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PHYS 2070-080 Exam 2 Sample Questions: Identify The Choice That Best Completes The Statement or Answers The Question

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PHYS 2070-080 Exam 2 Sample Questions

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. The unit of work, joule, is dimensionally the same as:

a. newton/second.
b. newton/kilogram.
c. newton-second.
d. newton-meter.

____ 2. Rupel pushes a box 5.00 m by applying a 25.0-N horizontal force. What work does she do?
a. 10.0 J
b. 25.0 J
c. 125 J
d. 550 J

____ 3. Which of the following is an example of a nonconservative force?

a. gravity
b. magnetism
c. friction
d. Both choices A and B are valid.

____ 4. Which of the following is that form of energy associated with an object's motion?
a. potential
b. thermal
c. bio-chemical
d. kinetic

____ 5. Which of the following is that form of energy associated with an object's location in a conservative force
a. potential
b. thermal
c. bio-chemical
d. kinetic

____ 6. What is the kinetic energy of a 0.135-kg baseball thrown at 40.0 m/s (90.0 mph)?
a. 54.0 J
b. 87.0 J
c. 108 J
d. 216 J

____ 7. As an object is lowered into a deep hole in the surface of the earth, which of the following must be
assumed in regard to its potential energy?
a. increase
b. decrease
c. remain constant
d. cannot tell from the information given

____ 8. Samantha pushes a 50-N crate up a ramp 25.0 m in length and inclined at 10° with the horizontal. What
potential energy change does the crate experience?
a. 13 J
b. 55 J
c. 120 J
d. 220 J

____ 9. A hill is 100 m long and makes an angle of 12° with the horizontal. As a 50-kg jogger runs up the hill,
how much work does gravity do on the jogger?
a. 49 000 J
b. 10 000 J
c. −10 000 J
d. zero

____ 10. A 2.00-kg ball has zero kinetic and potential energy. Ernie drops the ball into a 10.0-m-deep well. Just
before the ball hits the bottom, the sum of its kinetic and potential energy is:
a. zero.
b. 196 J.
c. −196 J.
d. 392 J.

____ 11. Two blocks are released from the top of a building. One falls straight down while the other slides down a
smooth ramp. If all friction is ignored, which one is moving faster when it reaches the bottom?
a. The block that went straight down.
b. The block that went down the ramp.
c. They both will have the same speed.
d. Insufficient information to work the problem.

____ 12. A Hooke's law spring is compressed 12.0 cm from equilibrium and the potential energy stored is 72.0 J.
What is the spring constant in this case?
a. 10 000 N/m
b. 5 000 N/m
c. 1 200 N/m
d. No answer is correct.

____ 13. The quantity of work equal to one joule is also equivalent to which of the following?
a. watt
b. watt /s
c. watt ⋅ s
d. watt /s2

____ 14. The unit of power, watt, is dimensionally the same as:
a. joule-second.
b. joule/second.
c. joule-meter.
d. joule/meter.

____ 15. A 200-hp engine can deliver, in SI units, an average power of ____. (1 hp = 746 W)
a. 200 W
b. 74 600 W
c. 149 000 W
d. 298 000 W

____ 16. The area under the force vs. displacement curve represents:
a. area.
b. force.
c. work.
d. coefficient of static friction.

____ 17. A valid unit for momentum is which of the following?

a. kg⋅m/s2
b. kg/m2
c. kg⋅m/s
d. N⋅m

____ 18. The units of impulse are equivalent to:

a. those of energy.
b. N⋅m.
c. kg⋅m/s.
d. those of force.

____ 19. The law of conservation of momentum is applicable to systems made up of objects described by which of
the following?
a. macroscopic
b. microscopic
c. interacting through friction
d. All the above choices are valid.

____ 20. If the momentum of an object is tripled, its kinetic energy will change by what factor?
a. zero
b. one-third
c. three
d. nine

____ 21. The kinetic energy of an object is quadrupled. Its momentum will change by what factor?
a. zero
b. two
c. eight
d. four

____ 22. A billiard ball collides in an elastic head-on collision with a second stationary identical ball. After the
collision which of the following conditions applies to the first ball?
a. maintains the same velocity as before
b. has one half its initial velocity
c. comes to rest
d. moves in the opposite direction

____ 23. A billiard ball collides in an elastic head-on collision with a second identical ball. What is the kinetic
energy of the system after the collision compared to that before collision?
a. the same as
b. one fourth
c. twice
d. four times

____ 24. In a two-body collision, if the momentum of the system is conserved, then which of the following best
describes the kinetic energy after the collision?
a. must be less
b. must also be conserved
c. may also be conserved
d. is doubled in value

____ 25. In a two-body collision, if the kinetic energy of the system is conserved, then which of the following best
describes the momentum after the collision?
a. must be less
b. must also be conserved
c. may also be conserved
d. is doubled in value

____ 26. If a two-body collision is not head-on, then we may always assume that:
a. momentum is conserved.
b. kinetic energy is conserved.
c. neither momentum nor kinetic energy are conserved.
d. both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved.

____ 27. When a collision is perfectly inelastic, then:

a. all the kinetic energy is conserved.
b. all the kinetic energy is gone.
c. the participants stick together.
d. the total momentum is zero.

____ 28. Neglecting gravity, doubling the exhaust velocity from a single stage rocket initially at rest changes the
final velocity attainable by what factor? Assume all other variables, such as the mass of the rocket and
the mass of the fuel, do not change.
a. The final velocity stays the same.
b. The final velocity doubles.
c. The final velocity increases by a factor of 0.693.
d. The final velocity increases by a factor of 0.310.

____ 29. 2 600 rev/min is equivalent to which of the following?

a. 2600 rad/s
b. 43.3 rad/s
c. 273 rad/s
d. 60 rad/s

____ 30. A grindstone spinning at the rate of 8.3 rev/s has what approximate angular speed?
a. 3.2 rad/s
b. 26 rad/s
c. 52 rad/s
d. 81 rad/s

____ 31. A 0.30-m-radius automobile tire rotates how many rad after starting from rest and accelerating at a
constant 2.0 rad/s2 over a 5.0-s interval?
a. 12.5 rad
b. 25 rad
c. 2.0 rad
d. 0.50 rad

____ 32. A ventilation fan has blades 0.25 m in radius rotating at 20 rpm. What is the tangential speed of each
blade tip?
a. 0.02 m/s
b. 0.52 m/s
c. 5.0 m/s
d. 20 m/s

____ 33. A wheel is rotated about a horizontal axle at a constant angular speed. Next it is rotated in the opposite
direction with the same angular speed. The acceleration at a point on the top of the wheel in the second
case as compared to the acceleration in the first case:
a. is in the same direction.
b. is in the opposite direction.
c. is upward.
d. is tangential to the wheel.

____ 34. At what location does an artificial Earth satellite in elliptical orbit have its greatest speed?
a. nearest the Earth
b. farthest from the Earth
c. between Earth and Moon
d. between Earth and Sun

____ 35. Which of the following best describes the property of the period of orbital revolution for an Earth
a. greater when the orbital radius is smaller
b. greater when the orbital radius is larger
c. independent of the orbital radius
d. determined mainly by the satellite's mass

____ 36. Of the nine known planets in our solar system, the innermost is Mercury. When compared to the other
planets in the system, Mercury has the:
a. greatest centripetal acceleration.
b. greatest period of revolution.
c. smallest angular velocity.
d. smallest tangential velocity.

____ 37. According to Kepler's second law, Halley's Comet circles the Sun in an elliptical path with the Sun at one
focus of the ellipse. What is at the other focus of the ellipse?
a. nothing
b. the Earth
c. The comet itself passes through the other focus.
d. The tail of the comet stays at the other ellipse.

____ 38. The Earth's orbit is closest to the Sun in January and farthest from the Sun in July. When is the Earth
moving the fastest in orbit?
a. Neither January nor July since the orbital speed of the Earth is a constant.
b. January
c. July
d. This occurs twice a year, in April and in October.

____ 39. A hoop of radius 1.0 m is placed in the first quadrant of an xy-coordinate system with its rim touching
both the x-axis and the y-axis. What are the coordinates of its center of gravity?
a. (1.0, 1.0) m
b. (0.7, 0.7) m
c. (0.5, 0.5) m
d. Since there is nothing at the center of the hoop, it has no center of gravity.

____ 40. The quantity "moment of inertia" (in terms of the fundamental quantities of mass, length, and time) is
equivalent to:
a. ML2 T −2 .
b. ML.
c. ML2 .
d. ML−1 T −2 .

____ 41. If a net torque is applied to an object, that object will experience:
a. a constant angular speed.
b. an angular acceleration.
c. a constant moment of inertia.
d. an increasing moment of inertia.

____ 42. According to Newton's second law, the angular acceleration experienced by an object is directly
proportional to:
a. its moment of inertia.
b. the net applied torque.
c. the object's size.
d. choices a and b above are both valid.

____ 43. The Earth moves about the Sun in an elliptical orbit. As the Earth moves closer to the Sun, which of the
following best describes the Earth-Sun system's moment of inertia?
a. decreases
b. increases
c. remains constant
d. none of the above choices are valid

____ 44. A bucket of water with total mass 23 kg is attached to a rope, which in turn is wound around a 0.050-m
radius cylinder at the top of a well. The bucket is raised to the top of the well and released. The bucket is
moving with a speed of 8.0 m/s upon hitting the water surface in the well. What is the angular speed of
the cylinder at this instant?
a. 39 rad/s
b. 79 rad/s
c. 120 rad/s
d. 160 rad/s

____ 45. An ice skater spins at 2.5 rev/s when his arms are extended. He draws his arms in and spins at 6.0 rev/s.
By what factor does his moment of inertia change in the process?
a. 2.4
b. 1.0
c. 0.42
d. 0.12

____ 46. An object with mass m and moment of inertia I is spinning with an angular momentum L. Its kinetic
energy is:
a. 0.5 I2 /L.
b. 0.5 L2 /I.
c. 0.5 L2 /m.
d. 0.5 I2 /m.

____ 47. Two spheres, one with the center core up to r = R/2 hollow and the other solid, have the same mass M
and same outer radius R. If they are both rolling at the same linear speed, which one has the greater
kinetic energy?
a. The both have the same kinetic energy.
b. The hollow one has the greater kinetic energy.
c. The solid one has the greater kinetic energy.
d. More information is needed to choose an answer.


PHYS 2070-080 Exam 2 Sample Questions

Answer Section


1. ANS: D TOP: 5.1 Work

2. ANS: C TOP: 5.1 Work
3. ANS: C TOP: 5.2 Kinetic Energy and the Work-Energy Theorem
4. ANS: D TOP: 5.2 Kinetic Energy and the Work-Energy Theorem
5. ANS: A TOP: 5.2 Kinetic Energy and the Work-Energy Theorem
6. ANS: C TOP: 5.2 Kinetic Energy and the Work-Energy Theorem
7. ANS: B TOP: 5.3 Gravitational Potential Energy
8. ANS: D TOP: 5.3 Gravitational Potential Energy
9. ANS: C TOP: 5.3 Gravitational Potential Energy
10. ANS: A TOP: 5.3 Gravitational Potential Energy
11. ANS: C TOP: 5.3 Gravitational Potential Energy
12. ANS: A TOP: 5.4 Spring Potential Energy
13. ANS: C TOP: 5.6 Power
14. ANS: B TOP: 5.6 Power
15. ANS: C TOP: 5.6 Power
16. ANS: C TOP: 5.7 Work Done by a Varying Force
17. ANS: C TOP: 6.1 Momentum and Impulse
18. ANS: C TOP: 6.1 Momentum and Impulse
19. ANS: D TOP: 6.2 Conservation of Momentum
20. ANS: D TOP: 6.2 Conservation of Momentum
21. ANS: B TOP: 6.2 Conservation of Momentum
22. ANS: C TOP: 6.3 Collisions | 6.4 Glancing Collisions
23. ANS: A TOP: 6.3 Collisions | 6.4 Glancing Collisions
24. ANS: C TOP: 6.3 Collisions | 6.4 Glancing Collisions
25. ANS: B TOP: 6.3 Collisions | 6.4 Glancing Collisions
26. ANS: A TOP: 6.3 Collisions | 6.4 Glancing Collisions
27. ANS: C TOP: 6.3 Collisions | 6.4 Glancing Collisions
28. ANS: B TOP: 6.5 Rocket Propulsion
29. ANS: C TOP: 7.1 Angular Speed and Angular Acceleration
30. ANS: C TOP: 7.1 Angular Speed and Angular Acceleration
31. ANS: B TOP: 7.2 Rotational Motion Under Constant Angular Acceleration
32. ANS: B TOP: 7.3 Relations Between Angular and Linear Quantities
33. ANS: A TOP: 7.4 Centripetal Acceleration
34. ANS: A TOP: 7.6 Kepler's Laws
35. ANS: B TOP: 7.6 Kepler's Laws
36. ANS: A TOP: 7.6 Kepler's Laws
37. ANS: A TOP: 7.6 Kepler's Laws
38. ANS: B TOP: Conceptual Problems


39. ANS: A
TOP: 8.2 Torque and the Two Conditions for Equilibrium | 8.3 The Center of Gravity | 8.4 Examples of
Objects in Equilibrium
40. ANS: C TOP: 8.5 Relationship Between Torque and Angular Acceleration
41. ANS: B TOP: 8.5 Relationship Between Torque and Angular Acceleration
42. ANS: B TOP: 8.5 Relationship Between Torque and Angular Acceleration
43. ANS: A TOP: 8.5 Relationship Between Torque and Angular Acceleration
44. ANS: D TOP: 8.5 Relationship Between Torque and Angular Acceleration
45. ANS: C TOP: 8.7 Angular Momentum
46. ANS: B TOP: 8.7 Angular Momentum
47. ANS: B TOP: Conceptual Problems

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