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Mock Oc 2020

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Final mock oct 2020

1. What is true regarding to (extent) of chronic periodontitis according to

the new classification 2017 ?

It is assessment of interproximal bone level radiographically on periapical

x ray for the worst prognosed tooth.
It is assessment of labial bone level clinically by probing.
It is assessment of interproximal bone level clinically by probing.
It is assessment of interproximal bone level – radiographically on
panorama – for all present teeth.
It is described as localized or generalized chronich periodontitis only.

2. What is true regarding to ( staging) of chronich periodontitis according

to the new classification 2017 ?
It is assessment of interproximal bone level of the most affected tooth–
radiographically on BW or PA
It is assessment of labial bone level clinically by probing.
It is assessment of interproximal bone level clinically by probing.
It is assessment of interproximal bone level – radiographically on
panorama – for all present teeth.

3. How can you describe staging for this tooth ?

stage I <2mm bone loss.

Stage II bone loss to coronal third of root

Stage III bone loss to mid third of root
Stage IV bone loss to apical third of root


4. how can you describe current disease status after you have examined
All teeth & BOP was recorded in 4 mm pocket depth in more than 50%
of interproximal sites intraorally ?
currently stable
currently on remission
currently unstable
5. A couple came with heterozygous affected with unaffected mother of
FAM83H subtype of Amylogenesis Imperfect. What is the percentage
of their offspring to be born with Amylogenesis Imperfecta?
a. 0%
b. 25%
c. 50%
d. 75%
e. 100%

6. A couple came with heterozygous unaffected parent What is the

percentage of their offspring to be born with Amylogenesis
a. 0%
b. 25%
c. 50%
d. 75%
e. 100%

7. What is the disadvantage of using Calcium Carbonate as a denture

cleansing agent?
a. Sensitivity
b. Abrasion
c. Insufficient cleaning
d. Corrosion

8. Your practice owner have just extracted a patients LL7. You were
informed that the patient has return a few visits for treatment of Dry
socket. Today you see the patient and decided to take another xray.


The x-ray taken have shown the following (

at the

What are your findings?

A. Fractured mandible
B. Fractured mandible with retained LL7
C. Displaced LL8
D. Fracture of the mandible with displaced ll8

12. Tilted abutments to replace 6s. What is your choice?

a. Implant supported crowns
b. A conventional fixed bridge using the 7 and 5 as abutments
c. Two conventional cantilever bridges, using the 7 and 3 as abutments
d. A resin-bonded bridge, using the 7 and 5 as abutment
e. A conventional fixed-movable bridge using the 7 and 5 as abutments

13. A 7 year old patient presented with multiple carious cervical lesion
on the buccal surface of her anterior. Which of the following may be a
possible cause?
a. Dry Fizzy Drinks
b. Aneroxia
c. Bullimia
d. Smoking Cannabis

14. BPE Score for the lower anterior teeth with the pocket depth of 3mm
with recession of 3mm?
a. 0
b. 1


c. 2
d. 3
e. *

bleeding or not

15. .A 80 year old patient with dementia came with discharge pus from
the parotid gland and does not have a family. She does not have an
elected lasting power of attorney. Which of the following the consent
for her?
a. Her closest relative
b. Her caregiver
c. Independent mental capacity advocate
d. Her medical doctor

16. According to supreme court in Montgomery Consent for a complex

procedure. Which of the following is relevant to this consent?
A. The patient should aware of material risks involved in any
recommended treatment and of any reasonable alternative
B. Practioner can rely on their professional judgment when
making decisions about treatment
C. Dental professional need to give the patients the information
they want not they need
D. The patient act in this consent as a passive listener not an
active questioner
E. To get consent avoiding use jargon more important than visual

17. Which of the following condition is contraindicated for an implant

a. A patient with diabetic mellitus
b. A patient is currently undergoing medication for drug abuse
c. A patient who has osteoporosis
d. A patient who had a recent MI episode


18. Which of the following microbes are found in Necrotizing Ulverative
a. Prevotella Intermedia & Fusobacterium
b. Spirochetes and Staphylococcus
c. Aggregatibacter Actinomycetes

19. Which of the following is incorrect?

a. Antibiotics act to kill all bacterial
b. Antiviral act to kill all virus
c. Antifungal act to kill all fungal
d. Antimicrobial act to kill all microbes

20. A man came to your dental clinic complaining of pain on the right
side and is exaggerated during eating. Intraorally, a reticular pattern of
lesion is noted and an extensive amalgam filling was noted on the left
side. What would be the histological findings of the lesion on the left
a. loss of kertinaization
b. Lymphocytic Infiltration
c. Reverse Polarity of nuclei

21. The use of PTFE membrane during GTR is important to keep out
fibroblast. What are the cells that causes the regeneration of the bone
a. Stem cells in Alveolar bone.
b. Cell rest of Malassez
c. Osteocytes

22. During clinic audit, what can caused dismission before warning?

a) -Not fully informed consent

b) Not enough staff

c) incorrect disciplinary procedure


d) breach of confidentiality

23. Patient has an over jet of above 9mm which UDA band it will be
A-Band 1
B-Band 2
C-Band 3
D-Band 4
E-Band 5

24. Over jet of 4.5 mm criteria which UDA band it will be

A-Band 1
B-Band 2
C-Band 3
D-Band 4
E-Band 5

25. What is IPS made from

A. Lithium Disilicate
B. Feldspathic
C. Zirconium Oxid
D. Lanthanum Glass

26. patient attends to your clinic complaining of mobile lower 2nd

molar indicated for extraction .When you are about to inject the
anaesthesia with infraalveolar nerve block, you ound that the pt has
a very limited mouth opening ( or trismus) . What is the alternative
technique you would prefer ?
A. Gowgates technique
B. Akinosi technique ( closed mouth technique)
C. Mental block
D. Sublingual nerve block
E. Intraligamentary

27. A patient attends to your clinic complaining of mobile upper 2nd

molar indicated for extraction. After you have used buccal & palatal
infilteration ,as usual , the patient still feels pain & pressure . What
will be your next step to get successful anaesthesia?

A. Change the technique


B. Use articaine 4%
C. Cancel the appointment
D. Go for Akinosi technique
E. Use intraligamentary technique

28. Which of the following is cyanotic congenital heart condition?

A. Atrieal septal defect
B. coarctation of aorta
C. Patent ductus arteriosus
D. ventricular septal defect
E. transposition of great vessels

29. A patient presented at your clinic after an accident and you found
that his upper incisor were laterally luxated. How long will you splint
the tooth?
a. 2 weeks
b. 3 weeks
c. 4 weeks
d. 4 months

30. A patient just came to you after completing his orthodontic

treatment. He was given a removable appliance to be worn to ‘retain
the teeth’s position’. He attends to your practice and consult your
opinion on how long he should wear the retainer:
a. 1 year
b. 2 year
c. 11 years
d. Indefinitely

31. What is the mercury in amalgam used for?

a. To reduce corrosion
b. To bind the alloys together
c. To allow carving of the material

32. Recent studies have shown new drug therapy that can avoid
osteoradionecrosis in the treatment of patient with bone metabolism


disorder or cancer. Which of the following drug does not cause
a. Alendronic Acid
b. Calcitonin
c. Sunitinib
d. Denusomab
e. Zolendronic Acid

33. Patient had his history of epilepsy and presents to your practice with
a painful dental abscess. She is currently on Carbamazepine. Which of
the following antibiotic is contraindicated?
A. Amoxicilin
B. Erythromycin
C. Clindamycin
D. Metrodinazole
E. Tetracycline

35. Lesion of a lower motor neuron: what are the clinical features?
a.Paralysis of the whole face and the weakness of the contralateral eye lid.
b.Paralysis of the whole face and the weakness of the ipsilateral eye lid.
c.Paralysis of the ipsilateral side of the face and a weakness of the eye lid on
the other side.
d.Paralysis of the contralateral side of the face and a weakness of the eye lid
on the other side.
e.Paralysis of the ipsilateral side of the face, sparing the eye lids.

36. A 8 years old boy came to your dental clinic with the complain of
impacted 11. You manage to diagnose reason of delayed eruption of 11
and it was due to the presence of a supernumerary teeth. Which of the
following will not affect the eruption of permanent 11.
A. Type of supernumerary
B. Number of supernumerary
C. Stage of root formation
D. Angulation of supranumery

37. after removal of supranumery tooth 6 months with no eruption

mother is worried about it as no eruption happen what will be your action
A. wait for 6 months
B. wait for 12 months as spontaneous eruption can occure
C. surgical exposure and gold chain


D. surgical exposure and reimplatation

38. A child patient came to you with multiple caries. Which of the
following would you advice your patient:
A. Use of 5000 ppm fluoride toothpaste
B. Use of 2800ppm fluoride toothpaste
C. Topical fluoride of 11600 ppm
D. topical fluoride 2 or more times a year

39. Patient came for a dental check up at your clinic and there was an
offending tooth. Investigations were made and your diagnosis for the
offending tooth is - Chronic apical periodontitis.
What is the main feature of this diagnosis obtained?
a. No symptoms
b. Dull aching pain
c. Pus and sinus noted at the buccal side of the tooth

40. A 26 year old patient with overjet of more than 9mm with proclined
chin. She is interested in correcting her dentition. What will be your
a. Refer her to oral surgery department
b. Refer her to a orthodontic department
c. Refer her to a private orthodontic practitioner

41. According to the modified anxiety scale , a dental phobic pt is on

scale ?
A. 9-19
B. 15-20
C. 20-27
D. 27-35


42. Female patient with missing upper lateral incisors, gaps between
centrals and canines and pointed canine the best treatment option
would be:
a. Move the canines by orthodontic means to close gaps
b. Provide fixed-fixed bridge
c. Provide single crowns over the canines to close the gaps to a limit
d. Close the gaps with tooth colored restorations
e. Orthodontic and restorative

43. Biologic width of the periodontal attachment

a. From most coronal part JE to crest of alveolar
bone(supracrestal tisuue attatchment
b. From gingival margin to the crest of alveolar bone
c. From the CEJ to the Junctional Epithelium

44. Which of the following cannot be done by a Level 2 Practitioner?

a. Extraction of an 8 that is disto angular impacted
b. Surgical removal of a cyst
c. surgical treatment of a disorder involving orofacial pain

45. Based on the chart below, what would you deduce from it?
654c21 | 12c456
654321 | 123456

a. Upper canines are missing

b. Upper canine is unerupted due to buccally placed
c. upper canine is unerupted due to palatally placed

46. An upper occlusal radiograph was taken of a 8 year old child. You
found that there is a supernumerary tooth. Which of the following is
most likely to be the the type of supernumerary?


a. Conical
b. Tuberculate
c. supplemental
d. Odontome

47. The dental LED curing lights use LED's that produce a narrow
spectrum of blue light which is the useful energy range for activating
the CPQ molecule most commonly used to initiate the photo-
polymerization of dental monomers. Which of the following represents
the requirement of a standard light cure unit?
a. 300nm
b. 400nm
c. 500nm
d 600nm

48. A male patient visited your practice for a regular dental check up.
Upon history taking, he informs that he was diagnosed with basal-cell
carcinoma 2 months ago. He had fair oral hygiene, had multiple carious
lesion on his posterior teeth and localized recession on the anteriors.
You decided to take an OPG and found that there were multilocular,
well-circumscribed radiolucent lesion. Which of the following is the
most likely condition of this patient?
a. Gardner Syndrome
b. Gorlin-Gotz Syndrome
c. Apert Syndrome
d. Treacher Collin’s Syndrome
e. Frey’s Syndrome

49. A 7 year old child came to you with fever, poor appetite and vague
feeling of being unwell (malaise) and sore throat. Three or 4 days after
fever starts, painful rash and blisters develops at the hands feed and
buttocks. Which of the following is the causative agent?
a. Cosackie Virus
b. Herpes Simplex
c. Parvomyxovirus
d. Pemphigoid

50. In a Kennedy Class II presentation, which of the following design

would be most preferred for optimal function?
a. Distal Rest and I Bar
b. Occlusally approaching clasp


c. Dental Bar
d. Mesial Rest and I Bar

51. Sudden unilateral onset of facial swelling and pain over parotid area,
which is not yet fluctuant
a. Salivary duct infection
b. Sialadenitis
c. Saliorrhea

52. The most important factor for the prognosis of avulsed tooth?
a. Stage of root formation
b. Extra-alveolar storage time
c. vitality of the avulsed tooth

53. A new patient came to you, requesting for a dental extraction. After
going through patient medical history, patient told you that he have
been taking a drug called Rivaroxaban. What would be the possible
complication after extraction of the tooth?
a. Prolonged Bleeding Time
b. Bone Necrosis
c. Osteomyelitis
d. Dry Socket

(While you are performing a UL8 removal, the tooth was displaced
and went into the maxillary sinus. And a Posterior anterior
radiograph was taken. Which x ray would you take next?
b. CT
c. Upper occlusal
d. Periapical
e. OPG

55. While you were trying to remove UR6, one of the roots of UR6
fractured. You were trying to remove the retained root, however it
suddenly disappears and was displaced into the maxillary sinus. What
is your first management?
A. Antibiotics and review
B. Refer to the oral surgeon department
C. Attempt removal
D. Buccal advancement flap


56. A patient came to your clinic for his follow up dental treatment.
(not his first dental visit). On his previous dental visit, another
doctor prescribed fissure sealants for him. His mother called to
the clinic to ask about the procedure as she is anxious as her
son is autistic. What would you do to this patient?
a. Non- invasive treatment
b. OHI instructions
c. Fillings
d. Fissure sealant
e. Familiarisation Visit

58. A patient with cross bites on 11 and 41. Apart from retentive clasps,
what other clasps would you incorporate into your URA?
a. Z spring and posterior bite plate.
b. RME
c. Palatal Finger Spring
d. Hawley’s Active appliance

59. Patient came with complain of swelling at the UR4 which was RCT
treated and crown placed. What would you do?
a. Incision and drainage
b. Retrograde filling
c. Redo RCT
d. Wait and Watch

60. Which of the following regarding acrylic is true

a. Has higher strength compared to Co-cr.
b. Has less hypersensitivity compared to Co- Cr.
c. Lesser surface area of the tissue coverage needed

61. Which of the following is the most important consideration when

prescribing gold crown margin?
a. Chamfer Finishing
b. Finish on sound tooth structure
c. shoulder finishing margin

62. Which one is the possible sequence of eruption concerning with

primary teeth?


63. Which drug can reduce INR by using continually
a. tranexamic acid
b. protamine sulphate
c. Vit K

64. what is legal amount (unit}of alcohol intake for men daily ?
a) 4
b) 3
c) 5
d) 2

65. While you are using NO2 inhalational sedation you notices problem
in oxygen flow otherwise you completed the treatment without
complications. You should notify:
a) Device manufacturer
b) HSE
c) Medical device safety council
d) Electrician
e) Your partners in the surgery

66. TMDS ,the most likely tender muscle on palpation

a) masseter
b) temporalis
c) medial pterygoid
d) lateral pterygoid
e) buccinators

67. 2.2 mg of NaF contains how many mg of fluoride ions

a) 0.5 mg
b) 1 mg
c) 1.5 mg
d) 10 mg

68. Ideal INR check if the pt is undergoing surgical removal of impacted

3rd molar
a) On day of operation
b) Within 24 hours
c) 72 hours

69. When you tries to seat a crown on tooth you find a discrepancy of
0.3mm at the margin , you will


a) Reduce inner surface of crown
b) Remake a new crown
c) Smooth the enamel at the margin
d) Hand burnish crown margins

70. You suspect NAI as what would prove your suspicions about child
a) Black eye
b) Neck bruises
c) animal bites
d) Tears lines

71. A study was conducted with the following objective: To determine

the individual and combined effects of potential risk factors in relation
to the temporomandibular disorder, Pain Dysfunction Syndrome
(PDS). The first group comprised new referrals between May 1997 and
August 1999 to the temporomandibular disorder clinic of the
University Dental Hospital, diagnosed with PDS. The second group
consisted of patients without PDS randomly selected from twenty-four
dental practices. Using a postal questionnaire information was
collected on socio-demographic, local mechanical, psychological
factors, co-morbidities and illness behaviour.What type of study is
a) Case series
b) Cross-sectional study
c) Case-control study
d) Case report
e) Randomised clinical trial

72. Evidence from expert committee reporters opinions and/or clinical

experience of respected authorities.
Level of Evidence is :
a) 1a
b) 2a
c) 3a
d) 3b
e) 3c
f) 5


73. what is the angulation of this technique?
a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 50
e. 60


74. What is level of Sanitization in your clinic?

a) low level of infection control
b) High level of decontamination
c) moderate level of decontamination
d) high level of infection control
e) low level of decontamination

75. While you are doing RCT on 21 yrs old female

patient, suddenly her respiratory rate increase, dizzy,
sweating and tremors. What is the mechanisms
behind this process?
a) decrease calcium, respiratory alkalosis and metabolic
b) decrease calcium, respiratory acidosis, metabolic alkalosis
c) Increase oxygen, respiratory acidosis and metabolic


d) increase calcium respiratory acidosis and metabolic
e) decrease carbon dioxide, respiratory alkalosis,
metabolic acidosis

76. What is the perfect time to extract all four molars ?

a) early dentin calcification at bifurcation of second molars
b) early dentin calcification of bifurcation of first molar
c) early calcification of dentin at coronal part of root
d) 8-10 yo
e) 10-12 yo

77. Patient with stage 4 cancer who also received

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy complaint of difficult
eating. What is the likely cause?
a) Mucositis
b) Because of chemotherapy
c) Dry mouth

78. While you were removing amalgam restoration of lower

right first molar to replace with composite, a
piece of Amalgam dislodges and disappear. If the
patient was sent to chest X-ray, which place is
most likely to find that piece?
a) Right lung
b) Left lung
c) Right bronchi
d) Left bronchi
e) alveoli

79. you want to construct upper partial metallic

denture and you want for a clarinet player with missing
incisor . What would you do?
a. Thin palatal plate
b. Relieve anterior palate area
c. Relieve middle area of palate
d. Relieve posterior area
e. thick anterior palate area


80. How often would u Appraise for your stuff in
your clinic?
a) 6 months
b) 1 yrs
c) 2 yrs
d) 2 and half year
e) 1 and half year

81. 25 yrs old female patient with history of

Pernicious anaemia has swelling due to lower right
first molar. You need to give antibiotic. Which of
the following would u choose
a) Amoxicillin 250 mg tds 3 dys
b) Metronidazole 200 mg tds 3 dys
c) Amoxicillin 500mg tds 3 dys
d) Clindamycin 300mg tds 3 dys
e) Tetracycline 250 mg tds 3 dys

82. Patient on Renal dialysis due to chronic renal failure

suffered anemia. Which of the following would
you expect to decrease?
a) Vitamin D
b) Vitamin B12
c) Iron
d) Folate
e) Vitamin

83. Which age is necessary to check Mental

a) 16 yrs
b) 18 yrs
c) 15 yrs
d) 21 yrs

84. According to European commissionfor European

guidelines on radiation protection in dental
radiology, lateral cephalometric radiograph is surely
indicated in?
a) Class II division I
b) Class III
c) Class I
d) Class II division II


e) orthognathic surgery

85. 25 yrs old female patient who is quite anxious

consult you for extraction of lower impacted last
molar. X-ray revealed that there is high risk of
nerve injury but the tooth need to go. You
concerned about patient anxiety and didn’t explain
about every detail about complication. After surgery, patient
develop paresthesia over lower lip. If she wanted to
sue you, on which ground she can?
a) Gross negligent
b) Consent negligent
c) Malpractice
d) civil assault
e) criminal assault

86. you need to treat 28 yrs old Severe down

syndrome patient for his gross caries. Where
would you get consent from?
a) as long as he can understand treatment, he can
give consent
b) ask his parents
c) ask his career
d) ask his attending physician
e) ask his attendant

87. You are SHO in hospital and patient come to

see you because he got involved in fight during
Friday night. On examination, you saw Face
laceration, numbness over zygomatic area and reduced
salivary flow from parotid gland. Which nerve
would you suspect that damage?
a) zygomaticofacial
b) Auriculotemporal
c) Infraorbital
d) Superficial temporal
e) zygomatic

88. 45 yrs old male who has history of 20

cigarettes a day since 18, drink 30 unit a week,
diabetes, several teeth extraction due to chronic
periodontitis, needs and want Implant. In which


case implant would be absolute contraindication?

a) Diabetes
b) Smoking
c) Active periodontitis
d) Alcohol
e) age

89. 80 yrs old lady with acute swelling didn’t have capacity
and any relative to give consent due to
dementia. What would be the appropriate management?

a) do the treatment as long as she didn’t refuse

b) do the treatment for the best of the patient
c) ask consent from her career
d) do the treatment as long as patient didn’t again
e) ask college about it

90. When you Air dry lower left first molar, you see
white lesionon teeth surface. What would that be?
a) Enamel demineralization
b) Fluorosis
c) Enamel mineralization

91. how would you recommend chlorhexidine

mouthwash for the patient with mouth
a) two times a day
b) one times a day
c) three times a day
d) four times a day
e) one times a week

92. This sign stands for

A. Dispsosed via incineration in dental practice
B. Endodontic reamers disposal
C. Single use insturments
D. Single use with exception for the same patint


93. Newspaper advert advertising for a single, healthy, white female
dental nurse! This is not discriminatory according to which
legislation/ on what grounds?
a) age
b) disability
c) sex
d) race
e) marital status

94. A dentist has been taken off the dental register. What is in minimum
period of time the dentist must remain off the list?
a) 6 months
b) 1 year
c) 2 years
d) 5 years

95. Which drug will interact with warfarin

a) Propranol
b) Aspirin
c) Amoxacillin
d) Metranadizole
e) All of the above

96. Carcinoma of the tongue has a predilection for which of the following
a) Lateral border anteriorly
b) Anterior dorsal surface
c) Posterior dorsal surface
d) Lateral border posteriorly
e) No preferred location

97. his INR 6.8 , Which of the following antibiotics could have cased that
a) Erythromycin
b) Metronidazol
c) Co-amoxclav
d) Amoxicilin

98. NSAIDs do not interact with

a) Phenytoin
b) Antihypertensive drugs


c) Methotrexate
d) Systemic Corticosteroids
e) Fluoxetine

99. The following are everyday risk to patients in dental radiography:

a) Cataract formation
b) Salivary gland cancer
c) Deterministic effects
d) Genetic stochastic effects
e) Somatic stochastic effects

100. Copy denture is indicated for a patient with:

a) Oral Cancer
b) TMJ problems
c) Artificial limbs
d) Hemophilic patient
e) Heavy smoking habit

101. which of the following is Developmental Odontogenic Cyst ?

a) Residual cyst
b) Paradental Cyst
c) Radicular cyst
d) Lateral Periodontal Cyst

102. Non developmental odontogenic cyst

a) Lateral periodontal
b) Residual
c) Dermoid
d) Stafne bone cyst

103. You suspect trigeminal neuralgia in 40 years old female patient, what
is the first thing to do other than taking history
a) X-ray to exclude tumors and other things
b) MRI to exclude nerve compression
c) Blood tests to exclude vasculitis
d) Refer patient to neurosurgeon
e) Take biobsy to confirm your diagnosis

104. after taking a biopsy of soft tissue, you should keep it in a solution of :
a) 5 % formalin , 10:1 solution to tissue ratio
b) 5% formalin, 5:1 solution to tissue ratio
c) 10% formalin, 5:1 solution to tissue ratio


d) 10% formalin, 10:1 solution to tissue ratio

105. a 5 years old child with spontaneous gum bleeding appear pale and
weak .
a) ALL
b) AML

106. A 56 years old lady complaining of dry mouth. She is hypertensive.

Recently she got chest infection and taking antibiotic. She also taken
other medication for her heart condition. Which of the flowing drug is
most likely causing her dry mouth?
a) ACE inhibitors
b) Aspirin
c) Amoxicillin
d) Atropine
e) Antimalaria

107. After you had finished scrubbing, glove and other PPE, you accidently
touch the stool What
A. would be the appropriate management?
B. Remove glove, wash again and put glove on
C. Remove glove but no need to wash because didn’t touch the patient
D. Remove all PPE, wash again and ware PPE again
E. Remove glove, alcohol gel and glove on
F. Carry out the procedure because it isn’t infectious

108. If the maximum safe dose required for a complicated surgery for a
hypertensive pt is 300 mg prilocaine with 0.03IU/ml felypressin . what
is the maximum number of 2.2ml cartridges needed to be prepared for
the surgery ?
A. 4 cartridges
B. 5 cartridges
C. 6 cartridges
D. 7 cartridges


110. When an anxious person falls into vasovagal syncope, what would be
the expected radial pulse status?
A. 40
B. 60
C. 120
D. 80

111. A patient referred by his GMP for dental treatement , his GMP has
prescribed anxiolytic drug to relief his stress & anxiety .what is the
name of this drug ?
a) Propranolol
b) Linsinopril
c) TCA
d) Diazepam
e) Halothane

112. Six months ago you saw a child patient, then aged 9 years. His upper
right maxillary canine was palpable in the labial sulcus but the upper
left was not. The situation is now unchanged, so you have taken two
periapicals of the non-palpable tooth. They both show that there is
some resorption of the lateral incisor root but the permanent canine
appears somewhat mesially angled and is more mesial on the more
mesially positioned film.
What is your the best course of action?
a) Keep a careful watch on it and take another x-ray in 6 months.
b) Refer to an oral surgeon for early exposure of the permanent canine.
c) Refer to an oral surgeon for early removal of the permanent canine
before it damages the lateral incisor.
d) Refer to an orthodontist for a treatment plan.
e) Wait and watch' until the child is 11.

113. Your dental nurse is qualified to take radiograph. Which of the

is required for her to carry out her task?
A. Verbal prescription from you
B. Written prescription from you
C. Written prescription from lead nurse
D. Written prescription from practice manager
E. Written prescription from radiation protection supervisor

114. Which of the following is true of chlorhexidine?


A. Adhere to tooth pellicle
B. Short duration of action
C. Inhibits bacterial cell wall biosynthesis
D. Ineffective for candida

115. which medication is prescribed to overcome acute anxiety

prior to dental
A. Barbiturates
B. Benzodiazepines
C. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
D. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
E. Tricyclic antideppressants

116. 14-15 years old female patient has an 8 mmm over jet and bilateral
impacted canines
a) The patient would be placed in the index of ortho treatment need
b) The patient is at an appropriate age to commence functional app
c) The canine position best assessed by lateral cephalo
d) Bilateral impacted canine seen more frequently than unilateral
e) The canine are almost certainly buccally placed

117. Regarding quality adjusted life years (QALY) which is true

A. Objective way of deciding the cost effective of treatment
B. Do not discriminating against certain patient group
by NICE Scrutinized .C
D. Used to compare improvement of quality of life
E. Used to consider the effectiveness of treatment

118. Which of the following does not act by interfering with

pathway of arachidonic acid
A. Aspirin


B. Diclofenac
C. Ibuprofen
D. Dihydrocodeine
E. Paracetamol

119. Which of the following is most effective de-sensitising agent?

A. Arginine
B. Glycerine
C. Hydrated silica
E. SnF2

120. What is the typical feature of Addisonian crisis?

A. Bradycardia
B. Hyperglycemia
C. Hypotension
D. Increase respiratory rate
E. Urinary incontinence

121. Which of the following is NOT tax deductible expenses?

A. Conference fee
B. Critical illness cover
C. GDC annual retention fee
D. Indemnity/ insurance
E. Surgery clothing

122. Citalopram is use to treat

A. Depression
B. Management of focal seizure
C. Parkinson disease
D. Personality disorder
E. Schizoperia

123. Which of the following is true regarding dabigatran

A. Competitively inhibiting action of Vitamin K
B. Medication deliveredenterally specifically inihibits clotting(
)factors Xa


C. Anticoagulant inhibits conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin X
D. Parental anticoagulant of choice for hospitalized patient
E. Prevent platelet aggregation in the early stages of haemostasis

124. Which is best described suspected internal resorption for

central incisor that had trauma
A. Asymmetric, central lesion with discontinued canal
B. Asymmetric, peripheral lesion with intact canal
C. Round, central lesion with discontinued cana
D. Round, central lesion with intact canal
E. Round, peripheral lesion with discontinued canal

125. Which probe do you use for detailed periodontal examination

A. CPITN probe
B. Dental probe No 6
C. Nabers probe
D. University of North Carolina probe
E. Williams

126. What is the minimum Factor VIII level required to avoid

significant post
?extraction haemorrhage in Haemophilic patient
A. 30%
B. 50%
C. 60%
D. 70%
E. 75%

127. What is the usual range of orthodontic force for bodily tooth
A. 25-50g
B. 50-75g
C. 75-100g
D. 100-150g
E. >150g


128. MMPA value is
A( 111
B( 79
C( 2-3
D( 27

129. Pt arecomplaining ,about the jaw pain two weeks after RCT
what is gonna be your first
A( do RCT again
B( reassure , sof diet and review in two weeks time
C( soft splint
D( remove the tooth

130. Absolute contraindication for MRI .

A( hip replacement
B( pacemaker
C( implant
D( fixed ortho appliance

131. fractured tooth there is no pathological changes in the bone

but pt is on biposphonates for 5 years
A(remove the teeth


B(leave as it is
C( provide an overdenture on the state how it is now
D( provide an overdenture after you did RCT

132. Unilateral rush on one side ofthe face and upper lip pt is ,
feeling well what is the most common features you will find in the
A( vesicular rash on the palate
B( ulcers on border side of the tongue
)Cvesicles on the cheek
D) ulcers on lower buccal mucosa

1 buccal mucosa and palat

2- tongue and mucosa

133. Defective horizontal angulation will lead to .

A( dark film
B(pale film
C( overlapping contact points

134. Regarding AED and what you are gonna do after first given
A( give another shock
B(check ABCDE and start CPR
C( recovery position
D( give two breath

135. Pt comes with the career and they have an verbal argue and
you have noticed thatcarer were aggressive towards client, what
;would you do
A( ignore
B( report to the police
C( ask them politely to book next appointment
D( report to local safeguarding services
E( report to care home

136. First time patient at orthodontist clinic, what index should be .

done first
A(Standardized continuum of Aesthetic needed
B( Basic of periodontal index


C(index of orthodontic treatment need
E( Index of gingival bleeding

137. Patient with INR3 is going to have an operation under GA , so

which of the following is contraindicated with one day GA?
A. Body mass index 36
B. Patient blood pressure below 100
Myocardial infarction 8 months ago
Diabetic patient
Patient with ASA 2

138. How long does it take to kill bacterial spores when a dental
instrument is placed in a 2% solution of glutaraldehyde?
10 minutes
1 hour
10 hours

139. Placing canula for iv sedation, patient say pinky finger pain, what
structure was injured ?
medial nerve
superficial radial nerve
ulnar nerve
deep radial nerve


140. Which hormone will increase blood glucose and potassium?
a) Glucagon
b) Cortisol
c) Growth hormone
d) Stomatostatin
e) Thyroxine
f) Epinephrine

141. Patient has painful symptoms at the time of eating and also has ear
pain . What x ray would you consider
B. Lateral oplique
C. Lateral cephalo
D. Postro anterior

142. Pt on anticoagulant therapy requires an extraction to be performed.

Which of the following is not true?
a. Minor bleeding can be used somehow by using tranexamic acid.
b. Prothrombin value 2.5 is required to perform extraction.
c. It takes up to 12 hrs for vitamin K reverse effect of warfarin.
d. Heparin can be administered subcutaneous & acts rapidly

143. Angle of ANS is a class 3 patient in a lateral cephalometric

a. <2
b. 4
c. 5
d. 3


e. 2

144. After prescribing chlorohexidine patient develop hives on trunk

which type of reaction this is

A. I

145. child 12 years old with 10 mm over jet and the student in
school say to him you are without chin what the appropriate
treatment to this child
Affixed appliance
Removable appliance
Protraction headgear
Orthognathic surgery

146. In dental clinic the nurse not satisfy with dentist clothes and
say bad word to him what the best solution
A. Talk to the nurse outside the clinic about the reason of dissatisfaction
B. Complain to the manager
C. Complain to GDC
D. Complain to Cqc

147. women with cover(hijab) and have swelling extended from the
jaw to the neck in the clinic there is a dental joner and she refuse
to remove the hijab what you do?
A.Ask her to visit him with other appointment
B.exam without remove the cover
C.explain to her that she should remove the hijab to complete the
D.Refer her to another female dentist

147. patient with complete endodontic treatment and temporalized

his tooth one month and after complete composite restoration , the


restoration keep fracturing , what is the cause of repeated fracture
of composite?
A. Eugenol
B. Phosphate cement
D. Calcium hydroxide

148. Patient in complete root debridement visit what the action of

A. .acoustic wave disturbs the bacterial cell wall synthesis
B. radiowave disturbed bacteria
C. microwave disturbed bacteria
D. .bubbles on the root surface
E. .increase heat on root surface

149. child with 13 years the canine erupt on one side and after 18
month the contralateral not erupt what is the cause of non eruption
A. .ectopic position
B. congenitally missing
C. failure to primary eruption
D. .supranumerary

150. Giving this information

• true positive: 31
• false negative 9
• false positive 13
• true negative 47
calculate sensitivity test
A. 31/31+9=70%
B. 31/31+13=70%
C. 31/31+9=77,5%
D. 31/31+13=77,5%

151. 27 female patient came to the clinic you notice fracture on the
angle of the mandible then she said that by her husband pt has the
capacity how you can manage?


A. suggest her to call police
B. report to the police
C. .ignore and start treatment
D. .contact local safeguarding

152. patient with lower 8 appear in OPG near inferior nerve what the
other x-ray confirm diagnosis
A. small area CBCT
C. Large area CBCT


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