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June 2023 Board of Licensure Examination of Psychometrician
1. All of the following are considered to be criticisms of c. conversion disorder
the psychodynamic perspective EXCEPT d. catatonic stupor
a. It is difficult to test.
b. It pertains to processes that are not directly 7. When one examines the current state of knowledge
observable. regarding genetics and life experience effects on brain
c. It places too much emphasis on brain processes structure and function, the best overall conclusion is that
d. It contains many general and unclear concepts. most psychological disorders are
a. the result of a complex interaction of genetics and
2. In the diathesis-stress model, "diathesis" refers to faulty neurotransmitter circuits.
a. an inherited disorder. b. the result of stressful early life experiences and the
b. conditions in the environment that can trigger a negative effects such experiences have on brain
disorder depending upon how severe the stressors are. structure or function.
c. an inherited tendency or condition that makes a c. the result of both biological and psychosocial factors.
person susceptible to developing a disorder. d. beyond our current ability to understand in any
d. the inheritance of multiple disorders. meaningful way.

3. Extremely low levels of dopamine activity are 8. Depression and schizophrenia seem to appear in all
associated with ________________. cultures but tend to be characterized by different
a. muscle rigidity, tremors, and impaired judgment symptoms within individual cultures. For example,
b. schizophrenia depression in Western culture is generally characterized
c. pleasure seeking by feelings of guilt and inadequacy, whereas in
d. exploratory behaviors developing countries it is characterized by physical
distress such as fatigue or illness. This is most likely due
4. Determining mood and affect is an important part of to
the mental status exam. Although both of these terms a. genetic differences between individuals living in
refer to feeling states of the individual, it would be different cultures.
correct to say that affect is more _____________ than b. differences in treatment provided in different cultures.
mood. c. reasons that our current methods of study are
a. Immediate incapable of understanding.
b. Severe d. the fact that social and cultural factors influence
c. Problematic psychopathology.
d. Stable
9. Meno is 64 years old. Although continuously faced
5. Brett persistently injects himself with pain killers. This with considerable stress and difficulty in his life, he
has greatly increased his chance of overdosing and always displays an optimistic, upbeat attitude. According
dying. His behavior harms no one else. According to the to research, Meno should
DSM, is Brett's behavior consistent with the definition of a. probably live longer than those without such positive
a mental disorder? attitudes.
a. Yes, because very few people in society engage in b. live about the same length of time as those without
this behavior. such positive attitudes.
b. Yes, because he is persistently acting in a way that c. be less likely to have heart disease than those without
harms him. such positive attitudes
c. No, because his behavior must also harm the well- d. be more likely to be involved with positive community
being of others in the community. activities than those without such positive attitudes.
d. No, because there is no evidence that his actions are
out of his own control. 10. An 18-year-old woman who experiences symptoms
of extreme sadness for about two weeks sought
6. Abby was watching a documentary on some of the psychiatric help. For about after a month, the symptoms
horrors of the Vietnam War. Even when she saw soldiers got worse leading to the development of other
being blown up after stepping on land mines, she symptoms characterized by extreme anxiety and fear.
showed no emotional reaction or response. In this case, She went back to the clinic and the psychologist said
Abby is displaying symptoms of that she is experiencing two different psychological
a. blunted or flat affect disorders occurring at the same time. This refers to
b. dissociative disorder _____

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a. comorbidity D. This strategy has no effect on the obsessive
b. covariance thoughts.
c. In vivo
d. implosion 18. Sophia and Layla are laying on the beach one sunny
day when they see a woman walk past. They are
11. Cooper is an auto mechanic at a local garage. astounded at the condition of the skin of the woman.
However, he is convinced that his phone line is tapped She is deeply bronzed from years of tanning, and her
and all the rooms in his house have listening devices skin has a wrinkled and leathery look. Sophia says, I
planted, so that enemy agents can learn all his secret cannot believe she thinks that is good for her skin! Layla
conversations. He never takes the same route to work says, she may be tanning like that to cover up some
two days in a row, to prevent the enemy agents from flaw that she perceives in her own skin. Layla is clearly
following him and learning where he works. In this case, implying that this woman suffers from ________
it appears that Cooper is experiencing disorder.
a. delusions of persecution A. body dysmorphic
b. hallucinations B. somatic skin-picking
c. loosening of associations C. excoriation
d. delusions of grandeur D. obsessive-compulsive

12. When defining abnormal behavior from the point of 19. The setting for posttraumatic stress disorder to occur
view of the individual, attention is focused on follows an experience accompanied by a triad of
a. deviance and disability feelings, including all of the following EXCEPT _______.
b. distress and disarray. A. horror
c. deviance and distress B. paranoia
d. distress and disability C. helplessness
D. fear
13. You and a friend are lost while walking on a street in
a foreign city. A stranger approaches, and you are 20. One difference between panic disorders and PTSD is
concerned that the stranger may try to mug you. Your A. in a panic attack, the alarm is false, while in PTSD,
friend assumes that the stranger is approaching to give the initial alarm is true.
you directions. As the stranger approaches, you B. in panic disorder, the alarm is true, while in PTSD, the
experience fear, but your friend experiences relief. Your alarm is false.
different emotional reactions can be explained by the C. panic disorder but not PTSD has a biological
__________ theory of emotion. vulnerability.
a. Physiological D. PTSD but not panic disorder has a biological
b. Neurological vulnerability.
c. Affective
d. Cognitive 21. Fear activates a
A. surge of energy in the autonomic nervous system so
14. Thomas Stephen Szasz’s views of mental illness we can flee.
a. is chemically and biologically based B. psychological but not physiological response.
b. mental illnesses are real in the sense that cancers are C. physiological but not psychological response.
real D. decrease in inhibitory mechanisms in the somatic
c. has an objective measure or methods of detecting nervous system so we can flee.
d. as created by the society.
22. Normal, ordinary people who have occasional
15. In Japan, the anxiety syndrome termed taijin intrusive thoughts with bizarre, sexual, or aggressive
kyofusho involves a fear of content would not be considered to have OCD unless
A. performing onstage. they find the thoughts unacceptable or even dangerous
B. personally offending others. and also
C. embarrassing oneself. A. use alcohol or other drugs to reduce anxiety.
D. speaking to females. B. develop insomnia and nightmares as well as
dissociation symptoms and, on occasion, psychosis.
16. A psychological disorder in children characterized by C. become horrified by such thoughts and consider them
unrealistic and persistent worry that something will signs of some alien, intrusive, evil force.
happen to their parents which may result in refusal to D. suffer from either posttraumatic stress disorder or
leave home is called social phobia.
A. globus hystericus.
B. school phobia. 23. Which of the following would NOT be considered an
C. situational phobia. example of social phobia?
D. separation anxiety disorder. A. A student who is reluctant to speak up in a classroom
due to fear of embarrassing herself.
17. What happens when people with OCD attempt to B. A male who has difficulty urinating in a public
neutralize or suppress disturbing and intrusive thoughts? restroom when others are present.
A. The obsessive thoughts disappear. C. A person who can only eat comfortably when he is
B. The frequency of the obsessive thoughts increases. alone.
C. Other kinds of obsessive thinking start to occur. D. An individual who cannot travel on public
transportation without a family member present.

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C. bipolar I disorder
24. Which of the following is NOT a basic type of panic D. bipolar II disorder
A. Expected 32. With regard to social support,
B. Unexpected A. having one close friend did not affect depression
C. Cued rates.
D. Situation inevitable B. having social support helped speed recovery from
depressive episodes.
25. Which type of panic attack is most closely related to C. having social support had no effect in China.
phobias? D. having social support helped speed recovery from
A. Situationally predisposed manic episodes.
B. Expected
C. Unexpected 33. Katie has been diagnosed with major depressive
D. Uncued disorder. Most recently, she has been lying immobile for
long periods. If someone moves one of her arms to a
26. A child raised by depressed parents is likely to different position, it just stays there. Katie has stopped
A. struggle with depression as well. speaking and does not appear to hear what is being said
B. learn how to avoid depression. to her. What specifier would you apply to her diagnosis
C. be inoculated against depression. of major depressive disorder?
D. deny stress symptoms. A. Chronic
B. With catatonic features
27. A common characteristic of depression in boys is C. With atypical presentation
___________________. D. Melancholic
A. aggression
B. passiveness 34. Although glorifying and romanticizing suicide in the
C. shyness media contributes to copycat suicides, it is more likely
D. coping behavior that the person copying the suicide is
A. just doing it for attention.
28. The physical symptoms of a major depressive B. vulnerable due to an existing psychological disorder.
disorder include C. not really serious about the suicide attempt.
A. changes in appetite or weight. D. trying to impress others.
B. decreased ability to concentrate.
C. increased energy. 35. Which of the following statements about suicide is
D. decreased self-esteem correct?
A. The suicide rate is high among African Americans but
29. The theory of Martin Seligman that people become low among Native Americans.
anxious and depressed because they believe that they B. The suicide rate among adolescents in the U.S. is
have no control over the stress in their lives is called decreasing.
A. the learned helplessness theory. C. For teenagers, suicide is the third leading cause of
B. cognitive-behavioral theory. death after auto accidents and homicide.
C. humanistic/existential theory. D. Females are more likely than males to die from
D. the control theory of depression. suicide.

30. A 35-year-old individual named Manny has recently 36. Regarding views of Beck on depression, which of the
formulated an elaborate plan to cure AIDS with vitamin following definitions of cognitive errors and negative
therapy. To provide funding for this cause, he has schema is NOT correct?
withdrawn all the money from his bank account and A. In a self-blame schema, depressed individuals feel
purchased thousands of jars of vitamins and small boxes personally responsible for every bad thing that happens.
in which to put them. When he appeared at a hospital B. Arbitrary inference means that a depressed individual
emergency room loudly demanding names of patients emphasizes the positive rather than the negative aspects
with AIDS, he himself was hospitalized for psychiatric of a situation.
observation. What is your diagnosis of Manny? C. In a negative self-evaluation schema, depressed
A. Major depressive episode individuals believe that they can never do anything
B. Hypomanic episode correctly.
C. Manic episode D. Overgeneralization occurs when a small error is
D. Postpartum psychosis magnified to mean something much more significant.

31. Andy is currently completing a chemical formula that 37. A goal of treatment for patients who have
he knows will cure cancer. Shortly before, he had experienced major depressive disorders is delaying or
submitted a book to a publisher and was sure that it preventing the next episode. In which of the following
would become a bestseller. For several weeks prior to situations would this goal be LEAST important?
this, he was bedridden, had no energy, and lacked any A. Patients who have recovered from a major depressive
spontaneity. He never left his bed and had to be cared episode but still have some residual symptoms
for by his family. Andy's diagnosis is B. Patients with a past history of dysthymia
________________. C. Patients with a past history of multiple episodes of
A. major depressive disorder major depressive disorder
B. persistent depressive disorder

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D. Patients who have had a single, brief episode of D. is extremely common since sleep problems can be
major depressive disorder and recovered without both a cause and a result of anxiety.
45. The most common reason that anorexic individuals
38. The most significant feature of bulimia nervosa is generally do not seek treatment on their own is that
____________. they
A. purging A. are ashamed of their disorder.
B. overeating B. fear that they will be hospitalized.
C. overeating followed by an urge to vomit C. do not truly believe that they are too thin.
D. binge eating followed by compensatory behavior D. have little desire for food.

39. Which of the following conditions is thought to be a 46. While suddenly and unexpectedly falling asleep
potential explanation for UFO experiences? during normal waking hours, Sarah experiences vivid
A. Sleep paralysis hallucinations of being in a horrible car crash. The
B. Cataplexy experience is so realistic that she actually feels physical
C. Hypnagogic hallucinations sensations as if the hallucination were real. Sarah's most
D. Sleep apnea likely diagnosis is _______.
A. sleep apnea
40. Abnormal events such as nightmares, sleep terrors, B. hypersomnia
and sleepwalking that occur during sleep or during the C. schizophrenia
twilight time between sleep and waking are classified as D. narcolepsy
A. parasomnias 47. Of the following, the correct pairing is
B. dyssomnias _______________.
C. narcolepsy A. dyssomnia and sleepwalking
D. REM disorders B. dyssomnia and inability to fall asleep
C. parasomnia and waking up after 3 or 4 hours of sleep
41. Susan, a woman of relatively normal weight, and then being unable to fall back to sleep
sometimes eats huge quantities of junk food with no D. parasomnia and lack of REM sleep
ability to stop herself. She follows this with long periods
of complete fasting. Based on this information, Susan 48. The most serious medical consequence of bulimia
A. might be diagnosed with bulimia nervosa. nervosa is potential _____________.
B. should be diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. A. electrolyte imbalance
C. will not be diagnosed with any disorder because she B. salivary gland damage
is of normal weight. C. starvation
D. cannot be diagnosed with bulimia nervosa because D. tooth erosion
she is not purging.
49. The common aspect of all somatic symptom
42. The strongest contributions to etiology of eating disorders is a maladaptive or excessive
disorders seem to be _________. A. belief that a serious medical condition will cause
A. genetic death.
B. psychological B. belief that one's appearance is ugly.
C. somatogenic C. response to physical or associated health symptoms.
D. sociocultural D. concern with the meaning of a physical pain.

43. Jody sometimes eats more than just about any other 50. Clients with illness anxiety disorder are likely to
girl that you know. You wonder if her eating sometimes A. avoid doctors.
could be considered bingeing. In order to determine B. avoid unnecessary medical procedures.
this, you would have to know C. soon reject assurances that they are healthy.
A. the caloric intake of the foods. D. ignore the long-term process of illness.
B. whether she is eating junk foods.
C. whether eating gets to be out of her control. 51. Disorders such as koro and dhat that are similar to
D. the situations under which she eats a great deal. somatic symptom disorders demonstrate the
A. influence of culture on psychopathology.
44. Fred has been having a great deal of trouble B. physical basis of many hypochondriacs' complaints.
initiating and maintaining sleep. He guesses that he is C. difficulty of accurately diagnosing hypochondriasis.
sleeping for an average of about 3 hours each night and D. influence of genetics on psychopathology.
complains that he feels terrible during the day. In
addition, Fred has always experienced some anxiety but 52. In dissociative fugue, the term fugue relates to
has recently felt a tremendous increase in his overall ________________.
anxiety level. The existence of both a sleep disorder and A. confusion
anxiety B. flight or travel
A. makes the diagnosis of primary insomnia incorrect. C. loss of consciousness
B. increases our confidence that primary insomnia is the D. hallucination
correct diagnosis.
C. indicates that the insomnia is a result of the anxiety
rather than a cause of the anxiety.

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53. Although Jill feels fine now and believes that she is 60. Although both panic disorder patients and persons
healthy, she still worries endlessly about developing a with somatic symptom disorder tend to misinterpret
serious illness. Most likely Jill would be diagnosed with bodily sensations, patients with panic disorder
A. illness anxiety disorder. A. are having real physical sensations, while the
B. conversion disorder. sensations of those with somatic symptom disorder are
C. somatization disorder. all in their heads.
D. body dysmorphic disorder. B. tend to fear immediate catastrophe, while those with
somatic symptom disorder tend to fear long-term illness.
54. Joe injured his back at work several years ago. C. are having imagined physical sensations, while those
Although he was treated and considered healed by his with somatic symptom disorder are experiencing real
physicians, he still complains of severe and debilitating physical sensations.
back pain. Other than some minor scar tissue, his D. tend to ignore the symptoms of their first attacks,
doctors cannot find anything that could be causing more while those with somatic symptom disorder tend to seek
than some minor stiffness. It appears that Joe might be immediate medical treatment following the first
diagnosed with _________________. indication of pain.
A. conversion disorder
B. depersonalization/derealization disorder 61. In regard to diagnosing a patient's symptoms as a
C. somatic symptom disorder with predominant pain conversion disorder, it is
D. illness anxiety disorder A. quite apparent when a patient is malingering, but it is
difficult to determine whether symptoms are due to real
55. George has completely lost his sight during the past physical disorders or a conversion disorder.
year, but medical experts can find no physical reason for B. quite apparent when a symptom is due to a real
his blindness. This could be an example of physical disorder, but it is impossible to determine the
_______________. difference between a conversion disorder and patient
A. somatization disorder malingering.
B. hypochondriasis C. rather easy to determine the difference between
C. conversion disorder symptoms that the patient fakes, those caused by real
D. dissociative disorder physical disorder, and symptoms caused by conversion
56. Jason suddenly notices that the world looks weird to D. very difficult to determine whether the symptoms are
him. Some objects look bigger than normal and others due to malingering, real physical disorders, or
look smaller. Cars passing by seem oddly shaped and conversion disorder.
people appear dead or mechanical. Joe is experiencing
________. 62. Dissociative trance disorder is diagnosed
A. derealization A. only when the trance is unpredictable in terms of
B. depersonalization when it appears i.e., individual goes into a trance
C. classic early psychosis symptoms without prior religious ritual.
D. mania B. only when the trance is undesirable and considered
pathological in the culture of the individual.
57. Vanna, who is 40, apparently believes that she is a C. only when the trance causes harm to the individual or
20-year-old woman. Suddenly, she starts to speak and others.
behave very differently, and says she no longer thinks of D. whenever an individual repeatedly enters a trance
herself as Vanna. Instead, she claims to be Elise, a 10- state.
year-old child. It is likely that Vanna has just
experienced a _____. 63. Sue has DID. It is extremely likely that she also has
A. switch A. at least one other psychological disorder.
B. dissociative trance disorder B. a problem with her weight.
C. conversion reaction C. a history of problems with the law.
D. alter D. no desire to get better.

58. The common feature in almost every case of DID is 64. Which of the following psychological tests has been
A. hallucinations and delusions. used to accurately identify malingering in people
B. unrelenting substance abuse. claiming to have posttraumatic stress disorder?
C. a history of body dysmorphic disorder. A. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
D. a history of severe child abuse. B. Wechsler Adult Scale of Intelligence (WAIS)
C. Rorschach Malingering Detection Test (RMDT)
59. Since Jane has been diagnosed with illness anxiety D. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
disorder, we can expect her to see her physician
A. often and feel completely reassured that there is 65. The court requested that an individual, who appears
nothing wrong with her health. to be suffering from a personality disorder, be assessed
B. rarely but continue to believe that she is quite ill. for a psychological disorder due to a crime committed.
C. almost never because she does not trust physicians. Prior to formal assessment of the individual, the
D. often but continue to be anxious about her health individual should be ___________.
anyway. A. Given an informed consent
B. Informed that the courts ordered an assessment
C. Observed without his knowledge
D. Interviewed regarding the crime

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74. James is a security guard at the mall who seems lost
66. An individual with borderline personality disorder in his own world. Often, he feels the presence of his
claims that a psychologist has unsatisfactory services dead mother nearby. He knows it is an illusion and that
after the psychological intervention. In relation to the she is not real. Her presence does give him comfort.
ethical codes, what should the psychological clinic do? James probably would be diagnosed with
A. Schedule less patients to the psychologist a. schizoaffective disorder. b. schizotypal disorder.
B. Charge the appropriate fee to the patient c. schizoid disorder. d. brief psychotic disorder.
C. Charge the service for free
D. Refer the patient to other clinics right away 75. Research studies focusing on genetic factors in
schizophrenia have found that
67. Which type of compulsion has the highest a. An individual with a schizophrenic identical twin has
prevalence rate? the highest risk factor (almost 50%) of developing
A. Symmetry schizophrenia.
B. Cleaning and contamination b. In family studies of schizophrenia, the genetic
C. Hoarding influence can be separated from the environmental
D. Forbidden thoughts or actions impact.
c. If one person in a family has a particular subtype of
68. Which of the following is accurate in regard to the schizophrenia, e.g., paranoid, the other family members
long-term outlook for schizophrenic patients? inherit a predisposition for that subtype only.
a. About 50% of people diagnosed with the disorder d. The more severe a parent's schizophrenic disorder,
eventually recover. the less likely the children were to develop it.
b. Recovery is possible only if the person stays on
medication. 76. The positive symptoms of schizophrenia are most
c. Recovery is possible only if the patient receives closely associated with _________ activity.
psychotherapy. a. serotonin b. dopamine
d. Complete recovery from schizophrenia is rare. c. norepinephrine d. acetylcholine

69. Bleuler described the underlying behaviors of 77. In regard to the ways that drugs affect
schizophrenia as the destruction of the forces that neurotransmitters, which of the following is TRUE?
connect one function to the next. He called this a. A drug that is an agonist occupies the receptor sites,
underlying foundation of the disorder blocking the neurotransmitter.
a. a fugue state. b. split personality. b. A drug that is an antagonist helps increase the
c. associative splitting. d. folie à deux. release of the neurotransmitter.
c. Both of these are correct
70. Which of the following is the best description of d. Neither of these is correct
schizophrenia? 78. In regard to the family interactions among
a. Schizophrenia is characterized by symptoms shared schizophrenic patients, the word "schizophrenogenic"
by everyone with the diagnosis. (no longer used), was first proposed in the 1940s to
b. Schizophrenia is characterized by multiple describe
personalities. a. an abusive and alcoholic father whose child became
c. Schizophrenia is characterized by behavior and schizophrenic.
symptoms that aren’t necessarily common to everyone b. an emotionally distant mother whose child became
with the diagnosis. schizophrenic.
d. The course of schizophrenia is always predictable. c. divorced parents who had several psychotic children.
d. a family in which relatives on both sides were
71. Which of the following is the persecution type of psychotic.
psychotic delusion? 79. The following paring is correct based on the ages
a. A familiar person is actually a double most affected by the disorders:
b. One is a famous or important person a. inexperienced men premature ejaculation; older men
c. People are out to get you – vaginismus
d. A body part has changed in some impossible way b. inexperienced men - premature ejaculation; older
men - erectile dysfunction.
72. Mort has displayed a number of schizophrenic c. inexperienced men - inhibited orgasm; older men -
symptoms. An obvious one was his lack of speech erectile dysfunction.
content manifested in nonsensical ramblings and slowed d. inexperienced men erectile dysfunction; older men –
speech response. This symptom is called male hypoactive sexual arousal disorder.
a. anhedonia b. avolition 80. Greg often has problems with premature ejaculation.
c. clanging d. alogia As he becomes more anxious about his problem, the
73. Which of the following is the most accurate amount of time between initiating intercourse and
definition of flat affect? ejaculation will most likely ___________________.
a. An inability to initiate and persist in activities. a. increase b. decrease
b. The inability to experience pleasure. c. remain the same d. depend upon what is making
c. A lack of emotional response, blank facial expression. him anxious.
d. A lack of speech content and/or slowed speech
response. 81. An unusually high concern with nocturnal emissions
has been reported in ___________ where there is a

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strong culturally held belief that loss of semen causes asleep. Without it, she will toss and turn all night,
depletion of physical and mental energy. getting little sleep. Angelina is
a. Ireland b. Indonesia a. dependent and drug abusive.
c. India d. Iceland b. dependent and not drug abusive.
c. dependent but not physiologically addicted.
82. Charles gets very sexually excited by women's d. dependent and tolerant.
shoes. While he used to fantasize about women wearing
particular shoes, he now focuses almost exclusively on 89. Alcohol can initially appear to cause stimulation
the shoes themselves. Charles has a(n) because it
__________________. a. makes vision and hearing more acute.
a. sexual dysfunction b. has an excitatory effect on the brain.
b. unusual interest but does not have a diagnosable c. depresses inhibitory centers in the brain.
disorder d. alters motor coordination.
c. fetishistic disorder
d. frotteuristic obsession 90. The condition called delirium tremens, also known as
the "DTs," involves hallucinations and body tremors
83. All of the following are true statements regarding during withdrawal from ____________.
transvestic disorder EXCEPT a. heroin b. cocaine
a. all people with transvestic disorder are either c. alcohol d. marijuana
homosexual or transsexual.
b. a significant percentage of individuals with this 91. Blackouts appear to be related to the interaction of
disorder are married or have been married at some time. alcohol with the ______system.
c. there are cross-dressing clubs and newsletters for a. glutamate b. serotonin
individuals with this fetish. c. GABA d. dopamine
d. some transvestic fetishists compensate by joining
macho or paramilitary organizations. 92. You have just heard about a situation in which
someone who was drunk vandalized a building and
84. One model of learning predicts that the following assaulted a security guard. From your knowledge of
boy might grow up to be a voyeur: abnormal psychology, you are aware that although
a. Tim, whose father is a voyeur. alcohol does not cause aggressive behavior, it may
b. Joe, who watches a lot of pornography. a. stimulate the inhibitory center of the brain, causing
c. Sid, who masturbates while peeping at his neighbor. aggressive behavior.
d. Jim, who thinks it's funny to spy on people. b. activate the aggressive genes in the person's DNA.
c. impair the ability to consider the consequences of
85. Of the following, the individual who should be acting impulsively.
diagnosed with gender dysphoria is d. increase the anxiety associated with being punished
a. Joe, who gets sexually aroused by wearing women's for one's actions.
b. Lisa, who is gay and has many traditional masculine 93. Which of the following is an accurate statement
traits. concerning marijuana use and abuse?
c. Mark, who feels like a woman trapped in a man's a. Paranoia and hallucinations can occur.
body. b. Tolerance develops rapidly.
d. Sid, who can only become sexually aroused while c. Psychological dependence can occur with even
dressed like a woman. occasional use.
d. Marijuana is free of carcinogens.
86. Which of the following statements accurately
describes a process in the activation of the HPA 94. The common factor among psychoactive drugs may
(hormonal) axis? be
a. The hippocampus secretes corticotropin releasing a. their ability to activate the "pleasure pathways" of the
factor (CRF). brain.
b. CRF stimulates the thyroid gland. b. the ease of obtaining them and the relatively
c. The hippocampus (via the somatic nervous system) inexpensive cost.
activates the adrenal glands. c. the similar way in which they are metabolized in the
d. The adrenal glands secrete the stress hormone body.
cortisol. d. their identical effect on neurotransmitters at the
87. A person who is physiologically dependent on a drug
will experience 95. Pyromania
a. tolerance to the effects of the drug. a. is fairly common among arsonists.
b. withdrawal symptoms if the drug is withdrawn. b. is a disorder where an individual is preoccupied with
c. both tolerance and withdrawal. setting fires and the associated equipment involved in
d. neither tolerance nor withdrawal. putting out those fires.
c. Is fairly common among people who were bedwetters
88. Angelina has had difficulty falling asleep for some as children.
time. She started taking a prescribed sleeping pill every d. All of these
night for her insomnia. Now, she needs the pill to fall

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96. Mr. Smith (age 72) is brought to the hospital tearing off clothing, and frolicking in the streets,what
emergency room. His son explains that his father woke form of madness would you be displaying?
up this morning and was "not himself." Mr. Smith a. tarantism
appears confused, agitated, and a bit frightened. He b. Dance de Diaboli
does not know his own name and cannot recognize his c. folie en masse
son. Mr. Smith's son reports that his father had been d. Lycanthropy
completely fine with no symptoms prior to that morning.
Mr. Smith appears to be suffering from 102. Casandra was informed by her mental health
______________. professional that her anxiety symptoms were caused by
a. neurocognitive disorder due to Lewy Body disease a disrupted pattern of neurochemical messages
b. neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer's disease thatresulted in excessive motor activity, hyperalertness,
c. delirium and a sense of apprehension. What is this health
d. amnestic disorder professional's model of abnormality?
a. psychoanalytic
97. All of the following are types of neurocognitive b. cognitive
disorder EXCEPT c. biological
a. vascular neurocognitive disorder. d. Mentalistic
b. substance/medication-induced neurocognitive
disorder. 103. Hypervigilance, emotional numbing, flashbacks, and
c. neurocognitive disorder due to mononucleosis. other characteristics go together under the label "post
d. neurocognitive disorder due to prion disease. traumatic stress disorder". Patterns of characteristics
such as this are also referred to as a(n)
98. Lenny is 25 years old and has had multiple arrests a. symptom constellation.
for assaults, theft, and drug use. He has hurt strangers, b. etiology.
friends, and family and has never shown any remorse or c. prognosis
regret. Following his last arrest, Lenny met with a social d. Syndrome.
worker who told him about antisocial personality
disorder; he is now convinced that is "what's wrong" 104. Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder in which an individual
with him. Lenny recently went to a local community falls asleep without
mental health center and asked to be treated by a warning, sometimes during emotionally arousing
psychotherapist. The problem with this story is that situations. Which brain structure might be involved in
a. individuals with antisocial personality disorder do not such a disorder?
generally seek treatment. a. reticular formation
b. Lenny has misdiagnosed himself since his behaviors b. Thalamus
are more typical of conduct disorder. c. cerebrum
c. the drug use does not fit the pattern of antisocial d. occipital lobe
personality disorder.
d. the description does not fit any known personality 105. On the television show Saturday Night Live, a chef
disorder. character is known for his
obsessive cleanliness, orderliness, and perfectionism in
99. Mary has been married for 20 years and describes the kitchen. In what
how her husband has been verbally abusive toward her stage did this character become fixated?
for most of that time. She indicates that her husband a. phallic
has had multiple affairs with other women, but she can't b. oral
leave him because she "loves and needs him." When c. genital
challenged by the interviewer regarding the wisdom of d. Anal
staying with such a man, Mary agrees with the
interviewer, although she later confides that she always 106. If you learn an abnormal behavior (e. g.,
agrees with everyone to avoid conflict and disapproval. helplessness) by associating your actions with their
Mary should be diagnosed with ____________ environmental consequences (e. g., others take care of
personality disorder. your needs for you), what process accounts for this
a. avoidant b. histrionic learning?
c. dependent d. borderline a. respondent
b. operant
100. Ron is a 9-year-old boy recently diagnosed with c. classical
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. His parents have d. Modeling
chosen a combined approach to treatment. If their
approach is based on what research suggests is most 107. An emphasis on the active information processing
effective, it will most likely involve of internal and environmental information is the primary
a. new experimental medications and behavior therapy. concern of the theories.
b. no medication but a combination of behavioral a. sociocultural
therapy and parent training. b. cognitive
c. medication such as Ritalin and behavior therapy. c. behavioral
d. medication such as Ritalin and psychoanalysis. d. Biological

101. Whether caused by naturalistic or demonic forces, 108. You are a psychologist who conceptualizes
if you joined a group of people jumping and dancing, depression as the result of frustrated attempts to

8 | Page
achieve one's potential for growth and congruence. c. involutional organic dementia
What theory guides your thinking? d. multiple personality disorder
a. cognitive
b. interpersonal 116. In Dr. Roediger's assessment report of her client,
c. humanistic Mara, where would Mara's diagnosis of "dissociative
d. Sociocultural identity disorder" be noted?
a. Axis I
109. In the 1920's, had a young woman worn a bikini to b. Axis II
a public beach, she might have been labeled as c. Axis III
"disordered". What definition applies in this case? d. Axis IV
a. deviation
b. subjective distress 117. If Axis III were not included in the DSM, which of
c. dysfunction the following diagnoses
d. Disruptive could you NOT list?
a. mental retardation
110. Dolf is a 58-year-old male who just married for the b. HIV/AIDS
first time and has decided to c. homelessness
go to medical school to become a neurosurgeon. The d. bipolar disorder
deviance definition of abnormality would define Dolf as
"disordered". What problem is reflected in 118. Erik is experiencing minor behavioral disturbances
his definition? following his family's move to a new state. A counselor
a. Failure to conform to social norms does not diagnosed him with separation anxiety disorder, which
necessarily reflect a mental was a false positive diagnosis. If Erik's disturbance
disorder. worsens as a result of this diagnosis, this would be an
b. It is unclear what level of personal distress Dolf is example of
experiencing. a. a stereotype.
c. This definition would fit only if Dolf is experiencing b. a polythetic error.
difficulty in everyday c. overpathologizing.
functioning. d. the self-fulfilling prophecy.
d. There is no evidence that Dolf has sought treatment
from a clinician. 119. Anorexia nervosa, an eating disorder, is much more
frequently diagnosed in females than in males. Based on
111. If you agreed with the most influential classification text information, which explanation below might best
system of the late 19th century, you would place all account for this difference?
disordered individuals into one of three categories. a. gender-related bias in the symptoms comprising the
These did NOT include anorexia nervosa syndrome
a. organic brain disorders. b. an actual gender-related psychosocial or biological
b. dementia praecox. difference
c. manic-depressive psychosis. c. gender-related diagnostic bias on the part of clinicians
d. Melancholia. d. b and c

112. In terms of lifetime prevalence, which of the 120. Dr. Youngman is studying the development of self-
following disorders is out of place? reliance in a group of 30
a. panic disorder children who were first observed at age 3 and have been
b. generalized anxiety disorder followed twice yearly for the past three years. What sort
c. schizophrenia of design does this represent?
d. obsessive-compulsive disorder a. prospective
b. retrospective
113. Physiological measures of blood pressure, muscle c. cross-sectional
tension, and skin conductance would be central to the d. Developmental
assessment of disorders.
a. anxiety 121. Which of the following characteristics is MOST
b. schizophrenic clearly related to potential for
c. dissociative violence?
d. depressive a. serious mental illness
b. active psychotic symptoms
114. Who proposed the first scientific classification c. lowSES
system for mental disorders? d. borderline intellectual functioning
a. Kraepelin
b. Griesinger 122. If a defendant's mental state is an issue in a court
c. Hippocrates case, it is necessary to first
d. the American Psychiatric Association determine before raising the question of .
a. intelligence; competence
115. What we now refer to as schizophrenia was termed b. competence; insanity
by Kraepelin. c. the adequacy of the McNaughton mle; the Durham
a. dementia praecox rule
b. manic-depressive psychosis d. wrongfulness; mental defect

9 | Page
d. the host generally comes to therapy complaining of
123. Each time Sapna's client uses the explanation that depression, anxiety, or general unease and
she is "supposed" to be a dutiful daughter, Sapna asks Unhappiness.
her how she knows what she "should" be doing. Sapna's
challenges to her clients' belief system indicate that she 130. According to the psychodynamic view, Panic
is MOST likely using therapy. Disorder symptoms:
a. client-centered a. stems from unsuccessful repression of penis envy
b. interpersonal b. is a symbolic representation of repressed oral
c. psychodynamic aggressive impulses
d. rational emotive c. is internalized fear of rejection by the primary
124. "I'll never find another person to love. No one will d. represents a reoccurrence of earlier separation
ever want me again." Beck anxiety
would characterize this depressed client's thought
process as 131. In the diathesis-stress model of mental illness:
a. negativistic. a. the diathesis is a sufficient condition, and the stress is
b. pessimistic. a necessary condition for the development
c. irrational. of the disorder.
d. Catastrophizing. b. the diathesis and the stress are each a necessary and
sufficient condition for the development of the
125. Veronica has given her client a pack of cigarettes disorder.
that will give him a mild electric shock each time he tries c. the diathesis and the stress are each a necessary, but
to take one out to smoke. Veronica is using not a sufficient, condition for the development of the
therapy to treat her client. disorder.
a. biofeedback D. None of the above.
b. aversion
c. response prevention 132. Which of the following was NOT one of the
d. object relations weaknesses we discussed concerning the use of a
purely sociocultural criterion to define pathological
126. Token economies were first successfully used in the abnormality
treatment of a. There is no agreement even within a culture of what
a. mental retardation. its standards for normal, acceptable behavior are.
b. severe depression. b. If we consider mental illness to be a real problem with
c. hyperactivity and antisocial behaviors. the brain or psyche, we cannot have culturally-relative
d. Schizophrenia. disorders.
c. Different cultures accept different behaviors.
127. For which of the following clients would you d. What a culture will accept varies from time to time.
recommend treatment via e. All of the above ARE weaknesses we discussed
systematic desensitization?
a. Heinz, who has a phobia of elevators 133. Systematic desensitization, flooding, and modeling
b. Amee, who has panic attacks are all therapeutic approaches that have been used to
c. Boris, who has generalized anxiety treat:
d. Hazel, who has a social phobia a. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
b. Specific Phobias
128. In discussing the cognitive bases of depression, c. Panic Disorder
Beck describes a systematic error in logic he d. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
calls arbitrary inference, e. None of the above
a. focusing on aspects of a situation that are most
consistent with the individual's negative views, 134. According to Freudian theory, which behavior
while ignoring other, more positive, elements. would suggest
b. drawing conclusions in the absence of or contrary to fixation at the anal stage?
evidence. A. Compulsive pursuit of gratification.
c. blowing the of significance of negative events out of B. A drive to "work and love."
proportion, while downplaying positive C. Hostility and suicidal tendencies.
events or accomplishments. D. Rigid over-control and hoarding.
d. basing far-reaching conclusions on single, minor
experiences or incidents. 135. A woman feels that she must wash her hands for
exactly 5
129. the relationship between the host and the alters in minutes after eating any food. This behavior is called:
DID we noted that: A. an obsession.
a. the host is typically not aware of the existence of the B. a compulsion.
alters. C. a delusion.
b. many alters do not believe themselves to be in need D. a specific phobia
of therapy.
c. the alters are often aware of each other, or at least of 136. Deidre has an incapacitating snake phobia. What
some subset of the others neurotransmitter may be unusually

10 | Page
low in her brain, leading to excessive limbic system disorder prevents them from knowing the difference
activity? between
a. GABA right and wrong?
b. dopamine A. The M'Naghten rule
Ec. serotonin B. The irresistible impulse test
d. Diazepine C. The Durham rule
D. The ALI guidelines
137. Carlito has been exhibiting inattentiveness and poor
concentration, decreased anxiety and little inhibition of 144. Children with _______________ Intellectual
his actions. It is possible that the neurotransmitter is Disability have very
than usual. limited vocabularies, speak in two- to three-word
a. serotonin; lower sentences,
b. norepinephrine; lower and have IQ scores between 20 and 35.
c. serotonin; higher A. mild
d. norepinephrine; higher B. moderate
C. severe
138. Schizophrenia usually has an onset D. Profound
A. in early childhood.
B. at the beginning of puberty, 145. Which of the following conduct disorder children is
C. in the early twenties. MOST
D. after age 30. likely to "grow out" of his disorder by the end of his
139. A depressed client being treated with cognitive years?
therapy came A. Billi, with a childhood onset at age 8
to her weekly session. While discussing her progress in B. Jackson, with a childhood onset at age 10
classes that week, she mentioned that she had the C. Ben, with an adolescent onset at age 12
highest D. none of the above; this disorder virtually always leads
grade in the class on the mid-term exam but insisted to adult disorders
this was
only a "fluke" and that she's really "incompetent" in the 146. The clinician's responsibility to notify a potential
course. Which of the following thinking errors is she victim of a
exhibiting? client's harmful intent toward that individual is referred
A. minimization to as:
B. personalization A. primary prevention.
C. arbitrary inference B. notification of intent.
D. Overgeneralization C. duty to warn.
D. legal commitment
140. When a patient no longer has the disorder, an
appropriate specifier would be? 147. A person who is so miserable that he or she can
A. Full remission see no
B. Relapse reason for living, BEST fits which of the following
C. Recovered definitions of
D. Prodromal stage abnormality?
A. deviance
141. Unconscious determinants of both normal and B. distress
abnormal behaviors are the central concern of C. dangerousness
a. ego analysts, D. Dysfunction
b. behavioral theories.
c. cognitive theories, 148. Dr. Jenny does not feel that she has the resources
d. Psychoanalysis. necessary
to effectively treat Jun’s condition so she gave Cindy the
142. Of the following, which best explains why bipolar name and phone number of another clinician. Dr. Jenny
disorder may provided Jun with:
be mistaken for schizophrenia? A. informed consent.
A. Psychotic delusions of grandeur or other delusions B. a referral.
can occur in both disorders C. the right to refuse treatment.
B. Both disorders are marked by episodes of major D. a mandated report
C. Functioning can become so impaired as to require 149. Proponents of which theoretical model propose that
psychiatric hospitalization people
D. Such a mistake is unlikely; the two disorders are with bulimia translate society's attitudes toward thinness
clearly different and have virtually no symptom overlap. into
extreme restraints and rigid rules about food?
143. Which of the following legal "tests" of insanity is A. Societal
based on the B. Psychodynamic
idea that people should not be judged guilty if a mental C. Family systems
D. Cognitive-behavioral

11 | Page
disorders have reported that:
150. What is the term used for programs that are A. the disorders can be easily differentiated.
intended to B. features of these two disorders overlap.
minimize the physiological changes associated with C. both are genetically determined.
withdrawal from substances? D. they share the feature of hidden paranoia
A. Milieu
B. Therapeutic community 158. A diagnosis of bipolar disorder requires:
C. Alcoholics Anonymous A. the experience of a depressive episode.
D. Detoxification B. the experience of a manic episode.
C. a family history of mood disorder.
151. The legal principle that the state has the authority D. normal premorbid personality.
to protect
those who are unable to protect themselves is referred 159. Psychodynamic explanations of paranoid
to as: personality disorder
A. commitment. see the disorder as rooted in the defense mechanism of:
B. guardian ad litem. A. rationalization.
C. ad hominen. B. denial.
D. parens patriae C. projection.
D. reaction formation.
152. When a clinician is called on during court cases to
provide 160. Central to early psychodynamic explanations of
specialized information not commonly known by people depression is
outside the mental health profession, he/she is the notion of:
considered to A. "loss" at an unconscious level.
be a(n): B. disordered thinking patterns.
A. guardian ad litem. C. lack of positive reinforcement.
B. expert witness. D. regression to an egoless state.
C. parens patriae.
D. impartial party. 161. Which theoretical perspective views the causes of
phobias to
153. Fetishism appears to develop in a way similar to be based on the individual's faulty inferences and
exhibitionism in that: generalizations?
A. most people with fetishism were sexually abused as A. Cognitive
children. B. Humanistic
B. early life experiences result in a connection between C. Existential
sexual arousal and the behavior. D. Psychoanalytic
C. brain damage early in life appears to cause certain
paraphilias. 162. Why is confidentiality important?
D. these paraphilias are commonly associated with A. It is necessary in order for clients to feel comfortable
sexual dysfunction. disclosing intimate details about themselves.
B. It is important for the clients to feel confident about
154. Joyce believes that her heart is being eaten away improvement in their condition.
by worms, a C. It is a courtesy that has been brought about by the
delusion that fits into the category called: traditions of secrecy in the confessional.
A. somatic. D. Most clients are collecting medical benefits and fear
B. persecutory. that
C. insertion. if their bosses find out that they will lose the money.
D. Nihilistic.
163. What type of panic attack is an essential element of
155. Which of the following is the key feature of the
paraphilias? diagnosis of panic disorder?
A. The object of desire must be an inanimate object. A. Situationally bound
B. They must involve abnormal physiological functioning. B. Situationally predisposed
C. They must be short-term conditions. C. Agoraphobic
D. There must be a dependence on the sexual target for D. Unexpected
164. What term is used to describe the factors that play
156. Compared with people with avoidant personality a role in causing a disease?
disorder, a. Prevalence
those with schizoid personality disorder: b. Resiliency
A. do not wish to have relationships. c. Etiology
B. wish to have relationships. d. Classification
C. often suffer from a mood disorder.
D. often are diagnosed with an Axis I disorder 165. Decades ago, psychiatrists in what was then the
Russia announced the discovery of a form of mental
157. Researchers studying narcissistic and histrionic illness whose main symptoms included paranoid distrust
personality of authority, and continuing criticisms of the

12 | Page
government. This case illustrates one problem in using
the criterion of __________ to define mental disorder. 173. gradual deterioration of behavior occurs during late
a. personal distress c. adaptiveness adolescence, suggesting that an individual is
b. statistical criteria d. social deviance experiencing:
a. prodromal signs of schizophrenia.
166.Which of the following is NOT a major criterion for b. the residual phase of schizophrenia.
distinguishing psychopathology from normalcy? c. schizoaffective disorder.
a. whether or not the individual's behavior is socially d. a delusional disorder.
undesirable or unacceptable
b. whether or not the individual is disturbed or 174. All of the following are groups of deficits in autism
distressed by his own behavior or thinking. except:
c. whether or not the individual deviates from the a. Activities and interests c. Social
statistical norm with respect to some aspect of interactions
d. psychological functioning. b. Communication d. Inattention
e. all of the above are major criteria for
psychopathology. 175. Mr. K has disorganized schizophrenia, Mr. J has
major depression with psychotic features, while Mr. M
167.For the past three months, Tom's speech has been has schizoaffective disorder. Which of them will have a
gradually deteriorating and becoming incoherent, and he better prognosis?
has been exhibiting purposeless and stereotyped a. Mr. K c. Mr. M
behaviors. His symptoms at this point are not extremely b. Mr. J d. All have equally poor
active. In what phase of schizophrenia might Tom be at prognosis
this point?
a. Residual phase c. Remission 176. A psychometrician suspects that her client may be
phase malingering and may not actually have a true amnestic
b. Active phase d. Prodromal disorder despite reports of severe memory impairment.
phase She might consider each of the following to help her
make the distinction EXCEPT:
168.Individuals with anterograde amnesia suffer a. performance on the Mini-Mental Status Exam.
memory loss: b. inconsistent performance on systematic memory
a. due to a traumatic emotional experience. assessment.
b. as a result of epilepsy. c. presence or absence of a supporting medical
c. for events prior to their amnesia. condition.
d. for new events that take place after the amnesia. d. presence of financial gain to the client as a result of
the diagnosis.
169.Panic disorder in women is associated with what
early childhood experience? 177. Regarding personality disorders, its resistance to
a. Parental illness and substance abuse change may be explained by the following except:
b. Overachieving school performance a. strong genetic component
c. Overindulgence by parental figures b. comorbidity with other disorders such as depression
d. Supportive family environment c. ego-syntonic tendencies
d. tendency to blame others regarding their problems
170. Why does it make sense to view addiction as a
mental disorder? 178.In discussing the psychodynamic model of mental
a. Because the symptoms are behavioral disorder we noted that:
b. Because substance abuse often develops as an a. the model assumes that the processes that lead to
attempt to self-medicate negative mood states disorder are the same processes thatcnormally produce
c. Because the most effective treatments are or maintain order in our lives.
psychological not medical b. disorders that the model seems to handle particularly
d. Because neurochemical imbalances underlie the well include the anxiety disorders and the dissociative
problem behaviors disorders.
c. the model argues that mental disorder results from
171. Unlike psychoactive substance abuse, psychoactive internal, unconscious conflicts.
substance dependence usually involves d. treatments suggested by the model typically involves
a. the pathological use of the substance involved bringing buried
b. the use of illegal substance that laws prohibit one e. conflict into consciousness.
from buying or using f. all of the above
c. physiological symptoms such as tolerance and/or
withdrawal 179. The notion that individuals with certain anxiety
d. continued substance use despite social and disorders pay more attention to potentially
occupational problems threatening stimuli is part of the ______________ model
of anxiety disorders.
172. People with depersonalization disorder: a. trauma-dissociation
a. have more than one personality. b. interoceptive conditioning
b. feel as though they are not real. c. attributional bias
c. forget details about personal identity. d. catastrophic appraisal
d. fabricate disturbance to get secondary gain. e. none of the above

13 | Page
c. there is an alternation between depressive and manic
180. According to the cognitive model of episodes
Hypochondriasis that we discussed the individual d. there are, or have been, manic episodes
a. is high in neuroticism. e. None of the above
b. tends to interpret all events as negative, or even
catastrophic. 186. We are most likely to give the diagnostic label
c. tends to internalize the physical suffering of others. Cyclothymic Disorder to symptoms that don't meet the
d. misinterprets emotional arousal as illness. full
e. more than one of the above a. Dissociative Identity Disorder
b. Major Depression
181. In discussing behavioral models of Somatoform c. Bipolar Disorder
Disorders (SD) we noted that: d. Somatization Disorder
a. behaviorists suggest that positive reinforcement of SD e. None of the above
symptoms by others may lead to
gratification of the patient's needs for love and attention. 187. An individual whose symptoms include both
b. there is no clear behavioral model of somatoform extreme avolition and extreme anhedonia is most likely
disorders. to be described as having which general class of
c. behaviorists stress the role of secondary gain in the disorder?
development and maintenance of SD symptoms. a. Anxiety Disorders
d. all of the above b. Somatic Disorders
e. none of the above c. Depressive Disorders
d. Schizophrenia
182. In discussing the epidemiology of Major e. Dissociative Disorders
Depressive Disorder we noted that:
a. it is more likely to be diagnosed in adolescence and 188. One important distinction in the description of
early adulthood than after age 25. schizophrenia is between positive and negative
b. the lifetime prevalence of Major Depression in females symptoms. Which of the following lists contains ONLY
is about 15% POSITIVE symptoms?
c. it is more commonly diagnosed in individuals with low a. incoherent speech, poverty of speech, anhedonia
socioeconomic status (i.e., low income and b. hallucinations, delusions, bizarre behavior
education) c. catatonia, avolition, flattened affect
d. it is more commonly diagnosed in females than in d. disorganized behavior, delusions, poverty of speech
males. e. None of the above
e. All of the above
189. One important distinction in the description of
183. Which of the following is NOT one of the common schizophrenia is between positive and negative
symptoms of depression? symptoms. Which of the following lists contains ONLY
a. low energy or fatigue NEGATIVE symptoms?
b. poor appetite or overeating a. incoherent speech, poverty of speech, anhedonia
c. anhedonia b. anhedonia, flattened affect, poverty of speech
d. sleep disturbances c. catatonia, avolition, flattened affect
e. All of the above ARE common symptoms of d. hallucinations, delusions, bizarre behavior
depression e. None of the above

184. According to Seligman's learned hopelessness 190. According to Freud's psychoanalytic model,
model of depression: Schizophrenia results from:
a. the individual sees the cause of negative events as a. a strong and punishing superego that intrudes its
something about themselves that is stable and negative commentary into consciousness.
persistent. b. an attachment of libido to the ego, causing the
b. the individual interprets negative events as being individual to confuse internal and external
caused by something internal to the person, experiences.
rather than being caused by something external about c. a withdrawal of libido into the self, causing the
the situation itself. individual to be unable to relate to others.
c. the individual sees the cause of negative events as d. an excess of anticathexes against id impulses, leaving
something about themselves that affects a wide too little libido for the ego to function
range of their lives, rather than being specific to one effectively.
event. e. none of the above
d. all of the above
e. a and c only 191. One important distinction in the description of
schizophrenia is between positive and negative
185. The distinction between Major Depression and symptoms.
Bipolar Disorder is that in Bipolar Disorders: Which of the following lists contains ONLY NEGATIVE
a. there are, or have been, periods when the individual symptoms?
was completely free of symptoms. a. incoherent speech, poverty of speech, anhedonia
b. the period between depressive episodes is shorter b. anhedonia, flattened affect, poverty of speech
than in Major Depression. c. catatonia, avolition, flattened affect
d. hallucinations, delusions, bizarre behavior

14 | Page
e. None of the above C. Symptoms keep internal conflict out of conscious
192. According to the psychodynamic view, Specific D. Underlying emotional conflicts into physical symptoms
Phobias involve a combination of two defense
mechanisms: 200. Asking past events to the client is to test his/her:
a. projection and reaction formation A. Memory
b. displacement and projection B. Orientation
c. projection and rationalization C. Insight
d. displacement and reaction formation. D. Judgement

193. The first edition of the American Psychiatric

Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM) was published in:
a. 1965
b. 1848
c. 1958
d. 1952
e. none of the above

194. Based on this belief that a person’s behavior

(whether normal or abnormal) is determined largely by
underlying dynamic psychological forces of which she or
he is not aware
A. Psychodynamic
B. Psychoanalysis
C. Humanistic
D. Cognitive

195. It is based on the idea that our normal and

abnormal actions are determined largely by our life
A. Psychodynamic
B. Cognitive
C. Behavioral
D. Biological

196. Maladaptive thinking is the cause of maladaptive

behavior. This is based from the notion of:
A. Cognitive
B. Behavioral
C. Psychodynamic
D. Humanistic

197. Psychological dysfunction is caused by self-

deception: people hide from life’s responsibilities and fail
to recognize that it is up to them to give meaning to
their lives:
A. Humanistic-existential
B. Humanistic
C. Exitential
D. Cognitive

198. The socially accepted prejudice against overweight

people may also add to the “fear” and preoccupation
about weight. This according to what factor that cause
eating disorder:
A. Biological
B. Sociocultural
C. Psychodynamic
D. None of the above

199. Which of the following best explain Somatic

Symptoms Disorder according to Behavioral perspective?
A. Physical symptoms of this disorder bring rewards to
the sufferer.
B. This disorder is form of communication, providing to
means to express their feelings

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