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Test Bank For Nursing Today 9th Edition by Zerwekh

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Test Bank for Nursing Today 9th Edition by Zerwekh

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Chapter 01: Role Transitions

Zerwekh: Evolve Resources for Nursing Today, 9th Edition


1. A graduate nurse has been hired as a nurse at a local hospital. The new nurse is in the honeymoon phase of role transition when
making which of the following statements?
a. “I am so nervous about being on my own as a nurse.”
b. “This will be a great learning experience.”
c. “I can’t wait to have a steady paycheck.”
d. “This job is perfect. I can finally do things my own way.”
The honeymoon phase is when the student nurse sees the world of nursing as quite rosy. Often, the new graduate is fascinated with
the thrill of arriving in the profession. Reality shock occurs when one moves into the workforce after several years of educational
preparation. Recovery and resolution occur when the graduate nurse is able to laugh at encountered situations. During this time,
tension decreases, perception increases, and the nurse is able to grow as a person.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Applying

REF: Table 1.1 OBJ: Identify the characteristics of reality shock.
TOP: Reality shock MSC: NCLEX®: Safe and effective care environment

2. Which of the following actions by the graduate nurse is an inappropriate methodology to recover from reality shock?
a. Networking
b. Obtaining a mentor
c. Returning to school
d. Joining a support group
The transition period is successfully managed when the graduate is able to evaluate the work situation objectively and predict
effectively the actions and reactions of other staff. Nurturing the ability to see humor in a situation may be a first step. Returning to
school is a positive step after the graduate has worked through role transition, has some clinical experience, and is ready to focus on
a new career objective. Networking, obtaining a mentor, and joining a support group would give the graduate nurse an opportunity
to talk to others experiencing the stress associated with reality shock. The nurse would benefit from “talking through” issues and
learning how to cope.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Applying

REF: p. 9 OBJ: Describe methods to promote a successful transition.
TOP: Reality shock
MSC: NCLEX®: Safe and effective care environment Not applicable

3. A nurse is trying to avoid burnout. Which of the following actions is a valid way to achieve this?
a. Refusing to constantly work extra shifts
b. Withdrawing from peer support group
c. “Going native”
d. Changing jobs every 6 to 12 months
One of the quickest ways to experience burnout is to “overwork the overtime.” Set priorities with your mental and physical health
being the highest priority. Learning to say “no” to extra shifts is a positive means of coping of avoiding burnout. “Going native” is
the term that describes how recent graduates begin to copy and identify the reality of their role-transition experience by rejecting
the values from nursing school and functioning more like a team member at their place of employment. Withdrawing from peer
support groups, “going native,” and changing jobs every 6 to 12 months would increase the chance of the nurse experiencing
burnout. The nurse should instead focus on his/her practice and seek out support from other nurses.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Applying

REF: p. 7 OBJ: Describe methods to promote a successful transition.
TOP: Reality shock
MSC: NCLEX®: Safe and effective care environment Not applicable

4. Which of the following statements by the graduate nurse shows an understanding of reality shock as it applies to nursing?
a. “Reality shock is the period when a person moves from school into the
b. “Reality shock is the realization that practice and education are not the same.”
c. “Reality shock is the period from graduation to becoming an experienced nurse.”
d. “Reality shock is a transition phase that new graduates go through before
changing jobs.”
“Reality shock” is a term often used to describe the reaction experienced when one moves into the workforce after several years of
educational preparation. The new graduate is caught in the situation of moving from a familiar, comfortable educational
environment into a new role in the workforce where the expectations are not clearly defined or may not even be realistic. The
realization that practice and nursing school are not the same is often associated with “going native.” When nurses move from one
position to another, they have already experienced reality shock. Becoming an experienced nurse takes time and is not part of the
definition of reality shock.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Applying

REF: p. 5 OBJ: Identify the characteristics of reality shock.
TOP: Reality shock MSC: NCLEX®: Not applicable
Copyright © 2018, Elsevier Inc. All Rights Reserved. 1
5. A student in the last semester of nursing school has established a goal of making a successful role transition to graduate nurse.
Which statement by the student indicates his/her understanding of how to achieve this goal?
a. “I should care for increased numbers of patients to enhance work organization
b. “I will observe staff nurses as they perform nursing procedures to refine
c. “I should seek increasingly close guidance from the nursing instructor to reduce
d. “I will evaluate my progress every 7 weeks or more to allow time for growth.”
It is important for the student to start taking care of increased numbers of patients to help with time management and work
organization. The student should also be able to function without close guidance from the nursing instructor. Although it is good
for students to observe staff, a student in the final semester should be able to perform tasks with minimal observation and should
instead focus on implementing care and time management. Waiting 7 weeks to evaluate progress would not be helpful to the
student. Although regular self-evaluation is an important process, it is the actual experience of taking realistic patient assignments
and working typical shift hours that assists with successful role transition.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Applying

REF: p. 13 OBJ: Describe methods to promote a successful transition.
TOP: Reality shock MSC: NCLEX®: Not applicable

6. A new graduate of less than 1 year describes his/her perception of a staff nurse position, stating: “It feels great to be a nurse! In
fact, it’s a snap! I can hardly believe there’s no instructor looking over my shoulder.” What phase of reality shock is the graduate
a. Recovery
b. Shock and rejection
c. Honeymoon
d. Transition
In the first phase of the role transition process (the honeymoon phase), the graduate nurse is thrilled with completing school and
accepting the first job. Life is a bed of roses because everyone knows nursing school is much harder than nursing practice. Shock
and rejection occur as the nurse tries to understand how nursing school and the “real world” come together. Transition occurs as the
nurse begins the move from student to nurse and refers to the entire process, not just a particular phase. The recovery phase is when
the nurse can laugh at situations that he/she is in and is able to cope with the situations that are being faced.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Applying

REF: p. 7 OBJ: Compare and contrast the phases of reality shock.
TOP: Reality shock MSC: NCLEX®: Not applicable

7. A new graduate has worked on a busy unit for 6 months since graduating from nursing school. The graduate tells a friend, “I’ve
never been so upset in all my life! The care that some of the staff give our patients is outrageously bad. There’s practically no
attention to the principles of asepsis the way I learned them! The staff tell me that we have to cut corners if we’re going to get all
the work done. I can’t stand it!” What phase of reality shock is this graduate experiencing?
a. Honeymoon
b. Shock and rejection
c. Recovery
d. Role transformation
The honeymoon phase for the new graduate nurse is short lived when the graduate identifies the conflicts between the way he/she
was taught and the reality of what is done. Shock and rejection cause mental and emotional withdrawal, moral outrage, and a
hypercritical attitude, which are just some of the symptoms of the realization that the honeymoon is over. Excessive mistrust,
frequent pains and illness, a decrease in energy and fatigue, feeling like a failure and blaming oneself for every mistake, a
hypercritical attitude, and feeling morally outraged are characteristics of the shock and rejection phase. The recovery phase is
characterized by a beginning sense of humor (usually the first sigh), a decrease in tension, and an increase in the ability to cope
with the situations that he/she is faced with. Role transformation is the process of transforming from student to nurse.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Applying

REF: p. 8 OBJ: Compare and contrast the phases of reality shock.
TOP: Reality shock MSC: NCLEX®: Not applicable

8. A graduate nurse has been out of school for 3 months and working in a staff nurse position for the past 2 months. What type of
transition is the nurse experiencing?
a. A developmental transition
b. An organizational transition
c. A health-oriented transition
d. A situational transition
A situational transition is a lifestyle change that occurs because of a new situation. Most often the changes are by choice—for
instance, graduations, marriages, and new jobs. Developmental transitions include becoming a parent or going through a midlife
crisis. An organizational transition involves a change in leadership. A health-oriented transition involves dealing with an illness or
health issue, such as coping with a chronic illness.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Applying

REF: p. 3 OBJ: Discuss the concepts of transitions. TOP: Types of transitions
MSC: NCLEX®: Not applicable

Copyright © 2018, Elsevier Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2

9. The graduate nurse understands that transitions occur throughout life. What major factor does the nurse identify as influential in a
successful transition from school to practice?
a. Level of new knowledge and skills required in the new environment
b. Amount of classwork required to obtain a degree
c. Personal history of previous developmental transitions
d. Influence of classmates and their transitional experiences
The transition from student to practice reflects a situational transition that is most often affected by the anticipation of changes in
the new work environment. Classwork no longer affects this transition. A personal history of previous developmental transitions
and the influence of classmates are not as prominent as the anticipated requirements to function in the new environment of work.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension/Understanding

REF: p. 4 OBJ: Describe methods to promote a successful transition.
TOP: Types of transitions MSC: NCLEX®: Not applicable

10. A nurse manager is giving a presentation at a local community college. The nurse manager understands the job expectations of a
new graduate when making which of the following statements?
a. “A graduate nurse should be able to perform as independently as was
demonstrated the last semester of nursing.”
b. “A graduate nurse should be able to function competently as a registered nurse at
the entry level.”
c. “A graduate nurse should be able to function in the role that was described in the
curriculum for the school of nursing.”
d. “A graduate nurse should be able to be able to function independently with ability
to make clinical nursing judgments.”
The job expectations of a new graduate nurse are those of an entry-level new employee. This frequently includes an extended
orientation to assist the new graduate to transition into the independent role of the nurse. The new graduate nurse is not expected to
function independently with the ability to make clinical nursing judgments. School curriculum and how one functioned the last
semester of school are usually not considered in the job expectations of a new graduate.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension/Understanding

REF: p. 12 OBJ: Discuss the concepts of transitions. TOP: Successful transitions
MSC: NCLEX®: Not applicable

11. Which action by the graduate nurse shows that a successful transition to nursing has been made?
a. The nurse begins to work with the nursing team and functions as others expect.
b. The nurse begins to objectively evaluate work experiences and enjoy the humor
of clinical situations.
c. The nurse believes everything is great, patients are wonderful, and the new unit is
so nice.
d. The nurse meets regularly with other new graduates to compare and discuss
Objectivity and humor are two of the characteristics of a successful transition. “Going native” occurs when the graduate begins to
provide care in the manner that the team or group wants it done, not necessarily the correct way. The “honeymoon phase” is when
everything is going great. Meeting with other new graduates can be productive, but it is a part of the transition and not an indication
of successful transition.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Applying

REF: p. 8 OBJ: Compare and contrast the phases of reality shock.
TOP: Characteristics of a successful transition MSC: NCLEX®: Not applicable

12. A student nurse is in the last semester of nursing school. Which action by the nursing student indicates appropriate preparation for
the transition experience?
a. The nursing student requests additional experiences in performing skills and
b. The nursing student maintains close contact with a nursing instructor to observe
nursing procedures.
c. The nursing student practices nursing assessments and care on one or two patients
to become more competent.
d. The nursing student increases communication with a nursing instructor to
maintain a resource person after graduation.
Students should get all the experience, not just observation, you can before graduation. Ask to perform procedures and skills and
request feedback from staff nurses and instructors. Students should also begin to build resources that will be available after
graduation. It is during the last semester that students begin to care for more complex patients (and more patient numbers) to gain
experience in the “real world” of nursing management and to have less reliance on the nursing instructor as a resource person.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Applying

REF: p. 13 OBJ: Describe methods to promote a successful transition.
TOP: Activities to promote successful transition before graduation
MSC: NCLEX®: Not applicable

Copyright © 2018, Elsevier Inc. All Rights Reserved. 3

13. A graduate nurse has been reviewing the NCSBN’s Transition to Practice model. The graduate nurse understands the intention of
the model when making which of the following statements?
a. “The intention of the model is to mandate that all state boards of nursing provide
a regulatory model for transition to practice.”
b. “The intention of the model is to provide educational modules so that the new
graduate does not need to work with a preceptor.”
c. “The intention of the model is to have the new graduate take and pass the
NCLEX®, obtain employment, and then enter a transition program.”
d. “The intention of the model is to complete the formalized transition program
within 6 weeks.”
The NCSBN’s Transition to Practice model is a regulatory model that is designed to promote public safety by supporting the
role-transition experience of newly licensed nurses. The new graduate would first take and pass the NCLEX ®, obtain employment,
and then enter the transition program. There are five transition modules with content focused on communication and teamwork,
patient-centered care, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and informatics. The time period for completion of the
program is 6 months with an expected additional 6 months of ongoing support. Because of individual state’s rights, the NCSBN
encourages states to adopt this model; however, they do not have the authority to mandate adoption of the model. This model does
not act as a replacement of a preceptor in the clinical practice area.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension/Understanding

REF: pp. 16-17 OBJ: Describe methods to promote a successful transition.
TOP: Activities to promote successful transition before graduation
MSC: NCLEX®: Not applicable

14. The nurse has an adequate understanding of transitions when making which statement about situational transitions?
a. “This type of transition can occur with leadership change.”
b. “This type of transition occurs only when one is dealing with a chronic illness.”
c. “This type of transition can occur when one has a career change.”
d. “This type of transition occurs during a midlife crisis.”
A situational transition occurs with change from one situation to another, such as a career change. Dealing with a chronic illness
would be characteristic of a health–illness transition, a leadership change would be an organizational transition, and a midlife crisis
would be a developmental transition.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension/Understanding

REF: p. 3 OBJ: Discuss the concepts of transitions. TOP: What are transitions?
MSC: NCLEX®: Not applicable

15. A student in the last semester of nursing school wants to be sure of adequate preparation for the transition experience. Which
patient should be added to the clinical assignment to assist in this process?
a. A 48-year-old man with heart failure who has oral and IV medications due and
needs a new IV started
b. A 38-year-old woman who cares for herself independently and is going home
later today
c. A 25-year-old man who is leaving the hospital against medical advice
d. A 40-year-old man who needs education on diabetes management
To adequately prepare for role transition, the student nurse needs realistic assignments and real-life experiences. It would be most
appropriate for the student to accept the “busy” patient, who requires oral and IV medications and needs to have his IV restarted.
The patient who can care for herself independently and the one who is leaving the hospital against medical advice would not
provide as much skill experience. Diabetic teaching is important but does not require the time management and work organization
skills of a “busy” patient.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Applying

REF: p. 13 OBJ: Describe methods to promote a successful transition.
TOP: Role transformation MSC: NCLEX®: Not applicable

16. A student nurse is interested in improving his/her nursing skills. What action would be the best for the student nurse to take?
a. Ask his/her instructor for extra skills practice during clinical hours.
b. Watch videos on how to perform the nursing skills that he/she needs to practice.
c. Review his/her nursing textbooks.
d. Observe nurses perform skills in his/her clinical setting.
The best way for the nursing student to improve skills is to get hands-on practice. The student would benefit most from requesting
extra skills practice during clinical hours, where skills can be performed on real patients, with the guidance of a clinical instructor.
Therefore, watching skills videos, reviewing nursing textbooks, and observing other nurses would not help the student obtain
hands-on practice.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Applying

REF: p. 13 OBJ: Describe methods to promote a successful transition.
TOP: Role transformation MSC: NCLEX®: Safe and effective care environment

Copyright © 2018, Elsevier Inc. All Rights Reserved. 4

17. A nursing student is nearing the end of his/her clinical experience. The student would like to care for patients who are typically
challenging for students in the first year of practice. Which patient would be the best choice for this student?
a. A 62-year-old man with diabetes who needs outpatient care set up
b. A 30-year-old woman with a kidney stone requiring IV pain medications
c. A 45-year-old man with chest tubes recovering from a car accident
d. A 25-year-old woman who received blood yesterday
The skills that nursing students have identified as the most challenging include code blues, chest tubes, intravenous skills, central
lines, blood administration, and patient-controlled analgesia. The most appropriate patient for the student to increase his/her skill
level would be the 45-year-old man with chest tubes. The other patients are not considered to be “challenging patients” for most
nursing students.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Applying

REF: p. 13 OBJ: Describe methods to promote a successful transition.
TOP: Role transformation MSC: NCLEX®: Not applicable

18. Which statement by the nursing student indicates an understanding of the importance of constructive feedback?
a. “I will wait until my clinical evaluation and then make any changes to my
practice that are needed.”
b. “I will request routine feedback from my instructor so I can make any changes
needed to improve my skills.”
c. “My instructor will let me know if I need to change anything.”
d. “I will ask my colleagues if I need to make any changes to my practice.”
Students are responsible for their skills and growth as health care providers. To ensure that their nursing skills are adequate,
students should request periodic feedback from their clinical instructors. Waiting for feedback or asking colleagues would not be an
effective way for nursing students to obtain feedback in a timely manner.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Applying

REF: p. 14 OBJ: Describe methods to promote a successful transition.
TOP: Role transformation MSC: NCLEX®: Not applicable

19. A graduate nurse has clocked in for his/her second shift on a busy orthopedic unit. After accepting the assignment, the graduate
nurse notices a fellow nurse complaining loudly at the nurse’s station to other staff members. This fellow nurse is typically upset
with floor assignments and thinks that the “new nurses get all the easy assignments.” Which action would be best for the graduate
nurse to take?
a. Join the conversation and tell the fellow nurse that he/she does not care for the
assignment either.
b. Begin a conversation with another staff member about the fellow nurse who is
c. Steer clear of the nurse who is complaining and try to focus on the positive.
d. Begin complaining about his/her own assignment.
The graduate nurse would have the most success by steering clear of the complaining nurse and focus on the positive. Joining the
conversation and focusing on the negative will not help the graduate nurse adjust to his/her new job.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Applying

REF: p. 14 OBJ: Describe methods to promote a successful transition.
TOP: Role transformation MSC: NCLEX®: Not applicable

20. A new nurse is caring for five patients on a busy surgical floor. While hanging blood for a patient, the nurse receives notice that
another assigned patient is being taken for surgery. The nurse has not obtained informed consent from the patient. What action
should the new nurse take?
a. Immediately leave the room he/she is in and obtain informed consent from the
b. Allow the patient to go to surgery without obtaining informed consent.
c. Delegate obtaining informed consent to another nurse while staying with the
patient who is receiving blood.
d. Ask the transporter to obtain informed consent from the patient.
Although the nurse must stay with the patient while hanging blood, it is important that informed consent be obtained from the other
patient before going to surgery. The best action for the nurse to take would be to compromise and delegate obtaining informed
consent to another nurse. The other actions would be inappropriate and possibly dangerous to the patients involved.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Applying

REF: p. 15 OBJ: Describe methods to promote a successful transition.
TOP: Role transformation MSC: NCLEX®: Safe and effective care environment

Copyright © 2018, Elsevier Inc. All Rights Reserved. 5

21. The new graduate has an understanding of the nursing journey ahead when stating
a. “It is not acceptable for me to make any mistakes at all.”
b. “I am not worried about issues with transition. I am tough. I will do just fine!”
c. “I know that I will make some mistakes, but I will learn and grow from them.”
d. “I am going to keep studying so that I am always right.”
It is important for graduate nurses to know that they will make mistakes in their nursing careers and that they learn and grow from
them. It is not realistic for graduate nurses to believe that they will not make any mistakes or will not struggle with transition.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Applying

REF: p. 20 OBJ: Describe methods to promote a successful transition.
TOP: Role transformation MSC: NCLEX®: Not applicable

22. A nurse has worked the past 5 days in a row to make some extra money. Today is a scheduled day off. Which of the following
actions would be the best for this nurse to take?
a. Call the unit to see if they need the nurse to work.
b. Read nursing articles and take practice quizzes to stay up-to-date.
c. Take his/her small children to the zoo.
d. Work on a continuing education requirement.
It is important that the nurse take time to relax and have fun. Taking his/her small children to the zoo is a non–work-related activity
that would ease stress and be enjoyable.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Applying

REF: p. 15 OBJ: Describe methods to promote a successful transition.
TOP: Role transformation MSC: NCLEX®: Not applicable


1. A nurse manager is preparing a group of newly hired nurses to work on the unit. After educating them on reality shock, a student
asks what physical and psychological symptoms the nurse may experience? The nurse manager replies: (Select all that apply.)
a. “It is not possible to experience any physical or psychological symptoms from
reality shock.”
b. “You may experience headaches.”
c. “It is possible that you will experience gastrointestinal upset.”
d. “You could experience insomnia.”
e. “Women may experience menorrhagia.”
ANS: B, C, D
Reality shock can cause physical and psychological symptoms that are important for the nurse to be aware of. These can include
headache, insomnia, feeling stressed out, gastrointestinal upset, and post-student blues. Menorrhagia (excessive menstrual
bleeding) is not a typical physical symptom of reality shock but is caused by uterine fibroids, endometriosis, or uterine polyps.
Amenorrhea (absent menstrual flow) may be experienced because of stress associated with reality shock.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension/Understanding

REF: p. 9 OBJ: Identify the characteristics of reality shock.
TOP: What are the phases of reality shock?
MSC: NCLEX®: Psychosocial integrity

2. A new nurse wants to make personal lifestyle changes to become a healthier individual. Which actions would help with reaching
this goal? (Select all that apply.)
a. Begin an exercise routine.
b. Eat protein snacks late at night.
c. Incorporate relaxation into his/her schedule.
d. Begin eating nutritious meals and snacks.
e. Be sure to get adequate sleep.
ANS: A, C, D, E
To maintain health and wellness, the new nurse should begin an exercise routine, incorporate relaxation into his/her schedule, begin
eating adequate nutritious meals and snacks. The nurse should consider cutting out snacks late at night.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Applying

REF: p. 15 OBJ: Describe methods to promote a successful transition.
TOP: Role transformation MSC: NCLEX®: Health promotion and maintenance

3. Which action would greatly help the graduate nurse when seeking out employment? (Select all that apply.)
a. Plan out interviews.
b. Ask to speak to nurses who work on the unit.
c. Wait until the interview to gather all of the information.
d. Find out what type of nursing care is delivered.
e. Determine the length of orientation.
ANS: A, B, D, E
It is important for the graduate nurse to be prepared when seeking out employment. Planning out interviews, speaking to nurses
who work on the units, finding out what type of nursing care is provided, and determining the length of orientation are all actions
the graduate nurse can take to prepare for employment. Waiting to gather information at the interview can leave the graduate nurse
feeling frazzled and disorganized.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Applying

REF: p. 16 OBJ: Describe methods to promote a successful transition.
TOP: Role transformation MSC: NCLEX®: Not applicable

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