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Supernatural Gifts

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A conversion of Theros Supernatural Gifts for Odyssey of the Dragonlords.

Most heroes of Thylea have some kind of supernatural aid to help them achieve their goals. Often
this aid comes from the gods, but some heroes might find their support from other beings, such as
the sphinx, an oracle like Versi, or a repository of mystical knowledge. Some heroes are born with
supernatural power or born as a result of supernatural events.

A character in Thylea begins with one supernatural gift chosen from those in this section. Work with
the DM to decide where your character’s gift came from. Is it tied to the god you serve? Was it the
result of a fateful encounter with a sphinx or an oracle? Does it indicate the nature of your birth?
Each gift’s description also includes a table to spark your imagination as you think about your
character’s gift.

These supernatural gifts are intended for starting characters, but some might be bestowed by gods
as rewards:

Fates, favored by the

You are a tad insane as a result of being too close to the weavings of fate. This gives you a
supernatural awareness of the world and how it works. Gain the Keen Mind feat.

Blessed by Charm & Beauty

You excel as dazzling others with you charm and presenting the face you want them to see. Gain the
Actor feat.

Heroic Destiny
You too can mary sue!
Great deeds lie in your future, and it will take extraordinary effort to kill you before you accomplish
those deeds. Choose or roll a random destiny using the Heroic Destiny table. Additionally, you gain
the following traits.

Defy Death.
You have advantage on death saving throws.

Hard to Kill.
When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead.
Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Gods are a joke
No one can deny the reality of the gods of Thylea, whose presence and deeds are visible in the night
sky and sometimes directly in the mortal realm. But some people refute the idea that the gods are
worthy of reverence. Such iconoclasts are common among the leonin, but members of any culture
can adopt this supernatural gift. The Iconoclast Characteristics table presents suggestions for why
you've become an iconoclast.
Your denial of the gods gives you supernatural power to resist their influence in the world. You gain
the following traits.
Enlightened Protection.
You can cast protection from evil and good with this trait, targeting only yourself and requiring no
material components. Once you do so, you can't cast it in this way again until you finish a long rest.
Choose Wis/Int/Cha/Con as spellcasting ability for this trait.

(Reject the Gods.

You can't gain or lose piety to any god. You instead gain the following traits at the character level
listed in each one. )

Iconoclast Hero
5th-level Iconoclast trait
You can cast dispel magic with this trait. Once you do so, you can't cast it in this way again until you
finish a long rest.

Like a sphinx, you have a mind like a maze, impenetrable to mortal scrutiny. This might be a gift or
training from an actual sphinx, the blessing (or curse) of a god, or an inexplicable talent. The
Inscrutable Characteristics table suggests options for what makes you inscrutable. Additionally, you
gain the following trait.

Psychic Shield.
You have resistance to psychic damage.

Sphinx's Shroud.
You are immune to any effect that allows other creatures to sense your emotions or read your
thoughts. Wisdom (Insight) checks made to ascertain your intentions or sincerity have disadvantage.

Kentimane, tolerated by
I received the blessing of the 100 handed one. Gain the feat “Crusher”

Kyrah, cheered for by

Fleet of foot, possessed of great speed blessed by the goddess Kyrah? Gain the mobile feat

Lifelong Companion
You are Samwise Gamgee
Behind many heroes is another hero whose greatness comes from the support and love they offer.
Haktos had his beloved Perynes, Renata was accompanied by her servant Karados, and Siona sailed
with her devoted crew. Like these partners, you are great and make others great. Consider the
Companion Relationships table when determining your legendary connection. Any relationship with
another player's character requires that player's consent. Additionally, you gain the following traits.

Boon Aura.
Your allies within 5 feet of you have advantage on saving throws against being frightened or
charmed, provided you aren't incapacitated.

Companion's Protection.
When a creature you can see within 5 feet of you is hit by an attack roll, you can use your reaction to
cause the attack to hit you instead. Once you use this trait, you can't do so again until you finish a
long rest.
Lutheria, a valued playing piece of
Lutheria works her magic through you. This connection to the realm of the dead gives you powers
and abilities some might call, unnatural. Gain the Shadow Touched feat. (Int, Wis, Cha)

Mytros, a champion of
Your charisma and leadership are often compared to the Mother of the Five. You gain the Inspiring
Leader feat.

“Senpai noticed me”

It’s not easy being perfect. You begin play with the Prodigy feat (ignore racial restrictions).

Born with a particular connection to a deity, you have been winning favor with your god since birth.
Consult the Pious Quirks table to determine how your faith might influence your personality.
Additionally, you gain the following traits.

Pious Protection.
If you fail a saving throw, you can reroll it, and you must use the new roll. Once you use this trait, you
can't do so again until you finish a long rest.

Religious Study.
You gain proficiency & expertise in religion.

(Starting Piety:
You begin with a piety score of 3 with your chosen god.)

Pythor, drinking buddy of

Pythor’s love of battle is carried in your mighty heart. Gain the Tavern Brawler feat.

Who needs gods?
You possess a precious gift coveted not just by mortals but by the gods themselves: the gift of clear
communication between the mortal and divine realms. As an oracle, you can perceive the whims of
the gods and petition them for glimpses of their vast insight. This gift also comes with a curse,
though, which typically takes the form of dire insights. Consult the Oracle Curse table to determine
what unwanted revelations you receive.

The gods seek mortal oracles to act as their agents. As a result, most oracles devote themselves to
the service of a single god and learn to ignore the voices of all others. Occasionally, two gods agree to
share the services of an oracle. Oracles who try to remain independent often find themselves
pursued by the agents of evil gods who would bind them to the god's service, if necessary.
You gain the following traits.

Ears of the Oracle.

You can speak, read, and write Celestial, the language of the gods. In addition, a god might deliver a
message through you, and you can decide whether to use your own voice or to allow the god's voice
to come through your mouth to deliver the message, translated into any language you speak.
Oracle's Insight.
The gods give you flashes of insight that help you bring your efforts to fruition. When you make an
ability check, you can roll a d10 and add the number rolled to the check. You can wait until after you
roll the d20 before deciding to add the d10, but you must decide before the DM says whether the roll
succeeds or fails. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

(Oracle's Piety.
Your oracular abilities improve as your piety score increases. Instead of gaining the piety benefits
associated with any god, you gain the following traits when you reach the specified piety score.)

Sydon, grudgingly respected by

You were the sole survivor of a deadly storm sent by Sydon. As a reward for your indomitable
endurance he bestowed his blessing upon you. Gain the Tough feat.

Thylea, beloved of
You are connected to the land itself. Gain the Fey Touched feat. (Int, Wis, or Cha)

Like the great Dragons of the Dragonlords, you are resistant to physical harm. Use the Unscarred
Origin table to determine how you gained your legendary invulnerability. Additionally, you gain the
following trait.

Unscarred Resilience.
When you take damage, you can use your reaction to roll a d12. Add your Constitution modifier to
the number rolled, and reduce the damage by that total. After you use this trait, you can't use it
again until you finish a short or long rest.
In Addition, each time you suffer damage, reduce the damage dealt by 1.

Vallus, blessed by
Vallus blessed my birth with potential and skill. You gain the skilled feat.

Volkan, creation of
Anvilwrought - you a robot. BEEP BOOP
You were forged in the fires of the Mithral forge. Your appearance bears a metallic sheen and visible
joints. The Anvilwrought Characteristics table suggests details of your life or origins. Additionally, you
gain the following traits.

Constructed Resilience.
You were created to have remarkable fortitude, represented by the following benefits:

• You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, and you have resistance to
poison damage.
• You don't need to eat, drink, or breathe.
• You are immune to disease.
• You don't need to sleep, and magic can't put you to sleep.

Sentry's Rest.
When you take a long rest, you must spend at least six hours in an inactive, motionless state, rather
than sleeping. In this state, you appear inert, but it doesn't render you unconscious, and you can see
and hear as normal.

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