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What must Paul do

to land the top job? The Nice Guy
by Russ Edelman and Tim Hiltabiddle

Reprint R0602X
This article is licensed for your personal use. Further posting, copying, or distribution is not permitted. Copyright Harvard Business Publishing. All rights reserved. Please contact or 800 988 0886 for additional copies.
Paul Kennedy is a good fellow who trusts people, and he’s in line to
become CEO of Daner Associates. Is he tough enough for the job?


The Nice Guy

by Russ Edelman and Tim Hiltabiddle

7:01 AM ervations at Giovanni’s. Jeez, married 15 years

Driving East on Clifton Boulevard Toward already. Hard to believe. Can’t wait ’til she sees
Downtown Cleveland the diamond studs I bought her. Note to self:
Damn. I’m still stuck in traffic. Accident ahead? Remember to buy roses.
Thank goodness Larry doesn’t show up these [Brakes suddenly.] Whoa, it would be nice if
days until 11:00 at the earliest. I can get a lot you signaled, lady! Oh, I see, “Baby on Board.”
done before our one-on-one later today pro- The kid’s probably crying…I remember that
vided Lisa finalized those projections for the time, driving Amy to day care. She dropped her
European offices yesterday. Once she’s plugged bottle and screamed her head off.
the numbers into the forecasting model, we’ll Wow, Clifton’s a parking lot today. I’ll give
have our economic case close to perfect. When Lake a shot. I may as well try to make some
I show Larry the expansion plans, he’ll give me calls. Maybe Lisa’s in the office already.
one of those arm punches and tell me how
great I am. Maybe he’ll say he’s finally ready to 7:14 AM
pass me the baton. We could jointly announce Heading Eastbound on Lake Avenue
it at the company meeting next week. [Calls Lisa on her cell.] “Hi Lisa, it’s me, Paul. Hey. I
Poor Sheila. She didn’t look well this morn- need to touch base on two things. First, how’s
ing when I kissed her goodbye…Amy had the your mom doing? Did she have a good
sniffles last night. Hope we’re not in for another night?.…Uh huh.…I see.…Wow, I’m sorry to hear
winter cold. That’s two already this year. I don’t that. That’s really rough. Sheila sends her love.
want Sheila to be sick on Friday. We’ve got res- Please let Lilly know she’s in our prayers, OK?

HBR’s cases, which are fictional, present common managerial dilemmas.

harvard business review • february 2006 page 1

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The Nice Guy •• •HBR C ASE S TUDY

Also, I want to confirm that we’re all set on a domestic shop.

the expansion numbers. I need the model for George has done well under Larry for the
my meeting with Larry at 1:30.…What?.…Oh, I past two years. He was pretty psyched about
see. What time is her doctor’s appointment?… his promotion to VP of business development.
Mmmm.…Uh, no, don’t sweat it. Just do what He’s great on the technical end of things, but
you need to do, and I’ll figure out a way to fi- he still needs more polish and experience with
nalize the data. Who was helping you out, customers. He is feisty, though—always willing
Lynne or Aaron?…Neither? Ugh. All right, all to take on anything. And he’ll challenge Larry
right. Call me when you’re on your way in to at the drop of a hat. I’m surprised Larry puts
the office, OK? See ya.” [Hangs up.] up with it and doesn’t chop him off at the
Damn. This totally messes up my morning. knees.
Now I’ll have to try to hack my way through Still, when it comes to people, Larry can re-
the spreadsheet before the meeting. ally be so hard-nosed. His take-no-prisoners at-
I can’t imagine what it’s like taking care of a titude is understandable when bidding on busi-
parent with a terminal illness. How awful. But ness but not when it comes to people. Like
Lisa’s really slipping. She was such a go-getter when Larry said Lisa’s become a liability lately;
and a great operations manager, but her focus he even hinted about replacing her. Ugh. Lay
has been shot since her mother got sick. Last off Lisa? I can barely think the words, let alone
week she forgot to copy the latest spreadsheets say them to her. She’s always been my right
to the network. Not cool. Work used to be a arm. She usually knows what I’m thinking
big priority in her life. But now…I know she even before I do. Sure, Jim or Andrea could
still loves Daner as much as I do. It’s in her eventually handle the role of operations man-
blood. She’s always telling me how much bet- ager, but there’s a steep learning curve. Note
ter the work environment is since I joined ten to self: Have another heart-to-heart with Lisa
years ago. to discuss the possibility of reducing her work-
That long? I can remember so clearly when load for a while—or maybe see how she’d feel
Larry first told me about Daner Associates, the about taking a leave of absence that would let
line he gave me. “Ad agencies are passé,” he her focus on her mom. I really want the old
said. Instead, he was starting a “new media” Lisa back.
company. The notion of leaving a great job at
TRH and joining his team was the furthest 7:38 AM
thing from my mind, yet the crazy guy pitched Passing Edgewater Park on the Shoreway
me so hard I couldn’t resist. And he was right. This traffic is ridiculous. If I leave by 6:00, I’m
He knew that companies would need a strate- golden. But if I wait until after 6:30 to wake
gic partner that could provide creative ideas in Sheila and the kids on my way out, I’m hosed.
all media—print, radio, TV, and “that informa- At least today I get to see an amazing sunrise.
tion superhighway I keep hearing about.” Bonus.
Daner was going to be that partner. We’ve had Man, I could jog faster than this. I remember
our ups and downs, but it’s been an incredible all those brainstorming jogs with Larry along
ride. Up from five people to over a hundred, a the lake. It was great to compare notes and talk
client list that boasts some of the biggest com- about the future. For an old guy, he did pretty
panies in the world. And the best part is, it’s well—up until his heart attack three years ago.
just the beginning. I almost lost it last week when he said that he
Larry is still a tiger, but he’s getting a bit was going to start jogging again—and he’s aim-
tired and wants to golf. I can’t blame him for ing to run the Boston Marathon in April.
that. It’s definitely time for him to retire. Lately Please, Larry, stick with golf and sailing!
I could swear he’s been doing the nudge- It’ll be fun to blow him away with the strat-
nudge, wink-wink in my direction. George egy and the numbers. It’s been a ton of work
Russ Edelman (russe@ thinks he’s in the running too, but I think he’ll preparing for this, but now we’re ready. We can and be cool with reporting to me. Wonder: Once mobilize quickly once he gives us the green
Tim Hiltabiddle (timh@ I’m CEO, should I put George in charge of our light. I’m a little surprised that he’s stayed away are the European expansion? A footprint in Europe from our recent planning sessions. I thought
founders of Nice Guy Strategies, will make us even more indispensable to our he’d want to provide some feedback and direc-
a consulting firm in Boston. clients. It will make us a global leader, not just tion. Perhaps it’s his way of pulling back and

harvard business review • february 2006 page 2

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The Nice Guy •• •HBR C ASE S TUDY

empowering me before handing me the reins. ing?…Oh, hon. Maybe you can sleep a little
So, the million-dollar question is: What will after the kids go to school…OK, put Quinn on,
he say? I think I know the answer. He’ll love but make it quick…Hey, Quinn, good luck with
the bottom line—that he can golf and sail as the test today. I know you’ll do great. Finish eat-
much as he wants. He’ll like his new chairman- ing, and I’ll see you tonight for baseball prac-
only role so that he can step away from the tice…Yes, I’ve got all the equipment…No, I
day-to-day operations. And he’ll admire the re- don’t think Tommy should try to pitch; he’s a
turn to the origins of the company in which great outfielder. We’ll talk tonight, OK? Let me
staff development programs become an inte- speak to Amy real quick…Oh, all right, put me
gral part of Daner’s growth strategy. back on with Mommy…Hi hon.… What?…No,
I can’t pick up the dry cleaning. I passed it ten
7:51 AM minutes ago. And I’m already late to the of-
Exiting at West 45th Street fice…All right, love ya. I’ll talk to you later—
Could this traffic be any more annoying? remember to give Amy a kiss, OK? Feel better.
Maybe I’ll have better luck on Detroit. Better Bye.” Note to self: Talk to Tommy’s dad about
call Justin back—he left that obscure message. why I’m keeping him in the outfield tonight—
Hope I don’t have to run more interference gotta figure out a nice way to let him know that
with printing the Sheffield job. his kid is talent challenged as a pitcher.
[Calls Justin.] “Justin, it’s me, Paul. Yeah, I got
your message. Fill me in.… OK, call Randy and 8:16 AM
push back…No, I’m not stepping in yet. This is Turning on West 3rd Street, near Public Square
your baby. It’s your job. Between you and me, There’s the stadium. Too bad the Browns stink
I’m not totally ruling out compromise, but you this year. And last year. And the year before.
When I show Larry the need to push back. Remind them how much Damn, I really miss the old days. What a great
business we’ve given them over the years, and routine we had—Mom, Dad, Gracie, and
expansion plans, he’ll remember we’re talking about a big chunk of me…I…Dad always did the impossible and
change here. Besides, they should have caught found a way to get tickets to the Browns-Steelers
give me one of those arm the mistake. You can do this, Justin. Keep me game every year. What a blast. I miss watching
punches and tell me how posted.” the games with Dad. That’s when we bonded.
I can’t believe this. More problems? Abbe That was our time together.
great I am. Maybe he’ll Printing had to redo the whole thing because It was tough for both Dad and Mom to bal-
say he’s finally ready to of their mistake, and now that rep Randy is ance work and family, but somehow they did.
trying to convince Justin that Daner should They were always there for me. And boy, did
pass me the baton. split the cost of the reprint with them? Forget they love their work. What great role models.
it! I can’t stand it when people try to take ad- Gracie and I were forever hanging out at the
vantage. I grew up in a print shop, for cryin’ plant after school and on weekends, too. The
out loud. Gimme a break! place was always buzzing, and the teamwork
Justin does have a point, though. The was amazing. The employees felt such owner-
murky print specs Lisa prepared on that job ship, such a sense of responsibility for each job,
created a bit of a gray area in terms of culpa- big or small. Mom and Dad’s formula was as
bility, but still—we give Abbe dozens of jobs relevant then as it is now. Management 101:
a year. Over $2 million in revenues, I’ll bet! Treat everyone with respect and consider-
We could be hard-nosed on this. Sticking us ation—employees, clients, vendors—and you
with a bill like this just doesn’t feel right. get loyalty and productivity. They were so pa-
Still…maybe there’s room for compromise. I tient with me switching majors from art to so-
know that Randy is a good guy, and besides, ciology in college. They were so proud when I
they’ve gone above and beyond the call of finally got my MBA…
duty for us many times. I really don’t want to I can’t wait to run this company. I’m going to
torch that vendor relationship. show Larry, the team—damn, the world—
where Daner can go! Note to self: Get tickets for
8:08 AM a game this season, and take all the managers.
Crossing the Detroit-Superior Bridge And grab four for the family, too. I want to start
[Calls Sheila.] “Hey honey, how are you feel- making it a tradition with Sheila and the kids.

harvard business review • february 2006 page 3

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The Nice Guy •• •HBR C ASE S TUDY

8:22 AM tech companies have spent on comparable

Pulling into the Parking Lot, Warehouse District campaigns and provide Cuyagen with compar-
This is crazy. By the time I get into the office, ative studies. We need some leverage.
I’ve spent over an hour commuting. I’ve got to
have Lisa—or someone—look into office 1:12 PM
space on the West Side. We’d all appreciate a Paul’s Office
reduced commute, easier parking, and more Let me think…Where can I find Lisa’s spread-
room and amenities. Remember to mention it sheets? Which folder? Here they are. Once I
to Larry, too. get through these numbers, I’ll have Lynne
call Lisa to confirm that the figures are still ac-
10:52 AM curate. I wonder if Lynne would be a good re-
Paul’s Office placement for Lisa. She’s smart, she does great
[On the phone.] “You’re right, George. Cuyagen work, and she’s quick on the uptake. I think I’ll
needs us. We’re clearly the best fit for the job. ask her to pick up some of the slack.
But I don’t think we have quite the leverage OK, I’ve got the forecasting model. I’ve got
you think we do. I feel that they’re really price the expansion plans printed. I think I’m all
sensitive. What happens if we play it your way, set…I sometimes wonder if working in the
refuse to lower our estimate, and then they shop as a kid set the stage for this…or was it B
walk and go with Dewald Media? I really hate school that made a difference? A combination
Dewald. We’ve already lost several accounts to of both, probably.
those guys because of their ridiculously low Time to meet with Larry. Which conference
fees…Yeah, I hear ya—but think of the bigger room was it again?
picture. We can’t afford to lose ground in bio-
tech right now. It’s growing, and we need to be 4:12 PM
seen as a player, not an afterthought. Let’s find Paul’s Office
a way to make the deal work and still be rea- Oh, God, please tell me that this is just a night-
sonably profitable. Maybe we reduce our pric- mare and I’m going to wake up any minute
ing to get in the door, then get back to our nor- now. How could we be so far apart when I
mal fee structure down the road? Have you thought we were on the same page for so
discussed with them our approach for quanti- long? Man, I really misread the situation. So
fying the ROI on campaigns like this?…And Larry hasn’t been pegging me for CEO after
they’re still balking? Even with an ROI that all. I have many of the ingredients for the job,
could pass any sniff test? Unbelievable!…All but I’ve got to get tougher? “I’m thinking of
right. I’ll get back to you after I’ve given it you for number two.” How could he? And
some thought. Thanks for the update.” worst of all, now he wants to consider George!
Sometimes George is so smug. I can’t believe What’s going on here?
that Cuyagen wants the entire deal for 60% of
what we proposed. I wonder if they’re just 5:24 pm
playing hardball to see how low we’ll go or if Heading Westbound on the Shoreway
they’re really that clueless when it comes to OK, Paul, pull yourself together, buddy. Let’s
the costs of mounting an effective campaign of take stock here. So Larry isn’t convinced I’m
this size. They won’t get that with Dewald. But the man—at least not yet. Maybe I should
damn, we need this deal! I’d hate to lose the have done a better job managing up. But I can
business, especially in this economy. It would do this job ten times better than George.
be a great toehold for us in biotech. There’s no comparison. I think Larry’s just
George thinks they’ll ultimately go for the been smitten by all the business George has
higher price, even with some kicking and been closing. Plus lately they’ve been drinking
screaming. George and Larry have a similar scotch together late into the night and telling
approach. I’ll bet if Larry saw their measly dirty jokes. That’s never been my thing.
counteroffer, he’d laugh and half jokingly tell I’ve been a leader in this company for ten
them to pound sand! Larry’s always willing to years. George has two. I’ve touched virtually
walk away. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it every facet of Daner’s existence. He’s been fo-
doesn’t. But this one’s too important to lose. cused exclusively on new business. Larry can’t
Note to self: Try to find out what other bio- deny my ability to deal with creative, opera-

harvard business review • february 2006 page 4

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The Nice Guy •• •HBR C ASE S TUDY

I need to get tougher? tions, sales, and marketing. Customers and come an absolute jerk like George? Should I do
vendors love me, and I know the team sees me that? Can I do that? Do I even want to? Do I
What in blazes does that as their natural leader, friend, and champion. still belong here?
So, OK, he’s giving it more thought. Some-
mean? Become an
times it feels like I don’t even know Larry any-
absolute jerk like George? more. He used to get it. What happened? What must Paul do to land the top job?
Come on…
I’ve clearly demonstrated my tenacity time Reprint R0602X
and time again. I need to get meaner and To order, call 800-988-0886
tougher? What in blazes does that mean? Be- 0r 617-783-7500 or go to

harvard business review • february 2006 page 5

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