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010-Great Buildings

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GREAT BUILDINGS Pyramid of King Zoser

Architect: Imhotep
 earliest pyramidal structure of the ancient world, the Step Pyramid
(c.2630 BC) of King Zoser at Saqqara, Egypt
 consist of six terraces of receding sizes with a one staba
(circa 1200 BC – AD 1st Century)

Temple of Luxor
 or Southern Sanctuary at Luxor,
Egypt, The Great Pyramid
18th the Pyramid of Khufu is the largest in the world, measuring 230m (756 ft)
 dedi
king of
 bui
lt of sandstone for
the quarries of Gebel
(circa 300 – 30 BC)

Abu Simbel Architect: Itchinus and Callicrates with Phidias
 dedicated chieftly
Location: Athens, Greece
to Re-Harakhti, God
Style: Ancient Greek Doric
 on the historic Acropolis. Doric exemplar
of the rising sun
 built during the
reign of Ramses II (1304 – 1237 BC)
421 – 405
Architect: Mnesicles
Location: Athens, Greece
Style: Ancient Greek, Ionic
 has Caryatid Porch with figural columns. On the Acropolis, uses grade
Style: Roman
 composed of an arc of arched arcade
 most magnificent and architecturally most pleasing
 largest known forums
Architect: Polykleitos
70 – 82
Location: Epidauros, or Epidhavros,
Architect: Vespacian and Domitian
Location: Rome, Italy
Style: Ancient Greek
Style: Ancient Roman
 and the quality of its acoustics
 three-quarter columns and
make the Epidaurus theatre one of
entablatures, Doric in the first story,
the great architectural
Ionic in the second, and Corinthian in
achievements of the fourth century.
the third, face the three tiers of
 the largest and best preserved
ancient theaters in Greece.
 largest Roman Amphitheater
 can accommodate 14,000
 designed to hold 50,000
 had approximately eighty entrances so crowds could arrive and leave
easily and quickly
(300BC – 365 AD)
The Pantheon
118 - 126 White House
Architect: Acrippa Architect: James Hoban
Location: Rome, Italy Location: Washington, D.C.
Style: Ancient Roman Date: 1793 to 1801, burned 1814,
 great domed hall with oculus porticos 1824 to1829
oculus – a single circular opening Style: Georgian Neoclassical
 one of the great spiritual  official residence of the president
buildings of the world of the United States of America, for
 it was built as a Roman temple the last 200 years
and later consecrated as a Catholic
Church Capitol of the United
 revived the use of brick and concrete in temple Architecture
Architects: Thornton-Latrobe-Bulfinch
Trajan’s Forum Location: Washington, D.C.
100 – 112 Date: 1793 to 1830
Architect: Apollodorus of Damascus Style: Neoclassical
Location: Rome, Italy
 meeting place of the U.S. Congress, the national assembly of the United Location: New York
States of America, consisting of the House of Representatives and the Senate  shaped like a Latin cross
National Gallery of Art  the largest Roman Catholic Cathedral in the United States
Architect: John Russel Pope  designed in a Gothic Revival materials at English and French Gothic Style
 houses one of the finest collections of painting, sculptures, and graphic Connecticut State Capitol
arts in the world Architect: Richard Upjohn

Washington Monument Monticello

Architect: Robert Mills 1768 to 1782
Location: Washington, D.C. Architect: Thomas Jefferson
Style: Neo-Egyptian Location: Charlottesville, Virginia
 the obelisk is the only remnant of Building Type: House
the original blue print that remains Style: Colonial Georgian
 with George Marsh, competition  Remodeled1796 to 1808
1836. standard Egyptian proportion of  beautiful hilltop home is a
10:1 height to base classical example of the late 18th
Century American architecture
and a national historic landmark

New York City Hall

University of Virginia Architect: Pierre L’enfant
1826 Style: French Renaissance - Georgian Style
Architect: Thomas Jefferson  one of the most historical architecturally distinguished building in New
Location: Charlottesville, Virginia York
Building Type: University campus
Style: Classical, Neo-Palladian Fallingwater
 ideas of symmetry and use of 1934, 1938, 1948
brick Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright
 arcades connect buildings around Location: Ohiopyle, Pennsylvania
central lawn Building Type: house
 curving brick walls surround Style: Expressionist Modern
campus  cantilevers dramatically over rock outcropping and rushing stream
 sends out free-floating platforms audaciously over a small waterfall and
anchors them in the natural rock
Massachusetts State House
Architect: Charles Bulfinch - first native-born professional American architect
 classical elements are pilasters, porticos and domes

Saint Patrick’s Cathedral

Architect: James Renwick
Guggenheim Museum
1956 to 1959
Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright
Location: New York, New York Johnson Wax Building
Building Type: art museum 1936 to 1939 and 1944
Style: Modern Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright
 a gift of pure architecture—or Location: Racine, Wisconsin
rather of sculpture Construction system: precast
 based on organic forms that the concrete and brick
architect found in seashells and snails Style: modern
 unique structural expression in
open hall, tower with rounded
 the tower is totally enclosed
Coonley House
and does not allow for horizontal
expansion of work space
Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright
 articulated by dendriform columns capable of supporting six times the
Location: Riverside. Illinois
weight imposed upon them, a fact Wright had to demonstrate in order to
Style: Prairie style
obtain a building permit
Building Type: house
Construction System: wood frame with
stucco Larkin Building
 a large, sophisticated prairie 1904, demolished 1950
house Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright
Location: Buffalo, New York
Building Type: commercial offices
Construction system: brick masonry
Style: Early modern
 large four-storey central atrium
Ennis House
 the first entirely air-conditioned
modern office building on record
Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright
Location: Los Angeles, California
Building type: house Wingspread
Style: Deco Modern 1937
Construction system: bearing masonry, Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright
concrete blocks Location: Wind Point, Wisconsin
 the last of the four Los Angeles Building type: large house
textile block house Style: neo-Vernacular
 living room, dining room,
kitchen, family sleeping rooms,
guest rooms, were separate unites
grouped together and connected by corridors begins at the Louvre and continues to
Golden Gate Bridge the City’s Western edge
1933 to 1937 Palais Royal
Architect: Joseph Strauss  commissioned by Cardinal
Location: San Francisco, California Richeliev
Building type: suspension bridge  original name is Palais Cardinal
Construction system: steel frame, steel  17th century
cables  Daniel Buren: stripped columns
Styles: Structural Modern with some Art
Deco details
 one of the longest bridge in the
 a powerful and elegant human
structure in an equally beautiful
natural location
 overall bridge length of 9266 feet, or 2824 meters
 bridge main span length of 4200 feet, or 1280 meters Sacre-coeur
 located at the hill of Montmartre which is the highest point in the city of
 1910: completed by Lucien Magne
The Louvre
1546 to 1878 Hotel de Ville
Architect: Pierre Lescot  largest renaissance building
Location: Paris, France  16th and 17th century
Building type: palace, art museum  Italian designer Domenico de Cortona
Construction system: cut stone bearing  1871: burned, renovated in 2 years
Style: French Renaissance Arc de Triomphe
 also designed by Catherine de  Napoleon, the French emperor
Medici, J.A. du Cerceau II, Claude decided to build a very big arch of
Perrault, etc. triumph, which stands at the top of
 I.M. Pei: design the glass the Champs Elysees
pyramid, which serves as the main public entrance

 the Tuileries Garden of Pompidou Centre
Paris is part of the 1972 to 1976
Triumphal way, which Architect: Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano
Location: Paris, France
Building Type: modern art museum  false ceiling painted by Marc Chagall
Construction system: high-tech steel and glass
Style: High-tech modern Elysee Palace
 a cost of $100,000,000, with an average attendance of 1718
approximately seven million people a year Architect: Claude Mollet
 massive structural expressionist cast exoskeleton,  official residence of the president of France
"exterior" escalators enclosed in transparent tube
Hotel de Invalides
Notre Dame de  Napoleons tomb is within the structure
Paris  founded by Louis XIV for disabled soldiers
1163 to 1250  late 17th century
Architect: Maurice de
Sully La Madeleine
Location: Paris, France Architect: Napoleon I
Building Type: church, cathedral  church of Ste. Marie Madeleine
Construction system: bearing masonry,  constructed as a church in 1842
cut stone  surrounded by 52 Corinthian columns
Style: Early Gothic
 one of the most
celebrated Gothic
cathedrals in France
 twin towers
marking the entrance
 probably the Sorbonne
most famous image  most famous building at the University of Paris
in French Gothic art
Chartres Cathedral
1194 to 1260
Paris Opera House Location: Chartres, France
1857 to 1874 Building type: cathedral
Architect: Charles Garnier Construction system: bearing masonry
Location: Paris, France Style: Gothic exemplar
Building type: theater, opera house  the elevation was in three tiers as it had no gallery and the vaulting was
Construction system: masonry, cut stone quadripartite, which eliminated the need for alternating supports
Style: Neo-Baroque  supreme monument of High Gothic art and architecture
 polychrome façade, opulent staircase Amien’s Cathedral
 commission by competition 1220
 masterpiece of 19th century architecture  145 meters long
 one of the largest and most opulent theaters in the  largest French Gothic Cathedral ever built
world  intricate façade completed during the 15th century
Construction system: reinforced concrete
Style: Expressionist Modern
 soft-form composition, deep windows with colored glass (wall thickness 4'
to 12')
 Le Corbusier’s dramatic pilgrim church

Villa Savoye
Rheims Cathedral 1928 to 1929
 one of the greatest monument of Gothic art and Architect: Le Corbusier
architecture Location: Poissy, France
 construction commerced by Jean Building type: house
d’Orbais and was completed by Robert Construction system: concrete and plastered unit masonry
Style: modern
de Coucy  an early and classic exemplar of the "International Style", which hovers
 a work of remarkable unity and above a grass plane on thin concrete pilotti, with strip windows, and a flat
harmony roof with a deck area, ramp, and a few contained touches of curvaceous walls


1874 to 1888
Eiffel Tower Architect: Gottfried Semper with Karl von Hasenaver
1887 to 1889
Architect: Gustave Eiffel
Location: Paris, France Berlin Opera House
Building Type: exposition observation (STAATSOPER)
tower Architect: Georg Wenzeslaus von Knobelsdorf
Construction system: exposed iron
Style: Victorian Structural Expressionist
 dominates the sky line of Paris Wurzburg Residenz
 one of the most famous landmarks in the world Architect: Balthazar Neumann
 built for the Paris Exposition of 1889  one of the best structure of the Baroque-Rococo period

Notre dame du Haut

Architect: Le Corbusier
Location: Ronchamp, France
Building type: church
Einstein Tower  tallest in England 404ft (123m)
1919 to 1921  use of Purbeck marble to create a strongly coloured scheme
Architect: Erich Mendelsohn
Location: Potsdam, Germany Queen’s House
Building type: laboratory, observatory 1616 to 1635
Construction system: bearing masonry, Architect: Inigo Jones – the greatest of English Classical architect
concrete over brick Location: Greenwich, England
Style: Expressionist Early Modern Building type: large house
 curvaceous, streamlined form Construction system: bearing masonry
 designed to hold Einstein's own Style: Palladian, Late English Renaissance
astronomical laboratory  was built by Jones for Anne of Denmark, wife of James I
 this 'sarcophagus of architectural
Expressionism' is one of the most
brilliantly original buildings of the Somerset House
twentieth century 1776 to 1786
Architect: William Chambers
ENGLISH ARCHITECTURE Location: London, England
Building type: government offices and art school
British Museum Construction system: cut stone masonry
1823 to 1847 Style: Neoclassical
Architect: Sir Robert Smirke  Home of Royal Academy of the Arts. Corinthian orders above arched
Location: London, England courtyard apertures, rusticated base
Building type: art and historical museum, Saint Paul’s Cathedral
library 1675 to 1710
Construction system: masonry, cut stone Architect: Sir Christopher Wren
Style: Victorian Ionic façade, Classical Revival Location: London, England
 Includes one of the world's great Building type: church
library rooms. Glazed roof over restored Construction system: masonry, brick, timber and cut stone
courtyard by Norman Foster Style: Late renaissance to Baroque
 the dome peaks at 366 feet above pavement
Salisbury Cathedral  a masterpiece of Baroque architecture
1220 to 1258  largest cathedral in England
Location: Salisbury, England
Building type: Cathedral (church, temple) Chiswick House
Construction system: bearing masonry, cut 1729
stone Architect: Lord Burlington
Style: English Gothic Location: Chiswick, England
 Cathedral of Saint Mary Building type: large house
 an outstanding example of the Early Construction system: bearing masonry
English architectural style Style: Palladian
 also known as “Burlington House”
 one of the most impressive Norman Romanesque style in Europe
 had a reciprocal influence on the architecture of Normady
 the rib vault covering of Durham Cathedral is the oldest example that has
Westminster Palace
1836 to 1868
Architect: Sir Charles Barry
Location: London Buckingham Palace
Building type: seat of government, Architect: sir George Goring
government center  built during the reign of king James I
Construction system: cut stone bearing
Style: English Gothic Revival
 Big Ben: the clock tower best
known is a great symbol of London
 originally seat of kings as a royal residence CHINA, TURKEY, ITALY, INDIA AND SPAIN ARCHITECTURE

Temple of Heaven
Location: China
 700 acre enclosure built by the Ming Dynasty emperor Yongle (Yung-Io)
Glasgow School of Art  means “Perpetual Help”
1897 to 1909
Architect: Charles Rennie Mackintosh
Location: Glasgow, England
Building type: college
Construction system: bearing masonry
Style: art and crafts, art nouveau
 imaginative synthesis of Hagia Sofia
elements of Art Nouveau and Scottish 532 to 537
Architecture Architect: Isidoros and Anthemios
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Building type: church
Construction system: bearing masonry
Style: Byzantine
Durham Cathedral  a tremendous domed space
1093 to 1280  built as the new Cathedral of Constantinople by the Emperor Justinian
Location: Durham, England  a masterpiece of Byzantine architecture
Building type: church, cathedral  additional minarets when the church became a mosque
Construction system: bearing
masonry, cut stone Cathedral of Siena
Style: Romanesque
Location: Southern Italy design emerged calling for an enormous octagonal dome
 incorporated Gothic elements in a  1418: competition for construction of dome.
strongly Mediterranean design  1420: technical solution for vaulting proposed by Brunelleschi approved
and construction begun
 The Duomo – dome added by Brunelleschi
 1436— church consecrated

Pisa Cathedral
103 to 1350 Krak des Chevaliers
Location: Pisa, Italy 1150 to 1250
Building type: church complex Location: Syria
Construction system: bearing masonry, cut Building type: fort
stone, white marble Style: Medieval
Style: Romanesque  crusader castle
 "Pisa Cathedral with Baptistery,  the best preserved and most wholly admirable castle in the world
Campanile and Campo Santo, together form
one of the most famous building groups in
the world
 the cathedral complex includes the famous Leaning Tower, La Torre Alhambra
Pendente 1338 to 1390
 white marble with colonnaded facades Location: Granada, Spain
Building type: palace
Florence Cathedral Construction system: bearing masonry
1296 to 1462 Style: Moorish (Islamic)
Architect: Arnolfo di Cambio  palace of Nasrid Dynasty
Location: Florence, Italy  the most beautiful remaining example of Western Islamic Architecture
Building type: domed church, cathedral  built as a cathedral in the mid-1200’s
Construction system: bearing  “hall of justice”: noted from its elaborate stalactite (maqarnas)
masonry decoration
Style: Italian Romanesque
 1296: Cathedral begun on Casa Batllo
design by Arnolfo di Cambio 1905 to 1907
 1357: Project continued on a Architect: Antonio Gaudi
modified plan by Francesco Location: Barcelona, Spain
Talenti Building type: apartment building
 1366-7: Talenti's definitive Construction system: concrete
Style: Expressionist or Art Nouveau
 uses animal styles al through-out the Taj Mahal
structure 1630 to 1653
Architect: Emperor Shah Jahan
Location: Agra, India
Building type: Islamic tomb
Construction system: bearing masonry, inlaid marble
Style: Islamic
 onion-shape domes, flanking towers, built for wife Mumatz Mahal
 located on the Jumna River
Casa Mila  museum for Mogul emperor’s consort
1905 to 1910
Architect: Antonio Gaudi
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Building type: multifamily housing
Construction system: masonry and
Style: Art Nouveau
 expressionistic, fantastic, organic
forms in undulating facade and roof line
 light courth
 it could be compared with the steep
cliff walls in which African tribes build
their cave-like dwellings

Sagrada Familia
1882 to 1926
Architect: Antonio Gaudi
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Building type: church
Construction system: masonry
Style: Expressionist
 Church of the Holy Family
 uncompleted during Gaudi’s lifetime
 crowned by four spires

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