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7188 Environmental Learner Manual April 2013

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Introduction to
Technology Systems
Text © National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011

Original illustrations © National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011

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Published in 2011 for the National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies by:
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Section one: Introduction 1

Section two: Background 5

Section three: Commercial awareness 7

Section four: Heat producing technologies 9

Solar thermal hot water systems 10
Heat pump systems 16
Biomass fuelled systems 23

Section five: Electricity producing technologies 28

Solar photovoltaic systems 29
Micro-wind turbine systems 34
Micro-hydropower systems 38

Section six: Co-generation technologies 42

Micro-combined heat and power systems (heat-led) 42

Section seven: Water conservation technologies 45

Rainwater harvesting systems 46
Greywater reuse systems 50

Glossary 53

Acknowledgements 57
Section one:
These materials have been developed by the National The learning outcomes of the QCF Level 3 Award
Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies (NSAET). in Understanding the Fundamental Principles and
They are designed to support the delivery of the QCF Requirements of Environmental Technology Systems
Level 3 Award in Understanding the Fundamental are that the learner will:
Principles and Requirements of Environmental 1 know the fundamental working principles of
Technology Systems. micro-renewable energy and water conservation
This Award is regulated by the regulatory bodies in
2 know the fundamental requirements of building
England, Wales and Northern Ireland1 and appears on
location/building features for the potential to install
the Qualifications & Credit Framework (QCF). Learners
micro-renewable energy and water conservation
successfully completing the assessment will achieve
systems to exist
2 QCF credits at Level 3 (see section 1.4 for further
3 know the fundamental regulatory requirements
information on the QCF).
relating to micro-renewable energy and water
conservation technologies
1.1 Aims and objectives 4 know the typical advantages and disadvantages
associated with micro-renewable energy and water
The aim of this course is to support the development of conservation technologies.
a fundamental knowledge of micro-renewable energy
and water conservation technologies. The course is designed to develop fundamental
knowledge only. No part of these materials or the
On completion of the course the learner should: content and assessment of the QCF Award is designed to
· have gained a knowledge of the fundamental
working principles, advantages and disadvantages
provide the learner with the occupational competence
to install or maintain the technologies covered.
of installation and regulatory requirements for micro-
The technologies covered are not exhaustive but
renewable and water conservation technologies
include those technologies that are most popular
· be prepared, if appropriate, to undertake further
units on specialist knowledge and competence
and/or are supported by current or planned
Government initiatives or are considered to be key
to install, commission, handover, inspect, service
emerging technologies in the short to medium term.
and maintain micro-renewable energy and water
conservation technologies (please note there are The technologies covered are:
pre-requisite entry requirements to undertake
these units, and advice should be taken from · solar thermal hot water
your Provider) · heat pumps
· be able to successfully complete the assessment · biomass
to achieve the Level 3 Award in Understanding · solar photovoltaic electricity
the Fundamental Principles and Requirements of · micro-wind power electricity
Environmental Technology Systems. · micro-hydropower electricity
· micro-combined heat and power (heat led)
1 Office of Qualifications & Examination Regulation (Ofqual) · rainwater harvesting
in England; Department for Children, Education, Lifelong · greywater reuse.
Learning & Skills (DCELLS) in Wales; Council for Curriculum
Examination and Assessment (CCEA) in Northern Ireland.

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Introduction to Environmental Technology Systems

Useful weblinks Employers and employees using the National Skills

Academy for Environmental Technologies will receive
the highest quality training, delivered by providers with
state-of-the-art facilities and taught by tutors with the
most up-to-date knowledge.
assessment-framework/89-articles/145-explaining- These materials are part of a suite of products to support
the-qualifications-and-credit-framework the delivery of first class skills and knowledge in the area
of environmental technologies. For more information on
further products, please visit
1.2 The National Skills Academy for
Environmental Technologies How do I find out more?
The National Skills Academy for Environmental Your first point of contact should be your nearest lead
Technologies gives you the green skills you need to hub provider.
profit from the low carbon revolution.
Visit to identify your nearest lead hub
The National Skills Academy for Environmental provider.
Technologies was launched in February 2011 and
comprises a network of training providers that deliver
accredited environmental technologies training. As
illustrated in Figure 1.1, the National Skills Academy
for Environmental Technologies operates through a
central coordinating hub and administrative centre
and regional ‘lead hub’ training providers who work in
partnership with other training providers in their area of


Three way communication

between central NSA,
all hubs and

Lead Lead
hub hub

NSA central
coordinating and

Figure 1.1 Operating model for the National Skills Academy for Environmental

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Section one: Introduction

Academy benefits at a glance

For employers For employees
✓ Your training will be industry recognised, accredited and linked to the QCF, ✓ You can be safe in the knowledge you have gained industry-recognised
the national qualification framework which allows your staff’s skills to be accredited qualifications based on National Occupational Standards.
formally recognised. ✓ You’ll be taught by the highest quality trainers in environmental
✓ Academy training providers deliver approved qualifications using the latest technologies who have been specifically trained to deliver in this area.
facilities, products, technology and industry knowledge. ✓ Support materials to aid your learning before, during and after the training
✓ All training will be recorded on the Academy Database, accessible by the programmes.
public, so potential customers can see you are properly qualified to carry ✓ Your qualification details will be entered onto the central Academy Database
out environmental technology work. which can be accessed by potential customers and/or potential employers to
✓ Academy qualifications are fully aligned to the competence requirements confirm that you have accredited skills in environmental technologies.
for Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) certification – customers ✓ Your training and assessment will be undertaken using the latest
must use an MCS certificated installation company to be eligible for Feed- environmental technology equipment and products.
in-Tariff payments and to access other Government incentives.
✓ You will have industry-recognised qualifications that will help to future-
✓ Academy qualifications are fully aligned to the competence requirements proof your career and enhance your employment options.
for Building Regulations Competent Person Scheme membership.
Table 1.1 Academy benefits at a glance

1.3 SummitSkills · creating a Sector Qualifications Strategy which

details what qualifications are needed now and in
The National Skills Academy
for Environmental Technologies the future to help businesses remain properly skilled
is a wholly owned, but an independently operated, · conducting in-depth research and analysis to look at
what skills we have in the sector, what we need, and
subsidiary of SummitSkills, the Sector Skills Council
for building services engineering. SummitSkills works how to bridge any skills gaps
with employers and other key partners throughout the · promoting careers opportunities to young people
and careers advisors to help ensure a steady
whole of the UK to ensure that all those who work in
the sector are equipped with the right skills, at the right stream of interest in joining the building services
levels, to enable them to be competent, productive, engineering sector.
effective and efficient.
You could have a say in your sector’s future…
SummitSkills also represents the views of the sector’s By taking part in SummitSkills’ Strategic Advisory
employers, to ensure that building services engineering Groups you could have a say on skills issues and give
businesses have a powerful voice at Government level your ideas for what can be done to ensure we have a
when lobbying for change. skilled workforce for the future. This is your opportunity
to take part and influence the skills strategies and
Our strategic vision is to have: policies that affect your business.
‘world class skills that drive performance in a profitable
and competitive sector’. To discuss how you could take part, contact
SummitSkills on 01908 303960 or visit www.summitskills.
To achieve our vision for the sector we will deliver our to find out more about the organisation.
‘to influence and promote investment in skills at all 1.4 The Qualifications and Credit
levels’. Framework
The key areas of SummitSkills’ work include: The Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) is
the national framework for creating and recognising
· working with the sector to develop and update
National Occupational Standards that set the criteria
qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Its strength lies in the flexibility it gives employers to
against which all sector qualifications are developed upskill their workers in the areas needed to keep their
· developing and updating Apprenticeship
Frameworks, to ensure the sector’s apprentices are
businesses competitive. It’s also good news for learners
who can tailor their learning to support them in their
trained to a high quality current or future career.

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Introduction to Environmental Technology Systems

How difficult it is How long it takes What it’s about

The QCF has 8 levels. Each unit within a qualification is given a credit value. One credit = 10 hours of A clear title which
Level 1 is the lowest (entry level) up to level 8 (PhD learning for the average learner. Therefore, if a qualification is made up of units says what the
level). whose total credit value is eight, the average time required to complete the qualification is
qualification would be 80 hours. about.
Environmental technology qualifications are mainly
at QCF Level 3. Level 3 QCF qualifications are similar The number of credits determines the type of qualification:
in level to GCE A Levels. Award (1–12 credits); Certificate (13–36 credits); Diploma (37 credits or more).
Table 1.2 The QCF at a glance

Qualifications on the QCF are made up of units. · Level 3 Award in Understanding the Fundamental
Principles and Requirements of Environmental
The units can be combined in a variety of ways to
ensure learning is relevant, timely and cost effective. Technology Systems Awareness
When units are combined into a qualification, its title · Level 3 Award in the Installation of Solar Thermal Hot
Water Systems
describes: how difficult it is; how long it takes; and what
it’s about (see Table 1.2). · Level 3 Award in the Installation of Small Scale Solar
Photovoltaic Systems
Further information on the QCF is available from: in England; in
· Level 3 Award in the Installation of Heat Pump
Systems (Non-refrigerant Circuits)
Northern Ireland; and (DCELLS) in Wales. · Level 3 Award in the Installation of Water Harvesting
and Reuse Systems
QCF environmental technology qualifications · Level 3 Award in the Installation and Maintenance of
Solar Thermal Hot Water Systems
The current QCF environmental technology
qualifications are made up of either one, three or five · Level 3 Award in the Installation and Maintenance of
Small Scale Solar Photovoltaic Systems
units as illustrated in Figure 1.2.
· Level 3 Award in the Installation and Maintenance of
Heat Pump Systems (Non-refrigerant Circuits)
The blue units are knowledge units and the green units
are practical competence units. The orange arrows · Level 3 Award in the Installation and Maintenance of
Water Harvesting and Reuse Systems.
show how the units achieved for one qualification
can be carried forward and used to achieve other
qualifications within the environmental technology Development of qualifications for the design of
qualification suite. the above systems is in progress together with
qualifications for micro-combined heat and power,
The environmental technology qualifications that are micro-wind and micro-hydropower technologies.
currently available are: Qualifications for the installation and maintenance of
biomass fuelled systems are also in development.

Fundamental Level 3 Award in

Understanding the
Principles of
Fundamental Principles
Environmental and Requirements of
Technology Environmental
Systems Technology Systems

Fundamental Know how to Install, test,

Principles of install, test, commission and Level 3 Award in the
Environmental commission and hand over Installation of
Technology handover (Technology) (Technology) Systems
Systems (Technology)

Fundamental Know how to Install, test, Know how to Inspect service Level 3 Award in the
Principles of install, test, commission and inspect, service and maintain Installation and
Environmental commission and hand over and maintain (Technology) Maintenance of
Technology handover (Technology) (Technology) (Technology) Systems
Systems (Technology)

Figure 1.2 QCF environmental technology qualifications

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Section two:
2.1 Why is renewable energy and Useful weblinks:
sustainability important? Department of Energy and Climate Change
Changes in climate are having an impact across the
globe, and their impact can also be seen much closer Act on CO2
to home, with ever more extreme weather affecting Environmentandgreenerliving/Thewiderenvironment/
the UK. Research has shown that carbon dioxide (CO2) index.htm
is one of the main greenhouse gases that is causing Overview of Energy Bill 2010–2011
climate change. In the UK, a large percentage (around
45 per cent) of CO2 emissions come from everyday energy-security-and-green-economy-bill.pdf
activities such as heating the buildings in which we live Average annual domestic energy bills
and work, and air and road travel.
The UK has committed to reduce CO2 emissions by 34 Annual report on fuel poverty 2010
per cent below 1990 levels by 2020, linked to a target to
reduce CO2 emissions by 80 per cent below 1990 levels fuelpoverty/610-annual-fuel-poverty-statistics-2010.pdf
by 2050. These targets are very challenging.

Reducing CO2 emissions, however, is not the only area 2.2 When is it appropriate to install
of concern. Issues such as rapidly reducing fossil fuel environmental technologies?
supplies and fuel poverty are also driving Government
As described in the previous section, environmental
policy to reduce energy demand, improve energy
technology systems have a key role to play in helping
efficiency and increase the use of renewable energy
to mitigate climate change and improve sustainability.
and sustainable technologies.
However, before considering the installation of
Consumer interest in renewable and sustainable energy environmental technology systems it is essential
has never been so great, with cutting edge research that the first step is to reduce demand followed by
being undertaken to support new technologies. improving energy efficiency. Once these steps have
Investing in such technologies for homes and been taken it is appropriate to consider the installation
businesses is becoming increasingly affordable, and of environmental technology systems.
this coupled with support from the Government in the
Some examples of steps to reduce energy demand,
form of financial incentives, is seeing a boom in the
improve energy efficiency and install environmental
installation of green technologies.
technology systems are illustrated in Figure 2.1.

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Introduction to Environmental Technology Systems

Install environmental technologies Solar hot water

Solar photovoltaic electricity
V˝ݽÁËãjÁËW?ÁM™ËÍjW†™~‰jÄ Heat pumps
VË-jWßW‰™~ËÍjW†™~‰jÄ Water harvesting and recycling

Improve efficiency Insulate lofts and pipes

Insulate walls (cavity and solid walls)
2 V˝wËj™jÁ~ßËÖÄ?~j Install double glazed windows
V˝wËÝ?ÍjÁËÖÄ?~j Install draught proofing
Fit low flow-rate taps/showers

Reduce demand Switch off lights and appliances

Turn heating thermostat down
1 VËwÁËj™jÁ~ß Wash clothes at 30 ° C
VËwÁËÝ?ÍjÁ Fit a smart meter
Energy advice/assessment

Figure 2.1 Steps to reduce energy demand

Useful weblinks
Energy Savings Trust
Tips on how to stop wasting energy
Home improvements and products
How to save energy in the home

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Section three:
Commercial awareness
3.1 Overview of current and emerging 1.9p to 8p per kilowatt hour have been proposed.
national consumer incentive/financial The preliminary information states that the RHI will be
support schemes introduced in two phases:

Whilst policy and schemes are subject to change, · Phase 1 – non-residential buildings
and the latest information should be sought from
the appropriate agency, here is an overview of the
· Phase 2 – residential premises.

current schemes and information on planned initiatives DECC has indicated that the technologies which will
to support the implementation of environmental qualify for the RHI are:
technologies and promote sustainability.
· biomass

Feed-in Tariffs · solar thermal

· ground source and water source heat pumps
The Feed-in Tariffs (FiTs) scheme is a Government · on site biogas
scheme that rewards consumers who generate · deep geothermal
electricity through technologies, such as: · energy from waste
· hydropower · injection of biomethane into the gas grid.
· windpower Green Deal
· anaerobic digestion
· solar photovoltaics The Green Deal is the Coalition Government’s flagship
· micro-combined heat and power (limited scope). policy for improving the energy efficiency of buildings
in Great Britain. The Green Deal will create a new
There are also bonus payments for surplus electricity financing mechanism to allow a range of improvement
exported to the electricity supply grid. In order to be measures to reduce energy demand and improve energy
eligible for FiTs payments, the products used and the efficiency measures to be installed in people’s homes
contractor undertaking the installation work must be and businesses at no upfront cost. The improvement
certificated through the Microgeneration Certification measures to be included under the Green Deal have not
Scheme (see link below). yet been finalised but a range of measures have been
indicated under the following headings:
Renewable Heat Incentive
· heating, ventilation and air conditioning
The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) · building fabric measures (insulation, windows etc.)
has released preliminary information on the Renewable · lighting
Heat Incentive (RHI). · water heating

The RHI is the mechanical equivalent of the electrical

· microgeneration.

Feed-in Tariff scheme. Consumers who install an Useful weblinks:

eligible renewable heat technology system will Feed-in Tariffs
receive financial support in the form of pence per
kilowatt hour of renewable heat energy generated. The Thewiderenvironment/index.htm
duration of the support is 20 years for all technologies Microgeneration Certification Scheme
and the level of support will vary depending on the
type and size of technology. Rates in the range of

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Introduction to Environmental Technology Systems

Renewable Heat Incentive gain a significant advantage over your competitors as more and more projects specify the need for
uk_supply/energy_mix/renewable/policy/renewable_ environmental technologies.
heat/incentive/incentive.aspx and http://www. Even at domestic level, homeowners need to be made
Green Deal aware of how to make their home more efficient, not only by maximising their existing equipment but also
consumers/green_deal/green_deal.aspx through the new technologies that are available to
them. If your business has the skills and knowledge in
this area, you can stay ahead of the game.
3.2 A profitable future in environmental
technologies – make sure your business is What you need to do next
Visit to find out what environmental
If the UK is to meet its carbon reduction targets, it technologies are on offer and where you can access
needs companies and contractors with the skills training.
and competence to design, install and maintain
environmental technologies. With the right training, this Make sure you’re ready for the low to zero carbon
is where you could benefit. revolution. Prepare today for business success
The FiTs scheme, the RHI and the Green Deal (see section
3.1), in particular, present a huge need for skilled personnel Useful weblinks:
and an even bigger opportunity for business profit.
Code for sustainable homes
Your business can benefit…
These schemes, together with future changes to
building regulations and the Code for Sustainable
Homes, mean that your business will need the right 3.3 Need help to set up, develop or grow
team for the job if it’s to win new contracts. your business?
If you need free and impartial help to set up or develop
The commercial opportunity presented through the
your business or are seeking support to grow your
introduction of the FiTs scheme, the RHI and the Green
business in the area of environmental technology, help
Deal, and the growth of consumer awareness of the
is at hand.
need to improve the efficiency of their homes and
business premises is immense. However, all schemes and SummitSkills EnterpriseEssentials is a free portal for
initiatives have a mandatory requirement for the design anyone in the building services engineering sector
and installation of the technologies to be undertaken who is starting up a business now, already running
by an accredited installer. Without the required skills and and growing their business or considering starting a
competence there will be no opportunity for a business, business in the future.
be it a sole trader business or a large company, to benefit.
SummitSkills EnterpriseEssentials has been devised
They’re added to existing skills, not carried out and is backed by specialists in the development and
alone… nurturing of all types and sizes of business. The skills
Environmental technology skills are typically an extension profiles are based on internationally renowned National
of skills within existing building services engineering Occupational Standards devised and maintained by SFEDI
sector occupations such as electrical installation and (the Small Firms Enterprise Development Initiative Ltd).
plumbing and heating. So current sector workers, All information is checked for accuracy, and all training
providing they have the right level of competence, such providers, mentors, courses and other programmes are
as NVQ or SVQ (or earlier equivalent), will simply need to subject to various quality assurance schemes.
undertake short-duration top-up training to upskill and
add environmental technologies to their existing skills set. SummitSkills EnterpriseEssentials will even help you
find and liaise with a local business adviser when you
The opportunities can’t be ignored feel the time is right.

By considering what skills you have within your Find out more about SummitSkills EnterpriseEssentials
business and taking steps to get prepared, you could at

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Section four:
Heat producing
Approximately 60–70 per cent of household carbon There are a number of renewable energy technologies
dioxide (CO2) emissions come from energy usage for available which will provide energy to heat space or
space heating and domestic hot water. CO2 accounts water. The heat producing technologies included in this
for approximately 85 per cent of all greenhouse gas section are:
emissions in the UK. The UK target is, by 2050, to have
reduced greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80 per
· solar thermal hot water
cent below the emission levels that existed in 1990. This
· heat pumps
target is linked to an interim target of a reduction in
· biomass fuelled systems.
emissions of at least 34 per cent below 1990 emission These technologies are well developed and are
levels by 2020. To achieve this target the use of becoming more established in the market with a wide
renewable energy technologies for space heating and range of installer and consumer choice. The popularity
domestic hot water will need to increase significantly. of these technologies is likely to increase as a result of
the RHI and the Green Deal.

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Introduction to Environmental Technology Systems

In passive systems, the system circulation takes place by

Solar thermal hot water the natural thermosiphon or convection process where
heated water expands, becomes lighter and rises, and
systems as water cools it contracts in volume, becomes heavier
and falls. For this process to work the solar collector
needs to be mounted below the storage cylinder. As
Solar thermal hot water systems have been available in this arrangement is not as practical in the UK as it is in
the UK since the 1970s and utilise the free, renewable warmer countries, the majority of systems installed in
energy from the sun to heat hot water. The technology the UK are active systems.
is now well developed with a large choice of system
types and configurations to suit many different In an active system, a circulating pump is included
applications. to provide the system circulation. This allows greater
flexibility and choice in the positioning of the solar
System categories
There are two main categories of solar thermal hot
water system:
Overview of active solar thermal hot water
system components
1 passive systems
2 active systems.
Solar collector

controller Storage
pump Cold

Passive (thermosiphon) system source

Please note that due to the intended purpose of these materials,

some system components are not shown. This is not an installation

Figure 4.2 Overview of solar thermal hot water systems components (indirect active

Solar collector
The function of the solar collector is to absorb the Sun’s
heat energy and transfer it to the system heat transfer
fluid as the heat transfer fluid circulates around the

There are two main types of solar collector:

Active (pumped) system 1 flat plate
Figure 4.1 Passive and active solar hot water systems 2 evacuated tube.

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Section four: Heat producing technologies

liquid medium evaporates, the hot vapour rises and the

heat is transferred to the system heat transfer fluid. The
cooled vapour then returns to the bottom of the heat
pipe to enable the process to repeat itself. To operate,
heat pipe evacuated tubes must be installed to a
minimum incline as specified by the manufacturer.
Insulation Casing
Hot vapour rises to heat
pipe tip and transfers heat
to the heat transfer fluid
as it circulates through Heat transfer
Figure 4.3 Example of a flat plate collector installation the manifold fluid

Sealing plug
Flat plate collectors
Copper heat pipe
Flat plate collectors can be either glazed or unglazed.
Heat transfer fin
The intended application will typically determine
the selection of glazed or unglazed collectors. Solar Liquid medium
thermal systems to heat domestic hot water typically Cooled vapour returns to the bottom
of the heat pipe to repeat the cycle
include glazed collectors; solar thermal systems to heat
Figure 4.6 Example of a heat pipe evacuated tube
swimming pools typically include unglazed collectors.

Outlet Glazing Direct flow evacuated tubes contain a loop of copper

pipe that is directly connected to the collector manifold.
Absorber plate The system heat transfer fluid circulates around the
Flow tube
system and flows directly through the loop of copper pipe
within the evacuated tube, enabling direct heat transfer to
take place within the evacuated tube itself. As explained
above, in the UK, most systems are ‘active’ with the heat
Insulation Inlet transfer fluid being circulated using a circulating pump.
Figure 4.4 Example of a flat plate glazed collector In active systems, the direct flow evacuated tubes can be
installed horizontally as well as inclined and vertically. This
makes direct flow evacuated tubes suitable for horizontal,
Evacuated tube collectors
inclined and vertical mounting applications.
An evacuated tube collector comprises several
individual evacuated tubes that are connected to a Differential temperature controller
manifold/header pipe arrangement.
High-level sensor


Low-level sensor
Figure 4.5 Example of an evacuated tube collector installation
Figure 4.7 Solar thermal hot water system differential temperature controller
The individual evacuated tube collectors come in two
The differential temperature controller (DTC) controls
main types:
the operation of the circulating pump. The DTC is
1 heat pipe linked to high level and low level temperature sensors.
2 direct flow. The DTC only allows the system circulating pump to
operate when there is:
Heat pipe evacuated tubes contain a sealed copper heat
pipe that contains a small volume of a liquid medium 1 solar energy available; and
that evaporates at reasonably low temperatures. As the 2 a demand for water to be heated.

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Introduction to Environmental Technology Systems

Circulating pump The storage cylinder stores the domestic hot water
and allows for the heat transfer from the solar collector
circuit to the stored domestic hot water. A popular
cylinder type is the twin coil cylinder (Figure 4.10). This
type of cylinder incorporates a lower solar heating coil
pump and a higher back-up heating coil. Some cylinders may
also include a shunt pump to circulate the stored water
within the cylinder when just the back-up heat coil is in
Figure 4.8 Solar thermal hot water system circulating pump
As the name implies, the circulating pump circulates cylinder
the system heat transfer fluid (either water or glycol Domestic hot
water cylinder
depending upon the type of system) around the solar
hot water circuit enabling the heat absorbed by the solar
Solar Cold in Boiler
collector(s) to be transferred to the stored hot water. energy energy
Figure 4.11 Separate solar preheat and storage cylinder arrangement
As mentioned above, the operation of the circulating
pump is controlled by the differential temperature
An alternative arrangement is to use a separate solar
preheat cylinder as illustrated in Figure 4.11.
Back-up heat source
Overview of direct active solar thermal hot
water systems
An alternative to an indirect system is the direct solar
hot water system. In this type of system, the domestic
hot water that is stored in the cylinder is directly
circulated through the solar collector.
heat source

Figure 4.9 Solar thermal hot water system back-up heat source

In the UK, solar thermal hot water systems require a

back-up heat source to heat the stored domestic hot
water when there is either:
1 insufficient solar energy to heat the water fully; or
2 no solar energy to heat the water.

Where a central heating system is installed, the boiler

typically provides the back-up heat source for the solar
hot water system. Where no central heating system is
installed, the back-up heat source is typically provided
by an electric immersion heater located in the solar
storage cylinder. Please note that due to the intended purpose of these materials,
some system components are not shown. This is not an installation
Storage cylinder diagram.

Figure 4.12 Example of a direct solar hot water system layout

This type of system can be installed as a new system

or can be added to an existing hot water system.
However, it is essential that all system components are
compatible with the system design. For example, as
the domestic hot water is circulated through the solar
Figure 4.10 Example of a twin coil solar cylinder collector it is not possible to use a water/glycol mix

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Section four: Heat producing technologies

heat transfer fluid – therefore some components such Town and country planning regulations
as the solar collector need to be freeze tolerant.
As with the building regulations, there are separate
town and country planning regulations for:
Regulatory requirements relating to solar · England and Wales
thermal hot water systems · Northern Ireland
The installation of a solar thermal hot water system · Scotland.
will require compliance with a number of regulatory The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted
requirements including health and safety, water Development) Order 1995 and subsequent
and electrical regulations. A competent installation amendments, allow local authority planning
contractor will have a detailed knowledge of these departments to grant certain ‘permitted development’
regulations and will ensure compliance. rights. The installation of a solar hot water system will
often be classed as permitted development. Table
Within this section we consider two primary regulatory
4.2 summarises the typical solar hot water system
requirements in relation to solar hot water systems:
permitted development rights for England and Wales.
1 building regulations
2 planning regulations. Building mounted collectors Stand-alone collectors are
are typically permitted permitted developments
Building regulations developments providing: providing:
Building regulations set standards for design and • theinstalled
solar collectors are not • the array is no higher than 4 m
do not project more than 200 mm • from boundaries
above the ridgeline and the array is sited at least 5 m
construction which apply to most new buildings
and many alterations to existing buildings. There are from the roof or wall surface.
collectors are sited, so • or 3 m wide and 3 m deep
separate building regulations for: the size of array is limited to 9 m
• thefar assolaris practicable,
· England and Wales to minimise
the effect on the appearance of • the array is not being installed
· Northern Ireland
within the boundary of a listed
· Scotland. the building
The building regulations contain various sections,
• thefar assolaris practicable,
collectors are sited, so
to minimise • in the case of land in a
a number of which have relevance or might have the effect on the amenity of conservation area or in a World
the area Heritage site the array will not be
relevance to solar hot water system installation work as visible from the highway
summarised in Table 4.1. • the property is not a listed building
• only one stand-alone solar
Section of Relevance or potential relevance to solar hot
• the property is not in a
conservation area or in a World
installation is being installed.
regulations water system installation work Heritage site.
Structural stability Where solar collectors and other components put
Table 4.2 Summary of the typical solar hot water system permitted development rights for
load on the structure, in particular the potential England and Wales
effect of wind-uplift loads on the structure
Fire safety Where holes for pipes, etc. might reduce the fire The local planning authority should be consulted for
resistant integrity of the building structure clarification, particularly for installations to flats and
Site preparation Where holes for pipes, etc. might reduce the water non-dwelling building types.
and resistance to resistant integrity of the building structure
moisture Listed building consent may be required even if
Resistance to the Where holes for pipes, etc. might reduce sound planning permission is not required.
passage of sound proof integrity of the building structure
Sanitation, hot water Hot water system safety Building location and feature requirements
safety and water
efficiency for the potential to install a solar thermal
Conservation of fuel Energy efficiency of the system hot water system
and power The following building and location factors will need to be
Electrical safety in Safe installation of electrical controls and considered:
dwellings components
Table 4.1 Relevance or potential relevance of building regulations to solar hot water
· a suitable orientation for the mounting of the solar
system installation work

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Introduction to Environmental Technology Systems

· a suitable tilt angle for the mounting of the solar

Where a pitched roof already exists, the tilt is typically
determined by the roof pitch. The optimum tilt is
· overshading that might be introduced by adjacent
structures or obstructions
approximately 35°. However, a tilt of between 30° and 40°
from the horizontal is considered to be close to optimum.
· the availability of a suitable solar collector mounting
structure Where there is no pitched roof available, it is possible
· compatibility with any existing hot water system. to mount some types of solar collectors on vertical
and horizontal surfaces. Solar collectors may also be
Collector orientation mounted on purpose built, roof or ground mounted
support frames to provide the required tilt. However,
In the UK, we tend to relate a south facing garden in these types of installation may require more design
our homes to the availability of the most sunshine consideration and consultation with product
throughout the day. The same applies in relation to manufacturers, and so on.
solar hot water systems. The ideal collector orientation
is south facing. Orientations between south east and Table 4.3 provides examples of annual solar radiation
south west will also provide good results. data (kWh/m2) for various solar collector orientation and
tilt arrangements.

Tilt of Orientation of collector

collector South South east/ East/west North east/ North
Hemisphere south west north west
Sun W E Sun Horizontal 961
sets rises
30° 1073 1027 913 785 730
45° 1054 997 854 686 640
60° 989 927 776 597 500
S Vertical 746 705 582 440 371
(Source: Table H2, SAP, 2009. Based on a Sheffield, UK location)

Table 4.3 Examples of annual solar radiation data (kWhm-2) for various solar collector
Optimum position in the UK orientation and tilt arrangements
Figure 4.13 Collector orientation options

For buildings with suitable east and west facing roof areas, Overshading
a split collector system is possible with solar collectors
mounted on both east and west facing roof slopes. June
Collector tilt
As well as orientation, the ‘tilt’ of the solar collector is December
also a key factor that determines the amount of solar
energy that is transferred from the sun to the solar hot
water system.

Collector tilt is the angle that the solar collector is

mounted at from the horizontal plane.

Tilt angle from


Figure 4.15 Example of an overshading issue

Any overshading of the solar collector(s) will have an

impact on how much of the available solar energy is
collected and transferred to the solar hot water system.
Figure 4.14 Solar collector tilt angle When considering the potential for overshading, it is

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Section four: Heat producing technologies

necessary to consider the position of the sun in the sky Compatibility with existing hot water system
at various times of the year. As shown in Figure 4.15, an
Existing hot water systems come in various types and
obstruction might not introduce any overshading when
configurations. Three types of systems are illustrated in
the sun is higher in the sky during the summer months,
Figure 4.16.
but might introduce considerable overshading during
months when the sun is lower in the sky. The impact
of overshading can be up to a 50 per cent reduction in
potential system performance. Table 4.4 provides more
information on the potential impact of overshading on
system performance.

Overshading Percentage of Impact of overshading

sky blocked (Percentage reduction in
by obstacles potential system performance)
Point of use system Centralised system Centralised system
Heavy >80% 50% (instantaneous) (storage)
Significant 60–80% 35% Figure 4.16 Types and configurations of existing hot water systems
Modest 20–60% 20%
Point of use systems and instantaneous centralised
None or very little <20% none systems are not normally suitable for use with solar hot
(Source: Table H4, SAP, 2009) water systems. Traditionally, centralised storage was
the most common type of hot water system installed
Table 4.4 Potential impact of overshading on system performance in the UK. Since the 1980s, however, the number
of combination boiler installations has increased
Collector mounting structure
The collector mounting structure must be suitable in Combination boilers provide instantaneous centralised
terms of being: hot water. Some combination boilers will accept
preheated water but many are designed to take in
· of sufficient area (m2)
only cold water. It is also possible to modify some
· able to accommodate the loads imposed by the
combination boilers so that they operate as a regular
boiler which can then be connected to a twin coil solar
· in good condition.
cylinder. It is essential that the boiler manufacturer is
Typically a minimum of 3–4 m2 of suitable collector consulted before either connecting a solar thermal hot
mounting area is needed with approximately 1–1.5 m2 water system to a combination boiler or modifying a
of area being required per occupant. combination boiler to operate as a regular boiler.

Solar collectors will impose some direct weight load

onto the roof structure and the design and condition
Advantages and disadvantages of solar
of the structure must be able to accommodate this. thermal hot water systems
However, the wind uplift loads for flat plate collectors Table 4.5 gives some typical advantages and
will be much higher than the weight loads and the disadvantages of a solar hot water system.
suitability of the structure to cope with wind uplift
loads must be taken into account. Solar collector Advantages Disadvantages
manufacturers will typically provide advice and Reduces carbon dioxide emissions Not compatible with all existing hot
guidance on the structural requirements for mounting water systems
their products. Solar energy is free and therefore Less solar energy is available in the
energy costs will be reduced winter months
Installing a solar collector to a roof that is in a poor state
of repair is not recommended as replacement or repair Relatively low maintenance is Initial installation costs can be
needed off-putting
of the roof will require the removal of the solar collector.
Any roof repairs or refurbishment should be carried out Improves Energy Performance Needs a back-up heat source
prior to installing the solar collector(s). Certificate ratings
Table 4.5 Typical advantages and disadvantages of a solar hot water system

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Introduction to Environmental Technology Systems

3 The refrigerant continues its course through

Heat pump systems the condenser (which is also a heat exchanger)
Introduction transferring the higher temperature heat to either an
air or water distribution circuit (often referred to as
Heat pump systems extract available heat from a the ‘heat sink’ or emitter circuit).
natural source such as the ground or air and release it at 4 The refrigerant, now in a liquid state again and at a
a higher temperature. cooler temperature, enters the expansion valve, which
reduces its pressure and temperature to its initial state
at the evaporator. The cycle then repeats itself.
Low Higher
temperature temperature
heat in heat out Energy input and output ratios and the
coefficient of performance
Heat pump Heat pumps are classified as a ‘low’ carbon technology
Figure 4.17 Basic principles of a heat pump because they need some electrical energy to operate.
Heat pumps can be used for space heating, to heat 1 kW
domestic hot water and to heat swimming pools. energy in

Some heat pumps can also work in reverse and convert

high temperature heat to a lower temperature.

How do heat pumps work? 3 kW low 4 kW high

temperature temperature
Most heat pumps make use of the mechanical heat in heat out
vapour compression cycle commonly known as
the refrigeration cycle to convert heat from one Heat pump
temperature to another. Figure 4.19 Example of heat pump energy input and output

Depending on the application, operating conditions
and type of heat pump utilised, heat pump energy
output can be 300–500 per cent more than the
electrical energy input.
Heat pump efficiency is referred to as the coefficient of
1 3 performance (COP). In its simplest form COP relates to
heating output divided by the electrical power input.
For this example, the COP is 4.0, calculated as follows:
Evaporator Condenser Heating output (4 kW) ÷ Electrical power input (1 kW) = 4.0
Expansion valve refrigerant
Types of heat pump system
Figure 4.18 Example of a mechanical vapour compression cycle heat pump
Heat pump technology is able to utilize low
1 The low temperature heat (heat source) enters the temperature heat from an air, ground or water source
evaporator which is a heat exchanger. A refrigerant to produce higher temperature heat for use in ducted
within the evaporator is at a cooler temperature air or piped water heat sink systems. The type of heat
than the heat source and heat is transferred from the pump unit must be selected in relation to the intended
source into the refrigerant causing the refrigerant to heat source and heat sink arrangement.
boil and evaporate.
2 The refrigerant, now in a gaseous state, enters the Exhaust air heat pumps that receive exhaust heat from
compressor resulting in a rise in the temperature and other systems are also available but are not covered in
pressure of the refrigerant. this course.

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Section four: Heat producing technologies

Figures 4.21 and 4.22 show internal ‘packaged’ unit air

source heat pumps that receive and reject air through
ducts that pass through the external wall of the
Air source Ducted
air building. External ‘packaged’ units are also available.

Split heat pump units are also available. Split heat

Ground Heat pump
pump units include an external fan coil (evaporator)
source unit that is linked by refrigerant circuit pipework to an
internal unit that contains the rest of the heat pump
Piped components. Figures 4.23 and 4.24 illustrate typical split
Water air source heat pump arrangements.

Figure 4.20 Typical heat pump input and output options

Air source heat pumps

A variety of heat pump system arrangements are
available using the external air as the heat source. The
options include: External

· internal and external ‘packaged’ heat pump units (fan coil) unit

· split heat pump units

· air or water heat sink circuits. Internal

Figure 4.23 Example of a split air source heat pump unit connected to a ducted air heat
sink circuit

(fan coil) unit

Figure 4.21 Example of an air source packaged heat pump unit connected to a ducted air
heat sink circuit

Figure 4.24 Example of an air source to water heat sink with a split heat pump unit

Some fan coil units can be noisy and the noise level
that will be generated needs to be considered at the
design stage.

Air source heat pumps can and do operate effectively

at sub-zero ambient air temperatures. However, the
efficiency of all heat pumps, including air source heat
Heat pumps, improves when a higher source temperature is

Figure 4.22 Example of an air source packaged heat pump unit connected to a piped
water heat sink circuit

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Introduction to Environmental Technology Systems

Ground source heat pumps ‘Slinky’type collectors are a type of compact collector
that can be laid horizontally or vertically in ground
A variety of heat pump system arrangements are
trenches. Slinky type collectors are sometimes used
available using the ground as the heat source. The
where the available ground area (m2) is limited. The
options include:
heat pump manufacturer should be consulted before
· horizontal or vertical ground collector circuits any compact type collector is included in the system
· internal and external ‘packaged’ heat pump units design.
· air or water heat sink circuits.
Vertical borehole collector loops may be used where
Some example arrangements are illustrated in Figures the geothermal conditions support the use of a ground
4.25–4.28. source heat pump but where the available ground

Figure 4.27 Example of a

ground source packaged heat
pump unit connected to a
vertical borehole closed loop
ground collector circuit and a
piped water heat sink circuit

Heat Heat
pump pump

Building foundations Bore hole Building foundations

omitted for clarity omitted for clarity

Figure 4.25 Example of a ground source packaged heat pump unit connected to a
horizontal closed loop ground collector circuit and a piped water heat sink circuit

Figure 4.28 Example of a

ground source packaged heat
pump unit connected to a
vertical borehole open loop
ground collector circuit and a
piped water heat sink circuit

Boreholes are
normally at least
Heat 5 metres apart Heat
pump pump

Building foundations Building foundations

omitted for clarity omitted for clarity

Figure 4.26 Example of a ground source packaged heat pump unit connected to a closed
loop ‘Slinky’ type ground collector circuit and a ducted air heat sink circuit
Borehole Borehole

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Section four: Heat producing technologies

area (m2) is limited. This type of installation requires a temperature of between 25°C and 45°C providing a
specialist drilling rig to be used to create the borehole. MWT of between 30°C and 40°C.
A specialist contractor is normally used to undertake
the drilling operation. temperature
80 ° C
A vertical borehole ‘open’ loop arrangement includes Condensing MWT 70 ° C
two boreholes. The collector circuit fluid flows naturally boiler
through the open collector circuit from the open- temperature
ended return pipe to the open-ended flow pipe. 60 ° C
This type of arrangement requires the availability
of a suitable geothermal water source and an
Environmental Agency Abstraction Licence.
Water source heat pumps temperature
35 – 55 ° C
Where a suitable water source exists such as a lake Heat MWT 30 – 40 ° C
or a pond, this can be a very effective alternative to a pump
ground source collector circuit. temperature
25 – 45 ° C
For illustration purposes the collector in Figure 4.29 is
Figure 4.30 System mean water temperature comparison
shown in a vertical position, but water source collectors
are simply laid on the bottom of the lake or a pond and The lower mean water temperature dictates that some
weighted as necessary to keep them in place. Open types of heat emitters and hot water storage cylinders
loop water source collector circuits (not illustrated) are are more suitable for use with heat pump systems than
also an option. others.

Domestic hot water storage

Heat pumps can be used to heat a domestic hot water
storage cylinder. Standard type indirect hot water
storage cylinders are not typically suitable for use with
heat pump systems due to the lower mean water
temperature and the limited surface area of the heat
transfer coil within the cylinder.

The ‘tank-in-tank’ design of a hot water cylinder provides

a large surface-to-surface contact between the inner
pump tank containing the stored domestic hot water and the
outer tank containing the heating circuit hot water.
Building foundations
omitted for clarity Domestic hot
water to taps

Inner tank
Figure 4.29 Example of a water source packaged heat pump unit connected to a closed
loop Slinky type collector circuit and a piped water heat sink circuit Surface area
for heat transfer

Cold in
Heat pump system piped water ‘heat sink’
circuits To and from Outer tank
heat pump Heating circuit
Piped water heating systems that incorporate a modern water
condensing type boiler have a flow temperature of Figure 4.31 Example of a tank-in-tank hot water cylinder
80°C and a return temperature of 60°C providing a
mean water temperature (MWT) of approximately This design is very suitable for a heat pump system.
70°C. Heat pump systems will typically have a flow Some heat pump units include an integrated tank-in-
temperature of between 35°C and 55°C and a return tank cylinder.

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Introduction to Environmental Technology Systems

For most heat pump installations that provide heat When a heat pump is being considered for connection
for domestic hot water, it is necessary to include a to an existing heating system that includes standard
‘boost’ or auxillary heat source to raise the stored water panel radiators, it is necessary to estimate the heat
temperature to the standard 60 °C domestic hot water output that will be achieved from each existing radiator
storage temperature. at the intended system MWT. It is not uncommon for
panel radiators in an existing heating system to have
Underfloor heating been oversized in relation to design room temperature
Underfloor heating systems operate at a lower MWT than and building heat loss. Where this is the case it can be
a heating system with radiators. Therefore, underfloor an advantage. If existing radiators are oversized and all
heating is very suitable for use with heat pumps. practicable measures are taken to improve the fabric
energy efficiency of the building, the potential to
connect a heat pump to an existing heating system will

In addition to standard panel radiators, low temperature

high efficiency panel radiators are also available. This
type of panel radiator is typically more suitable for
a new heat pump system installation where panel
radiators are the required type of heat emitter.

Convector heaters
Natural and fanned convector heaters include finned
Figure 4.32 Example of an underfloor heating circuit heat exchangers that increase heat output. This design
makes natural and fanned convector heaters an option
for use with heat pumps.
Panel radiators
Heat output
Standard type panel radiators can be used with heat Finned
pump systems; however, standard type panel radiators heat
are designed to work at a MWT of approximately 70 °C. exchanger

Piped water
from heating

Air inlet
Figure 4.34 Example of a fanned convector heater

Figure 4.33 Example of a standard panel radiator As with panel radiators, where natural and/or fanned
convector heaters are used, significant oversizing might
Due to the lower MWT in a heating circuit connected need to be applied unless the system MWT is increased.
to a heat pump, standard panel radiators will need
to be oversized to achieve the heat output necessary Buffer tanks
to meet the design room temperature. The need to
oversize standard panel radiators by 100 per cent or Heat pumps are not designed or sized to meet short-
more when compared to the size of a radiator required term heat loads. For efficient operation a heat pump
for a system with a MWT of 70 °C is not uncommon. The needs to be able to start up and run for a period of
need to oversize by this much can make standard panel time. Stop-start operation can also shorten the life of
radiators a less attractive option for use with heat pump the heat pump compressor. The inclusion of a buffer
installations. The oversizing requirement increases tank that accumulates and stores heated water is a
with lower MWT and reduces with higher MWT. The method of meeting short-term heat loads without
higher the MWT, however, the lower the coefficient of stop-start operation of the heat pump.
performance achieved by the heat pump.

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Section four: Heat producing technologies

Section of regulations Relevance or potential

relevance to heat pump system
installation work
Structural stability Load on structure might require
additional strengthening work
To heating Fire safety Holes for pipework might affect fire
system resistant integrity of building
Heat pump Buffer tank Site preparation and resistance to Holes for pipes might reduce the
(accumulator) moisture water resistant integrity of the
Figure 4.35 Example of a buffer tank installation building structure
Resistance to passage of sound Holes for pipes might reduce
Most air source heat pumps, particularly those with an soundproof integrity
external fan coil unit, need to defrost regularly. Buffer
Sanitation, hot water safety and Hot water system safety
tanks are also useful to provide heat to defrost the water efficiency
fan coil unit. During the defrost cycle the heat pump
refrigeration cycle operates in reverse. Conservation of fuel and power Energy efficiency
Electrical safety Safe installation of electrical controls
Buffer tanks are also useful where an auxillary heat and components
source such as a boiler is being used with a heat pump. Table 4.6 Relevance or potential relevance of building regulations to heat pump
A system that includes an auxillary heat source system installation work
is known as a bivalent system. A system where the
heat pump is the only heat source is a known as a
monovalent system. Town and country planning regulations
As with the building regulations, there are separate
Regulatory requirements relating to heat town and country planning regulations for:
pump systems · England and Wales
The installation of a heat pump system will require · Northern Ireland
compliance with: · Scotland.

1 building regulations The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted

2 town and country planning regulations. Development) Order 1995 and subsequent
amendments, allow local authority planning
Building regulations departments to grant certain ‘permitted development’
Building regulations set standards for design and
construction which apply to most new buildings Installing a ground source or water source heat pump
and many alterations to existing buildings. There are system does not usually need planning permission and
separate building regulations for: should fall within permitted development rights.
· England and Wales
· Northern Ireland Due to potential noise issues, most air source heat
· Scotland. pump installations currently require planning
permission. However, this is currently being reviewed
The building regulations contain various sections, and as soon as relevant standards and safeguards
a number of which have relevance or might have to deal with noise have been established air source
relevance to heat pump system installation work as heat pumps are likely to be classified as permitted
summarised in Table 4.6. development.

The local planning authority should be consulted for

clarification, particularly for installations in conservation
areas and installations to non-dwelling building types.

Listed building consent might be required even if

planning permission is not required.

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Building location and feature requirements Building location and feature requirements
for the potential to install a ground source for the potential to install a water source
heat pump system heat pump system
The following building and location factors will need to The following building and location factors will need to
be considered: be considered:

· the fabric energy efficiency of the building – high

fabric energy efficiency is particularly important
· the fabric energy efficiency of the building – high
fabric energy efficiency is particularly important
when considering a heat pump when considering a heat pump
· adequate space for collector circuit trenches or
· adequate water source (lake, pond, etc.) for the
collector circuit
· ground conditions (type of rock strata, etc.) · the compatibility of any existing heating and hot
· access requirements to enable trench excavation or
borehole drilling
water systems with the proposed heat pump
· the compatibility of any existing heating and hot · a suitable electrical supply
water systems with the proposed heat pump
· if auxillary or boost heat is needed and, if so, how it
will be provided.
· a suitable electrical supply
· if auxillary or boost heat is needed and, if so, how it
will be provided. Advantages and disadvantages of heat
pump systems
Table 4.7 gives some typical advantages and
Building location and feature requirements
disadvantages of a heat pump system.
for the potential to install an air source heat
pump system Advantages Disadvantages
The following building and location factors will need to Reduces carbon dioxide emissions Might not be suitable for connection
be considered: to existing heating systems that
include panel radiators
· the fabric energy efficiency of the building – high
fabric energy efficiency is particularly important
Efficiencies between 300–500% Initial installation costs can be
are typical off-putting
when considering a heat pump Relatively low maintenance is Air source installations can present a
· the options to position the fan coil unit or air
intake in a position that has the best ambient air
needed noise issue
Improves Energy Performance Ground source installations require a
temperature (i.e. ideally not north facing or on an Certificate ratings large ground area or a borehole
elevation that is exposed to strong winds)
· the level of noise that will be generated by the fan
coil unit – is this acceptable to building occupants
Table 4.7 Typical advantages and disadvantages of a heat pump system

and neighbouring properties?

· the compatibility of any existing heating and hot
water systems with the proposed heat pump
· a suitable electrical supply
· if auxillary or boost heat is needed and, if so, how it
will be provided.

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Section four: Heat producing technologies

Types of biomass appliances and systems

Biomass fuelled systems There are two main categories of biomass appliance:
1 biomass stoves
Biomass is the term given to solid biomass fuels derived 2 biomass boilers.
from trees. Biomass fuelled systems are generally
considered to be carbon neutral. This is because the Each type of appliance has a range of fuel type and
carbon dioxide released when combustion takes place output options.
is equal to the carbon dioxide that was used during the
tree growing process. This is illustrated in the biomass Biomass stoves
cycle shown in Figure 4.36. Pellet burning biomass stoves and log burning biomass
stoves are available.

Atmospheric carbon
dioxide, sunlight
and water

Carbon is released CO2 converted into new

back into atmosphere plant material
through photosynthesis

Plant material (biomass)

is harvested and burnt
Figure 4.36 The biomass cycle

Figure 4.37 Biomass stove fuel options

Biomass fuels
Within this section we focus on only woody biomass fuels. Pellet burning biomass stoves include an integrated
Table 4.8 shows the three main types of biomass fuels. hopper and an auger feed mechanism that transfers
the pellets from the hopper to the burner when heat is
Logs Logs have been used to provide heating needed. Log burning stoves require manual loading.
for thousands of years and are the original
biomass fuel. Logs for biomass appliances Combustion gases
need to be of maximum length and diameter to chimney/flue

Wood chip Wood chip is typically produced from the

small round wood that is left over when trees
are felled and logs are harvested but can also air out
be produced from reclaimed timber Pellet
Pellets Wood pellets are made from fine wood Window
particles such as sawdust. They are
cylindrical in shape, typically 6 or 8 mm wide Auger
feed Burner
(diameter), and 15–30mm long.
Note: Biomass fuels must be stored in a dry environment to minimise the fuel moisture content
level. Logs and wood chip also require a ventilated storage area.
Table 4.8 Woody biomass fuels air inlet Cool room
air in

Figure 4.38 Example of a pellet burning biomass stove

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The typical heat capacity range for biomass stoves is The typical minimum heat output rating for biomass
5–15 kW but some stoves can be regulated to outputs boilers is 8 kW for pellet boilers, 12 kW for log boilers
as low as 2 kW. and 25 kW for wood chip boilers. Biomass boilers are
typically more suited to larger domestic properties,
Biomass stoves provide a number of heat output non-domestic applications and communal heating
options as illustrated in Figure 4.39. schemes. For smaller domestic properties, a biomass
stove that can provide heat for domestic hot water and
space heating purposes is often used.

Stove providing room heat only

Space heating only

Stove providing room

heat and domestic hot water

Space heating and domestic hot water

Figure 4.41 Biomass boiler heat output options

Biomass fuel storage and transfer

Stove providing room heat, domestic For smaller pellet burning biomass appliances, pellets
hot water and space heating are available in sealed bags that can be carried and
Figure 4.39 Biomass stove heat output options loaded directly into the appliance. Some biomass pellet
burning boilers have attached external fuel hoppers.
Although these hoppers need to be filled manually,
Biomass boilers once filled, the supply will last for several days before
Biomass boilers are available for all three main types of the hopper needs to be refilled.
biomass fuel. Some biomass boilers are multi-fuel boilers.
Pellet Boiler

Automated feed
Figure 4.40 Biomass boiler fuel options Figure 4.42 Example of a biomass boiler with attached external fuel hopper

Biomass boilers provide space heating and domestic Larger pellet burning and wood chip burning biomass
heat output options as illustrated in Figure 4.41. boiler installations include an automated fuel transfer
arrangement. The biomass fuel is stored in a suitably
constructed internal or external, above or below ground,

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Section four: Heat producing technologies

Supply pipe for Silo providing Overhead supply pipe to supply

pellet deliveries bulk pellet storage pellets from silo to hopper
(blown pellet filling)



Automated feed
Figure 4.43 Example of a pellet silo providing bulk storage with overhead supply to boiler hopper

Woody biomass pellets or woodchips

feed Boiler


Figure 4.44 Example of bulk storage with auger feed direct to boiler

bulk storage area and is automatically transferred to the · space available

boiler using either an auger feed or overhead transfer
arrangement. Pellet deliveries are normally blown into
· delivery vehicle capacity, etc.

the bulk store; wood chip deliveries are normally tipped It is normally cheaper to have large loads of fuel
or loaded manually into the bulk store. delivered providing suitable storage is available.

Figures 4.44 and 4.45 illustrate only two examples of Log burning biomass boilers need to be loaded
bulk storage and automated fuel transfer options. Many manually, but some boilers can accommodate enough
other options exist. logs to burn for three or four days without the need to
Bulk stores for pellets must be designed to prevent
moisture being absorbed by the fuel. Bulk stores for
wood chips should be well ventilated to let the wood Regulatory requirements related to
chips breathe and prevent mould.  biomass fuelled systems
The installation of a biomass fuelled system will require
The size of the fuel store depends on many factors:
compliance with:
· anticipated fuel requirements
1 building regulations
· fuel type
2 town and country planning regulations.
· reliability of deliveries

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Introduction to Environmental Technology Systems

Building regulations Planning permission is not normally needed when

installing a biomass fuelled system in a house if
Building regulations set standards for design and
the work is all internal. However, if the installation
construction which apply to most new buildings
requires an outside flue it will normally be permitted
and many alterations to existing buildings. There are
development if the flue is on the rear or side elevation
separate building regulations for:
of the building and projects to no more than one metre
· England and Wales above the highest part of the roof.
· Northern Ireland
· Scotland. If the building is listed or in a designated area, even if
the building has permitted development rights, it is
The building regulations contain various sections advisable to check with the local planning authority
a number of which have relevance or might have before a flue is fitted. Consent is also likely to be needed
relevance to biomass fuelled system installation work as for internal alterations.
summarised in Table 4.9.
In a conservation area or in a World Heritage site
Section of regulations Relevance or potential the flue should not be fitted on the principal or side
relevance to biomass fuelled elevation if it would be visible from a highway.
system installation work
Structural stability Load on structure might require If the project also requires an outside building to store
additional strengthening work fuel or related equipment the same rules apply to that
Fire safety Where holes for pipes, etc. might building as for other extensions and garden outbuildings.
reduce the fire resistant integrity of
the building structure
Smoke control legislation and areas
Site preparation and resistance to Where holes for pipes, etc. might
moisture reduce the moisture resistant Under the Clean Air Act, local authorities may declare
integrity of the building structure the whole or part of the district of the authority to be
Resistance to the passage of sound Where holes for pipes, etc. might a smoke control area. It is an offence to emit smoke
reduce the sound proof integrity of from a chimney of a building, from a furnace or from
the building structure any fixed boiler if located in a designated smoke control
Sanitation, hot water safety and Hot water safety and water efficiency area unless it is an exempted appliance using an
water efficiency authorised fuel.
Combustion appliances and fuel Biomass appliances are heat- The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural
storage system producing combustion appliances
and must be installed safely Affairs has powers under the Act to authorise smokeless
fuels or exempt appliances for use in smoke control
Conservation of fuel and power Energy efficiency of the system and areas in England. The Department for Environment,
the building
Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) provides information
Electrical safety in dwellings Safe installation of electrical controls regarding exempted appliances and exempted fuels.
and components
Table 4.9 Relevance or potential relevance of building regulations to biomass fuelled Local authorities are responsible for enforcing the
system installation work legislation in smoke control areas and the local
authority should be contacted for details of any smoke
Town and country planning regulations control areas in their area. The local authority might also
be able to provide information regarding exempted
As with the building regulations, there are separate appliances and exempted fuels.
town and country planning regulations for:
· England and Wales
· Northern Ireland Building location and feature requirements
· Scotland. for the potential to install a biomass fuelled
The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted
Development) Order 1995 and subsequent amendments, The following building and location factors will need to
allow local authority planning departments to grant be considered:
certain ‘permitted development’ rights. · a suitable flue or chimney system or the potential to
install a suitable flue or chimney system must exist

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Section four: Heat producing technologies

Advantages and disadvantages of biomass

· the flue system must be constructed of, or lined with,
a material that is suitable to receive the products of fuelled systems
combustion from a biomass appliance Table 4.10 gives some typical advantages and
· prefabricated gas appliance flue systems are not
suitable for biomass appliances
disadvantages of a biomass fuelled system.

· the flue system must be fitted with an appropriate

terminal to disperse the products of combustion
Advantages Disadvantages
Biomass is a carbon neutral Requires a suitable flue/chimney
· a suitable location and arrangement for fuel storage.
Factors such as space, moisture, access for fuel deliveries
technology system
Does not rely on building orientation Initial installation costs can be off
and the frequency of fuel deliveries must be considered. or weather conditions to operate putting
Biomass is generally considered to Larger appliances typically require a
be an inexhaustible fuel source large space to bulk store fuel
Producing biomass fuel is very cheap Sometimes considered less suitable
compared to the cost of finding and for smaller properties
extracting fossil fuels
Table 4.10 Typical advantages and disadvantages of a biomass fuelled system

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Section five:
Electricity producing
The majority of electricity for domestic and commercial
use is produced through processes that involve the
burning of fossil fuels leading to carbon dioxide emissions.
As the UK population grows and technologies such as
electric cars evolve, consumer demand for electricity
increases. This increasing demand together with rising
energy costs and the need to reduce the UK’s carbon
emissions, means increasing the amount of electricity that
is produced from renewable energy sources is a priority for
the UK government and for many consumers.

The electricity producing technologies included in this

section are:
· solar photovoltaic systems
· micro-wind turbine systems
· micro-hydropower systems.

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Section five: Electricity producing technologies

Basic system categories

Solar photovoltaic Although there are a number of system types, variations
systems and configurations, solar PV systems fall into two basic
system categories:
Introduction 1 on-grid systems
The term photovoltaic means the production of electric 2 off-grid systems.
current at the junction of two substances exposed to
light. In basic terms a solar photovoltaic system is a On-grid systems
system that uses solar cells to convert light energy from
the sun into electricity. On-grid systems allow any surplus electricity that is
generated to be exported to the electricity distribution

Solar cell
Figure 5.1 Basic principles of solar photovoltaic technology

Solar PV Usage Import from

There are three stages to the working of a solar cell: energy generation and export
1 photons in sunlight hit the solar cell and are to the grid

absorbed by semiconducting materials within the Figure 5.3 Basic principles of an on-grid solar PV system
cell, such as silicon
2 the negatively charged electrons within the solar cell Off-grid systems
are knocked loose from their atoms, allowing them
to flow through the material to produce electricity. Off-grid systems use a battery bank arrangement to
The composition of solar cells allows the electrons to store the electrical power generated for use when
move in a single direction only needed.
3 direct current (d.c.) electricity is generated.

A group of solar cells is needed to generate a usable

amount of electricity. A group of solar cells is known as
a solar photovoltaic module (Figure 5.2).

Solar PV Battery bank Usage

energy generation storage

Figure 5.4 Basic principles of an off-grid solar PV system

Some solar PV systems combine on- and off-grid


The popularity of on-grid systems has increased significantly

since the introduction of the Feed-in Tariff scheme.

Solar cell

Solar PV module
Figure 5.2 A solar photovoltaic module

Solar photovoltaic electricity generation, usually

referred to as solar PV, is a zero carbon technology.

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Introduction to Environmental Technology Systems

Overview of system components

PV module


Figure 5.6 Example of a 15-module roof mounted solar PV array

Import meter

To and
Consumer unit from grid

Please note that due to the intended purpose of these materials, some Figure 5.7 Example of an 18-module frame mounted solar PV array
system components are not shown. This is not an installation diagram.
Figure 5.5 Solar PV system component overview (on-grid system) Inverter
PV module array Some electrical appliances operate using d.c. electricity,
but the most common type of electricity used in our
As explained above, a group of solar cells is known as a homes and places of work is alternating current (a.c.).
solar PV module. When installed on its own, a solar PV
module is also known as a solar PV array. However, the Before d.c. electricity that is generated by a solar PV
term array is typically used to refer to a group of solar system can be used with a.c. systems and appliances, the
PV modules. electricity has to be converted from d.c. to a.c. electricity.

Solar PV modules come in different forms and types. It is only possible to export a.c. electricity to the electricity
Table 5.1 lists three common types, together with details distribution grid. Therefore on-grid a.c. solar PV systems
of the composition and typical efficiency for each type. are the most popular and common type of system.
PV module type Composition Typical efficiency The inverter is the system component that converts
Monocrystalline Thin slices from a single 15% electricity from d.c. to a.c. Depending upon the solar PV
crystal of silicone module layout and size, the d.c. voltages that enter the
Polycrystalline Thin slices from a block of 12% inverter can be much higher than the 230 V a.c. system
silicone crystals voltage that is used in the UK.
Thin film Thin layer of semiconducting 7% The inverter can be mounted in the roof space adjacent
atoms on glass or metal base
to the solar PV module location or in the building.
Table 5.1 Composition and typical efficiency for different PV module types

Solar PV modules may be mounted above roof surfaces,

integrated into roof surfaces, integrated into building
facades, and fixed on building mounted or ground
mounted support frames. Solar PV roof tiles are also

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Section five: Electricity producing technologies

Figure 5.10 Example of a generation meter

Regulatory requirements relating to solar

PV systems
The installation of a solar PV system will require compliance
with a number of regulatory requirements, including
Figure 5.8 Example of an inverter
health and safety and electrical regulations. A competent
installation contractor will have a detailed knowledge of
these regulations and will ensure compliance.
Consumer unit
Within this section we consider two primary regulatory
The consumer unit or fuse board, as it is sometimes requirements in relation to solar PV systems:
referred to, is the connection point for the solar PV
1 building regulations
system installation.
2 planning regulations.
Where the existing consumer unit is of a modern type,
and has a spare connection circuit point available, it can Building regulations
often be utilized. Older type consumer units will need Building regulations set standards for design and
to be replaced at the time that the solar PV system is construction which apply to most new buildings
installed. and many alterations to existing buildings. There are
separate building regulations for:
· England and Wales
· Northern Ireland
· Scotland.

The building regulations contain various sections,

a number of which have relevance or might have
relevance to solar PV system installation work as
summarised in Table 5.2:
Figure 5.9 Example of a consumer unit
Section of Relevance or potential relevance to solar PV
Generation meter regulations system installation work
A generation meter is fitted to record how much solar Structure Where solar PV modules and other components put
PV electricity has been generated and how much has load on the structure, in particular wind uplift loads
been exported to the supply grid. Fire safety Where holes for cables, etc. might reduce the fire
resistant integrity of the building structure
Some energy supplier’s incoming supply (import) Site preparation Where holes for cables, etc. might reduce the moisture
meters have the capability to perform this function but and resistance to resistant integrity of the building structure
a generation meter is typically included as part of the moisture
solar PV installation. Resistance to the Where holes for cables, etc. might reduce the sound
passage of sound proof integrity of the building structure
The generation meter must be of an approved type
and located in a position where it is easily accessible Electrical safety in Safe installation of electrical controls and components
for purposes of reading. In the UK, the Office of the
Gas and Electricity Markets (OFGEM) is responsible for Table 5.2 Relevance or potential relevance of building regulations to solar PV system
approving generation meters. installation work

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Introduction to Environmental Technology Systems

Town and country planning regulations

· orientation of the solar PV array
As with the building regulations, there are separate · tilt of the solar PV array
town and country planning regulations for: · adjacent structures or obstructions that introduce
· England and Wales
· Northern Ireland the availability of a suitable solar PV array mounting
· Scotland. structure.

The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Orientation of the solar PV array
Development) Order 1995 and subsequent As with solar hot water system collectors, the ideal
amendments, allow local authority planning orientation to mount solar PV arrays is south facing.
departments to grant certain ‘permitted development’
rights. Orientations between south east and south west will
also provide good results.
The installation of building mounted solar PV arrays is
typically classed as permitted development, providing: N

· the solar modules are not installed above the

ridgeline and do not project more than 200 mm from Southern
the roof or wall surface Hemisphere

· the solar modules are sited, so far as is practicable,

to minimise the effect on the appearance of the
W E Sun
· the solar modules are sited, so far as is practicable, to
minimise the effect on the amenity of the area

· the property is not a listed building S

· the property is not in a conservation area or in a
World Heritage site.

The local planning authority should be consulted for

clarification, particularly for installations to flats and Optimum position in the UK
non-dwelling building types. Figure 5.11 Solar PV array orientation

Listed building consent might be required even if Tilt of the solar photovoltaic array
planning permission is not required. As well as orientation, the tilt of the solar PV array is
also a key factor that determines the amount of solar
The installation of stand-alone solar PV arrays is typically
energy that is harnessed from the sun and converted to
classed as permitted development providing:
electrical energy.
· the array is no higher than 4 m
· the array is sited at least 5 m from boundaries Tilt is the angle that the solar PV array is mounted from
· the size of the array is limited to 9 m2 or 3 m wide and
3 m deep
the horizontal plane.

· the array is not being installed within the boundary

of a listed building
Tilt angle from
· in the case of land in a conservation area or in a
World Heritage site, the array will not be visible from
the highway
· only one stand-alone solar installation is being

Figure 5.12 Solar PV array tilt

Building location and feature requirements
for the potential to install a solar PV system Typically, a tilt of between 30 ° and 40 ° from horizontal
The following building and location factors will need to is considered to be close to optimum.
be considered:

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Section five: Electricity producing technologies

Adjacent structures or obstructions that The availability of a suitable solar PV array

introduce overshading mounting structure
Any overshading of the solar PV array will have an The solar PV array mounting structure must be suitable
impact on how much solar energy is harnessed from in terms of being:
the sun and converted to electrical energy.
· of sufficient size (m2) – the required area will vary
according to the module efficiency. Typically, a
minimum of 8 m2 of suitable array mounting area
is needed for each 1000 W of electricity generation
under peak conditions (1 kWp or kilowatt peak).

· strong enough to support the array – factors such
as imposed loads and wind uplift loads must be
· in good condition – any roof or structure repairs
or refurbishment should be carried out prior to
installing the array.

Advantages and disadvantages of solar PV

Table 5.3 gives some typical advantages and
Figure 5.13 Solar PV array overshading disadvantages of a solar PV system.

Heavy overshading will typically reduce the Advantages Disadvantages

performance of the system by approximately 50 per It is a zero carbon technology Requires a relatively large array area
cent during peak irradiation. Modest overshading will to make the installation worthwhile
typically reduce performance by approximately 20 per The technology qualifies for Feed-in Initial installation costs can be
cent. Tariff payments off-putting
Most buildings are suitable for the Variable performance according to
Overshading can also lead to thermal stress in solar PV technology the availability of solar energy
modules, causing malfunctioning to occur, possibly
Improves Energy Performance Some people consider that
leading to early component failure.
Certificate ratings photovoltaic arrays reduce the
attractiveness of buildings
Table 5.3 Typical advantages and disadvantages of a solar PV system

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Introduction to Environmental Technology Systems

Basic system categories

Micro-wind turbine Although there are a number of system types, variations
systems and configurations, micro-wind turbine systems fall into
two basic system categories:
Introduction 1 on-grid systems
The UK wind energy resource is one of the largest in 2 off-grid systems.
Europe. This is mainly due to the fact that the UK has
long exposed coastlines and low mountain ranges. In On-grid systems
simple terms, micro-wind turbine systems are a zero On-grid systems allow any surplus electricity that is
carbon technology that makes use of the natural wind generated to be exported to the electricity distribution
resource to generate electrical energy. grid.

Wind energy Generation Usage Import from
and export
to the grid
Figure 5.14 Basic principles of micro-wind turbine technology Figure 5.16 Basic principles of an on-grid micro-wind turbine system

A basic wind turbine (Figure 5.15) operates on the

principle that wind passing across the rotor blades of a Off-grid systems
turbine cause a ‘lift’ and ‘drag’ effect which in turn causes
the hub to rotate. The hub is connected by a low- Off-grid systems use a battery bank arrangement to store
speed shaft to a gearbox which increases the speed of the electrical power generated for use when needed.
rotation of the shaft. The high-speed shaft is connected
to a generator that produces electricity.

Rotor blade


Wind energy Generation Battery bank Usage
Tail fin storage
Hub Figure 5.17 Basic principles of an off-grid micro-wind turbine system

Generator Some micro-wind turbine systems combine on and off-

grid arrangements.

The popularity of on-grid systems has increased

Mast or pole
significantly since the introduction of the Feed-in Tariff
Rotor blade
Figure 5.15 Example of a basic wind turbine (horizontal axis)

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Section five: Electricity producing technologies

Overview of system components

Please note that due to the intended

purpose of these materials, some
system components are not shown.
This is not an installation diagram.

Generation meter
Turbine Inverter
Control unit

Import meter

Turbine mast

Turbine cable

To and
Earth from grid

Figure 5.18 Micro-wind turbine system component overview (on-grid system)

· rigid masts supported by guy ropes
As outlined in the introduction, the turbine is the · hinged masts supported by guy ropes
electricity generating component within the system. There
are numerous types of wind turbine; some basic and some
· building mounted poles.

quite complex. There are two categories of wind turbine: Masts supported by guy ropes are typically cheaper to
purchase than self-supporting masts; however, guyed
1 horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWT)
masts require more space to accommodate the guy
2 vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT).
ropes. Hinged masts can be raised and lowered for easy
maintenance and repair.

Horizontal Vertical
axis axis

Figure 5.19 Example of a horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) and vertical axis wind Guy ropes Guy ropes
turbine (VAWT)

HAWT include a tail fin or a yaw drive to ensure that the

rotor blades are facing the direction of the prevailing
wind. Vertical axis wind turbines accept wind from any Correctly designed
direction. and constructed base

Turbine mast
Wind turbines are mounted on poles or masts
(sometimes referred to as towers). A number of options
are available including:
· self-supporting masts
Figure 5.20 Example of a turbine mast installation supported by guy ropes

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Introduction to Environmental Technology Systems

Building mounted poles are only suitable for small Section of Relevance or potential relevance to micro-
micro-wind turbines and the suitability of the structure regulations wind turbine system installation work
and surrounding environment for a building mounted
Structure Where micro-wind turbines are mounted on
turbine must be fully assessed. buildings and put load on the structure
Fire safety Where holes for cables, etc. might reduce the fire
Inverter resistant integrity of the building structure
Most micro and small-scale wind turbines of less than Site preparation and Where holes for cables, etc. might reduce the
20 kW output produce ‘wild’ (variable voltage and resistance to moisture moisture resistant integrity of the building
frequency) alternating current (a.c.) electricity which is structure
rectified to direct current (d.c.) via a system controller. Resistance to the Where holes for cables, etc. might reduce the
passage of sound sound proof integrity of the building structure
The d.c. electricity is then either directly used to charge Electrical safety in Safe installation of electrical controls and
batteries (off-grid system) or is converted to normal a.c. dwellings components
electricity (230 V, 50 Hz) using an inverter for use in an
on-grid system. Table 5.4 Building regulations that have relevance or might have relevance to micro-wind
turbine system installation work

Generation meter Town and country planning regulations

As with Solar PV, a generation meter is fitted to record As with the building regulations, there are separate
how much electricity has been generated and how town and country planning regulations for:
much has been exported to the supply grid. In the UK, · England and Wales
the Office of the Gas and Electricity Markets (OFGEM) · Northern Ireland
has a list of approved generation meters. · Scotland.

The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted

Development) Order 1995 and subsequent amendments,
Regulatory requirements relating to micro- allow local authority planning departments to grant
wind turbine systems certain ‘permitted development’ rights.
The installation of a micro-wind turbine system will
The installation of micro-wind turbines is not classed as
require compliance with a number of regulatory
permitted development.
requirements including health and safety and electrical
regulations. A competent installation contractor will At present, planning permission is nearly always
have a detailed knowledge of these regulations and will required to install a micro-wind turbine to a building, or
ensure compliance. within grounds surrounding a building.
Within this section we consider two primary regulatory Factors that may affect whether permission is granted
requirements in relation to micro-wind turbine systems: or not include:
1 building regulations
· visual impact
2 planning regulations.
· noise and flicker
Building regulations · vibration
· electrical interference (with TV aerials)
Building regulations set standards for design and · safety.
construction which apply to most new buildings
and many alterations to existing buildings. There are
separate building regulations for: Building location and feature requirements
for the potential to install a micro-wind
· England and Wales
turbine system
· Northern Ireland
· Scotland. The following building and location factors will need to
be considered:
The building regulations contain various sections,
a number of which have relevance or might have · average wind speed
relevance to micro-wind turbine system installation · height at which the turbine can be mounted
work as summarised in Table 5.4. · obstructions and turbulence

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Section five: Electricity producing technologies

Turbine noise, vibration and shadow flicker

· a location that will not be affected by turbine noise,
vibration and shadow flicker. All wind turbines will generate some degree of noise,
vibration and shadow flicker (caused by the sun passing
Average wind speed across the turbine rotor blades as it spins). These factors
are much less of a consideration when the micro-wind
The average wind speed is a critical factor in determining
turbine can be located away from buildings. Where a
the viability of a micro-wind turbine system. Wind speed
micro-wind turbine is to be building mounted, careful
is measured in metres per second (m/s).
consideration must be given to these factors.
Whilst micro-wind turbines will typically start
generating electricity at 3–4 m/s, the minimum viable
wind speed is 5 m/s.

Most micro-wind turbines will reach their maximum

rated output at between 10–14 m/s so this is the ideal
wind speed range.

Wind speed can be measured on site using an

anemometer but if this is done measurements should
be taken over a period of months to increase accuracy.

A national wind speed database exists, but this Shadow flicker zone
database is no longer being updated. The database also
has limitations in terms of its relevance to micro-wind
turbine installations. Figure 5.22 Example of a shadow flicker zone

Advantages and disadvantages of micro-wind

Height, obstructions and turbulence turbine systems
As wind speed typically increases with height, the basic Table 5.5 gives some typical advantages and
principle is the higher the mounting location the better. disadvantages of a micro-wind turbine system.
A high mounting location with a smooth prevailing
wind flow is ideal. To minimise the effect of turbulence, Advantages Disadvantages
micro-wind turbines should ideally be mounted at a Micro-wind turbine electricity Variable performance according to
distance from the nearest obstruction equal to 10 × the generation output levels can be very the availability of wind
height of the obstruction. good in the UK which has 40% of
Europe’s wind resource
Smooth flow of approaching wind
The technology qualifies for Feed-in Initial installation costs can be
Tariff payments off-putting
Can be a very effective technology Micro-wind turbines can cause
where no mains electricity is noise, vibration and shadow flicker
Height available problems
It is a zero carbon technology Requires a suitable mounting site,
ideally well away from buildings and
Minimum of 10 × height obstructions
Figure 5.21 Example of wind flow behaviour and turbine mounting location Table 5.5 Typical advantages and disadvantages of a micro-wind turbine system

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Introduction to Environmental Technology Systems

Micro-hydropower turbine systems fall into two basic

Micro-hydropower system categories:

systems 1 on-grid systems

2 off-grid systems.
On-grid systems
Micro-hydropower systems make use of natural water
resources to generate electrical energy. As with Solar PV and micro-wind systems, on-grid micro-
hydropower systems allow any surplus electricity that is
generated to be exported to the electricity distribution grid.
This type of system is included in the Feed-in Tariff scheme.

Micro-hydropower Turbine
Figure 5.23 Basic principles of a micro-hydropower system
Micro-hydropower Generation Usage Import from
A micro-hydropower system is either installed within, energy and export
or near to a suitable watercourse such as a river. Water to the grid
passes through or across a turbine causing the turbine Figure 5.25 Basic principles of an on-grid micro-hydropower system
to rotate. The turbine shaft is connected to a generator
and as the turbine rotates the hydropower energy is Off grid systems
converted to electrical energy. As the water leaves the Off-grid systems use a battery bank arrangement to
turbine it is returned to the watercourse. store the electrical power generated for use when


Micro-hydropower Generation
Route of Usage
energy Battery bank
Turbine storage
Figure 5.26 Basic principles of an off-grid micro-hydropower system

Some micro-hydropower systems combine on and off-

grid arrangements.

Tailrace As with other electricity producing technologies, micro-

(outlet) hydropower systems will include an inverter to convert
d.c. electricity to a.c. electricity and on-grid systems will
Figure 5.24 Example of a micro-hydropower system layout
also include a generation meter.
When a micro-hydropower system is installed near to
rather than within a suitable watercourse, a penstock is Building location and feature requirements
used to convey the water from the inlet to the turbine. A
for the potential to install a micro-
penstock is a pipe. A tailrace is used to return the water
to the watercourse. A tailrace can be a pipe or a channel. hydropower system
The following building and location factors will need to
Micro-hydropower is a zero carbon technology. be considered:
· the availability of a water course (river, stream, etc.)
Basic system categories · the ability to achieve adequate ‘hydraulic head’ and
‘flow’ within the system design
As with other electricity producing technologies
· a suitable location for an inlet
there are a number of system types, variations and
· a suitable location for the turbine and generator
· a suitable location for the tailrace outlet.

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Section five: Electricity producing technologies

Hydraulic head and flow Turbine ‘runner’

Head is the vertical distance (measured in metres)

between the upper and lower water levels or the Shaft connected
vertical distance between the intake and turbine. to generator

Flow is the quantity of water, measured in metres

Inlet from
cubed per second (m3/s), that is moving over a given penstock
period of time.

Figure 5.29 Example of an impulse turbine (Pelton type)

Flow (m3/s)

Shaft connected
Head (m) to generator

Inlet from
penstock Turbine ‘runner’
Figure 5.27 Head and flow in a watercourse with a weir

Head (m)
Outlet to tailrace

a) Section through turbine from the side

Inlet from
Flow (m3/s) penstock
Figure 5.28 Head and flow in an installation with a penstock Guide vanes

The available hydraulic head and flow is also a

key factor that will determine the type of micro- Turbine
hydropower turbine that can be used. ‘runner’
Shaft connected
to generator
Micro-hydropower turbines
b) Section through turbine from above
Turbine classification
Figure 5.30 Example of a reaction turbine (horizontal Francis type)
Micro-hydropower turbines are classified according to
their ability to operate in high, medium or low head
conditions. They are also classified as being either Turbine applications in relation to the available
impulse turbines or reaction turbines according to how head of water
they operate.
Turbine Head classification
· Impulse turbine – the turbine wheel or runner
is surrounded by air and the turbine is moved by
type High Medium Low
the impulse created by a jet or jets of water that (>50 m) (10–50 m) (<10m)
are aimed at the turbine. Types of impulse turbine Impulse Pelton Crossflow Crossflow
include Pelton, Multi-jet Pelton, Turgo and Crossflow.
Turgo Turgo
· Reaction turbine – the turbine wheel or runner is
fully immersed in water and the turbine is moved Multi-jet Pelton Multi-jet Pelton
in reaction to the flow of water. Types of reaction Reaction Francis (spiral case) Francis (open-flume)
turbine include Francis (spiral case), Francis (open- Propeller
flume), Propeller and Kaplan. Kaplan
Table 5.6 Turbine applications in relation to the available head of water

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Introduction to Environmental Technology Systems

In addition to the impulse and reaction turbines Regulatory requirements relating to micro-
described above, an alternative type of turbine that is hydropower systems
sometimes used for larger micro-hydropower schemes
is the reverse Archimedean screw turbine. This type of The installation of a micro-hydropower system will
turbine is particularly suitable for low head installations require compliance with a number of regulatory
and is also fish friendly allowing fish and eels to pass requirements including health and safety, water
through without injury. and electrical regulations. A competent installation
contractor will have a detailed knowledge of these
regulations and will ensure compliance.

Within this section we consider three primary regulatory

Generator requirements in relation to micro-hydropower systems:
1 building regulations
Reverse Archimedean 2 planning regulations
3 environmental regulations.

Building regulations
Building regulations set standards for design and
construction which apply to most new buildings
and many alterations to existing buildings. There are
separate building regulations for:
Figure 5.31 Example of a reverse Archimedean screw turbine · England and Wales
· Northern Ireland
· Scotland.

The building regulations contain various sections,

a number of which have relevance or might have
relevance to micro-hydropower system installation
work as summarised in Table 5.7.

Section of the Relevance or potential relevance to micro-

regulations hydropower system installation work
Structure Where any part of the micro-hydropower system
puts load on the structure
Fire safety Where holes for cables, etc. might reduce the fire
resistant integrity of the building structure
Site preparation Where holes for cables, etc. might reduce the
and resistance to moisture resistant integrity of the building structure
Resistance to the Where holes for cables, etc. might reduce sound
passage of sound proof integrity of the building structure
Electrical safety in Safe installation of electrical controls and
dwellings components in dwellings
Table 5.7 Building regulations that have relevance or might have relevance to micro-
hydropower system installation work

Town and country planning regulations

As with the building regulations, there are separate
town and country planning regulations for:
· England and Wales
· Northern Ireland
Figure 5.32 Reverse Archimedean screw turbines being installed · Scotland.

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Section five: Electricity producing technologies

The key features of a micro-hydropower scheme 2 impoundment licence – if changes are being made
include: to structures which impound water (such as weirs
and sluices) or if new structures are to be built
· a hydraulic head (vertical distance from water source
to the turbine) 3 land drainage consent – for any works being carried
out in a main channel.
· a water intake
· a pipe or channel to take water to the turbine
It is necessary to carry out an environmental site audit
· a turbine, generator and electrical connection
(ESA) as part of the process of identifying the suitability
· an outflow, where the water returns to the
of a micro-hydropower installation. The ESA covers the
following areas:
These elements raise a number of important planning · water resources
issues and planning permission will usually be needed. · conservation
The elements of a micro-hydropower scheme create · chemical and physical water quality
potential impacts on: · biological water quality
· landscape and visual amenity · fisheries
· nature conservation · flood risk
· the water regime. · navigation.

The Environment Agency must always be consulted as

Environmental regulation
early as possible when a micro-hydropower installation
All water courses in England and Wales are controlled is being considered.
by the Environment Agency and in Scotland by the
Scottish Environment Protection Agency. Advice should
be sought from these agencies prior to any installation. Advantages and disadvantages of micro-
hydropower systems
To remove water (even though it might be returned)
from a water course of any size in England and Wales Table 5.8 gives some typical advantages and
will almost certainly require permission from the disadvantages of a micro-hydropower system.
Environment Agency in the form of a licence.
Advantages Disadvantages
There are three licences that can apply to a micro- It is a zero carbon technology Requires a watercourse with suitable
hydropower scheme: head and flow
1 abstraction licence – if water is being diverted The technology qualifies for Feed-in Initial installation costs can be
Tariff payments off-putting
away from the main line of flow of the river part
of the consideration will be fish migration. Most Excellent payback potential Usually requires planning permission
micro-hydropower turbines are not fish friendly Can be a very effective technology Requires permission from the
and where fish migration is a factor, an abstraction where no mains electricity is Environment Agency
licence will only be issued with conditions stating available
the requirement for fish screens and a fish pass Table 5.8 Typical advantages and disadvantages of a micro-hydropower system

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Introduction to Environmental Technology Systems

Section six:

Micro-combined heat
and power systems
(heat-led) 15% electrical
Introduction output

A heat-led micro-combined heat and power (micro-

CHP) system includes a micro-CHP unit, similar in
appearance to a heating system boiler, that generates
some electricity as well as generating heat for domestic 5% discharged
hot water and space heating purposes. to atmosphere

Although micro-CHP units have existed for some time,

units suitable for domestic installations have only mCHP
recently become available. The currently available
domestic units are gas-fired only. Other fuels options
100% input
may be available for non-domestic units.
80% heat output

The term ‘heat led’ means that the generation of Figure 6.1 Typical micro-CHP system energy flows
electricity occurs when the unit is responding to a
system demand for heat and that the majority of
Micro-combined heat and power units
output from the unit is for heating purposes.
The currently available heat-led micro-CHP units are
Micro-CHP units are typically up to 95 per cent efficient engine or turbine based units. Fuel cell micro-CHP
with energy flows of approximately 80 per cent heat units are in development and some manufacturers are
output and 15 per cent electrical output. currently undertaking field trials for their fuel cell micro-
CHP units. Currently available micro-CHP units will
Micro-CHP is a low carbon technology. micro-CHP contain one of the following engine types:
installations are eligible for Feed-in Tariff payments
providing the installation is carried out by a · external combustion
Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) certified · internal combustion
contractor using an MCS approved unit. · organic rankine cycle.

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Section six: Co-generation technologies

The internal components of a key engine or turbine Where this is difficult, it is possible to connect the unit
based micro-CHP unit are: to an existing final circuit.
· an engine or gas turbine
· an alternator
· two heat exchangers
· a supplementary burner
· a combustion fan
· electrical controls. Alternative option
– connection into
Domestic micro-CHP units typically include a Stirling an existing final
ring circuit
type external combustion engine.

Flue outlet Heat exchanger


Heat exchanger

Preferred option – dedicated connection

directly into the consumer unit
Figure 6.3 Micro-CHP unit electrical connection options
All electrical work must be designed, installed and
tested by a competent person.
Stirling engine
and alternator Any surplus electricity can be exported to the
Figure 6.2 Example of a micro-CHP unit with a Stirling engine distribution grid.

A Stirling engine micro-CHP unit operates in the

following sequence: Regulatory requirements relating to micro-
1 When demand for heat occurs, a gas burner provides CHP systems (heat-led)
heat to the Stirling engine unit causing the Stirling The installation of a micro-CHP system will require
engine to operate. compliance with a number of regulatory requirements
2 The Stirling engine unit includes a generator including health and safety, water and electrical
comprising a piston that moves between a copper regulations. A competent installation contractor will
coil. As the Stirling engine operates, electricity is have a detailed knowledge of these regulations and will
generated providing the engine runs for a minimum ensure compliance.
period of time and does not cycle on and off.
3 There is a limit (typically 25 per cent of total unit Within this section we consider two primary regulatory
output) to the amount of heat that can be provided requirements in relation to micro-CHP systems:
during the operation of the Stirling engine. 1 building regulations
4 When additional heat is needed to meet higher 2 planning regulations.
demand, the supplementary burner operates.
Building regulations
Electrical output and system connections Building regulations set standards for design and
construction which apply to most new buildings
A domestic micro-CHP unit will typically generate and many alterations to existing buildings. There are
between 1 kW and 1.5 kW of electricity. Larger micro- separate building regulations for:
CHP units typically generate up to 5–6 kW of electricity.
The preferred connection arrangement between the · England and Wales
micro-CHP unit and the main electrical installation is · Northern Ireland
to use a dedicated circuit from/to the consumer unit. · Scotland.

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Introduction to Environmental Technology Systems

The building regulations contain various sections, If the building is listed or in a designated area, even
a number of which have relevance or might have if the building has permitted development rights it is
relevance to micro-CHP system installation work as advisable to check with the local planning authority
summarised in Table 6.1. before a flue is fitted. Consent is also likely to be needed
for internal alterations.
Section of Relevance or potential relevance to micro-CHP
Regulations system installation work In a conservation area or World Heritage site the flue
should not be fitted on the principal or side elevation
Structure Where the micro-CHP unit and other components put if it would be visible from a highway. If the project
load on the structure
also requires an outside building to house any of
Fire safety Where holes for pipes, etc. might reduce the fire the micro-CHP equipment, the same rules apply to
resistant integrity of the building structure that building as for other extensions and garden
Site preparation Where holes for pipes, etc. might reduce the moisture outbuildings.
and resistance to resistant integrity of the building structure
Resistance to the Where holes for pipes, etc. might reduce sound proof Building location and feature requirements
passage of sound integrity of the building structure for the potential to install a micro-CHP
Sanitation, hot Hot water safety and water efficiency system (heat-led)
water safety and
water efficiency The following building and location factors will need to
be considered:
Combustion Micro-CHP units are a heat-producing combustion
appliances and fuel appliances and must be installed safely · A suitable route and termination point for the micro-
CHP unit flue system.
storage system
Conservation of Energy efficiency of the system and the building · A suitable heat-demand – heat-led micro-CHP units
only generate electricity when the unit engine is able
fuel and power
to run for a minimum period of time. Additionally, the
Electrical safety in Safe installation of electrical controls and components
dwellings unit will not be as efficient if the unit cycles on and off.
Small dwellings and dwellings with low heat demand
Table 6.1 Building regulations that have relevance or might have relevance to micro-CHP are not usually suitable for heat-led micro-CHP.
system installation work

Advantages and disadvantages of micro-

Town and country planning regulations combined heat and power systems (heat-led)
As with the building regulations, there are separate
Table 6.2 gives some typical advantages and
town and country planning regulations for:
disadvantages of a micro-CHP system.
· England and Wales
· Northern Ireland Advantages Disadvantages
· Scotland. Domestic micro-CHP units are now The cost of domestic micro-CHP
similar in size to a central heating units do not compare favourably to
The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted boiler central heating boilers
Development) Order 1995 and subsequent Heat-led micro-CHP units produce Heat-led micro-CHP units are not
amendments, allow local authority planning free electricity whilst generating suitable for properties with low heat
departments to grant certain ‘permitted development’ heat demand
rights. Eligible for Feed-in Tariff payments Heat-led micro-CHP units have a
(subject to conditions) limited electrical generation capacity
Planning permission is not normally needed when
installing a micro-combined heat and power system Does not rely on building orientation Unlike other renewable electricity
in a house if the work is all internal. However, if the or weather conditions to generate producing technologies, micro-CHP
renewable electricity is a low carbon rather than zero
installation requires an outside flue it will normally be carbon technology
permitted development if the flue is on the rear or side
elevation of the building and projects to no more than Table 6.2 Typical advantages and disadvantages of a micro-CHP system
one metre above the highest part of the roof.

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Section seven: Water conservation technologies

Section seven:
Water conservation
Climate change is resulting in wetter winters, rising Although not typically associated with being a low
sea levels and hotter drier summers. Wetter winters carbon technology, because rainwater harvesting
and rising sea levels have led to more frequent and systems and greywater reuse reduce wholesome water
widespread flooding in the UK. Hotter drier summers consumption, the use of recycled water can also lead to
deplete water supplies leading to droughts and water energy savings and a carbon emission reduction through
shortages. These factors have led to the need to reduce a reduction in wholesome treated water consumption.
the consumption of wholesome mains water. However, if energy is used to treat the harvested
rainwater or greywater, this may offset any energy and
The water conservation technologies included in this carbon emission savings achieved through the reduction
section are: in wholesome treated water consumption.
· rainwater harvesting
· greywater reuse.

To become ‘wholesome’, water is treated by the water

supply undertaker before it is supplied to the consumer.
The treatment process consumes energy and results in
carbon emissions.

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Introduction to Environmental Technology Systems

Rainwater harvesting
A rainwater harvesting system captures and stores
rainwater for permitted non-wholesome usage.

Harvested rainwater is classified as a class 5 risk under

the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999. This
classification is the highest risk classification given and Gravity fill Pumped to storage with
and distribution gravity distribution
as a result harvested rainwater can only be used for the
uses given in Figure 7.1.

Rainwater harvesting system

Direct pumped

Figure 7.2 Types of rainwater harvesting system

Gravity fill and distribution

Clothes Garden watering WC flushing
washing car washing In a gravity fill and distribution system the rainwater
storage tank is positioned above the appliances to
Figure 7.1 Permitted uses for harvested rainwater
be supplied with harvested rainwater and below
the source of the rainwater. No pump is required as
Harvested rainwater is not suitable for use and is not
rainwater drains into the tank by gravity and the water
permitted for use for the following purposes:
is distributed to the appliances by gravity. This system
· drinking water type is not as common as pumped system types.
· dishwashing (hand or machine)
· food preparation Pumped to storage with gravity distribution
· personal washing, showering and bathing.
In a pumped to storage with gravity distribution system
rainwater drains into the tank by gravity and a pump,
Types of rainwater harvesting system typically submersible and located within the storage
There are three main types of rainwater harvesting tank, is used to pump the harvested rainwater to a
system: storage cistern within the building. The stored water is
then distributed to the appliances by gravity.
1 gravity fill and distribution
2 pumped to storage with gravity distribution Direct pumped
3 direct pumped.
In a direct pumped system rainwater drains into the
tank by gravity and a pump, typically submersible and
located within the storage tank, is used to pump the
harvested rainwater directly to the appliances.

Rainwater harvesting storage tanks can be positioned

externally above or below ground or inside the building.

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Section seven: Water conservation technologies

Rainwater harvesting system components

storage cistern
Back-up water
supply connection

Please note that due to the intended

purpose of these materials, some
system components are not shown.
This is not an installation diagram.

Point of use
warning labels

water supply Inlet filter

Rainwater storage tank

Submersible pump
with floating extraction

Calmed inlet
Figure 7.3 Rainwater harvesting system components (based upon a pumped to storage with gravity distribution system)

Key system components Point of use warning labels

Inlet filter It is a requirement of the water regulations that all
points of use be labelled to identify that they are
Before the harvested rainwater enters the storage tank
supplied with harvested rainwater. In addition, the
it must pass through an approved type inlet filter. The
water regulations also require that all distribution
inlet filter is often fitted within the tank, just below
pipework is labelled to identify that it is part of a
the access cover, but can be located anywhere in
harvested rainwater system.
the collection pipework providing it is accessible for
maintenance purposes. Back-up water supply
Calmed inlet There is potential that in times of drought and/or heavy
demand, the harvested rainwater system will not be
The calmed inlet is fitted on the end of the pipe feeding
able to supply the outlets connected to the system.
into a storage tank. The purpose of the calmed inlet
For this reason, it is normal practice for a back-up water
is to minimise turbulence and slow the water flow
supply connection to be provided from the wholesome
into the tank to avoid unnecessary disturbance of any
water supply system. As harvested rainwater is a class
sediment at the base of the tank.
5 risk, the back-up water must be connected by a
Submersible pump with floating extraction suitable backflow prevention arrangement to prevent
backflow of the stored rainwater into the wholesome
A submersible pump with a floating extraction point is
water supply system. The only backflow prevention
typically located within the storage tank. The floating
arrangement that is suitable for a class 5 risk is an
extraction point ensures that the pump is supplied
arrangement that provides a physical air gap between
with water near to the surface, reducing the risk of
the stored rainwater and the wholesome water supply
any sediment entering the pump and the distribution
connection. Type AA and Type AB air gaps are suitable
pipework. Submersible pumps are fitted with dry-run
backflow prevention arrangements.
protection to prevent damage to the pump.

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Introduction to Environmental Technology Systems

Regulatory requirements relating to Town and country planning regulations

rainwater harvesting technologies As with the building regulations, there are separate
The installation of a rainwater harvesting system will town and country planning regulations for:
require compliance with a number of regulatory
· England and Wales
requirements including health and safety, and water
· Northern Ireland
regulations. A competent installation contractor will
have a detailed knowledge of these regulations and will
· Scotland.

ensure compliance. Planning permission is not normally needed when

installing a rainwater harvesting system in a house
Within this section we consider two primary regulatory if the finished installation does not alter the outside
requirements in relation to rain water harvesting appearance of the property. Where above ground
systems: rainwater harvesting storage tanks are to be included,
1 building regulations planning permission may be required.
2 planning regulations.
If the building is listed or in a designated area it is
Building regulations advisable to check with the local planning authority
before installing a rainwater harvesting system even
Building regulations set standards for design and if the building has permitted development rights.
construction which apply to most new buildings Consent is also likely to be needed for internal
and many alterations to existing buildings. There are alterations to listed buildings.
separate building regulations for:
· England and Wales The local planning authority should also be consulted
· Northern Ireland if the property is in a conservation area or in a World
· Scotland. Heritage site.

The building regulations contain various sections, If the project requires an outside building to house
a number of which have relevance or might have the rainwater harvesting storage tanks, the same rules
relevance to rainwater harvesting system installation apply to that building as for other extensions and
work as summarised in Table 7.1: garden outbuildings.

Section of Relevance or potential relevance to rainwater

regulations harvesting system installation work Building location and feature requirements
Structure Where rainwater harvesting system components put load for the potential to install a rainwater
on the structure and/or where excavations are made near harvesting system
to the structure
For the potential to install a rainwater harvesting
Fire safety Where holes for pipes, etc. might reduce the fire resistant
integrity of the building structure system, as a minimum, some or all of the following
building and location factors will need to be
Site preparation Where holes for pipes, etc. might reduce the moisture
and resistance resistant integrity of the building structure considered:
to moisture · a suitable location and space for a storage tank of a
suitable size to meet the demand
Resistance to Where holes for pipes, etc. might reduce the sound proof
the passage of integrity of the building structure
· a suitable location for rainwater harvesting system
storage tank(s) to minimize the potential for freezing,
Sanitation, hot Water efficiency warming and algal blooms
water safety
and water
· for retrofit installations, access for excavation
machinery might also need to be considered
Drainage and Rainwater gutters and rainwater pipework connected to
· a suitable supply (yield) of rainwater in relation to
the demand on the system. Rainwater harvesting
waste disposal rainwater harvesting systems systems are not suitable for areas with a low rainfall
Electrical safety The connection of rainwater harvesting system electrical intensity or for buildings with a small rainwater
in dwellings components catchment area
Table 7.1 Building regulations that have relevance or might have relevance to rainwater
harvesting system installation work
· the availability of a wholesome back-up water

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Section seven: Water conservation technologies

Advantages and disadvantages of rainwater

harvesting systems
Table 7.2 gives some typical advantages and
disadvantages of a rainwater harvesting system.

Advantages Disadvantages
Conserves wholesome water Payback periods can be long
Indirectly reduces energy Not always straightforward to install
consumption and reduces carbon to an existing building
A wide range of system options exist There is a risk of contamination or
Rainwater is free, so for buildings Only certain types of outlet and
where a water meter is fitted the appliance can be supplied using
annual cost of water will reduce harvested rainwater
Table 7.2 Typical advantages and disadvantages of a rainwater harvesting

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Introduction to Environmental Technology Systems

Greywater reuse systems System type Description

Direct reuse system A system that collects greywater from appliances
A greywater reuse system receives ‘grey’ waste water and delivers it directly to the points of use with no
that is discharged from washbasins, baths, showers and treatment and minimal or no storage
washing machines so that the greywater can be reused Short retention A system that includes a basic filtration or treatment
at permitted non-wholesome outlets. system technique such as surface skimming and allows for
natural particle settlement
Like harvested rainwater, greywater is classified as a Basic physical/ A system that filters greywater prior to storage and
class 5 risk under the Water Supply (Water Fittings) uses chemical disinfectants such as chlorine or
chemical system
Regulations 1999 and as a result greywater can only be bromine to stop bacterial growth during storage
reused for the purposes given in Figure 7.4. Biological system A system that introduces an agent, such as oxygen,
into the stored greywater to allow bacteria to digest
any organic matter. Pumps or plants can be used to
aerate the stored water
Biomechanical A system that combines both physical and biological
system treatment
Hybrid system A combination of any of the above systems or a
combined rainwater harvesting and greywater reuse
Greywater reuse system Table 7.3 Types of greywater reuse system

The type of system selected will be influenced by

a number of factors including the quality of the
greywater being received and the intended reuse

The most common greywater reuse system is direct

pumping from the storage tank to the greywater
outlets. An example of a direct pumped greywater
Garden watering WC flushing
reuse system is shown in Figure 7.5.
car washing
Figure 7.4 Permitted uses for greywater

In some circumstances, it is possible to use greywater

to supply a clothes washing machine if the greywater Greywater
is appropriately treated. If greywater is to be used for pipework
irrigation, it should be directly applied to soil and not
through a sprinkler or method that would allow contact
with above ground portions of plants. Greywater Point
of use
should not be used to water crops, which are eaten warning Back-up
uncooked. It is recommended that greywater should labels
not be applied to seedlings or young plants. connection

Greywater is not suitable for use and is not permitted for Greywater
inlet filter
use for the following purposes:
· drinking water
· dishwashing (hand or machine)
· food preparation
· personal washing, showering and bathing.
Three-chamber greywater
treatment unit with pump
Wholesome and control panel
Greywater reuse system types water supply
Figure 7.5 Example of a greywater reuse system (direct pumped)
There are six main types of greywater reuse system.
Each type is identified and briefly described in Table 7.3.

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Section seven: Water conservation technologies

The greywater treatment unit illustrated in Figure 7.5 Section of Relevance or potential relevance to
uses physical, biological and UV disinfection to treat regulations greywater reuse system installation work
and prepare the greywater for reuse. Structure Where greywater reuse system components put
load on the structure and/or where excavations are
Water enters the unit via an inlet filter, biological made near to the structure
treatment takes place in chambers 1 and 2, and UV
Fire safety Where holes for pipes, etc. might reduce the fire
disinfection takes place in chamber 3. resistant integrity of the building structure
As with rainwater harvesting systems, all greywater Site preparation and Where holes for pipes, etc. might reduce the
resistance to moisture moisture resistant integrity of the building structure
reuse system supply points and pipework must be
marked and labelled to minimise the risk of incorrect Resistance to the Where holes for pipes, etc. might reduce the sound
use of reclaimed greywater and/or the possibility of passage of sound proof integrity of the building structure
cross connection between wholesome water systems Sanitation, hot water Water efficiency
and greywater reuse systems. safety and water
Drainage and waste Sanitary pipework connected to greywater reuse
Regulatory requirements relating to disposal systems
greywater reuse technologies Electrical safety in The connection of greywater reuse system electrical
dwellings components
The installation of a greywater reuse system will require
compliance with a number of regulatory requirements Table 7.4 Building regulations that have relevance or might have relevance to greywater
reuse system installation work
including health and safety, and water regulations. A
competent installation contractor will have a detailed
knowledge of these regulations and will ensure Town and country planning regulations
As with the building regulations, there are separate
Within this section we consider two primary regulatory town and country planning regulations for:
requirements in relation to greywater reuse systems:
· England and Wales
1 building regulations · Northern Ireland
2 planning regulations. · Scotland.

Building regulations Planning permission is not normally needed when

installing a greywater reuse system in a house if
Building regulations set standards for design and the finished installation does not alter the outside
construction which apply to most new buildings appearance of the property. Where above ground
and many alterations to existing buildings. There are greywater reuse storage tanks are to be included,
separate building regulations for: planning permission might be required.
· England and Wales
· Northern Ireland If the building is listed or in a designated area it is
· Scotland. advisable to check with the local planning authority
before installing a greywater reuse system even if the
The building regulations contain various sections, building has permitted development rights. Consent is
a number of which have relevance or might have also likely to be needed for internal alterations to listed
relevance to greywater reuse system installation work buildings.
as summarised in Table 7.4.
The local planning authority should also be consulted
if the property is in a conservation area or in a World
Heritage site.

If the project requires an outside building to house the

greywater reuse storage tanks the same rules apply
to that building as for other extensions and garden

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Introduction to Environmental Technology Systems

Building location and feature requirements Advantages and disadvantages of

for the potential to install a greywater reuse greywater reuse systems
system Table 7.5 shows some typical advantages and
The following building and location factors will need to disadvantages of a greywater reuse system.
be considered:
Advantages Disadvantages
· a suitable location and space for a storage tank of a
suitable size to meet the demand
Conserves wholesome water Payback periods can be long

· a suitable location for greywater system storage

tank(s) to minimize the potential for freezing,
Indirectly reduces energy
consumption and reduces carbon
Not always straightforward to install
to an existing building
warming and algal blooms
A wide range of system options exist There is a risk of contamination or
· for retrofit installations, access for excavation
machinery might also need to be considered
Greywater is free, so for buildings Only certain types of outlet and
· a suitable supply (yield) of greywater in relation to
the demand on the system. Greywater reuse systems
where a water meter is fitted the appliance can be supplied using
annual cost of water will reduce greywater
are not suitable for buildings with a low volume of
greywater discharge. Table 7.5 Typical advantages and disadvantages of a greywater reuse system

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Section seven: Water conservation technologies


Term System context Meaning

Algal bloom Rainwater harvesting A rapid increase or accumulation in the population of algae.
Greywater reuse
Auger feed mechanism Biomass A screw type automated fuel feed arrangement designed to feed the required volume of fuel at a
consistent rate.
Auxillary heat source system Heat pumps A heat source system intended and designed to meet the difference between the heat pump output and
peak heat demand load.
Backflow Rainwater harvesting Movement of fluid contrary to its intended direction of flow within an installation.
Greywater reuse
Backflow prevention Rainwater harvesting An arrangement or device which is intended to prevent the contamination of water by backflow.
arrangement Greywater reuse
Back-up water supply Rainwater harvesting A supply of potable (or wholesome) water from the public mains water supply or other potable source,
Greywater reuse that can supplement the non-potable supply in times of drought and/or heavy demand.
Battery bank Solar photovoltaic A battery storage arrangement that stores surplus generated direct current electricity for future use.
Micro-wind turbine
Biological disinfection Greywater reuse Disinfection using aerobic or anaerobic bacteria to digest any unwanted organic matter in stored
(greywater reuse) greywater.
Borehole Heat pump A narrow shaft bored in the ground to enable the installation of a heat pump collector circuit.
Buffer tank Heat pump A tank that contains a volume of water to absorb any extra heat generated by the heat pump in low
load conditions which the building does not yet require.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) All technologies A greenhouse gas that is believed to cause climate change and is emitted in a number of ways such as
through the carbon cycle and through human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels.
Carbon neutral technology Biomass A technology that achieves net zero carbon emissions by balancing the volume of carbon dioxide
released through combustion with the volume of carbon dioxide consumed during the growth and
harvesting of the fuel.
Class 5 risk Rainwater harvesting A risk of serious health hazard because of the possible concentration of pathogenic organisms,
Greywater reuse radioactive or very toxic substances, including:
a) faecal material or other human waste
b) butchery or other animal waste
c) pathogens from any other source.
Clean Air Act Biomass The Clean Air Act 1993. The act provides the current legislative control relating to smoke emissions
and emissions of other pollutants such as particles, sulphur dioxide, PAH and PCDD/F (dioxins and
furans) which may be present in smoke.
Climate change All technologies The long-term alteration in global weather patterns, especially increases in temperature and storm
activity, regarded as a potential consequence of the greenhouse effect.

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Introduction to Environmental Technology Systems

Term System context Meaning

Code for Sustainable Homes All technologies The national standard for the sustainable design and construction of new homes. The Code aims to
reduce our carbon emissions and create homes that are more sustainable. It applies in England, Wales
and Northern Ireland. 
Coefficient of Performance Heat pumps The measure of efficiency of a heat pump unit expressed as a ratio or as a per cent of the output of a
(CoP) heat pump in heating mode.
Co-generation technologies Micro-combined heat A technology that can simultaneously generate both electricity and useful heat. Co-generation
and power technologies can be heat-led (producing electricity as a secondary output to heat) or electricity-led
(producing heat as a secondary output to electricity).
Collector circuit Heat pumps A circuit used to extract heat from ground or water sources to provide the renewable heat energy input
to a heat pump unit.
Combination boiler Solar thermal hot A boiler with the capability to provide domestic hot water directly, in some cases containing an internal
water hot water store.
Conservation area All technologies Local authorities have the power (under Section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation
Areas) Act 1990) to designate as conservation areas, any area of special architectural or historic interest.
This means the planning authority has extra powers to control works and demolition of buildings to
protect or improve the character or appearance of the area.
Cross-connection Rainwater harvesting A physical hydraulic link (permanent or temporary) between a pipework system carrying non-
Greywater reuse wholesome water connected to a pipework system carrying mains wholesome water.
Defrost cycle Heat pumps A cycle where an air source heat pump operates in reverse to remove ice that has formed on the heat
pump external evaporator coil as a result of the freezing during normal operation of moisture that is
present in the air at low ambient temperatures.
Electricity distribution grid Solar photovoltaic A combination of  the national transmission network and regional distribution networks used to
Micro-wind turbine distribute mains electricity.
Electron Solar photovoltaic A subatomic particle which carries a negative electrical charge.
Energy performance All heat producing and A certificate that provides a rating of the energy and carbon emission efficiency of a building using a
certificate electricity producing grade from ‘A’ to ‘G’. An ‘A’ rating is the most efficient, while ‘G’ is the least efficient.
Existing final circuit Micro-combined heat A final ring circuit feeding 13 Amp socket outlets.
and power
External combustion engine Micro-combined heat An engine where an (internal) working fluid is heated by combustion of an external source, through
and power the engine wall or a heat exchanger.
Fabric energy efficiency All heat producing The efficiency of the built fabric (walls, floors, windows, roof etc.) of a building in relation to the energy
technologies demand for space heating and cooling expressed in kilowatt-hours of energy demand per square metre
per year (kWh/m2/year).
Fan coil unit Heat pumps A device consisting of a heating or cooling coil and a fan.
Feed-In Tariffs (FiTs) Solar photovoltaic FiTs is a Government scheme that offers payments for surplus electricity generated through
Micro-wind turbine environmental technologies.
Micro-combined heat
and power
Finned heat exchanger All heat producing A tubular heat exchanger that included fins to increase the efficiency of the heat transfer process.
Fish pass arrangement Micro-hydropower A physical arrangement that allows the safe passage of migrating fish such as salmon and sea trout.
Fish screen Micro-hydropower A physical arrangement that prevents the entry of fish into a micro-hydropower system.
Fossil fuels Micro-combined heat Fuels with a finite supply, formed by natural processes over thousands and millions of years, i.e coal, gas
and power and oil.
Fuel cell Micro-combined heat An electrochemical cell that converts chemical energy from a fuel into electric energy.
and power
Fuel poverty All heat producing Occurs when, in order to heat its home to an adequate standard of warmth, a household needs to spend
technologies more than 10% of its income on total fuel use.

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011

Term System context Meaning

Geothermal energy Heat pumps Energy generated and stored in the Earth. The Earth’s geothermal energy originates from the formation
of the planet, from radioactive decay of minerals, from volcanic activity, and from solar energy absorbed
at the surface.
Geothermal water source Heat pumps A below ground water source that is heated by the earth’s energy.
Glycol Solar thermal hot A liquid which can be added to water in a closed loop pipework circuit such as a solar thermal hot water
water system or heat pump collector circuit to prevent freezing. The most common types are Ethylene Glycol
Heat pumps and Propylene Glycol.
Green Deal All technologies
The Coalition Government’s flagship policy for improving the energy efficiency of buildings in Great
Britain. The Green Deal will create a new financing mechanism to allow a range of improvement
measures to reduce energy demand and improve energy efficiency measures to be installed in people’s
homes and businesses at no upfront cost.
Greenhouse gas All heat producing and Gases such as carbon dioxide that act as a shield that traps heat in the earth’s atmosphere resulting in
electricity producing the greenhouse effect.
Greywater Greywater reuse Domestic wastewater excluding faecal matter and urine.
Heat exchanger All heat producing A component in which heat is exchanged such as a coil within a hot water cylinder or a multiple plate
technologies heat exchanger such as a condenser in a heat pump unit.
Heat sink circuit Heat pumps A circuit connected to a heat pump unit in which the heat that is provided from the heat pump is
Immersion heater Solar thermal hot An electrical water heating element.
Instantaneous centralised hot Solar thermal hot A system with multiple domestic hot water outlets in which domestic hot water is heated
water system water instantaneously, on demand in a centralised location before being distributed to the domestic hot water
Internal combustion engine Micro-combined heat An engine in which the combustion of a fuel (normally a fossil fuel) occurs with an oxidizer (usually air)
and power in a combustion chamber.
Low carbon technology Solar thermal Technologies considered to be low carbon in operation (powered at least in part by fossil fuels) and
Heat pumps technologies that are zero carbon in operation (powered by 100% renewable energy).
Main channel Micro-hydropower Any shallow body of a river or a stream.
Microgeneration All heat producing and A scheme introduced by the Government to provide consumers with an assurance that microgeneration
Certification Scheme (MCS) electricity producing products and installation companies meet a robust set of standards.
Organic rankine cycle engine Micro-combined heat An engine that converts heat into work. The heat is supplied externally to a closed loop, which usually
and power uses water. The organic rankine cycle engine is a type of steam-operated heat engine most commonly
found in power generation plants.
Orientation Solar thermal hot The siting of a building or an elevation of a building in relation to the available solar energy.
Solar photovoltaic
Overshading Solar thermal hot Shading of solar thermal collectors or solar photovoltaic panels caused by obstructions such as
water buildings and trees. The degree of overshading may vary during different times of the day.
Solar photovoltaic
Permitted development All technologies Rights granted under The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995
rights (and subsequent amendments) to allow certain types of minor changes to your buildings without
needing to apply for planning permission.
Photons Solar photovoltaic A discrete bundle (or quantum) of electromagnetic (or light) energy that is contained in solar energy.
Photons within solar energy are used within solar photovoltaic systems.
Photovoltaic Solar photovoltaic The production of electric current at the junction of two substances exposed to light.
Physical disinfection Rainwater harvesting Disinfection using filters to remove unwater matter in rainwater and greywater.
Greywater reuse
Point of use hot water system Solar thermal hot A system in which domestic hot water for a single hot water outlet is heated at the point at which the
water outlet is located.

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011
Introduction to Environmental Technology Systems

Term System context Meaning

Rainwater Rainwater harvesting Water arising from atmospheric precipitation.
Regular boiler Solar thermal hot A boiler which does not have the capability to provide domestic hot water directly (i.e. not a
water combination boiler). It may nevertheless provide domestic hot water indirectly via a separate hot water
storage cylinder.
Renewable energy All heat producing and Energy derived from natural processes that are replenished constantly, including electricity and heat
electricity producing generated from solar, wind, ocean, hydropower, biomass, geothermal resources, and biofuels and
technologies hydrogen derived from renewable resources.
Renewable Heat Incentive All heat producing A proposed Government scheme, due to be introduced in late 2011 to provide financial support to
technologies consumers who install eligible renewable heat technology systems. Consumers will receive financial
support in the form of pence per kilowatt hour of renewable heat energy generated.
Semiconducting materials Solar photovoltaic A semiconducting material is a material that behaves in between a conductor and an insulator. At
ambient temperature, it conducts electricity more easily than an insulator, but less readily than a
conductor. At very low temperatures, pure or intrinsic semiconductors behave like insulators. At
higher temperatures or under light, intrinsic semiconductors can become conductive. The addition
of impurities to a pure semiconductor can also increase its conductivity.
Shadow flicker Micro-wind turbine Flicker that occurs when the sun passes behind the hub of a wind turbine and casts a shadow over
systems neighbouring properties.
Shunt pump Solar thermal hot A circulation pump fitted to hot water service/plant to overcome the temperature stratification of the
water stored water.
Sluice Micro-hydropower A water channel that is controlled at its head by a gate. For example, a millrace is a sluice that channels
water toward a water mill.
Solar irradiation Solar thermal hot The density of the sun’s energy reaching the earth. Under ideal conditions the density is approximately
water 1 kW/m2 in Central Europe. The irradiation density on the surface of the earth depends on the location.
Solar photovoltaic With seasonal changes, times of overcast sky, and night time this amounts to an average solar
irradiation of about 1000 kWh per m2 and year.
Thermal stress Solar photovoltaic Stress that may occur due to overheating of a solar photovoltaic cell or cells with the potential to cause
permanent damage to the cell(s).
Thermosiphon Solar thermal hot The process where heated water expands becomes lighter and rises, and as water cools it contracts in
water volume, becomes heavier and falls.
Type AA air gap Rainwater harvesting A non-mechanical arrangement that provides a physical air gap between the spillover level of a cistern
Greywater reuse or water system connection and a back-up supply that is connected to the cistern or water system
allowing for unrestricted discharge of the flow of non-wholesome water in order to prevent backflow
into the wholesome water supply.
Type AB air gap Rainwater harvesting A non-mechanical arrangement used within a storage cistern that includes the provision of a weir
Greywater reuse overflow to introduce a physical air gap between the weir and the lowest point of a back-up supply that
is connected to the cistern allowing for unrestricted discharge of the flow of non-wholesome water in
order to prevent backflow into the wholesome water supply.
UV disinfection Rainwater harvesting A non-chemical approach to disinfection that uses UV-C light to penetrate a microorganism’s outer cell
Greywater reuse membrane, pass through its cell body and disrupt its DNA preventing reproduction.
Watercourse Micro-hydropower Any flowing body of water including rivers, streams and brooks.
Weir Micro-hydropower A small overflow dam used to alter the flow characteristics of a river or stream.
Wholesome water Rainwater harvesting Water which is fit to use for drinking, cooking, food preparation or washing without any potential
Greywater reuse danger to human health by meeting regulatory requirements.
World Heritage site All technologies A World Heritage site is a cultural or natural site, monument, city or geographical habitat that
is deemed irreplaceable and threatened, and thus deserving of protection and preservation by
the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). There are currently 28
World Heritage sites in the UK.
Zero carbon technology Solar photovoltaic A technology that is powered 100% by renewable energy.
Micro-wind turbine

© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011

Photo credits
p.9 L © Econergy, TR © Kensa Heat Pumps, BR © Sussex
Solar Ltd; p.11 T © Sussex Solar Ltd, B © Sussex Solar Ltd;
p.27 © Econergy; p.28 L © Leuthi Enterprises Limited,
TR © Solar UK, BR © MannPower Consulting Limited;
p.30 T © Solar UK, B © Solar UK; p.31 TL © Solar UK,
BL © GreenGate Publishing Services, TR © Landis + Gyr;
p.40 © MannPower Consulting Limited; p.45 L © ACO
Technologies plc, R © Hansgrohe Group

The National Skills Academy for Environmental

Technologies would like to thank the many people who
contributed to this resource.

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© National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies 2011

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