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The document discusses dentine hypersensitivity, including factors that contribute to it and various treatment methods.

The book is about advances in the diagnosis, management, and treatment of dentine hypersensitivity.

The success of caries prevention programs and improved periodontal treatment have led to more people retaining more of their natural teeth later in life, who are more prone to suffer from sensitive teeth.

David Gillam



Advances in
Diagnosis, Management,
and Treatment

Dentine Hypersensitivity
David G. Gillam

Dentine Hypersensitivity
Advances in Diagnosis, Management,
and Treatment
David G. Gillam
Centre for Adult Oral Health
Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, QMUL

ISBN 978-3-319-14576-1 ISBN 978-3-319-14577-8 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14577-8
Springer Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London

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Dentine hypersensitivity has gained increasing interest in recent years due to

a number of reasons. For example, the success of caries prevention programs
and improved periodontal treatment modalities are factors considered to be
responsible for an increased number of patients of all ages with more natural
teeth in their mouths than in the past. And these patients apparently suffer
more frequently from what they call “sensitive teeth” (dentine hypersensitivity)
mainly after exposure to cold and sweet drinks/food or to tactile stimuli. The
quality of life of these patients is markedly compromised, and they may ask
for pain relief from the clinician.
This is a challenge for both the dental clinician and the dental scientific
community. It is reflected, for example, in a constantly increasing number of
publications in the scientific literature, of scientific workshops, and of con-
tinuing education courses over the recent two decades on the topic.
It is known that patients with dentine hypersensitivity also exhibit gingival
recession, sometimes as a sequela of periodontal treatment. They also experi-
ence the loss of enamel, e.g., due to the increased consumption of erosive
drinks and other acidic food products, extensive tooth brushing with abrasives
in the toothpaste, or other factors. This may lead to exposed dentine surfaces,
which are a prerequisite for dentine hypersensitivity. However, it should be
noted that not all exposed dentine surfaces lead to dentine hypersensitivity.
Further light on the topic was provided by the introduction of the hydrody-
namic theory as first proposed by Gysi around 1900 and then further elabo-
rated by Martin Brännström in the middle of the last century. The open
dentine tubules on the exposed dentine surface have been considered essen-
tial for the fluid shifts in the dentine tubules following thermal, osmotic, or
other stimulation subsequently activating mechanoreceptors at the nerve end-
ings associated with the odontoblast processes close to the pulp.
However, not all phenomena can be satisfactorily explained by this theory.
For instance, the role of pulp inflammation, tertiary dentine formation, nerve
transduction, occlusal stress responsible for cervical abfractions, and peri-
odontal involvement is still being discussed in this context. Thus further
research on dentine hypersensitivity needs a multidisciplinary approach
involving the classical discipline of operative dentistry but also periodontol-
ogy, endodontics including pulp biology, immunology, occlusal stress, and
the essential aspects of prevention of the condition.

vi Foreword

Manufacturers of cosmetics (e.g., toothpaste and mouth rinse products) and

dental materials (e.g., dentine adhesives and desensitizing products) quickly
responded to the needs of both patients and the profession by the introduction
into the consumer market of a large number of products for the treatment of
dentine hypersensitivity. Different approaches to reduce dentine hypersensi-
tivity have been developed; most of these products are based on the concept of
covering/obturating the tubule openings on the exposed dentine surface. Both
the potential effectiveness and clinical efficacy have often been demonstrated
by in vitro studies and (mainly) short-term clinical trials, respectively. Again,
a number of problems have arisen, for example, the clinical relevance of the
in vitro tests used in this context, the mainly limited efficacy of these treat-
ments with the need of constant application, the lack of pain relief in certain
cases, or the question of possible pulp damage induced by certain therapies.
Dentine hypersensitivity is a challenge and this book addresses the
challenges posed by the condition. Here, all aspects of dentine hypersensitiv-
ity are comprehensively covered. The array of topics ranges from the basic
research on the aetiology over to the treatment modalities and finally to the
preventive aspects including patient communication, motivation, and compli-
ance. A group of well-known authors from both clinical and laboratory
research under the wise guidance of David Gillam have not only provided a
compilation of the relevant evidence from the published literature but also
critically pinpointed the weaknesses of the presently available information
and the missing gaps in our understanding of dentine hypersensitivity.
Finally, interesting ideas for the formulation of new products and an inno-
vative design of future studies are presented. Reading this book is certainly a
gain not only for researchers but also for the clinician.

Regensburg, Germany Gottfried Schmalz


My grateful thanks to my friends and colleagues who are established indi-

viduals in their respective areas of research and clinical practice who have
generously given of their time and energy to contribute to this book. I would
also like to extent my appreciation to Dr Sverre Klemp (Springer) who ini-
tially discussed with me the possibility of editing a book to provide an over-
view on Dentine Hypersensitivity in order to both educate and update readers
on the latest advances in research and the practical implications for everyday
clinical practice.
My appreciation is also extended to Professor Gottfried Schmalz who
kindly provided the foreword for the Book and to Professor David Bartlett
and Dr Ken Markowitz for their helpful comments in proof reading the book
I would also like to thank the staff at Springer for their support and encour-
agement during the preparation and publication of the Book, in particular
Ulrike Huesken, Wilma McHugh, Rajan Bharatwaj and Sushil Kumar.
Finally I would like to express my appreciation to my family, in particular
to my wife Joyce for her understanding, constant support and patience during
my professional career.


1 Introduction and Overview: Statement of the Problem . . . . . . . . 1

Martin Addy
2 The Physiological Basis of Dentin Hypersensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Kenneth Markowitz and David Pashley
3 The Prevalence of Dentine Hypersensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Sahar Taha
4 Aetiology and Clinical Features of Dentine Hypersensitivity . . . . . 49
Ryan Olley and David Bartlett
5 Advances in the Diagnosis of Dentine Hypersensitivity . . . . . . . 63
Joon Seong and Nicola West
6 Advances in In Vitro Testing Techniques for Dentine
Hypersensitivity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Carlo Prati, David G. Gillam, and Maria Giovanna Gandolfi
7 Challenging the Traditional Approach for the Conduct
of Dentine Hypersensitivity Studies: Person-Centric
Studies Connecting the Patient with Their Practitioner
to Optimise the Clinical Outcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Frederick A. Curro and David G. Gillam
8 Current and Novel Clinical Approaches
for the Treatment of Dentin Hypersensitivity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
José Carlos Pereira, Silvia Helena de Carvalho Sales-Peres,
Luciana Fávaro Francisconi-dos-Rios, Marcela Pagani Calabria,
Sérgio Kiyoshi Ishikiriama, David G. Gillam, and Linda Wang
9 The Impact of Dentine Hypersensitivity on Oral
Health-Related Quality of Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Katrin Bekes and Christian Hirsch
10 Advances in the Management of the Patient with Dentine
Hypersensitivity: Motivation and Prevention. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
David G. Gillam and Christoph A. Ramseier

x Contents

11 Future Strategies for the Development

of Desensitising Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Robert Hill and David G. Gillam
12 Closing Remarks Quo Vadis? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
David G. Gillam

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Introduction and Overview:
Statement of the Problem 1
Martin Addy

Aim and Objective therefore is to provide a basis for the Authors in the
subsequent chapters to detail the specific aspects of
It is more than three decades since dentine hyper- the diagnosis, management and treatment of DH.
sensitivity (DH) was described as “an enigma
being frequently encountered but ill-understood”
(Johnson et al. 1982). Since this time, the “three How Common Is Dentine
Rs” of research, writing and review have, consider- Hypersensitivity?
ably but not completely, improved the understand-
ing of DH. A number of surveys in several countries There have been a number of surveys of the prev-
would appear to conclude that DH remains ill- alence and distribution of DH in a variety of sub-
understood by a considerable proportion of dental ject groups (for reviews, see Addy 2000, 2002;
healthcare professionals (Canadian Advisory West 2006) (Chap. 3), but whether these surveys
Board on Dentine Hypersensitivity 2003; Rao used selection protocols based on classical popu-
et al. 2010). With respect, it would not seem unrea- lation epidemiological studies is open to question.
sonable or derogatory to suggest that the topic of Indeed, some of these surveys were only from
DH has received limited attention in both dental patients attending dental practices or hospitals,
undergraduate and postgraduate curricula. Also it some were based on question and answer surveys
would appear that the plethora of literature on the only and several predated the now agreed defini-
subject, which has grown enormously over rela- tion of the condition and may have included sub-
tively recent years, has been read by a minority of jects that would be excluded by the said definition.
dental professionals. The overall aim of this book One frequently quoted study was published only
must be, therefore, to address this imbalance in the as an abstract (Graf and Galasse 1977). However,
understanding of the problem. Specifically using the average percentage prevalence across studies
question-based section headings, the aim of this spanning nearly 35 years that used a dental
first chapter is to provide a brief overview of DH inspection would suggest that 15 % of adults suf-
including current concepts of the condition and fer from DH from one or more teeth at any one
possible future innovations in diagnosis, manage- time, although much lower, 3 %, and much higher,
ment and treatment. The objective of this chapter, >50 %, prevalence figures have also been pub-
lished (for review, see West 2006). A recent
review on the burden of DH by Cunhan-Cruz and
M. Addy
Wataha (2014) from the published studies would
School of Oral and Dental Science,
University of Bristol, Bristol, UK appear to suggest that the best estimate of the
e-mail: prevalence of DH is 10 % with an average of

D.G. Gillam (ed.), Dentine Hypersensitivity: Advances in Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment, 1
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14577-8_1, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
2 M. Addy

33 % across the studies. Despite the fact that DH Definition and Terminology:
can be diagnosed in individuals at the extremes of Hypersensitivity or Sensitivity?
age, teenagers to octogenarians, most commonly
it appears to afflict young people between 20 and At an international meeting, DH was defined as:
40 years old. Females have been reported to be short sharp pain arising from exposed dentine in
more commonly affected than males and at a response to stimuli, typically thermal, evaporative,
younger mean age but not all data reached statisti- tactile, osmotic or chemical, and which cannot be
cal significance. Available distribution data ascribed to any other form of dental defect or
mostly indicate four features of DH: Canines and pathology (‘pathology’ was subsequently changed
first premolars, then incisors and second premo- to ‘disease’) (Holland et al. 1997, Canadian
lars and finally molars is the order of teeth most Consensus Document 2003). Essentially, the defi-
commonly affected; left-sided teeth are more fre- nition is a clinical descriptor of DH as a specific
quently afflicted than their right-sided, contralat- dental condition which needs to be distinguished
eral counterparts; the site of predilection by far is from other causes of dental pain and calls out for a
the buccal cervical region; lesions show little or diagnosis of DH by exclusion (for reviews, see
no plaque (Addy et al. 1987; Fischer et al. 1992). West 2006; Addy and Smith 2010). Moreover, the
What is largely missing from the prevalence definition is recommending the continued use of
and distribution data are the numbers of teeth the term DH, perhaps if only because of long-time
affected and the range of pain scores experienced common usage. This, however, does not end the
per individual. This lack of information makes dif- long-running debate over the accuracy of the term
ficult an accurate judgement of how DH impacts and the conclusion of many authors that the
on the quality of life of sufferers (see Chap. 9). exposed dentine is merely sensitive and therefore
Thus, although DH is stated to be a common pain- lesions should be termed dentine sensitivity. Whilst
ful condition of the teeth, do 15 % of all popula- for many years being sympathetic even supportive
tions in developed countries visit the dentist at any of this view, the present author, clearly playing
one time to report suffering from the condition? with the semantics of the definition, would like to
Unlikely! Indeed, do 15 % of adults who regularly put forward a counterargument in favour of the
attend the dentist report voluntarily as suffering term DH. Available evidence indicates that lesions
from DH? Also, most unlikely! Furthermore, over of DH have many more and wider dentine tubules
many years, authors have reported DH to be cycli- open at the dentine surface and patent to the pulp
cal, which suggests that lesions “self-heal” than nonsensitive dentine (Ishikawa 1969; Absi
through tubule occlusion and then restart by tubule et al. 1987). According to Poiseuille’s law, the
exposure: Is this really the case? Possibly, but potential for fluid flow is therefore increased
other explanations are available, including sea- exponentially in DH lesions. Thus, the affected
sonal variation in aetiological factors and stimuli, tooth may be “sensitive” but the exposed dentine is
stimuli avoidance tactics by sufferers and periodic hyper-reactive to appropriate stimuli and thereby
self-medication with home use desensitising prod- “hypersensitive”. One condition, within the spec-
ucts. All of these would preclude the need for pro- trum of those causing dentine pain, that should be
fessional intervention. At this early stage of the discussed separately is root sensitivity (RS), not
present chapter, it is apparent that there are impor- least because, until the publication of the definition
tant gaps in our knowledge of DH. In summary, of DH, it was considered to be the same as DH. The
prevalence and distribution data associates DH European Federation of Periodontology recom-
more commonly with younger adults, specific mended the term RS to describe short sharp pain
teeth, tooth sides and sites, good oral hygiene and from exposed dentine of periodontally involved
possibly females. Such information must beg the teeth or following periodontal treatments (Sanz
question: Are these associations indicative and and Addy 2002). Three points need to be made in
even supportive of present-day thoughts on the support of the term: Periodontally involved teeth
aetiology of DH? Probably! do not fit the definition of DH; available figures put
1 Introduction and Overview: Statement of the Problem 3

the prevalence of RS very much higher than DH and use of the dentine fluid flow cell, provided
(Chabanski et al. 1996); and deep bacterial inva- strong support for a hydrodynamic mechanism
sion of the dentine tubules has been reported in explaining the pain mechanism in DH (for
periodontally involved teeth (Adriaens et al. 1988) reviews, see Pashley 1990, 1992) (Chap. 2). Of
and thus far not in true DH. note and over the last two to three decades, the
flow cell model demonstrated that some DH treat-
ments reduced fluid flow across dentine (Greenhill
Mechanism of Dentine Sensitivity: and Pashley 1981). More recently, albeit indi-
Does It Apply to Dentine rectly, treatments known to block the dentine
Hypersensitivity? tubules in vitro and in situ have been proven to be
effective in DH (for review, see Addy and West
Three hypotheses have been proposed to explain 2013) (Chaps. 6 and 8).
the sensitivity of dentine: nerves extending to the
outer end of the dentine tubules, odontoblast
transducer mechanism, and hydrodynamic mech- Aetiology of Dentine
anism. Significant evidence against the first two Hypersensitivity: Are Lesion
hypotheses is available but will not be propounded Localisation and Initiation Tooth
upon further (for reviews, see Pashley 1990; Addy (and Gingival) Wear Phenomena?
and Smith 2010) (see Chap. 2). Based upon the
knowledge that fluid flows outward from the pulp The preceding sections indicate that for DH to
along dentine tubules, Gysi in 1900 proposed the occur, at any site on a tooth, dentine has to be
hypothesis of a hydrodynamic mechanism exposed (lesion localisation) and the tubule sys-
explaining dentine sensitivity. Unfortunately, tem opened (lesion initiation). Evidence concern-
there was a wait of more than 60 years before the ing the aetiology of these two distinct but
eloquent experiments of Brannstrom and co- interrelated processes unfortunately has been
workers provided evidence to turn the hypothesis drawn at best from studies in vitro and in situ and
into a theory (for review, see Brannstrom 1963, epidemiologically derived associations and at
1966). Essentially, the hydrodynamic theory of worst case reports and clinical anecdote. As no
dentine sensitivity postulated that stimuli applied classical randomised controlled trials (RCTs)
to exposed dentine, such as those listed in the defi- exist, proving cause and effect, available data are
nition of DH, caused an increase in fluid flow in circumstantial albeit quite compelling. Chapter 4
the dentine tubules, the resulting pressure change will consider the aetiology in detail and a list of
triggering a mechanoreceptor response in A-beta relevant reviews can be found in Addy and Smith
and A-delta nerve fibres in and around the pulp (2010), so here, only the salient points will be
dentine border. All stimuli applied to dentine were discussed.
reported to cause an increased outward flow of Lesion localisation through dentine exposure
fluid except heat where there was inward flow. can occur by loss of enamel and/or gingival
Interestingly, when fluid flow in tubes is increased, recession (with loss of cementum). Loss of
a pressure-related streaming potential is triggered enamel, outside acute trauma, is a tooth wear pro-
suggesting that stimulation of pulp nerves could cess involving attrition, abrasion and erosion
also be electrical (Anderson and Matthews 1967; alone or more usually in combination. Abfraction
Griffiths et al. 1993). For the hydrodynamic the- (cervical tensile stress) has been hypothesised to
ory to apply to DH, lesions would have to exhibit predispose cervical enamel to abrasion and/or
open tubules at the dentine surface and patent to erosion, but opinion is divided (for review, see
the pulp. Evidence, alluded to already, indeed Grippo 1991). Numerous publications, including
supports that this is the case. Furthermore, the a conference report (Addy et al. 2000) and a
extensive work of Pashley and co-workers into monograph (Lussi 2006), have considered these
dentine permeability, including the development wear processes and in particular the combination
4 M. Addy

of abrasion and erosion acting at buccal cervical Lesion initiation to open the dentine tubule
tooth surfaces (for review, see Addy and Shellis system has mainly been investigated by studies
2006). There seems to be little doubt that erosion in vitro and in situ. Scanning electron micro-
is a major factor in enamel loss, causing dissolu- scopic examination of extracted teeth or repli-
tion and demineralisation (softening) of this tis- cas reveals that nonsensitive dentine has few if
sue. The most common source of the acid being any open tubules at the dentine surface,
extrinsic and dietary in nature rather than from an whereas, and alluded to already, sensitive den-
intrinsic source; namely gastric acid. Extensive tine has large numbers of open tubules (Absi
data, drawn from developed nations, also “impli- et al. 1987). Assuming, with some degree of
cate” tooth brushing with toothpaste as the main caution, that tubules in nonsensitive dentine are
abrasive cause of enamel loss, particularly at buc- covered by a “smear layer” made up of collagen
cal cervical areas. Given the resistance of enamel and hydroxyapatite (Pashley 1984), to initiate
to tooth brushing abrasion, it is further theorised DH, such a layer has to be removed. Available
that enamel loss from tooth brushing arises from topographical studies reveal that artificially
the abrasion of enamel softened by erosion. Data induced smear layers are very acid labile,
suggest additive even synergistic effects of the thereby implicating again erosion as a major
two wear processes (for review, see Addy and aetiological factor in DH (Absi et al. 1992).
Shellis 2006). Abrasion of dentine as an initiating factor in
Exposure of dentine by gingival recession can DH, mainly but not exclusively, has been con-
be usefully classified as “unhealthy” or “healthy”. cerned with the effects of toothbrushes and
The aetiology of the former is quite well under- toothpaste on dentine. Toothbrushes alone are
stood, whereas the latter is poorly explained and very slow to remove a smear layer and therefore
as with DH has been described as an enigma have been discounted as initiating factors; nev-
(Smith 1997). As dentine exposure, through ertheless brushes, used after an acid challenge,
unhealthy gingival recession, falls outside the readily open tubules (Absi et al. 1992). Tooth
definition of DH and is more relevant to RS, it brushing with toothpaste, considered the most
will not be considered further. Reviews on common oral hygiene practice in developed
healthy gingival recession using clinical anec- countries (Frandsen 1986), has been studied
dotes, case reports and epidemiological data cite extensively for abrasive effects on the dentine
chronic trauma, particularly tooth brushing, as including the propensity to open dentine
the major aetiological factor (Watson 1984; tubules. The findings are not consistent but
Smith 1997; Addy and Hunter 2003) (see Chap. appear to depend on the toothpaste formulation.
4). RCTs of tooth brushing and “gingival reces- Most toothpaste formulations appear to remove
sion” have been conducted but have concentrated the smear layer and body dentine by an interac-
only on recording gingival damage (lacerations tion of their abrasive and detergent systems
or excoriations) by different toothbrush charac- (Moore and Addy 2005). With some toothpaste
teristics and have been of insufficient duration to products however, the loss of the smear layer is
measure recession. Interestingly, even surpris- followed by tubule occlusion with abrasive par-
ingly, the role of toothpaste in gingival damage or ticles and/or specific ingredients formulated for
recession has rarely been discussed, particularly such a purpose: Chaps. 6 and 8 will discuss
since toothpaste rather than toothbrushes pro- such effects under treatment options for DH. As
duces the most wear to dentine. It is probable that with brushes alone, erosion appears to promote
exposure of dentine at the buccal cervical area of abrasive effects of toothpaste and also can
teeth more commonly occurs through gingival detach or dissolve some tubule-occluding com-
recession than enamel loss, but it has not been pounds. In conclusion, is DH a tooth and gingi-
studied; indeed, differentiating between the two val wear phenomenon? Almost certainly, yes
processes could prove difficult. (for review, see Addy 2005)!
1 Introduction and Overview: Statement of the Problem 5

Management Strategies for Dentine and 10. In essence, such advice appears sensible
Hypersensitivity: Logical or rather than scientific as it has yet to be subjected to
Biological? the rigours of RCTs. In particular, bar anecdotal
reports, no information is available to indicate
For decades it has been appreciated that in the con- whether such advice motivates a change in behav-
dition known as DH, dentine is exposed, usually at iour to limit aetiological impacts. Nevertheless,
the buccal cervical area of teeth. For more than such recommendations are also relevant to the sec-
40 years, it also has been known that tubules are ondary prevention of DH and dovetail well with
open at such sites. Such pieces of knowledge led to the treatment planning approach recommended for
a management strategy that was almost entirely the condition which can be found in several
treatment orientated, with formulations being reviews (Orchardson 2000; West 2006; Addy and
developed to cover the exposed dentine and/or Smith 2010; Addy and West 2013) and in Chap.
block the tubules. This approach is clearly logical 10. In particular, the treatment plan must include:
but hardly biological as it does not take into account diagnosis based on the definition, the exclusion
the aetiology of DH, not unlike the past approach to and/or management of other causes of dentine
the management of caries. Two main issues arise pain and identification of aetiological and predis-
with this logical management approach: firstly, the posing factors (see Chaps. 4 and 5).
lack of primary and, more particularly, secondary
prevention for the condition and, secondly and
related, the development of treatments to withstand Treatments for Dentine
aetiological impacts. The present-day knowledge Hypersensitivity: Are They Proven
of the aetiology of DH, outlined in the previous sec- and Do They Resist Aetiological
tion, strongly implies that management should have Insults?
a biological basis with prevention at the core (for
review, see Addy and West 2013) (see Chap. 10). On the one hand, as already alluded to, the logi-
Primary prevention of DH would of course be cal approach to manage DH is to treat the dentine
ideal but at this time is a utopian goal. The removal with an agent that coats the surface and blocks
or limitation of erosive and abrasive factors to pre- the tubules, thereby stopping the hydrodynamic
vent exposure of dentine and dentine tubules is mechanism; quod erat demonstrandum! The bio-
made difficult by the fact that this would impact logical approach, outlined in the above reviews
particularly on common if not recommended and on Chaps. 6 and 8, on the other hand, is to
dietary and oral hygiene practices. Also to date, no first put in place a recommended secondary
agent has been discovered which provides signifi- preventive-based treatment plan to avoid recur-
cant protection against erosion of enamel and rence, where treatment is the last item in the plan
more particularly dentine that could be used as a (see Chap. 10). Over the past decades, numerous
dental public health measure (for review, see agents and formulations have been used in the
Ganns et al. 2013). Modification of the erosive treatment of DH. Indeed, the number, range and
potential of beverages has been achieved, but such diversity in apparently effective treatments put
products are not widely available (for review, see DH on a par with treatments for haemorrhoids,
Lussi and Jaeggi 2006). Nevertheless, dental pro- with one early review suggesting that some DH
fessionals should continue to advise moderation to clinical studies “belonged in the realms of testi-
limit any further erosive/abrasive loss of enamel monials” (Addy and Dowell 1983) (see Chap. 8).
and abrasive gingival recession and should also be Of course, it is only in recent decades, as in most
on the lookout for early signs of these conditions. if not all branches of medicine and dentistry, that
The nature of such professional advice and recom- treatments for DH have been tested in RCTs,
mendation has been reviewed (West 2006; Addy which conform to the principles of good clinical
and West 2013) and will be considered in Chaps. 4 practice (GCP), large subject areas with texts in
6 M. Addy

their own right (Holland et al. 1997; International be achieved through endodontic or extraction pro-
Conference on the Harmonisation for Good cedures, but except in the rare variant of DH where
Clinical Practice) (see Chap. 7). irreversible pulp inflammation is present (Dachi
At this juncture, however, it is worth raising 1965), these approaches are not considered as
several issues in respect of “proving” the efficacy valid treatment options.
of treatments for DH. First and foremost must be Tubule occlusion using many in-office treat-
the need for caution in extrapolating data drawn ments has been “proven” to occur by clinical
from studies in vitro and in situ to outcome observation and by studies in vitro and in situ (for
in vivo, a problem appreciated many years ago reviews, see Orchardson and Gillam 2006;
for chemical plaque control agents (for review, Pashley 2000; West 2006). Unfortunately, the
see Addy and Moran 2007). Thus, DH studies resistance of the deposited material to aetiological
in vitro and in situ can be supportive, even agents, notably abrasion and/or erosion, is rarely
explanatory, of the results from the RCTs but tested, and certainly some deposits are very acid
cannot be taken in isolation. Second, the question labile. Also, given the number of very varied in-
must be asked, how close to real life are the test- office treatments, relatively few have been tested
ing methods or stimuli used in DH RCTs? This in RCTs. Perhaps, with the exception of in-office
will be discussed in Chap. 7, but clearly some are treatments which deposit a coating visible to the
not, and electrical stimulators based on electrical naked eye, such as adhesive restorative materials,
pulp testers rather stand out! This probably this lack of information makes difficult the rec-
explains why at least two different types of stim- ommendations for their use in the management
uli were recommended for use in DH RCTs programme for DH. Certainly, there is a great deal
(Holland et al. 1997). Third, study outcomes are of professional anecdote and opinion on their use
based almost entirely on statistically significant including efficacy, when to use in the overall
improvement of the test formulation over control treatment plan and frequency of reapplication.
and rarely if ever on numbers of subjects with Home use treatments typically use toothpaste
complete pain relief, raising the difficult question as the vehicle, although some mouth rinse formu-
of statistical versus clinical significance. Finally, lations are available: Here only toothpaste will be
one pertinent point, relevant to RCTs in DH spe- discussed. The “actives” in such products either
cifically and painful conditions in general, is the interrupt the pulp nerve response or occlude the
confounding influence of regression to the mode tubules. Various potassium salts have been incor-
and the placebo response creating considerable porated into toothpaste to interrupt the pulp nerve
improvement in symptoms in the control group: response, and many products exist, but few manu-
reductions of 40 % having been cited (for reviews, facturers have subjected their formulations to
see Curro et al. 2000; West 2006; Addy and West RCT and “generic” products appear to “piggy-
2013) (see Chap. 7). back” any claims of efficacy. This said, there are
Other chapters will consider treatments for DH conflicting scientific opinions and data for the effi-
and only a brief overview will be given here (see cacy of potassium toothpaste in DH, which has
Chaps. 8 and 10). Essentially, treatments can be been reviewed and summarised under “for” and
classified by mode of delivery and action. Thus, “against” headings and a conclusion of “unproven
delivery can be “professional or in-office” or “over with the caveat of this not translating to ineffec-
the counter or home use”, whereas action is either tive” (for review, see Addy and West 2013). One
“interruption of pulp nerve response” or “tubule rather compelling physiological argument
occlusion”. There is some overlap in the classifi- revolves around whether the very water-labile
cations, as the majority of professionally delivered potassium ion can actually pass through dentine
treatments aim to occlude the dentine tubules, fluid in vivo when delivered over the relatively
whereas most formulations to interrupt the pulp short period of tooth brushing times. If indeed,
nerves are home use products. Of course, profes- however, potassium is an effective treatment, one
sional interruption of the pulp nerve response can hypothesis propounded by Addy and West (2013)
1 Introduction and Overview: Statement of the Problem 7

is the absorption of potassium into the body of the Calcium sodium phosphosilicate anhydrous
dentine eventually forming a depot at the pulp toothpaste has also been shown effective in the
dentine border, such a proposal would fit with the treatment of DH (West and Davies 2014). As
apparent delayed therapeutic time scale. with the previous agents incorporated into tooth-
Toothpaste formulated to occlude the dentine paste, studies in vitro show tubule occlusion by
tubules contain a considerable array of agents calcium, phosphate and silica, together with tita-
and compounds. Here only those for which there nium when the formulation includes titanium
are compelling data from RCTs, often supported dioxide: the deposit appears water and acid resis-
by studies in vitro and/or in situ, will be elabo- tant (see Chaps. 6 and 11).
rated upon (for review, see Addy and West 2013) The available data on all products that claim to
(see Chaps. 6 and 8). block the dentine tubules is quite compelling even
Strontium chloride and later acetate-containing though recent systematic reviews have reported a
toothpaste formulations have been available for lack of homogeneity in some of the published
decades and the product name was perhaps the most clinical studies (Karim and Gillam 2013; Talioti
well known to dental professionals and lay public. et al. 2014). Nevertheless, this gives the profes-
That the strontium ion actually occludes tubules has sion choices in recommending a number of tooth-
been questioned, since drawing proof from an auto- paste products as first-line treatments for this
radiographic study (Kun 1976) is of course flawed common painful condition. All contain a fluoride
and scanning electron microscopy failed to show source, and therefore, users are not disadvantaged
occlusion (Addy and Dowell 1986). Nevertheless, in the preventive properties of this ion. Moreover,
for those products which formulated the strontium the promotional material of the manufacturers has
salt with artificial silica abrasive and nonionic deter- provided the profession, even the public, with
gent systems, tubule occlusion was seen in vitro and additional useful education on DH.
in situ: the deposit was largely silica and insoluble in
water and mean resistant to dietary acid. Clinical
studies have been largely supportive and certainly What Is Missing in Our Knowledge
not negative for efficacy against controls. and Understanding of Dentine
Interestingly, for many years based on studies Hypersensitivity: A Personal
in vitro, the present author has recommended not Wish List?
only brushing with these Sr/Si products but topical
application with a finger, a regimen recently rein- It is probably not unreasonable at this time to pro-
vented by the same manufacturer and others for mote DH from an enigmatic to a moderately well-
tubule-occluding toothpaste technologies. understood condition, particularly in respect of
Arginine/calcium carbonate toothpaste has aetiology. This said, however, if erosion/abrasion
been shown effective in DH, producing a tubule- action is involved in the loss of enamel and open-
occluding deposit made up largely of calcium ing of the dentine tubules, future epidemiological
and phosphate (Addy and West 2013; Yan et al. studies usefully could include dietary, tooth brush-
2013; West and Davies 2014). This deposit as ing and plaque data. Such data could also be drawn
would be expected is soluble in dietary acid how- from subjects, with and without DH, matched for
ever, given the recommended twice daily (and age, gender and dentine exposure. Protocols for
topical) use may not be a factor as any dissolved RCTs involving modification of diet and/or oral
deposit would be replaced. hygiene practices in an attempt to cause or reduce
Stannous fluoride (chloride) solutions, gels DH could be devised but are likely to be lengthy
and toothpaste have all been shown to occlude and some may skirt close to ethical boundaries.
tubules with a stannous containing deposit which A wish list, for future research to help further
is relatively acid resistant (West and Davies understanding of DH, would include:
2014). Clinical studies have shown that this effect 1. “Healthy” gingival recession: This very com-
translates into efficacy. mon condition, most frequently seen at buccal
8 M. Addy

cervical surfaces of teeth, is for many people an degree. Such trials in DH are notoriously difficult
aesthetic problem, and potentially the associ- with many potential problems. A short second
ated exposed dentine can become sensitive. wish list for methods that might overcome some
Indeed, a number of “plastic surgical, periodon- of the problems is as follows:
tal procedures” have been developed to deal 1. Visualise the dentine surface and tubules: This
with the problem (see Chaps. 8 and 10). Yet so would aid with diagnosis, treatment effects
little is known about the aetiology and patho- and possibly even grading severity (tubule
genesis of the condition, and it remains the numbers and diameters). To some degree, this
“poor relation” in respect of dental research. wish has been granted by using studies in situ
Epidemiological associations, already referred and replicas. The former thus far has not mod-
to, implicate tooth brushing as a major causal elled for fluid flow in tubules and the latter,
factor. Perhaps now is the time to try and turn an from experience, is exacting, clinically diffi-
association into cause and effect, using RCTs. cult and, with respect to those who have tried,
Unfortunately, this author recognises that the clinician sensitive; both methods are also very
time scale and difficulties of such clinical stud- time consuming and need SEM facilities.
ies would be quite different from those, which, Clinical magnification instruments would be
for example, turned the strong association of ideal but need to visualise structures of less
plaque to gingivitis (Ash et al. 1964) into proof than one micron; could SEM be used in the
of causation (Loe et al. 1965); protocols for clinic?
such studies would be gratefully received! 2. Objective criteria for clinical trials: Two main
2. Tooth wear: The research interest in this subject changes can occur when DH is treated by
area recently has been large and continues to be tubule occlusion agents, namely: 1) a reduc-
so. Reviews have identified the historical switch tion in fluid flow in tubules and 2) a reduction
in the main dietary aetiological interactions for- in subjective pain scores. To date neither
mally from abrasion/attrition to more recently change has so far been measured objectively.
abrasion/erosion (for review, see Addy and Shellis Theoretically, a change in fluid flow could be
2006). Whilst, the monograph entitled Dental indirectly assessed by measuring the capaci-
Erosion (Lussi 2006), soon to have a second edi- tance or impedance of dentine from the
tion published, suggests a good understanding of exposed surface. Similarly and hypothetically,
tooth wear processes and their interactions and pain caused by stimuli applied to sensitive
subsequent management of the worn dentition, dentine could be measured as a central
however any primary prevention at a public health response in the brain using, for example, an
level appears to be a needed yet distant goal. electroencephalogram. Also what about lie-
3. Treatment effects: Whilst studies in vitro and detector equipment?
in situ can show the morphological changes Are these wish lists achievable or just science
that occur when treatments are applied to den- fiction, even fairy tales? Only time will tell!
tine with open tubules, it is not necessarily
safe to assume that the same happens in vivo;
further discussion occurs in the final section
of this chapter (see also Chaps. 6 and 11). References
4. Management strategies: As alluded to earlier,
Absi EG, Addy M, Adams D (1987) Dentine hypersensi-
management strategies for DH have been pro-
tivity: a study of the patency of dentinal tubules in sen-
posed and are based on biological rather than sitive and non sensitive cervical dentine. J Clin
logical principles but have not been subjected Periodontol 14:280–284
to scientific testing; such evaluation would be Absi EG, Addy M, Adams D (1992) Dentine Hypersensitivity.
The effects of toothbrushing and dietary compounds on
dentine in vitro: a SEM study. J Oral Rehab 19:101–110
The above wish list for future research Addy M (2000) Dentine Hypersensitivity: definition,
includes the use of RCTs to a greater or lesser prevalence, distribution and aetiology. In: Addy M,
1 Introduction and Overview: Statement of the Problem 9

Embery G, Edgar WM, Orchardson R (eds) Tooth wear population of patients referred to a specialist periodon-
and sensitivity. Martin Dunitz, London, pp 239–248 tology department. J Clin Periodontol 23:989–992
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tives on an old problem. Int Dent J 52(Supplement sensitivity. In: Robinson PG (ed) Dentine Hypersensitivity:
5/02):367–375 developing a person-centred approach to oral health.
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overview on which to base tubule occlusion as a man- Spec issue A 162(56):2
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aetiology and treatment of Dentine Hypersensitivity. in vitro. J Dent 60:686–698
In: Van Loveren C (ed) Toothpastes, vol 23, Griffiths H, Morgan G, Williams K, Addy M (1993) The
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and plaque. J Dent 15:242–248 Grippo JO (1991) Abfractions: a new classification of
Addy M, Embery G, Edgar WM, Orchardson R (2000) hard tissue lesions of teeth. J Esthetic Dent 3:14–19
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periodontopathic bacteria. J Periodontol 59:222–230 J Clin Periodontol 24:808–813
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The Physiological Basis of Dentin
Hypersensitivity 2
Kenneth Markowitz and David Pashley

Introduction Odontoblasts, the principal cellular element at

the dentin-pulp boarder, have a process extending
For over 100 years, dentists have known that approximately one-third the distance to the denti-
enamel is not sensitive to drilling. However, as noenamel junction (Byers and Sugaya 1995).
soon as a bur passes through the dentinoenamel Recent physiological and gene expression studies
junction (DEJ), patients immediately experience have demonstrated that these dentin-forming
a sharp, well-localized pain. It was clear to den- cells respond to pain-provoking stimuli in a way
tists and histologists that the dentinoenamel junc- that was similar to sensory receptors (Fig. 2.1b)
tion represented a boundary between a secreted (Magloire et al. 2010; El Karim et al. 2011;
tissue (the enamel) and dentin, a living tissue Chung et al. 2013). It is not clear, however,
possessing the intrinsic biological property of whether odontoblasts can activate the intradental
irritability (Verworn 1913). This property of den- nerves, since conventional synaptic structures
tin could be readily explained if pulpal nerve have not been identified linking these cells.
fibers extended from pulpal soft tissues and Trauma to the dentin that destroys the odonto-
passed through the dentin tubules to the DEJ blast layer fails to abolish dentin hypersensitivity
junction. Histological studies, however, failed to (DH). Odontoblasts then may play a role but may
conclusively reveal the presence of nerves in the not be critical to tooth sensitivity (Brännström
sensitive, outer portion of the dentin. When pres- 1963, 1968; Lundy and Stanley 1969; Lilja et al.
ent, nerves in the dentin are restricted to the inner 1982).
half of the tissue, close to the densely innervated Gysi (1900) was the first investigator to
dental pulp (Fig. 2.1a) (Byers 1984). speculate that the sensitivity of dentin was due
to stimulus-evoked fluid shifts in the dentin
tubules. Brännström and his colleagues sys-
tematically studied fluid movement in dentin
in vitro that occurred in response to thermal,
K. Markowitz (*) evaporative, tactile, and osmotic stimuli
Rutgers School of Dental Medicine,
Rutgers the State University of New Jersey,
(Brännström 1962, 1965, 1966, 1986, 1992;
MSB C 636 185 South Orange Avenue, Brännström et al. 1967). In general, stimuli
Newark, NJ, 07103, USA that elicit pain when applied to exposed dentin
e-mail: also induce fluid shifts that can be studied in
D. Pashley laboratory experiments. Brännström’s theory
College of Dental Medicine, was referred to as the hydrodynamic hypothe-
Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GA, USA
e-mail: sis. Later animal experiments that directly

D.G. Gillam (ed.), Dentine Hypersensitivity: Advances in Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment, 11
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14577-8_2, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
12 K. Markowitz and D. Pashley

a Nerve fibers
Enamel Dentin
Air syringe

tissue Odontoblasts

b Dentin permeability Pulpal inflammation Psychological

and physiological

tactile Dentin fluid flow Nerve fiber
chemical agents

Fig. 2.1 (a) Diagram of sensitive dentin showing exposed processes leading to pain-­associated DH. Fluid flow in the
tubules in an area of dentin erosion or gingival recession. dentin tubules triggers nerve responses which lead to pain
Stimuli, for example, air blasts directed toward the dentin perception in the central nervous system (CNS). The
surface, induce outward fluid shifts in the tubules which odontoblasts may also respond to certain pain-provoking
activate the nerve ending located in the deep dentin and stimuli. Some stimuli, for example, cold, may also cause
pulp. The odontoblasts respond to various forms of pain-­ pain by directly activating the nerve endings. The relation-
producing stimuli, but it is not clear if these cells can acti- ship between the magnitude of a stimulus applied to the
vate the intradental nerve fibers. Treatments for sensitive dentin and pain perception is by no means fixed. Dentin
teeth can act by reducing the dentin permeability or by permeability, the biological environment of the dental
reducing the excitability of the intradental nerves pulp, and central psychological and physiological factors
(Reprinted with permission from Markowitz (2010, are variables that can alter pain processing (Reprinted
2013)). (b) Schematic diagram showing the physiological with permission from Markowitz (2009))

linked transdentin fluid movements with exci- directly to pain-producing stimuli regardless of
tation of the intradental nerves (Matthews and the dentin fluid shifts evoked by those stimuli
Vongsavan 1994) gave credence to the view (Chung et al. 2013). Cold foods and beverages
that intradental nerves act as mechanorecep- may, in part, stimulate nerves directly by acti-
tors that are activated by dentin fluid shifts. vating thermal receptors located on intradental
The hydrodynamic mechanism in teeth repre- nerve endings (Park et al. 2006). Even where
sents a novel adaptation of fluid flow-sensing the intensity of the pain response does not cor-
mechanoreceptors to the unique anatomical relate with the magnitude of the dentin fluid
environment of the dentin pulp complex. shifts, the dentin tubules act as conduits
Fluid shifts, however, are not the only way whereby the external stimuli reach the pain
that pain can be evoked. As with the other parts transduction mechanism (Chidchuangchai et al.
of the body, intradental nerves can respond 2007).
2  The Physiological Basis of Dentin Hypersensitivity 13

Although considered “pathological,” DH may scaling procedures, dentin becomes hyperconduc-

serve important physiologic functions in humans tive, compared to its previous unexposed condi-
and other species. The intradental nerves partici- tion. In this state, hydrodynamic stimuli elicit
pate in the sensation of biting force and, in this large fluid shifts that evoke pain (Pashley 2013).
way, may protect the teeth from fracture (Olgart
et al. 1988). Dentin sensation arising in the elon-
gated tusk of the narwhal whale appears to con- Dentin
tribute to the animal’s ability to sense the tonicity
in its immediate environment. This tusk has Compared to nonsensitive dentin, sensitive areas
cementum channels connecting dentin tubules to have exposed patent tubules (Absi et al. 1987,
the tooth’s surface. This sensory input is impor- 1989; Yoshiyama et al. 1989). In human subjects,
tant in the Arctic since it helps the animal avoid the severity of sensitivity symptoms correlated
being trapped by ice (Nweeia et al. 2014). with the number of open tubules/dentin surface
Understanding pain plasticity is critical to area and the diameters of those tubules (Kontturi-­
appreciating the impact of disease states, therapy, Nahri and Närhi 1993). Root scaling and restor-
and host factors in modulating this experience ative procedures leave the dentin surface covered
(Pashley 2013). Dentin permeability and intraden- by a layer of burnished cutting debris called the
tal nerve excitability are peripheral loci where dis- smear layer (Pashley 1984) (Fig. 2.2). This cut-
ease processes can upregulate pain and where ting debris is actually forced into the tubule
therapeutic strategies seek to interrupt the events orifices for approximately 1 μm and is then cov-
leading to pain transmission. Analysis of these
peripheral factors highlights the relationship of DH
to patient behavior and other dental health issues,
for example, tooth wear, erosion, caries, and peri-
odontal disease (see Chaps. 4 and 10). Less well
understood, but equally important, however is the
role of central nervous system plasticity in explain-
ing the large degree of variability observed in the
intensity of DH symptoms and the impact of this
type of pain on quality of life (Sessle 2000; Bekes
and Hirsch 2013; Sixou 2013) (see Chap. 9).

 he Anatomical Substrates
of Dentin Hypersensitivity (DH)

Intense cold can elicit pain in healthy intact teeth.

This form of stimulation is generally used to deter-
mine pulp vitality in clinical examinations. Hot
foods and beverages can also elicit pain in healthy
teeth. Cold, however, has been observed to be a
more reliable modality for pulp vitality testing
(Fuss et al. 1986). In intact teeth, dentin is covered
coronally by enamel and by cementum on the root
surfaces. These external coverings seal the tubules Fig. 2.2  Smear layer covering dentin cut with a high-­
so well that there are little intratubular fluid shifts speed carbide bur. Note that cutting debris extends into
in response to the application of hydrodynamic the dentin tubule about 1–2 μm. The combination of
stimuli (thermal, evaporative, tactile, or osmotic). smear layer/smear plugs reduces fluid flow across dentin
by 90 %. Loss of smear layers and smear plugs increases
Once the peripheral coverings of dentin are dentin fluid flow and hence DH (Used with permission
removed by abrasion, erosion, caries processes, or from Pashley (1992))
14 K. Markowitz and D. Pashley

ered by a further 1 μm of smear layer. The smear oncotic pressure of plasma proteins and the rela-
layer reduces the hydraulic conductance (the tive meager lymph drainage of the pulp (Pashley
capacity of dentin for pressure-driven, convective 1992; Heyeraas and Berggreen 1999). This posi-
flow), about 10–30 times compared to what it tive tissue pressure in the pulpal soft tissues is
would be in the absence of these surface materi- responsible for the slow outward seepage of den-
als (Pashley et al. 1981; Carrilho et al. 2007). tin fluid whenever the outer coverings (enamel or
When the smear layer and smear plugs are dis- cementum) are lost (Ciucchi et al. 1995). The rate
solved by the organic acids present in the diet or of this outward fluid flow that is present in the
produced by plaque microorganisms, the exposed absence of hydrodynamic stimulation is not suf-
dentin can become sensitive (Pashley 1986). ficient to activate pulpal sensory nerves in the
The dental pulp is surrounded by mineralized pulp. This was shown definitively in cat teeth by
dentin. Measurements of the tissue pressure of Vongsavan and Matthews (1992) and by
pulpal soft tissues have shown that its hydrostatic Matthews and Vongsavan (1994).
pressure is positive, rather than being negative as Stimulus-induced fluid shifts occur when the
is common in the skin (Guyton and Hall 2000). baseline outward convective flow accelerates or
Intraocular, intramedullary, intracranial, and reverses in response to probing, air blasts, or ther-
intrapulpal tissue pressures are all positive mal changes (Anderson et al. 1967; Matthews
14–16 mmHg (Matthews and Vongsavan 1994; et al. 1993; Pashley et al. 1996; Andrew and
Ciucchi et al. 1995; Heyeraas and Berggreen Matthews 2000; Vongsavan et al. 2000).
1999; Guyton and Hall 2000). Positive pulpal tis- Experiments using hydrostatic pressure stimuli on
sue pressure is probably the result of the average human and animal teeth (Fig. 2.3a) demonstrate
capillary hydrostatic pressure exceeding the that the intradental nerves are more sensitive to

a Video
Capillary camera Graticule
manometer ×100 um
Milk droplets

Applied pressure P

Dentin flow P

Cap containing
Milk in Ringer's solution

Inferior alveolar N.

Fig. 2.3 (a) Experimental arrangement used to examine ciated with a vigorous nerve response recorded from both
the effect of hydrostatic pressure application to an etched the dentin and the single-unit recordings. (c) Relationship
dentin surface on transdental fluid flow and intradental between transdentin flow rates produced in response to
nerve activity in animal experiments. Intradental nerve pressure applications, and number of nerve impulse
activity was recorded from single fibers isolated from the recorded from the dentin. Inward flow evoked little in the
inferior alveolar nerve and from multiple units in the den- way of nerve responses. Outward transdentin flow above
tin. (b) Following the application of positive pressure to approximately 0.75 nl/s/mm2 evoked nerve responses.
the dentin surface, there is inward dentin fluid flow. This The magnitude of the nerve response appeared to be posi-
results in little activation of the intradental nerves. In con- tively associated with the outward flow rate (Vongsavan
trast, negative pressure induces outward flow; this is asso- and Matthews (2007) reproduced with permission)
2  The Physiological Basis of Dentin Hypersensitivity 15

b Single fiber

Dentin record 0.2



Dentin flow
(nl/s/mm2) 0

IN −2


No. of impulses in 5s




3 2 1 0 –1 –2 –3
Fluid flow through dentin (nl/s/mm2)

Fig. 2.3 (continued)

outward flow than to inward fluid displacements Air blasting is a very effective provocation of
(Fig.  2.3b, c) (Matthews and Vongsavan 1994; tooth sensitivity pain that acts by inducing rapid
Andrew and Matthews 2000; Charoenlarp et al. outward fluid shifts (Fig. 2.4c) (Matthews et al.
2007; Vongsavan and Matthews 2007). 1993; Pashley et al. 1996; Andrew and Matthews
Both tactile stimulation and air blasts are com- 2000). Air blasts evaporate fluid from dentin
monly used stimuli in DH clinical studies (Gillam tubules. This, in turn, produces cooling of the den-
et al. 2000) (see Chaps. 5 and 7). Intradental nerve tin and an outward fluid shift caused by capillary
responses to these stimuli may also be evoked action. Evaporative fluid movement may occur
when the smear layer is removed from dentin, and through small or incompletely occluded tubules. It
not in its presence (Hirvonen et al. 1984). is commonly experienced in clinical practice that
Abrading the dentin to form a smear layer or superficial dentin as, for instance, in a cavity prep-
applying agents to the dentin that occlude the den- aration extending to the dentinoenamel junction
tin tubules abolished these responses. (DEJ) is quite sensitive. Superficial dentin has
Pressing the dentin with a sharp explorer induces been reported to possess narrow tubules that have
sufficient inward fluid shift to exceed the pain a lower hydraulic conductance than deep dentin
threshold (Fig. 2.4a). When the pressure is removed, (Fogel et al. 1988). The dentin tubules do, how-
an outward fluid shift occurs due to the elastic recoil ever, have extensive branching near the DEJ that
of the dentin surface that also activates the intraden- makes this tissue porous and can sustain evapora-
tal nerves (Fig. 2.4b) (Camps et al. 2003). tive fluid movements (Mjör and Nordahl 1996).
16 K. Markowitz and D. Pashley

a b
Probe applying force
causes indentation of the The elastic dentin surface
elastic dentin surface rebounds when the probe
is removed

Outward fluid displacement

caused by the movement of
Inward fluid displacement in
the dentin surface
the area of force application

Rapid outward
shift of dentin
tubule fluid due
to caplillary
Loss of water

Fig. 2.4  Mechanism by which tactile and air blast stimu- Camps et al. 2003). (c) Air blasts convert fluid in the
lations cause pain in sensitive teeth. (a) Tactile stimulation exposed open ends of the dentin tubules into water vapor
with a sharp probe may cause both plastic (scratching) that escapes under the influence of the air current. This
and elastic (reversible) deformation of the exposed, pos- causes an immediate outward movement of dentin fluid
sibly demineralized, dentin surface. When tactile forces due to capillary forces. The evaporative action of air blasts
are applied with a sharp probe, the dentin surface indents. can also cause cooling of the dentin surface that can
Since the dentin tubules widen toward the pulp, this induce pain as well. Occlusion of the dentin tubules by a
causes an inward fluid shift that may be of sufficient mag- porous substance, such as the smear layer, may result in a
nitude to stimulate the intradental nerves in the deep den- near-complete blockage of convective fluid movements
tin and pulp (not shown). (b) Removal of the probe from but has considerably less impact on fluid shifts induced by
the dentin surface causes the surface to recoil. This recoil air blasts since evaporation of fluid from the tubule orifice
triggers outward dentin fluid flow that is highly excitatory will still occur (Matthews et al. 1993)
to the intradental nerves (Camps and Pashley 2003;
2  The Physiological Basis of Dentin Hypersensitivity 17

 hysiological Factors Altering

P is, concentrically smaller cylinders of fluid slip
Dentin Permeability and Sensitivity beneath larger more stationary cylinders adjacent
to the walls of the tubules. This causes frictional
resistance to fluid flow. If a tubule-occluding
Q = π∆PNr 4 / 8ηL
agent can reduce tubule radii anywhere through-
( Hagen-Poiseuille Law for capillary flow ) out the length of the tubule by one-half, the resis-
 tance to fluid flow increases not by one-half
where Q = volumetric fluid flow (μL) squared, as in diffusion, but by one-half to the
N = number of pores (i.e., tubules per unit area) fourth power. Thus, reductions in tubule radius
ΔP = hydrostatic pressure difference across den- by one-half reduce diffusion to one-fourth of its
tin (cm H2O−1) original value but restrict convective fluid flow to
r = radius of dentin tubules one-sixteenth of its original value. This relation-
η = viscosity of fluid ship predicts that dentin tubules need not neces-
L = length of dentin tubules (cm) sarily be completely sealed in order to reduce DH
(Reeder et al. 1978). The dependence of fluid
Lp = Q / ∆PAt (2.2)
flow on tubule radius, density, and length also
where Lp = hydraulic conductance (μL cm−2 explains the anatomic variations that are observed
min−1 cm H2O−1) in the permeability of dentin from different sites
Q = volumetric fluid flow (μL) within a tooth. In general, the deep dentin above
ΔP = hydrostatic pressure difference across den- a pulp horn of a posterior tooth or above the pulp
tin (cm H2O−1) tip in an anterior tooth has the highest permeabil-
A = area of dentin (cm2) ity of any area of exposed dentin in that tooth
t = time in min. (Pashley et al. 1978, 1987). These areas of dentin
Being a system of tubules arrange approxi- also have the highest innervation density (Byers
mately parallel (in particular in the mid-coronal 1984) and tend to be most sensitive.
dentin), flow and diffusion through dentin fol- If one compared the convective flow measured
lows certain physical laws. Fluid flow is gener- through a dentin specimen of known tubule diam-
ally expressed as the ease with which fluid can eter, thickness, and density with the expected
flow across dentin or its hydraulic conductance flow calculated for that specimen, the calculated
(Lp), (Eqs. 2.1 and 2.2). That is, hydraulic con- flow is usually an order of magnitude greater than
ductance is simply the measure fluid flow rate the actual flow (Michelich et al. 1978). Dentin
(Q) divided by the difference in hydrostatic pres- tubules have irregular walls and contain collagen
sure across dentin forcing the fluid through 1 cm2 fibers and other structures that partially obstruct
of dentin surface area per min (Eq. 2.2). Both flow.
convective fluid flow and diffusion are propor- The hydraulic conductance (Lp) of a porous
tional to the number of exposed tubules and solid is a measure of the ease with which a
inversely proportional to their length. Diffusion pressure gradient generates flow through the
across dentin varies with the square of the tubule material (Eq. 2.2). In experiments where ­dentin
radius, while convective fluid flow through the flow is measured, hydraulic conductance is a
dentin tubules varies with the fourth power of the reflection of the dentin’s permeability to con-
radius (Eq. 2.1). The steep relationship between vective flow (Reeder et al. 1978). As described
radius and convective flow is because intratubular above, removal of the smear layer and smear plug
fluid flow is laminar (Merchant et al. 1977). That increases the ­ dentin’s hydraulic conductance.
18 K. Markowitz and D. Pashley

Hydraulic ­conductance measurements are used to remodel in the same way as bone, the formation
screen the ability of agents to treat DH by reduc- of smear layers, tertiary dentin, peritubular den-
ing dentin permeability. tin, and intratubular mineral can reduce dentin
When solutes are applied to permeable dentin permeability and DH (Mjör 2001). The suscepti-
surfaces, they diffuse through the tubules in pro- bility of this hard tissue to acid dissolution and
portion to their concentration gradient. The phys- abrasion is an important factor in understanding
iological outward flow of dentin fluid reduces the DH etiological factors and designing preventive
inward flux of solutes by its rinsing action strategies that are critical to patient management
(Pashley and Matthews 1993). Due to the differ- (Addy 1992) (see Chap. 4).
ent dependencies of diffusion and flow, partial
tubule occlusion can reduce this outward rinsing
action of flow and enhance inward diffusion Nerve Activation
(Pashley et al. 2002). The opposing action of out-
ward flow on inward diffusion is an important The densely innervated teeth give rise to a spec-
factor in limiting transdentin drug delivery, the trum of pain experiences ranging from the agony
interaction of restorative materials with dentin, of acute pulpitis to the sensations encountered by
and the effect of bacterial toxins on the dental DH sufferers. Clinical research, together with
pulp. The outward flow may also transport host-­ evidence from in vivo studies where the nerve
derived proteins, for example, clotting factors responses to dentin stimulation are recorded, has
(Pashley et al. 1984) and immunoglobulins into been useful in determining which of the various
the dentin tubules (Hahn and Overton 1997). sensory nerve fiber types present in the pulp
These macromolecules may interact with one respond to dentin stimulation and in determining
another or the tubules themselves forming the role of dentin permeability in altering the
obstructions that subsequently reduce fluid flow. capacity of stimuli to evoke nerve responses
Solutes applied to the dentin surface also initi- (Markowitz and Pashley 2008).
ate outward osmotic water movements. For Stimulation of exposed dentin in healthy
example, pellets soaked in saturated calcium human teeth results in a sharp, well-localized
chloride can draw sufficient fluid through dentin pain that does not last beyond the duration of the
to elicit pain. This may be used as a clinical test stimulus (Anderson et al. 1967; Anderson and
to detect defective restoration margins (Pashley Matthews 1976; Ahlquist and Franzén 1994).
et al. 1996). In general, osmotic water move- This corresponds to pain associated with A-fiber
ments through dentin are limited since the tubules type nociceptor activation evident in other parts
are permeable to most low molecular weight sol- of the body. The identity of the nerve fiber type
utes (Pashley and Whitford 1980). Large molecu- responding to dentin stimulation was confirmed
lar weight solutes, for example, proteins, have a in physiological experiments. In these experi-
limited ability to diffuse into dentin, particularly ments, the nerve units responding to air blasts,
in the presence of the smear layer. Under condi- probing, and other stimuli applied to etched den-
tions where the penetration of the solutes into tin were observed to have low electrical thresh-
dentin is restricted, outward osmosis is favored olds and rapid conduction velocities consistent
(Pashley et al. 1979). with A-fibers (Närhi et al. 1982, 1992; Närhi
The dentin tubules provide the pathway that 1985). These A-fibers are myelinated throughout
links dentin stimulation with nerve responses. most of their course but lose myelination as they
The dentin tubules are also the routes by which reach the superficial pulp and dentin. This loss of
pain can be facilitated by bacterial factors or myelination has, however, made characterization
relived by therapeutic agents that either reduce of the distal portions of the afferents difficult
the dentin permeability or inhibit the activation when viewing histological sections. Recently, it
of the intradental nerves (Markowitz and Pashley has been demonstrated using immunohistochem-
2008; Pashley 2013). Although dentin does not ical markers that most of the unmyelinated nerve
2  The Physiological Basis of Dentin Hypersensitivity 19

fibers present in the superficial pulp tissue are the information arising in the exquisitely sensitive
extensions of myelinated axons (Henry et al. skin and hairs of the face (Catania 2011), as well
2012). In contrast to the intradental A-fibers, as sensation from the mucosa (Sessle and
slowly conducting pulpal C-fibers are unmyelin- Greenwood 1976). In order to examine the prop-
ated throughout their entire course. These units erties of pulpal afferents, histological examina-
do not respond to the types of innocuous dentin tion of pulp tissue is performed, or the cell bodies
stimuli that evoke DH pain, but they do respond of pulpal afferents are examined in the trigeminal
to direct injurious stimuli, for example, noxious ganglion (Byers et al. 1982, 1987; Pan et al.
heat, directed to the pulp tissue. Capsaicin, the 2000). Pulpal afferents can be traced to their cell
active ingredient in hot peppers, stimulates bodies by placing certain rapidly diffusing t­ racers
C-fibers via the same receptor as is activated by into dentin cavities, and following a period of
heat but has little effect on the rapidly conducting time to allow for the transport of these tracers, the
intradental A-fibers (Närhi et al. 1992; Ikeda cell bodies in the trigeminal ganglion can be
et al. 1997). visualized (Eckert et al. 1997; Pan et al. 2003).
The relationship between the activation of Using the appropriate histochemical technique,
intradental nerve fiber types and the individual’s these labeled cell bodies can be examined for the
pain experience was studied in experiments con- presence of various receptors and other markers
ducted on human volunteers (Ahlquist and of neuronal phenotype (Henry and Hargreaves
Franzén 1994). In these experiments, the electro- 2007). The labeled pulpal afferent cell bodies can
physiological responses of the intradental nerves also be isolated, maintained in tissue culture, and
to tooth stimulation were recorded from dentin harvested for physiological or biochemical anal-
cavities at the same time as the experimenters ysis (Kim et al. 2011; Chung et al. 2013). Using
recorded the subject’s pain rating and descrip- this approach to isolate pulpal afferent cell bod-
tion. Cold stimulation evoked pain described as ies, the gene expression of various receptor types
sharp and evoked A-fiber impulses recorded from and ion channels can be characterized (Chung
the dentin (Ahlquist et al. 1984). For a series of et al. 2013). Although the electrophysiological
cold stimulus applications, the intensity of the responses of isolated cell bodies to various chem-
pain was proportional to the frequency of the icals and thermal stimulation can be recorded,
nerve response (Fors et al. 1984). In contrast to this approach does not allow for the responses of
cold, the application of several algesic (pain-­ afferents to natural dentin stimuli to be examined
producing) chemicals to deep dentin or pulp (Kim et al. 2011). Because of these limitations,
evoked dull aching pain and did not produce we cannot with certainty assign the various ion
nerve responses that could be recorded through channels, transmitters, and receptors observed in
dentin cavities (Ahlquist et al. 1994). This type of pulpal afferents belonging to A- or C-fibers.
pain was probably due to small-diameter C-fiber The majority of pulpal afferent cell bodies that
activation. These human and animal studies have were isolated in culture were observed to respond
established a functional classification of the to heat and the heat sensation-inducing chemical
intradental nerves and relate people’s pain expe- agent capsaicin. This population of cells also
riences to activation of the afferent type and binds the plant isolectin IB4. Electrophysiological
relate tooth sensitivity to other forms of sharp recordings revealed that these IB4+ and
well-localized pain. capsaicin-­responsive cells had action potentials
Nociceptive afferents may also be classified having inflections (humps) on their repolarizing
by histochemical markers, as well as according to phase (Kim et al. 2011). A majority of pulpal
types of receptors, ion channels, and transmitters afferents also expressed mRNA for TRPV1
present in the neuron (Chung et al. 2013). (Transient receptor potential cation channel sub-
Mammalian trigeminal afferents are a heteroge- family V member 1) – the heat/capsaicin recep-
neous population of sensory neurons, most of tor. This population of neurons probably
which convey non-painful mechanosensory corresponds to C-fiber nociceptors. In contrast,
20 K. Markowitz and D. Pashley

approximately 20 % of the pulpal afferent cell activated TRPV1 receptor and plays a role in con-
bodies examined lacked responses to capsaicin, trolling the pulpal vasculature (Fehrenbacher
lacked IB4 binding, and had action potentials that et al. 2009). One population of non-neuropep-
did not have a hump on the repolarizing phase. A tide-containing afferents was observed to account
similar proportion of afferents were TRPV1 for few trigeminal ganglion cell bodies, but
mRNA negative (Kim et al. 2011). Some pulpal formed a dense network of nerve fibers in the
afferent cell bodies also respond to cold and cold superficial pulp, indicating a role in dentin sensa-
sensation-inducing chemicals, for example, men- tion (Chung et al. 2012). This population may
thol (Park et al. 2006). include the cell bodies that give rise to the intra-
These and other results clearly demonstrate dental A-fibers since this population is known to
that pulpal afferents possess the ability to respond be relatively unresponsive to capsaicin (Närhi
directly to thermal stimulation. Noxious heat et al. 1992).
stimulates responses in intradental C-fibers Several characteristics of DH are unique. Pain
(Närhi et al. 1982; Jyväsjärvi and Kniffki 1992). is the only sensory modality experienced when
The sharp abrupt pain responses observed when teeth are stimulated. In conducting experiments
cold stimuli are applied to teeth are possibly a using electrical stimulation, human subjects
combined effect of cold-induced dentin fluid flow report a tingling (rather than painful) sensation
and direct action of cold on receptors on intra- when threshold is reached. This observation sug-
dental nerve endings (Jyväsjärvi and Kniffki gested that not all tooth stimulation resulted in
1987; Park et al. 2006; Chidchuangchai et al. pain (McGrath et al. 1983). Several lines of evi-
2007). dence also indicate the relationship of this “pre-­
Pulpal afferents also possess purinergic recep- pain” sensation to pain. Temporal (increasing the
tors (Cook and McCleskey 2002). When pulpal frequency) and spatial (simultaneous administra-
cells are damaged, cytoplasmic ATP is released tion of the stimulus to adjacent teeth) summation
into the extracellular fluid. ATP is a potent exci- results in this liminal stimulus being perceived as
tant of nociceptors. The phenomenon of ATP painful, indicating that the tingling sensation was
release may contribute to nerve activation by in fact brief, low-amplitude pain (Närhi et al.
hydrodynamic forces since the odontoblast cell 1984; Virtanen et al. 1987).
bodies are often aspirated into the tubules and In many respects, the intradental nociceptors
destroyed during air blasting or traumatic restor- resemble low-threshold mechanoreceptors (LTM)
ative procedures (Brännström 1963). known to mediate non-painful mechanosensation
Nitric oxide (NO), an oxidative free radical in other parts of the body (Fried et al. 2011). The
generated by the enzyme nitric oxide synthetase conduction velocities of some of the pulpal affer-
(NOS), has been implicated in inflammatory pro- ents classify these units as Aß-fibers (Närhi et al.
cesses in the dental pulp. Because NO is rapidly 1983). This type of afferent is not normally asso-
destroyed, investigators examined increases in ciated with pain but with non-­painful mechano-
NOS enzyme activity in normal vs. inflamed rat sensation. Examination of pulpal afferent cell
pulps (Law et al. 1999; Fujita et al. 2004). The bodies in the trigeminal ganglion indicated that
exact role of NO in DH remains to be many express markers and have cytological fea-
discovered. ture, for example, cell size that resembles LTM
When viewed within the intact trigeminal gan- rather than typical nociceptors. The stimuli that
glion, a slightly different neuronal pattern trigger pain in sensitive teeth are innocuous in that
emerges. Most pulpal afferents were IB4- and they do not damage tissue without forceful or
contained the vasoactive neuropeptide – calcito- repeated application. These features of DH have
nin gene-related peptide (CGRP) (Fried et al. led investigators to consider the intradental
2011). Capsaicin stimulation of isolated pulp tis- nerves responding to hydrodynamic forces –
sue induces the release of CGRP, indicating that “low-threshold algoneuron” – as opposed to true
this neuronal population possesses the thermally nociceptors. The reason that activation of these
2  The Physiological Basis of Dentin Hypersensitivity 21

algoneurons results in pain has to do more with and to an extracellular structure (Fig. 2.5). The
their connections in the central nervous system transduction channel responds to tension or shear
than to the intrinsic response properties of these opening or closing, and it is this action that gates
cells (Fried et al. 2011). ion conductance (Gillespie and Walker 2001;
The transduction of hydrodynamic forces into Tsunozaki and Bautista 2009).
nerve responses implies that these intradental Many ion channels have been proposed as
algoneurons possess receptors that are activated putative mechanoreceptors (Delmas and Coste
by mechanical forces. The preferential sensitivity 2013). Most of these channels also mediate
of intradental nerves to outward fluid displace- responses to other stimuli such as cold and low
ments indicates that these mechanoreceptors pH. It has been difficult to prove a mechanosen-
respond best to a tugging type of force applica- sory function for several candidate ion channels
tion (Vongsavan and Matthews 2007) (Fig. 2.3). since genetic knockout animals lacking these
Mechanosensitive ion channels are found channels occasionally appear to retain some
widely in nature and underlie nerve responses to mechanically mediated sensations (Kang et al.
several modalities in addition to touch, including 2012).
osmotic stimulation and sound. In mechanore- Gene expression of a number of proposed
ceptors, a transmembrane transduction channel is mechanosensory ion channels has been examined
anchored by intracellular and extracellular ele- in rat trigeminal ganglion cells including labeled
ments to the cytoskeleton of the receptor or nerve pulpal afferents (Hermanstyne et al. 2008).


Extracellular anchor

Extracellular link


Intracellular link
Fig. 2.5  Schematic of a
hypothetical mechanosen-
sitive receptor anchored at
one end in a nerve
membrane and, at the other
end, in an extracellular
surface. Deformation Cytoskeleton
would open an ion-­
sensitive channel (Gillespie
and Walker (2001) used
with permission)
22 K. Markowitz and D. Pashley

Trigeminal neurons express mRNA for a large restricted to the nodes of Ranvier in the myelin-
number of putative mechanosensory channels, ated segment of the fiber and spreads out in the
most of which were not expressed in pulpal affer- peripheral unmyelinated portion (Henry et al.
ents. Of the mechanosensory channels examined, 2012).
only one, the acid-sensing ion channel 3 (ASIC3), Dentin overlying a disrupted odontoblast layer
was expressed in 67 % of the pulpal afferents may however be still sensitive. This observation
sampled. In this study, a majority of pulpal affer- challenges the notion that the odontoblasts are a
ents also expressed TRPA1, a chemoreceptive critical cellular participant in DH (Lilja et al.
channel that may also be activated by cold 1982) (Fig. 2.1). However, odontoblasts do pos-
(McKemy 2005). Based on the observation that sess an assortment of nerve-like receptors that
TRPA1 is also activated by oxidizing compounds, enable these cells to respond to various chemical,
it has been hypothesized that this receptor is thermal, and mechanical stimuli (Magloire et al.
responsible for the pain that accompanies tooth 2010; El Karim et al. 2011; Chung et al. 2013;
bleaching (Markowitz 2010). Tsumura et al. 2013). They may also express
The percentage of neurons expressing ASIC3 various VGNa channels depending on the loca-
was not altered by the induction of pulp inflam- tion within the tooth and the tooth’s developmen-
mation, indicating that ASIC3 is constitutively tal stage (Davidson 1994; Allard et al. 2006;
expressed in the nerve fibers of intact healthy Byers and Westenbroek 2011; Ichikawa et al.
teeth (Hermanstyne et al. 2008). This observa- 2012).
tion that intradental mechanoreceptors are pres- Although specific intercellular communica-
ent in healthy intact teeth was expected since tion mechanisms, for example, synaptic struc-
freshly exposed dentin, as would occur in frac- tures linking odontoblasts with the intradental
tured or chipped teeth, is sensitive to both cold nerves, have not been identified (Byers 1984),
air and other stimuli. Physiological experiments sensory transduction by odontoblasts may influ-
examining the nerve responses induced by ence the intradental nerves. The odontoblasts
hydrodynamic stimulation in animals (knock- control the environment of the intradental nerve
outs) lacking ASIC3 are needed to definitively endings, determining the dentin fluid’s ionic
establish the role of these, and other, ion chan- composition, and they also provide the structural
nels in mediating nerve responses to hydrody- support needed for the mechanosensitive nerve
namic stimulation. endings to detect dentin fluid flow (Magloire
In order to activate pain or other forms of con- et al. 2010). In response to dentin stimulation,
scious sensation, nerves responding to stimuli damage to the odontoblasts may also result in
transmit all-or-none impulses to the central ner- prostaglandin formation and, as noted above,
vous system. In pain fibers, activation of one of release of cytoplasmic ATP or potassium ions
the sensory receptors described above depolar- into the extracellular fluid (Cook and McCleskey
izes the nerve cell membrane; if a threshold is 2002). In experiments where odontoblasts and
reached, voltage-gated ion channels open trigeminal neurons were maintained in culture
(Armstrong and Hille 1998), resulting in an together, mechanical stimulation of one of the
action potential that is transmitted to the central odontoblasts evoked an excitatory calcium con-
nervous system. The pattern and frequency of ductance in other nearby odontoblasts and neu-
action potentials encodes information concerning rons. The mechanically stimulated odontoblast
the perceived intensity of the stimulation. Several released ATP into the extracellular medium
types of cation-selective ion channels mediate the through specialized membrane pores. The
initiation and termination of the action potential, responses of the neighboring odontoblasts and
with voltage-gated sodium channels (VGNa) neurons to this mechanically induced ATP release
being responsible for the action potential’s rising are mediated by various purinergic receptors
phase (Amir et al. 2006). In myelinated pulpal (Shibukawa et al. 2014). ATP and other chemical
afferents, the distribution of VGNa channels is factors released by odontoblasts excite and
2  The Physiological Basis of Dentin Hypersensitivity 23

sensitize the intradental nerves (Utreras et al. products invading the dentin (Warfvinge et al.
2013). It has been proposed that odontoblasts 1985; Jontell et al. 1998; Fouad 2012), by chronic
participate in mediating the response to hydrody- dentin exposure, or by the trauma of restorative
namic dentin stimulation not by conventional procedures (Olgart et al. 1991; Mjör 2001).
synapses but rather by autocrine/paracrine types In caries, the type and intensity of the pulp’s
of signaling (Shibukawa et al. 2014). inflammatory response are dependent on the
It is also possible that the physiological depth of bacterial invasion into the dentin (Izumi
responses of odontoblasts, like those of osteo- et al. 1995; Cooper et al. 2011). Considerable
cytes in bone, have little to do with pain. variability exists in the symptoms experienced by
Osteocytes respond to the mechanical stimula- people with carious teeth. Teeth with deep c­ arious
tion of bone by boosting their metabolic activity lesions, heavily infected with Lactobacillus spe-
and maintaining the mineralization of the bone cies, were observed to be relatively asymptom-
matrix (Cowin 2007). In the case of odontoblasts, atic. In contrast, teeth with lesions infected with
responses to dentin damage and stimulation may predominantly anaerobic organisms were more
be involved in tertiary dentin formation (Byers likely to present with thermal sensitivity and
and Westenbroek 2011). Further research, how- other symptoms (Hahn et al. 1993).
ever, is needed to determine the sensory function Various by-products of bacterial metabolism,
of these versatile cells. for example, amines, are highly excitatory to
intradental nerves (Panopoulos 1992). Organic
acids, the principal metabolic by-product of sugar
 he Physiological Basis
T fermentation by Lactobacillus and other caries-­
of Hypersensitive Dentin associated bacteria, have complex effects on
pain. Organic acids have an inhibitory effect on
Symptoms including a decrease in the pain intradental nerve activity induced by chemical
threshold and an increase in the intensity of pain stimulation (Panopoulos 1992). Acids also
accompany inflammation (Park et al. 2001). enhance dental pain by activating certain recep-
Pulpal inflammation may be responsible for tors and sensitizing other receptors, e.g., TRPV1,
exposed dentin becoming hypersensitive (Pashley to heat stimulation (Goodis et al. 2006). Variations
2013). Inflammation-related plasticity has a in the bacterial population of a carious lesion
major impact on the excitability and pharmaco- may also influence the type of lesion metabolism
logical sensitivity of nociceptors during patho- and the inflammatory response that develops in
logical states (Gold and Flake 2005; Henry and the pulp, which in turn may determine the degree
Hargreaves 2007; Chung et al. 2013). Pulp to which pain sensitization occurs (Hahn and
inflammation may also be triggered by trauma to Liewehr 2007).
the tooth or bacterial invasion of the pulp or Even without directly invading the pulp, bac-
dentin. teria can influence the function of the intradental
Oral microorganisms invade and colonize the nerves. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is an impor-
dentin tubules when caries spreads into dentin tant toxin released by gram-negative anaerobic
(Love et al. 2000). Bacterial products, enzymes, bacteria that initiate both local pulpal and sys-
and antigens diffuse through relatively intact temic inflammatory responses (Okiji et al. 1992;
dentin layers into the pulp where they can pro- Chattipakorn et al. 2002; Bletsa et al. 2006). This
duce an inflammatory response (Brännström toxin can trigger shock and systemic organ dam-
1962; Lundy and Stanley 1969; Goldberg et al. age (Quan et al. 2001). Direct exposure of the
2008). In acute pulpitis, inflammatory mediators pulp to LPS induces severe inflammation and
accumulate in the pulp resulting in sensitization pain facilitation-associated changes in the central
and eventual activation of the nociceptors leading nervous system areas that receive input from
to spontaneous pain (Bowles et al. 2003). This pulpal nociceptors (Chattipakorn et al. 2005).
process may also be triggered by bacterial LPS may diffuse through dentin and facilitate the
24 K. Markowitz and D. Pashley

actions of thermally activated ion channels However, bacteria do not pass through the intact
(Nissan et al. 1995; Chung et al. 2011; Diogenes dentin boundary separating the pulp from the
et al. 2011). These changes would be expected to tooth surface in sensitive teeth (Michelich et al.
make teeth very sensitive to hot and cold. 1980). Although dentin tubules observed in
There are many links that exist between the SEMs appear to have a diameter of about 1 μm,
activation of the immune system, inflammation, their functional diameter is only about one-­
and pain facilitation (Bletsa et al. 2009; Kress twentieth of that value due to the presence of
2010). For example, trigeminal neurons possess intratubular material such as collagen fibers, min-
toll-like receptors and other components of the eral concretions, etc. (Michelich et al. 1978). The
innate immune system (Byers et al. 1992; Byers functional consequence of this restricted tubule
and Närhi 1999; Veerayutthwilai et al. 2007; diameter is that dentin does not permit bacteria to
Horst et al. 2009). These receptors are part of the reach the pulp. That is, the dentin fluid that
body’s early warning system that responds to reaches the pulp chamber is sterile (Michelich
LPS and other bacterial products. This mecha- et al. 1980). Dentin acts in a similar manner to a
nism may help explain the algesic effect of anaer- 0.2 μm Millipore filter in keeping oral microor-
obic bacteria (Wadachi and Hargreaves 2006). ganisms from infecting pulpal soft tissue.
Inflammatory mediators appear to induce phos- Inflammation can exacerbate DH symptoms
phorylation of TRPV channels, causing them to by making the intradental nerve endings more
become more sensitive than normal to thermal responsive to dentin fluid flow. Serotonin (5-HT)
stimulation (Jeske et al. 2006). is an inflammatory mediator that is released by
Inflammation and pain are intimately linked platelets and mast cells into damaged tissue. It is
with nociceptor activation being an initiating fac- involved in a number of pain conditions includ-
tor in triggering inflammation and inflammation ing migraine headache (Sommer 2004). 5-HT
sensitizing nociceptors (Kim 1990). Painful stim- application to exposed dentin also lowers the
uli, for example, tooth preparation, result in an threshold of A-fiber units to hydrodynamic den-
increase in pulpal blood flow, as well as increases tin stimulation (Ngassapa et al. 1992). Prior to
in intrapulpal pressure and outward dentin fluid 5-HT application, these units failed to respond to
flow. These effects can also be evoked by activa- a weak osmotic stimulant – glucose solution
tion of the intradental sensory nerves by electri- application – to exposed etched dentin. Following
cal, chemical, and hydrodynamic stimuli (Pertl application of 5-HT to the dentin, glucose appli-
et al. 1993; Heyeraas et al. 1994; Olgart 1996; cation evoked an excitatory response indicting a
Andrew and Matthews 2002). Stimulus-evoked lowering of the hydrodynamic threshold. This
release of vasoactive peptides, for example, sub- observation may explain the sensitivity to sweets
stance P and CGRP from the pulpal terminals of often experienced during pulpitis. Serotonin sen-
intradental nerve endings, initiates vasodilatation sitizes trigeminal nociceptors to both thermal and
and increases vascular permeability, the early chemical stimulation and enhances stimulation-­
vascular manifestations of inflammation evoked CGRP release (Loyd et al. 2013).
(Kerezoudis et al. 1993; Fehrenbacher et al. Inflammatory mediators frequently act syner-
2009). This phenomenon is referred to as “neuro- gistically in potentiating the response to excita-
genic inflammation.” tion (Hirafuji and Ogura 1987; Bletsa et al. 2009).
Compared to acute pulpitis, the role of bacteria For example, bradykinin enhances the capsaicin-­
and pulp inflammation in DH is less clear. evoked CGRP release from intradental nerve
Although healthy, freshly exposed dentin can be endings (Goodis et al. 2000). In those experi-
sensitive and sensitive cervical abrasions are fre- ments, prostaglandin-E application enhanced this
quently plaque-free (Addy et al. 1987), sensitiza- action of bradykinin.
tion of intradental nerve responses can occur due There are also structural changes in the intra-
to interactions between the pulp and plaque cover- dental nerves that are a consequence of injury
ing the tooth’s root surface (Tammaro et al. 2000). and inflammation (Byers and Närhi 1999).
2  The Physiological Basis of Dentin Hypersensitivity 25

Following traumatic cavity preparation, sprout- are not initiated by an increase in dentin permea-
ing of CGRP-containing nerve fiber terminals bility (Ajcharanukul et al. 2011). These experi-
was observed in the superficial pulp tissue (Taylor ments demonstrate that the pain response in
et al. 1988). Because of this response, there may sensitive teeth may be enhanced by inflamma-
be a large increase in the innervation density of tion, making the teeth hypersensitive. When sen-
the superficial pulp tissue following injury, espe- sitive teeth are evaluated clinically, for example,
cially in the normally sparsely innervated cervi- in dental caries, defective restorations and tooth
cal and radicular pulp. The timing of sprouting fractures need to be considered in the differential
follows the general time course of increases in diagnosis and corrected, since in the presence of
postoperative DH symptoms encountered follow- these conditions, DH is unlikely to resolve with
ing restorative or periodontal procedures. Nerve standard topical desensitizing treatments
sprouting is at its maximum 1 week following (Fig.  2.6) (Orchardson and Gillam 2006) (see
injury, and then anatomic pattern returns to nor- Chaps. 4 and 5).
mal by 3 weeks after injury (Byers 1994; Byers
and Närhi 1999; Rodd and Boissonade 2001).
Postoperative symptoms tend to be at their worst
1 week after any restorative procedure and gener-
ally abate during the following weeks. The nerve
sprouting reaction has also been observed in
human teeth with deep caries (Rodd and
Boissonade 2001).
Injury and inflammation also may initiate the
partial demyelination of afferents and changes in
the type and spatial pattern of the VGNa channels
(Henry et al. 2009). Demyelination can result in
abnormal electrical interactions between the
axons that allow impulses in one afferent to
excite adjacent neurons. These alterations make
the afferents more excitable.
The specific type of VGNa channels expressed
in nerve fibers may be altered by inflammation
and nerve injury (Renton et al. 2005; Henry et al.
2009; Luo et al. 2010). The VGNa channels
expressed in neurons exposed to inflammation
Fig. 2.6  Clinical photograph of a supererupted, sensitive
have altered pharmacological sensitivities com- first molar showing the relationship between DH and
pared to neurons innervating healthy tissue (Lai defective restorations. The tooth was sensitive to cold liq-
et al. 2004). It is hypothesized that this altered uids, air blasts, and probing of the exposed mesial buccal
root with a dental explorer as shown. The patient’s sensi-
pharmacological susceptibility is responsible for tivity symptoms were long standing and failed to improve
the difficulties encountered obtaining local anes- following the application of an oxalate-based topical
thesia in inflamed teeth (Hargreaves and Keiser desensitizer to the exposed root surface. Following the
2002). replacement of the existing amalgam restoration, the sen-
sitivity symptoms resolved and the tooth remained asymp-
A mild inflammatory response can be induced tomatic and vital. Pulpal inflammation caused by bacterial
in human teeth by preparing dentin cavities and leakage around the restoration is presumed to have sensi-
restoring the teeth with defective temporary res- tized the intradental nerves to stimuli. In this sensitized
torations that allow bacterial leakage. Following state, usually effective topical desensitizing agents fail to
provide pain relief. Replacement of the defective restora-
1 week, the inflamed teeth exhibited enhanced tion allows the inflammatory process and the pain sensiti-
pain responses to cold stimulation compared to zation to resolve (From Markowitz K, unpublished
intact teeth. These changes in thermal sensitivity photograph (2000))
26 K. Markowitz and D. Pashley

Using advanced imaging and electrophysio- and contain calcium-binding phosphate groups
logical methods, it is possible to localize the areas that pattern mineral formation (Boskey et al.
of the brain activated by tooth stimulation (Kubo 1990). The odontoblasts trigger mineralization
et al. 2008; Meier et al. 2012). Repeated or intense by secreting these proteins into the predentin at
activation of nociceptors may facilitate pain trans- the mineralization front (Veis 1993). As with
mission in the central nervous system. Activation dentin from which it is derived, dentin smear lay-
of pulpal afferents by noxious heat stimulation ers also contain mineral and organic components
has been reported to induce an enhancement of (Pashley 1992).
the responses to those same thermal stimuli by The composition of dentin influences its
second-order neurons in the trigeminal nuclear susceptibility to damage and its capacity for
complex (Ahn et al. 2012). Intense activation of repair. In order to degrade dentin, both the organic
the intradental nerves or the induction of pulpal and inorganic phases of the tissue must be
inflammation by the administration of noxious attacked (Love 2002). Plaque-derived acids dis-
chemicals may also induce alterations in gene solve the mineral component of the smear layer
expression in the trigeminal nuclear complex and and underlying dentin; bacterial and host-derived
enhanced nociception in other facial areas, e.g., enzymes can attack the organic phase of the den-
the lip (Park et al. 2001; Chattipakorn et al. 2005). tin (Chaussain-Miller et al. 2006). Host-derived
The role of central plasticity in DH is however collagen-­ degrading enzymes, for example, the
unclear at present. It is possible that nociceptor matrix metalloproteinases, (MMPs) originate in
activation accompanying periodontal procedures the crevicular fluid, the saliva, and the dentin
that precede episodes of DH sensitizes the central itself. In dentin, these enzymes can be activated
pathways, resulting in more pain being triggered by acid exposure, and these enzymes are believed
by dentin stimulation. to contribute to erosive tooth structure loss
Oral microorganisms also have profound (Buzalaf et al. 2012). In restored teeth, the long-­
effects on the permeability of exposed dentin. term action of MMPs and other enzymes may
Despite the capacity for excessive toothbrushing weaken the dentin-restoration bond by degrading
to cause tooth surface loss, plaque control has an resin-infiltrated collagen fibrils (Tjäderhane et al.
important role in preventing DH following peri- 2013a). Dentin treatment with chlorhexidine or
odontal therapy (Wallace and Bissada 1990; other cationic compounds preserves bond
Tammaro et al. 2000). Plaque-covered exposed strength by inhibiting these enzymes (Tjäderhane
dentin surfaces were observed to have widened et al. 2013b).
tubules compared to surfaces that were kept
plaque-free (Suge et al. 2006). The acid liability
of smear layers is responsible for the frequently  educing DH: Natural Processes
observed lack of DH in patients immediately and Treatment Effects
after root scaling and the onset of DH that
appeared 7–14 days following scaling procedures Desensitization Treatments
(see Chap. 3). This time delay presumably Targeting the Dentin Permeability
enables the plaque to form on the root surface
and the microorganisms to dissolve the smear The reduction of dentin permeability via tubule
layer/smear plug combination (Kerns et al. 1991). occlusion is an important strategy for treating
Dentin is a biological composite consisting of sensitive teeth (Pashley 1986; Cummins 2009).
mineral and an organic phase that is mostly col- Reducing dentin permeability acts not only to
lagen. In addition to collagen, the organic matrix attenuate stimulus-evoked dentin fluid flow but
of dentin also contains several non-collagenous also to prevent the activation of the intradental
proteins that play an important role in dentin nerves by directly acting physical stimuli and by
mineralization (Tay and Pashley 2008, 2009; reducing the inward diffusion of irritating chemi-
Kim et al. 2010). These proteins are highly acidic cal agents (Hirvonen et al. 1984; Rifai et al. 2004;
2  The Physiological Basis of Dentin Hypersensitivity 27

Chidchuangchai et al. 2007). In vitro studies

measuring the impact of treatments on the den-
tin’s permeability and microscopic appearance
are used to screen the ability of materials and
products to reduce dentin fluid flow (see Chap.
6). Treatments that are effective in vitro studies
may be considered to be acceptable candidates
for more focused research activities including
clinical trials. Due to the steep relationship
between tubule radius and flow (flow ∝ r4), it is
expected that dentin may be desensitized by
treatments that induce partial tubule occlusion,
reducing the stimulus-­evoked flow to values that
fail to activate a sufficient nerve response to
result in a conscious pain sensation. Several clini-
cally tested desensitizing treatments have been
reported to demonstrate high reductions in flow Fig. 2.7  SEM of fracture edge of acid-etched dentin
when tested in vitro (Pashley et al. 1978). Other treated with 1.4 wt. % potassium oxalate, pH 4.2 Listerine
desensitizing agents that have been shown to be Advanced Defense Sensitive desensitizing mouthrinse.
effective in clinical trials however, have been Because acid etching removes all apatite crystallites from
the surface of dentin and from peritubular dentin, potas-
reported to demonstrate modest (<90 %) reduc- sium oxalate cannot react with any calcium ions until it
tions in dentin permeability when tested in vitro diffuses down into the tubule about 10 μm. There it can
(Patel et al. 2011) (Fig. 2.7). For some of these etch Ca++ from mineralized peritubular dentin, filling the
treatments, repeated applications are required to tubule orifice with calcium oxalate crystals of various
sizes (white arrow) that block fluid shifts (From Pashley
achieve near total occlusion (Sharma et al. 2013). DH, unpublished micrograph (2013))
In assessing the impact of prospective treat-
ments on dentin permeability, it is important to
determine if the dentin flow evoked by pain-­ permeability (Daculsi et al. 1987). In animals
producing stimuli is reduced by the treatment with continuously erupting teeth, dentin is
(Markowitz and Pashley 2008). Air blasts evapo- exposed and the tubules mineralize rapidly.
rate fluid at the tubule orifice, displacing the Continuously erupting teeth for example, rat inci-
tubule fluid in an outward direction (Fig. 2.4c) sors or horse molars wear rapidly. In these teeth,
(Matthews et al. 1993). Occluding the tubules dentin exposure is followed by rapid dentin for-
with a porous material reduces the effective tubule mation and tubule occlusion (Dimuzio and Veis
radius and blocks pressure-driven convective flow 1978). In humans, age, chronic exposure to the
to a great degree. As observed in Fig. 2.8, treat- oral environment, and being subjacent to caries
ments, for example, smear layer formation and are accompanied by physiological occlusion of
oxalate application, severely depress convective dentin tubules (Daculsi et al. 1987; Tagami et al.
flow but have more modest effects on air blast- 1992).
driven flow. These results suggest that very high Tertiary and peritubular dentin formations are
levels of tubule occlusion may be needed to effec- pulpal processes that reduce dentin permeability
tively prevent air blast stimulus-­activated flow. and DH (Lundy and Stanley 1969; Senawongse
The dentin-pulp complex has the capacity for et al. 2008). Growth factors that stimulate tertiary
repair (Smith et al. 2012). However, as is evident dentin formation are left in the mineralized den-
from clinical observation, individuals with dentin tin during development. These growth factors
that is exposed to the oral environment do not nec- may become exposed and subsequently released
essarily experience DH. Several natural mecha- by tooth wear, erosion initiated by dietary acids,
nisms are known to exist that may reduce dentin and dentin etching (Smith et al. 2012). These
28 K. Markowitz and D. Pashley

Air-blast flow
Pressure flow

% maximum flow




Dentin open tubules Dentin smear layer Fe-oxalate tx dentin

Fig. 2.8  Effects of treatment on fluid flux across deep phate crystals. Following the application of ferric oxalate,
dentin disks driven by evaporation of water via air blasts pressure-driven flow is zero. Creation of porous plugs, for
or by pressure-­induced fluid flow. On the far left, dentin example, smear layers or calcium oxalate crystals, has a
tubules were opened by acid etching. In this condition greater impact on convective flow than flow induced by air
both pressure and evaporative flow are at their maximal. blasts. These results indicate that dentin fluid fluxes
In the middle section, fluid flux was measured across induced by natural stimuli may be difficult to eliminate
smear layer-covered dentin. On the far right, acid-etched unless the tubules are sealed (Data from Pashley et al.
dentin with open tubules was treated with ferric oxalate to (1996) and Markowitz K, unpublished (2001))
occlude the tubules with calcium oxalate and ferric phos-

biological and physiochemical processes are nat- incorporated into dental products (Wang et al.
ural means by which exposed dentin may become 2011; Lynch et al. 2012) (see Chap. 11). The for-
desensitized. mation of a mineral-­ rich surface layer that
Demineralized dentin matrix retaining acidic extends into the dentin tubules, in addition to pro-
proteins has been reported to be capable of viding desensitization, may also improve the
­remineralization (Clarkson et al. 1991; Bertassoni resistance of the dentin to acid erosion and
et al. 2011). This observation has been capital- mechanical wear (Wang et al. 2010; Seong et al.
ized on by investigators developing biomimetic 2013). Several agents that promote the reduction
analogues of the acidic proteins that would of DH by facilitating the formation of surface
anchor to the appropriate portion of the collagen mineral also act to prevent or arrest the develop-
fibers to facilitate mineral formation in a pattern ment of caries (Reynolds 2008; Cummins 2013)
that replicates the dentin’s original structure and (see Chaps. 8 and 10).
restores its physical properties (Tjäderhane et al. Dentin exposure triggers protective host
2013). This approach has important applications responses that may subsequently reduce dentin
to the repair of dentin damaged by caries and permeability. When the dentin in live animals is
dietary acid exposure. left exposed, the permeability is reduced in a
Mineralization of the dentin surface can also matter of hours. In contrast, dentin permeability
be achieved by applying materials that adhere to remained high in animals treated with a type of
the dentin and interact with saliva to precipitate snake venom that caused the depletion of fibrino-
mineral (Markowitz and Pashley 2008; Cummins gen, a soluble blood-clotting factor that is con-
2009). Bioactive glass is an example of a verted into fibrin, a principal insoluble component
mineralization-­promoting material that has been of blood clots. This experiment demonstrated
2  The Physiological Basis of Dentin Hypersensitivity 29

that a process related to blood coagulation occurs shallow cavities under positive pressure to drive
in the dentin fluid and leads to a reduction in den- the solution through the dentin, potassium salts
tin permeability (Pashley et al. 1984). Antibodies briefly excite the intradental nerves (Markowitz
reaching the dentin fluid from the pulp have also et al. 1991; Wanachantararak et al. 2011). With
been demonstrated to reduce dentin permeability elevated potassium ion concentration, the intra-
in vitro (Hahn and Overton 1997). Large macro- dental nerves become more sensitive to inward
molecules similar to those produced in the pulp flow than they are when exposed to the normal
during defensive reactions move in a peripheral ionic environment (Wanachantararak et al. 2011).
direction through the dentin tubules, transported Following the initial excitation induced by solu-
by outward dentin fluid flow. In the narrower tions containing high potassium ion concentra-
peripheral portion of the tubules, these molecules tions, the intradental nerves stop firing and their
bind to the tubule walls, reducing dentin perme- responses to a variety of stimuli are depressed
ability. This mechanism protects the pulp from (Markowitz and Kim 1992). In animals, the nor-
the ingress of bacterial products and would be mally vigorous nerve response evoked by outward
expected to lead to a decline in DH with time. dentin flow during the application of negative
pressure is transiently inhibited by the positive
pressure application of high potassium ion-con-
Desensitization Treatments taining solutions (Wanachantararak et al. 2011).
Targeting Intradental Nerves When solutions containing high potassium ion
concentration are applied using positive pressure
In sensitive teeth, stimuli either activate or reach to test cavities in human teeth, pain is initially
the intradental nerves by way of the dentin evoked (Ajcharanukul et al. 2007). This pain
tubules. These tubules can also act as a route of response corresponded to the nerve excitation
administration for therapeutic agents intended to observed in the animal experiments. When the
treat sensitive teeth. Drugs delivered topically to dentin floor of these test cavities was probed or
the tooth surface may potentially diffuse through air blasted after pressure application of a potas-
dentin to reach the intradental nerves and other sium solution, the pain responses were reduced
targets located in the deep dentin and pulp compared to those measured prior to potassium
(Ciarlone and Pashley 1992). Potassium nitrate solution application. Solutions containing ele-
(KNO3) was introduced into clinical use as a vated sodium ion concentration did not share this
desensitizing agent based on empirical observa- desensitizing effect. In contrast, when these
tions (Hodosh 1974). Several clinical studies potassium ion-containing solutions were applied
indicate that KNO3 and other potassium salts to human dentin cavities without positive pres-
reduce sensitivity symptoms over a period of sure, there was no pain. Also the pain-inhibiting
approximately 2 weeks when applied by twice action of potassium salts was modest and of short
daily brushing (Orchardson and Gillam 2000) duration when these solutions were applied to
(see Chap. 8). These salts have little effect on human dentin cavities under atmospheric pres-
dentin permeability when tested in vitro sure (Noparatkailas et al. 2009). These results
(Greenhill and Pashley 1981), suggesting that indicate that without the assistance of inward
they alleviate DH symptoms by interfering with pressure, the penetration of potassium ions to the
the activation of the intradental nerves. intradental nerve endings by diffusion is limited.
When potassium salt solutions are applied to These experiments imply that although potas-
deep dentin cavities or placed on isolated nerves sium salts can inhibit pain induced by clinically
in concentrations far exceeding their physiologi- relevant stimuli, this effect may be limited when
cal level, they have a profound action on nerve these agents are applied to sensitive teeth in clini-
excitability (Orchardson 1978; Markowitz et al. cal use. In a recent clinical study designed to test
1991; Peacock and Orchardson 1999). When first an arginine-calcium carbonate-based toothpaste, a
applied to deep dentin cavities, or when applied to commercially available potassium salt-­containing
30 K. Markowitz and D. Pashley

toothpaste was used as a positive control. The porting the idea of using partial tubule occlusion
potassium salt-based product performed better as a means of enhancing the effectiveness of
than the fluoride toothpaste negative control but potassium-based toothpaste (Schiff et al. 2000;
had an efficacy that was inferior to the arginine Sowinski et al. 2001).
compound-containing product (Docimo et al. The short-term (measured in minutes) actions of
2009). Although this and many other clinical stud- potassium salts on the excitability of the i­ ntradental
ies support the use of potassium salts as a desensi- nerves that are observed when these agents are
tizing agent (Orchardson and Gillam 2000), placed in dentin cavities can be explained by the
evidence demonstrating efficacy is considered role that extracellular potassium ion concentration
weak by a number of authors (Poulsen et al. 2006; has in determining the nerve cell’s resting mem-
Karim and Gillam 2013) (see Chap. 8). brane potential (Markowitz and Kim 1992;
Dentin’s outward fluid flow acts to oppose and Markowitz and Pashley 2008). Increasing extracel-
reduce the inward diffusion of solutes such as lular potassium ion concentration depolarizes the
potassium ions through dentin (Vongsavan et al. cell; if the depolarized membrane potential exceeds
2000). This aspect of dentin physiology accounts the action potential threshold, the nerve will fire
for the difficulty clinicians encounter attempting to action potentials (Hodgkin and Huxley 1952;
anesthetize teeth by placing local anesthetic solu- Hodgkin and Horowicz 1959). This excitation is
tions on exposed dentin. Nerve responses can be recorded in physiological experiments and resulted
inhibited if high anesthetic concentrations are in pain when potassium solutions are applied to
applied to dentin or if the solution is administered human dentin under pressure (Markowitz et al.
by inward pressure (Rirattanapong et al. 2013). 1991; Ajcharanukul et al. 2007; Wanachantararak
When applied to the dentin surface in intact teeth, et al. 2011).
little of the 500 mmol/l potassium ion concentra- If high extracellular potassium ion concentra-
tion found in a potassium salt-containing tooth- tions remain, the nerve’s action potential thresh-
paste diffuses into the innervated inner dentin. The old adjusts to the depolarization. The maintained
concept that limited transdentinal diffusion hinders depolarization causes the cell’s action poten-
the clinical effectiveness of potassium salts as tial channels to become inactivated and close
desensitizing agents was based in part on a com- (Hodgkin and Huxley 1952). When this occurs,
puter model of potassium diffusion through dentin the excitation ceases and the nerve cell becomes
that takes into account anatomic and physiological silent and unresponsive to other stimuli, as was
parameters (Stead et al. 1996). observed in the human and animal experiments
In experiments that measured the diffusion of described above.
potassium ions or other substances under condi- In experiments where isolated nerve fibers
tions where there was an opposing transdentinal were exposed to potassium ion-containing solu-
pressure gradient generating flow, partial tubule tions, raising the extracellular K+ to 10 mmol/l
occlusion enhanced diffusion across the dentin resulted in inhibition of nerve responses
(Pashley and Matthews 1993; Pashley et al. (Orchardson 1978; Peacock and Orchardson
2002). Although both convective flow and diffu- 1999). These effects are dependent on the extra-
sion are reduced by partial tubule occlusion, cellular potassium ion concentration and reverse
occlusion has a greater impact on flow, since flow rapidly when the ionic gradients return to physi-
is ∝ r4 (Eq. 2.2) as opposed to diffusion which is ological levels. It is not clear if these physiologi-
∝ r2. Hence partial tubule occlusion greatly cal actions of potassium salts on nerve excitability
reduces the opposing action of flow and has a contribute to the clinical effectiveness of potas-
modest effect on diffusion. Partial tubule occlu- sium salts as desensitizing agents (Markowitz
sion has been examined as a potential method of and Pashley 2008; Wanachantararak et al. 2011).
enhancing toothpaste-derived potassium ion Solutions containing divalent cations, e.g., cal-
delivery to the inner dentin (Pashley et al. 2002). cium, magnesium, or strontium, also reduce the
There is limited clinical evidence however, sup- excitability of the intradental nerves. Application
2  The Physiological Basis of Dentin Hypersensitivity 31

of solutions containing these cations blocked the inflammation triggered by tissue injury, prostaglan-
vigorous excitatory response to potassium salt dins sensitize nociceptors and enhance the actions
application (Markowitz et al. 1991). Elevated lev- of other mediators (Goodis et al. 2000). These cell
els of divalent cations in the extracellular environ- lipid-derived mediators contribute to the alterations
ment reduce neuronal excitability (Markowitz and in neuronal VGNa channels observed in inflamma-
Kim 1992). Strontium salt-containing toothpaste tion (Rush and Waxman 2004).
formulations are used to treat sensitive teeth Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis counter-
(Hughes et al. 2010). Application of these prod- acts some of the effects that acute injury has on
ucts to dentin in vitro caused partial tubule occlu- intradental nerve function. Systemic administra-
sion, although the contribution of strontium’s tion of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
effect on nerve excitability to the efficacy of these (NSAIDS) prevents the activation of the intra-
salts is not clear (Olley et al. 2012; Seong et al. dental nerves by heat stimulation (Ahlberg 1978).
2013; West et al. 2013). Following tooth injury, systemic administration
Pharmacological agents that bind to receptors of NSAIDS reduces pulpal inflammatory media-
or have other specific targets are effective at far tor production (Chidiac et al. 2009) and prevents
lower concentrations (have greater potency) and central neuroplastic changes that are indicative of
have longer durations of action compared to the enhanced pain perception (Worsley et al. 2008).
effects of potassium ions on intradental nerve Currently, the role of inflammation in DH
activity. For example, the low concentrations of involving teeth lacking caries or other forms
eugenol (0.1 mmol/l) that leach into the dentin of pathology is not clear. As described above,
fluid from zinc oxide-eugenol fillings have both the pulps of teeth with exposed, patent dentin
analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects on the tubules are susceptible to bacterial insults from
dental pulp (Kozam 1977; Hume 1984; overlying plaque. The role of systemic and local
Markowitz et al. 1992). Eugenol has both excit- anti-­
­ inflammatory therapy in the treatment of
atory and inhibitory actions on nerve cells and DH is therefore an open area for investigation
interacts with a variety of neuronal receptors (Pashley 2013).
(Park et al. 2006, 2009; Chung et al. 2014; Klein The goal of all DH treatments is to return the
et al. 2014). These studies determining the mech- dentin and pulp to a state of health. The transla-
anism of action for an old drug lead us to con- tion of in vitro results to the clinical arena is com-
clude that a more effective targeted treatment of plex. As will be discussed in other chapters in
DH and other forms of dental pain is achievable. this book, the clinical evaluation of tooth sensi-
One innovative approach is use of the heat/ tivity treatments is complex and presents unique
capsaicin receptor (TRPV1) ion channel as a challenges (see Chaps. 4, 5, and 10).
pathway to allow a highly effective but normally
impermeant cationic local anesthetic drug to Acknowledgements This work was supported, in part,
by R01 DE015306 from NIH/NIDCR and the King
cross cell membranes and block nociceptor acti- Abdulazziz University to DHP as their Highly Cited
vation. This treatment would be accomplished by Scholar.
the simultaneous administration of capsaicin and
the cationic local anesthetic. Since many noci-
ceptors (unfortunately not including the neurons
responding to dentin stimulation) (Närhi et al. References
1992) possess TRPV1 receptors, this approach
Absi EG, Addy M, Adams D (1987) Dentine hypersensi-
would selectively target pain without the loss of tivity. A study of the patency of dentinal tubules in
non-­pain sensation (Kim et al. 2010). sensitive and non-sensitive cervical dentine. J Clin
Inflammation and inflammatory mediators sen- Periodontol 14(5):280–284
Absi EG, Addy M, Adams D (1989) Dentine hypersensi-
sitize the intradental nerves to pain-evoking dentin
tivity. The development and evaluation of a replica
stimuli (Ngassapa et al. 1992; Olgart 1996; Byers technique to study sensitive and non-sensitive cervical
and Närhi 1999; Ajcharanukul et al. 2011). In acute dentine. J Clin Periodontol 16(3):190–195
32 K. Markowitz and D. Pashley

Addy M (1992) Clinical aspects of dentine hypersensitiv- Bletsa A, Berggreen E, Fristad I, Tenstad O, Wiig H (2006)
ity. Proc Finn Dent Soc 88(Suppl 1):23–30 Cytokine signalling in rat pulp interstitial fl​uid and
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The Prevalence of Dentine
Hypersensitivity 3
Sahar Taha

Methods of Reporting DH own pain threshold as a trigger for identifying a

Prevalence positive result, will exclude patients who do not
perceive their DH to be a problem that requires
Two main methods were reported in the pub- attention (Cunha-Cruz et al. 2013).
lished literature for studying the prevalence of There are relatively few studies that inter-
DH, namely, self-reported questionnaires and viewed the subjects and asked them questions
clinical examination. Higher prevalence values related to pain or discomfort before a clinical
were reported in studies that relied primarily exam was performed (Costa et al. 2014; Dhaliwal
on self-reported questionnaires rather than et al. 2012; Kehua et al. 2009; Que et al. 2013).
studies which were combined with clinical However, this method may also have an inter-
examination (Table 3.1). In the self-reported viewer bias effect on the reporting of the condi-
questionnaires, the prevalence values are gen- tion (Clayton et al. 2002).
erally considered to be overestimated due to The clinical examination for DH generally
the complexity of the other diseases or condi- has focused on two main methods, thermal by
tions that may present with pain for example, air blast or tactile by probing (Chap. 5). Greater
caries, cracks and fractures (Scaramucci et al. numbers of teeth testing positive to the stimu-
2014; Rees and Addy 2004) (see Chaps. 4 and lus were usually achieved using the thermal/
5). In addition, patients may not always under- evaporative technique than other available
stand what is required of them by the clinician techniques, e.g. tactile stimulation (Liu et al.
and may therefore be too embarrassed or not 1998). The proposed reason behind the lower
sufficiently concerned to ask for clarification values achieved with probing techniques (tac-
(Clayton et al. 2002). tile) was probably due in part to the fact that
Moreover, the nature of the questions in the only a small area of the exposed dentine was
survey may also influence the reported preva- sensitive, and if the probe did not touch this
lence values. Nonspecific questions that identify area, the subject will not probably respond
pain or sensitivity, relying on the participant’s (Scaramucci et al. 2014).
Other investigators, for example, Flynn et al.
(1985), used a cold water mouth rinse to diagnose
DH. However, this method does not necessarily
S. Taha, DDS, MS, Diplomate (ABOD) provide an accurate response from the teeth
Department of Conservative Dentistry,
affected by this condition as pain arising from
Faculty of Dentistry, University of Jordan,
1000 shady creek, Danville, CA, 94526, USA other dental conditions may also respond during
e-mail: the rinsing process.

D.G. Gillam (ed.), Dentine Hypersensitivity: Advances in Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment, 41
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14577-8_3, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
Table 3.1 Summary of prevalence studies on DH
Method of clinical Prevalence M-F Commonly
Study Country n Study type assessment Setting (%) Peak of age ratio affected teeth % with GRa
Clayton et al. (2002) UK 250 Qb NAj GDPf 50 % 3rd decade 1:1 Mand right NA
Gillam et al. (2001) UK and Korea 557 Q NA GDP 52–55.4 % 3rd–4th NA NA NA
Gillam et al. (1999) UK 277 Q NA GDP 52 % 3rd decade 1:1.4 NA NA
Colak et al. (2012a) Turkey 1,463 Q NA University 8.4 % NA 1:1.2 NA NA
Rane et al. (2013) India 960 Q + CE AB Dental hospital 42.5 % 4th decade 1.6:1 Lower NA
anterior teeth
Bamise et al. (2007) Nigeria 2,165 Q + CEc ABd/probing University 1.34 % 4th decade 1.4:1 Molars 12.8 %
Rees and Addy UK 5,477 Q + CE AB/PDAe GDP 2.8 % 4th decade 1:1.5 Maxg 1st 93 %
(2004) molars
Taani and Awartani Saudi Arabia 259 Q + CE AB/PDA GDP 42.4 % 4th decade 1:4 Max molars 5%
(2001) and mand
Fischer et al. (1992) Brazil 635 Q + CE AB/probing Marine dental 17 % M, 6th 1:1 Incisors and NA
clinic decade; F, premolars
3rd decade
Flynn et al. (1985) Scotland 369 Q + CE CWMRk/probing University 8.7 % 4th decade 1:1 Premolars NA
Liu et al. (1998) Taiwan 780 Q + CE AB/probing University 32 % NA 1:1 Premolars and 23 %
Amarasena et al. Australia 12,692 Q + CE NA GDP 9.1 % 4th–5th 1:1.5 Max 39 %
(2011) decades premolars and
Chrysanthakopoulos Greece 1,450 Q + CE AB GDP 18.2 % 5th decade in 1:1.25 Premolars 85.9 %
(2011) Males
7th decade in
Ye et al. (2012) China 2,120 Q + CE AB GDP 34.1 % 5th decade 1:1.5 Premolars 84.3 %
Tengrungsun et al. Thailand 420 Q + CE AB University 30.7 % 4th decade 1:2.4 1st molar NA
S. Taha

Bahsi et al. (2012) Turkey 1,368 Q + CE AB/probing GDP 5.3 % 5th decade 1:2 Max 88.4 %
Colak et al. (2012b) Turkey 1,169 Q + CE AB University 7.6 % 5th decade 1:1.5 Max 95.7 %
Dhaliwal et al. (2012) Punjab, India 650 Q + CE AB Screening 25 % 6th decade 1:1.6 Mand incisors NA
participants in
Cunha-Cruz et al. USA 787 Q + CE AB GDP 12.3 % 18–44 1:2.6 Premolars and 85.6 %
(2013) molars
Que et al. (2013) China 1,023 Structure AB General 27.1 % 7th decade 1.06:1 Premolars 15.5 % for
interview + population the age
CE group of
Scaramucci et al. Brazil 300 Q + CE AB/probing University 46 % NA 1:2.56 NA NA
The Prevalence of Dentine Hypersensitivity

Al-Khafaji (2013) UAE 204 Q + CE AB GDP 27 % 3rd decade 1.3:1 Lower 15 %

Gingival recession
Clinical examination
Sensitivity to air blast
Periodontal disease assessment
General dental practice
Periodontal specialty clinic
Not applicable
44 S. Taha

Contributing and Confounding incidence increased from 30 % preoperatively to

Factors to the Prevalence of DH 79 % after 1 week of open-flap periodontal
debridement (Al-Sabbagh et al. 2010).
Non-carious Cervical Lesions Furthermore, Fischer et al. (1992) reported that
supragingival and subgingival scaling procedures
In a Chinese population, 1,010 individuals diag- may also cause a transient occurrence of DH. Lin
nosed with DH, 644 (63.8 %) were also diag- and Gillam (2012), in their systematic review,
nosed to have non-carious cervical lesions reported that the prevalence for DH following
(NCCLs) (Que et al. 2013). Erosion was also rec- nonsurgical therapy was between 62.5 and 90 %
ognised as a predisposing factor for DH in an 1 day following treatment, decreasing to approxi-
Australian population (Amarasena et al. 2011) mately 52.6–55 % after 1 week. The prevalence
(see Chap. 4). In the same study, abfraction was of DH following surgical therapy was between
the least associated predisposing factor. Similarly, 76.8 and 80.4 % 1 day after treatment, subse-
Bamise et al. (2007) reported a 10.9 % preva- quently decreasing over time to 36.8 % after
lence for attrition with DH, 7.4 % abrasion, 3.5 % 1 week, 33.4 % after 2 weeks, 29.6 % after
erosion and 2.7 % abfraction respectively. 4 weeks and 21.7 % after 8 weeks. It was sug-
Abrasion was reported to have the highest preva- gested that DH may be relatively mild/moderate
lence in Emirati patients with DH (27 %), in nature and transient in duration following peri-
whereas abfraction was the least associated with odontal therapy.
only a 5 % occurrence in DH patients (Al-Khafaji
2013). The lack of consistency in relating the dif-
ferent NCCL and DH factors may also attribute Sample Selection
to the difficulty in diagnosing these lesions.
On the other hand, no association with NCCL Studies conducted at hospitals or specialty prac-
was reported in a cohort of 787 Americans tices tend to report higher prevalence values
(Cunha-Cruz et al. 2013). (Chabanski et al. 1996); presumably this may be
due to the greater risk of root exposure as a result
of periodontal attachment loss and gingival reces-
Periodontal Disease sion following periodontal treatment. However, a
clear pattern for prevalence values according to
As mentioned in Chapter 1 there have been the sample selected is still lacking (Table 3.1).
changes to the terminology describing DH and
the term Root sensitivity (RS) has been recom-
mended to describe pain associated with and aris- Teeth Location and Surfaces
ing from exposed dentine of periodontally
involved teeth or following periodontal treatment Various intraoral locations may be affected with
(Sanz and Addy 2002). Gingival recession has DH. The sites of predilection in descending order
been widely associated with DH (Amarasena for DH are canines and first premolars, incisors
et al. 2011). Loss of attachment was a major and second premolars and molars (Dababneh
associative factor leading to an increased inci- et al. 1999). However, the literature has not been
dence of DH in younger age groups (Que et al. consistent in reporting the intraoral distribution of
2013). The percentage of DH patients who have the condition (Bamise et al. 2007). The buccal
gingival recession may be as high as 95.7 % surface appears to be the most affected, followed
(Colak et al. 2012b). by labial, occlusal, distal and lingual surfaces
The incidence of DH has been reported to with the incisal and palatal surfaces which were
increase following periodontal treatment (Lin the least affected (Amarasena et al. 2010; Splieth
and Gillam 2012; Splieth and Tachou 2012). For and Tachou 2012). Interestingly, the occlusal
example, Al-Sabbagh et al. reported that the surface was reported to have the highest sensitiv-
3 The Prevalence of Dentine Hypersensitivity 45

ity by 56 %, whereas the buccal surface sensitivity subsequent increase in the incidence of DH,
was about 28 % (Bamise et al. 2007), but this may gingival recession and periodontal disease
be due to differences in the study populations. respectively (Bahsi et al. 2012) (see Chap. 4).

Gender Review of Published DH

Prevalence Data
A number of studies have reported an association
between DH and gender. Relatively few studies DH is a prevalent clinical condition; however,
have reported that females were more affected studies evaluating its prevalence are not abundant
with the condition (Scaramucci et al. 2014; Rees and rather contradictory (Splieth and Tachou
and Addy 2004; Taani and Awartani 2001; 2013). A critical review of the published litera-
Amarasena et al. 2011). Other studies have, how- ture on DH clearly demonstrates a wide variation
ever, failed to find an association (in terms of sta- in the reported prevalence values of this condi-
tistically significant differences) between the two tion (Table 3.1). This variation may be attributed
variables (Fischer et al. 1992; Splieth and Tachou to the differences in populations and sample
2013; Clayton et al. 2002; Flynn et al. 1985; Liu selection, method of investigation and dietary
et al. 1998). The reported slightly higher preva- habits (Dababneh et al. 1999; Davari et al. 2013).
lence in the female population may reflect their Uncertainty regarding the prevalence of DH
better oral hygiene awareness (Dababneh et al. may also have significant consequences for both
1999) and their dietary habits in eating more patients and dental practitioners. With a vague
healthy fruity food items which may also be ero- perception of prevalence comes uncertainty in
sive in nature (Splieth and Tachou 2012). Females diagnosis, the appropriate time to treat and how
also tend to visit the dentist more frequently aggressive the treatment should be (Cunha-Cruz
which may result in an over-representation and, et al. 2013). The extreme variation in the preva-
therefore, introduce a classical selection bias if lence values reported in the published literature
the study sample was recruited in dental practices. may be classified into three categories:
In addition, females often articulate health prob- • DH prevalence using surveys (around 50 %)
lems more willingly than men, which may lead to • DH prevalence diagnosed using combined
an added detection bias for females (Splieth and surveys and clinical exams (1–20 %)
Tachou 2012). Other studies, however, have • DH in patients who have periodontal disease
reported a greater occurrence of DH in males or have been receiving periodontal treatment
(Rane et al. 2013; Al-Khafaji 2013; Bamise et al. (60–90 %)
2007), but again this may be due to differences in The question as to whether DH is a major
the demographics of the study populations. problem for public health concerns has also been
raised, and the consensus in the published litera-
ture would appear to be that it is a relatively
Age minor problem (Rees and Addy 2002; Gillam
2013). Although it should be acknowledged that
DH is mostly prevalent among the young popula- Dentists reported that in 10 % of their patients
tion in the third and fourth decades (Table 3.1). DH was considered to be a severe problem
This could be linked to the increase in acidic (Gillam et al. 2002). A recent review on the bur-
food/drink intake and the influence of greater oral den of DH, however, by Cunha-Cruz and Wataha
hygiene awareness and measures (Chabanski (2014) from the published studies in the literature
et al. 1997; Clayton et al. 2002). It would be would appear to suggest that the best estimate of
interesting to speculate that as older individu- the prevalence of DH was 10 % with an average
als in the global population retain more teeth of 33 % across the published studies accepted in
than previously reported, there may be a their review.
46 S. Taha

Future Studies for the Prevalence with DH should be evaluated more carefully in
of DH future research when investigators report on
the prevalence of DH.
DH is a condition with a relatively high preva-
lence among the different population groups.
The presence of national surveys on the condi- References
tion should help in forming a clear strategy for
the prevention and treatment of this condition. Al-Khafaji H (2013) Observations on dentine hypersen-
sitivity in general dental practices in the United Arab
Population-based representative samples are Emirates. Eur J Dent 7(4):389–394. doi:10.4103/1305-
now needed (Splieth and Tachou 2012). 7456.120634, EJD-7-389 [pii]
Furthermore, given the changes in the definition Al-Sabbagh M, Beneduce C, Andreana S, Ciancio SG
of both DH and RS, investigators should under- (2010) Incidence and time course of dentinal hypersensi-
tivity after periodontal surgery. Gen Dent 58(1):e14–e19
take new studies with a view to capture more Amarasena N, Spencer J, Ou Y, Brennan D (2010) Dentine
accurate prevalence values on the two conditions hypersensitivity – Australian dentists’ perspective.
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Amarasena N, Spencer J, Ou Y, Brennan D (2011) Dentine
Data on the confounding and contributing fac- hypersensitivity in a private practice patient population
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viously been disregarded in the reporting of prev- Bahsi E, Dalli M, Uzgur R, Turkal M, Hamidi MM, Colak
H (2012) An analysis of the aetiology, prevalence and
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should be taken in the design of study protocols eral dental population. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
to include the prevalence of NCCL and in exam- 16(8):1107–1116
ining its association with DH given the increase Bamise CT, Olusile AO, Oginni AO, Dosumu OO (2007)
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Conclusions Clin Periodontol. Prevalence of cervical dentine sensi-
tivity in a population of patients referred to a specialist
The prevalence reports of DH are not abundant Periodontology Department 1996 Nov;23(11):989–92
and are somewhat contradictory. The wide Chrysanthakopoulos NA (2011) Prevalence of dentine
variation in the prevalence values reported in hypersensitivity in a general dental practice in Greece.
the literature may be reduced by dividing the J Clin Exp Dent 3(5):e445–e451
Clayton DR, McCarthy D, Gillam DG (2002) A study of
reporting of the condition into three categories: the prevalence and distribution of dentine sensitivity in
(1) DH prevalence using surveys (around a population of 17-58-year-old serving personnel on an
50 %), (2) DH prevalence diagnosed using RAF base in the Midlands. J Oral Rehabil 29(1):14–23,
combined surveys and clinical exams (1–20 %) 805 [pii]
Colak H, Aylikci BU, Hamidi MM, Uzgur R (2012a)
and (3) DH in patients who have periodontal Prevalence of dentine hypersensitivity among
disease or have been receiving periodontal university students in Turkey. Niger J Clin
treatment (60–90 %). Questionnaires have Pract15(4):415–419. doi:10.4103/1119-3077.104514,
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Colak H, Demirer S, Hamidi M, Uzgur R, Koseoglu S
prevalence; however, when combined with (2012b) Prevalence of dentine hypersensitivity among
clinical examination, these values were signifi- adult patients attending a dental hospital clinic in
cantly reduced. Furthermore, investigators Turkey. West Indian Med J 61(2):174–179
should undertake new studies with a view to Costa RS, Rios FS, Moura MS, Jardim JJ, Maltz M, Haas
AN (2014) Prevalence and risk indicators of den-
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and contributing factors that are associated jop.2014.130728
3 The Prevalence of Dentine Hypersensitivity 47

Cunha-Cruz J, Wataha JC (2014) The burden of dentine Lin YH, Gillam DG (2012) The prevalence of root sensitiv-
hypersensitivity. In: Robinson PG (ed) Dentine hyper- ity following periodontal therapy: a systematic review.
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Aetiology and Clinical Features
of Dentine Hypersensitivity 4
Ryan Olley and David Bartlett

Introduction condition is somewhat clearer today. This chapter

therefore focuses attention on the clinical features
Dentine hypersensitivity (DH) is a common of DH and in detail on the causes of DH and the
oral condition, which is typically short lasting, associated clinical presentation.
an intense pain located around teeth and often
associated with cold stimuli. An innate problem
with DH is that its clinical features are transient Clinical Features of DH
and patients do not always present with DH at
examination, even though they may suffer from DH is a common clinical condition and patients
it regularly. Indeed, the nature of DH appears to describe it as a short, sharp pain that affects the
be cyclic and most sufferers self-medicate and use permanent dentition (Addy 2002). The clini-
desensitising toothpaste formulations to control cal features are explained in the definition of
the condition. There are increasing suggestions DH. This was first suggested by Dowell et al. in
from the published literature, that DH is transient 1983 (Dowell and Addy 1983), later finalised by
nature of the condition (Gillam 2013; West 2006; an international workshop on the design and con-
West et al. 2013b). The reasons for this trend, his- duct of clinical trials for DH (Holland et al. 1997)
torically, have been unclear. Indeed, the cause/s of and most recently modified by the Canadian
DH have been poorly understood and resulted in Advisory Board on Dentin Hypersensitivity
DH being termed an enigma 32 years ago, and this (Canadian Advisory Board 2003). The definition
concept has been revisited on a number of occa- stated that DH ‘is characterised by short sharp
sions (Johnson et al. 1982; Dababneh et al. 1999; pain arising from exposed dentine in response
Addy 2002; Markowitz and Pashley 2008). The to stimuli typically thermal, evaporative, tactile,
apparent historical lack in the understanding of osmotic or chemical and which cannot be ascribed
the aetiological processes in particular tooth wear to any other form of defect or disease’. The clini-
often resulted in elusive treatment and preventive cal description of the condition is explained in
strategies which focused on the symptoms of DH the first part of this definition. The second part
rather than its cause/s (Markowitz and Pashley differentiates it from other clinical conditions
2008). Nevertheless, our understanding of the that might have identical symptoms but different
management strategies (Dowell et al. 1985), and
these are listed in Table 4.1.
R. Olley (*) • D. Bartlett
In the definition of DH, the word ‘disease’
Department of Prosthodontics, King’s College
London Dental Institute, London, UK replaced the previously used word ‘pathology’
e-mail: following the Canadian consensus. However,

D.G. Gillam (ed.), Dentine Hypersensitivity: Advances in Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment, 49
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14577-8_4, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
50 R. Olley and D. Bartlett

Table 4.1 Examples of clinical conditions that need to layer and penetrate into the root dentine (Adriaens
be excluded prior to a definitive diagnosis of DH
1989) which in turn may initiate inflammation in
Dental caries the pulp. Several Investigators have suggested
Cracked tooth that this may be an alternative explanation for
Fractured restoration the mechanism associated with DH (Lundy and
Post-restorative sensitivity Stanley 1969; Brannstrom 1982; Dababneh et al.
Medication sensitivity
1999). Although in the light of the changes in the
Post-nonsurgical/postsurgical periodontal sensitivity
terminology of DH/RS it may be more relevant
Palatogingival groove
as a mechanism for RS. It is the bacterial prod-
Non-odontogenic origin
ucts, however, rather than the bacteria, which are
likely to diffuse towards the pulp. Initially, plasma
disease relates more to the clinical outcome of proteins/immunoglobulins from the blood diffuse
the condition, rather than its aetiology or pathol- into the dentine tubules, decreasing permeabil-
ogy which will be discussed below. ity (Pashley 1984). Following chronic periodon-
tal disease and ongoing treatment, increases in
pulpal pressures, nerve spouting reduction in pain
Aetiology thresholds, scar tissue and reduced plasma pro-
teins may worsen DH (Pashley 1984).
DH can be associated with a number of aetiolo-
gies including non-surgical and post surgical
treatment of periodontal disease, erosion and gin- Tooth Whitening Procedures
gival recession. These are discussed in turn below (Unknown or Not Understood
together with some other rarer aetiology. Interrelationship)

Tooth whitening procedures often involve carb-

Postsurgical Periodontal Disease amide peroxide, which breaks down into hydrogen
(Recession Induced by Management) peroxide and urea and bleach the tooth. This
causes dehydration within the tooth and symptoms
DH may occur iatrogenically and it has been of DH. However, the symptoms are often tempo-
reported to affect up to 57 % of the general popula- rary and for the duration of treatment (Ferrari et al.
tion in one subject-reported study following scal- 2007). Bleaching may however, involve a different
ing or root planning (Irwin and McCusker 1997). mechanism to that of DH (Gillam et al. 2013) and
Another study of periodontal patients reported a therefore is not strictly an aetiology factor for DH
prevalence of 85–95 % (Chabanski et al. 1996). and may therefore, require alternative manage-
In an early in vitro study, it was reported that after ment strategies (Markowitz 2010).
root surface debridement; the dentine surface
tubules were exposed following the removal of
the surface covering or smear layer (in part). In Developmental Lesions (Rare
health, the smear layer reforms and prevents 86 % Conditions Where Surface
of fluid movement across the dentine (Pashley Morphology of Teeth Changes)
et al. 1978). The smear layer may be defined as
a thin ‘loose’ layer consisting of organic collagen These can often affect the primary and later per-
and glycosaminoglycans that form an adherent manent dentition and can cause symptoms of
matrix over mineralised tissue arising from saliva DH. They include, for example, amelogenesis
and dentine particles that might occlude the den- and dentinogenesis imperfecta as well as other
tine tubules (Brannstrom 1966; Pashley 1984). It conditions of the enamel and/or dentine that
has also been suggested that in periodontal dis- cause hypomineralisation and hypoplasia. As
ease and any treatment that may expose dentine, with bleaching, these symptoms may involve a
bacteria may colonise and break down the smear mechanism different to that of DH.
4 Aetiology and Clinical Features of Dentine Hypersensitivity 51

Dietary Factors (Erosive Diets) acids were more likely to have DH when exam-
and Gingival Recession ined at their dental appointment. It is therefore
not surprising that DH has been described as a
DH is most commonly associated with erosive tooth wear phenomenon (Addy 2002). It often
dietary factors and gingival recession, and these occurs with intact periodontal tissues when cervi-
will be discussed in more detail in the following cal enamel is removed and coronal dentine
sections of this chapter. The largest European exposed and in combination with non-carious
clinical study to investigate the presence or other- cervical lesions (NCCLs) or following gingival
wise absence of DH in association with its vari- recession. Therefore, it is important to recognise
ous aetiologies involved 3,187 adults enrolled the clinical features of tooth wear, in particular
from general dental practices in France, Spain, erosion. These will be discussed in greater detail
Italy, the United Kingdom, Finland, Latvia and together with gingival recession and oral hygiene
Estonia (West et al. 2013b). The proportion of practices below.
subjects who were examined clinically to have
DH on at least one tooth surface was 42 % fol-
lowing an evaporative stimulus in a clinical set- Tooth Wear and Gingival Recession
ting. The proportion of subjects who reported
having DH in the previous 12 months was less Tooth wear is the irreversible, non-traumatic
(27 %), and this might reflect the transient nature loss of dental hard tissues due to aetiological
of the pain in addition to good coping mecha- processes classified as erosion, attrition, abra-
nisms. According to (West et al. 2013b) when the sion (Bartlett and Smith 2000; Ganss et al. 2006)
various aetiological factors were investigated, and abfraction (Lee and Eakle 1984). Tooth wear
there was a strong progressive relationship may be considered a normal part of ageing or a
between clinically elicited DH and erosive tooth physiological process, from the anthropological
wear caused by dietary factors and gingival reces- perspective (Whittacker 2000). Historically, it
sion. 29 % of these subjects had signs of tooth has been suggested that the human dentition is
wear recorded using the Basic Erosive Wear designed to wear and that this process is impor-
Examination (Bartlett et al. 2013). The preva- tant to optimise the functional capabilities of
lence figure of DH was relatively high compared the dentition (Berry and Poole 1974). Within
to similar studies conducted in general dental dentistry, Smith and Knight first distinguished
practice, 2.8 % (Rees and Addy 2004), 9.1 % physiological and active or pathological tooth
(Amarasena et al. 2011) and 5.3 % (Bahsi et al. wear (Smith and Knight 1984). Tooth wear may
2012), but DH has also been reported in other be defined as pathological as opposed to physio-
studies and associated with erosive tooth wear logical if it appears in relatively younger patients
(Lussi and Schaffner 2000; Fares et al. 2009) and and the rate of progression of tooth wear is fast.
gingival recession (Bamise et al. 2008) (see Crucially, physiological tooth wear allows time
Chap. 3). In a population in the United Kingdom, for the pulp to lay down reparative or secondary
the prevalence of DH examined clinically was dentine, which could prevent fluid flow within
observed to be over 40 % and was associated the dentine tubules and may also reduce DH
with gingival recession (Olley et al. 2013). An (Krauser 1986). In contrast, pathological tooth
investigation of the same group of patients also wear may cause DH as well as other aesthetic
indicated that this population had 43 % of tooth and functional concerns (Smith and Knight 1984;
surfaces with tooth wear (Olley et al. 2014b). In a Al-Omiri et al. 2006). During pathological tooth
prospective study of randomly selected subjects wear, the symptoms of DH are reported more
in Switzerland, 34.8 % of subjects reported DH; frequently (Smith and Knight 1984; Absi et al.
however, the prevalence of DH in those subjects 1987; Addy and Pearce 1994; Dababneh et al.
with tooth wear was 84.6 % (Lussi and Schaffner 1999; Addy 2000, 2002). As pathological tooth
2000). In a recent study (Olley et al. 2014b ahead wear lesions progress into dentine, the radius of
of print), subjects who recently consumed dietary dentine tubules become larger and the distance
52 R. Olley and D. Bartlett

to the pulp decreases. As a result, the hydraulic

conductance of fluid within dentine would be
expected to increase together with an increase in
symptoms associated with DH (Pashley 1990).
However, exposure of dentine (as a result of
tooth wear or gingival recession) will not neces-
sarily lead to the presence of DH per se (Absi
et al. 1987; Yoshiyama et al. 1996; Addy 2002).
Therefore, tools to measure tooth wear in terms
of surface loss alone may not necessarily reflect
the presence of DH.
For the purposes of understanding the aetio- Fig. 4.1 An example of a patient with severe erosion,
logical processes involved in DH, the names which has initiated a loss of crown height and an anterior
‘lesion localisation’ and ‘lesion initiation’ were open bite due to gastric erosion
proposed (Dababneh et al. 1999; Addy 2002).
Lesion localisation involves dentine exposure, or extrinsic sources (ten Carte et al. 2008), both
which may occur as a result of enamel or dentine of which are strongly associated with DH (West
wear or gingival recession. Lesion initiation may et al. 2013a). Typical sources of intrinsic acid are
arise following lesion localisation and involves regurgitated stomach acid containing hydrochlo-
the exposure of patent or un-occluded dentine ric acid (HCL) due to vomiting or gastro-
tubules from the surface of dentine to the pulp. oesophageal reflux (Scheutzel 1996). Typical
This often occurs following loss of the smear extrinsic sources are provided below (Zero 1996;
layer. It should be noted that in addition to the Lussi 2006) (Fig. 4.1):
smear layer or other surface occlusions, the degree • Diet (e.g. acidic citrus and other fruits, car-
of sclerosis by peritubular dentine and the extent bonated beverages and sports drinks, beers
of occlusion by reparative dentine on the pulpal and herbal teas, vinegars and pickles, candies)
surface might also affect the capacity for fluid • Medicaments (e.g. non-encapsulated HCL
movement within the dentine tubules (Yoshiyama replacement, chewing ascorbic acid tablets
et al. 1996). Dentine exposure will not necessarily (vitamin C) and acetylsalicylic acid tablets
lead to DH if the dentine tubule system is not pat- (aspirin), iron tablets, salivary stimulants)
ent. Indeed, clinical observation studies show that • Occupation (e.g. jobs involving wine tasting
DH can be uncommon even in cases where the or working near acidic industrial vapours)
pulp is visible through a thin bridge of dentine • Sports (e.g. improperly chlorinated swimming
(Bartlett and Ide 1999), which is likely to consist pools)
of sclerotic or transparent dentine. There is an increasing body of literature indi-
cating that acid erosion caused by relatively small
acidic challenges will lead to loss of enamel and
Erosion and DH dentine and expose the dentine tubules and initi-
ate DH. This literature included laboratory
Erosion is currently considered to be the most research (Addy et al. 1987b; Absi et al. 1992;
common and important aetiological factor for West et al. 1999; Vanuspong et al. 2002; Gregg
tooth wear in Europe (Seligman et al. 1988; et al. 2004; Ganss et al. 2009), review papers
Deery et al. 2000; Addy and Hunter 2003; Grippo (Addy and Hunter 2003; Addy 2005; Zero and
et al. 2004; Lussi 2006). This process is due to Lussi 2005; Lussi 2006), clinical research (Absi
the superficial demineralisation of hard tissue et al. 1992; Hughes et al. 1999; Hunter et al.
and the chemical dissolution of the apatite crys- 2000; Olley et al. 2012, 2014a) and prevalence
tals in enamel by an acid (Bartlett 2005) that is studies (Lussi and Schaffner 2000; Smith et al.
not produced by the oral flora but from intrinsic 2008; West et al. 2013b).
4 Aetiology and Clinical Features of Dentine Hypersensitivity 53

Fig. 4.2 Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) images (×2,000) of untreated root surface (left) and root surface follow-
ing a 1 min 6 % citric acid challenge with gentle agitation (right). Scale bar 2 μm

Erosive acid challenges are important in remov- Table 4.2 Erosive products (with associated acids) avail-
ing the smear layer and pellicle (on the tooth sur- able in the United Kingdom with pKa and pH values
faces exposed to saliva) and initiating DH. In two pKa
clinical studies, cavities were prepared in dentine (titratable
and hydrostatic pressures were applied to the Beverage Acid acidity) pH
exposed dentine. Patients reported sensations of Citric fruits Citric acid 3.14 2.2
including oranges,
short sharp pain in those lesions in which an acid lemons, grapefruit
challenge was used to remove the smear layer Apples, plums and Malic acid 3.4 2.2
from the surface of the prepared cavity but not in peaches
lesions in which the smear layer was present Grapes and wines Tartaric acid 2.89 2.2
(Brannstrom 1965; Ahlquist et al. 1994). This can Fermented products Lactic acid 3.86 2.4
be easily demonstrated in the laboratory. For and yoghurt
Preservative Acetic acid 4.76 2.9
example, Figure 4.2 shows a high-powered scan-
Rhubarb Oxalic acid 4.14 1.3
ning electron microscopy image of the surface of
Cola drink Phosphoric acid 2.15 1.5
root dentine taken from the buccal cervical region
of a premolar tooth. Following treatment of the
surface of the dentine with a 6 % solution of citric United Kingdom. These are summarised, together
acid for one minute under agitation, the smear with pH and pKa values (explained below), in
layer was removed and the dentine tubules become Table 4.2.
visible. This work is supported elsewhere (Pashley Despite the acidity of these products, not all
et al. 1981; Addy et al. 1987a). Most of the dentine popular erosive beverages will initiate the expo-
tubules are greater than 1 μm in diameter post-acid sure of the dentine tubules. This was demonstrated
challenge. This is greater than 0.83 μm, the mini- in an early study, which investigated the effect of
mum diameter reported as being required to elicit various dietary beverages on dentine and reported
DH at the cervical area of the tooth near the that many of these popular erosive beverages of
dentino-enamel junction (DEJ) (Absi et al. 1987). acidic or ‘low’ pH would not lead to exposure of
The effects of acids are to remove the smear layer the patent dentine tubules (Addy et al. 1987a).
and expose patent or un-occluded dentine tubules. These beverages included a low-pH carbonated
It was concluded in these studies that the presence drink, Coca-Cola and Ribena (a fruit-based soft
of these patent dentine tubules was related clini- drink). Instead, consumables, for example, red and
cally to DH. white wine, citrus fruit juices, apple juice and
There are a number of food products that con- yoghurt, produced visible dentine tubules as
tain acids which are popular consumables in the observed by SEM (Addy et al. 1987a). It should be
54 R. Olley and D. Bartlett

pointed out that Addy, Absi et al 1987 examined pH, the phosphate in Cola drinks raises the degree
smear layer removal and not tooth structure loss. of saturation of the solution with respect to tooth
Citric acid was described at the time as most detri- mineral; Calcium and phosphate. Furthermore, in
mental to human enamel (Meurman et al. 1987). contrast to most other organic acids, the calcium
Grenby et al. then demonstrated that titratability salt of oxalic acid is insoluble. Foods containing
was likely to be more important than pH in deter- this acid should be therefore less erosive in nature.
mining the erosive potential of carbonated drinks, The importance of a mature salivary pellicle in
fruit juices etc (Grenby et al. 1989). For example, providing a protective role during erosion must
the Coca-Cola drink and Ribena were observed to not however be underestimated; in particular the
have substantially lower titratable acidities in con- phosphate, calcium and fluoride content of an
trast to fruit juices (lemon, orange and pineapple), erosive challenge may prevent dental wear (Zero
and they were therefore less acidic. Titratable and Lussi 2005), and sleeping medications
acidity or neutralisable acidity (pKa) is the volume (which may reduce salivary flow) are associated
of alkali required (typically 0.1 mol solution of with more reported DH (West et al. 2013a).
sodium hydroxide) to raise the pH of a stan- Currently there is ongoing research in this area,
dardised volume of beverage (typically 25 ml) to and clinical experiments have demonstrated that
pH 7 (Chadwick 2006). In dental erosion, titrat- the salivary pellicle forms a protective layer
ability provides an indication of the actual concen- against erosion (Moazzez et al. 2014).
tration of hydrogen ions available to interact with
a mineralised surface, which provides an indica-
tion of the erosive potential of a particular acid Abrasion and DH
challenge (Zero 1996). In addition to a higher
titratable acidity and lower pH, the severity of an Abrasion is a physical process, which occurs as a
erosive challenge is also likely to increase with the result of the mechanical wear of dental tissues by
duration of the acid challenge, temperature and ion foreign bodies. Toothbrushing and toothpaste for-
concentration, frequency of the acid challenge and mulations are common forms of dental abrasion
the presence of chelating agents (Moss 1998; West (Addy and Hunter 2003; Addy and West 2013).
et al. 2000; Wiegand et al. 2007). The latter is Toothbrush abrasion is influenced by brushing
related to the calcium-binding property of the acid. habits, force applied and the time spent brushing
Acids, for example, citric, malic and tartaric acid, (Hooper et al. 2003). There are additional habits
contain more than one carboxyl group in their linked to abrasion, for example, onychophagia,
chemical composition (di and poly carboxylic clips and other tools, which may come into con-
acids), and this will result to the binding of more tact with teeth. Unlike erosion, there are limited
than one soluble calcium ion complexes at high data to support the importance of abrasion in
pH (Meurman et al. 1987). Calcium binding from causing DH, but toothbrushing with a toothpaste
the saliva will result in the loss of the ion effect of has been previously implicated in the aetiology of
calcium in saliva, which will lead to more dissolu- DH (Addy and Hunter 2003; Abrahamsen 2005;
tion tendency. Also, if calcium from the saliva is Bartlett and Shah 2006; Ganss et al. 2009; Addy
bound, there may be a tendency for more dissolu- and West 2013) (Fig. 4.3).
tion of the dental tissue in order to replace the cal- According to Addy (2005), the effects of nor-
cium lost in saliva (Meurman and tenCate 1996). mal toothbrushing on wear of the enamel are neg-
This will result in further erosion of the surface ligible and unlikely to lead to exposure of the
layer, due to the gradual release of tooth mineral underlying dentine alone unless erosion is also
due to a buffering action (Grenby et al. 1989). As occurring. Normal toothbrushing, even for
a result, fruit juices, for example, orange or pine- extended periods of time (measured in years),
apple juice, will result in more demineralisation will also cause limited wear of dentine, and the
than other popular erosive beverages such as the wear may be limited to the smear layer, which
Coca-Cola and lemonade drinks, which contain would presumably have a subsequent effect on
phosphate (Grenby et al. 1989). Despite their low DH (Absi et al. 1992). Increasing the force of
4 Aetiology and Clinical Features of Dentine Hypersensitivity 55

Dentifrice (toothpaste) abrasivity is normally

measured using the RDA (Relative Dentine
Abrasivity), which has a numeric value. The
International Organization for Standardization
guidelines state that for dentine, the abrasivity of
test formulation should not exceed 2.5 times the
reference abrasive, e.g. RDA must not exceed 250
(International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) 11609, 1995). Interestingly, the allowed pH
range for a toothpaste (pH 4–10) might be more a
cause for concern as this would suggest that some
Fig. 4.3 An example of abrasion on the buccal cervical toothpaste formulations of low pH could intrinsi-
region commonly referred to as a non-carious cervical cally lead to chemico-physical dental wear. Despite
lesion (NCCL) this, ISO standards ensure that all toothpaste prod-
ucts are above a pH that may cause demineralisa-
toothbrushing can, in addition, result in increased tion (pH 5.5 for enamel and pH 6.5 for dentine) or
tooth surface loss in dentine. Manual, as opposed the contained fluoride balances the low-pH effect
to electric toothbrushing, has been demonstrated (Hunter et al. 2002). Toothpaste formulations satu-
to cause more dentine wear because the force rated with dental mineral and in particular fluoride
applied with a manual toothbrush was often actively encourages remineralisation due to their
higher (Knezevic et al. 2010; Van der Weijden buffering capacity and consequently abrasion is
et al. 2011). Similarly, prevalence studies have less (Betke et al. 2003; Zero and Lussi 2005).
demonstrated that brushing with medium and In summary, although toothpaste formulations
hard, rather than soft, stiffness toothbrushes will are unlikely to cause DH lesion localisation,
cause more dentine wear (Smith et al. 2008). It toothpaste formulations of higher abrasivity or
has also been reported that when greater forces overzealous brushing or use of a toothpaste may
are applied to healthy dentine using a manual initiate dentine wear and DH lesion initiation by
toothbrush, patients are more likely to report pain removal of the smear layer and establishment of
that resembles DH (Addy 2005). patent dentine tubules (Addy and Hunter 2003).
Toothbrushing with a toothpaste adds an abra- Despite this, some toothpaste formulations, espe-
sive component. Nonetheless, normal toothbrush- cially those containing silica, may have a thera-
ing with toothpaste formulations (with the peutic effect in preventing DH by partially
exception of non-hydrated alumina) in the absence occluding the dentine tubules (Addy and Mostafa
of acid is likely to cause little or no wear of enamel 1989; West et al. 2002) and may also contain
and dentine (Hunter et al. 2002; Addy 2005). active ingredients capable of increasing this
Abnormal or abusive use (e.g. using excessive effect (Olley et al. 2012, 2014a).
toothpaste) can however lead to pathological wear
(Hunter et al. 2002; Hooper et al. 2003; Turssi et al.
2010). The filament stiffness of toothbrushes may Attrition and DH
also be important in dentine wear initiated by a
toothpaste. Laboratory studies have demonstrated Attrition is the physical wear of dental hard tis-
that smaller filament stiffness (decreasing diameter sues due to tooth-to-tooth contact on occlusal or
of filament) initiated more wear in dentine using incisal tooth surfaces. In normal function, the
various abrasives of toothpaste formulations (post- teeth only contact for a short period of time for
acid erosion) and that the abrasivity of the denti- eating or swallowing. However, when this con-
frice is more important than the filament stiffness tact occurs at other times, it is termed parafunc-
(Wiegand et al. 2009). This would suggest that tion or bruxism. This often occurs nocturnally as
multifilament soft brushes may retain more tooth- a form of stress relief (Bartlett and Smith 2000).
paste, which in turn might lead to more tooth wear. Although DH is more common on buccal tooth
56 R. Olley and D. Bartlett

right handed) are more likely to have DH (Addy

et al. 1987b, c). Indeed, tooth surfaces with
healthy gingiva with no bleeding on probing (and
good oral hygiene) are more likely to exhibit DH
(Olley et al. 2013). Furthermore, periodontal dis-
ease has been linked previously to DH indirectly
and/or its treatment through gingival recession
(Chabanski et al. 1996; Madhu and Setty 2006).
Tobacco is a significant risk factor for periodontal
disease throughout Europe (Olley and Gallagher
2010), and European prevalence studies have also
demonstrated an association between tobacco
usage and DH (West et al. 2013b). Therefore, oral
Fig. 4.4 An example of severe attrition associated with
bruxism. Note that the incisal surfaces are flattened hygiene, periodontal status and tobacco use are all
relevant factors in the aetiology of DH. Good oral
hygiene and tobacco control must therefore be
surfaces in association with gingival recession, encouraged by clinicians, but unfortunately the
prevalence studies which have also investigated caveat is that patients who have DH may be less
occlusal surfaces show that the occlusal surfaces likely to brush their teeth due to pain. This
also demonstrate DH (Bamise et al. 2008; Olley increases the level of plaque on their dentine,
et al. 2013) (Fig. 4.4). The severity of DH on which may paradoxically reduce DH, but may
occlusal surfaces is associated with the severity increase their likelihood of periodontal disease.
of tooth wear (Olley et al. 2015). The evidence for this is however, entirely anec-
dotal, but it is now known that good oral hygiene
is linked to a higher prevalence of DH (Olley et al.
Abfraction and DH 2013), and thus patients with DH are more likely
to brush their teeth normally.
Abfraction (later named in 1991) was first sug- Gingival recession and in turn DH may also be
gested by Lee and Eakle (1984; Grippo 1991). initiated iatrogenically due to abnormal oral
Abfraction was attributed to those tooth wear hygiene procedures (Addy and Hunter 2003).
lesions that could not be explained due to erosion Inappropriate brushing techniques (too hard or
and/or abrasion and which occurred due to occlu- frequent) may cause dentine exposure and lesion
sal stress often occurring near the cervical margin localisation as a result of gingival recession
of teeth (Bevenius et al. 1993). As a cause of (Chabanski et al. 1996; Addy and Hunter 2003;
NCCLs, they have been associated with DH Hooper et al. 2003; McCracken et al. 2003; Smith
(Addy 2002). There are limited data however to et al. 2008), and there is an association between
support the correlation between occlusal stress toothbrushing habits, gingival recession and DH
and NCCLs and the important aetiologies are (Addy et al. 1987b, d; Olley et al. 2013).
therefore more likely to be erosion and abrasion
(Bartlett and Shah 2006; Smith et al. 2008).
Multifactorial Aetiologies of Tooth
Wear and DH
Oral Hygiene, Gingival Recession
and DH In tooth wear, it is unusual that attrition, abrasion
or erosion occur individually, and it may be more
Teeth with good oral hygiene and lower plaque accurate to describe them, as in a previous review,
scores (e.g. as demonstrated on the surfaces of through dental tribology terminology as two-
teeth in the upper left quadrant of patients who are body, three-body and chemico-physical wear,
4 Aetiology and Clinical Features of Dentine Hypersensitivity 57

respectively (Addy 2000, 2005). For patients, reflected in the current clinical suggestion from
these wear processes may include oral hygiene the dental profession to avoid toothbrushing
practices, dietary habits, stress and their effects on immediately after acidic food or drink consump-
the occlusion (Bartlett and Shah 2006; Bartold tion (Dababneh et al. 1999).
2006; Shah et al. 2009). Over the last two decades,
the predominant aetiologies involved in NCCLs
and DH in the published literature have changed. Future Trends
In 1984, a case study and review reported that the
predominant aetiologies were more likely to be This chapter has first recognised the importance
due to abfraction, erosion and abrasion (Lee and of tooth wear and in particular erosion in the aeti-
Eakle 1984). Subsequently in 1996, a prevalence ology of DH, and it is important that future treat-
study on 1,007 dental hospital patients attributed ment strategies take into account the importance
the main aetiologies as erosion and abrasion of the aetiology of the condition. Tooth wear
(Smith and Robb 1996). More recently, erosion (attrition, abrasion and erosion), unlike DH, are
has been described as the predominant aetiology diseases recognised by the WHO. Therefore, the
(Addy and Hunter 2003). Overall, the evidence presence of DH could be an important diagnostic
from these studies would suggest that erosion is indicator of the presence of an active disease pro-
important in both the exposure of dentine and ini- cess as suggested previously (Dababneh et al.
tiation of a DH lesion. If these aetiologies are to be 1999), which if undisturbed may lead to an
avoided, then the protection afforded to the den- increase in the frequency and severity of tooth
tine by the acquired pellicle and the smear layer wear lesions (Addy 2002).
must play an important role in the transient nature The frequency and quantity of an acid chal-
of DH in both NCCL and postsurgical recession. lenge may therefore affect the degree of dental
For example, dental erosion often works in erosion, and this may be a concern for the dental
synergy with abrasion, in the aetiology of NCCLs profession. For example, there is an increasing
and DH (Lussi 2006), and toothbrushing will, at trend in the United Kingdom for increasing soft
the very least, remove the acquired pellicle, drink consumption as indicated in a report in 1997
which has been shown to offer protection against which demonstrated that UK soft drink consump-
erosion in vitro (Wetton et al. 2006). A combina- tion had risen by 56 % in the previous 10 years and
tion of toothbrushing with an erosive acid chal- was predicted to continue rising 2–3 % each year
lenge will also enhance the removal of the smear thereafter (Zenith International Ltd 1997). This
layer, and it was suggested in an early in vitro predicted increase was subsequently confirmed by
study that brushing should therefore be avoided a recent report from the British Soft Drinks
immediately after meals (Absi et al. 1987). Association (BSDA 2011). Table 4.3 shows the
Another in vitro study reported that toothbrush-
ing alone may take several years to remove the
Table 4.3 UK soft drink consumption between 2004 and
smear layer and expose the dentine tubule sys-
tem, but this exposure occurred more readily if
followed by an erosive acid challenge (Absi et al. Million litres
consumed in the
1992). Clinically, it has also been shown that United Kingdom
toothbrushing immediately post-acid challenge UK soft drinks 2004 2010
can lead to more DH-like symptoms (Ahlquist Carbonates 6,195 6,400
et al. 1994; Addy 2005). The evidence from the Powdered soft drinks 3,125 3,500
published studies would therefore support the and dilutables
role of multiple factors, in particular erosion and Bottled water 2,060 2,055
abrasion, in the aetiology of DH, even though one Still and juice drinks 1,090 1,450
factor may be dominant in the process. The syn- Fruit juice 1,040 1,180
ergy between the various aetiologies is partially Sports and energy drinks 320 600
58 R. Olley and D. Bartlett

UK soft drink consumption between 2004 and Population Projections, 23 November 2011), and
2010. Consumption of all beverages, except bot- for this section of the population, it is estimated
tled water, has increased. Of particular concern are that by 2028, total tooth loss will be eliminated in
the consumed acidic beverages, for example, juice those under 65 years and significantly reduced in
drinks and fruit juices, which have been shown to those under 75 years of age (Kelly et al. 1998). In
initiate dental wear and the exposure of the den- the United Kingdom, with an ageing population
tine tubules and for which consumption has retaining their teeth for longer and considering
increased significantly as indicated above. Of par- tooth wear, in particular erosion, which has been
ticular concern is the fact that both energy and described as increasing with age (Van’t Spijker
sports drinks have almost doubled in sales and et al. 2009; Steele and O’Sullivan 2011) together
may be common amongst those individuals wish- with the predicted increase in consumption of soft
ing to follow a healthy lifestyle but, as with the drinks; this would suggest that even with a con-
other acidic beverages, are strongly associated tinuing improvement in oral health practice there
with patient-reported DH (West et al. 2013a). may be a significant increase in both the preva-
This data clearly indicates the importance of lence of tooth wear and DH in the future. For
prevention, counselling and management of DH example, evidence from the Northwest of the
(see Chap. 10). For example, the progression of United States has demonstrated that tooth wear
tooth wear and associated DH may be measured was more common in older adults, males, those
(at various time points) using clinical photo- who use occlusal splints and adults who have peri-
graphs or study models for monitoring purposes odontal disease (Cunha-Cruz et al. 2010). Recent
by the clinician (Bartlett 2003). Furthermore, studies however have reported that the prevalence
clinical indices, for example, the Basic Erosive of DH in the young European population was high
Wear Examination for tooth wear (Bartlett et al. (West et al. 2013b) as was the consumption of ero-
2008; Olley et al. 2014b) and the Cumulative sive acidic foods and drinks in young Western
Hypersensitivity Index (CHI) score, may be used adults with NCCLs (Lussi et al. 2004) which may
(1) to measure the severity of DH (Olley et al. tend to suggest that both tooth wear and DH may
2013) and (2) for implementation in clinical stud- start to affect adults at an earlier age than previ-
ies. The severity of DH has been reported to ously reported. This trend may also reverse and
affect the quality of life (Boiko et al. 2010) (see affect the younger population and at an earlier age;
Chap. 9). Both tooth wear and DH should be thus it is important for epidemiological research-
identified together with the associated aetiologies ers and dentists to be aware that DH may be
as these will also be important in the subsequent increasingly prevalent in all age groups.
management of the condition (Gillam et al. 2013)
(see Chap. 10). Although the aetiology of DH is
a surface phenomenon, the action of specific References
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24(1–2):57–63 Dent J 55(4 Suppl 1):285–290
Advances in the Diagnosis
of Dentine Hypersensitivity 5
Joon Seong and Nicola West

Introduction such as caries, marginal leakage of restorations,

composite contraction and chipped, cracked,
The diagnosis of dentine hypersensitivity (DH) grooved or fractured teeth result in similar pain
is not a straightforward one, as the pain and responses (Porto et al. 2009; Gernhardt 2013;
clinical presentation of the condition is similar Gillam 2013). These conditions can be differen-
to that resulting from other oral conditions that tiated from DH with clinical observation, for
result in tooth-related pain (Addy 2000). For example, a cracked cusp will give pain upon
example, following the bleaching of vital teeth, release of biting.
many individuals experience sharp, shooting Certain clinical features and patient practices,
pain of short duration (Tam 1999; Dahl and such as exposed dentine as a result of gingival
Pallesen 2003) which exhibits the characteris- recession or enamel tooth wear, a diet high in
tics of pain from DH. However, the aetiology of acid intake smoking and excessive brushing, are
vital tooth bleaching is the result of direct irrita- associated with DH (Addy and West 2013), and
tion of the vital pulpal tissue by hydrogen per- their presence or history might suggest that DH is
oxide, which from in vitro studies has been the cause of the pain reported. Sufferers from
shown to penetrate enamel and dentine (Patri xerostomia not only have a higher risk of erosion
et al. 2013; Cooper et al. 1992). This is in con- and potentially DH but also of caries as a result of
trast to the currently accepted hydrodynamic reduced saliva flow (Grisius 2001). The effect of
theory of DH working on the concept that sensi- overzealous brushing can lead to the exposure of
tive dentine is based on the stimulus-induced radicular dentine and, when in combination with
fluid flow in the dentine tubules and consequent erosion, coronal dentine exposure, which can
nociceptor activation in the pulp/dentine border result in DH (West et al. 2012), especially in the
area (Matthews et al. 2000). Similarly, both DH cervical region.
and pulpitis illicit a sharp pain response follow- However, not all individuals with exposed
ing the application of a thermal stimulus (Bender dentine suffer from DH. Often the dentine tubules
2000; West et al. 2013a), and other conditions are occluded, most often due to surface coverage
with oral debris creating a smear layer or tooth-
paste ingredients such as silica or stannous parti-
cles (Banfield and Addy 2004; Claydon et al.
J. Seong • N. West, BDS, FDS, RCS, PhD, FDS (*) 2009; White et al. 2007). Alternatively, age-
Periodontology, Clinical Trials Unit,
related changes such as the deposition of second-
Bristol Dental School and Hospital,
Lower Maudlin St, Bristol BS1 2LY, UK ary dentine and fibrosis of the pulpal tissue result
e-mail: in reduced DH (West et al. 2013b).

D.G. Gillam (ed.), Dentine Hypersensitivity: Advances in Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment, 63
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14577-8_5, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
64 J. Seong and N. West

Although the term DH is familiar to the dental (Bekes et al. 2008; Boiko et al. 2010), an accu-
profession (Addy and West 2013), there is little rate diagnosis is paramount before any treatment
evidence to indicate that hypersensitive dentine is recommended by the clinician (see Chap. 9).
differs in any way from normal dentine and the This chapter (5) provides up to date guidance to
pain mechanisms are probably the same, sensitive help with the diagnosis of DH in general dental
dentine looking clinically the same as nonsensitive practice, together with methods of quantification
dentine. The status of the pulp in DH is not known of pain more suited to clinical trials which exam-
although symptoms would suggest it unlikely that ine the efficacy of desensitizing products.
there is an acute or chronic inflammation due to
the length of time symptoms persist. Most investi-
gations report no correlation between pathology Current Approaches to Diagnosing
and symptoms (Seltzer et al. 1963; Tydesley and Dentine Hypersensitivity
Mumford 1970); however, ethically, studies are
fraught with difficulty. The term ‘dentine hyper- In the absence of a definitive test for DH, a dif-
sensitivity’ can be questioned, with perhaps ‘den- ferential diagnostic approach is utilised whereby
tine sensitivity’ being a more accurate description other conditions are eliminated by the use of
although not used as often (see Chapter 1). Thus, diagnostic tests for other oral conditions, together
while helpful in diagnosis, the presence of features with the completion of a comprehensive medical
indicative of DH, such as exposed dentine, alone history and in particular pain history (Porto et al.
can only suggest that this might be the cause of a 2009; Terry 2011; Gillam 2013). Only once con-
patient’s pain. ditions with similar symptoms and presentation
DH is known to be an episodic condition (Addy have been eliminated is it possible to arrive at a
2002), often more prevalent in cold weather and in definitive diagnosis of DH.
practicing certain habits, e.g. frequent highly acidic Several studies have examined the literature
diet. This observation may be as a result of a and suggested guidelines for the diagnosis of DH
dynamic equilibrium between the opening and (Canadian Advisory Board 2003; Gernhardt
closing of the dentine tubules during daily activity 2013); Gillam et al. 2013). As DH is relatively
and toothbrushing (Adams et al. 1992). Hence the common, with recent studies in Europe, Brazil and
twice-daily instruction to patients for the use of India reporting prevalence figures of approxi-
occluding toothpaste formulations with potential mately 42 % in 18–35 year olds, 33 % of over
acid-resistant properties (Mason et al. 2010), which 35 year olds and 42 % of patients attending a den-
may maintain tubule occlusion and reduce or tal school, respectively (West et al. 2013a; Costa
negate any pain symptoms associated with DH et al. 2014; Rane et al. 2013), and knowing that the
(West et al. 2012). condition may also negatively affect the quality of
This similarity between the pain and symp- life (Bekes et al. 2008; Boiko et al. 2010) (see
toms of DH and the pain initiated by other oral Chap. 9), it is therefore suggested that all patients
conditions, together with the fact that the oral attending routine dental appointment reviews
features suggestive of DH are also common to should be asked whether they have experienced
other oral diseases and complaints, makes the sensitivity on any of their teeth. Screening for DH
diagnosis of DH problematic. The difficulties has however, been reported to be uncommonly
in diagnosing DH may account for the lower undertaken by clinicians (Canadian Advisory
figures for DH detected clinically than by self- Board 2003; Gillam et al. 2013). If pain and sensi-
reported questionnaires observed in several stud- tivity is reported, the diagnosis of DH should be
ies which used both measures of assessment determined together with a thorough medical and
(Dhaliwal et al. 2012; Ye et al. 2012; Que et al. dental history which explores the nature of the
2010) (see Chap. 3). Furthermore as it has also pain, sharpness, intensity, duration, how many
been reported that in some instances DH can also teeth are involved, stimulating and relieving fac-
adversely affect the quality of life of individuals tors that cause the pain as well as relevant informa-
5 Advances in the Diagnosis of Dentine Hypersensitivity 65

tion about recent tooth bleaching procedures and The information from such assessments indi-
dietary habits, which may provide clues to the cates whether pain is localised or more general in
underlying cause (Terry 2011; Porto et al. 2009) nature as well as the intensity of the pain which
(see Chap. 4). Questions should be phrased in such in turn will determine the treatment planning
a way that patients are not led to the answer pathway (Gillam and Orchardson 2006).
(Gillam et al. 2013). Classically the pain of DH is Although DH can be initiated by a number of
short and sharp and of limited duration (Holland stimuli, not all are useful in assessing DH in prac-
et al. 1997). The dull throbbing ache type of pain tice. An osmotic stimulus for example, sugar may
of long duration is likely to be of pulpal pathology give a hypersensitivity response but is hard to
in origin and not due to DH (Addy 2002). control as it diffuses into the dentine fluid making
The medical history should be followed by a accurate repeat assessments impossible in a short
comprehensive clinical oral examination, in which time period as the difference in osmotic potential
the clinician looks for obvious defects that might between the inside and outside of the tubule
account for the pain reported by the patient and reduces. The use of electrical stimulation is also
undertakes tests to confirm or reject potential not recommended (Holland et al. 1997). Although
causes (Gillam et al. 2013). Most conditions which a benefit of such stimuli is that the amount of
result in a pain that is similar to that caused by DH stimulus required to achieve a sensory response
can be diagnosed through the use of diagnostic can be readily measured, nevertheless no correla-
radiographs or tender tooth testing, and if these tion was reported between the electrical current
tests are negative, then DH may be considered as threshold and pain scores obtained after stimula-
the potential cause. One of the commonest differ- tion with air blasts or cold (Nahri et al. 1991;
ential diagnoses to DH is the cracked cusp, deter- Kontturi-Narhi and Narhi 1993). These findings
mined by pain upon release of biting and usually coupled with the fact that electrical stimulation is
affecting only one tooth, which is rare in sensitiv- not really clinically relevant in assessing pain
ity where a number of teeth are usually affected associated with DH would suggest that this
(see Chap. 4). It can also be more difficult to diag- approach should not be recommended as a diag-
nose other conditions, for example, atypical odon- nostic tool for assessing DH (Gillam and Newman
talgia which occurs in the absence of detectable 1993). Furthermore it should be noted that most
pathology (Gillam and Orchardson 2006), but if it of these stimuli would be unsuitable for use in
is demonstrated that the pain is short-lived, is clinical practice apart from the use of an air blast
sharp in onset and occurs in response to stimuli from a cold air syringe and a explorer probe,
known to initiate DH, then DH is indicated as the together with a subjective assessment of the
cause of the patient’s pain (Terry 2011). patient’s pain score (see below).
Assessing the extent and severity of DH is To determine the hypersensitivity response to
achieved by stimulating the teeth thought to be a mechanical stimulus, a conventional or
sensitive with stimuli known to elicit a hypersen- pressure-sensitive sharp dental probe can be
sitivity response. Such stimulation will inevita- employed. The latter provides a measurable,
bly cause the patient pain and this must be taken reproducible force (Yates et al. 1998). The Yeaple
into account when interpreting a patient’s probe delivers a force which can be increased at
response. People’s pain perceptions and expecta- 5 g intervals, up to a force of 70 g, stopping when
tion of pain also must not be underestimated. In pain is elicited or if no pain is experienced, the
a study by Addy et al. (2007), participants had a tooth being considered not sensitive (Garcia-
number of teeth which exhibited sensitivity to a Godoy 2013). The probe is walked over the area
cold air stimulus. When one of these teeth was of exposed dentine in incremental horizontal
stimulated, volunteers described and scored lines. Often only a small area of dentine will
pain, although the teeth were completely respond. However, not all hypersensitive teeth
shielded and the participant could not have expe- respond to tactile stimulation (Flynn et al. 1985),
rienced any pain. and has been considered to be a less invasive
66 J. Seong and N. West

procedure than that of a cold air blast (Gillam and ulus such as a blast of air has been used to identify
Newman 1993). The Yeaple probe technology the sensitive tooth provided a suitable time inter-
may however be problematic in that if the force is val has been achieved (see above).
exceeded, there is no mechanism to detect or Following a diagnosis of DH an assessment of
highlight this increase in force. Nevertheless, the patient’s pain may be undertaken. This is par-
mechanical stimulation is still frequently used as ticularly important in clinical trials of DH where the
part of the assessment of DH in the clinical trial efficacy of treatments is being tested. Pain assess-
setting (Gillam and Orchardson 2006; Cunha- ments are difficult as pain is highly subjective in
Cruz et al. 2010; Costa et al. 2014). nature (Gillam et al. 2000), and the response to pain
Thermal and evaporative stimuli are also com- stimuli may be modified by factors such as the situ-
monly used to assess DH (Gillam and Orchardson ation in which the pain is encountered (Dworkin
2006; Cunha-Cruz et al. 2010). A short air blast and Chen 1982) and the anxiety felt by the patient
is the most frequently used stimulus challenge in (Oktay et al. 2008). In addition, in the clinical trial
clinical studies seeking to determine the preva- setting, pain scores are subject to the placebo effect
lence of DH (West et al. 2013a; Rane et al. 2013; (West et al. 1997), in which the expectation of
Costa et al. 2014) and is also a practical way to receiving an effective pain relief treatment can
identify sensitive teeth in a diagnostic exam. This result in reduced pain scores in all trial participants
stimulus can be perceived as cold if it is applied including those who have been randomised to con-
below room temperature or for a long period of trol products. Trial participants may also tempo-
time, so in most clinical studies, if an evaporative rarily alter their behaviour as a result of taking part
stimulus is required, it is applied in a short burst in the trial (the Hawthorne effect) although the
of 1 s, perpendicular to the area of exposed den- magnitude of the Hawthorne effect is not clear
tine and 10 mm away from the dentine, at approx- (McCambridge et al. 2014) (see Chap. 7).
imately 20 °C (West et al. 201a3; Rahiotis et al. When determining the severity of DH, pain
2013). Of the stimuli that provoke DH, the appli- assessments are usually response based, whereby
cation of cold has been shown to cause a greater a stimulus is applied and patients are asked to
pain response than other stimuli (Gillam and describe how painful it felt in simple terms. Over
Newman 1993), and for this reason, it is not repeat visits, patients are asked similar questions
always appropriate to choose this as a stimulus. and whether pain is better or worse, and in this
For clinical trials it is recommended that stimuli way, the condition and treatment efficacy may be
should be used in the order of pain evoked. Ideally effectively monitored (Gillam et al. 2013). In a
two stimuli should be applied (Holland et al. clinical trial scenario, more complex response-
1997; Canadian Advisory Board 2003) (with the based pain assessments, for example, visual ana-
least invasive stimulus used before the more inva- logue scale (VAS) in which the patient is asked to
sive stimulus), with an appropriate interval mark on a line of length 100 mm how painful a
between them such that their effects do not over- stimulus was, where ‘0’ is not painful and ‘10’ is
lap and the pulp has time to recover, about 5 min. the worst pain imaginable, are frequently used.
Frequently the stimuli chosen are a mechanical The distance to the mark is measured and this
stimulus such as an explorer probe, which is rec- represents the pain score. As a continuous vari-
ommended to be moved in the mesiodistal direc- able, the VAS is readily analysed and suitable for
tion on the area where dentine is exposed (Oktay use in clinical studies (Clark and Troullos 1990);
et al. 2008; Miglani et al. 2010), followed by an it may sometimes also be used as part of routine
evaporative stimulus such as an air blast (Gillam clinical assessment, but patients need to be
and Newman 1993; Gillam et al. 2002; Rahiotis trained before being assessed using this scale.
et al. 2013; Costa et al. 2014). For a DH diagnosis Given the subjective nature of pain, in addition to
in clinical practice, however, tactile stimulation of patient-scored VAS, clinical studies often employ
a tooth may be better employed to identify spe- examiner-assessed pain scales such as the Schiff
cific areas of sensitivity after an evaporative stim- air evaporative scale (Schiff et al. 2006) in which
5 Advances in the Diagnosis of Dentine Hypersensitivity 67

the clinician delivering the stimulus assesses DH. Unlike the Yeaple probe that relies on an elec-
patient response on a scale of 0–3. A ‘0’ indicates tromagnetic device to deliver a controlled amount of
that the participant does not respond to the stimu- force, the Jay sensitivity probe requires daily calibra-
lus, and ‘3’ indicates that the participant responds tion and it has also been reported that these measure-
to the stimulus, considers it painful and requests ments may be affected by ambient conditions
it to be discontinued. As an alternative to (Garcia-Godoy and Trushkowsky 2013, García-
response-based assessments, stimulus-based Godoy 2013). The Jay probe delivers force incre-
assessments may be employed in clinical trials. ments that are preset and controlled by the
In such assessments, the threshold of a stimulus microprocessor. Recently, several studies have been
required to achieve a response is ascertained, for conducted in order to determine the efficacy and
example, by using a calibrated tactile probe first accuracy of the Jay probe as compared to the exist-
delivered at a pressure, below the pain threshold, ing Yeaple probe and other measures of DH. In a
and then at increasing pressures until the partici- repeated measures test on a cohort of 12, it was dem-
pant registers pain (Schiff et al. 2009). onstrated that while Yeaple probe scores varied sig-
The above protocol should allow dentists to nificantly, the Jay probe scores remained consistent
correctly diagnose DH; however, questionnaire- (Sowinski et al. 2013). Inter-examiner variation was
based studies have demonstrated that many den- also reported to be low. Several other studies demon-
tists do not routinely screen for DH (Canadian strated that DH measurements obtained from the Jay
Advisory Board 2003; Amarasena et al. 2010; probe correlated well with other sensitivity measures
Gillam 2013). It has also been demonstrated that in (Kakar and Kakar 2013; Hegde et al. 2013; Kakar
Canada, less than 50 % of dentists who took part in et al. 2013). Data would appear to suggest that this
a questionnaire-based study considered differential new probe may be effective in assessing DH, how-
diagnosis (Canadian Advisory Board 2003) and ever further studies are required to determine
that diagnostic tests used in North America vary whether this particular probe is any more effective
greatly between dentists (Cunha-Cruz et al. than the other current assessment measures.
2010). By contrast, a questionnaire-based study A systematic review on the effectiveness of
in Australia reported that the majority of dentists various diagnostic tests in diagnosing DH
would take a differential diagnostic approach if (Tejaswi and Anand 2014) concluded that the
patients reported DH (Amarasena et al. 2010). tactile test with the Yeaple probe showed more
These findings suggest that there is still a lack of percentage reduction in DH when compared to
clarity about the best way to diagnose DH, and the other diagnostic tests. These investigators also
difficulties in diagnosis suggest that more work on recommended that tactile testing was a better tool
new tools for this purpose is needed. New regula- in diagnosing DH when comparing the efficacy
tions in the UK will ensure that tooth wear, one of of treatment effects than the other diagnostic tests
the major aetiological factors associated with DH, reviewed in the paper.
will be assessed on a regular basis, which may help In addition to improvements in the accuracy of
with the management of DH (NHS England 2014). equipment used to illicit DH, improvements in the
manner in which DH is measured are also being
developed (see below and Chapter7). Currently in
New Approaches to Diagnosing clinical trials, the VAS is frequently used as it is eas-
Dentine Hypersensitivity ily analysed and participants can be readily taught
how to complete the test (Gillam et al. 2000).
A simple test for DH would be the ideal aid for However, as the labels on the VAS only appear at
clinicians when diagnosing DH, but at present, either end with no reference markers in between,
no one technique has been developed, although patients may not be consistent when they mark their
new techniques are being researched. pain score. Also, as pain from DH generally falls in
The Jay sensitivity probe is a new micro- the lower end of the pain spectrum, scores may be
processor-based instrument designed to measure clustered together at the bottom end of the scale
68 J. Seong and N. West

such that it is difficult to determine the spectrum of References

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Advances in In Vitro Testing
Techniques for Dentine 6

Carlo Prati, David G. Gillam,

and Maria Giovanna Gandolfi

Introduction (see Chaps. 1, 3 and 4). As a result of recent

changes in the definitions of DH and root
Dentine hypersensitivity (DH) is a common clini- sensitivity (RS) (Canadian Advisory Board on
cal condition that is responsible for pain and/or Dentin Hypersensitivity 2003; we may discuss
discomfort in response to various stimuli – typi- DH in the following manner: (1) a primary den-
cally thermal, tactile, osmotic or chemical – not tine hypersensitivity (DH) when (cervical) den-
ascribed to any other tooth or oral disease tine surface is exposed as a consequence of
(Charoenlarp et al. 2007) (Chap. 1). The frequent enamel erosion and abrasion and after appear-
use of acidic beverage and foods is considered ance of gingival recession and retraction and (2)
one of the typical conditions improving discom- a secondary dentine hypersensitivity (RS) when
fort and pain. Moreover, restorative procedures certain clinical periodontal procedures have been
including periodontal therapy and hygienic pro- performed and the root surface has been altered
fessional procedures may also induce mild to with possible smear layer removal, thereby
moderate discomfort (see review from Lin and exposing a number of dentine tubules to the oral
Gillam 2012) that require the use of desensitising cavity (see Chap. 1).
products to reduce and remove the symptoms. It From a historical perspective, it has been rec-
was also evident from both prevalence studies ognised that there are several possible mecha-
and clinical practice that DH was identified in nisms for the transmission of various stimuli
two population groups, namely, those individuals (e.g. mechanical, thermal, chemical, etc.) across
with good oral hygiene and those with periodon- dentine to the pulp (see Chap. 2). Microscopic
tal disease (or DH following periodontal therapy) examination of teeth from patients complaining
of DH appears to demonstrate that open dentine
tubules are more numerous and wider in sensi-
C. Prati (*) • M.G. Gandolfi tive dentine than in nonsensitive dentine (Absi
Department of Biomedical and NeuroMotor Sciences,
Endodontic Clinical Section,
et al. 1987; Yoshiyama et al. 1990). These obser-
Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, vations would therefore appear to be consistent
Bologna, Italy with the hypothesis proposed by Brännström
e-mail:; (1963) that pain may be mediated by a hydrody-
namic mechanism. According to Gillam (2014),
D.G. Gillam the hydrodynamic theory therefore promotes
Centre for Adult Oral Health,
Barts and The London School of Medicine
two basic approaches for treating DH, namely,
and Dentistry QMUL, Turner Street, (1) dentine blocking agents that occlude patent
London E1 2AD, UK (open) tubules (e.g. fluoride, strontium salts,

D.G. Gillam (ed.), Dentine Hypersensitivity: Advances in Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment, 71
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14577-8_6, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
72 C. Prati et al.

oxalate, calcium phosphate, restorative materials, Furthermore, strategies involving new treat-
etc.) and as a consequence reduce any stimulus- ments for DH must ideally initiate a new and
evoked fluid movements within the dentine tubule continuous intratubular remineralisation associ-
and (2) nerve desensitisation agents that reduce ated with an intertubular remineralisation. Novel
intradental nerve excitability (e.g. potassium remineralising agents are in progress to create the
ions, guanethidine) in order to prevent a response conditions for an ideal intratubular remineralisa-
from intradental nerves to the stimulus-evoked tion product and for the creation of new apatite
fluid movements within the dentine tubules. deposits into the deeper aspects of the dentine
A number of both professionally applied in- tubules (Suge et al. 2008; Gandolfi et al. 2012;
office treatments and over-the-counter (OTC) Brauer et al. 2013; Vollenweider et al. 2007;
products have been used by clinicians with vary- Gandolfi et al. 2011) (see Chap. 11).
ing degrees of success in order to relieve DH and It is important to note that the exposed dentine is
RS; however, despite the claims of efficacy for a “dynamic” surface morphology where a number
these desensitising agents, there does not appear of chemical and mechanical stresses create a num-
to be a universally agreed gold standard for treat- ber of morphological alterations, for example, the
ing DH (Gillam 1997; Gillam et al. 2013). removal of smear layer, the removal of mineralised
The main purpose of this chapter therefore is sound dentine, the erosion of dentine tubules and
to review and discuss the recommended in vitro the enlargement of their diameter. A smear layer is
testing techniques in order to evaluate the mor- usually created by toothpaste formulations and
phological aspect of both primary and second- brushing procedures (and other mechanical stresses)
ary DH (and some aspects of the so-called and subsequently invaded by the plaque bacteria.
supersensitive dentine as suggested by Pashley These bacteria may create a number of biofilm lay-
2013) and to test in vitro the efficacy of (new) ers and reduce DH due in part to a dynamic tubule
products designed to reduce DH. The chapter occlusion process. According to Pashley (2013), the
will also discuss the methods currently used in biofilm and bacteria may also produce sufficient
the laboratory in order to detect the reduction of organic acids to solubilise the smear layer in
the functional diameter of dentine tubules and 7–10 days. Acid soft drinks and other acidic foods
the subsequent effect on dentine fluid flow (den- have also been demonstrated to remove the smear
tine permeability). layer (Prati et al. 2002, 2003) and affect the biofilm.
A limited or reduced buffer capacity of saliva may
also play a negative role in inducing fast dentine
erosion and smear layer removal.
Concepts for Dentine The above description is therefore a useful sce-
Hypersensitivity Treatment nario in which to discuss the influences of the nor-
mal oral condition, the influences of acidic
The main concept of both treatment strategies is solutions and the various in-office and OTC prod-
the permanent and stable occlusion of the exposed ucts that may interact with the exposed dentine
and open dentine tubules (Markowitz and Pashley surface and the conditions that may induce DH. It
2007). The occlusion of tubules must therefore be is important however to realise that it may be
permanent and not be affected or modified by impossible to fully replicate this dynamic sub-
acidic fluids, for example, soft drinks (Prati et al. strate in an in vitro environment; nevertheless,
2002, 2003), or acidic plaque. The occlusion of despite the limitations of using dentine sections
dentine tubules may also maintain the status quo from human (or bovine) teeth, the model may pro-
of the hydraulic conductance (e.g. permeability) of vide the investigator with information with regard
dentine. On the other hand, the opening or reopen- to the potential ability of a desensitising agent to
ing of the dentine tubules increases the permeabil- occlude the dentine tubules and reduce the fluid
ity within the dentine tubules and thereby creates flow through dentine. Care however must be taken
the conditions conducive for DH (see Chap. 2). not to extrapolate the in vitro findings into the
6 Advances in In Vitro Testing Techniques for Dentine Hypersensitivity 73

clinical environment. Prior to the introduction of Table 6.1 Recommended laboratory methodologies
used to evaluate the effectiveness of prospective agents for
desensitising agents (products) into the clinical envi-
the treatment of DH
ronment, these materials are generally evaluated in
Dentine permeability evaluation – fluid flow rate
the laboratory to determine their suitability for
(hydraulic conductance model)
clinical use. For example, professionally applied Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
products include resins, varnishes and dentine Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM)
bonding agents which have been reported to Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS, EDX or
occlude the dentine tubules through the precipita- XEDS) also called energy-dispersive X-ray analysis
tion of their active substances (Pashley 1986, (EDXA) or energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis
1989; Pashley et al. 1996). As indicated above, it is (EDXMA)
Atomic force microscopy (AFM)
often difficult to completely mimic the conditions
Raman and micro-Raman spectroscopy
in the oral environment, for example, the applica-
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
tion of a dentine bonding agent (resin) in the clini-
Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM)
cal environment may be difficult due to the saliva Focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB
or blood contamination on the dentine surface due SEM)
to both these constituents have been reported to Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
reduce the contact of the agent with the dentine spectroscopy
surface and thereby reduce the effectiveness of the Al, 29Si, 19F and 31P magic angle spinning nuclear
proposed treatment (Prati et al. 2001; Tay and magnetic resonance (MAS-NMR)
Pashley 2004). Recently, calcium phosphate
agents, CCP-based mousse and bioactive hydrau- theory) that the larger the area and numbers of
lic calcium silicate cements derived from MTA open dentine tubules, the higher the fluid flow
root-end filling materials have been proposed as rates through the dentine tubules, as demonstrated
novel treatments for DH (Gandolfi et al. 2008). by Pashley (1986). The calculation of the in vitro
Bioactive cements, for example, calcium silicates, dentine permeability and its variation over time
have been reported to overcome the problems represents an interesting method that offered the
associated with the “wet” dentine surface by its possibility to quantitatively determine the effec-
ability to set and leach calcium hydroxide and sil- tiveness of a specific treatment (Chap. 2). It
ica into the solution during the hydration reaction should be noted however that there was a wide
(Tay and Pashley 2008; Gandolfi et al. 2010). variation in the flow rates across the dentine disc
At-home (OTC) treatment which involve the when using this model. For example, flow rates
application of toothpaste, paste and mousse or may be higher in mid- to deep coronal dentine
mouthrinse formulations by the consumer has also close to the pulp chamber than in superficial den-
been reported to occlude the dentine tubules in the tine (e.g., root dentine). As mentioned in Chap. 2,
in vitro model and has the potential to protect the the importance of the radius of the open dentine
dentine surface from the impact of an acid envi- tubule as implicated in the Hagen-Poiseuille
ronment (Gillam et al. 2001). equation is important when considering the
impact of tubular occlusion of dentine permeabil-
ity. Following these initial investigations by the
In Vitro Laboratory Testing Pashley group, other investigators have validated
Techniques the methodology which has been extensively doc-
umented (Gillam et al. 1997). According to Prati
The recommended laboratory tests are listed in et al. (2003), the advantage of this system was
Table 6.1. represented by the possibility to make repeated
A dynamic method to measure fluid flow rate measurements over time and following storage in
(dentine permeability) through the dentine tubules saliva or simulated body fluids and following acid
was first proposed by Pashley (1986, 1989). It was exposure from, for example, Coca-Cola or citric
postulated (in accordance with the hydrodynamic acid. The method is extremely sensitive and offers
74 C. Prati et al.

Table 6.2a Dentine permeability (Lp) of dentine sur-

faces soaked in artificial saliva, citric acid and DPBS or
HBSS used as simulated body fluids (SBFs)
After After 10′
Treatment EDTA treatment After 24 h
Intact new smear 100 ± 0.1 99.4 ± 0.5 102.7 ± 3.2
Citric acid 10 % 100 ± 0.1 32.2 ± 7.9 37.3 ± 9.5
Artificial saliva 100 ± 0.1 94.7 ± 1.6 94.0 ± 2.2
(pH 5.4)
DPBS 100 ± 0.1 98.7 ± 7.3 98.4 ± 8.7
HBSS 100 ± 0.1 98.1 ± 2.1 80.6 ± 12.4

Fig. 6.1 Laboratory preparation of a dentine disc from a

human third molar tooth. SEM observation of the occlusal reducing and/or stopping the fluid flow rate
surface following the removal of enamel, and after treat- (Pashley 1989). According to Prati (1994), both
ment with EDTA solution for 3 min, SEM observation toothpaste formulations and varnishes may play a
confirmed the absence of the created smear layer and
smear plugs and the presence of open dentine tubules
temporary role in reducing these fluid movements;
however, many of these precipitates are easily
removed by saliva and drinking, rinsing, chewing
many advantages that represent a fundamental movement, acidic soft drinks, etc.
step in the evaluation of any new and experimen- One should however be aware of the differ-
tal treatment. Furthermore it represents a sophisti- ences in the fluid flow rates between the superfi-
cated yet practical method to evaluate the cial and deep layers of dentine, for example,
mechanisms associated with fluid flow in DH. It superficial dentine contains lower numbers of
should be noted however as discussed above that relatively small-diameter tubules that is relatively
there are limitations with using both human and less permeable than that of the mid- to deep coro-
bovine dentine discs with respect to anatomical nal dentine with a higher number of dentine
differences as well as variations in the flow rates tubules which is more permeable. Furthermore, it
between extracted teeth (already in the oral cav- is also important to note that most of the investi-
ity) and extracted unerupted third molars. gations evaluating the effectiveness of potential
The treatment of dentine surface with EDTA (a desensitising products use mid-coronal dentine
chelating agent) or with etching agents (phos- sections rather than cervical dentine sections
phoric acid, citric acid, etc.) has been demon- which are probably more representative of DH in
strated to remove all the smear layer present on the clinical environment. This was often for prac-
the dentine surface and provides the possibility to tical reasons as the cutting of mid-coronal sec-
create a standardised dentine surface with open tions was relatively easier to perform rather than
dentine tubules representative (characteristics) of sectioning the cervical dentine of the crown/root
a tooth surface with DH (Reeder et al. 1978; area. Furthermore, the dentine tubules of the mid-
Pashley et al. 1996; Gandolfi et al. 2008) (Fig. 6.1). coronal dentine were more numerous, wider in
A number of investigators have reported that the diameter and parallel compared to the dentine
presence of a smear layer on the dentine consis- tubules in the cervical area of the tooth. The com-
tently reduces or abolishes the fluid flow rate bination of both fluid flow rate measurement and
(Table 6.2a). The initial studies by Pashley (1986, SEM observation has also established that a thick
1989) clearly demonstrated the correlation between smear layer may completely close all the dentine
the fluid flow rate and the number of open dentine tubules and maintain over time reduced fluid flow
tubules with the formation of the precipitation of a rates (Fig. 6.1, Table 6.2a). The partial or the
surface deposit on top of dentine tubules which complete exposure of dentine tubules has also
artificially created an environment conducive to been reported to increase the fluid flow rate
6 Advances in In Vitro Testing Techniques for Dentine Hypersensitivity 75

following the removal of the smear layer with cit- test the resistance/stability of the treatment on the
ric acid (a common component of commercial dentine surface. The main scope of this methodol-
acidic soft drinks and juices) (Prati et al. 2002) ogy is the quantification of changes in the dentine
(Tables 6.2b and 6.2c). tubule parameters and the detection of the closed/
The use of SEM is however important to detect open dentine tubules following the application of
the morphology of dentine surface before and fol- different agents, for example, solutions, tooth-
lowing the application of some treatment and to paste formulations, professionally administered
polishing pastes, etc. (Pashley 1989; Gillam et al.
Table 6.2b Dentine permeability (Lp) values following the 2001; Ahmed et al. 2005; Burnett et al. 2013).
application of selected commercial toothpaste formulations The analysis of the longitudinal sections of den-
After After 10′ tine discs may also offer the ability of mapping
EDTA (Lp treatment After 24 h the dentine tubule morphology (Pashley 1989).
Treatment 100 %) (t = 0) in HBSS Smear plugs created by a smear layer or by tooth-
Colgate Pro-Gum 100 ± 0.1 34.6 ± 5,9 39.9 ± 10.3 paste formulations may (as previously mentioned)
occlude the dentine tubules for more than 10 μm
Elmex Sensitive 100 ± 0.1 26.7 ± 12.9 22.3 ± 15.9
or occlude the dentine tubule by a deposition in
(toothpaste) the middle part of the tubules (Figs. 6.2 and 6.3).
SEM observation in combination with fluid
flow rate measurement has also demonstrated
Table 6.2c Dentine permeability (Lp) following the that the application of a mild to strong acid
application of selected professional treatments
(acidic soft drinks, e.g. Coca-Cola, juices, etc.)
After 10′ may completely remove the smear layer and open
After EDTA treatment After 24 h
(Lp 100 %) (t = 0) in HBSS dentine tubules with a subsequent increase in the
Voco Admira 100 ± 0.1 30.7 ± 9.4 45.3 ± 14.7 fluid flow rate. Phosphoric, citric, pyruvic,
Protect maleic, tannic and acetic acids and other acids
Alfa 100 ± 0.1 37.7 ± 12.5 49.2 ± 25.0 present in wine and beverages may also strongly
TC-MTA increase dentine permeability and remove all the
Gluma 100 ± 0.1 38.61 ± 12.1 79.7 ± 32.4 smear layer, as demonstrated by SEM observation

Fig. 6.2 Cross section of

a dentine disc sample. The
smear layer is visible on
the surface of the dentine.
The cobblestone morphol-
ogy of the smear layer
observed in this section
may be due to the
desiccation of the sample.
The dentine tubules are
partially covered (and
occluded) by a number of
smear plugs
76 C. Prati et al.

(Prati et al. 1989; 2002), resulting in the dentine

surface being completely depleted from any
smear layer protection and a subsequent increase
in dentine permeability. One of the added advan-
tages of using the SEM methodology is its ability
to provide details of the dentine surface, dentine
plugs and collagen fibril, although the methodol-
ogy does have its limitations, for example, the
time taken in the preparation of the specimen, the
preparation of the specimen which limits any fur-
ther investigation, artefacts in the form of frac-
tures of the dentine structure or associated smear
Fig. 6.3 Cross section of a dentine disc sample where the
layers due to the desiccation of the sample prior
smear plug is visible in the occluded dentine tubule. The to imaging, etc.
brushing procedures may create fine debris (smear layer) For example, toothpaste formulations create a
and together with the toothpaste components may be bur- deposition or precipitate that may cover the entire
nished or forced into the open dentine tubules creating a
smear layer plug. Interestingly, there are small gaps visi-
surface and obscure a number of the dentine tubules
ble around the plug, but this may probably be related to as demonstrated by the SEM pictures (Figs. 6.4, 6.5
the desiccation of the sample. In this condition the and 6.6). Each toothpaste may present a typical
recorded dentine fluid flow rate was very low. The obser- morphology, suggesting that the different composi-
vation that when the majority of the dentine tubules or
either partially or completed occluded with a subsequent
tions of both the active ingredient(s) and excipients
reduction in fluid flow may therefore have relevance may be sufficient to have a chemical interaction on
according to the hydrodynamic theory in potentially “a so active” substrate as in dentine and smear layer
reducing DH in the in vivo environment (Prati et al. 2003). A number of these toothpaste

Fig. 6.4 The occlusal surface of a dentine disc. The appli- toothpaste to occlude the dentine tubules and subsequently
cation of toothpaste and the subsequent immersion in water/ reduce dentine permeability may be affected by a number of
saliva created a newly constituted smear layer, mainly com- factors within the oral environment, for example the deposit
posed of toothpaste crystals and deposits. In this sample may be ‘washed out’ by the brushing of the teeth, the impact
the dimension of the toothpaste deposits prevented their of saliva and acidic components within the diet (e.g., acidic
penetration into the dentine tubules. The effectiveness of the soft drinks)
6 Advances in In Vitro Testing Techniques for Dentine Hypersensitivity 77

formulations create a layer of cuboidal crystals of by saliva or by a gentle washout with water which
0.5–2 μm diameters with associated fine debris that may reopen the dentine tubules and affect the fluid
appears to be partially immersed in a deeper colla- flow rate. As previously mentioned, the application
gen matrix. It is evident that the application of of acidic soft drinks may partially remove the sur-
toothpaste to the dentine surface may create a new face deposition as in the example of calcium oxa-
artificial smear layer mainly composed of tooth- late crystal deposits. Potassium oxalate has however
paste ingredients, for example, silica. This artificial been reported to be acid resistant reducing the risk
smear layer may however be susceptible to removal of their removal. Furthermore, potassium oxalate
has the ability to create very fine deposits inside the
dentine tubules (Gillam et al. 2001, Mongiorgi and
Prati 1994, Pereira et al. 2005, Markowitz and
Pashley 2007) which may effectively reduce the
functional diameter of the dentine tubules and affect
the fluid flow rate.
SEM techniques may also be utilised to evalu-
ate a replica of the dentine (and enamel) surface
following a dental impression of both sensitive
and nonsensitive teeth. A epoxy resin cast is made
from the dental impression material prior to SEM
observation in order to detect the differences of
the presence of any open/closed dentine tubules
appearing on dentine surface (Pashley 2013).
Fig. 6.5 The occlusal surface of a dentine disc. Higher A further extension of this methodology would be
magnification of the dentine surface following treatment to take impressions (and replica moulds) before
with a commercial toothpaste and in vitro brushing proce- and after treatment during a clinical trial. According
dures. In this sample we can observe some cuboidal
deposits (component of toothpaste) that occlude the den-
to a number of investigators, the combination of
tine tubules and are still in place following brushing. It SEM and EDX observation would be a vital step in
was also observed that while only partially occluded the evaluation of the effectiveness of desensitis-
tubules were present in this dentine specimen, the dentine ing agents (Prati et al. 1999; Gandolfi et al. 2008).
permeability values were reduced to very low values, as
the deposits in the partially occluded tubules appeared to
For example, EDX may confirm the presence of
reduce the functional diameter of the dentine tubules and the various compounds deposited on the dentine
subsequently reduce the (fluid) flow rate surface, for example, zinc, silica and strontium,

a b c

Fig. 6.6 The dentine surface following EDTA treatment layer and with open dentine tubules. (b) EDS spectrum
for 3 min, copiously washed with water and left in simu- peaks of Ca and P and traces of Na and Cl. (c) Table of
lated body fluid (DPBS) for 24 h. (a) ESEM micrograph element analysis
at 1,000× magnification. Dentine with no visible smear
78 C. Prati et al.

which are frequently included in the toothpaste SEM. For example, ESEM allows for the use of
formulations. For example, the presence of silica wet dentine samples and prevents any surface
on the dentine surface may confirm the ability of alterations and artefacts due to the desiccation
the toothpaste ingredients to react with the dentine and metal/gold coating. The versatility of the
surface and/or penetrate deeply into the dentine ESEM over SEM techniques when investigating
tubules. the morphology of humid or wet samples, for
According to Gandolfi et al. (2009), the ESEM example, dentine and hydraulic cements, may
(environmental scanning electron microscopy) have a number of advantages as there is no need
may be a more appropriate technique to use than to remove any water or requirement to metal coat
the samples prior to observation and therefore the
frequency of artefacts may be relatively low.
The use of EDX/EDS connected with ESEM
is a perfect combination of methods to detect the
surface (morphological and chemical surface
modifications) of the dentine samples (Gandolfi
et al. 2012). For example, the application of a
reactive calcium silicate bioactive cement has
been demonstrated to induce the formation of
calcium phosphate deposits as apatite precursors
and the creation of micro-calcium phosphate
deposits able to occlude the dentine tubules and
to remineralise the surface (Gandolfi et al. 2008,
2012) (Figs. 6.7 and 6.8). In this respect the
ESEM/EDX would appear to be a suitable tool
to investigate desensitising agents, cements, etc.
Fig. 6.7 The dentine surface was completely depleted by
the smear layer (following EDTA treatment) and subse- (e.g. bioactive glasses) that may require a humid
quently treated with an alfa TCP calcium silicate experi- dentine surface (Gandolfi et al. 2011).
mental agent for 3 min and left in DPBS for 24 h. ESEM The use of confocal optical microscopy and
micrograph at high magnification (10,000×) of a layer of
confocal laser scanning microscopy can introduce
small needle-like crystals spread all over the dentine sur-
face. Discrete clusters of spherical crystals were also the application of fluorescent dye solutions
observed (original magnification 10,000×) (e.g. rhodamine B, calcein, etc.) to trace the deposit

a b

Fig. 6.8 (a) Dentine surface treated with a commercial (10,000×), the surface appears to be coated by precipitates
toothpaste and soaked for 24 h in simulated body fluid covering the surface with no dentine visible
(ESEM analysis 3,000×). (b) At higher magnification
6 Advances in In Vitro Testing Techniques for Dentine Hypersensitivity 79

formation (e.g. after the application of a more detailed information on the penetration and
desensitising agent) and to analyse the penetration distribution of deposits/precipitation into the den-
of agents into the depth of dentine tubules follow- tine tubules and whether these deposits can with-
ing the preparation of longitudinal sections of stand an acid challenge or cold water rinse
treated dentine sample (Fig. 6.9). Precipitates (Fig. 6.10). Furthermore these techniques may be
from both toothpaste and mouthwash ingredients extended to investigate dentine bonding agents,
may penetrate deeply into the dentine tubules and glass-ionomer cements and other materials. The
subsequently reduce the functional diameter of the use of CLSM to inspect the hydrated dentine sam-
tubule and the fluid flow rate through the tubule. In ples may also reduce any artefacts associated with
other words, the application of a flowable paste the other techniques that have been recommended
into the dentine tubules may prevent the washout (Burnett 2013; Burnett et al. 2013) and may also
and the removal of materials from the dentine offer distinct advantages in the evaluation of the
tubules. Many paste/toothpaste formulations may dentine surface in order to observe the presence of
be labelled by a dye solution in order to obtain an intact or modified smear layer.

a b

Fig. 6.9 Toothpaste mixed with a tracer (calcein solution an argon laser at 496 nm excitation and 515 nm emission
1%) was used to evaluate the penetration depth of the wavelengths specific for calcein (a) or without laser
toothpaste into the dentine tubules by confocal scanning source (b). Superimposing of the obtained images were
optical microscopy. A dentin disk was sectioned perpen- also obtained (c). The penetration (highlighted by green
dicularly to the treated dentine surface. Transverse sec- staining due to calcein) showed a mean depth of 50 µm
tions (200-micron thick, mark 50 m) were analyzed using and reached a maximum depth of 60–100 µm
80 C. Prati et al.

Fig. 6.10 The dentine surface treated with a commercial of the surface components. The main elements of dentine,
toothpaste and soaked 24 h in simulated body fluid (ESEM e.g. calcium (Ca), phosphorous (P) and carbon (C), were
analysis 3,000 and 10,000×). At high magnification detected together with the active elements of the tooth-
(10,000×), the surface appeared to be coated by deposits. paste deposited on the surface with the components of the
EDX analysis provided both qualitative (X-ray spectrum) simulated body fluid. EDX provided a map/distribution of
and semi-quantitative (table of the elements) measurements the elements on the surface

Raman and FTIR techniques may be consid- (Earl and Langford 2013) in order to detect more
ered to be valid methods to detect the modifica- accurate sections of the specimens and to allow
tion of any of the reactive components that may the observation of a dentine thin section by SEM
be present on the dentine surface Vollenweider and TEM (STEM) with EDS. This very sophisti-
et al. (2007). For example, the application of a cated method allows for the study of small parti-
calcium oxalate mouthwash may induce the for- cle penetration (e.g. SiO2 or TiO2 particles) into
mation of crystal deposits that only Raman the smear layer or into the dentine tubules (Earl
inspection may be able to confirm. A recent and Langford 2013).
application of Raman has been proposed by More recently solid-state nuclear magnetic
Eliades et al. (2013). resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has been used to
These calcium oxalate crystals have also been investigate the ability of two bioactive glass-
detected by XRD analysis (Mongiorgi and Prati containing formulations and their ability to
1994) and by Raman and ATR-FTIR in a recent deliver Ca2+ ions in saliva and their effect on the
study (Eliades et al. 2013). crystal phases (Grootveld et al. 2009). Other
Focused ion beam scanning electron micros- investigators have also used 27Al, 29Si, 19F and 31P
copy (FIB SEM) has also been recently proposed magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic reso-
6 Advances in In Vitro Testing Techniques for Dentine Hypersensitivity 81

nance (MAS-NMR) to characterise various dentine permeability evaluation. The problems

restorative products, for example, fluoride and associated with the wide variability of the dentine
strontium containing bioactive glasses (Brauer specimens in both human and bovine teeth (and
et al. 2010; Brauer et al. 2013; Mneimne et al. between erupted and unerupted teeth) appear to
2011; Lynch et al. 2012; Fredholm et al. 2012) be unresolved, and perhaps a synthetic dentine
and a remineralising glass Carbomer® ionomer substrate similar to the hydroxyapatite blocks
cement (Zainuddin et al. 2012). One of the inter- used in enamel dissolution studies may be worth
esting observations from these studies was the considering. Furthermore, it may be unreasonable
formation of fluorapatite (FAp) rather than fluo- to expect that all desensitising agents will be
rite (CaF2), depending on the fluoride concentra- as effective in the in vitro and in vivo environ-
tion, which may be of interest in dental ments, for example, potassium salts and bioactive
applications (e.g. DH or remineralisation of glasses. As mentioned care must be taken not to
enamel) as FAp is more chemically stable than extrapolate the in vitro results into the clinical
hydroxyapatite or carbonated hydroxyapatite and environment as it is impossible to fully mimic the
able to withstand an acid challenge. dynamic nature of the interaction of saliva and the
According to Grootveld et al. (2009), this dentine surface in the laboratory.
technique has advantages over some of the other Future studies must also be developed to
techniques mentioned in this chapter as it enables detect the interaction of elements, for example,
a rapid non-invasive and simultaneous study of a calcium and fluoride, with proteins of the intratu-
number of constituents present in saliva. bular dentine fluids and from saliva to have more
Furthermore, according to these investigators, the information of their effective role in preventing
technique enabled the investigation of chemical (and reducing) DH (Suge et al. 2008; Gandolfi
shift values, coupling patterns and coupling con- et al. 2012). The concept to occlude dentine
stants of resonances in the 1H NMR spectra of the tubules with a bioactive/biomimetic material able
various components in the salivary biofilm fol- to modify its composition or able to induce the
lowing the interaction of the saliva with tooth- precipitation of insoluble fluorapatite (the basic
paste products. composition of dentine) is one of the future
options (Niu et al. 2013 see Chap. 11).
Acknowledgements This study was supported by grants
from the Master in Clinical Endodontics from the
Conclusions and Future Research University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy. The studies were
Trends performed in the Laboratory for Dental Materials and
Oral Pathology of DIBINEM.
The authors would like to thank Prof. David Pashley
Following a review of a number of methods, for his role in the investigation of dentine hypersensitivity
it is evident that many of these techniques may and his willingness and openness in sharing his ideas and
(or must) be involved in the study of the dentine experience particularly with dentine permeability tech-
niques in his laboratory.
surface modifications and in the analysis of the
The authors would also like to thank Dr. Luigi Generali
effect of novel treatments on both the external and and Dr. Giulia Pelliccioni for their role in preparing the
deeper dentine morphologies. The combination samples and techniques described in the chapter.
of some of these techniques offers the advantage
to detect the effectiveness of a specific treatment
(e.g. new toothpaste/mouth rinse products) and the References
chemical interaction between the material compo-
nents and the dentine reactive surface. It should Absi EG, Addy M, Adams D (1987) Dentine hypersensi-
be acknowledged however as discussed in this tivity: a study of the patency of dentinal tubules in sen-
sitive and non-sensitive cervical dentine. J Clin
chapter that these techniques have their advan- Periodontol 14:280–284
tages and disadvantages which is also true of the Ahmed TR, Mordan NJ, Glithorpe MS, Gillam DG (2005)
methodology utilised in both tubule occlusion and In vitro quantification of changes in human dentine
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Challenging the Traditional
Approach for the Conduct of Dentine 7
Hypersensitivity Studies:
Person-Centric Studies Connecting
the Patient with Their Practitioner
to Optimise the Clinical Outcome

Frederick A. Curro and David G. Gillam

Introduction number of issues, for example, the highly subjec-

tive nature of the problem and the influence of
Traditionally, dentine hypersensitivity (DH) has both Hawthorne and placebo/nocebo effects
been assessed with both objective and subjective throughout the duration of the study. Other fac-
measures in clinical studies designed to evaluate tors that may also impact on these studies include
the efficacy of desensitising products. The impor- the lack of statistical power (small sample size)
tance of conducting well-designed randomised and lack of standardisation of the methodology
controlled trials (RCTs) has been emphasised by used to determine treatment outcomes. More
both clinical investigators and regulatory bodies recently, however, the focus in assessing the sub-
in Europe and the USA (e.g. ADA, FDA, ICP/ ject’s pain response whether in the research or
GCP) (Gillam 1997; Holland et al. 1997; ICH practice-based environment has shifted from a
1996; ADA Council on Scientific Affairs 1998, biomedical model to a person-centred approach
2009, 2012; Curro et al. 2000). One of the major (Locker and Allen 2007; Curro et al. 2013;
problems however in assessing the level of pain Robinson et al. 2014).
associated with DH is the highly subjective This chapter will therefore provide an over-
nature of the condition which makes it extremely view on the traditional approaches to desensitis-
difficult for the clinician to evaluate the problem ing clinical studies designed to evaluate both
objectively in the clinical environment. in-office and over-the-counter (OTC) desensitis-
Furthermore, the evaluation of the pain response ing products as well as developing an argument
from participants in clinical studies is particu- for the inclusion of a person-centred approach
larly problematic, and this may be due to a when evaluating DH in both research and clinical

F.A. Curro (*)

Regulatory Affairs Bluestone Center for Clinical
Research, PEARL Practice Based Translational Network, Traditional Approaches
College of Dentistry, New York University, New York, to Designing and Conducting
NY, USA Desensitising Clinical Trials
D.G. Gillam In both medicine and dentistry, clinical research
Centre for Adult Oral Health,
has developed within the parameters and needs as
Barts and The London School of Medicine
and Dentistry QMUL, Turner Street, described by the regulatory agencies and the pro-
London E1 2AD, UK cess that is required to have an active ingredient

D.G. Gillam (ed.), Dentine Hypersensitivity: Advances in Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment, 85
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14577-8_7, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
86 F.A. Curro and D.G. Gillam

approved for market distribution. The idea of there appears to have limited or no published data
designing a clinical study that was objective and to support this particular requirement. Setting a
without bias has however been difficult to achieve number for statistical significance can confound
and most likely may not always in the best inter- the results when applied to analgesic studies espe-
ests of the patient, prescriber and most impor- cially those agents designated OTC and is contrary
tantly the clinical outcome. The required study to to “personalized medicine”. One may however
date for regulatory approval of desensitising prod- challenge whether it is acceptable for investiga-
ucts is the randomised controlled clinical trial tors to simply express treatment success in terms
(RCT), although this has been demonstrated as of the degree of reduction produced in the clini-
not being as representative of the actual drug use cal symptoms (DH) by setting arbitrary percent-
by the populace at large given the number of drug age changes rather than demonstrate the effect of
recalls (Kessler and Glasgow 2011; Silverman any reduction on the individual’s quality of life
2014). This has subsequently led to clinical stud- (person-based outcomes). Two recent reviews of
ies that recognise the importance of the patient’s products currently on the market against placebo
input in the form of patient-reported outcomes (Brae et al. 2014; West and Davies 2014) and
and clinical studies that are patient centred. The on professionally and self-administered dentine
complete assessment of the clinical findings hypersensitivity agents show that there is suf-
should not however be one sided and based only ficient evidence to support the use of a number
on the interpretation of the investigator but should of agents as well as showing that there is limited
include the patient’s response particularly in the evidence to confirm the relative effectiveness of
case of the symptom pain where the objective individual professionally applied agents.
results consist of a subjective component only
expressed by the patient. Dental medicaments are
primarily purchased by the consumer as over-the- Problems Associated with
counter (OTC) medications, and efficacy in the Clinical Studies
dose used is decreased to maintain the broadest
safety profile possible. Patients generally receive The treatment and management of DH especially
a prescription from the clinician that is subse- for clinical research relies on how much informa-
quently completed and dispensed at a pharmacy tion the person has to properly describe the stim-
(chemist) where drug efficacy is evaluated over uli applied for both reproducibility and accuracy.
safety for use in a risk/benefit assessment. If one conducts sufficient studies, one realises that
According to the Acceptance Program it may become very difficult to predict the out-
Guidelines (ADA Council on Scientific Affairs come due to so many variables involved that can
1998, 2009, 2012) for desensitising products, influence the results. For example, one con-
companies are required to provide efficacy founder may be the abrasive base in the toothpaste
data from at least two (independent) double- which can function as a causative agent as well as
blind clinical studies, demonstrating a statisti- a tubule occludent blocking the stimulus (e.g.
cal significant effect of the active ingredient, on from cold drinks). Other confounders may be the
DH. Furthermore, all published studies demon- charge of the agent (e.g. toothpaste); since the
strating the effectiveness of the active ingredient tooth normally has a negative charge, agents with
must be fully referenced to include studies that a similar negative charge take a much longer time
do not show any effectiveness. Clinical data from to be effective (if successful), and during that
all proprietary studies including those studies that time, the dentine surface environment may also
do not show any effect must also be provided in change. The earlier the clinician can identify
the submission. Furthermore, there should be enamel wear, the less chance for the enamel thin-
(according to these guidelines) a 20 % statisti- ning to reach the dentine especially the enamel/
cal significance between the control and experi- dentine junction, presumably the most sensitive
mental product groups for one sensitivity index area of the coronal part of a tooth. Current mecha-
in both studies submitted to the ADA although nisms include dentine surface occlusion of the
7 Challenging the Traditional Approach for the Conduct of Dentine Hypersensitivity Studies 87

dentine tubules and nerve depolarisation by potas- system to deliver the active agents to the tubule and
sium nitrate (see Chap. 2). The complexity of the beyond and affect both the tubular fluid and eventu-
application of having an active agent reach its tar- ally the cell body of the odontoblast. This mecha-
get site makes these clinical studies challenging in nism which has the potential to minimise caries
that a device (toothbrush) is used to apply the destruction facilitates remineralisation of the exist-
agent in a constantly diluted environment against ing tissue and stimulates the cell body to generate
a concentration gradient and completed with fur- further dentine to maintain the integrity of the den-
ther rinsing and dilution of the area. This variabil- tine. One can imagine for the future a microparticle
ity in how the active agent reaches its target site penetrating the dentine tubule coated with an active
may therefore cause a degree of inconsistency in agent to direct the cell body of the odontoblast to
clinical trial outcomes. Clinical studies usually maintain the integrity of the dentine (Chap. 2). This
measure the (study) cumulative effect of a person would potentially avoid the constant changing of
using the active agent over a fixed period of time. the dentine surface due to the abrasives in the
Long-term DH studies are problematic in nature toothpaste. Highly abrasive toothpaste formula-
as the dentine surface is not necessarily the same tions may also affect the surface due to burnishing
as when the study first started as well as the pulpal of the surface by the toothpaste and brush.
tissue which can affect dentine tubular flow. DH studies are further made more difficult
Additionally, the process is self-limiting whereby with toothpaste formulations containing fluoride
secondary dentine is laid down to reduce the pain- which may blunt the effect of any agent being
ful stimulus. DH studies are therefore measuring tested. Additionally, the physiological placebo
an outcome that is constantly in flux based on the effect is as high as any analgesic study. Traditional
tubular density, the effect of burnishing the den- over-the-counter medicaments have an efficacy
tine surface due to toothbrushing and the effect of range of between 10 and 20 %. This effect is
the many active ingredients in the toothpaste above all the other hurdles just discussed which
which can cause an effect on the topography of makes these study outcomes difficult to reproduce
the dentine surface. As a result of the topography especially if the same pools of patients are used
of the exposed dentine surface changing, evaluat- for more than one study which is often the case.
ing the tactile component of pain becomes a vari- The application of toothpaste formulations for
able target which can also affect the air blast the treatment of DH has not been fully optimised
assessment. The questions therefore may be in that it is a complex process. The individual
raised: (1) how does a clinical investigator mea- applies a strip of toothpaste (usually one inch) on a
sure DH? (2) what is the optimum time frame for device, a toothbrush, and brushes their teeth apply-
a study? and (3) what is the optimal use of tooth- ing variable pressure within a time frame ranging
paste for the condition? from 30 s to 2 min, against a concentration gradi-
DH should therefore be considered a discrete ent in the tooth, in an oral environment constantly
sensation experienced at a given time by the indi- being rinsed out with water. Can one imagine a
vidual. The neuronal pathway of the teeth supports more hostile environment for a clinical study?
convergence so that what is experienced is a cumu- Applying a surface active agent without rinsing
lative effect by the individual whereby an elec- one’s mouth during and at the end of brushing
tronic pain diary would capture what the individual would in theory provide more contact time with
is experiencing over time. The temporal effect of the tooth and may subsequently initiate a shorter
the study should not exceed the physiological time onset time.
it takes for the pulp to lay down secondary dentine.
DH is a pain model inherent with many variables
whereby long-term studies would not be reflective Assessment of the Pain Response
of the efficacy of an agent over time.
The only domain of the tooth that remains as a According to Curro (1987), pain can be consid-
target for efficacy is the dentine tubule itself. ered as a multidimensional experience consisting
Therefore, any intratubular medicaments require a of motivational, cognitive, affective and discrimi-
88 F.A. Curro and D.G. Gillam

Table 7.1 Relationship of DH to acute and chronic pain

Acute pain Chronic pain DH
Conducting pathways Rapid Slow Rapid
Tissue injury Clearly causal Minor or absent Clearly causal
Autonomic response Present Absent Present
Biological value High Low High
Mood Anxiety Depression, anxiety Anxiety
Social effects Slight Marked Slight
Effective treatment Analgesics Variable, sometimes none Variable, sometimes none
Dysfunction Possible Present Possible
Learned behaviour No Yes Yes
Somatisation No Can be present Can be present
Hypochondriasis No Can be present Can be present
Acknowledgement from Curro (1990)

native components. The motivational component recognise that the stimulus being used must be
concerns itself with the escape mechanism, for both reliable and reproducible and that the proce-
example, removing one’s hand from a hot stove. dures involved should be scientifically valid. The
The cognitive component is the past memory of subjective evaluation of changes in the individu-
the painful experience, for example, knowing that al’s overall sensitivity to day-to-day experience
the stove was hot. The affective component is con- may also be included in the assessment procedure
cerned with the anxiety and stress associated with at each visit; normally, this would be completed
the painful experience, and the discriminative before the test stimuli are applied. This may
component is concerned with the onset, duration, be completed as a visual analogue scale (VAS)
intensity and location of the pain. An understand- score, verbal score, labelled magnitude (LM)
ing of clinical pain and the development of suc- scales or part of a questionnaire at the end of a
cessful approaches to its management have been study although they may not necessarily take into
hampered by the relative importance of the affec- account the impact of DH on the quality of life
tive component and subsequently render pain a (QoL) of the participants (Gillam et al. 1997a,
private experience. Each of the components of b, 2000; Heaton et al. 2013). Although subject
pain has, however, been shown to be subserved diaries are often used in these studies, this may
by their own neuronal tract and specific neu- be primarily for compliance purposes rather than
rotransmitter (Table 7.1). for QoL assessment per se. The number of time
According to Holland et al. (1997), DH intervals where the participants’ pain is assessed
should therefore be evaluated either in terms may to some extent depend on the length of the
of the stimulus intensity required to evoke pain study as well as the type of product being evalu-
(stimulus-based assessment) or as the subjective ated (professionally applied [in-office] or OTC).
evaluation of the pain produced by a stimulus For example, one or two midpoint evaluations
(response-based assessment); however, as has may be acceptable for a 12-week study (baseline
been discussed in Chap. 9, these measures do not 4, 8, 12 weeks), or for a study where an imme-
necessarily take into account the impact of DH diate desensitising effect is being evaluated, a
on everyday life. Traditionally, the presenting post-application assessment after 5 min would be
stimuli can be grouped into five main categories: required.
mechanical, chemical, electrical, evaporative and The plethora of devices used in both clini-
thermal (Gillam et al. 2000). Stimulus-based cal research and practice-based studies however
methods usually involve the measurement of a would suggest that no one device was univer-
pain threshold; response-based methods involve sally accepted as the ideal method for assessing
the estimation of pain severity. It is important to DH (Gillam and Newman 1993; Gillam et al.
7 Challenging the Traditional Approach for the Conduct of Dentine Hypersensitivity Studies 89

Table 7.2 Factors that may influence efficacy in DH and Kakar 2013; Kakar et al. 2013; Sowinski et al.
2013). Although these devices are often consid-
Factors that may influence efficacy in clinical studies ered objective and reproducible when assessing
The episodic behaviour of the condition DH, one cannot completely eliminate the occur-
Highly subjective nature of the pain response rence of false positives that occur in particular
Innervation with the Yeaple probe threshold measurements
Physiology of the pulp and its changing response to
(Table 7.2). According to Curro et al. (2000), false
Clinical efficacy of desensitising agents may be at the
positives are more likely to occur at the lower
lower end of the therapeutic range force levels (10–20 g. wt) and were almost twice
Profound placebo effect reported in clinical studies as common at the qualifying visit than at subse-
Hawthorne effect quent visits. This may be the result of a possible
Random variation in patient symptoms over time learning effect on the part of both the subject and
(regression to the mean/mode) the assessor, and the number of these false posi-
Small sample size tives may be reduced by having a pretreatment
Tooth site and number (allocation) training phase in the study design.
Investigator technique
The likely outcome of having a large number of
Investigator/subject relationship
false positives recorded for the tactile response is
Choice and lack of standardisation of objective
assessment that proportionately this may increase the placebo
Occurrence of false positives from Yeaple probe response rather than the treatment response that in
evaluation (tactile) turn would reduce the size of the treatment effect
Study duration (Curro et al. 2000). This observation may also be
Variation of individual intake in food and drink true for the thermal evaporative stimuli (e.g. cold
Seasonal weather variations air syringe). Other problems may also occur, for
Acknowledgement modified from Addy et al. (2007) example, when assessing the subjective response
using the various pain scales (see above), and one
should not ignore the impact of the relationship
2000; Ide et al. 2001; Cuhna-Cruz et al. 2010). between the assessor and subject or the learn-
Furthermore, the stimuli used for testing the ing curve experienced by the participant during
subjective response should represent real life and the study that may in turn have an unintentional
be hydrodynamic in nature. And if more than impact on the study results. Finally, one should
one stimulus is used in the assessment, the least consider the expectations of the individual par-
severe stimulus should be used first, and the inter- ticipating in a clinical study and how they may
vals between assessments should be sufficient to interact over time. For example, participants with
prevent any interaction. There is however lim- chronic conditions such as DH typically have epi-
ited published data on the recommended inter- sodic or fluctuating symptoms, and any potential
vals between testing although a 10 min interval change in these symptoms over time in clinical
between tactile and thermal/evaporative stimuli study may be one of improvement (the so-called
has been accepted in clinical studies, the purpose expectancy effect) (Curro et al. 2000). Individuals
of which to allow sufficient time for nerve recov- participating in a clinical study may also antici-
ery and for the patient to forget their last response pate that they will experience pain from a stimu-
(Gillam et al. 2000). Of the available devices used lus directed at a tooth, for example, when subjects
in the clinical studies, the cold air syringe (Gillam are assessed (VAS) with the thermal/evaporative
et al. 2000; Schiff et al. 2009, 2011) and a con- stimulus at the qualifying and subsequent visits.
trolled tactile pressure probe (e.g. Yeaple probe, Initially, they may report a high pain score at the
Xinix Research Inc, NH, Portsmouth, USA; Jay baseline, but when assessed again at a subsequent
Sensitivity Sensor Probe, Global Health Research visit, they can reflect on the difference between
Group, New Delhi, India) (Gillam et al. 2000; their previous exposure to the stimulus and to the
Schiff et al. 2009, 2011; Hedge et al. 2013; Kakar current discomfort and subsequently decide that
90 F.A. Curro and D.G. Gillam

the pain was not as bad and then indicate a lower more difficult ranging from 1 in 3 some 25 years
pain score. The use of a pretreatment session over- ago to approximately 1 in 8 today which may
view may however help reduce these anomalies. considerably increase the costs (to institutions
As previously indicated, one of the problems, and companies) of conducting these types of
evaluating DH, is the highly subjective nature of studies. A further problem may be due to the
the pain response despite the traditional approach nature of the condition itself both in terms of its
to assess the pain response by the so-called objective history (may have periods of spontaneous resolu-
methodology. The complete absence of pain from tion) and the subsequent pain response on screen-
DH is probably the only true end-point measure- ing. The impact of this particular problem may be
ment rather than attempting to quantify objective underestimated; generally speaking, individuals
measures of tactile and thermal thresholds. are included into DH studies on the basis of hav-
However, this goal may be unrealistic for a num- ing a previous history of DH which may lead to
ber of reasons, and it is evident than when analys- difficulties in recruitment particularly when
ing the results from the various studies that while assessing pain scores in studies with the current
individuals within the test and control groups exacting and inclusion/exclusion criteria. It is
may report that they have a complete absence of important however when recruiting individuals
pain, closer inspection of the means (and 95 % for a clinical study that the entry criteria are rea-
confidence intervals) clearly shows that there is sonable and realistic; otherwise, the investigator
still a level of unresolved pain. Therefore, a dif- will struggle to recruit adequate numbers within
ferent approach in addressing the claims made on the allocated time frame for completion of the
behalf of a Pharmaceutical or Consumer Health study. This is particularly true when dealing with
Care Company in relationship to the pain associ- a highly subjective clinical condition such as
ated with DH, may therefore need to be investi- DH. Care must therefore be taken when screen-
gated. Furthermore, both from the patient’s and ing prospective participants not to recruit indi-
clinician’s perspectives, it is important to manage viduals who either report minimal or extreme
the expectations of both parties as it may be unre- discomfort since the statistical probability of
alistic to expect the complete resolution of pain measuring the pain response can only stay the
following OTC or in-office treatment. It may be same, worsen or improve, respectively. This phe-
more relevant and practical to consider the reduc- nomenon is called regression towards the mean
tion of the impact of the treatment on the quality or mode (Yates et al. 1998; Addy et al. 2007) and
of life of the patient in that they are able to com- according to Jeffcoat (1993) can either magnify a
plete their day-to-day activities either by coping product’s treatment effect if used on a severely
strategies or the associated pain is reduced. affected population or minimise the effect when
used in an under-affected population.
One of the inherent problems in conducting
Patient Selection, Study Design clinical studies is the interference of placebo and/
and Selection of Controls or Hawthorne effects that may introduce bias into
the study (Gillam 1997; Addy et al. 2007). This
Experienced investigators would probably agree may be particularly true in pain studies such as
that recruitment to DH clinical studies is fraught relief of pain arising from DH, and one way to
with difficulties, and this may be due in part to a resolve this particular bias is the use of a double-
number of reasons, for example, the limitation of blind placebo-controlled study (Jeffcoat 1993;
sites that may exhibit DH is predominantly on the Holland et al. 1997; ADA 1998, 2009, 2012).
buccal or facial surfaces of the teeth which may According to Schulz et al. (2010) the Randomized
be restricted due to attempts by clinicians to controlled trial (RCT), when appropriately
restore the non-carious cervical defects present in designed, has been generally acknowledged as the
an individual’s mouth. The authors estimate that gold standard for evaluating health care interven-
newer restorative procedures have made recruit- tions. This viewpoint, however, has been recently
ment of potential participants into DH studies challenged as a result of the number of ‘black
7 Challenging the Traditional Approach for the Conduct of Dentine Hypersensitivity Studies 91

box’ warnings placed on drugs by the FDA and pated at the end of such a period that (a) the par-
the number of drugs subsequently removed from ticipants understand what is expected of them
the market place by the Regulatory Authorities with regard to the various assessments used when
due to safety concerns (Kessler and Glasgow measuring the pain response, e.g., VAS, Schiff
2011; Silverman 2014). RCTs are now viewed as Air Sensitivity scores, LMS and (b) participants
too restrictive and not representative as point-of- actually have ‘real sensitivity’ before being
use by providers. RCTs conducted by highly entered into the main study. One observation may
trained specialists recruiting a ‘designer patient’ be relevant here with respect to the Schiff air test
using the drug in a restrictive environment hardly as the patient’s reaction to the test is translated by
yields results that would be robust and mimic use the investigator thereby excluding the patient’s
for the population at large. RCTs should therefore response. Those individuals fulfilling the entry
be reserved for early phase clinical studies when criteria following this pretreatment period can
the safety profile has not been determined, when then enter the study. One disadvantage of this type
the delivery is complicated, and when the drug is of study design, however, is that it adds to both
directed at a compromised patient. In this type of cost and time. Other study designs that have also
study, all participants are allocated (random been reported in the literature involve the use of
assignment) to either the test or control group, and an adjunctive therapy (e.g. the application of a
the difference in outcome across groups will potassium-containing mouth rinse following rou-
determine any significant efficacy of the test tine toothbrushing with a fluoride toothpaste)
group. The design is simple and requires minimal (Gillam et al. 1996a; Yates et al.1998). This type
prior knowledge of the cause of the disease in of study, while widely utilised in antimicrobial
each group. This type of design, however, may therapy studies, has not been used routinely in DH
result in an unequal distribution of high-risk indi- studies, but there would be advantages in incorpo-
viduals with multiple active sites, although this rating such a study design in evaluating the addi-
feature may be more of a problem in studies of tional effect above what would normally be
less than 30 subjects. The use of stratification expected from using a commercially available
techniques, however, can be used to give balance fluoride toothpaste. DH studies may also lend
across the groups. It is usual to stratify potentially themselves to an adaptive design where the
confounding factors such as numbers of teeth, knowledge of the patient population actually
baseline sensitivity levels, age, gender, etc. From enrolled in the study, the variance of the study end
a practical point of view, it is generally easier to point, event rates, and possibly the treatment
assign a treatment to each of the participants. This effect itself available at interim may be used to
type of design has been recommended for clinical change the study design or key parameters in
studies evaluating both OTC and in-office prod- order to improve the chances of success. Such
ucts although other types of study design have adaptation, if appropriately implemented, has the
been used in DH studies such as cross-over and potential to save resources; however, this imple-
split-mouth (Gillam 1997). The use of a pretreat- mentation requires that the statistical validity of
ment period study design which enabled the the study’s results be preserved (LaVange 2014).
participant(s) to be randomised into test and con- The US regulatory agency (FDA) has also recently
trol groups and as such allows the participant to issued draft guidance on adaptive designs, and the
act at his/her own control as well as to compare final version is in progress considering the public
that subject to the randomised control and other comments received (FDA guidance for Industry
groups may also be utilised in DH studies (Page 2014).
et al. 1995). For example, there may be advan- According to Fleiss (1992), clinical studies
tages in having a 2–4-week pre-study evaluation may assess the efficacy, equivalence or superior-
period for sensitivity studies in which the partici- ity of a treatment and as such studies can be
pant is introduced to the pain scoring methods designed to test either products or ingredients of
(visual analogue scales (VAS)) and is placed on a products. Products designed to reduce DH should
placebo or fluoride toothpaste. It would be antici- therefore be tested in controlled clinical studies
92 F.A. Curro and D.G. Gillam

in which the test product is tested against (a) a may also exhibit a desensitising effect may also
negative control to establish efficacy and (b) a complicate the interpretation of the results and is
positive control to determine relative potency. In also problematic (Gillam et al. 1996a, b; Gillam
the absence of any negative controls with no 1997; Pearce et al. 1994; Chesters et al. 1992).
demonstrable desensitising effects and any inter- The use of a true placebo toothpaste, without any
nationally accepted benchmark positive control, known desensitising ingredient, may however be
the test product may be tested against a minus- problematic, and most studies would appear to
active control. use a fluoride-containing toothpaste as a nega-
One of the problems, however, in this respect tive control when evaluating a product. A final
is that there is no agreed positive or negative concern that may be expressed regarding these
control (the so-called gold standard) in DH stud- types of studies is whether the study population
ies (Holland et al. 1997). For example, several that are used for the studies are truly representa-
published studies have used minus-active con- tive of those who suffer from the condition in real
trols that may not be representative of the final life, and perhaps more research should be initi-
commercially available product sold over the ated into the demographics of recruiting subjects
counter (in the case of OTC products) (Gillam for DH studies.
1997). Furthermore, the characteristics, bio- The study duration may also vary according to
equivalence, efficacy, etc., may be changed by the purpose of the study, the nature of the agent
addition/subtraction of different ingredients. tested, the hypothesis of the mechanism of action,
A further complication that continually the outcome measurements and their sensitivity
appears to affect the interpretation of results from and error. According to Gore and Altman (1982),
clinical studies of this nature is the reported pla- the duration of a clinical study is a critical factor in
cebo effect that can be as high as 40 % (Curro determining product effectiveness. The concentra-
et al. 2000; West et al. 1997). Several investiga- tion of active ingredients presented in an over-the-
tors have also alluded to this obvious effect in counter (OTC) product will tend to be relatively
their studies (Gillam 1997; Pearce et al. 1994; low, and so the study must be of sufficient duration
Chesters et al. 1992), but to what extent the pla- in order to allow the active agent(s) to demonstrate
cebo effect complicates the interpretation of the maximal clinical efficacy (Orchardson R, personal
results of the study is difficult to predict. It should communication 1997). However, comparative
however be noted that according to Curro et al. studies including an inactive control (placebo)
(2000), the placebo effect observed in DH stud- may also reveal a substantial ‘placebo effect’,
ies is not too dissimilar to those reported in other which may follow a different time course to that of
medical and dental therapeutic studies. For exam- the active agent. The clinical study duration should
ple, a review of 15 postoperative pain studies by therefore be sufficient in length as to minimise any
Beecher (1955) quoted by Curro et al. (2000) ‘placebo effects’. Although a number of published
concluded that on average symptoms were sat- studies have demonstrated improvement ranging
isfactorily relieved by the placebo medication in from 30 to 80 % reduction in sensitivity when com-
35 % of the patients (the placebo response range paring test pastes to other toothpastes and placebo
of 15–58 %). Compounding factors (Table 7.1) (Clark and Troullos 1990), the results are conflict-
that may affect DH studies may also be com- ing and somewhat difficult to interpret, due in part
plicated by the lack of acceptable positive and to different methodologies and patient criteria. The
negative controls used in equivalence and superi- majority of the published studies are between 6
ority studies. Unlike gingivitis studies where the and 12 weeks (some on 22 weeks) (Gillam 1997).
internationally accepted gold standard would be It is worth acknowledging that most of these stud-
chlorhexidine, there does not appear to be an inter- ies were of short duration looking at the immediate
nationally accepted product which one could use effect of the toothpaste on DH, and therefore, the
as a positive control in such studies. Furthermore, majority of these studies do not appear to provide
the difficulty in using a negative control which any meaningful data on the long-term efficacy of
7 Challenging the Traditional Approach for the Conduct of Dentine Hypersensitivity Studies 93

OTC desensitising toothpastes. Furthermore, there Table 7.3 Problems with the biomedical model
have been relatively few studies (Gillam et al. Subjective, unreliable and value laden
1992) that have monitored the effects of a denti- Exclusive
frice following a period of active product use. The Questionable ethics and consumer participation
results of these studies would also suggest that Normative needs are often high
there is a carry-over effect of products following The norms of dentists do not correspond to the
functional norms or social needs of people
the cession of use. The implications of this would
Based on the absence of disease rather than health
be that there should be a delay or wash in a period
Ignores the functioning of the oral cavity or person
of 1–2 months prior to entry of subjects on desen-
Ignores social and motivational factors
sitising products. Published in-office treatment Excludes alternative treatments
studies would generally speaking have a range of Ignores health promotion and prevention
duration from 4 weeks to 3 years depending on Acknowledgement derived from Sheiham et al. cited by
the period of follow-up. It is important however to Robinson et al. (2014)
acknowledge that the amount of time required for
a particular desensitising agent to achieve clinical
effectiveness is likely to be affected by several fac-
tors, including (a) variations in the motivation and The Argument to Shift
compliance of individual participants and their from a Traditional Biomedical
ability to apply the product as intended and (b) the Model to a Person-Centric Approach
nature of the test agents and their likely mode of
action. For example, most desensitising toothpaste Defining the Traditional Biomedical
formulations, namely potassium [chloride, citrate, Approach
nitrate] and strontium-containing salts [acetate,
chloride] may take up to 4 weeks to be effective The traditional biomedical model has been
(Tarbet et al. 1979, 1980, 1982; West et al. 1997), defined as a conceptual model of illness that
whereas an applied in-office product such as a excluded any psychological and social factors
desensitising prophylaxis paste or sealant may and included only biological factors in order to
provide instant relief for the patient (Gillam 1997; understand a person’s medical illness or disor-
Milleman et al. 2012; Neuhaus et al. 2013; Schiff der (Definition of a biomedical model– medi-
et al. 2009; Orchardson and Gillam 2006). In the cal definition 2014). Several investigators have
dental practice environment however a patient however reported on the limitations of this
who is suffering from extreme DH symptoms model as it failed to take into account the indi-
would expect some form of immediate treatment vidual health-related quality of life and any con-
to relieve the pain rather than wait up to 4 weeks cerns the individual may have had regarding his/
for relief of pain associated with DH. With regard her health (Engel 1977; Locker and Allen 2007;
to in-office products, there does not appear to be Robinson et al. 2014). The need for the devel-
no internationally recognised gold standard; gen- opment of a new approach was addressed by
erally speaking, most reported studies follow the Engel (1977) when he proposed a new biopsy-
same study design as over-the-counter (OTC) chosocial model in order to take into account the
products. One of the problems however that may concerns of the patient within the social context
still need to be resolved is the lack of homogeneity in which he/she lives together with the health-
in the manner in which the traditional DH stud- care systems developed by society to manage or
ies have been conducted, and consequently, there treat the disruptive effects of the medical condi-
was no widespread agreement as to which of these tion (illness). The criticisms and problems with
treatment modalities was the ideal material or pro- the traditional biomedical approach to treating
cedure to treat DH (Gillam 1992; Orchardson and oral diseases have been expressed by Sheiham
Gillam 2006; Cunha-Cruz et al. 2010; Lin et al. et al. (1982) cited by Robinson et al. (2014)
2013). (Table 7.3).
94 F.A. Curro and D.G. Gillam

Definitions of Health-Related Quality into the decision-making process is consistent

of Life (HQoL) with a person-centred approach.

According to Robinson et al. (2014), a number of

definitions have been previously proposed to Defining Person-Centric
define HQoL, for example: Clinical Trials (PCCT)
1. Physical, psychological and social domains of
health seen as distinct areas that are influenced The terms consumer and patient do not fully
by a person’s experiences, beliefs, expecta- describe the scenarios covered by the term ‘per-
tions and perceptions. son’. A person is only a patient for the time they
2. The impact of a perceived health state on the are in the dentist’s chair, and a person is a patient
ability to live a fulfilling life. for as long as they are ill. The term patient is sub-
3. The impact of disease and treatment on dis- servient and non-inclusive of the person in health,
ability and daily functioning. treatment and management of a disease. It fosters
4. Optimal levels of mental, physical, role and the traditional information flow of the doctor to
social functioning, including relationships the patient. And even the term patient-centred has
and perceptions of health, fitness, life satisfac- multiple meanings. PCCT uses the term “centric”
tion and well-being. It should also include to include the dynamic interchange between the
some assessment of the patient’s level of satis- patient and clinician, where the term “centered”
faction and treatment, outcome and health sta- is relatively static and does not connote the inter-
tus and future prospects. change. The more descriptive and inclusive term
The person-centric approach has been success- is described by ‘person centricity’, a more
fully introduced in the medical, nursing and den- evolved term over patient centred (Curro et al.
tal environments as well as in clinical and research 2013; Robbins et al. 2013, 2014). The term
studies (McCormack and McCance 2006; Locker allows for the person to be actively engaged in
and Allen 2007; Curro et al. 2013; Gibson et al. their own healthcare, treatment and management
2014; de Silva 2014; Robinson et al. 2014). For of condition. The term is now extended to con-
example, according to Robinson et al. (2014), the ducting person-centric clinical studies whereby
measurement of an individuals’ quality of life the person is now included in the assessment of
(OHQoL) in oral health-related research marked treatment and/or evaluation of a drug person-
an important move from the biomedically domi- centric clinical trials: an opportunity for the good
nated perspective to a patient-centred approach. clinical practice (GCP)-based research network
According to Curro et al. (2013), the top-down (Curro et al. 2013).
deferential approach of the traditional biomedical Person-centric clinical trials defines the N=1
model is no longer sustainable, and therefore, the clinical study where that participant, subject or
dynamic shift to a person-centred approach may patient, is considered the primary outcome. The
have distinct advantages in both the clinical envi- N of 1 PCCT is an example of a single-patient
ronment and in the clinical research setting. For experiment with mutual agreement from both
example, the biomedical model approach did not patient/subject and clinician to report the effects
specifically address the concerns of the person of treatment either positive or negative, as well
and generally failed to include the person into the as the signs and symptoms and other manifesta-
treatment decision-making process. Traditionally, tions of the patient’s overall response to the med-
those individuals participating in clinical research ication or active agent especially those designated
have been considered as ‘subjects’, and this to as the outcome parameters. PCCT encompasses
some extent provides emphasis on the protection personalized medicine and responds to the ques-
of the individual and possible dissuade involve- tion of “why does one person in one hundred
ment of these individuals in the planning and have a reported adverse reaction”. PCCT merges
execution of the clinical study. It may therefore be experimental clinical design with that of the
reasonable to suggest that involving the person practicalities of clinical practice by improving
7 Challenging the Traditional Approach for the Conduct of Dentine Hypersensitivity Studies 95

the quality of the clinician patient encounter. recoding are the means; it is the inclusion of the
PCCT studies primarily include patients of patient as an important part of the outcome that is
record from a clinician’s office and as such have the important concept to be recognized. The out-
a known past medical/dental history which come is no longer dependent only on the investi-
allows for a more discriminative interpretation gator’s interpretation of the patient’s response.
of adverse reactions and side effects of drugs/ The variable of the patient’s response being lost
devices being tested. PCCT makes the distinc- in translation is minimized or eliminated. PCCT
tion between “N=1 patients” who are in a later requires that the investigator informs the patient/
stage effectiveness study from those who are subject on their role in the clinical study so that
termed subjects participating in a controlled their responses are valued equally by the investi-
clinical study evaluating efficacy in the earlier gator as they will provide more data points than
stages of drug development. that provided by discrete patient visits.
Dentistry is a very good example of person- Additionally, PCCT requires that both the practi-
centric care whereby the person visits a dentist tioner (investigator) and the patient have a com-
twice a year for half an hour, and for the rest of mon goal to improve the clinical outcome either
the time the outcome of the treatment (or in the for efficacy or effectiveness, a distinct advantage
example of participating in a clinical trial) is in when recruiting participants to a study from a
the hands of the person. One can therefore see practice. It should however be stressed that irre-
how important the input of the person can be in spective of the approach taken to test the outcome
both the normal clinical practice environment measures there will be factors e.g., the intra oral
and in particular when participating in clinical dilution of the toothpaste/mouthwash that would
studies). The recruitment of patients to a clinical relatively unchanged during the study. For such
study has been previously described (Robbins studies, ‘global person assessments’ and ‘person
et al. 2014). The person’s feedback is docu- diaries’ have become more prominent in clinical
mented in the United States Food & Drug outcomes. In the past, they were considered sec-
Administration guidance document on patient- ondary to the air blast and applied fixed force by
reported outcomes (FDA Guidance for Industry a probe (as discussed above). Furthermore, the
Patient-Reported Outcome Measures 2009). approach and principles outlined above for clini-
DH is a particular case in point of PCCT cal studies may also be implemented in the prac-
where the outcome is primarily dependent upon tice environment by the clinician when managing
the person not the dentist. DH studies are classi- DH as demonstrated by the PEARL Network
fied as analgesic studies and have all the com- studies (Curro et al. 2013).
plexity associated with them including many
confounding factors, the least of which is the
high placebo response. DH studies are self-limit- RCT Versus Person-Centric Studies
ing where the pulp responds to such stimuli in a
protective manner altering the sensation during Clinical studies on DH therefore may exemplify
the course of a study making the description the concept of person-centric clinical studies
more subjective than objective. Scheduled proto- whereby the ‘person’ themselves provide and
col patient visits can cause large data gaps in the contribute to the clinical outcome. The results
interpretation of the clinical outcome. Discrete relate to each individual as the ultimate N = 1
patient visits over an extended period of time do clinical study whereby the person’s compliance
not necessarily capture the true effect of a drug as is essential to the outcome. It is from this
conditions are changing. PCCT allow for a con- perspective that clinicians and regulatory agen-
tinuous stream of data and fills in the voids cies should view conducting future DH studies in
between patient visits using mobile health order to improve the process of recognising and
devices, patient diaries, and remote data entry or accepting desensitising products for the treat-
by direct calling to the clinician’s office for data ment of DH. PCCT are compatible with conduct-
entry in the source document. The methods of ing an RCT either by randomizing the patient’s at
96 F.A. Curro and D.G. Gillam

the practitioner’s site or by clustering the sites the clinical symptoms, but the wisdom of setting
according to how the practitioner treats the con- arbitrary percentage changes may be question-
dition under investigation using appropriate able. The degree of a product treatment effect that
blinding techniques. PCCT lend themselves best can be achieved will be influenced to some extent
to standard of care studies comparing by the original baseline sensitivity levels, which
effectiveness. should be neither too modest nor too severe in
order to participate in a clinical study. The mag-
nitude of the anticipated treatment effects should
Discussion however be established at the outset of the study
protocol design stage. The expected end point
The ideal goal for any dentine-desensitising (e.g. the anticipated level of therapeutic effect)
agent/product is to, at least, minimise and hope- will influence the study design, and this may
fully abolish the symptoms of pain or discomfort also be dependent on the mode of action of the
associated with DH. However, a more realistic test product and its intended clinical use. For
expectation might be for OTC/in-office treat- example, whether the study is intended to estab-
ments to reduce DH to levels that are acceptable lish efficacy/or equivalency/superiority of the
to the subject or at least to reduce sensitivity to test agent compared with a placebo or standard
levels evident in symptom-free teeth and enable agent, and therefore, the intention of the study
the subject to have an improved quality of life. must be declared at the outset. Statistical meth-
The main objective therefore should be to pro- ods of analysis should be in accordance with the
duce a clinically significant reduction in clinical ICH guidelines on statistical principles for clini-
symptoms rather than a small but statistically sig- cal studies (1998) in concert with study design,
nificant reduction. Indeed, one could argue that preferably in consultation with a competent stat-
despite the so-called objective methodology used istician, and these objectives should be clearly
to evaluate DH in terms of centimetres or grams, stated in the study protocols prior to the start
the final arbiter is the subject (absence/presence of the study. Since DH studies are considered
of pain/tolerance of pain). The final clinical out- analgesic studies the issue of what is significant
come parameter itself is a variable affected by becomes very meaningful and is reflected in the
the temporal biological response of the pulp to N=1 concept of person-centric clinical studies.
a nociceptive response. Prolonged clinical stud- The effectiveness of an over-the-counter (OTC)
ies are not of added value in the objective assess- or behind-the-counter medication has many
ment of the product. Discrete measurements are views and encompasses the discussion of clini-
not reflective of the response, and a more con- cal significance versus statistical significance
tinuous measurement capturing the response in which in some cases excludes personalized or
real time through, for example, mobile health N=1 outcomes. The topic is only mentioned as
devices, we believe, would be of added value to the discussion is beyond the scope of this chapter.
the understanding of the condition. DH studies However, the use of a placebo in analgesic studies
truly describe the N=1 clinical study where no should be carefully considered especially in DH
two patients are alike and where the patient has studies where a comparative agent may be better
the greatest influence over the course of the study served. The high placebo response in analgesic
affecting the outcome. Their input is mandatory studies as high as 50 % confounds the OTC effi-
and most likely should be given considerable cacy of an agent. OTC drugs, devices and agents
weight in the evaluation of the results. The per- always sacrifice efficacy for safety and efficacy
son plus a continuous readout of the responses in OTC drugs has been stated to be in the range
over time and against various stimulants would of 10–20 %. (The author FAC served on an OTC
create a dynamic outcome instead of a static one. FDA panel; personal communication with FDA
Treatment effects may, however, be expressed Director Michael Weintraub, MD). It should be
in terms of the degree of reduction produced in acknowledged that the introduction of recom-
7 Challenging the Traditional Approach for the Conduct of Dentine Hypersensitivity Studies 97

mended guidelines for conducting DH studies person-centred approach has been successfully
by Holland et al. (1997) has provided a stronger introduced in both medical and dental environ-
framework in order to evaluate the efficacy of ments and in clinical studies and may, therefore,
desensitising treatment modalities and may have be of benefit in determining outcomes both in
to some extent eliminated some of the confound- conducting DH studies and in the management of
ing factors that were prevalent in the pre-1997 DH in the clinical environment as demonstrated
studies. However, it should be recognised that in the PEARL Network studies.
pain is a subjective experience which may depend
on a number of factors, for example, the patient’s
previous pain experiences, the psychological References
profile of the subject and the levels of stress and
individual pain threshold. Furthermore, it may ADA Acceptance Program Guidelines (1998) Products
also be extremely difficult to accurately assess for the treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity. ADA
Council on Scientific Affairs, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
the exact level of pain experienced among differ- pp 1–5
ent individuals who come from different cultural ADA Acceptance Program Guidelines—Products for the
backgrounds and who may have a difference in Treatment of Dentinal Hypersensitivity (2009) http://
a previous pain experience. The question may
therefore be asked which is the ideal technique Dentinal-Hypersensitivity
to evaluate the patient’s pain response in DH pain ADA Acceptance Program Guidelines (2012) Products for
studies, since there are a number of both objective the treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity. ADA Council
and subjective measures that are available to use, on Scientific Affairs, Chicago, Illinois, USA. pp 1–9
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for example, air blast from a dental air syringe, hypersensitivity: is there both stimulus and placebo
force-controlled dental probes, visual analogue responses in clinical trials? Int J Dent Hyg 5:53–59
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(Gillam and Newman 1993; Gillam et al. 2000). (2014) The dentine hypersensitivity experience ques-
tionnaire (DHEQ): a longitudinal validation study. In:
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sures, for example, oral health-related quality approach to oral health. Chicago, Illinois, USA.
of life (OHRQoL) measures have been used to pp 141–155
evaluate the impact of DH in subjects with DH Beecher HK (1955) The powerful placebo. J Am Med
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(Bekes et al. 2009; Bioko et al. 2010; Bekes and Bekes K, Hirsch C (2013) What is known about the influ-
Hirsch 2013; de Oliveira et al. 2013). For exam- ence of dentine hypersensitivity on oral health-related
ple, the short (DHEQ-10/DHEQ-15) and long quality of life. Clin Oral Invest 17(Suppl 1):S45–S51
form of the Dentine Hypersensitivity Experience Bekes K, John MT, Schaller HG, Hirsch C (2009) Oral
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et al. 2014) (Chap. 9). APS, Robinson PG (2010) Construction and valida-
tion of the quality of life measure for dentine hyper-
sensitivity (DHEQ). J Clin Periodontol 37:973–980
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erable experience in conducting DH studies over I (1992) Use of multiple sensitivity measurements and
many years using the traditional approach in logit statistical analysis to assess the effectiveness of a
order to assess DH, they have reconsidered potassium- citrate-containing dentifrice in reducing den-
whether this approach satisfactorily addresses the tine hypersensitivity. J Clin Periodontol 19:256–261
Clark GE, Troullos ES (1990) Designing hypersensitivity
impact of DH on the person’s quality of life or clinical studies. Dent Clin N Am 34:531–544
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regarding their health. It is also apparent that the M, Bettendorf MM, Heaton LJ, Berg J (2010) Treating
98 F.A. Curro and D.G. Gillam

dentin hypersensitivity: therapeutic choices made by Gillam DG, Bulman JS, Jackson RJ, Newman HN (1996a)
dentists of the northwest PRECEDENT network. Efficacy of a potassium nitrate-based mouthwash in
J Am Dent Assoc 141(9):1097–1105 alleviating cervical dentine sensitivity (CDS). J Clin
Curro FA (1987) Assessing the physiologic and clinical Periodontol 23:993–997
characteristics of acute versus chronic pain. Gillam DG, Jackson RJ, Bulman JS, Newman HN
Introduction. Dent Clin N Am 31(4):xiii–xxiii. Review (1996b) Comparison of 2 desensitizing dentifrices
Curro FA (1990) Tooth hypersensitivity in the spectrum of with a commercially available fluoride dentifrice in
pain. Dent Clin N Am 34(3):429–437 alleviating cervical dentine sensitivity. J Periodontol
Curro FA, Friedman M, Leight RS (2000) In: Addy M, 67:737–742
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ity. Martin Dunitz Ltd, London, pp 299–314 Periodontal Abstr 45:37–46
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(2013) Person-centric clinical trials: an opportunity for Bulman JS (1997a) Comparison of two desensitizing
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research network. J Clin Pharmacol 53(10):1091–1094 Endod Dent Traumatol 13:36–39
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Flecha OD, Gonçalves PF (2013) Effect of surgical ment of alternative methods of quantifying dental
defect coverage on cervical dentin hypersensitivity pain with particular reference to dentine hypersensi-
and quality of life. J Periodontol 84(6):768–775. tivity. Community Dent Health 14:92–96
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Current and Novel Clinical
Approaches for the Treatment 8
of Dentin Hypersensitivity

José Carlos Pereira, Silvia Helena de Carvalho

Sales-Peres, Luciana Fávaro Francisconi-dos-Rios,
Marcela Pagani Calabria, Sérgio Kiyoshi Ishikiriama,
David G. Gillam, and Linda Wang

Brief Overview of the Chapter long-lasting relief from pain. Whether there is an
ideal treatment or a so-called gold standard for
According to Orchardson and Gillam (2006), the DH, it is still a challenge. (Orchardson and Gillam
management of dentin hypersensitivity (DH) has 2006; Gillam et al. 2013). Furthermore several
been traditionally based on products or proce- investigators have reported on the wide range of
dures (in-office [professionally-applied] and over- in-office and OTC products and procedures that
the-counter (OTC)/at-home) that may either block have been used by clinicians in daily dental prac-
the dentin tubules on the exposed root surface or tice, and it was evident from these reports that
desensitise the nerves in the pulp (see Chap. 10). there is considerable confusion for the clinician
The clinician however is often faced with an array with regard to which of these products actually
of products from the manufacturers all claiming are effective in reducing DH (Gillam et al. 2002;
to be effective in terms of both immediate and Cunha-Cruz et al. 2010).
One of the problems that a clinician may face
when examining a patient complaining of oral
J.C. Pereira, DDS, MS, PhD (*) • S.K. Ishikiriama,
pain is the clinical diagnosis of the condition.
DDS, MS, PhD • L. Wang, DDS, MS, PhD
Department of Operative Dentistry, Endodontics This has been addressed in the earlier chapters of
and Dental Materials, Bauru School of Dentistry, this book (see Chaps. 4 and 5), and it is evident
Bauru, SP, Brazil that without a definite diagnosis of DH, the clini-
cian cannot effectively manage the condition suc-
S.H. de Carvalho Sales-Peres, DDS, MS, PhD cessfully. DH as previously defined is essentially
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics
a diagnosis of exclusion, and this will clearly take
and Collective Health, Bauru School of Dentistry,
University of São Paulo, Bauru, SP, Brazil the clinician sometime in order to record the nec-
essary information during the screening process
L.F. Francisconi-dos-Rios, DDS, MS, PhD
Department of Operative Dentistry, School and subsequent clinical examination (see Chap.
of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, 5). Once the clinician is confident that the correct
São Paulo, SP, Brazil diagnosis of DH has been made, then the man-
M.P. Calabria, DDS, MS, PhD agement of the condition can be undertaken.
School of Dentistry, University of Secret Hearth, However as indicated in Chap. 10, the provision
Bauru, SP, Brazil
or prescription of a particular in-office procedure
D.G. Gillam or OTC product in itself without the removal of
Centre for Adult Oral Health,
the essential components of the aethiological and
Barts and The London School of Medicine
and Dentistry QMUL, Turner Street, predisposing factors that initiated the problem in
London E1 2AD, UK the first place by the clinician, together with

D.G. Gillam (ed.), Dentine Hypersensitivity: Advances in Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment, 101
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14577-8_8, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
102 J.C. Pereira et al.

counselling and educating the patient (dietary a level of dissatisfaction with the various prod-
changes/toothbrushing techniques, etc.) and sub- ucts and techniques available (Cunha-Cruz et al.
sequent monitoring the condition over time, will 2010) (see Chap. 10).
result in ineffective and unsuccessful treatment.
The aim of this chapter therefore is to review the
various products and procedures that have been Current Therapies for Dentin
recommended for the treatment of DH and any Hypersensitivity (DH)
novel products that have been recently intro-
duced, together with some recommendations for Currently, many of the dentin desensitisers that
future development of desensitising strategies. have been used in treating DH have supported
evidence from in vitro, in situ or in vivo studies
(Orchardson and Gillam 2006). The mechanism of
Classification of Desensitising action for the majority of the desensitising agents
Agents in these studies was by tubule occlusion. There are
however a number of problems with the applica-
The classification of the various treatments for tion of both in-office and OTC/at-home products
DH can be a challenging process particularly if in that the tubular occlusion was not permanent
the precise mode of action is unknown. Grossman in nature, particularly following the impact of an
(1935) and Gillam (1997) reported that an ideal acid challenge to the surface deposit (see Chap. 6).
product for DH should have specific criteria in Furthermore the resin or toothpaste precipitate in
order to be both effective and acceptable to the the dentin tubule may only provide a chemical-
patient and clinician. The ideal desensitising physical blockage rather than induce the initia-
agent must be fast acting, be effective for long tion of new dentin (Calabria et al. 2012). Ideally
periods, be easy to apply, not dangerous to the a bioactive/biomimetic material able to modify
pulp, not cause pain and not stain the teeth. its composition and/or induce the precipitation of
There have been a number of previous classifica- insoluble fluorapatite would be a major advantage
tions published in the literature, some relatively in the treatment of DH (see Chap. 6). According to
simply and others more complex in nature. For Orchardson and Gillam (2006), the management
example, a simple classification of products into of DH should be based on a stepwise approach
in-office and OTC/at-home products (Orchardson based on the extent and severity of the condition.
and Gillam 2006), or based on the mechanism of An inherent component of this approach was the
action (Gillam 2002; Miglani et al. 2010); or importance of the removal of any aetiological or
whether the desensitising products for in-office predisposing factors, counselling the patient with
procedures (1) do not polymerise (varnishes/ regard to dietary intake (e.g. excessive consump-
precipitants/primers containing HEMA), (2) tion of acidic drinks) and toothbrushing tech-
undergo setting or polymerisation reactions niques and appropriate monitoring by the clinician
(conventional glass ionomer cements, or resin- (see Chap. 10). A more recent UK Guidelines pub-
reinforced glass ionomers/compomers, adhesive lication on the management of DH by Gillam et al.
resin primers, adhesive resin bonding systems); (2013) also stressed the importance of not using a
or whether these agents are used in conjunction single treatment philosophy to treat DH but rec-
with (3) the use of mouthguards, (4) iontophore- ommended management strategies based on the
sis combined with fluoride pastes or solutions or aetiology and predisposing factors of specific pre-
(5) lasers (Pashley 2000) (see also Table 8.1). senting conditions, namely, (1) patients with good
One of the problems, however, when recom- oral hygiene associated with DH, (2) patients with
mending or evaluating these approaches for the toothwear and associated DH and (3) periodon-
treatment of DH is that clinicians appear not tally related DH together with an awareness of the
only to be uncertain as to the most successful potential impact of DH on the patient’s quality of
way in which to manage DH but also expressed life (see Chaps. 9 and 10).
8 Current and Novel Clinical Approaches for the Treatment of Dentin Hypersensitivity 103

Table 8.1 Classification of dentin desensitisers and procedures according to the mechanism of action
Mechanism of action Desensitising agents
Nerve desensitisation Potassium nitrate, chloride, citrate, oxalate,
Protein precipitation Glutaraldehyde, silver nitrate, zinc chloride, strontium chloride hexahydrate
Tubule occlusion Stannous and sodium fluoride
Strontium chloride
Ferric oxalate
Potassium oxalate
Amorphous calcium phosphate
Calcium phosphate
Calcium carbonate
Calcium hydroxide
Calcium sodium phosphosilicate
Tricalcium phosphate (TCP)
Dental varnish (Clinpro™ 3M™ ESPE™) containing 5 % sodium fluoride with tricalcium
phosphate (TCP)
Prophylaxis polishing paste containing 1.23 % fluoride
Prophylaxis polishing paste containing 1.1 % sodium fluoride +5 % NovaMin
Sensodyne NUPRO (NovaMin® – Dentsply)
1.1 % Sodium fluoride anticavity toothpaste (Clinpro™ 3M™ ESPE™ 5000)
Vanish™ XT Extended Contact Varnish (light-cured resin-modified glass ionomer (RMGI)
based on the patented methacrylate-modified polyalkenoic acid)
Bioactive glasses (SiO2–P2O5–CaO–Na2O)
Gingival surgery – recovering the exposed dentin area
Neural action and Laser
tubules occlusion Neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet (Nd:YAG), laser GaAlAs (gallium-aluminium-
arsenide laser), erbium-YAG laser
Anti-inflammatory Homeopathic medication – propolis
effect Corticoid steroids
Covering the dentin Tooth restoration
surface Periodontal surgery
Adapted from Miglani et al. (2010)

In-Office (Professionally Applied) Pashley (2000). There is a tendency however to

Treatment apply an in-office treatment following several
attempts to resolve the patient’s pain following the
Following a successful diagnosis of DH, the clinician unsuccessful use of an OTC/at-home product. There
will base the treatment on the extent and severity of are however a vast array of desensitising products
the condition. For example, where the problem is currently available which may make the choice of
mild to moderate in nature (see Chap. 5), then an the most appropriate product both confusing and dif-
OTC/at-home approach may be initiated with the ficult for the clinician (Cunha-Cruz et al. 2010).
caveat that if the pain does not resolve before the next
appointment (or if this approach was ineffective),
then the patient may return for a more invasive in- Fluoride Application
office (professionally applied) procedure. If the pain
is localised to one or two teeth and is severe in nature, According to Cummins (2010), fluoride in the
the clinician may opt for an in-office procedure using form of gels, varnishes and resins has been rec-
one of the restorative materials as suggested by ommended for an in-office treatment for DH
104 J.C. Pereira et al.

(Gaffar 1999; Orchardson and Gillam 2006; Potassium Salts

Ritter et al. 2006; Merika et al. 2006; Hoang-Dao
et al. 2008; Yilmaz et al. 2011; Trushkowsky and Potassium salts have also been used for the treat-
Oquendo 2011; Petersson 2013). High-level ment of DH (Hodosh 1974; Pereira et al. 2005;
fluoride-based desensitisers (solutions, gels and Sauro et al. 2006; Cummins 2010) and have been
varnishes) have also been reported to provide an reported to react with the exposed dentin section
instant and relative long-term relief of DH with a precipitation of calcium compound crystals
(Al-Sabbagh et al. 2009; Gaffar 1999; Ozen et al. onto the dentin surface and sub-superficially into
2009; Petersson 2013; Pradeep et al. 2012; Ritter the dentin tubules to effectively occlude the dentin
et al. 2006; Schmidlin and Sahrmann 2013). For tubules (Pereira et al. 2005; Calabria et al. 2012;
example, a single topical application was reported Cummins 2010; Markowitz and Pashley 2008)
to relieve DH for 3–6 months (Al-Sabbagh et al. (see Chap. 2). Potassium has also been combined
2009; Glockner 2013; Ritter et al. 2006). The with an oxalate formulation (Cunha-Cruz et al.
combined use of fluoride with iontophoresis has 2011). Three types of oxalate formulations (6 %
also been reported in the literature (Gangarosa ferric, 30 % dipotassium and 3 % monohydrogen
and Park 1978; Brough et al. 1985; Gangarosa monopotassium) have also been classically indi-
1994; Singal et al. 2005; Gupta et al. 2010; cated to occlude the dentin tubules and reduce DH
Aparna et al. 2010; da Rosa et al. 2013; Patel and (Al-Sabbagh et al. 2009; Pashley et al. 1987,
Langalia 2014); however, the clinical effective- 2001; Schmidlin and Sahrmann 2013). For exam-
ness of this technique (with or without fluoride) ple, 3 % Potassium oxalate solutions have been
has been questioned (Gillam and Newman 1990; used to treat DH, and the resultant oxalate crystals
Pashley 2000). The mode of action of topically have been reported to be more resistant to an acid
applied fluorides is by tubule occlusion in the challenge compared to the precipitated fluoride
form of calcium fluoride (Table 8.1) although the crystals (Pereira et al. 2005; Calabria et al. 2012).
resultant layer is generally not resistant to the fre- The in vitro testing of desensitising agents has
quent acid challenges in the oral environment, been traditionally through the observation of the
resulting in reapplication in order to maintain any surface and subsurface of the dentin tubules using
efficacy (Cummins 2010; Calabria et al. 2012). a number of techniques, for example, SEM scan-
Fluoride compounds however have been reported ning electron microscopy and CLSM confocal
to demonstrate low permeability values in vitro laser scanning microscopy, and comparing images
in laboratory studies, which may suggest that the before and after conditioning and treatment appli-
transient effect in reducing DH observed in clini- cation (Fig. 8.1a, b) (see Chap. 6). By comparing
cal trials may be as a result of the other properties the images of potassium oxalate-treated dentin
of the varnish rather than the physical precipita- before and after an acid challenge (Figs. 8.2b and
tion of crystals inside the dentin tubules. A com- 8.3a), one can observe the greater precipitation of
bination approach using a fluoride mouthrinse crystals inside the dentin tubules following an
has also been recommended by several investiga- acid challenge. This observation may also be seen
tors (Glockner 2013; Marinho et al. 2004). with other formulations based on crystal precipi-
Although currently there does not appear to be a tation, except for fluorophosphates.
systematic review exclusively addressing the role Several investigators have reported that any
of professionally applied fluoride varnishes in relief from DH may be transient in nature as the
DH in randomised clinical trials (Ozen et al. precipitated crystals may be dissolved or removed
2009; Sharif et al. 2013; Thrash et al. 1994), there over time (Al-Sabbagh et al. 2009; Cooley and
was some evidence reported in the published lit- Sandoval 1989; Kerns et al. 1991; Knight et al.
erature that indicated that professionally applied 1993). According to Al-Sabbagh et al. (2009),
fluoride varnishes were effected in relieving pain oxalate-containing phytocomplexes however
associated with DH (Orchardson and Gillam may be an alternative to the traditional oxalate
2006; Sharif et al. 2013). preparations. For example, Sauro et al. (2006)
8 Current and Novel Clinical Approaches for the Treatment of Dentin Hypersensitivity 105

a b

Fig. 8.1 Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM, XZ axis) of mineralised sound dentin. (a) and after dentin con-
ditioning with phosphoric acid (b)

a b

Fig. 8.2 Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM, tin tubules of the specimen treated with KOx; in the APF
XZ axis) of demineralised dentin (a) treated with 1.23 % specimen reflexive particles appear infiltrated in the body
acidulated fluorophosphate (APF) (b) and 3 % potassium of intertubular dentin, similar to untreated dentin in
oxalate (KOx). Reflexive deposits can be seen inside den- Fig. 8.1a

reported that these complexes reduced dentin A number of reviews recognised that, with
permeability following a single application in an the possible exception of the 3 % monohydrate
in vitro study. These investigators also postulated monopotassium, oxalate preparations were not
that these complexes may protect the smear layer considered to be effective desensitising prod-
formed by scaling procedures on the root dentin ucts based on evidence-based clinical criteria
from an acid challenge (Sauro et al. 2007). (Al-Sabbagh et al. 2009; Cunha-Cruz et al. 2011;
106 J.C. Pereira et al.

a b

Fig. 8.3 CLSM XZ axis images of specimens before and tubules. (b) Specimen treated with Desensibilize NanoP®
after acid challenge. (a) Compared with Fig. 8.2b, the with clusters of crystals on dentin surface. (c) Specimen
specimens treated with KOx challenged with citric acid also treated with Desensibilize NanoP® shows crystals
show greater concentration of crystals inside the dentin displaced into the dentin tubules after an acid challenge

Gillam et al. 1997; Orchardson and Gillam 2000; 90 % of treated teeth in clinical studies
Schmidlin and Sahrmann 2013; Sharif et al. 2013). (Al-Sabbagh et al. 2009; Levin et al. 1973).
Calcium phosphate has also been reported in
in vitro studies to be more effective than
Calcium Phosphate Compounds potassium oxalate in occluding the dentin tubules
(Al-Sabbagh et al. 2009; Suge et al. 2005).
Currently there appears to be limited data on the Recently, nano-hydroxyapatite-based agents
clinical effectiveness of calcium compounds in (e.g. Desensibilize NanoP® and Clinpro
reducing DH although calcium hydroxide has white varnish [Clinpro]) with bioactive and
been reported to immediately reduce DH in over biocompatibility potential have been reported to
8 Current and Novel Clinical Approaches for the Treatment of Dentin Hypersensitivity 107

be effective both as a remineralising and desen- 1998). According to Reynolds et al. (2008), CPP-
sitising agent (Calabria et al. 2012; Hanning and ACP may also be successfully incorporated into
Hanning 2010; Tschoppe et al. 2011). These commercial toothpaste products for the treatment
agents contain nano-sized particles, which act of DH to enhance the occlusion of the dentin
in a similar manner to dental apatite in regard tubules through ‘remineralised dentin’ technology.
to their morphology, structure and crystallin- A number of recent products containing trical-
ity arrangement (Vandiver et al. 2005). These cium phosphate (TCP) has been recently devel-
novel approaches were based on technology that oped for the dental market (3M™ ESPE™ St Pauls
explored the bioactivation with natural com- Minneapolis, USA), namely, (1) a dental varnish
pounds with a view to improve the stability of the (Clinpro™ 3M™ ESPE™) containing 5 % sodium
surface precipitate on the tooth surface following fluoride with tricalcium phosphate (TCP), (2) a
an acid challenge (Fig. 8.3). These images are prophylaxis polishing paste containing 1.23 %
consistent with the results of dentin permeabil- fluoride, (3) prescription toothpaste 1.1 %
ity following dentin treatment with both potas- sodium fluoride anticavity toothpaste (Clinpro™
sium oxalate and Desensibilize NanoP®-FGM 5000) and (4) Vanish™ XT Extended Contact
(Calabria et al. 2012). Varnish, which is a light-cured resin-modified
One of the problems, however, with most of glass ionomer (RMGI) based on the patented
the products utilising an occlusive strategy was methacrylate-modified polyalkenoic acid. The
that the precipitate was unable to withstand the indications for use are based on remineralising of
continual impact of the acid challenge in the oral the enamel and blocking the open dentin tubules
environment. This issue has subsequently led (tubule occlusion) (Vanichvatana and Auychai
investigators to develop innovative bioactive for- 2013; Asaizumi et al. 2013).
mulations to enhance the remineralising or Several investigators have, however, reported
tubule-occluding properties of the marketed conflicting results when comparing either an
products (Cummins 2010; Markowitz and ACP (Schemehorn et al. 2011) or an MI Varnish
Pashley 2008; Reynolds 1997; Reynolds et al. with RECALDENT™ containing CPP-ACP
2008; Rusin et al. 2010; Calabria et al. 2012; (Cochrane et al. 2014) with 5 % ACP with TCP
Nongonierma and Fitzgerald 2012; Pei et al. or CPP-ACP with a functionalised tricalcium
2013) (see Chap. 6). phosphate (fTCP). According to these investiga-
Casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium tors, varnish ACP and MI Varnish had the highest
phosphate (CPP-ACP), a milk derivative, has also release of calcium and fluoride ions compared to
been reported to be effective in remineralising the TCP varnish.
enamel and dentin (Reynolds 1997; Kumar et al. Other calcium-containing desensitisers
2008; Reynolds et al. 2008; Agnihotri et al. 2012; designed for in-office use are formulations con-
Nongonierma and Fitzgerald 2012). CPP is a bio- taining arginine and calcium carbonate. These
active peptide released from caseins, which has formulations have been reported to effectively
been shown to enhance bivalent mineral solubility occlude the dentin tubules and to provide immedi-
and also optimise binding ability to minerals, as ate and lasting relief for DH (Pei et al. 2013;
calcium. Amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) is Hamlin et al. 2009; Schiff et al. 2009). According
the precursor of hydroxyapatite and in an oral envi- to the manufacturers, arginine is an amino acid
ronment in the presence of saliva was converted to naturally available in saliva, which presents a pos-
hydroxyapatite. At the tooth surface interface, both itive charge. Since dentin is negatively charged,
calcium and phosphate are able to precipitate as arginine may play an important role, in associa-
stable hydroxyapatite (Nongonierma and tion with calcium, favouring its deposition on the
Fitzgerald 2012). According to investigators, how- dentin surface. This mechanism is attributed to
ever, the effectiveness of ACP was only compara- the deposition of an arginine, calcium carbonate
ble to that of a placebo after approximately and phosphate complex that physically occlude
3 months (Al-Sabbagh et al. 2009; Yates et al. the dentin tubules and was resistant to normal
108 J.C. Pereira et al.

a b

Fig. 8.4 CLSM XZ axis of dentin specimens treated with Pro-Argin™ before (a) and following an acid challenge (b)

pulpal pressures and to an acid challenge According to the manufacturer, a bioactive glass
(Cummins 2010; Hamlin et al. 2009; Schiff et al. material (e.g. NovaBone) has the ability to release
2009; Pei et al. 2013). Pro-Argin™ technology is Si, Ca and phosphate ions and initiate the upregu-
currently available as an in-office and as an OTC/ lation and activation of a family of genes in
at-home toothpaste that can be used in association osteoprogenitor cells, a process defined as osteo-
with in-office treatment, for example, scaling and stimulation (Price et al. 1997; Xynos et al. 2000;
polishing procedures (Hamlin et al. 2009). Loty et al. 2001; Sollazzo et al. 2010). Both
According to Calabria et al. (2012), there is evi- PerioGlas and NovaBone products have been
dence from CLSM techniques that polishing with reported to be effective as a synthetic bone graft
a Pro-Argin™ prophylaxis paste was effective in material in a number of dental indications, for
depositing these crystals in covering the dentin example, in periodontal intrabony defects (Zamet
surface and occluding the subsurface of the dentin et al. 1997; Park et al. 2001; Sculean et al. 2002),
(Fig. 8.4a). Arginine-based products have also bone regenerative procedures (Yukna et al. 2001),
been reported to promote relief of DH compared bone augmentation prior to implant placement
to a negative control in clinical studies (Kapferer (Norton and Wilson 2001), furcation defects
et al. 2013). However, there is some concern that (Anderegg et al. 1999; Giusto 2005) and extrac-
these formulations are not able to resist to an acid tion sockets (Kates et al. 1998). The original
challenge, as shown in Fig. 8.4b. 45S5 Bioglass® formulation was later adapted for
use in toothpaste formulations and prophylaxis
polishing pastes for the treatment of DH
Calcium Sodium Phosphosilicate (NovaMin Technology Inc., Alachua, FL, USA;
(Bioactive Glass) now GSK). According to Lynch et al. (2012), the
proposed mode of action for both the toothpaste
Calcium sodium phosphosilicate, for example, and the polishing paste was considered to be
NovaMin®, based on the original 45S5 Bioglass® through the precipitating of hydroxycarbonate
formulation by Larry Hench (2006) was previ- apatite (HCA) onto the dentin surface and subse-
ously used for as a synthetic bone grafting mate- quently occluding the dentin tubules.
rial (PerioGlas®) (US Biomaterials Corp., In-office prophylaxis pastes containing both
Jacksonville, FL, USA; now NovaBone®). arginine/calcium carbonate and bioactive glasses
8 Current and Novel Clinical Approaches for the Treatment of Dentin Hypersensitivity 109

(e.g. calcium sodium phosphosilicate) have sub- The functional monomers may also interact with
sequently been reported to provide effective clin- the calcium ions from the smear layer, potentially
ical pain relief from DH following application resulting in additional chemical bonding.
(Cummins 2010; Gendreau et al. 2011; Hughes The long-lasting effectiveness of any kind of
et al. 2010; Pradeep et al. 2012; Pradeep and adhesive system as a dentin desensitiser, for
Sharma 2010). According to Sharif et al. (2013), example, the self-etching adhesives, alone or in
however, there is currently insufficient evidence association with restorative materials, however,
on its clinical efficacy in reducing DH following remains unclear. For example, it is recognised
in-office procedures. that dentin in a non-carious lesion is hypermin-
eralised, and theoretically this may be an obsta-
cle to dentin hybridisation. However any
Dentin Bonding Agents/Adhesives superficial layer of any type of material on the
and Adhesive Restorations exposed dentin may not be able to resist to any
outward fluid movement. According to
The application of dentin adhesive materials for Francisconi et al. (2009), the tooth may be sub-
relieving DH has been also reported by several jected to significant stress concentration at the
investigators (Bruton et al. 2000; Mehta et al. cervical region during either mastication or dur-
2014). Previous adhesive systems were based on ing toothbrushing which may present a chal-
the application of phosphoric acid to promote the lenge to the ability of an adhesive material to
interlocking of the resin material to the dentin resist these forces. Although a strong interaction
surface. However, the need of an acidic dentin with the dentin substrate and the occlusion of the
conditioning before the application of an adhe- dentin tubules are mandatory for a long-lasting
sive may theoretically increase pulpal sensitivity. protective effect of the exposed dentin by a
Although there were concerns that these organic desensitising agent, this does not appear to occur
matrix-enriched materials may fail to resist the on the exposed dentin of a cervical non-carious
repeated impact of an acid challenge in the oral lesion. As illustrated in Fig. 8.5b, the hybrid
environment, a number of glutaraldehyde-based layer is barely seen, and the resin tags only
agents (e.g. Gluma Desensitizer™) have been his- superficially penetrate the tubule openings in a
torically indicated for DH treatment (Schmidlin dentin specimen from a non-carious cervical
and Sahrmann 2013; Vora et al. 2012). Although lesion. In Fig. 8.5a, however, in a sound cervical
the concern about its biocompatibility still per- young dentin specimen, there was the presence
sists, there is evidence of its effectiveness in treat- of long resin tags and a well-defined hybrid layer
ing DH (Orchardson and Gillam 2006; Schmidlin (Calabria et al. 2010).
and Sahrmann 2013; Vora et al. 2012). The intro- Adhesives may also be indicated for severe
duction of self-etching agents, however, has reac- cases of DH that failed to respond to the other
tivated interest in applying these adhesive systems treatment modalities (Al-Sabbagh et al. 2009;
as dentin desensitisers. According to Pei et al. Glockner 2013; Schmidlin and Sahrmann 2013;
(2013), these products are relatively easy to apply Swift et al. 2001). It is evident from the published
and appear to be less aggressive to the dentin- literature that there is a vast array of products
pulp complex than the other etch-and-rinse sys- claiming to be effective in reducing DH.
tems. These agents also have been reported to For example, dentin bonding agents (e.g.
promote a micro-mechanical interlocking through Scotchbond, Gluma Desensitizer, etc.) have been
a hybridisation process, but due to the presence of reported to be effective in reducing DH for up to
functional monomers in mild self-etch adhesives, 18 months post application (Al-Sabbagh et al.
they have the potential to interact chemically with 2009; Brahmbhatt et al. 2012; Copeland 1985;
the calcium ions from the residual hydroxyapatite Dondidall’Orologio et al. 1999; Ianzano et al.
that remains available within the submicron 1993; Kakaboura et al. 2005; Sharif et al. 2013;
hybrid layer (Pei et al. 2013; Inoue et al. 2005). Schüpbach et al. 1997; Sethna et al. 2011; Yu
110 J.C. Pereira et al.

a b

Fig. 8.5 CLSM images from sound cervical young dentin (a) and from a non-carious cervical lesion (b)

et al. 2010). According to several investigators, associated with DH (Dondidall’Orologio et al.

however, the available in vitro and well-conducted 2002; Lopes and Aranha 2013; Qin et al. 2006;
clinical studies have provided only limited data Schüpbach et al. 1997).
on the effectiveness of these products (Al-Sabbagh Although a minimal invasive approach is pre-
et al. 2009; Sharif et al. 2013; Tay et al. 1994). A ferred when treating DH with restorative materi-
further problem with some of these products is als (Orchardson and Gillam 2006), the clinician
the lack of a filler material which may possibly may be confronted with significant loss of the
favour wear from the surface of the material tooth structure associated with DH which would
(Schmidlin and Sahrmann 2013). require restoration of the tooth shape in order
Glutaraldehyde-based products have also to maintain its aesthetic and function. In this
been reported to reduce DH by protein precipi- situation, restorative intervention may be recom-
tation, and these products have been reported to mended using glass ionomer cement (GICs) and
be effective in treating DH in the clinical envi- resin-based materials which are generally indi-
ronment (Duran et al. 2005; Glockner 2013; cated when a more resilient material is desirable.
Kakaboura et al. 2005; Schmidlin and Sahrmann For example, where a class V restoration is nec-
2013; Schüpbach et al. 1997). Although several essary, an adhesive restoration is a valid option
investigators have reported immediate pain (Schmidlin and Sahrmann 2013). Large and deep
relief to DH following application (Aranha cervical non-carious lesions, regardless of the
et al. 2009; Lopes and Aranha 2013), reap- degree of pain, must be restored in order to recover
plications are subsequently required in order dental anatomy and preserve health of gingival
to maintain the reduction of DH (Lopes et al. tissue. GICs or composite restorations have been
2013). According to several investigators, how- used for these purposes, but evidences supporting
ever, there are biocompatibility hazards associ- their success is weak (Al-Sabbagh et al. 2009;
ated with these products that cannot be ignored Polderman and Frencken 2007). Several investi-
(Arenholt-Bindslev et al. 1987; Schmidlin gators have also used GICs in association with
and Sahrmann 2013; Schweikl and Schmalz periodontal procedures, including root coverage
1997). With respect to the glutaraldehyde- procedures, where it has been reported that the
containing adhesives, several investigators have placement of a GIC may favour the attachment
reported immediate and long-term relief of pain of the periodontal fibres and release fluoride
8 Current and Novel Clinical Approaches for the Treatment of Dentin Hypersensitivity 111

(Tantbirojn et al. 2006; Polderman and Frencken The mechanisms involved in the laser treat-
2007; van Dijken and Pallesen 2008; Francisconi ment of DH are relatively unknown (Kimura
et al. 2009; Santos 2014) et al. 2000). The mechanism of the high potency
laser devices appears to promote the closure of
the exposed dentin tubules, primarily, by produc-
Laser Technology ing a melting effect of the dentin. According to
Bader (2014), there appears to be a degree of
According to a number of investigators uncertainty as to whether there is also a synergic
(Al-Sabbagh et al. 2009; Kimura et al. 2000; effect if lasers are combined with other occlusive
Moritz et al. 1998; Schmidlin and Sahrman 2013; pretreatments, which, in turn, may help to pro-
Bader et al. 2014), the clinical effectiveness of mote a more stable layer to obliterate the dentin
laser technology (e.g. Er:YAG, Er, Cr:YSGG, tubules. The low-potency laser has been reported
CO2, GaALAS and low-level diode) in treating to diminish the neural response to hypersensitive
DH ranged from 5.2 to 100 %, depending on the stimuli (Bader et al. 2014), although there does
laser type and parameters used in the clinical not appear to be any strong evidence to support
studies. For example, an Nd:YAG laser has been the use of laser therapy for this purpose due, in
reported to minimise discomfort immediately fol- part, to the lack of consensus of the type of laser
lowing application (Al-Sabbagh et al. 2009; Kara and the parameters that should be incorporated
and Orbak 2009; Lan and Liu 1996; Liu et al. into standardised and efficient protocols.
1997; Lopes and Aranha 2013). Furthermore,
according to Lin et al. (2013), a Nd:YAG laser
may also have a supplementary analgesic effect Combined Treatment of Lasers
when compared with the other high-power with Other Treatment Approaches
lasers. The clinical efficacy of GaAlAs laser has
been reported to be based on tubule occlusion The combination of techniques (e.g. laser tech-
and possibly by interrupting neural transmis- nology with a fluoride varnish) may also be a
sion (Tengrungsun and Sangkla 2008), but this strategy in the treatment of DH. The rationale for
reported success may be less evident than that this approach is the association of the combined
reported by the application of a dentin bonding effects, which may result in significant better out-
agent. The long-term effectiveness of lasers com- comes (Duran and Sengun 2004; Erdemir et al.
pared to the other types of treatment approaches 2010; Ipci et al. 2009; Lin et al. 2013; Lopes and
has also been favourably reported (Aranha et al. Aranha 2013). Dentin desensitisers with an
2005; Birang et al. 2007; Gholami et al. 2011; occluding potential may be used in association
Kara and Orbak 2009; Lopes and Aranha 2013). with low-level lasers in order to simultaneously
However, the reported clinical effectiveness block the dentin tubules and decrease the level of
of lasers in the treatment of DH has also been neural stimulation which may in turn initiate the
challenged by Schmidlin and Sahrmann (2013) formation of tertiary dentin (Farmakis et al. 2012;
and Sgolastra et al. (2011). According to several Lopes and Aranha 2013; Lopes et al. 2013). A
investigators, there were no significant reductions similar indication of this combined use has been
in DH in comparison to the other types of laser in the recommendation of an OTC product (e.g.
and placebo therapies (Al-Sabbagh et al. 2009; toothpaste) following an in-office treatment
Lier et al. 2002; Martens 2013). Furthermore, (Rösing et al. 2009).
lasers in general are less effective in cases of Although the evidence from both randomised
severe DH (Al-Sabbagh et al. 2009; Kimura et al. controlled trials and systematic reviews supports
2000). There do not however appear to be any the clinical use of lasers in treating DH (Deng
major adverse effects when using lasers if they et al. 2011; He et al. 2011; Sharif et al. 2013),
are used in accordance with the manufacturers’ further well-conducted studies with appropriate
instructions (Lopes and Aranha 2013). clinical protocols comparing the use of both low
112 J.C. Pereira et al.

or high frequencies and any association with the

other alternatives discussed for treating DH
should be implemented (Al-Sabbagh et al. 2009;
Ipci et al. 2009; Petersson 2013; Schmidlin and
Sahrmann 2013).

Other Restorative-Based

Periodontal Plastic Surgery (Root

Coverage Procedures) Fig. 8.6 Clinical photograph of patient with so-called
black triangles which may cause aesthetic concerns
Periodontal disease may lead to changes in the
periodontal tissues, and the consequent recession coverage procedures with the complete suppres-
of the marginal tissues (gingival recession) has sion of DH (Douglas de Oliveira et al. 2013b).
been reported to be associated with DH as a result As indicated above, gingival recession may
of the exposure of the root surface to the oral envi- also occur in the healthy tissues and has been
ronment. Both nonsurgical and surgical periodontal related to a combination of anatomical and physi-
procedures together with the effects of periodontal ological aspects of each individual tooth. For
disease on the teeth and their supporting struc- example, gingival recession was more often
tures may also impact on the patient’s aesthetics observed on the buccal surfaces compared with
and quality of life due to the pain associated with other surfaces of the teeth as a result of anatomi-
DH (see Chap. 3). The clinician should be aware cal factors. According to Kassab and Cohen
of the various etiological and precipitating factors (2003), more than 50 % of the population in their
associated with gingival recession (e.g. anatomi- study had at least one or more sites with gingival
cal, plaque, restorative procedures, patient habits, recession of 1 mm or more (see Chap. 3).
smoking, etc.) (see also Chap. 4). Furthermore the Gingival recession may be also associated with
clinician should also consider how to manage both the periodontal biotype, and the analysis of this fac-
the patient’s and his/her own expectation when pro- tor is essential for the planning of surgical proce-
posing a treatment plan for resolving the problem dures for root coverage. Three different periodontal
of the aesthetics associated with gingival recession biotypes have been described in the published lit-
(e.g. posttreatment, presence of the so-called black erature, namely, the thin scalloped, the thick flat
triangles, etc.) (Fig. 8.6). and the thick scalloped (Seibert and Lindhe 1989;
This may present a problem if both the percep- Zweers et al. 2014). The teeth in the thin scalloped
tion and expectations expressed by the patient are category have the characteristics of a thin gingival
either ignored or not met (by the clinician) to their tissue with a more pronounced contour of the gin-
satisfaction. Root coverage procedures associated gival margin, with a greater height of the interprox-
with root scaling and the covering of the exposed imal papilla and with an underlying thin buccal
root through periodontal surgical procedures bone that can present with fenestrations. The thick
have been reported to reduce or completely abol- biotype category is characterised by thicker bone
ish DH over time (Orchardson and Gillam 2006; tissue surrounding the teeth and covered by a thick
Lin and Gillam 2012). According to Douglas de and smooth contour gingival tissue, which results
Oliveira et al. (2013a), root coverage procedures in a small height of the papilla. The thick scalloped
(both partial and complete coverage) have been category displays the characteristics of the two
reported to decrease pain and improve a patient’s other patterns (Fig. 8.7a–c).
quality of life although currently there appears to It is important for the clinician to have sufficient
be insufficient scientific evidence to associate root knowledge of the relevant characteristics of each of
8 Current and Novel Clinical Approaches for the Treatment of Dentin Hypersensitivity 113

a b

Fig. 8.7 Clinical pictures of (a) normal, (b) thin and (c) thick gingival biotypes

the biotypes, both in health and disease, particu- Table 8.2 Miller’s classification of gingival recession (GR)
larly when planning root coverage procedures, as Classification Criteria
the different biotypes may respond differently both Class I Marginal tissue recession that does not
during the surgery and, subsequently, in the wound extend to the mucogingival junction
healing process. For example, thin biotypes may (MGJ) with no interproximal tissue
tear easily during probing and surgical intervention Class II Marginal tissue recession that extends
to or beyond the MGJ, with no
and root coverage may not be optimum, whereas in periodontal attachment loss (bone or
a thick biotype, the thickness of the flap may be soft tissue) in the interdental area
related to a higher mean gain of complete root cov- Class III Marginal tissue recession that extends
erage (Seibert and Lindhe 1989; Müller et al. 2000; to or beyond the MGJ with periodontal
Hwang and Wang 2006). Due to the higher inci- attachment loss in the interdental area
or malpositioning of teeth
dence of gingival recession in the thin biotype, the
Class IV Marginal tissue recession that extends
aim of the planned surgical procedures should not to or beyond the MGJ with severe
only consider the root coverage aspect but also the bone or soft tissue loss in the
resultant aesthetics together with the treatment of interdental area, to a level apically to
the buccal/labial soft tissue margin
DH (Ahmedbeyli et al. 2014; Cairo et al. 2014;
and/or severe malpositioned teeth
Polack and Mahn 2013; West et al. 2013).
Acknowledgement modified from Kassab and Cohen (2003)
According to Gillam (2014), several classifi-
cations for treating gingival recession have been
recommended in order for the clinician to facilitate decades is the Miller classification system ([I–
both a diagnosis and a template for the correction IV] (Miller 1985) (Table 8.2, Fig. 8.8a, b) which
of gingival recession defects. One of the classifi- enabled the clinician to predict successful out-
cations that has been favoured over the last three comes of the surgical procedure based on type of
114 J.C. Pereira et al.

a b

Fig. 8.8 (a, b) Examples of a Miller’ Class I (a) and Class II marginal defect (b)

Fig. 8.9 (a, b) Example

Connective Tissue
of a root coverage
a b Graft
procedure using free
gingival and connective
tissue grafts
(a) pretreatment and Free Gingival
(b) posttreatment Graft
connective tissue graft:
Acknowledgement for
[Courtesy of D.

defect, taking into account the anatomical fea- treat the gingival recession defect by the conven-
tures. A number of materials and techniques have tional surgical root coverage procedures described
been reported in the published literature, and above, and therefore, the remaining exposed root
these include guided tissue regeneration (GTR), dentin may require a restorative approach, for exam-
coronally advanced flap and Emdogain (CAF + ple, the provision of a partial laminate porcelain
EMD), connective tissue graft (CTG) and free veneer, composite material or glass ionomer or con-
gingival graft (acellular dermal matrix allograft/ touring of the defect with a finishing bur (Zalkind
Mucograft ADM) (Gillam 2014) (Fig. 8.9). and Hochman 1997; Tugnait and Clerehugh 2001;
Irrespective of the surgical procedures, associ- Drisko 2002; Özgünaltay and Önen 2002;
ated techniques, flap design or materials, the Santamaria et al. 2007). In patients where there has
desired outcome for treating gingival recession been extensive periodontal destruction resulting in
defects is that the resulting gingival tissue covering open gingival embrasures (so-called black triangles),
the root surface must have the characteristics of a which may be aesthetically unacceptable for the
thick keratinised mucosa that will enable optimum patient (Sharma and Park 2010), a relatively simpler
plaque control without any change in the graft’s option to the techniques described above may be uti-
position (e.g. apical direction). When the root cov- lised, for example, a prosthetic gingival veneer
erage along with an increase in thickness is desired, (Greene 1998).
a systematic review of studies indicates an associa-
tion of repositioned flap with subepithelial connec-
tive tissue graft as the best option, and this Gingival Augmentation
association can be considered as the gold standard
surgery for root coverage (Chambrone et al. 2008). The various methods of soft tissue augmentation
Several investigators however have reported that for root coverage procedures may also be an option
in some patients, the clinician may not be able to depending on the condition of the hard and soft
8 Current and Novel Clinical Approaches for the Treatment of Dentin Hypersensitivity 115

tissues (Al-Sabbagh et al. 2009; Chambrone et al. Most of the OTC products available to the con-
2012; Schmidlin and Sahrmann 2013). According sumer are toothpaste products, although there is a
to Al-Sabbagh et al. (2009), however, there are number of mouthrinses currently available in the
limited clinical data to support this technique as market. Although these rinses may deliver the ther-
part of a treatment approach in treating DH. apeutic agent to all tooth surfaces in the oral cavity,
one disadvantage would appear to be the necessity
to deliver lower concentrations of a therapeutic
Over-the-Counter (OTC) Products agent in the mouthrinse compared to a toothpaste
formulation (Markowitz 2013). The mechanism of
Individuals with mild to moderate local or gener- action of the mouthrinses however is similar to a
alised DH may decide to resolve any pain associ- toothpaste formulation depending on the formula-
ated with DH without going to see a clinician by tion used to deliver the therapeutic agent. Examples
purchasing desensitising products that have been of these salts are potassium nitrate, potassium
advertised in the media or through recommenda- chloride, potassium citrate, sodium fluoride, stron-
tion by a close friend or family member. tium chloride, strontium acetate, dibasic sodium
According to Mantzourani and Sharma (2013), citrate, formaldehyde, sodium monofluorophos-
there are three main reasons that contribute to phate, stannous fluoride, amine fluoride, arginine,
this behaviour: the need of a fast and urgent hydroxyapatite, calcium carbonate, calcium
relief, the easy availability of these products in sodium phosphosilicate (bioactive glass) and
the market and their low cost, as this does not amorphous calcium phosphate (Miglani et al.
include the expenses of professional appoint- 2010; Orchardson and Gillam 2006; Karim and
ments and subsequent remedies. Desensitising Gillam 2013; Talioti et al. 2014) (Table 8.3).
products that are available through pharmacies or
commercial outlets are called OTC or at-home
care products in the form of toothpaste, gel or Fluoride-Containing Toothpaste,
mouthrinse formulations. These OTC products Gel or Mouthrinse Formulations
are available without a medical prescription, but
their indications for use are limited in that if the According to Cury and Tenuta (2014), fluoride is
individual continues to have pain for longer than the most important therapeutic substance used in
2–4 weeks, they are advised to see a clinician. toothpaste products and may provide a reduction
These OTC/at-home products may also be rec- in dental caries and together with the other bene-
ommend by the clinician in association with in- ficial therapeutic substances incorporated into
office treatments (see Chap. 10), when the pain is toothpastes (e.g. triclosan/copolymer or zinc)
associated with generalised DH, which is mild to may also have additional benefits in reducing the
moderate in severity. dental biofilm, gingivitis, periodontitis, calculus
OTC consumer products are generally based on formation and halitosis (malodour). Although
formulations with the same active ingredients as conventional fluoride-containing toothpaste for-
for in-office products although the concentration mulations have been suggested for the treatment
permitted in OTC products may be considerably of DH, there are limited data to support this claim
lower than those used by the clinician, for exam- (Orchardson and Gillam 2006; West 2008).
ple, fluoride concentrations used in the office com- Toothpaste and mouthrinse formulations contain-
pared to fluoride concentrations used in OTC ing sodium, stannous or amine fluoride (NaF,
toothpastes. The constituents of these OTC prod- MFP, AmF and SnF2) have been used as OTC/at-
ucts are usually formulated using a variety of salts home remedies to alleviate DH (Morris et al.
(with different concentrations depending on 1999; Plagmann et al. 1997; Pradeep et al. 2012;
whether the formulation is in a toothpaste, gel or Rösing et al. 2009). Nevertheless, inconsistent
mouthrinse) with the objective of reducing pain by data are available on its clinical effectiveness
dentin tubule occlusion or nerve desensitisation. (Pradeep et al. 2012). Earlier investigators
116 J.C. Pereira et al.

Table 8.3 Examples of selected toothpaste formulations for the treatment of DH available either on prescription or OTC
Commercial toothpaste
Mechanism of action (and mouthrinses) Compounds
Dentin tubule occlusion Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief (Pro-Argin Calcium carbonate and arginine – an
technology) amino acid naturally found in
saliva – 0.8 % arginine, PVM/MA
copolymer, pyrophosphates and
0.05 % sodium fluoride in an
alcohol-free base mouthwash
Sensodyne Repair and Protect Fluoride, calcium and phosphate ions
(NovaMin® technology)
Sensodyne Pronamel Fluoride and potassium nitrate
Sensodyne Rapid Relief 8 % Strontium acetate in a silica
base, 1,040 ppm sodium fluoride
SootheRx (NovaMin® technology) Calcium sodium phosphosilicate
(new hydroxyapatite)
AMFLOR (Pharmaceuticals) 3.85 % Amine fluoride
Clinician-prescribed fluoride Fluoridex (Philips Oral Healthcare) 5,000 ppm Fluoride
toothpaste formulations Colgate Gel Kam Sensitive Stannous fluoride 0.4 % w/w,
1,000 ppm F
Colgate Duraphat 2,800 ppm Fluoride
Neural desensitisation Potassium-containing products Potassium chloride, citrate, nitrate
and oxalate and fluoride compounds
Dentin tubule occlusion and neural Sensitive toothpaste (Himalaya herbals) Spinach – natural oxalate compound
(other products)

acknowledged that fluoride containing toothpaste varnish, subsequently blocking the dentin tubules
formulations may have a beneficial desensitising in vitro. With respect to these fluoride com-
effect (Kanouse and Ash 1969; Orchardson and pounds, the fluoride ions apparently do not con-
Gillam 2000) and in some studies provided simi- tribute effectively to dentin tubule occlusion
lar results to those reported for the specific desen- (Petersson 2013), probably due to the small size
sitising toothpaste formulations containing nerve of calcium content precipitated crystals (Calabria
desensitising or dentin tubule-occluding agents et al. 2012). Figure 8.2 shows the pattern of cal-
(Gillam et al. 1997; Orchardson and Gillam 2000; cium fluoride crystal precipitation (a) in compari-
West et al. 1997). Several investigators have used son with calcium oxalate crystals (b) from both
fluoride-containing formulations in clinical trials fluoride-containing formulations and potassium
as a placebo control rather a desensitising product oxalate formulations (in-office products). As
per se, when evaluating desensitising products demonstrated by these pictures, fluoride precipi-
(Gillam et al. 1996b; West et al. 1997; Yates et al. tates predominantly in the body of the intertubu-
2004; Pradeep et al. 2012; Rösing et al. 2009). lar dentin. Relatively small number of particles
The mode of action of fluoride in anticario- can be observed inside the tubules, whereas in the
genic, remineralising and DH strategies was potassium oxalate sample, a large number of den-
based on its ability to react with hydroxyapatite tin tubules are occluded below the surface of the
and form fluorapatite, which was to be consid- dentin. These CLSM images can also be com-
ered less susceptible to acid dissolution than pared with mineralised and acid conditioned den-
hydroxyapatite due to its lower critical pH tin (a and b – in Fig. 8.1). This apparently
(Featherstone 2000). Calcium fluoride may also ineffective action observed in in vitro studies
be deposited on the dentin surface when fluoride does not however correspond to the clinical stud-
is incorporated in a toothpaste, mouthrinse or ies using fluoride formulations, and this may be
8 Current and Novel Clinical Approaches for the Treatment of Dentin Hypersensitivity 117

due to the difficulties in completely mimicking ing the various desensitising agents mentioned in
the oral environment in the laboratory (see Chap. 6). this chapter may also enhance the effectiveness of
A number of these studies have demonstrated that fluoride toothpaste formulations (Petersson and
DH may be reasonably well controlled by using a Kambara 2004) and perhaps favour the reminer-
fluoride-containing toothpaste (1,450 ppm) dur- alisation of dentin (Glockner 2013).
ing the duration of the study, especially in the Irrespective of the actual active agent, the
combination with the various tubule-occluding effectiveness of OTC products is dependent of
agents discussed in this chapter. the individual (patient or consumer) maintaining
The incorporation of metal ions (e.g. zinc, tin, regular and effective oral hygiene practices by
strontium and potassium) and abrasive compo- applying the toothpaste and/or mouthrinse on a
nents in a toothpaste or mouthrinse formulation twice daily basis (Petersson 2013). However,
(e.g. alumina, silica, calcium carbonate, zinc, etc.) depending on the nature of these OTC products,
may also have a synergistic effect with the active its active component may take up to 2–4 weeks to
ingredient on the dentin surface and block the achieve relief of DH (Talioti et al. 2014) (see also
dentin tubules (Gillam 1992; Petersson 2013). For Chap. 10). One of the problems in evaluating the
example, a F-toothpaste with 0.454 % stannous claims of these desensitising products in clinical
fluoride (SnF2) has been reported to be more studies is the lack of heterogeneity of the pub-
effective in reducing DH following 4 weeks of lished studies which makes the results difficult to
daily use when compared to a toothpaste with understand (Karim and Gillam 2013; Talioti et al.
0.76 % MFP (Schiff et al. 2000). He et al. (2011) 2014). Furthermore, as discussed in Chap. 7, pla-
also reported a significant improvement in both cebo and non-placebo effects may also impact on
significantly immediate and ongoing relief from a the results from these studies, although Lin et al.
0.45 % SnF2 toothpaste compared to a 0.76 % (2013) in a systematic review reported that
sodium monofluorophosphate (MFP) toothpaste despite these observed effects, both in-office and
utilised as a negative-control group. Other desen- OTC products, techniques and treatment
sitising agents in combination with fluoride and approaches may have a real effect on DH.
associated metal ions (e.g. strontium, 8 % argi- With regard to the effectiveness of the regular
nine and calcium carbonate) have also been use of a fluoride-containing toothpaste in reducing
reported to be effective in clinical studies DH, it was observed that the prevalence was higher
(Orcahrdson and Gillam 2006). Amine fluorides in regions where individuals regularly used fluoride
(AMFLOR™, Pharmaceuticals) have also been toothpaste and lived in fluoridated water area. This
used in toothpaste and mouthrinse formulations to may, to some extent, question the apparent effec-
alleviate pain associated with DH, although cur- tiveness of fluoride in minimising DH (Rösing
rently there are limited data on its effectiveness as et al. 2009; West 2008). According to Rösing et al.
a desensitising agent. A recent study by Pradeep (2009), there are, however, limited data supporting
et al. (2012) however reported that a amine fluo- the sole use of OTC fluoride products for treating
ride toothpaste formulation had a similar effect on DH, but fluoride in combination with tubule-
DH, compared to a calcium sodium phosphosili- occluding toothpaste and mouthrinse formulations
cate and potassium nitrate containing toothpaste. may be a valuable option in terms of preventing and
The adjunctive use of a fluoridated mouthrinse controlling other oral conditions, namely, plaque,
therapy in controlling DH in conjunction with the caries, gingivitis, malodour, etc. (Cummins 2010;
regular use of a desensitising toothpaste may also Pradeep et al. 2012; Glockner 2013; Petersson
be recommended (e.g. potassium and amine fluo- 2013). There is no evidence supporting the efficacy
ride) (Yates et al. 2004; Petersson and Kambara of these anticaries claims for specific desensitising
2004; Glockner 2013; Petersson 2013; Pradeep toothpaste and mouthrinse formulations per se, but
et al. 2012), although currently there are limited only appended claims of fluoride efficacy from the
data on their effectiveness (Petersson 2013). Other anticaries studies (so-called piggyback claims) (see
fluoridated mouth rinse formulations incorporat- Chap. 1). Whether high concentration of fluoride in
118 J.C. Pereira et al.

in a toothpaste, for example, 2,800/5,000 ppm arginine-based products (Hughes et al. 2010;
(Duraphat) (see Table 8.2), may be effective as Mason et al. 2010; Parkinson and Willson 2011;
desensitisers has not been fully explored, although Olley et al. 2012; Seong et al. 2013). The two
they have a recognised anticaries effect and may be in vivo studies by Hughes et al. and Mason et al.
effective in preventing and controlling root caries (2010) reported that the newly formulated stron-
(Bizhang et al. 2009; Nordström and Birkhed 2010; tium acetate toothpaste was effective in reducing
Walsh et al. 2010; Srinivasan et al. 2014). DH compared to a fluoride control toothpaste
(Mason et al. 2010) and to a marketed control
toothpaste containing 8 % arginine, calcium car-
Strontium-Containing Products bonate, and 1,450 ppm sodium monofluorophos-
phate (Hughes et al. 2010). However Schiff et al.
Although strontium (historically in the form of (2009) in a 16-week crossover design study com-
strontium chloride and more recently as strontium paring Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief (also mar-
acetate) in toothpaste formulations have been keted as Elmex Sensitive Professional) and
extensively evaluated in clinical studies over the Sensodyne Rapid Relief reported that following
last 50–60 years and reported to be effective in 8 weeks of brushing with Colgate Sensitive Pro-
treating DH compared to placebo controls (Kobler Relief provided significant reduction of mean DH
et al. 2008; Liu and Hu 2012; Sharif et al. 2013; values compared to the Sensodyne Rapid Relief
Markowitz 2009; Mason et al. 2010), nevertheless toothpaste. A further observation from this study
there was controversy over whether these formu- was that the Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief subjects
lations were effective in treating DH (Schiff et al. achieved significantly improved reductions in DH
1994; Rösing et al. 2009; Cummins 2010; Karim following the crossover from the initial use of
and Gillam 2013). Furthermore, Jackson (2000) brushing with the Sensodyne Rapid Relief tooth-
in a review on the studies on strontium containing paste. However those subjects who initially
toothpaste formulations reported that none of brushed with the Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief
these studies demonstrated a consistent, signifi- toothpaste did not benefit from the crossover to
cant improvement in the participants’ symptoms the Sensodyne Rapid Relief.
from DH when compared with the negative-con-
trol toothpaste. There was also, according to
Jackson (2000), no supportive evidence from the Potassium-Containing Products
published literature that the strontium salts
enhanced the deposition of the toothpaste ingredi- Potassium-containing products (nitrate, chlorine
ents or increased the durability of this deposit on and citrate) including both toothpaste and mouth-
the tooth surface. The main mode of action of rinse formulations have been reported to be effec-
strontium formulations (acetate/chloride) was tive in reducing DH compared to placebo controls
considered to be one of tubular occlusion based (Orchardson and Gillam 2000; Frechoso et al.
on in vitro studies (Ling and Gillam 1996; West 2003; Markowitz 2009). Of these formulations,
2008) although the actual effect attributed to 5 % potassium nitrate toothpaste formulations
strontium in clinical studies has yet to be defined have been the most extensively evaluated desensi-
(Rösing et al. 2009). Recently, the original stron- tising toothpaste (Rösing et al. 2009). Overall, the
tium acetate-based toothpaste was reformulated majority of the published studies have reported
as Sensodyne(®) Rapid Relief containing 8 % better results with the use of potassium-containing
strontium acetate in silica base and 1,040 ppm toothpaste formulations, in comparison to controls
sodium fluoride. There have been a number of (Chesters et al. 1992; Collins et al. 1984; Nagata
in vitro, in situ and in vivo studies that have dem- et al. 1994; Orchardson and Gillam 2000; Pradeep
onstrated that the mode of action is by tubule et al. 2012; Schiff et al. 1994, 1998; Silverman
occlusion and that the surface deposit is more 1985; Silverman et al. 1996; Tarbet et al. 1980,
resistant to an acid challenge compared to the 1982) or compared to other desensitising toothpaste
8 Current and Novel Clinical Approaches for the Treatment of Dentin Hypersensitivity 119

formulations (10 % strontium chloride (Orchardson no statistically significant differences between the
and Gillam 2000; Silverman et al. 1996; Tarbet two groups using tactile and thermal stimuli. At
et al. 1982), 2 % sodium citrate and or 1.4 % form- 6 weeks, however, the 3 % potassium nitrate and
aldehyde (Orchardson and Gillam 2000; Tarbet 0.2 % sodium fluoride mouthwash demonstrated a
et al. 1982). However there was an ongoing debate significant difference in DH when stimulated by
as to whether the actual clinical effect was due to cold air, as compared to the control 0.2 % sodium
the potassium ion per se (Orchardson and Gillam fluoride mouthwash.
2006; Poulsen et al. 2001, 2006; Rösing et al. More recently, a potassium oxalate mouthrinse
2009; Karim and Gillam 2013; Lin et al. 2013; containing 1.4 % potassium oxalate (Listerine
Schmidlin and Sahrmann 2013). For example, Advanced Defence Sensitive (LADS)) has been
there has been a degree of controversy as a result of developed by Johnson & Johnson Consumer and
its proposed mode of action (nerve desensitisation) Personal Products Worldwide, Skillman and
based on an animal model (Markowitz et al. 1991; Morris Plains, NJ, USA. There are however lim-
Markowitz and Kim 1992) which postulated that ited data on its long-term effectiveness on DH
potassium ions are able to diffuse along the dentin with only two randomised clinical studies (RCTs)
tubules and decrease the excitability of the intra- of 5 days and 4 weeks, respectively (Sharma et al.
dental nerve fibres (A fibres) by blocking the axo- 2013a, b). The investigators reported that in both
nic action, and subsequently reduce DH (Schmidlin studies, the potassium oxalate mouthrinse signifi-
and Sahrmann 2013; Boneta et al. 2013). Several cantly reduced DH to the negative-control groups
investigators have however challenged this mode (Sharma et al. 2013a, b). Further RCTs however
of action as indicated above and have suggested would be required before making any further
that these formulations may instead be through comment on the efficacy of this product in reduc-
tubule occlusion and attributed to other constitu- ing DH. Although it may be postulated that with
ents in the formulation (e.g. abrasives) than the the combination of potassium and oxalate there
potassium ion per se (Addy and Mostafa 1989; would be dual mode of action in reducing DH
Ling et al. 1997; Gillam et al. 1996a, b; Pashley (namely, nerve desensitisation [potassium] and
et al. 1984; West et al. 1997; Orchardson and tubule occlusion [oxalate]), the two published
Gillam 2000). According to Jackson (2000) and in vitro studies used a tubule-occluding model to
Panagakos et al. (2009), a potassium-containing demonstrate the mode of action by the oxalate
toothpaste formulation was, no more effective than deposit. Two studies demonstrated that the LADS
regular fluoride containing toothpaste. mouthrinse was significantly more effective in
As described above, the focus in the majority tubule occlusion (intratubular penetration was
of the earlier desensitising studies was on tooth- more evident) (Eliades et al. 2013; Sharma et al.
paste formulations, and relatively few studies 2013c) and in reducing dentin permeability than
have been conducted examining the effectiveness the other test products. Furthermore according to
of desensitising agents containing potassium these investigators, the tubule occlusion associ-
mouthrinse formulations. Several investigators ated with LADS was substantially more stable in
have reported that these mouthrinse formulations resisting an acid challenge compared to the other
containing potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride test products.
(Gillam et al. 1996a; Pereira and Chavas 2001),
potassium citrate or sodium fluoride (Yates et al.
1998) or a mixture of fluorides (Yates et al. 2004) Calcium-Containing Compounds
may reduce DH. Gillam et al. (1996a) have dem-
onstrated that a 3 % potassium nitrate and sodium Casein Phosphopeptide-Amorphous
fluoride mouthrinse significantly reduced DH Calcium Phosphate (CPP-ACP)
compared to a sodium fluoride mouthwash, after Casein phosphopeptide (CPP) (Recaldent™ tech-
2 and 6 weeks of use. Pereira and Chavas (2001) nology, GC Tooth Mousse) was primarily devel-
also demonstrated that after 2 weeks, there were oped for both anticaries and remineralisation
120 J.C. Pereira et al.

strategies rather than for the treatment of DH per forming calcium fluoride, thus delivering more
se. Casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium fluoride and calcium ions to the enamel surface
phosphate (CPP-ACP) was previously marketed (Karlinsey et al. 2010, 2012). fTCP has also been
as GC Tooth Mousse (Recaldent™), which was a reported to have remineralising effects in both
water-based, sugar-free dental topical crème. in vitro and in situ studies (Karlinsey et al. 2009a,
According to Reynolds et al. (1998), the CPP b; Mensinkai et al. 2012; Vanichvatana and
component (casein derived from the milk pro- Auychai 2013). fTCP has recently been commer-
tein) was proposed by Reynolds (1997) to pro- cially developed and is now available as a
vide bioavailable calcium and phosphate ions at 950 ppm fluoride toothpaste (Clinpro Tooth
the tooth surface (e.g. enamel). The stabilisation Creme; 3 M ESPE, Saint Paul, MN, USA).
of ACP component by the CPP ensured the deliv- Asaizumi et al. (2013) also assessed the effect on
ery of both Ca and PO4 ions onto the enamel sur- 0.21 or 1.1 % NaF toothpaste containing func-
face for remineralisation to CPP, and formulated tionalised tricalcium phosphate (fTCP) on the
as CPP-ACP, this subsequently prevented the dis- density of white spots in vitro, and Mensinkai
solution of both calcium and phosphate ions that et al. (2012) in an in situ remineralisation study
supersaturate saliva (Reynolds 1997). A number of white-spot enamel lesions compared a nonflu-
of studies have reported that CPP-ACP can effec- oride toothpaste with 500 and 1,100 ppm
tively remineralise the enamel subsurface lesions F-containing fTCP toothpaste. Although there
(Lata et al. 2010; Cai et al. 2003). The manufac- appears to be data on file (technical reports) on
turers suggested that CPP-ACP would be ideal to the effects (tubule occlusion and dentin permea-
treat DH on the basis of its remineralising poten- bility) of TCP products on DH (e.g. Vanish™ XT
tial, and a number of in vitro and in vivo studies Extended Contact Varnish), there does not appear
were conducted which demonstrated that calcium to be any data currently available in the published
phosphate preparations deposit a mineral precipi- dental literature.
tate onto the dentin. surface, block dentin tubules
and reduce dentin permeability in the dentin disk Pro-Argin-Based Toothpaste
model and reduce DH in patients (Ebisu 2002; and Mouthrinse formulations
Suge et al. 2002; Cherng et al. 2004; Geiger et al. Pro-Argin, a calcium carbonate and arginine com-
2003; Azarpazhooh and Limeback 2008; plex based on Kleinberg’s original formulation
Gandolfi et al. 2010; Walsh 2010). According to Sensistat (Kleinberg 2002), has been introduced
Wegehaupt et al. (2011), however, it is question- into the consumer market as a desensitising tooth-
able that the casein CPP-ACP formulation would paste (Colgate® Sensitive Relief with Pro-Argin™
demonstrate any long-lasting effect on DH. A technology) and more recently as a desensitising
recent systematic review by Talioti et al. (2014) mouthrinse (Colgate-Palmolive Co, New York,
reported that although the CPP-ACP containing NY) (Mello et al. 2013a, b; Hu et al. 2013; Boneta
products may provide some benefit in reducing et al. 2013) for the treatment of DH. Arginine is
DH, there was insufficient data from the pub- an amino acid found naturally in saliva. The com-
lished studies to support any claims of efficacy in bination of arginine and calcium carbonate mim-
reducing DH. ics the saliva’s ability to occlude the open dentin
tubules, subsequently reducing the fluid flow and
Functionalised Tricalcium Phosphate making the tooth surface more resistant to an acid
(f TCP) challenge and thermal stimulus (Petrou et al.
According to Vanichvatana and Auychai (2013), 2009) (see also section on strontium-based
fTCP is produced by the solid-state ball milling toothpaste). Pro-Argin™ toothpaste have also
of beta-tricalcium phosphate and sodium lauryl been reported to reduce DH in randomised clini-
sulphate and has been demonstrated by several cal studies when compared to either placebo
investigators to prevent calcium ions from pre- or comparator products (Petrou et al. 2009;
maturely interacting with ionic fluoride and Ayad et al. 2009; Docimo et al. 2009a, b;
8 Current and Novel Clinical Approaches for the Treatment of Dentin Hypersensitivity 121

Que et al. 2010; Fu et al. 2010; Boneta et al. bioactive glasses form FAp rather than HCA in
2013). Several clinical studies have also reported physiological solutions.
that a Pro-Argin™ mouthrinse containing 0.8 % As described previously, the original 45S5
arginine, PVM/MA copolymer, pyrophosphates Bioglass® formulation was marketed as a desen-
and 0.05 % sodium fluoride in an alcohol-free sitising toothpaste for the treatment of DH,
base mouthrinse was effective compared to con- namely, NovaMin™ (NovaMin Technology Inc.,
trol mouthrinses in reducing DH (Hu et al. 2013; Alachua, FL, USA; now GSK Consumer
Boneta et al. 2013). Several investigators have HealthCare, UK). The new NovaMin™ toothpaste
suggested a role for a arginine-based toothpaste is based on an anhydrous toothpaste formulation
in managing DH (Fu et al. 2010; Que et al. 2010; with silica and amorphous calcium sodium phos-
Sharif et al. 2013) although Sharif et al. (2013) phosilicate with fluoride (not currently with fluo-
has suggested that more robust and well-designed ride in the USA). The toothpaste has been
randomised clinical studies should be conducted demonstrated to be effective in occluding the
to determine their clinical efficacy in reducing dentin tubules in vitro and reported to be resistant
DH. Furthermore according to Sharif et al. to an acid challenge as well as demonstrating
(2013), larger sample sizes are required in the clinical efficacy compared to other desensitising
clinical studies with a longer study duration products (Andersson and Kangasniemi 1991;
included in the study design. Forsback et al. 2004; Du Min et al. 2008; Pradeep
and Sharma 2010; Litkowski and Greenspan
Calcium Sodium Phosphosilicate 2010; Narongdej et al. 2010; Dong et al. 2011;
(Bioactive Glass) Wang et al. 2011a, b; Gendreau et al. 2011;
As previously described, bioactive glasses (cal- Rajesh et al. 2012; Pradeep et al. 2012; Sharif
cium sodium phosphosilicate), for example, et al. 2013; Petersson 2013). However one of the
NovaMin® developed by NovaMin Technology problems in evaluating the results from the clini-
Inc. (Alachua, FL, USA) based on the original cal studies is the lack of homogeneity in the
45S5 Bioglass® formulation by Larry Hench (US methodology and designs of the studies which
Biomaterials Corp., Jacksonville, FL, USA; now makes the analysis of these results difficult
GSK) (Hench 2006) has been incorporated into (Talioti et al. 2014) (see Chap. 1).
toothpaste products for the treatment of DH. The
proposed mode of action is by the precipitating of
hydroxycarbonate apatite (HCA) onto the dentin Innovative Developments
surface and subsequently occluding the dentin in the Treatment of Non-carious
tubules (Litkowski et al. 1998; Gillam et al. 2002; Cervical Lesions as a Strategy
Forsback et al. 2004; Tai et al. 2006; Vollenweider for the Management of DH
et al. 2007; Burwell 2006; Burwell et al. 2009;
Wang et al. 2010; Pradeep and Sharma 2010). Protease Inhibitors
One advantage of the precipitated HCA layer
was that it was chemically and structurally simi- According to Kleter et al. (1993), once dentin is
lar to both natural enamel and dentin (Burwell exposed to oral environment, the collagen layer is
2006; Gendreau et al. 2011). There have however also exposed to the variations in pH which may
been concerns over the long-term durability of subsequently result in a mineral depleted layer
HCA in the oral environment, and it has been which may hamper the ionic diffusion of miner-
postulated that the formation of fluorapatite als from the saliva into the demineralised area
(FAp) rather than HCA was preferable as this (the degree of collagen loss is based on the
layer may be more resistant to acid attack and demineralisation rate). In order to preserve the
would less likely to dissolve when the teeth are demineralised organic matrix, it would therefore
exposed to an acid challenge. Brauer et al. (2010) be reasonable to use products that would be
recently demonstrated that fluoride-containing expected to reduce the progression of dentin loss
122 J.C. Pereira et al.

(Kato et al. 2012). The exposed organic matrix is that of a sodium fluoride solution). The permeabil-
relatively resistant to mechanical forces but was ity of the dentin specimens treated with potassium
reported to be susceptible to biochemical degra- oxalate and a sodium fluoride varnish was reduced
dation by proteases, for example, metalloprotein- 85 and 65 %, respectively, in the same experiment.
ases (MMPs) from the saliva and from the dentin However, the association of these salts with TiF4 or
matrix itself (Tjäderhane et al. 1998). with any other protease inhibitors has not been cur-
In order to potentially preserve the organic rently investigated in a clinical study.
dentin (collagen) matrix, several investigators Although there appears to be limited data
have examined the role of known protease inhibi- available on these protease inhibitors, it may be
tors, for example, polyphenol epigallocatechin-3- speculated that if these inhibitors were able to
gallate (Demeule et al. 2000), chlorhexidine reduce the subsurface demineralisation of organic
(Gendron et al. 1999; Carrilho et al. 2009; Scaffa dentin matrix either as a product or in association
et al. 2012) and ferrous sulphate (Kato et al. with the traditional desensitisers, then they may
2010). Initially the results are promising as the be relevant for the prevention of dental erosion
amount of dentin loss was reduced by 39–100 % and the treatment of DH.
with a number of these protease inhibitors in
association with different vehicles (Kato et al.
2009, 2010; Magalhães et al. 2009). According to Clinical Evidence of the Efficacy
Kato et al. (2012), the data from these studies of OTC and In-Office Products
would suggest that the mechanism of action of
these substances in preventing dentin erosion was After almost 100 years of research, the clinical
due to their ability to inhibit the proteases, thus management of DH continues to be largely
preserving demineralisation of the dentin matrix. empirical in nature and very challenging to the
These investigators also studied the protective clinician (Glockner 2013; Orchardson and
effect of 400 μM polyphenol epigallocatechin-3- Collins 1987; Pradeep et al. 2012). In view of the
gallate, 0.012 % chlorhexidine, 1 mM ferrous wide range of agents and procedures used to treat
sulphate solution and 1.23 % NaF solution, DH (Ling and Gillam 1996; Orchardson and
before submitting the dentin specimens to colla- Gangarosa 1994; Orchardson and Gillam 2000;
gen degradation with Clostridium histolyticum, Cunha-Cruz et al. 2010), it would be unreason-
confirmed by the assaying of hydroxyproline in able for the clinician to expect that one particular
artificial saliva. The results demonstrated that the product would resolve every aspect of the prob-
concentrations of hydroxyproline were signifi- lem or that these particular treatment strategies
cantly lower for the groups treated with polyphe- would be appropriate for every individual (Lin
nol epigallocatechin-3-gallate, chlorhexidine and et al. 2013; Gillam et al. 2013; Schmidlin and
ferrous sulphate, respectively, when compared to Sahrmann 2013) (see Chap. 10).
the groups of sodium fluoride, placebo or with In general, in-office treatments are successful
the untreated group. These results strongly sug- in treating DH in patients with a localised severe
gested that the preventive effect of the protease problem in one or more teeth, depending on the
inhibitors tested against dentin erosion was due desensitiser used to treat the problem. OTC prod-
to their ability to reduce the degradation of ucts which are recommended for mild to moder-
demineralised organic matrix (Kato et al. 2012). ate generalised DH usually demonstrate a
Recently, Calabria et al. (2014) investigated the reduction in DH over time (Brauer et al. 2010;
effect of a titanium fluoride (TiF4) solution on the Wang et al. 2010). The advantage of using prod-
hydraulic conductance of dentin, in comparison ucts available for home use is that they are imme-
with a potassium oxalate gel, a sodium fluoride diately available for treatment when compared
varnish and solution. The investigators reported with those products applied by the professional.
that the TiF4 solution reduced dentin permeability One disadvantage however is that more time is
by approximately 35 % (a similar percentage to required for the remission of symptoms
8 Current and Novel Clinical Approaches for the Treatment of Dentin Hypersensitivity 123

(2–4 weeks), while those applied in-office pro- patient’s discomfort and their need for an immedi-
mote immediate relief (Lynch et al. 2012; Pradeep ate pain resolution. The other is in regard to the
et al. 2012) (see Chap. 10). entire spectra of events that may lead to a non-
pathological exposure of dentin tissue in the oral
Conclusions environment. Both of these aspects demand that
The continual introduction of new desensitising the clinician has not only a wide range of knowl-
materials and treatment approaches would edge and clinical experience in order to offer the
appear to suggest that there is no ideal desensi- best treatment and the corrective strategies to their
tising product or clinical approach that can patients. Furthermore it is essential that well-con-
fully satisfy the original postulates of Grossman trolled randomised clinical studies are undertaken
or fully address the impact of DH on the quality in order to investigate new materials and their
of life of patients (Grossman 1935; Gillam properties under rigorous clinical conditions.
1997) (see Chap. 9). It may however be unrea- Currently there does not appear to be an ideal
sonable to expect that any one desensitising desensitising product (which successfully mimics
product or treatment approach would success- the natural tissue) that can be effectively utilised
fully resolve all the clinical factors associated in both in-office and in OTC/at-home environ-
with DH, and therefore the search for the ideal ments. It is therefore imperative that researchers
desensitising agent must be implemented responsible for the development of new materials
(Gillam et al. 2013; Schmidlin and Sahrmann direct their attention into areas of research with
2013). Furthermore there does appear an exist- targeted formulations that can mimic and restore
ing problem in both terms of the confidence of the natural structures of the tooth.
the clinician in successfully treating DH and in
identifying an ideal desensitising product and
treatment approach (Cunha-Cruz et al. 2010;
Schmidlin and Sahrmann 2013; van Loveren
2013). There is, therefore, a need for the estab- Addy M, Mostafa P (1989) Dentine hypersensitivity.
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that may be used in daily practice (Al-Sabbagh pastes onto dentine. J Oral Rehabil 16(1):35–48
et al. 2009). The recent publication by Gillam Agnihotri Y, Pragada NP, Patri G, Thajuraj PK (2012) The
effect of CPP-ACP on remineralization of artificial car-
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The Impact of Dentine
Hypersensitivity on Oral 9
Health-Related Quality of Life

Katrin Bekes and Christian Hirsch

Quality of Life in Dentistry In medicine and dentistry, a paradigm shift

has occurred in recent years, as patient (person)-
Quality of Life and Health-Related centered outcomes including QoL research have
Quality of Life been receiving increasingly more attention (see
Chap. 7). Once regarded as a secondary outcome,
“Quality of life” (QoL) as a term was first intro- occasionally useful to complement biologic and
duced in 1920 by the British economist Arthur clinical markers of disease, it has been stated that
Cecil Pigou (1920), in a book about economics “QoL issues are now at the forefront of public
and welfare discussing governmental support health policy” (Slade 2002). According to the
for the lower class and its impact on their lives, World Health Organization, QoL can be defined
as well as on national finances. Later on, the as an individual’s perception of his/her position
expression “QoL” was defined in many ways in life, in the context of the culture and value sys-
and was used differently by various investiga- tems in which he/she lives, and in relation to his/
tors, owing to its elusive nature. It became her expectations, goals, and concerns (World
apparent that although one may intuitively know Health Organization 1993).
what it means, its abstract nature makes a clear Health contributes to QoL, and the real impact
definition difficult. of health and disease on QoL is known as health-
related quality of life (HRQoL) (Naito et al.
2006). As with QoL, the concept of HRQoL is
multifaceted and complex; therefore, defining it
is a challenge (Cimprich and Paterson 2002).
There is consensus that it captures people’s per-
ceptions relating to factors that are important in
K. Bekes (*) their everyday lives (Slade 2002). The definition
Department of Operative Dentistry
of health by the World Health Organization as “a
and Periodontology, Department of Pediatric
Dentistry, Martin-Luther-University state of complete physical, mental, and social
Halle-Wittenberg, University School well-being, and not merely the absence of dis-
of Dental Medicine, Halle, Germany ease or infirmity” (World Health Organization
1948) implies that health is no longer seen as
C. Hirsch merely the absence of a disease but as a concept
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Department
that focuses on the whole person (Absi et al.
of Head Medicine and Oral Health, University
of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany 1987). It is this idea of wholeness that led to the
e-mail: development of the concept of HRQoL.

D.G. Gillam (ed.), Dentine Hypersensitivity: Advances in Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment, 133
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14577-8_9, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
134 K. Bekes and C. Hirsch

Oral Health-Related Quality of Life not normally documented by clinicians. However,

such symptoms are highly relevant from the
What Is Oral Health-Related Quality patient’s point of view and often have a consider-
of Life? able adverse impact on their daily QoL (Locker
Oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) is a 1988; Ng and Leung 2006).
subset of HRQoL that focuses on oral health and On these grounds, Locker developed a concep-
orofacial concerns. OHRQoL is “a multidimen- tual framework for measuring oral health status
sional construct that reflects (among other things) (Locker 1988). It was based on the World Health
people’s comfort when eating, sleeping, and Organization classification of impairment, disability,
engaging in social interaction; their self-esteem; and handicap and attempted to capture all possible
and their satisfaction with respect to their oral functional and psychosocial outcomes of oral disor-
health” (DHHS 2000). OHRQoL attempts to cap- ders. Locker stated that disease can lead to impair-
ture the subjective side of oral health. Thus, the ment, which may then lead to a functional limitation
concept of OHRQoL brings a new perspective to or pain/discomfort, either physical or psychological.
clinical dental care and research. It describes the Any of these outcomes may lead to physical, psy-
way in which oral health affects a person’s ability chological, or social disability, which was defined by
to function, psychological status, social factors, Locker “as any limitation in or lack of ability to per-
and pain or discomfort (Inglehart and Bagramian form activities of daily living.” As a final conse-
2002). As Inglehart noted, “it shifts the focus of quence, handicap can occur. It is characterized by
clinicians and researchers from the oral cavity social disadvantage (e.g., social isolation). Functional
alone to the patient as a whole” (Inglehart and limitation may also lead directly to handicap.
Bagramian 2002).
How Can Oral Health-Related Quality
Concepts of Oral Health of Life Be Measured?
Following the traditional approach, oral health As noted previously, OHRQoL is a multidi-
measures are based on clinical standards. Usually, mensional construct that cannot be observed
oral health is described by using clinical oral dis- directly. It needs to be visualized by means of
ease indicators (indices), as they provide a suitable indicators. This could be done using a
quantitative method for measuring, scoring, and questionnaire approach. Several measurements
analyzing dental conditions in individuals and to assess OHRQoL have been developed over
groups. An index describes the status of individu- time as a result of increased concern about the
als or groups with respect to the condition to be impact of oral conditions on a person’s quality
measured. For example, the severity of periodontal of life. Fundamentally, there are three catego-
disease is documented by clinicians using param- ries of OHRQoL measure as indicated by Slade
eters, for example, bleeding on probing, probing (2002): social indicators, global self-ratings of
pocket depth, and clinical attachment level (Ng OHRQoL, and multiple-item questionnaires
and Leung 2006). However, important as these of OHRQoL. Multiple-item questionnaires are
objective measures are, they may only reflect the among the most widely used methods to assess
end point of the disease processes. They give no OHRQoL (Al Shamrany 2006).
indication of the impact of the oral disease pro- Given that the definitions of OHRQoL are
cesses or oral disorders on function or psychoso- vague, it is not surprising that there is a signifi-
cial well-being and provide little insight into the cant heterogeneity in focus, length, and format of
impact on daily living and quality of life (Allen the multiple-item questionnaires developed to
2003). To continue with this example, this means evaluate OHRQoL. Nevertheless, all of them
that other symptoms of periodontal disease, have to fulfill a set of attributes and criteria for
including those resulting from chronic inflamma- the assessment of health status and QoL
tion and the destruction of tooth-supporting tissues measurement that were defined by the Scientific
(such as redness, bleeding on brushing, loosening Advisory Committee of the Medical Outcomes
of affected teeth, and persistent bad breath), are Trust (Aaronson et al. 2002).
9 The Impact of Dentine Hypersensitivity on Oral Health-Related Quality of Life 135

In addition, OHRQoL measures can be classi- The Oral Health Impact Profile
fied as either generic instruments that measure oral A technically sophisticated and internationally
health overall or condition-specific instruments. In widely used OHRQoL instrument is the Oral
some instances, generic measures are too broad Health Impact Profile (OHIP), which was devel-
for accurate assessment of the links between spe- oped by Slade and Spencer (Fig. 9.1) (1994). It
cific oral conditions and OHRQoL, so that it is differs from other OHRQoL measures in that it is
desirable to develop specialized instruments. For based on both Locker’s conceptual framework
example, for dentine hypersensitivity (DH), a (Locker 1988) and input from dental patients
condition-specific patient-reported measure was with a variety of oral conditions (Slade and
developed recently (Boiko et al. 2010). Spencer 1994). The questionnaire attempts to

Question Domain Item

1 FL Have you had difficulty chewing any foods because of problems with your teeth, mouth
or dentures?
2 FL Have you had trouble pronouncing any words because of problems with your teeth,
mouth or dentures?
3 FL Have you noticed a tooth which doesn't look right?
4 FL Have you felt that your appearance has been affected because of problems with your
teeth, mouth or dentures?
5 FL Have you felt that your breath has been stale because of problems with your teeth, mouth
or dentures
6 P1 Have you felt that your sense of taste has worsened because of problems with your teeth,
mouth or dentures?
7 P1 Have you had food catching in your teeth or dentures?
8 P1 Have you felt that your digestion has worsened because of problems with your teeth,
mouth or dentures?
9 P1 Have you had painful aching in your mouth?
10 P1 Have you had a sore jaw?
11 P1 Have you had headaches because of problems with your teeth, mouth or dentures?
12 P1 Have you had sensitive teeth, for example, due to hot or cold foods or drinks?
13 P1 Have you had toothache?
14 P1 Have you had painful gums?
15 P1 Have you found it uncomfortable to eat any foods because of problems with your teeth,
mouth or dentures?
16 P1 Have you had sore spots in your mouth?
17 FL Have you felt that your dentures have not been fitting properly?
18 P1 Have you had uncomfortable dentures?
19 P2 Have you been worried by dental problems?
20 P2 Have you been self conscious because of your teeth, mouth or dentures?
21 P2 Have dental problems made you miserable?
22 P2 Have you felt uncomfortable about the appearance of your teeth, mouth or dentures?
23 P2 Have you felt tense because of problems with your teeth, mouth or dentures?
24 D1 Has your speech been unclear because of problems with your teeth, mouth or dentures?
25 D1 Have people misunderstood some of your words because of problems with your teeth,
mouth or dentures?
26 D1 Have you felt that there has been less flavor in your food because of problems with your
teeth, mouth or dentures?
27 D1 Have you been unable to brush your teeth properly because of problems with your teeth,
mouth or dentures?
28 D1 Have you had to avoid eating some foods because of problems with your teeth, mouth or
29 D1 Has your diet been unsatisfactory because of problems with your teeth, mouth or
30 D1 Have you been unable to eat with your dentures because of problems with them?
31 D1 Have you avoided smiling because of problems with your teeth, mouth or dentures?
32 D1 Have you had to interrupt meals because of problems with your teeth, mouth or dentures?
33 D2 Has your sleep been interrupted because of problems with your teeth, mouth or dentures?
34 D2 Have you been upset because of problems with your teeth, mouth or dentures?

Fig. 9.1 Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) discomfort, D1 physical disability, D2 psychological dis-
(Acknowledgement to Slade and Spencer 1994). FL func- ability, D3 social disability, H handicap
tional limitation, P1 physical pain, P2 psychological
136 K. Bekes and C. Hirsch

35 D2 Have you found it difficult to relax because of problems with your teeth, mouth or
36 D2 Have you felt depressed because of problems with your teeth, mouth or dentures?
37 D2 Has your concentration been affected because of problems with your teeth, mouth or
38 D2 Have you been a bit embarrassed because of problems with your teeth, mouth or
39 D3 Have you avoided going out because of problems with your teeth, mouth or dentures?
40 D3 Have you been less tolerant of your partner or family because of problems with your
teeth, mouth or dentures?
41 D3 Have you had trouble getting along with other people because of problems with your
teeth, mouth or dentures?
42 D3 Have you been a bit irritable with other people because of problems with your teeth,
mouth or dentures?
43 D3 Have you had difficulty doing your usual jobs because of problems with your teeth,
mouth or dentures?
44 H Have you felt that your general health has worsened because of problems with your teeth,
mouth or dentures?
45 H Have you suffered any financial loss because of problems with your teeth, mouth or
46 H Have you been unable to enjoy other people's company as much because of problems
with your teeth, mouth or dentures?
47 H Have you felt that life in general was less satisfying because of problems with your teeth,
mouth or dentures?
48 H Have you been totally unable to function because of problems with your teeth, mouth or
49 H Have you been unable to work to your full capacity because of problems with your teeth,
mouth or dentures?

FL=Functional limitation, P1=Physical pain, P2=Psychological discomfort, D1=Physical disability,

D2=Pscyhological disability, D3=Social disability, H=Handicap

Fig. 9.1 (continued)

measure the effects of both the frequency and the evaluated by comparison to a table of standard
severity of oral problems on functional and psy- values representative of different populations
chosocial well-being. It is a scaled index; it (John et al. 2003, 2004).
consists of 49 statements that have been rephrased The 49-item version of the OHIP gives
as questions and grouped into seven domains detailed information and is a sophisticated instru-
(functional limitation, pain, psychological dis- ment when OHRQoL is the primary outcome in a
comfort, physical disability, psychological dis- clinical setting. However, it is rather time con-
ability, social disability, and handicap). For each suming and requires a substantial effort for the
OHIP item, the patient is asked how frequently respondents. Consequently, short forms (21
he/she experienced the impact of that item during items, 14 items, 5 items) have been developed
the last month. Responses concerning item (Locker and Allen 2002; Slade 1997) and pro-
impact are given using an ordinal rating scale (0 posed for use in settings where the time burden of
= never, 1 = hardly ever, 2 = occasionally, 3 = a long OHRQoL questionnaire needs to be mini-
fairly often, 4 = very often). The summary score mized. A version with 14 items is most frequently
(sum of item responses resulting in a range of used (Baba et al. 2008).
0–4 × 49 = 0–196) represents a “problem index”
that characterizes the OHRQoL. A “0” summary A Condition-Specific Patient-Reported
score indicates the absence of any problems, Measure
higher OHIP scores represent more impaired The Dentine Hypersensitivity Experience
OHRQoL, and a summary score of “196” indi- Questionnaire (DHEQ)
cates that all problems were experienced very In some instances, generic measures are insuffi-
often in the last month. The patient’s score can be cient in assessing the links between oral conditions
9 The Impact of Dentine Hypersensitivity on Oral Health-Related Quality of Life 137

Question Domain Item

1 Restrictions pleasure out of eating
2 Restrictions cannot finish meal
3 Restrictions longer to finish meal
4 Restrictions problems eating ice-cream
5 Approach coping modification in eating
6 Approach coping careful when breathing
7 Approach coping warming food/drinks
8 Approach coping cooling food/drink
9 Approach coping cutting fruit
10 Approach coping putting a scarf over mouth
11 Approach coping cold drinks/foods
12 Approach coping hot drinks/foods
13 Approach coping contact with certain teeth
14 Approach coping change toothbrushing
15 Approach coping biting in small pieces
16 Approach coping other food
17 Social longer than others to finish
18 Social choose food with others
19 Social hide the way of eating
20 Social unable to take part in conversations
21 Social painful at the dentist
22 Emotions frustrated not finding a cure
23 Emotions anxious of eating contributes
24 Emotions irritating sensations
25 Emotions annoyed I contributed
26 Emotions guilty for contributing
27 Emotions annoying sensations
28 Emotions embarrassing sensations
29 Emotions anxious because of sensation
30 Identity difficult to accept
31 Identity different from others
32 Identity makes me feel old
33 Identity makes me feel damaged
34 Identity makes me feel unhealthy

Fig. 9.2 Impact scale of the Dentine Hypersensitivity Experience Questionnaire (DHEQ) (Acknowledgement to Boiko
et al. 2010 and Baker et al. 2014)

and OHRQoL. For this reason, an OHRQoL a global oral health rating (1), and a scale to record
measure specific for the impact of DH was recently effects on overall life (4).
developed, based on interviews with people with The impact scale comprises 34 items and has
DH (Boiko et al. 2010; Gibson et al. 2010): The five subscales based on the initial domains of the
Dentine Hypersensitivity Experience Question- Wilson and Cleary model (1995): functional
naire (DHEQ) (Fig. 9.2). This instrument aims to restrictions (four items), coping (12), social impact
measure the day to day impact of specific events (5), emotional impact (8), and identity (5). The
associated with DH on QHRQoL. The question- items have coded responses on 7-point Likert
naire was developed using a multistaged impact scales (labeled strongly disagree, disagree, dis-
approach and an explicit theoretical model. As a agree a little, neither agree nor disagree, agree a
result, the DHEQ questionnaire has 48 items con- little, agree, and strongly agree, coded 1–7, respec-
taining a description of the pain (six items), a mea- tively). The summary measure (“total score”) of
surement of pain via visual analogue scale (3), a the impact scale is calculated as the sum of the
scale to capture the subjective impact of DH (34), item scores per participant (possible range 34–238).
138 K. Bekes and C. Hirsch

The higher the total score of the DHEQ is, the more relevant from the person’s point of view and often
impaired the patient’s OHRQoL is. have a considerable adverse impact on daily
The DHEQ has been reported to demonstrate quality of life (Locker 1988).
good psychometric properties (Boiko et al. 2010).
It is longitudinally reliable, valid, and responsive
and can discriminate between treatments of dif- Oral Health-Related Quality of Life
ferent efficacy (Baker et al. 2014). Moreover, a in Patients with DH
10- and 15-item short form of the DHEQ has
recently been derived (Machuca et al. 2014). To date, there has been limited research con-
ducted that has explored DH from a patient per-
spective (Bekes et al. 2008, 2009; Boiko et al.
Dentine Hypersensitivity and Its 2010; Baker et al. 2014; He et al. 2012). For
Impact on Oral Health-Related example, existing clinical reviews have focused
Quality of Life only in a limited manner on this topic (Bekes and
Hirsch 2013; Sixou 2013). In the clinical envi-
Dentine Hypersensitivity (DH) ronment, the patients’ experiences of pain have
been only been recorded in response to a stimulus
As shown in the other chapters of this book, DH (Gillam and Newman 1993; Rees and Addy
is a significant global clinical oral health problem 2002; Gillam et al. 2000), with little consider-
in the adult population (Mantzourani and Sharma ation given to the impact of DH on everyday life.
2013) (Chap. 3) that is characterized by short or Therefore, knowledge about the influence of DH
transient sharp pain arising from exposed dentine on OHRQoL is still incomplete, and very few
in response to an array of stimuli (such as ther- studies have been devoted to this aspect of DH.
mal, mechanical, osmotic, or chemical elements) The first data that were published using an
that cannot be ascribed to any other forms of den- instrument that examined patients’ self-
tal defect or disease (Canadian Advisory Board perception of health and well-being to explore
on Dentin Hypersensitivity 2003) (Chaps. 4 and the impact of DH on OHRQoL came from a
5). The cold stimulus has been reported to cause study that was conducted in Germany (Bekes
the greatest problem to people affected by DH, as et al. 2009). OHRQoL impairment was evalu-
it increases the outward flow of fluid in the den- ated in 656 patients seeking care for their hyper-
tinal tubules, whereas a thermal hot stimulus pro- sensitive teeth in German dental practices. The
duces contraction of the fluid in the tubules study participants were asked to complete the
(Matthews and Vongsavan 1994). adapted German version of the OHIP (OHIP-G)
Nevertheless, pain has extremely variable (John et al. 2002) prior to treatment. When their
characteristics, ranging from discrete discomfort OHIP summary scores were analyzed and com-
to extreme severity (McGrath 1986, 1994; Porto pared with those in a sample of the German gen-
et al. 2009). In addition, not all people experienc- eral population (n = 1,541) (John et al. 2003), the
ing tooth sensitivity seek treatment to desensitize distribution of OHIP-G summary scores in
their teeth, because some do not perceive DH to patients with DH and in the general population
be a severe oral health problem (Gillam et al. was found to be different. The general-popula-
1999). However, the influence of pain experi- tion participants had an OHIP-G median score of
enced can be considerable and can affect daily 5, compared to a median score of 30 in the
activities depending on the source of discomfort patient group (Fig. 9.3). The 10 % of the subjects
(e.g., pain associated with consuming hot or cold with the highest OHIP-G summary scores pre-
foods and beverages [coffee, ice cream], during sented scores of 36 or higher (general popula-
tooth brushing, or sometimes even while breath- tion) and 66 or higher (patients). The mean
ing) (Schuurs et al. 1995; Gillam et al. 2002). In OHIP-G summary score value of the study par-
these instances, these symptoms are highly ticipants from the general population was 12.2
9 The Impact of Dentine Hypersensitivity on Oral Health-Related Quality of Life 139

Cumulative proportion of participants

50. and 90. percentile


0 5 30 36 66 149 196
OHIP−G49 summary score

Patients General−population participants

5 = Median − general−population participants 30 = Median − patients

149 = max OHIP score observed 196 = max OHIP score possible

Fig. 9.3 Empirical cumulative distribution functions of Oral Health Impact Profile-G summary scores for general-
population participants and patients with DH (reproduced from Bekes et al. 2009) Bekes et al. 2009)

(±18.4), while the patients’ mean OHIP-G difference between younger (15–39 years) and
summary score was 34.5 (±22.6). The differ- older adults (40+ years) was statistically sig-
ence in the mean values of 22.3 was clinically nificant in the general population (P < 0.001).
meaningful and statistically significant In the patient group, the difference was similar
(P < 0.001). These results demonstrated that in magnitude to that and close to statistical sig-
the patients with DH had impaired nificance (P = 0.08).
OHRQoL. The results also indicated that the The results reflect findings for patients seek-
influence of gender on OHRQoL depended on ing care for their condition and certainly cannot
the population. In the general-population sam- be generalized to individuals experiencing DH
ple, female subjects had lower OHIP scores but not seeking care. Moreover, the results
than male subjects (P = 0.003), whereas in the relate to patients seen by general dentists and
patient group, female patients had higher OHIP may not be generalized to those that could be
scores than male patients, but the difference obtained by health professionals who are more
was not statistically significant (P = 0.27). trained or calibrated in the assessment of
Lastly, age showed a curvilinear association DH. However, the setting is representative for
with OHRQoL, with lower OHIP scores asso- typical patients who initially present in dental
ciated with younger and older adults and higher practice and where the general dentist is con-
OHIP scores (reporting more problems and fronted with providing diagnosis and treatment
indicating impaired OHRQoL) associated with for the challenging clinical problem of DH
middle-aged adults in both populations. The (Bekes et al. 2009).
140 K. Bekes and C. Hirsch

The same investigators evaluated OHRQoL breathing, warming food/drinks, avoiding con-
in 713 patients with DH before and after treat- tact with certain teeth), emotional (e.g., annoying
ment intervention (Bekes et al. 2008). The sensations), and social impacts (e.g., difficulties
treatment regimen was a 21-day home use of conversing) caused by DH.
desensitizing dentifrice (elmex SENSITIVE These results were underlined and confirmed
toothpaste) in combination with a dental rinse by a subsequent longitudinal study including
(elmex SENSITIVE dental rinse) and a special three clinical studies with 311 participants (Baker
toothbrush (elmex interX SENSITIVE tooth- et al. 2014). Each study compared the efficacy of
brush) twice a day for oral hygiene. The patients a test and control toothpaste in providing relief
completed the OHIP-G before and after treat- from DH. Participants brushed at home twice
ment intervention. Following the intervention, daily for 8 or 12 weeks respectively. The DHEQ
OHRQoL improved considerably, with a mean was administered before and after treatment. The
decrease of 13.5 OHIP-G units (P < 0.001). In results demonstrated significant decreases in total
particular, 50 % of the patients showed a decrease DHEQ scores (P < 0.001), as well as all domain
of 11 or more OHIP-G units. No statistical sig- scores (except for identity and restriction once
nificances however were observed for gender or each), across all the trials. The coping domain
age. The study had some limitations, as it was showed the largest effect size, followed by the
not randomized and did not include a control or emotional domain; the identity domain showed
placebo group. However, it was the first study the smallest decrease. In this analysis, the DHEQ
undertaken to evaluate the effect of a DH treat- was found to be highly useful for assessing
ment on OHRQoL and not solely from that of changes in functional and personal experiences
the clinician’s perspective. Moreover, the study of DH, improvements in QoL status, and respon-
demonstrated that it is possible to measure the siveness to anti-sensitivity treatments.
success of a treatment for DH with an OHRQoL Future studies will need to examine the DHEQ
instrument, the OHIP. translated into other languages in order that the
The disease-specific DHEQ that was intro- results can be compared cross-culturally as a first
duced recently (Boiko et al. 2010) provided an step to the DHEQ being accepted for use interna-
alternative to the “generic” OHIP for assessing tionally. Until now, only a second (Chinese) ver-
OHRQoL in patients with DH. It directly sion has been reported (He et al. 2012). However,
addressed the problems associated with sensitive this condition-specific measure for measuring
teeth. Initial work with this newly developed impacts of DH on OHRQoL may detect changes
measure examined whether it met the gold- in functional and personal experiences of
standard guidelines for QoL instruments DH. DHEQ data may therefore be used to evalu-
(Aaronson et al. 2002). For this initial analysis, ate negative emotions specifically related to DH
the DHEQ was first applied in a general- and aid in the development of effective interven-
population sample and in a sample of patients tions and health policies to address DH. However,
clinically diagnosed with DH (Boiko et al. 2010). the OHIP has relevance to determining the impact
The DHEQ instrument demonstrated good psy- of DH as well. Although the extent to which
chometric properties and was internally consis- OHIP is appropriate to measure the specific
tent (Cronbach’s a = 0.86) and reliable impacts of DH is unclear (Bekes and Hirsch
(ICC = 0.92) and demonstrated high validity 2013), its utility is not limited to this special
scores. The DHEQ indicated that patients with patient group. For this reason, it has the advan-
DH had higher scores on the DHEQ (147.6 ± 5.98) tage that it can be used in patients with other oral
than the general population (130.96 ± 35.06), diseases and across conditions, therefore allow-
indicating that these patients had an impaired ing DH to be compared with other oral conditions
OHRQoL. In particular, the DHEQ detected and enabling to the broader influence of hyper-
functional limitations (e.g., problems with eating sensitive teeth on patient’s perceived health to be
ice cream), coping behaviors (e.g., careful when characterized.
9 The Impact of Dentine Hypersensitivity on Oral Health-Related Quality of Life 141

Future Trends be considered as a useful addition to clinical

tests to assess the severity and impact of the
Patient-reported outcomes and in particular the reported problem.
concept of OHRQoL have gained popularity in
recent years (see Chap. 7). This new perspective
on health suggests that the ultimate goal of dental
care, which is good oral health, should no longer References
be seen as the absence of caries or periodontal dis-
ease and that a patient’s mental and social well- Aaronson N, Alonso J, Burnam A, Lohr KN, Patrick DL,
Perrin E, Stein RE (2002) Assessing health status and
being also has to be considered (Inglehart and quality-of-life instruments: attributes and review crite-
Bagramian 2002). Evaluation of OHRQoL allows ria. Qual Life Res 11(3):193–205
for this shift from traditional medical and dental Absi EG, Addy M, Adams D (1987) Dentine hypersensi-
criteria, as it captures the aim of this new perspec- tivity. A study of the patency of dentinal tubules in
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tive and focuses on subjective patient social and Periodontol 14(5):280–284
emotional experiences, as well as physical func- Al Shamrany M (2006) Oral health-related quality of life: a
tioning, in defining appropriate treatment goals broader perspective. East Mediterr Health J 12(6):
and outcomes (Sischo and Broder 2011). 894–901
Allen PF (2003) Assessment of oral health related quality
In the future, it is desirable to evaluate of life. Health Qual Life Outcomes 1:40.
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surement may identify issues on an individual Baba K, Inukai M, John MT (2008) Feasibility of oral
level previously not recognized that could poten- health-related quality of life assessment in prosth-
odontic patients using abbreviated oral health impact
tially be addressed through appropriate interven- profile questionnaires. J Oral Rehabil 35(3):224–228.
tions; repeating the measurement subsequent to doi:10.1111/j.1365-2842.2007.01761.x
therapy would allow assessment of the efficacy of Baker SR, Gibson BJ, Sufi F, Barlow A, Robinson PG
the intervention (Barnes and Jenney 2002). It (2014) The dentine hypersensitivity experience ques-
tionnaire: a longitudinal validation study. J Clin
could also guide choices and perhaps encourage Periodontol 41(1):52–59. doi:10.1111/jcpe.12181
new development. In regard to conditions such as Barnes PM, Jenney MEM (2002) Measuring quality of
DH, it may prove to be a valuable asset for clini- life. Curr Paediatr 2:476–480
cians when assessing their patients’ quality of Bekes K, Hirsch C (2013) What is known about the influ-
ence of dentine hypersensitivity on oral health-related
life before, during, and after treatment of various quality of life? Clin Oral Investig 17(Suppl 1):S45–
clinical conditions (Sixou 2013). S51. doi:10.1007/s00784-012-0888-9
Bekes K, Schaller HG, Hirsch C (2008) [Verbesserung
Conclusion mundgesundheitsbezogener Lebensqualität durch die
Anwendung von Mundhygieneprodukten für schmer-
The concept of OHRQoL brings a new per- zempfindliche und freiliegende Zahnhälse] Improvement
spective to clinical dental care and research, as of oral health-related quality of life in subjects with den-
it allows insight into how a patient’s oral tin hypersensitivity. ZWR 117:136–142
health affects his/her well-being and quality of Bekes K, John MT, Schaller HG, Hirsch C (2009) Oral
health-related quality of life in patients seeking care
life at a given point in time. In patients with for dentin hypersensitivity. J Oral Rehabil 36(1):45–
DH, limited data about OHRQoL are avail- 51. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2842.2008.01901.x
able, knowledge is still incomplete, and fur- Boiko OV, Baker SR, Gibson BJ, Locker D, Sufi F, Barlow
ther research is desired. Nevertheless, AP, Robinson PG (2010) Construction and validation
of the quality of life measure for dentine hypersensi-
preliminary data have shown that patients tivity (DHEQ). J Clin Periodontol 37(11):973–980.
with DH report substantial OHRQoL impair- doi:10.1111/j.1600-051X.2010.01618.x
ment and that the impact of this experienced Canadian Advisory Board on Dentin Hypersensitivity
oral pain on patients’ perceived health is con- (2003) Consensus-based recommendations for the
diagnosis and management of dentin hypersensitivity.
siderable. Thus, OHRQoL measurement pro- J Can Dent Assoc 69(4):221–226
vides additional information about the Cimprich B, Paterson G (2002) Health-related quality of
magnitude of the condition of DH and should life: conceptual issues and research applications. In:
142 K. Bekes and C. Hirsch

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Advances in the Management
of the Patient with Dentine 10
Hypersensitivity: Motivation
and Prevention

David G. Gillam and Christoph A. Ramseier

Introduction Management of Dentine

Hypersensitivity (DH)
The aim of the first part of the chapter is to reflect
on how the management of dentine hypersensi- The management of dentine hypersensitivity
tivity (DH) has been traditionally recommended (DH) has been traditionally based on products
in clinical practice and the steps taken to provide that may either block the dentine tubules on the
simple and practical guidelines for the busy cli- exposed root surface or desensitise the nerves in
nician. The second part of the chapter will the pulp (Orchardson and Gillam 2006). The cli-
develop the recommendations on how to manage nician when faced with a patient with DH would
DH by concentrating on techniques (e.g. motiva- generally treat the condition on the basis of the
tional interviewing) used in both medicine and extent and severity of the problem. For example,
dentistry to effect behavioural changes when if the patient complained of severe pain which
providing instructions to patients enabling them was localised to one or two teeth, then the clini-
to not only recognise the need for change but cian would treat the problem in the clinical setting
also to take ownership of their problem whether (Dental office or surgery) with a restorative prod-
it is through an improvement in oral hygiene uct (Table 10.1). Alternatively if the pain was gen-
practice or taking steps to limit the effects of eralised and of a mild to moderate nature, then the
acidic food or drink on initiating DH. clinician may consider recommending an over-
the-counter (OTC) product (Table 10.1). Patients
may also complain of pain following restorative
procedures, for example, nonsurgical and surgi-
cal periodontal procedures, and the clinician may,
depending on the extent and severity of the prob-
D.G. Gillam (*)
Centre for Adult Oral Health,
lem, recommend a treatment regime that would
Barts and The London School of Medicine resolve the problem (Orchardson and Gillam
and Dentistry QMUL, Turner Street, 2006). It is important however to acknowledge
London E1 2AD, UK that the diagnosis of DH is somewhat problematic
in nature, and therefore it is essential that the clini-
cian excludes all other clinical conditions that have
C.A. Ramseier
Department of Periodontology,
a similar pain history to that of DH (see Chap. 5).
School of Dental Medicine, University In a busy practice this may be a challenge, but in
of Bern, Bern, Switzerland order to successfully manage DH, it is essential

D.G. Gillam (ed.), Dentine Hypersensitivity: Advances in Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment, 143
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14577-8_10, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
Table 10.1 Overall management strategy options for treating dentine hypersensitivity (Gillam et al. 2013 modified)

Gingival recession Tooth wear Periodontal treatment

Clinical evaluation Clinical evaluation Clinical evaluation
Clinical measurement of the gingival recession defect Identify cause of tooth wear (enamel loss) Periodontal disease or periodontal treatment as the
Take study casts and clinical photographs to monitor Record severity of lesions, if possible, using a primary cause of exposure of dentine and
condition over time recognised index (Smith and Knight 1984; associated DH
Check and monitor periodontal health Bartlett et al. 2008) Check and monitor periodontal health (6-point
Identification and correction of predisposing or Take study casts and clinical photographs to pocket charting)
precipitating factors monitor condition over time Use of pain scores to assess and monitor DH (e.g.
Use of pain scores to assess and monitor DH (e.g. visual Check and monitor periodontal health visual analogue scores)
analogue scores) Use of pain scores to assess and monitor DH (e.g.
visual analogue scores)
Patient education (including preventive advice) Patient education (including preventive advice) Patient education (including preventive advice)
Show patient the affected site(s) Show patient the site(s) and explain probable cause Reinforce the need for good oral hygiene
Explain probable cause for recession of the tooth wear lesion(s) Show patient the site(s) affected by periodontal
Explain factors triggering sensitive teeth episodes Recommend an oral hygiene regimen to minimise disease and explain probable cause of the
Encourage patients to modify their oral hygiene regimen in risk of further tooth wear exposed dentine
order to reduce damage to gingivae (e.g. reducing Where appropriate recommend reducing frequency Guide the patient to improve “at-home” oral
brushing force, correction of toothbrushing technique) of consumption of acidic food and drink hygiene regimen
Reduce excessive consumption of acid foods and drinks Instruction on measures of reducing periodontal
risk factors, for example, diabetes, smoking and
D.G. Gillam and C.A. Ramseier
Corrective clinical outcomes Corrective clinical outcomes Corrective clinical outcomes
Reduce excessive consumption of acid foods and drinks Provide high fluoride remineralising treatment Initial phase
Manufacture of silicone gingival veneers (pre-emptive phase) Nonsurgical periodontal procedure(s). DH
Orthodontic treatment Provide professional desensitising treatment to treatment (including desensitising polishing
Restorative correction of recession defect and subgingival relieve DH pastes/fluoride varnishes)
margins of fillings and crowns Encourage patient to seek advice from a medical Re-evaluation
Polymers: sealants/varnishes/resins/dentine-bonding practitioner, if tooth wear was caused by Follow-up assessment on periodontal
agents conditions with the work environment or reflux/ status and DH
Laser obturation of dentine tubules excessive vomiting (psychiatric evaluation may Corrective phase
Use of desensitising polishing pastes also be appropriate) Surgical periodontal procedure(s), e.g. guided
Pulpal extirpation (root canal treatment) Restorative correction in the form of composite tissue regeneration, coronally advanced flap +
build-up, crowns may also be appropriate enamel matrix derivatives, connective tissue
graft (flap), free gingival graft (acellular dermal
matrix allograft)
DH treatment (including desensitising polishing
pastes/fluoride varnishes)
Follow-up management
Maintenance phase
Supportive periodontal therapy
Ongoing monitoring of periodontal health
DH treatment (including desensitising polishing
pastes/fluoride varnishes)
Oral hygiene advice
Recommendations for home use (including toothpaste/ Recommendations for home use (including Recommendations for home use (including
mouth rinse formulations) toothpaste/mouth rinse formulations) toothpaste/mouth rinse formulations)
Oral hygiene implementation as per recommendation Oral hygiene implementation as per Oral hygiene implementation as per
Strontium chloride/strontium acetate recommendation recommendation
Potassium nitrate/chloride/citrate/oxalate Toothpaste and mouth rinse formulations (see Regular brushing with an antibacterial toothpaste to
Calcium compounds recommendations for gingival recession) aid plaque control
Calcium carbonate and arginine and casein Short period, the use of a 0.2 % chlorhexidine
phosphopeptide + amorphous calcium phosphate solution for plaque control
Bioactive glass Use of a desensitising mouthrinse twice daily for
Nano-/hydroxyapatite DH control (when appropriate) Long term
Fluoride in higher concentration (2,800/5,000 ppm F monitoring (see recommendations for gingival
[prescription]) recession)
Amine/stannous fluoride
10 Advances in the Management of the Patient with Dentine Hypersensitivity: Motivation and Prevention
146 D.G. Gillam and C.A. Ramseier

for the clinician to take time and determine the hygiene and dietary regimens was paramount in
correct diagnosis before providing treatment. order to achieve satisfactory treatment outcomes
There is often a tendency for the busy clinician to and predictable long-term success. In this context
simply prescribe or recommend a treatment with- it may be appropriate to recognize that individu-
out determining the aetiological and predisposing als who experience DH as a result of meticulous
factors that may have been instrumental in initiat- oral hygiene practices may be easier to adopt rel-
ing the problem (see Chap. 4) and if not correctly atively small changes in their healthcare behav-
managed or monitored will continue to impact iour ; compared to individuals who have addictive
on a patient’s quality of life (oral health-related behaviour and/or chronic health problems includ-
quality of life, OHRQoL) (Bekes et al. 2008; ing periodontal disease. The second part of the
Bioko et al. 2010; Bekes and Hirsch 2013) (see chapter will discuss how a clinician may attempt
Chap. 9). This approach would therefore involve to engage their patients to follow an individu-
not only educating the patient but also the clini- alised oral care regimen which can be incorpo-
cian, and it is important to recognise that the cli- rated into the management strategy for treating
nicians will need to adopt management strategies DH. This will enable the patient to modify any
and goals that will effectively encourage behav- risk factors associated with the development and
ioural changes in the lifestyle of their patients. progression of DH and subsequently prevent or
In order to accomplish these goals, the clinician reduce these effects. For example, apart from the
will need to motivate and engage the patient standard of care for oral hygiene practices, these
in order to effect the recommended changes in regimens include dietary counselling as well as
behaviour. The question however arises whether instructions to avoid brushing the teeth following
the clinician can effectively diagnose, manage the intake of acid-containing drinks.
and monitor DH within the constraints of clini-
cal practice (Gillam 2013). There have been a
number of treatment paradigms that have been The Challenge of Changing Health
previously reported in the published literature, Behaviour in the Management
and there is however a recognition that they may of Medical and Dental Conditions
be impractical to implement in the clinical envi-
ronment (Addy and Urquhart 1992; Canadian It is generally recognised that one of the prob-
Advisory Board on Dentin Hypersensitivity lems in clinical practice (medical or dental) was
2003; Orchardson and Gillam 2006). Recently, the lack of compliance or adherence to the
guidelines have been published from a UK Expert instructions provided by the clinician during
Forum on DH (Gillam et al. 2013) which recog- therapy. Compliance may be defined as the pro-
nised that there was a need to promote simple cess of complying with a regimen of treatment,
guidelines that can be readily applied in general for example, taking medication (Definition of
practice, although the Forum acknowledged that Compliance 2013), although the term adherence
a simple one-strategy approach to the problem may be the preferred term to use. Adherence may
may not necessarily satisfy all patients. One of therefore be defined as the extent to which the
the key components from the guidelines docu- patient continues the agreed-upon mode of treat-
ment was that the authors linked recommended ment under limited supervision when faced with
management strategies to three specific groups of conflicting demands, as distinguished from com-
patients rather than recommend a blanket man- pliance or maintenance (The American Heritage®
agement for all patients with DH. These patient Medical Dictionary 2010; Definition of
groups included (1) patients with gingival reces- Adherence 2010). This term may therefore be
sion caused by mechanical trauma, (2) patients considered a more general term representing “the
with tooth wear lesions and (3) patients with peri- extent to which a patient follows medical instruc-
odontal disease and those receiving periodontal tions” (Definition of Adherence 2001). The lack
treatment (Table 10.1). It is also evident from of compliance or adherence to instructions pro-
the majority of clinical studies for the treatment vided by a healthcare professional is not however
of DH that patient compliance with both oral unique to dentistry. According to Wertheimer and
10 Advances in the Management of the Patient with Dentine Hypersensitivity: Motivation and Prevention 147

Santella (2003), noncompliance occurred in oral hygiene measures, tobacco usage and uncon-
approximately 50–75 % of patients taking pre- trolled glucose levels have been reported to have
scribe medication with the rate of noncompliance an unsatisfactory periodontal status. According
higher in patients with a chronic illness. A further to Ramseier (2005), both plaque control and
problem that may arise is that (as previously indi- smoking cessation are important measures in the
cated) a patient with a diabetic condition who has management of chronic periodontitis. Therefore,
a sedentary lifestyle who simply complies with it would appear to be appropriate to (1) include
the medical instructions relating to their pre- assessments of patient behaviour and if necessary
scribed medication alone without any changes in (2) apply effective behaviour change counselling
behaviour and lifestyle activity will not necessar- methods in the maintenance of the patients’ peri-
ily improve their medical condition. odontal condition.
It may however be unrealistic to expect every
patient to understand and comply with profes-
sionally driven instructions particularly when Reasons for the Lack of Compliance
treating chronic diseases and health conditions, or Adherence Instructions Provided
for example, diabetes, obesity, smoking, alco- by the Medical and Dental
holism and periodontal disease. For example, Profession
the patient’s attention and comprehension levels
may be optimal during the first 15 min of a visit, As previously indicated it was evident from the
but their ability to absorb and retain any further published literature that noncompliance of both
information may subsequently decline thereafter. medical and dental patients is a major problem
It is therefore important to provide patients with when delivering healthcare guidance and instruc-
simple clear instructions which they can under- tion as part of the treatment process. This
stand and routinely implement as part of their appeared to be a problem in patients with long-
day-to-day activities. This process may however term or chronic conditions, for example, diabe-
take a number of visits and requires the clini- tes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease (Khan
cian to build up a rapport with the patient, show et al. 2012) and in the dental environment chronic
empathy and have a close working partnership periodontal disease which may also be associated
with the patient in order to effect the changes with these systemic conditions (Loesche and
in behaviour that would reduce or eliminate the Grossman 2001; Kim and Amar 2006). According
underlying problems associated with DH (e.g. to Khan et al. (2012), noncompliance can be due
drinking erosive drinks). Before illustrating how to a number of factors, for example, those that are
a clinician may work with a patient in order to (1) patient centred, (2) therapy related or (3)
effect a change in their daily intake of food and healthcare system related.
drink associated with DH, it may be beneficial The reasons for noncompliance are therefore
to observe how clinicians in medicine and den- complex in nature and may also vary not only
tistry have attempted to effect changes in behav- between patients but also depend on the particular
iour. For example, according to Ramseier (2005) situation the patient may be experiencing at the
there was emerging evidence that the patient’s time. For example, the reasons for noncompliance
individual behaviour may be influential or even in the Khan et al. (2012) diabetes study included the
critical for the success of periodontal therapy as unavailability of transport, forgetting the appoint-
evidenced by the limited success of periodon- ment, not attending the clinic since the visit was
tal therapy in patients lacking the appropriate considered unnecessary as the patients were taking
behaviour to maintain their periodontal condi- medicine from other sources and failure to follow
tion. It is also important that the maintenance of instructions on exercising regularly. According to
periodontal health should be supported by appro- Tan (2009), the fear of receiving dental treatment,
priate behavioural changes, for example, regu- economic factors and indifferent behaviour on
larly self-performed plaque control, avoidance the dentist’s part, higher incidences of stressful
of tobacco and glycaemic control with diabetes life events or insecurity in personal relationships
mellitus type 2, since patients with inadequate may be reasons for patient noncompliance.
148 D.G. Gillam and C.A. Ramseier

Mendoza et al. (1991) reviewed records of patients patient any opportunity to gain autonomy, moti-
undergoing periodontal maintenance over a 3-year vation, competency and a readiness for change
period and reported that the most common reason (Williams and Bray 2011). One of the problems
given by patients for noncompliance was that a with this traditional clinician-centred approach
general dental practitioner providing their peri- was that the message was often considered judge-
odontal treatment. Some patients also considered mental in nature and this subsequently meant that
the treatment too expensive, whereas a significant the patient became resistant to any prescribed
number of patients considered that they no longer recommendations for changing their lifestyle
need the recommended treatment. behaviour and may actually set up the patient for
Fardal (2006) also reported that patients gave subsequent failure at the next appointment
a variety of reasons (e.g. health reasons, lack of (Freeman 1999; Williams and Bray 2011).
motivation, fear, financial reasons, own dentist According to Freeman (1999), a readiness to
providing the periodontal care, dissatisfied with change can provide a bridge between the clini-
the treatment, did not see the need for future treat- cian and the patient with respect to understanding
ment and a faulty recall procedure) when he inter- a patient’s perceived lack of motivation in order
viewed noncompliant patients who returned to his to change their lifestyle behaviour. The clinician
practice for periodontal maintenance. The study should therefore be aware when attempting to
by George et al. (2007) however, reported that the provide information designed to change a
‘lack of time to attend’ and not the’ fear of the patient’s oral hygiene practices or a major life-
Dentist’ was the major reason for non attendance style behaviour, that the patient should be
in their study. This observation was in contrast to involved in the process and not be an impassive
that cited by Fardal (2006) and Tan (2009). observer of information that discourages him/her
to assess the advantages or disadvantages of
accepting or not accepting the rationale for
Patient Education and Changing changing the behaviour (ambivalence).
Behaviour in the Medical According to Partovi (2006), the patient must
and Dental Environment be motivated before the education process can
take place, although motivation without compli-
It is therefore evident that in order to successfully ance or adherence to a recommended procedure
treat a patient’s medical or dental condition, the (e.g. changing oral hygiene practices: flossing)
clinician has to establish a good rapport and close may lead to failure unless some form of pre-
working partnership with the patient. One of the planning of behavioural interventions has been
problems historically was the often one-sided discussed with the patient (Schuz et al. 2006).
relationship between the clinician and the patient
where the clinician simply gave instructions to
the patient of what was expected in order for Introduction to Motivational
them to comply (the so-called clinician-centred Interviewing in the Management
approach) (see Chap. 7). For example, demon- of Dentine Hypersensitivity:
strating a brushing technique or a flossing tech- A Different Approach
nique on a demonstration model will often fail to
determine whether the patient could actually Definition of Motivation
master a particular brushing technique or whether
they have the dexterity to be able to floss their Motivation has been defined as (1) the act or an
teeth. According to Freeman (1999), this failure instance of motivating or providing with a reason
to actively involve the patient in the treatment to act in a certain way, (2) the state or condition of
process essentially renders the patient as a pas- being motivated and (3) something that motivates
sive listener of information which they were (inducement, incentive) (Definition of Motivation
unable to assimilate into their day-to-day experi- 2013). One of the problems when
ence. This prescriptive approach failed to give the discussing the concepts of compliance and
10 Advances in the Management of the Patient with Dentine Hypersensitivity: Motivation and Prevention 149

motivating and educating the patient is that we Motivational interviewing has also been
forget that the clinician also has to embrace these defined as a collaborative, goal-oriented method
qualities. It may be possible that the characteris- of communication with particular attention to the
tics that may mark out the patient, for example, language of change. It is intended to strengthen
lack of motivation, denial, failure to see the need personal motivation for, and commitment to, a
(or relevancy) to change and resistance to change, specific goal by eliciting and exploring an indi-
may also affect the clinician. The consequence of vidual’s own reasons for change within an atmo-
this type of apathy will ultimately lead to disillu- sphere of acceptance and compassion (Andrews
sionment for both parties, and the opportunity to 2012 citing Miller and Rollnick 2009). An
initiate the changes that would benefit the patient easier definition that may benefit someone out-
will be lost. side the medical or dental profession would be
“Motivational interviewing is a collaborative
conversation to strengthen a person’s own moti-
Motivational Interviewing (MI) vation for and commitment to change” (Andrews
2012). In other words the MI approach for effect-
As indicated above, the traditional health education ing change may provide an alternative strategy
approaches provided by clinicians were often con- for promoting lifestyle changes that are essen-
sidered to be ineffective in changing patient behav- tial for improving patient outcomes (Freudenthal
iour. For example, in periodontal care, conventional 2013). MI has also been described as a skilful
oral hygiene instructions frequently lacked any clinical style for eliciting from patients their own
long-term effect and therefore require continual good motivations for making behaviour changes
reinforcement (Wilson et al. 1984; Demetriou et al. in the interests of their own health (Miller and
1995; Schuz et al. 2006). This would infer that Rollnick 2002; Rollnick et al. 2008). According
there may be a false assumption inherent in the to these investigators, the so-called spirit of MI
health education approach itself which would tend has been described as collaborative, evocative
to suggest that behaviour change was simply a and honouring of patient autonomy. The use of
function of the patient having a requisite knowl- MI in clinical practice was based on four general
edge or understanding and that all the clinician had principles: (1) to listen with empathy in order to
to do was provide the relevant information. understand and explore the patient’s own moti-
Motivational interviewing (MI), in contrast, is vations; (2) to develop discrepancy between the
based on a different assumption of human behav- patient’s current behaviour and how they would
iour change which concluded that knowledge in ideally like to behave; (3) to roll with resistance,
itself was insufficient to bring about any behav- e.g. by resisting the righting reflex and (4) to
iour change and that motivation to change was empower the patient’s self-efficacy, encourag-
elicited “from within the patient” rather than ing hope and optimism. A helpful acronym
externally imposed upon the patient by a clini- RULE (resist, understand, listen and empower)
cian. MI has also been defined as “a client has been suggested by Rollnick et al. (2008) in
(patient)-centred, directive method for enhancing order to remember these principles. According
intrinsic motivation to change by exploring and to Miller and Rollnick (2009), it is important
resolving ambivalence” (Rollnick and Miller for clinicians to recognise that MI is not (i) the
1995). According to Rollnick et al. (2008), MI trans-theoretical model of change (pre-contem-
was initially developed as a brief intervention for plation, contemplation, preparation, action)
problem drinking in which patient motivation was (Prochaska and DiClemente 1983), (ii) a way of
an obstacle to a change in behaviour (e.g. refrain tricking people into doing what you want them
from drinking). It soon became evident that this to do, (iii) a specific technique, (iv) a decisional
model would be beneficial in dealing with other balance, (v) an assessment feedback, (vi) a cog-
health problems and subsequently MI was nitive behaviour therapy, (vii) a client-centred
reported to have positive results in the manage- therapy, (viii) easy to learn, (ix) practice as usual
ment of various chronic diseases. and (x) a panacea.
150 D.G. Gillam and C.A. Ramseier

Evidence for the Effectiveness of MI et al. 2003; Hettema et al. 2005; Lundahl et al.
in Changing Behaviour in Medical 2010). Other short- and long-term studies have
and Dental Health Conditions also demonstrated a positive impact on (1) oral
hygiene as measured by plaque indices, (2)
MI originated in the field of addictive behaviour gingival inflammation as assessed by gingival
therapy but has increasingly been applied to a indices and (3) association of greater patient
wide variety of other behaviour change issues for satisfaction with improvement in oral hygiene
example, tobacco use, diet and exercise (Miller (Almomani et al. 2009; Jönsson et al. 2009a, b,
1983; Burke et al. 2004; Hettema et al. 2005). The 2010; Godard et al. 2011). A number of reviews
evidence from these studies appears to be robust have also indicated the potential of MI in improv-
and generally indicate that MI-based interven- ing dental care (Nalini and Punithavathy 2010;
tions are at least equivalent to other active treat- Gao et al. 2013) although the impact on improv-
ments and superior to no-treatment or placebo ing periodontal health remains unclear (Brand
controls for problems involving addictive behav- et al. 2013; Gao et al. 2013). To date there does
iour (drugs, alcohol, smoking and gambling); not appear to be any published studies on the
health behaviour such as diet and exercise; risk role of MI in the management of DH although
behaviour; and treatment engagement, retention such an approach may be beneficial in changing
and adherence (Burke et al. 2003, 2004; Bacon behaviours that may lead to the initiation of the
et al. 2004; Hettema et al. 2005; Rubak et al. condition (Chap. 4) as well as having an impact
2005; Lundahl et al. 2010). For example, Rubak during the management and monitoring phases
et al. (2005) reported that in brief encounters of of treatment (Table 10.1).
15 min, 64 % of studies showed an effect.
Furthermore when the intervention was delivered
by physicians, an effect was observed in approxi- The Implementation
mately 80 % of studies suggesting that it was rea- of Motivational Interviewing over
sonable for clinicians who are not counselling Single and Multiple Appointments
experts to effectively deliver MI in brief encoun- in Order to Effect Changes
ters. Data analysed in meta-analysis studies has in Behaviour in Patients with DH
also demonstrated positive impacts when using
MI in tobacco use cessation programmes (Butler The implementation of MI in the management of
et al. 1999; Lai et al. 2010; Lundahl et al. 2010; DH may therefore be a promising approach to
Wakefield et al. 2004; Borrelli et al. 2005) as well help change behaviour that have been implicated
as in changing dietary behaviour (dietary intake, in the initiation and progression of the condition.
fat intake, carbohydrate consumption, cholesterol It is also important to acknowledge that when
intake, body mass index (BMI) weight, salt intake, treating the condition the clinician should not lose
consumption of fruit and vegetables, alcohol sight of the behavioural causes of DH or the need
reduction and exercise (Woollard et al. 1995; to counsel patients on the effectiveness of treat-
Mhurchu et al. 1998; Resnicow et al. 2001; Bowen ment. This type of intervention may therefore be
et al. 2002; Richards et al. 2006). suitable for implementation into the management
Researchers have also investigated the impact guidelines for specific patient groups with DH as
of MI in the dental environment compared proposed by Gillam et al. (2013). The question as
to traditional health education for motivating to whether a single or multiple appointment strat-
240 mothers of young children with high risk egy approach should be used may depend on a
for developing dental caries to use dietary and number of factors, for example, the extent and
non-dietary behaviours for caries prevention severity of problem, the availability of the patient,
(Weinstein et al. 2004, 2006). The results from the frequency of monitoring during the mainte-
this study would appear to be consistent with nance phase, the readiness or willingness of the
results from meta-analyses studies that reported patient to engage in the consultation process and
MI to be efficacious for dietary change (Burke consider the advantages and disadvantages of
10 Advances in the Management of the Patient with Dentine Hypersensitivity: Motivation and Prevention 151

accepting or rejecting the recommended changes Communication with the

in behaviour and the motivation and subsequent Patient with DH
adherence (compliance) to the clinician’s recom-
mendations to change behaviour. One of the prob- There are a number of different styles that
lems in implementing any changes in patient are used in conversation with other people
behaviour in the management of DH is the busy in everyday life. However in a clinical situa-
schedule of the clinician within the clinical envi- tion, when dealing with a patient with DH, it
ronment, and therefore a pragmatic approach may would be more appropriate from time to time
need to be adopted in order to not only manage to specifically adapt to their individual behav-
the patient’s discomfort but also to change behav- ioural needs and to allow them to communi-
iour to reduce or prevent future effects of DH. It is cate their chief complaints in their own way.
also important for the clinician to set an agreed A three-style model for healthcare clinicians to
agenda (Rollnick et al. 1999) with the patient as communicate with their patients in daily practice
there may be more than one health behaviour has been recommended by Rollnick et al. (2007)
issue that may impact on their DH. For example, which uses the following styles, e.g. directing,
incorrect toothbrushing techniques, excessive guiding or following style. According to Rollnick
acidic food and drink in the diet or smoking may et al. (2007), some patients may require ‘direc-
also damage both hard and soft tissues (see Chap. tion’ – particularly those who have stated that
4). The clinician therefore should be prepared to they want further advice or support when con-
manage both his/her expectation as well as the sidering changing healthcare behaviour. Other
patient when considering changes in behaviour. individuals, however may have more pressing
According to Bandura (1995), achieving small concerns and therefore need to be ‘followed’
changes may make a patient feel more able and although these individuals appear to know what
confident to make other changes, and as such it is they need to do but have not necessarily managed
important to start where the patient feels most to accomplish any changes to their health behav-
comfortable and encourage them to suggest what iour. These individuals should be more receptive
area they would like to talk about, rather than sim- to a ‘guiding’ style when considering changing
ply selecting what the clinician considers as a their healthcare behaviour. Furthermore, four
right course of action. This may be achieved by main communication skills may be used by
using an agenda setting chart containing a number the clinician, and these can be summarised by
of circles with picture representations of the vari- the acronym OARS which stands for (1) open
ous different issues in DH and some blank circles (-ended) questions, (2) affirmations, (3) reflec-
for other factors to be inserted by the patient. The tive listening and (4) summarising (Catley et al.
patient then selects the issue that they would like 2010). It is important however for the clinician
to talk about first. to be aware or sensitive to any changes in the
According to Miller and Rollnick (2002), in patient’s reaction to a particular style of com-
order to be an effective MI practitioner, the clini- munication, and it may be necessary if there is
cian needs to embody the underlying philosophy a breakdown within the communication process
of MI over multiple appointments rather than that the clinician uses a different style in order
simply applying a collection of counselling tech- to maintain the rapport between both patient and
niques. Recently, Suvan et al. (2010) presented a clinician (Catley et al. 2010; Koerber 2010).
specific patient activation fabric model imple-
menting the spirit of MI into a single appoint-
ment in order to capture the interdependent Giving Advice to Patients
elements of the dental visit using the concept of in the Clinical Environment
interwoven threads. This model attempts to blend
communication, information exchange and the One of the problems that may be encountered in
use of behavioural change tools with the clinical the clinical environment is that the clinician may
assessment and treatment (Fig. 10.1). attempt to provide the information regarding a
152 D.G. Gillam and C.A. Ramseier



Patient I

Patient Engagement
Create Environment


Directing, Guiding, Follwing


II Elicit - Provide - Elicit
Confidence vs. Importance


Agends Setting, etc.

Readiness Ruler
III Summerizing
Goal Setting

Fig. 10.1 The patient’s history and patient’s records flow of the appointment. The bands are woven together
positioned at the start and end depict the critical elements through the vertical ribbons that signify the specific ele-
of documentation that serve to weave one dental visit into ments of the communication and interaction characteris-
the next. The horizontal bands depict the three core ing the approach. These vertical ribbons represent
strands of conversations constituting the visit. These communication style and health behaviour change tools
bands labelled as “Establish Rapport”, “Information and are consistent, yet flexible, recurring throughout the
Exchange” and “Closing” transition directly into the appointment ready to provide stability. Acknowledgement:
curves, representing the clinical assessment or treatment patient activation fabric for the dental visit (implementa-
that takes place between the conversations as part of the tion model) (From Suvan et al. 2010)

clinical condition (e.g. dietary advice to reduce is therefore essential for the clinician (in the MI
the effects of acidic drinks in association with the process) to provide information when the patient
timing of toothbrushing) far too early in the con- is willing and interested in receiving the informa-
sultation process. This may convey to the patient tion (the so-called advice with permission)
that the clinician has a particular agenda to pur- (Moyers et al. 2003). A three-step process that
sue, and therefore the patient may feel pressurised may be used as a framework for providing advice
to accept the recommendation even though they in an MI-consistent style has been outlined by
may not have been ready to accept this informa- Rollnick et al. (1999a) as follows: (1) elicit the
tion at such an early stage in the consultation. It is patient’s readiness and interest in hearing the
also important to recognise in this context the dif- information, (2) provide the information in as
ference between advice-oriented health educa- neutral a fashion as possible and (3) elicit the
tion and MI as it may be appropriate to simply patient’s reaction to the information presented. In
provide information to address the patient’s ques- practice when addressing the patient’s perspec-
tions, misapprehensions or lack of knowledge. It tive of a particular clinical problem, the clinician
10 Advances in the Management of the Patient with Dentine Hypersensitivity: Motivation and Prevention 153

may actually reveal gaps in the patient’s knowl- Clinical Scenario Incorporating MI
edge, questions and concerns and misapprehen- Principles in a Patient with DH Who
sions which in turn may lead to the patient being Drinks Excessive Orange Juice
more willing to accept the relevant information.
As indicated above it may take a number of vis- The following clinical scenario demonstrates the
its for the patient to make any significant changes in way MI may be used in conjunctive with a man-
health behaviour, and the clinician must be careful agement strategy designed to reduce and prevent
not to force the pace of change; otherwise, both the impact of DH on a patient’s day to day life-
parties may become frustrated by the lack of change style by changing behaviour that may influence
particularly with highly ambivalent patients. the aetiological causes and predisposing factors
It is critical for the clinician to acknowledge the implicated in DH (Table 10.1) (see Chap. 4). As
problems in assessing a patient’s readiness to previously indicated the clinician may decide on
change their behaviour as this will involve learning a specific communication style depending on the
about both the patient’s motivation and self- individual patient and implement the various
efficacy to change (Rollnick et al. 1999b). Several behaviour changes by judging the response of the
scales that assess both motivation and self-efficacy patient during the consultation visit (Table 10.2).
(where the clinician seeks to discover the patient’s It may therefore be possible for the clinician to
specific motivators and values) have been described implement MI during the initial stages of the
which link these motivators and values to the management strategy as previously outlined (see
desired behaviour change (Rollnick et al. 1999b). Table 10.1).

Table 10.2 Example of an individual management strategy using MI principles for a patient with DH who drinks
excessive orange juice
Clinician Patient Strategy
Initial visit
May I share with you some information about Yes Ask permission/elicit
dentine hypersensitivity?
Aetiology of DH Providing information
Treatment options
Options to limit erosive drinks in the diet
What do you think about all of this? I was not aware of the effect of Elicit
erosive drinks on my teeth
From the dental examination today, it appears that Yes, I drink orange juice a lot
you consume acid food on a regular basis
May I speak to you about your diet? Yes Ask permission
Do you understand that drinking juices may I do not care. I enjoy drinking Agenda setting chart
damage your teeth and cause you pain? orange juice; it is good for me
May I ask you whether you could cease drinking Honestly, no. I don’t want to quit
orange juices? even if you wanted me to
I hear that you don’t want to quit. How do you feel No, I don’t want to speak about Rolling with resistance
about talking a little bit about your habit? it right now
I hear that you don’t want to speak about it right That’s ok
now. May I ask you again at a next visit?
Follow-up visit
May I ask you to speak about your habit of Well, I know that it is harmful Ask permission
drinking juices? for my teeth. But I am kind of
used to it, you know. So I
probably won’t change
154 D.G. Gillam and C.A. Ramseier

Table 10.2 (continued)

Clinician Patient Strategy
So you kind of want to change but you can’t Well, yes, kind of Reflection
change right now?
What may be your personal advantages if you Well, I may have less sensitive Ambivalence
would change? teeth Pros (and cons)
Advantages to change?
Disadvantages to change?
Advantages not to change?
Disadvantages not to
On a scale of 0–10 when 10 will be the highest Maybe a 4 Use of a readiness scale
motivation, how motivated would you be to Asking about motivation
On a scale of 0–10 when 10 will be the highest I think that I am at a 3 Asking about self-efficacy
confidence, and how confident would you be to
Well, according to the previous achievements you Thanks, it feels good to hear that Increasing self-efficacy
already made, I feel that you will succeed to
change your diet after all
Well, how could you help yourself reducing dental Well, I might want to wait a bit Reflecting and summarising
erosions? before brushing my teeth again
I might take a straw when
drinking my orange juice

Conclusions their oral condition, is therefore essential in

One of the problems that the busy clinician current dental practice. It is acknowledged
may face when managing DH is to simply that for many clinicians in a busy practice,
prescribe or recommend a treatment without this approach may be difficult to implement
determining the aetiological and predispos- due to a number of different constraints in the
ing factors that may have been instrumental practice environment. This approach may also
in initiating the problem which if not man- be very challenging for some patients, and
aged or corrected may continue to impact on the clinician will need to show patience and
a patient’s quality of life. Traditionally cli- empathy with the patient during the duration
nicians expect their patients to change their of the treatment. The introduction of motiva-
health behaviour because it is good for their tional interviewing may however be of great
overall health, and any information exchanged benefit in motivating patients with DH par-
between the clinician and patient was based ticularly in the early stages of management of
on a clinician-directed philosophy which not the condition.
only failed to empower the patient but was
also ineffective in motivating the patient to
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Future Strategies
for the Development 11
of Desensitising Products

Robert Hill and David G. Gillam

I ntroduction and Brief Overview treating DH, inhibiting caries and promoting remin-
of the Chapter eralisation. The present chapter will focus attention
on the physical and chemical properties of both tra-
Dentine hypersensitivity (DH) is a clinical problem ditional and novel products recommended for the
that may impact on the quality of life of individuals treatment of DH as well as introducing more recent
who experience discomfort when eating and drink- advances into the development of biomimetic prod-
ing hot and cold food and drink during their day to ucts for the treatment of DH.
day activities. Currently there is no ideal desensitis-
ing product (over the counter [toothpaste, gel or
mouthwash] or dentist applied) that provides both The Rationale for Treatment
fast-acting and long-lasting protection against the
pain associated with DH. Currently toothpaste, gels Although the Brännström hydrodynamic hypoth-
and mouthwash formulations are designed to reduce esis (Brännström 1963; Brännström and Åström
or relieve pain arising from DH based on either their 1972) does not necessarily explain all aspects of
(1) tubular-­occluding components (e.g. silica, cal- the mechanism of pain associated with DH (see
cium carbonate, various apatites, oxalates or bioac- Chap. 2), nevertheless it does underpin the devel-
tive glass) or (2) nerve desensitisation properties opment of new product formulations and there-
(e.g. potassium ions) based on the hydrodynamic fore forms the rationale for measuring dentine
theory (see Chap. 2). A number of novel products fluid flow or hydraulic conductance and tubule
have either been reformulated from existing prod- occlusion in the in vitro environment prior to
ucts or developed as biomimetic materials as an alter- clinical evaluation (see Chap. 6).
native to the traditional desensitising products for As previously mentioned in Chap. 2, the hypoth-
esis is based on the concept that the parallel dentine
tubules act as a capillary bore which enables fluid
R. Hill (*)
flow to move bidirectionally in relation to stimuli.
Department of Dental Physical Sciences, Implicit in the mechanism of hydrodynamic fluid
Queen Mary University of London, flow through the open dentine tubules are a number
2nd Floor Francis Bancroft Building, of important features contained in the Hagen–
Mile End Road, E1 4NS London, UK
Poiseuille equation, namely, variations in pressure,
the radius of the tubule, the viscosity of the fluid
D.G. Gillam
Centre for Adult Oral Health,
and the length of the tubule.
Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentine however is composed of numerous
Dentistry QMUL, Turner Street, London E1 2AD, UK dentine tubules approximately 5,000–20,000/mm2

D.G. Gillam (ed.), Dentine Hypersensitivity: Advances in Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment, 157
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14577-8_11, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
158 R. Hill and D.G. Gillam

in number, and their radius and length will vary prior to testing in order to mimic the clinical envi-
depending on the region of the dentine (mid-­ ronment. In addition it would also be of benefit to
coronal/root dentine). Dentine tubules may there- include an acid challenge post tooth brushing in
fore vary from approximately 1 to 5 μm in diameter. order to simulate either a caries challenge or the
In the mid-coronal region of dentine which is often consumption of an acidic beverage and then assess
used for fluid flow studies, there are about 15,000 the durability of the tubule occlusion of the desensi-
tubules/mm2. The tubules near the dentine–enamel tising product. A further observation when inter-
junction (DEJ) are generally smaller in size, preting the results from these studies is that the
approximately 2 μm, whereas the tubules nearest to apparent surface coverage of the dentine following
the pulp may be as large as 5 μm. The tubules in an application of a desensitising product may not
root dentine close to the cervical margins of the actually reduce the fluid flow, whereas an appar-
crown-root area of the tooth where clinically DH ently scarce surface coverage may actually have
has been reported to be more prevalent (see Chaps. profound effects on fluid flow values. This observa-
4 and 5) are generally smaller in diameter (approxi- tion may initially be confusing but can be explained
mately 1 μm). Ideally dentine from this area of the by the example of potassium oxalate application
tooth should be utilised for in vitro studies to deter- where the tubule occlusion is not necessary on the
mine the potential of desensitising products and dentine surface but rather subsurface (see Chap. 2).
their ability to block the open dentine tubules. Similarly toothpaste formulations that occlude the
However there are a number of reasons that have dentine tubules not just at the surface but also
traditionally precluded investigators using sections occlude the tubules deep beneath the surface may
from this area of dentine, namely, the anatomy, be postulated to provide a more durable longer-last-
size, number of the dentine tubules and the per- ing treatment. From a practical viewpoint, tooth-
ceived difficulty in cutting sections from cervical paste formulations that simply cover the dentine
dentine compared to mid-coronal sections. surface without any penetration into the dentine
As previously discussed in Chap. 2, the impor- tubules are more likely to be removed more readily
tance and significance of determining the effects of either by acid dissolution or abrasive wear.
a desensitising product or an acid challenge based
on the Hagen–Poiseuille equation may be demon-
strated by the observation that an increase by a fac- Current Approaches
tor of two in the radius of the tubule will result in a
24 or 16-fold increase in the fluid flow. Conversely a The current treatment approaches in the manage-
reduction in fluid flow through partially occluding ment of DH have been addressed in Chaps. 8 and
the dentine tubules will result in a dramatic reduc- 10, and therefore the focus of the following sec-
tion in fluid flow and dentine permeability, and it tion will be on the physical and chemical charac-
may therefore not always be necessary to have com- teristics of the selected components and the
plete tubule occlusion following the application of a significance of their inclusion into desensitising
desensitising product. Although the dentine disc has products in the management of DH.
been utilised in in vitro studies for both tubular-
occluding properties and dentine permeability stud-
ies, nevertheless due to the regional variation in Pro-Arginine-Based Products
numbers of tubules and variations in fluid flow
depending on the proximity of the tubules to the Arginine is a natural amino acid and it is found in
pulp, this may account for the large experimental saliva. Arginine has been postulated to form a cal-
scatter observed in the various published in vitro cium–arginine complex with calcium c­arbonate
studies. A further observation may also be appropri- on the tooth surface and within the dentine tubules
ate in that saliva is often absent in these in vitro (Kleinberg 2002; Cummins 2010). Typical com-
studies, and therefore certain desensitising products mercial toothpaste formulations contain 8 % w/w
that rely on the interaction of the saliva, for ­example, arginine (Docimo et al. 2009). The chemistry of
bioactive glass toothpaste formulations, should ide- this process is poorly understood and has not been
ally include an immersion period in artificial saliva characterised in any detail. Despite this, arginine
11  Future Strategies for the Development of Desensitising Products 159

1 2

Fig. 11.1  SEM of mid-coronal dentine section before (1) brushing and (2) after brushing with Colgate ProRelief

toothpaste formulations containing calcium strontium acetate at a loading of 8 % w/w has
carbonate particles are very effective at tubule been used. The acetate form has been used to
occlusion (see Fig. 11.1). In many cases the “argi- reduce the risk of strontium precipitating as
nine–calcium complex” appears to form prefer- strontium fluoride when a fluoride source is
entially on the surface of the enamel. Arginine included in the toothpaste formulation. The main
bicarbonate which is the most frequent form used mode of action of strontium formulations (ace-
in this toothpaste formulation is an amino acid tate/chloride) as discussed in Chap. 8 has been
found naturally in saliva and has adhesive prop- suggested to be by tubular occlusion (Fig. 11.2),
erties that are attractive for occluding the dentine although the actual effect attributed to strontium
tubules. Arginine bicarbonate is prepared from in clinical studies has yet to defined (Rösing et al.
arginine (a basic amino acid) by titrating the argi- 2009). When applied to tooth surfaces, it is
nine with gaseous carbon dioxide until a pH of believed that an adsorption of strontium ions
approximately 7 is reached. At this pH the argi- occurs on the odontoblastic processes or in the
nine is completely converted to arginine bicarbon- dentine tubules, thus blocking the transmission or
ate; the pH is then adjusted to between 8 and 9, neural impulses from the dentine surface to the
which facilitates complex formation and binding dental pulp. The strontium ion is a normal con-
of the arginine to the tooth surface. The pres- stituent of tooth structure at trace element con-
ence of a slightly soluble calcium salt, which is centrations and has a low systemic toxicity. In
generally calcium carbonate, facilitates the tubule fact in recent years, strontium salts have been
occlusion; however a variety of calcium phosphate approved for the treatment of osteoporosis where
salts can also be used (Kleinberg et al. 2003). 1–2 g/day is administered. It is thought that this
mechanism of strontium binding provides a
mechanism to control and manage DH. It is also
Strontium Salts thought that detergents or surface-wetting agents
in the toothpaste enhance the effectiveness of
Strontium salts have been used in desensitising soluble strontium ions by facilitating the penetra-
toothpaste formulations for over 50 years tion of strontium ions into the tooth structure.
(Markowitz 2009) (see also Chap. 8). Originally Another possibility is that soluble strontium ions
strontium chloride was used but more recently may aid apatite formation. The strontium ion is only
160 R. Hill and D.G. Gillam

1 2

Fig. 11.2  SEM of mid-coronal dentine section (1) before brushing and (2) after brushing with Sensodyne rapid relief

slightly larger than the calcium ion and strontium

can completely replace calcium in the apatite crys-
tal structure. It is thought that the solubility product
of a mixed calcium strontium apatite may be lower
than that of calcium hydroxyapatite or strontium
hydroxyapatite (Pan et al. 2009; Ni et al. 2012).
Consequently soluble forms of strontium in
toothpaste may cause apatite to precipitate from
saliva. This may be aided by the presence of fluo-
ride. The original strontium chloride toothpaste
formulation did not contain fluoride since the
fluoride was thought to initiate the precipitation
of strontium fluoride (SrF2); however this prob-
lem can be reduced by using strontium acetate as Fig. 11.3  The crystal structure of apatite. The green
the source of strontium. However much of the spheres represent calcium, the orange phosphorus and the
red oxygen, whilst the light blue are hydroxyl
initial tubule occlusion and reduction in dentine (Acknowledgement: Figure from Powerpoint presentation
fluid flow may be due not to the strontium ion per by Wolfram Hoeland, Ivoclar Lichtenstein)
se but rather to the presence of small silica parti-
cles added as an abrasive that are capable of whilst dentine contains approximately 60 % by
entering the dentine tubules. weight. Hydroxyapatite (Ha) has been used as a
remineralising additive in toothpaste formulations
for many years, particularly in Asia, but only
Hydroxyapatite recently been used for the treatment of DH (Park
et al. 2005; Kang et al. 2009; Kim et al. 2009;
Hydroxyapatite Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 is the basis of Yuan et al. 2012). Most Ha toothpaste formula-
the mineral phase of enamel and dentine. Enamel tions, however, do not contain fluoride, since Ha
contains approximately 98 % by weight apatite is promoted as an alternative remineralising addi-
11  Future Strategies for the Development of Desensitising Products 161

Table 11.1  Commercially available hydroxyapatite containing toothpaste formulations

Toothpaste I Company Principal active ingredients
UltraDEX recalcifying and whitening Periproducts Hydroxyapatite
Sodium monofluorophosphate
BioRepair plus BioRepair/ACDOCO Zinc-substituted hydroxyapatite
Pepsodent ultra complete sensitive Unilever Hydroxyapatite
MentaDent P Unilever Hydroxyapatite
Megasonex Goldspire Hydroxyapatite
Apagard Sangi Co Hydroxyapatite

tive to fluoride. The apatite crystal structure is

shown in Fig. 11.3.
The open nature of the crystal lattice makes
it relatively easy to substitute other ions in the
crystal lattice. Manufacturers in recent years
have taken advantage of this feature to ­produce
substituted hydroxyapatites. These include
strontium-substituted hydroxyapatite, Ca(10-X)
Srx(PO4)6(OH)2; zinc-substituted hydroxyapatite, HA Crystallite
Ca(10-X)Znx(PO4)6(OH)2; and hydroxycarbonated
apatite (HCA) where carbonate ions are substi-
tuted for orthophosphate ions.
Some of these toothpaste formulations presented Fig. 11.4 Schematic of aggregated nanocrystals of
in Table 11.1 are currently promoted as nanohy- hydroxyapatite forming a large particle
droxyapatites (nanoHA). In these products the crys-
tallite size is typically 20–100 nm. However the The crystallite size for nanoHA can be obtained
hydroxyapatite particle size is always much larger from Scherrer’s line-broadening ­analysis of the
and consists of many hundreds of aggregated nano- X-ray diffraction pattern. Crystallites larger than
crystals. This is shown schematically in Fig. 11.4 about 200 nm result in broadening of the diffrac-
and in the broader diffraction lines (XRD patterns) tion lines. Figure 11.5 shows the X-ray diffraction
for Enamel and a Ultradex hydroxyapatite tooth- patterns for (a) enamel, (b) a microcrystalline HA
paste (Fig. 11.5). These toothpaste formulations and (c) a nanoHA. The broadening of the diffrac-
generally contain polymers with carboxylic acid tion lines is clearly seen on comparing the micro-
functional groups that are capable of chelating cal- crystalline and nanocrystalline HAs. It is worth
cium ions in the apatite particles and the apatite in noting the similarity of the nanoHA diffraction
enamel and serve to stick the particles to the tooth pattern with that of enamel.
surface and prevent them from being washed away
by salivary flow. The fine nanoHA crystals dissolve D = 0.9λ / ( β002 cos θ )

preferentially at the expense of the enamel apatite
when the pH is reduced and thus have a protective where D is the crystallite size in nm, λ is the
function. In order to be effective for occluding the wavelength of the incident X-rays (0.154 nm),
dentine tubules, particles <5 μm are required (in the β002 is the width at half height of the 002 reflec-
formulation) that are capable of entering the dentine tion and cos θ is the cosine of the X-ray incident
tubules. angle.
Figure  11.6 shows the particle size distribu- Most nanoHA containing toothpaste formula-
tion of a nanoHA toothpaste suitable for treating tions do not contain a source of fluoride. However
DH. The shaded area indicates the particles incorporation of fluoride is considered to be bene-
smaller than the dentine tubule size. ficial. For example following the acid dissolution
162 R. Hill and D.G. Gillam

Fig. 11.5  XRD patterns 8000

for a microcrystalline
hydroxyapatite, Enamel 7000
and Ultradex. Note the
broader diffraction lines
for Enamel and the
Ultradex hydroxyapatite
indicating nanocrystals. 5000 Micro Crystalline HA
Note the almost identical

diffraction patterns for 4000
Ultradex and Enamel

Toothpaste HA
10 20 30 40 50 60
Two Theta (°)

Fig. 11.6 Ultradex
hydroxyapatite particle
size distribution

of the nanoHA particles in the presence of fluoride pH = 4.5). There is no significant fluoride in the tooth
these particles are reprecipitated as a fluoridated before treating and after demineralisation. However
apatite. This reprecipitation process probably aids after treating with the Ha toothpaste with fluoride, the
both remineralisation and tubule occlusion. 19
F spectrum shows a peak at −103 ppm, correspond-
Figure 11.7 shows the 19F MAS-NMR spectra of ing to the formation of fluorapatite (FAP).
a tooth demineralised at the surface and subsequently In addition to Ha containing toothpaste formu-
treated with a nanoHA toothpaste (with 1,000 ppm lations, there is also one oral rinse that contains
fluoride) under acidic conditions. (0.1 M acetic acid both nanoHA and fluoride. Figure 11.8 shows
11  Future Strategies for the Development of Desensitising Products 163

Fig. 11.7  19F MAS-NMR

spectra for the enamel
samples (non-treated,
demineralised and nHA
oral rinse treated)

* *




-70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 -130 ppm

Table 11.2  45S5 glass composition in mole percent

SiO2 P2O5 CaO Na2O NC
46.10 2.50 26.90 24.4 2.10

Calcium Phospho-silicate (NovaMin®)

NovaMin®, which is based on the 45S5 bioactive

glass composition (Table 11.2), has been used suc-
cessfully in toothpaste formulations as a remineral-
ising additive and for treating DH (see Chap. 8). The
45S5 glass particles dissolve in the mouth releasing
Ca2+ and PO43− ions and are thought to form hydroxy-
carbonated apatite (HCA) on the tooth surface.
It is worth pointing out that the 45S5 composi-
Fig. 11.8  Occlusion of dentine tubules following expo- tion (see Table 11.2) was designed as a bone sub-
sure to a nanoHA oral rinse stitute and was never designed or intended for use
originally as an additive for the treatment of DH
in a toothpaste formulation.
the tubule occlusion that occurred following a In a NovaMin® toothpaste, some of the bioac-
series of demineralisation-­ remineralisation and tive glass particles are small enough (<5 μm) to
oral rinse cycles with a nanoHA mouthrinse. The enter the dentine tubules and occlude them
tubules which were initially open in this etched (Fig. 11.9). In the presence of saliva, which is a
mid-coronal section are partially occluded by supersaturated calcium phosphate solution, the
needle-like crystals of fluoridated apatite. bioactive glass particles dissolve releasing Ca2+
164 R. Hill and D.G. Gillam

1 2

Fig. 11.9  SEM of the open dentine tubules from a mid-coronal section (1) before and (2) after brushing with a bioac-
tive glass toothpaste

Fig. 11.10  Particle size 100 10

distribution of NovaMin

% 50 5

0 0
.1 1 10 100
Particle size (µm)

and PO43- ions, which is believed to result in the NovaMin® toothpaste formulations are similar
formation of HCA (Jones 2013). The NovaMin® to the HA toothpaste formulations and contain a
particle size distribution is broad and shown in carboxyl functional polymer to provide the
Fig. 11.10. Particles smaller than about 5 μm can required viscosity to the toothpaste. However the
occlude the dentine tubules, whilst the larger par- polymer also plays an important role in chelating
ticles in the distribution take much longer to dis- calcium ions in apatite and calcium ions in the
solve and provide longer-term release of Ca2+ and NovaMin® glass and acts to promote the adhesion
PO43− ions. of the glass particles to the tooth and prevents the
11  Future Strategies for the Development of Desensitising Products 165

Fig. 11.11  31P ssNMR Comparison with 45S5

spectra of 45S% glass and
glass extracted from 45S5
NovaMin® toothpaste
Predicted Chemical

Extracted from Ca Orthophosphate

Novamin (Apatite)

50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 p

Chemical Shift (ppm)

particles from being washed away by salivary There is increasing evidence that bioactive
flow. In most cases the polymer used is poly(acrylic glasses preferentially form an apatite-like m­ aterial
acid) which is the same polymer used in glass both on the tooth surface and within the dentine
ionomer cements and which enables them to bond tubules. The apatite-like material grows preferen-
to the apatite phase of enamel and dentine. tially on the highly mineralised peritubular dentine
The NovaMin® toothpaste formulations are on the inside of the dentine tubule. It is postulated
glycerol rather than water based, and this is to pre- that the HCA in the peritubular dentine preferen-
vent the glass reacting with water during storage in tially nucleates apatite crystals. Bioactive glasses
the toothpaste tube before use. In the early have also been shown to remineralise deminer-
NovaMin® toothpaste formulations, the 45S5 glass alised dentine (Mneimne et al. 2014; Mneimne
reacted with small amounts of water in the glycerol 2014) (Figs. 11.12, 11.13 and 11.14).
during storage. Approximately 50 % of the phos- There is also increasing evidence that bioac-
phate content of the glass can convert to HCA in the tive glasses dissolve more rapidly and also form
toothpaste during storage. 31P solid-state nuclear apatite more rapidly at acidic pHs associated
magnetic resonance spectra for the glass extracted with caries rather than at pH = 7 or higher. This
from the toothpaste and the 45S5 glass synthesised feature is particularly attractive as bioactive
in the laboratory are shown in Fig. 11.11. glasses will act to mitigate the pH fall during
The latest test versions of NovaMin® tooth- a caries or acid erosion challenge and will
paste formulations contain a fine particulate sil- simultaneously release Ca2+ and PO43− ions. In
ica gel to preferentially absorb any water in the this sense bioactive glasses are considered to
toothpaste, thereby preventing it from reacting be smart materials that respond to their
with the bioactive glass. environment.
166 R. Hill and D.G. Gillam

Fig. 11.12  Dentine surfaces treated with different bioactive glass toothpaste formulations. (a) Control, (b) 45S5,
(c) 45S5-P, (d) 45S5-PF

0.2 µm

Fig. 11.13  FIB-SEM images of

a dentine cross section showing
the remineralisation of etched
dentine surfaces following
application of a bioactive glass
and immersion in artificial
saliva. (a) Control section, the
arrows depict the demineralised
layer. (b) Bioactive glass treated
11  Future Strategies for the Development of Desensitising Products 167

Fig. 11.14  Focused ion

beam scanning electron
micrograph (FIB-SEM)
showing tubule occlusion
following the application
of a bioactive glass

Self-Assembly Peptides

The self-assembly of biological macromolecules

is widespread in nature. Examples include the
spontaneous folding of proteins and the forma-
tion of a double helix from two strands of
DNA. Molecular self-assembly enables produc-
tion on the nanometre scale and is a form of nan-
otechnology and therefore may have potential for
a number of applications in dentistry. Biological
mineralisation and especially odontogenesis
involves biological self-assembly of proteins
prior to mineralisation.
Enamel formation, for example, occurs via the
3D self-assembly of amelogenin which then acts
as a nucleating template for apatite crystal forma-
tion. There is therefore enormous scope for self-­
assembling proteins that promote mineralisation. Monomer
A self-assembling peptide system was recently
Fig. 11.15  Schematic of the self-assembling process
introduced as a non-invasive treatment for early-­
stage dental caries (Kirkham et al. 2007; Brunton
et al. 2013). The self-assembling peptides diffuse
into the subsurface micropores and form a 3D sation of the lesion. The process of self-assembly
scaffold, mimicking the proteins’ function during is however quite sensitive to pH and ionic strength.
tooth development to support apatite crystallisa- Within the carious lesion, the pH and ionic strength
tion and reverse early tooth decay (Fig. 11.15). favour the self-assembly process.
The peptide P11-4 (Ace-Gln-Gln-Arg-Phe-­ Recently the first self-assembled peptide
Glu-Trp-Glu-Phe-Glu-Gln-Gln-NH2) can self-­ product for DH has been launched, called
assemble into a matrix, triggering a biomimetic Curodont DeSenz®. This product is thought to
mineralisation and repair mechanism. The glu- use the same peptide as used in the remineralisa-
tamic acid residues on the surface act as nucleation tion and repair of carious lesion, but because
sites for apatite formation and result in reminerali- the conditions for self-assembly of the peptide at
168 R. Hill and D.G. Gillam

1 2

Fig. 11.16  SEM of etched mid-coronal dentine (1) before and (2) after treatment with Curodont DeSenz®

Figure  11.17 shows a SEM cross section as

opposed to a top-down view of a self-assembled
peptide particle occluding a dentine tubule follow-
ing immersion in artificial saliva. The particle con-
tains numerous plate-like crystals with a Ca:P ratio
close to the apatite stoichiometry which indicates
the self-assembled peptide particle is providing a
surface for the preferential nucleation of apatite.

Future Innovations

There are relative few options for improving on

the existing desensitising products, for example,
arginine, strontium and Ha toothpaste formula-
Fig. 11.17 SEM showing a remineralised Curodont tions, as these are fairly well-established tech-
DeSenz® particle occluding a dentine tubule following nologies. However there is considerable potential
immersion in artificial saliva for improving on the existing calcium phospho-
silicate or bioactive glass toothpaste formula-
tions. This is largely a result of the bioactive glass
the tooth surface and within the dentine tubules that is currently used having been developed and
may not be ideal, the current product uses pre- optimised as a bone substitute.
self-­assembled particles.
However it may be possible that following
treatment with the self-assembled peptide, the  onsideration of the Ideal Design
majority of tubules are occluded as there was a Criteria for a Desensitising Product
corresponding 64 % reduction in hydraulic con- Including Toothpaste Formulations
ductance following the application of Curodont
DeSenz® on to the dentine section (Fig. 11.16) Both Grossman (1935) and Gillam (1997) previ-
(Chen et al. 2014). ously attempted to provide recommendations for
11  Future Strategies for the Development of Desensitising Products 169

Table 11.3  Recommendations for an ideal desensitising (ii) The 45S5 glass has a hardness of about
product based on a calcium phospho-silicate or bioactive
4.7 GPa compared to enamel at about
glass toothpaste
3.5 GPa. In terms of abrasive wear during
Rapid apatite formation (<6 h) in the mouth
tooth brushing, it would be desirable to
Rapid apatite formation (<6 h) in the mouth
have a glass that is similar to the hardness
Formation of FAp rather than HCA
values of natural enamel in order to mini-
Particle size distribution that includes small <3 μm
particles for entering the dentine tubules that give rise mise the loss of enamel.
to tubule occlusion and larger particles for more The 45S5 glass is however too hard for a
sustained release DH toothpaste where a softer dentine sur-
Strontium for its caries inhibition and remineralising face may be (1) exposed and (2) where the
potential as well as for its possibility of binding to the
enamel is thinner (as in the cervical region),
odontoblast surface
Fluoride releasing
and therefore it is desirable to have a very
Potassium releasing to reduce nerve sensation low-abrasivity toothpaste. The move in
pH rise <8.0 development in recent years has been
No harder than enamel at 3.5 GPa towards toothpaste formulations with lower
Inexpensive to produce (note that strontium compounds abrasivity although NovaMin®-based tooth-
are expensive) paste formulations are almost certainly
abrasive to some degree, and therefore it
an ideal desensitising product from a clinical per- would be desirable to produce a glass that
spective; however it is clear from the literature that was softer and ideally no harder than
there does not appear to be an ideal desensitising enamel (3.7 GPa).
product that is suitable for every clinical actuality (iii) The NovaMin® glass generates a high pH
(Gillam et al. 2013). However it may be possible to upon dissolution. This was considered to be
consider this from a physical/chemical viewpoint a major concern, but it is now considered
and the following example is based on the design that saliva effectively buffers the pH rise.
criteria for a calcium phospho-­silicate or bioactive However, whereas a high pH is desirable
glass toothpaste for treating DH (Table 11.3). for hydroxyapatite formation and was con-
sidered necessary by some researchers for
glass degradation, via the alkaline
 he Development of Improved
T ­hydrolysis of Si-O-Si bonds of the glass
Calcium Phospho-silicate network, pHs >8.0 are still considered
Toothpaste Formulations excessive. Furthermore even where there is
an insignificant global pH rise, localised pH
rises could theoretically still occur.
Although the 45S5 or NovaMin® performs remark- (iv) It would be desirable that a remineralising
ably well as an additive for toothpaste formulations glass for treating DH to have an additional
and has been reported to be clinically effective, it bactericidal feature. Although this was
was however never designed for this purpose. claimed for NovaMin® toothpaste, one view
There is therefore enormous scope for designing is that this was largely a result of the pH
improved glass compositions for the treatment of rise. Therefore there is probably no inherent
DH. For example, the current NovaMin® tooth- bactericidal action of NovaMin® other than
paste has several major drawbacks: through a pH rise. If the pH rises suffi-
(i) The apatite formed is generally thought to ciently in order to kill or inactivate the bac-
be a HCA. HCA is however more soluble teria, it may also have an adverse effect on
than HA; consequently the HCA formed the oral soft tissues. Assuming NovaMin®
will not be particularly resistant to acids in is effectively buffered by oral fluids, then
the mouth. A fluorapatite (FAP) formation there would be no significant bactericidal
would therefore be more durable. action.
170 R. Hill and D.G. Gillam

Fig. 11.18 Calculated 20
salivary fluoride concentra-
tions in saliva following 18
brushing with a 1,450 ppm
fluoride toothpaste (blue)
and a 5,000 ppm prescrip- 14
tion toothpaste (red)

Fluoride (ppm)


2 Therapeutic Concentration

0 200 400 600
Time (mins)

(v) It is desirable that a toothpaste has some direct formation of apatite even at concentra-
anti-caries activity, for example, by deliver- tions as low as 0.05 ppm. The solubility
ing fluoride ions or strontium ions as product of FAP is lower than that of HAP so
NovaMin® by itself appears to lack this its formation occurs more readily and at a
feature. lower pH. The ability to release fluoride in
(vi) It would be desirable if the glass acted to addition to Ca2+ and PO43− ions is particu-
reduce nerve transmission in order to deal larly attractive. Conventional fluoride-­
with the scenario where there was ineffec- containing toothpaste formulations use
tive blocking of the dentine tubules. soluble sources of fluoride, which are eluted
(vii) Apatite formation and blocking of the den- away fairly rapidly by the salivary flow in the
tine tubules may however take several mouth. Figure 11.18 shows the calculated
weeks (in the in vivo environment) with concentrations of fluoride in saliva following
NovaMin®. Patients are looking for an brushing with selected toothpaste formula-
immediate relief of DH and pain. A tooth- tions containing different concentrations of a
paste that acts more quickly to block the water-soluble fluoride. The calculations have
dentine tubules is likely therefore to pro- been performed assuming a salivary flow of
vide more noticeable benefits to the indi- 2.5 ml. min−1 and a salivary volume of 2.5
vidual, and this may equate to a greater ml, and at time zero (immediately after
uptake in toothpaste formulations for DH. brushing), the actual fluoride concentration
All these deficiencies of NovaMin® can be over- was one tenth of the original concentration in
come by designing new bioactive glass composi- the toothpaste. These calculated figures are
tions specifically tailored for dental applications. in agreement with the figures quoted in the
For example, these compositions may include published studies with the limited published
the following: studies. The fluoride concentration falls
(i) Fluoride-containing bioactive glasses that exponentially with time (for a 1,450 ppm
form fluorapatite, as well as releasing fluo- fluoride toothpaste) below the level required
ride over the time between tooth brushing. to inhibit caries (approximately 1 ppm) in
Fluoride is thought to knock out octacalcium under 2 h. In contrast a fluoride-containing
phosphate (OCP) formation and favours bioactive glass dissolves slowly, releasing a
11  Future Strategies for the Development of Desensitising Products 171

controlled level of fluoride above the mini- The downside to strontium incorporation into the
mum effective dose, and can maintain this glass is that the faster glass dissolution also results
concentration for longer than the time in a more rapid and undesirable pH rise. Strontium
between tooth brushing (12 h). also has the disadvantage that the more expanded,
(ii) Compositions that release bactericidal ele- more weakly bonded glass structure is more prone
ments, for example, zinc, and also release to crystallisation.
zinc preferentially when subjected to an Given that FAp is more acid resistant than
acidic or cariogenic challenge. hydroxyapatite and HCA, it would be desirable
(iii) High-phosphate-content bioactive glasses
to form FAp.
that result in a reduced pH rise and more There are two routes to achieving this:
rapid apatite formation. (i) Soluble fluoride salts can be incorporated

(iv) Nerve-desensitising compositions where into the formulation along with the glass.
sodium is fully or partially replaced by (ii) Fluorine can be incorporated into the glass
potassium in the glass composition. structure.
(v) Glass compositions that contain chloride Option (i) fluoride could be added as sodium
that dissolve faster and are softer and less fluoride or sodium monofluorophosphate. Of
abrasive towards tooth enamel. these two species, the latter is the more attractive
option, since simply adding a source of fluoride
ions alone is more likely to result in fluorite for-
I mprovements in the Science mation. Body fluids and saliva at rest have a Ca:P
and Technology of the Development ratio of approximately 2.6 compared to the apa-
of Toothpaste Formulations and How tite stoichiometry of 1.67. Once the phosphate in
Drawbacks in Current Toothpaste saliva has been consumed, excess fluoride will
Formulations May Be Overcome form calcium fluoride, whose formation is unde-
sirable. High fluoride concentrations in the saliva
If we use the example of a NovaMin® toothpaste, may also lead to direct fluorite formation. Using
then we can consider the above-mentioned crite- sodium monofluorophosphate in the formulation
ria in turn remembering that many of these points will add to the phosphate concentration and will
are interrelated. For example, if we recognise that therefore help mitigate against these problems.
HCA is more resistant to acid dissolution than Option (ii) however is a much better strategy. For
OCP (that is also proposed to form with calcium example, incorporating a soluble fluoride into the
phospho-silicate) and FAp is even more acid formulation results in an initially very high fluoride
resistant, how can we favour the formation of concentration in saliva which is needed because we
FAp at the expense of HCA or OCP? require a reasonable high fluoride concentration
Strontium exhibits complete solid substitution many hours after tooth brushing and as a result of
in all apatites but cannot however substitute fully salivary exchange (probably about every 1–5 min.
into OCP. Octastrontium phosphate does not exist. during the day), but salivary flow and salivary vol-
It is likely that some strontium can substitute for umes are very variable depending on the individual.
calcium and possibly up to 25 % of the calcium. It However, there will be a virtually exponential decay
may be that more strontium than this destabilises in the fluoride concentration. The high concentra-
OCP and favours HCA. A mixed calcium/strontium tion initially is undesirable and may lead to fluorite
hydroxyapatite with about 9:1 ratio has a lower formation. What is required is a constant but rela-
solubility product than CaHA or SrHA. Replacing tively low fluoride concentration in the mouth,
strontium for calcium in the glass will therefore which can be achieved by using a fluoride-­
both favour HCA formation and destabilise OCP containing glass in particulate form that sticks to the
formation. Furthermore strontium surprisingly teeth and gingivae slowly releasing fluoride along
expands the glass network and results in faster glass with calcium and phosphate in ratios that favour
dissolution, which also speeds up HCA formation. FAp formation and preferably with a slight excess
172 R. Hill and D.G. Gillam

Fig. 11.19  Enamel wear 70.00

of 45S5 bioactive glass
containing toothpaste 60.00
formulations as a function y = 0.638x + 6.112

Enamel Wear (microns)

of D90 particle size. The 50.00 R2 = 0.970
red squares are round
ball-milled samples and 40.00
the blue points are y = 0.254x + 1.594
percussion-milled samples 30.00 R2 = 1
that give rise to more
angular particles 20.00
(Mahmood et al. 2014)

0 20 40 60 80 100
Particle Size D90 (microns)

of fluoride since calcium and phosphate will also be Having a particle size <50 μm would also remove
supplied from the saliva. Recognising that body flu- the “gritty texture” of the existing NovaMin® tooth-
ids/saliva has a Ca:P ratio of about 2.6 compared to paste and would therefore result in a better tactile
1.67 for apatite, it is probably more important that sensation to the toothpaste, e.g. a smoother feel
the glass delivers phosphate than Ca. The existing rather than a gritty feel as with existing NovaMin®
NovaMin® has a Ca:P ratio of close to 5 and thus toothpaste formulations (Fig. 11.19).
releases more Ca than phosphorus. The grinding route will also influence particle
Increasing the phosphate content of bioactive shape and vibratory milling gives sharp angular
glasses (providing this is completed in the correct particles, whilst ball milling gives rounded parti-
manner, e.g. keeping the network connectivity cles. Rounded particles should give less abrasive
(NC) of the glass close to two which is not neces- wear. Particle shape can be altered by post-­
sarily obvious) results in (1) faster apatite forma- grinding treatments; for example, dropping the
tion and (2) an increase in apatite formation. particles through a high-temperature furnace at a
temperature above glass transition temperature
(Tg) or through a plasma torch will result in the
 educing the Abrasivity
R glass particles minimising their surface energy by
of the Toothpaste forming perfect spheres. However these treat-
ments would add to the cost of production. It is
The finer the particle size and the less angular the also important to note that such treatments post
particle, the less abrasive the glass will be. The grinding will reduce the surface area and will
analogy here is of glass/sandpaper. The harder relax strains in the glass particle surface that have
the glass is, the more abrasive it will be. a significant influence on glass reactivity. Strained
Reducing the particle size reduces the abrasive bonds put the glass into a more reactive state.
wear, but this would knock out the long-term release A simpler option and a less expensive option
of ions from the glass that would be probably unde- would be to reduce the hardness of the glass so that
sirable. Though it would be possible to blend two or it is closer to the hardness of enamel. The hardness
more glasses, for example, a small particle size less of glasses is related to the strength of bonding in
soluble glass with a particle size <45 μm, with a the glass structure. There are very few published
more soluble glass with a particle size <45 μm to hardness values in the published literature for low
give the same release kinetics as a single glass with NC bioactive-type glasses. However there is a
a particle size <90 μm (the size range of NovaMin®). strong linear correlation between the glass
11  Future Strategies for the Development of Desensitising Products 173

t­ransition temperature and hardness (Farooq et al.  educing the pH Rise in the Oral

2013). The more d­ isrupted the glass, the lower the Environment
Tg and the lower the hardness. Tg reduces with:
(i) Increasing alkali metal content. The pH rise can be reduced by reducing the alkali
(ii) Moving down a group in the periodic table. metal content, but this will result in a harder,
Potassium-containing glasses are softer than more abrasive glass. Increasing the phosphate
the equivalent sodium-containing glasses. content reduces the pH rise significantly as does
Replacing strontium for calcium results in increasing the fluorite content. Phosphate content
slightly lower Tgs and hardness values. has the most significant effect. The phosphate in
(iii) Mixing alkali metals. bioactive glasses is probably present as a separate
(iv) Reducing SiO2 content. nano-sized phase and as an amorphous ortho-
(v) Increasing P2O5 content. phosphate. The phosphate phase is dispersed in
(vi) Increasing fluorine content. the silicate phase. Phosphate glasses when they
Of these (i) and (vi) give large reductions in dissolve give an acidic pH and silicate glasses a
Tg. Alkali metal content however cannot be basic pH. By adjusting the volume fraction of the
increased very much without risking the glass phosphate phase relative to the silicate phase, the
crystallising. Replacing sodium for potassium pH rise can be manipulated. Again care has to be
does not change the glass dissolution kinetics taken to put in additional phosphate without
significantly and having a little sodium, for altering the degradable silicate matrix glass
example, a mixed glass, gives a further slight composition.
reduction. Incorporation of potassium is also
valuable for giving potassium ion release for
eliminating the pain associated with DH and  roviding a Real Bactericidal Action
therefore may be worth pursuing. in a Toothpaste Formulation
Incorporation of fluoride drops the Tg dramat-
ically, as well as resulting in faster and quicker Strontium has a mild bactericidal action against
apatite formation, formation of apatite at a lower many of the bacteria involved in caries (Guida
pH and formation of FAP and fluoride release. et al. 2003) Fluoride has also a bactericidal action
The correlation between Tg and hardness for at acidic pHs (Malts and Emilson 1982).
bioactive glasses must be regarded as a guide
because it is (i) an extrapolation into an area out-
side the normal compositional range, i.e. lower Caries Inhibitory Properties
SiO2 content, and (ii) bioactive glasses may have
two glass transition temperatures; the first is Fluoride has well-documented caries inhibitory
thought to correspond to the silicate glass phase properties. Strontium also has been associated
and the second to the orthophosphate phase. In with a caries inhibitory role and together their
the case of very rapidly quenched glasses, the action is supposedly synergistic. Caution has
phase separation process may be suppressed and however to be exercised with fluoride – more is
the scale of phase separation may be exceedingly not always better. Excess is more likely to result
small, and the first glass transition may be a com- in CaF2 formation or even SrF2 or mixed Ca/SrF2
bined glass transition temperature. As the glass is where strontium is present. It is also important to
heated past the first Tg, it may well phase sepa- note that whereas FAp is more stable than
rate, further resulting in a second Tg. In the case hydroxyapatite to acid dissolution, there can be
of the 45S5 composition, the second Tg is not no hydrogen bonding along the c-axis channel in
apparent because it is masked by crystallisation. pure FAp, and it has been argued that a mixed
Since the first Tg probably corresponds to the 50/50 fluoro/hydroxyapatite will be more stable
silicate matrix glass phase, it would be expected because of hydrogen bonding between fluorine
to dominate the hardness. and the hydrogen of the hydroxyl group (Elliott
174 R. Hill and D.G. Gillam

1994). There may therefore be an optimum fluo- in producing apatite, the glass fraction in the for-
ride content in the apatite corresponding to a flu- mulation may be reduced, giving a considerable
oride content less than the stoichiometric amount. cost saving. The dissolution of bioactive glasses is
Not only can bioactive glasses prevent caries, generally very rapid and the slow step is the nucle-
but they may also prevent acid erosion. Bioactive ation of apatite. Glasses that have crystallised to
glasses can also promote remineralisation in cari- small quantities of apatite form further apatite
ous lesions or acid erosion lesions, and the evi- faster, and pre-existing apatite crystals formed
dence indicates that high phosphate- and during glass formation or as a result of reaction
fluoride-containing glasses can do this more with water from the atmosphere at the glass sur-
effectively than the conventional low-phosphate face can act as seed crystals or nuclei. Similarly
glass (Mneimne 2014). glass powders/toothpaste formulations may be
A very useful feature of bioactive glasses is seeded with small, typically less than 3 μm, FAP
their ability to dissolve more rapidly under acidic or HA crystals to nucleate apatite within the den-
conditions. Since the first step in glass degradation tine tubules more effectively. HA is readily avail-
of bioactive glasses is the ion exchange of Na+ and able and considerably cheaper than ­ bioactive
Ca2+ ions for H+ ions, a lower pH a­ ccelerates glass glasses (6 Euros/Kg compared to 50–100 Euros/
dissolution and the release of Ca2+ and PO43− ions kg). HA as discussed earlier is already used in the
for remineralisation. In a practical sense, bioactive treatment of DH as a tubular occluding agent.
glasses are “smart materials” and respond to their
chemical environment. The pH sensitivity of bio-
active glasses can be enhanced further by incorpo- Water-Based Toothpaste
rating zinc oxide into the glass. Zinc is incorporated Formulations
into the glass structure as an intermediate oxide
forming ZnO4 tetrahedra and forming Zn-O-Si It is not feasible to produce a water-based version
bonds. These bonds can be acid hydrolysed in a of a calcium phospho-silicate toothpaste. The
similar fashion to the Al-O-Si bonds in glass problems of water absorption during manufac-
(ionomer) polyalkenoate cements where Al2O3
­ ture and subsequent apatite formation can proba-
also acts as an intermediate oxide. bly be avoided by incorporating silica gel to
preferentially absorb water and prevent it react-
ing with the glass. Water absorption by the glyc-
Blocking Nerve Transmission erol once opened by the consumer is a significant
concern. For example, if the toothpaste cap is left
Replacing Na2O by K2O will result in K+ ion open, how long would it take for the glycerol to
release and may serve to aid in blocking nerve absorb water and apatite formation to com-
transmission without changing the key properties mence? A further concern would be with regard
of the glass and as already mentioned previously to whether this influences the effectiveness of the
will reduce glass hardness slightly. Glass parti- toothpaste. More sophisticated packaging, for
cles that are small enough to enter the dentine example, a self-closing tube, or simply selling in
tubules are likely to deliver potassium ions more smaller tubes might also be useful.
effectively than larger particles.

Anti-gingivitis Properties
I ncreased Speed and Amount
of Apatite Formation It has been previously reported that NovaMin® has
an anti-plaque and anti-gingivitis action, (Allen et al.
Increasing the phosphate content and fluorine con- 2001; Tai et al. 2006), but there is no obvious mecha-
tent dramatically increases the speed of apatite for- nism of action. Zinc oxide can be incorporated into
mation, as well as the amount of apatite formation bioactive glass formulations, and zinc salts, notably
in the case phosphate. If the glass is more efficient zinc citrate and zinc chloride, have also been widely
11  Future Strategies for the Development of Desensitising Products 175

used in toothpaste formulations for their bactericidal sor phase with some existing compositions
and anti-gingivitis action (Lynch 2011). Zinc oxide (including bioactive glass-based toothpaste for-
has been widely used in skin creams, wound dress- mulations) and in natural tooth remineralisation
ings as well as dental cements where it has a well- processes with saliva.
documented bactericidal and wound-healing role
(Lansdown et al. 2007).
 ystems Involving Formation
of Apatite-Like Phases from Calcium
Octacalcium Phosphate (OCP) Phosphate Salts

Octacalcium phosphate, Ca8(PO4)6H2 ∙ 5H2O One attractive solution to treating DH is to form

(OCP), is thought to be a precursor to HCA for- the tooth mineral within the dentine tubule and
mation when the pH is <9. It is considered to be a on the tooth surface. Calcium phosphate
precursor phase in biological apatite formation. cements have been developed at the Paffenberger
OCP is thermodynamically less stable than Dental Institute, which have largely been used
hydroxyapatite (Ha) or HCA, but its formation is as a bone cement and grafting material in ortho-
kinetically favoured probably as a result of hav- paedics and have recently been used for treat-
ing a lower activation energy for nucleation. OCP ing DH (Komath and Varma 2003; Ambard and
is structurally and crystallographically similar to Mueninghoff 2006).
hydroxyapatite and can co-crystallise with Ha. A much higher water content and a finer par-
OCP is considered to be calcium deficient com- ticle size for the powder is used than would be the
pared to Ha and contains two acidic phosphate case for a classic calcium phosphate cement in
groups and a water layer. The X-ray diffraction order for the cement paste to have a low viscosity
patterns for OCP and HA are almost identical, and be able to enter the dentine tubules.
but OCP contains an additional diffraction line at The product Teethmate Desensitiser® consists
4.6o two theta corresponding to a water layer. of a mixture of tetracalcium phosphate (Ca4P2O9)
OCP converts with time in an aqueous environ- and dicalcium phosphate anhydrous (CaHPO4) to
ment to a calcium-­deficient apatite and where which water is added. The two salts dissolve and
carbonate is present to a calcium-deficient car- are claimed to reprecipitate as Ha, the mineral
bonated apatite. Fluoride ions are known to aid phase of tooth (see Fig. 11.20). However, the phase
the conversion of OCP to apatite. OCP is there- formed initially is actually OCP, Ca8H2(PO4)6 ∙
fore attractive as a potential remineralising addi- 5H2O, which has a very similar X-ray diffraction
tive in toothpaste formulations. However, to the pattern to Ha but has an additional diffraction line
knowledge of the authors, OCP has never been due to the water layer in its structure at 4.68° two
incorporated into toothpaste. theta. The phase formed within the tubules has a
OCP tends to form as thin plate-like crystals plate-like appearance which is typical of OCP.
with similar aspect ratios to flake glass which Teethmate Desensitiser® provides good tubule
make it attractive for treating DH. The conversion occlusion, and it has been reported that it provides
process is a solid-state transformation so the a tensile bond strength to dentine close to 10 MPa
plate-like morphology is retained after conversion (Thanatvarakorn et al. 2013a, b); however, calcium
to the apatite. OCP is much more soluble than phosphate cements particularly with high water
HCA, and it is likely therefore that any tooth- contents have compressive strengths lower than
pastes containing OCP will incorporate a source this figure, and the tensile strength would be
of fluoride for catalysing the transformation of expected to be a fraction of their compressive
OCP to apatite and for the formation of a more strength. OCP is much more acid soluble than Ha,
acid-durable fluoridated apatite. and the long-term durability of this product when
Whereas as mentioned above there are no faced with an acid challenge remains to be evalu-
known OCP-based toothpaste formulations, OCP ated. Despite these criticisms, there is potential in
may, however, be formed as a transitory precur- this type of ­product for treating DH, and it does
176 R. Hill and D.G. Gillam

upregulated by various factors including strontium,

zinc and fluoride ions as well as by bioactive glasses.
Silicon release in the form of soluble silicates has
been shown to activate many of the genes involved
in bone formation. It is possible that odontoblasts
too may be stimulated to produce tertiary dentine by
components from DH toothpaste formulations that
are capable of diffusing down the dentine tubules. It
is important to note that the process of tertiary den-
tine formation is likely to be slower than surface
tubule occlusion. However treatments that result in
tertiary dentine formation are likely to have long-
term efficacy compared to treatments that give
only surface occlusion of the dentine tubules. It is
surprising given the well-known influence of stron-
Fig. 11.20  SEM of a dentine disc section following the tium ions on upregulation of osteoblasts and the
application of Teethmate Desensitiser® prevalence of strontium in many dental restorative
materials including toothpaste formulations that the
influence of strontium on odontoblasts has not been
avoid issues of toxicity associated with resin-based investigated.
systems (Choudhary et al. 2012; Mehta et al. 2014).
Recently researchers at QMUL have devel-
oped calcium phosphate cements based on Hybrid Materials
fluoride-­containing bioactive glasses as an alter-
native to using calcium phosphate salts, and the  lake Glass Varnish
phase formed is a fluoridated apatite which would A flake glass varnish would not be sold as an
be expected to be much more durable than the over-the-counter product, for example, a tooth-
OCP in the Teethmate Desensitiser® product. paste, but would be used as an in-office treatment
as an alternative to existing varnish treatments.
Flake glasses are thin plates of glass that can be
 ystems Designed to Stimulate
S from 0.1 to 10 μm thick and vary in width from
Odontoblast and Tertiary Dentine 10 to 500 μm. A scanning electron micrograph of
Formation flake glass particles is shown in Fig. 11.21.
Flake glass epoxy composites are currently
One aspect that has been rarely considered in DH is used as corrosion and wear-resistant coatings on
the natural response of the tooth to damage and the inside of crude oil pipelines. The flake parti-
open tubules. Tertiary dentine is produced by odon- cles align parallel to the surface of the pipe. This
toblasts in the pulp chamber in response to the open is shown schematically in Fig. 11.22. The flake
dentine tubules. This tertiary dentine lacks the particles act as a barrier to water ingress. The
organised orientated dentine tubule structure of pri- flake glass particles also dramatically improve
mary dentine. The formation of tertiary dentine acts the abrasive wear behaviour and, since they are
to seal the sensitive pulp from external stimuli and much harder than the resin, protect the composite
bacterial infection. Because tertiary dentine has no coating from abrasive wear by small sand parti-
organised dentine tubule structure, it effectively acts cles in the crude oil.
to occlude the dentine tubules from within. Figures 11.23a, b show the microstructure of an
Odontoblasts are similar to osteoblasts in bone and aligned flake glass varnish developed for dental use.
produce collagen and form apatite. Osteoblasts are Such a varnish is likely to be much more durable in
11  Future Strategies for the Development of Desensitising Products 177

the mouth than conventional unfilled varnishes.

Another advantage of these varnishes is that the
flake particles act as barriers to oxygen diffusion
into the coating, and this dramatically reduces the
formation of the oxygen-inhibited layer, resulting
in a very high degree of polymerisation. Such flake
glass varnishes are particularly attractive for a long-
term in-office treatment for DH.

There are as discussed a diverse range of treat-
ments for DH; some of these treatments are
relatively mature technologies that offer rela-
Fig. 11.21  Scanning electron micrograph of flake glass
particles tively few options for further optimisation. The
newer treatments, based on the formation of
apatite-like phases, may however offer a greater
scope for improved treatments. Amorphous
Resin Flake calcium phospho-­ silicate-based technologies
appear to offer the greatest potential for future
development of products due in part to their
ability to (1) incorporate a wide range of addi-
tional therapeutic ions into an amorphous glass
and (2) control their release over time.

Acknowledgements  The authors would like to acknowl-

edge the contribution of our colleagues in the preparation
of the SEM images, namely, Dr. Delia Brauer, Dr. Natalia
Karpukhina, Dr. Mohammed Mneimne, Dr. Xiaohui
Chen, Dr. Saroash Shahid, Dr. Asad Mahmood, Dr.
Fig. 11.22  Schematic of an aligned flake glass composite Allesia D’Onofrio and Tomas Duminis.

a b

Fig. 11.23 (a) (Left) SEM cross-section of aligned flakes in a flake glass coating and (b) SEM of top-down view
178 R. Hill and D.G. Gillam

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Thanatvarakorn O, Nakashima S, Sadr A, Prasansuttiporn e45283. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0045283
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Closing Remarks Quo Vadis?
David G. Gillam

There’s no end to the publishing of books, and constant study wears you out so you’re no
good for anything else. (Ecclesiastes 12:12)1

The main purpose of the book was to provide an have some sympathy with the exhortation
overview on DH in order to both educate and update expressed by Solomon in the book of Ecclesiastes
readers on the latest research results regarding the regarding the need of researchers to constantly
development of new products and any advances in study and publish the outcomes of their labours.
clinical management strategies and perhaps more There is no doubt, however, that previously, as
importantly for clinicians the implications for indicated in Chap. 1, there were concerns
everyday clinical practice. There is no doubt, how- expressed by both researchers and clinicians with
ever, that for both the hard-pressed researcher and regard to the apparent lack of knowledge and
the busy clinician, dentine hypersensitivity (DH) is understanding of the condition and in particular
somewhat enigmatic in nature and the condition has the terminology used to define DH (Emling 1982;
consistently challenged both the clinician and the Johnson et al. 1982; Dababneh et al. 1997).
researcher to develop new strategies and new prod- Nevertheless as Martin Addy indicated, there
ucts in order to treat the condition. As Gottfried have been considerable advances in both the
Schmalz indicated in the foreword of the book, the knowledge and understanding regarding DH in
topic of DH has attracted considerable interest in recent years and yet, as expressed by the various
recent years as demonstrated by the number of pub- contributors in this book, there are still areas of
lications listed in the published literature. This research and clinical practice that need to be
observation concurs with the earlier concerns of addressed. For example, the question of the role
Emling (1982) who indicted that: of pulpal inflammation in DH is still relatively
There may well be no single phenomenon in all of unclear and somewhat controversial (Dababneh
science which has occupied so much attention over et al. 1997), and there are questions relating to
so much time and yielded so few results as dentin whether the hydrodynamic theory can explain all
hypersensitivity. Its causes have remained obscured aspects of stimulus transfer to the pulp (see Chap.
throughout the existence of mankind. (Emling 1982)
2). The role of the odontoblast in DH is also enig-
The question may, however, arise: why write matic; generally speaking, most published texts
another book on DH? Perhaps the reader will have consigned its role to the past and yet as
Markowitz and Pashley (2008) have indicated
that, following more recent evidence, this requires
D.G. Gillam a reappraisal of its role (see Chap. 2). Furthermore
Centre for Adult Oral Health,
Barts and The London School of Medicine
and Dentistry QMUL, Turner Street,
London E1 2AD, UK The Message The Bible in Contemporary Language
e-mail: Copyright Peterson EH (2002)

D.G. Gillam (ed.), Dentine Hypersensitivity: Advances in Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment, 181
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14577-8_12, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
182 D.G. Gillam

according to Markowitz and Pashley (2008), and dental history may not only take time but may
although there was evidence to suggest that by also challenge the clinician to provide an accurate
increasing dentine permeability teeth become differential diagnosis of DH within the constraints
more sensitive, what is uncertain however is the of a busy dental practice. It may therefore be sug-
degree to which dentine permeability needs to be gested that consideration should be made to incor-
reduced in order to effectively desensitise teeth. porate the various relevant aetiological factors and
The question as to whether the true preva- predisposing features implicated in the initiation
lence of DH is reported in the published litera- and development of DH by recording dietary his-
ture has also been addressed (see Chap. 3), and tories, clinical evidence of tooth wear (e.g. BEWE
there appears to be some confusion with what scores), clinical models (from impressions) and
is exactly being reported. For example, there photographs, pain and QoL scores, etc. in the
are a wide range of values from the question- patient’s clinical record (see Chaps. 4 and 10).
naire and clinically based studies and where the From the published literature, there are a
studies were conducted (e.g. general or private plethora of recommended products and treat-
practice, university/hospital, patients with or ments that have been claimed to be successful for
without periodontal disease, consumer based, treating DH; nevertheless there have been incon-
etc.). Furthermore the methodology used when sistencies in the design and methodology of
conducting these studies also varies and there- in vitro, in situ and in vivo models used by
fore there appears a need for more consistent and researchers. For example, it is very difficult to
reproducible methodology when reporting the mimic the oral environment in the laboratory
prevalence of DH. One of the problems that has environment, and care should therefore be taken
also caused controversy has been the redefining not to extrapolate the results from the in vitro
of DH and root sensitivity (RS) (Sanz and Addy studies into the clinical environment.
2002), although to date there does not appear to Nevertheless as Carlo Prati and colleagues
be any published studies that have separated the have indicated in Chap. 6, the in vitro investiga-
precise prevalence values based on the treatment tion of an experimental desensitising product may
history of these individuals in order to distinguish provide evidence of the potential effectiveness in
the two clinical aspects of tooth sensitivity. successfully blocking the dentine tubules when
Undoubtedly there are a number of diagnostic the product is applied onto the dentine surface.
challenges facing the busy clinician when exam- The question however arises as to whether these
ining patients complaining of dental pain in gen- in vitro models (including laboratory methodol-
eral and more specifically with DH (Gillam 2013). ogy, e.g. scanning electron microscopy) are suit-
For example, (1) are clinicians under- or overesti- able for evaluating all potential desensitising
mating the problem, (2) is the condition being agents; for example, potassium-containing tooth-
adequately diagnosed and successfully managed pastes may not provide evidence of the mecha-
by clinicians in daily practice, (3) are clinicians nism of action of potassium in a dentine disc
aware of the impact (real or imagined) on the section (see Chap. 2). Furthermore, most, if not
quality of life (QoL) in patients complaining with all, of the OTC toothpaste formulations require
DH and (4) is the condition adequately monitored the interaction of saliva to enable the ingredients
by clinicians in daily practice? It would appear to be precipitated onto the tooth surface, and if
that according to Gillam (2013) clinicians do not saliva is not incorporated into the experimental
routinely screen/examine their patients for DH design, would the precipitated deposit be simi-
unless the patient prompts them, and this practice lar to that deposited in the oral environment? It
therefore needs to be reconsidered. should be noted, however, that the development
These questions have however been addressed of a desensitising product from concept through
by Ryan Olley and David Bartlett (see Chap. 4) to the introduction of the product into the profes-
and Nicola West and Joon Soon (see Chap. 5), sional or consumer market is a lengthy and well-
although it should be acknowledged that a thor- regulated process (Markowitz and Pashley 2008)
ough clinical examination with a detailed medical and, depending on the specific claims made for the
12 Closing Remarks Quo Vadis? 183

product (e.g. medicinal claims), may also involve when evaluating the efficacy of a desensitising
exacting regulatory oversight (e.g. US Food and product in the clinical environment, and these
Drug Administration [FDA] and the Medicines have been addressed by Rick Curro and David
and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency Gillam in Chap. 7. From a historical prospective
[MHRA], UK) prior to its acceptance as a desen- (pre-1997), these studies have been criticised for
sitising product. The development and evaluation the lack of homogeneity in the methodology used
of current, novel and future products designed to evaluate DH and in the study design per se
to treat DH either from an in-office or over-the- (Cummins 2010). Following the recommenda-
counter perspective has been addressed (profes- tions of Holland et al. (1997), it was evident that
sionally applied) in Chaps. 8 and 11, and there there were improvements in terms of the controls
is no doubt that there is currently more emphasis used as well as in the objective methodology
in developing new biomimetic materials for the employed in the studies. However, as discussed
remineralising of both enamel and dentine. For by Rick Curro and David Gillam in Chap. 7, the
example, the development of bioactive glass (cal- clinical outcomes from these studies were not
cium phospho-silicate or bioactive glass tooth- person centred in nature and therefore failed to
paste formulations), self-assembling peptides, address the impact of the clinical outcomes from
protease inhibitors, functionalised tricalcium the subject’s perspective. More recently there has
phosphate (f TCP), polymer-induced liquid pre- been a greater emphasis of the impact of DH on
cursors (PILP), etc. for possible dental applica- the quality of life (QoL) of those individuals who
tions including remineralisation, anti-caries and experience pain associated with DH, and no
tubule occlusion (Niu et al. 2014, see Chaps. 8 doubt these measures will increasingly be
and 11). However for the clinician, the availability included in the study design of clinical trials
of the number of these products that are available (Robinson 2014, see also Chap. 9).
for treating DH is somewhat overwhelming and The shift of a top-down practitioner-centred
to some extent has caused a degree of confusion model to a person-centred model as discussed in
as to which product was the most appropriate to Chaps. 7 and 10 may therefore have implications
use. It is also evident that rather than enabling not only for research but also for the clinical man-
the clinician to be more aware of the appropriate agement of the condition. The emphasis in the
use of these products, the converse may be true future evaluation and management of DH should
in that clinicians have reported a lack of confi- there involve the individual in the development of
dence when using these products when treating (1) the clinical trial process and (2) the management
DH (Cuhna-Cruz et al. 2010). The question that and treatment strategies. This undoubtedly will
may therefore be considered is whether or not the mean a change in the mindset of both the clinician
clinician’s awareness of desensitising products was and the individual in the clinical trial and practice
(1) based on a commercial or marketing perspec- environment; for example, the clinician should take
tive that was driven by the industry literature, (2) steps to include the individual in the research and
based on personal exposure or awareness from col- treatment process, and the individual needs in return
leagues in the practice environment or (3) derived to be fully motivated and compliant (see Chap. 10).
from personal reading of the evidence-based clini- Furthermore as indicated by Gillam et al. (2013),
cal studies published in the literature. In fairness to the management of DH should not be simply pro-
the busy clinician, it may be unreasonable to expect viding an in-office prescription/procedure or an
them to spend hours reading papers or attending OTC product without first removing any aetiologi-
lectures without the hands-on experience of using cal factor associated with DH and providing the
these materials under supervision. The onus there- necessary advice to minimise any future detrimen-
fore may be for both industry and academia to pro- tal effects on the hard and soft tissues (see Chaps. 4
vide more appropriate and practical guidelines for and 10). In other words, one of the most importance
treating DH in clinical practice (see Chap. 10). aspects in the management of DH is the education
There are, however, a number of problems that of both the clinician and the individual patient under
may, however, be encountered by the clinician treatment. It is also important to emphasise to the
184 D.G. Gillam

clinician that there is no one treatment therapy for Cummins D (2010) Recent advances in dentin hypersensi-
tivity: clinically proven treatments for instant and last-
all the problems associated with DH and that the
ing sensitivity relief. Am J Dent 23(Spec No A):
condition should be monitored depending on the 3A–13A
extent and severity of the problem (Orchardson and Cunha-Cruz J, Wataha JC, Zhou L, Manning W, Trantow
Gillam 2006; Gillam et al. 2013). M, Bettendorf MM, Heaton LJ, Berg J (2010) Treating
dentin hypersensitivity: therapeutic choices made by
dentists of the northwest PRECEDENT network. J
Am Dent Assoc 141(9):1097–1105
Summary Dababneh RH, Khouri AT, Addy M (1997) Dentine
hypersensitivity – an enigma? A review of terminol-
ogy, mechanisms, aetiology and management. Br Dent
There is always the temptation when reviewing
J 187(11):606–611; discussion 603
the literature to be very selective in one’s inter- Emling RC (1982) Historical overview of causes and
pretation of what has been previously described, treatment of dental hypersensitivity. Compend Contin
and it is evident that the topic of DH has been Educ Dent Suppl 3:92–94
Gillam (2013) Current diagnosis of dentin hypersensitiv-
thoroughly discussed in numerous publications
ity in the dental office: an overview. Clin Oral Investig
and journals. The authors of this book have, 17(Suppl 1):21–29
however, not ignored the valuable contributions Gillam D, Chesters R, Attrill D, Brunton P, Slater M,
of those researchers and clinicians who have Strand P, Whelton H, Bartlett D (2013) Dentine hyper-
sensitivity – guidelines for the management of a com-
made a major impact on our understanding of
mon oral health problem. Dent Update 40(7):514–516,
the condition. There have undoubtedly been 518–520, 523–524
major improvements in our understanding of Holland GR, Narhi MN, Addy M, Gangarosa L,
both the development of new products and Orchardson R (1997) Guidelines for the design and
conduct of clinical trials on dentine hypersensitivity.
improvements in the clinical management of
J Clin Periodontol 24(11):808–813
DH although it is important to recognise that as Johnson RH, Zulqar-Nain BJ, Koval JJ (1982) The effec-
we consider and implement these changes, tiveness of an electro-ionizing toothbrush in the control
there are still challenges to be overcome in the of dentinal hypersensitivity. J Periodontol 53:353–359
Markowitz K, Pashley DH (2008). Discovering new treat-
ments for sensitive teeth: the long path from biology to
Obtundants have been tried by hundreds of dentists therapy. Oral Rehabil 35(4):300–315
and then faded out of the memory of men. Such has Niu LN, Zhang W, Pashley DH, Breschi L, Mao J, Chen
been the fate of every obtundant for sensitive den- JH, Tay FR (2014) Biomimetic remineralization of
tine, except for a few now on trial, that have come dentin. Dent Mater 30(1):77–96
forward during 70 or more years of clinical prac- Orchardson R, Gillam DG (2006) Managing dentin
tice. But the relief of suffering is an ever-present hypersensitivity. J Am Dent Assoc 137(7):990–998;
duty and the search for this very desirable thing quiz 1028–1029
should continue. (Black 1908) Peterson EH (2002) Ecclesiastes Chapter 12: 12. In: The
Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language
Message NavPress Publishing Group, Colorao
References Springs, CO, USA
Robinson PG (2014) Dentine hypersensitivity. In: Robinson
PG (ed) Developing a person-centred approach to oral
Black GV (1908) The pathology of the hard tissues of the health, 1st edn. Academic, Elsevier B.V, Oxford, UK
teeth. In: A work of operative dentistry in two vol- Sanz M, Addy M (2002) Group D summary. J Clin
umes, vol 1. Chicago Medico-dental Publishing Co, Periodontol 29(suppl 3):195–196
Chicago, pp 149–150

A nano-hydroxyapatite-based agents, 106–107

Abfraction and DH, 3, 44, 51, 56 occlusive strategy, 107
Abrasion and DH reduction, 106
definition, 54 TCP, 107
dentifrice abrasivity, 55 Calcium phospho-silicate (NovaMin®)
dentine, 4 apatite-like phases, 175, 177
enamel, 4 bioactive glass compositions, 170
non-carious cervical lesion (NCCL), 55 dentine tubules, 163, 164
preventive strategies designing, 18 drawbacks, 169
toothbrushing, 4, 54–55 glycerol, 165
Acid-sensing ion channel 3 (ASIC3), 22 particle size distribution, 164
Aetiology, DH polymer, 164
abrasion, dentine, 4 P solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance
acid source, 4 spectra, 165
erosive diets, 51 45S5 glass composition, 163
gingival recession, dentine exposure, 4 tooth surface and dentine surfaces, 165, 166
lesion(s) tubule occlusion, bioactive glasses, 165, 167
development, 50 Calcium sodium phosphosilicate/bioactive glass,
initiation, 4 108–109, 117, 121
localisation, 3–4 Capsaicin, 19, 20, 24, 31
postsurgical periodontal disease, 50 Casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate
randomised controlled trials (RCTs), 3 (CPP-ACP), 107, 119–120
tooth whitening procedures, 50 Confocal optical microscopy, 78, 79
Air blasting, 15, 16, 20 CPP-ACP. See Casein phosphopeptide-amorphous
Anatomical substrates, DH, 13 calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP)
Anti-gingivitis properties, 174–175
Attrition and DH, 44, 51, 55–56
DEJ. See Dentinoenamel junction (DEJ)
Dentifrice abrasivity, 55
Dentin bonding agents and adhesive restorations
Bactericidal action, toothpaste formulation, 173–175
acidic condition, 109
biocompatibility, 109
cervical and non-carious cervical lesion,
C 109–110
Calcium-containing compounds effects, 109
bioactive glasses, 121 GICs, 110–111
CPP-ACP, 119–120 glutaraldehyde-based products, 110
fTCP, 120 hybridisation process, 109
pro-argin and mouthrinses, 120–121 long-lasting protective effect, 109
Calcium phosphate compounds, DH treatment mastication, 109
ACP/MI varnish, 107 materials, 109
arginine-based products, 107–108 minimal invasive approach, 110
CPP-ACP, 107 non-carious cervical lesions, 109
in-office usage, 107 self-etching, 109

D.G. Gillam (ed.), Dentine Hypersensitivity: Advances in Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment, 185
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14577-8, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
186 Index

Dentine tubule occlusion, 26–27

air blasting, 15, 16 tubule radius and flow, relationship, 27
dental pulp, 14 Desensitising clinical trials, traditional approaches
evaporative fluid movement, 15 Acceptance Program Guidelines, 86
exposed tubules, sensitive, 11–12 clinical studies, problems associated with, 86–87
hydrostatic pressure application, 14–15 dental medicaments, 86
intradental nerve excitability and permeability, 13 Dentine Hypersensitivity Experience Questionnaire
inward fluid shift, 15–16 (DHEQ), 97
mineralized, 14 designing and conducting, 85–86
nerve activation (see Nerve activation, dentin) ICH guidelines, 96
permeability and sensitivity, 13, 17–18 oral healthrelated quality of life (OHRQoL)
positive pulpal tissue pressure, 14 measures, 97
root scaling and restorative procedures, 13 patient selection, study design and controls selection,
sensation, 13 90–93
sensitivity, mechanism, 3 “personalized medicine,” 86
smear layer, 13–14 product treatment effect, 96
stimulus-induced fluid shifts, 14 regulatory agencies, 85–86
tactile stimulation and air blasts, 15 verbal rating scales (VRS), 97
tubules, opening/reopening, 72 visual analogue scales (VAS), 97
Dentine hypersensitivity (DH) Desensitising products
aetiology, 3–4, 50 abrasivity reduction, 172–173
anatomical substrates, 13 anti-gingivitis properties, 174–175
awareness, desensitising products, 183 apatite formation, 174
bioactive glass, 183 bactericidal action, toothpaste formulation, 173
clinical features, 49–50 blocking nerve transmission, 174
clinical trials, objective criteria, 8 calcium phosphate cements, 175
definition, 1–3 calcium phospho-silicate, 163–165, 169–171
dentine surface and tubules, 8 caries inhibitory properties, 173–174
desensitising products (see Desensitising products) classification, 102
developmental lesions, 50 clinician’s awareness, 183
diagnostic challenges, 182 fluorapatite (FAP), 171
dietary factors and gingival recession, 51 hybrid materials, 176–177
features, 2 hydroxyapatite, 160–163
global clinical oral health problem, 138 ideal design criteria, 168–169
healthy gingival recession, 7–8 octacalcium phosphate (OCP), 175
in vitro testing techniques (see In vitro testing odontoblast and tertiary dentine formation, 176
techniques) pH rise reduction, oral environment, 173
management strategies, 5, 8 pro-arginine-based products, 158–159
mechanism, 3 strontium salts, 159–160
OHRQoL, 138–140 Teethmate Desensitiser®, 175–176
pathological, 13 water-based toothpaste formulations, 174
postsurgical periodontal disease, 50 Desensitization treatments
potassium-containing toothpastes, 182 dentin permeability, 26–29
prevalence studies, 41–43 intradental nerves, 29–31
randomised controlled trials (RCTs), 3 DH. See Dentine hypersensitivity (DH)
toothpastes, gels and mouthwashes, 157 DHEQ. See Dentine Hypersensitivity Experience
tooth wear, 8 Questionnaire (DHEQ)
tooth whitening procedures, 50 Diagnosis, DH
treatments (see Treatment, DH) atypical odontalgia, 65
Dentine Hypersensitivity Experience Questionnaire diagnostic tests, effectiveness, 67
(DHEQ), 97, 136–138, 140 electrical stimulation, 65
Dentinoenamel junction (DEJ), 11, 15, 158 enamel tooth wear, 63
Dentin permeability, desensitization treatments episodic condition, 64
air blasts evaporate fluid, 27 extent and severity assessment, 65
demineralized dentin matrix, 28 hydrodynamic theory, 63
dentin-pulp complex, 27 hypersensitivity response, 65
mineralization, 28 inter-examiner variation, 67
protective host responses, 28–29 Jay sensitivity probe, 67
smear layer formation and oxalate application, 27, 28 LM scales, 68
tertiary and peritubular dentin formations, 27 localised pain, 65
Index 187

McGill Pain Questionnaire, 68 G

medical history, 65 Gingival augmentation, 114–115
overzealous brushing, 63 Gingival recession and DH, 7–8, 44, 56, 112
characteristics, 63
dull throbbing ache type, 65 H
oral diseases and complaints, 64 Health-related quality of life (HRQoL), 94, 133
scores, 66 Hydroxyapatite
visual analogue scale (VAS), 66 aggregated nanocrystals, 161
pressure-sensitive sharp dental probe, 65 amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP), 107
routine dental appointment reviews, 64 calcium strontium, 160
sugar, osmotic stimulus, 65 crystal structure, 160, 161
thermal and evaporative stimuli, 66 fluorapatite (FAp), 81, 171
trial participants, 66 F MAS-NMR spectra, 162, 163
Dietary factors and gingival recession, 51 nanoHA diffraction pattern, 161
octacalcium phosphate (OCP), 175
Scherrer’s line-broadening analysis, 161
E toothpastes, 161
Enamel tooth wear, 63 tubule occlusion, 162, 163
Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM), ultradex particle size distribution, 161, 162
73, 77–80 XRD patterns, microcrystalline, 161, 162
Erosion and DH Hypersensitive dentin
abfraction, 56 composition, 26
abrasion, 54–55 defective restorations and DH, 25
calcium binding, 54 excessive toothbrushing, 26
citric acid, 54 inflammation and pain, 24
dentine tubules, 53 inflammation-related plasticity, 23
dentino-enamel junction (DEJ), 53 inflammatory mediators, 24
enamel loss and tubules opening, 7 injury, 25
erosive products, 53 intradental nerves, 26
hard tissue, superficial demineralisation, 52 lipopolysaccharide (LPS), 23–24
hydrochloric acid (HCL), 52 mild inflammatory response, 25
intrinsic acid, 52 oral microorganisms, 23, 26
lesion localisation and initiation tooth, 3–4 organic acids, 23
and mechanical wear, 28 plaque-derived acids, 26
overzealous brushing, 63 serotonin (5-HT), inflammatory mediator, 24
salivary pellicle, 54 sprouting, 25
titratable acidity, 54 supererupted, sensitive first molar, 25
toothpaste formulation, inhibitory properties, 173 trigeminal neurons, 24
tooth wear and gingival recession, 51, 56–57 VGNa channels, 25
Erupted and unerupted teeth, 81
ESEM. See Environmental scanning electron microscopy
Inflammation-related plasticity, 23
In-office treatment, DH, 101–103, 107
F Intradental nerves, desensitization treatments
FIB SEM. See Focused ion beam scanning electron anesthetic concentrations, inhibition, 30
microscopy (FIB SEM) arginine-calcium carbonate-based
Flake glass varnish, 176–177 toothpaste, 29–30
Fluid shifts, 11–16 cell’s action potential channels, 30
Fluoride application, DH treatment dentifrice-derived potassium ion, 30
gels, varnishes and resins, 103–104 dentin cavities, potassium salt solutions, 29
iontophoresis, 104 divalent cations containing solutions, 30–31
long-term relief, 104 inflammation and inflammatory mediators, 31
mouthrinse, 104 pain initiation, 29
pain, 104 pharmacological agents, binding, 31
transient effect, 104 potassium ions diffusion, 30
Focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB potassium nitrate (KNO3), 29
SEM), 80 prostaglandin synthesis, 31
Functionalised tricalcium phosphate (fTCP), 107, 120 TRPV1 receptors, 31
188 Index

In vitro testing techniques Motivational interviewing (MI)

confocal optical microscopy, 78, 79 changing behaviour, 150
dentine clinical assessment and treatment, 151, 152
blocking agents, 71–72 clinical scenario, 153
commercial toothpaste treatment, 77 communication, patient, 151
disc sample, 75–76 definition, 148–149
permeability, 73–75 education approaches, 149
potassium oxalate, 77 implementation, 150
SEM observation, 74–75 principles, 149
smear layer, 74
surface treatment with EDTA, 74
tubules, opening/reopening, 72 N
environmental scanning electron microscopy Nerve activation, dentin
(ESEM), 78, 80 acid-sensing ion channel 3 (ASIC3), 22
erupted and unerupted teeth, 81 A-fibers, 18–19
focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), 20, 22–23
(FIB SEM), 80 capsaicin, 19, 20
nerve desensitisation agents, 72 cold stimulation, 19
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) hydrodynamic forces, 21
spectroscopy, 80–81 intercellular communication mechanisms, 22–23
over-the-counter (OTC), 72 intradental nerve fiber types, 19
Raman and FTIR, 80 low-threshold mechanoreceptors (LTM), 20–21
recommended laboratory methodologies, 73 mammalian trigeminal afferents, 19
root sensitivity (RS), 71 mechanosensitive ion channels, 21–22
supersensitive dentine, 72 nitric oxide (NO), 20
teeth microscopic examination, 71 nociceptive afferents, 19
toothpastes, deposition creation, 76–77 non-collagenous proteins, 26
tubules occlusion, 72 noxious heat effect, 20
XRD analysis, calcium oxalate crystals, 80 osteocytes, 23
pain, 19, 20
plant isolectin IB4, 19–20
J pulpal afferents, 19, 20
Jay sensitivity probe, 67 sensory nerve, 18
voltage-gated ion channels, 22
Non-carious cervical lesions (NCCL), 44, 51, 55, 109,
110, 121
L Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, 80–81
Laser technology
effectiveness, 111
with fluoride varnish, 111–112 O
GaAlAs, 111 Octacalcium phosphate (OCP), 170, 175
mechanisms, 111 Odontoblasts
Nd:YAG, 111 dentine integrity, 87
Lesion localisation, 3–4 dentin-forming cells, 11
mineralization, 26
nerve activation, 20, 22, 23
M role in DH, 181
Management, DH and tertiary dentine formation, 176
advice to patients, 152–153 OHRQoL. See Oral health-related QoL (OHRQoL)
chronic periodontitis, 147 Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP)
compliance, 146 DHEQ, 136–138
management strategy, 143–146 Locker’s conceptual framework, 135
MI (see Motivational interviewing (MI)) OHIP-G summary scores, 138–140
noncompliance, 147–148 “problem index,” 136
patient education and changing behaviour, 148 questionnaire, 135–136
problem, healthcare guidance, 147 Wilson and Cleary model, 137
strategies, 143–146 Oral health-related QoL (OHRQoL)
McGill Pain Questionnaire, 68 concepts, 134
Mechanosensitive ion channels, nerve activation, 21–22 condition-specific patient-reported measure, 135
MI. See Motivational interviewing (MI) description, 134
Index 189

DHEQ, 140 US regulatory agency, 91

measurements, 134 visual analogue scales (VAS), 91
multiple-item questionnaires, 134 Periodontal disease, 44, 112
OHIP, 135–138 Periodontal plastic surgery
OHIP-G summary scores, 138–139 aesthetics and quality of life, 112
Patients’ experiences of pain, 138 gingival recession, 112
treatment goals and outcomes, 141 laminate porcelain veneer, 114
World Health Organization, 133 materials and techniques, 114
Oral hygiene Miller’ classifications, GR, 113–114
awareness, 45 normal, thin and thick gingival biotypes, 112–113
and DH, 56 open gingival embrasures, 112, 114
patient satisfaction, 150 outcomes, 114
standard of care, 146 pain, 112
tooth brushing with toothpaste, 4 procedures, 112
Oral microorganisms, hypersensitive dentin, 23, 26 treatment plan, 112
Over-the-counter (OTC) products, DH treatment Person-centric clinical trials (PCCT), 94–95
consumer, 115 Postsurgical periodontal disease, 50
efficacy, 122–123 Potassium salts, DH treatment
fluoride-containing toothpastes, gel and mouthrinses, confocal laser scanning, 104, 105
115–118 dentin tubules, 104
formulations, 115 intradental nerves, desensitization treatments, 29
in vitro testing techniques, 72 oxalate formulation, 104
in-office procedure, 101 precipitated crystals, 104
mechanism of action, mouthrinses, 115 reviews, 105–106
patient selection, study design and controls scanning, 104
selection, 92, 93 smear layer formation, 105
potassium, 118–119 Prevalence studies, DH
recommendation, 115 age, 45
strontium formulations, 118 cold water mouth rinse, 41
data, 45
gender, 45
P non-carious cervical lesions, 44
Pain periodontal disease, 44
acute and chronic, 88 population-based representative samples, 46
complete resolution, 90 sample selection, 44
dull throbbing ache type, 65 teeth location and surfaces, 44–45
efficacy in clinical studies, 89 variation, 45
false positives, 89 Pro-argin-based toothpastes and mouthrinses, 120–121
influence efficacy, in DH studies, 89 Pro-arginine-based products, 108, 118, 121, 158–159
labelled magnitude (LM) scales, 88
multidimensional experience, 87–88
plasticity, 13 Q
quality of life (QoL) assessment, 88 Quality of life (QoL). See also Oral health-related QoL
response-based assessment, 88 (OHRQoL)
stimulus intensity, 88 description, 133
verbal score, 88 and HRQoL, 133
visual analogue scale (VAS) score, 88 pain response assessment, 88
Patient selection, study design and controls selection World Health Organization, 133
cross-over and split-mouth, 91
desensitising toothpastes, 93
duration, 92 R
Hawthorne effects, 90–91 Randomised controlled trials (RCTs)
minus-active controls, 92 aetiology, DH, 3
non-carious cervical defects, 90 vs. person-centric studies, 95–96
over-thecounter (OTC) product, 92, 93 treatments, DH, 6
pain response measurement, 91 Relative Dentine Abrasivity (RDA), 55, 73
‘placebo effect,’ 92 Root coverage procedures. See Periodontal
placebo toothpaste, 92 plastic surgery
potassium-containing mouth rinse, 91 Root sensitivity (RS), 2, 44, 71, 182
statistical probability, 90 Routine dental appointment reviews, 64
190 Index

S Tooth whitening procedures, 50

Self-assembly peptides Traditional biomedical approach, 93
Curodont DeSenz®, 167 Treatment, DH
double helix, DNA, 167 aetiology and predisposing factors, 102
3D scaffold, 167 arginine/calcium carbonate toothpaste, 7
mid-coronal dentine, 168 bioactive glass, 108–109
odontogenesis, 167 Brännström hydrodynamic hypothesis, 157
SEM cross section, 168 calcium phosphate compounds, 106–108
Smear layer, 4, 13–14, 26, 50, 52–55, 72, 74 calcium sodium phosphosilicate anhydrous
Stannous fluoride (chloride) solutions, toothpaste, 7
7, 115, 116 classification, 6, 102
Strontium salts, 7, 31, 71, 118, 159–160, 171 counselling, 102
Supersensitive dentine, 72 delivery, 6
dentin bonding agents/adhesive and restorations,
T dentine–enamel junction (DEJ), 158
Teeth location and surfaces, 44–45 dentine tubules, 157–158
Teethmate Desensitiser®, 175–176 desensitising products (see Desensitising products)
Toothbrushing diagnosis, 101
abrasion and DH, 54–55 effects, 8
daily activity and, 64 fluoride
dentin surface loss, 26 application, 103–104
erosive acid combination, 57 varnish, 111–112
incorrect techniques, 151 gingival augmentation, 114–115
potassium-containing mouth rinse, 91 good clinical practice (GCP), 5–6
timing, 152 Hagen–Poiseuille equation, 157, 158
Toothpaste in vitro testing techniques, 72–73
abrasivity reduction, 172–173 in-office procedure/OTC product, 101–102
arginine/calcium carbonate, 7 in-office treatment, 103
arginine-calcium carbonate-based, 29–30 laser technology, 111
bactericidal action, 173 oral pain, 101
blocking nerve transmission, 174 periodontal plastic surgery, 112–114
calcium phospho-silicate, 169–171 potassium oxalate application, 158
calcium sodium phosphosilicate anhydrous, 7 potassium salts, 104–106
deposition creation, 76–77 preventive-based, 5
desensitising, 92–93 RCTs, 6
drawbacks, 171 removal, 102
NovaMin™ toothpaste, 121 resin/toothpaste precipitation, 102
OCP, 175 stannous fluoride (chloride) solutions, 7
placebo, 92 strontium chloride, 7
potassium nitrate, 118 toothpaste, as vehicle, 6, 7
strontium salts, 159 tubular occlusion, 6, 102
as vehicle, 6, 7 UK guidelines, 102
water-based, 174
Tooth wear
Basic Erosive Wear Examination, 58 V
and DH, multifactorial aetiologies, 56–57 Visual analogue scale (VAS), 66, 67, 88, 89, 91, 97
enamel, 63 Voltage-gated sodium channels (VGNa), 22, 25, 31
and gingival recession, 51–52
interactions and management, 8
UK soft drink consumption, 57 W
WHO, 57 Water-based toothpaste formulations, 170, 174

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