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A Study On The Effect of Learning Outcomes of The Five Practical Methods in Entrepreneurship Education

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Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 145

8th International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM 2019) UNTAR

A Study on the Effect of Learning Outcomes of the Five

Practical Methods in Entrepreneurship Education
Lu Te-Tsai*
Department of Business Administration, Kun Shan University, Tainan, Taiwan
*Corresponding author. Email:

The present study investigated the effect of learning outcomes of the five practical methods in entrepreneurship
education. The two classes of junior students became the experimental and control group. After learning the
five practical methods, the experimental group can produce better results than the control group. Each type of
teaching practice, the so-called learning outcomes in this paper were evaluated in four levels: reaction, learning,
behavior and result. The results showed that there were no significant differences between the two groups at
the level of reaction and learning. At the behavioral level, in practice of play and creation, the experimental
group was significantly better than the control group. However, there were no significant differences in the
level of result. This result showed that the practice of play and creation are easier to show the teaching results,
and the other types of practical teaching modes results require long-term study and observation.
Keywords: Learning outcomes, five practical methods, entrepreneurship education.

At present, colleges and universities are in line with the
industry, carrying out a large number of industry-university
cooperation, and introduced industrial cases into the 2.1 Entrepreneurship Teaching Practice
teaching site or thematic production. This trend is
emphasized and amplified in the schools of vocational
system. Most of the courses in industrial practice or the The present study is about teaching practice mainly based
problem-based learning usually use the “brainstorming on Neck et al. [1], which proposed five practical methods in
method”. At this time, the student’s solution is based on entrepreneurship education, and pointed out that the
random ideas. There are no architectural guidance, purpose of entrepreneurship teaching is practice. Figure 1 is
strategies and tools. The students can only learn from the a brief description of the five practical methods in
experience of the teacher and the industry resources at that entrepreneurship education:
time. Thus, there is a high degree of uncertainty in such
learning modes. The present study introduces Babson’s
entrepreneurial five practical teaching modes, which is
applied to the teaching scene when guiding students to solve
industrial problems, so that the “problem analysis and
resolution” becomes more structured and systematic, and it
is expected to propose an improved structure and direction
for industrial-innovative practical teaching.
In the process of innovation and entrepreneurship education,
finding and defining problems from existing industries, and
analyzing and solving them is also an important unique
feature of innovation and entrepreneurship teaching. From
the beginning to integrate into problem-based learning
(PBL) thinking, it can be said that it is innovative with
actual industrial cases, which is one of the important
development directions of teaching. The main purpose of
present study is to understand whether there is a significant
difference in the learning outcomes of “brainstorming” and
“entrepreneurial teaching practice”. The four levels of
“reaction”, “learning”, “behavior” and “result” were used Fig. 1. Five practical methods in entrepreneurship education
for differential analysis to propose specific teaching based on Babson Model [1].
effectiveness improvement programs.

Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 30
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 145

1. Practice of play: in terms of entrepreneurship education, ability; (4) Real situation use: the ability to learn from
play and game are different concepts. Play is voluntary, learning activities contributes to the application of actual
and this voluntary also derives the questions of how to situation.
become a teaching practice.
2. Practice of empathy: to be successful, entrepreneurs
must understand users, be user-centric and user-oriented. 2.3 Brainstorming
3. Practice of creation: to achieve any form of
entrepreneurship, most scholars agree that creating a Brainstorming is a methodology designed to stimulate
product or service of new value is the core direction. creativity and strengthen divergent thinking. This method
The process of creation requires some kind of was firstly created in 1938 by Alex Osborne, founder of the
entrepreneurial action to create new products, new American BBDO (Batten, Bcroton, Durstine and Osborn)
processes, new markets, and new logistics, furthermore, advertising company. This method must adhere to the four
develop personal initiative and enthusiasm. Thus, the principles: (1) Pursuit the number of creative ideas. (2)
students’ creative ability plays a vital role in creative Prohibit criticism of creative ideas. (3) Advocate unique
practice. creative ideas. (4) Integrate and improve the proposed ideas.
4. Practice of experimentation: entrepreneurship is an This method is currently widely used in university
experimental process, trying certain things, seeing what education.
is the outcome, learning from the results, and then trying
again. The experimental practice in entrepreneurship is
to “get the knowledge related to entrepreneurship” and 2.4 Learning Assessment
learn from it by actively experimenting with the project
[2;3]. Kirkpatrick’s [7] framework is generally used for the
5. Practice of reflection: entrepreneurship teaching is a assessment of learning outcomes, and it is considered that
practical method. Beyond understanding, focus on the four levels of reaction, learning, behavior, and result
specific matters, that is, practice of play, empathy, should be evaluated. This standard is also used in the
creativity, experiment, and reflection. Reflection is Ministry of Labor’s Talent Development Quality
considered one of the most important innovations in Management System (TTQS). The following four levels are
education [4]. explained below:
1. Level 1: The reaction level is basically a survey of
customer satisfaction. Assess the trainee's perception
2.2 Problem-Based Learning and satisfaction at all levels of the curriculum, including
the subject, lecturer, teaching methods, materials and
Problem-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered equipment.
pedagogy in which students learn about a subject through 2. Level 2: The learning level, which measures the
the experience of solving an open-ended problem found in performance of trainees’ specific knowledge, skills and
trigger material. Wood [5] defined Problem-Based Learning attitudes to examine the effectiveness and efficiency of
as a process that uses identified issues within a scenario to the training itself.
increase knowledge and understanding. Wood [5] also 3. Level 3: The behavior level, which measures the
indicated that in Problem-Based Learning, students use changes in behavior of the trainee after the training
“triggers” from the problem case or scenario to define their course, that is, the learning transfer caused by the
learning objectives. Subsequently, they do independent, training.
self-directed study before returning to the group to discuss 4. Level 4: The result level, after the participants complete
and refine their acquired knowledge. Thus, Problem-Based the training, their work-related behaviors have changed
Learning is not about problem solving process, but rather it and can contribute to the management of the
uses appropriate problems to increase knowledge and organization. It is also the final result of training, such
understanding. Therefore, Problem-Based Learning is as increased sales, increased productivity, etc.
focused on the tutorial and learning process rather than
problem solving with a defined solution. The PBL process
was pioneered by Barrows and Tamblyn [6] at the medical 3 RESEARCH METHOD
school program at McMaster University in Hamilton.
The advantages of PBL can be summarized as follows: (1) Based on the class of “SME Management Practice Seminar”
Arouse students’ motivation for learning: students have a for junior students, the study divided the two classes of the
sense of sensation and accomplishment from activities; (2) compulsory course in the same semester into experimental
Develop high-level thinking ability: students can stimulate and control group. The experimental group adopted the
their criticism through discussion about the lack of structure entrepreneurial practice teaching mode, and the control
and the ability to create thinking; (3) Strengthen the group used the brainstorming mode to carry out the final
cognitive ability of students: From the process of defining work of analyzing and solving industrial problems.
problems, collecting information, analyzing data,
establishing hypotheses, and comparing different solutions,
students are encouraged to constantly reflect on learning

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 145

3.1 Research Structure and Hypotheses Hypothesis 3: There is a significant difference between the
experimental group and the control group in the analysis
and resolution of the problem.
Hypothesis 4: There is a significant difference between the
experimental group and the control group in the
Brainstorming effectiveness of the problem-solving solution.

Result level
3.2 Experimental Procedure
Learning level Behavior level 1. This experiment invites the CEO of the company to
conduct a three-hour corporate introduction, and then
conduct a two-hour corporate visit after 1 week to let the
Fig. 2. Teaching Practice Execution Structure. students understand the operation status of the company.
Then, paper test of the first-stage (level 1) about
Figure 2 shows the teaching practice execution structure of teaching satisfaction survey and level 2 about
present study. First, the two groups of students first understanding the company problems was carried out.
understand the background and problems of the cooperative 2. We divided the experimental group and the control
manufacturers by means of the teaching method and the group into 6 sub-groups, in which each sub-group
visiting method, and evaluate the teaching satisfaction contained about 4-6 students, in order to facilitate team
(level 1) and the paper test (level 2). The problem is an discussion and teaching experiments.
actual project. The experimental group students were 3. In the next four weeks, the experimental group first
introduced to the five practical methods in entrepreneurship conducted the five practical methods of
education, while the control group students analyzed and entrepreneurship teaching, and the control group
solved the problems according to the brainstorming method. conducted the brainstorming method using the general
At this time, the teacher was responsible for observing and case to practice.
evaluating the behavior of the students in the process of 4. We proposed the question of the company: how to carry
defining and analyzing the problem (level 3). In the final out effective marketing activities for three weeks, and
stage, the two groups of student proposed a solution, which the teachers of the two classes observed the students’
were supervised by the manager of the partner company and behavior during the discussion of each sub-group.
get evaluated for the effectiveness of the solution (level 4). 5. Finally, each student produced an individual's report
The two groups of students had basically completed the and submitted a solution to the industrial problem. Two
basic professional courses of management, accounting, CEO‘s of the company conducted the evaluation of the
economics and statistics before the sophomores. The two two lines of results.
classes are basically the same in the training that is accepted
in the basic academic ability.
Both classes experienced a consistent teaching process
(company introduction, visit and manufacturer problem 4 DATA ANALYSIS
description) during the first half of the course. In the second
The present study conducted the experimental method to
half, one class used the traditional brainstorming method
distinguish the scores of the experimental group and the
(control group), and the other class used the five practical
control group, regardless of the teaching satisfaction, the
methods (experimental group) of the study to implement the
paper test score, the behavioral observation scale, and the
problem definition and resolution analysis planned by the
problem definition and analysis effectiveness evaluation
scale. Therefore, the present study used the “group” for
Thus, there should be no significant difference in teaching
independent sample t-tests to check if there was a difference
satisfaction and paper test in the above assessment
in the teaching satisfaction, paper test scores, behavioral
instructions. However, in the second half of the course, the
observation scales, and problem definition and analysis
students in the experimental group and the control group
effectiveness assessment scales.
adopted different practical modes to plan the analysis and
According to the four hypotheses proposed in present study,
solution of industrial problems. Therefore, there may be a
the data analysis was conducted as follows. The number of
certain gap in the behavior and final solution planning.
samples was inconsistent, because the invalid questionnaire
Therefore, the present study proposes four research
was deducted and the number of students attending each
week was different.
Hypothesis 1: There is no significant difference in teaching
satisfaction between the experimental group and the control
Hypothesis 2: There is no significant difference in the 4.1 Teaching Satisfaction (Reaction Level)
average scores of paper tests between the experimental
This section conducted a questionnaire survey consisting of
group and the control group.
18 items about teaching satisfaction for the two groups of
students based on the overall performance. The rating object

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 145

were the teaching performance of the CEO and the company The discussion process about the problem analysis and
instructors. There were 28 valid questionnaires received resolution used the same industry problem. The two
from the experimental group and 19 valid questionnaires teachers took the behavioral observation of each student
from the control group. The average teaching satisfaction during the three-week discussion course. After averaging
scores were 4.50 and 4.49, respectively. The t-test (t = 0.093, the behavioral scores rating to the students by the two
p = 0.927) showed that there was no significant difference, teachers, five independent t-tests were performed between
which was consistent with the hypothesis 1. Thus, there was the experimental group and the control group. Table 1
no significant difference in the teaching satisfaction in the shows that the average behavioral scores of “play” and
first stage between the experimental group and the control “creative” from the experimental group were significantly
group. higher than those from the control group. However, the
mean differences of the other assessment index did not
show statistical significance.
4.2 Paper Test (Learning Level)
According to the company visit and teaching content from 4.4 Problem Solving Proposal (Result Level)
the CEO, there were 15 questions contained in the right or
wrong test. There were 29 valid data received from the After following the sub-group discussion, the students
experimental group and 20 valid data from the control group. proposed their personal problem analysis and solution
The average testing scores were 10.86 and 11.30, writtenly. The two CEO‘s of the company gave the ratings
respectively. The t-test (t = -1.103, p = 0.276) showed that personally according to the four criteria in Table 1. Table 1
there was no significant difference, which was consistent shows that all the assessment index did not reach statistical
with the hypothesis 2. Thus, there was no significant significance.
difference in the average testing score in the first stage This result violated hypothesis 4 and was also out of
between the experimental group and the control group. expectation. This might happen because the learning period
was too short (only 4 weeks) to generate significant learning
effect. If the teacher continued to employ the five practical
4.3 Problem Analysis (Behavior Level) methods in long-term, the students might be able to show
the expected learning outcome.
The students in the experimental group and the control
group were trained about the five practical methods and
brainstorming method, respectively.

Table 1. The t-test of the behavioral and the problem solving proposal scores rating
Assessment index F-value Levene test t-value df Significance Mean difference
Play 0.005 0.944 2.480 53 0.016* 0.72011
Empathy 2.067 0.156 0.714 53 0.478 0.18886
Creation 0.883 0.352 2.164 53 0.035* 0.65625
Experimentation 0.009 0.926 0.251 53 0.803 0.07065
Reflection 0.057 0.812 0.374 53 0.710 0.13995
Assessment index F-value Levene test t-value df Significance Mean difference
Professional 0.813 0.371 0.647 53 0.521 0.16576
Feasibility 1.909 0.173 0.977 53 0.333 0.25679
Creative 2.317 0.134 0.349 53 0.729 0.09511
Integrity 0.009 0.923 0.210 53 0.835 0.05842

5. CONCLUSION learning outcomes in this paper are evaluated in four levels:

reaction, learning, behavior and result.
The present study investigated the effect of learning The reaction level was measured by the course satisfaction,
outcomes of five practical methods in entrepreneurship and the learning level was evaluated by the individual paper
education. The two classes of junior students were the test of the students. After the two levels of evaluation were
experimental and control group. The five practical methods conducted, the results were indistinguishable. This is the
are: practice of play, practice of empathy, practice of original hypothesis. Because the two levels did not give
creation, practice of experimentation, and practice of different teaching methods in this experiment, the
reflection. Each type of teaching practice, the so-called hypothesis was supported. However, in the future, we
should adopt the “brainstorming method”, the teaching

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 145

satisfaction of the “five practical methods”, and the basic [5] Wood, D.F., Problem based learning, British Medical
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rather than just assessing the teacher's teaching satisfaction
and rating from the CEO. [6] Barrows, H.S. and Tamblyn, R.M., Problem-based
At the behavioral level, the teacher evaluated the five learning: an approach to medical education. Springer
practice models with the rubrics. We invited the CEO‘s to Publishing, New York, N.Y. (1980).
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23 students in the control group were taught by the four levels, Berrett-Koehler (2006).
“brainstorming method”. The results showed that the
experimental group was significantly better than the control
group in practice of play and practice of creation at the
behavioral level. This result confirms that the fun of the
game can stimulate the participation of the students, which
will help the creative thinking in the later stage. It can also
be said that creating a relaxed and funny discussion
environment can improve the creativity of problem analysis
and resolution. This result also showed that there are five
practical methods in entrepreneurship teaching, in which
the play and creative teaching effects are easier to show.
Others are the three types of practical teaching, such as
empathy, experimentation and reflection, that may require
long-term study and observation.
Finally, at the level of result evaluation, there was no
significant difference between the five practical methods of
entrepreneurship teaching and the brainstorming method.
This result also showed that the two teaching methods could
not produce the significant difference in short-term,
especially for a “problem analysis and resolution” program,
which is a complex planning problem. However, if this
experiment can strengthen the adoption of these five
practical methods in entrepreneurship teaching frameworks
in many courses in the future, it may be possible to produce
significant results in terms of learning outcomes.

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