  336;  How do we Classify Endodontic Mishaps?  336;
Endodontic Mishaps in Detail  337

21. Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth 355

How are Endodontically Treated Teeth Different?  355;  What is Expected Out of Postobturation Restoration?  357;
What is Direct ‘Coronal-Radicular’ Postobturation Restoration?  357;  What are the Factors to be Considered
for a Postendodontic Restoration?  357;  What are the Ideal Requirements of a Restorative Material to be
used for Postendodontic Restoration?  358;  What are the Restorative Options for a Postendodontic
Restoration?  359;  What is Post and Core Restoration?  360;  What is “Ferrule Effect” and “Biologic Width”?  361;
What are the Indications for Using Posts?  362;  What are the Required Clinical Characteristics
of Posts?  362;  What are the Different Types of Posts?  362;  What are the Clinical Parameters for Post
xvi Short Textbook of Endodontics

Selection?  365;  What are the Required Physical Characteristics of the Core?  367;  What are the Different
Types of Core Materials?  367;  What is the Technique of Fabrication of Foundation Restoration?  369; 
What are the Causes of Failure of Post and Core Restorations?  372

22. Endodontic Failures and Nonsurgical Endodontic Management 373

What is the Outcome of Endodontic Treatment?  373;  What are the Measures to be Employed to Improve
the Rate of Success of Treated Endodontic Cases?  373;  What are the Causes of Endodontic Failures?  374; 
How do you Diagnose Post-Treatment Disease?  375;  What is the Treatment Plan for the Patient with
Post-treatment Disease?  377;  What are the Indications and Contraindications of Endodontic Retreatment?  377; 
What are the Factors to be Considered for Endodontic Retreatment?  377;  What are the Steps of
Nonsurgical Endodontic Retreatment?  377;  What is the Prognosis of Endodontic Retreatment?  381

23. Management of Discolored Teeth 382

What are the Causes of Tooth Discoloration?  382;  What are the Different Methods of Management of
Discolored Teeth?  383;  What is Bleaching of Teeth?  383;  Why Bleaching?  383;  What is the Chemistry
and Mechanism of Bleaching?  384;  Etiology of Tooth Discoloration and its Management in Detail  384; 
What are the Indications and Contraindications of Bleaching?  388;  Which are the Materials used
for Bleaching?  388;  What is the Technique for Bleaching Vital Teeth?  389;  What are the Side Effects and
Adverse Effects of Extracoronal Bleaching of Vital Teeth?  391;  What is the Technique for Bleaching
Endodontically-Treated Teeth?  392;  What are the Side Effects and Adverse Effects of Intracoronal
Bleaching of Endodontically Treated Teeth?  397;  How do we Restore Intracoronally Bleached
Endodontically Treated Tooth?  398;  What is Enamel Microabrasion?  398;  What is the Role of Veneers
and Crowns in Management of Discolored Teeth?  400

24. Management of Dental Traumatic Injuries 401

What are the Unique Aspects of Dental Trauma?  401;  What are the Consequences of a Dental Traumatic
Injury?  401;  How do we Classify Traumatized Teeth?  402;  How do we Make Diagnosis in Case of Dental
Traumatic Injuries?  403;  What are the Factors to be Considered for Treatment of Traumatized Teeth?  404; 
What are the Different Dental Traumatic Injuries and Their Management?  404;  Requirements for Success
of Vital Pulp Therapy in Case of Traumatized Teeth  405;  Pulp Therapies in Traumatized Teeth  405

25. Endodontic-Periodontal Inter-Relationships 414

How are Endodontic and Periodontal Tissues and their Diseases Inter-Related?  414; 
What are the Etiologic Factors and Contributing Factors causing Endodontic-Periodontal Diseases?  415; 
How do we Classify Endodontic-Periodontal Lesions?  416;  How to Detect Endodontic Periodontal Lesions?  417; 
What Differential Diagnosis will you Consider when you see Features of both Endodontic and
Periodontal Lesions?  418;  Which are the Different Types of Endodontic-Periodontal Lesions?  418; 
What are the Treatment Alternatives in case of Endodontic-Periodontal Lesions?  422; 
What is the Prognosis of a Tooth with both Endodontic and Periodontal Disease?  424

26. Surgical Endodontics 425

What is Endodontic or Periradicular Surgery and what are its Objectives?  425;  What are the Indications
of Periradicular Surgery?  425;  What are the Contraindications of Periradicular Surgery?  426; 
What is the Contemporary Classification of Endodontic Surgery?  427;  What are the Important
Considerations while case Selection and Treatment Planning for Periradicular Surgery?  427; 
What are the Basic Principles and Steps to be followed in Periradicular Surgery?  429

27. Pulp Therapies 439

What is Vital Pulp Therapy?  439;  What are the Objectives of Vital Pulp Therapy?  439;  What are the
Techniques and Materials used for Vital Pulp Therapy?  439;  What are the Hemostatic Agents and
Antimicrobial Materials used in Vital Pulp Therapy?  446;  What is the Criteria for Case Selection for
Vital Pulp Therapy?  446;  What is Apexification (Nonvital Pulp Therapy)?  446
Contents xvii

28. Pediatric Endodontics 450

What is Pediatric Endodontics?  450;  What are the Objectives of Preserving Primary Teeth?  450;
What are the General Features of Endodontic Treatment of Pediatric Patients?  450;  What are the Specific
Morphologic Features of Teeth of Pediatric Patients?  450;  How to Establish a Correct Pulpal Diagnosis
in Children?  453;  What is the Important thing you must Know about the Proximal Lesions in Primary
Teeth?  455;  Which are the Different Pulp Therapies Performed in Children?  457;  Pulp Therapies for
Primary Teeth  458;  Direct Vital Pulp Therapies  459;  Nonvital Pulp Therapy for Primary Teeth  463

29. Geriatric Endodontics 468

What is Geriatric Endodontics?  468;  What is the Scope of Geriatric Endodontics?  468;  What is the Need
for Geriatric Endodontics?  468;  What are the Specific Features of General Health of Older Patients?   469;
What are the Regressive Changes that Occur in the Teeth with Increasing Age?  469;  What are the Specific
Features of Teeth of Older Patients?   469;  Which Orofacial and Dental Signs and Symptoms are Elicited by
Clinician to Derive Correct Diagnosis?  470;  What are the Different Diagnostic Tests?   470;
How to Formulate Treatment Plan after making Correct Diagnosis in Geriatric Patient?  471;
What are the Steps in Endodontic Treatment in Geriatric Patient?  471

30. Pathologic Tooth Resorption 474

What is Tooth Resorption?  474;  What is Mechanism of Tooth Resorption?  474;  What are the Etiologic
and Stimulating Factors of Tooth Resorption?  475;  Which are the Types of Tooth Resorption?  475;
Which are the Clinical and Radiographic Features of Different Types of Tooth Resorption and How to
Manage Them?  476;  What are the Differences Between External and Internal Root Resorption?  480

31. Dentinal Hypersensitivity and its Management 482

What is Dentinal Hypersensitivity?  482;  What are the Different Hypotheses put Forward to Explain
the Mechanism of Dentinal Hypersensitivity?  482;  What is the Incidence and Prevalence of Dentinal
Hypersensitivity?  484;  What are the Predisposing Factors that cause Dentinal Hypersensitivity?  484;
How to Diagnose Dentinal Hypersensitivity?  484;  How to Manage Dentinal Hypersensitivity?  484

32. Lasers in Endodontics 488

What is Laser?  488;  What are the Properties of Lasers?  488;  What are the Components of Lasers?  488;
What are the Modes of Laser Light Emission?  489;  How is the Laser Interaction with Biologic Tissues?  489;
Which are the Types of Lasers?  490;  What are the Applications of Lasers in Endodontics?  491;
What are the Advantages and Limitations of Using Lasers in Endodontics?  494

33. Endodontic Practice: Ethics and Legal Responsibilities 495

What is Dental Ethics?  495;  What are the Principles of Ethics?  495;  What is Standard of Care?  495;
What is Dental Negligence and Malpractice?  496;  What are the Legal Responsibilities of the Clinician
While Performing Endodontics?  497

34. Regenerative Endodontics 500

What is Regenerative Endodontics?  500;  What is Tissue Engineering?  501;  What are the Mechanisms
and Clinical Procedures Related to Regenerative Endodontics?   503;  What is the Triple Antibiotic Paste?  503;
What are the Advantages and Limitations of Revascularization Procedure over Apexification Procedure for
a Necrotic Immature Permanent Tooth with Open Apex?  503;  What are the Clinical Considerations
for Regenerative Endodontics?  504;  What is the Protocol for Revascularization Endodontic Therapy?  504;
What are the Clinical Measures for Assessment of Endodontic Revascularization Treatment Outcome?  505

Index 507


This chapter gives an overview of the subject of Endodontics and its importance in the field of dentistry.
 You must know
• What is the Scope of Endodontics?
• What are the Aims and Objects of Endodontics?
• What are the Changes and Recent Advances that have Occurred in the Field of Endodontics?

DEFINITION Pulp capping and pulpotomy comes under vital pulp

therapy (VPT)
• According to Grossman, Endodontics is that branch 4. The root canal treatment (RCT) or the Endodontic
of dentistry that deals with the etiology, diagnosis, treatment
prevention and treatment of diseases of the pulp and 5. Nonsurgical retreatment of teeth that have undergone
periapical tissues compatible with good health. Endodontic failure (Re-RCT)
• According to American Association of Endodontists, 6. Post-obturation restoration (POR) including post and
Endodontics is that branch of dentistry that is concerned core built-ups
with the morphology, physiology and pathology of 7. Bleaching of teeth
human dental pulp and periradicular tissues. Its study 8. Treatment of traumatized teeth. For example,
and practice encompass the basic clinical sciences replantation of avulsed tooth
including biology of the normal pulp; the etiology, 9. Age-specific Endodontics:
diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases and i. Pediatric Endodontics
injuries of the pulp; and associated periradicular ii. Geriatric Endodontics
conditions. 10. Surgical Endodontics including apicoectomy,
hemisection, Endodontic implants, etc.)
WHAT IS THE SCOPE OF ENDODONTICS? 11. Research of newer biocompatible materials and
1. Diagnosis and management of oral/dental pain techniques to make Endodontics more predictable.
2. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of pulp and 12. Use of magnification in Endodontics such as dental
periradicular tissues. operating microscope (DOM) to enhance efficacy of
3. Pulp therapies: procedures (Microendodontics)
i. Pulp capping—indirect pulp capping (IPC) and 13. Use of other clinical adjuncts such as ozone therapy in
direct pulp capping (DPC) Endodontics and lasers in Endodontics.
ii. Pulpotomy Figure 1.1 shows a mind-map giving the scope of
iii. Apexogenesis and apexification Endodontics in short.
2 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 1.1  Mind-map to remember the scope of Endodontics

WHAT ARE THE AIMS AND OBJECTS OF The aims and objects of Endodontics can be summarized
as given in Figure 1.2.
(Remember the mnemonic: P3 R3 ESS).
Schilder stated goals of Endodontics: “Root canal systems
must be cleaned and shaped to receive a three-dimensional WHAT ARE THE CHANGES AND RECENT
hermetic (fluid-tight seal) filling of the entire root canal
“The logical goal of Endodontic treatment is to eliminate
or substantially reduce the microbial population within the In the last 2–3 decades, lot of advances have taken place
root canal system and to prevent reinfection by a tight seal in the art of Endodontics and science of Endodontology.
of the root canal space.” (PNR Nair, Pathways of Pulp, 9th Epidemiological studies suggest that the percentage of teeth
edn. p.573). that can be retained through contemporary Endodontic
Introduction 3

Fig. 1.2  Aims and objects of Endodontics

therapy is rising well above 90%. Millions of teeth are being to be achieved remain same but ‘How’ these goals can
saved and then successfully restored to their full functional be achieved efficiently, effectively and without much
and esthetic value. discomfort to the patient in as less time as possible, has led
to a lot of research in this field. Few examples of change
Sea changes in Endodontics: There have been major in Endodontics are listed in Table 1.1. These have been
changes in the practice of Endodontics. Although goals explained in detail in the respective chapters.
4 Short Textbook of Endodontics

TABLE 1.1  Endodontics—Past and Present

Changes in From past → to → present day Endodontics
Diagnostic aids • Conventional radiographs → Enhanced imaging with the help of digital radiography (2-dimensional) and
CBCT scans (3-dimensional)
• Conventional methods of testing Pulp vitality → Improved methods such as laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF),
pulse oximetry vitality scanner, etc.
Visualization Naked eye vision → Enhanced vision with magnification using loupes, dental operating microscope (DOM)
with and without illumination, Endoscope and Orascope
Endodontic instruments Made of carbon steel → Made of stainless steel (improved quality) → Made of nickel -titanium multitapered
instruments (different shapes)
Instrumentation Using manual (hand) instruments → Engine-driven nickel-titanium rotary instruments combined with hand
instrumentation → other newer ways of instrumentation
Instrumentation technique Conventional → Step-back → Crown-down approach
Working length and detection of apical Tactile sensation → Radiographs → Electronic apex locators combined with radiographs
constriction (Minor apical diameter)
Irrigation of root canals Use of syringe-needle → Improved delivery systems, use of ultrasonic tips, EndoVac irrigation system and
other newer irrigation systems. One of the recent advances include self-adjusting file (SAF) system, in which
cleaning, shaping, irrigation and agitation of the irrigant are achieved simultaneously
Obturation materials •  Core materials: Silver points → Gutta-percha → Thermoplasticized gutta-percha: Devices such as System-B,
Touch-n-heat, Obtura II etc. → Resilon (resin-based)
• Sealers: Zinc oxide eugenol sealers → Eugenol-free calcium hydroxide and other sealers → Epoxy resin-
based sealers, methacrylate resin-based sealers
Improved biocompatible materials • Calcium hydroxide and other repair materials → mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA)
• MTA is a root canal repair material that has made perforation repair and apexification possible even in the
presence of moisture
Surgical Endodontics Conventional Endodontic surgery → Microsurgical Endodontics
Microsurgical Endodontics is a predictable option due to:
• Use of microscope (good magnification and illumination)
• Use of ultrasonic tips
• Use of MTA as retrograde filling material
• Microinstruments
Newer devices and equipment •  Retreatment: Use of hedstrom files to remove old root canal fillings → Use of DOM and improved devices
and instruments for retreatment including:
–  Specialized kit for gutta-percha removal
– Devices to retrieve obstructions such as separated instruments, posts, foreign objects, etc.
For example, Brassler Endo Extractor kit and Masserann kit, Guttapercha removal rotary file systems such
as D1, D2 and D3, Postremoval system (PRS) kit, etc.
•  Introduction of lasers in Endodontics
Other advances • Use of saliva for diagnosis and DNA information through biomarkers
• Tissue engineering
• Tissue regeneration

BIBLIOGRAPHY 2. Grossman L, Oliet S, Del Rio C. Endodontic Practice, 11th edn.

Varghese Publication; 1991.pp.29-58.
1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis: 3. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics 6, 6th edn.
Mosby; 2006.p.573. BC Decker Inc, Hamilton; 2008.p.3.

The Dental Pulp and

the Periradicular Tissues

This chapter describes the anatomy, embryology, histology and the physiology of the human dental
pulp and its surrounding periradicular structures.
  You must know
• What is the Dental Pulp and the Dentin-Pulp Complex?
• What are the Special Characteristics of the Dental Pulp as Connective Tissue?
• How is the Dental Pulp Formed?
• What are the Histologic Features of the Dental Pulp?
• What is the Blood Supply of the Pulpal Tissues?
• What is the Nerve Supply of the Pulpal Tissues?
• What is the Lymph Supply of the Pulpal Tissues?
• What are the Functions of the Dental Pulp?
• What is the Morphology and Histology of the Periradicular Tissues?

WHAT IS THE DENTAL PULP AND cusps of each crown are called pulp horns. The pulp organ
THE DENTIN-PULP COMPLEX? constricts in the cervical region of the tooth and at this zone,
the coronal pulp joins the radicular pulp.
Dental Pulp
Radicular pulp extends from cervical region of crown
Dental Pulp is a soft vascular connective tissue of mesen­ to the root apex. Radicular portion of the pulp organ
chymal origin occupying the pulp chamber and the  root communicates with periapical connective tissues through
canals and provides dentinogenic, nutritive, sensory and the apical foramen or foramina.
defensive functions reflecting complete tooth vitality. The anatomic components of the pulp cavity are
A total of 52 pulp organs are usually present in human discussed in detail in Chapter 3: “Morphology and Internal
dentition, 32 in the permanent teeth and 20 in the primary Anatomy of the Root Canal System”.
teeth. Each pulp organ has the shape that conforms to that
of the respective tooth. Dentin-Pulp Complex
Each pulp organ is composed of:
• Coronal pulp: Located centrally in the crowns of the The specialized cells of the dental pulp, the odontoblasts,
teeth. are arranged peripherally in direct contact with the dentin
• Radicular pulp: Located in the roots of the teeth. matrix. This close relationship between odontoblasts and
dentin is referred to as the dentin-pulp complex. Dentin
Coronal pulp resembles the shape of the outer surface of and pulp are embryologically, structurally and functionally
the crown dentin. Coronal pulp has six surfaces: the roof related. Figure 2.1 shows the diagrammatic representation
or occlusal, the mesial, the distal, the buccal, the lingual of histologic section of dentin-pulp complex. The histology
and the floor. The protrusions of the pulp that extend into of pulp is explained in detail later in this chapter.
6 Short Textbook of Endodontics


Development of Tooth
The connective tissue cells underlying the oral ectoderm
are neural crest or ectomesenchyme in origin and these
cells induce or instruct the overlying ectoderm to start tooth
development. Tooth development begins in the anterior
portion of future maxilla and mandible and then proceeds
During sixth week of embryonic life, certain areas of
basal cells of oral ectoderm proliferate to form horse-
shoe shaped structures called the primary dental laminae
associated with the maxillary and mandibular processes.
Primary dental lamina splits into vestibular and dental
Fig. 2.1  Diagrammatic representation of histologic section of dentin-
pulp complex showing how dentin and pulp are structurally related Role of Dental Lamina
• It acts as primordium for ectodermal portion of
deciduous teeth
WHAT ARE THE SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF • Distal extension of dental lamina gives rise to permanent
• Lingual extension of free end of dental lamina develops
Certain special characteristics of the pulp tissue that successors of deciduous teeth (Incisors, Canines and
distinguish it from other connective tissues of the body are: Premolars).
• Dental pulp is encased within hard tissues in an
unyielding low-compliance environment that limits The formative tissues for an entire tooth and its
its ability to increase in volume during episodes of supporting structures include:
vasodilation and increased tissue pressure. Pulp being • Enamel Organ (forms Enamel): It is downgrowth of
incompressible, volume within pulp chamber cannot be dental lamina.
increased. So, during an inflammatory reaction, there is • Dental Papilla (forms Dentin and Pulp): On inside
an increase in tissue pressure instead of volume. depression of enamel organ, ectomesenchymal cells
• Even the mature pulp resembles embryonic connective increase in number and tissue appears more dense
tissue. Therefore, it is relatively rich source of stem cells. representing dental papilla.
• Pulp is supported by microcirculatory system, its largest • Dental Sac (forms Cementum and Periodontal ligament):
vascular components being arterioles and venules. It consists of ectomesenchymal cells and fibers that
There are no true arteries or veins that enter or leave surround dental papilla and enamel organ.
the pulp. The pulp lacks a true collateral system and is
dependent on relatively few arterioles entering through Stages of tooth development: Formation of tooth is a
the foramina. Due to minimal collateral blood supply, continuous process but for convenience and descriptive
there is reduced capacity for repair following injury. purposes, it is divided into various morphologic stages.
• After development of tooth also, the pulp retains its The morphologic stages and the associated physiologic
ability to form dentin throughout life. As a result, vital processes are as follows:
pulp can partially compensate for loss of enamel and
Morphologic stage Physiologic processes
dentin caused by mechanical trauma, disease or aging.
• Sensory receptors in the pulp cannot differentiate Dental lamina Initiation
between heat, touch, pressure or chemicals because Bud stage
pulp organs lack receptors specific to different stimuli. Cap stage Proliferation
Bell stage (Early) Histodifferentiation
As a result, the unique feature of dentin receptors is that Bell stage (Advanced) Morphodifferentiation
any of the environment stimuli always elicit pain as a
Formation of enamel and dentin matrix Apposition
response of the tooth.
The Dental Pulp and the Periradicular Tissues 7

Certain growth factors such as Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) – Cervical loop: Rim of enamel organ where outer and
and others initiate tooth development

inner enamel epithelia join.
Specific cells of dental lamina form Enamel organ in – Enamel knot and cord: Cells in center of enamel
response to those factors organ are densely packed and form the enamel knot.
At the points of initiation, enhanced proliferative activity Vertical extension of enamel knot into dental papillae
ensues and successively results into the different stages of is called Enamel cord.
tooth development. According to the shape of the epithelial Enamel knot serves as a transient critical signaling center
part of tooth germ, they are called as Bud, Cap and Bell that has dense population of epithelial cells without any
stages (Morphologic Stages): proliferative activity and marked by expression of multiple
• Bud stage is the initial stage of tooth development during signaling molecules. These signaling molecules are critical
which the epithelial cells of dental lamina proliferate for proper development of tooth organ.
and produce a budlike projection into adjacent ecto- • Bell stage: As the cells forming the loop continue to
mesenchyme (Fig. 2.2). proliferate, there is further invagination of the enamel
Differentiation of dental lamina organ into mesenchyme and the enamel organ assumes
↓ a bell shape (Figs 2.4 and 2.5).
Round or ovoid swellings arise from basement membrane at ten different
points corresponding to future positions of deciduous teeth-primordia of
enamel organs (the tooth buds)

Development of tooth germ is initiated and the cells

continue to proliferate faster than the adjacent cells.
Transition of the bud to the cap stage is important step
in tooth morphogenesis that involves multiple signaling
molecules within the enamel organ epithelium that
regulate the expression of various transcription factors in
the surrounding mesenchyme.
• Cap stage is reached when the cells of dental lamina
have proliferated to form a concavity with a caplike
appearance (Fig. 2.3).
It shows:
– Outer Enamel Epithelium: Formed by outer cuboidal
– Inner Enamel Epithelium: Formed by elongated cells.
– Stellate Reticulum: Branched reticular arrangement Fig. 2.3  Diagrammatic representation of cap stage
of cellular elements.

Fig. 2.2  Diagrammatic representation of bud stage Fig. 2.4  Diagrammatic representation of early bell stage
8 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 2.5  Diagrammatic representation of advanced bell stage

Fig. 2.6  Diagrammatic representation of histologic section of the

During bell stage, there is differentiation of inner pulp showing predentin and zones of pulp
enamel epithelium and enamel organ epithelial cells
into ameloblasts and differentiation of mesenchymal
cells into odontoblast and dentin production begins.
Now the dental papilla is designated as dental pulp. WHAT ARE THE HISTOLOGIC FEATURES
It is during bell stage that crown assumes its final OF DENTAL PULP?
shape (Morphodifferentiation) and the cells that make
hard tissue-ameloblasts and odontoblasts, acquire their Dental pulp can be divided into four zones from the
distinctive phenotype (Histodifferentiation). periphery to the center:
1. Odontoblastic zone
Histodifferentiation 2. Cell-free zone of Weil
3. Cell-rich zone
Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells of dental papilla
4. Pulp proper
↓ Gradually differentiate
Into stellate shaped fibroblasts
Odontoblastic Zone (Fig. 2.6)
As the crown formation continues with the deposition
of Enamel and Dentin, growth and organization of pulp • This is the peripheral zone of the pulp that separates the
vasculature occurs. During this time, unmyelinated sensory loose connective tissue of the pulp from predentin.
nerves and autonomic nerves develop into pulp tissue. • Constituents:
Myelinated nerve fibers develop and mature at a slower rate. – Cell bodies of odontoblasts
Advanced bell stage marks an important stage of – Capillaries
Morphodifferentiation in the crown, that outlines the – Nerve fibers
future Dentinoenamel junction. – Dendritic cells
The boundary between outer enamel epithelium and • Structure:
the odontoblast forms future Dentinoenamel junction. – Odontoblasts have palisading arrangement, forming
The junction of inner and outer enamel epithelium at the periphery of the pulp.
the basal margin of enamel organ represents the future – There are tight and gap junctional complexes in
Cementoenamel junction. between the odontoblast cell bodies, that connect
Apposition is deposition of matrix of hard dental them and bring about exchange of metabolites.
structures. Appositional growth of Enamel and Dentin – Odontoblasts in coronal pulp:
is characterized by regular and rhythmic deposition of - Have a crowded arrangement due to rapid
extracellular matrix with alternate periods of activity and reduction of pulp chamber due to dentin
rest at definite intervals. deposition.
The Dental Pulp and the Periradicular Tissues 9

- Odontoblasts are tall and columnar with the • Structure: Cell-rich zone is more prominent in coronal
nuclei polarized towards the center of the pulp pulp than the radicular pulp.
arranged in about 6–8 layers in the region of the – Ground substance forms the matrix that surrounds
pulp horns. and supports the cellular and vascular elements of
• Odontoblasts in Radicular pulp: pulp. It is composed of proteoglycans, glycoproteins
– Odontoblasts are cuboidal in midportion of radicular and water.
pulp – Fibroblasts are present in large numbers in the cell-
– Have less crowded arrangement in root and spread rich zone especially in coronal portion. Fibroblasts
out laterally are stellate-shaped cells with ovoid nuclei and
– Odontoblasts are squamous or flattened in the apical cytoplasmic process.
portion of the pulp. – Two types of fibers are found:
Arranged in 2–3 layers in midportion of pulp and i. Elastic fibers that are found in the walls of the
in a single layer in the apical pulp. arterioles.
• Function: Production and deposition of dentin is the ii. Collagen fibers secreted by fibroblasts found in
primary function of odontoblasts. the body of the pulp.
In young pulp, collagen fibers are small and occur
Cell-Free Zone of Weil (Fig. 2.6) in diffuse pattern and in older pulp, they are found in
large bundles usually found in central region.
• This is a narrow zone about 40 um in width, located The apical third of mature pulp contains more
immediately subjacent to the odontoblastic zone. collagen fibers than the coronal third.
• Constituents: – Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells are stellate-
– Blood capillaries shaped with a large nucleus and little cytoplasm.
– Rich network of unmyelinated nerve fibers called as They are located around the blood vessels in the
plexus of Rashkow cell-rich zone.
– Slender cytoplasmic processes of fibroblasts – Macrophages are blood monocytes that have
– Ground substance. migrated into the pulp tissue.
• Structure: Its presence or absence depends on functional • Functions:
status of pulp. It may be completely absent in young – Ground substance acts as a barrier against the spread
pulps during dentinogenesis and in older pulps due to of bacteria. It is a transport medium for metabolites
reparative dentin formation. and cellular waste products.
It is more prominent in coronal pulp. – Fibroblasts bring about formation as well as
• Functions: degeneration of collagen fibers. They can bring about
– Capillaries are involved in the nutrition of deposition of calcified tissue. They have the potential
odontoblasts especially during dentinogenesis and for reparative dentin formation.
periods of inflammation – Collagen fibers secreted by fibroblasts support the
– Rashkow’s plexus involved in the neural sensation body of pulp and those secreted by odontoblasts
of pulp form the dentinal matrix. Collagen fibers in the
– Ground substance involved in the metabolic apical third of root protect the neurovascular bundle
exchanges of the cells and it has the role in limiting from injury.
the spread of infection due to its consistency. – Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells can differentiate
into fibroblasts, odontoblasts, macrophages or
Cell-Rich Zone (Fig. 2.6) osteoclasts to bring about repair and regeneration.

• Cell-rich zone is located central to the cell-free zone. Pulp Proper

• Constituents:
– Ground substance • It forms the central mass of pulp.
– Fibroblasts • Constituents:
– Collagen fibers – Larger blood vessels
– Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells – Nerve fibers
– Macrophages. – Fibroblasts
10 Short Textbook of Endodontics

– Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells – It serves as means for transport of nutrients from

– Defense cells: Macrophages, lymphocytes, dendritic blood vessels to cells and transport of metabolites
cells from cells to blood vessels.
– Ground substance. • In certain inflammatory lesions, degradation of ground
• Structure and Functions: Blood vessels and nerves are substance can occur through the hydrolytic enzymes of
embedded in the pulp matrix in the central portion of lysosomal and bacterial origin.
pulp and send branches to the periphery of the pulp.
Arterioles along with myelinated and unmyelinated Cells of the Pulp
sensory nerve fibers enter the pulp through the apical
foramina and venules along with lymphatics exit the pulp Odontoblast
through the apical foramina and lateral and accessory
foramina. • Odontoblast is the most characteristic cell of the dentin-
pulp complex
Structural Elements of the Pulp • It is responsible for dentinogenesis both during tooth
development and even in the mature tooth
The dental pulp contains: • Odontoblast is a tall columnar cell and has a cellular
• Ground substance process that forms dentinal tubule
• Cells • Ultrastructure of odontoblast: Shows large nucleus, four
• Fibers nucleoli, well-developed Golgi complex, Golgi bodies
• Blood vessels centrally located, mitochondria, Rough Endoplasmic
• Nerves Reticulum (RER) and ribosomes distributed throughout
• Lymph vessels. the cell body
• Odontoblast synthesizes type I collagen, proteoglycans,
Ground Substance dentin sialoprotein and phosphophoryn. Phos­
phophoryn is phosphorylated phosphoprotein that is
• The Dental Pulp is a connective tissue that consists of involved in extracellular mineralization and is found
cells and fibers, embedded in ground substance, also only in dentin, not in any other mesenchymal tissue
called Extracellular Matrix (ECM). ECM is amorphous • Odontoblast secretes acid phosphatase (a lysosomal
and gel-like. enzyme) and alkaline phosphatase (enzyme related to
• Contents: mineralization).
– Polyanionic polysaccharides
– Glycoproteins such as fibronectin, laminin and Pulp Fibroblast
tenascin • Most numerous cells of pulp
– Proteoglycan such as hyaluronic acid, dermatan • Fibroblast is a spindle-shaped cell responsible for
sulfate and chondroitin sulfate collagen fiber formation throughout the pulp during
– Glycoprotein and proteoglycan contain GAG chains the life of the tooth
that bond to cell surfaces and • Fibroblast synthesize type I collagen, type III collagen,
– Other matrix molecules proteoglycans and GAGs and maintain the matrix
– Water content of young pulp is 90%. proteins of the ground substance. Fibroblasts are
• Functions: capable of ingesting and degrading this same matrix.
– Forms a cushion that is capable of protecting cells Thus the fibroblasts have dual function of synthesis and
and vascular component of the tooth degradation of the same cell
– It acts as molecular sieve in which it excludes large • Fibroblasts remain in relatively undifferentiated state,
proteins never grow up. Undifferentiated cells are also termed
– Glycoprotein and proteoglycan molecules support as stem cells
cells, provide tissue turgor and mediate cell • Pericytes are fibroblasts found around capillaries of pulp.
– Proteoglycans regulate dispersion of interstitial Defense Cells
matrix solutes, colloids and water and determine • Histiocytes or Macrophages: They are active in endo­
the physical characteristics of the pulp cytosis and phagocytosis and act as scavengers that
The Dental Pulp and the Periradicular Tissues 11

remove extravasated red blood cells, dead cells and Arterioles, Venules and Capillaries and
foreign bodies from the tissue. Few macrophages are Arteriovenous Anastomoses
involved in immune reactions by processing antigen
and presenting it to the memory T cells. • Blood from the arteries enters the tooth by way of
• Dendritic cells: They are the accessory cells of the Arterioles having diameter of 100 µm or less and the
immune system and are termed as antigen presenting Venules having diameter of 200–300 µm leave the tooth
cells. They induce T-cell dependent immunity. through the apical foramen.
• Lymphocytes: T-lymphocytes are mainly found. Smaller vessels may enter the pulp via accessory or
B-lymphocytes are scarce. Lymphocytes appear at lateral canals. But the tooth does not have a collateral
the site of injury after invasion by Neutrophils (PMN alternative blood supply.
Leukocytes) • From the root pulp, arterioles pass to supply the coronal
• Mast cells: They are found in relation to blood vessels in pulp in a straight direction so that 90o branching patterns
chronically inflamed pulps. Mast cell granules contain develop as shown in Figure 2.7.
heparin (anticoagulant) and histamine (inflammatory – They spread laterally towards the odontoblast layer
mediator) and other chemical factors. and form a capillary plexus beneath the odontoblast
Undifferentiated Mesenchymal Cells – Terminal capillary networks are most important
vessels in the pulp and carry out the following
• They are the primary cells in very young pulp, but a functions: Maintains pulp homeostasis by:
few undifferentiated cells remain in the pulps after a. Transport of nutrients and gas to cells
root development. Their number decreases in older b. Removal of waste products and CO2 from the cells.
pulps. • Coronal portion of the pulp has nearly twice the capillary
• They are believed to be totipotent cells that can blood flow than the root portion being greatest in the
differentiate into odontoblasts, fibroblasts or macro­ region of Pulp Horns.
phages when need arises. Also called Reserve cells. • From the capillary networks, blood passes into post-
• These cells are found scattered throughout the central capillary venules and into larger venules.
pulp along pulp vessels in cell-rich zone. These venules have thin and discontinuous muscular
• They appear polyhedral in shape with peripheral coat for the movement of fluid in or out of the vessel.
processes and large oval staining nucleus. • Arteriovenous anastomosis connects the arteriole
directly to a venule bypassing the capillary bed. These
Fibers are small vessels having diameter of 10 µm. They may

• The pulp consists of Type I and Type III collagen fibers

• Odontoblasts and osteoblasts synthesize Type I collagen;
Fibroblasts synthesize Type I, III, V and VII collagen
• After completion of root formation, the pulp matures
and collagen fiber bundles increase in number. Thus,
the collagen content of pulp increase with age.



Arterial Supply
• Arterial supply of the pulp is from the posterior superior
alveolar arteries and
– Infraorbital artery
– Inferior alveolar branch of internal maxillary arteries. Fig. 2.7  Diagrammatic representation of pulpal blood supply
12 Short Textbook of Endodontics

play a role in regulation of blood flow. May be found in in close association with the blood vessels of the pulp
coronal and radicular portions of pulp, more frequent and many are sympathetic in nature.
in radicular portion. A-fibers transmit fast pain which is sharp and piercing.
• ‘U’-Turn loops filled with streaming blood may be found C-fibers transmit slow pain which is dull, aching pain.
in the pulp vascular network that shunt blood away from • Apart from sensory fibers, sympathetic fibers from the
area of injury or inflammation thus preventing injury to superior cervical ganglion appear with the blood vessels
microcirculation. when the vascular system is established in the dental
• Changes in pulpal blood flow can be measured using papilla. In adult tooth, sympathetic fibers form plexuses
the laser Doppler flowmeter. around the pulpal arterioles usually.
• Pulpal blood flow may be affected by change in posture. • A network of nerves located adjacent to the cell-rich
Change of posture from standing to supine position zone formed by peripheral axons is called plexus of
causes increase in blood flow resulting in elevated pulpal Raschkow. A-delta fibers lose their myelin sheath at the
tissue pressure sufficient to activate pulpal nocireceptors odontoblastic layer forming this plexus.
to initiate spontaneous pulpal pain. Formation: Nerve bundles along with the blood vessels pass from
• The stealing theory of pulpal blood flow: Most of the radicular pulp to coronal pulp
vascular resistance regulating the pulpal blood flow is ↓
located in the venules and also outside the pulp. As a They branch into smaller bundles beneath the cell-rich zone

result, Ramify into plexus of single-nerve axons called the plexus of Raschkow
Changes in blood flow in surrounding tissues ↓
such as gingiva, alveolar bone and PDL In this plexus, A-fibers emerge from their myelin sheaths and branch further
↓ to form sub-odontoblastic plexus within the Schwann cells from which
Causes changes in pulpal blood flow terminal axons exit and pass between odontoblasts as free nerve endings.

According to Poiseuille law, “Any vasodilatation in tissues that receive • Pain sensation caused by external stimuli in the tooth is
their blood supply through the side branches of the end arterioles mediated by large myelinated fibers.
feeding the pulp will, steal blood pressure from the pulp.” • Certain neurotransmitters are present in the nerves of the
Thus, vasodilatation of alveolar bone, periodontal ligament or gingiva dental pulp such as substance P, 5-Hydroxytryptamine,

Fall in arterial blood pressure of the Vasoactive Intestinal peptide, prostaglandins, acetyl­
arterioles feeding the pulp choline, norepinephrine.
• Sensory response in the pulp cannot differentiate
• Dental pulp is called as the LOW COMPLIANCE SYSTEM between heat, touch, pressure or chemicals because
because it is encased in rigid structures namely enamel, pulp organs lack receptors specific to different stimuli.
dentin and cementum. Due to limited ability of pulp As a result, the unique feature of dentin receptors is that
to expand, any vasodilatation and increased vascular environmental stimuli always elicit pain as a response.
permeability occurring during inflammation cause an • A-delta fibers get stimulated first when Electric pulp
increase in pulpal hydrostatic pressure and thus reduced tester is used. C-fibers also get stimulated if intensity of
pulpal blood flow. stimulus is increased.
A mind-map to remember all points of blood supply A mind-map to remember all points of Nerve supply
of pulpal tissues (Fig. 2.8). of pulp is given in Figure 2.9.


• Trigeminal ganglion supplies sensory innervation to Lymphatic vessels help to remove the interstitial fluid and
pulp by means of: metabolic waste products and maintain the tissue pressure
– Maxillary nerve and within the pulp.
– Mandibular nerve Most of the lymphatics are found in the radicular pulp
• Within the dental pulp, two types of sensory nerve fibers: whereas in coronal pulp, lymph vessels are observed
– Myelinated A-fibers including A-β and A-d (90% are in central part. Lymphatics in peripheral pulp join to
Ad) form large collecting vessels, which further unite with
– Unmyelinated C-fibers: About 80% of nerve fibers progressively larger lymphatic vessels that pass through
that enter the pulp are Unmyelinated. They are found the root apex along with blood vessels.
The Dental Pulp and the Periradicular Tissues 13

Fig. 2.8  A mind-map to remember all points of blood supply of pulpal tissues

Lymph vessels draining the pulp and the periodontal – With the developing enamel organ to determine the
ligament of anterior teeth pass to the submental lymph particular type of tooth.
nodes and those of the posterior teeth pass to the • Formative: The cells of the pulp organ produce the
submandibular and deep cervical lymph nodes. dentin that surrounds and protects the pulp. The pulpal
odontoblasts play a role in developing the organic matrix
WHAT ARE THE FUNCTIONS OF THE PULP? and calcification during dentin formation.
• Inductive: The pulp anlage interacts: • Nutritive: The blood vascular system of the pulp
– With the oral epithelial cells leading to differentiation nourishes the surrounding avascular dentin through
of the dental lamina and enamel organ formation. odontoblasts and their processes.
14 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 2.9  Mind-map to remember nerve supply of pulp

• Sensory: Although the pulp is encased by protective WHAT IS THE MORPHOLOGY AND
layer of dentin, which in turn is covered with enamel, HISTOLOGY OF PERIRADICULAR TISSUES?
the pulp is quite sensitive to different external stimuli
such as heat, cold, pressure, chemicals and mechanical Periradicular tissues include (Fig. 2.11):
trauma. The response is always pain irrespective of the • Cementum
type of stimulus due to lack of specific receptors related • Periodontal ligament
to those stimuli. The nerves in the pulp initiate reflexes • Alveolar process
that control circulation in the pulp.
• Defensive or reparative: The dental pulp responds to Cementum
mechanical, thermal, chemical or bacterial irritation Cementum is hard, bone-like calcified tissue structure
by producing reparative dentin and mineralizing any covering the roots of the teeth.
affected dentinal tubules (Sclerosis) to wall off the pulp
from the source of irritation. In response to bacterial Types
infection, pulp elicits inflammatory and immunologic • Cellular cementum
reaction. The macrophages, lymphocytes, neutrophils, • Acellular cementum.
monocytes, plasma and mast cells of the pulp help in
the process of repair of the pulp. Cellular Cementum
A mind-map listing all points of dental pulp is given • It contains cells called cementocytes and deposited
in Figure 2.10. usually in the apical third of root.
The Dental Pulp and the Periradicular Tissues 15

Fig. 2.10  Mind-map to remember all points of the dental pulp

16 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• Due to its avascularity, cementum can withstand the

orthodontic tooth movement forces without much
resorptive damage.
• To maintain width of PDL space by continuous
deposition of cementum.

Periodontal Ligament
The periodontal ligament is a dense, fibrous connective
tissue surrounding the roots of the teeth and occupying the
space between the cementum and the alveolar bone and
is continuous with the pulp and the gingiva. It attaches the
root to the surrounding tissues.
Two important components of periodontal ligament
1. Cells
2. Fibers

Fig. 2.11  Diagram showing periradicular tissues

Cells of PDL

• It is deposited at a greater rate than acellular cementum Fibroblasts

• Thickness: 20 to 150 µm. • Most important cells of the periodontal ligament
• Bring about deposition as well as degradation of
Acellular Cementum collagen fibers. This constant remodelling of periapical
• It does not contain cells and deposited in the cervical fibers maintains the health of the periodontal
and middle thirds of root ligament.
• Thickness is 20–50 µm at CEJ
• It contains lot of Sharpey’s fibers. Osteoblasts (Bone Forming Cells)
• Bring about deposition of collagen and matrix on the
Functions surface of the bone forming the osteoid
• Calcification of osteoid occurs to anchor Sharpey’s
• To give form to the mature apical foramen.
Continuous deposition of cementum increases the
major diameter and deviates the apical foramen by
Osteoclasts (Bone-resorbing Cells)
about  0.2 to 0.5mm from the center of the root apex.
The minor diameter is located about 0.5mm from the • These are multinucleated Giant cells found in scooped
cemental surface in young teeth and about 0.75mm from out areas of bone called Howship’s lacunae.
the cemental surface in mature teeth. • They bring about resorption of bone.
• Cementum plays a role in repair. The constant remodelling of bone by deposition and
Root resorptions get repaired by deposition resorption continuously renews the attachment of PDL
of cementum. Accessory and apical foramina are to bone.
sealed after root canal treatment due to deposition of
cementum. Cementoblasts
• To form apical barrier in immature pulpless teeth • Bring about deposition of matrix containing collagen
Materials used for apexification bring about fibers and ground substance called cementoid.
deposition of cementum or cementum-like tissue to • Calcification of cementoid occurs to anchor the
close the apex of immature pulpless teeth. periodontal ligament fibers in the bone.
The Dental Pulp and the Periradicular Tissues 17

Cementoclasts – Nutrition: The periodontal ligament provides blood

• Under physiologic conditions, there is no resorption supply to the adjoining structures such as gingiva,
of cementum. So cementoclasts are not found in the cementum and alveolar bone.
normal periodontal ligament. – Formation: The cells of the PDL help in the formation
• Found in pathologic conditions. of adjoining structures such as alveolar bone and
Other Cells
• Epithelial cell rests of Malassez Alveolar Process
• Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells
• Mast cells It can be divided into:
• Macrophages. • Alveolar bone proper which is a part of periradicular
Fibers of PDL • Supporting alveolar bone.

• Two types of periodontal fibers are present: Alveolar Bone Proper

– Collagen fibers
– Oxytalan fibers • Alveolar bone proper is the bone forming the bony
• Sharpey’s fibers are terminal fibers of the collagen socket into which the root is housed.
bundles that are: • Alveolar bone proper consists of:
– Inserted into CEMENTUM on one side – Peripheral bone called bundle bone into which the
– Inserted into BONE on the other side. Sharpey’s fibers of the PDL are embedded.
• The principal fiber groups of periodontal ligament – Central bone called lamellated bone.
include: • Alveolar bone proper appears radiopaque on radiographs
– Transseptal fibers: Traversing the alveolar crest and and is called as lamina dura.
connecting from cementum of one tooth to the • Alveolar bone proper consists of multiple foramina
cementum of adjacent tooth. containing blood vessels and nerve fibers that supply
– Horizontal group of fibers: Embedded into cementum the teeth, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. So,
apical to the alveolar crest group running horizontally it is also known as the cribriform plate.
from cementum to the alveolar bone.
– Oblique group of fibers: Embedded into cementum Supporting Alveolar Bone
apical to horizontal group running obliquely from
cementum to the alveolar crest of bone. • It is formed by diploe of cancellous bone covered by two
– Alveolar crest fibers: They arise from the alveolar crest outer tables of cortical bone:
of the bone in a fan-like manner and attach to the – Vestibular or buccal plate
cementum. – Lingual or palatal plate.
– Apical group of fibers: These fibers are embedded into • Cancellous bone is arranged in the form of trabeculae
the apical cementum and the fundus of the alveolar and there are medullary spaces in between the
socket. trabeculae.
– Interradicular group of fibers: Embedded into • Cells of the alveolar bone:
cementum and alveolar bone in the furcation areas – Osteoblasts are bone-forming cells, which deposit
of Multirooted teeth. an organic matrix called osteoid which then gets
Oxytalan fibers are immature elastic fibers that calcified.
traverse the periodontal ligament in an axial direction. – Osteocytes are the cells which get entrapped in the
• Functions of the periodontal ligament: organic matrix.
– Attachment: The fibers of the periodontal ligament – Osteoclasts are bone-resorbing cells.
attach the tooth to the alveolar bone (socket). A mind-map to remember all points of Periradicular
– Protection: The fibers absorb the occlusal forces and tissues is given in Figure 2.12.
protect the tooth and the alveolar socket from the
masticatory injuries.
18 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 2.12  A mind-map to remember all points of periradicular tissues

1. Bhaskar SN. Orban’s Oral Histology and Embryology, 11th edn. 3. Grossman L, Oliet S, Del Rio C. Endodontic Practice, 11th edn.
Mosby, 2001.pp.28-48,pp.139-79. Varghese Publication; 1991.pp.29-58.
2. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St.  Louis: 4. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics 6, 6th edn.
Mosby, 2006.pp.460-513. BC Decker Inc, Hamilton; 2008.pp.118-50.
Morphology and Internal


Anatomy of the Root

Canal System

This chapter describes the morphology and internal anatomy of teeth and their root canal systems
  You must know
• What are the Anatomic Components of the Root Canal System?
• What are the Regressive Changes that Occur in the Anatomy of Root Canal System?
• What are the Different Types of Root Canal Systems in any Root?
• What is the Anatomy of the Apical Portion (Apical 1/3rd) of the Root Canal?
• Which are the Anatomic Complexities that can Occur in Root Canal System?
• What is Isthmus and what is its Role during Endodontic Surgical Procedure?
• What are the Possible Developmental Anomalies and Variations in the Anatomy of Root
Canal System?
• What is the Morphology of the Root Canal System of the Individual Teeth?


Central cavity within a tooth that is entirely enclosed by
dentin except at the apical foramen, into which the pulp is
housed is called as the root canal system.
Root canal system can be divided into two basic
1. Pulp chamber: Coronal portion, that which is located in
anatomic crown of tooth. Also called coronal pulp.
2. Root canal: Radicular portion, that which is located in
anatomic root of tooth. Also called radicular pulp.

Components of the Pulp Chamber (Fig. 3.1)

• Roof of the pulp chamber: Portion of dentin covering the particularly that forming the furcation area is called as
pulp chamber occlusally or incisally is called as the roof the floor of the pulp chamber. It runs parallel to the roof
of the pulp chamber. of the pulp chamber.
• Pulp horn: An accentuation of the roof of the pulp • Walls and angles of the pulp chamber: Walls of the
chamber directly under a cusp or developmental lobe pulp chamber correspond to the respective walls of the
is called as the pulp horn. tooth  surface. Angles of the pulp chamber correspond
• Floor of the pulp chamber: The portion of dentin to the respective angles formed from the walls of the
bounding the pulp chamber near the cervix of the tooth pulp chamber.
20 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• Canal orifices: The openings in the floor of the pulp mandibular first molar almost always has two canals;
chamber that lead into the root canals are called as the its distal root occasionally has two canals.
canal orifices. They are not separate structures, but are – According to Meyer, roots which are round and
continuous with both pulp chamber and root canals. cone-shaped, usually contain only one canal but
roots which are elliptical and have flat or concave
Components of the Root Canal (Fig. 3.1) surfaces frequently have more than one canal.
• Apical foramen: A funnel-shaped opening where the
• Principal/main root canal: root canal exits is called as the apical foramen. Besides
– The root canal is that portion of the pulp cavity from there are numerous geometrical configurations and
the canal orifice to the apical foramen. intricacies along the length of the root canal. Apical
– For convenience, the root canal is divided into three foramen may be located in the center of root apex or
sections namely: coronal, middle and apical thirds. may exit on the mesial, distal, labial or lingual surface
– Usually the root canal does not extend straight along of the root slightly eccentrically.
the entire length of the root. Either a curvature or a • Accessory, lateral and furcation canals: Minute canals
constriction is present before the apex is reached. extending in horizontal, vertical or lateral directions
– The shape of the root canal usually conforms to the from pulp to the periodontium are called as accessory
shape of the root. If there is curvature in the root, canals. Accessory canals consist of connective tissue and
usually the root canal follows this curve. vessels but they do not supply the pulp with collateral
– The curvature may be: circulation.
a. Gradual curvature of the entire canal. Accessory canals that branch to the lateral surface of
b. Sharp curvature of canal near the apex. the root are called as lateral canals. These may be visible
c. Gradual curvature of canal with straight apical on radiograph. Canals occurring in the bifurcation
ending. or trifurcation of multirooted teeth are called as the
d. Double curvature of the canal (S-shaped canal). furcation canals.
– Usually, the number of root canals corresponds Formation: Accessory canals are formed as a result
to the number of roots. But a root can have more of entrapment of periodontal vessels in Hertwig’s
than one canal. For example, the mesial root of Epithelial Root Sheath (HERS) during calcification.
Furcation canals are formed as a result of entrapment
of periodontal vessels during the fusion of diaphragm
that becomes pulp chamber floor.
Clinical significance: Accessory, lateral and furcation
canals can serve as avenues for the passage of irritants,
primarily from the pulp to the periodontium.
• Accessory foramina: Openings of accessory and lateral
canals in root surface are called as accessory foramina.
• Apical delta: A pyramidal or pointed structure made
of multiple fine channels in the apical third of the root
through which the blood vessels and nerves pass is
called apical delta. Figure 3.2 shows the diagrammatic
representation of the apical delta.
For convenience, the root canal is divided into three
sections: coronal, middle and apical thirds as shown in
Figure 3.1.
• Portals of exit (POE): The openings from the root canal
system to the PDL space through which the micro-
Fig. 3.1  Diagram showing components of root canal system.
A: Coronal pulp; B: Radicular pulp/Principal root canal; a: Pulp horn;
organisms and the potential Endodontic breakdown
b: Roof of pulp chamber; c: Canal orifice; d: Floor of pulp chamber; products may pass are referred to as Portals of Exit
e: Lateral canal; f, g, h: Portals of Exit (POE) (POE).
Morphology and Internal Anatomy of the Root Canal System 21

Fig. 3.2  Diagrammatic representation of the apical delta

Fig. 3.3  Characteristics of root canal system in young person Fig. 3.4  Characteristics of root canal system with increasing age

The canals within the root, may branch, divide and
See Figures 3.3 to 3.5. rejoin.
22 Short Textbook of Endodontics



Figs 3.5A to D  Diagrams showing age changes in the root canal system in order: a: Pulp horns: High pulp horns go on receding with increasing
age; b: Pulp chamber: Large and wide pulp chambers become smaller and shorter; c: Root canals: Wider root canals become narrower due
to deposition of secondary and reparative dentin; d: Apical foramen: Broad open apex of immature tooth closes and becomes narrow and
forms an apical stop; e: Pulp stones: Calcification is seen in older pulps and few pulps with chronic infection. Calcification starts in the pulp
chamber and proceeds apically

Classification of Root Canal Systems (Fig. 3.6) • Type IV: One canal leaving the pulp chamber and
dividing short of the apex into two separate, distinct
The possible configurations of the root canal systems as canals with separate apical foramina (1-2) (Fig. 3.6D)
given by Weine include: Weine’s classification is the first clinical classification of
• Type I: Single canal extending from the pulp chamber more than one canal system in a single root.
to the apex (1) (Fig. 3.6A) Later, Vertucci et al gave the classification categorizing the
• Type II: Two separate canals leaving the pulp chamber root canal system into following eight types:
and joining short of the apex, to form one canal (2-1) 1. Type I: Single canal extending from the pulp chamber
(Fig. 3.6B) to the apex (1) (Fig. 3.7)
• Type III: Two separate, distinct canals extending from 2. Type II: Two separate canals leaving the pulp chamber and
the pulp chamber to the apex (2) (Fig. 3.6C) joining short of the apex, to form one canal (2-1) (Fig.  3.8)
Morphology and Internal Anatomy of the Root Canal System 23

Figs 3.6A to D  Weine’s classification of root canal systems

Fig. 3.7  Type I Fig. 3.8  Type II

3. Type III: One canal leaving the pulp chamber and 7. Type VII: One canal leaving the pulp chamber and
dividing into two canals in the root. The two root canals dividing into  two canals and then rejoining to form one
then merge to exit as one canal (1-2-1) (Fig. 3.9) canal in the body of the root, and then finally redivides
4. Type IV: Two separate, distinct canals extending from into two distinct canals short of the apex (1-2-1-2)
the pulp chamber to the apex (2) (Fig. 3.10) (Fig. 3.13).
5. Type V: One canal leaving the pulp chamber and 8. Type VIII: Three separate, distinct canals extending from
dividing short of the apex into two separate, distinct the pulp chamber to the apex (3) (Fig. 3.14).
canals with separate apical foramina (1-2) (Fig. 3.11) The only tooth that has been found with all eight possible
6. Type VI: Two separate canals leaving the pulp chamber, configurations is the maxillary 2nd premolar.
and joining in the body of the root to form one canal,
which redivides short of the apex to exit as two distinct According to Vertucci’s classification:
canals (2-1-2) (Fig. 3.12). • Types I, II, III show One canal at apex
24 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 3.9  Type III Fig. 3.12  Type VI

Fig. 3.10  Type IV Fig. 3.13  Type VII

Fig. 3.11  Type V Fig. 3.14  Type VIII

Morphology and Internal Anatomy of the Root Canal System 25

• Types IV, V, VI, VII show Two canals at apex determine the number and location of orifices on the
• Type VIII shows Three canals at apex. pulp chamber floor which have been described in detail
in Chapter 13: Endodontic Access Cavity Preparation.
Vertucci’s Findings Those guidelines should be followed.
• Magnification and illumination aids such as dental
• Whether the canals join or remain as separate canals, is loupes and dental operating microscope are valuable
determined by the proximity of the canal orifices. aids that improve visualization and greatly reduce the
• Joining of canals: If orifices are less than 3 mm apart, chances of missing root canals or any variable anatomy.
canals usually are joined together. • Other orifice location aids such as Champagne bubble
As the distance between the orifices decreases, canals test using sodium hypochlorite and other aids have
are found to join more coronally. been described in Chapter 13: Endodontic Access Cavity
• Separation of canals: If the distance between the orifices Preparation.
is more than 3 mm, the canals tend to remain separate
through their entire length. WHAT IS THE ANATOMY OF THE APICAL
Some of the Practical Hints to Determine
The apical portion of the root contains three anatomic and
the Type of Canal System Clinically
histologic landmarks (Fig. 3.15):
• It is important to have knowledge of different variations I. Apical foramen or major apical diameter.
that can occur in the root canal anatomy including the II. Apical constriction or minor apical diameter.
possibility of finding additional canals than the usual III. Cementodentinal junction (CDJ).
for a given tooth.
• Pretreatment radiographs taken in two-three different Apical Foramen or Major Apical Diameter
angulations gives an idea of the internal anatomy of the
(Fig. 3.15b)
tooth and the number of root canals.
• Follow the “dentinal map” which is the road-map to the • Cohen has defined it as follows:
root canal system and preserve the pulpal floor. “Apical foramen is the circumference or rounded edge,
• Location of canal orifice on pulpal floor can indicate the like a funnel or crater, that differentiates the termination
number of canals present as follows:
– Canal located in center of the pulpal floor may
indicate that one canal is present.
– Canal orifices located less than 3 mm apart: Indicates
tendency to join/unite.
– Canal orifices located more than 3 mm apart may
indicate tendency to remain separate.
• On radiograph, sudden disappearance or narrowing of
canal (fast-break guideline): Indicates bifurcation of root
• When the first file inserted into distal canal of a
mandibular molar, points in buccal or lingual direction:
may indicate 2 distal canals are present.
• When two canals join in the root to form one canal,
lingual/palatal canal has direct access to apex.
• When one canal separates into two canals, configuration
of separated canals is in the shape of letter ‘h’, where
(given by Slowey)
– Buccal canal is straight portion of ‘h’
– Lingual canal generally is the one that splits from the
Fig. 3.15  Diagrammatic representation of anatomy of apical third
main canal at a sharp angle. of root. a: Cementum; b: Apical foramen; c: Cementodentinal
• Krasner and Rankow have given certain guidelines junction (CDJ); d: Major constriction; e: Minor constriction; f: Apical
or laws of pulp chamber anatomy to help clinicians constriction
26 Short Textbook of Endodontics

of the cemental canal from the exterior surface of the to be 0.5 mm in young persons and 0.67 mm in older
root”. individuals.
• Generally, the apical foramen does not exit at the apex, • The space that occurs between the major and minor
it may be about 0.5 – 3 mm offset from center. apical diameters, i.e. between the AF and AC is funnel
• The apical foramen may not always be located in the shaped, described as ‘hyperbolic’ shape or ‘shape of the
center of the root apex and it may be on mesial, distal, morning-glory’.
labial or lingual surface of the root.
• In immature tooth with open apex, the apical foramen Cementodentinal Junction (CDJ) (Fig. 3.15c)
is funnel-shaped filled with periodontal tissue which is
replaced by dentin and cementum as the root develops • It is the junction where cementum meets dentin.
so that the apical foramen becomes narrower. Root • At CDJ, pulp tissue ends and periodontal tissues begin.
canals can take various courses and accordingly the • CDJ is approximately 1 mm from the apical foramen.
apical foramen is located. Figures 3.16A to D show • The CDJ is considered to be the ideal point of termination
different curvatures of root canals and the locations of for the preparation and obturation of the root canals.
the apical foramina.
• Average size of apical foramen in maxillary permanent Anatomy of Root Apex
teeth is 0.4 mm diameter and that of mandibular
permanent teeth is 0.3 mm. The apical opening may not Figure 3.15 shows diagrammatic representation of anatomy
always be found in the center of the apex. Frequently of root apex.
two or more foramina are found separated by a portion A mind-map to remember all points of landmarks in
of dentin and cementum or by cementum only. apical portion of canal is illustrated in Figure 3.17.

Apical Constriction or Minor Apical Diameter WHICH ARE THE ANATOMIC COMPLEXITIES
• Apical constriction is the part of the root canal with the
smallest diameter. Anatomic complexities of root canal system include:
• Apical constriction is generally 0.5 – 1.5 mm inside the • C-shaped canals
apical foramen. • Additional canals
• Apical constriction is delicate and should be maintained. • Fins, deltas, loops, intercanal connections, etc.
Over-instrumentation violates and breaks this
constriction resulting in irritation of periapical tissues ‘C’-shaped Canals (Fig. 3.18)
and over-extended root canal filling may occur. • Roots and their root canals with their cross-sectional
• The mean distance between the major and minor apical morphology C-shaped are called as C-shaped canals.
diameters, i.e. between the AF and AC has been found • C-shaped canal first documented in Endodontic
literature by Cooke and Cox in 1979.
• C-shaped canals result from fusion of the mesial and
distal roots on either the buccal or the lingual root
surface. Failure of fusion of the Hertwig’s epithelial root
sheath to fuse on buccal or lingual root surface forms
C-shaped roots that contain C-shaped canals.
• Occurs most commonly in mandibular second molars
but may also be seen in mandibular first molar, maxillary
first and second molars.
• C-shaped root canal system has single, ribbon-shaped
A B C D orifice that has an arc of 180 degrees or more.
Figs 3.16A to D  Various courses of the root canals and the location • It starts at mesiolingual line angle of pulp chamber and
of the apical foramina: (A) Curvature in the apical third of the root goes around buccal or lingual and ends at distal aspect
canal and apical foramen distant from the root apex; (B) Curvature
of pulp chamber.
in the apical third of the root canal and apical foramen near the
apex; (C)  Constriction in the root canal as the apical foramen is • Classification of C-shaped canals:
approached; (D) Double curvature of the root canal and apical I. Based on number of canals that leave from orifice
foramen distant from root apex and reach apex (Flow chart 3.1)
Morphology and Internal Anatomy of the Root Canal System 27

Fig. 3.17  A mind-map to remember all points of landmarks in apical portion of canal

Flow chart 3.1  Classification of C-shaped canals based on number

of canals that leave orifice and reach apex

Flow chart 3.2  Melton’s classification of C-shaped canals

Fig. 3.18  C-shaped canal in mandibular second molar

II. Classification of C-shaped canals as given by Melton

et al (based on their cross-sectional shape) (Flow
chart 3.2)
28 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Flow chart 3.3A  Fan et al’s anatomic classification of C-shaped canals

Flow chart 3.3B  Fan et al’s radiographic

classification of C-shaped canals

Fig. 3.19  Diagrammatic representation of anatomic classification of

C-shaped canals: Category I, II, III, IV, V

III. Fan et al classification of C-shaped canals: In 2004,

Fan et al modified the Melton’s classification and
gave two classifications: anatomic and radiographic
(Flow chart 3.3)
a. Anatomic classification: (Flow chart 3.3A) Figure
3.19 shows cross-section at the apical 1/3rd of
the root of mandibular second molar showing
different categories of C-shaped canals.
b. Radiographic classification: (Flow chart 3.3B)
Figure 3.20 shows Type I, Type II and Type III
C-shaped canals respectively as per radiographic Fig. 3.20  Type I, Type II, Type III of C-shaped canals
classification. (Radiographic classification)
Morphology and Internal Anatomy of the Root Canal System 29

• Sometimes the C-shaped groove runs connecting two or • Other complexities: Fins, deltas, loops, intercanal
three orifices such as mesiobuccal and distal orifices or connections, etc.
mesiobuccal and distobuccal and distolingual orifices
with the mesiolingual orifice remaining separate in WHAT IS ISTHMUS AND WHAT IS ITS ROLE
mandibular first molar. These canals at the apical
portion may end into separate apical foramina or may
get merged to exit as single canal. Due to a number When two or more canals are present in the root, a narrow
of anatomic variations seen in the C-shaped canal ribbon-shaped communication that occurs between the
morphology, the cleaning, shaping and obturation of root canals containing pulp or pulpally derived tissues is
these teeth becomes difficult. called an isthmus (Fig. 3.22A).
Figures 3.21A and B show preoperative and post- Kim et al classified isthmi into 5 types that can be found:
operative radiographs of mandibular second molar with 1. Type I: An incomplete isthmus with a faint
C-shaped canal. communication between the two canals (Fig. 3.22B).
• Presence of additional canals: There is always a possibility 2. Type II: A complete isthmus with a definite
of additional root canals than that are normally found, communication between the two canals (Fig. 3.22C).
in any tooth. If these canals are missed, it results in 3. Type III: A very short, complete isthmus between the
incomplete debridement causing Endodontic failure. two canals (Fig. 3.22D).
4. Type IV: A complete or an incomplete isthmus that
occurs between three or more canals (Fig. 3.22E).
5. Type V: Two or three canal openings without visible
communication between the canals (Fig. 3.22F).


• When multiple canals are present, careful inspection of
the resected root surface is to be done to locate all isthmi.
• Although the canals may be thoroughly cleaned, the
narrow isthmus area remains untouched. Thus it serves
as bacterial reservoirs.
So, all isthmi must be identified, prepared and filled
A with appropriate root end filling material for the success of
surgical procedure.


Certain developmental anomalies cause variations in root
canal anatomy that may render the execution of Endodontic
procedures difficult or even impossible sometimes.
• Hypopitutarism: In this condition, there is retarded
eruption of teeth and open root apices may be seen.
• Hyperparathyroidism: Pulp calcification and loss of
lamina dura may be seen.
B • Gemination: It is a developmental anomaly characterized
Figs 3.21A and B  Preoperative and postoperative radiographs of
by two completely or incompletely separated crowns
mandi­bular second molar with C-shaped canal (Courtesy of Dr that have single root and root canal caused by division
Nilesh Kadam) of single tooth germ by invagination (Fig. 3.23).
30 Short Textbook of Endodontics



Figs 3.22A to F  (A) Diagram showing enlarged view of ribbon-shaped communication between root canals: Isthmus;
(B) Type I; (C) Type II; (D) Type III; (E) Type IV; (F) Type V

Fig. 3.23  Diagrammatic representation of gemination Fig. 3.24  Diagrammatic representation of fusion of teeth

• Fusion: It is a developmental anomaly caused by union • Dilaceration: It is an angulation or a sharp bend or curve
of two normally separated tooth germs. The tooth in the root or crown of a formed tooth caused due to
may have separate or fused root canals (Figs 3.24 and trauma during tooth development. This curvature needs
3.25). to be recognized on preoperative radiograph to prevent
• Concresence : It is the fusion of teeth after root formation procedural errors (Fig. 3.27).
is completed. Teeth are joined by cementum only (Fig. • Talon’s cusp: It is an anomalous structure that resembles
3.26). an eagle’s talon, that projects lingually from the
Morphology and Internal Anatomy of the Root Canal System 31

Fig. 3.25  Intraoral periapical radiograph showing fusion of lower Fig. 3.27  Diagrammatic representation of dilaceration in the apical
central and lateral incisor teeth of both left and right sides appearing third of the roots of a maxillary molar
as wide central teeth having fused pulp chambers and root canals
(Courtesy of Dr Mansi Shah, Dentoview-Advanced Dental Imaging

Fig. 3.26  Diagrammatic representation of concresence of maxillary Fig. 3.28  Intraoral periapical radiograph showing dens in dente in
second and third molars maxillary left central incisor (Courtesy of Dr Mansi Shah, Dentoview
Advanced Dental Imaging Center)

cingulum area of maxillary or mandibular permanent Figure 3.28 shows a radiograph showing dens in dente
incisor. There is a deep developmental groove where in maxillary left central incisor.
the talon’s cusp blends with the sloping lingual tooth Three types of Dens in Dente include: (Fig. 3.29)
surface that consists of a horn of pulp tissue. Exposure – Type I: It is minor type, lined by enamel that occurs
of pulp horn necessitates Endodontic therapy. within the crown and not extending beyond
• Dens invaginatus/dens in dente: It is a developmental Cemento enamel junction (CEJ).
variation caused by invagination within the crown or – Type II: It consists of enamel lined blind sac that
root of the lingual surface of tooth before calcification invades the root and may connect with the dental pulp.
has occurred. Permanent maxillary incisors are the teeth – Type III: It is the severe type which extends to the
more frequently involved, although may occur in other root and opens in the apical region but without
anterior teeth as well. connection with the dental pulp.
32 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 3.29  Diagrammatic representation of dens in dente Fig. 3.30  Diagrammatic representation of taurodontism in
types I, II, and III mandibular molars (Courtesy of Dr V.S. Mohan)

• Dens evaginatus: It appears as an accessory cusp or a dentin formation with abnormal pulpal morphology.
globule of enamel on occlusal surface between buccal Roots are malformed in both the dentitions. In Radicular
and lingual cusps of premolars, rarely on molars, canines dentin dysplasia, obliterated pulp chambers are seen
and incisors. This extra cusp may contribute to pulp in both the dentitions. In coronal dentin dysplasia,
exposure with subsequent infection following occlusal obliterated pulp chambers in deciduous teeth and
wear or fracture. abnormally large pulp chambers in permanent teeth
• Taurodontism: It is a dental anomaly in which the occur.
body of tooth is enlarged at the expense of the roots. • Palatal developmental groove: It originates from palatal
On radiograph, the involved tooth appears rectangular surface usually the cingulum of maxillary lateral incisor
in shape rather than taper toward the roots. The pulp and ends apically at various levels of root.
chamber is extremely large and the usual constriction • Additional root canals than the usual may be present.
at the cervical of tooth is lacking and the roots are Figures 3.32A and B show radiographs of maxillary
exceedingly short. Bifurcation/trifurcation may be lateral incisor with four canals.
present only few millimeters above the root apex.
Figure 3.30 shows diagrammatic representation of WHAT IS THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE ROOT
taurodontism in mandibular molars and Figures 3.31A CANAL SYSTEM OF THE INDIVIDUAL TEETH?
and B show the pre- and postoperative radiograph of
pulpally involved mandibular molar with taurodontism. Maxillary Central Incisor (Fig. 3.33)
• Supernumerary roots: Extra roots than the usual • Average length of tooth: 22.5 mm
may be present. Teeth that usually have single root, • Usual number of roots: 1
particularly mandibular premolars and canines, • Usual number of root canals: 1 (Lateral accessory canals
often have two roots. Molars also may exhibit one or may be present)
more supernumerary root. Additional roots must be • Root curvature: Mostly straight, but may be curved to
recognized on preoperative radiograph to accomplish labial or distal.
Endodontic treatment properly.
• Dentinogenesis imperfecta (Hereditary opalescent Morphology of Root Canal System
dentin): In type I and type II dentinogenesis Imperfecta,
there is partial or total obliteration of the pulp chamber Morphology of pulp chamber
and root canals by continued formation of dentin. • Pulp chamber wider mesiodistally than buccolingually
• Dentin dysplasia: Dentin dysplasia is a hereditary • Three pulp horns present in newly erupted central
disease characterized by normal enamel but atypical incisor
Morphology and Internal Anatomy of the Root Canal System 33

Figs 3.31A and B  Taurodontism seen in a mandibular molar:
(A) Preoperative radiograph showing deep caries involving the pulp
(B) Postobturation radiograph (Courtesy of Dr Roheet Khatavkar) Dotted line shows the outline for access cavity preparation

Fig. 3.33  Maxillary central incisor

Figs 3.32A and B  Preoperative and postoperative radiographs Figs 3.34A and B  Preoperative and postoperative radiographs of
showing maxillary lateral incisor with four canals which were maxillary central incisor tooth (Courtesy of Dr Roheet Khatavkar)
located, negotiated, cleaned and shaped and obturated (Courtesy of
Dr V.S. Mohan)

• Since there is single canal usually, the division between Possible Variation and Anomalies
pulp chamber and root canal is indistinct
• Floor is oval generally. • More than one main canal may be present.
• Dens invaginatus.
Morphology of root canals • Shovel shaped incisor crowns.
• Cross-section at CEJ level is generally triangular in young • Fusion, gemination.
teeth and oval in older teeth
• Cross-section at apical level gradually becomes round. Maxillary Lateral Incisor (Fig. 3.35)
Figures 3.34A and B show the preoperative and
postoperative radiographs of maxillary central incisor • Average length of tooth: 21 mm
tooth. • Usual number of roots: 1
34 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 3.36  Postoperative radiograph of maxillary central and lateral

incisor teeth (Courtesy of Dr Mrunalini Vaidya)
Dotted line shows the outline for access cavity preparation
Fig. 3.35  Maxillary lateral incisor

• Usual number of root canals: 1 (about 5% cases have

been reported to have 2 canals)
(Lateral accessory canals may be present)
• Root curvature: Mostly its root gets curved to the distal,
sometimes straight.

Morphology of Root Canal System

Morphology of pulp chamber
• Pulp chamber wider mesiodistally than buccolingually
• Similar to maxillary central incisor but smaller
• Two pulp horns usually, sometimes pulp horns are

Morphology of root canals

• When cross-section is taken at CEJ level, pulp chamber
appears to be centered in the root Dotted line shows the outline for access cavity preparation
• Cross-section at CEJ level is triangular or oval or round Fig. 3.37  Maxillary canine
• Cross-section at midroot level is round
• Cross-section at apical level is also round.
Figure 3.36 shows the postoperative radiograph of
maxillary central and lateral incisor teeth. Maxillary Canine (Fig. 3.37)

Possible Variation and Anomalies • Average length of tooth: 26 mm (Longest root in dentition
of approximately 17 mm length)
• Two roots may be present usually associated with a • Usual number of roots: 1
developmental radicular palatal groove. • Usual number of root canals: 1 (Lateral accessory canals
• Dens invaginatus or dens in dente. may be present commonly in the apical third of the root)
• Fusion, gemination. • Root curvature: Mostly its root gets curved to the distal,
• Additional canals may be present. sometimes straight or may be curved to the labial.
Morphology and Internal Anatomy of the Root Canal System 35

Morphology of Root Canal System Maxillary First Premolar (Fig. 3.39)

Morphology of pulp chamber • Average length of tooth: 20.6 mm

• No pulp horns • Usual number of roots: 2
• Wider labiolingually than mesiodistally • Usual number of root canals: 2 in most cases, 1 in few
Morphology of root canals • Root curvature: Buccal root—mostly gets curved to the
• Cross-section at CEJ level is oval shape. palatal sometimes may be straight or be palatally curved
• Cross-section at mid-root is oval shape. – Palatal root—mostly straight, sometimes may get
• Cross-section at apical level shows constriction. curved to the buccal or distal
Figures 3.38A and B show the preoperative and – When there is single root, it is usually straight or may
postoperative radiograph of maxillary canine. be distally or labially curved.

Possible Variation and Anomalies

Morphology of Root Canal System
• Dilacerated root
• Two roots Morphology of pulp chamber
• Dens invaginatus • Wider buccolingually than mesiodistally
• Dens evaginatus • Buccal and palatal pulp horns present.

Clinical Considerations Morphology of root canals

• Due to abscess in relation to maxillary canine, if • When cross-section is taken in the coronal third, it
perforation occurs below insertion of levator muscles appears to be kidney-shaped due to mesial concavity.
of upper lip, abscess drains into buccal vestibule. If • Cross-section at mid-root level is round shape.
perforation occurs above insertion of levator muscles, • Apical third generally has curved root canals.
drainage occurs in canine space resulting in cellulitis. Figures 3.40A and B show the preoperative and
• Occasionally, thin buccal bone over canine eminence postoperative radiographs of maxillary first premolar
disintegrates and fenestration occurs leading to clinical tooth.
problems such as inaccurate apex location, risk of Figures 3.41A and B show the preoperative and
irrigation accident, slight permanent apical pressure postoperative radiographs of maxillary first and second
sensitivity after root canal therapy. premolars.

Dotted line shows the outline for access cavity preparation
Figs 3.38A and B  Preoperative and postoperative radiographs
of maxillary canine (Courtesy of Dr Roheet Khatavkar) Fig. 3.39  Maxillary first premolar
36 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Figs 3.40A and B  Preoperative and postoperative radiographs of Figs 3.41A and B  Preoperative and postoperative radiograph
maxillary first premolar tooth (Courtesy of Dr Roheet Khatavkar) of maxillary first and second premolars (Courtesy of Dr Roheet

Possible Variation and Anomalies

• More than two roots and root canals.
• Canals may separate, may join, rejoin or divide.
• Taurodontism has been reported in few cases.

Clinical Considerations
• There is thin layer of bone separating the alveolar socket
of maxillary first premolar from maxillary sinus.
• Buccal root fenestration through the bone leading to
clinical problems such as inaccurate apex location, risk
of irrigation accident, slight permanent apical pressure
sensitivity after root canal therapy.
• Maxillary first premolar is susceptible to mesiodistal
root fracture and fracture at the base of the cusps.

Maxillary Second Premolar (Fig. 3.42) Dotted line shows the outline for access cavity preparation
• Average length of tooth: 21.5 mm Fig. 3.42  Maxillary second premolar
• Usual number of roots: 1
• Usual number of root canals: 1 in most cases, 2 in few
• Root curvature: Mostly the root is distally curved, Morphology of root canals: From floor of pulp chamber
sometimes may get curved to the buccal or to the distal. to the apex the cross-section is oval. When two canals are
present, they are nearly parallel to each other since the tooth
Morphology of Root Canal System has one root usually.
Figure 3.43 shows the postoperative radiograph of
Morphology of pulp chamber maxillary second premolar tooth with one canal.
• Wider buccolingually than mesiodistally Figures 3.44A and B show the preoperative and
• Buccal and palatal pulp horns are present, buccal pulp postoperative radiograph of maxillary second premolar
horn is larger. tooth with two canals.
Morphology and Internal Anatomy of the Root Canal System 37

Possible Variation and Anomalies

• Rare
• Dens invaginatus
• Deep distal root concavity
• Taurodontism has been reported.

Clinical Consideration
• Maxillary second premolar is also susceptible to
fractures like the maxillary first premolar.

Maxillary First Molar (Fig. 3.45)

• Average length of tooth: 20.8 mm (Largest tooth in
• Usual number of roots: 3
Fig. 3.43  Postoperative radiograph of maxillary second • Usual number of root canals
premolar tooth (Courtesy of Dr Roheet Khatavkar) – In 80% of cases, 4 namely the MB1, MB2, DB and
palatal (Fig. 3.46B)
– In 20% of cases, 3 namely the MB, DB and palatal
(Fig. 3.46A)
Clinical studies have shown that use of magnification
in the form of loupes or dental operating microscope
(DOM) has caused increased prevalence of the
clinical detection of the MB2 canal.
A clinical study by Buhrley et al (Ingle’s Endodontics
6, p.176) showed incidence of MB2 canals as follows:
– Using DOM: 71.1%
– Using loupes: 62.5%
– Without any magnification: 17.2%
• Root curvature
– Mesiobuccal root is mostly distally curved, sometimes
it may be straight

Dotted line shows the outline for access cavity preparation
Figs 3.44A and B  Preoperative and postoperative radiographs of
maxillary fist premolar tooth (Courtesy of Dr Shivani Bhatt) Fig. 3.45  Maxillary first molar
38 Short Textbook of Endodontics

– Distobuccal root is mostly straight sometimes it may Figures 3.48A and B show the preoperative and
be curved to the mesial or distal postoperative radiographs of maxillary first molar with
– Palatal root is mostly curved to the buccal sometimes four canals.
it may be straight.
Possible Variation and Anomalies
Morphology of Root Canal System
• Two palatal canals have been reported (Fig. 3.49)
Morphology of pulp chamber • C-shaped canals
• Its buccolingual dimension is widest. • Taurodontism.
• Four pulp horns are present: MB, MP, DB, DP.
• Cross-section of the floor of the pulp chamber is
triangular (Molar triangle) when three canals are present
as shown in Figure 3.46A.
It is rhomboidal when four orifices are present, with
corners corresponding to each of the four orifices
as shown in Figure 3.46B.
• Mesiobuccal orifice lies under the mesiobuccal cusp,
distobuccal orifice lies distal and palatal to the MB
orifice, Palatal orifice is centered palatally. There are two
possible locations of the MB2 orifice: It may lie palatal
and mesial to the main mesiobuccal orifice or it may lie
on a line drawn from the main mesiobuccal orifice to
the palatal orifice. Use of dental operating microscope
or even loupes has resulted in increased prevalence of
clinical detection of MB2 canal.
Figs 3.47A and B  Preoperative and postoperative radiographs
Morphology of root canals of maxillary first molar with three canals (Courtesy of Dr Roheet
• The palatal canal is flat and ribbon-like. Khatavkar)
• It has largest dimension and is wider mesiodistally.
• Cross-section of the distobuccal canal is oval in the
coronal two-thirds and round in the apical one-third.
• MB1 and MB2 canals are closely interconnected and
may sometimes merge into one canal.
• Mesiobuccal root has a concavity on its distal aspect.
So the root canal wall becomes thin in that area. As
result, care has to be taken not to instrument the wall
excessively because strip perforation can occur. A B
Figures 3.47A and B show the preoperative and Figs 3.48A and B  Preoperative and postoperative radiographs of
postoperative radiographs of maxillary first molar with maxillary first molar with four canals (Courtesy of Dr Shivani Bhatt)
three canals.


Figs 3.46A and B  Occlusal view of maxillary first molar with three Fig. 3.49  Occlusal view of maxillary first molar with two palatal
and four canals respectively canals and two mesial canals (MB1, MB2)
Morphology and Internal Anatomy of the Root Canal System 39

Clinical Consideration Figure 3.51 shows the occlusal view of maxillary second
molar with three canals, two canals and one canal.
• Pulp chamber of maxillary first molar lies mesial to the
oblique ridge, so access cavity is usually confined mesial Morphology of root canals
to oblique ridge in most cases. • There may be two, three or four root canals.
• Soreness can occur in maxillary teeth due to sinusitis • When two canals are present (seen in case of fused
or sinusitis can occur due to pulpal disease due to close roots), they are generally parallel and of equal length
proximity of maxillary sinus and because of thin buccal and diameter.
bony plate. Figures 3.52A and B show the postoperative
radiographs of maxillary second molar tooth with three
Maxillary Second Molar (Fig. 3.50) and four root canals respectively.

• Average length of tooth: 20 mm Possible Variation and Anomalies

• Usual number of roots: 3
• Usual number of root canals: 3 or more, sometimes 2 or 1 • Four roots; double palatal root
• Root curvature: • Taurodontism
– Mesiobuccal root is mostly curved to the distal • Single rooted teeth with single canal (Fig. 3.51)
sometimes it may be straight. • C-shaped canals
– Distobuccal root is mostly straight sometimes it may • Two canal system-buccal and palatal (Fig. 3.51)
be curved to the mesial or distal.
– Palatal root is usually straight, sometimes it may be Clinical Consideration
buccally curved. • Maxillary second molar lies closer to maxillary sinus
than the first molar. Due to proximity of roots of
Morphology of Root Canal System maxillary second molar to the maxillary sinus, pulpal
Similar to maxillary first molar with few differences such disease can cause sinusitis or sinusitis can cause
as shorter roots, less curvature and roots closer together. soreness in maxillary teeth.

Morphology of pulp chamber Maxillary Third Molar (Fig. 3.53)

• A flat triangle or a straight line is formed by the orifices.
• The mesiobuccal canal orifice more to the buccal and • Average length of tooth: 16.5 mm.
mesial as compared to the first molar. • Usual number of roots and root canals: Extremely
• The palatal canal orifice lies on the most palatal aspect variable. 1 to 4 roots and 1 to 6 root canals, C-shaped
of the root. canals.
• The distobuccal orifice lies midway between the Morphology of Root Canal System
mesiobuccal and palatal orifice.
Morphology of maxillary third molar is unpredictable. Great
variations in shape, size, form of both pulp chamber and
root canal.
Figure 3.54 shows the postoperative radiograph of
maxillary third molar tooth.

Dotted line shows the outline for access cavity preparation

Fig. 3.51  Occlusal view of maxillary second molar with three
Fig. 3.50  Maxillary second molar canals, two canals and one canal respectively
40 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Figs 3.52A and B  (A) Postoperative radiograph of maxillary second molar with three canals (Courtesy of Dr Ajay Bajaj);
(B) Postoperative radiograph of maxillary second molar with four canals (Courtesy of Dr Mrunalini Vaidya)

Clinical Consideration
• Two anatomic structures to which maxillary third
molars lie close are the maxillary sinus and maxillary
• Since maxillary third molars may be significantly tipped
to distal, buccal or both, there can be great access
• Limited mouth opening can make root canal therapy
almost impossible in maxillary third molar teeth.

Dotted line shows the outline for access cavity preparation Mandibular Central Incisor (Fig. 3.55)
Fig. 3.53  Maxillary third molar • Average length of tooth: 20.8 mm
• Usual number of roots: 1
• Usual number of root canals: 1 or 2 canals which usually
exit into a single apical foramen
• Root curvature: Mostly it is straight, sometimes it may
be curved to the distal or labially curved.

Morphology of Root Canal System

Morphology of pulp chamber
• Wider labiolingually than mesiodistally.
• Oval-shaped which is narrow mesiodistally and long

Morphology of root canal

• Cross-section at CEJ is oval
Fig. 3.54  Postoperative radiograph of maxillary third molar with • Cross-section at mid-root is ribbon-shaped
three canals (Courtesy of Dr Shivani Bhatt) • Cross-section at apical third is round
Morphology and Internal Anatomy of the Root Canal System 41

• When two root canals (buccal and lingual) are present, Clinical Consideration
they usually join at the apical portion. Sometimes they • Second canal is found lingual to the main canal. It should
exit as two separate canals (Fig. 3.56). not be missed.
Figure 3.57 shows the postoperative radiograph of • Due to lingual inclination of apex of mandibuar central
mandibular central and lateral incisor teeth. incisor, surgical access may be difficult to achieve.

Possible Variation and Anomalies Mandibular Lateral Incisor (Fig. 3.58)

• Two canals with single or separate foramina • Average length of tooth: 20.8 mm
• Dens invaginatus • Usual number of roots: 1
• Fusion • Usual number of root canals: 1 or 2 canals which usually
• Gemination exit into a single apical foramen
• Root curvature: Mostly it is straight, sometimes it may
be curved to the distal or labially curved.

Morphology of Root Canal System

Almost similar to mandibular central incisors but slightly
larger dimensions. Slight distolingual angulation of incisal
edge should be considered.
See Figure 3.57 for the postoperative radiograph of
mandibular lateral incisor tooth.

Possible Variation and Anomalies

• Two canals with single or separate foramina
• Dens invaginatus
• Fusion
• Gemination.

Mandibular Canine (Fig. 3.59)

Dotted line shows the outline for access cavity preparation
• Average length of tooth: 25 mm
Fig. 3.55  Mandibular central incisor • Usual number of roots: 1, sometimes 2

Fig. 3.56  Postoperative radiograph of mandibular central incisor Fig. 3.57  Postoperative radiograph of mandibular central incisors
with two canals (Courtesy of Dr V.S. Mohan) and lateral incisor (Courtesy of Dr Ajay Bajaj)
42 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Dotted line shows the outline for access cavity preparation Dotted line shows the outline for access cavity preparation
Fig. 3.58  Mandibular lateral incisor Fig. 3.59  Mandibular canine

• Usual number of root canals: 1, sometimes 2

• Root curvature: Mostly it is straight, sometimes it may
be curved to the distal or labial.

Morphology of Root Canal System

Morphology of pulp chamber
• Similar to maxillary canine but smaller dimensions
• Single pulp horn present
• Narrow mesiodistally
• Floor is ovoid in shape.

Morphology of root canals

• Narrow mesiodistally than buccolingually
• It may have two roots and two root canals. Fig. 3.60  Postoperative radiograph of mandibular canine
Figure 3.60 shows the postoperative radiograph of (Courtesy of Dr Nilesh Kadam)
mandibular canine tooth.

Possible Variation and Anomalies

Mandibular First Premolar (Fig. 3.61): Enigma to
• Two-rooted canine with two canals has been reported Endodontist
• Dens evaginatus
• Fusion. • Average length of tooth: 21.6 mm
• Usual number of roots: 1, sometimes 2 or 3
Clinical Consideration • Usual number of root canals: 1, sometimes bifurcated
canals which join at apical third
• Buccal wall larger, lingual wall slit-like poses a challenge • Root curvature: Usually it is straight, sometimes it may
to clean and shape. be curved to the distal or buccal.
Morphology and Internal Anatomy of the Root Canal System 43

Morphology of Root Canal System Morphology of root canals

• When single canal is present, it has oval outline
Morphology of pulp chamber • When two canals are present, they have round shape
• Wider buccolingually than mesiodistally from pulp chamber to the apical foramen. The lingual
• Two pulp horns present. Lingual pulp horn is small and canal diverges from the main canal at a sharp angle.
rounded • Sometimes may have three root canals with C-shaped
• Lingual inclination of crown makes location of lingual canal anatomy.
orifice difficult. • In some cases, a single broad root canal may bifurcate
into two separate root canals.
Figures 3.62 to 3.64 show postoperative radiographs of
mandibular first premolar.

Dotted line shows the outline for access cavity preparation

Fig. 3.61  Mandibular first premolar Fig. 3.63  Postoperative radiograph of mandibular first premolar
showing lateral canals filled too (Courtesy of Dr Shivani Bhatt)

Fig. 3.62  Postoperative radiograph of mandibular first premolar Fig. 3.64  Postoperative radiograph of mandibular first premolar
(Courtesy of Dr Nilesh Kadam) with moderate J-shaped curvature in the apical part of the root
(Dilaceration) (Courtesy of Dr Roheet Khatavkar)
44 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Possible Variation and Anomalies • Surgical access of mandibular first premolar is

complicated due to proximity to mental nerve.
• Numerous variations in root canal morphology occur in
mandibular first premolar and access to its second canal Mandibular Second Premolar (Fig. 3.65)
is difficult. This is the possible reason for the highest
failure rate in mandibular first premolar of nonsurgical • Average length of tooth: 22.3 mm
root canal therapy • Usual number of roots: 1
• Gemination • Usual number of root canals: 1
• Dens invaginatus • Root curvature: Mostly straight, sometimes may be
• Dens evaginatus curved to the distal or buccal.
• Two roots, three roots
• Two canals in single root Morphology of Root Canal System
• Three canals with fused roots
• Three canals in single root Morphology of pulp chamber
• Three canals with two roots • Wider buccolingually than mesiodistally
• Three canals with three roots. • Similar to mandibular first premolar but lingual pulp
Due to numerous variations in the root canal morphology horn may be larger.
and highest chances of failure, the mandibular first
premolar is termed as an enigma to Endodontist. Morphology of root canals: Oval shaped root canals.
Figure 3.66 shows the postoperative radiograph of
Clinical Consideration mandibular second premolar tooth.

• Due to lingual inclination of crown, access cavity may Possible Variation and Anomalies
need to be extended upto cusp tip, to gain straight • Similar to first premolar but found less often.
line access. Location and negotiation of lingual canal Figures 3.67A and B show the preoperative and
becomes difficult. postoperative radiographs of mandibular second premolar
• Due to close proximity of root apex of mandibular first with additional root and root canals.
premolar to mental canal and foramen, sometimes
periapical radiolucency on radiograph must be Mandibular First Molar (Fig. 3.68)
differenciated from periapical pathology.
• Average length of tooth: 21 mm
• Usual number of roots: 2, sometimes 3
• Usual number of root canals: 3 or 4 usually, sometimes

Dotted line shows the outline for access cavity preparation

Fig. 3.66  Postoperative radiograph of mandibular second
Fig. 3.65  Mandibular second premolar premolar tooth (Courtesy of Dr Shivani Bhatt)
Morphology and Internal Anatomy of the Root Canal System 45

Dotted line shows the outline for access cavity preparation

Fig. 3.68  Mandibular first molar

Figs 3.67A and B  Preoperative and postoperative radiographs of
mandi­bular second premolar with additional root and root canals
(Courtesy of Dr Roheet Khatavkar)

• Root curvature:
– Mesial root : Mostly gets curved to the distal
sometimes straight.
– Distal root: Mostly straight, sometimes may be
curved to the distal. Fig. 3.69  Occlusal view of mandibular first molar with three, four
and five canals respectively
Morphology of Root Canal System
Morphology of pulp chamber Morphology of root canals
• Four pulp horns are present: MB, ML, DB, DL • Cross-section of all canals is ovoid in cervical and middle
• Roof of pulp chamber is located in cervical third of root thirds and round in the apical third.
and is rectangular in shape. • Mesial root usually has two canals—MB and ML.
• Floor of pulp chamber is located in cervical third of root Sometimes, a third canal called middle mesial (MM)
and is rhomboidal in shape. (Figs 3.69 and 3.71) is found between the two mesial
• Mesiobuccal canal orifice is located under the canals. Mesial root canals are curved; MB canal having
mesiobuccal cusp the greatest curvature.
• Mesiolingual orifice is found just lingual to central • Distal root may have a single canal or two canals—DB
groove and DL are present. Sometimes a third canal middle
• Distal orifice is located distal to buccal groove. distal may be present.
Figure 3.69 shows occlusal view of mandibular first Figures 3.70 to 3.72 show radiographs of mandibular
molar with three, four and five canals respectively. first molar tooth.
46 Short Textbook of Endodontics


Figs 3.70A and B  Preoperative and postoperative radiographs of Figs 3.72A and B  Preoperative and postoperative radiographs of
mandibular first molar tooth (Courtesy of Dr Shivani Bhatt) mandi­bular first molar with radix entomolaris (Courtesy of Dr Nilesh

Possible Variation and Anomalies

• Additional canals in one or more roots

• Supernumerary roots and canals. An additional root on
the lingual aspect (radix entomolaris) has been reported.
Figures 3.72A and B show the preoperative and
postoperative radiographs of a mandibular molar with
additional lingual root (Radix entomolaris)
• Taurodontism
• C-shaped canals.

A B Clinical Consideration
Figs 3.71A and B  Preoperative and postoperative radiographs
of mandi­bular first molar with three mesial canals (Courtesy of Dr • Multiple accessory foramina are present in the furcation
Roheet Khatavkar) of mandibular molars.
Morphology and Internal Anatomy of the Root Canal System 47

Dotted line shows the outline for access cavity preparation

Fig. 3.73  Mandibular second molar

Fig. 3.74  Occlusal view of mandibular second molar with three

canals, four canals, two canals and C-shaped canals

• The distal surface of the mesial root and the mesial

surface of the distal root have a root concavity making
dentinal wall very thin. Instrumentation against these Morphology of root canals
walls should be minimized to prevent strip perforation. • Cross-section is ovoid in cervical and middle third
• Cross-section is round in apical third
Mandibular Second Molar (Fig. 3.73) • Sometimes shows two canals connected by a semicircular
slit or C-shaped canal.
• Average length of tooth: 19.8 mm Figures 3.75 to 3.77 show the radiographs of mandibular
• Usual number of roots: 2 second molar tooth.
• Usual number of root canals: 3, sometimes 2
• Root curvature Possible Variation and Anomalies
– Mesial root: Mostly curved to the distal, sometimes • One to six canals. Most common configurations are two,
may be straight three and four canals
– Distal root: Mostly straight, sometimes may be • Additional canals in one or more of roots
curved to distal or mesial or buccal • Supernumerary roots
– Mesial and distal roots usually sweep distally in a • Fused or single root
gradual curve with their apices closer together • Taurodontism.
– When there is single root, it is usually straight
sometimes may get curved to distal or lingual. Clinical Consideration

Morphology of Root Canal System • Multiple accessory foramina are present in the furcation
of mandibular molars
Morphology of pulp chamber • The distal aspect of the mesial root of mandibular second
• Similar to mandibular first molar but more symmetric. molar and the mesial aspect of the distal root have a root
• Smaller size of pulp chamber and canal orifices as concavities where careful instrumentation needs to be
compared to mandibular first molar. done.
• Two mesial orifices located closer together.
• C-shaped canals commonly occur in mandibular second Mandibular Third Molar (Fig. 3.78)
molar. Figure 3.74 shows occlusal view of mandibular
second molar with three canals, four canals, two canals • Average length of tooth: 17.5 mm
and C-shaped canals respectively. • Usual number of roots and root canals: 2
48 Short Textbook of Endodontics

A Figs 3.77A and B  Preoperative and postoperative radiographs of
mandi­bular second molar with C-shaped canal (Courtesy of Dr
Roheet Khatavkar)

Figs 3.75A and B  Preoperative and postoperative radiographs of
mandibular second molar tooth (Courtesy of Dr Shivani Bhatt) Dotted line shows the outline for access cavity preparation
Fig. 3.78  Mandibular third molar

• Fused, short, severely curved or malformed roots. 1–4

roots and 1–6 canals, C-shaped canals may be present.

Morphology of Root Canal System

The morphology of mandibular third molar is unpredictable.
It resembles mandibular first and second molar but with
numerous variations.
Figures 3.79A and B show the preoperative and
postoperative radiographs of mandibular third molar tooth
showing curved canals.

Clinical Considerations
Fig. 3.76  Postoperative radiograph of mandibular second molar • Anatomic structure that lies close to the roots of
with C-shaped canal (Courtesy of Dr Shivani Bhatt) mandibular third molar is mandibular canal.
Morphology and Internal Anatomy of the Root Canal System 49

Figs 3.79A and B  Preoperative and post-operative radiograph of mandibular third molar
showing curved canals (Courtesy of Dr Nilesh Kadam)

2. Grossman L, Oliet S, Del Rio C. Endodontic Practice, 11th edn.

• Accessibility may be a problem due to its location Varghese Publication, 1991. pp.29-58.
• Isolation and moisture control is difficult. 3. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics, 6th edn.
BC Decker Inc, Hamilton, 2008. pp. 151-220.
4. Jafarzadeh H, You-Nong. The C-shaped root canal configuration:
BIBLIOGRAPHY A Review, JOE. 2007;33:5.
1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis: 5. Shafer W, Hine M, Levy B. A Textbook of Oral Pathology, 4th edn.
Mosby, 2006. pp.148-65,193-232. WB Saunders Company, 1993. pp.38-45.
The Pulpal Reactions


to Caries and Dental


This chapter explains how the reaction of pulp to various external stimuli is unique and
describes in detail the reaction of pulp to dental caries and various dental procedures.
  You must know
• How is the Response of Dental Pulp Unique and Different from Other Connective Tissues of
the Body?
• Which are the Different External Stimuli that can Affect Dental Pulp?
• How does the Pulp React to Dental Caries?
• How does the Pulp React to Dental Procedures?
– How does the Pulp React to some of the Diagnostic Procedures?
– How does the Pulp React to Treatment Procedures?
• How does the Pulp React to Specific Dental Materials?

HOW IS THE RESPONSE OF DENTAL PULP • Bacteria enter the pulp at a very late stage. Initially there
UNIQUE AND DIFFERENT FROM OTHER is invasion of bacterial products and toxins rather than
• Pulp organ lacks specific receptors for different
Pulpal response to external stimuli is unique due to external stimuli, the sensory response is always pain
following reasons: irrespective of the type of stimulus-heat, cold, pressure,
• Pulp is encased within the hard tissues, in an unyielding touch, etc.
low-compliance environment A mind-map to remember all unique features of dental
• Pulp has limited space to expand during inflammation pulp is given in Figure 4.1.
• Pulp has limited portals of entry
• Pulp is an organ of terminal and limited circulation with WHICH ARE THE DIFFERENT EXTERNAL STIMULI
no efficient collateral circulation THAT CAN AFFECT THE DENTAL PULP?
• Pulp is more susceptible to injury and may have Flow chart 4.1 gives the detailed list of external noxious
complicated regeneration due to scarcity of circulation stimuli that can affect the dental pulp causing its
• Even the mature pulp resembles embryonic connective inflammation, necrosis and dystrophy beginning with the
tissue. Therefore, it is relatively rich source of stem cells. most frequent irritant: Micro-organisms. These have been
It has the ability to form dentin throughout life discussed in detail in the next chapter under the possible
• Rich neurovascular supply within the pulp may promote causes of diseases of dental pulp.
the effect of inflammation and can lead to rapid
degeneration and necrosis of pulp HOW DOES THE PULP REACT TO DENTAL CARIES?
• Various dental treatment procedures involve cleaning Dental caries is a polymicrobial disease affecting the dental
and shaping of enamel and dentin, causing further pulp. Bacteria are mainly responsible for causing pulpal
irritation of pulp disease.
The Pulpal Reactions to Caries and Dental Procedures 51

Fig. 4.1  Mind-map of unique features of dental pulp

Pathways of Bacterial Invasion of the Pulp Dentin Sclerosis: Decrease in Dentin Permeability

Figure 4.2 shows different pathways through which there is First defense reaction to caries is dentin sclerosis.
invasion of bacteria and toxins into the pulp. This occurs by:
Initially, there is invasion of bacterial toxins and invasion • Increased deposition of intratubular dentin.
by bacteria themselves occurs at later stages of the carious Transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TFG-beta 1) has
process that clinically present as carious exposure. This is been implicated to be mainly responsible for this
because toxins pass through enamel and dentin well ahead reparative dentinogenesis.
of bacteria themselves. • Direct deposition of precipitated mineral crystals into the
Bacterial byproducts and toxins include: narrowed dentinal tubules causing occlusion of tubules.
• Acids and proteinases that dissolve and digest enamel As a result, there is effective decrease in dentin
and dentin permeability occurring in a relatively short period of
• Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) time.
• Lipoteichoic acid (LTA).
Formation of Tertiary Dentin
Reaction of Pulp to Dental Caries
This occurs over a longer period of time as compared to
Pulp exhibits inflammatory reaction in response to bacteria sclerotic dentin.
and their byproducts and toxins. Resultant character of tertiary dentin depends on the
• To protect dental pulp against caries, three basic intensity of stimulus. Either reactionary or reparative dentin
reactions occur in the following sequence: is formed (Fig. 4.3).
– Dentin sclerosis: Decrease in dentin permeability • In response to mild stimulus, resident quiescent
– Formation of tertiary dentin odontoblasts are activated forming reactionary
– Inflammatory and immune reactions. dentin. This mostly is seen in cases where dentin
52 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Flow chart 4.1  Noxious stimuli affecting dental pulp/causes of diseases of dental pulp

Fig. 4.2  Pathways of bacterial invasion into the pulp Fig. 4.3  Diagram showing effect of caries on pulp. a: Bacterial
plaque; b: Outer carious dentin; c: Transparent inner carious dentin;
d: Reparative dentin; e: Pulp
The Pulpal Reactions to Caries and Dental Procedures 53

demineralization has occurred beneath the noncavitated • Chronic hyperplastic pulpitis: In case of primary and
enamel lesion. immature permanent teeth, pulp exposure can result in a
• In response to aggressive stimulus, the subjacent proliferative pulpal response called chronic hyperplastic
odontoblasts die and there is disruption of odontoblast pulpitis characterized by proliferation of exuberant
layer. As a result, there is differentiation of secretory cells inflammatory pulp tissue through the exposure forming
to cause repopulation of the disrupted odontoblast layer pulp polyp.
either by • Pulp necrosis: In case of persistent inflammation,
– Organized tubular reparative dentin or tissue pressure is increased, stasis occurs resulting
– Disorganized irregular fibrodentin. in pulp necrosis. Whether partial or total necrosis of
Sclerotic and tertiary dentin formed provides a physical pulp occurs is determined by possibility of drainage.
barrier to noxious stimuli. In case of pulp open to oral fluids, drainage is possible.
So, partial necrosis is likely to occur. Apical pulp tissue
Inflammatory and Immune Reactions remains uninflammed. But if drainage is not possible,
total necrosis of pulp may occur.
Inflammation Figure 4.5 shows diagrammatic representation of
• Acute inflammation: Polymorphonuclear (PMN) sequel of dental caries, how it affects the dental pulp and
leukocytes reach the area of bacterial involvement to the periradicular area demonstrating caries in enamel
prevent the further dissemination of bacteria deeper and dentin becomes deeper and causes inflammation in
into the pulp.
In case of severe inflammatory process, symptoms
of acute reaction are manifested.
– There is accumulation of inflammatory exudates,
causing pain from pressure on nerve endings.
– As the PMN leukocytes die, there is formation of pus
which further irritates the nerve cells.
• Chronic inflammation: In case of less severe inflam­
matory process, PMN leukocytes are replaced by
lymphocytes and plasma cells. The inflammatory
reaction is confined to the surface of the pulp.
– Microorganisms may penetrate deeper causing an
acute exacerbation manifested by clinical flare-up.
– Microorganisms may cause reaction in the periapical
tissue by means of their metabolic products.
Chronic inflammation due to deep dental caries
involving the pulp appears radiolucent on intraoral Fig. 4.4  Radiograph showing mandibular first molar with extensive
periapical radiograph (IOPA) as seen in Figure 4.4. caries involving the pulp (Courtesy of Dr Chetan Shah)

Figs 4.5A to E  Diagrammatic representation of sequel of dental caries: (A) Caries in enamel and dentin; (B) Deep caries causing pulpitis;
(C) Widening of the periodontal ligament space; (D) Periapical granuloma or abscess; (E) Necrotic pulp and periapical abscess
54 Short Textbook of Endodontics

the pulp. There is widening of the PDL space. Persistent – Calcific metamorphosis progresses from coronal part
inflammation causes necrosis of the pulp. Less virulent of the tooth to the apical canal.
microorganisms may result in formation of chronic An alternative sequela to trauma may be idiopathic
abscess. Low grade irritation can result in the formation internal resorption.
of periapical granuloma or cyst. • Repair and regeneration: When inflammatory and
immune reactions are effective, the foreign material
Immune Reactions may be neutralized and removed, initiating repair and
• Humoral and cellular pulpal immune response occurs regeneration.
to invading microorganisms. • There is formation of reactionary (tertiary) dentin, when
• Immunoglobulins such as IgG, IgM and IgA have been no odontoblasts are killed.
found within the odontoblasts of carious dentin. • There is formation of reparative (tertiary) dentin, when
• The three antigen-presenting cell types of pulp include: odontoblasts are killed.
– Macrophages However, normally organized pulp may not reform.
– Dendritic cells Pulp polyp is considered as a chronic inflammation
– B-lymphocytes. in which injury and repair are going on at the same time.
Macrophages express type II major histocompatibility Pulp polyp contains epithelial cells from oral mucosa, large
complex (MHC) molecules on stimulation of bacteria or lymphocytes and also fibrous tissue.
cytokines. Figure 4.6 shows a photograph of pulp polyp in a primary
Dendritic cells form network around blood vessels second molar.
within the pulp and the odontoblast layer and constantly Lymphocytes represent cells of inflammation.
express MHC molecules without provocation. Fibrous tissue represents an attempt to ‘wall off’ the
B-lymphocytes secrete antibodies during specific diseased tissue, i.e. repair.
immune response and express MHC molecules. A mind-map to remember all points of reaction of pulp
Initially, antibodies accumulate in the odontoblast to dental caries (Fig. 4.7).
layer. But as the lesion progresses, they may be found in
• The first cells to encounter an antigen diffusing along the
dentinal tubules are the odontoblasts. The odontoblasts
are stationary and do not directly participate in the Flow chart 4.2 shows different diagnostic and dental
activation of T-cells, but may have a role in activating treatment procedures.
dendritic cells.
• Calcification and internal resorption:
Formation of pulp stones and calcific metamorphosis
has been found to occur in response to caries in chronic
long standing cases.
Calcific metamorphosis
– A pulpal response to traumatic injury characterized
by deposition of hard tissue within the root canal
space is called calcific metamorphosis.
– Calcific metamorphosis commonly occurs in the
anterior teeth that get affected by trauma.
– A tooth with calcific metamorphosis appears darker
in hue than the adjacent teeth and has dark yellow
color due to greater thickness of dentin.
– There is reduction in size of both the coronal and
radicular pulp spaces, sometimes resulting in partial
or total obliteration of pulp canal when seen on
radiograph. PDL space is normal and lamina dura Fig. 4.6  Photograph showing pulp polyp in a primary second molar
is intact. (Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna)
The Pulpal Reactions to Caries and Dental Procedures 55

Fig. 4.7  Mind-map of reaction of pulp to dental caries

56 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Flow chart 4.2  Different diagnostic and dental

treatment procedures
The maximum temperature at the pulp-dentin junction
(PDJ) was recorded using a thermistor and found to be about
9.5oC for 5-minute application. When carbon dioxide snow
was applied to the tooth for 20 minutes, the pulp suffered
damage and there was necrosis of odontoblasts.
Thus, within normal clinical parameters (temperature
and time) cold test is relatively safe and does not cause any
pulpal damage.
It has been found that value of 10 oC above body
temperature is considered as threshold to cause irreversible
damage to vital tissues. Higher temperatures and greater
time of application leads to greater damage.

How does the Pulp React to Dental

Treatment Procedures?

How does the Pulp React to Local Anesthetics?

• Vasoconstrictors, such as epinephrine, which are added
to local anesthetics to enhance its duration of action,
cause reduction in pulpal blood flow (Fig. 4.8).
• Reduction in pulpal blood flow can have a negative effect
How does the Pulp React to Some of the on the health of dental pulp as it reduces the clearance of
Diagnostic Procedures? large molecular weight toxins or waste products that may
result in irreversible pulpal pathosis. This effect is more
Pulp Vitality Testing likely particularly if the pulp is inflamed preoperatively.
• During cavity preparation in an anesthetized tooth, the
Thermal tests: Both heat and cold tests if performed within response of pulp is suboptimal. If the pulp is already
normal clinical parameters do not cause any damage to severely inflamed, local anesthesia compromises its
dental pulp. ability to recover from inflammation.
• Supplemental injections (such as intraosseous, intra­
Heat Test ligamentary and intrapulpal) cause more severe
reduction or even transient cessation of pulpal blood
Heated gutta-percha or tip of heat-testing device such as flow. This has been concluded from animal studies.
system B reaches a temperature of 200oC, just before the • During Endodontic access preparation, if in spite of
smoke point and is applied to the tooth surface for 5–10 nerve block and repeated supplemental injections, if
seconds. pain persists, then intrapulpal injection is indicated. It
The maximum temperature at the pulp-dentin junction is achieved by injecting the anesthetic into pulp tissue
(PDJ) was recorded using a thermistor and found to be under pressure. The pharmacologic action of anesthetic
about 39.9oC for 10 second application of heat to tooth. This solution occurs on nerve cell membrane. Mechanical
temperature does not reach the threshold at which damage pressure of injection causes circulatory interference. If
to the tissue can occur. anesthetic solution is deposited passively into the pulp
Thus, within normal clinical parameters (temperature chamber, the solution will not diffuse throughout the
and time) heat test is relatively safe and does not cause any pulp and hence is ineffective.
pulpal damage.
How does the Pulp React to Ultrasonic Scaling
Cold Test and Periodontal Procedures?
Carbon dioxide snow has an inherent temperature of Heat is generated during ultrasonic scaling which has the
–78oC  that may be applied to tooth surface for 5 seconds potential to cause pulpal damage if adequate cooling with
to 5 minutes. water coolant is not used (Fig. 4.9).
The Pulpal Reactions to Caries and Dental Procedures 57

Fig. 4.8  Reaction of pulp to local anesthetics

Fig. 4.10  Reaction of pulp to ultrasonic scaling of some teeth

Fig. 4.9  Reaction of pulp to inadequate water

during periodontal procedures

There is greater amount of heat generated with heavy

load of force exerted by the ultrasonic tip against the tooth.
Thus, proper water cooling of ultrasonic scalers is a must
to control the excessive heat production and prevent any
damage to pulp.
Also, periodontal scaling and root planing may result in
removal of thin cementum that exposes the dentin to the
oral cavity resulting in dentin hypersensitivity.
Thus, periodontal disease that causes attachment loss
and exposes root surface to oral cavity as well as periodontal
treatment such as scaling and root planning can be Fig. 4.11   Factors affecting amount of heat produced during
associated with pulpal pathosis particularly if large lateral cavity and crown preparation
or accessory canals are exposed (Fig. 4.10).

Factors Affecting Amount of Heat Produced during

How does the Pulp React to Cavity
Cavity and Crown Preparation (Fig. 4.11)
and Crown Preparation?
The physical irritation of the pulp from heat, desiccation i. Length of time of contact of cutting instrument with
or vibration while performing restorative procedures may the tooth structure, if more, then can cause lots of heat
affect the pulp adversely. production. Intermittent cutting is recommended.
58 Short Textbook of Endodontics

ii. Sharpness of bur: Old blunt burs may require application

of lots of pressure for cutting.
iii. Amount of pressure exerted on bur: Light pressure is
recommended. More pressure can cause more heat
iv. Revolutions per minute.
v. Nature of cutting instrument: Steel burs produce
more heat as compared to carbide burs causing more
thermal damage to the pulp. Diamond burs cause
abrasive action and pressure may need to be exerted.
Damaged or improper handpiece with poor torque
characteristics can cause pulpal damage due to
eccentric bur rotation.
vi. Cooling method: When only air is used as coolant, more
potential for pulpal damage. When water is used as A B
coolant, less chances of pulpal inflammation. Figs 4.12A and B  (A) More RDT; (B) Lesser RDT
  If only air is used as coolant at 2,00,000 rpm, it has Abbreviation: RDT, remaining dential thickness
been found that it takes just 11 seconds of continuous
preparation at this speed to burn the pulp.
The density of dentinal tubules at DEJ is 65,000/mm2 and The diameter of dentinal tubules at DEJ is 0.6–0.8 µm and
the density of dentinal tubules at the pulp is 15,000/mm2. the diameter of dentinal tubules at pulp is 3 µm. Bacterial
As the remaining dentinal thickness (RDT) decreases, cells have diameter of 0.5–1 µm and can migrate through
the response of pulp to restorative procedures increases. remaining dentin into pulp.
To minimize the liberation of heat during preparation:
Remaining Dentinal Thickness • Use ultrahigh speeds of rotation for Enamel and
superficial dentin.
• It is the thickness of dentin present between the floor of • Use efficient water cooling system.
cavity preparation and the roof of the pulp chamber. • Use light pressure. When using high speed, instru­
• It is an important factor in determining the pulpal mentation pressure should not be more than four ounce
response to various noxious stimuli. and when using low speed, instrumentation pressure
• Dentin thickness of about 2 mm between the floor of should not be more than twelve ounce.
cavity preparation and the pulp is considered adequate • Do intermittent cutting.
to serve as an insulating barrier against irritants. Remember that the bur-dentin interface must always be
• Permeability of dentin increases with lesser remaining wet.
dentinal thickness (RDT). It has been found that when • Finish the crown/cavity preparation using low-speed
RDT is about 0.75 mm, effects of bacterial invasion are cutting and hand instruments.
seen and when RDT is about 0.25 mm, odontoblastic
cell death is seen How does the Pulp React to Drying of Tooth?
Figures 4.12A and B show diagram of cavity preparation
is madibular molar with more RDT in (A), less possibility of Rapid, prolonged blast of air causes rapid outward flow of
damage to pulp and lesser RDT in (B) where there will be dentinal fluid into patent dentinal tubules which stimulates
increased pulpal response. the nociceptors in dental pulp producing pain (Fig. 4.13).
Thus, RDT of less than 0.5 mm, can cause severe pulpal Also, odontoblasts are aspirated into the tubules. These
reaction and more chance of pulp undergoing irreversible displaced cells undergo autolysis and disappear within a
pulpal pathosis. Dentin is a good insulator, damage to pulp short-time. They are replaced by new odontoblasts from
does not occur unless RDT is less than 1 mm. stem cells deeper in the pulp which are capable of producing
In case of large and wide cavity preparation and extensive tertiary dentin.
preparation for crown, more dentinal tubules are exposed to Some harsh chemicals such as lipid solvents-like acetone
external microbial or chemical irritation. If adequate water or ether have been used in the past to clean cavity floors. But
coolants are not used during such preparations, there can they were found to produce strong hydrodynamic forces in
be marked reduction in pulpal blood flow. dentinal tubules causing odontoblast displacement.
The Pulpal Reactions to Caries and Dental Procedures 59

Fig. 4.13  Reaction of pulp to drying of tooth Fig. 4.14  Reaction of pulp to acid-etching of dentin

It is recommended that cavity floors be dried with cotton If the open dentinal tubules are left unsealed, the
pellets and short blasts of air rather than harsh chemicals. irritants can diffuse into the pulp and may intensify and
In deep cavities, air blast can cause lots of discomfort to the prolong the severity of pulpal reactions.
patient. Cotton pellets should be used. In superficial cavities, diameter of dentinal tubules is
Also, the tooth must be kept moist during preparation narrow and density of peripheral dentin is low, so etching
and while drying the cavity preparation, care must be taken of dentin followed by adequate sealing with restorative resin
just to remove extra moisture from the operative field and will not cause any detrimental effects on pulp.
not remove dentin’s natural moisture (desiccation). In case of deep cavities or presence of exposure,
phosphoric acid etching can be detrimental.
How does the Pulp React to Cavity Also, in cases where phosphoric acid etching is done
Cleansing and Sterilization? and bacteria are also present, severe pulpal inflammation
Certain caustic chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide, and necrosis tends to occur.
sodium hypochlorite, calcium hydroxide, etc. were used Due to such effects with total etch systems, self-etching
in the past for cavity disinfection to get rid of residual systems have become popular these days which eliminate
microbial contamination of the cavity preparation. But these etching with phosphoric acid. They do not remove the
chemicals may be potentially toxic to the pulp and so they smear layer but this smear layer is incorporated within the
are not used these days. restoration. But the only drawback of self-etch system is that
When dentin is exposed, there is outward flow of it may form a relatively poor bond due to weaker acidity of
dentinal fluid, so the inward flow of any noxious agents is acidic primers of self-etch system than total etch system.
minimized. As a result, the irritation from residual microbial
contamination in dentinal tubules is reduced. How does the Pulp React to Cementation
How Does the Pulp React to Acid of Crown or Bridge?
Etching of Enamel and Dentin? When cementation of crowns, inlays or bridges is done on
When dentin is cut, smear layer is produced containing vital teeth, hydraulic forces may be exerted on the pulp as
fragments of microscopic mineral crystals and organic cement compresses the fluid in dentinal tubules.
matrix. Smear layer blocks the orifices of dentinal tubules • Gentle and careful cementation must be done in case
and reduces the permeability of dentin. Etching of dentin of vital teeth
with phosphoric acid removes the smear layer and causes • Vents are provided in the casting that allow the cement
demineralization of surface layer of collagen (Fig. 4.14). to escape and facilitate seating.
60 Short Textbook of Endodontics

How does the Pulp React to Vital

Bleaching Techniques?
Strong oxidizing agents such as 10% carbamide peroxide
and hydrogen peroxide are used to bleach enamel of vital
teeth. These chemicals are in contact with teeth for long
duration, i.e. overnight and they may cause mild pulpitis that
usually gets reversed within 2 weeks. This occurs particularly
if dentin with open tubules or cracks is present.
The symptoms usually are reversible and can be
prevented by treating the teeth with fluorides and by doing
the necessary restorative treatment preoperatively.

Fig. 4.15  Reaction of pulp to orthodontic tooth movement

How does the Pulp React to Polishing
of Restorations?
• When glass ionomer and composite restorations are Some of the methods used for removal of orthodontic
polished, no significant increase in temperature at the brackets at the completion of treatment have been found to
pulp-dentin interface has been found. cause injury to pulp.
• But polishing of amalgam restorations, especially with
high speed, high contact pressure and no coolant can How does the Pulp React to Laser Procedures?
cause increased temperatures that may be damaging.
If water coolant is not to be used, it is recommended • Commonly used lasers in dentistry include Er:YAG,
that speed should not exceed 4000 rpm. Nd:YAG and CO2 lasers
It is safer to use a coolant, apply light pressure and inter­ • Er:YAG laser is used for removal of caries and cutting
mittent contact during polishing of amalgam restoration to dentin. Lower energy delivered through low power
prevent any likely pulpal damage. settings with Er:YAG laser is found to produce favorable
How does the Pulp React to Cavity • CO2 laser can be used for pulpotomy procedure in
primary teeth, pulpotomy procedures in permanent
Preparation using Air Abrasion?
teeth with immature apex and in exposed pulps due to
Air abrasion is a conservative, nonpainful cavity preparation fracture
technique that forces aluminum oxide particles in a rapid • Nd:YAG laser can be used for pulp and in surgery
stream onto tooth structure and is simultaneously evacuated • The pulpal responses to Nd:YAG and CO2 lasers are not
from the field. found to be favorable. They may cause charring and
If higher pressure and small particle size is used, there significant inflammation in pulp compared to Er:YAG
are fewer pulpal effects as compared to high-speed burs. laser.
Air-abrasion technique can be used in case of shallow
caries and in pediatric patients. How does the Pulp React to Specific
Dental Materials?
How does the Pulp React to Orthodontic
The effects of dental materials on pulp may be related to
Tooth Movement?
the permeability of associated dentin which in turn may
Orthodontic forces cause changes in pulpal blood flow be affected by the thickness of dentin remaining (RDT)
not only of teeth undergoing active movement but also of between the cavity preparation and the pulp.
adjacent teeth (Fig. 4.15).
Thus, the pulpal response to orthodontic forces is Zinc Oxide Eugenol
Heavy forces used to reposition malaligned teeth Zinc oxide eugenol (ZOE) has anesthetic and antiseptic
especially impacted canines may lead to pulp necrosis or properties. When ZOE is applied to deep cavities, it blocks
calcific metamorphosis. transmission of action potentials in nerve fibers and
The Pulpal Reactions to Caries and Dental Procedures 61

suppresses nerve excitability in the pulp. It adapts well to as the corrosion products accumulate between restoration
dentin and inhibits bacterial growth on cavity walls. and the cavity walls.
Zinc oxide eugenol is suitable as temporary filling but
not long-term restoration as it has been found to leak over Restorative Resins
a period of time.
Placement of resin restoration is technique sensitive.
Zinc Phosphate Cement Improper technique can result in faulty bond to tooth
structure causing dentin hypersensitivity, recurrent disease
The phosphoric acid liquid phase may be harmful to the and pulpal inflammation or necrosis.
pulp. But studies have shown that it is relatively safe. Zinc Etching with phosphoric acid dissolves the highly
phosphate cement has been used as base beneath amalgam mineralized peritubular dentin leaving free collagen fibrils
restorations for years. and opening dentinal tubules. The resin in the form of
Zinc phosphate is also well-tolerated by pulp when used bonding agent has to infiltrate the exposed collagen mesh
as a luting agent. and seal the open dentinal tubules. If it does not do so then
there is nanoleakage.
Glass Ionomer Cement Pulpal irritation from resin placement can be
due to irritants such as unpolymerized monomer
When glass ionomer cement is used as liner in deep cavities and polymerization shrinkage. The components of
with RDT of 0.5–0.25 µm, it results in deposition of tertiary unpolymerized monomer may leach directly into pulp
dentin but at a slower rate than calcium hydroxide. in case of deep cavities and cause chemical irritation.
When glass ionomer cement is placed over exposed Polymerization shrinkage of composites induce internal
healthy pulp, there is severe pulpal inflammation or necrosis stresses on dentin and create voids causing microleakage.
similar to that for calcium hydroxide. This can be minimized by incremental placement and
When glass ionomer cement is used as luting agent in vital curing of composites and starting the restoration with
teeth, for sometime after luting, there is postcementation flowable resins.
sensitivity which subsides over a period of time.
Silver Amalgam 1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis:
Mosby; 2006.pp.514-40.
Amalgam cannot be placed directly over the cavity 2. Grossman L, Oliet S, Del Rio C. Endodontic Practice, 11th edn.
preparation, it has to be placed over a liner/base such as Varghese publication, 1991.pp.59-65.
3. Ingle, Bakland Endodontics, 5th edn. BC Decker-Elsevier; 2002.
zinc phosphate cement to protect the pulp. pp.95-6.
During setting, amalgam shrinks, which results in micro­ 4. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics 6, 6th edn.
leakage. But over a period of time, marginal seal improves BC Decker Inc, Hamilton; 2008.pp.468-87.

Diseases of the Pulp and

the Periradicular Tissues

This chapter describes in detail the various diseases of the dental pulp and
the periradicular tissues and their possible causes.
  You must know
• What are the Possible Causes of Diseases of Dental Pulp?
• How does the Pulp React to Different Direct and Indirect Stimuli and how is the Response
• How do we Classify the Diseases of Dental Pulp?
• What are the Different Features of the Diseases of the Dental Pulp?
• What are the Causes of Diseases of the Periradicular Tissues?
• How do we Classify the Diseases of Periradicular Tissues?
• What are the Different Features of the Diseases of Periradicular Tissues of Endodontic Origin?
• What is the Pathogenesis of Primary Apical Periodontitis?

WHAT ARE THE POSSIBLE CAUSES OF DISEASES layer. The affected layer is the area which has
OF DENTAL PULP? been demineralized by acids produced by
bacteria in the infected surface layer.
Causes of Diseases of the Dental Pulp - Reaction of dental pulp to dental caries has been
The various causes of diseases of the dental pulp are listed explained in Chapter 4: The Pulpal Reactions to
in Flow chart 4.1 ‘Noxious stimuli affecting dental pulp/ Caries and Dental Procedures.
Causes of diseases of dental pulp’, in the previous chapter. – Bacterial toxins before direct invasion: The pulp
They will be discussed in detail here. becomes inflamed from irritation by preceding
bacterial toxins long before the bacteria reach the
Microbial/Bacterial Causes pulp to actually infect it.
• Fractured crown: Microorganisms can invade the pulp
Coronal Ingress following injury to tooth (Trauma)
• Caries: Coronal caries is the most common means of – Complete fracture: Accidental fracture generally does
ingress for infecting bacteria and/or their toxins into not devitalize the pulp at that instant. But untreated
the dental pulp coronal fracture results in infection by oral bacteria
– Direct microbial invasion: gaining ready access to the pulp. Most commonly
- There are various portals of entry of micro­ affected teeth are maxillary anterior teeth. Various
organisms into the pulp. These have been dental traumatic injuries and their management
explained in detail in Chapter 6: Endodontic have been discussed in detail in Chapter 24:
Microbiology Management of Dental Traumatic Injuries.
- Active carious lesion is composed of an outer – Incomplete fracture: Incomplete fracture of the crown
infected layer and a deeper (underlying) affected (infraction) causes entry of bacteria into the pulp.
Diseases of the Pulp and the Periradicular Tissues 63

Pulp infection and associated pulpal inflammation – Periodontal pocket: It may extend to and surround
depends on the extent of fracture (whether complete the root apex. Such retrogenic infection is less
or incomplete) extending into pulp chamber or only common. Periodontal lesion causing Endodontic
through enamel. If it extends into pulp chamber, lesion is explained in Chapter 25: Endodontic-
pulpitis develops. If only through enamel, pulp is Periodontal Inter-relationships.
merely hypersensitive to cold and mastication. – Periodontal abscess: Retrogenic pulp infection
• Nonfracture trauma: It was found by Grossman that the accompanying or immediately following an acute
pulp canal infection can occur from trauma even without periodontal abscess, may be sometimes the cause
fracture of teeth. of unexplained pulp necrosis.
• Anomalous tract: Anomalous tooth development of – Hematogenic blood borne microorganisms colonizing
tooth crown and the root can be a cause of bacterial in the pulp: (Anachoresis) It refers to colonization or
invasion into the pulp. fixation of blood-borne microorganisms in the pulp.
– Dens invaginatus: Most commonly found in There is no enough evidence to explain the invasion
maxillary lateral incisors. It can range from a slight of pulp by bacteria through blood. Systemic transient
lingual pit in the cingulum area to a frank anomalous bacteremia may explain the unusual number of
tract apparent visually or radiographically. infected pulp canals following impact injury or
- Coronal dens in dente may involve all layers of fracture.
enamel organ into the dental papilla. In such
cases, pulp may be exposed and thus opens to Physical
bacterial invasion, inflammation and necrosis.
There may be early development of periradicular Mechanical
- In radicular dens, there is a fold in HERS into • Traumatic Injury to Teeth (Acute trauma)
developing tooth, producing enamel and dentin – Traumatic injury may directly or indirectly affect the
there. dental pulp.
– Dens evaginatus: It has a tract to the pulp at its – Trauma to teeth can occur in case of accidents,
point of attachment. Found usually in mandibular sports-related injury (Contact sports) or blow to
premolars. the tooth. Various dental traumatic injuries, their
– Radicular lingual groove or palatogingival groove: effects on the pulp and their management have been
It is found primarily in maxillary lateral incisor. discussed in Chapter 24: Management of Dental
The defect starts in the region of the cingulum and Traumatic Injuries.
proceeds apically and frequently towards the distal - Coronal fracture: Most pulp death following
portion of the tooth for various distances along the coronal fracture is due to bacterial invasion
surface of the root. Due to the nature of the groove, it following the accident.
is thought that the cementum formation is disturbed - Radicular fracture: Accidental fracture of the root
or even absent—No cementum, no attachment. disrupts the pulp vascular supply and the injured
In case of long groove, palatal abscess that forms coronal pulp can lose vitality. The apical radicular
extends to the apex. pulp tissue may remain vital.
- Vascular stasis: In case of severe impact injury,
Radicular Ingress the tooth may lose pulp vitality immediately. The
• Caries: pulp vessels get severed at the apical foramen
– Root caries is bacterial source of pulpal irritation causing ischemic infarction. Another response of
- Less frequent occurrence than coronal caries pulp to trauma is formation of irritation dentin.
- Cervical root caries occurs as a common sequel - Luxation: Extrusive luxation, lateral luxation and
to gingival recession intrusion result in pulp death nearly always. Pulp
- Interproximal radicular caries may follow recovery may occur in case of immature young
periodontal procedures if meticulous oral permanent tooth with wide, open apices.
hygiene is not maintained. - Avulsion: Pulp necrosis occurs as a consequence
• Retrogenic infection: Pulp may become infected through of total avulsion of tooth.
apical foramen or lateral accessory canals associated • Wasting diseases of teeth/noncarious destruction/
with chronic periodontal pocket. diseases of teeth/pathologic wear from attrition,
64 Short Textbook of Endodontics

abrasion: Wasting diseases such as attrition, abrasion Biomechanical Causes

cause Enamel to wear off and dentin gets exposed • Parafunctional habits such as clenching or bruxism may
resulting in open dentinal tubules. If secondary dentin cause dentinal cracks with exposed dentinal tubules
is deposited the tubules get occluded. Restorative fillings resulting in direct portal to subjacent pulp.
can be done to occlude these open dentinal tubules. • Occlusal loading causing tooth deformation occurs
In the absence of secondary dentin deposition and – Due to reduced occlusal isthmus while faciolingual
restoration, the pathologic wear continues, causing extension of cavity preparation, loss of marginal
changes in pulp due to near exposure and direct ridges in case of mesio-occlusodistal (MOD)
exposure of pulp can result. preparations causing 50% reduction in cuspal
• Cracked teeth: Cracked teeth may be in the form of: stiffness and fracture resistance.
– Infractions of the crown – Polymerization shrinkage of few composite resins
– Actual fractures of crown and/or the root. can cause inward cuspal flexure and stresses on
Tooth infractions include: tooth.
– Craze lines which involve only enamel. Dentin deformation causes flow of dentinal fluid
– Cuspal fracture, usually diagonal fracture involving activating nerve endings in odontoblast layer of tooth.
enamel and running into dentin and may not directly Bacterial microleakage can occur through the gap at the
involve the pulp. restoration dentin interface that gets opened repeatedly
– ‘Cracked tooth syndrome’ is the term given to pain during occlusal loading thus affecting the dental pulp.
of apparently idiopathic origin that occurs due to
incomplete fracture through the body of the tooth Thermal Causes
involving the pulp. • Heat generated during cavity and crown preparation:
Complete fractures include: Inadequate water coolant used during cavity and crown
– Split tooth: Complete vertical fracture of the crown preparation can induce changes in pulp due to generation
and the root. of heat. If only air is used as coolant at 2,00,000 rpm, it has
– Vertical root fractures: usually associated with been found that it takes just 11 seconds of continuous
Endodontically treated teeth (nonvital teeth). Cracks preparation at this speed to burn the pulp.
and fractures occur in the vital teeth due to various • Frictional heat from polishing: During polishing of
causes such as: Weakening of teeth due to caries restorations, heat is generated.
or restorative treatment procedures, hard chewing • Conduction of heat: Temperature changes may be
habits such as betel nut chewing, parafunctional conducted rapidly to the pulp when metallic fillings are
habits such as bruxism. placed in deep cavities without protective cement base.
• Barometric changes: Changes in atmospheric pressure • Heat is generated from curing of resins during direct
can affect the dental pulp. Low atmospheric pressure at fabrication of provisional restoration.
higher altitudes over 10,000 feet may cause symptoms in • Exothermic heat: Cements that set by exothermic
a tooth that was chronically inflamed and symptomless reaction, liberate heat on setting causing atleast
at ground level. This is called barodontalgia. Generally transient pulp injury.
pain is experienced in a recently restored tooth during
low atmospheric pressure. Electrical Causes
Classification of barodontalgia given by Rauch: Dissimilar metallic fillings in the mouth when come in
contact cause production of galvanic currents resulting in
injury or pathologic changes in pulp. Such fillings are no
longer done.

Iatral (Iatrogenic)
• Cavity preparation
– Heat of preparation: Heat generated during cavity
preparation can cause pulp damage if adequate
water coolant is not used.
Diseases of the Pulp and the Periradicular Tissues 65

Four basic factors in rotary instrumentation fractures. Patient gets relief when the cusp of
that cause temperature rise in the pulp, given by the tooth finally fractures or the crown fractures
Swerdlow and Stanley, include: horizontally.
- Force applied by operator – Force of cementing: The tremendous hydraulic force
- Size, shape and condition of cutting tool exerted during cementation of an inlay or full crown
- Revolutions per minute (RPM) in case of a vital tooth would drive the liquid towards
- Duration of actual cutting time the pulp causing pain while cementing.
Lower speeds produce less thermal elevation – Heat of polishing: Already discussed before in the
than high speeds. thermal causes.
– Depth of preparation: Deeper cavity preparations • Orthodontic movement: Use of mechanical separators
cause more extensive pulpal inflammation. for rapid separation of teeth or rapid orthodontic tooth
– Dehydration: Excessive drying (desiccation) of movement can cause changes in the pulp. Also, some
the exposed dentin during cavity preparation can of the methods employed for removal of orthodontic
contribute to pulp inflammation. brackets after treatment have the potential to injure the
– Pulp horn extensions and pulp exposure: The close pulp.
proximity of the pulp to the floor of the cavity • Periodontal curettage: During the periodontal curettage
preparation can expose the high pulp horns. of a lesion that entirely extends around the apex of the
Slow speed carbide burs can be used in areas of root, the pulp vessels may be severed and the pulp may
deep cavity preparation to avoid any traumatic get devitalized.
mechanical exposure of the pulp. If possible, a layer • Electrosurgery: Inadvertent contact with metallic
of solid dentin (nonleathery) is allowed to remain as restorations during electrosurgery procedure may
pulp cover. Also, it should be noted that use of air- severely endanger the pulp and the periodontal
water coolant is important in the areas where dentin structures.
is thinned and the pulp approached to prevent any • Laser burn: Higher intensity laser radiation can cause
pulpal damage. damage to the pulp.
– Pin insertion: Earlier the pins that were used to • Periradicular curettage: During the periradicular
support amalgam restorations or as a framework curettage of an extensive bony lesion, the devitalization
for building up badly broken down teeth for full of the pulps of adjacent teeth has been found to occur.
coverage restorations, were found to cause pulp • Intubation for general anesthesia: If an inflexible
inflammation and pulpal death. In some cases, pins endotracheal tube is used during general anesthesia,
were inadvertently inserted directly into pulp or so heavy retraction against the mandibular incisors can
close to that they acted as severe irritant. Such pins cause their luxation.
are no longer used with the advent of dentin bonding
agents and adhesives. Chemical Causes
• Restoration • Erosion caused due to acidity: Acidity (hydrogen ion
– Insertion: After the insertion of gold foil or silver concentration) causes erosion of enamel on labial or
amalgam, severe hypersensitivity and pulpalgia facial surface of teeth that eventually gets the dental pulp
may occur related to force of insertion or expansion closer to irritating agents present in plaque and foods.
of amalgam after insertion. Mild to severe • Restorative materials:
hypersensitivity is found to occur after insertion of – Acid etching of dentin with phosphoric acid: Acid
composite restoration, especially when total-etch etchants that contain phosphoric acid used for total
technique using phosphoric acid is used or other etch technique of composite bonding are known
causes such as over-drying of dentin, over-etching, to cause irritation of the pulp especially when
faulty technique, moisture contamination, etc.) The prolonged dentinal etching is done opening up the
use of self-etch bonding agents has been found to dentinal tubules which are not completely occluded
reduce the postoperative sensitivity to a great extent. by application of bonding agent over the etched
– Fracture: Complete or incomplete fracture of surface.
posterior teeth have been found to occur after – C h e m i ca l i r r i t at i o n o f pu l p o c c u r s f ro m
placement of silver amalgam or soft gold inlays or unpolymerized monomer
foil. Patient may have complaint of hypersensitivity – Cavity liners, bases: Since the cavity liners and
or pulpalgia in case of undetected incomplete bases are applied directly on dentin, they should be
66 Short Textbook of Endodontics

nontoxic, nonirritating and cause no irreversible HOW DO WE CLASSIFY THE DISEASES

changes in the pulp and must have sufficient OF DENTAL PULP?
compressive strength so that it does not collapse or I. Grossman has classified the diseases of dental pulp as:
crush down under biting pressure.
– Dentin bonding agents: If dentin is covered and
protected with dentin bonding agents in case of
Composite restorations, the problem of microleakage
is avoided and the pulp is protected.
• Disinfectants: Use of cavity disinfectants such as silver
nitrate, phenol and sodium fluoride may adversely affect
the pulp.
• Dessicants: Use of dessicants such as alcohol, ether and
others followed by air-drying with a blast of air may
cause dessication, damaging the pulp.

• Aging: Regressive changes occur in the pulp tissue, such
as decrease in number and size of cells and increase in
the number of collagen fibers. There is deposition of
secondary and tertiary dentin and pulp recedes with
advancing age.
• Resorption (internal and external): Various changes
that can occur in case of pathologic tooth resorption
have been explained in Chapter 30 Pathologic Tooth
• Systemic diseases such as sickle cell anemia, herpes
zoster infection, etc.
In case of sickle cell anemia, microcirculation of pulp
is found to be affected resulting in pulp death.
In herpes zoster infection, it is found that the virus
may infect the pulp vasculature leading to infarction and II. Baume classified pulpal diseases based on clinical
pulp death. symptoms as follows:


Pulp reacts to the above listed stimuli by inflammation.
Inflammatory response of pulp is unique and differs from
other connective tissues of the body as explained in the
previous chapters.
Diseases of the Pulp and the Periradicular Tissues 67

III. Seltzer and Bender classified pulpal diseases according In reversible pulpitis, peripheral A delta fiber stimulation
to histologic findings: occurs.

Signs and symptoms:

• Chronic or asymptomatic reversible pulpitis may be
due to incipient caries and it gets resolved on removal
of caries followed by appropriate restoration.
• Acute or symptomatic reversible pulpitis may present
– Sharp pain which is momentary
– Responsive to cold food or beverage and/or cold
– Does not occur spontaneously
– Does not continue when the etiologic factor is
– Discomfort on biting on the recently placed
– Pain associated with an old restoration.

WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT FEATURES OF Diagnosis: It is based on signs and symptoms and clinical
diagnostic tests.
• Clinical signs and symptoms such as sharp pain which
Features of Pulp Inflammation (Pulpitis) is momentary (few seconds) that generally disappears
on removal of stimulus such as cold, sweet or sour may
Reversible Pulpitis point towards reversible pulpitis.
• Diagnostic test such as cold thermal test can help locate
Definition: and diagnose the involved tooth.
• “Reversible pulpitis is a mild to moderate inflammatory • Radiographs generally show normal periodontal
condition of the pulp caused by noxious stimuli in which ligament status. Caries or deep restoration may be
the pulp is capable of returning to the uninflamed state evident.
following removal of stimuli.” (Grossman’s Endodontic
Practice, 11th edition, p.65) Histopathologic findings:
• Disruption of odontoblast layer
Etiology: Various etiologic factors include: (c2d2e2s2t2) • Dilated blood vessels
• caries • Extravasated edema fluid
• defective restorations • Acute or chronic inflammatory cells
• exposed dentin
• excessive dehydration of dentin caused by stream of Treatment:
compressed air or with alcohol or chloroform • Prevention of reversible pulpitis by:
• chemical stimulus from irritation caused by silicate or – Prevention of caries
self-cure acrylic resin – Early detection of caries and restoration
• recent dental treatment – Pulp protection base under restoration for deep
• Decreased threshold stimulation for A-delta nerve fibers cavities
• Maxillary sinus disease causing generalized transient – Placing well-sealed restorations, to avoid marginal
hyperemia of pulp of maxillary posterior teeth leakage
• trauma caused from a blow or due to disturbed occlusion – Proper contouring of restorations.
or occlusal prematurity (high point) – Adequate water coolants while cavity preparation or
• thermal shock due to cavity preparation without while polishing metallic restorations.
adequate water coolant or using a dull bur or keeping the • Palliative treatment includes:
bur in contact with the tooth for long time or excessive – Remove the restoration and replace it with a sedative
heat produced during polishing of restoration. cement such as Zinc oxide Eugenol.
68 Short Textbook of Endodontics

If pain persists or worsens, then extirpation of pulp Diagnosis: Based on clinical findings and diagnostic tests
is advised. and radiographic examination:
– Reduce occlusal trauma if present. • On inspection, deep cavity or secondary caries at the
margins of restoration may be seen or grayish leathery
Irreversible Pulpitis layer over the exposed pulp and surrounding dentin may
be visible.
Definition: “Irreversible pulpitis is a persistent inflammatory • Probing over this superficial layer may not be painful.
condition of the pulp, symptomatic or asymptomatic, Deeper layers might elicit pain on probing.
in which the pain persists for several minutes to hours, • Thermal tests elicit pain persisting even after removal
lingering even after the removal of the stimulus”. (Grossman’s of stimulus.
Endodontic Practice, 11th Edition, p.67) • Radiographic appearance of periradicular bone may
show minimal changes such as thickening of periodontal
Etiology: ligament.
• Most common cause is bacteria affecting the pulp from • Calcification in the form of pulp stones or calcification
caries. in canal may be evident on radiograph.
• Untreated reversible pulpitis progresses to irreversible
pulpitis Histopathology:
• Can have any of the other physical or chemical causes. • Chronic and acute inflammatory changes in the pulp
• Thermal stimulation of A-delta nerve fibers causing are evident.
lingering pain and stimulation of unmyelinated C-fibers • Congestion of postcapillary venules
causing spontaneous, dull aching pain. • Phagocytosis of PMN leukocytes

Signs and symptoms:

• In case of symptomatic irreversible pulpitis:
– In early stages:
i. Intermittent or spontaneous pain.
ii. Sudden temperature changes particularly cold
stimuli elicit pain which lingers for long time
even after the stimulus is removed.
iii. Pain may be described as sharp, shooting, piercing
which may be intermittent or continuous.
iv. Pain may be localized or may get referred to • Areas of microabscesses walled off by fibrous connective
adjacent teeth or other related structures such tissue, where calcific masses may be seen
as temple, maxillary sinus, etc. • Areas of necrotic tissue.
v. Packing of food into the open cavity.
Treatment: Endodontic treatment should be performed.
vi. Pain with change in position or on lying down.
– In later stages (Advanced)
Chronic Hyperplastic Pulpitis
i. Pain may become severe described as boring,
gnawing or throbbing Definition: “Chronic hyperplastic pulpitis or ‘pulp polyp’ is a
ii. Intense pain on food lodgement in cavity or with productive pulpal inflammation due to an extensive carious
stimulus exposure of a young pulp resulting from a long standing low
iii. Severe pain affecting sleep that may be intolerable grade irritation” (Grossman’s Endodontic Practice, 11th
and not controlled in spite of all efforts of Edition, p. 70).
iv. Pain increased with hot water or food Etiology: Etiologic factor is slowly progressing carious
v. Exposed pulp may get covered with soft, leathery exposure of the pulp.
decay Pulp polyp develops when there is:
• In case of asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis: Deep • Chronic low grade stimulus from mechanical irritation
caries may be evident clinically or radiographically but while chewing or bacterial irritation from caries in young
does not produce symptoms. If not treated, may become pulp (Fig. 5.1 shows photograph showing pulp polyp in
symptomatic or necrosis may occur. permanent mandibular first molar)
Diseases of the Pulp and the Periradicular Tissues 69

• Large open cavity (Figure 5.2 shows photograph of pulp • Pulp polyp should be distinguished from gingival polyp
polyp in deciduous molar with large open cavity). – Pulp polyp is more sensitive than gingival polyp
– Raise the polyp and trace its stalk to find its origin.
Signs and symptoms: Pulp polyp originates from pulp chamber
• Usually asymptomatic • On probing, pulp polyp bleeds profusely due to rich
• Sometimes if food bolus gets lodged in the open cavity network of blood vessels within it.
causing pressure, discomfort may be felt by the patient • While performing diagnostic tests such as thermal and
• May bleed profusely if gets traumatized. electric pulp tests, more current and more cold stimulus
may be required to elicit pulp response.
• Generally occurs in teeth of children and young adults
• Stratified squamous epithelium covering the surface of
• On inspection, fleshy, reddish pulpal mass filling most
pulp polyp is seen.
of the pulp chamber or cavity is seen.
• Chronic inflammatory changes in pulp
• Such polypoid tissue sometimes may extend beyond the
• Granulation tissue containing PMN neutrophils,
confines of the tooth causing discomfort while biting.
lymphocytes and plasma cells is evident.
• Periodontal curette or spoon excavator is used to
remove the hyperplastic pulpal mass completely to the
level of orifices.
• Bleeding is controlled.
• Endodontic treatment is completed.

Ulcerative/open form of chronic pulpitis: It is the chronic

inflammation of the pulp in which there is formation of
an abscess at the point of exposure due to caries and the
abscess is surrounded by the granulomatous tissue. It is
also known as pulpal granuloma.

Closed form of chronic pulpitis: It is the chronic inflammation

of the pulp that may occur due to trauma, excessive
Fig. 5.1  Pulp polyp in permanent mandibular first molar orthodontic forces, any operative procedure or periodontal
(Courtesy of Dr Manoj Ramugade) lesion. Caries may be absent.

Internal Resorption
Definition: “Internal resorption is an idiopathic slow or
fast progressive resorptive process occurring in the dentin
of the pulp chamber or root canals of teeth”. (Grossman’s
Endodontic Practice, 11th Edition, p. 71)
Figure 5.3 shows diagrammatic representation of the
internal resorption. The etiology, clinical features, diagnosis
and different types of internal root resorption are discussed
in detail in Chapter 30 Pathologic Tooth Resorption.

Features of Pulp Degeneration

Pulp degeneration occurs in:
• Pulps of older people
• May occur in pulps of younger people due to persistent
Fig. 5.2  Pulp polyp in deciduous molar (Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna) mild irritation.
70 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• Calcific degeneration: deposition of concentric layers of calcified tissues

– Calcific material replaces the pulp tissue in case of with degenerated tissue structure as nidus.
calcific degeneration in the form of pulp stones or • Atrophic degeneration:
denticles. – Seen in older people’s pulps on histopathologic
– Calcification more commonly is seen in the pulp examination.
chamber since calcification proceeds from crown – The number of collagen fibers/unit area increases
to root. leading to fibrosis.
– Types of calcification (see flow chart at the bottom of – The number and size of cells decreases. These cells
this page) appear as shrunken solid particles in sea of dense
– Pulp stone may either be in the body of pulp or fibers.
attached to pulpal wall. Occurs as free, attached – Pulp with atrophic degeneration is less sensitive than
and embedded forms as shown in histologic section normal.
shown in Figure 5.4. True denticle is composed of • Fibrous degeneration:
dentin that is formed from detached odontoblasts – Fibrous connective tissue replaces cellular elements
or fragments of HERS. False denticle is formed by of the pulp in this type of degeneration.

Fig. 5.3  Internal resorption Fig. 5.4  Free, attached and embedded pulp stones
Diseases of the Pulp and the Periradicular Tissues 71

– It has been found that such degenerated pulp from i. No response to cold test
the root canal has leathery fiber appearance. ii. No response to electric pulp test
Atrophic and fibrous degeneration do not have a iii. Response may be elicited to prolonged
clinical diagnosis. application of heat due to remnants of pulpal
fluid or gases expanding and extending into
Features of Pulp Necrosis periapical region.
– Radiographic changes :
• Definition: Pulp necrosis is defined as: “Partial or i. Large carious lesion may be seen.
total death of pulp following inflammation or a ii. Pulp stones in pulp chamber or some evidence
traumatic injury in which pulp gets destroyed before an of calcification in root canal may be seen.
inflammatory reaction takes place”. iii. Thickening of PDL space.
• Etiology: • Histopathology: Pulp cavity shows necrotic pulp tissue,
– Untreated symptomatic or asymptomatic irreversible cellular debris and microorganisms.
pulpitis progresses to necrosis. • Treatment: Endodontic treatment.
– Trauma: Basically, injury to pulp by noxious stimuli
such as bacterial, traumatic or chemical irritation
leads to necrosis of pulp.

• Diagnosis:
– History of severe pain lasting from few minutes to
few hours, followed by cessation of pain completely.
– In some patients, there can be slow death of pulp
without any symptoms
– Tooth may become symptomatic to percussion as
the infection extends into PDL space
– Tooth may exhibit hypersensitivity to heat or
sometimes even to the warmth of oral cavity. Such
pain is often relieved by application of cold. This
helps in localization of necrotic tooth.
– Diagnostic tests such as thermal and electric pulp
72 Short Textbook of Endodontics


A. Grossman has given the following classification:
Features of Normal Periradicular Tissues
• Clinical:
– No tenderness to pressure
– No tenderness to percussion
– No tenderness to palpation of mucosa overlying the
periapical region
– No swelling
– No symptoms
• Radiographic: (Fig. 5.5)
– Intact lamina dura
– Periodontal ligament space normal and of consistent
width along the entire root
– Periradicular bone with no rarefaction or

Features of Periradicular Diseases

Acute Apical Periodontitis/Symptomatic

Apical Periodontitis
• Definition: “Acute apical periodontitis is a painful
inflammation of the periodontium as a result of trauma,
B. WHO classification of diseases of periradicular irritation or infection through the root canal, regardless
tissues: of whether the pulp is vital or nonvital”. (Grossman’s
Endodontic Practice, 11th Edition, p.82)
Code number Category • Etiology:
KO4.4 Acute apical periodontitis i. Bacterial: As a sequelae of pulpal disease, bacteria and
KO4.5 Chronic apical periodontitis (apical their noxious products from inflamed or infected pulp
granuloma) may get diffused into periradicular area.
KO4.6 Periapical abscess with sinus
KO4.60 Periapical abscess with sinus to
maxillary antrum
KO4.61 Periapical abscess with sinus to nasal
KO4.62 Periapical abscess with sinus to oral
KO4.63 Periapical abscess with sinus to skin
KO4.7 Periapical abscess without sinus
KO4.8 Radicular cyst (apical periodontal cyst,
periapical cyst)
KO4.80 Apical and lateral cyst
KO4.81 Residual cyst
KO4.82 Inflammatory paradental cyst

C. Ingle has given the following classification: (see flow Fig. 5.5  Intraoral periapical radiograph showing normal
chart on next page) periradicular tissues
Diseases of the Pulp and the Periradicular Tissues 73

ii. Trauma: – There may be severe soreness in the tooth.

– Occlusal trauma caused by abnormal occlusal – Tenderness to percussion is usually present.
contacts. – Tooth may be extruded, making closure quite
– Occlusal prematurity of recently inserted restoration painful.
– Blow to the tooth – Tenderness to pressure
– Wedging of foreign object in between teeth – Mucosa overlying the root apex may not be tender.
– Trauma from rapid orthodontic tooth movement ii. Radiographic:
iii. Iatrogenic: – Slight widening of PDL space may be evident.
– Improper instrumentation forcing bacteria or debris – Small area of rarefaction may be seen especially in
inadvertently through the apical foramen case of tooth undergoing Endodontic treatment.
– Forceful irrigation with irrigants such as sodium • Diagnosis: It is based on clinical and radiographic
hypochlorite findings and history of a tooth under Endodontic
– Forcing irritating intracanal medicaments beyond treatment or of trauma or of a recently placed
the apex restoration.
– Root perforation • Treatment: Etiologic factor should be determined and
– Overinstrumentation treatment provided accordingly.
– Over-extension or overfilling of obturating material • Possible consequences of acute apical periodontitis:
extruding beyond the apex. i. If the insult was of shor t duration such as
• Signs and symptoms: overinstrumentation through healthy periapical region,
i. Clinical: symptoms usually subside and healing takes place.
– May be associated with slight soreness in tooth, ii. In case of continuous and persistent irritation, the path
sometimes only when percussed. would be:
74 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Chronic Apical Periodontitis/Asymptomatic

Apical periodontitis:
• Definition: “Asymptomatic apical periodontitis is Fig. 5.6  Radiograph showing apical periodontitis in relation to
a long-standing periapical inflammatory lesion in mandibular first molar with extensive caries involving the pulp
which there are minimum or no clinical symptoms but (Courtesy of Dr Chetan Shah)
radiographically visible periapical bone resorption.”
• Signs and symptoms:
– Clinical: None or minimal symptoms such as slight Acute Apical Abscess/Acute Alveolar Abscess
discomfort on biting.
– Radiographic: Periapical lesion may be evident. • Definition: “An acute alveolar abscess is a localized
• Diagnosis: May be discovered on radiograph as an collection of pus in the alveolar bone at the root apex
incidental finding. The radiologic appearance of lesion of a tooth, following pulp necrosis, with extension
may be of any shape or size. There is widening of of infection through the apical foramen into the
periodontal ligament space (Fig. 5.6). periradicular tissues, accompanied by severe local and
• Histopathologic findings: Histologically the radiolucent sometimes general reaction.” (Grossman’s Endodontic
area may be in the form of granuloma or cyst. Practice,11th Edition, p. 78)
• Treatment: If extremely small lesion, it should be kept Figure 5.7 shows diagrammatic representation of
under observation. In case of larger lesion suggesting periapical abscess.
a granuloma or cyst with specific etiologic factor, Root • Etiology:
canal treatment with enucleation or decompression may i. Bacterial invasion from necrotic pulp tissue is the most
be required. common cause.
ii. May be associated with history of trauma.
Persistent Apical Periodontitis iii. Chemical or mechanical irritation of pulp
• Signs and symptoms:
It is the term used for the apical periodontitis that persists General:
in the teeth even after Endodontic treatment. In spite – General systemic reaction sometimes occurs
of all efforts of performing Endodontic treatment well, – Patient may have mild to moderate fever accompanied
due to complexity of root canal anatomy, instruments or by chills
irrigants and thus the obturation material may not reach – Other symptoms such as headache, malaise,
few areas causing persistence of apical periodontitis. Also, weakness
few extraradicular factors that may contribute to persistent – Patient may appear pale and irritable due to loss of
apical periodontitis, as given by Nair, include: sleep and absorption of septic products
• Periapical biofilms Local: (S4)
• Periapical scar tissue – Initial signs and symptoms: Slight tenderness of tooth
• Actinomyces infection which gets relieved with slight pressure on extruded
• Cholesterol crystals tooth pushing it back into the alveolus. Tender to
• Foreign body reaction to gutta-percha. percussion.
Diseases of the Pulp and the Periradicular Tissues 75

suppuration usually occurs through labial or

buccal mucosa except in case of maxillary
lateral incisors and palatal root of maxillary
molar in which suppuration occurs palatally
due to close proximity of their roots to the
palatal plate of the bone.
In mandibular teeth also usually labial or
buccal alveolar abscess occurs but lingual
alveolar abscess may occur in case of
mandibular molars due to the position of
their roots in alveoli.
– Radiographic findings:
i. In case if the acute alveolar abscess is an
exacerbation of a chronic lesion, a periapical
radiolucency is generally evident on the
ii. Radiograph may not show destruction of alveolar
bone in case of short duration acute alveolar
Fig. 5.7  Periapical abscess abscess since the lesion is confined only to the
medullary bone initially.
Although radiograph may be helpful in determining
– Later signs and symptoms: the affected tooth showing carious involvement of pulp
i. Severe spontaneous and throbbing pain due to or thickened PDL space, etc.
pressure build up in the restricted periapical • Diagnosis: It is based on history, clinical and radiographic
space. examination and diagnostic tests.
ii. Swelling of overlying soft tissue The affected tooth is necrotic and does not respond
a. Begins with intraoral swelling to electric pulp test and thermal tests.
b. Swelling then may become extensive resulting Location of swelling may help determining the
in cellulitis that distort patient’s appearance affected tooth.
c. Swelling extends to the surrounding soft Mobility and extrusion of tooth may be evident.
tissues: • Histopathologic findings: Infiltration of PMN leukocytes
1. In case of maxillary anterior tooth such as and accumulation of inflammatory exudate cause
canine, swelling of the upper lip occurs, it distension of periodontal ligament and thereby causing
may extend upto eyelid causing distortion extrusion of tooth.
of appearance. Then, there is separation of periodontal fibers
2. In maxillary posterior teeth, huge swelling causing mobility of tooth.
of cheek may occur • Treatment:
3. In mandibular anterior teeth, lower lip – Control the acute systemic reaction if present.
and chin may get swollen – Administration of antibiotics.
4. In mandibular posterior teeth, swelling of – In case of localized swelling, incision and drainage
cheek extending upto the ear may occur. should be established.
iii. Suppuration or pus breaks to form: – Concomitantly, establishing drainage through the
a. Sinus tract, that generally opens in the labial root canal relieves the severe symptoms. Swelling
or buccal mucosa may remain for sometime before it gradually
OR subsides.
b. Spreads to overlying soft tissues taking the – In case of hyperocclusion, relieve the tooth out of
path of least resistance. This occurs due to occlusion.
perforation of overlying cortical plate and – Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be given
subsequently perforation of periosteum. to control pain.
In maxillary teeth since the labial alveolar – In the subsequent visit, thorough cleaning and
plate is thinner than the palatal alveolar plate, shaping of root canals is performed.
76 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Chronic Apical Abscess/Chronic Alveolar Abscess

• Definition: “Chronic alveolar abscess is a long-standing
low-grade infection of the periradicular bone. The source
of infection is in the root canal.” (Grossman, 11th edition,
It is also called suppurative apical periodontitis as
an exudate is formed due to egress of irritants from root
canal system into periradicular area.
• Etiology:
– An acute alveolar abscess may become chronic
apical abscess
– Necrosis of pulp may result in low-grade infection
extending into periradicular bone.
• Signs and symptoms:
i. Generally, a ‘sinus tract’ is detected, which is Fig. 5.8  Radiograph showing periapical radiolucency suggestive of
considered a hallmark sign of chronic alveolar abscess in relation to maxillary right lateral incisor tooth (Courtesy of
abscess. Although intraoral sinus tract is common, Dr Mansi Shah, Dentoview: Advanced dental imaging center)
sometimes it may open through skin of face.
ii. There is usually no pain or mild pain may be present.
iii. Sinus tract causes continual drainage of the
periradicular lesion into the oral cavity and it thus
prevents swelling or an acute exacerbation of the
iv. Sometimes a large carious lesion with open cavity
may be present causing drainage by way of root
• Radiographic findings: Radiograph mostly shows
periapical radiolucency (Figure 5.8 shows a radiograph
showing periapical radiolucency in maxillary right Fig. 5.9  Gutta-percha point/cone being used to trace the source of
lateral incisor tooth). infection (Courtesy of Dr Manoj Ramugade)
• Diagnosis:
– In case of sinus tract, a gutta-percha point can be
introduced into the tract and a radiograph taken
to find the source of infection. Figure 5.9 shows
the photograph of mandibular molar where gutta-
percha point has been used to trace the source of
infection. Figure 5.10 shows the radiograph of the
same case.
– Tooth generally does not respond to the diagnostic
tests such as thermal and electric pulp vitality tests.
– Necrotic tooth may be discolored in few cases.
– Radiograph may show diffuse area of rarefaction.
• Histopathologic findings:
– With the invasion of microorganisms and their toxins
into the periradicular area, some of the periodontal
ligament fibers at the root apex are detached or lost
and the apical periodontal ligament gets destroyed
Fig. 5.10  Radiograph showing gutta-percha point/cone used for
– In the periradicular lesion, PMN leukocytes are found tracing the sinus tract shows that the source of infection is in the
in the center and the lymphocytes and plasma cells distal root canal of mandibular second molar (Courtesy of Dr Manoj
at the periphery. Ramugade)
Diseases of the Pulp and the Periradicular Tissues 77

• Treatment: • Signs and symptoms:

– Root canal treatment to eliminate infection. – Usually asymptomatic
– Sinus tract does not require any special treatment. It – If it undergoes suppuration, there may be symptoms
closes and disappears once the root canal is properly – Radiographic findings: Loss of continuity of lamina
cleaned and shaped. dura and well-defined area of rarefaction varying
in size from few millimeters to a centimeter or even
Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Lesion/Phoenix Abscess larger at the apex of the root.
• Diagnosis:
Phoenix abscess is discussed in Chapter 19: ‘Endodontic – Usually diagnosed on routine radiographic
Emergencies and Mid-treatment Flare-ups’. examination (Fig. 5.12)
– Exact diagnosis to be named as ‘Periapical
Periapical Granuloma granuloma’ can be made only after microscopic
• Definition: “Periapical granuloma is a chronic, low- – Tooth does not respond to thermal and electric
grade defensive reaction of the alveolar bone occurring pulp tests.
as a granulomatous tissue growth continuous with • Histopathologic findings: The alveolar bone and
the periodontal ligament in response to continued periodontal ligament are replaced by granulomatous
mild irritation caused by the diffusion of bacteria and tissue showing the following features:
bacterial toxins from the root canal into the surrounding – Inflammatory lesion consisting of macrophages,
periradicular tissues through the apical and lateral lymphocytes and plasma cells in the loose connective
foramina.” (Endodontic Practice, Grossman, 11th tissue forming the inner or central portion.
Edition, p.89) – Shows collagenous connective tissue forming the
Figure 5.11 shows diagrammatic representation of capsule of the lesion which is continuous with the
periapical granuloma. periodontal ligament.
• Etiology: – Epithelial cell proliferation is a common feature.
– There are abundant capillaries and blood vessels
along with numerous fibroblasts and connective
tissue fibers.
– Clusters of epithelial cells called cell rests of Malassez
derived from Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath (HERS)
are also found.

Fig. 5.12  Radiograph showing periapical radiolucency likely to be

a periapical granuloma in relation to maxillary right central incisor
tooth (Courtesy of Dr Mansi Shah, Dentoview: Advanced dental
Fig. 5.11  Periapical granuloma imaging center)
78 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• Treatment: – Radiographic findings: Loss of continuity of lamina

– Root canal treatment. dura and well-defined round, ovoid or pear-shaped
– Once the source of chronic irritation is removed, radiolucency at the apex of the tooth which is larger
there is resorption of granulomatous tissue and than the granuloma and may involve adjacent teeth
repair of the periradicular bone. (Figure 5.14).
• Diagnosis
Radicular Cyst – Generally from radiographic examination
– Diagnostic tests such as thermal and electric pulp
Also called periapical cyst (Figure 5.13 shows diagrammatic tests are negative.
representation of periapical cyst). – CBCT is recent diagnostic tool that may help to detect
• Etiology: periapical cyst easily and clearly. Figure 5.15 shows
a CBCT image of a tooth with periapical pathology
most likely to be radicular cyst.
• Histopathologic findings: An epithelium-lined cavity
containing fluid or semisolid material commonly
surrounded by dense connective tissue.
Cystic cavity is lined by stratified squamous
epithelium derived from epithelial cell rests of Malassez.

• Signs and symptoms:

– Most common site for radicular cyst is anterior
maxilla area. In case of radicular cyst related to
maxillary lateral incisor, palatal expansion is usually
– Usually the tooth with radicular cyst is discolored and
nonvital. It may show fracture or failing Endodontic
treatment. • Treatment: Root canal treatment with or without surgical
– Asymptomatic when small in size. enucleation of radicular cyst.
– When the cyst becomes larger, it may cause swelling,
increased pressure causing mobility of teeth, pain,

Fig. 5.14  Radiograph showing periapical radiolucency likely to be

a periapical cyst in relation to maxillary right central incisor tooth
(Courtesy of Dr Mansi Shah, Dentoview: Advanced dental imaging
Fig. 5.13  Periapical cyst center)
Diseases of the Pulp and the Periradicular Tissues 79

Fig. 5.15  CBCT image showing tooth with a pathology likely to be Fig. 5.16  Radiograph showing condensing osteitis in relation
radicular cyst (Courtesy of Dr Mansi Shah, Dentoview: Advanced to mandibular second molar tooth (Courtesy of Dr Mansi Shah,
dental imaging center) Dentoview: Advanced dental imaging center)

It is generally recommended to perform root canal

treatment alone and if the lesion fails to resolve then
surgical treatment (Apicoectomy) may be indicated.

Condensing Osteitis: (Or Focal

Sclerosing Osteomyelitis)
• Definition: “Condensing osteitis is a diffuse radiopaque
lesion of the periradicular area that occurs in response
to a low-grade inflammatory stimulus from the root
• Etiology: Chronic mild irritation from long-standing
pulpal pathosis causes stimulation of osteoblastic
activity in the alveolar bone.
• Signs and symptoms: Asymptomatic, diagnosed only on
Fig. 5.17  Radiograph showing condensing osteitis in relation to
radiographic examination. mandibular first molar tooth (Courtesy of Dr Mansi Shah, Dentoview:
• Radiographic findings: Overproduction of bone in the Advanced dental imaging center)
periapical area around the apices of teeth with long
standing pulpal pathosis. Most commonly involved
teeth are apices of mandibular premolars and molars
(Figs 5.16 and 5.17). External Root Resorption
• Diagnosis: From radiographs.
Appears as localized area of radiopacity surrounding • Definition: “External resorption is a lytic process
the affected root. It is dense area due to overproduced occurring in the cementum or cementum and dentin of
bone with reduced trabecular pattern. the roots of the teeth.” (Grossman’s Endodontic Practice,
• Histopathologic findings: Area of dense bone is seen with 11th Edition, p.98)
the trabecular borders lined with osteoblast cells. Figure 5.18 shows diagrammatic representation of
• Treatment: Root canal treatment. external root resorption.
May or may not respond to root canal treatment. • Types: External root resorption
80 Short Textbook of Endodontics

f. Impaction of adjacent tooth

g. Central jaw tumors
h. Systemic diseases
– When the cause is not evident, it is termed as
idiopathic resorption
• Signs and symptoms: Asymptomatic, diagnosed only
on radiographic examination. Only when the root is
completely resorbed, mobility of tooth may occur.
Sometimes in the same tooth, both external and
internal root resorption may occur. When external root
resorption extends into the crown, it appears as “pink
tooth”(Internal resorption)
• Radiographic findings:
– Radiographic appearance of external root resorption
is concave or ragged areas on root surface or blunting
of apex which is sometimes difficult to detect on
CBCT scans can show these changes caused
• Etiology: Not exactly known. by external resorption quite well. Figure 5.19
– Suspected causes — Inflammation of the shows CBCT image of tooth in which external root
periradicular area caused due to: resorption has caused blunting of apex of root.
a. Trauma – In case of replacement resorption or ankylosis:
b. Injury to external root surface Resorbed root with no PDL space and bone replacing
c. Excessive forces caused by orthodontic treatment the defects is seen.
d. Periapical granuloma or cyst applying pressure – In case of inflammatory resorption caused due
on the root to pressure of growing granuloma, cyst or tumor,
e. Overinstrumentation during root canal treatment an area of root resorption adjacent to area of
radiolucency may be seen.
All these different types of resorption have been
explained in detail in Chapter 30: Pathologic Tooth

Fig. 5.19  CBCT image of tooth in which external resorption

has caused blunting of apex of root (Courtesy of Dr Mansi Shah,
Fig. 5.18  External root resorption Dentoview: Advanced dental imaging center)
Diseases of the Pulp and the Periradicular Tissues 81

• Diagnosis: From radiographs. c. Cementoblastoma

– It is difficult to detect external root resorption on d. Odontogenic cysts
radiograph especially the small areas of surface e. Central giant cell granuloma
resorption of cementum which can be detected only f. Metastatic malignant tumors or ameloblastoma
histologically. Only when significant amount of root • The periradicular diseases of nonendodontic origin
substance is removed, it can cause enough contrast may resemble the sequelae of pulpal diseases in
to be detected on radiograph. periradicular area clinically and radiographically. They
– Resorptive defect on the mesial or distal aspect of should be differentiated from them to avoid errors in
the root may be detected on the radiograph treatment. The main distinguishing point is that the
– Bone adjacent to root resorption also gets affected in case of lesions of Endodontic origin, the pulp is
by inflammation causing bone resorption which is irreversibly diseased or may be necrotic whereas in case
more easily detected on radiograph because bone is of periradicular diseases of nonendodontic origin, the
not as radiodense as the root. pulp is usually vital.
• Histopathologic findings: • In case of metastatic malignant tumors or ameloblastoma,
– Small areas of cementum resorption replaced by aggressive signs such as excessive bone loss, mobility of
connective tissue or repaired by new cementum teeth, loss of pulp vitality may be evident.
– Large areas of resorption replaced by osseous
– “Scooped out” areas of resorption replaced by
inflammatory or neoplastic tissues.
• Differential diagnosis: Internal root resorption and • Persistent microbial infection of the root canal system
other types of Root Resorption discussed in Chapter 30: results in the inflammatory disorder of the periradicular
Pathologic Tooth Resorption. tissues called primary apical periodontitis.
• Treatment: • Apical periodontitis is the body’s defense response
– Treatment varies with etiologic factor : to the destruction of the pulpal tissue and microbial
a. When caused by extension of pulpal disease into infection of the root canal system which minimizes the
supporting tissues, root canal treatment will stop spread of the infection but it cannot eliminate microbes
the resorptive process. present in the necrotic root canal as protected biofilms.
b. When caused by excessive forces from Thus, apical periodontitis is not self-healing, its
orthodontic appliances, the resorptive process resolution requires nonsurgical or sometimes surgical
can be stopped by reducing those forces Endodontic therapy.
c. When caused in case of replantation, preparation • The infected and necrotic root canal system consists of
of root canal and obturation with calcium microorganisms in the following forms:
hydroxide may stop the resorptive process – Planktonic cells suspended in fluid phase of canal,
Prognosis of external root resorption is guarded as – Sessile biofilms (discussed in detail in the next
although the resorptive process may stop once the etiologic chapter)
factor is removed but tooth may become weak and may not – Aggregates and coaggregates.
be able to sustain functional forces. • Related Periradicular pathologies:
1. Acute apical periodontitis is an acute inflammation
Periradicular Diseases of Nonendodontic Origin of the periodontium of Endodontic origin. Distinct
focus of neutrophils is present in the lesion.
• Periradicular diseases may originate in the remnants Types of acute apical periodontitis:
of odontogenic epithelium or may be manifestations of A. Primary or initial acute apical periodontitis: It
systemic disease such as multiple neurofibromatosis or is the inflammation of healthy periodontium in
may occur in case of periodontal disease. response to irritants and is of short duration.
• Few examples of periradicular disease of Non- B. Secondary or exacerbating apical periodontitis:
Endodontic origin include: It is an acute response in an already existing
a. Periapical cemental dysplasia chronic periodontal lesion. It is also called
b. Cementoma periapical flare-up, or phoenix abscess.
82 Short Textbook of Endodontics

2. Established chronic apical periodontitis is a

long standing inflammation of periodontium of
Endodontic origin. Granulomatous tissue infiltrated
with lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages is
3. Periapical true cyst is an apical inflammatory cyst that
consists of pathologic cavity completely enclosed in
an epithelial lining. There is no communication to
the root canal.
4. Periapical pocket cyst is an apical inflammatory cyst
that consists of a sac-like, epithelium lined cavity.
There is communication to the root canal.

Root canal therapy aims at prevention or treatment of

apical periodontitis.

1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis:
Mosby; 2006.pp.40-58, 541-79.
2. Grossman L, Oliet S, Del Rio C. Endodontic Practice, 11th edn.
Varghese publication; 1991.pp.59-101.
3. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics, 6th edn.
BC Decker Inc, Hamilton; 2008.pp.468-487, 494-513.
4. Ingle, Bakland Endodontics, 5th edn. BC Decker, Elsevier; 2002.

Endodontic Microbiology

This chapter tells you about the role of microorganisms in the pathogenesis of Endodontic disease and
the techniques for identification and control of Endodontic infections.
  You must know
• What is the Basis of Focal Infection Theory and Why is it Totally Rejected Today?
• What are the Pathways or Portals of Entry of Microorganisms in the Pulp?
• What is the Microbial Flora of Root Canal?
• What are the Types of Endodontic Infections?
• What is the Role of Microbial Virulence and Host Response in the Pathogenesis of Disease?
• What are the Methods for Detection, Identification and Examination of Microbes?
• What is the Biofilm and what is its Significance in Endodontics?

WHAT IS THE BASIS OF FOCAL INFECTION • In 1910, William Hunter, in a lecture on role of sepsis
THEORY AND WHY IS IT TOTALLY and antisepsis in medicine, condemned the practice
REJECTED TODAY? of dentistry and stated that nonvital pulps and
Endodontically treated teeth were the cause of many
Supporters of this theory believed that pulpless and chronic illnesses. This presentation inadvertently
Endodontically treated teeth may leak bacteria or toxins affected the practice of root canal therapy and
or both into the body, causing illnesses such as arthritis, unwarranted extraction of nonvital and Endodontically
intestinal disorders, anemias and other diseases of the treated teeth continued for approximately 20 years.
various systems of the body. Other details of the focal infection theory are given
With the expansion of this theory, millions of teeth were in Chapter 8 Rationale of Endodontic Therapy.
needlessly extracted to cure various chronic illnesses.
Rejection of Focal Infection Theory
Origin of Focal Infection Theory
In 1930, an editorial published in dental cosmos, rejected the
• In 1890, WD Miller proposed that pulpal and periapical focal infection theory and called for a return of constructive
disease was associated with the presence of bacteria. rather than destructive dental treatment rationale.
• In 1904, Billings defined ‘focus of infection’ as Numerous studies were conducted to cure chronic
‘circumscribed area of tissue infected with pathogenic illness, but in nearly all cases, the disease returned and
organisms’ and described the positive correlation the patient now faced the additional difficulty of living
between oral disease and bacterial endocarditis. with mutilated dentitions.
• In 1904, Rosenow, a student of Billings, described the
‘theory of focal infection’ which stated that localized Conclusion
or generalized infection is caused by bacteria traveling On the basis of various clinical and scientific studies, both
through the bloodstream from a distant focus of medical and dental professions concluded that there is
infection. no relationship between Endodontically treated teeth or
84 Short Textbook of Endodontics

nonvital pulps and the degenerative diseases implicated DRAPE—Dentinal tubules, Restorations, Anachoresis,
in the theory of focal infection. Periodontal tissues, Exposure of pulp).
Also, many epidemiologic and biologic studies dem­
onstrated that Endodontic therapy is safe and results  in WHAT IS THE MICROBIAL FLORA
saving the teeth without endangering systemic health. OF ROOT CANAL?
Colonization is the establishment of microbes in a host
WHAT ARE THE PATHWAYS OR PORTALS OF when biochemical and physical conditions are adequate for
ENTRY OF MICROORGANISMS IN THE PULP? growth. Normal microbial flora is the result of permanent
Microorganisms can enter the pulp through different colonization of microbes in a symbiotic relationship that
pathways as listed in Figure 6.1. (Remember the Mnemonic: produces beneficial results.

Fig. 6.1  Portals of entry of microorganisms in the pulp

Endodontic Microbiology 85

Fig. 6.2  Diagram showing dental caries: (a) Dental caries; Fig. 6.4  Diagram showing pulp exposure due to trauma: (a) PDL
(b) Infected pulp; (c) Periapical pathology widening; (b) Traumatic exposure of pulp; (c) Angle fracture of
maxillary central incisor


Figs 6.3A and B  Diagram showing exposed dentinal tubules as Fig. 6.5  Diagram showing pulp exposure during restorative
pathway to pulp: (A) Normal tooth; (B) (a) Attrition; (b) Exposed procedures. Pulp exposure in a mesially inclined mandibular molar
dentinal tubules; (c) Abrasion during tooth preparation for receiving fixed partial denture indicated
by arrow
86 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 6.6  Diagram showing pathways of pulp through periodontal Fig. 6.8  Radiograph showing recurrent caries at the margins of
tissues: (a) Lateral canal; (b) Furcation canal; (c) Periodontal pocket; restoration causing pulpal involvement and periradicular infection
(d)  Accessory canals; (e) Apical foramen in mandibular first molar (Courtesy of Dr Chetan Shah)

Flow chart 6.1  Microorganisms that may be

present in an infected root canal

Fig. 6.7  Diagram showing leakage underneath the restoration.

Marginal leakage under restoration may cause pulpal infection

Root canal flora predominantly consists of aerobic and

iii. Low oxygen tension
facultative anaerobic microorganisms. Most of them are
iv. Bacterial byproducts.
gram-positive but few gram-negative and obligate anaerobes
are also found.
• Endodontic infections are polymicrobial in nature. WHICH ARE THE TYPES OF ENDODONTIC
• The number of colony forming units (CFU) is 100 to 10 INFECTIONS?
to the power 8.
Endodontic infections can be:
• Classification of microorganisms present in an infected
I. Primary
root canal are listed in Flow charts 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3.
II. Secondary
Which bacteria will predominate is determined by: III. Persistent
i. Tissue fluid I. Primary root canal infections generally consist of
ii. Necrotic pulp tissue anaerobic gram-negative bacteria such as:
Endodontic Microbiology 87

Flow chart 6.2  Different bacteria in an infected root canal II. Secondary root canal infections may be caused by
microorganisms that were not present during primary
infections but introduced during treatment between
appointments or after Endodontic treatment.
Commonly found microorganisms in case of
secondary Endodontic infections include:
– Enterococcus
– Staphylococcus
– Streptococcus
– Actinomyces
– Pseudomonas
– Candida sp.
– Propionibacterium
Improper coronal seal causing leakage has been
implicated as an important cause of post-treatment
apical periodontitis.
Flow chart 6.3  Classification according to Gram stain technique III. Persistent root canal infections may be caused by
bacteria present within the canal at the time of
obturation that resist filling procedures and materials
to survive even in changed environment maintaining
the periradicular inflammation. This is most important
cause of Endodontic failure.
Enterococcus faecalis is predominant microbe
in canals undergoing retreatment in cases of failed
Endodontic therapy and canals with persistent
infections. Also Streptococcus faecalis, Actinomyces sp.,
Candida sp. may be found in such cases.

– Porphyromonas endodontalis, Porphyromonas Enterococcus faecalis:

gingivalis E. faecalis is a gram-positive cocci and a facultative anaerobe
– Prevotella which is normally present in the intestine. It may be found
– Peptococci in the oral cavity and gingival sulcus.
– Peptostreptococci E. faecalis has following unique features due to which it
– Fusobacterium can survive even in treated root canals (Fig. 6.9 mind-map):
– Eubacterium
– Actinomyces.
All these species are black-pigmented and have been
associated with clinical signs and symptoms.
• Bacteroides melanogenicus, an important causative
agent can be classified into two groups:
– Saccharolytic species (Prevotella genus)
– Asaccharolytic species (Porphyromonas genus)
• Treponema denticola, a recognized periodontal
pathogen, has been found in infected root canals and
• Three pathogens that form red complex:
– T. denticola
– T. forsythia
– T. gingivalis Fig. 6.9  Mind-map to remember unique features of E. faecalis that
have also been found in Endodontic infections. make it exceptional survivor in root canal
88 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• It can persist in spite of poor nutrient environment in in combination with natural resistance to various
Endodontically treated teeth. antimicrobial agents.
• It survives even in the presence of root canal irrigant such Figure 6.10 shows a mind-map to remember all the
as sodium hypochlorite and intracanal medicament microbial flora of root canal and types of Endodontic
such as calcium hydroxide. infections and Figure 6.11 summarizes all points of
• It tends to invade and metabolize fluid within dentinal microbiology of infected root canal.
tubules and adheres to collagen in the presence of
• It endures prolonged periods of starvation and utilizes VIRULENCE AND HOST RESPONSE IN
tissue fluid from periodontal ligament. THE PATHOGENESIS OF DISEASE?
• It is known to convert into a Viable But Non-Cultivable
state (VBNC) The ability of microorganisms to produce a disease is called
• It can survive in adverse conditions such as low pH, high pathogenicity.
salinity and high temperatures. The degree of pathogenicity caused by microbes is
• It can acquire gene-coding antibiotic resistance referred to as virulence.

Fig. 6.10  Mind-map to remember types of Endodontic infections

Endodontic Microbiology 89

The pathogenic response includes damage caused WHAT ARE THE METHODS FOR DETECTION,
by the host in response to the microbes. Host’s response IDENTIFICATION AND EXAMINATION OF
• Nonspecific inflammatory reaction Flow chart 6.6 lists the methods for detection, identification
• Specific immunologic reaction and examination of microbes.
The pathogenic responses are associated with:
a. Microorganisms (Bacterial virulence factors given in Culture Methods
Figure  6.12)
b. Associated host responses (Flow chart 6.5).
• Isolate the tooth with rubber dam.
Bacterial Virulence Factors • Remove the dressing from root canal of previous visit.
• Insert a sterile absorbent point into the canal and wipe
(Remember the short sentence: PLEASE Care For— the canal to remove any intracanal medicament.
Polyamines, Lipopolysaccharides, Enzymes, Ammonia, • Take a fresh, sterile absorbent point till the apex or
Short chain fatty acids, Extracellular vesicles, Capsule, slightly beyond to absorb as much periapical exudates
Fimbriae (Fig.  6.12). and microorganisms from the root canal as possible.

Fig. 6.11  Mind-map to remember all points of microbiology of infected root canal
90 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 6.12  Bacterial virulence factors

Let the absorbent point remain there for at least one collected in oxygen free, anaport vial and transported to
minute. any anaerobic culturing depot for examination.
• The absorbent point is removed with the sterilized cotton
pliers and is put into the culture medium. Advantages
• The sample is sent for laboratory examination. Gram- • It allows identification of a great variety of microbial
staining demonstrates which type of microorganisms species in a sample.
predominate. • Helps in determination of antimicrobial susceptibility
• Culturing anaerobic microorganisms from samples for appropriate treatment.
obtained from root canal and periapical tissue require
special equipment and temperature controlled, oxygen- Disadvantages
free medium.
Using an aseptic technique, sterile needle of Luer Lok • They have low sensitivity and specificity
syringe is inserted into periradicular space. Aspirate is • May give false-negative results
Endodontic Microbiology 91

Flow chart 6.5  Host response to the microbes Flow chart 6.6  Methods for detection, identification and
examination of microbes

• Time-consuming 2. Polymerase chain reaction method:

• Transport of sample to the laboratory is required. – It involves in vitro replication of DNA referred to as
For anaerobic bacteria, sampling and transportation genetic xeroxing
will have to be done in carefully controlled anaerobic – Standard PCR procedure is called Single PCR
condition. – Variation in standard PCR: Nested PCR,
Reverse transcriptase (RT)-PCR
Molecular Diagnostic Methods Multiplex PCR, Real-time PCR
– PCR has excellent detection limits
These methods have been recently introduced for – Can be used to investigate microbial diversity in a
precise identification of Endodontic pathogens based given environment
on the microbial genome and there is then no need for – PCR techonology can be used for clonal analysis of
cultivation. microorganisms.
In the past, with culture sensitivity, microorganisms were
Advantages detected and specific drugs were used against them such as
PBSC/PBSN paste.
• They have greater sensitivity and specificity P – Penicillin (Against Gr +ve)
• They can detect both cultivable and uncultivable B – Bacitracin (Against penicillin resistant organisms)
microbial species and strains S – Streptomycin (Against Gr –ve)
• Less time-consuming C – Caprylate sodium (Against yeast and fungi)
• There is no need for cultivation and the microbial species These drugs were in powder form carried in a vehicle to
can be detected directly in clinical samples. form a paste.
Sterility of root canal or reduction in number of micro­
Disadvantages organisms in root canal is detemined by bacteriological
examination before obturating a canal to ensure that no
• Expensive evidence of microbial growth is present.
• Can be laborious. In difficult cases that do not respond to routine
Endodontic treatment, microbiologic examination has to
1. DNA—DNA hybridization method: This method uses be done. If culture techniques yield a negative result then
DNA probes that may target whole genomic DNA or the newly introduced molecular techniques may detect
individual genes such as 16S rDNA. the specific microbes in Endodontic infections, that were
Useful for large-scale epidemiologic research as previously unidentified or uncultivable.
it allows simultaneous determination of multitude of A mind-map showing methods for detection and identi­
bacterial species in single or multiple clinical samples. fication and examination of microbes (Fig. 6.13).
92 Short Textbook of Endodontics

WHAT IS THE BIOFILM AND WHAT IS ITS 1. Autopoiesis (ability to self-organize)

SIGNIFICANCE IN ENDODONTICS? 2. Homeostasis (resist environmental perturbations)
3. Synergy (more effective in association than in isolation)
Biofilm 4. Communality (respond to environmental changes as a
Biofilm is a mode of microbial growth where dynamic unit rather than single individuals)
communities of interacting sessile cells are attached to each – Dental plaque can be considered as typical example
other and to a solid substratum irreversibly and embedded of a biofilm
in a self-made matrix of extracellular polymeric substances – Bacterial cells: Planktonic—Free floating bacterial
(EPS). cells in an aqueous environment
Four basic criteria that determine a microbial biofilm, Biofilm—Sessile bacterial cells attached to a solid
as given by Ingle, include: surface.

Fig. 6.13  A mind-map to remember all points of methods for detection, identification and examination of microbes
Endodontic Microbiology 93

The sessile microorganisms protected in biofilms are Polymeric Substances (EPS) that anchors bacterial
more than 1000 times resistant to antimicrobial agents as cell to substrate. About 85% by volume of Biofilm
the same organisms in planktonic form. is matrix material and 15% is cells. A fresh biofilm
The phenotype of biofilm bacteria is distinct from that consists of polysaccharides, proteins, nucleic acids
of planktonic bacteria. and salts embedded in extracellular matrix. Matured
Bacterial cells within the biofilm have altered phenotypic biofilm structure and composition varies according to
properties that protect them from: environmental conditions such as: growth conditions,
i. Antimicrobials nutritional availability, etc. A viable, fully hydrated
ii. Environmental stresses mature biofilm appears as tower or mushroom shaped
iii. Bacteriophages structure adherent to the substrate. The primitive
iv. Phagocytic amoebae circulatory system in the biofilm is water channels that
Since biofilms are resistant to both host defense intersect the structure of biofilm and form connections
mechanisms and antibiotic therapy, they are responsible between microcolonies that facilitate exchange of
for most chronic infections and recalcitrant infections in materials between bacterial cells and bulk fluid. This
human beings. is important in coordinating functions of biofilm
• Common biofilms found in oral cavity are protective community.
in nature and essential for maintenance of oral
• Development of Biofilm: Biofilms tend to form when
health as they inhibit the adherence of pathogenic
there is flow of fluid, microorganisms and a solid surface.
microorganisms through colonization resistance.
Figure 6.15 shows the schematic representation of stages
But any environmental change favoring colonization
of biofilm formation.
by pathogenic bacteria causing ecological shift and
decline in host defense mechanism due to disease will Stage 1: Formation of conditioning layer: The inorganic and
cause harmless commensals to become opportunistic organic molecules get adsorbed to the solid surface to form
patho­gens. Type and availability of nutrients and oxygen conditioning layer, e.g. Saliva pellicle is the conditioning
tension determine the nature of bacteria associated with layer on tooth during dental plaque formation.
a biofilm. All common oral diseases—Dental caries,
Stage 2: Adhesion of microbial cells to the conditioning layer.
Gingivitis, Periodontitis, apical periodontitis are biofilm-
mediated diseases. Stage 3: Bacterial growth and biofilm expansion. Micro­
colonies are formed. Two microbial interactions that occur
• Ultrastructure of Biofilm (Fig 6.14): Microcolonies or at cellular level include:
cell clusters formed by surface adherent bacterial cells, i. Coadhesion which is recognition between suspended
surrounded by Glycocalyx matrix made of Extracellular cell and cell already attached to substratum (Fig. 6.16B)

Fig. 6.14  Schematic representation of ultrastructure of mature biofilm (N-Nutrients; M-Metabolic products; S-Signal molecules)
94 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Stage 1  Formation of conditioning layer

Stage 2  Planktonic bacterial cell attachment Stage 3  Bacterial growth and biofilm expansion

Fig. 6.15  Stages of biofilm formation

ii. Coaggregation in which genetically distinct cells in in primary and post-treatment Endodontic infections.
suspension recognize each other and clump together Microbes persist in anatomical complexities such as
(Fig. 6.16A). isthmus, deltas and in apical portion of root canal system
The detachment of microcolonies to detach from biofilm and may also invade beyond the apical foramen.
community can be in two forms:
i. Erosion: Continual detachment of single cells and small Types of Biofilm
portions of biofilm. 1. Intracanal Microbial Biofilms:
ii. Sloughing: Rapid, massive loss of biofilm. – Formed on root canal dentine of Endodontically
Detachment shapes morphological characteristics of infected tooth
biofilm and serves as active dispersive mechanism (Seeding – Intracanal bacterial biofilm was documented in
dispersal). Detached cells that have acquired resistance detail by Nair in 1987
traits from parent biofilm community, can be a source for – Composed of loose collection and biofilm structure
persistent infection. of cocci, rods and filamentous bacteria
Biofilm in Endodontics: When there is infection in – Monolayer and/or multilayered bacterial biofilms
the root canal, its nutritional and environmental status is adhere to the dentinal wall of root canal
altered. It becomes more anaerobic. Nutritional level is – Intracanal biofilm has extracellular matrix
depleted making it a tough ecological niche for surviving material of bacterial origin interspersed with cell
microorganisms. This favors biofilm formation both aggregates
Endodontic Microbiology 95

2. Extraradicular Microbial Biofilms:

– Also called root surface biofilms
– Formed on root (cementum) surface adjacent to root
apex of Endodontically infected teeth
– Composed of cocci, short rods and filaments, with
cocci attached to tooth substrate
– Smooth structureless biofilm containing extracellular
matrix and embedded bacterial cells found to coat
A the root tip adjacent to the apical foramen
– Calcified extraradicular biofilms were found in cases
of periapical inflammation and delayed periapical
healing in spite of adequate orthograde nonsurgical
Endodontic treatment.

3. Periapical Bofilms:
– Isolated biofilms found in periapical area of
Endodontically infected teeth
– Actinomyces and P. propionicum have been found
in asymptomatic periapical lesions refractory to
B Endodontic treatment.
– Actinomyces has yellow granular appearance (called
sulfur granules). Periapical biofilm structure is
Figs 6.16A and B  Schematic representation of coaggregation and
co-adhesion between different bacterial cells forming biofilm granular containing central mass of intertwined
branching bacterial filaments held together by
extracellular matrix with peripheral radiating clubs.
– Phagocytes cannot engulf bacteria in matrix
– E. faecalis can develop biofilms according to enclosed biofilm structure.
prevailing environmental and nutrient conditions:
i. In nutrient-rich environment (aerobic and 4. Biomaterial Centered Infection (BCI):
anaerobic): E. faecalis is found to produce – Bacteria adheres to an artificial biomaterial surface
typical biofilm structures with characteristic to form biofilm.
surface aggregates of bacterial cells and water – When biomaterials are present in close proximity to
channels. Viable bacterial cells present on the host immune system, it increases susceptibility
biofilm surface. for BCI.
ii. In nutrient-deprived environment (aerobic – It is a major complication associated with prosthesis
and anaerobic): Irregular growth of adherent and implant-related infections. In Endodontics, it
cell clumps. Dead bacterial cells and pockets can form on root canal obturating materials and can
of viable bacterial cells found. be intraradicular or extraradicular depending on
whether the obturation material is within the canal
Formation or extruded beyond apex.
– Microbes associated with BCI: Coagulase negative
Stage 1: E. faecalis adhere and form microcolonies on the Staphylococcus, S. aureus, enterococci, streptococci,
root canal dentine surface. P. aeruginosa and fungi found from infected
Stage 2: Bacterial-mediated dissolution of the mineral biomaterial surfaces. E. faecalis, S. sanguinis,
fraction from dentin substrate was induced. S. intermedius, etc. have been isolated from biofilms
related to obturation material. Gram-positive
Stage 3: Mineralization or calcification of E. faecalis biofilm facultative anaerobes can colonize and form
due to localised increase in calcium and phosphate ions. extracellular matrix on GP points. Serum plays a role
Coaggregation interactions between E. faecalis in biofilm formation.
and F. nucleatum occur and contribute to Endodontic – Bacterial adherence to biomaterial surface is
infections. described in following phases:
96 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 6.17  Mind-map to remember all points of Biofilm

- Phase 1: Transport of bacteria to biomaterial (by means of Asepsis). For the disruption of biofilm
surface and reduction of microbial load, combination
- Phase 2: Initial, nonspecific adhesion phase of mechanical instrumentation and various root
- Phase 3: Specific, adhesion phase. canal irrigants and disinfectants such as Sodium
– Clinical Significance: Apical periodontitis is hypochlorite, Chlorhexidine digluconate, MTAD,
essentially a biofilm-induced disese. The structure calcium hydroxide, etc. are being used. Also other
of Biofilm and the resident microorganisms is methods such as use of Endoactivator, Ultrasonics,
such that it is resistant to antimicrobial agents Lasers, Ozone therapy, etc. are being employed to
such as antibiotics, disinfectants or germicides. eradicate biofilms and achieve complete root canal
Endodontic treatment should focus on elimination disinfection. These have been discussed in detail in
of microbes that colonize infected root canal Chapter 15: Disinfection of the Root Canal System.
system (by means of Antisepsis) and prevent Mind-maps to remember all points of biofilm are given
introduction of new microorganisms in the canal in Figures 6.17 and 6.18.
Endodontic Microbiology 97

Fig. 6.18  Mind-map to remember types of Endodontic biofilm

2. Grossman L, Oliet S, Del Rio C. Endodontic Practice, 11th edn.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Varghese Publication; 1991.pp.234-41.
1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis: 3. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics 6, 6th edn.
Mosby; 2006.pp.541-79, 580-607. BC Decker Inc, Hamilton; 2008.pp.268-308.

Diagnosis and Diagnostic

Aids in Endodontics

This chapter describes a systematic and methodical approach towards making an accurate
diagnosis. It includes the various odontogenic and nonodontogenic causes of orofacial pain,
which sometimes presents a true diagnostic and therapeutic challenge to the clinician. The
chapter also explains in detail the various diagnostic aids in Endodontics.
  You must know
•  What is Diagnosis and how to be a Successful Diagnostician?
• What are the Steps to be followed to Arrive at an Accurate Diagnosis?

WHAT IS DIAGNOSIS AND HOW TO BE A Prerequisites of proper diagnosis: To be successful in

SUCCESSFUL DIAGNOSTICIAN? diagnosis, the diagnostician should have:
Diagnosis is the process of evaluating the patient’s health INTEREST,
and the resulting opinion formulated by the clinician. CURIOSITY,
“Oral diagnosis is a systematic method of identifying KNOWLEDGE,
an oral disease process on the basis of facts obtained from SENSES to be alert,
history, clinical examination and various diagnostic tests”. INTUITION
Making an accurate diagnosis is an Art and Science. EQUIPMENT (Instruments and devices) for examination
Figure 7.1 shows the requirements for making correct and diagnostic tests.
diagnosis. (Remember the above prerequisites of the diagnostician
as: An excellent diagnostician P I C K S It Early).
“Symptoms are defined as phenomena or signs of
a departure from the normal and indicative of illness.”
(Grossman’s Endodontic Practice, p.1).


Flow chart 7.1 shows a simplified chart showing steps
in diagnostic process. Diagnostic process should be
Fig. 7.1  Requirements for making correct diagnosis methodical and systematic.
Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics 99

Flow chart 7.1  Simplified chart showing steps to make an accurate diagnosis

Differential diagnosis: It is the technique of distinguishing STEP 1: CASE HISTORY TAKING

one disease from several other similar disorders by
identifying their differences. Case history taking is an active dialogue between the
clinician and the patient. The clinician asks a set of leading
Diagnosis by exclusion: It is the technique in which all questions and carefully interprets the answers.
possible diseases under consideration are eliminated until A written case history form can be filled in by the patient
one remaining disease correctly explains the patient’s and then verified and reviewed by the clinician.
100 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Chief Complaint • History of illness requiring hospitalization in the past

should be enquired for.
The reason for the patient seeking dental care/treatment • Any known drug allergy.
should be documented in patient’s own words. • Whether the patient is taking any Medications
With this expressed chief complaint, the clinician can (prescription medications as well as over the counter
determine the nature and order of events that lead to the medications).
patient’s complaint. The clinician may have to consult with the patient’s
physician and decide about the dental treatment
Medical History modifications that will have to be made in order to provide
the appropriate care.
• Enquire about the general health of the patient and about
the presence of any medical problems. Completion of Dental History
a preprinted comprehensive medical history form is
mandatory. It gives clinician information about presence Present Dental Illness
of any medical problems and serves as baseline record.
It needs to be updated, especially if the patient comes Open ended: Leaves patient open
for a recall check-up or other dental problems after a for discussion
long time. Questions
• Need: Information about the medical problems is Closed: Response is Yes or No
necessary as: Open-ended questions are encouraged to obtain specific
– Some medical conditions may require modification information regarding the present illness from the patient
in providing dental care. For example, in case of such as:
hypertension, Local anesthesia without adrenaline
may have to be used. In patients taking drugs such • Onset of symptoms and its intensity: When did the
as Ecosprin, it needs to be discontinued with the symptoms first started and what is the intensity of
consent of patient’s physician before performing symptoms.
any surgical procedure. Antibiotic prophylaxis is Spontaneous
indicated for patients with congenital or rheumatic – Onset
heart disease. Initiating event Trauma
– Some medical conditions may have oral manifes­ Biting on hard object
tations. For example, AIDS, diabetes mellitus. After dental visit
– Some oral soft tissue changes are related to for a restoration
medications used to treat the medical condition. – Intensity of symptoms: Whether the Mild
For example, nifedipine, an antihypertensive drug symptoms are Moderate
induces gingival hyperplasia. Severe
– It helps to determine the risks to the clinician and • Duration of symptoms: Whether the symptoms are:
staff and risk to the patient due to presence of – Momentary
particular medical condition. – Lingering
– In medically compromised patients, it helps to • Progress: Whether intensity of symptoms is increasing
determine the risk of treatment against the risk of or decreasing.
nontreatment. • Aggravating factors may be: Biting, temperature changes,
Thus, the medical history will enable the clinician etc.
to determine the need for: • Relieving factors may be: Medications, holding cold
- Medical consultation, water in mouth, etc.
- Any modification of therapy, Provocation and relief factors may help to determine
- Any premedication which diagnostic tests should be performed to establish
• The American Society of Anesthesiologists has a more objective diagnosis.
developed a system to determine the extent of risk in • Localization of area or tooth: Whether the patient can
medically complex patients. These guidelines can be point the offending tooth or the symptoms are not well-
followed. localized and radiating to which all areas.
Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics 101

Past Dental History • Progression of pain: Whether the pain has reduced,
• Information regarding the last dental visit. become worse or same (unchanged).
• Whether there has been any recent dental treatment. • Aggravating factors: Factors that precipitate or aggravate
This may help to localize a particular problem. pain help in directing objective tests.
The lack of aggravating factors indicates that the pain
Pain History is nonodontogenic.
• Relieving factors: Factors that alleviate pain.
This involves both careful listening and astute questioning. – Whether the pain is responsive to specific medication
The clinician has to determine the source of pain. – Moderate intensity pain but unresponsive to anti-
Odontogenic inflammatory drugs suggests a noninflammatory
Source of pain origin.
Nonodontogenic • Associated factors: Such as swelling, discoloration and
Well-localized numbness.
•  Location
Diffuse Orofacial Pain/Dental Pain
Location Definition of Pain
– Easily localized superficial pain: May be Cutaneous “Pain is defined as an unpleasant sensory and emotional
or Neurogenic origin. experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage
– Deep pain, that may be localized when provoked: or described in terms of such damage.” (International
May be Musculoskeletal in origin Association of Study of Pain (IASP).
– Deep diffuse pain: May be Somatic, Visceral or By far ‘pain’ is the most important/only factor that
Musculoskeletal. provokes the individuals to seek dental care.
– Superficial and spreading pain: May be Neurogenic
rather than a Cutaneous source. Classification
• Intensity: Can be determined using Verbal Analog Scale
which means on a scale of 0–10, with 0 being no pain • Classification of dental pain:
and 10 being the worst pain, how does the patient rate
the pain.
• Onset of pain
This helps to determine the etiology.
Unchanging pain that has been present over a protracted
period is highly suggestive of a nonodontogenic source.
Whether the pain is – Spontaneous
– Elicited with hot/cold/chewing
• Duration of pain – Momentary
– Lingering
• Whether the pain is Continuous or Intermittent
• Nature of pain – Dull ache (May be muscular)
– Sharp shooting
– Shock like, Burning
(May be neurogenic)
– Throbbing, pulsatile
(May be vascular)
102 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Referred Pain
“The perception of pain in one part of the body that is
distant from the actual source of pain is known as Referred
• Pain of nonodontogenic origin can refer pain to teeth.
Also teeth may refer pain to other teeth as well as to
other anatomic areas of the head and neck.
• It is provoked by intense stimulation of pulpal C-fibers
that cause intense, slow, dull pain.
• Referred pain always radiates to Ipsilateral side of the
tooth involved.
• Rarely, anterior teeth refer pain; Posterior teeth may refer
pain to Opposite arch, to Periauricular area, or rarely to
anterior teeth.

Orofacial Pain of Nonodontogenic Origin

Rhinosinusitis and Endodontic Disease

Maxillary rhinosinusitis is the most common nonodonto­
genic cause of dental pain.
Pain may get referred from the maxillary sinus to the
maxillary dentition primarily due to the close anatomic
relationship between the floor of the maxillary sinus and
the roots of the posterior maxillary teeth.
Thus, two important conditions to be considered during
diagnosis include:
1. Referred dental pain from maxillary sinus (Figure 7.2
shows points explaining the mechanism how pain gets
referred to teeth from inflammed maxillary sinus).
2. Maxillary sinusitis of dental origin (MSDO) (Figure 7.3
shows points explaining the mechanism how dental
infection can spread to the maxillary sinus).
The distinguishing points of Rhinosinusitis and
• Classification of pulpal pain: Odontalgia due to Endodontic disease are listed in Table 7.1.
Figure 7.4 shows schematic representation of spread of
periapical infection from maxillary second premolar into
the maxillary sinus.

Fig. 7.2  Mechanism of referred dental pain from maxillary sinus

Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics 103

TABLE 7.1  Distinguishing points of rhinosinusitis and odontalgia

due to Endodontic disease
Symptoms of rhinosinusitis Symptoms of odontalgia
• Dull aching dental pain that is • Pain of pulpal origin is more
difficult to pinpoint or localize to a easily localized
single tooth
• Positional changes can cause • Positional changes generally
increased pain due to movement of do not affect pain of pulpal
mucosal fluid over sensitive sinus origin except in some cases
ostium or it can be due to raised of irreversible pulpitis
intracranial pressure from blood
flow. Throbbing or increased pain
sensation is felt on lying down or
when the head is placed lower than
the level of heart
• Fullness or pressure below eyes and • No such fullness or pressure
on external palpation of cheeks
• Often all the teeth that are • Usually only the offending
proximate to the sinus floor are tooth is tender to
tender to percussion percussion Fig. 7.3  Mechanism of spread of dental infection to maxillary sinus
• Symptoms may be severe, but there • Symptoms may vary from
is sudden and total relief if drainage mild to moderate to severe
is established and sinus pressure is depending on the cause.
alleviated Endodontic treatment
provides total relief
from severe pain due to
irreversible pulpitis
• Application of local topical • Sometimes, administration
anesthetic to maxillary sinus ostium of local anesthetic nerve
can relieve perceived dental pain block causes relief of dental
in case of referred sinus pain. pain
Anesthetic nerve blocks will not
abate pain of rhinosinusitis
• Generally the tooth in question • To detect the offending
responds within normal limits to a tooth and the etiology of
pulpal stimulus such as electric pulp dental pain, the pulp vitality
test or thermal test such as ice, when test is the key diagnostic
compared with other healthy teeth test. It helps to effectively
differentiate maxillary sinus
etiology from pain of pulpal Fig. 7.4  Schematic representation of spread of dental infection in
maxillary sinus from infected maxillary second premolar. Big arrow
indicates how periapical infection from maxillary second premolar
has spread into maxillary sinus and small arrow heads indicate floor/
Periapical infection from maxillary second premolar has lining of maxillary sinus
spread into the maxillary sinus shown by big arrow. Small
arrow-heads indicate the floor/lining of maxillary sinus.
Localized mucosal thickening in the adjacent sinus • Myofascial pain is described as diffuse, constant, dull,
mucosa in response to apical periodontitis in a maxillary aching sensation, which may be misdiagnosed as pulpal
posterior tooth is referred to as periapical mucositis. It is pain.
asymptomatic and resolves following Endodontic treatment. • Masticatory muscle pain is felt when chewing. This pain
is triggered by contraction of masticatory muscles rather
Dental Pain of Myofascial Origin: than loading of PDL.
Palpation of masticatory muscles will reproduce pain
Myofascial Pain vs Pulpal Pain
whereas percussion of teeth will not.
• Myofascial pain originate from small foci of muscle • Etiology of myofascial pain: Injury or sustained
tissue termed as TRIGGER POINTS. contraction such as clenching/parafunctional habit.
104 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• Dental pain of myofascial origin may or may not be Trigeminal neuralgia: It can be diagnosed based on:
associated with pulpal or periapical pathosis. • There is intense, sharp, shooting pain on stimulation of
• Dental pain of myofascial origin can be diagnosed based trigger zones and is unilateral.
on following: • Slight pressure on trigger zones results in severe pain.
– Local anesthetic block will not resolve symptoms but This pain usually subsides within few minutes until
if local anesthetic is administered into trigger point, triggered again.
it will resolve symptoms • Trigger zones for trigeminal neuralgia may be intraoral
– Lack of symptoms after pulp testing and may be triggered by chewing.
– Palpation of masticatory muscles will elicit pain • Administration of local anesthetic in the area of trigger
– Percussion of teeth will not elicit pain. zones may resolve the symptoms and can be misleading.
• Sharp, shooting pain in the absence of dental etiology
Neurovascular Pain vs Pulpal Pain should alert the clinician to include trigeminal neuralgia
Neurovascular pain presents mainly as headache with in differential diagnosis.
accompanying toothache perceived secondary to headache.
Primary headache is of three types: Cardiac Pain
1. Migraine • Cardiac pain may be referred to left side of mandible.
2. Tension-type headache • Cardiac pain can be spontaneous and diffuse similar to
3. Cluster headache pulpal pain.
• Migraine presents as unilateral, pulsatile, moderate • Diagnostic features:
to severely intense headache which is likely to be – Associated medical history pointing to cardiac
aggravated with routine physical activity. Patients may problem
experience nausea or vomiting or photophobia. – Cardiac pain will not get aggravated by local
• Tension-type headache does not mimic toothache. provocation of teeth
• Pain of neurovascular origin presenting primarily as – Administration of local anesthetic will not reduce
toothache is more likely to be cluster headache. the pain.
Cluster headaches occur in episodes lasting for 15
minutes to 2 hours. There may be 1–8 such episodes in a day. Psychogenic Pain
Presents as unilateral, excruciating orbital, supra-orbital or • Patient will have complaint of toothache, yet lacks a
temporal pain. Other symptoms may be ipsilateral nasal physical cause.
congestion, rhinorrhea, lacrimation. • Psychogenic toothache is very rare.
Elimination of pain following 10-minute inhalation of • Diagnosis of psychogenic toothache only by ruling out
100% oxygen is diagnostic for cluster headache. all other potential diagnoses.
Referred pain is felt in maxillary anterior or premolar • Psychogenic pain may be precipitated by severe
teeth. psychologic stress. It may not follow any anatomic
distribution. Pain may be felt in multiple teeth.
Important Diagnostic Features A Mind-map to remember all points of case history
taking (Fig. 7.5).
• Neurovascular pain occurs in episodes with complete
remission between episodes whereas pulpal pain will STEP 2: CLINICAL EXAMINATION
be continuous or may present as discomfort between
any aggravating episodes. General
• Local anesthetic administration is unpredictable. • The clinician must observe the patient as he/she walks
• Administration of oxygen to rule out cluster headache into the operatory by his/her gesture and body language.
can make definitive diagnosis. • Obtain and record the patient’s vital signs: (TPR BP)
Temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure.
Neuropathic Pain vs Pulpal Pain Temperature
Neuropathic pain arises from abnormalities in neural • An elevated body temperature (fever) indicates total
structures. body reaction to inflammatory disease.
Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics 105

Fig. 7.5  Mind-map to remember all points of case history taking

• Normal body temperature is 98.6oF. A temperature above No dental treatment should be done if blood pressure
this but below 100oF indicates localized disease. readings of diastolic pressure is over 100 mm Hg on that
Localized disease can be treated: day. Consent and consultation with the patient’s physician
• By removing the cause (Root canal opening and cleaning needs to be done.
and disinfection) and/or Sometimes, elevated blood pressure is caused only by
• Incision and drainage (I and D). stress and anxiety of the moment and must be dealt with
Pulse rate: Normal pulse rate is 60–100 beats per minute. reassurance or pretreatment sedation if required.
Stress and anxiety can cause elevated pulse rate. • Other abnormalities such as breathlessness, altered gait,
unusual body movements must be recorded.
Respiratory rate: Normal respiratory rate is 16–18 breaths • Cancer screening of soft tissues: Extraoral and intraoral
per  minute. This rate also gets elevated due to stress and soft tissues must be evaluated for any kind of lump,
anxiety. swelling, white spots or scaly patches or sore spots
Blood pressure: Normal BP is 120/80 mm Hg for persons for early detection of any precancerous or cancerous
under 60 years of age and 130/90 mm Hg for persons over lesion.
age of 60 years.
106 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Extraoral Examination
• Patient is examined for any signs of facial asymmetry.
Figure 7.6 shows photograph of a patient having
facial asymmetry due to extraoral swelling on left
• Any localized swelling, change in color, bruises, or similar
signs of disease, trauma or previous treatment should be
looked for.
• Inspection and palpation of painful and/or enlarged
lymph nodes.
• Any opening of sinus tracts through skin of face.
• Extent and manner of jaw opening.
• Temporomandibular joint examination—any tender­
ness, clicking, irregular movement, etc.
Fig. 7.6  Facial asymmetry due to extraoral swelling on left side
Intraoral Examination (Courtesy of Dr Manoj Ramugade)
Visual and Tactile Inspection
• For careful inspection, there should be good light and
dry conditions and good mouth mirror and probe/
• Magnification in the form of Loupes and dental
operating microscope allow the clinician to visualize
what cannot be observed with naked eye.
• Inspection of:

Fig. 7.7  Photograph showing generalized hypoplastic

maxillary teeth (Courtesy of Dr Samir Khaire)

Figure 7.7 shows photograph of a patient with
changes in color, contour and consistency of all
maxillary teeth due to hypoplasia.
The clinician should avoid “tunnel vision”–that is
examining only the area of chief complaint of the patient.

• Manual digital palpation, i.e. palpation with fingers of
soft and hard tissues around the tooth in question should
be done.
Figure 7.8 shows photograph demonstrating manual Fig. 7.8  Photograph showing manual digital palpation in the
digital palpation in the mucobuccal fold of maxillary left mucobuccal fold of maxillary left canine (Courtesy of Mr Amar,
canine. Dr Dabholkar’s clinic)
Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics 107

Location of swelling Offending tooth

• Anterior part of Apex of maxillary lateral
palate (Figure 7.9 incisor
shows photograph of or
swelling in anterior Palatal root of maxillary
part of palate due to first premolar
spread of infection
from maxillary right
lateral incisor)
• Posterior palate Palatal root of one of the
maxillary molars
• Mucobuccal fold of Apex of root of any
maxilla fold maxillary tooth that exits
the alveolar bone on
the facial and inferior to
Fig. 7.9  Swelling in anterior part of palate due to spread of infection muscle attachment
from maxillary right lateral incisor shown by arrow • Mandibular Apex of root of any
mucobuccal fold mandibular tooth that exits
the alveolar bone on the
facial and superior to the
Presence of tenderness on palpation should be level of muscle attachment
noted. • Tonsillar and Severe infection involving
• It is recommended that the clinician should Always pharyngeal areas maxillary or mandibular
bilaterally palpate both the area in question and the molar
contralateral side.
• Palpation of lymph nodes to note any lymph node Percussion
enlargement, tenderness, mobility and consistency.
Infection from anterior teeth may cause enlarge­ • Pain to percussion indicates inflammation of the
ment of submental lymph nodes. Infection from periodontal ligament (PDL)
mandibular molar teeth involve submandibular lymph • First gently percuss digitally with gloved finger
nodes. In acute infection, involved lymph nodes are • Then percuss with the butt end of the mirror handle
usually firm, tender and palpable. In chronic infection, (Figure 7.10 demonstrates the percussion of upper right
lymph nodes may be palpable but no pain. Hard and canine with butt end of mirror handle).
fixed lymph node with stone-like consistency indicates • Always the contralateral tooth should be first tested as
malignancy. control and also other adjacent teeth that are certain to
• Palpation of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) may be respond normally
done in cases of TMJ-related problems such as clicking, • First vertical percussion is done—that is percussing
restricted movement, deviation in movement. occlusally
• Intraoral swelling should be palpated to determine if the Then lateral percussion is done—that is buccal and
swelling is: lingual aspects of teeth.
Diffuse Sometimes the patient is not able to locate the tooth
Swelling with pain. On percussion of the involved tooth and other
Localized adjacent teeth, patient may be able to localize painful
Firm tooth.
Swelling Inflammation of PDL causing tenderness on
Fluctuant percussion may be due to physical trauma, occlusal
• Location of swelling can determine the offending tooth prematurities, periodontal disease or due to extension
from which it has originated. of pulpal disease into the PDL space.
108 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 7.10  Percussion of upper right canine with butt end of mirror Fig. 7.11  Back ends of mirror handles to check mobility of tooth
handle (Courtesy of Mr Amar, Dr Dabholkar’s clinic) (Courtesy of Mr Amar, Dr Dabholkar’s clinic)

Mobility and Depressibility • The periodontal probe is “stepped” around the long-axis
of the tooth, progressing in 1 mm increments.
Mobility of teeth indicates either loss of periodontal Diagnostic criteria given by Harrington to determine
attachment due to trauma, parafunctional habits, whether the periodontal defect is of Endodontic or
periodontal disease, root fracture or it could be extension periodontal origin:
of infection from pulp to PDL space. Once the initiating – If periodontal probe Sinks abruptly into an isolated
factors are eliminated or treated, the mobility reverses to periodontal defect, it could be due to Vertical root
normal. fracture.
Lateral movement of tooth in socket is called mobility. – If periodontal probe Steps down into a periodontal
Vertical movement of tooth in socket is called defect and a similar finding occurs on the
depressibility. contralateral side of the arch, it could be due to a
This test is performed using back ends of two mirror generalized periodontal disease.
handles—one on buccal aspect of tooth and one on lingual • Furcation defect or bone loss can occur secondary to
aspect of tooth as shown in Figure 7.11. periodontal or pulpal disease. Furcation canals can be
a portal of exit for necrotic pulp tissue byproducts.
Clinical furcation probing and radiographic
assessment of the furcation defect is done. Grades of
furcation involvement:

Periodontal Examination
• Periodontal probing is an essential part of the diagnostic
• Each tooth is evaluated in atleast three locations—
mesial, middle and distal aspect, on both buccal and
the lingual surfaces.
• Periodontal defects could be a sign of either an Figure 7.12 shows mind-map to remember all points of
Endodontic or a periodontal problem. clinical examination.
Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics 109

Fig. 7.12  A mind-map to remember all points of clinical examination

RADIOGRAPHS – Involvement of pulp/presence of pulpal disease:

(Crown of tooth).
The radiograph is one of the most important diagnostic aid   Detection of CARIES and its extent in relation to
in Endodontics. It is an indispensable tool of Endodontic the pulp chamber. Figure 7.13 shows a radiograph
practice. Radiograph is referred to as the ‘Third Eye’ of the showing deep occlusal caries in maxillary first molar
Dentist as it permits visual examination of oral structures approaching the pulp.
that would otherwise be unseen by naked eye.   Remaining dentinal thickness (RDT) can be
Radiographs are essential to all phases of Endodontic estimated through the preoperative radiograph
therapy. There uses can be categorized as: suggesting whether caries is approaching the pulp
or away.
– Anatomy of pulp and root and variations (Root of
- Number of roots and root canals
- Width of canals
- Complete or incomplete root formation
- Curvatures
- Presence of pulp stones, calcification
- Presence of fused or extra roots and canals,
Diagnostic Uses accessory canals, any bifurcation or trifurcation
in root canal system
• In Endodontics, primary radiograph is IOPA view to - Additional root
determine: Radix Ento/Paramolaris
110 Short Textbook of Endodontics

– To view the periradicular area: – Normal radiolucent and radiopaque anatomic

- Integrity of lamina dura and PDL space landmarks: that lie in close proximity, which should
- Bone loss in the area of periapex be distinguished from pathological lesions.
- Radiolucency in the periapical area – Periodontal considerations
  Figure 7.14 shows a radiograph showing – A good preoperative IOPA gives an idea about the
deep caries lesion in the crown and periapical orientation and depth of angulation of handpiece
radiolucency in relation to the mesial root of for access opening. A grid can be used to obtain near
mandibular first molar about exact measurements.
– To view pathological conditions like: • Bitewing radiographs can be used as a supplemental
- Fracture of roots film to determine:
- Resorption -  Internal – Anatomic extent of pulp chamber
-  External – Interproximal caries
– Recurrent caries
– Pulp stones
– Calcifications
– Depth of existing restoration
– Crestal height of bone
  It is useful when very young children are being
  Bitewing view shows the involvement of nasal
cavity, maxillary sinus, floor of mouth, etc.
  Diagnostic radiographs must be best radiographs
as possible. Two to three radiographs with 10–20°
change in horizontal angulation change can provide
lots of information which can be missed otherwise.

Therapeutic Uses
For treatment radiographs, technique is even more critical.
With rubber dam in place, visibility is reduced,
Fig. 7.13  Radiograph showing deep occlusal caries in mandibular sometimes it may be difficult to expose working radiographs.
first molar approaching the pulp During Endodontic treatment, radiographs are useful
• For determination of working length (Fig. 7.15)
• Examining the position of an instrument within the root
to localize hard-to-find and negotiate root canals
• To determine position and adaptation of master cone
• To evaluate obturation
• During root end surgery, to localize the apex and
following root end surgery, to confirm before suturing
that all tooth fragments and excess filling material have
been removed.

Prognostic Uses
• To evaluate the outcome of treatment:
– Success: Radiographic evidence of resolution of
lesion and re-establishment of normal periapical
Fig. 7.14  Radiograph showing deep carious lesion in the crown and
periapical radiolucency in relation to mesial root of mandibular first – Failure: Persistence or emergence of radiographic
molar signs of disease.
Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics 111

of normality and pathosis if not coupled with proper

history and clinical examination and testing.
• Radiographic appearance of Endodontic pathosis can
sometimes be subjective.
• Lesions of medullary bone often go undetected unless
there is marked resorption or until the resorption has
eroded a portion of the cortical plate.
• There is risk of receiving small doses of ionizing radiation
if techniques and necessary precautions are not properly
• Improper technique resulting in errors, having to retake
or repeat the radiographs increasing further exposure.
• Superimposition of anatomic structures.
• Distortion due to improper chemical processing with
conventional radiography procedures.
Fig. 7.15  Radiograph taken with no. 15 k-files in the four root • Various pulpal pathologies may be indistinguishable on
canals of maxillary first molar tooth for estimation of working length radiographs.
(Courtesy of Dr Shivani Bhatt) • Periradicular soft tissue lesions cannot be accurately
diagnosed by radiographs, they require histologic
• Resolution and healing of pretreatment periapical lesion verification. For example, chronic inflammatory tissue
is determined. (Refer figures 8.2 A to D, that shows cannot be differentiated from healed, fibrous, scar tissue.
portion of panoramic image in which periapical lesion/
radiolucency has resolved after Endodontic treatment)
• Any new lesion developed in the periapical area, after
the treatment can be detected (Recurrent or de novo


• For Endodontic purposes, radiograph should depict the
tooth in the center of the film. Center of the film contains
least amount of distortion.
• At least 3 mm of bone must be visible beyond the apex
of tooth.
• Image on film must be as anatomically correct as
• Radiograph should be accurate with no elongation or

• Radiographs provide two-dimensional image of three- RADIATION SAFETY
dimensional object. Additional radiographs at different
angulations have to be taken to obtain the desired ALARA principle: As Low As Reasonably Achievable.
information. As per this principle, ‘No matter how small the radiation
• Radiograph is only an adjunctive tool and can be dose, there still may be some deleterious effects’.
misleading. Radiographs alone cannot be used for It is best to keep the ionizing radiation to a minimum
diagnosis. Radiograph alone can lead to misinterpretation for protection of both the patient and the dental staff.
112 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Principles of ALARA

Clinical Aspect

• Use of protective lead aprons and thyroid collars.

• When exposing films, clinician should stand behind a
barrier or atleast 6 feet away from the patient and in an
area that lies between 90o and 135o to the beam.
• Film badges for recording exposure can be worn by all
dental personnel who might be exposed to occupational
• Use of meticulous radiographic technique to reduce the
number of retakes and exposures.

Technical Aspect
• Select fast (i.e. sensitive) speed film, either Ultraspeed
(U) or E.
• Use dental units with 70 kvp or higher kilovoltage
since lower kvp causes increased patient’s skin dose.
Optimally 90 kvp should be used.
• Units operating at 70 kvp must have filtration equivalent Conventional Radiography
of 2.5 mm of aluminum to eliminate the low-energy
X-rays before patient absorbs them. • Requires use of conventional standard films and
• Collimation with lead diaphragm restricts the X-ray processing chemicals.
beam size so that it does not exceed 2.75 inches (7 cm) • Requires dark room procedures for processing of
at the patient’s skin surface. radiographs.
• Open-ended, circular, or rectangular lead-lined • Increased radiation exposure.
cylinders are called position-indicating devices (PIDs) • Perfectly exposed and perfectly processed radiograph
are recommended as they direct the beam to target and is required for it to have good diagnostic quality.
collimate the X-ray beam reducing patient exposure. Proper dark room organization, film handling and
PIDs should be at least 12–16 inches long. Pointed cones adherence to time and temperature method of film
should not be used as they produce increased amount processing play an important role in producing good
of scatter radiation. images.
It should be understood that digital detectors are
much more sensitive to radiation as compared to Xeroradiography
conventional direct exposure emulsion X-ray films.
So, digital detectors require lower radiation exposure. • Xeroradiograph can be exposed by conventional
With digital radiography there is 50–90% reduction X-ray machine using less than usual radiation. It
in exposure as compared to conventional film-based is automatically processed and delivered as a dry,
radiography. laminated permanent film in 25 seconds.
Thus, digital radiography plays an important role in • Xeroradiography produces images of sharper clarity and
radiation safety. finer detail.
Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics 113

Digital Radiography Radiography (RVG)

Dr Francis Mouyen, a French Dentist, developed a prototype

digital radiographic system that he named Radiovisiography
(RVG). Since 1989, there have been seven newer generations
of RVG.
• Digital radiography uses no X-ray film and requires
no chemical processing. It uses a sensor to capture the
image created by the radiation source.
• The sensor is either directly or remotely attached to a
local computer.
• The computer interprets the signal and using a
specialized software translates the signal into a
digital image that is displayed on the monitor almost
• The image can be enhanced, magnified/zoomed,
colored, contrast adjusted, etc. in order to visualize it
better or as a tool for patient education.
• The image is stored in the patient’s file, in a dedicated
network server and can be recalled whenever needed.

Digital imaging systems require:

• An electronic sensor or detector
• An analog-to-digital converter
• A computer
• Monitor
• Printer

Figure 7.16 shows the photograph of the monitor and

the electronic sensor for digital radiography.
Figure 7.17 shows the mandibular posterior region
radiograph taken using digital radiography.

Digital Subtraction Radiography

• This technique is based on the fact that:
‘Given radiographs taken in precisely the same position
and with the same beam geometry and exposure
parameters, images can be subtracted to show changes
over time’.
114 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 7.16  Photograph showing the monitor and the electronic sensor for digital radiography

• Images can be manipulated for the purpose of

enhancement, contrast, etc. for viewing it better. They
can also be colorized for patient education.
• Images can be duplicated any number of time without
any loss of image quality.
• Digital systems provide certain measurement tools that
can accurately measure, for example, root canal working
• Multiple exposures, from various angles, both horizontal
and vertical, may be made without moving the sensor
once positioned.

Disadvantages of Digital Imaging System

• High initial cost
• Difficulty in placing the sensor as most of the solid state
Fig. 7.17  Radiograph of mandibular posterior region taken using detectors are somewhat thicker and more rigid
digital radiography (RVG)
• Potential for reduction in image quality when compared
with conventional radiography
• Mishandling can cause mechanical damage with high
• It detects changes in radiographic density over time. replacement costs for CCD and CMOS detectors.
• It can evaluate osseous healing after treatment.
• All anatomic structures that have not changed between
radiographic examinations are subtracted. So, the
changes in diagnostic information become easier to

Advantages of Digital Radiography Over

Conventional Radiography
• Radiographic images are obtained instantly.
• Radiation exposure is reduced from 50% to 90%
compared with conventional film-based radiography.
• Elimination of radiographic film and processing
chemicals and hence elimination of errors associated
with them.
• Image enhancement, storage, retrieval and even
transmission of images to remote sites in digital format.
Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics 115

Paralleling Technique

• Also called long cone or right angle technique.

• Film is placed parallel to long-axis of teeth and the
central beam is directed at right angles to the film and
aligned through root apex.
• Parallel placement of film is difficult due to variations
in size and shape of oral structures (shallow palatal
vault, tori, long roots, shallow floor of mouth, etc.).
To compensate for difficult placement, film can be
positioned so that it diverges as much as 20˚ from long-
axis of tooth.

Modified Paralleling Technique

• This technique increases vertical angulation by 10˚–20˚. Fig. 7.18  Photograph showing film holder
• This orientation causes a small degree of foreshortening (Courtesy of Dr Ritesh Mahashabde)
but clear periradicular radiograph of maxillary posterior
region can be obtained. If the angle of the film in relation to long-axis of teeth is
• Also, a distal angulated radiograph 10o–20o distal shift of no greater than 20o and the beam is directed at right angle
cone from the distal with beam directed towards mesial, to the film, no distortion occurs, although reduced definition
projects the buccal roots and the zygomatic process to of few structures may occur.
the mesial, thus increasing clarity. But the resulting radiograph is considered adequate.

Bisecting Angle Technique Horizontal Angulation

• Film is placed directly against the teeth without In Endodontic therapy, a technique to vary the horizontal
deforming the film and the central beam is directed angulation of the central ray of X-ray beam can be used to
perpendicular to an imaginary line that bisects the angle visualize the ‘third’ dimension (i.e. ‘Spatial’ or buccolingual
between the tooth and the film. relation of an object). This technique has various names:
• Generally the projected length of the tooth is same Buccal Object Rule/Cone Shift Technique/Clark’s Rule/Slob
as the actual length of the tooth in this technique but Rule.
the resultant image has the potential for distortion,
superimposition, etc. Application of Clark’s Rule helps:
• It is used only when modified paralleling technique • To locate additional canals or roots
cannot be used. • To distinguish between objects that have been
FILM HOLDERS • To locate foreign bodies
• To determine buccolingual position of fractures
To ensure film placement and parallelism, Film Holders • To locate anatomic landmarks in relation to root apex.
can be used. Figure 7.18 shows photograph of film holder.
Finger retention of the film is generally not recommen­ Clark’s rule states that:
ded. “The most distant object from the cone (lingual) moves
A straight hemostat is a good film holder and additionally towards the direction of the cone”.
it aids in cone positioning as well. It is called as SLOB rule (Fig. 7.19)

Cone Angulation Same Lingual Opposite Buccal (SLOB rule)

Vertical Angulation The object that moves in the same direction as the cone is
located toward the ‘Lingual’. The object that moves in the
The cone is aligned so that the beam strikes the film at right Opposite direction from the cone is located towards the
angle. ‘Buccal’.
116 Short Textbook of Endodontics

some time thoroughly reading the radiographic film and

interpreting it.
Film placement and cone angulation for individual teeth for
Endodontic purposes
Teeth Specific requirements
1. Maxillary Straight facial cone angle is preferred
anterior teeth
2. Maxillary Mesial cone angulation is preferred. The right-angle
premolars horizontal projection produces single canal image
in case of maxillary 1st premolar. By varying the
angulation by 20o (Walton projection) the two canals
are separated
3. Maxillary Mesial cone angulation is preferred. Standard right
molars angle projection of maxillary 1st molar shows
superimposition of roots with sinus floor, zygomatic
process and overlap of roots. To view the roots
clearly, horizontal angulation can be varied
• With horizontal angulation 20o to the mesial,
distobuccal root is cleared of the palatal root and
the zygomatic process is ‘moved’ to distal of 1st
• With horizontal angulation 20o to the distal,
mesiobuccal root is isolated
4. Mandibular • Distal horizontal angulation is preferred
incisors • Separate canals in mandibular incisors can be
viewed by varying the horizontal angulation
5. Mandibular • Mesial horizontal angulation is preferred
6. Mandibular • Mesial horizontal angulation is preferred
premolars • 20o mesial angulation will show separate canals if
Fig. 7.19  Schematic representation of the SLOB rule: Same Lingual present or any bifurcation of canals
Opposite Buccal (1) Mesial angulation (2) Perpendicular to tooth (3) 7. Mandibular • Distal horizontal angulation is preferred.
Distal angulation (Courtesy of Dr Vishal Rathod) molars • With standard perpendicular X-ray projection,
the mesial or distal canals are superimposed
appearing as single.
• Walton projection causes roots to open up
Knowing the direction from which a radiograph was • 20o–30o mesial angulation separates the two
taken, mesial, straight on or distal, one can determine canals in each root.
‘Buccal’ and ‘Lingual’. Now that the four canals are seen on the
radiograph, buccal canals can be distinguished
Clark rule also applies to changes in vertical angulation.
from lingual canals by applying Ingle’s rule of ‘MBD’!
When the location of mandibular canal in relation to Buccal canals are towards the distal and lingual
the root apices is to be determined, radiographs should be canals are towards the mesial.
taken at different vertical angulations.
If the canal moves with or in the same direction as the
cone, the canal is Lingual to root apices. Systematic evaluation of each and every structure seen,
If the canal moves opposite the direction of cone head, should be done as follows:
the canal is Buccal to root apices.
Ingle’s Rule is ‘MBD’, which states that Crown of Tooth
‘Always shoot from the Mesial and the Buccal root will
be Distal. Caries

RADIOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION • Extent of caries in relation to pulp is determined.

• Depth of proximal caries is more than what is seen on
the radiograph.
Radiograph should be carefully examined with an eye • Caries located on buccal or lingual aspect sometimes
towards diagnosis and treatment. It is worth spending may give the false impression of pulpal involvement.
Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics 117

Pulp Chamber Periodontal Ligament Space

• Size of pulp chamber is observed. Resorption of apical lamina dura and widening of PDL space
• Abnormal pulp calcification in response to caries or may occur as an early or limited response to infection in
trauma may be seen. root canal system or may be due to increased tooth mobility
• Calcification may be diffuse or localized. occurring as a result of orthodontic movement, periodontal
• Sometimes, pulp chamber may appear to be obliterated. disease or parafunctional habits.
• Small areas of resorption, invaginated enamel, dens
in dente, etc. these findings sometimes may be Alveolar Bone
overlooked. • Density of bone in periapical area: Increased density of
bone in response to infection may be seen in periapical
Root area referred to as condensing osteitis.
• Bone loss: Around the roots should be noted.
Pulp Canal/Root Canal
• Number of canals, additional roots and canals, Periapical Pathology
accessory, lateral canals should be looked for, while
interpreting the radiograph for Endodontic diagnosis Periapical granuloma, cyst, abscess may be evident on the
and treatment. radiograph.
Two or more radiographs at different angulations can
be viewed and compared and then the findings can be Anatomic Structures
• Shape of the canals, curvatures should be noted. Sometimes normal anatomic structures may be misinter­
• Degenerative localized or diffuse calcifications in the preted as pathoses. For example, mental foramen, incisive
radicular pulp. foramen will appear as radiolucencies in the periradicular
• Pulp obliteration. area. They can be differentiated from pathologic conditions
by exposures at different angulations and by pulp-testing
Root Fracture procedures. Other anatomic radiolucencies include:
Maxillary sinus, nutrient canals, nasal fossa, submandibular
Fracture of root may not be evident on radiograph but may fossa, etc.
result in reparative processes that become recognizable in
later radiographs. Differential Diagnosis Based on Radiographic
Findings can be Interpreted
Root Resorption: External or Internal
Based on radiographic evaluation, following conditions may
Internal resorption causes replacement of dentin by a soft be suspected or diagnosed (As given in Ingle):
tissue with resorbing cells. This may result in a balloon- • Hypercementosis: Cementum deposition around the
shaped lesion starting from the radicular pulp seen as round roots clearly seen on radiographs. It may occur in
or ovoid radiolucent area observed on the radiograph. response to pulpal inflammation without infection in
Internal pulp wall appears to be destroyed whereas apical part of canal.
cementum and periodontium seem to be unaffected in – Pulpitis would require Endodontic treatment.
initial cases of internal resorption. – Hypercementosis persists even after Endodontic
Periapical Area • Condensing apical osteitis: It represents altered bone
structure associated with chronic pulpitis and resolves
Integrity of Lamina Dura following adequate therapy.
Determining the integrity of lamina dura has a diagnostic • Idiopathic osteosclerosis: It may be closely located to
value when recent radiograph can be compared with apex of a vital tooth.
previous one. – Does not require Endodontic treatment.
Also, integrity or lack of integrity of lamina dura in • Marginal periodontitis: Its radiographic features are
relation to health of the pulp is to be determined. similar to apical periodontitis. If it is associated with
118 Short Textbook of Endodontics

necrotic and infected pulp, combined Endodontic- Applications of CBCT in Endodontics include:
periodontal treatment is recommended. • Localization of canals (Fig. 7.21)
• Root fractures: It may be seen as a variant of apical • Assessment of root fractures (Figs 7.22A to C)
periodontitis. When pulp canal space and the fracture • Evaluate the angulation of root (Fig. 7.23) and root
slit are infected, it results in periodontitis, where the resorption (Figs 7.24 and 7.25)
fracture communicates with periodontal space. • Periradicular pathologies in all planes can be
In vertical root fracture (VRF), the whole length of root evaluated. Example periapical or radicular cyst (Figs
may be affected, producing a diffuse halo of radiolucent 7.26A and B).
bone around the root.
• Osteomyelitis: Sequestration of bone and apparently STEP 3: DIAGNOSTIC TESTS
normal bone structures are seen between areas of bone
destruction. Goals of Diagnostic Tests
• Inflammatory paradental cyst: A rare entity, occurring
exclusively in mandibular molar area. Ingle has stated 2 goals of diagnostic tests (Fig. 7.27).
• Lateral periodontal cyst: A developmental cyst occurring Diagnostic tests are important adjunctive tools in the
in premolar area of mandible and sometimes in maxilla. decision-making process that leads to both pulpal and
It may be mistaken for apical periodontitis. periapical diagnoses. Do not rely on a single diagnostic test
• Nonodontogenic incisive canal developmental cyst: result. If at least one more test gives similar findings, then
Located centrally between maxillary incisors and may the appropriate treatment is recommended.
be mistaken for apical periodontitis if projected over the
apex. Various Pulp Tests
• Simple bone cyst: Traumatic bone cyst.
• Osseous/cemental dysplasia: Occurring in lower Pulp tests determine the pathological status of pulp.
anterior region. Teeth are vital, there are no clinical
symptoms. Radiographically can mimic chronic apical Specific Pulp Tests
• Giant cell granuloma: Large multilocular, radiolucent • Thermal tests:
area. – These tests identify the presence of pulp nerve
• Hyperparathyroidism. tissue that is capable of responding to a change in
• Odontogenic keratocyst. temperature.
• Benign or malignant tumors of jaw. – They may provide information that suggests whether
A mind-map to remember all points of RADIOGRAPHS the pulp is reversibly or irreversibly inflamed or
is given in Figure 7.20. necrotic.
– The preferred temperature for heat test is 65.5oC
Advanced Multiplanar Imaging: Cone Beam (150oF).
– It is important to isolate individual tooth with rubber
Computed Tomography (CBCT) for Endodontics
dam while performing thermal tests to prevent any
It is digital advanced imaging that helps to obtain an image of false positive results from the adjacent teeth.
virtually any plane through a structure that greatly improves – Abnormal response to thermal tests is elicited as:
diagnostic information of its 3-dimensional morphology. It - Lack of response to stimulus-Lingering or
involves section imaging. Axial, coronal and sagittal sections intensified pain sensation after removal of the
can be obtained with less patient exposure as compared to stimulus
conventional CT scans. Cone beam computed tomography - Immediate, excruciating painful sensation as
(CBCT) is a compact, faster and safer version of regular CT. soon as the stimulus is placed upon the tooth.
The buccolingual dimension which cannot be appreciated Figure 7.28 shows heat test being performed using
on radiographs can be clearly visualized on CBCT images. guttapercha stick.
Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics 119

Fig. 7.20  A mind-map to remember all points of radiographs

120 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 7.21  CBCT image showing MB2 canal in a maxillary first molar Fig. 7.23  CBCT image of a tooth with dilaceration. (Courtesy of Dr
tooth. (Courtesy of Dr Mansi Shah, Dentoview: Advanced Dental Mansi Shah, Dentoview: Advanced Dental Imaging Center)
Imaging Center)

Figs 7.22A to C  CBCT images showing horizontal root fracture of palatal root of maxillary second premolar tooth.
(Courtesy of Dr Mansi Shah, Dentoview: Advanced Dental Imaging Center)

Fig. 7.24  CBCT image showing blunting of apex caused due to Figs 7.25A and B  CBCT image showing internal resorption in a
external root resorption. (Courtesy of Dr Mansi Shah, Dentoview: tooth. (Courtesy of Dr Mansi Shah, Dentoview: Advanced Dental
Advanced Dental Imaging Center) Imaging Center)
Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics 121

Figs 7.26A and B  CBCT image of a radicular cyst. (Courtesy of Dr
Mansi Shah, Dentoview: Advanced Dental Imaging Center)

– False negative response to heat test (pulp vital but

no response) in cases of:
- Recent trauma cases
- Newly erupted teeth with immature apex due to
incompletely developed Rashkow’s plexus)
- Calcification present in the tooth
Fig. 7.27  Goals of diagnostic tests – False positive response to heat test (pulp nonvital
but positive response) in cases of:
- Partially necrotic tooth with some vital tissue
- Inadequately dried tooth may give false-vital
- Or when there is contact with metal restorations
causing conduction of current to periodontium.
• Electric tests

Purpose: It is a test for assessment of pulp vitality by gauging

the ability of nerves in the pulp to respond to electric

Response and Test Result

Patient may feel a ‘warm’, ‘tingling’, ‘burning’ or pain
sensation. This response is due to A-Delta nociceptors
in pulp that do not transmit electric, thermal, touch or
proprioceptive sensations to CNS, but only pain.
Fig. 7.28  Photograph showing heat test being performed using A positive response indicates vitality of pulp.
heated gutta-percha stick (Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna) No response indicates nonvital pulp or necrosis of pulp.
122 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Procedure pulp. It only denotes that some viable nerve fibers are
• Teeth to be evaluated are isolated and dried. present in the pulp that are capable of responding.
• A control tooth (contralateral vital tooth) should be • The use of electric pulp tester in a patient with cardiac
tested first in order to establish a baseline response and pacemaker can interfere with its function. So it is contra-
to help the patient know what a “normal” sensation is. indicated in such patients.
• Dry contact with the tooth does not evoke a response. • It may cause some anxiety in the patient knowing the
The tooth should be coated with a conductive medium instrument passes an electric current through their
to transmit current such as petroleum jelly, water-based teeth.
jelly, toothpaste or prophylactic paste. • False-positive responses can also occur just as in thermal
• Optimal placement of probe tip is on the occlusal 2/3rd tests in adjacent teeth especially those with contacting
of labial or buccal surfaces of teeth or the incisal edges. metal fillings.
• Once the probe tip is in contact with the tooth, the • This test is not reliable in younger teeth with immature
patient is asked to place the finger lightly on the metal apices or in teeth following a traumatic injury.
part of the probe to complete the circuit and initiates • It relies on subjective response by the patient and only
the delivery of electric current to the tooth. measures the neurological status of pulp, not the vitality
• Patient is instructed to remove his/her finger from the in true sense.
probe handle when a warm, tingling sensation is felt.
• The suspected tooth should be tested at least twice to Cohen has given the following accuracy rate results of pulp
confirm the results. tests:
• In case of complete coverage crown, a small metal Cold test → 86%
Endodontic instrument such as files or explorers can Electric test → 81%
be used as bridging instrument, with the tip coated with Heat test → 71%
contact medium and placed on enamel or dentin of the These usual pulp tests provide information only about
tooth being evaluated. The probe tip is then placed on the presence or absence of nerve receptors in the pulp and
the metal of the bridging instrument. not about the pulpal blood supply.
Figure 7.29 shows electric pulp test being performed
using electric pulp tester. Methods to assess pulpal circulation: Assessment of pulpal
circulation is more accurate determinant of pulp vitality as
Limitations compared to thermal tests because it uses methods that are
objective tests that help to differentiate between vital and
• The response to electric pulp testing (EPT) does not necrotic pulp.
reflect the histological health or disease status of the
Pulpal circulation can be assessed with the following
• Laser Doppler flowmetry
• Pulse oximetry
• Transmitted light-Photoplethysmography
• Infrared thermography
Laser Doppler Flowmetry and Pulse Oximetry are
explained here.

Laser Doppler Flowmetry

It is a method used to assess blood flow in microvascular

Doppler principle: This technology uses a beam of infrared

(780 to 820 nm) or near infrared (632.8 nm) light, directed
into the tissue by optical fibers. As light enters tissue, it is
Fig. 7.29  Electric pulp test being performed using electric pulp scattered by stationary tissue cells and moving red blood
tester (Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna) cells.
Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics 123

According to the Doppler principle (Law of Light Principle: It employs a light source probe that emits
Frequency Shift) simultaneously two light beams:
• The light beam will be frequency-shifted by moving red 1. One transmits red light (640 nm)
blood cells. 2. Other transmits infrared light (940 nm)
• The light beam will remain unshifted as it passes through • The light passes through the tissue of interest
the static tissue. • A photodetector is placed on the opposite side
This average Doppler frequency shift will measure the of the light source to capture whatever light gets
velocity at which the red blood cells are moving. through
• Oxygenated hemoglobin and deoxygenated
Application of Laser Doppler Flowmetry (LDF) hemoglobin absorb different amounts of red and
in Dentistry infrared light.
Laser Doppler Flowmetry can be used to assess pulpal The machine calculates the difference between the light
blood flow. emitted and the light received to provide the pulse rate and
The initial use of LDF was exclusively for direct soft tissue oxygen concentration in blood.
blood flow measurements. But for dental situations, there
is interference of hard tissues like dentin and enamel. Application in Dentistry
If it is properly conducted:
• It is found to be an accurate, reliable and reproducible Pulse oximetry has been tested and suggested to assess pulp
method to assess pulpal blood flow and check vitality vitality with mixed results. Some studies have found pulse
of tooth pulp. oximetry test to have high accuracy rate while other studies
• It has been shown to work in primary incisors as well showed that it does not have predictive diagnostic value for
• It is very useful in cases of dental trauma diagnosing pulp vitality.
• It can identify “at risk” teeth early after the trauma The technology uses devices that are too cumbersome
• In case of avulsion, it can detect revascularization after and complicated, hence, not feasible for routine dental
a few weeks and well in advance of other traditional practice.
clinical tests.

Requirements SPECIAL TESTS

To ensure consistent and accurate reading, Bite Test
• The Laser Doppler flowmetry (light) probe tip should
be placed on the same part of the crown. This requires • When a patient presents with pain while biting and
a custom-made stabilizing stent that can be made easily is unable to identify which tooth is sensitive to biting
out of rubber base impression material. pressure, bite test may help to localize the tooth involved.
• Prior to placing the stent, the gingiva should be covered • Causes of pain while biting:
with a dark dental dam or aluminum foil.
• Patient should be on similar position in the dental chair
each time while the recording is done.

• Initial high set-up cost
• Accurate and consistent reading of LDF assessment
requires certain critical steps to be taken
• May not be feasible for routine dental practice.
• Cannot be used if the tooth to be tested cannot be
• Devices used for bite test: Cotton applicators, toothpicks,
Pulse Oximetry orangewood sticks, rubber polishing wheels.
Tooth slooth is specifically designed to perform bite test.
It is a noninvasive and objective way to record the oxygen Figure 7.30 show bite test using cotton roll. Figures 7.31
saturation of blood and pulse rate. and 7.32 show tooth slooth for bite test.
124 Short Textbook of Endodontics


• The small cupped-out area on the device is placed in

contact with the cusp to be tested.
• The patient is asked to slowly but firmly apply biting
pressure with opposing teeth to the flat surface on the
opposite side of the device until full closure is achieved.
• After a few seconds, patient is then asked to release the
pressure very quickly. Each individual cusp on a tooth
is tested in this manner.
• The clinician notes whether the pain is elicited.
– During pressure phase or
– Upon quick release of pressure
Pain upon release of biting pressure frequently indicates
fractured cusp or cracked tooth.
Fig. 7.30  Bite test using cotton roll
(Courtesy of Mr Amar, Dr Dabholkar’s clinic)
Staining and Transillumination

• A small amount of dye is coated onto the crown/root

with a small cotton pellet.
  Figures 7.33 and 7.34 show caries detector dye and
Fig. 7.31  Tooth slooth (Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna)
staining test respectively.
• Remaining dye on the surface is washed away or
removed with a moist application of 70% isopropyl
If fracture or crack is present, dye remains in that crack
line and can be observed through magnifying loupes or
dental operating microscope.

• Applications:
– To determine the presence of a crown or root
– Detection of caries, calculus and soft tissue lesions
– Aid in determination of pulp vitality
• Devices used:
– Specifically designed fiberoptic lights
– High speed handpiece with fiberoptic activated or
Fig. 7.32  Bite test being performed with tooth slooth in place. Tooth other bright point light sources.
slooth should make contact with the cusp tips (Courtesy of Dr CR Figure 7.35 show the fiberoptic light source for
Suvarna) transillumination test as demonstrated in Figure 7.36.
Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics 125

• Procedure: The dental unit light should be turned off and

only the fiberoptic light used.

Fig. 7.34  Staining test being performed on mandibular first molar

(Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna)

Anesthetic Test
• When other diagnostic tests have been inconclusive,
then selective anesthesia may be helpful to locate the
offending tooth or the arch and to derive the appropriate
• Administration of the local anesthesia could be by
infiltration, block or intraosseous injection.
• When the patient is unable to determine which arch Fig. 7.35  The fiberoptic light source for transillumination test
(Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna)
the pain is coming from then a periodontal ligament

Fig. 7.33  Caries detector dye (Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna) Fig. 7.36  Demonstrating transillumination test
(Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna)
126 Short Textbook of Endodontics

injection (Intraligamentary) can be administered Test Cavity

starting from the most posterior tooth in the quadrant, • Test cavity method allows one to determine pulp vitality.
one tooth at a time, until the pain is eliminated. But is seldom used today.
This is done first in the maxillary arch. If after • It is performed only when other diagnostic tests have
appropriate period of time, the pain does not get been inconclusive and the clinician has a high level of
eliminated, the technique is repeated for the mandibular suspicion that the pulp is necrotic.
teeth. • Patient is informed about the exact procedure and the
• When a patient reports vague location of pain such as reason why it is being done.
discomfort over entire left cheek, and associated hard • Patient is not anesthesized during this procedure.
and soft tissues, if a diagnostic left inferior alveolar block • This test involves use of #1 or # 2 round bur at high speed
remits the pain, the pathosis can be attributed within the with proper air and water coolant for drilling in the tooth
distribution of inferior alveolar nerve and its branches. to remove enamel and about half of the total thickness
If the pain does not remit, and remains constant, of dentin.
then cardiac pain or pain from myocardial infarct can be If sensitivity is experienced beyond the dentino­
suspected which might have referred to the left mandible enamel junction, it signifies that there is some viable
and mimics pain of dental or orofacial origin. tissue remaining in the pulp, not that the pulp is totally
• If the patient is unable to locate an individual tooth healthy. The procedure is terminated and the tooth is
or arch, but the clinician feels that pain may be from restored.
posterior maxillary quadrant, infiltration anesthetic test If there is absolutely no pain or sensation during
may be used for each tooth starting from most posterior cavity preparation, until the pulp chamber is reached,
tooth. If the pain remits, the source of pain is identified it is a good indication that the pulp is necrotic and root
but if the pain does not remit, the clinician may suspect canal treatment is indicated.
the pain source to be in mandibular arch and now • Reliability of this test is questionable as:
administer mandibular block with an assurance that – A tooth with calcification causing pulpal obliteration
pain should abate. If the pain still remains, the clinician may not give clear results
can conclude that the pain is not of Endodontic origin – Gangrenous or inflammed pulp can give false results.
and do further evaluation.
Other Tests
Tracing of Intraoral Sinus Tract • Ultraviolet light: It can be used to determine the pulp
An infection from a tooth draining through an intraoral When exposed to UV light, the teeth with necrotic
communication to the gingival surface is known as ‘sinus pulps and teeth with Endodontic treatment did not
tract’. When it becomes lined with epithelium, it is termed fluoresce.
as ‘fistula’. When exposed to UV light, the teeth with vital pulps
Sinus tract facilitates drainage of infectious exudates, as fluoresce normally (The property of the objects to emit
a result, a periapical infection with an associated sinus tract light of higher wavelength when illuminated with
is not generally painful. ultraviolet (UV) light is called fluorescence).
Sinus tract can be a useful objective diagnostic aid to UV light can be harmful to eyes. So the patient and
trace the origin of infection. This test is done with a fine the staff should wear protective eyewear (goggles).
Guttapercha point. The GP cone is inserted through the To view the color changes in the tooth clearly, the
opening of the sinus tract until the resistance is felt. operating light needs to be suppressed.
Then an intraoral periapical radiograph is exposed. • Measurement of tooth surface temperature:
The radiograph is viewed to determine the path taken – Measurement of crown surface temperature may
by Guttapercha cone and the point of termination of determine whether vital tissue or necrotic tissue fills
sinus tract. This helps to locate the offending tooth and the pulp chamber.
specifically the offending root (Refer to figures 5.9 and 5.10 – Cholesteric liquid crystals at a temperature of 30–40oC
for the photograph and radiograph respectively of tracing range are used for this purpose.
of intraoral sinus tract). – When applied to the tooth surface the crystals
Once the etiology of sinus tract is eliminated, the sinus undergo color changes that are compared with
tract closes within a few days. adjacent or contralateral teeth.
Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics 127

Simplified chart that will direct your thinking process to correct clinical diagnosis
Clinical • No spontaneous • Presence of caries, • Sometimes deep caries • Asymptomatic • Symptoms of pain
subjective symptoms exposed dentin, but asymptomatic • No response to electric (spontaneous)
and objective • Respond to pulp recent dental • Intermittent or pulp tests or to cold • No response to
findings tests treatment, defective spontaneous pain stimulation electric pulp tests or
• Symptoms/ restorations • Stimuli causing • May respond to heat cold tests
response to • Stimulation with temperature changes • Multirooted teeth: • May respond to heat
pulp tests are an irritant causes (Especially cold) elicit sometimes roots • Pain on percussion
mild that do not symptoms, but its heightened and may give confusing • Tooth may become
cause distress removal resolves prolonged episodes of symptoms, one root very hypersensitive
• Transient symptoms pain even after removal responds, other does to heat
sensation, of stimulus not
reverses in • Pain may be sharp, or • Tooth may become very
seconds dull, localized or referred hypersensitive to heat
Radiographic • No evidence of • No significant • Minimal changes in • Deep caries • Thickening of PDL
findings resorption, caries radiographic change radiographic appearance • Thickening of PDL space
or pulp exposure of periradicular bone • Pulpal involvement • Periapical radiolucent
• Calcification may • Thickening of PDL lesion
or may not be • Extensive canal
present calcification in response
to pulpal irritation
• Deep restorations, caries,
exposure may be evident
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Diagnosis Indicates normal Indicates reversible Indicates irreversible Partial or complete pulp Pulp necrosis with
pulp pulpitis pulpitis necrosis periapical lesion
Treatment plan No treatment • Requires palliative • Root canal treatment • Root canal treatment • Root canal treatment
treatment according
to cause
• Remove etiologic
Clinical • Very painful • No clinical symptoms • Very painful to biting pressure, percussion • No clinical symptoms
response to • No response to pulp and palpation • No response to pulp vitality
biting pressure or vitality tests • Not respond to any pulp vitality tests tests
percussion • Tooth not sensitive to • Mobility of various degrees may be • Tooth not sensitive to
• May or may not biting pressure, but some present biting pressure but “feels
respond to pulp different sensation may • Swelling may be present in mucobuccal different” upon percussion
vitality tests be felt on percussion fold • Intermittent drainage
↓ ↓ • Febrile, lymph nodes may be tender on through an associated
palpation sinus tract
Radiographic • Widened PDL • Periradicular • Can exhibit anything from a widened PDL • Periradicular radiolucency
findings space but not radiolucency, usually space to a periradicular radiolucency present
periradicular around apical third of
radiolucency. root
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Diagnosis Acute periradicular/ Chronic periradicular/ Acute periradicular/apical abscess Chronic periradicular/apical
apical periodontitis apical periodontitis abscess (suppurative)
128 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 7.37  A mind-map to remember all points of diagnostic tests

Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics 129

– Thermistors are found to be consistent in recording • Clinician’s attitude: Clinician must have the attitude of
the surface temperatures of teeth with both vital and considering each and every patient ‘important’ and give
necrotic pulps. his full attention and expertise in treatment.
– Electronic thermography can determine the relative
differences in temperature in both superficial and Diagnosis
deep areas and it can be a useful adjunct to other Some cases may be straight forward, where, the findings
pulp diagnostic tests. clearly point towards the diagnosis. In few cases, a list of
A mind map to remember all point of diagnostic differential diagnosis is made and then based on reasoning
tests is given in Figure 7.37. and clinical judgment, a definitive diagnosis is derived by
STEP 4: ARRIVING AT AN ACCURATE Few cases may present a diagnostic challenge, where an
obvious dental etiology cannot be found. An existing medical
problem or a nonodontogenic cause should be  suspected
After thorough questioning, examination and testing, the and looked for and appropriate referral be made to protect
various subjective, objective, clinical testing and radiographic the patient from unnecessary dental treatment.
findings are considered for decision-making process to The pulpal and periapical diagnosis is made based on the
arrive at an accurate diagnosis. findings and appropriate reasoning to determine whether
The clinical judgment for decision-making is influenced the case requires Endodontic treatment or not.
by various factors such as: A simplified chart that directs your thinking towards an
• Knowledge and skills: Developed by education and accurate pulpal and periapical diagnosis to formulate the
training. necessary treatment plan is given on page number 127.
• Clinical experience: With experience of various cases
over a period of time, clinician develops the judgment BIBLIOGRAPHY
to correlate various findings and come to a definite
conclusion in a short time. 1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis: Mosby,
• Updating information: Keeping abreast with the latest 2006. pp.2-39.
2. Grossman L, Oliet S, Del Rio C. Endodontic Practice, 11th edn.
trends in the field: Varghese publication, 1991. pp.1-18.
– by reading appropriate literature and 3. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics, 6th edn. BC
– Attending continuing education courses Decker Inc, Hamilton, 2008. pp.520-637.

Rationale of Endodontic

This chapter tells you about the logic behind doing Endodontic therapy.
 You must know
• Which were the Proposed Theories of Spread of Infection that Developed into Modern
Philosophy of Endodontics?
• How do Dental Biologic Tissues React to Noxious Stimuli?
• Why is Inflammatory Response of Pulp Different from other Parts of Body?
• What Tissue Changes Occur during Inflammation?
• What Tissue Changes Occur following Inflammation?
• What is Role of Immunity in Endodontics?
• What are the Zones of Reaction of Periradicular Tissues and What are Endodontic

WHICH WERE THE PROPOSED THEORIES OF According to the Focal Infection Theory, the  focus of
SPREAD OF INFECTION THAT DEVELOPED INTO infection is often unrecognized, while secondary infections
THE MODERN PHILOSOPHY OF ENDODONTICS? might occur at sites particularly susceptible to such
microbial species or toxins such as gallbladder, kidney, liver,
Focal Infection Theory (FIT): An Obsolete prostate; but most commonly oral tissues.
Concept Now In 1920s, Dr Weston Price presented a research
suggesting that the bacteria entrapped in the dentinal
In 1891, WD Miller published a report, entitled as “Human tubules during Endodontic treatment could leak and lead to
mouth as focus of infection”. He used Robert Koch’s postulates systemic diseases such as arthritis, diseases of kidney, heart,
to establish microbial etiology of infectious diseases. He nervous, gastrointestinal, endocrine and other systems.
concluded that mouth was a focus of infection and that the Dr Price advocated tooth extraction over Endodontic
bacteria in mouth caused various systemic diseases. treatment. It resulted in era of tooth extraction both for
In 1909, Dr William Hunter identified  oral sepsis as a treatment of systemic disease and as a prophylactic measure
cause of systemic diseases. Later Billings described the against future illness.
terms focus of infection and focal infection and the term The Focal Infection Theory led to needless extraction of
oral sepsis was replaced by focal infection. millions of Endodontically treated teeth until well-designed
A focus of infection is described as a confined area studies conducted during 1930s demonstrated that this
that contains pathogenic microorganisms, that can occur theory was not valid. Dr Price’s research techniques were
anywhere in the body and usually causes no clinical criticized as they lacked many aspects of modern scientific
manifestations. research, including absence of proper control groups and
A focal infection is a localized or generalized infection induction of excessive doses of bacteria.
caused by the dissemination of microorganisms or toxic In 1940, Reiman and Havens stated that the suggested
products from a focus of infection. focal infection theory has not been proved. The infectious
Rationale of Endodontic Therapy 131

Flow chart 8.1  Reaction of dental biologic

agents involved were not known patients whose teeth or tissues to noxious stimuli
tonsils were removed, often continue to suffer from the
original disease.

Mechanism of Focal Infection

Two generally accepted mechanisms in production of focal
infection (Shafer’s Textbook of Oral Pathology, 7th edn.
1. Metastasis of microorganisms from an infected focus by
either hematogenous or lymphogenous spread.
2. Toxins or toxic products may be carried through the
bloodstream or lymphatic channels from a focus to a
distant site where they may result in a hypersensitive
reaction in the tissues.

Oral foci of infection: The theoretical sources of infection

that may set-up distant metastases include:
a. Teeth with infected root canals or infected periapical
lesions such as periapical granuloma, cysts or abscesses;
b. Transient bacteremia that is found to occur after tooth
extraction or after manipulation of gingiva related to • Pulp is an organ of terminal and limited circulation
severity of periodontal disease. • Pulp has no efficient collateral circulation.

Various noxious stimuli that can affect the dental biologic Inflammation: Basic Concepts
tissues (Bacterial, Physical, Chemical, etc.) and the reaction
of the dental pulp to these stimuli have been explained in • Inflammation is local physiologic reaction of body to an
detail in Chapter 4 ‘The Pulpal Reactions to Caries and irritant or noxious stimulus.
Dental Procedures’. • Object of Inflammation → to Remove the irritant
Such stimuli can result in reversible or irreversible (R2) → to Repair damage to the
changes in the pulp and the periradicular tissues as listed tissue
in Flow chart 8.1. • Type of inflammation Predominant cells
The changes that occur in the pulp and the periradicular – Acute and early stages PMN neutrophils
tissues are mediated by a series of inflammatory and of inflammation
immunological reactions in order to eliminate the irritant – Chronic inflammation Lymphocytes, plasma
and repair any damage, which will be explained in detail in cells, monocytes,
this chapter. macrophages
• Cardinal symptoms of inflammation:
– Swelling (tumor)
– Redness (rubor)
Pulpal inflammatory response is modified due to following – Disturbance of function (Functio lesea).
reasons: In an inflamed pulp, all these symptoms occur, but only
• Pulp is encased within the hard tissues pain and disturbance of function are recognized clinically.
• Pulp has limited space to expand during inflammation In case of acute inflammation of periradicular tissues, all
• Pulp has limited portals of entry the cardinal symptoms may be recognized clinically.
132 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Inflammatory Cells – T-lymphocytes stimulated by an antigen.

1. Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs): Sensitized lymphocyte can have following
– Present during acute or early stages of inflammation manifestations:
– Function: To phagocytise bacteria and lyse fibrin and i. Memory T-cells: They speed the immun­
cellular debris and engulfment of antigen-antibody ologic reaction in subsequent encounters
complexes and nonmicrobial material. with same antigen
– PMNs are attracted to the area of inflammation by ii. Helper/Suppressor T-cells: Stimulate or
chemotactic factors produced by bacteria or by suppress development of effector T- or
complement. B-cells
– They are the first cells to migrate from the vessels. iii. Effector T-cells: Cell-mediated immunity
– Serum factors of complement and immunoglobulins such as delayed hypersensitivity.
called opsonins bind bacteria to surface of PMNs. – Sensitized lymphocyte release chemical
– PMNs have narrow life span. They are destroyed mediators: Lymphokines may activate macro­
in the inflammatory site when pH of tissue fluids phages, polymorphonuclear leukocytes
becomes less than 6.5. and non-sensitized T-cells. Lymphokines
Destruction of PMNs may produce interferon, that inhibits viral
↓ replication as needed by immune response.
Release of proteolytic enzymes, pepsin and cathepsin • B-lymphocytes:
↓ – Shorter lifespan than B-cells
Tissue lysis – Found in cortical areas of lymph nodes
↓ – When activated, B-cells become larger cells
PMNs along with products of cellular lysis and debris called plasmablasts. Plasmablasts divide into:
constitutes the pus. i. Memory B-cells: They speed the immun­
2. Macrophages: ologic reaction in subsequent encounters
– Derived from circulating monocytes with same antigen.
– At the site of inflammation, in extravascular areas, ii. Plasma cells: Large, oval or round cells with
immature monocytes differentiate into macro­ eccentric nuclei containing chromatin in
phages. cart-wheel form.
– Function: They are phagocytic cells that ingest Plasma cells produce immunoglobulins:
cellular debris, microorganisms and particulate IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE and IgD (Remember:
matter. They enhance the immunologic reaction by GAMED) which are involved in different
ingesting, processing and degrading antigen before defense reactions such as:
presenting to lymphocytes, thus causing repair. a. Neutralization of bacterial toxins by
– Macrophages secrete mediators of inflammation antitoxins
such as lysosomal enzymes, complement proteins b. Coating of bacteria with antibodies or
and prostaglandins. opsonization for phagocytosis
– Monophages are mononucleated cells that fuse with c. Lysis of bacteria by complement
other macrophages to produce multinucleated giant activation
cells. d. Agglutination of bacteria
3. Lymphocytes: e. Combining of antibody with viruses
– Appear in chronic stage of inflammatory reaction. to prevent their entry into cells.
– Two types: T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes, both – Responsible for humoral immunity.
derived from pluripotential hemopoetic stem cells. 4. Eosinophils, basophils, mast cells are also found in the
Stem cells carried to thymus, where they become pulp and periradicular tissues.
immunologically competent T-cells whereas B-cells – Eosinophils mainly found in allergic reactions and
tend to become immunocompetent in the bone parasitic reactions.
marrow. – Function : Phagocytosis of antigen-antibody
• T-lymphocytes: complexes and detoxification of histamine.
– T-lymphocytes have long lifespan – Basophils and mast cells are the same with basophils
– Found in paracortical areas of lymph nodes found in hemopoetic system and mast cells found in
– Responsible for cell-mediated immunity. tissue.
Rationale of Endodontic Therapy 133

– Both basophils and mast cells contain granules 3. Neuropeptides: Neuropeptides such as Substance P,
and when stimulated, by injury they degranulate Calcitonin-gene related peptide (CGRP) are potent
and release chemical mediators such as histamine vasodilators. Increased production and release of
(vasodilator) and heparin (anticoagulant). They can neuropeptides plays an important role in initiating and
initiate inflammatory allergic responses. propagating the inflammation of the pulp.
4. Cytokines: They are polypeptides produced by many cell
Inflammatory Mediators types that play a role in modulating the function of other
cell types. These include Interleukin-1, Interleukin-8 and
The main biologic function of inflammatory mediators is to tumor necrosis factor (TNF). IL-1 and TNF are produced
cause vasodilatation and increased vascular permeability by activated macrophages. They induce the synthesis
and recruit inflammatory cells, mainly neutrophilic and surface expression of the endothelial adhesion
leukocytes and macrophages from blood circulation to molecules and bring about enhanced leukocyte
the site of tissue injury. The inflammatory reactions are adhesion to endothelial walls. IL-1 has been found
mediated by chemical substances produced by certain cells mainly in periapical pathology and IL-8 is associated
or present in plasma. with acute apical periodontitis. TNF is associated with
chronic apical lesions and root canal exudates. IL-1
Nonspecific Inflammatory Mediators and IL-8 are proinflammatory cytokines and TNF is a
I. Cell derived mediators: chemotactic cytokine.
1. Vasoactive amines such as histamine, serotonin 5. Nitric oxide: Nitric oxide in macrophages act as free
(5-Hydroxytryptamine) radicals, which are cytotoxic to certain microbes and
2. Lysosomal enzymes tumor cells. It increases vascular permeability and
3. Neuropeptides causes inactivation of anti-proteases.
4. Cytokines 6. Eicosanoids such as prostaglandins or leukotrienes
5. Nitric oxide are released through the cyclooxygenase pathway and
6. Eicosanoids. lipooxygenase pathway in response to injury to cells,
which are involved in inflammatory process.
II. Plasma derived mediators
1. Complement system II. Plasma derived mediators:
2. Kinin system 1. Complement system: It consists of 20 component
3. Coagulation and fibrinolytic system. proteins and their cleavage products found in greatest
concentration in plasma. Components of complement
Specific Inflammatory Mediators: Antibodies system such as C3a, C3b, C5a, C5b, C5-C9 are products
of the complement cascade, which can be activated by
I. Cell derived mediators: two pathways: The classic pathway and the alternate
1. Vasoactive amines such as Histamine, Serotonin pathway. The classic pathway is initiated by activation of
(5-Hydroxytryptamine): Histamine is released by mast C1 by multimolecular aggregates of IgG or IgM antibody
cell degranulation in response to variety of stimuli complexed with specific antigen and the alternate
such as physical injury, immune reactions involving pathway is activated by microbial cell components
binding of antibody to mast cell, etc. Histamine (lipopolysaccharide, teichoic acid) and plasmin. C3a
causes dilatation of arterioles and increased vascular and C5a causes vasodilation and increases the vascular
permeability of venules. Serotonin is present in platelets permeability and C5a is a powerful chemotactic agent
and enterochromaffin cells. Its release is stimulated for neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils and basophils
when platelets aggregate after contact with collagen, and causes increased adhesion of leukocytes to
thrombin, antigen-antibody complexes. It causes endothelium.
increased vascular permeability. 2. Hageman factor activated Kinin and Coagulation system:
2. Lysosomal enzymes: Collagenase can mediate tissue Kallikrien converts kininogen into bradykinin, which in
injury by degrading collagen and other tissue proteins. turn converts plasminogen into plasmin. Kinins cause
Kallikerin released from the lysosomes promotes the increased vascular permeability, vasodilation and
generation of bradykinin. Lysosomal enzymes cause smooth muscle contraction.
increase in vascular permeability and play a role in Coagulation/Clotting system and fibrinolytic
activation of the complement system. system: Its two components: Fibrinopeptides which
134 Short Textbook of Endodontics

increase vascular permeability and are chemotactic for duration of disease, pulp tests, percussion, palpation
leukocytes and thrombin which increases leukocyte and radiographic findings whereas histologic diagnosis
adhesion and fibroblast proliferation. is a morphologic and biologic description of cells and
extracellular matrix of diseased tissues.
Vascular Changes Clinical diagnosis represents provisional diagnosis based
on signs, symptoms and testing results whereas histologic
1. Vasodilatation: Induced by histamine, prostaglandins, diagnosis is a definitive diagnosis of diseased tissue.
nitric oxide. There is no good correlation between clinical symtoms
2. Increased vascular permeability: Vasoactive amines, C3a, and histopathologic findings of pulpitis and apical
C5a, Bradykinin, Leukotrienes, Platelet activation factor periodontitis. For example, a pulp tissue with acute pulpal
play a role in it. It causes increase in concentration of abscess at cellular level may be clinically completely
red cells in small vessels. Increase in viscosity of blood asymptomatic. Also, many teeth with apical periodontitis
causes slower flow of blood. histologically are clinically asymptomatic.
3. Leukocyte accumulation and migration.
Tissue changes that occur in dental biologic tissues Correlation between Radiographic
during inflammation are summarized in Flow chart 8.2.
and Histologic Findings
Correlation between Clinical and Histologic Findings Radiography detects pathologic changes at tissue level,
Clinical diagnosis of inflammatory pulpal or periapical not cellular levels. Even by using very sensitive imaging
disease is mainly based on clinical signs and/or symptoms, systems such as cone beam computed tomography (CBCT),

Flow chart 8.2  Changes in dental biologic tissues during inflammation

Rationale of Endodontic Therapy 135

ultrasound and other technologies, it is impossible to WHAT IS THE ROLE OF IMMUNITY IN

detect the presence of inflammatory changes in pulp and ENDODONTICS?
periradicular tissues.
Sometimes the tooth with inflammation of periradicular Two types of immune responses are involved when there is
tissues observed histologically might have normal infection or inflammation in the pulp and the periradicular
radiographic features. This is because the lesions localized tissues: innate immunity and adaptive immunity.
in the cancellous bone may not be visible radiographically The immune cells present in human periradicular
unless they involve cortical bone. In addition, radiographic lesions include lymphocytes, macrophages, plasma cells,
findings may not be able to predict asymptomatic apical neutrophils and natural killer cells (NK).
periodontitis (granuloma) from asymptomatic apical 1. Nonspecific innate immune response: The primary
periodontitis with cyst formation (radicular cyst). There is nonspecific innate immune defense mechanism in
poor correlation between radiographic and histopathologic response to apical periodontitis is phagocytosis of
findings of inflammation or disease of periradicular tissues. microbes by specialized phagocytes such as PMNs
and macrophages. Inflammation of tissue causes
WHAT TISSUE CHANGES OCCUR recruitment of PMNs from the blood circulation into
FOLLOWING INFLAMMATION? periradicular tissue. Activated PMNs cause an abrupt
Tissue changes that occur following inflammation are increase in oxygen consumption (respiratory burst),
summarized in Flow chart 8.3. resulting in release of oxygen radicals that destroy
Same substance can act as stimulant and irritant. For microbes. Phagocytosed microbes or foreign particles
example: Calcium hydroxide. In the center of inflammatory are exposed to a very toxic environment that contains
area, strong irritant causes degeneration/destruction. At the specific and azurophilic granules and oxygen radicals
periphery, mild irritant causes proliferation. and are eventually degraded.

Flow chart 8.3  Changes in dental biologic tissues following inflammation

136 Short Textbook of Endodontics

2. Adaptive/Specific immune response: The specificity of Fish’s Zones of Reaction: ICIS

adaptive immune response is regulated at genetic level Zones of Infection, Contamination, Irritation, Stimulation.
in B and T lymphocytes through a complex process that
leads to generation of molecules, which are specific Implications
receptors on T-cells and B-cells. These molecules
recognize and bind to foreign or self-antigens. • Root canal is a seat of infection.
The T-cell antigen receptors on T-cells interact with • Microorganisms in root canal are rarely motile and will
antigens that are presented by MHC molecules along not move into periradicular tissues by themselves.
with accessory molecules.
The B-cell antigen receptors, also called as immuno­
globulins interact with antigens directly. They may be
secreted in the blood circulation or in the tissues as


Fish performed an experiment to study the reaction of the
periradicular tissues to noxious products of tissue necrosis,
bacterial products and antigenic agents from root canal.
In the experiment, he established an experiment foci of
infection in the guinea pigs by drilling openings in the jaw
bone and packing it with wool fibers saturated with a broth
culture of microorganisms.
He described four zones of reaction surrounding foci of
infection as shown in Figure 8.1. Fig. 8.1  Diagram showing the four zones of reaction: (a) Infected/
Table 8.1 gives the details of each of the zones of Necrosed pulp; (b) Zone of infection; (c) Zone of contamination;
reaction. (d) Zone of irritation; (e) Zone of stimulation as described by Fish

TABLE 8.1  Zones of reaction

Zone of infection Zone of contamination Zone of irritation Zone of stimulation

PMN leukocytes Round cell Macrophages and osteoclasts Fibroblasts and osteoblasts
infiltration and lymphocytes

Microorganisms are found Around central zone, cellular Small round cells, normal bone cells and Toxins are too diluted and mild
destruction caused by toxins osteoclasts could just survive enough to act as stimulant
discharged from central zone is

Infection is present in the In this area, bone cells die due Toxins become diluted Collagen fibers are laid down
center of the lesion. Thus, to toxins, undergo autolysis. So, by fibroblasts which act as wall of
root canal is seat of infection lacunae appear empty defense around zone of irritation.
It also acts as scaffolding, on which
the osteoblasts built new bone in
an irregular fashion

When microorganisms Macrophages digest collagen and A granuloma may be found or if

multiply or produce osteoclasts attack bone tissue, as a result epithelial rests of malassez are
byproducts, they reach of which a GAP is opened up in the bone stimulated, a cyst will form
periradicular area around center of lesion, which is then
filled with PMN leukocytes. Histologically,
activity preparatory to repair is seen
Rationale of Endodontic Therapy 137


Figs 8.2A to D  Enlarged view of the lower left side of panoramic radiograph (OPG); (A) Preoperative view showing large area of
rarefaction in relation to mandibular canine and mandibular second premolar; (B) Postoperative view after doing Endodontic treatment
in mandibular second premolar and Endodontic retreatment in mandibular canine; (C) One-year follow-up view shows resolution of
radiolucency to a great extent; (D) Two-year follow-up view shows further improvement and return of periradicular tissues to the normal
(Courtesy of Dr Ajay Bajaj)

Flow chart 8.4  Fate of microorganisms in periradicular area

However, microorganisms may multiply sufficiently
to grow out of root canal or the metabolic or toxic
products of microorganisms may be diffused to
periradicular area.
• In the periradicular area: (Flow chart 8.4)
• At the periphery of destroyed area, granuloma or cyst
forms as shown in Flow chart 8.5.
• When root canal therapy is done, the reservoir of
microorganisms and their toxic products is eliminated,
followed by obturation of root canal system to produce
a three-dimensional hermetic seal, the destroyed
periapical bone will undergo repair.
Fish’s theory is the basis for successful Endodontic
138 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Flow chart 8.5  Lesion formed as per stimulant Access cavity preparation and optimum cleaning
and shaping of root canals eliminates the reservoir of
bacteria or noxious products. Obturation of the well-
cleaned and well-shaped root canal system followed
by good post-Endodontic coronal restoration seals the
tooth against leakage from oral fluids and bacterial
contamination. As a result, the destroyed periapical
bone undergoes repair and the area of rarefaction
that was seen radiographically gradually resolves and
Rationale of Endodontic Therapy Figures 8.2A to D show portions of the panoramic
radiographs taken preoperatively, post-treatment, and
• Effective elimination of the reservoir of microorganisms follow-up after one and two years of a case in which
and their toxins from the root canal system by means Endodontic treatment has been successful and has
of: resulted in the repair of periapical bone. The huge area of
– Unobstructed straight-line access to the apical part rarefaction that is seen in preoperative view has resolved
of the root canals. and almost disappeared in the follow-up radiographs
– Thorough instrumentation of root canals combined taken after one and two years respectively.
with irrigation (cleaning and shaping).
• Well cleaned and well-shaped root canal is obturated to BIBLIOGRAPHY
produce a three-dimensional hermetic seal which: 1. AAE Fact Sheet on Focal Infection Theory.
– Prevents entry of microorganisms or fluids from 2. Grossman L, Oliet S, Del Rio C. Endodontic Practice, 11th edn.
root canal to periapical area or vice-versa (apical Varghese publication; 1991.pp.116-25.
leakage). 3. Hargreaves KM, Cohen S. Pathways of Pulp, 10th edn. Mosby
– Seal the remaining irritants in canal, i.e. entombment Elsevier, St Louis, MO; 2011.pp.532-5.
4. Indramohan J, Karthika B, Mohiddin G. Myth of Endodontics in
of residual bacteria.
oral focal infection. Indian Journal of Multidisciplinary Dentistry.
• The Endodontically treated tooth is protected by quality 2011;2(1):380-2.
coronal restoration to prevent bacterial contamination. 5. Rajendran R, Sivopathasundharam B, Shafer’s Textbook of Oral
(coronal leakage). Pathology, 7th edn, Elsevier Publication; 2012.p.512.

Case Selection and

Treatment Planning

This chapter describes thorough evaluation of a patient who has come for dental treatment. It will help
you to make a decision whether to do or not to do root canal treatment in a particular case and guides
you to formulate an effective Endodontic treatment plan to carry out the procedure.
  You must know
• How to Evaluate a Case for Treatment?
• What are the Factors to be Considered for Case Selection for Root Canal Treatment?
• What are the Indications and Contraindications of Root Canal Treatment?
• How to Develop an Endodontic Treatment Plan?
• How to Assess Difficulty of an Endodontic Case?

HOW TO EVALUATE A CASE FOR TREATMENT? May or may not need dental management
Each case must be evaluated thoroughly before For example, stage I or II hypertension, type II
commencement of treatment. diabetes, allergy, well-controlled asthma.
Proper evaluation of the patient for treatment includes: ASA III: A patient with moderate to severe systemic disease
• Evaluation of medical condition of patient that is not incapacitating but may alter daily
• Psychological evaluation activities, may have significant drug concerns, may
• Dental evaluation. require special patient care.
Would generally require dental management
Evaluation of Medical Condition of Patient altera­tions.
For example, stage III hypertension, type
Most of the medical conditions do not contraindicate I diabetes, unstable angina pectoris, recent
Endodontic treatment. There are few systemic conditions myocardial infarction, poorly controlled congestive
that can influence the course of treatment and will require heart failure, AIDS, COPD, hemophilia.
specific modifications. So, it is necessary to evaluate the ASA IV: A patient with severe systemic disease that is constant
medical condition of the patient before we plan to do root threat to life; definitely requires dental management
canal treatment (RCT). alterations; best treated in special facility.
Physical status classification for patients given by For example, kidney failure, liver failure,
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA): advanced AIDS.
ASA I: Normal, healthy patient. The ASA classification is a useful guide for preoperative
No dental management alterations required. assessment of relative risk involved in treating a patient.
ASA II: A patient with mild systemic disease that does not If the patient has a systemic disease, under certain
interfere with daily activity or who has significant circum­stances, consultation with the patient’s physician
health risk factor such as smoking, obesity, etc. may be necessary.
140 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Certain medical conditions that may influence Endodontic • Pat i e nt s o n m e d i c at i o n s f o r

treatment planning [Remember ABCDE CAP]: hyper­­tension should also have their
blood pressure measured prior to
Medical condition Precautions to be taken and treatment.
treatment modifications 4. Diabetes: • Consultation with patient’s physician
1. Allergy: • If patient gives history of known may be required.
allergy to a particular agent such as • Evaluate blood glucose levels.
certain drugs, LA, latex gloves, etc. • Before dental appointment, patient
avoid using those agents that the is asked to have his/her regular dose
patient is allergic to. of insulin and normal meals.
• Always keep an emergency kit • Antibiotics may have to be prescribed
available in case of an unknown in certain cases.
allergy. • Patients with controlled diabetes and
While designing an emergency without any medical complications
drug kit, following drugs should be can receive the Endodontic treatment
included as minimum: (As per ADA without any treatment modification.
Council on Scientific Affairs, 2002): But a modified treatment plan is
1. Epinephrine 1:1000 (Injectable) indicated for diabetic patients with
2. Histamine blocker (Injectable) medical complications.
3. Oxygen with positive pressure 5. End-stage renal • Endodontic treatment may have to
administration capability   disease: be provided in a hospital setting
4. Nitroglycerin (Sublingual tablet to restore oral health and prevent
or aerosol spray) infection.
5. Bronchodilator (Asthma inhaler) 6. Cancer: • Patients who are on chemotherapy
6. Sugar or radiation therapy to head and
7. Aspirin neck may have impaired healing
2. Bleeding • Consultation with the patient’s response.
  disorders: physician • Consultation with patient’s physician.
• Evaluate patient’s recent blood test • Whether to do extraction or Endo­
report for bleeding time, clotting dontic treatment for preradiation
time patients should be determined.
• Use of antibiotic prophylaxis may be • Perform treatment only if urgent care
required. is needed.
3. Cardiovascular • Consultation with the patient’s • Such patients may have symptoms
  diseases: physician like mucositis, trismus, xerostomia,
• Such patients are vulnerable which will require some local
to emotional stress. Reassurance treatment for relief of symptoms.
and effective pain control is very 7. AIDS • Adherence to universal pre­cautions
important to manage the stress. • Determine CD4 count
• Patient with a history of myocardial • Medical consultation
infarction within past 6 months • Antibiotic prophylaxis.
should not have elective dental care. 8. Pregnancy: • Second trimester only seems to be
• Use of vasoconstrictor (Adrenaline) safe period to provide routine dental
in the local anesthetic should be care.
considered. Sometimes plain LA, i.e • As far as possible no drug should
LA without adrenaline may have to be administered during pregnancy,
be used. especially during first trimester. If
• Patients with congenital heart need for drug administration arises,
disease and valve defects must be consultation with patient’s physician
given prophylactic antibiotics prior is a must.
to Endodontic treatment to prevent • There is concern for the use of radio­
bacterial endocarditis. graphs in pregnant females. Use of
Case Selection and Treatment Planning 141

safety aids such as protective lead WHAT ARE THE FACTORS TO BE

apron with thyroid collar is a must. CONSIDERED FOR CASE SELECTION
• Care needs to be taken about the FOR ROOT CANAL TREATMENT?
com­fortable position of the patient
Factors to be Considered for Case-selection
during treatment, if any kind of
emergency procedure needs to be for Root Canal Treatment
performed. Systemic/General Factors
Psychological Evaluation These include age and health considerations.
• Patient’s psychological status is considered during Endodontic treatment is possible for all age groups. It
treatment. can be done in deciduous teeth and young permanent teeth
• Most of the patients are found to have anxiety if they have with open apices (Pediatric Endodontics) and also in older
to undergo Endodontic treatment. The anxiety reduction people above 65 years of age (Geriatric Endodontics). Thus,
protocol includes reassurance to patient and explaining age is not a determinant in Endodontic therapy.
the entire procedure to the patient. Also, the patients General health of the patient must be evaluated prior to
need to be informed what they can expect during the performing root canal treatment. In case of certain medical
treatment. conditions, treatment may require some modifications.
• Behavioral intervention for the anxious patient reduces
the anxiety and increases the level of cooperation from Local Factors
the patient during treatment.
• Consideration regarding the strategic importance of
Dental Evaluation tooth: The clinician needs to determine whether the
involved tooth is needed or important. Consider whether
Thorough clinical and radiographic evaluation of the tooth it has the opposing (antagonist) tooth or not.
needs to be done to determine the following: • Consideration regarding the status of the oral condition:
(Remember the sentence: Lets Start Root Canal The involved tooth may be associated with other
Procedure After Making Proper Diagnosis Previously) dental problems such as rampant caries, periodontal
• Location of tooth: Most posterior tooth in the arch or lesions, orthodontic malalignment, root resorption,
tilted  posterior teeth may present access and visibility history of trauma, etc. Treatment of such tooth will
problems. Ability to isolate the tooth is an important require a combined team work of various dental
consideration. specialists.
• Strategic value of tooth. • Consideration of the prognosis of Endodontic therapy:
• Restorability of tooth. – Teeth with pre-existing apical radiolucency are found
• Complications from previous treatment : Such as to have a lower success rate than the teeth without
perforations, canal blockages, ledges, nonretrievable such lesions. Apical periodontitis is considered to be
posts, etc. the main prognostic factor in initial treatment cases.
• Periodontal status of tooth. – Clinician’s skills: Quality of instrumentation,
• Accessibility to apical foramen through the root canal. obturation and final restoration play an important
• Morphology of tooth: Root canal shape, presence role in the ultimate outcome of Endodontic
of any curvatures, calcifications or resorptions, etc. treatment.
which may be revealed on radiographs. But remember • Restorative considerations: When the tooth is badly
that radiographs do not always demonstrate canal damaged and very little amount of sound crown
complexities. structure is remaining, it may not be satisfactorily
• Proximity to anatomic structures: Proximity of root restored. Surgical crown lengthening procedure (CLP)
apices to anatomic structures such as mental foramen, may have to be considered when crown height is
mandibular canal and maxillary sinus should be compromised or there is subosseous root caries. A tooth
considered. which is Endodontically treatable but nonrestorable may
• Difficulty anticipated during treatment: Evaluating represent a potential restorative complication in a large
various factors that may complicate the proposed prosthesis.
Endodontic therapy of the involved tooth. • Periodontal considerations: If the tooth is severely
• Prognosis of the case. involved periodontally, it may be soon lost for
142 Short Textbook of Endodontics

this  reason. So, in spite of probability of a favorable – Accessibility of tooth: Endodontic treatment in
Endodontic prognosis, a tooth with poor periodontal the third molars may be difficult due to poor
support will have to be sacrificed. accessibility.
• Esthetic considerations: As an alternative to orthodontic Limited mouth opening, trismus can make
treatment in case of malaligned anterior teeth such accessibility of posterior teeth difficult or even
as proclined teeth, intentional Endodontic treatment impossible.
can be done and the teeth prepared to correct the – Retreatment cases, particularly those presenting with
inclination to receive full coverage esthetic crowns procedural mishaps such as ledges, perforations,
(Smile Designing). etc. will pose a mechanical challenge before the
• Surgical considerations: Cases where re-treatment is clinician.
being considered, one must determine whether non- – Level of anticipated difficulty in a particular case
surgical or combined means for re-treatment would be has to be determined beforehand and the need for
appropriate. referral to a specialist has to be considered if the case
• Anatomic considerations: Extra roots and canals which seems to be beyond the clinician’s ability.
are sometimes not revealed on radiographs will pose Figure 9.1 shows the mind-map to remember all
anatomic challenge before the clinician. Anatomic the local factors to be considered for Endodontic case
variations with respect to position of tooth, shape of selection.
roots and canals, presence of curvatures, calcifications, Grossman gave the four main factors that determine the
etc. should be considered during case selection. decision to do or not to do root canal treatment: (Grossman’s
• Other factors: Endodontic Practice, 11th edn. p.126)
– Ability to isolate the tooth is an important 1. Accessibility of the apical foramen through the root canal
consideration. 2. Restorability of the involved tooth

Fig. 9.1  Mind-map showing local factors for Endodontic case selection
Case Selection and Treatment Planning 143

3. Strategic value of the involved tooth 6. Chronic hyperplastic pulpitis (Pulp polyp) (Figure 9.3
4. General resistance of the patient. shows photograph of mandibular first molar with pulp
All these have been explained previously in this polyp)
chapter. 7. Internal resorption (Pink teeth) (Figures 9.4A and B show
photograph of teeth with internal resorption that have
WHAT ARE THE INDICATIONS turned pink colored)
AND CONTRAINDICATIONS OF 8. Pulp exposure from severe attrition of tooth (Figure 9.5
ROOT CANAL TREATMENT? shows photograph of multiple teeth requiring root canal
treatment due to pulp exposures from severe attrition)
Indications 9. Intentional root canal treatment for restorative or
1. Irreversible pulpitis: – Acute prosthetic procedures
– Chronic 10. Roots with good periodontal support, over which over
2. Acute apical periodontitis denture can be constructed.
3. Pulp necrosis: Necrosis of pulp may cause discoloration 11. In case of Combined Endodontic-Periodontal lesions,
of tooth (Figures 9.2A and B show photograph of in which tooth is salvageable, Endodontic treatment is
discolored nonvital teeth due to trauma) done prior to Periodontal treatment.
4. Chronic apical periodontitis
5. Nonvital tooth with periapical cyst Contraindications
1. Nonrestorable tooth, i.e. a tooth with insufficient sound
tooth structure remaining (or nonrestorable root surface
Figure 9.6 shows photograph of badly broken down
teeth due to caries that cannot be restored.
Figure 9.7 shows radiograph showing insufficient
sound tooth structure remaining of maxillary first
premolar tooth that seems to be nonrestorable.
2. Vertical root fracture (VRF).
3. Extensive and untreatable internal or external root
4. Caries involving floor of pulp chamber.
5. Extensive periodontal disease around the tooth causing
grade III mobility of tooth.

Figs 9.2A and B  Discolored nonvital teeth Fig. 9.3  Mandibular first molar with pulp polyp
(Courtesy of Dr Manoj Ramugade) (Courtesy of Dr Manoj Ramugade)
144 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 9.6  Nonrestorable teeth (Courtesy of Dr Manoj Ramugade)

B Fig. 9.7  Radiograph showing insufficient sound tooth structure

Figs 9.4A and B  Pink teeth (Courtesy of Dr Manoj Ramugade) remaining-nonrestorable tooth (Courtesy of Dr Sharad Kokate)

Fig. 9.5  Multiple teeth requiring root canal treatment due to pulp Fig. 9.8  Radiograph showing extensive periodontal
exposures from severe attrition (Courtesy of Dr Manoj Ramugade) involvement in mandibular teeth
Case Selection and Treatment Planning 145

Figure 9.8 shows radiograph of mandibular teeth – Local anesthesia must be administered.
with extensive periodontal involvement. – Simply debriding the pulp chamber, i.e. performing
6. Extensive destruction of periapical tissues involving pulpotomy is a highly predictable method of
more than one-third the length of the tooth. providing pain relief in emergency cases.
7. Teeth with complex anatomy where proper instrumen­ – If time permits, complete Endodontic treatment for
tation will not be possible vital teeth can be performed in the same visit (single
8. Endodontic failure cases with complications of previous visit Endodontics). If not, then clinician must stop at
treatment such as untreatable perforations, large non- pulpotomy, restore the tooth with a temporary filling
retrievable posts, canal transportations, ledges, etc. and schedule the next appointment for the patient.
9. Poor accessibility of tooth due to limited mouth – Once the canal is entered, the clinician must
opening which may be due to trauma, scar from surgical remove all pulp tissue from it as it has been found
procedure, oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF), systemic that partial  instrumentation (i.e. leaving tissue
conditions, etc. or inaccessible position of tooth in the remnants in the canal) may result in increased
arch. postoperative pain.
10. Nonstrategic tooth. For example, third molars whose • Nonvital Tooth
antagonist is missing and other all teeth are present for – Can present in 3 ways:
proper function. 1. In a chronic nonvital case, tooth would be
absolutely painless.
HOW TO DEVELOP AN ENDODONTIC 2. Such a tooth, sometimes may suddenly become
TREATMENT PLAN? acutely painful due to decreased host defense
mechanism and increase in virulence of bacteria.
After arriving at a definitive diagnosis, treatment is planned. 3. Sometimes, it may be associated with a fluctuant
In a general treatment plan to maintain oral health of swelling.
the patient, Endodontic treatment is included in the phase – Nonvital tooth is a microbiologic challenge. Clinician
II or surgical phase of treatment. But few cases may require needs to reduce the bacterial load in the root canal
an emergency root canal opening (ERCO) as a preliminary system by opening the tooth and debriding it.
treatment for pain management. – Usually there is involvement of periradicular
In case of emergency, to relieve pain: tissues. Clinician needs to promote decompression
1. For single-rooted tooth: Remove entire pulp tissue from of periradicular tissues by instrumentation and
the canal when possible irrigation of the canal.
2. For multirooted tooth: – If fluctuant swelling is present, incision and drainage
a. Pulpotomy—if less time should be performed along with instrumentation.
b. If some time permits, then removal of pulp tissue – Single visit Endodontics is not recommended in
from largest (biggest) canal, after pulpotomy. nonvital teeth because complete eradication of
Once the clinician has done a detailed evaluation of the infection from nonvital tooth may not be possible
case and made a definitive diagnosis and has now decided in a single visit due to increased microbial load.
to perform Endodontic treatment, various factors need to – There is role of intracanal medicament such as
be considered to plan, how to go about carrying out the calcium hydroxide in these cases for antimicrobial
procedure. effect in between visits.
While formulating an Endodontic treatment plan:
(B) Determine whether it is only an Endodontic lesion or
(A) Determine the vitality of tooth:
there is periodontal involvement also:
• Vital Tooth – Clinician needs to classify the case as primary
– Patient presents with severe pain in an acute vital Endodontic or periodontal, secondary involvement
case. Pain is due to: or true combined disease.
- Increased intrapulpal pressure Once the case is clearly classified, appropriate
- Inflammatory mediators such as prostaglandins. therapy as needed can be provided.
146 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 9.9  A mind-map to remember all points of Endodontic treatment plan

(C) Consider role of Endodontic surgery: HOW TO ASSESS DIFFICULTY OF AN

– Periradicular surgery can sometimes be considered ENDODONTIC CASE?
as primary treatment modality. For example, in a
case of completely calcified canal. The American Association of Endodontists has designed
– Often periradicular surgery is considered for the Endodontic case difficulty assessment form to assess
retreatment of an Endodontic failure case. the level of difficulty of a particular case that helps in
case selection and in decision making of referral of case
(D) Treatment plan for retreatment case must consider the to an Endodontist. These forms are given on the following
following: pages, which have been reprinted with permission from
– Determination of: the American Association of Endodontists.
i. Cause of failure
ii. Strategic value of tooth BIBLIOGRAPHY
iii. Accessibility for re-entry
iv. Any obvious procedural problems 1. ADA Council on Scientific affairs, “Office Emergencies and
Emergency kits”, report in Journal of American Dental Association,
v. Factors affecting prognosis of tooth 2002;133(3):364-5.
vi. Patient’s willingness to undergo re-treatment. 2. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis,
– Nonsurgical retreatment sometimes may have to be Mosby, 2006.pp.80-95.
combined with surgical Endodontics. 3. Grossman L, Oliet S, Del Rio C. Endodontic Practice, 11th edn.
– Referral to specialist may be required. Varghese Publication, 1991.pp.126-31.
Figure 9.9 shows a mind-map to remember all points of 4.
Endodontic treatment plan.
Case Selection and Treatment Planning 147


Name_____________________________________________________ Treat in Office: Yes ☐ No ☐
Address___________________________________________________ Refer Patient to:
City/State/Zip_____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________
Phone____________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________________

Guidelines for Using the AAE Endodontic Case Difficulty Assessment Form
The AAE designed the Endodontic Case Difficulty Assessment Form for use in endodontic curricula. The Assessment Form makes case
selection more efficient, more consistent and easier to document. Dentists may also choose to use the Assessment Form to help with
referral decision making and record keeping.
Conditions listed in this form should be considered potential risk factors that may complicate treatment and adversely affect the
outcome. Levels of difficulty are sets of conditions that may not be controllable by the dentist. Risk factors can influence the ability to
provide care at a consistently predictable level and impact the appropriate provision of care and quality assurance.
The Assessment Form enables a practitioner to assign a level of difficulty to a particular case.

MINIMAL DIFFICULTY Preoperative condition indicates routine complexity (uncomplicated). These types of cases would exhibit
only those factors listed in the MINIMAL DIFFICULTY category. Achieving a predictable treatment
outcome should be attainable by a competent practitioner with limited experience.
MODERATE DIFFICULTY Preoperative condition is complicated, exhibiting one or more patient or treatment factors listed in the
MODERATE DIFFICULTY category. Achieving a predictable treatment outcome will be challenging for
a competent, experienced practitioner.
HIGH DIFFICULTY Preoperative condition is exceptionally complicated, exhibiting several factors listed in the MODERATE
DIFFICULTY category or at least one in the HIGH DIFFICULTY category. Achieving a predictable
treatment outcome will be challenging for even the most experienced practitioner with an extensive
history of favorable outcomes.
Review your assessment of each case to determine the level of difficulty. If the level of difficulty exceeds your experience and comfort,
you might consider referral to an endodontist.

The contribution of the Canadian Academy of Endodontics and others to the development of this form is gratefully acknowledged.
The AAE Endodontic Case Difficulty Assessment Form is designed to aid the practitioner in determining appropriate case disposition. The American
Association of Endodontists neither expressly nor implicitly warrants any positive results associated with the use of this form. This form may be
reproduced but may not be amended or altered in any way.
© American Association of Endodontists, 211 E. Chicago Ave., Suite 1100, Chicago, IL 60611-2691; Phone: 800/872-3636 or 312/266-7255;
Fax: 866/451-9020 or 312/266-9867;
E-mail:; Web site:
(Reprinted with permission from the American Association of Endodontists)
148 Short Textbook of Endodontics

AAE Endodontic Case Difficulty Assessment Form

Criteria and subcriteria Minimal difficulty Moderate difficulty High difficulty
Medical History ☐ No medical problem (ASA Class 1*) ☐ One or more medical problems (ASA Class 2*) ☐ Complex medical history/serious illness/
disability (ASA Classes 3-5*)
Anesthesia ☐ No history of anesthesia problems ☐ Vasoconstrictor intolerance ☐ Difficulty achieving anesthesia
Patient Disposition ☐ Cooperative and compliant ☐ Anxious but cooperative ☐ Uncooperative
Ability to Open Mouth ☐ No limitation ☐ Slight limitation in opening ☐ Significant limitation in opening
Gag Reflex ☐ None ☐ Gags occasionally with radiographs/treatment ☐ Extreme gag reflex which has compromised
past dental care
Emergency Condition ☐ Minimum pain or swelling ☐ Moderate pain or swelling ☐ Severe pain or swelling
Diagnosis ☐ Signs and symptoms consistent with ☐ Extensive differential diagnosis of usual signs ☐ Confusing and complex signs and symptoms:
recognized pulpal and periapical and symptoms required difficult diagnosis
conditions ☐ History of chronic oral/facial pain
Radiographic Difficulties ☐ Minimal difficulty obtaining/ ☐ Moderate difficulty obtaining/interpreting ☐ Extreme difficulty obtaining/interpreting
interpreting radiographs radiographs obtaining/interpreting radiographs (e.g., superimposed anatomical
radiographs (e.g., high floor of mouth, narrow structures)
or low palatal vault, presence of tori)
Position in the Arch ☐ Anterior/premolar ☐ 1st molar ☐ 2nd or 3rd molar
☐ Slight inclination (<10°) ☐ Moderate inclination (10-30°) ☐ Extreme inclination (>30°)
☐ Slight rotation (<10°) ☐ Moderate rotation (10-30°) ☐ Extreme rotation (>30°)
Tooth Isolation ☐ Routine rubber dam placement ☐ Simple pretreatment modification required for ☐ Extensive pretreatment modification required
rubber dam isolation for rubber dam isolation
Crown Morphologic ☐ Normal original crown morphology ☐ Full coverage restoration ☐ Restoration does not reflect original anatomy/
☐ Porcelain restoration alignment
☐ Bridge abutment ☐ Significant deviation from normal tooth/root
☐ Moderate deviation from normal tooth/root form (e.g., fusion, dens in dente)
form (e.g., taurodontism, microden)
☐ Teeth with extensive coronal destruction
Canal and Root ☐ Slight or no curvature (<10°) ☐ Moderate curvature (10-30°) ☐ Extreme curvature (>30°) or S-shaped curve
Morphology ☐ Closed apex (<1 mm in diameter) ☐ Crown axis differs moderately from root axis. ☐ Mandibular premolar or anterior with 2 roots
Apical opening 1-1.5 mm in diameter ☐ Maxillary premolar with 3 roots
☐ Canal divides in the middle or apical third
☐ Very long tooth (>25 mm)
☐ Open apex (>1.5 mm in diameter)
Radiographic ☐ Canal(s) visible and not reduced in ☐ Canal(s) and chamber visible but reduced in size ☐ Indistinct canal path
Appearance of Canal(S) size Pulp stones ☐ Canal(s) not visible
Resorption ☐ No resorption evident ☐ Minimal apical resorption ☐ Extensive apical resorption
☐ Internal resorption
☐ External resorption
Trauma History ☐ Uncomplicated crown fracture of ☐ Complicated crown fracture of mature teeth ☐ Complicated crown fracture of immature teeth
mature or immature teeth ☐ Subluxation ☐ Horizontal root fracture
☐ Alveolar fracture
☐ Intrusive, extrusive or lateral luxation
☐ Avulsion
Endodontic Treatment ☐ No previous treatment ☐ Previous access without complications ☐ Previous access with complications (e.g.,
History perforation, non-negotiated canal, ledge,
separated instrument)
☐ Previous surgical or nonsurgical endodontic
treatment completed
Periodontal-Endodontic ☐ None or mild periodontal disease ☐ Concurrent moderate periodontal disease ☐ Concurrent severe periodontal disease
Condition ☐ Cracked teeth with periodontal complications
☐ Combined endodontic/periodontic lesion
☐ Root amputation prior to endodontic
*American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Classification System
Class 1: No systemic illness. Patient healthy.
Class 2: Patient with mild degree of systemic illness, but without functional restrictions, e.g. well-controlled hypertension.
Class 3: Patient with severe degree of systemic illness which limits activities, but does not immobilize the patient.
Class 4: Patient with severe systemic illness that immobilizes and is sometimes life threatening.
Class 5: Patient will not survive more than 24 hours whether or not surgical intervention takes place.
(Reprinted with permission from the American Association of Endodontists)
Case Selection and Treatment Planning 149

Use of Endodontic Case Difficulty Assessment Form

In order to make the Case Difficulty Assessment Form a more objective exercise, it is recommended that a point score be
assigned to each item within each difficulty category. This point system is offered for educational purposes only and is
not recommended for clinical practice.
Those items listed in the Minimal Difficulty category are assigned a point value of 1.
Those items listed in the Moderate Difficulty category are assigned a point value of 2.
Those items listed in the High Difficulty category are assigned a point value of 5.
The following score ranges are recommended in making the decision whether to treat or refer:
• Less than 20 points: Dental student may treat—level of faculty supervision should be tailored to the student’s level of
• 20 – 40 points: An experienced and skilled dental student may treat with very close supervision by an endodontist, or
the case referred to a graduate student or endodontist.
• Above 40 points: The case should not be treated by a predoctoral dental student. The patient should be referred to a
graduate student or endodontist.
The assignment of an objective “point score” will hopefully assist the dental student in critically evaluating the difficulty
associated with treating each patient, assist him/her in making a treatment decision that will be in the patient’s best
interests, as well as enhance the student’s educational experience.

© 2005, American Association of Endodontists, 211 E. Chicago Ave., Suite 1100, Chicago, IL 60611
Phone: 800/872-3636 (North America) or 312/266-7255; Fax: 866/451-9020 (North America) or 312/266-9867
E-mail:; Web site:
(Reprinted with permission from the American Association of Endodontists)

Principles of Endodontic

This chapter explains about the basic principles to be followed for Endodontic treatment which are
similar to any routine surgery with few differences associated with the anatomy of the root canal system.
  You must know
• What are the Principles of Endodontic Treatment?

WHAT ARE THE PRINCIPLES OF Let us remember these nine principles with the help of
ENDODONTIC TREATMENT? following sentence:
Grossman has given the following nine principles of Isolation, Trauma avoidance, Immobilization, Sterili­
Endodontic treatment as given in Figure 10.1. zation, Irritation avoidance, Trephination, Debridement,
Chemoprophylaxis, Drainage.

Principle 1: Isolation
The tooth under Endodontic treatment should be isolated to
maintain a safe and aseptic operative technique. Isolation
of tooth can be achieved using cotton rolls and rubber dam.
Use of rubber dam is mandatory during nonsurgical
Endodontic therapy. Figure 10.2 shows schematic
representation of teeth being isolated using rubber dam
and ready for Endodontic procedure.

The rubber dam should be used in Endodontics for the
following reasons.
• Patient protection: From possible aspiration or
swallowing of tooth debris, restorative materials,
Endodontic instruments (files), medicaments, irrigating
solutions, etc.
• Dry, clean operating field: Prevents contamination of
root canal system from saliva, blood and other tissue
• Retraction: Adjacent soft tissues (tongue, lips, cheek) are
Fig. 10.1  Principles of Endodontic treatment as given by Grossman retracted and protected.
Principles of Endodontic Treatment 151

Fig. 10.2  Schematic representation of teeth being isolated and Fig. 10.3  Rubber dam kit containing rubber dam sheets, rubber
ready for Endodontic procedure dam frame, rubber damp clamp or retainers, rubber dam punch and
rubber dam forceps (Courtesy of Dentsply)

• Visibility: Rubber dam provides a dry field and reduces

mirror fogging, thus improving visibility.
• Increased efficiency: Better visibility increases efficiency
of operator. Also, since the rubber dam minimizes Rubber Dam Sheet/Material
patient conversation during treatment and frequent
rinsing by the patient, there is increased efficiency due • Available in variety of thicknesses:
to bacteria free field. – Thin
• Standard of care: Use of rubber dam for Endodontic – Medium
treatment is considered as the standard of care. – Heavy
Routine placement of rubber dam eliminates the risk of – Extra heavy
accidental swallowing or aspiration of instruments and – Special heavy
medicaments, etc. thus the clinician is protected from Medium weight thickness is recommended for
litigation. Endodontic purposes as it gets tightly adapted to cervical
Figures 10.10 and 10.12 show photographs of area of tooth and does not tear easily. It retracts soft tissues
Rubber dam isolation of tooth undergoing Endodontic better than the thin type and is easier to place than the
treatment. heavier types.
– In certain instances such as severe tipping of teeth or Thin material needs to be used on mandibular anterior
orientation difficulties due to restoration, the coronal teeth and partially erupted posterior teeth. Figure 10.4
access to root canals needs to be made prior to rubber shows photograph of rubber dam sheet.
dam placement. • 2 sizes: 5 × 5 inches (127 × 127 mm)
6 × 6 inches (152 × 152 mm)
Components of Rubber Dam System (Fig. 10.3) Figure 10.5 shows photograph of commercially
available packets containing 6 × 6 inches rubber dam
• Available in variety of colors: Light yellow, blue, green,
• 2 sides of sheets: One side is dull, other side is shiny
Dull side of rubber dam should be towards the operator.
Two types of rubber dam material:
1. Latex rubber dam
2. Nonlatex: Nitrile or nonlatex rubber dam (for
patients with allergy to latex).
152 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 10.4  Rubber dam sheet Fig. 10.6  Rubber dam frame
(Courtesy of Mr Amar, Dr Dabholkar’s Clinic) (Courtesy of Mr Amar, Dr Dabholkar’s Clinic)

Fig. 10.5  Commercially available packed rubber dam sheets Fig. 10.7  Rubber dam clamps
(Courtesy of Mr Amar, Dr Dabholkar’s Clinic) (Courtesy of Dr Shivani Bhatt)

Rubber Dam Frame Rubber Dam Clamp or Retainer

• To retract and stabilize the rubber dam • To anchor the rubber dam to the tooth requiring
• Two materials of frames – Metal (Nygaard Ostby frame) Endodontic treatment
– Plastic (Young’s frame) • It also helps in soft tissue retraction
• For Endodontic purposes, plastic frames are • Two types:
recommended as they are radiolucent and do not cause
obstruction of important areas on radiographs.
Figure 10.6 shows photograph of plastic rubber dam
• U-shaped Young’s rubber dam frame made of plastic is
commonly used.
• Foldable plastic frame is also available which need not – For Endodontic purpose, wings allow rapid and
be disengaged while taking radiograph. efficient placement of dam.
Principles of Endodontic Treatment 153

Figure 10.7 shows photograph of the rubber dam – To shed the rubber dam off the wings of the clamp
clamps. after the clamp is positioned.
– Wings cause buccal-lingual deflection of dam from • Dental floss.
isolated tooth, allowing increased access. – To check contacts prior to rubber dam application.
– Disadvantage: Wings may sometimes interfere in – To pass the rubber dam material through the
radiographic interpretation. contacts after placement.
• Parts of clamp: A bow and two jaws. • Wedgets stabilizing cord: Small strips of cord wedged into
• Available in 2 sizes: Small and large. interproximal space, help to stabilize the interproximal
area of rubber dam.
Rubber Dam Punch
• Orabase, rubber base adhesive, cavit, periodontal pack:
• To punch sharp, clean holes on rubber dam sheet To control seepage of fluids at the interface of the tooth
according to the tooth to be isolated. Figure 10.8 shows and the rubber dam material.
photograph of rubber dam punch. Recently, disposable, single use, preframed rubber
• If the punch is not centered correctly, a ‘nick’ or jagged dams have been introduced. For example, Instadam and
cut margin is produced resulting in poor seal. HandiDam for quick application of rubber dam without
the use of conventional frame.
Rubber Dam Forceps
• To hold and carry the retainer during placement and
removal. Methods of Rubber Dam Placement
Figure 10.9 shows photograph of rubber dam forcep.
• Ash-style or ivory-style forceps is used Patient is asked to rinse for 30 seconds with an antibacterial
• Ash-style forceps beaks provides a fulcrum point for agent such as 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate, to reduce the
posterior or anterior rotation of clamp number of microorganisms in mouth prior to rubber dam
• Ivory-style forceps provides projections from engaging placement.
beaks that allow the clinician to exert gingivally directed • Single motion technique: Most efficient dam application
force necessary to direct the clamp beyond the bulk of technique for Endodontics.
contour and into proximal undercuts. It is named so, as the dam, clamp and the frame are
taken to the tooth to be isolated in a single motion.
Adjuncts to Rubber Dam Placement – Position the bow of the selected clamp through the
hole made in rubber dam sheet.
• Plastic or cement instrument: – Place the rubber dam over the wings of the clamp.
– To ‘tuck’ the edges of rubber dam into gingival sulcus – The forceps stretch the clamp to maintain the
to achieve a fluid tight seal. position of the clamp in the dam.

Fig. 10.8  Rubber dam punch Fig. 10.9  Rubber dam forcep
(Courtesy of Mr Amar, Dr Dabholkar’s Clinic) (Courtesy of Mr Amar, Dr Dabholkar’s Clinic)
154 Short Textbook of Endodontics

– Then the rubber dam is attached to the plastic frame, c. The stretched interproximal dam is cut with scissors
thus allowing for the placement of the dam, clamp and dam is removed.
and frame in one motion. d. Inspect and ensure that no interproximal dam has
– Once the clamp is secured on the tooth, a plastic been left in between teeth.
instrument is used to tease the dam under the wings
of the clamp. Problems Encountered in Rubber Dam Placement
– Use dental floss to pass the dam through contacts.
• Double motion technique. • Leakage – Due to error in placement, seepage can
– Punch appropriate size hole on the dam material. occur.
– Then the rubber dam is loosely attached to the four – In patients with excessive salivation, saliva
corners of the frame. may seep even through well-placed rubber
– The selected clamp is placed over the bulk of contour dam.
of the tooth to be isolated. Solution – Meticulous placement of rubber dam.
– The rubber dam is stretched over the clamp. – Premedication with anticholinergic drug to
– Then it is stretched onto all prongs of the frame. reduce saliva.
– Use dental floss to pass the dam through the contacts.
Figure 10.11 shows diagrammatic representation
of rubber dam placement.
• Split dam technique: To isolate anterior teeth without
using rubber dam clamp. It can also be used for tooth
with insufficient structure.
Figure 10.10 shows photograph showing rubber
dam in place for Endodontic treatment in mandibular
first molar and Figure 10.12 shows access opening of
maxillary central incisor with rubber dam in place.

Rubber Dam Removal.

i. In case of rubber dam applied to isolate single tooth,
remove the clamp with the forceps and remove the
rubber dam.
ii. In case of multiple teeth applications
Fig. 10.11  An ivory no. 3 clamp has been trial-fitted to the
a. Remove the clamp. mandibular first molar. After trying, the clamp is removed and placed
b. Place finger under the dam in the vestibule and on the rubber dam (Single motion technique) or the rubber dam is
stretch the dam to the facial, away from the teeth. stretched over the clamp (Double motion technique)

Fig. 10.10  Rubber dam in place for Endodontic treatment in Fig. 10.12  Access opening in maxillary central incisor with rubber
mandibular first molar (Courtesy of Dr Manoj Ramugade) dam in place (Courtesy of Dr Manoj Ramugade)
Principles of Endodontic Treatment 155

• Insufficient tooth structure: There is problem during • Grossman’s statement: “It is not so much what you put
placement of clamp. into a root canal, but what you take out that counts.”
Solution – Use clamps with prongs inclined apically. Although for successful Endodontic treatment, both are
– Consider restorative procedures to build-up important.
the tooth so that the retainer can be placed
properly. Principle 4: Drainage
– Canal projection technique: Allows pre­ In case of gross infection and swelling, drainage is
Endodontic build-up of broken down established through the root canal or incision or both.
coronal and radicular structure while Drainage through the root canal is preferable as it
preserving individualized access to canal. allows pus, necrotic tissue, toxic products and gas to
Pre-Endodontic build-up: It may be escape. But in case if access is difficult, or tooth is very
necessary in some cases to supply a missing tender and access cavity cannot be prepared and a soft
wall with amalgam or composite or an fluctuant swelling present, then incision and drainage is
orthodontic band may be cemented over the treatment of choice.
remaining natural crown before Endodontic Drainage through the incision is made from the most
treatment is begun to prevent the rubber- dependent part of the swelling near the root apex.
dam clamp from slipping off the tooth and In case of a hard swelling, it is converted into soft, fluctuant
to facilitate proper placement of retainer. swelling by warm rinses and then the incision is made.
• Partially erupted, broken tooth or tooth prepared for In case of swelling, patient should be instructed not
crown: Cause inadequate clamp placement. to apply heat to outside of face, as it can cause sinus tract
Solution: Customize the rubber dam retainer by (fistula) leaving a scar.
modifying the jaws to adapt to a particular tooth. In case of a large swelling, after the incision is made, a
• Tooth with extreme mobility or multiple adjacent teeth drain is inserted to keep the wound open.
requiring treatment: Clamp the posterior tooth normally,
whereas a second clamp is reversed on the most anterior Principle 5: Chemoprophylaxis
Or Patients with history of rheumatic fever or congenital heart
Clamp the posterior tooth normally, whereas anterior disease require prophylactic antibiotics to prevent bacterial
portion of dam is retained without a clamp. Endocarditis.
Two gram of phenoxymethyl penicillin 1 hour before
Situations where use of rubber dam is contraindicated: treatment and then 1 g six hours postoperatively.
• Asthamatic patients In case of allergy to penicillin, erythromycin is given.
• Patients with allergy to latex, nonlatex material will have Dose is 1 g 1 hour before treatment and 500 mg 6 hours
to be used. postoperatively.
• Mouthbreathers
Principle 6: Immobilization
Principle 2: Sterilization The affected tooth can be immobilized by relieving occlusal
This principle is discussed in detail in Chapter 12. stress or contact with the opposing tooth.
Slightly relieving occlusion in an Endodontic case,
Principle 3: Debridement lessens the possibility of traumatizing the periodontal
• The infected root canal must be cleaned of debris by ligament. Another philosophy is only to disocclude in lateral
thorough biomechanical preparation (cleaning and excursive movement.
shaping) and chemical means by use of root canal Figures 10.13 and 10.14 show relieved occlusal cusps
irrigants and disinfectants. of mandibular molar during the first appointment of
• Combination of instrumentation and irrigation help to Endodontic treatment.
remove all necrotic material and debris from the root canal
resulting in complete debridement and cleansing of root Principle 7: Avoidance of Trauma
• Presence of dead tissue in the canal prevents disinfection • Gentle handling of soft tissues
and repair. • Prevent overinstrumentation
156 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 10.13  Reduction of occlusal contacts to relieve the tooth of Fig. 10.14  Access preparation and relieved occlusal contact
occlusion during the first appointment of Endodontic treatment of mandibular molar during first appointment of Endodontic
(Courtesy of Dr Manoj Ramugade) treatment, to reduce the possibility of pain by traumatizing PDL
(Courtesy of Dr Manoj Ramugade)

Fig. 10.15  A mind-map to remember the principles of Endodontic treatment

Principles of Endodontic Treatment 157

• Determine accurate working length and follow it during Principle 9: Irritation by Chemicals Avoidance
instrumentation to confine all the instruments within
the root canal to minimize trauma to periapical tissues. Irrigating solutions such as sodium hypochlorite or
hydrogen peroxide, if forced through the apical foramen
Principle 8: Trephination can cause considerable pain and edema.
All such irritating drugs should be confined to the root
• Trephination means creating a surgical passage in the canal itself and should not be forced through the apical
region of root apex using a bur or a special drill to provide foramen.
a channel for the escape of pus and blood. This is done Figure 10.15 shows mind-map to remember all points
to relieve the pressure of accumulated fluid or gas in the of the principles of Endodontic treatment.
jaw bone.
• Indications: BIBLIOGRAPHY
– Acute alveolar abscess
– Teeth with large areas of rarefaction 1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis:
Mosby, 2006.pp.120-7,
– Overfilled canal with lot of pain and discomfort 2. Grossman L, Oliet S, Del Rio C. Endodontic Practice, 11th edn.
– Postoperative pain following obturation. Varghese Publication, 1991.pp.132-44.
• Not generally recommended as it itself causes surgical 3. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics, 6th edn.
trauma. BC Decker Inc, Hamilton, 2008.pp.791-9,


Instruments, Materials
and Devices

This chapter classifies the Endodontic Armamentarium according to their use in various Endodontic
procedures. Some of them have only been listed, their detailed description is given in the respective
chapters along with the procedures and techniques in which they are used.
  You must know
• What Changes have Occurred in the Endodontic Armamentarium in the Practice of Modern
• What are the Devices used for Enhanced Vision, lllumination and Magnification?
• What are the Instruments, Materials and Devices used as Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics?
• What is the Armamentarium for Administration of Local Anesthesia?
• What are the Materials used for Isolation of Endodontic Field?
• What is the Armamentarium Needed for Access Cavity Preparation?
• What are the Instruments and Devices for Determination of Working Length?
• What are the Materials used for Disinfection of Root Canal?
• What are the Instruments and Devices for Root Canal Preparation (Endodontic Instruments)?
• What are the Instruments used for Obturation of Root Canal System?
• What are the Instruments and Devices for Removal of Root Canal Obstructions and Fillings?
• What are the Materials used as Temporary Restorations?
• What are the Materials used for Post-Endodontic Restoration?
• What is the Armamentarium for Periradicular Surgery?
• What is the Role of Laser Device in Endodontics?

WHAT CHANGES HAVE OCCURRED IN THE • Electronic apex locators to precisely determine the
ENDODONTIC ARMAMENTARIUM IN THE working length and the apical termination position
PRACTICE OF MODERN ENDODONTICS? (apical constriction) of root canal preparation and filling.
• Improved instruments for effective coronal and radicular
In last 2–3 decades, following changes have occurred in the access cavity preparation.
Endodontic armamentarium: • Nickel-titanium Endodontic instruments for refined
• Enhanced vision with magnification devices such cleaning and shaping of canals.
as surgical operating microscope/dental operating • Thermoplasticized and newer obturation systems for
microscope. denser and three-dimensional obturation with gutta-
• Improvements in diagnostic aids: For example, percha.
– Enhanced imaging with digital radiography (RVG) • Improved and simplified post systems and core build-up
– Laser Doppler flowmeter and other newer devices materials for badly broken down teeth.
to precisely detect pulp vitality • Microsurgical instruments for periradicular surgery.
– Advanced 3D imaging—Cone beam computed • Retreatment devices for removal of old obturations and
tomography (CBCT) scans. obstructions.
Endodontic Armamentarium: Instruments, Materials and Devices 159

• Ultrasonic devices for enhanced irrigation and many • Properties of telescopic loupes:
other irrigation devices and methods. – Magnification : L oupes are available with
• Introduction of lasers in Endodontics. magnification of 2X, 2.5X, 4X, 6X, etc.
Newer armamentarium have made Endodontic 2.5X is considered to be ideal magnification with
treatment predictable, quicker and simpler too! telescopic loupes, as higher magnification causes
problems such as change in depth of field with the
WHAT ARE THE DEVICES USED FOR ENHANCED change in operator’s position, and problems related
to working distance. Also, more illumination is
required with increase in magnification in loupes.
Earlier, the root canal system could be viewed only on the – Working distance: Distance from dentist’s eye to the
radiographs and that also gave a two-dimensional image field of treatment is the working distance.
of the three-dimensional biological system. But with the 2.5X magnification allows comfortable working
advent of optical magnification instruments such as loupes, distance thus improved posture of the operator while
microscope, endoscope and orascope, the root canal system working.
can actually be viewed in a magnified form, thereby allowing – Depth of field: It is the distance between the nearest
the clinician to perform the Endodontic procedures with and the farthest objects appearing in a sharp focus.
great precision and ease. Dental loupes provide good depth of field.
– Field of view: It is the total area visible through optical
Dental Loupes magnification.
Dental loupes provides an acceptable field of view
• Also called as surgical telescopes. required to perform regular procedures.
• Dental loupes are currently the most common – Illumination: Some of the loupes are manufactured
magnification aid used in dentistry. with the attached light sources to improve
• Dental loupes consist of convergent lenses attached to illumination.
the regular glasses of the spectacles. Figure 11.1 shows • Advantages:
photograph of Loupes. – Improved vision due to magnification
• Single lens loupes have fixed focal length and working – Improves body posture during working preventing
distance. the possible neck and back strain
• Loupes used in dentistry generally consist of multi- – Good optical properties
lens optic system called as Galilean optical system that – Acceptable weight
provides better magnification and improved working • Disadvantages:
distance. – Does not satisfy the magnification need for Endodontic
treatment which may be from somewhere around 3X
to 30X. If more than 2.5X magnification is used with
loupes, problems occur related to depth of field and
working distance
– Weight on the face and head of the operator while
working which may be quite uncomfortable.
– Optical performance not acceptable for Endodontic
– Some clinicians may take time to get used to it.

Dental Operating Microscope/

Surgical Operating Microscope
• The use and benefits of an operating microscope
for conventional Endodontics was first reported by
• Dental operating microscope (DOM) or surgical
Fig. 11.1  Photograph showing loupes operating microscope (SOM) also uses the Galilean lens
(Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna) system.
160 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• It is an invaluable optical magnification instrument. of microscope and are available as 3- to

• With the advent of DOM, performing Endodontic 5-step manual changers or power zoom
therapy is no longer a blind procedure that was earlier changers. Manual step changers contain
based on tactile sensation and presumptions. lenses mounted on a turret. Power zoom
• Components of DOM and its uses: changers is series that move back and forth
The components of DOM include the following: on a focusing ring giving wide range of
– Eye piece magnification factors.
– Binocular field glasses d. The focal length of the objective lens: Objective
– Magnification changer lenses with focal length ranging from 100
– Objective lens to 400 mm are available. The focal length
– Fiberoptic light source of objective lens determines the operating
Figure 11.2 shows schematic view of dental operating distance between the objective lens and the
microscope and Figure 11.3 shows the photograph of the surgical field.
head portion of the dental operating microscope. - DOM satisfies the magnification need of
- In DOM, the eyepiece connected to the binocular Endodontic treatment. DOM can provide magni­
field glasses allows adequate focal length, the fication ranging from  3X to 27X. The required
magnification changer adds to the flexibility magnification can be adjusted.
of DOM and the objective lens increases the • Illumination
magnification. – The light source for DOM is 100 watt xenon (white)/
- The magnification of DOM is determined by : halogen bulb (yellow)
a. The magnification power of the eyepiece: The – The intensity of light is controlled by rheostat,
eyepiece has -5 to +5 diopter settings which then light reflected to a series of prisms (through
are used to adjust for accommodation (ability condensing lens) and then to surgical field (through
to focus the lens of eyes). objective lens)
b. The focal length of the binoculars: The distance – The light reaches the surgical field and is reflected
between the binocular tubes is adjusted to set back to the eyes as two separate beams of light
the interpupillary distance. With increased (through the objective lens through magnification
focal length, the magnification is more but changer lenses through binoculars) causing a
the field of view becomes less. stereoscopic effect allowing clinician to see depth
c. The magnification changer factor: Magnifica­ of field.
tion changers are located within the head • Documentation using DOM
– Good quality slides and videos can be obtained if
the quality of the magnification and illumination
systems within the microscope is good.
– Beam splitter provides illumination for photographic
and video documentation and is attached to the
camera through an adaptor.
• Accessories: Include
– Auxillary monocular or binoculars that can be added
and used by dental assistant.
– LCD screen, which receives its signal from video
camera, etc.
• Mounting of DOM:
– The head portion of microscope should be firmly
attached to a rigid surface in order to reduce its
oscillating movement,
– The head portion of DOM is supported by a counter-
balanced arm which in turn is attached to a floor, wall
or ceiling for its free movement and for easy access
Fig. 11.2  Dental operating microscope to oral cavity.
Endodontic Armamentarium: Instruments, Materials and Devices 161

• Instruments used for Micro-Endodontics: WHAT ARE THE INSTRUMENTS, MATERIALS

– While using DOM for viewing Endodontic treatment AND DEVICES USED AS DIAGNOSTIC
field, a standard dental mirror or micromirror is used AIDS IN ENDODONTICS?
to overcome the angulation difficulties of certain Endodontic Armamentarium required for diagnosis and
tooth positions in the mouth. Mirror placed slightly various diagnostic procedures include:
away from the tooth at an angle of 45 degrees to the • Instruments for clinical examination:
microscope for better view. – Mouth mirror
– Microinstruments for locating canals – Standard dental explorer
– Endodontic files called micro-openers – Periodontal probe
– Other microinstruments. – DG-16 Endodontic explorer.
• Advantages: Figure 11.4 shows schematic representation of DG-16
– Enhanced vision of treatment field due to enhanced Endodontic explorer.
illumination and magnification. • Radiography: Discussed in detail in Chapter 7 Diagnosis
– Dentin can be removed with great precision. and Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics.
– Increased ability to locate and negotiate canals. • Instruments and materials for diagnostic tests:
– DOM is a valuable aid for removing separated – Materials used for thermal tests: (Thermometric
instruments, for diagnosis of microfractures and for evaluation)
repairing root perforations. Agents for heat test:
– DOM is a very useful tool for case documentation. - Warm water bath
– In Surgical Endodontic treatment, DOM is very - Heated ball burnisher
effective as it causes enhanced view of surgical - Heated gutta-percha stick
treatment field and need to take fewer radiographs. - Rotating burlew rubber wheel
– With DOM, the Endodontic management of failed - System B
cases has become easier and more predictable. Agents for cold test:
• Disadvantages: - Sticks of ice
– Cost - Frozen CO2 or dry  ice (–78oC)
– Difficulties encountered while using it related - Endo ice (1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane):
to convenience, position, angulation, etc. till the - Ethyl chloride
clinician gets trained and experienced. - Cold water bath.
– Increased treatment time. Thermal tests are explained in detail in Chapter
7 Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics.
Other advanced magnification devices: Endoscope and • Device for electric pulp test: Electrometric/Electric pulp
orascope (Fiberoptic Endoscope) tester
Electric pulp tester (EPT):
– It is used to evaluate the responding nerve endings.
When an electric current is passed through the tooth,
patient feels the sensation as a result of direct nerve
– Various types of EPT are commercially available.
Some newer units have electric pulp testing and
Electronic apex locator combined in one unit.
– Electric pulp testing is based on Ohm’s law: E = R
× I (where E—Electromotive force, R—Resistance,
I—Current flowing through resistance.) Enamel and
dentin constitute high resistance in electric circuit

Fig. 11.3  Photograph of head portion of dental operating Fig. 11.4  Schematic representation of DG-16
microscope (Courtesy of Seiler) Endodontic explorer
162 Short Textbook of Endodontics

through the tooth. The pulp testers operate at high Figure 11.7 shows photograph of commercially
potential difference but a very low current (mA). available caries detector dye.
– Earlier, electric pulp testing devices were not well- • Devices for transillumination test: Fiberoptic light is used
calibrated and had such a design that sometimes as light source, which can be specifically designed for
applied higher current directly to the tooth causing transillumination test.
great discomfort. Figures 11.8A and B shows photograph of fiberoptic
– Newer electric pulp tester (EPT) devices use battery light source for transillumination test.
or AC power in which the speed of delivery of current Handpiece with fiberoptic activated or other bright
can be adjusted. point light source can also be used for transillumination.
Figure 11.5 shows schematic representation of
electric pulp tester. Transillumination test has been explained in Chapter 7:
The electric pulp test has been described in Chapter Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics.
7: Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics.
• Device for testing pulp vitality: Laser Doppler flowmeter
and pulse oximeter assess pulpal blood flow to
determine the pulp vitality. (Explained in Chapter 7:
Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics)
• Devices used for bite test:
– Cotton rolls
– Wooden end of cotton tip applicator
– Rubber polishing wheel
– Tooth slooth: Tooth slooth is specifically designed for
performing bite test. Figure 11.6 shows photograph
of tooth slooth.
It has the design that allows the biting force to be
applied  selectively to one cusp at a time so that the
specific areas can be determined for the diagnosis
of incomplete crown fracture. Bite test is described
in Chapter 7: Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids in
• Stains used for caries detection and for diagnosis of Fig. 11.7  Commercially available caries detector dye
cracks or fracture: (Courtesy of Mr Amar, Dr Dabholkar’s clinic)
– Acid red in 1% propylene glycol
– Methylene blue dye
– India ink

Fig. 11.5  Electric pulp tester


Fig. 11.6  Tooth slooth (Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna) Figs 11.8A and B  Fiberoptic light source for transillumination test
(Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna)
Endodontic Armamentarium: Instruments, Materials and Devices 163


ADMINISTRATION OF LOCAL ANESTHESIA? • High speed handpiece: For initial penetration.
• Slow speed handpiece: For deeper penetration and in
• Topical local anesthetic agent case of calcified and receded pulp chambers.
• Lignocaine hydrochloride 2% with and without • Low-speed contra-angle handpiece.
• Disposable syringes and needles Burs (Figs 11.9A and B)
• Cartridges
• Special pressure syringe for intrapulpal anesthesia. • For removal of caries, initial penetration and deroofing
(These have been discussed in Chapter 17: Drugs or the pulp chamber:
Medicaments used in Endodontic Treatment) – Round carbide burs (Medium sizes such as #2, #4).
– In case if the teeth requiring access preparations have
WHAT ARE THE MATERIALS USED FOR restorations such as porcelain fused to metal crown,
then Round diamond burs need to be used.
– In case if the tooth has receded pulp chamber and
Use of rubber dam is considered to be mandatory for non- calcified orifices, Extended shank round burs will
surgical Endodontic therapy. have to be used that move the head of handpiece
Rubber dam armamentarium has been discussed in away from tooth, thus improving visibility. For
detail in Chapter 10 ‘Principles of Endodontic Treatment’. example, LN Bur (Dentsply) or Ultrasonics can be
WHAT IS THE ARMAMENTARIUM NEEDED – Tapered fissure burs with rounded cutting end:
Advantage is that same can be used for axial wall
extension of access cavity preparation. But should be
CANAL? carefully used, especially by inexperienced clinicians
Magnification and Illumination as their cutting ends can gouge the pulp floor and
axial walls.
• Use of magnification and an appropriate light source is – Transmetal burs (for penetration through metal)
needed for adequate access cavity preparation. • For extension of axial walls:
• The preferred means of magnification and illumination – Safe-ended diamond and tungsten carbide burs.
is dental operating microscope (DOM). If not, then These burs have the tip or end which is noncutting
surgical loupes with an auxiliary light source should be and sides are cutting. For example, Endo access bur,
used at least. Endo Z bur, safe nonend cutting bur.

Figs 11.9A and B  Access preparation bur kit showing round bur, transmetal bur, long shank round burs, safe-ended bur and X-gates
(Courtesy of Dentsply)
164 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Figs 11.10A and B  Safe-ended carbide bur: Fig. 11.11  Gates Glidden 1 to 6
(A) Endo access bur; (B) Endo Z bur (Courtesy of Dentsply)

Figures 11.10A and B shows photograph of safe- is the narrowest diameter lying adjacent to the
ended carbide bur. handpiece. If the drill binds during use and the
These burs are used for final refinement extending instrument separates, the separation occurs at
from enamel to pulpal floor orienting the bur along the the neck and the separated part can be removed
axial walls without causing gouging. So, they are safer from the canal easily.
choice for axial wall extensions.   Flame-shaped head cuts laterally and it has a
• For occlusal reduction: Fissure carbide and diamond burs safe tip to guard against perforations.
also can be used to reduce or level off the cusp tips and – The GG drills are available in various lengths such
incisal edges for two reasons: as 28 mm, 32 mm, etc.
– Disocclusion of tooth in case of inflammation. – The GG drills are available in a set of 6 instruments
– Flat cusp tips and incisal edges can be used as with a diameter ranging from 0.5 mm to 1.5 mm. The
reproducible reference points during working length specific drill size can be identified by the number of
determination. rings on the shank.
• For enlarging the orifices and preflaring of coronal Figure 11.11 shows photograph of Gates Glidden
portion of root canal: Root canal orifices have to be drills 1–6.
blended into the axial walls in order to gain straight-line GG 1: 0.5 mm diameter (ISO size # 50) with one ring on
access (SLA) so that the subsequent instruments used shank
for cleaning and shaping can enter the root canal easily GG 2: 0.7 mm diameter (ISO size # 70) with two rings
and effortlessly. This can be done using Gates Glidden on shank
drills. GG 3: 0.9 mm diameter (ISO size # 90) with three rings
on shank
Gates Glidden Drills GG 4: 1.1 mm diameter (ISO size # 110) with four rings
on shank
These are engine driven reamers used in Endodontics. GG 5: 1.3 mm diameter (ISO size # 130) with five rings
• Instrument design: on shank
– Gates Glidden (GG) drill has GG 6: 1.5 mm diameter (ISO size # 150) with six rings
- A long, thin shaft on shank.
- A flame-shaped head with a safe tip. An instrument called X gates (GG X) drill has been
  Shaft is designed in such a way that the manufactured which has features of GG1 to GG4. It has
weakest part of the shaft is at the neck, which no ring on the shank. It has better cutting efficiency.
Endodontic Armamentarium: Instruments, Materials and Devices 165

progressing shorter than the preceding one with larger

size drills in sequence.
Fig. 11.12  X Gates (GGX)
Figure 11.12 shows diagrammatic representation of • Safe to use
X-gates (GGX). • Inexpensive
• USES: GG drills are used for: • No fear of separation in the canal as in case if it does
– Pre-enlargement of coronal areas of root canal. separate, it occurs at the neck so that the separated part
– To remove dentin overhangs such as lingual shoulder can be easily removed from the canal
in anterior teeth and the cervical dentin bulge in • Useful for initial opening of root canal orifices and also
posterior teeth during access preparation in order for deeper penetration in both straight and curved canals
to achieve straight line access (SLA) to the canals. • Causes pre-enlargement of coronal part of canal making
– To clean and shape the cervical 1/3rd of the root the subsequent cleaning and shaping procedures easier.
canals using the step-back and step-down (crown-
down) techniques. Disadvantages
– GG drills open and flare the root canal orifices that
facilitates better cleaning by allowing more amount Improper use can cause:
of irrigants to penetrate into the root canal system • Strip perforations of canals:
and better shaping procedures by establishing – Such as using it at a high speed
smooth glide path from the access cavity into the – Applying excessive pressure while using
root canal system. – Inserting it in incorrect direction.
• Fracture of short cutting heads: Due to high torsional
Cutting Action loads or due to cyclic fatigue when GG drills are used
in the areas of curvature of the canals, the short cutting
The GG drills are side-cutting instruments that cut dentin heads may fracture.
during an outstroke movement as they are withdrawn from • Coke bottle preparation: Overzealous use of GG drills
the canal. causes  the so-called “coke-bottle” shape of canal, as
The optimum speed at which the GG drills can be used shown in Figure 11.13.
safely is about 800 rpm (750–1500 rpm).
While using GG drills, they should be directed away
from the external root concavities in anterior teeth and the
furcation area in posterior teeth to prevent mishaps such
as perforations. In posterior teeth, using GG drill in the
direction of the name of the canal directs it away from the

Manner of Use
The GG drills are used with air motors or preferably with
electric gear reduction handpieces.
They should be inserted in the correct direction and
used passively without any pressure. They should be used
only in straight portion of canal.
Their use should follow the sequence of their sizes.
• In step-down technique, starting with larger size drill
that can be introduced into the orifice and progressing
deeper into the coronal 1/3rd of root canal with smaller
size drills.
• In step-back technique, starting with smaller size drill Fig. 11.13  Overzealous use of Gates Glidden causing
into the coronal 1/3rd of root canal and withdrawn and coke bottle effect
166 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 11.14  A mind-map to remember Gates Glidden drills

A mind-map to remember all points of Gates Glidden • Endodontic spoon excavator or Endodontic spoon is
drills is given in Figure 11.14. slightly different from regular dental spoons in that
they have a much longer offset from the long axis of the
Hand Instruments for Access Preparation instrument for better reach inside the constricted pulp
• Mouth mirror This is used to:
• Probe – Scoop out carious dentin
• Explorer – To excise coronal pulp tissue.
• DG-16 Endodontic explorer: It is used for location of root Figures 11.15A and B shows diagrammatic representation
canal orifices and to determine the angulation of the of DG-16 Endodontic explorer and Endodontic spoon
canals. The two ends of Endodontic explorer are sharp excavator respectively.
and angled in two different directions from the long axis Endodontic spoon excavators are designed in such a
of instrument. way that they are offset from the long axis of the instrument.
Endodontic Armamentarium: Instruments, Materials and Devices 167

Figs 11.15A to B  Diagrammatic representation of DG-16
Endodontic explorer (A) and Endodontic spoon excavator (B)

This design facilitates access to the constricted pulp

chambers so that the entire pulp tissue can be removed.

Ultrasonic Unit and Various Ultrasonic Tips

Fig. 11.16  Start X ultrasonic tips 1—Access cavity walls, 2—MB2
During access cavity preparation, ultrasonic tips can be canal scouting, 3—calcified canal scouting and fiber postremoval,
useful for exploring the root canal orifices by troughing and 4—Metal postremoval, 5—finishing pulp chamber floor.
(Courtesy of Dentsply)
deepening the developmental grooves to remove the tissue
with minimal collateral tooth structure removal.
Figure 11.16 shows Endodontic ultrasonic tips. Generations of Apex Locator
Ultrasonics for Endodontic use has been described in detail,
later in this chapter. • First generation apex locators: Also called resistance
apex locator and are based on direct current.
WHAT ARE THE INSTRUMENTS – Principle: Based on the principle that the resistance
AND DEVICES FOR DETERMINATION offered by periodontal ligament and oral mucous
OF WORKING LENGTH? membrane is the same.
– With the file advancing in the canal, when the
• Millimeter ruler or Endo block for measurement of conductive periodontal ligament is reached, the
instrument length resistance decreases until the circuit is complete.
• Radiographs – The first generation apex locators are no longer used.
• Smaller size, i.e. #8, #10, #15 number K-files with rubber • Second generation apex locators:
stops – Principle: Based on impedance of single-frequency,
• Electronic apex locators that measure opposition to the flow of alternating
• Paper points. current. The property of impedance includes both
Currently, it is believed that the use of radiographs resistance and capacitance.
in combination with the apex locators can accurately – These apex locators gave more information than the
determine the working length. Details of working length first generation apex locators.
determination using the above are given in Chapter 14 The first and second generation apex locators
Cleaning and Shaping of Root Canal System Including were found to be sensitive to the contents of the
Working Length Determination. canal including the irrigating solutions used during
treatment. So they require the canals to be dry to give
Electronic Apex Locator accurate readings.
• Third generation apex locators:
Electronic apex locator is an electrical device which helps – Principle: Based on impedance of multiple
to estimate the working length. frequencies.
It indicates the position of apical constriction by means – There is difference in impedance in different parts of
of some “sound”, or “movement of a dial on the display the root canal, being least in the coronal part of the
screen”. canal and greatest at the cementodentinal junction.
168 Short Textbook of Endodontics

– It was found that electrolytes did not have significant

effect on the accuracy of the unit.
– Commercially available third generation apex
locators include: Root ZX which emits the current at
the frequency of 8 and 0.4 KHz and the Endex device
which emits the current at the frequency of 1 and 5
• Fourth generation apex locators:
– These apex locators are the latest ones that use
multiple frequencies and they overcome the
disadvantages of the previous generation apex
– Principle: It measures the individual components
of impedance, i.e. resistance and capacitance
independently and compares the information to a
database to determine the correct working length.
– Less chances of error as different combinations of the
properties provide the same reading of impedance.
– Since multiple frequencies are used, the electrolytes
or canal contents do not have any effect on the
accuracy of the unit.
– Commercially available fourth generation apex
locators include APA apex finder and Elements
diagnostic unit.
Fig. 11.17  Apex locator with its components: 1—Lip clip; 2—File
The third and fourth generation apex locators are based on clip; 3—Display screen; 4—Cord connecting the above components
the fact that:
There is difference in impedance between the high and • Crown-down preparation of canal: It has been found that
low frequencies at different portions of root canal. preflaring of the coronal portion of the root canals and
• Coronal portion of the canal shows the least difference removal of dentin obstructions from within the coronal
between frequencies. access cavity increases the accuracy of the apex locator.
• Deeper portions of the canal show more difference • Type and size of file used: The type of file, whether
between frequencies. stainless steel or nickel-titanium and the size of file,
• Cementodentinal junction of the canal shows the smaller or larger does not affect the accuracy of the apex
greatest difference between frequencies. locator.
• Metallic restorations: It has been found that if the
Components of an Electronic Apex Locator file used with the apex locator contacts the metallic
restoration or the fluid in contact with the metallic
• Lip clip restoration then the apex locator gives false readings.
• File clip
• Instrument with the display screen Apex Locator and Cardiac Pacemaker
• A cord connecting the above three parts.
Figure 11.17 shows the photograph of commercially Electronic apex locators should not be used in patients
available apex locator and components. with cardiac pacemakers. It requires consultation with the
patient’s cardiologist regarding their use in such patients.
Factors Determining the Accuracy of Apex Locators
Advantages and disadvantages of electronic apex locator
• Dry and wet conditions of canal: Earlier generation apex have been explained in Chapter 14 Cleaning and Shaping
locators gave accurate readings only in dry canals. Newer of the Root Canal System Including Working Length
generation apex locators are found to give accurate Determination.
readings in both dry and wet conditions including the A mind-map to remember all points of apex locators is
presence of pulp tissue, irrigating solutions and blood. given in Figure 11.18.
Endodontic Armamentarium: Instruments, Materials and Devices 169

Fig. 11.18  A mind-map to remember electronic apex locators

Chemical agents for disinfection of root canal include:
• Root canal irrigants
• Decalcifying materials Classification of Endodontic Instruments
• Intracanal medicaments.
These have been discussed in detail in Chapter 15 • Grossman has classified the Endodontic instruments
Disinfection of the Root Canal System. according to their function.
170 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• According to manner of use, Endodontic instruments

can be classified as follows. This nomenclature follows
the recommendations of the International Organization
for Standardization (ISO)

• Cohen has classified Endodontic instruments for root

canal preparation into three groups:


ISO Standardization for Root Canal Instruments

Ingle and Levine gave few specifications for the

standardization of root canal instruments which have been
revised and also new specifications have been added with
the introduction of newer instruments.
• Classification given by ISO-FDI (Federation Dentaire
• Numbering of instruments : Ingle and Levine
International) according to method of use:
recommended that the instruments shall be numbered
from 10 to 100, the numbers to advance by 5 units to size
60, then by 10 units to size 100.
Later smaller numbers such as sizes 6 and 8 and
larger numbers to the size 140 also became available.
Thus, the standardization is that the instruments are
numbered from 6 to 140, the numbers include #6, #8, then
from #10 to #60 sizes, numbers advance by 5 units and
then from sizes #60 to #140, numbers advance by 10 units.
• Diameter of instrument tip: The number of the instrument
is representative of the diameter of instrument in
hundredths of a millimeter at the tip.
For example: No. 6 is 6/100, i.e. 0.06 mm at the tip
No. 10 is 10/100, i.e. 0.1 mm at the tip, etc.
• The working blade: The working blade begins at the tip,
which is an imaginary measuring point designated as
Do (or D1) which projects the taper of the instrument at
the tip and extends to a length of 16 mm terminating at
point D16 (or D2) which represents the diameter at the
Endodontic Armamentarium: Instruments, Materials and Devices 171

end of the working part of instrument. Thus, the working • Color coding of instrument: Instrument handles have
part of instrument must be at least 16 mm long. A new been color coded to recognize them easily. Specific color
diameter measurement point D3 was added, according is given to the numeric diameter at Do.
to ADA specification no. 28, D3 is the diameter point
Color code Instrument number Diameter at Do (mm)
3 mm from the tip of the cutting end of the instrument.
Figure 11.19 shows diagrammatic representation of Pink #6 0.06
root canal instrument standardization. Gray #8 0.08
Purple # 10 0.10
• Taper of instrument: As per ISO standardization, there
White # 15 0.15
was a constant increase in taper of 0.02 mm (2%) per Yellow # 20 0.20
millimeter for every instrument regardless of size. Red # 25 0.25
Nowadays, instruments with greater taper such as Blue # 30 0.30
0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10 and 0.12 have become popular. It Green # 35 0.35
Black # 40 0.40
means that with every millimeter increase in the length
White # 45 0.45
of the cutting blade, the width (taper) of instrument Yellow # 50 0.50
increases by 0.04, 0.06, 0.08 of a millimeter rather Red # 55 0.55
than the ISO standard of 0.02 mm/mm. These new Blue # 60 0.60
instruments with the increased taper allow for the Green # 70 0.70
Black # 80 0.80
greater coronal flaring than the 0.02 instruments.
White # 90 0.90
Some manufacturers have even made half sizes in the Yellow # 100 1.00
0.02 flare such as 2.5, 17.5, 22.5, 27.5, 32.5, 37.5. These Red # 110 1.10
have been made for shaping extremely fine canals. Blue # 120 1.20
• Working diameter of instrument: It is the product of the Green # 130 1.30
Black # 140 1.40
taper and the length of the tip, i.e.
The working diameter of an instrument = taper × length
of tip • Material of instrument : Earlier instruments were
= 0.02 × 16 manufactured using carbon steel which were susceptible
= 0.32 mm greater than the diameter at Do. to corrosion usually on contact with sodium hypochlorite
For example, No. 20 file will have working diameter of: solution and were more likely to fracture when strained
= 0.02 + 0.32 (deformed).
= 0.52 mm Now, instruments are universally made of stainless
• Tip angle of instrument: The tip angle of an instrument steel and nickel-titanium.
is about 75 ± 15o • Manufacture of instrument: Smaller size finer instru­
• Length of instrument: Instruments are available in ments may break if they bind in the root canal. So, they
standard lengths of 21 mm, 25 mm, 28 mm and 31 mm. are manufactured from square blanks to make them
Short instruments are helpful in 2nd and 3rd molars and resistant to torque fractures. Triangular blanks are used
when patients cannot open the mouth wide and longer for larger instruments to improve their cutting efficiency.
instruments are often required for canines. Shorter Besides the ISO standards, the instruments and filling
length instrument such as 19 mm have also become materials have been numbered as per the standards
available now. given by American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
as follows:
ANSI number Instrument

No. 58 Hedstroem file

No. 63 Rasps and barbed broaches
No. 71 Spreaders and condensers
No. 95 Root canal enlargers
No. 57 Filling materials
No. 73 Absorbent points
No. 78 Obturating points

A mind-map to remember all points of IS O

Fig. 11.19  ISO standardization of root canal instrument standardization is given in Figure 11.20.
172 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 11.20  A mind-map to remember the ISO standardization

Hand Instruments for Root Canal

Preparation in Detail
Broaches and Rasps
• Broaches:
– Broaches are of two types—Smooth broach and
Barbed broach
– Smooth broach does not have barbs and was used
earlier as pathfinder. Now flexible files are available
for this and smooth broaches are no longer used.
– Barbed broaches are short-handled instruments with
– ISO Specification No. 63 sets the standards for barbed
Figure 11.21 shows photograph of barbed broaches.
– Barbed broaches have taper of about 0.007 to 0.01
– Broaches are available in different sizes, from extra Fig. 11.21  Barbed broaches
fine to extra coarse. (Courtesy of Mr Amar, Dr Dabholkar’s clinic)
Endodontic Armamentarium: Instruments, Materials and Devices 173

– Manufacture: Round wire is notched to form Figure 11.22 shows a file stand with Endodontic
sharp barbs bent at an angle from the long axis to instruments arranged in sequence.
manufacture these instruments.
– Uses: K-Type Instruments
- For extirpation of vital pulp These are named so because they were first designed and
- For removal of loose debris from necrotic canals manufactured by KERR company.
- For removal of paper points or cotton pellets from
the canals K-type instruments include:
- For enlarging the canals when used in conjunction • K-Reamers
with sonic or reciprocating handpieces. • K-Files
– Manner of use: A barbed broach should be inserted • K-Flex files
in the canal only after it has been enlarged to a size
no. 25 file/reamer. It is inserted in the canal till the • Reamers: Reamers are k-type instruments.
length where it first binds, then rotated to engage the – “Reamers are Endodontic instruments that are used
pulp tissue or debris until it meets resistance against to cut and enlarge the canals by reaming or rotational
the canal walls and then gently withdrawn without drilling motion, which means penetration, rotation
twisting. and retraction”. That means it cuts by inserting in the
Increased pressure during use may embed the canal, twisting clockwise one-quarter to half turn and
barbs onto the canal walls and increased pressure then withdrawing.
during its withdrawal from the canal may cause – Stainless steel wire is ground along its long axis into
its separation in the canal and it may be almost tapered triangular cross-section (3-sided), i.e. A
impossible to remove the separated barbed broach triangular metal blank is twisted along its long axis
from the canal. to produce a K-reamer (Fig. 11.23).
• Rasps:
– Rasps are similar to barbed broaches with some TABLE 11.1  Distinguishing features of broach and rasp
differences related to taper and barb height. Broach Rasp
– Rasps have greater taper (about 0.015–0.02) and • Has larger and fine thickness •  Has smaller and blunt barbs
smaller barbs as compared to Broaches. barbs
– Rasps are also used for extirpation of pulp tissue from •  Lesser taper (0.007–0.01) • Greater taper (0.015–0.02)
the root canal. • Barbs present up to half of its • Barbs are present only up to
Distinguishing features between broaches and rasps core diameter, that makes it a 1/3rd of its core
weaker instrument
given in Table 11.1.

Fig. 11.22  File stand with instruments arranged in sequence. (Courtesy of Dentsply)
174 Short Textbook of Endodontics

– Cutting action occurs during retraction/withdrawal - Reaming (drilling) motion: Similar to reamer:
– Reamers have ½ to 1 cutting blade (flute) per mm of penetration, rotation and retraction.
working end – K-files have 1 ½–2 ½ cutting blades (flutes) per mm
– Reaming is the only method that produces a round, of working end.
tapered preparation in straight root canals, where the – Uses of K-files:
reamers are rotated one-half turn. In a slightly curved - Cutting and machining root dentin
canal, reamer is rotated only one-quarter turn as - Penetrating and enlarging root canals for bring-
more stress may lead to its separation (breakage) ing about shaping or preparation of Root canals.
– Uses: – Few other points about K-files:
- Cutting and machining root dentin - Smaller size K-files such as #6 and #8 files do not
- Penetrating and enlarging root canals for remove any significant amount of dentin except
bringing about shaping or preparation of Root in severely calcified canals. They are mainly used
canals. to establish patency.
• K-files - Significant wear and loss of efficiency occurs
– Files are Endodontic instruments that are used to with the repeated use of files. It is recommended
enlarge the canals by rasping motion, which means that the smaller size files be discarded after
“reciprocal insertion and withdrawal motion”. one or two uses because initially a point crack
– Stainless steel wire is ground along its long axis into develops with its use resulting in metal fatigue in
tapered square cross-section (4-sided), i.e. A square the fragile instrument which causes its distortion
metal blank is twisted along its long axis to produce and breakage with further use.
a K-file (Fig. 11.24). - Files are generally used in clockwise motion. If
– Cutting action of K-file: The tighter spiral of they are rotated in counter clockwise direction,
file establishes a cutting angle, called rake,that they are more prone to fracture.
achieves its primary action on withdrawal. It can be - Copious irrigation should be done in between
used in: using Endodontic files to prevent packing of
- Filing (Rasping) motion or push-pull motion: debris in the root canal and files should be
Instrument is placed in the canal till the desired lubricated while using in the canal.
length, pressure is exerted against the canal wall - After every use, the flutes of the files should be
and while maintaining pressure the instrument carefully inspected for any distortion or cracks.
is withdrawn without turning. The file need not Distorted files must be discarded otherwise they
contact all the root canal walls simultaneously, may break in the root canal.
it can be used by filing circumferentially around Figure 11.25 shows photograph of reamer No. 30 and
the walls. K-file No. 30.

Fig. 11.23  Triangular cross-section of reamer

Fig. 11.25  Photograph showing K-reamer and K-file No. 30
Fig. 11.24  Square cross-section of K-file (Courtesy of Dentsply)
Endodontic Armamentarium: Instruments, Materials and Devices 175

TABLE 11.2  Distinguishing features between K-files and K-reamers

Distinguishing points K-files K-reamers
Manufacture Stainless steel wire is ground along its long axis Stainless steel wire is ground along its long axis
into tapered square cross-section (4-sided), i.e. A into tapered triangular cross-section (3-sided), i.e. A
square metal blank is twisted along its long axis to triangular metal blank is twisted along its long axis to
produce a K-file produce a K-reamer
Number of flutes twisted into blade More number of flutes per length unit Less number of flutes per length unit
(1 ½ to 2 ½ cutting blades (flutes) per mm of (½ to 1 cutting blade (flute) per mm of working end.)
working end.)
Nature of flutes Tighter flutes (1.93–0.88 mm) Looser flutes (0.80–0.28 mm)
Design feature Due to square blank, these instruments can resist Triangular blanks are used for larger instruments
fracture more effectively than those made from
triangular blanks
So, square blanks are used for manufacturing
smaller, fragile instruments
Cutting efficiency Less efficient than reamers Triangular blanked instruments can cut approximately
2.5 times more efficiently than square-blanked
instruments. But they have been found to loose
sharpness more rapidly than square ones of same size
Motion of use • Basically rasping motion, i.e. push and pull motion • Reaming motion, i.e. penetration, rotation and
Penetration and retraction motion for retraction
circumferential filing of canals Rotation within the canal should be only one-quarter
• Can also be used in reaming motion, i.e. to one-half turn
penetration, rotation and retraction
Apical transportation Chances of transportation are more with a filing Chances of transportation are less with a reaming
motion motion
Apical preparation shape Usually ovoid Usually round

Reamers and K-files, both cause compression-and-

release destruction of the root dentin surrounding the canal
for enlarging the canals.
Although used for same purpose, there are few differences
between K-reamers and K-files. These distinguishing
features are given in Table 11.2.

Fig. 11.26  Rhomboidal shaped blank of K-flex file

K-flex Files
• Manufacture: Stainless steel wire is ground along its long – Increased cutting efficiency
axis into rhomboidal or diamond shaped cross-section, – K-files have decreased contact with the canal walls
i.e. Rhomboidal or diamond-shaped metal blanks are thus providing space to facilitate irrigation that
twisted along the long axis to produce K-flex file. reduces the chance of packing debris in the canal.
• Design: • Flexo files: It is similar to K-flex file but it has triangular
– Rhomboidal shape of blanks having (Fig. 11.26): cross-section for better flexibility and resistance to
- Acute angles: Cause increased sharpness and fracture and has modified noncutting tip.
improved cutting efficiency • Flex R-file/Roane file:
- Obtuse angles: Provide more area for removal of – It is made up of nickel-titanium.
debris – It is made by removing the sharp cutting edges from
– K-flex files have alternate high and low flutes. This the tip of the instrument (noncutting tip)
design further increases its efficiency in removing – It has a triangular cross-section that makes it flexible
debris. to be used in curved canals.
• Advantages: – The noncutting tip design reduces procedural errors
– Increased flexibility such as ledge formation, canal transportation, etc.
– Increased sharpness when used with balanced force technique.
176 Short Textbook of Endodontics

H-Type Instruments – Improper use of Hedstrom file can cause the

H-type instruments have a design that facilitates cutting instrument to get screwed or locked in the dentin
during pulling stroke. Example of H-type instrument is within the canal, which may be impossible to be
Hedstrom file. retrieved. So, the Hedstrom files should not be used
• Manufacture: Hedstrom files are manufactured by in torquing action.
cutting spiral flutes from a round stainless steel wire. • Caution: Considerable thinning of radicular wall even
Hedstrom configuration resembles cones or a wooden strip perforations can occur with overzealous use of
screw (Christmas-tree pattern). Its flutes appear as Hedstrom files.
successive triangles set one on another. • Uses:
Figure 11.27 shows single helix teardrop configuration – Can bring about enlargement or negotiation of small
of Hedstrom file. constricted canals and blocked canals.
Figure 11.28 shows photograph of Hedstrom file – Can be used to remove gutta-percha fillings from the
No. 30. root canal
• Design: – Adequate filing strokes can be given with Hedstrom
– H-type instruments have a more positive rake angle files to remove the overhangs from the canal.
that increases its cutting efficiency. • Design modification: “S” file, Unifile and Safety Hedstrom
– The blade of these instruments has a cutting rather file.
than scraping angle. – “S” file has double-helix configuration, rather than
• Motion of use: the single helix teardrop cross-section of Hedstrom
– H-files cut the canal wall when they are rotated file as seen in Figure 11.29. It is stiffer than the
clockwise within the canal and pulled. Hedstrom file and has good cutting efficiency.
– They are relatively ineffective when pushed or – Unfiles:
rotated counterclockwise. - A modification of Hedstrom file.
– Rotational working movements like that of reamers - Manufactured from round stainless steel wire by
should be avoided with H-files because of the grinding superficial grooves in order to produce
possibility of fracture. flutes with a double-helix design.
• Cutting efficiency: H-type instruments have higher - Less fragile and hence less subject to fracture as
cutting efficiency than K-type instruments. compared to Hedstrom files
• Instrument fracture: - But they are less efficient.
– H-type instruments are fragile and tend to fracture – Safety Hedstrom file has noncutting side to prevent
easily. ledge formation in curved canals. The noncutting
– When a Hedstrom file is bent, there are points side is directed to the side of the canal where cutting
of greater stress concentration that can cause is not required.
propagation of cracks and fatigue failure. Table 11.3 gives the distinguishing features between
K-files and H-files.

C+ Files
• These are special files made for difficult and calcified
canals as they have better buckling resistance than
• Made of stainless steel and have square cross-section.
Fig. 11.27  Tear-drop cross-section of Hedstrom file

Fig. 11.28  Hedstrom file No. 30 Fig. 11.29  Double-helix configuration of “S” file
Endodontic Armamentarium: Instruments, Materials and Devices 177

TABLE 11.3  Distinguishing features between K-files and H-files

– It activates a stainless steel barbed broach or reamer
K-type instruments (K-files) H-type instruments (H-files) in root canal through a 90 degrees reciprocating arc.
• Have square cross-section • Have round cross-section – Disadvantages of this handpiece: Packs dentinal
• Lesser cutting efficiency • More cutting efficiency when debris in the canal, takes longer time and creates
when compared to H-files compared to K-files ledges and may over-enlarge the apical foramen.
• Rake angle is less positive and • Rake angle is more positive and It is found to be less effective as compared to hand
blade has scraping angle blade has cutting angle
• Less sharp edges • More sharp edges instrumentation for preparing root canals.
• Less fragile compared to • More fragile and tends to fracture • The Racer contra-angle handpiece makes use of a
H-file easily standard file and oscillates the file in the root canal.
• Motion of use: Rasping • Motion of use: Slight clockwise Due to contra-angle design, the instrument length can
motion or reaming motion rotation (about quarter turn) and
retraction be adjusted till the working length. But there are more
chances of clogging of canal and pushing of debris into
the periapical area.
• M4 safety handpiece:
– It has 30 degrees reciprocating motion.
– It has a unique chuck that locks regular hand files in
place by their handles.
– The safety Hedstrom instrument (Kerr company) can
be used with this handpiece.
• The vertical stroke handpiece:
– Introduced by Levy
– It is either electrically-driven or air-driven
Fig. 11.30  Photograph of C+ file – It delivers a vertical stroke ranging from 0.3 to 1 mm.
(Courtesy of Dentsply)
– The more freely the instrument moves in the canal,
longer would be the vertical stroke.
• Available in sizes of No. 8, 10 and 15 and of lengths 18, – This handpiece also has a quarter-turn reciprocating
21 and 25 mm. motion along with the vertical strokes.
Figure 11.30 shows the photograph of C+ file. • Electric handpieces: Many newer electrical handpieces
have been developed to be used with or without motors.
ENGINE-DRIVEN INSTRUMENTS In these handpieces, speed and torque can be set. These
have been explained later in this chapter along with the
• Engine-driven instruments are used with contra-angle nickel-titanium instruments.
handpiece. Different types of handpieces have been
designed for use. Engine-driven Rotary Instruments
• Engine-driven handpieces have been developed for
opening of root canals and less preferred for preparation Most widely used engine-driven rotary instruments
of root canals. include the Gates Glidden drills and the Peeso reamers. A
• Before using the engine-driven instruments, hand modification of Gates Glidden drill, called Flexogates has
instruments should be used to gain access to apical been developed, made of nickel-titanium.
foramen. • Gates Glidden drills: Discussed earlier in this chapter
• Flexogates:
Engine-driven Handpieces – Flexogates is the modification of Gates Glidden drill.
– It is made up of nickel-titanium.
• Reciprocating or quarter turn handpiece: – It is more flexible and can be used for curved canals.
– Giromatic handpiece is a commonly used flat plane – It is rotated in the handpiece through 360 degrees.
reciprocating handpiece – It has a safety design with noncutting tip and its
– It is mounted with latch type instruments that weakest part at the neck (about 16 mm from tip), so
undergo quarter-turn motion at the rate of 3000 it can be easily retrieved if fractured.
times/minute • Peeso reamers:
– Broaches, K-type and H-type instruments can be – Instrument design: Peeso reamers have long, sharp
mounted. flutes on a thick shaft and with a safe tip.
178 Short Textbook of Endodontics

– Available as 28 mm and 32 mm long instruments. bubbles implode with a great force during positive
– Peeso reamers are usually available in a set of 6 pressure phase of oscillation. This process is called
instruments Peeso 1 to 6, identified by the number cavitation. Earlier it was thought that the main
of rings on the shank. debriding action of the ultrasonics was by cavitation.
– Peeso reamers are available in tip diameters ranging Now it is believed that debridement is caused due
from 0.7 to 1.7 mm. to the other physical phenomenon called ‘Acoustic
The tip diameter of Peeso 1 is 0.7 mm, peeso 2 is streaming’.
0.9 mm, Peeso 3 is 1.1 mm, Peeso 4 is 1.3 mm, Peeso – Circular fluid movement called Eddy flow occurs
5 is 1.5 mm and that of Peeso 6 is 1.7 mm. around the Endodontic instruments due to acoustic
Figure 11.31 shows photograph of peeso drills 1 to 6. streaming, which is the main mechanism involved in
– Cutting action: Peeso reamers have lateral cutting bringing about the cleaning effect of the irrigant in
action. the pulp space. It depends on the free displacement
– Use: Mainly used for postspace preparation in the amplitude of the file.
coronal portion of the root canal. • Use: Effective for irrigating the root canal systems for
– Caution: Peeso reamers should be used in a slow root canal cleaning. When ultrasonic oscillation is used
speed and in correct angulation to prevent lateral in conjunction with sodium hypochlorite irrigation, it
perforations or excessive removal of radicular brings about effective root canal disinfection.
dentin. • Requirements: Free vibration of file within the canal is
required for optimum cleansing action with ultrasonic
So, it is recommended that:
Ultrasonic Devices for Endodontic Use For optimum cleansing action with ultrasonic
• Principle: Sound is used as energy source at 20–25 KHz – Canals should be enlarged and prepared, i.e. bio­
for the three-dimensional activation of an Endodontic mechanical preparation of the canals should be
file (K-file) resulting in three-dimensional activation of completed.
the file in the surrounding medium. – Use a smaller size Endodontic file, such as of size No.
• Mechanism: Two physical actions occur during 15, that has minimal contact to the walls of the root
ultrasonic oscillation namely: cavitation, acoustic canal.
streaming. – Files should be loose in the canal.
– Bubbles are formed by the free ultrasonic vibration – Ultrasonic oscillation with an Endodontic file
of Endodontic file within the fluid of the canal during combined with sodium hypochlorite irrigation
negative pressure oscillation and these unstable brings about effective cleaning and disinfection of
root canals.
• Types: Ultrasonic devices of 2 types can be used:
1. Piezoelectrical.
2. Magnetostrictive.
Piezoelectrical unit generates less heat, does not
require cooling system and transfers more energy
to the file as compared to the magnetostrictive unit
and hence are more preferred devices.
Figures 11.32A and B show photograph of
ultrasonic device and ultrasonic tips respectively for
Endodontic use.

Sonic Devices for Endodontic Use

Sonics (6 KHz, 8K Hz and 10 KHz) can be used for root canal
preparation and disinfection.
Fig. 11.31  Photograph showing Peeso drills-1 to 6 Example is MM1500 Sonic handpiece that can be used
(Courtesy of Mr Amar, Dr Mukul Dabholkar’s clinic) for cleaning, shaping and disinfecting the canal system.
Endodontic Armamentarium: Instruments, Materials and Devices 179

Figs 11.32A and B  Ultrasonic device and ultrasonic tips for Endodontic use. (A) Ultrasonic unit for Endo purpose; (B) Ultrasonic tips
(Courtesy of Sybron Endo)

This has been explained in detail in Chapter 14 Cleaning Uses of Ultrasonics and Sonics in Endodontics
and Shaping of the Root Canal System Including Working (Endosonics)
Length Determination and Chapter 15 Disinfection of the
Root Canal System. • Removes isthmus tissue between canal
• Mechanism: Sonically powered files oscillate up and • Helps in location of orifices
down in a longitudinal oscillation motion to bring about • Smoothens the axial walls and floor of the pulp chamber
preparation of root canals. during access cavity preparation finishing
• Uses: • Removes pulp stones smoothly and safely from pulp
– Remove pulp remnants and necrotic debris from chamber without scoring
root canals. • Opens calcified canals
– Rasp and remove dentin during preparation of root • Brings about effective irrigation when used along with
canals. sodium hypochlorite and results in cleaner root canals
• Requirements: Sonic instruments should be loose and • It can be used for obturation of root canal (Ultrasonic-
free to oscillate within the root canal. So, canals should plasticized gutta-percha obturation technique)
be enlarged to the working length and apical part of root • Used during retreatment to remove gutta-percha, to
canal prepared using conventional files after which the remove cement around posts that aids in post removal
sonic files are used. • It can be used to help retrieve separated files
• Sonic length: The Sonic instruments, with 1.5–2 mm safe • It can be used for MTA placement in the canals.
tips, begin their rasping action 1.5–2 mm from the apical
stop. This is called ‘Sonic length’. NICKEL-TITANIUM HAND AND ROTARY
• Examples:
– Rispi sonic files
– Shaper sonic files • Nitinol alloys contain 55% nickel and 45% titanium
– Trio Sonic files by weight. (Ni—Nickel, Ti—Titanium, NOL—Naval
of which shaper sonic files are found to be more Ordnance Laboratory).
effective for widening the canals than Rispi Sonic • Property of Super elasticity: It is the property of nickel-
files. But Rispi Sonic files are less aggressive than titanium alloy that allows it to return to its original
shaper Sonic files. shape following significant deformation. This property
A mind-map to remember all points of Sonics of nickel-titanium makes Endodontic files more flexible,
and Ultrasonics in Endodontics is given in Figure better able to conform to curvatures of canal, resist
11.33. fracture and wear less than stainless steel instruments.
180 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 11.33  A mind-map to remember sonics and ultrasonics in Endodontics

Figure 11.34 lists the other properties of nickel-

titanium instruments.
Root canal preparation with Ni-Ti rotary files is very
effective, rapid and safe procedure. But it demands that the
clinician understands the:
• Root canal anatomy
• Principles of use of the selected rotary system.
The length, width and the curvature of the root canal
needs to be evaluated to decide the strategy for preparation
of the root canal.
Components of a rotary file:
• Flute of file: It is the groove in the working surface of file
used to collect soft tissue and dentin chips removed from
Fig. 11.34  Mind-map of properties of nickel-titanium instruments canal wall.
Endodontic Armamentarium: Instruments, Materials and Devices 181

• Land: The surface formed in between flutes that projects Comparative Properties of Stainless Steel
axially from the central axis. and Nickel-titanium Instruments
• Cutting/Leading edge: The surface where the flute and
land intersect that has the greatest diameter and follows See Table 11.4.
the groove as it rotates is called the cutting edge or blade
of file. Phases of Nickel-titanium Alloys
• Helix angle: It is the angle formed by the cutting edge
with the long axis of the file as shown in Figure 11.35. It
augers debris collected in the flute from the root canal.
• Rake angle: It is the angle formed by the cutting edge
with the radius of the file when the file is sectioned
perpendicular to its long axis. If this angle is obtuse, it
is called positive or cutting and if it is acute, it is said to
be negative or scraping.
• Pitch of file: It is the distance between a point on the
cutting edge and the corresponding point on the
adjacent cutting edge as shown in Figure 11.35.
When the instrument is designed in such a way
that there is balance between the helical angle and Phase Transformation
pitch of file, there is better cutting action and debris is
effectively removed from the canal. Also the instrument • On heating, Martensite → R-phase → Austenite
is prevented from inadvertently screwing in the canal. This is called forward transformation.
Nickel-titanium instruments are superior to stainless • On cooling, Austenite → R-phase → Martensite
steel instruments for Endodontic use. This is called reverse transformation.
The comparative properties of stainless steel and nickel- • During Endodontic use:
titanium instruments are given in Table 11.4. – External stresses cause transformation of Austenitic
crystalline phase to martensitic crystalline phase.
Martensitic crystalline phase can accommodate
stresses without resulting in proportional strain.
– When the stress is released, reverse transformation
to austenitic crystalline phase occurs and the
instrument recovers its original shape in the process.

Fig. 11.35  Components of a rotary Endodontic file: Manufacture

helical angle and pitch
Nowadays, nickel-titanium instruments are precision
TABLE 11.4  Distin-guishing features between stainless steel and ground into different designs (K-style, Hedstrom, U files,
nickel-titanium instruments etc) and made in different sizes and tapers for hand use
Stainless steel instruments Nickel-titanium instruments (manual) or mechanical rotation (Rotary). In addition,
• Cannot be used for manufacture • Widely used for manufacture of Ni-Ti spreaders and pluggers are also available.
of rotary files as: They tend to rotary files: They can withstand
develop fatal fatigue and fracture several flexural cycles and
after fewer flexural cycles (540° may fracture after 2½ full Precautions to be Taken While Using
revolutions) revolutions (900° revolutions) Nickel-titanium Instruments
• High torque • Low torque
• Rigid • Flexible See Table 11.5.
• No phase transitions • Phase transitions
• High modulus of elasticity • Low modulus of elasticity
• Do not show super elasticity and • Super elasticity and shape Recommended Motions of use for Ni-Ti
shape memory memory Rotary Instruments
• Show signs of fatigue/distortion/ • Do not show any signs of
deformation before fracture fatigue before fracture • Research studies have shown that Ni-Ti instruments
• Less wear resistant • More wear resistant
should be used with rotational or reaming motion and
182 Short Textbook of Endodontics

TABLE 11.5  Precautions to be taken while using nickel-titanium instruments

“Dos” “Don’t’s”

• Carefully evaluate root anatomy as well as extent and position of canal • Do not force the file
curvatures from radiographs • Do not overuse the files
• Prepare adequate access cavity with straight-line access, prior to using • Do not use Ni-Ti files to bypass the ledges
nickel-titanium (Ni-Ti) files • Do not change the direction of the instrument suddenly by jerky or
• Enlarge and flare the orifices and the coronal 1/3rd of canal adequately jabbing move­ments
before you use Ni-Ti files • Do not apply additional pressure if the easily progressing instrument in
• Use hand files to negotiate the canal and create a glide path with smaller canal, feels as if it hits bottom
K-files such as 10, 15, and possibly 20, before using Ni-Ti rotary files. Thus, • The Ni-Ti rotary file should not remain in the canal for more than 2 to 5
Ni-Ti rotary files should be introduced in the root canal only after glide seconds
path has been established • Do not cause ‘taper lock’ or ‘frictional fit’ of the rotary file within the canal.
• Discard these files after single use ideally (When entire length of the file blade is to cut a smaller size canal, the
• Measure each file length frictional fit of instrument engages root dentin and causes instrument
• Frequently inspect the instruments for any bend or signs of fatigue to lock. Rotating the file counter-clockwise will remove it from the canal.)
• Advance nickel-titanium increments passively in the canal • Do not work in a dry canal
• While using Ni-Ti files, as soon as resistance is encountered, stop • Do not advance larger increment of rotary file into the canal since it may
immediately and before you continue, increase coronal taper and prepare act as a drill and will increase stress on metal
the canal till the working length with smaller size K-files • Do not cut with the entire length of the blade
• Lubricate the Ni-Ti files with chelating agent during instrumentation
• Irrigation with sodium hypochlorite after use of each file
• Recapitulate with smaller stainless steel K-files to ensure patency till length
in between use of rotary Ni-Ti files
• A pecking, up and down motion with rotary Ni-Ti files is recommended to
prevent screwing in of file and to distribute stresses away from the point
of maximum flexure of the instrument

that they are quite effective in shaping the root canal #15 and #20 before introducing the Ni-Ti rotary file in
systems. the root canal
• Ni-Ti files with the design of radial lands can be used as • Use gentle/light touch and low speed (rpm)
reamers in 360 degrees motion as opposed to traditional • Crown-Down sequence should be followed
reamers with more acute angles. In this, there is a • Replace rotary instruments frequently.
new design of rotary file, in which an identical hand
instrument is available. Also, a converter handle is Separation of Nickel-titanium Instruments
available that allows the operator to use the rotary file
as a hand instrument. Cohen classified instrument separation of nickel-titanium
• Ni-Ti instruments are more efficient and safer when used rotary files into:
• Two instrument motions which are recommended
1. Gentle pecking motion: Up and down movements
2. Lateral brushing motion: Mainly recommended for
Protaper shaping files.
According to the American Association of Endodontists
(AAE), the “Golden Rules” for Ni-Ti Rotary Preparation
• Case difficulty should be assessed
Cyclic Fatigue
• Adequate access must be prepared
• Preparation with hand files up to size No. 20 prior to • When an instrument rotates in a curvature
use of rotary files, which means glide path must be – It gets compressed on inner side of curve,
established with pathfinder files or smaller K-files #10, – It gets stretched on outer side of curve.
Endodontic Armamentarium: Instruments, Materials and Devices 183

With every 180 degrees rotation, instrument

flexes and stretches again and again. This results
in cyclic fatigue and can cause fracture of the
• Canal curvature and number of rotations determine
separation of Ni-Ti files.
Rotary Ni-Ti files with larger tapers and sizes tend to
fatigue even with fewer rotations.
In curved canals, if instrument is worked with high
torque, cyclic fatigue occurs.
Cyclic fatigue occurs in lateral direction or axial Fig. 11.36  Taper lock of nickel-titanium rotary instrument in the
direction. root canal
• When the instrument is bound and released during
instrumentation into irregularities of canals, cyclic
fatigue occurs.
• Rigid and larger files are susceptible to cyclic fatigue. Other aspects of instrument separation have been
(Such files can withstand torsional load) discussed in detail in Chapter 20, Endodontic Mishaps:
A file with greater taper and larger diameter is Management and Prevention.
vulnerable to fatigue failure. Figure 11.36 shows diagrammatic representation of
taper-lock of Ni-Ti rotary instrument in root canal.
Torsional Fracture
Advantages of Ni-Ti Instruments
• Nickel-titanium files are low-torque instruments which
are quite efficient and safe when used passively. When • Reduced incidence of clinical problems such as:
the torque limit is exceeded, torsional fracture occurs. – Ledge formation
• Torsional load is transferred into the file through friction – Apical zipping
against the canal wall that weakens the rotary file causing – Stripping or lateral perforations
subsequent fracture. – Canal transportation.
• With the apical movement of the rotary file, torque • Creates a smooth, tapered canal.
increases due to increased contact area between the file • Causes cleaning and shaping in short period of time.
and canal wall. So, careful passive use of the rotary file Saves clinical time.
as the file advances in the apical portion of the canal, is • Has increased flexibility to negotiate canal curvatures.
important. • Irrigants such as sodium hypochlorite do not cause
• Torque control motors are available now in which the corrosion or affect the efficacy of Ni-Ti rotary files.
torque values are set for the rotary instrument. • Provides excellent cleaning and shaping if used properly.
• When there is increased surface area of contact of Ni-Ti
files with the walls of the canal, large portion of these Disadvantages of Ni-Ti Instruments
tapered instruments get engaged and locked into root
dentin. This is referred to as taper lock, which generally • Fatigue resistance reduces significantly after use,
occurs when shape of tapered root canal which is especially larger files are found to fail sooner after they
being prepared becomes similar to the instrument in have been used. Hence, the need to discard these files
use. As a result instrument gets locked in canal and its frequently.
tip fractures. Such taper lock can also occur in canal • Also, increase in angle of canal curvature with reduced
irregularities such as where canals, merge or divide. radius may cause the file to fail sooner.
• Fine and flexible files are vulnerable to torsional load. • Increased chances of instrument separation in the
Lower rotational speeds up to 250 rpm can reduce canals.
file fractures. • When Ni-Ti rotary files are used with higher rpm,
Single time use if possible is ideal and can remarkably there are more chances of instrument separation and
reduce the fracture of rotary instruments. distortion.
184 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• Tends to cause apical extrusion of debris.

• Canals that abruptly curve or merge cannot be easily
prepared using Ni-Ti rotary files.

Motors and Devices for Nickel-titanium

Rotary Instruments

Fig. 11.37  Motor for rotary instrumentation

(Courtesy of Dentsply)

• Electric motors specifically designed to power the rotary

nickel-titanium instruments in canal preparation are
• Newer electric handpieces are available in which there
is: speed and torque control
The speed and torque are set for a certain instrument
and the handpiece will ‘stall’ and reverse if the torque
limit is exceeded.
• Electric motors with gear reduction ensure a constant
rpm level. So, they are more suitable for rotary Ni-Ti
system. Example of such an Endo motor is the X-Smart Fig. 11.38  Anthogyr reduction gear handpiece
motor (Dentsply), which operates on battery or electric
power. Supplied with 16:1 contra-angle. It has a display
screen which shows the speed and torque. It also has
an auto reverse mode for safety and nine adjustable is a cordless, battery-operated, Endodontic slow-speed
program selections. handpiece with in-built apex locator. It has three
Figure 11.37 shows photograph of X-Smart Endo automatic functions:
motor. 1. It automatically starts when file enters the canal and
• Various contra-angle torque control reduction stops when file is removed
handpieces are available, which are very good for 2. If too much pressure is applied, automatically
beginners and inexperienced clinicians, which can be handpiece stops and reverses rotation
used with the regular micromotors and airmotors of 3. When the file touches the apical stop (As determined
dental chair. An example of such handpiece is Anthogyr by apex locator), the handpiece automatically stops.
handpiece, which is a contra-angle handpiece that is Currently, electric motors with torque presets are
applicable to all standard nickel-titanium file systems. recommended. They reduce the incidence of instrument
It allows easy adjustment of the torque by sliding up and fracture particularly if the torque settings are low and
down. There are markings 1, 2, 3, 4 to denote Torque accurate.
values: 0.7, 1.4, 3.2 and 4.5 respectively. It has
microhead which offers maximum visibility and access Various Available Nickel-titanium Rotary
in the molar areas. Figure 11.38 shows photograph of
Instrument Systems
the Anthogyr Endo hanpiece.
• New development is electric handpiece with in-built Many Ni-Ti instrument systems are being developed and
apex locator. Example is Tri-Auto ZX (J. Morita) which available in the market with different designs.
Endodontic Armamentarium: Instruments, Materials and Devices 185

Two main factors that impact the shaping potential of Quantec File System
Ni-Ti rotary instruments include: Cross-sectional design
and tip configuration. All the currently available Ni-Ti • Cross-sectional design: S-shaped design with double
rotary systems have noncutting tips. Some rotary systems helical flutes, radial lands—present, rake angle—positive
have radial land areas while some systems have nonlanded rake angle
design. • Tip configuration: Both cutting and noncutting tips are
• Presence of radial lands make the preparation slower available
but safer. Examples of rotary systems which are radial- • Taper: Fixed taper 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%,6%,8%,10%,12%. Uses
landed include: Profile system, Quantec and K3. Graduated taper technique.
• Rotary files with nonlanded areas cut rapidly but can • Recommended speed: 300–350 rpm
lead to preparation errors. Examples of rotary systems • Other features: S-shaped design minimizes its contact
which are nonlanded include: Protaper, RaCe. with the canal, thus reducing the torque. 0.02 tapered
Few of the currently available Ni-Ti rotary systems with files are available in sizes of #15 to #60.
their specific design features are given below. The technique
and strategy of use of few of them are discussed in detail in Protaper
Chapter 14: Cleaning and Shaping of the Root Canal System
Including Working Length Determination. • Cross-sectional design: Convex triangular cross-section,
sharp cutting edges, radial lands—no radial lands, rake
Greater Taper (GT) angle—positive.
• Cross-sectional design: Three U-shaped grooves, radial • Tip configuration: Noncutting.
lands: Present, rake angle: Neutral • Taper: Progressive taper. Variable taper along the length
• Tip configuration: Noncutting of cutting blades improves flexibility, cutting efficiency
• Taper: Fixed taper 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12% and safety.
• Recommended speed: 150–300 rpm • Recommended speed: 250–350 rpm.
• Other features: Available in ISO tip sizes of 20, 30 and 40, • Other features: Has changing helical angle and pitch
having a maximum diameter of 1.50 mm. It has variable over cutting blades that prevents instrument from
pitch. screwing into the canal. Available as 3 shaping files: SX,
S1, S2 and 3 finishing files: F1, F2, F3. Explained in detail
Profile in Chapter 14: Cleaning and Shaping of the Root Canal
System Including Working Length Determination.
• Cross-sectional design: Three U-shaped grooves, radial
lands—present, rake angle—Negative rake angle Hero 642
• Tip configuration: Noncutting
• Taper: Fixed taper 2%, 4%, 6% • Cross-sectional design: Trihelical Hedstrom design,
• Recommended speed: 150–300 rpm radial lands—no radial lands, rake angle—positive rake
• Other features: Earlier was available as series of 29 angle
instruments, in which each file increased by 29% instead • Tip configuration: Noncutting
of 0.05 in between sizes. Has 20 degrees helical angle. • Taper: Fixed taper 2%, 4%, 6%
• Recommended speed: 300–600 rpm
Light Speed Instruments • Other features: Available in sizes of #20 to #45. The
trihelical, sharp blades are followed by recessive lands
• Cross-sectional design: Three U-shaped grooves, radial that do not extend axially to the circumference, which
lands—present, rake angle—neutral is designed to reduce stress.
• Tip configuration: Noncutting
• Taper: Specific instrument sequence will produce K3 Rotary System
tapered shape
• Recommended speed: 750–2000 rpm • Cross-sectional design: Three asymmetric flutes, radial
• Other features: Light speed instruments are slender lands—present, rake angle—positive rake angle
instruments with thin parallel shaft. Its noncutting tip • Tip configuration: Noncutting
with unique, short, flame-shaped working end similar • Taper: Fixed taper 2%, 4%, 6%
in configuration to the Gates Glidden drill. • Recommended speed: 200–300 rpm
186 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• Other features: It is similar in concept to Quantec file • Spreaders are available as:
system. Due to its cross-sectional geometry, these are – Hand-held instruments
among the most resistant to fracture. It has variable pitch – Finger-held instruments
and variable core diameter. Finger-held spreaders are preferred because in case
of hand-held spreaders the tip of the working end is
Reamer with Alternating Cutting Edges (RaCe) offset from the long axis of the handle which can cause
strong lateral wedging forces on the working end if the
• Cross-sectional design: Triangular cross-section, few instrument is not used carefully. Also, the hand-held
files have square cross-section. Radial lands—no radial spreaders do not have standardized size and shape.
lands, Rake angle—positive Figure 11.39 shows photograph of the finger spreader
• Tip configuration: Noncutting of size #30 and Figure 11.40 shows photograph of hand-
• Taper: Fixed taper 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10% held spreader.
• Recommended speed: 300–600 rpm • Spreaders are available in the sizes of 15–45 and are color
• Other features: It incorporates alternating nonspiralled coded as per the ISO standardization.
and spiralled segments along its working length. This Nonstandardized spreaders with larger taper are also
design minimizes torsion of engagement and that available.
resulting from screwing-in forces. • Spreaders are made of stainless steel. Nowadays nickel
titanium finger-held spreaders are also available that
Flex Master can reach more apically in the canal and useful for
penetration in the curved canals due to their flexibility
• Cross-sectional design: Convex triangular shape, sharp and other properties.
cutting edges, radial lands—no radial lands, Rake
angle—positive Pluggers
• Tip configuration: Noncutting • Plugger is an instrument with blunt end used in vertical
• Taper: Fixed taper 2%, 4%, 6%. Intro file has taper of 11% compaction obturation of gutta-percha.
• Recommended speed: 150–300 rpm • Pluggers are available as:
• Other features: It has individual helical angle for each – Hand-held instruments
instrument size. This reduces the screwing-in forces. – Finger-held instruments
Finger-held instruments are preferred because
Newer Systems the working tip of the hand-held instrument is offset
Revo S system, WaveOne single-file reciprocating system,
Reciproc system, Protaper Next system and the latest
self-adjusting file system have been explained in detail in
Chapter 14: ‘Cleaning and Shaping of the Root Canal System
Including Working Length Determination’, along with their
techniques of use.


Fig. 11.39  Finger-held spreader for obturation
For Compaction of Gutta-percha (Courtesy of Dentsply)

The two most commonly used hand instruments during

compactions of gutta-percha during obturation include:
• Spreaders
• Pluggers.

• A spreader is a tapered, pointed instrument used in
the lateral compaction obturation with gutta-percha
to displace gutta-percha laterally to create space for Fig. 11.40  Hand-held spreader for obturation
additional accessory gutta-percha cones. (Courtesy of Dentsply)
Endodontic Armamentarium: Instruments, Materials and Devices 187

from the long axis of the handle which can cause For Delivery of Sealers in the Root Canal
strong lateral wedging forces on the working end
if the instrument is not used carefully. Also, finger- Sealers can be coated on the walls of root canal using:
held instruments provide better tactile sensitivity • Instrument called Lentulo spiral
than the hand-held instruments. Figure 11.41 shows • Bispiral
photograph of finger-held plugger and Figure 11.42 • File or reamer
shows photograph of hand-held plugger. • The master cone itself
• Finger pluggers are available in the sizes of 15–140 and • Paper points or
are color-coded as per the ISO standardization. Hand • Ultrasonic tips.
plugger does not have standardized size, shape and
color. Lentulo Spiral
• Pluggers have larger diameter than spreaders and have • Lentulo spiral is used in a slow-speed contra-angle
a blunt end. handpiece to deliver the sealer cement into the root
• Uses of pluggers: canal, i.e. for the application of sealer cement to the root
– Vertical and lateral compaction of warm gutta- canal walls during obturation.
percha during obturation. Figure 11.43 shows photograph of a lentulo spiral.
– To carry small sections of gutta-percha into the canal • While using lentulo spiral it is important that it is started
during sectional method of obturation. and stopped outside the root canal otherwise it may cut
– To pack materials such as calcium hydroxide and into the wall of root canal and even break.
Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) into the canals. • The spiral should be large to drive the paste forward so
Besides spreaders and pluggers, certain heat carriers are that the material gets squeezed between the spiral and
available which transfer heat in the root canal for the apical the root canal walls.
and lateral displacement of gutta-percha. • Other uses of lentulo spiral: It can also be used to place
Commercially available heat carriers include Endotec, dressings in the root canal such as calcium hydroxide.
Touch ‘N Heat and System B devices. Lentulo spiral and bispirals have been explained in
These heat carriers and many other obturation systems Chapter 16: Obturation of Root Canal System.
have been explained in detail in the Chapter 16: Obturation

Removal of Gutta-percha
Gutta-percha from the root canal can be removed
progressively by dividing the root canal into:
• Coronal 1/3rd
• Middle 1/3rd
• Apical 1/3rd.
Fig. 11.41  Finger plugger for obturation
(Courtesy of Dentsply)

Fig. 11.42  Hand-held plugger for obturation Fig. 11.43  Photograph showing lentulo spiral
(Courtesy of Dentsply) (Courtesy of Dentsply)
188 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Various techniques for removal of gutta-percha are as follows:

Rotary Files Power-driven Drills

• Currently, rotary instrumentation is the most efficient Such as Gates Glidden drills and Peeso reamers effectively
method for removal of gutta-percha. remove gutta-percha from the coronal and straight portion
• Rotary files should be used at low speed (900–1200 rpm) of the root canal.
and with caution to prevent file separation.
• There is commercially available Endo-Retreatment Kit Ultrasonic Instruments
containing rotary files—D1 D2 D3 in this order having
one, two and three rings respectively on their shaft. D1 Piezoelectric ultrasonic tips can be used to rapidly remove
D2 and D3 are used at the speed of 500 to 700 rpm. Figure gutta-percha from the root canals by producing heat that
11.44 shows the photograph of these rotary files. thermosoftens the gutta-percha.
– D1 has cutting surface blade of 16 mm, 11 mm
handle, one white ring and a taper of 9%. Heated Pluggers
– D2 has cutting surface blade of 18 mm, 11 mm
handle, two white rings and a taper of 8%. • Heated plugger can be used to sear off the gutta-percha
– D3 has cutting surface blade of 22 mm, 11 mm from the coronal portions of the root canal.
handle, three white rings and a taper of 7%. • Another technique involves placing and plunging
– D1, D2 and D3 are used in coronal, middle and apical a heated instrument into the gutta-percha and
thirds of the root canal, respectively. immediately withdrawing it and then quickly inserting
Besides this system, there are few other new systems size #35, #40 or #45 Hedstrom file and gently screwing it
with rotary files for removal of old obturation in case of into the thermosoftened gutta-percha so that it solidifies
retreatment. on the flutes of Hedstrom file and entire or most of the
gutta-percha filling comes out with the file.
In cases where gutta-percha extends beyond the
apical foramen, the above technique can safely remove
over-extended gutta-percha.
• Specific electric heat carriers also can be used to thermo-
soften and remove increments of gutta-percha from the
root canal.

Gutta-percha solvents include chloroform and xylol.
• These solvents chemically soften the gutta-percha that
can be removed by sequential instrumentation with
K-files or H-files.
• Irrigation with chloroform is combined with watch-
winding motion use of files that creates space for use of
Fig. 11.44  Photograph showing the rotary Endodontic re-treatment larger files.
files—D1, D2, D3 in this order used for removal of GP root canal • Softened gutta-percha comes on the cutting flutes of
filling (Courtesy of Dentsply) files as they are withdrawn.
Endodontic Armamentarium: Instruments, Materials and Devices 189

• The solvent filled canals can be dried using paper points cement has sufficient strength to withstand the masticatory
and this is called wicking action which helps to remove forces.
the residual sealer and gutta-percha from the root Temporary cements include:
Other details of gutta-percha removal techniques are Cavit
explained in detail in Chapter 22: Endodontic Failures and
Nonsurgical Endodontic Management. • It is a premixed material for use as temporary cement.
• Composition: Zinc oxide, calcium sulfate, glycol,
Removal of Silver Points polyvinyl acetate, polyvinyl chloride, triethanolamine.
• Cavit cement sets as it absorbs fluid.
In an old root canal treated case filled with silver point, • For adequate seal, it should have depth of at least
lateral retention of silver point in the canal might have 3.5 mm.
been reduced due to chronic leakage and corrosion of silver
points and if the butt end of silver point is easily accessible in Intermediate Restorative Material (IRM)
the pulp chamber, then silver point removal is accomplished
quite easily. • It is a polymer resin-reinforced zinc oxide cement
• But most of the times, the butt end of silver point is • Available as powder and liquid in mixing capsules
embedded in the cement, composite or amalgam core. • Its compressive strength is double that of Cavit.
So, the initial access is made with round burs with It has been found to cause extensive marginal leakage.
extended shanks to carefully remove the core material
without inadvertently shortening the silver points. TERM
• Then ultrasonic instruments can be used to carefully
“brush-cut” the core material to expose the silver point • It is light cured filled composite resin which can be used
which can be then grasped using a suitable grasping as temporary restoration.
instrument such as Steiglitz pliers. • Composition: Urethane Dimethacrylate (UDMA) poly­
• Ultrasonic energy can also be used when silver point lies mers, inorganic radiopaque filler, pigments, initiators.
below the orifice to disintegrate the interface within the • Adequate seal can be achieved with it even at the
canal and enhance the removal of silver point. thickness of 1 to 3 mm.
Figure 11.45 shows photograph of a commercially
Removal of Obstructions from Root Canal available temporary restorative cement.
such as Separated Instruments
Various microtube removal techniques have been currently
introduced to aid in the removal of the obstruction from
the root canal.
The Masserann kit, instrument removal system (IRS),
endoextractor system (EES) are few commercially available
kits that can be used for removal of obstructions such as
separated instruments from the root canal.


In case of multivisit Endodontic therapy, temporary
restorations or cements have to be placed in the access
cavity or pulp chamber to achieve a satisfactory coronal
seal in order to prevent contamination from the bacteria
and fluids from the oral cavity. Fig. 11.45  Commercially available ready mixed temporary filling
It is recommended that these cements be placed in the material which sets when it comes in contact with patient’s saliva
thickness of 4–5 mm for an effective coronal seal and that the (Courtesy of Ammdent)
190 Short Textbook of Endodontics


For details refer to Chapter 26 Surgical Endodontics. Instruments for Postspace Preparation
• BP blade no. 15 or microsurgical scalpel
• Periosteal elevator • Peeso drills can be used for postspace preparation
• Microexplorer, endoexplorer • Various postspace preparation drills are available with
• Microtissue forceps the preformed post systems.
• Miniature handpieces Flow charts 11.1 and 11.2 list the materials used for post-
• Straight handpiece with different burs Endodontic restoration. They have been discussed in detail
• Sterile saline in Chapter 21 Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth.
• Sterile cotton, cotton pliers
• Surgical forceps WHAT IS THE ROLE OF LASER
• Curettes
• Root-end filling materials:
– Amalgam Different types of lasers used in dentistry:
– Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) • Er:YAG laser
– Composite resin system (Retroplast) – Effective for drilling and cutting enamel and dentin.
– Intermediate restorative material (IRM) • CO2 laser
– Super-EBA – Quite effective in soft tissues of oral cavity. But not
– Glass ionomer cements suitable for drilling and cutting enamel and dentin.
– Resin cements such as Diaket
• Micromirrors
• Microcondensers or microburnishers and pluggers of Flow chart 11.2  Classification of core materials for restoration of
Endodontically treated teeth
different sizes
• Needle holder, suturing needle, suturing material
• Hemostatic agents:
↓ ↓
Collagen-based Noncollagen based
–  Collacote –  Bone wax
–  Collastat –  Ferric sulfate
–  Gelfoam
–  Thrombin

Flow chart 11.1  Classification of post systems for restoration of Endodontically treated teeth
Endodontic Armamentarium: Instruments, Materials and Devices 191

• Nd:YAG laser – Lasers may be used for root-end preparation during

– Effective on dark pigmented tissue. periradicular surgery.
• Argon laser Lasers have been explained in detail in Chapter 32
– Effective on pigmented or highly vascular tissues. Lasers in Endodontics.

Applications of lasers in Endodontics: BIBLIOGRAPHY

– Laser Doppler flowmetry developed to assess pulpal 1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis:
Mosby; 2006.pp.233-81.
blood flow to determine vitality of pulp.
2. Grossman L, Oliet S, Del Rio C. Endodontic Practice, 11th edn.
– Lasers may be used for pulp capping and pulpotomy Varghese Publication; 1991.pp.190-6, 210-6.
procedures. 3. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics 6, 6th edn.
– Lasers have been tried in the cleaning and shaping BC Decker Inc, Hamilton; 2008.pp.800-76.
procedures and also in obturation. 4. Ingle, Bakland Endodontics, 5th edn. BC Decker-Elsevier; 2002.
– Nd:YAG and Er:YAG lasers may be used for removal pp.473-98.
5. “Rotary Instrumentation: An Endodontic Perspective,”
of old root canal filling materials during Endodontic
Colleagues for Excellence, Winter 2008, American Association
retreatment. of Endodontists.

Asepsis and Sterilization of

Endodontic Instruments

This chapter explains the importance of infection control and the various methods to achieve effective
infection control in dental practice. It describes the ways to take proper care and about sterilization of
various Endodontic instruments.
  You must know
• Why is Effective Infection Control Important in Endodontics?
• How to Achieve Effective Infection Control in Dental Practice?
• What is Sterilization and Disinfection?
• How to Take Proper Care of Endodontic Instruments?
• What are the Commonly Employed Methods of Sterilization/Disinfection of Various
Endodontic Instruments?



Asepsis is the state of being free from disease-causing micro-

organisms or preventing contact with microorganisms. It Fig. 12.1  Goal of infection control
is necessary to avoid contamination by microorganisms
during Endodontic therapy as postoperative infection can
be caused by break in sterile technique. Aseptic techniques
in Endodontics such as use of sterilized instruments, infectious microorganisms from the blood and saliva of
disinfecting solutions, use of procedural barriers such as patients.
rubber dam, etc. is very important to prevent infection. For example, influenza, hepatitis B, C, D, upper
respiratory disease, herpes, AIDS, etc.
So, effective infection control procedures must be used
to protect the dental team from contracting infections while
delivering dental procedures.

Protection of Patients
Infection should not get transmitted from one patient to
other patient due to use of same infected instruments
Protection of Dental Health Care Personnel
without sterilizing them.
All dental health care personnel (including both those that The dental team should never be responsible for
are directly involved and those that are indirectly involved introducing infection in patients due to lack of adopting
in patient care) are at risk for exposure to a wide variety of appropriate infection control methods.
Asepsis and Sterilization of Endodontic Instruments 193

Sterile instruments and proper techniques should be needles, scalpel blades, Endodontic instruments and
used to avoid contamination by microorganisms during other items that can cause injury to skin. Gauze or cotton
Endodontic therapy in order to prevent postoperative rolls soaked in blood or saliva are also regulated medical
infection. waste and should be appropriately disposed.
Transmission of infection can occur in 2 ways: (Cross- • It is recommended that there should be separate areas
infection) in the operatory for the cleaning/sorting/packaging of
contaminated instruments for sterilization.
• Aerosols generated during dental procedures can
spread throughout the room, so all surfaces need to be
disinfected. Doors, drawer pulls should also be covered
with barriers or disinfected routinely.
• High-volume evacuation can greatly reduce the number
of bacteria in dental aerosols and should be used when
HOW TO ACHIEVE EFFECTIVE INFECTION using high-speed handpiece or ultrasonics.
Considerations for Dental Personnel
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA),
American Dental Association (ADA), Center for Disease • Vaccination: All dental health care personnel should be
Control (CDC) and other Governmental and Non- vaccinated against infectious diseases such as hepatitis
Governmental agencies give recommendations for infection B, influenza, etc.
control. • Protective attire and barrier techniques:
These guidelines must be followed by the dental team. – Protective clothing such as gowns, aprons, lab coats,
clinic jackets, either disposable or reusable must be
Considerations for Dental Operatory worn. Endodontic surgery will require long sleeved
• Operatory surfaces such as over-head light handles, Contaminated laundry should not be taken home
X-ray unit heads, dental chair switches and any other for wash to avoid transmission of infection to family
surface likely to become contaminated with potentially members.
infectious material should be covered or disinfected. – Protective eyeglasses with solid side shields are
Protective coverings can be in the form of clear plastic required when splashes or sprays of infectious
wrap, special plastic sleeves, etc. These covers should materials are anticipated.
be changed between patients. – Use of disposable latex or vinyl gloves and masks.
• Endodontic microscopes: Handles and controls Gloves should be replaced after each patient
of microscope should be covered with barriers. contact.
Microscope manufacturer’s guidelines should be used Commonly available masks protect the wearer
for disinfection of microscope. only partially. Small droplets containing bacteria
• Sensors of digital radiography are covered with single- can pass through them. If the mask becomes wet, it
use plastic sleeves for each patient. should be changed immediately.
• Dental unit water lines should be periodically flushed. Sterile gloves to be worn for surgical procedures.
This can be done with water or a 1:10 dilution of 5.25% Examination gloves may be contaminated and may
sodium hypochlorite to reduce biofilm formation. harbor microbes. Since gloves do not give total
Biofilm is sticky water line with bacteria, that can protection, chlorhexidine disinfectant hand wash
travel upstream in dental unit water lines due to slow can be used due to its property of substantivity, it
movement of water. bonds to skin and maintains antibacterial action for
Flushing water lines for 20–30 seconds between longer time as compared to other scrubs.
patients is recommended to avoid transmission of Polyethylene gloves can be worn over treatment
microbes from one patient to the next. gloves to prevent contamination of objects, such as
• Waste management: Sharps are included in regulated drawers, light handles or patient charts.
medical waste category and should be discarded in a Figure 12.2 shows photograph of disposable
rigid container with ‘biohazard’ label. Sharps include examination gloves, mask and protective eye glasses.
194 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Considerations Related to the Patient

• Patient’s clothing should be protected from splatter and
caustic materials with plastic coverings.
• Reducing bacteria within oral cavity before treatment
by use of appropriate mouthwash such as 0.12%
chlorhexidine gluconate.
• Use of rubber dam as a protective barrier is mandatory
for nonsurgical root canal treatment.
• Patient screening: A thorough medical history must
be  taken and updated at each visit to include specific
questions regarding hepatitis, AIDS, current illnesses,
weight loss, etc.
Fig. 12.2  Disposable examination gloves, mask and protective eye Figure 12.3 shows mind-map to remember all points of
glasses (Courtesy of Mr Amar, Dr Dabholkar’s clinic) infection control in dental practice.

Fig. 12.3  A mind-map to remember all points of infection control in dental practice
Asepsis and Sterilization of Endodontic Instruments 195


Sterilization is the process of destroying all life forms, – It utilizes still air in an oven or forced air.
including spores, from an article or surface. – It avoids instrument corrosion.
Disinfection is the process of destroying most life forms,
especially pathogens, but does not include killing spores. Based on this principle, there are two sterilizers:
i. Hot salt sterilizer
ii. Glass bead sterilizer.

Hot salt sterilizer: It is an efficient and compact apparatus

for sterilization of Endodontic instruments.
• Components: It consists essentially of a metal cup in
which table salt is kept at the temperature of between
1. Autoclave: (Moist heat/Pressurized steam)
425oF and 475oF (218.3oC–246.1oC)
– Commonly used method
Table salt contains:
– Cycle: 250oF temperature (121oC)
– Sodium silicoaluminate 1% and
15 psi pressure
– Magnesium carbonate/sodium carbonate
15–20 minutes
– Flash sterilization 273oF (134oC) A thermometer is kept inserted in the salt at all times.
at higher 30 psi pressure • Uses:
temperatures: 10 minutes – Broaches, files and reamers are sterilized by
Autoclaves are available as: immersion for 5 seconds.
– Top loading – Absorbent points and cotton pellets can be sterilized
– Front loading by immersion for 10 seconds.
Figures 12.4A and B show photograph showing • Advantages:
commercially available front loading autoclave. – Table salt is readily available
2. Chemiclave:
– Eliminates the risk of clogging the root canal. Thus,
– It utilizes a solution of 72% ethanol and 0.23%
the hot salt sterilizer has superseded the molten-
formaldehyde in place of water in its autoclave.
metal sterilizer and glass bead sterilizer.
– It is not suitable for liquids
– Temperature of 270oF (132oC) at 20 psi pressure for • Disadvantages:
20 minutes. – Ineffective in killing spores
– It avoids instrument corrosion. – Dry heat has poor penetration capability.

Figs 12.4A and B  Photograph showing commercially available front loading autoclave (Courtesy of Mr Amar, Dr Mukul Dabholkar’s clinic)
196 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Glass bead sterilizer: It is an efficient and compact apparatus

for sterilization of Endodontic instruments.
• Components: It consists of glass beads of less than 1 mm
diameter in a metal cup.
Large beads cannot transfer heat effectively to
Endodontic instruments due to large air spaces
between the beads that reduce the efficiency of
Figures 12.5A and B show photograph of commer-
cially available glass bead sterilizer.
• Temperature: 425–475oF (218–246oC)
• Uses:
– Broaches, files and reamers are sterilized by
immersion for 5 seconds.
– Absorbent points and cotton pellets for 10 seconds.

4. Cold chemicals: A

Figs 12.5A and B  Glass bead sterilizers. (A) As seen from front; (B) As
seen from above. Note the different timings required for sterilization
of various instruments are mentioned on the lid (Courtesy of Dr
Nishant Singh)
• Recommended only for those items that cannot be heat
sterilized. Preparation of Instruments for Sterilization
• They usually require extended soak times.
Handling, cleaning and packaging of contaminated
HOW TO TAKE PROPER CARE OF instruments are frequent sources of injury and possible
Reusable instruments that become contaminated after
Effective care for Endodontic instruments involves: use are immediately taken to a dedicated area for removal
• Preparation of instruments for sterilization of gross debris by scrubbing or by use of ultrasonic
• Sterilization proper cleaner. Clean, dry instruments can then be subjected to
• Effective storage of instruments. sterilization process.
Asepsis and Sterilization of Endodontic Instruments 197

If immediate cleaning of instruments is not possible Effective Storage

then they should be placed in a disinfectant bath to prevent
blood, saliva or tissue debris from drying on the surface Sterile instruments covered with sterile wrapping should
of instruments because dried material is more difficult to be properly stored in closed cabinets and can be removed
remove. and reused when needed. If the wrapping gets exposed to
For scrubbing of instruments, heavy puncture-resistant fluids or is not intact, then it should be considered to be
gloves should be worn and long handled brushes should be contaminated and resterilization is indicated before use.
used to minimize the risk of percutaneous injury. Figure 12.7 shows photograph showing Endo box for
Use of ultrasonic cleaner is more effective and preferable effective storage of Endodontic files.
than hand scrubbing. The ultrasonic bath should be covered
with a lid to reduce aerosols and should contain a germicide
solution, which must be discarded and replaced daily.
Figure 12.6 shows photograph of a ultrasonic cleaner.
After scrubbing/ultrasonic cleaning, instruments are
rinsed under running tap water.
These instruments are dried and then wrapped/
packaged for the sterilization process.

Care of Instruments

Fig. 12.6  Photograph of ultrasonic cleaner

Sterilization Proper
Clean, dry instruments can now be made sterile by
appropriate methods of sterilization.
According to CDC guidelines about sterilizers, instru­
ments should be dried before removing from the sterilizer
as wet wraps may tear easily or may allow microbes to reach
the sterile contents. In addition, cooling will avoid thermal Fig. 12.7  Photograph showing Endo box for keeping files
injury to the personnel. (Courtesy of Dr Mahashabde, Dr Rajesh Shivhare’s clinic)
198 Short Textbook of Endodontics

WHAT ARE THE COMMONLY EMPLOYED Instrument/material Method of sterilization/

freshly removed from the
Instrument/material Method of sterilization/ manufacturer’s box is
disinfection immersed in 5.2% sodium
hypochlorite for 1 minute,
1. Rubber dam After the rubber dam has then rinse the cone with
been applied it should be ethyl alcohol and dry it
thoroughly swabbed with between two layers of
2% benzalkonium chloride sterile gauze
in 50% isopropyl alcohol. 8. Cement spatula Flame it 3–4 times by
  Rubber dam clamp and passing it through bunsen
frame can be sterilized flame
using dry heat, ethylene 9. Silver cones Slowly passing them back
oxide or autoclave and forth 3–4 times through
2. Burs Autoclave bunsen flame
3. Broaches, Autoclave, or 10. Diagnostic instruments Autoclave
files, Glass bead sterilizer or mouth mirrors, probes,
reamers Hot salt sterilizer explorers, tweezers
for 5 seconds 11. Long-handle Dipping the working end
4. Dappen dishes Swab with tincture of instruments tips of in alcohol, passing through
thimerosal followed by cotton pliers, scissor the flame 2–3 times
alcohol. blades
5. Glass slab Swab the surface with 12. Local anesthetic Presterilized with ethylene
tincture of thimerosal Cartridges, needles oxide and are disposable
6. Absorbent points and Glass bead sterilizer or hot
cotton pellets salt sterilizer for 10 seconds
7. Gutta-percha cones 1-minute exposure to BIBLIOGRAPHY
1% sodium hypochlorite
1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis:
or 5-minute exposure to Mosby; 2006.pp.98-101,136-47.
0.5% sodium hypochlorite 2. Grossman L, Oliet S, Del Rio C. Endodontic Practice, 11th edn.
or gutta-percha cone Varghese publication. 1991.pp.136-41.

Endodontic Access
Cavity Preparation

This chapter discusses in detail the first step of Endodontic treatment, i.e. access cavity preparation
of root canal and explains how Endodontic success greatly depends on a good access.
  You must know
• What is Endodontic Triad?
• What is Coronal Access Cavity Preparation of the Root Canal?
• What are the Objectives of Access Preparation?
• What are the Principles of Endodontic Access Cavity Preparation?
• What are the Guidelines to be Followed for an Optimum Access Cavity Preparation?
• What is the Armamentarium Needed for Access Cavity Preparation?
• Which are the Steps of Access Cavity Preparation?
• What are the Specific Features of Access Preparation of Individual Teeth and Possible Errors
Related to Them?
• Which are the Challenging Access Cavity Preparations and How to Deal with them?
• What Errors can Occur During Access Cavity Preparation?

WHAT IS ENDODONTIC TRIAD? • Coronal Access cavity preparation (This chapter)

• Cleaning and Shaping of the Root Canal, i.e.
The Endodontic treatment (Root canal treatment) can be Biomechanical Preparation of Root Canal (Chapter 14)
accomplished in three main phases commonly referred to • Irrigation and Disinfection of the Root Canal System
as the ‘Endodontic triad’, which includes: (Chapter 15)
• Obturation of the Root Canal System (Chapter 16).


After establishing an accurate diagnosis and proper case
selection, the first phase of Endodontic treatment directly
applied to the tooth is “access cavity preparation”, also
referred to as “Endodontic entry”.
Undoubtedly, a good beginning is essential to
achieve a good end result. Thus, a well-designed access
We shall study each of these phases in detail in the cavity preparation is a must to achieve a good Endodontic
following chapters: result.
200 Short Textbook of Endodontics


“The preparation extending from the occlusal table to the ACCESS CAVITY PREPARATION?
canal orifices that facilitates smooth, unobstructed, straight-
line path to the canal system and ultimately to the apex is Principles of Access Cavity Preparation
called coronal access cavity preparation of the root canal”.
• Outline form: “Outline form is that form of the area of the
A well-designed access preparation will allow: tooth surface to be included within the finished margins
• Thorough cleaning and shaping of the Endodontic access cavity preparation.”
• Complete irrigation and disinfection – The outline form of the access preparation is dictated
• Quality obturation. by the internal anatomy of the tooth. The preparation
is extended from inside to outside.
WHAT ARE THE OBJECTIVES OF ACCESS – The access cavity design is primarily dependent on
the anatomic position of the orifices.
– Size and shape of the pulp chamber also determines
The objectives of access preparation are given in Figure the outline form.
13.1. – The access preparation should be such that the
pulpal roof including all overlying dentin is removed.
It is important to understand that: – It resembles the inlay cavity preparation with the
• Access cavity preparation should be walls diverging occlusally.
– Wide enough: – Factors to be considered for access cavity design are
- To facilitate visibility and ease of handling given in Figure 13.2.
instruments in highly complex root canal system Besides these factors, whenever required, the access
- To locate all root canal orifices and smoothly preparation needs to be extended to eliminate any other
negotiate all root canals restrictive interference in the straight line path to the
– Conservative enough: apical portion of the canals.
- Preserving sound tooth structure to improve
tooth’s fracture resistance Shamrock Preparation
- To increase its structural integrity and long-term
prognosis. In case of extremely curved canals, the access preparation
Unnecessary tooth structure removal should be avoided. needs to be extended at the expense of coronal tooth
• Access cavity preparation is specific and unique for each structure so that the instrument can be accommodated
tooth and each patient. Standard protocol is followed for unrestrained in the canal and there is straight line access
making initial entry but extension of access preparation to the apical foramen. Such a modified outline form of the
varies for individual tooth considering various factors as access preparation is called as Shamrock preparation. It has
given in Figure 13.2. been demonstrated in Figure 13.3.

Fig. 13.1  Objectives of access preparation Fig. 13.2  Factors affecting extension of access preparation
Endodontic Access Cavity Preparation 201

Figs 13.3A and B  (A) Dentinal shelf obstructing the straight-line Figs 13.4A and B  (A) Mouse-hole effect; (B) Correcting the mouse
access, dotted line shows the required extension; (B) Shamrock hole effect and optimum extension of access preparation
preparation that provides straight-line access (SLA) to the apex

Access preparation needs to be extended at the expense orifice. This will eliminate the mouse-hole and the orifice
of coronal tooth structure shown by dotted line in Figure will now be entirely on the pulpal floor.
13.3A for unrestrained access of instrument—Shamrock Figure 13.4A shows under extended access preparation
preparation (Fig. 13.3B) with mouse hole effect.
• Convenience form: “Convenience form is that form Figure 13.4B shows correcting the mouse hole effect and
of the access cavity preparation that allows adequate optimum extension of access preparation.
observation and unobstructed access of Endodontic
instruments into the canal orifices and ultimately to the WHAT ARE THE GUIDELINES TO BE FOLLOWED
– The overhanging roof of the pulp chamber needs to PREPARATION?
be removed so that the orifices can be easily located
and visualized. • Guidelines: Let us consider the 10 guidelines given in
– The walls of access preparation should be made Cohen’s Pathways of Pulp, 9th Edition, as Golden rules for
smooth and occlusally diverging so that the the completion of an optimum access preparation and
instrument can freely slide down the orifices into remember them with the help of following sentence:
the canals. Very Easy Preparation Requires Root Canal Details
– Root curvatures and the angle at which the canal to be Learnt and Implemented Throughly, i.e. Visualize,
leaves the pulp chamber should be considered and Evaluate, Prepare, Remove, Remove, Create, Delay,
the access preparation modified accordingly. Locate, Inspect, Taper.

Mouse-hole Effect Visualization of the Likely Internal Anatomy

Orifices should be located at the corners of the preparation Figure 13.5 shows the mind-map that gives details of
and entirely on the pulpal floor and not into axial walls. visualization of the likely internal anatomy.
If the orifice extends into axial walls it will appear as tiny Figure 13.6 shows the diagrammatic representation
“mouse-hole” and indicates that the access cavity is under- of how the depth of pulp chamber can be estimated by
extended. In that case, the lateral wall of the cavity should keeping the handpiece with the bur alongside a preoperative
be extended so as to remove the overlying dentin from the radiograph.
202 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 13.7  First law of symmetry

Fig. 13.5  Mind-map showing details of visualization clinicians determine the number and location of orifices
of the likely internal anatomy on the pulp chamber floor:
• Law of Centrality: The pulp chamber floor is always
located in the center of the tooth at the level of the CEJ
• Law of Concentricity: The pulp chamber walls are always
concentric to the external surface of the tooth at the
level of the CEJ, which means, the external root surface
anatomy reflects the internal pulp chamber anatomy.
• Law of the CEJ : At the level of the CEJ, the distance from
the external surface of the clinical crown to the wall of the
pulp chamber is the same throughout the circumference
of the tooth. The CEJ is the most consistent, reproducible
landmark for locating the position of the pulp chamber.
• First law of symmetry: Canal orifices are equidistant from
a line drawn in mesiodistal direction through the pulp
chamber floor. Exception is maxillary molars.
Figure 13.7 shows schematic representation of the
first law of symmetry.
• Second law of symmetry: Canal orifices lie on a line
perpendicular to a line drawn in a mesiodistal direction
Fig. 13.6  Estimation of depth of pulp chamber by keeping the
across the center of pulp chamber floor. Exception
handpiece with the bur alongside a preoperative radiograph
is maxillary molars. Figure 13.8 shows the schematic
representation of the second law of symmetry.
• Law of color change: The color of the pulp chamber floor
is always darker than the walls.
Evaluation of the Cementoenamel • First law of orifice location: Orifices of root canals are
Junction and Occlusal Anatomies always located at the junction of walls and floor.
• Second law of orifice location: Orifices of root canals are
One cannot rely completely on occlusal anatomy to prepare located at the angles in the floor-wall junction.
the access cavity as the crown might have been destroyed by • Third law of orifice location: Orifices of root canals are
caries or reconstructed with restorative materials, thus there always located at the terminus of roots’ developmental
can be a change in the morphology of the tooth. fusion lines.
According to studies by Krasner and Rankow, cemento-
enamel junction (CEJ) is the most important landmark for Preparation of the Access Cavity Through Lingual
determining the location of pulp chambers and root canal
and Occlusal Surfaces
They found that anatomy of pulp chamber floor is Access cavity is prepared through the lingual surface in
specific and consistent and they have given the following anterior teeth and the occlusal surface in posterior teeth.
guidelines or laws of pulp chamber anatomy to help (Fig. 13.9).
Endodontic Access Cavity Preparation 203

Fig. 13.8  Second law of symmetry

Fig. 13.10  Mind-map of details of removal of caries

and defective restorations

Fig. 13.9  Mind-map to remember the starting point (surface) for

access cavity preparation

Incisal approach in case of mandibular anterior teeth

improves access to the lingual canal and allows for complete
canal debridement.
Fig. 13.11  Mind-map of details of removal
of unsupported tooth structure
Removal of all Defective Restorations and Caries
Before Entry into Pulp Chamber
sometimes on buccal and lingual surface in addition to
Figure 13.10 shows the mind-map explaining why all the the mesial and distal surface especially in case of curved
caries and defective restorations should be removed before canals. Also, it involves selective removal of outer canal tooth
entry into pulp chamber. structure in order to protect the furcal surface.
Figure 13.12 gives the mind-map showing details of SLA.
Removal of Unsupported Tooth Structure
Delay of Dental Dam Placement Until Difficult
Figure 13.11 shows mind-map of details of removal of
Canals have been Located and Confirmed
unsupported tooth structure.
Figure 13.13 shows mind-map showing until when the
Creation of Access Cavity Walls that do not Restrict dental dam placement to be delayed.
Straight or Direct-line Passage of Instruments to
the Apical Foramen or Initial Canal Curvature—
Straight-line Access
“Straight-line access (SLA) describes a preparation that
provides a straight or outwardly flared, unimpeded path
from the occlusal surface to the apex.” (Ingle’s Endodontics Micro-openers are excellent instruments for locating
6, pp.878-879) SLA allows Endodontic instrument (file) to canal orifices when a dental dam has not been placed.
reach the apex with minimal deflection. In order to obtain Micro-openers have –  #0.04 and #0.06 tapered tips
SLA, coronal tooth structure removal may be needed –  Offset handles
204 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 13.14  Mind-map explaining location,

flaring and exploring root canal orifices

Fig. 13.12  Mind-map giving details of creating access

cavity walls to get straight-line access

Fig. 13.15  DG-16 Endodontic explorer for locating the canals

Fig. 13.13  Mind-map to show delaying dental dam placement

These flexible, stainless steel hand instruments provide

enhanced visualization of the pulp chamber.

Location, Flaring and Exploration of

all Root Canal Orifices
Figure 13.14 shows mind-map that explains details of this.
Figure 13.15 shows diagrammatic representation of DG-
16 Endodontic explorer. Fig. 13.16  GG drills no. 1 to 6 used for flaring of canal orifices
Figure 13.16 shows photograph of GG drills no. 1 to 6 (Courtesy of Mr Amar, Dr Dabholkar’s clinic)
used for flaring of root canal orifices.
Figure 13.17 shows photograph of K-files no. 6, 8, 10
used for exploring the canals. ( Remember PGPu Pink, Gray, Tapering of Cavity Walls and Evaluation
of Space Adequacy for a Coronal Seal
Figure 13.18 shows photograph of commercially
available EDTA gel for lubrication. A properly prepared access cavity has Tapering/Diverging
Walls that is widest at the occlusal surface.
Inspection of Pulp Chamber Using Magnification It is recommended to place a temporary filling material
of at least 3.5 mm depth to provide an adequate coronal seal
and Adequate Illumination
in between appointment so as to reduce the risk of bacterial
Figure 13.19 shows mind-map giving details of this. contamination.
Endodontic Access Cavity Preparation 205

Fig. 13.19  Mind-map giving details of inspection of pulp chamber

Fig. 13.17  K-files 6, 8, 10 (Courtesy of Dr Shivani Bhatt)

Fig. 13.18  EDTA gel (Glyde) for lubrication (Viscous chelator) Fig. 13.20  Temporary filling
(Courtesy of Dentsply)

Temporary filling: 1% zinc acetate is added to accelerate the setting time

• The access cavity should be sealed with a temporary of zinc oxide eugenol and prevent its distortion. For
filling material between visits in case of multivisit greater surface hardness, polymer-reinforced zinc oxide
approach so as to prevent the contamination of the root eugenol called intermediate restorative material (IRM)
canal system by saliva with its bacterial flora and food can be used.
particles and to prevent any intracanal medicament • Zinc-oxide polyvinyl preparation, commercially available
from leaking. as Cavit, can also be used as a temporary filling material.
• Requirements of an ideal temporary filling material: It is a hydrophilic compound that sets in the presence of
– It should seal the cavity peripherally and be moisture. Its use in vital teeth should be avoided as it may
impervious to bacteria and the oral fluids dessicate dentin causing sensitivity in the teeth.
– It should set in few minutes after insertion into the • To prevent leakage, the thickness of temporary filling
cavity. material should be about 3–4 mm.
– It should withstand the mastication forces. • A dual filling (double seal) is advisable which consists
– It should be easy to manipulate of a medicated cotton pellet sealed in the pulp chamber
– It should be easy to remove. by an inner seal of temporary stopping and an outer seal
• The most commonly used temporary filling material is of zinc oxide eugenol, IRM or Cavit. Figure 13.20 shows
zinc oxide eugenol cement which provides a good seal. the diagrammatic representation of a temporary filling.
But it lacks the strength to withstand the masticatory The single seal uses a medicated cotton pellet in pulp
forces and is slow-setting and its deformation while chamber covered by dry cotton pellet and sealed with
setting may contaminate the root canal system. 0.5 to zinc oxide eugenol, IRM or Cavit.
206 Short Textbook of Endodontics

WHAT IS THE ARMAMENTARIUM NEEDED - Round diamond burs (for access through
• Magnification using dental operating microscope - Long shank round burs
(DOM) or surgical loupes (2.5X, 4X) can be really helpful. - Transmetal burs for penetration through metal
Figure 13.21 shows schematic representation of the - Tapered fissure carbide bur or a diamond bur
dental operating microscope (DOM). with rounded cutting end
Figure 13.22 shows schematic representation of a – For axial wall extensions
magnifying loupe. (The dental operating microscope - Safe-ended diamond and tungsten carbide
(DOM) and the magnifying loupes have been described burs (tip/end is noncutting, sides are cutting),
in detail in Chapter 11: Endodontic Armamentarium: for example, endo access bur, endo Z bur (Figs
Instruments, Materials and Devices). 13.24A and B), safe nonend cutting bur
• Handpieces: These can be used for final refinement extending
– High speed handpiece: For initial penetration from enamel to the pulp floor orienting the axial
– Slow speed handpiece: For deeper penetration and walls without causing gouging.
in case of calcified and receded pulp chamber.
• Burs: (Fig. 13.23):
– For removal of caries, initial penetration and
deroofing the pulp chamber
- Round carbide burs (Medium sizes such as # 2,
# 4).

Fig. 13.23  Access preparation bur kit showing round bur, transmetal
bur, long shank round burs, safe-ended Endo Z bur and X-gates
(Courtesy of Dentsply)

Fig. 13.21  Dental operating microscope (DOM)

Fig. 13.22  Magnifying loupe Figs 13.24A and B  (A) Endo access bur; (B) Endo Z bur
(Courtesy of Dentsply)
Endodontic Access Cavity Preparation 207

– For enlarging the orifices and flaring of coronal WHICH ARE THE STEPS OF ACCESS
portion of the root canal and blending of the orifices CAVITY PREPARATION?
into the axial walls in order to gain straight-line
access (SLA), Gates Glidden burs can be used. Gates The general sequence of steps to be followed for access
Glidden drills/burs cut laterally in a selective manner cavity preparation are as follows:
so that excess removal of furcal dentin is avoided. Step 1: Removal of caries and existing restorations if any:
See Figure 13.16 for Gates Glidden drills -1 to 6 Penetration of enamel through lingual surface in
GG burs 1 to 6 and GG X: case of anterior teeth and through occlusal surface
GG 1 (ISO size # 50) in case of posterior teeth using the appropriate size
GG 2 (ISO size # 70) round bur, the size smaller than the size of the pulp
GG 3 (ISO size # 90) chamber of the tooth.
GG 4 (ISO size # 110) Figure 13.28 shows the diagram of initial entry
GG 5 (ISO size # 130) made through lingual surface in anterior tooth
GG 6 (ISO size # 150) perpendicular to the long axis of tooth.
GG X (Features of GG 1 to GG 4)
Figure 13.25 shows schematic representation of X
gates that has combined features of GG 1 to GG 4. It has
no ring on its shank. Figure 13.23 shows photograph of
X gates.
• Hand instruments:
– DG-16 Endodontic explorer: To locate root canal
orifices and to determine canal angulation
– Endodontic spoon excavator: To scoop out carious
dentin and to remove coronal pulp
Figure 13.26 shows diagrammatic representation
of DG 16 Endodontic explorer and Endodontic spoon
• Ultrasonic unit and various ultrasonic tips: Can be useful
for exploring the root canal orifices by troughing and
deepening the developmental grooves to remove the
tissues with minimal collateral tooth structure removal. Fig. 13.27  Commercially available Endodontic ultrasonic tips—
Figure 13.27 shows commercially available Start X (Courtesy of Dentsply)
Endodontic ultrasonic tips.

Fig. 13.25  Schematic representation of X Gates. GG X has

combined features of GG 1 to GG 4. It has no ring on its shank

Fig. 13.26  DG-16 Endodontic explorer and Fig. 13.28  Initial entry through the lingual surface in anterior teeth
Endodontic spoon excavator with the round bur perpendicular to the long axis of tooth
208 Short Textbook of Endodontics

In case of access through the crown, use of round the pulp remnants, dentinal mud and debris in
diamond bur for access through porcelain and suspension.
transmetal bur for access through metal.   Figure 13.30 shows the withdrawal movement to
It is recommended to use a new sharp bur and deroof the pulp chamber.
cut the dentin in a light brushing motion to reduce   In case of necrotic pulp, the pulp chamber be filled
the heat produced. with 5.25% warm sodium hypochlorite.
Step 2: Penetration of roof of pulp chamber: Keeping the bur Step 4: Axial wall extension: Is done at this step in order to
parallel to the long axis of the root all the time in case achieve a good convenience form. Tapered fissure
of anterior teeth and premolars as shown in Figure carbide or diamond bur with rounded end or safe-
13.29A. In case of molars, the penetration angle is ended diamond or carbide burs are used to funnel
towards the largest canal as shown in Figure 13.29B. the corners of the access cavity directly into the
  A sudden sinking of the bur or “drop in” effect orifices and to plane the axial walls and slightly flare
is felt as soon as the roof of the pulp chamber is them towards the occlusal.
penetrated. But in case if the pulp chamber is deep or   Figure 13.31 shows diagram demonstrating axial
calcified, such a feeling of drop may not be felt. So, it wall extension in maxillary molar.
is important to evaluate the preoperative radiograph
and measure the distance between the cusp tip and
the roof of the pulp chamber. The penetration should
be carefully limited to this distance.
Step 3: Complete removal of roof of the pulp chamber: Once
the pulp chamber roof has been penetrated, stop
pushing the bur, now withdrawal movement has to
be carried out in order to deroof the pulp chamber
completely. Brush cut against the roof as if lifting the
bur against the edge of the roof till the entire roof
is removed. This allows the internal pulp anatomy
to dictate the external outline form of the access
  Ruddle recommends that in case of bleeding
vital pulp, at this step, the pulp chamber be filled
with viscous chelator such as EDTA to bring about Fig. 13.30  Deroofing the pulp chamber using round bur in
emulsification of vital pulp tissue and to hold withdrawal movement from inside of the pulp chamber to the outside

Figs 13.29A and B  (A) After penetration of enamel the bur is held Fig. 13.31  Axial wall extension in maxillary molar
along the long axis of the tooth till the pulp chamber is reached; (B) In
case of molars, the penetration angle is towards the largest canal
Endodontic Access Cavity Preparation 209

  Access preparation should have occlusally

divergent smooth axial walls resembling inlay cavity
preparation in order to remove all the obstructions
hindering the straight-line access to the canals.
Also smooth and diverging walls enhance vision by
improving the refraction of light.
Step 5: Identification of all root canal orifices: After complete
deroofing of the pulp chamber, an Endodontic
explorer (DG-16) can be used to locate the root canal
orifices if there is adequate radicular space. As the tip
of the Endodontic explorer is placed into the orifice,
the portion of the shaft is checked for clearance from
the axial walls. It may also give an idea about the
angle at which the canal leaves the pulp chamber. If
there is inadequate radicular space to allow the entry
of Endodontic explorer, then a small-sized hand file Fig. 13.32  Champagne bubble test
can be gently inserted into the coronal portion of
the canal to determine the entry angle of the canal
relative to the long axis of tooth. • 17% EDTA and 95% Ethanol can be applied
  In posterior teeth, the extension of the outline form sequentially for effective cleaning and drying of
of access cavity should be such that the orifices are the floor of the pulp chamber. This makes it easier
located at the corners of the preparation and entirely to visualize the orifices.
on the pulp floor and should not extend into an Step 6: Removal of internal impediments to straight-line
axial wall. If the orifice extends into an axial wall, access or restrictive shelf of dentin, i.e. lingual
it indicates that the access cavity is underextended shoulder and cervical dentin bulge.
and it creates a mouse-hole effect that impedes the • In case of anterior teeth, a lingual shelf of dentin
straight-line access (SLA). exists called as lingual shoulder from cingulum
  Knowledge of the anatomic location of the of the tooth to a point about 2 mm apical to the
orifices and the possibility of finding additional orifice.
canals should be kept in mind while identification   Removal of lingual shoulder aids in straight-
of orifices. line access (SLA).
  In case of calcified root canal, orifice location may   Lingual shoulder can be removed using
cause difficulty. For such cases: tapered safety tip diamond or carbide bur or
Orifice location aids: with Gates Glidden burs. During rotation, the
• Carefully read multiple pretreatment radiographs GG bur must be leaned gently, against the lingual
(atleast three preoperative radiographs) shoulder and withdrawn as shown in Figure
• Use of sharp explorer to examine the pulp 13.33.
chamber floor. Multiple canal orifices can • In case of posterior teeth, shelves of dentin that
be explored effectively using an Endodontic frequently overhang the canal orifices are called
explorer as cervical dentin bulges.
• Ultrasonic tips can be helpful for troughing the   Removal of cervical bulge aids in straight line
grooves and relocating the orifices. access (SLA)
• Color: Walls of pulp chamber are white or light   Cervical dentin bulges can be removed using
yellow in color. Floor of the pulp chamber and the tapered safety tip diamond or carbide bur or with
grooves connecting the orifices are dark brown Gates Glidden burs. GG burs are used by gently
or gray in color. leaning towards the dentin bulge in sweeping
• “Champagne Bubble” Test (Fig. 13.32): Sodium upward motion with lateral pressure away from
hypochlorite (NaOCl) is allowed to remain in the the furcation to remove the overhanging shelf.
pulp chamber for some time. Tiny bubbles may   Sometimes secondary dentin may be overlying
appear in the solution. This indicates the position the orifices and obscures it. Long shank round
of root canal orifice. bur can be used to remove it.
210 Short Textbook of Endodontics

2 or no. 3 to be used in gentle “pecking”

motion or “brushing” action. This is to
enlarge the coronal one-third of the canal by
removing the dentin on the outstroke. Then
sequentially no. 2 and no. 1 GG drills can be
used in the straight portion of the canal. No.
4 GG drill is used to the depth such that only
its flame shaped bud is below the orifice.
– Orifices can also be flared using rotary nickel-
titanium orifice openers to be used at slow
speed and low torque.
• Coronal relocation:
– The purpose of the coronal relocation is to
center the radicular preparation within the
circumferential dimension of the root, so as
Fig. 13.33  Removal of lingual shoulder to prevent the thinning of the root that may
predispose it to radicular fracture or strip
  If a small file such # 10 K-file is inserted into – In case of multirooted teeth, the coronal
the canal through the orifice, it is important to portion of the canal has to be intentionally
obtain uniform contact of file within the access relocated away from the furcal danger.
cavity. If the file is being deflected or held up – Also in teeth with external root concavities,
by any restricting or restraining dentin in the the radicular preparation has to be directed
access cavity or in the coronal portion of the root towards the greater bulk of the dentin away
canal, then it should be removed to cut a “relief from these concavities.
channel” through which the file can contact the – This is accomplished by using the GG drill in
dentin evenly along its length without undue an orbital arc above the GG drill/canal orifice
strain. This can be done by using thin needle pivot point in the direction of the name of the
diamond bur or safety tip diamond bur to relieve canal as shown in Figure 13.34.
that area of access cavity wall and by using • Removal of internal triangles of dentin:
smaller GG burs to relieve the restraining dentin – In some roots, an internal triangle of dentin
in the coronal portion of the canal. may hinder the straight line access of the
Step 7: Preflaring the orifice, coronal relocation and removal Endodontic instrument to the apical portion
of triangles of dentin: All of these processes can be of the canal.
accomplished using GG drills.   Figure 13.34B shows the diagrammatic
• Preflaring the orifice: representation of internal triangle of dentin
– Root canal orifices should be flared and made hindering the straight line access.
contiguous with the walls of the access cavity – Use of GG drills removes the internal triangle
preparation. of dentin (Fig. 13.34C).
– For adequate cleaning and shaping, the Step 8: Determination of straight-line access (SLA): A small
orifices can generally be enlarged to a Endodontic file such #10 K-file, when inserted in the
diameter of 0.9 to 1.1 mm without causing root canal orifice should have unimpeded access to
undue loss of root strength. the apical foramen or first point of canal curvature
– The procedure of orifice flaring is also referred to facilitate proper cleaning and shaping, as shown
to as “facing-off” the orifices. in Figure 13.34D.
– A larger size GG drill such as no. 3 or no. 4   It should have uniform even contact with the walls
which passively fits into the orifice is selected. and smooth glide path.
– Notice the GG drill/canal orifice pivot point   Gently insert the file and withdraw it and feel if
and move the head of the hand piece in an there is canal binding or deflection. If the handle of
orbital arc above this pivot point. The belly of small sized file is off the long axis of tooth, it suggests
the GG drill enlarges the orifice and facilitates that there may be an internal triangle of dentin that
the entry of smaller size GG drill, i.e. no. needs to be removed to achieve SLA.
Endodontic Access Cavity Preparation 211


Figs 13.34A to D  Removal of internal triangle of dentin. (A) Mandibular molar in which access preparation is to be done; (B) Diagrammatic
representation of internal triangle of dentin hindering the straight line access; (C) Gates Glidden drill is used to remove the internal triangle
of dentin; (D) Straight-line access to the apical foramen after removal of internal triangle of dentin

• When there is SLA: There is better tactile   Also, if the cavosurface margins are rough
sensation to feel the root canal anatomy and to and irregular, coronal leakage occurs through
feel how the file performs in root canal system. temporary or permanent restoration. Refinement
This allows all the areas of canal to be cleaned and smoothing of cavosurface margins helps
and shaped effectively. improve the coronal seal.
• When there is no SLA: Procedural errors such   Figure 13.35 shows a mind-map to remember steps
as—ledge, transportation, zipping, instrument of access preparation.
separation, etc. can occur.
Step 9: Careful evaluation of the prepared access cavity:
Under good illumination and magnification using WHAT ARE THE SPECIFIC FEATURES OF ACCESS
dental operating microscope (DOM) and magnifying PREPARATION OF INDIVIDUAL TEETH AND
loupes, the access cavity should be inspected POSSIBLE ERRORS RELATED TO THEM?
  Additional canals may be located, that should then Maxillary Anterior Teeth
be cleaned and shaped.
  After preparing the access cavity, when you view Steps of Endodontic access cavity preparation for maxillary
it using a mouth mirror, without moving the mouth anterior teeth are shown in Figures 13.36A to E.
mirror if all orifices can be visualized, then the access
cavity is said to be adequately prepared. If you have Maxillary Central Incisor
to move the mirror to view the orifices individually,
then it means that the access cavity is underprepared • External access outline form: Rounded triangle with
and you need to extend it further. incisal aspect forming the base of the triangle and the
Step 10: Refinement and smoothing the cavosurface margins: mesial and distal external walls converging towards
The access cavity preparation should have smooth, the cingulum as shown in Figure 13.37. The internal
diverging axial walls that allow smooth sliding down walls must funnel towards the root canal orifice. Since
of the instruments into the preflared orifices. the palatal surface is functional, a butt joint should be
  After using GG drills, a surgical length tapered formed between the incisal internal wall and the lingual
diamond can be used to refine the access cavity. surface of the tooth to allow for the bulk of restoration.
212 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 13.35  A mind-map to remember steps of access preparation

Endodontic Access Cavity Preparation 213

Figs 13.36A to E  Access cavity preparation for maxillary anterior teeth. (A) Maxillary anterior tooth in which access is to be made; (B) Initial
entry made through the lingual surface with the round bur perpendicular to the long axis of tooth; (C) After penetration of enamel the bur
held along the long axis of the tooth till the pulp chamber is reached; (D) Complete removal of the roof of pulp chamber using round bur
working from inside to outside in withdrawal movement; (E) Removal of lingual shoulder using Gates Glidden

outside in withdrawal movement following internal

anatomy using a round bur.
  In case of pulpal hemorrhage that impairs
visibility, coronal pulp should be amputated at
orifice level with an Endodontic spoon or round
bur and the chamber is filled with a viscous chelator
EDTA followed by copious irrigation with sodium
Step 4: Axial wall extension: A tapered fissure or safe-ended
bur is used in withdrawal movement to extend the
access preparation for convenience form precisely
in labiolingual and mesiodistal dimensions and to
achieve straight-line access to the apex. Complete
Fig. 13.37  Access cavity outline form of maxillary central incisor
(Palatal surface), (D, Distal; M, Mesial)
roof removal is confirmed using an Endodontic
explorer. No “catches” or obstruction should be
encountered as explorer tip is withdrawn from the
pulp chamber along mesial, distal and facial walls.
• Stepwise procedure: Step 5: Identification of all canal orifices: After deroofing
Step 1: Initial entry is through the center of lingual surface the pulp chamber, locate the canal orifices using an
of crown using a #2 or #4 round bur to penetrate Endodontic explorer.
through enamel and slightly into dentin (approx. 1   Keep in mind the probability of finding additional
mm) at an angle perpendicular to the lingual surface canals in the tooth and the most likely anatomic
Step 2: Penetration of pulp chamber roof: With same round location of these canals.
or tapered fissure bur, angle of bur is changed from Step 6 and 7: Lingual shoulder removal and orifice and
perpendicular to the lingual surface to parallel to the coronal flaring: Lingual shoulder is lingual shelf of
long axis of the root until the roof of pulp chamber dentin that extends from cingulum to a point about 2
is penetrated. mm apical to the orifice. Its removal aids in straight-
  A “drop-in” effect is felt when this occurs. line access to the apex. It is removed using tapered
Step 3: Complete roof removal: Overhanging enamel and safety tip diamond or carbide bur or with Gates
dentin of lingual roof of pulp chamber, including Glidden burs. During rotation, the GG bur is leaned
pulp horns are removed by working from inside to against lingual shoulder and withdrawn.
214 Short Textbook of Endodontics

  The orifice should be flared using small to large Maxillary Lateral Incisor
GG burs. These burs are used in circumference filling
motion, flaring each wall of canal in sequence. • External access outline form
Step 8: D etermination of straight-line access: Insert into – Rounded triangle as shown in Figure 13.38.
the canal the largest file that fits passively to the – Sometimes it is oval shaped when mesial and distal
apical foramen or the point of 1st canal curvature pulp horns are not prominent.
to evaluate the straight-line access. – Shape of a slender triangle when the pulp horns are
  The file is inserted gently and withdrawn. If the file prominent.
binds or deflects, the adequacy of lingual shoulder • Stepwise procedure: Same as for the maxillary central
removal is re-evaluated. incisor.
Step 9 and 10: Refinement and smoothing of restorative • Variations: Crown can have lot of variations or
margins and careful evaluation of access preparation anatomic anomalies such as gemination, fusion with a
  The cavosurface margins should be refined and supernumerary tooth, dens invaginatus, etc.
smoothened in order to place and finish the final • Possible errors:
restoration with precision that is necessary to – Failure to remove lingual shoulder
minimize coronal leakage. – Gouging due to improper inclination of bur
  Using appropriate magnification devices, the – Perforations
completed access preparation is evaluated. It should • Important considerations:
be smooth, funnel-shaped and continuous with the – An important anatomic feature of this tooth that
radicular portion of pulp cavity. Also it must provide should be considered is that most of the times,
straight-line access to the apical third of root canal. the root typically curves to the distal although
• Variations: The access cavity preparation is sometimes it may be straight.
designed to be more oval shaped in outline in – This tooth is known to have many anomalies that
mature teeth due to receded pulp horns. may cause difficulty in treatment.
• Possible errors:
– Too far gingival extension of access Maxillary Canine
– Failure to remove the lingual shoulder • External access outline form: Oval or slot shaped due to
– Gouging due to improper alignment of bur absence of mesial and distal pulp horns. Figure 13.39
– Perforations shows the external access outline form of a maxillary
– Inadequate incisal extension causing failure canine.
to remove the tissue from the pulp horns • Stepwise procedure: Technique is same for the maxillary
that causes discoloration of the tooth after central and lateral incisors. Since this tooth is heavily
treatment. involved in excursive movements and occlusal function,

Fig. 13.38  Access cavity outline form of maxillary Fig. 13.39  Access cavity outline form of maxillary
lateral incisor (palatal surface), (D, Distal; M, Mesial) canine (palatal surface), (D, Distal; M, Mesial)
Endodontic Access Cavity Preparation 215

a butt joint relation is required between the incisal Maxillary Premolar Teeth
wall and the lingual surface of the crown for adequate
thickness of restorative material. Steps of Endodontic access cavity preparation for maxillary
• Variations: Usually has single canal but in some cases premolar teeth are shown in Figures 13.40A to F.
two canals have been reported.
• Possible errors: Maxillary First Premolar
– Gouging due to improper inclination of bur
– Failure to remove the lingual shoulder • External access outline form: Oval or slot shaped that
– Perforations. runs in buccolingual direction with buccal extension



Figs 13.40A to F  Access cavity preparation for maxillary premolar teeth. Endodontic preparation in maxillary premolar. (A) Initial entry
made parallel to the long axis of tooth through occlusal surface in the central groove of maxillary premolar using a round or small tapered
fissure bur in an accelerated speed contra-angle handpiece; (B) No. 2 or No. 4 round bur is used to penetrate into the pulp chamber; (C) An
Endodontic explorer used to locate the canal orifices; (D) Deroofing the pulp chamber using round bur working from inside the pulp chamber
to outside; (E) Buccolingual extension and finishing of cavity walls using tapered fissure bur; (F) Final preparation should allow straight-line
access of Endodontic instrument to the apex
216 Short Textbook of Endodontics

mouse-hole effect, which indicates under-extension

that will impede straight line access. In such cases,
access preparation must be further extended such
that the orifices are repositioned on to pulpal floor
without interference from axial walls.
Step 6 and 7: Removal of cervical dentin bulges and orifice
and coronal flaring: Cervical bulges are shelves of
dentin that frequently overhang orifices restricting
straight line access.
A B These bulges can be removed with safety tip diamond
or carbide burs or Gates Glidden burs. These
Figs 13.41A and B  Access cavity outline form of maxillary first instruments are gently leaned towards the dentin
premolar (occlusal view) with three and two canals respectively.
(B, Buccal; D, Distal; M, Mesial; L, Lingual)
bulge to remove the overhanging shelf.
The orifice and constricted coronal portions of
the canal can be then flared with GG burs used in
about two-third up the buccal cusp incline and palatal sweeping upward motion with lateral pressure away
extension about half up the palatal cusp incline as shown from the furcation in the direction of the name of the
in Figures 13.41A and B. canal
• Stepwise procedure: Step 8: Determination of straight-line access: An exploring
Step 1: Removal of caries and old restorations and establishing file such as #10 K-file is inserted in the canal. It must
initial outline form: Caries and restorations should have unimpeded access to the apical foramen or to
be removed to achieve initial outline form. For an the first point of canal curvature for proper cleaning
intact tooth, an access starting location is on the and shaping.
central groove between the cusp tips. Step 9 and 10: Careful evaluation of access preparation and
Initial entry is made using a #2 round carbide bur to refinement and smoothing of restorative margins:
penetrate the enamel in the center of the occlusal This is done to reduce the potential for coronal
surface between the buccal and lingual cusps. leakage.
Step 2: Penetration of pulp chamber roof: Using the same #2 • Variations: Sometimes three canals may be
round carbide bur or tapered fissure bur, held along present two on the buccal side and one palatal.
the long axis of tooth, penetrate through the dentin The third canal is the mesiobuccal canal.
into pulp chamber. • Possible errors:
  A “drop” into the chamber is felt when the – Perforation due to misalignment of bur at the
chamber is large. mesiocervical indentation.
  Avoid underextended, shallow access opening that – Vertical underextension exposing only the
will expose only the pulp horn tips, mistaken for root pulp horns.
canal orificies. • Important considerations: Mesial concavity is
Step 3: Complete roof removal: A round bur, a tapered fissure present in the root so the preparation should not
bur or a safety tip diamond or carbide bur is used be overextended in that direction as it can result
to remove the roof of pulp chamber completely, in strip perforation.
including all pulp horns.
Step 4: Axial wall extension: Walls of access cavity are made Maxillary Second Premolar
smooth and sloped slightly towards occlusal surface • External access outline form: Oval shape with wider
using a tapered fissure bur or a safe-ended bur. buccolingual extension when one or two canals are
Step 5: Identification of root canal orifices: Dentinal map present and triangular when three canals are present.
(anatomic dark lines on pulpal floor) should be Figure 13.42 shows the access outline form of
examined to identify the orifices. maxillary second premolar with single canal (occlusal
Usually the orifice of buccal canal lies beneath the view).
buccal cusp and orifice of palatal canal lies beneath • Stepwise procedure: The technique is similar to maxillary
the palatal cusp. first premolar. Most of the times a single canal is present
Internally the access cavity should have all orifices and the buccolingual extension of the access preparation
positioned entirely on pulpal floor and should not is less simply corresponding to the buccal and palatal
extend in to axial wall otherwise there will be a pulp horns.
Endodontic Access Cavity Preparation 217

widely spaced and are nearly parallel to each other.

There is slightly greater buccolingual extension to permit
the straight-line access to both the canals.
• Possible errors:
– Perforation due to misalignment of bur at the
mesiocervical indentation
– Vertical underextension exposing only the pulp
– Gouging resulting as a result of search for orifices in
case of receded pulp chamber.
Fig. 13.42  Access cavity outline form of maxillary second premolar • Important considerations: This tooth has close proximity
with single canal (occlusal view), (B, Buccal; D, Distal; M, Mesial; to the maxillary sinus. Large periradicular abscess
L, Lingual) related to this tooth may drain into the sinus.

When two canals are present, the access preparation Maxillary Molar Teeth
is identical to maxillary first premolar with the difference Steps of Endodontic access cavity preparation of maxillary
that only single root is present and the canals are not molar teeth are shown in Figures 13.43A to G.



Figs 13.43A to G  Access cavity preparation for maxillary molars. (A) Buccal view of maxillary molar in which access cavity is to be
prepared; (B) Proximal view of same tooth; (C) Initial entry through occlusal surface using round bur in the exact center of mesial pit;
(D) Endodontic explorer is used to locate the canal orifices; (E) Deroofing the pulp chamber using round bur in withdrawal movements from
inside of pulp chamber to outside; (F) Final finishing and funnelling of cavity walls; (G) Final preparation should allow unobstructed access
to all the orifices
218 Short Textbook of Endodontics

  Mesial and distal boundary limitations should be

determined for access preparation. Mesial boundary
is a line connecting the mesial cusp tips and the distal
boundary is the oblique ridge.
Step 2: Penetration of pulp chamber roof: Using the same bur,
the angle of penetration is changed from perpendicular
A B C to occlusal table towards the largest canal (palatal)
because the pulp chamber space usually is largest just
Figs 13.44A to C  Access cavity outline form of maxillary first
molar with three, four and five canals respectively (occlusal view),
occlusal to the orifice of this canal.
(B, Buccal; D, Distal; M, Mesial; L, Lingual)   A “drop” effect will be felt.
Step 3: Complete roof removal: Complete removal of roof of
pulp chamber including all pulp horns using a round
Maxillary First Molar bur, a tapered fissure bur, or a safety tip diamond or
• External access outline form: When three canals are carbide bur.
present, it is triangular with round corners as shown in Step 4: Axial wall extension: Tapered fissure carbide or
Figure 13.44A. diamond bur with rounded end or safe-ended
Extensions are towards mesiobuccal cusp tip, diamond or carbide burs are used to funnel the
marginal ridge and oblique ridge. corners of the access cavity directly into the orifices
When four canals are present, it is rhomboidal and to plane the axial walls and slightly flare them
with mesiobuccal angle forming an acute angle and towards the occlusal to remove all the obstructions
distobuccal angle forming an obtuse angle, palatal in the smooth, straight-line access to the canals.
angles being right angles as shown in Figure 13.44B. Step 5: Identification of all canal orifices: The anatomic dark
Mesially the access cavity does not extend into the lines in the pulpal floor (Dentinal map) should be
mesial marginal ridge. Distally it should not encroach examined with an Endodontic explorer to identify
onto the oblique ridge. Buccally it should be parallel to the orifices.
the line connecting MB1 and DB canal orifices.   One should routinely search for a fourth orifice
and canal that may be present in the mesiobuccal
Location of orifices: The main mesiobuccal canal orifice root (MB2).
(MB 1) is located within the acute angle of the pulp Step 6 and 7: Removal of cervical dentin bulge and orifice and
chamber lying mesial and buccal to the distobuccal coronal flaring: Cervical dentin bulges are shelves of
orifice. dentin that may overhang the orifices restricting the
The distobuccal canal orifice (DB) is located within straight-line access to apex and causing accentuation
the obtuse angle of the pulp chamber. of existing canal curvatures. They are removed with
The palatal canal orifice is centered palatally. safety tip diamond or carbide burs or Gates Glidden
A line drawn connecting these orifices forms a burs.
triangle called as molar triangle.   Orifice and the constricted coronal portion of the
The fourth canal which is almost always present but canal can be flared with Gates Glidden burs, used in
commonly missed due to a ledge of dentin covering sweeping upward motion with lateral pressure away
its orifice, is the second mesiobuccal canal (MB2). Its from furcation in the direction of the name of the
location varies: canal.
– It may lie mesial to the main MB1 canal orifice   Sometimes an internal triangle of dentin may hinder
– It may be present mesial to the main MB1 canal the straight-line access of the Endodontic instrument
orifice on a line joining the MB1 and palatal canal to the apical portion of the canal. Gates Glidden burs
orifices. are used to remove these internal triangles.
• Stepwise procedure: Step 8: Determination of straight–line access:
Step 1: Removal of caries and old restorations and establishing Step 9 and 10: Evaluation of access preparation and
initial outline form: Remove caries and restorations refinement and smoothing of restorative margins:
to achieve initial outline form. • Variations: Mild to severe curvatures are seen in
  Initial entry is made using a #4 round carbide bur the roots especially the mesiobuccal root. Two or
to penetrate the enamel with the bur held in the three canals in any root are possible especially in
central fossa. the mesiobuccal root.
Endodontic Access Cavity Preparation 219

  Figures 13.45A and B show clinical photo­ • Variations: Additional root canals such as second palatal
graphs of access cavity preparation of maxillary canal or second canal in mesiobuccal root have been
first molar with four canals in two cases. reported.
• Possible errors: – Possible errors:
– Underextended preparation merely exposing the - Under extended preparation merely exposing the
pulp horns mistaken for root canal orifices. pulp horns mistaken for root canal orifices.
– Gouging in an attempt to search for orifices in a tooth - Gouging in an attempt to search for orifices in a
with receded pulp chamber. tooth with receded pulp chamber.
– Furcal perforation due to failure to recognize the - Furcal perforation due to failure to recognize the
depth of pulp chamber. depth of pulp chamber.
– Lateral perforation due to improper bur angulation. - Lateral perforation due to improper bur
– Failure to recognize the canal curvatures causing angulation.
further procedural errors such as ledging, perforation. - Failure to recognize the canal curvatures causing
further procedural errors such as ledging,
Maxillary Second Molar perforation.
• External access outline form: When two canals are
present, it is oval shaped extending buccolingually. Maxillary Third Molar
When three canals are present, it is rounded triangle
which is more obtuse due to position of distobuccal Root canal anatomy of this tooth is unpredictable and lot
orifice being quite closer to a line connecting the of variations are possible. Access cavity preparation will
mesiobuccal and palatal orifices as shown in Figure vary as per the number of roots and root canals and other
13.46. anatomic variations. About one to four roots and one to six
When four canals are present, it is rhomboid shaped. canals are possible. Most of the times the roots are fused to
• Stepwise procedure: Similar to maxillary first molar with form a single large root.
some differences such as all orifices are located more Figure 13.47 shows the access cavity preparation in
closer mesially than in first molar. maxillary third molar with three canals.

Mandibular Anterior Teeth

Steps of Endodontic access cavity preparation of mandibular
anterior teeth are shown in Figures 13.48A to E, Figures
13.48F and G show errors in access preparation of
mandibular anterior teeth. Figure 13.48H shows correct
external access preparation.

Mandibular Central Incisor

• External access outline form: Triangular or oval
Figs 13.45A and B  Clinical photographs of access cavity preparation shaped, which is longer incisogingivally and narrower
of maxillary first molar with four canals. Case A (Courtesy of Dr mesiodistally as shown in Figure 13.49.
Roheet Khatavkar), Case B (Courtesy of Dr Shivani Bhatt)

Fig. 13.46  Access cavity outline form of maxillary second molar with Fig. 13.47  Access cavity preparation of maxillary third molar with
three, two and one canal respectively (occlusal view), (B, Buccal; D, three canals, (B, Buccal; D, Distal; M, Mesial; L, Lingual)
Distal; M, Mesial; L, Lingual)
220 Short Textbook of Endodontics



Figs 13.48A to H  Access cavity preparation for mandibular anterior teeth (A) Initial entry made through lingual surface in the exact center
using a tapered fissure bur in accelerated speed contra-angle handpiece perpendicular to long axis of tooth; (B) Round bur No. 2 to penetrate
into pulp chamber; (C) Round bur used to deroof the pulp chamber working from inside the pulp chamber to outside; (D) Removal of lingual
shoulder and finishing the cavity walls; (E) Final preparation should allow unobstructed straight-line access of Endodontic instrument to the
apex; (F) Inadequate access opening can let the pulp tissue remnants to remain the coronal part of the tooth leading to discoloration later;
(G) Failure to remove the lingual shoulder will lead to missed lingual canal causing Endodontic failure; (H) Correct extension after removal of
lingual shoulder causing straight-line access of Endodontic instrument in both the canals

• Stepwise procedure: Technique is similar to that of 40% of mandibular incisors have two canals—buccal
maxillary central incisor. and lingual.
The initial entry point is just above the cingulum It is not necessary to have butt joint junctions
with the bur held perpendicular to the entry point. between the internal walls and the lingual surface
Remove the lingual shoulder completely as this tooth because lingual surface of the tooth is not involved in
often has two canals that are buccolingually oriented occlusal function.
and the lingual canal most often gets missed. About
Endodontic Access Cavity Preparation 221

Figs 13.49A and B  Access cavity outline form of mandibular central Fig. 13.50  Access cavity outline form of mandibular canine (incisal
incisor with one canal and mandibular lateral incisor with two view) with one and two canals, (B, Buccal; D, Distal; M, Mesial;
canals, (D, Distal; M, Mesial) L, Lingual)

• Possible errors: larger and its cusp tip is inclined lingually, so the access
– Extension too far gingivally. preparation lies more to the mesial of the midpoint
– Failure to remove the lingual shoulder that mostly mesiodistally.
causes missed lingual canal. Figure 13.50 shows the access outline form of
– Gouging due to improper bur angulation and failure mandibular canine (incisal view).
to recognize the linguoaxial or mesioaxial angulation • Stepwise procedure: Technique is similar to Maxillary
of tooth. canine. The lingual shoulder must be removed to gain
– Inadequate incisal extension causing failure access to the lingual wall of the root canal or to the
to completely remove the pulp debris causing entrance of a second canal. Buccal wall is larger and the
discoloration of tooth after treatment as shown in lingual wall is slit-like. As a result, cleaning and shaping
Figure 13.48F. may be difficult.
Like the mandibular incisors, butt joint junctions are
Mandibular Lateral Incisor not necessary.
• Possible errors:
• External access outline form: Triangular or oval – Extension too far gingivally
shaped which is longer incisogingivally and narrower – Failure to remove the lingual shoulder that mostly
mesiodistally. causes missed lingual canal
Figure 13.49B shows the access outline form of – Gouging due to improper bur angulation and failure
mandi­bular lateral incisor with two canals from incisal to recognize the linguoaxial or mesioaxial angulation
view. of tooth.
• Stepwise procedure: Same as mandibular central incisor – Inadequate incisal extension causing failure
• Possible errors: to completely remove the pulp debris causing
– Extension too far gingivally. discoloration of tooth after treatment.
– Failure to remove the lingual shoulder that mostly
causes missed lingual canal. Mandibular Premolar Teeth
– Gouging due to improper bur angulation and failure
to recognize the linguoaxial or mesioaxial angulation Steps of Endodontic access cavity preparation of mandibular
of tooth. premolar teeth are shown in Figures 13.51A to E.
– Inadequate incisal extension causing failure
to comple­t ely remove the pulp debris causing Mandibular First Premolar
discoloration of tooth after treatment.
• External access outline form: Oval shaped as shown in
Mandibular Canine Figure 13.52.
• External access outline form: Oval or slot-shaped narrow • Stepwise procedure: The procedure is the same as for
mesiodistally and wider buccolingually. Its incisal the maxillary premolars. But some specific points for
extension is towards the incisal edge and gingival mandibular first premolar are:
extension penetrates the cingulum. Mandibular canine – Usually the initial entry is made at the upper third
has almost straight mesial edge, its distal surface is of lingual incline of the facial cusp with #2 round
222 Short Textbook of Endodontics


Figs 13.51A to E  Access cavity preparation of mandibular premolars: (A) Initial entry through occlusal surface in the central groove of
mandibular premolar; (B) Round bur used to penetrate into the pulp chamber; (C) Endodontic explorer used to locate canal orifice; (D) After
deroofing of pulp chamber, tapered fissure bur used for buccolingual extension and finishing of cavity walls; (E) Final preparation should
allow straight line access of Endodontic instrument to the apex

– Because of lingual inclination of the crown, buccal

extension can nearly approach the tip of buccal cusp
to achieve straight-line access.
– Mesiodistally the access preparation is centered
between the cusp tips.
• Possible errors: Perforation due to improper bur
angulation or due to failure to recognize the lingual
inclination of the crown
– Inadequate extension causing further preparation
Fig. 13.52  Access cavity outline form of mandibular first premolar errors
with one and two canals respectively (occlusal view), (B, Buccal; – Apical perforation due to overinstrumentation or
D, Distal; M, Mesial; L, Lingual) due to failure to recognize the buccal or lingual apical
carbide bur centered mesiodistally and directed • Important considerations: Due to lingual inclination
along the long axis of root. This helps to compensate of the crown, the access cavity needs to be extended
for the tilt and to prevent perforations. lingually so that the lingual canal is easier to locate
– When two canals are present, they tend to be round and negotiate. Also the buccal extension should be
from the pulp chamber to their foramen. Sometimes approaching the buccal cusp tip to achieve straight-line
a single broad root canal may bifurcate into two access.
separate root canals.
– Direct access to buccal canal usually is possible, Mandibular Second Premolar
whereas lingual canal may be very difficult to find
due to following reasons: The lingual canal tends • External access outline form: Oval shaped as shown in
to diverge from the main canal at a sharp angle and Figure 13.53.
the crown has lingual inclination that directs files • Stepwise procedure: Similar to mandibular first premolar,
buccally, making location of lingual canal orifice with few specific variations:
more difficult. To counter this, lingual wall of the – Crown has less lingual inclination, so less extension
access cavity needs to be extended farther lingually, up the buccal cusp incline is required for straight-line
this makes lingual canal easier to locate. access.
Endodontic Access Cavity Preparation 223

• Possible errors:
– Perforation due to improper bur angulation or due
to failure to recognize the tilt of premolar
– Inadequate extension causing further preparation
– Apical perforation due to overinstrumentation or
due to failure to recognize the buccal or lingual apical
Fig. 13.53  Access cavity outline form of mandibular second
premolar (occlusal view), (B, Buccal; D, Distal; M, Mesial; L, Lingual) Mandibular Molar Teeth
Steps of Endodontic access cavity preparation of mandibular
– Lingual half of the tooth is more fully developed, so molar teeth are shown in Figures 13.54A to G.
lingually access preparation may extend halfway up
the lingual cusp incline.



Figs 13.54A to G  Access cavity preparation of mandibular molars. (A) Buccal view of mandibular molar in which access is to be prepared;
(B) Proximal view of same tooth; (C) Initial entry made using round bur through the occlusal surface in the exact center of the mesial pit;
(D) Endodontic explorer is used to locate the canal orifices; (E) Round bur is used from inside to outside of the pulp chamber for deroofing
of the pulp chamber; (F) Final finishing and funnelling of access cavity walls; (G) Final access preparation should allow unobstructed access
to the canal orifices
224 Short Textbook of Endodontics

examined with an Endodontic explorer to identify

the orifices. Usually all canal orifices are located in
the mesial two-thirds of crown. Mesial canal orifices
are connected by developmental groove and are
well-separated within pulp chamber. Mesiobuccal
orifice is under the mesiobuccal cusp. Sometimes
Fig. 13.55  Access cavity outline form of mandibular first molar with the mesiobuccal cusp tip has to be encroached on
three, four and five canals respectively (occlusal view). (B, Buccal; to achieve straight-line access. Mesiolingual orifice
D, Distal; M, Mesial; L, Lingual) is found just lingual to the central groove. In case of
single distal canal, the orifice is oval buccolingually
Mandibular First Molar and the opening generally is located distal to the
buccal groove that can be explored from mesial side.
• External access outline form: Trapezoid or triangular Step 6 and 7: Removal of cervical dentin bulge and orifice
shaped with rounded corners and rectangular if two and coronal flaring and removal of internal triangles
distal canals are present. of dentin.
Figure 13.55 shows the external access outline form Step 8: Determination of straight-line access.
of mandibular first molar with three, four and five canals Step 9 and 10: Final evaluation of access preparation and
respectively (occlusal view). refinement and smoothing of restorative margins.
Mesially the access preparation should not invade Figure 13.56 shows the clinical photograph of
the marginal ridge. Distally it should be extended so completed access cavity preparation in mandibular
as to have adequate access to the distal canals. Buccal molar seen under magnification.
and lingual wall are formed by the lines connecting the • Variations: In between mesiobuccal and
respective two orifices mesiolingual canals, a middle mesial canal may
• Stepwise procedure: be present as seen in Figure 13.57.
Step 1: Removal of caries and old restorations and establishing • Possible errors:
initial outline form: Remove caries and restoration – Gouging in an attempt to search for orifices
to achieve initial outline form. Initial entry is made in a tooth with receded pulp chamber
using #4 round carbide bur to penetrate the enamel – Furcal perforation due to failure to recognize
in the central fossa perpendicularly. The starting the depth of pulp chamber
location for molar access cavity preparation is – Lateral perforation due to improper bur
determined by establishing mesial and distal angulation
boundary limits. – Missed second distal canal
Step 2: Penetration of pulp chamber roof: Using the same bur, – Ledge formation due to underextended
angle of penetration is changed from perpendicular access preparation
to occlusal table towards the largest canal (distal) – Failure to recognize the curvature in the canal
because the pulp chamber space usually is largest causing further procedural errors such as
just occlusal to the orifice of this canal. A “drop” ledging or perforation.
effect will be felt. • Important considerations: The mesial and the
Step 3: Complete roof removal: Complete roof removal lingual inclination of the crown should be
including the pulp horns using a round bur, tapered considered during access preparation on this
fissure bur, or a safety tip diamond or carbide bur. tooth to prevent unnecessary gouging.
Step 4: Axial wall extension: Tapered fissure carbide or   A concavity is present on distal surface of
diamond bur with rounded end or safe-ended mesial root and on mesial surface of distal root.
diamond or carbide burs are used to funnel the So careful instrumentation should be done to
corners of the access cavity directly into the orifices avoid strip perforation.
and to plane the axial walls and slightly flare them
towards the occlusal to remove all the obstructions Mandibular Second Molar
in the smooth, straight line access to the canals.
Step 5: Identification of all canal orifices: The anatomic dark • External access outline form: When three canals are
lines in the pulpal floor (Dentinal map) should be present, triangular form or slightly rhomboid shaped.
Endodontic Access Cavity Preparation 225

Fig. 13.56  Clinical photograph of access cavity preparation in Fig. 13.57  Clinical photograph of access opening in mandibular first
mandibular molar with four canals seen under microscope (Courtesy molar with three canals (Additional middle mesial canal) (Courtesy
of Dr Roheet Khatavkar) of Dr Shivani Bhatt)

When two canals are present, rectangular shaped

opening which is wider mesiodistally.
When only one canal is present, oval shaped in the
center of occlusal surface.
• Stepwise procedure: Similar to mandibular first molar
with the variations due to smaller size. Due to bucco-
axial inclination of the tooth, sometimes large portion of
mesiobuccal cusp may have to be reduced to clean and
shape the mesiobuccal canal. The two mesial orifices
are located closer together.
• Variations: Mandibular second molars have roots and
canals usually close together and may have single or
fused roots. One to six canals are possible. Sometimes
a file placed in mesiobuccal canal may appear to be in
the distal canal when these two canals are connected
by a semicircular slit in case of a C-shaped canal (Fig.
Fig. 13.58  Clinical photograph of access opening done in
13.58). mandibular second molar with C-shaped canal (Courtesy of Dr
Figures 13.59A to D show the outline form of Roheet Khatavkar)
mandibular second molar with 3, 4, 2 canals respectively
and C-shaped canal (occlusal view).
C-shaped canals have been described in detail in – Ledge formation due to underextended access
Chapter 3: Morphology and Internal Anatomy of the preparation
Root Canal System. – Failure to recognize the curvature in the canal
• Possible errors: causing further procedural errors such as ledging
– Gouging in an attempt to search for orifices in a tooth or perforation
with receded pulp chamber • Important considerations: Distal aspect of mesial
– Furcal perforation due to failure to recognize the root and mesial aspect of distal root have concavities.
depth of pulp chamber So careful instrumentation should be done to avoid
– Lateral perforation due to improper bur angulation strip perforation. The roots have close proximity
– Missed second distal canal to the mandibular canal. So appropriate working
226 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 13.60  Access cavity preparation in mandibular third molar
with three canals, (B, Buccal; D, Distal; M, Mesial; L, Lingual)

• Safe approach to face the challenge:

– Knowing beforehand that calcification exists, to be
prepared to deal with it, is important. Careful reading
C D of preoperative radiograph will reveal calcification
Figs 13.59A to D  Mandibular second molar with (A) 3 canals;
of pulp chamber and radicular canal spaces.
(B) 4  canals; (C) 2 canals; (D) C-shaped canal, (B, Buccal; D, Distal; – One must know that calcification progresses from
M, Mesial; L, Lingual) the coronal part to the apex of the root. There may be
severe coronal calcifications but the canals become
less calcified as they approach the apex. So, complete
cleaning, shaping and obturation of these canals
length determination should be done to avoid upto the apical terminus needs to be achieved.
overinstrumentation. – Use of adequate illumination (For example,
transillumination with fiber-optic light) and
Mandibular Third Molar magnification (For example, dental operating
microscope or loupes) is very helpful diagnostic aids
It may have unpredictable anatomy. Lot of variations in such cases.
are possible. May have severely curved roots. Access – Careful examination of color differences can help
preparation varies according to the number of roots and root in searching the calcified orifices. Floor of pulp
canals and other anatomic variations. Figure 13.60 shows chamber is darker in color than the walls of the
the access cavity preparation in a mandibular third molar pulp chamber. Developmental grooves connecting
tooth with three canals. orifices are lighter in color than the floor of pulp
WHICH ARE THE CHALLENGING ACCESS CAVITY – Exact knowledge of the anatomic location of root
canal orifices and possible variations and knowing
the fact that canal orifices are located at the end
THEM? points of developmental grooves and at the angles
Teeth with Calcifications in Pulp Chamber formed by the pulp chamber walls and floor.
and Root Canals – Other diagnostic aids for location of calcified root
canal orifices:
• Challenge: Identification of calcified root canal orifices - Use of sharp Endodontic explorer
and then negotiation of calcified canals is a challenge. - Use of ultrasonic tips
• Possible errors: - Sodium hypochlorite champagne bubble test
– Improper attempt to locate canals can lead to - Sequential application of 17% EDTA and 95%
perforations of root wall or of the furcation. ethanol
– Overzealous attempt to locate canals can cause – Patency of the canal can be determined using smaller
excavation of large amount of sound dentin resulting Endodontic files such as #6, #8 K-files coated with
in weakening of tooth structure (Figs 13.61A to C) chelating agent such as EDTA
Endodontic Access Cavity Preparation 227

Figs 13.61A to C  (A) Radiograph showing calcified canal in maxillary left central incisor tooth, in which overzealous attempt to locate
canal has removed large amount of sound dentin; (B) With the use of dental operating microscope (DOM) and adequate light, the root
canal was located and negotiated, cleaned and shaped and obturation completed; (C) Access cavity opening sealed with a restoration
(Courtesy of Dr Roheet Khatavkar)

– Patience and slow, careful removal of dentin is the

key for uncovering calcified canals.

Teeth with Curved Canals

• Challenge: Following the anatomic curvature and
its complete cleaning, shaping and obturation is the
• Possible errors:
– Failure to follow the curvature, can result in
procedural errors such as:
- Ledge formation
- Apical transportation and zipping
- Root perforations
- Incomplete cleaning and shaping
• Safe approach to face the challenge:
Fig. 13.62  Postoperative radiographs of two cases of maxillary first
– Recognition of canal curvature from preoperative premolar with S-shaped/Bayonet-shaped canals (Courtesy of Dr
radiographs. Roheet Khatavkar)
Figure 13.62 shows postoperative radiographs of
two cases of maxillary first premolar with curved/S-
shaped/Bayonet shaped canals.
– Sometimes the root may not seem to be curved on Teeth with Unusual and Complex Anatomy
radiograph, but there may be sharp angle between of Roots and Root Canals
the pulp chamber and the canal, which should be
carefully evaluated from radiographs. In such cases, • Challenge: Complete cleaning and shaping and
to obtain SLA, significant reduction of orifice walls obturation of such complex root canal system is a
may be required. challenge.
– Precurving the Endodontic files • Possible errors: Failure to negotiate through such
– Adequate extension of access cavity preparation to complex root canals can cause
allow for straight-line access (SLA) to curved canals – Inadequate cleaning and shaping
– Careful use of rotary files in curved canals. – Inadequate or ineffective obturation
228 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• Safe approach to face the challenge: – Excessive gouging of coronal or radicular tooth
– Careful reading of preoperative radiographs to structure in search of orifice of canal in a wrong
recognize such complexities direction.
– Careful negotiation and instrumentation of such root • Safe approach to face the challenge:
canals keeping in mind the complex anatomy. – Determine the anatomic relationship of the crown
to root by taking angled diagnostic periapical
Teeth with Minimal Coronal Tooth Structure radiographs
– Visualize and determine if there are any likely
• Challenge: To conserve as much sound tooth structure variations that have to be made during access cavity
as possible to protect it from fracture. preparation.
– Crown to root relation may not be identified due to
inadequate coronal tooth structure. Access Through Full Veneer Crowns
• Possible errors: Coronal or root perforation may occur
as a result of loss of significant coronal anatomy. • Challenge: If the full veneer crown has to be retained,
• Safe approach to face the challenge: making access cavity preparation through it is a
– Careful study of preoperative radiographs to study challenge.
the root angulation • Possible errors:
– Careful probing of the cervical crown anatomy with – If you are conservative during access cavity
an explorer preparation, preparation may be underextended
– Palpate the root eminences causing various procedural errors.
– Start access before placing rubber dam in such – Failure to recognize crown to root angulation may
cases result in perforation.
– If the canal is not located till a greater depth, then – Leakage or recurrent caries may be left unattended
instead of attempting to search the orifices, take to resulting in failures later.
radiographs at various angles before proceeding. • Safe approach to face the challenge:
– When you prepare access through the full veneer
Crowded Teeth crown, do it with caution.
– Check the root prominence.
• Challenge: To obtain straight-line access while – Identify the long axis of the tooth.
conservation of tooth structure and without compro­ – Carefully evaluate preoperative radiographs to find if
mising esthetics is the challenge. the full veneer crown has been altered. For example,
• Possible errors: rotated tooth may have the full veneer crown that is
– Inadequate access leading to inadequate cleaning in the correct position and not in rotated position.
and shaping, missed canals, etc. – Also, evaluate from preoperative radiograph, the
– Failure to achieve straight-line access (SLA) causing mesial/distal or axial inclination of the involved
further procedural errors tooth and its parallelism to the adjacent teeth.
• Safe approach to face the challenge: – Check for the orientation of adjacent teeth clinically.
– Such cases may require an alternative approach of – Dental operating microscope (D OM) and
access preparation transillumination of CEJ can be a valuable aid.
– Sometimes buccal access preparation will have to – When some doubt exists that the underlying tooth
be made to achieve SLA. may be rotated, drill through the center of the full
veneer crown for a safe access.
Rotated Teeth Table 13.1 shows the summary of the challenging
access preparations.
• Challenge: To visualize the anatomic crown-to-root
relationship before making access preparation in order WHAT ERRORS CAN OCCUR DURING ACCESS
to correctly angulate the bur with respect to the long axis
of root is the challenge.
• Possible errors: Errors may occur in access cavity preparation if:
– Perforations during access preparation • There is clinician’s lack of understanding of the internal
– Missed canals or external morphology of tooth or
Endodontic Access Cavity Preparation 229

TABLE 13.1  Summary of the challenging access preparations

Challenging access Possible errors Safety measures

• Teeth with • Perforations • Preoperative recognition
calcifications in • Weakening of of calcification from
pulp chamber tooth structure radiographs
and root • Knowledge about
canals progress of calcification
• Adequate illumination
and magnification
• Evaluating color
• Knowledge of anatomic
location of root canal
• Diagnostic aids to locate
• Smaller Endodontic files
• Chelating agent
• Patience and caution
• Teeth with • Ledge formation • Recognition
curved canals • Apical • Optimal reduction of
transportation orifice walls for SLA
and zipping • Precurving of files
Fig. 13.63  A mind-map to remember errors
• Root perforations • Use more flexible files
• Incomplete • Careful use of rotary files
in access cavity preparation
cleaning and
• Teeth with • Inadequate • Recognition
unusual complex cleaning and • Careful negotiation and • The clinician does not follow access guidelines.
anatomy of roots shaping instrumentation keeping
and canals • Ineffective in mind the complex
obturation anatomy
• Teeth with • Perforations • Evaluation of root
minimal coronal angulation by palpation
tooth structure and using radiographs
• Start access preparation
before placing rubber
• Radiographs at different
angulations Poor Access Cavity Design
• Crowded teeth • Inadequate access • Alternate approach of
• Failure to achieve access preparation • Inadequate extension: Inadequate mesial or distal
SLA causing • Buccal access extension may leave the orifices uncovered.
procedural errors preparation may be
Failure to remove the pulpal roof completely is called
vertical underextension.
• Rotated teeth • Perforations • Radiographs at different
• Missed canals angulations
• Inadequate opening: Inadequate access opening results
• Excessive gouging • Variations/alterations in inadequate instru­mentation and obturation and it can
of tooth structure in the usual access also cause various procedural problems like:
preparation – Coronal discoloration when pulp horns are not
• Access through • Under extended • Caution debrided.
full veneer preparation • Careful evaluation of – Instrument breakage (separation)
crowns • Perforations preoperative radiograph
unrecognized • DOM and – Ledging of canal
• Leakage or transillumination – Apical transportation.
recurrent caries • Stay in center of tooth • Overextension: Gross overextension of access cavity
when in doubt preparation will weaken the coronal tooth structure and
230 Short Textbook of Endodontics

hence compromise the final restoration and longevity (Discussed in detail in Chapter 20 Endodontic Mishaps:
of the treated tooth. Management and Prevention).
• Overzealous tooth removal: Gouging Figure 13.63 shows a mind-map to remember the errors
Improper bur angulation and failure to recognize in access cavity preparation.
the inclination of tooth can result in overzealous tooth
removal. This results in weakening and mutilation of BIBLIOGRAPHY
tooth structure predisposing it to fracture.
These have been discussed in detail in Chapter 20 1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis:
Mosby. 2006.pp.165-228.
Endodontic Mishaps: Management and Prevention. 2. Grossman L, Oliet S, Del Rio C. Endodontic Practice, 11th edn.
Varghese publication. 1991.pp.151-77, 79.
Perforations 3. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J, Ingle’s Endodontics, 6th edn.
BC Decker Inc, Hamilton. 2008.pp.877-918.
Results in communication between root canal system and 4. Ingle, Bakland, Endodontics, 5th edn. Plates 3 to 27, BC Decker-
the periodontal tissues. Elsevier. 2002.
Cleaning and Shaping of
the Root Canal System


Including Working Length


This chapter describes the objectives and the various concepts and strategies for effective root canal
preparation and discusses in detail the root canal preparation techniques.
  You must know
• What is Cleaning and Shaping of Root Canals?
• What are the Objectives of Cleaning and Shaping of Root Canals?
• Which are the Important Numerical Concepts in Root Canal Preparation and how to
Determine Them?
• What are the Current Concepts and Terminology for Root Canal Preparation?
• Which are the Different Instrument Motions for Effective Shaping of Root Canals?
• What are the Requirements before Starting Canal Preparation?
• Which are the Different Canal Preparation Techniques?
• What are the Precautions to be taken during Instrumentation?
• What are the Procedural Errors that can Occur during Root Canal Preparation?

WHAT IS CLEANING AND SHAPING ‘Cleaning’ and ‘Shaping’ Concepts

Effective ‘Shaping’ is the mechanical instrumentation of the
Definition of Biomechanical Preparation
root canal with hand and rotary instruments to remove vital
“Obtaining straight-line access to the apical foramen and and necrotic pulp tissue and eradicate microbes from the
enlarging and disinfecting the root canals by chemo- accessible parts of the root canal and to shape the canals
mechanical means without causing injury to the periapical in such a way that directs and facilitates optimal irrigation,
tissues is called biomechanical preparation of root canals”. debridement and placement of local medicaments followed
Earlier the term biomechanical preparation was by 3-dimensional obturation of the root canal system.
commonly used. However, now the terms ‘radicular Shaping is specific for each root.
preparation’ and cleaning and shaping of root canals,’ Effective ‘Cleaning’ refers to the use of chemicals
are commonly used. ‘Cleaning’ and ‘Shaping’ are two to eradicate microorganisms, dissolve necrotic tissue
interdependent steps of root canal treatment procedure and remove necrotic dentin and debris created from
performed in order to obtain complete disinfection of instrumentation by means of antimicrobial irrigating
root canal system and to obtain a continuously tapering solutions, detergents and decalcifying materials and then
funnel from coronal access to apex in order to facilitate placement of intracanal medicaments to render the root
3-dimensional obturation of root canals. canal system free of microbes.
232 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Without irrigation, mechanical instrumentation • Prepare a sound apical dentin matrix at the cemento-
becomes ineffective rapidly due to accumulation of dentinal junction (CDJ) for apical seal.
debris. Without enlarging and shaping, the irrigating • Design the preparation such that the cross-sectional
solutions cannot reach all parts of the root canal system. diameter becomes narrower at every point apically.
Shaping removes restrictive dentin thereby improving • Avoid preparation errors such as zipping, perforations,
the effectiveness and the control of canal preparation and etc.
allows irrigation solution to completely penetrate the root
canal system. Thus, shaping facilitates cleaning and cleaning Clinical objectives:
facilitates shaping. • To remove restrictive dentin in order to
Also only well-shaped canals can be filled in three – Improve effectiveness and control of canal
dimensions. Thus, shaping facilitates 3-D obturation. preparation,
Various instrumentation and shaping techniques will – Allow irrigation solution to completely penetrate the
be discussed in this chapter. Various chemical agents used root canal system (Shaping facilitates cleaning).
for effective cleaning will be discussed in the next chapter • To remove the accumulated debris created by mechanical
(Chapter 15). instrumentation by means of root canal irrigation for
effective shaping (Cleaning facilitates shaping).
WHAT ARE THE OBJECTIVES OF CLEANING AND • To develop a logical cavity preparation specific for the
• To allow for three-dimensional filling of well-shaped and
Biologic objectives are to: cleaned root canals (Cleaning and shaping facilitates
• Remove pulp tissue remnants and infected dentin from three-dimensional obturation of the root canal system).
the root canal system. Figure 14.1 shows the mind-map to remember all
• Remove bacteria and their endotoxins and all potential objectives of cleaning and shaping.
irritants from the entire canal system.
• Confine all instrumentation procedures within the root
canal space.
• Avoid pushing contaminated debris beyond the apical
• Create sufficient space within the canal for irrigation
and intracanal medicaments (Remember biologic

Mechanical objectives:
(Remember these mechanical objectives with the help of
following sentence: Kindly Prepare Design Mechanically
with Anatomy Maintained and Less Disturbed.)
• Develop a smooth continuously tapering funnel-shaped
preparation in all three-dimensions such that the cross-
sectional diameter of the canal narrows towards the
• Maintain the original root canal anatomy by fully
incorporating all walls of canals into prepared shape
such that the preparation flows with the shape of the
original canal.
• Maintain the original position of apical foramen.
• Keep the apical opening as small as practically possible.
• Leave as much radicular dentin as possible to prevent
weakening of root structure. Fig. 14.1  Mind-map of objectives of cleaning and shaping
Cleaning and Shaping of the Root Canal System Including Working Length Determination 233



Endodontic treatment involves preparation of the coronal

and radicular spaces (Earlier called Biomechanical
preparation, now termed as Cleaning and Shaping of the
root canal system).
Coronal access cavity preparation has been described
in detail in the previous chapter (Chapter 13 Endodontic
Access Cavity Preparation).
Radicular preparation or root canal preparation is
discussed in detail in this chapter. Fig. 14.2  Significance of determining working length (WL)
The important concepts in root canal preparation are as

Working Length
Canal length is the distance from a coronal reference point
to the apical exit of the root canal.
Anatomic apex of the root is the tip or end of the root
which is morphologically determined.
Radiographic apex of the root is the tip or end of the root
which is determined on the radiograph.
The radiographic apex may be different from the
anatomic apex due to variations in the morphology of the
root and factors related to the radiographic technique. A B

Figs 14.3A and B  Representation of how the position of apical

Definition of Working Length foramen changes the working length: (a) Tooth length; (b) Working
According to Glossary of Endodontic terms: “Working length
is defined as the distance from a coronal reference point to
the point at which the canal preparation and obturation
should terminate”.
junction (CDJ), which is a histological entity and cannot
Significance be accurately determined clinically.
• Clinically, the desired apical extent considered is the
Figure 14.2 gives the importance of working length apical constriction, which does not always coincide with
determination. the CDJ. Apical constriction is located about 0.5–1 mm
short of the radiographic apex. Apical constriction is the
Apical Limit of Working Length portion of the root canal with narrowest diameter, also
referred to as minor apical diameter.
• Theoretically, the apical extent for termination of root Figures 14.3A and B show how the position of apical
canal preparation and obturation is the cemento-dentinal foramen changes the working length.
234 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Method for Determination of Working Length clinician especially when the coronal portion has been
• The process of determination of the current working adequately enlarged.
length (WL) is called Endometrics. This method requires that the canal is preflared prior to
• Requirements for the ideal method of accurate working determining the working length.
length determination: Ingle 6th edition has given The tactile method can be used as a supplementary
following requirements: method with other methods for working length
– The method should allow location of apical determination but cannot be used alone because it has
constriction rapidly (Quick) high chances of giving inaccurate measurements in case
– The method should provide accurate readings in all of excessively constricted and curved canals. It is also an
conditions of pulp and in the presence of all canal inaccurate method in root canals with an immature apex.
– The method should provide easy measurement Evaluation of Patient’s Response to a File Introduced in
– The method should allow for confirmation and
the Canal (Apical Periodontal Sensitivity)
periodic monitoring of working length
– The method should be comfortable to both the This is not a method for working length determination per se,
patient and the clinician but a file introduced beyond the apical constriction causes
– The method should cause minimal radiation to painful response, which gives an indication that the WL
patient would be approximately lesser than this length to which the
– The method should be easy to use even in specific file was introduced. This, however, can be misleading when
condition of patient such as severe gag reflex, limited a file is advanced in a canal with inflamed tissue may cause
opening of mouth and pregnancy pain even when instrument tip is short of apical constriction.
– The method should be economical.
Since no single method satisfies all requirements, Evaluation of Paper Point Placed in the Canal
combination of several methods should be used for accurate
working length determination. In this method, the blunt end of the paper point is gently
• Various methods for working length determination: inserted in the canal to the extent it can penetrate after
1. Digital tactile sense profound anesthesia. The moisture or blood on the apical
2. Evaluation of patient’s response to a file introduced portion of the paper point gives an estimation of WL.
into the canal (Apical periodontal sensitivity) This method is also a supplementary method to aid in
3. Evaluation of paper point placed in the canal working length determination.
4. Use of mathematical formula (Grossman’s method) It is useful in canals with immature root apex and in
5. Use of radiographs cases of apical resorption or perforation where the moisture
Different radiographic methods: or blood determines the amount of overextension.
a. Grossman’s method
b. Ingle’s method Use of Mathematical Formula
c. Weine’s method
d. Kuttler’s method • Grossman’s formula
e. Radiographic grid KLI × ALT
f. Endometric probe Correct Length of Tooth (CLT) = __________________
g. Direct digital radiography ALI
h. Xeroradiography Where, KLI = Known length of instrument or the pre­
i. Subtraction radiography measured length
6. Use of electronic apex locators. ALT = Approximate length of tooth from
Currently, the widely used method for working length radiograph
determination is the combination of use of electronic apex ALI = Approximate length of instrument from
locators and the radiographs. radiograph
In this method, a premeasured file is placed in the canal
Digital Tactile Sense and a radiograph is taken and then using the above formula,
the working length is determined.
Resistance is felt as the file approaches the apical 2–3 mm, Methods requiring formula for working length
which can be detected by tactile sense by an experienced determination have been abandoned. Bramante and
Cleaning and Shaping of the Root Canal System Including Working Length Determination 235

Fig. 14.5  Endoblock from side

(Courtesy of Dentsply)
Figs 14.4A and B  Weak unsupported enamel is ground to obtain a
flat, stable reference plane

Berbert found great variability in formulaic determination

of working length, with only a small percentage of successful

Use of Radiographs
• For determination of working length, the radiographs
taken should be of good quality and undistorted.
• Reference points: The anatomical landmark on tooth used
as coronal reference point should be reproducible. So,
the cusps which are weakened by caries or restoration
may have to be reduced to a flat surface as shown in
Figures 14.4A and B in order to have a stable reference
plane and thus preventing the possibility of loss of A B
reference point due to fracture of weak enamel or cusps
in between appointments. Figs 14.6A and B  Instrument stop should be placed perpendicular
• Exploring instrument: In this method, an appropriate to the reference plane: (A) Incorrect placement of instrument stop;
(B) Correct placement of instrument stop
size K-file with an instrument stop is used as exploring
instrument to determine the working length.
Smaller fine instruments such as #8 and #10 K-files when
used as exploring instruments may be quite loose in Figure 14.5 shows the photograph of an Endoblock.
the canals and may cause errors in WL and also their • Instrument stops should be properly placed on the shaft
tips are sometimes not clearly visible on radiographs. of the exploring instrument such that it lies perpendicular
So, an instrument size which is not very small but can to the shaft as shown in Figure 14.6B. Instrument stops
negotiate the entire length of root canal should be used made of different materials such as metal, plastic and
as exploring instrument such as no.15 K-file. silicone rubber are available. Teardrop-shaped silicone
• A scale or an Endodontic millimeter ruler such as a rubber stops help in the orientation of instrument into
calibrated “Endoblock’ is used to adjust the instrument canal curvatures and they need to be removed from the
stop. instrument during sterilization.
236 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 14.7  Measurement of approximate tooth length Fig. 14.8  Deducting 1 mm and determining
from a preoperative radiograph tentative working length

Steps Involved in this Method

Step 1: From a preoperative diagnostic radiograph, the
length of the tooth from the occlusal surface to
the root apex is measured as shown in Figure 14.7.
Then, 1 mm is deducted from this length as ‘safety
allowance’ for possible radiographic distortion
as shown in Figure 14.8. This is tentative working
Step 2: An appropriate sized K-file is inserted into the root
canal with a slight wiggling motion so that it can
bypass any obstruction or debris and be placed till
the tentative working length. Shaft of K-file should
have properly placed instrument stop at the level of
coronal reference points.
Step 3: Take a radiograph.
Step 4: Determine the difference between the end of the
instrument and the end of the root.
Step 5: If necessary, the measured length is adjusted such
that the instrument tip lies about 0.5 mm from the
radiographic apex as shown in Figures 14.9A and B.
Step 6: If apical resorption is evident on radiograph, then A B
Weine has recommended that the working length Figs 14.9A and B  Here, the measured length adjusted so that
be kept about 1.5–2 mm short of the radiographic instrument tip lies about 0.5 mm from radiographic apex

Different Radiographic Methods b. Ingle’s method of working length determination:

Makes use of a preoperative radiograph of tooth to be
a. Grossman’s method: Using the mathematical formula treated. The length of the tooth is determined from this
described above. radiograph and an instrument adjusted to 1 mm lesser
Cleaning and Shaping of the Root Canal System Including Working Length Determination 237

than this length is placed in the canal and a radiograph Direct digital radiography (RadioVisuo Graphy and
is taken to determine the working length. Phosphor Imaging System), Xeroradiography and
c. Weine’s method: It makes use of radiographs for working Subtraction radiography are the advanced radiographic
length determination and Weine has recommended the methods for determining the working length, with
following apical termination points: digital radiography being quite common and widely
– If no bone or root resorption—1 mm from apex used these days. These methods have been described
– If only bone resorption—1.5 mm from apex in detail in Chapter 7 Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids in
– If both bone and root resorption—2 mm from apex Endodontics.
d. Kuttler’s method: According to studies done by Kuttler,
the root canal preparation should terminate at apical Use of Electronic Apex Locators
constriction, i.e. minor diameter.
The average distance between the major and minor Radiographs enable us to arbitarily work around the apical
diameter: constriction. To overcome this limitation, an electronic
– Young patients—0.524 mm device called apex locator was introduced that helps to
– Older patients—0.659 mm accurately determine the position of apical constriction
Step-wise procedure: or the Cemento-Dentinal Junction (CDJ) and not the
i. Locate major and minor diameter on the pre- radiographic apex (The term apex locator is a misnomer).
operative radiograph. Apex locators are electrical devices that determine the
ii. Estimate length of the roots from preoperative working length and give the measurement by means of
radiograph using a millimeter scale. some ‘sound’ or ‘movement of a dial’ or ‘indicator’ when
iii. Estimate width of root canal on the preoperative the correct position is reached.
radiograph using #10 or #15 K-file for narrow canal, Figure 14.10 shows the photograph of commercially
#20 or #25 K-file for average width and #30 or #35 available apex locator.
K-file for wide canals.
iv. Insert the selected K-file in the root canal to the Principle: Apex locator compares the electrical resistance
estimated canal length and take a radiograph. of periodontal membrane with that of gingiva surrounding
v. On radiograph: the tooth, both of which should be similar.
- If file appears too long or short by more than Difference in impedance is found between high and low
1 mm from the minor diameter, then readjust frequencies at various sites in the root canal.
the instrument accordingly and take another Difference between two frequencies is less in coronal
radiograph to confirm. portion of canal.
- If file appears reaching the major diameter,
subtract 0.5 mm from that length in young
patients and subtract 0.67 mm in case of older
vi. Advantages of this method: It is quite accurate
with minimal errors and has resulted in many
successful cases.
vii. Disadvantages of this method: It is complicated
method and requires excellent quality radio­
e. Radiographic grid: This method involves superimposing
a millimeter grid on the radiograph, making it simpler to
estimate the working length with no need for calculation.
But if the radiograph is bent, it may not give the correct
f. Endometric probe: This method uses the graduations
on diagnostic file which are visible on the radiograph.
Endometric probe is etched at millimeter increment. The
disadvantage of this method is that the smallest size of Fig. 14.10  Commercially available apex locator
file used is number 25. (Courtesy of Dentsply)
238 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Difference between two frequencies increases in deeper A mind-map to remember all points of working length
portion of canal. is given in Figure 14.11.
Difference between two frequencies is highest at
Cemento-Dentinal Junction (CDJ). Working Width/Apical Width/Apical Preparation
Generations of apex locator: These have been discussed
One of the objectives of radicular preparation is to keep the
in detail in Chapter 11: Endodontic Armamentarium:
apical opening as small as practically possible.
Instruments, Materials and Devices.
Whether the apical width should be kept narrow or wide
Components of apex locator: Discussed in Chapter 11. is a matter of debate with advantages and disadvantages of
either of them. The aim is to reduce the intracanal microbial
Factors determining accuracy of apex locators: Discussed
load as much as possible by preparing the apical canal
in Chapter 11.
areas so as to facilitate optimal irrigation and antimicrobial
Method: Generally a no. 15 K-file is used in the root canal activity.
held on the file clip to estimate the length since it gives ‘Apical width’ or ‘Working width’ is the term used for
apex locator readings efficiently and its tip well seen on the the size of the preparation to which the apical portion of
radiograph taken to confirm the position of the file within the canal should be enlarged—Apical preparation.
a root canal. Smaller files like no. 6, 8, 10 may not be well- Apical scouting is the process of determining the
appreciated on radiograph and may be loosely fitting in anatomy and cross-sectional diameter of the apical 1/3rd
the root canal. of the root canal, based on which the final size to which the
preparation should be enlarged, is estimated.
Advantages Ruddle has suggested passing a series of K-files to
• It precisely locates the position of apical constriction. working length to gauge the apical width.
(Accuracy up to 90% or more). Grossman had recommended to enlarge a root canal
• Reduction of radiation exposure by eliminating the need to three sizes more than the first instrument that binds
for multiple radiographs. One radiograph may be taken in the root canal or to enlarge it till all infected dentin is
to confirm the readings given by apex locator. removed and clean, white dentinal shavings appear on
• Eliminates errors associated with radiographic image flutes of the working instrument blade. However, these
distortion. recommendations are no longer considered optimum for
• Easy and quick method. determining the apical width.
• It is useful in verifying perforations, bifurcations of root
Factors to be considered to determine apical width: Size of
and any obstructions.
preparation of the apical portion varies from case to case
• It is very useful in maxillary molar teeth, where radio­
and can be determined by considering following factors as
graphs may be difficult to read accurately due to
given in Figure 14.12.
radiopaque structures such as malar process and floor
of maxillary sinus.
• Useful in patients with gag reflex and in children who Advantages and Disadvantages
cannot tolerate placement of X-ray film and also a • Wider apical preparation:
valuable tool in case of pregnant patients in whom the – Advantages:
radiation exposure should be avoided. - Ensures that all of the infected dentin has been
Disadvantages - Provides access to irrigating solutions and allows
• Some of the earlier generation apex locators do not give placement of intracanal medicaments in the
accurate readings in presence of canal contents. apical portion to reduce the microbial load.
• Erroneous readings are obtained in case where current – Disadvantages:
flows into marginal gingiva or into metal restorations. - There is risk of errors in an attempt to make the
• Inaccurate readings in case of low battery, blockage of apical preparation wider such as:
canal and in too wet or too dry canal. ■ Apical perforation
• There can be difficulty in estimation of length in cases ■ Apical transportation
with wide open apex such as immature teeth. ■ Overinstrumentation
• Cannot be used in patients with cardiac pacemakers. ■ Extrusion of irrigants and medicaments peri­
This problem has been overcome in newer generation apically
apex locators. ■ Overextension of obturating material
Cleaning and Shaping of the Root Canal System Including Working Length Determination 239

Fig. 14.11  A mind-map to remember all points of working length determination

- Not suitable for thermoplastic techniques of ■ Less chances of overextension of obturating

obturation in which there are more chances of material
overextension of obturation with wider apex. ■ Suitable for thermoplastic techniques of
– Narrower apical preparation: obturation.
- Advantages: - Disadvantages:
■ Minimal risk of preparation errors such ■ Irrigants may not have access to the
as apical transportation, perforation, over complexities of the apical third
instru­mentation ■ Intracanal medicaments may not be properly
■ Reduced risk of extrusion of irrigants and placed. So, there may be compromised disin­
medicaments periapically fection during interappointment period
240 Short Textbook of Endodontics

■ May not remove all infected dentin

■ It is not considered ideal for lateral compaction
A mind-map to remember all points of working width
is given in Figure 14.13.

Taper of the preparation is brought about by the taper of the
instruments used for shaping of the root canal.
Earlier, stainless steel hand instruments that were used
had a constant taper of 2% (0.02) throughout the length
Fig. 14.12  Mind-map showing factors determining
apical width of root canal
of the instrument as per the ISO standards. Currently,
instruments with greater tapers such as 4%, 6%, 8%, 10%,
12% have also become available made of Nickel-titanium.

Fig. 14.13  A mind-map to remember all points of working width

Cleaning and Shaping of the Root Canal System Including Working Length Determination 241

It has been found that preparations with larger tapers

and smaller apical width preparation can adequately
disinfect the root canal.



Few Concepts and Terminology

Apical Control Zone

It is the area located in the apical third of the root canal
system that demonstrates an exaggerated taper from the
clinician defined apical constriction.
Need for greater rate of taper of apical control zone (ACZ):
• To provide resistance against condensation pressures A B
of obturation.
• To provide resistance/retention form to prevent Figs 14.14A and B  (A) Handle of file of the long-axis;
extrusion of filling material. (B) Straight-line access of file in canal
Apical Control Zone can be created by different
techniques depending on Operator’s preference. Apical Gauging

Coronal Scouting Process of determining the most apical cross-sectional

diameter of the canal where a hand or rotary Endodontic
Initial process of determining the coronal and cross- instrument fits snugly at the terminus and resists any further
sectional diameter of coronal 2/3rds of root canal. Fine apical travel. Thus, it confirms whether a uniform taper has
instrument sizes such as #8, #10, #15 in conjunction with a been achieved in the apical one-third of the canal.
viscous chelator is used to explore, discover and secure the It is recommended that the apical one-third of canal is
canal path in its coronal two-thirds. This is coronal scouting. prepared so as to have a deep shape with 8–10% taper.
These smaller files are called scouting files that are used Apical gauging is usually done at the end of root canal
initially in the canal before any radicular preparation is preparation to determine the master apical file, i.e. the file
done. Scouting files are used to: used for final preparation of the canal based on which an
• Determine the anatomy and cross-sectional diameter appropriate corresponding master cone can be selected for
of root canal. obturation.
• Confirm the presence or absence of straight-line access After finishing the apical preparation, insert no. 20
to the canal. When the handle of the file is off the long- K-file till length and tap on its handle (do not rotate). Check
axis of the canal it suggests lack of straight-line access whether it is snug or loose. This is apical gauging.
as shown in Figure 14.14A.
Figure 14.14B shows straight-line access of file in canal. Use of Endo gauge: It has holes of different diameters into
which the gutta-percha cone is placed to confirm the exact
Apical Scouting diameter to which the apical preparation of the canal has
been done.
Process of determining the anatomy and cross-section Figure 14.15 shows the photograph of the Endodontic
diameter of apical 1/3rd of root canal. Fine instrument gauge.
sizes such as #8, #10, #15 can be used for apical scouting in
conjunction with a viscous chelator to explore, discover and Apical Tuning
secure the canal path in its apical one-third. Apical tuning is the process to confirm that the diameter
Apical scouting helps in determining the final size to of the master apical file (MAF) represents the true size of
which the preparation should be enlarged. the foramen.
242 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 14.15  Endodontic gauge (Courtesy of Dentsply)

Fig. 14.16  Apical tuning: Uniform backout of successively larger

instruments at the interval of 0.5 mm

This is done by recapitulating using a series of

successively larger instruments in sequence until those
instruments uniformily back out of the canal. The interval
of back out should not be more than 0.5 mm.
Figure 14.16 shows apical tuning: Recapitulating with
series of successively larger instruments no. 20, 25, 30, 35,
40, 50 and 60 diameter with 0.5 mm interval of backout.

Patency File
Patency file is a small K-file (such as size #10) which is
passively just pushed through the apical foramen to the
radiographic terminus without causing its enlargement as
shown in Figure 14.17.
The concept of using patency file is controversial.
• Points in favor of using patency file:
– Patency file cleans the apical foramen
Fig. 14.17  Patency filing with no. 10 K-file
– It prevents packing of debris in the apical portion of
the canal
– It helps to maintain working length by removal of
accumulated dentinal debris and shavings produced Apical Clearing
as a result of instrumentation
– It does not cause any apical enlargement. Process of removal of loose debris from the apical extent
• Points against using patency file: of the root canal by using two to four successively larger
– It might push contaminated debris periapically instruments than the initial apical file at the working length.
through the apical foramen. After final irrigation and drying, the last instrument is
– It may mechanically injure the periapical tissues. once again worked in the canal called as master apical file
– It may inoculate microorganisms periapically. for the purpose of apical clearing.
Cleaning and Shaping of the Root Canal System Including Working Length Determination 243

Fig. 14.18  Push-pull motion Fig. 14.19  Reaming motion: Penetration, rotation and retraction

WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT INSTRUMENT • Reaming motion involving one-half turn before
MOTIONS FOR EFFECTIVE SHAPING withdrawal can be used for preparing straight canals
OF ROOT CANALS? and that involving one-quarter turn before withdrawal
can be used for slightly curved canals.
Filing Motion (Fig. 14.18) • Reaming produces round, tapered preparation.
• Reamers are used in reaming motion. Files can also be
• Filing motion is penetration and withdrawal, where the used in reaming motion.
primary cutting action occurs on withdrawal. • Chances of apical transportation are less with reaming
Also called as push-pull motion or rasping motion. motion.
• The instrument is to be placed into the canal till
appropriate length and pressure is exerted against the Watch-winding Motion
wall of the canal. While maintaining pressure, the file is
withdrawn from the canal. • It is back and forth oscillation motion of instrument as
• The filing motion is carried out circumferentially to file it is advanced without applying any apical pressure.
all walls of the canal. • This motion involves a quarter turn rotation using
• K-files are commonly used in filing motion. Hedstrom smaller size files such as #8 or #10.
files bring about very effective filing motion. • It is most desirable during the initial phases of root canal
• Chances of apical transportation are more with filing preparation before coronal flaring is done.
motion. • The instrument is inserted to explore the canal with this
Reaming Motion (Fig. 14.19) • There are less chances of preparation errors with this
• Reaming motion is penetration, rotation and retraction,
cutting action occurs on retraction. Rotary Motion
• The instrument is inserted in the canal till appropriate
length and twisted clockwise one-quarter to one-half • Continuous rotary movement with Nickel-Titanium
turn so that the instrument blades are engaged into the rotary files is now the most commonly used motion for
dentin and then the instrument is withdrawn. root canal preparation.
244 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• These instruments have reduced the potential

preparation errors.

Balanced Force Technique Instrument Motion

Balanced force hand instrumentation involves:
• Insertion of instrument and advancing it in the canal in
one-quarter turn clockwise rotation of less than 90o with
slight or no apical pressure (Fig. 14.20A).
• Second movement involves applying sufficient apical
pressure to the instrument and rotating the instrument
in half to three quarter turn counterclockwise rotation of
120o (Fig. 14.20B).
• Third movement is to gently remove the instrument from
the canal in clockwise rotation (Fig. 14.20C).
These movements are carried out as the instrument is
advanced towards the apex till the working length.
Figs 14.20A to C  Balanced force technique instrument motion
• An optimal coronal access preparation is a must before PREPARATION TECHNIQUES?
initiating the canal preparation.
• There should be unobstructed straight-line access to the I.
orifices of the canals.
• The cusps or the incisal edges, which are going to be used
as reference planes for working length determination
should be flattened to get a stable reference point which
is reproducible.
• All the instruments that will be required for shaping
of root canals must be sterilized and kept ready in an
organized manner, i.e. in order of their sequence of use
which saves time. The chronology of these techniques is as follows:
• Before initiating the canal instrumentation, the A. Apical to coronal approach:
preoperative radiograph should be carefully studied – Standardized technique by Ingle in 1967
to know beforehand the canal anatomy or curvature – Step-back technique by Mullaney in 1979
or  any other irregularity that may be encountered B. Coronal to apical approach:
during instrumentation to prevent any preparation – Crown-down technique by Marshall in 1980
mishaps. – Step-down technique by Goerig in 1982
• For safe use of nickel-titanium rotary instruments – Balanced force technique by Roane in 1985
in the canal without undue stress, most important II. Root canal preparation techniques:
requirements are: – Hand instrumentation
– Adequate coronal enlargement – Rotary instrumentation techniques
– Establishment of straight line access (SLA) to the – Ultrasonic and Sonic root canal instrumentation
canals. techniques
– Establishment of glide path with pathfinders or – Laser-assisted root canal preparation techniques
smaller K-files # 8, # 10, # 15 and even # 20. – Noninstrumentation technique (NIT)
Cleaning and Shaping of the Root Canal System Including Working Length Determination 245

Apical to Coronal Approach

Conventional/Standardized Technique of Root Canal
Preparation (Ingle)
The conventional technique considers two guidelines for
• Root canal should be enlarged to atleast three sizes
beyond the size of first instrument that binds in the
• Root canal should be enlarged till all infected dentin
from the canal is removed and white clean, dentinal
shavings appear on the blade of the instrument.
This is no longer followed as it was found that:
• Enlarging the canal to three subsequent sizes was
insufficient in some cases, while in few cases it was found
to be more than adequate. The degree of enlargement
depends on the width and configuration of a particular
root canal.
Fig. 14.21A  Circumferential filing
• Color of dentinal shavings is not a reliable parameter
and it is also not an indication of the presence of
infected dentin.
The procedure is repeated while carrying
out circumferential filing around the entire
Step-back Method of Root Canal Preparation perimeter of the canal for all the walls of the
(Mullaney et al) canal as demonstrated in Figure 14.21A.
The step-back method is the traditional canal preparation ■ It is necessary to irrigate the canal with sodium
strategy which was in use for many years. hypochlorite between each instrument use.
• Other names: Telescopic technique, Flare method, serial Irrigation is done using a side-vented needle
root canal preparation. as demonstrated in Figure 14.22.
• Principle: Stepwise reduction of working length with This phase cleans the apical foramen. Now
increasing instrument sizes. the preparation of the apical 1/3rd of the
The working length is reduced incrementally in 0.5 mm canal is started.
or 1 mm steps to create flared shapes having 0.10 or 0.05 - Preparation of apical 1/3rd of canal (Phase II):
taper respectively while using larger and stiffer instruments. ■ Instrument stops are positioned about
• Step-wise procedure: 0.5–1  mm short of the established working
A. For straight canals: Performed in following phases: length.
- Locating apical constriction and cleaning of ■ Lubricated files are used in increasing
apical foramen (Phase I instrumentation): sequence and the procedure of circumferential
■ Explore the canal with a fine instrument such filing is repeated for this new working length.
as size #8, #10 in watch-winding motion and Figure 14.21B shows circumferential filing in apical third
carry out gross debridement of the root canal. of canal.
■ Determine the working length. ■ Recapitulation: Previous smaller instrument
■ Irrigation with 5.25% sodium hypo­chlorite. is used till full depth periodically to prevent
■ Insert smaller sized file lubricated with a apical blocking with debris.
chelating agent and with instrument stop - Preparation of body of canal:
positioned to the correct working length in ■ Instrument stops are positioned at 0.5–1 mm
the canal. lesser length than the length the previous
■ File is engaged against dentinal wall and instrument was used in a step-wise manner
lateral pressure is exerted while maintaining and larger files are used in the canal in
the pressure, the file is withdrawn from the sequence.
canal. Watch winding motion can be carried ■ Circumferential filing is carried out until
out with the file before it is withdrawn. the file makes unforced contact with the
246 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 14.21B  Circumferential filing in apical third. Irrigation Fig. 14.22  Irrigation is done using a side-vented needle
between each instrument use is a must

walls of the canal with irrigation in between taper from the apical constriction to the
instrumentation and recapitulation with cervical canal orifice as shown in Figure
smaller instruments periodically. 14.25.
Purpose of recapitulation:
i. Prevent blocking with dentinal debris The step-back method aims at providing the final
ii. Permit insertion of larger instruments to preparation as an exact replica of the original canal
the working length configuration, shape and taper, but only of larger size.
iii. Smoothen the walls of the canal • An example illustrating the step-back technique for
■ The last file that was used for apical instrumentation:
preparation called the master apical file is A straight root canal with working length determined as
reinserted to the working length to maintain 20 mm.
the patency of the apical segment.
■ Body of the canal is instrumented with three Working length (WL) adjusted to: Size of file
or four larger files in sequence with periodic •  20 mm # 10, # 15, # 20, # 25
recapitulation in between and copious • 19 mm (WL minus 1 mm) Use of # 20 for recapitulation
irrigation with sodium hypochlorite after (i.e. 1 mm short of apical foramen) # 30, # 35, # 40
• 18 mm (WL minus 2 mm) Use of # 30 for recapitulation
each instrument use.
(i.e. 2 mm short of apical foramen # 45, # 50, # 55
Figure 14.23 demonstrates the preparation of Use of # 50 for recapitulation
apical third and body of canal.
- Preparation of coronal portion of canal (Phase B. Curved root canals and other anatomic variations
II A): causing difficulty
■ Gates Glidden (GG) drills or Hedstrom files, – Modifications for root canals with gentle curvature:
one or two sizes larger than the previous - The instrument blade should be precurved as
instruments used in canal can be carefully per the curvature and a directional silicone
used to flare the coronal portion of root canal instrument stop should be positioned such that it
as shown in Figure 14.24. indicates the direction in which the file has been
- Refining phase of preparation (Phase II B): curved.
■ It involves use of master apical file to - Smaller K-files used in apical portion of root
smoothen all the walls and get a continuous canal are flexible and can be precurved easily
Cleaning and Shaping of the Root Canal System Including Working Length Determination 247

Fig. 14.23  Serial root canal preparation of apical third and body of canal

Fig. 14.24  Gates Glidden (GG) drill for coronal flaring Fig. 14.25  Master apical file used for refining phase of preparation

but for larger inflexible files a diamond file or – Instrument tip of a smaller file is modified by cutting
sandpaper disc is used to dull the flutes of the about 1 mm from the end and smoothening it with a
outer portion of the curve in apical segment of diamond file thus making a smaller file to act as an
instrument to prevent preparation errors such intermediate sized file as demonstrated in Figure
as apical transportation. This is demonstrated 14.27.
in Figure 14.26. – Narrow canals should be enlarged to atleast size #25
• Modifications for narrow root canals: or #30 K-files.
– Since even the smaller files tend to bind in narrow • Modifications for double-curved or s-shaped canals:
canals, they should not be forced in the canal. – After cleaning the apical foramen area, the curvature
– Smaller file is used till whatever length it penetrates in the middle third of the root canal is carefully
without forcing and then the canal is irrigated with eliminated by filing with Hedstrom file to straighten
sodium hypochlorite. the inner portion of the curve.
248 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 14.26  Schematic representation of modification of flutes Fig. 14.27  Modification of instrument to clean
of K-file. The outer portion of curve dulled with diamond file to and shape narrow root canals
prevent transportation of foramen in curved root canals (Courtesy of
Dr Vishal Rathod)

– After eliminating the middle third curve, only the thus preventing proper instrumentation of the apical
apical curve is left to be instrumented. portion of canal.
A mind-map to remember all points of step-back
Advantages of Step-back Technique technique is given in Figure 14.28.

• Less chances of periapical trauma. Coronal to Apical Approach

• Develops an apical matrix or stop preventing over­
instrumentation and overfilling of root canal. Crown-down Technique of Root Canal Preparation
• Also, greater pressure can be exerted during lateral (Marshall and Pappin)
compaction of gutta-percha facilitating filling of lateral This is the most popular strategy for root canal preparation
canals. in present-day Endodontics. It can be performed using both
• Provides greater flare in the canal to provide dense hand and rotary instrumentation.
obturation with gutta-percha. • Other names: Pressure less technique, Step-down
• Allows for removal of more debris. technique.
• Rationale:
Disadvantages of Step-back Technique – Pressureless coronal to apical movement minimizes
or eliminates the extrusion of necrotic debris beyond
• Full length may not be reached due to coronal binding the apical foramen.
caused by overhangs or obstructions in the coronal – Eliminates the coronal binding of instruments for
portions of root canal. As the canal is less tapered than controlled apical cleaning and shaping.
instrument, the instrument binds somewhere coronally. • Step-wise procedure:
• Narrow coronal portions of canal will prevent adequate – After access cavity preparation with unobstructed
passage of irrigating solutions to the apical portions of access to the root canal orifices, the access cavity is
canal. filled with a root canal irrigant (NaOCl).
• Due to limited irrigating solution, debris gets – Pre-flaring of the canal orifices with Gates Glidden
accumulated causing blockage. drills in sequence. Orifice shapers of various Ni-Ti
• Due to insufficiently enlarged coronal portion of canal, rotary systems such as profile orifice shapers can be
clinician has insufficient tactile control. used for pre-enlargement.
• When a precurved negotiating file is inserted through – Establishing patency with smaller K-file such as no.
coronally tight canal, the instrument gets straightened 10 K-file.
Cleaning and Shaping of the Root Canal System Including Working Length Determination 249

Fig. 14.28  A mind-map to remember the step-back technique

– Then a larger instrument is passively inserted into the

canal till the depth it can advance without binding
as shown in Figure 14.29A.
– The next instrument one size smaller than the
previous instrument is used to progress deeper in
the canal. The third instrument follows and this
process is continued till the tentative working length
as shown in Figure 14.29B.
– It is recommended that the files be lubricated with
a chelating agent while using in the canal.
- Copious irrigation with sodium hypochlorite in
between use of instruments.
- Recapitulation with smaller sized instruments to A B C D
prevent blockage of debris.
Figs 14.29A to D  Steps of crown-down technique of root canal
– Irrigate, recapitulate and reirrigate after every two preparation: (A) After coronal pre-flaring, larger instrument passively
to three instruments. inserted into canal till the depth it can advance without binding;
– Determination of exact working length only after (B)  Instrument one size smaller than previous instrument used to
adequate coronal enlargement. Figure 14.29C shows progress deeper into the canal; (C) Adequate coronal enlargement;
adequate coronal enlargement of canal. (D) Exact working length determined after coronal enlargement
250 Short Textbook of Endodontics

– Preparation of apical third of the root canal till the The current trend is to use a crown-down approach for root
working length as shown in Figure 14.29D. canal preparation involving enlargement of coronal portions
– The final step in crown-down technique is the apical of canal followed by preparation of apical portions of canal.
finishing involving apical gauging and apical tuning. Thus, it involves dividing the radicular preparation into
• Advantages of crown-down technique: coronal, middle and apical one-third as shown in Figure
– It provides straighter, unimpeded access to the apical 14.30.
region of the canal by removing the coronal inter­
ferences. Step 1: Pre-enlargement/Coronal 2/3rds Preparation
– It allows deeper penetration of irrigants.
– It removes bulk of pulpal tissue and microorganisms • Instruments used: Sequential use of Gates Glidden (GG)
and their products from the coronal portions of drills or various systems orifice shapers such as profile
the canal. As a result it minimizes or eliminates orifice shaper, etc. are used for coronal flaring. “Face off”
the extrusion of necrotic debris beyond the apical the orifices with an appropriate size of Gates Glidden
foramen. drill to create smooth glide path to facilitate placement
– It eliminates the constraint of the apical enlarging of subsequent instruments.
instruments. • Coronal scouting and shaping: Smaller K-files such as
– Flaring of the coronal 2/3rds of canal improves no.10 and then no. 15 are used for coronal scouting (i.e.
clinician’s tactile control of instrument preventing inserting the file to a predetermined length estimated
the preparation errors such as zipping. from a preoperative radiograph) to confirm the straight
• Disadvantages of crown-down technique: This technique line access and to establish a glide path.
is relatively free of disadvantages when carefully • Benefits:
performed to confine the instruments within the root – It allows for smooth, unobstructed path of the instru­
canal space. ment into the canal.
Over-enthusiastic use of rotary files or GG drills should – Gives better tactile control while using small
be avoided as it can lead to preparation errors such as precurved negotiating files in the apical portions of
perforations or can weaken the root structure predisposing the canal.
it to fractures. – It provides access for large amount of irrigating
solution to reach the apical portion of canal and into
Step Down Technique of Root various irregularities of canal.
Canal Preparation (Goerig)
• Other names: Coronal two-thirds pre-enlargement
technique or reverse flaring technique.
• Technique:
i. After access Cavity preparation, hand instruments
such as K or H files are used in the root canal till the
length at which they bind in the canal.
ii. Use of GG drills to flare the coronal third of the root
iii. Determination of working length for the tooth and
creating an apical stop with no. 25 instrument.
iv. Remaining canal is shaped in step-down approach,
using a descending file sequence and progressing
about 1 mm per consecutive instrument apically.
v. Recapitulate with no. 25 instrument.

Modified Crown-down/Step-down Technique of

Root Canal Preparation (Ruddle)
There have been number of modifications of the step-down Fig. 14.30  Radicular preparation divided into coronal,
technique. One of the modifications is by Ruddle as follows: middle and apical one-third
Cleaning and Shaping of the Root Canal System Including Working Length Determination 251

– It facilitates removal of accumulated dentinal mud. • Determining the working width, i.e. apical width to
– Since a bulk of pulp tissue and bacteria and which the canal can be enlarged.
their products have been removed by coronal • Shaping of the apical one-third of the canal (Apical
enlargement, there are less chances of inadvertently shaping).
inoculating them periapically.
– It helps in easier location of the apical foramen. Step 3: Apical Finishing—Apical Gauging and Tuning
After the coronal scouting, the coronal two-thirds of the
canal is shaped (Coronal Shaping). This is the final step that completes the root canal
Step 2: Scout to Terminus and Apical 1/3rd Preparation It confirms whether uniform taper has been obtained
in the apical 1/3rd.
Apical scouting is the process of determining the anatomy It involves:
and cross-sectional diameter of apical 1/3rd of root canal. • Apical gauging: Process of determining the most apical
Fine instruments such as size #8, #10, #15 can be used for cross-sectional diameter of the canal where a hand or
apical scouting. rotary Endodontic instrument fits snugly at the terminus
It helps in determining the final size to which the and resists any further apical travel.
preparation should be enlarged and also helps determine This is done usually at the end of root canal
whether hand or rotary instruments should be used to finish preparation to determine the master apical file used
the apical one-third preparation. for final preparation of the canal based on which an
This step involves: appropriate corresponding master cone can be selected
• Negotiating the apical one-third of canal for obturation.
• Establishing patency • Apical tuning: Process of recapitulation by using a series
• Determining the exact working length of successively larger instruments in sequence until
• Establishing and confirming smooth glide path to the those instruments uniformly back out of the canal.
apical terminus. A mind-map to remember all points of crown-down
technique is given in Figure 14.31.

Fig. 14.31  Mind-map of crown-down technique

252 Short Textbook of Endodontics

TABLE 14.1  Step-back technique versus Crown-down technique

Sr. Step-back Technique Sr Crown-down Technique

No No.
1. Also called telescopic or serial root canal preparation 1. Also called pressure-less or step-down technique
2. Was used earlier. Now rarely used 2. Most popular strategy in present-day Endodontics
3. Uses hand instruments 3. Uses both rotary along with hand instruments
4. Involves apical preparation first followed by coronal preparation 4. Involves enlargement of coronal portions of canal first followed by
of canal apical portions of canal
5. Beginning with smallest file close to apex and moving back from 5. Beginning with larger file to remove coronal debris first and moving
that point while increasing file size to smaller files as the files move closer to apex
6. Causes coronal binding of instruments due to obstruction in 6. Since the obstruction in coronal portions of root canal are removed,
coronal portions of root canal. As a result, full length may not be eliminates coronal binding of instruments for controlled apical
reached cleaning and shaping
7. Narrow coronal portion prevents adequate passage of irrigating 7. Allows deeper penetration of irrigating solutions
solutions to apical portions of canal
8. Debris accumulation which may get extruded beyond apical 8. Deeper penetration of irrigants facilitates removal of debris and
foramen eliminates its extrusion beyond apical foramen
9. Obstructions in coronal portions of canal prevents straight, 9. Provides straighter, unimpeded access to the apical region of the
unimpeded access to the apical region of canal canal by removing coronal interferences
10. Due to insufficiently enlarged coronal portion of canal, clinician 10. Coronal 2/3rds flaring improves clinician’s tactile control preventing
has insufficient tactile control preparation errors such as zipping

Step-back technique v/s Crown-down Technique - Third movement is to gently remove the
instrument from the canal in clockwise rotation
See Table 14.1. as shown in Figure 14.32C.

Balanced Force Technique of Canal Preparation

Introduced by Roane et al. using a series of rotational move­
ments with ‘Flex-R files’, which is a new type of K-file.
• Principle: Makes use of hand instruments to be
positioned in the canal in a clockwise rotation followed
by shaping the canal in a counterclockwise rotation.
• Step-wise procedure:
– Flaring of the coronal and middle thirds of the
canal with GG drills in sequence so that most of the
contamination from the canal is removed and there
is passive movement of hand instruments into the
apical third of the canal.
– Balanced force hand instrumentation involves (Figs
14.32A to C):
- Insertion of instrument and advancing it in the
canal in one-quarter turn clockwise rotation of
less than 90o with slight or no apical pressure as
shown in Figure 14.32A. A B C
- Second movement involves applying sufficient/
Figs 14.32A to C  Balanced force technique of canal preparation:
slight apical pressure to the instrument and (A) Insertion of Flex-R file into the root canal and turning it in
rotating the instrument in half to three quarter clockwise direction (<90°); (B) With slight apical pressure, rotating
turn counter-clockwise rotation of 120o or more the file 120° anticlockwise; (C) Release the pressure and remove the
as shown in Figure 14.32B. instrument (file)
Cleaning and Shaping of the Root Canal System Including Working Length Determination 253

These movements are carried out as the instrument • Advantages:

is advanced towards the apex till the working length. – Less chances of canal transportation.
– Copious irrigation with sodium hypochlorite in – Creates excellent shapes due to canal centering
between use of instruments is recommended to ability provided by the technique.
prevent packing of debris. – Minimal chances of extrusion of contaminated
– The force applied during the balanced force debris beyond the apical foramen.
technique should be minimal with light working • Disadvantages: Can lead to preparation errors if not
loads to reduce the amount of tooth structure performed carefully.
removed. A mind-map to remember all points of balanced force
– Balanced force technique can be used with any of the technique is given in Figure 14.33.
K-files or other tapered Ni-Ti hand instruments but
can provide maximum advantage when used with Hybrid Technique of Canal Preparation
Flex-R files which prevents preparation errors such
as transportation due to its specific design. Basic techniques described above can be combined into a
Flex-R file has tip design free of transitional angles hybrid technique to take advantage of each technique and
which are inherent in standard K-files. eliminating or minimizing the drawbacks of individual
– The apical preparation is completed by gradually technique. Generally, coronal pre-enlargement is followed
reducing the working length by 0.5–1 mm in a step- by different sequences for apical preparation. Which
back manner using increasing sizes of instruments systems are to be combined is based on root canal anatomy
in sequence under copious irrigation with sodium and with a goal of adequate preparation.

Fig. 14.33  A mind-map to remember the balanced force technique

254 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Others III. Root Canal Preparation Techniques

Anticurvature Filing 1.  Hand instrumentation
Various hand instrumentation motions and techniques
In case of curved canals, this concept of anticurvature filing have already been described above.
reduces the excessive removal of dentin from thinner root
sections and preventing the potential perforations. Hand Instrumentation v/s Rotary Instrumentation
This method of filing was advocated for mesial roots of
mandibular molars which have: Distinguishing features between hand and rotary
• Less dentin on furcation side referred to as danger instrumentation are given in Table 14.2.
• More dentin on mesial side referred to as safety zone. 2.  Root canal preparation using rotary instrumentation:
Anticurvature filing in these roots prevented the risk of • Different rotary systems made of Nickel-Titanium
perforation. have been introduced for easy, quick and effective
instrumentation of canals relatively free of preparation
Double flare: This technique combines: errors.
• Crown-down enlargement with sequential use of K-files • Principle of rotary instrumentation: Creating smoothly
in descending order tapered canals by following the basic crown-down
• Apical enlargement approach to avoid overloading of rotary instruments
• Stepping-back in 1 mm increments with sequential use with frictional forces as they contact the canal walls.
of K-files in ascending order. Various features are incorporated in the instrument
Copious irrigation with sodium hypochlorite in between design of different Nickel-Titanium rotary systems
instrument use and recapitulation with master apical produced by different manufacturers to get uniform,
file is recommended. smooth ‘Taper’ in the canals. Manufacturers’ guidelines

TABLE 14.2  Hand instrumentation versus rotary instrumentation

Sr. Hand Instrumentation Sr Rotary Instrumentation
No No.
1. Endodontic hand instruments were earlier made of carbon- 1. Rotary instruments are made of Nickel-Titanium (Ni-Ti)
steel, then stainless steel and then with Nickel-Titanium (Ni-Ti).
Stainless steel and Ni-Ti hand instruments are widely used
2. There is standardized technique for using hand instruments 2. Rotary instruments are used in step-down approach with light
(ISO standardization) pressure
3. Different instrument motions:—push-pull, watch-winding, 3. Gentle reaming or rotary motion
reaming, etc.
4. Can be autoclaved and used many times. Smaller number #6, 8, 4. Single-use is recommended
10, single-use; but larger instruments can be used more number
of times
5. Smaller K-files can be used for apical scouting to create glide path 5. Coronal enlargement and creation of glide path is important to allow
rotary file to work without undue stress. Ni-Ti rotary files cannot
create the glide path but can follow that made by hand instrument
6. Can be used to bypass leges 6. Cannot be used to bypass leges
7. Deformation of files generally can be seen on the instrument 7. Due to excellent shape memory of Ni-Ti files, sometimes deformation
under magnification will not be observed and instrument will fracture without warning
8. Rigid instruments 8. Flexible, elasticity, shape memory
9. Do not require passive instrumentation technique 9. Require passive technique always
10. Less chances of instrument separation if carefully used and rules 10. More tendency to separate in root canals if improperly used due to
followed such as: frictional resistance and torisional load. Gel-based lubricants should
– Using instruments in sequence always be used in conjunction with rotary Ni-Ti files or fill access
– Lubricants and NaOCl cavity with NaOCl before insertion of file
– Precurving in case of curved canals
Cleaning and Shaping of the Root Canal System Including Working Length Determination 255

need to be strictly followed while working with – Then the middle 1/3rd of the canal is instrumented
instruments of different systems. – Finally, the MAR file has to be used again for
It is important to understand that no canal can be recapitulation to the working length.
completely prepared using rotary instrumentation
alone. Hand instrumentation generally is required prior, Group II: Instruments
during and sometimes after rotary instrumentation to
complete the preparation. Example is the Profile system.
Exploring the canal and achieving a glide path into
the canals is always done with smaller size K-files #6, #8, Profile System
#10, etc.
• Classification of Nickel-Titanium rotary instruments • About the instruments:
systems: Based on design, Cohen classified Nickel- – Profile instruments have greater taper as compared
Titanium rotary instruments as follows: to hand instruments
– Cross-section of profile Endodontic files shows
central parallel core with three equally shaped
U-shaped grooves along with radial lands as shown
in Figure 14.34.
– These instruments have negative rake angle which
makes them to cut dentin in planning motion
– Have tapers of 0.02, 0.04 and 0.06 (2%, 4%, 6%)
– Consists of series of 29 instruments with constant
proportion of increasing diameters (29%) which
were nonstandardized diameters. Later Profile series
was introduced with modified tips with standardized
Figure 14.35 shows photograph of profiles for rotary
Group I: Light Speed Instruments System use.
• About the technique:
• About the instruments: Consists of set of 25 instruments – Coronal pre-enlargement
in sizes #20 to #100 including half sizes such as #22.5, – Estimation of tentative working length from pre-
#27.5. operative radiograph
These instruments are designed to have long, thin – Establish glide path with K-files up to size #15 or #20
noncutting shaft with 0.25–2 mm anterior cutting part. – Use profile orifice shapers in coronal portion of root
They are to be used at working speed of 1500–2000 canal in descending order, i.e. #4, #3, #2, #1
rpm with minimal torque. – Canal preparation with profile instruments of taper/
• About the technique: size: 0.06/30, 0.06/25, 0.04/30, 0.04/25 and so on
– Coronal pre-enlargement
– Using smaller stainless steel hand instruments such
as #8, #10, #15 K-files
– Determination of working length
– Apical gauging is done with light speed instruments
of increasing sizes until the instrument is found
to bind in canal just before reaching full working
length using a handpiece. This instrument is called
as FLSB (First Light Speed instrument to Bind before
reaching working length)
– Master Apical Rotary (MAR) size is the last instrument
used for apical preparation which may require 12 or
more pecking motions to advance from the point of
first binding to the working length Fig. 14.34  Cross-section of Profile Endodontic files
256 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 14.36  Cross-section of protaper Endodontic files

Fig. 14.35  Profiles for rotary use

– Determine the exact working length using apex

locator combined with radiograph
– Then use profiles till working length for apical
preparation such as 0.04/25, 0.04/30, taper and size
– Then 0.06/20 profile is used short of working length
for final flaring and smooth tapered preparation by
merging coronal and apical preparations.

Group III: Instruments

Example is Protaper Universal system, named so, as it
has progressively tapered design that improves flexibility,
cutting efficiency and safety of these files.
• About the instruments: Rotary Protaper files are consi­
dered good for narrow constricted canals (posterior
teeth) while for wide canals (anterior teeth), hand
protaper files may be used.
Protaper Endodontic files have triangular cross-section
Fig. 14.37  Protaper files for hand use: Sx, S1, S2, F1, F2, F3
as shown in Figure 14.36.
(Courtesy of Denstply)
Consists of set of 6 instruments:
– 3 shaping files: SX, S1, S2
– 3 finishing files: F1, F2, F3
These instruments are coded by colored rings
on handles: S1 (purple), S2 (white), F1 (yellow), F2 (red),
F3 (blue).
They are side cutting instruments with fine, fragile tips.
Figure 14.37 shows photograph of protaper files for
hand use. Figure 14.38 shows photograph of protaper files
for rotary use.
• About the technique:
– Straight-line access to canals
– Estimation of approximate working length from Fig. 14.38  Rotary Protaper Universal files — S1, S2, F1
radiographs (Courtesy of Dentsply)
Cleaning and Shaping of the Root Canal System Including Working Length Determination 257

– Initial glide path with #10, #15 K-files short of – Recommended speed for use: 300 rpm
approximate WL – Torque: 4–5.2 Ncm
– Gates Glidden drills may be used for enlargement of – Motion of use: Brushing motion away from external
orifices root concavities to facilitate file progression
– Establish a smooth glide path before protaper rotary – The Protaper Next sequence is the same always
instruments are inserted into the canal irrespective of length, diameter or curvature of root
– Use SX shaping file for enlargement of coronal third canal.
of canal, especially in shorter teeth Figure 14.39 shows photograph of the Pathfiles and Protaper
– Prepare the coronal third of the canal by inserting Next system rotary files namely X1, X2, X3, X4 and X5.
shaping file S1 passively in the canal, not more than • About the technique
two-thirds of estimated canal length – Pre-enlargement and straight line access to canals
– Irrigate with sodium hypochlorite and recapitulate – Establish glide path using small-sized hand files
– Use shaping file S2 to the estimated canal length determining the Working Length(WL)
– Irrigate and recapitulate – Path files can be used to establish a glide path
– Establish accurate working length using apex locator – Use X1 (17/04) file one or two times along glide path
and radiographs in presence of NaOCl until WL is reached
– Shape with S1 shaping file till working length – Irrigate, recapitulate and re-irrigate
– Shape with S2 shaping file till working length – Use X2 (25/06) similar way as X1, until WL is reached
– Then use finishing file F1 till working length – Irrigate, recapitulate and re-irrigate
– Carry out apical gauging with stainless steel K-files. – Apical gauging: Use #25 k-file. If it is snug at length,
Then finishing files F2 and F3 may be used if then that finishes the instrumentation
necessary as per the apical widening required. – If size #25 k-file is loose at length, then continue
shaping with X3 (30/07) and if necessary with
• Newer Nickel-Titanium rotary instruments systems: X4 (40/06), and X5 (50/06) gauging after each
Here few more Ni-Ti rotary instrument systems will be instrument with 30, 40 and 50 hand files respectively.
discussed which have been recently developed and are
being used by many clinicians. These include:
1. Protaper Next System
2. Revo S System
3. Wave One System
4. Reciproc Rotary File System

1. Protaper Next system

• About the instruments
– Protaper Next is the advanced version of the widely
used Protaper Universal system
– It has variable/progressive tapers (Similar to
Protaper Universal)
– It has an innovative M-wire technology
– It has a unique offset mass of rotation
– It consists of set of 5 files namely:
a. X1 with size of 17/04 with yellow ring for
b. X2 with size of 25/06 with red ring for identifi­
c. X3 with size of 30/07 with blue ring for
d. X4 with size 40/07 with double black rings for
e. X5 with size 50/07 with double yellow rings for Fig. 14.39  Pathfiles and Protaper Next system rotary files: X1, X2,
identification. X3, X4 and X5
258 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Both protaper universal and protaper next files have – Irrigate and recapitulate
variable taper unlike the constant-tapered ISO files. Both – Reshape whole length of canal in free progressive
share the same shaper file SX. The reduced tip and taper stroke without pressure using SU. Circumferential
of protaper next allows for a more conservative apical filing is recommended with SU.
preparation than that of protaper universal. Greater
efficiency is achieved with Protaper Next rotary files and 3. Wave One Single-file Reciprocating system
need to use fewer files than Protaper Universal system. • About the instruments
– It is a single-file system to shape the root canal
2. Revo S system completely from start to finish recommended for
• About the instruments: single-use
– The Revo S system consists of a set of three – Single file does the work that is traditionally
instruments namely: performed by three or more rotary Ni-Ti files
i. Shaper and Cleaner 1 (SC1) that has 6% taper – The Wave One Single-file reciprocating system
and has a black stopper and #25 diameter. consists of three files available in lengths of 21, 25
ii. Shaper and Cleaner 2 (SC2) that has 4% taper and 31 mm namely:
and has a gray stopper and #25 diameter. a. Wave One small file (yellow) used in fine canals
iii. Shaper Universal (SU) that has 6% taper and has with tip size of ISO 21 with continuous taper of
black stopper and #25 diameter. 6%
– These instruments have asymmetrical cross-section b. Wave One primary file (red) used in majority of
that provides more flexibility and less stress on the canals with tip size of ISO 25 with apical taper of
instrument. 8% which reduces towards the coronal end
– Speed required for Revo S rotary files is 250–400 rpm c. Wave One large file (black) used in large canals
– Torque needed: 0.8–1.2 Ncm. with tip size of ISO 40 with an apical taper of 8%
Figure 14.40 shows photograph of the Revo S rotary files. which reduces towards the coronal end.
• About the technique – Cross-section of Wave One files is convex triangular
– Coronal pre-enlargement using GG drills or orifice that improves the flexibility of the instrument
shaper such as Endoflare (Fig. 14.41) – Wave one rotary files can only be used with the Wave
– Establish glide path with #10 K-file or G files One Endodontic motor with its reverse reciprocating
– Use SC1 in free progressive movement without function
pressure. Only one stroke up to first resistance level. – Selection of single file is based on:
– Irrigate with NaOCl and recapitulate a. If 10 K-file resistant to movement, use Wave One
– Estimate the accurate working length small file
– Use SC 2 in three wave technique without pressure b. If 10 K-file moves to length easily, use Wave One
till the working length primary file

Fig. 14.40  Revo S rotary files (Courtesy of Micro Mega products) Fig. 14.41  Endoflare (Courtesy of Micro Mega products)
Cleaning and Shaping of the Root Canal System Including Working Length Determination 259

c. If 20 K-file or larger goes to length, use Wave One – Due to reciprocating movement:
large file. a. Stress on the instrument is relieved, which
Figure 14.42 shows the photograph of the Wave One small, reduces the risk of cyclic fatigue caused by
primary and large files. tension and compression
• About the technique b. Instrument remains centered in the canal
– Coronal pre-enlargement and straight-line access. c. It allows root canals to be prepared with one
Glide path can be established using the path files single instrument
– Use hand K-file into the canal in watch-winding – Usually there is no need to use hand files
motion to length or resistance – If the reciprocating instrument binds in the canal, it
– Use Wave One file approximately two-thirds of canal does not fracture because it will not rotate past the
length specific angle of fracture. As a result, creation of glide
– Irrigation with sodium hypochlorite and recapitu­ path to minimize instrument binding is not required
lation for the Reciproc instruments.
– Confirm the working length
– Use Wave One file to length. Recent system: Self-Adjusting File (SAF) system in which
cleaning, shaping, irrigation and agitation of the irrigant are
4. RECIPROC Rotary file system achieved simultaneously.
– It is also a single-file system to prepare the root canal • About the SAF instruments:
completely from start to finish recommended for – It is also a single file system
single-use – The Self-Adjusting File is a hollow, compressible
– It is made of M-wire Ni-Ti. So, it has higher flexibility Ni-Ti file which adapts itself to the root canal’s 3D
and greater resistance to cyclic fatigue anatomy
– Reciproc instrument alternates between clockwise – SAF is available in two diameters: 1.5 mm and
and counterclockwise rotation 2.0  mm
– Reciproc instruments are available as R25, R40 and – The SAF 1.5 mm is available in 3 standard lengths
R50 in 3 sizes 21 mm, 25 mm and 31 mm – 21 mm (active part: 16 mm), 25 mm (active part:
– Reciproc files are used with Reciproc motors, which 18 mm) and 31 mm (active part: 21 mm). The SAF
have precise angles of reciprocation. So, the risk of 2  mm is available in two lengths—21 mm and
instrument fracture is minimum 25  mm (Fig. 14.43B)
– Since the rotation in cutting direction is more than – The initial size of the SAF 1.5 mm is equal to ISO #150,
the reverse rotation, the instrument advances but its lattice-like structure can compress down to
towards the apex 0.2 mm when inserted into the canal, which is equal
to ISO #20. The compression is important to assure
that the SAF’s attempt to expand applies light lateral
pressure inside the root canal. The final apical size
follows the original root canal morphology and is
expected to be 2–3 ISO sizes larger than the initial
apical size
– The SAF 1.5 mm is compatible with canals with initial
apical size of ISO 20–30. SAF 2 mm for wider canals
with initial apical size of ISO 35–60 in maxillary
incisors and canines, in younger patients and in
cases of retreatment
– While removing dentin, SAF gradually expands to
enable the preparation of the root canal as achieved
by sequentially increasing the size of hand-operated
or motorized file
– The SAF is not a rotary instrument. Its main mode
of operation is vertical vibration at 5,000 rpm, at an
Fig. 14.42  Wave one: small (yellow), primary (red) and large amplitude of 0.4 mm, combined with a slow rotation
(black) files (Courtesy of Dentsply) (~80 rpm)
260 Short Textbook of Endodontics

– The SAFs abrasive surface, its compressibility and – SAF prevents canal transportation. File separation
adaptability, the application of light lateral pressure is prevented. Improved preservation of root canal
on the canal walls due to its compression—all walls
together circumferentially remove a thin layer of – Parts of SAF (Fig. 14.43A):
dentin in a “sandpaper effect” a. Compressible working end
– The continuous scrubbing motion of the SAF b. Shaft
is applied for 4 minutes, and combined with c. Rubber stopper
simultaneous irrigation, of sodium hypochlorite d. Irrigator barb-connects to a tube delivering
or any other irrigation fluid. The recommended irrigant. Made of medical grade polypropylene.
irrigation rate is 4 mL/min, and it is continuously e. Shank-Shank connects to the handpiece by
carried through the lumen of the SAF in a no- means of friction grip. Made of medical grade
pressure mode, suspending the created debris polypropylene.
and washing it away. The 5,000 vibrations per • About the technique with SAF:
minute help to continuously refresh the sodium i. Access cavity preparation done. Orifices are funneled.
hypochlorite, as well as create sonic agitation of the ii. Path is established up to no. 20 K-file
sodium hypochlorite irrigation, to achieve a high iii. Single instrument SAF used
level of disinfection iv. Simultaneous irrigating while working with SAF.

Figs 14.43A to B  (A) Parts of SAF; (B) 1.5 mm and 2 mm SAF of different lengths (Courtesy of ReDentNOVA)
Cleaning and Shaping of the Root Canal System Including Working Length Determination 261

3. Root canal preparation using Ultrasonics and Sonics efficient form of vibration for preparation of root
Ultrasonic canal instrumentation canals.
– Ultrasonics in Endodontics use sound as an energy – Like the ultrasonic instrumentation, there is
source (at 20–25 kHz) and activates an Endodontic currently little support for the use of Sonic vibration
file. to prepare root canals, the only exception being the
– Mechanism: orthograde canal preparation during Endodontic
- Cavitation: The bubbles formed from action surgery.
of file become unstable, collapse and cause – Sonic and ultrasonic active irrigation: A stream
an implosion. During oscillation of file, the of solution is continuously delivered from the
continuous flow of irrigant solutions from the ultrasonic or sonic unit.
handpiece along the file causes cavitation or – Sonic and ultrasonic passive irrigation: Irrigant
implosion. deposited in the canal is activated. Passive irrigation
- Acoustic streaming: It is a process by which a after removing the smear layer, using #15 K-file in the
vibrating Endodontic file generates a stream of presence of 5.25% NaOCl, has been found to produce
liquid to produce eddies and flows of oscillation. cleaner canals as compared to hand instrumentation
It has been found to be useful in reducing the alone.
smear layer and loosening aggregates of bacteria, The use of sonics and ultrasonics for cleaning and
thus it is excellent for root canal cleaning. disinfection of the canal has been further explained
Earlier it was thought that mechanism is cavitation. in next chapter (Chapter 15: Disinfection of the Root
But now it has been found that Ultrasonics exerts its Canal System).
effects via acoustic streaming.
– Technique: The root canal is enlarged using hand 4. Laser-assisted root canal preparation technique
instruments to atleast size #20. Then the ultrasonic – Laser light travels straight. So, specific light-emitting
handpiece uses #15 K-file for canal shaping. The file probes have been developed in order to direct the
is activated for about one minute. laser energy into curved root canals.
The ultrasonic devices for Endodontic use – Er:YAG laser has been found to be effective and faster
(Endosonics) allow for delivery of irrigant such than step-back technique with K-files.
as NaOCl and the vibrating K-file causes canal – Erbium:YAG laser has been found to be effective in
preparation. debris removal.
– The ultrasonic vibration produces heat which warms – Er, Cr:YSGG (erbium, chromium: Yettruim scan­
up the sodium hypochlorite irrigant, increasing the dium gallium garnet) is recently introduced
effectiveness of sodium hypochlorite. Thus, there is laser specifically for Endodontic therapy. The
synergistic relationship between the ultrasound and waterlase-hydrokinetic hard and soft tissue laser
sodium hypochlorite. device effectively cleans the root canal walls
– Ultrasonics produce cleaner canals but there is and prepares it for obturation. Water energizes
little support for use of ultrasonics in preparation the YSGG laser photons. So, no thermal side-
of root canals. So, now-a-days ultrasonically effects. Other advantages of this technique include
activated instruments are used for final root canal minimal patient discomfort and less postoperative
debridement rather than canal preparation. complications such as inflammation, swelling and
– The disadvantages include more chances of canal pain and also good antibacterial action.
transportation with the use of ultrasonics and the – Disadvantages of using Lasers:
ultrasonic insert may fracture in the canal causing - Access into severely curved roots not possible
iatrogenic problem. - High cost of equipment
- Operator and patient safety.
Sonic Canal instrumentation – Safety precautions while using lasers include: safety
– Sonic Endodontic handpiece attach to the regular glasses specific for each wavelength, warning signs
airline with an adjustable ring on the handpiece to and high-volume evacuation near the treated area.
adjust the air pressure to give an oscillatory range of
1.5–3 kHz 5. Noninstrumentation technique (NIT)
– The oscillatory motion of Sonic file in the canal is – NIT involves removing canal contents and accom-
a longitudinal motion, up and down, which is an plishing disinfection without the use of file.
262 Short Textbook of Endodontics

– This system consists of a pump, hose, a special valve • Instrumentation should always be done in a wet canal.
and a connector that is cemented into the access Use of irrigating solution such as sodium hypochlorite
cavity and cleaning action provided by oscillations is recommended in between instrument use.
of irrigation solution such as 1–3% NaOCl at reduced • Instrument stops should be positioned well while using
pressure. instruments to prevent their being forced through apical
– In this technique, the canal is not mechanically- foramen.
shaped or enlarged at all. • Establish glide path with K-files prior to rotary instru­
– Mechanism: Cavitation loosens the debris and NaOCl mentation.
dissolves viable and necrotic tissue components • Instruments should be used in sequence of sizes and
which are then removed by suction. increase the file size only after current working file fits
– This technique is still under research and not loosely into the canal without binding.
commercially available. • Recapitulation should be done to loosen debris by
returning to working length with smaller files.
WHAT ARE THE PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN • Precurve the files for instrumentation in curved canals.
• Instruments should be carefully used in apical third of
canal to prevent trauma to the periapical tissues.
Precautions During Instrumentation • Smooth gentle reaming or rotary motion of Nickel-
Titanium instrument is recommended.
Do’s • Flutes of hand instruments should be cleaned of debris
to prevent canal blockage.
• Use only controlled finger pressure in manipulating an Figure 14.44 shows how the instrument blade is cleaned
instrument in the root canal. by holding between layers of gauze with some digital
• Instrument should be coaxed and not forced. pressure and is turned counterclockwise.
• The specific anatomy of each case should be carefully
reviewed prior to instrumentation. Dont’s
• Establish apical patency before starting biomechanical
preparation of root canal. • Do not force the instrument if it binds in the root canal.
• Keep all working instruments within the confines of root Force invites breakage.
canal to avoid procedural accidents. • Do not use instruments with deformed flutes. Discard
• Check the instruments to see whether flutes of blade are them.
uniformly spaced and are not deformed. This should be • Do not do instrumentation without lubrication.
done after each use. Instruments lubricated with EDTA should be used
• Accurate working length should be established and combined with copious irrigation with sodium
controlled throughout instrumentation. hypochlorite.

Fig. 14.44  Instrument blade is held between layers of gauze with Fig. 14.45  Taper lock of Nickel-Titanium rotary
some digital pressure and is turned counterclockwise (Courtesy of instrument in the root canal
Dr Vishal Rathod)
Cleaning and Shaping of the Root Canal System Including Working Length Determination 263

• Do not force debris or infected material beyond the • Blockage of canal

root apex or traumatize the periapical tissues. Careful • Ledge formation
instrumentation in delicate apical third is a must. • Apical transportation and zipping
• Do not use larger instruments out of sequence or short • Elliptication
of working length. • Apical perforations
• Do not overuse the files. • Stripping or lateral perforations.
• Do not cause sudden changes in direction of Ni-Ti These have been discussed in detail in Chapter 20:
instrument by jerky movement. Endodontic Mishaps: Management and Prevention.
• Do not use Ni-Ti instruments to bypass ledges.
• Do not cut with entire length of blade of Ni-Ti instrument BIBLIOGRAPHY
as this frictional fit can cause instrument lock in the
canal (taper lock). 1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis:
Mosby, 2006.pp.290-348.
Figure 14.45 shows diagrammatic representation of 2. Grossman L, Oliet S, Del Rio C. Endodontic Practice, 11th edn.
taper lock of Nickel-Titanium rotary instrument in the root Varghese Publication, 1991.pp.179-216.
canal. 3. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics 6, 6th edn.
BC Decker Inc, Hamilton, 2008.pp.919-73.
4. Ingle, Bakland, Endodontics, 5th edn. BC Decker, 2002.pp.525-35.
• Overinstrumentation and overpreparation
• Instrument separation

Disinfection of the
Root Canal System
This chapter describes the various methods for disinfection of the root canal system and discusses in
detail the various chemical agents used for root canal disinfection. It also explains about the smear
layer and its management in Endodontics.
  You must know
• What is Disinfection of the Root Canal System?
• How to bring about Disinfection of the Root Canal System?
• Which are the Different Chemical Agents used for Disinfection of the Root Canal System?
• What is a Root Canal Disinfectant and What are its Requirements?
• What is Smear Layer and How is it Managed in Endodontics?
• What are Intracanal Medicaments?
• What are the Methods of Activation of Irrigating Solutions in the Root Canal System?

WHAT IS DISINFECTION OF THE Certain areas of canal walls, particularly in the apical
ROOT CANAL SYSTEM? third and in ribbon-shaped and oval canals, cannot be
cleaned mechanically, meaning that the residual bacteria
Different microbes such as bacteria, yeasts and possibly and other microbes exist in these untouched areas that
viruses, can infect the pulp. The microbial load is considered could survive.
minimal so long as the pulp is vital. But, with proceeding Since, the goal of Endodontic treatment is prevention
infection, pulp necrosis occurs and the entire root canal or treatment of apical periodontitis by elimination of
system becomes invaded by microorganisms leading to microorganisms from the root canal system, it can be said
apical periodontitis. that disinfection of root canal is an important cornerstone
The microorganisms present in the root canal can invade for successful Endodontic treatment because it reaches the
the periapical tissue, not only giving rise to pain but they microorganisms in dentinal tubules and in crevices, fins and
destroy the periodontium including bone. ramifications of the root canal system.
The microorganisms have to be eliminated from the root
canal system to re-establish periradicular health.
“Disinfection is a process whereby microorganisms are
destroyed.” Disinfection of root canal system is brought about by
“Eradication of microorganisms from the root canal effective “Cleaning” and “Shaping” procedures.
system and neutralization of any antigens that may be Effective shaping:  Mechanical instrumentation of the
left in the canal after destruction of microbes, is known as root canal with hand and rotary instruments to remove
disinfection of root canal”. vital and necrotic pulp tissue and eradicate microbes
Destroying 100% of the infective flora from the root canal from the accessible parts of root canal and shape the
system and the periradicular area is a challenge because of canals in such a way that directs and facilitates optimal
its anatomic complexity. irrigation, debridement and placement of local medicaments.
Disinfection of the Root Canal System 265

Effective cleaning: Use of chemicals to eradicate micro- WHAT IS A ROOT CANAL DISINFECTANT
organisms, dissolve necrotic tissue, remove necrotic AND WHAT ARE ITS REQUIREMENTS?
dentin and debris created from instrumentation by
means of antimicrobial irrigating solutions, detergents “A disinfectant is a chemical agent capable of destroying
and decalcifying materials and then placement of intra- pathogenic microorganisms”.
canal medicaments to render the root canal system free of “Root canal disinfectant is a chemical agent that brings
microbes. about eradication of microorganisms from the root canal
Without irrigation, mechanical instrumentation system”.
becomes ineffective rapidly due to accumulation of debris.
Without enlarging and shaping, the irrigating solutions Requirements of a Root Canal Disinfectant
cannot reach all parts of the root canal system.
Thus, shaping facilitates cleaning and cleaning facilitates A root canal disinfectant:
shaping. • Should: (a2s2)
“Cleaning” and “Shaping” are not two different steps – Have prolonged antimicrobial effect (bactericide,
of root canal procedure but are interdependent and are germicide, fungicide)
carried out together for complete disinfection of the root – Have low surface tension to produce good cleaning
canal system. effect
The various chemical agents used for effective cleaning – Be active in presence of blood, serum, etc.
will be discussed in this chapter. Various shaping procedures – Be stable in solution for prolonged duration
have been discussed in the previous chapter (Chapter • Should not: (I3s)
14). – Irritate the periapical tissues
– Interfere with healing and repair of periapical tissues
WHICH ARE THE DIFFERENT CHEMICAL – Induce cell-mediated immune response
– Not stain the tooth.
Root canal irrigants are used for the purpose of:
• Removal of pulp tissue remnants
• Antimicrobial action
• Reducing friction during instrumentation, i.e. lubrication
• Debridement or lavage of debris from root canal
(Mnemonic tall).

An optimal irrigant should have the following properties:

• Should be nontoxic and nonirritating to the periapical
tissues and should not induce an allergic response.
• Should be an effective disinfectant.
• Should retain its effectiveness within the root canal
system when it comes in contact with dentin or dentin
powder and should not have any chemical interactions
with other irrigants used.
• Should be able to distinguish between necrotic and vital
host tissue.
• Should have low surface tension for good cleaning
(Mnemonic: needs)
Root canal irrigants are effective when they are flooded
into shaped canals and given ample time to work in the root
266 Short Textbook of Endodontics

canal. Files used in conjunction with the root canal irrigants B. Notched tip Monojet Endodontic needle (27 gauge)
carry the irrigants deeper in the canal by surface tension. (Fig.  15.1B)
On withdrawal of file, irrigant flows in the space occupied C. Bevelled needles (Fig. 15.1C)
by the file. D. Open ended blunt needles
Important factors to be considered for irrigation include: E. Maxi-Probe
Irritation potential of irrigants: Solutions that are toxic for F. Perforated needle- Example is Endovage (Goldman and
bacterial cells may be toxic for human cells also. So care others)
must be taken to avoid extrusion of irrigants into periapical A perforated irrigating needle delivers the irrigant 360
regions. degrees in the root canal. It is found that large volumes
of irrigant solution physically removes more material
Volume of irrigant: Volume of irrigant can affect cleanliness when delivered using perforated irrigation needle.
of root canal. It has been found that sodium hypochlorite Disadvantage of perforated needle is that it is delicate
and EDTA administered in larger volumes produced and may lose its shape when bent.
significantly cleaner root canal surfaces than smaller Figure 15.1 shows diagrammatic representation of
volumes. different types of irrigating needles.

Effective shaping: Root canals that have not been Stropko irrigator: It is a new device that can be used as an
instrumented are too narrow to be reached effectively by adjunct in few procedures of Endodontics.
disinfectants even when very fine irrigation needles are • It combines the delivery and recovery of irrigant in one
used. So, effective cleaning with optimum instrumentation probe as it consists of needle that delivers the solution
should be done. Also, intermittent agitation of canal with and an aspirator held in the same sheath that retrieves
a small instrument prevents accumulation of debris in the the delivered irrigant.
apical end of the root canal. • The Stropko irrigator places the perfect amount of air and
water pressure into the field. Its small, luer lock tips do
Choice of irrigating needle and manner of use: Larger gauge not impede visibility during irrigation or drying and are
needle (27–30) with wider diameter allow irrigant to be excellent for use under microscope. It fits most triplex
flushed and replenished more quickly, but may not allow air/water syringes (3-way syringe of dental chair).
cleaning of apical and narrower areas of root canal system. • It is a valuable tool to rinse and dry precisely for
Excess pressure or wedging of needles into root canals improved vision during every procedure. It can clean
during irrigation should be avoided to prevent extrusion and dry root-end preparations when performing micro-
of irrigant into periapical tissues. The needle is bent to an surgical procedures. Also, it can air-dry the canal system
obtuse angle closer to the hub of the syringe to allow for with a light touch of air prior to obturation for improved
easier access and entry into the root canal orifice. seal.
In modern systems, the irrigation solution is delivered Figures 15.2A and B shows the Stropko irrigatorirrigation
with a fine caliber needle passively in the canal, in large tips and adapter.
volume and debris is aspirated with a good suction device.

Designs of needles: Needles are available in various

configurations for the delivery of irrigants.
The various types of irrigating needles according to
design include:
A. Blunt-ended side venting needle: It is recommended
for safe delivery of irrigants into the canal preventing
extrusion into the periapical area (Fig. 15.1A)
Another example of this type is the ProRinse Endodontic
irrigation system which uses a small-bore irrigating A B C
needle having a closed blunt end and is side-vented. It
has the lumen of 2 mm from the tip creating turbulence
along and beyond the probe so that forceful periapical Figs 15.1A to C  Different types of irrigating needles: (A) Side-vented
injection of irrigant is prevented.   needle; (B) Monojet Endodontic needle; (C) Needle with a bevel
Disinfection of the Root Canal System 267

Figs 15.2A and B  (A) Blue irrigation tips; (B) Adapter of the Stropko irrigator
  (Courtesy of Sybron Endo)


Sodium Hypochlorite (5.25%)

• It is most commonly used irrigating solution.

• Mechanism of action: Sodium hypochlorite is a reducing
agent, containing about 5% of available chlorine. In
water, sodium hypochlorite ionizes to produce sodium
and hypochlorite ions.
In H2O, NaOCl → Na+ + OCl–
and establishes equilibrium with hypochlorous acid
This hypochlorous acid brings about bacterial
inactivation by disrupting oxidative phosphorylation
and DNA synthesis.
NaOCl causes destruction of bacteria in 2 phases:
Fig. 15.3  Commercially available sodium hypochlorite for irrigation
– First its penetration into bacterial cell occurs (Courtesy of Mr Amar, Dr Dabholkar’s clinic)
– Secondly combination with protoplasm takes place
• Concentration: Sodium hypochlorite is available in
concentrations ranging from 0.5% (Dakin’s solution) to Antimicrobial Action
Clinically useful concentrations are 0.5–5.25%. Sodium hypochlorite is effective against most of the
A concentration of 5.25%, sodium hypochlorite is Endodontic microorganisms, including those that are
highly toxic, so it is diluted in 1:1 or 1:3 ratios with water to difficult to eradicate from root canals, such as, Enterococcus,
produce 2.5% or 1% solution which are suitable for clinical Actinomyces and Candida.
Endodontic use. Sodium hypochlorite can kill bacteria rapidly even at
Lower concentrations of NaOCl (0.5 or 1%) dissolve only low concentrations.
necrotic tissue. G ra m - n e g a t i v e a n a e ro b i c b a c t e r i a s u c h a s
Higher concentrations of NaOCl dissolve both vital and Porphyromonas gingivalis, Porphyromonas endodontalis
necrotic tissue. and prevotella intermedia isolated from apical periodontitis
Figure 15.3 shows photograph of commercially available are also highly susceptible to sodium hypochlorite (0.5–5%
sodium hypochlorite for irrigation. conc.).
268 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• It has excellent antimicrobial properties
• It is a powerful solvent of necrotic pulp tissue and
organic debris
• It acts as a lubricant, antiseptic and bleach.
• It has strong proteolytic effect
• It is readily available, inexpensive

• Cannot remove smear layer.
• It does not have effect on inorganic material
• Unpleasant taste
• Due to its inability to remove dentin and smear layer, its
use has to be combined with demineralizing agents for
effective cleaning of inaccessible areas such as lateral Fig. 15.4  Factors affecting the efficacy of NaOCl
• Can have chemical interactions with other irrigants
used. It has been found that sodium hypochlorite can
become ineffective if it comes in contact with EDTA or effects of toxicity such as excruciating pain, bleeding
chlorhexidine gluconate 2%). from periapical tissue, swelling, abscess, osteonecrosis,
• Toxicity: Extrusion of high concentration of sodium paresthesia, etc. Pain may subside within 2–3 days.
hypochlorite can cause serious damage to periapical Swelling may increase for first day and then gradually
tissues. decrease.
• Solution has to be replenished frequently due to free
chlorine, to constantly renew fluid in root canal during Precautions to be Taken for Safe Irrigation
with Sodium Hypochlorite

How to Increase Efficacy of Sodium Hypochlorite? • Bend the irrigating needle so that it can easily penetrate
deeper portions of canal without binding and mark the
1. NaOCl solutions can be heated to temperatures ranging working length on needle with this bend or a rubber
from 45oC to 60oC using syringe warmer or ultrasonic stop to prevent extrusion of sodium hypochlorite into
devices. Using heated sodium hypochlorite potentiates periapical area.
the antimicrobial and tissue dissolving effects of NaOCl. • Irrigating needle should remain loose in the canal to
2. Use NaOCl along with ultrasonic energy (Agitation) allow back flow of fluid and should not bind.
3. Contact time: Antimicrobial efficacy of NaOCl is directly • Continuously move the irrigating needle up and down.
related to its contact time in the canal. • Careful use of patency files that should not extend farther
4. Volume of irrigant: NaOCl administered in large volumes than the periodontal ligament.
produces significantly cleaner root canal surfaces than • Deliver irrigating solution passively without exerting
the smaller volume. pressure while injecting.
5. Concentration of NaOCl: Higher concentrations of • Administer irrigant dropwise slowly and gently and not
NaOCl (5.25%) has more antimicrobial efficacy than in a rapid projectile motion.
lesser concentrations (2.5% and 0.5%) • Always hold a sterile gauze sponge around the tooth
Figure 15.4 summarizes the factors affecting the efficacy to be irrigated to prevent spilling of excess solution in
of NaOCl. mouth and it also helps monitor the debris removal from
root canal. It has been demonstrated in Figure 20.20 in
Sodium Hypochlorite Accidents Chapter 20: Endodontic Mishaps: Management and
Accidental injection or extrusion of sodium hypochlorite A mind-map to remember all points of sodium
during irrigation into periradicular tissues can cause hypochlorite is given in Figure 15.5.
Disinfection of the Root Canal System 269

Fig. 15.5  Mind-map on sodium hypochlorite

Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) (3%)

H2O2 can be used for cleaning the pulp chamber from blood
and pulp tissue remnants. H2O2 has antimicrobial activity
against bacteria, viruses, yeasts and bacterial spores.
Figure 15.6 shows photograph of commercially available
hydrogen peroxide.
In the past, hydrogen peroxide was used as an irrigant
in conjunction with sodium hypochlorite.
It was thought that if alternate irrigation is done with 3%
hydrogen peroxide and 5.2% sodium hypochlorite, it can
cause following beneficial action:
• Effervescent action of hydrogen peroxide that can push
the debris out of the root canal through the least resistant Fig. 15.6  Commercially available hydrogen peroxide for irrigation
orifice into the pulp chamber. (Courtesy of Mr Amar, Dr Dabholkar’s clinic)
270 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• The solvent action of sodium hypochlorite for dissolution even after the completion of treatment. This property is
of organic debris. called substantivity meaning long-term continued effect
• The disinfecting and bleaching action of both solutions. that may reduce the effect of postoperative coronal leakage.
Alternate irrigation with hydrogen peroxide and sodium
hypochlorite was done in the past. Antimicrobial Action
But, now, this combination is no longer used due to the
following reasons: The CHX has an excellent antimicrobial activity.
i. It has been found that combination of hydrogen peroxide • It is effective against gram-positive and gram-negative
with sodium hypochlorite, tends to reduce the tissue bacteria and yeasts.
solvent property of sodium hypochlorite. • But ineffective against mycobacteria and bacteria spores.
ii. No additional cleaning effect was found with this • Two percent solution of CHX is highly effective against
combination. Enterococcus faecalis.
iii. The oxygen-free radicals that are released have the It has been found that higher concentrations of NaOCl
potential to reduce the bonding of resin to dentin. such 5.25% can kill E. faecalis in 30 seconds but lower
concentrations of NaOCl may take longer, i.e. about 5–30
Chlorhexidine Digluconate (2%) minutes for killing E. faecalis whereas 2% CHX can kill
E.  faecalis in 30 seconds or even less.
Chlorhexidine digluconate can be used in Endodontics as
an irrigating solution and as an intracanal medicament. Advantages
Figure 15.7 shows the photograph of commercially
available chlorhexidine digluconate. • Excellent antimicrobial activity
• Relatively nontoxic
Mechanism of Action • Substantivity property
• Does not have bad odor.
Chlorhexidine Digluconate (CHX) has a cationic molecular
component which attaches to negatively charged cell Disadvantages
membrane areas resulting in cell lysis.
The CHX penetrates the cell wall and attacks the bacterial • Does not have tissue dissolving property
cytoplasmic membrane or the yeast inner membrane. CHX • Its activity is dependent on the pH and its effectiveness
can cause coagulation of intracellular components in high reduces in presence of organic matter
concentrations. • Ineffective against mycobacteria and bacterial spores.
When CHX is applied to dentin, it binds to hydroxyapatite, So, it cannot be used for disinfection of gutta-percha
producing a lasting reservoir of chlorhexidine, that remains cones.
• The CHX cannot remove the biofilm, that may remain
within the canal and continue to express its antigenic
potential thus affecting the seal of root canal filling.
• The CHX has cytotoxic effect when it comes in direct
contact with human cells.

Use of NaOCl followed by CHX for

Achieving Benefits of Both
As CHX lacks the tissue dissolving property of NaOCl, it may
be used in the following sequence:
1. NaOCl → 2. Saline wash → 3. CHX
Greater percentage of microbe reduction may be found
when both are used in the above sequence than achieved
with either used alone.
But it is important to note that if NaOCl and CHX are
Fig. 15.7  Commercially available chlorhexidine digluconate for combined (mixed), a brownish-orange precipitate is formed
Endodontic use (Courtesy of Dr Chetan Shah) (parachloroaniline), which is difficult to remove from the
Disinfection of the Root Canal System 271

root canal walls. So, saline wash should be used in between WHAT IS SMEAR LAYER AND HOW IS IT
both of them. The brownish-orange color may be due to iron MANAGED IN ENDODONTICS?
impurities in hypochlorite. This mixture should not be used
for irrigation of root canal system. Whenever the wall of a root canal is instrumented, whether
by hand or rotating instruments, the parts of dentinal wall
Quaternary Ammonium Compounds touched by an instrument, gets covered by a surface layer
called smear layer.
These are detergents that were used for irrigation in the past. Smear layer consists of dentin shavings, cell debris
They have low surface tension and can remove lipid pulp and pulp remnants. Thus it consists of both organic and
breakdown products thus aiding in pulp space cleaning. inorganic components and can have thickness of 1–5 µm.
Quarternary ammonium compound such as Cetrimide It has two separate layers:
may be added to EDTA in EDTAC to provide some 1. Loose superficial deposit
antimicrobial effect. 2. An attached stratum that extend into the dentinal
Quarternary ammonium compounds are no longer used tubules forming occluding plugs.
as irrigants due to their toxicity.
Removal of Smear Layer: A Controversial Issue
Antibiotic Containing Irrigating
Studies have been carried out and different clinicians have
Solutions such as MTAD
given their opinion regarding whether the smear layer
MTAD is a recently introduced root canal irrigant which is should be removed or left behind.
a Mixture of a Tetracycline isomer, citric Acid and a surface Recent evidence indicates that it is beneficial to remove
active Detergent. the smear layer before obturation.

Actions Reasons in Favor of Smear Layer Removal

• The MTAD removes smear layer after NaOCl irrigation • Smear layer may interfere with the action of irrigants
• Antimicrobial activity. and disinfection.
Since it combines the smear layer removal activity with • Smear layer may interfere with adhesion and penetration
antimicrobial effect, it may be ‘gentler’ with dentin than of root canal sealers into the dentinal tubules during
EDTA. obturation.
Experimentally, MTAD is found to be effective against • Organic substrate in smear layer may serve as nutrition
E. faecalis. source for the growth of bacteria.
• Smear layer may increase microleakage after root canal
Detergents obturation.
• Smear layer removal enhances disinfection of deeper
Detergents remove the fatty tissue residues which are the layers of dentin and of root canal walls.
byproducts of tissue necrosis. • With the removal of smear layer, root canal filling
These include quaternary ammonium compounds that materials adapt well to canal walls, improved seal is
were used in the past but are no longer used due to their achieved and there is reduced microleakage in root canal
toxicity. filled teeth.
Detergents also include iodophors such as wescodyne
and Iodopax, which are organic iodine products effective Reason Against Smear Layer Removal
at low concentrations (0.05%).
Detergents may be mixed with calcium hydroxide for • Smear layer can serve as a beneficial barrier, that
irrigation. prevents microorganisms from entering the dentinal
tubules in between appointments.
EDTA Solution (17%) • Some studies showed that smear layer did not have
significant effect on apical leakage.
Seventeen percent EDTA solution is considered as irrigation • Smear layer removal can permit microbial colonization
solution to chelate and remove the inorganic portions of of dentinal tubules at a significantly higher rate when
smear layers. 17% EDTA is discussed in detail later. compared with leaving it in place.
272 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Management of Smear Layer in Endodontics Decalcifying Materials Used for

After completion of cleaning and shaping, smear layer is Smear Layer Management
removed by the following methods:
• Irrigating the canal with 5.25% NaOCl to remove 1. EDTA:
the organic component, followed by 1-minute rinse – Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is a
with 17% disodium EDTA to remove the inorganic chelating agent that was introduced into Endodontic
compounds. practice by Nygaard-Ostby for the purpose of
• Fifty percent citric acid can also be used to remove the treatment of calcified narrow root canals.
inorganic portions of smear layer. – Structure and composition: EDTA consists of four
• A new method of removing smear layer is by using MTAD acetic acid groups attached to Ethylenediamine.
(Mixture of tetracycline isomer, an acid and a detergent). - Formula:
Lower concentration NaOCl can be used as an intracanal Disodium salt of EDTA 17 g
irrigant to remove the organic components. Then the Distilled water 100 mL
final rinse with MTAD to remove the inorganic portion 5N sodium hydroxide 9.25 mL
can have a good antimicrobial effect. - Additives:
• Sonic and ultrasonic passive irrigation with 5.25% NaOCl i. EDTA + Urea peroxide (RC prep)
after hand instrumentation has been tried but is not ii. EDTA + Cetavlon → EDTAC
found effective in removing smear layer. (Cetavlon is added for its disinfecting
• CO2 laser and Er:YAG laser have been found to be quite properties)
effective in removal of smear layer. iii. EDTA + quaternary ammonium compound for
Figure 15.8 shows mind-map to remember all points of slight detergent effect in addition to chelating
smear layer. effect.

Fig. 15.8  Mind-map to remember all points of smear layer

Disinfection of the Root Canal System 273

– Mechanism of action: EDTA forms a calcium chelate for finishing the preparation as it removes the smear
with calcium ion of dentin. The dentin becomes layer and provides a cleaner surface against which
friable and easier to instrument. obturation materials are adapted.
By removing the dentinal debris from root canal walls – Decalcifying process of 17% EDTA is self-limiting
that are produced during preparation. since the chelator gets used up. So, EDTA needs to
↓ be replaced through frequent irrigation to have a
EDTA opens dentinal tubules continuous effect.
↓ – Some form of EDTA used during cleaning and
Allows better penetration of disinfectants shaping of root canals can help achieve canal
Thus EDTA indirectly exerts an antimicrobial effect by patency, enlargement, floatation of dentinal debris
facilitating cleaning and removal of infected tissue and by and pulp remnants and with additives, debridement
enhancing antimicrobial effect of locally used disinfecting and disinfection. Thus it prevents the canal from
agents in deeper layers of dentin. getting blocked.
A chelating agent holds the debris in suspension and A mind-map to remember all poins of EDTA is
causes lubrication and emulsification. given in Figure 15.10.
• Available as: 2. Citric acid: Can be used for irrigation of root canal and
– Liquid of concentration 15–17%: This is called as for removal of smear layer.
aqueous chelator. 17% liquid buffered solution is Fifty percent concentration of citric acid is effective.
commonly used. Its photograph shown in Figure Citric acid can remove only the inorganic portion of
15.9. smear layer, so complete removal of smear layer requires
– Gel: This is called as viscous chelator. Discussed in irrigation with 5.25% NaOCl before or after citric acid
Chapter 13 “Endodontic Access Cavity Preparation”. irrigation.
• Actions: Citric acid demineralizes intertubular dentin making the
– EDTA can help to open very narrow (hair-fine) root tubular openings larger than that caused by use of EDTA.
canals. Citric acid has weak antimicrobial activity.
– EDTA can decalcify to a depth of approximately 3. MTAD: Explained already.
50  µm if used liberally. 4. Carbamide peroxide and salvizol were tried but not
– EDTA opens dentinal tubules. found reliable in removing smear layer.
– Seventeen percent EDTA combined with 5.25%
NaOCl used alternately can effectively remove the WHAT ARE INTRACANAL MEDICAMENTS?
smear layer. One minute rinse of 17% EDTA is used
“Antimicrobial medicaments that are placed in the root
canal, in case of multiappointment Endodontic treatment
of a tooth, especially the one with the necrotic pulp, in
which the biomechanic instrumentation and irrigation with
antimicrobial solution may not completely eradicate micro-
organisms and further disinfection may be necessary, are
called intracanal disinfectants or intracanal medicaments
used as intracanal dressing”. They are also referred to as
Inter-appointment Medicaments.

Frequency of medication: Disinfectant dressing should

be renewed in a week and not longer than 2 weeks as
dressings tend to get diluted by periapical exudates and
are decomposed by interaction with the microorganisms.

Calcium Hydroxide
• Calcium hydroxide was introduced in dentistry by
Fig. 15.9  Commercially available 17% liquid EDTA for removal of Hermann in 1920.
smear layer (Courtesy of Mr Amar, Dr Dabholkar’s clinic) • Most widely used intracanal medicament.
274 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 15.10  Mind-map to remember all points of EDTA

• Calcium hydroxide is available in: solution, carboxymethylcellulose, etc. Sterile water

i. Paste form: Generally used as a paste of calcium and saline are most commonly used carriers.
hydroxide in a water base. – Viscous vehicles such as glycerine, polyethyleneglycol,
Calcium hydroxide as a single paste or combined propylene glycol. They are also water-soluble that
with iodoform is available (Fig. 15.12). release calcium and hydroxyl ions more slowly and
ii. Powder form: Calcium hydroxide powder can be for longer periods. These may remain in canals for
mixed with saline or anesthetic solution and used several months, so number of appointments to
as intracanal medicament by coating on the walls change dressings are reduced.
of root canal using paper points, spreaders or – Oil-based which are non water-soluble. Oil-based
lentulospirals. vehicles such as olive oil, silicone oil, etc. They are
iii. Calcium hydroxide points: Calcium hydroxide difficult to remove from canals and leave a residue
incorporated sterile absorbent points are also on canal wall, so they are not recommended.
available to deliver calcium hydroxide into the root • Mechanism of action of calcium hydroxide as an
canal, especially in the apical region. intracanal medicament:
Water is used as vehicle for calcium hydroxide paste Calcium hydroxide has a slow action as an antiseptic, so
because calcium hydroxide needs water to dissolve. It is it requires prolonged exposure.
available as nonsetting form which can be conveniently It has high pH and leaching action on necrotic pulp
dispensed in pulp space and removed for redressing or for tissue.
obturation. It causes damage to microbial cytoplasm and disrupts
According to the vehicle used for calcium hydroxide, it cell membrane, suppresses the enzymatic activity and
is available as following types: causes inhibition of DNA replication by splitting it.
– Aqueous/water based in which vehicles are water- Apart from killing bacteria, calcium hydroxide has one
soluble substances such as water, saline, anesthetic beneficial function:
Disinfection of the Root Canal System 275

Calcium hydroxide neutralizes the biologic activity of with  a lentulospiral homogeneously upto the working
bacterial lipopolysaccharide, thus reducing its effect. length.
As a result: • Calcium hydroxide combined with 0.12% chlorhexidine
– The necrotic tissue becomes more susceptible to the solution may be applied as an intracanal medicament
solubilizing action of sodium hypochlorite in the [Ca(OH)2 – CHX 0.12% mixture].
next appointment. • Advantages of calcium hydroxide:
– Continued stimulation of inflammatory response – It stimulates periapical healing.
caused by dead cell wall material, remaining even – It inhibits root resorption.
after the bacteria are killed, is prevented. Thus it  acts • Disadvantages of calcium hydroxide:
as a physical barrier for the ingress of bacteria. – It is found to be ineffective against E. faecalis, that
• Indications of calcium hydroxide as an intracanal is often associated with persistent Endodontic
medicament: infections
i. Calcium hydroxide is quite effective in case of – It may be sometimes difficult to remove from the
weeping canals. In case of a tooth with large root canal walls
periapical lesion undergoing Endodontic treatment, – It decreases the setting time of zinc oxide eugenol
a constant clear or reddish exudation occurs. cements
Root canals in which such exudates are found are – Its action as an antiseptic is slow and short-lasting.
called weeping canals. Tooth often is asymptomatic Figures 15.11 and 15.12 shows photograph of
and bacterial culture report is negative. Antibiotics commercially available calcium hydroxide.
are not useful in such cases. Calcium hydroxide plays
an excellent role in such cases. Chlorhexidine Digluconate (CHX)
ii. Calcium hydroxide is found to be an effective
intracanal medicament in cases of pulp necrosis and • The CHX in a gel form or as a mixture with calcium
apical periodontitis. hydroxide can be used as an intracanal medicament in
iii. It is used in pulp therapies: indirect and direct pulp between appointments.
capping and pulpotomy cases. • Studies have shown that Ca(OH)2 – CHX mixture is more
iv. Apexification effective against E. faecalis than pure Ca(OH)2.
v. Resorption cases • While some studies have shown that pure Ca(OH)2, or
vi. In root canal sealers. 2% CHX gel and combination of both, can give equally
• Application of calcium hydroxide in the canal: Calcium good results.
hydroxide mixed with sterile water or saline making a • The CHX can be an effective intracanal medicament
mixture that is thick enough to carry as many calcium due to its substantivity property and long-lasting
hydroxide particles as possible, is placed in the canal antimicrobial effect.

Fig. 15.11  Commercially available calcium hydroxide Fig. 15.12  Commercially available calcium hydroxide
(Courtesy of Mr Amar, Dr Dabholkar’s clinic) with iodoform (Courtesy of Ammdent)
276 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Antibiotic Containing Intracanal Medicaments Halogens

Generally, locally used antibiotics have bacteriostatic Disinfectant action of halogens has been found to be
action, which may not be effective in necrotic teeth. inversely proportional to their atomic weight.
Such medicaments have been thought of, for infection • Chlorine:
control in Endodontics, but not found to be effective. – Chlorine has lowest atomic weight and greatest
disinfectant action
Phenol and Phenol Derivatives – Chlorine may be used as an intracanal dressing in
the form of Chloramine T.
• Mechanism of action: Phenol is a protoplasm poison that • Iodine:
causes necrosis of soft tissue. – Iodine potassium iodide (IKI) is effective against
Paramonochlorophenol a wide spectrum of microorganisms found in root
• Derivatives of phenol Thymol canals including resistant microorganisms like
Cresol E.  faecalis.
phenol derivatives are stronger antiseptics and toxins – Mechanism of action: Iodine acts as oxidizing agent
than phenol. by reacting with free sulfhydryl groups of bacterial
• Concentration: Optimal antibacterial effect is found to enzymes.
be at 1–2%. – The IKI is an effective disinfectant against infected
For dental use, concentration of 30% that has been used dentin but iodine may have possible allergic
was found to have quite low antimicrobial effect and is reactions in some patients, that limits its use.
of short duration.
Phenol and phenol derivatives are highly toxic to Bioactive Glass
mammalian cells and their antimicrobial effectiveness
does not balance their potential toxicity. Use of bioactive glass as an intracanal medicament is under
Phenol and phenol derivatives are no longer used as research.
intracanal medicaments. Resilon, a new root canal filling material contains
• Camphorated parachlorophenol (CMCP): Camphoration bioactive glass.
results in less toxic phenolic compound. This is due to
slow release of toxins to the surrounding tissues. Superoxidized Water
Camphor serves as vehicle and a diluent, thus reducing
the irritating effect of pure parachlorophenol. • Saline is electrolyzed to form superoxide water.
CMCP was widely used in the past. It used to be applied • This solution has an antibacterial effect.
into the pulp chamber to act as devitalizing agent soaked • But its effectiveness reduces by contact with albumin.
with a moist cotton pellet covered with temporary • It is nontoxic to tissues.
cement such as zinc oxide eugenol. Its use as an intracanal medicament is still under
But now CMCP is no longer used. research.


• Formaldehyde has been used extensively as an intra- CANAL SYSTEM?
canal medicament in the form of formocresol.
• Due to its toxic and tissue destructive effect and Archimedes screw effect: Rotating instruments used along
mutagenic and carcinogenic potential, formaldehyde with the irrigant causes significant reduction of bacterial
is no longer used as an intracanal medicament. load and also transports the debris in an apicocoronal
• Formocresol is a combination of formalin and cresol in direction thus removing the debris that could block the
proportion of 1:2 or 1:1. canal.
• Mechanism of action: Formaldehyde combines with There have been ongoing advances in the field of root
albumin to form an insoluble, indecomposable canal disinfection. Few of them will be described here in
substance. short.
Disinfection of the Root Canal System 277

Flow chart 15.1  Different methods of activation of irrigants in root

canal system

Fig. 15.13  Endodontic microbrushes

The various physical and mechanical methods of (Courtesy of Clifford J Ruddle, Advanced Endodontics®)
activation of irrigants in the root canal system have been
tried including: (Flow chart 15.1).
– It is an air-driven handpiece that can be adapted
Hand/Manual to the air-line couplings of dental units (two,
three or four-hole connectors)
• Well-fitting gutta-percha cone – The air pressure in the handpiece transmits sonic
• K-files waves along Endodontic instruments having an
May be moved with the hand in up and down motion adjustable frequency range of zero to 1500 Hz.
(agitation) in the canal in which the irrigating solution – The water from the dental unit is channelled
such as NaOCl has been delivered. through the spout directly below the instrument
cradle on the MM1500 handpiece, causing
Mechanical continuous irrigation of the canal system.
– The Rispisonic (coronal two-thirds) and
i. Intracanal brushes: Example of intracanal brushes is Shapersonic (apical and coronal thirds)
Endodontic microbrushes shown in Figure 15.13. Rotary instruments are used with the MM1500 sonic
tapered microbrushes may be used with various irrigants handpiece for debriding the canals.
to optimally finish a root canal preparation following – The water from the dental unit to the handpiece
shaping procedures. is turned off and then used for cavitating
– Endodontic microbrushes have bristles that can the irrigating solution into the canal. An
be attached to a flexible plastic core material and irrigating solution such as sodium hypochlorite,
the brushes activated using a rotary handpiece at chlorhexidine 2% or aqueous EDTA is introduced
about 300 rpm to optimally finish the root canal in the canal and then a sonic irrigating file is
preparation. passively inserted in the canal to cavitate the
– These microbrushes have a tapered shape and irrigating solution by 3–5 mm vertical motion for
helical bristle pattern that enhances cleaning as 1–2 minutes per irrigating solution.
bristles deform into irregularities of the preparation Figure 15.14 shows the photograph of MM 1500
and helps to remove the debris out of the canal in a sonic handpiece.
coronal direction. b. Another example is a new device called the Endo
ii. Sonics (6 KHz, 8K Hz and 10 KHz) can be used for root Activator system.
canal disinfection. – The EndoActivator system consists of a cordless
a. Example is MM1500 Sonic handpiece that can be and battery-operated handpiece with contra-
used for cleaning, shaping and disinfecting the canal angled design for easy access to posterior teeth
system. and the EndoActivator® Tips that are 22 mm in
278 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 15.14  MM1500 Sonic handpiece Fig. 15.15  EndoActivator system

(Courtesy of Micro Mega) (Courtesy of Dr Clifford J Ruddle, Advanced Endodontics®)

length and are available in three sizes: small – Lasers such as Er: YAG and Er.Cr.:YSGG have been
(yellow 15/02), medium (red 25/04), and large found to facilitate removal of smear layer.
(blue 35/04). – It has been found that the antibacterial effect
– The EndoActivator® System brings about the of lasers in root canal was inferior to NaOCl
debridement and disruption of the smear layer irrigation.
and biofilm. – Effect of laser is dependent on the applied output
Figure 15.15 shows the photograph of the power and is specific for different bacteria.
Endoactivator system. – Gutknecht et al reported excellent antibacterial
iii. Ultrasonics efficiency against E. faecalis using holmium:yttrium-
– Ultrasonic energy (30–40 KHz) can be combined with aluminium-garnet (Ho:YAG) laser.
irrigant for disinfection. v. Ozonated water irrigation
– Ultrasonic energy is found to be more effective in – This has been tried as an irrigant and few studies
removing artificially created debris. show that it is effective antimicrobial agent against
– Many studies have shown that ultrasonics, together bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses.
with an irrigant, contributed to better cleaning Ozone in aqueous or gaseous phases has a strong
of the root canal system than irrigation and hand oxidizing power and it shows rapid antimicrobial
instrumentation alone. Physical mechanisms effects.
of cavitation and acoustic streaming of irrigant – It is relatively safe and nonmutagenic.
contribute to the biological chemical activity for – Mechanism:
maximum effectiveness. a. Ozone destroys cell walls and cytoplasmic
– Ultrasonics help irrigants penetrate into the complex membranes of bacteria and fungi
canal systems, which are not easily reached by b. Permeability increases which leads to ingress of
normal irrigation. ozone causing microbial death.
– Many commercially available specialized ultrasonic Figure 15.16 shows commercially available ozone device
tips for Endodontic use are available. For example, for Endodontics.
Irrisafe tips (Satellac).
iv. Lasers Negative Pressure Irrigation,
– Role of lasers in eradicating the root canal microbes
e.g. EndoVac Irrigation System
has been studied.
– Nd:YAG and Diode lasers have been used for EndoVac irrigation system is a true apical negative pressure
disinfection of the root canal system. system that draws fluid apically by way of evacuation.
– CO2 laser microprobe attached to special handpiece Irrigation solutions are sucked away from the apical
can also be used for disinfection of root canal. foramen, virtually eliminating the risk of irrigation.
Disinfection of the Root Canal System 279

Fig. 15.16  Commercially available ozone machine Fig. 15.17  EndoVac irrigation system
(Courtesy of Mr JP Mishra, Sanjeevani ozone products) (Courtesy of Sybron Endo)

Figure 15.17 shows photograph of the EndoVac irrigation 3. Hegde MN. Textbook of Endodontics (1st edn.), Emmess Medical
system. Publishers; 2009.pp.227-47.
5. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics 6 (6th edn.)
BIBLIOGRAPHY BC Decker Inc, Hamilton; 2008.pp.992-1011.
1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp (9th edn.), St. Louis: 6. Mohammadi Z, Dummer PMH. Review-‘Properties and
Mosby; 2006.pp.258-62 and pp.339-48. applications of calcium hydroxide in Endodontics and dental
2. Grossman L, Oliet S, Del Rio C. Endodontic Practice (11th edn.). traumatology,’ International Endodontic Journal; 2011.pp.697-
Varghese publication; 1991.pp.228-33. 730.

Obturation of
Root Canal System

This chapter discusses in detail the various aspects of obturation including the different materials
and techniques used for obturation of the root canals.
  You must know
• What is Obturation of Root Canal?
• What are the Objectives of Obturation?
• When to do Obturation of the Root Canal?
• What should be the Apical Extent of Obturation?
• With what should we do Obturation?
• What are the Requirements for an Ideal Root Canal Filling Material?
• Which are the different Core Materials that can be used for Obturation?
• What are Root Canal Sealers and what are the Requirements of an Ideal Root Canal Sealer?
• What is the Purpose of using a Root Canal Sealer?
• How is the Sealer Placed in the Root Canal?
• Which are the different Root Canal Sealers used in Obturation?
• Root Canal Sealer in detail
• What is the Preparation for Obturation?
• How to do Obturation? Which are the different Obturation Techniques?
• How should an Ideal Obturation be?
• What can go Wrong in Obturation?
• What is the Importance of Coronal Seal and how can we Enhance it?

WHAT IS OBTURATION OF ROOT CANAL? • 3-Dimensional Seal apically (from periapical

impermeable/ tissue fluids)
Obturation of the root canal system is placing of an inert fluid-tight Seal coronally (from oral cavity
filling in the space previously occupied by pulp tissue in (Hermetic) microflora)
order to eliminate all portals of entry between the root canal seal: Seal laterally (from remaining
and the periodontium by achieving a three-dimensional Obturation irritants in canal and from
impermeable seal, so as to prevent reinfection of the root should: periodontal tissues) achieve a
canal system by way of circulation (Anachoresis) or through 3-dimensional impermeable seal.
break in the integrity of the crown of the tooth. • To prevent leakage: Coronal leakage
Obturation should eliminate: Apical leakage
WHAT ARE THE OBJECTIVES OF OBTURATION? • To prevent reinfection: All portals of exit (POE) should be
sealed to prevent any exchange of contaminants such as
Objectives: As given in Figure 16.1, include: tissue fluids, micro-organisms or breakdown products
Obturation of Root Canal System 281

Factors Determining Timing of Obturation

Figure 16.2 shows the mind-map to remember the factors
that determine timing of obturation.

Related to Procedure
Fig. 16.1  Mind-map of objectives of obturation • When the root canals have been optimally enlarged and
thoroughly cleaned and shaped to the appropriate size
between the root canal system and the periodontium as and to the correct working length, the canals can be
well as the oral cavity. considered ready for obturation.
• In case of asymptomatic teeth with vital pulp and
Current Concepts Related to not much of procedural difficulty, obturation can be
completed in the same visit of access opening and
Obturation of Root Canal
preparation of canals [(Single Visit Endodontics (SVEs)].
• “Hermetic seal”: The term ‘hermetic’ seal of root canal
described by Grossman is considered inaccurate now. Related to Patient
The dictionary meaning of this term:
‘hermetic’ = sealed against escape or entry of ‘air’ or • The tooth should be asymptomatic, i.e. no pain, no
made airtight by fusion or sealing. swelling or signs/symptoms of infection in relation to
But in the obturation of root canals, the main concern the involved tooth.
is not related to ‘air’, the concern is about ‘fluid’ leakage • Patient’s general health condition should be considered.
and bacterial leakage either apically or coronally. Few medical conditions may require multiple short
So, the accurate term to use would be ‘impermeable’ appointments for completion of treatment whereas
seal, ‘fluid-tight’ seal or ‘fluid impervious’ seal and not some physically compromised or aged patients may not
‘hermetic’ seal. be able to come on multiple visits.
• Coronal seal: Establishing and maintaining “coronal
seal” is essential for the success of root canal treatment Related to Tooth
and for the long-term prognosis of an Endodontically
treated tooth. When the root canals have been optimally cleaned and
A good post-Endodontic restoration with a shaped.
permanent restorative material (definitive restoration) • The prepared canal should be ‘dry’, with no exudation
must be placed as soon as possible after obturation to or weeping of fluids into the radicular space
reduce the chances of coronal microleakage. • There should be no foul odor from the canal
Studies have shown that coronal seal can be
enhanced by sealing the orifices with special adhesives
and bonded restorations (Intraorifice barriers). The
floor of the pulp chamber can be covered with a lining
of bonded material or dual cure resin-modified glass
ionomer cement.
Such a coronal-radicular restoration and other
considerations and methods for the restoration of an
Endodontically treated teeth are described in detail
in Chapter 21 (Restoration of Endodontically Treated


“The root canal is ready to be filled when the canal is cleaned
and shaped to an optimum size and dryness”. (Ingle’s
Endodontics, 5th edn. p.574). Fig. 16.2  Mind-map of factors determining timing of obturation
282 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• Negative microbial culture with no infection

• Asymptomatic tooth
• In case of multiappointment treatment procedure, if
the temporary filling (provisional coronal restoration)
that was placed over the prepared root canals has
broken or is leaking, then the canals may be considered
recontaminated. In such cases, adequate irrigation and
disinfection should be performed to make it sterile
before obturation.


Figs 16.3A and B  (A) Apical extent of obturation about 1 mm short
• According to earlier studies, the apical limit of obturation of apex in a tooth without periapical radiolucency; (B) Apical extent of
was considered to be at the Cemento-Dentinal Junction obturation about 1 to 2 mm short of apex in a tooth with apical root
(CDJ). and bone resorption due to periapical pathosis
It may not be clinically possible to determine
whether this apical point of termination of obturation
has been achieved because: constriction, which lies about 0.5–1 mm from
– CDJ is a histologic landmark the apex as shown in Figure 16.3A.
– Location of CDJ has been found to be irregular within • Apical limit of obturation is also determined by
the canal pathology such as root resorption and apical bone
– CDJ does not coincide with the narrowest portion of resorption that can result in loss of apical constriction.
the canal or the apical constriction. It has been found that better results are obtained
Studies by Kuttler have shown that CDJ is on an in nonvital cases, when filled at or within 2 mm of
average 0.5–0.7 mm away from the external surface radiographic apex. Necrotic teeth with periapical
of the apical foramen. pathosis should have the apical termination of obturation
One conclusion that can be derived is that the even shorter than the apical constriction, i.e. about 1–2
apical extent of obturation is always short of apex and mm short of the apex as shown in Figure 16.3B.
not flush with it and canals filled to the radiographic • To confine the preparation and obturation in the root
apex are actually overextended. canal system is necessary to prevent extrusion of root
• Kuttler described the anatomy of the apical portion of canal filling. Overextended and overfilled canals have
the root and gave the following terms: been found to have greater failure rate and decreased
– Major diameter: Greater diameter of the apical prognosis for complete regeneration.
foramen which is next to the
periodontal ligament. WITH WHAT SHOULD WE DO OBTURATION?
– Minor diameter: Which coincides with the
Materials used for Obturation
CDJ. Minor diameter of apical
constriction lies 0.5–0.7 mm Core materials in conjunction with root canal sealers are
short of the external surface of used for obturation.
apical foramen. Core materials Root canal sealers
– Apical constriction: Narrowest portion of the canal •  Solid core materials: •  Zinc oxide containing sealers
marking the end of root canal.   – Silver cones: Which were widely • Calcium hydroxide containing
Thus, used in past. sealers
No longer used now. •  Resin sealers
- Anatomic apex is where the root ends,   – Resilon: Recently introduced •  Glass ionomer-based sealers
Apical constriction is where the root canal ends. Resin-based obturation system. •  Medicated sealers
- Distance between apical foramen and apical • Semisolid core materials: •  Silicone-based sealers
Gutta-percha: Most commonly •  Solvent-based sealers
constriction is about 0.5–0.7 mm. This distance used. •  Urethane methacrylate sealers
increases with age due to cementum deposition. •  Paste materials:
Ideal apical termination of root canal preparation   –  Zinc oxide containing pastes
  –  Paraformaldehyde pastes
and obturation should be at the apical
Obturation of Root Canal System 283

Classification of Root Canal Filling Materials • You will first sterilize gutta-percha cone using sodium
hypochlorite {point (1)}
• Then you will introduce it in the canal {point (2)}
• When GP is inserted, you expect, it should {points
(3),(4)(5)} and it should not {points (6),(7),(8)}
• Then, you would like to check if the root canal (RC)
filling was done properly, so you will take a radiograph
to confirm {point (9)}
• In case of error, you would like to remove it {point (10)}
and re-do it).


• Gutta-percha: Most commonly used core material.
• Metal cores: These have been used in the past.
– Silver cones
– Sectioned silver cones
– Stainless steel (Instrument blade)
– Amalgam (used as retrograde filling material)
• Resilon: Resin-based root canal filling material.
• Paste filling materials.
Grossman suggested the following requirements for an ideal Gutta-percha is the most commonly used root canal filling
root canal filling material: material which satisfies most of the criteria for an ideal root
• It should be sterile, or easily and quickly sterilized imme­ canal filling material.
diately before insertion. • Introduced by Bowman in 1867.
• It should be easily manipulated, provide ample working • Composition:
time and should be easily introduced into the root canal. Gutta-percha 18–22% (Matrix)
• It should seal the canal laterally as well as apically. Zinc oxide 59–79% (Filler)
• It should be impervious to moisture, unaffected by tissue Heavy metal salts 1–17% (Radiopacifier)
fluids and nonporous. Wax or resin 1–4% (Plasticizer)
• It should be bactericidal or atleast inhibit bacterial Erythrosine (Coloring agent)
growth. • Properties:
• It should not shrink after being inserted. – It can be easily sterilized prior to insertion.
• It should not stain the tooth structure. – It is impervious to moisture.
• It should not irritate the periapical tissues. – It does not encourage bacterial growth. It is not an
• It should be radiopaque and easily discernible on effective microbicide but has slight antibacterial
radiographs. activity due to zinc oxide content.
• It should be easily removable from the canal if necessary. – It does not shrink after insertion unless it is
Gutta-percha (GP), as root canal filling material has been plasticized with a solvent or heat.
in Endodontics, since 1867 and is still the most widely used – It is nonstaining.
material to obturate root canals. It meets most of the above – It is probably the least toxic and least irritating to the
criteria. (Friends, you can remember the above 10 points of periapical tissues of all root canal filling materials.
requirements of an ideal root canal filling material, simply – It is radiopaque.
by imagining the sequence in which you use a GP point to – It can be removed with specialized instruments from
obturate: the canal if necessary.
284 Short Textbook of Endodontics

– It has the property of plasticity or flow when heated • When heated, the material changes to α-phase and
or exposed to solvents, which is made use of for becomes tacky and pliable. It can be made to flow under
obturation. pressure.
– Heated thermal conductivity through gutta- • The unheated phase is the β-phase when the material is
percha occurs over the length of 4–5 mm. Vertical a solid mass and compactable. It is purified, commercial
compaction and adaptation of thermosoftened form which is used to manufacture Endodontic GP
gutta-percha are also effective over the range of 4–5 points.
mm. • Temperatures for phase transitions of gutta-percha:
Although gutta-percha has good biocompatibility, – Transition from β-phase to α-phase occurs at 115oF
studies have been done to evaluate the tissue toxicity exerted (46oC), i.e. about 3–8oC above the body temperature
by gutta-percha in case of an overfill or overextension of is sufficient to mold gutta-percha.
gutta-percha into the periapical area. It was found that the – An amorphous phase develops at 130 o –140 o F
intensity of inflammatory response was determined by the (54o–60oC)
size of gutta-percha particles. – Gutta-percha crystallizes to α-phase when cooled
Larger gutta-percha particles caused Less inflammation very slowly
around them and appeared well encapsulated, whereas – Gutta-percha returns to β-phase with normal
with smaller gutta-percha particles a more intense localized cooling.
response was seen. Mechanical properties of both α- and β-phase are
It was also found that sealer was the most toxic portion same, but when α-phase gutta-percha is heated
of the sealer-gutta-percha obturation. and cooled, there is less shrinkage. α-phase is
• Limitations: more dimensionally stable for thermoplasticized
– Gutta-percha lacks rigidity. Smaller size gutta-percha techniques.
bends easily under lateral pressure. • Commercially available gutta-percha cones:
– Gutta-percha is difficult to introduce into a narrow – Gutta-percha cones are available as:
– Gutta-percha lacks adherent properties. So, it cannot
be used as the sole filling material to seal the root
canal space.
– Gutta-percha cannot seal the canal apically or
laterally unless combined with a sealer.
– Gutta-percha has limited shelf life. It becomes brittle
with age, probably through oxidation.
– Warmed Gutta-percha shrinks as it returns to body
temperature. So, it was recommended by Schilder
that vertical pressure should be applied in case of
warm gutta-percha techniques to compensate for
volume changes that occur as cooling takes place.
• Forms of gutta-percha:

Raw gutta-percha from the tree undergoes a rigorous

process involving purification, dissolving of resins, and
denaturing of proteins and gets converted into commercial
Gutta-percha is the transisomer of polyisoprene and the
two crystalline forms α and β undergo phase transition with
the change in temperature:
Obturation of Root Canal System 285

Sterilization New Formulation of Gutta-percha with Additives

Gutta-percha can be disinfected by immersion into 5.25%
sodium hypochlorite for 1 minute to kill bacteria and spores • Gutta-percha + iodoform called medicated gutta-percha
on gutta-percha. But, by doing so, sodium hypochlorite (MGP) for inhibiting microbial growth. Contraindicated
crystals get accumulated on the gutta-percha surface, that in patients with history of allergy to iodine.
may impair the obturation seal. So, NaOCl crystals are • Gutta-percha + calcium hydroxide, which permits
removed by rinsing it in 96% Ethyl alcohol, 70% isopropyl simple placement of medicament within the canal space
alcohol or distilled water or clinical spirit. Another between appointments. This point is removed from the
alternative is to use 0.5% sodium hypochlorite solution for canal once calcium hydroxide has leached out. Such
rapid decontamination of gutta-percha as this concentration points have been found to improve apical sealing quality
does not cause any alteration in the topography or elasticity of root canal filling.
of GP points. • Gutta-percha + chlorhexidine, that cause slow release of
chlorhexidine for antibacterial effect.
Rejuvenation • Gutta-percha + tetracycline, for antibacterial effect.

Sorin and Oliet described the aging process of gutta-percha. Gutta-percha for Newer Obturation Systems
They introduced a technique to rejuvenate the aged brittle
gutta-percha cones by momentary immersing it in hot tap • T h e r m o pl a st i c i z e d gu tt a -p e rc h a : The new er
water (above 55oC) until the grasping forceps indents the thermoplasticized obturation systems use gutta-
softened gutta-percha followed by immediate quenching percha pellets that are inserted into a delivery system
in cold tap water (less than 20oC) for several seconds. gun and heated to 150o–200oC prior to delivery into
the canal system. 20, 23 or 25 gauge needles can then
Gutta-percha Sticks be used to deliver the warmed and softened gutta-
percha. Intermittent vertical compaction of injected
These are different from gutta-percha points. They are not thermosoftened gutta-percha is carried out every
used for obturation. 3–5  mm so as to prevent shrinkage and loss of volume.
Their applications include: • Carrier-based gutta-percha: Obturators such as thermafil
• To check vitality of tooth by heat test obturators, GT obturator, simplifil, successfil make use
• As temporary restoration of metal or plastic carriers which are coated with alpha-
• Can be used as slow separators. phase gutta-percha.


Figs 16.4A and B  Conventional standardized color-coded gutta- Figs 16.5A to C  Standardized Protaper gutta-percha points-F1, F2
percha points: (A) Gutta-percha points no. 15–40; (B) Gutta-percha and F3 for obturation: (A) F1 gutta-percha point; (B) F2 gutta-percha
points no. 45–80 (Courtesy of Dentsply) point; (C) F3 gutta-percha point (Courtesy of Dentsply)
286 Short Textbook of Endodontics

A mind-map to remember all points of gutta-percha – Advantages:

is given in Figure 16.6. - Easier to insert into fine, tortuous canals.
- Rigidity: Silver cones are stiffer than gutta-
Metal-core Obturation percha.
- Length control is also easy.
• Silver cones: These are solid core filling materials that – Disadvantages
were used in the past for obturation of root canals. - Lack of plasticity: So, they cannot seal the canal
Current use of silver points for obturation is considered laterally and apically.
to be below the standard of care. - Cannot adequately fill the root canal space and
– Introduced by Jasper in 1933. cannot be compacted into the spaces or voids
– Pure silver was moulded into conical shape to form within the root canal system.
silver points, having the same diameter and taper - Silver cones have round shape but the enlarged
as files and reamers used in the preparation of the canal is not round, so the space that remains
canal. between silver point and canal walls gets filled

Fig. 16.6  A mind-map to remember all points of gutta-percha

Obturation of Root Canal System 287

which bonds to the etched root surface forming a

‘Monoblock’ providing a good seal.
• Since resilon is resin-based, it is compatible with most
of the current restorative techniques in which posts and
cores are placed with resin-bonding agents.
• Long-term results with the use of this material are still
• An example of the resilon-based obturation system is
the Real Seal system (Sybron Endo). Figure 16.8 shows
the photograph of the same. It uses a kit containing
resilon points (autofit points) of different tapers, self-
etch sealer, thinning resin and a primer. It has similar
handling characteristics that of gutta-percha and is
found to provide good seal against coronal and apical
Fig. 16.7  Silver points (Courtesy of Mr Amar, Dr Dabholkar’s clinic)
Paste Filling Materials
• Zinc oxide: Zinc oxide is the major component in these
with sealer cement which over a period of time paste materials but due to solubility of zinc oxide, not
causes leakage. an effective core filling material. Zinc oxide exerts
- Corrosion of silver points and formation of antibacterial effect. Useful as root canal filling material
corrosion products due to leakage. in deciduous teeth.
  Figure 16.7 shows the photograph of silver • Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA): It can be used as
cones used for obturation. a paste filling material for obturation of root canals,
• Stainless-steel file method of obturation: In the past, especially when other core filling materials cannot be
stainless steel files were, at times, used for obturation of satisfactorily used. Used as root-end filling material in
narrow, calcified root canals. Due to their rigidity, they Root-end Endodontic Surgery.
could be easily inserted in the root canal. – Composition: Tricalcium silicate, tricalcium
• Silver amalgam: Has been widely used as a retrograde aluminate, tricalcium oxide,
filling material in apically resected root during silicate oxide
periradicular surgery. – Available as: White powder, gray powder
Gray MTA has more FeO than white
Resilon (Resin-based Obturation System) MTA.

• Resilon is resin core material to be used in conjunction

with resin sealer. It follows the concepts of adhesive
• Composition: Polyester, difunctional Methacrylate
Resin, bioactive glass, radiopaque fillers
(Bismuth oxychloride and barium sulfate)
• Resilon is available as:
– Conventional and standardized cones,
– Pellets for use in Obtura II
• Use of Resilon as root canal filling material requires
steps such as using self-etch primer, bonding and then
application of resin sealer and resilon points. Lateral
condensation, vertical condensation or thermoplastic
injection techniques can be used for obturation with
• After polymerization, the core and the sealer becomes Fig. 16.8  Resin-based obturation system
one unit mass, i.e. Resilon core bonds to resin sealer (Courtesy of Sybron Endo)
288 Short Textbook of Endodontics

– Advantages: • S → Should be slow setting, to ensure sufficient working

- Excellent sealing ability time.
- Biocompatibility • S → No shrinkage on setting (dimensionally stable).
- Good marginal adaptation • S → No staining of tooth structure.
– Disadvantages: • S → Should be seen on radiograph (Radiopaque)
- Difficult handling characteristics  Should be soluble in a common
- Extended setting time solvent if it is necessary to remove
– The thickness of MTA placed, when used as root end • S → Solubility the root canal filling
filling material or as an apical barrier or perforation Should not be soluble in tissue fluids
repair material is important. • T → Should exhibit tackiness when mixed to provide
3–4 mm thickness should be good enough. good adhesion between it and the canal wall, when set.
– MTA requires presence of moisture for setting as it • T → Should be tissue tolerant, that is, it should be non-
is hydrophilic material and takes about 4–6 hours to irritating to periradicular tissues.
set. Ingle has added the following to Grossman’s basic
Moisture from periradicular tissues may provide requirements:
adequate moisture for MTA to set or a moist cotton – It should not provoke an immune response in
pellet is placed in between appointments when MTA periradicular tissue.
is used as a perforation repair material, as an apical – It should be neither mutagenic nor cariogenic.
barrier or as an intraorifice barrier.
– When MTA is placed, there is gradual dissolution WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF USING A ROOT
of MTA and there is nucleation and growth of
hydroxyapatite crystals filling the space between
MTA and dentinal wall and a mechanical SEAL is Purpose: Root canal sealer serves as (Fig. 16.9):
achieved. But as the reaction proceeds, a chemical • Binding agent: To bind or cement a well-fitted master
bond is formed between MTA and dentin. cone into the root canal
• Filler: To fill the irregularities of root canal, lateral and
WHAT ARE ROOT CANAL SEALERS AND WHAT accessory canals and discrepancies or voids between
the core material and canal walls
• Lubricant: To facilitate seating of the master cone into
CANAL SEALER? the canal.
Definition The American Association of Endodontists’ Guide to
clinical Endodontics outlines contemporary Endodontic
“Root canal sealers are the cements that are used to seal the treatment. It has made the following statement regarding
space between the dentinal wall and the obturating core obturation. “Root canal sealers are used in conjunction
interface and also to fill the voids and the irregularities of with a biologically acceptable semisolid or solid obturating
the root canal system such as lateral and accessory canals.” material to establish an adequate seal of the root canal
Requirements of an Ideal Root Canal Sealer
Grossman outlined the following requirements of an ideal
root canal sealer: (To remember these requirements:
Friends, in other words we are looking for a best sealer Preparation for obturation involves removal of smear layer
that will help us to achieve an ideal root canal filling. So, (Smear layer and methods for removal of smear layer have
we can remember the requirements of an ‘ideal’ sealer by been discussed in Chapter 15).
remembering the word BES6T2)
• B → The sealer should be Bacteriostatic, or atleast
should not encourage bacterial growth.
• E → Easy to mix. It should be in the form of a fine powder
so that it can be mixed easily with liquid. It should be
easy to introduce in the canals.
• S → Establish an excellent hermetic Seal. Fig. 16.9  Mind-map to remember purpose of root canal sealer
Obturation of Root Canal System 289

Sealer penetration into the dentinal tubules is enhanced point of collision, the cement flow is forced to travel
by removal of smear layer. laterally. This creates forces to fill the lateral canals
Sealer penetration of dentinal tubules is affected by the and any other invaginations that may exist.
method of obturation. Thermoplastic techniques produce • Ultrasonics: Ultrasonics can be used to place the sealer
deeper sealer penetration. in the root canal. It has been found that ultrasonic
The root canal walls can be coated with the sealer using: placement of sealer is superior to manual techniques.
• Master cone: The core material which is going to serve
as master cone can be used to coat the canal walls with WHICH ARE THE DIFFERENT ROOT CANAL
the sealer cement.
• Paper points: Appropriate size paper point can be used
to coat the canal walls with sealer cement. • Different root canal sealers include:
• Files or reamers: Appropriate size file or reamer can be – Zinc oxide containing sealers
used to coat the canal walls with sealer cement. – Calcium hydroxide containing sealers
• Lentulospiral: Lentulospiral is used with a slow-speed – Resin sealers
contra-angle handpiece in anticlockwise direction – Glass ionomer-based sealers
to deliver the sealer into the canal. While using – Medicated sealers
lentulospiral, it is important that it is started or stopped – Silicone-based sealers
outside the root canal otherwise it may cut into the canal – Solvent-based sealers
wall and might break. Figure 16.10 shows photograph of – Urethane methacrylate sealers
a Lentulospiral. • Sealers can be classified as (as per ANSI standard no.
• Bidirectional spiral: Bidirectional spiral cement carrier 57):
coats the canal walls and prevents excess cement from
exiting apically.
– Mechanism: Its coronal grooved spirals travel in
an apical direction and carry the sealer cement
apically. Its apical reverse spirals flow the cement in
a coronal direction simultaneously, thus preventing
the periapical extrusion of the sealer. Also, the two
independent flows of cement collide in the area
where the grooved spirals change direction. At this


Zinc Oxide-containing Sealers

These have been the most widely used root canal sealers.
They have an extended working time. They set faster in
the tooth than on the glass slab because of increased body
temperature and humidity.
Greatest advantage of ZOE sealers is that Zinc Oxide
and Eugenol form Zinc Eugenate that is known to block
Fig. 16.10  Lentulospiral prostaglandins (pain mediators). Hence, reduced post-
(Courtesy of Dentsply) obturation pain and discomfort.
290 Short Textbook of Endodontics

There are different formulations of this sealer, which Pulp Canal Sealer (Kerr)
have zinc oxide as the primary component such as:
It is also a Zinc oxide and eugenol based sealer. It has been
Grossman’s Sealer used widely as a sealer for the warm gutta-percha, vertical
condensation method.
Grossman developed the original formula of Zinc Oxide • Setting time: 1–2 hours
containing sealer, which satisfied most of the ideal • Advantages:
requirements of an ideal root canal sealer. It is available as – Good flow and variable viscosity
Roth’s sealer. – Fast setting as compared to other sealers
• Composition: – Nonresorbable
Powder Liquid – Extended working time
(ZB2S2) – Eugenol – Blocks pain due to zinc eugenate
– Zinc oxide 42 parts • Disadvantages: Not compatible with resin containing
– Staybelite resin 27 parts core materials or resin containing luting cements for
– Bismuth subcarbonate 15 parts posts.
– Barium sulfate 15 parts
– Sodium borate, anhydrous 1 part Rickert’s Sealer
• Setting time: Hardens in 2 hours at 37oC and 100% • Composition:
relative humidity. It sets in root canal within 10–30 Powder Liquid
minutes. Zinc oxide Oil of clove,
• Manipulation: ZOE sealer powder and liquid are slowly Precipitated silver Canada balsam
mixed on a sterile glass slab with a sterile spatula to a White resin
proper consistency of a smooth, creamy mix. When the Thymol iodide
flat blade of the spatula is lifted up, the cement should • Advantages:
“string out” for about an inch before breaking or the – Germicidal
cement should cling to the inverted spatula blade for – Excellent lubricating and adhesive qualities.
10–15 seconds before dropping from spatula. This is • Disadvantages: Staining of tooth structure from the silver
the test given by Grossman to check for the proper if it is not completely removed from the coronal tooth
consistency of the sealer cement. structure.
• Insertion: After drying the root canals, a smooth broach,
reamer or file or Lentulospiral is used to carry small Tubli-seal
amounts of cement into the canal and the canal is coated
in lateral or rotary motion gently without forcing any Tubli-SealTM is a Zinc oxide eugenol root canal sealer. Figure
sealer into periapical tissues. 16.11 shows the photograph of the same.
• Advantages: Available as 2 paste system developed as an alternative
– Antibacterial to silver containing Rickert’s sealer.
– Resorbs if extruded into periapical tissues It is light in color, nondarkening and radiopaque.
– Plasticity • Composition:
– Good sealing potential Base paste Catalyst paste
– Slow setting Zinc oxide Eugenol
– Nonstaining Barium sulfate Thymol iodide
• Disadvantages: Not compatible with resin containing Mineral oil Resin
core materials or resin containing luting cements Corn starch
for posts. Zinc eugenate gets decomposed by water Lecithin
through a continuous loss of the eugenol. This makes • Advantages: Easy to mix, excellent lubrication, does not
ZOE a weak, unstable material. So, it cannot be used stain the tooth structure.
for retrofillings placed apically through a surgical • Disadvantages: Rapid setting time. It sets rapidly
approach. specially in presence of moisture.
Obturation of Root Canal System 291

Wach’s Cement • Can be in the form of powder-liquid in which the liquid

contains eucalyptus or pimenta leaf oil.
• Composition: • Removing eugenol from nogenol exerts the sought-after
Powder Liquid effect of reducing toxicity.
Zinc oxide Oil of cloves
Bismuth subnitrate Canada balsam Calcium Hydroxide Containing Sealers
Bismuth subiodide Eucalyptol
Magnesium oxide Beechwood creosote These were developed to exert therapeutic activity such as
Calcium phosphate antimicrobial action, osteogenic cementogenic potential,
• Advantages: etc. But, the drawback of these sealers is that solubility is
– Smooth consistency required for the release of calcium hydroxide and sustained
– Canada balsam makes the sealer tacky activity, which is not a desirable property for a root canal
– Germicidal sealer.
– Adequate setting time Some of the commercially available calcium hydroxide
– Low tissue irritation: Hence, desirable when there is containing sealers include:
possibility of overextension.
• Disadvantages: Sealapex
– Odor of the liquid (like that of an old-time dental
office) Sealapex® is the original noneugenol, calcium hydroxide
– Limited lubricating properties. polymeric root canal sealer that promotes rapid healing
and hard tissue formation (Fig. 16.12).
Nogenol Its a noneugenol sealer available as 2-paste system.
In 100% humidity, it takes up to 3 weeks to reach a final
It is noneugenol sealer to overcome the irritating effects of set, whereas in dry atmosphere, it never sets.
eugenol. It is the only sealer that expands while setting.
• Composition: Two paste system. The fluid sorption characteristics of Sealapex are due to
Base paste Catalyst paste its porosity, which allows marked ingress of water.
Zinc oxide Hydrogenated rosin • Composition:
Barium sulfate Methyl abietate Base paste Catalyst paste
Bismuth oxychloride Lauric acid Zinc oxide Barium sulfate
Vegetable oil Chlorothymol Calcium hydroxide Titanium dioxide
Salicylic acid Butyl benzene Isobutyl salicylate

Fig. 16.11  Tubli-Seal root canal sealer (Courtesy of Sybron Endo) Fig. 16.12  Sealapex root canal sealer (Courtesy of Sybron Endo)
292 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Sulfonamide Available as two paste system. Base is Biphenol A-epoxy

Zinc stearate and catalyst is hexamethylene-tetramine. It also contains
• Advantage: 60% Bismuth oxide for radiographic contrast. It sets slowly
– Can encourage apical closure by cementum in 24–36 hours.
deposition • Advantages:
– Good sealing ability. – Strong adhesive property
• Disadvantage: Induces chronic inflammatory reaction – Setting is not affected by moisture
in the PDL if it is overextended. – Low solubility
– Increased radiopacity
Calcibiotic Root Canal Sealer (CRCS) • Disadvantages:
– Toxicity due to formaldehyde release.
It is ZOE/eucalyptol sealer with calcium hydroxide as one – Staining
of the components, added for its so called osteogenic effect. – Extended setting time (24 hours).
• Composition:
Base paste Catalyst paste AH PLUS
Zinc oxide Barium sulfate
Calcium hydroxide Titanium dioxide It is a modified formulation of AH-26 in which formaldehyde
Butyl benzene is not released. It is also available as paste-paste system. It
Sulfonamide has working time of 4 hours and a setting time of 8 hours. It
Zinc stearate has half the film thickness and half the solubility of regular
• Advantages: AH-26 and can be removed from the canal if necessary.
– Slow setting sealer. May require about 3 days to fully • Advantages:
set. – Strong adhesive property. It shows highest bond
– Good sealing ability. strength to dentin of all the sealers.
• Disadvantages: – Low toxicity and well-tolerated by periapical tissues
– Calcium hydroxide is not readily released, so limited – Antibacterial activity
cementum and bone formation – Low solubility
– Periapical reaction if extruded. – Increased radiopacity
– Slight shrinkage
Resin Sealers • Disadvantages: Relatively expensive.
• Available as 2 paste system as shown in Figure 16.13.
Contain epoxy resin for strong adhesive properties. • Working time: 4 hours
• Setting time: 8 hours.
• Contains polyvinyl chloride in polymer form mixed with
zinc oxide and bismuth phosphate.
• Sets by chelation. Resin reinforced chelate is formed
between zinc oxide and diaketone. It is a very tacky
material and it contracts slightly while setting, which is
subsequently negated by water uptake.
• Advantages:
– Good sealing due to bond to dentin
– High resistance to absorption
– Exhibits tackiness.

It is a slow setting epoxy resin that releases formaldehyde
on setting, the highest amount being released in the
freshly mixed sealer and amount goes down after 48 hours. Fig. 16.13  Resin-based sealer-AH plus (Courtesy of Dentsply)
Obturation of Root Canal System 293

Epiphany Sealer • Certain antimicrobial medicaments can be physically

mixed with ZOE-based sealer’s powder components.
A resin-based sealer to be used in conjunction with a resin- • N2 sealer: Containing 6.5% paraformaldehyde, lead and
based core material. mercury. Unacceptable as sealer due to toxic effects on
• Composition: Epiphany contains urethane dimeth­ periradicular tissues.
acrylate, BisGMA and other resins along with calcium • Sealers such as endomethasone, paraformaldehyde
hydroxide, barium sulfate, peroxide photoinhibitors, containing Reibler’s paste, SPAD, etc. are no longer used
etc. in present day Endodontics due to high toxicity, risk to
– It is a dual-cure composite resin sealer that self-cures patients and legal issues.
in 25 minutes.
– Prior to using this sealer, priming and bonding has Silicone-based Sealers
to be done.
– Sodium hypochlorite can affect the bond strength To provide adhesion, moisture resistant seal and stability, a
of primer, so after sodium hypochlorite irrigation, few commercially available sealers have been manufactured
rinsing with EDTA and sterile water is required. such as Lee Endo-fill, Roekoseal, etc.
– After completing obturation using epiphany, the
coronal surface may be light-cured for about 40 Solvent-based Sealers
seconds for creating coronal seal.
Gutta-percha particles dissolved in chloroform to produce
Real Seal Sealer chloropercha, can be used as sealer with gutta-percha points
for obturation.
Another example of a resin-based sealer (self-etch) is the Problem with it is shrinkage creating voids and leakage.
Real Seal sealer (Sybron Endo). Figure 16.14 shows its
photograph. Urethane Methacrylate Sealers

Glass Ionomer Sealers Such as EndoRez, EZ Fill and MetaSeal have also been
marketed to improve the sealing ability and bond strength
• Has dentin bonding property. to dentin.
• Disadvantages: If retreatment is required, its removal is
very difficult. Dentin Bonding Agents
• A commercially available Endodontic Glass Ionomer
sealer is Ketac-Endo (3M/ESPE). Such as Scotchbond, Gluma have been tried as root canal
sealers. There was dramatic improvement in the quality
Medicated Sealers of sealing root canals using dentin-bonding agents. But
the problems associated with these sealers would be, first
• Medicated canal sealer containing iodoform for the preparation of dentin has to be done to remove all
antibacterial purpose to be used with medicated gutta- the smear layer, especially from apical third of the canal.
percha. Second obstacle is radiopacity. If radiopaque metal salts
are added to the adhesive, it might affect polymerization. All
of the bonding agents are technique-sensitive. They do not
polymerize in the presence of moisture. Delivery system is
also the problem for its placement in the canal. Also, their
removal from canal is very difficult in case of a failure.
A mind-map to remember all points of root canal sealers
is given in Figure 16.15.


It has been found that most of the currently accepted
Fig. 16.14  Commercially available resin-based self-etch root canal methods of chemomechanical preparation are inadequate
sealer (Courtesy of Sybron Endo) in producing a debris-free canal. In addition to pulp
294 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 16.15  A mind-map to remember all points of root canal sealers

tissue, debris and bacteria, “Smear layer” which is present HOW TO DO OBTURATION/WHICH ARE
obstructs the dentinal tubules. Smear layer created THE DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES OF DOING
by instrumentation (inorganic) and due to chemical
composition of dentin (organic) may interfere with the
adaptation of filling materials to the canal wall. If all the Obturation Technique Using Silver Points
dentinal tubules are opened up by removing the smear layer, • Silver cones had been used for obturation in the past.
it will provide a better seal by allowing the sealer or filling • Method:
material to penetrate the dentin. – Dry the canal.
17% ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) can be – Select a silver cone of the same size as last file used
used to remove the smear layer before the obturation. to shape the canal (Master Apical File) and cut off its
Obturation of Root Canal System 295

butt end to give it proper length. Sterilize and insert Classification of different obturation methods (Ingle’s
in the canal. Endodontics, 5th edn., p.598) is given in the Flow chart 16.1
– Take radiograph to confirm the length. and they are explained in detail as follows:
– Coat the canal walls with sealer.
– Carry the cone into the canal with sterile cotton pliers Solid Core Gutta-percha with Sealants
or stieglitz forceps until it fits snugly.
– Clean the pulp chamber and fill it with temporary
Cold Gutta-percha Points
Figure 16.16 shows radiograph showing obturation Lateral Compaction of Gutta-percha
with silver points. It is the most commonly used technique of obturation and
The use of Silver points for obturation is now has long been the standard against which other methods of
considered to be below the standard of care. obturation have been judged.

Other Obturation Techniques Principle: This technique involves first placing a sealer lining
in the canal, followed by a measured primary gutta-percha
Currently, most root canals are being filled with gutta- cone, that in turn is compacted laterally by a plugger-like
percha and sealers. The use of gutta-percha for obturation tapering spreader used with vertical pressure in order to
of canals is due to its property of ‘flow’ or ‘plasticity’. When make room for additional accessory cones. The final mass of
force is applied to gutta-percha, it becomes compacted and gutta-percha points is severed at the canal’s coronal orifice
it tends to flow away from a force directed at its mass. using a hot instrument and final vertical compaction is done
with a large plugger.
There are different methods for obturation using gutta- Lateral and vertical apical pressure compacts the gutta-
percha which can be classified based on: percha and makes it flow into the root canals.
• Direction of compaction: Lateral or vertical compaction
• Temperature of gutta-percha: Cold or warm (plasticized). Criteria for lateral compaction technique: (in canal
preparation and instrument selection)
Two basic procedures of obturation are: Lateral condensation compaction is the obturation
1. Lateral compaction of cold gutta-percha technique of choice if the following criteria are fulfilled:
2. Vertical compaction of warmed gutta-percha. Other • The final canal shape should be continuous taper
methods are variations of warmed gutta-percha. • In the apical area, it should be parallel, matching the
For each of the above techniques, you must know the taper of the spreader/plugger
principle, the stepwise method to perform the technique, • The spreader must reach within 1–2 mm of working
advantages and disadvantages. length
• An apical stop must be created, to resist apically directed
• The gutta-percha cones used as accessory cones must
be smaller in diameter than the spreader/plugger.

Preparation for lateral compaction technique—It includes:

• Size determination of the spreader: A spreader of size of
apical instrument size or one size larger, that fits within
1–2 mm of the working length and that matches the taper
of the preparation is selected. A rubber stop is placed
on the shaft of the spreader to mark true working length
minus 1 mm.
• Size determination of primary point and accessory points:
Gutta-percha points have been standardized in size,
shape and are color-coded to match the standardized
instrument sizes and color. The primary point/master
Fig. 16.16  Obturation with silver points cone should be selected to match the size of the last
296 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Flow chart 16.1  Classification of different obturation methods

instrument used at the apex. It should be tested in place Pain could also occur if pulp remnants are still
and confirmed radiographically. present in the root canal and it is of much greater
Sterilization of gutta-percha using 5.25% NaOCl. intensity than the pain from periapical tissue.
Methods to determine the proper fit of the master cone Granulation tissue does not produce any pain.
include: – Radiographic test : After the visual and tactile
– Visual test: The gutta-percha point is measured and tests, the position of the master cone is finally
grasped with cotton pliers at a position within 1mm checked with the radiograph. On the radiograph,
of the prepared length of the root canal. The point is the point extending to within 1mm from the tip of
then grasped 1mm back and again pushed apically. the preparation should be seen. The master cone
If point can be pushed beyond the working length radiograph (as shown in Figure 16.17) helps to
(apex), then a larger size cone is used or the same evaluate whether the working length of the tooth was
cone is cut from its tip. The point is retried in the correct, whether instrumentation followed the curve
canal until it goes to the correct position by trial and of the canal and whether any perforation occurred.
error. If the primary point appears to be overextended,
– Tactile test: It determines whether the point tightly then it should be shortened from the fine end and
fits the canal. If the apical 3–4 mm of the canal have then returned to the correct position. If the primary
been prepared with near parallel walls, some degree point appears to be underextended, then a smaller
of force is required to seat the point, and once in size gutta-percha point is selected or a new file
position, a pulling force is required to dislodge it. of the same number is selected and the canal is
This is known as“Tug-back.” If the point fits loosely reinstrumented to full working length until the file
in the canal, next larger size point should be tried or is loose in the canal and the point is reseated and
the point can be cut from its tip and retried in canal radiograph taken again.
until it fits the canal correctly by trial and error. - Drying the canal: To dry the canal, an absorbent
– Patient’s response: Patients who are not anesthesized paper point is placed in the canal to absorb
during the treatment of a nonvital pulp or during moisture or blood that might accumulate.
the second appointment of vital pulp, may feel pain - Mixing and placement of sealer: A sterile slab and
when gutta-percha penetrates the apical foramen. spatula is used in case of powder-liquid system to
Obturation of Root Canal System 297

dispense 1–2 drops of liquid and mix the cement

according to manufacturer’s instructions. The
cement should have creamy consistency and
should string out atleast an inch, when the
spatula is lifted from the mix. Sealer is placed in
the canal by the following ways:
■ Gutta-percha point is used to pump the sealer
into the canal;
■ Using a file or a reamer;
■ Using rotary or spiral paste fillers, (turned
with fingers or slow handpiece;
■ Recent method: Use of an ultrasonic file, run
without fluid coolant.

Step-wise Method
• The largest file used in the canal at the working length Fig. 16.17  Master cones placed in the canals of mandibular second
or the last file that was used to shape the apical part of molar tooth (Courtesy of Dr Shivani Bhatt)
the root canal is called as the Master Apical File (MAF).
First step is to select a standardized gutta-percha
cone as per the master apical file. This cone will be called
as the primary cone or master cone.
An alternative is to use a conventional cone of
appropriate taper and to adapt it by cutting small
increments from the tip.
• Insert the master cone into the root canal to the
established working length. It should fit snugly and
should resist removal (“tug-back”).
• Take a radiograph to determine the apical and lateral fit
of the primary cone. Figure 16.17 shows radiograph of
mandibular second molar with primary cone in each of
the canals.
On the radiograph:
– If the primary cone extends beyond the working
length and protrudes through the apical foramen,
then select a larger cone and adapt it in the canal or Fig. 16.18  Paper points which are caliberated, color-coded and of
the size and shape of the ISO standardized instrument (Courtesy of
cut off the tip so that the reinserted primary cone fits Dentsply)
snugly, has “tug back” and seals apically.
– If the initial fit of the primary cone fails to go to
the prepared length or appears 2–3 mm short of master cone. Figures 16.21A to F demonstrates the
the apex, then select a smaller cone and adapt it or following steps.
reprepare the canal to the corrected length, and then • Apical half of the primary cone is coated/buttered with
adapt the primary cone, and confirm its placement the sealer cement and the cone is carefully replaced in
radiographically. the canal.
• After the appropriate primary cone is selected and • Select an appropriate size spreader that can be placed
adapted, remove it from the canal and disinfect it by within 1–2 mm of the working length and insert it along
placing it in sodium hypochlorite for 1 minute followed side the primary cone applying gentle pressure laterally
by rinsing it with alcohol or wiping it with cotton swab and apically.
dabbed in clinical spirit. Figure 16.19 shows the photograph of finger-held
Irrigate the canal and dry it with paper points. Figure spreader no. 30 and figure 16.20 shows the photograph
16.18 shows photograph of the paper points. of hand-held spreader.
• Coat the walls of the canal with a thin layer of sealer It has been found that deep spreader penetration
cement using a lentulospiral, reamer, file or end of the minimizes apical leakage and percolation.
298 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• Place an accessory cone in the space vacated by

the instrument. This should be done as soon as the
instrument is removed from the canal.
The process is repeated until the entire canal gets
filled and the spreader no longer penetrates the coronal
one-third of the canal.
• Then sear off excess gutta-percha from the chamber.
Fig. 16.19  No. 30 Finger spreader (Courtesy of Dentsply) A heated plugger can be used to vertically compact
the gutta-percha at the orifice or approximately 1 mm
below the orifice in posterior teeth and till the CEJ in the
anterior teeth.
Figure 16.22 shows radiograph of completed obturation.

Clinically Relevant Points

• The amount of force used for gutta-percha compaction
is determined by:
– The apical fit of the primary cone and
Fig. 16.20  Hand-held spreader (Courtesy of Dentsply) – By the distance the gutta-percha has to flow to seal
the root canal apically and laterally.
Only slight gentle pressure should be applied
- Gutta-percha is not compressible, and
- Force of about 1.5 kg or more has the potential
to cause root fracture.
• The size of the spreader to be selected is determined by:
– Width of the prepared canal
– The lateral FIT of the primary cone. If the space
between the canal wall and the butt end of the gutta-
A B C percha is more, larger spreader needs to be used.
A spreader that fits within 1–2 mm of the working
length is selected and when this spreader is inserted
in the canal alongside the master cone, it should be
within 2 mm of the working length.


Figs 16.21A to F  Steps of lateral compaction obturation: (A) Master

cone selection with sealer in the canal; (B) Spreader; (C) Accessory
cone placed; (D) Spreader; (F) Master cone with accessory gutta-
percha; (F) Completed obturation

• Now, disengage the spreader from the cone by rotating it

back and forth between the fingertips as it is withdrawn
or while using a long handled hand spreader, by rotating
the handle in an arc. Fig. 16.22  Postobturation radiograph of the same case of mandibular
Once disengaged, the spreader can be removed second molar tooth. Here lateral compaction obturation was done
without disturbing the seated gutta-percha. (Courtesy of Dr Shivani Bhatt)
Obturation of Root Canal System 299

• It has been found that: methods can be used such as Tailor made gutta-percha
– Finger spreaders provide better tactile sensation and roll (explained later). Warm gutta-percha techniques are
have lesser potential to induce fractures in the root more suitable for filling immature canals and apices.
as compared to the hand-held spreader. • Tubular canals: Tubular canals have large apical opening
Figures 16.18 and 16.19 show the photographs with nonconstrictive terminus. It may be best filled
of the finger spreader and hand-held spreader with a coarse primary gutta-percha cone, that has been
respectively. blunted by cutting off the tip or a tailor-made point
– Nickel-Titanium spreaders provide reduced stress can be used. Warm gutta-percha techniques may be
due to increased flexibility and provide deeper preferred.
penetration as compared to stainless steel spreaders • Tailor-made gutta-percha roll: In case of immature canal
in curved canals. with blunderbuss apex or tubular canal, the largest
• Deeper spreader penetration minimizes apical leakage gutta-percha point may be still loose in the canal. So,
and percolation. a tailor-made gutta-percha roll is preferred by heating
• Standardized GP cones have lesser taper than a number of large gutta-percha cones and combining
conventional GP cones. So, when it is used as master them, butt to tip, until a roll has been developed much
cone, it permits deeper spreader penetration. the size and shape of the canal. After preparing the roll, it
must be chilled with a spray of ethyl chloride or ice water
Advantages to stiffen the gutta-percha before fitting into the canal.
• Widely used method for obturation that can be used in
most clinical situations. Chemically Plasticized Cold Gutta-percha
• Provides for length control during compaction.
This technique is a modification of lateral compaction
Disadvantages obturation that uses a solvent to soften the primary gutta-
• This technique does not produce a homogeneous mass. percha point to ensure that it will better conform to the
• It may not produce a dense filling. There is possibility of aberrations in apical canal anatomy.
voids between the filling and canal wall and within the Solvents such as chloroform, eucalyptol and xylol
filling. plasticize the gutta-percha and this plastic mass can be
• It may not fill the canal irregularities well, when forced into the canals.
compared with warm vertical compaction. Gutta-percha plasticized using chloroform is called
• There is potential for vertical root fracture if excessive chloropercha.
forces (of more than 2.5–3 kg) are applied. Gutta-percha softened in warm oil of eucalyptus is called
Variations of Lateral Compaction It is not practically possible to use this technique for
• Curved canals: Roots may have mesial or distal curvature, obturation as the solvent evaporates over a period of time
which is visible on radiograph or buccal or lingual causing shrinkage and voids in obturation.
curvature which is not visible on radiograph. Some teeth Usually, only the tip of the gutta-percha point is dipped
have severely curved, dilacerated or bayonet canals. In in the solvent and that too just for one second as two to three
case of lateral compaction of primary gutta-percha point dips will cause serious leakage.
(master cone) in a curved canal, more vertical force will Sealers such as Calcibiotic Root Canal Sealer and Wach’s
have to be exerted against it as the spreader will tend to sealer contain the solvent-oil of eucalyptol and Canada
catch into gutta-percha point, forcing it apically. In such balsam respectively.
cases, more flexible spreaders such as Nickel-Titanium
spreaders are preferred to reach within apical 1 mm and Canal-warmed Gutta-percha
distribute the forces evenly in curved canals. Warmed
or thermoplasticized gutta-percha techniques may be Warm Vertical Compaction Technique
preferred in curved canals. Also called as Schilder technique.
• Immature canals and apices: Blunderbuss apex of • Principle: Makes use of vertical force combined with the
an immature tooth makes obturation complicated. applied heat in order to drive the gutta-percha apically
Apexification is the technique of choice that creates an and laterally.
apical stop, before carrying out obturation. Apexification This technique was introduced by Schilder with
is explained in detail in Chapter 27 Pulp Therapies. If an objective of achieving 3-dimensional filling of the
apexification fails or is inappropriate, then other special radicular space. He recommended obturation with
300 Short Textbook of Endodontics

maximum amount of gutta-percha and minimum

amount of sealer to fill all the portals of exit.
Obturation with this technique requires that:
– The canal is prepared with a continuously tapering
– The apical foramen should be as small as possible.
• Step-wise method:
– Fit the primary gutta-percha cone larger than the size
of prepared canal preferably a conventional cone,
short of the working length such that it has resistance
to displacement. The master cone has to be cut back
about 0.5–1 mm from the canal terminus.
Or else, select a nonstandardized cone of gutta-
percha such as medium or fine-medium GP point
since it has greater taper and moreover its rate of
taper matches the rate of taper of the prepared canal. Fig. 16.23  Touch ‘N Heat device (Courtesy of Sybron Endo)
Take a radiograph to confirm it.
– Remove the cone and disinfect and dry it and keep – Backfilling (Back-pack) of canal: After the apical
it aside. compaction (apical down-pack) is complete, a
– Prefit the three pluggers (widest, middle and segment of gutta-percha is placed in the canal and
narrowest) into the canal preparation at different heat is applied as shown in Figures 16.24F and G.
depths and record the desired lengths of the desired The process is repeated for the remaining coronal
plugger depth. portion of the canal and the canal is backfilled or
For example, Widest plugger to a depth of about 8–10 backpacked as shown in Figures 16.24H to J. An
mm, middle to a depth of 13–15 mm and narrowest alternative method of backpacking is by injecting
to within 3–4 mm of apical terminus. plasticized gutta-percha from Obtura II syringe
– Dry the canal with paper points and coat the canal (discussed later).
walls with the sealer. In either case, plasticized gutta-percha must be
– Replace the master cone in the canal. compacted with vertical pluggers to ensure its flow
– Then use heated spreader or plugger to remove the against canal walls to minimize shrinkage.
portions of gutta-percha and to soften the remaining Figure 16.25 shows the post-obturation
material in the canal as shown in Figure 16.24A. radiograph of a mandibular molar tooth in which
  Heat source such as Touch’N heat device provides warm vertical compaction obturation was done.
a controlled temperature and can be used to • Advantages:
apply heat instead of heated spreader or plugger. – This technique can fill the canal irregularities and the
It is an electronic device specially developed for accessory canals better than the lateral compaction
warm gutta-percha technique. Figure 16.23 shows technique. Thus, it brings about 3-dimensional
photograph of the Touch ‘N heat device. obturation
– A room-temperature widest vertical plugger is – Quite effective for severely curved canals
then used to vertically compact the plasticized – Simple and effective
material apically in firm short strokes as shown in – Enhanced hydraulics
Figure 16.24B. – In case if there is need to remove the gutta-percha
  Heat carrier or alternate application of plugger- for any reason, this technique is reversible.
middle sized and narrowest one, is done until the • Disadvantages:
plasticized gutta-percha seals the accessory canals – Less control of length than lateral compaction
laterally and the apical portion in 3-dimensions technique
over a range of 3–5 mm. This is referred to as wave – Compaction forces cause risk of vertical root fracture
of condensation as shown in Figures 16.24C to E. – There is possibility of extrusion of root canal filling
Figures 16.26A to D show the photographs material into the periradicular tissues (Fig. 16.25).
of different pluggers used for Warm Vertical – Overfill or overextension is more likely to occur with
obturation). this technique.
Obturation of Root Canal System 301



Figs 16.24A to J  (A) Heated plugger used to remove gutta-percha from above the coronal portion of master cone gutta-percha; (B) Room
temperature plugger used to vertically compact the plasticized material apically; (C to E) Alternate application of plugger and condenser until
plasticized gutta-percha seals the accessory canals; (F and G) Backfilling of canal: After apical compaction,segment of gutta-percha placed in
the canal and heat applied laterally; (H to J) Backfilling of the remaining coronal portion of the canal

– The pluggers used in this technique are rigid which #0.12 tapered pluggers (as shown in Figure 16.27) having a
cannot penetrate to the required depth, especially in diameter of 0.5 mm and an electric heat carrier, System B
case of curved canals and ribbon-shaped canals. unit. The System B unit is a new heat source that monitors
the temperature at the tip of the heat-carrier pluggers and
Continuous Wave Compaction Technique delivers a precise amount of heat for an indefinite time.
(System B Compaction) Figure 16.28 shows the photograph of the Buchanan hand
Buchanan introduced a variation of Warm Vertical pluggers.
Compaction technique called as the Continuous Wave
Compaction technique, which is faster and more accurate. Tapered pluggers GP cones
# 0.06 is used to approximate Fine conventional GP cone
Principle # 0.08 is used to approximate Fine-medium GP cone
Makes use of cones that are manufactured to mimic the
# 0.10 is used to approximate Medium GP cone
tapered preparation that is achieved with the use of Nickel-
# 0.12 is used to approximate Medium-large GP cone
Titanium rotary instrument by using #0.06, #0.08, #0.10 and
302 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 16.25  Postobturation radiograph of a case in which

obturation was done by warm vertical compaction technique
(Courtesy of Dr Roheet Khatavkar)
Fig. 16.27  Buchanan heat pluggers in sequence: 0.12 Medium large,
0.10 Medium, 0.08 Fine Medium, 0.06 Fine, 0.04 Extrafine (Courtesy
of Sybron Endo)

Figs 16.26A to D  Different types of pluggers: (A) Finger plugger;

(B) Hand-held plugger; (C) Schilder plugger anterior; (D) Schilder Fig. 16.28  Buchanan hand pluggers in sequence: Size #0, #1 and #2.
plugger posterior (Courtesy of Dentsply) (Courtesy of Sybron Endo)

These pluggers are consistent with Greater Taper points consistent with the size of the Greater Taper
instruments. instruments).
• Set the system B unit to 200oC in touch mode. Figure
Step-wise Method 16.30 shows photograph of the System B cordless unit.
• Insert the appropriate master cone in the canal and • Activate the appropriate size plugger to remove the
along with that a corresponding tapered plugger is excess coronal material.
prefitted to fit within 5–7 mm of the canal length. (Figure • Room temperature plugger of appropriate size is
16.29 shows the photograph of Autofit gutta-percha used to compact the gutta-percha in the canal while
Obturation of Root Canal System 303

applying firm pressure along with heat by activating

the device.
• Move the plugger rapidly for 1–2 seconds to within
3  mm of the point of plugger binding.
• Inactivate the heat but maintain firm pressure on plugger
for 5–10 seconds.
• Allow gutta-percha mass to cool and then apply heat for
one second to separate the plugger and remove it.
• The remaining coronal portion of the canal be back
filled using thermoplastic injection technique or other
• Recent advancement: Elements Obturation Unit (Fig.
The Elements Obturation Unit combines System B
technology with a motor-driven extruder handpiece to
Fig. 16.29  Greater taper autofit points (Courtesy of Sybron Endo) make obturation efficient, predictable, and accurate.

• Provides good apical seal
• Can effectively fill lateral and accessory canals
• Saves time, quick procedure (15–20 seconds)
• Postspace can be created easily.

• Chances of extrusion of obturation beyond the apex
• Additional equipment may be required to backfill the
coronal portion of the canal.

Sectional Method of Compaction

It is an earliest modification of the vertical compaction
method described by Webster as root canal filling with
gutta-percha, using points heated and well-packed in with
hot instruments.
Fig. 16.30  System B cordless unit (Courtesy of Sybron Endo) • Principle: Makes use of 3–5 mm segments of gutta-
percha cone to fill root canal in sections as gutta-percha
can hold heat over a distance of 3–5 mm.
• Step-wise method:
– A gutta-percha cone that is approximately the size
of the prepared canal is cut into sections each about
3–4 mm long as shown in Figure 16.32A.
– Coat the canal walls with the sealer cement.
– A plugger that can be inserted in the canal to within
3–4 mm of the apex is heated and a section of gutta-
percha is mounted on the heated plugger.
– This heated plugger with a mounted section of
gutta-percha is carried into the canal to a previously
measured depth and slight vertical pressure is
applied as shown in Figure 16.32B.
Figure 16.32C shows the inserted section of gutta-
percha in the canal.
– Carefully disengage the plugger to prevent dislodging
Fig. 16.31  Elements obturation unit (Courtesy of Sybron Endo) of the inserted section of gutta-percha.
304 Short Textbook of Endodontics

– Take a radiograph to check the position and fit of the Warm Lateral/Vertical Compaction Technique (Hybrid
condensed section of gutta-percha. Technique)
– Take another section of gutta-percha 3–4 mm long Hybrid technique combines lateral compaction technique
dipped in eucalyptol and warm it over a flame and + thermoplasticized GP technique.
add it to the previous section in the canal and apply Begins with lateral compaction to achieve a good apical
vertical pressure. seal. After placing master cone and several accessory cones,
– The process is repeated to fill the entire canal as use a hot plugger to sear off the GP points at the length of
shown in Figure 16.32D. 4–5 mm from the apex.
If post and core restoration is to be done, only the first Then, light vertical compaction is applied to restore the
or apical section of gutta-percha is sufficient to obturate integrity of the apical plug of gutta-percha.
the canal in which the remaining canal is used for post- Remaining canal is then back-filled with the
placement. thermoplasticized gutta-percha injection.
• Recent development: Instead of laboriously adding
sections of gutta-percha, backfilling may be done Endotec Device II
with thermoplasticized gutta-percha using the Obtura Considering the ease and speed of lateral compaction
II gutta-percha system, in which the canals can be technique and superior density achieved using vertical
backfilled, up to 10 mm in a single increment. compaction of warm gutta-percha, Martin developed
• Advantages: This technique seals the canal apically and Endotec II device that incorporates the qualities of both
laterally. techniques.
• Disadvantages: Endotec II device brings about warm lateral compaction
– Time-consuming technique of gutta-percha into the prepared canals in the form of a
– Sections of gutta-percha may be difficult to retrieve solid homogeneous mass.
if the canal is overfilled. Various tapers and tip diameters of Endotec II tips are:
– Condensing sections of gutta-percha into a Tapers/Tip diameters
homogenous mass may be difficult. As a result, voids # 0.02/30
may occur in between the sections. # 0.05/30


Figs 16.32A to D  Sectional method of compaction: (A) A gutta-percha cone of approximate size of prepared canal placed in canal and apical
section of length 3–4 mm is cut; (B) Heated plugger with mounted section of gutta-percha is inserted in the canal to within 3–4 mm of the
apex; (C) Inserted section of gutta-percha in apical portion of canal; (D) Entire canal filled
Obturation of Root Canal System 305

# 0.02/40 • It is fit into a latch-type handpiece and spun in the canal

# 0.04/40 at the speed of 8,000–10,000 rpm. It heats the gutta-
# 0.04/70 percha by friction.
# 0.06/70 • As the compactor is withdrawn from the canal, the
# 0.06/100 pliable mass of gutta-percha is compacted apically and
Step-wise Method
• Adapt a master cone to the working length with a good Advantages
tug-back. • It can fill the irregularities of the canal.
• Select an appropriate size Endotec II tip. Motion of use • It is simple and quick technique.
of Endotec II- plugger/spreader—vertical pressure with
sweeping lateral pressure. Disadvantages
• Activate the device and insert the tip beside the master • Possibility of extrusion of material periapically.
cone to within 2–4 mm of apex. • Cannot be used in curved canals.
• Rotate the tip for 5–8 seconds. • Heat generation.
• Place an unheated spreader in the channel created to • Compactor blades may gouge the canal walls or break
ensure adaptation and place accessory cone in the space in the canal.
created. • Set filling may shrink.
• In this way, lateral compaction is done with the heated
plugger to provide space for additional gutta-percha and Modifications of McSpadden Compactor:
the vertical compaction done with the cooled plugger to • Modified hedstrom-type instruments such as Gutta-
condense the heat-softened gutta-percha. The process condensor, Zipperer and Engine plugger which more
is repeated until the canal gets filled. closely resembles an inverted K-file.
• Finally, a cold hand plugger is used to firmly condense – The Microseal system: It is a modification of the
the fused gutta-percha bolus. original McSpadden Compactor, which is gentler
and slow-speed model made of Nickel Titanium,
Advantages which because of flexibility can be used in curved
• Provides length control canals. It is used in conjunction with the alpha-phase
• Produces fusion of gutta-percha into solid homogeneous like gutta-percha or even with regular gutta-percha
mass points. It has controlled speed of 1000–4000 rpm.
• Less stress during obturation – McSpadden developed a technique for open apex
• No heat-related damage. cases in which a low-heat gutta-percha bolus is
deposited at the apex with a large condenser and
Thermomechanical Compaction then allowed to cool and harden to form an apical
This technique was given by McSpadden. plug against which the remaining canal is obturated.
• Hybrid technique: After the initial lateral compaction
Principle is complete, the Guttacondensor and Zipperer Engine
Makes use of McSpadden compactor, an instrument plugger are used for ‘back-filling’ the canal. In the
similar to a reverse hedstrom file, that fits into a latch-type hybrid technique, a regular primary point is placed
handpiece and is rotated at up to 20,000 rpm, generating with a sealer, spread it aside with a finger spreader and
heat by friction. This heat decreases viscosity of gutta- followed by an accessory cone. The Engine plugger size
percha, softens it and makes it flow. of 45 or 50, 4–5 mm is placed in the canal and rotated
at 15,000 rpm. After one second, it is advanced into the
Step-wise Method canal until resistance is met and backed out while still
• Adapt a master cone short of the working length and rotating. Within 2–3 seconds, the canal is completely
take a radiograph. filled. Advantages of this technique include: quicker
• Dry the canal and coat the walls with the sealer. to complete than lateral condensation, reduced risk of
• An appropriate size McSpadden compactor is selected fracture to slender roots and less chances of overfilling.
and inserted alongside the gutta-percha cone about 3–4 • Thermomechanical solid-core gutta-percha obturation:
mm from the apical extent of preparation. J.S. Quick-fill is the example, which consists of titanium
306 Short Textbook of Endodontics

core devices of ISO size 15–60. They resemble the latch- • As the apical portion of the canal is filled, the needle
type Endodontic drills and are coated with alpha-phase backs out of the canal.
gutta-percha. After placing in the prepared root canal • Unheated plugger dipped in alcohol is used to compact
with the sealer, it is spun in the canal using a regular low- gutta-percha. Continue compaction until gutta-percha
speed, latch-type handpiece. Frictional heat generated cools and solidifies.
plasticizes and compacts the gutta-percha by the design
of the Quick-fill core. After compaction, compactor Advantages
may be removed while it is spinning or left in place and • Provides good adaptation to canal walls.
separated in the coronal cavity with an inverted cone bur. • Quick, saves time.
• Ultrasonic plasticized gutta-percha technique: Moreno
described that the ultrasonic instrument can be used to Disadvantages
plasticize gutta-percha. He used the friction of ultrasonics • Lack of length control: Both overextension and
plus hand or finger pluggers for condensation. It was underextension have been found to occur.
found that the heat generated by this technique is safe • In narrow preparation, it may be difficult to reach deep
and effective. However, it is not commonly used. in the canal.
• Special care needs to be taken while introducing the
Thermoplasticized Gutta-percha needle into the canal as it is hot and should not touch
patient’s oral tissues.
Thermoplasticized Injectable Gutta-percha Techniques
• Principle: This technique involves application of heat Inject-R Fill backfilling technique: It uses a miniature-
to gutta-percha outside the tooth to soften it and this sized metal tube containing conventional gutta-percha
softened gutta-percha is then injected into the canal. and plunger and allows for delivery of a single backfill
– Examples of thermoplastic injection techniques: injection of gutta-percha once the apical segment of the
Obtura II System and Ultrafil 3D system are canal has been obturated. The apical segment of the canal
examples. can be obturated using any of the techniques such as
lateral compaction, traditional warm vertical compaction
or System B.

Solid Core Carrier-based Gutta-percha Technique


Makes use of certain carriers coated with gutta-percha and a

heating device. These obturators are designed to correspond
to the ISO standardized file sizes and to Nickel-Titanium
GT files (GT obturators) and Protaper files (Protaper
obturators), etc. Appropriate carrier is selected with the
help of size verifiers. The carrier should fit passively at the
working length. Carrier-based GP systems include:
• Thermafil
• Successfil
Step-wise Method
• Dry the canal and coat the canal walls with sealer Thermafil
cement. Sealer fills the microscopic interface between • It has a solid core
the dentin and gutta-percha as well as acts as lubricant. • Original thermafil obturators had a metal core coated
It also compensates for shrinkage as the gutta-percha with gutta-percha (α-phase).
cools. Currently available thermafil obturators have a
• Pre-heat the gutta-percha in the gun and position the plastic core coated with alpha phase gutta-percha as
needle in the canal such that it reaches within 3–5 mm shown in Figure 16.33.
of apical preparation. • Stepwise Method:
• Squeeze the trigger of the gun and then gradually and – Dry the canals.
passively inject gutta-percha. – Coat sealer on canal walls.
Obturation of Root Canal System 307

– Mark the carrier at correct working length and place • The Apical GP Plug has same ISO size as the Lightspeed
it in the heating device (Thermafil oven) to heat it to “Master Apical Rotary” (MAR).
appropriate temperature for 10 seconds. • The canal is coated with a sealer and the Apical GP Plug
– Retrieve it and rapidly insert it into the canal. carrier is inserted into the canal.
– Take a radiograph to confirm the position of the • Once placed, the carrier is removed, leaving behind an
carrier. apical plug of gutta-percha.
– Allow gutta-percha to cool for 2–4 minutes. Then • The remaining portion of the canal is back-filled either
resect the carrier, few millimeters above the canal by using a Simplifil syringe or other method such as
orifice using round or inverted cone bur. Obtura II.
– Compact the coronal gutta-percha vertically. • Advantages:
• Advantages: – It helps to conserve dentin due to Light-Speed
– Facilitates flow of gutta-percha apically and into instrumentation technique (less flaring).
lateral and accessory canals. – It eliminates additional internal forces as it does not
– Very less amount of sealer is needed. use any additional spreader or plugger to compact
• Disadvantages: the apical plug.
– Possibility of extrusion of material beyond the apex. – No carrier is left in the canal.
– It is difficult to prepare the postspace as the plastic
core retains in the canal. Dentin-chip
Successfil • This new technique is being studied that will provide a
• Successfil obturators have either titanium carriers or biological seal rather than mechanochemical seal and
radiopaque plastic carriers. will stimulate osteogenesis or cementogenesis as well.
• It is used in conjunction with Ultrafil 3D system. • After root canal preparation, when the dentin is no
• After placing the carrier in the canal to the correct longer contaminated, a Gates Glidden drill or Hedstrom
working length, gutta-percha around the carrier is file is used to produce dentin powder in the central
compacted with plugger. portion of the canal.
• Then the carrier is resected few millimeters above the • A premeasured file one size larger than the last apical
canal orifice with a bur. enlarging instrument is used to pack the dentinal chips
at the apex. About, 1–2 mm of dentinal chips should
Apical-Third Filling block the apical foramen.
• The resistance to perforation is tested using no. 15 or 20
file to check the completeness of density of the apical
Lightspeed Simplifill
• Used in canals prepared with Lightspeed instruments. • The final gutta-percha is then compacted against that
• Uses a stainless steel carrier to place and compact 5 mm apical plug.
of gutta-percha into the apical portion of a canal. • Advantages: It prevents overfilling and leads to quicker
healing, minimal inflammation and apical cementum

Calcium Hydroxide
• Calcium hydroxide has been widely used to bring about
apexification in case of immature teeth with open apex.
In canals with closed apex also if calcium hydroxide is
used, cementification occurs.
• Calcium hydroxide can be placed as an apical plug in
either dry or moist state.
• It acts as a stimulant to cemental growth. It also acts as
a barrier to extrusion of well-compacted gutta-percha
Fig. 16.33  Thermafil obturator obturation.
308 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Injection or ‘Spiral’ Obturation • Provisional restoration: Adequate provisional restoration

should be placed over the orifices of the obturated
Techniques that use injecting or pumping or spiralling canals.
the obturation material in place have been found to be • Density of apical portion of fill: Apical portion of the canal
inadequate due to shrinkage from heated to cooled state, should appear radiodense without any gaps or voids
failure to compact or eliminate the voids and chances of filled with both—master cone as well as sealer and not
overfilling. radiodensity just due to sealer.

Calcium Phosphate Cement Obturation WHAT CAN GO WRONG IN OBTURATION?

• Harbert suggested that tricalcium phosphate can be Previous procedural errors such as ledge formation, canal
used as an apical plug, like the calcium hydroxide and blockage, improper instrumentation, etc. during cleaning
dentin shavings. Recently, calcium phosphate has been and shaping of root canal can cause poor obturation, as a
suggested as total root canal filling material. result of which there is persistent bacterial infection in the
• A simple mixture of calcium phosphates-one acidic root canal causing Endodontic failure.
(Dicalcium phosphate) and one basic (Tricalcium
phosphate), that sets to become a hardened mass-
hydroxyapatite has been developed. The final set,
calcium phosphate cement (CPC), consists of crystalline
material and its porosity is in direct ratio to the amount
of solvent used.
• It is radiopaque.
• It is insoluble in saliva and blood.
• It is soluble in strong acids in case if it needs to be
• The use of calcium phosphate as an obturation material Poor Obturation
is still under research and it may be thought to be a
replacement of calcium hydroxide for apexification. • Underfilling indicates voids or spaces occurring within
• Since hydroxyapatite is a naturally occurring product the obturation or laterally between the root canal filling
and bone grows into and eventually replaces extruded and the root canal walls.
material, this material is biologically acceptable. • Underextension indicates that the obturation has not
But it is still under clinical trial and not being used. extended till the apex.
Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) has been found to be Figures 16.34A to C show few examples of underfilled
an excellent root end filling material. and underextended obturation.
• “Overfilling” is total obturation of the root canal space
HOW SHOULD AN IDEAL OBTURATION BE? with excess material extruding beyond the apical
foramen (Ingle’s Endodontics, p.1054).
Criteria for radiographic evaluation of obturation include: It indicates that the canal has been densely obturated
• Length of root canal filling: Canal should appear filled and along with that there is extension of the root canal
from the level of canal orifice to about 0.5–1 mm short filling material beyond the apex. Usually, overfilled
of the radiographic apex. canals cause more postoperative discomfort than do
• Taper: Obturated root canal should reflect the original those filled to the Cemento-Dentinal Junction (CDJ).
canal shape. • ‘Sealer puff’:
• Width: Obturation should be equal in width to the width – This is not an error in obturation.
of the surrounding root dentin. – Surplus sealer extruded through the apical portal
• Rule of thirds: Root canals shaped and obturated of exit (POE) is referred to as sealer puff. Purposely
proportionate to the root diameter. overfilling to produce a periradicular ‘puff ’ has
• Density: Obturation should appear dense on radiograph. been advocated primarily by the proponents of the
There should be no voids in the obturation. softened gutta-percha technique.
• Removal of sealer: In anterior teeth, sealer should be – The ‘puff ’ or ‘button’ is designed in order to
removed to the facial cemento-enamel junction (CEJ) compensate for shrinkage of filling by pulling down
and to the canal orifice in posterior teeth. tightly against the apex.
Obturation of Root Canal System 309

– This is generally acceptable and may be well- It is recommended that the postobturation coronal
tolerated in the periradicular tissues in case of restoration such as bonded core built-up material
biocompatible sealers and various studies and be placed as soon as possible after obturation and
research shows that it does not affect the osseous preferably at the obturation appointment itself to
repair and healing. prevent any coronal leakage.
– In fact it is believed that the apical puff is an indicator • It has been found that microleakage can occur through
that the gutta-percha has been densely packed into well-obturated canals if proper seal has not been
the apical preparation and that all of the aberrations, achieved with an appropriate coronal restoration. Thus,
as well as lateral and accessory canals of the root coronal seal plays an important role in maintaining the
canal system have been cleansed and filled. Figure apically sealed environment.
16.35 shows the postoperative radiograph of a Preventing coronal microleakage has significant
mandibular molar showing “sealer puff”. impact on long-term success of Endodontic therapy.
• Overextension indicates that the obturating material The importance of coronal seal by means of an
has extended and has got extruded beyond the apical appropriate coronal restoration placed over the canal
foramen but with the caveat that the canal has not been obturation is to prevent microleakage and subsequent
adequately filled and the apex has not been sealed. reinfection of the root canal system and the periapical
Thus, overextension may be associated with underfilled area for a successful Endodontic treatment.
canal, i.e. the canal may not have been adequately filled • Microleakage has been found to occur even with the
within its confines. permanent coronal restorations such as amalgam or

• Poor apical seal causes apical leakage, that is leakage
between root canal and periapical tissues.
• Poor coronal seal causes coronal leakage, that is leakage
from the oral cavity into the root canal.
Leakage adversely affects healing and repair and is the
main cause of Endodontic failures.


• If obturated canals are not protected with coronal
restoration over the orifices, leakage occurs in short
period of time. Magura et al. have found that obturated
canals exposed to oral cavity for more than 3 months
are considered to be contaminated and retreatment is Fig. 16.35  Postobturation radiograph of a mandibular molar
recommended for such cases. showing sealer ‘puff’. (Courtesy of Dr Roheet Khatavkar)

Figs 16.34A to C  Few examples of underextended obturation
310 Short Textbook of Endodontics

composite along with crown placed over the Endodontic

access cavities. So, it is necessary to enhance the coronal
In case of multivisit Endodontic therapy, the access
cavity or the pulp space must be closed with a temporary
cement or an interim restoration to provide coronal seal
in order to prevent contaminants such as bacteria, tissue
fluids and food particles from oral cavity into the pulp
• Properties of interim restoration/temporary cement:
– Should provide satisfactory coronal seal by
preventing marginal leakage
– Should be insoluble in oral fluids
– Should have enough strength to withstand
masticatory forces
– Should have antibacterial properties Fig. 16.36  Commercially available temporary filling material for
• Thickness of temporary cement: 4–5 mm. provisional seal in between appointments, it is noneugenol calcium
• If temporary restoration is required for more than hydroxide-based cement and has been found to provide good
one week, stronger/harder cement should be used or coronal seal (Courtesy of Mr Amar, Dr Dabholkar’s clinic)
soft cement should be covered with glass ionomer or
composite resin.
• Examples: IRM
Cavit It has been found that coronal microleakage is
Term prevented with placement of 1–2 mm of intracoronal
Coltosol barrier.
Figure 16.36 shows photograph of commercially Various materials that can be used for this purpose
available temporary filling material–COLTOSOL. include:
These have been discussed in Chapter 11: Endodontic • Flowable light cured composite resin
Armamentarium: Instruments, Materials and Devices. • Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA)
• Resin modified glass ionomer liner
Methods to Enhance the Coronal Seal • Dentin bonding agent
• Cements such as Cavit, IRM, Super EBA.
Placement of an appropriate intraorifice barrier between
the orifices of obturated canals and the permanent coronal
restoration can enhance the coronal seal and prevent the
penetration of micro-organisms into the obturated root 1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis:
canal system. Mosby; 2006.pp.358-91.
• Intraorifice barriers: “Materials placed 1–2 mm into the 2. Grossman L, Oliet S, Del Rio C. Endodontic Practice, 11th edn.
orifice of the canals or on the pulpal floor to serve as a Varghese Publication; 1991.pp.242-68.
3. Ingle, Bakland Endodontics, 5th edn. BC Decker-Elsevier. 2002.
barrier against the penetration of micro-organisms into pp.571-656.
the obturated root canal system, thereby enhancing the 4. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics, 6th edn.
coronal seal are called as intraorifice barriers.” BC Decker Inc, Hamilton; 2008.pp.1019-43, 1053-79.
Drugs or Medicaments


used in Endodontic

This chapter explains how Root canal treatment can be made comfortable, pain-free and successful
for the patient by appropriate management of patient’s fear, anxiety, pain and elimination of infection,
when present. It gives an overview of various drugs used in Endodontics.
  You must know
• How to Manage Fear and Anxiety in an Endodontic Patient?
• Which are the Drugs or medicaments used in Endodontics?

HOW TO MANAGE FEAR AND ANXIETY Examples of iatrosedative techniques include hypnosis,
IN AN ENDODONTIC PATIENT? audioanalgesia, biofeedback, etc.

Frequently in Endodontic practice, clinician comes

across  patients who have some kind of anxiety and fear
related to undergoing root canal treatment as given in
Figure 17.1.
Clinician must recognize patient’s dental fear for
following reasons:
• Unrecognized fear and stress can result in a medical
emergency situation such as syncope, hyperventilation,
bronchospasm, etc. on the dental chair, due to
catecholamine release into cardiovascular system.
• It prevents the cooperation from the patient.
• It acts as a barrier for the clinician to the delivery of
quality dental care.
• Ignoring fear will complicate Endodontic treatment
• Fear lowers the pain reaction threshold.
Once the clinician recognizes patient’s fears, appropriate
measures can be taken to manage it prior to and during the Most of the times, certain behavior approaches followed
root canal treatment procedure. by the clinician can effectively manage patient’s anxiety and
fear. Such an approach includes:
Iatrosedation • Explaining each step of root canal treatment procedure
before beginning it.
Dr Friedman formulated a term called ‘Iatrosedation’, • Inform the patient about the possible discomfort and
meaning relaxation of a patient by doctor’s behavior. how it can be managed.
312 Short Textbook of Endodontics

  →  Nonbenzodiazepines: Zolpidem
To be taken – The night prior to the planned appoint­
ment to ensure restful night’s sleep
– I n the morning, 1 hour prior to the
scheduled dental visit.
• Parenteral routes:
– Intravenous sedation → IV conscious sedation
with benzodiazepines
such as Midazolam
and/or Diazepam
– Intramuscular sedation → Not safe and controll­
able, so generally not
recommended for use
in dentistry
Fig. 17.1  Different kinds of fear that an Endodontic – Intranasal sedation → Not as controllable
patient may have as IV route, not
recommended for use
• Making local anesthetic injections comfortable and in dentistry.
atraumatic by
– Application of topical anesthetic at the site of
injection to avoid even the pain from the needle
– Slow administration of local anesthetic solution.

In few cases, behavioral intervention may not be effective
and pharmacologic management of anxiety needs to be
carried out.
This includes use of sedatives and tranquillizers that
can calm the patient without producing sleep, but may
cause drowsiness to some extent. They act by depressing
the central nervous system (CNS) and decreasing cortical
excitability decreasing the patient’s awareness and
distracting their minds from the dental procedure.
Minimal, moderate or deep sedation can be achieved For Management of Anxiety
as per the need with the help of drugs used for conscious
sedation. Inhalation, oral and parenteral routes such as Antianxiety drugs such as sedatives (discussed already).
intramuscular, intravenous and intranasal are the routes
of administration of CNS-depressant drugs. Inhalation and
For Effective Pain Control
oral routes are commonly used.
Local Anesthetics
Drugs Used for Sedation
Root canal treatment will not be possible without achieving
• Inhalation sedation  →  Uses N2O-O2 combination effective pain control. Effective local anesthesia helps
• Oral sedation  →  Benzodiazepines: Alprazolam achieve profound pain control.
Lorazepam Local anesthetic technique should be made “painless” and
Midazolam comfortable for the patient by:
Flurazepam • Use of topical anesthetics at the injection site.
Drugs or Medicaments used in Endodontic Treatment 313

2 % lidocaine with 1:1,00,000 epinephrine is the most

commonly used local anesthetic agent.
• Routes of administration of local anesthesia:

Primary injection Supplemental injection

techniques techniques

Mandibular anesthesia: • Intrapulpal anesthesia

• Inferior alveolar nerve • Intraligamentary
block (IANB) anesthesia
• Alternate injection • Intraosseous
techniques: anesthesia
–  Infiltration
–  Incisive nerve block
Fig. 17.2  Local anesthetic armamentarium –  Gow-Gates and Vazirani-
(Courtesy of Mr Amar, Dr Dabholkar’s clinic)    Akinosi technique
Maxillary anesthesia:
• Infiltration
Figure 17.2 shows photograph of commercially • Alternative injection techniques:
available topical anesthetic spray (LIGNOX) and other local – Posterior superior alveolar nerve block (PSANB)
anesthetic armamentarium. – Infraorbital nerve block
• Slow administration of anesthetic (Slow injection is – Palatal-anterior superior alveolar nerve block
less painful and has higher anesthesia success rate as (P-ASA)
compared to rapid injection). – Anterior middle superior alveolar (AMSA) nerve
• Classification of local anesthetics: block
– Second division nerve block

Mandibular Anesthesia
For the mandibular anterior teeth, infiltration technique of
anesthesia can be quite effective. A combination of labial
and lingual infiltration is to be administered.
For the mandibular posterior teeth, inferior alveolar
nerve block has to be administered. But it is not always
successful due to various factors such as inaccurate
positioning of needle, improper technique, accessory
path of innervation, tooth with preoperative pain and
inflammation, needle deflection, cross innervation, etc.
• Onset: Onset of pulpal anesthesia with infiltration occurs
in 5–7 minutes and with inferior alveolar nerve block
occurs in 10–15 minutes in most cases.
• Duration: Effect of anesthesia lasts for approximately
1–2½ hours with 2% lidocaine with 1:1,00,000
When IANB is not successful, alternate or supplemental
injection techniques are indicated.

Alternative Techniques
Such as Gow-Gates and Vazirani-Akinosi do not replace
the conventional inferior alveolar nerve block but may be
314 Short Textbook of Endodontics

indicated in certain selected cases. For example, Vazirani- anesthetic delivery system such as Wand or
Akinosi block for limited mandibular opening, incisive nerve CompuDent®.
block for premolar teeth. • Intraosseous injection:
– It delivers the local anesthetic solution directly
Supplemental Techniques into the cancellous bone adjacent to the tooth to
be anesthesized. Figure 17.4 demonstrates the
After an inferior alveolar nerve block, when profound lip intraosseous injection.
numbness has developed but patient still experiences – Commercially available intraosseous systems
pain upon Endodontic access, supplemental injection include:
techniques are indicated rather than repeating the IANB - The stabident system
which are follows: - The X-tip system
• Intraligamentary injection: - The intra-flow system
– Traditional or pressure syringe can be used with 25, – Drawback is moderate to severe pain during
27 or 30 gauge needle. perfo­ration and deposition of solution especially
– Injection under strong back pressure to force the in teeth with irreversible pulpitis as compared to
solution into marrow spaces is the most important asymptomatic teeth.
factor for anesthetic success with intraligamentary – Site of injection is distal to the tooth to be anesthetized
injection. except for maxillary and mandibular second molars,
– About 0.2 mL of solution can be delivered with each where the site of injection is mesial to the tooth.
mesial and distal injection. Figure 17.3 demonstrates Perforation is made in attached gingival or alveolar
the intraligamentary injection. There is immediate mucosa where the cortical bone is thinner and allows
onset of anesthesia and if still not adequate, injection at a site equidistant between adjacent root
reinjection is indicated. structures.
– The drawback of this technique is moderate to – Onset of anesthesia with intraosseous injection is
severe pain during injection especially in teeth with almost immediate.
irreversible pulpitis as compared to normal teeth – Transient tachycardia has been reported to occur for
and possibility of postoperative pain that may last 3–4 minutes after intraosseous injection.
for 14–72 hours after injection. – There is possibility of moderate pain on
– Recent technology for intraligamentary supplemental a postoperative day but less as compared to
injection makes use of computer-assisted local intraligamentary injection.

Fig. 17.3  Intraligamentary injection Fig. 17.4  Intraosseous injection

Drugs or Medicaments used in Endodontic Treatment 315

– There can be swelling or exudate for few weeks after Most commonly used primary injection technique for
injection. maxillary teeth anesthesia is infiltration with 1.8 mL of 2%
• Intrapulpal injection: lidocaine with 1:1,00,000 epinephrine.
– In case of mandibular posterior teeth, in spite Onset of anesthesia occurs in 5–7 minutes and duration
of inferior alveolar nerve block and repeated of action is approximately 20–30 minutes for anterior teeth
supplemental intraosseous injections, if pain persists and 30–45 minutes for posterior teeth.
during Endodontic access, the intrapulpal injection It has been found that increasing the volume of 2%
is indicated. Figure 17.5 demonstrates intrapulpal lidocaine with 1:1,00,000 epinephrine to 3.6 mL can increase
injection. the duration of pulpal anesthesia.
– Onset of anesthesia is immediate and the technique • Alternative maxillary injection techniques:
does not require any special syringe or needles. – Posterior superior alveolar (PSA) nerve block: To
Duration of action is less (about 15–20 minutes) anesthetize some first molars and all second and
– But the major drawback is moderate to severe third molars.
pain during injection as the needle placement and – Infraorbital nerve block: To anesthetize first and
injection are directly into a vital and very sensitive second premolars and the lip, but not the central or
pulp. lateral incisors.
– It produces profound anesthesia if it is given under – Second division nerve block: (High tuberosity
backpressure. approach): To anesthetize the pulps of molar teeth
– If the anesthetic solution is deposited passively and about 50% of the second premolars.
into the pulp chamber, the solution will not diffuse – Palatal-anterior superior alveolar (ASA) nerve
throughout the pulp and hence is ineffective. block: To anesthetize maxillary incisors and canines
bilaterally. Anesthetic solution is deposited into the
Maxillary Anesthesia incisive canal.
– Anterior middle superior alveolar (AMSA) nerve
Clinically, it is easier to achieve maxillary anesthesia than block: To anesthetize maxillary central and lateral
mandibular anesthesia. incisors, canine and first and second premolars.
Anesthetic solution is deposited palatally at a point
that bisects the premolars and lies halfway between the
midpalatine raphe and the crest of free gingival margin.

Evaluation of Anesthesia
To confirm whether anesthesia has acted, following
methods are used:
• Questioning the patient:
– Does the area feel numb?
– Do you feel any kind of heaviness or tingling?
• Using a sharp explorer for soft-tissue testing. There will
be no mucosal response if anesthesia has acted.
The pulpal anesthesia of the tooth under treatment is
– By application of cold refrigerant (cold test) or
– By using an electric pulp tester.
If profound anesthesia is not achieved after an
initial injection, then supplemental injection is
Fig. 17.5  Intrapulpal injection indicated.
316 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Analgesics • Drug interaction

NSAIDs interact with number of drugs such as:
– Anticoagulants
– ACE inhibitors
– b-blockers
– Cyclosporine
– Digoxin
• Dosage: Ibuprofen 200 mg, 400 mg, 600 mg.
400 mg and 600 mg doses of ibuprofen produce
greater levels of analgesia.
NSAIDs can be considered as a primary class of
analgesics for treating acute inflammatory pain due to
surgical or nonsurgical procedures.
• Research has found that: Since NSAIDs reduce the levels
of prostaglandins in inflamed tissue, they can increase
the effectiveness of local anesthetics if given 1 hour prior
to anesthetic administration.
Non-narcotic Analgesics Further research is needed on this finding.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Produce analgesic
and anti-inflammatory effect. Acetaminophen:
• Mechanism: Inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) • Useful for mild to moderate pain.
• Classification: • Lesser side effects than aspirin and other NSAIDs.
Acetaminophen can be used in patients for whom
NSAIDs are contraindicated.
• Mechanism of action is unknown.
• Acetaminophen and opioid combination drugs
(Acetamino­p hen 600–650 mg/codeine 60 mg) are
alternative for patients unable to take NSAIDs.

Opioid Analgesics
• They are potent analgesics effective for moderate to
severe pain.
• Mechanism of action: Opioids activate mu receptors that
• Ibuprofen is considered the prototype of contemporary are located at important sites in brain
NSAIDS. It can inhibit both COX 1 and COX 2 enzymes, ↓
so it can be termed as “mixed COX” inhibitor, more so, Inhibition of transmission of nociceptive signals from
that of COX 1 enzyme. trigeminal nucleus to higher brain centers.
• Blockade of COX 1 can have gastrointestinal adverse • Opioids are not anti-inflammatory.
effects such as ulcers. Blockade of COX 2 can have • Adverse effects: Nausea, dizziness, drowsiness,
cardiovascular adverse effects such as thrombotic constipation, respiratory depression, tolerance and
events. dependence with chronic use.
• NSAIDs are very effective in managing pain of • Due to numerous side effects, opioids are usually
inflammatory origin. used in combination with other analgesics to manage
• Adverse effects: Endodontic pain. Opioid analgesics are used in
– Ceiling effect that limits the maximal level of combination with acetaminophen, aspirin or ibuprofen.
– GIT side effects Corticosteroids
– CNS side effects (Dizziness, headache) • Not routinely used.
• Contraindications: NSAIDs are contraindicated in • Mechanism : Glucocorticoids reduce the acute
patients with ulcers and aspirin hypersensitivity. inflammatory response
Drugs or Medicaments used in Endodontic Treatment 317

– by inhibiting the formation of arachidonic acid, and draining sinus tract or localized fluctuant swellings,
– by suppressing vas odilatation, migration etc. can be effectively managed without the use
of polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocytes and of antibiotics. They can be effectively managed by
phagocytosis analgesics and combination of
↓ – Appropriate Endodontic procedure along with
Thus, they block the cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipo- – Use of intracanal medicament in few cases and
oxygenase (LOX) pathways – Occlusal reduction (Bite relief )
↓ Systemically administered antibiotics cannot
Blocking synthesis of prostaglandins and leukotrienes substitute timely Endodontic treatment. Chemo­
↓ mechanical debridement of the infected root canal
Pain control system and incision and drainage if there is swelling,
• Steroids have been used in the past as: usually begins the healing process in case of a normal
– Pulp capping agent healthy patient. Incision and drainage provides pathway
– Intracanal medicament alone or in combination with for removal of inflammatory mediators and helps
antibiotics/antihistaminics prevent further spread of cellulitis.
– Systemic administration to decrease pain and • Use of antibiotics in Endodontics is controversial in
inflam­mation in Endodontic patients certain cases due to various reasons such as:
• Steroids have been found to be more effective in pain – Overprescribing of antibiotics, in cases where not
from pulpal necrosis with associated radiolucency indicated can result in bacterial resistance and
compared to pain from irreversible pulpitis because patient sensitization.
necrosis with periapical radiolucency has a more – Sometimes, severe pain may be from a vital tooth
complex chronic inflammatory process. where bacteria are not a causative factor, where
• Dosage: 6–8 mg of dexamethasone or 40 mg of methyl- antibiotics are not needed.
prednisolone can be given by an intraoral IM injection
or an intraosseous injection for the adult patient for Antibiotics commonly used in dentistry
significant post-treatment pain relief. • Penicillins:
– Effective against both facultative and anaerobic
For Prevention or Elimination of Infection micro­o rganisms associated with polymicrobial
Endodontic infections.
Antibiotics – Mechanism of action: Inhibition of cell wall synthesis
during multiplication of microorganisms. Exerts
Not all Endodontic cases require antibiotics. bactericidal action.
• Conditions that require adjunctive antibiotics: – 1g of penicillin VK can be orally administered
1. a. Cases with show signs of systemic involvement followed by 500 mg every 4–6 hours.
such as fever, malaise, lymphadenopathy, – Amoxicillin 1 g—as a loading dose can be very
trismus, etc. effective to treat infections followed by 500 mg every
  Acute alveolar abscess is the condition which 8 hours.
may show such systemic involvement and • Clavulanate:
will need antibiotic treatment in addition to – It causes competitive inhibition of beta-lactamase.
debridement of root canal and drainage of any – Clavulanate + amoxicillin (Augmentin) combination
accumulated purulence. is very useful in Endodontic infections. This
b. Progressive infections—increased swelling, combination is effective in immunocompromised
cellulitis, osteomyelitis. patients also.
c. Persistent infections • Erythromycin and other macrolides:
2. Prophylactic antibiotics are prescribed in medically – Mainly used in patients allergic to penicillin
compromised patients to prevent infection. – Not effective against anaerobes associated with
3. Surgical Endodontics Endodontic infections
• Conditions that do not require adjunctive Endodontics: – Clarithromycin and azithromycin are other
Most of the infections of Endodontic origin, such macrolides with some advantages over erythromycin.
as symptomatic irreversible pulpitis or apical – Dosage: Clarithomycin 250–500 mg every 12 hours
periodontitis, necrotic teeth with radiolucency or a for 6–10 days
318 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 17.6  A mind-map to remember the drugs used in Endodontics

Drugs or Medicaments used in Endodontic Treatment 319

Azithromycin loading dose: 500 mg followed by Prophylactic antibiotics are recommended for both non-
250 mg daily. surgical and surgical Endodontic procedures in patients
– These antimicrobials can block the metabolism of with cardiac conditions who are at risk of developing
anticoagulant drugs like warfarin causing serious bacterial endocarditis.
bleeding in patients undergoing anticoagulation
therapy. Intracanal Irrigants and Disinfectants
• Clindamycin: Such as sodium hypochloride, EDTA, chlorhexidine, etc. are
– Effective against both facultative and strict anaerobic the agents used during root canal treatment for debridement
bacteria associated with Endodontic infections and cleansing of infected root canal of all necrotic debris
– Dose is 600 mg loading dose followed by 300 mg and for removal of smear layer.
every 6 hours. Discussed in detail in Chapter 15: Disinfection of the
• Metronidazole: Root Canal System.
– Effective against anaerobic bacteria. A mind-map to remember the drugs used in Endodontics
– Can be combined with penicillin to treat severe or is given in Figure 17.6.
persistent Endodontic infections.
– Patients taking metronidazole should not consume BIBLIOGRAPHY
alcohol during therapy and atleast 3 days afterward
to prevent disulfiram type of reaction. 1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis:
Mosby; 2006. pp.597-9, pp.668-90, pp.691-723.
• Cephalosporins:Usually not indicated for treating 2. Grossman L, Oliet S, Del Rio C. Endodontic Practice, 11th edn.
Endodontic infections. Varghese publication; 1991.pp.1-18.
• Doxycycline: May be occasionally prescribed when the 3. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics, 6th edn.
above antibiotics are contraindicated. BC Decker Inc, Hamilton; 2008.pp.690-709.
• Ciprofloxacin : May be indicated in persistent

Single Visit Endodontics

This chapter tells you about the concept of single visit Endodontics (SVE), which has become quite
popular these days and guides you to the proper case selection for the same.
  You must know
• What is Single Visit Endodontics?
• What is the Rationale for SVE?
• What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of SVE?
• What are the Possible Indications and Contraindications of SVE?
• What are the Factors to be Considered for Case Selection for Doing SVE?
• What has Held Back SVE?


Single visit Endodontics (SVE) means one-appointment
root canal therapy. Advantages
It involves access opening, cleaning, shaping and
disinfection of a root canal system followed by obturation For dentist: 3 Es For patient: 3 Cs
of the root canal at the same appointment. • Efficiency: Immediate familiarity • Comfort: No repeated local
This is not a new concept. It has been reported in with particular patient’s root anesthetic injections, no
canal anatomy, canal shape additional appointment visits
literature over 100 years back. But, there is still ongoing
and contour facilitates effective
controversy among clinicians regarding the merits of a obturation
single-visit or multivisit approach to Endodontic treatment. •  Errors reduced: • Complete treatment in the same
  – Errors in working length due visit: Root canal therapy is
to loss of reference point as a completed in one appointment
WHAT IS THE RATIONALE FOR SVE? result of fracture or occlusal thus eliminating leakage and
• Removal of the normal or inflamed pulp tissue and grinding in case of flare-ups bacterial contamination that
during multiple visits, are could result in mid-treatment
performing cleaning, shaping and obturation of the root reduced flare-ups
canal under aseptic conditions in the same appointment   – Risk of bacterial leakage
should result in successful outcome because of absence beyond temporary coronal
of bacterial contamination. seal in between appointments
• Obturation of the well cleaned and shaped root canal
in the same visit completely eliminates the risk of • Economics: Use of lesser • Cost: Reduced cost of treatment
materials and lesser clinical time due to lesser number of visits
microbial contamination as a result of leakage beyond compared to multiple visits of
a temporary coronal seal during the period between same patient, gives economic
patient visits. benefit
Single Visit Endodontics 321

Disadvantages • Anatomic anomalies such as calcified or fine tortuous

Remember F2D2 canals
Fatigue Flare-up Disinfectant Difficult • Patients with TMJ disorders who are unable to keep their
• Fatigue: mouth open for long duration
– Clinician fatigue with extended one-appointment • Symptomatic/Painful nonvital teeth and no sinus tract
operating time. for drainage.
– Patient fatigue: Keeping mouth open for long Thus
duration. • Whenever possible, single visit Endodontic treatment
• Flare-ups: If flare-up happens to occur, access is difficult is desirable for vital teeth for several reasons, including
to the apical canal. It is easier to establish drainage in a less post-treatment pain.
tooth which is not obturated. • When patient presents with acute symptoms due to pulp
• Disinfectant: No opportunity to place an intracanal necrosis and acute periradicular abscess, obturation is
medicament such as calcium hydroxide which serves delayed until the patient is asymptomatic.
as a good disinfectant and facilitates healing in case of • Difficult cases may require more time for treatment. So,
multivisit regimen. multiple appointments may be needed to manage those
• Difficult cases: Difficult Endodontic cases such as the more uneventfully.
ones with curved, calcified, very fine or multiple canals
may not be effectively treated in a single visit. WHAT ARE THE FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED
Factors to be considered for case selection for doing SVE
Indications 1. Clinician’s skills and speed: Clinician should have the
ability to perform all the steps of root canal treatment
Remember the sentence: in single visit, in short duration of time without
compromising the quality of treatment.
Patients Requiring Single Visit Endodontic Treatment
2. Positive patient acceptance and cooperation: Patient’s
Physically Restorative Sedation Vital Esthetic Tract cooperation is needed if all steps of root canal treatment
compromised reason Systemic concern have to be effectively completed in single visit. In
problem patients with TMJ problems, limited mouth opening,
gaggers, SVE should be avoided.
• Uncomplicated Vital teeth (Most important indication) 3. Difficulty of case: Number of roots, anatomic inter­
• Nonvital teeth with sinus Tract ferences like curved, calcified or fine canals should be
• Elective/Prophylactic Root Canal Treatment for considered. Complicated cases may require multiple
Restorative reasons (Intentional RCT) visits.
• Physically compromised patients who cannot come on 4. Anatomic variations: Additional canals can be present
multiple visits in the teeth than the usual number. Clinician should
• Patients with Systemic problems who require antibiotic always look for those and not rush to obturate the usual
prophylaxis before every visit canals. Teeth with anatomic aberrations are not suitable
• Patients who require Sedation during every visit for SVE.
• Traumatized anterior teeth where Esthetics is a concern 5. Status of pulp: Vital or nonvital.
SVE is indicated in uncomplicated vital teeth because
Contraindications of less chances of flare-ups as compared to nonvital
Single visit Endodontics cannot be performed in: teeth.
(Remember P2A2RTS) 6. Accessibility: Good accessibility and visibility will be
• Acute apical Periodontitis with severe pain on helpful to complete all steps of root canal treatment in
percussion single visit.
• Acute Alveolar abscess 7. Time available to complete a case: Sufficient time should
• Retreatment cases be available with both, the clinician and the patient for
• Nonvital teeth with Periapical radiolucencies SVE.
322 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 18.1  Mind-map to remember all factors to be considered for SVE case selection

8. Clinical symptoms: SVE cannot be done in case of acute WHAT HAS HELD BACK SVE?
symptoms such as severe pain, tenderness, swelling,
continuous hemorrhage or exudation. The fear of postoperative pain and the fear of failure of
9. Periapical pathology: Teeth with acute alveolar abscess SVE are the reasons why few clinicians prefer multivisit
or a chronic apical lesion visible on radiograph should approach over SVE. Also, lack of adequate time to do SVE
not be treated in single visit. Multiple appointments with and lack of skills and speed may hold back the clinicians
an intracanal medicament may be needed in such cases. from doing SVE.
Figure 18.1 shows a mind-map to remember all There is still ongoing controversy about SVE regarding
factors to be considered for SVE case selection. postoperative pain, flare-ups and healing rate after SVE as
Single visit Endodontics can be a beneficial treatment compared to multivisit approach.
modality provided there is:
• Accurate diagnosis
1. Grossman L, Oliet S, Del Rio C. Endodontic Practice, 11th edn.
• Careful case selection Varghese Publication; 1991.pp.349-50.
• Adherence to standard Endodontic principles 2. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics 6, 6th edn.
• Clinician’s skill in technique. BC Decker Inc, Hamilton; 2008.pp.21-25.

Endodontic Emergencies
and Midtreatment Flare-ups
This chapter describes in detail the various emergency conditions that may be encountered in
Endodontic practice, so that the clinician can identify them and provide prompt treatment because
prognosis of an emergency procedure depends on:
– Clinician’s ability to do correct diagnosis
– Clinician’s ability to deliver optimal emergency treatment.
  You must know
• What is an Endodontic Emergency?
• What is Meant by the Terms ‘Hot Tooth’ and ‘ERCO’?
• How to make Correct Diagnosis in Case of Endodontic Emergencies?
• How do we Classify Endodontic Emergencies?
• Endodontic Emergencies in Detail
• Endodontic Emergencies before Treatment
• Interappointment Endodontic Emergencies
• Endodontic Emergencies after Treatment

WHAT IS AN ENDODONTIC EMERGENCY? emergency to control patient anxiety. The clinician must
As the name suggests, Endodontic Emergency is the accurately diagnose the origin of pain or other symptoms,
occurrence of severe pain or swelling or discomfort as quickly as possible and then attempt to provide speedy
of sudden onset associated with pathosis in pulp and and effective relief of symptoms.
periradicular tissues (Endodontic) or traumatic injuries, After all, for a clinician, effective pain relief builds up
which should be addressed immediately (Emergency) to good dental practice and also gives lot of job satisfaction.
give relief to the patient.
Endodontic Emergency can be defined as the condition WHAT IS MEANT BY THE TERMS
associated with severe pain and/or swelling caused by ‘HOT TOOTH’ AND ‘ERCO’?
pathosis in the pulp or periapical tissues or traumatic • ‘Hot tooth’ is the term used for the painful tooth and
injuries, requiring an unscheduled visit for immediate initial therapy for hot tooth refers to the treatment that
diagnosis and treatment. needs to be done to give relief from pain during an
It has been found that one-third of all dental emergencies emergency visit.
are Endodontic with ‘pain’ as the major symptom in most • The ERCO means emergency root canal opening, that
of them. is initiation of Endodontic treatment immediately to
An Endodontic emergency can be an unscheduled carry out pulpotomy or pulpectomy and even root canal
intrusion when the clinician is involved in his routine preparation in few cases.
practice. As the clinician sees the patient’s discomfort and Cases requiring an emergency root canal opening
apprehension, he may feel tempted to rush through the (ERCO):
diagnosis and provide prompt treatment. However, in no • Emergency-type pain from an odontogenic origin often
circumstances, the urgency of the situation precludes a comes-on quickly, i.e. Spontaneous.
thorough clinical evaluation of the patient. Reassurance of (Seldom, something that has been present for several
the patient is the first step in management of an Endodontic months).
324 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• A true Endodontic emergency awakens the patient from – Subjective examination: Careful questioning is
sleep. the most important aspect of diagnosis in case of
The patient can be disoriented from lack of sleep or Endodontic emergencies. Questions relate to onset
ingestion of analgesics. of pain, location, intensity, duration, character,
• Pain of odontogenic origin is usually acute in onset and aggravating and relieving factors, etc. Careful
severe. questioning usually provides important information
Irreversible inflammation of pulp or infection of pulp about the source of pain, whether it is pulpal or
that has affected the periapical area periradicular (Pain elicited by thermal stimuli or pain
↓ that is referred indicates pulp is the likely source of
Acute periapical periodontitis or abscess pain; pain that occurs on tooth contact or while biting
↓ and is well-localized indicates periapical pathology).
Acute pain Subjective examination helps to arrive at a tentative
• When inflammation spreads to the periodontal ligament diagnosis, objective examination and radiographic
and surrounding osseous structures findings are used for confirmation.
↓ – Objective examination: It includes careful extraoral
Pain intensifies and localizes. and intraoral examination of oral soft and hard
Due to higher innervations of proprioceptors in the PDL, tissues. Note the presence of deep carious lesion in
pain is easier to localize. the tooth, any related swelling, defective restorations,
Often, potent analgesics are not adequate to control fractures, etc.
Endodontic pain which can awaken the person from sleep. - Pulp vitality tests: Thermal tests for reaction to
Odontogenic pain is eliminated with Endodontic treatment heat and cold and electric pulp test indicate
(root canal treatment) or tooth extraction. the pulp status. To identify the offending tooth,
repeat the tests with the stimulus that patient
HOW TO MAKE CORRECT DIAGNOSIS IN reports subjectively. For example, cold test will
CASE OF ENDODONTIC EMERGENCIES? reproduce the pain of same type and magnitude
• Differentiation of ‘emergency’ and ‘urgency’: A true as related by the patient.
‘Emergency’ is a condition that requires an unscheduled - Periradicular tests include palpation over the
visit with diagnosis and treatment. The visit cannot apex, digital pressure or light percussion of the
be rescheduled due to severity of the problem. A true teeth with butt end of mirror handle and selective
emergency disrupts patient’s activities, sleep or quality biting on an object such as cotton swab or tooth
of life and has rarely been severe for more than few hours slooth. Percussion is an important test as it
to 1–2 days. Analgesics usually do not relieve the pain determines whether inflammation has extended
of true emergency. A rule of true emergency is that one to the periapical tissues.
tooth is the offender, which is the source of pain. - Periodontal examination: Probing helps to
‘Urgency’ indicates a less severe problem. So the visit differentiate Endodontic from periodontal disease.
can be scheduled as per the convenience of the patient A periodontal abscess can simulate acute apical
and the dentist. abscess. But the important differentiating point
• System of diagnosis: In the presence of severe pain, is that the pulp is usually vital in case of localized
patient may provide information and responses that are periodontal abscess whereas acute apical abscess
exaggerated and inaccurate. Such patients tend to be is related to an unresponsive (necrotic) pulp.
apprehensive and may be confused. Before any treatment – Radiographic examination: Although, radiographs
is given, it is important to make correct diagnosis in are quite useful in deciding on correct emergency
order to avoid giving wrong treatment which will further treatment when minimal time is available to gain
complicate the problem. So a systematic approach should pain relief, but the tendency to rely too much on
be followed which includes obtaining medical and dental radiographs may lead to unfortunate consequences.
history and careful clinical and radiographic examination Intraoral periapical radiographs and bitewing
and use of other diagnostic aids. radiographs may detect presence of interproximal
– Medical history: Presence of any medical problem and recurrent caries, pulpal exposure, presence
and any medications that the patient is taking should or absence of periapical lesion, thickening of
be recorded. periodontal ligament, etc.
– Dental history: Patient’s last dental visit or any recent
dental treatment should be recorded.
Endodontic Emergencies and Midtreatment Flare-ups 325

HOW DO WE CLASSIFY ENDODONTIC EMERGENCIES? Weine’s Classification of the Conditions Requiring

Endodontic Emergency Treatment


• Pulp and periradicular conditions:

– Acute pulpitis
– Acute pulpitis with apical periodontitis
– Pulp necrosis
– Acute periapical abscess
• Dental traumatic injuries:
Classification of Endodontic Emergencies – Crown fracture without pulp exposure
(According to P Carrotte) – Crown fracture with vital pulp exposure
– Crown fracture with necrotic pulp exposure
– Horizontal root fracture
– Avulsed teeth.

• Apical periodontitis secondary to treatment
• Incomplete removal of pulp tissue
• Recrudescence of chronic apical periodontitis
• Recurrent periapical abscess.

Classification of Endodontic Emergencies

(By Walton and Torabinejad)
326 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Grossman’s Classification of Endodontic • There may be pain in the tooth on change of position of
Emergencies head.
• Acute reversible pulpitis • Involved tooth may have extensive restoration or deep
• Acute irreversible pulpitis caries.
• Acute alveolar abscess
• Emergencies during treatment related to trauma caused Causes
to periapical tissues due to over-instrumentation, • Presence of mediators of inflammation that lower the
extrusion of irrigants or chemicals beyond apex, over- threshold of stimulation of intrapulpal nerve fibers
filling. • Dental pulp develops allodynia and hyperalgesia
• Traumatic injury causing crown fracture, root fracture, • Thermal stimulation of A-delta nerve fibers causes
avulsion. lingering pain, stimulation of unmyelinated C-fibers
causes spontaneous, dull aching pain
ENDODONTIC EMERGENCIES IN DETAIL • Inflammatory process has progressed and has resulted
in irreversible pulpitis.
We will discuss the Endodontic emergencies under the
following categories: Diagnosis
• Pretreatment Endodontic emergencies: Made by visual and tactile inspection, diagnostic tests:
– Related to pathosis of pulp and periradicular tissues thermal, electric pulp tests, radiographic examination.
- Acute irreversible pulpitis The findings that pain coming from a vital pulp in a
- Acute pulpitis with acute apical periodontitis tooth without tenderness to percussion establishes that
- Gangrenous necrosis of pulp inflammation has not involved the periapical tissues.
- Acute alveolar abscess Radiographically, there is no change from normal in the
– Related to traumatic injuries: periapical tissues. However, radiograph may show some
- Crown or root fracture cause of pulp inflammation such as deep caries, extensive
- Tooth avulsion restoration, etc.
• Interappointment emergencies:
– Hyperocclusion Management
– Pain related to incomplete removal of pulp • A tooth with irreversible pulpitis presents as a true
– Recrudescence of a chronic apical periodontitis emergency and emergency root canal opening
– Midtreatment flare-ups (ERCO) needs to be carried out to alleviate patient’s
– Irrigant-related mishaps—Sodium hypochlorite pain. Complete removal of pulp and total cleaning
accidents and shaping of the root canal system is the treatment
– Tissue emphysema of choice for emergency irreversible pulpitis, if time
• Postobturation emergencies: permits.
– Overinstrumentation and overfilling But if there are time constraints, then pulpotomy
– Hyperocclusion/high restoration (total pulp tissue removal) from pulp chamber and
– Crown or root fracture partial pulpectomy from at least the largest root canal
– Underfilling. in case of molars (palatal or distal), should be done. This
can also provide pain relief. Root canal treatment can be
ENDODONTIC EMERGENCIES BEFORE completed in the next appointment.
TREATMENT • Relieving occlusion is not indicated in these cases
without periapical involvement.
Related to Pathosis of Pulp and • Since the irreversibly infamed pulp is still vital and
Periradicular Tissues immunocompetent, with the ability to resist bacterial
infection, antibiotics are not indicated in these cases.
Acute Irreversible Pulpitis
Signs and Symptoms Irreversible Pulpitis with Acute Apical Periodontitis
• Patient presents with spontaneous pain and exaggerated
response to hot or cold that lingers even after the Signs and Symptoms
stimulus is removed. • Discomfort to biting or chewing
• Severe pain that may even affect sleep. • Tooth is tender to percussion
Endodontic Emergencies and Midtreatment Flare-ups 327

• Both pulpal and periapical symptoms as the pulpal • In between visits, the canals can be medicated with
inflammation has spread to periradicular tissues calcium hydroxide to prevent bacterial regrowth.
• Pain is increased by heat (hot stimulus) and relieved by • Relieving occlusion reduces postoperative pain in teeth
cold (cold stimulus). In few cases, patient may arrive that exhibited pulp vitality, sensitivity to percussion and
in the clinic applying ice to the affected area or sipping preoperative pain.
a glass of ice water, saying that cold reduces pain and • Antibiotics are not needed. Analgesics may be prescribed
removal of cold causes return of symptoms. to be taken as and when required to relieve pain.
• In few cases, there may be sensitivity to both heat and
cold. Gangrenous Necrosis of the Pulp
Pulp necrosis is partial or total death of pulp following
• Inflammation of PDL due to:
inflammation or a traumatic injury in which pulp gets
– Extension of pulpal pathosis
destroyed before an inflammatory reaction takes place. As a
– Occlusal trauma
result, an ischemic infarction can develop which may cause
– Tissue damage
a dry-gangenous necrotic pulp.
• Pressure on the tooth gets transmitted to the fluid which
pushes on nerve endings of PDL resulting in pain
• Pressure build up in the PDL may cause elevation of
• Untreated symptomatic or asymptomatic irreversible
tooth out of its socket so the pain occurs when tooth
pulpitis progresses to necrosis.
comes in contact with the opposing tooth.
• Trauma.
Diagnosis Basically, injury to pulp by noxious stimuli such as
Pain on percussion is an important diagnostic test. bacterial, traumatic or chemical irritation can lead to
Inspection, radiographic examination and other diagnostic necrosis of pulp.
tests such as thermal or electric pulp vitality tests confirm
the diagnosis.
Widening of PDL space may be seen on radiograph.

• Complete extirpation of pulp and thorough cleaning
and shaping of root canals is preferred, if sufficient time
permits. In nonmolar teeth, this is usually possible. But
in case of molar teeth, if time does not permit complete
pulpectomy, then partial pulpectomy from the largest
canal is done.
• Achieving adequate anesthesia is sometimes a problem
in case of acute pulpitis with acute apical periodontitis
due to severe inflammation. More dosage of anesthetic
may be needed. In cases of severely inflamed pulp,
patient may still feel the sensitivity to access preparation,
even after good signs of paresthesia have been obtained.
Patient needs to be reassured and explained that severe
inflammation is preventing the anesthetic to attain full
effectiveness and requested to endure the discomfort Diagnosis
for few more minutes until the anesthetic can be directly • In some patients, there can be slow death of pulp
administered into the inflamed pulp tissue (Intrapulpal without any symptoms. Pulp necrosis rarely causes a
anesthesia under pressure), after which usually no true emergency.
further pain will be experienced. • In few cases, there may be a history of severe pain lasting
• In acute pulpitis with acute apical periodontitis, since from few minutes to few hours, followed by cessation of
the inflamed tissue is present in the apical portion of the pain completely.
root canal, performing only pulpotomy will not provide • Tooth is not sensitive to percussion or may become
relief of pain. mildly sensitive as the infection extends into PDL space.
328 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• Tooth may exhibit hypersensitivity to heat or sometimes Causes

even to the warmth of oral cavity. Such pain is often • It indicates breakdown of body’s immune system that
relieved by application of cold. This helps in localization failed to confine the microbes in the root canal system
of necrotic tooth. and resulted in passage of large numbers of bacteria past
• Diagnostic tests such as thermal and electric pulp tests: the apex causing periapical abscess
– No response to cold test • Local collection of purulent exudates
– No response to electric pulp test • Such an acute episode may result from:
– Response may be elicited to prolonged application – Irreversible pulpitis that progressed to pulp necrosis
of heat due to remnants of pulpal fluid or gases and extended to periapical tissues
expanding and extending into periapical region. – It can be exacerbation of chronic periapical lesion.
• Radiographic changes: This condition is referred to as Phoenix abscess.
– Large carious lesion may be seen. – It may be caused by a combined Endodontic-
– Thickening of PDL space or presence of periapical Periodontal lesion.
Treatment Diagnosis is based on clinical findings. Radiographic
• The treatment for pulp necrosis is thorough canal evidence of bone destruction may or may not be seen as
debridement fluids rapidly spread away from tooth. In case if it occurs as
• No anesthetic is necessary in most cases. an acute exacerbation of chronic lesion, periapical lesion
• Access cavity is prepared, sufficient enlargement of may be seen.
the canal and heavy irrigation (thorough cleaning and
shaping) is done to remove necrotic pulp tissue. Management
• Administration of local anesthetic may not be needed
Acute Alveolar Abscess since the pulp is necrotic. In fact, local anesthesia is
contraindicated in acutely inflamed tissue with infection
Acute alveolar abscess is localized collection of pus in the due to:
alveolar bone at the root apex of a tooth following pulp – Acidic pH
necrosis with the extension of the infection through the – Chances of dissemination of virulent micro-
apical foramen into the periapical tissue. organisms.
But to reduce the pain of acute alveolar abscess,
Clinical Features conduction anesthesia (such as inferior alveolar
• There may be swelling in the oral mucosa of the involved nerve block in mandible or infraorbital nerve block
tooth. in maxilla) can be administered so long as the route
• The affected tooth may be tender to touch and of injection is distant from inflamed area.
percussion and may also be slightly mobile. • Diagnostic test such as ‘test cavity’ is of value in these
• There would be discomfort due to swelling but cases as:
generalized pain may be absent. – It tests for any remaining vital pulp tissue in the
• In some patients, pain is present before swelling occurs tooth
as the toxic products build up pressure. But once the – It initiates emergency therapy quickly as the pulp
bone is perforated, the exudates expand to the soft chamber can be penetrated quickly and painlessly
tissues and pain may be relieved or lessened. without any delay.
• Severe local reaction may be associated with general • Pain may occur during access cavity preparation due to
reaction due to systemic involvement with signs such tooth movement resulting from vibration of rotating bur.
as: So, the tooth should be stabilized by bracing the tooth
– Elevated temperature with finger pressure.
– Malaise • Once the roof of pulp chamber is removed, in many
– Nausea cases, drainage will occur immediately, with a bloody
– Dizziness and/or purulent exudates discharging through the
– Symptoms related to continuous pain and lack of access opening.
sleep. • Debride the pulp chamber and irrigate profusely.
Endodontic Emergencies and Midtreatment Flare-ups 329

• Then carry out debridement and cleaning and completion of apexogenesis. At the intervals of 3 to 6
shaping of the root canals after correct working length months, radiographs are taken to evaluate the degree
determination to confine the instruments in the root of apical development.
canal. – In case if the pulp is found to be nonvital and
• Antibiotics may be prescribed if indicated. Usually if the apical closure has not occurred, then apexification
patient is febrile and minimal drainage has occurred, procedure needs to be done after cessation of acute
an antibiotic should be prescribed. But when sufficient symptoms.
drainage has been established and patient is afebrile, • Root fracture: May present as an Endodontic emergency.
no antibiotic coverage is needed. Classification
• Analgesics may be taken as and when required.
• The tooth should be slightly disoccluded if it is extruded
from its socket.

Related to Traumatic Injuries

Sometimes, patients with traumatic injuries to the teeth will
present as a dental emergency which will require immediate
management. Traumatic injuries and their management
has been explained in detail in Chapter 24: Management
of Dental Traumatic Injuries. Emergency Endodontic
treatment may be required as a result of traumatic injury Signs and Symptoms
such as a crown fracture, root fracture, luxation or tooth • Spontaneous dull pain or pain on mastication
avulsion. • Tooth mobility may be present
Emergency treatment in case of traumatic injuries, may • There can be presence of sinus tracts, osseous defects
be complicated due to presence of local edema, bleeding or periodontal type abscesses.
or other consequences of the accident. Also, it is difficult Typical signs of vertical root fracture:
to evaluate the pulpal status using the diagnostic aids as in • Alveolar bone loss buccal to the affected root (J-shaped
most impact injuries, a temporary paresthesia of the nerves bone loss)
to the pulp occurs due to trauma. • Deep osseous defect and a sinus tract located near the
cervical area of the tooth.
Fractured Crown or Root
• Crown fracture without pulp exposure:
Vertical root fracture (VRF) is commonly associated with
– If only a small portion of Enamel is chipped off,
Endodontically treated teeth.
smoothen the jagged edge (Enameloplasty) to
prevent irritation to the tongue and the lips.
– If a fragment of crown shears off but the pulp is not
exposed: Put a sedative cement dressing and cement
a stainless steel band in place.
– The fractured tooth should be checked with
radiographs and the pulp tests before any extensive
permanent restoration is placed.
• Crown fracture with pulp exposure:
– If a fragment of crown shears off and the pulp is
exposed: A stainless steel band is cemented in place
and Endodontic treatment is performed.
– Before initiating the Endodontic treatment, it is
important to determine the presence or absence of
apical closure using radiograph.
– If the apical closure has not occurred, then pulpotomy
is performed to keep apical pulp tissue unimpeded for
330 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Diagnosis Tooth Avulsion

Diagnosis of root fracture can be challenging.
• Based on clinical signs and radiographic findings. In case of patient who gets an avulsed tooth to the
• An exploratory surgical procedure may be necessary dentist, the conditions at the emergency visit will have an
to visualize the vertical root fracture that can show the important effect on the steps to be taken at subsequent
characteristic features: visits.
– Deep osseous defect The replacement of tooth that has been removed from
– Cervically located sinus tract the alveolar socket either intentionally or by trauma, is called
– Typical bone loss upon exploratory surgery. Replantation.
• Radiographically, a ‘hair like’ fracture line may be seen Most important parameter that influences emergency
or there may be evidence of separation of root fragments treatment of an avulsed tooth is the duration of time, it has
seen as a large radiolucency surrounding the bone been out of the socket. The longer the luxated tooth is out of
between the roots. its socket, the less likely it will remain in a healthy, functional
Figures 19.1 and 19.2 show radiographs showing state after replantation. The sooner the replantation, better
horizontal and vertical root fracture respectively. will be the prognosis. Optimally, the extraoral time for an
avulsed tooth should not exceed 30 minutes.
For horizontally fractured root: Management
With vital pulp With nonvital pulp • Replant, ligate and stabilize the tooth in its socket
– Stabilize the – Stabilize the tooth by • Disocclude it
tooth by ligation ligation and root canal treatment • Take radiograph to verify the position of the tooth in its
– Better prognosis – Prognosis is not as good socket and to examine if there is any root or alveolar
for root repair as that of vital pulp bone fracture
Prognosis in case of horizontally fractured root also • Endodontic treatment can be done for it at a later date.
depends on location and direction of fracture: If unable to replant the tooth immediately then it should
– If horizontal fracture lies above alveolar crest, it has be placed in a physiologic storage medium to allow for
excellent prognosis. an extended extraoral time such as Hank’s Balanced Salt
– If horizontal fracture lies at mid root level, at or below Solution, milk, saliva, physiologic saline.
the crest of alveolar bone, it has guarded to poor Stabilization is required to retain the replanted tooth in
prognosis desired relationship until a new periodontal attachment is
• Vertically fractured root has hopeless prognosis, so initiated using a splint. According to Andreasen, splint can
extraction is advised. be removed one week after replantation.

Fig. 19.1  Radiograph showing horizontal fracture in Endodontically Fig. 19.2  Radiograph showing vertical crown-root fracture involving
treated maxillary right central incisor (Courtesy of Dr Samir Khaire) enamel, dentin and pulp and extending to the root (Courtesy of Dr
Chetan Shah)
Endodontic Emergencies and Midtreatment Flare-ups 331

INTERAPPOINTMENT ENDODONTIC asymptomatic pulp or periapical pathosis after the initiation

EMERGENCIES or continuation of root canal treatment”.

Signs and Symptoms
If the temporary filling that was placed after the first visit is
high, i.e. in hyperocclusion, patient will continue to feel the There can be moderate to severe pain with or without
discomfort and pain till it is relieved. swelling that occurs soon after the effect of anesthesia wears
As the patient reports to the clinic and hyperocclusion off following patient’s dental appointment or later.
is found to be the cause of pain, the occlusion should be
adjusted. In cases with periapical lesion, further relief Causes
of occlusion to keep the tooth out of contact has been Patient-related factors or operator-related factors: Generally
advocated to eliminate any intra-appointment pain. the cause is any kind of mechanical, chemical and/or
In the next visit, the root canal treatment procedure can microbial injury to the pulp or periapical tissues that is
be completed. If working length had been determined prior induced or gets exacerbated during Endodontic treatment.
to relief of occlusion it should be taken again due to change Microbial induced injury is the major cause of
that occurs as a result of reduction of reference points, i.e. Endodontic flare-up.
occlusal cusps. • Patient-related factors:
– Fear and anxiety: High levels of fear and anxiety
Pain Related to Incomplete Removal of Pulp Tissue concerning the Endodontic procedure causes
the patient to perceive the slightest pressure and
If during the initial appointment for Endodontic therapy, discomfort as ‘pain’.
pulpotomy or partial pulpectomy was performed, the – Tooth type: More common in mandibular teeth than
patient may experience pain due to incomplete removal maxillary teeth. Mandibular premolars followed by
of inflamed pulp tissue. Anesthesia is administered and mandibular incisors have been found to have highest
thorough cleaning and shaping of root canals is done. incidence of flare-ups after cleaning and shaping.
– Age, gender, history of allergy: It has been found that
Recrudescence of a Chronic Apical Periodontitis flare-ups occur commonly in women more than 40
years and in patients with history of allergies.
(Phoenix Abscess)
– Vital v/s necrotic pulp: Necrotic teeth show greater
Most teeth with necrotic pulps and apical lesions which are incidence of flare-ups than the vital teeth.
asymptomatic, referred to as chronic apical periodontitis, – Teeth with preoperative apical periodontitis are
may become acute after the first Endodontic appointment. associated with increased incidence of midtreatment
This condition is called as recrudescence or acute flare up.
exacerbation of chronic abscess or a phoenix (rebirth) – History of preoperative pain: These are associated
abscess. with increased incidence of flare-ups.
This may occur due to change in the environment – Retreatment cases: These are usually associated with
within the root canal. Multiple strains that were harboured a persistent or secondary root canal infection caused
in a particular lesion, few strains may be severely reduced by therapy-resistant microorganisms that may be
and few strains may be relatively unaffected. Due to fewer more difficult to eradicate in comparison to primary
organisms with which to compete, a virulent strain may then Endodontic infections.
begin rapid multiplication. Retreatment cases have shown significantly higher
The symptoms of Recrudescence are similar to acute incidence of flare-ups than conventional cases.
periapical abscess: mobility, tenderness to percussion and – Decrease in host-resistance or increased microbial
swelling. Same emergency management as for acute abscess virulence may allow a previously asymptomatic
needs to be done. tooth to become symptomatic.

Flare-ups in Between Appointments • Operator-related factors:

– Overinstrumentation: Errors in working length
(Midtreatment Flare-up)
determination or failure to follow it, can result in
The American Association of Endodontics has defined instrumentation beyond the confines of the root
Endodontic flare-ups as, “an acute exacerbation of an canal system in the periapical area resulting in
332 Short Textbook of Endodontics

postoperative pain and inflammatory response - There is change in the environment of the
due to forcing of infected debris into the periapical root canal due to the Endodontic procedures
tissues. that favors the growth of some pathogens in
– Incomplete debridement: incompletely instrumented canals predisposing
- If only pulpotomy or partial pulpectomy has to flare-ups.
been performed, patient may experience pain - Due to bacterial interaction and changes in
in between appointments due to remaining oxidation-reduction potential, microorganisms
inflamed pulp tissue. tend to become more virulent and induce higher
- It has also been found that due to incomplete concentrations of inflammatory molecules and
instrumentation, there is imbalance within cytokines from damaged periapical tissues
the microbial flora that may allow previously causing flare-up. It is found that asymptomatic
inhibited virulent species to overgrow resulting in infected teeth with periapical pathosis or
exacerbation of the lesion. Also, environmental asymptomatic retreatment cases, suddenly
changes that are induced by incomplete develop a flare-up after initiation or continuation
debridement also have the potential to activate of root canal treatment.
the virulence genes. - Preoperative symptomatic teeth already have
– Overfilling and overextension: pathogens associated with pain or acute
- Overextension of sealer (and its cytotoxic periapical abscess in the root canals. Such
components), and/or gutta-percha into the cases are predisposed to flare-ups if incomplete
periapical area can cause tissue damage and debridement is done or if there is extrusion of
inflammation that can result in increased the infected debris into the periapical area.
pain and percussion sensitivity especially Thus,
immediately after obturation and may last for
few more days.
– Acute apical periodontitis:
- When obturation is done in a tooth with
significant acute apical periodontitis, there is
more possibility of increased postoperative
pain. So, it is advisable to postpone obturation to
next visit in cases that present with acute apical
periodontitis till the tooth becomes comfortable.

• Microbial factors associated with flare-ups:

– Microorganisms have been found to be the major
causative agents of flare-ups.
– Microbes act as irritants and induce nonspecific
innate or specific adaptive immune host responses.
– Impaired host resistance and increased microbial
virulence: The response of the host to microbial
challenge depends on virulence factors, number
of pathogens and also the innate and adaptive
immunity of the host. If the immunity of the host
can overcome the microbial challenge, the micro-
organisms will be eliminated. But if it cannot
overcome the microbial challenge, inflammatory Management
response as a result of innate or adaptive immunity Appropriate treatment will depend on the cause. The
occurs. clinician must determine whether flare-up is:
– Mechanism: The microbes in infected root canal are – Primarily iatrogenic in nature (due to overinstrumen­
affected by nutrient supply, bacterial interaction and tation, overfilling, overextension or incomplete
oxidation-reduction potential. debridement, etc.) or
Endodontic Emergencies and Midtreatment Flare-ups 333

– Microbiologically based (such as in infected necrotic • Look for the adjacent or opposing teeth other than
cases.) the  tooth undergoing Endodontic treatment for
• In case of swelling, drainage needs to be established: any pulpal or periapical pathology causing pain and
Drainage can be achieved by soft tissue incision and re- swelling.
opening the access cavity that may allow purulent and • Rule out nonodontogenic causes of pain in the area
hemorrhagic exudates to be discharged and reduce the of tooth undergoing Endodontic treatment by paying
periapical pressure to cause relief of pain. attention to the vague symptoms felt by the patient.
Along with establishing drainage, the canals can be • Review the treatment performed in the previous
accessed, instrumented and thoroughly irrigated and appointment and try to find out the exact cause of
then give dressing (seal with temporary filling). Endodontic flare-up.
Prescribe antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.
• In case of pain without any associated swelling, Prevention
– First establish profound local anesthesia.
– Reopen the access cavity. Endodontic flare-ups can be prevented by:
– Check for any canals that were missed in previous • Elimination of patient’s anxiety and fear concerning
appointment that contain inflammatory pulp tissue Endodontic procedures by adopting various anxiety
and treat it. reduction measures discussed in Chapter 17: Drugs or
– Reconfirm the established working lengths of the Medicaments used in Endodontic Treatment.
canals. • Careful and appropriate treatment:
– Achieve patency to the apical foramen. – Accurate determination of working length
– Perform thorough debridement with copious – Avoid inadvertent overinstrumentation
irrigation and complete the canal cleaning and – Once you start instrumentation, complete
shaping procedures. the cleaning and shaping of the canals in that
In case of excruciating pain in the tooth with no appointment itself in order to avoid inflamed pulp
associated swelling, where drainage cannot be achieved, tissue to remain in the canals.
surgical perforation of the alveolar cortical plate over the • Relieve occlusion: Especially in cases with acute
apex of the root called as ‘Trephination’, may be performed apical periodontitis present preoperatively. Relieving
to release the exudates that is causing pain. occlusion is found to be a predictable method to prevent
• In case of history of acute apical periodontitis: A tooth with postoperative pain and relief of pain due to acute apical
history of acute apical periodontitis, in which occlusal periodontitis.
reduction was not done, that could be the probable • Anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs: Such as NSAIDs
cause of postoperative pain. Occlusal reduction should and acetaminophen given preoperatively have been
be done in such cases to relieve the pain that reduces found to be effective to reduce postoperative pain.
the mechanical stimulation of sensitized nociceptors In cases where there is predictable possibility of flare-
relieving the pain. up, patient can be asked to take these drugs immediately
• If flare-up resulted due to overinstrumentation: Relief of after treatment before the effect of local anesthetic
pain is achieved by giving analgesics. wears off rather than taking medications after the onset
In case of flare-up related to underinstrumentation: of pain.
Further instrumentation to the correctly measured • Use of long-acting local anesthetics: Can provide
length as well as analgesics can provide pain relief. analgesia for prolonged period beyond the usual
• Intracanal medicament: Use of intracanal medicaments duration of anesthesia.
such as calcium hydroxide between visits can reduce the Thus they are valuable in providing analgesia during the
bacterial count. immediate postoperative period.
A mind map to remember midtreatment flare-ups is
Diagnosis given is Figure 19.3.

This involves finding the cause of pain and associated Irrigant-related Mishaps
swelling if present.
• Any associated periodontal etiology that was left Sodium hypochlorite accidents can present as Endodontic
undiagnosed in the previous visit, should be looked for. emergency. It has been discussed in the next chapter.
334 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 19.3  A mind-map to remember midtreatment flare-ups

Tissue Emphysema Cause

Tissue emphysema is the collection of gas or air in the body • Air may get entrapped in tissues during periapical
tissues or spaces. surgery if air from air rotor is directed towards the
exposed soft tissues.
Signs and Symptoms • If blast of air through three-way syringe of dental chair
is directed towards open root canals to dry them.
• Rapid swelling that develops in seconds or minutes • As a result of complication of fracture involving facial
• Erythema or redness skeleton.
• “Crepitus” or cracking sound on palpation of affected
tissues, is the pathognomonic sign of tissue emphysema. Differential Diagnosis
• Migration of air into neck region can cause respiratory • Anaphylaxis
difficulty and its progression to the mediastinum can be • Internal hemorrhage
fatal. • Angioedema
Endodontic Emergencies and Midtreatment Flare-ups 335

Management If postobturation pain persists for longer period of

• Mostly uneventful as air is gradually absorbed from the time, then the cause of pain should be investigated. It
tissues may be due to other causes such as:
• Antibiotics can be given to prevent the risk of spread of – Root fracture, or
infection of involved tissues. – Endodontic failure
• In case if the condition seems to worsen due to spread Persistent symptoms for a longer period may be
of infection or respiratory obstruction, then immediate considered as Endodontic failure and retreatment may
medical attention and hospitalization may be needed. be indicated.
• Hyperocclusion: After root canal treatment is completed,
Prevention the temporary filling or permanent restorative filling
that is done, if it is high in occlusion, it may result in
• Avoid using air rotor for surgical procedures discomfort or pain while biting. Occlusion should be
• Avoid the blast of air directed towards the access adjusted immediately.
openings from three-way syringe of dental chair • Crown/root fracture: After root canal treatment, the tooth
needs to be protected with a full coverage restoration
ENDODONTIC EMERGENCIES as soon as possible otherwise it may fracture under
masticatory load especially if considerable amount
of tooth structure had to be sacrificed due to carious
True postobturation emergencies are infrequent. Most of involvement, while performing Endodontic treatment.
the times, postobturation pain or some discomfort tend to Most cases of root fracture require extraction of the
occur for first 24 hours or 1–2 days after obturation. It has tooth.
been found that there are more chances of postoperative • Underfilling of root canals: Underfilling may cause pain
discomfort when pain was present preoperatively. due to inadequate debridement of the root canals.
The factors that may result in postobturation pain
• Overinstrumentation and overfilling: Overinstrumen­
tation that violates the apical constriction, may result in 1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis:
Mosby; 2006. pp.23-37, 46-55.
an overextended filling. This causes postoperative pain 2. Franklin S Weine. Endodontic therapy, 6th edn. Mosby-Affliate
to the patient. Such pain may subside over a period of of Elsevier, St Louis, Missouri; 2004.pp.72-101.
time. 3. Grossman L, Oliet S, Del Rio C. Endodontic Practice, 11th edn.
For emergency management of such cases, reassure Varghese publication; 1991.pp.19-28.
the patient. Prescribe analgesics and keep the tooth 4. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics 6, 6th edn.
under observation. BC Decker Inc, Hamilton; 2008.pp.700-8.
5. Mithra Hegde’s Textbook of Endodontics, 1st edn. Emmess
Medical publishers; 2009.pp.297.
6. Torabinejad M, Walton RE. Endodontics-Principles and Practice,
4th edn. Saunders-an imprint of Elsevier; 2009.pp.148-60.
Endodontic Mishaps:


Management and

This chapter discusses in detail the various aspects of Endodontic mishaps to guide the clinician to be
careful in performing all Endodontic procedures for a safe and prudent Endodontic practice.
  You must know
• What are Endodontic Mishaps?
• How do we Classify Endodontic Mishaps?
• Endodontic Mishaps in Detail


Failure to adhere to the basic principles of root canal

treatment procedure can predispose to various
complications and unwanted situations during treatment
that may lead to Endodontic failure or affect the prognosis
of Endodontic therapy. Such accidents during the procedure
are referred to as Endodontic mishaps. They can also be
called iatrogenic procedural errors or procedural accidents.
Endodontic mishaps can occur during any stage of
Endodontic treatment procedure. Some may be termed as
unfortunate accidents whereas some are a result of dental
negligence. It is important to inform the patient when such
an accidental or negligent error occurs regardless of whether
the error can be corrected in order to prevent a dentolegal Fig. 20.1  Mind-map of what you must know
of each Endodontic mishap
Detailed knowledge of the various aspects of Endodontic
mishaps is essential for a safe and prudent Endodontic The best way to handle Endodontic mishaps is to prevent
practice. them from occurring. Prevention is better than cure!!!
About each of the Endodontic mishaps, clinician
must understand: etiology, recognition, consequences, HOW DO WE CLASSIFY ENDODONTIC MISHAPS?
management and prevention. Figure 20.1 shows the
mind-map of what you must know about each Endodontic Classification of Endodontic mishaps is given in
mishap. Flow chart 20.1.
Endodontic Mishaps: Management and Prevention 337

Flow chart 20.1  Classification of Endodontic mishaps

ENDODONTIC MISHAPS IN DETAIL To prevent such errors, it is important to make correct

diagnosis through sound knowledge and by using various
Errors Related to Improper Diagnosis diagnostic aids and be sure of the involved tooth requiring
Access Opening in a Wrong Tooth Endodontic treatment.

Clinician may make an unreasonable mistake by making Errors and Mishaps Related to
access opening in a wrong tooth, often the tooth adjacent
Access Cavity Preparation
to the involved tooth. This may occur due to:
• Improper rubber dam placement Errors may occur in access cavity preparation if:
• Tooth recorded incorrectly on the referral slip • There is clinician’s lack of understanding of the internal
(Miscommunication of a referral). or external morphology of tooth, or
• Inaccurate or incomplete review of records, especially • The clinician does not follow the access guidelines.
• Radiographs mounted incorrectly Poor Access Cavity Design
• Lack of concentration.
To avoid such error, clinician must do complete review of • Inadequate extension: Inadequate mesial or distal
records and correlate clinically and be sure of the involved extension may leave the orifices uncovered.
tooth requiring treatment. If rubber dam has been placed Failure to remove the pulpal roof completely is called
by the dentist or staff, steps should be taken to minimize vertical underextension.
the risk of isolating the wrong tooth. • Inadequate opening: Inadequate access opening results
in inadequate instrumentation and obturation and it can
Improper Diagnosis Leading to also cause various procedural problems like:
Unnecessary Endodontic Treatment – Coronal discoloration when pulp horns are not
• Incorrect diagnosis due to wrong judgement may occur debrided
when clinician finds difficulty localizing the source of – Instrument breakage (separation)
Endodontic pain leading to unnecessary Endodontic – Ledging of canal as demonstrated in Figure 20.2.
treatment. – Apical transportation.
• Vital pulps may be sacrificed sometimes in an attempt • Overextension: Gross overextension of access cavity
to diagnose the source of pain. preparation will weaken the coronal tooth structure and
338 Short Textbook of Endodontics

hence compromise the final restoration and longevity tooth can result in overzealous tooth removal referred
of the treated tooth as demonstrated in Figures 20.3A to as gouging. This results in weakening and mutilation
and B. of tooth structure predisposing it to fractures.
• Overzealous tooth removal: Gouging—Improper bur
angulation and failure to recognize the inclination of Perforations
According to American Association of Endodontists,
“Perforation can be defined as the mechanical or
pathological communication between the root canal system
and the external tooth surface.”
Perforations result in communication between the
root canal system and the periodontal tissues, which can
significantly affect the long-term prognosis of a tooth.
Furcation perforation is considered to be the worst
possible outcome in root canal treatment. Figure 20.4 shows
diagrammatic representation of furcation perforation.

• Improper bur angulation
• Failure to recognize inclination of tooth
• Difficulty in accessibility to the tooth due to its location
• Failure to determine the distance between the occlusal
surface and furcation, can result in furcal perforation
• During search for canal orifices

Perforation during access cavity preparation may involve:

Fig. 20.2  Inadequate access opening in maxillary molar causing • Labial or palatal surface
ledge formation. Proper extension of the outline form and internal • Mesial or distal surface
preparation to the mesial would have avoided this error
• Furcation of tooth.


Figs 20.3A and B  Overextension of access cavity preparation can Fig. 20.4  Iatrogenic procedural error: Perforation of the furcation
weaken the coronal tooth structure shown by arrows (A) that reduces during access cavity preparation
the longevity of Endodontically treated tooth and can cause fracture
of the tooth under occlusal forces (B)
Endodontic Mishaps: Management and Prevention 339

Types of perforations:
i. Subgingival perforations occur during the access cavity
preparation and the search for canal orifices.
ii. Midroot perforations occur mainly during postspace
preparation or during aggressive cleaning and shaping
the midroot area of the canal.
iii. Apical perforations occurs during instrumentation.
Using large inflexible file in curved canals violates the
apical constriction

Consequences: Untreated perforation has the potential for

secondary periodontal infection.
Perforations weaken the tooth structure.
Coronal one-third perforations threaten the sulcular
attachment and since there is direct communication with
oral flora, it can present as a treatment challenge. Fig. 20.5  Commercially available MTA
(Courtesy of Dr Ritesh Mahashabde at Dr Rajesh Shivhare’s Clinic)
Recognition: When perforation is above the periodontal
attachment, an artificial opening or ‘hole’ in the tooth would
be created that is visible. • Super EBA
• Glass ionomers
When perforation below the periodontal attachment occurs: The MTA is material of choice for perforation repair.
• Sudden appearance of bleeding is the hallmark sign Figure 20.5 shows photograph of commercially available
• There will be pain experienced by the patient as the MTA.
instrument touches the periodontal tissue
• Exposing a radiograph after placing an Endodontic Procedure:
instrument in the opening will help identify the Step 1: Achieve hemostasis and isolate the perforation site:
perforation • Application of pressure with cotton pellet in case of a
• Microscope, paper points, apex locator can be helpful in visible perforation.
recognizing the level, location and extent of perforation. • Placing calcium hydroxide in the root canal for 4–5
minutes and then calcium hydroxide is flushed from
Management: Immediate repair of perforation as soon as it the field using NaOCl.
occurs and is recognized is very important for the tooth to • Use of hemostatics such as collagen, calcium sulfate,
have favorable prognosis. etc.
• Use of a barrier material to produce a dry field and to
An ideal perforation repair material should be: act as matrix which can be:
• Nontoxic
• Antimicrobial
• Capable of providing an adequate seal
• Nonabsorbable
• Easy to handle
• Radiopaque
• Capable of promoting osteogenesis and cementogenesis
• Should be stable and act as a matrix against which the
obturation and restoration can be condensed.

Perforation repair materials:

• Calcium hydroxide
• Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA).
• Cavit Step 2: Disinfection of perforation site: If the perforation
• Amalgam has just occurred and is clean and hemostasis has been
340 Short Textbook of Endodontics

achieved, repair with the appropriate material is carried • Pay careful attention to the three-dimensional spatial
out immediately. orientation of the tooth by means of:
If the perforation is long-standing, the site is first – Three clear preoperative radiographs: 2 IOPAs and
disinfected and may be prepared with ultrasonic instruments 1 bite wing
before receiving the appropriate restorative material. – Palpation and periodontal probing of root surfaces
to assess the long-axis of tooth root especially during
Step 3: Maintain the patency of canal: The barriers and the access preparation through prosthetic crowns.
restorative materials used can inadvertently cause canal • The access cavity preparation bur can be placed on
blockage during perforation repair procedure, so a paper a preoperative radiograph (IOPA) to estimate the
point or gutta-percha point or a collagen plug can be placed distance between occlusal surface and furcation and
in the canal apical to the defect to maintain the patency of the approximate depth of pulp chamber.
the canal. • Use safe, nonend cutting Endo access burs once
deroofing of pulp chamber has been accomplished.
Perforation repair: When esthetics is a concern, a calcium A mind-map to remember all points of perforations
sulfate barrier, in conjunction with composites, glass is given in Figure 20.6.
ionomers or white MTA can be used.
When esthetics is not an issue, super EBA, amalgam or Errors in Cleaning and Shaping
MTA can be used.
Incomplete Debridement
It should be understood that MTA is material of choice
for perforation repair only when there is no sulcular Inadequate cleaning and shaping can result in pulp tissue,
communication. debris and bacteria to remain in the root canal system
causing reinfection and thus Endodontic failure. Figure
Step 4: Completing the treatment: Wait for the perforation 20.7 shows diagrammatic representation of incomplete
repair material to set hard. MTA takes about 4–6 hours. debridement in apical third of the root canal.
The tooth can then be cleaned, shaped and obturated. • Etiology:
– Anatomic difficulties: Curvatures, calcifications.
Factors Affecting Prognosis for Healing of Perforation – Errors in working length determination or failure
to follow the exact working length (Loss of working
• Location of perforation in relation to gingival sulcus: If length during instrumentation) due to improper
the perforation site is located near gingival sulcus, there instrument stops, variation in reference points,
is potential for periodontal inflammation and loss of carelessness, etc.
epithelial attachment causing pocket formation, thus – Missed canals: Failure to locate canals and carry out
affecting the prognosis. their cleaning and shaping will result in pulp tissue
Perforation located away from gingival sulcus and and microorganisms to remain in these canals.
healthy periodontium has fair prognosis for healing. – Inadequate irrigation.
• Size of perforation: Smaller defect has better prognosis – Due to procedural errors such as ledges and
due to ease of attaining proper marginal adaptation, blockages that prevent complete cleaning and
and well-condensed uncontaminated seal and smaller shaping.
contact surface area of restorative material with • Prevention
periodontium. – Pay careful attention to the anatomy of the root canal
• Time elapsed between inception of perforation and seal: system. Take appropriate steps to safely clean and
Immediate repair provides favorable prognosis than shape curved canals.
delayed repair as further loss of attachment and pocket – Combination of methods to determine the correct
formation is prevented. working length. Use of apex locators along with
• Perforation repair material used. radiographs and use of paper points to determine
• Clinician’s skills. the working length.
Confine and use all instruments to the correct
Prevention of Perforation working length by using proper instrument stops and
sound reproducible reference points. Directional
• Understand the external and internal morphology of instrument stops should be used and direction of
tooth. stop must be constantly observed.
Endodontic Mishaps: Management and Prevention 341

Fig. 20.6  A mind-map to remember perforations

– When using radiographs to verify the instrument Overinstrumentation and Overpreparation

position, consistent radiographic angles should be
maintained. • Etiology and consequence: Error in working length
– Locate and explore all root canals carefully to avoid determination or not following the correct length during
missing canals and leaving them untreated. instrumentation and enlarging the canal beyond the
– Adequate use of irrigants to dissolve pulp tissue and length can violate the delicate apical constriction and
debris. will result in an open apex with the risk of trauma to
– Avoid procedural errors like ledges by following periapical tissues, lack of adequate apical seal, risk of
principles of biomechanical preparation. overfilling and postoperative pain and discomfort to the
342 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 20.7  Incomplete debridement of canal. Apical 1/3rd of canal Fig. 20.8  Overinstrumentation of canal. Over­instrumentation can
left uninstrumented leading to persistence of microorganisms and cause trauma to periapical tissue, transport of bacteria and debris
debris in RC system into periapical area, lack of adequate apical seal, risk of overfilling
and postendodontic infection

patient. Figure 20.8 shows diagrammatic representation Separated Instruments

of overinstrumented canal.
• Recognition: When paper point is inserted in the canal, Fracture or breakage of instrument in the root canal system
hemorrhage is evident at the tip of the paper point. blocking the access to the apical canal terminus is called
Loss of tactile resistance of the apical stop. instrument separation.
• Management: It could be separated stainless steel or Ni-Ti file, a
– Nonsurgical: Use of calcium hydroxide or MTA to sectioned silver point, lentulospiral paste fillers, a Peeso or
create an apical barrier can be tried. Gates Glidden drill, a portion of carrier-based obturation,
If not possible, then careful obturation of the root or any other instrument obstructing the root canal.
canal to prevent extrusion of filling beyond the apex. Figure 20.9 shows diagrammatic representation of separated
– Surgical: Apicoectomy and retrograde filling instrument in the apical third of root canal.
procedure. • Etiology:
• Prevention: – Improper use:
– Confine all instruments within the root canal system - Applying too much apical pressure during
by strictly following the correct working length using instrumentation, especially when using rotary
sound reference points and stable instrument stops. Ni-Ti files causes increased frictional binding
– Confirm the position of apical constriction using against the canal walls, overstressing the metal,
apex locators, paper points and radiographs in order resulting in separation.
to avoid violating it. - Instrumentation in a dry canal causing increased
– When using radiographs to verify the instrument frictional stresses on an instrument.
position, consistent radiographic angles should be - Applying excessive or unnecessary force to the
maintained. instrument when there is interference from
Overpreparation refers to excessive removal of root access cavity walls due to inadequate access
structure during cleaning and shaping procedure. This cavity preparation, there is increased chance of
can occur if larger diameter files are used in fine, tortuous separation.
canals. Overpreparation can predispose to stripping or - Due to inadequately enlarged preparations,
lateral perforation and weakening of root structure with the file has to negotiate more number and severity
risk of fracture during obturation procedures or later under of curvatures causing increased stress on
masticatory stress. instrument leading to separation.
Endodontic Mishaps: Management and Prevention 343

Fig. 20.9  Separated instrument in the apical Fig. 20.10  Radiograph of Endodontically treated mandibular
third of root canal second molar with a separated instrument in the mesial canal

- Dentin shavings and debris incorporated in the – The surgical operating microscope increases
flutes of instrument causes greater frictional visibility by the use of magnification and light
forces and results in separation. and is a necessary tool for retrieval of separated
– Overuse: When the instrument has been excessively instruments.
used resulting in bending or crimping, use of such – Separated instrument removal techniques vary
an instrument in the canal leads to its separation. accord­ing to the location of the instrument in the
Such bending may not be evident on nickel- canal.
titanium instruments and they may break without - Removal techniques for separated instrument in
any warning. Cutting efficiency of Ni-Ti instruments coronal portions of canal:
is reduced by 50% after initial use. Risk of breakage ■ If the instrument is clinically visible in the
of Ni-Ti hand and rotary files increases if they are coronal access and is loosely fitting in the
re-used. canal and can be grasped with an instrument,
– Manufacturing defect: Defective instrument tips are a hemostat or Stieglitz pliers can be used to
more likely to separate during use. hold the instrument and extract it out through
– Anatomy of tooth: Abrupt curvatures or anatomic access cavity preparation. Sometimes, a slight
ledges, prevents free passage of instrument in the counter clockwise action will be required to
canal. Clinician may tend to force it and this may unscrew the flutes.
result in file separation. - Removal techniques for separated instrument in
Figure 20.10 shows the radiograph of Endodontically deeper portions of canal:
treated mandibular second molar with a separated ■ If the instrument is not clinically visible but
instrument in the mesial canal. appears to be in coronal portions of the canal
• Management: on radiograph, first step is to flare the canal
– If instrument separation occurs, first take a wall along side the instrument to provide
radiograph to confirm separation and to find its space for subsequent treatment. This can
location, size of broken fragment, and whether be done by using hand files, small to large,
removal is possible or not. coronal to obstruction or with Gates Glidden
– Inform the patient about the accident and preserve drills used in a ‘brushing action’ to create
the remaining segment of instrument in a coin a uniform tapered shape and maximize
envelope in the patient’s record for medicolegal visibility. GG1 and GG2 can be used to the
purpose. depth of head of the separated instrument in
344 Short Textbook of Endodontics

the straight portions of the canal. At this stage, and then use an extraction device to retrieve
if the separated instrument becomes loose in it.
the canal, it can be held with a hemostat and ■ Some of the available extraction devices and
extracted. kits for separated instrument removal are:
■ If the instrument is tightly binding in the the Endo Extractor, the Masserann kit and
deeper portion of the canal achieve straight- the Extractor system.
line coronal radicular access with GG drills – If the separated instrument lies apical to the canal
to create a circumferential staging platform curvature and orthograde removal is not possible
to facilitate ultrasonic use. and there is persistent disease and separated
When an ultrasonic tip is placed on the instrument cannot be bypassed safely, then apical
staging platform between the exposed end surgery or extraction may be necessary.
of the file and the canal wall and is vibrated – If the separation occurred during later stages of
around the obstruction, the separated preparation and the preoperative pulp was vital and
instrument is unscrewed and loosened and noninfected, bypass the instrument and incorporate
jumps out of the canal. it into obturation.
■ But if the separated instrument cannot Also, if removal of separated instrument requires
be loosened with ultrasonic energy, the excessive enlargement of canal or has the risk for an
separated fragment can be grabbed and additional iatrogenic mishap such as perforation, then do
retrieved using various techniques and not attempt removal, incorporate it into obturation. Observe
devices such as a microtube system or use of the case closely and if symptoms persist, consider apical
an end-cutting trephine bur to remove tooth surgery or extraction. Figure 20.11 gives the factors affecting
structure around the separated instrument removal of separated instrument.

Fig. 20.11  Factors for separated instrument removal

Endodontic Mishaps: Management and Prevention 345

Prevention the instrument during use. If the debris is not removed,

To prevent separation of hand instruments: it increases the frictional torque between the instrument
• Examine new instruments under magnification to look and the canal wall, that may lead to its separation in the
for any manufacturing defect such as distorted flutes root canal.
or defective tips. Discard the instruments with such • Follow the recommended speed and torque for
manufacturing defects. particular rotary instrument, as per the system and the
• Careful examination of instruments for deformation portion of root canal where it is used, i.e. coronal two-
before use and replacement of used instruments with thirds or apical one-third, given by the manufacture.
new ones. A mind-map to remember all points of instrument
• Smaller size instruments such as #6, #8, #10 k-files are separation is given in Figure 20.12.
easily deformed and should be examined after each use
and discarded if distorted. Canal Blockage
• Larger size instruments such as #25 and above may be
used number of times if they do not show effects of stress • Etiology:
under magnification. – Dentinal debris accumulated due to inadequate
• Always use the instruments in sequence irrigation or lack of recapitulation as shown in Figure
• Copious irrigation of root canals 20.13A.
• The instrument can be coated with chelating agent such – Blockage caused by separated instrument as shown
as EDTA gel before inserting in the root canal. in Figure 20.13B.
• Precurving the instruments in case of curved canals. – Blockage due to old filling materials in cases of re-
• Instruments are subjected to stress and deform more treatment.
while preparing difficult canals such as narrow canals, • Consequences: Blockage prevents access to apical
severely curved canals and S-shaped canals. So, constriction as the instrument may not reach up to the
instruments used for such canals should be discarded established working length, resulting in inadequate
after use. cleaning, shaping and obliteration of the canal if the
• Do not force the instruments in the canal. obstruction is not removed or by passed.
• Remove the dentinal shavings and debris from the flutes • Management:
of the instruments by cleaning them periodically during – Irrigate the canal with sodium hypochlorite.
instrumentation process. – Lubricate small-sized file with EDTA and try to gently
slide the file to length.
To prevent separation of rotary instruments: – Do not force or give excessive rotation to instrument
• Carefully monitor the rotary instrument before use. as it may cause instrument separation.
Discard the instruments if they show flaws such as shiny – If the blocked canal cannot be negotiated, and the
areas, corrosion, bending or crimping. tooth is asymptomatic and no lesion of Endodontic
• Ideally the nickel-titanium rotary instruments should origin is present, the preparation may be finished
be discarded after single tooth use. to the level of obstruction and obturated. If clinical
• Access cavity should be adequately prepared and flared. symptoms are present, then root canal should
• Nickel-titanium rotary instruments should be introduced be efficiently treated and obturated and the case
in root canals only after the canals have been negotiated closely followed up for the need of apical surgery or
by smaller hand instruments such as number 8, 10, 15 extraction.
k-files or path files and glide path has been established. • Prevention:
• Do not force the instruments in the canal. – Do not instrument in a dry canal. Copious irrigation
• Never use the instruments in the dry canal. Continual with sodium hypochlorite and lubrication of each
lubrication of canal with irrigating solutions or instrument with EDTA should be done.
lubricants. – Do not force the instrument in the canal.
• Follow the rule of irrigation, recapitulation (with smaller – Recapitulation during instrumentation to maintain
hand instrument such as number 15 k-file) and re- patency of canal.
irrigation in between use of the rotary files. – Removal of caries, unsupported tooth structure and
• Clean the instrument before reinserting into the canal to restoration and obtaining adequate access cavity
remove the debris that is collected between the flutes of preparation prior to instrumentation.
346 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 20.12  A mind-map to remember instrument separation

Ledge Formation constriction in an otherwise patent canal as shown in

Figure 20.14.
Ledge is an internal transportation of canal that usually • Other causes of ledge formation:
results due to over-enlarging a curved canal or working – Careless instrumentation
short of full canal length that prevents access to the apical – Use of large instruments out of sequence
Endodontic Mishaps: Management and Prevention 347

Figs 20.13A and B  Iatrogenic procedural error: Canal blockage
leading to improper cleaning and shaping of root canal due to: (A)
Dentinal mud; (B) Separated instrument

– Insertion of instruments short of working length Fig. 20.14  Ledge formation in root canal
– Use of straight or inflexible instrument in a curved
root canal
– Poorly designed access cavity that prevents straight
line access to apical third of root canal. – Determine correct working length and use
• Recognition of ledge: instruments till that length
– Instrument does not reach the estimated working – Precurve the instruments for use in curved canals
length – Adequate access cavity preparation and straight line
– On tactile sensation, the instrument does not bind access to the apical third of the canals.
at the apex but feels loose.
• Management: Ledge typically occurs on the outer wall Missed Canals
of the canal curvature.
– Choose the shortest file to reach working length • If the clinician fails to detect a canal, it may be left
lubricated with EDTA and gently slide the file to untreated and can act as reservoir of tissue debris,
length. bacteria and other irritants and subsequently result in
– If above is not possible, pre-enlarge the canal above Endodontic failure.
the stopping point to facilitate moving it to length. • Common sites of missed canals: Several teeth with
– If obstruction is encountered, use precurved file in predisposition for extra canal, which might be missed,
an apically directed, gentle pecking motion. such as:
– Use small-sized instrument lubricated with EDTA – Maxillary premolars may have three canals
with very short amplitude, light pecking strokes in – Maxillary first molars usually have four canals
order to negotiate the canal terminus. – Mandibular incisors usually have extra canal
– When the instrument tip is apical to a ledge, it is – Mandibular premolars often have complex root
moved in short push-pull motion to reduce the anatomy
ledge and to confirm the presence or absence of any – Mandibular molars may have extra mesial and/or
residual internal canal irregularities. distal canal.
– After the ledge is bypassed, establish patency of the • Clinician must use all possible armamentarium to locate
canal with a #10 K-file. Enlarge up to #20 K-file and and treat the entire root canal system.
then Ni-Ti instruments can be used to complete the Diagnostic aids for location of root canal orifices include:
root canal preparation. – Careful examination of multiple pretreatment
• Prevention: radiographs taken at different angles
– Be careful in instrumentation – Use of sharp explorer, DG 16 Endodontic explorer to
– Use instruments in correct sequence examine the pulp chamber floor
348 Short Textbook of Endodontics

– Use of ultrasonic tips to detect and explore the iii. Adequate access cavity preparation
troughing grooves iv. Sound knowledge about the possible anatomic
– Staining the pulp chamber floor with 1% methylene variations in the root canal system
blue dye v. Clinician must always look for an additional canal in
– Visualize the canal bleeding points every tooth being treated.
– “Champagne bubble” test: When sodium hypochlorite
is allowed to remain in the pulp chamber tiny Apical Transportation and Zipping
bubbles appear in the solution, indicating the
position of orifice. This test is especially useful in “Apical canal transportation is moving the position of the
locating calcified root canal orifice (Fig. 13.32). canal’s physiologic terminus to a new iatrogenic location
– If 17% EDTA and 95% ethanol is used sequentially, on the external root surface”.
it facilitates effective cleaning and drying of pulp Internal transportation of canal is called ledge.
chamber floor for enhanced visual examination. “Apical zipping or tearing is transposition of canal in the
– Use of magnification aids such as dental operating apical portion of the canal caused by using progressively
microscope, magnifying loupes improves the larger and stiffer files to working length”. Commonly seen in
clinician’s ability to locate and negotiate canals. curved canals. It is shown in Figure 20.15. Here instrument
The possibility of location of MB2 canal in remains within the confines of the root canal, but results in
maxillary 1st molar has been found to be: 40% with internal transportation of the canal.
naked eye, 60–70% with magnifying loupes, 80–90% Due to apical transportation, there is reversed apical
with dental operating microscope shape referred to as elbow preparation, which cannot
– Distinguishing the color difference of the dentin of provide the resistance form to condense gutta-percha
the pulp chamber floor and walls. resulting in vertically overextended but internally underfilled
– Adequately flared access cavity with diverging walls obturation as shown in Figure 20.16. Here instrument goes
increases the visibility for easy location of the root outside the confines of the root canal and results in external
canal orifices. transportation of the canal.
The potential for canal transportation is determined by
Prevention: cutting ability of file and rigidity of file.
i. Good radiographs with proper angulation It is important to understand that canal transportation
ii. Good illumination and magnification cannot occur as long as the file is engaged 360 degrees.

Fig. 20.15  Internal transportation of canal: Fig. 20.16  External transportation: a—Elbow; b—Apical zipping
a—Elbow; b—Apical zipping
Endodontic Mishaps: Management and Prevention 349

A file which is overused begins to cut on one side resulting • Filing the lateral wall of the canals with lateral pressure
in transportation. results in elliptication.
• Cause of elliptication: When less flexible curved
instrument is used in a curved canal it may overcut the
outer surface of curved canal and produces elliptic shape
of apical preparation.
• Elliptical preparation is difficult to obturate.

Apical Perforations
Use of large inflexible files in curved canals can violate the
apical constriction breaking the apical seal referred to as
apical perforation as shown in Figures 20.17 and 20.18.

• Management
– In case of type I canal transportation, attempt should
be made to create a positive apical canal architecture
if sufficient residual dentin can be maintained and
the preparation above the foramen can be corrected
without root weakening or lateral strip perforation.
– In case of type II canal transportation, an attempt
to create a positive apical canal architecture would
increase the risk of root weakening and perforation.
So, the management technique for type II apical
canal transportation is with the use of MTA, Fig. 20.17  Apical perforation
which creates a barrier from the periapical space.
It also helps to control bleeding and provides a
matrix against which the obturation can be safely
condensed without the risk of overextension.
The MTA is the material of choice in these cases
as it induces cementogenesis and is not affected by
presence of slight moisture. It sets hard within 4–6
hours with slight expansion.
– In case of type III apical canal transportation, barrier
technique is not feasible. Corrective apical surgery is
indicated. If it cannot be treated surgically, extraction
is the only alternative.
• Prevention:
– Precurve the files in case of curved canals.
– Avoid using larger and stiffer files to working length
especially in fine curved canals
– Use flexible files.

• Elliptication means cone-shaped preparation with the
middle third of the canal forming the apex or “elbow” Fig. 20.18  Failure to precurve the apical end of instrument in a
and the cementum surface forming the base of the cone curved canal and excessive apical pressure during instrumentation
known as the “zip” caused perforation in the apical portion of the canal
350 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• Etiology: Access to midroot perforation is quite difficult

– Improper shaping procedures due to limited visibility.
– Attempts to negotiate canal blockages and ledges Materials like calcium hydroxide or MTA can
can result in perforations in the apical one-third of be used to seal the perforation area. In the next
root appointment the seal is confirmed and obturation
– Pushing the larger files beyond the working length. done.
• Consequences: Due to lack of apical matrix, the – Surgical: Some cases may require surgery for repair
obturation material will get grossly overextended if the of strip perforation.
apical perforation is not repaired. • Prevention:
Also, without the repair of apical perforation, it is – Precurve the instruments in case of curved canals
impossible to achieve a good apical seal to prevent – Do not use large stiff files in thin curved canals
against further infection. – Do not do overinstrumentation
• Recognition: – Sometimes files are modified for curved canals by
– When the paper point is inserted in the canal, the tip removing flutes of files at certain areas for safe instru­
turns red due to bleeding from periapical area. mentation in the curvature.
– If a radiograph is taken with an instrument placed
in the canal, it is found to go beyond the confines of Accidents Related to Irrigation
the root canal system.
– Pain and/or discomfort felt by the patient, when Sodium Hypochlorite Accidents
instrumentation is done beyond the apex.
• Management: Sodium hypochlorite is routinely used for irrigation
– Nonsurgical: during Endodontic treatment. An event in which sodium
- MTA is the material of choice for repairing apical hypochlorite is expressed in the periapical area causing
perforations severe discomfort to the patient, is called as sodium
- Specialized instruments are used to place hypochlorite accident.
MTA in the apical third of root at the site of the • Etiology:
perforation – Forceful injection of large volume of sodium hypo­
- A ‘holding file’ is placed in the canal to maintain chlorite with an irrigating needle wedged in the root
its patency canal
- Radiograph is taken to confirm the position of – Irrigating solutions are more likely to get expressed
MTA in the periapical area in cases of apical resorption,
- A moist cotton pellet is placed in the pulp immature apex or large apical foramen.
chamber and closed with temporary filling • Recognition:
- In the next appointment, the holding file is – Patient may present with severe pain
removed and if MTA apical seal has been – Swelling may be associated
accomplished well, master cone is adapted and – Bleeding and discharge of exudates from root canal
obturation is done. – There may be accompanying symptoms such as
– Surgical: Few cases with apical perforation may not edema, ecchymosis, tissue necrosis, paresthesia
show healing with nonsurgical management and will – Signs of secondary infection may also occur
require apical surgery or extraction. • Management: Reassure the patient
– A regional block can be administered for relief of
Stripping or Lateral Perforations severe pain
Overinstrumentation with large stiff files in thin curved roots – Root canals can be flushed with sterile water and
can result in stripping or lateral perforations on the inside allow drainage to occur
or concave wall of a curved canal. – Antibiotics and analgesics can be prescribed
• Recognition: Bleeding is the hallmark sign detected on – Corticosteroids may be prescribed to reduce inflam­
a paper point inserted in the canal, it turns red. mation
• Management: – Patient should be advised to use cold compresses
– Nonsurgical: If possible, arrest bleeding and obtain intermittently for few hours on that day. Next day,
a dry field, finish the root canal preparation prior to warm water rinses or compresses may be used
initiating perforation repair procedure. – Patient may be referred to a specialist if need be.
Endodontic Mishaps: Management and Prevention 351

• Prevention: Injury to neurovascular anatomy may result in

– Irrigating needle should not bind against the root paresthesia, neural injury or compartment syndrome.
canal walls. Increased pressure from inflammatory edema with
– Deliver the irrigating solution passively without resulting ischemia within a limited anatomic space such
exerting any pressure while injecting as inferior alveolar canal can compromise circulation
– Bend the irrigating needle so that it can easily and threaten function of tissue within that space. This
penetrate deeper portions of the canal without is called compartment syndrome. Patient presents with
binding severe pain and there may be diminished sensation in the
– Administer the irrigant dropwise slowly and gently distribution of the nerve within the compartment that is
and not in a rapid projectile motion being compressed.
– Side-vented needles can be used for irrigation as • Management: Some of the inferior alveolar nerve
shown in Figure 20.19. injuries may resolve spontaneously within a 6 month
– Always hold a sterile gauze sponge around the tooth period.
to be irrigated to prevent spilling of excess solution in Some cases may require surgical intervention to
mouth and it also helps monitor the debris removal remove the overfill.
from root canal as shown in Figure 20.20. • Prevention:
– Careful radiographic examination to determine the
Obturation Mishaps risk involved due to close proximity to important
anatomic structures such as: Maxillary sinus, mental
Damage to Neurovascular Structures foramen, inferior alveolar nerve.
Overfill or extrusion of obturation materials due to over – Use safe obturation materials. Use of N2 or para­
instrumentation or open apex may result in their pathway formaldehyde pastes for obturation that were used
to important neurovascular structures that are in close in past, is considered below the standard of care
proximity such as the maxillary sinus, inferior alveolar and should be avoided because they can cause
nerve and can cause serious injury. This is seen in teeth irreversible sensory nerve damage.
being treated that are in close proximity to anatomically – Accurate working length determination and
important structures such as maxillary sinus and inferior confining the instruments within the root canal
alveolar canal. system to prevent overinstrumentation.

Fig. 20.19  Side-vented irrigating needle that is fitting loose in root Fig. 20.20  Sterile gauze sponge held around the tooth to be
canal, not binding, is used to deliver the irrigating solution passively irrigated to prevent spilling of excess solution in mouth
352 Short Textbook of Endodontics

– When there is extreme proximity to the neurovascular Leakage

anatomic structure, use of clean dentin plug or
material barrier at the apical terminus may be Leakage between root canal and periapical tissue adversely
considered. affects healing and repair. Leakage can be:
• Apical
Poor Obturation • Coronal.
Apical seal is achieved by proper instrumentation and
Poor obturation is usually a result of previous procedural 3-dimensional obturation till the apex.
errors such as ledge formation, canal blockage, improper Figure 20.24 shows diagrammatic representation of
instrumentation of root canal, etc. Due to poor obturation, improper apical seal that has caused apical microleakage.
there is persistent bacterial infection in the root canal Coronal seal is enhanced by sealing the orifices after
causing Endodontic failure. obturation with special adhesives and bonded restorations.

An underextended filling means filling that has not

reached the apex. Figure 20.21 shows diagrammatic
representation of underextended root canal filling.
An underfilling means spaces remaining laterally
between the canal walls and the root canal filling and spaces
within the filling called voids.
Figure 20.22 shown diagrammatic representation of
underfilled root canal.
An over extended filling means filling that has extended
beyond the apex. Figure 20.23 shows diagrammatic Fig. 20.22  Underfilled obturation. The white colored area indicates
represen­tation of an overextended root canal filling. voids or space left between the obturation and canal wall

Fig. 20.21  Underextended obturation Fig. 20.23  Overextended obturation

Endodontic Mishaps: Management and Prevention 353

Fig. 20.24  Improper apical seal caused apical microleakage

Fig. 20.26  Excessive removal of radicular dentin caused

weakening of root predisposing it to fractures

Bleeding is the hall-mark sign.

Perforation site needs to be sealed. This can be done
non­surgically or surgically.
Various materials have been used for nonsurgical repair
of perforation site such as calcium hydroxide, MTA, glass
ionomer, amalgam, etc.

Weakening of Root Caused by Excessive Removal of

Radicular Dentin during Postspace Preparation
Use of excessively large postdrill for postspace preparation
or larger number peeso drills or Gates Glidden drills in
Fig. 20.25  Improper coronal seal caused coronal microleakage smaller canals can cause excessive removal of radicular
dentin. This causes weakening of root structure predisposing
it to fractures under stress.
Figure 20.26 demonstrates how excessive removal of
Figure 20.25 shows diagrammatic representation of radicular dentin for placing a large post causes weakening
improper coronal seal that has caused coronal microleakage. of root predisposing it to fractures.

Post Related Mishaps Mishaps Related to Post Placement

Perforations Internal wedging forces occur from large rigid posts or

from use of threaded posts engaging the radicular dentin
Misdirection of post space preparation drills can result in that can lead to self-destructive process of cracking and
iatrogenic perforations of middle one-third of roots. root fractures.
354 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Miscellaneous • Recognition: Based on clinical signs and radiographic

Instrument Aspiration findings. An exploratory surgical procedure may be
necessary to visualize the vertical root fracture (VRF)
Accidental swallowing or aspiration of an Endodontic that can show the characteristic features (Typical signs
instrument can occur due to failure to use rubber dam. of VRF)
Patient is referred immediately to seek medical care, – Deep osseous defect
including radiographic imaging to determine the location – Cervically located sinus tract
of instrument whether in bronchus or stomach. Appropriate – Alveolar bone loss buccal to the affected root
measures need to be taken to promptly remove it. (J-shaped bone loss)
• Prevention: • Management: VRF has hopeless prognosis, so extraction
– Use of rubber dam is advised.
– Use of floss that can be tied to Endodontic • Prevention:
instruments while in use that helps in easy retrieval – Root canals should be cleaned, shaped and prepared
of the instrument if it slips from operator’s hand and optimally.
falls into mouth. – Excessive removal of radicular dentin during
cleaning and shaping of root canal should be
Air Emphysema avoided.
– Generating stresses on the root during lateral
Compressed air introduced into periapical tissues during condensation obturation should be avoided. Flexible
invasive root canal therapy can do great harm. Air can Ni-Ti spreaders can be used for lateral condensation
dissect along fascial planes to produce emphysema causing obturation.
impingement on critical anatomic structures and can be – Posts should be carefully selected for restoration of
life-threatening. Endodontically treated teeth. Active threaded posts
Compressed air should never be used to dry a root canal should be avoided.
that is open to periapical tissues. – Nonrigid posts such as fiber posts are preferred over
metal posts due to their modulus of elasticity nearly
Vertical Root Fractures similar to dentin. As a result there is reduction of
transfer of forces through the post to the root, thus
Various iatrogenic procedures can predispose to vertical protecting the root from fracture (Fiber posts prevent
root fractures. Vertical/Longitudinal root fracture originates root split).
from root apex and propagates to coronal part.
• Etiology: Vertical root fracture (VRF) is commonly
associated with Endodontically treated teeth. Thermal Injury
There is potential for injurious heat transfer to dentin and
bone from the use of different devices such as ultrasonics,
lasers, thermoplasticized obturation systems. There is also
frictional heat generation with the use of engine-driven
drills such as Peeso reamers and postspace preparation
Care should be taken not to continue ultrasonic vibration
over prolonged time period to prevent injurious heat
Safe postremoval techniques to avoid thermal damage
to adjacent periodontal tissues.
Be cautious with heat-generating devices.

1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis:
Mosby; 2006.pp.944-1005, 24-32.
2. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics, 6th edn.
BC Decker Inc, Hamilton; 2008.pp.1088-147.
Restoration of


Treated Teeth

This chapter discusses in detail the various principles involved in the restoration of an Endodontically
treated tooth and describes the restorative materials and clinical procedures for the same.
  You must know
• How are Endodontically Treated Teeth Different?
• What is Expected out of Postobturation Restoration?
• What is Direct ‘Coronal-radicular’ Postobturation Restoration?
• What are the Factors to be Considered for a Postendodontic Restoration?
• What are the Ideal Requirements of a Restorative Material to be used for Postendodontic
• What are the Restorative Options for a Postendodontic Restoration?
• What is Post and Core Restoration?
• What is “Ferrule Effect” and “Biologic Width”?
• What are the Indications for Using Posts?
• What are the Required Clinical Characteristics of Posts?
• What are the Different Types of Posts?
• What are the Clinical Parameters for Post Selection?
• What are the Required Physical Characteristics of the Core?
• What are the Different Types of Core Materials?
• What is the Technique of Fabrication of Foundation Restoration?
• What are the Causes of Failure of Post and Core Restorations?

HOW ARE ENDODONTICALLY • Translucency of tooth is reduced: As a result of loss of

TREATED TEETH DIFFERENT? moisture from the dentin, and other physical changes,
the natural translucency of the tooth gets affected.
Certain structural changes occur in the Endodontically • Loss of proprioception occurs:
treated teeth that make them: – Root canal treated tooth undergoes changes in the
• More susceptible to fracture: mechanoreceptive properties.
– Due to the volume changes and physical changes – There is increase in load perception threshold of
that occur in Endodontically treated teeth. nonvital teeth. As a result, they can take-up twice
– Weakening caused due to loss of tooth structure is the load than vital teeth before actually recognizing
the main cause. its application. Patient may bite on something hard
• Tooth’s function under load gets affected: When without even realizing its hardness and eventually
significantly less amount of natural tooth structure there is fracture of tooth.
remains, then there are chances of tooth fracture, even Figure 21.1 shows mind-map of the above
under normal functional forces. characteristics of Endodontically treated teeth.
356 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 21.1  Characteristics of Endodontically treated teeth Fig. 21.2  Effect of volume changes on Endodontically treated tooth

Structural Changes that Occur in

Endodontically Treated Teeth

Volume Changes
Due to diminished volume, the Endodontically treated tooth
is weakened (Fig. 21.2).
• There is loss of tooth structure due to caries. Figure 21.3
is a radiograph showing considerable amount of carious
destruction of maxillary second molar tooth.
• Dental procedure causes further loss of tooth structure
– Removal of tooth structure in mesio-occlusodistal
(MOD) preparation may reduce the stiffness by 60%
due to loss of marginal ridge integrity
– Increased depth of cavity renders the cusps more
susceptible to flexure Fig. 21.3  Radiograph showing considerable amount of carious
– Increased width of occlusal isthmus causes further destruction of maxillary second molar (Courtesy of Dr Chetan Shah)
decrease in stiffness
– The structural integrity provided by coronal dentin is
destroyed due to Endodontic access to pulp chamber
causing greater flexion under function load.

Physical Changes
• There are changes in collagen cross-linking.
• There is loss of moisture causing dehydration of dentin.
• The commonly used root canal irrigants and disinfectants
such as sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), ethylenediamine
tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) and calcium hydroxide interact Fig. 21.4  Effect of physical changes on Endodontically treated tooth
with root dentin.
NaOCl affects the organic substrate causing extensive
fragmentation of collagen (proteolytic action) and Esthetic Changes
EDTA affects the mineral content causing depletion of
calcium and also affect noncollagenous proteins (NCPs) • Pulpal hemorrhage due to trauma or pulp necrosis
resulting in erosion and softening of dentin. causes discoloration of a nonvital tooth.
• Due to altered physical properties of Endodontically • Biochemical alteration of dentin modifies the refraction
treated tooth, there is reduction in its strength and of light causing changed appearance of Endodontically
toughness (Fig. 21.4). treated teeth.
Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth 357


A direct coronal-radicular restoration for an Endodontically
treated tooth consists of a core that replaces the coronal
tooth structure and extends about 2–3 mm into the coronal
portion of root canals (Cohen’s Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn.).
In this, part of gutta-percha from the canals is removed
by atleast 2 mm and the orifices are then sealed with one of
the following materials:
• Bonded composite resin, especially with flowable
• Bonded core built-up material.
• Glass ionomer cement (dual cure).
Fig. 21.5  Effect of esthetic changes on Endodontically treated tooth • Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) provides good seal
and has antibacterial action also. But it is not favored
as it sets so hard that it may make retreatment difficult
in case it is required due to Endodontic failure.
• Faulty Endodontic technique such as pulp horns not Sealing the orifices will reduce the chances of leakage in
included in access preparation (underextended access the canal and, thus, reduce the chances of Endodontic failure.
cavity) or a retained root canal filling in the coronal tooth This is usually done in case of posterior teeth that have
structure can cause discoloration of Endodontically large pulp chambers and multiple canals for retention.
treated teeth. Coronal-radicular restoration is generally indicated
Figure 21.5 shows the mind-map of the above causes of when not much of coronal tooth structure is lost and no
change in esthetic appearance of Endodontically treated reinforcement with posts is required.
The factors to be considered for a post-Endodontic
A definitive coronal restoration of an Endodontically treated restoration are given in Figure 21.6.
tooth is required to provide optimal: A mneumonic to remember these factors is ROPES.
SELF (Mneumonic “SELF”
Remember it as: Restoration of Endodontically
treated tooth should be self-sufficient)
• Coronal Seal
• Esthetics
• Clinical Longevity
• Function.

A Good Postobturation Restoration Must

• Protect the delicate root canal filling from microleakage
of organisms into the root canal system from the oral
cavity by ensuring optimal coronal seal. This improves
the long-term success of Endodontic treatment.
• Restore and/or enhance esthetics.
• Encompass the stress-bearing areas such as the occlusal
cusps in posterior teeth to increase the clinical longevity
of the Endodontically treated teeth.
• Provide occlusal load bearing and restore the tooth to Fig. 21.6  Factors to be considered for a
its full functional value. post-Endodontic restoration
358 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Amount of Remaining Tooth Structure Restorative Considerations

• This is the most important factor to be considered for • If the Endodontically treated tooth has to serve as
the choice of restoration. abutment for a fixed bridge, it will be subjected to greater
• Longevity of the tooth is affected when there is extensive transverse load than single crowns.
loss of sound tooth structure. • If the opposing dentition consists of removable partial
• Sound teeth with more than half the tooth structure denture, then the Endodontically treated tooth will be
intact, may be restored only with coronal restorations, subjected to comparatively lesser load.
without the need for posts. Such restorative considerations have to be kept
• When the amount of remaining tooth structure is less, in mind while choosing the optimal post-Endodontic
post and core and crown will have to be considered. restoration.
• In case of extensively damaged tooth structure,
additional procedure such as periodontal crown
lengthening procedure (CLP) or Orthodontic extrusion Esthetic Considerations
needs to be considered, to expose additional root Restoration for Endodontically treated teeth in the esthetic
structure to allow for a biologic restoration. zone of the mouth, require special considerations to restore
the natural appearance, such as:
Position of Tooth in the Arch and • Management of discolored anterior teeth by means of
the Subjected Occlusal Forces bleaching and other methods (discussed in Chapter 23
“Management of Discolored Teeth”).
Posterior teeth are constantly under ↓↓ • Careful selection of esthetic restorative materials such
compression load ↑↑ as tooth colored posts, cores, luting cement and crowns.
Anterior teeth are under shearing and →← • Careful handling of gingiva.
tensile force Shear
• Intact, nonvital anterior teeth can be restored with
coronal restorations without the need for posts and/or
• Nonvital anterior teeth that are extensively damaged POSTENDODONTIC RESTORATION?
require restoration with a crown, supported and retained
by post and core. The requirements of a restorative material to be used for
• Posterior teeth are always subjected to occlusal forces post-Endodontic restoration include:
and require cuspal protection against tooth fracture. • It should be biocompatible
• Post and core restoration should be done in posterior • It should provide a good seal of the coronal access cavity
teeth with extensive loss of coronal tooth structure, against leakage
followed by a crown. • It should be dimensionally stable
• Occlusal load increases with parafunctional habits • It should possess high compressive strength to provide
such as bruxism and such teeth with wear, cracks and protection against fracture
heavy function, need stronger restorative components • It should be tooth-colored (esthetic), especially if
to protect against fracture. it is to be used in anterior teeth with minimal loss
• If the position of anterior teeth in the arch is such that of coronal tooth structure that will not need a full
there is deep vertical overlap of maxillary anterior teeth coverage crown
to mandibular anterior teeth, then the maxillary anterior • It should have a contrasting color to tooth for better
teeth are subjected to: distinction in posterior teeth
– Horizontal protrusive forces • It should be easy to manipulate and should have short
– Lateral forces. setting time
When such teeth with heavy function lose extensive • It should have ability to bond to the tooth
amount of tooth structure, then stronger restorative • It should be nonstaining
components have to be used to resist flexion. • It should be radiopaque.
Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth 359

WHAT ARE THE RESTORATIVE OPTIONS FOR A Structurally Compromised Posterior Tooth
• Posterior tooth requires cuspal protection by means of
Structurally Sound Anterior Tooth onlay restoration, endocrown or a full coverage crown.
Endocrowns combine the post in the canal, the core and
• Anterior teeth need Endodontic treatment most of the the crown in one component. Onlays and Endocrowns
times due to trauma causing loss of vitality or sometimes allow for conservation of remaining tooth structure.
due to caries. Overlays incorporate cusps by covering the missing
• When there is minimal structural damage, restorative tissue.
treatment is limited to sealing the access cavity with • Onlays, overlays and endocrowns are fabricated in
Direct Composite restoration. laboratory from ceramics or hybrid resin composites.
• If discoloration is present, nonvital bleaching procedure Ceramics are a material of choice for indirect restorations.
is done, explained in detail in Chapter 23: Management • When significant amount of tooth structure is lost, post is
of Discolored Teeth. In case of untreatable discoloration needed to increase retention and stabilize and reinforce
with bleaching procedure or relapsing one, conservative the restoration. When the remaining tooth structure is
restorative treatment such as direct or indirect veneers adequate: Remaining walls of height of 3–4 mm from
is done. pulp chamber floor and thickness of 1.5–2 mm, then
post is not needed.
Nonvital Posterior Tooth with Minimal
Loss of Tooth Structure Simple Calculation to Determine Type of
Post-Endodontic Restoration
• Occlusal cavity or mesio-occlusal or disto-occlusal cavity
can be restored with either direct- or indirect-adhesive Anterior Teeth
intracoronal restoration. But the residual walls should
be thick enough (proximal ridges and buccolingual walls →
• Structurally intact + Access Restore the access
more than 1.5 mm thickness) tooth preparation opening with
• Depending on the functional and occlusal environment, composite resin
conservative restorative options should be considered. • Proximal cavity on + Access → Esthetically restore the
For example, in the presence of bruxism or steep one side (mesial or preparation proximal cavity and
occlusal anatomy, full coverage restoration (crown) is distal) seal the access opening
with composite resin
• Proximal cavity on + Access → Restore the proximal
both sides (Mesial preparation cavities and protect
Structurally Compromised Anterior Tooth and Distal) the tooth with a full
coverage crown
• Anterior tooth with significant loss of tooth structure Or
needs protection with a full coverage restoration Esthetic post and core
(crown), supported and retained by a core and possibly restoration followed by
post also. “Post and core” is explained in detail later in full coverage crown
this chapter. • Proximal cavity on + Labial + → Esthetic post and core
one or both sides Access restoration followed by
• When more than half of the coronal structure is lost
(Mesial/distal) and/or a full coverage crown
or when the remaining walls are extremely thin (less preparation
than 1  mm), a post is needed to increase retention and
stabilize and reinforce the foundation.
• Nonmetal esthetic posts such as ceramic or resin- Posterior Teeth
reinforced need to be done. Adhesion is the preferred Cuspal coverage is needed for all posterior teeth to prevent
mode of post cementation. fracture.
360 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• When all the axial walls of the → Coronal restoration 3. More than 2/3rds coronal structure lost, reduced wall
cavity are intact and have thickness followed by onlay height – Composite core + metal post or Amalgam core
greater than 1 mm restoration or full + metal post
coverage crown
Tooth preparation guidelines: Maintain all residual
• When there is one proximal cavity → Strong coronal restoration structures > 1 mm thickness (after core prep).
(Mesio-occlusal or Disto-occlusal) followed by full coverage
or two proximal cavities (MOD) but crown 4. More than ¾ coronal structure lost – Cast gold post and
the remaining three axial walls or core (+/- porcelain)
two axial walls are intact and have Tooth preparation guidelines: Maintain all residual
thickness greater than 1 mm structures > 1 mm thickness (after core prep) Internal
• When there are two proximal → Post and core restoration walls divergent.
cavities (MOD) and one labial/ followed by full coverage
lingual cavity and only one axial crown
wall remaining intact WHAT IS POST AND CORE RESTORATION?
• When both proximal axial walls → Post and core restoration
(Mesial and distal) and both labial followed by full coverage Post and core restoration is a foundation restoration that
and lingual axial walls have been crown supports the coronal restoration (full coverage crown) in an
destroyed and its a decoronated extensively damaged Endodontically treated tooth.
tooth with no axial walls remaining

Definition of ‘Post’ as given in Cohen’s
Pathways of Pulp (9th Edn.)
Clinical Protocols for Restoring Nonvital Teeth
“Post is a restorative dental material placed in the root of a
with Partial Restorations (Most likely Procedures)
structurally damaged tooth in which additional retention is
(Cohen’s Pathways of Pulp, 10th Edn.) needed for the core and coronal restoration”.
The post is either bonded or cemented into the root of
1. Minimal tissue loss—Composite restoration the tooth and part of the post extends coronally to anchor
2. Limited tissue loss in anterior tooth with minimal to the core.
moderate discoloration only—Veneer
Tooth preparation guideline: > 1 mm buccal reduction, Definition of ‘Core’ as given in Cohen’s
lingual enamel present.
Pathways of Pulp (9th Edn.)
3. Thin remaining walls—Overlay (Composite/Ceramics)
Tooth preparation guideline: Minimum 2 mm occlusal “Core is a restorative material placed in the coronal area of
reduction. the tooth that replaces carious, fractured or missing coronal
4. Loss of occlusal anatomy—Endocrown (Composite/ structure and retains the final restoration”.
Ceramics) The core is anchored to the tooth either by its extension
Tooth preparation guideline: Minimum 2 mm occlusal into the coronal aspect of the root canal or by means of an
reduction, extension into pulpal chamber. Endodontic post.
Post and core are fabricated of different materials. So,
Clinical Protocols for Restoring Nonvital Teeth the bond between the tooth, post and core is mechanical
retention by means of luting or bonding agents.
with Full Prosthetic Restorations (As given in
The post and the core, along with the luting or bonding
Cohen’s Pathways of Pulp, 10th Edn.) agents to retain them, together form the foundation
1. Reduced walls but > ½ Crown height—Composite core The specific design of the foundation restoration varies
Tooth preparation guidelines: Maintain all residual with the relative clinical need for each of the individual
structures > 1 mm thickness (after core prep). components.
2. More than ½ coronal structure lost, reduced wall height The tooth, the post, the core, the bonding or luting
- Composite core + Ceramic post or Composite core + agents and the coronal restoration together form a monobloc
in vitro fiber post (unified whole). Appropriate selection of each of the
Tooth preparation guidelines: Maintain all residual components is essential for the clinical success of the fully
structures > 1 mm thickness (after core prep). restored tooth.
Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth 361

Basic Components of the Fully Restored Tooth Endodontically treated tooth against fracture by bringing
about proper transmission of forces.
The basic components of the fully restored tooth include: Figure 21.8 a shows the diagrammatic representation of
• Remaining coronal and radicular tooth structure ferrule.
(Fig. 21.7d). • The ferrule must:
• Restorative material in the root: post (Fig. 21.7c). – Be atleast 1.5–2 mm in height
• Restorative material in the pulp chamber and the – Have parallel axial walls
coronal area replacing the missing tooth structure: core – Completely encircle the tooth (360o)
(Fig. 21.7b). – End on sound tooth structure and not on the
• Restoration to protect the tooth and to restore the restoration
function and esthetics: Coronal restoration/crown – Not invade the attachment apparatus.
(Fig. 21.7a). • Functions of ferrule:
• Adhesive component to join each of the above – Dissipates the force that concentrates at the
components: Bonding or luting agents. narrowest circumference of tooth
The residual root and its attachment mechanism – Resists lateral forces from posts and leverage from
(supporting periodontium) must be preserved by Endodontic crown in function
therapy followed by appropriate restorative treatment. – Increases resistance and retention of the restoration
– Reduces the incidence of fracture in a nonvital tooth
WHAT IS “FERRULE EFFECT” AND by reinforcing the tooth at its external surface.
• Whenever there is loss of coronal tooth structure till the
level of gingival margin and an effective ferrule cannot
Ferrule Effect be given, then there is chance of fracture of tooth or early
failure of restoration.
“The ferrule is a band of metal that encircles the tooth and In such cases, it is recommended to expose tooth
greatly increases its resistance to fracture”. surface by surgical crown lengthening procedure (CLP) or
Ferrule is a protective ring which encircles the tooth. by Orthodontic extrusion to prepare the ferrule.
Restoration encirclement of tooth with a ferrule will protect
Biologic Width
“The dimension of the junctional epithelial and connective
tissue attachment to the root above the alveolar crest is called
biologic width”.
Figure 21.8b shows the diagrammatic representation of
biologic width.
In order to preserve the biologic width, the margin of
the crown preparation should be about 2.5–3 mm away
from the alveolar crest.
Violation of biologic width during crown preparation

Unexpected and uncontrolled bone loss around the tooth.

Ferrule Effect and Biologic Width: Implication

Ferrule of 1.5–2 mm above the margin of crown preparation
(Ferrule effect).
The margin of crown preparation about 2.5–3 mm above
the alveolar crest (Biologic width).
Fig. 21.7  a—Final coronal restoration (Crown); b—The core; c—The Thus, Ferrule effect + Biologic width = 4–5 mm of
post; d—Remaining tooth structure; e—Apical seal preserved with minimum tooth structure should be remaining above the
3–5 mm of gutta-percha alveolar crest for a successful restoration.
362 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• Post is mainly used to retain the core by the existing tooth

structure, i.e. to anchor the post-core complex within
radicular portion.


An ‘Ideal’ post should have combination of RFSS →
Esthetics (when it has to be used for anterior teeth).

Required Clinical Characteristics

1. Posts should provide maximal retention within the root
Fig. 21.8  a—Ferrule effect; b—Biologic width 2. Posts should provide maximal retention of the core and
the crown
3. Posts should provide protection of root from fracture
WHAT ARE THE INDICATIONS FOR 4. Posts should provide protection of apical seal from
bacterial contamination caused by coronal leakage
5. Posts should be easy to remove (retrievability)
Indications 6. Posts should provide light transmission and pleasing
esthetics, when indicated
1. Extensive loss of coronal tooth structure where 7. Posts should be biocompatible
subsequent core built-up cannot be easily retained by 8. Posts should be radiopaque
the existing walls of the tooth. 9. Posts should have fatigue resistance
2. When more than 50% of coronal tooth substance is lost 10. Posts should have high strength.
or less than 2/3rds of sound tooth structure remains and
the displacement forces will dislodge the restoration. WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF POSTS?
3. When adjacent surface axial walls of the tooth are lost.
For example, buccal and distal axial wall or buccal and Classification of Post Systems
mesial axial wall in case of a molar.
4. When no axial wall of the coronal part of the tooth • According to the material of which posts are made:
remains, i.e. decoronated tooth.

Few Facts About ‘Posts’ to

Eliminate Misconceptions
• Posts do not strengthen the tooth or prevent fracture
(Strength of the tooth is related directly to the bulk of
remaining dentin and the surrounding alveolar bone).
• Posts may actually weaken the tooth, as the central core
of dentin is removed and root is made hollow for post
space preparation.
• All Endodontically treated teeth do not need posts
(Extensive loss of coronal tooth structure is indication).
Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth 363

• According to the method of their fabrication: Post Systems in Detail

Rigid Posts
Esthetic: Zirconia posts:
• Zirconia post is an all-ceramic post, composed of
zirconium oxide (ZrO2)
• Advantages: Esthetic
– Extremely radiopaque
– High flexural strength
– High fracture toughness
– Excellent resistance to corrosion
• According to mode of use: – Very rigid (stiffest of all rigid posts)
• Disadvantages:
– Brittle
– Cannot be cut or removed from the canal if
Endodontic retreatment has to be done
– Have poor resin bonding. Failure at cement/post
interface can occur due to poor bond strength of the
resin composite cement to zirconia posts
– If zirconia posts fracture, since they are not
retrievable from the roots, they will render the roots
• Zirconia posts are available with a smooth surface
configuration with no grooves or serrations or roughness.

Active posts are no longer used. Nonesthetic

• These include metallic posts composed of crown
• According to their shapes: and bridge alloys, stainless steel or titanium-titanium
Figure 21.9 shows photograph of commercially available
preformed metal posts of different sizes.

• According to their design:

Fig. 21.9  Commercially available preformed metal posts in a box

(Courtesy of Mr Amar, Dr Dabholkar’s clinic)
364 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Figure 21.10 shows photograph of preformed metal posts Studies have shown that nonrigid posts tend to exhibit
along with their corresponding postspace preparation drills. fewer catastrophic irreversible root fracture.
• Advantages: Data indicates that nonrigid fiber posts are acceptable
– Rigid: Made of stiffer materials which do not fracture alternatives to metallic posts and can be used clinically
or bend easily wherever metal posts have been used.
– Radiopaque
– Dissipate functional forces along the length of root Advantages of Nonrigid Posts
and the periodontal structures. This is an important
consideration when there is minimal remaining • Designed to have physical properties similar to dentin
tooth structure for crown margins. Modulus of elasticity of dentin: 18 GPa
– Cervical stiffening is provided that protects the crown Modulus of elasticiy of fiberposts: 17–25 GPa.
margins and resists leakage. The primary benefit of lower modulus of elasticity is
• Disadvantages: protection of root from fracture (fiber posts prevent root
– Failure of metal posts can cause root fracture split) through reduction of transfer of forces through the
(Induces root split) post to the root.
– Stainless steel posts contain nickel, an allergen, that • Fiber-posts are resilient posts that flex with the tooth
can leach out through dentinal tubules into the tissue under function, thus reducing the transfer of force to
– Corrosion of stainless steel posts the root and reducing the risk of root fracture.
– Nonesthetic. • They are easily retrievable if Endodontic retreatment
has to be done.
Nonrigid Posts • Light transmitting posts and bonded composite provide
increased fracture resistance by reinforcing weakened
They are composed of glass, quartz or carbon fibers roots.
embedded in a resin matrix. • Fiber posts do not cause any stress concentration.
These are fiber-reinforced resin-based composite posts • Fiber posts are safer.
which are used with bonded resin-based composite core In case of failure of fiber posts, fracture of post occurs,
built-ups. which can be removed and replaced, rather than fracture
In modern dentistry, these nonrigid posts have become of the root.
quite popular. • No corrosion.
• Good esthetics with quartz and glass fiber-reinforced
• High tensile strength.
• High fatigue strength.
• Glass fiber posts can transmit curing light to internal area
of root. So, dual-cure adhesive cements can be used.
• Fiber posts are adhesively bonded in the root and
composite fiber post with composite resin core. All this
gives good bond between individual components of

Disadvantages of Nonrigid Posts

• Little to moderate radiopacity may be difficult to
visualize on radiographs.
• In case of structurally compromised teeth, there is lack
of cervical stiffness from dentin. Excessive post flexion
in such teeth may be detrimental to marginal seal.
Fig. 21.10  Preformed metal posts along with their corresponding • Primary mode of failure of nonrigid posts is decementation
postspace preparation drills (Courtesy of Dr Chetan Shah) of post from root.
Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth 365

Types of Nonrigid Posts Available as smooth or serrated posts.

Contact of these posts with oral fluids reduces their
1. Glass fiber-reinforced epoxy resin posts: Composed of flexural strength.
Glass or silica fibers. Glass fibers can be made of different When the tooth is structurally compromised, the
types of glasses such as high-strength, electrical glass, carbon fiber reinforced post may flex under functional
or quartz fibers. load causing micromovement of the entire core.
Glass fibers in the matrix increase the strength of
the post. Glass fiber-reinforced posts have high fatigue WHAT ARE THE CLINICAL PARAMETERS
strength, high tensile strength and modulus of elasticity
closer to dentin.
Contact of glass fiber reinforced posts with oral fluids While selection of post or while preparation of post space
reduces their flexural strength. or while using post, one key guiding principle that should
Figure 21.11 shows photograph of commercially be kept in mind is preservation/conservation of remaining
available packet of glass fiber posts. tooth structure.
2. Polyethylene fiber-reinforced posts: Composed of Traditionally, the metal (rigid) posts have been widely
ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene woven fiber used. Earlier, the choice of whether rigid or nonrigid posts
ribbon. should be used, was based on two considerations:
This polyethylene woven fiber ribbon is coated with a 1. The amount of remaining tooth structure.
dentin bonding agent and packed into the canal, where 2. The anticipated forces in each clinical circumstance.
it is then light polymerized in position.
These posts protect the remaining tooth structure. Amount of Remaining Tooth Structure
This is because for these posts, the root canals are not
enlarged, the undercuts present in the root canal are not Based on this, a simple rule that was followed is:
removed and 1.5–2 mm crown ferrule is formed. • Teeth with more than 50% of tooth structure remaining:
3. Carbon fiber-reinforced epoxy resin posts: Composed of Post not needed
unidirectional carbon fibers parallel to the long-axis of • Teeth with 25–50% of tooth structure remaining: Use
the post in an epoxy resin matrix. nonrigid post
These posts have high fatigue strength, high tensile • Teeth with less than 3–4 mm of vertical height or when
strength and modulus of elasticity similar to dentin. less than 25% of tooth structure is remaining: Use rigid
But, now-a-days, use of Rigid posts has declined because
of its potential to cause root fracture. In almost all clinical
situations requiring posts, one of the nonrigid posts is

Anticipated Forces in a Given

Clinical Circumstance
• Occlusal forces are transmitted through the core and the
post and ultimately distributed along the length of the
The more, the posts, cements and restorative
materials will behave like dentin, the less, the force will
be concentrated between the component and the root
during function.
Types of post Stress concentration
•  Stainless steel Increased stress concentration
•  Titanium Less stress concentration
•  Fiber posts No stress concentration
Fig. 21.11  Commercially available pack of • The posts and their associated core/crown complex tend
glass fiber posts (Courtesy of Dr Chetan Shah) to undergo repeated lateral forces during function.
366 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• Biting and parafunctional habits such as clenching or • Molars: Posts are placed in
Bruxism transmit nonaxial shear, tensile and compressive – Palatal roots of maxillary molars
forces to a post in the root. – Distal roots of mandibular molars.
In case of structurally weak teeth, force concentration In distal roots of mandibular molars, the post space
in the root can predispose the root to fracture. drills larger than size #3 GG drill should not be used.
With very little amount of tooth structure remaining,
and minimal or no crown ferrule to resist force, more force Root Anatomy
will get transferred to the post. Post flexure of nonrigid posts
under occlusal loads may result in micromovement of the • Root concavities should be considered.
core that causes disruption of the cement seal and leakage Maxillary first premolars have deep mesial concavities.
or may result in loss of the core and the crown. Maxillary first molars have deep concavities on the furcal
Clinical Parameters for Post Space • Root curvatures should be considered.
Preparation and Post Selection Generally, root curvatures occur in the apical 5 mm
of the root. Therefore, when 5 mm of gutta-percha is
Apical Seal retained apically, the curved portions of the root are
It has been found that atleast 5 mm of gutta-percha is usually avoided. In case of greater curvature, limit the
required for an adequate apical seal. If less than this is left post length so as to preserve dentin, thereby preventing
behind, there are high chances of leakage. root fracture or perforation.
• Root canal shape: Maxillary premolars and mesial roots
of mandibular molars have elliptical or ribbon shaped
canals and post space preparation should be avoided in

Post Size/Length and Post Diameter

• Post length:
– Post should be long enough to satisfy clinical
The integrity of apical seal is proportional to the amount requirements while maintaining the root integrity
of Endodontic filling material. Original full length root canal and the apical seal.
fillings have a superior seal compared with 3, 4, 5 or 7 mm – Recommendations for post length:
of apical gutta-percha. - Post length equal to or greater than the
crown length (incisocervical/occlusocervical
Post Space dimension) of the tooth is recommended.
- Generally, apical seal dictates the post length.
The residual dentin of the root canal should undergo Retaining atleast 5 mm of apical gutta-percha
minimal alteration to accept the post. Preparation of post and extending the post to the gutta-percha.
space should not enlarge the root canal at the expense of - In case of teeth with long roots, post of
dentin. approximately 3/4th the length of the root, while
At least 1 mm of tooth structure must remain maintaining the apical seal, can be considered.
circumferentially around the post to prevent perforation - Alveolar bone height also influences the post
and provide fracture resistance. length.
Occlusal forces generate the least risk to the
Root Selection for Post Placement in Multirooted Teeth remaining tooth structure when post extends
atleast 4 mm apical to the alveolar crest.
• Premolars: Posts are placed in - In case of molars, the post should not extend
– Palatal root of maxillary premolar more than 7 mm apical to the root canal orifice.
– Straightest root of mandibular premolar. – Studies show that:
It is found that in case of maxillary premolars, if - When post length is equal or greater than the
1–2  mm of preparation is done in the buccal root, it length of the crown, the success rate has been
serves as an antirotational lock. found to be 95–100%.
Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth 367

- When post length is shorter, then the success • High Compressive strength, Contrasting Color to tooth
rate has been found to be the same as for the for better distinction in posterior teeth
restoration without the post in such teeth. • Dimensional stability
– Problems with very long posts: • Ease of manipulation, Esthetics (for anterior core built-
• Short Setting time.



– Problems with very short posts:

- Causes transfer of forces to unsupported root,
extending above the alveolus. This can result in Metallic Core Materials
root fracture.
- Short posts are less retentive. Loosening of post • Amalgam core
causing restoration failure can occur. – Advantages:
• Post diameter: - High compressive and tensile strength
– Diameter of the post should be the minimum - High modulus of elasticity
dimension to withstand functional loading. - Easy manipulation and short setting time
– Recommendations for post diameter: - Highly retentive when used as coronal-radicular
- Preserve radicular dentin. The post space restorations or with preformed metal post in
preparation drills should be related in size to root posterior teeth
dimensions to avoid excessive post diameters - Improved seal with bonded amalgam procedures
that can lead to root perforation. at tooth-alloy junction
- Permit tooth to resist fracture. At least 1 mm of – Disadvantages:
tooth structure must remain circumferentially - Corrosive
around the post. - Discoloration of gingiva or remaining dentin
- Post diameters should not exceed one-third of - Safety and environment issues.
root diameter in any location. Safe diameters for • Cast core:
post space preparation drills are: – Advantages:
i. 0.6–0.7 mm for smaller teeth such as - Cast core is an integral extension of post
mandibular incisors. - Does not depend on mechanical means of
ii. 1–1.2 mm for larger diameter roots such as retention
maxillary central incisors. - So, no chances of dislodgement of core and
A mind-map to remember clinical parameters for crown from post and root, even when the amount
postspace preparation and post selection is given in of tooth structure remaining is minimal
Figure 21.12. - Noble metals used in cast core are noncorrosive.
– Disadvantages:
- Increased incidence of root fracture, since
valuable tooth structure is removed to create
(Remember the alphabetic formula: ABCDE ST) - Procedure requires several appointments and
• The core material should have an Ability to bond to laboratory involvement. So it is expensive.
both—the tooth and the post - Fracture of metal can occur at the postcore
• Biocompatibility interface resulting in restoration failure.
368 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 21.12  A mind-map to remember the clinical parameters for post space preparation and post selection

Nonmetallic Cores - For adequate retention, the dentin bonding

agents must be compatible with composite core
• Composite resin core materials. For example, self-cure composite resin
– Advantages: (Almost fulfils ABCDEST) will be incompatible with light-cured adhesive.
- Adhesive bonding to tooth structure and many - Zinc oxide eugenol used as root canal sealer or
posts. as a temporary restoration, inhibits the setting of
- Biocompatible composite resins.
- Compressive strength is high - Bond strength of composite resin core to dentin
- Dimensional stability requires complete setting of resin materials.
- Ease of manipulation Figure 21.13 shows photograph of commercially
- Rapid Set (Short setting time) available composite core built-up material.
- Opaque (for nonesthetic areas) and translucent • Glass ionomer core
(for esthetic, anterior zones) and various colored – Advantages:
formulations are available (Color Contrast). - Anticariogenic due to fluoride release
– Disadvantages: - Forms chemical bond with tooth
- Microleakage
Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth 369

Step 1: Post Space Preparation

• Post space is prepared by removal of gutta-percha from

the root canal using hot instrument (Thermal method)
or rotary instruments such as gates glidden drills, Peeso
drills or specially designed post space preparation drills
(Mechanical method) without disturbing the apical seal.
• At least 5 mm of apical gutta-percha should be left
behind for a good apical seal.
• Conservation of root dentin should be the goal of post
space preparation. Little or no dentin should be removed
from the root, i.e. Postspace preparation should not
enlarge the root canal at the expense of dentin.
• Desired post length, the bone height and the root
morphology are the factors to be considered while post
Fig. 21.13  Commercially available core built-up material space preparation.
(Courtesy of Mr Amar, Dr Dabholkar’s clinic)

Step 2: Post and Core Restoration

– Disadvantages:
- Low strength
- Low fracture toughness
- Low retention when preformed posts are used
- Solubility and sensitivity to moisture
- Insufficient strength to be used as core for the
tooth to serve as abutment for bridge.
• Resin-modified glass ionomer core: (Composite resin +
glass ionomer)
– Advantages:
- Moderate strength
- Satisfactory core material for moderate size built- Using Preformed Post Followed By Core Built-up
- Anticariogenic • Commonly used technique nowadays.
- Higher bond strength • This system makes use of appropriate post space
- Minimal microleakage. preparation drills to prepare the post space of desired
– Disadvantages: length measured from a fixed coronal landmark till the
- Hygroscopic expansion may result in fracture of point in the root canal up to which the gutta-percha is
ceramic crowns to be removed retaining atleast 5 mm of gutta-percha
- Solubility between glass ionomer and composite apically and depending on other factors as shown in
resin. Figures 21.14A to E.
• After the post space is prepared, the post corresponding
WHAT IS THE TECHNIQUE OF FABRICATION OF to the drill is placed in the prepared space to check the
length and fit.
• The extra length of the post is cut using air-rotor
Clinical procedure involves: handpiece with a water coolant.
• Step 1: Post space preparation • The post is then bonded or cemented in place as shown
• Step 2: Post and core restoration. in Figure 21.14F.
370 Short Textbook of Endodontics


Figs 21.14A to I  Steps involved in restoring an endodontically treated tooth using preformed-post technique: (A) An Endodontically treated
tooth with very little sound coronal tooth structure, indicated for post and core restoration; (B) Gates Glidden drill no. 1 is used to remove
the gutta-percha from the coronal third of the root; (C) Alternatively a Peeso drill can also be used for removal of gutta-percha to the desired
length so as to preserve about 3–5 mm of gutta-percha for the apical seal; (D) The post space preparation drill is used to remove the gutta-
percha to the required length; (E) This is a special drill to create a positive stop for post head/hub increasing the retention of post; (F) Post
bonded or cemented in place; (G) Core built-up; (H) Preparation of tooth to receive full coverage coronal restoration; (I) A completely restored
Endodontically treated tooth

• Core material is then placed around the post into the Cast Post and Core
remaining pulp chamber and is built-up to form the
coronal area as shown in Figure 21.14G. • Direct technique:
• The tooth is then prepared to receive a full coverage – This involves intraoral fabrication of a castable post
restoration as shown in Figure 21.14H. and core pattern on the prepared tooth.
• Figure 21.14I shows a completely restored Endodontically – Prefabricated plastic postpattern is seated in the
treated tooth. post space and autopolymerizing acrylic resin can
Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth 371

be used to reline the post pattern to fit the post

– Using the same resin, the core is made over the post
pattern and is contoured intraorally to the desired
– After removing the finished pattern from the tooth,
it is sent to the laboratory for casting.
– In the next appointment, cast post and core is seated
in the post space; any obstructions if present are
corrected and then the cast post and core is passively
• Indirect technique:
– This technique involves making a final impression of
the prepared tooth and post space and sending it to
the laboratory for die preparation and subsequent
fabrication of cast post and core.
– For making impression of the prepared post space,
impression material needs to be reinforced with
plastic pin or metal wire to achieve an undistorted
impression. Safety pin can also be used for reinforcing
impression material.
– Also, various plastic impression posts are available
in the market which make the procedure easy. In
this, the clinician has to select the desired diameter
of plastic post, use the corresponding drill to prepare
the post space at appropriate length. Place the
plastic post. Then light body rubber base impression
material is injected into the canal. When it sets,
remove and send it to laboratory.
– In the next appointment, cast post and core is seated
in the post space; any obstructions if present are
corrected and then the cast post and core is passively
Harmful hydraulic pressures can be generated
inside the root that can crack the root if the cast
post and core is rapidly seated or seated with heavy
pressure or if excessive cement is used.
Cast post and core is not commonly used now-

Coronal Coverage
• After the fabrication of the foundation restoration,
the final step in Endodontic reconstruction is coronal
• The rule is to give a coronal coverage restoration for
most Endodontically treated posterior teeth and all
structurally damaged anterior or posterior teeth. Fig. 21.15  Causes of failure of post and core restorations
372 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Purpose of coronal coverage:

• To distribute functional forces
• To protect the tooth against fracture
• To re-establish function
• To isolate the dentin and Endodontic filling from


Causes of Failure of Post and
Core Restorations (Fig. 21.15)

Causes of failure: Fracture of root,

(F7) Fracture, bending or distortion of post,
Fatigue failure,
Fit of post affected, i.e. loosening of post
or loss of retention of post Fig. 21.16  Forces (a) exerted on a weak
Ferrule of adequate amount missing, root from a rigid post resulting in root fracture (b)
Forces. or it can cause a fiber-matrix complex to disintegrate.
It has been found that loss of retention and tooth fracture Fatigue failure of nonvital tooth restored with a rigid post
are the two most common causes of post and core failure. is likely to cause complete fracture of the root as the rigid
post has higher modulus than the root dentin, the stress
Why Roots Fracture? concentration occurs adjacent to the bottom of the post
resulting in root fracture originating at the apex of a rigid
Fatigue failure: Structures subjected to low but repeated post.
forces (cyclic loading), may appear to fracture suddenly Figure 21.16 shows diagrammatic representation of rigid
for no apparent reason. This phenomenon is called fatigue post exerting forces on a weak root resulting in root fracture.
failure, which is a progressive failure that proceeds by
initiation and propagation of cracks. Since the teeth are BIBLIOGRAPHY
constantly subjected to fluctuating cycles of loading and
unloading during mastication, fatigue failure of dentin, 1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis:
Mosby; 2006. pp. 786-818.
posts, cores, crown margins or adhesive components is 2. Hargreaves KM, Cohen S. Pathways of Pulp, 10th edn. Mosby
likely to occur resulting in tooth/root fracture. Moreover, Elsevier, St Louis, MO; 2011. pp. 777-804.
if the tooth has minimal tooth structure remaining, fatigue 3. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics, 6th edn.
can cause Endodontic posts to bend permanently or break, BC Decker Inc, Hamilton; 2008. pp. 1431-64.
Endodontic Failures and


Nonsurgical Endodontic

This chapter tells you about the causes of post-treatment Endodontic disease and explains in detail
how nonsurgical Endodontic retreatment can result in healing and thus saving the involved tooth.
  You must know
• What is the Outcome of Endodontic Treatment?
• What are the Measures to be Employed to improve the Rate of Success of Treated
Endodontic Cases?
• What are the Causes of Endodontic Failures?
• How do you Diagnose Post-treatment Disease?
• What is the Treatment Plan for the Patient with Post-treatment Disease?
• What are the Indications and Contraindications of Endodontic Retreatment?
• What are the Factors to be Considered for Endodontic Retreatment?
• What are the Steps for Nonsurgical Endodontic Retreatment?
• What is the Prognosis of Endodontic Retreatment?

WHAT IS THE OUTCOME OF ‘Success depends on:

ENDODONTIC TREATMENT? – Elimination of root canal infection present when
treatment starts
Goal of Endodontic Treatment – Prevention of both contamination during treatment,
and prevention of reinfection later.
So, success rates reflect the standard of the cleaning,
shaping and filling of root canals’.
To ensure nearly 100% success rate, Ingle has
recommended to follow ten rules which can be considered
as the ten commandments of Endodontics.
Broadly, it can be said that the Endodontic therapy is
Let us remember the ten commandments of Endodontics
directed towards a specific goal: ‘To prevent or cure
given by Ingle with the following true statement:
periradicular periodontitis’ (Apical periodontitis).
Careful Application of Root Canal Laws and Principles
The outcome of Endodontic treatment—success or
Can Cause Successful Treatment (C = Case selection,
failure is explained in Flow chart 22.1.
A  =  Apical density, R = Restore, C = Cavity preparation,
WHAT ARE THE MEASURES TO BE EMPLOYED TO L  =  Length, P = Practice, C = Curved, C = Cone, S =
• Use great care in Case selection. Choose proper cases
for Endodontic treatment and reject those that will
Molven and Halse have said: obviously fail.
374 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Flow chart 22.1  Outcome of Endodontic treatment

surgical treatment, and this should be done by using a
sharp right-angled explorer.
• Properly Restore each treated pulpless tooth to prevent
coronal fracture and microleakage.
• Practice Endodontic techniques on extracted teeth
mounted in acrylic blocks to improve your skills to carry
out the procedures well in the patient’s mouth.



Microbial infection persisting in the apical portion of the
root canal system is the major cause of Endodontic failure.
Intraradicular infection is the essential cause of primary
apical periodontitis and major cause of post-treatment apical
Microorganisms may be left behind in the apical portion
of the complex root canal system due to improper root canal
treatment procedures.
• Use greater care in Treatment. Do not hurry, maintain an Microorganisms may be found as biofilm located
organized approach. Be certain of instrument position within small canals, lateral or accessory canals or in the
and procedure before progressing. space between root fillings and canal wall of incomplete
• Establish adequate Cavity preparation. Access cavity can obturated canal.
be improved by modifications of coronal preparation.
Radicular preparation can be improved by thorough Nonmicrobial
canal cleaning and shaping.
• Determine the exact Length of tooth to the foramen True cysts, cholesterol crystals, foreign bodies in periapical
and be certain to operate only to the apical stop, about area are the nonmicrobial causes of Endodontic failure.
0.5–1 mm from the external orifice of the foramen. Healing by scar tissue formation may be misdiagnosed
• Always use Curved, sharp instruments in curved canals, as radiographic sign of Endodontic failure.
and especially remember to clean and reshape the
curved stainless steel instrument each time it is used. Flora Associated with Root Canal Treated Teeth
• Use great care in fitting the primary filling point/Master
Cone. • Bacteria, yeasts, fungi, mixed anaerobic microbiota,
The apical portion of the canal must be obliterated. viruses, may be found.
Ensure total obturation of the entire root canal. Always use • Gram +ve cocci, rods and filaments may be the bacteria
root canal sealer cement. found.
• Use Periradicular Surgery only in those cases for which • Mostly species belonging to genera Actinomyces,
surgery is definitely indicated. Enterococcus and Propionibacterium.
• Always check the Apical density of the completed root • Enterococcus faecalis is commonly isolated from failing
canal filling of the patient undergoing periradicular root canal treated teeth and it is known to be especially
Endodontic Failures and Nonsurgical Endodontic Management 375

difficult to eliminate with standard instrumentation and Other Classification

– It can tolerate pH up to 11.5
– It can survive prolonged starvation
– It is resistant to most of the intracanal medicaments
– It can grow as microinfection in treated canals
without any synergistic support from other bacteria.
Actinomyces israelli and P. propionicum may establish
themselves extraradicularly even after treatment. The extra­
radicular microbial infection may be the cause of failed
Endodontic treatment.
It has been found that bacteria may not be completely
eliminated after thorough cleaning, shaping and disinfection.
This “critical amount” of bacteria that persists can sustain
periradicular inflammation.
Overaggressive instrument action can cause extrusion
of bacteria through the apex into the periapical tissue and These have been explained in detail in Flow chart 22.2.
can serve as a continuing irritant.
An obturated canal may be recontaminated from
coronal leakage. Gutta-percha root canal fillings do not HOW DO YOU DIAGNOSE
resist salivary contamination. Bacteria can penetrate from POST-TREATMENT DISEASE?
crown to periapex alongside poorly obturated canals.
Quality of coronal seal determines the long-term prognosis 1. Thorough review of patient’s health history
of treatment. 2. Clinical examination: Visual, extraoral, intraoral and
periodontal evaluation
– Signs of inflammation
Grossman Classification – Tenderness to percussion
– Presence of sinus tract
– Infection
3. Radiographic assessment : Multiple angulated
radiographs, Bitewing radiographs.
In cases of previous Endodontic therapy, radiographs
can help evaluate caries, defective restorations,
periodontal health, quality of obturation, periradicular
pathosis, perforations, fractures, resorption and canal
Stabholz et al. and Friedman Classification anatomy.
Figures 22.1 and 22.2 are radiographs showing
periapical radiolucency in root-canal treated teeth
indicating recurrent infection.
4. Periradicular tests: Percussion, palpation and bite test.
5. Pulp vitality tests: When there is vital tissue remaining
in the canals of a previously treated tooth due to missed
canal or improperly cleaned canal, patients may
complain of sensitivity to heat or cold. Pulp vitality tests
can help to assess this situation.
376 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Flow chart 22.2  Classification of causes of Endodontic failure

Fig. 22.1  Radiograph showing recurrent periapical infection in root Fig. 22.2  Recurrent periapical infection in poorly shaped and filled
canal treated mandibular premolar due to unusual anatomy canals and mesial canal blocked with separated instrument
Endodontic Failures and Nonsurgical Endodontic Management 377

WHAT IS THE TREATMENT PLAN FOR THE • Vertical root fracture

PATIENT WITH POST-TREATMENT DISEASE? • Untreatable root perforations
• If the tooth with root canal failure is not important
Post-treatment apical periodontitis should be diagnosed strategically such as diseased maxillary 2nd molars with
and its cause should be detected. no opposing tooth or having developed class I or class
Treatment options for a case of Endodontic failure: III occlusion or articulating with another tooth.
Option 1: Wait and watch when etiology of the condition • Tooth that is hopelessly nonrestorable such as extensive
remains unknown. caries or coronal fracture approaching or entering the
Option 2: Extraction of tooth: It may be a desirable option in furcation or biologic width.
certain cases. Recent advances in prosthetic reconstruction • Unfavorable root anatomy
and dental Implantology have made it possible. • Procedural complications such as nonretrievable
Option 3: Nonsurgical retreatment—Preferred choice as it is separated instrument, irreparable perforation, ledge,
less traumatic, less invasive, preserves the tooth. etc.
Option 4: Surgical retreatment—Periradicular curettage, Operating the tooth with dental operating microscope
apical root resection, root amputation, intentional (DOM) and Surgical Endodontics is better choice than
replantation are various surgical treatment options. extraction of tooth in most of the above cases.
The choice of which option to undertake, is determined
• Knowledge and experience of clinician
• Patient considerations.
The factors to be considered for Endodontic retreatment are
WHAT ARE THE INDICATIONS AND given in the form of mind-map in Figure 22.3.
• Endodontically treated teeth presenting with symptoms • Access cavity preparation (coronal radicular access):
such as tenderness to percussion, swelling, fistula, or – Retreatment access is challenging and differs from
signs of infection. that of primary treatment.
• Endodontically treated asymptomatic tooth with – Goal: To establish straight-line access to apical area
improperly done treatment such as inadequate filling of root canal system while conserving as much tooth
viewed radio­graphically. Patient should be informed. structure as possible.
Retreatment may be postponed but must be done before
prosthetic treatment for that tooth.
• Generally, periapical radiolucencies that have not
healed or decreased in size or have increased in size in
a period of 4 years evidenced by follow-up radiographs
should be considered for retreatment.
• Root canal fillings which have been exposed to oral
environment for long period of time due to lack of
coronal seal by means of permanent coronal restoration
can be considered infected and retreatment may have to
be done.

As such, there is no absolute contraindication of Endodontic
treatment or retreatment. But teeth with the following
conditions if indicated for retreatment may have poor • Recleaning and reshaping:
prognosis: – Correct length of canal is established.
• Untreatable root resorption – Reinstrumentation and reshaping using the crown-
• Terminal periodontal disease down technique.
378 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 22.3  A mind-map to remember all factors to be considered for retreatment

– Canal gets slightly over-enlarged in an attempt to – Advantages:

remove all the residue of previous treatment such - Restoration is maintained in its place, so esthetics
as sealer and filling material from canal walls as will be minimally changed
bacteria can hide behind the sealer. - Facilitates rubber dam placement; so isolation
– Since primary treatment fails mostly due to infection, is easier
one has to be extra careful with asepsis and extra - Occlusion is preserved
vigorous with antimicrobial treatment. - Cost and time involved in replacement of
– Liberal use of sodium hypochlorite is recommended. restoration is saved.
Also other intracanal irrigants like 2% chlorhexidine, – Disadvantages:
final rinse with 17% EDTA to remove the smear layer. - Reduced visibility and accessibility
– Intracanal medicament like calcium hydroxide may - More chances of errors during procedure
be helpful as an interappointment medicament. - Some findings such as extent of caries, vertical
• Obturation: Using any of the routinely followed methods. fracture of tooth or a hidden canal may be
• Post-Endodontic restoration: Coronal restoration as soon missed.
as possible to develop good coronal seal followed by full It is generally recommended to remove the existing
coverage restoration. restoration so that the morphology of tooth is better viewed,
radiographic information of coronal part of tooth is obtained
Detailed Explanation of Access Preparation and accessibility is improved.

• Gaining access through the restoration (Crown or Bridge) • Coronal disassembly: Retreatment access is called
– For access through metal, carbide fissure burs are coronal disassembly as it mostly requires removal of full
used coverage restoration or a restoration supported by post
– For access through porcelain fused to metal (PFM) and core, etc.
crowns: If there is defect or caries associated with the existing
- Round diamond bur to cut through porcelain restoration or if the treatment plan calls for a new crown,
- Transmetal bur for metal substructure the old crown is removed and replaced later.
– Copious water coolant spray and use of diamond Different devices have been manufactured for
burs are recommended during access through conser­vative removal of crown without damaging the
porcelain to minimize occurrence of micro- internal tooth structure. Sometimes reuse of these
fractures restorations is possible.
Endodontic Failures and Nonsurgical Endodontic Management 379

But, most of the times, the restorations need to be

• Regaining access to apical area.

Removal of Posts

Removal by reducing retention Removal by pulling the post

from its preparation

Step 1: Expose the post by removal of If post cannot be removed by

adjacent restorative materials. reducing its retention, then
Step 2: Small to medium sized post can be pulled out using
ultrasonic tip is inserted at the one of the post removal kits
interface between the post and the such as:
tooth and then it is constantly moved
around the circumference of the post •  The Thomas screw post
to disrupt the cement along the post removal kit for removal of Fig. 22.4  Post removal system (PRS) KIT (Courtesy of Dr Clifford J
and canal wall interface. active or screw posts Ruddle, Advanced Endodontics)
This decreases the post retention and • The Ruddle post removal
facilitates its removal. system for removal of parallel
Thus, judicious use of the ultrasonic or tapered passive posts
instrument in conjunction with a • JS post extractor post. The post removal extracting plier is then mounted
solvent can loosen the post and • Post puller or Eggler post onto the tubular tap and the jaws of the plier opened by
post may actually spin out of the turning the screw knob clockwise (CW). As the jaws open,
the tooth is visually inspected to assure, it is cushioned and
protected. Increasing pressure will be noted when turning
the screw knob, and ultimately this action will serve to
Ruddle Post Removal System
remove virtually any post.
• The post removal system (PRS) kit is a device intended Tooth-colored posts fabricated from ceramic, zirconium
to be used when the removal of posts with ultrasonics or fiber-reinforced posts are difficult to remove.
is unsuccessful. Ceramic and zirconium posts are usually impossible to
• The PRS kit can mechanically engage any obstruction retrieve as they are more fragile than metal posts.
whose cross-sectional diameter is 0.60 mm or greater.
• The PRS kit contains an extracting plier, a transmetal
bur, five trephines of varying internal diameters, five
corresponding tubular taps whose internal diameters
range from 0.60–1.60 mm, a torque bar, tube spacers,
and a selection of rubber bumpers of varying diameters
to properly cushion and protect the tooth during the
loads generated by extracting forces. Figure 22.4 shows
the photograph of Ruddle post system. Removal of Root Canal Filling

Technique Silver Point Removal

The largest trephine that will not go over the head of the Step 1: Carefully remove the core material in which the silver
exposed post is selected. The PRS’s latch-type trephines point might be embedded.
should rotate at approximately 15,000 rpm in a clockwise Step 2: Flood the access preparation with a solvent such as
(CW) direction in a slow speed, high torque handpiece chloroform in order to soften or dissolve the cement.
and, with lubricants, are utilized to machine down a Step 3: Grasp the exposed end of the silver point with a
2–3  mm length of the most coronal aspect of the post. An Stieglitz pliers or other appropriate forceps and pull it out
appropriately sized rubber bumper(s) is inserted onto the with a gentle force.
selected tubular tap. The tap is manually turned counter- Ultrasonics can be employed to facilitate removal of
clockwise (CCW) to form threads and actively engage the silver points.
380 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Caufield Silver point retrievers are available in cases

where there is not much of silver point exposed in the
Also, Hedstrom files can be used to remove silver point.
Two to three Hedstrom files are negotiated as far apically as
possible in two or three areas around the silver point. The
files are then twisted together and pulled out through the
Trephine burs may also be used. End-cutting trephine
bur is used to remove tooth structure around the point and
then an extraction device such as Endo Extractor, Masserann
kit, etc. can be used to remove the point.

Gutta-percha Removal Techniques

Fig. 22.5  Photograph showing the rotary Endodontic retreatment
files–D1, D2, D3 in this order used for removal of GP root canal filling.
(Courtesy of Dentsply)

Rotary Endodontic instruments can be used to remove

Gutta-percha and sealer while thermoplasticizing the root
filling mass using frictional heat to remove it.
Combination of solvents along with Hedstrom file and
rotary files can be used for safe removal of old Gutta-percha
from root canals.
Solid core canal obturation systems such as Thermafil,
Dens-Fil and the GT® obturator that use a plastic or metal
carrier within the mass of Gutta-percha are very difficult to
remove from the canal. It is removed by initial use of heat
application to carrier that can soften the Gutta-percha
surrounding it. Then this carrier is grasped with a forcep.

Pastes and Cement Removal

Gutta-percha from coronal 1/3rd of canal is removed

using gates glidden drills or Peeso drills.
Rotary file systems such as Profile canal finder GPX,
Heroshaper R Endo Kit are available to remove entire length
Gutta-percha from the canal.
Figure 22.5 shows photograph of commercially available
rotary files of Endo-Retreatment Kit—D1 D2 D3 in this order
having one, two and three rings respectively on their shaft.
D1 D2 and D3 are used at the speed of 500 to 700 rpm. D1 has
cutting surface blade of 16 mm, 11 mm handle, one white
ring and a taper of 9%. D2 has cutting surface blade of 18 mm,
11 mm handle, two white rings and a taper of 8%. D3 has
cutting surface blade of 22 mm, 11 mm handle, three white
rings and a taper of 7%. D1, D2 and D3 are used in coronal,
middle and apical thirds of the root canal, respectively.
They are used in this order to remove Gutta-percha from
the canal.
Endodontic Failures and Nonsurgical Endodontic Management 381

Removal of Canal Obstructions Such as

Separated Instruments
• Removal depends on location of instrument.
– If clinically visible in the coronal access, it can be
grasped with a hemostat or Stieglitz pliers and pulled
– If the instrument is present in the middle 1/3rd of
canal, retrieval should be attempted or bypass it.
Hand instruments like reamers and files can be
used to bypass the separated instrument by inserting
alongside the separated instrument to soften its
cementation and thus facilitating its removal.
Copious irrigation with Sodium hypochlorite
(NaOCl), Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)may float the
object coronally through the effervescence created.
– If the instrument lies in the apical 1/3rd of canal, it Fig. 22.6  File removal system (Courtesy of Dr Clifford J Ruddle,
is left behind or the case is surgically treated. Advanced Endodontics®)
The decision to retrieve the broken instrument
is based on evaluation as to how much tooth
structure will have to be removed to gain access to red and yellow instruments can be placed progressively
the instrument. deeper into smaller, more narrow canals.
– In order to remove separated root canal instruments, • Each complete instrument is comprised of a color
straight-line coronal-radicular access has to be coordinated microtube and screw wedge. First
created with the use of modified Gates-Glidden trephination is carried out using Ultrasonics, then
drills. GG drills are modified by sectioning with a position the microtube and it is used to engage and
bur at their maximum cross-sectional diameter to remove the obstruction.
create a circumferential staging platform to facilitate
ultrasonic use. The vibration caused by ultrasonics WHAT IS THE PROGNOSIS OF
placed on the platform between exposed end of file
and the canal wall helps in removal of that broken
file. • In absence of prior apical periodontitis, the percentage of
There are many techniques and devices now available to healed cases after both initial treatment and nonsurgical
facilitate removal of separated instrument. Many kits have retreatment has been found to be about 92–98%.
been introduced such as the Endo extractor, the Masserann • In presence of prior apical periodontitis, the percentage
kit, the Extractor system and the Instrument Removal System of healed cases has been found to be 74–86% regardless
and the Separated Instrument Retrieval system (SIR). of whether initial treatment or nonsurgical retreatment
One of the Ruddle’s inventions: File removal system is was performed.
described here. Figure 22.6 shows the photograph of the A tooth that has persistent apical periodontitis may
file removal system. remain in asymptomatic function for an extended period,
• In cases, where ultrasonic trephining procedures are this state is referred to as functional retention of tooth.
limited or prove ineffective, the File Removal System
(FRS) may be utilized to mechanically engage and BIBLIOGRAPHY
potentially remove intracanal obstructions, such as
1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis:
silver points, carrier-based obturators or broken file
Mosby, 2006.pp.944-1005.
segments. 2.
• The instrument with the black handle is used to work 3. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics 6, 6th edn.
in the coronal one-third of larger canals, whereas the BC Decker Inc, Hamilton, 2008.pp.1088-217.

Management of
Discolored Teeth

This chapter describes about tooth discoloration and explains in detail about ‘bleaching’, as a treatment
modality for whitening of vital and Endodontically treated teeth.
  You must know
• What are the Causes of Tooth Discoloration?
• What are the Different Methods of Management of Discolored Teeth?
• What is Bleaching of Teeth?
• Why Bleaching?
• What is the Chemistry and Mechanism of Bleaching?
• Etiology of Tooth Discoloration and its Management in Detail
• What are the Indications and Contraindications of Bleaching?
• Which are the Materials Used for Bleaching?
• What is the Technique for Bleaching Vital Teeth?
• What are the Side Effects and Adverse Effects of Extracoronal Bleaching of Vital Teeth?
• What is the Technique for Bleaching Endodontically-Treated Teeth?
• What are the Side Effects and Adverse Effects of Intracoronal Bleaching of Endodontically
Treated Teeth?
• How do we Restore Intracoronally Bleached Endodontically Treated Tooth?
• What is Enamel Microabrasion?
• What is the Role of Veneers and Crowns in Management of Discolored Teeth?

INTRODUCTION • Thickness and color of the underlying dentin

• Color of the pulp.
Color is an important characteristic of teeth.
• The normal color of primary teeth is bluish white. WHAT ARE THE CAUSES OF TOOTH DISCOLORATION?
• The normal color of permanent teeth is grayish yellow, Any change in the hue, color or translucency of a tooth is
grayish white or yellowish white. referred to as tooth discoloration.
The color of the teeth is due to: Etiology of tooth discoloration can be classified in
• Translucency and thickness of enamel following 2 ways:
Management of Discolored Teeth 383

Out of all the causes listed in the given two classifications,

decomposition of pulp tissue is the most common cause of
tooth discoloration particularly when the pulp is necrotic.
Several months after necrosis of the pulp or treatment of
tooth, discoloration is noticed due to slow formation of color
producing compounds.
Traumatic injury is the next common cause of tooth
discoloration. Due to trauma, there is rupture of blood
vessels in the pulp and diffusion of blood into dentinal
tubules. Immediately after accident, such a tooth may have
a dark pinkish hue and some days later it may turn pinkish
The etiology of tooth discoloration along with its
management is described in detail later in this chapter.


Depending on the extent of discoloration and other factors,
different methods of management of discolored teeth
• Teeth bleaching
• Enamel microabrasion
• Restorative options:
– Composite veneers/restoration
– Ceramic veneers/laminates
– Crowns.


Bleaching of teeth is a treatment modality which makes
use of an oxidizing agent that is capable of bringing about
the alteration in the light-absorbing and/or light-reflecting
nature of a material structure, thereby increasing its
perception of whiteness.
Hence, bleaching of teeth is also referred to as teeth

• Yellowish looking teeth can be whitened by means of
Discoloration of teeth can occur due to various
endogenous or exogenous causes as listed above in the
Etiology of tooth discoloration.
• Discolored teeth can be whitened by means of bleaching.
Thus, the goal of bleaching procedure is to restore tooth
esthetics by restoring the normal color of the tooth.
384 Short Textbook of Endodontics


Redox reaction: The bleaching process involves oxidation
of the bleaching agent. The oxidation-reduction reaction
that takes place in the bleaching process is called the redox


Patient-related Causes

Extrinsic Stains
Stains from foods, beverages, tobacco products and
chemicals from mouth rinses, toothpowders, etc. are all of Fig. 23.1  Photograph showing generalized discoloration of teeth
local origin and can be removed by scaling and polishing. due to tetracycline (Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna)

Intrinsic Stains According to severity, tetracycline discoloration

can be classified as:
• Pre-eruptive causes: Several systemic conditions may • First degree: Light yellow, light brown or light gray
result in discoloration of teeth. uniform discoloration throughout the crown. No
a. Diseases: Several systemic conditions may result in banding.
discoloration of teeth. • Second degree: More intense discoloration. No
Systemic condition Tooth discoloration
• Third degree: Very intense discoloration;
•  Alkaptonuria • Dark brown pigmentation of
horizontal color banding seen; cervical region
primary teeth
of teeth is mostly affected.
•  Thalassemia, sickel cell anemia • Blue, brown or green
Tetracycline discoloration usually occurs bilaterally
affecting multiple teeth in both arches.
•  Erythroblastosis fetalis • Results in lysis of erythrocytes
and hemosiderin gets
Severity of stains depends on time and duration
incorporated in the forming of drug administration, type of tetracycline and
dentin. Green, brown or bluish dosage.
stain Role of bleaching in case of tetracycline-stained teeth:
•  Porphyria • Reddish or brownish • Mild to certain moderate cases (First and second
discoloration of deciduous and degree). Repeated external bleaching for an
permanent teeth
extended period. They may respond well to three
•  Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) •  Yellow or brown discoloration or four bleaching sessions.
•  Dentinogenesis imperfecta (DI) • Brownish violet, yellowish or • Severe cases (Third degree)—May not be
gray discoloration
amenable to bleaching. Restorative means will
be required.
Stains due to the conditions such as amelogenesis c. Fluorosis: Excessive exposure to fluoride during
imperfecta (AI), dentinogenesis imperfecta (DI) tooth formation can result in dental fluorosis or
are usually not possible to eliminate by bleaching mottled enamel.
as they originate from developmental defects of Such teeth are not discolored on eruption, but their
enamel and dentin. Correction by restorative means porous surface attracts extrinsic stains.
is preferred. Intermittent white spots, chalky or opaque areas,
b. Medications: Ingestion of certain drugs during tooth yellow or brown discoloration is seen. Severe cases
formation may cause severe discoloration in both present as surface pitting of enamel.
enamel and dentin. Role of bleaching: External bleaching may be effective
Figure 23.1 shows generalized discoloration of for mild-to-moderate dental fluorosis. Restorative
teeth due to tetracycline. procedure for severe dental fluorosis.
Management of Discolored Teeth 385

• Posteruptive causes
a. Pulp necrosis: Most common cause of tooth

Several months after death of the pulp or treatment of
tooth, discoloration is noticed due to slow formation
of color producing compounds. Figures 23.2A to  C
show the photographs of discolored upper right A
central incisor due to trauma causing pulp necrosis.
Photographs are taken in three different positions.
Role of bleaching: Intracoronal bleaching is effective
in these cases.
b. Intrapulpal hemorrhage:

If pulp recovers, discoloration may be reversed. B
If pulp becomes necrotic, discoloration persists
and becomes severe with time. Figure 23.3 shows
photograph of discolored maxillary central incisor
Role of bleaching: Intracoronal bleaching is effective
in these cases.
c. Aging: Due to aging, there is decrease in thickness of
enamel due to wasting diseases of teeth — attrition,
abrasion, erosion. On the other hand, there is
increase in the thickness of dentin and changes
in optical properties of tooth due to deposition of
secondary and reparative dentin. So, the yellow color
of dentin becomes more apparent in older teeth as
shown in Figure 23.4.
Extrinsic stains are removed by scaling and
polishing and then extracoronal bleaching can be
done to restore white color of the teeth. C
d. Calcific metamorphosis: Deposition of hard tissue Figs 23.2A to C  Photograph showing discolored upper right central
within the root canal space in response to trauma is incisor due to trauma causing pulp necrosis. Photograph taken in
called calcific metamorphosis. three different positions (Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna)
386 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 23.3  Photograph showing discolored maxillary right central Fig. 23.5  Photograph showing discoloration of first premolar due to
incisor (Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna) old silver amalgam restoration (Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna)

Figs 23.6A and B  Photograph showing discolored composite
restorations: (A) Maxillary lateral incisor; (B) Mandibular first molar
(Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna)

Fig. 23.4  Photograph showing yellowish discoloration of teeth due

to wasting diseases (Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna)
tooth discoloration. Figure 23.5 shows blackish
discoloration of first premolar tooth due to old silver
amalgam restoration
Such teeth appear yellowish or yellowish-brown. Role of bleaching: Such a discoloration is difficult to
To correct such discoloration, root canal treatment bleach.
should be done first and it is followed by intracoronal Replacing amalgam restoration with tooth colored
bleaching. restoration can sometimes solve the problem.
• Composite resin restorations: These restorations become
Dentist-related Causes discolored over a period of time. Microleakage around
the restoration can discolor the underlying dentin.
Figures 23.6A and B show discolored composite
Related to Coronal Restorations
• Metallic restorations: Such as silver amalgam restorations Replacing old composite restoration with a new, well-
degrade over time and corrosion products can cause sealed composite restoration can solve the problem.
Management of Discolored Teeth 387

Related to Endodontic Treatment • Obturating materials: If the obturating material

• Remnants of pulp tissue: Inadequate access cavity and sealer remnants remain in the pulp chamber of
preparation which has not included the pulp horns, Endodontically treated tooth, discoloration can occur.
especially in anterior teeth, result in discoloration To correct such a discoloration, the remnants
of Endodontically treated tooth due to pulp tissue of obturating material are first removed and the
remnants that are left behind. intracoronal bleaching is done.
Intracoronal bleaching is effective in such cases. To prevent this kind of discoloration, the obturating
• Intracanal medicaments: Such as phenols or iodoform- materials and sealer remnants must be removed just
based medicaments sometimes may cause their below the level of the gingival margin before the final
penetration into surrounding dentin. Oxidation occurs restoration is done.
resulting in discoloration. A mind-map to remember etiology of tooth
Intracoronal bleaching may be effective. discoloration is given in Figure 23.7.

Fig. 23.7  A mind-map to remember all points of etiology of tooth discoloration

388 Short Textbook of Endodontics

WHAT ARE THE INDICATIONS AND • Superoxol is a 30% solution of hydrogen peroxide by
CONTRAINDICATIONS OF BLEACHING? weight and 100% by volume in pure distilled water. It
decomposes readily in an open container, so it has to
be stored in sealed refrigerated containers.
• Hydrogen peroxide in high concentrations has ischemic
effect on skin and mucous membrane. So, these materials
should be carefully handled to avoid their contact with
tissues during handling and bleaching treatment. Figure
23.8 shows photograph of commercially available 35%
hydrogen peroxide for bleaching.

Carbamide peroxide:
• Carbamide peroxide is in the form of crystallized powder
that contains 35% hydrogen peroxide.
• It is called urea hydrogen peroxide and yields urea and
hydrogen peroxide on decomposition.
• Carbamide peroxide in the concentration of 10–30%
is used for at-home bleaching, 10% being the most
• Carbamide peroxide in the concentration of 35% may
be used for in-office bleaching.
Carbopol: Some bleaching preparations contain a water
soluble polyacrylic acid polymer called carbopol.
Carbopol is added as a thickening agent.
Carbopol prolongs the release of active peroxide.
Thus, it improves the shelf life of the bleaching
Sodium perborate:
• Sodium perborate is available as a white powder
Bleaching is based on peroxide compounds as the active containing about 95% perborate, corresponding to 9.9%
agent. It acts as an oxidizing agent and there is formation of the available oxygen.
of free radicals and reactive oxygen molecules that attack
the long chained dark colored molecules and split them
into smaller, less colored and more diffusible molecules.
For extracoronal bleaching: Hydrogen peroxide, carbamide
peroxide are used.
For intracoronal bleaching: Sodium perborate and superoxol
are used.

Hydrogen peroxide:
• Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizing agent, which
may be applied directly or be produced in a chemical
reaction from carbamide peroxide or sodium perborate.
Decomposition of carbamide peroxide and sodium
perborate releases hydrogen peroxide in an aqueous
• It is used in both in-office and at-home bleaching
materials. In-office bleaching materials have 25–38%
concentration of H2O2. At home, bleaching materials Fig. 23.8  Commercially available 35% hydrogen peroxide for
have 3–7.5% concentration of H2O2. bleaching (Courtesy of Mr Amar, Dr Dabholkar’s clinic)
Management of Discolored Teeth 389

• It is stable when dry but when exposed to acid, warm air • Indications: Figure 23.9 gives the indications for
or water, sodium perborate decomposes to form sodium extracoronal bleaching of teeth.
metaborate, hydrogen peroxide, and nascent oxygen. • Types: Extracoronal bleaching for vital teeth can be
• Depending on oxygen content, sodium perborate is carried out:
available as monohydrate, trihydrate and tetrahydrate. – By clinician in the dental clinic; in-office extracoronal
The oxygen content determines the bleaching efficacy. bleaching/chair-side bleaching/power bleaching
• Sodium perborate is safer for use as compared to – By patient at home, under the guidance and
hydrogen peroxide for bleaching. It may be mixed with supervision by dentist ; at-home extracoronal
superoxol (30% H2O2 by weight) to form a paste that bleaching.
decomposes into sodium metaborate, water and oxygen. I. Technique for in-office extracoronal bleaching of vital
• Sodium perborate is the material of choice for teeth:
intracoronal bleaching, in which it is sealed into the – Bleaching materials:
pulp chamber where it oxidizes and discolors the stain - 25–38% H 2 O 2 (35% H 2 O 2 commonly used)
slowly over a period of time, the technique commonly available in gel form is used.
referred to as walking bleach technique. - Carbamide peroxide gel (10%, 15%, 20%, 35%)
– Mode of bleaching:
WHAT IS THE TECHNIQUE FOR BLEACHING - Bleaching gel applied alone, or
VITAL TEETH? - Bleaching gel in combination with light source
Extracoronal bleaching is done for vital teeth.

Fig. 23.9  Indications of extracoronal bleaching of vital teeth

390 Short Textbook of Endodontics

- Earlier, heat, electric current and other chemicals it tends to absorb extrinsic stains faster from
were applied with bleaching gel to enhance its foods, beverages, etc. So, polishing of teeth after
bleaching efficacy. They are rarely used now. in-office bleaching is an essential step.
Light used:
Regular curing light for resin composites II. Technique for at-home extracoronal bleaching of vital
• Light-emitting diodes (LED) teeth:
• Laser light (e.g. Argon, CO2): Less popular – Bleaching materials: Hydrogen peroxide and
• Specialized light for bleaching carbamide peroxide are used as active ingredients
– Clinical procedure: for professional at-home bleaching procedure.
- First step is to record the pretreatment color of Concentration is 3–7.5% H2O2 or 10–22% carbamide
teeth (shade) using a camera (Photograph). This peroxide.
provides an excellent baseline data. – Mode of bleaching: Custom tray is manufactured for
- Diagnostic testing: Clinical and radiographic the patient. Bleaching gel is to be loaded in the tray
examination of all teeth for any possible caries, and patient wears the tray for several hours in night
defective restorations, periapical or pathologic for few days. Figure 23.10 shows photograph of soft
condition which should be treated prior to vinyl custom tray fabricated for bleaching.
bleaching. Professional bleaching strip is also available for at-
- Cleaning: Thorough scaling and prophylaxis is a home bleaching. Figure 23.11 shows photograph of
must. prefabricated bleaching trays with loaded bleaching
Prophy-jet prophylaxis will free the teeth to be material.
bleached of all surface stains and plaque. – Procedure:
- Isolation: Isolating the teeth to be bleached and - Scaling and polishing of teeth and any other
protection of gingiva and other soft tissues of the restorative treatment required by the patient is
mouth using a rubber dam, waxed dental floss, performed first.
reflective resin barrier, orabase, etc. - Upper and lower arch impressions are made.
- Protection of patient and dental team:
Surgical rubber gloves and safety glasses for the
dental staff.
Heavy plastic wrap for patient’s hands and
clothes. Safety glasses for the patient.
- Bleaching proper:
■ Rinse and remove excess varnish, jelly or
orabase from enamel of the teeth to be
bleached with pumice and water
■ Etch each tooth facially and lingually for
20  seconds with 37% phosphoric acid
■ Rinse for 30 seconds and dry the teeth
■ Apply bleaching agent: Superoxol or 35%
hydrogen peroxide with a piece of cotton
gauze, adhesive strips, paint-on or trays
■ Careful handling of bleaching material and
high vacuum suction is used
■ Position the bleaching light with an adjusted
rheostat setting. Bleaching temperature
recommended for vital teeth is 115˚C.
- After bleaching procedure, remove gauze and
flush teeth with copious amounts of warm water
Fig. 23.10  Soft vinyl custom tray fabricated over the patient’s model.
before carefully removing floss and rubber dam. Blue marked areas are to incorporate reservoirs in tray for loading
- Polish the teeth with polishing wheels. Since bleaching material (Spacer) (Courtesy of Dr Mahashabde, Rajesh
the enamel is demineralized during bleaching Shivhare’s clinic)
Management of Discolored Teeth 391

followed. In spite of all these, adverse effects can occur

depending on the individual’s response to bleaching
treatment, such as:

Postbleach Sensitivity of Teeth

Mild to moderate sensitivity of teeth can occur lasting for 2–3
days. Higher incidence of sensitivity has been found after
in-office bleaching in which H2O2 was used in combination
with heat.

Management: Postbleach sensitivity can be managed by:

• Topical fluoride application such as 0.5% fluoride ion
• Desensitizing toothpastes containing 3% potassium
• Do not perform bleaching on teeth with caries, exposed
Fig. 23.11  Prefabricated bleaching trays with loaded bleaching dentin or teeth with reduced enamel and dentin
material is also available commercially (Courtesy of Dr Mahashabde, thickness and close proximity to pulp.
Dr Rajesh Shivhare’s clinic) • Defective restorations must be replaced prior to
• If sensitivity is noticed, shorter bleaching periods are
recommended for such patient.
- Models are sent to the laboratory for manufacture
of custom-made trays. More attention is paid Effects on Enamel
to the tray design. Trays are constructed with
periphery barely shy of gingival line (approx. • Decrease in enamel surface microhardness.
1/4–1/3 mm). Scalloping around the interdental • Increased porosity and slight erosion of enamel may be
papilla is to be provided in the tray. seen. Postbleach application of fluoride to the surface
- Trays are made of soft vinyl tray material. of enamel may be useful.
Reservoirs are incorporated in the trays using
block-out or adhesive strips as shown in Figure Gingival Irritation
- Bleaching material is dispensed to patients in Mild-to-moderate gingival irritation may occur for 2–3 days
unit dose syringes, assuring dentist supervision. after bleaching. Tissue burn can occur.
- Clinician gives instructions to the patient
regarding how to carefully insert, handle and Causes:
store the tray and about the special precautions • Ill-fitting bleaching tray
to be taken. • Increased concentration of hydrogen peroxide
- As per the type of bleaching material and its • Contact of bleaching gel to the gingiva
application technique, the clinician must follow • Leaky gingival barrier protection.
manufacturer’s instructions to give advice to the
patient for at-home bleaching. Management: In case of tissue burn, rinse the tissue surface
thoroughly with water. Topical anesthetic may be applied.
• Use of protective creams such as vaseline, orabase, cocoa
Bleaching of vital teeth is a relatively safe procedure, if • Well-made bleaching tray
carefully done and all precautions taken and instructions • Proper gingival barrier protection.
392 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Effect on Restorations • Methods:

• Silver amalgam restorations : During and after – Walking bleach technique
extracoronal bleaching, release of mercury has been – Thermocatalytic technique (Heat)
reported from the restorations. Avoid extracoronal – Use of ultraviolet photo-oxidation (Light)
bleaching for teeth with extensive amalgam restorations. • Bleaching agents:
• Composite resin restorations: Bleaching may not have – Superoxol: 30% solution of hydrogen peroxide by
effect on the color of the restoration. Increase in weight and 100% by volume in pure distilled water
microleakage has been found. Some roughening of the – Sodium perborate: White crystalline odorless
surface of the restoration has been reported. compound which has an oxidizing effect due to its
A mind-map to remember side effects/adverse effects of hydrogen peroxide component
extracoronal bleaching of vital teeth is given in Figure 23.12. – 35% hydrogen peroxide
– 5–7% sodium hypochlorite.
• Intracoronal bleaching is generally done for Sodium perborate is mixed into a paste with superoxol.
Endodontically treated teeth. This paste decomposes into sodium metaborate, water and

Fig. 23.12  A mind-map to remember all points of side effects/adverse effects of extracoronal bleaching of vital teeth
Management of Discolored Teeth 393

oxygen. When sealed into the pulp chamber, it begins to

oxidize and discolor the stain slowly and gradually over a
period of time. This procedure is referred to as walking bleach.
It basically refers to the bleaching action occurring
between patients’ visits.
• Step-by-step clinical procedure:
– Assessment of quality of Endodontic treatment: The
Endodontically treated tooth should be evaluated
radiographically to assess the quality of obturation,
and for any signs of periapical pathosis. Endodontic
failure cases will have to be retreated prior to
bleaching. A B C
– If postobturation coronal restoration is defective,
Figs 23.13A to C  (A) Diagram showing the level to which gutta-
then replace it. percha needs be removed below the cervical line, i.e. at the level
– Record the pretreatment color of the tooth (shade) of alveolar crest shown by dotted line; (B) Diagram showing 2 mm
using a camera (photograph) to provide the baseline cement barrier; (C) Diagram showing bleaching agent placed in
data. cavity and the cavity sealed with an intermediate restorative material
– Polish the enamel surface with a prophylaxis paste
to remove any gross surface debris or discolorations.
– Apply protective cream such as vaseline, orabase to – Prepare the walking bleach paste by mixing sodium
the gingival tissues around the tooth to be bleached. perborate powder with superoxol to a thick paste in
– Isolate the tooth using rubber dam that fits tightly at a clean dappen dish to have consistency of wet sand.
the cervical margin of the tooth to be bleached. – With a plastic instrument, pack the paste into pulp
– Re-establish the access cavity: Lingual opening of chamber.
sufficient size is made in case of anterior teeth. – Place a cotton pellet over the bleaching paste to
Remove: remove any excess liquid and to compress and push
- All restorative materials from the access cavity. the paste into all areas of the pulp chamber.
- Any gutta-percha root canal filling extending into – Seal the access cavity with IRM (Intermediate
the pulp chamber restorative material) or any thick well-sealed
Refine the access, exposing the dentin. temporary filling of thickness about 3 mm to ensure
– Examine the pulp chamber and see to it that the pulp a good seal as shown in Figure 23.13C.
horns and other areas containing the pulp tissue are Hold the restoration with digital pressure for few seconds
clean. to a minute after it is placed, otherwise it tends to come out
– Remove the gutta-percha root canal filling up to the due to the pressure caused by the bleaching agent due to its
level of crest of alveolar bone, that is up to a depth of chemical reaction.
2–3 mm apical to the cervical line in order to confine Figures 23.14A to J show photographs of a clinical case
the bleaching agents to the crown of the tooth as where bleaching was done for management of discolored
shown in Figures 23.13A. maxillary right central incisor and mandibular left central
– Seal the orifice of the root canal with a sufficiently incisor. Both the teeth were Endodontically treated. Internal
thick layer of atleast 2 mm of a protective white cement bleaching was done for both. Mandibular left central incisor
barrier, such as zinc phosphate, polycarboxylate responded well while maxillary right central incisor was
cement or glass ionomer cement coronally to the taking a little time especially the proximal area. In-office
level of CEJ to cover the Endodontic obturation as external bleach was also done followed by home bleach to
shown in Figure 23.13B. achieve a good result.
– Apply 25% solution of citric acid or 30% solution
of orthophosphoric acid to the dentinal surface Walking Bleach Result
of the pulp chamber. The acid can be removed by
flushing with sodium hypochlorite or water. Air dry Significant lightening is attained about 24 hours after
the tooth. Now, it has been found that acid etching treatment.
is not desirable as use of such chemicals can cause Evaluate the patient one week later and if necessary,
irritation to periodontal ligament. repeat the procedure several times.
394 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 23.14A  Discolored maxillary right central incisor and mandibular left central incisor—Labial view (Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna)

Fig. 23.14B  Discolored maxillary right central incisor—Labial and palatal view (Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna)

Fig. 23.14C  Discolored mandibular left central incisor—Labial and lingual view (Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna)
Management of Discolored Teeth 395

Fig. 23.14D  Postobturation radiographs of maxillary right and mandibular left incisor teeth respectively (Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna)

Fig. 23.14E  Coronal seal achieved with glass ionomer cement after placement of bleaching material (Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna)

Fig. 23.14F  Results of intracoronal bleaching of maxillary right central incisor and mandibular
left central incisor (Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna)
396 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 23.14G  Extracoronal bleaching of maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth (Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna)

Fig. 23.14H  Result of intracoronal followed by extracoronal bleaching (labial view) (Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna)

Fig. 23.14I  Coronal seal achieved with composite restoration in both teeth (Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna)
Management of Discolored Teeth 397

Fig. 23.14J  Preoperative and postoperative (Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna)

About 2–3 treatments, performed a week apart, should Use of Ultraviolet Photo-oxidation
suffice. If not, then reassess the case for correct diagnosis
of etiology of discoloration. • This technique involves placing superoxol matted cotton
Walking bleach is the method of choice for bleaching pellet into the pulp chamber followed by 2-minute
Endodontically treated teeth because: exposure to ultraviolet light.
• It is easy to perform • Bleaching result does not differ.
• Consumes less chairside time • Not carried out routinely.
• More comfortable to patient
• Requires no special equipment WHAT ARE THE SIDE EFFECTS AND ADVERSE
• Safe technique.
Thermocatalytic Bleaching
External Cervical Root Resorption
• This technique involves placing superoxol matted cotton
pellets into the pulp chamber. The solution is activated High concentration oxidizing agent (30–35% H2O2)
by heat application either by electric heating devices or may diffuse through exposed dentinal tubules
specially designed lamps. and cementum defects
• Intermittent 5–6 minutes exposures of the tooth with ↓
heat and in-between cooling breaks, is done.
Necrosis of cementum
• Care must be taken to protect the teeth and surrounding
tissues from overheating. Protective creams such as ↓
vaseline, orabase, cocoa butter can be applied to the Inflammation of periodontal ligament
soft tissues during treatment to avoid heat damage. ↓
• Application of high concentration of H2O2 in combination
Root resorption
with heat can cause irritation to the cementum and
periodontal ligament of the tooth being bleached
Prevention: Effective isolation of tooth with rubber dam,
causing external cervical root resorption.
interproximal wedges and ligatures.
• Clinical result with this technique does not appear to
differ. So, the thermocatalytic approach is not used Management: Use of calcium hydroxide dressing for a week,
routinely. in the access cavity prepared.
398 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Gingival Irritation and Tissue Burns HOW DO WE RESTORE INTRACORONALLY

If superoxol comes in contact with the gingival tissue, it can
cause chemical burns and sloughing of gingiva. • Any residual H2O2 from bleaching in the tooth structure
Prevention: adversely affects the bond strength of composites with
• Protective creams such as vaseline, orabase, cocoa butter enamel and dentin.
to be applied to the soft tissues around the tooth to be Therefore, it is recommended that one should wait
bleached. for at least 7 days after bleaching, prior to restoring the
• Use gingival barrier. Most of the commercially available tooth with composite restorations.
bleaching kits contain a gingival barrier which is light- • It is recommended that a white cement be placed
cured, so that the bleaching material does not leak beneath the composite restoration that helps in
through to reach gingiva. For example, Pola office. distinguishing between composite and tooth structure
during rebleaching.
Reduction in Bonding Strength of Composite • Permanent coronal seal with composite resin restoration
after bleaching is to be done otherwise rediscoloration
Resin Restorations
of tooth would occur, if there is leaking restoration.
After bleaching, if residual H 2O2 remains in the tooth A mind-map to remember all points of bleaching is
structure, the oxygen tends to: given in Figure 23.16.
• Inhibit resin polymerization
• There is decrease in bonding strength of resin composites WHAT IS ENAMEL MICROABRASION?
to enamel and dentin.
• There is increase in resin porosity. • Enamel microabrasion involves decalcification and
removal of a thin layer of stained enamel.
Prevention: Residual H2O2 should be totally eliminated prior • Enamel microabrasion technique is also called
to composite resin placement, which means composite “Controlled hydrochloric acid-pumice abrasion”
restoration placement should be delayed for 7–10 days. technique.
• This technique is mainly useful for fluorosis and also for
Postbleaching Inflammation of other extrinsic discolorations such as brown, orange or
yellow enamel spots and streaks, regardless of etiology
Periodontal Ligament
provided the stain is limited to a thin layer of tooth
Improper barrier over the coronal extent of root canal filling surface (about 0.5 mm)
causes: • Enamel abrasion procedure can be used independently
or prior to bleaching in certain cases.
Leakage of bleaching agents through the space between
• Step-wise procedure:
gutta-percha filling and root canal walls
– Record the shade of the teeth. Take pretreatment
↓ photographs
– Protect the gingiva and carefully isolate the teeth
Leakage products reaching the periodontal ligament via
with an inverted rubber dam and ligatures
dentinal tubules, root apex, lateral and accessory canals
– 18% hydrochloric acid solution is prepared by mixing
↓ 36% hydrochloric acid solution with equal volume
of distilled water and adding fine flour of pumice
Inflammation of PDL
to form a thick paste and is applied to enamel
This can further lead to root resorption. surface using a piece of wooden tongue blade or
crushed orangewood stick. The paste is worked into
Prevention: Adequate cement barrier of thickness of atleast
the enamel surface exerting firm pressure with a
2 mm over the coronal extent of root canal filling.
scrubbing motion for 5 seconds.
The ideal barrier is the one that protects the dentinal
– Then the enamel surface is rinsed with water for
tubules and conforms to the external epithelial attachment.
10 seconds.
A mind-map to remember all points of side effects/ – A mixture of sodium bicarbonate with water forming
adverse effects of intracoronal bleaching of teeth is given a thick paste is applied on the enamel surface for acid
in Figure 23.15. neutralization.
Management of Discolored Teeth 399

Fig. 23.15  A mind-map to remember all points of side effects/adverse effects of intracoronal bleaching of teeth

Fig. 23.16  A mind-map to remember all points of bleaching

400 Short Textbook of Endodontics

– Remove the rubber dam and use fine prophylactic preparation can be minimal from 0.3 mm cervically to
paste to smoothen the abraded enamel surface. 0.5 mm at the incisal edge. For severe discoloration, the
• Safety precautions: preparation has to be deeper than this.
– Excessive decalcification may occur. But, careful and • When more opaque ceramic is added in the veneer, it
judicious application of 18% hydrochloric acid does masks the undesirable tooth color but that limits the
not usually remove significant amount of enamel. display of vitality.
– Chemical burns of soft tissues can be prevented by • A more translucent ceramic allows more light
using protective barriers. transmission and reflection internally, making the
restoration more vital.
IN MANAGEMENT OF DISCOLORED TEETH? Full Coverage Metal-ceramic or All-ceramic
Crowns for Discolored Teeth
Use of Composite Restoration/veneer for
Discolored Teeth • In case of severely discolored tooth or Endodontically
treated disclored tooth with considerable loss of tooth
• If composite is to be used for discolored teeth, an structure, metal-ceramic or all-ceramic restorations are
important consideration is masking of dentin shade not indicated. Now-a-days, all-ceramic restorations (metal-
only at the facial surface but also at the cervical margins free), that make use of Zirconia or Lithium disilicate have
and incisal edges. become quite popular and are being widely used to give
• The tooth should be prepared to allow a uniform pleasing esthetics, simulating natural appearance.
thickness of composite to create a polychromatic • Intra-coronal bleaching of Endodontically treated
appearance in the final result. discolored tooth followed by all-ceramic restoration
• If there is severe discoloration, the depth of preparation gives favorable result.
should allow an additional thin layer of opaque
composite to mask the dark dentin. BIBLIOGRAPHY
• The incisal edges may need to be covered with
composites in few cases extending on the palatal surface. 1. Grossman L, Oliet S, Del Rio C. Endodontic Practice, 11th edn.
Varghese Publication, 1991.pp.271-7.
2. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics, 6th edn.
Use of Ceramic Veneer/Laminates BC Decker Inc, Hamilton, 2008.pp.1383-96.
for Discolored Teeth 3. Patil R. Esthetic Dentistry: An Artist’s Science. 1st edn. PR
Publications, 2002.pp.105-7, 129.
• Ceramic laminates can be used in case of discolored 4. Torabinejad M, Walton RE. Endodontics: Principles and Practice,
teeth. If the discoloration is mild to moderate, the tooth 4th edn. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, 2009.pp.402-3.

Management of Dental
Traumatic Injuries

This chapter explains the various dental traumatic injuries with their consequences and discusses the
various treatment modalities for their management including the considerations at the emergency visit.
 You must know
• What are the Unique Aspects of Dental Trauma?
• What are the Consequences of a Dental Traumatic Injury?
• How do we Classify Traumatized Teeth?
• How do we Make Diagnosis in Case of Dental Traumatic Injuries?
• What are the Factors to be Considered for Treatment of Traumatized Teeth?
• What are the Different Dental Traumatic Injuries and their Management?
• Requirements for Success of Vital Pulp Therapy in Case of Traumatized Teeth

402 Short Textbook of Endodontics

HOW DO WE CLASSIFY TRAUMATIZED TEETH? Class II: Extensive fracture of crown involving enamel
and considerable amount of dentin but no pulp
• WHO classification has given following code numbers: exposure. Figure 24.2 shows photograph of fracture
873.60 Enamel fracture of maxillary left central incisor involving enamel and
873.61 Crown fracture involving enamel and dentin dentin.
without pulp exposure Class III: Extensive fracture of crown, involving enamel
873.62 Crown fracture with pulp exposure and considerable amount of dentin with pulp exposure.
873.63 Root fracture Figure 24.3 shows photograph of fracture of both
873.64 Crown-root fracture maxillary central incisors involving enamel, dentin and
873.66 Luxation pulp.
873.67 Intrusion or extrusion Class IV: Traumatized tooth becomes nonvital with
873.68 Avulsion or without loss of crown structure. Figure 24.4 shows
873.69 Other injuries, such as soft tissue laceration photograph of traumatized discolored maxillary right
• Andreasen’s modification of WHO classification: central incisor tooth without loss of crown structure.
873.64 Uncomplicated crown-root fracture without Class V: Tooth lost due to trauma.
pulp exposure
873.64 Complicated crown-root fractures with pulp
873.66 Concussion
873.66 Subluxation
873.66 Lateral luxation
• International association of Dental Traumatology
uses classification based on WHO and modified by JO
Andreasen and FM Andreasen, which is as follows:
Soft tissues
N873.69 Lacerations
N902.0 Contusion
N910.0 Abrasions
Tooth fractures
N873.60 Enamel fracture
N873.61 Crown fracture involving enamel and dentin
Fig. 24.1  Fractured incisal edges of both central incisors due to
without pulp exposure
trauma (Courtesy of Dr Manoj Ramugade)
N873.62 Crown fracture with pulp exposure
N873.63 Root fracture
873.64 Crown-root fracture
Luxation injuries
873.66 Tooth concussion
873.66 Subluxation
873.66 Extrusive luxation
873.66 Lateral luxation
873.67 Intrusive luxation
873.68 Avulsion
Facial skeletal injuries
802.20 Fracture of alveolar process of mandible
802.40 Fracture of alveolar process of maxilla
802.21 Fracture of body of mandible
802.41 Fracture of body of maxilla
• Ellis and Davey’s classification:
Class I: Simple fracture of crown involving enamel only.
Figure 24.1 shows photograph of fractured incisal edges Fig. 24.2  Trauma to maxillary left central incisor involving enamel
of both central incisors due to trauma. and dentin (Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna)
Management of Dental Traumatic Injuries 403

Fig. 24.3  Trauma to maxillary central incisors involving enamel, Fig. 24.4  Discolored nonvital right maxillary central incisor due to
dentin and pulp (Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna) trauma without any loss of crown structure and trauma to the left
side central incisor involving enamel and dentin (Courtesy of Dr CR

Class VI: Root fracture with or without loss of crown deranged and may inhibit the nerve impulse
structure from an electric or thermal stimulus.
Class VII: Displacement of tooth without crown or root - A positive response at the initial examination
fracture may get converted to a negative response at a
Class VIII: Fracture of crown en mass subsequent visit indicating degeneration of pulp
Class IX: Fracture of deciduous teeth. or a negative response initially may get converted
to a positive response indicating healthy pulp.
HOW DO WE MAKE DIAGNOSIS IN CASE OF - To have a baseline data, these tests are performed
at the initial examination and then they are
repeated at 3 weeks, at 3, 6 and 12 months and
Correct diagnosis is based on: at yearly intervals following the accident.
• History taking: Details of the traumatic event and the - Electric pulp tests do not give predictable
relevant medical history. results in young teeth but may be useful in
• Clinical examination: elderly patients or in traumatized teeth that are
– Extraoral: Evaluate facial hard and soft tissues for undergoing premature sclerosis.
laceration, bone fracture, etc. – Laser Doppler flowmetry:
– TMJ and occlusion: Careful examination of temporo­ Laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) is a valuable
mandibular joint should be done. Occlusion should diagnostic test in assessing vitality in traumatized
be checked. Abnormalities in occlusion can indicate teeth. It helps identify ‘at risk’ teeth early after trauma.
alveolar bone or jaw fracture LDF detects blood flow more consistently and earlier
– Intraoral: in traumatized teeth than the standard tests.
- Soft tissues: Evaluate oral soft tissues—Lips, • Radiographic examination:
tongue, cheek, floor of mouth, etc. for lacerations – Standard radiographs: Panoramic view (OPG), Intra-
and other injuries. Oral Periapical Radiograph (IOPA)
- Teeth and supporting tissues: Visual examination, – Many angled radiographs have to be taken for correct
tactile inspection and palpation, percussion and diagnosis.
mobility testing. – The International Association of Dental Traumatology
• Diagnostic tests: Pulpal tests recommends three angulations for radiographs of
– Thermal and electric pulp tests: traumatized teeth, including:
- May give false negative readings. This is because i. Occlusal view
due to traumatic injury, the conduction capability ii. Lateral view (from mesial or distal aspect of
of the nerve endings or sensory receptors may get tooth)
404 Short Textbook of Endodontics

iii. Horizontal angle of 90 degrees with central beam – Lateral luxation

through the tooth. – Extrusive and intrusive luxation
– Radiographs can be useful to detect: • Tooth avulsion.
- Any embedded foreign objects
- Bone fractures Crown Fractures
- Root fractures
- Subgingival crown fractures
- Root or bone resorption
– But, hairline fractures or fractures that run in a mesio­
distal direction may not be evident on radiographs.
• Clinical photographs: Photographs are taken to serve
as record for monitoring the patient and progress of the
treatment and also for documenting the injuries for legal

WHAT ARE THE FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED • Uncomplicated fractures of crown and their manage­
– The uncomplicated crown fractures may involve only
Figure 24.5 gives the factors to be considered for treatment enamel or enamel and dentin, but there is no pulp
of traumatized teeth in the form of a mind-map. exposure. It is not usually associated with pain or
any symptoms.
WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT DENTAL TRAUMATIC – If fracture involves only enamel, then selective
grinding of incisal edges in order to remove sharp
edges is done. (Enameloplasty).
We shall discuss the following dental traumatic injuries and – Fractures involving only enamel can be very well
their management: treated using composite restorations.
• Crown fractures – If fracture involves enamel and dentin, it can also be
• Crown-root fractures treated using composite restorations. A protective
• Root fractures liner may be needed if the fracture has occurred at
• Luxation injuries deeper level approaching the pulp.
– Concussion – If the fractured fragment is available, it can be re-
– Subluxation attached by etching and bonding technique.

Fig. 24.5  A mind-map to remember all points of factors determining treatment of traumatized teeth
Management of Dental Traumatic Injuries 405

– Carry out follow-up tests after a week, a month, • Bacteria-tight seal:

3  months, 6 months and a year to check the changes – Bacterial contamination during healing phase can
in the condition of the pulp cause failure of VPT.
- Normal response of pulp at following visits: – If exposed pulp is effectively sealed against bacterial
Indicates that pulp has recovered leakage, healing of pulp occurs with a hard-tissue
- Abnormal response of pulp at follow-up visits: barrier.
Indicates unfavorable prognosis of pulp or pulp • Pulp dressing:
necrosis and need for Endodontic treatment. – Calcium hydroxide is commonly used in dressing for
• Management of complicated fractures of crown: vital pulp therapy that disinfects the superficial pulp
When the fracture involves enamel, dentin and pulp, it with its antibacterial effect and causes liquefaction
is called complicated fracture of the crown. necrosis of superficial layers of inflamed pulp
– Treatment options for complicated crown fractures forming a hard tissue barrier.
include: – Only disadvantage of calcium hydroxide is that it
does not seal fractured surface, as a result of which
additional material must be used to have bacterial
– Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) has been tried as
pulp capping agent with good results.

Pulp Therapies in Traumatized Teeth

Various pulp therapies have been discussed in detail in
Chapter 27: Pulp Therapies and Chapter 28: Pediatric
Endodontics. Here they will be explained in short, in relation
to traumatic injury.

Vital Pulp Therapy

• Pulp capping for traumatized teeth:
– In few traumatic exposures, a superficial pulp cap in
the form of a dressing such as calcium hydroxide can
– Choice of treatment depends on following factors: be placed directly onto pulp exposure. This is called
(Remember the sentence): Decide To Repair Pulp direct pulp capping.
(Development, Time, Restorative treatment plan, Figures 24.7A to C shows diagrammatic represen­
Periodontal injury) (Fig. 24.6). tation of direct pulp capping using calcium hydroxide
for a traumatized tooth and calcific bridge formed
REQUIREMENTS FOR SUCCESS after a few weeks of treatment.
- Soon after traumatic exposure, superficial
• Noninflamed pulp and less time elapsed: inflam­mation of pulp occurs. With pulp capping,
– Vital pulp therapy (VPT) of noninflamed pulp has inflamed rather than healthy pulp is treated. So,
high success rate. potential for success is lowered.
– Within first 24 hours of injury, pulp inflammation - Due to limited depth of cavity, it is difficult to
may be only superficial and if vital pulp therapy is achieve a bacteria-tight coronal seal.
carried out during this time, it can have favorable Due to these difficulties, pulp capping is less com-
results. monly used treatment modality for traumatized teeth.
– With increasing time between injury and therapy, • Partial pulpotomy/Cvek pulpotomy:
pulp removal must be extended apically to ensure – It involves removal of the superficial inflamed pulp
that noninflamed pulp has been reached. tissue.
406 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 24.6  A mind-map to remember all points of factors determining choice of treatment of complication fractured crown

– Technique: Steps include:

- Isolation : Rubber dam placement after
administration of anesthesia
- Cavity preparation : 1–2 mm deep cavity
preparation with diamond bur at high speed with
copious water coolant.
- Hemostasis: Pulp is amputated to the level
where only mild to moderate hemorrhage is
seen. Sterile  saline or anesthetic solution used
to rinse the area.
- Placement of calcium hydroxide: The pulpal cavity
and exposed dentinal tubules covered with hard-
setting calcium hydroxide.
A B C - Bacteria-tight seal: Glass ionomer cement is filled
in the prepared cavity for a bacteria-tight seal.
Figs 24.7A to C  Direct pulp capping in traumatized tooth: - Restoration: Etching and bonding for composite
(A) a: Denotes pulp exposure due to trauma resin restoration.
(B) a: Direct pulp capping with calcium hydroxide – Advantages:
b: Tooth restored with semipermanent restoration - Superficial inflamed pulp tissue is removed. So,
(C) Few weeks later more chances of success.
a: Calcific bridge formation - Space is provided for a material such as glass
b: Calcium hydroxide ionomer to provide a bacteria-tight seal to allow
c: Glass ionomer cement base pulpal healing.
d: Permanent restoration (Composite built-up) – Success rate: It is 94–96%.
Management of Dental Traumatic Injuries 407

• Full pulpotomy: - After the roots are formed completely, pulpectomy

– When it is predicted that pulp is inflamed to deeper can be done and root canal treatment completed
levels of coronal pulp, the entire coronal pulp to the as usual.
level of root canal orifices is removed. This is called – Success rate: It is 75% (prognosis poorer than partial
full pulpotomy. pulpotomy due to arbitrary site of pulp amputation.
– Indications: There may be inflamed pulp sometimes extending
- Traumatic exposure after 72 hours past the root canal orifices. This may result in
- Carious pulp exposures treatment of an inflamed rather than noninflamed
This is the treatment modality in the immature pulp. Thus reducing the success rate).
teeth with incompletely formed root apices. But, it A mind-map to remember all points of vital pulp therapy
is contra­indicated in mature teeth. for traumatized teeth is given in Figure 24.8.
– Technique: Steps include:
- Rubber dam placement after administration of Nonvital Pulp Therapy
local anesthesia
- Removal of coronal pulp to the level of the root Pulpectomy
canal orifices • Mature tooth:
- Calcium hydroxide is placed over the floor of pulp Pulpectomy involves removal of the entire pulp
chamber and glass ionomer placed to achieve a to the  level of apical foramen. In case of a mature
bacteria-tight seal tooth with root apices closed, this is completed like
- Coronal restoration the routine Endodontic treatment involving access

Fig. 24.8  A mind-map to remember all points of vital pulp therapy for traumatized teeth
408 Short Textbook of Endodontics

preparation, thorough cleaning and shaping followed • Traditional method: A mix of pure calcium hydroxide
by obturation. powder with sterile saline (or anesthetic solution) or
• Immature tooth: ready mixed commercially available calcium hydroxide
– Apexification: is packed against the apical soft tissue using a plugger.
In case of immature teeth with open apices, and Then the remaining canal is back filled with calcium
thin dentinal walls, apexification procedure needs hydroxide to the level of root canal orifices. Access cavity
to be carried out to form a hard-tissue apical barrier is filled with a well-sealed temporary filling.
against which an effective root canal filling can be Radiograph is taken to ensure the entire canal has
done and to reinforce the weakened root against been filled.
fracture both during and after apexification. Other Patient is recalled at 3-months intervals and
details of Apexification are given in Chapter 27 “Pulp radiograph is taken to evaluate the formation of hard
Therapies”. tissue apical barrier. It may take about 3–18 months for
– Technique: Steps include: the barrier to form. If in between appointments, calcium
- Access cavity preparation: Determination of hydroxide wash out is seen, it is replaced as before.
provisional working length with the help of After the hard tissue barrier is evident on radiograph
a preoperative radiograph and confirmed and tactile sensation with an Endodontic instrument,
radiographically by placing the first Endodontic the calcium hydroxide is washed out of the canal with
instrument. sodium hypochlorite. The canal is then filled against the
- Since the dentinal walls are thin, preparation of apical stop but with careful softened filling technique
canal is performed very lightly and with copious without application of excessive lateral forces during
irrigation using 0.5% sodium hypochlorite. filling. Care must be taken to ensure that the root canal
- Canal is dried with paper points and calcium filling is completed to the level of hard tissue barrier and
hydroxide intracanal dressing may be placed for not forced beyond it.
about 1 week for disinfection of the canal. After • MTA Barrier: After the disinfection of the canal,
1  week, the further treatment can be carried out. calcium sulfate is pushed through the apex to form a
resorbable extraradicular barrier against which MTA
can be packed. MTA is mixed with sterile water and
placed into the apical 3–4 mm of the canal. Radiograph
is taken to confirm its placement. A wet cotton pellet
has to be placed against MTA plug and left for about
6 hours for MTA to set and then the entire canal can

Figs 24.9A to D  (A) Immature pulpally involved maxillary right central incisor with rubber dam in place; (B) Apical plug of MTA;
(C) Obturation completed with thermoplasticized gutta-percha; (D) Follow-up radiograph after 6 months (Courtesy of Dr Roheet Khatavkar)
Management of Dental Traumatic Injuries 409

Fig. 24.10  A mind-map to remember all points of nonvital pulp therapy for traumatized teeth

be obturated. Alternatively, the obturation can be • If the tooth can be maintained periodontally and can
done at the same appointment considering that the allow for a well sealed coronal restoration, then the tooth
tissue fluids of open apex will provide moisture for is treated as crown fracture.
MTA to set.
Figures 24.9A to D shows the radiographs of maxillary Root Fractures
right central incisor tooth in which apexification has Root fractures involve the cementum, dentin and pulp.
been done using MTA. • According to the level of fracture, root fractures can be
A mind-map to remember nonvital pulp therapy for classified as:
traumatized teeth is given in Figure 24.10.

Crown Root Fracture

• Presents a periodontal challenge
• For crown-root fractures, periodontal treatment is done
first to allow for a good margin for restoration.
410 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• According to the direction of fracture, root fractures can • Consequences of treatment: At follow-up visits, it may be
be classified as: found that:

Coronal Root Fractures

• In case of fracture at the level of or coronal to crest of
alveolar bone, prognosis is poor. The coronal segment
needs to be extracted if the fractured segments cannot
be reattached. Then the remaining root segment can
be orthodontically extruded for the restoration to be
• In case of fractures below the level of crest of alveolar Luxation Injuries
bone, reattachment of segments and adequate splinting
will allow for favorable healing. Luxation injuries cause damage to the attachment apparatus
(periodontal ligament and cemental layer).
Mid-root and Apical-root Fractures • Types of luxation injuries: Given on next page.
• What happens after luxation injuries?
• Necrosis may occur in the coronal segment with the
apical segment remaining vital or there may be necrosis
of both the coronal and the apical segments.
• If periapical lesion is seen in the apical segment, the
coronal root segment should be Endodontically treated
and the use of MTA or calcium hydroxide to form a hard-
tissue apical barrier can be considered in case of a wide
apical canal lumen.
• In case of mid-root fractures, removal of the apical • Management of luxation injuries:
segment may compromise the remaining attachment Concussion and subluxation:
and the crown-to-root ratio. So, careful assessment – Generally do not have any pulp consequences. Such
needs to be done. teeth should be kept under observation and pulp
• In case of apical 1/3rd fractures, if necrosis has occurred tests performed at each follow-up visit.
in the apical segment, this necrotic apical segment can – Pulp test findings:
be surgically removed, if the remaining root can provide i. Repetitive finding of positive response can be
adequate periodontal support. considered to be a sign of healthy pulp.
• Follow-up visits after splinting at 3 months, 6 months ii. Transition from positive to negative response
and 12 months are carried out to evaluate the prognosis can be an indication that pulp is undergoing
of the tooth. degeneration.
Management of Dental Traumatic Injuries 411

iii. Transition from negative to positive response replacement resorption and further dentoalveolar
may occur if circulation is restored. ankylosis. Objective of treatment is to prevent such
iv. Persistence of negative response can be complications. Severely intruded tooth may require
considered to be a sign of irreversibly damaged surgical access to attach orthodontic appliances for
pulp and Endodontic treatment is indicated. extrusion of tooth.
– Immobilize the injured teeth using a splint. – Primary tooth: If it gets intruded, it usually re-erupts
– Relieve the occlusion by selective grinding of cusps but may deviate the path of the permanent tooth bud.
of opposing teeth. So, immediate treatment may be needed.
Lateral luxation and extrusive luxation:
– If displacement of tooth (Luxation) occurs without Tooth Avulsion
a. Immediate management: Reposition the tooth Also called total luxation or exarticulation. It is the complete
as soon after the accident as possible and displacement of the tooth out of the socket.
place a functional splint. Anesthesia needs to Tooth avulsion is treated by replantation, which refers
be administered and then reposition the tooth to replacement of tooth in its socket, with the object of
with minimal force by moving it coronally (out attaining reattachment when the tooth has been completely
of buccal bone plate) and then apically (into its avulsed from its socket.
original position). • Management of an avulsed tooth: Management of an
Splint can be removed in 2 weeks. avulsed tooth considers the following factors:
b. Late: Orthodontic treatment.
– Evaluate the width of apical constriction at the time
of repositioning.
- If width is 1 mm or more: It is considered that
revascularization will occur.
No treatment, but tooth kept under observation.
- If width is less than 1 mm: Root canal treatment
should be initiated immediately.
Intrusive luxation: Most severe traumatic injury. Ideally, an avulsed tooth must be replanted as soon as
– Immature tooth: May re-erupt and revasculari­zation possible and should be functionally splinted.
may occur. Observe for 4–6 weeks. If re-eruption • Management of an avulsed tooth with extraoral dry time
stops before normal occlusion is attained, then of less than 60 minutes and with a closed apex:
orthodontic treatment is started to prevent ankylosis. – Rinse the root with water or saline
– Mature tooth: Pulp necrosis generally occurs. – Replant the root in the socket gently
Endodontic treatment is indicated. Severe – On second visit (after 7–10 days) consider Endodontic
injury to PDL can lead to complications such as treatment.
412 Short Textbook of Endodontics

– Obturation can be done immediately if clinical and If decision is made to replant it, it is recommended
radiographic examinations do not indicate pathosis that Endodontic treatment be performed extraorally and
– But if signs of resorption are present, long-term seal the blunderbuss apex and then replant it.
calcium hydroxide therapy can be given until an If Endodontic treatment is not possible at the
intact lamina dura can be traced emergency visit and the avulsed immature tooth has
– After obturation of root canals, tooth should receive a been replanted, then the apexification procedure is
permanent restoration as soon as possible to obtain initiated in the second visit.
a good coronal seal Adjunctive therapy: It involves:
– Follow-up visits at 3 months, 6 months and – Administration of antibiotics:
12  months. - At the time of replantation and before Endodontic
• Management of an avulsed tooth with extraoral dry time treatment
of less than 60 minutes and with an open apex: - Tetracycline affects the motility of osteoclast and
– It is recommended to soak the avulsed tooth in reduces the effectiveness of collagenase
doxycycline or cover it with minocycline for about - Penicillin V can also be beneficial
5 minutes and then rinse off the debris gently. – Chlorhexidine rinses for 7–10 days to control the
– Replant the tooth in the socket gently bacterial content of the sulcus
– In case of an avulsed tooth with open apex, the – Administration of analgesics if required.
revascularization of the pulp and continued root Physiologic storage media for avulsed tooth if
development are expected. immediate replantation is not possible: If the avulsed
– But if signs of infection appear, then apexification tooth cannot be replanted immediately, the tooth
procedure followed by Endodontic treatment is should be placed in physiologic storage solution in
indicated and performed in the second visit which order to have an extended extraoral time to minimize
is after 7–10 days. resorption complications after replantation.
• Management of an avulsed tooth with extraoral dry time Examples of such physiologic storage media in order
of more than 60 minutes and with a closed apex: of preference are:
– It is recommended that all the remaining periodontal – Hank’s balanced salt solution (HBSS): It is a pH
ligament cells be removed from the root in order to preserving fluid that can keep the periodontal
make it resistant to resorption and slow down the ligament cells viable for 24 hours.
ankylosis, on replantation. – Milk
This is done by: – Saliva
– Soak the avulsed tooth in etching acid for 5 minutes – Physiologic saline
– Then soak it in 2% stannous fluoride for 5 minutes – Water.
– Replant the tooth in the socket gently Water is least desirable storage medium because the
– Extraoral Endodontic treatment may be performed hypotonic environment of water may cause rapid cell
in the avulsed tooth before replanting it, under lysis and hence there may be increased inflammation
absolutely aseptic conditions on replantation.
But, this step has not been found to have any Outcome of replantation:
advantage. – If extraoral dry time is less than 15–20 minutes,
– After 7–10 days, Endodontic treatment and other periodontal healing is expected to occur. The
considerations similar to teeth with extraoral time PDL cells maintain their viability and repair after
less than 60 minutes. replantation with minimal destructive inflammation.
• Management of an avulsed tooth with extraoral dry time – If extraoral dry time has been more and excessive
of more than 60 minutes in a tooth with open apex: Due drying has occurred before replantation, the damaged
to potential complications involved with replantation periodontal ligament cells elicit a severe inflammatory
of such teeth, whether to replant such teeth or not is response, large area of root surface gets affected
controversial. that has to be repaired by new tissue. Replantation
Management of Dental Traumatic Injuries 413

TABLE 24.1  Management of dental traumatic injuries (Courtesy of Dr Ashwin Jawdekar)

Injury Management
Enamel fracture Enameloplasty, fragment reattachment, composite
Enamel and dentin fracture Fragment reattachment, composite, pulp protection
Pulp exposure Pulp capping, pulpotomy, apexification, RCT, composite, crown
Nonvital tooth RCT, composite, crown
Lost (Avulsion) - Replantation and splinting for 2–3 weeks;
- Replacement of missing tooth: RPD/FPD; implant
Root fracture Coronal third—Orthodontic extrusion or crown lengthening, core-build, crown; extraction (poor prognosis)
Middle third—Splinting for 3 months, RCT
Apical third—Splinting for 1 month, RCT (good prognosis)
Displacement without fracture Lateral luxation, extrusion: Immediate—repositioning; late—orthodontic movement
Intrusion—observe for re-eruption 4–6 weeks, orthodontic treatment
If nonvital, RCT
En masse crown fracture Extraction; orthodontic extrusion or crown lengthening, core-build, crown (poor prognosis)
Traumatic injuries to primary teeth Avulsion—no replantation as ankylosis may develop
Intrusion—usually re-erupt; may deviate path of permanent tooth bud
Root fractures—coronal and middle third- extraction
Crown en masse fracture—extraction
Displacement—immediate-repositioning, late- extraction
Splint for less period (2 weeks)

resorption may occur which is frequently followed BIBLIOGRAPHY

by ankylosis (osseous replacement or replacement
1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp. 9th edn. St. Louis:
resorption). The pathologic resorption associated with
Mosby, 2006.pp.610-46.
avulsed tooth has been explained in detail in Chapter 2. Grossman L, Oliet S, Del Rio C. Endodontic Practice, 11th edn.
30 “Pathologic Tooth Resorption”. Varghese publication, 1991.pp.278-88, 329-33.
Table 24.1 gives the summary of the management 3. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics, 6th edn.
of the dental traumatic injuries. BC Decker Inc, Hamilton, 2008.pp.1330-53.


This chapter deals with various aspects of Endodontic-Periodontal inter-relationships, the differential
diagnosis of the disease process and the appropriate treatment modality for the same.
  You must know
• How are Endodontic and Periodontal Tissues and their Diseases Inter-Related?
• What are the Etiologic Factors and Contributing Factors causing Endodontic-Periodontal
• How do we Classify Endodontic-Periodontal Lesions?
• How to Detect Endodontic Periodontal Lesions?
• What Differential Diagnosis will you Consider when you see Features of Both Endodontic
and Periodontal Lesions?
• Which are the Different Types of Endodontic-Periodontal Lesions?
• What are the Treatment Alternatives in case of Endodontic-Periodontal Lesions?
• What is the Prognosis of a Tooth with both Endodontic and Periodontal Disease?

HOW ARE ENDODONTIC AND PERIODONTAL Pathways of communication between pulp and periodontium:
A. Physiologic modes of communication:
1. Apical foramen
The tooth, its pulp and its supporting structures together 2. Lateral canals, accessory canals and furcation canals
constitute a ‘biologic unit’. The pulp and the periodontium 3. Exposed dentinal tubules: When cementum and
evolved from the same mesenchymal tissue during the enamel do not meet at CEJ, dentinal tubules remain
formative stage. Except for enamel, which is an ectodermal exposed acting as pathway of communication
derivative, all the other dental structures are formed by between the pulp and the periodontium.
neural crest cells that later condense in developing maxilla B. Pathologic modes of communication:
and mandible as dental papilla and dental follicle. The 1. Exposed dentinal tubules in areas devoid of
dental papilla gives rise to the dental pulp and the dental cementum due to:
follicle gives rise to the periodontal structures. a. Developmental defects such as palatogingival
Thus, the pulp and the periodontium are embryologically groove, cervical enamel projections
and structurally related. b. Root caries
2. Idiopathic root resorption
Intercommunication between Pulp and 3. Pathologic root perforations
4. Vertical root fractures (VRF)
Periodontal Tissues
5. Trauma
There are intimate anatomic and vascular connections C. Iatrogenic:
between the pulp and periodontium through various 1. Exposed dentinal tubules following periodontal
pathways as given here. therapy such as root planning
Endodontic-Periodontal Inter-relationships 415

2. Accidental perforations during Endodontic treatment during root canal treatment procedures. Fungi are found
3. Surgical procedures. in subgingival plaque.
• Viruses: Viruses have also been found associated with
Inter-relationship between Diseases of the Pulp both Endodontic and Periodontal diseases. Herpes
Simplex virus has been isolated from the gingival
and the Periodontium
crevicular fluid and gingival biopsies of the periodontal
• Endodontic lesions can cause periodontal lesions lesions. Pulpal and associated periapical disease
Inflammatory products from diseased pulp, necrotic containing human cytomegalovirus and Epstein Barr
debris, bacterial by products and toxins virus have been found in few clinical studies. Herpes
Through apical foramen and lateral and accessory canals simplex virus has not been detected in periapical
↓ lesions.
Inflammation in periodontium involving PDL only or (The microbiology of root canals has been discussed
tooth socket and surrounding bone in detail in Chapter 6 Endodontic Microbiology).
Toxic irritants of periodontal tissue destruction migrate
towards gingival margin: Retrograde periodontitis. Contributing Factors
• Periodontal lesions can cause Endodontic lesions • Inadequate Endodontic treatment: Poor Endodontic
treatment results in treatment failure contributing to
Endodontic-periodontal disease.
• Traumatic injuries of teeth may involve the pulp
and even the surrounding periodontal attachment
apparatus. Traumatic injuries and their management
has been discussed in detail in Chapter 24.
• Coronal leakage: Coronal leakage has been found to be
one of the major causes of Endodontic treatment failure.
Endodontically treated teeth may get contaminated by
microorganisms due to defective restorations or delay in
placement of coronal restoration. An adequate coronal
One of the main goals of Endodontics is to cure apical restoration is essential to prevent coronal leakage.
periodontitis. Thus, Endodontics may be thought of as • Root Perforations: May be pathologic caused due to
periapical Periodontics. extensive carious lesion, resorption, etc. or may be
iatrogenic (Operator error during post preparation or
WHAT ARE THE ETIOLOGIC FACTORS access preparation or root canal instrumentation.) It can
lead to periodontal lesions. Sealing of the perforation
as early as possible and infection control is important
ENDODONTIC-PERIODONTAL DISEASES? for good prognosis. Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) is
Etiological Factors widely used perforation repair material.
• Developmental malformations: Radicular invaginations
• Bacteria: Root canal flora consists of proteolytic found in central fossa of maxillary central and lateral
bacteria and anaerobic microbiota. Spirochetes are incisors crossing cingulum and continuing till the root
associated with both periodontal (subgingival plaque) can lead to untreatable periodontal condition when its
and Endodontic diseases (root canals). The spirochetes epithelial attachment is breached, resulting in infrabony
Treponema denticola and Treponema maltophilum pocket formation. This condition may get associated
have been isolated from root canals. Porphyromonas with Endodontic disease.
gingivalis, Bacteroides forsythus, Prevotella intermedia, (Remember the sentence: Contributing To Endo-Perio
etc. are few periodontal pathogenic bacteria. Disease: Coronal Traumatic Endodontic Perforations
• Fungi: Fungi mainly Candida albicans is found both in Developmental).
Endodontic and periodontal lesions. Fungi may enter Figure 25.1 is the mind-map listing the etiologic and
the root canals from oral cavity due to poor asepsis contributing factors for Endodontic-periodontal disease.
416 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 25.1  Mind-map of etiologic and contributing factors causing Endodontic periodontal diseases

HOW DO WE CLASSIFY ENDODONTIC- determines the type of therapy required and probable
PERIODONTAL LESIONS? prognosis of the case.

Due to close relationship between Endodontics and

Periodontics, various classifications of Endodontic-
periodontal lesions have been suggested in order to divide
the type of cases that may require combined (Endodontic-
periodontal) or single therapy.
• Classification given by Simon et al:

• Classification given by Oliet and Pollock: Oliet and

• Classification given by Weine: Weine classified the Pollock classified the Endodontic-periodontal lesions
Endodontic-periodontal lesions based on etiology which based on the required treatment procedure as follows:
Endodontic-Periodontal Inter-relationships 417

HOW TO DETECT ENDODONTIC • Presence of swelling: A swelling related to the dental

PERIODONTAL LESIONS? pulp commonly found in the mucobuccal fold. Swelling
related to the periodontal problem occurs on the
Pulpal and periodontal diseases have common clinical attached gingiva.
symptoms such as tenderness to percussion and swelling • Percussion:
and may mimic each other clinically and radiographically. – Tenderness to percussion in coronoapical direction
Correct diagnosis of the etiology of the disease process, usually indicates pulpal pathology
whether Endodontic, periodontal, or combined will – Tenderness to percussion in lateral direction usually
determine the treatment and long-term prognosis of the indicates periodontal pathology.
case. • Pain: Usually sharp/severe/acute onset pain is related to
Close relationship between pulpal and periodontal pulpal pathology and chronic, dull discomfort is related
disease is reasonably established based on: to periodontal pathology.
• Distribution: Periodontitis is usually generalized and
Case history taking pulpal pathology usually localized, affecting single tooth.
• Chief complaint of the patient • Etiological factors: Periodontal problem is usually
• Medical history review associated with local irritating factors such as plaque
and calculus and caries or trauma is associated with the
Clinical examination and diagnostic tests pulpal problem.
• Visual examination and palpation to assess the signs • Pulp tests: Tooth which is pulpally involved may have
and symptoms nonvital pulp and tooth which has only periodontal
involvement is vital.
418 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• Tracing sinus tract or fistula, if present. Mostly related radiographic and histopathological findings. These should
to a pulpal problem. be considered for differential diagnosis.
• Pocket probing: Pocket relates to a periodontal problem A very simplified table to explain these similarities and
if the tooth is vital. But in case of pocket associated with differences which is as follows: (Cohen’s ‘The Pathways of
a nonvital tooth, there is possibility of an Endodontic Pulp’– 9th Edition’, p. 657).
problem. Long and narrow pocket related to a single
isolated tooth is suggestive of Endodontic problem. Endodontic disease Periodontal disease
Pockets with wide entrance are suggestive of periodontal •  Clinical findings:
problem.   –  Etiology Infection of pulp Infection in
• Probing of furcation defect, if any. Usually related to periodontium
periodontal disease.   –  Vitality of tooth Nonvital Mostly vital
• Tooth mobility-determination. Mobility involving   –  Any restoration Deep or extensive Not related
multiple teeth other than the involved tooth, is more   – Local irritating Not related Primary cause
related to Periodontal problem. factors:
Plaque, calculus
Radiographic examination   –  Inflammation Acute, sometimes chronic Chronic
• Extent of caries or restorations.   – Periodontal Single, narrow Multiple, wide
• Status of any Endodontic treatment done in the tooth pockets coronally
• Condition of periradicular tissues: Thickness of PDL,   –  pH value Often acidic Usually alkaline
changes in alveolar bone such as bone loss
  –  Trauma Primary or secondary Contributing factor
• Root resorption
  – Micro- Few Complex
• Wide periapical radiolucency may be suggestive of
pulpal problem. Crestal bone loss, horizontal or vertical
•  Radiographic findings:
bone loss is suggestive of periodontal problem.
• Gutta-percha point inserted in the sinus tract and   –  Pattern Localized Generalized
radiograph taken, helps to identify the source of   –  Bone loss Wider apically Wider coronally
infection.   –  Periapical Radiolucency Not often related
  – Vertical bone Absent Present
CONSIDER WHEN YOU SEE FEATURES OF BOTH •  Histopathological findings:
ENDODONTIC AND PERIODONTAL LESIONS?   – Junctional No apical migration Apical migration
Clinical signs and symptoms and radiographic evaluation   – Granulation Apical (minimal) Coronal (larger)
help the clinician to rule out different diseases: tissue
It may be:   –  Gingiva Normal Some recession
• Primary Endodontic or Periodontal lesion with
•  Treatment Root canal treatment Periodontal treatment
secondary involvement resulting in a combined lesion.
• Vertical root fractures: Difficult to diagnose as it may not
be detectable by clinical inspection and radiographic
examination unless the root fragments have separated.
Exploratory surgical exposure of the root for direct visual
examination can give definitive diagnosis. Primary Endodontic Lesions
• Developmental grooves: Such as palatogingival grooves
found in maxillary central and lateral incisors should be • Deep caries, extensive restorations or traumatic injury
looked for as it might have caused the defect. Localized associated with pulpal involvement may lead to
Periodontal destruction occurs due to such grooves. Pulp Endodontic pathology. The inflammatory components
of such teeth may become secondarily involved. may pass through the apical foramen or lateral/
There are certain similarities and differences in the accessory canals and produce mild inflammation at the
pulpal and Periodontal diseases in terms of clinical, apex or near the opening of the lateral/accessory canals.
Endodontic-Periodontal Inter-relationships 419

• A deep solitary pocket in the absence of true Periodontal • Treatment: Root canal treatment. Primary Endodontic
disease is indicative of lesion of Endodontic origin as lesions usually heal following root canal treatment.
shown in Figure 25.2. The sinus tract extending into the gingival sulcus or
• This pocket is a sinus tract from pulpal origin that opens furcation area quickly heals by itself following root canal
along  PDL area through lateral accessory canals and treatment.
apical foramen. • Prognosis: Excellent prognosis. The periapical lesion
• There is no increase in probing depth around the tooth usually resolves if proper Endodontic therapy is done.
except in the area of sinus tract.
• Also, a sulcular pocket of Endodontic origin is typically Primary Endodontic Lesions with Secondary Periodontal
very narrow compared to pocket of Periodontal origin. Involvement
• Figure 25.2 shows diagrammatic representation of • When lesion of Endodontic origin is not treated
mandibular molar showing deep carious lesion with ↓
infected/necrotic pulp. This lesion has primarily an Pathosis continues to progress causing break-down of
Endodontic etiology. It shows the various pathways for surrounding hard and soft tissues.
the spread of infection that include: Figure 25.3 shows diagrammatic representation of an
– from apex to gingival sulcus Endodontically involved mandibular molar tooth. There
– from apex to furcation area is spread of infection through apical foramen and deep
– from lateral canals to gingival sulcus solitary pocket is formed.
– from lateral canals to furcation area • Root perforation during root canal treatment also causes
• Diagnosis: The origin of the lesion can be traced by secondary Periodontal involvement.
inserting gutta-percha cone into the sinus tract and • Root fractures also mimic the appearance of primary
taking radiographs. Also, based on findings such as Endodontic lesions with secondary Periodontal
minimal amount of plaque or calculus present, necrotic involvement. Frequently occurs on Endodontically
pulp of the involved tooth. treated teeth with large post.

Fig. 25.2  Mandibular molar with deep carious lesion. Various Fig. 25.3  a. Spread of infection from an Endodontically involved
pathways for the spread of infection denoted by arrows. a. from tooth through the apical foramen; b. Deep solitary periodontal
apex to gingival sulcus; b. from apex to furcation area; c. from lateral pocket formation
canals to gingival sulcus; d. from lateral canals to furcation area
420 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• Diagnosis • Mobility of teeth may be seen but in most cases, teeth

– Necrotic root canal and plaque or calculus respond positively to pulp testing.
accumulation demonstrated by probing and • Treatment: Oral prophylaxis including scaling and
radiographs. polishing of teeth and root planning. Periodontal flap
– May be associated with pain, swelling, purulent surgery may be needed in some cases. Root amputation
exudates, pocket formation and tooth mobility. may be required in advanced cases.
– In cases of root fractures, local deepening of • Prognosis for such teeth depends upon the stage of
Periodontal pocket and more acute Periodontal Periodontal disease.
abscess symptoms can be found. Figure 25.4 shows radiograph of maxillary molar with
– Deep solitary periodontal pocket present. Periodontal lesion.
• Treatment
– Requires both Endodontic and Periodontal Primary Periodontal Lesions with Secondary Endodontic
treatment. Involvement
– With Endodontic treatment alone, only part of the
lesion will heal.
– First Endodontic therapy followed by Periodontal
therapy is done.
– In case of vertical root fracture, extraction of the
• Prognosis
– Good prognosis.
– Only in case of vertical root fracture, prognosis of
tooth is poor and needs extraction.

Primary Periodontal Lesions

• Periodontal disease begins in gingival sulcus, migrates
to apex as the deposits of plaque and calculus cause Figure 25.5 shows diagrammatic representation of
breakdown of surrounding alveolar bone and soft mandibular molar with primarily Periodontal involvement.
tissues. Infection can spread from Periodontal pocket through apical
• Accumulation of plaque and calculus and presence of foramen to the pulp as denoted by arrows.
wider pockets.

Fig. 25.4  Radiograph showing Periodontal Fig. 25.5  The tooth has no carious lesion and reveals a vital pulp.
lesion in maxillary molar There is primarily Periodontal involvement. a. Periodontal pocket;
b.  Infection can spread to the pulp through the apical foramen
Endodontic-Periodontal Inter-relationships 421

This can happen when treatment procedures like scaling, • Treatment : Both Endodontic and Periodontal
curettage or surgical flap procedures open the dentinal treatment.
tubules and lateral canals to the oral environment. This After a definitive diagnosis is established, Root
results in pulp inflammation and necrosis. canal treatment and/or required Periodontal therapy is
• Signs and symptoms of pulpal disease as well as considered in the treatment plan. Generally Endodontic
Periodontal disease become evident. treatment should precede Periodontal therapy.
• Treatment of lesions that are primary Periodontal and • Prognosis depends on the amount of Periodontal
secondary Endodontic involvement: destruction. Prognosis is guarded in single-rooted teeth.
– Endodontic treatment
– Periodontal procedures such as Scaling and root
– Periodontal flap surgery may be required in few
– In certain conditions like localized Periodontal
defect associated with Endodontically untreatable
tooth or iatrogenic errors causing Endoperio lesions,
certain treatment alternatives need to be considered
such as Root resection/amputation or guided tissue
generation (GTR), discussed later in this chapter.

True Combined Lesions

• Pulpal and Periodontal disease may occur independently
or concomitantly in and around the same tooth.
• True combined lesions occur when Endodontic disease
progressing coronally joins with an infected Periodontal
pocket progressing apically as shown and explained in
Figure 25.6. The Endodontic and Periodontal lesions
which were once separate, now communicate.
• Diagnosis: Necrotic pulp or failing Endodontic
treatment, plaque, calculus and periodontitis may be Fig. 25.6  a. Caries involving the pulp; b. Spread of infection from
Periodontium into the pulp through the lateral canal; c. Periodontal
present in teeth with combined lesions. pocket; d. Spread of infection from the infected pulp to the
Figures 25.7A and B show radiographs of mandibular periodontium through the apical foramen resulting in combined
molars with combined Endodontic-Periodontal lesion. lesion

Figs 25.7A and B  Radiographs of mandibular first molar with both—severe Periodontal lesion and Endodontic involvement
422 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Concomitant Pulpal and Periodontal Lesion Respective Techniques

• Lesions that may commonly be seen clinically and reflect
presence of two separate and distinct entities are named, Root Resection
concomitant Pulpal and Periodontal lesion.
• Both may have different causative factors. “Radisectomy or root resection is the removal of root with
• There is no clinical evidence that either disease state has accompanying odontoplasty”. This can be done before but
influenced the other. preferably after Endodontic treatment.
• Both separate lesions have coincidently attacked the “Hemisection refers to sectioning of the crown of a
same tooth. molar tooth with either the removal of half of the crown and
• Both the disease processes must be treated concomitantly its supporting root structure or retention of both halves to
with the removal of individual etiologic factors. function as two premolars”.
• It should be determined whether periodontal condition • Indications of root resection:
is treatable. There is no point performing Endodontic – Root fracture
therapy in teeth with hopeless periodontal lesions. – Root perforations
• Endodontic therapy is performed first followed by – Root destroyed by extensive caries
Periodontal therapy. – Extensive loss of bone around one root due to
• The healing of periapical lesion is not affected by the dehiscence, fenestration, external root resorption
periodontal therapy to follow. – Impaired Endodontic treatment of a particular root
– Severe periodontitis involving only one root
Weine’s classification of Endodontic-Periodontal problems: – Untreatable furcation involvement.
Weine has suggested a classification of Endodontic- • Contraindication: When loss of bone involves more than
Periodontal problems, that is clinically oriented and helps one root and the remaining root would have inadequate
in determining accurately the correct method of therapy support.
required. The types of Endodontic Periodontal problems In such cases, extraction of such a tooth is
according to Weine’s classification are summarized in recommended. Occlusal function can be restored by
Table 25.1. considering implants with hybrid prostheses.
• Case selection: Root resection is a technique-sensitive
WHAT ARE THE TREATMENT ALTERNATIVES IN procedure that requires careful diagnostic process
for selection of case that would be best treated with
resection technique.
Primary treatment of different Endodontic-periodontal • Accompanying odontoplasty:
lesions has been explained previously with the different – Crown: Proper reshaping of occlusal table and resto­
types of Endodontic-periodontal lesions. ration of the clinical crown is to be done.
Treatment alternatives in case of Endodontic-periodontal – Root: Root surface must be recontoured to remove
lesions include the following: the root stump.
• Prognosis: Long-term prognosis for vital root resection
has been found to be poor. Whenever possible, root
canal treatment should be done before root resection.
If not possible, then it should be performed as soon as
possible after vital root amputation.

Regenerative Technique
Guided tissue regeneration (GTR) barrier membranes can be
used in case of large periradicular lesions to promote bone
healing after Endodontic surgery. Bone replacement grafts
using guided tissue and bone regeneration techniques re-
establish the biologic structures that were lost during the
disease process.
Endodontic-Periodontal Inter-relationships 423

TABLE 25.1  Types of Endodontic-periodontal problems according to Weine’s classification

Class I Class II Class III Class IV
1. Predominant • Endodontic (Pulp • Both Endodontic and • Severe Periodontal disease •  Periodontal disease
lesion inflammation and/or Periodontal disease • Has no pulpal problem. • Simulates clinically and
necrosis) concomitantly Needs Endodontic therapy radiographically pulpal or periapical
• Simulates periodontal • Pulpal disease may be and root amputation to gain disease and appears to indicate
disease clinically and coincidental to Periodontal periodontal healing and need for Endodontic treatment
radiographically lesion or may be due to degree retain the tooth but actually requires Periodontal
of Periodontal damage therapy only
2. Etiology Endodontic (pulpal disease) Both Endodontic (pulpal and Periodontal disease. Pulp may Periodontal disease
Tooth may have deep periapical) and Periodontal be normal or may have some
caries, large restoration disease degree of pulpal inflammation
approaching the pulp,
pulp capping, pulpotomy,
considerable dimunition of
pulp space
3. Diagnosis It is based on finding that It is based on finding that Periodontal disease present, Due to loss of bone and soft tissue
patient has minimal or no periodontal problems are no pulp damage in the support due to periodontal disease,
periodontal disease in other present elsewhere in mouth and involved tooth. Possibility of affected teeth may become sensitive
areas of mouth that a pulpal pathosis is also retaining the tooth and good to changes in temperature which
present periodontal result by means might be misdiagnosed as irreversible
of Endodontic treatment plus pulpitis. Tenderness to percussion and
root amputation mobility and swelling. Exudate may
be expressed from crevice on probing
in case of periodontal abscess
4. Treatment Endodontic therapy only Both Endodontic and Periodontal Here treatment is aimed at Requires periodontal therapy
therapy gaining healing of periodontal-
only problem. Endodontic
therapy and guided tissue
regeneration (GTR) or root
amputation (indicated in case
of severe periodontal defect
around one root of multirooted
tooth, other roots have healthy
5. Prognosis Heals rapidly. Excellent Prognosis for periapical Here use of Endodontic Prognosis is poor unless periodontal
prognosis. Clinical portion is superior to that of procedure produces healing treatment is done
symptoms disappear Periodontal portion. If periapical of periodontal disease and no
after initial root canal lesion healed after Endodontic further periodontal therapy
debridement. Deep treatment, less chance of may be required in the area of
pocket of 8–10 mm recurrence. Periodontal lesion amputation of involved root
reduces to about 2 mm may recur if periodontal
after first appointment maintenance not followed
of Endodontic treatment.
Bone damage gets repaired
and remineralized seen on
radiograph within one year

Other Treatment Alternative: Forced • Indications:

Eruption/Orthodontic Extrusion – Fractured teeth
– Teeth with extensive caries
In cases where surgical crown lengthening cannot be – Teeth with internal or external root resorption
performed or will not give the desired result, orthodontic – Teeth with lateral perforation
extrusion can be a better alternative. – Teeth in which surgical crown lengthening will
It is very infrequently used technique. produce poor prosthesis.
It serves to preserve the natural root system and related • Prognosis is usually poor in case of single-rooted
periodontal architecture. teeth.
424 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Disease process Prognosis

• Primary Endodontic disease Excellent prognosis if appropriate Root Canal Treatment is done.
Necrotic tooth with or without sinus tract
• Primary Periodontal disease Excellent, good to poor prognosis depending on severity of Periodontal disease,
patient’s tissue response and oral maintenance.
• Primary Endodontic disease with secondary Periodontal Good to poor prognosis. Endodontic treatment to be done first, treatment results to
involvement be evaluated in 2–3 months and only then Periodontal therapy considered.
• Primary Periodontal disease with secondary Endodontic Guarded prognosis. It depends mainly on severity of Periodontal disease and
involvement or true combined lesions success of Periodontal therapy.

Prognosis may be better in molar teeth if all the roots the tooth as per the type of Endodontic-Periodontal lesion
have not suffered loss of supporting tissues. Root resection is given in the above table.
can be considered as treatment alternative.
WITH BOTH ENDODONTIC AND 1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis:
Mosby; 2006.pp.650-65.
PERIODONTAL DISEASE? 2. Franklin S Weine. Endodontic therapy, 6th edn. Mosby-Affliate
Long-term prognosis will be determined by correct of Elsevier, St Louis, Missouri; 2004.pp.452-80.
diagnosis of the etiology of disease process whether 3. Grossman L, Oliet S, Del Rio C. Endodontic Practice, 11th edn.
Endodontic, Periodontal or combined. The prognosis of Varghese publication; 1991.pp.313-27.
4. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics 6, 6th edn.
BC Decker Inc, Hamilton; 2008.pp.638-56.

Surgical Endodontics

This chapter discusses in detail the various aspects of periradicular surgery including the basic principles
and step-by-step procedure for performing the surgery.
 You must know
• What is Endodontic or Periradicular Surgery and what are its Objectives?
• What are the Indications of Periradicular Surgery?
• What are the Contraindications of Periradicular Surgery?
• What is the Contemporary Classification of Endodontic Surgery?
• What are the Important Considerations While Case Selection and Treatment Planning for
Periradicular Surgery?
• What are the basic Principles and Steps to be followed in Periradicular Surgery?


A surgical procedure that allows visualization and Grossman gave the following list of indications for
manipulation in the periradicular area in order to eliminate periradicular surgery:
pathosis and to place a biocompatible seal by means • When direct access to the apical third of the canal is
of retrograde filling through the surgical site is called prevented either due to anatomic conditions such as
Endodontic or periradicular surgery. calcifications, curvatures, bifurcations, etc. or due to
iatrogenic errors such as ledging, or blockage from
Objectives of Periradicular Surgery separated instrument, old fillings, posts, etc.
• In case of pathologic or iatrogenic apical perforation
• To gain adequate access to periradicular area that cannot be sealed properly by orthograde filling of
• To remove pathological tissue the canal
• To visualize and evaluate the root and root canal system • In case of lesions that require diagnostic biopsy
• To place root-end filling in order to achieve a • In case of “blunderbuss” canals that do not respond to
biocompatible apical seal of the root canal apexification and cannot be adequately sealed with an
• To promote regeneration of periodontium. orthograde filling.
426 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• When the apical constricture of the root canal has been WHAT ARE THE CONTRAINDICATIONS OF
destroyed by uncontrolled instrumentation resulting in PERIRADICULAR SURGERY?
apical foramen that cannot be adequately sealed with
orthograde filling.
• For the removal of the foreign body such as extruded
filling, cement, instrument from the periradicular
area that has resulted in the origin or extension of
periradicular disease,
• In case of exacerbation of disease during nonsurgical
treatment or in case of persistent and unexplainable
pain following completion of nonsurgical treatment.
• When there is excessively large and intruding
periapical lesion that may require marsupialization
and decompression procedures for treatment.
• In case of a horizontally fractured root tip associated
with a periradicular disease.
• Failure to heal in spite of good nonsurgical Endodontic
(Friends, we can remember the above indications by
using a simple alphabetic formula:
Where a = access, a = apical, b = biopsy, b = blunderbuss,
c = constricture, d = disease, e = exacerbation, e =
excessive, f = fracture, f = failure)
But, with the recent advances in the field of
Endodontics in terms of improved visualization with
microscope, increased knowledge and improved
materials has made primary nonsurgical treatment
and nonsurgical retreatment more predictable with
increased rate of success. As a result, today there are
specific indications for periradicular surgery.
Ingle has given the following specific indications for
periradiclar surgery:
– When nonsurgical retreatment has failed, that
implies that nonsurgical treatment had been
employed atleast twice.
– When the initial or primary nonsurgical treatment
provided has failed and retreatment is not possible
or practical to achieve a better result.
– When a biopsy is necessary.
Surgical Endodontics 427


• The contemporary classification of Endodontic surgery: Thorough evaluation of patient’s medical history and specific
(Ingle’s Endodontics, p.1234) assessment of patient’s cardiovascular status and any kind
of tolerance to local anesthetics containing adrenaline, is
Enquiry about drug history including any known allergy
to any medications and about the use of any nonprescription
medications that can have interaction with local anesthetics
or can inhibit coagulation, is also essential.

Anatomic Considerations
Important anatomic structures that may be encountered
during Endodontic surgery and the anatomy of the
individual root and root canal system should be considered.

Considerations in Anterior Maxilla

• Richard Rubenstein and Kim gave the following
classification of Endodontic microsurgical cases: • Floor of nose and bony anterior nasal spine in case of
extremely long roots of maxillary incisors or a large
periradicular lesion that may erode considerable
amount of bone.
• Amount of lingual inclination of the root of maxillary
lateral incisor.
• Maxillary canine has long root and if it is combined with
a shallow vestibule in a particular patient, then it can
complicate access to the apical area.

Considerations in Posterior Maxilla

• Maxillary sinus:
– Proximity of root apices to the maxillary sinus should
be considered:
- Apex of buccal root of maxillary 1st premolar
is quite away from the floor of maxillary sinus
approximately 7.05 mm.
- Apices of maxillary 2nd premolar, and that of
mesiobuccal and distobuccal roots of maxillary
1st molar are found to be approximately 2.8 mm
from the floor of maxillary sinus.
WHAT ARE THE IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS - Mesiobuccal root of maxillary second molar is
found to be closest to the floor of maxillary sinus,
approximately 0.83 mm.
PLANNING FOR PERIRADICULAR SURGERY?   Periradicular pathosis may cause pathologic
Important considerations while case selection and resorption of bone around the apices decreasing
treatment planning for periradicular surgery include: this distance further.
428 Short Textbook of Endodontics

– Clinician must be prepared for the management and Considerations in Anterior Mandible
precautions to be taken when the maxillary sinus • Roots of mandibular incisors are lingually inclined.
gets exposed during Endodontic surgery in case of • Vestibule is shallow in the region of mandibular incisors.
a large periradicular lesion. Sinus opening should • Roots of adjacent teeth are quite close to each other.
be temporarily occluded with appropriate material
and prevent the inadvertent displacement of infected Considerations in Posterior Mandible
root fragments and debris into the sinus. • Position of mental foramen: It may be located between
• Palatal roots: Surgical access to the palatal roots of the apex of mandibular first premolar and the mesial
maxillary molars may be difficult. They can be accessed root of the mandibular first molar.
by palatal or buccal (transantral) approach. • Relationship of the root apices to the mandibular canal.
• Greater palatine foramen: Generally located about • Neurovascular bundle within the mandibular canal that
1 cm from the margin of palatal gingiva in between exits through the mental foramen.
the maxillary second and third molars. This anatomic • Depth of vestibule in mandibular posterior teeth.
structure is usually not encountered as very few apical • Distal root of mandibular second molar is located
surgical procedures are performed on the palatal roots quite away from buccal cortical plate, meaning that
of maxillary 2nd or 3rd molars. mandibular second molar has quite thick overlying
• Anterior palatine artery: Emerges from greater palatine buccal bone and more buccal location of mandibular
foramen distal to maxillary 2nd molar. Its position canal, all these factors cause difficulty in access to the
should be carefully considered to avoid severing roots of mandibular second molar.
it during incision. But in case if it gets severed, it A mind-map to remember all points of anatomic
should be locally clamped and pressure applied for considerations for periradicular surgery is given in
hemostasis. Figure 26.1.

Fig. 26.1  A mind-map to remember all points of anatomic considerations for periradicular surgery
Surgical Endodontics 429


PERIRADICULAR SURGERY? • Preoperative administration of an NSAID, such
as Ibuprofen 400 mg is recommended to reduce
• Preoperative: Patient preparation for surgery postoperative pain.
– Informed consent • It is recommended that a long-acting local anesthetic be
– Premedication used for pain control for a longer period.
– Endodontic surgical armamentarium • Administration of prophylactic antibiotics depends
• Endodontic surgical phase: on general health of patient. It is necessary in case
Step 1: Local anesthesia of immunocompromised patients, diabetic patients,
Step 2: Soft tissue surgical access: patients with cardiac problems, etc.
– Incision • Chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinses (0.12%) are recom­
– Flap design mended.
– Flap retraction – To be started one day prior to surgery
Step 3: Hard tissue surgical access—Removal of cortical – To be used immediately before surgery
bone for periapical access – To be continued for 4–5 days following surgery.
Step 4: Periradicular curettage and biopsy Chlorhexidine causes reduction in number of
Step 5: Management of hemorrhage from the surgical surface microorganisms in the surgical field and
site following surgery it creates a favorable environment
Step 6: Management of root end: for wound healing.
– Root end resection • It is recommended that sedative-hypnotic drugs such
– Root end conditioning as one of the benzodiazepines be given a single dose
– Root end cavity preparation at bed time the evening before the surgery and second
Step 7: Retrograde filling of root dose just before the start of the procedure to make the
Step 8: Closure of surgical site patient relaxed during surgery.
• Postoperative care:
– Possible postoperative sequelae Endodontic Surgical Armamentarium
– Postsurgical instructions.
• Increased visibility of surgical site with the help of mag­
Preoperative Phase: Patient Preparation for nifi­cation and illumination using dental operating
Surgery microscope, endoscope or orascope.
• Newly introduced microsurgical instruments such
Informed Consent as ultrasonic tips used for root end preparation
• Patient should be informed about the benefits and also (Microsonics) and micromirrors used for root-end
the risks involved in the proposed surgical procedure. inspection, are very useful for increased visibility of
• Patient should also be explained about the various surgical site.
treatment alternatives other than Endodontic surgery. • Basic Endodontic surgical instrument tray containing
• Patient should read, understand and sign a written – Bard parker handle with a no. 15 blade or a micro-
consent form that includes the possibility of different surgical scalpel (Also no. 11 and no. 12 blade)
serious complications during surgery. – Periosteal elevator
For example, paresthesia following mandibular – Micro-tissue forceps
posterior surgery, damage to neurovascular bundle or – Microexplorer, Endoexplorer
Exposure of maxillary sinus, etc. – Straight handpiece and different burs
• Patient should be explained that most of the commonly – Sterile saline
occurring complications related to surgery are self- – Sterile cotton, cotton pliers
limiting and are readily manageable such as swelling, – Surgical forceps
bruising, bleeding and sometimes infections. – Curette
430 Short Textbook of Endodontics

– Root-end filling material • Vertical incision: Vertical releasing incision is desirable

– Micro-mirrors since it:
– Microcondensers or micro burnishers and pluggers – Severs fewer vessels, thus less hemorrhage
of different sizes – Since blood supply to the tissue coronal to incision is
– Needle holder, suturing needle and suture material. preserved, there is prevention of localized ischemia
and tissue sloughing
Endodontic Surgical Phase – Enhanced healing: Severely angled vertical incision
should be avoided.
Step 1: Administration of Local Anesthesia Certain principles should be kept in mind while
placing vertical incisions:
• Long-acting local anesthetic is recommended to be - Make ver tical incision parallel to the
administered to reduce postoperative pain. supraperiosteal vessels in the attached gingiva
• Objectives of local anesthesia administration are: and submucosa.
– Localized hemostasis during and after surgery for a - Place incisions over solid healthy bone.
clear, surgical field and reduced patient morbidity - Place incisions superior to bony eminence and
following surgery. not over the radicular eminence.
– Profound and prolonged anesthesia for control of - Incision should not be made across major muscle
pain and anxiety. attachment and frenal attachment.
• Site and technique of injection: - Do not dissect the dental papilla, either include
– For maxillary teeth: or exclude it.
- Infiltration anesthesia in buccal alveolar mucosa   Vertical incisions are placed vertically between
at surgical site and then extended 2–3 teeth on adjacent teeth over interdental bone.
either side and a palatal injection. This helps • Horizontal incision:
achieve both anesthesia and hemostasis. – The vertical incision intersects the horizontal
- A supplemental block injection may be required incision and ends in the intrasulcular area at mesial
for maxillary posterior teeth. or distal angle of tooth.
- Palatal approach to anterior middle superior – Horizontal incision should be adequately extended
nerve may be required for maxillary anterior to include atleast one or two teeth lateral to the tooth
teeth. being treated.
– For mandibular teeth: – Horizontal incision may be the form of an
- Inferior alveolar nerve block will provide intrasulcular incision that includes the interdental
anesthesia papilla so that the entire papilla is completely
- Additional injection in the soft tissue in the mobilized.
immediate area of surgery for hemostasis. – It can be an intrasulcular incision that excludes the
  Always ensure that profound adequate interdental papilla. In this, the incision starts at the
anesthesia has been achieved prior to starting base of papilla and is then directed to the crestal
the procedure. bone. It is called papillary based incision.
– Horizontal incision can be made in the attached
Step 2: Soft Tissue Surgical Access gingiva retaining about 2 mm of attached gingiva.
– Papillary-based horizontal incision is desirable in
Good surgical access is required for proper visibility of esthetic anterior regions since it prevents papillary
the surgical site and for performing the required surgical recession and surgical cleft or double papilla.
procedure meticulously and depends on:
• Correct location and adequate extent of incisions Flap Design
• Appropriate flap design Principles of flap design
• Proper reflection of flap. • Base of the flap should always be wider than the free end
of the flap so that adequate circulation is maintained in
Incisions the flap.
Give clean, atraumatic incision using scalpel blade no. • Always use firm, continuous strokes while making
11 and 15 starting with a horizontal incision (with no. 11) incisions. Short, intermittent strokes result in ragged
followed by vertical releasing incision (with no. 15). margins.
Surgical Endodontics 431

• There should be continuous curvatures between the   Generally used in cases when no underlying
hori­zontal and vertical incisions. Sharp angles may tear. periodontal problems are present.
• When sinus tract is present, it should be included in the   It is also called submarginal curved flap.
flap.   It is not recommended for periradicular
• Releasing incisions should not be over bony eminences surgery due to its disadvantages such as poor
but between them, as their overlying tissue is thin and surgical access, poor wound healing, etc.
it may get stretched and tear when sutured. – It can be submarginal scalloped rectangular
• Whenever possible, the sutured flap margins must rest flap: Luebke-Ochsenbein flap is formed by
on solid cortical bone plate. two vertical incisions connected by a scalloped
Periradicular surgical flaps can be of 2 types: submarginal horizontal incision in the attached
1. Full mucoperiosteal flap: Involves an intrasulcular gingiva as shown in Figure 26.7.
horizontal incision in which the marginal and   This flap gives the advantage of both-vertical
interdental (papillary) gingival tissues are reflected flap and semilunar flap. Can be used in case of
as the part of the flap. It is also called as papillary maxillary teeth where there is adequate amount
based flap. of attached gingiva.
– It can be triangular flap formed by horizontal
intrasulcular incision and one vertical releasing Flap Reflection and Flap Retraction
incision as shown in Figure 26.2. Single In this step, soft tissues such as gingiva, mucosa and
vertical releasing incision causes limited surgical periosteum are separated from the surface of the alveolar
access. bone using a periosteal elevator.
– It can be rectangular flap formed by horizontal,
intrasulcular incision and two vertical releasing
incisions as shown in Figure 26.3. This provides
good surgical access and may be indicated
in case of mandibular anterior teeth or when
multiple teeth are involved. There is difficulty
in  reapproximation of flap margins with this
– It can be trapezoidal flap, which is similar to
rectangular flap but an obtuse angle is formed
where the vertical incision intersects the
horizontal and intrasulcular incision as shown in
Figure 26.4. There is possibility of severing vital
structures and increased bleeding with this flap Fig. 26.2  Triangular flap design
design. So, it is contraindicated in periradicular
– It can be horizontal or envelope flap created by
horizontal and intrasulcular incisions but there is
no vertical releasing incision as shown in Figure
26.5. It provides limited access. It may be used in
case of cervical defects, hemisections, etc.
2. Limited mucoperiosteal flaps: These flaps have a
submarginal, i.e. subsulcular horizontal incision. It
does not include marginal or interdental tissues.
– It can be semilunar flap formed by giving a curved
incision in the attached gingiva and the alveolar
mucosa as shown in Figure 26.6. Its horizontal
component rests on alveolar bone structure
about 3 mm apical to gingival crest and ends in
attached gingiva. Fig. 26.3  Rectangular flap design
432 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 26.7  Submarginal scalloped rectangular flap design

Fig. 26.4  Trapezoidal flap design

• Damage to marginal gingiva and the delicate supra-

crestal root attached fibers should be prevented during
tissue reflection as it can cause loss of their viability
which results in alteration in the soft tissue attachment
• Soft tissues should be handled gently, but firmly to avoid
any tearing, puncturing or crushing of tissues during flap
reflection and retraction.
Fig. 26.5  Horizontal or envelope flap design • Reflected tissue should be kept hydrated by irrigation
with sterile saline.

Flap reflection: Begins in the vertical incision, few

millimeters apical to the junction of horizontal and vertical
incisions in a horizontal direction to elevate the periosteum
and its superficial tissues from the cortical plate.
Then the elevator is directed coronally to separate the
marginal and interdental gingiva from the underlying bone
undermining the attached gingiva.
It has been found that elevation of flap approximately
0.7–0.8 cm apical to estimated apex would allow adequate
access to perform the surgical procedure.

Flap retraction: After the tissue is reflected, elevation of soft

Fig. 26.6  Semilunar flap design tissues is done in an apical direction to provide adequate
surgical access for bone removal and subsequent root end
procedures. Flap retraction involves holding the reflected
soft tissues in position using appropriate size tissue retractors
Certain principles to be followed during this step include: for good access to radicular and periradicular structures.
• While reflection and elevation of flap, microvasculature
should be maintained in the body of the tissue flap. This Step 3: Hard Tissue Surgical Access
controls hemorrhage during surgery.
• Appropriate instrument stabilized with adequate This step involves surgical access made through the cortical
finger support. Stabilization during reflection of flap is bone to allow visualization of the root ends.
necessary to prevent inadvertent slipping of instrument In case of an extensive periradicular lesion, buccal or
that may cause damage. labial cortical plate may be lost and fenestration may be
• It is important that the retractors rest on solid cortical present with no bone overlying the root whereas in some
bone. cases with minimal or no periradicular lesion large amount
Surgical Endodontics 433

of cortical and cancellous bone may have to be removed to into the soft tissue mass to prevent any possible discomfort
gain access to the root end which can be difficult as exact during the process of debridement and for the purpose of
location of bony window needs to be determined to prevent hemostasis.
unnecessary removal of bone. Use of a radiopaque marker • Periradicular curettage is done to:
can serve as a guidance to determine the position of root – To remove pathologic tissue associated with root
apex. apex such as cyst, granuloma, etc.
• Principles that should be followed during hard tissue – To remove any foreign material that had got extruded
surgical access include: in the periapical area.
– Preservation of healthy bone as much as possible. – To provide visibility and accessibility to facilitate
– Controlling the heat generated during the process. root-end procedures.
• Hard tissue surgical access is achieved using a round bur • Biopsy is done for the histopathologic assessment of the
in a high speed handpiece with adequate water coolant. pathologic soft tissue removed.
– It is important that high speed handpiece that is used • Technique
should exhaust air from the base rather than the – Place an appropriate size curette between the
cutting end in order to avoid the risk of air embolism. soft tissue mass and the lateral wall of the bony
– Round bur is used to remove bone as it readily allows crypt.
access of coolant to the cutting surface so that there – Then apply pressure against the bone as the curette
is minimal inflammation and favorable wound is inserted between the soft tissue mass and bone
healing. Bone covering the root should be slowly around lateral margins of lesion.
and carefully removed using the round bur in gentle – The soft tissue mass, if possible, can be removed from
brush stroke action working in an apical direction the bony crypt in one piece to facilitate periradicular
until the root end is identified. curettage.
– Use of adequate coolant is essential to control the – The curette detaches the soft tissue mass from the
heat generated during bone cutting and to clear walls of the crypt, then a pair of tissue forceps can be
off the debris accumulated on the cutting flutes of used to grasp the soft tissue mass and immediately
instruments. it is put in a bottle containing 10% buffered formalin
• Technique involves creating a window by preparing 3 solution and submitted for biopsy.
openings in the bone, two of the openings through the – The curette is then used in scraping motion to
cortical plate adjacent to mesial and distal sides of root remove the remaining soft lesion if any from the
near its apical third and third opening slightly beyond medial wall of the osseous defect.
the apex. After completing initial access, extension of
window can be done using hand instruments such as Step 5: Management of Hemorrhage from
chisels as they are less likely to gouge the root.
the Surgical Site
• Next step is to distinguish the root apex from the
surrounding bone by following ways: • Hemorrhage occurs during curettage and following root
– Radiograph can be taken to serve as the “road map” end resection which can obstruct vision and prevent
– Color: Root structure appears more yellowish as careful evaluation of the root end and the further root
compared to bone. end procedures.
– On probing, there is no bleeding from root. • Hemostasis can be achieved by:
– Texture: Bone has granular and porous texture. Root – Presurgical local anesthetics and vasoconstrictors
has smooth and hard texture. – Use of local hemostatic agents in the surgical site.
– Staining dye can be used to identify the periodontal • Local hemostatic agents control hemorrhage from small
ligament surrounding the root. blood vessels and capillaries by forming an occlusive
clot, either by exerting a physical tamponade action
Step 4: Periradicular Curettage and Biopsy or by enhancing the clotting mechanism.
• Sponges or cotton pellets soaked in a vasoconstrictor
It is recommended that prior to periradicular curettage, such as racemic mixture of epinephrine hydrochloride
local anesthetic containing a vasoconstrictor be injected can be used as a local hemostatic agent.
434 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• Local hemostatic agents can be classified as: – Extent of periradicular lesion

– Root end filling material must be surrounded by
sound dentin
– Location of perforation, ledges, separated
– Associated periodontal factors
– Level of crestal bone
– Anatomic structures such as mental foramen or
mandibular canal.
• Angle of root-end resection:
– Concept of beveling of root end as shown in Figure
Step 6: Root End Management 26.8, which was described in the past, no longer
stands true because it has been found that beveling
This step includes: of root end opens the dentinal tubules on resected
• Root end resection and inspection of the resected root root surface that may communicate with the root
end canal space resulting in apical leakage.
• Conditioning of the root end - Earlier beveling was done to improve visibility.
• Preparing root end cavity to receive a filling. But with advent of DOM and microsurgical
instruments, beveling of root end is not required.
Root End Resection – Most appropriate angle of resection would be
It involves resection of the apical 3 mm of the root apex so perpendicular (90˚) to the long axis of the root as
as to eliminate most of the apical ramifications and lateral shown in Figure 26.9.
canals that usually contain the irritant that contributes to - Rationale for perpendicular root end resection:
periradicular disease. Thus it removes the etiologic agent ■ Most likely to include all apical ramifications
of the disease. ■ It is convenient
• Indications: ■ It causes even distribution of stress forces
– To eliminate anatomic variation. exerted in apical region
– To eliminate defects due to resorption. ■ Increasing the angle of root end resection
– In case of iatrogenic errors such as ledges, causes decreased number of exposed
perforations, canal obstructions and separated dentinal tubules thus reducing chances of
instruments in the apical 1/3rd of the root. apical leakage.
– In order to visualize the seal created by the
orthograde root canal filling material.
– In case of persistent periradicular disease.
– Endodontic failure cases with irretrievable posts or
obturating materials.
• Objectives:
– To remove the bacterial irritants, which are the most
common etiologic agents of periradicular disease.
– To remove the diseased periradicular tissue.
– To prevent recontamination of periradicular tissues.
– To allow remodelling of bone over the tooth structure
by reducing apically fenestrated root apex below the
level of surrounding cortical bone.
• Extent of root end resection: Varies from case to case.
Adequate access and visualization should be achieved.
Factors determining extent of root end resection
– Shape of the root
– Number and location of canals within the root Fig. 26.8  Beveling of root end
Surgical Endodontics 435

– Outline the cavity design by a sharp point of a CT-S

ultrasonic tip, without irrigation
– Deepen the prepared cavity design using
appropriately sized and angled ultrasonic tip with
– Thoroughly irrigate the cavity with sterile saline.
– Dry the cavity and examine under magnification.
• Advantages of ultrasonics for root end cavity preparation:
Ultrasonic root-end preparation has several advantages
over the micro-handpiece method.
– Less bone is removed and it produced conservative
– Decreased risk of root end perforation
- No need for root-end beveling
- More parallel walls for better retention
Fig. 26.9  Angle of resection should be perpendicular – Less smear layer.
(90°) to the long axis of the root • Disadvantages: Risk of root fractures from ultrasonic
For bonded root end fillings, modified root end
preparation includes a shallow, scalloped preparation of
Root End Conditioning entire root surface about 1 mm at the deepest concavity.
• Resected root should be made smooth with a round Root end cavity preparation for bonded root-end fillings
bur in slow-speed contra-angle handpiece or the newly (composites) requires a shallow, scalloped preparation of
introduced miniature surgical handpiece, so that the the entire root surface using a round or oval bur with a depth
surface cracks and anatomic variations are detected of atleast 1 mm at the deepest concavity.
better. An ultrasonic preparation into the root canal system may
• Chemical treatment of the root end is called root condi­ not be necessary.
tioning. Its purpose is to remove smear layer and to
produce a conducive surface that allows for periodontal Step 7: Retrograde Filling
cell colonization without affecting the vitality of the
adjacent periodontium. Root end filling is done between the root canal space and
Root end conditioning can be done with solutions such the periradicular tissues.
as citric acid, tetracycline and EDTA, with citric acid being • Properties of an ideal root end filling material:
the most effective and commonly used agent. – Should not be affected by moisture during setting
EDTA should not be used when MTA is going to be used – Should be biocompatible
as the root end filling material. – Should be able to induce cementogenesis over the
root end filling material and regeneration of PDL
Root end cavity preparation: A cavity is prepared to receive complex.
the filling. It is recommended that Class I cavity be prepared – Should be dimensionally stable
with a depth of about 3 mm and along the long axis of the – Should be easy to handle
tooth. – Should be insoluble in tissue fluids
Cavity preparation can be accomplished using micro­ – Should be seen on radiograph (radiopaque)
handpiece with a rotating bur or ultrasonics. – Should produce a seal, preventing leakage
– Should be nonstaining
Root end cavity preparation using Ultrasonics: (Remember the alphabetic formula: ABCDEF S3)
For root-end cavity preparation, specially designed • Various root end filling materials:
ultrasonic tips are available. 1. Amalgam: Amalgam is most commonly used root
• Step-wise procedure: end filling material. Amalgam is well-tolerated
– Examination of the site using magnification and by periapical and periodontal tissues. It is readily
staining available and easy to manipulate. However, amalgam
436 Short Textbook of Endodontics

used as a retrograde filling is not an ideal apical

sealant. It is dimensionally unstable and may stain
overlying soft tissues.
2. Zinc oxide eugenol cements: Zinc oxide powder and
eugenol liquid mixed into a paste is compacted
into a cavity preparation. Unmodified ZOE cements
are weak, are soluble and have long setting time.
Additions have been made to the basic ZOE
mixture in order to increase the strength and
radiopacity and to decrease the solubility of the final
material. Intermediate restorative material (IRM)
and super-EBA are commercially available ZOE
i. Intermediate restorative material (IRM):
■ Available as powder-liquid system
■ Powder contains: Fig. 26.10  Commercially available MTA
– 75% zinc oxide
– 20% polymethacrylate
■ Liquid contains:
– 99% eugenol
– 1% acetic acid • Consistency of mix for root end filling is recom­
■ Advantages: mended to be firm, free of excess moisture.
– Easy to place, has clay-like consistency – It should not be too dry and crumbly
on mixing powder and liquid – It should not be too wet and runny
– Well-tolerated by periradicular tissues • MTA mix can be placed on the root end
– Seals well. preparation using:
■ Disadvantages: No dental hard tissue – Small spoon excavator
regeneration potential. – Small amalgam-type carrier
ii. Super-EBA: – Commercially available MAP system.
■ This is also zinc oxide-eugenol based cement • Drawbacks of MTA:
■ Fast set and regular set are two forms – Difficult to handle (poor handling charac­
■ It also does not have cementum regeneration teristics)
potential. – Long setting time (2½–3 hours).
3. Mineral trioxide aggregate: Mineral trioxide aggregate 4. Composite resin system (Retroplast).
(MTA) has been found to satisfy most of the criteria ■ It is a two-paste, dual cure, dentin bonding
for a root end filling material. composite resin system used in conjunction with
• Physical characteristics of MTA: a Gluma-based dentin bonding agent.
– Available as fine, gray and white colored ■ Working time of nearly 2 minutes.
powders. Figure 26.10 shows photograph of ■ Found to promote regeneration of periodontium
commercially available packet of MTA. with a cementum layer over the root end filling.
– It is mixed with saline or local anesthetic ■ Requirements: While using composite resin as
solution on a sterile glass slab root end filling material:
– With the addition of more powder to liquid, – There should be dry field
the mix becomes too dry and crumbly – Optimum hemostasis.
– With addition of more liquid, it becomes too 5. Others: Glass ionomer cement, resin cements such
wet and runny, difficult to handle as DIAKET have also been tried as root end filling
– Setting time of MTA is 2½ to 3 hours material but with limited results.
– Has pH of 10 initially and 12.5 about three Appropriate root-end filling is placed in the
hours after mixing. prepared cavity on the root surface.
Surgical Endodontics 437

Fig. 26.11  Endodontic surgery—postoperative sequelae

438 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Step 8: Closure of Surgical Site Postoperative Phase

Possible Postoperative Sequelae

• It is necessary to do careful visual and radiographic
inspection of the surgical site before attempting closure These have been mentioned in Figure 26.11. Endodontic
of wound. Surgery-Post-operative Sequelae (mnemonic to remember
• Evaluate radiographically: is: S2 H2 I3P3E).
– To check for any root-end fragments present in
surgical site Postsurgical Instructions
– To check for any excess root-end filling material • Postoperative pain can be managed well with NSAIDs
– To check the quality of seal achieved with the root such as Ibuprofen.
end filling material. • Patient is advised to do intermittent ice application
• If indicated, barriers such as resorbable or nonresorbable (about 20–30 min each hour) in order to reduce pain
(Resorbable preferred for Endodontic surgery) and swelling.
membranes may be placed for the purpose of bringing • Softer or semisolid room-temperature diet is
about guided tissue regeneration (GTR) and guided bone recommended for 24 hours postsurgery.
regeneration (GBR). • Patient is advised to maintain the wound flushed and
• The elevated mucoperiosteal flap is then gently clean after meals.
repositioned back to its original position. • Smoking is to be strictly avoided.
• For approximation of incised tissues and to stabilize • Patient is recalled for removal of sutures about 2–4 days
the reflected tissue during the initial phase of wound following surgery. This is current concept so that all
healing, sutures are placed using the appropriate potential irritants from the incision area are removed
technique. as soon as possible.
• Silk has been the commonly used suture material Earlier, it was recommended to wait for seven days
but since silk tends to support bacterial growth, after surgery before suture removal.
patient should be advised to rinse with chlorhexidine • Patient is informed that minor oozing from surgical
mouthwash during the postoperative period. site causing pink tinge in saliva can be expected but
• Suture materials with Teflon coating, or synthetic if excessive bleeding occurs or if there is any event of
monofilament suture material or gortex sutures emergency, then the patient should call up and inform
have desirable properties for wound closure after the dentist immediately.
periradicular surgery.
1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th Edn. St. Louis:
Mosby, 2006.pp.724-71.
2. Grossman L, Oliet S, Del Rio C. Endodontic Practice, 11th Edn.
Varghese publication, 1991.pp.289-311.
3. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics, 6th Edn.
BC Decker Inc, Hamilton, 2008.pp.1233-86.Aximi, utempor eptati
conet abores entotatia voluptaesti siminci offici cus.

Pulp Therapies

This chapter describes the various vital pulp therapy techniques—current concepts and materials used
and also describes apexification.
  You must know
• What is Vital Pulp Therapy?
• What are the Objectives of Vital Pulp Therapy?
• What are the Techniques and Materials used for Vital Pulp Therapy?
• What are the Hemostatic Agents and Antimicrobial Materials used in Vital Pulp Therapy?
• What is the Criteria for Case Selection for Vital Pulp Therapy?
• What is Apexification (Nonvital Pulp Therapy)?


When the pulp tissue is affected directly or indirectly by
caries, trauma or restorative procedures, the treatment Figure 27.1 gives the objectives of vital pulp therapy
carried out in order to preserve and maintain the pulp (VPT).
vitality is called vital pulp therapy.
Preserving the vitality of the pulp is crucial to the tooth’s WHAT ARE THE TECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS
long-term survival and function of tooth as during life of
the tooth, the healthy pulp produces reparative, secondary
and peritubular dentin in response to various biologic and
pathologic stimuli.
Vital pulp therapy is the treatment consideration mostly
in case of pulpally involved immature permanent teeth,
where the preservation of radicular pulp tissue induces
apexogenesis in teeth with open apices in order to retain
the tooth as a functional unit. In pulpally involved tooth,
this theory is based on the fact that pulp tissue has innate
capacity for repair in absence of microbial contamination.
In the last decade, lot of advances have occurred in the
field of vital pulp therapy in terms of improved materials and Indirect Pulp Capping
techniques and expanded knowledge of pulp microbiology • Definition: Indirect pulp capping is defined as “a
and caries progression. A new bioactive substance, mineral procedure in which a material is placed on a thin
trioxide aggregate (MTA), has been found to potentiate partition of remaining carious dentin that, if removed,
the ability of dental pulp to heal, thereby retaining and might expose the pulp in immature permanent teeth”.
maintaining its natural evolutionary function and purpose. (Ingle’s Endodontics, p.1312)
440 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• Materials used:
– Calcium hydroxide
– Zinc oxide eugenol
• Rationale of indirect pulp capping: Rationale is
based on the finding that when there exists a zone
of demineralized affected dentin between the outer
infected dentin and the pulp, infected dentin is removed
and the affected dentin that is left behind remineralizes
and the odontoblast form reactionary dentin, so that
pulp exposure is avoided. Few viable bacteria that
remain in the deeper layers of dentin are inactivated
when cavity is sealed properly and pulp exposure
prevented. Thus vitality of pulp is preserved.
• Mechanism:

Fig. 27.1  Objectives of vital pulp therapy

• Objectives:
– The interim or final restoration should seal completely
the involved dentin from the oral environment
– Vitality of tooth should be preserved
– Absence of post-treatment signs or symptoms such
as sensitivity, pain or swelling.
– No radiographic evidence of internal or external root
resorption or other pathologic changes.
– Immature teeth with open apex should show • Indirect pulp capping is not a predictable treatment
continued root development and apexogenesis. option for permanent teeth due to following reasons:
• Indications: – Difficulty in determining at what depth, caries
– Teeth with deep caries but free from symptoms of excavation should be halted.
painful pulpitis – As remineralization occurs, carious dentin becomes
– No spontaneous pain dry and loses volume that results in voids under the
– No tenderness to percussion restorative material.
– No abnormal mobility – The dormant lesion may get rapidly reactivated in
– No radiographic evidence of radicular disease case of restoration failure.
– No internal or external root resorption detectable • Technique:
radiographically. First visit
• Contraindications: After profound anesthesia and isolation with rubber
– Teeth with deep caries with signs and symptoms of dam,
painful pulpitis Step 1: Large round bur #6 or #8 is used to excavate caries
– History of spontaneous pain under adequate water cooling. Careful judicious use
– Tenderness to percussion of spoon excavator can be made for caries excavation
– Abnormal mobility as its use in deep carious lesions may remove large
– Radiographic evidence of interradicular bone loss. segment of carious dentin.
Pulp Therapies 441

Step 2: C aries indicator dye is applied. Stained outer • Objectives:

infected layers of dentin is removed. Unstained inner – Vitality of tooth should be maintained
transparent layer is left intact. – Absence of post-treatment clinical signs or symptoms
Step 3: All caries except that just overlying the pulp is of sensitivity, pain or swelling.
removed and the remaining carious dentin (affected) – Pulp healing and formation of reparative dentin
is covered with zinc oxide eugenol or calcium should occur.
hydroxide. – No radiographic evidence of internal or external
Step 4: Tooth is sealed with hard setting ZOE or alternatively root resorption, periapical radiolucency, abnormal
amalgam or acid etched bonded composite is calcification or other pathologic changes.
placed to seal the tooth. Although use of permanent – Immature teeth with open apex should show
restoration at this stage is controversial. continued root development and apexogenesis.
Second visit • Indications:
After about 6–8 weeks, tooth is reentered to confirm sec- – Pinpoint (less than 0.5 mm in diameter) mechanical
ondary or reactionary dentin formation and to excavate exposures surrounded by sound dentin produced as
the remaining carious dentin without pulp exposure. a result of caries removal during cavity preparation
Figures 27.2A to C are the diagrams showing steps of or due to trauma or during tooth preparation.
indirect pulp capping in mandibular first molar. – In teeth which are free from signs and symptoms of
Direct Pulp Capping – Minimal or no bleeding from exposure site.
• Definition: Direct pulp capping is defined as, “treatment – Exposure that has occurred in a clean, uncon­ta­
of an exposed vital pulp by sealing the pulpal wound minated field.
with a dental material placed directly on a mechanical • Contraindications:
or traumatic exposure to facilitate the formation of – Large pulp exposures
reparative dentin and maintenance of the vital pulp”. – Caries present surrounding the exposure site
(Ingle’s Endodontics, p.1312) – Teeth with history of spontaneous pain

Figs 27.2A to C  Steps of indirect pulp capping: (A) Mandibular first molar showing deep occlusal and proximal caries approaching the
pulp; (B) All caries is excavated except that is just overlying the pulp and is covered with calcium hydroxide sub-base and the tooth is sealed
externally with hard-setting zinc oxide eugenol or amalgam may be placed as an interim restoration. a: Zinc oxide eugenol; b:  Calcium
hydroxide sub-base; c: Affected dentin; d: Pulp horn; (C) After about 6–8 weeks the tooth is re-entered. Deposition of reactionary dentin is
found beneath the caries that allows eradication of remaining caries without causing pulp exposure. Cavity preparation is completed and a
fresh layer of calcium hydroxide is placed as sub-base, which is covered with zinc oxide eugenol or zinc phosphate base and a permanent
restoration is placed. a: Permanent restoration; b: Pulp protecting base; c: Calcium hydroxide sub-base; d: Calcium hydroxide reacted affected
dentin; e: Calcification seen overlying the pulp horn
442 Short Textbook of Endodontics

– Excessive bleeding indicating hyperemia or pulpal • Can degrade and dissolve beneath restorations
inflammation • Tunnel defects: Calcium hydroxide fails to provide a long-
– Long standing pulp exposure that might have term seal against microleakage due to tunnel defects
contami­nated with oral microorganisms. under the formed dentin bridge
• Rationale of direct pulp capping: The remaining dental • Calcium hydroxide is available as:
pulp with reversible pulpitis is selectively induced to – Two pastes (Base and catalyst)
produce a reparative barrier that protects the tissue from - Dycal
microbial challenges with the intention to postpone - Life
the more aggressive therapies, that could eventually - Care
lower the long-term prognosis for tooth retention and – Light cured system
function. • Properties:
“Teeth undergoing orthograde root canal therapy and – Mechanical: Low compressive strength
placement of posts and cores, followed by full coverage Low tensile strength
restorations, show lower long-term survival rates than Low elastic modulus limit
teeth with vital pulps.” (Ingle’s Endodontics, p. 1313) – Thermal: Calcium hydroxide provides some thermal
• Materials used: insulation if it is placed in sufficiently thick layers.
– Ideal requirements of a pulp capping material: But usually it serves only as a sub-base and needs to
- Adhere to dentin and overlying restorative be covered with a overlying base to provide thermal
material protection.
- Bactericidal or at least Bacteriostatic – Solubility of Ca(OH)2 in water is high
- Caries prevention: Should prevent secondary – Biological:
caries by releasing fluoride - Pulpal Repair: Alkaline pH (9.2–11.7) that causes
- Dentin formation: Should stimulate reparative irritation of pulp tissue stimulating pulpal
dentin formation defense and repair
- Easy to manipulate - Secondary/Reparative dentin formation: Pulpal
- Forces: Should be capable of resisting forces defense reaction and protein lysing effect results
during restoration placement and under in reparative dentin formation.
masticatory load It has been found that due to tunnel defects in dentinal
- Should provide a tight Seal against bacteria bridge associated with Ca(OH) 2, microorganisms can
- Should be Seen on radiographs (Radiopaque) penetrate pulpal tissue and cause subsequent pulpal
(Remember the ideal requirements using irritation. This is usually associated with pulpal calcification
Alphabetic formula ABCDEF S2). and canal obliteration.
– Pulp capping materials: Figures 27.3A to C are the diagrams showing steps
involved in direct pulp capping using calcium hydroxide.

Calcium Hydroxide Compounds

• Calcium hydroxide has been widely used as a pulp
capping agent since many years with variable treatment
outcomes. A B C
• Have high alkaline pH that causes irritation of pulp tissue
Figs 27.3A to C  Steps of direct pulp capping: (A) Mandibular molar
stimulating pulpal defense and repair
showing deep occlusal and proximal caries; (B) Caries excavation
• It is a relatively weak cement that may not be able to caused mechanical exposure of mesial pulp horn; (C) Calcium
withstand forces hydroxide placed as pulp capping agent, covered with pulp protective
• Associated with primary tooth resorption base and permanent restoration is done
Pulp Therapies 443

Zinc Oxide • Clinical procedure with MTA: (Two-visit procedure) Refer

• Has obtundant effect on pulp Figures 27.4A to F for steps of direct pulp capping using
• Can provide protection against chemical insults MTA.
• Weak cement First Visit
• Does not have desirable properties of a pulp capping After profound anesthesia and isolation of tooth with
agent. rubber dam,
Step 1: Caries removal under magnification. Caries detector
Adhesive Resins and Resin-modified Glass Ionomers dye is applied for 10 seconds and then tooth is
washed and dried. Slow speed round carbide burs
• Their use as pulp capping agent is controversial. Some and spoon excavator used to excavate the stained
studies have shown favorable results with it. While other carious dentin. Then again apply caries detector and
studies are associated with unfavorable reactions and check and excavate till no stain or only light stain
lack of calcific bridge formation. evident.
• They have not been found to produce predictive pulpal Step 2: During caries removal, if pulp exposure occurs,
healing, reparative dentin formation and elimination of achieving hemostasis at exposure site by placing
microorganisms. cotton pellet moistened with 3–6% sodium
hypochlorite for 20–60 seconds. Again staining and
Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) careful removal of remaining caries around exposure
site till no staining visible. After caries excavation,
• Introduced in Endodontics by Lee et al in early 1990s if still there is bleeding from the exposure site
• Composition: Dicalcium silicate, tetracalcium alumino then cotton pellet moistened with 3–6% NaOCl is
ferrite, calcium sulfate dehydrate, bismuth oxide placed directly on exposure site for 1–10 minutes.
• Available as: If even after 10 minutes, hemostasis cannot be
– White MTA powder (for esthetic reasons) achieved, then diagnosis of irreversible pulpitis is
– Gray MTA powder: Gray formulation has been found made and pulpotomy or pulpectomy procedure
to give better results than white powder. recommended.
• Desirable properties of MTA making it suitable as pulp Step 3: MTA is mixed to consistency of wet sand and gently
capping agent: patted down with moist cotton pellet over the
– MTA is hygroscopic and sets in the presence of exposure site as well as on the surrounding dentin
moisture, so even if there is contact with tissue fluids of pulpal roof or axial wall in the thickness of atleast
or blood, it does not affect its properties 1.5 mm.
– Good marginal adaptation Step 4: Place a moist cotton pellet over MTA and let it remain
– Forms a reactionary layer at the dentin interface there and place interim restoration over it.
resembling hydroxyapatite in structure Second Visit
– High alkaline pH of 12.5, which is sustained, with Schedule after 5–10 days.
slow release of calcium, arrests any further microbial Ask patient for symptoms. Perform pulp vitality testing.
growth of residual microorganisms that may be Isolate the tooth, remove the interim material and cotton
left after caries excavation. Also, slow release of pellet. Confirm that MTA has set. Then, permanently
calcium ions allows material to stimulate growth restore the tooth with bonded composite. Occlusion is
factors from the dental pulp and promote signalling adjusted and patient is recalled at 6 weeks and subjective
molecules such as interleukin, TGF-Beta for hard symptoms evaluated and radiograph taken. Subsequent
tissue formation. follow-up after 6 and 12 months.
– Due to small particle size, it produces gap-free One-visit Procedure with MTA
interface. As a result, microleakage and bacterial After profound anesthesia and isolation of tooth with rubber
ingression is prevented. dam,
– MTA has high compressive strength and surface Step 1: Caries is excavated under constant water cooling and
texture of set cement is favorable to withstand magnification.
stresses and provide strong bonding with adhesive Step 2: Hemostasis at the exposure site is achieved using
restorations. cotton pellet moistened in 2.6–5% NaOCl.
– MTA fulfils most of the ideal requirements of a pulp Step 3: Prepare Proroot MTA and apply on exposure site and
capping material. use cotton pellet to remove excess moisture.
444 Short Textbook of Endodontics



Figs 27.4A to F  Steps of two-visit direct pulp capping using MTA in a young permanent tooth. First visit: (A) Deep caries in permanent molar
tooth excavated, small (pin-point) exposure of pulp causing bleeding; (B) Cotton pellet moistened with 3–6% NaOCl is placed directly on
exposure site for 1–10 minutes; (C) MTA mixed to consistency of wet sand of about 1.5 mm thickness is gently patted down with moist cotton
pellet over the exposure site as well as on the surrounding dentin of pulpal roof or axial wall; (D) A moist cotton pellet is placed over MTA and
covered with an interim restoration. Second visit: (E) Interim restoration and cotton pellet removed and a probe is used to confirm that MTA
has set; (F) The tooth is permanently restored with composite restoration

Step 4: Place a lining of light cured GIC liner over MTA. • Rationale:
Step 5: Place bonded composite restoration in the same visit. Surgical excision of coronal pulp
Patient is recalled and checked after 3–6 months. ↓
Inflamed and infected area is removed

• Definition: Pulpotomy is defined as “the surgical Leaving behind vital, uninfected pulpal tissue
removal of the coronal portion of a vital pulp as a means
in the root canal
of preserving the vitality of the remaining radicular

portion” (Ingle’s Endodontics, p. 1312).
• Objectives: Remaining pulp may undergo repair while completing
– Preservation of vitality of radicular pulp apexogenesis (Root end development and calcification)
– Relief of pain in patients with acute pulpalgia in young permanent immature tooth.
– To promote apexogenesis in immature permanent (Also, removal of inflamed portion relieves pulpalgia.)
tooth ↓
Pulp Therapies 445

Medicament placed over the pulp stump induces necrosis,

beyond which undifferentiated mesenchymal cells
or fibroblasts in cell-rich zone differentiate into

Odontoblast produce reparative dentin

“Bridge” forms to cover and protect the pulp

• Indications: Pulpotomy is indicated in pulpally involved

immature young permanent tooth.
Teeth with healthy, hyperemic or slightly inflamed pulps
such as:
– Traumatic exposure: Young permanent anterior
tooth with wide open apex that is fractured during
sports or accident Fig. 27.5  Partial pulpotomy in a permanent
– Carious exposure: Posterior tooth with wide open maxillary central incisor tooth
apices that has small, asymptomatic carious
Complete/ Cervical Pulpotomy
• Contraindications:
– Abnormal sensitivity to heat and cold • Similar to partial pulpotomy, just that in cervical
– Chronic pulpagia pulpotomy, entire coronal pulp to the level of the root
– Irreversible pulpitis orifices is excised.
– Necrosis of pulp • The coronal pulp is completely removed and the suitable
– Calcification in pulp chamber material is placed over the canal orifices.
– Extension of pulpal disease into periapical tissues • In case of mature permanent teeth, pulpotomy is used
causing periradicular disease as the means of relieving pain during an emergency
– Tenderness of tooth to palpation or percussion appointment of severe pain due to irreversible pulpitis.
• Types of pulpotomy: Based on the amount of pulp tissue Pulpectomy and completion of root canal treatment
removed: Partial pulpotomy and complete pulpotomy. procedure can be done in the subsequent appointment.

Partial Pulpotomy Based on the mode of action of medicament used:

Type Materials
Also called as Cvek pulpotomy
Devitalization Formocresol
• Definition: Partial pulpotomy is defined as “the surgical Electrocoagulation
removal of a small portion of vital pulp as means of Regeneration Ca(OH)2
preserving the remaining coronal and radicular pulp”. Enriched collagen
(Ingle’s Endodontics, p.1313) Hard setting Ca(OH)2
• It is similar to direct pulp capping with only difference Freeze dried bone
Demineralized dentin
that some inflamed pulp tissue is removed BMP
• It is indicated in carious or traumatic exposures when OP
the pulp is vital and only 1–2 mm of coronal pulp tissue MTA
is inflamed. Preservation ZOE
• Only about 2–3 mm of superficial inflamed pulp is Gluteraldehyde
Ferric sulfate
excised and a biocompatible material such as calcium Laser
hydroxide is placed over it.
• Glass ionomer lining can be put and the tooth is restored
with permanent restoration such as composite resin. Formocresol Pulpotomy
Figure 27.5 shows diagrammatic representation of It is usually done in case of pulpally involved primary teeth
partial pulpotomy. in which there is inflammation only in the coronal pulp or
446 Short Textbook of Endodontics

mechanical exposure cases. Coronal pulp up to the root adequate to achieve hemostasis. Various hemostatic and
canal orifices is extirpated, bleeding is controlled by pressure antimicrobial agents include:
and then a cotton pledget moistened with formocresol is • Ferric sulfate disinfectant (Consepsis-Ultradent
applied for about five minutes which is covered with zinc product)
oxide eugenol cement base and then restored with amalgam • Epinephrine
or glass ionomer restoration. Formocresol causes necrosis • Hydrogen peroxide
and fixation of tissue and is a potent antibacterial substance. • Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl): It is safe and most
Steps involved in formocresol pulpotomy procedure in practical method to achieve hemostasis in vital pulp
a deciduous molar are demonstrated and explained in therapy. Besides excellent hemostasis, it removes
Chapter 28 Pediatric Endodontics. most of the dentinal chips as well as the biofilm and
thus brings about disinfection of the cavity interface.
Calcium Hydroxide Pulpotomy It also removes the damaged cells from mechanical or
traumatic exposure.
Calcium hydroxide has been widely used in vital pulp • MTAD (Mixture of Tetracycline isomer doxycycline,
therapy in permanent tooth due to its has antibacterial citric Acid and Detergent): MTAD has been tried and
property and ability to form hard tissue barrier. It has an favourable results achieved.
alkaline pH of 11. Coronal pulp is amputed to the level of
root canal orifices, hemorrhage is controlled and calcium WHAT IS THE CRITERIA FOR CASE SELECTION
hydroxide mixed with water or commercially available FOR VITAL PULP THERAPY?
paste containing calcium hydroxide in combination with • Age of patient: In case of young patients with initial caries
other medicaments is applied on the amputed pulp which on first molars causing reversible pulpitis, direct pulp
is covered with zinc oxide eugenol cement and then sealed capping can be done. Favorable prognosis for vital pulp
with a permanent restoration. Necrosis occurs under the therapy diminishes with increasing age of the patient.
placed calcium hydroxide, beyond which a reparative • Rate of decay: In case of patient with rampant caries,
dentinal bridge is formed. A radiograph is taken for future pulpotomy will be preferred over pulp capping as patient
comparison to check the calcific bridge formation after may have recurrent caries.
three months. A tooth treated with calcium hydroxide • Remaining tooth structure: If there is advanced caries
pulpotomy may develop internal resorption or calcification and severe coronal breakdown that may need full
of the root canal which also should be monitored on coverage restoration, pulpotomy rather than direct pulp
subsequent radiographs and Endodontic therapy should capping is recommended.
be performed as soon as apexogenesis is completed and is • History of restorative treatment: In case of mature
evident radiographically. permanent teeth, teeth with no previous history of
restorative treatment, direct pulp capping can be done.
Mineral Trioxide Aggregate Pulpotomy • Pulp hemorrhage: Visualize the pulp and assess the
hemorrhage. If bleeding can be controlled with 3–6%
Pulpotomy can be an effective procedure in deciduous teeth NaOCl applied with cotton pellet on exposed pulp
and young permanent teeth when MTA is used due to its for about 1–10 minutes, then direct pulp capping can
desirable properties mentioned before, such as alkaline pH be done. But if bleeding cannot be controlled, then
(10.2–12.5), antibacterial agent, pulp underneath has less diagnosis of irreversible pulpitis is made and pulpotomy
inflammation. It forms a dentinal bridge that is thicker and or pulpectomy may have to be done.
continuous unlike calcium hydroxide. MTA mix contains • Irreversible pulpitis in immature permanent tooth: In
calcium oxide which comes in contact with moisture to young permanent teeth with open apices, pulpectomy
form calcium hydroxide and induces the hard calcific bridge is done and MTA is used as a root end plug to promote
through the same mechanism as calcium hydroxide. root end closure.

PULP THERAPY? Apexification
Direct pressure at the exposure site with cotton pellet • Definition: “Apexification is a method to induce
moistened in sterile water or saline may be sometimes development of the root apex of an immature, pulpless
Pulp Therapies 447

tooth by formation of osteocementum or other bone-like Histologically, the hard substance formed may have
tissue” (Grossman’s Endodontic Practice, 11th Edition, configuration either of bone, dentin, osteodentin or
p. 110). cementum
According to American Association of Endodontists, • Materials used: Calcium hydroxide, mineral trioxide aggre­
“Apexification is a method to induce a calcific barrier gate (MTA), Radiopaque calcium hydroxide paste in a
in a root with an open apex or the continued apical methylcellulose base, calcium hydroxide in combination
development of an incomplete root in tooth with necrotic with Camphorated paramonochlorophenol, zinc oxide
pulp.” Apexification procedure involves debridement of paste, etc.
canal, short of the apex, without disturbing apical tissues • Technique:
and placement of a biocompatible material to stimulate – Using calcium hydroxide:
hard tissue formation. - Anesthesia may or may not be needed. Isolation
Open apex of an immature permanent tooth is also of tooth with rubber dam. Access preparation
called ‘blunderbuss apex’. and coronal pulp extirpation
Apexogenesis is the physiologic process of root - Preoperative radiograph used to determine
development whereas apexification is induced root end apparent length of the tooth and instrumentation
development using a biocompatible material. done 2 mm short of the apex to remove necrotic
• Objective: pulpal tissue and prepare the root canal for
– Induce closure of the open apical third of the root calcium hydroxide dressing.
canal - Root canal is dried with blunt absorbent points
– Formation of an apical barrier, creating an apical - Calcium hydroxide is mixed with sterile water
stop, against which obturation can be achieved. or anesthetic solution to a thick consistency
– Preserve and stimulate Hertwig’s epithelial root and carried to the pulp chamber using
sheath (HERS), to induce root end development by amalgam carrier with plastic tips and then
natural root lengthening process. thick, large finger plugger is used to force the
• Rationale: dry calcium hydroxide paste into the root canal.
– Any viable and undamaged apical pulp tissue present Alternatively, rotating lentulospiral can be used
in the root canal along with the odontoblastic layer to deliver the calcium hydroxide paste into the
associated with the pulp tissue is preserved root canal.
↓ - A radiograph is taken to confirm the correct
Cleaning and shaping/disinfection of the root canal placement of the medicament. Care should be
2 mm short of the radiographic apex to remove micro- taken to avoid pushing it beyond the apex.
organisms and toxic products without causing any - Temporary coronal seal: A dry cotton pellet
harm to the viable pulp tissue and HERS is placed over the material and sealed with
↓ reinforced zinc oxide eugenol cement.
Matrix formation and subsequent calcification guided - Recall: Patient is recalled after 3 months and
by viable HERS, creating an apical stop, against radiograph is taken to check if calcific barrier is
which  dense obturation can be achieved. (Refer formed at or near apex. If it is not formed, then
Figure 27.6A) old calcium hydroxide dressing from the root
– If necrotic pulp and destroyed HERS, canal is removed using large files and copious
↓ irrigation with sterile water or normal saline to
Disinfection of root canal 2 mm short of root apex prevent irritation to periapical tissues. Patient
↓ is recalled every 3 months till radiographic
Biocompatible material used as chemical stimulant evidence of an apical barrier is seen that denotes
to induce differentiation of cementoblast or apexification. It has been found that this process
undifferentiated fibroblasts of periapical tissue and takes about 3 months to 21 months.
periodontal ligament - Once the apical stop is created, obturation of the
↓ canal with gutta-percha is done.
A hard substance forming a calcific bridge at or short   Figure 27.7 shows the diagrammatic
of apex, creating an apical stop, against which dense representation of apexification procedure using
obturation can be achieved. (Refer Figure 27.6B) calcium hydroxide.
448 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Figs 27.6A and B  Successful outcome of apexification. (A) Root end
development; (B) Calcific bridge is formed


Fig. 27.7  Apexification using calcium hydroxide Figs 27.8A to E  Apexification procedure using MTA. (A) a: Necrosed
pulp, b: Open apex (blunderbuss); (B) Instrumentation done 2 mm
short of apex; (C) Apical plug of MTA and a moist cotton pellet is
placed in pulp chamber and sealed with a temporary cement. ‘a’
shows MTA apical plug; (D) Apical barrier formed is checked using
an Endodontic instrument such as plugger or spreader after 48 hours
– Using mineral trioxide aggregate: MTA is considered against which obturation is achieved; (E) Outcome after 3–6 months:
material of choice for apexification because it is a: Calcified bridge, b: Obturation of canal using gutta-percha, c:
Permanent restoration
found to create permanent apical plug at the outset
of treatment.
- Anesthesia may or may not be needed. Isolation - Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) is mixed with
of tooth with rubber dam. Access preparation distilled water as per manufacturer’s instructions
and coronal pulp extripation and placed as an apical plug in the apical 3–4 mm
- Preoperative radiograph used to determine using a special plugger or amalgam carrier.
apparent length of the tooth and instrumentation - Radiograph is taken to verify the placement
and irrigation done 2 mm short of the apex to - MTA sets under moisture. So, a moist cotton
remove necrotic pulpal tissue and to prepare the pellet is placed in the pulp chamber and access
root canal. is sealed using reinforced zinc oxide eugenol
- Root canal is dried with blunt absorbent points cement.
Pulp Therapies 449

- Recall: Patient is recalled every 3 months to check

the apical barrier formation radiographically.
Figures 27.8A to E shows diagrammatic
representation of apexification using MTA.
Figures 27.9A and B show radiograph of pulpally
involved immature permanent maxillary central incisor
tooth in which MTA was used for apexification and
obturation completed with gutta-percha.
Also, one more case of immature pulpally involved
maxillary right central incisor, in which apexification was
done is explained in Chapter 24: Management of Dental
Traumatic Injuries (Figs 24.9A to D).

Figs 27.9A and B  (A) Radiograph showing immature pulpally
involved permanent maxillary right central incisor; (B) The case was 1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis:
completed with an apical plug of MTA for apexification and gutta- Mosby, 2006.pp.834-82.
percha root canal filling in the same tooth (Courtesy of Dr Chetan 2. Grossman L, Oliet S, Del Rio C. Endodontic Practice, 11th edn.
Shah) Varghese publication, 1991.pp.102-15.
3. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics, 6th edn.
BC Decker Inc, Hamilton, 2008.pp.1310-29.
- After two days, hardening of MTA is checked 4. Reference Manual, V 36/No 6, 14/15, AAPD, ‘Guideline on Pulp
gently and obturation with gutta-percha is done. Therapy for Primary and Immature Permanent Teeth’.

Pediatric Endodontics

This chapter explains the specific features of the Pediatric patients that may require special
considerations during Endodontic treatment and describes the various pulp therapies that can be
performed in Pediatric patients.
  You must know
• What is Pediatric Endodontics?
• What are the Objectives of Preserving Primary Teeth?
• What are the General Features of Endodontic Treatment of Pediatric Patients?
• What are the Specific Morphologic Features of Teeth of Pediatric Patients?
• How to Establish a Correct Pulpal Diagnosis in Children?
• What is the Important thing you must know about the Proximal Lesions in Primary Teeth?
• Which are the Different Pulp Therapies Performed in Children?
• Pulp Therapies for Primary Teeth

WHAT IS PEDIATRIC ENDODONTICS? • Primary teeth have complex root canal anatomy.
• During Endodontic treatment of primary teeth, there is
Endodontic treatment performed in children for the danger of injury to permanent tooth bud.
preservation of primary and young permanent teeth with • There can be special problems associated with the
pulp involvement to prevent premature loss of primary natural resorption of primary tooth roots.
teeth and to facilitate completion of development of young
permanent teeth to render them functional for many years, WHAT ARE THE SPECIFIC MORPHOLOGIC
is called Pediatric Endodontics.

WHAT ARE THE OBJECTIVES OF PRESERVING We shall discuss these features by classifying them in the
following way:
Objectives of preserving primary teeth include (Fig. 28.1).


• During treatment of pediatric patients, aspects of
child psychology and behavior management have to
be considered which can be time-consuming and
sometimes challenging too. Fig. 28.1  Objectives of preserving primary teeth
Pediatric Endodontics 451

– Crown: Important consideration is relatively larger

pulp chambers and high pulp horns as compared to
adult teeth.
– Root: Apical root development may be incomplete
causing presence of blunderbuss canals.
If pulp necrosis occurs prior to complete dentin
deposition there would be thin roots which are more
prone to fracture.
– An immature nonvital young permanent tooth will
• Specific morphologic features of primary teeth have poor crown to root ratio.
(Fig.  28.2A): In case of a pulpally involved young permanent
– Crown: tooth, efforts are directed towards stimulation of
- Enamel: Enamel is thinner and more consistent reparative dentin to retain the tooth as functional
in thickness when compared to permanent teeth. unit. Additional procedures such as apexification
- Dentin: The thickness of dentin between the may be necessary for maintaining pulpless immature
enamel and the pulp chamber is less and does permanent tooth.
not provide much protection to large pulp.
• Specific features of primary root canal anatomy of
- Pulp chamber:
individual teeth:
Larger pulp chamber in relation to overall size
– Maxillary primary incisors (Fig. 28.3):
of tooth crown and in comparison to permanent
- Single round root canal resembling the shape of
the root.
Pulp horns, especially mesial pulp horns are
- Permanent tooth bud lies lingual and apical to
higher in primary molars as compared to
primary tooth, so resorption is initiated on the
permanent molars.
lingual surface in apical third of roots.
- Wider mesiodistal dimension of crowns in
– Mandibular primary incisors (Fig. 28.4):
comparison with their crown length than crowns
- Single root canal flattened on mesial and distal
of permanent teeth.
- Marked constriction at the dentinoenamel
- Occasionally, two canals may be present
junction (DEJ) as compared to permanent teeth.
- Lateral or accessory canals may be present.
- Narrower occlusal surface in the faciolingual
- Permanent tooth bud lies lingual and apical to
direction due to converging facial and lingual
primary tooth. So resorption is initiated on the
surfaces occlusally of primary molars.
lingual surface in apical third of roots.
– Root:
- Flaring (diverging) root of primary molars from
the cervix and more at the apex.
- Longer and more slender roots of primary molars
as compared to permanent molars.
- Narrower and longer roots as compared to crown
length and width. So, root-to-crown length of
primary teeth is greater than that of permanent
- Root length completion occurs in shorter period
of time than the permanent teeth due to shorter
length of primary roots.
- Resorption of roots begins soon after root
length completion and there is deposition of
additional dentin within the root canal system
that significantly changes the number, size and
shape of the root canals within the primary tooth. A B
• Specific morphologic features of young permanent Figs 28.2A and B  Shows the diagrammatic representation of
teeth (Fig. 28.2B): primary (A) and young permanent tooth (B)
452 Short Textbook of Endodontics

– Maxillary and mandibular primary canines (Fig.

- Single rounded root canal corresponding to
exterior root shape.
- Triangular shape of root canal with the base
towards the facial surface.
- Bifurcation of canal or lateral canals generally
not present.
- Permanent tooth bud lies lingual and apical to
primary tooth, so resorption is initiated on the
lingual surface in apical third of roots
– Maxillary first primary molar (Fig. 28.6):
- Two to four canals are present that correspond
to exterior root form with much variation.
- Palatal root is usually round and longer than the
Fig. 28.3  Maxillary primary incisor facial roots.
- In about 75% of maxillary first primary molar,
there is bifurcation of mesiofacial roots into two
- The isthmus connecting separate canals is
narrow and islands of dentin exist between the
canals with many connecting branches.
- Mesial canal tends to show variations
- Accessory canals, lateral canals and apical
ramifications of pulp may be present.
– Maxillary second primary molar (Fig. 28.7):
- Two to five canals are present that correspond to
exterior root form.
- Mesiofacial root usually bifurcates or it may
contain two distinct canals.
- Fused palatal and distofacial roots may have a
common canal or a narrow isthmus connecting
Fig. 28.4  Mandibular primary incisor separate canals may be present with island
of dentin between canals with connecting
– Mandibular first primary molar (Fig. 28.8):
- Usually 3 canals are present corresponding to
external root anatomy but may have two or four
- Approximately, 75% of mesial roots have two
canals and 25% of distal roots contain more than
one canal.
- Accessory canals, lateral canals and apical
ramifications of pulp may be present.
- Resorption begins on inner surface of roots next
to interradicular septum causing variations in
root canal anatomy
– Mandibular second primary molar (Fig. 28.9):
- Usually three canals are present. But, two to five
canals may be present.
Fig. 28.5  Maxillary and mandibular primary canine - Mesial root tends to show variations.
Pediatric Endodontics 453

Fig. 28.6  Maxillary first primary molar Fig. 28.9  Mandibular second primary molar

- Accessory canals, lateral canals and apical

ramifications of pulp may be present.
- Resorption begins on inner surface of roots next
to interradicular septum causing variations in
root canal anatomy.


History Taking
• A thorough medical history to evaluate child’s general
condition is important.
In a child with systemic disease, Endodontic therapy may
be contraindicated or may require different approach.
• Pain history:
Fig. 28.7  Maxillary second primary molar In case of pediatric patients, history of pain given by
child or his parents sometimes, may not be relied on
But, still few direct questions related to pain such as
onset, duration, intensity, nature of pain, etc. can be
very useful indications of the status of the pulp.

Clinical Examination
• Careful inspection and palpation of oral soft and hard
Figure 28.10 shows multiple carious deciduous teeth
in a child. (Nursing bottle caries)
Figure 28.11 shows photograph of trauma to
permanent anterior teeth in a child.
• Intraoral sinus opening and draining sinus tracts are
quite common in children due to early involvement of
Fig. 28.8  Mandibular first primary molar pulp.
454 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Most of the times, an accurate pulpal diagnosis is

established only after direct evaluation of pulp tissue. One
has to check for:
• Size of exposure: It may be pinpoint or massive carious
expo­sure associated with varying degrees of pulpal
• Amount of hemorrhage: Tooth with extensive
inflammation may bleed profusely when pulp
amputation is done. There is persistence of bleeding
for long, even after pressure with cotton pellet is applied
for hemostasis.
• Pulp polyp: Chronic inflammation of pulp in the form
of pulp polyp may be seen.

Radiographic Examination
Fig. 28.10  Nursing bottle caries involving all maxillary teeth and
mandibular posterior teeth in a child (Courtesy of Dr Samir Khaire) Intraoral periapical (IOPA) and bitewing radiographs of the
affected area has to be taken.
On the radiograph:
• Extension of caries can be seen.
Figure 28.12 is radiograph showing pulpally involved
immature tooth with open apex.
• Physiologic root resorption of primary teeth may be
• Developing permanent tooth buds are seen
• Calcified masses may be seen in pulp chamber in
response to irritation to pulp
• Radiolucency may be apparent in the bifurcation
or trifurcation of roots rather than at the apex due
to presence of accessory canals on pulpal floor or
communication from necrotic pulp to furcation through
altered dental tissue in area of furcation. Figure 28.13 is
radiograph showing radiolucency in the furcation and
around the roots of an over-retained deciduous molar.
Fig. 28.11  Trauma to permanent anterior teeth in a child • Pathologic root resorption and bone resorption may be
(Courtesy of Dr CR Suvarna) present due to extensive inflammation in the tooth.
• Internal root resorption due to pulpal pathosis may be
• Percussion test may not be very reliable because it • Follow-up of treatment: Radiographs of treated teeth are
depends on subjective response by the child. taken during the follow-up visits to evaluate the outcome
• Mobility test also may not be very reliable because of the of treatment. Figure 28.14 shows few examples of post-
aspect of normal physiologic mobility of primary teeth treatment and follow-up radiographs.
associated with natural resorption of roots.
A panoramic view is also very valuable radiograph
Pulpal Diagnostic Tests in Pedodontics as it shows in one view all the deciduous
teeth along with the permanent tooth buds so that proper
Thermal tests and electric pulp test are generally unreliable treatment can be planned. Figure 28.15 shows a panoramic
in children due to some aspects of pulpal anatomy of image of a patient.
primary teeth and due to other problems in children related After proper history taking and thorough clinical and
to apprehension and management. radiographic examination, or sometimes after direct
Pediatric Endodontics 455

Fig. 28.12  Radiograph showing pulpally involved Fig. 28.14  Few examples of post-treatment and follow-up
immature tooth with open apex (Courtesy of Dr Chetan Shah) radiographs (Courtesy of Dr Ashwin Jawdekar)

Fig. 28.15  Panoramic image (commonly referred to as

orthopantogram) (Courtesy of Dr Ashwin Jawdekar)

Fig. 28.13  Over-retained deciduous molar

(Courtesy of Dr Chetan Shah)
A mind-map to remember pulpal diagnosis in
children is given in Figure 28.16.
evaluation of pulp tissue, pulpal diagnosis can be made
– Irreversible pulpitis PRIMARY TEETH?
– Pulp necrosis
• Important considerations for deciding treatment Proximal lesions in primary teeth are quite deceptive. One
– Affected tooth: Time of exfoliation with respect to must consider appropriate pulp therapy in the event of:
dental age of patient. • Lesions extending subgingivally
– Restorability of crown • Lesions with marginal ridge breakdown
– Presence or absence of permanent successor • Lesions with the involvement of more than 50% of tooth
– Extent of infection: Whether the infection is severe substance from the outer margin towards pulp as evident
enough that has the potential to affect permanent on radiograph.
tooth bud or that cannot be treated with Endodontic Proximal lesions without gingival seat are difficult to
therapy and will need extraction. restore and endanger pulp exposure.
456 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 28.16  A mind-map to remember pulpal diagnosis in children

Dentin of primary teeth has wider tubules. As a result Another factor that needs to be considered is the
there is rapid progress of caries. There is possibility of dental age of the patient. If the dental age is more, then a
invasion of bacteria and their toxins much before frank conservative approach is preferred. If dental age is lesser,
carious exposure. then more definitive pulp therapies such as pulpotomy or
Moreover apart from stainless steel crown, it may pulpectomy needs to be done.
not be possible to seal the margins adequately. Thus a It is needless to state that proximal lesions will need
conservative approach in management of pulpal lesions adequate coronal seal and stainless steel restoration would
may not help. Therefore, pulp therapies such as indirect be the restoration of choice in most instances.
pulp capping or pulpotomy needs to be considered for all Figures 28.17A to C show the photographs and corres­
deep proximal lesions. ponding radiographs of proximal lesions in various primary
Pediatric Endodontics 457

Figs 28.17A to C  Proximal lesions in primary teeth. (A) Maxillary posterior region;
(B) Mandibular posterior region; (C) Maxillary anterior region

WHICH ARE THE DIFFERENT PULP THERAPIES apices. The latter have been discussed in Chapter 27:
PERFORMED IN CHILDREN? Pulp Therapies and in Chapter 24: Management of Dental
In children, pulp therapies may be performed in primary Traumatic Injuries. Here we will discuss about the pulp
teeth or in young permanent teeth generally with open therapies for primary teeth.
458 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Indirect Pulp Capping

Done in case of deep carious lesion approximating the pulp,
where it is anticipated that pulp would be exposed when
caries is excavated. This should be done only when there
are no signs or symptoms of irreversible pulpitis.
• Indications: Deep carious lesion in a primary tooth with
no signs of pulp degeneration.
• Contraindications:
– Signs or symptoms of irreversible pulpitis
– Radiographic lesion such as internal or external
resorption or furcation radiolucency
• Objectives:
– The restorative material seals the involved dentin
from the oral environment.
– Vitality of the tooth preserved
– No post-treatment clinical signs or symptoms such
as sensitivity, pain or swelling.
– No radiographic evidence of pathologic external or
internal root resorption or any pathologic change.
– No harm to the succedaneous tooth.
• Technique:
– Anesthesia and rubber dam isolation.
– Excavation of caries using a round bur except that
directly overlying the pulp. Spoon excavator can be
used for excavation in deep cavities, but should be
used judiciously if indirect pulp capping is planned,
as it might remove large segment of caries causing
direct exposure of pulp.
– A biocompatible material such as calcium hydroxide
PULP THERAPIES FOR PRIMARY TEETH or zinc oxide eugenol is placed over remaining
carious dentin to stimulate healing and repair.
Protective Liner If calcium hydroxide is used, then it should be
It is a thinly-applied liquid which is placed on the pulpal covered with glass ionomer or reinforced zinc oxide/
surface of a deep cavity preparation covering the exposed eugenol material is placed over it to provide a seal
dentinal tubules, to act as protective barrier between the against microleakage as calcium hydroxide has high
restorative material and the dental pulp. Examples of solubility, poor seal and low compressive strength.
protective liner include: Calcium hydroxide, dentin bonding – The tooth is then restored with hard-setting,
agent, glass ionomer cement. reinforced ZOE or amalgam or acid-etched bonded
• Indications: composite to seal it against microleakage
In a tooth with normal pulp, after excavation of all the – The tooth re-entered after a period of approximately
caries, a protective liner may be placed in the deep areas 6 weeks and removal of remaining caries is done.
of the preparation in order to: This remaining caries generally appears dehydrated,
– Minimize injury to the pulp and promote pulp tissue slightly hard consistency and light brown color.
healing According to current literature, there is no
– Reduce postoperative sensitivity. conclusive evidence that it is necessary to reenter the
• Objectives: tooth to remove residual caries so long as the tooth
Liner is placed in deep area of the cavity preparation: remains sealed from bacterial contamination and
– To promote pulp tissue healing, shows good prognosis for caries arrest and reparative
– To promote formation of tertiary dentin dentin formation to protect the pulp.
– To preserve pulp vitality – The re-entered tooth is then permanently restored.
– To minimize bacterial microleakage. (with Glass ionomer or amalgam restoration)
Pediatric Endodontics 459

Direct Vital Pulp Therapies • Contraindications:

– Pathologic root resorption or radiolucency seen on
Direct Pulp Capping radiograph
– Profuse bleeding that persists for long after coronal
Done in case of traumatic or mechanical pulp exposures. pulp amputation
• Indications: Pin-point sized mechanical or traumatic – In a tooth that is about to exfoliate
pulp exposure, when the pulp is vital and no signs or – In a tooth with draining abscess.
symptoms of irreversible pulpitis. Direct pulp capping • Objectives:
of a carious pulp exposure in a primary tooth should not – Radicular pulp asymptomatic with no adverse signs
be done. or symptoms such as sensitivity, pain or swelling
• Contraindications: – No postoperative radiographic evidence of
– Carious pulp exposure pathologic external root resorption
– Large exposures – Self-limiting and stable internal root resorption
– Profuse bleeding from exposure site indicating which should be monitored.
extensive inflammation – No harm to succedaneous tooth.
• Material used: Calcium hydroxide is the pulp capping • Materials used: Calcium hydroxide has been used but
agent of choice. MTA can also be used. has less long-term success.
• Objectives: – Formocresol
– Vitality of the tooth preserved – Ferric sulfate
– No post-treatment clinical signs or symptoms such – Glutaraldehyde
as sensitivity, pain or swelling. – MTA, more recent material used for pulpotomy has
– Healing of pulp and reparative dentin formation high success rate and is now preferred pulpotomy
should occur. agent.
– No radiographic evidence of pathologic external or – Electrosurgery used for pulpotomy also has shown
internal root resorption or any pathologic change. good results.
– No harm to the succedaneous tooth. • Pulpotomy agents used and technique for pulpotomy:
• Technique: 1. Formocresol pulpotomy
– Anesthesia and rubber dam isolation - One-fifth concentration formocresol can be used
– Excavation of caries with bur or spoon excavator, for pulpotomy which is prepared as follows:
if it causes mechanical or traumatic pulp exposure ■ 3 parts of glycerin + 1 part of distilled water
which is pin-point sized and no bleeding or minimal (to prepare diluent)
bleeding occurs, then pressure with cotton pellet is ■ One part formocresol + 4 parts of diluent
applied to control bleeding. - Formocresol causes tissue fixation.
– Calcium hydroxide is placed over the exposed pulp. - Technique: Figures 28.18A to G show the steps of
It is covered with glass ionomer or reinforced zinc formocresol pulpotomy
oxide/eugenol material as base and the tooth is ■ Anesthesia and rubber dam isolation.
permanently restored with amalgam or composite ■ Removal of caries. Figure 28.18A shows
restoration. mandibular first primary molar with deep
It is recommended that direct pulp capping be caries involving the pulp. Figure 28.18B
performed in older children in cases in which the shows excavation of caries using a round bur.
teeth will exfoliate within 1 or 2 years. ■ Removal of entire roof of pulp chamber with
a high speed bur with adequate water coolant
Pulpotomy in Primary Teeth (Fig. 28.18C).
■ Removal of entire coronal pulp with a long
Amputation of the coronal pulp leaving behind vital shank round bur or spoon excavator to the
radicular pulp is done in cases of carious pulp exposures level of orifices. (Fig. 28.18D)
or large traumatic exposures, in which the inflammation is ■ Control of hemorrhage with moist cotton
confined to the coronal pulp. pellet pressure placed over the opening of
• Indications: Carious pulp exposure in primary teeth the root canals.
or inflammation of pulp confined only to the coronal ■ Then a cotton pellet dipped in the diluted
portion of tooth. formocresol is placed in direct contact with
460 Short Textbook of Endodontics



Figs 28.18A to D  Steps of pulpotomy in primary teeth. (A) Caries involving coronal pulp in a mandibular first primary molar; (B) Excavation of
caries using a round bur; (C) Removal of the roof of the pulp chamber; (D) Amputation of coronal pulp to the level of orifices using a spoon

the pulp stumps. This cotton is left in contact carcinogenic potential and regarding its safe
with the pulp stumps for 5 minutes (Fig. use in dentistry.
28.18E). 2. Glutaraldehyde pulpotomy: 2–4% aqueous
■ A base of ZOE may be placed over stumps glutaraldehyde can be used for pulpotomy instead
■ The tooth is restored permanently (Fig. of formocresol.
28.18F). - Advantages of glutaraldehyde over formocresol:
Restoration can be composite resin in ■ Less cytotoxic than formocresol
anterior teeth and glass ionomer or amalgam ■ It has less systemic distribution after appli­
or composite restoration followed by stainless cation and does not diffuse out of the apex of
steel crown for primary molars (Fig. 28.18G). the tooth. There is limited tissue binding and
- Safety: There are concerns about the systemic remainder of glutaraldehyde gets excreted in
distribution of formocresol and its likely urine or exhaled as carbon dioxide.
Pediatric Endodontics 461


Figs 28.18E to G  Steps of pulpotomy in primary teeth. (E) Cotton

pellet dipped in formocresol is placed over pulp stumps for
5 minutes; (F) A base of zinc oxide eugenol is given and covered with
a permanent restoration such as glass ionomer or silver amalgam;
F (G) The tooth is protected with stainless steel crown

■ With glutaraldehyde, there is rapid fixation 3. Ferric sulfate pulpotomy: Ferric sulfate can also be
of the underlying pulpal tissue and the used to replace formocresol for pulpotomy and has
remaining radicular pulp maintains vitality been shown to give reasonably good clinical and
and is free of inflammation. radiographic results.
– Technique: Similar to formocresol pulpotomy 4. MTA pulpotomy: Formocresol can be replaced with
– Disadvantages: mineral trioxide aggregate for pulpotomy in primary
- Not as successful as formocresol pulpotomy teeth with good results.
- Limited shelf life.
462 Short Textbook of Endodontics



E (i) E (ii)
Figs 28.19A to E  Steps of pulpotomy. (A) Mandibular second primary molar is isolated using rubber dam after adequate anesthesia;
(B) Caries is excavated completely; (C) Deroofing the pulp chamber; (D) Coronal pulp is removed and hemostasis is achieved; (E) Pulpotomy
agent is placed and the tooth is restored with a temporary cement: (i) Photograph showing good temporary seal achieved after pulpotomy:
(ii) Postoperative radiograph of the same case in which pulpotomy was performed for mandibular second primary molar and pulpectomy was
performed for mandibular first primary molar (Courtesy of Dr Ashwin Jawdekar)
Pediatric Endodontics 463

But, the disadvantages include high cost of the

material and it may cause pulp canal obliteration.

Summary of Pulpotomy Procedure

• Case selection
• Asepsis
• Hemostasis
• Coronal seal
Figures 28.19A to E are the case photographs demon­
strating the technique of pulpotomy in mandibular second
primary molar.

Nonvital Pulp Therapy for Primary Teeth

It involves extirpation of pulp from both coronal and
radicular spaces, cleaning and shaping of canals and
obturation with a resorbable root filling material.
• Indications:
– Irreversible pulpitis
– Necrotic pulp
• Contraindications:
– Tooth close to exfoliation having moderate to
excessive mobility
– Nonrestorable tooth with only carious root piece
or stump remaining. In such cases, extraction of
primary tooth followed by space maintainer would
be preferred.
• Objectives:
– Following pulpectomy treatment, radiographic
radiolucency suggestive of infectious process should
resolve in six months.
– Pretreatment clinical signs and symptoms should
resolve in few weeks.
– Optimum root canal filling evidenced on radiograph B
with no gross overextension or underfilling
Figs 28.20A and B  Steps of pulpectomy in primary teeth. (A) Mandi­
– Treatment should permit physiologic resorption of bular first primary molar with extensive caries involving the pulp;
primary tooth and filling material to allow for normal (B) Excavation of caries and access cavity preparation
eruption of succedaneous tooth
– No pathologic resorption or furcation/apical
• Technique: Figures 28.20A to F show the steps of – Access cavity preparation is done by connecting all
pulpectomy in a primary molar tooth: the pulp horns.
– Anesthesia and rubber dam isolation. Access preparation is made through the lingual
– Removal of caries. Figure 28.20A shows deep caries surface for the anterior primary teeth and through
in mandibular primary molar involving the pulp. the occlusal surface for the primary molar teeth.
Figure 28.20B shows excavation of caries and access – Removal of roof of pulp chamber followed by entire
cavity preparation. coronal pulp to the level of orifices.
464 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Figs 28.20C and D  (C) Extirpation of pulp and cleaning and shaping of root canals: Circumferential filing with K-files in sequence to a
predetermined length estimated from a preoperative radiograph; (D) After thorough debridement, the canals are filled with zinc oxide
eugenol (Obturation)

– Flaring of access preparation walls for easy insertion – Irrigation of canals and then dry the canals with
of files and to achieve straight line access to the apical sterile paper points.
portion of the canals. – Then, obturation of canals with a suitable obturation
– From preoperative radiograph, determine the material (Fig. 28.20D).
approximate length of roots and then measure the • Ideal requirements of obturation material for primary
Endodontic instruments such as K-files about 1 mm teeth:
short of the apex. – Biocompatible
– Barbed broach or the smaller files can be inserted – Antiseptic
in the canals to this length for pulp extirpation (Fig. – Resorbable—at par with tooth
28.20C). – Good handling
– Copious irrigation with sodium hypochlorite 3% or – Economical
sterile saline should be done. – Radiopaque
– Cleaning and shaping: Circumferential filing with • Materials used for obturation of root canals of primary
2–3 K-files or H-files in sequence of size to the length, teeth (Table 28.1):
should be done. Excessive enlargement of canals – Zinc oxide eugenol: Zinc oxide eugenol is
may cause unnecessary damage to tooth such as biocompatible, antiseptic and has good handling
perforation and hence should be avoided. Stainless properties. It is economical and is a time-tested
steel or nickel-titanium (Ni-Ti) instruments can be material. It has been used as an obturation material
used. Ni-Ti instruments are recommended due to for primary teeth since many years. The limitation
their flexibility. Both hand and rotary instruments of ZOE is that it resorbs very slowly. Its resorption is
can be used. If stainless steel instruments are used, not par with resorption of roots of primary teeth.
the instruments need to be gently curved to help – C a l c i u m h y d r o x i d e : C a l c i u m h y d r o x i d e
negotiate the canals. is biocompatible and has excellent antiseptic
  The objective of cleaning and shaping in primary properties. But its antiseptic action is short-lived.
teeth is to remove the pulp tissue and debris from Within few days, its pH becomes neutral and
the canals and make space for a resorbable root becomes ineffective. It rapidly resorbs from the root
filling material. canal. Although, it is a good material to be used for
Pediatric Endodontics 465

TABLE 28.1  Materials used in pulpectomy of primary teeth

Requirements ZOE Ca(OH)2 Vitapex Endoflas

Biocompatible Y Y Y Y
Antiseptic Y/N Y/N Y Y
Resorbable—at Y/N N Y/N Y/N
par with tooth
Good handling Y Y/N Y Y
Economical Y Y N Y/N

TABLE 28.2  Selection of obturation material for primary teeth

Pulp status
Incisors Canines and molars
Abscessed/nonvital Ca(OH)2 + Iodoform Ca(OH)2 +Iodoform
E (Nonsetting) (hard setting)
ZOE after 1 week inter-
appointment dressing
using Ca(OH)2
Nonabscessed/vital Ca(OH)2 + Iodoform ZOE or Ca(OH)2 +
(Nonsetting) Iodoform (nonsetting
or hard setting)

good primary root canal filling material and has

following desirable properties:
- Easy to apply
- Resorbs slightly faster than roots of primary teeth
- Has no toxic effects on permanent successor
- It is radiopaque.
This combination is being widely used now-a-
days for obturation of primary teeth. It is available
as preloaded syringes with thin intracanal tips,
which makes its delivery in the canal very easy.
F • Calcium hydroxide and iodoform mixture-hard setting,
Figs 28.20E and F  (E) After obturation with zinc oxide eugenol, commercially available as Endoflas, is also a good
permanent restoration such as glass ionomer or silver amalgam is material for obturation of primary teeth. It undergoes
placed in the pulp chamber space; (F) The tooth is protected with a faster resorption as compared to ZOE and is hard-
full coverage restoration-stainless steel crown
setting. It is also available as preloaded syringes for easy
delivery in the root canals.

Clinical implications: (Table 28.2 Selection of obturation

intracanal dressing (medicament), its not suitable material for primary teeth )
to be used as obturation material for primary teeth. • In case of primary incisors, it is always preferred to
To resist its rapid resorption and to make use of its use a nonsetting calcium hydroxide and iodoform
antiseptic properties, it has been combined with combination so that their roots resorb in time and
other medicaments such as iodoform. there is no delay in its shedding. Over-retained primary
– Calcium hydroxide and iodoform mixture—non- incisors can deflect the path of eruption of permanent
setting, commercially available as Vitapex, is a very incisors and can cause cross-bite.
466 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• In case of primary canines and molars with necrotic pulp – Pressure syringe: Commercially available filling
and abscess, if nonsetting obturation material is used, devices are available such as Navitip, Vitapex syringe,
there is high possibility that it will get resorbed easily. etc
So, a hardsetting material is preferred such as calcium – Syringe with needle
hydroxide with iodoform-hard setting (Endoflas). – Wet cotton: The pulp chamber is filled with the
Alternatively, in such cases, calcium hydroxide dressing obturating material such as ZOE and a wet cotton
can be given for one week and then ZOE can be used as pellet is pressed over it few times so that it flows into
obturation material when the canals are dry. the canals.
• In case of primary canines and molars which had a – Lentulospiral: Endodontic hard instruments such
vital pulp, any of the obturation material: ZOE, calcium as files or rotary lentulospiral fillers can be used.
hydroxide and iodoform combination—nonsetting or Important thing to note in case of filling using
hard-setting, can be used. lentulospiral fillers is that it should be inserted
• Obturation techniques in primary teeth: and removed from the canal while in rotation. The
– Incremental: The canals can be coated with the paste rotation should not be started or stopped when in
of unreinforced ZOE using paper points, k-files or the canal for its effective use otherwise the ZOE gets
spreader incrementally. removed with the lentulospiral filler.

Figs 28.21A and B  Stainless steel crowns placed on Endodontically treated deciduous and permanent molars
(Courtesy of Dr Ashwin Jawdekar)

Figs 28.22A to C  Radiographs of a pulpally involved primary molar in which pulpectomy was performed. (A) Preoperative radiograph;
(B) Intraoperative radiograph with K-files inserted in the canals for determination of working length; (C) Postoperative radiograph
Pediatric Endodontics 467

- Radiograph can then be taken to confirm if the Figures 28.22A to C show the radiographs of primary
canals have been adequately filled. mandibular second molar tooth (Pre-intra- and post-
- After obturation with zinc oxide eugenol, operative views).
permanent restoration such as glass ionomer or
silver amalgam is placed in the pulp chamber BIBLIOGRAPHY
space (Fig. 28.20E) 1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis:
- Tooth should be restored with stainless steel Mosby, 2006.pp.822-74.
crown (Figs 28.20F and 28.21A and B) 2. Dr Ashwin Jawdekar, Little Smiles Child Care Pvt. Ltd.,
Presentations and Notes.
- In case if the succedaneous permanent tooth
3. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics, 6th edn.
is missing and the retained primary tooth is BC Decker Inc, Hamilton, 2008.pp.1400-25.
pulpally involved, the canals can be filled with 4. Reference Manual, V 36/No 6, 14/15, AAPD. Guideline on Pulp
gutta-percha after pulpectomy. Therapy for Primary and Immature Permanent Teeth.

Geriatric Endodontics

This chapter describes the Endodontic treatment for the geriatric patients and explains the specific
features of the older patients that may require special considerations.
  You must know
• What is Geriatric Endodontics?
• What is the Scope of Geriatric Endodontics?
• What is the Need for Geriatric Endodontics?
• What are the Specific Features of General Health of Older Patients?
• What are the Regressive Changes that occur in the Teeth with Increasing Age?
• What are the Specific Features of Teeth of Older Patients?
• Which Orofacial and Dental Signs and Symptoms are Elicited by Clinician to Derive Correct
• What are the Different Diagnostic Tests?
• How to Formulate Treatment Plan after making Correct Diagnosis in Geriatric Patient?
• What are the Steps in Endodontic Treatment in Geriatric Patient?


Dental clinics of North America (1989) defined Geriatric
Dentistry as the provision of dental care for adult persons Geriatric Endodontics deals with following as given in
with one or more chronic debilitating, physical or mental Figure 29.1.
illness with associated medication and psychosocial
Endodontic treatment for the older adults, such as ENDODONTICS?
for patients over the age of 65 years, is called geriatric
Endodontics. Need for Geriatric Endodontics
Geriatric dentistry is emerging as a specialized branch • With the improvement in standard of living and
of dentistry and The National Institute of Aging has stated availability of advanced medical care, the percentage
that all dental professionals should receive education and of aged persons in the society has increased.
training for the management of elderly patients, as a part • Quality of life of older patients can be significantly
of basic professional education. improved by saving teeth through Endodontic treatment.
Geriatric Endodontics 469

• Decline in renal and liver function that may alter the

behavior and interaction of drugs in the body.
• Certain complex conditions and medical problems
might make a patient functionally dependent.
• Symptoms of certain undiagnosed illness may be present.
• Visual and auditory deficits can make communication



Regressive Changes in the Teeth

• Enamel:
– Decrease in the permeability of enamel
– Wasting diseases causing loss of enamel (attrition,
abrasion and erosion)
– Enamel becomes slightly brittle with age.
• Dentin:
Fig. 29.1  Scope of geriatric Endodontics – Decrease in permeability of dentin
– Secondary and reparative dentin deposition
– Deposition of peritubular dentin and gradual
obliteration of dentinal tubules
– Dentin sclerosis
This can have a great value in improving the overall • Pulp:
dental, physical and mental health. – More fibers, less cells
• Root canal treatment, if possible, is definitely a – Reduced pulp volume
favorable alternative to the trauma of extraction and the – Small geriatric canals
subsequent cost of replacement. – Decreased blood supply to tooth
• Since, the primary function of teeth is mastication, loss – Calcification in pulp chamber and root canals.
of teeth can lead to detrimental changes in food intake – Calcification process associated with aging appears
habits resulting in reduction in general health of the clinically to be more of linear type than that which
patient. occurs in younger tooth in response to caries or
• For some patients, social issues can be a reason to save trauma.
natural anterior teeth. – Constant deposition of cementum throughout
Endodontic treatment is certainly less traumatic in life increases the length of the canal from actual
the extremes of age or health, than is extraction. Due to anatomic foramen to cementodentinal junction
increased awareness of benefits of saving teeth, many older • Root:
patients now seek Endodontia rather than extraction. – Conditions like hypercementosis
– Apical root resorption may be present.
WHAT ARE THE SPECIFIC FEATURES OF Figures 29.2A and B show comparison between root
canal system of young permanent tooth with that of
a geriatric tooth.
• With increasing age, the biological functions of body
are compromised. There may be reduced blood supply, WHAT ARE THE SPECIFIC FEATURES OF
brittle bones and weak host resistance.
• Age-related changes in cardiovascular system,
respiratory system and central nervous system may Specific features of teeth in elderly are described in Table
result in drug therapy needs. 29.1.
470 Short Textbook of Endodontics


Subjective symptoms Objective signs
• Clinician can ask specific • Clinician should do the following
questions and allow examination and elicit specific signs:
patient to express his A. Thorough extraoral examination: Check
symptoms: for any facial asymmetry or distension
A. Patient’s chief complaint. indicating swelling
B. About pain: B.  Thorough intraoral examination:
– Nature of pain – Examination of area of chief
– Severity complaint.
– Relationship to – Rule out predisposing factors to oral
A B stimulus or irritant cancers which may initially manifest
Figs 29.2A and B  Diagram showing comparison between an adult – Aggravating and as prodromal signs or symptoms
tooth root canal system with that of a geriatric patient: (A) Root canal relieving factors – Decreased salivation (xerostomia)
Any specific symptom due to certain medications resulting
system in a young adult tooth; (B) Root canal system in a geriatric
that patient would like to in dental caries and oral fungal
patient. a—Pulp horns: High pulp horns go on receding with
speak about infections
increasing age, b—Pulp chamber: Large and wide pulp chambers
– Gingival recession causing
become smaller and shorter, c—Root canals become thin, d—
hypersensitivity of exposed dentin
Cementum deposition causes thin narrow apical foramen, e—Pulp
and cementum.
– Periodontal examination.
– Failed restorations, marginal leakage
– If sinus tract is present, gutta-percha
can be used to trace its origin
TABLE 29.1  Specific features of teeth in elderly
Clinical features Related to symptoms Related to healing
• Radicular caries • Pain associated • Pulp healing is
(Root decay) with vital pulps (i.e. reduced • Inspection
• Gingival recession Referred pain, pain • Age-related • Slow and gentle percussion and palpation
• Periodontal caused by heat, changes in • Transillumination and staining to detect cracks in case
problems cold, sweets) seems connective
• Poor oral hygiene to be reduced with tissue and bone
of presence of symptoms
• Wasting diseases of age resulting in • Pulp testing: It detects the response of pulp to stimuli
teeth: • Severity seems to delayed repair and irritants. The response to stimuli may be weaker
– Attrition diminish over time of periapical than young pulps due to fewer nerve branches and
– Abrasion, etc. • Heat sensitivity tissues
• Sinus tracts may occur as the
mineralization in older pulps.
• Missing teeth and only symptom due
tilted teeth can to reduced pulp
cause compensating volume
bite which • Necrosis may
may result into occur quickly after
temporomandibular microbial invasion,
joint (TMJ) again with reduced
dysfunction or loss symptoms
of vertical dimension • High conduction
• Cracks or craze lines nerve endings in
on teeth may be dentin are reduced
present or absent, and
• Interproximal root dentinal tubules
caries are calcified; so
• Figures 29.3 and patient may not feel
29.4 show the intra- pain until actual
oral clinical features pulp exposure has
in a geriatric patient occurred
Geriatric Endodontics 471

• Radiographs: In geriatric patients:

– It may be difficult to place the film, especially if tori
are present or if patient is unable to hold the film.
Film holders can be helpful.
– Exposure time will have to be increased to get proper
diagnostic contrast if exostoses and dense bone is
– Early bone changes can be detected effectively by
digital radiography as compared to conventional
– Evaluate the radiograph for the following:
- Receding pulp horns
- Depth of pulp chamber
- Presence of pulp stones
- Proximal and root caries and restorations
Fig. 29.3  Geriatric patient showing abrasion and erosion - Calcification between observable pulp chamber
and root canal in case of deep restorations
- Number of roots
- Root canals — number, size, shape and curvature
- Midroot disappearance of a detectable canal may
indicate bifurcation.


Based on patient’s history, clinical examination and
interpretation of various diagnostic tests, determine:
• Vitality of tooth: Vital/nonvital
• Presence or absence of periapical pathologic conditions
and determine whether root canal treatment is

Once you plan to do RCT, then:

• Consultation with patient’s relatives, obtain informed
Fig. 29.4  Geriatric patient showing attrition, abrasion, consent from patient and obtain valid consent from
gingival recession and craze lines
patient’s physician in case of any medical problem
• Then schedule the appointment as per patient’s
• Decide whether single-visit or multiple visit approach
In elderly patients, it becomes difficult to perform would be suitable
and interpret results of electric and thermal pulp testing • Consider patient’s comfort, chair position, jaw fatigue
due to and choice of anesthetic.
– Extensive restorations
– Excessive calcifications
• Test Cavity:
– Less useful due to reduced dentin innervation • Pretreatment
– Should be used only when other tests have failed to • Access cavity preparation
give correct diagnosis. • Cleaning and shaping/biomechanical preparation
472 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• Obturation • Difficulties encountered in cleaning and shaping in root

• Post-Endodontic restoration canals of geriatric patients:
• Repair after endodontic treatment – Reduced tactile sense in identifying constriction due
to calcification
Pretreatment – In cases with hypercementosis, there is difficulty in
penetration of the canal in the apical third
• Administration of appropriate local anesthetic (LA) – Achieving and maintaining patency are difficult
• Isolation with rubber dam – Reduced periapical sensitivity causes reduced
response of patient that otherwise indicates
Access Cavity Preparation penetration of apical foramen.

• The most difficult step in Endodontic treatment of older Obturation of Root Canal System
patients is adequate access and identification of root
canal orifices. This may be due to thin, small geriatric • For older patients, excessive pressure during obturation
canals, which may be calcified most of the times that can result in root fracture. So, the obturation techniques
makes location and penetration of canal orifice quite that do not require unusually large mid-root tapers and
difficult and time-consuming. do not generate pressure in this area are selected.
• Remove caries and existing restorations if any, under • Obturation using a thermoplasticized material such as
suitable magnification in the form of loupes or resilon, can significantly reduce coronal leakage that
microscopes. can result from root caries after Endodontic treatment
• Location and initial penetration of the canal orifice with and also it increases resistance to root fracture.
DG-16 explorer. • Permanent restorative procedures should be scheduled
Canal negotiation with #8 k-file with gentle apical as soon as possible to prevent coronal leakage.
pressure and prelubricated with a chelating agent.
• If risk of deviation from long axis exists such as in heavily Post-Endodontic Restoration
restored tooth or calcified canals, surgical access may be
preferred. • Root fracture is common in older adults when posts with
• Errors: much taper is used.
– Canals may be overlooked. Careful location of • Post fracture or failure may occur when small diameter
orifices is important. parallel post is used.
– Perforation: Pain, bleeding, disorientation of probing • In older patients, factors determining type of restoration
instrument may indicate perforation. include root caries, cervical erosion, gingival recession,
bone loss and lesser number of teeth remaining.
Cleaning and Shaping (Biomechanical • In case of older patients, often multiple teeth are missing.
So there may be insufficient vertical and horizontal
space when opposing or adjacent teeth are missing.
• Reparative dentin deposition and calcification makes
penetration of canals difficult Repair after Endodontic Treatment
• Due to constant deposition of cementum throughout
life, length of canal from actual anatomic foramen to • Repair may be delayed due to age-related changes such
CDJ increases, but actual CDJ width remains constant as:
with age. – Increase in atherosclerotic changes of blood vessels
• Usually crown-down technique is followed: Flaring of – Viscosity of connective tissue is altered
coronal 1/3rd of canal to provide a reservoir of irrigating – Decrease in rate of bone formation and normal
solution and reduce the stress on metal instruments. resorption
• Thorough copious irrigation with sodium hypochlorite – Greater porosity of bone
to remove debris that block access. – Decreased mineralization of formed bone
• Instruments with no rake angle are beneficial. • In case of vital pulps with normal periapical tissue: Good
• Canal preparation should terminate at CDJ (narrowest prognosis of Endodontic therapy and periapical tissue
constriction of canal): 0.5 to 2.5 mm from radiographic can be maintained normal by confining preparation and
apex. filling procedures to canal space.
Geriatric Endodontics 473

• In case of infected nonvital pulps with periapical Considerations for Endodontic Surgery
pathologic abnormalities: Repair is determined by
Medical Local
ability of host tissue to respond.
Thorough evaluation of Medical • Presence of fenestrated or dehisced
history is done. Some special roots and exostoses
Endodontic Surgery in Geriatric Patients considerations may be needed: • Thickness of overlying soft and
• Prophylactic antibiotic bony tissue.
Endodontic surgery may be considered in geriatric patients premedication • Relationship of anatomic
if the case is definitive indication for surgery, but may • Sedation structures such as sinus, floor
• Hospitalization of nose, neurovascular bundle
require medical consultation. • More detailed evaluation with surrounding structures may
change when teeth are lost.
Need for Endodontic Surgery • If root end surgery is to be
Surgical access may be preferred in case of anatomic performed, consider whether
the root that will be left is long
complications of RC system such as small or completely enough and thick enough for
calcified canal, non-negotiable root curvatures, extensive tooth to remain functional and
apical root resorption or pulp stones. stable after surgery.
Perforation during access, losing length during
instru­m entation, ledging and instrument separation
are iatrogenic treatment complications associated with BIBLIOGRAPHY
treatment of calcified canals. Hence, surgical Endodontics 1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis:
may be considered. Mosby, 2006.pp.883-915.

Pathologic Tooth

This chapter explains in detail about tooth resorption and its different types.
  You must know
• What is Tooth Resorption?
• What is Mechanism of Tooth Resorption?
• What are the Etiologic and Stimulating Factors of Tooth Resorption?
• Which are the Types of Tooth Resorption?
• Which are the Clinical and Radiographic Features of Different Types of Tooth Resorption and
How to Manage them?
• What are the Differences between External and Internal Root Resorption?

WHAT IS TOOTH RESORPTION? primary predecessor can cause nonphysiologic root

resorption of adjacent permanent tooth.
According to American Association of Endodontists (1984).
Resorption is defined as, “A condition associated with WHAT IS MECHANISM OF TOOTH RESORPTION?
either a physiologic or a pathologic process that results in
loss of substance from a tissue such as dentin, cementum Cells involved in tooth resorption:
or alveolar bone.” • Osteoclast: Osteoclast are giant cells that play an
important role in the following:
Bone undergoes apposition and resorption as a part of – Tooth eruption:
continual remodelling process. - Osteoclast plays a role in physiologic resorption
In case of teeth: of primary teeth
• Roots of primary teeth undergo resorption during - During development of permanent successor
exfoliation. This resorption is considered physiologic. and the eruption process, coronal part of the
Sometimes, pathologic resorption may occur. follicle induces a rim of osteoclast, which is
• Roots of permanent teeth do not undergo resorption involved in the resorption of roots of primary
normally. Intact cementoblast and odontoblast cell predecessor and adjacent bone.
layers that are present in the tooth normally, provide - Chronic periapical inflammation from pulp
immunity to permanent teeth against resorption necrosis in primary teeth accelerates its shedding.
(Homeostasis Phenomenon of Pulp and Periodontal – Alveolar bone growth and maintenance:
Ligament) Physical and chemical insults to these layers - Continuous bone remodelling (osteoblastic and
causes loss of protection and can lead to Resorption. This osteoclastic activity) occurs throughout life. Lack
resorption of roots of permanent teeth is considered of equilibrium in activity of these two cells causes
pathologic. osteoporosis or osteosclerosis.
If the permanent tooth germ lies in an ectopic - In case of replacement resorption (ankylosis),
position, then the process of physiologic resorption of tooth becomes a part of general bone remodelling
Pathologic Tooth Resorption 475

system and continuous replacement of root with Mechanism of Root Resorption

bone takes place. After an osteoclast is formed, it resorbs hard tissues such as
– Repair after injury: cementum, dentin, enamel or bone.
- Osteoclast has a role in revascularization process
Mechanism of hard tissue destruction by osteoclasts
in bone and teeth.
- This occurs in case of luxation injuries and root
• Dissolution of inorganic material (hydroxyapatite) by
fracture with displacement of teeth.
acids by the action of polarized proton pump produced
- This is termed as transient apical breakdown,
by ruffled border of the clast cells and enzyme carbonic
transient marginal breakdown, transient
anhydrase II and acid phosphatase.
ankylosis or transient internal surface resorption
• Breakdown of organic matrix containing type I
depending on location of the process.
collagen by enzymes such as collagenase and cysteine
– Defense cell against microbial invasion:
- Microbial invasion occurs in cervical area of tooth
due to plaque accumulation and periodontal
pocket formation and in apical area of tooth due WHAT ARE THE ETIOLOGIC AND STIMULATING
to bacterial accumulation in the root canal. FACTORS OF TOOTH RESORPTION?
- In both the cases, bacteria and inflammatory Tooth resorption may occur due to the following causes or
cells release a series of osteoclast-promoting situations such as:
signals that stimulate osteoclast generation and • Pulpal infection
accelerate osteoclast activities. • Periapical infection
• Periodontal infection
Methods to control osteoclastic activity: Certain medicaments
• Reimplantation cases
have been tried to inactivate the osteoclast activators,
• Excessive mechanical or occlusal forces during
which are the triggers of root resorption. Ledermix
orthodontic treatment
(Tetracycline+Triamcinolone) topically applied in the root
• Pressure caused by impacted tooth
canal can reduce the extent of osteoclastic attack on the root.
• Pressure caused by tumors and cysts
Another alternative way is to change the dentin environment
• Idiopathic.
from a neutral pH to a basic pH, that may interfere with the
Osteoclast’s mineral dissolution.
• Odontoclasts and cementoclasts: These are the resorptive WHICH ARE THE TYPES OF TOOTH
cells that are involved in the tooth resorption. RESORPTION?
• Monocytes and macrophages: They are inflammatory Classification of root resorption:
cells which are phagocytic in function. • According to etiology:
476 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• According to Andreasen and Bakland (Ingle’s Endodontics):

• According to Levin and Trope:

WHICH ARE THE CLINICAL AND RADIOGRAPHIC Fig. 30.1  External root resorption
RESORPTION AND HOW TO MANAGE THEM? Figure 30.1 shows diagrammatic representation of
External Root Resorption External root resorption.
• Etiology and pathogenesis:
Definition: “External resorption is a lytic process occurring – Acute repair-related resorption may occur in case of:
in cementum or cementum and dentin of the roots of the - Dental traumatic injuries: Luxation injuries
teeth.” (Grossman’s Endodontic Practice, 11th edn, Pg. 98). (Concussion, subluxation and lateral luxation)
It is resorption that occurs on the external or lateral and following Intrusion
surface of the root. - Replantation of avulsed teeth.
Injury may be only to the external root surface with - Root fracture: Here it may be found adjacent to
no inflammation in root canal. But, sometimes injury to the fracture line.
external root surface is associated with an inflammatory – Chronic injury: Associated with orthodontic
stimulus in root canal. In such cases, there are chances of treatment, traumatic occlusion, pressure from cysts
pulp necrosis causing pulp space infection. or tumors and ectopically erupted teeth.
When the trauma and/or pressure is discontinued,
Types of External Root Resorption spontaneous healing tends to occur. This is a typical
feature of repair-related resorption. The injured
1. External surface resorption (repair-related resorption): tissue is removed by osteoclast and macrophages
It represents the healing response to chronic and/or in about 2–4 weeks, following which repair occurs
acute injury in the PDL that affects the cells adjacent to by progenitor cells from adjacent PDL.
the root surface. • Clinical features: No significant signs or symptoms.
Pathologic Tooth Resorption 477

• Types: and adjacent alveolar bone. A bowl like radiolucency is

– Transient surface resorption: In this resorption, seen with ragged irregular areas on the root surface.
tooth has vital healthy pulp that has recovered from • Treatment : Immediate Endodontic treatment to
traumatic event. New cementum is deposited and control or remove osteoclast-promoting factors. In
resorbed area is restored to normal surface contour. case of mature teeth, prophylactic extirpation of pulp
– Progressive surface resorption: It progresses to a in replanted avulsed teeth. Use of sodium hypochlorite
more destructive resorption, either inflammatory and calcium hydroxide is recommended during cleaning
resorption or replacement resorption. and shaping. Obturation of the root canal is done after
• Radiographic features: Repair-related resorption have 2–3 weeks. In case of immature teeth, apexification
very limited size. So, they may not be recognized procedure needs to be performed.
radiographically. After about 2–4 weeks, localized
widening of the PDL space occurs. Slight cavitations 3. External trauma-related replacement resorption
may be seen on the lateral root surface or at the apex. (ankylosis): It represents a sequel to injury in PDL
As a result, roots appear shorter in size. including cell layer next to cementum.
• Treatment: It is a self-limiting process and does not • Etiology: Acute trauma. For example: Severe luxations
require any treatment. On elimination of trauma and/ such as lateral luxations, intrusion or replantation of
or pressure, 100% repair usually occurs. avulsed teeth. In moderate sized injuries, an initial
transient ankylosis develops. (Later areas of resorption
2. External infection-related resorption (inflammatory root get replaced with new cementum and PDL). In extensive
resorption): It represents a combined injury to the pulp injuries, progressive ankylosis occurs (tooth becomes a
and the PDL, where bacteria located in dentinal tubules part of bone remodelling system)
and pulp space trigger osteoclastic activity on the root • Clinical features: A tooth with ankylosis-related root
surface. resorption appears firm in its socket, with high metallic
• Etiology and pathogenesis: Exclusively related to acute sound on percussion. Infraocclusion, incomplete
trauma, commonly seen after intrusion or replantation alveolar process development in case of young patient.
of avulsed teeth. • Radiographic features: Moth-eaten appearance with
Bacterial toxins present in dentinal tubules and/ irregular border, absence of periodontal ligament and
or infected root canal can be diffused to the PDL via lamina dura.
the exposed dentinal tubules, which continues the • Treatment:
osteoclastic process and associated inflammation in the – Decoronation treatment: In children and adolescents,
PDL, leading to resorption of adjacent alveolar bone. removal of crown of the tooth and leave behind
Resorption process involves the root dentin and the root portion allowing continued vertical growth of
root canal gets exposed. If bacteria are eliminated from alveolus.
the dentinal tubules and the root canal by Endodontic – Breaking of ankylosis sites (luxation of tooth)
therapy, resorption process will arrest.
• Types: 4. External spontaneous ankylotic resorption
– Cervical: External inflammatory root resorption that • Etiology and pathogenesis: Not known. But may be
occurs on the area of root surface just below the related to the instability of the RANK-RANKL-OPG
attachment apparatus. system. The ankylosis-related resorption causes
– Apical: External inflammatory root resorption that is infraposition of involved tooth in young individuals and
confined to the apex because of sufficient pressure gradual substitution of root by bone.
to overcome the resistance of the cemental layer to • Clinical features: In primary dentition, mandibular
resorption. second primary molar is commonly involved tooth.
• Clinical features: This type of resorption is rapidly Ankylosis causes infraposition of tooth and tilting of
progressing and may result in total resorption of roots neighboring teeth. In permanent dentition, first and
in few months. Patient usually gives history of trauma. second permanent molars are commonly involved teeth.
There is increased mobility in the involved tooth and Ankylosis causes gradual infraposition of tooth and high
has dull percussion tone. The tooth may be extruded. and metallic percussion tone.
Inflammation of periodontal tissues is seen. • Radiographic features: Ankylosis begins in interdental
• Radiographic features: After 2–4 weeks of injury, it area and then gradually spreads to remaining part of
appears as progressive cavitations involving the root the root in case of primary molars. In case of permanent
478 Short Textbook of Endodontics

molars, replacement resorption starts in intraradicular • Coronal portion of tooth may be necrotic.
area and gradually spread to remaining part of the root. • Pulp in the apical portion that includes the internal
• Treatment: Endodontic treatment should not be done as it resorptive defect may be vital.
aggravates the aggressive nature of ankylosis process. In • After a period of active resorption, tooth may become
case of primary dentition, decoronation treatment in early nonvital.
stages. If it is diagnosed late (during adolescence) then it
should be rebuild to prevent supraeruption of antagonistic • Diagnosis
tooth. In permanent dentition, if diagnosed early, – ‘Pink spot’ appearance of crown in later stages of
extraction of involved tooth. If diagnosed later, then rebuild resorption when integrity of crown is compromised.
the tooth to prevent supraeruption of the antagonist tooth. – Later stages may be associated with perforations.
– On radiographic examination:
Internal Root Resorption - Round or ovoid uniform radiolucent enlargement
“Internal resorption is an idiopathic slow or fast progressive of the pulp canal may be seen Figure 30.4 shows
resorptive process occurring in the dentin of the pulp
chamber or root canals of teeth”.
• It represents progressive pulp healing.
• It begins centrally within the tooth, initiated by
inflammation of the pulp.
• It is less common than external root resorption in
permanent teeth
• An oval-shaped enlargement of root canal space is seen
in internal root resorption.
• The multinucleated giant cells adjacent to granulation
tissue in the pulp cause the resorption of internal aspect
of the root.
Figure 30.2 shows diagrammatic representation of
internal root resorption.

• Etiology: Not exactly known (Idiopathic)

– Trauma has been found to be an initiating factor.
– Iatrogenic: Extreme heat produced during cutting Fig. 30.2  Internal root resorption
dentin without an adequate water coolant, partial
removal of pulp, pulp capping or pulpotomy using
calcium hydroxide.
– Caries.

Clinical Features
• Usually asymptomatic. Pain may be a symptom if
perforation of crown occurs.
Thus, two types of internal root resorption:
1. Nonperforating (asymptomatic)
2. Perforating (painful)
• Maxillary anterior tooth is found to be commonly
• Reddish area showing through the resorbed area of
the crown representing the granulation tissue is the
pathognomonic sign of internal resorption (Figure 30.3
shows reddish-pink discoloration in maxillary right
central incisor suggestive of internal resorption. Also Fig. 30.3  Internal resorption in maxillary right central incisor (pink
referred to as “pink tooth”). tooth) (Courtesy of Dr Manoj Ramugade)
Pathologic Tooth Resorption 479

Fig. 30.4  Radiograph showing internal resorption in maxillary left Fig. 30.5  CBCT scan image of a tooth with internal resorption. Note
central incisor tooth which has perforated the root (perforating the oval-shaped enlargement of root canal space (Courtesy of Dr
internal resorption) Mansi Shah, Dentoview-Advanced dental imaging center)

an intraoral periapical radiograph showing – Treatment: No treatment required. Only periodic

internal resorption (perforating type) in maxillary observation.
left central incisor tooth. 2. Internal-infection related resorption/internal
- Resorption begins in the root canal so some inflammatory resorption: It represents resorbing
part of root canal space may show radiolucent granulation tissue interposed between healthy and
resorptive defect. diseased pulp tissue.
- Distorted outline of root canal. – Etiology and pathogenesis: Necrotic infected pulp
- At a very late stage, changes in the surrounding tissue or pulp tissue with chronic inflammation
bone may be evident. is present coronal to resorption site in the pulp.
- CBCT is a recent diagnostic technique which Expansion of the resorption process eventually leads
gives 3-dimensional image unlike radiographs to fracture of the root.
which are 2-dimensional. Any pathology present – Types: Internal inflammatory resorption is of two
in the tooth buccolingually cannot be seen on types:
radiographs but can be seen in CBCT images.
Figure 30.5 shows CBCT image of a tooth
with internal resorption which can be clearly
appreciated in the center of the crown.

Types of Internal Root Resorption

1. Internal surface resorption:
– Etiology and pathogenesis: Usually found in areas
where revascularization occurs, such as: – Radiographic features: Round or ovoid radio-
- Fracture lines of root fractures and in apical part lucency in the central portion of the tooth with
of root canal and smooth, well-defined margins. Lesion appears close
- Luxated tooth, apical part of root canal to the root canal even if angulation of radiograph
undergoing revascularization. changes.
It involves osteoclastic activity and formation of – Treatment: Endodontic treatment to stop internal
granulation tissue. resorptive process by extirpation of pulp and delayed
– Radiographic features: Temporary widening of root obturation after repair of defect with calcium
canal is seen. hydroxide paste.
480 Short Textbook of Endodontics

3. Internal replacement resorption (metaplastic resorp­ Class IV: Resorptive defect extending beyond the coronal
tion): third of the root.
– Etiology and pathogenesis: Related to trauma • Clinical features: Initially, the cervical invasive resorption
mainly. Other causes include: extreme heat to tooth, is asymptomatic. Long-standing cervical resorption
pulpotomy procedures, etc. causes loss of tooth structure replaced by granulation
Damaged pulp tissue is replaced as a part of tissue, which undermines the enamel. So, a “pink spot”
healing process with an in growth of new tissue next to the cervical margin is seen in expansive lesions. It
which includes bone-derived cells. Root is gradually should be differentiated from the pink tooth appearance
replaced by bone. The postnatal pulp stem cells of internal resorption, by radiographic examination.
which are present in the apical part of root canal are • Radiographic features: Appears as cervical bowl-shaped
the source for the metaplastic hard tissue formed in lesion that progresses in coronal and apical directions.
replacement resorption as reparative response to In initial phases, the root canal is not involved. As the
restorative result. resorption progresses, the root canal gets involved.
– Clinical features: Most of the times asymptomatic. • Treatment: Raise a surgical flap, remove granulation
If ankylosis occurs, tooth will gradually develop tissue and place a dentin-bonded restoration. If
infraocclusion. pulp canal gets involved then Endodontic treatment.
– Radiographic features: Radiographically, it appears After Endodontic treatment, the resorbed area may
as a dissecting resorptive area in the center of root be repaired from an internal or external approach.
canal. Root canal space may appear engorged with Intentional replantation and root amputation are the
radiopaque material suggestive of hard tissue. other treatment options in such cases.
– Treatment: Endodontic treatment, although it may Figure 30.6 gives the mind-map to remember the
have poor prognosis due to lack of root maturity. different types of pathologic tooth resorption.


It is a type of inflammatory root resorption occurring
immediately below the epithelial attachment of tooth Distinguishing features of internal and external root
(which may be exactly at the apical margin or apical to the resorption:
cervical margin).
• Etiology and pathogenesis: The cause is related to a defect External resorption Internal resorption
in the cementoblast layer (PDL defect) in its RANK- This defect moves away from This defect appears close to
RANKL-OPG system. the canal as the angulation of the canal even if angulation of
May be related to: radiograph changes radiograph changes
– Orthodontic treatment Ragged or scooped out area on Here well-demarcated
– Acute trauma the side of the root enlargement of the root canal.
Walls of root canal appear to
– Cervical restoration balloon out
– Bleaching of nonvital teeth
Outline of root canal appears Outline of root canal is distorted
– Periodontal treatment normal, defect is seen as “running
– Bruxism. through” radiolucent defect
The initial cervical resorption gradually spreads and Resorption of bone along with Radiolucency is confined to root.
may progress in apical and coronal direction eventually that of root. So, radiolucency in Rarely bone may be involved if
leading to fracture of the tooth. both root and bone is seen root perforation occurs
• Types: Heithersay has classified cervical root resorption Variations in density of Uniform density of radiolucency
into following four types: radiolucency
Class I: A small invasive resorptive defect near cervical No pink spot Pink spot (Pink tooth of
area with shallow penetration into dentin. mummery) is a possible sign; if
Class II: Well-defined resorptive defect close to coronal present is pathognomic of internal
pulp chamber, with little or no involvement of radicular root resorption
dentin. Its distribution is not symmetrical Its distribution over the root is
Class III: Deep resorptive defect involving coronal pulp and can occur on any root surface symmetrical but may be eccentric
and also coronal third of the root.
Pathologic Tooth Resorption 481

Fig. 30.6  Mind-map to remember the different types of pathologic tooth resorption

1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis: 3. Zvi Fuss, Igor Tsesis, Shaul Lin. “Root Resorption-Diagnosis,
Mosby, 2006.pp.630-9. Classification and Treatment Choices based on Stimulation
2. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics, 6th edn. Factors”, Dental Traumatology. Blackwell Munksgaard.
BC Decker Inc, Hamilton, 2008.pp.1358-80. 2003;19:175-82.

Dentinal Hypersensitivity
and its Management

This chapter explains in detail about dentinal hypersensitivity with respect to its etiology, diagnosis
and different treatment modalities for its management.
 You must know
• What is Dentinal Hypersensitivity?
• What are the Different Hypotheses put Forward to Explain the Mechanism of Dentinal
• What is the Incidence and Prevalence of Dentinal Hypersensitivity?
• What are the Predisposing Factors that cause Dentinal Hypersensitivity?
• How to Diagnose Dentinal Hypersensitivity?
• How to Manage Dentinal Hypersensitivity?


Dentinal Hypersensitivity is a sharp, quickly reversible FORWARD TO EXPLAIN THE MECHANISM OF
pain in exposed dentin of a tooth that has no other form of DENTINAL HYPERSENSITIVITY?
dental pathosis, in response to thermal, evaporative, tactile,
mechanical, osmotic or chemical stimuli. Different theories have been proposed to explain the
Dentin is normally covered by Enamel in crown and mechanism underlying Dentin Hypersensitivity such as
by cementum in the root. Loss of Enamel or Cementum (Fig. 31.1):
due to various causes, which have been discussed later • Neural theory (Presence of nerves in dentin)
in this chapter, results in exposure of dentin to the oral • Transduction theory
environment. This exposed dentin may become more • Hydrodynamic theory.
sensitive to external stimuli than the normal, immediately Of which, the hydrodynamic theory is the most accepted
after exposure. But within a few weeks, sensitivity may theory for exposed dentin sensitivity.
diminish or subside due to gradual occlusion of dentinal
tubules by mineral deposits with aging or chronic irritation. Neural Theory or Direct Innervation Theory
Reparative dentin deposition over the pulpal ends of
exposed tubules also reduces sensitivity. However, some • Earlier it was thought that free nerve endings are present
hypersensitive dentin may not spontaneously desensitize. in the entire length of dentinal tubules. Stimuli directly
Hypersensitive tooth: A tooth is termed ‘hypersensitive’, activate the nerve endings causing hypersensitivity.
when it is sensitive to changes in temperature, usually cold. • Nerve fibers were shown to be present in the innermost
Such pain/sensitivity lasts for few seconds. Common causes part of dentinal tubules in circumpulpal dentin.
that may lead to hypersensitivity include: • This hypothesis is not accepted now.
• Exposed dentin due to abrasion, attrition, erosion, etc. • Tooth is usually very sensitive at the Dentino Enamel
• Leakage under restorations Junction (DEJ). But the hypothesis that nerve endings
• Tooth or cavity preparation without adequate water are present at the DentinoEnamel Junction has not been
coolant. corroborated.
Dentinal Hypersensitivity and its Management 483

Transduction Theory – External stimuli produce movement of dentinal fluid

• According to this theory, odontoblast is the primary causing stimulation of A-delta nociceptive nerve
structure excited by the stimulus and the impulse is fibers located on pulpal side of the dentinal tubules,
transmitted to the nerve endings in the inner dentin. producing dental pain.
• This is not a popular theory as it has been found that – Outward flow of fluid is found to produce stronger
outer part of dentinal tubule contains only dentinal fluid nerve response than the inward movement.
and not cells (odontoblasts). Odontoblastic process is – On thermal stimulation, there is rapid movement of
present in the inner portion of dentinal tubules. fluid into dentinal tubules which causes activation of
• Also, there are no neurotransmitter vesicles in the sensory nerve terminal in the underlying pulp. Heat
odontoblastic process to facilitate the synapse. causes the dentinal fluid flow towards the pulp as
heat expands the dentinal fluid faster than it expands
Hydrodynamic Theory the dentin. Cold causes fluid to contract more rapidly
than dentin causing dentinal fluid to flow outwards.
• According to this theory, when the exposed dentin of a – Dentinal tubule acts like a capillary tube having
tooth is subjected to external stimuli such as heat, cold, an exceedingly small diameter. Dehydration/
air blasts, probing with tip of an explorer, it causes rapid Dessication of dentin caused by blast of air or
displacement of fluid in the dentinal tubules producing absorbent paper cause capillary forces that produce
pain. This is called “hydrodynamic mechanism of dentin rapid outward movement of fluid in the tubule.
sensitivity.” Brannstrom found that dessication (excessive drying)
• The fluid displacement may be inward or outward of dentin can theoretically cause outward flow of dentinal
and it stimulates the pain mechanism in the dentinal fluid at the rate of 2–3 mm/sec.
tubules by mechanical disturbance of the nerves
closely associated with the odontoblast and its
process. Mechanical displacement of dentinal fluid
affects the nerve endings. Thus nerve endings act as
mechanoreceptors. The movement of intratubular fluid
influencing mechanoreceptors has been called as the
Hydrodynamic theory of Dentin sensitivity.
• According to studies done by Brannstrom, the rapid
movement of dentinal fluid causes pain in response to
osmotic, chemical, mechanical or thermal stimuli.
– According to studies done by Matthews, et al:

Fig. 31.1  Hypotheses or theories to explain mechanism of dentinal

hypersensitivity: On the left, is the direct innervation theory (Stimuli
directly affect the nerve endings in the tubules), in the center is the
hydrodynamic theory (Stimuli cause inward or outward movement
of fluid in the tubule which causes movement of odontoblast and its
process), and on the right side is the transduction theory (Membrane
of odontoblast process conducts and impulse to nerve endings in
tubules). a: Dentin, b: Predentin, c: Odontoblastic process, d: Odonto­
blast on the right side is the transduction theory (Membrane of
odontoblast process conducts an impulse to nerve endings in tubules)
484 Short Textbook of Endodontics

WHAT IS THE INCIDENCE AND PREVALENCE OF • Erosion from dietary or gastric acids (Chemical- Erosion)
• Periodontal patients with gingival recession and
Incidence and prevalence of Dentinal Hypersensitivity: exposed root surfaces: Periodontal disease causes
• More common in females than males. recession of gingiva. Gingival recession exposes
• In cervical region of incisors and premolars, often on cementum to the oral environment. The thin layer of
the side opposite the dominant hand. cementum is lost by toothbrushing or flossing or using
• Toothbrush abrasion being the most common cause. tooth picks and dentin gets exposed which may respond
• Occurs mostly in third to fourth decades of life. to stimuli.
• Decline in prevalence of hypersensitivity in older • May be increased following Scaling and Root
patients due to decrease in dentinal tubule permeability. planning.
• More with cold stimuli (90%) than other stimuli such as • Dehydration/Dessication of dentinal surface by airblast.
chemical (Candy) or mechanical (toothbrushing). • Acid etching of exposed dentin to remove the smear
• Commonly involved areas: Cervical areas of teeth layer opens the tubule orifices and makes dentin more
are commonly affected by Dentinal Hypersensitivity. responsive to stimuli such as air blasts and probing.
Facial root surfaces in canines, premolars and molars
are particularly affected, especially in the areas of HOW TO DIAGNOSE DENTINAL
periodontal attachment loss due to their susceptibility to
toothbrush abrasion often on opposite side of dominant
hand. Diagnosis of dentinal hypersensitivity is based on eliciting:
• Type of stimuli
• Location
• Absence of pulpal symptoms
• Movement of fluid in the dentinal tubules is the basic • Absence of radiographic changes.
event in the arousal of pain. Dentin Sensitivity is not a problem in intact teeth. It is
• Dentin may be hypersensitive due to possible to activate neurons with high intensity stimulus
– Lack of protection by Cementum or Enamel during cold testing (vitality test for pulp) with ethyl chloride
– Loss of smear layer spray. It represents normal dentinal sensitivity. When the
– Hydrodynamic movement of fluids in dentinal tooth feels more sensitive than the normal, it is called
tubules. Dentinal Hypersensitivity.
• Pain is amplified when dentinal tubules are open to oral Pain is evoked by cold stimuli, mechanical stimuli
cavity. (probing with an explorer tip), and hypertonic stimuli
• Patent dentinal tubules are usually present in areas of (sweets). Pain is short, sharp pain in response to
hypersensitivity and may result in increased irritation stimuli  arising from exposed dentin. Pain is of mild to
and localized reversible inflammation of the pulp at moderate intensity and patient usually is able to localize
the sites involved. When the patent dentinal tubules are the tooth.
exposed, ‘A’ fibers innervating the dentinal tubules or Symptoms of dentinal hypersensitivity are reversible.
located in pulp adjacent to dentinal tubules get activated
by stimuli such as blast of air from air/water syringe, HOW TO MANAGE DENTINAL
scratching the dentin with explorer tip, rapid cooling,
or presence of hypertonic solution (sweets).
• Thus, Dentinal hypersensitivity may be caused by: Newly exposed dentin may be very sensitive. However,
– Inflammatory changes in the pulp or within a few weeks, sensitivity subsides due to:
– Mechanical changes in the patency of dentinal • Gradual occlusion of the tubules by mineral deposits,
tubules. thus reducing the hydrodynamic forces.
• Deposition of reparative dentin over the pulpal ends of
Dentinal hypersensitivity may be related to: the exposed tubules.
• Excessive abrasion caused due to vigorous tooth • Formation of smear layer from tooth brushing or
brushing (Mechanical-Abrasion) dentinal sclerosis.
Dentinal Hypersensitivity and its Management 485

Thus in few cases, Dentinal Hypersensitivity resolves – 5% potassium nitrate: Potassium reduces the
without treatment. In other cases that do not spontaneously neuronal activity, thus decreasing the dentinal
desensitize, need treatment. hypersensitivity. Studies have shown that the
potassium containing dentrifices reduce the
Management of Dentinal Hypersensitivity hypersensitivity to cold by about 60%.
– 10% strontium chloride: Strontium chloride acts by
• Identify the cause or the predisposing condition causing blocking the dentinal tubules. Studies have found
dentinal hypersensitivity. it to be effective by 50–70% in reducing dentinal
– If the exposed dentin is due to vigorous tooth hypersensitivity.
brushing habit, patient should be educated regarding – Fluoride in the form of Sodium Monofluoro-
the right brushing technique, use of soft toothbrush, phosphates has also been found to be quite effective
etc. in the management of dentinal hypersensitivity.
– If dentin is exposed due to erosion by gastric acids, • Following treatment modalities can be used in the
then its medical treatment is advised to prevent management of dentinal hypersensitivity.
further erosion of enamel. Dietary counselling may – Burnishing of the exposed root surface to form smear
help in these cases. It has been found that there is layer using an orange wood stick or toothpick. This
greater loss of dentin when brushing is performed occludes the open dentinal tubules to some extent
immediately after exposure of tooth surface to and reduces dentinal hypersensitivity.
dietary acids from citrus fruits. Patients should be – Application of desensitizing agents:
informed and cautioned regarding this. - Desensitizing agents that form insoluble
– If traumatic occlusion is the cause, then it should be precipitates within the dentinal tubules—Certain
corrected. soluble salts react with ions in tooth structure and
– If periodontal condition causing gingival recession form crystals on the surface of dentin. Examples
and exposed root surfaces is the problem, then of such agents include: Oxalate compounds.
periodontal therapy along with the treatment of Oxalate ion reacts with calcium ions in dentin
dentinal hypersensitivity. fluid causing precipitation of calcium oxalate
– If recent Scaling and root planning (Periodontal in the dentinal tubule. This causes decrease
therapy) has resulted in hypersensitivity, patient in functional diameter, thereby limiting fluid
should be reassured that it will resolve in few days movement. Potassium ion can reduce nerve
without any treatment or some therapeutic agent activity. Commercially available potassium
may be used for its treatment. oxalate solutions to treat sensitive dentin can be
– If hypersensitivity is related to recently done used.
Composite restoration in which acid-etching was - Desensitizing agents that occlude the dentinal
done (total-etch technique), patient should be tubules with precipitated plasma proteins in dentinal
reassured that mild postoperative sensitivity will fluid. For example, Hydroxyethyl methacrylate
gradually subside, but clinician should also check (HEMA) with or without Glutaraldehyde.
for occlusal high points in the restoration and other Various therapeutic agents for dentinal hyper­
causes of postoperative sensitivity with composites sensitivity can also be classified as:
(such as over-drying of dentin, over-etching, faulty a. Neural-modulating agents: E.g. Potassium nitrate.
technique, moisture contamination, etc.) In few b. Tubule-blocking agents: E.g. Strontium chloride,
cases, removal of the restoration and re-doing it with oxalates.
correct technique and using Self-etch technique will – Application of dentin bonding agents: Dentin
solve the problem. bonding agents and dentin adhesives reduce
• Prescribing home-use desensitizing dentrifices and sensitivity by forming resin tags and a hybrid layer.
mouthwashes: Use of Desensitizing dentrifices and For example, Primer of the original Gluma adhesive
mouthwashes by the patient for few weeks to months system (an aqueous solution of 5% Glutaraldehyde,
can provide relief from dentinal hypersensitivity. This 35% HEMA) marketed as GLUMA desensitizer. It
is specially in cases of Generalized attrition or multiple reduces sensitivity by protein denaturation process
teeth with mild abrasion. with concomitant changes in dentin permeability. It
Desensitizing dentrifices and mouthwashes may has been found to be quite effective in management
contain the following agents. of dentinal hypersensitivity.
Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 31.2  Mind-map to remember all points of dential hypersensitivity

Dentinal Hypersensitivity and its Management 487

TABLE 31.1  Management of dental hypersensitivity TABLE 31.2  Management of dentinal hypersensitivity (According
to Hargreaves and Seltzer, Seltzer and Bender’s Dental Pulp, 2002
1. Identify the cause or predisposing condition and take measures to edn.)
correct it.
2. Home-use dentrifices and mouthwashes: Interventions that reduce dentinal Interventions that reduce the activity of
•  5% potassium nitrate permeability and block dentinal dentinal neurons
•  10% strontium chloride fluid flow
•  Fluoride sodium monophosphate Application of materials such as: Application of:
3. Treatment modalities: 1.  GLUMA dentin bond 1.  Potassium containing dentrifices
•  Burnishing of exposed root surface
•  Application of desensitizing agents: 2.  Oxalate salts 2.  10% strontium chloride
  – That form insoluble precipitates within dentinal tubules 3.  Isobutyl cyanoacrylate 3.  Fluoride containing medicaments
(oxalate compounds)
4. Fluoride-releasing resins or 4.  Guanethidine 1% solution
  – That occlude dentinal tubules with precipitated plasma proteins
in dentinal fluid (HEMA with or without glutaraldehyde)
  Therapeutic agents: 5.  CO2 lasers
  – Neural-modulating agents, e.g. potassium nitrate 6. Coronally positioned
  – Tubule-blocking agents, e.g. Strontium chloride, oxalates mucogingival flaps
•  Application of dentin bonding agents: Gluma (5% glutaraldehyde
35% HEMA)
•  Composite resin restorations
•  Lasers:
  – Low-output: GaAlAs conducted and current available evidence does not
  – High-output: Nd:YAG support the use of lasers for treatment of dentinal
hypersensitivity. So, other more conservative and
economical treatment modalities are recommended.
– Composite resin restoration: Cervical abrasion or Management of Dentinal Hypersensitivity has been
erosion (Class V cavity) can be treated by restoring summarized in Table 31.1.
with composite resin restoration. Newer self-etch Therapies for management of dentinal hypersensitivity
systems are preferred. The open dentinal tubules are can also be classified as shown in Table 31.2 (According to
thus sealed preventing pain producing stimuli from Seltzer and Bender).
reaching the pulp. A mind-map to remember all points of dental
– Us e of las ers in manag ement of dentinal hypersensitivity is given in Figure 31.2.
hypersensitivity: Lasers such as Nd:YAG, CO2 lasers
and others have been tried in the treatment of BIBLIOGRAPHY
dentinal hypersensitivity. Low-output lasers such
1. Bhaskar SN. Orban’s Oral histology and embryology, 11th edn.
as GaAlAs have been found effective in mild to Mosby; 2001.p.123.
moderate cases of dentinal hypersensitivity. They 2. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis:
are thought to cause a transient reduction in action Mosby; 2006.pp.35, 49-50, 487-90, 520-521, 531.
potential mediated by pulpal C fibers but not 3. Hargreaves KM, Goodis HE. Seltzer and Bender’s Dental Pulp,
A-delta fibers. High-output lasers such as Nd:YAG Quintessence Books; 2002.pp.205-11.
4. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics 6, 6th edn.
have been found to cause superficial occlusion BC Decker Inc, Hamilton; 2008.pp.386-7.
of dentinal tubules in addition to action potential 5. Theodore MR, Herald OH, Edward JS. Sturdevant’s Art and Science
blockage within the pulp. However, the clinical trials of Operative Dentistry, 5th edn. Elsevier, Mosby; 2006.pp.268-9.

Lasers in Endodontics

This chapter describes a few aspects of Laser Physics and explains the clinical applications of lasers
in Endodontics.
  You must know
• What is Laser?
• What are the Properties of Lasers?
• What are the Components of Lasers?
• What are the Modes of Laser Light Emission?
• How is the Laser Interaction with Biologic Tissues?
• Which are the Type of Lasers?
• What are the Applications of Lasers in Endodontics?
• What are the Advantages and Limitations of using Lasers in Endodontics?

WHAT IS LASER? Application of Laser light results in modification or

removal of tissue.
Laser is an acronym for “Light Amplification by Stimulated
Emission of Radiation”. The light beam consists of packets of WHAT ARE THE PROPERTIES OF LASERS?
energy known as photons such as produced by light sources.
The actual physical process that takes place within laser Dental lasers operate in infrared, visible or ultraviolet range
device is amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. of electromagnetic spectrum.
The radiation that is used for generating laser light is non- Three unique properties of lasers include:
ionizing and does not produce the effects of X-radiation. 1. Monochromatic wavelength: Laser light is all the same
In 1960, the ruby laser was developed by Maiman. Lasers color (single wavelength).
were introduced in the field of Endodontics by Weichman 2. Collimation: The light waves of laser light are parallel
in 1971. to each other. They do not diverge or have very low
Applications of lasers in Dentistry (approved by Food and divergence.
Drug Administration) include: 3. Coherence: Waves of light (photons) are all in one phase.
• Removal of diseased gingival tissues and other soft tissue
• Dental caries removal
• As an aid in placing tooth-colored restorations Figure 32.1 shows the schematic representation of laser
• As an adjunct in Endodontic procedures such as showing its components.
Pulpotomy. • Laser medium:
Laser is among one of the alternative methods used in – The construction of a light source based on
Endodontics. stimulated emission of radiation needs an active
Lasers in Endodontics 489

Fig. 32.1  Schematic representation of laser components

medium such as gas, liquid or a solid material and

Fig. 32.2  Modes of laser light emission:
is contained in glass or ceramic tube (Laser media A : Continuous wave mode
described later in this chapter). B : Gated wave mode
– The medium that produces the beam identifies the C : Pulsed wave mode
laser and distinguishes one laser from the other.
• Optical cavity:
– It is required to provide amplification in the laser and
to select the photons that are travelling in desired
– A mirror can be added to each end of the laser
medium on the laser optical cavity so that the
population of photons can be directed back and
forth through the medium stimulating the emission
of radiation from multiple excited electrons. Some
of the produced photons can pass through one of
the mirrors and the resulting light can be used as
surgical beam.
• Pumping system:
– It imparts energy to atoms or molecules of laser
– Energy in the form of electric current or a flash lamp
is applied to the medium.


Fig. 32.3  Laser interactions with biologic tissues
Modes of Laser light emission:
Laser energy is emitted in different ways with different
types of Lasers. These modes of laser emission are shown tissue has time to cool called thermal relaxation time
in Figure 32.2. for better control of thermal effects.
1. Continuous wave mode: For example, in Diode laser,
energy is emitted in a Continuous Wave Mode. HOW IS THE LASER INTERACTION WITH
2. Gated Mode: It is the mechanical interruption of energy BIOLOGIC TISSUES?
emission allowing for better control of thermal emission • Types of laser interactions when light hits the target
called as Gated mode. tissue—Light can be reflected, absorbed, scattered or
3. Pulsed mode: The Pulse duration and interval is in transmitted through the tissue as shown in Figure 32.3.
millisecond or microsecond. For example, the Nd:YAG – Reflection: It is the phenomenon of a beam of laser
and Erbium lasers emit laser energy in pulsed mode. light hitting a target and reflecting back due to lack of
Each pulse has a beginning time, increase and end time affinity. It is therefore mandatory to wear protective
referred to as Gaussian progression. Between pulses, eye wear to prevent accidental damage to eyes.
490 Short Textbook of Endodontics

– Absorption: It is the phenomenon of laser energy Lasers

incident on tissue being absorbed due to affinity • Visible and invisible:
thereby exerting its biological effects. For example, Argon Laser emits visible light (488 or 514 nm)
– Diffusion: It is the phenomenon of incident light The excimer laser emits invisible light at various
penetrating to a depth in a nonuniform manner wavelengths—ArF 193 nm, KrF 248 nm and XeCl—308 nm
with respect to the point of interaction so that the • Near, medium and far infrared laser:
biologic effects are created at a distance from the – Near infrared laser—803–1304 nm. For example,
surface. When the light is scattered, it travels in Nd:YAG (1064 nm) which has the depth of penetration
different directions and energy is absorbed over a in soft tissues up to 5 mm. It delivers laser energy
greater surface area. This produces less intense and through an optical fiber. Diode laser (810–1064 nm)
less precise thermal effect. which has depth of penetration in soft tissues up to
– Transmission: It is the phenomenon by which laser 3 mm. Near infrared lasers are not absorbed by hard
beam passes through the tissue without any affinity dentinal tissues. They have no ablative effect on
and exerting no effect. dentinal surfaces.
The interaction occurs between the laser light and – Medium infrared laser—2780–2940 nm. For example,
the tissue if there is optical affinity between them. Erbium, Chromium YSGG (Er, Cr:YSGG; 2780 nm
(Absorption and Diffusion) The lesser the optical laser) and Erbium:YAG (2940 nm). They are used
affinity, the more the laser light will be reflected or with flexible, fine tips. They are absorbed by the water
transmitted. content of dentinal tissues. They have superficial
• The effect of laser interaction with tissue depends on: ablative and decontaminating effect on dentinal
– Laser wavelength surfaces of the root canal walls.
– Energy level – Far infrared laser—For example, CO2 (10,600 nm)
– Mode of application
– Tissue characteristics Classification of lasers according to penetration power
– Degree of laser energy absorbed or scattered by the of beam:
tissue. • Hard lasers: They have increased penetration power.
• The biological effects of lasers which can be utilized for Examples include: Nd:YAG laser, Argon laser
their applications in dentistry are: • Soft lasers: They have decreased penetration power.
– Photothermal effects: The radiant light is absorbed Examples include: Diode laser, He-Ne laser.
into heat energy which produces the tissue effect.
These effects destroy the cell wall. It has been found Classification of lasers according to medium that
that the Gram-negative bacteria are more easily produces the beam
destroyed with less energy and radiation than the • Gas lasers: Examples are Argon lasers, CO2 lasers
Gram-positive bacteria. • Liquid lasers: Examples are Dye lasers
– Photomechanical effects (including Photoacoustic • Solid state lasers: Example is Nd:YAG laser
effects) • Semiconductor lasers: Example is Gallium laser
– Photochemical effects.
In Endodontics, the Photothermal and Photo- Types of Lasers in Detail
mechanical effects result from interaction of different
wavelengths on target tissues. The particular properties of each type of laser and the
specific target tissue determine which type of laser to be
WHICH ARE THE TYPES OF LASERS? used for various procedures. Different types of lasers may
have different effects on the same tissue. Also, same laser
Classification of lasers according to their location on the can have different effects on different tissues.
electromagnetic spectrum of light: • CO2 Laser (10.6 microns)
Different wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum – It is highly absorbed by all biological soft and hard
include: tissues.
• Ultraviolet range (140–400 nm) – It is the most effective laser in tissues with high water
• Visible light (400–700 nm) content. It can be used for soft tissue procedures such
• Infrared range (700 nm) as soft tissue surgery, Gingivectomy, Frenectomy,
Lasers in Endodontics 491

– It has high thermal absorption. So, they are not • Pulp capping
suitable for drilling or cutting enamel and dentin as – Nd:YAG, CO2, Argon and Er:YAG lasers can be used
damage to dental pulp may occur. for pulp capping procedures.
• Er:YAG laser (2.94 microns) • Pulpotomy
– It is most efficient for drilling and cutting enamel – FDA has approved the diode laser as an adjunct for
and dentin. removal of pulp tissue in pulpotomy procedure.
– Its energy is well-absorbed by water and – Nd:YAG and Argon lasers can be used.
hydroxyapatite. • Root canal preparation (Shaping)
• Nd:YAG laser (1.06 microns) – Lasers can be used to remove dental pulp and
– Nd:YAG photons are transmitted through tissues by organic debris from the root canal.
water. – Lasers modify the dentinal walls by inducing melting
– They interact well with dark pigmented tissue. and resolidification cycles that cause enlargement of
– Nd:YAG laser is effective for disinfection of the root the root canal walls.
canal and soft tissue procedures. • Disinfection of root canals
– It can be used to treat dentinal hypersensitivity. – The potential bactericidal effect of laser irradiation
• Argon lasers (488 or 514 nm) can be effectively utilized in cleaning and disinfection
– It has two wavelengths—Blue and Green. Blue of the root canal system following biomechanical
wavelength (488 nm) is used mainly for curing of instrumentation.
Composite Restorations, Green wavelength (514 – For disinfection of the root canals, laser energy can be
nm) is mainly used for soft tissue procedures and used directly or in combination with a photosensitive
coagulation. chemical, which is activated by low energy laser light
– They are more effective on pigmented or highly to kill the microorganisms (Photodynamic therapy)
vascular tissues that aid in distributing the disinfecting solutions
– Delivered through fiberoptic. more effectively in the root canal system (Photon-
• Excimer lasers Induced-Photoacoustic-Streaming (PIPS).
- They function by breaking molecular bonds and – Pulsed low energy laser emanates propagation of
reducing the tissue to its anatomic constituents acoustic waves
before dissipating the energy as heat. – Studies have shown that Nd:YAG, Argon, Er, Cr:YAG
Nd:YAG, Argon and Excimer lasers can be delivered and Er:YAG laser irradiation has the ability to remove
through fiberoptic that provides greater accessibility to debris and smear layer from the root canal walls
different areas and structures in oral cavity. following biomechanical instrumentation.
– Emitted energy is delivered into the root canal system
a. A thin optical fiber (Nd:YAG, KTP-Nd:YAG,
Er:YSGG, argon and diode)
• Pulpal diagnosis b. A hollow tube (CO2 and Er:YAG)
– Laser Doppler Flowmetry (LDF) is used to assess – The delivery of laser through a flexible optical fiber
blood flow in microvascular system. of 200 microns for canal decontamination has shown
– It can be used to measure blood flow in the dental positive results.
pulp. – The properties of laser light may allow a bactericidal
– Nd:YAG laser is applied for thermal testing (heat effect beyond 1 mm of dentin.
test) – Limitations of intracanal use of lasers
Laser Doppler Flowmetry has been explained in a. Laser energy is emitted from the tip of optical
Chapter 7, Diagnosis and Diagnostic aids in Endodontics. fiber or the laser guide and is directed vertically
• Dentinal hypersensitivity: along the root canal but may not be directed
– Lasers used for dentinal hypersensitivity are low laterally to the root canal walls. Thus, laser will
output lasers such as He-Ne and GaAlAs lasers not be able to uniformly cover the entire root
and middle output lasers such as Nd:YAG and CO2 canal surface.
lasers. b. There is potential for thermal damage to the
– CO2 lasers seal the open dentinal tubules as well as periapical tissues.
reduce the permeability of dentinal tubules.
492 Short Textbook of Endodontics

c. There is possibility of transmission of laser rotary instrumentation. This tip is sealed from its far
irradiation beyond the apical foramen in the end, so that there is no transmission of irradiation to
periapical tissues which may be hazardous in and through the apical foramen.
case of teeth which are in close proximity to the – Lasers can be combined with the commonly used
mental foramen or mandibular nerve. irrigants such as 5.25% sodium hypochlorite, 17%
d. Laser light may not be able to eradicate EDTA and 10% citric acid for effective cleaning of the
Endodontic biofilms even on direct laser root canal system. The action of chelating substances
exposure. facilitates the penetration of lasers into the dentinal
– A new Endodontic tip called side-firing spiral tip walls up to 1 mm depth and is found to have stronger
has been developed to be used with Er:YAG laser, decontaminating effect than the chemical agents
in which delivery of laser is through a hollow tube used alone. Laser-activated irrigation has been found
which allows lateral emission of radiation (side- to be very effective in removing debris and smear
firing). It is designed to fit the shape and volume layer from root canals as compared to the traditional
of the root canals prepared using Nickel Titanium techniques and ultrasonics.

Fig. 32.4A  Mind-map of Lasers in Endodontics

Lasers in Endodontics 493

• Obturation of root canals – It was demonstrated by Kimura et al that Nd:YAG

– Two uses thought of with lasers for obturation of root laser was useful for reduction of apical leakage.
canals include: • Endodontic retreatment
a. To use laser irradiation as a heat source for – Laser irradiation can be used to remove foreign
softening gutta-percha for use as obturating material from the root canal system, which may
material otherwise be difficult to remove by conventional
b. To condition the dentinal walls before placing an methods.
obturating bonding material. – Studies have shown that Nd:YAG laser irradiation is
– Laser-assisted root canal filling procedure that was an effective technique for removal of root canal filling
first performed involved using Argon 488 nm laser materials and has advantages over conventional
that was used to polymerize a resin that was placed methods. Er:YAG laser can also be used for the same
in the main root canal. purpose.

Fig. 32.4B  Mind-map of “Laser application in Endodontics”

494 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• Apicectomy Limitations
– The dentin of the apically resected roots is more • Root canals are rarely straight. They are usually curved
permeable to fluids than the dentin of nonresected at least in two dimensions. Manual Endodontic
roots. instruments (files) can be curved to follow the curvature
– FDA has approved the diode laser for apicectomy. of the root canal. But Lasers travel in straight path. So,
– Advantages of using lasers for periapical surgery are laser probes need to be fabricated that cause laser light
improved hemostasis and concurrent visualization to emerge laterally, uniformly interacting with the root
of the operative field. canal walls.
– When Er:YAG laser is used in a low output power in • Root canal preparation using lasers has not been proved
apical surgery, smooth and clean resected surfaces to be more effective than the mechanical shaping
devoid of charring were observed. procedures.
– Laser converts the apical dentin and cementum • There are hazards related to rise in temperature caused
structure into a uniformly glazed area which does by interaction of laser with the tissue. The increased
not allow egress of microorganisms through dentinal temperature can char the root canal space causing
tubules and other openings in the apex of the tooth. damage to the tooth and its surrounding hard and
• Bleaching of teeth soft tissues. The bone surrounding the tooth may be
– Argon laser is used for bleaching of teeth by chemical irreversibly injured resulting in ankylosis.
oxidation process. • The melting and solidification cycles while root canal
– CO2 laser is used to enhance the bleaching effect preparation using lasers have not shown to have any
caused by Argon laser. positive effect on the clinical outcome.
Figure 32.4A gives the mind-map to remember all
WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES AND LIMITATIONS points of Lasers in Endodontics, and Figure 32.4B gives
the mind-map of Laser applications in Endodontics.

• There is no need of anesthesia 1. AAE Position Statement on Use of Lasers in Dentistry. American
Association of Endodontists. 2012.
• There is no noise in contrast to the noisy dental drills 2. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis:
• Less bleeding Mosby, 2006.pp.20, 279-80, 529-31, 612-3, 852.
• Less chances of infection 3. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics 6, 6th edn.
• Results in faster healing. BC Decker Inc, Hamilton, 2008.pp.857-66.
4. Kimura Y, Wilder-Smith P, Matsumoto K. ‘Lasers in Endodontics-A
Review’, International Endodontic Journal. 2000;33:173-85.
5. Olivi G, Crippa R, Iaria G, Kaitsas V, DiVito E, Benedicenti S. “Laser
in Endodontics-Part I”, Roots 1. 2011.pp.06-9.

Endodontic Practice: Ethics

and Legal Responsibilities

This chapter outlines the ethics in dentistry and explains the legal responsibilities of the clinician to
practice Endodontics with optimum standard of care.
  You must know
• What is Dental Ethics?
• What are the Principles of Ethics?
• What is Standard of Care?
• What is Dental Negligence and Malpractice?
• What are the Legal Responsibilities of the Clinician while Performing Endodontics?

WHAT IS DENTAL ETHICS? A prudent clinician is reasonably careful while

treating each patient.
The word “Ethics” is derived from Greek word ‘Ethos’ Dentists are guided by the codes of ethics provided by the
meaning custom or character. governing body such as the American Dental Association
Ethics is nothing but philosophy of human conduct. (ADA), Indian Dental Association (IDA), Dental Council of
Dental ethics is a moral concept which encompasses India (DCI), etc.
rules and standards that govern the dentist to perform his
duties with the expected standard of care. WHAT ARE THE PRINCIPLES OF ETHICS?
Ingle’s Endodontics 6th edition gives the full form of the
word ‘ETHICS’, which can be explained as: • Recommend the therapy, which is best for the patient
E = Expertise • Minimize the potential harm to the patient
Clinician must provide full attention and expertise • Avoid placing a patient at an unreasonable risk of harm.
in treating each and every patient. The principles of ethics are listed in Figure 33.1.
T = Truthful
Clinician must be truthful in all the communications WHAT IS STANDARD OF CARE?
made with the patient regarding diagnosis, treatment,
prognosis, etc. Definition: As given in Ingle’s Endodontics 6th edition.
H = Honesty Standard of care is defined as “that reasonable care
Clinician is expected to be honest in all dealings. and diligence ordinarily exercised by similar members of
I = Integrity the profession in similar cases in like conditions given due
Clinician must exhibit reliability so that patients can regard for the state of the art.”
trust him/her completely. For good Endodontic practice, the clinician should
C = Compassion be reasonably careful and must possess and exercise
Clinician must show concern towards each and every reasonable degree of skill and knowledge.
patient. Clinicians must strive to do their best and practice
S = Sagacity Endodontics at the highest level.
496 Short Textbook of Endodontics

2. Despite reasonable schooling, training and continuing

education, the clinician acts with unreasonable
carelessness or imprudently fails to act as a reasonably
careful clinician should act.

Incidents of Negligence and Malpractice in

Endodontic Practice (Malpractice Cases)
Slips of Drill

• It can cause injury to oral soft tissues such as tongue, lip

or cheek
– Clinician needs to inform the patient. Then provide
treatment for the injured soft tissues and if need
be,  patient has to be referred to an oral surgeon
and the dentist bears the expenditure. After healing
of the injured tissues, the dentist can continue with
the root canal treatment.

Incorrect Tooth Treatment

• It can occur due to failure in localizing the source
of Endodontic pain. Sometimes a vital tooth will be
Fig. 33.1  Principles of ethics sacrificed due to wrong judgment and diagnosis.
– Clinician needs to be compassionate towards the
patient and he may compensate for the error by not
taking payment for the treatment performed.
It is the prudent clinician who sets the standard of care.
Endodontists, as specialists, set a higher standard of skill, Swallowing or Aspiration of an Endodontic Instrument
knowledge and care as compared to general practitioner
while practicing Endodontics. Thus, Endodontists set the • This can occur due to failure to use rubber dam
standard for routine Endodontics. So if the standard cannot – Clinician must inform the patient.
be met the general practitioner should refer the patient to Refer the patient for medical care to find the position
an Endodontist rather than performing procedures that are of the instrument and take appropriate measures.
beyond his training or competency to avoid performing
treatment that is below the specialist’s standard of care. Broken/Separated Instruments (Files)

WHAT IS DENTAL NEGLIGENCE • Files can break in the root canal because of overzealous
or improper use or sometimes due to defective
manufacture of the file.
Violation of standard of care by a provider that results in • Instrument separation is the problem that occurs usually
harm to the patient is called dental negligence. with Ni-Ti instruments due to fatigue, if it is used for
Professional negligence arising out of the doctor-patient more than 1 to 2 times. Instrument binds and separates
relationship is termed as malpractice. inadvertently.
In simple words, negligence is nothing but carelessness • Instrument separation can be considered as an
or inattentiveness and malpractice is the layman term given unfortunate mishap and not negligence or malpractice
to professional negligence. – Patient should be informed about the mishap. The
‘Pathways of Pulp’ — Stephen Cohen’s 9th edition has unbroken end of the file should be saved in a coin
given two reasons for dental negligence to occur: envelope and placed in patient’s treatment record.
1. When the clinician does not possess a reasonable degree Patient should be referred to an Endodontist for
of education and training to act prudently or microscopic retrieval of the separated file or at least
Endodontic Practice: Ethics and Legal Responsibilities 497

patient should be informed that the file is going to made on patient’s record about it and patient should be
be left behind in the root canal and the treatment closely observed with follow-up visits to rule out severe
completed. There is potential for leakage to occur postoperative pain or development of any pathology like
but it has been found that most of the times teeth cyst around the overextended material.
with separated files may remain asymptomatic and
functional for many years. Use of Screw Posts

Perforations Current use of active posts such as screw posts is considered

to be unreasonable due to the potential risk of root fracture
• Iatrogenic perforation can occur during entry to canal if the screw is turned more. Instead, passive posts serve as
system due to improper bur angulation or due to better alternative.
overzealous use of Endodontic instruments resulting
in stripping or perforation of canal wall or during post Endodontic Treatment Failure
space preparation.
• Complication of perforation is the potential for There is inherent risk of Endodontic failure (about 5–10%)
secondary periodontal involvement resulting in loss of in spite of adequate Endodontic care.
tooth, if untreatable. So immediate repair of perforation But most of the times, Endodontic failure is the result
is to be carried out to close the communication between of contributing negligent factors such as inadequate
root canal system and periodontal tissues, for the tooth isolation of tooth, procedural mishaps such as perforations,
to have a favorable prognosis. transported canals, over instrumentation, overextension,
– Patient should be informed about the mishap. Assure underextension or leaking coronal restorations resulting
the patient that the clinician is going to use newer in reinfection of root canal, etc.
materials (such as MTA) that can predictably seal the • Patient should be informed about non-negligent failure
defect in the same appointment and will follow-up of treatment and risk of complications that can result in
the case closely. failure, before the treatment is initiated so as to avoid
patient disappointment later.
Use of Silver Points for Obturation Besides the above mentioned incidents, various other
procedural mishaps can occur during treatment, which are
• Current use of silver points for obturation is considered discussed in Chapter 20: Endodontic Mishaps–Management
to be below standard of care. and Prevention. Some may be termed as unfortunate
accidents whereas some are a result of dental negligence.
Use of Paraformaldehyde-based Root Canal Sealers Most important is to inform the patient when such an
accidental or negligent error occurs regardless of whether
• Overextension of such sealers can result in permanent the error can be corrected.
paresthesia. Use of such a material is unsafe and should
– If the clinician has used this kind of sealer and OF THE CLINICIAN WHILE PERFORMING
overextension occurs, patient should be informed ENDODONTICS?
and patient be referred to an Endodontist for
retrieval of the overextended sealer before it sets. Figure 33.2 gives the list of legal responsibilities of clinician.

Good Record Keeping
• Faulty technique can cause overextension of root canal
filling material that results due to over instrumentation, Clinician must document each and every patient’s details
breaking the apical seal. and maintain Endodontic therapy record.
• Permanent harm is unlikely if there is slight over • Endodontic therapy record must contain:
extension. But if gross over extension occurs contacting – Patient’s detailed case history including personal
the vital structures such as inferior alveolar nerve or information, chief complaint, medical and dental
sinus it can cause permanent consequences. history
• Slight to moderate overextensions often repair – Various findings of clinical examination
themselves, so patient need not be informed, only a note – Good quality radiographs
498 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Fig. 33.2  Legal responsibilities of clinician

– Details of referral to other specialists has understood all aspects of treatment and accepts the
– Diagnosis recommended treatment. Also, any subsequent changes in
– Proposed treatment plan and informed consent the proposed treatment should be discussed with the patient
– Treatment provided: Emergency or elective treatment and an entry made in the consent form to be signed by the
given along with the date of visit, any problems patient indicating continued acceptance by the patient.
encountered or any complications that occurred
during treatment. Referral to Specialists
– Drug prescriptions
– Any missed appointments and stated reasons for the For a competent ethical practice, the clinician must know
same his limitations. The general practitioner should refer the
– Prognosis case to an Endodontist if it is complicated or has a moderate
– Findings of follow-up visits to high difficulty level and will require procedures that are
– Payment details. beyond the general practitioner’s training or competency.
• Nowadays with increased use of computers in dental Before performing Endodontic treatment that the
clinic, electronic records are being maintained. referring clinician has recommended, the Endodontist must
Clinician must have back up files for all patient records undertake an independent diagnostic and radiographic
and confidentiality of patient information must be examination of the treatment area and the proposed
maintained by various means of protection. treatment plan and any associated medical and dental
• Endodontics includes use of several radiographs — history rather than relying solely on the referring clinician.
pretreatment, intratreatment, post-treatment and follow
up radiographs. Radiographs that lack diagnostic quality Continuing Education
should be retaken and all the radiographs should be
retained. A clinician is legally obligated to be updated about the
• Records should be complete, accurate and well current knowledge and recent technological advances
maintained. in the field of Endodontics. So, the clinician must attend
• Records can serve as means of communication among continuing education courses to update his knowledge and
healthcare professionals whenever required. clinical skills.
• Valid information in the Endodontic therapy records can
serve as an evidence to protect the clinician, confirming Accepting Research-based Endodontic Advances
that accurate diagnosis and proper treatment were
provided, in case of a dental malpractice claim against Many new dental products and techniques are being
the clinician. constantly introduced to improve the quality and success of
Endodontic therapy. A reasonable clinician should review
Informed Consent the Endodontic advances and adopt a particular product or
technique only if it is well-accepted and proved by research.
Before the Endodontic treatment is performed, patient must Clinician must accept the research based facts, which
be informed about the benefits, risks, treatment plan and might require:
alternatives to Endodontic treatment. Informed consent • Giving up those materials and techniques in Endodontics
form should be signed by the patient indicating that patient which had been in use for years but research has now
Endodontic Practice: Ethics and Legal Responsibilities 499

Fig. 33.3  Mind-map to remember the legal responsibilities of clinician

proved them to be inappropriate or inadequate for Figure 33.3 gives the mind-map to remember the legal
root canal therapy. For example, giving up step back responsibilities of clinician.
technique for root canal instrumentation (cleaning and
shaping/biochemical preparation), use of silver points BIBLIOGRAPHY
for obturation.
• Adopting newer materials and techniques in Endodontics 1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis:
Mosby. 2006.pp.400-52.
which have proved to be beneficial in root canal therapy. 2. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle’s Endodontics, 6th edn.
For example, adopting crown-down approach for root BC Decker Inc, Hamilton. 2008.pp.86-103.
canal cleaning and shaping, also use of Nickel-Titanium
instruments, etc.

Regenerative Endodontics

This chapter gives an overview of the upcoming field of Dentistry called Regenerative therapy in relation
to Endodontics, that can bring about regeneration of functional pulp tissue and regain vitality in a
necrotic immature young permanent tooth and also describes the different terminology related to
Regenerative Endodontics.
  You must know
• What is Regenerative Endodontics?
• What is Tissue Engineering?
• What are the Mechanisms and Clinical Procedures Related to Regenerative Endodontics?
• What is the Triple Antibiotic Paste?
• What are the Advantages and Limitations of Revascularization Procedure Over Apexification
Procedure for a Necrotic Immature Permanent Tooth with Open Apex?
• What are the Clinical Considerations for Regenerative Endodontics?
• What is the Protocol for Revascularization Endodontic Therapy?
• What are the Clinical Measures for Assessment of Endodontic Revascularization Treatment

INTRODUCTION • Use of Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF-2) for periodontal

tissue regeneration.
Regenerative Dentistry is an evolving field of dental care. The potential of these therapies for dental practice is
The goal of Regenerative Dentistry is to induce biologic being envisioned to include Endodontics. For example:
replacement of dental tissues and their supporting • Pulp, Dentin and Enamel can be regenerated using
structures. scaffold material and stem cells.
In the last few decades, there have been lot of • Tooth crowns can be regenerated using the primordium
advancements in biologic therapies that apply growth of embryonic oral epithelium and adult bone marrow
and differentiation factors which hasten or induce natural stem cells.
biologic regeneration. • Stem cells isolated from extracted third molars can be
Scope and application of Regenerative Dental Procedures used to regenerate tooth roots and periodontal ligaments.
has advanced to include:
• Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR)
• Application of platelet-rich plasma for bone augmen­
tation. “ Regenerative Endodontics has been defined as biologically
• Emdogain for regeneration of periodontal tissues based procedures designed to replace damaged structures
• Recombinant human Bone Morphogenic Protein such as dentin, root structures, and cells of the pulp-dentin
(rhBMP). complex.” (Cohen’s Pathways of Pulp, 10th edn. p. 602).
Regenerative Endodontics 501

• From a biologic perspective, goal of Endodontics is to

prevent or treat apical periodontitis. This goal can be
accomplished by either:
– Maintaining pulpal health in cases of pulpal
inflammation or
– Regenerating healthy pulp tissue in cases of pulpal
The objective is to regenerate a functional and healthy
pulp-dentin complex.
• In case of immature (incompletely developed) young
permanent tooth with open apex, when pulp necrosis Fig. 34.1  Tissue engineering triad
occurs, its management is challenging due to
– Wide blunderbuss apex with lack of apical stop.
– Risk of extrusion of irritants into the periapical area. • Stem cells
– Thin dentin walls that are difficult to debride and are • Growth factors
prone to subsequent cervical fracture. • Scaffolds.
– If extraction of the tooth is done, then restoration is
a problem as implants are contraindicated in young Stem Cells
patients with growing craniofacial skeleton. Stem cells are relatively undifferentiated cells capable of
In such challenging cases, regenerative Endo­ self-renewal/expansion by continuously dividing many
dontic therapy is an alternative treatment option times.
that aims at regenerating functional pulp tissue that
brings about completion of root development and Types of Stem Cells
restoration of function. • Stem cells can be classified as:


According to American Association of Endodontists, “Tissue
Engineering is an interdisciplinary field that integrates
the principles of biology and engineering to develop
biological substitutes that replace or regenerate human
cells, tissues or organs in order to restore or establish normal
Regenerative Endodontics is rapidly advancing field
based on the principles of Regenerative Medicine and Tissue • Stem cells can differentiate into specialized cell types.
Engineering, which utilizes three key elements, referred to Based on their range of differentiation (Potency), stem
as ‘Tissue engineering triad’ (Fig. 34.1), including: cells can be classified as:
502 Short Textbook of Endodontics

• Based on the source of stem cells, they can be classified Growth Factors/Morphogens
• Growth factors are proteins that bind to cell receptors
and act as signals to induce proliferation and/or
differentiation of cells.
• Growth factors trigger the differentiation of selected
mesenchymal stem cells into odontoblast-like cells.
• Growth factors found in dentin and platelets have been
utilized in the Regenerative Endodontic Procedures.
• It has been found that application of dexamethasone
combined with Vitamin D3 increases the differentiation
of human dental pulp cells into odontoblast-like cells.
Other examples of the growth factors include:
– Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) derived from
bone matrix which brings about differentiation of
osteoblasts and bone mineralization. It is used to
induce stem cells to synthesize and secrete mineral
– The sourcing of embryonic stem cells is unsuitable – Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) can promote
for clinical development due to legal and ethical and proliferation of many cells. So, it is used to increase
medical (tissue rejection) issues. So, the researchers the stem cell numbers.
are now focusing attention on developing stem cell – Platelet Derived Growth Factor (PDGF) is obtained
therapies using postnatal stem cells. The postnatal from platelets and endothelial cells. It promotes
stem cells are derived from patient themselves or proliferation of connective tissue cells. It can also
their close relatives. be used to increase stem cell numbers.
– Using stem cells to regenerate entire tooth may not
be practically possible as it takes very long time Scaffolds
(many years) even for natural development of teeth.
But, within a patient’s existing permanent tooth, a • Scaffolds organize the cells into correct spatial
functional pulp-dentin complex may be regenerated position and regulate proliferation, differentiation and
so that it can carry out the natural functions vascularization.
including formation of replacement dentin, tissue • Appropriate scaffold might bind and localize the cells
immunity and neural sensation. selectively.
– Many postnatal mesenchymal stem cells that can • Scaffolds contain growth factors and undergoes
differentiate into odontoblast-like cells have been biodegradation over time.
isolated including: • Blood clot, dentin and Platelet Rich Plasma have been
utilized as scaffolds in few Regenerative Endodontic
• Classification of scaffolds:

– Stem cells can be identified and isolated from mixed

cell population using various techniques such as
staining cells with specific antibody markers and
flowcytometry, immunohistochemical staining, etc.
Regenerative Endodontics 503

Beneficial properties of PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) development of this paste and this paste was originally
include: used by Banchs and Trope.
• Autologous • It is the medicament used to disinfect the root canal
• Easy to prepare in dental setting space. It can be used as an adjunct to the revasculari­
• Forms 3-dimentional fibrin matrix. zation procedure for necrotic pulp space of immature
permanent tooth with open apex as it creates a
WHAT ARE THE MECHANISMS AND CLINICAL favorable environment for ingrowth of vasculature and
PROCEDURES RELATED TO REGENERATIVE regenerative cells by reducing or eradicating bacteria
ENDODONTICS? from the root canal space.
• Research studies show that this antibiotic combination
has high efficacy in eradicating the bacteria from
• Apexification: “Apexification is defined as a method to infected dentin of root canals.
induce a calcified barrier in a root with an open apex or • The disadvantage of using this paste is that: There is
the continued apical development of an incompletely potential for Minocycline staining of the crown. This
formed root in teeth with necrotic pulp tissue.” (Pathways can be minimized by restricting the drug below CEJ.
of Pulp, 10th edn.p.608) If such staining occurs, then walking bleach method
• Apexogenesis: “Apexogenesis is defined as vital pulp using sodium perborate can be used to manage
therapy procedure performed to encourage continued discoloration.
physiologic development and formation of the root end.” • This combination is less commonly used in Dentistry.
(Pathways of Pulp, 10th edn.p.608) So it needs additional review. Calcium hydroxide or
• Maturogenesis: Maturogenesis is the term used to Formocresol are used instead of the triple antibiotic
describe the outcome of revascularization procedure paste sometimes.
indicating that a stage is set for physiologic root • Also, this paste is not approved by the US Food and Drug
development. (Pathways of Pulp, 10th edn.p.608) Administration.
• Revascularization: “Revascularization is defined as the
restoration of vascularity to a tissue or organ.” (Pathways WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES AND LIMITATIONS
Endodontic Revascularization Treatment aims at APEXIFICATION PROCEDURE FOR A NECROTIC
regaining the vitality and vascularity of pulp tissue in IMMATURE PERMANENT TOOTH WITH OPEN
a necrotic root canal of an immature permanent tooth APEX?
with open apex.
• Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR): It is induced or Advantages
guided regeneration of the tissues. With revascularization procedure, there is increased
The biologic tissue that fills up the pulp space after the likelihood of:

Regenerative Endodontic Procedures (REPs) may be • Increased root length
dental pulp or pulp-like tissue. Completion of root
The desired outcome of Regenerative Endodontic • Increased root development
wall thickness
Procedures (REPs) is regeneration of pulp-dentin
complex. • Increased or maintained root strength.
Till date, most of the studies published, can be best Traditional apexification procedure using calcium
described as “Revascularization” procedures, that hydroxide has been found to affect mechanical
attempt to regenerate biologic tissues (that may not properties of root dentin reducing the root strength,
necessarily replicate the pulp-dentin complex) and bring making it prone to fracture. Also, for apexification
about revascularization within the root canal space. using calcium hydroxide, multiple appointments are
needed for its reapplication and time taken to form
WHAT IS THE TRIPLE ANTIBIOTIC PASTE? calcified bridge is about 3–24 months. However, with
the advent of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA), these
• The Triple Antibiotic Paste is the mixture of Ciprofloxacin/ limitations of calcium hydroxide apexification have
Metronidazole/Minocycline (CMM) in the ratio of 1:1:1. been overcome as it is found to form a cementum-like
Hoshino and Colleagues greatly contributed to the hard bridge in relatively shorter duration of time and
504 Short Textbook of Endodontics

also requires fewer patient appointments. However,

with both of these apexification procedures, root
development is not fostered and tooth remains prone
to subsequent cervical root fractures.

• Although Revascularization procedure causes increased
root thickness in midroot and apical root, but not in
cervical area, making the tooth prone to fracture in that
• Regenerative Endodontic Procedures are limited to
immature teeth as open apex is a ready source of stem Fig. 34.2  Clinical considerations for Regenerative Endodontics
cells. However, its long-term goal should be to treat
mature permanent teeth as well. WHAT IS THE PROTOCOL FOR
• There is ongoing research and trials for the various REVASCULARIZATION ENDODONTIC THERAPY?
Regenerative Endodontic Procedures (REPs). But till
date, no randomized controlled clinical trials have Revascularization Protocol
been published to evaluate the various Regenerative
Case Selection
Endodontic Procedures (REPs) and their potential
adverse events. Also, in case of Regenerative Endodontic Young patient with incompletely developed permanent
therapy in humans, histological evaluation of the tooth with open apex that gives negative response to pulp
treatment outcome is not possible. responsiveness testing.
• Case studies show that with Calcium hydroxide and MTA
apexification, success rates have been as high as 95%. Informed Consent
For Regenerative procedures, there is ongoing research
still going on. Inform patient and guardian about:
• The number of appointments-2 or more and the
WHAT ARE THE CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS potential benefits of the treatment.
• Adverse effects that may result from the procedure-
Minocycline staining of crown.
• Age: Young patient. • There may be lack of response to treatment
Younger patients have greater healing capacity or stem • Alternative treatment options: MTA apexification, no
cell regenerative potential. treatment or extraction.
• Permanent tooth with immature apex. The large • Possible post-treatment symptoms.
diameter of the immature (open) apex may have rich
source of mesenchymal Stem Cells of the Apical Papilla Procedure
• Diagnosis of pulp necrosis in such incompletely formed/ First appointment
immature permanent tooth with open apex. • Profound anesthesia
• Minimal or lack of instrumentation of dentinal walls. • Isolation with rubber dam
Since the dentinal walls are not instrumented, smear • Access cavity preparation
layer is not generated that could otherwise occlude the • A small k-file such as no. 10 or 15 is used to scout the
dentinal walls or tubules. root canal system and determination of working length
• Use of an intracanal medicament. using radiograph or paper point method.
Usually the Triple antibiotic paste is left in root canal • Copious irrigation of root canal system using 20
space for few days or weeks. mL of 3–5% NaOCl followed by 20 mL of 0.12–2%
• Creation of a blood clot in the canal that might serve as Chlorhexidine with saline wash in between the two to
a protein scaffold and induces 3-dimensional ingrowth prevent the formation of brownish-orange precipitate.
of tissue. Irrigation should be done using side-vented irrigating
Figure 34.2 lists these considerations in the form of a needle slowly and carefully so as to avoid or minimize
mind-map. the irrigants passing through the open apex.
Regenerative Endodontics 505

Figs 34.3A to C  Schematic representation of pulp regeneration: (A) Immature nonvital permanent tooth with necrotic pulp, SCAP: Stem
cells from apical papilla; (B) Following antimicrobial medicament, in the second appointment, the canal is over-instrumented to cause
bleeding upto cervical level. Over the blood clot, colla plug and MTA seal and coronal seal with composite restoration; (C) Pulp regeneration
is expected that causes completion of root formation

• The root canal system is dried using sterile paper points. Patient is recalled after 12–18 months for follow-up.
• Delivery of antimicrobial medicament such as triple Successful outcome is that pulp regeneration occurs in
antibiotic paste or calcium hydroxide into the root canal the canal that causes completion of root formation with
space. increase in root length and wall thickness (Fig. 34.3C).
• The tooth is sealed with a temporary cement (e.g. Cavit).
Second Appointment (Figs 34.3A to C) FOR ASSESSMENT OF ENDODONTIC
• Patient is assessed for resolution of signs and symptoms, Assessment of Endodontic Revascularization treatment
such as pain, swelling, sinus tract, etc. that may have outcome:
been present during the first appointment. • Clinical
• If the resolution of signs and symptoms has not occurred, – Lack of signs and symptoms
the antimicrobial treatment is repeated and patient – Clinical evidence of functioning vital tissue in the
recalled after few weeks. root canal.
• If resolution of signs and symptoms has occurred, then – Pulp testing methods such as heat, cold, electrical,
patient is anesthesized using 3% Mepivacaine. laser Doppler flowmetry suggestive of asymptomatic
(Local anesthetic containing vasoconstrictor is not tooth that does not require retreatment.
used as in this appointment revascularization-induced • Radiographic
bleeding is to be evoked. 3% Mepivacaine facilitates the – Radiographic appearance of increased root wall
ability to trigger bleeding into the root canal system.) thickness that could be due to ingrowth of cementum,
• Rubber dam isolation of tooth and re-establishment of bone, or a dentin-like material.
coronal access. – Healing of periradicular tissues and progression of
• Copious, but slow and careful irrigation with 20 mL root development.
NaOCl along with gentle agitation with small k-file to – Increase in root length.
remove the antimicrobial medicament.
• Root canal system is dried using sterile paper points.
1. Colleagues for Excellence newsletter Regenerative Endodontics
• A small k-file is placed few mm beyond the apical, Spring 2013.
foramen to slightly lacerate the apical tissue causing 2. Hargreaves KM, Law AS. Regenerative Endodontics. Chapter 16.
bleeding up to 3 mm from the CEJ. Pathways of the Pulp, 10th edn. Hargreaves KM, Cohen S, Mosby
• Insert a small piece of colla-plug into the root canal Elsevier, St Louis, MO. 2011.pp.602‐19.
system to serve as resorbable matrix and to restrict MTA 3. Peter E Murray, Franklin Garcia-Godoy, Kenneth M. Hargreaves,
‘Regenerative Endodontics: A Review of Current Status and a Call
positioning (Fig. 34.3B)
for Action’, JOE. 2007;33:4.
• Place MTA in the thickness of 3 mm (Fig. 34.3B) 4. Rudolf Jaenisch, Richard Young, ‘Stem cells, the Molecular
• Achieve good coronal seal using a permanent restoration Circuitry of Pluripotency and Nuclear Reprogramming’, “Cell”
(Fig. 34.3B). Press. 2008;132(4):667-82.

Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table.

A B pulpotomy 446
with iodoform 275f
Acellular cementum 16 Bacterial virulence factors 89, 90f Calcium phosphate cement obturation
Actinomyces israelii 375 Bacteria-tight seal 406 308
Air emphysema 354 Bacteroides forsythus 415 Camphorated parachlorophenol 276
Alara, principles of 112 Bacteroides melanogenicus 87 Canal blockage 345
Alkaptonuria 384 Barbed broaches 172f Canal obstructions, removal of 381
Allergy 140 Barodontalgia 64 Canal orifices 20, 20f, 213
Alveolar abscess classification of 64 flaring of 204f
acute 74, 328 Bayonet-shaped canals 227f Canal preparation 244
chronic 76 Bioactive glass 276 balanced force technique of 252
Alveolar bone Biomaterial centered infection 95 hybrid technique of 253
proper 17 Bite test 123, 124 Canal system, type of 25
supporting 17 using cotton roll 124f Candida 267
Amalgam 435 Bleaching Candida albicans 415
restoration 458 chemistry of 384 Carbamide peroxide 388
Amelogenesis imperfecta 384 contraindications of 388 Carbide bur, safe-ended 164f
Anesthesia, evaluation of 315 material 391f Carbon fiber-reinforced epoxy resin posts
Antibiotic paste 503 points of 399f 365
Anticurvature filing 254 role of 386 Cardiac pacemaker 168
Anxiety, management of 312 Bleaching of vital teeth 390 Caries and defective restorations, removal
Apexification 446, 503 extracoronal 389f of 203f
calcium hydroxide 448f technique for 389 Caries causing pulpitis 53f
Apexogenesis 503 Bone cyst 118 Caries detector dye 125f, 162f
Apical abscess Bone forming cells 16 Caries
acute 74 Bone morphogenetic protein 502 in dentin 53f
chronic 76 Bone-resorbing cells 16 in enamel 53f
Apical canal transportation, type III 349 Bur 163 Carious dentin
Apical perforation 349f long shank round 163f inner 52f
Apical periodontitis 74 round 163f outer 52f
acute 72 safe-ended 163f Cavity design, poor access 229, 337
chronic 74, 331 sharpness of 58 Cavity preparation 200, 406
Apical third of root transmetal 163f challenging access 226
anatomy of 25f steps of 207
canal, instrument in 343f C Cavity walls 167f, 203, 204
Apical-root fracture 410 Cells of alveolar bone 17
Apical-third filling 307 Calcibiotic root canal sealer 292 Cells of pulp 10
Arterioles 11 Calcium hydroxide 273, 274, 275f, 307, Cellular cementum 14
Arteriovenous anastomoses 11 406, 441, 442, 447, 464 Cemental dysplasia 118
Asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis 68 compounds 442 Cementoblasts 16
Axial wall extension 213, 218 containing sealers 291 Cementodentinal junction 8, 26, 237,
in maxillary molar 208f in canal, application of 275 282
Azithromycin 319 points 274 Cementoenamel junction 202
508 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Cementum 14 D Dental traumatic injuries 401, 403, 404

and periodontal ligament 6 management of 401, 404, 413t
types 14 Debridement of canal, incomplete 342f Dental treatment procedures 56
Central nervous system 312 Deciduous molar 455f Dential hypersensitivity 486f
Cephalosporins 319 Defense cells 10 Dentin 483f
Ceramic veneer, use of 400 Dendritic cells 11, 54 acid etching of 65
Cervical invasive resorption 480 Dens evaginatus 32 bonding agents 66, 293, 485
Champagne bubble test 209f Dens in dente 31 dysplasia 32
Chlorhexidine digluconate 270, 275 in maxillary left central incisor 31f fracture 413
for endodontic use 270f Dens invaginatus 31 reparative 52f
Chloropercha 299 Dental biologic tissues sclerosis 51
Chronic abscess or phoenix (rebirth) 331 changes during inflammation 134 sensitivity 483
Ciprofloxacin 319 Dental caries 85f Dentinal hypersensitivity 482, 484, 491
Clindamycin 319 sequel of 53f causes of 484
Cohen’s pathways of pulp 360 Dental ethics 495 management of 482, 485, 487, 487t
Compartment syndrome 351 Dental health care personnel 192 Dentinal tubules 84, 85f
Complete roof removal 218 Dental history 100 to pulp 85f
Complete/cervical pulpotomy 445 past 101 Dentin-chip 307
Composite resin core 368 Dental hypersensitivity, management of Dentino enamel junction 482
Composite resin restorations 386, 392, 487 487t Dentinogenesis imperfecta 384
bonding strength of 398 Dental illness 100 Dentin-pulp complex 5
Composite resin system (retroplast) 436 Dental infection to maxillary sinus 103f Dentistry, antibiotics in 317
Composite restoration Dental lamina Derivatives of phenol 276
discolored 386f primary 6 Diamond bur 164
in both teeth 396f role of 6 Digital tactile sense 234
use of 400 Dental lasers 488 Direct pulp capping 405, 441, 459
Core built-up material 369f Dental loupes 159 in traumatized tooth 406f
Core materials 282, 283 Dental negligence and malpractice 496 Direct vital pulp therapies 459
for restoration of endodontically Dental operating microscope 159, 163, Distal angulation 116f
treated teeth, classification of 206f Distal root canal of mandibular second
190 head portion of 161f molar, infection in 76f
types of 367 Dental operatory 193 Distobuccal canal orifice 218
Core restoration 360 Dental pain 101 Doxycycline 319
Coronal disassembly 378 from maxillary sinus 102f
Coronal leakage 415 of myofascial origin 103 E
Coronal pulp 19, 20f Dental papilla (forms dentin and pulp) 6
Coronal root fractures 410 Dental personnel 193 Electric pulp tester 122f, 162f
Coronal seal, methods to enhance 310 Dental practice, infection control in 193, Electronic apex locator 167
Crown fracture 404 194f Elements obturation unit 303f
complication of 406f Dental pulp 5, 6, 8, 15f, 50 Elliptication, causes of 349
treatment of 406f causes of 52, 62 Ellis and Davey’s classification 402
Crown or root, fractured 329 cell-free zone of Weil 9 En masse crown fracture 413
cause 329 cell-rich zone 9 Enamel 413, 451
classification 329 classify diseases of 66 bur 208f
signs 329 connective tissue of 131 cord 7
symptoms 329 diseases of 52, 62, 67 effects on 391
Crown-down technique 251f formed 6 epithelium
Crown-root fracture 330f odontoblastic zone 8 inner 7
C-shaped canals 26 unique features of 51f outer 7
classification of 27f, 28, 28f Dental sac 6 fracture 413
Cytokines 133 Dental trauma 401 organ (forms enamel) 6
Index 509

Endo access bur 206f retreatment 377, 381, 493 Engine-driven handpieces 177
Endoactivator system 278f steps of nonsurgical 377 Engine-driven instruments 177
Endodontic 92 scope of 1, 2f Enterococcus faecalis 87, 278, 374
access cavity preparation 199, 200 sonics and ultrasonics in 180f Epiphany sealer 293
advances, research-based 498 spoon excavator 167f, 207f Erythroblastosis fetalis 384
armamentarium 158 surgery 425, 473 Extracellular polymeric substances 92
biofilm 94 classification of 427 Extracoronal bleaching 396f
types of 97f in geriatric patients 473 of vital teeth 391, 392f
cases 373 postoperative sequelae 437f Extraoral examination 106
diagnosis aids in 98, 161 role of 146
diagnosis, accurate 129 surgical 425 F
disease 102, 103t, 418, 424 armamentarium 429
drugs used in 318f phase 430 Ferric sulfate pulpotomy 461
emergencies 323-325, 331 procedure 29 Ferrule effect and biologic width 361,
after treatment 335 role of isthmi in 29 362f
before treatment 326 therapy 130, 138 Fiberoptic endoscope 161
classification of 325 treatment 140, 150, 150f, 156f, 337, Fiberoptic light for transillumination test
midtreatment 323 373, 374, 387, 469, 472 125f, 162f
treatment, Weine’s classification drugs used in 311, 312 Fibers 11
of conditions 325 failure 497 Fibroblast growth factor 502
explorer 167f in geriatric patient 471 Finger plugger for obturation 187f
failure 373 inadequate 415 Finger-held spreader for obturation 186f
causes of 374, 376 of pediatric patients 450 Fissure carbide bur 164
classification of 376 plan 145, 146f Flap design, triangular 431f
gauge 242f revascularization 505 Flap reflection 431, 432
infections 86, 87 success of 357 Focal infection 83
control in 192 triad 199 mechanism of 131
types of 88f use of theory 83, 130
instruments 158, 196 sonic devices for 178 origin of 83
asepsis and sterilization of 192 sonics in (endosonics) 179 Focal sclerosing osteomyelitis 79
aspiration of 496 ultrasonics (endosonics) 179 Formaldehyde 276
classification of 169 Endodontically treated mandibular Formocresol pulpotomy 445
disinfection of 198 second molar 343f Foundation restoration 371
interpretation in 116 Endodontically treated teeth 355, 356, Fungi 415
lesions 415, 418 356f
primary 418 changes on 357f G
management, nonsurgical 373 physical changes on 356f
materials 158 post systems for 190 Galilean optical system 159
microbiology 83 restoration of 190, 355 Gates-Glidden drills 164, 166f, 177
microbrushes 277f Endodontic-periodontal diseases 415 Genera actinomyces 374
mishaps 336, 336f, 337 Endodontic-periodontal lesion 422 Geriatric dentistry 468
classification of 337 classify 416 Geriatric endodontics 468
classify 336 types of 418, 424 scope of 468, 469f
management 336 Endodontic-periodontal problems Geriatric patient
prevention 336 Weine’s classification of 422 abrasion 471f
past and present 4t types of 423t attrition 471f
periodontal diseases 416f Endodontist, enigma to 42 erosion 471f
practice, malpractice in 496 Endoflare 258f Giant cell granuloma 118
preparation in maxillary premolar Endometrics 234 Gingival irritation 391, 398
215 Endovac irrigation system 279f Gingival recession 471f
510 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Gingival sulcus 340 Hydrogen peroxide 269, 388 Lingual shoulder, removal of 210f, 213
Glass bead sterilizers 196f for bleaching 388f, 389 Liquid EDTA for removal of smear layer
Glass fiber posts 365f for irrigation 269f 273f
Glass fiber-reinforced epoxy resin posts Hyperplastic pulpitis, chronic 53, 68 Local anesthesia, armamentarium for
365 Hypoplastic maxillary teeth 106f 163
Glass ionomer 458, 461f Luxation injuries 410
cement 61, 458 I management of 410
core 368 Lymphocytes 11
sealers 293 Immunity in endodontics, role of 135 Lysosomal enzymes 133
Glutaraldehyde pulpotomy 460 Infection, elimination of 317
Glutaraldehyde, advantages of 460 Infection, prevention of 317 M
Gram stain technique, classification to 87 Inflammatory cells 132
Gram-negative anaerobic bacteria 267 Inflammatory paradental cyst 118 Magnifying loupe 206f
Grossman’s classification 375 Ingle’s endodontics 476 Mandibular anesthesia 313
of endodontic emergencies 326 Intracanal brushes 277 Mandibular anterior teeth 219, 396f
Grossman’s sealer 290 Intracanal medicaments 273 Mandibular canine 41, 42f, 221
Gutta-percha 283 antibiotic containing 276 Mandibular central incisor 40, 41f, 219
canal-warmed 299 Intracanal microbial biofilms 94 with two canals 41f
carrier-based 285 Intracoronal bleaching 385, 387, 388, 392 and lateral incisor 41f
chemically plasticized cold 299 of endodontically treated teeth, side Mandibular first molar 44, 45f, 125f, 224,
compaction of 186 effects of 397 224f, 386f, 441f
cone 419 of maxillary right central incisor 395f deep occlusal 441f
for newer obturation systems 285 of teeth, side effects of 399f mesial root of 110f
lateral compaction of 295 Intraligamentary injection 314, 314f periradicular infection in 86f
removal of 187 Intraoral examination 106 proximal caries approaching pulp 441f
removal techniques 380 Intraosseous injection 314, 314f pulp, deep occlusal caries in 110f
sterilization of 296 Intrapulpal hemorrhage 385 tooth
stick 285 Intrapulpal injection 315f osteitis in relation to 79f
heated 121f Irreversible pulpitis 68 postoperative 46f
technique in immature permanent tooth 446 preoperative 46f
solid core carrier-based 306 with acute apical periodontitis 326 with canals 225f
thermoplasticized injectable 306 causes 327 with endodontic 421f
thermoplasticized 285, 306 signs 326 with extensive caries pulp 53f, 74f
with additives 285 symptoms 326 with five canals 45f
with sealants, solid core 295 Irrigant-related mishaps 333 with four canals 45f
with pulp polyp 143f
H L with radix entomolaris
postoperative 46f
Halogens 276 Laser Doppler flowmetry 122, 403 preoperative 46f
Hand-operated instruments 170 in dentistry 123 with severe periodontal lesion 421
Hank’s balanced salt solution 412 Laser light emission 489 with three canals 45f
Hard tissue surgical access 432 Laser-assisted root canal preparation with three mesial canals
Healing of perforation 340 technique 261 postoperative 46f
Hemorrhage from surgical site, Lasers preoperative 46f
management of 433 classification of 490 Mandibular first premolar 42, 43f, 221
Hemostasis 406 in endodontics 488, 491-493 with one and two canals 222f
Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath 77 advantages of 494 Mandibular first primary molar 452, 453f
Holmium:yttrium-aluminium-garnet properties of 488 Mandibular lateral incisor 41, 42f, 221
laser 278 types of 490 Mandibular left central incisor 394f
Hydrochloric acid-pumice abrasion 398 Lingual opposite buccal 116f discolored 394f
Index 511

Mandibular molar Maxillary anterior region 457f Maxillary right lateral incisor
cavity preparation in 225f Maxillary anterior teeth 211, 213f, 478 infection from 107f
taurodontism in 32f cavity preparation for 213f tooth, abscess in relation to 76f
teeth 223 Maxillary canine 34, 34f, 214 Maxillary second and third molars,
with deep carious lesion 419f cavity form of 214f concresence of 31f
Mandibular posterior teeth, in child 454f postoperative 35f Maxillary second molar 39, 39f, 219
Mandibular premolar preoperative 35f carious destruction of 356f
cavity preparation of 222f Maxillary central incisor 32, 33f, 211 cavity form of 219f
teeth 221 cavity form of 213f with canal 39f
Mandibular primary incisors 451, 452f tooth with four canals 40f
Mandibular second molar 47, 47f, 224 postoperative 33f with three canals 39f, 40
C-shaped canal in 27f preoperative 33f with two canals 39f
tooth with rubber dam 154f Maxillary second premolar 36, 36f, 216
osteitis in relation to 79f Maxillary first and second premolars cavity form of 217f
postoperative 48f postoperative 36f tooth 37f
with C-shaped canal 47f, 48f, 225f preoperative 36f Maxillary second primary molar 452, 453f
postoperative 48f Maxillary first molar 37, 37f, 218 Maxillary sinus 427
preoperative 48f cavity form of 218f Maxillary teeth
with four canals 47f cavity preparation of 219f extracoronal bleaching of 396f
with three canals 47f tooth, MB2 canal in 120f in child 454f
with two canals 47f with four canals 38f Maxillary third molar 39, 40f, 219
Mandibular second premolar 44, 44f, 222 postoperative 38f cavity preparation of 219f
cavity form of 223f preoperative 38f with three canals 40f
tooth 44f with three canals 38f Medicated sealers 293
with root and root canals postoperative 38f Melton’s classification of C-shaped
postoperative 45f preoperative 38f canals 27
preoperative 45f with two palatal canals 38f Memory t-cells 132
Mandibular second primary molar 452, Maxillary first premolar 35, 35f, 215 Mesenchymal cells 11
453f, 462f cavity form of 216f Mesial and distal boundary 218
Mandibular teeth, periodontal tooth Mesial angulation 116f
involvement in 144f postoperative 36f Mesial canal 225f
Mandibular third molar 47, 48f, 226 preoperative 37f Mesiobuccal canal, second 218
cavity preparation in 226f with S-shaped, cases of 227f Metal-core obturation 286
curved canals Maxillary first primary molar 452, 453f Metallic core materials 367
postoperative 49f Maxillary lateral incisor 33, 34f, 214, Metronidazole 319
preoperative 49f 386f Micro-endodontics, instruments for 161
Mast cells 11 cavity form of 214f Mid-root fractures 410
Materials Maxillary molar 217f Midtreatment flare-ups 334f
bleaching 388 cavity preparation for 217f Mineral trioxide aggregate 357, 436, 439,
disinfection of root canal 169 teeth 217 443, 448
isolation of endodontic field 163 Maxillary posterior region 457f pulpotomy 446
obturation 282 Maxillary premolar teeth 215 Mishaps related to post placement 353
postendodontic restoration 190 cavity preparation for 215 Monocytes and macrophages 475
vital pulp therapy, techniques and Maxillary primary incisors 451, 452f Motor for rotary instrumentation 184f
439 Maxillary rhinosinusitis 102 Mouse-hole effect 201f
Maturogenesis 503 Maxillary right central incisor MTA pulpotomy 461
Maxilla, posterior 427 discolored 386f, 394f Mucoperiosteal flap 431
Maxillary and mandibular primary fracture in endodontically treated Multi-lens optic system 159
canine 452, 452f 330f Multirooted teeth, post placement in 366
Maxillary anesthesia 315 internal resorption in 478f Myofascial pain vs pulpal pain 103
512 Short Textbook of Endodontics

N signs 470 Permanent anterior teeth in child, trauma

symptoms 470 to 454f
Necrosed pulp 136f Orofacial pain 101 Phenol and phenol derivatives 276
Necrotic immature permanent tooth 503 of nonodontogenic origin 102 Phoenix abscess 331
Necrotic pulp 53f Orthodontic extrusion 423 Plasma derived mediators 133
Necrotic root canal 420 Osteoblasts 16 Platelet derived growth factor 502
Neuropathic pain vs pulpal pain 104 Osteoclasts 16 Plugger
Neuropeptides 133 Osteogenic effect 292 finger 302f
Neurovascular pain vs pulpal pain 104 Osteomyelitis 118 hand-held 302f
Neurovascular structures, damage to 351 Ozonated water irrigation 278 types of 302f
Nickel-titanium 299 Polyethylene fiber-reinforced posts 365
advantages of 183 P Polymerase chain reaction method 91
alloys, phases of 181 Polymorphonuclear neutrophils 132
disadvantages of 183 Pain control 312 Porphyria 384
instruments 182, 182t Palatal roots 428 Porphyromonas endodontalis 267
hand and rotary 179 Palatine artery, anterior 428 Porphyromonas gingivalis 267, 415
properties of 180f Palatine foramen 428 Post and core restorations 372
rotary instrument Partial pulpotomy 445 Post related mishaps 353
devices for 184 in permanent maxillary central Post removal system 379f
in root canal 183f, 262f incisor tooth 445f Postbleach sensitivity of teeth 391
systems 184, 257 Paste filling materials 287 Postbleaching inflammation of
Nitric oxide 133 Pediatric endodontics 450 periodontal ligament 398
Noncollagenous proteins 356 Periapical abscess 53f, 75f Postendodontic restoration 357, 357f,
Nonmetallic cores 368 Periapical cyst 78, 78f 358, 359, 472
Nonnarcotic analgesics 316 Periapical granuloma 53f, 77, 77f type of 359
Nonrestorable teeth 144f in maxillary right central incisor Posteruptive causes 385
Nonrigid posts tooth 77f Postobturation restoration 357
advantages of 364 Periapical infection 376f Potassium nitrate 485
disadvantages of 364 in root canal treated mandibular Predentin 483f
types of 365 premolar 376f Prevotella intermedia 415
Nonvital pulp therapy 407, 446 Periodontal disease 417, 418, 424 Primary apical periodontitis,
for primary teeth 463 Periodontal examination 324 pathogenesis of 81
for traumatized teeth 409f Periodontal fibers, types of 17 Primary permanent tooth 451f
Nonvital teeth 145, 413 Periodontal lesion 415, 418 Primary teeth 450, 450f
with full prosthetic restorations 360 in maxillary molar 420f material for 465t
with partial restorations 360 primary 420 materials in pulpectomy of 465t
Normal periradicular tissues 72f Periodontal ligament 16, 53f obturation material for 464
Noxious stimuli affecting dental pulp 52 Periodontal pocket 421f obturation techniques in 466
Periradicular curettage and biopsy 433 proximal lesions in 455, 457f
O Periradicular disease 72 traumatic injuries to 413
extension of 426 Propionibacterium 87
Obturation techniques 295 of nonendodontic origin 81 Protaper endodontic files 256f
Obturation, preparation for 293 Periradicular surgery 425, 426 Pseudomonas 87
Occlusal anatomies 202 armamentarium for 190 Pulp
Odontalgia, symptoms of 103 treatment planning for 427 arterial supply of 11
Odontoblast 10 Periradicular tissues 5, 14, 16f, 18, 418 bacterial invasion into 52f
Odontoblastic process 483f causes of 71 caries involving 421f
Odontoclasts and cementoclasts 475 classify diseases of 72 extirpation of 464f
Opioid analgesics 316 diseases of 71 functions of 13
Oral foci of infection 131 normal 72 gangrenous necrosis of 327
Orofacial and dental of endodontic origin, diseases of 72 causes 327
Index 513

diagnosis 327 Pulp regeneration 505f Pulpal tissues

treatment 328 Pulp stones 70f blood supply of 11, 13f
types 327 Pulp tests 118 lymph supply of 12
infected 85f Pulp therapies 1, 439 Pulpectomy 463
microorganisms in 84, 84f for primary teeth 458 in primary teeth, steps of 463f
nerve supply of 14f in traumatized teeth 405 Pulpitis, acute irreversible
tissues 12 performed in children 457 causes 326
structural elements of 10 Pulp tissue, pain related to incomplete diagnosis 326
zones of 8f removal of 331 management 326
Pulp and periodontal tissues, Pulp to acid etching signs 326
intercommunication between of dentin 59 symptoms 326
414 reaction of 59f Pulpitis, symptomatic irreversible 68
Pulp and periodontium, inter- of enamel 59 Pulpotomy 491
relationship between diseases Pulp to cavity in primary teeth 459
of 415 and crown preparation 57 steps of 462f
Pulp and periradicular tissues cleansing and sterilization 59 types of 445
diseases of 62 preparation using air abrasion 60 Pulse oximetry 123
pathosis of 326 Pulp to dental Push-pull motion 243f
Pulp canal 117 caries 50
sealer 290 reaction of 51, 55f Q
Pulp capping 442, 491 procedures 54
indirect 439, 440, 458 treatment 56 Quaternary ammonium compounds 271
materials 442 Pulp to drying of tooth 58
steps of reaction of 59f R
direct 442f Pulp to laser procedures 60
indirect 441f Pulp to local anesthetics 56 Radicular cyst 78
Pulp chamber 451 reaction of 57f Radicular pulp 19, 20f
components of 19 Pulp to orthodontic tooth movement 60 Redox reaction 384
floor of 19, 20f reaction of 60f Regenerative dentistry 500
inspection of 204, 205f Pulp to periodontal procedures 56 Regenerative endodontic 500, 503, 504,
morphology of 32 Pulp to periodontium, infection from 504f
roof of 19, 20f, 218 infected 421f procedures 504
Pulp degeneration 69 Pulp to polishing of restorations 60 Resin sealers 292
Pulp dressing 405 Pulp to specific dental materials 60 Resin-based obturation system 287, 287f
Pulp exposure 413 Pulp to ultrasonic scaling of teeth, Resin-based sealer-AH plus 292f
crown fracture with 329 reaction of 57f Resin-based self-etch root canal sealer
crown fracture without 329 Pulp to vital bleaching techniques 60 293f
in mesially inclined mandibular Pulp vitality testing 56 Resin-modified glass ionomer core 369
molar 85f Pulpal blood supply 11f Restoration 406
to trauma 85f Pulpal diagnosis 455, 491 effect on 392
Pulp fibroblast 10 in children 453, 456f post and core
Pulp hemorrhage 446 Pulpal diagnostic tests 454 causes of 371f, 372
Pulp horns 5, 19, 20f Pulpal disease 417 failure of 371f, 372
Pulp inflammation (pulpitis) 67 signs of 421 Restorative material 189, 436
Pulp necrosis 53, 71 symptoms of 421 Restorative resins 61
Pulp necrosis, types of 71 Pulpal infection, cause of 86f Restorative treatment 446
Pulp polyp in Pulpal pain, classification of 102 Rhinosinusitis, symptoms of 103
deciduous molar 69f Pulpal reaction Rickert’s sealer 290
permanent mandibular first molar 69f to caries 50 Root 117
primary second molar 54f to dental procedures 50 Root anatomy 366
514 Short Textbook of Endodontics

Root and root canal system 425 Root canal system 19 Rotary instrumentation 254
Root apex, anatomy of 26 activation of irrigants in 277f Roth’s sealer 290
Root canal 31f, 87f, 117, 351f anatomic complexities in 26 Rubber dam
anatomy of apical portion of 25 anatomic components of 19 clamps 152f
apical width of 240f anatomy of 21, 29 forceps 153, 153f
bacteria in infected 87 classification of 22 frame 152, 152f
biomechanical preparation of 231 components of 20f in endodontic treatment in
cavity preparation of 163, 199 disinfection of 264, 265, 491 mandibular first molar 154f
cleaning and shaping of 231, 232 in geriatric patient 470f material 151
components of 20 in root, types of 21 placement 153
delivery of sealers in 187 in young adult tooth 470f punch 153, 153f
effective shaping of 243 internal anatomy of 19 sheet 151, 152f
infected 86 morphology of 32, 34, 35 components of 151
instruments of 186 obturation of 280, 472
ledge formation in 347f of individual teeth 32 S
microbes from 89 solutions in 276
microbial flora of 84 Weine’s classification of 23f Schilder technique 299
microbiology of infected 89f with increasing age 21f Sealapex root canal sealer 291f
obturation of 186, 280, 281, 493 Root canal treatment 1, 139, 141, 419 Sealer placed in root canal 288
shaping of 464f Root end cavity preparation 435 Sickel cell anemia 384
underfilling of 335 advantages of 435 Silicone-based sealers 293
Root canal anatomy of individual teeth, Root end Silver amalgam 61, 461
primary 451 beveling of 434f restorations 392
Root canal disinfectant 265 conditioning 435 Silver point 287f
Root canal filling material 283 development 448f obturation with 295f, 497
classification of 283 management 434 removal of 189, 379
Root canal infections 87 resection 434 Smear layer 272f
Root canal instruments 170, 171f Root fracture 117, 118, 329, 354, 372, 409, in endodontics, management
Root canal irrigants 248, 265, 267 413 of 272
Root canal of primary teeth 464 crown 409 removal of 271
Root canal opening 145, 323 of palatal root of maxillary second Sodium hypochlorite 267, 268, 269f, 356,
Root canal orifices 209 premolar tooth 120f 381, 446
exploration of all 204 Root perforations 415 accidents 268, 350
flaring and exploring 204f Root resection 422 efficacy of 268
Root canal preparation 233, 263, 491 Root resorption 117 for irrigation 267f
crown-down technique of 248, 250 classification of 475 Sodium perborate 388
devices for 169 differences between external and Sound tooth structure remaining-
hand instruments for 172 internal 480 nonrestorable tooth 144f
instruments for 169 external 79, 80f, 117, 476, 476f Stainless steel and nickel-titanium
of apical third and body of canal 247f cervical 397 instruments 181t
rotary instrumentation 254 internal 117, 478, 478f properties of 181
sonics 261 mechanism of 475 Stem cells 501
step down technique of 250 types of types of 501
step-back method of 245 external 476 Step-back technique v/s crown-down
steps of crown-down technique of 249 internal 479 technique 252, 252t
techniques of 244, 245, 254 Root-end resection, angle of 434 Streptococcus faecalis 87
terminology for 241 Roots and root canals, anatomy of 227 Strontium chloride 485
ultrasonics 261 Roots of maxillary molar, apical third of Stropko irrigator 266
Root canal sealers 282, 288, 288f, 289 31f Sulfur granules 95
in obturation 289 Rotary endodontic file, components of Supernumerary roots 32
paraformaldehyde-based 497 181f Superoxidized water 276
Index 515

T Teeth with curved canals 227 Tooth treatment, incorrect 496

Teeth with minimal coronal tooth Transillumination test 125f
Teeth structure 228 Trapezoidal flap design 432f
accessibility of 142 Temporary filling 205f Treponema denticola 87, 415
anterior 359 Temporary restorations 189 Treponema maltophilum 415
bleaching of 383, 494 Test cavity 126 Tubli-seal root canal sealer 291f
classify traumatized 402 Tetracycline isomer, mixture of 272
cracked 64 Thalassemia 384 U
crowded 228 Thermafil obturator 307f
crown of 109, 116 Thermocatalytic bleaching 397 Ultrasonic cleaner 197f
development of 6 Tissue emphysema 334 Ultrasonic instrument 178
discolored nonvital 143f cause 334 Ultraviolet photo-oxidation 397
hypersensitive 482 management 335 Underextended obturation 352f
injury to 62 prevention 335 Underfilled obturation 352f
internal resorption in 120f signs 334 Urethane methacrylate sealers 293
laminates for discolored 400 symptoms 334
management of 412 Tissue engineering 501 V
discolored 382, 383, 400 triad 501f
mobility of 108f Tissue regeneration 503 Vasoactive amines 133
normal 85f Tooth Vertucci’s classification 23
opening in wrong 337 with dilaceration 120f Viscous chelator 273
perpendicular to 116f with internal resorption 479f Vital pulp therapy 405, 439, 440f, 446
pink 144f, 478 with pathology to radicular cyst 79f for traumatized teeth 407f
posterior 359 Tooth avulsion 330, 411 Vital pulps with normal periapical tissue
preparation of individual 211 management 330 472
regressive changes in 469 Tooth crown of caries 116
root of 109 Tooth development, stages of 6 W
permanent 474 Tooth discoloration 384
primary 474 causes of 382 Wach’s cement 291
rotated 228 etiology of 387f Walking bleach
structurally sound anterior 359 management 384 result 393
traumatic injury to (acute Tooth in arch, position of 358 technique 392
trauma) 63 Tooth infractions 64 Weeping canals 275
treatment of traumatized 404, 404f Tooth length, measurement of 236f
veneer for discolored 400 Tooth pulp chamber, crown of 117 Y
vitality of 471 Tooth removal, overzealous 338
Teeth, in elderly 469, 470t Tooth resorption 474, 475 Young permanent teeth 451, 451f
Teeth, in pediatric patients 450 pathologic 474
Teeth to tetracycline, discoloration of types of 475, 476 Z
384f pathologic 481f
Teeth to wasting diseases, yellowish Tooth slooth 124f, 162 Zinc oxide 443
discoloration of 386f contact with cusp tips 124f eugenol 60, 441, 461f, 464
Teeth with calcifications Tooth structure 446 Zinc oxide-containing sealers 289
in pulp chamber 226 amount of remaining 358, 365 Zinc phosphate cement 61
in root canals 226 removal of unsupported 203, 203f Zones of reaction 136t

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