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2nd Year Chemistr Guess Paper 23

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Guess paper 2nd Year

Session: 2022-2023
Q.1 Choose the correct answer A / B / C / D by filling the relevant bubble for each
question on the OMR Answer Sheet according to the instruction given there.
Each part carries one mark.
1) Carbon cannot be found in which of the following Oxidation State in inorganic compounds?
⒜ C+2 Oxidation State ⒞ C–1 Oxidation State
⒝ C+4 Oxidation State ⒟ C–4 Oxidation State
2) Catalyst used in the Haber’s Process is;
⒜ Vanadium Pentaoxide, V2O5 ⒞ Manganese Dioxide, MnO2
⒝ Iron, Fe ⒟ Chromium Oxide, Cr2O3
3) Which of following gas is not pollution?
⒜ Sulphur Dioxide, SO2 ⒞ Carbon Monoxide, CO
⒝ Nitrogen Dioxide, NO2 ⒟ Carbon Dioxide, CO2
4) Which of the following carbonate does not decompose upon heating?
⒜ Calcium Carbonate, CaCO3 ⒞ Magnesium Carbonate, MgCO3
⒝ Lithium Carbonate, Li2CO3 ⒟ Sodium Carbonate, Na2CO3
5) Which of the following element have half-filled d-orbitals?
⒜ Iron, Fe ⒞ Manganese, Mn
⒝ Copper, Cu ⒟ Nickel, Ni
6) Disaccharides comprises of two sugar units hydrolyzed to form two monosaccharide units.
Choose disaccharides among following carbohydrates.
⒜ Glucose ⒞ Maltose
⒝ Galactose ⒟ Starch
7) The radioactive element in alkali metal group is;
⒜ Radon, Rn ⒞ Francium, Fr
⒝ Radium, Ra ⒟ Astatine, At
8) In CO2 and SiO2, mode of hybridization of carbon and silicon is _____ respectively;
⒜ sp2 both ⒞ sp … sp3
⒝ sp2 … sp ⒟ sp … sp2
9) Which of the following specie donot have stable d-orbital configuration?
⒜ Chromium, Cr ⒞ Copper, Cu
⒝ Cobalt, Co ⒟ Zinc, Zn
10) Variable Oxidation State is one of the main typical properties of transitional elements;
Among transition elements which of the following element show maximum oxidation state?
⒜ Iron, Fe ⒞ Manganese, Mn

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⒝ Copper, Cu ⒟ Nickel, Ni
11) In the IR spectrum of acetic acid, a strong peak at 3420 cm–1 is observed, this peak is referred
⒜ Vibration of O – H Bond ⒞ Vibration of C – H Bond
⒝ Vibration of C – C Bond ⒟ Vibration of C – O Bond
12) Which type of electronic transition requires highest energy?
⒜ δ → δ∗ Transition ⒞ n → π∗ Transition
⒝ π → π∗ Transition ⒟ n → δ∗ Transition
13) Ethyl Alcohol and glycol can be differentiated by which type of spectroscopy?
⒜ UV-VIS Spectroscopy ⒞ NMR Spectroscopy
⒝ IR Spectroscopy ⒟ Raman Spectroscopy
14) Area on earth which contains water;
⒜ Biosphere ⒞ Lithosphere
⒝ Atmosphere ⒟ Hydrosphere
15) The composition of Ziegler Catalysts is;
⒜ Sodium Oxide, Na2O and Aluminum Oxide, Al2O3
⒝ Trialkyl Aluminum, (R)3Al and Titanium Tetrachloride, TiCl4
⒞ Aluminum oxide, Al2O3 and Titanium Oxide, TiO2
⒟ Aluminum oxide, Al2O3 and Silica, SiO2
16) Choose disaccharides among following carbohydrates.
⒜ Glucose ⒞ Maltose
⒝ Galactose ⒟ Starch
17) 2,4,6-Trinitrophenol is commercially called as;
⒜ Picric acid ⒞ Fumaric acid
⒝ TNT ⒟ Carbolic acid
18) Which of the Least acidic in nature?
⒜ Acetic Acid, CH3 COOH ⒞ Nitroacetic Acid, NO2 CH2 COOH
⒝ Chloroacetic Acid, Cl CH2 COOH ⒟ Propanoic acid, H3C CH2 COOH
19) Which of the following compound cannot undergoes substitution reaction?
⒜ Alkyl Halides ⒞ Aromatic Compounds
⒝ Terminal Alkynes ⒟ Alkenes
20) Secondary Alkyl Halides have two alkyl group attached to the carbon having halo group;
The secondary alkyl halides in polar solvent follow;
⒜ SN1 mechanism for substitution reactions
⒝ SN2 mechanism for substitution reactions
⒞ SN2 mechanism for elimination reactions
⒟ SN1 mechanism for elimination reactions
21) Which of the following pollutant is NOT obtained by the eruption of volcanos?
⒜ Carbon oxides, COx ⒞ Nitrogen oxides, NOx

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⒝ Sulphur oxides, SOx ⒟ Ozone, O3
22) 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene is commercially called as;
⒜ Picric acid ⒞ Fumaric acid
⒝ TNT ⒟ Carbolic acid
23) Which of the following 3d series element has highest binding energy?
⒜ Chromium, Cr ⒞ Iron, Fe
⒝ Manganese, Mn ⒟ Vanadium, V
24) Ethanol can be converted into ethanoic acid by the process;
⒜ Hydrogenation Reaction ⒞ Oxidation Reaction
⒝ Hydrolysis Reaction ⒟ Fermentation Reaction
25) Cannizzaro Reaction is also called;
⒜ Condensation Reactions ⒞ Reduction Reactions
⒝ Oxidation Reactions ⒟ Disproportionation Reactions
26) If the rate of substitution become doubled if the conc. of alkyl halide doubles and the rate of
substitution is not affected by the increased conc. of nucleophile. The rate equation is given
⒜ R = K [R – X] ⒞ R = K [R – X] [Nu]
⒝ R = K [R – X] [B] ⒟ R = K [R – X]2
27) Which compound form phosgene gas upon hydrolysis at high temperature.
⒜ CCl4 ⒞ GeCl4
⒝ SiCl4 ⒟ PbCl4
28) Which salt is able to release CO2 from H2SO4?
⒜ NaF ⒞ NaI
⒝ NaCl ⒟ NaBr
29) Which salt is able to release H2S from H2SO4?
⒜ NaF ⒞ NaI
⒝ NaCl ⒟ NaBr
30) Which of the following is NOT a pollutant?
⒜ CO2 ⒞ CO
⒝ NO2 ⒟ SO3
31) Electromagnetic Radiations interact differently with compound;
IR Radiations interact with the compound in a manner.
⒜ Chemical bonds rotate ⒞ Electronic transition occurs
⒝ Chemical bonds vibrate ⒟ Nuclear spin flipping occurs
32) Electron affinity is corelated the electronegativity of the atom;
Which of the following have highest electronegativity and highest electron affinity?
⒜ Chlorine has highest electronegativity as well as highest electron affinity
⒝ Fluorine has highest electronegativity as well as highest electron affinity
⒞ Fluorine has highest electronegativity while Chlorine has highest electron affinity

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⒟ Chlorine has highest electronegativity while Fluorine has highest electron affinity
33) Which reaction is used to prepare sec-butyl alcohol?
⒜ Formaldehyde, HCHO & Methyl Magnesium Bromide, CH3 Mg Br
⒝ Acetaldehyde, CH3 CHO & Methyl Magnesium Bromide, CH3 Mg Br
⒞ Propionaldehyde, CH3 CH2 CHO & Methyl Magnesium Bromide, CH3 Mg Br
⒟ Butyraldehyde, CH3 (CH2)2 CHO & Methyl Magnesium Bromide, CH3 Mg Br
34) Reaction of ammoniacal silver nitrate with terminal alkyne is an example of;
⒜ Nucleophilic Addition Reaction
⒝ Nucleophilic substitution Reaction
⒞ Electrophilic Addition Reaction
⒟ Electrophilic substitution Reaction
35) Which of the following is NOT a Greenhouse Gas?
⒜ CO2 ⒞ CH4
⒝ H2O ⒟ SO3
36) Which of following pollutant is NOT a respiratory and eye irritant?
⒝ PAN ⒟ NOx
37) Which of the following functional group donot contains O-atoms?
⒜ Alcohols ⒞ Carboxylic Acids
⒝ Ketones ⒟ Thiols
38) The radioactive element in Alkaline Earth Metal Group is;
⒜ Radon, Rn ⒞ Astatine, At
⒝ Radium, Ra ⒟ Francium, Fr
39) Nucleophile has excess of electrons and have capable of donating its electron pairs.
Which one of the following is not a nucleophile;
⒜ H2O ⒞ BH3
⒝ H2S ⒟ NH3
40) Ethane-1,2-dioic acid is also called;
⒜ Benzoic Acid ⒞ Formic Acid
⒝ Oxalic Acid ⒟ Malonic Acid
41) Carboxylic acid can be prepared by the action of Grignard’s Reagent with;
⒜ O2 ⒞ KCl
⒝ N2 ⒟ CO2
42) Which one of the following has the highest boiling point?
⒜ HI ⒞ HCl
⒝ HF ⒟ HBr
43) Blood contains various components responsible for various type of function in the body;
The component of blood that carries oxygen in the body is;
⒜ Fats ⒞ Hemoglobin

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⒝ Myoglobin ⒟ Amino Acids
44) Most organic matter on earth is made up of;
⒜ Carbohydrates ⒞ Nucleic Acids
⒝ Lipids ⒟ Proteins
45) The electrophile in aromatic sulphonation is;
⒜ H2SO4 ⒞ SO4–2
⒝ HSO4–1 ⒟ SO3
46) The isomers of a substance must have same;
⒜ Chemical Properties ⒞ Functional Groups
⒝ Molecular Mass ⒟ Structural Formula
47) The unit of Magnetic moment  is;
⒜ Coulombs (Q) ⒞ Bohr magneton (BM)
⒝ Amperes (A) ⒟ Watts (W)
48) Composition of Brass has ____ while Bronze has ___;
⒜ Cu 60 – 80 % Zn 20 – 40 % … Cu 60 – 80 % Sn 20 – 40 %
⒝ Cu 60 – 80 % Zn 20 – 40 % … Cu 90 – 95 % Sn 5 – 10 %
⒞ Cu 60 – 80 % Zn 20 – 40 % … Ni 60 % Cr 15 % Fe 25 %
⒟ Cu 90 – 95 % Sn 5 – 10 % … Ni 60 % Cr 15 % Fe 25 %
49) The essential element(s) of organic compounds is / are;
⒜ Carbon & Hydrogen ⒞ Carbon only
⒝ Carbon & Oxygen ⒟ Hydrogen and Oxygen
50) Which of the following compound show geometric isomerism?
⒜ 2-Chloro-2-butene ⒞ 2-Methyl-2-butene
⒝ 1,1-Dichlorocyclobutane ⒟ Propene
51) The Rate Law for Elimination Reaction involving bimolecularity is;
⒜ R = K [R – X] ⒞ R = K [R – X] [Nu]
⒝ R = K [R – X] [B] ⒟ R = K [R – X]2
52) Which compound shows strong hydrogen bonding?
⒜ Amines ⒞ Alcohols
⒝ Ethers ⒟ Alkyl halides
53) Which reaction is used to prepare sec-butyl alcohol?
⒜ Formaldehyde & Methyl Magnesium Bromide
⒝ Formaldehyde & Ethyl Magnesium Bromide
⒞ Propionaldehyde & Ethyl Magnesium Bromide
⒟ Acetone & Ethyl Magnesium Bromide
54) Which property of the compound is due to covalent linkage?
⒜ They have low melting and boiling points
⒝ They are soluble in organic solvent like benzene etc.
⒞ They are combustible in nature

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⒟ They are obtained from nature products
55) IUPAC Name of ‘-Chloro--methylpropyl -Bromo--hydroxyethyl Ketone’ is;
⒜ 5-bromo-2-chloro-6-hydroxyl-3-methyl-4-hexanone
⒝ 2-bromo-5-chloro-1-hydroxyl-4-methyl-3-hexanone
⒞ 2,5-bromochloro-1-hydroxyl-4-methyl-3-hexanone
⒟ 2,5-chloro-1-hydroxyl-4-methyl-4-hexanone
56) The primary alkyl halides always follow _____ mechanism for substitution;
⒜ SN1 Mechanism ⒞ E1 Mechanism
⒝ SN2 Mechanism ⒟ E2 Mechanism
57) Amines have amino group –NO2;
Amines react with ___ to form Schiff’s Base.
⒜ Alkenes ⒞ Alcohols
⒝ Carbonyl compounds ⒟ Carboxylic acids
58) 3-pentanone and 2-pentanone show which type of structural isomerism?
⒜ Functional Group Isomerism ⒞ Metamerism
⒝ Positional Isomerism ⒟ Tautomerism
59) If the nucleophile attacks the alcohols than _____ takes place.
⒜ C – O bond breakage ⒞ C – C bond breakage
⒝ O – H bond breakage ⒟ C – H bond breakage
– –
60) RS is ______ nucleophilic than RO .
⒜ Less ⒞ More
⒝ Equal ⒟ None of these
61) Carboxylic Acids have carboxylic group –COOH;
In carboxylic group, the C-atom is ____.
⒜ sp2 ⒞ sp
⒝ sp3 ⒟ dsp2
62) Cannizzaro’s Reaction is an example of Disproportion Reaction;
In Cannizzaro’s reaction, OH–1 act as _____.
⒜ Nucleophile ⒞ Both ⒜ and ⒝
⒝ Base ⒟ Electrophile
63) The product of following reaction is;

⒜ Propionic Acid & n-propyl Alcohol

⒝ Propionate & n-propyl Alcohol
⒞ 3-Hydroxyl-2-methylpentanal
⒟ -Hydroxyl--methylvaleraldehyde
64) Which of the following cannot be distinguished by Iodoform test?
⒜ and

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⒝ and

⒞ and

⒟ and

65) Polyesters and polyamides polymers are the examples of;

⒜ Thermosetting Polymer ⒞ Addition Polymer
⒝ Thermoplastic Polymer ⒟ Condensation Polymer
66) Which pesticides is also called systemic?
⒜ Insecticides ⒞ Rodenticides
⒝ Miticides ⒟ Herbicides
67) The pesticide which makes the site or food unattractive to target pest is called;
⒜ Miticides ⒞ Repellents
⒝ Fungicides ⒟ Nematicides
68) The polymer, which becomes harden upon heating and cannot be softened again is called;
⒜ Thermosetting Polymer ⒞ Addition Polymer
⒝ Thermoplastic Polymer ⒟ Condensation Polymer
69) Among biomolecules, which of the following is NOT a polymer?
⒜ Proteins ⒞ Nucleotides
⒝ Carbohydrates ⒟ Lipids
70) Which of the following is NOT a major mineral?
⒜ Calcium ⒞ Iron
⒝ Magnesium ⒟ Sulphur
71) -D-glucose has a cyclic structure of;

⒜ ⒞

⒝ ⒟

72) The tail of fatty acids is ________ while its head is ________.
⒜ Hydrophobic, Hydrophilic ⒞ Hygroscopic, Hydrophobic

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⒝ Hydrophilic, Hydrophobic ⒟ Hydrophilic, Hydrophilic
73) Which is NOT true about polymer?
⒜ Polymer have repeating units which repeats several times
⒝ Polymer has relatively high molecular mass giant structure
⒞ Polymer has rigid highly dense solid crystalline or non-crystalline structure
⒟ Polymer having rigid structure being transparent liquid state mostly
74) What is TRUE about cofactors?
⒜ Break hydrogen bonds in proteins
⒝ Increase activation energy
⒞ Help facilitate enzyme Activity
⒟ Are composed of proteins
75) Which of the following is NOT true about carbohydrates?
⒜ The main functional group in carbohydrates is aldehydes or ketones
⒝ Carbohydrates are having polyhydroxyl group
⒞ Majority of carbohydrates are having H : O ratio to be 2 : 1
⒟ Carbohydrates produces more energy than fats
76) Which is NOT true about Proteins?
⒜ They are organic compounds having C, H, O & N composed of amino acids
⒝ They are classified into Simple, Compound and Derived Proteins
⒞ They can be used as energy source in the absence of carbohydrates
⒟ Hormones, enzymes and hemoglobin of blood are proteinous in nature
77) Which type of spectroscopy involves detection of bonding in the compounds?
⒜ Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ⒞ UV-VIS Spectroscopy
⒝ IR Spectroscopy ⒟ Mass Spectrometry
78) In the IR spectrum of acetone, a strong peak at 1720 cm–1 is observed, this peak is referred
⒜ Vibration of C = O Bond ⒞ Vibration of C – H Bond
⒝ Vibration of C – C Bond ⒟ Vibration of C – O Bond
79) The orange colour has approximately wavelength of;
⒜ 620 – 700 nm ⒞ 600 – 620 nm
⒝ 580 – 600 nm ⒟ 420 – 440 nm
80) Which of the following atom is active in NMR Spectroscopy?
⒜ C-12 atom ⒞ F-19 atom
⒝ N-14 atom ⒟ O-16 atom
81) In which of the vibrations, the bond angle does not change?
⒜ Bending Vibration ⒞ Rocking Vibration
⒝ Stretching Vibration ⒟ Wagging Vibration

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82) Number of signal(s) in H-NMR Spectrum of toluene is;
⒜ 2 Signals ⒞ 4 Signals
⒝ 3 Signals ⒟ 5 Signals
83) Which type of electronic transition requires highest energy?
⒜ δ → δ∗ Transition ⒞ π → π∗ Transition
⒝ n → π∗ Transition ⒟ n → δ∗ Transition
84) Depletion of ozone is caused due to;
⒜ Ferrocene ⒞ Freons
⒝ Fullerenes ⒟ Polyhalogens
85) Which of the following metal ion pollute water?
⒜ Sodium Ions, Na+ ⒞ Potassium Ions, K+
⒝ Calcium Ions, Ca+2 ⒟ Cadmium Ions, Cd+2
86) Which of the Pollutant is NOT obtained from Volcanic Eruption?
⒜ Sulphur Oxides, SOx ⒞ Carbon Oxides, COx
⒝ Peroxyacetyl Nitrates, PAN ⒟ Nitrogen Oxides, NOx
87) Highly shielded proton requires;
⒜ Strong field to resonate and have high chemical shift value
⒝ Weak field to resonate and have high chemical shift value
⒞ Strong field to resonate and have low chemical shift value
⒟ Weak field to resonate and have low chemical shift value
88) Paramagnetic behaviour depends upon the number of unpaired electrons;
Which of the following specie has a highest paramagnetic behaviour?
⒜ Fe Atom ⒞ Mn Atom
⒝ Fe+2 Ion ⒟ Cr Atom
89) Catalyst can stabilize the transition state by providing it the required electron;
Catalyst used in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide is;
⒜ Vanadium Pentaoxide, V2O5 ⒞ Manganese Dioxide, MnO2
⒝ Iron, Fe ⒟ Chromium Oxide, Cr2O3
90) Ammonia acts as ligand as well as base in case of reaction with;
⒜ Chromium, Cr ⒞ Iron, Fe
⒝ Manganese, Mn ⒟ Copper, Cu
91) Which of the following class of organic compounds donot contains oxygen in their
functional groups?
⒜ Alcohols ⒞ Nitriles
⒝ Amides ⒟ Ethers
92) Alkaloid is a nitrogen containing organic compounds having basic nitrogen. Which of the
following is NOT an alkaloid?
⒜ Morphine ⒞ Cellulose

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⒝ Strychnine ⒟ Quinine
93) In the detection of nitrogen in a compound, the greenish blue is the indication, which is
due to;
⒜ Na4[Fe(CN)6] ⒞ Na4[Fe(SCN)6]
⒝ Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3 ⒟ Fe4[Fe(SCN)6]3
94) Carbon dioxide turns lime water milky due to the formation of;
⒜ CaO ⒞ CaCO3
⒝ Ca(OH)2 ⒟ CaSO4
95) Which of the following is the strongest oxidizing agent?
⒜ Acidify KMnO4 ⒞ Acidify K2Cr2O7
⒝ Acidify K2CrO4 ⒟ Alkaline KMnO4
96) Which does NOT happen in the colouring phenomenon of transitional compounds?
⒜ d-d Splitting ⒞ d-d Deexcitation
⒝ d-d Excitation ⒟ Orbit-Orbit Excitation
97) Which of the following functional group is NOT present in the
given molecule?

⒜ Carboxylic Group & Double Bond ⒞ Carbonyl & Carboxyl Groups

⒝ Ester & Alcoholic Groups ⒟ Ether & Nitrile Groups
98) Organic compounds are known by means of their functional group.
Which of the following is true for Non-Functional Group?
⒜ It serves as basis for nomenclature of organic compounds
⒝ It serves to classify organic compounds into classes/families
⒞ It is a site of chemical reactivity in a molecule
⒟ It serves as the basis of variation in the physical properties
99) Which of the following observation is NOT correct for following compounds?

⒜ Its LS reacted with FeSO4 in alkaline medium produces blue ppt upon reacting with FeCl3
⒝ Its LS reacted with AgNO3 after removing interfering radicals produces pale yellow ppt
⒞ Its LS reacted with acetic acid after treating the lead acetate paper turns black
⒟ All the observations are correct theoretically

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1) Explain the thermal stability of the nitrates of alkali metals and alkaline earth metals.
2) Compare the properties of carbon dioxide with silicon dioxide.
3) Explain with the help of example that show the basic and ligand nature of ammonia.
4) Explain the structure of lipids AND fatty acids.
5) Explain various component of environment.
6) Describe the sources and adverse effect of volatile organic compounds.
7) What is meant by pesticides? Explain the following pesticides;
a) Herbicides b) Systemics
8) Explain the principle of IR Spectroscopy.
9) Differentiate between the mode of the action of drying adhesive and contact adhesive.
10) a) Write the composition of brass, bronze and nichrome alloys.
b) What is meant by magnetic moment?
11) Explain the amphoteric nature of BeO.
12) Differentiate between paramagnetic, ferromagnetic and diamagnetic behaviour.
13) Why halogens act as oxidizing agent? Discus the trend of oxidizing power of various halogens
along with their reason.
14) Discus the acid-base nature of dioxides of germanium, tin and lead.
15) Why CCl4 can’t able to hydrolyze? What happened when it is heat with water at high
16) Explain the principle of UV-VIS Spectroscopy.
17) Explain why transition elements and their compounds are used as catalyst. Write the examples
of four processes along with their catalyst.
18) Explain various functions of carbohydrates, the major nutrient.
19) Describe the classification of proteins.
20) Describe the classification of lipids.
21) Explain the industrial and biological importance of proteins.
22) How iron (II) ion catalyzes the reaction between persulphate ions (peroxodisulphate ions),
S2O8–2 and iodide ions, I–?
23) Explain the thermal decomposition of alkaline earth metal carbonates.
24) Describe the role of ammonia as base and ligand with an example.
25) Define the following terms with two examples each;
a) Coordination Number b) Coordination Sphere
26) How iron (II) salts and iron (III) salts react with the following;
a) Sodium hydroxide b) Carbonate Ion
27) What is meant by smog and discus its types?

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28) Write the sources and its effects on environment of the VOC’s.
29) Write the application(s) of Atomic Emission Spectrum, AES.

a) How many isotopes are detected in the mass spectrum of naturally occurring
b) Determine the relative atomic mass of magnesium.
31) a) How benzene is converted into m-chlorobenzaldehyde?
b) Write the reaction of ozonolysis of ethene
32) How carbon dioxide reacts with methyl magnesium bromide?
33) Which types of alcohols under haloform reactions?
34) Explain the chemical kinetic of E1 and E2 mechanism
35) Why Grignard’s Reagent cannot store in moist condition? How its storage problem can be
36) Explain Williamson Synthesis for the preparation of ethyl methyl ether.
37) How Acetylene is converted into following?
a) Acetaldehyde, CH3 CHO b) Formic Acid, HCOOH
38) Differentiate between methyl chloride, methyl iodide and methyl bromide.
39) Draw the structure of following;
a) Ter-phthalic acid
b) Hydroquinone
c) 1-(2-methoxyphenyl)-3,4-diphenyl-2-butene-1,4-dione
d) Salicylic Acid
e) Glutaric Acid
f) Ter-phthalic Acid
40) How acetic acid can be prepared by means of following compounds;
a) Methyl Nitrile b) Ethanol

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41) State Markownikov’s Rule. Explain the product obtained from the hydrohalogenation and
hydrolysis of propene.
42) What is meant by resonance? Discus the resonance phenomenon in benzene.
43) How various organic compounds are obtained by means of coal? Draw the sketch of its
44) Write the mechanism of electrophilic sulphonation reaction of benzene.
45) What are ortho and para directing group? Write the effect upon the reactivity upon
Electrophilic Substitution Reactions.
46) How lactic acid is prepared from ethanol?
47) How propyne or ethyne reacts with the following;
a) Cl2 / CCl4 b) O3 / Zn-H2O c) HCl
48) How secondary carbocation is stabilizes by means of rearrangement process? Discus with
49) Write three methods for the preparation of ethyl chloride from suitable alcohol.
50) Differentiate between optical isomerism and geometrical isomerism.
51) Write the three methods for the preparation of acetaldehyde.
52) How acetaldehyde is converted into following;
a) Cyanohydrin b) Chloroform c) Acetic Acid
53) Write various physical properties of alcohols.
54) Explain the oxidation of aldehydes and ketones. Discus with the help of examples.
55) How benzaldehyde and formaldehyde react with sodium hydroxide?
56) What is the effect of electron withdrawing and electron donating groups upon the acidity of
carboxylic acid? Explain with examples.
57) How would you detect sulphur from following organic compound?
58) How would you detect nitrogen from following organic compound?
59) How would why convert methyl chloride into acetic acid?
60) a) What is meant by nucleophilic substitution reaction? Give two examples.
b) Write down any two examples of good and bad leaving groups.

Long Comprehensive Questions
Q.01 a) Compare the SN1 and SN2 mechanism in detailed keeping the following point in [7]
i. Mechanistic Step ii. Chemical Kinetics iii. Stereochemistry
b) How methyl magnesium iodide reacts with the followings? [6]
i. Methyl Acetate ii. Formaldehyde iii. Acetone

Q.02 a) Compare and contrast condensation polymerization and addition polymerization. [6]
b) Briefly explain the construction and working of mass spectrometer. [7]

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Q.03 a) What is acid rain? how it is formed? Write its adverse effect upon environment. [7]
b) Describe the principle of atomic absorption spectroscopy and atomic emission [6]

Q.04 a) Explain Friedel-Crafts Reactions of benzene in detail. [6]

b) Why the terminal alkynes are acidic in nature? Write reaction of ethyne with the [7]
i) Ammoniacal Silver Nitrate ii) Ammoniacal Cuprous Chloride

Q.05 a) How beryllium differs from its group member? Answer keeping following point [7]
in view.
i. Physical Properties Aspect
ii. Compounds Aspect
iii. Chemical Reactions Aspect (explain two properties from each)
b) Explain the various form of structure of proteins. [6]

Q.06 a) What is meant by condensation reaction? Explain the example from organic [7]
b) Describe the sources and adverse effect upon environment of following pollutant; [6]
i. VOC’s ii. PAN iii. Ozone

Q.07 a) What is meant by Disproportional Reaction? Explain the example from organic [7]

b) How a polynucleotide chain is formed? Write its mechanism. [6]

Q.08 a) Write the role of CO2 and H2O Vapours in the rising in the temperature of earth. [6]
Write the name of effect.
b) What is meant by Haloform Reaction? Which type of organic compounds gives [7]
the haloform reactions.
Q.09 a) How Cr (III) compounds, Fe (III) compounds, Fe (II) compounds and Cu (II) [6]
compounds react with sodium hydroxide?
b) Explain the reactivity of alkali metals and alkaline earth metals with water. [7]

Q.10 a) How ethylene is converted into following; [6]

i) Geminal Dibromide
ii) Ethyl Chloride
Write the mechanism also.
b) Differentiate between intramolecular dehydration and intermolecular [7]
dehydration of alcohols. Write the mechanism of intermolecular dehydration of

Q.11 a) Compare and contrast the various properties of alkali metals and alkaline earth [7]

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b) Why transition element or their compounds are used as catalyst. Write the [6]
process which catalyzed the following elements (or their compounds)
i. Titanium
ii. Vanadium
Q.12 a) Compare the oxidizing strength of following oxidizing agent. Explain with the [7]
help of an example.
i. Acidify Potassium Dichromate
ii. Alkaline Potassium Permanganate
iii. Acidify Potassium Permanganate
b) Write the electronic configuration of members 3d series indicating the number [6]
of unpaired electrons.

Q.13 a) What is meant by structural isomerism? Compare its various types. [7]
b) Explain the structure of benzene according to atomic hybridization concept. [6]

Q.14 a) How secondary carbocation is stabilized for conducting SN1 or E1 mechanism for [7]
Substitution Reactions or Elimination Reactions respectively? Write its various
b) How Propyne is converted into following; [6]
i. Propene
ii. Acetone
iii. Formic Acid

Q.15 a) Compare the acid strength of alcohols, phenols & carboxylic acid. [7]
b) Compare various chemical reactions of alcohols with the chemical reactions of [6]
phenols; how the both differs from each other.

2nd Year Chemistry Page No 15

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