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Assignment 8601

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Assignment 8601(1)


Q. 1 A teacher's personality traits are important to create and maintain a classroom/learning

environment. Why?
ANS. Personality Traits That Help Teachers and Students Succeed Personality traits are a
combination of characteristics that are innate to people as individuals as well as characteristics that
develop from specific life experiences. The personality traits that make up a person go a long way in
determining how successful he is. There are certain personality traits that help teachers and students
succeed. Success may mean different things for different people. Teachers and students who hold the
majority of the following characteristics are almost always successful regardless of how success is
defined. Adaptability This is the ability to handle a sudden change without making it a distraction.
Students who have this trait can handle sudden adversity without letting academics suffer. Teachers
who have this trait are quickly able to make adjustments that minimize distractions when things do
not go according to plan. Conscientiousness Conscientiousness involves the capacity to complete a
task meticulously with efficiency and of the highest quality. Conscientious students can produce
high-quality work consistently. Conscientious teachers are extremely organized and efficient, and
they provide their students with quality lessons or activities daily. Creativeness This is the ability to
use original thinking to solve a problem. Students who have this trait can think critically and are
adept problem solvers. Teachers who have this trait are able to use their creativeness to build a
classroom that is inviting to students, create lessons that are engaging, and incorporate strategies to
individualize lessons for every student. Determination A person with determination can fight through
adversity without giving up to accomplish a goal. Students who have this trait are goal orientated,
and they do not allow anything to get in the way of accomplishing those goals. Teachers with
determination figure out a way to get their job done. They do not make excuses. They find ways to
reach even the most difficult students through trial and error without giving up. Empathy Empathy
allows a person to relate to another individual even though she may not share similar life experiences
or problems. Students who have this trait can relate to their classmates. They are nonjudgmental.
Instead, they are supportive and understanding. Teachers who have this trait can look beyond the
walls of their classroom to assess and meet their students’ needs. They recognize that some students
live a difficult life outside of school and try to figure out solutions for helping them. Forgiveness
Forgiveness is the capacity to move beyond a situation in which you were wronged without feeling
resentment or holding a grudge. Students who are forgiving can let things go that could potentially
serve as a distraction when they have been wronged by someone else. Teachers with this trait can
work closely with administrators, parents, students, or other teachers who may have created an issue

or controversy that was potentially detrimental to the teacher. Genuineness People who are genuine
demonstrate sincerity through actions and words without hypocrisy. Students who show genuineness
are well-liked and trusted. They have many friends and are often looked upon as leaders in their
classroom. Teachers with this trait are viewed as highly professional. Students and parents buy into
what they are selling, and they are often highly regarded by their peers. Graciousness Graciousness is
the ability to be kind, courteous, and thankful when dealing with any situation. Students who are
gracious are popular among their peers and well-liked by their teachers. People are drawn to their
personality. They often go out of their way to help others any time an opportunity arises. Teachers
who have this trait are well respected. They are invested in their school beyond the four walls of their
classroom. They volunteer for assignments, help other teachers when needed, and even find ways to
assist needy families in the community. Autumn, 2022 Gregariousness The ability to socialize with
and relate to other people is known as gregariousness. Students who have this trait work well with
other people. They are capable of making a connection with just about anyone. They love people and
are often the center of the social universe. Teachers who have this trait can build strong, trusting
relationships with their students and families. They take the time to make real connections that often
extend beyond the walls of the school. They can figure out a way to relate to and carry on a
conversation with just about any personality type. Q.2 Describe the process of course design and
planning. AnsBegin the process early, giving yourself as much time as you can to plan a new course.
Successful courses require careful planning and continual revision. Consult with colleagues who
have taught the same or similar courses to learn from their strategies and their general impressions of
the students who typically take the course. If you are team-teaching, you and your teaching partner(s)
should begin meeting well in advance to discuss course goals, teaching philosophies, course content,
teaching methods, and course policies, as well as specific responsibilities for each instructor. Define
course goals. Determining the goals for the course will clarify what you want the students to learn
and accomplish. Having these course goals in mind will then help you make decisions about which
content to include, which teaching methods to use, and what kinds of assignments and exams are
appropriate. For a useful introduction to curriculum planning that begins with defining goals for
student learning, rather than with course content, see Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe’s
Understanding by Design (1998). When you define the course goals, focus on student learning. One
way to formulate these goals is to determine what students should be learning in terms of content,
cognitive development, and personal development. Be as specific as you can and make sure that the
goals define learning in ways that can be measured. Consider the following questions: What do you
want your students to remember from your course in 5-10 years? How should taking your course
change students? What skills should students gain in this course? How does this course relate to

other courses in the discipline? How, then, might you define the course goals accordingly (e.g., for
an introductory, fundamental, or advanced course in the discipline)? In addition, you should learn
about the students who typically take the course (their level of preparation, their majors or academic
interests, etc.) in order to think about how your course will help this group of students build their
knowledge and understanding of the topic. Benjamin Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
(1956) provides a helpful framework for identifying the observable and measurable skills you would
like your students to learn. Bloom identified six types of cognitive processes and ordered these
according to the increasing level of complexity involved: knowledge, comprehension, application,
analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. This page provides resources for using Bloom’s Taxonomy to
help write learning goals. Below is an example of a list of course goals, as developed for a General
Chemistry course. (At Washington University, General Chemistry is a foundational course for
several scientific disciplines; it attracts mainly first-year students who were in the top one percent of
their highschool classes and whose academic interests represent a variety of disciplines.) General
Chemistry: Course Goals Teach chemistry topics that must be covered to help students prepare for
other courses and for standardized exams. Teach study skills that students need to succeed in
university-level science courses; these skills are distinct from those required to succeed in high-
school science courses. For example, teach students how to study effectively in a group. Teach
students problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. Demonstrate how chemistry is used in other
fields and in everyday situations. Teach students the beauty of chemistry. Determine course content.
Select the major topics and determine the order in which you will teach them. Select the main topics
to be covered. To obtain an initial list of course topics, look in current textbooks or the current
literature (for a special-topics course). Determine whether there is a consensus concerning the
necessary topics by obtaining previous course syllabi and discussing potential topics with colleagues.
Refine your list by considering your course goals and the characteristics of your students. At the
same time, use the desired content to refine the course goals. Pare down and refine your initial list of
topics. Instructors often plan initially to teach more material than they can cover in the allotted time.
Determine the structure of the course; arrange the topics in a logical order. Developing a rationale
that guides the structure of the course can help you explain the material more clearly to the students.
In other words, you can discuss how and why you have organized the material in a particular way,
helping them to see, for example, how one topic builds on, illustrates, or offers a different
perspective on another. Articulating the rationale behind the course structure also increases and
maintains the students’ interest in the course content. Determining the course structure can help you
decide which texts are most appropriate. You can choose to organize the topics in a variety of ways,
whether chronological, topical, conceptual, survey-oriented, or process-oriented. Think about how

the structure of the course will contribute to student learning. Ask questions such as the following:
Can I organize the topics according to a theme or storyline? Do I need to teach certain skills initially
and then discuss applications? Do I want to introduce a particular theory before illustrating it with
specific examples or problems? Develop teaching methods and tools. Once you have determined the
course goals and content, think about how you will present the content. Select and develop teaching
methods and tools that are 1) appropriate for the size of the class and 2) consistent with the course
goals. Consider the following questions and suggestions: What is your teaching style? How will you
apply or adapt your style to suit the course goals, the size of the class, and the types of students who
are likely to enroll? Which types of teaching methods will best fulfill your course goals? When
deciding whether or not you will use technology in your teaching, identify specific goals that
technology will help you reach. Plan carefully to determine how you will integrate technology with
more traditional teaching tools, such as the chalkboard. Whenever possible, use a variety of
approaches, taking into account that students use a diverse range of learning preferences. Plan to use
teaching methods that will require and measure active student learning. Determine how you will
evaluate student learning: Plan assignments and exams. The evaluation must go hand-in-hand with
course goals. For example, if one course goal is to improve problemsolving skills, the exam should
not contain only questions that ask students to recall facts; it should contain questions that ask
students to solve specific and well-chosen problems. By the same token, homework and class
activities leading up to the exam must include some questions that require problem-solving skills.
Consider the following questions: Do assignments reflect and help achieve course goals? For
example, are the papers required for the course an appropriate genre and length? How much time
will you give students to complete these papers? Do exams and quizzes reflect course goals? Do they
measure the extent to which students are achieving the learning objectives you have set out for the
course? Will the students have an opportunity to acquire and practice the skills that are required for
exams and major assignments? Select text(s) and other materials. If you are using texts, decide
whether the course goals will be best met by using a published text or a course reader that compiles
material published elsewhere (and unpublished material, if applicable). Take into account the cost of
all materials. Consider placing some of the material on reserve at the library so that students can
borrow, photocopy, or download the material themselves. Order texts early and call the bookstore
about a month before the course starts to ask if the texts have arrived. If you are compiling a course
reader, consider copyright issues (see the University’s guidelines on copyright and fair use). If you
need to obtain permission to reprint or otherwise use published material, allow at least 3 months to
complete the process. Keep in mind that some publishers now offer faculty the option of creating
custom readers, for which the publisher has already obtained the necessary permissions. You can

also use commercial copyright clearance services. Before the semester begins, order text(s) and other
materials, including films, videos, or software; contact guest speakers; and arrange field trips. If you
plan to use instructional technology or multimedia equipment, ensure that you will have the
necessary equipment, software, and training. Reserve a classroom that has all the necessary
components. Classroom reservations are handled by the Office of the University Registrar (OUR),
formerly the Office of Student Records. Typically, requests to register classrooms for a course are
forwarded to OUR by departmental administrative assistants. To learn about the process in your
department, ask the department chair or administrative assistant. Contact The Teaching Center at
935-6810 to schedule training on how to use the classroom multimedia or to arrange for additional,
licensed software to be installed on the classroom PC. If you would like to reserve a classroom to
practice using the multimedia before the semester starts, or when classes are not in session, please
contact Jeanine Gibson in the Office of Student Records by email, or by phone at 935-4145. Define
course policies. Determine how you will grade all required work, including all assignments, papers,
exams, and, if applicable, class participation. Decide ahead of time how you will deal with such
issues as tardiness, attendance problems, work turned in late, and requests for extensions or the
rescheduling of exams. Learn the Policy on Academic Integrity and develop strategies for preventing
and responding to plagiarism and cheating. Include all course policies on the syllabus and plan to
review them with students on the first day of class. Develop the course schedule. The tendency is
nearly always to try to accomplish too much during each class period. Allow time for active learning
to occur during class and for students to complete major assignments and prepare for exams. When
preparing the schedule, consult the relevant academic calendars, and keep in mind major religious
holidays and significant campus events (for example, Homecoming and Thurtene Carnival). Write
the course syllabus. At a minimum, the syllabus should contain the following: course title, time, and
location; prerequisites; required texts and other materials; course topics; major assignments and
exams; course policies on grading, academic integrity, attendance, and late work; and contact
information for instructor and assistants to instruction (if applicable). Refine the Course Design.
Course planning is a continual process, as illustrated by the diagram below. Each of the steps is
necessarily undertaken with the others in mind, and each will necessarily undergo revision each time
you teach a particular course.
Q.3 What strategies a teacher can use in the classroom to motivate students?
Ans. Strategies to Motivate Students in the Classroom Children, those with and without special
needs, often suffer from a lack of motivation when it comes to learning. This lack of motivation can
impact the students in the classroom in many ways. Developing strategies to address the student’s
lack of motivation is vital to school success. Motivation comes in two forms: intrinsic motivation and

extrinsic motivation. Intrinsically motivated students are naturally motivated to do their work.
Extrinsically motivated students are motivated by external rewards The following are some ideas for
motivating students: Build relationships with your students. You will be able to better understand
their learning needs and, therefore, tailor your instruction when you know more about your students.
Showing a personal interest in your students will also inspire their trust in you and make it more
likely that they will be open to learning new material without the fear of failure. Use examples as
often as possible. Many students want to see a finished product so that they fully understand what is
expected of them. This will help them to be more confident as they learn new concepts thus
increasing their motivation to learn. When possible, hand over control to the student. If students have
control they are much more likely to be committed to the lesson. Offer students choices of how the
material will be presented and what type of activities they would like to engage in for reinforcement
of the lessons. Ask the students for input regarding the methods by which they learn best. This will
help you to offer differentiated instruction to the students that require different methodologies. It also
helps the students to know that you care about them and are willing to do your part in their success.
Use all types of technology available to you. We are living in the age of technology and students are
learning to use it at very early ages. Lessons presented to students via computers, Smartboards, Ipads
etc will help even the most distractible student attend because they view these devices as something
fun and “cool” as opposed to learning from books alone. Provide specific praise to students for little
things and big things. Display their work around the classroom and mention it to classroom visitors.
Tell the students how proud you are of them when they learn a new concept that you know they had
difficulty understanding. Recognize when one student does something kind for another student.
Recognize the class when they have followed the classroom rules for a day or week. Send
POSITIVE notes home to the parents and make sure that the student knows that you are doing so. Set
up a token or points system. Many students require external rewards for motivation. There are those
that may think of this as “bribery” and thus, undesirable. The reality of it is that we all work for
external rewards; we just call it a paycheck. Also, rewards give students something tangible to
remind them of an accomplishment. Show your creativity. The use of games as a reinforcer for
learned material is fun for the students, especially if there is a prize at the end for the winners. Using
visual aids such as colorful charts, diagrams and videos can be motivating. Create a classroom that is
exciting by using posters, seasonal themes and displays of student work. Establish Routines. Many
students need to know what to expect when they walk into a classroom. This provides them comfort
and a sense of control. When students feel comfortable and in control, they are much more motivated
and open to learning. Be Expressive and Smile. Greet the students with a smile everyday and tell

them that you are glad to see them. When you appear happy and motivated then your students will
respond in kind.
Q.4 What is meant by inductive reasoning, provide examples regarding application of this
method in classroom setting?
AnsInductive ReasoningInductive reasoning, or inductive logic, is a type of reasoning that involves
drawing a general conclusion from a set of specific observations. Some people think of inductive
reasoning as “bottom-up” logic, because it involves widening specific premises out into broader
generalizations What Is an Example of Inductive Reasoning? Here is a basic form of inductive
reasoning, with a premise based on concrete data and a generalized conclusion: 1. All the swans I
have seen are white. (Premise) 2. Therefore all swans are white. (Conclusion) In this example, the
conclusion is actually wrong—there are also black swans. This is what’s called a “weak” argument.
However, it’s easy to make the conclusion stronger, by making it more probable: 1. All the swans I
have seen are white. (Premise) 2. Therefore most swans are probably white. (Conclusion) 3 Ways
Inductive Reasoning Is Used Inductive reasoning is used in a number of different ways, each serving
a different purpose: 1. We use inductive reasoning in everyday life to build our understanding of the
world. 2. Inductive reasoning also underpins the scientific method: scientists gather data through
observation and experiment, make hypotheses based on that data, and then test those theories further.
That middle step—making hypotheses—is an inductive inference, and they wouldn’t get very far
without it. 3. Finally, despite the potential for weak conclusions, an inductive argument is also the
main type of reasoning in academic life. 6 Types of Inductive Reasoning There are a few key types
of inductive reasoning. 1. Generalized. This is the simple example given above, with the white
swans. It uses premises about a sample set to draw conclusions about a whole population. 2.
Statistical. This form uses statistics based on a large and random sample set, and its quantifiable
nature makes the conclusions stronger. For example: “95% of the swans I’ve seen on my global
travels are white, therefore 95% of the world’s swans are white.” 3. Bayesian. This is a method of
adapting statistical reasoning to take into account new or additional data. For instance, location data
might allow a more precise estimate of the percentage of white swans. 4. Analogical. This form notes
that on the basis of shared properties between two groups, they are also likely to share some further
property. For example: “Swans look like geese and geese lay eggs, therefore swans also lay eggs.” 5.
Predictive. This type of reasoning draws a conclusion about the future based on a past sample. For
instance: “There have always been swans on the lake in past summers, therefore there will be swans
this summer.” 6. Causal inference. This type of reasoning includes a causal link between the premise
and the conclusion. For instance: “There have always been swans on the lake in summer, therefore
the start of summer will bring swans onto the lake.” What Is the Difference Between Inductive

Reasoning and Deductive Reasoning? Inductive reasoning is one of the two main types of reasoning
that people base their beliefs on. The other is deductive reasoning, or what’s sometimes known as a
syllogism. An example of deductive reasoning is: “All birds have feathers and swans are birds.
Therefore swans have feathers.” Logicians often prefer a deductive argument, because it produces
rock-solid conclusions. However, this form of thinking is only useful in some, limited circumstances.
Usually, it involves the opposite of generalizing, as it starts with general principles and works
progressively towards a specific conclusion. It is sometimes known as a “top-down” argument, in
contrast to the “bottom-up” approach of inductive reasoning. Instead of being weak or strong,
deductive reasoning produces either a valid argument or an invalid one, based on whether the
premises necessitate the conclusion.
Q.5 Summarize the main points bearing on the role of research project
Ans-Research articles use a standard format to clearly communicate information about an
experiment. A research article usually has seven major sections: Title, Abstract, Introduction,
Method, Results, Discussion, and References. Determine your focus The first thing you should do is
to decide why you need to summarize the article. If the purpose of the summary is to take notes to
later remind yourself about the article you may want to write a longer summary. However, if the
purpose of summarizing the article is to include it in a paper you are writing, the summary should
focus on how the articles relates specifically to your paper. Reading the Article Allow enough time.
Before you can write about the research, you have to understand it. This can often take a lot longer
than most people realize. Only when you can clearly explain the study in your own words to
someone who hasn’t read the article are you ready to write about it. Scan the article first. If you try to
read a new article from start to finish, you'll get bogged down in detail. Instead, use your knowledge
of APA format to find the main points. Briefly look at each section to identify: • the research
question and reason for the study (stated in the Introduction) • the hypothesis or hypotheses tested
(Introduction) • how the hypothesis was tested (Method) • the findings (Results, including tables and
figures) • how the findings were interpreted (Discussion) Underline key sentences or write the key
point (e.g., hypothesis, design) of each paragraph in the margin. Although the abstract can help you
to identify the main points, you cannot rely on it exclusively, because it contains very condensed
information. Remember to focus on the parts of the article that are most relevant. Read for depth,
read interactively. After you have highlighted the main points, read each section several times. As
you read, ask yourself these questions: • How does the design of the study address the research
questions? • How convincing are the results? Are any of the results surprising? • What does this
study contribute toward answering the original question? • What aspects of the original question
remain unanswered? Plagiarism. Plagiarism is always a risk when summarizing someone else’s

work. To avoid it: • Take notes in your own words. Using short notes or summarizing key points in
your own words forces you to rewrite the ideas into your own words later. • If you find yourself
sticking closely to the original language and making only minor changes to the wording, then you
probably don't understand the study Writing the Summary Like an abstract in a published research
article, the purpose of an article summary is to give the reader a brief overview of the study. To write
a good summary, identify what information is important and condense that information for your
reader. The better you understand a subject, the easier it is to explain it thoroughly and briefly. Write
a first draft. Use the same order as in the article itself. Adjust the length accordingly depending on
the content of your particular article and how you will be using the summary. • State the research
question and explain why it is interesting. • State the hypotheses tested. • Briefly describe the
methods (design, participants, materials, procedure, what was manipulated [independent variables],
what was measured [dependent variables], how data were analyzed. • Describe the results. Were they
significant? • Explain the key implications of the results. Avoid overstating the importance of the
findings. • The results, and the interpretation of the results, should relate directly to the hypothesis.
For the first draft, focus on content, not length (it will probably be too long). Condense later as
needed. Try writing about the hypotheses, methods and results first, then about the introduction and
discussion last. If you have trouble on one section, leave it for a while and try another. If you are
summarizing an article to include in a paper you are writing it may be sufficient to describe only the
results if you give the reader context to understand those results. For example: “Smith (2004) found
that participants in the motivation group scored higher than those in the control group, confirming
that motivational factors play a role in impression formation”. This summary not only tells the results
but also gives some information on what variables were examined and the outcome of interest. In
this case it is very important to introduce the study in a way that the brief summary makes sense in
the larger context Edit for completeness and accuracy. Add information for completeness where
necessary. More commonly, if you understand the article, you will need to cut redundant or less
important information. Stay focused on the research question, be concise, and avoid generalities. Edit
for style. Write to an intelligent, interested, naive, and slightly lazy audience (e.g., yourself, your
classmates). Expect your readers to be interested, but don't make them struggle to understand you.
Include all the important details; don't assume that they are already understood. • Eliminate
wordiness, including most adverbs ("very", "clearly"). "The results clearly showed that there was no
difference between the groups” can be shortened to "There was no significant difference between the
groups". • Use specific, concrete language. Use precise language and cite specific examples to
support assertions. Avoid vague references (e.g. "this illustrates" should be "this result illustrates"). •
Use scientifically accurate language. For example, you cannot "prove" hypotheses (especially with

just one study). You "support" or "fail to find support for" them. • Rely primarily on paraphrasing,
not direct quotes. Direct quotes are seldom used in scientific writing. Instead, paraphrase what you
have read. To give due credit for information that you paraphrase, cite the author's last name and the
year of the study (Smith, 1982). • Re-read what you have written. Ask others to read it to catch
things that you’ve missed.


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