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Quiz Water Treatment 1

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Quiz Test No. 109 – Primary/Preliminary Treatment

he following questions are designed for trainees as they prepare to take the ABC wastewater operator test. It is also
designed for existing operators to test their knowledge. Each issue of Clear Waters will have more questions from a different
section of wastewater treatment. Good Luck!

1. What would be considered a typical detention time in a properly designed 8. A plant is installing a circular primary sedimentation tank that has a
primary clarifier?: diameter of 50 ft. and a depth of 15 ft. to treat peak flows of 2.5 mgd. Is
a. 4 hours this tank sized appropriately?:
b. 30 minutes a. Yes, detention time of 2.1 hours during peak flows will allow for proper
c. 1.5 hours settling of solids.
d. 12 hours b. Yes, detention time of 1.68 hours during peak flows will allow for proper
settling of solids.
2. What is the length required of a grit channel that is 5-feet wide with a c. No, detention time of 0.5 hours during peak flows will not allow for
17-inch water depth and has a flow of 2 mgd to achieve a proper settling proper settling of solids.
rate (0.075 ft/sec)?: d. No, detention time of 0.68 hours during peak flows will not allow for the
a. 12 inches proper settling of solids.
b. 10.5 feet
c. 6.7 feet 9. What is the surface loading rate of a rectangular primary sedimentation tank
d. 8.2 feet with the dimensions of 60 ft. long x 30 ft. wide x 15 ft. deep with an influent
flow of 9.0 mgd?:
3. A properly designed primary clarifier will remove 90 percent of which of a. 2,000 gpd/sq. ft.
the following?: b. 3,000 gpd/sq. ft.
a. Total Suspended Solids c. 4,000 gpd/sq. ft.
b. Biochemical Oxygen Demand d. 5,000 gpd/sq. ft.
c. Settleable Solids
d. Phosphorus 10. A plant has a primary sedimentation tank with a volume of 20,000 cu. ft. and
is experiencing an increase in primary effluent total solids. The influent total
4. Applying ferrous chloride to primary clarifiers is most commonly used to solids to the clarifier are normal, the sludge pumping equipment is working
treat for: correctly, and the influent flow is 6.0 mgd. What is the best explanation for
a. Fecal Coliform the increase in primary effluent solids?:
b. Biochemical Oxygen Demand a. Surface scum polluted the sample
c. Phosphorus b. Elevated flows increased tank solids resulting in high sludge blankets
d. Total Suspended Solids c. Decreased detention time resulted in short circuiting
d. A malfunction in upstream grit collection equipment
5. Which of the following would not be considered preliminary treatment?:
a. Screening 11. What is the weir overflow rate of a primary clarifier that has a diameter of 60
b. Grit Removal ft., a depth of 15 ft., and an influent flow of 3.0 mgd?:
c. Denitrification a. 15,924 gpd/ft of weir
d. Grease Removal b. 17,480 gpd/ft of weir
c. 13,887 gpd/ft of weir
6. Grit is composed mainly of: d. 12,998 gpd/ft of weir
a. Plastic
b. Sand 12. Why are Parshall flumes commonly used to measure wastewater flows?:
c. Organic Material a. A V-notch weir allows flow to be easily measured
d. Wood b. Pressure differences can be easily measured on both sides of a closed
contracting pipe
7. What is the detention time of a rectangular primary sedimentation tank that c. Depth of flow in a narrow free flowing channel allows flow quantity to
is 50 ft. x 25 ft. x 10 ft. with an influent flow of 2.25 mgd?: be measured
a. 2.0 hours d. Parshall flumes are not used to measure flow
b. 1.0 hours Answers: 1C, 2D, 3C, 4C, 5C, 6B, 7B, 8A, 9D, 10C, 11A, 12C
c. 0.5 hours
d. 1.67 hours For those who have questions concerning operator certification require -
ments and scheduling, please contact Tanya May Jennings at 315-422-
7811 ext. 4,, or visit

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