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That Sinking Feeling: International Mining September 2018

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That sinking

Conventional drill and blast is

still the norm in modern-day
shaft sinking, but the sector
could be on the cusp of
technological change. Dan
Gleeson finds out who is
providing this technology, its
potential safety and
productivity benefits and how
quickly it is being adopted
t is fair to say development rates in the shaft Redpath’s General Manager of Shaft Projects, The sinking of Hecla Mining’s #4 Shaft at the

I sinking industry have been heading south for

some time.
An increased emphasis on safety, deeper
Kevin Melong, thinks the industry should be
highlighting these advances as opposed to
dwelling on past sinking rates.
Lucky Friday mine in Idaho, US, to 2.9 km
depth made it the deepest shaft in the country

lying orebodies and increasingly challenging “The shaft sinking fraternity can pride itself they do not lead to the advance in development
underground conditions have slowed down on the changed environments in which we rates the industry requires to ensure capex-
shaft sinking rates, adding to the list of issues undertake one of the most challenging aspects intensive underground projects can be greenlit
developers face when trying to finance new of the mining industry today,” he told IM. and, then, turn a profit.
underground mines. These safety improvements are laudable, yet This issue is only heightened by the fact more
Mining engineers and shaft sinkers, alike,
recollect when they could sink 100 m/mth and
get to the bottom of ventilation or services
shafts that much quicker, but, today, average
rates are more like 40-50 m/mth, with anything
above a bonus.
While productivity may have been that much
more impressive four decades ago, safety was
Murray Macnab, Managing Director of Mets
International, puts it into perspective.
“The way they sunk shafts in the past was
productivity and production at all costs and it
took many, many lives; effectively one life for
every 100 m of shaft sinking,” he told IM.
“Today, we sink 1,500-2,000 m shafts without
a single loss time injury.”
Take Glencore's Nickel Rim South project in
Ontario, Canada. The sinking of two concrete
lined shafts simultaneously by Cementation – a
6.1 m diameter ventilation shaft to a depth of
1,680 m and a 7.6 m diameter main access shaft
Redpath and Hasu Megawatt, through their joint venture company, Dayan Contract Mining, reached
to 1,733.5 m depth – occurred without a lost- the bottom of the Number 2 shaft at the Oyu Tolgoi underground mine earlier this year. Photo: Oyu
time accident. Tolgoi underground project

28 International Mining | SEPTEMBER 2018

SHAFT SINKING Connecting Global Competence

open-pit mines will have to transition underground in future years to

continue operations, and a greater number of recent discoveries are
coming under barren cover that, should they become deposits, will require
vertical development.
One would assume shaft sinking rates are going to have to speed up in
order for future mines to come on stream.

Those manufacturing shaft sinking equipment and the contractors carrying
out this specialised work are doing something about this.
Cementation Canada, after successful use at Shaft 10 at the Resolution
copper project in Utah, US, is looking to include shotcrete as a temporary
support measure in its own shaft sinking cycle.
The challenging conditions (temperature, water ingress, etc)
experienced sinking the 2,116.2 m deep shaft saw the company remotely
apply fibre reinforced shotcrete as a temporary support measure.
“With shotcrete, we remove people from the face. Instead of a miner
with a handheld drill carrying out support work in the shaft wall, now we
bauma CHINA, Shanghai, SNIEC,
have a remote operator shotcreting,” Roy Slack, President of Cementation November 27–30, 2018
Canada, told IM.
This brings obvious safety benefits, while speeding up the whole
development process.
And, the company has also gone beyond what was traditionally thought
of as the ‘limit’ for raiseboring within shaft sinking.
It used a large diameter raisebore to help sink a more than 5 m diameter
shaft down to 1,500 m at Alamos Gold’s Young-Davidson mine in northern
Ontario, Canada.
Redpath, meanwhile, is looking to redesign its conventional shaft
sinking system to allow “safe concurrent tasks of the cycle to be carried
out,” according to Melong.
“This requires innovative approaches to mucking and lining of the
shafts, currently underway within our group,” he added.
These and other developments have Macnab thinking contractors and
engineers can get a 10-20% improvement on the current monthly
development rates with conventional drill and blast technology.
“I don’t believe 40-50 m/mth is going to be where it is forever,” he said.
One company that has exceeded such rates is Aveng Mining, which is
currently working on sinking Shaft 1 at the Platreef underground project on
the northern limb of South Africa’s Bushveld Complex.
This project, majority owned by Ivanhoe Mines, requires the sinking of
two shafts for ventilation and hoisting with the first 7.25 m diameter shaft
going down to 980 m depth. The second shaft, which will have a rock
hoisting capacity of 6.4 Mt/y, will be a 10 m diameter, 1,104 m deep
concrete-lined shaft.
Aveng, through its Aveng Shafts & Underground subsidiary, started
sinking Shaft 1 in July 2016 and, on April 23, 2018, reached a depth of more
than 750 m below surface, allowing construction of the first mine
development access station.
In the 12 months to June, development metres at Shaft 1 averaged
around 50 m/mth, Aveng Mining Senior Contracts Manager Patric REGISTER NOW!
Scheepers told Mining Review Africa recently. March saw the company
achieve 54 m/mth, which Scheepers said was a record.
These rates were achieved by moving to a continuous operations model
with 340 permanent employees and an additional 50 subcontractors,
Scheepers told the publication.
The company also transitioned from a conventional sinking approach to
a two kibble-loading methodology which removed employees from the
shaft bottom during mucking operations.
“This required careful engineering and change management at the time
International Trade Fair for Construction Machinery, Building
and was a major success,” Scheepers said.
Material Machines, Mining Machines and Construction Vehicles.
But, even so, Aveng would not even be carrying out such work if the

Platreef orebody was not of exceptional quality

M and width.
While most in the platinum group metal space
are closing shafts in response to stubbornly
weak commodity prices, Ivanhoe is planning to
bring Platreef online in 2022.
This is because it has reserves of 125 Mt at 4.4
g/t 3 PGE+Au, an initial mining rate of 4 Mt/y and
average annual production of 476,000 oz of
platinum, palladium, rhodium and gold along with
significant copper and nickel by-products.
The asset also has a thick, flat-lying orebody
that averages 19 m in width meaning it can be
mined by mechanised means and could become
Africa’s lowest 3PGE + Au producer when it starts
Without these characteristics, the $1.5 billion DMC Mining Services CEO Graham Buttenshaw Ivanhoe Mines plans to sink two shafts as part
development simply would not be able to turn a thinks the industry needs to look at the of its Platreef PGM project in the Bushveld
Complex of South Africa
profit today. fundamental drill and blast technology it is using to
There are fewer and fewer of these Tier-One sink shafts in order to improve metres per month.
deposits being found not only in the PGM space, “Shaft sinking has not changed much since But, Cementation Canada’s Slack thinks the
but across the whole industry. That is why the the 19th century. You still get a bunch of guys industry needs to examine the bigger picture, not
magnifying glass has been held up to the shaft that go down in large yellow rubber suits, drill just shaft sinking rates, in order to achieve the
sinking sector to see if development rates can be holes, fill them with explosives, light the blue required project delivery rates.
sped up to allow more deposits – without such touch paper and retire and then wait for the bang “There is more to this than just measuring
world-class features and cash-rich backers – to before digging it out. It is ancient technology,” he how many m/d you can sink at. When we look at
pass today’s investment return thresholds. told IM. the total project, actual shaft sinking represents

hile the debate about mechanised shaft sinking goes on, Partners, Clough Projects International and RUC Cementation Mining) set
W conventional drill and blast projects continue worldwide. to design, construct and commission the sinking and lining of Shaft #3 and
In July, Barrick Gold confirmed contractor Thyssen Mining had mobilised #4.
to its Turquoise Ridge site in Nevada, US, to carry out work on the sinking This involves blind sinking and concrete lining of the two 10-11 m
of a third shaft at the operation. The development, with additional diameter shafts down to depths of some 1,150 m for ventilation.
processing capacity, is expected to roughly double annual production to Lastly in contracting, earlier this month Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa,
more than 500,000 oz/y. one of Europe’s largest coking coal miners, signed an agreement to
The project consists of sinking and equipping a 24-ft (7.3-m) diameter, purchase a 95% stake in shaft sinking specialist Przedsiębiorstwo Budowy
concrete-lined shaft to 3,250 ft (991 m) depth, according to a technical Szybów (PBS) from the Kopex Group.
report filed earlier this year. Shaft sinking will include two skipping levels, The PLN 205.3 million ($55.6 million) agreement came as a result of
a water pressure break level, and a shaft bottom pump level, while FAMUR SA’s acquisition of Kopex, completed earlier this year. PBS has
equipping includes a headframe and collar house; hoists and hoistroom; carried out more than 132,300 m of shaft sinking, including 35,000 m in
shaft steel; surface and underground material handling; and a shaft hard coal mines and 67,000 m in ore mines.
bottom pumping system.
Cementation Canada, in partnership with Murray & Roberts, is busy
sinking twin shafts, each 7 m in diameter, down to 1,080 m depth at the De
Beers’ majority-owned Venetia diamond mine in South Africa.
In North America, Cementation Canada is also carrying out work on
Glencore’s Onaping Depth nickel-copper project in the Sudbury Basin of
Canada. According to a March 2 report in Northern Ontario Business, the
project includes the construction of a winze from the 1,200 m level laterally
off the workings of Craig mine to access some 14 Mt of ore, 2,500 m from
surface. The first 700 m of the winze will be raisebored down to the 1,900 m
level and then slashed and extended beyond that to the 2,650 m level
using conventional shaft sinking technology.
Redpath’s Melong said the company was winding down operations at
two Canada potash shaft sinking contracts with “composite liners,
underground freeze conditions and the rehabilitation and upgrade/
reconfiguration of an existing shaft hoisting system”, while, in Europe, the
company is completing two other conventional frozen shaft sinking projects.
Cementation Canada’s recent shaft sinking work has focused on
In Mongolia, the GCR Mongolia joint venture won more work at Oyu
removing people from the shaft bottom, while using innovative methods
Tolgoi earlier this month, with the three partners (Gobi Infrastructure to speed up sinking rates

30 International Mining | SEPTEMBER 2018


only about 25% of the schedule, so trying to

increase the development rate by a metre or two
Such innovative technologies in the vertical
mechanised development space require “large IM
cylinders, the 15 m high and 350 t machine
“braces itself before every drilling stroke in the
a day has very little impact on the overall sums of money and equally committed mine shaft, steadying the machine, allowing the thrust
schedule,” he told IM. owners’ teams and the traditionally impatient cylinders to push the rotating cutterhead against
“If you look at the time to do prefeasibility, shaft miner,” Melong said. the borehole floor,” Herrenknecht said.
detailed engineering, surface setup, the actual “The combination of these constraints and the A laser aiming device ensures precise vertical
sinking of the shaft, development of the stations, inherent risks due to the criticality of the shaft alignment, while the rotating anchor platform,
installation of the loading pockets, the sinking process to the economics of a mine, has where anchors and steel mesh can be put in
commissioning of the whole plant, etc, the shaft limited the development and application of these place by two hydraulic drill rigs, is situated on
sinking is a relatively small part of the total project.” new models.” the drilling deck above the cutterhead.
Macnab thinks lateral development rates If required, a shotcrete unit on the machine
should be factored into the discussion. Mechanical excavation secures the shaft wall immediately after
“If you have a look at the overall programme, These factors have not stopped everyone from exposure of the rock outcrop.
the shaft has a high intensity capex schedule but going down the mechanised route in the vertical SBE technology reduces shaft sinking time by
is normally not the biggest part of the equation. space. 20-30% compared with conventional shaft
The biggest part, which people often forget, is Deilmann-Haniel has developed one such sinking technology, according to Herrenknecht.
the development to open up the mine,” he said. technology, through Thyssen Schactbau, with Jochen Greinacher, Managing Director of
This is where mechanised lateral development Herrenknecht and Murray & Roberts Cementation. Deilmann-Haniel, said: “It is a good working
technology is accelerating payback with The Shaft Boring Enlarger (SBE) uses V-Mole system for the right applications. We sank shafts
innovations like Master Drilling’s Mobile Tunnel technology established by Wirth many decades with that technology of up to 10 m per day at its
Boring solutions and Epiroc’s Mobile Miners. ago and acts like a vertically-oriented modern peak in a coal mine in southern Germany
Master Tunnelling, a subsidiary of Master Drilling, hard-rock tunnel boring machine (TBM). (Primsmulde shaft, at Endsdorf colliery).”
will conduct an experimental trial on their full The sinking of a shaft with the SBE occurs in The average rate of 7-7.5 m/d compares
mobile tunnel boring service during Q3 2018. three phases: pilot hole, enlargement to pilot favourably with the circa 1.5-3 m/d conventional
Macnab sees such technologies taking off as borehole diameter with a reamer and enlargement to drill and blast typically achieves and the machine
the capital cost is low compared with traditional final diameter of 7.5-9.5 m with the SBE. operator controls the SBE from the interior of the
tunnel boring. With the help of laterally extendable hydraulic machine providing further safety advantages.

re haulage and ventilation usually requires the sinking of large A Drillcon is another contractor that has shown big interest in our Epiroc

O diameter shafts, however when operators need to create smaller

diameter raises on the move underground, raiseborers are put to
use. Dan Gleeson spoke with Mikael Sjovall, Global Product Manager –
Easer rig and we will perform a test trial with them later this year in
Portugal. Lundin Gold has recently purchased an Epiroc Easer rig for their
operation (Fruta del Norte) in Equador. Other mining customers that have
Production Drilling Equipment, at Epiroc, about demand for the company’s shown interest are LKAB in Sweden, Barrick in Canada, Kola MMC Russia
versatile Easer L, a mobile raiseboring machine for drifts and tunnels of 4.5 and Ferbasa Brazil.
m x 4.5 m. We recently ran a test trial with Ferbasa in Brazil where they wanted to
see how the Easer method would measure against the ITH slot hammer
Q I understand the Easer has been used in three different drilling modes method they used. They have looked into performing slot raises with a
recently by Pybar at the Hera mine (boxhole, down reaming and raiseboring machine previously, but the long setup time and slow
conventional) in Australia. Where are you seeing most market demand/use relocation ruled that out. That’s where the Easer came in with its flexibility,
for the Easer? fast and easy setup and, in addition, its fast relocation. Using boxhole and
down reaming methods, deviation was less than 1%, on average, and the
A For a contractor, I would say the demand/use of the Epiroc Easer rig penetration rate was 2.47 m/h. All in all, they were able to reduce the total
would be split equally between the three modes since they most likely will time for a slot raise by 60% with the Epiroc Easer versus ITH slot hammer.
be doing everything from slot raises to holes for utilities. For mining
customers, it will follow the type of production drilling method they are
using, so the Epiroc Easer rig would mostly be used for boxhole and down

Q How does the Easer fit into Epiroc’s wider raiseboring offering? Is there
need for further mobile raiseboring models to meet customer demands?

A The Epiroc Easer rig has been a really good complement to both our
Epiroc raiseboring products and production drilling equipment (replacing
slot raising with ITH). We have seen a demand for a lower profile model
that better fits the smaller drift sizes in the medium size segment (4 x 4 m
– 4.5 x 4.5 m).

Q Apart from Pybar, what other companies have shown an interest in using
Lundin Gold recently purchased an Epiroc Easer rig for its Fruta del Norte
the Easer? operation in Ecuador

SEPTEMBER 2018 | International Mining 31


The Herrenknecht SBR uses a roadheader boom,

M controlled remotely from work decks above, and
a rotating cutting drum with 600 kW rated power
to cut rock up to 120 MPa and create variable
shaft diameters from 8-12 m (credit: DMC Mining)

This provides increased safety benefits –

removing workers from the face – while
transitioning shaft sinking to a continuous as
opposed to batch (stop-start) process.
As with any new technology, the mining industry
will be looking for successful references before
incorporating the SBR into development plans.

Case studies and projects

IM understands three SBRs have so far been
manufactured, with the first two ‘generation one’
units sinking two 1,000 m shafts with 8-11 m
diameters through soft-medium strength rock in
“But, don’t forget, mucking is not part of the The machine is suspended from ropes and Saskatchewan, Canada at BHP’s Jansen potash mine.
cycle,” Greinacher told IM. connected to winches on the surface. It uses a DMC is carrying out the work, advised by
The SBE cuts the rock as the shaft liner is roadheader boom, controlled remotely from work Herrenknecht, and said the shaft sinking, which
installed, but there is no capacity for a decks above, and a rotating cutting drum with involved freezing rock down to 710 m and lining,
concurrent mucking cycle. This means an access 600 kW rated power to cut rock up to 120 MPa is almost complete.
drift, as well as equipment, is required at the and create variable shaft diameters from 8-12 m. The third and fourth SBRs – the second
lowest part of the shaft to transport the muck to In the first step of the cycle, the cutting drum generation – are destined for Slavkaliy’s
surface. creates a cut of up to 200 mm depth with more Nezhinskiy project in Belarus; a project to sink
Such limitations have reduced widespread circular sections cut clockwise from the shaft two shafts down to 750 m depths, with freezing
adoption, but there is another technology that centre to the shaft wall. After five cycles, the shaft required to 160 m depth, according to contractor
the developers claim it can carry out cutting, cross-section is one metre deeper. The SBR is Deilmann-Haniel.
shaft lining and mucking concurrently. further lowered and the cutting cycle begins again. Nezhinskiy is expected to have an annual
German company Herrenknecht’s Shaft Boring The real innnovation comes with the capacity of around 1.1-1.2 Mt/y of potash.
Roadheader (SBR) technology has turned pneumatic mucking system to suck up loosened Deilmann-Haniel signed the more than
mechanised cutting technology on its head. rock from the shaft bottom and transfer it to €200 million contract back in July 2017, with the
The SBR, developed as part of Herrenknecht’s kibbles 20 m above the working level. It also has company set to start SBR sinking work in January
involvement with Rio Tinto’s ‘Mine of the Future’ the ability to install shotcrete as ground support 2019, according to Greinacher.
programme in 2013, is designed for the from an upper working deck – all while cutting is He said improvements have been made to the
mechanised sinking of blind shafts in soft to going on below. SBR’s pneumatic mucking system, in particular,
medium-hard rock. It is an adaptation of the as part of the design for the latest machines. This
Vertical Shaft Sinking Machine the company uses Images of Herrenknecht’s Shaft Boring should see the company able to achieve a
Machine (left) and Shaft Boring Cutterhead
in tunnelling. (right) development rate of some 3 m/d, close to double

32 International Mining | SEPTEMBER 2018


what it benchmarked with conventional drill and blast.
The only other confirmed SBR order from the mining sector is for Sirius
Minerals’ potash project in the northeast of England (see more details in the
DMC Mining Q&A).
The company is attempting to build a 10 Mt/y polyhalite mine that makes
use of a mineral transport system, located in a 37-km long and 4.3 m wide
tunnel at an average depth of 250 m below ground.

Harder rock applications

All SBR applications to date have been in soft-medium rock. Hard rock
applications are likely to prove that much trickier and require, either, a more
robust cutting head design and bits or an element able to induce rock fracturing.
Herrenknecht has also developed the Shaft Boring Machine (SBM) as
part of Rio’s Mine of the Future programme, which can create blind shafts
with diameters of up to 12 m in >120 MPa rock down to depths of 2,000 m.
The SBM raises excavated rock from the shaft bottom and transports it
vertically through the machine via an innovative cutting wheel. In the first
step, the cutting wheel penetrates the rock like a circular saw, creating a slit
with a depth of 1.5 m. In the second step, it rotates around the vertical axis
of the machine to cut out the entire shaft profile.
Herrenknecht said: “In doing so, the cutting wheel not only loosens the
rock but also serves as a paddle wheel which transports the muck via
integrated channels to the centre. There the material is transferred to a vertical
belt conveyor, which transports it to the transfer point for shaft conveyance.”
Up to three gripper systems brace against the shaft wall and stabilise the
entire system during this procedure.
As is the case with a hard rock TBM, shotcrete is introduced via remote
control directly behind the cutting wheel. The disc cutters are replaced in a
specially secured working area which is easily accessible and protected
against falling rock. Thus, no personnel have to remain in dangerous areas
during normal operation.
The company is also working on its Shaft Boring Cutterhead, a machine
rated to cut >120 MPa rock down to 1,000 m depth with shaft diameters
ranging from 7-12 m.
The conical cutterhead is equipped with disc cutters for hard rock
applications. It is capable of delivering an advance rate of 6 m/d and uses a
similar pneumatic mucking system as the SBM, according to Herrenknecht.
While it is still early days for these technologies – neither the SBM or SBC
is currently in use on a project – the introduction of mechanised cutting has
seen tunnelling and civil engineering contractors enter the shaft sinking market.
Greinacher said Deilmann-Haniel is involved in two projects where it is
competing against civil engineering companies, while Slack said
Cementation Canada, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this month, has
recently seen tunnelling and civil contractors bidding for some large mining
development projects.
The likelihood is these companies will have to sub-contract work to more
experienced contractors in the mining space to ensure it meets industry
Koos Jordaan, Master Drilling Executive Director told IM: “Master
Sinkers, a subsidiary of Master Drilling will commence with a soft to hard
rock shaft sinking experimental trial by method of rock boring during Q1
2019. The trial will involved the testing of a pilot shaft system that is part
of a larger system to be used in either blind sinking or enlargement mode
for large diameter and deep shafts predominantly used for mine access
and ventilation. This service will compliment Master Drilling’s raise boring
and mud flooded air lifted reverse circulation boring shaft infrastructure
construction capabilities, as an advanced technology shaft solution provider.”

No silver bullet
Given the inherent variability of underground deposits, mechanical cutting
is unlikely to be suitable for all underground developments.

M Melong said: “The challenge has been to

introduce change that can be applied across a
ground, etc – conventional drill and blast
technology is way more flexible to adapt to these
the right rock strength and fracturability, and
an owner willing to take some development
broad spectrum of shaft project types to improve conditions.” risk.
performance. This is the current challenge with And, there is a tradeoff that has to be made, It will also require a different approach to
mechanical excavation, as any given project according to Macnab. project development, Slack said.
presents a myriad of differing geotechnical or “Not all projects are justified using it in terms “If you look at the nature of feasibility studies,
hydrogeological constraints that drives the of shaft depth…there is a cutoff point on these they talk about implementing proven technology.
methodology to be applied,” he said. machines where it does not make economic So, your feasibility will be based on proven
Greinacher agrees with this point: “In sense.” technology and the new technology will be an
particular, where you have changing conditions – As it stands, mechanised shaft sinking opportunity. It will then involve selling it to the
soft ground to stable ground, to water-bearing projects will need a sizeable orebody at depth, project review committee or board.” IM

MC Mining Services (KGHM Group) is one of the rare contractors to materials up and down between the surface and work face. We have gone

D have used innovative SBR technology in mining. Currently working

on sinking two 1,000 m deep shafts at a major potash project in
Saskatchewan and preparing to use another generation of SBR at Sirius
one step further to employ the use of a slick line for bringing concrete
down for pouring the liners. All three are independent and work
concurrently, so it eliminates the stop-start nature that we encountered
Minerals’ polyhalite project in the northeast of England, Dan Gleeson previously.
quizzed Graham Buttenshaw, CEO of DMC Mining Services, and John Also, at Sirius, we will have a fibre optic connection from machine to
Luckock, Project Director for DMC Mining Services (UK) Ltd, about the surface. This allows us to run the machine from surface without having the
technology. operator down at the face. At this point, it is not fully remote – miners will
be required to carry out certain functions on the SBR – but staffing is
Q When Sirius Minerals announced the contract for its Woodsmith mine certainly reduced.
the company mentioned SBR technology could accelerate delivery of first
polyhalite by up to six months. How are you able to do this? Q How do the two projects – the Saskatchewan potash project and Sirius –
compare in terms of geology and rock strength?
JL The fundamental difference between a drill and blast development of a
shaft and an SBR development is that a drill and blast process is JL The geology at the project in the UK is largely sandstone, mudstone and
sequential, with each task performed one after another. anhydrites, so the structure of the material is not dissimilar to the material
The huge advantage the SBR brings, in addition to there being no in Saskatchewan.
explosives and an integral improvement in safety, is that cutting can work In terms of rock hardness – one of the key factors determining the
continuously and concurrently with other activities. Once the machine is in advance rate – we found very similar properties to the Saskatchewan
position, you can grind the material from the work face at the same time project, which enabled us to anticipate what our cutting rates would be for
you are removing the material from the shaft area and sending it to the UK project. There are, at Sirius, some areas where there is a slightly
surface. While that process is going on, you can also perform other tasks higher peak strength, but, in general, mean values are comparable.
such as installing permanent liners to reinforce the shaft. It is this
combination of activities that increases the productivity. Q The general consensus is SBRs are used for shaft sinking with rock
When we carried out the proposal for the Sirius contract, we baselined strengths ranging from 5 to 120 MPa and shaft diameters from 8-12 m. Is
the project using drill and blast technology and then analysed the same there potential for using the technology in applications outside of this?
project using an SBR. It was on this basis, we arrived at the ability to be
six months ahead of the drill and blast schedule. JL There most definitely are. Saying that, the diameter becomes a limiting
In addition to the two main shafts at Sirius going down to around 1,600 factor – too small and you restrict the working space; too big and you
m depth, we are also developing two other shallower shafts for the could potentially have problems with the force applied to the material. You
lowering of TBMs underground. would have a very long boom manipulating the cutter head and, the longer
the arm is, the less force can be applied to the face. I don’t see, for
Q I understand you will be using a new generation of SBR for the Sirius example, this going out to 20 m diameter at this point in time.
project. How did your work on the major potash project in Saskatchewan
influence the development of this latest machine? GB In terms of rock strength, there is a hard-rock version on the drawing
board, not dissimilar to a TBM with a vertical cutting wheel on it. We
JL We took a lot of lessons learned from the Saskatchewan potash project understand this version can potentially go well above 180 MPa.
and using the first generation SBRs, and said to ourselves: ‘what can we But, it is not just hardness that is a key controller for the SBR’s cutting
do to further improve the process and accelerate the shaft sinking?’ It is effectiveness – it is also the rock fracturability. There have been times at
those concepts that have been designed into the next generation. the Saskatchewan project where we have gone at a greater rate of cutting
There are a couple of fundamental changes. One of them is, on the because the rock was inherently fractured and, therefore, the pick heads
Saskatchewan potash project, you could not perform concurrent lining would bring out larger cuttings, increasing the development rate.
operations with shaft sinking. You would sink, stop and then install the SBRs are where the future lies and that is why we, at DMC, are
lining. The next generation SBR has a moveable or floating liner deck, committed to using this technology wherever we go. We have been
which allows the lining to be installed at the same time as excavation. talking with companies in Chile, Thailand and Spain who are now showing
We have also changed the conveyances between the working face and serious interest in pursuing this. We need to make sure we apply this
the surface, selecting a single bucket system to remove the spoils and a technology to not only soft and mid-hardness rock mines, but also hard-
totally separate system that runs independently to bring personnel and rock mines.

34 International Mining | SEPTEMBER 2018

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