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1.2 ANSWER KEY Evaluation Exam

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Evaluation Exam

For July 2022 Master Plumber Board Exam


Sunday| May 8, 2022
4:00PM – 7:00PM

Instructions: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each
item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided.


1. Any one of a special class of device or equipment intended to perform a special plumbing function. Its
operation and or control may be dependent upon one or more energy components, such as motors,
controls, heating elements and pressure-temperature-sensing element.

a. Plumbing Fixture c. Plumbing Unit

b. Plumbing Appliance d. Plumbing Appurtenance

2. An organization that conforms the standards and specifications of all plumbing materials.

a. Product Standards of the Philippines c. Underwriters’ Laboratories

b. Department of Trade and Industry d. Department of Labor and Employment

3. The administrative authority requires that every request for inspection be filled at how many days
before such inspection is intended.

a. 5 calendar days c. 3 calendar days

b. 5 working days d. 3 working days

4. Void between pipes and sleeves through concrete floor in the ground shall be appropriately sealed

a. Oakum c. Bitumen
b. Polyethylene Sheath d. Metal Pipe Sleeves

5. The vertical vent pipe installed primarily for providing circulation of air to and from any part of the soil
waste of the drainage system.

a. Stack vent c. Vent stack

b. Vent pipe d. Main vent

6. He approved the Revised Plumbing Code of 1999.

a. Jaime Cabase c. Ramon Magsaysay

b. Joseph Estrada d. Fortunato Amasco

7. In water test, the water shall be kept in the pipe system or in the portion under test, for at least ___
before inspection starts.
a. 15 min c. 1 hr
b. 30 min d. 24 hr

8. A pipe on the fixture side of the trap through which vapor or foul air is removed from a room or fixture.

a. Relief vent c. Local vent

b. Yoke vent d. Vent stack

9. Tube made of plastic material and colored black. The cross-sectional shape is normally oval and is
denoted by its outside diameter or O.D.

a. polybuthylene c. polybutylene
b. polyetylene d. polyethylene

10. It is the installation of all parts of the plumbing system which can be completed prior to the installation
of fixtures. This include drainage, water supply, vent piping and the necessary fixture supports.

a. Plumbing system c. Plumbing

b. Roughing-in d. Plumbing installation

11. A pit or receptacle at a low point to which the liquid waste are drained.

a. trap b. sump
c. drain d. subsoil drain

12. The administrative authority or the officer charged with the administration and enforcement of the
National Plumbing Code, or his regularly authorized deputy.

a. Master plumber c. plumbing official

b. contractor d. building official

13. Floor drains shall be considered plumbing fixtures and each drain shall be provided with an approved-
type and hinged strainer plate having the sum of the areas of the big holes of the strainer plate or gross
waterway is not equivalent to the cross-sectional area of the tailpiece.

a. True c. Maybe
b. False d. None of the above

14. The minimum distance between the door or entry to the drain opening shall be _____.

a. 1.5 meters c. 0.9 meters

b. 1.2 meters d. 0.6 meter

15. It shall be firmly packed with oakum or hemp and filled with molten pig lead to a depth of not less than
25.4 mm.

a. Threaded joints c. Soldered joints

b. Wiped joints d. Caulked joints
16. Valves up to and including 51 mm in size shall be all ____________.

a. Copper or bronze metal c. Copper or lead

b. Brass or bronze metal d. Brass or lead

17. How can you differentiate between soil pipe and waste pipe when laid side by side?

a. Color c. Diameter
b. Smell d. Material

18. What do you call the length along the center line of the pipe and fittings?

a. Total length c. Equivalent length

b. Pipe length d. Developed length

19. The maximum fixture unit loading allowed on 2-inch waste stack is?

a. 8 DFU c. 24 DFU
b. 16 DFU d. 6 DFU

20. Proper protection shall be provided to prevent contamination of food, water, sterile goods and similar
materials by backflow of sewage. When necessary, the fixture, device or appliance shall be connected
indirectly with the building drainage system.

a. Principle no. 20 c. Principle no. 18

b. Principle no. 15 d. Principle no. 12

21. A septic tank with the effluent discharging into a subsurface disposal field, into one or more seepage
pits or into a combination of subsurface disposal field and seepage pit or of such other facilities as may
be permitted under the procedures set forth elsewhere in this Code.

a. Leaching pit c. Private sewer

b. Leaching chamber d. Private sewage disposal system

22. He became the first chief of the Division of Plumbing Construction and Inspection.

a. Harrison c. Geronimo
b. Hass d. Cabase

23. Maximum trap loading for pipe size of 76 mm.

a. 8 FU c. 4 FU
b. 6 FU d. 3 FU

24. A water-tight receptacle which receives the discharge of a sanitary plumbing system or part thereof,
designed and constructed to retain solids, digest organic matter through a period of detention and to
allow the liquids to discharge into the soil outside of the tank through a system of open-jointed sub-
surface pipings or a seepage pit meeting the requirements of this code.

a. Privy c. STP
b. Cesspool; d. Septic tank

25. That portion of a fixture drain between a trap and the vent.

a. Trap seal c. Trap

b. Trap arm d. Tapped tee

26. The bottom of all pipe trenches deeper than the footing of any adjacent building or structure and
parallel to it must be at least ______ therefrom, unless permission is granted by the administrative

a. 30 degrees c. 60 degrees
b. 45 degrees d. 90 degrees

27. A combustible construction is a structure which any part of it structural framework will ignite and burn
at a temperature of ____ degrees centigrade or less.

a. 449 c. 746
b. 756 d. 450

28. No section shall be water tested with less than a ___ head of water.

a. 1m c. 1 ft
b. 3m d. 3 ft

29. This vertical piping shall be supported at intervals not exceeding 1.20 meters at center with a rigid
vertical back-up.

a. Cast Iron Soil Pipe c. Copper Tubing

b. Screwed Pipe d. Lead Pipe

30. Horizontal Cast Iron Soil Pipe shall be supported at _____.

a. more than 1.5 meters intervals c. not more than 1.5 meters interval
b. more than 15 meters interval d. not more than 15 meter interval

31. Drains in gutters shall be spaced not more than ____ meters apart.

a. 1.5 c. 4.5
b. 1.9 d. 4.9

32. The air test shall be made by attaching a/an ________ to any suitable opening.

a. Pressure gauge apparatus c. Air compressor testing apparatus

b. Air pressure meter apparatus d. Pressure compressor apparatus
33. It is consists of two independently acting internally or externally loaded check valves, four properly
located test cocks with connectors and two isolation gate valves.

a. Pressure vacuum breaker backflow prevention assembly

b. Reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly
c. Double check valve backflow prevention assembly
d. Atmospheric vacuum breaker

34. The minimum airgap for water distribution in lavatories and other fixtures with effective openings not
greater than 13 mm in diameter when affected by side walls.
c. 57 mm
a. 25 mm d. 51 mm
b. 38 mm

35. The lead content of water pipes and fittings that shall be prohibited and not used in potable piping

a. 2 percent c. 5 percent
b. 3 percent d. 8 percent

36. DFU for floor drain

a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4

37. Cleanouts may be omitted on short horizontal drainage pipe installed at slope of _____.

a. 60 degrees c. 76 degrees
b. 72 degrees d. 81 degrees

38. The size of cleanout when the pipe size is 64mm.

a. 38mm c. 76mm
b. 64mm d. 89mm

39. Plumbing took a great leap at the turn of _____.

c. 19th century
a. 17th century d. 20th century
b. 18th century

40. It is a device located at the bottom of the tank for the purpose of flushing water closet and similar

a. Flush tank c. Flushometer tank

b. Flush valve d. Flushometer valve

41. It is impracticable to obtain a 2% slope due to the following constraints except.

a. Excessive depth of proposed sanitary line
b. Structural and/or geological features of the terrain
c. Existing adverse in arrangements of building or structure
d. None of the above

42. Special-use fixtures may be made of soapstone, chemical stoneware or may be lined with except.

a. Copper base alloy c. Brass

b. Lead d. Nickel-copper alloy

43. No water closet or bidet shall be set closer than ____ from its center to any side wall.

a. 0.30 m c. 0.60 m
b. 0.375 m d. 0.750 m

44. Plans and specifications shall be submitted in ____ with each application for a permit.

a. 4 sets c. 8 sets
b. 6 sets d. 10 sets

45. A plumbing permit issued under the provisions of this Code shall expire and become null and void if
the plumbing work authorized therein is suspended or abandoned at any time after having been
commenced for a period of _____.

a. 1 year c. 6 months
b. 120 days d. 3 months

46. The flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or substances into the distributing pipes of a potable supply
of water from any source other than from its intended source.

a. Backflow connection c. Backflow

b. Backflow preventer d. Backpressure backflow

47. The extended portion of a pipe that is closed at one end to which no connections are made on the
extended portion, thus permitting the stagnation of liquid or air therein.

a. Plug c. Cap
b. Dead-end d. Cleanout

48. In plumbing, it is a secondary pipeline. In sewerage, it is a common sewer to which no other branch
sewer is connected.

a. Latrine c. Invert
b. Lateral d. Leader

49. The plumbing unit is a minimum standard quantity of plumbing fixtures that discharge wastes into a
plumbing installation that includes
a. One water meter, one lavatory, one water closet, one shower head, one kitchen sink, one laundry
tray, three floor drains and four faucets
b. One water meter, one water closet, one lavatory, one shower head and drain for a bathtub or
shower stall, one kitchen sink, one laundry tray, three floor drains and four faucets
c. One water meter, one water closet, one lavatory, one shower head and drain for a bathtub or
shower stall, one sink, one laundry tray, three floor drains and four faucets
d. One water meter, one water closet, one lavatory, one shower head and drain for a bathtub or
shower stall, one kitchen sink, one laundry mat, three floor drains and four faucets

50. An unobstructed top open edge of a fixture

a. Flood level c. Rim

b. Flood level rim d. Critical level

51. NAWASA stands for

a. National Waterworks and Sewerage Assembly

b. National Waterworks and Sanitary Authority
c. National Waterworks and Sanitary Assembly
d. National Waterworks and Sewerage Authority

52. In air test, air is forced to a uniform gauge pressure of 34.5 kPa or an equivalent _______.

a. 250 mm in Mercury head

b. 254 mm in Mercury head
c. 255 mm in Mercury head
d. 260 mm in Mercury head

53. In water test, this shall be tested using _____.

a. Service water
b. Potable water
c. Tap water
d. Any kind of water

54. The number of water closet in a hospital ward with 55 patients.

a. 3
b. 5
c. 7
d. 9

55. A device used for measuring and registering the quantity of water that passes through pipe or other

a. Meter Stop c. Check valve

b. Water meter d. Corporation stop

56. Which is true in the following statements.

a. Water pipes cannot be laid in the same trench as building sewer or storm drainage piping
b. Water pipes can be laid in the same trench as building sewer or storm drainage piping
c. All of the above
d. None of the above

57. The tailpiece from any fixture shall not exceed ____ in length.

a. .30 m c. .60 m
b. .45 m d. .90 m

58. What is the horizontal distance of a trap arm to its vent when the pipe diameter is 51mm?

a. 1.07 c. 1.83
b. 1.52 d. 3.05

59. Rainfall intensity normally used around metro manila are

a. 51 mm/hr c. 76 mm/hr
b. 102 mm/hr d. 127 mm/hr

60. A pressure relief valve is required if water pressure in the system exceeds

a. 10 psi c. 80 psi
b. 15 psi d. 100 psi

61. What fitting may only be used for vertical to horizontal change of direction of drainage piping when
installed in true vertical position?

a. Sanitary tee c. Combination wye

b. 60 degree bend d. 90 degree bend

62. Portion of vent pipe through which wastewater also flows through.

a. Vent stack c. Wet vent

b. Stack vent d. Dry vent

63. DFU of grease interceptor

a. 2 c. 5
b. 3 d. 6

64. Discharge from any fixture which doesn’t contain fecal matter.

a. Waste water c. Liquid waste

b. Solid waste d. Water-borne waste

65. A non-watertight receptacle in which raw sewage is discharged that seeps through the sides and the
a. Cesspool c. Seepage pit
b. Seepage tank d. Privy vault

66. A drain that both receives both sanitary waste and storm water.

a. Storm drain
b. Sanitary drain
c. Combination drain
d. All of the above

67. Which of the following is normally installed as an indirect waste?

a. Lavatory c. Drinking fountain

b. Water closet d. Bathtub

68. Pipe flange that is not drilled for bolt holes.

a. Closet flange c. Bolt flange

b. Blank flange d. Blind flange

69. No cast iron pipe shall be ____.

a. Threaded c. Soldered
b. Caulked d. Welded

70. Aside from the number of fixture units connected to it, the size of the vent piping is determined by

a. Orientation c. Length
b. Slope d. Color

71. The lead pipe shall be supported at intervals not exceeding ___ at center with rigid vertical back-up.

a. 2.0 m c. 1.5 m
b. 1.8 m d. 1.2 m

72. That portion of a fixture drain between a trap and the vent.

a. Tapped tee c. Trap seal

b. Trap arm d. Trap

73. The end of a pipe which fits into a bell. Also a word synonymously with faucet.

a. bibb c. Plug
b. Cap d. Spigot

74. Otherwise known as the “PLUMBING LAW OF THE PHILIPPINES”.

a. RA 9622 b. RA 9275
c. RA 1378 d. RA856

75. The requirements of this Section do not prohibit the operation or use of any plumbing accessory
installed to replace existing equipment or fixtures serving an occupied portion of the building when a
request for inspection of such equipment or fixtures has been filed with the Administrative Authority
not more than ____ after such replacement work is completed and before any portion of such
plumbing system is concealed by any permanent portion of the building.

a. 12 hours c. 72 hours
b. 24 hours d. 2 days

76. An additional cleanout shall be provided on a horizontal line with an aggregate offset angle of direction
exceeding ___ degrees.

a. 150 c. 125
b. 135 d. 102

77. A water supply pipe connecting the fixtures with the fixture branch.

a. Fixture drain c. Water-distributing pipe

b. Fixture branch d. Fixture supply

78. Any pipe fitting installed in a vertical position or which forms an angle of not more than forty-five (45)
degrees with the vertical line.

a. Stack c. Vertical pipe

b. Horizontal pipe d. Riser

79. A device installed in a drainage system to prevent reverse flow.

a. Backflow c. Backwater valve

b. Backflow connection d. Check valve

80. The date when the Revised Plumbing Code of 1999 was approved.

a. June 18, 1999 c. December 18, 1999

b. January 28, 1959 d. December 21, 1999

81. The date when the Plumbing Law of the Philippines was and signed.

a. June 18, 1954 c. June 18, 1955

b. January 28, 1959 d. December 21, 1999

82. All pipings of plumbing systems shall be of durable NAMPAP approved materials, free from defective
workmanship, designed and constructed by Registered Master Plumbers to ensure satisfactory service.

a. Principle no. 6 c. Principle no. 9

b. Principle no. 20 d. Principle no. 13
83. A valve opened and closed by the fall and rise, respectively, of an attached ball floating on the surface
of the liquid.

a. Ball joint c. Ball cock

b. Flapper d. Corporation cock

84. PPR stands for

a. Polyprophylene c. Polypropylene
b. Polypropolene d. Polyprophelene

85. It is the slope or fall of a line of pipe with reference to a horizontal plane.

a. Flood Level c. Grade

b. Flood level rim d. Level

86. It is the top edge of a receptacle from where water overflows.

a. Flood Level c. Grade

b. Flood level rim d. Level

87. It is the pipeline from the building to the public or street storm drainage system.

a. House sewer c. Storm sewer

b. Building sewer d. House storm sewer

88. ____ means to flush or wash out, to remove dirt or grease by flowing through.

a. Caulking c. Jointing
b. Soldering d. Scouring

89. The water pipe shall be placed on a solid shelf at one side with at least ____ clear horizontal distance
from the side of the sewer.

a. 3m c. 6m
b. 0.3 m d. 0.6 m

90. One trap can served not more than ___ single compartment laundry sinks or laundry tubs having same
elevation and distances not more than ___ meters apart.

a. 2 , 0.60 c. 3 , 0.60
b. 2 , 0.75 d. 3 , 0.75

91. Cleanouts can be omitted on horizontal drain lines less than ____.

a. 1.2 m c. 1.5 m
b. 1.3 m d. 1.8 m
92. It is the level in a fixture at which water begins to overflow over the top of the fixture

a. Flood Level c. Grade

b. Flood level rim d. Level

93. The horizontal distance of SVTR from any vertical surface.

a. 150 mm c. 450 mm
b. 300 mm d. 600 mm

94. The uppermost end of stack vent above the roof as vent termination

a. Stack vent c. Vent stack

b. Stack vent through roof d. Vent stack through roof

95. The part of vent stack that extends through the roof as vent termination.

a. Stack vent c. Vent stack

b. Stack vent through roof d. Vent stack through roof

96. Vent shall be screened with a fine corrosion resistant screen with opening not less than ___ nor more
than 18 mess per 25 mm.

a. 12 b. 14 c. 16 d. 18

97. What is the minimum horizontal distance between the seepage pits and septic tank?

a. 15.2 m b. 1.5 m c. 3m d. 1.2 m

98. What is the horizontal piping support for a 19 mm and smaller screwed pipe?

a. 1.5 m b. 1.8 m c. 3.0 m d. 3.6 m

99. Open trenches shall be back-filled in thin layers of ___ above the top of the pipe with clean earth.

a. 0.3 m b. 0.6 m c. 0.2 m d. 0.5 m

100. The finished floor of the shower receptor shall be sloped uniformly from the sides towards the drain not
more than ___.

a. 2% b. 3% c. 4% d. 5%

“Just keep on making progress, our future RMP.”

-Beverly Trix S. Mana-ay, RMP

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