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00 g7 Tle Learning Module '20-'21 FF

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The Great Plebeian College

High School Department

Alaminos City, Pangasinan
SY 2020-2021




Prepared by:


What is this module all about?.......................................................................4

How do you use this module?........................................................................5

Study Schedule………………………………………………………………………………………….6-7

Module Map………………………………………………………………………………………………8

Expected Skills……………………………………………………………………………………………9

Lesson 1- Producing Embroidered Article


Learning Objectives 1- Use basic Tools in Embroidery………………………….12-31

Learning Objectives 2- Create Embroidered Article……………………………….32-41

Performance Task……………………………………………………………………………..42-43



Handicraft Production Page 2


Dear Students,


As the COVID-19 Pandemic continues, teachers and students all over the
country had to adjust in new ways of learning at a social distance. We don’t stop
learning because we have stopped physically going to school. We only have our
interactions changed, and this is something we are equipped to deal with.
Distance learning maybe challenging for some of you and your family. But please
know that we, at The Great Plebeian College are trying to provide you with
learning opportunities.

This learning module is designed for you since classroom-based learning

is not yet possible. In this module there are lecture notes, activities/exercises,
readings, and illustrations that will help you be equipped with needed knowledge
and skills that respond to the demands of job markets. The contents of this
module are aligned in the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) as
prescribed by the Department of Education (DepEd). We hope that you will learn
from this module in the best way that you can.

We’re all doing the best we can with the situation we find ourselves in.
We will continue doing the absolute best that we can to provide you a meaningful
education even from afar.

May all of you have fun in learning. Stay safe and healthy. God Bless!

Handicraft Production Page 3

What Is This Module About?

Grade 7 Quarter 1 Handicraft Production




Welcome to the world of Handicraft!

Needle craft is a wonderful way to design and make fabrics. It allows you to explore your
creative side, develop your skills, and find enjoyment in making things yourself.

This module discusses embroidery as a needlecraft technique and how to use the materials
and tools used in embroidery. Engaging yourself in embroidery is relaxing because of its calming
effect of the repetitive stitches. This will also help you learn how to make basic embroidery
stitches, special kinds of embroidery, principles and elements of design, and transfer techniques
of needlecraft products that you can use in making embroidery products.

In this lesson, you will keep considering this enduring question “Why are basic
embroidery stiches important?”

As shown below, each Lesson is directed to the attainment of two learning outcomes:

 LO1. Use Basic Tools in Embroidery

 LO2. Create Embroidered Article

Your success in this

exploratory course on
Handicraft is shown in your
ability to perform the
performance standards found in
each learning outcome.

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To get the most from this Module, you need to do the following:

 Begin by reading and understanding the Module Map, Learning Outcome/s

and Performance Standards. These tell you what you should know and be
able to do at the end of this Module.
 Find out what you already know by taking the Pre-Assessment.
 Test yourself on how much you learned by means of the Post-Assessment.
 Do the required Learning Activities. Read and follow the instructions in each
activity correctly. All activities are to be submitted.
 You will use short coupon bond in every activity (make a 1” border line in
every side), compile it in a short folder. This serves as your activity portfolio.
 You will also need one ¼ illustration board, glue, scissors, and some basic
tools in embroidery like threads, needles, and hoop.
 It is not enough that you only acquire the content or information. You must
be able to demonstrate what you learned by doing the activities in the
TRANSFER stage. You can ask for your parent/guardian’s assistance in
making this activity.

Each Lesson also provides you with references and definition of key terms for
your guide. They can be of great help. Use them fully.

If you have questions or clarifications feel free to contact me through

messenger, text, and/or call.
Contact Number: 09369685121

Facebook Account: MaryLoraine Camba de Loyola

Handicraft Production Page 5


Week 1-2  Explore opportunities for Activity 1

handicraft making as a
Using Basic Tools  Use basic tools in
in Embroidery embroidery
 Basic tools and materials Activity 2
in embroidery are Activity 3
identified Activity 4
 Different embroidery Activity5
stitches are performed Activity 6( A & B)
based on the given steps Activity7
 Proper use of tools is Activity 8

Week 3-4 Creating  Create embroidered

Embroidered Article article
 Embroidered article is
created based on the Activity 9
principles and elements Activity 10
of design Activity 11
 Color scheme are applied Activity12
in creating the design Activity13
 Design is transferred Activity 14
following the given steps Activity15
 Good working habits are

Week 5-6 Understanding  Understanding recycling Activity 1

Recycling  Recycled articles are Activity 2
identified based on Activity 3
recyclable materials Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity 6
Activity 7
Create Recycled  Create recycled project
Project  Recycled articles are Activity 8
produced artistically Activity 9
based on the given steps Activity 10
 Tools are properly used Activity 11
 Good working habits are Activity 12

Handicraft Production Page 6

Week 7 Wrapping Gift  Wrap gift items Activity 1
Items  Tools are properly used Activity 2
 Principles and elements of Activity 3
design are applied
 Gift items are wrapped
artistically Activity 4
 Decorative articles are Activity 5
applied to enhanced Activity 6
wrapped gift items Activity 7
 Good working habits are
Week 8-9 Entrepreneurship  Discuss principles and
strategies on identifying Activity 1
business opportunities Activity2
 Explore business
opportunities for
entrepreneurship as a
 Analyze the market needs
 Determine the possible
products and services that Activity 3
will meet the need Activity 4
Activity 5
 Select the best product or
service that will meet the
market need

“Time management is the key.

Although it seems hectic, as long as
you manage your time properly you
can get everything done.”
John Cena

Handicraft Production Page 7

Here is a simple map of the lessons you will cover


Producing Producing Recycled Producing Wrapped

Embroidered Articles Products Gift Items

Tools and Materials Benefits of Recycling Gift Wrapping Tools

Basic Recyclable Materials Principles and

Stiches Elements of Design

Principles and
Elements of Design

Design Transfer

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To do well in this module, you need to remember and do the following Most Essential
Learning Competencies (MELCs):

LESSON 1- Producing Embroidered Article

LO 1- Using Basic Tools in Embroidery

 Use basic tools in embroidery

 Explore opportunities for Handicraft Making as a career
 Basic tools and materials in embroidery are identified
 Different embroidery stiches are performed based on the given steps
 Proper use of tools is observed

LO 2- Creating Embroidered Article

 Create embroidered article

 Embroidered article is created based on the principles and elements of design
 Color scheme are applied in creating design
 Design is transferred following the given steps
 Good working habits are observed

LESSON 2 – Producing Recycled Project

LO 1 – Understanding Recycling

 Understand recycling
 Recycled articles are identified based on recyclable materials

LO 2 – Creating Recycles Projects

 Create recycled projects

 Recycled are produced artistically based on the given steps
 Tools are properly used
 Good working habits are observed

LESSON 3 – Producing Wrapped Gift Items

LO 1 - Wrapping Gift Items

 Wrap gift items

 Gift items are wrapped artistically
 Decorative articles are applied to enhanced wrapped gift items
 Good working habits are observed


 Discuss principles and strategies on identifying business opportunities

 Explore business opportunities for entrepreneurship as a career
 Analyze the market needs
 Determine the possible products and services that will meet the need
 Select the best product or service that will meet the market need

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(for Lesson 1)
Let us determine how much you already know about the embroidery production. Take this test.

I. Direction: Choose and encircle the correct answer. Rewrite and answer this on a short coupon
bond following the pattern below.

Name: ____________________________________ Grade and Group: ______________

Name of the teacher: _______________________ Subject: _____________________

Title of the activity: ________________________

1. It is a method used for designing a cloth using a needle and a thread

a. Embroidery c. Gauge

b. Pounce d. Thimble

2. It is an embroidery tool used in measuring more than one-foot distance

a. Tapestry c. Tape Measure

b. Needle Threader d. Crewel

3. It is a tool in embroidery that is used to keep the fabric stretched while embroidery stitches
are applied on the design.

a. Pin cushion c. Tapestry

b. Stiletto d. Thimble

4. It is a tool used to keep pins and needles in place

a. Embroidery c. Needle Threader

b. Water color brush d. Pin cushion

5. It is used to protect the middle finger and push the needle while doing embroidery work

a. Thimble c. Stiletto

b. Pin Cushion d. Pounce

6. It is used to measure short distances

a. Crewel c. Tape Measure

b. Thimble d. Gauge

7. It is a tool used for transferring the design when using pricking and pouncing method.

a. Water color brush c. Thimble

b. Gauge d. Pounce

8. It is a fine powder used in transferring design by pricking method.

a. Thimble c. Pounce

b. Pin cushion d. Crewel

9. It is used for easier threading especially by those sewers with poor eyesight

a. Pin cushion c. Pounce

b. Needle Threader d. Tapestry

Handicraft Production Page 10

10. It is a type of needle used for most standard embroidery stitchery.

a. Hoop c. Stiletto

b. Tapestry d. Crewel

11. It is used keep together the embroidery tools and materials

a. Sewing box c. Bag

b. Pin cushion d. Hoop

12. It is used for trimming scallops, clipping threads, and cutting large eyelets

a. Chenille c. Embroidery Scissors

b. Tracing Paper d. Bag

13. It is the simplest and frequently used stich

a. Running Stich c. Chain Stitch

b. Feather Stitch d. Filling Stitch

14. It is used to fill large or small areas

a. Textual stitch c. Filling Stitch

b. Linear Stitch d. Pattern Stitch

15. It is used to blend areas or thread together with the main stitch design

a. Textual stitch c. Filling Stitch

b. Linear Stitch d. Pattern Stitch

16. It is used to achieve movement and rhythm in an embroidery work

a. Textual stitch c. Filling Stitch

b. Linear Stitch d. Pattern Stitch

17. It pertains to the relationship in size between a part and the whole

a. Harmony c. Balance

b. Proportion d. Rhythm

18. It is a smooth related movement. Pattern and line carry the eyes along without jerky
motion. The eye automatically connects points in space

a. Harmony c. Balance

b. Proportion d. Rhythm

19. It is the three neighboring colors, one of which is dominant

a. Analogous c. Double Complementary

b. Monochromatic d. Complementary

20. It is the two neighboring colors and their opposite colors

a. Analogous c. Double Complementary

b. Monochromatic d. Complementary

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Learning Objectives 1
Use Basic Tools in Embroidery


Activity 1 : Organize your thoughts

LEARNING TARGET Explore opportunities for Handicraft Making as a career

A handicraft, sometimes more precisely expressed as artisanal handicraft or handmade.

It is a type of work where useful and decorative device are made completely by hand or by using
only simple tools.

Handicrafts have been a source of income for many Filipinos. Some tourist spots in the
Philippines sell handmade products such as knitted garments and crafted key chains. Some
handmade products are even exported to other countries. One of the popular handmade products
in the Philippines today are embroidered garments such as Jusi or Piῆa.

A. Direction: List down at least 5 BENEFITS of making handicraft products. Write your answer on
a short coupon bond following the pattern below (you can add more circles for your additional

Name: ____________________________________ Grade and Group: ______________

Name of the teacher: _______________________ Subject: _____________________

Title of the activity: ________________________


B. Direction: Answer the following question:

Copy and answer.

1. How can you align needlecraft in your daily life? Explain your answer.

2. Are embroidery stitches only good for girls or also for boys? Why do you think so?

Handicraft Production Page 13

Activity 2: Guess What

LEARNING TARGET Basic tools and materials in embroidery are identified

Because of the fast growth of the industry, elegance of designs, and fineness of
workmanship, Filipinos export articles with embroidery work. Embroidery work is best achieved if
correct tools and materials are used. Tools refer to small or handy devices/instruments used in
sewing while materials or supplies are those that are consumed in finishing a project.

Direction: Identify the following embroidery tools. Write your answer on a short coupon bond
following the pattern below. Answers only.

Name: ____________________________________ Grade and Group: ______________

Name of the teacher: _______________________ Subject: _____________________

Title of the activity: ________________________

1. 6.

2. 7.



5. 10.

How did you find the previous activity? Did the activity encourage
you to go further in this module? Now, in the next learning
segments, you will learn about more concepts and skills that will
help you doing the task that awaits you at the end of this module.
Moreover, you will experience how embroidered articles are
produced. So be ready for the next set of learnings!

Handicraft Production Page 14


Embroidery is a method used for designing a cloth using a needle and a thread. It has
been a practice for many years using different styles and techniques. Most embroidery works
originated from Middle East. During the primitive days, animal skins were joined together using
stitches that were also used as a decorative detail. People wearing embroidered clothing were
seen on sculptures and paintings during the ancient civilization.

The origin of embroidery in the Philippines can be dated back during the Spanish colonial
period. It was taught by the Spanish nuns to girls in the convent. During the American period,
schools were built to train woman in making fine embroidery and lace. At present, embroidery
flourishes as a major industry in provinces like Batangas and Laguna.

In town of Taal, Batangas, hand embroidery is made with embossed and intricate designs.
They use traditional fabrics like Piῆa and Jusi. The five characteristics of hand embroideries in
Taal are:

a. makinis – smooth and even quality of the embroidery stitches

b. pino – fine quality of embroidery stiches

c. masinsin – design composed of fine and delicate shapes that are not scattered all over
the fabric

d. mabintog – complex and voluminous quality of embroidery design

e. matibay – durable

Among the five characteristics, the most important criteria of beauty in embroidery is
makinis. The town of Lumban, Laguna, on the other hand, has a long tradition of embroidery
during Spanish colonial period.

Hand embroidery is a technique used to decorate fabrics. It is a craft that requires the
right tools to begin a project and finish a beautiful piece of hand embroidery. Below are the tools
and materials use in Embroidery; its uses and maintenance.


Gauge- use to measure short distance

Tape measure- use for measuring more than

one-foot distance or materials

Thimbles- made from metal or plastic, protect

the middle finger and push the needle while doing

your embroidery work. This come in sizes 6 (small) to 12 (large)

Handicraft Production Page 15

Embroidery hoop/stiletto- made of wood, bone, metal or

plastic use to make eyelets in the fabric to be embroidered.

It is also use to keep the fabric stretched while embroidery

stitches are applied on the design. It is advisable to place tissue paper over the inner hoop or
twist or wrap the inner hoop with a thin material to prevent markings on the fabric.

The two types of hoop frames are:

1. Hoop Frames, also called tambour frames, are useful for hand stitching small pieces
and machine embroidery. It has two wooden rings to grip the fabric tightly using the outer
ring with tightening screw.

2. Slate Frames, or scroll frames are adjustable wooden frames. They consist of two rollers
with webbing attached to the two strips that hold the rollers at a certain distance. They
can be attached to a table or a floor stand.

Embroidery scissor- small, sharp and pointed-good

for fine work use for trimming scallops, clipping threads,

and cutting large eyelets. Protect the blade by keeping

them in a sheath or cover and get them sharpened


Needle threader- used for easier threading especially

by those sewers with poor eyesight.

Pounce- fine powder used in transferring design

by pricking method.

Embroidery needle- short pieces of steel with a fine point at one end and a little opening or
eye at the other. The kind of embroidery work to do and the kind of thread to use are two things
to be considered in choosing your needle. Needles should always have a fine tip so that they can
easily move in and out of the fabric. Do not use a needle which is bent, without a point or rusty.
This will affect the regularity and neatness of work. Protect your needles by storing them in a
needle case. To sharpen needles or make pins last longer by rubbing them with an abrasive
material such as sandpaper or heavy wool. Keep in mind that pins and needles are one of the
most inexpensive notions used. Simple care and knowing when to discard them are key. It is
recommended to discard your needle after eight hours of use; usually when threads or fibers
start breaking and you feel it pulling on your fabric instead of gliding through it.

1. Crewel- sizes 1-10 are sharp-pointed,

medium length with large eyes for easy

threading they are used for most standard

embroidery stitchery.

Handicraft Production Page 16

2. Chenille- sizes 13-26 are also sharp-pointed

needles but they are thicker and longer and have

larger eyes. They are that types of needles appropriate

for embroidery that is worked with heavier yarns.

3. Tapestry needle- is from sizes 13 -26.

They are similar in size to chenille but are

blunt rather than sharp. This makes them

best for thread-counting embroidery and for

the needle point as well.

Water color brush- use for transferring the

design using pricking and pouncing methods.

Pin cushion- a place for pins and needles.

Tracing paper- used for tracing designs.

Sewing box- use to keep together the

embroidery tools and materials.

Bag- to keep work clean and fresh, have a

bag made from washable material to hold

your work when not busy on it.

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Activity 3 The Basics

LEARNING TARGET Basic tools and materials in embroidery are identified

Today, because of the fast growth of the industry, elegance of designs and fineness of
workmanship, Filipinos export articles with embroidery work. Embroidery work is best achieved if
correct tools and materials are used. Tools refer to small or handy devices/instruments used in
sewing while materials or supplies are those that are consumed in finishing a project.

Direction: Enumerate the five characteristics of embroidery in Taal, Batangas, and give a brief
description. Write your answer on a short coupon bond following the pattern below.

Name: ____________________________________ Grade and Group: ______________

Name of the teacher: _______________________ Subject: _____________________

Title of the activity: ________________________






Handicraft Production Page 18


1. Fabric- sometimes referred to as cloth,

are of great variety and they differ in material,

weight, weave, design, color, and finish.

Three types of Fabric

Common weave- includes most tightly woven

fabrics with a relatively smooth surface like linen,

wool and cotton. They are best used for articles

with decorative stitches.

Even-weave- intended for hardanger

embroidery since the number of threads

per square inch is same for both warp and woof.

Basket weave- commonly used by beginners

And ramie linen by those who have been used to

this embroidery. It supplies guidelines for cross stitch

and smocking having an evenly spaced pattern like

gingham cloth and polka dots.

All fabrics should be prewashed before using them for quilting or embroidery. The filler
that is used in the fabric can cause havoc if it is not removed by washing prior to working with
the fabric.

2. Thread- available in various types. They differ in terms

of texture, fiber content, number of strands and colors.

Threads are usually coded in numbers and color names.

They can be bought in skeins, balls or spools. The color of

the thread should suit the color and texture of the design and

the fabric to be embroiders.

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Proper Care of Embroidery Thread

As one of the most essential elements to the stitching process, it's important to ensure
proper and careful care of embroidery thread. Store it properly under controlled conditions to
avoid the following issues:

Thread dents

When a cone falls onto the floor, the point of impact can “dent” the thread, resulting in a
weak spot (or spots) that can ultimately lead to problems as the thread travels toward the needle.
This is a common problem for those that store unused cones on top of their machine. Those
cones will “walk” across the machine table due to the vibration of sewing and ultimately end up
on the floor.

Discoloring and fading

Threads, especially rayon, will fade when exposed to sunlight for extended periods of
time. If your threads are stored on a window sill or anywhere that sunlight can strike them full
force, you risk fading and discoloring.

Lint buildup

Threads that sit out, exposed to the elements of your shop’s environment, are prone to
dust and lint building up. Over time, such buildup can sink down into the threads. When the
thread travels through the upper thread path, it takes the crud with it, dispensing it along the
way onto critical surfaces (such as tensioners) that need to remain clean and smooth. The end
result will be inconsistent upper thread tension and possible thread breaks.


In addition to discoloring and fading, excessive exposure to sunlight can dry out the thread
and lead to brittleness in the fibers. Obviously, this will weaken the thread and lead to excessive
thread breaks.

Visit this link to watch a video and learn more about the embroidery tools and materials: and

You can also scan this QR codes using

your mobile phones. (you can
download an QR code scanner at play
stores and app stores.

If you have questions, feel free to ask your teacher through messenger,
text message, and phone call.

Handicraft Production Page 20

Activity 4 Thinking Out Loud

LEARNING TARGET Basic tools and materials in embroidery are identified

Direction: Answer the following process questions below. Write your answer on a short coupon
bond following the pattern below. Copy and answer.

Name: ____________________________________ Grade and Group: ______________

Name of the teacher: _______________________ Subject: _____________________

Title of the activity: ________________________

Process Questions:

1. What are the importance of knowing the different tools and materials in making embroidery




2. In our city, where can you see embroidered products? Give examples.




3. There are different classifications of needle. What are those?

a. ____________________

b. ____________________

c. ____________________

4. How can you differentiate the 3 classifications of needle?








Handicraft Production Page 21

Activity 5 What Am I?

LEARNING TARGET Basic tools and materials in embroidery are identified

Direction: Describe briefly the use/s of the following tools. Write your answer on a short coupon
bond following the pattern below. Copy and answer.

Name: ____________________________________ Grade and Group: ______________

Name of the teacher: _______________________ Subject: _____________________

Title of the activity: _________________________

1. Tape measure




2. Hoop




3. Needle threader




4. Pounce




5. Chenille




6. Tracing paper




7. Sewing box




Handicraft Production Page 22

8. Bag




9. Gauge




10. Embroidery scissor




How have you been doing? Put a check on the icon that describes your performance so far.
Be honest with your answer. If you feel stuck, how would you like to be helped? Write your
comment and send it to me via messenger or text message.





Handicraft Production Page 23


Embroidery Stitches

Embroidery is an art. Creativity and attention to details are necessary to complete an

embroidery art work. The basic embroidery stitches are the building blocks of an embroidery work
in making a variety of designs. There are four classifications of embroidery stitches, namely, linear
stitches, filling stitches, pattern stitches, and textural stitches.

1. Linear Stitches are used to achieve movement and rhythm in an embroidery work by the
direction in which they are applied.

a. Running Stitch is the simplest and frequently

used stitch that is done to give definition and

outline shapes.

b. Outline Stitch is a flexible stitch that can follow

curved or straight lines.

c. Straight Stitch can be used for filling spaces or

to form flowers and leaves by making single straight

stitches of any length and work them in any direction.

d. Chain Stitch is a looped stitch that can also be used

in doing curved or straight lines.

e. Open Chain is also known as ladder stitch and it is

worked on parallel lines.

2. Filling Stitches are used to fill large or small areas.

a. Satin Stitch is a stitch used to fill an area in the

embroidery design.

b. Brick Stitch is a stitch in alternate rows that is like

a brick work and can be used as a shading stitch.

Handicraft Production Page 24

3. Pattern Stitches are stitches that can be used to bend areas or thread together with the
main stitch design.

a. Fly Stitch is a stitch that forms a “Y” shape

by having an open loop held down by a vertical stitch.

b. Detached Chain is often known as lazy daisy,

which can be used to fill in areas of pattern and to form

flower petals.

c. Eyelets is a stitch suitable for floral areas.

4. Textural Stitches are used to show texture in embroidery by building up layers or by being
overlapped using a variety of threads.

a. French Knots can be used as dots or as

center point in floral designs.

b. Bullion Knots have a directional quality

compared to French Knots.

c. Couching Stitch can be done to make

curved or straight lines.

Other Stitches

1. Back stitch- the most often used to outline a design.

This stitch also forms the base line for other embroidery


2. Feather stitch- a stitch with a loop and stitches evenly

worked on both left and right sides of a design area.

3. Fish Bone- a kind of filling stitch which is ideal for making

leaves or feathers. It requires us to divide the pattern into

two and each side is filled alternately giving it a plaited effect

in the centre, thus ideal to make leaves or feathers.

Handicraft Production Page 25

4. Herringbone stitch- a basic overlapping stitch popular

for its use in borders.

5. Looped stitch- a very decorative stitch and can be

experimented with threads for various colors over borders.

Close layers of this stitch can create wonderful effects on a


6. Split- done using quite thick threads, such as wool. It was

used as an outlining stitch or as a filling stitch.

7. Seed- also known as rice grain stitch. Stitch uses simple

straight stitches in a single direction to fill in patterns. It has

shorter stitches above the fabric and longer stitches on

the reverse side. They remind of strawberry seeds, probably,

which inspired its name.

8. Stem Stitch- basically an outline stitch, this stitch

is usually used for flower stems, and outlines. It can only

be used as filling, rows of Stem stitch worked closely together

within a shape until it is filled completely.


1. Calado is an embroidery method of designing a fabric

by pulling out threads from a certain area, reinforcing,

and sewing together to make detailed lacy design.

A calado embroidery requires fine and lightweight fabric

like piῆa and jusi. It is distinctive feature of Philippine

embroidery that is practiced today in Lumban, Laguna

and Taal, Batangas in making clothes like terno, baro’t saya,

and barong Tagalog.

Handicraft Production Page 26

2. Smocking is a needlework used to decorate clothing

and accessories by gathering the fabric evenly by hand

or by machine and holding it with small stitches.

The gathering allows the fabric to become elastic,

making it easier to shape in variety of different ways

and for many different things such as clothes, bags,

pillowcases, etc. Cotton, polyester, and silk are fabrics

suitable for smocking.

3. Cross-stitch is a counted-thread embroidery in

which X-shaped stitches are used to form pattern

where the count of fabric determines the size of

finished cross-stitch project. It is worked from a gridded

pattern and uses a count fabric like linen and even weave

fabrics or Aida cloth.

To see how to do some of the basic embroidery stitches visit the link below: and

You can also scan this QR codes using

your mobile phones. (you can
download an QR code scanner at play
stores and app stores.

Focus Question:

Why are basic stitches important?

Handicraft Production Page 27

Activity 6 How much do you know me


LEARNING TARGET Different embroidery stitches are performed based on the given steps

Embroidery is an art. Creativity and attention to details are necessary to complete

embroidery work. The basic embroidery stitches are the building blocks of an embroidery work
in making a variety of designs.

Direction: Name the following embroidery stitches. Write your answer on the space provided
inside the box. Write your answer on a short coupon bond following the pattern below. Copy and

Name: ____________________________________ Grade and Group: ______________

Name of the teacher: _______________________ Subject: _____________________

Title of the activity: _________________________


Direction: Give examples of embroidery stitches and give a brief description about them.

Classification Examples Description

Linear Stitches

Filling Stitches

Pattern Stitches

Textural Stitches

Handicraft Production Page 28

Activity 7 Know the Difference

LEARNING TARGET Different embroidery stitches are performed based on the given steps

Direction: Among the stitches mentioned above, there are 3 special kinds of embroidery stitches
namely, calado, smocking, and cross-stich. Find out what are those and differentiate them. Write
your answer on a short coupon bond following the pattern below. Copy and answer.

Name: ____________________________________ Grade and Group: ______________

Name of the teacher: _______________________ Subject: _____________________

Title of the activity: _________________________


How have you been doing? Put a check on the icon that describes your performance so far.
Be honest with your answer. If you feel stuck, how would you like to be helped? Write your
comment and send it to me via messenger or text message.





Handicraft Production Page 29

Activity 8 Show what you got!

LEARNING TARGET: Different embroidery stitches are performed based on the given steps, and
proper use of tools is observed.

Direction: Choose at least 3 simple embroidery stitches to make by following the steps below. Put
each stitches in a 4x2” cotton fabric and take a video of yourself while doing your work. Paste
your finished work on a ¼ illustration board. Always Observe safety measures.

(Scoring Rubric for this activity is located at the next page).

1. Back stitch

a. Bring the thread through A and take it in through B.

This creates one stitch.

b. Bring the thread through C and take it in through B. This way, we are creating a stich
by taking the thread backward

c. Bring the thread through D and take it in through C. Continue this pattern to finish the

d. A finished line of back stitch will look like this.

2. Running Stitch

a. Bring the needle out at 1.

b. Insert needle down at 2

c. Continue steps a and b, working right to left, to make several running stitches.

Check that the stitches on both and wrong sides of fabric are of equal length.

3. Chain stitch

a. Bring the needle through at the top of the traced line

b. Hold the working thread down towards the left with the thumb.

c. Insert the needle at the point where the thread has just come through and bring it up
on the traced line about one-sixteenth of an inch / 1.5mm further along.

4. Cross-stitch

a. Bring the needle out through A and take it diagonally across to B.

Bring it back again through C, which lies vertically below A.

b. Now put the needle in through D, which lies vertically above B. You have made a single

5. French knot

a. Bring the needle out through A.

b. Now, place the needle close to the fabric. Wrap the thread around it twice.

c.Keep the longer end of the thread pulled with your fingers while putting the needle back
in a point just close to A or even through A.

Handicraft Production Page 30

How well did you perform?
Find out by accomplishing the Scoring Rubric honestly and sincerely. Remember it is your
learning that is at stake!


Tools Tools were Lack of one Lack of two or

(10%) complete, tool, some are more tools, some
appropriate appropriate are appropriate
and and correctly and not correctly
completely used. used.
Procedure Used the Used the Failed to use the
(60%) correct correct correct method.
method. method. Procedures not
Procedures Procedures followed.
are correctly incorrectly
followed. followed.
Pattern All pattern Some pattern All pattern details
(20%) details were details were are not drafted
correctly inaccurately correctly and
measured and detailed. accurately
Speed Finished the Finished the Finished the
(10%) pattern ahead pattern on pattern more than
of time. time. the allotted time.


Weighted Score = Score x Criteria (weight)

Score Percentage = Total weight score x 30 + 70

Perfect Score (3)

NOTE: Your self-computed weighted score may differ from your teacher’s given score.

Congratulations! You
did a great job! Rest and
relax for a while, then
move on to the next
lesson. Good luck!

Handicraft Production Page 31

Learning Objectives 2
Create Embroidered Articles

Activity 9 Life is full of colors

You can only produce good embroidered articles if you know how to create a good
design and use the right color or thread for it.

LEARNING TARGET: Embroidered article is created based on the principles of design.

Direction: Classify the following colors write PC for Primary color, SC for Secondary color and TC
for Tertiary color. Write your answer on a short coupon bond following the pattern below. Copy
and answer.

Name: ____________________________________ Grade and Group: ______________

Name of the teacher: _______________________ Subject: _____________________

Title of the activity: _________________________

1. Blue ______

2. Blue-violet ______

3. Green ______

4. Orange ______

5. Red ______

6. Red-violet ______

7. Violet ______

8. Yellow ______

9. Yellow- orange ______

10. Yellow-Green ______

Activity 10 Give me five!

LEARNING TARGET: Good working habits are observed.

Directions: Give at least 5 good working habits in creating embroidered article






Handicraft Production Page 32


Principles of Design

You can only produce good embroidered articles if you know how to create a good
design and use the right color o thread for it. Careful study of the principles of design and
strictly following it will help you produce a good design. Always bear in mind that design is the
arrangement of line, form, color and texture with the purpose of achieving order and beauty.

1. Harmony

Harmony is the Law of Unity with variety. This principle infers repetition of line, form,
shape and size.

2. Proportion

Pertains to the relationship in size between a part and the whole.

3. Balance

May be produced in two ways, either formal or informal. Formal balance or symmetry
has equal color, shape, and size on either side of a design. While the informal occult has
unequal proportion.

4. Rhythm

It is a smooth related movement. Pattern and line carry the eyes along without jerky
motion. The eye automatically connects points in space.

5. Emphasis

The eye is carried first to the most important part of the design and then to the other
details in order of their importance. This referred to as the center of interest of a design.

Elements of design

1. Line

Skeleton or basic foundation sketch to direct the eye vertically or horizontally.

2. Texture

Refers to the surface appearance which is either rough or smooth, dull or glossy, thick
or thin

3. Color

Color may be cool, warm, bright or dull. Choosing the right color will greatly affect the
appearance of your finished project.

Below is a color wheel consisting of twelve colors which will give you an idea to make successful
choice of color.

Handicraft Production Page 33

There are also definitions (or categories) of colors based on the color wheel. We begin
with a 3-part color wheel.

Primary Colors: Red, yellow and blue. In traditional color theory (used in paint and pigments),
primary colors are the 3 pigment colors that cannot be mixed or formed by any combination of
other colors. All other colors are derived from these 3 hues.

Secondary Colors: Green, orange and purple. These are the colors formed by mixing the
primary colors.

Tertiary Colors: Yellow-orange, red-orange, red-purple, blue-purple, blue-green & yellow-

green. These are the colors formed by mixing a primary and a secondary color. That's why the
hue is a two word name, such as blue-green, red-violet, and yellow-orange.

Color scheme

A. Related Colors

1. Monochromatic Harmony

One color of different shade

2. Analogous Harmony

Three neighboring colors, one of which is dominant

Handicraft Production Page 34

B. Contrasting Colors

1. Complementary

Colors opposite each other in the color wheel

2. Double Complementary

Two neighboring colors and their opposite colors

3. Split Complementary

Three colors diagonal with each other

4. Triad

The color in between three spaces in color wheel

Focus Question:

Why are basic stitches important?

Handicraft Production Page 35

Activity 11 You complete me

LEARNING TARGET: Embroidered article is created based on the principles of design.

Direction: Complete the 12 colors of the color wheel below. Write your answer on a short coupon
bond following the pattern below. Copy and answer.

Name: ____________________________________ Grade and Group: ______________

Name of the teacher: _______________________ Subject: _____________________

Title of the activity: _________________________

Activity 12 Principles of Design

Direction: Identify the following color scheme below. Write your answer on a short coupon bond
following the pattern below. Answer only.

Name: ____________________________________ Grade and Group: ______________

Name of the teacher: _______________________ Subject: _____________________

Title of the activity: _________________________

1. 4.

______________ ______________

2. 5.

______________ ______________



Handicraft Production Page 36


The embroidery design you choose reflects who you are or the purpose for which your
project is being done. For a more individual touch, you may create. If this is not possible you may
copy a design from commercially available books on embroidery. Whichever make sure that the
design you choose will not only suit your purpose but will also enhance the beauty of your fabric.

There are several ways of transferring designs on fabric. Among these are hot-iron,
tracing, and stamping.

Hot-iron Transfer

Some designs sold in craft stores are printed on thin transfer sheets. These are called hot-
iron transfers, the easiest among the three methods. To use a hot-iron transfer, first remove
excess paper around the design, place the design on the fabric, then pin at the corners. Make
sure your flatiron is at low setting before pressing it over an area of the design for a few seconds.
Lift the iron then move it to another area of the design. Remember not to glide the iron over the
design as this can ruin the design.

Tracing Method

Designs may also be transferred using a tracing wheel and preferably dressmaker’s carbon
paper. However, when no carbon paper of this type is available, ordinary carbon paper may be
used. Utmost care should be taken though in using the latter type as it can smear badly on the
fabric. Remember to use light-colored carbon paper if your fabric is of a light color. The steps in
this method are as follows:

1. Place your design right side up on your fabric then pin at the corners. Slowly insert the
carbon paper or dressmaker’s carbon, carbon side down, between the design and fabric.

2. Using a tracing wheel, go over the lines of the design.

3. You may also use a pencil or any sharp or pointed instrument to trace the design.

Handicraft Production Page 37


In transferring designs by stamping, you will need soft absorbent cloth, indigo, kerosene
or petroleum, sheets of newspaper, your perforated design, and the fabric on which you want to
stamp your design. A perforated pattern of your design is made by pricking holes along the lines
of the design.

The steps in this method are as follows:

1. Form the soft absorbent cloth into ball

2. Mix 1 part indigo and 1 ½ parts kerosene or petroleum to make a smooth thin paste. This will
be your blueing mixture

3. Spread sheet of newspaper on a flat surface. Lay the fabric on the newspapers. Be sure the
warp and woof threads of the fabric are aligned.

4. Lay the perforated pattern smooth side up on the part of the fabric where the design is to be
placed. Pin the corners of the design.

5. Dip the ball of cloth in blueing mixture. Rub the ball of cloth over the design in one stroke or
direction only.

6. To check if the design had been correctly transferred, lift one corner of the pattern carefully

7. When the design has been fully transferred, remove the perforated pattern. Using a small
amount of kerosene, clear the design of unwanted imprints. Air dry your finished work.

Know more about the design transfer techniques by reading here at

or by scanning the QR code below.

You can also scan this QR codes

using your mobile phones. (you
can download an QR code
scanner at play stores and app

Handicraft Production Page 38

Activity 13 Think it over

Direction: Answer the following questions. Write your answer on a short coupon bond following
the pattern below. Answer only.

Name: ____________________________________ Grade and Group: ______________

Name of the teacher: _______________________ Subject: _____________________

Title of the activity: _________________________

Process Questions:

1. Is needlecraft technique like embroidery just good for a hobby? If not, defend your answer.




2. Which basic embroidery stitch do you like the most? Why?




3. Why are basic embroidery stiches important?




4. What is the importance of having knowledge about the principles of design in making
embroidery products?




5. As a student how can you apply the basic knowledge and skills in embroidery to your daily




Handicraft Production Page 39

Activity 14 Me First!

Direction: Arrange the following steps chronologically. Write a for the first step, b for the second
and so on. Write your answer on a short coupon bond following the pattern below. Copy and

Name: ____________________________________ Grade and Group: ______________

Name of the teacher: _______________________ Subject: _____________________

Title of the activity: _________________________

Hot-iron Transfer

____1. Lift the iron then move it to another area of the design.

____2. Place the design on the fabric, then pin at the corners.

____3. Remove excess paper around the design.

____4. Set flatiron at low setting before pressing it over an area of the design for a few


Tracing Method

____1. Go over the lines of the design using a tracing wheel, a pencil or any sharp or pointed

instrument to trace the design.

____2. Insert the carbon paper or dressmaker’s carbon, carbon side down, between the design

and fabric.

____3. Place your design right side up on your fabric then pin at the corners.


____1. Dip the ball of cloth in blueing mixture. Rub the ball of cloth over the design in one

stroke or direction only.

____2. Form the soft absorbent cloth into ball.

____3. Lay the perforated pattern smooth side up on the part of the fabric where the design is

to be placed.

____4. Lift one corner of the pattern carefully to check if the design had been correctly


____5. Pin the corners of the design.

____6. Prepare the blueing mixture.

____7. Spread sheet of newspaper on a flat surface. Lay the fabric on the newspapers.

____8. When the design has been fully transferred, remove the perforated pattern.

Handicraft Production Page 40

Good Working Habits

It is not enough that you are aware of the different embroidery stitches, tools and
materials needed in embroidery work. How to do it correctly, neatly and beautifully is also just

To ensure cleanliness and maintain the good quality of your work, always bear in mind
the following good working habits.

1. Have clean sewing box with complete sewing tools.

2. Wash your hand before working.

3. Assemble all needed materials.

4. Clip or tie your hair while working so you can see your work clearly.

5. Use the appropriate needle for the right kind of cloth.

6. Put your scraps of cloth and thread in a plastic bag.

7. Use embroidery scissors in cutting thread, not your teeth.

8. An elbow length of thread is appropriate to use for easier sewing.

9. Work with your hands and not with your lips.

10. Follow the step-by-step procedure.

11. Fold correctly and keep your fabric in plastic after working each day.

12. Clean your working area before living the room.

Embroidery is a method used for designing a cloth using a needle and

a thread.
There are five characteristics of hand embroideries in Taal, Batangas
namely makinis, pino, masinsin, mabintag, and matibay.
Hand Embroidery is a technique used to decorate fabrics. It is a craft
that requires the right tools and materials to begin a project and
finish a beautiful piece of hand embroidery.
Basic embroideries are the building blocks of a embroidery work in
making a variety of designs.
Careful study of the principles of design and strictly following it will
help you produce a good design. Always bear in mind that design is
the arrangement of line, form, color and texture with the purpose of
achieving order and beauty.
There are also definitions (or categories) of colors based on the color
wheel these are primary colors, secondary colors, and tertiary colors.
There are several ways of transferring designs on fabric. Among these
are hot-iron, tracing, and stamping.
Handicraft is important because it represents our culture and tradition.

Handicraft Production Page 41

Activity 15 Show what you got!

Show that you learned something by doing this activity


 Create embroidered article

 Embroidered article is created based on the principles and elements of design
 Color scheme are applied in creating the design
 Design is transferred following the given steps
 Good working habits are observed

Direction: Create an embroidered article based on the principles and elements of design.


 T-shirt 100% cotton (old/new)

 Pattern (You may create your own pattern)

 Embroidery hoop

 Stabilizer or interfacing

 Embroidery thread

 Needle

 Scissors


1. First, pick a shirt to embellish. A 100% cotton shirt works best.

2. Transfer your pattern onto your shirt. If you are ironing your pattern onto your shirt, use a
piece of cardboard between the front and back of your shirt to avoid the possibility of the ink
bleeding through. Ask for assistance to your parent/guardian.

REMINDER TO THE PARENT/S: Please do not do your child’s work/task.

3. Secure stabilizer to the fabric using your hoop. If you find the stabilizer too floppy, you can
tack it to the shirt at its corners using a bit of thread.

4. Use small stitches when working on stretch fabric so that there's less puckering of the fabric
around the stitches.

5. Split stitch to decorate the shirt. (Other stitches may use defending on your choice)

6. Once you've finished stitching, trim the excess stabilizer from around your stitching. If you're
using a tear-away or cut-away interfacing, carefully remove it at this point.

7. Rinse the shirt in cool water to dissolve the remaining interfacing.


How well did you perform? Find out by accomplishing the Scoring Rubric at the next page
honestly and sincerely. Remember it is your learning that is at stake!

Handicraft Production Page 42

Handicraft Production Page 43
(for Lesson 1)
Let us determine how much you’ve learn about embroidery production. Take this test.

I. Direction: Choose and encircle the correct answer. Rewrite and answer this on a short coupon
bond following the pattern below.

Name: ____________________________________ Grade and Group: ______________

Name of the teacher: _______________________ Subject: _____________________

Title of the activity: ________________________

1. What method is used for designing a cloth using a needle and a thread?

a. Embroidery c. Gauge

b. Pounce d. Thimble

2. What kind of embroidery tool is used to keep the fabric stretched while embroidery stitches
are applied on the design?

a. Pin cushion c. Tapestry

b. Stiletto d. Thimble

3. What embroidery tool is used to keep the fabric stretched while embroidery stitches are applied
on the design?

a. Pin cushion c. Tapestry

b. Stiletto d. Thimble

4. What do you call a fine powder used in transferring design by pricking method in embroidery?

a. Thimble c. Pounce

b. Pin cushion d. Crewel

5. Which of the following type of needle is used for most standard embroidery stitchery?

a. Large eye needle c. Chenille

b. Tapestry d. Crewel

6. What embroidery tool is used in measuring more than one foot distance?

a. Tapestry c. Tape Measure

b. Needle Threader d. Crewel

7. What embroidery tool is used to protect the middle finger and push the needle while doing
embroidery work measure?

a. Thimble c. Stiletto

b. Pin Cushion d. Pounce

8. Which of the following embroidery tool is used to keep pins and needles in place ?

a. Embroidery c. Needle Threader

b. Water color brush d. Pin cushion

Handicraft Production Page 44

9. Which of the following is used for transferring the design when using pricking and pouncing
method in embroidery?

a. Water color brush c. Thimble

b. Gauge d. Pounce

10. Which of the following embroidery tool is used for easier threading especially by those sewers
with poor eyesight?

a. Pin cushion c. Pounce

b. Needle Threader d. Tapestry

11. What embroidery tool is used for trimming scallops, clipping threads, and cutting large

a. Chenille c. Embroidery Scissors

b. Tracing Paper d. Bag

12. What embroidery tool is used keep together the embroidery tools and materials?

a. Sewing box c. Bag

b. Pin cushion d. Hoop

13. Which stitch is used to achieve movement and rhythm in an embroidery work?

a. Textual stitch c. Filling Stitch

b. Linear Stitch d. Pattern Stitch

14. What stitch is used to fill large or small areas?

a. Textual stitch c. Filling Stitch

b. Linear Stitch d. Pattern Stitch

15. Which of the following stitch is used to blend areas or thread together with the main stitch

a. Textual stitch c. Filling Stitch

b. Linear Stitch d. Pattern Stitch

16. Which of the following is the simplest and frequently used stich?

a. Running Stich c. Chain Stitch

b. Feather Stitch d. Filling Stitch

17. What do you call the two neighboring colors and their opposite colors?

a. Analogous c. Double Complementary

b. Monochromatic d. Complementary

18. What element of design is described as a smooth related movement?

a. Harmony c. Balance

b. Proportion d. Rhythm

Handicraft Production Page 45

19. Which of the following elements of design pertains to the relationship in size between a part
and the whole ?

a. Harmony c. Balance

b. Proportion d. Rhythm

20. In related colors, what do you call the three neighboring colors, one of which is dominant?

a. Analogous c. Double Complementary

b. Monochromatic d. Complementary

21. What do you call the colors formed by mixing a primary and a secondary color?

a. Primary Color c. Secondary Color

b. Color Scheme d. Tertiary Color

22. Which of the following are the 3 pigment colors that cannot be mixed or formed by any
combination of other colors?

a. Primary Color c. Secondary Color

b. Color Scheme d. Tertiary Color

23. What do you call the colors formed by mixing the primary colors?

a. Primary Color c. Secondary Color

b. Color Scheme d. Tertiary Color

24. Which of the following principles of design is referred to as the center of interest of a design?

a. Harmony c. Emphasis

b. Proportion d. Rhythm

25. What element of design is described as the skeleton or basic foundation sketch to direct the
eye vertically or horizontally?

a. Texture c. Softness

b. Color d. Line

26. Which element of design may be cool, warm, bright or dull?

a. Texture c. Softness

b. Color d. Line

27. Which of the following elements of design refers to the surface appearance which is either
rough or smooth, dull or glossy, thick or thin?

a. Texture c. Softness

b. Color d. Line

28. Among the following transferring methods, which is the easiest?

a. Light b. Stamping

c. Tracing d. Hot-iron

29. Which transferring method is used with dress maker’s carbon paper?

Handicraft Production Page 46

a. Light c. Stamping

b. Tracing d. Hot-iron

30. What transferring designs wherein soft absorbent cloth, indigo, kerosene or petroleum, sheets
of newspaper, your perforated design, and the fabric is used?

a. Light c. Stamping

b. Tracing d. Hot-iron


A. Direction: Answer the following questions. Write your answer on a short coupon bond following
the pattern below. Copy and answer.

Name: ____________________________________ Grade and Group: ______________

Name of the teacher: _______________________ Subject: _____________________

Title of the activity: Reflection .

1. What is the most useful thing you learned in this lesson?




2. What did you struggle the most with?




B. Direction: Complete the following unfinished sentences.

1. I learned that…

2. I think it is important to…

Congratulations! You did a great job! Rest and relax for a

while, then move on to the next lesson. Good luck!

Handicraft Production Page 47

Bernardino, J. C., Fulgencio, M.G., Lee, E. G., Paragas, A., Rafael, E. (2019) Lean Earn
Achieve Productivity Series Technology and Livelihood Education 7/8, Phoenix
Publishing House Inc.

Fineza, B. C., Limon, M., Pacle, A. (2017) TLE Life Skills for the Future, The Inteligente
Publishing, Inc.


Handicraft Production Page 48

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