User Manual
1 ANCHOR BOLTS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2 BOLT APPLICATIONS ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Heavy-duty concrete element frames of industrial buildings................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Composite column and steel frames of office buildings....................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Shear walls in building frames ............................................................................................................................................ 5
2.4 Connecting steel structures and equipment to concrete...................................................................................................... 5
2.5 Dimensions of anchor bolt products .................................................................................................................................... 6
2.5.1 ALP-PC Anchor bolt ............................................................................................................................................ 6
2.5.2 ALP-LC anchor bolts ........................................................................................................................................... 7
2.5.3 ALP-P2 anchor bolts ........................................................................................................................................... 8
2.5.4 ALP-P2S ja ALP-P2SM for beam shoe ............................................................................................................... 9
3 MANUFACTURING INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................................. 10
4 DESIGN CRITERIA ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
4.1 Design and manufacturing standards ............................................................................................................................... 11
4.2 Bolt resistance values ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
4.2.1 Axial force resistance ........................................................................................................................................ 11
4.2.2 Shear force resistance ...................................................................................................................................... 14
4.2.3 Combining axial and shear force resistance. ..................................................................................................... 16
4.3 Transfer shear force to the grouting .................................................................................................................................. 17
4.4 Bolt connection design instructions for the main civil engineer .......................................................................................... 17
5 DETAIL DESIGN .......................................................................................................................................................................... 20
5.1 Design stages and parties ................................................................................................................................................ 20
5.2 ACOLUMN software ......................................................................................................................................................... 20
5.3 Column connection design ............................................................................................................................................... 22
5.3.1 Project folder and calculation standard ............................................................................................................. 22
5.3.2 Connection type ................................................................................................................................................ 23
5.3.3 Dimension and material data ............................................................................................................................ 23
5.3.4 Forces on the connection .................................................................................................................................. 25
5.3.5 Column connection calculation.......................................................................................................................... 26
5.4 Erection state calculation results. Bolts............................................................................................................................. 27
5.4.1 Presentation of the results ................................................................................................................................ 27
5.4.2 Erection state resistance ................................................................................................................................... 27
5.5 Ultimate limit state. Anchor bolts....................................................................................................................................... 28
5.5.1 Column connection. Resistance to axial force ................................................................................................... 28
5.5.2 Grouting section. Ultimate limit state resistance. ............................................................................................... 30
5.5.3 Axial force resistance of bolt in concrete ........................................................................................................... 31
5.5.4 Anchor bolt plate shear resistance .................................................................................................................... 34
5.5.5 Combining the bolts’ axial force and shear resistance ....................................................................................... 36
5.6 Reinforcement of bolts...................................................................................................................................................... 37
5.6.1 Reinforcement of bolts for axial force ................................................................................................................ 37
5.6.2 Reinforcement of bolts for shear force .............................................................................................................. 39
5.7 Bolt connection’s service life design ................................................................................................................................. 41
6 INSTALLING THE BOLTS ON THE SITE ..................................................................................................................................... 42
6.1 Standards and plans to be followed during installation...................................................................................................... 42
6.2 Bolt delivery, storage and identification............................................................................................................................. 42
6.3 Installing the bolts in a foundation formwork ..................................................................................................................... 42
6.4 Installing an anchor bolt connection .................................................................................................................................. 43
6.5 Corrective measures allowed for bolts on the site ............................................................................................................. 44
7 SAFETY MEASURES ................................................................................................................................................................... 46
7.1 Information for preparing work safety instructions for the site ........................................................................................... 46
7.2 Commissioning a bolt connection during construction....................................................................................................... 46
8 INSTALLATION QUALITY CONTROL .......................................................................................................................................... 47
8.1 Instructions for monitoring column installations ................................................................................................................. 47
8.2 Final documentation of installation quality control ............................................................................................................. 47
ALP-C series anchor bolts are used in heavy-duty foundation connections of industrial
concrete element and steel frames. Connection solutions have been made for the bolts for
connecting APK-C series column shoes and ASL-P series wall shoes to cast-in-situ
foundations. The bolts are also suitable for connecting heavy-duty and heavily loaded steel
columns to foundations. S series bolts have a removable threaded section whose length and
material can be adjusted to suit the corrosion conditions. For designing concrete column
connections, we have developed the ACOLUMN design software. For steel column
connections, we offer the ASTEEL design software.
Figure 1. ALP-LC bolt with a dowel anchor and ALP-PC and ALP-P2 bolts with rebar bond
Figure 3. ALP-C bolts in composite and steel column connections in office buildings
Figure 5. ALP-P2S bolts in equipment foundations, principle drawing of the installation order
User Manual Anchor bolts Revision 1/2020
Anchor bolts
User Manual
ALP-PC anchor bolts are used for connecting columns to foundations in connections
transferring Axial and shear forces as well as bending moment. ALP-PC bolts are suitable for
foundation columns whose height is sufficient for the bolts’ straight bonds and which allow the
bolts to be placed near the edge of the structure. ALP-PS bolts have a removable threaded
section, enabling reliable protection of the thread during construction and in demanding
corrosion conditions. The threaded section is installed when installing the structure to be
ALP-LC anchor bolts are used for connecting columns to foundations in connections
transferring Axial and shear forces as well as bending moment. ALP-LC bolts are suitable for a
shallow column footing with sufficient width for the bolt dowel. ALP-LS bolts have a removable
threaded section, enabling reliable protection of the thread during construction. The threaded
section is installed when installing the structure to be connected. The threaded section is
made of hot-dip galvanised material for demanding corrosion conditions.
ALP-P2 anchor bolts have two straight bonds, thanks to which the bolt can be placed near the
edge of the structure in columns or foundation columns, at a distance equalling the thickness of
the protective concrete layer. The bolt’s bonds can be bent to anchor the bolt to structures where
space is tight. The ALP-P2S bolt has a removable threaded section, enabling reliable protection of
the thread against damage during construction. The threaded section is installed when installing
the structure to be connected. The threaded section is made of hot-dip galvanised material for
demanding corrosion conditions.
ALP-P2S anchoring bolts are used with the beam shoes. The bolt has two straight bonds,
which are bent to a 90-degree angle to the rear edge of the column. The bending is carried out
according to the project-specific order, so the bolt is located near the rear edge of the column
structure, at a distance equalling the thickness of the protective concrete layer. The ALP-
P2SM bolt is used to form a moment rigid two-beam connection through a column. The bolts
have a removable threaded section, enabling reliable protection of the thread. More
information is available in the Anchor Bolts user manual.
ANSTAR Oy has entered into a quality control agreement with KIWA Inspecta regarding the
manufacture of ALP-C anchor bolts. The manufacturing information for the bolts is as follows:
1. Manufacturing Bolt manufacturing markings:
markings - Anstar’s code.
- Manufacture according to EN 1090-2:2018 for steel parts. [2]
- Bolt code is painted on the head with a colour code.
- Packaging: pallet
2. Materials Manufacturing materials:
- Rebar EN 10080, SFS 1300, B500B
- Threaded rod, welded -C ImacroM fy = 700 MPa, fu = 800–1100 MPa
- Threaded rod, removable -S m8.8 fy = 640 MPa, fu = 800 MPa
Design values for the thread’s calculation
fyb = 640 MPa and fub = 800 MPa
- Nut DIN 934, strength 8
- Washer EN 10025 black/galvanised, S355J2+N
- Impact test temperature for the materials: –20 oC
3. Manufacturing - Bolts are manufactured according to the EN 1090-2:2018 standard in
method EXC2.
By special order, they can be manufactured in execution class EXC3. [2]
- The welding class is C as standard and B by special order, EN ISO 5817.
- Rebar welding EN 17660-1 [16]
- Thread EN ISO 898-2, rolling, Dowel anchor, hot forming
- Manufacturing tolerances EN 1090-2:2018 [2]
4. Surface Standard delivery 1: No treatment
treatment - Thread and bonds without surface treatment, thread oiled
methods - Nuts DIN 934-8, no treatment
- Washers S355J2+N, no treatment
Standard delivery 2: Hot-dip galvanised, order code HDG
- C series: Thread hot-dip galvanised EN 10684 and bonds without
- S series: Threaded rod hot-dip galvanised EN 10684 and bond part
without treatment
- Nuts DIN 934-8, hot-dip galvanised
- Washers S355J2+N, hot-dip galvanised
5. Product Product quality control: Certificate 0416-CPR-7247-03.
approval and Product declaration: CE marking according to EN 1090-1.
European Countries: Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Austria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania.
quality control Additional information:
3. Bolt manufacture
EN 1090-1 Execution of steel structures. Part 1: Requirements for conformity
assessment of structural components. [1]
EN 1090-2:2018 Execution of steel structures. Part 2: Technical requirements for steel
structures. Execution classes EXC2 and EXC3. [2]
EN 13670 Execution of concrete structures. Execution class 2 or 3. [17]
EN-ISO 5817 Welding. Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their
alloys. Weld classes. [11]
EN 17760-1 Welding. Welding of reinforcing steel. Part 1: Load-bearing welded
joints. [16]
1. Design method
The design value of a bolt’s axial force resistance is determined by the resistance of its
thread. The design value for the bolt’s thread is calculated according to EN 1992-4:2018,
Table 4.1. The design values for the axial force resistance are indicated in Table 6.
The bolt’s shear resistance in the concrete of the foundations is calculated according to
EN 1992-4:2018, Table 4.1. The shear force transfer method for the connection is
selected in the ACOLUMN or ASTEEL software to suit each situation; refer to Section 4.3.
The axial and shear force resistance of a bolt connection during installation before
grouting is also calculated using the software. The calculation is provided in Section 4.2.4.
The axial and shear forces on the bolt are transferred to the foundation reinforcement.
Supplementary reinforcement is specified for each failure criterion of the bolt. The joint
action of supplementary stirrups and bolt bonds with the foundation concrete and main
reinforcement is calculated using the software. The bolts are also subjected to accident
resistance analysis.
Resistance values: Tables 5 and 7 has been determined with materials and edge
distances given in text. Other situations shall be calculated always with software’s.
Table 6. Axial force resistance of anchor bolts ultimate and accident limit state.
Bolt Axial force ALP-LC anchor bolt,
ALP-PC, ALP-LC resistance minimum edge distance
ALP-P2, S-type NRd,s NRd,sa With Without
[kN] [kN] supplementary supplementary
reinforcement reinforcement
C2 [mm] C3 [mm]
ALP22PC, -LC, -P2, -S 161,0 184,7 160 300
ALP27PC, -LC, -P2, -S 244,5 279,8 195 400
ALP30PC, -LC, -P2, -S 299,2 341,9 160 400
ALP36PC, -LC, -P2, -S 435,7 498,0 235 555
ALP39PC, -LC, -P2, -S 520,5 594,9 290 640
ALP45PC, -LC, -P2, -S 696,5 796,0 340 775
ALP52PC, -LC, -P2, -S 937,6 1071,5 335 950
ALP60PC, -LC, -S 1259,7 1439,7 240 800
Table 7. Minimum edge and centre distances of ALP-C bolts for Axial force
Bolt C1 E1 Bolt C1 E1
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
ALP22PC, -PS 70/80 70/85 ALP22P2, -S, -SM 75/80 75/90
ALP27PC, -PS 75/85 80/94 ALP27P2, -S, -SM 80/90 90/105
ALP30PC, -PS 80/90 88/105 ALP30P2, -S, -SM 85/95 105/120
ALP36PC, -PS 85/95 95/115 ALP36P2, -S, -SM 90/105 120/140
ALP39PC, -PS 85/95 100/125 ALP39P2, -S, -SM 95/105 120/145
ALP45PC, -PS 95/110 120/150 ALP45P2, -S, -SM 100/115 140/165
ALP52PC, -PS 100/115 135/165 ALP52P2, -S, -SM 110/130 170/200
ALP60PC, -PS 110/125 160/190
Bolt C1 E1 C2 C3
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
ALP22LC, -LS 85/90 70/85 160 300
ALP27LC, -LS 90/95 80/94 195 400
ALP30LC, -LS 100/105 88/105 160 400
ALP36LC, -LS 110/115 95/115 235 555
ALP39LC, -LS 110/115 100/125 290 640
ALP45LC, -LS 120/130 120/150 340 775
ALP52LC, -LS 140/150 135/165 335 950
ALP60LC, -LS 130/140 160/190 240 800
The minimum edge distances have been specified for the following boundary conditions.
C1 ALP-LC and ALP- - The minimum distance of the centre of the bolt from The cover
PC bolts. the edge. C1 has been specified for exposure must not be
Minimum edge classes XC3–XC4 with concrete nominal value lower than
distance for the Cnom = 35 mm and 50-year service life and stirrup the minimum
bolt’s concrete size T10 dimensions, Cnom = 45 mm value.
cover. - The value can be reduced when the design service
life, concrete cover and exposure class change.
E1 ALP-PC bolt. - The bolt’s minimum centre distance has been The distance
Minimum centre specified according to the distance of the adjacent must not be
distance. bolts’ bonds and the space required by the bolt lower than
such that the bolt’s bonds act as separate pieces of the minimum
rebar, not rebar bundles. value.
C2 ALP-LC bolt. - Minimum edge distance C2 for ALP-LC bolts have If the value is
Minimum edge been determined according to blow-out resistance. lower than
distance. Bolt with - Bolt shall have tension reinforcement as well as the minimum,
supplementary blow-out reinforcement. Concrete C25/30. blow-out
reinforcement. - Minimum center distance shall be E2 ≥ 2*C2. resistance is
- When edge distance is on area C1 C2 the reduced.
resistance of bolt shall be calculated with ASTEEL
or ACOLUMN software.
C3 ALP-LC bolt. - Minimum edge distance C3 has been specified at The value
Minimum edge the ALP-LC bolt’s concrete cone failure criterion. must not be
distance for - The bolt has not supplementary reinforcement and lower than
headed fastened concrete is C25/30-2. the minimum.
of bolts. Without - Value C3 is also minimum distance for full tension
supplementary resistance in non-reinforced concrete.
1. Design method
The design value of the bolt’s shear resistance is specified in the following situations:
1. Erection state. - The steel shear resistance of the bolt thread is VRd,se.
Grouting - The shear resistance is determined according to EN 1992-4 formula
section. 7.34 and 7.36 with the erection state forces according to the grouting
thickness of the connection is tgrout ≤ 0,5*D, where D=nominal
diameter of bolt thread. (Steel failure without lever arm.)
- The shear resistance is determined according to EN 1992-4 formula
7.37 with the erection state forces according to the grouting
thickness of the connection is tgrout ≥ 0,5*D, where D=nominal
diameter of bolt thread. (Steel failure with lever arm.)
- When tgrout ≥ 0,5*D. Erection state is calculated always with software
2. Ultimate Limit - The steel shear resistance of the bolt thread is VRd,se.
state (ULS). - The shear resistance is designed as above but with the Ultimate limit
Grouting state forces.
section. - This failure will not be calculated if shear force is transmitted to
foundation with friction or shear stud.
Table 8. Design values for the shear resistance of bolts, Ultimate Limit state, C25/30-2.
Bolt Ultimate limit state Erection state
ALP-LC Steel resistance Concrete Resistance, edge Thread Grou
ALP-PC VRd,s VRd,sa resistance [kN] distance [mm] VRd,se ting
[kN] [kN] VRd,c1 VRd,c3 C4 C5 [kN] tGrout
ALP22PC, -LC 80,8 93,2 57,7 80,8 485 485 80,8 11
ALP27PC, -LC 122,4 141,2 87,4 122,4 630 630 122,4 14
ALP30PC, -LC 149,6 172,6 106,8 149,6 720 720 149,6 15
ALP36PC, -LC 217,9 251,4 155,6 217,9 925 925 217,9 18
ALP39PC, -LC 260,3 300,3 185,9 260,3 1030 1030 260,3 20
ALP45PC, -LC 348,3 401,8 248,7 348,3 1250 1250 348,3 22
ALP52PC, -LC 468,8 540,9 334,8 468,8 1450 1450 468,8 26
ALP60PC, -LC 629,9 726,8 450,0 629,9 1350 1350 629,9 30
1. Steel failure VRd,s The steel shear resistance of the bolt is calculated using the
partial safety factors indicated in EN 1992-4:2018, Table 4.1,
and using Formula 7.34. When grouting thickness is 0 – D/2.
(D=nominal diameter of thread).
2. Steel failure with VRd,se Steel resistance of bolt on erection state is calculated with EN
lever arm. 1992-4:2018 formula (7.37). When grouting thickness is ≥ D/2.
Erection state. Erection state loads and no grouting concrete.
3. Steel failure with VRd,se Steel resistance of bolt on ultimate limit state is calculated with
lever arm. EN 1992-4:2018 formula (7.37). Ultimate limit state loads and
Ultimate limit grouting concrete has been hardener. Concrete transfer also
state. Axial force.
4. Pry-out VRd,cp The pry-out failure criterion is calculated for the ALP-LC bolt
- EN 1992-4, Formula 7.39.
5. Concrete edge VRd,c The bolt’s edge compression resistance VRd,c is determined
according to EN 1992-4, Formula 7.40. Reinforcement
Edge coefficient ψre,V = 1.0. The value is calculated for the bolt
compression towards the nearest edge or in the direction of the shear force.
Minimum shear resistance of the bolt:
VRd,c, min = min(VRd,s ; VRd,cp ; VRd,c )
Without shear Joint shear resistance:
reinforcement VRd,c, levy = n * VRd,c, min, where n = number of bolts per joint and
VRd,c, min = minimum shear resistance of the bolts.
6. Concrete edge VRd,c The bolt’s edge compression resistance VRd,c is determined
according to EN 1992-4, Formula 7.40. Reinforcement
Edge coefficient ψre,V = 1.4. The value is calculated for the bolt closest
compression to the edge and in the direction of the shear force.
Minimum shear resistance of the bolt, reinforced:
resistance. With
VRd,c, min = min(VRd,s ; VRd,cp ; VRd,re ), when min(VRd,c)n
shear Joint shear resistance:
reinforcement VRd,c, levy = n * VRd,c, min , where n = number of bolts per joint
VRd,c, min = minimum shear resistance of the bolt.
The shear force is transferred using supplementary
7. Reinforcement VRd,re The reinforcement of the bolt for shear force is determined by
resistance the condition: VRd,re ≥ VRd,c
The tensile and shear force failure criteria are combined for the bolts according to the following
principles. The designing is performed for each individual bolt, the largest of which is dominant
in terms of the resistance of the connection.
1. Steel resistance The combined steel tensile and shear resistance is calculated for the bolt.
of the bolts. - EN 1992-4:2018, Formula 7.54.
- (NEd/NRd,s )2 +(VEd/VRd,s )2 ≤ 1 (7.54)
2. Concrete Combined concrete tensile and shear resistance is calculated for the bolt
resistance of the using formulas 7.55 and 7.56 in a situation where reinforcement is not used
bolt or where both force components are transferred through the reinforcement.
The formula takes into account steel resistance, if it is determining.
(NEd/NRd,i )1.5 +(VEd/VRd,i )1.5 ≤ 1 (7.55) or
(NEd/NRd,i ) +(VEd/VRd,i ) ≤ 1.2 (7.56)
3. Concrete Combined concrete tensile and shear resistance is calculated for the bolt
resistance of the using formula 7.57 in a situation where only one force component (tensile or
bolt shear) is transferred through the reinforcement and the other through the bolt.
Exponent k11 = 0.67.
The formula takes into account steel resistance, if it is determining.
(NEd/NRd,i )k11 +(VEd/VRd,i )k11 ≤ 1 (7.57)
4. Bolt resistance The bolt resistance is determined by the highest utilisation rate in the
combination of the failure criteria.
When shear force is transferred with friction and in steel column connect with
shear stud, bolts do not have shear force and value βV = 0.
User Manual Anchor bolts Revision 1/2020
Anchor bolts
User Manual
4.4 Bolt connection design instructions for the main civil engineer
The bolt connection is designed using the ACOLUMN version 5.0 and ASTEEL version 2.0
design software. Due to the calculation method, no instructions are provided for manual
calculation and the use of bolts in detail design with approximate calculation methods is not
recommended. The software is used for designing bolts in the following connection types:
1. Column shoe Frame column connections:
connections - Shoe connections in element column extensions
- Shoe connections to foundation columns and cast-in-situ footings
- Rectangular and round columns
- APK-C, APKK-C and AHK, AHK-K shoes
2. Wall shoe Stiffening wall
connections - Extension and foundation connections of stiffening element walls
- ASL-H and ASL-P wall shoes
3. Rigid Rigid beam-to-column connection
beam-to-column - Rigid beam-to-column connections of concrete element frames
connections - APK-MC beam shoes and ALP-P2 series anchor bolts.
4. Steel column Steel column foundation connection
connection to - Anchor bolt connections of steel columns to cast-in-situ foundations
foundations - Base plate and shear headed fastened connections
5. Anchor plates Standard and special anchor plates of Anstar.
6. Bracing Truss Bracing ADE and ADK Truss Couplers of Anstar.
The following calculation methods are taken into account in designing bolt connections:
1. Design - The bolt connection is designed according to the EN 1992-4:2018
standards and standard, applying other European standards.
load - Before using the software, the force combinations acting on the bolt
combination connection are calculated using separate design software applications.
- The software can also be used to design the connection using the Basic
force resistance are reduced according to the bolt’s actual edge distance.
- The edge distance does not determine the bolt’s location; the bolt’s
resistance is reduced according to the failure criterion to be calculated.
- The minimum distances provided in Table 7 are based on the bolt’s
structural dimensions and protective concrete layer Cmin = 35 mm + 10
mm stirrup.
12. Serviceability - The serviceability limit state design for the connection is performed
limit state according to EN 1992-1-1, Section 4. The principles are specified in
design (SLS) Section 5.7 of this manual.
The final detail design of the bolt connection must be performed using Anstar’s design
software. The joint action of the various connection components has been specified according
to EN 1992-4:2018.[24]. The software calculates the bolt resistances with the connection
materials and dimensions using the calculation forces given for the connection. The software
checks that the bolt’s calculation forces are transferred to the concrete and reinforcement of
the foundations in accordance with the European standards. Due to the extensiveness of the
calculation method, no instructions are provided for manual calculation and the use of bolts
with approximate manual calculation methods is not recommended. The software designs in
the concrete and steel column bolt connections and produces calculation materials for building
control. Further instructions for using bolt products are available from Anstar’s technical design
The software can be downloaded from Software can be used on Windows 10.
The main window shows the cross-section of the column at the top surface of the connection’s
base plate as well as the dimensions and bolts of the foundations below. The menu structure
of the main window consists of the following functions:
Figure 10. Main window with the APK-C column shoe connection and with anchor bolts
1. Project folder
1. General - Start the calculation by creating a project folder in which the calculation
standard and files are saved.
- The user manuals provide a more detailed description of the software’s
initial data for calculation and calculation methods as well as the
calculation theory and results.
- This user manual only provides connection-specific information.
2. Calculation - Start by creating a project folder in the File/Project folder menu.
standard - The software prompts you to select the country-specific calculation
selection standard to be copied to the folder and used for calculating the file in the
folder. The standard is selected once for each new folder. (The
calculation standard for bonds is selected in the connection selection
- The calculation will use the standard selected in this folder.
- You can change the standard by creating a new folder and selecting
another standard for it.
3. Project - In these fields, you provide general information about the project in the
information folder.
- This will be output at the beginning of the calculation file.
The dimensions of the connection are specified in the Dimension and material data menu,
which has six tabs. Enter the initial data in the numerical order of the tabs, either by changing
the values or accepting the default values. Some of the standard values are visible, but the
field is grey, meaning that they cannot be changed. When you click Accept, the main window
is updated according to the dimensions of the selected connection type.
4. Axial - The connected column’s Axial force is specified for the connection.
force Nd - The most dominant case of the column’s compressive force must be
also calculated. The force is usually transferred to the concrete through
the grouting and bolts, in which case the compressive stress of the
concrete under the column may become dominant. The compressive
force is distributed between the bolt and concrete according to the
rigidity of column end.
- The software does not calculate the punching resistance of the structure.
5. Bending - The profile’s bending moments are specified for the connection.
moments - For moments with the same value, the (+, –) directions need to be
Mxd, Myd calculated.
- The anchor plate is also calculated in the skew bending direction.
6. Shear force - Shear forces are calculated in the directions of the main axes.
Qxd, Qyd - The most dominant shear force comes towards the nearest edge of the
- The highest shear force is also calculated, even though its direction is
away from the edge.
- The steel shear resistance of the bond is analysed
in the direction of the shear resultant for both shear and torsion.
7. Moment Td - The torsional moment Td cannot be given to connection.
8. Proportion of - The relative proportion of permanent loads Gk of the total load. The
permanent value is used for calculating the reinforcement stress state with the
loads Gk specific loads. Refer to Section 5.7, Serviceability limit state design. The
default value can be changed.
1. Menu structure
The bolt connection calculation results can be viewed from the Calculation results menu. The
menu is divided into three sub-areas:
1. Erection state - Bolt resistance during the erection state in the grouting cross-section.
2. Ultimate limit - Column shoe resistance during the Ultimate Limit state and the
state. Shoes column’s main reinforcement resistance at the shoe connection.
- Supplementary reinforcement required by the shoes.
- These results are in the corresponding manuals for APK-C and AHK
3. Ultimate limit - Bolt resistance during the Ultimate Limit state in the foundations and
state. Bolts in the grouting cross-section.
- Supplementary reinforcement required by the bolts.
4. Accident limit - When accident limit state has been calculated, results are on the
state same windows.
2. Calculation results
1. Results - The windows show the strengths and utilisation rates for each
calculation quantity by combination case as well as the calculation
parameters. The results are shown in the directions of the main axes
and in the XY direction of skew bending
2. Bending - Skew bending is calculated as a combination of the forces in the
direction direction of the main axes for the combination in question.
3. Numbering of - After the calculation, numbers will be displayed in the main window at
the structures the bolt and shoe bonds and the column’s main rebars.
- These numbers will be displayed next to the corresponding part/row
in the printout windows.
- The information on the printout row can be traced to a structure in the
main window.
- The numbers will be displayed after the calculation.
3. Utilisation rates
The row featuring the utilisation rates has acceptance indicators with the following colours:
Green - The utilisation rate of the quantity is 0–0.95.
Yellow - The utilisation rate of the quantity is 0.95–1.00.
Red - The utilisation rate of the quantity is > 1.00.
Grey - The quantity has not been calculated or does not belong to the bolt’s
design values.
Maximum - Clicking an indicator light opens a window showing the combination
utilisation rate of case for the maximum utilisation rate.
the quantity - Excess values can be found easily, and also the maximum acceptable
utilisation rate for each quantity and the combination in which it occurs.
Figure 17. Ultimate limit state. Resistance graphs and loading points. X-axis direction.
3. Acceptance - The compressive stress of the concrete must not exceed the calculation
of results strength fcd.
- The surface of column end is allowed to come loose from the concrete if
this is acceptable in terms of corrosion.
Figure 18. Ultimate limit state. Stress state of the column grouting concrete, 3D image.
4. Resistance - In the window 3/2 there is ultimate limit state resistances of bolt.
of bolts. - Bolt is calculated combined forces of axial bending and shear force.
Window 3/2
Figure 20. Ultimate limit state. Tensile resistance and utilisation rate of the bolt.
Figure 21. Ultimate limit state. Pull-out and blow-out resistance of the bolt.
4. NRd,re Tensile resistance of the bolt reinforcement. Criterion NRd,re > NRd,c.
The value is calculated for the selected tensile reinforcement in Window
3/6, Tab 1. If there is no reinforcement, this value is zero.
5. Utilisation rate Bolt utilisation rate for the dominant tensile force failure criteria.
6. Acceptance Acceptance rate for the minimum failure criteria determines the Axial force
and bending moments at the end of the row.
Figure 22. Ultimate limit state. Concrete cone resistance of the bolt
3. Utilisation rate Bolt utilisation rate for the design failure criteria.
n1, n2, n3,
4. Criterion The description can be used to review which failure criterion became
dominant for each bolt. Criterion = the minimum of cases 1–6.
1. Shear reinforcement is not needed.
The bolt withstands in the concrete without shear reinforcement.
6. The bolt is too close to the concrete edge for shear force.
The bolt resistance is exceeded. Add shear reinforcement. If the
message was received with shear reinforcement, the bolt will not
withstand, and the structure must be changed.
5. Acceptance The acceptance rate for the minimum failure criteria determining the
shear force and torsion in the directions of the main axes and resultant is
shown at the end of the row.
Figure 23. Ultimate limit state. Shear and torsional resistance of bolt.
Figure 24. Ultimate limit state. Bolt’s concrete shear resistance with reinforcement.
1. Combination of resistances
Window 3/5 shows the combination of the bolt’s axial and shear force resistances in the
directions of the main axes and in the skew bending direction.
1. NEd, VExd, VEyd, - Calculation value of the bolt’s axial and shear force by load case in
VExyd, the directions of the main axes and shear resultant.
2. NED, NRd,I, βN - Bolt’s axial force calculation value, resistance and utilisation rate.
3. VExd, VEyd, VExyd - Bolt’s shear force calculation value, resistance and utilisation rate in
VRd,ix, VRd,iy, VRd,s the directions of the X- and Y-axes.
βV - Bolt’s skew direction shear resultant, steel shear resistance and
utilisation rate.
4. Utilisation rate - Utilisation rate of the bolt’s axial force and shear combination in the
nx, ny, nxy directions of the X- and Y-axes and skew resultant.
5. Criterion The description can be used to review which combination criterion
became dominant for each bolt. Combination formulas EN 1992-4,
Criterion = min (from cases 1–4).
1. The bolt’s steel resistance is determining. Tension + shear.
Formula EN 1992-4 (7.54)
reinforcement is used.
Formula EN 1992-4 (7.57)
6. Acceptance - If the acceptance rate in this window is green or yellow, the bolt is
- Thereby, the highest individual bolt utilisation rate also represents
the connection utilisation rate, and the bolt’s Criterion shows which
criterion will become dominant for the connection.
Figure 25. Ultimate limit state. Combining the bolt’s axial and shear force resistance.
tensile bolts. The width of the reinforced area is 3*hef, where hef is the bolt
embedment depth.
- Reinforcement is required symmetrically in both directions at tensile bolts.
Ast8 is the total area of the mesh per direction.
- In Table 11, reinforcement Ast8 has been calculated on the basis of the
tensile resistance of one bolt. The total amount of mesh is the total
combined amount based on the tensile bolts, positioned symmetrically in
the failure cone areas of the bolts.
- From reinforcement Ast8, two/four rebars/bolt line/direction can be used for
reinforcement Ast6.
5. Blow-out Splitting reinforcement for the bolt’s headed fastened for blow-out failure.
stirrups Foundation column.
- In a foundation column, splitting reinforcement is positioned at the bottom
end of the bolt, in the headed fastened area.
- The supplementary stirrups are shown in Table 10.Stirrups are needed only
when edge distance of bolt is ≤ C2 table 6.
Figure 28. ALP-LC bolt’s axial force and splitting reinforcement in a column footing
The shear reinforcement principle for ALP-PC and ALP-LC bolts is shown in Figure 27. Anchor
bolts require shear reinforcements, which are calculated by the software according to the
following principles:
Figure 29. Shear force reinforcement principles for ALP-LC and ALP-PC bolts
Table 11. Required nominal value Cnom for the concrete cover and surface treatment
Exposure 50-year 100-year Recommended thread material and surface
class BY 65 service life service life treatment options for bolts
Concrete Cnom + T10 Cnom + T10 Thread material or Surface treatment of
Code mm mm surface treatment bolt’s bond
X0 30 30 No surface treatment No surface treatment
XC1 30 40 No surface treatment No surface treatment
XC2 40 50 No surface treatment No surface treatment
XC3–XC4 45 55 Hot-dip galvanised Hot-dip galvanised
XS1–XD1 50 60 Hot-dip galvanised Hot-dip galvanised
XD2 55 65 Hot-dip galvanised Hot-dip galvanised
XD3 60 70 Hot-dip galvanised Hot-dip galvanised
XS2–XS3 – – The bolts can be used on the basis of site-specific special
XA1–XA3 analyses. The bolt’s thread material, bond surface
XF1–XF4 treatment and concrete cover nominal value are specified
according to the site requirements.
Figure 31. Installing the bolts using a frame and casting the foundations
User Manual Anchor bolts Revision 1/2020
Anchor bolts
User Manual
Before starting the work, the installer of the building frame performs an acceptance inspection,
ensuring that the bolt locations are correct. The inspection may either be carried out on the
basis of as-built dimension records prepared by the concrete contractor or the as-built
measurements may be performed by the installer. A record will be made of the inspection,
transferring the responsibility for the bolt locations to the installer of the structures.
Bolts according to Table 14 are used in APK-C shoes. The table shows the elevation of the
bolts and grouting from the rough cast surface as well as the nut torque. Tightening the nut
has been specified according to EN 1090-2:2018, Section 8.5.1, such that preload force Fc,p of
the bolt is 30 % of the breaking force of the bolt’s thread. The nuts are tightened to the torque
Mr,1 = 0.125*d*Fp,c, where Fp,c = 0.3*fub*As. After the tightening, at least one pitch of the bolt’s
thread must be visible. The thread dimension must not be lower than this, and a repair plan
must be made if this happens.
Table 13. Bolts’ elevation in the shoe connection, grouting thickness and torque
Column shoe Anchor bolt A G Mr,1
C and S series mm mm Nm
APK24C, APKK24C ALP22C 130 50 200
ALP27C 150 50 370
APK30C, APKK24C ALP30C 150 50 500
APK36C, APKK24C ALP36C 170 60 880
APK39C, APKK24C ALP39C 190 60 1140
APK45C, APKK24C ALP45C 200 65 1760
APK52C, APKK24C ALP52C 235 70 2740
APK60C, APKK24C ALP60C 260 80 4250
Legend: A = Thread elevation from rough cast or sleeve surface
G = Base plate casting thickness for AKP-C and APKK-C shoes
Mv = Nut torque Nm, Tolerance ± 30%
The following methods can be used for locking the (top) nuts: A method suitable for the project
must be selected in the construction plans.
1. Locking the bolt’s - Tighten the top nut to the torque specified in Table 14 and hit
thread to the nut the bolt’s thread at the root of the nut and thread to break it.
- A double nut may be used in dynamic equipment and machine
2. Pre-tensioning and - Tighten the top nut to the torque specified in Table 14. For
concrete casting locking the nut, it is enough to cast concrete in the connection
around the bolt.
3. Double nut - When dynamic forces are acting, a double nut is used for
locking when no concrete is cast in the connection or when it
must be possible to remove the nut later.
welds are used and the purpose is to fasten the bolt to the formwork
during the installation.
- Load-bearing joints must not be welded to the bolt’s bond.
- If the washer touches the shoe housing or steel column profile, some
material can be removed from that part of the washer such that the
washer sits suitably tightly against the top surface of the base plate.
- The washer must not be left in a slanted position.
- When a bolt is installed in a slanted position, the nut must not be left
in a slanted position such that it touches the washer on one side only.
- For such cases, an oblique washer is made that can be installed
between the nut and a standard washer to provide the nut with an
even contact surface against the washer.
- Standard washers may be added to the connection, if necessary,
provided that the bolt manufacturer’s washer is kept lowermost.
The following corrective measures are not allowed. Changes require a separate non-
conformity plan and the designer’s or bolt manufacturer’s approval.
7.1 Information for preparing work safety instructions for the site
Appointed by the developer, the project’s work safety coordinator is responsible for ensuring
work safety during the building work. When preparing work safety instructions for the project,
the following must be taken into account in anchor bolt connection installations:
1. Installation - Columns are installed by following the working order in the contractor’s
installation plan and the requirement for frame stability during erection
determined by the designer.
- The falling of the column and incorrect loading of the bolt connection
during installation must be prevented by the following measures:
- The column is lifted using lifting lugs/equipment.
- The column must not be moved or lifted from the shoe bolt hole.
- During lifting, the shoe base plate must not hit/rest on the ground or
another fixed structure.
- The lifting equipment is unhooked from the column when the column is
in place, fastened to all bolts and provided with installation support in
accordance with the plans.
- The bolts must not be loaded in ways and with loads deviating from the
2. Stability - The column must never be left standing without fastening it to the bolts
with all nuts.
- The frame stability under exceptional natural loads must be ensured at
the end of the shift.
- The overall stability of a partially installed frame must be ensured.
The time at which grouting is to be performed is specified in the installation plan. The grouting
must not be postponed, and the column commissioning permit required for continuing the
installation of the upper structures and for additional loading of the column is determined by
means of a review.
[1] EN 1090-1 Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures. Part 1:
[2] EN 1090-2:2018 Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures. Part 2: Technical requirements for steel structures.
[3] EN ISO 3834 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials. Part 1:
[4] EN 1990, Eurocode. Basis of structural design
[5] EN 1991-1, Eurocode 1. Actions on structures, parts 1–7
[6] EN 1992-1-1, Eurocode 2. Design of concrete structures. Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings.
[7] EN 1992-1-2, Eurocode 2. Design of concrete structures. Part 1-2: General rules. Structural fire design.
[8] EN 1993-1, Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures. Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings. Parts 1–10
[9] CEN/TS 1992-4-1 Design of fasteners in concrete – Part 4-1: General (cancelled)
[10] CEN/TS 1992-4-2 Design of fasteners use in concrete – Part 4-2: Headed Fasteners (Cancelled)
[11] EN ISO 5817, Welding. Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys. Weld classes.
[12] EN ISO 12944, Paints and varnishes. Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems. Part 1:
[13] EN ISO 1461, Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles. Specifications and test methods.
[14] EN 10025, Hot rolled products of structural steels. Part 1: General technical delivery conditions.
[15] EN ISO 1684 Fasteners. Hot dip galvanized coating
[16] EN 17760-1 Welding. Welding of reinforcing steel. Part 1: Load-bearing welded joints.
[17] EN 13670 Execution of concrete structures
[18] EN 13325 Precast concrete products. Column and beam elements.
[19] EN 13369 Common rules for precast concrete products.
[20] Removed
[21] Anstar Oy. APK-C Column Shoes user manual
[22] Anstar Oy. ALP-C Anchor Bolts user manual
[23] Removed
[24] EN 1992-4:2018, Design of concrete structures. Part 4. Design of fastenings for use in concrete
Table 1. ALP-PC and ALP-PS bolt dimensions .............................................................................................................................. 6
Table 2. ALP-LC and ALP-LS bolt dimensions ............................................................................................................................... 7
Table 3. ALP-P2 and ALP-P2S bolt dimensions ............................................................................................................................. 8
Table 4. ALP-P2S and ALP-P2SM bolt dimensions ........................................................................................................................ 9
Table 5. Anstar’s bolt manufacturing programme and user manuals ............................................................................................ 10
Table 6. Axial force resistance of anchor bolts ultimate and accident limit state. .......................................................................... 12
Table 7. Minimum edge and centre distances of ALP-C bolts for Axial force ................................................................................ 13
Table 8. Design values for the shear resistance of bolts, Ultimate Limit state, C25/30-2. .............................................................. 15
Table 9. Suitability of ALP-C anchor bolts for various foundation structures ................................................................................. 21
Table 10. ALP-LC bolt’s axial force and splitting reinforcement. ..................................................................................................... 39
Table 11. Required nominal value Cnom for the concrete cover and surface treatment .................................................................... 41
Table 12. Bolt group’s installation tolerances ................................................................................................................................. 43
Table 13. Bolts’ elevation in the shoe connection, grouting thickness and torque ........................................................................... 43
Figure 1. ALP-LC bolt with a dowel anchor and ALP-PC and ALP-P2 bolts with rebar bond ............................................................ 4
Figure 2. ALP-LC and ALP-PC bolts in a rectangular column connection. ....................................................................................... 4
Figure 3. ALP-C bolts in composite and steel column connections in office buildings ...................................................................... 5
Figure 4. ALP-C bolts in a shear wall’s ASL-P shoe connection ...................................................................................................... 5
Figure 5. ALP-P2S bolts in equipment foundations, principle drawing of the installation order ......................................................... 5
Figure 6. ALP-PC and ALP-PS bolt structure................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 7. ALP-LC and ALP-LS bolt structure ................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 8. ALP-P2 and ALP-P2S bolt structure ................................................................................................................................. 8
Figure 9. ALP-P2S and ALP-P2SM bolt structure ............................................................................................................................ 9
Figure 10. Main window with the APK-C column shoe connection and with anchor bolts ................................................................. 21
Figure 11. ACOLUMN software connection types ............................................................................................................................ 23
Figure 12. Tab 2. Material strengths, concrete cracking state and reinforcement ............................................................................. 24
Figure 13. Tab 3. Dimension of column ........................................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 14. Tab 5. Selecting the base dimensions ............................................................................................................................ 24
Figure 15. Tab 6. Size of supplementary reinforcement ................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 16. Column connection calculation forces and coordinate system ........................................................................................ 26
Figure 17. Ultimate limit state. Resistance graphs and loading points. X-axis direction. ................................................................... 29
Figure 18. Ultimate limit state. Stress state of the column grouting concrete, 3D image................................................................... 30
Figure 19. Ultimate limit state, grouting section. Bolt resistances and combination. ......................................................................... 31
Figure 20. Ultimate limit state. Tensile resistance and utilisation rate of the bolt. ............................................................................. 33
Figure 21. Ultimate limit state. Pull-out and blow-out resistance of the bolt. ..................................................................................... 33
Figure 22. Ultimate limit state. Concrete cone resistance of the bolt ................................................................................................ 34
Figure 23. Ultimate limit state. Shear and torsional resistance of bolt. ............................................................................................. 35
Figure 24. Ultimate limit state. Bolt’s concrete shear resistance with reinforcement. ........................................................................ 36
Figure 25. Ultimate limit state. Combining the bolt’s axial and shear force resistance. ..................................................................... 37
Figure 26. ALP-PC ja ALP-P2 bolt’s reinforcement for axial force resistance ................................................................................... 38
Figure 27. ALP-PC ja ALP-P2 bolts’ reinforcement for calculated axial force in foundation. ............................................................. 38
Figure 28. ALP-LC bolt’s axial force and splitting reinforcement in a column footing ........................................................................ 39
Figure 29. Shear force reinforcement principles for ALP-LC and ALP-PC bolts ............................................................................... 40
Figure 30. Bolt markings, identifying information and packaging...................................................................................................... 42
Figure 31. Installing the bolts using a frame and casting the foundations......................................................................................... 42