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4.1. Principles of Good Practice in Assessing Learning Outcomes

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Mobile No.: 0920-964-4762

Name:________________________________________________ Score: ________________

Year and Course: ______________________________________ Date: _________________



Outcome assessment is the process of gathering information on whether the instruction, services and activities that the program
provides are producing the desired student learning outcomes.

4.1. Principles of Good Practice in Assessing Learning Outcomes

a. The assessment of student learning starts with the institution's vision, mission and core values. There should be a clear
statement on the kinds of learning that the institution values most for its students.
b. Assessment works best when the program has clear statement of objectives aligned with the institutional vision, mission
and core values. Such alignment ensures clear, shared and implementable objectives.
c. Outcome-based assessment focuses on the student activities that will still be relevant after formal schooling concludes.. The
approach is to design assessment activities which are observable and less abstract such as "to determine the student's ability
to write a paragraph" which is more observable than "to determine the student's verbal ability."
d. Assessment requires attention not only to outcomes but also and equally to the activities and experiences that lead to the
attainment of learning outcomes. These are supporting student activities.
e. Assessment works best when it is continuous, ongoing and not episodic. Assessment should be cumulative because
improvement is best achieved through a linked series of activities done over time in an instructional cycle.
f. Begin assessment by specifying clearly and exactly what you want to assess. What you want to assess is/are stated in your
learning outcomes/lesson objectives.
g. The intended learning outcome/lesson objective NOT CONTENT is the basis of the assessment task. You use content in the
development of the assessment tool and task but it is the attainment of your learning outcome NOT content that you want to
assess. This is Outcome-based Teaching and Learning.
h. Set your criterion of success or acceptable standard of success. It is against this established standard that you will interpret
your assessment results. Example: Is a score of 7 out of 10 (the highest possible score) acceptable or considered success?
i. Make use of varied tools for assessment data-gathering and multiple sources of assessment data. It is not pedagogically
sound to rely on just one source of data gathered by only one assessment tool. Consider multiple intelligences and learning
styles. DepED Order No. 73, s. 2012 cites the use of multiple measures as one assessment guideline.
j. Learners must be given feedback about their performance. Feedback must be specific. "Good work!" is positive feedback
and is welcome but actually is not a very good feedback since it is not specific. A more specific better feedback is "You
observed rules on subject-verb agreement and variety of sentences. Three of your commas were misplaced."
k. Assessment should be on real-world application and not on out of-context drills.
l. Emphasize on the assessment of higher-order thinking.
m. Provide opportunities for self-assessment
4.2. Phases of Outcome Assessment in the Instructional Cycle
Study the phases of outcome assessment in the instructional cycle as shown in the Figure above then as a group answer the following
1. On which is assessment on the institutional cycle based after the vision mission of an institution, program goals and subject
2. What is the purpose of diagnostic assessment?
3. Based on the institutional cycle, how can you ensure mastery learning?
4. How does formative assessment of outcomes differ from the summative assessment of outcomes?
5. Why does summative assessment of outcomes point to program goals and subject objectives?

4.3 Constructive Alignment

Below is another diagram that illustrates the principle of constructive alignment in the assessment process. Study it well. What
is the main message of Figure 7.

Learning Outcome

Assessment Task Teaching Learning


FIGURE 7. Constructive Alignment

Figure 7 illustrates the principle of constructive alignment. The principle of constructive alignment simply means that the
teaching learning activity or activities and assessment tasks are aligned with the intended learning outcome. The intended learning
outcome is "to drive a car." The teaching-learning activity is driving a car not giving lectures on car driving. The assessment task is to
let the student drive a car not to describe how to drive a car.
You have been victims of teachers who taught you one thing but assessed you on another. The result? Much confusion and
disappointment? If you have been victims of lack of constructive alignment, then break the cycle by not victimizing your students, too.
Observe the principle of constructive alignment. Make sure your assessment tasks are aligned with your learning outcomes.
Why the term "constructive?" Constructive alignment is based on the constructivist theory (Biggs, 2007) that learners use their
own activity to construct their knowledge or other outcome/s.

4.3. Variety of Assessment Methods, Tools and Tasks

Assessment methods can be classified as traditional and authentic. Traditional assessment method refers to the usual paper-
and-pencil test while authentic assessment refers to non-paper-and-pencil test. Authentic assessment is also called alternative
assessment, it being an alternative to the traditional.
The paper-and-pencil test (traditional assessment) assesses learning in the cognitive domain (Bloom) or declarative
knowledge (Kendall and Marzano, 2012).
The paper-and-pencil test, however, is inadequate to measure all forms of learning. Psychomotor learning (Kendall and
Marzano, 2012) or procedural knowledge (Kendall and Marzano, 2012) and learning proven by a product and by a performance cannot
be measured by a paper-and-pencil test.
Assessment tools for the cognitive domain (declarative knowledge) are the different paper-and-pencil tests. Basic examples of
paper-and pencil tests are shown in Figure 8.
Examples of selected response type of tests are alternate response (True or False, Yes or No, 4 or 6); matching type and the
multiple choice type.
Examples of constructed type of tests are the completion type (Fill-in-the-blanks), short answer, the essay test and problem
solving. These will be discussed in greater detail in Chapter 5.
Examples of authentic assessment tools are the demonstrations of what have been learned by either a product or a
performance. (Refer to Figure 9).

Examples of products are reports, papers, research projects, reviews.

Examples of performance tests are executing steps of tango, delivering a keynote speech, opening a computer, demonstration
teaching, etc.

4.4. Portfolio
Portfolio falls under non-paper-and pencil test. A portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work or documented performance (e.g.
video of dance) that tells the story of student achievement or growth. The word purposeful implies that a portfolio is not a collection of
all student's work. It is not just a receptacle for all student's work. The student's work that is collected depends on the type and
purpose of a portfolio you want to have. It can be a collection of products or recorded performances or photos of performances.

4.4.1 Types of Portfolio

Portfolios can be classified according to purpose. According to purpose, portfolios can be classified either as 1) working
portfolios, 2) display portfolios or 3) assessment portfolios. (Introduction to Using Portfolios in the Classroom by Charlotte
Danielson and Leslye Abrutyn) Working or Development Portfolio
A working portfolio is so named because it is a project "in the works," containing work in progress as well as finished
samples of work. A growth portfolio demonstrates an individual's development and growth over time. Development
can be focused on academic or thinking skills, content knowledge, self knowledge, or any area that is important for
your purposes. For this reason, it is also called development portfolio. Growth or development portfolio can serve as
a holding tank for work that may be selected later for a more permanent assessment or display portfolio. Display, Showcase or Best Works Portfolios
It is the display of the students' best work. Students exhibit their best work and interpret its meaning. Showcase
portfolio demonstrates the highest level of achievement attained by the student. Assessment or Evaluation Portfolio
As the name implies, the main function of an assessment portfolio is to document what a student has learned based
on standards and competencies expected of students at each grade. level. The standards and competencies of the
curriculum, then, will determine what students select for their portfolios. Their reflective comments will focus on the
extent to which they believe the portfolio entries demonstrate their mastery of the standards and competencies.
For example, if the standard or competency specifies persuasive, narrative, and descriptive writing, an assessment
portfolio should include examples of each type of writing. Similarly, if the curriculum calls for technical skill such as
use of Power Point in report presentation, then the display portfolio will include entries documenting the reporting
process with the use of Power Point.

4.5. Scoring Rubrics

A rubric is a coherent set of criteria for students' work that includes descriptions of levels of performance quality on the
criteria. The main purpose of rubrics is to assess performance made evident in processes and products. It can serve as a scoring guide
that eeks to evaluate a student's performance in many different tasks based on a full range of criteria rather than a single humerical
score. The objectives tests can be scored by simply counting the correct answers, but the essay tests, student's products and student's
performances cannot be scored the way objective tests are scored. Products and performances can be scored reliably only with the use
of scoring rubrics.
Rubrics have two major parts: coherent sets of criteria and descriptions of levels of performance for these criteria.
(Brookhart, 2013). How to create and use rubrics). There are two types: 1) analytic and 2) holistic. In an analytic rubric, each criterion
(dimension, trait) is evaluated separately. In a holistic rubric, all criteria (dimensions, traits) are evaluated simultaneously. An analytic
rubric is good for formative assessment, It is also adaptable to summative assessment because if you need an overall score for
grading, you can combine the scores. In a holistic rubric, scoring is faster than with analytic rubric. It is good for summative
Examples are given below. (You will learn more about authentic assessment tools in the course, assessment of learning 2).
Mobile No.: 0920-964-4762

Name:________________________________________________ Score: ________________

Year and Course: ______________________________________ Date: _________________


a. There are 13 principles of assessment, at the blank before each number indicate the letter corresponding to the principle illustrated
in the item.
____________________________1. The faculty, students, parents and staff understand and commit to implement the
program/department objectives.
____________________________2. Assessment activities should be observable and measurable.
____________________________3. Assessment should be ongoing and continuous.
____________________________4. Outcomes are attained through supporting activities.
____________________________5. The outcome assessment phrases are organized in an instructional cycle.
____________________________6. Rubrics assessment is used for non-objective type of test.
____________________________7. To solve a problem is more observable than "analytical ability."
____________________________8. Every school must publicize its mission and core values.
____________________________9. Competencies or skills may be assessed from the simple to the more complex level.
____________________________10. Essay, examinations allow for student individual expression but difficult to construct.
____________________________11. The program or department should have mission and objectives aligned with the institution's
mission and core values.
____________________________12. Portfolios are of two types: longitudinal and "best case/ thematic."
____________________________13. Supporting student activities is provided as part of instruction
____________________________14. The institution must decide on its mission of education and values it will develop.
____________________________15. Supporting activities is as important as outco me.

B. Differentiate each of the following examples that may be given to clarify meanings.
1. Holistic rubric and analytic rubric

2. Student Learning Outcome and Student assessment task

Write in a long pad paper.
1. Construct an analytic scoring rubric for the following.
a. Performing Tinikling dance
b. Poster making


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