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3293735-Mystics and Magiks - Forgotten Paths of The Warlock

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The document discusses the Oracle class for Dungeons and Dragons and details some of their abilities and curses.

An Oracle is a divine spellcaster who is granted power by an unknown entity, often against their will, and given a curse. Their curse both grants them abilities and acts as a conduit for their divine magic.

At 1st level, an Oracle chooses a divine purpose that guides them and gains the Divine Touch ability to learn spells from the Cleric spell list. They also gain the Otherworldly Purpose feature.


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The Cursed Oracle
While clerics and paladins knowingly worship gods, seeking
them out and are granted power for their faith, the same
cannot be said for the Oracle who are granted power without
choice. Some Oracles are struck blind or deaf, others speak
in tongues or tell prophecies no one ever believes however
they persist with these curses following some divine or fell
purpose and take the reins of both their curse and power to
fulfill their destiny.
Divine Touch
Your link to a godlike entity allows you to learn spells from
the cleric class. When your Spellcasting feature lets you learn
or replace a Warlock cantrip or a Warlock spell of 1st level or
higher, you can choose the new spell from the cleric spell list
or the warlock spell list. You must otherwise obey all the
restrictions for selecting the spell, and it becomes a warlock
spell for you.
Otherworldly Purpose
An unknown entity has a purpose in mind for you though you
may never know it, whether this entity is good or evil is also
unknown but until your purpose is fulfilled you will be guided
down a path not of your choosing. At 1st level you choose one
divine purpose from the list or you can discuss what your
purpose could be with your DM.
Choose a divine purpose: A Burnt Oracle's first touch with the divine
A great threat has risen, you have received cryptic visions
while dreaming and all you know is that you must slay it. Blind. The first contact with the gods struck you blind for
A prophesied child has been born and something has days, your eyes never fully healed and now your vision is
decided now is the time they need your guidance, in the clouded and you see the world in shades of grey.
silence of the night you feel like you can almost hear Your vision is clouded, your sight is limited to 30 feet but
someone whispering their name at the edge of your you see as if you had darkvision, seeing the world in shades
hearing, whoever this person in you know you must of grey.
protect them. Burnt. Your first contact with an otherworldly entity was
An event has sent ripples through the weave, flowing more than your mortal frame could handle, it left you burnt
forward and backwards in time and effecting the and scarred.
multiverse to its core. Some fundamental force or You have disadvantage on melee attacks due to your burns
guardian has decided you are the person to right the ship. but your affinity with flames gives the following benefit:
You have been given a vision of the end, somehow you When you roll damage for a spell that deals fire damage
know that you must travel the lands and tell distant you can reroll any damage die results of a 1.
Monarchs of the impending doom, giving them time to Deaf. The direct voice of the divine was never meant for
prepare mortal ears, upon receiving the word of your destiny you were
Oracle's Curse instantly struck deaf.
An Oracle is gifted with power but it comes at a price, some You are permanently affected by the deafened condition
see strength in their curse, others lament it, some believe it is however your spells never need a verbal component.
no weakness at all. At 1st level a Cursed Oracle chooses the Wasting. Your body after being flooded with otherworldly
path they will take, select one curse and at 6th, 10th and 14th energy has become weak, a hunger that never ends and
level you will be granted additional features of your curse. permanent tiredness are yours forevermore.
Accursed. Ill luck follows you wherever you go, a life of Whenever you need to eat or consume rations you must
living under a black cloud has given you a singular will and have twice as much as a regular person however the pain of
those that wish to deceive you with magic have never been hunger and tiredness have made you resistant to their
successful. embrace.
You have a permanent -1 penalty to saving throws and Spells such as goodberry and hero's feast have no effect on
attack rolls however you are immune to the spell bane and you. Any time you would gain a level of exhaustion make a
gain advantage on enchantment spells and effects that would DC10 constitution save, on a successful save you ignore that
charm you. level of exhaustion.

Lycanthropy. The entity that has given you your mission has Burnt. The latent fire left in your flesh allows you to touch
decided that you are not strong enough as you are and has a weapon and imbue it with power. While in combat, you can
decided to rebuild you into something more. You suffer from use this ability as a bonus action, select an allies weapon that
a minor and non-contagious form of lycanthropy. is within 30 feet of you, it will deal an additional 2d6 fire
While in combat and in times of stress you cannot damage for the next minute.
communicate in more than a growl or snarl and your face Deaf. Gain Tremorsense out to 60 feet.
takes on lupine features, those under the effects of a speak Wasting. You are immune to the poison effect.
with animals spell can understand you. This does not prevent Lycanthropy. As a bonus action you gain the ability to
you from casting spells with a verbal component. You gain transform into a hybrid were-wolf form for 1 minute, gaining
advantage to saving throws against any effects which change a strength of 15 if their score isn’t already higher and +1 AC.
your form. You gain resistant to non magical slashing, bludgeoning and
piercing damage. You can use this ability for a number of
Minor Curse Empowerment times per day equal to your charisma bonus.
At 6th level you have begun more accustomed to your curse
and see greater power in it. The Witch
Accursed. Any bane or bestow curse cast on an ally within For some the journey to power is a lifelong devotion to study
60 feet is redirected to you, you are immune to curse effects or faith, others through a mystical bloodline, but the witch
other than your own. gains power through her coven or the teachings of a hag or
Blind. You sight increases out to 60 feet. other dark magical creature. Often feared and
Burnt. You can cast burning hands a number of times a misunderstood, the witch gains power similar to most
day equal to your charisma modifier without expending a warlocks, through communion with otherworldly entities.
spell slot Using a familiar, tome or blade to commune with that source,
Deaf. A number of times a day equal to your proficiency the witch gains not only a host of spells, but a number of
modifier you can, as an action, cast silence centered on strange abilities known as hexes. Some witches spend years
yourself. learning the source and secrets of their magic, some however
Wasting. The eldritch power eating at you is almost too remain completely unaware.
much to bare but it also empowers your gifts. You always
have one more eldritch invocation than listed in the Warlock Expanded Spell List
Feature Table. The Witch lets you choose from an expanded list of spells
Lycanthropy. You learn the spells Animal Friendship, when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are
speak with animals and animal messenger, additionally you added to the warlock spell list for you.
can cast them once each per day without expending a spell
slot Witch Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spells
Curse Empowerment
At 10th level you understand your curse and have found how 1st bane, hideous laughter
to utilise it. 2nd blindness/deafness, calm emotions
Accursed. Twice per day, as an action you can cast Bane or 3rd bestow curse, stinking cloud
Bestow Curse on a single target without expending a spell
slot and without requiring concentration. 4th confusion, phantasmal killer
Blind. You have blindsight out to 60 feet. 5th contagion, insect plague
Burnt. Wall of fire is added to your known spells.
Additionally any spells that deal fire or radiant damage Evil eye
allow any damage rolls of a 1 to be rerolled. At 1st level, with a malevolent glare a witch lays a minor
Deaf. Whenever a creature you can see within 60 feet casts curse on a foe, as as an action choose one target within 120
a spell with a verbal component, you can use your reaction feet that you can see, all attacks and spell attacks made
and expend one of your daily uses of Silence to force the against this target gain a 1d4 bonus to the rolls until the start
creature to make a concentration check with a DC equal to of your next turn. This ability can only be used once per
your spell save DC. If they fail the check, the spell is lost. creature per day.
Wasting. You are immune to disease.
Lycanthropy. You can cast polymorph on yourself a
number of times per day equal to your charisma bonus.
Major Curse Empowerment
At 14th level you have seen the pinnacle of your curse.
Accursed. Once per day, as an action, you can cause any
number of creatures you choose within 30 feet to become
afflicted with either Bane or Bestow Curse, without
expending a spell slot. Those creatures automatically fail
their initial saving throws against your spell.
Blind. You have truesight out to 120 feet.

These potions and poisons sour at the next dawn and
become unusable. This ability can be used a number of times
per day equal to your proficiency bonus.
Major Hex
At 10th level you gain the use of a major hex, these hexes are
the pinnacle of a witch’s subtle magicks, requiring no
borrowing of power from anywhere but instead the twisting
of natural magics along with foul knowledge. At 18th level
you may choose an additional hex.
Weather Witch.
You may perform a one hour ritual to alter
the weather as per the control weather spell.
As an action once per short rest, you reach out,
forming a clawed fist and causing one creature you can see
within 120ft such intense pain that it is difficult to act
normally. When you use this ability, and at the start of each of
your subsequent turns while maintaining concentration, you
can deal 3d6 psychic damage to the target, which must then
make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. On
a failure, they suffer the effects of the Slow spell until the
start of your next turn.
Tainted. As an action, once per short rest, you can choose
one creature within 60 feet of you to appear to its allies as if it
Minor Hex is an enemy, these enemies must make a Wisdom saving
At 6th level you gain the use of a minor hex. The hexes throw based on the Witch's Spell Save DC. If the wisdom
represent your understandings of the deeper mysteries of save is failed they must attack their once ally if it is the
your powers as a witch. At 11th and 16th level you may closest target in line of sight.
choose an additional hex. Hag's Sight.
As an action, you can pull your eye from its
Ensnaring Image.
You create a duplicate of yourself that socket, causing 1 damage to yourself. The eye then becomes
you can see and speak through, this image is the ideal invisible and functions identically to an Arcane Eye spell. You
attractive mate for one target of your choosing that you can can use the eye in this manner for a total number of minutes
see within 120 feet. Once the target has seen or spoken to equal to your proficiency bonus per short rest. As a bonus
the Ensnaring image they must make a Wisdom saving throw action while the eye is adjacent to you, you can reinsert it
equal to the witch’s spell save DC or be charmed for 1 hour. back into the socket, ending this effect. If the eye is destroyed,
Once the hour is over the creature is unaware it was it slowly regrows within your eye socket over the next 24
charmed. hours, after which you regain sight in that eye.
As a bonus action the witch begins a deeply Ritual Brew.
Whenever you use the ritual potion ability
unsettling otherworldly cackle which taps into ongoing you make 3 potions or poisons instead of 1.
magics extending the duration of negative effects (such as
spells, evil eye or poisons) on enemy creatures within 30 feet Hag’s Bargain
that can hear the witch by 1 round. At 14th level, once every 7 days, the witch can cast a wish
Coven. Once per day, as an action, you can grant a number spell for someone that agrees to a bargain. The witch cannot
of allies equal to your charisma bonus (minimum of 1) cast the spell for herself with her own payment, the wish
advantage on concentration checks and their spell save DC’s must be cast for another creature. After the payment is made
increases by 2, this effect lasts a number of rounds equal to but before the spell is complete the witch must roll a d20, the
your proficiency bonus. wish is successfully cast if the d20 roll is under the witch’s
As an action choose two targets that you can see current level, if the roll is equal to or over the spell has no
within 100ft who must make a Wisdom saving throw based effect. Once a creature has made a successful bargain they
on your spell save DC. On a failure the targets will believe can never again gain such a bargain from the same witch.
each other are enemies but will not be openly hostile. One of the following must be used as payment.
Maintaining concentration for a minute on the hex will cause
the two targets to attack each other until one fall 10 years or 10% of a creature's life, whichever is more is
unconscious. This ability can be used a number of times per transferred to the witch them younger.
day equal to your proficiency bonus. Sacrifice of one limb of the wish seeker's. The witch
Ritual Potion.
The caster starts a 10 minute ritual at the immediately comes under the effect of a regeneration
ending of which the caster makes a DC 13 nature check. If spell. The limb cannot be returned to the wish seeker by
successful the Witch creates a healing potion or pale tincture anything less than a wish spell.
poison. If the DC of the check is succeeded by 10 or more the The soul of the wish seeker is immediately teleported into
healing potion becomes a greater healing potion and the Pale a soul cage on death which appears in the witch’s effects.
tincture’s DC and Damage is increased by a number equal to
your proficiency bonus.

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