Dev Psych 12
Dev Psych 12
Dev Psych 12
Recitation Reviewer
Bicol University
16 pag.
People who completed the earlier stages The stages that make up his theory are as
successfully become well-adjusted, caring and follows:
secure individuals at this stage. While younger
children are mostly ruled by their id and focus Stage 1: Trust vs. Mistrust (Infancy from birth
on their wants, individuals at this stage have to 18 months)
fully formed ego and superego. They can Stage 2: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
balance their wants (id) with the reality (ego) (Toddler years from 18 months to three years)
and ethics (superego).
Stage 2: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt Stage 3: Initiative vs. Guilt
The second stage of Erikson's theory of The third stage of psychosocial development
psychosocial development takes place during takes place during the preschool years. At this
early childhood and is focused on children point in psychosocial development, children
During the late sensorimotor stage, children By the time they reach the concrete
begin to learn the concept of object operational stage, children can understand
permanence. In other words, they know that much more complex abstract concepts, such
an object will continue to exist even if they can as time, space, and quantity. They can apply
no longer see it. these concepts to concrete situations, but they
still have trouble thinking about them
The practical knowledge developed during the independently of those situations.
sensorimotor stage will form the basis for
children’s ability to form mental
representations of objects in later Piaget Piaget pointed out that at this stage, children’s
stages. ideas about time and space are sometimes
inconsistent. They can learn rules fairly easily,
Preoperational Stage but they may have trouble understanding the
Age Range: 2-7 years old logical implications of those rules in unusual
Around age two, children enter what Piaget
called the preoperational stage where they In addition, at the concrete operational stage,
learn how to think abstractly, understand children are able to use inductive logic – the
symbolic concepts, and use language in more type of reasoning that starts from a specific
sophisticated ways. They learn to use words to idea and leads to a generalization. They can
describe people, their feelings and their also distinguish facts from fantasies, as well as
environments. formulate judgements about cause and effect.
Now that children can express themselves Another important child development
better, they become insatiably curious and milestone at this stage is the idea of
begin to ask questions about everything they reversibility – children understand that some
The Conventional Level When being asked what Heinz should do,
According to Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral children at this level of moral development
Development, the conventional level is may answer:
associated with Conformity and Law and ● He should steal the drug because
Order. This is the stage at which children learn everyone has a right to live, regardless
about rules and authority. They learn that there of the law.
are certain “conventions” that govern how they ● He shouldn’t steal the drug because
should and should not behave, and learn to the chemist deserves to get paid for
obey them. his effort to develop the drug.
● He should steal the drug because
At this stage, no distinction is drawn between saving life is more important than
moral principles and legal principles. What is anything else.
right is what is handed down by authority, and ● He shouldn’t steal the drug because
disobeying the rules is always by definition others also have to pay for the drug.
“bad.” It’s only fair that he pays for it as well.
According to the Vygotsky theory of cognitive According to Vygotsky’s theory, as children are
development, children who are in the zone of given instructions or shown how to perform
proximal development for a particular task can certain tasks, they organize the new
almost perform the task independently, but not information received in their existing mental
quite there yet. With a little help from certain schemas. They use this information as guides
people, they’ll be able to perform the task on how to perform these tasks and eventually
successfully. learn to perform them independently.