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Lesson 1 - What Is Child Developmentt

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Lesson 1- What is

Prepared by: Princess
Marie A. Buncag
What is Development?
• Development implies a systematic and
successive changes.
• Progressive, orderly and continuing
changes over time in a person’s
physical and neurological structure.
• Series of age related changes that
happen across the life span.

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What are the Stages of Child Development?
Human life Span:
1. Infancy (Birth to 2 years old –”Newborn,” “Infant,” “Toddler”)
2. Childhood- (“Early childhood” – 2 to 8 years old, and Middle
childhood – 9 –to 12 years old)
3. Adolescence (12 to 18 years old)
4. Adulthood –This is the period when individual has reached his/her
maturity. this usually above 18 years of age.
History of Child-rearing

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Middle Ages (800s-1300s)

• The church did not approve of “family planning,” so birth rates were very high
• Woman usually gave birth to 12 to 14 children.
• Average span was around 35 to 40 years.
• In other countries, they even have a celebration when a child survives and
reached 5 years of age.
• There were no health care benefits back then, and vaccines and antibiotics
have not been invented yet.
• 7 to 8 years old were already sent to work like adults. Boys and girls worked in
the farm, and girls who started to menstruate were already send off the be

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Renaissance (1300s- 1600s)
• Rebirth of learning and culture in society.
• People began to think about their place in the world and began to see
their children as individuals with rights.
• In 1693, John Locked has his theory of Tabula rasa (blank slate)
• Families can even shape the personality if the children.
• This was the first time the “childhood” was seen separate development
• Parents started showing affection to their children.
Industrial Age (late 1700s to late
• Children was seen as an economic asset.
• Children aged 7 were already send off to
work to help support the family.
• This time in factories to do jobs that big
adults cannot do because of their size.

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Twentieth Century (early 1900s)
• Child labor laws – children under 16 should not be made to work in
factories, although they can were still allowed to work in their family
• CHILDHOOD become a legal definition in early twentieth century.
• Compulsory Education
• World War II, the concept of adulthood was around 18 years of age,
commonly due to drafting into the army.
Early twentieth century
• The term “childhood” was divided into stages.
• Adolescence, in term of biology, begins with puberty and ends in a
cultural recognition of adulthood by the age 18. relationship within the
family shift and peers become more influential at this age.
• DEVELOPMENT – meaning how we “change,” is not defined by age
alone; although a persons ; age can give an average or a rough estimate
of the various stages.
– remember that there are exception to the rule. For example, people
reach puberty earlier or later than the average age.
What are the domains
of childhood

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What are the domains of
childhood development?
• When it comes to child development
growth in one domain influence the
other domains.
• Child psychologist classify different
areas of person’s development. Even if
there is a little change seen on the
outside, many things changes inside a


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Different opinion regarding the critical domains
of Development.
Five Critical Domains: Five Critical Domains: Five Critical Domains:
1. Physical 1. Social 1. Physical
Development 2. Emotional 2. Cognitive
2. Motor development 3. Physical 3. Communicative
3. Cognitive 4. Cognitive 4. Socioemotional
Development 5. Language/Communication 5. Adaptive
4. Social Development
5. Emotional

Other psychologists consider seven domains; others nine domains. Here we will use
three more general domains and encompassing domains: physical, cognitive, and
psychosocial/socioemotional domain.
Physical Domain
• Includes growth of the body size and proportions, appearance, brain development,
sensory capacities (taste, touch, sight, smell, hearing and proprioception, which
bodily awareness of your orientation in space.)
• Measurable – visible changes in the body of a child from birth to old age.
• Motor Development – refers to the increasing amount of control that a child has
over his/her body.
– Gross motor skills (major movements of the body involving large muscles)
– Fine motor skills (movement of fingers and hands)
• Adaptive Development – refers to the ability of a child to do age-appropriate life
skills. (motor skills/ self-care skills)
When children go through growth spurt, if affects them cognitively and emotionally
as well. So when something in the physical domain happens, it impacts everything
Cognitive Domain
• Cognitive Domain or development is about the changes and
progression in the thought processes- thinking abilities of a person
from infancy up to old age.
• The mental processes includes learning, attention, memory, language,
thinking, reasoning, problem-solving, creativity, imagination, academic
knowledge, everyday knowledge, and understanding what is happening
around you.
• Jean Piaget (Cognitive Development)
Cognitive Development

Language development or communicative domain – is about how a

person’s language or communication skills develop from crying to
laughing, to babbling and talking. This evolves one’s ability to
comprehend, use and manipulate languages.
• Phenology – forming sounds into words
• Syntax- creating sentence from there words using language rules and
• Pragmatic- how to apply language communication in practical and
personal use.
Psychosocial Domain
The psychosocial domain includes emotions, personality, and social
• Social development – is all about the child’s relationships with different
kind of of people and his/her unique ways of interacting with them. It
also includes self-knowledge (self-esteem, metacognition, sexual
identity, and ethical identity)
• Emotional development – refers to how a child’s emotions develop,
how he/she understands and expresses his/her emotions (anger, fear,
anxiety. Sorrow. Joy, happiness and others.)
Stages of Play
Stages Age Meaning

Unoccupied Play Birth to 3 months Baby usually react to facial expression

and reciprocate.
Solitary Play/ Spectator Birth to 2 years old Playing alone
Onlooker Play 2 years old Observing other people when playing

Parallel Play By a little more than age of Playing with himself/herself but beside
2 other children
Associative Play 3 to 4 years old Child play with a child near him/her
,sometimes engaging with others once
and a while
Social Play 4 to 5 years old Being interested in both the play
activity in other child.
Age Physical Domain Cognitive Psychosocial
Domain Domain

Infancy Brain grows in Use of symbols Self-awareness


Childhood Learning how to • Early childhood, Independence

walk and talk, memory and and self-control
during early language improves.
childhood improve.
handedness • Middle
appears. Childhood,
and diminishes.

Adolescence Puberty starts. Ability to think Searching of

abstractly. identity.

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