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Big Bore Gas Wells Woodside

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More Gas Production from Fewer Wells | May 2012

Woodside is at the leading edge of technologies that

maximise production and minimise cost.
 Woodside designed, constructed and
Size Does Matter expenditure because pressure loss in operated the world’s first offshore Big
Big Bore tubing is lower than small bore Bore gas wells from the North Rankin
Big Bore gas wells are just that – big. tubing. platform.
Bigger wells allow greater flow. More
flow means greater production at lower Woodside is the industry leader in Big
 At high production rates, sand face
cost. Big Bore wells reduce the number Bore gas wells, having commenced with
stability and erosion are major well
of wells required per field and make platform Big Bore wells on North Rankin
integrity risks. Our stringent criteria and
savings right across a development. Our from 2000. With Perseus and Angel
detailed engineering seeks to minimise
Big Bore gas developments have lower fields, Woodside successfully transferred
these risks.
well and subsea capital expenditure, platform technology into subsea wells
smaller offshore facilities and delayed and installed the world’s first subsea Big
 Woodside installed the first expandable
compression. Bore wells.
sand screen in a Big Bore well and the
Normal gas wells produce through small Our latest subsea wells required the first 7” expandable sand screen from a
5 ½” tubing and achieve rates of around pioneering use of expandable sand floating drilling rig.
100 million standard cubic feet per day screens.
 Woodside is planning the world’s first
(MMscfd). Woodside’s Big Bore wells
Keeping It Together Big Bore well from a TLP as part of the
produce up to 400 MMscfd through 9 ⅝”
proposed Browse LNG Development.
Woodside has world class gas reservoirs
That’s four times more production from with excellent productivity. Keeping
one well. This benefit comes with a our reservoir sand face intact at high
challenge. production rates requires special
completions technologies. Woodside,
Complex and detailed engineering in another world first, installed a 7”
is required to successfully design, expandable sand screen from a floating
construct and operate a Big Bore well. drilling rig for the Pluto LNG Project.
We focus on barriers and life cycle well Expandable screens prevent erosion
integrity. We have stringent equipment that occurs in stand-alone-screens and
specifications to address erosion and improves well reliability. For Pluto LNG
flow rate challenges. In a Big Bore world, an entire LNG train can be supplied from
robust and reliable sand face completions less than three wells.
are critical.
Woodside’s Big Bore well technology is
Big Bore wells can make a huge producing unique value for the business.
difference to the size of our facilities. Woodside continues to lead the way by
Our offshore platforms can be smaller planning for the world’s first Big Bore
and lower cost with fewer well slots and wells from the Browse Tension Leg
fewer production trees. We also get the Platform (TLP) as part of the proposed
Pluto Big Bore Subsea Development
added benefit of delaying compression Browse LNG Development.

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