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StoryLine - 1 5to C EP15

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ng stories into learning

Beatriz Pena Lima

Stories, a key part of children's world,
Leonor Corradi

constitute an extremely powerful tool for

promoting language development. Storyline,
a unique Three-level series, will lead children
into learning through memorable stories
alongside activities which pose a challenge a
to their intelligence and creativity. Lim
r iz Pen
& B

Pupil's Book
orra di
Leonor C
Pupil's Book

• Pupil's Book
MP3 Songs files
Encuentros Escuela + Hogar


• Teacher's Companion
NAPs (Normativa Curricular)
• Online teacher support
• Flashcards
. t .
• CLIL pages
- Teacher Training Video
- MP3 Audio files • Posters • Further
- Editable Assessment pages

- New Resources
- Encuentros Escuela + Hogar para padres
Illustrated by Carlos Bulzomí

CVR_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_CVR.indd Todas las páginas 30/4/15 18:17

SB WB CLIL Further

5 A snowman 52 122 106 142

Food (1) • Parts of the face • Colours (2) • His / her • A / an • My

Integration Emma's a good teacher! 58

6 Let's play! 62 125 107 144

Toys • Pets • Wild animals • They have / they don’t have
Annie’s (hamster)

Integration Toys for Plucky! 68

7 It's picnic time! 72 128 108 146

Food (2) • Drinks • I like / I don’t like • I love

Integration Let's go home! 78

8 Come and see my house 82 131 109 148

Parts of the house • Food (3)

Integration Bye-bye school! 88

Mag 92

Insects 94

Test your memory! 98

Students in 3A 100

five 5

A01_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_PREL.indd 5 13/5/15 8:07


1 Listen and point 2 Listen and number

6 six

A02_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_WEL.indd 6 7/4/15 11:14




seven 7

A02_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_WEL.indd 7 7/4/15 11:14

5 A snowman
1 Look and listen
That's Annie and that's her house. Her mother is making a fruit salad.

An apple, a banana,
an orange…

Her father is fishing with a tourist.

No, it's a plesiosaur. His name is
Plucky. And look! That's his mum.
Is this a fish?

Oh! It's Thank you! I have

Plucky, please! A a big fish now!
snowing! fish for the tourist!

52 fifty two

M05_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U05.indd 52 7/4/15 16:51

2 a) Listen and point 5


b) Read and match

3 Look and say

4 Guess! A banana!

fifty three 53

M05_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U05.indd 53 7/4/15 16:51

5 a) Listen and number

b) Now, read and write the number

This is her mum. She's thin. This is her dad. He's short.

Look! That's Emma. This is her dog, Robby.

He's very nice!

6 a) Listen and match

1 3 5

4 6

b) Now, read and write the number

This is Eric. His pencil case is yellow and white .

His rubber is blue and red . His pen is green .

54 fifty four

M05_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U05.indd 54 7/4/15 16:51

7 Look and listen 5
His nose and I have his hair.
The kids are making a snowman. his mouth. It's long!

Look! His body.

And his head.

I'm tired.
Me too!

Look, I have
his ears!
Two eyes. Look! …
And the ears?

8 Listen and number. Then, match

his body his mouth

his ears
his head
his eyes

his hair his nose

fifty five 55

M05_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U05.indd 55 7/4/15 16:51

9 a) Listen and draw

b) Read and circle. Carol or Richie?

I have a small head. C R My head is big. C R
My hair's short. C R I have small ears. C R
My mouth is small. C R My nose is big. C R
My hair's long. C R I have a big mouth. C R
I have small eyes and big ears. C R I have big eyes and a small nose. C R

10 Look and listen

Plucky, are you sad? Look, Plucky!
Here you are.

Two snowboards!

Orange and
black. Fantastic!

Brown and
purple. Super! Yes. I don't have
a snowboard.

56 fifty six

M05_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U05.indd 56 7/4/15 16:51

11 Listen and point. Then, match 5

brown black orange purple white

12 a) Listen and colour

b) Read and tick

I have long hair. My school bag is yellow.

My hair is black. I have a small school bag.

I have big blue eyes. I have an orange pencil case.

I have a pink mouth. My big book is black.

My mouth is big. I have a small purple book.

fifty seven 57

M05_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U05.indd 57 7/4/15 16:51

Emma’s a good teacher! No, it's very difficult.

What fun!
It's easy!

Plucky, are you OK?

No. Ouch… my head…

Stand up Plucky. You're OK.

58 fifty eight

M05_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U05.indd 58 7/4/15 16:51

Five minutes later... 15
Ouch… my head… His eyes and his mouth are Look at Plucky!
my ears… my nose… OK, but his nose isn't OK. Fantastic!

Emma's a good teacher.

Her classes are great!

Let's have a picnic now.

Here are the sandwiches.
And an apple for
my teacher!

A sandwich and a
banana for Eric. The End
fifty nine 59

M05_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U05.indd 59 7/4/15 16:51

1 Read the story and tick

What s the problem His head

with Eric? His nose
His eyes
His ears
His hair
His body
His mouth

2 Look and complete

Megan is  . She's short

and  . Her
are green, and hair is
brown. mouth is small,
and nose is big.
Look at small ears!
She's beautiful!
She's and she's
to music.

60 sixty

M05_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U05.indd 60 7/4/15 16:52

3 Memory game
An apple, a banana
An apple and a banana. and an orange.
An apple.

a) Look and complete
What's her name? It's Betty Jane.
Her hair is and
her eyes are grey.

What's his name? It's Michael Slim.

His is big and
his is thin.
Betty Jane and Michael Slim.
Betty Jane and Michael Slim.

b) Listen and check

c) Sing!

sixty one 61

M05_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U05.indd 61 7/4/15 16:52

6 Let's play!
1 Look and listen
No gym today.
Look Miss Kenny! Let's play with toys.
It's snowing a lot.

Here's a board game Look at this

and two soft toys. doll, Emma.
It's beautiful!


An electronic
game for me.
Look at this
robot! Wow!

Upsss… The
remote control!
Sorry, Annie.

No problem, Plucky! It's fun!

62 sixty two

M06_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U06.indd 62 7/4/15 17:27

2 a) Listen and match 6

b) Read and write the name

I have a doll. I have a robot.

I have a soft toy I have a board game

and a ball. and an electronic game.

3 Listen and number. Then, match

a small electronic game

a big robot

a fat soft toy

an orange ball

sixty three 63

M06_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U06.indd 63 7/4/15 17:27

4 Look and listen
He's sad and
very cold!
Look! A baby puma!

Please, Miss Kenny! Eric and Emma have a dog,

but they don't have a cat!

No, children, he isn't a cat and

he isn't a pet. Annie's hamster is a pet.
Miss Kenny, a big puma
is near Lake Pluck.

Look: lions, giraffes,

elephants and monkeys And this
are wild animals. puma, too! Great! His mum!
This is her baby!
64 sixty four

M06_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U06.indd 64 7/4/15 17:27

5 Listen and point. Then, match 6

hamster lion elephant monkey

giraffe puma cat fish dog

6 a) Listen and tick

1 2 3 4

b) Now, read and write the number

They have a dog. They have a fish.

Emma and Eric don't They don't have

have a cat. a hamster.

sixty five 65

M06_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U06.indd 65 7/4/15 17:27

7 Read and circle
1 Monkeys have a big / small head. 4 Giraffes don't have big / small eyes.
2 Lions / Elephants don't have small ears. 5 Hamsters / Lions have a small body.
3 Elephants / Fish have a big mouth. 6 Elephants / Cats have a small nose.

8 a) Listen and match

b) Now, read and tick

1 Annie's doll is small. 4 Emma's ball is brown.

2 Emma's doll is small. 5 Tommy's robot is white.

3 Tommy's ball is purple. 6 Eric's robot is black.

66 sixty six

M06_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U06.indd 66 7/4/15 17:27

9 Memory game 6
They have three
small balls. They don't have glue.

sixty seven 67

M06_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U06.indd 67 7/4/15 17:27

Toys for Plucky!
My friends have
balls and robots…

But I don't have a pet.

Emma's pet is a dog.

Yes, and you have soft toys. We don't have pets

here, but we have fish.

Who is it?


Plucky, a box from grandma Nessie.

It's for you.

68 sixty eight

M06_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U06.indd 68 7/4/15 17:27

Dear Plucky, the toys and the
Look. Plucky's
sweater is purple!
sweaters are for you and your friends.
A big kiss, Grandma Nessie.

And Tommy's
sweater is brown.
A ball, an electronic game…
Annie's sweater is red and
Emma's sweater is blue.

You're very lucky, Plucky.

You have a very good grandma.

And four great


The End
sixty nine 69

M06_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U06.indd 69 7/4/15 17:27

1 a) Listen and colour

b) Now, look and complete

Annie's sweater is . Plucky's sweater is .

Emma's sweater is . Tommy's sweater is .

Eric's sweater is .

2 Guess!
They have big ears.

70 seventy

M06_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U06.indd 70 7/4/15 17:27

7 It's picnic time!
1 Look and listen I like cheese! I have
Look. I have cheese. eggs and sandwiches.

I… I don't like eggs.

Hamburgers or hot dogs?

A hamburger, Three oranges. I
please. Biscuits and love fruit!
cake, please.

A hot dog,

Water, please. Wow, Plucky!

72 seventy two

M07_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U07.indd 72 12/5/15 13:20

2 Listen and number. Then, match 7

hot dogs




3 a) Listen and tick

1 3

2 4

b) Now, read and circle

1 eight / five eggs 3 an apple / orange
2 a small / big hamburger 4 three sandwiches / hot dogs

seventy three 73

M07_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U07.indd 73 12/5/15 13:20

4 a) Listen and draw

1 2 3 4 5

b) Now, read and write the number

I like hamburgers. I don't like hot dogs.

I like apples. I don't like biscuits.

I like cheese.

5 Guess!
I like apples.

74 seventy four

M07_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U07.indd 74 12/5/15 13:20

6 a) Listen and act out 7

b) Now, read and circle

1 I'm Annie. / I like Annie. 4 I like monkeys. / I like pumas.
2 I'm eight. / I'm twelve. 5 I don't like elephants. /
I don't like giraffes.
3 I have a brother. / I have a sister.

7 Memory game

seventy five 75

M07_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U07.indd 75 12/5/15 13:20

8 Look and listen
Orange juice
OK. Let's stop. or a soda?
I'm very tired.
Orange juice,

Tea or hot No hot Annie's dad is having a soda

chocolate, chocolate and and an apple. He's happy.
please. no tea. Milk?

Yes, please.

9 Listen and point. Then, match

a soda hot chocolate milk orange juice tea water

76 seventy six

M07_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U07.indd 76 12/5/15 13:20

10 a) Listen and match 7

b) Now, read and circle

1 I like / don't like soda. 4 I like / don't like orange juice.
2 I like / don't like hot chocolate. 5 I like / don't like water.
3 I like / don't like milk.

11 Read and write

apple eggs hot chocolate puma
cat giraffe lion water
cheese hamburger milk
dog hamster orange juice


seventy seven 77

M07_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U07.indd 77 12/5/15 13:20

Let’s go home!

I don't like soda, I don't like tea.

Juice or water for me!
A family! And they
have a baby.

I like the baby!

He's beautiful.

I have a biscuit for the baby.

And I have a sandwich.

No biscuits, no sandwiches.
He's having milk.

78 seventy eight

M07_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U07.indd 78 12/5/15 13:20

Ready? Let's
go home.

A photo for
my mum. And for Kim!

I like biscuits, you like cheese.

You don't like hot dogs?
Two for me, please.

The End
seventy nine 79

M07_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U07.indd 79 12/5/15 13:20

1 a) Listen and tick

b) Now, read and circle

1 I have / don't have cheese. 6 I have / don't have eggs.
2 I have / don't have oranges. 7 I have / don't have sodas.
3 I have / don't have apples. 8 I have / don't have hot dogs.
4 I have / don't have bananas. 9 I have / don't have sandwiches.
5 I have / don't have hot chocolate. 10 I have / don't have biscuits.

80 eighty

M07_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U07.indd 80 12/5/15 13:20

2 Read, match and colour

1 Annie's cheese is yellow and white. 3 Tommy's apples are green and red.
2 Emma's biscuits are brown and black. 4 Kim's cake is pink and purple.

a) Listen and complete

I'm a cat. I love !

I like milk, but I don't like .
I'm a hamster. I like ,
chocolate and cheese.
I'm a monkey. Look at me!
I'm having a , eggs and .
an , a banana and three !
Please, stop! Please, stop! Please, stop!

b) Sing!

eighty one 81

M07_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U07.indd 81 12/5/15 13:20

8 Come and see my house
1 Look and listen And this is the kitchen.

This is my bedroom. And this bed?

And what's

It's Emma's bed. It's Robby's food.

Now, let's go to the

bathroom… Oh, sorry, Emma! I like chips!

Me too!

Let's go to the living room then.

Plucky, here's your chicken.

And my Robby! Out!

Oh, poor Robby!
82 eighty two

M08A_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U08.indd 82 7/4/15 18:48

2 Listen and number. Then, match 8
living room




3 a) Listen and match

1 2 5

3 6

b) Now, read and write the number

1 Annie's chairs are brown. 4 Emma's table is small.

2 Emma's chairs are green. 5 Emma's bed is long.

3 Annie's table is big. 6 Annie's bed is short.

eighty three 83

M08A_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U08.indd 83 7/4/15 18:48

4 a) Listen and tick

b) Now, read and circle

chips apple biscuits

eggs chicken cake hot chocolate

5 a) Listen and match

84 eighty four

M08A_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U08.indd 84 7/4/15 18:48

b) Now, read and circle 8
1 I like / don’t like water and soda. 6 I like / don’t like eggs.
2 I like / don’t like milk. 7 I like / don’t like hamburgers.
3 I like / don’t like apple juice. 8 I like / don’t like chicken.
4 I like / don’t like fish. 9 I like / don’t like cheese.
5 I like / don’t like sandwiches. 10 I like / don’t like chips.

6 Look and listen

Come and see my house! Look! My bedroom
and my bed.

What fun!

And look! I have

a small garden.

Thank you, Joe.
Thank you, Mr Pluck!

eighty five 85

M08A_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U08.indd 85 7/4/15 18:48

7 a) Look and say

Emma is reading.

The garden!

b) Now, read and write the part of the house

1 They have a board game. 5 They have a soft toy.
2 They have two beds. 6 They have a robot.
3 They have a doll. 7 They have an orange fish.
4 They have two 8 They have a small
green chairs. brown table.

86 eighty six

M08A_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U08.indd 86 7/4/15 18:48

8 a) Look and say 8

b) Now, read and complete

1 soda is blue. 4 soda is black.
2 soda is white. 5 soda is purple.
3 soda is pink. 6 soda is orange.

9 Guess!
They… They have
Big… a big dog.

eighty seven 87

M08A_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U08.indd 87 7/4/15 18:48

Bye-bye school!
Help me.
And my pencils? I'm short.
I have the glue.

Here you are.

And the glue?

Thank you!

It's a beautiful classroom!

This is my

And this is
Plucky's chair.

Plucky, look!
Your mum and dad.

88 eighty eight

M08A_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U08.indd 88 7/4/15 18:48

Five minutes later... 18
Dear families, your kids are
great! Thank you for your help.

Thank you!

A book for Pencils for A football

Annie… Eric… for Emma…

Pens for Tommy and a

green book for Plucky!

The End
eighty nine 89

M08A_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U08.indd 89 7/4/15 18:48

1 Listen and match

2 Memory game
They have chicken
They have chicken. and chips.

They have chicken,

chips and soda.

90 ninety

M08A_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_U08.indd 90 7/4/15 18:48

PLAY People in the

Insects Lily

Baby ant
Mummy an
t Daddy ant

Scene I
It's Lily's birthday. She and her brother Sam are in the living room with their mum and dad.
Dad: Happy birthday, Lily! Here are your Mum: A magnifying glass for your collection
presents. of insects.
Lily: (unwrapping one of her presents) Dad: Look! (catching a mosquito in mid-air)
Oh! A camera! Great! I love photos. Here's a mosquito. It's very small. Now,
Thanks, mum, thanks, dad. (she gives let's use your present. (holding the
them a kiss) magnifying glass) Now, look!
Mum: Now, open this present! Lily: Oh! It's enormous… What big eyes…
Lily: (unwrapping it) What's this, mum? And how thin… What fun!
Mum: Use it in the garden. It's full of insects.

Scene II
In the garden
Sam: Look Lily! Lots of ants! They're making
a house. Where's your present?
Lily: It's here! Let's watch!
Sam: Incredible… Is that a living-room or a
kitchen? They have a table and five chairs!

94 ninety four

M09_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_OT.indd 94 13/5/15 8:47

Lily: Is this real? They are watching TV and
eating… biscuits or cake?
Sam: Biscuits! And they're having orange
Lily: And look! The baby ants are playing
with a ball. Ants playing football?
Take a photo!

Scene III
Inside the ant-house
Baby ant: Mum! Dad! Help! Two humans are looking at
the ant house! They're tall and fat. Help, help!
Mummy ant: A girl with a big glass…
Daddy ant: And a boy with a camera. He's taking photos!
Close the windows. Quick! No photos here!
Then, let's march out!

Scene IV The kids calling their parents

Lily: Mum, Dad, come and see! The ants have
a house with a living room and a kitchen!
Sam: They're watching TV!
Mum: Impossible! Ants don't have TVs. They're
Lily: Yes, they do. Sam? Do you have a photo?
Sam: Yes, here it is. (searching in his camera)
Oh, no… I don't…
Dad: Look! The ants are marching out of the
ant-house. See? They're just insects!

The End
ninety five 95

M09_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_OT.indd 95 13/5/15 8:47

5 Sports and protection
Look and match

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8



106 one hundred and six

M10_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_CLIL.indd 106 13/5/15 8:53

6 Animals!
1 Look and write
An animal (A) or not an animal (NA)?

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9 10

11 12 13

2 Look and write

Are they pets? Yes? Write PET.
one hundred and seven 107

M10_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_CLIL.indd 107 13/5/15 8:53

7 Healthy food, healthy life
1 Read and tick
What is OK?

Physical exercise
Fruit and vegetables
Meat, fish, eggs
Bread, rice, pasta, potatoes
Milk, cheese, yoghurt
Sodas, hamburgers,
hot dogs, candy, etc.
(high in fat and sugar)

Look at the menus. 1 2 3

Are they OK?

2 Draw
Draw a healthy menu.

108 one hundred and eight

M10_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_CLIL.indd 108 13/5/15 8:53

8 Houses
Read and match
Houses are big and small, for a big family,
for children and for dogs!
Look at this palace. Is it beautiful?
Yes, it is! But it isn’t OK for Plucky, for a
dog or in a rural area.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7

a b c

d e f g

one hundred and nine 109

M10_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_CLIL.indd 109 13/5/15 8:53

1 Read, draw and colour

Maggie's short and thin. Her head is small. Gordon's tall and fat. His hair is short and
Look at her eyes. They're big and green, and black, and his eyes are small and brown.
her nose and mouth are small. Her hair's long. Look! His nose is small, his mouth is big and his
It's brown, and her ears are small. ears are big.

2 Read and complete. She, her, he or his?

This is Bruce. is thirty. is tall and nice.

mother is fifty six and father is sixty.

My sister Sue is beautiful. is short and thin.

is seventeen. hair is long and

mouth is red and big.

122 one hundred and twenty two

M15_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_WB5.indd 122 13/4/15 8:56

3 Read, write and colour

red white red yellow

red red blue


4 Read and colour

a small, red apple a big, fat, purple fish three long yellow
and black bananas

5 Read and circle

1 This is Luke and this is his / her mother. 4 This is Ingrid and this is his / her pen.
She's / He's writing.
2 Look at Bob. He's / His twenty.
He's / His tall. He's / His hair is long. 5 I'm eight and she's / I'm tall. My / Her
mother is tall and thin.
3 My mum is thirty seven and his / her
brother is thirty seven, too. 6 Jenny is tall. She / Her is beautiful.
He's / They're twins. Look at his / her eyes. He's / They're big.

one hundred and twenty three 123

M15_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_WB5.indd 123 13/4/15 8:57

6 Read and match
I have are small.

I'm is small. She's short.

My sister is long.

My father is small and red.

My ears is tall. He's nice.

My hair long hair.

My mouth nine.

7 Draw and write

My name's


My head is

My hair is

My eyes are

My ears are

My nose is

My mouth is

124 one hundred and twenty four

M15_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_WB5.indd 124 13/4/15 8:57

1 Look and write

1 2 3 4 5 6

2 Read and match

a fat cat

a fat lion

a fat monkey

a short giraffe

a small elephant

a tall giraffe

a thin lion

a thin monkey

one hundred and twenty five 125

3 Write a or an
orange hamster electronic game

apple board game doll

soft toy elephant puma

4 Look and circle

They have / don't have an electronic game.

They have / don't have three fish.
They have / don't have two fish.
They have / don't have a ball.
They have / don't have a robot.
They have / don't have two hamsters.

5 Read and colour

Emma's school bag is purple

and yellow and Annie's
school bag is pink.

Emma's soft toy is brown and

orange and Annie's soft toy is
black and white.

126 one hundred and twenty six

6 Read and circle
I have / am John. I have / am ten. I am / have a dog and a / two cats.
He's / They're black. I have a / an orange fish and a hamster.
This is my / her sister. His / Her name is Meg. She's / Her eight.
Look at her toys: a / an electronic game, a / an soft toy and three
board game / board games. He's / They're big!
Meg / Meg's pet is a fish. His / Her name is Linda. He's / She's orange.
My friends Mark and Sue is / are brother and sister. They have / They're a dog.
I don't have / They don't have a hamster.

7 Draw and write. Use I have or I don’t have


one hundred and twenty seven 127

1 Look and write

2 Read and write


hot dog
orange juice

128 one hundred and twenty eight

M17_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_WB7.indd 128 7/4/15 19:36

3 Write

4 Look and circle

I like / don't like cheese.

I like / don't like apples.

I like / don't like biscuits.

I like / don't like water.

I like / don't like tea.

5 Look and complete

They have .

They have .

They have .

They don't have .

They don't have .

one hundred and twenty nine 129

M17_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_WB7.indd 129 7/4/15 19:36

6 Read and circle

I'm / I have Andrew. I'm / I have nine.

I have a brother. His / Her name is Paul.
He's / She's six. He's tall / long.
I'm / I have two dogs and a / an orange cat.
Look at my dogs! He's / They're fat.
They have / don't have a big ball.


7 Look and complete. Annie’s, Eric’s, Tommy’s or Emma’s?



hot chocolate


hot dog


orange juice


130 one hundred and thirty

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1 Look and write

1 2 3 4 5

2 Match. Then, complete

Annie's Plucky's Emma's

Tommy's Eric's

one hundred and thirty one 131

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3 Read and match. Then, write

Mr and Mrs Roberts have a nice house.

They have two bedrooms, a big kitchen
and a living room. They have a garden
and a big bathroom.

Sophie and Sue's house is beautiful.

They have two bedrooms and two
bathrooms. They have a big kitchen
and a living room. They don't have a

Julian's family have a small house.


4 Read and match

I like a small bedroom.
I don't like chips. Yummy! They're delicious.
I have chicken. Yuk! Horrible!
My mum and my dad is a ball.
Robby's toy have a small house.

132 one hundred and thirty two

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5 Read and circle

Look at Plucky / Plucky's bedroom. I like his / her bedroom. Look at the
soft toys! They have / are big!
Annie's bedroom is / are pink. His / Her table is white, and the chairs
is / are blue. I like / don't like her bedroom. I don't like pink!
Look at Emma. He's / She's having chicken / kitchen and a soda. Look at
Robby / Robby's food: a hamburger and chocolate cake / soda.
And Tommy? Look! He's drawing / listening to music and having / playing
on the computer.

6 Match opposites
t all big
fat short

small short
long thin

7 Write in your copybook



one hundred and thirty three 133

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Further Practice
1 Read and circle

1 Is this a book? 5 Is this a rubber?

Yes, it is. / No, it isn't. Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.

2 Is this a copybook? 6 Is this a school bag?

Yes, it is. / No, it isn't. Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.

3 Is this a pencil case? 7 Is this a pencil?

Yes, it is. / No, it isn't. Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.

4 Is this a pen? 8 Is this a book?

Yes, it is. / No, it isn't. Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.

2 Count and write the number

1 four + three = 4 ten – six =

2 seven + two = 5 nine – eight =

3 five + seven – four =

134 one hundred and thirty four

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Further Practice
1 Read and circle

This is Roger. 1He's / She's forty-two.

He's / His short. 3His / Her eyes are
big / fat and his 5ears / hair are small.

This is Caroline. She's 1thirteen / thirty. She's 2fat / thin and tall.
Her / She's very nice. 4His / Her hair is short and 5his / her nose
is 6big / small. Her 7mouth / ears is small, too. 8His / Her father
is forty-six and 9his / her mother is thirty-nine.

2 Read and tick

1 This is grandma Nessie.
2 She's fifteen.
3 She's short.
4 Her eyes are big.
5 Her ears are small.
6 Her hair is very long.
7 Her nose is big.
8 She's playing on the computer.

142 one hundred and forty two

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Further Practice
3 Read and circle
Phil or Bob?

1 His ears are long. P B

2 He's fat. P B

3 His mouth is big. P B

4 His head is small. P B

5 He's playing. P B
6 He's small. P B

4 Look, complete and colour

1 I have apple. It's red.

2 I have book. It's brown.
3 I have banana. It's yellow
and black.
4 I have orange. It's orange.
5 I have pencil. It's purple.
6 I have pencil case. It's white
and pink.

one hundred and forty three 143

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Further Practice
1 Look and write
1 They have
1 3
2 They have

3 They have

4 They have 6
5 They have 5

6 They have

7 They don’t have 9

8 They don’t have

9 They don’t have

2 Read and complete

Annie's, Emma's, Eric's, Tommy's, Kim's or Plucky's?

1 pet is a dog. 6 chair is special.

2 ears are long. 7 brother is Eric.

3 sister is Emma. 8 nose is very big.

4 sister is two. 9 teacher isn't Miss Kenny.

5 school bag is green. 10 grandma is in Scotland.

144 one hundred and forty four

Z01_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_FP.indd 144 13/5/15 9:44


Further Practice
3 Look and complete
1 It's yellow, green and black. It's .
2 It's orange and yellow. It's .
3 It's pink and purple. It's .
4 It's blue and yellow. It's .
5 It's green. It's .
6 It's brown and pink. It's .

4 Read and match

Elephants your name?

My nose small hamster.
Annie's is long.
Is Eric tall?
What's don't have small ears.
Grandpa and Grandma playing with an electronic game?
Are Eric and Emma is big.
My hair orange ball.
Annie and Kim have a doll is small.
Eric and Emma have an are fifty-nine.

one hundred and forty five 145

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Further Practice
1 Look and complete



2 Look and complete

1 I like
2 I don't like

146 one hundred and forty six

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Further Practice
3 a) Read and circle

Hello! I 1am / have Lucille. I 2am / have ten. I have 3a / an orange fish and a
dog. I 4have / don't have a hamster. My two 5brothers / sisters, Manuel and José
have two cats. 6He's / They're fat and 7small / thin.
José / José's cat is white. 2His / Her name is Fido. 3He's / She's two. Manuel's cat
is / are black. 5Her / His name's Rufa. 6She's / Her beautiful. 7She's / Her ears
are small, and her 8eyes / mouth are big. I 9like / don't like Rufa, she's very nice!

b) Match





one hundred and forty seven 147

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Further Practice
1 Read, write the name and draw
My bedroom is nice. I have two beds, one for me and one
for my sister. My bed is pink and my sister's bed is pink and
white. I have two blue chairs and a white table. My name's
My living room is big. I have a big green table and three big
chairs, one for me, one for Dad and one for Mum. I don't
have a brother or a sister. I don't have a bed in the living
room, but I have one in my bedroom. It's green! My name's
I like my kitchen. It's big. I have a table in the kitchen and
five chairs: for my brother, my Mum and my Dad, for me and
one for my dog! My bed is purple, and my brother's bed is
green. My name's .

2 Read and complete

1 Hello! My name's . I am two. I have a sister. Her name's
. Her hair's and her is small.

2 Hello! I'm . I'm eight. My sister is eight, too. She's .

I have short hair and big . My hair is long, but
it isn't red.

148 one hundred and forty eight

Z01_STL_PUB_01ARG_3843_FP.indd 148 13/5/15 9:44


Further Practice
3 Read and circle
I like His He's
a brother. name's Octavio. one!
I have Her His
Eric a is
pet is small dog. Look! Eric and the dog playing.
Eric's an are

eyes her She's
Emma's are big, and nose is small. beautiful!
ears she's Her

like it's fat thin
I my toys, beautiful. I have a doll and a ball.
don't like they're long big

hair nose.
My mum and dad have brown and big
mouth eyes.

food: chicken.
Look at my favourite water, orange juice and
drinks: milk.

Tommy's biscuits.
favourite food is chicken, hamburgers and orange
Tommy eggs.

She's bedroom. They
Look at grandma and grandpa. watching TV in the have a big TV.
They're bathroom. He

one hundred and forty nine 149

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ng stories into learning

Beatriz Pena Lima

Stories, a key part of children's world,
Leonor Corradi

constitute an extremely powerful tool for

promoting language development. Storyline,
a unique Three-level series, will lead children
into learning through memorable stories
alongside activities which pose a challenge a
to their intelligence and creativity. Lim
r iz Pen
& B

Pupil's Book
orra di
Leonor C
Pupil's Book

• Pupil's Book
MP3 Songs files
Encuentros Escuela + Hogar


• Teacher's Companion
NAPs (Normativa Curricular)
• Online teacher support
• Flashcards
. t .
• CLIL pages
- Teacher Training Video
- MP3 Audio files • Posters • Further
- Editable Assessment pages

- New Resources
- Encuentros Escuela + Hogar para padres
Illustrated by Carlos Bulzomí

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