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3.14.4 Test (TST) - Shapes (Test)

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  Test (TST): Triangles Test
Geometry Name:  

Answer the following questions using what you've learned from this unit. Write your
answers in the space provided. Be sure to show all work.


1. Find angle measures and use angles to classify triangles.

Part I: Find the missing angle measure in each triangle. Show your work.
(3 points, 1 point each)

Part II: Use the measures from Part I to classify each triangle as acute, obtuse, or
right. Explain each classification. (3 points, 1 point each)

2.12.4 Test (TST): Triangles 1/10

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a. ΔABC is a/an triangle because

b. ΔDEF is a/an triangle because


c. ΔHJK is a/an triangle because


2. Use side lengths to identify and classify triangles.

Part I: Fill in the blank to complete the theorem.   (1 point)

The Triangle Inequality Theorem

The sum of any two sides of a triangle

is than the length of the
third side.

Part II: Can the three segments below form a triangle? Explain your answer.
(2 points)

2.12.4 Test (TST): Triangles 2/10

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Part III: Change the length of one or two segments in Part II to form each kind of
triangle. (3 points, 1 point each)

a. scalene triangle b. equilateral triangle c. isosceles triangle

AB = AB = AB =
BC = BC = BC =
AC = AC = AC =


3. Use congruent triangles to find side lengths.

Part I: Draw the two congruent triangles described in the box. Label their vertices and
side lengths. (2 points)

AB = 6, GF = 8, AC = 10.

2.12.4 Test (TST): Triangles 3/10

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Part II: Use the drawings in Part I to find each side length. Show your work.
(3 points, 1 point each)

a. BC = b. EF = c. EG =


4. Use the triangle congruence postulates to prove congruence.

Part I: Fill in the blanks to name each triangle congruence postulate.

(2 points; 0.5 point each)

a. SSS:

b. SAS:

c. ASA:

d. AAS:

Part II: In the triangles below, DF MN, DG MP, D P. Can you prove that 
DFG MNP? Explain your answer. (2 points)

2.12.4 Test (TST): Triangles 4/10

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copying, reuse, or redistribution is prohibited.
5. Fill in the missing statements and reasons in the proof. (4 points; 1 point each)

Given: AB DB and EB CB
Prove: D A.

Statements Reasons


2. ABC DBE 2.

3. 3. Side-angle-side postulate

4. 4. CPCTC (Corresponding parts of

congruent triangles are congruent.)


2.12.4 Test (TST): Triangles 5/10

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copying, reuse, or redistribution is prohibited.
6. Use similar triangles to find side lengths.

Part I: In the diagrams below, ABC is similar to  RST. Use a proportion with sides
AB and RS to find the scale factor of ABC to RST. Show your work. (2 points)

Part II: Use the scale factor from Part I and a proportion to find the length of ST.
Show your work.  (1 point)

Part III:  Use the scale factor from Part I and a proportion to find the length of RT.
Show your work.  (2 points)

2.12.4 Test (TST): Triangles 6/10

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7. Fill in the missing statements and reasons in the proof. (4 points; 1 point each)

Prove: XY ZY

Statements Reasons

1. 1. Given

2. XW ZW 2.

3. YWX and YWZ are 3. Definition of perpendicular bisector

right angles, so YWX

4. YW YW 4.

5. WXY WZY 5.

6. XY ZY 6.


8. The tubes on the frame of this road bike form a triangle. The owner's manual
identifies some of the angle measures formed by the bike frame. Based on the

2.12.4 Test (TST): Triangles 7/10

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copying, reuse, or redistribution is prohibited.
information in the diagram below, determine which tube is the longest.

Part I: Classify the triangle formed by the three bike frame tubes as equilateral,
isosceles, or scalene. Find the measure of ∠B and explain your classification. (3
points; 1 point for classification, 1 point for the angle measure, and 1 point for

Part II: List the three tubes — top, seat, and down tube — in order from shortest to
longest. Explain your reasoning. (4 points; 1 point for list, 3 points for

1. _______________ (shortest)

2. _______________

3. _______________ (longest)

2.12.4 Test (TST): Triangles 8/10

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Part III: Complete a formal proof to validate your findings from Parts I and II. (9

Step 1: Every proof needs Given and Prove statements. Use the endpoints on
the diagram to write a Given statement indicating the down tube is longer than
the top tube. Prove the relationship between the opposite angles of the given
sides. (2 points; 1 point for the Given statement, 1 point for the Prove



Step 2: Use the spaces below to complete the formal proof. (7 points)

2.12.4 Test (TST): Triangles 9/10

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Statements Reasons

1. Given

2. Draw point X on such that 2. Ruler postulate


3. Definition of isosceles triangle

4. m∠1 = m∠2

5. m∠2 = m∠3 + m∠C

6. Substitution

7. Angle addition postulate

8. m∠B = m∠3 + m∠3 + m∠C

9. m∠B > m∠C 9. Definition of greater than

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2.12.4 Test (TST): Triangles 10/10

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