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Manifestation a.k.a. The Law of Attraction became a hot topic since the release of
“The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne in 2006. While the idea of attracting what you
want through your thoughts sounds too good to be true, it is a fact that
manifestation works. Even celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Ellen Degeneres, Jim
Carrey, Steve Harvey and more have manifested their goals which they have
publicly shared in interviews or their own TV shows.

The principle of “Like Attracts Like” sounds easy, but why do so many people fail
in manifesting their goals? Most people attribute failed manifestation attempts to
a lack of belief, low vibrations, wrong frequency etc., and the solutions to those
are to practise meditation, create vision boards, repeat affirmations, or practise
gratitude. While these actions play an important role, it is not the main reason
why manifestation doesn't work. Based on my research and years of
experimentation, I have found that the main reason lies within us - in our chakras.

In this book, I aim to uncover how each of our seven chakras are affecting our
manifestation abilities, so that you can have a better understanding on why
manifestation isn’t working, and take actions that actually solve the problem.

Having said that, this is based on my own research and what I have personally
experienced for myself and many others who follow me. The information shared
in this guide is not to be treated as the gospel truth.
Chakras & Manifestation
Chakras are spinning vortexes of energy that line up along your spine. Each of
them governs different aspects of your life and regulates your emotions. Everyone
has a total of 7 main chakras in their body -

1) Root Chakra
2) Sacral Chakra
3) Solar Plexus Chakra
4) Heart Chakra
5) Throat Chakra
6) Third Eye Chakra
7) Crown Chakra

Chakras make up the spiritual alignment in your body and are directly connected
to the universe. If any of your chakras are blocked, energy is unable to flow
upwards freely from your 1st chakra (Root Chakra) to the 7th chakra (Crown
Chakra), keeping you in a state of stagnation. This prevents your energy from
extending outwards and connecting with the universe. As a result of this
misalignment in frequencies, the universe will not be able to give you what you
ask for.

By ensuring your chakras are balanced, you will be able to open yourself up to the
flow of positive energy for the law of attraction to take effect fully.
How Each Chakra Affects Your
Manifestation Abilities
1st: The Root Chakra

Located at the base of the spine, the root chakra governs our physical needs,
safety, and security. When this chakra is balanced, all anxiety caused by
money-related problems is gone. You are confident that your survival needs are

If this chakra is blocked, you constantly feel anxious and life feels like a struggle.
You worry about money problems that never seem to end. The energy generated
from this chakra is unable to flow upwards to the 2nd chakra - the sacral chakra.

This affects your manifestation because one of the principles in the law of
attraction is "Like Attracts Like". If you think positive thoughts, you receive
positive results (your goals). But if you're constantly worrying about your
finances, that 'worry' state negatively affects your thoughts. This means that you
will only attract more negative results for yourself.
2nd: The Sacral Chakra

Located two inches above the navel, the sacral chakra governs our emotions,
desires, and sexuality. When this chakra is balanced, your emotions are stable and
you enjoy pleasure in many different ways in life.

If this chakra is blocked, your emotions become unstable. Any pleasure you
experience feels shameful or unsatisfying. You are overly sensitive and feel guilty
unnecessarily. Energy gets stuck here, and is unable to flow upwards to the 3rd
chakra - the solar plexus chakra.

This affects your manifestation because one of the most important components
of the law of attraction is the vibration of your emotions, or the frequency of your
‘energy in motion’. If your emotions (or feelings) are unstable, are you really
projecting the right frequency needed to manifest your goals out to the universe?
3rd: The Solar Plexus Chakra

Located between the navel and base of sternum, the solar plexus chakra governs
our personal power. When this chakra is balanced, you feel powerful, confident,
"good enough", and empowered to take on challenges.

If this chakra is blocked, you worry about the opinions of others and feel
insecure, like you're not "good enough". You are vulnerable to being taken
advantage of. Energy gets stuck here, and is unable to flow upwards to the 4th
chakra - the heart chakra.

This affects your manifestation because when you give your power away and feel
that you're not "good enough", your thoughts become negative since they are
coming from a place of “lack”. You also emanate (negative) vibrations that are not
aligned with your (positive) goals.
4rd: The Heart Chakra

Located in the middle of the chest, the heart chakra governs love, compassion
and forgiveness. When this chakra is balanced, you feel joy and gratitude,
sometimes for no obvious reason. You attract love and support from others, and
develop a sense of compassion for everything around you.

If this chakra is blocked, you guard your heart and find it difficult to appreciate
the simplest things in life. You feel that you are not worthy to be loved. Energy
gets stuck here, and is unable to flow upwards to the 5th chakra - the throat

This affects your manifestation because giving love and practicing gratitude are
two of the most powerful methods of raising your personal vibrations. However,
your ability to do so is hindered if your heart chakra is blocked.
5th: The Throat Chakra

Located in the middle of the throat, the throat chakra governs communication.
When this chakra is balanced, you feel confident and clear in your communication
with others, and possess the courage to speak the truth no matter the

If this chakra is blocked, you experience difficulty in expressing your thoughts and
emotions. You lack clarity in communication and may give conflicting instructions.
Physically, you may get frequent sore throats. Energy gets stuck here, and is
unable to flow upwards to the 6th chakra - the third eye chakra.

This affects your manifestation because a blocked throat chakra causes you to
not be able to speak up and assert yourself. This results in negative emotions such
as insecurity, fear, and self-doubt. When this happens, you emit a low, negative
vibration out to the universe and she responds accordingly by giving you low,
negative results.
6th: The Third Eye Chakra

Located in between the eyebrows, the third eye chakra governs intuition and
reasoning. When this chakra is balanced, your intuition is your guide. You are able
to access higher levels of consciousness and connect with your higher self. You are
attuned to your desires.

If this chakra is blocked, you doubt your inner voice. You can feel lost in life or
experience foggy, frustrated thinking. Your ability to imagine is affected. Energy
gets stuck here, and is unable to flow upwards to the 7th chakra - the crown

This affects your manifestation because the third eye chakra is associated with
the power of visualization and imagination, which are important tools in the
practice of the law of attraction. The inability to visualize your goals clearly and
communicate them to the universe impedes your manifestation success.
7th: The Crown Chakra

Located at the top of the head, the crown chakra governs spirituality and
understanding. When this chakra is balanced, you feel connected to the most
divine energy in the universe. You are able to manifest anything you want.

If this chakra is blocked, you feel a lack of connection or guidance from a higher
power. You may feel angry and lonely due to spiritual abandonment. Energy gets
stuck here, and is unable to extend outwards to connect with the universe.

This affects your manifestation because the crown chakra is the gateway to the
universe. Once it opens, you are able to command the universe at your will!
However, this chakra can only be balanced after your previous six chakras have
been balanced and are in alignment. A blocked crown chakra puts you on a
different universal frequency which prevents you from manifesting your goals.
Balancing Chakras With Yoga
Yoga is an ancient practice that has been used for thousands of years to balance
the mind, body, and spirit. One of its key components is the practice of chakra
balancing, which involves using specific postures, breathing techniques, and
meditation to bring harmony to the chakras.

Below are several yoga poses for each specific chakra that you can do in the
comfort of your own home!
Analyze Your Chakras Now!
By now, you should have a better understanding of your seven chakras and how
each of them might be stopping you from manifesting your goals. Our end goal
here is to achieve alignment both internally (our chakra system) and externally (to
the universe). When that happens, manifestation becomes a breeze and you will
harness the power to manifest your goals with predictability and certainty!

But here comes the next question… how do you know which of your seven
chakras are blocked?

I’ve created a FREE 12-question quiz that accurately analyzes each of your chakra,
to determine whether they are “Balanced” or “Blocked”. Click on the link here to
get started! Below is an example of the Chakra Results that you will be getting.

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