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Department of Education


Pag-asa St., Malhacan, City of Meycauayan, Bulacan

Activity Sheet 10
Fourth Quarter – Week 8-9
Compose a Research Report on a
Relevant Social Issue
( EN10SS-IVe-2.3)


Are you familiar with the 8 Millennium Development Goals? The MDGs
are the eight goals set by 189 UN member states in September 2000 and
agreed to be achieved by the year 2015. The millennium Declaration was
signed at the September global summit held at the UN headquarters in New
York and the 149 international leaders in attendance committed to combating
disease, hunger, poverty, literacy, discrimination against women and
environmental degradation. The MDGs were derived from this Declaration,
and specific indicators and targets were attached to them.
How far did you think our country work on to achieve this MDGs? Do
you think the MDGs address the social problems in our country such as:
corruption, poverty, overpopulation, child labor, lack of adequate health care
services, terrorism, prostitution and unemployment? This question cannot
easily be answered without further research. A research is a careful and
detailed study into a specific problem, concern, or issue using the scientific
As you go through this activity sheet you will be asked to make a
research report on one relevant social issue in the country. In your previous
lesson, you have been already introduced to the technical terms in research.
Now you will learn the process.


Directions: Identify the research terms describe in each sentence.
Choose the letter of your answer from the box and write the answers
on a sheet of paper.
______1. A systematic investigation to contribute to an existing body of
______2. Evaluates the results of the study of research
______3. Provides the summary of the research
______4. Contains other related information such as graphs, charts, tables
and lists
______5. Presents the background information, scope, and focus of the
research paper
______6. Provides a review about what others have written or research
concerning the topic
______7. Explain how the research was conducted
______8. List all the sources used in the research
______9. Summarizes all sections and helps readers decide whether or not to
read the entire report
______10. Presents the information gathered through the research

A. Methodology E. Discussion I. Abstract

B. Literature Review F. Conclusion J. Appendix
C. Introduction G. Results
D. Reference H. Research

How to Write a Research Report?

What is research?
A research is a careful and detailed study into a specific problem,
concern, or issue using the scientific method.
What is a research report?
A research report is a written document containing key aspects of a
research project. It is a medium to communicate work with relevant people.
It is also a good source of preservation of research work for future reference.

Steps in Making the Research Report

Step 1: Understand the Assignment and Set a Schedule

It is important that you understand your assignment. Ask your
teacher for clarification if you don’t understand your assignment.
Some specific details you should know are:
▪ Format (Font style, font size, spacing)
▪ Number and Types of source allowed (books, newspaper, websites,
▪ Other formatting details (footnotes, subtitles, heading)
▪ Types of citation preferred by your teacher
▪ Set a schedule according to date of submission
Step 2: Finding a Topic and Question
Once you have figured out what the assignment is about, it is time to
choose a specific topic or question to research.
Some things to consider when choosing a topic:
▪ Is this topic appropriate? (Ask your teacher for approval)
▪ Narrow the focus of your paper. (try to make it as specific as possible)
▪ Choose a topic that not only interests you, but will also be interesting
to the reader.
▪ You may want to choose a question that your paper will answer. That
way, when you are researching, you are looking for something specific.
▪ The answer that you find to this question may ultimately become your
thesis statement.
Topic - Pay equality in the workforce.
Question- Do women still get paid less than men do for
completing the same amount of work?
Thesis - Women get paid less than men in certain jobs
Step 3: Begin Research
After you have decided the direction you want to take for the paper, it
will now be time to begin researching the topic.
NOTE: Just because you have chosen a topic and question does not mean
you have to stick with that one for the rest of the paper! After you have started
researching, you may find information that makes you want to change your
focus. It is fine if you change your question, but make sure your paper
answers the new question and not the old one.
Some things to keep in mind when researching:
▪ Make sure you use a wide variety of sources (Internet, books, journals,
video, interviews, etc.)
▪ Allow yourself enough time to research. This will be the most intensive
part of the paper, allow at least two hours per researching session.

▪ Keep records and copies of all of the information you obtain. Get all of
the bibliographical information while you are researching so you do
not have to go back. Make sure you also make note of where you found
the information in case you have to retrieve it later.
Such information includes:
 Title of the article or book
 Date it was published or copy written
 Author(s) and publishing company
 Pages used
▪ Try to put information into your own words. It is helpful to paraphrase
the information in your own words while you are taking notes to avoid
plagiarism later. If you do take quotes directly from the source, make
sure you make a note of that
▪ You should also be making notes about specific conclusions that you
are drawing from the material.
▪ Look specifically for details that support your thesis or question.
Sometimes background information is also necessary.
Step 4: Construct an Outline
Once you have collected all of the research, it may be helpful to organize
your thoughts with an outline. To construct an outline, you must group your
notes together and match information that fits together.
An outline should be formatted in this manner:
I. Introduction (Thesis Statement)
II. Main heading/idea of paragraph#1
a. Supporting detail 1
b. Supporting detail 2
c. Supporting detail 3
III. Main heading/idea of paragraph #2
a. Supporting detail 1
b. Supporting detail 2
c. Supporting detail 3
IV. Main heading/idea of paragraph #3
a. Supporting detail 1
b. Supporting detail 2
c. Supporting detail 3
V. Conclusion
Try to ensure that each paragraph contains approximately the
same amount of information. Depending upon how organized your
outline is, you should be able to write your paper directly from the
information in your outline.

Step 5: Write a Draft
Now that you have organized your research material, the next step will
be writing the first draft. Keep in mind that you will write multiple drafts, so
do not put excessive pressure on the first one.
Some things to keep in mind when writing a draft:
▪ Try to write with your own voice. Don’t just spit out researched
information. Add your own conclusions and thoughts.
▪ Remember to cite your sources when you use them, even in a draft.
▪ Try to keep your information as organized as possible. That will help
the reader understand what you are trying to say.
▪ Once you have written a draft, proofread it! Ask a classmate to read
your draft or anyone who can proof read it for you.
Step 6: Write a Final Draft
After you have revised your initial drafts, you should compose a final
draft. This draft should have very few errors, have a clear organization, and
be formatted correctly. Before you hand in your paper, you should make sure
you have the following elements:
1) A cover page stating the course information, the title of your paper,
and your name.
2) The final, revised, copy of your paper with any formatting necessary
(Footnotes, page numbers, citations, etc.).
3) A works cited page listing the bibliographical information for each of
your sources

For your Information!

Citation- is a reference to the source of information used in your research. Any
time you directly quote, paraphrase or summarize essential elements of
someone else’s idea in your work, an in-text citation should follow. (Refer to
your module page 470 to learn more about citation)
Plagiarism- occurs when ideas, information, and even pictures are used
without proper acknowledgement of the original sources. In order to provide
due credit, a writer can use the APA (American Psychological Association)
format. Providing in-text citation or parenthetical documentation of a quoted,
summarized, or paraphrased text from another source is a surefire method to
avoid plagiarism.
Thesis Statement- tells the reader how you will interpret the significance of
the subject matter under discussion. It is the road map for your research and
it tells the reader what to expect from the rest of your research.

Alonte, L. R., Flandez, L.L., et al. “A Celebrating Diversity through World 4 Literature – Grade 10” English –
Learner’s Material, First Edition 2014. (470)


Directions: Before you start writing your research paper let us now start
choosing your topic by answering the following questions. Write your answer
on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What relevant social issues are you interested to know more?
2. Why are you interested with that social issue?
3. What specific question do you want to seek answers for?

Research- is a careful and detailed study into a specific problem,
concern, or issue using the scientific method.
Research report- is a written document containing key aspects of a research
project. It is a medium to communicate work with relevant people. It is also a
good source of preservation of research work for future reference.
Citation- is a reference to the source of information used in your research.
Plagiarism- occurs when ideas, information, and even pictures are used
without proper acknowledgement of the original sources.
Thesis statement- tells the reader how you will interpret the significance of
the subject matter under discussion.
Steps in Research:
1. Understand the Assignment and Set a Schedule
2. Finding a Topic and Question
3. Begin Research
4. Construct an Outline
5. Write a Draft
6. Write the Final Draft


Directions: Answer the following questions. Write your answer on

a separate sheet of paper.

1. Why is it important for students like you to be aware of the relevant social
issues that we have in our country?
2. Why is it important to conduct research?


Directions: From your answer in ‘Let Us Practice’, fill in the

needed information below and proceed to your research. Write your answer
on a separate paper.
Topic: __________________________________________________
Question: ______________________________________________
Thesis Statement: ______________________________________


A. Directions: Match the following terms to its meaning. Write only the
letter of your answer on a sheet of paper.
_______1. The road map of the research a. plagiarism
_______2. Act of taking someone else’s b. citation
idea as your own c. thesis statement
_______3. Detailed study of a problem d. research report
using scientific method e. research
_______4. a written document containing
key aspects of a research project
_______5. a reference to the source of information
used in your research

B. Directions: Enumerate the 5 parts of an outline. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

C. Directions: Complete your Research Report on your chosen social issue.

Be guided with the Rubric on the next page.

Excellent (4) Satisfactory Developing (2) Beginning (1)

Relevant The Research The Research The Research The Research
Report Report reflects Report reflects Report does
insightfully the issue. The minimally the not reflect the
reflects the speaker is issue. The issue. The
issue. The able to make speaker in speaker is
speaker is able real world some parts able to make
to make real connections makes real world
world and relate superficial real connections
connections social issues. world and relate
and relate connections social issues.
social issues. and relate
social issues.
Well- The written The written The written The written
developed report is report is report shows report lacks
clearly and organized inconsistencie organization
logically with a s in and there is
organized with sufficient organization no clear
an engaging introduction, and lack of transition.
introduction, a a logically sustained There is no
logically sequenced focus clear
sequenced body with throughout beginning,
body with appropriate the speech middle or
appropriate transitions, with end.
transitions, and clear and inconsistently
and clear and closure. use
convincing transitions.
Suitable The written The written The written The written
report has a report was report was report was
unique and well presented weak in terms inadequate in
original which of unique terms of
presentation communicate presentation unique
which d which shows a presentation
comprehensive understandin vague sense which reflects
ly g on the social on the social confusion on
communicated issue. issue. the social
understanding issue.
on the social

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