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MD II S1-Basic Hospital Vocabulary

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Medicină Dentară II – seminar 1



Match the correct definition with the person: radiology technicians, pharmacists, social workers,
porters, consultants, pediatrician, speech therapists, physiotherapists, general practitioners,
occupational therapists, chiropodists, dieticians, plastic surgeons, laundry staff.

1. They assist patients who have difficulties speaking. 2. They move patients on beds, trolleys and
wheelchairs. 3. They look after people’s feet. 4. They work out special meals and give advice on the
most appropriate food. 5. They are responsible for, prepare and dispense medicines. 6. These
doctors’ specialty is children. 7. Senior medical people who give expert advice and are responsible
for final decision making. 8. They give massage and exercise to restore specific bodily functions. 9.
They operate on patients to repair skin damage or improve a patient’s appearance. 10. Their work is
rehabilitation and assistance of people recovering from or suffering from illness. 11. They operate
equipment in the X-ray department. 12. They work together with medical personnel in hospital and
try to deal with a patient’s problems at home. 13. They clean and organize bed linen. 14. These
doctors may refer their patients to hospital to see a specialist or to receive specialist care.

pharmacist (syn.) chemist (syn.) druggist (syn.) apothecary (termen învechit) - farmacist
pharmacists' aide - asistent de farmacie
pharmacy (syn.) chemist's shop (syn.) chemist’s (syn.) drugstore (syn.) apothecary's
shop (termen învechit) - farmacie, spiţerie
worker - muncitor, lucrător
health care workers - lucrătorii din domeniul asistenţei medicale
hospital woker - angajat al unui spital
social worker - asistent social
therapist - terapeut
occupational therapist - terapeut ocupaţional
physical therapist (syn.) physiotherapist - fizioterapeut
speech therapist - logoped
generalist (syn.) general practitioner (GP) - generalist, medic de medicină generală
dietitian (syn.) diet doctor - dietician; nutriţionist
laundry staff – personal în cadrul serviciilor de spălătorie din spital
trolley - cărucior; cărucior marfă
stretcher - brancardă, targă
stretcher-bearer - brancardier (termen folosit pentru urgenţe sau război)
linen - pânză, pânză de in; lenjerie; rufe
bed linen (syn.) bedclothes (syn.) bedding - aşternut, lenjerie de pat, rufărie de pat
care - îngrijire, grijă
delivery of health care - acordarea asistenţei medicale
follow-up care - îngrijire post-spitalicească
ongoing care (syn.) unremitting care (syn.) continuing care - îngrijire permanentă,
îngrijire continuă


Match each of the following descriptions with the word: sheets, mattress, crutch, trolley, curtain,
drip stand, bedpan, tray, bedspread, observations chart, oxygen point, urine bottle, hoist,
wheelchair, pillow, call button, blanket, basin, name band, monkey pole.
1. This covers the bed to keep off the dust. 2. Something to rest one’s head on. 3. A patient confined
to bed will have to use this to urinate and defecate. 4. Patients use this when they need to call a
nurse. 5. For identification, this is worn by patients around their wrist. 6. A narrow bed used for
transporting patients. 7. Wash your hands here. 8. A mechanical device for lifting and moving
patients. 9. Drawn around a patient’s bed to provide some privacy. 10. Two of these on the bed are
straightened regularly and washed every few days. 11. Meals are brought to the bed on this. 12.
These keep the patient warm. 13. Male patients confined to bed use this to urinate. 14. Suspended
above the bed, this can be used by the patients to pull himself/herself up. 15. Patients lie on this; it’s
sometimes hard and sometimes soft. 16. Intravenous fluid bags are suspended on this. 17. Patients
who can sit up comfortably can be transported in one of these. 18. A patient with a broken leg will
need 2 of these to get around. 19. A mask and tube from this will supply oxygen to the patient. 20.
The patient’s condition is recorded here.

sheet - cearceaf, foaie, coală, fâşie lată

draw sheet (syn.) drawsheet - aleză
crutch – cârjă
stand - suport, stand; poziţie
drip - perfuzie; picurare, picătură, strop
to drip feed - a alimenta prin perfuzie
drip stand - suport perfuzor
bed pan (sin.) bedpan - ploscă
bedspread – cuvertură
chart - fişă; grafic, curbă; schemă, diagramă
examination chart - fişă de examinare medicală
hospital chart - foaie de observaţie clinică generală
observation chart - foaie de observaţie
oxygen point – mască oxigen cu concentraţie variabilă cu venturi (orificii)
urine bottle – urinal
hoist – macara, ham, macara domiciliară, dispozitiv ridicare pacienţi
call button – sistem apelare asistentă
basin - chiuvetă, vas, castron, lighean
hand basin (syn.) washbasin (syn.) sink - chiuvetă, lavabou, lavoar
pole (sin.) polus (pl. poli) – pol; stâlp
monkey pole - suport ridicare pacient
confinement - limitare, restrângere; lăuzie; şedere în casă (din cauză de boală)

The following phrases are spoken by a nurse carrying out nasogastric intubation. They are all
mixed up. Put them in the correct order.

1. Now I’ll just check that we’ve got it in the right place, so I’m going to pass just a little bit of air
into the tube and listen to it. Can you let me listen to your stomach, please?
2. Ok, can you sit forward on your chair, please? That’s it! Now can you just lift your head a little?
That’s fine! Now I’m just going to mark the length of tube we need with this tape. That’s it.
3. Yes, that seems fine. Well done! Now I’ll just pus a little bit of tape over the tube to hold it in
place. That’s it! All over. You can relax now.
4. Now just a little spray in your left nostril. That’s fine! Now if you want me to stop at any time
just raise your hand. OK? Right, now here comes the first bit. You’re doing very well.
5. Hello, Mrs. Turner. I’m Amy Nathan.
6. Now, can you just bend your head forward a little and I’d like you to take a sip of water through
this straw. Fine!
7. Now, you’re going to have an operation tomorrow and we need to make sure that your stomach is
empty. What I’d like to do is slide a thin plastic tube through your nose and down your stomach.
8. You’re doing very well. Now, take another sip. That’s it. And now another. Good. We’re almost
there. Well done!
9. Don’t worry, it won’t cause you any pain, but it will feel a bit uncomfortable. It’s not the most
pleasant of things but we’ll take it carefully. Are you OK about this?

naris (pl. nares) (syn.) nostril - narină, nară

sip - sorbitură, înghiţitură
to sip - a sorbi, a bea câte puţin
slide - lunecare; pantă, pârtie; lamă diapozitiv
microscopic slide - lamă microscopică
to slide - a aluneca, a culisa
sliding - glisant, culisant


There are 2 letters below. One is a letter from a general practitioner to a consultant and the other
one is the consultant’s reply. Fill in the missing words. Choose from the following: discomfort, drip,
examination, findings, grateful, instance, nasal, obstruction, opinion, persist, persistently, respond,
responds, response

Consultant: Dr Holger Bauer

Patient name: John Gardner
DOB: 14/07/80

Dear Mr. Bauer

I would be (1) grateful if you could see this young man who has had a (2) _____ blocked nose over
the last few months. On two occasions I have noted polyps. They (3) _____ to a small degree to
beclamethasone (4) _____ spray, but continue to (5) _____ I would be grateful for your (6) _____.

Yours sincerely,
Andrew Connor

Department of Otolaryngology
New patient consultation: John Gardner, DOB 14/07/80
(Clinic 19/06/18)

Dear Dr Connor,
Thank you for asking me to see this 38-year-old telecommunications engineer.
Presentation and (7) _____:
He complains of long-lasting nasal (8) _____ on both sides with only partial (9) _____ to Beconase
nasal spray. He also says that his ears pop occasionally and he gets some facial (10) _____. And
post nasal (11) _____. On (12) _____ today his nose showed congested nasal mucosa and polypoid
middle turbinate and small middle meatal polyps.
Impressions and plan:
In the first (13) _____, I have started him on a course of Nasonex nasal spray which is a more
modern steroid than Beconase. I shall see him again in two months’ time to see how he (14) _____.

Yours sincerely,
Holger Bauer
Consultant Otolaryngologist

referral - scrisoare de trimitere, recomandare, referinţă

discomfort - discomfort, incomoditate; grijă
finding - descoperire, dezvăluire, revelaţie
findings - constatări
laboratory findings - date de laborator
obstruction - obstrucţie, obstruare; piedică, obstacol; obturare
polyp (syn.) polypus (pl. polypi) - polip
nasal polyps (syn.) adenoid growths (syn.) adenoid vegetations - polipi nazali, vegetaţii
beclamethasone – dipropionat de beclametazonă (corticosteroid, previne astmul)
postnasal drip (syn.) chronic rhinopharyngitis - secreii retronazale, rinofaringită cronică
polypoid (syn.) polypiform - polipoid, polipiform
concha (pl. conchae) - concha, conca, cornet, scoică
middle nasal concha (syn.) middle turbinate - conca nazală mijlocie, cornet nazal mijlociu
middle meatal polyp – polip meatal mijlociu
meatus (pl. meatus) (syn.) external opening - meat, meatus, conduct
meatal - meatal, meatic

Choose the correct word in each of the following.

1. She nervously waited for the post to find out whether she had past/passed her final nursing
examination. 2. He seems to have put on a lot of weight/wait in the last few months. 3. A new
sight/site on the edge of the city has now been found for the new hospital. 4. One quality that all
nurses must have is patience/patients. 5. She is very concerned that her hair loss will result in her
becoming balled/bald. 6. During the procedure she began to feel unwell and felt she was going to
feint/faint. 7. He has been experiencing pain in the lumbar/lumber region of the back. 8. The
surgeon uses a large number of slobs/swabs to mop up the blood. 9. Muscular dystrophy is a disease
where the muscles waist/waste away. 10. He suffers from a muscular tic/tick in his left eye. 11. In
the accident he suffered a major break/brake to his right femur. 12. After sneezing or coughing,
some microbial pathogens may be born/borne on the wind, enhancing the spread of infection. 13.
Before going off duty the doctor should cheque/check that all intravenous cannulae are working
satisfactorily. 14. The wound has been very slow to heel/heal. 15. The doctor was called when the
child began to grown/groan with pain. 16. The skin was badly pitted/pitied with the scars of acne.
17. As the infection took hold his temperature began to soar/sore.

sight (syn.) eyesight (syn.) vision - vedere, văz

site (syn.) situs - loc, situs, poziţie, amplasament
bald - chel, alopecic
baldness (syn.) alopecia (syn.) hair loss - chelie, alopecie, calviţie
feint – simulacru, fentă, tertip
faint (syn.) fainting - leşin
lumber – cherestea
lumbar - lombar
slob – nepriceput
swab - tampon
tic (syn.) habit spasm - tic
tick - căpuşă
to bear, bore, borne - a duce, a transporta; a suporta, a purta; a tolera, a răbda
enhancement - augmentare, mărire, intensificare; imuno-întărire
cannula (pl. cannulae) - canulă, tub
intravenous cannula - branulă
to groan - a geme, a se văita
pitted - ciupit de vărsat
to soar – a se ridica

Match the common name for a disease with its medical equivalent.

alopecia arteriosclerosis bursitis

candida cerebral palsy cerebral infarction/bleeding
dyspepsia eructation flatulence
hemorrhoids halitosis herpes simplex
herpes zoster infectious mononucleosis myocardial infarction
edema poliomyelitis pyrosis
rubella rubeola; morbilli tendonitis
urticaria varicella verrucae


a) German measles, b) polio, c) thrush, d) warts, e) heart attack, f) heat spots/nettle rash, g) cold
sore, h) swelling, i) (to be) spastic, j) belching, k) glandular fever, l) heartburn, m) baldness, n)
chickenpox, o) hardening of the arteries, p) measles, q) bad breath, r) indigestion, s) housemaid’s
knee, t) piles, u) shingles, v) tennis elbow, w) stroke, x) wind.

candidiasis (syn.) candidosis (syn.) moniliasis - candidiază, candidoză, moniliază

dyspepsia (syn.) gastric indigestion - dispepsie, indigestie gastrică
hemorrhoids, haemorrhoids (syn.) piles - hemoroizi
shingles (syn.) herpes zoster (syn.) zoster - herpes zoster, zona zoster
rubella (syn.) German measles - rubeolă, pojar german
urticaria (syn.) hives (syn.) nettle rash - urticarie
arteriosclerosis (syn.) arterial sclerosis - arterioscleroză
palsy - paralizie; tremur paralitic
cerebral palsy - paralizie cerebrală
eructation (syn.) belching (syn.) burp - eructaţie, râgâială
halitosis (syn.) fetid breath (syn.) fetor oris (syn.) bad breath - halitoză, halenă fetidă,
fetor oris, respiraţie neplăcut mirositoare
mononucleosis - mononucleoză; mononucleoză infecţioasă
infectious mononucleosis (syn.) glandular fever (syn.) kissing disease - mononucleoză
infecţioasă, febră glandulară, “boala sărutului”
poliomyelitis (syn.) polio - poliomielită
rubeola (syn.) measles (syn.) morbilli - rujeolă, pojar, morbili
chickenpox (syn.) chicken pox (syn.) varicella - varicelă, vărsat de vânt
bursitis (syn.) bursal synovitis - bursită
prepatellar bursitis (syn.) housemaid’s knee - bursită prepatelară, genunchi de menajeră
flatulence - flatulenţă, gaze intestinale; balonare, meteorism
wind - vânt; gaze intestinale
pyrosis (syn.) heartburn (syn.) brash - pirozis, arsuri (la stomac)
tendonitis (syn.) tenositis - tendinită, tenozită
verruca (pl. verrucae) (syn.) wart - neg, verucă

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